#Few people will probably understand this but to those that do be my friend pls
musicals-and-mushrooms · 10 months
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It came to me in a dream
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afternoonsociety · 1 year
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*ೃ༄ The Sound of Two Different Hearts - Part One - Neteyam x Human!Fem!Reader
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warnings: injuries, blood, mentions the word suicide mission but nothing more on that topic, fluff, neteyam slowly falling for the reader (if you find my more triggers/ warnings pls let me know)
This is based of a dream I had, so some things are probably not canon. Also I got carried away with this, idk if the next parts will be as long as this one. English is not my first language.
word count: 4.9k
synopsis: Y/N grew up with her foster brother Miles in Pandora, in the remains of Hell's Gate. Since Norm and the other scientists can't fully prepare them for life on the other planet, he asked his old friend Jake Sully for a favor. Jake took them in to teach them how to survive in the woods. Quickly a friendship developed between the kids. Especially between Jake's oldest son Neteyam and Y/N. Over the years, the bond between the two grew stronger and stronger. Until the time when the two wondered where their friendship would lead them. Because they both have the same secret. Their feelings for each other. Which developed to the point where they didn't know if they'd rather be more than friends, even though they were two different species.
— Part One — Part Two — Part Three — Part Four —
Read it also on: ao3 // wattpad
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Earth was dying and the only solution to save humanity was to relocate the inhabitants. They found a planet similar to Earth, which was „only“ five years away and had the name Pandora. However, not everything went as initially hoped. As the people have always been, they did everything in their power to take over the planet and did not stop at doing so with violence. Thus it came to a war between the humans, who were also called sky people, and the natives of Pandora, the Na'vi. Many living beings had to die during the conflict. There were many losses on both sides. Still, the humans did not understand that they were the ones in the wrong.
Jake Sully a former human and now Na'vi led the natives of the planet as the Toruk Makto to victory and forced the humans to return to their home planet. Only a few humans were allowed to stay. They were the peaceful ones among the monsters. They only wanted to explore further the nature and the ways of life and not to destroy. Furthermore, those who were still too young or too weak to return to Earth were allowed to stay. Among these people were Spider and Y/N. They were both too young at the time. The chances of survival to send them back to earth were very low. So they were allowed to stay, but only under the condition to live peacefully with the inhabitants of Pandora and to take only what they needed to survive and no more.
Y/N grew up together with Spider, whose real name was Miles, in the remains of Hell's Gate. The scientists still living there, like Norm, then took on the parental role of the two and taught them everything - at least what they had already researched. It was exhausting for everyone on site, since no one was prepared to babysit for life and they were actually here for a completely different reason. Nonetheless, they all took loving care of the two children and made it possible for them to have a reasonably safe childhood. Everything was safe in the lab, but what happened outside in the wilds of Pandora they were not able to prepare them for, which is why Norm asked his old friend Jake for help.
Jake now had a family of his own, and the children he had with Neytiri were the same age as the two human children. And to do a favor to his friend, Jake allowed the children to stay with him to teach them how to survive in the woods. He kept referring to them as stray cats that would drop by every now and then and then wander off again. They played and romped with the young Sully's and a friendship quickly developed between all of them. Neytiri was not amused by the whole situation, she wanted the humans to finally leave their home planet, because they knew nothing but greed and destruction. Jake tried to calm her down by telling her that he would make sure that this would never happen again and that he would make sure that the bond between them would not be too strong.
Over the years, however, the bond between the two species grew closer and closer, and Y/N and Spider became something like "pseudo Na'vi," as Mary, another scientist, called them. They learned some of the customs of the Omatikaya, how to hunt and defend themselves, how to make weapons and jewelry, and also what herbs could be made into medicine. The young Y/N's favorite topic, however, was the flora and fauna of Pandora's forests. She also enjoyed adventures with the Sully children and Miles, but preferred the quiet of the forest. She is the complete opposite of Spider, while she roamed inquisitively, he preferred to create chaos together with Lo'ak.
Kiri and Y/N had a special friendship. They would often talk for hours about whatever was on their minds. About things from the human world, which Kiri wanted to know more about because of her mother Grace and about the Na'vi world, if Y/N wanted to know more about the All-Mother Eywa or had problems with the language again. The other Omatikaya also became more open to her over time. They trusted each other because she had proven that she was not like the other Sky People and was respectful of their culture.
Another favorite activity of hers is to do a little something with Tuk. She was like a little sister to her, even though they were both the same height. No matter if they played together or were looking for beautiful stones and crystals in the rivers to make beads out of them later. It was always fun.
The young woman was of a relaxed nature and loved to listen to what other people had to tell her. But today she had once again been persuaded to go on another suicide mission with Lo'ak and Spider. For pure safety reasons, Neteyam, Jake's oldest son, also came along today, so that no one would get into trouble and no one would really die.
Spider and her both put on their masks and turned on their exopacks at their hips. They told Norm goodbye and that they would both be home for dinner. She gave her foster father one last hug goodbye and said, "I'll watch Spider. Don't worry he'll be back home in one piece." Norm could only laugh at this comment and looked at the boy in the doorway, who already had a slightly impatient expression on his face. He patted them both affectionately on the back and then flipped the switch to the gate to the outside.
Today's plan was to go to the Hallelujah Mountains to fly with the Ikrans to an old Sky People base. This place was off limits according to Jake, of course, but as Lo'ak used to say, "He's just exaggerating," and who wanted to listen to Jake anyway? Lo'ak and Spider at least didn't, but Neteyam did, which is why he decided to come along.
It took a while for the two to fight their way through the embankment and arrive at the Omatikaya's hometree. There Lo'ak already welcomed them. " Well there you are at last. I've been waiting for you guys for ages" He pushed his way between the two as they walked and put his arms around their shoulders. "Neteyam, the buzzkill is already waiting at the other end. Come!" With that, he let go of the two of them and ran ahead to his older brother. When Nete appeared in their field of vision, she waved at him and called his name. "Nete, hey!" He turned in the direction from where the voice rang out and started smiling right away, running towards her to wrap her in his arms. The two of them had a special relationship too.She pressed her head against his stomach as they hugged. Nete then understood her gesture and hugged her tighter. "I missed you too, even though we just saw each other yesterday," he murmured softly so his other friends wouldn't hear what he said to her. However, the scene was not spared from the comments of the two skxawngs. "Find a hut!" "No one can stand to watch this!"
Y/N shot back in response. "At least I have something going on and don't stare at the people I like from afar because I'm too shy to approach them" The statement went straight to the ego of the two. Miles pressed his lips together in a thin line and Lo'ak stood with his eyes lowered to the ground, stroking the back of his head with his hand in shame. Even though the comment wasn't directly aimed at Neteyam, his body still stiffened and his ears automatically laid back. He suddenly felt warm as Y/N let go of him and looked up at him with a sly smile. He also let out a small laugh and asked the others, "Do you want to go now? Or are you guys just going to stand here stupid all day?"
The boys regained their composure and set off to finally get going. On the way to the mountains, they passed a river that they had to cross. The river itself was relatively deep but there were enough stones in the water to cross it safely. Nevertheless, Neteyam was worried about Y/N. And offered her to carry her. She reassured him, however, and instead took his finger in her hand to signal to him that she took his concern for her seriously. Because of the size difference, his hand was at least twotimes bigger than hers and she could barely get her hand around it to really hold on, so she always closed her hand around one of his long fingers. He liked the size difference, he thought it was almost cute that he could just carry her around all the time like Tuktirey. She's almost as tall as a small Na'vi child. Lo'ak also liked to take advantage of this difference, abusing Y/N's head as an arm rest when they stood side by side. Nete, on the other hand, did not like this at all and whenever he noticed his little brother resting his arm on her again, he said that it was humiliating and that he should stop. However, Lo'ak did not listen to his brother and he had to experience the consequence on his own body, when Neteyam hit him on the back of the head.
Since it was the first time for her to go to the Hallelujah Mountains, she was often distracted by new plants she had never seen before. She stopped one more time to observe a huge flower that had large pinkish purple leaves and in its center, what looked like small turquoise feelers that moved on their own. The feelers also seemed to sense her presence and were now moving in her direction. Y/N knelt on the ground and the first thought that crossed her mind was to reach out to the plant. The small antennae-like formations immediately wrapped themselves around her hand. It tickled and she began to giggle. She was mesmerized again, for what she had heard from Norm, there were no such plants on earth that seemed to have a mind of their own. She pulled her hand back to herself and reached directly into her satchel and pulled out a small black notebook in which she entered all of her new discoveries. It was a birthday present from Max for her last birthday.
As if in her own world, she didn't even notice that the others had already run ahead and were almost out of sight. Spider and Lo'ak had already reached the end of the forest and the cliffs where the roots grew that served as a connection to the mountains. Only Neteyam noticed that one person from the small group was missing. He stopped abruptly when he noticed this and turned in all directions to catch sight of the small human somewhere. When he saw the bordeaux shirt among the flowers, he immediately knew what was going on. Y/N had once again been distracted by her curiosity. He walked back a little bit. She didn't notice him until his huge shadow fell in over her. "Why did I know I'd probably find you here?" he said, crossing his arms over his chest. She turned to face him, squinting her eyes as the sun blinded her. "You know me all too well, don't you? You can go on back to the others. I'll be done here in a minute, you don't have to wait."
The young Na'vi refused to be talked into it, because after all, Y/N was important to him, and besides, his father would skin him alive if he didn't bring her back to Norm. Nete knew she was a strong fighter for a human, but still she is a human and weaker and smaller than most animals in the woods. And if he is honest with himself, he is in a way interested in what she wrote down in her little book and what else she had to say about her new discovery. He liked to watch her eyes grow and sparkle when she learned something new or when he and his siblings told her a story.
And her smile, which always danced on her lips, was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Even more breathtaking than the sky mountains, even more beautiful than the luminous plants at night, and even more enchanting than Vitraya Ramunong, the tree of souls he had once seen at a ceremony.
