enderwoah · 2 years
i love clingyduo with my entire existence but if they don't 'realise' that they could easily just use an enderpearl stasis chamber and get tommy out of there ten seconds before the nuke hits there will be casualties.
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steddielations · 6 months
Eddie’s queer awakening Part 2 | Part 1
Steve doesn’t know what else to do to make Eddie realize he likes him. Never in his life has he had to work this hard at winning someone over. Never.
Even with Nancy in high school, there was always a hint that she wanted him to chase her, which made it worthwhile. Sometimes, Eddie will do something that makes Steve sure he feels the same, flirting back. Then Eddie will do something that makes Steve not so sure, laughing it off.
Steve doesn’t like resorting to bullshit queer stereotypes because he doesn’t exactly fit them either, but Eddie looks like those rugged guys on his posters and album covers. Sometimes it feels like a masculinity performance worthy of King Steve, but sometimes it feels genuine.
Eddie’s not dressing like Bowie, but he prances around on cafeteria tables yelling about sodomy and he’s never had a girlfriend that Steve knows of. He could like both, same as Steve, of course. Or it could be nothing, of course. Steve’s just putting all these moves on a straight boy, about to get his heart broken again.
Robin’s given him countless pep talks, assuring him that he’s right about Eddie when he starts to doubt it. “You sniffed Vickie out just from her VHS returns. If anyone has a functional queer detector here, it’s you. Trust it.”
“What if I ask him out and he rejects me?” Steve fully understands Robin’s worries now, it’s not the same as getting shot down by a girl. “I’ve got enough rumors about me already.” They all wanted to say it in high school, calling Steve a pretty boy in tight pants that spent too much time in the mirror.
Tommy used to shoot them all down. Now he’s not by Steve’s side, snarling at anyone who suggests it. Which was mostly just Tommy trying to convince himself that everything they did under the covers at sleepovers was “just guy stuff”, and he convinced Steve too. To the point where Steve hadn’t even considered any different until a few months ago when he told Robin and— yeah, that was an eventful conversation. The first time he stumbled across the word bisexual— from a Bowie interview in one of Robin’s magazines— it felt like something clicked into place.
“I don’t think Eddie’s the type to out anyone, either way.” Robin’s right. She’s not always right, everything would be easier if she was, but she’s right about that.
“I keep having to pretend to like his shitty weed to get him to come over. Not even the yawn and stretch move worked on him. Y’know, this,” Steve demonstrates, stretching an arm above his head and then draping it over Robin’s shoulder. She shrugs him off with a fake gag. “I kept looking at his lips and I thought we were gonna kiss, but he laughed and poked me in the ribs and called me dude.”
Robin listens to all his boy troubles and then they come up with a plan. Steve decides he’s going to come out to Eddie, just put it out there that he likes guys. In a totally platonic way and hopefully that gets the ball rolling the other way, where he tells Eddie he likes one guy in particular and hopes all his Romeo efforts don’t blow up in his face.
So he goes for it. Eddie strolls into Family Video and picks out a movie that Steve’s actually heard of for once. It’s easy for Steve to throw him a smile and invite himself over. “You know this is the closest thing to a romance movie you’ve picked? No way I’m letting you watch this alone, somebody’s gotta hold your hand through the sad ending, looks like it’s gonna be me.”
Several emotions fly across Eddie’s face, landing on overwhelmed disbelief. “I don’t get it, man. How do you not have a girlfriend? You’d be so easy to fall in love with. Hell, I feel like you've made me fall halfway in love with you already. If I was a girl, I’d date the shit out of you.”
It looks like Eddie wants to clap a hand over his mouth as soon as the words leave it.
Steve watches him carefully, trying to think clearly over his heart pounding in his chest because Eddie just said he loves him, kind of. This is it. “Would you still date me as a guy?”
Eddie’s nervous hands jingle with chain bracelets as they tug his hair and hide his face. “You mean, objectively? As a guy would I date another guy? I mean, could I want that? I hadn’t really considered that option until now. Uh. Shit. Wow, this is-”
“Because I would, you know,” Steve jumps to say, as earnestly as he can, needing Eddie to finally know. How could he not know? This is it. Steve didn’t come all this way just to tap out at the finish line. He goes for it. “I’d date you as a guy, Eddie. I’d date the shit out of you, too, just like you are.”
Eddie’s face is flushed now, his eyes wide and swimming with both questions and realizations. Steve snaps out of it for a second, looking around to see the store is thankfully empty, Robin’s still on her break, but this isn’t the place for this conversation.
“Wanna talk about it over the movie tonight?” He offers.
It moors Eddie, he relaxes more and Steve hopes he’s not imagining the faint hint of a smile. “Yeah, that’s— yeah, talk. I can do that.”
“Okay, it’s a date. See you then.” Steve hands over the tape, their fingers brushing and making warmth flutter all through him. He watches Eddie halfway trip out the door, running into it once and pulling on it three times before pushing it open.
Steve can’t stop grinning, thinking about later, determined to tell Eddie he’s already in love with him too.
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lizziesblueberries · 10 months
Tumblr media
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5,598
Warnings: Mommy Kink, Mommy!Wanda, Bottom!Reader, but wait Top!Reader, praise kink, smut, yandere Wanda, possessive Wanda, possessive reader, maybe the dynamic switches, maybe it doesn’t, g!p reader, drinking breast milk, blowjob???, hehehe, maybe some rough sex, fluff, service Wanda, dom reader? Idk depends how you see it, |minors DNI, 18+
Summary: Fifth and final part to the series. The boys are finally here! And you and Wanda deserve some much needed time to yourselves.
Notes: Hello! I know its been so long since I last wrote, a whole year! And quite the year it has been. I just want to say thank you all for liking and commenting my stories. It means a lot and I’ve been so excited to write more for all of you! (and more importanlty, myself 😏) I do have more stories in plan and this will be the last fic for this series, so I hope it satisfies you all. Honestly, I cant wait to post the next story for you guys, this next one is definitely a bit more intense and dare I say, violent, duh duh dun! Anywho, enjoy my thirsty fan club!
Part 4
It’s been about 10 months since you first discovered you were pregnant, ten months since you and Wanda visited that quaint little Sokovian town and saw Strange. Ten months since you woke up with Wanda’s cum filling you completely and then having it ooze out of you when Wanda slowly pulled out. And its been one month since you gave birth to two beautiful little boys named Tommy and Billy.
A whole month has gone by, and it has been the most emotional and exhausting and best month of your life. You and Wanda gave birth in the cabin, Wanda having done a ton of research to prepare yourselves for when the boys came. And Wanda was the prefect partner. You on the other hand, well, Wanda wouldn’t say it out loud otherwise, for her sake. You had been going through emotional mood swings and cravings and body changes, and poor Wanda had to take the brunt of it all. Honestly, the amount of times you cried, threw up, or just threw a pillow at Wanda’s head, was countless. Wanda being Wanda, excepted it all and waited patiently for you to either calm down or rapidly change from angry to needy or some other mood that didn’t involve you wanting to aim something at her head.
Don’t get her wrong, there were some moments where she needed to take some deep breaths, but she knew you were going through something you couldn’t exactly control. And you were the one who was bearing her kids, so, it was the least she could do not to get frustrated or mad at you. You of course always appreciated her patience after, you were weirded out at first from the feeling of little bodies growing inside you, but you soon learned to love their little kicks and Wanda loved sensing their life as well. She spent the majority of your pregnancy being over joyed and over protective. If you so much as even suggested leaving the house for a walk, Wanda would immediately say no and try to distract you with other things. One of those things being sex. You honestly never thought you would ever turn Wanda down from any of her advances, but pregnancy seemed to prove you wrong. When you were in the mood for something it would stay that way until you got it. You would ask to go for a short walk outside, and her eyes would flash with panic, quickly coming up with another suggestion and press kisses against your throat.
“Why don’t we stay inside my love? Where it’s safe and warm, and perhaps reenact another magical moment together?” Wanda would say, doing her best to turn your mind somewhere else, but you were also stubborn. And while you may think you were the simp here, it was in fact Wanda who was the simp.
“No, I’m not in the mood Wanda I want some air and to look at some fucking trees for once, I need to stretch my legs.” You would say, and Wanda, the ever respectful lover, would back off and agree to you. Of course part of the agreement to go outside would involve you staying within a ten foot perimeter around the house and Wanda by your side at all times searching for any danger. It was cute though, to see Wanda so protective and vigilant for you and the boys, so you couldn’t really complain, you got to go outside anyways.
It seemed Wanda got even softer as you grew bigger, her jade eyes always on you, concerned, loving, or just gleeful to see you. Her protectiveness and possessiveness was still there, but there was something else. Your relationship turned into something more equal, she valued what you had to say and what to do, and you seemed to have understood her better than anyone. Loving each other in a more natural and at home kind of way and not just passion.
When the day finally did come, boy was Wanda the least calm you had ever seen her. She could feel your pain and wanted everything to go ok, laying you down and preparing for when the boys would come. Her magic surrounding everything she needed and almost pulsing in worry with her. You weren’t as worried at that point like she was, probably because you felt like your insides were tearing apart at that moment, honestly, who thought it was a good idea for women to give birth this way? That thought left your mind though as soon as you finally got a look at Tommy. Calm for a baby who just entered the world, but then again this was Wanda’s son. You nearly cried at the sight of him, then Billy was on the way and you definitely cried from having to go through the pain again.
It became a blur after that, but one thing you definitely remember seeing, was your two beautiful boys, and your beautiful wife, holding them. Wanda looked radiant, her eyes glistened and her smile was something only held for her boys and you. She gave you Billy soon after she checked for your health, using her magic and spells to make sure you were ok and not in pain anymore. And when you held Billy in your arms, you knew he was going to be a mamas boy, empathetic and sweet for his moms and brother. Wanda sat next to you on the freshly cleaned bed and you looked at Tommy adoringly. He was definitely going to be the one to drag Billy into all sorts of trouble, and from what you heard from Wanda’s stories of them, you would be very right.That night you and Wanda fell asleep with the boys held cradled into your chests (a spell was cast to not hurt them in your sleep of course) and you laid in bed as a new family.
A month has passed since then, and while you would never regret having the twins, they were honestly too adorable, your lack of sleep was weighing on you. The boys were little balls of energy and consumed everything they ate, crying for attention and waking you and Wanda up almost every two-three hours. Being pregnant and already developing milk, you and Wanda decided to breast feed them. This was not as fun as you would think, the whole, ‘babies drinking from their mother will increase the bond’ was not exactly true, those boys would suck everything dry, regardless of where it came from, and you were starting to think breastfeeding was not the grandest idea. Your breasts were sore and you couldn’t really produce enough milk for two growing baby boys, one of them being a speedster mind you.
And this ends our little summary of the past few months up until now. You, having just put the boys to sleep, and for once, the boys are not hungry. So now, you’re tired, AND sore with milk and you just wanted to have a nice relaxing night for once. You quietly walk out of the room downstairs to the kitchen, where Wanda is leaning against the counter sipping tea. Her eyes are slightly glazed from sleep, and she’s wearing a red robe like you are. You walk up to her and just fall into her front, head going into her neck and leaning all your weight into her. Wanda grunts from the surprise weight and sets her mug to the side to wrap her arms around you and hold you to her. You sigh into her and she just rests her head against yours.
“What is it detka? Tired?” Wanda quietly says, moving to softly rub her hands along your back soothingly. You just nod your head and let out a little hum. She chuckles at this and squeezes you to her, only instead of a happy sigh like she thought she would get from you, she gets a hiss of pain and immediately pulls back to look at you in worry. “What was that? What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing Wanda I’m just sore because the boys didn’t feed, I think I’m going to get the pump out.” You say tiredly, not really bothered anymore, just wanting to get rid of the ache and milk and just head to bed. You turn and start to walk away, heading towards the cabinet to get the pump, but Wanda tugs on your hand, so you turn back to her in confusion. She looks you up and down, thoughtful and concerned, and maybe it’s the sleep talking but you think you also see a dark glint in her eye.
“What if I helped you out with that darling?” Wanda asks, and you just turn back around not really getting what she’s trying to say.
“That’s ok Wanda, I mean, unless you want to turn it on and watch, there’s not much to really help with the pump.” You walk away, across the kitchen and are about to grab the pump, but scarlet magic suddenly stops you, keeping you in place. “Wanda what-“
“I’m sorry baby, I don’t think you quite understood my question. I’m not asking to use the pump, I’m asking, if you would like my help with getting rid of some of what I’m sure is very warm and delectable milk.” Wanda slowly turns you around with her magic as she asks this. Her walk slow and seductive towards you, and its then you realize what she’s really asking.
“Oh, indeed.” Wanda says amused. She’s in front of you now and she’s looking at you like she’s going to eat you whole. Her magic holding you still, she slowly waves her fingers and moves your hands behind your back. “So? Is that a yes? Would you like my help with that ache of yours babygirl?” Your eyes widen a bit at Wanda’s sudden pet name and bold choice of words, heat flushes to your face from the question.
“I’ve never- we’ve never done that before, I didn’t think you would ever want to. Are you sure?” You ask unsure. The thought has come to you on occasion, but very fleeting. Sleep and the boys have taken up most of your time, and its been a while since you’ve been in the mood for anything sexual. Your pregnancy didn’t exactly make you want to have sex all the time. You felt a little bad, since you knew Wanda was always wanting your body, but she was so caring and never forced herself or tried to make you do anything you didn’t want. In fact she let you initiate most of it. So to say you both had been blue balled was an understatement. An image of Wanda’s mouth on you flashed through your mind and you suddenly realized how badly you missed her and needed her. You looked into Wanda’s eyes and saw her looking right back at you, and you realized she needed it too. She nodded and all you could do was say, “please.”
After that, Wanda couldn’t hold back anymore. It had been weeks since she last got to have you, and now she could finally taste a new part of you. With a flick of her wrist, her magic pressed you against the wall, your arms held behind your back, pressing your chest up more to her. All she could do was look at your breasts, bigger than usual from being full, and she licked her lips slightly at the sight. You still couldn’t move, not that you were complaining, although it would be nice to touch her after so long, you just watched her instead and waited for her to get closer to you.
She finally pressed her body against yours and you both sighed at the feeling, Wanda moved her mouth to your neck and placed small feather light kisses along your throat. You shivered and wanted so much more, but it was nice, the softness and intimacy you could feel coming from her. She wanted to treasure you. Wanda moved her hands to your waist, her hands slid along your sides slowly, up closer to your chest on your ribs, your breathing was increasing and Wanda basked in feeling your breathing quicken and your ribs expand. She could hear your pants against her ear as she kissed down your throat and she enjoyed having you at her mercy, unable to move or leave her hold.
“Wanda please.” You begged. Already impatient and not interested in any teasing. Wanda pulled back to look at you, dark eyes glimmered as they took in your appearance and smirked. She moved into you again until her mouth was pressed against your collarbone and slowly mouthed down to your chest, pausing to place a reverent kiss against the red tattoo there, and then continued to the opening of your robe. Her hands finally put themselves where they belonged and cupped your breasts as she kissed between them. You arched into her, letting out a moan as you felt her start to lightly massage them. Your breasts were tender, and as Wanda kept gently massaging them, milk started to ease out of your nipples. Wet spots started to form where your robe covered them, and Wanda watched with fascination as the spots grew darker and bigger the more she touched you.
“My poor baby. So tender and aching. You’ve been doing so much lately. Pregnancy, giving birth, taking care of the twins, not getting enough sleep, and having to feed them. I should be taking better care of you, cook you nice nutritious meals, take on more work with the boys so you can sleep, help alleviate your sore breasts.” As Wanda said this, she emphasized her words with the action of gripping your breasts more firmly, squeezing them a bit harder, and you nearly went on your toes to try and ease her grip. But you couldn’t, so you just stood there and whimpered in half pain and pleasure.
“Mommy please!” You finally said, and that seemed to move Wanda into motion. Her teasing smirk and gleaming eyes turned feral and dark, and her expression dropped into one with a women on a mission. With a wave of her hand, your robe practically tore in half as she parted it with her magic, she waved her hand again and soon after your hands were raised above your head and held to the wall. Your chest pushed out more and her gaze fixated on your freed breasts, they were so soft looking, so suckable to her, your milk was dripping down your stomach at this point and she couldn’t wait to lick it all up.
She took a step into you and cupped your breasts again, listening to you whimper, she moved her mouth closer and you held your breath. But instead of what you wanted, she lowered her head and went to your stomach, licking a trail up to your breast cleaning up every trace of milk that fell. Your stomach clenched and you jolted from the surprise, and Wanda adored the part of you that was a bit ticklish and made you more sensitive. As she cleaned every trace of milk, she looked you in the eye as she went to its source and finally placed her lips around your nipple.
“Oh god.” You groaned. You could feel as Wanda smirked against your nipple, her warm mouth wrapped around it as she pushed herself more into you. Her body completely molded itself against yours and her magic held you even tighter. Her lips became more firm, and a hot tongue soon came out to press against your nipple. She pressed the tip under it and gave a nice suck, and soon after milk was flowing into her mouth.
Groaning at tasting this new part of you, Wanda squeezed you tighter to her and continued to suck on your nipple. Her knee moved to between your legs and you arched into her, feeling warm liquid leave you and pleasure envelope your sensitive body. It felt so nice having Wanda drink from you, tasting you. And a more possessive side was rearing its head at finally having Wanda take this part of you and make it a part of her. You wanted her to drink this new essence of you and have it in her, to taste you and become addicted to it. It felt like this was the equivalent of having her drink your own cum, as perverted as it sounded, it made you all the more hot as she drank your milk, it made it all the more pleasurable.
Wanda was drinking from you like a woman starved, one hand was holding your breasts to her mouth and the other was trailing down your body to your hip. Her pinkie caressed the panties under it and soon that pinkie was sliding under the cloth and inching closer to your center. You were watching Wanda as she was attached to your chest and you were watching her when her eyes opened suddenly and they glowed from sea foam green to a burning red. Then your hands were released from her hold, but not your body, that didn’t stop you though from dropping your arms down to wrap them around her neck and tangle your fingers through her auburn hair. Pulling her even closer as if she wasn’t already as close as she could be, you pressed her more firmly against your breast and moaned when she rewarded you with a finger pressing against your clit.
“Babygirl you taste so good.” Wanda moaned against you. Wanda could almost feel how pleasurable it was for you, how your thoughts and feelings all gathered into one lovely erotic moment for you both. She could sense your desperation for her and more importantly, she was desperate for you, and for what has felt like the longest time, she could finally act on her need for you. Each time Wanda took a drink from you, she circled your clit. The pulses connecting between your nipple and the deep tug from your breasts as well as the the matching rhythm against your clit, was driving you wild, and soon you could feel yourself coming. Your body lost control of itself and started moving on its own. Wanda watched as you pressed your chest more into her and your hips stuttered against her hand. Your body was shaking and you closed your eyes with a silent scream and came so hard, even Wanda was bit taken aback, but didn’t hesitate to hold you and slowly ease you from your orgasm.
As you came down from wherever Wanda took you, you started to calm your breathing and realized your nails were gripping tightly into Wanda’s neck and back. With a sheepish smile you eased your hold and gently rubbed her new marks from you. Wanda merely smiled and kissed you sweetly.
“Did that hurt Wanda?” You asked.
“Not nearly enough darling.” Wanda said with a chuckle and smirked at your sweet, concerned face.
“Well if that’s the case.” Your face turned darker as you said this and Wanda was once again taken aback by your expression and was even more bamboozled when she was suddenly turned around and you were pinning her to the wall. Honestly, if you weren’t so turned on by her you would have laughed at her stunned face, but you had no time for that and went straight to just kissing her deeply, making an ‘mphm’ come out of Wanda’s captured mouth.
Your breasts were less sore now and you had no problem pressing your body against hers to keep her pinned against the wall. Wanda didn’t know what had come over you, she was so used to her always taking the lead or dominating, now it seems the roles were reversed. Wanda took this time to peek into your mind and was very intrigued by were you wanted to go with this, but more importantly, you seemed to need it, and that made Wanda need it too.
You’d gripped Wanda’s waist to control her body movement, and broke the kiss with a gasp, “Take off your clothes Wanda” you said. Wanda looked at you with a curious face, studying everything you were showing her. You face way determined and almost stern, no, more like you knew you were going to get what you wanted. Your voice was deep and breathless and honestly Wanda was really turned on by how aggressive you were being right now. Still looking at you, Wanda waved her hand and both your clothes were fully removed with a red flash. You breathed in deeply and took a good look at your wife. You may not of had an official wedding, but she was yours, and five months into your pregnancy, Wanda had made a ring for you both and you’d never taken it off. You looked at your wife and fully appreciated what was right in front of you. Wanda’s hips that you were gripping were full and soft, her red hair was in pretty waves going down her shoulders and her breasts, god her breasts were the most beautiful things you’d ever wanted to put in your mouth. They were what you fell asleep on every night and Wanda’s jade eyes were what you woke up to every morning. Wanda’s eyes were staring into yours when you were done appraising her, she was staying nice and still for you and you loved it. You didn’t know what was going on with you, but you felt a deep need to just take her. Everything in you was screaming to just take Wanda. Look at her, her lips were swollen from drinking your breast milk, from your kiss. Her pupils were blown wide and her eyes were saying ‘do what you want with me’ and so you did.
“I think you know what I want Wanda.” You said with a rasp in your voice. Wanda’s eyes flashed red from pure arousal alone. They way you were looking and speaking to her was making her lose it, and she didn’t need to read your mind to know what you were asking for. With a shaky nod from her and a wave of her hand, red magic covered between your legs and soon you felt a new appendage there. Wanda sunk to her knees and you stood there while she looked up at you and waited for you to tell her what to do. You felt a rush run through you and you wanted to feel more of it. Wanda was being such a good little thing submitting for you without you having to even tell her.
Wanda watched the way your eyes grew darker and your expression became pleased, she watched as you sorted through your emotions and waited for you to decide what you wanted next. She wouldn’t lie if you asked her if she liked this. She loved it. She loved being your mommy, but she finally understood why you loved submitting to her as well. The feeling she got when she sank to her knees for you, was something she felt deep in her chest. She could feel your satisfaction from her actions and it made her almost want to cum. This new feeling was beyond her, but she wanted to feel more.
As you looked at your darling wife, you could feel your cock pulse for her. “Be my good wife and milk me some more darling.” You growled, you waited for Wanda to listen and nearly buckled at the knee when Wanda took her hand, gently took hold of your strap, and placed her lips on the tip. Wanda kept eye contact as she tasted you like this for the first time. Her fucking beautiful mouth slowly wrapped around your cock and as she held it with her hand, put her other hand against your thigh to lift more up on her knees so she could lean more into you and support herself.
You let out a guttural moan as you looked down at her, her warm mouth and hot, wet tongue slid itself along your strap and for gods sake it was the hottest sight and hottest feeling. It was just as pleasurable as it was for your pussy, just different, and that different feeling elevated everything that was happening. To feel Wanda surround herself like this around you was making you feral and goddammit you couldn’t handle it anymore, you needed more, you needed to do something.
That something was to tangle your fingers in those red luscious locks and trust your hips against her while you held her still. Wanda took it with grace, opening her mouth wider and sliding her mouth along your cock until it touched the back of her throat. She gagged a little but was fine after that when you just kept thrusting. Wanda breathed through her nose and watched your face as you lost yourself in her. This was almost just as pleasurable for her as it was for you. She soon grew to love this side of you, love this feeling of taking another part of you in her mouth, and now she wanted to taste another form of cum from you.
You were getting close, you looked down at Wanda and groaned at the site of her on her knees, her cheeks hollowed for your cock, and drool dripping down from her chin with how much she was getting into sucking you. She was doing all the right things and even though you knew she was struggling to catch her breath, that made it all the better and the more perverted side of you loved it. You gripped her head tighter and thrusted faster as Wanda knelt there and let you use her. You needed something, one last thing, you just didn’t know what that was, until Wanda, sensing you were close, meaning she could taste your cum sooner, moaned against your cock and the rest was left for hell to deal with.
The sound you made as you came was blush worthy and the slapping came to a halt, and you made one last thrust as shoved your cock as far as you could down her throat and came. Wanda gripped your hips and pressed closer against you, doing her best to make sure every last drop of cum would go down her throat. You felt her throat and tongue move against your cock and actually heard her gulp a little as she drank everything from you. You didn’t realize it, but do to the heightened feelings and how long its been since Wanda got to last taste you, when the first drop of cum hit her throat and she heard you cum, she came with you. Her pussy clenched around nothing but she didn’t need anything, your pleasure and taste was all she needed and she came with clenched eyes and a long moan around you.
“There’s a good girl, god Wanda you feel so good.” You whispered as you slowly caressed her hair and you both calmed down. You were both finished so you gently pulled back and Wanda could finally relax her jaw and take some deep breaths. She hunched over a bit and this made you worried as you knew you were rough with her and may have hurt her. You knelt down with her and held her face to have her look at you. “Darling? Are you alright?” You sounded so concerned.
