crheativity · 11 months
SUMMARY: After a phone call with Trey, you find yourself doing something you'd never thought you'd be doing: actually telling your crush you like him.
WARNINGS: None that I am aware of!
COMMENTS: Riddle is literally the reason I got into this game. I saw his design and went "I love him." and here we are. two years later. still having immense brainrot about this game. Also, wingman Trey.
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“I think I might be in love with you.”
Riddle dropped his pen, his face exploding into colour as he stared at you, eyes wide and trembling. He opened and closed his mouth several times as he tried to regain his composure. You nervously smiled; his reaction was just as amusing as you’d imagined.
You’d had a teeny tiny crush on the Heartslabyul Dorm Leader ever since he’d collared Ace (anyone who was willing to teach him the consequences of his actions was good in your books). However, it was only after the overblot that you’d realised how deep that crush was. Normally, you’d never even think about confessing to him, but now things were different.
It began with Trey Clover, Heartslabyul’s vice housewarden and a good friend of yours. He’d known about your crush for a while and was often the one you gushed to when you needed to talk to someone.
One such case was last night. At 3 am.
He’d picked up the phone, sounding exhausted. Upon hearing what your problem – if you could even call it that – was, he’d groaned and said, “just tell him you like him for Pete’s sake. He’s not going to say no, and I’m not going to talk to you until you do.” And then he hung up.
So here you were, sitting next to Riddle in the Library as he helped you with your studies. Your heart was pounding. You trusted Trey, but that didn’t make it any less nerve wracking.
“You-… what?!” Riddle’s voice was almost an octave higher than it normally was as he fumbled for his composure.
“I, uh… yeah.” You glanced down at your homework, unable to maintain eye contact for any longer as nerves set in.
Riddle cleared his throat. “Prefect… is that true-?”
You nodded, swallowing.
You glanced up at him, and to your surprise, you saw that he was smiling. It was a wobbly, anxious smile, but it was definitely a smile.
"Prefect... I-" He cleared his throat. "I... believe, that I may have... feelings... for you, too."
Relief coursed through you. You grinned at him. He smiled back.
Thank you Trey.
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♥ Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it! ♥
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callilemon · 8 months
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Hey! I'm trying to get back into Clip Studio paint‼️😩 ignore the background cause I couldn't be bothered, hah
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doevademe · 1 year
So here is an idea with a slightly dark Percico, during the time where Percy has amnesia, rather than deny knowing him, Nico in a moment of weakness says that they are dating that he missed him so much. Percy goes along with it, seeing no reason not to trust Nico and something about him being his boyfriend just feeling right. Eventually they reunite with Annebeth who is pissed at Nico for lying but can’t convince Percy that he is, making Nico into even more of an outcast, only for Percy to reveal that has already gotten his memories back long ago and now that Nico has lost most of his friends Percy has him all to him. Now they can be messed up possessive people together
Nico couldn't take it anymore.
The glares, the disappointment, everybody looked at him like he was a monster, and not even for the reasons they usually did.
If it was about being a son of Hades, Nico would at least feel outraged, like he didn't deserve what was happening to him, but this time it was different, this time he deserved the scorn of those around him.
"What's wrong, babe?" Percy asked, concerned. Nico bit his lip.
It had been a moment of weakness. Percy had just said he was important to his nonexistent past, and Nico had just said 'Well, as your boyfriend I sure hope so!' He had planned to dismiss it as a joke soon after, but Percy had just nodded like it made all the sense in the world and kissed him as an apology.
Nico hadn't been able to come clean after that.
"Percy, we need to talk," Nico said softly.
"Is Annabeth giving you trouble again?" he put his arm around him protectively. Nico saw a dark shadow fall over his eyes. "She really needs to stop that. Like I'd ever go for her when I have you."
Yes, things had only gotten worse once Annabeth had landed on New Rome. Nico had been sweating bullets. Surely seeing the actual love of his life would return Percy's memories. Then Percy would hate him for lying and taking advantage... again.
Yet what happened was even worse. Percy had rejected Annabeth, saying that he knew they were friends, but that he had rejected her to be with Nico. Percy weaved a story from the half-truths Nico told him and his own imagination, but the way he had talked made it sound as if Nico himself had been feeding him all those stories.
Annabeth had tried to claw his eyes out, and had only been stopped by Percy. The daughter of Athena had demanded him to break whatever spell he had put on Percy, but her boyfriend had refused to believe her.
"She has calmed down a lot," Nico lied. After Percy had remained 'loyal' to him, Annabeth had tried to prove their relationship with pictures and witnesses, and everyone had believed her, even his sister... everyone except for Percy. "It's about um... us."
Nico was now not only the untrustworthy son of Hades, he was also a homewrecker, an oportunist who had bewitched an amnesiac man into forgetting his girlfriend out of sefishness.
Everyone had turned their back on him, except for Percy, who kept kissing him and complimenting him like nothing was wrong.
"Did I do something wrong?" Percy's voice had a tint of worry as he looked around. "Was I too clingy? Or too clueless?"
Yes, Percy had been, but that was not the problem. If anything, Nico felt guilty over how much he enjoyed Percy's affections.
"No, it's not—"
"Is there someone else, then?" Percy's gaze turned possessive, even darker. At that moment, he was reminded of Poseidon being the god of storms and earthquakes. "Don't think I don't notice."
"N-notice what?" Nico couldn't help but stutter. When angry, Percy was almost a force of nature himself.
"Jason Grace and Leo Valdez, they look at you sometimes," Percy said dangerously. "Everyone should know that you are mine."
Nico blinked. No. There was no way that Percy was that oblivious.
"They look at me with nothing but disgust!" he finally exclaimed. "And they're right to do so!"
Percy's face softened as he turned to hug Nico properly, combing his fingers through his hair.
"Nico, there's nothing wrong with you... with us," he said. Nico wanted to scream in frustration. "If they can't accept us, we're better off without them."
"It's not about acceptance!" Nico sobbed. "Annabeth was telling the truth. You are her boyfriend, not mine!"
"Nico, you don't—"
"I lied Percy!" Nico screamed into his shirt. "That kiss you gave me on Camp Jupiter was our first. You've never seen me as anything but a friend or a traitor. I took advantage of you!"
He just wanted it to stop. To at least mend the relationship with his sister, even if everyone else, including Percy, hated him.
The son of Poseidon just hugged him tighter.
"Oh, Nico," he said, sounding disappointed. Nico braced himself. "I already knew."
Nico's eyes widened, he tried to pull away, but Percy just held on tighter.
"My memories came back during my quest with Hazel and Frank," Percy explained. He caressed the top of his head. "I have known you lied since before Annabeth came back."
"But then why—?"
"Honestly, it was pretty hilarious to see her all mad," Percy laughed. "I almost cracked then and there, but I needed to keep at it, until everyone took her side, at least."
Nico shivered. It had all been Percy's ellaborate plan. To alienate Nico from everyone who could be on his side. To make him even more of an outcast. All to get back at Nico for lying about their relationship.
He didn't know the son of Poseidon could be that machiavellian.
"I guess I deserved it," Nico whispered. "I'm really sorry, Percy."
"Sorry for what?" Percy asked. He seemed honestly confused. "You know what I remembered when I got my memories back? How devoted you are, how many times you have saved me, how much you're willing to do for me. How utterly perfect you are."
Nico wasn't understanding. What was Percy getting at?
"You even lied to have me for yourself." Percy's voice was filled with amazement. Nico felt the hug tighten once again until it was almost painful. "But I also remembered all the people who could take you away, just as I realized how precious you were to me."
"Percy!" He struggled to get out, but Percy didn't let him.
"People like Connor Stoll and Will Solace, always looking at what's not theirs," he continued, almost snarling. "I knew if I wanted to keep you, I needed to make sure they wouldn't look at you twice."
Nico's heart was hammering in his chest. The worst part is, he wasn't sure if it was from fear or excitement.
"You did all this... so I'll stay?"
"I remember Nico, you have a knack for just leaving," there was a reproach in Percy's voice. "But that's in the past. Because now you know how much I love you."
Yeah, and now there was nowhere else that would take Nico in.
"It hurts, being hated by everyone," he admitted quietly. Percy's hug became slack.
"I know, and I'm sorry." Percy at least sounded sincere. "I know I made it worse but... I couldn't lose you."