Sometimes he wondered if she found him as fascinating. He was, after all, a Na'vi, an inhabitant of Pandora. Exactly what she loved to learn about. Moreover, she also saw him as his own person. Not, like all the others as Neteyam, the son of the great Toruk Makto, the next Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya, the oldest Sully boy, the great warrior who killed a sturmbeest with one shot during his first great hunt. No, she saw in him the loyal, cautious and thoughtful young man who always put his own feelings and needs second, preferring to take care of his family. Not like his father, who saw him as a soldier, as the golden, perfect son. The way Jake wanted him to be. She was the first person to ask him how he was doing when he was having a bad day and if he wanted to talk about it. She was always so accommodating to him. He didn't know why such a wonderful person would bother to make time for him. Y/N was a perfect creature in his eyes. How could anyone not like her? When he laid in his bed at night, he thanked Eywa over and over again for letting him get to know her. And when he thought about her in his sleepless nights, sometimes the thought crossed his mind if he liked her more than just a friend. But he always banished this thought quickly. Y/N was not a Na'vi like him and he was not human, that would never be a good match. Spider was a human, her and him would fit together perfectly.
His own thought alone made him angry, almost jealous. Just like now, when he was just thinking about it again. His face contorted and he furrowed his eyebrows. Only Y/N's voice and her waving hand in front of his body pulled him out of his imaginations. "What's the matter with you? Is everything okay?" There it was again. The little questions about how he was doing. He just shook his head to get out of the trance and reached out his hand to help her up.
"Come on, let's go," he replied as the human girl pulled herself together. She didn't understand why he suddenly radiated such a strange aura. Just a few seconds before everything was fine and now he was acting like he was possessed by something. Y/N thought that maybe he was just annoyed, after all he had surely imagined his day differently. Neteyam walked with long steps in front of Y/N, so that she could hardly follow and had to walk three steps faster to keep up. Arriving at the roots, they continued on their way. While Miles and Lo'ak jumped like small children from root to root and hardly paid attention to the fact that they could possibly fall several miles into the depth or into their death.
Y/N, on the other hand, hesitated for a moment to even set foot on the moss-covered root. Maybe it was not such a good idea to come along. Would it have been better to stay with the clan? And rather to help Kiri with whatever she was doing? What would happen if she slipped? She would hardly survive it and dying was clearly not an option for her at her young age. Y/N didn't know what else to think, but a big hand on her shoulder grounded her back into the here and now.
"I'm going to stay behind you. You don't have to be afraid. Go real slow" Nete reassured her. "Thank you, thank you for alwasy helping me" Y/N cheeks were blushing now too just like Neteyam earlier when they hugged. The Na'vi in front of her interpreted this as just a sign of nervousness and excitement, it was her first time balancing at such a height without a ground under her. Slowly but surely she put her foot down. She took few steps and quickly realized that she didn't need to be afraid. The moss was relatively dry, as it hadn't rained in days. In addition, the wooden root seemed larger than she first thought.
She turned to her friend and smiled at him. "It's not as bad as I thought!" The other two boys stopped from a distance and called over. " Come on, now. The Ikrans are already waiting for us!" Neteyam walked right behind her, for once taking small steps to make sure she put one foot in front of the other safely. He was sure that she would make it without him, but the red discoloration on her face and the beads of sweat that slowly formed under her mask made him kinda worry.
Arrived at the mountains now began another hurdle. The climbing. She was not a newcomer to the subject but the path just now had already taken some of her strength. Lo'ak and his big brother jumped up with ease and grabbed hold of the stone outcroppings. Miles was still waiting below with Y/N. "Come on I'll help you up" he said, crouching down and carefully stretching his arms out in front of him with his hands on top of each other. He helped her with the robber ladder to get a good head start. She put her foot in his hand and with momentum Miles went up from his knees and Y/N grabbed hold of the nearest rock.
Finally reaching the top, the small group was already a little out of breath. This didn't last long because the Irkans started to screech when they noticed the presence in their territory. Y/N was startled, it was not new for her to see Ikrans up close, but so many at once and then in their territory? That was a little scary at first. She didn't know how they would react if she kept moving, but as she looked to her foster brother who kept walking in a crouched state, Y/N did too. If Miles didn't need to be afraid as a human, neither did she. Rising to her feet, she only now noticed the remarkable view.
It was a totally different perspective of Pandora. From here, you could see the whole planet. You could even see one end of the forest and the beginning of the sea. It was simply breathtaking and she regretted not taking her camera with her. The Ikrans themselves were a stunning view from up close. It was colorful and noisy. A completely different world.
The two brothers called for their Ikrans with a very specific call that has been used by the natives for centuries. The brightly colored animals flew towards them at full speed, slowing down only when their claws began to touch the ground. Lo'ak was the first to walk up to his Ikran and stroke it over its head. He connected with his braid to the Ikran and straddled it. Spider followed as the boy with the shorter braids extended his hand to him. Neteyam followed next and greeted it as well with a touch to its neck. Then he mounted his beastly companion and petted him one more time.
Y/N followed him and climbed on the huge winged creature. They flew over the vast expanses of nature for some time until an a tiny building could be spotted from far away. It was an old camp of the Sky People, which had already fallen down over the years and due to the war. The group landed and immediately jumped off to explore the area. Miles and Y/N now saw another extent of the greed and destruction of their own species. The young woman's stomach churned at the sight and she felt like she was about to throw up. She could never have imagined what this place must have looked like a decade ago. She was ashamed of her kind. Was it so hard not to destroy what was not theirs? Couldn't they have approached the matter more diplomatically? Most of all, she felt sorry for the natives - what terrible things they had to endure. They lived here in peace and then came the horrors in spaceships. A tear ran down her cheek at the thought.
`Teyam went into the old shattered metal building first, through a broken window, to make sure there were no dangers inside. He then burst open the door from the inside and let the three others in. Lo'ak and the human boy were intrigued in the things left here. In the building there were still old plans left by the humans, strategically showing how it was simplest to drive out the natives and cut down the forests to get to the precious goods under the soil. Theses things were probably lying around there just as they had been 15 years ago. The older Na'vi was not interested in that, so he stood at the door and watched the scenery in front of him. Y/N only got worse the rest of the time. She felt the pure pain. The pain of the fallen and breathing even under the mask was difficult for her. "I-I have to get out of here," she said in an irritated tone and sped forward to the entrance. Miles turned to her and looked at her with a confused look, but she didn't notice and continued to run outside. Nete watched her come out of the building. "Are you all right?" He raised his hand to try to touch her, but she just turned away from him. "Yeah yeah, I just need to get out of here for a minute, this is all too much for me."
He noticed that she didn't let herself be diverted from her plans, and he let her off on her own. "Don't run so far away, though, will you? We don't know if there are any dangerous animals around.“ Her head went on autopilot and she ran and ran and ran. Y/N didn't even pay attention to how far away she was from the abandoned camp. She decided to stop after another two minutes of running. She put her hands together behind her head and let out a long tearful sigh. She couldn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it. She wanted to deny it, but the evidence was right in front of her. It was just like the stories Norm and Jake told her, but personally seeing the aftermath only made the tales worse. When she came back down, she decided to go back, but something was different. She didn't even know exactly where she was at first. She just went into the depths of the forest without paying attention to anything.
And then there was this loud cracking sound. Her whole body froze. She hoped it was just the others checking on her. But her hope was quickly shattered when she saw that it was not her friends, but a large black creature. A thanator. One of the most dangerous predators in the Pandoran wilderness. She wanted to scream, but couldn't and her body decided to flee. Y/N started running through the embankment, over rocks and roots sticking out of the ground. Fortunately, she did not fall, so she only ran faster. As far as her feet could carry her. In her life-and-death run, she spotted a hollowed-out tree trunk that offered a possible hiding place. She changed direction and ran to it, crawling into one of the openings.
Her heart was beating like crazy in her chest. Supposedly safe in her hiding place, she tried to catch her breath and regulate it so she wouldn't give herself away to the Predator. She heard the loud footsteps circling her and prayed to Eywa to spare her, but it was probably too late for that. She clearly should have stayed home.
The footsteps grew quieter to the point where they could no longer be heard at all. Y/N thought the thanator had lost her trail and was now looking for a new victim. But this was not the case, as she thought the area was clear, she crawled to the opening and stuck her head out to make sure. Suddenly a claw came at her from above with and almost caught her. In the last second she could pull her head back. Now she was trapped. No one else was near her and calling for help would probably only make the animal more aggressive. The claw now struck another time and broke through the tree trunk. Splinters fell in all directions and Y/N didn't know what to do. She had to look death in the eye. On all fours she now scrambled in the other direction to escape as fast as possible. Just when she managed to flee from her prison and was standing on her two feet again, the thanator lunged again and caught her with its claws on her back. She cried out loudly in pain and fell to the ground with a jolt. Something in her body, in her head, however, told her that it wasn't time to give up yet. Despite the pain and the blood running down her back, she ran. The most important thing was to get out of here.
She ran, hoping to arrive at the old base. After some time, she spotted the building and screamed for her life. Neteyam saw Y/N sprinting in his direction and the next thing he noticed was a Thanator chasing her. "Inside, Nete run inside and hide!" she screamed one more time. As she crossed the threshold, her legs gave way as well and she crawled under a table with the others. Neteyam quickly locked the door, but forgot about the broken window through which he entered in the first place. The thanator struggled to squeeze through the pane and cut themself several times on the sharp shards of glass. This did not stop it from trying further, however. "You're hurt," Lo'ak stated, touching the fresh wound on Y/N's back. She hissed in pain and he quickly withdrew his hand. Neteyam in the meantime had drawn his bow from his back and did the only thing he could think of at the moment. He reached for an arrow from his quiver and aimed with precision at the head of the beast. Since the first arrow alone didn't reach through the animal's thick skull, he tried another time and, with a hiss and flattened ears, this time aimed for the neck. With a swing, he pulled the arrow back and let it go. This time he had managed to successfully eliminate the danger. The black beast slumped in on itself and then hung motionless between the window. Neteyam breathed heavily, adrenaline surged through his veins and his facial expression settled down. His ears perked up when he heard Y/N's painful whimpering.
He rushed towards her and crouched down on eyelevel. She was sweating heavily and cried. "What happened?" `Teyam could only ask. Miles had panicked himself and was already imagining the telling off he would receive when they got back home. "I-I just wanted to get out of here for a minute b-because everything was getting to be too much for me a-and then all of a sudden this thing came. I tried to hide, but it didn't work, and then-n I was attacked," she let out through her tears, clinging to Neteyam. He wanted to hug her tightly, but the wound prevented him from doing so. "I told you it was a stupid idea to come here, Lo'ak."
"How could I have known that a thanator would show up here and attack us?"
"Dad, told you this area was off limits. Can't you listen for once?"
"That's as much your fault as it is mine and Miles. You could have tried to stop us from coming here or at least stopped Y/N from running away."