“Im alright baby.” Wanda said as she looked up and smiled at you. You felt yourself relax a bit and rubbed your thumbs along her beautiful cheeks, remembering how hollow they looked with her mouth around you… you shook your head a bit and checked her over.
“You’re not hurt anywhere? Did I go to hard, could you not breathe?” You asked. Wanda simply smiled again and kissed you to settle your concerns. When she pulled back she looked you in the eyes so you knew she was being honest and reassured you again that she was perfectly fine.
“I quite enjoyed that darling, you were a good mix of rough but not too much.” She said.
“Okay good, I’m glad, that would have been not fun if that were the case, I don’t ever want to actually hurt you.” You said. Wanda looked happy and so were you. That made you even more happy considering this new dynamic between you had been both pleasurable and you hadn’t hurt her. Knowing she enjoyed this too made you excited for future scenarios, and that excitement made you remember you could physically show that excitement and looked down. “Um, so I know that I’m kinda hard right now, but I’m also really exhausted, but I also really want to make sure you’re satisfied too, so tell me what you need Wanda and i’ll do my best to help.” You nervously said.
Wanda chuckled and kissed you sweetly on the nose, she pulled back and pleasantly surprised you with her next words. “Actually, dear I already came with you, just when you did as a matter of fact.” Wanda smirked at you.
“Really?! That’s so exciting and I didn’t even know that could happen Wanda! God I was so overwhelmed I didn’t even realize. Was it alright? Do you want my help with another one?” You stuttered out. You were amazed at this and Wanda could tell you were also nervous a bit with the new things you had tried with her.
“Calm down my darling, I’m quite satisfied at the moment. Hearing you cum, feeling it, tasting it, that was all I needed and I’m pretty sure I came just as hard as you. Now, why don’t we get up and take ourselves to bed. I think were both exhausted after the boys and this lovely night was just what we needed.” Wanda waved her hand and suddenly you were both clean and clothed and you specifically were appendage free. Thank you magic.
“I think that sounds lovely Wanda, thank you for doing this with me and trusting me to have the control like this.” You both got up as you said this and you felt so good and relaxed. You looked at Wanda and pulled her gently to you. Your arms circled her waist and she wrapped her arms around your neck, you both stood there and leaned into each other, just breathing each other in. “I love you Wanda” you whispered against her lips.
“I love you darling” Wanda whispered back and softly kissed you. Amongst all that had happened, it seemed it was you two whispering that finally woke the two twin boys that you both had been blissfully having a break from. Crying was heard from up the stairs and you both laughed a little at the timing. Wanda grabbed your hand and started walking, pulling you along with her as you both walked up the stairs. You watched behind her as you both went up and into the boys room. The twins room was decorated with a mix of blue and greens and in the middle were two cradles holding both your precious treasures. You both went to a separate bed and picked up your sons. You had Billy and Wanda held Tommy.
“Shhh, mommy’s here Billy, and so is momma.” Wanda delicately whispered as she rubbed Billy’s back, you did the same for Tommy. You both gravitated towards each other, and it seemed that calmed down the boys, as their crying calmed and Tommy looked at you. He was the cutest thing, his brown eyes looking at you with curiosity and familiarity. It soothed your soul knowing these precious boys were yours and Wanda’s. You could see so much of her in him. You held him close to you as his eyes started to droop, then you looked at Billy. Him doing the same only fighting a little harder to stay awake and watch Wanda. You couldn’t blame him as you looked at her next. She was the most beautiful person you would ever see and you guess Billy thought the same. He was definitely going to be a momma’s boy. You smirked, you were already mommy’s girl. She looked at Billy with so much wonder and you knew you were right were you needed to be. With your family, that you’d made with the woman you loved, and your boys were happy and safe and together again.
Wanda looked at you and stepped closer, her smile so gentle and at peace, you would never get enough of seeing it. God you loved her. She swayed into you and you both adjusted to hold each other and the boys as they fell asleep safe in both of your arms. You didn’t know it yet, but this would be just one of many moments between you and your family. Wanda had done something she never imagined. She’d found you and made her family whole again. All that suffering. All the pain and fighting to get her loved ones back. And yet, all she needed was you and it all fell perfectly into place. You were at first just hers. What had started as her in your mind, became her having your heart, and then she became yours. You belonged to each other and were equal, partners through everything and you both could finally just, relax.
Please leave your reviews! I love to hear everyone’s favorite parts!😊
@elenaguarnieri @chelleztjs18 @inluvwithfictionalwomen @mjlfluvr @lovelyy-moonlight @spartelkat @1uthina @perdrix-dynamique @daenerys713 @marrymemcgrath @screechcat @spookmomfriendtm @carnagewidow @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @ripofflizzie @jadechasesworld @littlyamadeus @mymommawanda @queenashen @wandas-slut-heart @pure-blood-slytherin @morinfoxixippy @goodness-gaycious @mythosphere-x @tigerlillyruiz @olicity-boo @moonpheus @theunwantedwriter @emilyymbbb @nightimemommy @marvelwomen-simp @lezzbehonesturhaught @wolflover384 @flourishandblotts-inc @ratzyy @wandsmxmff
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notafragilething · 10 days
Late Night Buck & Tommy Ramble: Shit is getting interesting
I honestly thought today was going to be fucking chill with no promo and maybe only a whisper or two about tomorrow's episode. We currently have 21 hours left until the new episode airs and we have so much to unpack because everyone is just out there wilding right now
Get yourself a drink and a snack and prepare yourself. There is a lot to discuss. Minor spoilers for tomorrow's episode in regards to stills and vague-ish comments by people who have seen the episode.
Buck & Tommy Related Chaos:
I'm going to start with the chaos: OLIVER AND LOU ARE DOING A JOINT INTERVIEW that was filmed today for Access Hollywood / Access Daily that will air tomorrow before the episode.
I am in total shock by this because I've been vocal that I didn't even think we'd get more interviews from these two before the season ended. I would have never dreamed that they'd have them doing a joint interview together.
This is a pretty huge (and good) sign, in my opinion. You wouldn't suddenly have two actors going out doing press together unless (from a marketing point of view) you're trying to promote that couple to the audience. This to me really does suggest they're planning on keeping Lou around and pushing BuckTommy.
I've heard crazy speculation about what the interview will be about but it airs before the episode so likely we won't get major spoilers. We'll likely see the two talking about their characters, what it's like working together and hinting at what is going to happen moving forward.
With that said, I'm really curious at how they're going to sell this on the show. We've already seen Ryan hitting the talking point that Eddie is straight in recent weeks, which seems to be an attempt to distancing themselves from Buddie. This interview tomorrow may possibly give us an idea where their heads are at moving forward.
Regardless, I think this is a strong indicator that Tommy isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I know some people are trying to downplay this as happening because Bi Buck was such a huge storyline but they could have easily just had Oliver on the show. Them having both of them makes this about their relationship, not just Buck coming out as Bi and that's a pretty big shift from the marketing we saw around episodes 4-5.
Lou also posted about it on his Instagram and Ryan liked it.
Also I cannot remember a time that they had Oliver doing interviews with his love interest on the show. Can anyone else?
The kiss on Instagram reels continues to do well. It's almost at 1.2 million, sitting currently at 1183k.
General Cast Information:
Let's start simple with the tweets coming out from press who saw tomorrow's episodes. The overwhelming theme with all of them seems to be a warning for us to prepare for some hurt. I'm preparing myself to watch Hen, Bobby and Eddie all go through hell tomorrow based on what we've seen on social media over the last 24 hours. So let's get into that.
Hen: Early today the official Instagram posted stills from the earlier episode where the councilwomen's son refuses treatment after he accident and dies (which leads to Hen being investigated). They then captioned this "A moment from the past can become so pivotal for your future" because clearly they want to hurt us. It also seems like that congress women is in the episode and we see her in one of the stills at the medal ceremony.
Bobby: It seems like he's going to have a nice father/son moment with Buck at some point this episode based on the stills and what Oliver has hinted at. But I think he'll also definitely be dealing with guilt.
Eddie: Dude I don't even know. Between Marisol being at the medal ceremony with him and Christopher and him taking a row boat out with Kim? This is going to get ugly.
All of the stills were really happy and we know that isn't what is happening in this episode so I'm pretty sure they're from the first 15 or 20 minutes. This show has been fucking with our heads with these promos.
We're very, very likely to get a sneak peak sometime tomorrow along with the Oliver&Lou interview.
I might attempt to make a ramble post talking about the interview prior to the episode depending on what time it airs.
So how are we all feeling? Cause I'm having all the fucking emotions.
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Hello to one of my favourite Alfie fic writers! Since you're taking requests, I'd like to make one as well.
I don't know how it works but how about a scenario/imagine where Tommy gets in some kind of trouble (as always) and Alfie suggests that his lovely gangster wife could help and goes to introduce them but as it turns out it's none other than the Shelby's sister/cousin/relative/friend/or maybe even an ex? (Your call one this one) who they thought was dead or something?
Idk if it's even worth your time and effort but I just wanted to make a request ;) No pressure, of course!
Love you and your writing a lot!
“As The Crow Flies” (Alfie Solomons x fem!Reader) — PART 1
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SUMMARY — By all accounts Anna Gray died in Australia and had no business standing in Alfie’s living room, nor calling the man “darling” for that matter. But there you were, identical to the picture they took when they shipped you off to the colonies.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — Thank you to @zablife for being the most gracious beta!💗💗💗💗💗 and thank you Anon for this request, because actually it inspired a full-blown multi-chapter idea! So this is set around... Season 5 I suppose? But I'm going to ignore everything in it and Season 6 too. Let's pretend none of it happened and just focus on the fun part! That is driving Tommy insane and making Alfie say outrageous lines.
WORD COUNT — 2,286
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In retrospect, Tommy Shelby felt he should have known better. He should have fucking known that the moment, the moment, he came to Margate to sort the bloody situation out, exactly two things would happen.
One, he would have to sit and listen with a straight face to Alfie’s inspired monologue, the subject of which had swerved from elephants to bank robbery in about two and a half minutes, and then managed to touch upon just about everything else under the sun.
Tommy remained quite sure that the sense of Alfie’s rambling had been long lost to history and the point of it all was just to talk him to death, really. Put him out of his misery with nonsense alone.
“Now then, Tommy, as I said, right, I ain’t the vindictive type, I really ain’t, so I am gonna help ya out just this once, right, outta the goodness of my own heart.”
Tommy managed not to roll his eyes. Barely.
“‘Cause I am a changed man these days, Tommy, an’ it can be that the old man that I am, I’m goin’ soft on ya, right, an’ so tradition dictates, mate, to ask for more than ten thousand for my troubles.”
Tommy raised a brow.
“But as things currently stand with the medical bills, on the account of bein’ shot in the face by some cunt, right… Fifteen would sound proper fair, mate.”
Thank fuck for small mercies, Tommy thought, then lit another cigarette and promptly got up to leave. Alfie apparently managed to settle both sides of the conversation, negotiations included, and their American problem could very well sort itself out all on his own—thus proving to Tommy once more that the only thing he could really count on in this world had always been lunatics.
“Right, the fuck you’re doin’ now, sit down!”
Tommy frowned and remained standing, cigarette in the corner of his mouth and sheer outrage emanating from his entire person. The question of “what in fuck’s name do you want now, you crazy bastard?” overtook his face.
“Right, I need to make a bloody phone call,” Alfie said then, which explained exactly nothing.
Yes, that was the second thing Tommy had been so sure would happen. Alfie would first go on a tangent, then formulate a plan that involved three separate layers of deception, a bribe, and a crate of dynamite (probably).
Then Tommy would get caught in the middle as bloody always and Polly would have his head for going along with Alfie’s plan in the first place.
What he didn’t expect was for Alfie to change his tone of voice completely as soon as the person picked up on the other end:
“Yeah, darlin’, it’s me. Come to the house, alright? Right, ‘cause I need ya here for somethin’. No, not like the— Bloody hell, woman, just don’t fuckin’ argue with me for once, alright?”
Sometimes a rare occasion would present itself for Tommy Shelby to become fucking speechless. Truth be told, he remained rather surprised that two such occasions had also involved Alfie Solomons, undoubtedly purely for the Devil’s bloody amusement.
“Who was that then, Alfie?”
“None of ya fuckin’ business.”
Tommy had a sneaky feeling there wasn’t a clever enough question in existence that could have pushed Alfie to say anything more. He looked smug as hell for having pulled that stunt off so Tommy was willing to see it through.
For old time’s sake.
The sun was setting and they had another drink, then Tommy let Alfie go on another tangent about… Tea import. Perhaps. Who knew, he wasn’t really listening.
On drink three Tommy was alerted by a car pulling up to the house, followed by a door slam and a rhythmic clacking of high heels on the porch. Tommy looked to Alfie, but the man remained infuriatingly calm.
Just as Tommy was about to reach for his gun, the door to Alfie’s study opened unceremoniously and a scent of expensive perfume wafted across the room. Tommy turned around and tried his best to keep up the indifferent facade, but failed miserably. Nothing could have prepared him for you walking through that door, with a giant bodyguard no less, following you like a second shadow.
“Alright there, Billy?” Alfie greeted the bodyguard casually and the man grunted in response. “Right then, might ya wait in the car for us, mate? This whole bloody business will take a minute.”
Tommy then watched as Alfie approached you and planted an affectionate kiss to your cheek, at which point Tommy stood up abruptly.
For a moment he just stood there and stared; a state he didn’t find himself in too often these days. 
“Darling, are we having guests?” you asked Alfie in a tone so familiar to Tommy; so like your mother. Pleasant, on the verge of sarcastic. 
By God, either that Camden bastard was a magician or you had a twin sister that Polly never mentioned. Because it wasn’t possible… It couldn’t be you. Not according to the file he stole from the parish. By all accounts Anna Gray died in Australia and had no business standing in Alfie’s living room, nor calling the man “darling” for that matter. But there you were, identical to the picture they took when they shipped you off to the colonies. 
“Right then, Tommy, might I present my lovely wife,” Alfie said. “Sweetie, this here is Tommy Shelby, right, all the way from the ungodly place they call Birmingham—”
“Tommy Shelby?” you interrupted and looked at Tommy with a smile so like Polly’s that Tommy nearly lost his composure again. “My, my… And there you went and promised you were done with the life, Alfie.”
“Right, an’ how could that—”
“Anna,” Tommy interrupted what he was sure was a budding monologue from Alfie. 
“Yes?” you asked. “You know my name?”
“I… Know your mother.”
“Know?” There it was again. That curious smirk of yours that could really mean anything. Tommy found it harder and harder to keep up the charade.
“But that’s not possible, Mr. Shelby.”
“What’s not possible?”
Your tone remained polite, but your dark eyes said it all. The expression of quiet resolve Tommy thought only one person capable of delivering with such resentment.
“I’m an orphan, Mr. Shelby.”
Tommy said nothing to that, because what in hell could he even say? All of a sudden the American issue faded into nothingness, replaced solely by the phantom standing before him.
“So you did not lie, I see,” you turned to your husband with a quizzical expression, seeing as Tommy went quiet again. “He really is as strange as the papers make him. No matter, though, Mr. Shelby, I hope you like chicken? My husband insists I’m a terrible cook, but you must stay for dinner.”
Tommy nodded mechanically and put out his cigarette just to busy his hands with something. When he looked at Alfie, though, Tommy noticed how the man’s mouth twitched, clearly indicating the scheme was playing exactly how he wanted it to. Mad bastard, Tommy thought. There was no saying if he was being played or tricked or helped. Probably all at once, but solely for Alfie’s benefit of course.
“Right, curious as I am, luv, what delectable fuckin’ option you maimed and butchered for dinner, Tommy isn’t stayin’—” Alfie then stopped himself when two sets of identical Shelby scowls got directed his way.
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Tommy did stay for dinner and made sure to clean his plate, too. He didn’t mind the food at all; it reminded him of Polly’s simple cooking back in the day when she would take care of Tommy and his siblings in Small Heath.
The more he listened to you talk and bicker with Alfie, the more of your mother he saw in you and the angrier he got at seeing you here of all places, as Alfie’s wife, unable to speak to you in plain terms. Tommy wasn’t exactly sure which made him angrier, though—the fact that you were Alfie’s wife or the fact that the sly bastard had kept you from your true family for who knows how many years. How did he even find you?
All the questions he had were still swirling around in Tommy’s head and he wasn’t particularly paying attention to anything else, besides staring daggers at Alfie. He was hoping there would be a moment to talk to you alone, but of course your husband would never allow it. He watched Tommy like a hawk the entire evening, sometimes with just a hint of a smile to suggest he was still three steps ahead of everyone else.
“See you never got accustomed to that fancy cookin’ they’re offerin’ ya at the mansion these days, Tommy,” Alfie said, undoubtedly truly enjoying the charade. “Tommy’s an MP, darlin’, right about two steps from gettin’ a knighthood I reckon. Yeah, a real prince he is.”
The way Alfie said the word was so clearly a jab at Tommy’s ancestry that he didn’t even flinch. What he was curious about was your reaction, but you remained perfectly pleasant: 
“Don’t tease, love, we haven’t had guests in ages and I’m not letting you drive this one away.”
When the maid took away the plates, you lit a cigarette in a swift overdone gesture and Tommy was once more taken aback with your resemblance to Polly. 
“Well, I’ll leave ya both to it,” you announced as you got up. “It was a pleasure, Mr. Shelby.” You extended your hand and Tommy shook it. “I know you tried your best with the chicken and I appreciate it,” you paused and tilted your head to the side as if sizing Tommy up.
“I rarely trust your husband’s judgement,” he replied.
The way you smiled reminded Tommy of a cat that got into the pantry. He decided not to think about it too much.
“I see. Goodnight then, Mr. Shelby.”
As soon as Tommy heard you got upstairs, he turned to Alfie who, unsurprisingly, already had a gun pointed at him. It was a casual way of it that was the most infuriating—Alfie’s hand was more so resting on the table and the gun just happened to be there, pointing at Tommy. 
“Now then, Tommy, let’s be reasonable about this, mate.”
Tommy clenched his jaw and remained silent, but his murderous glare said it all.
“There are four people at the house, right, includin’ you, me, my wife, then the maid… Then there’s Billy outside, right, who’s gonna be rightly worried once he doesn’t get my dismissal for the night. So I want ya to be real cold an’ calculated about it, Tommy, just like I know ya can be, ‘cause if ya decide to off me for no reason now…”
“No reason.”
“You’re old enough to be her father.”
“Yeah an’ fortunately I’m not, ‘cause that’d be right fuckin’ awkward at the temple, mate.”
“What’d ya think, Tommy, that I smacked her over the head and dragged her into my cave?”
“Somethin’ like that.”
“Right, we’ll have to show ya the pictures then, she looked stunnin’.” Alfie leaned back in his chair. “Tell ya what, mate, why don’t ya come by for tea one day?”
“Yeah. We have it, Tommy, we’re not animals.”
Tommy said nothing to that. He was still reviewing his options, but as he wasn’t a fan of spontaneous action, the patient approach seemed appropriate. The offer, though, just like everything else about the situation, was fucking infuriating.
“Cat got your tongue?”
“Fuck you, Alfie.”
That finally made Alfie smile and for some reason he lowered the gun.
“Right, so seein’ as we’re family, Tommy, and what a happy coincidence this is, I must say, I feel like we should talk fuckin’ proper. None of that shit.” Alfie then gestured between them as if he hadn’t been responsible for “that shit” in the first place.
“We’ve been talking, Alfie,” Tommy deadpanned.
“Yeah, but then there’s still somethin’ ya haven’t told me about your American troubles, isn’t there, mate, so I’m expectin’ you’ll be more honest with me in the future. Now that I’ve brought the right arguments to the table…”
The hint of a threat in that statement almost made Tommy wish he still had his razor cap around.
“She’s Polly’s only daughter, Alfie.”
“Right, I’m aware of that.”
Tommy nodded, feigning understanding between them. As always, handling Alfie very much resembled handling a live grenade without a pin.
“This can’t be the way to end things.”
“Who’s endin’ things, Tommy?”
“I’m just saying.”
“Yeah, an’ I’m going to let this one slide, Tommy, ‘cause you just got a lot to process, mate, so I’m prepared to be understandin’.”
Tommy shook his head and reached into his jacket pocket, at which Alfie uncocked the gun. Tommy slowly pulled out his cigarette box, but Alfie never even flinched. It was gruesomely reassuring to still have been right, even in the position that Tommy currently found himself in. 
Alfie Solomons would always remain Alfie Solomons, even with the whole song and a dance about getting old and senile. He was still the same mad bastard Tommy came to know all those years ago, and as things stood, Tommy found himself wondering if this time he shouldn’t try poison instead of a bullet.
“Tommy,” Alfie sighed, “with three good eyes workin’ between us, mate, I really would greatly mind if I somehow acquired a fuckin’ tumour in my lungs, too.”
Tommy said nothing and he knew Alfie hated it.
“Which means put that shit out, mate, and listen to what I’m about to say, ‘cause I got a feeling you’ll really wanna hear it.”
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zablife · 10 months
My Sun, My Moon and All My Stars-Part 1
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Luca Changretta x OC (Aurora Sabini Changretta)
Summary: Luca and Aurora Changretta come to the UK to avenge the murder of Luca's brother and father. However, as their volatile marriage unravels, events take an unexpected turn.
Author's Note: This has been on my mind since I created the moodboard ages ago. And it's been requested in several forms, the most recent being a lovely anon who wanted to see Tommy with an American mafia girl. OC Rose Solomons belongs to @raincoffeeandfandoms. Prequel has been posted as phone calls in two parts here and here. I would def recommend reading that before starting this fic! One more part coming soon!
Warnings: language, domestic violence, mention of blood, use of ethnic slur
Luca stood pointing at a map with his forefinger, tracing a path from the garden to the center of Arrow House, mumbling in a low voice to his men. Thunder rumbled overhead as Aurora made her way into the room, unnoticed by everyone, skirting the perimeter of the room as she listened carefully. When she’d heard enough she spoke up from the back of the room, voice even and measured to show she was in control as much as her husband. “Non sono d’accordo, Luca.”
Luca’s head shot up as he searched between the faces to find his wife, though he thought he’d caught a hint of her perfume moments earlier, taunting him as he attempted to strategize. 
“It’s too risky to approach him at home again,” Aurora declared, stalking toward the desk with cigarette in hand. The smoke parted the men before her arrival at the table and she stamped out her cigarette a bit too forcefully before joining her husband where he stood. Although she hadn’t been invited to give her opinion, she’d been listening to every word, silently judging the ludicrous plan Luca was suggesting.
“Don’t you remember what the intelligence said about his family? They’re gypsies, fucking savages,” she emphasized. “And he’ll be expecting us this time so he'll have even more protection,” Aurora said with a dismissive shake of her head. Luca’s face and neck reddened at the scolding tone of her voice, his blood boiling instantly at the brazen way she dared to usurp his power.
The air grew thick with their silence and as Aurora’s eyes scanned the room, she noticed not one of the men looked in her direction. They shifted uncomfortably as Luca reached for a matchstick, placing it between gritted teeth.
A low growl emitted before his words, causing everyone to stand at attention once more. “And what would you have me do, tesoro?” he said the pet name without any hint of warmth, but Aurora did not back away. In fact, she stepped closer to her husband, standing just below his shoulder as she placed a hand to his forearm gently. 
“I’m only asking that we consider a few more options,” she said diplomatically. Then she reasoned, “There must be another way to get to Tommy Shelby. His sister’s home in London or perhaps one of his factories. We’ll have to wait for him to come to us this time.”
Luca removed the match from his mouth as she spoke, lighting it and held it perilously close to her face as he taunted, “We smoke him out, principessa? Is that what you want?” he asked moving even closer, the flame in danger of catching her loose curls on fire.
Aurora didn’t blink as she watched the flame dance before her eyes. She could feel the heat close to her skin and her pulse quickened. “Basta cosi!,” she warned with raised eyebrow.
As lightning flashed outside the office window the spell was broken, Luca blew out the match with a dark chuckle. Turning to his men he concluded with a wave of his hand, “You heard my wife.” Then rolling up the map before him with haste he added, “We’ll pick this up tomorrow when everyone’s rested.” Everyone filed out, but Matteo and Enzo remained to ensure nothing else was needed for the evening. Aurora remained at the window as Luca instructed, “Seven o’ clock sharp, you understand?” 
“Yes, boss,” Matteo and Enzo replied, trudging toward their rooms. It was only their second night in England and they had not yet acclimated to the time difference. They felt the exhaustion seeping into their bones, the relentless demands weighing on them heavily. 