And it was like something switched inside Nico's brain. Like everything made sense now. He had always been an outcast anyway.
But now he had Percy.
"You'd never lose me, Percy," he said, giving him a kiss. "Because I'm as yours as you are mine."
And Percy smiled like Nico had just told him the moon really was made of blue candy.
"I'm glad we both think the same way."
Nico nodded and kissed Percy again.
The whole world could hate him for all he cared. Percy was his, and it was more than worth it.
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Hello I am in a really bad way rn after an incident with a nurse and I'd like to request the bros (and side characters too) looking after a chubby/overweight MC after she/they was called fat by someonr and started losing their shit because of it (like starting to not eat, getting snappy with the boys, wearing baggier clothes, not leaving their room as much, etc.) "Because it's true and they're just stating facts"
If you're uncomfortable writing this that's totally fine! just thought I'd try my luck lol
- 🌹
Hello my dear! Thank you so much for sending this request in and being patient! This is just the 7 brothers first, then I will post the Side Characters as a second part since i'm bad at keeping things short lol I really hope you like this! I'm very sorry to hear you are feeling down, I hope that this cheers you up and know that i'm a safe person if you ever need to talk ^-^
TW: Self-deprecation, discussions of weight and body image, possible triggering language, Swearing. Please read at your own risk and let me know if I missed anything that could be triggering!
Genre: Angst/Hurt, Comfort, Fluff.
Please be aware that I am not a professional. I do possess a degree in Psychology, but everyone's experience is different when it comes to personally dealing with this topic. I apologize if this does not align with your own personal experiences!
Taglist: @delphi-dreamin @sassykattery @bite-sized-devil @amberrskiies @obey-me-posts @a-hidden-gem @otomefoxystar (feel free to ignore if this isn't for you!)
Harsh Thoughts, Gentle Praises
Your chest felt heavy as you walked home from RAD. Tears threatened to spill over your cheeks, but you didn't dare let them fall in front of him. You felt bad because you had snapped at him when he asked why you were so quiet, and now the tension was so thick in the air you could cut it with a knife. It's all because that stupid no-name demon called you that word. A word that had a tendency to trigger you. A word that was considered so ugly in the human world, and they knew that and used it to their advantage just to hurt you.
The word echoed in your head. "Aren't you a little fat for a human? I bet you'd make a nice meal for those demons you hang around all the time. I don't know how they can even stand being around you." They had said. you tried so hard to not let it bother you. But you knew you were slipping into the toxic state of mind that you hadn't been in since coming to the Devildom.
The eldest demon was one of the first to notice your behavior. He kept a close eye on you after all.
He walked you home that day, and you immediately shut yourself in your room.
Lucifer will give you space at first. He knows all to well that when he's angry, he just needs time to cool off.
However this went on for a couple of days.
He notices you skipping meals, claiming you aren't feeling well.
When he does see you, you're wearing an oversized shirt and sweatpants and your hair is messy and unkempt. This isn't like you at all.
He eventually sits you down in his study to talk with you. "MC, I'd like to know what's been bothering you. Are you okay"
Suddenly, all of the feelings you've been bottling up explode.
"No, clearly i'm not okay!" you shout, throwing your hands up in frustration.
Lucifer is taken aback by your outburst, but he listens as you tell him everything. Anger rises in his chest and he clenches his fist in his lap.
You were a sobbing mess, "I don't even know why I'm upset, they're only stating facts anyways."
Lucifer immediately pulls you into a tight hug, silencing the toxic words that leave your mouth. “Regardless of whether their observations are true or not, clearly we all still care deeply about you. So they are wrong about that aspect.”
You continue to sob into his chest, but this time at his words. "B-But Luci...It's true..."
He pulls away and plants a delicate kiss to your forehead. “That's quite enough of that. MC, you are the most beautiful being I’ve ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on.”
He scoops you up onto his lap, cradling you close. You squeeze your eyes shut, enjoying the moment of tenderness you've been craving so much. "Now let's get you showered and ready for bed. Would you care to join me?"
The Avatar of Greed is surprisingly quick to notice the habits you've formed.
You had yelled at him for barging into your room, which you didn't normally do anymore.
He was startled when he had walked into you crying, and decided he wasn’t leaving without an explanation.
“Mammon I said go away already!” You cried, tossing a book at him.
He had dodged it of course, and made his way over to your bed. “No way in hell am I leaving until ya tell me what’s wrong!”
You were stubborn. You sat in silence, staring at the floor. Mammon sighed, "Please MC. Don't think I haven't noticed you haven't been eating... or takin' care of yourself... and you're so stressed. It's my job to pay attention to these things!"
You began to weep again, explaining the situation through hiccups.
Once you finished, Mammon was pissed.
"Are you fuckin' for real?! I swear i'm gonna rip 'em apart..." He demands the name of the demon who dares say such vile things to his human.
He was so angry, his demon form was threatening to take over.
"It's fine Mammon, It's not like they were lying. Its true, I'm fat. I'm disgusting. Just look at me."
Mammon practically growls at the way you talk about yourself. His hands are suddenly on your shoulders.
"You're really gonna listen to some bastard demon who doesn't even know ya at all?! Yeah, I'll look at you. And when I do, all I see is this beautiful human who makes me fuckin' crazy."
He stared at you intently before crashing his lips to yours. You welcomed the kiss gratefully. His hands are exploring their way down your arms, and up the curves of your hips.
When you broke apart, he pulled you into his chest, squeezing you tightly. He just wanted to hold you. To protect you from everything that could possibly harm you.
Your legs trembled when he pulled you to your feet and you held onto him.
"Let's go watch a movie in bed or somethin', okay? I want to show you just how beautiful you are."
You nodded, taking his hand and wiping your tear stained cheeks with the other. All you wanted right now was his company. His love and attention. "I love you Mams. Thank you."
He flashed you a wide grin. "I love you too, Treasure. Don't you forget that."
Levi was shocked when you turned down his offer on watching the new episode of anime you've been watching together.
You muttered something along the lines of "I know I can't be as perfect as that one character you like so much."
Levi froze in place, watching you retreat down the hallway and to your room. W-What did you just say?!
It takes him a moment, but he follows you and cautiously opens your door.
You were sat on your bed, arms crossed and tears falling down your face.
"M-MC! What's wrong?? D-Did I say something to upset you?" He stuttered, unsure of how to approach you.
When you told him everything, he was practically crying right alongside you. "I know i'm fat, Levi. I don't know how you can stand me when all those anime characters are so perfect."
Levi shakes his head, his amber eyes filled with tears. "No, no, no. Don't even go thinking that. Those characters aren't real. You're real, MC. And you are perfect to me. You're my Henry, remember?!"
You let out a small giggle through your tears. "Y-Yeah, I guess. But-"
Levi interrupts you, pulling you into a hug.
You run your fingers through his purple hair and you begin to relax. You felt bad for snapping at him. "I'm sorry, Levi."
The purple haired demon pulls away, wiping his own eyes with his sleeve. "N-Now you've made me cry! Come on. Let's go back to my room." He glances down at the hoodie and pajama pants you're wearing. "I-I'll lend you one of my shirts if you want..." he said, shyly. He knew you loved borrowing his anime shirts.
You perked up at that, the thought of being surrounded in his scent cheering you up. He really does know you so well.
He grabbed your hand and lead you to his room, his face flushing in the process.
"Hey, Levi? I love you."
Satan could feel your pact mark with him burning.
You had just gotten done throwing a tantrum over not being able to understand the material you were studying for test the next day.
Satan's emerald eyes widened, reassuring you that it was okay, and he didn't mind going over it with you again.
"No, I'm just too stupid to get it! That demon was right. I don't know how you can stand me!" you yelled, sliding down to the floor of the library.
"MC...what demon? Will you please explain?"
When he finally got it out of you, his own wrath began to rise in his stomach. He felt sick with rage.
You pulled your knees to your chest, your own pact mark beginning to burn. "It's not like they are wrong or anything. They're stating facts."
Satan sat on the floor next to you, wrapping his arms around your trembling form.
"Now you don't actually believe that do you?"
You sniff, wiping the mixture of snot and tears from your face. "W-Well yeah I do..."
Satan shook his head. "Unacceptable. I believe we aren't finished with our session yet. I have another subject to teach you in."
