#But it totally makes sense to his character which makes it all the more funnier but kinda fucked up as from what I’ve said in the post
laniemae · 1 month
Could John start hurting himself in trial 3?
So I’ve got a lot of theories for trial 3 and stuff but this is the one I want to talk about first since it was the one that stuck out to me most yet I haven’t seen people talking about the possibility
I actually wrote about this theory quite a while ago which I’ll just link to but I definitely do think it’s very likely but hasn’t been discussed much.
For a brief summary of the post I made it’s a theory on how John may have self harming desires but doesn’t physically hurt himself as he’s afraid of hurting Mikoto. Basically it’s how the reason why Mikoto’s clothes are so tattered is because John has been ripping them apart in another way to harm himself but not physically hurt Mikoto. Heck, there’s very clearly bite marks on the clothes so I highly doubt it was from the fight with Kotoko. And as well as just ripping his clothing it probably explained the breakdowns John is said to have at night especially in that one minigram where Es heard on it and there was a lot of crashing sounds and stuff breaking, even ripping sounds which definitely matches with what I was saying. So John does all of this in a method to self harm as a stress reliever but not physically harm Mikoto.
So here’s the trial 3 theory. As of recently Mikoto has stopped denying John’s existence as everything he’s seen in heard it’s just too much for him to deny anymore. And instead of that he’s began to hate John so much and blame him for every bad thing that’s happened, even going as far to blame him for what happened to Mahiru even though it was very clearly Kotoko’s fault. And with John, he loves Mikoto. Dedicates his entire existence to him and despite all the constant trauma and suffering he’s endured the only thing that keeps him going is the possibility that Mikoto will love him and praise him for saving him.
“Hey now, I saved you, right? So why in the hell are you crying?
Cling to me, hoist me up as your "savior", stand up and sing out your gratitude, that'd be good.”
Judging by these lyrics, it seems John is somewhat aware that Mikoto is denying his help but still wants to believe it. Even Neoplasm he says how Mikoto’s entrusting him with his heart, which can either be he doesn’t fully know about the hatred or is denying it. But what I’m really worried about is how much Mikoto loathes John in trial 3 and what he could do.
As I said earlier John dedicates his existence to Mikoto and I couldn’t explain how John may feel after he would realise his hatred for Mikoto  aside from his entire existence being denied. I already discussed this in another theory but for John to so deeply love Mikoto and dedicates everything to protecting him and only holding on with the possibility of approval and being told he did a good job, only to be met with unimaginable hatred from the person who he idealises as someone who could never hate anyone must be devastating on so many levels for John and… you can tell where I’m getting at here.
So what would happen next? Could perhaps John feel so betrayed by Mikoto that he could go to actually physically hurting himself out of conflicting feelings around Mikoto? Loving him like that but feeling so betrayed and hurt that he just tries not to care about Mikoto any more and harms himself out of both previously established coping mechanisms and spite?
It’s hard to tell here, as John is one of those characters who it’s very hard to predict what would happen next so who knows what he might do. I just believe this may be the most likely based off things that have been implied and established.
And just to address a potential elephant in the room is I highly doubt John would disappear in trial 3. That’s not how it works, and just because Mikoto may not be Guilty any more doesn’t mean he would be relieved from all stress so John definitely would still have his purpose. And I think it’s most likely why John claimed that he would disappear was that he believed Es hated him and wanted him gone, so he claimed that he would disappear if Mikoto were to be voted Innocent as a way to sway Es to that verdict. And there are lines such as “I’ll play dead even if I’m alive right?” And “can’t get rid of me now” that definitely imply that he will stay or perhaps pretend to go dormant which perhaps would be interesting as we’ve seen him masking as Mikoto in the minigrams before so it would be interesting if he does that in trial 3 perhaps. And side note even though this is kinda cheating theory wise but it would be stupid to remove John from the story like that so uhhh.