Both brothers started arguing and it looked like it wouldn't stop for a long time. Spider interrupted them both worried about his foster sister. " I don't give a shit who's to blame for this whole thing right now. Y/N is hurt and needs help right now. Get over yourselves, you two thick heads." Neteyam turned away from his younger brother with a snarl and shook his head. He took the still crying Y/N into his arms and tried to calm her down. "It's okay, it's going to be okay. We'll take you to my grandmother Mo'at now and I'm sure she'll help you. I promise."
"I just want to go home, `Teyam" she replied, stroking his cheek. They did not hesitate to immediately make their way to the Ikrans. The older Na'vi first put Y/N on and then connected himself. The Ikran took off with a screech and they went on their way home, as he had promised her.
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veryinnovative · 5 days
came here to tell you that business reg has been on my mind a lot pls bring him back
this is so sweet in fact here is like the 1541 word goop i initially wrote as like prequel to the 'james' card gets canceled during their first unofficial food date' microfic. i didn't read it so idk how many mistakes there are. i also don't know if i shared this before because both my head and blog r cluttered
“Instant coffee?” 
Peter looks at him properly baffled, bridling and all. “What, are you kidding? He probably already thinks Nespresso is poor people’s coffee.” James snorts at the comment but the peeved look he receives confirms his next-desk-over colleague feels strongly about their boss’ beverage preferences. “I’m serious. You give him one of those three-in-one sachets and next thing you know it we are given a summary dismissal for endangering him.”
Exaggerated too much?
As if able to tap into his inner monologue, Peter’s brows knit together with indignance. “Think I’m kidding? You probably haven’t heard about the time someone was supposedly fired for getting his food order wrong. Rumor has it that...”
As Peter prattles on about office fabrications, James can’t help but zone out, not in the least interested in any of the circulating gossip. He’s not here to chat about Regulus Black and gush over his rare appearances on Forbes magazine covers and the way he wears his suits rather than be worn by them. Nor does he pay any mind to the pervasive fearmongering that’s an unmistakable byproduct of directly working underneath the distinguished Regulus Black, CEO of Black Enterprises, notably known for his high demands and meticulously veiled virulent nature. 
James remains skeptical about the latter. While he has come to understand that Regulus can be exceptionally ruthless when maneuvering through the treacherous deceit that pervades his line of work, he has yet to witness such behavior directed explicitly at their coworkers. Then again, neither Frank working administration nor Mary from the front desk are the type of poison-fanged serpents who seek to sink their teeth into him.
Peter’s tittle-tattle is promptly interrupted by Barty Crouch Junior’s loud entrance, remaining true to character as he barges in through the double doors carrying a paper bag containing Regulus’ very late lunch. James knows because Regulus hadn’t touched the late breakfast he bought him.
“Working hard or hardly working, gentlemen?” Barty asks as his keys swing in his other hand. He stops near Regulus’ office at the lit red light under the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign. “Shit, still occupied? How long has he been in there?”
“The first one finished late and Regulus called himself in right into the next one.” James shrugs his shoulders. “He didn’t have his breakfast and isn’t answering his messages. It’s been dragging on for twenty minutes now.”
Once the modern equivalent of a valet as well as being his best friend, Barty is one of the select few who can openly express his dislike for Regulus’ workaholic tendencies. He sneers at the news and drops the bag on top of James’ desk with no real care for any spillage.
“You,” he starts, pointing at James, “can go home.”
James shoots a quick glance at his watch and frowns. “It’s not even three.”
Barty rolls his eyes. “He’s got a long meeting and you won’t be necessary, messaged me you’re dismissed and can leave early.”
“Don’t complain, Potter.” The desk chair is tugged away so Barty can plant his ass on it. “You have half a day off. Go home, jerk off, hit the gym, whatever your heart desires. It’s paid free time, don’t go around wasting it.”
And of course, against better judgment, James very much doesn’t utilize his free time as suggested. Instead, he does the total opposite. First, he ushers Barty away from his desk, practically pushing him off the chair and demanding he succeed in making Regulus eat because it’s a task only his best friend is capable of accomplishing. Afterward, he boots up his computer and finishes a day’s amount of work in an hour, before spending another solid sixty minutes on countless rounds of Solitaire until the temptation to brainlessly scroll through his phone is one too great to resist.
Before long, the upper floor is emptied of all employees, leaving James all in his lonesome with plentiful time spent browsing the internet and accumulating (surface) knowledge on intricate topics like studies closely researching the novel reproductive abilities of eels and a 10-minute video explaining the existence of monotremes. 
He knows he’s reached the limits of his sanity by the time the sun’s set, his desk lamp remaining the only source of light, and the office door to his left finally creaks open.
The dark, disheveled curls are what peeks through first. “Regulus?”
Regulus stops midway at the sound of his name and turns around, squinting like he’s just woken up from a nap that did very little to renew what little sparse energy he runs on throughout the day. “Potter?” His voice is heavy, rasping with the low tinge of an accent that always bleeds through whenever he’s particularly tired or stressed. Yeah, definitely fell asleep on his desk. “What are you doing here? Didn’t Barty tell you to go home?”
“He did.”
Regulus keeps looking at him. James isn’t sure whether it’s for an explanation or the fact that Regulus is still trying to make up his surroundings. Probably both.
“My dad always used to say you can never leave before the boss does.” Well, he never said this to James specifically, expecting his son to take to the world of nepotism without much ado. How terribly wrong he had been.
Regulus sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “It’s the year 2024. There are workplace laws ensuring you can leave at a reasonable time.”
“You haven’t eaten,” James pipes up. He doesn’t know how to argue laws meant to improve working conditions.
“You didn’t eat your lunch or send me for dinner. You haven’t eaten today, like at all.”
Regulus’ mouth firmly sets in disapproval. “Thank you for the reminder.”
Difficult to please that one. Sighing, James clicks off his little light and rises to his feet, triggering the automatic lights to switch on with the movement. “Let’s go grab something to eat.” By now, he’s grown well aware of Regulus’ tendency to skip meals. He’s also being awfully informal, shooting around casual requests like most of their coworkers don’t quake in their shoes when Regulus walks past, let alone regard them directly. 
But Regulus is already closing the door behind him before reaching for his phone. To undoubtedly call Barty to pick him up. “No. You should head home so should I. You’re not being paid to do me any favors, Potter.”
“It’s not—I’m not—Hey!” The great fumbling of words as he hastily grabs his bag and jacket, rushing to keep up with him. Seeing how James’ legs are longer, it doesn’t pose as a difficult feat. “Since when is it a crime to ask someone out for dinner?”
Regulus keeps walking, murmuring something softly, very assuming James doesn’t quite catch it or understand it. “Anta muza’ij.”
James bites on his tongue to withhold a grin from blooming forth. It was only recently that James discovered Regulus's habit of murmuring barbed insults in his native language, particularly when around him, or even quietly speaking to himself when under the impression no one listens along. James has found so much sheer joy in this that he's certain he'll never disclose his little secret.
Regulus isn’t the only one whose mother tongue is Arabic.
So, instead, James continues his pleading. “Come with me, please?” Regulus still doesn’t come across as entirely convinced and presses the button calling the elevator. “I really like this place close to the bus stop, it’s pretty much family-run, and the owner Hakeem is very nice too. I mostly go for their shawarma but the falafel they got is really good too—”
Regulus keeps pressing the button, a little more insistent.
“—I think they might be putting crack in the garlic sauce, that’s how good it is. Lucky neither of us got a date after this because that would’ve been quite something kissing with all that dragon breath—”
Regulus looks five seconds away from kicking the elevator doors.
 “—but they keep asking me if I’m ready to marry yet and although their daughter is sweet I—”
“Fine,” Regulus sharply interjects. “I’ll come with you.”
That was surprisingly easy, James thinks.
The walk is brief and mostly consists of James filling the silence, something he’s gotten quite used to like it’s become part of the job description. Being Regulus’ secretary, he’s learned how to read the silence and whether to interpret it as a downright refusal to talk or genuine exhaustion that renders him incapable of even pretending to ignore James. 
“If it isn’t James!” Hakeem merrily exclaims when the bell hanging over the door rings with their arrival. “Oh, and a friend?”
Hakeem is the type of senior citizen who couldn’t identify Beyonce if you pointed her out. Regulus as well as a bunch of other well-known figures simply don’t fall into the range of swiftly-recognizable figures. The same can’t be said for Hakeem’s son, however, especially with how his eyes bulge out of their respective sockets for a brief moment when Regulus takes a seat in one of the chairs James had gestured him to.
“What will it be tonight?” Hakeem asks him as he rubs his hands on a tattered dishcloth. 
“We’ll have a platter to share. Sprite and a water.”
“Coming right up.”
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catgirlbussy · 10 months
holy shit i just realised im autistic
i know this seems like a shitpost, and tbf i am laughing at myself pretty hard rn. it's dawning on me at 6 AM after being awake all night, but (if you care, and if you don't feel free to ignore too, have a nice day!) hear me out, cause this genuinely feels meaningful and insightful for me with how my life has gone so far. I spent an hour writing this post in hopes someone might find it helpful too :3c
If you don't wanna read my post pls enjoy this picture of our famous friend autism baby stackin those cans before you go~♪
(source: wikipedia)
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like i already /knew/ I was before this moment, but i was thinkin about what i used to do as a kid and wow i am so autistic how the fuck did i not realise sooner. It straight up wasn't until I was already well into my 20's that I started to meet other autistic people online and learned about their experiences and difficulties from talking with them that I realised a lot of things they described matched for me too.
I live in assfuck nowhere so most of my life the only few times that I had met autistic people were like, folks who were nonverbal or whatever, just generally needing direct assistive care, and I never bothered to look things up on my own because I was already inundated with the pressures of growing up, school, mental health, etc. I remember one of the first times I had built up the courage to ask anyone about it, I was in the hospital because of mental health issues. This was in my second year uni, and when one of the doctors assessing me was asking me questions, I said I thought maybe I was autistic. He promptly and with a fair amount of snark told me that if I was autistic I wouldn't have gotten into university.
Thinking back, he was probably just an exhausted, fresh outta school resident with no special interest in psychiatric care (and also just seemed to suck in general), but it was enough that I shelved the idea for another 5 years.
Lo and behold, now I am lying here in bed, just absolutely gobsmacked by the VERY REAL idea that im autistic and like holy shit I feel so vindicated.
