#Curious Cuisine the game
anxietytwist · 2 years
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Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 15
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cornucopiagazette · 2 years
I need some community input for the rewrite:
Right now there’s the riddle of the changing detail in the cafe. I want make the visit to the cafe more streamlined, and also put it elsewhere on the timeline to make things progress smoother and more logical. Thus the riddle would either be removed entirely or be moved into a different context somewhere down the line of the story.
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boombox-fuckboy · 7 months
Hey!!! You commented on my post about limetown haha which is why I’m here. You offered to give podcast recs! What are your favorites?? I’m looking for some new ones
I completely forgot I had this ask, excuse the delay. Here's a selection of 30 podcasts I enjoyed from a broad range of genres: hopefully at least one appeals.
Let me know if you're after something more specific.
Arden: (Investigative, Comedy) On the 25th of December, 2007, heiress and young actress Julie Capsom crashed her car into a tree and fled into a nearby forest clearing, leaving a trail that seemingly vanished into thin air, and a dismembered torso in the trunk. A decade later, Bea, the first reporter on the scene, and Brenda, a detective on the case, are hosting a true crime podcast about it, and neither is remotely impressed with what the other has to say. Arden is also a retelling of various Shakespeare plays.
Desperado: (Supernatural, Adventure, Horror Elements) In a modern world of gods and magic, three young people, all under the patronage of death dieties, embark on the same adventure for different reasons: for safety, for revenge, and to kill The Old Man in the Sky. Fantastic banter and killer action sequences.
The Far Meridian: (Magical Realism) An agoraphobic young woman wakes one day to discover her lighthouse home has travelled to somewhere entirely unfamilar. As this continues to happen day after day, she uses the opportunity to search for her missing brother. A really unique and charming piece of fiction.
Gastronaut: (Sci-Fi) Interstellar travel audio blog of a former food critic as he travels to an active warzone to get firsthand experience with unfamilar cuisine. ft. Disgruntled martian nobility, sinister businessmen, explosive mushrooms, forbidden snacks, rogue revolutionary artists, and the consequences of your actions.
Girl in Space: (Sci-Fi) The Girl In Space lives alone on a space station, doing science, making cheese, rewatching Jurassic Park, and tending to the plants, animals, and artificial sun entrusted to her. It's a little lonely, but not a bad life. Would be a shame if someone came along to ruin it.
The Goblet Wire: (Microfiction, Weird Fiction) A surreal microfiction with horror elements, taking the form of phone calls to an audio-based game in which the voice of the mysterious Dictator leads each player through fantastic and horrific world and story.
Hello From The Hallowoods: (Horror, Supernatural) A dramatic entity beyond your comprehension visits your nightmares to tell stories of the people (in varying degrees of human and alive) that inhabit the strange, deadly, and beautiful Hallowoods, as they find meaning and sometimes eachother.
Hi Nay: (Supernatural Horror) A year after moving to Toronto, sound designer Mari finds herself drawn into helping people around the city with various horrific supernatural encounters due to her babaylan (shaman) family background. It quickly becomes apparent that there's something much more sinister and complicated happening in the background.
Inco: (Microfiction, Sci-Fi) A perpetually exausted interstellar information trader and her peppy AI find a mysterious (read: bratty) boy floating in space and are inadventently pulled into a world political intrigue.
Inn Between: (Fantasy) Ever curious about what the D&D characters get up to at the tavern between sessions? A generally lighter-hearted (with some exceptions) with richly-written and always-growing characters. A really interesting format, too: a lot of the adventure appears in the "next time" and "last time" segments which makes it all flow really nicely. Not a tabletop podcast.
Janus Descending: (Sci-Fi, Horror, Tragedy) A xenoarcheologist and a xenopaleontologist are sent to a study a dead city on a distant world. Nobody likes what they find there. A unique format, with one set of logs presented first to last, and the other last to first. I'd recommend listening to the supercut for this one.
The Kingmaker Histories: (Steampunk, Weird Fiction, Adventure, Fantasy Elements) In the Valorian Socialist Republic 1911, on her 25th birthday, tailor's apprentice Colette experienced the worst headache of her life. As a result, she fleed from town with a human artificer and a fae chef - both now smugglers - pursued by an utterly furious flesh-crafter. I'm not sure I'm selling how good this podcast is but it's very good.
Life With Althaar: (Sci-Fi, Comedy) A human repairman moves to a space station on the edge of human territory that is perpetually on the edge of self-destruction, and ends up with a less-than-ideal last-minute roomate. Althaar is polite, friendly, deeply interested in human culture, and eager to be friends. Unfortunately he belongs to a species that sends humans into a visceral panic at a glance.
Lost Terminal: (Sci-Fi, Hopepunk) Seth is a very lonely AI living on a satellite. His crew were left stranded aboard with no hope of return, and it's been longer than he can count since then. The Earth below him has changed dramatically, and with only a few other AI down there to talk to, he's very lonely. But! He has a plan to make some new friends.
Love and Luck: (Romance, Slice-of-Life and Urban Fantasy Elements) Voice messages cataloguing two young men falling in love and opening a queer dry bar together.
Midnight Radio: (Light Supernatural, Romance) Sybil McIntyre, host of the ever-popular 1950's nightly radio hour, begins exchanging letters with an old fan who has reluctantly returned to visit Sybil's beloved town.
Midst: (Weird Fiction, Western, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Elements) The old-western planetoid islet of Midst floats, rotating steadily, in a sea of reality-warping darkness. Down in the town of Stationary Hill, things are in movement, and vistors from the light above are about to bring unanticipated change. ft a monocycle-riding monster-hunter, radio-famous airship paladins, deadly mica, the universe's peppiest cultist, good dogs, and a really strange businessman.
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality: (Weird Fiction, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy and Horror Elements) A friendly AI tour guide leads you on a tour of the Mistholme Museum, explaining the strange and often alternatural story behind each item.
Monstrous Agonies: (Supernatural, Relationship Advice) An interpersonal advice show for supernatural entities and other people living liminally in the modern world.
Night Shift: (Urban Fantasy, Investigative) Set in a modern world with the addition of magic, which manifests in small inherited skills/traits, can warp people in horrific ways, or can be manipulated with the right science (and intense work) to induce superpowers. Sebastian Fenn is a barista at Night Shift Coffee, but since things are slow he's decided to start a podcast to talk about various mysteries, crimes and conspiracies around the city, and of course finds himself deeper in them than he'd intended.
The Pasithea Powder: (Sci-Fi, Thriller Elements? I think?) The last major interplanetary war was full of atrocities, but none more infamous then the creation of Pasithea Powder, a memory altering drug which was used to horrible effect and landed it's entire team of creators in prison. So when decorated war hero Captain Sophie Green sees one of them wandering free, worlds away from his prison, she gets in touch with a very old, estranged friend: one Dr. Jane Gonzalez, who's behind bars for the very same reason.
SCP: Find Us Alive: (Weird Fiction, Supernatural, Horror and Slice-of-Life elements) You don't need to know anything about SCP to enjoy this. A research team gets trapped in an underground research facility when the complex collapses and the building is dragged into a pocket dimension. The tear it was designed to study begins creating tiny copies of itself, generating strange entities the team needs to deal with. And as if that wasn't enough, the entire situation physically resets itself every 30 days. And yet, this is genuinely also an office comedy.
Second Star to the Left: (Sci-Fi) Audio logs of a scout sent to explore and establish early infastructure new world, and the communications with the minder in charge of keeping her alive.
Seen and Not Heard: (Slice-of-Life, Drama) Seen and Not Heard follows Bet, who's still adjusting to life a year after a bout of severe illness, and the resulting hearing loss it caused. It's about the ways we make connection, and food, and art, and different kinds of grief.
The Silt Verses: (Horror) In a modern world where gods are abundant, frequently both commercialised and restricted, two devotees of an outlawed river god go on a pilgrimage.
SINKHOLE: (Sci-Fi, Weird Fiction) Forum posts from a data restoration community in a near future where the human brain is its own computer and one city hosts a massive void.
Starfall: (Fantasy) Seeking to escape her mysterious past and find some purpose, a young swordswoman joins a travelling actor's troupe. This new life is unfamilar and sometimes stressful, but she's taken under the wing of stagehand Fel, who's determined to help her feel welcome as she experiences the figurative and literal magic of the theatre for the first time.
The Tower: (Weird Fiction) A low-key, meditative podcasy about a young woman who decides to climb a seemingly endless tower. Gorgeous sound design.
The Vesta Clinic: (Sci-Fi) New GP Dr. Fae Underwood, with the expert transcription skills of resident AI Sec, writes up patient reports on human and alien patients of The Vesta Clinic, a medical clinic on the edge of human space. Really comfy and creative.