The remainder of your study session was spent with Satan planting soft kisses on various parts of your body. Your face. Your hands.
He rolled up the sleeves of your oversized hoodie to kiss your arms.
He ran his hands over the curves and dips of your body. Over your soft, plush thighs.
"S-Satan...stop..." you sighed. But you really didn't mean it. All you wanted was his gentle touch. You couldn't get enough.
He smiled, wiping your tears. He helped you to your feet, and planted one final kiss to your soft lips.
"Let's continue this session after hours. I have lots more to teach you about yourself."
You and Asmo were supposed to go to the spa together that evening. Needless to say, you weren't exactly feeling up to it.
Asmo pouted when you told him you were cancelling, and demanded to know the reason why.
You tried to come up with an excuse, but you began to grow visibly upset, finding it hard to speak.
Asmo's face fell and he quickly guided you to his room.
"Darling, what ever is the matter?" he asked softly, sitting you down on his bed.
You wept as you finally came clean. "I just don't get why you want to spend time with me! I'm fat and disgusting! I'll only ruin your image!"
His concern began to transform into anger. "As the Avatar of Lust, there's no way I'm letting you speak that way about yourself!" he cried, grabbing a tissue and dabbing at your wet cheeks.
You let out a choked sob as he pulled you to your feet, standing you in front the large mirror that stood in his closet. "A-Asmo, no... I don't even want to look at myself..."
Asmo only shook his head. "Look at this beautiful human standing right here with me. Who says being heavier is a bad thing? That demon's only goal was to hurt you because he's simply jealous."
You sniffed, staring up at Asmo's reflection in the mirror. You've never seen him this serious before.
"Y-You really think I'm beautiful? Are you sure?" you asked, timidly.
Asmo pressed the side of his face against yours as he continued to admire your reflection. "The beauty I see in you is undeniable, my dear."
You chuckled as he twirled you around to face him, bringing your hand to his lips.
If there was one thing Asmodeus was good at, it was loving himself.
Now he was going to teach you, too.
Giving you a wink, Asmo guided you to his bathroom."Let's go have a spa night here, instead. You deserve nothing but the best treatment from yours truly."
When dinner time rolled around, Lucifer called your name.
You reluctantly emerged from your bedroom, and in a cloudy state of mind found yourself at the table with a plate of food in front of you.
You stared down at it, and began picking through it with a fork.
Beel immediately noticed your behavior.
You normally ate your food with no hesitation and gratefully thanked whoever had made it that night.
It had been Beel's turn to cook, so he made your favorite, sensing you were down about something.
He only wanted to cheer you up.
"MC, are you feeling okay?" he said quietly as to not draw attention to the rest of his brothers.
Your lip began to tremble, and your fork clattered to the floor.
Now the other brothers were looking at you, and you felt your face heat up in embarrassment.
"Would you all quit staring at me?! I'm going to my room. I-I'm not feeling good." you yelled.
Beel got up, leaving his own unfinished plate of food behind to follow you.
When he knocked on your door, he could hear you sobbing. He entered your room and made his way over to you.
"MC, what's wrong?" he asked softly, reaching out to play with a lock of your hair.
You glanced at him, your face messy with tears. "How do you guys love me?"
Beel was confused by your question. "Huh? Why wouldn't we love you?"
You finally broke down, telling him everything. Beel's heart ached for you, and he suddenly didn't have an appetite anymore.
"MC...We could never feel that way about you..."
You buried your face in your hands. "But look at me! You don't see the gross stretch marks on my skin? How fat I am?"
Beel winced at your words. "MC, look." he said, pulling up his shorts slightly to expose his thigh. "I have them too."
You blinked in surprise as you saw the pale white lines traveling over the expanse of Beel's skin. "W-What?"
He nodded, pulling you to his side. "I do. I struggled with weight gain too. My sin is gluttony, and It got out of control for a little bit."
You sniffed, leaning into him. "I-I'm sorry Beel..."
He nuzzled his face into your neck. "Just promise not to say things like that anymore. I love everything about you."
His hands traveled down to your own thighs and squeezed. "You are everything I need. You make me feel hungry in a different way. I crave it all the time."
You sighed as he pressed his lips against yours. "Now only if you're feeling up to it, maybe we can finish our dinner in my room?"
You gave him a small smirk, "Sure, I'm looking forward to dessert."
Belphie didn't pay attention at first.
But when you didn't show up to your nightly cuddle session in the attic, he was worried.
He texted you, but there was no answer. Where are they? He wondered.
He decided to go search for you, going to your room first.
When he got to your door, he didn't bother knocking.
He entered to see you buried under your covers in your bed.
"MC?" he yawned, padding over to lift the covers slightly.
Your teary eyes met his, and he furrowed his brow in worry. "Why are you crying, Angel?"
Your lip quivered, and you began cry more. "G-Go away, Belphie."
The youngest demon only pulled back your covers and slipped into the spot next to you. He pulled the blankets back up to cover you both.
"Nah, I'm comfy here. What's going on?"
You rolled away from him, not wanting to meet his gaze.
"Belphie, why do you love me?"
He hummed, pondering the question. "Because you are you. I love everything. There's no way I can list them all. Too sleepy." he yawned.
You felt a bubble of laughter rise in your chest, but only for a second.
"So you don't mind that i'm um.... overweight?"
Belphie's eyebrows lifted in surprise at the question. "Where is this coming from?"
Fresh tears spilled as you began to explain what happened a few days prior.
Belphie growled, pulling you closer to him. He wanted to know who it was that dared say such disgusting things to you.
"But it's true though right? I mean it's pretty obvious they weren't lying."
Hearing those words only made him angrier. He forced you to roll back over so you were facing him.
"Dont say such things, MC. You always hate it when I say bad things about myself, don't you?"
You nodded, wiping your nose. "Y-Yeah, but this is different..."
He shook his head, reaching out to cradle your head in his hands.
"No it's not different. You are the greatest thing to happen to me. I don't give a shit about things like that, and you know it. And I know for a fact my brothers don't either."
You gasped as he pulled you into his chest. You began to relax as he rubbed circles on your back. "Belphie..."
He pulled away, staring into your eyes. "Did you know that every star you see is different? Even though they look the same from a distance. MC, you're the brightest, most beautiful star I've ever seen. If we all looked the same, it would be pretty boring, right?"
Your lip trembled, but Belphie put it to rest once he pressed his lips to yours. "I love you, Angel. Let's get our cuddle session in now okay?"
Side Characters coming shortly! (Will update)
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civilight-eterna · 3 hours
hiiiiii can i ask for gladiia/kaltsit..... whatever youd been craving to write for them honestly .... i need glad to break that old woman please,
(hehheehe just picture kal in the ambience synesthesia outfit-)
"You kept me waiting."
"Only because I knew that the moment I shared a dance with you, I'd be indisposed the rest of the night."
"You knew I'd keep you to myself."
"And I needed to build my stamina to keep up with your kind of dancing. How goes the saying? 'Save the best for last'?"
"Finer praise I've yet to hear, coming from the only woman on land that can keep up with me."
Kal'tsit barely lifts her hands and Gladiia has her, by the waist, by the wrist, and she threads their bodies through the passing throngs of dancing people into a waltz.
"Thank you." Kal'tsit catches hold of an exhale with which to breathe the words.
"Whatever for?"
"For whatever you like."
"I'd like it to be a great many things. I'd ask you to be more specific."
"Of course. I'll think about it."
It's the closest Gladiia has come to any sort of admission to anyone besides herself, but like always, Kal'tsit holds her heart just out of reach, keeping that vague, quiet distance, carefully measured.
The pomegranate cloistered in lofty boughs, skin peeled away, shelling blood like drops of pearl.
Gladiia knows she would break her teeth upon it for a deeper taste. She is convinced that every woman that crosses Kal'tsit's path is doomed to be a casualty of her first lover, enchanted as they are eclipsed by the smoldering maze of embers left behind in their wake.
Ironic, that one of the first lessons as a hunter is to yield to the ebb and flow of the tides. The currents will sense, then choke out, any struggle otherwise.
Their bodies slice through space across the floor. Gladiia takes her waist, lifts her aloft with a flourish and turn-
For a moment, Kal'tsit's slender form is backlit by the overhead lights, wreathing her expression in shadow. Through the deep, low cut of the garment along her back, Gladiia feels the articulation of her spine, the faint sheen of sweat upon her skin-
-and then seconds later, she sets her back down into step once more, tortured by the knowledge that were they alone, Kal'tsit would stay where she could be worshiped, held high, illuminated by that peculiar darkness that didn't cross her features aside from in her most vulnerable moments.
