#Coffee Tobacco Flavor
wonderlandperfumes · 2 months
There’s nothin sweeter than my baby
Content: S.coups x reader, Hoshi x reader, Woozi x reader (separate)
Inspired by Tobacco Honey by Guerlain - moments of devotion captured in honey and sugar, as sweet as can be with your boyfriend
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Seungcheol loves mornings - if not just because of the way the sun peers through the window to paint streaks of light onto your skin. You're a vision, his own painting that not even the museums could think of touching as he cradles you - soaking in each moment that you touch. He loves the way the sun bathes you in warmth, loves the way his stomach mimics the heat of the sunlight, he loves you and the ability he wields to call you his. 
He’ll never admit it to you, afraid his little addiction might unnerve you, but right before you wake is his place of worship, like an artist to his swansong your the beauty he cannot truly part from. You're in his dreams, his thoughts and his movements even as you're apart - but here where the world cannot reach you he presses kiss after kiss to your skin, as if trying to steal a bit of your warmth for himself. Hands, arms,shoulder,neck and face he leaves whispered breathless prayer until he’s sure you’ll be able to taste his devotion on your tongue when you wake. Until he swears as he swallows he can taste sunlight. 
But undoubtedly his favorite part of the morning is the butterflies that carve through his stomach as he watches you wake like it's the first day you slept together over and over again. He watches your eyelids flutter, running hands over your figure until his fingertips have all but melted into your skin to coax you awake and closer to him in every sense of the word. He’s adoring and relevant in the mornings, patient as he waits for you to smile and then allows himself the pleasure of leaning forward to press you into a kiss he knows will leave him aching. 
He spends all the time he can spare tasting you so he might be able to lick his lips later in the day to have the flavor of sunlight and you on his lips. 
The sun is just barely peeking out from the horizon - struggling over the land to light your features with a halo befitting of an angel. There's nothing more natural to see in Seungcheol. He waits patiently - devouring ravenously the sight of your figure wrapped in his arms and the sheets you share. You're beautiful. Always beautiful - to Seungcheol this is a fact he knows more than he breathes air. So he waits for the sun to wake you this morning too as honey he swears he can taste on his lips is pressed to your skin with fever and devotion before he grants himself to the indulgence of your lips. 
Soonyoung has no need of a celestial body's gravitational pull when he has you to orbit. He circles you with an ease, as if there was truly some sort of gravitational push that demanded I'm near you, and if you were to ask him there is. When you're too far there's an itch to his skin , a wandering eye to spot you and sticky hands to grab you closer. If asked to point to the sun he would point to you, at the center of his galaxy curled up in his chest as his heart. 
Soonyoung’s endless devotion saturates the day, as if he’s afraid that an hour without expressing his love in some way might erase it from your mind. It's impossible, he practically waits on you hand and foot - memorizing the smallest details so he might engrave them so well into himself they become his. It's his way of becoming yours. It's not over, but rather his devotion is characterized through its dependable nature - the way it writes out like a script in daily activities. Without fail he says your coffee order before his own, your image pervades through his head any time he spots something pretty as he imagines you with it. This obsession may seem tiring to others but it's easy to him - how could loving you ever be difficult. 
Soonyoung is particularly fond of invading small moments layed unnoticed by the public - but not in isolation. He's the hand on the small of your back, your pinkies linking together as you cross the street, Hoshi is stolen moments and cherry cheeks as you laugh about a joke so awful it hurts. He practically drinks your laugh, as if it could truly nourish him - and maybe he believes it can. Maybe he believes that if he has you he’d need nothing else. Just your lips on his, your fingers intertwined and your gaze on him always. 
The tangerine is sweet as he bites down - tart and sweet juice coating his tongue and while his members all enjoy a quick treat the only thing he can think of is you. He can practically taste you in the sugar - he remembers the way you swiped your tongue across the bottom of his lip before you left and suddenly he finds himself more hungry than he was before he ate the fruit. I miss you, he thinks, before taking a tangerine and heading towards the door. You had said you wanted some fruit earlier hadn't you? He’d peel it for you. And feed it to you - if you’d let him.
Jihoon is a private person, he prefers what stays his, and to him there is nothing he covets more precious than you. It's not as if he’s cold in public - he could never be, not to you - but he doesn't pray himself open in the presence of others like he does when it's just you. There's a vulnerability he’s greedy for you to have - just as much as he’s greedy for you.
Jihoon is addicted to evenings with you - loves the way he can seek sin and pleasure  behind closed doors just for your eyes. When the population is just him and you - Orpheus and Eurydice reformed - he thinks that myths could be born just from this feeling that bleeds from his chest. Only for you - he promises - all of it just for you. He’s a delicacy only you can bite - and he lives for your moments of indulgence.
He thinks you're always so pretty, always the more euphoric symphony of all the world's pleasure wrapped into one being - but he’s especially weak to you when the moonlight hits you - allowing your visage to steal some of its luminescence .He never allows himself to touch a camera - it could never capture your beauty in the moment - so he allows himself remembrance by taking you to himself. The way your skin feels under him, the gasps that leave your lips, the gleam in your eyes as he steals, breathes and kisses, all of this he burns into his memory.
He has music made to his memories of you bathed in moonlight on the balcony, soliloquies and ballads that attempt to touch on his bewitching lover under the glow of the moon. He can never quite pull it off and part of him mourns this - but another rejoices the ability to keep you further to himself. 
To Jihoon there's nothing that's a higher law than you - nothing that can override the understanding you belong to each other. Beckon him with a finger and he’ll easily fall to his knees and crawl home to you. 
This is what men have gone to war for, Jihoon thinks as he walks into his own apartment and see’s beauty incarnate lounging on his furniture. It’s a silly thought, one that would never escape the confines of his skull where it sits like unspoken begging, but it's not one he can ever disagree with as he watches you swing your legs idly off  the side of his couch as the moon lights up your image. He’d be more embarrassed if he had more time to think, but you notice him too soon hovering near the doorway and you break into a smile - perhaps amused by his hesitancy in his own abode. This is what Orpheus went to the underworld to get, he thinks - and it's the last thought in a while as you crook a finger towards him - and all thought flees at your command. 
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Authors note: First time writing for a non-fictional character and I’m PETRIFIED that this is OOC.
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pathetic-sapphic · 4 months
I'm not sure if you've done this, but could you do arcane milfs with a reader who bakes as a hobby and always has something new for them to try? Again, you are one of my favorite writers and whenever you post, it makes my day. Happy Holidays!💕
Arcane milfs with a S/O who loves baking
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Congrats! You're the first person to find out about SEVIKA's deep, dark secret; your big, scary girlfriend has a sweet tooth! She would never say it outright, but the way her pupils dilated with happiness when she tried a chocolate-filled pastry of yours for the first time was enough for you to connect the dots. Since her diet consists primarily of alcohol and tobacco, you never expected her to take such a liking to your baking. Perks up whenever she comes back home from work and smells a sweet and warm aroma permeating your apartment. Sevika is quick to hug you from behind and watch as you work wonders with the dough, stealing a bit of cream or filling whenever you're not looking. Laughs whenever you scold her and smacks your ass because she knows that will fluster you and thus get her off the hook. Her favorite pastries are chocolate puff pastries.
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GRAYSON likes to keep herself in shape for her work but she would have to be a fool to deny you. Her day is automatically good when she finds a warm pastry on her office desk, a loving note from you attached to it. She is quite fond of cookies, especially when she can enjoy them with a mug of hot coffee or cocoa and with you on her lap. She's all for a domestic and warm atmosphere, and loves how your baking adds to it. Will buy you cute cookie cutter shapes and can be persuaded into decorating the cookies with you. They look... questionable, but she's here to have fun with you and help you, not make masterpieces. It's hard to focus on decorating cookies when you look so adorable, your face scrunched up in concentration as you make a mini-Grayson cookie. Makes one of you (or at least tries) and can't bring herself to eat it. Her favorite pastries are fig rolls.
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CASSANDRA loves a good pastry, and all the more if you made it. Will gladly pay for you to take lectures from professional bakers, if you're interested. Proudly displays your goods on a glass stand and indulges in them during her work breaks, they pair well with a lovely cup of tea. Isn't one for baking but will gladly watch you do it, happy that her beloved has something that they're so passionate about. You don't ever have to worry about getting ahold of fancy or rare ingredients, Cassandra will gladly take care of that for you. She's away for work most of the day so she seldom cooks, meaning that you have a huge and well-equipped kitchen to do with it as you please. Her favorite pastries are profiterole.
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AMBESSA has never been one to indulge in sweet and savory pastries, preferring to sip on some good wine during her downtime. But oh, how weak you make her. You're the only person she can never say no to and she finds any attempt you make at pleasing her adorable. So of course she doesn't refuse when you present her with a plate of freshly made dessert that she had never tried before. The nutty and sweet flavor is to die for and Ambessa never thought she'd like it as much as she does. The way your eyes sparkle while you nervously wait for her reaction just adds to the whole experience. Fully supports your hobby and always demands to be the first person to taste whatever you've made with your skillful hands. Her favorite pastry is baklava.