#milgram#mikoto kayano#John kayano#john milgram#tw sh#tw self destruction#I just wanna say I’m sorry for bringing up such a dark subject matter like this in a theory sense#It’s just when writing about the darker themes in milgram I always get scared I’ll offend someone by how I talk about it so sorry#But trial 3 is certainly gonna be crazy#This theory is one I’ve had for a while and thus easier to write but I’ve got a lot planned#Like it definitely seems like how in trial 2 kotoko was the main antagonist/one causing conflict and it definitely seems#That in trial 3 amane will fufill that role#Which I mean I am uhh really exited about that because Amane’s my favorite and I love character who fuck up everything#But from everything we’ve seen the whole thing with fuuta and Shidou she’s going to be the one starting the whole chain of events#And there’s definitely a lot of theories on people who could suffer or be injured because of everything#Definitely Haruka but that would be from himself#But from the amane thing potentially Shidou if she or fuuta attacks him#Maybe mahiru if Shidou can’t treat her if she’s injured which could be really bad I’m actually very worried for her#And fuuta if he goes too far deep into the ideology and actually takes off his eyepatch but that’s kinda hard to predict#And as I said it’s definitely likely that mikoto would be hurt but at the hands of “himself” rather#And with kotoko I have absolutely no clue how she would react to the guilty verdict but that unpredictably makes it more exiting#I’ll have to talk about kotoko and the others in a separate theory because it’s so complicated but aughahhan hiatus brain no#And kinda off topic with the mood that I’ve kinda set with this post#But looking and analysing the lyrics of meme and double for this post#I found it pretty funny how John is actually really affectionate when referring to mikoto#Like of course the “snuggle together and say good night” lyric which is funny because how that does not fit John normally but does make sen#And in double he uses words such as basically “welcoming home” mikoto and in those freeze frames whispers of good morning#Which one again is really funny as edgy boy misanthrope John has said almost uwu fanfiction stuff canonically#But it totally makes sense to his character which makes it all the more funnier but kinda fucked up as from what I’ve said in the post#Why am I talking about something funny like this? Maybe I’m just too worried about talking about dark subject matters I’m sorry
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knickknacksandallthat · 7 months
if you don't mind me asking, what got you into kevin's character?
for me it was actually your fic, but since its so normalized in the fandom to dismiss his trauma and call him a coward and annoying for doing things that other characters are loved for, i didn't really care about him when i first read the books
now hes my favorite
Oh, anon, I love this!! What an honor, I’m so glad to have helped you join the Kev lovefest 😊 (Welcome to the dark side lol!) It makes me so happy that the A Fallen Star series has awakened this in you! 💖
And wow, what a good question. I don't mind at all! I actually had to think about this for a while to try and remember…how the heck did I get here???
So here is my ridiculously uncalled-for POV on Kevin’s character and slow descent into madness below:
(Disclaimer that these are just my thoughts and anyone in the aftg fandom can hc or think whatever they like about Mr. Day 😊)
Like you, anon, I was easily swayed by Neil’s perspective of Kev on first read. It makes sense and is a credit to Nora how we so fully buy into Neil’s opinion of Kevin that many of us just run with it. And to be fair to the fandom, it’s canon – Andrew, Neil, and all the Foxes tell us he’s a coward and annoying and so we assume it must be true.
So, I created many fics that played into this image and focused on andreil. (Because who isn’t enamored with andreil??? Legit, deranged obsession and couple goals lmao). Using that lens, it was easy to make Kevin the punching bag because he is the quintessential “straight man” in comedy (and yes, I do hear the irony in that) – the foil to other characters to make them seem better, braver, funnier, smarter, etc. It’s an age-old trick/trope in fiction that works very well. And it was an easier transition for Nora to make, I think, once she made the decision to remove Kevin from the main narrative of her story.
This character setup works well enough when you’re doing a fic from Neil or Andrew’s POV, providing an easy source of humor to fall back on. So, for me, I think my thinking shifted once I started working on Flavors of Fall and delved into Andrew and Kevin’s storyline there. That fic forced me to think from Kevin’s perspective, and I found at the time I had a shallow understanding of what made Kevin tick. It totally threw me once I really started considering sequels for that fic and the 12 Day Program for Courtship, both of which have Kevin cast as a main character. I had to dive deep into his makeup, seriously considering his motivations, his likes/dislikes, his personality traits, his relationships, and how he would react in any given situation.