Victoriocity: (Steampunk, Mystery) Set in the steam-powered Victorian city of Even Greater London, an aspiring journalist and a tired detective find themselves working together to solve a strange murder. I say Victorian but as queen Victoria is now an extensive grandiocity of cyborg components following seven only-kind-of-successful assassinations, you may need to adjust expectations a little.
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hypergamiss · 3 months
No one cheers for you until everyone cheers for you.
The only people that I do not cut out of my life are immediate family members (we always manage to work things out thankfully).
But even they have doubted me or questioned my decisions because I chose to keep risking the things that I have earned in hopes of receiving bigger rewards (strategically, of course).
They would say “buy a house, invest here, marry this person, purchase this vehicle,” but if it wasn’t part of MY plan, I simply ignored most of their suggestions or rude remarks because I am paving my own path.
It’s hard to feel like you let the people you love down sometimes, because you feel like they have your best interest at heart. And they do, but they cannot understand or comprehend your decision making until you start to live a life that they would trade theirs for.
We were recently on vacation enjoying some of the finest wine/champagne and cuisines having a blast. It was my treat this time and not once did anyone begin to question my decisions. They are more open minded and take the time to hear my perspectives and thoughts on everything I do. If they are more curious I help them and give them the materials they would find useful to learn what I have learned.
I never wasted my time or energy in the past arguing with them or tried to force my point across. I simply let things go in one ear and out the other.
It is very lonely when you don’t have friends and family that you can talk to and vent about your goals when they don’t understand them. And at the same time you’re not successful enough yet to be friends with the people you would want to be friends with.
But once you get past this, it feels like you can do anything because you beat this mental game that toys with your mind. It was one of the hardest things to go through, but it made so many other things feel very easy to overcome.
So remember, no one cheers for you until everyone cheers for you. That is a part of life and you will get through it.❤️
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misshoneyimhome · 5 months
I'm so happy your requests are open again! Can I request something about Willy reacting to you wearing his necklace with some nice lingerie? Probably sounds boring but those necklaces he wears though got me thinking
No no no! Not boring at all bb - in fact, this is hot 🫠😍 God, I’d love to see his reaction 😉
I apologise, this is a bit short ❤️
Warnings; mild-smut (18+); mentions of sexual behaviour;
・✶ 。゚
I want to wear his initial, on a chain 'round my neck | William Nylander 🖋️⚡️
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Music was playing softly through the air of the condo, while you took your time in the shower. You’d poured a glass of your favourite drink, put out your sexiest set of lingerie, and cooked yourself a delicious meal as tonight was your alone night at home.
William spent the entire day training and given you had a day off from work, it prompted you to indulge in a much-needed spa day for yourself.
You pampered yourself by doing your nails, shaved, shampooed and conditioning, applying your favourite hair mask, and then moisturising your skin to feel fabulous and confident.
It was an uncommon type of evening for you since you and William had moved in together. Despite his frequent road trips, you rarely found time for yourself.
Usually, your days were filled with work, William's hockey training, and/or games. And when he was away, you'd make plans with friends or work overtime to accrue enough hours for travel, leaving little time for yourself.
But tonight was different, and you’d dedicated every single minute to yourself.
Singing softly along to the music resonating through the condo, you swayed and danced lightly while enjoying your drink. Then, slipping into the delicate lace barely covering your breasts and core, you couldn't help but smile and admire yourself.
Normally, you didn't hold much confidence in your body. However, being with William for just over a year, his constant affirmations about your beauty and sexiness had significantly boosted your self-assurance.
You recognised your curves yet maintained fitness, even though your boyfriend often interacted with tall, slim, naturally tanned girls possessing undeniably beautiful faces. Nevertheless, William consistently returned home to you and lavished praise on your physique.
Perhaps it was your shared love for food that had him all intrigued. He didn’t really like it when girls held back in eating because it wasn’t very “lady like.” So when he first saw how much you loved diving in to any meal presenting itself, he immediately fell in love. Just the mere fact that you were always curious about food and different cultural cuisines had him fall deeper in love with you. Especially the first time he took you home to Sweden and introduced you to his family, where his grandmother had made a good old fashioned traditional Swedish home cooked roast, and you’d indulged with pure joy.
Likewise, you cherished William's love for food. As your grandmother always said, "the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach."
Though it might not always be universally true, in the case of William, it certainly was.
And as you strolled through the condo towards your bedroom, you found yourself sifting through your drawers, contemplating just how to greet your man upon his return from tonight's training.
Your fingers delicately explored the varied fabrics of his ties, sparking thoughts of possibly using one to tie around his hands before offering yourself to him on your knees. However, tonight was more about sensuality than playful fuckery. So next, your fingers trailed over the assortment of jewellery collected in a large drawer. And among them, one necklace stood out: a number 88 necklace purchased as a jest a few months ago in collaboration with some of the other girlfriends of the team.
The idea had been rather amusing, and William had gone completely feral over it. It had been a different kind of declaration of your love for him; showing the world that you were his, without saying that he owned you.
Then, another idea dawned on you. Alongside your collection of jewellery lay his, adorned with various rings, bracelets, and neck chains. And it struck you.
Slowly, you gently encircled your fingers around one of his favourite chains, a medium-sized one, not too bold, yet you knew it held special significance for him. It was the one he typically wore during road trips, as it reminded him of home.
And thus, you decided to drape it around your neck, feeling the cool metal against your sensitive skin. Chuckling to yourself, you glanced in the mirror, amused at the sight of yourself wearing hour boyfriend’s chain.
And lost in your own reflection, you didn't hear the front door unlocking.
“Babe,” William's voice echoed through the condo, snapping you out of your reverie.
Then with a slight smirk gracing your lips, you leisurely stepped out of the bedroom to welcome your man.
“Welcome home, love,” you uttered softly, casually leaning against the doorframe that bridged the hallway and living room, drawing William's attention.
“Shit, babe,” he gasped, struck by your relaxed demeanour, which tastefully showcased his favourite lingerie on your enticing figure. His eyes roamed over you appreciatively. “What a welcome…” he breathed out, slowly closing the distance and pulling you into a gentle kiss.
“Well, I know you’ve been putting in a lot of effort lately, so I thought I'd give you a delightful sight,” you playfully teased, meeting his gaze flirtatiously, fully aware of the effect you had on him.
His hands lightly rested on your hips as he pressed his body against yours, his head leaning in so that you shared the intimate space between your faces.
"Oh, this is more than just delightful, babe… you're incredibly hot, and you know it," William chuckled huskily, his eyes still devouring you, lightly licking his lips before focusing on the item adorning your neck. "Is this... mine?"
"Mmm," you playfully confirmed, biting your lower lip.
"Looks good on you," he almost whispered, taking a deep breath, his gaze remaining fixed, as his finger gently toyed with his own chain on you.
"Yeah, you think so?"
"Fuck yes…"
William found himself unable to contain his excitement. Although he hadn't previously considered how alluring his piece of jewellery would look on you, he had to admit it complemented the lingerie he adored so much.
And as his eyes lingered on you, his body pressing closer to yours, he felt the warmth of blood rushing to his member, an increasing urge for release slowly building up within him.
You could feel a tingling warmth spreading through your core as his broad chest pressed against your breasts, the bulge between his legs brushing against your thigh, and the grip of his hands gently tightening on your hips, his fingers pressing into your skin.
“Willy, darling,” you breathed out, maintaining eye contact through your lashes, your hands resting on his muscular chest. “Would you like to join me in the bedroom?”
Your voice carried a soft, seductive tone as you began to rub your thigh against his slowly growing length.
“Mmm,” William deeply groaned, the desire intensifying within him. “Nothing I want more.”
“Then come,” you playfully signalled with your index finger, grabbing his hand before turning around, and intentionally swaying your hips a little as you led him towards the bed, his eyes locked intensely on your movements.
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dulcesiabits · 2 years
jumping between worlds, p.3
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request: Hiya! I loved your writing about S/o jumping between worlds. Could u possible write that for the vice housewardens as well? (ft. Trey, Ruggie, Jamil, Rook, Lilia).
notes: 1.2k words, headcanons, fluff, housewardens and leech twins versions, Ruggie might not officially be the vice but he is one in my heart
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Trey Clover
Trey takes the news that Crowley has discovered a way for you to travel between twisted wonderland and your world in stride. He packs you treats for your trip back home (please share them with the people you love; he’s trying to make a good impression on them!!), and kisses you on the forehead when you leave, reminding you to be careful. He’s always careful to send you off with a smile, even though the truth is, he’s going to miss you terribly when you’re gone, and he’s always going to act just a little off until you’re home. (Don’t worry, Cater has taken enough pictures of a spaced out, clumsy Trey to share with you).