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darkwolf989 · 24 days
Please please please can I order a Val's daughter where she asks Vel for condoms, and Vel gave her them and gave her the brief how to use them talk. And was like "if you need or have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me hun". They went on and Vel accidentally mentioned it mid convo to Val and Vox a few weeks later, and Vox and Val were freaking out like "she asked for what?", "you gave them to her?" And Vels like "would you rather her not use them and get pregnant". Vox and Val are just straight panicking like "she's to young for that" and Val's like "she didn't even come to me she went to Vel I literally own the biggest porn industry in hell why wouldn't she come to me?" And yes I was in a coffee shop when I first came up with it that's why I said can I order idk that seem self explanatory or maybe not what ever have a amazing day loves ♡
Ah!! Yes, another fun one! Enjoy!!!!!!!!
Velvette stood in the mess of fabric, threads, models and chaos. Around her, the smell of fabric softener, tobacco and perfume, all blended together to make a head splitting scent. From across the studio, she watched reader slowly make her way across the studio. Her Aunt senses kicked in and she shooed her models away as reader walked towards her. 
“Hey sweetheart, how are you?” she asked with her hands on her hops. “You look like you’ve had a rough go of it.”
“Auntie Vel? You know how you said I can always talk to you? Can we talk?” She asked quietly. 
“Of course, of course. Come, come. To my office.” Velvette pushed through the crowd, barked an order and her employees dispersed. Once inside, reader settled on the couch and Velvette closed the door.
“Spit it out sweetheart, you look miserable. What’s wrong?” She asked. 
“Aunt Vel, do you know what a condom is? And can I have one?” Reader’s cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. 
Velvette didn’t blink at the request. “Sure. Go into my room, bedside drawer. I have a whole bunch you can choose from. Flavored ones, too.” 
Velvette didn’t think her niece's face could get any redder. 
“Flavored ones? What would I need those for?” She asked in confusion. “Don’t they just…go on my…”
The headache multiplied. Surly, she couldn’t have made it this far being Valentino’s daughter without knowing the basics of safe sex? Or not- after all, Valentino could be accused of being teeny bit overprotective of his baby princessa.
“No, no. Sweetheart, has your Daddy taught you how to use a condom? Or even what they’re for?” Velvette asked as he bit back her frustration. 
Reader flushed a deeper shade of crimson and shook her head as she gazed down. “No, but there is a guy at my school and I really like him and I just…”
Velvette held up her hand and made a mental note to yell at Valentino later. “You don’t need to tell me why you need them. I just want to make sure you know how to use them properly.” She stood up and cross the room at record speed. “You wait here. Don’t move.” 
One banana, a bright pink practice dildo and a detailed explanation later, Velvette watched her niece skip off with confidence and reassurance. While she was demonstrating, reader spilled all the details about her upcoming date that night. She wasn’t sure if they would sleep together, she admitted, but she wanted to be prepared just in case. Velvette was proud of her for making that decision, and reassured her that if she needed more or had questions she could always come to her- no questions asked. 
On the flip side, she was livid. Her father was Valentino- the overlord of sex, drugs and depravity; and the resident demon of the night. How could he have possibly kept his daughter so in the dark that she had to learn about this shit from her friends at school? She bit back her frustration as she dove back into work. She needed to have a conversation with them at some point. And her mother too, at that. 
Unfortunately for Velvette, with the ever growing schedule at her fingertips that opportunity to slip into conversation consistently vanished. On the other hand, her sweet niece made it a point to drop by her Auntie Vevelttes whenever she needed a refill- or simply to fill her in on her dating life. Which only reassured Velvttee she had made the correct decision. 
Her chance came a month or so later, as the three of them sat around the dinner table at one of their favorite restaurants. 
“So, baby girl is out on another date?” Vox asked. “She gets more and more like her father every day.”
Valentino snorted. “As if my niñita would be anything like me. My sweet bebita doesn’t even know what sex is. She’s kissing and giggling and holding hands at the movies. It’s cute, honestly.” He took a sip of his wine. 
Velvette choked on her drink. “Valentino, are you for real?”
Both boys turned to look at her. 
“What do you mean, Vel?” Valentino asked sharply. 
She snorted, “Val, she asked me for condoms weeks ago. I gave her a lesson, a handful, and sent her on her way.”
Valentino dropped his glass, red liquid and shards scattered all over the floor. He pushed away the demon waiter who rushed over.
. “She asked you for what now?” He squeaked. “You did what?” 
Vox looked at her in a mix of horror and disgust. “You gave them to her!?” 
“Why would you do that without consulting me first?” Valentino snarled as he stood up and slammed his hands on the table. “She’s too young for that shit! What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Yeah, Vel. She’s just a baby, how could you?” Vox demanded. “You’re corrupting her!” 
Velvette rolled her eyes. “Me?! She’s sixteen! She learned about them at school, thanks to your fucking delusions and refusal to acknowlege she’s growing up!” She leaned back and ignored the look of fury on their faces. “Tell me, would you rather she be safe, or not use them and end up pregnant?”
That seemed to resonate with both the boys. Slowly, Valentino lowered himself back down and Vox took a deep drink from his glass. 
“I need to have the talk with her, don’t I?” Valentino asked quietly as he put his head in his hands. An insulted look flitted across his face and he sat up straight, “god damn it, I own the biggest porn industry in hell! Why would she go to you and not me?” 
“Because the words ‘Porn’ and ‘Daddy’ only go together when you’re not related,” Velvette replied sarcastically, “As for the talk, I’d prefer it if you didn’t, I got it covered, Val- and she’s not only been coming to me for condoms, she’s been telling me about all the dates she’s been going on. Now tell me, do you really think if you go to her now she’s going to keep telling me shit? I think the fuck not.” Velvette stood up and wagged  her finger at them both. “So no, Valentino. And you too, Vox. Stay out of it unless she comes to you first. Understood?” She took another drink of her wine and sat back down. “Don’t fuck this up. I’m a goddamn good Aunt.”
“That I don’t disagree with,” Valentino sighed as the waiter pressed a fresh glass into his hand. “But promise me you’ll keep her safe?”
“Is that not what I’m doing now? Don’t fucking push it, Valentino. I’m still pissed you waited this long,” Velvette shot back as she glanced down at her menu. “Now shut up,  hurry up, and order. I want to beat Reader home in case she needs a little Auntie time.”
There were not many beings in this universe that could shut up Vox and Valentino, but Velvette was definitely one of them.
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strrkie-art · 1 year
flavors of jjk characters
amateur set of aroma associations. aromatherapy is my little relaxing hobby, I am not a perfumer
Satoru Gojo woody-musky composition with light floral notes. The fragrance fits snugly to the skin
Suguru Geto oriental woody perfume. his hair and clothes smell of palo santo, he carries a trail of kitchen spices and petricore (Satoru calms down and says even "sobers up" from this fragrance, when you need to put your thoughts in order, Shoko calls him "honey wood")
Shoko Ieiri among the mixed smells of latex gloves, formalin and cigarettes, her fragrance consists of one tuberose and sounds weak, almost imperceptible
Utahime Iori nothing came to mind but the scent of white lily and lemon peel
Yuki Tsukumo I think a refreshing playful composition of neroli and pepper with notes of grapefruit would suit her, while poorly hiding the smell of rubber and metal on her hands
Choso camphor and tea rose
Mei Mei fragrance of cashmere, black currant berries, ginger
Kento Nanami  sun-warmed trees, oak and fresh aquatic notes on warm days, in cold weather he will be warmed combination of guryun balm, bergamot and pomegranate peel
Hiromi Higuruma restrained fragrance of clary sage, cardamom, lavender and cedar
Yuuji Itadori orange, sage, vetiver I think Yuu is not picky, it is normal for him to use a 3 in 1 shampoo with an indefinite smell, he has not yet decided what exactly complements it, he uses different probes that Nobara gives him as a present, but most often unconsciously chooses compositions with orange
Megumi Fushiguro  green tea and oak moss, smell of cleanliness, which happens to washed laundry with a powder without fragrance, brought from the cold into the warmth of the room
Ryomen Sukuna strong vanilla at the beginning and after it sounds deeper with bitter wild herbs and pine needles, supplemented with tobacco, orchid notes and musk, completely eclipsing the original suffocating sweetness
Uraume cotton, fresh figs and burnt laurel leaves
Tsumiki Fushiguro pink pepper and lily of the valley
Toji Fushiguro woody-resin fragrance with animalistic notes and tobacco (he smokes, his hands and clothes smell of strong cigarettes)
Junpei Yoshino ylang-ylang, cumin, cucumber
Mahito something incongruous, for example, the smell of moisture and sweet rot of autumn leaves, a diluent for oil paints in combination with patchouli or vanilla
Yuuta Okkotsu jasmine tea, soy wax, juniper
Toge Inumaki fennel, rosemary, sea buckthorn leaves
Nobara Kugisaki I don't associate with anything other than perfume Funny by Moschino
Maki Zenin watery violet fragrance
Momo Nishimiya peony, freesia, geranium, amber, frankincense, powder (oh, no, Mai, it's not grandma's perfume, it's called a mystical witch fragrance)
Mai Zenin white pineapple strawberries, tobacco dust and cloves
Kasumi Miwa  is something powdery, delicate and barely perceptible iris or verbena
Noritoshi Kamo woody earthy fragrance with a hint of salt and almonds. his hands smell of suede, ink and coffee beans
Kokichi Muta ozone, bigaradia, nutmeg, licorice and musk
Aoi Todo perfumed deodorant with lime, nutmeg, basil and chamomile tea (to calm the rage in the chest in the spa evening)
Kirara Hoshi patchouli, rose and chocolate shampoo
Kinji Hakari iron, spruce, red apple and fire smoke
Mimiko Hasaba vanilla, apricot, wormwood
Nanako Hasaba geranium, rosehip, cinnamon
Nitta Akari rice water, pomegranate, grapefruit, red currant berries
Nitta Arata lavender, cardamom, walnut, lemon
Yorozu red wine, wild honey, rice, ginger cookies
Hajime Kashimo aquatic fragrance, chrysanthemum, bamboo
Naoya Zenin sandalwood, powdered sugar, caramel, salt
Haruta Shigemo fir, tangerine, lime, bitter chocolate, salty-sweet popcorn
Dagon land, mud, sea
Jogo wet burnt wood, mango, gasoline
Hanami fresh grass, garden flowers after rain
Kiyotaka Ijichi cocoa, tobacco, cloves, amber
Ino Takuma guaiac wood, vetiver, bergamot, lemon
Atsuya Kusakabe aquatic or woody fragrance with tea tree
Hana Kurusu powdery mimosa
Ryu Nishikori copaifera balsam, pine resin, clary sage, pineapple and burnt caramel
Takako Uro gunpowder, lemongrass, blackberry, leather notes
I think to end the thread on this note, it turned out to be longer than I expected. In any case, it was fun for me to pick up fragrances for the characters, relying on my olfactory memory, rather than adjusting to personal preferences (this was especially difficult with Naoya's fragrance😅)
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bearhugsandshrugs · 7 months
gortash HAS to be an experience for the 5 senses, like, his stubble ? spiky...his scent ? sweat, musk, wine, paper and ink (i'm sure plenty of other things would be accurate though like, add to that a hint of sweetness, like vanilla or mint ?uughh wow). his eyes ? piercing, deep charocal orbs that are on a whole another level when it comes to eye-fucking (i know he's good at that game i just KNOW HE'D LOVE THAT), his voice that has rough undertones, yet can be so smooth and almost hypnotizing. lastly, the way he tastes when you kiss him : salty, smoky, malt-like... sometimes you just want to be drunk in him
-gortash brainrot anon (again aaaaaaaaa)
hiiii again and sorry i didn’t get to this earlier! also somehow this became a whole thing again??? lol
This man has a presence, in every sense of the word, and it’s as carefully constructed as lazily maintained. When he sends you the invitation for his coronation ceremony it smells of vanilla and rosewood, and it’s so intriguing, so soft, like a cloud almost, that you can’t help but wonder what kind of person chooses such scents as their signature.