Because I was interested in his character development, I started delving into fics like orionauriga’s just pretend , @likearecordbb's Long Walk in the Woods, @thetrojeans daylights, sunsets, and @dayurno's the age of no regret series. They are all brilliant, fascinating character studies of Kevin Day and his relationships that are extremely well done. There’s many more, of course, but I was searching for fics that specifically delved into Kevin’s thought process and choices and stayed there a while.
That’s what led me to feeling like I needed to tell his story with Dead of Night. Of course, it turned into a larger series with my flavoring of Kerejean added because I’ve never been a huge Kevin/Thea relationship fan. (But that's a discussion for another day which you can start here and here for that adventure.)
Now all that I’ve described above gives you the mechanics of the descent – the when, the where, the how. But it crucially misses the why. What is it about Kevin that got me in the end?
Ironically enough, it was his potential.
I think when Nora stripped away any kind of romantic narrative (RIP Kandreil OR Riko/Kevin/Jean) or a chance for a tragic storyline (Kevin dying in the end) it resulted in removing a lot of Kevin’s emotional vulnerability. We don’t get to hear what he’s feeling or thinking unless it’s related to Riko, the Moriyamas, or Exy. This means his storyline is consumed by the stereotypical sports underdog story, with us following his rise to champion (which is still a powerful enough narrative on its own that shines even in the midst of Neil’s crazy plotline. Switching that racquet to his left hand in the championship game? Iconic.) 
However, it leaves us very much with a shell of a person. Kevin’s character outside of Exy is reduced to a handful of facts – there’s a passing comment on his like of history, and the stark evidence of an alcohol addiction as a coping mechanism. We’re told he used to dance. That he learned French because Jean Moreau taught him. That he has no qualms about taking (mild?) drugs (cracker dust). Despite how much we’ve run with it as a fandom, the only allusion I’ve found in the books to him being strict with diet is this section from The King’s Men:
“No one needs to eat this before a game,” Kevin said. “Eat some granola or protein if you’re that hungry.” “Hello, there’s protein in the peanut butter,” Nicky said. “Let go of me before I tell Andrew you’re outlawing chocolate. I said let go. You’re not the boss of me. Ouch! Did you seriously just hit me?” … “Kevin, just let him go,” Neil said. “It’s not worth fighting over.” “When our defense is sluggish, we all suffer,” Kevin said.
From what I can find in the books, Kevin never once denies Andrew eating ice cream. (Which I’m 100% able to admit I might have missed something so feel free to quote me where that scene is because I was totally searching for it). In fact, every time they go to Sweetie’s, it’s implied Kevin orders ice cream with them. In the infamous kissing scene in The King’s Men, we actually have proof that Kevin got ice cream:
Kevin still hadn’t messaged Nicky by the time they reached the ice cream aisle, so Nicky gave in and called him. Neil half-expected Kevin to ignore Nicky’s call, but Kevin wasn’t so sour with them that he’d turn down a free snack…Nicky grabbed spoons from the kitchen and distributed pints to their hungry owners. Neil checked his expression when Nicky came back from dropping Kevin’s off….
Now I do think it’s in line with his character and his upbringing to have issues with food, so I’m all for buying into that specific hc. But we have very little evidence of it in the text.
His personality is reduced mainly to anger, arrogance, or cowardice (all traits that don’t make us sympathize with him). The only facts we have about his Tragic Past™️ are two things: his mother’s death, and his hand injury. Everything else we assume is based on Neil’s knowledge of the mafia, Wymack’s hearsay, Andrew’s deductions, and Kevin’s reactions to Riko and Tetsuji. We have literally no idea what happened to Kevin in the Nest. His trauma and his time spent there is a complete mystery. The closest we get is Riko’s comment to Neil in The Raven King:
“I am going to love hurting you,” Riko said, “like I loved hurting Kevin.”
This, I think, is one of the main reasons many of the fandom “dismisses” Kevin’s trauma in comparison to Neil’s because we can’t see it. We don’t know what happened and we don’t get to experience it, so this lack of explanation or motivation leaves us only with very cold personality traits. We’re unable to root for him as a character because we can’t sympathize. We can empathize because we know Very Bad Things™️ must have happened in the Nest, but we don’t see them happen the same way we do Neil or Andrew. Even Kevin’s hand injury is old and “healed” when we’re first introduced to the character.