I've been on tumblr for just a bit, but I see a lot of folks talking in various neurodivergent circles about their experiences and that's been so wonderful for me. I also have a few good friend groups w/ a lot of neurodivergent folks, and that's been really exciting too.
Like, I'm still processing this cognitively as I'm writing, so please pardon this ill patterned post, but this feels like such a beneficial thing for me. Over time I've adapted a few strategies here and there to help myself accomplish various tasks, but now I feel so empowered to, like... actually figure stuff out.
Even after feeling confident I was autistic, it was this nebulous, floating concept in my head for so long of, "oh yeah im autistic or something idk," that I never really dedicated much effort to finding healthier ways to do things that didn't irk me or whatever. I don't feel like the label /itself/ is what is important to me here, but rather the awareness around why I do so many things in the ways that I do and that it's /okay/ that I do.
I don't want this post to go on too much longer, but I feel it's worth noting that I've fought for years with my family because they didn't understand why I was going about things the way I did. Again, remember, they all grew up in this cloistered hellhole too. But, surprise surprise, the times in my life that I have been doing better than any other are when I felt confident enough to ignore what everyone was trying to get me to go along with and instead just fashioned my own best methods (which also sometimes included informing said overbearing individual(s) to go fuck themselves cause I'm busy doing shit. It's hard for them to argue with me telling them as much when I would be completing X objective well, which is what they wanted in the first place).
I don't want to make this sound like I'm trying to be overconfident, but I mention as much instead as a sign of support for other neurodivergent folks to feel similarly empowered to drum to their own beat. Thinking back, I went from almost failing high school and ultimately retaking a grade to excelling in all my classes. Every single one. I know that's a relative assessment, you got variable difficulty levels, etc., and the grade score isn't important in and of itself, least of all because the school systems here (Canada) are a mess it seems, but just that alone as an idea, within the parameters of a particular system, I went from initial abject failure to thorough and lauded success.
Just think of what so many people could do if they weren't being pigeonholed into formats that absolutely aren't working for them.
I already have a boatload of (genuinely helpful by way of enabling access to proper education and treatment) diagnoses from my history of working with my (very wonderful and genuinely caring and helpful) psychiatrist that match with what I know about the neurodivergence term umbrella like ADHD, OCD, and bipolar, so it seems |autism| will feel quite at home in the group ^w^. I'll ask her about it at my next appointment to see if an official diagnosis has any value versus me just continuing to figure things out on my own.
Either way, I am thrilled right now thinking about the next time I get to shout
while an electric guitar squeals and lightning strikes all around me and I make cool stuff happen :3c.
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hotxcheeto · 10 months
Chloe as a mom hc’s pls 🤟🤟🤞🤞 I think the idea is cute
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Chloe Price x G/N!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing?, a lot of fluff y'all I just kept adding to it, slight angst in parts but nothing bad at all, alludes to pregnancy ig? i don't really know?
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - i love babies sm.. also ty for the request!!
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first things first, i don't ever see her actually choosing to mother
but if you have a kid? and she likes you? she also likes your kid
chloe probably meets you later in life, she's matured ( kinda) and explored places she's always wanted and finally she comes across you and that thing.. the little gremlin that's attached to your hip with big eyes and a grand smile
step-father chloe y'all ( nah jk... unless )
she is childish herself and lowkey selfish which is why she for sure questions her parental abilities and never wanted kids young or even at all when she thought about, but you just sprung up and how could she deny herself yours, hers and that little ankle biters happiness
but she's for sure the fun parent, the one that will let your child stay up passed bedtime and eat so much ice cream while watching R rated movies and promising not to tell you
and then you get home, catch them and suddenly everybody getting a time out
including her and probably the cat too
she probably has very loose parenting as well, her main ideas is if there's nothing to rebel against, what's the point in doing the bad stuff?
meaning she is just a very open parent in the sense that she doesn't hide the word from her kids or shelter them, she's honest and let's them choose their own path in life with her soft guidance
and she's just open in general about her opinions on things
you ask? she'll answer, same goes for the little one who has all the questions in the world and she's sure to answer
even if it's 'are unicorns real?'
they sure fucking are kid, and so are leprechauns
speaking of which, her imagination is unreal
remember how she'd play pirates with max? oh yeah, grab your eyepatch, you're in for a long ride with this one
her playtime with baby has lore, bullet point, highlighted text and a few video essays and a whole lot of story telling they have to explain to you
then you have your toddler clapping at you to keep up and chloe trying to throw you into her world of sparkles and sea monsters and you just wanted to know what they wanted for dinner
she's so cool to all of your child's friends as well, she's the cool parent with different colored hair and tats that totally have those prissy moms side eyeing her hard and don't give a single damn
lets them do what they want at your house because they're safe and that's what matters at the end of the day, even if they're getting up to shit in their rooms
if your child wants colored hair she'll get them those fake hair clip ins and temporary die just so they can look more like her and oh my god it's adorable
also the fake tattoos you get at like grocery stores or dollar stores in those machines? your kid will always compare them to mama chloe's or yours if you have tattoos
shows them off and tells people she's matching with her mama
has great bedtime stories
big cuddler too, she's a clinger
when your child is still a baby she just loves to hold them and i mean LOVES too, the baby don't even care about being held chloe just don't wanna put them down
doesn't believe in baby talk
she speaks to her baby like they a grown man and that's it there's not another way
she be talking to it like it understands her while it just stares and drools while giggling because chloe is a very animated and entertaining talker, even you catch yourself listening aimlessly
she loves being and parenting though, even the stresses
sometimes though she feels like she's gonna fail at it but you just have to give her the slight reminder and that she's her fathers and mothers daughter, and they were both was a wonderful people and parents
joyce adores your child, whether you had them before or after chloe, she's in love and spoils them as much as she possibly can
chloe even jokes that joyce loves the kid more than her
which may or may not be true
max also loves them so much, loves taking pictures which actually helps capture a lot of memories free of you freaking out to grab your phone, she never posts them or anything, she actually gives them to most times to keep in the baby book
everybody loves the small human okay
chloe saves so much money up to give you and them the best holdiays ever and birthdays, even if you're struggling with money, she makes it all worth while
handy man of the house as well, will fix toys and put together cribs and bedframes well into the night while you're passed out with your body pillow and noise machine my man
she loves taking care of her family, that's all
but chloe most of all, is both scared and enamored that your little human thinks you and her are the entire world, and she doesn't plan on making that world fall apart like it did for her when her dad passed
yeah, that's not happening
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cafetxt · 2 years
≡☆ txt as fanfic tropes !!
pairing: txt x fem!reader
genre: lots and lots of fluff
a/n: got kinda carried away with this bc it was supposed to be short n sweet …. but pls enjoy!!
SOOBIN — fake dating
soobin had the biggest crush on you, though you had no idea because you probably didn’t even know who he was (but ofc you knew who he was he was kinda hard not to notice bc he’s a giant). a few months ago you and your popular ex boyfriend had broken up which was a shock to everyone because you had been together for quite a while. the reason behind the breakup was unknown, but soobin was glad you two weren’t together anymore because he absolutely hated your ex. though he wasn’t friends with you or the guy he noticed the way he would treat you, and how he would always lie about being busy to you but then soobin would find him hanging out with a group of people from class not 10 minutes later. you deserved better than him.
over the weekend, rumours spread like wildfire about your ex dating your best friend and how that was the reason you broke up. soobin was worried about you, and he hoped you were doing okay. he was on his way to his 9am lecture that he shared with you and stopped when he turned the corner. you were pacing outside the door and that was all he needed as confirmation to those rumours he heard because your ex and best friend were also in the same class. he made his way over to you and upon hearing his footsteps you stop pacing and pretend to check something on your phone but he doesn’t immediately go inside. you look up to find him standing in front of you with one of his hands held out to you and you frown. “what are you doing?” you question, looking from his outstretched hand to his face. all he says is “take my hand. we can go in together.” and you immediately understand what he’s insinuating but you don’t question it. after a minute of hesitation you grab his hand and walk inside with your chin held high hand-in-hand with soobin; though it wasn’t how he imagined the first time holding your hand would be like he cherishes it.
YEONJUN — angst + mutual pining
from the moment yeonjun met you, he knew he liked you. it wasn’t like he had to meet you many times to decide how he felt because it was so natural with you. it was as if you knew each other in a past life. you might be thinking, soulmates?? yes. but also no. the thing is, yeonjun is quite popular and you can’t even fathom the possibility of him liking you… because he was just him. incredibly good-looking, passionate in all that he does, kind to everyone—he was a solid 10. call it cliche, but you couldn’t see it happening because he could literally have anyone he wanted, so why would he choose you? so, the moment you realized that your feelings towards him was more than just physical attraction you immediately convinced yourself that he would never like you. every time you felt the butterflies come to life in your stomach whenever you saw him told yourself no. he could never possibly love me. yeonjun is way too good for me. and it made you distance yourself from him mentally, and he noticed. and of course, that only made him assume that you didn’t like him. but yeonjun isn’t a quitter; and he planned to let you know how he felt in small ways. he would constantly flirt with you and use the cheesiest pickup lines whenever he saw you, that you just took it as a joke though he was being completely serious because why would he be? it breaks his heart every time you don’t get the message, and he knows he should be clearer but he’s also scared of being a burden to you. until one day, there’s this guy in class who so obviously likes you and always has to come up to where you and yeonjun were sitting to flirt with you. yeonjun was the only one allowed to do that. when he leaves you turn to yeonjun excitedly and say, “oh my god, don’t you think he likes me?!” and all he can do is scoff in response and mutters “i'm more obvious at flirting with you but you can’t notice it?” and you’re like “???? what???” and all he responds with is. “no, nothing. never mind.” 