The second you come back, Trey’s already waiting for you by the mirror, opening his arms as you tackle him in a hug. Talk his ear off about what you’ve done, and where you’ve been: he’s curious about your world, and he wants to learn more about it! Especially if he wants to visit it one day... The presents Trey enjoys receiving from you the most are cookbooks and photographs. The way the cuisine in your world differs from twisted wonderland interests him, and he’s looking forward to recreating some of those delicious sweets in your books. As for the photographs? Well, he keeps those taped above his desk so whenever he misses you, he can look at them and think about you.
Ruggie Bucchi
Whenever you leave for your trips back home, Ruggie is draped all over you, head buried in the crook of your neck as he whines about how much he’s going to miss you. How he’s going to survive when you’re gone? You need to give a kiss... or several!... to reassure him. Despite how he acts when you leave, Ruggie’s actually pretty functional while you’re gone. He’s glad you don’t have to choose between either world, and he understands if you have important people back home you miss. Moping won’t make you come home sooner, and he’s still busy juggling school, work, and running errands for Leona.
However, the second you’re due back home, Ruggie is already waiting in front of the mirror. No matter how busy he gets, he’ll always make sure to cram in a free day so he can spend some quality time with you. He’s jumping on you as soon as you’re back, tail wagging wildly, staring at you with puppy dog eyes until you take the hint and kiss him. His favorite present? Food, of course! He can’t get enough of the different types of food back in your world, and no matter how much you pack, it’s always gone before the next day. Ruggie also loves practical gifts, like detergent and shampoo. Bonus points if it’s the same brand you use, so his clothes end up smelling like you.
Jamil Viper
Jamil prefers discreet goodbyes. There’s no need to flaunt your relationship to the entire school, and he’s had to stop Kalim from throwing you a “trip back home” feast multiple times already. A chaste kiss to your cheek, making sure that he’s gotten the date of your return trip right, and a promise to catch you up on anything you miss while you’re gone, and then you’re off, none the wiser to how much Jamil is going to miss you while you’re gone. He acts as if it’s business as usual, but it’s hard, knowing that he can’t call you like he usually does. Internally he’s counting down the days until you’re back.
Whenever you step foot through the mirror, Jamil is waiting with his arms crossed, acting as if he hasn’t been waiting there for half an hour already because he didn’t want to miss you in case you came back early. He takes your hand, offering to hold any bags you brought back with you. Jamil enjoys anything you bring back to him, but he especially enjoys board games or books on dancing you can lend him. You two can play the board games together (it’s hard to win against him when he’s figured out the rules), and he’s interested in seeing if there’s anything unique or different about the dances that developed in your world. Maybe he can pick up a new trick or two.
Rook Hunt
Rook is sure to send you off with a dramatic flourish, lamenting on how much he’s going to miss you, and reminding you that you are his soul, his heart, and that no distance or time could truly separate the two of you. He waves you off with a handkerchief (where did he get that?) and wishes you safe travels home. Honestly, he handles you leaving extremely well. He’s just happy that you’ve found a way to get the both of best worlds (literally and figuratively), and knows that the trip won’t last forever. If you end up getting delayed, though, he might have to step through the mirror into your world himself to pick you up.
Rook senses the moment you step back into twisted wonderland, and no matter what he’s doing, he drops it instantly to greet with you with some flowers, kissing your hand in greeting. He’s subtly scanning you from head to toe, making sure you’re just as healthy as you were when you left. Honestly, any present you gift Rook will have him giving it 100 points. There’s nothing he couldn’t love, though he seems to prefer oddities and antiques the most. Anything that has history and weight to it, or anything that’s unusual and has a function he never expected it to, will please him. If you gift him an old heart locket, he’s definitely going to put your picture in it and carry it around. What can he say? He’s a romantic. 
Lilia Vanrouge
Well, well. Isn’t this interesting? No matter how old he gets, it seems like there’s still so many things he has yet to experience. There’s never a dull moment with you around. Lilia probably takes your leaving the best out of everyone. It’s honestly the best solution, and missing you for a week is better than never seeing you again. He’s used to people coming and going in his life, and it doesn’t even phase him at this point. Of course, you might also be liable to a surprise visit from Lilia back in your world. Just because he takes your trip well, doesn’t mean that he’s not going to miss you. Since he’s already on the other side of the mirror, why don’t you show him around?
When he’s patiently waiting for you to come back home, however, Lilia is liable to try to surprise you whenever you do get back. What’s the fun in just waiting by the mirror? No, he’s going to show up upside down, or pop up from a different mirror behind you. Still, no matter what, he’s going to greet you with “welcome home.” The gifts that Lilia seems to take a particular liking to are either modern accessories or vintage presents. He’s fascinated by how much technology has changed so rapidly, especially in your world, which doesn’t have any magic to affect its growth. And he’s interested in the way history has developed in your time, and Lilia is particularly enamored by an old book of fairy tales you found for him in a second hand book shop.
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profound-jade · 2 years
Supreme Support Reader
Cottage Core, Supreme Support Reader,  basically I was feeling really bad about something in bed, like a lot then I remembered something that made me realise what I was agonising over for the last 20 minutes didn’t happen. The feeling of absolute relief I felt was incredible and as I relaxed in bed I thought about the reader having the divine power of making anyone happy, satisfied, and whatever good emotion they could want.
Like, maybe Xiao is feeling hurt today way more than usual only for him to bump into you accidentally while you're picking berries in the outskirts of Liyue for making jam and a feeling of happiness just flows into him when he is with you. Maybe, well definitely, he would be unable to control himself and goes up to hug you and this sense of unyielding happiness and relief just overwhelms him. It was like every last one of his cells were dying of thirst and hunger for months and a banquet of food and drinks were brought to them.
While Xiao is in sheer bliss, you are just a bit stunned about what happened before turning around and seeing that it’s Xiao, which calms you down. Still a bit confused, but seeing how happy he is and knowing his backstory you decide to just stay there for a bit.
Not just people in constant pain like Xiao react this way, ordinary people that are generally happy and satisfied with their daily lives are not that much better. It’s like something they can’t describe awakened within. It’s like something that was written inside their genes but was never activated. After being with you and having all their negative emotions solved, ones they had subconsciously and they consciously didn’t even know, before then being ubercharged with positive and happy emotions, they cannot go back to how things were before without you.
Ningguang had met you after you opened up a small stall in which you sold products that you made from various homegrown ingredients or stuff you got from foraging. The products were simple like jam from berries, homemade baking products like cookies and cakes, and other things like that. They were simple yet they filled something within the customers. It was like they had an itch they didn’t even know about being scratched as they ate your produce. 
Ningguang had been curious so she went and bought some sweets you made without much expectation as she had already tasted all the finest cuisine in all of-holy fuck how are these so good?! She tried to buy out all the remaining stocks after that which yous topped as its not fair to the other customers. 
Ningguang rather forcefully befriended you after that and you two started hanging out, doing and playing all sorts of simple things for hours on end like reading comic books, playing kids games, things that she would never have done by herself or anyone. The Tianquan’s time is measured in solid gold, something she carefully built a market for, could earn millions of Mora in just an hour or even. And yet, she now feels all the time she had spent earning those same mountains upon mountains of mora not even worth mentioning as she sat by a large tree, you in her arms reading a short story as the cool breeze flew by.
As the sun set and you returned home, so did Ningguang. Her thoughts raced as she thought about all the things you and her were going to do later on tomorrow despite knowing dang well she can’t possibly fit all those activities within even a month of time, much less a day. Ningguang met her frantic assistants at the Harbour, complaining to her about all the things they had to take care because of her absence, but Ningguang could only smile fondly of her memories today. 
She made her way up to the Jade Chamber, and as she had walked into her bedroom, she could only stare at her queen sized bed with an empty look in her eyes. She had prioritised Mora and the Jade Chamber above all else for her entire life but now she suddenly feels the lavish and large abode she lived in was empty and shallow. 
Ningguang clutched the part where her heart was under, treating her fine silken garments with force she never would’ve dreamed of before. Ah, this feeling has returned once again. It had been bearable, she suppose. This feeling had sprouted and quickly grew the moment she had met you. It was a feeling she was quite familiar with, something that was imprinted onto her since childhood.
Greed. This intense feeling grew by the moment and with each day, Ningguang’s fantasies of taking you for herself grew more from a shameful thought to a full out plan. Construction and ordering of all kinds of things for turning her private chambers into the two of you’s home was sent out.
Had that not happened first, it probably won’t happen for a while as whoever first finds you gets you. 
Maybe when Beidou returned to the harbour to celebrate for newest accomplishment, she saw a single glance at you before being completely stunned in place. Her pupils widened and she made her mind up on the spot to have you for herself.