The only true canon moment where Kevin appears “human” is in The Raven King with Kevin’s “then run” and “you should be court” conversation with Neil. His admittance that Neil’s life is more important than Exy is instantaneous – he doesn’t even pause to throw his Exy dreams down the drain if it means Neil can survive.  In a weirdly parallel way, we see Kevin’s thought process implicit in his conversation: “at least you’d have a chance.” It is strikingly similar to Neil’s internal conversation of: one of us should make it. (And there’s another whole separate discourse I could get into on how Kevin and Neil are two halves of the same coin, but we’ll save that for another day.) But even the revelation of Wymack as his father has more shock value than true emotional weight – we never see what that conversation looked like or how either party actually reacted. (In some ways, I feel like Dan being pissed at Kevin is given more “screentime” than Kevin’s response to telling his father and how Wymack reacted.)
So with Kevin’s emotions and past firmly locked down, we’re left to brush off Kevin’s reactions (or lack thereof) as part of his indifferent personality. It is what it says on the tin. (And that’s not to say Kevin is a perfect character by any means. He has flaws just like every other character.)
Now some people very accurately depict and buy into those limitations as simply being Kevin’s character/personality – I’ve read some awesome fics where Kevin is Ace/Aro and/or on the spectrum. These are completely valid, extremely well done, and I could totally see why others see and write him this way. Canon practically sets them up for it.
For me, though, it circles back to our skewed view of Kevin given to us by some deeply loved but also deeply flawed characters (cough, Andreil). Those same characters that we’re told time and again not to judge them by their cover but to try and understand how they’re affected by (and make choices because of) their trauma.
While Andrew and Neil end up giving each other this grace through a hard-fought battle of truths and exchanges, they do not extend this same courtesy to Kevin, and neither are we given the chance to do so. We literally can’t because, again, we don’t know what the full extent of Kevin’s trauma is.
Kevin doesn’t talk about his time in the Nest to any character, meaning we know nothing about it. Ergo we don’t know what choices Kevin makes because of it. In The Foxhole Court, Wymack specifically tells us Kevin was Riko’s pet. In fact, there is so much specific language that Kevin himself uses around the concept of ownership, and that Nora uses when referring to him that it jarringly sticks out in the text.  He has no sense of personal space or proper boundaries, viewing people only as assets to be used for the good of the team, which at the very least is a sign of mental abuse. But the fact remains that we just don’t know. We don’t know how far this mental abuse was taken, how often or severely he was injured, if he injured or was forced to injure others – we don’t know.
But it’s obvious whatever happened to him started as a child and built from there. Which means he has years of abuse and power dynamics embedded into him. He has every right to be afraid. In fact, we are demonstrably told and shown often in canon that Kevin is afraid…but fear does not equate to cowardice. In fact, we know that bravery often means being scared and doing something anyway. And in many cases, that’s just what Kevin did (with a crutch named Andrew). But even before he entered his deal with Andrew, it's important to remember that even though he was brainwashed and beaten from a young age to understand that he would die if he betrayed the Moriyama family in some way, he left them.
This is always so significant to me because so many abuse victims stay in their situation thinking/hoping/praying it will get better – either because of an idea that their abuser will change (“they’re just having a hard time at work rn”) or that the victim will fix whatever flaw the abuser finds lacking. Or alternatively, they recognize the situation is bad, but they can’t leave because they feel like they have nowhere to go, no one who will help them, trapped by their lack of skills/contacts/money. In Kevin’s case, both situations rang true. And yet he left. He left, and in only a year and a half’s time he recovered from his injury and led his team to the championship.
But he is only at the start of his recovery. I think he’ll need years of therapy to recover from all that happened in the Nest. I think many of his emotional and social shortcomings are a direct consequence of that timeframe and he did not have the freedom to address them until the threat of the Moriyamas was removed. I do not think they are permanent parts of his personality – I think in time, he will be allowed to grow and recover and contribute much more to his relationships than he’s capable of doing at the end of The King’s Men.
Though the series finished, I think Kevin’s story is just beginning.