Before they could move more than a few steps down the corridor, they heard the shouting begin. As the sound of glass shattering broke the crescendo of voices, Matteo ran a hand down his face, a hint of irritation as he sighed heavily. “Do you have the number for the hospital?” he asked his associate.
Enzo nodded slowly. “And the morgue,” he added solemnly, eyes lingering on the doorknob. He didn’t want to listen to the distinct sounds of Luca’s blows striking the object of his ire or Aurora’s muffled cries, but he would have to stand watch until it was over to know how to proceed. 
Luca tired easily tonight and Aurora limped from the suite thirty minutes later, hair disheveled to hide the bruise forming across her cheekbone. She fell once, picking herself up from the hard wooden floor with a sniffle and Matteo and Enzo turned from her as though they hadn’t seen her in ruin, a familiar routine of make believe.
“Let’s get some fucking sleep,” Matteo said when she disappeared into a separate room.
Enzo had just closed the door to his room and kicked off his shoes when the phone began to ring.
“Enzo, what’s going on? Luca hasn’t phoned,” Mr. Sabini grumbled.
“Luca’s been…working on strategy,” Enzo fumbled, thinking of the fight he’d just witnessed. He didn’t dare mention it to Aurora’s father though. Out of everyone who knew of their tumultuous marriage, Antonio Sabini was somehow unaware of his daughter’s plight. 
As if on cue, Antonio asked, “How’s Aurora?” 
Enzo gulped as he thought of a reply. “You know, she’s got her ideas,” he said truthfully.
“That’s my little girl!,” Antonio answered proudly. "She's got a sharp mind and she's good under pressure!" he boasted. "Mark my words, Enzo, this vendetta will end as quickly as it started now that Luca has my Aurora by his side. She won't lose any of our men either because she's much more delicate than he is with these affairs you see. Luca's always been too temperamental," he mused.
"Yeah," Enzo agreed quietly, hoping Mr. Sabini was right.
“Keep me informed. I want to know everything,” Antonio said sternly. “And keep Aurora out of danger if it comes to that.”
“Yes, sir,” Enzo reluctantly agreed, unsure how he was going to keep the promise. 
“And Enzo, buy her blue hydrangeas tomorrow,” Antonio ordered. “They’re her favorite. I don’t want her feeling homesick,” he added softly, the fondness of a memory seeping into his voice and making it much quieter than before.
“Of course,” Enzo said, replacing the heavy receiver in the cradle and falling into bed, only to be awoken an hour later by the sounds of lovemaking in the room next door.
At seven the next morning, Aurora entered Luca’s office, smiling to herself as she held a large bouquet in her arms. All the men in the room turned to drink in the sight of her glamour, a trait that lived on in her from her exceptionally beautiful mother. Enzo and Matteo exchanged knowing glances as they traced the lines of her face, noting how talented she’d become at hiding the swelling and bruises. 
Although it sickened them to watch, she bent low to capture Luca’s mouth in a tender kiss, pulling away to breath a near silent “mi dispiace” against his lips. For reasons known only to her and Luca, they always fell back into each other’s arms. It was as predictable as the rising sun.
“I know you are, baby,” he replied, turning her out of his lap. 
“Grazie, amore,” she said sweetly holding up the flowers and stroking his cheek adoringly.
Luca knitted his brow, a hint of confusion noticeable, before he glanced up at his wife with a smug grin. “Of course, sweetheart. If you’ll excuse us, there’s business this morning and I think you had your say last night.”
Aurora nodded obediently and went to put the flowers in water as though in a trance. As soon as the door had shut behind her, Luca’s expression changed to a deep grimace. “Which one of you assholes got flowers for my wife?” He leaned forward onto his elbows, awaiting an answer.
Soon Enzo spoke up with a slight tremble in his voice. “It was me, but it wasn’t because of last night, Luca.”
Luca narrowed his eyes. “What the fuck did you say to me?”
“Her father asked me to get ‘em,” Enzo clarified with a slight cough, suddenly remembering his lines in the play they were subconsciously rehearsing at any given moment.
“Figlio di puttana!” Luca said, smacking the desk with his palm. “He spoiled her and now look how she acts!”  He shook his head with an indignant scoff, turning to look out the window. “Thank God she married a man like me to keep her in her place, right?”
“We aren’t in Darby’s territory any more. Where are we going, Luca?,” Aurora asked as the car bumped along the narrow roads. Luca turned to look out the window as though he didn’t hear, second guessing his decision to bring his wife along to the negotiations with the mad baker of Camden Town. However, Aurora would not be ignored. She had played the dutiful wife for weeks so as not to insult his manhood further, but every attempt at moving closer to Tommy Shelby had failed, resulting in multiple casualties. To make matters worse, every man lost was a member of her own family, brought from New York to aid the Changrettas in their vendetta. The idea of losing more men sickened her and she began to consider the possibility that she would have to challenge her husband once more.
Then Luca spoke up, but he only offered a sliver of information. “We’re on our way to Camden Town, alright?” he said before settling back into his seat with a sigh.
Aurora was raised at her father’s elbow watching the deals he made and how he researched his enemies. However, there were things she’d learned on her own as a result of being the only woman in a room full of men. How you had to demure and make them think an idea had been their own. She’d learned the art of manipulation and weaponized it early on as a means of survival. Today called for such an approach.
“An alliance with the Jews? That’s clever,” she praised, hoping her guess was correct. Running a hand along his knee seductively, she waited for Luca to confirm her suspicions.
Luca turned to face his wife, a surprised look on his face. “And how do you know about Alfie Solomons?” 
“He’s connected to the east Boston Jews. But, Darby knows him, of course. Says he’s unpredictable and violent,” Aurora added wearily.
She watched the muscles in Luca’s jaw tighten beneath the shadow of his fedora, knowing he didn’t like Aurora involving herself. Rubbing two fingers against his chin thoughtfully, he dismissed her concern. “I’ve spoken to your father and he approves. That’s all you need to know,” Luca said firmly.
“I wish you would tell me more about today,” she cajoled.
“No, amore. Not this time,” Luca said, clasping his large fingers over her gloved hand and giving her a squeeze that bordered on painful reprimand.
As the car jerked to a stop in front of a dilapidated building in Camden Town, she turned to her husband and took once last desperate chance as they exited the vehicle. “Luca, let me speak to Mr. Solomons. A woman’s touch to the negotiations might be just the thing to keep him from erupting,” she said innocently.
This infuriated Luca and he pulled her back, making her stumble on the rough cobblestones. “Like hell you will. This is my deal!” he spat.
“That concerns my family name and my blood!” Aurora retaliated, batting at his chest with her fists, unable to control herself further.
Luca’s eyes blazed with fury, striking her with full force and causing her to fall to the ground. Landing on rough stone, she sliced her arm as she hit, immaculate clothing ruined in the filthy street.
“Get the fuck up,” Luca commanded through clenched teeth.
Aurora winced involuntarily as she pushed her body forward, feeling the pain in her arm throb as soon as he placed weight onto her hand and blood trickle from her nose. “Vaffanculo!” she yelled, placing her fingertips to her chin and thrusting them toward him. 
Luca leaned down and dragged her to her feet, fingers digging into her flesh as he swore, "You make any more trouble for me and I swear to God you'll die here, Aurora. No one will know the difference if I tell them the Shelbys did it," he hissed in her ear as a small woman with dark hair appeared before them. 
“Can I help you with something?” she asked, looking the couple up and down, hands on her hips with more authority than someone her size ought to have. 
Luca released his wife immediately, straightening her clothes as he painted on a charming smile. “She fell on the cobblestones,” he explained smoothly. “I’m here to see Alfie Solomons. Is he in?” he inquired as he stepped forward, seeming to forget his wife in distress.
“Depends on whose asking,” the woman replied, glancing at Aurora with concern. 
Luca removed his hat as he introduced himself. “I’m Luca Changretta,” he said, extending a hand.
Thoroughly unimpressed by his charisma, the tiny woman tilted her head at him. “And who is she?” 
Luca coughed to cover his embarrassment. “This is my wife, Aurora. She’ll be staying outside,” he said with a pointed look at his wife, who stood, cradling her arm.
“If you want to see my husband, I insist this woman come in as well. She requires medical attention,” Rose said sternly. 
“If you insist,” Luca said, pursing his lips. 
“I insist,” the woman said with a definitive nod. “I’m Rose Solomons, Alfie’s wife. Come in,” she said with a wave of her hand.
“Darling,” Luca said with a sneer, extending his arm toward Aurora.
Aurora pushed past him and followed Rose inside. Luca followed two steps behind, removing a match from his pocket and chewing it ferociously. He didn’t like being humiliated by the Solomons woman and made a mental note to make Alfie pay dearly for it.
As Luca was shown to Alfie’s office, Rose took Aurora to a separate part of the distillery. Her interest was peaked now that she’d witnessed something between husband and wife that felt unsavory. The Solomons’ liked to make it their business to know everything about their associates and this felt like something worth noting.
Rose expected someone quite different from the woman she was meeting today. She’d heard Aurora Changretta was a tigress, someone who never gave an inch to her enemies. However, the woman who stood before her bloodied and broken was not in a position to argue. She might listen to the plea on Rose’s lips so she began in earnest.
As Rose handed over a flannel dipped in cool water, she admitted what she wanted. “I’ll be blunt, Mrs. Changretta. My Alfie has cancer. He’s riddled with it. The doctors say it’s probably from the gas during the war,” she explained with furrowed brow as though she didn’t understand or believe the words that came from her lips. However, Aurora knew them to be true. They were the admission of someone who loved deeply and had not yet come to terms with an imminent loss. 
“I’m sorry,” Aurora responded. “But I don’t see how I can help,” she admitted.
Rose cleared her throat and straightened her shoulders, rising to her full height. “You can get that man out there to go home. Leave us in peace for the days we have left,” she asserted.
Aurora bit her lip to keep a bitter laugh from escaping. Instead she just shook her head. Taking a deep breath she turned to Rose and spoke slowly to make the other woman realize her predicament. “You think I tell him the ways of the world? No, he doesn’t answer to me,” she admitted, dabbing at her wounds. “He has very little use for me these days,” Aurora admitted in a soft whisper.
"I thought your family ran New York?" Rose asked slightly confused.
"And now it's my husband so you see we're bound," Aurora replied with a look of resolve.
Rose took in the sight before her, bruises covered by layers of make up, bones badly healed over time. The limp when she walked inside and the arm she cradled gingerly now. This was a woman who knew suffering and yet there was tenacity in her hazel eyes that couldn't be denied. It was this strength Rose appealed to now.
“You’d die by his hand? Because that’s where you’re headed, love,” Rose warned, recalling her own difficult past. “Won’t you try?”
Aurora paused for a moment, a trickle of bloody water running down her elbow as she washed. This went against everything Aurora had ever been taught. You never spoke against your family, no matter what happened. Her parents ingrained that in her at an early age. However, her parents’ marriage had been one based on love and respect. No matter how many times they reconciled, she and Luca did not carry the same affection.
As she sat in the damp distillery, listening to the distant sound of machinery, she thought of her future with Luca and his intention to crush her beneath him became abundantly clear. He didn’t care for her as he once did. When the money and the resources were gone, he would dispose of her.
Finally Aurora mumbled one word into the darkness of the small room, keeping her voice low in case Luca was nearby. “How?”
Rose inhaled a sharp breath, chin rising suddenly with renewed hope to meet Aurora’s wide eyes, full of questions and doubt. She knew how hard it would be to ask this of kind of trust from a stranger, but if she could convince her to take the first step, the rest would fall into place.
“We get you to Tommy Shelby,” Rose said confidently.
Aurora shook her head violently. “No, please. He’ll kill me.”
“He won’t. He’s not Luca,” Rose promised, rushing the rest of her speech for fear Aurora might bolt in fear. “This vendetta was started by the Changrettas and your husband is using your family to fund his war. Now he’s asking my husband to help. It won’t stop unless we say so. We can stop him, Aurora. Will you join me?” Rose asked, reaching for Aurora’s bloodied hand.
Aurora’s lip trembled thinking of crossing Luca, but she had had enough. If there was one thing her father taught her it was to fight for her own interests and she knew she still had fight within her. 
“Yes, I’ll help you,” Aurora agreed on a shaky breath, reaching for Rose.
“We’ll protect you, I promise,” Rose said, intertwining her fingers with Aurora’s stained fingertips. The blood that tainted her would soon be washed clean.
It had taken another week and several clandestine phone calls before Aurora could steal away to meet Rose. She’d convinced Luca that she needed medicine for her cuts and he allowed her to leave the hotel though she knew she didn’t have long. Rose knew a man who could help them meet in neutral territory, but it would be brief as Luca sent someone to watch over Aurora whenever she left. With that in mind, Aurora stole away one afternoon wondering if this was all a mistake.
The bell above the door of the chemist rang out and Aurora took a deep breath, scanning the small shop for Rose. The tiny woman stood in the corner, observing a box as though she were another patron and when she spied Aurora she beckoned to her. Aurora felt her heart thundering in her chest as she followed Rose through a narrow doorway, descending a dark staircase. However, it was far too late to reconsider and she marched ahead with as much courage as she could muster.
Aurora soon found herself face to face with Tommy Shelby who paced the length of a small, dimly lit room. She knew him instantly from photographs and descriptions of his deep blue eyes like two pools that could drown you if you stared too long. The moment she entered, she was mesmerized by him.
“You killed my wife,” Tommy said, a stillness coming over his features when he caught sight of his enemy. Aurora sucked in a breath, recognizing the inherent danger facing her. Violent men all had the same deceiving comportment, a snake coiled and ready to strike. 
“Tommy, please....” Rose interjected in a pleading tone, willing the meeting to continue. Rose glanced at Aurora and noticed a visible change in her demeanor, a hardening of her exterior as she refused to show any kind of weakness.
“Luca killed your wife. I only tried to kill you,” Aurora said defiantly, head held high.
A moment of silence passed as Tommy considered Aurora. Then she spoke again, "You misunderstand, Mr. Shelby. I'm trying to end this. It was never my fight," she said softly, feeling the weight of every life lost in service to her and the family.
“If this wasn’t your fight, why the fuck are you supplying your husband enough money and soldiers to overthrow the British empire, love?” Tommy countered.
“Loyalty. I hear that you’re like me when it comes to your family, Mr. Shelby. You would do anything to protect them. I didn’t agree with my husband, but I promised to protect him….”
“Do you honestly think he’d do the same for you?,” Tommy asked, blue eyes icing over to match the chill in his voice. He knew he was being cruel, but he had to test her in this moment to see if she would crumble.
“I have no illusions about our marriage,” Aurora confided on a low breath. She forced herself to make eye contact as she said, “That's why I'm here. Rose told me you might be willing to strike a bargain.”
Tommy scoffed, turning away from Aurora and she worried what she’d been told about his mercy was false. 
“Fucking hell, Tommy. She’s here and she’s willing to talk. Isn’t that enough?” Rose asked.
Tommy turned with a look of warning, “Alright, give him up.”
“What?” Aurora asked.
“Give up your husband and we’ll call it even,” Tommy demanded.
Aurora swallowed harshly, considering the choices at her disposal. Stay and see more bloodshed or end it with one final betrayal. It took only a fraction of a second to see the choice she had to make. 
“An ambush,” Aurora agreed quietly, fixing her gaze on Tommy. “But we have to make Luca think you aren’t expecting him. That he can take the shot.”
A smug look came over Tommy's handsome face. "You are as ruthless as they say, aren't you?" he commented. Then just as suddenly the amusement in his features disappeared and he turned stone faced once more. “How do I know I can trust you?” Tommy asked.
Aurora began to laugh bitterly.
“That’s fucking funny to you?” Tommy asked.
Aurora shook her head as a tear fell from her cheek, the enormity of her decision causing her to fall into a momentary fit of insanity. “He married me and he saw cashmere, cologne, red racing cars…All I wanted was love. It wasn't supposed to be like this,” she sniffed as she looked away from him, trying to catch her breath and regain composure. She pushed the pain away and felt her anger rise up in its place, “I just want out, you understand? I want out from under him," she confided, her whole body beginning to shake. 
Rose approached her and covered her with her shawl. “It’s alright, Aurora. You’re going to be alright,” she promised, looking to Tommy.
“Artillery Square, two days time,” he said with a satisfactory nod. 
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mrprettywhenhecries · 9 months
i don’t think you notice (what you did to me) [b.h]
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six. | i was made for lovin' you
Billy Hargrove ✘ Win Lewis (ofc)
⇾ w.c. 4.9k words ⇾ warning(s). canon x oc pairing, f!oc, underage drinking, smut, blowjobs (m!receiving), p in v, unprotected sex, cream pies
[ masterlist ] [ win lewis bio ]
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By the end of the week, if anyone had missed the memo that Win was officially dating Billy Hargrove, they had to be blind.  Between their casual PDA in between classes, their not so clandestine lunch period makeout sessions, and the fact that he was now driving her to and from school, it had become painfully obvious.
“What’re you doing tonight?” Billy asked, leaning against the locker next to Win’s as she approached to stow her books from last period.
“Hmm, I dunno, probably finish some homework before going to bed early,” she teased, flashing him a cheeky grin.
“Very cute,” he snorted, not buying it, and Win laughed, shutting her locker door and stepping closer, lifting her chin to steal a kiss.
“Heather Holloway’s having a bonfire tonight.  Wanna make an appearance?” she suggested with a half shrug and Billy slung his arm around her shoulders as he fell into step with her.  “If it’s lame, we can bounce.  My dad works nights, so we’d have the place to ourselves,” she offered.
“Sounds like a plan,” Billy replied, nodding to Tommy as they passed.
“Ugh, why do you hang around with him?” Win muttered only for Billy to shoot her a wry look.
“Cause he does what I say,” he shrugged and Win let out a disgusted groan, rolling her eyes.  
“At least you’re honest.”
“Max better not be late, if she knows what’s good for her,” Billy said as they approached the Camaro.  “She knows I hate waiting.”
“At least you’ll have good company,” Win teased, dropping her bag in the passenger seat.  As she straightened, she happened to lock eyes with Tina as she passed, Vicki and Carol in tow.  The three practically turned their noses up at her, Vicki glaring daggers.  Win forced herself to hold their gaze, not wanting to appear weak, but it stung–not Vicki or Carol’s animosity–she really didn’t give a fuck about what they thought, but Tina, Tina stung.  Of course Win knew she was a bit of a stuck up bitch, but she’d been the first person in Hawkins to talk to her.
Billy’s gruff voice pulled her from her thoughts as Max skated up, hopping off her skateboard and flipping it smoothly up into her hand.
“Took ya long enough.  C’mon, we got shit to do.”
Max made a face at him as she pulled the back door open, jumping in before Billy could make another impatient remark.
“Don’t listen to him, we haven’t been waiting long,” Win assured her, climbing in as well.  
“I don’t know how you put up with him,” Max huffed, rolling her eyes as she turned to look out the window.
Billy glared at her through the rear view mirror before peeling out, kicking up stones as his tires spun.
“There’s a few things inside I wanna grab before we go,” Billy said, throwing the car in park in front of a modest little place on Cherry and kicking his door open.  Win followed him and Max, climbing the steps to the enclosed front porch.
“Mom, we’re home!” Max called flatly, instantly taking off toward her room as soon as they were inside and a woman stepped out of the kitchen to greet them.  She had the same fiery hair and blue eyes as her daughter, but that’s wear the similarities ended, and she offered Win a hesitant smile as her gaze fell on her.
“You must be Win,” she said, hastily wiping her hands on the kitchen towel before reaching out to take Win’s hand.
“Yeah, that’s me,” Win answered, glancing at Billy who quickly averted his eyes, a faint pink hue dusting his cheeks.  It seemed Max hadn’t been lying when she said he’d talked about her.
“Win, this is Susan,” Billy introduced, careful not to refer to her as his mother.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Win said, returning Susan’s smile.
“Susan, can you tell my dad I can’t watch Max tonight?  We’ve got plans,” Billy said, keeping his expression carefully neutral, but Mrs. Hargrove was quick to assure him that it was alright, that they’d be staying in tonight and that he and Win should have fun.
“Great, thanks,” Billy said brusquely, grabbing Win’s wrist to pull her down the hall.
“Nice room,” she mused, stepping just inside as Billy strode to his closet with purpose.
“Thanks,” Billy muttered, shrugging off his jean jacket and pulling his t-shirt over his head.
Win’s brows rose as she watched him, itching to smooth her hands across his muscular back and feel his warm tan skin.  Clearing her throat, she quickly tore her eyes away as he pulled a dark maroon shirt from its hanger and slung it on, buttoning the bottom few buttons and leaving the top half open.
As he finished getting ready, Win ambled around his room, taking in his sparse decor, letting her fingers run over the records stacked neatly by his stereo, and picking up the dog eared paperback on the table by his bed.
“You hungry?” Billy’s voice cut through her thoughts and Win looked up to find him adjusting the collar of his worn leather jacket.
“Yeah, I could eat,” she murmured, setting the book back down where she’d found it. 
“Cool, let’s grab a bite before the party.”
By the time Win and Billy arrived at Heather’s, the sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon and the party was already in full swing.  Heather had a decent sized fire blazing in her backyard and several of their classmates lingered around it, beers in hand as they talked and laughed, their voices melting into the music playing from a boombox on the nearby deck table.
“Hargrove, you came!” Tommy called, raising his beer can as he caught sight of Billy.  Carol stood at his side, arms crossed over her chest, against the chill in the autumn air.  When she noticed Win, she rolled her eyes.  
“Lewis, lookin’ good,” Tommy added with a grin and Win fought the urge to grimace in disgust.
“I want a drink,” she said, peeling away from Billy’s side to head toward the table, finding a couple large coolers stocked with ice cold beer.  She grabbed two cans before ambling back toward where Billy stood with Tommy.  Luckily, Tina and Vicki were nowhere to be seen.
“Thanks babe,” Billy murmured, accepting the beer before pulling her close to his side and cracking the can open one handed, his other hand slipping around her waist.
Win watched him take a long draw from the can, his adam’s apple bobbing with each swallow,  before she too brought her can to her lips.
“Hey Win!  Good to see you!” Heather exclaimed, joining them by the fire, the flickering light of the flames casting eerie shadows against her face.  
“Hey, you too,” Win replied.  She’d never really spoken much to Heather Holloway, they tended to run in different circles, but maybe that’s what she needed now—a different circle.
“Let’s play a party game, something to spice things up,” Tommy exclaimed loudly, crumpling the empty can in his hand and tossing it into the bonfire.
“Yeah, like Never Have I Ever,” Carol suggested, a wicked smirk gracing her pinched features.
“Oooh yeah, sounds like fun!” Heather exclaimed.  “Think we need something stronger for this though,” she laughed, running over to grab the bottle of vodka on the table.
Win downed the rest of her beer before accepting the plastic cup of booze.  
“Win, why don’t you go first?” Heather asked and Win grimaced.  
“Uh, alright,” she murmured, watching the fire for a moment as she thought.  “Never have I ever… gone cow tipping,” she said, wrinkling her nose at the most cliched country activity she could think of, wondering if anyone actually did that.
Billy let out a snort when Tommy chuckled, bringing his cup to his lips.
“Guess it’s my turn,” Tommy said, a grin spreading across his face.
“Never have I ever moved to a different state,” he said, raising his eyebrows at both Win and Billy.
“Very funny,” Win muttered, rolling her eyes, but taking a drink along with Billy.
“Hmm, never have I ever broken a law,” Heather said and once more both Win and Billy took a shot, Tommy joining them as well.
“You got that right, Hargrove!” he exclaimed, raising his hand for Billy to high five.
“My turn?” Carol asked and Win didn’t like the way she smirked as she deliberated.  “Never have I ever stolen my friend’s date,” she said finally, her eyes flicking purposefully to Win’s.
Setting her jaw, Win didn’t move, and everyone’s heads swung toward her.
“Well?” Carol prompted expectantly, cocking an eyebrow at her.
“Can’t say I have,” Win replied with a shrug.  “She’d have had to been my friend for that to be true.”
For a moment Win thought Carol was gunna come at her, the tension nearly suffocating, when suddenly Billy hefted her up, throwing her over his shoulder.  “This party’s a major snorefest,” he announced loudly, tossing back the rest of the booze in his cup before striding toward the front yard.
Win could barely believe it, gaping back at the others as they retreated into the distance, bouncing against Billy’s shoulder with each step he took.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know?” she said as they were back in the Camaro and on their way down Win’s quiet street.
“Do what?  That party was lame,” Billy insisted, glancing over at her.  
“I can take care of myself.”  Her muttered words sounded petulant and Win wished she could take them back.
“I know that,” Billy huffed, carefully not looking at her, his hands flexing on the wheel.  “Besides, I wanted to get you alone.  You’re way better company than those assholes,” he muttered.
Win smiled down at her hands, hoping he couldn’t see her expression in the dark as he pulled into her empty driveway.