But Gladiia knows that even now, it's still only what Kal'tsit lets shine through the cracks. She is under no delusions.
Kal'tsit calls her out immediately.
"You look distracted."
A blink. "I am."
"Not that it hampers your dancing any. You just look like you're about to kill me."
"Only if you wanted me to. And only for as long as I could bear to part with your company."
Gladiia sets a brisker pace, improvises a turn, a challenge that Kal'tsit rises to. Effortless.
The music fades. They have ended their dance right by the exit in such a way that appears natural-
"Say that I was interested, in this little death of yours. Would you grant me that much tonight?"
"At least that much."
-But they both know better.
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mousegirlheart · 1 year
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@elliegoose i've been thinking about that cute post for weeks and I had to try and draw it... they don't make smaller saddles...
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madelinetess · 4 months
Wouldn't it be nice?
“There are only ten minutes remaining till the end of this match and Richmond players seem to be in quite the pickle.”
“You are right Arlo, it does appear to be a dangerous situation for the greyhounds. As of now the score is 1:1 but Chelsea’s in possession and it looks like they may score the winning goal after all.”
“A beautiful pass from number 11, getting through Richmond’s defence, the only thing between the Chelsea Striker and leaving the match victorious is Richmond’s goalie, Zoreaux, who seems to be having a tough day today.”
“The greyhounds are relying quite heavily on their defence players today… What’s this? A beautiful kick by the Chelsea attacker! It’s soaring through the air and… By God, Arlo, did you see that?”
“If you are referring to the brilliant dive by Richmond’s number 13, then yes, I most definitely saw it. We simply have to look at it again, the way he got in there just in time to kick the ball right back into the stands, simply marvellous.”
A slow motion replay of Jan’s desperate save displayed on the screen accompanied by the cheers of the fans in the stands and the live commentary by both Chris Powell and Arlo White.
“The Dutchman did it again. He has definitely been the backbone of today's defence, foiling most of the scoring attempts. But back to the game, it is now time for Nelson Road residents to either try and keep the ball for the remaining four minutes, or to shock us with some clever closing play.”
“You never know what to expect from them, and they’ve been continually pulling all kinds of tricks from their sleeves. Chris, what do you think is going to happen?”
“It remains to be seen, Arlo, we’ll just have to wait.”
“Bumbercatch passes to Montlaur, Montlaur goes in to score, but no! It was a feint and it’s Jamie Tartt now with the ball. Tartt passes to Rojas who gets through Chelsea’s defence and gets the ball straight to number 12 and it’s a goal! A beautiful play by the Greyhounds mere seconds before the final whistle! Richmond winds up victorious with two goals from Tartt and Hughes respectively.”
“A beautiful display of teamwork indeed. It’s games like this one that truly highlight the unity of the Nelson Road Team, the famous ‘Richmond Way’ a term coined by Trent Crimm in his best selling book…”
The commentary was now fading away as the team exited the pitch, still euphoric after the win. Jan walked feeling exhausted but hyped up and was now heading to the locker room to celebrate along with the entirety of the team. The coaches were already there, waiting for them. 
Everyone got seated and the room fell into silence, awaiting Roy’s words. 
“Allright, I’ll make it quick. Good job Jamie, Colin,” He nodded at each respective player but then turned towards Jan “Jan Maas. You are the main reason we didn’t fuckin’ lose today!” Excitement in their manager’s voice crystal clear. 
Dani was the first one to cheer, but soon everyone joined in and the whole locker room was once again filled with excited footballers. Shoulder pats and bear hugs were exchanged once again before Roy had to shout to get them to settle down and listen to the announcements.
“Oi! You have fifteen minutes to celebrate here, and after that I expect to see you all on the bus, ready to head to the hotel.”
With that Roy left to support Rebecca handling the interviews, and both Beard and Nate followed him out of the room, probably to settle some other matters.
The team changed quickly and it wasn’t even twenty minutes later that Jan sat next to Richard on the way to the hotel. The Dutchman pulled out a well loved book that was given to him for his birthday by the man sitting right next to him out of his bag. Richard himself could never read while in a moving vehicle, so as usual he opted for listening to music and looking out the window, completely zoned out. 
The ride itself was short, and soon enough they all stood in the hotel lobby waiting to get their keys.
“Listen up people!” Coach Beard could be heard over the general ruckus “You get settled and then at 8PM sharp we meet in conference room 3 for our movie night! Jan Maas, today you get the honours of drawing the movie from our box of suggestions.” 
A collective choir of whoops and whistles filled the foyer.
The movie night tradition became a thing when Ted was still their manager and it was one of the many things that stuck around even after he didn’t. Of course pillow fights also kept on happening, but the clean-up after a movie night is undoubtedly easier, and watching a silly movie is definitely a great way of winding down after a difficult match. 
The box of suggestions though, was Phoebe’s idea that Roy decided to implement. At the beginning of the season each player got to write down one movie name on a post-it and put it in a purple glittery shoebox. Then, every movie night someone from the team would draw a piece of paper from said box and whatever it said, that was the movie they were going to watch. 
The suggestions were obviously restricted, to the disappointment of both Moe and Richard. Richard’s, because almost everyone voted no, on classic French cinema, and Bumbercatch’s for reasons unspecified. The only other rule was no one was supposed to know who suggested what.
So obviously Jan and Richard turned into a game to see if they could guess who wrote down which movie. So far they were pretty sure that Dani suggested Night at the Museum and Sam was definitely the one who pitched Ratatouille, as for the other ones they were based purely on speculation. Both of them were pretty positive that Thierry picked How to lose a guy in 10 days. Richard kept disagreeing with him about who suggested Baby Driver, it was a tie between Jamie and Isaac, but for some reason the same disagreement also occurred while debating who picked Ocean’s Eleven.
Some other movies they watched included classics such as Jojo Rabbit, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Legally Blonde, The Greatest Showman, and Knives Out. The jury was still out on all of these. 
They agreed not to disclose what movie they themselves suggested, to keep the game more interesting. 
Jan however knew exactly what Richard picked. He remembers the first practice of the season, he remembers the weather outside, and the exact button up shirt that Richard wore that day. 
Why does he remember that? Well, because he spent the entire after-practice meeting staring at the four undone upper buttons, and not thinking about what movie he should put down as his suggestion. That in turn meant he caught a glimpse of Richard’s post-it and the two titles written in neat handwriting. Duplex and 50 First Dates sat right there being deeply analysed by the Frenchman struggling to pick one. That’s when Jan decided, whichever one his friend doesn’t pick, he was going to write down.
The jangle of the room keys brought the Dutchman back to Earth. Richard has already gone and picked them up from coach Beard and was now motioning for Jan to follow him to their accommodations. 
Most of the team roomed on the same floor, but the coaches made sure to get themselves settled the furthest away from the rest of the team. The rooms were nice enough, with a small balcony, two beds, wardrobe, a table with some chairs and an adjacent bathroom. Enough for a one night stay. 
Richard immediately threw his things onto the bed by the window and sat down on it. After dozens of times sharing a room at away games Jan already knew that the Frenchman loved being woken up by the sun. 
The Dutchman took the other bed and unpacked some of their bathroom things. There was no use taking two tubes of toothpaste, so they both agreed beforehand who was going to take one, same with soap and shampoo. Neither of them trusted the ones provided by the hotels.
After they were done unpacking they headed down to the dining room to grab some dinner before coming back up to their room to get changed into some sweatpants and comfy t-shirts and whatnot. Then the only thing left was to locate conference room number 3. 
On the stairway they were joined by Colin, Isaac, Moe and a couple of the reserves. They already went up a flight before Reynolds stopped them to ask a question.
“Hold up, does anyone know where we are supposed to go?” 
“Conference room 3, duh” Colin answered.
“Yeah, but do any of you actually know where that is?”
Everyone stopped in the middle of the stairway and shook their heads.
“Then where the hell are we going?” Goodman piped up.
“O'Brien, didn't you say that your roommate stayed back to ask the receptionist about it?”