That’s why I think he’s fascinating to explore as a character. That’s why I love writing him right now because in many ways, his possibilities are endless. There’s so many opportunities to explore different facets of his story that we never get a chance to in canon. Kevin’s character and narrative is a tantalizing tease which many of us have fell hook, line, and sinker for. (Including yours truly.) We want to rabidly sink our teeth into it and shake it, like a dog with a bone.
So we do. 😉
Phew. Okay, that’s enough. None of what I’ve written above is new I’m sure to those of the fandom who have been here since the beginning or have become diehard Kevin fans. But thank you for letting me ramble in this ask, anon. Writing about Kevin has been a very fun and therapeutic adventure for me. So I’m so glad that there are others out there who are enjoying it too 😊
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becauseplot · 4 months
it’s Stupid Hours (aka way too early in the morning) and after 0.2 seconds of searching on YouTube ive come to the conclusion that there is no qsmp John Mulaney “The One Thing” animatic yet and ive gotta say guys. im disappointed.(/lh) im so used to every fandom having at least one The One Thing animatic that realizing there isn’t one for qsmp is bonkers to me. i’ve watched so many of these over the years that if you played The One Thing audio, i could probably recite it in time w the audio (i won’t say from memory bc my memory is shit.)
anyway here’s what i would personally do for a The One Thing animatic if i could draw. remember that this is gonna be skewed to the POVs im more familiar with so im sorry if your cubito doesn’t make it into the role you’d expect. i tried to include as many people as possible.
Edit: "Back in high school..." - not really necessary, but i imagine this story/"AU" taking place during the egg disappearance, which would explain the overly chaotic behavior of the islanders. not that they ever need a reason to be chaotic.
Narrator - Charlie. he’s not on the server as often but bc of that he would make a good “outside” pov narrator. also he’s just a got a really quick-with-it type of humor, cracking jokes and puns and doing wordplay/inprov’d songs at the drop of a hat, and he also loves telling stories.
Mr. Macnimara - Cucurucho. “And Mr. Macnimara was an asshole.” need i say more?
Jake Macnimara - Jaiden. beloved bird of the Federation, though that absolutely would not stop her from throwing a wild party for her friends in their offices if she could. Edit: also Quackity would make a really good option here. Cringefail man that the Federation likes to toy with, we love to see it. Also with his shit luck it makes sense that a party that he decides to host at the Fed offices (a bad idea in the first place tbf) would blow up in his face so hard.
(Bonus: Mrs. Macnimara - the Duck. the Watcher. ElQuackity. idk who’s funnier just whoever your heart desires.)
“And we all got up individually and thought: okay, let’s go over there, and destroy the place.” - split screen of Cellbit, Baghera, Maxo, and Bad. there could be more, like Mike, Etoiles, Phil, Tubbo, really anyone who hates the Federation and/or has an affinity for chaos. Foolish would be a really fucking funny option for this one because yeah he works for the Feds but He Absolutely Would. all of the characters would get up calmly, and on the word “destroy” flip to a Chaos Mode Engaged expression (Cellbit with a grin and bloodstains on his cheeks, Baghera w flames behind her and in her eyes, etc etc)
“People were drinking like it was the civil war and a doctor was coming to saw our legs off” - Tubbo and his backpack of 3749588383 chainsaws. tazerraft could also be a good option considering Pac’s love of beheading people and Mike’s generally unhinged behavior. tbh just anyone/everyone in morning crew.
Person who breaks the pool table - Etoiles. someone would dare him to and he’d get so fucking excited he would absolutely HURL himself at that pool table. (dogboy behavior)
Person who takes a shit on the computer - … look ive been blankly staring at this one for like 7 fucking minutes. my heart says Aypierre but i could not tell you why. just. anyone who would absolutely do some rancid, unhinged shit when given the opportunity. Foolish again maybe. idk.
Edit: "Something something, police." - Jaiden, if she isn't Jake Macnimara. She would totally say it in a "LOL UH-OH" manner. If not, I could also imagine Missa, Bagi, or Fit nervously/bluntly trying to warn people while laughing.
