#Corner Baths
soulmvtes · 11 months
it's about the small acts of intimacy... forehead kisses, putting jewelry on you, rubbing your hand with their thumb, putting a jacket on you, touching your necklace, running your hands through their hair, wiping away their tears, peeling them an orange, un/zipping their dress, tying their shoelaces, holding hands, removing an eyelash from their cheek, washing their hair, putting an anklet on them, tucking their hair behind their ear, sorting out their collar, untangling their necklaces, drinking out of a cup in their hands
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ukonlinebathroomstore · 11 months
British-made Carron Baths provide exceptional quality and design. Standard baths, double ended baths, corner baths, shower baths, freestanding baths and whirlpool baths are all part of Carron's product line. The Carron regular bath is a sturdy 5mm thick bath, but there is also the option to upgrade to the Carronite bath, which is 10mm thick. Exclusive range such as Carron Alpha, Carron Celsius, Carron Brio, Carron Britannia, Carron Equation, and, a lot more. Shop Carron Baths at the lowest prices from Bathroom Supplies Online.
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Choose the Best Quality Bathtubs in the UK using the Bath Buying Guide
After a busy day, the best way to feel relaxed & refresh will be a long hot soak in your bathtub. Nothing will give you more relaxation than pleasing bathing. Therefore, you should choose the bath for your dream bathroom that gives you a pleasant & relaxing bathing experience. Previously, bathtubs are considered a luxurious item in the bathroom, but nowadays, in addition to being a centerpiece of your bathroom, it becomes a necessity in every bathroom.
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With the availability of a wide range of shapes & sizes of baths, you can choose the right brand, size & shape of bath for your bathrooms in the UK.
When selecting the best quality bathtubs in the UK, you have a broad selection to choose from the best brands like Duravit durastyle Baths, Waters Coast Baths, Duravit durasquare baths, & Tavistock Bathtubs.
Other brands are Waters Cube Bath, Vitra Baths UK, Duravit Starck Baths, Waters EBB Bath, Carron Baths, Eastbrook Baths, Carronite Baths, Kaldewei Baths, Duravit D-Code Baths, and many more.
Before you choose the brand, first decide which shape & style of baths will accommodate your bathroom.
You have a choice to buy Single Ended Baths, Double Ended Baths, Freestanding Baths, Shower Baths, and many others.
Moreover, you can get Freestanding Baths UK, P Shaped Baths UK, L shaped Baths UK, and more.
For bath shapes, you have square, round, corner, and rectangular baths to choose the right shape from the best bathroom shops in the UK.
Thus, with so many styles & sizes, you need not compromise on the look of your bathroom, even if you have a small bathroom area.
For your new bathroom or renovating an existing one, you need to measure your bathroom area accurately and decide its position to put the bath. Remember, you need to leave enough space to move freely in your bathroom and get ready. 
If you want to replace an existing bathtub, you will get a technological advantage with innovative design & style with the best buy of a bathtub. Thus, with a single change in your bathroom, you will get a refreshing and contemporary look in your bathroom.
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Choosing the perfect bath style needs to know more about the baths, their usage, and what shape & style will suit your bathroom.
Straight baths are the commonly used baths and are available for small & big-size bathrooms.
For your compact bathroom space, you can choose single ended baths. In your compact bathroom, it best fits in your small space. You can add a shower to this type of bath. Hence, those who like showering & bathing together can enjoy this bath style. In this bath, the taps & waste are at one end and allow one person to bath by keeping feet toward the bath taps.
For your spacious bathroom, choose a double ended bath that has taps & waste in the middle of the bath. In this type of bath, two bathers can bath at a time. It is best suitable for children, couples, or tall people.
Even in your small bathroom, you have various styles to choose a bath like corner baths. If you don't have separate space for a shower, in this style also you can combine a shower. You can use a bath panel or bath screen to cover your bathing area and give it a contemporary look.
Freestanding baths give your bathroom area a luxury and spa-like look. They are available for all sizes and types of bathrooms. You can place it anywhere in your bathroom as per your bathroom layout. It creates a center of attraction in your bathroom area. 
You will also get traditional freestanding baths and modern freestanding baths for your bathroom. They come with built-in or exposed taps as well as with or without feet. 
When it comes to selecting the bath material, you can choose an acrylic bath, if you are looking for a versatile, long-lastly, and cost-efficient bathing solution. It is easy to install, light-weighted and needs less maintenance. It retains hot water for longer.