When you see him alone in his office though, you understand: While his hair looks messy, every strand is placed into position meticulously, just like the intricate adornments on his coat. His eyes pierce you before you can even speak, and you feel so vulnerable, so seen, that you can’t help but wonder what he looks at you like before he comes.
He’s taken off his gauntlets and you see the veins run along his forearms, strong and lean, and you imagine surrendering into those arms without a second thought, imagine trailing the tips of your fingers along those veins up to his chest. But there’s more: When he sees you walk in, he hums, so quietly you wonder if you heard it at all, and when he gets up to greet you, his “Welcome” is so deep it stirs at your core.
When you shake his hand you immediately notice how hot he runs, his palm just radiating heat, and his skin feels soft with firm callouses along his knuckles, a result from the nights he still spends in his workshop, tinkering.
He hums and sighs in agreement or objection while you discuss your plans, accentuated by his gesturing hands, and the more you hear from him the more you wonder what he sounds like when he moans out your name.
Eventually he stands next to you, both of you leaning over a war map, and you can smell his day on him: soap, and coffee, a slight note of tobacco in his hair, probably from the prior night, the familiar rosewood, a tinge of vanilla, and a sweet tinge of fresh sweat – something, or someone, seems to have him sweating.
Later, much later, you tease him about that first working session of yours and how he barely managed to hide his nervousness around you, and he chuckles, a light note of embarrassment hidden within his tone. He sounds endearing, and you have since figured out how he sounds in every way you wondered about but one – he hasn’t said anything about his feelings for you yet, or if he even has them.
But oh, then he pulls you in for another kiss, and sometimes he tastes like wine, or tobacco, or coffee, or like the minty salve he uses to brush his teeth, or all of them mixed together. When you run your tongue over his skin you occasionally taste the lingering metal or fuel from his work, or a salty, musky flavor when he returns from a particularly long day.
Initially you smell and taste other people on him: roses, lavender, or even a stranger’s sweat, and you are outraged, how dare he crawl into bed with you while he reeks of another’s body; and at first he’s taken aback – what does it matter? – but then, for a while (and that is the most painful time) he’s freshly bathed each time you meet.
But then you meet more and more often, his body and presence drawn to you and yours to him, and the warmth of his breath against your neck is enough for you to close your eyes and lean back into his touch. He can’t bathe every time, but now, he rarely smells or tastes of another, and over time you wonder if he’s given up on them completely.
He’ll likely never tell you, but maybe he doesn’t need to – when you nestle your head on his chest at night, his chest hair lightly scratching against your skin, his stubble pricking against your lips as you kiss him, his jaw, down his throat, his damned voice that vibrates in his chest when he mumbles into your hair, but gets so high pitched when he sinks into you – maybe this is all you need to know.
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What OP men's kisses are like
Let me know if I should do a part 2 and what character's you'd like to se
Marco the phoenix
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Marco is the first one to kiss you in your relationship, but it was just a peck on the forehead after you had gotten hurt.
Taste: Coffee, the lollipops he bribes his more difficult patients (Ace) with, and chocolate mint (a variety of mint different from the mint chocolate flavoring).
He likes to throw his arm around your shoulders and pepper your face with kisses.
Marco's upper lip is thin, while his lower lip is plump, but ultimately are very soft, because Izo gives him a sugar scrub for them.
His stubble will tickle your chin, but the rest of his skin is very soft thanks to Izo teaching him how to care for his skin.
Favorite kisses are the ones you share in a beautiful place or an important moment. Kisses under a beautiful sun set on the deck of the Moby Dick, or the urgent kisses after a long time being apart and not knowing if the other was still alive.
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Charlotte Katakuri
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Kissing is rare at first, but once he gets comfortable, he will give you kiss you every time he knows you two are alone together.
Taste: tea, strawberry frosting, and mochi
his teeth do occasionally stab you
after a few drinks, if he's feeling playful he will give you a nip, and then a kiss.
If you are making out he will drool quite a bit
His lips are so smooth, and plump, and soft, and pillowy, that the urge to bite his lip is hard to resist.
Katakuri's facial hair is really patchy, and so he usually just shaves it off, leaving behind mochi soft skin that will leave even you feeling jealous.
Favorite kisses are the ones he steals in public spaces, he admittedly likes the thrill of being caught. Plus your face is always so cute when he plants one on you when you aren't expecting it.
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Benn Beckman
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Benn kisses you first, he is a big flirt after all.
Taste: smoke, and coffee, tobacco or weed
Benn's lips are thin, and there's a spot on his lower lip that is tender from smoking.
He gets mild cotton mouth when he smokes weed
Benn loves to kiss you throughout the day, he does not give a shit if the others see.
His kisses are firm, and will squish your cheeks or lips a bit from the pressure.
Benn will wrap an arm around your neck or waist to pull you close when he kisses you on the lips.
This man is almost always clean-shaven, but his skin is still sandpapery. So making out with him will leave your skin a little agitated after a while.
Favorite kisses: good morning kisses, when you're both still in bed and warm from sleep.
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King the Wildfire
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You're going to have to wait for him to initiate it, because making a move on him too soon in a relationship would not end well. He's still a very jumpy and prickly man.
Taste: smoke, espresso, and chocolate.
He doesn't drink enough water, so his mouth is usually rather dry.
His lips are plump but chapped, and you can't change my mind. He has a habit of chewing on his lip when he's frustrated and Kaido won't let him fight.
His dry lips also are related to his fire abilities, the fact he doesn't drink enough water, and the fact he doesn't lick his lips enough to keep them moist. He doesn't like to since saliva will just build up on the inside of his mask, which he thinks is gross.
Kissing will usually have to be through his mask, except late at night, when you two are alone in bed together.
In which case, they're usually either soft kisses of good night, that show you how much he cherishes you. Or they're hungry and all consuming attempts to dominate you and satiate his lust.
The small patch of stubble on his chin usually lightly brushes against your chin when he kisses you.
When he kisses someone on the lips, he likes to cup their jaw in his palms and lift their head, so he has an easier time leaning down to your level.
Favorite kisses: he can't decide if his favorite is when he has his tongue stuffed down your throat, and his cock stuffed elsewhere. Or If his favorite are the ones you pepper all over his face and neck when you beg for even a drop of his attention during the day, but you know you can't have it.
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stalkerofthegods · 8 months
Loki Deep dive
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Signs he's reaching out- seeing the Snaptun Stone, Large numbers of spiders, Fire seeing his symbols and things that remind you of him in a dream, a close brush with danger, Dreams of Loki speaking to you, Repeated appearances of any of the animals related to Loki, sudden obsession on him or seeing things related to him that you wouldn’t regularly notice
Days & holidays! - Autumn Equinox, Samhain, Yule, Sep 5 UPG (tumbler meme devoted to him day) , Julaften, Saturday, April fools, Lokablót
Equivalent- logi  (the personification of fire), Prometheus, Tantalus, Jesus, Pan, Cernunnos, Dionysus, anasi, Bacchus, Lugh, Hermes, Mercury, Elegua, Eshu, Prometheus, Veles, Coyote and Crow
Dislikes- in my experience he wasn’t a fan of Hermes, he doesn’t like Heimdall (Heimdall kills Loki ) 
Married- he is married to Sigyn! (the goddess of Victory)   Also, Loki’s first wife (Angrboda who was a Jotun ) taught Loki magic, later he devoured her heart because she was an ‘evil’ witch.