“Yeah, he did.” Tom turned around as if to locate said roommate and didn’t seem to find him. Then he turned around again, hoping for a different result. That clearly didn’t seem to help. “I forgot Bhargava!” he yelled out and dashed down the stairs back to the rooms.
“Do you guys think he just locked him inside their room?” Colin asked, looking after the goalkeeper.
“Maybe he just forgot to tell him we were going already..?” Isaac supplied. 
“Nah, he totally locked him in,” Richard laughed heartily and looked at Jan smiling which he reciprocated.
“Isn’t there a floorplan somewhere maybe?” Jan asked no one in particular. The Dutchman looked around trying to find something that would tell them where to go. While they were still standing around on the stairs they all heard O’Brien shouting.
“Lads! We got to go downstairs, not up!” A chorus of groans lasted a good ten seconds it took them to get downstairs and back to the lobby.
Once they finally reached the conference room Roy looked at them, then at his watch, and then back at them. 
“What took you so long, you got fuckin’ lost, or something?” 
“Well, what matters is that we are all here now.” Reynolds said after a beat of silence.
“That is the bare minimum, we said at 8, it’s 8:20”
“Actually, it’s only 8:17 so it’s closer to…” Goodman started but one look from their former captain turned manager shut him up.
"We need to learn how to appreciate the little things, like finding our way, or Richard…" Jan said, throwing an arm around his friend, who was standing right next to him.
The Frenchman was not amused, and rolled his eyes pointedly exaggerating the movement.
"Laugh all you want, I'm not the one that had to ask the hotel desk to get another duvet, because I didn't fit under the one that comes with the room."
“Fuckin’ hell… Enough of that, get inside, sit down and get ready to watch the movie.” Roy stopped them before they could drag the conversation out even longer. “Jan, come with me to pick the movie.”
Inside the conference room a projector was set up, along with a few rows of nice cushioned chairs to sit on. Roy stood in front of the chairs waiting for the footballers to settle down on their seats. 
“Today's match was hard,”Roy began his speech. “but we pulled through. And we fuckin’ won!” Here Roy paused, waiting for the cheers to die down. “And we owe it not only to the ones scoring the goals, but to our defence as well, especially to Jan Maas over here, so Nate,” Here Roy turned to the shorter man, “Bring in the Box!”
Nate approached with the glittery shoebox and dramatically opened the lid before turning to Jan waiting for the Dutchman to pick out a post-it note with the title of today’s movie.
Jan covered his eyes and reached into the box pulling out a piece of paper folded twice, handing it to Roy and walking off to sit down on an empty chair next to Richard that the shorter man saved for him.
“And the movie of the evening is… 50 First Dates!”
Some people whooped, some looked around confused. Richard turned to look at Jan grinning. Jan returned the gesture for the second time today and turned to the screen waiting for the movie to start. He has never seen it before, but since Richard enjoyed it, then it must be nice. 
The snack bowls were passed around, the light turned off, and the movie put on. Jan held onto the popcorn he was handed. For the next hour and a half every now and then the Frenchman would nudge him to get the bowl within his reach.
From time to time someone would snicker at some joke, Jamie definitely winced at the scene where Lucy beat Henry up, Thierry pointed out the fact that the dolphins were named Mary Kate and Ashley and Dani shot up during the diary burning scene to exclaim that it’s almost like that time when they were getting rid of the ghosts from the treatment room. 
They all bawled their eyes out at the break up scene, and tissues had to be passed around during the final one. Jan ended up liking the movie and judging by the fact that by the end most of the players were trying to hold back tears, so did they. 
Once the light came back on the coaches gave them ten minutes to tidy up, and get back to their rooms. Isaac and Sam stayed the longest to make sure everything was back to how it was beforehand, which meant Colin was stuck outside the doors waiting for his room key that his best friend held on to, Jan and Richard decided to keep him company. 
“How’d you like the movie?” the Welshman asked, noticing how the two of them decided to wait around with him.
“I liked it” Jan simply answered “And you, Richard, you’ve seen it before, right?”
“Yeah, but I still find it enjoyable.” 
“Yeah? Is it because Henry reminds you of… well, you?” Colin laughed
“Why? Because Dickie here is a shameless flirt, or actually a softie that cares a lot about penguins?” Colin joked as Isaac joined their group while Sam was locking up the conference room.
“I’ll have you know, penguins are actually great animals.”
“Yeah, and they are also the best secret agents in the world” the Nigerian finally joined their tiny circle, and they were able to start moving towards their rooms. 
They all stopped in front of Sam and Dani’s room to talk a bit more before retiring for the night. Jan couldn’t help but notice how short Richard looked standing next to them all, well, maybe not next to Colin, but the rest of them towered over the Frenchman a little. 
After about ten minutes of idle lounging around Colin yawned loudly prompting their discussion to halt.
“Need your beauty sleep?” Isaac asked.
“Better not, because he would need a lot of it.” Richard quipped.
“And remember, we have to be up early tomorrow.” Jan replied without missing a beat.
Colin flipped them both off as they bid the group farewell and took off in the direction of their room. 
Back in their room they got ready to sleep taking turns in the bathroom. Richard went in first so when Jan exited after his own shower he was surprised to see his friend still up clearly waiting for him. As soon as the Frenchman noticed Jan was done in the bathroom he motioned for him to join him on the bed, so Jan did.
“So, who do you think picked the movie? I’m pretty sure both Dixon and Goodman recognised it but I’m not sure any of them would have picked it as their one choice.”
“How about Tommy Winchester?” Jan suggested trying to seem oblivious.
“Nah, that’s also not it…Maybe Reynolds?” the shorter man continued to speculate.
“How do I know it wasn’t you?” It might have been a bit of a risky move there, but it wasn’t unsound to assume that. “After all you did know the movie and I remember you mentioning something about liking Drew Barrymore romantic comedies…”
“It does make sense, but let me tell you a secret. I wanted to put that one down, but ended up picking a different movie.” Richard winked at him and it took all the self control Jan had to not reveal to him that he knows. “Also, you remembered that comment about Drew Barrymore? I didn’t even remember it until you mentioned it.”
“We are friends, I remember things about you. Things like your favourite actress… Maybe not the French cinema ones, because most of them I’ve never heard of, but you know… other ones…”
“Give French cinematography a try, you may end up liking it. We could put a film on during our next charcuterie night?”
“How did you end up liking it? I didn’t think goat farms had access to a lot of fancy French cinemas.”
“Well, my maman had a big city soul and I got it from her. She never did get out of the farm, but I did and have been living with splendour for the two of us ever since. Never looked back…”
“You never talked about her before… She sounds like a lovely woman.”
“She was… She was the only one who would get my father to dance with her. He was the most stern man you’ve ever met, but when she put on an old record and asked him to dance he would, just like that… Bought them an Adele record for their 20th wedding anniversary with the money I earned in my first job because that was the only new release at the local store. Père and I listen to it every time I visit him back home.”
They were now both lying down, propped up on the big pillow and looking at the ceiling, Richard leaning on him.
“What is your family like? I don’t think I ever heard you talking about them either…”
“Well, I have a brother and a sister, both older than me, and my parents own a small corner shop…”
Jan woke up in the middle of the night disoriented. He looked around and noticed someone lying on top of him. 
Richard’s rhythmic breaths and the rise and fall of his chest calmly brought Jan back to Earth and stopped him from panicking lest he wake up the smaller man. They must have fallen asleep whilst talking.
The Dutchman looked back at his friend and smiled softly at how the other man curled up into him. He made a move to reach for the blanket at the foot of the bed without stirring the Frenchman but was unsuccessful in his attempt as the other man stirred awake.
“Morning… Well, not morning, but there isn’t really a greeting for the middle of the night…”
“Hello to you too… Can we go back to sleep, or are you gonna move some more?”
“I… Well, uh… Sure, let’s, let’s get back to sleeping.” Before lying back down Jan draped the blanket over the both of them and spared one last look at his best friend. He waited before Richard’s breathing slowed down again before speaking.