Childe brushes hands with you on the streets before shamelessly going and straight up grabs yours before flirting.
What if you were in another nation, say Inazuma? Ei would go from meditating and thinking about how eternity and all that is great before instantly changing her mind after meeting you for like 5 minutes and forcefully marrying you and making you live in the palace, the puppet Shogun completely agreeing with her decision. No 200 year long duel needed.
Or, if things get really spicy, all of this and more somehow happens. Maybe you were a small merchant living in nature and just around selling things you made, seducing and charming anyone you made semi-contact with. Because of that, powerful people and characters that could influence the world were just silently stepping on each other's shoes under the table and they begrudgingly shared a picnic table with you outside, them not wanting to scare you being the only reason they haven’t pulled out their weapons and activated their visions yet.
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neuroprincess · 1 year
Abbott Elementary - Melissa dating a foreigner (Headcanon)
Melissa Schemmenti/Reader
Classification: Fluff
Warnings: Alcohol consumption
Word count: +1000
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- When she hears your accent for the first time, Melissa is delighted and immediately starts trying to guess where it's from, if she can't figure out the origin on her own she'll ask you personally. You are the new temporary teacher and are at the table talking with Janine when the woman, whom you have never talked to before, sits down next to you, scrapes her throat and with a hoarse voice asks "What's up? What part of the world did this angel fly from?"
- Curious, she will ask everything about your country, from history and culture to your favorite things, this is how you slowly get closer, learning about each other during lunch breaks while enjoying company and food. She is extremely excited to try the cuisine, even more so when you describe it;
- And the food is what brings you even closer together, she rarely invites people from work over to her home, but she has simply become obsessed with a couple of typical dishes you have brought, practically begging you to come over and teach her some. It's a nice evening, drinking wine and sharing recipes;
- It becomes routine to have these evenings, on Fridays you meet in her kitchen, alternating between Schemmenti family recipes, Italian ones and your own. After enjoying the meal you have cooked together there is nothing better than watching romantic comedy movies, playing board games, doing jigsaw puzzles, or simply having a good conversation while finishing a bottle of wine;
- On one of these evenings, while you are showing pictures of your respective families and having a good time telling stories, she leans over to pour you a third wine glass, laughing at a joke with funny words in your language, and loses balance falling on top of you, eye to eye, breathing unevenly, body and breath hot. In a millisecond Melissa's soft lips are on yours, in a gentle and tender kiss that soon becomes passionate, lustful;
- After that, you can be sure, she will officially ask you to date her. Two weeks after the first kiss/night, you are at another Friday dinner, this time is different, there are candles on the table, a rose in the center, Melissa has prepared your favorite dish and is wearing a red dress that highlights each curve of her. With a cheat sheet under the table, she is asking you to date her in your first language, some of the words come out funny but it's very cute and makes your heart melt watching her roll the tongue in pronunciation. Very nervous;
- If you have trouble with english she will make sure to help whatever you need, so dedicated that she spends hours redoing exercises and reading books together, teaching you tips and tricks. She also creates ludic games for practice, personalized cards with words that you have difficulty with or want to learn;
- And she will want to learn your language, it's cute when you find her using an app, repeating the pronunciation and writing down each new thing she learns, the redhead secretly uses a children's activity book to learn the basics, it's simple, didactic and with fun illustrations;
- You will have to learn Italian anyway, at least the basics to be able to communicate with her family. She is going to teach you the essentials, like good morning, greetings, basic questions, and, especially, swearing. All Schemmenti are dirty-mouthed and also like to swear in Italian, knowing how to swear defines survival within the family;
- She loves to find out little things about you and always wonders if some habits are cultural or just something unique to Y/N, curious about every aspect of you. When you speak expressions, in less than a week she starts using them, along with usual phrases and sayings. Melissa loves to learn about your culture's typical dishes, favorite songs, hobbies and dressing customs, and may or may not acquire some of your personality by osmosis without noticing;
- If you travel to your home country she will love to know everything, taking with her travel guides and an, by the way, inseparable dictionary, the teacher refuses to ask for help with the language because she wants to show you how dedicated and good she can be speaking the idiom... but at some point Mel will, after you let her screw around while locals talk fast or expressions she doesn't recognize. It's fun and cute;
- It's a culture shock if there doesn't have a local Football team , she will question ten times if you are sure until she finally accepts. But will support whatever other sports your country has, that's what she does as a big supporter of sports in general;
- She will try everything from tourist attractions to cuisine, you might imagine that restaurants would be her weakness, but no, she will be completely obsessed with little shops and fill a bag with souvenirs for herself, family and friends. Key chains, small decorations, T-shirts, in short, everything that can remind her of your trip will be bought;
- If you bring her to a farm or something similar, well, your girlfriend becomes a total cowgirl, she likes the idea of country life, taking care of animals, enjoying the view, the nature, and, if there are crops, feeling the freshness and the taste of natural food while cooking. Maybe in the future, at some point and with someone who wants the same thing as her, Melissa will consider living somewhere like this or at least having a country house to get a taste of this tranquility;
- Pictures, lots of pictures! She will register every moment and will for sure make a special album when returning to the US, frame some of them to put on the walls, maybe even put one in her wallet along with a copy of the first picture you took together;
- And on this return trip Mel plans to ask her to move in with her, there is a special copy of the key with a keychain placed in a velvet box and when you see it your heart skips a beat imagining being asked to marry her, but you both laugh at the misunderstanding. To be clear, she is probably using a dictionary for this too... and a lot of courage.
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sincerely-nines · 2 months
I had a dungeon meshi and dr.stone inspired ranchers au... I called it delicacies and dungeon masters (its jimmy, Jimmy is the delicacy)
Jimmy was a young aspiring chef from the cuisine guild who just got his license to open his own restaurant, but just buying the rundown burnt down building for it cost him everything, so he gets his ingredients through hunting and foraging...
Except hes just a little tasty avian with not adventuring or monster hunting experience and so he gets his butt kicked and almost eaten by scary monsters...
Until he finds a little fire freak with terrifyingly sharp teeth passed out in the woods and gives him his food. They get attacked by skeletons, Tango kills them, and Jimmy makes a tasty dinner of their marrow and the fungus that animates them, and it's the tastiest thing Tango's ever eaten because the man does not eat anything but burnt porkchops.
Anyways, Tango declares his undying loyalty to Jimmy and promises to make him all the cool equipment and work at his restaurant and help him hunt monsters in exchange for being fed tasty meals.
Also he has a pet ravager and he can turn blue and did he mention he was the dungeon master of that evil castle looking over the entire region? No? No. He didn't and he keeps forgetting to. Jimmy has thr BBEG making him a refrigerator and he doesn't know it. Also he keeps almost chomping on Jimmy and has to save him from being eaten by the monsters they hunt while using him as bait.
There is also a tavern and brewery run by dwarf impulse, gem, and oli, a high class fancy restaurant run by scott, pearl, and cleo, a street vendor run by scar, and a guild quality ensurer/food critic in avian Grian who always gives restaurants terrible reviews (who def does not completely cave if given a slab of mixed seed suet)
Came up with a bunch of recipes using minecrafts mobs
Really it was about Jimmy waking up with Tango's shark teeth too close to his through.
THIS IS SO GOOD OH MY GOD!! i have been meaning to check out Dungeon Meshi and my brother has been bugging me to watch Dr. Stone so this might be the final push. I also just. REALLY love fantasy food a lot, i spend a lot of time in games just cooking food lol. im really curious on the recipes youve come up with. I also love that. Jimmy is just so tasty that he's used as bait. (Tango would know) And yes, housewife Jimmy and his husband, the BBEG. This is MY definition of domestic fluff.