Zodiac- Aries and Gemini 
Siblings - Blood Odin, Hellblindi and Balyestyr
Devotional- volunteering to help survivors of trauma, helping with orphanages, and those who are in need, laughing at yourself.
Animal - Coyote, Salmon, Snakes, Foxes, vulture, Quiscalus quiscula, wolves, serpents, cats, falcon, butterfly, raven, flies, dragons, spiders.
colors - yellow , green , red, pink, neons, purple, gold, silver, Black, violet 
offerings - Candy, Atomic Fireball (he loves alcohol ex- tequila, rum, brandy, and mead, but he does get tired of it beacuse it’s offered so much), Pez, Pixie Sticks, cookies/pastries, caramel apples. Speaking of apples, He loves red food (ex-Red Velvet) He likes things with a lot of pepper spice, or even just the peppers themselves (habaneros seem to be a favorite), good whiskey, bread, knives, whatever reminds him of u, also baked goods, or anything really, you can give him just sugar or just food, whatever says “LOKI!!”, he also loves caffeinated drinks!, he likes cinnamon, chocolate, Tobacco, weed, cheesecake, especially with berries,  old granddad brand of alcohol, and hard cinnamon flavored or spicy liquor, and spicy runs and mulled wine! Carmel golden apples!  He also loves Nutella, I would recommend giving whatever you think he would like, he likes new things I heard.
Number - 13  and Kaunaz, Naudiz, Thurisaz, number 3, The Berkana rune, 
Planet- Pluto, Dark Moon
To do in his honor  - Inner Child work, Llaughing at yourself, Accepting that no one and self is perfect, and mistakes are okay, Feeling all of our feelings, drawing, coloring, singing, dancing, being creative, working with children or the elderly, collecting and sharing jokes, going on a walk, get lost, go on an adventure with friends or fellow outcasts, go clean up a local park in his honor, do something ur scared of, joke in their honor 
What he favors in devotes - Passion and drive, inc stubbornness, a go-getter, hunger for life, child like playfull Ness
God of - Celeverness, change, Creation, Cunning, Divine, Discovery, Humor, knowledge, sex, Seduction, shapeshifting, trickster (mischief), wit, truth,  temptation, the hearth, nature. 
Patron -outcasts (black sheep), earthquakes, changing cycles of the moon, nature, fire itself.
his weapon- Lævateinn
Herbs - daisy, mistletoe, Lavender, Patchouli, Cinnamon, Clove, Hemp, Holly, Mistletoe, Cedar, Juniper, Elder, “yellow rattle” plant, lokasjóður, “Loki’s Purse” (a plant), Loki oats, wild oats, birch, alder, mullein, acorns, Aspen trees (UPG)
Preferred coffee- very very sweet. (I also heard he likes mocha) 
Remind me of him - smiling, laughter, dancing, knives, horns, flowers, trees, flies, foxes, rings, black nail polish, masks, spiders, red hair, cat eyeliner look, eyeliner, blue eyes, plastic toys, nature 
Blessings - sharper knives (be careful they may be blunt one second and then sharp)
Tarot- The magician, Wheel of Fortune, the sun, the devil, the tower, the magician, 
Signs - spiders, vultures, snakes, seals, foxes, flies, wolves, Dandelions, coyotes 
Alter decorations - boats, kids' toys, anything listed here really.
Scents - He likes cinnamon, mulled wine, cotton candy, and peaty whiskey and yew, but nothing strong or overwhelming or alluring and anything too feminine, he also dislikes super masculine colognes. He likes Pine, cinnamon, sugar & spice, honey, and wild berry incense and dragons blood incense 
Animals• Fox, spiders,Flies, salmon horses, vultures 
Crystal• Volcanic and Sulfurous stones (ex. Obsidian Gypsum, Hematite, etc.)((is associated with tectonic activity)), pyrite (fools gold), color-changing stones, Bloodstone, Xlead calcite, Sunsgone, Stones associated with the air element, red stones, Stones of any other color you associated with Loki (ex- red Jasper, Garnet, Carnelian, Ruby), Stones that scream “LOKI!!”, but mostly - Red Jasper, Amber, Garnet, Goldstone; Plastic, Acrylic, Glass, Gold, Bronze, Silver, Magnesium, Orange calcite, hematite, fire agate, onyx, etc.), serpentine, fire quartz, smoky quartz, pyrite, multi-colored/color-changing stones (labradorite, fluorite, alexandrite, bismuth, etc.), carnelian, and tiger's eye, kambaba jasper, prehnite, garnet, green aventurine, malachite, and petrified wood, Yellow calcite
Symbols•fox, Knox, web, Tangles, snakes, Flies, salmon, horses, Mistletoe, (I've also heard vulture, hawk, skull
Names•known as sky traveler, Ve, or, father of monsters, Flamehair, “that bastard” (UPG), Lie-Smith, Sly-God, Shape-Changer, Sly-One, Lopt, Sky Traveller, Sky Walker, Wizard Of Lies, and Loftur and I'm sure there's more. (I’ve accidentally called him Taco Bell before myself.) 
Mortal or immortal • Mortal, but has apples to live longer, suspected the Apple effects last YEARS (like more than 100+ years. Because he is not “old” or dead yet, and in mythology, they take it to stay young and live forever.)
Vows/omans• Blood brother with Odin, Loki swears oaths that he will devise a scheme to cause the builder (of the wall of the asier home) to forfeit the payment, whatever it may cost himself.
Morals• He's morally grey 
Age - at least 2,000 years old (probably older.), based off of the aseir starting point, when the Norse first had evidence of worship because he was older than the asier
Personality• understanding, and fast going, can be jealous and has a quick temper.
Fact• He had a wife before Sigyn and he is in a cave until Ragnorok. I also heard he like farts a lot. And sends spiders, so beware, he made spiders in Sweden mythology 
Roots• Norse mythology 
Appearance in astral or gen• red hair and fair skin but not too red or too fair. Also, blue eyes I think or green. Or anything at all really.
Children- Hel, Jormangandr, Fenir, Sleipnir, Vanir, Narfi, (from sigyn) Svadilfari,  and Einmyria and Eisa (with Glut.) He also ate a woman’s heart and bore the first witch, some say also a HUGE cat. 
Season• the month of Gemini and Aries 
Status• God and Yotan
Element- Fire, air, nature.
Personality- Loki is not always the most mature and can sometimes act like a toddler. Also chaotic Neutral. he is not an omniscient Deity, but true to his word.
Parentage • The tree Lufey and farbauti
Flame-hair, your soul burning into the night, Throwing caution to the wind And casting the die of fate, Teach me your fearlessness. Lie-smith, your sharp words like daggers, Cutting through illusions to the bone And revealing the reality we refuse to see, Teach me your clarity. Silver-tongue, whispering carefully veiled truths, Sowing shrouded mystery in your wake, And leading only the clever onward, Teach me your secrecy. And leading only the clever onward, Teach me your secrecy. Gift-Bringer, recognizing all the overlooked, Giving rightly earned reward where it’s due, And in turn, blame as well, Teach me your justice. Scar-lip, ending silence in the face of injustice, Grinning down at the outcasts And rallying your voice with theirs, Teach me your anger. Pain-holder, accepting your punishment, Embracing the consequences of your deeds, And taking the fall of those who are weaker, Teach me your resilience. World-breaker, harbinger of chaos, Spitting fire upon the stagnant And carving the spear of change, Teach me your courage. Cruel-striker, slanderer of the gods, Burning the inefficient and stale, Revealing potential in the ashes, Teach me your insight. Sly-walker, throwing your mischievous grin about And casting laughter into the darkness Where before there was only despair, Teach me your joy. Shape-changer, manipulator of all walks of life, Confidently adapting to every situation, Commanding the strength of any form, Teach me your cunning. Hearth-fire, warmth of my heart, Your arms a sanctuary where none is found Light and life of the home I can always return to, Teach me your nurturing. Sky-treader, ever true to your wild heart,Letting none even try to contain your spirit As free as the sky itself, Teach me your passion. Hail Loki, And thank you, my God, For everything you bring to my life.I love you so.
- by @klawl
Links/websites/sources •
Links I recommend - 
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Loki is the Norse god of mischief, and the hard cold truth, even tho he may be a jackass, but he is wise enough to be truthful, and charming in many ways.
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WIP whenever
Hello, everyone! I know updates are very slow, but life is absolutely draining me of my writing mojo most days. But!!! I did some writing, just in time for it to still count as a WIP Wednesday! And I've been tagged by the lovelies @bostoniangirl21 and @sheirukitriesfandom Thank you very much for the tags and for keeping me motivated with them <3!!! I must say that working on ch. 17 of WYGTYA is hard because it's by far the most serious, angst-filled thing I've written so far :(((
I'll tag @dirty-bosmer @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @illumiera @thelavenderelf @blossom-adventures @nerevar-quote-and-star only if you want to participate, of course <3 <3 But enough rambles! I will share a bit from both fics under the cut! WYGTYA feels and banter with another appearance from that mysterious Akaviri swordsman in HOTHS! Enjoy!