For your periodic bathroom, you can choose a cast iron bath. It retains hot water longer compared to an acrylic bath. It becomes costlier and heavy. Hence, you need to ensure your floor strength before you install it. Cast iron baths are highly durable baths and multiple suitable for your traditional bathrooms.
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Write at [email protected] to buy the best quality bathtubs in the UK. Also, visit our Bathroom Shop in the UK to get the best deals on Baths for sale, Cheap Baths, Shower Baths, Small & Large size Baths, Bath Screens, Freestanding Baths, Waters Bath UK, and many others.
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lunarharp · 3 months
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scribbles... pre-relationship onsen trip
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pyrepostings · 3 months
whumpee who's only given soft water to drink/bathe with.
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microwaveexplosion · 1 year
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conkers-thecosy · 11 months
The Hobbit moved to stand from the edge of the spring and Thorin automatically stepped forward and offered him a hand for balance, concerned he might slip on the wet rocks. Bilbo blinked rapidly in that way he did when he was surprised by something, but took the offered hand despite attempting to very grandly ignore Thorin’s nakedness. Quietly charmed by the dusting of pink on his cheeks as he blushed, he didn’t release Bilbo’s hand immediately.
“Would you like me to come back with you?” Thorin asked, tilting his head and trying not to smile as he attempted to catch Bilbo’s gaze. 
“No no,” said Bilbo quickly, clearing his throat and wriggling his fingers out of Thorin’s grasp. “No, no I should be fine, thank you.”
The Hobbit took a step back and tried to pull the wet shirt away from his body ineffectually. He was now quite red in the face again, and the dwarf found he much preferred this expression than the myriad of shame and sadness and anger he had seen this morning so far.
“You’re sure?” he asked, unable to keep the grin from his face as he moved to step out of the spring.
“No no!” Bilbo squeaked again, flinging his hands over his eyes. “No no no! No, that’s quite alright!”
“No?” Thorin repeated, though not moving this time, slightly emboldened by the muffled chuckles behind him. 
“No!” Bilbo turned on his heel and stumbled a little as he stooped to pick up his waistcoat, then scurried back towards the camp.
“Bye Bilbo!” Bofur called cheerfully after his retreating back, and rather delightfully, Bilbo called back over his shoulder. 
~ "Poet" - Chapter 2, by Conkers (me!)
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mad-c1oud · 5 days
me, hyperventilating: need q!charlie h/c NOW
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wingedqueenlynx · 5 months
Oh, don't mind me-
I'm just treating my bbg to a warm bath and a candlelit dinner (He's having a rough day) :]
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jangmi-latte · 7 months
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rook ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
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pidgefudge · 3 months
really feeling the lack of people like me irl. most of my friends are cis girls or fem enbies who just. don't get it. the few trans guys i DO know have very supportive families (one of them has been on t for years). like. what am i supposed to do with this. what am i supposed to do with my incredibly queerphobic parents and inability to cut my hair even though it kills me to look in the mirror and forced dress-wearing that makes me feel like shit all day.
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hussyknee · 1 month
Been meaning to bathe the kittens but kept putting it off bc the last time I bathed them was when they were much tinier and more forgiving. But today I nearly stepped on a decapitated mouse they had dragged upstairs, so into the tub they all went. They're now fresh, kissable, and heartbroken. 💔
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furshrimps · 9 months
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more importantly
they were waiting for me to get finished in the bathroom so we can go on our morning walk but
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lazer-screwdriver · 3 months
Liz and black hole ship Missy make me sooooo. Liz who’s never seen this face before and Missy who hasn’t seen Liz for at least as long as she’s been in the vault. Liz who’s spent decades as a cat being mad at her Master and Missy who’s been boiled like a frog but with kindness & sincerity. They’re being so sweet on each other 😭
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sunkissed-summerdaze · 5 months
Endless Sea
The endless sea of dreams, Take a hold of me. Wishy washy, and infinite, No need to be afraid. Loveless and loved, Feelings flood. Taking my time, It is a climb. In the endless sea of opportunity, I find unity. -E.S.
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Fri, Jan. 12th / 2024 12:43a.m. @sunkissed-summerdaze _________________________ Day 5 of my 30 days of Bath & Body Works fragrance poetry series. I hope you enjoy :) So far I think this is one of my favorites.
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fizzytoo · 11 months
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