“You hungry?” she asked,  pulling her house key from her pocket.
“Fucking starved,” Billy replied, following her to the front door.
“I don’t know what all we have in the fridge, but I’m sure there’s something,” Win said, pushing the door open and gesturing him in, flicking on the light switch.
Billy ambled after her, letting his gaze roam the room almost curiously, a stark contrast to the bored way he usually took in his surroundings.
“Uhh, there’s not a lot in here that’s easy to make,” Win mused, shutting the fridge door with a frown.  “I could probably make us some mac and cheese…”
At her words, Billy joined her in the kitchen, opening the fridge himself to have a look before checking the freezer.  “There’s some frozen ground beef, I can make us some burgers to go with it,” he offered.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, it’s not hard,” Billy snorted, raising an eyebrow at her as he pulled the package from the freezer.  “Something tells me you’re not exactly at home in the kitchen,” he ventured, shrugging his leather jacket off, a smirk tugging at his lips.
“Yeah, I’m a heinous cook, bite me,” Win replied, sticking her tongue out at him as she flipped on the radio on the counter before pulling out a skillet and a pot.
Billy chuckled, shaking his head ruefully, opening several cupboards in search of a microwave safe plate to defrost the meat on.  “You should probably work on that, unless you plan on living off frozen dinners the rest of your life,” he teased.
“Maybe I’m planning on marrying a guy that can cook, how about that?” Win countered, planting her hands on her hips jauntily and Billy couldn’t help but laugh.  
“Was that a proposal, Lewis?” he teased and Win felt her face flush, quickly turning away to turn the radio up when the song changed, the opening to Call Me by Blondie playing through the speakers.
“Oh, I love this song,” she exclaimed, moving her hips to the music, for a moment forgetting that Billy was standing there.  
“Please don’t tell me you listen to this shit,” he snorted, only for Win to gasp at him.
“Take that back!” she exclaimed, giving his arm a playful smack.  “Debbie Harry is my icon!”
“You’re kidding, right?” Billy scoffed, transferring the defrosted hamburger to the skillet.  “Here I thought you had better taste than that,” he said, fighting back a grin as he held his hands up, preparing for another attack.
Win’s mouth fell open.  “I like you, don’t I?” she countered, pinching his side.  Billy laughed, squirming away from her fingers, and Win’s expression turned mischievous.
“Ticklish, are we?” she asked, doubling down and attacking his sides without remorse until Billy managed to grasp her wrists, spinning her and pinning her back against the counter as he caught his breath.
“You little brat!” Billy exclaimed, leaning in imposingly, but Win raised her chin in defiance, her lips parting expectantly.
“What’re you gunna do about it, Hargrove?”  Before she could barely get the words out, Billy’s mouth was on hers, his tongue forcing its way between her teeth.
Win’s breath caught in her throat and she moaned, melting into him.
The loud sizzling from the stove broke the mood and Billy swore under his breath, reluctantly pulling away.  “To be continued,” he drawled, winking at her before turning back to the skillet, seasoning the burgers before flipping them and adjusting the heat.
“You wanna fill this up with water?” he asked, handing Win the empty pot before grabbing the milk and butter from the fridge.
Win obeyed, setting the water on the stove and turning on the burner.  “So, uhm, how’d you learn to do all this?” she asked, leaning against the counter to watch him, the music playing softly in the background.
“This ain’t nothing,” Billy snorted.  “This is pretty simple shit.”
“I guess,” Win said, rolling her eyes.  “But you know what I mean.  How’d you learn how to cook?”
Billy let out a soft huff, keeping his eyes on the stove.  “I kinda hadta learn how to take care of myself from a young age.”
“I’m sorry…” Win breathed.
You don’t have to apologize,” Billy said, cutting her off, finally looking up at her, a vulnerability in his blue eyes that she’d only caught a glimpse of once before.
Opening her mouth to say more, Billy once more interrupted her, clearing his throat.  “The water’s boiling, we should finish up the macaroni.”
It wasn’t long before the food was ready and Win plopped down on the couch with Billy to eat, turning the tv on for a distraction.
“You still sure this is more fun than getting wasted at the bonfire?” Win asked, still finding it hard to believe he’d really rather be there with her.
Billy set his empty plate on the coffee table before taking hers from her hands and setting it aside.  “I’m very sure,” he drawled, easing her to her back, his mouth finding hers as his hand slipped beneath her shirt, drawing a soft moan from her lips.
“Here,” she breathed, pulling her shirt over her head and tossing it to the floor.
Billy smirked down at the sight of her, his hand reaching around behind her to unhook her bra.  “That’s better,” he murmured, enveloping her breast with his hand, his fingers pinching and rolling, coaxing her nipple to stiffen while his mouth descended on her exposed neck.
“You look so fuckin’ cute on your back,” he growled against her skin, nipping at her collarbone as he pressed his knee between her thighs.
Win’s sharp gasp at the sudden pressure against her throbbing cunt brought a husky chuckle to Billy’s throat, his cock stirring in response, pressing almost painfully against the confines of his tight jeans.
“You should stay, with me, tonight,” Win gasped between Billy’s hungry kisses, her back arching into his touch.  “It gets so lonely, and I have a hard time falling asleep in an empty house,” she murmured.
Billy pushed back to look down at her, blue eyes flashing in the darkness.  “I don’t sleep a lot either these days,” he admitted, caressing her cheek, his thumb catching her bottom lip.  “You know, I can think of some ways to wear you out,” he drawled.
“Oh really?” Win breathed, letting out a surprised yelp as he suddenly lifted her, one arm wrapping around her back while the other fit under her bent knees, carrying her easily to her bedroom.
“Really,” he answered, smirking as he dropped her atop her bed, kicking the door shut behind him.
Win gasped as she landed, bouncing slightly.  Before she could formulate a response, Billy was already unbuttoning his shirt and toeing his boots off.
“Enjoying the view, Princess?” he chuckled when he caught her staring and Win quickly ducked her head as her face flared hotter, focusing on working her jeans down while she peered at him through her dyed blonde bangs.  
“Didn’t think you flustered that easy,” Billy teased, dropping his jeans and hooking a finger under her chin, tilting her face up.
“I’m not flustered!” Win countered, her heart pounding in her ears as he eased his boxers down, letting his cock spring free, the weight of it making her mouth water.  “ –I’ve just not gotten a good look at your dick yet,” she murmured, wetting her lips distractedly.
A proud grin tugged at Billy’s mouth and he stepped closer to the edge of the bed.  “Well, what do you think?” he drawled.
Win crawled closer, taking a deep breath in through his nose as she wrapped her hand loosely around his length, her cunt aching as she caressed him.  Billy’s breath hitched, catching in his throat as she touched him and his cock twitched eagerly in her hand.
“So sensitive,” she breathed, grinning at his reaction.  Though he liked to play it cool, it was reassuring that deep down he might be as flustered as she was.  “You have such a pretty cock,” Win murmured, leaning in to lap up the glistening bead of precum gathered at his tip.  Slowly taking him into her mouth, her tongue traced the thick vein on the underside of his length as her eyes flicked up to his, looking incredibly sinful on all fours like that with his cock disappearing into her mouth.
“Oh fuck–” Billy grunted, bucking forward involuntarily, unable to stop himself.  “Fuck, that feels good.  Your mouth’s like heaven,” he growled as his tip hit the back of her throat and she gagged, his pubes tickling her nose.
Win merely moaned in response, gripping the base of his cock with one hand to hold him steady so he couldn’t take her by surprise again.
“Shit Win,” he gasped, tangling his fingers in her chin length hair, blunt fingernails scraping her scalp as she hollowed her cheeks to suck as she pulled back, her velvety tongue curling around him, caressing him with each bob of her head.
“If you keep that up–” Billy’s words cut off and he hastily pulled free of her mouth, his fist in her hair holding her still.  “As much as I would love to cum down your throat, sweetheart, I wanna make you scream,” he growled, releasing her hair to wipe the drool from her chin with his thumb, the tenderness of his actions at odds with the harsh way the words left his mouth.
A thrill ran through Win and she scooted backwards atop the bed, giving him room to join her.
“Get those panties off, or I’m gunna have to rip ‘em off you,” he said, his tongue darting out to wet his lips.
“That actually sounds kinda hot,” Win laughed, laying back against her pillows, her arms resting behind her head, her posture just daring him to do it.
Billy’s eyes flashed at the challenge and he grabbed her by the ankles, yanking her back toward him.  Win let out a shriek of laughter, but didn’t struggle, biting her lips as he clutched her underwear, his gaze boring into hers.
“You sure about that?” he drawled, hesitating, and Win nodded.  Billy’s grin turned predatory and he gave a sharp tug, easily ripping the thin cotton from her body.  
“Oh fuck–” Win breathed, heat rolling through her at the display.
“There, that’s better,” he purred, discarding the ruined garment and pulling her legs apart.  “I wanna look at this pretty pussy.”
Win’s breath hitched as he slid a finger between her folds.  ���Sucking me off made you this wet?” he marveled, slipping a second finger in, stretching her around him.
“I told you you had a gorgeous cock,” Win teased, huffing a breathless laugh as his thick digits curled inside her, dragging against her spongy g-spot.
“Billy, stop teasing me,” she pouted, rolling her hips impatiently against the heel of his hand.
“You keep pouting like that and I’ll make you wait longer,” he taunted, pulling his fingers free with a wet squelch and taking a moment to study the silvery translucent strands that stretched between them.
“If you won’t get me off, I have other ways–” Win began, huffing indignantly until Billy pushed her back, crawling between her legs and grabbing her wrist as she reached toward her sex.
“Ah ah ah, you don’t get to touch yourself right now, that’s my job,” he growled, releasing her wrist and giving his cock a few strokes before teasing his swollen head between her folds.  “You ready, baby?” he asked, taking her aback that he’d asked.
“I’m ready,” Win breathed, moaning as he pushed into her.  He kept his head down, watching the spot where their bodies connected, her cunt sucking him in greedily, inch by slow inch, creaming rings around the base of his cock with each slow thrust.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” Billy groaned, dropping his forehead against her shoulder, his necklace hovering over her chest, grazing her sternum lightly as it swung in time with his measured movements.
Each time his hips met hers with a soft smack of skin on skin, Win let out a soft moan, her hands sliding up his back, feeling every dip and swell of taut muscle stretched beneath his fevered skin.  “Oh fuck,” she gasped, whining sharply, her fingers biting into his shoulders as he hit her cervix, bottoming out.
“You make such pretty sounds for me.  Your daddy’s not home, you know.  So, you don’t have to hold back,” Billy growled, thrusting into her harder, enough to make the bed frame squeak, her tiny frame rocking beneath him.  “I meant it when I said I wanted to make you scream.”
Win’s lips twitched and she let her eyes flutter shut.  “Kiss me,” she breathed, the warmth pooling low in her gut spreading outward, driving her to the precipice.  Needing to feel all of him pressed against her, she tightened her hold on him and Billy obliged, a deep groan catching in his chest as his lips collided with hers, kissing her breathless as he pumped into her faster, a desperation in his movements that grew with each moment.
Something had changed–this wasn’t like the time they’d fucked in the back of his car, this felt different, and Win’s head swam as her pleasure crested, threatening to carry her away.
“Billy–!” she gasped, teetering on the edge.  “Want–want you to cum inside,” she managed to get out, rolling her hips to meet his, angling him deeper.
Billy nodded, breathing heavily, his thrusts growing jerky, sloppy.  “Fuck, I’m–” he cut off with a guttural growl, his cock swelling and spasming as he came, unable to hold back any longer, and it was only moments later that Win followed, crying out his name as he rode her through it, pumping her full.
When they finally stilled, Billy collapsed atop her, his chest heaving against hers and Win pressed her face into the crook of his neck, inhaling the scent of his sweat and the lingering spicy smell of his cologne.
With a soft grunt, Billy rolled to his back, pulling out of her and Win whined at the loss, feeling his seed slowly rolling down her inner thigh.  
“You were right, you knew exactly what I needed to wear me out,” she sighed contentedly, turning toward him to rest her cheek against his shoulder, draping her arm over him.
Billy chuckled, the sound rumbling deep in his chest.  “I know how to take care of you,” he murmured proudly, reaching for Win’s pack of cigarettes on the nightstand nearby.
“Open the window and share that with me,” she said, scooting closer to his side and Billy did as she asked, lighting the cigarette pinched between his teeth and blowing the smoke toward the window above her headboard.
Taking another pull, he offered it to her, wrapping his other arm around her back to hold her against him, though he knew he should be doing the opposite–disentangling himself and getting dressed.  It was late, way past his curfew, but the feel of her warm body pressed against him was sweeter than the threat of his father’s wrath and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this relaxed.
“What was California like?” Win asked, her abrupt question taking him by surprise, and when Billy glanced down at her, he found her watching him.
“Warm,” he said, fighting a lump in his throat.  “The sun was almost always shining.  I used to spend a lot of time at the beach,” he continued, glancing away.  “Then… things changed, and–” Billy hesitated, plucking the cigarette from her fingers to bring to his lips.  “Well, let’s just say there was always plenty of shit to do to keep me outta the house,” he muttered, still feeling Win’s large doll-like eyes on him. 
He could sense she was gearing up to ask a follow up question and he quickly changed the subject, not really wanting to dredge up shit from the past.
“How late does your dad work?  He’s not gunna come home soon and catch me in bed with you, is he?” he asked, amusement dancing in his eyes as he remembered the look on her father’s face the first time they’d met.  If he found them like this, he’d probably really freak.
“Nah, he works nights, so he won't be back til about six or seven,” Win answered.
Billy chanced a peek at her while he ashed the cigarette in the glass ashtray on her bedside table.  “You don’t see him much,” he observed, a spike of jealousy pricking his stomach.
Win shook her head, reaching across him to steal the last few hits off the cigarette. 
“Ever since my mum died, it’s been like this.  Like he doesn’t wanna process shit, and he’d rather just throw himself into work or something, I dunno,” she muttered.
“I wish my dad was like that,” Billy murmured and Win’s brows drew down.
“Don’t say that.”
Billy huffed a humourless laugh, finally looking her in the eye.  “I mean it,” he insisted.  “If you knew my dad, you’d understand.  If he disappeared tomorrow and I never saw him again, I wouldn’t shed a fuckin’ tear.”
Win nodded, finally understanding. With everything he’d said about his home life, things were beginning to make a lot of sense.
“Shit,” she suddenly hissed, catching sight of the time.  “It’s way later than I thought–”
Billy cut her off, knowing she was about to ask if he needed to leave, and while he knew he probably should, he’d already made up his mind.
“It’s fine,” he said, a decisiveness to his voice that discouraged any argument.  “Besides, your bed’s way more comfortable and there’s a smokin’ hot naked girl in it,” he added, his lips twitching as he ducked his head to steal a kiss.
“Charmer,” Win murmured, once more melting, deciding not to press the issue.  It wasn’t like she wanted him to leave anyway.
Billy put out the spent cigarette and waved the smoke away before getting under the blankets and pulling Win closer, letting her meld against him, stifling a yawn behind her hand.
“Night Princess,” he murmured, but she was already drifting off.  
The sound of her dad’s car pulling into the gravel drive woke Win and she blinked blearily, vaguely noticing the weak sunlight streaming through her window, which was still cracked open from the night before, the November morning air chilling her room.
Whining softly at the chill, she pulled the comforter up higher and rolled over, seeking Billy’s warmth.  When her hand slid across the cold empty space next to her however, she bolted awake.  Billy was nowhere to be found, his blankets thrown back as if he’d gotten up.
Crawling to the edge of the bed, she found the spot on the floor he’d left his boots empty as well and her fear of her father catching him there shifted to empty disappointment, her heart sinking, though she knew she was being irrational.
Laying back down with a huff, she stared at the ceiling, not bothering to shut her window.  It almost felt like she’d only imagined falling asleep in Billy’s warm embrace, sleeping more soundly than she had since she’d moved to Hawkins.  Turning her head to glance at her clock, a slip of paper on her bedside table caught her eye and she sat up to get a better look.
Billy’s hasty scrawl covered the scrap paper and Win couldn’t help but smile, hearing his voice in her head as she read his words.
Morning beautiful,  Sorry I’m not there when you wake up.  Thought it would be safer to leave before your dad gets home.  Last night was fun.  Slept better than I have in a while.   I’ll call you later. —Billy P.S. you’re pretty cute when you’re sleeping, you actually look kind of innocent.
Suddenly feeling much lighter, Win flopped back into bed, holding Billy’s note to her chest as she fell back asleep, hoping his dad hadn’t noticed he’d been out all night.
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⇾ taglist. @b1tchywheeler @wherethewitchersare @super-unpredictable98 @santacarlahorrorshow @oliver-sykes @elliethesuperfruitlover
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evita-shelby · 6 months
12 Days of Smuff: Day 4
Day 4: Reassurance + Car Sex
Tommy Shelby x Eva Smith (oc)
Cw: semi public sex, car sex, feelings of inadequacy and frustration
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Thomas hasn’t felt this on edge since he was betrayed.
This should be easier, no one shooting at him, no one dying, just him in a conference room negotiating a loan from his wife’s family to start their legal businesses.
In London, tomorrow morning and in the presence of the uncles and aunts and cousins running the third largest shipping company in the Atlantic.
“Fuck. Fuck it all!” Tommy cursed as his car gave up on the road from Birmingham to London.
Could’ve taken the train, but driving made him feel in control.
“We brought the petrol for this, remember?” Eva tries to reassure him reminding him they had planned for this.
“I know, I am just kicking my crate, love.” He tries to calm himself enough to get off the car and refill it so they can get there and leave as soon as possible.
“We’re making good time even with this delay, Tom. Take your time.” The witch assured him and gave his hand a good squeeze. “Everything will go great and we’ll be in Digbeth getting the deed for your office before you know it.”
“What if they deny me the loan because we eloped?” He asks searching for his cigarette case ---a gift from Eva--- only to find his pocket empty.
This resulted on another round of curses and him slamming the wheel in frustration.
“They won’t, Tom. They know good business when they see it, and they know better than to doubt my word about it.” Eva answered because to her this meeting was just a stupid formality to intimidate him.
“Tell you what, how about we take a break for a few minutes?” the witch suggested as if they weren’t on the side of an empty road.
“And do what? Pick some fucking flowers, fuck?” Tommy throws back at her sarcastically.
“Road’s empty and we got time to kill anyways.” Eva joked as if his words hadn’t stung her. Just weeks ago they’d returned from their honeymoon and now he’s taking his frustration out on her.
What a fantastic way to prove them right, he wasn’t good enough for her, too fucked up to be a good husband.
“Tom, don’t even think that. If you’re fucked up, I’m broken beyond fucking repair. Fuck them, I love you, you love me and that is all that matters.” Eva took his face in her hands wanting to push out his dark thoughts by sheer will.
And maybe she could if he let her.
So he pulled her for a kiss and did what always pushed the shadow out of his head.
“Tommy I was joking, I wasn’t—” Eva sputtered after he let go of her lips and sought to free her tits from her blouse.
“Road’s empty and we got time to kill anyways.” The gangster turned businessman and husband smiled and kissed her again knowing she won’t say no. “Let’s fuck, Mrs. Shelby.”
And they do, not a quick hurried thing in case someone comes, but a fuck that makes them wish they didn’t have a meeting to attend.
“I wanted to fuck you like this that night after the derby, love.” He admits with a groan as she rides him with gusto and in the next movement accidentally pressed back on the car’s horn.
They stay there laughing, not stopping as the car horn blared out into the empty road and the newly weds continue to fuck in the driver’s seat with wild abandon.
Only God would know what made them late to the meeting, and Shelby didn’t even believe in him anyway.
“I wish you had,” she kissed him as it came to an end and Tommy decided it was ample time they get a car for their own.
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ihatepeanutss · 5 months
tw: mention of the death of a cute bunny and basically based on the second season of stranger things
can you imagine steve accidentally involving his cheerleader girlfriend in this whole topic/situation upside down? bcs i do imagine him panicking when he seems her standing in front of the byers house while everyone tries to make a plan to be able to save will.
being steve and opening the door and seeing you had seen on the basketball court in the afternoon, wearing your most casual clothes making steve take his bat as soon as you enter the house.
“god! y/n they could have killed you” steve screamed watching you raise your eyebrow as if he were having a shoe in his hand “what are you doing here?”
“the girls of the team pass by here with Luke’s car, brigdet’s boyfriend” you raised your shoulders watching nancy and raising your hand to say hello
steve looked at you, he knew where you would be, with whom and probably what you will do but he never thought that he would be looking at you as if nancy wheeler was not aiming at you with a gun and him with a bat full of nails, looking totally normal.
“then what they say is real, eh, Jonathan?” you looked at hopper while you closed the door of the house and you saw the girl with short and brown hair smiling at you “i like to see you again, little one”
Jonathan looked at you one more time and under the gun “how not...?” he dared to ask “how can you not get scared?, steve almost peed when he saw us like this”
you raised your shoulders seeing the group of children behind Joyce “when i saw murray bauman around here i didn’t miss the opportunity to ask, i dream of being a journalist someday jhon, robin and i spent hours investigating when i found the girl in the backyard of the school” you answered calmly
steve tried not to panic by leaving the bat on the byers’ couch, approaching nancy gently to lower the gun, what was his sweet girlfriend weighing on entering without warning?
“once robin and i needed my training bag and as you put it in the trunk we found....uhm, the blood bat” you replied to steve looking at him “Rñrobin suggested that you were a serial killer”
“steve wouldn’t kill a fly” mike wheeler screamed as he approached eleven, behind him was dustin, dustin henderson, you had seen him near your yard more than once when his friends went to visit
“i saw you in the car drain” scratch your neck “don’t ask what we do there, it was tommy who took them to the forest and i saw you with that...thing” everything you said was true, you weren’t nervous, you weren’t thinking about what steve could do that either. your boyfriend was clumsy, soft but mostly clumsy and very sweet “what’s her name?, sweet girl”
“eleven” she replied, her eyes were painted with black pencil and her cheeks were naturally pink
“eleven, nice name then... what’s going on here?” you looked at the byers, the children, two alleged responsible adults with three teenagers who used weapons, you didn’t have the slightest idea what it was but you remembered that morning having seen the body of one of your lifeless rabbits in your backyard “this morning bugs died”
“did bugs die?” steve raised his eyebrow, of course he knew your rabbits, each of them and had slept more than once in your bed with pink sheets next to four rabbits jumping all over his arm, back and hairy chest
“yesterday i saw something in my yard, regularly for the tricks i let my rabbits go out to the yard while i get ready for school and... uhm, bugs never came back, when i went out it was open in the middle and dog, do you think?” you answered as you looked up when you saw dustin almost choke on his own saliva and steve looking at him as if he wanted to kill him
“wasn’t it just your cat?” harrington looked at henderson making you look at the whole house of the byers, you knew will and jonathan, you and him were childhood friends and you could attest that this was not the work of the madness that this town had put in joyce
this time it was dustin, nancy, lucas and jonathan who explained to you everything they knew, from demogorgones to the telekinesis powers of eleven, surprisingly your head didn’t hurt, being a girlfriend with steve and being friends with robin buckley and eddie munson had helped with retaining the information.
“bart is a demogogue, little one who ate your cat and my rabbit?” you answered looking at steve worried with his hands on his hips or dragging his face, you knew how to read, you knew that this town was not only quiet or had a damn laboratory on the outskirts
“you killed my rabbit” you looked at dustin while you raised your eyebrows “and i thought eddie munson was crazy because he thought the easter bunny was creepy. Tell me something worse than that”
“you go out with steve harrington, there’s nothing worse than that” mike released making you raise your eyebrow
“the cool girl goes out with you and for her in a few years there will be nothing worse than that, square pants” you smiled looking at steve laughing before winking at him, watched max and smiled, you had been colliding with her more than once when you went to the supermarket or to buy something
once all the attention was devoted to hopper and his plan steve pulled you to one of the corridors of the byers house, he looked at you, analyzed you and let out a sigh before kissing your forehead.
“so when you gave me that knife, wasn’t it really to protect me from billy?” you answered by looking at steve denying “is it for...? that?”
steve nodded “yes, i basically panicked the first time and i told myself that i wouldn’t let anything happen to you, not after seeing that standing there, next to me you look small, you’re small, for god’s sake i don’t know what i would do if something happened to my sweet cupcake” he murmured on your forehead hugging you making you roll your arms around his waist
“i think i’ll be here for a while for you, my gentleman and superhero” you smiled kissing his lips gently with one hand over his neck “thank you for taking care of me, i love you more than anything, bae”
⋆ ˚。⋆ ୨୧ ˚
ENOUGH, I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! i need to do a series about my girly girl and her cutie sweet pie boyfriend named steve <3 he’s such a sweetie so as his girl bcs in my head she’s a sweet princess obsessed with priscilla presley and sharon tate style, obsessed with pink and skirts the 60s and non judging anyone or anything with just a dream ♡
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buckysgrace · 26 days
Fifty Eight
Dancing in the Dark Masterlist
“You’ll never guess what happened.” Kim spoke over the phone on her break that morning, excited to share the good news with someone else. She leaned against the table, glad that the phone was away from the kitchen so no one else had to hear her giggle about it again. 