Wherever you go, there you are, chapter 17:
The noise of the city was still dim, the people of the port already tuning in to either a night of much-needed sleep or raucous drinking at the taverns, and so the port is quiet, peaceful, the only sounds filling the air are the soothing waves of the Sea of Ghosts and the distant noises of the city ahead of them. Blacklight. Full of its magical charm and dancing lights and colourfulness. Ravonna’s steps falter because the air smells like home once again: it is not damp and moist like Black Marsh, nor is it the warm and flowery smells of Cyrodiil, nor the harsh, cold, yet fresh air of Skyrim. It smells like ash and sea salt and flavored tobacco from shishas and that distinct smell of cloth paint that Dunmer use. She can hear the faint hum of Red Mountain, the distant bards singing in taverns, the loud laughter of the people in the city and the soft, hushed giggles of sailors who cannot sleep but don’t want to wake their crew up and they’re all so frustratingly, Gods-damned oblivious to her thundering heart and the violent lightning strikes that hit her soul with each step, each breath, each second spent here again. Fuck, she should be happy, excited, but everything hurts and this bad feeling that something’s not right, that something’s missing won’t go away.
Hymn of the High Seas, chapter 3:
They settle cross-legged around the small coffee table, collectively thinking that this place was not built to host so many people. Renjiro runs outside with a spring in his step.
“Sooo… I think it’s safe to assume that this guy is a big fan of swords.” Signe speaks, earning a huff from Rhaim and a knowing smile from Arvyvel. 
“That makes two of us.” Rhaim says.
“Really? I always figured you'd be more of a -” she stops to gesticulate clawing and eating an enemy in beast form, “- kind of person, ya know?” 
He looks at her for a moment before bursting into deep, earth-grumbling laughter. “Careful, you might scare away our future crewmates.”
“Me? I’m absolutely elated.” Arvyvel says.
“And I still haven’t agreed to anything! I’m not going on some suicide mission!” Marc says, annoyed.
“Fine by me. We don’t need you anyway. Don’t need your kind among us.” Rhaim flares his nostrils and breathes out aggressively.
Before Marc can say anything back, a loud, obnoxious cough interrupts them.
“I’m sorry, gentlemen, but I have to interrupt the tense moment. No fighting in this house.” Renjiro says, making his way to the table with two bottles of fresh sake. He tries to keep his calm demeanor and shove down the thoughts of ‘Yoshi will kill me if I made a mess in his absence.’
The men stop, not before glaring menacingly at each other one last time. Rhaim doesn’t like traitorous bastards and he could smell this guy’s traitorous bastard-ness from miles away. He scoots closer to Marc, turning his back to him and making Room for Renjiro between him and Signe. His eyes light up at the bottle of alcohol. The swordsman lays out five small glasses and fills them. Rhaim takes it quickly, his patience running out, taking a sip and closing his eyes to really feel the taste on his tongue, going down his throat. A pleasure grunt escapes him. It’s unlike anything he’s ever tasted: strong, but not too strong. Balanced, a cascade of flavors – a harmonious blend of sweet and dry alcohol warming his chest and his spirit.
“Fuck.” He breathes, opening his eyes, only to see everyone looking at him, with their glasses halfway up in a toast. He raises an eyebrow.
“Ye need a moment alone with that glass of booze?” Signe smirks.
Author's note: I could and probably *will* expand on the feelings of drinking sake because I literally found my new favourite drink in the year of our lord 2024.
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aethersgirlfriend · 5 months
some of the ghouls vape flavors bc swiss was tired of everyone stealing his and made them get their own(*`▽´*)
aurora is a strawberry ice girl (im speaking as a strawberry ice girlie.) - its pink and sweet and just perfect
dew only gets tobacco bc he's insane
rain is a grape girlie
phantom uses gummy bear just because its gummy bear flavored he doesn't even like vaping but he'll use the gummy bear one
swiss gets like tobacco or some cotton candy skittle flavored one. no inbetween. he's proud about it.
sunshine gets mango ice and i love her for it
mountain prefers joints he doesn't like the taste of any of them
aether has one of those super fancy industrial looking one and he gets grown up man flavors or like apple pie or chocolate donut but tells no one
ifrit steals off aether and likes whatever he has
alpha gets coffee and everyone makes fun of him for it
omega gets cute little fruity flavors like passionfruit guava ice or something cos he's cute like that
anyone i didn't mention doesn't vape x
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qedavathegrey · 6 months
If I was a god...
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I'm sure something like this has been done already, but I wanted to do my own. If I was a god, what would my followers leave as offerings or perform as devotional work? It was a surprisingly fun exercise and I feel like I kind of... learned who I am conceptually?
Tag anyone you think would have fun doing the same!
full-flavor cigarettes, preferably 100s
cold coffee
hand-inspired or heavy, old jewelry
dry vermouth
scraps of colored paper/yarn/thread
dust and cobwebs
old keys
dark, sweet perfumes
anything ox-blood
carved-wood/ceramic masks
outdated technology
old, creepy toys
tiny, ceramic figures
knotted hair
copper bells
Devotional Activities//
spending hours/days making a playlist
driving the backroads (preferably at night, music at max volume)
going to dinner and discussing theory, laughing loudly
walking barefoot over rocks
walking in the cemetery
browsing the darkest, most forgotten corners of the library/bookstore
explaining articles you've read recently in a half-hearted attempt to radicalize those around you
unearthing old junk (the rustier, more chipped and broken, the better)
same song on repeat for hours
treating children with the same, if not more respect than you would adults
creating something, then forgetting or destroying it
being extremely nice to, inquiring about and listening to the plight of service workers
shameless swearing
bitter justice
listening to feverish drumming or noise-heavy, distorted music
Holy Sites//
the cemetery
bookstores/libraries (preferably the basement of)
empty roads in the woods
disorganized antique stores
anywhere the wind is strong enough to nearly knock you over
places scrawled with anti-authoritarian graffiti
Sacred Animals//
escaped farm animals
rusty orange
golden yellow
(blue is the enemy)
dried, coral rose petals
orange/lemon/lime peels
ashes (tobacco or paper)
copper buttons
keys (again)
cobwebs (again)
iron oxide
balled scraps of colored string (again)
preserved animal hands/paws/feet
patchwork fabric
weird, broken shit you found on the ground
Death is all around you all the time, embrace it; learn all you can with the time you have
It's okay to be weird. The people who get it, get it; the people who don't haven't learned to accept themselves either, so don't sweat them
Be loud: laugh, holler, swear; don't be afraid to have a good time — again, life is fleeting, fuck the rules.
Treat people with kindness until they abuse it; then give 'em hell. Respect is always a two-way street, hierarchies be damned.
Life isn't fair, but demanding fairness should be our ultimate concern — for ourselves and those around us
"Acceptance" is loaded; don't fight to be included, fight to defend the space that is rightfully yours
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
this may be lewd so ignore if ur not in the heads pace because i don't wann make u uncomfy
in Vermillion sky u say what Lucy taste like when u kiss him an i was wondering what u think the others taste like when u kiss...plus i like to know what to think ur Mc taste like too...😳
It's not too lewd! I'd love to do this!!! 
What they taste like...
Fandom: Obey Me!
Characters featured: All (minus Luke), plus my Mc (Storm)
Genre: Risqué but not smut, Headcanons
Written for a GN!MC (you/your pronouns used)
Cw: Kissing!!!! Alcohol and tobacco mention, some implications of “going further” but it’s left up to the imagination. 
Author Note: I had a lot of fun writing this. Who’s your favorite? I would have to say I’m definitely impartial to Lucifer’s kisses...but Simeon, Barbatos, Thirteen, and Levis were also very appealing to me...
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Lucifer’s kisses are sensual and tender, slowly enveloping your lips as if they were his and his alone. The uneven beat of his heart tells you that you enamor him just as he does you. He tastes of bitter red wine and cloves, matching the earthy scent of his cologne and the faint hint of leather as his gloved hand caresses your cheek. The heat coming off his body as he holds you flush against him unveils a deep yearning for something more, but his lips brush ever-so gently against yours in a way that’s almost teasing- as if almost daring you to take it a step further. 
Mammon’s kisses are sloppy and desperate, as if he’d never be able to taste your lips again. As your mouth crashes against his, his fingers grip the fat of your waist so firmly that you couldn’t escape his grasp even if you wanted to...and you don’t. You crave the taste of him just as desperately- the spicy heat of cayenne pepper and paprika electrifying the intensity of his kisses even more. You could swear you feel his heart stop when your tongues graze gently- lips parting for him to get more of you. To flirt with Greed is to open the floodgates to his primal desires- to know he can never have enough of you...but perhaps this possessiveness is that which you crave.  
Leviathan’s kisses start as delicate and sweet, but there is a yearning behind them that tells you he wants something more. If you take the hint and urge him to expose his desires fully to you, and his kisses will turn desperate and gluttonous- as if to remind you that you are his...and not to forget it. He tastes of sea salt taffy and sweet prosecco, the taste making your mouth fizzle in the aftermath of his kisses. Levi’s panted breaths warm your cheeks, the moment with him almost feeling ethereal as his tail wraps around your waist just a little bit tighter, urging you to stay with him just a little bit longer...to show him more of your affection.