BEOMGYU — soulmates/coffee shop au 
you both frequent the same cafe every evening because you are NOT a morning person and he starts to notice you because you’re aways there when he comes in for his 2nd iced americano of the day, in that same corner of the cafe hiding behind a book or your laptop. you’re usually on your own, but today you’re accompanied by a friend and as he waits in line to order he finally gets to hear the sound of your voice which he imagined what it would be like so many times. (it’s much better than he thought) he sneaks not-so-subtle glances at you every time you speak and your friend notices this and whispers to you “don’t look, but there’s this cute guy in line who keeps looking at you” and of course you do look and when you catch beomgyu looking he looks away so fast he’s sure he could’ve gotten whiplash. the barista has to ask to take his order for the second time and his ears are on fire, and you can’t help but laugh slightly because it was so cute. beomgyu of course manages to hear your giggles and instead of being embarrassed he starts smiling because he didn’t expect your laugh to sound so beautiful and he suddenly thinks to himself: i want to be the one to make her laugh. nothing happens after that though because something comes up and he has to leave but the next time he arrives to the cafe, you’re not there. he decides to sit in your usual spot and imagine what it would be like if you were there when you walk through the door. the whole time he’s thinking oh my god oh my god oh my god she’s here!! and the cafe just happens to be full and you look over to your spot and that cute boy who was looking at you the other day is sitting there. beomgyu smiles slightly when you look at him and it makes your heart flutter. when you get your iced coffee you take a sip and muster all your courage before you make your way over to him and ask, “do you mind if i sit here?”
TAEHYUN — second chance romance (aka exes to lovers)
you were each other’s first love; it was clumsy and it was messy because you were both young and didn’t know any better. you both have lots of regrets of the way things ended and meet again by chance at the gym—he’s holding a small boxing lesson for anyone interested and you who are in desperate need of a workout decide to attend, not knowing he’s the instructor because if you did, you would’ve tried to look more presentable. maybe put on a bit of mascara and lipgloss. you were in a grey sweatsuit and your hair was tied into a messy ponytail since you literally rolled out of bed before you arrived; your duffel bag slung on your left shoulder and a water bottle in your right hand you look up and see him. his fluffy hair is messy and his black t-shirt clings to his fit frame as he laughs at something someone said. your water bottle suddenly slips from your hand and makes a loud sound when it comes into contact with the ground. you scramble for it and surprise surprise so does taehyun. everyone is looking at you and your cheeks heat up as you reach for it but taehyun beats you to it and you look at him with wide eyes. his gaze meets yours and he looks at you for a moment too long, a million different emotions flashing through his eyes as you both rise slowly, not breaking eye contact until he finally says “… y/n?”
HUENINGKAI — friends to lovers
honestly, if someone were to ask you how exactly you and kai became friends you wouldn’t know how to respond. yeah you both had mutual friends and saw each other on the odd occasion you were with those friends, but you guys never really talked. it sort of built up from that; those unsuspecting meet ups and awkward exchanges of ‘hello’s’ until one day those hellos turned into ’nice to see you again’s’ and ‘how are you doing’s’ and pretty soon you guys started to hang out more often, just the two of you. there was never a dull moment when you were together—you guys were either out of breath from laughing at something stupid or quiet, each doing your own thing; alone together. there was no in-between. it was in fact the perfect friendship; you and kai never really thought about the possibility of your relationship as being anything more than that. until, kai would find himself staring at you with a small smile on face and turning away as soon as you meet his eyes. hugs start to last a little longer than they should. every love song you listened to started to remind you of him. it was obvious to everyone around you that you both had feelings for each other, but you were both to scared to let the other know for fear of losing the other. it's not until one of your friends is with you watching the two of you banter and jokingly says, “so when’s the wedding?” and it leaves both of you extremely red-faced and flustered. 
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trickster-archangel · 9 months
Random thoughts about Hawaii Five-0 rewatch: part 3/?
Last random thought for a while, because I need to find the time to skip between s6-s10 DVDs.
Thought #4: dude....love triangles only apply to romantically and sexually involved people, so no, don't worry, we won't "call it bromance", or: The Prom Date parallel, or: The Real Jersey Slip.
This one is really just on my mind, but since I was skipping between contents just to make sure everything was (probably) working (Danny's negativity is powerful in me), I happened to land onto two specific bits of dialogue which made me bitter-laugh so madly.
The incriminated dialogues are found in the s4 Shorelines (I think), and in the commentary (courtesy of Lenkov, O'Loughlin, and Park) for 3x17 aka the Pro Bowl date episode.
I'm reasoning backwards, because what the writers were saying, extensively, about the Billy storyline, was that they wanted to show a different side of McGarrett: he's sure of himself, self-confident, cocky even, when coming to his job and skills....but what about his feelings and personal life? He does have a vulnerable, doubtful side, one which makes him feel stuttering when coming to relationships. He trusts Catherine (ouch), and Billy too because they used to be battlefield brothers. But does he? So they explored this jealous side of him, one he's not proud of and which he desperately tries to stifle, deny, push down and downplay, because admitting it would mean feeling weak.
Also, Billy's death would've put Catherine in a place where she didn't have purpose in life anymore, where she felt guilty for something she was trained to prevent, bringing her to seek Steve's presence as a friend too (!!!!) to have a shoulder to cry onto.
This is absolute perfect, and I do appreciate the effort and the general masterplan...even if as usual, character-study is not the main interest for an older audience thus it was obviously shallow and just hinted at, in reality....and also they shamefully killed Billy after a few episodes instead of exploring this "love triangle" in depth.
That's it. That's the exact idiom they used for the Billy/Catherine arc. Love triangle. Which is absolutely the correct term for the situation. Let's pack it for later, and let's move to the 3x17 commentary.
What's so funny to me, is that when the (in)famous "Cath gets ditched because Steve is going with Danny" scene comes on screen, you hear PL almost absentmindedly perking up and laughing, saying something like "Oh, and here we are at the classic love triangle drama!".....then suddenly shuts up because he gets aware of what he just said.
At this point things get frenzy, they laugh, Grace cheers, and someone (PL? Alex?) hurries to add "C'mon Steve, don't be that man who ditches his girlfriend to go out with his best friend!", to save the situation.
Only problem is, we hear Alex (I think it’s his voice this time), saying "It's exactly like one of those awkward moments when you're asked for prom, but you turn down the person because you already have a date".
And we really remember when that other "prom date moment" was, right?
I really can't understand why they chose to ditch all this potential they were all clearly aware of, just for heteronormativity sake. A man and a woman can be platonic best friends. Two men can be completely romantically committed to each other. I really can't see what the problem is.
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rustedhearts · 10 hours
hi rolly hope ur well! i just read just friends (again) and i loved it so so much!! i love how much of each other they find in the other and i love how lived in you made the apartment feel, its truly incredible how much of the apartment and its history with these two friends i felt i could see in my mind's eye within just a few sentences! i also think that steve shopping at ambercrombie is absolutely hilarious but also yeah he would, wouldn't he? this whole thing was so cosy and i really admired how very known r and steve felt to each other, like it felt like they knew each other and were in love with each other because they knew so much about each other and wanted to keep learning about each other forever, which is similar to what i think steve said out loud in his confession, but it also came across in their actions to each other, especially steve's!
also him stroking and massaging her knee to comfort her while he himself was upset was such a small and sweet detail that i think really pulled the whose scene together, like a small thing that showed that he would always e considerate of her even when he it wasn't easy and when he himself wasn't doing great! i'm trying to work this right, it felt like a small detail with big implications that made the scene itself more complete and made his confession ring truer than him just announcing it.
okay, this part is a bit of a two part tangent, the first being pretty simple, that i believe you are mind reading me because EYE recently watches steel magnolias for the first time two weeks ago and have since watched it about half a dozen times because i am so charmed by those southern ladies, and i feel an itch to watch every julia roberts movie there is. the second part of this tangent is a little less connected, i'll admit, and is also less about this specific story and more about a trope/device? i always feel so bad for those other girls from the bar/party that steve/mmc sleeps with/dates either to distract from or because they remind him of his true love.......i would be SO upset if some guy said he only hung out with me because i was a passable copy of his best friend/roommate like man, you do NOT deserve my time and attention, my company is for people who genuinely like me ONLY. i am also not critiquing it in the story, i get why it's there, how it's a good side detail to add in the story for drama/angst/romance purposes, and intellectually understand it's function, and it doesn't like, disturb anything (even if it did, it wouldn't matter, because writers are entitled to write licherally whatever they want on free reading website .com), i just have recently noticed how i'll always unwittingly invest more emotional energy than the story itself needs me to in these background ladies and i'm always like oh :'(. this paragraph is admittedly off topic and very large for something that is ultimately nothing, my bad for that, pls feel free to ignore this part fo the ask if u want, i just needed a place to put this thought with context.
thank you bb!! i thought abercrombie was a very steve place to shop lol, especially in the early 2000s when they still had those bags with the shirtless guys on them (i have one in my christmas wrapping bc we always save bags and it’s truly a relic)
oh lord can you imagine him being one of the guys that stood outside shirtless and coaxed girls into coming in 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 that’s so steve
but anyway lol
none of the girls steve went out with knew he was using them! it was always a one and done type of deal. one night stands that, for the most part, the girl was okay with leaving casual. sure, he told most of them he’d call them and then never did, but at least he never strung them along knowing he wasn’t interested lol
but roommate!steve is quite the slut. probably the sluttiest steve i’ve written to date
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Captain Rex (for the character meme)
A more detailed character meme! Send me a character and I’ll answer…
What I like about them There's something to be said about total absolute loyalty that starts as 'this is what I'm meant to do' and becomes 'you have earned this.' I like to think about how Rex interacts with the Republic (which failed him), with the Jedi (who mostly tried to live up to needs and expectations), with his brothers (who had that loyalty from the start, and as a whole never chose to break it), with Anakin (who earned that loyalty and then broke it), and with Ahsoka (who left, but came back, and built that loyalty back). Rex is an interesting character in large part due to his relations with other characters, and how those relationships change in direct relation to people living up or living down to his expectations of them. He has very reasonable, understandable reactions to people important to him doing something, which is sometimes in short supply in a series like Star Wars, where people have a tendency to be uhhhhh irrational.
What I dislike about them I feel like there isn't enough canon to him that isn't about his relationships to Anakin, Ahsoka, and his brothers. As much as I love those relationships, I want some more on him in a vacuum, as an individual.
Favourite moment BONK
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Least favourite moment I... don't know that I have one.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more I want more 'Rex handling strangers' moments like Saleucami. I want him to be first and center in interactions with people who aren't trying to kill him and don't have preexisting dynamics the way Jedi, Senators, or fellow soldiers do.
An interesting AU for this character I'm a big fan of 'what if Rex was Force-Sensitive' AUs.
A crossover Pls consider Rex being the groomsman counterpart of 27 dresses. He's been a groomsman for his various brothers and cousins (the other clones) almost thirty times.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship) Rexwalker and Rexanidala
Other ships? Plenty! I like Rexsoka and Rexidala, unsurprisingly. I haven't written a whole lot of others, though I've considered a few (like Barriss/Rex, time-travel-aided Komari/Rex), but I've read a lot, like RexObi, Rex/Fives/Echo, Codex, etc. I'm probably not going to write some of these (cloneship is something I can do for AUs or as a reader, but not as a writer), but they're fun to read.