“I was the one who put down that movie… Because I saw you struggling to pick one, and I decided to pick the one you wrote off.” He was now absentmindedly tracing patterns on Richard’s right shoulder and arm while spilling some stuff he’d be too scared to admit in the daylight. “I couldn’t stop looking at you that day… And many days before and after that. It’s been a thing for quite some time. And now I’m thinking that I’d like to buy a gramophone so that we could get a vinyl of some Adele album and dance to it, and maybe visit your dad on the farm… You could show me the goats. I've never touched a goat before… And maybe we could grow older together, but not as friends… As something…”
“Just so you know, I’m not asleep yet…”Richard whispered softly as Jan's face dropped. “And I think I would like that too, but maybe we could talk about it more in the morning?” Jan’s face went from horrified to touched to happy as he hugged the man lying next to him.
He pressed a soft kiss to the top of Richard’s head and burrowed his face in his hair. Richard in turn kissed his neck before turning to find a comfortable position and go back to sleep.
“Goodnight Richard”
“Goodnight Jan”
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sophieswundergarten · 10 months
Uhhh respectfully with regards to your post complaining about how Susan is said to be bad at school, please be aware that you basically saying that Susan being bad at school = they say Susan is stupid. There are LOTS of reasons why very intelligent people are bad at school. Including but not limited to learning disabilities like dyslexia, neurodivergencies like ADHD, PTSD, etc. It's ableist to equate "bad at school" to "stupid" so please just be aware of that for the future! Thanks so much! I really loved everything in that post of yours except that one thing that made me kind of uncomfortable and I thought you probably didn't know so thought I should let you know.
Thank you for your concern, Anon! I really appreciate how politely you worded this instead of outright yelling at me.
The irony of this situation is that my sibling and I actually have struggled with school over the years due to various neurodivergences/disabilities like dyslexia, dyscalculia, and OCD tendencies. And I am incredibly insecure about this!! Because I am very new to actually being a part of a community where I can talk about this stuff, and I have worked really hard to hide all of those things my whole life.
I almost went in another direction with the post, and suggested different things Susan may have struggled with, because I wholeheartedly believe she was NOT stupid. But my own anxiety took command there.
My initial idea was that the teachers and adults who were observing her from the outside wouldn't have recognized the reasons she was "no good at school". Either because they didn't have the context of what happened in Narnia, because she worked hard at hiding it because she felt the pressure to be a "good girl", or just because in that timeframe people didn't know about as much about learning disabilities!
Because the idea behind that post was about how the people in England/"our world" misunderstood Susan, and how she had to decide between playing the part people expected of her (Which may have included being pretty over smart) and choosing to be herself.
But, as I said, I chickened out and kind of skimmed over the topic. I didn't mean to imply anything, and I'm sorry for how that may have come off.
Thank you for pointing that out to me, because I hadn't realized how my own nervousness about speaking to something I deal with can come off as ableist or insensitive. The line between being honest and objective and sounding like I'm complaining or begging for attention is something I am incredibly wary of, and I don't have a lot of experience with conducting myself correctly around this topic.
Once again, I really appreciate how kindly you mentioned this and explained it to me. I will work to be aware of this and be more careful in the future.
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cosmic-gemstone · 8 months
I’m…not sure how I feel about reblogs, since these are both my OCs.
WARNINGS: mentions of abuse and torture, explicit sexual content, penetrative sex, oral sex, partially clothed sex, mild dirty talk
TAGS: hurt/comfort, enthusiastic consent, Zuyurd is endearingly awkward, Qessyn has the patience of a saint, she’s also ridiculously flexible, this might be very self-indulgent, Zuyurd is a considerate lover
Here it is in a document.
And as a bonus, some pictures! Context in the fic!
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Zuyurd, Moments Before Disaster™️
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Date Night Attire.
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seagull-energy · 7 months
Thanks for the tag @herenya-writes!!
Favorite Color(s): Yellow!!! Also jewel tones like scarlet red and forest green. I like a lot of colors
Last Movie/TV Show: Avengers Assemble (my beloved) I'm rewatching it to collect clips for a ship compilation. Also just went and saw The Marvels on Friday.
Spicy/savory/sweet: Sweet!!!! I have a huge sweet tooth! Give me sugar and I’m like *cat with pupils rapidly expanding* I have a very high tolerance for it too, so I don't really get hyper or crash :)
Current Obsession: lots. I suppose the main ones are Lord of the Rings (no surprise to anyone who follows me I'm sure) and the aforementioned Avengers Assemble. I’m extremely, extremely attached to Natasha Romanov and Arwen right now.
Last thing I googled: uhhh not sure
Tagging: @championrevali @mischieffoal I hope it's okay to tag y'all!!
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autisticassassinbird · 2 months
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The kitties eating treats.
(Photo Id: From left to right; Ghost, the white cat with a gray tail and ears; Nadja (pronounced Nad-ja), the tortoiseshell kitten; and William, Dark Lord of all, Keeper of the Abyss, the black tuxedo cat. All three cats are eating cat treats off the white kitchen floor tiles. End ID)
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kid Lance au! Maybe where he gets turned into a kid (for one random reason to another) and the team expects him to be loud and hyperactive, but he's rlly shy and sweet instead?
Dad Coran >:)
I've never written something like this before.
"Coran....what happened?" Allura asked, her eyebrow twitching a bit in anger as she stared at the situation.
Coran held a small device up to his face, squinting at the numbers. "It seems my calculations were a bit off. This thing is over 10,000 years old."
"The device or your brain?" Pidge tilted their head trying to understand what they were seeing.
Hunk began to chew his nails, not really sure what to do. Shiro pinched the bridge of his nose, Keith looking between the situation and the door; clearly ready to book it.
What was the situation? Lance sitting on the floor. But it wasn't just Lance sitting on the floor, it was a kid version of Lance sitting on the floor.
He blinked up at everyone, his clothes falling off his smaller frame. He tilted his head to the side; clearly trying to understand what was happening.
Allura crouched down, placing her hand son her knees. "Hey there Lance, do you know who I am?"
Keith nudged Shiro, "I cannot deal with a hyperactive kid."
Shiro placed his hand on his brother shoulder, "I'm sure Coran can figure this out before dinner."
"Uh negative number 1, this will wear off in about one movement." Coran tapped a couple more buttons on his device.
"A week! Lance will be a child for a week!!" Hunk exclaimed, beginning to pace his anxiety.
All every fell on Lance once more, who was pulling his oversized jacket tighter around him. He didn't answer Allura, simply stared at her with his big eyes.
Allura frowned and stood back up. "Okay so we're down a paladin for a week. That's...we can work with that." She looked at the others, begging with validation with her eyes.
Everyone gave slight nods, clearly still sure about what to do regarding the situation. Allura looked back down at Lance, the back at her team, "how old does he look?"
They all looked at him, "um six? Maybe eight?" Hunk said hesitantly.
"Why don't we ask him?" Coran kneeled down, "how old are you?" He said in a slight puppy dog voice.
Lance looked at him, before a smile bloomed over his face, "moustache!"
"Why I do have a moustache, but how old are you?"
Lance blinked up at him, and stuck out his hands, “this many!” 
The team silently counted his fingers, “so he’s seven,” Keith finally spoke. 
The first day was the weirdest by far. Coran had found some smaller clothes, given them to Lance who got dressed. He still wore his jacket around the castle, despite the fact he was basically swimming in it.
The team kept their distance, unsure of what to do with him. Keith made sure to keep two rooms between him and Lance at all times. Shiro and Allura watched from a distance, both of the ready to step in if Lance was doing something to hurt himself.
Hunk panic baked, while Pidge tried to see of she could figure out how to age him back up quicker.
Lance was on the couch, swinging his legs back and forth while he he played on a device that Pidge handed him.
"When do you think he's going to...you know freak out? Run around? Destroy our bedrooms?" Keith poked his head in, speaking softly to Shiro and Allura.
Shiro hummed, "I don't know. He's been very calm."
"Are children on your planet usually hyperactive?" Allura asked hesitantly.
"Usually. And Lance, being...well Lance I'm surprised he hasn't ran around yet."
Hunk called for dinner a bit later, and Lance padded towards the dinning room, holding Coran's hand the entire time. Dinner was a bit awkward, everyone was watching Lance intently, waiting for some fit or fussing.
But Lance sat still, used his silverware, and except getting food down his shirt and some of his face, he was well behaved.
"Here let me help you," Coran pulled out a napkin and wiped Lance's face.
"Thanks mister!"
Coran smiled, "anytime my boy."
Lance hopped down from the chair, grabbing his empty plate. He looked around, his eyebrows furred together in thought. 