Satan’s kisses are calculated and methodical, but do not mistake them for harboring no warmth. The tingle of his lips moving passionately against yours is enough to warm your whole body on a cold winters night, and even warm the air around you as his hands move to caress you- one on your hip and the other behind your head. The taste of coffee and hazelnuts quickly envelops you, teasing the rest of your senses to believe you are in a small coffee house in a quaint neighborhood. The feeling of security has you melting in his arms, and is only interrupted when he pulls away just slightly, breathlessly asking if you desire more of him. 
Asmodeus’ kisses are sweet and giddy, but turn deeper and lustful the more you decide to indulge in him. The feeling of his lips brushing against any part of your body is not foreign, but each time it leaves a fluttery feeling in your heart that can only be satiated by him, and him alone. Asmo’s fruity-flavored lip-gloss sometimes hides what’s beneath, but if you stay in his embrace just long enough, the true taste of him is easily recognizable. The creamy warmth of vanilla on his tongue as it begins to twirl effortlessly against yours never ceases to knock the air out of you...and he knows that he has you like putty in his hands. 
Despite his gluttonous reputation, Beel’s kisses aren’t anything but gentle, and the movements of his strong hands are to match- as if you’re a delicate work of art that he wishes to preserve in the most pristine of conditions. His lips are soft and plump as they move slowly against yours, tasting every drop of what you will give to him. And give to him you do, but not before taking time to admire the way he tastes almost reminiscent of freshly-baked buttered biscuits. Sometimes you wonder if he had eaten some just before, but no matter what he may be in the middle of engulfing, it’s as if his body masks whatever flavor there had been just for you. 
Belphegor’s kisses are rough and light-hearted all in the same, often mixed with chuckles and giggles as he pinches the area around your rear. Despite his teasing, his kisses are possessive- reminding you that you are his as his mouth moves fervidly against yours, parting just enough to sink his teeth delicately into the flesh of your lips. His kisses taste minerally and acidic, like a mixture of iron and citrus blossom, and his unique pallet always draws you back in for more. Alluring as he is, your actions are not without consequence as he traps you in a vice-grip, whispered promises of what more is to come as he teasingly peppers your lips once more. 
Mephistopheles’ kisses are controlled and purposeful, displaying the kind of restraint that could only be described as impressive. His hesitancy in opening up leads to more robotic actions as your lips move against his, as if asking permission to be let through the thick walls built around his exterior...and he does let your tongue slide though, albeit for a brief moment. But it doesn’t take long for your senses to be flooded with the Smokey taste of tobacco and whiskey, reminiscent of an evening toast amongst good friends. When he pulls away, you can see the effect you have on such a gentleman- reducing him to a flustered mess as he desperately tries to recompose himself. 
Diavolo’s kisses are excited and flamboyant, going so far out of his way to make you see stars each times his lips press firmly against your own- which is often, but not to your dismay. Diavolo tastes of honeyed roses: sweet and almost perfume-like. His attempts at concealing a deep chortle forces his lips to rumble against yours, making the lightness of the taste all the more apparent. As you part, his smile seems to light up the whole room, and you don’t miss the feeling of his large hands tracing down the small of your back- as if urging you to show him just how much you want him in return
Barbatos’ kisses are firm and refined, but delicate all the same. He matches your pace, not wanting to go against your desires or push you past your limits, but still moves to test how much of him you crave. His walls come down ever-so slightly, giving the normally stoic butler an almost cutesy appearance when he cups your cheeks gently and presses his lips against yours. Barbatos tastes of hibiscus and rosemary, reminiscent of the sweet, earthy tea he makes for the cozy dates you share together in the garden. An unmistakable smile grazes his lips as he melts into the comfort of the kiss, displaying just how much you make him feel at home in your arms.  
Simeon’s kisses are deep and full of passion, enveloping you in the feeling of walking on air as he holds you tightly against him. Simeon is not shy in showing you his affection, and is desperate for you to always know just how much you mean to him...and how much he would sacrifice for you. His kisses taste of bubbly champagne and hints of crisp pears, showering you in a tingly feeling as his lips beg for you to part for him. You obey, letting his tongue slip past to gently brush against your own. He squeezes you a bit tighter, wishing the moment could last an eternity, as does his love for you. 
Raphael’s kisses are powerful and cold to the touch, producing a shudder of excitement to rush through your spine as your lips meet. He’s fervid in his actions- having little experience in the fruit he is now able to indulge in...and yet, his movements embody a certain confidence that perhaps betrays his innocuous demeanor. He tastes of fresh mint leaves and ginger beer, almost producing a mule on your tongue as his slides between your lips. The taste is intoxicating, warming your core despite the crisp, chilly feeling his lips have provided you. He certainly cant get enough, pulling you tighter against him as his kisses become more and more rough- as if he can sense the desire accumulating within you. 
Thirteen’s kisses are dense, pulling you in quickly with the amount of passion she emits from a single gesture...but there is a softness to them, almost as if to give prayer that you wont stray from her affection. And truly, she worships you. For one to have come close enough to a reaper to steal such a tender moment takes courage, and her admiration for your tenacity shows right through her kiss. Thirteen’s kisses are zesty and sweet, tasting similar to the profile of balsamic vinegar and figs. And truly, she would vow to serve such a refined dish to you if that’s what you wished of her, and she hopes you do- for you hold tightly her fast-beating heart in your hands. 
Solomon’s kisses are many, but fleeting all the same- always leaving you begging for more. You always seem to convince him so easily, quickly pulling his lips back to yours in desperation as he gives a light chuckle. Solomon’s kisses are earthy, but opulent all the same- tasting heavily of sage with hints of truffle and oak. His hands wander as the kiss deepens, caressing you in ways you never felt imaginable. His desire is worn transparently on his sleeve, giving you a knowing look as he pulls away- desperate to know if you will return his passion. 
Storm’s kisses are bittersweet, harboring a timidness that often holds back the true taste of her aura. The brushes of her fingers against her lover’s forearm are featherlight, making them question whether or not it was real or imagined. As she further melts into the kiss, her lips part slightly to let them have more of a taste- a sign of vulnerability and trust in the one who holds her fragile life in their hands. Storm kisses taste of freshly picked honey crisp apples and fragrant orchids- the mixture of tart fruit and saccharine floral notes compelling her partner to kiss deeper, becoming drunk on the flavor of her. Her hands will slowly loop around their neck, as if to welcome the newly-formed urgency the kisses take on- as if she’d evaporate if they let go for even a moment. 
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tergridguy · 13 days
Cigar of the Day: Chateau Fuente Sun Grown
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For people who don't know, when tobacco is grown for cigars, often it is grown in obscured light; there will be some kind of net or other obstruction that keeps the plant in the shade at least partially or for some of the time that it is being grown. Typically this makes the tobacco a little bit lighter in color, a bit milder in flavor--basically, how much sun a tobacco plant gets is one variable that a grower can control to change the character of the end product.
So when something is sungrown, it's going to come out darker and more full-bodied. Not to be confused with Maduro cigars, which are also darker and more full-bodied but through a process that takes place during the aging and fermentation process. We'll go over that another time.
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Even though it's one of my favorites, I still don't quite have words for it, but I'll do my best. It is a resonant gustatory experience, a dust devil coming through your mouth, down through your throat, up through your sinuses, and all through you.
It's not hot or spicy or peppery, but it has a bite that sticks with you. This wave passes over you and you feel clean, you feel cleansed.
Your whole being is filtered and what comes out is just a little bit more pure than what you were working with before.
I think part of the reason it is so hard to describe the aromatic profile is because there are so many elements working together it is hard to pick them all apart.
You're getting all these chords, all of these notes always together, a lively harmonica. There's this brightness, it's not sad Cowboy Bebop blues harmonica.
I'm still not putting a handle on this...
There's definitely an element of wood.
The lumberyard, fine sawdust particles, then a whole carnival of other complimentary flavors, a little note of cocoa or light roast coffee.
And it's uplifting.
You feel it.
You take in the smoke and you feel it rise and you feel your spirit rise with it.
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nerice · 10 months
🚫for your ocs generally (if you got worldbuilding details about recreational drugs or something similar this is your chance to go on about that i suppose)
☕️for eliada specifically?
UWAAAAA ty for asking yes lore facts nd some familiar content coming right up >:333 !!!!