BROTP Lots of my ships double as Brotps for Rex, namely Anakin, Ahsoka, and the Domino Twins.
NOTP ...Nothing is coming to mind other than the usual 'why would you ship anyone with that person' ships, like Palpatine or Jabba.
An assortment of headcanons! - Has idly fantasized about fatherhood since he met Cut and Suu. - Definitely bleaches his hair, and is surprised the first time someone assumes he's a natural blonde through mutation. - Got a taste for Nabooan seafood dishes while he was recuperating on-planet after the Blue Shadow Virus. He also developed a friendship with Padme (and first became aware of/was read in on the Anidala situation) in that time. - Is easily bribed for harmless bullshit by Padme as a result, because he is a Friend and she has The Good Food. Yes he WILL sneak you into Anakin's rooms if you pay him in popcorn shrimp or calamari.
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wifiwuxians · 8 months
pls you're one of the very few people who make life as an yi city squad fan bearable. i had to filter the whole xiao xingchen tag because there is almost nothing but xuexiao. that ship comes with the worst characterization of xxc,sl & aq that i ever had to read with my own eyes. i don't care if i'm the minority,it's such a squick to me too. even mxtx was like "xuexiao? a-qing and xxc are closer to each other and yet they aren't a ship. why would you ship xuexiao?". so you're not weird for not liking it. (and i'm glad i can enjoy some awesome yi city art without having to endure endless braindead takes like "song lan is secretly lan qiren and he forces xxc to repress his true nature,xxc was happier with xue yang!!")
Oh noooo akrdnmxnxmdnaotndks I never go into any of the tags for the characters for this reason too, things I have filtered just slip through the cracks constantly, and I'm not much of a fic reader as it is but I think this would genuinely ruin my day. the hatred some shippers have for sl and aq is absolutely ridiculous and i cannot endorse it. if it makes you feel better, i think just about every ship has a lot of people writing things for it that just don't make sense or are flat out bastardizations, it's just probably a lot more obvious when it's a ship that is, um, well, rocky. to my knowledge all my moots and pals who ship it are huge song lan and aq lovers/enjoyers too and like they'd have to be, right, to have even found me LMAO JDJDJSJ and they are also like fully aware that it wouldn't work out canon wise (so theyre not saying things like WTF THEY DESERVED EACH OTHER STUPID MXTX) AND are totally open to my takes and my work, so i am very grateful every day to have met understanding people who respect my boundaries (of course i also have many friends who are squicked out too i'm just saying coexistence is possible and don't let anyone tell you otherwise) 💖
tho you genuinely lose me and my support if you write things like that, where you don't understand the characters and make them embittered obstacles to your ship and try to twist them into monstrosities simply to justify your tastes. like no. you're wrong. you don't know what you're saying. He Would Not Fucking Say That etc. and also to whoever wrote that take, i am speaking to you directly: xxc still pined over sl all those years so no, he wasn't happier. he was just happy. also we literally don't know what their lives were like together, we just know they were close enough that sl allowed xxc to touch him without issue despite the fact they can't have known each other for more than a year or two. Do Better.
as much as i may not be a fan of sxx, though, i also wanna say i really do admire people who are writing like 500-chapter fixit type things just to make them work out, and i did once read a fic of them i liked! it was sweet. it's just the total exclusion and hatred of sl that i can't even make an effort for (among other things but again im not here to make anyone feel bad, like i have NO ROOM to talk with some of the shit i make), like i know i won't enjoy it sksk we all have tastes
all in all I'm really happy you enjoy my work!!! It means a lot for me to hear and I'm honored to be one of the few, because if there's one thing I get a kick out of more than anything else, it's being unique LOL
AND JUST TO CONCLUDE: even if a friend of yours dislikes a ship you like so much that they request you not talk to them about it, it doesn't mean you can't be friends! Close friends even! BEST friends perhaps! Everyone is different, that's the beauty of it etc etc of course it's great to share the joy but don't let things like that limit you 😊😊😊💖
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andiwriteordie · 1 year
The end of the year is near! Give a shoutout to your favorite blogs and tag them to spread positivity before the year ends!
oh my god can i just slap half of byler tumblr onto here? probably not which is Dumb bc there are so many wonderful people in this community whom i am sending all my love and virtual hugs and tissues to (sorry i made you cry this year).
anyways umm category 5 emotional event incoming:
@astrobei my suni astrobei, my dear beloved, sweet unofficial little sister. you are so talented. so smart. so funny. so kind. and just one of the best people to grace this website. i love how grounded you are, how you make people feel so at ease to talk to you, how humble you are for being one of The Byler Writers Ever, how everybody just is so drawn to you because you are genuine and kind and supportive always. the byler community is so lucky to have you in it, but more importantly (sorry guys this is about me <3), i'm lucky to have you in my life bc you're amazing!!! ilysm!!!!
@wiseatom thea wiseatom, my sweet thea mouse with her bindle oh my GOD, where do i even begin? thea, truly you are one of the absolute best people here, and there is something to be said about how much you love your friends and how caring and gracious and wonderful you are. not to mention you might just be the funniest person i know, like pls i cannot count how many times you've made me laugh. also. i am still NOT OVER i'm caught up in you and i am frothing at the mouth waiting for exes fic because i know it's gonna wreck me in the best way possible, and i just think you're the bestest person ever that's it! <3 ily!!!!
@bookinit02 HAVENNNNNNNNNN. oh my god, you were one of my first friends here, and i remember being so so like nervous and thinking "i hope she doesn't think i'm weird or like bothering her by talking to her!" but i am SO GLAD we became friends because you are just literally one of my dearest friends here, and even if we don't talk super often, i am so so grateful for you and for how funny and kind and thoughtful you are!!! your fics kill me every time. shed scene you will always be famous. duffer brothers get out of the way, just let haven bookinit write the damn show already.
@messrsbyler nic? aka my personal pain in the ass? the demon on my shoulder? ugh god if i say anything nice about you, i feel like i'm going to be sentencing myself to 7 more years in hell with you. can't believe god decided "let's ruin the world and send andi into it," then got bored and said, "let's ruin it some more and send nic into it" a few days later. ok fine i'm done being not nice, stg don't make me regret this. nic, your brain holy shit. the way you understand characters (MIKE) and think of things to share with this community? dear god we're all suffering (in the best way) for it. not to mention i guess you're a nice friend. supportive and stuff. really nice. funny even if you annoy me. stuff like that. can't believe we decided to go feral over atla and now we're stuck in hell together.
@livsmessydoodles LIV LIV LIV MY SUNSHINE SWEET BELOVED LIV!!!!! oh my god, you are the best. literally so talented and so kind and so funny and so encouraging and also just so badass? like ok i'm not on twt anymore (rip to that hellhole) but the way you would so easily fire back at those people who tried to attack you asg jdle l HELP? but then like. you are also just the sweetest and friendliest person ever, and i??? i'm obsessed with you. your art makes me so emotional, and i cry ok. also thanks for putting up with me kicking your door down with sad byler thoughts. love you so so much.
@kidovna bhavna. ok. words cannot describe how much i adore you. you are literally one of the most talented people i have ever met in my life, so much so that i gush to my irl friends and family about your artwork and how cool i think you are. but more than that, you are truly just one of the most encouraging and most humble and one of the kindest people in our little byler fandom! i love how i constantly see you cheering others on and how i see you working with others and putting things together that make the community so excited (spider-will my beloved, thank you and every person who made this possible). your art never fails to make me smile and feel things, and i am sooooo lucky and grateful i get to call you my dear friend!
@elekinetic this is my official petition to put ella elekinetic in charge of stranger things 5. because hello. screenwriting. holy shit? holy shit. holyyyyy shit. ella, you are truly one of the most talented people i know, and usually, i read incredibly quickly because that's my default, but when i read your scripts i always take them so slow. i am like holding my breath in anticipation, feeling every single emotion, and i swear to you it's like i'm watching the show. and then on top of that you're just? one of the nicest people ever? literally i'm obsessed with you. thanks for coming to my tedtalk on why ella is the best.
@strangeswift abby abby abby abby!!!!! my stranger things x taylor swift partner in crime, you are THE BEST. god one of the highlights of the last few weeks of this year has been getting to know you because you're just such a joy to be around and to talk to. you have THE BEST takes on byler and on taylor swift, and i love how unabashedly nerdy i can be about this with you. also, i constantly see you on the tag just encouraging other people within this community, and look, i think that's really just such a special thing and is a testament to what an amazing person you are.
@toystoryfan TOY OH MY GOD. petition to make toy The Byler of the year please? because there is nobody i see lifting people up, making people smile, and brightening others' days like toy does. you are one of the most thoughtful and kind people i know. there is just a warmth and positivity to you that is SO wonderful, and it never fails to make me smile. i am hereby naming you sunshine incarnate and naming myself sunshine protector bc if anyone ever is mean to you, i'll end them.
@eightieslesbian MADDYYYYYYY. okay maddy, literally like i said with abby, one of the highlights of the last couple weeks of this year has been getting to chat with you and getting to know you!!! you are literally one of the sweetest people ever and also HELLO GIFSETS? THE GIFSET MAKER? OKAY. YEAH. THE COOLEST. plus our love for merlin has been resurrected (unlike arthur pendragon oof), and i love that for us. you always brighten my day whenever i see you around the tag, and i'm SO GLAD WE'RE FRIENDS <3
@smoosnoom MOON!!!!! a byler god among humans. the quality of fics that you put out is just absolutely outstanding? like i swear you don't miss, and i so appreciate how much thought and love and intention you put into your writing!!! literally top tier writing. and on top of that, you're incredibly sweet and so positive, so big win for the byler community that we have moon in it!!