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ari i’m curious do u have kenny hcs
i do have some kenny hcs <333 take a seat here's a snack we’re gonna be here for a while 🧁🧃 (THANK YOU FOR INDULGING ME <3 this man genuinely makes me feel ill im sooo delusional abt him)
okok so first of all; general hcs !!
he likes art!! loves art!! this one is canon to me i just think he is so interested in any and all of humanity’s creative outlets and ofc art is the most prominent one. he loves all different forms of art — from sculptures to paintings to writing to video games (HEAVY on the latter btw i think he's so entranced by new technology) and so on.
and on that note!! i think he paints and writes himself :3 hes been alive for so long, learned so many languages, there's no way he didn't have time to pick up a paint brush. i think he paints to release stress!! and his styles vary but there's something mildly macabre abt all of his pieces. tends to gravitate towards expressionism above all else, especially the abstract kind.
i also feel like he sincerely enjoys ”bad” art like low budget movies and modern romance fiction and goofy video games…… he just thinks they're fun. def gets a good laugh out of them (this man canonically had a whole comedy phase he just wants to have fun!!)
and and and!! this is self indulgent as hell but i also think he cooks. there's just so much to learn when it comes to different cultures and their cuisine and i think they all interest him. but i hesitate to say that he's a good cook bc i feel like he’d make really weird fucked up food combinations just for the hell of it…. he's a freak. 100% the type to mix orange juice w black coffee just to see how it tastes.
i also hc that he has a soft spot for children, seeing as he literally carried and birthed one of his own LMAO... i just think he admires the innocence of childhood !! that childish and simple hope that adults tend to lose. he's very good w them too!! gentle and patient. and in geto’s body he has the softest nicest voice so i feel like kids gravitate towards him (i'm just thinking abt that One scene where he blows bubbles at a playground and all the kids chase them… they love him i just know he's a regular at that park)
OH AND……. idk if i’d call this a hc exactly but i just wanna see kenny in more feminine clothing. he literally has All the genders i don't think for a second that he cares abt gender norms. one moment he's in that tacky middle aged divorced father core hawaiian tshirt (he's so Me), the next he's wearing a purple floral dress or a puffy turtleneck <33 i just think he could pull anything off.
NOW FOR THE GOOD STUFF……. relationship hcs <33333 hes a whole red flag but hes also my silly pookie bear just trust me on this
FIRST OF ALL he's huge on quality time. if he's in a relationship w u then that means he sincerely enjoys ur company and therefore has a tendency to just bring u with him wherever he goes. otherwise he gets bored and starts whining abt it (silly silly man) hes a lonely guy ok </3 i feel like he gets very sudden urges to explore new places / do new things and he’ll make sure you’re right there w him !! you’ll wake up in his arms only to find you're in a snowy forest or some shit and he just WILL not tell u where he's taken u bc its ”a surprise ^_^” LMAOO
he also takes on a teaching role in the relationship and i think that's where hes happiest !! gets a kick out of it but it's also kind of special to him. especially if you haven't seen much of the world, or if you're just a naturally curious person — preferably both. he just enjoys teaching you new things, leading you towards new sights, drinking in your expressions and reactions. it's precious to him. something to cherish.
ON THAT NOTE i think he has this unquenchable curiosity that gets temporarily sated when he tries to like . Dissect you. see inside your mind. it's like hes solving a puzzle that never runs out of pieces. hear me out riko but i see him as somewhat similar to makima, he's detached and has trouble connecting w people and handles you almost like a math equation….. but since he unlike makima is a human being, i think he still has the capacity to grow to care for you and treat you like an equal (or something close to an equal). he genuinely does love you, but he's rusty. kenjaku just wants to know all there is to know about you — every single thing. he’d dig into your brain if he could, but he’ll settle on just brewing you tea, listening to you speak about your fears, hoping it’ll give him the same insight.
he's a little possessive . kind of a Lot. idk i just think he feels a pang of jealousy when he sees u laugh and have fun w someone else (he's like a preschooler getting pouty bc his bestie is playing w someone else LOL) and that makes him Uncomfortable so he just waltzes in and steals u away w a smooth smile and a hand on ur waist. pretends like it doesn't bother him in the slightest but if u tease him too much he drops the smile and gives u a Look (it's scary as hell so u immediately shut up LMAOO) and god forbid someone else is like… teaching u something… a subject they're knowledgeable abt while u sit there listening happily to their rambling……..... ohhh he gets so jealous it's funny. researches that particular subject in frightening detail JUST so he can correct your little friend and teach u abt it himself <33 weirdo. freak.
also (this is extremely important to understanding kenny's character) he's both mother coded and father coded but in the worst possible ways.
he's mother coded in the sense that he's a smidge controlling, good at coaxing you into doing things outside your comfort zone, an expert at making you feel guilty by acting especially sweet and gentle, has the ability to make you cry w one disappointed look etc etc
and he's father coded in the sense that he's easily offended but pretends not to be, wants to see you succeed so bad that it's almost more for him than you, forces you to have really deep onesided philosophical talks at 2am when you just want to sleep, sucks at voicing his love for you out loud so he just buys a bag of your favorite fruit, cuts them into slices and calls it a day. etc etc. he's awful actually. i need him
but !!! as for more soft hcs i think he's honestly an affectionate guy deep down… like deep deep down but it's there. he just likes having u close. preferably touching him. not constantly bc that’ll annoy him but he wants you to stay near so he can pull u into his lap whenever. loves reading to u while u rest ur head on his thigh, playing w ur hair and lulling u softly to sleep <3333 (it's the geto kinnie in him) AND idk why this came into my mind but i think he likes nose kisses. just bc ur face scrunches up and he thinks it's cute. he can be sweet !! probably.
OHHH AND he loves playing board games w u <33 everything from chess to monopoly. he thinks it's fun + a good bonding activity but it's only fun in the beginning. he's condescending if u lose and petty if u win but he’ll still ask u to stay up w him all night just so u can finish the game (he's insufferable actually) if u decline he’ll huff and play by himself while shooting u petty glares until u feel bad and join him. then he's back to being all suave and calm and mature ohhhh i hate him
he wants to be the mature stoic indulgent person in the relationship sooooo fucking bad but he’s plagued by silly impulses day and night. he’s just good at hiding it. but deep down he is and always will be a silly nerd <33
and finally; i think that in a no curses au he's significantly less of a freak but still weird and obsessive and a lil mean. bullies u just a tinyyy bit and acts condescendingly sweet but he cares for u a whole bunch. probably struggles w showing it in a way that isn't too overbearing or mildly alarming… maybe through writing. poems and paintings of u… sculptures…. just wants to portray the beauty he sees in u (can u tell artist!kenny makes me go a little crazy)
overall hes a weirdo hes a freak (def wants u to kiss his brain just to see how it feels) and he may or may not be a bundle of red flags but i love him dearly <333 hes a silly goose. i want to study him in a lab
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Considering the child's missing parent have you considered the controversial option? Becker who was doing Curious Cuisine had it as an option but removed it in an update. Not necessary but I often like to add trauma to my MCs backstory.
Although there are some drama and angst, I like WLGYL to be a comfort game that people can read while curled up under a blanket.
I want the readers to giggle, smile, and laugh, so no trauma.
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greenflamedwriter · 4 days
Fixing Voltron- Main Plots
Edit: I'll probs keep adding more later -_-
Lance deals with Allura's death BUT learning the secrets of Oriande, wakes up back in time and is able to fix everything with time travel.
He does this by driving Voltron into the rift- it opens up again and the black lion communicates with Lance thats it's VOLTRON that needs to enter the rift to destroy it given that the arrival of Voltron was what ripped a hole through space in the first place. After piloting Black and in turn the other lions alone Lance is the only one to push Voltron into the rift [it closed before since Allura's life force was tied to the lions so it bought them time] Given that all the paladins moved on with the Atlas Voltron wasn't needed anymore. The Paladins don't find out until its too late and hear Lance's screams through the headset before the rift is closed for good [Pidge confirms as energy has been fluctuating for years but they never gifured out WHAt until now] all are heartbroken that Lance has died, Pidge falls into Hunks arms and the two crumble to the floor, Keith falls to his knees screaming that it was supposed to be over Lance can't just be gone, and Shiro is staring frozen thinking of all the ways they could've solved this why did Lance go alone? Something touches his hand and he flinches to see Adam holding his hand tightly, silent. Adam didn't know Lance that well and Shiro eyes burned, resting his head at the crook of Adams shoulder as he heaved. It was supposed to be over.
-The Druids were Alteans, and converted Quintescence into a more potent stronger version that they called 'Crux' -Lotor's alteans that he ended up saving, adopting and leading...ended up dying. Most of them who were more sensitive to cosmic energy which is what made Alteans terrific alchemists to begin with, were sensitive- with the rift open it was like radiation the alteans struck first died first BUT it would soon affect the whole universe if not closed.
Lotor needed Allura to cure them [even more if the alteans that were sick were the ones who shapeshifted and overtaxed themselves] a pure, untainted Altean body could be used to create a cure to save his people. He was going to take Allura by force after gaining her trust then fell in love and decided to work with Allura he saw a better future because of her.
Romelle an Altean Druid working for Hagger is sent in once Hagger spies through Kurons eyes of how Allura is sad by the death of her people. Hagger knows Allura will be emotionally compromised so sends a Romelle who acts like a prisoner/damsel in distress and is then 'saved' by Voltron.
-Lance [for once] not only doesn't flirt with Romelle, he doesn't trust her and [after being the teams punching bag] just keeps and eye on Romelle and keeps his mouth shut. When Kuron backs her up it's easy. Now the ship has TWO imposters.