“Hm,” Addi drew out playfully, “I think I might, so I’ll let you share the news.” Kim could practically picture her now, spread out on her bed with the sun shining in. She wondered if it was still snowing there. 
“Eddie?” She questioned, feeling like she should’ve known that Susan would’ve shared the news to Wayne. News traveled fast. She wondered how many other people already knew about them. She winced, hoping that Max wouldn’t get any issues because of it. 
“Yes,” Addi replied with a laugh, “He’s got a big mouth. I’m so happy for you though, that’s great news.” She said enthusiastically, making Kim glad once again. Thus far no one had given them any issues. She was very happy about that. 
“Thank you,” Kim responded as she played with her hair, glancing out towards the way the sun was beating against the pavement. She waved as another couple came inside. They’d had a lot of orders recently for Valentine’s day. She needed to find something for Billy, “I’m so excited. Maybe you could come out this summer and we can go dress shopping.” She suggested.
“I get to be your maid of honor, right?” Addi asked quickly, making Kim smile in response. She was glad someone else was planning it out like she was. She glanced over her shoulder, getting a brief glance of Billy before he disappeared behind the wall once again. She wondered if he was as giddy as she was. 
“I don’t see why not,” Kim giggled softly, “I don’t think Max would want that big of a role.” She said honestly. She wanted Max as a bridesmaid for sure, but couldn’t see her wanting to handle the other parts. At least that’s what she thought from what Billy had described to her. 
“So who else will you have in the wedding?” Addi asked curiously, making Kim stall for a moment. She honestly had no idea. She’d thought about it a lot, but not very intensely. Mostly she thought about her dress and how handsome Billy would look in his tux. 
“I don’t know,” Kim admitted, “Maybe Gina? I don’t have many friends.” She replied as she pressed her lips together. She was still bad at that. Perhaps Billy would be able to find her more friends. He was better at that. 
“Oh, please,” Addi hushed her, “You have plenty of time to think about it. Who will Billy have on his side?” Kim thought that question was even harder to answer. She had a pretty good idea, but then again she could be wrong. She had a feeling their wedding would be small. There was nothing wrong with that either. 
“Probably Tommy. Russell, maybe?” She suggested as she thought about it, “I think he’d have Steve too. I bet we could talk him into having Eddie up there too if we’re nice enough.” She said with a laugh, trying to imagine all of them at an altar together. 
“Can you imagine Eddie in a tux?” Addi replied with a laugh, making her grin in response. It was fairly hard to imagine, but she thought that Eddie would do it for Addi at least. 
“Aren’t you two going to prom?” She asked with a smile before she glanced at the time, knowing that she needed to get back to making cupcakes. She looked over again, trying to catch sight of Billy. 
“He doesn’t have a tux in mind,” Addi laughed, “I’m glad you finally called to tell me.” She drew out playfully, but it still made Kim feel a little guilty. Even if it was just banter. 
“Sorry,” Kim flushed as she played with her hair once again, “I didn’t want to wake you.” She said honestly. Addi snorted at the other end of the line. 
“Well, I’m really happy for you two,” She replied softer, making Kim ecstatic all over again, “Congratulations. Call me again soon.” She said, to which Kim agreed with quickly. They said their goodbyes before Kim found herself skipping back towards the kitchen. 
“Was that your friend?” Sam asked once she walked back through the doors. She paused by the counter, glancing away from the couple that was waiting as he packaged their order. She played with her hair for a moment before she shoved it back into the net. 
“Yeah,” Kim responded gently, “She already knew though. Eddie must’ve heard somehow.” She said with a shrug of her shoulders. It really wasn’t that big of a deal. She was just glad that she got to talk to her for a while. They still wrote, but it wasn’t always the same. 
“That’s not too bad,” He replied with a gentle smile, “I’m glad that things worked out.” He finished packing up the box, smiling a little wider as he passed it to the couple and thanked them. She nodded her head in agreement. 
“Me too,” She said, pausing for a moment before she leaned against him, “Thank you. Billy told me that you helped him.” She brought up, not at all surprised that Billy had asked Sam first. He really was a gentleman, even if he tried to deny it. 
“I just gave him suggestions,” Sam brushed Billy’s claims off, “He did that all on his own. It’s really pretty.” She glanced back down at her hand, staring at the ring that she was unable to take off. She was still too giddy about it, overwhelmed with feelings as she thought about Billy all over again. 
“He knows me,” She replied, then felt a little shy as she looked down at the ring, “Thank you. You were never-, judgemental.” She decided on the right word before she spoke it outloud. She really did think she owed Sam a lot. Especially when everyone else had been so against them. He never had.
“You don’t have to thank me either,” He chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, “You deserve to be happy. Both of you. I’m really glad that you found one another.” She nodded as she looked up at him, feeling reassured all over again. Perhaps things really didn’t have to be hard anymore now that everyone knew. 
“You’ll walk me down the aisle, won’t you?” She questioned him softly, a little worried that he might decide against it. She wasn’t sure why he would say no, but she thought it was better to ask. Just so she could be sure. 
Sam’s eyebrows wrinkled up as he pulled away from her, looking like he wasn’t sure if she was being serious or not. The lines around his eyes crinkled as he smiled
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” 
“Gina and Steve brought Jennifer home,” Kim replied cheerily, “We should go see them.” She said as she leaned against the doorway, watching as Billy stacked all of his cigarettes up into a triangle shape. She’d been joining him on a lot of his runs recently and although it got easier each time, her legs and arms still had a numb feeling to them. 
“Right now?” He looked at her curiously, a cigarette behind each ear as he faced her. She bit back a giggle, nodding her head as she moved closer to him. She knew he was having a hard time distracting himself, so she figured that visiting their friends wouldn’t be a bad idea. 
“What else are we going to do?” She teased him as she brushed her foot against his knee, “It would be nice. Plus, I want to hold the baby.” She said more seriously, still smiling as she thought about how small Jennifer would be in her arms. She was glad that Gina and her had recovered well enough to go home. 
“I can give you a baby,” Billy responded with a sly smirk, “Here.” He said dryly as he placed Pearl in her arms, giving her no time to recover from his suggestion. Her cheeks burned as she held onto Pearl, beginning to ponder on how long she’d been in here. 
“Hi baby,” Kim cooed as she kissed Pearl’s cheek, “Can we go?” She asked him sweetly, smiling as she held Pearl up to her face. She brushed her fingers under Pearl’s paw, waving towards him playfully. 
“Yeah,” He grinned as he sat forward, “I need to brag about proposing to you first.” He replied as he began to stack his cigarettes back inside of the carton. She pressed another kiss to Pearl’s head before she set her aside. 
“Is it some kind of bet?” She teased him playfully, watching the way he shook his head and scoffed. She looked back to her ring, still feeling like she was on cloud nine. They were going to have a very happy future together. 
“Fuck no,” He laughed as he kissed the top of her head, “I just want him to know I’m better.” He replied with a smirk. He took her head, pulling her forward as he slowly dragged her out of his room.
Rosemary and Sam didn’t say much about them sharing rooms anymore. Billy had practically moved into hers. His jeans had a place with her pants and his shirts were hung up with her dresses. His room was slowly becoming another guest room. 
She was thankful that no one made a big deal about them anymore. She felt like they were normal for once, like they had nothing to hide despite their circumstances. It was nice not hiding. 
“You’re ridiculous,” She said with a shake of her head, smiling as she followed him to the kitchen, “We were going to visit Steve and Gina. And the baby.” She announced slowly to their parents, looking at the way they were curled up together on the couch. 
“Oh good,” Rosemary grinned, “I made that casserole, hold on.” She brushed her hand against Sam’s thigh, giving him a squeeze before she made her way to the kitchen. He adjusted his glasses as he turned his attention to them. 
“What time will you two be back?” He asked curiously, still looking like he was unsure about letting them go. She supposed it was fair, they had betrayed their trust a few times.
“I don’t know,” Billy shrugged his shoulders, “What time do you want us back?” He asked, looking a little disgruntled as Pearl raced down the hallway and began to rub against his ankles. Kim had found her a collar with a bell on it, signaling her arrival or departure anytime she moved about. 
“Just not too late,” Sam said at last, nodding his head as Rosemary carried the covered casserole out towards them, “You know the usual times.” He replied as his lips grew into a smile. Kim walked towards him, bending over to give him a tight hug before they left.
“We’ll be safe,” She promised, not wanting to give him anymore stress, “And we’ll be back before curfew.” She added, trying to make it seem a little better. Billy nudged her a second later, giving her a disapproving look. She smiled in return. 
“I know,” Sam said softly, “Have fun. Give them our love.” He nodded towards both of them, leaving her feeling pretty excited. She liked feeling like her and Billy could be trusted again. Especially after her stupid mistakes. 
“Did you talk to them on the phone?” Billy asked once they were inside the car, the casserole snuggled comfortable in the backseats.
“Steve called again,” She replied as she buckled into her seat, “Uh, he sounded a little stressed.” She explained as she thought about the phone call once again. He had sounded more than stressed, very frazzled. 
“Yeah?” Billy looked at her curiously, raising his eyebrows before he slid a pair of sunglasses over his eyes. Kim held her fingers together, trying to think of the best way to describe how the phone call had gone. 
“I could hear the baby crying too,” She added, “I thought maybe if we went over we could give them a break.” She said honestly. She was sure Gina was still sore, hurting even. She probably needed a lot of rest. 
“A crying baby is very romantic.” Billy teased as he set off down the road. She chewed on her bottom lip, moving her hair out of her face as the wind swept against her as he rolled the windows down. 
“I’m sorry,” She said sheepishly, “You were stacking your cigarettes up.” She said in defense of herself, enjoying the way his eyes twinkled in amusement. 
“I was comparing which brand has the best durability.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders, turning towards her gleefully as the wind whipped around them. She pulled her lips up into a smile as she listened to him. 
“Sounds like a fun science project.” She teased him as she turned her attention past him, enjoying the blue from the ocean as it settled over the sandy shore. She really wanted to go swimming with him again. Hopefully it would be warm enough soon. 
“Pearl got tired of jumping over boxes,” He mumbled as he fidgeted with the radio until he found something that he was satisfied with, “That was fun.” He added a second later, making Kim smile as she recalled it. Perhaps they could do it again once Pearl was a little bigger. 
Billy exited the car first, moving fast so he could pull her door open. She giggled as he took her hands, enjoying the way he squeezed their fingers together before he helped her up. She watched as he crawled into the backseat, unable to keep her eyes from wandering as she took in the curve of his ass. 
Kim’s suspicions were confirmed as they walked up the driveway, already able to hear Jennifer crying from the inside. Billy sighed deeply as he held the casserole dish to his chest, looking less than excited about what they were going to do. Kim thought it would still be nice to help.
Steve appeared a few seconds later, looking rather drained as he pulled the door open. His hair was unruly, his cheeks flushed and bags underneath his eyes. He held Jennifer in his arms, bouncing her softly as she continued to cry.
“Hey,” He spoke up, exhaling deeply as he held the door wide open for them, “C’mon in.” His voice was dull, dry as he exposed the messy room. Kim entered slowly with Billy, glancing around at the rather messy house. She was surprised at how fast babies made messes.
“Rosemary made a casserole,” She spoke up first, watching the way Billy’s lip curled up as he continued to watch Steve bounce the baby in his arms. Her cries seemed to only grow louder the more he moved her, “Where’s Gina?”
“Trying to sleep,” Steve sighed as he looked back down at Jennifer, trying to place a pacifier in her mouth, “You can put it in the kitchen.” He replied as he led them in that direction. Kim caught Billy’s eye, wondering if he also noticed that Steve’s pants were on backwards. 
“Where’s Tommy?” Billy asked as he slid the dish inside of the fridge. Kim slowly began to place leftover pieces of sandwich wrappers into an empty take out bag. Maybe they’d appreciate it if they cleaned up for them. 
“Bastard bought a hotel room,” Steve grumbled, “She’s just colicky.” He said in defense of his daughter. Kim peeked at her, glad that her lungs were at least better. Things could certainly be worse. 
“That happens,” Kim nodded along, not having a clue if that really happened or not, “Where’s Gina sleeping?” She asked, feeling like she should visit her first. She wondered if it was hard to move around after giving birth. 
“Upstairs trying to sleep,” Steve sighed, “We’ve been doing schedules but it’s not really working.” He shook his head as he switched back to a bottle. Billy leaned against the counter as he pulled out his carton of cigarettes. 
“I’m going to see her,” She said softly, “I’ll be right back.” She said as she climbed the stairs, trying to recall which room theirs was. There were more pictures decorated in the hallway, which she thought was a nice touch.
“Gina,” Kim introduced herself as she walked inside, looking around at the semi dark room, “Oh, Gina. What’s wrong?” She asked, hearing Gina’s sniffles before she saw her teary cheeks. 
“I feel like an awful mom,” Gina sobbed, “She keeps crying and I don’t know how to make her stop. She won’t latch on to me but she doesn’t like any of the formulas I’ve tried. She seems to want to be held but sometimes she screams worse when we pick her up. I think she hates me.” She spit out all at once, sounding frustrated once again. Kim felt bad as she crawled into the bed next to her, offering her shoulder as a safe place. 
“She doesn’t hate you,” Kim reassured her quickly, “She’s just a fussy baby. She can’t talk so we don’t know what she needs. You’re doing your best. Resting is a good idea. You can’t do a lot for her if you’re frustrated.” She said honestly as Gina buried her face into the crook of Kim’s neck. 
“I’m the worst.” She whined, grumbling as her sniffles slowly began to die down. Kim moved a little bit, trying to fix the pillows behind Gina’s head so she could get comfortable. 
“No,” Kim spoke quickly as she helped Gina get tucked in, “It’s good that you’re asking for help. You don’t want to get frustrated either. Just get some sleep. You’ll feel better after.” She told her with a smile, hoping that Gina would listen to her.
“Can you get me some water?” Gina asked hesitantly, “I asked Steve earlier, but he forgot I think.” She replied slowly, like she was afraid to even bring that up. 
“Of course,” Kim replied breezily, “Do you want anything else?” She asked, hoping that Gina would have an easier time once she wasn’t so stressed out. Gina shrugged her shoulders, thinking about it for a moment before she answered.
“Maybe some tylenol,” She said a second later, “Thank you. I really appreciate it.” She added, sighing as she slowly sunk back into the bed. Kim turned on her heel, tiptoeing down the stairs as she quickly retrieved the items for Gina. 
When she walked back downstairs for good, Jennifer was still fussing. She wasn’t crying as loud, but she was whining and whimpering. Steve kept cooing, like he was trying to make it better. Billy was sitting fairly far away, looking like he didn’t want to be too close. 
“I don’t know what she wants,” Steve huffed out, “I just wish there was a way to know what she needs.” He sounded exhausted, near tears as he looked down at her once again. Kim shifted on her feet, wishing she knew what to tell him. Apparently those baby books didn’t cover everything. 
“Do you want me to hold her?” Billy asked, taking her by surprise. He met her eye, shrugging his shoulders as he held his hands out. Steve stared at him for a long moment, like he was trying to decide whether it was a good idea or not. 
“Don’t drop her,” Steve warned, “Seriously, she’s fragile.” He said as he slowly walked forward, a guilty expression written on his features. 
“No I thought she was a Stretch Armstrong,” Billy sassed back with a roll of his eyes, “Just give me the little goblin.” He held his hands out in a more dramatic manner this time, waiting. 
“She’s not a-,” Steve sighed, apparently shaken down as he handed Jennifer to Billy, “I’ll be right back with a new bottle.” He replied, wrinkling his nose up as he shook his arms out. He still looked flushed, like he’d grown too warm while holding her. 
“You look cute with a baby,” She teased Billy once Steve was gone, fiddling around loudly in the kitchen, “I think they’re stressed.” She whispered underneath her breath as she brushed her fingers through Jennifer’s thick hair.
“Who wouldn’t be?” Billy snorted as he balanced Jennifer in his arms, “Our baby won’t be demonic like this one.” He said as he met her eyes, sending her a playful wink. She laughed, wondering how he thought he could predict that. 
“Mhm,” She drew out, enjoying how soft Jennifer’s hair was against her fingertips, “Maybe we could help them a little bit?” She asked, watching the way he slowly nodded his head.
“Make sure he doesn’t burn the house down,” He said as another loud clang rang from the kitchen. Jennifer stirred, her whines growing louder again, “No wonder you can’t sleep, huh?” Billy asked her, chuckling at the way her lips pouted out.
Kim listened to him, deciding that would be a good idea. She walked hesitantly around the corner, almost afraid of what she would find. She wondered when Steve had slept last, if Jennifer ever slept at all. 
“Is everything okay?” Kim asked Steve softly, noticing the frantic way he was testing the milk against his skin, “I mean, you look a little stressed.” She said awkwardly, not enjoying the way he exhaled in irritation. 
“Gee, thanks,” Steve replied sarcastically as he looked towards Kim, “It may have to do with the screaming baby.” He winced, shaking his hand off as the milk was clearly too warm. She shook his attitude away, understanding that he was clearly just overwhelmed. 
“Right,” She breathed in deeply, “I was just trying to suggest that maybe you should get some rest too. You could take a little break and rest up there  for a while.” She said, thinking that Gina might like the company. 
“I can’t leave Jennifer here alone while she’s like this,” He grumbled, “I just wish that she would- Do you hear that?” He stopped suddenly, turning pale as if he had seen a ghost. She pressed her limbs close together, concerned with his reaction. 
“Hear what?” She asked him seriously, hoping that he wasn’t having some sort of breakdown from lack of sleep and stress. He shook his head, dropping the bottle onto the counter with a loud thud. He turned, paused, and then grabbed the bottle once again. 
“Oh God,” Steve pushed around her, panic filling his features as he raced out of the large kitchen, through the dining room and into the living room, “What are you doing?” He demanded, looking at Billy in horror.
“Rocking it- I mean her,” Billy corrected himself quickly, his dark eyebrows pulled together tightly, “Why?” He looked offended, his nose scrunching up as he adjusted Jennifer in his arms. Kim leaned over, looking at the way she was sleeping peacefully. 
“She’s not-,” Steve took a step back, nearly dropping the bottle as he held both hands on his hips, “How did you do that?” He asked, mystified as he ran his hands through his hair. The action made his hair stick up in all sorts of directions. 
“Well I positioned her here against my arm and my chest,” Billy replied dryly, giving her a soft lift to show how normally he was holding Jennifer, “Not exactly rocket science.” He replied as he turned his attention back towards the TV. He looked rather comfortable, as did she. 
“I could kiss you.” Steve exclaimed with a wide grin, his excitement bursting across his features as he held his hands out like it was a miracle. Kim felt a smirk press against her lips as she turned towards Billy. 
“I’m getting paid to babysit, not for being a prostitute.” He retorted, shaking his head as he turned his attention back towards the game. Steve still looked bewildered, like he couldn’t believe what had just happened. 
“See,” Kim grinned as she stepped towards Billy, “Everything is fine.” She said with a smile as she leaned against the side of the chair. Billy turned his gaze up towards her, smiling smugly as he leaned his head against the side of her arm. 
“How did you get her to stop crying?” Steve asked as he moved forward, holding his hands on his hips as he inspected Jennifer over and over. He looked critical, like he was waiting for her to wake up and start sobbing again. She stayed quiet, burrowing herself deeper into Billy’s warm arms. 
“I don’t fucking know,” Billy replied as he shrugged his shoulders, “What is this, twenty one questions?” He asked as he moved his head away from Kim’s arm, sounding irritated once again. 
“Forty five minutes,” Steve said frantically as he pressed the bottle and the throw up rag into Kim’s hands, “All I need is a forty five minute nap and I’ll be fine.” He held up two fingers, looking like he was debating about saying something else before he muttered underneath his breath and raced upstairs.
“They act like it’s hard,” Billy grumbled, not even rocking Jennifer as she slumbered peacefully in his arms, “You’re not so bad, are you?” He teased her before he brought a can of Coke up to his lips. She moved to the other side of him, joining him on the couch as she got a better look. 
“You’re like a baby whisperer.” She said, smiling into his shoulder as she watched Jennifer’s little lips curl into a smile. Apparently she just wanted some Billy snuggles. Kim didn’t blame her. 
“All I’m doing is holding her.” Billy responded as he shook his head, looking like it was no big deal. She wiggled up to his other side, taking the opportunity to snuggle with him. 
“Yeah, but she’s not crying,” She grinned at him, “Or maybe she just really likes you.” She added, teasing him as she thought about it. She wished she had brought his camera with them. She could’ve gotten some cute pictures of them. 
“She is cute,” He smiled as he looked down at Jennifer’s slumbering form, “This is pretty easy.” He said, like he didn’t understand what Gina and Steve had been complaining about. Kim agreed for the time being. She was cute. 
“Yeah, until she throws up on you.” She said suddenly, recalling that she had heard about that a lot. She wrinkled her nose at the thought, unable to bear the thought of getting covered in vomit. 
“Ew,” Billy grumbled, “You think she does that a lot?” He glanced down at Jennifer, raising his eyebrow like he was waiting to do something. She stayed silent, her little fists tucked up to her chest as she continued to suck on her bottom lip. 
“I’m pretty sure Steve’s shirt was covered in it,” She said seriously as she thought about it more, “And babies throw up a lot. I think.” She said, really not knowing. It had been a long time since Max was a baby. 
“Okay, that brings you down some cuteness points.” Billy cooed towards her, making Kim sit back in wonder as she watched him. Her stomach fluttered in an odd way at the way he spoke. She was sure she’d never heard him use that tone before.
“You really like kids, don’t you?” She asked, teasing him softly as he turned his attention back towards her. She really could see him being a good teacher suddenly. He shrugged his shoulders, but she could see how much he was enjoying it. 
“They’re alright.” He replied, then turned his attention back towards Jennifer who had startled to wiggle around. She stopped a minute later, apparently just wanting a position change. 
“Do you want a snack?” Kim asked suddenly as she pulled herself away, “I’m kind of hungry.” She admitted, wishing that they would’ve stopped somewhere before they came. 
“Uh, yeah,” He replied as his eyes followed her, “But good luck. I didn’t see anything good in there.” She slowly made her way to the kitchen again, picking up the discarded empty wrappers and throwing them away. She opened the fridge next, glancing at the few cans of Coke and carton of eggs that were inside. The only real ting to eat was Rosemary’s casserole. In other words, it was bare. 
“Should we make them food or something?” She asked as she stood up straight again, jumping at how he’d suddenly appeared next to her, “Or order it?” She asked, looking over curiously until she saw the little crib he’d left Jennifer in. 
“Or we could make something for us and they can have leftovers.” He snorted as he pulled open cupboards and drawers, confirming that there was nothing anywhere. Except for baby formula and bottles. There were a lot of bottles. 
“Maybe they haven’t had time to go grocery shopping,” Kim suggested as she looked around, “Do you know which hotel Tommy is at? Maybe he could get something for them.” She said, feeling bad that their whole house was barren. 
“Hold on,” Billy spoke up, rummaging in Steve’s wallet with one hand until he pulled out a large wad of cash, “You wanna shop for them?” He asked mischievously, making her eyes widen at how much he had in his hands.
“You don’t think they’ll wake up and wonder where their baby is?” She asked him curiously, wondering if it would even be safe to do that. She had no idea how to soothe Jennifer if she started crying like that again. 
“I don’t think they’re waking up anytime soon.” Billy responded as he stuck the money in his pocket, apparently already taken with the idea. She thought about it for a moment, thinking that it really would help Steve and Gina out. 
“Okay,” Kim replied slowly, “Do you know how to work a carseat?” She asked as she walked back into the living room, staring at the alien object. She brushed her foot against it, watching the way it teetered for a moment. 
“I guess we’ll figure it out,” He shrugged as he shifted Jennifer back into his arms, “Maybe she’ll like the car ride.” He suggested as he brushed his fingers across her small back. Kim watched her for a moment as another thought popped into her head. 
“Should we make sure she’s not like-,” She paused as she tried to find her right words, “Dirty first?” She questioned at last, fearing what would happen if she needed to be changed while at the store. She really wasn’t sure if she’d know what to do. 
“Change her?” Billy’s eyes were a little wide as he questioned her, his movements stalling as he turned to look at the slumbering baby. He wrinkled his nose up, apparently not finding her cute anymore. 
“When was the last time she went?” She questioned, unsure if there was a written record or not. It seemed odd to ask, but this was also something she wasn’t experienced in. 