@rotisserie5107 RORI!!!!!! rori oh my god, it's you and toy i swear. first off, you never fail to make me giggle when i see your tags or your comments because i swear you have the funniest commentary. rori comments are some of my favorite comments. i love how easygoing and friendly and funny you are and how easily you just vibe with everyone here? you're also SUCH an incredibly supportive and kind person, which makes this fandom an even better place. i return to work this week and i will be listening to ethel cain soon, so i will return to you with thoughts and feelings. 🫡
@wibble-wobbegong WIBBLE. ok i'm glad this ask came around bc i have been meaning to just stumble over into your asks and say this, but i'll do it here. wibble, first off, you're SO incredibly smart and do SUCH a wonderful job at analyzing the show and all its nuances. like bless you and your ministry. but second off, more than that (and not that the show and the fandom isn't important, but look there's also more to life than stranger things lmao), i can say without a doubt that you are truly one of the kindest people in the byler community. you always come across as so humble and so welcoming and so kind, which i think is often lacking (because it is the internet lmao), so it's always such a breath of fresh air to see you on my dash! also legit one of the funniest people ever ok?!!
god okay. that was so many people, and i could go on and on and on (and i have half a mind to just reblog this and add more people to it) because there are so so so so many people not on this list that i could gush about... but i'm hungry and probably need to go eat something since i skipped dinner last night. so that's it, thanks for making my 2022 brighter!!!
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paperstorm · 5 months
I know you don’t want to get into this today and I fully support you recognizing when you have the spoons or don’t… and pls don’t post this cause I also don’t have the spoons to deal with whatever follow up would occur, but I just wanted to give context to that Kim K post talked about earlier: it’s not an insta story that just disappears, it’s been up since Oct 11th and not only does it say “Jewish friends and family” it also talks about her experience as an Armenian and the ethnic cleansing that took place last year/is taking place amongst her people. Anyone who claims that post was simply support for “zionists” is being antisemitic and too many people these days are using that term as simply a placeholder for “jew” so they can claim their comments aren’t antisemitic and it’s becoming more obvious and more prevalent in this fandom as well. When I’m seeing posts referring to ronen as a Zionist pig and other phrases that feel like it’s being said the same way “dirty Jew” would be? and no one seems to be standing up to those people at all? (Other than probably nasty anons who just want an excuse to be nasty). That doesn’t make a Jewish fan feel safe in these spaces at all. No matter how much we may share the same beliefs and causes as you do. You’re one of the few people I’ve felt safe still following cause I know you tag things I can filter when my spoons are low and all your posts have been very kindly spoken and understanding. so thank you for that at least.
Posting this because it is such a valuable perspective that I don't want to look away from. The amount of casual antisemitism that dances through the conversations around Gaza and Palestine is really disturbing, and I can't imagine how unsafe it makes these spaces feel. It has to be identified and called out.
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georgieluz · 11 months
orchid, sage, aloe vera, palm tree for the ask game!
hello!! you picked such good ones omg!!
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
just like heaven by the cure!!! every time i listen to that song it feels like the first time sfkjdh the absolute warm fuzzy brain rot i get from this song. just the perfect song for me honestly. also: common people by pulp, it's not my favourite pulp song but i do consider it to be the perfect pop song, california daze by peace, wings by hurts, wild flower by park hyoshin, yellow ledbetter by pearl jam, ode to the mets by the strokes, märchen and wander by hoppipolla, under pressure by queen and bowie, the whole oo-li and set albums by woodz, and finally, traffic by the stereophonics. also other people wouldn't call this perfect music, but death on the stairs (single ver) by the libertines hits perfectly for me every single time. just pure joy. and i can't not mention you're my waterloo by them too. okay i'm done! sorry for going way too overboard with this question!
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
okay this changes constantly for me. i'm all over the place with my desperate need to consume such things. i want it all and all at once. i will say i've grown a massive appreciation for sculpture over the last few years, especially working in a museum and watching people feel this uncontrollable urge to reach out and feel and touch and be in awe of them (yes i complain constantly about people touching bc pls do NOT touch the sculptures in museums!!! i'm begging you) but there's just something magical about a fully grown adult who knows not to touch things in a gallery and who keeps a safe distance away from the monets and the van goghs but just can't help themselves but reach out unconsciously in front of a rodin, usually they pull back before they even touch anything and realise but yeah, idk. it's just something i've been thinking about a lot. but i think more personally for me it's probably poetry. i always loved fiction as a kid and all the way through my life, i still do. i fell asleep listening to my dad reading tolkien to me as a kid and those works still run through my veins as much now as they did then. but it took me a long time to grow to love poetry. the stuff we learned in school didn't do anything for me. it took meeting someone with so much love and life and affection for the world reading poetry to me out loud at university for me to fully Get It. y'know for it to actually make me sit up and be like "holy fuck yeah i'm with you now". it took that same person handing me a book of rumi poems to fully crack open my chest for everyone to see. ever since then i've had a book of some kind of poetry next to my bed and another in my bag
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
i wanna sit under a tree with my closest friends and sketch them quietly in the sunlight
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
probably ben linus from lost. the writers wrote him so well, he was one of the most in-depth and complex villains in any show for me. did some absolutely terrible things but holy shit they made you empathise and sympathise and understand him. that show had me sobbing for him in the final episode. t'was wild, man.
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starsonfilm · 2 years
On IC and DC in My Chart
When I say relationship I mean every single one; platonic, romantic and even familial.
I wish there was more astrology posts about IC and DC. Its weird cause the angles are clearly very pivotal in your chart but I never see nearly enough about these 2 maybe because they are so internal and private in a way? I will make post expanding on my AC and MC trouble too but for me these are my most blocked parts I have had continuous troubles with family and relationships from birth.
In fact, I've always felt I didn't have a family and have searched for it in every person I befriended. I have Eros right on my IC and I know Eros has certain connotations but it's also just is desire right? I feel that so intensely. My desire for a family is so maddening it almost feels primal.
This is embarrassing to admit but any time I've received kindness from older women it's rooted itself into me at some very deep place. I think of all those women constantly even if it was just a few seconds, something as simple as a kind TSA agent adjusting my sweater and saying "don't worry sweetie, it was probably just your zipper". I want a mother so badly. I want a family so badly.
Feeling like I never had these things effected how I went about every relationship in my life for basically as long as I can remember.
I have Chrion in 7th conjunct my DC (its a much looser orb at 6 degrees but I feel bc it's still in my 7th house its still feels so intense).
I have never had a normal relationship. I used to think I was cursed but as I got older I realized everyone in my life was just as broken as I was and a lot in similar ways. Even if our circumstances weren't the same I could feel it in all of my friends; they desired so desperately to be loved but were so afraid of it.
It's very chironic of me to pull in people with similar wounds, especially because now that we're older I have found it much easier to open up and even as a very closed off person (and I was a teen then so it was literally so bad god...) I unintentionally showed a lot of love. All my friends have said something to me along those lines. That they feel I am very giving and loving (I have a lot of placements for this but lets also save this for another time).
I think I unintentionally helped heal some of my chironic wound by doing this because then my friends started being much more openly loving with me as well! I also think I am very lucky with the people who have found their way into my life. Even with all of our pain and inability to share love openly we all just get along so well, maybe I'm niave or maybe its because I just love them so much it feels it must be magic; but it feels like its rare to see friendships like ours.
Based on my MC aspects I have Venus trine, Mercury sextile, and Saturn square IC.
Based on my AC aspects I have Moon trine, Saturn opposite, Chiron conjunct and Uranus and Neptune square my DC.
These are the parts of my chart I wish I could find more info on. Overlays and even the Chiron conjunction I feel I understand well but these all feel blurry to me, esp the IC aspects.
Anyways if anyone has thoughts, additions, critiques, opinions anything pls share!! I really wanna hear other people's thoughts on this. Here is my birthchart since I know sometimes explainations of placements and stuff aren’t enough.
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strxnger-things · 2 years
omg i finally found you!! I liked ur birthdaygate post AGES ago then forgot your url but im so glad i found you again bcos i have SO many questions- pls pls pls can you explain your theory more bcos its driving me crazy, a lot of people dont like this theory for some reason but im on the fence about how i feel about it :/
damn, I really thought I had the best hiding spot... *climbs out of a dark corner and stretches*
lol, hey!
ok so before I go any further into this, I just want to make something clear: I'm not the person who came up with the birthdaygate theory. I've seen a few people conflating birthdaygate with the post I made about something funky going on with the memories mentioned in the S2 shed scene, but they're like totally two separate things. Birthdaygate is the cool, big-brain theory that suggests Will's forgotten birthday is secretly a planned narrative tool that we'll see explained in Season 5 (whoever first put the evidence for that together, you rock and I have mad respect for you)
Memorygate on the other hand, is just a small expansion of it: my suggestion as to when or why Will's birthday might have been forgotten. Honestly, I'd not given the whole theory much thought before I unceremoniously threw it into the byler tag and watched the horror and heartbreak spread haha I'll do my best to explain it a little more, but I don't think I'll really be able to help much. My intention was never to convince people of anything. It was literally just me going, "huh... hey guys, isn't this kind of suspicious...?"
Tumblr media
and the thing is, if you don't believe in birthdaygate to begin with, then memorygate is completely moot. Like, it's just a lot of fun. But if birthdaygate is real, memorygate just might be one possible explanation. Maybe. ?? honestly? I think it would kinda suck if it was real. I totally understand why some people hate it. Whilst I'm sure it'd be a shocking twist, it would also be very deux ex machina, and it'd mess with the character's agencies.
but like, if it WAS suspicious... ...here we have a villain who can canonically a) view people in the present moment like they're all laid out on a chess board ("now-memories"), b) enter any mind he so wishes and spy on their innermost thoughts and memories, and c) seems to have a connection/obsession with time.
This villain is also literally told a bunch of memories relating to one of his primary antagonists. The S2 shed scene helped Will break free of his possession just enough to save the day, but at the same time, what if Vecna was being given precious ammunition that he could utilise for future use? It's kinda convenient that Will's birthday is A Thing™ now, and the ONE time it's mentioned in the narrative is one of the most powerful and important scenes. Coincidence? Yeeeeah, maybe.
and as to how Vecna could have 'used' all those memories for his own benefit, I can only speculate. We don't yet know enough about what Vecna is fully capable of. Can he flit through people’s mindscapes without the victim suspecting anything? Do they always have a nosebleed or a headache, or is that just for when he’s going to kill/ consume you to open a gate?  Memorygate is just the theory that Vecna’s done something to those memories, including Will's birthday, because he knows they helped Will fight back against his possession.
Of course, Will was physically possessed in comparison to the mind possession we saw with Max and the other victims, so we don’t know if that changes things either.  It could be time-related (like, the date itself has been screwed with) or it could be memory-related (e.g. nobody from the shed scene can remember it because at some point, Vecna has messed with their minds, one by one). I can't help but compare it to how Vecna entered Max's memory of the Snow Ball. She did the same thing that Will probably did, and entered a safe space in her mind to escape him. She fought back by remembering the good, anchoring herself to her friends and to her special dance/kiss with Lucas. But then Vecna found his way in to that memory, slowly but surely, and took it over so she could no longer hide there. 