-Lance finds Romelle and Allura with the mind melds but located to another room [like kalterneckers room OR Alfors room before it was destroyed] thus both Lance and Romelle see Altean culture for the first time.
-Cue, Altean technology, culture, cuisine, polticis, sports games ANYTHING, heck give us an Allura/Alfor bonding of them making a hover skooter or something like treasure planet and have Allura zoom through altea ANYTHING!
-Romelle accuses Lotor of using Alteans as human batteries that he enslaved her people and killed her brother. Lotor fleed unable to defend himself after it was exposed that he was going to use Allura for malicious intent.
-And so Lance uses his meld, and Romelle is curious. She and Lance use the room and he tells her it's good for people with ptsd to talk about their problems or visualise what their fighting for.
-Romelle was made to believe what she was doing was for the GOOD of the Empire that they were...helping other planets to connect and make them stronger and pursue science. She was wrong.
-So she shows Lance her memories. EVERYTHING. Including the Kuron project she was working on, "You and I both know that is NOT Shiro."
-Both take down Shiro, after he corners them and saw through the door and it's a typical SHINING moment "Hereee's SHIRO!"
-Romelle kinda panics that Hagger may have saw that. And she admits she lied about Lotor who- after running away WITH the comet is running into Haggers hands.
-Also- Lotor when he comes back says that Hagger admitted the deats on what she and Zarkon was doing. That they were trying to make their own Anti-Voltron but a singular Lion that Zarkon can use indepednetly without relying on others he was going to use the Black Lion as a base then keep it as a trophy after. And they were going to call it;
White Lion.
Allura is pissed coz the white lion symbolisings justice for all free people and worthy pursuit of science. But Zarkon using that to enslave others and destroy planets with their technology was a mockery of it.
-But wait theres more! Voltron needs someone to watch their back AND an upgrade. Once Keith comes back, he's gained a new Member.
Lotor is going to be on the back of Voltron, giving that they always have to duck and dodge so many it'd made sense since Voltron faces forward SO the white lion will be the wings of Voltron, as well as taking charge and can even make Voltron rotate - [kinda like his ship in season 3 episode that could go forward or back that would be his skill set] and his bayard could make Voltron fly and warp somewhere faster.
-Alluras blue lion shoul open wormholes. Or her bayard should do it- just saying the blue Lion TOOK the team to arus episode one with a wormhole and Allura opens wormholes
[But that was a fail safe so the lion would-] then why didn't the other lions like Yellow/green open a wormhole?
But Allura had to hold it open for them. It'd be cool of Voltron could warp- snap from one place to another during battle. [I hate that Voltron abilties was just, laser, sword shield it sucks]
-The garrison is working for the Galra. And tried to take Voltron and make THEIR MFE pilots fly Voltron instead only for the Lions particle barriers to come down.
-Bayards...so much potential. A gun that sends an energy blast, Hunk can use a batterram to shock the earth making all the galra fall from the shock wave while the paladins use their jetpacks to avoid the shock-wave? A sonic pulse, a grenade launcher, like- so many weapons [like think Spider-man, anti-gravity? like COME ON!]
-There's going to be some changes as well as nerfs to some characters- for one; Pidge installing the green lion to cloak - lets retcon that. Instead have it where it was an ability the lions already had but Pidge with her hacking cheated and unlocked it faster than the others.
Instead since Voltron was an unknown Comet that was sentient and happened to be the most advanced strongest weapon ever instead should have been used as a blueprint to advance ALTEAN technology. Instead the alteans sutdied Voltron, and were able to progress their society by a thousand years.
Now the comet landed in Zarkons home and he gladly gave the comet to Alfor who speicilises in alchemy the two became friends because of a politcal marriage- Zarkon married Honerva Alfors sister [yep, we're making Lotor and Allura cousins and Allura will get with Matt instead :p] But alfor got the better end of the deal his people were thriving and they ended up expanding, meanwhile Zarkons people were plauged by a rift that was only getting bigger, and more dangerous- kinda like how scientists were working with radiation but had no idea of the effects it would have until years later?
So with their child in danger and Honervas obsession with studying the rift they were able to finally crack it and began to harvest pure quintescence and then began creating technology that was only second to Alteans. Worse- some Alteans thought that Alfor was holding them back from the pursuit of science [they were testing from alteans and themselves and Alfor forbade it] so they went to Honerva and created the druids since they saw Honerva and Zarkon started calling her Haggar coz she looked haggared. It was a cute nickname that ended up erasing their history when both started losing sight of what their end goal was.
With in-fighting as well as fighting his sister and one he called brother- Alfor had no choice but to hide the lions, especially since Zarkon was acting strange and when they were unable to form Voltron was when Alfor realised how lost his friend had become.
-First thing Lance does when going back after the first time the defeated Sendeks airship, he asks Coran if there was anyway for the people on the ship to request Alfor to help them esp since they couldn't understand altean and Coran nodded that Alfor can traverse the ship AND help them. Since ALlura and Coran are fixing the ship they won't have time to give the new Paladins the tour/explain stuff etc. So Lance requests for Alfor and then asks what his lion can do, he plans to study and see how far Voltron can go he lied to Alfor with a "Zarkons been around for a long time he knows what the lions can do, meanwhile what we have is shield, sword and laser is that it for earths greatest weapon?"
Alfor nodded, "No there is more even the Paladins of old never unlocked but here is all the data for what the Blue lion can do, and what it can do with a bayard and what else it can do connected with Voltron." Alfor was giving him a considering look, but Lance was too focused on reading and studying. Whenever you are given a new craft you're supposed to read the schematics first. Lance had an entire night of studying...
missing the fact that he was reading the logs in altean and Alfor watching looking amused. Even for a pile of data it figured that the blue Paladin was intersting.
"Oh and Al?" Lance asked glancing up, "Given the advancment of Galra technology- is there anyway to back you up where no technology can touch you and infect you with a virus?"
Any other time he would be wary, but Alfor knew exactly what the Blue Paladin was hinting at. "There is," he showed a map to a lower storage area that had class crystals and Lance stared.
"It's like power rangers Alpha and Supermans dad all over again-" Alfor ignored it. and directed Lance on creating a 'copy' of him.
And when Alfor data flickered on the bridge and both Coran and Allura looked close to tears he realised what had happened esp when Lance laughed, "Huh who knew exploring and finding a ton of junk would be this helpful."
"Yes very lucky."
When Alfor had time, he'd like to question this time travelling Altean he wanted to know everything.
-Also in Season one when Pidge found the Spores leading to Olkari- just what was the point in that? [And that is when i realised that Voltron had a writing problem since day one-] Since Hunk was the engineer and was supposed to fix the problems with the Ship wouldn't it make sense for Hunk and Coran to be fixing the ship outside, while Allura made sure it was correct from the inside? Why make Paladins who knew NOTHING about Altean craft FIX a ship while the ones who KNEW how to fix it who inside not handling it? Hunk should've learned how the castle works instead of being the cave who retrived the weblum crystals/scoualtrie like WHY was all the workload piled onto Pidge? She did extraction, hacking, viruses, navigation, as well as helping with the castle repairs and learned Altean? Like she even helped Coran with the Teleduv that should've been HUNKS job. As the Engineer!
...God just throw Voltron in the trash and start over oh my god.
In this version since Lance is time travelling is pretty much fine with letting things play out and will be THERE for Keith this time- Except that doesn't go to plan.
Lance becomes the Black paladin. He's just as shocked as everyone else AND stressed out because now things will go VERY differently with him as the black Paladin. So now he tries to find the Clone Shiro base and speedrun bringing Shiro back BEFORE the clone ends up coming to the team and messing stuff up. When the team find the base and see all those chickens [shiros] they are now more wary. Allura and Lance find a clone that hasn't been processed yet [as in, installed with camera lenses/virus protecals to make him a sleeping agent other than the galra arm] so they take that Shiro put him in a pod because Lance tells the team Shiro is trapped spirtually in the Black Lion because his body was destroyed.
-bullies Kolivan to bring Kroila to team voltron or so help him he will hunt her down and they will be one member short of a blade.
-keith gets pissed when he finds out Lance knows about the future and that Shiro would die, "And you said NOTHING." And Lance recalls how Shiro said he was dying on earth and if it wasn't for the Galra and the clone he would've died out in space, only Coran knew that Shiro didn't have long after being in the cryopod and his body was shutting down. The galra wanted perfect soldiers and they did that with Shiro's body.
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devilscreekballad · 5 months
7 & 13 for your ask game?
Favourite IFs:
'The Hero Unmasked' (this got me into IF writing), DragStar!, and Tavern Talk is shaping up to be neat.