“Surely they have like-,” Billy paused, “Do babies have a schedule?” He asked next, apparently just as clueless as what she was. Perhaps babysitting wasn’t in their future. 
“Better safe than sorry I guess.” She said at last, digging through the rather large diaper bag that had been tossed onto one of the chairs. She pulled free a diaper, then grabbed a thing of wipes.
“So,” Billy paused for a moment, “How do we do this?” He sat back on his knees with her, looking down at Jennifer who was resting on a blanket they had found. They’d gotten as far as unsnapping her little onesie, but her diaper was still attached. 
“You just-,” She stalled as she looked down at Jennifer, who was anything but pleased. She blinked at the both of them, clearly unimpressed, “You just change her diaper.” She said at last, thinking that it sounded simple enough. 
“How?” He asked once again as she slowly unsnapped both sides of Jennifer’s diaper. She paused, snapping it again before once again unsnapping it. Just so she could remember how it went on. 
“Take the dirty one off and put the clean one on.” She replied as she pulled her hands away, hoping that he would be the one to take the dirty one off. She didn’t want to touch it. By the look on his features, he didn’t either. 
“You do it if you’re so smart.” He remarked as he shook his head, looking like this was where his baby duties ended. She chewed on her bottom lip. 
“I’m just saying,” Kim replied quickly, “Just take it off and I’ll put the clean one on.” She said with a nod of her head, figuring that would be the easiest thing to do. She could attach the clean one while he disposed of the dirty one. 
“Do we need to wipe her though?” He asked slowly, “What if it’s something else?” He added, sounding a little horrified as she met his eyes. She raised her eyebrows, sighing as she quickly realized what he meant. 
“Oh,” Kim nodded along, “Let’s find some gloves first.” She said finally, standing to search through the bag once again. She finally found a pair for the both of them, strapping up for their own protection.
It wasn’t bad, other than Jennifer clearly didn’t like being handled in such a way. She kept trying to wiggle away, then fussed even more when Kim tried to get her outfit buttoned up once again. She quickly handed her to Billy, deciding that he’d have more luck getting her to calm down once again. 
“I feel like we’re babynapping,” Kim said, watching as Billy fumbled with the seat buckle, “You know, like kidnapping but for a baby.” She clarified, watching as Billy finally got the seat strapped in. 
“Abducting works too.” He replied as he glanced towards her, grinning like he was amused at her words. She nodded her head in agreement. Abduction was certainly an umbrella term. 
“Oh yeah,” Kim drew out, “That certainly does work too. Are we abducting her?” She asked for clarification, fearing what would happen if Steve or Gina called the cops on them. She thought about running in and leaving a note, thinking that it would be safe. 
“Do you want to keep her?” Billy asked in amusement as he turned on the car. The music must’ve been a little too loud, because if on cue Jennifer started to cry once again. 
“Well,” She stammered for a moment, “I mean no. She’s cute but I don’t want to steal her.” Kim didn’t want to be rude, but she certainly didn’t want a crying baby right now. It would be hard to do a lot of things with her. 
“So are we abducting her?” He asked her as he set down the road, driving slowly with the music off. Jennifer’s cries slowly died down, relaxing until she was sleeping once again. 
“You’ve got some attitude today,” She observed with a grin, noting how sassy he was, “You alright?” She asked him seriously, hoping that nothing was bothering him. Perhaps it wasn’t the best day to visit. Maybe it would’ve been better to stay at home. 
“I think it’s just the cravings,” He mumbled, looking a little apologetic as he turned towards her, “I’m fine though. Sorry.” He said as he reached over and gripped her thigh. He gave her a reassuring squeeze, looking serious as she rested her hand over his. 
“I was just teasing you,” She said with a smile, “How much money did you grab?” She asked him seriously, wondering if they should make a list of what they needed. It would be hard, she really didn’t know what Steve or Gina liked. 
“All of it.” Billy answered honestly, keeping his fingers across her knee. He slowly brushed his fingers across her skin, sending goosebumps spreading through her body. 
“That’s probably his paycheck.” She told him, wondering how much they needed to set aside for their other bills. She was glad she didn’t have to worry about that yet. 
“He shouldn’t have left it out,” He said with a shrug, “Plus they can’t live off of breast milk.” He replied as he wrinkled his nose up, making her laugh in agreement. That didn’t sound like the best thing to survive off of. 
“That sounds uncomfortable,” She said honestly as she covered her hands over her chest, “Really uncomfortable.” She admitted, a little horrified at the thought. She wondered how Gina did it, how anyone did it. 
“I heard your tits get even bigger when you’re pregnant.” He replied slyly, smirking as he turned his attention towards her. She felt her body suddenly warm at the way his eyes shifted down towards her chest. 
“You’re funny,” She replied with a flush, “But do they really?” She asked him seriously, not knowing that fact either. She looked down at her chest in wonder, pondering if they could get any bigger. 
“That’s what Steve said.” Billy responded as he pulled into the parking lot. Kim didn’t say it, but she thought it was fairly clear that Gina already had large boobs whereas Kim’s had always been small. She shrugged off the thought as she got herself unbuckled. 
“I can get her.” She replied as she crawled inside the back of the car. She fumbled with the seatbelt for a minute, trying to get it unlatched for what felt like the longest time. Jennifer stirred a little bit, moving her little fists once again until she calmed back down. 
“Good,” He said from behind her, “I like the view.” She turned quickly, snapping her head in his direction as she confirmed that he really was staring at her backside. She shook her head, hiding her grin as she slowly pulled the seatbelt free. 
“Mhm,” He replied with a cheesy smile, “I really do.” She jolted forward as his hand connected with her cheek, making her gasp as she swatted blindly behind her. He laughed as she slowly began to move the car seat, then froze as Jennifer remained stuck in her spot. Something else must be attached. 
“How do you pull it out?” She asked in confusion, worried that she might shake Jennifer too hard. Billy raised his eyebrow before he moved in next to her. 
“Uh,” Billy leaned over, squeezing in next to her to look, “I unclipped that thing and pulled it out.” He directed her, his body warm as he leaned against her. She resisted the urge to curl up next to him. 
“Like this?” She asked in confusion, her hands not quite getting it the first time. She wondered why car seats were so difficult. 
“Untwist it,” He replied gently as he placed her hand over his to do it, “There. Like that?” He directed her, making her hands twitch from the electricity that raced up her arms. She breathed in deeply, pulling her lips into a secret smile. 
“Is she heavy?” She asked as she slowly began to move her this time. Billy gave her waist a reassuring squeeze, then kissed her cheek. She giggled softly, enjoying his sweet lips before she began to move Jennifer again. 
“Not really,” He stood back, watching as she gently pulled the carrier free, “Do you think she is?” He asked as she straightened out, balancing the baby carrier in both of her hands. She moved gently, trying not to bump Jennifer around too much. 
“Um,” She paused, “Maybe after a while.” She said seriously, seeing how the carriers could get heavy. She peeked down at the baby, confirming that she was once again fast asleep. 
“We’ll get a cart anyways,” He said as he gripped her waist, then walked forward, “Let’s go.” He directed as he pulled them forward. He took Jennifer from her, giving her arms a little break as he situated the car seat into the cart. 
“What should we get them?” She asked, looking down as Jennifer slowly fluttered her eyes open. She stared up at them for a moment, her brown eyes filled with judgment before she shut them again, “I mean, I don’t know what they like.” She told him, looking at the way he thought about it for a moment. 
“I guess just stuff we like,” He said with a shrug of his shoulders, “And then we can go from there.” He said, smiling as he gave her the cart. She pushed it along, following him down the different aisles as she did her best to stay focused. 
Billy handled most of the vegetable items while she settled on adding little items such as sugar and flour. As well as the occasional sweet. She got some frozen foods as well, thinking back to what Gina and Steve had before. 
“Wow that?” Kim asked as she stared at the price, “The great value is so much cheaper and basically the same.” She pointed out, eyes a little wide as Billy put the most expensive hamburger into the cart. 
“I doubt either of them have ever had great value items,” He replied with a knowing smile, “Plus, it’s Steve’s money.” He shrugged his shoulders, looking like he wasn’t too concerned about cost. She thought about it for a moment, supposing that he was right. She wondered if either of them had ever grocery shopped before either. 
“Do you think our payment could be a candy bar?” She asked as she leaned against him, smiling as he fully engulfed her. She breathed in his strong cologne as she rested her cheek against his. He chuckled, about to respond when someone approached. 
“Is this your baby?” The woman looked at them, cooing down at the baby carrier, “She’s so sweet.” Kim stammered for a moment, flushing as she tried to get her tongue to work. She suddenly realized that they probably did look like Jennifer’s parents. 
“A bit whiny like her mama, but she’s sweet.” Billy teased, sending Kim a sly wink before she could protest that Jennifer wasn’t theirs. She pressed her lips tightly together, trying to hide the bubbles that were boiling inside of her stomach. She was close to giggling, breaking down at the part they were playing.
“How sweet,” The lady nodded along as she looked back down at Jennifer, “Congratulations to you both. I hope you have many more.” She said, taking Kim by surprise as she leaned forward and placed her palm across her belly. She jolted back, not expecting to be touched in such a way. 
“That was fun,” Billy commented, laughing once the woman was out of sight, “Too bad our baby is a stinky cat.” He said as he placed a chaste kiss against her cheek. She laughed, knowing that Pearl was as much his kitty as she was Kim’s. 
“She is not stinky.” She said in defense of her cat, then turned and walked down the next aisle. 
“Which one do you like better?” He asked as he brought another taco up to her mouth, barely leaving her time to swallow the bite in her mouth before she took another. She licked the excess grease from her lips, thinking as the flavors melted in her mouth. 
“I think the chicken,” She said truthfully, chewing the bite that he’d just offered her, “But the meat isn’t bad in this one either.” She said as she watched him take another bite. They’d stopped for tacos after their shopping, then taken turns feeding each other since then. 
They had stocked the fridge but then went ahead and decided to make the meals as they were sure neither Gina or Steve would be able to make it. They cleaned at the same time, listening to popular songs from the radio as Jennifer slept in the makeshift crib. They’d successfully fed her a bottle as well as done another diaper change since they’d been back. 
“What should we make next?” He asked as he leaned over her, his long hair pulled back out of his face as he looked down at the remaining items curiously. They’d already made different pastas, set up various soups and steps on how to make protein and vegetables. 
“Maybe something easy?” She suggested before she took another bite from the taco, “Maybe like chicken salad. Or tuna. Or egg salad.” She teased him, liking the way he wrinkled his nose up in disgust. She supposed it wasn’t a bad idea, considering the surplus of eggs. 
“Yeah, I'll let you do that,” He said gently as he rested his chin on the crook of her neck, “You smell nice.” He mumbled as he squeezed her tightly, then brushed his nose against the side of her cheek. She giggled at the feeling of his cold nose. 
“Like what?” She asked him curiously, blinking slowly at the fond look that filled his eyes. It made her heart hammer, her veins spark as she realized just how much he cared for her. It was sweet.
“Kind of like cherries,” He said at last after he had thought about it for a moment, “Sweet.” He replied as he leaned forward, letting his lips brush against hers slowly. 
It didn’t last long. 
Jennifer’s cries paused them, making Billy groan as he dropped his head. He sighed deeply, making Kim grin as he slowly dragged his feet towards the living room. She took the time to put the finished dishes away, hoping that Steve and Gina would appreciate a clean kitchen. 
Billy entered, already having Jennifer calmed down as he took another drink from his water. He sat down in one of the high chairs, mumblings something about Jennifer being far too needy. 
“Can I try and hold her?” Kim asked, looking down at the judgemental baby unsure. She didn’t want to disturb Jennifer, but she really did want to snuggle with her. She hadn’t really gotten a chance thus far. 
“Yeah,” Billy responded gently, moving his arm just a smidge so she could pick Jennifer up, “She’s warm.” He commented, making her nod in agreement as she held her close to her chest. Jennifer stared, her eyes big and brown as another displeased look settled over her features. 
“Hi, cutie pie,” Kim grinned as she sat down next to Billy, holding the little bundle in her arms, “Oh, she really is cute.” She commented as she brushed her finger across Jennifer’s cheek. She just kept staring, like she was trying to figure out if she liked Kim or not.
“She’s not easily impressed,” Billy commented as he looked down at her with Kim, “We like Kim. She’s nice.” He replied as he slowly dragged his finger from Jennifer’s temple down to her nose. Her eyes fluttered, thick eyelashes closing and then opening as a small smile formed on her lips.
“She’s cute,” Kim said with a soft laugh, grinning as Jennifer stretched out once again, “How did you do that?” She asked him curiously, watching the way he slowly raised his eyes to meet her. He pressed his lips into a soft grin. 
“My mom used to do that when I wouldn’t nap,” He said as he leaned back into his chair, “Or if I had a nightmare. I don’t know. It just always felt nice.” He replied slowly, leaving her feeling soft as she thought about little Billy and Rosemary. 
“When did you two get here?” Tommy’s voice startled both of them, making Kim cradle Jennifer closer at the way she began to fuss once again. She bounced her softly, the same way she’d seen Steve do earlier as she slowly began to calm down. 
“Have you been sleeping this whole time?” Billy asked him, his dark eyebrows wrinkled together as he stared at him in disbelief. Tommy’s right side of his face was all red, and his eyebrow was sticking up in an odd way. His hair was fairly unruly too. 
“Uh,” He glanced at the time, “Yes.” He said as he wiped at his mouth, like he was afraid he was drooling. He moved his palms over the front of his crotch, like he was trying to hide the fact that he was only in briefs. Kim awkwardly turned away. 
“Didn’t you get a hotel room?” She asked softly, but kept her attention on Jennifer’s big eyes as she looked around the ceiling curiously. She listened as Tommy shuffled about, cursing as he slipped on a pair of pants.
“I did,” He said as he tugged a tank top over his head, “But I thought I’d come back and help. I felt bad, you know? I figured she was sleeping.” He explained himself, glancing at the way Kim had Jennifer wrapped up in her arms.
“She is now,” Billy commented as he leaned back against the counter lazily, “She wasn’t earlier.” He said in disdain, turning to Jennifer with his nose curled up. Kim suddenly understood why they got along so well.
The sound of heavy footsteps on the stairs made their conversation stall, all of them turning their attention to the stumbling and cursing as it rang through the room. 
“Good God,” Steve stumbled into the dining room, his hair sticking up in every direction and half of his face red. Kim was sure that he had drool stains on his face as well. She felt her face burn, trying to ignore his hairy chest and how he was only in a pair of tight briefs. She wondered if all men only slept in the undies, “How long was I out?” He asked, sounding as if he had been sleeping for years. 
“You should shower,” Billy answered instead, “You reek.” He held his nose up, speaking bluntly. Kim looked towards Billy and shook his head, but couldn’t deny that it looked like Steve did have a fair amount of baby vomit littered on his skin. 
“Is she okay?” Steve asked in panic, ignoring Billy’s comment as he stepped forward. He looked down at Jennifer, panic filling his eyes like he couldn’t believe that she had been this calm for so long. 
“She’s fine right now,” Kim grinned as she watched the way Jennifer’s big brown eyes searched the room, “We put a pot roast on for whenever you two are ready.” She said, enjoying the way Jennifer wiggled her way closer to Kim. 
“Two?” Tommy spoke up, looking offended as he furrowed his eyebrows together. Kim felt a little sheepish suddenly, feeling like her and Billy had forgotten that Tommy lived there too. 
“Sorry,” She said with a smile, “Three.” She clarified with a nod of her head. Tommy held his hands up, sighing as he reached for a cigarette. Steve quickly snatched it, shaking his head before he moved the carton away to Tommy’s annoyance. 
“I’ll pay both of you to live here if you just watch her all the time.” He said seriously, holding his palms together like he was begging. Billy snorted. 
“Do I look like a nanny?” He asked seriously, turning to Kim to give her an irritated look. Like he couldn’t believe that Steve had suggested such a thing. 
“I’m going to shower,” Steve replied as he gave Jennifer two quick kisses on her forehead, “Then I’ll be right back.” He said frantically, like he was worried that they might all disappear and leave him with the baby before he was ready. 
“Take your time,” Billy replied, “She’s not going anywhere.” He replied dryly, making a face at Jennifer that she seemed to return. Kim shook her head, thinking about how good of a daddy he’d be one day. 
“Jesus,” Tommy paused for a moment before he placed his freckled hand over Kim’s, his jaw dropping in a stunned silence, “Holy fuck. You proposed?” His tone was full of surprise as he looked at the ring, glancing at the both of them in surprise. 
“I did.” Billy said slowly, pulling his lips into a smile as he watched Kim. She felt her lips curl into a grin again as she met his gleeful expression. She brushed her foot against his. 
“You didn’t tell me?” Tommy looked at Billy horrified, like it was something he should’ve run by him first. It made her laugh. 
“Spur of the moment type of thing,” Billy admitted softly, “I’m telling you now.” He said as he shrugged his shoulders, like that explanation should be good enough. 
“Bastard,” Tommy responded with a grin from ear to ear, “That’s fantastic. I’m happy for both of you.” He said as he clapped Billy roughly on the shoulder, making Billy wince as he did so. He brushed Tommy aside quickly. 
“Thank you,” Kim said gently, “It was very romantic.” She said honestly, feeling like it couldn’t be anymore perfect. She thought it would be very cute to tell their kids one day too. 
“Oh I bet,” He said with a sly smirk, “Our Billy is such a sweetheart. Did he ever tell you how he got Patti-,” He started, only to go silent at the way Billy lurched forward. 
“Ah, ah,” Billy quickly cut him off, “Don’t.” He shook his head, giving Tommy a warning look that the other boy quickly understood. Tommy mumbled something as he rubbed at his shoulder, like he was pretending he hadn’t said anything at all. 
“What?” She asked quickly as she looked between them, “What happened? What did he do?” She questioned quickly, feeling like she desperately needed the answer to it. Billy exhaled roughly, his cheeks slightly flushed as he shook his head. 
“Did you enjoy your time with Uncle Billy and Aunt Kim?” Steve’s voice was the perfect distraction for Billy as they turned their attention to Steve. He was freshly showered, in clean clothes as he walked towards them. He smiled down at Jennifer, giving Kim a soft look before he lifted Jennifer up.
She was flattered that Steve would refer to her and Billy in such a way. She figured that she wouldn’t really get to ever use the aunt card unless Max changed her mind and decided to have children one day. Which she was adamant on not doing. 
“Oh,” Tommy sat up a little straighter, “He gets the uncle card but I just get called Tommy.” He sassed back as he looked at Steve in irritation. 
“Yeah because you bought a fucking hotel room,” Steve responded dryly as he bounced Jennifer, “You’re so happy now. Did you have fun?” He cooed in response, bringing his finger up towards Jennifer’s pouty lip. 
“Did you sleep alright?” Kim asked curiously, hoping that they at least got some rest, “Is Gina alright? I should’ve gone to check on her again.” She said honestly, feeling a little bad that she didn’t peek in at her again. 
“Uh, I don’t know,” Steve admitted, having the decency to look a little sheepish, “She doesn’t like that I snore so I slept in the guest room.” He mentioned offhandedly as he continued to rock Jennifer back and forth. 
“I’ll go check on her,” She said as she slid out of her stool, feeling like Gina should get some attention on her too, “I’ll be right back.” She said as she briefly kissed Billy’s cheek, giving him a reassuring smile before she climbed the stairs once again.
She tried not to linger on what Gina and Steve had both mentioned. It sounded like they were just too busy, too stressed with the new baby to really take care of one another. She wondered if she should have Billy mention something about taking care of Gina too. 
“Hi,” She said softly as she entered the room, pausing as Gina was already trying to sit up, “Do you want the light on?” She asked softly, flipping it on once Gina gave her approval.
“You’re still here?” Gina asked in surprise, raising her eyebrows like she didn’t expect it. She wrinkled her eyebrows together, exhaling as she rubbed her hand tenderly over her stomach. 
“We did some grocery shopping,” Kim replied as she sat down next to her, “How are you feeling?” She asked curiously, watching as Gina sat up a little straighter. She nodded her head as she pushed her hair from her face. 
“A lot better,” She told Kim, “You didn’t have to do all of that.” She responded with a tired look in her eyes, her bags a little heavy as Kim gently brushed her hand against her shoulders. She felt bad. She hoped that her pregnancy wouldn’t be as bad. 
“We wanted to,” Kim said honestly, “It was kind of like playing house.” She admitted gleefully, grinning as she thought about the events of the day. It was a lot of fun. At least for the time being. 
“Thank you,” Gina mumbled into Kim’s chest as she hugged her tightly, “I feel so silly.” She groaned, sounding irritated before she exhaled quickly. Kim didn’t think that she was silly at all. 
“You are silly,” Kim replied as she tapped the top of Gina’s frizzy hair, “Apparently Billy has the magic touch.” She said honestly, still not quite sure how Billy had managed to make her calm down for so long. Perhaps it was the sleeping trick that he did. 
“Well lucky you,” Gina shook her head as she pulled away, “Steve’s former nanny said he was a colicky baby.” She said at last, shaking her head like she couldn’t believe what she’d gotten herself into. 
“See,” Kim grinned wildly, “It’s not your fault. It’s Steve’s.” She said as she brushed her shoulder against Gina’s, enjoying the way Gina’s stressful features relaxed.
She helped Gina get dressed, not realizing how weak someone could be after giving birth. Then again, Gina’s insides had been ripped out as Billy had so lovingly reminded her. It was a whole different scenario and the more Gina talked about her terrible experience, the more that Kim felt queasy at the idea of giving birth. 
She held an arm out for Gina as they walked down the stairs, unsure of how she managed to walk up them from how long it took to descend. She noticed the hardened look in Gina’s eyes when they were greeted with laughter, the three men chuckling over something that Jennifer had done.
“Look,” Kim introduced sweetly as she took hold of Gina’s hand, “She’s all rested. Did you guys want to eat yet?” She asked, watching as Billy walked towards them. He poked Gina’s forehead softly, making her snort before he wrapped Kim up into a big hug. She grinned as she held onto him. 
“Great,” Steve mumbled, watching the way Jennifer stared at Billy with wide eyes, “She’s gonna think he’s her daddy.” He pointed out, apparently not hearing what Kim had said at all. Gina just shrugged her shoulders as she stared at him, like she was waiting for him to say something else.
“I could eat.” She said at last, her eyes stony as Steve continued to give his attention to Jennifer. Kim felt something shift in the air, something that she was fairly certain Steve didn’t notice by the way he continued to play with Jennifer’s little hands. Something was off.
“C’mon,” Billy replied as he wrapped his arm around Kim’s shoulders, continuing to pull her close to him, “We can get it for you.” He reassured softly, giving her a knowing look as he guided them towards the kitchen. She was glad suddenly that they didn’t have to worry about a baby on top of their other issues. She wasn’t sure how they would’ve made it work.
For now, things were fine. She was more than happy with that. 
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rogueddie · 2 months
For your consideration: ship of your choice pretends to be dating for April Fools Day. Shenanigans ensue
Oh, but this would be a perfect bit for so many ships. My first thought jumps to Steddie, as always, my beloveds, but also... Robin and Carol, in a modern au where they're both big online, like;
At first, the plan is to do something big to dispell the rumors that they hate each other. They're not close, but it's not hate. Irritation, maybe, but that's mostly because Robin is protective of Steve and doesn't like how she or Tommy talk about him.
But Carol would keep trying to up the ante when they're going over ideas. She thinks, because it's april fools, they should do something that would break the fans brains. Something that would be shocking, something that no one would expect...
No one would expect them to get engaged.
Robin would be hesitant to the idea, but it's hard to think of any excuse not to when Steve is also into the idea and encouraging Robin to do it.
He thinks it'd be funny and the perfect opportunity for her and Carol to reconcile. He's already used the planning as an excuse to talk with Carol and fix their previous issues.
So, Robin agrees.
She's the one that plants the first seed, a month before April.
It's supposed to be a fully censored moment, even pretending to joke about how "that needs to be cut out!"
But enough is left visible and audible for people to figure out that she's talking about wanting to get married. With the rest of the conversation, people start to speculate that she's been secretly dating someone for a while.
One person figures out that it's fake, that it's building up to April fools, but they also assume that the punchline is going to be Robin marrying Steve.
("We should have thought of that!" Steve would complain. "That'd be so funny and we could actually do it- for the tax benefits, you know?")
Carol plants the next, and final, hint a week before April fools. It's one of their big group videos, where she jokes about how funny it would be to announce a very real relationship on April fools day.
Robin and Steve, placed specifically close enough in the background to be visible, look to each other like it gave them a genius idea or revelation.
When April first finally arrives, Robin and Carol post pictures of their "engagement".
There was quite a few pictures they staged;
The one Carol posts is of the actual 'engagement', with Robin down on one knee whilst Carol acts shocked, thanking Jonathan on the caption for getting such a perfect picture.