We didn't see it as an audience, but what if that was kind of what was happening inside Will's mind in S2? 
I'm not sure what more I can say to explain the memory stuff because there's still a lot of guesswork when it comes to Vecna and his powers. But I can go a little further into the Byler part for you, seeing as I only briefly mentioned it in my first post and I assume that's what you want me to get into most. So Mike talks about DnD games and their swingset meeting, and I think the latter is arguably the most powerful memory mentioned in the whole scene. A lot of attention is focused on the swingset memory. It's super important. We can also pretty confidently conclude that Vecna is pissed at Mike, especially by the time S4 rolls round. He's long known who he is, and he knows he's directly foiled his plans on more than one occasion, just like El. So go back and watch the shed scene again, and think about what we learned about Vecna in Season 4. Was he watching from Will's eyes, a hulking presence stalking through his mind, clouding Will's sense of self and listening intently to every word Mike was saying? Yeah, probably. Mike was visibly emotional. Distressed, vulnerable, raw, honest. Vecna learned that day that Mike and Will are deeply special to one other. He knows they're best friends. He knows a lonely Mike first approached a similarly lonely Will on a swingset when they were in kindergarten ('it was the best thing I've ever done...'). He also probably knows how Will truly feels about Mike. So that's a lot of ammunition for him to help put his plans into action, whatever they may be. He apparently doesn't want to kill Will, but perhaps he wants to isolate him. To hurt him, to make him feel forgotten by his loved ones, in a long game to win him over? Who knows.......
Vecna plays chess with people. He spies, he collects information, he uses people's memories against them. And the shed scene would have been a prime opportunity. A feast, if you will.
Once again, I hope I'm wrong about this. :)
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pashminalamb · 2 years
If you make an another account will you be posting it? You know so I can immediately follow and all 😁. And same I’ve always been a loner too. There have been a few exceptions though. But the past year taught me a lot about friendships so I’m just working on myself this year. It’s kind of lonely but at the same time really peaceful? I think I’m happier now than I’ve been in a long time. Yeah the lack of friends and companions makes things lonely but it’s not something that I’ll let break me anymore. I know I’m stronger than that now. Someone’s I think online people are easier to interact with because there’s no attachments?? Like if they left me I can assume something happened or they decided to go offline but I know for sure (mostly) it’s not my fault you know? And people online are just so much kinder in general. Not that I interact a bunch of people online, just a few, but that’s just my experience so far. Didn’t mean to go off on a rant there my bad 😅.
And don’t apologize for closing the chat box!! It’s completely understandable. As kind as people can be online there are still a bunch of creeps out here 🤢. So pls stay safe!!
YOUR SCREENSAVER?!??! ASDGKKGFFGG MY BABY HE LOOKS SO PRETTY. Also I’ve only recently gotten a Haitani brothers brainrot so like that’s a big factor atm 💀💀. OH there’s this one artist that posts her drawings in insta and tiktok abt TR and they look amazing and are so freaking funny I end up clutching my stomach every time 💀😭😂.
Here’s one of them
I’ve posted a few things on my blog but only drabbles really. I’ve been wanting to start doing analysis’s for a long time but I never got around to it. Just like character analysis’s and relationship analysis’s and story arcs and all that jazz. I love all of it. And in my opinion the best stories are the ones where the characters are what drive the plot of the story. TR did an amazing job of doing this and it’s one of the reasons I fell in love with the story in the first place almost immediately.
That one illuminati ask was…. something 💀.
Comfort fics are my favorite and the ones that explore real experiences and feelings and aren’t just a colt bf paste of the same words really do it for me.
Thank youuuu ☺️!!! Yeah my blogs a mess but I have so much fun with it. I haven’t posted anything in a while tho and I’m thinking about starting character analysis’s posts first. I’ll probably brainstorm over winter break. Which cant come soon enough btw. I have so many ideas for stories (besides fics I mean) and I wanna warm up and practice with tumblr.
Emperor! Izana ehhhh 👀👀?? Don’t worry I can wait. I can be patient when I want to be 😌. And the 30+ WIPS?? I felt that 😭😭. I don’t even wanna look at all the almost blank documents where I speed typed like 30 words at 3 am and when back to sleep 💀💀.
REOOOOOO!!! See like Nagi is also very adorable. And Barou has been growing on me lately 👀. See what I’m doing with blue lock now is just being spoiled left and right. I gave up trying to avoid spoilers (my lack of patience really shined through here) so now I see a post abt a match point or a duo breaking up in the manga and I’m like WAIT WHAT and then just don’t read the manga 💀💀. I WILL (eventually) soon but after the first season ends.
I love love love analyzing people and hearing their stories and learning things through experience. Which is really rich cause Im not good with talking to people and I never leave the house 💀💀. You can see my problem 😭😭.
How’s reading TR going? 👀👀
Ohhh I’ll check out those recs.
What did you think of the new episode of Chainsaw Man? Shit really hit the fan after the first 5 minutes 💀💀.
You should’ve told the guy where you found the picture so that he could save it as his wallpaper if he liked it so much 😌🙄.
Also can I mention how much I love the headers you put at the end of each ask? Like they’re so adorable and cute and thoughtful. I just wanted to say I really appreciate them!!! You’re so sweet ❤️❤️.
As for me, I’m currently in the library waiting for my next class to start. I took a tumblr break after eating lunch. My professor just made a big essay optional and extra credit because he wants us to review for our last unit test and midterm throughly. SO LIKE HECK YEAH!!! But also I already have an outline for it so I’m debating if the 10 point extra credit on our midterm is worth the extra work or not.
How’s your day going? Papers are rough but you got this 😤😤!!! Don’t forget to take breaks and eat something and drink water today okay??? *sends many virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
Kinda want to announce it so that I don’t seem sus - but I also wanna be discreet abt it so that I can interact with people who wanna message me (in priv) and not people who want a part 2 of something from me ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა (please I get that you guys don’t wanna be left on a cliffhanger - but. I have a life outside tumblr and left with less hours to write. And if you want quality, you’re gonna have to wait. Pushing me isn’t gonna work cause you’re gonna be disappointed with the end result and so will I) you’ll be able to tell it’s me cause I will say this - it’s a TR username - I have two of them in mind and I can’t figure which one I want more cause the one I got represents me in whole and the other is a guy who’s high (ikyk)
Yeah, it gets lonely here- but at least it’s peaceful; I follow a few blogs - mostly art + JJBA updates (and I’m super excited to check out the new eps of stone ocean) interaction wise... i have tried it out before, but none of them lasted long. what hurt me the most was when i was trying to be genuine abt something and writers here (not all but some) are really closed off yk? like they're fine interacting with friends but are really selective with new people? cause of that i just gave up interacting with them altogether and after my ideas got taken and neither was anything being reciprocated back on my blog by them despite us following each other- cause it goes both ways and if its just me, i wont do it anymore. my experience online hasn't been that great except with the upload of fics... and the only interaction i would get was comments or going through tags that was included by the person who reblogged it- but with recent developments, a lot of that has changed and i'm comfortable talking to people now ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Oh yea definitely. Safety is super important to me - that's why i never reveal too much about myself just small things cause you can't be completely safe on the internet- like when i was still a small time writer i got followed by a spanking account (istg the way my eyes widened when i saw it; and it wasn't even the kinky variety- it was traditional method of disciplining someone) - won't go much into detail about it but yeah i ended up blocking him. And now that i think abt it he must've read my hanma fic - but still (T.T)
Rindou is so pretty- i. he looked at me on the train (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
Unfortunately, I don't use tiktok. I used to be there - but i realized that i wasted a lot of time with endless scrolling, some of the content had received a lot of likes despite there not being enough effort? not to mention my ex's friends came to troll me through that app. I deleted my account and as i got older, i decided to never go back - so now i just stick to pinterest, twitter and instagram with the latter two being purely for uni reasons. so yeah i'm not much of a social media kinda person - and yeah i live under a rock and i'm ancient (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
Oh yeah when characters take the drive and the plot goes ahead is a different thing altogether - and i agree. like even in tr, i was really surprised to see the turn of events and character development - especially Kazutora and yeah i saw the drabbles (didn't get to read them cause i haven't watched one piece but maybe i should soon) - glad to know that you're a woman of culture for liking ace cause i like him as well - despite not watching the anime (is a zoro fan as well) and now i wanna change the theme of my blog as well- thinking if i should go with beige, sage green or blue- gonna see how this pans out
that illuminati ask had me dead- and i was just laughing from confusion and saying that idk who was a part of project and conspiracies- it's gonna be an inside joke on the blog 😂
Oh yeah emperor Izana - very fitting for his image tbh; and literally- when its time to write, it is time to write and lately i've been feeling the word "cold" a lot which added to True north Aiku's part (yes i will talk abt my husband- and apparently he's set a standard for me in men too shaggy hair with a mullet minus the side shave + scruff/ 5 o clock shadow) I haven't watched the latest of bllk - i read the new chapter though - not much action but Isagi's development; and you found out abt a duo breaking up- ૮₍•᷄ ࡇ •᷅₎ა dw tho - there are more pairings that come in and you'll get to see Barou with his hair down- p hot ngl .What i really really pray for is aiku getting animated (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) i wanna see him touch him feel him (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
TR reading - might start uploading manga panels soon and i still like Senju/ Senjuu - she's like me (๑>ᴗ<๑) (although i know some ppl would disagree- i'm curious to see what character would you relate me to tho)
And i forgot to add that i read philosophy as well - i'm all over the place tbh - one of my favs is tuesdays with morrie. Its a sad book but totally worth the read.
I haven't watched chainsaw man just read the manga- but i think i should start watching that cause mappa did a good job with it and honestly- the animation looks very different than their usual (i was roped into re-watching aot - likes reiner and porco )
Ty fur liking the headers- (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) i'm gonna put them for every ask - might start putting webtoon ones too
Oof good luck on the review!
So, i wrote the review and the prof liked it a lot- i got summoned to the archival section of the library - the books there are so old and dusty and i'm working on a research paper with my prof (had to wash my hand three times to get the dust off and i'm thinking of carrying surgical gloves for this-)
I hope your say is going well too, starry!
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I do not regret sending cursed images I found on Pinterest
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