Ideas for your own IFs that surprised you
Investigate the Moon, Lynwood, and the connection between Ballad and Curious Cuisine.
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endless-season · 1 year
5th Anniversary Livestream - Puppet Skit
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You can watch the livestream recording here!
The Puppet skit is around 1:05:00 - 1:23:00
Host: Good evening everybody and welcome to Kitchen Battle! Tonight is the anniversary of Loveland TV and also the 5th anniversary special edition of Kitchen Battle! And so, today we’ve invited five popular guests to our studio to join us in celebrating the 5th anniversary and also cook us up a surprise!
Host: Without further ado, please welcome our guests, the Outstanding Talents of Loveland City
Host: The Expert Food Critic – Kiro!
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Kiro: My food judging skills are as good as my singing!
Kiro: Although last time when I was on a gourmet food variety show there were some… minor accidents… Tonight I’ll definitely show everyone my true cooking skills!
Host: *nervous laugh* Ok!
Host (away from mic): Could all staff please ensure that Kiro stays away from any open flames and knives to ensure safety and avoid any risks to the studio.
Host: Please welcome our next guest - Taste Adventurer, Gavin!
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Gavin: I’ll create impossible dishes out of readymade ingredients.
Gavin: No matter what happens next, I’ll accomplish this mission without a hitch.
Host: We’re just cooking, no need to be so tense… In any case, Officer Gavin please take your place.
Host: Please welcome our next guest – The Greatest Cookbook, Lucien!
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Lucien: I’ve already spent 3 days 8 hours and 21 minutes memorizing all the recipes online.
Lucien: By researching and analysing the experiences of our predecessors and their unique recipes, we can quickly master the secrets of the kitchen.
Host: It seems Professor Lucien’s already done some theoretical work before coming to the studio! Thanks for coming Professor Lucien.
Host: Please welcome our next guest – The Ultimate Chef, Victor!
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Victor: I won’t let these ingredient down.
Victor: Chef? This particular title should not be one used in a general setting. My assistant will be contacting you later to investigate the source of this information.
Host: Uh... ok Mr Victor.
Host: Please welcome our final guest - Food Tyrant, Shaw!
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Shaw: Yo boss, get me one of everything on the menu to try.
Shaw: Hurry up already, I’m hungry from all this waiting.
Host: Ok! All five of our guests are here! Welcome all!
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Host: First, if you could all introduce yourselves.
Kiro: Hello everyone! I’m Kiro, a well-known foodie of Loveland. Tonight I’ll definitely bring you all an incomparably delicious dish!
Gavin: I’m Gavin. I don’t usually cook, but I’ll try my best tonight.
Lucien: Hello, I’m Lucien. I believe facing an unfamiliar cuisine is just like facing an experiment with unknown results. Looking forward to a pleasant surprise.
Victor: I’m Victor. I’m sure everyone can look forward to a good dish.
Shaw: Me? Shaw. Can’t cook, gonna wing it tonight.
Host: Thank you all for coming tonight. Before we start with tonight’s special recipe, I have a few questions for everyone.
Host: Does anyone have any memorable cooking experiences to share? Or any expectations for tonight’s recipe.
Lucien: I don’t have much cooking experience, but each time is different. I trust tonight will also be a valuable experience.
Gavin: I trained a bit before coming here so my cooking skills may have improved. We’ll see how it goes later.
Kiro: I have a lot of memorable experiences tasting food! I hope to invent some never before seen food, like spicy donuts~
Victor: I have decent cooking experience. I guess you could say enough to be proficient. But of course, it would be nice to experience something new tonight.
Shaw: Hurry up and start already. Just make something I like eating.
Host: I’m sure our audience is all curious what our special 5th anniversary recipe is. But hold your horses, cooking isn’t that easy!
Host: Let’s start off with a small game, only after clearing it can you get all the ingredients needed!
Host: Please turn your attention to the screen.
Host: Warm Up Game! Ingredients Battle, you draw, I guess. Each game is divided into 5 rounds. The guests take turns to each draw the given prompt within 10 seconds and the other 4 guests try to guess the answer based on their drawing. Just a reminder, the prompts given are the ingredients needed for the secret recipe so try your best!
Kiro: This game’s easy! I’ll go first!
Host: Kiro is intensely drawing, what kind of artwork will he bring?
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Kiro: I’m done drawing! Tada! Super easy to guess!
Shaw: I can’t tell what it is.
Victor: If it’s an ingredient… maybe flour?
Gavin: Is it sesame seeds?
Lucien: Perhaps some form of seasoning like sugar or salt…
Correct Answer! Sugar
Kiro: Correct! As expected of Professor Lucien!
Lucien: Mm, the drawing is actually quite good, there’s an indescribable beauty about it.
Host: The first round was successfully passed, let’s continue with round two! Student Shaw, please take a look.
Shaw: Oh, my turn? Heh. Time for you have a look at my artistic skill. *humming while drawing*
Host: Student Shaw looks brimming with confidence, looking forward to see his work.
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Shaw: Ok everyone, look over here. Look carefully, next is the important part. *humming while erasing*
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Shaw: How is it? Easy yeah?
Victor: … Did he look at the wrong word?
Gavin: Is this some kind of performative art.
Lucien: Is it... chives?
Kiro: emmmm… I know! It’s strawberry! Hahahahah
Correct Answer! Strawberry! (T/N: Strawberry = lit. Grass + Gone)
Shaw: Not bad, pretty smart.
Kiro: Heh, as expected of me.
Lucien: Quite a creative way to communicate the prompt.
Gavin: It does make sense.
Victor: … a childish performance.
Host: Congratulations on another correct answer! Next, could we get Professor Lucien.
Lucien: Guess it’s my turn.
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Lucien: Sorry to make a fool of myself, time is limited so the drawing isn’t that great.
Kiro: Isn’t this a bit toooooooo refined. I’m guessing an egg? A duck’s egg? A quail egg!
Victor: Undoubtedly an egg.
Gavin: Agreed
Host: Student Shaw, how about your answer?
Shaw: … surely it can’t just be an egg, is there a catch.
Correct Answer! Egg!
Lucien: Too much caution can cause people to deviate from the correct answer.
Host: That’s right, it’s that easy! Let’s continue with the next round.
Gavin: I’ll go next.
Host: Officer Gavin is concentrating very hard, I trust it’ll be an amazing work.
Gavin: Um, I guess just like this.
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Kiro: Oh I know - Ice cream!
Lucien: Maybe mashed potato?
Shaw: Meat bun? Pork soup dumpling? Or is it crab dumpling? Tch, can’t tell.
Victor: Looks like a bowl of rice.
Gavin: … Everyone keep trying. Hint, it’s something sweet that makes people happy when they eat it.
Victor: … Cream?
Correct Answer! Cream!
Kiro: How did you guess that!
Victor: Got lucky…
Lucien: There is some resemblance.
Host: Next is Mr Victor, looking forward to his performance.
Victor: I will try my best.
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Kiro: Ah, it looks delicious. It’s chocolate chip cookies…
Gavin: Shouldn’t it be beef?
Lucien: I think it should be milk. The cookies are just a side.
Shaw: It’s clearly this cows afternoon tea.
Kiro: Huh…? Do cows drink milk for afternoon tea?
Shaw: Who said it had to be milk inside the glass.
Victor: Hm?
Lucien: Sometimes the truth nature of things is unexpectedly simple. No need for everyone to think too deeply. I think the answer is indeed milk.
Host: Well then, let’s see, is our last answer indeed milk?
Correct Answer! Milk!
Kiro: Sure enough, it was the simple answer.
Host: Congratulations everyone! Sugar, strawberry, egg, cream, milk. All ingredients successfully obtained~
Host: On to our next segment. Our kitchen battle officially begins!
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Host: Ingredients are in place, is everyone ready?
Kiro: Now that I think about it, this is my first time wearing an apron on camera.
Lucien: Congratulations on unlocking another life achievement.
Gavin: Erm… these aprons… *ahem* are a bit too cute.
Victor: Indeed. Compared to making a cake, this seems to be the greater challenge.
Kiro: Hey, someone’s trying to avoid it.
Shaw: *sighs* Okay, okay.
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Host: Okay, since everyone is ready, I’ll announce the aim of today’s challenge! Today our five guests will be making anniversary cake! Well then, let’s hand over to our guests!
Victor: Let’s divide up the work.
Kiro: Ok.
Gavin: Understood.
Lucien: No objections.
Shaw: I learn fast, anything is fine.
Victor: We’ll split into pairs. I’ll help out both sides. If there’s any problems, you can find me.
Shaw: *peaces out*
Kiro: Aw yeah! I’m going to make the best cake in the world.
Gavin: I’m going to do some warm up exercises on the side first.