“Do you need something Lance?” Hunk asked, rubbing his hands together nervously. 
Lance looked up at him, lifting his empty plate a bit higher, “where?” 
“Where? Um,” it quickly clicked with Hunk what the boy was getting ate. “Oh! In the sink, let me show you.” Hunk stood from the table, grabbing his own plate and led Lance into the kitchen. 
“Whoa! This is huge!” Lance looked around the room in awe. 
Hunk couldn’t help but chuckle, “this is the kitchen,” he grabbed Lance’s plate, and placed it in the sink, “this is the food goo machine. It attacked me once.” 
Lance fell into a fit of laughter. Lance offered to help wash dished, and Hunk left to grab a chair for him to stand on. Hunk dried and put everything away while Lance scrubbed each dish, his tonged poking out of his lips in concentration. 
“All done,” Lance hopped off the chair, flapping his arms to slide his sleeves down. 
“Thanks Lance, you were a big help.” 
“Mama always has me help with dishes,” he gave a toothy grin. 
Lance ended up in the common room once more, completely engross with a random Altean movie that was playing. He hugged the spare couch pillow, his eyes trying to catch every movement of the action scene. 
“Someone has to put him to bed right? That’s what you do to kids?” Shiro asked, clearly overwhelmed by the idea of tucking a kid in. 
Hunk nodded, “tuck him in, maybe read him a story, kids need a lot more sleep than we do.” 
Keith, Shiro, and Pidge made a slight face; neither of them had spent anytime around younger kids. 
“So we should put him to bed soon?” Allura asked, looking around her paladins towards Lance. 
Hunk nodded, "yeah it's like 7pm."
Coran stepped forward, "I can take care of him. You all relax." He made his way towards the younger boy. "What do you say my boy, time for bed?"
Lance looked up at him, blinking at him, almost as if he was trying to understand why he was so familiar. "Bedtime?"
Coran nodded, turning off the TV in the process. "Come on, I'll walk you to your room."
Lance hooped off the couch, grabbing Coran's hand as they walked down the hallway. "Hey mister?"
Coran glanced down at him, "yes?"
"Where's my mama?"
The ginger man felt a frown tug at his lips but he fought it down. "She's home. You're on a...vacation."
"Oh...like a space camp?!"
"Yeah...like a space camp." Coran brought him to his room, grabbing him clothes for him to change into and he tucked him in. "Can I get you anything else?"
"A story? Hmmmm what kind of story do you like?"
Coran nodded his head, "okay. Let me think for a moment." He sat on the edge of the bed, Lance staring up at him with excited eyes. A story eventually came to Coran's mind, a story Coran used to tell his own son when he was younger. "About 300 years ago there was a boy named..."
Lance fell asleep soon after.
Having a kid version of Lance around was a huge shift for the team. Lance was loud, a constant chatter box, he always had something to talk about. He wasn't a morning person, he was always ready for a fight, him and Keith jabbed at each other. He tied the room together, he made the team who they were.
But this version of Lance? Huge contrast. Younger Lance was quiet, reserved in a sense. He seemed shy around anyone that wasn't Hunk or Coran. He stayed in his own areas, asking Hunk and Coran for clarification or random questions about what they were doing.
He stayed in front of the TV when the team was training or on a mission to scout out a planet for an alliance. Lance stumbled upon Blue one day, the lion making a bit if a ruckus at the age of her paladin.
"Lance, what are you doing down here?!" Hunk ran into the hanger, the other's on his tail.
Lance looked back at his friend, pointing up at the giant metal lion. "Blue!"
"Yeah, yeah she is."
Lance looked back at the lion, "I like her!"
"She likes you two buddy. You're her paladin." Hunk crouched down next to him.
Hunk took a deep breath, trying to find the correct way to explain what a paladin was to a seven year old. "It uh...it's a job." He glanced back at his teammate for help.
"We fight bad guys to save the universe." Pidged offered.
Lance looked back at her, "and you fly in a giant lion?!"
The team nodded in agreement in their own ways.
Lance ran over to Coran, wrapping his arms around him. "Coran! Look at the lion! She's pretty!"
Coran patted his head, "they're four more lions."
Lance looked at him with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. He pulled on Coran's hand until he was leaned down to be at his eyelevel. "Show me? Pleaseeeeeeeee."
"Okay okay," he looked up at the other paladins, waiting for them to give the okay. "Let's go."
Later that night Lance was sitting back on the couch, singing a song under his breath as he swung his legs while playing a game. Shiro sat on the other couch, reading a book while Hunk worked on the small project next to him.
"What you singing Lance?" Shiro asked him.
Lance looked up at him, stopping the motion of his legs. "A song my mama sings."
"How does it go?"
"Um, it's in Spanish. Do you know Spanish?" Lance tilted his head as he asked his question.
Shiro shook his head, "no but I can learn a song."
Lance spent the next half hour teaching Hunk and Shiro the words to the song, giggling a bit if they pronounced something wrong. Coran and Allura filtered in afterward and Lance taught them the same song.
It was the most Lance talked to everyone the entire time.
Everyone seemed to forget that Lance was suppose to go back to his original age until he did. Coran knocked on his door, fully prepared to help him get ready for the door. "Good morning- Lance!?"
"Yeah that's my name. What's up?"
Coran blinked at him, measuring him with his arms, ignoring the other boys confused noises.
"Coran! What are you doing?!"
"Measuring you," Coran stood up, "you're back to your normal size!"
Lance blinked at him, "why wouldn't I be?"
"Do you not remember?"
"Remember what Coran?"
Coran sighed, "let's talk to the team."
"Um okay," Lance went back into his room, reappearing with his signature green jacket. They both headed down to the dinning room. "Coran?"
"Yes my boy."
"Why were they're like, small clothes in my room?"
Coran fought back a chuckle, "we'll explain over breakfast."
So I wasn't sure what to do with this but I hope it turned out okay? I'm not very good at writing shy characters,,,,
Thank you <33333
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ash-the-porcupine · 1 year
Art request of Buster Moon singing in front of his entire theater gang.
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nabateaprodigy · 2 years
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Game: Omori.
Characters: Omori and Sunny.
Genre: Angst..?
Proofread: Kinda.
Word count: I dunno lol.
Note: Kinda had to change some things around for the fic. (Though that's probably just me forgetting the order of things lol.) Also, Omori may be OOC near the end but I tried my best to keep him in character! This is the first time I'm including a song for a fic! It may not fit until the end but I think it's well enough. However, if you know of a song that fits the entire fic let me know!
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Welcome to To Black Space... You've been living here for as long as you can remember? You woke up in a cold sweat and looked around confused. "Huh, what happened where am I? What happened to White Space and where is Omori?"
As you looked at your surroundings there was nothing but pure black darkness however you noticed one door with a strange red glow. "This looks like the door Omori usually goes through but it's black and has this red glow." You attempt to open the door but it is locked then you hear something fall nearby. "Oh, what was that? Maybe it was the key I need to open the door I should go check it out."
As you look around in Black Space which seemed almost empty you find a key on the ground. "Ah yes, the key now I can open the door and hopefully find Omori!" You say as you run back to the door and with a steady hand begin to open it and step inside.
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As you step through the door the first thing you were met with is what looked to be outside of a home. That red glow from before was even more present now coming from the house it sent a chill down your spine. "No, I can't let this scare me I have to keep on moving to find Omori and what is going on." And with that, you step into the house...or at least that's what you thought when you went inside there was nothing but red all around you.
"Just what is this place? What's happening and where is Omori? I don't like this I just want to find Omori!" You have become AFRAID as you walked you notice a trail of redness, on the ground... Could that be blood? You began to worry as to what could have possibly happened here but as you were worrying about what could have happened you noticed a staircase in the distance. You took a minute, to CALM DOWN and then made your way to the staircase and began to go up it. "Maybe once I reach the top I'll finally find Omori."
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As you reached the top of the staircase you finally see him...Omori! But you also notice someone else there as well who could it be? And why does he look like resemble Omori so much? However, you then noticed the state of Omori he was covered in what seemed like blood and had these black spots all over him.
Worry began to fill within you as you cared about Omori so much and never wanted to see him hurt. Without even thinking you ran over to check on him and make sure he was alright. "OMORI" Your yell caught both boys off guard as they stopped what they were doing to look at you. "Omori are you alright what happened to you? And...who is this boy that looks like you?"