🚫 does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?
oooohhhh vices post heckyeah letsgo!! the only worldbuilding tidbit to note here is that 'smoking' here means fantasy weed tm. there are different strains some of which have the regular weed effects, others are more like classic nicotine; that being said. here's an assortment>>
reina // loves a good red wine, thinks all other forms of alcohol are undignified + also cannot hold her liquor AT ALL but she is good at saving face until she is in private. cannot stand (jumie's habit of) smoking >:33
in tandem, garvith // like reina a fkcin lightweight which doesn't have much bearing on account of Serpent Deity That Keeps To Her Shadow but becomes vry much relevant for later with >>>
avery // also a red wine connoisseur but never gets drunk on account of garvith soaking up all of the intoxication lol. it does make her switch into echo mode more easily though bc garvith doesn't have the wits to temper their connection/her access to his powers when drunk. rip
jumie // doesn't drink at all, picks up smoking from arianna bc her tobacco mixes alleviate the frequent headaches she gets from working on the descendant chronicle late at night
arianna // graslight bottlekeep, girlweed. moderate alcoholic and everyone's weed dealer. has special fun cultivating her weed plants to have different colored smoke because she is extra like that. puts leah n sky to bed with a little drink instead of parenting them which makes jumie furious lmfao <3
sky // has a rocky start with alcohol bc it messes with her strength control (bad times) but is a riot drunk by seed arc; might get into ill-advised bar brawls here and there w. never rly picks up smoking other than the few times ari tried to convert her
gray // most alcoholism oc to never get drunk (soulless immunity) except the one time he shot himself into oblivion and achieved true intoxication which [🐇prelude] nd while he does partake in smoking occasionally (vexing reina in amasa) he usually dislikes it bc he doesn't need a headache on top of ✨Soulless Momence✨
linn // yes
☕️ does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
vibrates at this immensely bc!!!!!!!! the answer is tea but. he and fauve have an incredibly elaborate setup where whenever eliada entertains guests/clients fauve will bring out tea for them to chat over. the secret here is that fauve's Knowing Eyes [mute city heaven lore] allow her to instantly understand certain details about his visitors which she then communicates via the exact arrangement of the tea. which flavor, what is added, sugar alrdy dissolving or on an extra dish (how many cubes) which side the spoon is on, where it is facing, choice of cup etc etc etc they have a super complex system worked out which always gives eliada the upper hand in conversations. (esp for cold reading soulless upon first meeting them. as you do ;3) nobody has ever figured out this is how he does it wwww
also for final facts. study buddies liquor preferences
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margaretxalexander · 2 months
maggie alexander || headcanons
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tw: substance abuse mentions. underage drinking.
maggie's place is covered in houseplants. at one point one might say she considered her plants more her children than her actual ones. she might even hesitate when bringing that accusation to her, but only because she's always good with plants, she just knew how to take care of them. her kids? not so much.
about two years after the divorce, maggie and matthew made the decision that the kids should live with him for a while. he had a good, steady job, a nice place, a schedule. for all intents and purposes, he was finally a fully functioning human being and maggie...she was working on her master's, teaching, parenting and having 'fun'. it was impossible to balance it all and it constantly teetered too much. she wasn't sleeping, she made have had some issues with adderall usage as well. it got to be too much and though it hurt her to do it...she knew it'd be better for the kids. at least until she figured shit out.
she smokes at night when she can't sleep. she'll walk as she does. which, she knows doesn't help her insomnia in the slightest. it's just...something to do or more so a force of habit.
she was terrified of being a shitty mom which turned out to be a self fulfilling prophecy in her book. and yeah, likely her kids' too.
as they were growing up though, she did her best to make her home a safe place for them and for any other wayward teens. she offered her couch as a place to sober up or sleep over on. let them know if they were ever in a tricky or scary situation they could call her, no questions asked. always had some sort of food stocked in the fridge and condoms available. did she encourage said behaviors? no-- it wasn't like she was throwing ragers or anything. she was firmly of the stance that teens were going to push limits and engage in risky behavior. and that she was going to try and make sure her kids and their friends knew that no matter what, they had someone in the could count on to be there even when they messed up.
it didn't always translate well or turn out well either. there were times she was taken advantage of, had things stolen or pissed people off. there were a few times she had to call parents or lay down consequences after the fact for her own kids but she still saw it as worth it.
she loves dancing, to anything really. she can waltz and tango.
she's surprisingly good at darts.
cooking is another forte of hers. even though she didn't always have the kids, she that 'mom' that got used to making big portions. so what she doesn't eat, she'll box up for friends or take it to the local shelter.
she prefers black coffee but her not so secret guilty pleasure is hot chocolate. she has a myriad of flavors and when she's having a rough day, that's her go to. and you know, she may add some bailey's to it every now and then.
she plays video games with some of her patients, cozy ones like stardew valley where they can play and talk at the same time.
she's on tiktok and will occasionally drop little nuggets of wisdom, but its mostly videos of her derp of a cat or her cooking/recipes and plants.
she loves rainy days. thunderstorms especially. there have been times she's cleared her schedule just to sit and read and listen to it fall.
she enjoys photography and has a few of her photos she's taken framed and hung in her office.
she's in a bowling league.
she smokes more than tobacco on occasion. those nights she loves to put on a vinyl, have a bath and relax.
will still play drinking games and is a bit of a card shark.
says 'fuck' a lot.
Speaks Spanish relatively well thanks to a few college courses and an old flame.
is a romantic at heart but aside from matthew has never really been in love. which...she knows she loved him and still does dearly. but she's never been sure if she was 'in' love with him.
there are some women though...she's seen potential. she just-- has never taken the time to really explore it.
she will indulge in a date or two every now and then. she enjoys planning them as well as being planned for.
she usually falls into a situationship though. ones that enviably die out due to her schedule/need for independence or things just fizzling.
she loves crystals, astrology and spiritual things. her office is full of plants, crystals, fidgets, a bean bag. it's as cozy and as relaxing as she could get it. she even has therapy animals come in sometimes, her favorite being a goat named Kitt.
she has two tattoos.
- more to come-
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bokauffmann · 4 months
Top 5 Cigars of 2023
Calling all cigar enthusiasts! If you want to know which cigars made it to the top of the list in 2023, you're in for a treat. In this video, we will reveal the five best cigars, according to Cigar Journal, that every connoisseur needs to try.
Welcome, fellow aficionados! Today, we dive into the world of premium cigars and uncover the crème de la crème of 2023. Cigar Journal, a trusted authority in the industry, has meticulously selected these cigars. Join me as we explore these exquisite blends and discover what differentiates them. 
Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or just starting your journey into fine tobacco, this video is your gateway to experiencing some truly exceptional smokes. So sit back, prepare your palate, and let's indulge in the artistry of these masterfully crafted cigars together.
Starting at number 5, the Plasencia Alma Fuerte Eduardo cigar is renowned for its complex and rich flavor profile. Upon lighting, one can expect to be greeted with a symphony of tastes, including the deep and comforting notes of cocoa and almonds. As the experience progresses, hints of nutmeg and cedar emerge, adding warmth and woodiness to the palate. 
The Alma Fuerte Eduardo's Colorado Claro wrapper, which has been aged for a decade, imparts a distinctive taste with a tempered body. This aging process contributes to developing the cigar's nuanced flavors, such as dark chocolate, plum, and cinnamon, rounded out with finishing notes of oak and molasses. 
These flavors are further complemented by a rich profile that includes black pepper, natural tobacco, fruit, and earth, providing a complex and satisfying smoking experience.
The Plasencia Alma Fuerte Eduardo cigar has also been described as having a medium-bodied profile, with the Colorado claro wrapper enhancing the deep notes of almonds, cedar, cocoa, nutmeg, and hints of spice. This combination of flavors reflects the craftsmanship and quality of the tobacco used, characteristic of premium cigars.
Number 4 on this list is the Rocky Patel Disciple Robusto.  This medium to full-bodied cigar showcases a Mexican San Andrés wrapper, enveloping a blend of Nicaraguan fillers and binder. This particular cigar is part of a line introduced by Rocky Patel Premium Cigars Inc., a company founded in 1995 by Rakesh "Rocky" Patel, a former Hollywood attorney who developed an interest in cigars while mingling with actors on set. 
The Disciple Robusto has been well-received in the cigar community, earning a 91-point rating from Cigar Aficionado. During the initial third, smokers can expect to experience a blend of oak, earth, and spice, transitioning into a balanced black pepper flavor. As the cigar progresses, a toasted cedar note emerges around three-quarters of an inch into the cigar, complementing the existing flavors. 
Moving into the second third of the cigar, the mocha notes dominate, increasing pepper, cedar, and earth notes, creating a rich and flavorful dimension combining chocolate and coffee elements. 
As the smoker enters the final third of the Rocky Patel Disciple Robusto, the flavors continue to be led by gritty earth and rich espresso beans. Still, there is also a noticeable change in the retro-hale. 
The raisin sweetness present earlier takes a back seat to a sharply increased amount of black pepper. The overall construction remains impressive, with a beautiful draw and a burn line that continues to give no problems.
Third place for 2023 finds the Liga Privada Unico Serie Year of the Rabbit cigar. This cigar is part of Drew Estate's Liga Privada line, which translates to "private blend" in Spanish. It features a Connecticut River Valley Stalk Cut Habano wrapper, a Mexican San Andres binder, and a blend of Nicaraguan and Brazilian fillers. 
This blend is notable for its departure from the Connecticut broadleaf wrappers commonly used in other Liga Privada cigars, opting instead for a Habano seed grown in the Connecticut River Valley. The cigar is crafted in a Robusto size, measuring four and a half inches, and has a ring-gauge of 54.
The Liga Privada Unico Serie Year of the Rabbit cigar offers a complex and evolving flavor profile throughout its smoking experience. In the first third, smokers can expect an impeccable taste with a flavor profile that is described as incredible. 
As the cigar progresses into the second third, the tasting notes become more defined by earthiness, barnyard, and leather, with barnyard notes replacing toastiness in the trio of dominant flavors. Toastiness remains present, however, alongside some generic cracker flavors. 
Moving into the final third, one can anticipate a continuation of the rich and complex flavors characteristic of the Liga Privada line, given the overall description of the cigar's quality and craftsmanship.
Before we divulge the top 2 cigars of the year, please take a moment to subscribe to our channel.  It helps us out a lot, and we appreciate it very much.  And on we go.