Victor: *sighs* … so be it.
Lucien: I’ll check we have all the ingredients we need.
~ On Lucien and Shaw’s side ~
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Lucien: 3 eggs… 180g… so each egg should be 60g…
Shaw: You still haven’t finished choosing the eggs?
Lucien: But the scale says…
*A wild Victor emerges*
Shaw: Ahhh close enough.
Victor: Hm... actually-
Lucien: Sugar? If I’m remembering correctly… we only need 60g?
*Victor peaces out*
Lucien: It’s better to follow the ratio of the recipe to better guarantee the accurate result.
Lucien: Perfect, 60g on the dot. Hm… next is…
*A wild Kiro appears*
Kiro: Wow! I’ve discovered that milk plus lemon juice plus sugar tastes really good! I highly recommend this Kiro Original recipe to everyone!
Shaw: What are you having?
Kiro: An original mix, wanna try some?
Shaw: Lemme try. *drinks* Ah, not bad.
*A wild Victor appears*
Victor: What are you guys doing?
Shaw & Kiro : Ahhhhh
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*Shaw gets back to cooking, Kiro escapes into the sunset*
Victor: This smell…
Lucien: I’ve separated the egg white and egg yolk. I’ll leave the rest to you, student Shaw. I’m sure you’ll do well.
Shaw: No worries!
Lucien: First you stir clockwise 120 times, then you stir anticlockwise 150 times.
*A wild Victor emerges*
Lucien: Then add milk and butter, and stir clockwise and anticlockwise 180 times each.
Shaw: Hmm… so first, clockwise 120 times…
Shaw (in the bg): 101... 102... 103… 104…
Victor (whispering to Lucien): I don’t recall these steps in the recipe. Also the program staff prepared an electric mixer.
Shaw (in the bg): 105… 107… 108… 110… 115…
Lucien (whispering back): University students are always very energetic.
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pls appreciate this beautiful fanart
~ On Kiro and Gavin’s side ~
Gavin: Let me see… the next step… add a suitable amount of cocoa powder and some crushed biscuits…
Gavin: … Suitable amount? What’s a suitable amount? Some? How many is some?
Kiro: Urgh… the most annoying recipe instructions have appeared.
Gavin: Then… I’ll just go with gut feel…
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Gavin: *gasp* Oh no.
Kiro: Uh… no worries Officer Gavin, we’ll just start over.
Kiro: Here *passes egg*
Gavin: Thanks
Kiro: Here
Gavin: Thanks
Kiro: Here
Gavin: Thanks
*A wild Victor emerges*
Victor: How are you guys going?
Gavin: It should be… okay.
Victor: Why does it look like there’s eggshells in the cake… let me see.
Victor: You don’t have any more eggs!?
Kiro: Gavin’s already-
Gavin: *Ahem* So, can we move on to the next step?
Kiro: Right, yes, so next is putting on the cream.
Gavin: I’ll do it.
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Kiro: Go go you can do it!
Victor: Don’t be nervous. This part is easy.
Kiro: Ah!
Gavin: Um. Did I put too much cream?
Victor: Pause time and immediately finish the entire thing… feasibility is… … *sighs*
Host: The cake base for all the 5 guests is already complete, next up is time for their individual decorations. What kind of cake will they make? Let’s have a look.
Host: Hm. We see Kiro here with a lot of chips… what kind of cake are you planning to make?
Kiro (stuffing his face with chips): Wait, no looking. This is my original recipe and cannot be leaked.
Host: Uh, I’m sure it’ll be a great cake.
Host: Well then, let’s have a look at our next guest.
Host: Officer Gavin seems to be deep in contemplation.
Host: Officer Gavin, could you share with us your ideas for the cake?
Gavin: Huh? Oh, okay.
Gavin: Um. I’m not very good at making cakes. I’m still coming up with an idea.
Host: O-oh I see. Good luck Officer Gavin.
Host: Let’s see Professor Lucien’s latest progress.
Host: Professor Lucien, do you have any particular designs or ideas for the cake?
Lucien: You’ll need to wait and see it with your own eyes to appreciate it.
Host: Professor Lucien gives off an unpredictable feeling, we’ll look forward to see your amazing work.
Host: Lastly we have Mr Victor.
Host: Wow, as expected of the Ultimate Chef, such extraordinary skills~
Victor: I do not want to be disturbed while cooking.
Host: Ah okay, so exquisite I can’t bear to eat it.
Host: Let’s wait to interview Mr Victor after he’s done.
Host: Lastly is student Shaw.
Host: This looks a bit peculiar… where did this idea come from?
Shaw: Art comes from life and life is to do as one pleases.
Host: Uh, very reasonable cake philosophy. We’re looking forward to your final product.
Host: Our 5 guests have completed their cakes. Up next is the exciting moment where we unveil the cakes. Let’s invite our 5 chefs to unveil their cakes!
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Kiro: As you can all see, this is the Chips Cake! Unique taste guaranteed!
Gavin: Erm. I drew Pearly. Doesn’t really look like her, hope she’s not angry.
Lucien: A ripe cherry will definitely make people want to eat it more *sparkle*
Victor: Time was limited, so I could only put some simple decorations.
Shaw: My cake obviously has my style.
Host: They’re all very unique and exciting. Thank you for sharing.
Host: We’ll take a short break and then continue with our final segment.
~ Kitchen Battle Anniversary Ceremony ~
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Host: Congratulations all for completing the cake.
Host: Kitchen Battle ~  Food enriches life - eat well, drink well, and tomorrow will be well ~
Host: Thanks again to our 5 guests. We’ve also prepared a big cake! We welcome everyone watching to celebrate the anniversary with us!
Gavin: Kitchen Battle has helped many people learn how to cook, I too have learned a lot today. May this program continue to get better and better. Happy 5th Anniversary.
Kiro: Here’s to wishing this show will continue to proper next year too and share delicious food with everyone! Happy 5th Anniversary!
Shaw: Today was fun! Looking forward to a harder battle next year, Happy 5th Anniversary!
Lucien: Although our time was short. I’m very glad to have spent this unforgettable and lovely night with you all. Happy 5th Anniversary everyone.
Victor: I’ve always believed in the healing power of good food. Looking forward to discovering even more good food with everyone in the future. Happy 5th Anniversary.
All: Happy 5th Anniversary!
Host: That’s all for today’s program. Thank you all for participating and thank you all for watching! See you next time!
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doodlesdreaming · 1 year
Hi, how are you? May I have a question? I know it’s sound silly but in other asks from posts of other people, I noticed that there’s one post where horsemen would like to hear it. So I’m curious how horsemen they will “sing” in the karaoke room? I would like to hear that.
Also which is your first video game of darksiders and when? Mine: Darksiders II one year ago.
Heh, good luck getting any of the horsemen to sing AT ALL.
......buuuuuuuuut, if you ask just Strife, then that's a different story. As the leading man of learning all things human, music is something that is intriguing to him the most(next to human cuisine and fashion).
Once he's introduced to the art of karaoke, he's gone. From county to love ballads, he'll try out any song that tickles his fancy . It's even better if you do duets with him. He'll love you forever. The only downside is to convince him to take a break. He'll beg you to do, "one more song" with golden puppy dog eyes.
Thank goodness he's actually not bad of a singer, but you better keep some form of hydration, just in case.
(Also, my first game was Darksiders 2. It'll be three years in August since I've become a fan. ^^)
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lullabyes22-blog · 11 months
for you ask game, I’m curious about nom (and curious to know what are some real world inspirations for undercity cuisine?)
I've actually have the Nom snippet up for a while.
Also posted a second about Silco stuffing his pinched little face.
In general, Zaun is a pretty multicultural place in LoL lore. I tend to treat it accordingly in FnF: lots of inspiration drawn from places like Japan, Hong Kong, the Philippines, India, Pakistan, Latin America, where there is a thriving street-food culture (though in Zaun's case it's more because of lack of access to kitchen spaces + fast-paced lifestyle)
Overall, their ingredients are pretty sparing: mussels, shellfish, seaweed, fish. Given they're cave-dwellers, there's inevitably going to be some grubs/bugs, mice, voles and other curiosities thrown in.
In FnF, where Piltover has the fresh veggies, fruits and best grades of meat, Zaun has the most flavorful cuisine, as they tend to pickle, brine, and otherwise liberally season everything to keep it preserved - and to build up the immune system. The result is tasty and filling enough that even Pilties treat it as a 'guilty pleasure' - certainly not worthy of being called cuisine, but a cheap and filling snack if they're peckish.
At least - the Pilties brave enough to risk praying to the porcelain throne the entire night afterwards.
I also have a pinterest board for FnF's cusine if you'd like to check it out<3
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