Robin posts about the 'celebration'. She thanks Steve in her caption for helping her plan the perfect engagement and being there for her every step of the way.
And that is supposed to be it. They make their posts, then they never speak about it again.
"We should go out," Carol suggests, out of nowhere. "Have a picnic or something."
"What? Is that a good idea?"
"It'll be fun and make the fans go even crazier! Come on, live a little."
Robin looks to Steve who shrugs, looking as lost as she feels.
"Alright, sure, let's have a picnic."
Turns out, Carol had already packed a picnic basket. The park isn't too far either. It almost gives Robin whiplash with how fast they went from 'silly online prank' to a dangerously real feeling 'date'.
They're only approached by two fans who are, thankfully, respectful and quickly leave them to their 'date' once they have their photos.
But, by the end, Robin is feeling the queasy feeling of regret bubbling up.
She wishes it was a real date.
"This is it for the prank," Carol says as soon as they step back inside. "Agreed?"
"Right, yeah, whatever."
"Great, that's settled."
She steps in front of Robin when she starts to head back to her desk.
"I need to-"
"Go out with me. Tomorrow."
"Wh- the prank is over, Carol."
"Exactly." She takes half a step closer, reaching out to skim her fingertips along Robins arm. "Go out with me tomorrow."
Robin laughs, feeling breathless. "That- yeah, alright. Yes, tomorrow, a date."
"Don't stress," Carol smirks, giving her a slow look up and down. "We're already engaged, how hard can a second date be?"
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actuallysara · 2 years
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#DINAH Masterpost: Rafael & Ronen's M&Gs
This is all from memory, lots of quick notes taken after the meetings and other fans’ contributions so I apologize in advance if some things/dialogues are not 100% accurate. Photo credits to xkeelyx1
Ronen's Saturday M&G: • He just recently hung out with Liv Tyler. He misses her a lot on set and he hopes she will be back for the tarlos wedding considering both Carlos and Nancy are very close to her.
• His favourite Harry Styles songs right now are "Cinema" and "Boyfriends". • He thinks TK got into his addiction the same way he did. Just being around wrong people and bad influences in high school especially considering how New York is the biggest place for opioids. He said TK was probably a bad boy. TK and him are so similar it's weird. After reading his first script he thought playing the character would be kind of therapeutic for him. • The first two things that are on his bucket list are: teach the same theatre program in his high school that he started in and work with the students and be one of the coaches; and start an opioid program in Staten Island because that's the worst borough in New York for drugs. • He owes his life to one of his high school teachers who was like a mum for him in high school. • He would love to do theatre and Broadway at some point. He wants to do "Streetcar named Desire". That's one of his biggest dreams. • He thinks TK and Andrea’s relationship has got to bloom at some point. TK doesn't have a mother figure anymore. Tommy is his captain so Andrea would be perfect for that role. He would love to get more TK and Gabriel stuff too.   • Roxana is hilarious and amazing to work with. • Someone suggested TK could sing to Carlos at their wedding and he said that the perfect song would be "Heroes" by Enrique Iglesias. • He thinks a crossover in season 4 is pretty much given. They couldn't do one in season 3 because Covid killed their budget but he thinks their budget is gonna get back to normal soon. • The plan for season 3 was to have a two episodes crossover. • Team Buck or team Eddie? Probably team Buck since they had some scenes together in the crossover. • He would like to shoot a scene with Angela Bassett. • He really hopes we're gonna see Jonah. If he's not mistaken Tim has said we're probably gonna see Enzo at some point too. Enzo is a massive father figure for TK cause he was there when Owen wasn't. He wants Alexander Skarsgard to play the part. "TK is gonna have a crush on his step daddy, or well, step zaddy". Timothy Olyphant or Josh Duhamel would be cool too. • We're getting a big tarlos wedding. Tim wants to make sure they earn that. Rafael and him want to see them being engaged and not rushed into it. Things are probably not gonna go smooth all the time for them. • He really wants to get more Carlos backstory. "I need to see more, I don't know anything about Carlos as Ronen." A fan was like "where do you come from?" referring to Carlos and Ronen went "heaven". • He thinks TK would be a hot mess if Carlos were to get hurt. He wouldn't handle it stoically as Carlos and he would definitely try to kill the person who hurt him. That could also potentially put his sobriety at risk. He would love to do another fight scene. • He thinks a 911 Lone Star convention with the whole cast is feasible. 
Rafael's Saturday M&G: • He thinks Carlos has sisters, he can't be an only child. He definitely grew up with a lot of women in the house. • He thinks they're still playing it very safe with tarlos and that they're still being generic with their storylines. • In the 3x08 promo we see Carlos on the phone while the plane was going down. Carlos was trying to reach TK and he left him a voicemail. He remembered what the message was but he wouldn't tell us. • The cut dinner scene from season 1 was Carlos making dinner and him and TK were talking about Iris. But production changed the storyline so that scene didn't really make any sense anymore so that's why it got cut. TK was also feeling guilty about something "as always". He finds it so ridiculous that they keep using the still from that cut scene to promote the show everywhere. • He wants to see Carlos get hurt too but he's starting to take it personally that so many people want him to be in pain. • He thinks there's a huge difference in Carlos getting hurt and in police officer Reyes getting hurt. Because if it's Carlos getting hurt then that's more exclusive to TK and his family and potentially the 126; while if it's police officer Reyes getting hurt then that involves the department and literally everybody else. • He wants TK to think he got stood up at the wedding so bad. It could go that Carlos is on his way to the wedding and maybe an accident happens and there's traffic and he could get hurt there.  • He really wants a Carlos begins episode. He wants to see what kind of mistakes he makes cause that man's not perfect. • He brought up fanfiction out of nowhere. He hasn't read any and he was shocked to hear there are graphic ones. "Are there some orgies happening? Is that why it's so hot in here?" He asked for titles but we all refused. • Shooting the tarlos proposal was the most fun he had shooting a scene. That was the last shoot of the second to last day. • He finds it funny that people focused on the "fucking lizard" line during the proposal. • He might write a script rather than a book. • He wants to get Ronen back for always posting videos of him sleeping. A fan called Ronen "a little shit" for doing that and he absolutely lost it. About him reacting with his famous "Ronen": "I love Ronen, I really do. I understand him and I see him so that's why I react that way".
Tarlos Saturday M&G: • Ronen: "you guys made us the highest selling couple of the convention. I mean it's not a competition but..." Rafael laughing: "It's not a competition but fuck them all" • They got asked if they have any lgbtq+ couples or tv shows/movies they look up to. For Rafael it's "Weekend" and "God’s Own Country"; for Ronen it's "Moonlight". • A fan asked them about tarlos wearing shoes in bed during 2x12. They tried shooting the scene with them taking off their shoes but it didn't flow and it was mostly a security/technical matter since they literally had to walk through real fire. That would have just been an impediment to get the scene out. • Carlos having longer hair in season 3 was all Rafael. • They got asked who breaks character more often between the two and it's Rafael. Cause he doesn't shoot often with Julian, Natacha and Brian and shooting with them is both the best and worst time ever. They're all funny and always make him histerically laugh. During the scene when he goes into the firehouse in 3x07, Julian, Natacha and Brian wouldn't stop making him laugh and they had to adlib during that scene so they would just keep saying the dumbest stuff. In that scene Ronen adlibs "I'm not even a firefighter anymore". Jim says some crazy stuff too and at times it's really hard to keep going during scenes. • They got asked if they could choose another actor to play Carlos/TK who would they choose and Ronen didn't miss a beat and said that nobody else could ever play Carlos Reyes. Ronen: "This is the guy and I can't even begin to imagine somebody else in the part."  Rafael: "I've never encountered myself wishing that another actor would play his role" Ronen: "Except when I annoy him and take videos in secret and he's just "Ronen". There are so many videos that you've never seen". Rafael: "I like this guy and I'm not just saying that cause he said it." • Regarding the audition tapes. Rafael said he never wants to see them but those would probably explain why they're here right now. Their connection was right from the beginning. They barely spoke and the chemistry was just there. Ronen said he doesn't want to be mean but once Rafael auditioned he went to the producers and said "Do we even have to see the other guy?" cause there was just another actor auditioning for the part. • Rafael talked again about how they're playing it safe with tarlos and Ronen went "in Station 19 you have Danielle flashing Stefania and I'm like "why aren't we doing that???" Rafael: "Are you gonna wear a sock?" Ronen: "No" Rafael: "No?! No sock?! Lord" Ronen: "I'll wear underwear, the camera just won't see it." Rafael: "Are we still talking about it?!" • The scenes in 3x15 with the lizard were added two days before shooting the episode. Rafael didn't know the lizard was real at first and just shaked the box it was in. It didn't move at all so he thought it was fake and he ended up traumatizing the poor animal. • Rafael said he can actually picture Ronen doing something like that too, just picking up a random lizard and bringing it home and Rafael would just have the same reaction as Carlos and go "Ronen NO" • A fan mentioned how they would love to see them both doing theatre and Ronen went "Tarlos: a Broadway show. Or Tarlos: the musical" Rafael: "It would be the gayest thing ever". • Lighting has been a problem for the past 3 seasons. The scenes are shot beautifully but the filter they use just make them all look grey and it gets frustrating for them too because irl they don't look anything like that. But it definitely improved from season 1. • They would love to have Liv back for the tarlos wedding. • They didn't notice that the time the proposal happened at (3:18am) was also the number of the episode. • During Carlos' hospital monologue Rafael improvised the "Believe people when they tell you who they are". They shot the dream sequence first so in order to add something for Carlos to appear really mad, he got mad too and added that line. The dream sequence was a crazy day of shooting cause they had to keep putting Rafael in and out of the scene while Ronen was walking around the living room. • They both want the wedding to happen at the right time and for it to not be rushed.
Tarlos Sunday Breakfast: • Ronen mentioned how he was waiting for Rafael to do the tarlos photos the day before and that he stood in line with fans. Ronen: "You were late and I was in line waiting for you." Rafael: "Ronen, do you know the joy I get in having YOU wait for me" Ronen: "I'm pretty punctual" Rafael: "Yeah, we're not talking about that" Ronen: "on SET. Not the make up trailer" • Ronen is an iced coffee guy and he didn't know what Rafael drinks, which is hot black coffee. When he suggested he likes tea Rafael was so affronted. He judged Ronen for liking iced coffee because it's such an American thing. • A fan brought them a gift and they joked that it's for both of them. Rafael: "You give Ronen something and then I meet all of you and you go "I gave Ronen something for you" and I go??? Where is it???" We learned Ronen doesn't share alcohol. • Someone was talking about the heat and went "where's a paramedic when you need one" and Rafael pointed at Ronen and went "She's right here" • Rafael loves the dinner scene in 1x03 cause that's the scene that made him fall in love with tarlos. • Ronen's favourite scene always changes. The engagement is number 1 and then he loves the scenes where they talk about TK's sponsor in 3x13. • Rafael really got mad at the "You know he's straight, right?" line in that scene cause that’s such a stereotypical line among queer couples. For Ronen that just made it more real.
Rafael's Sunday M&G: • Not many questions were asked during this M&G cause it was mostly a conversation about the convention, Paris, the videos he recorded for fans and the show in general and what it means to people and how it helped lots of fans during the pandemic. • He talked a bit about his trip to Ireland and how he risked his life there by driving too close to the edge of a cliff. • "Eveyone's a child. Everyone goes to bed having ice cream and watching Pocahontas" • He has watched Heartstopper.
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sjsmith56 · 28 days
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Believe, Chapter 22 - Eyes of the Father
Summary: Lacey’s memories start returning. The Wakandans locate the jet she is in and plans are made to take her back.
Length: 4.6 K
Characters: Lacey, Bucky, Terry, Ross, Ayo, the Russians.
Warnings: Decision to eliminate Lacey, violence causing injury, Bucky still feeling guilty about leaving.
Author notes: More heroic Bucky!
<<Chapter 21
✈️ 💉
Over Europe
The memories were returning, wave after wave, like home movies of Lacey's life.  They weren't in any particular order but as soon as they appeared she knew where they belonged.  Some made her laugh and some cry but she accepted all of them, hungering for the information they gave her.  She was Lacey Williams, mother of Tommy, in love with Bucky Barnes, sister of Terry, Tom, and Nancy Williams, daughter of Frank and Linda Williams.  Even though she knew that all the memories of those people were incomplete she was still happy.  The brunette woman and the man had tied her up and gagged her to keep her vocalizations down as more of her life flooded into her brain but that didn't bother Lacey.  These were her memories, they belonged to her and the attempt to strip them from her had failed.  No matter what happened, even if they killed her, she knew who she was.
"What do we do?" asked the brunette woman in Russian.  "She was to be sold as a blank slate, able to be programmed or moulded to the client's specifications.  Now that her memories are returning no one will buy a woman of her age, except as a domestic.  That won't cover Dendrov's costs and he will take it out on us."
"We don't have to worry about that anymore," said the man. "I just checked my emails.  Dendrov was arrested in New York.  The Avengers raided the hotel, freed all the women there and those in the shipping container for the next shipment.  Dendrov won't even get a trial.  He's being put into the Raft as an enemy of humanity."
The woman thought for a moment.  "We could let her go," she suggested. "Drop her off at a private airfield then take off back to Russia.  She doesn't know our names."
"No, but she does know our faces," he answered.  "I also found out who she is.  Dendrov was a fool to buy her.  She's an author, with an avid following.  L.C. Chapman.  There's talk of her last book being turned into a movie."
"So you want to kill her?" asked the woman.  "What about Barnes?  If it's true that they're lovers he won't let up until he finds us.  Do you want the Winter Soldier searching for you?"
"He will whether we kill her or not," replied the man. "We're fucked either way.  Not just from him either.  The Pakhan knows about the raid.  He's ordered everyone in New York to burn their bridges and get out of there.  They're meeting at a rendezvous and determining their next move.   He wants to know who we're carrying."
"Fuck," said the woman and they both turned to look at Lacey who watched them defiantly from where she was sitting. 
If the Pakhan, the boss of their syndicate, was ordering their New York brotherhood to pack up shop then it meant everything was lost.  He might be inclined to make an example of the blonde and it could end up being quite gruesome.
"Does he know of her connection to Barnes?" she asked.
"No, but I will tell him," said the man. "I'm not sure even he wants the Winter Soldier after him.  Do you remember when he got to Samsonov?  I do.  He took out the man's full security detail within minutes.  Killed that poor bastard by asphyxiation, probably with that prosthetic hand of his."
The man went back to his computer and messaged the Pakhan with what he knew of the blonde woman that Dendrov had bought from the Power Broker.  He made sure that the connection with the former Winter Soldier was specified.  As he sat waiting for instructions he checked the online catalogue for the next auction.  Not only were there pretty young men and women for sale but there were also scientists, captured agents, and a former HYDRA scientist.  Interest in him had been high.  As he looked at the HYDRA scientist's profile he noticed a spelling error and logged in to correct it.  Just after he went into edit mode his screen flickered and he tapped the side of the display.  The flickering stopped and he made the correction, deciding to check the other profiles to make sure they were correct.  After a few minutes he was satisfied and he logged out of the catalogue, glad he had caught the error.  They were professionals, after all.  He received a message from the Pakhan and let out a breath.  Poor woman ... she never had a chance.  Neither did the disposal detail if Barnes found them and killed them.  He acknowledged his orders and turned to the brunette.
"We'll land at a private airfield in Germany," he announced in Russian. "There will be a detail that will take the woman and dispose of her.  We are to continue on home.  I'll go tell the pilot.  But first I have to do something."
He opened a drawer in his desk console and took out a package with a specially made syringe in it.  He strode to the front of the jet and stopped at Lacey.  Grabbing her arm he injected something into it and went on into the cockpit to give instructions to the pilot.  Lacey would have rubbed her arm which already felt swollen and sore from whatever he injected but with her hands bound she couldn't.  The brunette came to Lacey and looked at her with some pity.  She had done nothing, except been bought by an arrogant lieutenant who exposed their entire operation to scrutiny.  She hoped the Pakhan had enough security for all of them to defend against Barnes.  They had gone underground before and would have to do so again to elude him.
"We've been ordered to let you go," she said to Lacey, in English.  "We'll land in an airfield in Germany where the local police will be directed to find you after we take off.  I'm sorry you've been put through all this but it will soon be over."
Lacey nodded, not believing the woman at all.  As the brunette walked away Lacey leaned out of her chair and watched the brunette walk to the back.  Then she sat back and began to think of her options.  When her chance came to escape she would take it. 
Wakandan safe house, Germany
"How are you holding up?" Bucky asked Terry.  "The waiting is usually the hard part.  It's a slow process sometimes."
"I'm good," said Terry.  "These people know what they're doing.  What's the deal with that Ross guy?"
Bucky glanced at Everett Ross.  "He took custody of me when I was captured in Romania," said Bucky.  "They didn't exactly treat me humanely.  He thought it was a big feather in his cap.  Then I escaped when a man named Zemo impersonated the UN psychiatrist sent to assess my state of mind, and activated the Winter Soldier.  I heard Ross got relieved after that, sent back to being a regular CIA agent."
"He seems to be important to the Wakandans," noted Terry.  "I get the impression he's a changed man.  Now, tell me about Tommy.  He's okay?"
"They kept him sedated," said Bucky.  "Once he came out of it he was okay although he'll likely have some PTSD to deal with.  I can help him with that.  He forgave me and we're good.  He's staying with Clint while I'm here."
Terry leaned forward and touched Bucky's arm.  "That's good news," he stated.  "I'm happy for you both."
"I'm in," said Ayo, who had been in front of a computer terminal since Bucky arrived.  "I got into the catalogue and someone just logged in to correct a spelling error I put into one of the profiles.  All I need is a couple of minutes and I can hack into their computer."
Bucky and Terry joined the others who were gathered behind her.  They watched as her fingers jumped over the keyboard, hacking into whoever was editing the catalogue.  Ayo gave a small triumphant smile when the camera embedded in the computer monitor came on, showing a man at the terminal in what was obviously the interior of a private jet.  She took a screen shot of his face and sent it to one of the other task force members to identify him.  Then they heard his messaging software alert him to a message and Ayo brought that up on the screen.  It was in Russian.  Both she and Bucky read it.
"That airfield is nearby," she said.  "They refer to the woman by Lacey's pen name.  I would still like a visual to confirm it's her."
"Can you get a location of the aircraft through the laptop?" he asked.
Ayo did some more on the keyboard and it brought up GPS positioning.  Checking the location of the airfield she looked up at him.
"They'll land in about 30 minutes," she said.  "We can get there in ten."
They watched as the man got up and walked towards the cockpit.  The interior of the aircraft was shown.  The man stopped and they could see he grabbed an individual's arm, then his actions were obscured by his body.  As he resumed walking to the cockpit a brunette woman sat in front of another woman whose back was turned to them.  As the brunette stood up to return to the back of the aircraft the other woman turned her head and upper body to watch.  It was Lacey.  Bucky stood up.
"Text me the location of the airfield," he ordered. 
"I'll go with you," said Ayo.
"No, you stay and find out where that auction is," said Bucky.  "We need to get all of them.  It's not just young women on that catalogue.  You saw the guy going through the profiles.  I read some of the descriptions.  They have scientists, even one who was HYDRA, and some captured agents.  We need that location.�� Ross, you come with me.  I'll need someone to drive while I prepare my weapons.  You still know how to shoot, right?"
"Yeah, I do," replied Ross.  "We should take nano masks so we can impersonate the detail.  I can speak a little Russian."
"Good idea," said Bucky.  He noticed Terry putting his jacket on.  "No, Terry, you stay here.  This detail that they talk about ... they're there to kill Lacey.  I can handle them but not if I'm worried about you being in the line of fire.  Ross can deal with it.  We'll bring her back here and you can watch her while we raid the auction site."
Bucky grabbed his weapons satchel while Ross took the car keys.  Sitting in the back seat Bucky took out a double shoulder holster, took his jacket off and put the holster on, making sure it didn't bind anywhere.   He also fastened a knife sheath on his ankle, slipping a knife into it.  After he loaded his hand guns, he inserted them into the holsters and put extra magazines into his jeans pocket.  Then he loaded another handgun and passed it to Ross, along with a couple of magazines. 
"That's a lot of weaponry for two guys," noted Ross.  "You sure you're not overdoing it?"
"I would rather have them and not use them than not bring them and need them," said Bucky, making eye contact through the rear view mirror.  "Partly why I was so effective as the Winter Soldier.  I was always over armed when I was on a mission."
"Okay, this is your party," replied Ross.  "Are we shooting to kill?"
"I don't kill anymore," said Bucky.  "Kneecaps, knock them out, tie them up, call the local authorities."
"I'm not sure I'm that good a marksman to go for kneecaps," replied Ross.  "Head and chest are my usual targets."
"I can handle it," answered Bucky.  "You can tie them up.  You're a pilot right?"
"Yeah, I was," said Ross.  "We don't let the jet leave; is that what you're saying?  I'll take care of the pilot.  Should probably put a bullet in one of the tires to keep it on the ground."
Bucky nodded then he directed Ross to park away from the airfield near some bushes.  He handed some zip ties to Ross then they both got out of the car and stealthily went towards where an Audi was parked in the twilight.  Two men were leaning against the hood, smoking cigarettes, talking in Russian. Both Bucky and Ross understood enough to confirm these were the men sent to kill Lacey.  Bucky dug his prosthetic hand into the dirt coming up with a large clod.  He threw it well to the front of the vehicle, causing both men to stand up.
"What the hell was that?" asked one of them in Russian.  "It looked like something falling from the sky."
The one started walking towards it and motioned for the other to cover his back.  Slowly they both walked out towards the ground before them.  Bucky stepped out from where he hid and expertly shot both of them in the back of the knees.  With a cry they both collapsed and he ran to them knocking them out as they lay on the ground.  Holstering his guns he pulled both of them back towards the car and turned on the headlights so they could see their faces and set the nano masks to mimic them.  Then Ross tied them up and Bucky put them into the back seat of the Audi.  He opened the trunk of the vehicle and found duct tape, using that to cover up their mouths.  Once he was satisfied they were secured he closed the trunk, and the doors, leaving the driver's side window open, then turned off the headlights.  Minutes later they saw the aircraft lights approaching the airfield.  Bucky reached inside and flashed the headlights twice, remembering that was standard procedure when he was the asset.  The jet landed and taxied over to where they were.  He received a text from Ayo with the names of the man and the woman on the jet and smiled.  Just in time.  The jet stopped and the door lowered, forming the steps.  The man came out first, greeting them by name. 
"Sasha, Misha," he said in Russian.  "Long time, brothers."
"Yuri," greeted Bucky, then coughed.  "Damned cold.  It's lodged in my throat."  He stepped forward to do the hug and kiss greeting then pulled his gun out and put it into Yuri's stomach.  "Say nothing and you'll live.  Take me into the jet."
"Sasha, what's going on?"  asked Yuri.  "The Pakhan said nothing about this."
Bucky didn't reply and forced Yuri back up the stairs with the gun pressed into his back.  Ross followed, understanding that he would deal with the pilot.  He turned left when he got inside and closed the cockpit door then pistol whipped the pilot, pulling him out of the seat and zip tying him.  Bucky, who guided Yuri to the right pushed him in all the way.
"Irina." Bucky spoke to the brunette woman in Russian.  "There's been a slight change of plans.  The Pakhan is cleaning house.  You won't be coming home but what you do now will determine if you get to live or die."
"What the hell is going on?" she asked.  "We've done everything we were asked.  It's not our fault Dendrov fucked up and bought a woman who was known."
"You're right," agreed Bucky who heard Ross come out of the cockpit.  "Untie the woman and send her to me."
Irina looked at him angrily then went to Lacey and untied her.  Lacey took her gag off.  Irina roughly dragged Lacey up and pushed her towards Bucky.  As she walked past Bucky he leaned towards her ear.
"Trust me and go with the other man," he whispered in English.  "He'll take care of you."
She left with Ross while Bucky kept his gun in Yuri's back.  Just as he was going to zip tie Yuri's wrists Ross came back into the jet out of breath.
"She hit me and took off," he gasped.  "I couldn't catch her.  She's fast."
Yuri tried to make a move and Bucky knocked him out by hitting him on the head with the gun.  He looked at Ross.
"Keep her covered," he said then he ran out of the jet and scanned the area. 
In the distance he could see someone running and he ran after her.  "Lacey, stop!" he yelled as he ran.  "It's me, Bucky!"
She didn't hear him, forcing him to turn on his speed to catch up to her within seconds.  As he grabbed her arms she whirled around, fighting and screaming at him.
"Lacey!" he yelled again.  "Stop, please!  It's me, Bucky."
She stopped struggling and looked at him with fear.  "No, your face is different than I remember," she said terrified.  "You're not him."