The runner-up spot of the year's top cigars goes to J.C. Newman and their El Baton Belicoso.  The J.C. Newman El Baton Belicoso cigar carries a rich history deeply intertwined with the legacy of America's oldest family-owned premium cigar maker. 
The El Baton brand was initially introduced by J.C. Newman in 1914, when cigars were an everyday luxury and a nickel could secure a hand-rolled cigar made with Cuban tobacco. 
The El Baton Belicoso is known for its robust pyramid shape, which is shorter and features a more rounded taper at the head compared to other tapered cigars like torpedoes or pyramids. 
Measuring approximately 5 to 5 1/2 inches in length with a ring gauge of 50 to 54, the Belicoso size is a testament to the craftsmanship and tradition passed down through four generations of the Newman family.
This cigar is steeped not only in tradition but also in flavor. It leaves bold impressions of coffee, spice, and raisins on the palate, a profile that has earned it a well-deserved 93 rating. The revival of the El Baton brand represents a bridge between the company's storied past and its present-day success as it continues to handcraft some of the world's finest cigars.
Drumroll for the Cigar of the Year for 2023:  This honor goes to E.P. Carillo’s Allegiance Confidant. This is a notable addition to the esteemed portfolio of Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, a legendary figure in the cigar industry. The Allegiance line was created through a partnership with Oliva Cigar Co., and the cigars are rolled at their factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. This collaboration marks a unique chapter in Perez-Carrillo's illustrious career, as he typically produces cigars at his factory, Tabacalera La Alianza S.A., in the Dominican Republic.
The Allegiance Confidant features an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper that encases a Nicaraguan binder and filler. This combination yields a medium to full-bodied profile, offering a refined flavor palette that includes cedar, rich espresso, earthy undertones, and a blend of spices. 
The cigar has been recognized for its quality and complexity, earning it a 95 rating by Cigar Aficionado and a number 1 spot in Cigar Journal’s Top 25 of 2023.
Here is what you can expect when enjoying 2023’s Cigar of the Year: The initial third of the E.P. Carrillo Allegiance Confidant introduces a palate of pepper, quickly complemented by a delightful mix of caramel and cream. 
This combination sets up an engaging flavor profile without being too aggressive. The sweet and spicy nuances are harmonized beautifully to captivate the smoker from the get-go. 
Transitioning into the middle section of the cigar, the E.P. Carrillo Allegiance Confidant reveals a sophisticated melange of flavors. Vanilla comes to the forefront, adding a pleasant aromatic sweetness, while an earthen mushroom delivers a hint of umami depth. Burnt wood notes provide a robust base, reminding smokers of the cigar's handcrafted artisanship. 
As the cigar concludes, the profile shifts towards a rich, peppery finish spiked with gingerbread spice. Accents of nutmeg and cinnamon emerge, offering a warm and inviting endnote. The smoke may pick up in intensity, ending on a bolder note than it began, allowing aficionados to savor the expert craftsmanship that went into the blend. 
We hope you’ve enjoyed our video on the top 5 cigars of 2023, as chosen by Cigar Journal Magazine.  Please enjoy another in our growing line of videos, such as this ‘Cigar Loung Etiquette’ on the screen now.
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bypassreality · 8 months
Some thoughts about life in the north
1. Your cigarette is burned away by the wind before you get 2 draws from it and that's why they smoke so many cigarettes. The cigarette huddles against the side of a building are tighter than a college football huddle when they are down by 14 in the third quarter
2. Cigarettes in Finland cost the same as cigarettes in tobacco country (Mid-Atlantic and southeast USA) and the machine to get the cigarettes is interesting. Tobacco can't be advertised so there is a machine with buttons numbered 1-50 or something and either the customer or the employee presses a button and the cigarettes have a little ride on a conveyor belt before falling onto the checkout lane. In America you walk into any grocery store or gas station and you are greeted with a floor to ceiling wall to wall display of tobacco and it's all like "smoothest cigarettes 😇" "cigarettes for WOMEN" "enjoy the refreshing menthol flavor as cold as Alaska" and the vape advertising is the worst of them all "addicted to cigrids? Try VAPING instead!"
3. No one expected the Americans and some wanted to ask questions about USA
4. Free unlimited help-yourself coffee, tea, and sparkling water at restaurants, cafes, and some gas stations
5. Sauna is majesty 😌 life in the swamps of hot southern USA prepared me emotionally mentally and physically for sauna.
6. There are sidewalks and people paths and you can actually walk or ride your bicycle to the shops without fear of a collision with a car. Sidewalk underpasses below bridges. Also some intense Norwegians bicycle up the fjord with their groceries in tow and I think that's beautiful. Roads are for cars and pedestrians have dedicated paths and everything is walkable. Don't Google "stroads" or you'll have nightmares.
7. The public transportation is perfect and this can't be argued because I live in a city of 100,000 people and there is No Public Transportation. In fact, my city had electric trams in the early 1900s. Car companies literally bribed the city to get rid of the trams to force people to buy cars. It's faster to walk on a road with no sidewalks than it is to take a bus because the bus routes are garbage. There are also bus pull-offs on the side of the highway to collect passengers which is safe for passengers and does not impede the flow of traffic
8. Lunch buffet with 1 or 2 protein options, salad, bread, butter. The tomato and cucumber and onion salad, so good. Potato salad, egg butter, everything has dill or cardamom. Buffets in America are huge piles of greasy slop with hundreds of options and no respectable person decides to go to the Golden Corral or Country Cookin for a meal. But all of the businessmen in Turku were at a lunch buffet on a Wednesday.
9. Can someone please explain why the clothes dryers collect water in a tray which you then have to empty lest your clothes never dry? Also the dryer temperature seems to be absolutely perfect for drying wool and synthetic clothes but cotton never dries. Clothes lines are simply not a thing in USA and clothes come out of the dryer hot, dry, and staticky even on the low heat setting
10. There are no stop signs! Simply Priority Roads! You don't have to stop at intersections if there are no oncoming cars and it makes life perfect in a manual car! Also scary because Who Has The Right Of Way (Confusion In Kirkenes). My vision is not marred and my optimism is not hindered by giant red octagonal STOP signs. Also, the speed bumps are correlated to the speed of the road. American speed bumps are literally anything that the road pavers decided to do and you may lose your transmission or break an axle if you aren't aware of the power of the speed bump.
11. Wasa Sandwich Crackers with a smear of Lurpak was the perfect hiking snack
12. I ain't never seen so many got dang berries in my entire life! Sure yes there are blueberries on the mountains here but not to the extent of Finland and Norway (perhaps Sweden but we did not visit Sweden). The berries are cold and wet and so sweet. Eventually I considered the lingonberry to be sweet as well. And the bog cranberries were a special treat. I did not try the Rowan berry because I'm a wimp. Bunchberry, heather, juniper, blueberry, lingonberry, cranberry, raspberry. I will forever miss them.
The blueberries that grow on the mountains here are big and hot and not at all refreshing like Nordic berries. Maybe farther north or at higher elevations the berries are better but the wild berries I have access to grow on south facing dry pine forests and pines provide little shade and are hot even in the winter. The berries go bad soon after ripening, or you can't get to them before the birds, and blackberries and raspberries are covered in thorns which makes them no fun to pick.
13. Speaking of berries, there are many Thai seasonal workers who pick the berries...
14. Drinking alcohol in public is legal. I liked to have a beer at the end of a hike or while fishing or at the kota grilling sausages.
15. The machines that collect your recycling and give you money in return!! I watched someone deposit so many beer cans he got back 30 euros.
16. Absolutely tragic that the museums did not have tshirts, only extremely cute trinkets that took my entire willpower to not purchase 1 of everything.
17. Luggage lockers at train stations and luggage can stay there for DAYS
18. A better train network than every state in the USA. A country of 5.5 million people has a better train network than the state I live in that has a population of 8 million. Also the treats in the treat car are really great. I have many thoughts about Amtrak and only some of them are good.
19. Underground parking
20. Dogs allowed in restaurants
21. Every toilet has a bidet and many stalls have a sink. Bathroom stalls are floor to ceiling walls for maximum privacy
22. The fabric hand towel machine and lack of overflowing trash cans full of paper towels and the accompanying empty paper towel dispenser
23. The cargo trucks are cute lmao and there is no other word to describe it
24. Rally lights on cars and trucks for nighttime driving safety
25. Everyone has a caravan and I guess it's a social rule to wave at every caravan you pass while driving
26. Norwegian fishing boats have regulations on size which makes them CUTE
27. The Norwegian fishermen we talked to said to not fish in the harbors because it's standing water, and it's dirty compared to moving seawater, but what they don't know is that harbors where we fish in here are much dirtier and people eat the fish they catch. Yes the harbor water in a village of 700 people is dirtier than the pristine arctic waters of the fjord but like... only barely dirty.
28. No sharks or snapping turtles to nibble on my sweet human flesh
29. Everyone knits. Knitting at a restaurant, knitting while waiting for the train, knitting at a customer service desk, knitting on the train. One Norwegian woman approached ME to talk about her knitting and she knew only a bit of English but we had a good conversation
30. An obvious aversion to mowed turf grass lawn
31. I just really love the fully tiled bathroom with a drain in the middle and the squeegee to push the water into the drain
32. Hot water is very hot
33. No plastic shopping bags. It is astounding
34. So very many milk, butter, cheese, sausage, and dried/cured meat choices at the grocery store
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