Omori looked at you and said nothing as he usually did but you looked into his eyes and saw sadness, almost as if he wished you didn't show up when you did. You then looked over at the other boy who looked quite injured himself and was holding a violin. "Just what happened here? Have you been fighting each other?" You wanted answers but you had a feeling you wouldn't get any as both boys remained silent.
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You had always been able to read Omori pretty well and understand him through body language. However, right now you were at a loss and you just couldn't make sense of what was going on right now whatsoever. You looked at the other boy with the violin "Will you tell me what's going on?" However, just like Omori, the boy stayed silent but the...Omori spoke.
"Y/N that is Sunny the creator of Headspace of me, of you and everyone else. And now he is here to erase us all." It took you by surprise as it was quite rare that Omori said anything but what took you by even more surprising is what he said. "What? So I'm and you aren't real? Then my feelings for you are they not real as well?" You said heartbreaking as you took what Omori had just told you.
Omori spoke up once again "Everything is how Sunny wanted it however you Y/N are unique. Sunny did not previously know of you so you here in Headspace and our feelings for each other are unique and they are real." You were speechless you didn't know what to say or what you could say.
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But after collecting your thoughts and thinking about it. This is the end for you and Omori. You'd rather be here with him while everything comes to an end. "I see so that's how it well as long as I'm with you Omori I wouldn't have it any other way."
Omori was taken by surprise by the sudden hug but after hearing what you had to say dropped his knife and hugged you back. "I love you Y/N" and of course, you loved him as well more than he could ever know. "I love you too Omori I love you too." You then looked over towards Sunny. "Thank you for everything we may not see each other ever again but thank you for everything. I may not be real myself but I know my feelings are real. So go ahead and erase us and this world. Don't worry about me and Omori as long as we're together we'll be fine."
And with that Sunny began to play his violin and played the Final Duet.
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(I hate how the ending turned out I accidentally deleted it and had to do it all over again😭.I'll mostly likely come back and change it at some point.)
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bookworm-girl2002 · 8 months
"I love you."
Such a simple sentence can invoke different emotions. From Shava, it was a declaration of love and was returned wholeheartedly. From Thia's mother, it was a maternal love.
It wasn't a sentence that had ever graced the lips of her father. She longed to hear her father say that he loved her, but has long given up any hope that he would ever say it. After all, he hardly knew her.
So when Thomas, her childhood friend declared that he was in love with her, her mind went blank. But then all at once, she grew enraged. Because how dare he claimed to love her when he hated half of what she is.
And she immediately told him so, as calmly as she could.
"I may have stayed as your friend after the death of your father and heard the words you said to tieflings, dwarves, halfings, half-elves, and dragonborn. Because I understood that you were hurting. But it has been over a decade since his passing and you have only gotten worse with time.You do not love me Thomas. Whatever fantasy you have in your head of me, you need to let go of it. I am in a committed relationship and Shava would never accept you as a romantic partner of mine. You treat her and her friends poorly. I refuse to be the sole exception of someone who is not fully human."
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novaloo · 9 months
Inevitable - part one - Unexpected aid
The lab was filled with the sounds of a pen scribbling against paper and the quiet hum of some scientific machinery. The man taking notes had crow black hair in a distinctive yet messy shape, with a lightning-shaped streak of white running through it. He wore an old lab coat with black protective gloves, boots to match. His goggles were up on his forehead. This mad scientist was no other than Dr Sunshine.
He was finishing up his research, when he remembered something. Something that triggered a flash of genius. One so inspiring that he actually felt like he could sing. And so he abandoned the notes, stepping into the center of the room, moving along to the music inside his head, and began to muse.
"My heart was stolen by a blind pickpocket
In the deep city streets
In the summer of 2012
And I never even saw her face...
My dreams were shattered like a stained-glass window
Jesus in pieces
I believe I threw a brick right through him
But my memory could not be saved!
It just seems unlikely that it's me who was to blame...
So I bookmark my DSM
Cause I need to remember my place!~
Sunshine had an amazing ability of manipulating his voice to match the tone of every word he meant to say. One would say it was miracle-like.
"This is not enough!
This is not enough to prove it yet!
No, I need to hit the bottom!"
He clapped twice.
"This is not enough!
This is not enough to prove it yet!
No, I need to hit the bottom!"
He clapped twice again.
"Gotta get to the bottom of this...
Gotta get to the bottom of this...
Gotta get to the bottom of this...
Take you with me...
My soul was crushed like a tall boy
Underneath the boots on the curb
And I'm still picking up my molars
And putting them back in my face
My name was soiled by a last call spill
With a backwash swill
And the blackout killed me sober
On impact from a fall from grace!
Take the road on higher ground
And tell me, 'Don't look down, you'll fall and break your back'...
But that just reminds me how
There's more to be found beneath the black!
This is not enough!
This is not enough to prove it yet!
No, I need to hit the bottom!"
Double clap.
"This is not enough!
This is not enough to prove it yet!
No, I need to hit the bottom!"
Double clap.
"Gotta get to the bottom of this...
Gotta get to the bottom of this...
Gotta get to the bottom of this...
Take you with me~"
Then his voice took another tone, one worthy of an opera singer.
"Bottle, well, or barrel, all are empty...
Dug, or drank, or poured it out...
When too much is not enough, there's plenty
More where that came from around!...
Looking up we see the point of entry
Between where we are and we've been
Looking up I could say Heaven sent me
Hand me my shovel, I'm going in!
Looking up, we see the point of entry
Between where we are and we've been!"
In his tone resounds a tinge of desperation, slowly growing into a scream that still sounded so melodic.
"Looking down I could say Heaven sent me!
Hand me my shovel, I'm going in!...
Oh, oh, oh...
Gotta get to the bottom of this
Oh, oh, oh...
Gotta get to the bottom of this
Oh, oh, oh...
Gotta get to the bottom of this
Gotta gotta get, gotta gotta get, gotta get
Gotta get to the bottom of this!
Gotta gotta get, gotta gotta get, gotta get
Gotta get to the bottom of this!
Gotta gotta get, gotta gotta get, gotta get
Gotta get to the bottom of this!
If it kills me!
Gotta gotta get, gotta ow!
Gotta get to the bottom of this!
Gotta get to the bottom of this!
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Gotta get to the bottom of this!
If it kills me!..."
At this point his voice was only a scream, filled with desperation and its own charm.
"This is not enough...!
This is not enough, not enough to prove it yet!
No, I need to hit the bottom!...
This is not enough...!
This is not enough, not enough to prove it yet!
No, I need to hit the bottom!...
Oh, this!
This is not enough!
This is not enough, not enough to prove it yet!
No, I need to hit the bottom!...
This is not enough...!
This is not enough, not enough to prove it yet!..."
And his voice returned to normal.
"No, I need to hit the bottom~"
And as his song ended, Dr Sunshine fell to his knees in a theatrical show of desperation, only for himself to watch. But then he heard the door open. And yet he didn't move an inch. The person walked in, stood beside him and extended their hand, handing him... a shovel. An actual shovel. Unable to contain his curiosity anymore, Sunshine looked up at the guest. It was a woman in black boots, black skirt and gray blouse. Her brown hair was tied into something of a messy bun with a hair clip and had some lighter streaks here and there. Just like his - a little messy, but spectacular in its own way. Her emerald eyes played perfectly with the polite smile. There was something familiar about her figure, but he couldn't really tell what.
– ...Why are you here? – Dr Sunshine finally asked.
– You asked for your shovel, sir – she replied, and when he heard her voice his eyes widened.
– No...
– Yes. It's me.
– But you were blind!...
– Intuition is best practiced without vision – her smile shifted into a slightly more amused one. Sunshine took the shovel from her, stood up and leaned against it as he smiled at her a bit.
– And I never even got your name... – he mused.
– Julie. Pleased to meet you, sir.
– You may call me Doctor Sunshine. But... What are you searching for here?
– I wish to become your assistant, doctor – Julie replied, to Sunshine's surprise. – I will answer to every call and complete every task, I promise.
– Hm... I could use some help with my science I suppose.
– I will not let you down, Doctor Sunshine! – she said once again, bowing a little. At that he smiled and helped Julie put on her new lab coat.
– Now... you're officially my assistant.
– So... What shall I assist you with first, doctor?
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