He realized he still had the nano mask on and pulled it off, looking at her desperately.  "I cut my hair and took off my beard," he cried.  "We have a son, Tommy and he's safe at Clint's farm.  I gave you an origami heart that said I will always remember you.  Sharon Carter took you and Tommy, then she wiped your memory and sold you to a Russian trafficker.  I've been trying to find you ever since.  Please, you have to believe me.  It's me, it's really me."
He pulled out his cell phone and turned on the flashlight so that it lit up his face.  She stepped closer then tentatively put her hand on his face.
"Bucky?" she said.  "It really is you.  You and Tommy have the same eyes."
He nodded and smiled gently at her.  She fell into his arms crying and he enclosed her close to his body, kissing the top of her head and whispering to her that it would be okay. 
"Come on," he said, guiding her back towards the jet.  "We have to secure those two, call the authorities and get you back to the safe house."
She sniffed and nodded her head, grasping his arm as they walked back.  He stepped up the stairs and found Ross still holding a gun on Irina.  Her eyes grew wide when she saw Bucky's real face.
"We didn't hurt your woman," she claimed.  "Ask her.  I was kind to her."
Bucky looked at Irina.  "It doesn't matter," he said.  "You were taking her to the auction then you got the order to land here and turn her over for disposal.  You're still going down for human trafficking."
Irina swore in Russian as Ross made her lie face down on the floor then zip tied her hands and feet.  Bucky phoned the local police detachment, speaking to them in German and telling them a jet with human traffickers had been stopped at the airfield along with two Russian hit men in a car beside the jet.  Once he hung up the three of them went back outside.  Ross fired his gun into one of the jet's tires while Bucky did the same with the Audi.  They got back in their car, with Bucky in the back seat while Lacey still held on to him and Ross drove.  Bucky phoned the safe house to send the information on the traffickers to the local police.  When they got there Terry came down the steps and opened the car door looking at Lacey with concern.  She looked at Bucky for confirmation of his identity.
"He's your brother, Terry," said Bucky.  "You remember him, right?"
"Not how he is now," she said, "but when he was younger."
When she stepped out Terry couldn't help himself and gave her a heartfelt hug.  She accepted it gracefully then stepped back and looked at him almost as if he were a stranger.
"You don't remember me?" he asked.  "We've been living in the same house for almost six years, first on a farm then in a condo in Philadelphia.  I was at work when you were taken.  The FBI came to tell me.  Agent Jones got shot trying to keep them from taking you."
She swallowed.  "I remember you as a teenager," she said.  "I don't remember you as an adult.  I'm sorry but once my memories return it will be better."  She stopped for a moment then looked at him again.  "You were a football player."
"Yeah, I was," he said.  "In New York.  I retired six years ago and have been with you and Tommy since then.  I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."
He began to cry and Lacey put her hand on his arm.  "It's alright," she said, looking beyond him.  "Where's Tom?  Is he here?"
Terry looked at Bucky in alarm.  "Her memories are incomplete," Bucky explained.  "Even though she remembers some things there are gaps.  I'm guessing what happened to him isn't there yet."
"Sweetheart, Tom has been dead for ten years," said Terry gently.  "He was murdered."
Lacey began to cry and this time Terry comforted her, helping her up the steps into the safe house.  Bucky and Ross followed.  She was introduced to the Dora Milaje team and Bucky explained her memories were coming back but not evenly or in chronological order.  Ayo regarded him with empathy.
"You can help her through this better than anyone, White Wolf," she said.  "I am sure of it."
He smiled grimly.  "Any updates on the location of the auction?" he asked.
"Yes, we have determined it will take place in a private chateau in France in two days."  She gestured to the information on the computer.  "We are in contact with the Pakhan, masquerading as Yuri so that he doesn't suspect the jet has been intercepted.  We told him there was engine trouble.  I assume you want to be in on this.  How is your French?"
"I need some practice," he replied in French.  "Yours?"
"The same," she said.  "I was able to register several of us as buyers.  Our team is working on our bona fides right now.  You will have to leave Miss Williams here with her brother.  We recommend they move on to another location while we are at the auction."
"When do we leave?" asked Bucky, looking back at Terry and Lacey talking.
Ayo noticed the look and realized he likely wanted time with Lacey.  "The day after tomorrow," she said.  "Spend time with her.  When our team leaves we can request a portal for her and her brother.  She should be with her son at Barton's farm.  It will help with her memories."
He nodded and went to Lacey, kneeling down so he was level with her as she sat on the couch.  "We still have a mission to infiltrate the auction and rescue those who are being sold off," he said as he gazed at her.  "I would like you and Terry to go back to the U.S. and stay with Clint on his farm.  Tommy is already there and he needs you."
"What about you?" she asked.  "You're not coming?"
"No, they need me for the mission," he replied.  "As soon as we're done I'll come to the farm.  They have a room here for you to stay tonight and tomorrow night.  We'll have tomorrow together and then I have to leave the following day to go undercover."
"But I just got you back," she said, becoming a little emotional.  "You'll stay with me tonight and tomorrow night?"
He glanced at Terry and took a breath.  "I'm not sure that's a good idea," he replied.  "Lacey, I abandoned you several months ago when I had a PTSD flashback.  I was afraid of hurting you so I ran.  You obviously don't remember it.  If you did, you wouldn't be asking me to stay."
She smiled.  "I do remember it," she said calmly.  "You left me at the farm while we were in bed.  It did hurt me but having my memories ripped away from me has given me some perspective on your actions.  You panicked but everything you did was to protect me and Tommy.  That proves you love us enough to make yourself look bad so that we can be safe."  She touched his cheek gently and ran her fingertips over the dark stubble of his unshaven face.  "You've joined the Avengers, haven't you?  Terry told me."
He nodded.  "I learned while I was working with Sam on the Flag Smashers that everything I know is suited to being an Avenger," he said.  "It means I have to go where the fight is when I'm called.  Unfortunately, it doesn't lend itself to having a normal relationship."
"I have a memory of you in my Grandpa's house telling me that the prospect of a normal life wasn't good," she said, gazing into his eyes.  "When I went to live at Stark Tower and was talking to Bruce Banner I mentioned it.  He said then you could be an Avenger as none of them have normal lives."
"What's your point?" he asked with a slight smile.
"You're not normal," she declared.  "You're a unique man and you've been run through a gauntlet that would have destroyed an ordinary man.  Why would I want an ordinary man when I can have you?  Because I do want you, Bucky.  Believe that.  I love that you'll put your life on the line, not just for me but for people in jeopardy.  I love that you have an intellect that appeals to me.  I love that from the moment we met you made me feel like no other man ever made me feel, and you still do.  I don't need all of my memories to know that I love you.  You are what I want and I'll share you with the Avengers so that you can do what you must with them.  When you're with me and Tommy, we'll have as normal a life as we can make it.  So, once more, will you stay with me tonight and tomorrow night before you go on to your next mission?"
He smirked then planted a big kiss on her, which she returned enthusiastically.  It was enough to bring smiles to the Wakandans and to Terry.  That evening when everyone retired Bucky and Lacey shared a room, picking up where they left off on the farm.  This time there were no flashbacks prior to or during their love making.  As soon as they closed the door they clasped together, kissing passionately and removing their clothing as they moved towards the bed.  They didn't have a condom with them and for a brief moment they looked at each other in a panic.  Then Bucky caressed her face.
"I'm making it right no matter what," said Bucky firmly.
"Alright," Lacey replied in agreement.  "No matter what."
As they began making love they both slowed down and became more sensuous in their passion.  With deep kisses and loving caresses between them they found the bliss they had both been waiting so long to experience.   For some time after they shared soft kisses and whispered words of love then fell asleep holding each other.  When Bucky and the others left two mornings later she kissed him tenderly as he promised to come back to her and Tommy.  She and Terry took a portal several hours later, arriving in Iowa in time for breakfast.
Chapter 23>>
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jello-bbq · 1 year
Near Death
(Platonic! Tsu'tey x Avatar! Reader) (Platonic! Jake x Avatar! Reader)
< They end up getting hurt in the forest and have to meet the healer for the second time on their second day. (2.2k) >
Blood and injury warning? The story's getting wacky and incredibly slow. Can anyone please tell me where to go from here. Do I put them in a near death scenario for kicks or what. Part 5
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Planning for your death isn't easy. Especially not if you figured it out on your own as you're being led into the woods to said death.
The arrows were there. They were sure because they looked away and back multiple times to check if they were hallucinating which wouldn't have been unusual. Some rational part of their brain tried to get some sense into them.
Tsu'tey would probably teach them to hunt. A rational thought.
He could be preparing for the worst-case scenario of them getting attacked while in the woods. Also rational.
He could be luring them out into the woods to kill them and dispose of the body easily. Definitely irrational.
And yet another annoying part of their brain argued otherwise. He hated them. That much was clear. And they covered him in mud the day before. He also kept quiet all throughout dinner, arriving late and leaving early.
Yeah, he definitely planned to kill them.
It didn't help that as soon as they saw the direhorse information on horse riding flooded their brain again. Or that Tsu'tey insisted on speaking solely in Na'vi now. Information swam around uselessly with their thoughts, nearly overwhelming. A reminder that human brains weren't built to hold so much.
Strangely though, the need for a plan slipped their mind, accepting death almost too easily.
"We stop here."
They snapped out of it, mentally trying to swat away bits of information.
Tsu'tey slid off his horse, taking the bow and arrows out of the pouch.
They hesitantly followed and dismounted. Target practice, their mind kept screaming. Something told them he wouldn't easily miss so unless he wanted them to suffer, they would at least die instantly.
Though they had no doubt he would want to make them suffer.
He motioned for them to follow, and to keep quiet.
Not to worry, they thought, corpses can't talk.
They went after him as quietly as they could. Mimicking his stance. Copying where he placed his feet.
Involuntarily, their mind began to wander again. What would they miss from life?
Yogurt, for sure. God, they hoped Norm would find their secret stash. At least he could benefit from the yogurt packs when they were dead.
Sunlight. After being kept in labs for so long, they'd always loved the feeling of sunlight on their skin.
Many other things, things their mind skipped over in their magnitude.
What would they get from dying?
Tommy. Their heart almost froze. They had forgotten about him. Had they chosen to? To forget him as if he hadn't been the first to ever treat them with human kindness? At least in death, they would be with him again.
"This is not the time for daydreaming." He whispered harshly.
They agreed but it just couldn't be controlled. People have tried, they thought bitterly.
He had stopped a few feet ahead, probably feeling their absence. It only took a few steps to get them back in their spot behind Tsu'tey. Following ever so silently.
"What are we doing?"
"It was suggested that I take you along to hunt before teaching you the bow."
Suggested by Mo'at probably. The Tsahik called him up during dinner, which is why he left early. At least they weren't going to die.
"I'm going to hunt?"
He scoffed. "Bad things are the only outcome of that. You would only manage to hurt yourself and be more of a burden."
They rolled their eyes. He could have just said no. They went to retort but Tsu'tey hissed at them to shut up. He drew his bow as they looked on, confused. They hadn't heard anything.
His arms were tense. Stance perfect. Breathing even. Everything about him screamed 'look at me! Mr. Perfect!'. They didn't know how to feel about that yet.
The forest echoed with sounds of animals. They saw Tsu'tey's ears twitch. He adjusted his aim just the slightest bit, then released the arrow.
Briefly, they recalled when they were on the other side of that arrow, and as they stepped past a few plants they saw what could have been their fate.
A yerik lay bleeding into the moss. The fans on its head retracted. Dead. A clean kill.
Tsu'tey bent over it, whispering thanks to Eywa and pulling out the arrow.
A neurotoxin. They remembered what Grace told them. The Na'vi coated their arrows with a toxin that killed their prey easily.
"They usually travel in herds." He said as he hauled the hexapede up and began walking back to the direhorses. "If you somehow manage to make a clean kill, you will be ready to complete your iknimaya."
He looked back at them and scoffed. "I do not see that happening in years. Sky people cannot learn."
For a moment, it felt like he was saying that to himself instead of to them, which was stupid of them to assume. He said it so bitterly.
They didn't blame him.
"I was told to teach you the bow but fresh kills are always brought back to hometree immediately." He strapped the hexapede to his horse, then handed them the bow and a few arrows. "I will show you the training area on the way. Do not hurt yourself before I am back."
They rode slowly through the forest until he stopped and pointed to a spot through the trees. They could barely make out the clearing and the mounted targets. "Go. There is food there if you get hungry."
And so they went, letting the direhorse graze as they stood in the small clearing. There were painted targets in the trees. Hanging off branches. Tucked beneath leaves. Sticking out of bushes.
Sky People cannot learn. They didn't know why that bothered them so much. They wanted to learn. This was all because they had been stupid enough to get captured and Jake bargained for their safety. They'd been going to the lessons because what else could they do?
But now, they wanted to learn. They wanted to learn and get a clean kill. Complete their iknimaya. Why? They thought of Tommy, but would deal with that question later.
The bow felt too large for them which made sense considering how tall Tsu'tey stood. They examined the arrows, which lacked the glowing sheen of neurotoxin on the tips.
They wanted to learn, so they would gamble. "Archery." The word gave that familiar itch in their brain but this time instead of fighting the information, they let it flow.
How to hold a bow. What different arrow tips were used for what. They let the information sink in for a long moment. Then, they wiped off the dripping blood and aimed.
The first shot missed. Knowledge was one thing. Application, another. They failed horribly at application. The second shot missed. And the third. The fourth at least grazed the target.
They tried not to let it deter them, walking through the undergrowth to retrieve the arrows. They rolled up a cloth to stuff in their nose, and they tried again. And again. And again. By the third round, all the arrows would hit the target. By the fifth, the arrows would hit inside the circle.
They decided to take a break then and move to the shade, sweating buckets from the sun.
They realized that Tsu'tey hadn't come back yet. He went off early in the morning and now the sun told them it had to be near noon.
"Where the hell is that guy?"
Something smelled nice. They looked around, spotting a net bag that they could swear hadn't been there before. It held some fruit and dried meat. They remembered Tsu'tey did say something about food, so they helped themself.
They wiped at more blood and decided to wait until he came back before continuing.
By noon he still hadn't come back.
So they shot some more arrows, getting closer and closer to the center.
Sometime after noon, they hit the arrow right at the center. Laughing in shock, they dropped the bow and ran to the target. Right at the center. "Holy shit."
They laughed again, almost considering going back to the lab to get a camera.
"That took you long enough."
They turned. Tsu'tey dropped from the trees. He examined the arrow, nodding ever so slightly and yanking it out.
"Do that again. Five times. And then we will go."
His tone left no room for argument but for once they had nothing to retort with anyway. They took the arrow back, picked up the bow, and shot it.
It hit right beside the center.
They nocked another arrow and pulled the string back.
"Hold your form."
He walked around them, examining how they stood. How they held the bow.
Briefly, he let his eyes wander to the blood-soaked cloth he'd seen them change five times. And then to their fingers which had all but torn open from the bow's string. The string itself looked stained red.
He nudged the back of their ankle. "Move that forward a little." He straightened their arms, assessing everything. He even stood in front of the arrow to look at their face, which had them raise their brows.
"What? Are you looking to get shot?"
He scoffed. They realized he did that a lot. "You close one eye when you aim, do not do that."
"You've been watching me the whole time and didn't think to tell me that?"
"It was you who took so long to hit the center." He moved to the side. "Aim and shoot."
They did, and hit it dead center."It was that easy the entire time?"
"It only seems easy because you have been doing it the whole morning." That almost sounded like praise, or a compliment, they thought. Almost. "Again. Four more times."
They nocked another arrow. Keeping his bits of information in mind, they didn't realize how calm their thoughts had become.
It didn't take long to get the four remaining center hits.
When they shot the final one, they found themselves grinning and turning to him. For praise? Affirmation? They didn't know.
But Tsu'tey smiled ever so slightly. So slight it felt like they imagined it. "Good. We are done for the day." He turned to walk into the forest, not saying anything even as they got on their direhorses and went back to Hometree.
Not knowing what to do after getting back, they went to wander off, only to get stopped by a hand on their shoulder.
"Where are you going?"
They looked around, confused. "I thought we were done for the day?"
Tsu'tey sighed. "You are injured. Injuries must be treated." With that, he dragged them to the healer's tent.
Someone sat in the tent getting a wound stitched so they waited by the entrance.
They figured Tsu'tey would leave after getting them to the tent, but he took the spot beside them and waited as well.
When the wound had been stitched, the warrior thanked the healer and bowed to Tsu'tey before leaving, murmuring a greeting.
They'd never really considered Tsu'tey's status before. Future Olo'eyktan. No wonder he was so uptight.
They were dragged over again to sit in front of the healer. "Another bleeding nose, have you been getting into fights?"
They felt surprised that the healer would talk to them. That first time, she had only talked to Tsu'tey. Then again, she probably didn't realize they knew Na'vi.
"No ma'am." They thought about how they could explain it.
"What is it then? Is the cause unknown? A sickness?" The shape of her brows furrowed.
"It's-" How could they explain? "It's kind of like- it's very hard to explain."
They looked at the healer, who had begun grinding something into a paste, considering what to say. "It's normal, I bleed all the time."
The healer looked thoughtful. "That is not an explanation."
"No, it's not." They were very aware of Tsu'tey listening and wondered if they were ready to share it with two people so quickly. Especially one who hated them already. "It is not something people like hearing about."
The healer let them leave it at that. She gave them another bitter drink and cloth for the nosebleed.
When they took the cloth, she paused and took their hands in hers. "You have been learning the bow." She looked up. "You should also learn to take breaks."
They smiled slightly, avoiding her gaze. The healer had something about her that made them feel safe and looked after. Suppose that's what makes her a good healer, they thought. "Sorry."
She took a paste and began lathering it gently over their fingers.
It tickled vaguely, making their nose scrunch. The healer looked at them in question.
"It tickles." They smiled, missing the falter in her eyes.
She smiled back, wrapping the digits carefully in cloth. "Move them for me." She flexed her fingers and motioned for them to copy.
They flexed their fingers until she was satisfied. Then, unexpectedly, she took their hand again. "My name is Zeyko, I have a feeling we will be spending a lot of time together."
They introduced themselves as well, returning the smile Zeyko gave them. "I'll try not to get hurt too much."
Zeyko watched as they got up, bowing slightly before turning to walk away. She called out after them, "something tells me you cannot help it."
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thefinalcinderella · 11 months
Tsurune: Irodori no Issha Episode 13 - Summer Memories
Yeah I totally planned to release this during the summer...all according to plan
Also I’m still trying to figure out how to upload the audio dramas...should I upload it to google drive or mega? In a zip file? Give me suggestions below
Nanao, Seiya, Ryouhei, Kaito: Let’s work hard together!
Kaito: There’s so few people!
Seiya: Well, it is a self-study day after all
Nanao: The girls are all taking the day off as well
Seiya: Takigawa-san isn’t here because of shrine duties. And Tommy-sensei will come in the afternoon.
Ryouhei: Oh...how’s Minato?
Seiya: His fever went down, but we can’t say that he’s back to normal
Nanao: Is today the third day? We’ve been working hard this whole summer.
Kaito: Isn’t he impatient to draw a bow soon?
Seiya: He tried to come, but we forcibly sent him back to his room. He said he’s going to properly sleep, but...
Kaito: Then, should we begin practicing?
Seiya: No, we have a big job to do today before Tommy-sensei can come.
Kaito: W-What kind of big job
Seiya: Cleaning the boys’ changing room!
Nanao, Ryouhei, Kaito: Geh!
Nanao: Wow~ we really made a big mess, haven’t we
Ryouhei: We had tournaments, joint practices, training camps, Nationals, so we couldn’t really clean~
Seiya: Everyone cleans the kyudojo together, but the boys and girls are in charge of their own changing rooms.
Seiya: This is a perfect opportunity, so let’s clean this place up and welcome the new semester with a good feeling
Ryouhei: Wow, look at this. It’s all worn out~
Seiya: That’s Minato’s rubber bow.
Kaito: He used it that much?
Nanao: He’s really tenacious
Minato: He even endured Takigawa-san’s high-handedness. I think he accomplished it really well
Kaito: Masa-san was no match for a “bow fanatic”
Seiya: Mmm? Some kind of note? Yugake, custom made, outer border, leather cord...
Ryouhei: Oh, that! That’s mine...
Nanao: Were you going to replace your yugake?
Kaito: Didn’t you just buy one? 
Ryouhei: No, I...I just wanted to get stronger quickly so I won’t slow everyone down. I thought I’d improve if I changed my yugake.
Seiya: But, you didn’t buy it?
Ryouhei: Yeah. I know the only thing I can do is to work hard
Nanao: There are no shortcuts in learning. And in the same way, there’s no kindou in kyudo~*
Seiya: Now I found a DVD behind the shelves. Whose is this?
Ryouhei: ?
Ryouhei: “Beginner’s Guide to Yoga”?
Kaito: Whose DVD is this? Who is the one who secretly doing yoga?
Nanao: Now that I think about it, I saw Kacchan secretly putting a DVD in his bag once
Kaito: Ugh...
Kaito: Well, you see... I was looking up things about dantian breathing and found out that it’s similar to how you breathe in yoga, so I thought I’d watch it for some reference. What’s wrong with that?
Ryouhei: That’s so cool!
Seiya: So, was it helpful?
Kaito: They say that natural and correct breathing can create a regular, balanced mental state. Masa-san said the same thing before
Seiya: So, is this shamen uchiokoshi book yours too?
Kaito: No, that’s not mine
Nanao: I guess it’s mine?
Ryouhei: No way, Nanao, you also became obsessed with shamen?
Nanao: No, rather than admiring it, it’s more that I want to deepen my knowledge of kyudo.
Nanao: I want to know why there are other schools. Once I knew that, I might know more about shoumen uchiokoshi than I do now
Kaito: Hmm
Seiya: Book learning and actual practice. Both are important
Nanao: Yeah. I didn’t plan on focusing so much on kyudo in my high school life, though
Ryouhei: It kinda feels like all of us
Kaito: Are total “bow maniacs.”
Nanao: Yep
Minato: Sorry, I’m late...
Everyone: Minato!
Minato: I’m fine now. My fever dropped a while ago. So I’m okay!
Seiya: Kaito, Ryouhei. Hold Minato down
Kaito and Ryouhei: Got it
Minato: Fweh!?
Nanao: Okay, Minato. Turn right around and go back to your bed
Seiya: I'll lock the door and go, so you guys go ahead
Nanao: Roger that, president!
Minato: But I just came here!?
Kaito: You’re recovering! Don’t push yourself
Nanao: No one’s a bigger “bow maniac” than Minato
Minato: I haven’t drawn a bow for three days...
Ryouhei: You’re gonna be fine. The target won’t run away
Seiya: You can come right away after your fever is down
Kaito: You’re so obsessive...
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zorlok-if · 2 years
I'm graduating soon (yay!) and that's very exciting but I'm looking ahead and thinking about how much more time I'm going to have and how it'd be amazing to dedicate most of that time to writing. So, I was thinking about potentially (and eventually, not anytime soon) launching a patreon. Wanted to get people's reactions to that and share some of the exciting ideas I had for different tier perks.
First, there are some that I think are pretty standard: early/beta access to all my projects, exclusive shorts/art, lore posts, thorough frequent updates, tutorials, patron-only discord channels and roles, Q&As (as myself or as the cast), maybe some steamy scenes, we'll see.
But the main idea I've thought of—and which I actually have a bunch of ideas for already—is to do interactive D&D games with members of the Zorlok cast. For example, play through a supernatural regency one-shot with Danny, Lucía, and Rose, or a horror sci-fi game with EJ, Tommy, and Ciel, or a spicy fey drama with Dev, the Celestial, and Adam/Eve, or something else (as I said, I have a lot of ideas for this already, hehe). Maybe with special characters joining the table from time to time—characters like Adonis, Jovy, Cecil, Max, Hero, Laðe, etc.? Who knows? Could be anything!
Additionally, maybe with one of the tiers you'll be able to vote on which cast members or which one-shot idea you want to have in the next installment. Or maybe there's a longer campaign that is published every other month with shorter one-shots in between? Either way, I think this could be really fun to write and create as a group. If you have any thoughts on this, I'd love to hear 'em!
Some other ideas for patron rewards include custom templates made for all patrons or specific commissions for individual patrons, short stories for people of their MCs/OCs, the same kind of individualized scenes but as add-ons you can unlock with a passcode or secret word or something and play with personalized stuff in the D&D episode, interactive short stories set in the universe (about topics like characters backstories, side-characters exploring niche aspects of the world's lore, or non-canon adventures), etc. There are more ideas, but this block of text is already getting too long, so if you'd like to hear about those or if you have an idea/suggestion, let me know!
So, yeah! Just some ideas I'm playing with. Again, a patreon would be a while off, but wanted to see people's reactions to that idea now so I can plan accordingly moving forward. Thanks for reading all this and hope you have a good day!
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