“Fuck da police!” - “Fuck da Feds!”/“Fuck da Federation!” from what i can tell, Charlie doesn’t have an active animosity towards the Federation, but a lot of his friends do, and he will do anything, ANYTHING to commit to the bit. he will do ANYTHING for the funnies, and if he thinks that shouting “Fuck da Feds!” at the top of his lungs is going to get a reaction out of people, he absolutely will.
Edit: "'I served my nickel, you come and take me!' confidence." - Mike. I have such a strong mental image of Mike drunkenly shouting this while Pac and Fit hold him up/hold him back. Fuga references my beloved. Also the fact that he was put in a Fed freezer for a while.
The Police - the Federation workers. obviously. bonus points for one unnamed guard/officer being impressed like “wooooow :0” and then widening the shot to reveal an unamused Agent 18 standing next to them, leaning into his walkie talkie saying, “Get the paddy wagon.”
“SCATTER!” - Phil. (if you know you know.) generally, people who don’t know Phil tend to think he’s pretty chill, so no one would expect him to do something like that. also when Charlie says “And my friend John—” it would cut to a ‘pause screen’ over the scene, Charlie coming on screen to clarify the “father” and “baby” parts by providing helpful pop-up images of family pictures with Chayanne, Tallulah, and Missa on screen. Resumes, presses play and the screen clears: “He grabbed a 40…”
Edit: "Until, two years later..." - again, not really necessary, but it could be something like, "Until, after Purgatory..."
Alex (guy who stole the photos) - Roier. HEAR ME OUT. Roier, similar to Phil, is just such an unassuming guy. he’s cheery and laughs a lot and cracks jokes, but deep down, he’s smart and he’s got a burning HATRED for the Federation. he’s not the kind of guy to start fights, but with everyone else causing chaos at the party, breaking shit in the offices/house, he would absolutely take the opportunity to steal Federation documents for his husband’s investigations. (or antique photos, if you want to keep with the high school setting/theme.) i mean he stole a fucking lamp from their offices once just because there was so much shit going on and he knew the Feds probably wouldn’t notice (iirc).
Edit: SOMETHING I FORGOT TO MENTION ABOUT ROIER. you could totally make the line “because it’s the one thing you can’t replace” a reflection of Bobby, who the Federation ‘killed’, so now he’s getting back at them. (i’ve put way too much thought into this.)
anyway that’s all! feel free to contribute if u want i just really love The One Thing. it’s an older fandom meme but yeah it still checks out.
(the sheer number of edits to this thing really speaks to how much it lives in my head lmaooo. there's more details but im not gonna include them here bc they're too visual.)
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thelaurenshippen · 1 year
You mentioned that you got excited to write the shopping montage when you "realized a certain character would be sticking around." Was the initial uncertainty around that because you weren't sure how the story was going to unfold, or because of some of the real life complications around availability and casting? Stories definitely have a life of their own, but do you feel like you've got a fairly firm plan in mind with "Bridgewater?"
bridgewater spoilers below the cut!
a little bit of both! there's always some uncertainty around what's actually going to be possible production-wise and, of course, we did end up getting alan tudyk in as thomas bradshaw because nathan fillion couldn't come back. and we all couldn't be happier about that! nathan and alan are close friends and alan is doing such a wonderful job that it all really worked out well - but there was definitely a little bit of discussion around "well, do we want to recast or do we want to write thomas off" and ultimately decided that thomas was in so little of season 1 that recasting wouldn't be super disruptive.
I tend to only very broadly plan past a first season when I'm building a show, and usually I'm only focused on, like....the themes and vibes and character growth I want. so in bridgewater's case, I didn't have a S2 plan when writing S1 beyond "here's what I want for jeremy and anne to experience", which could manifest in a whole LOT of ways (this is extremely vague I know, but obviously I can't talk about it until the whole season is out). there was a moment where I thought about jeremy and anne hearing thomas' voice at the end being a fakeout and it actually turns out to be some kind of hallucination or weird paranormal trick, but aaron and I, like, BARELY entertained that. we really wanted jeremy to have the chance to get to know his dad and I love "man out of time" stories.
anyway, long story long, I didn't necessarily even have the arc of the plot and lore of S2 mapped out when we figured out how we wanted the season to end, if that makes sense. I had really clear goals in mind for the emotional journeys that each of the characters would go on, and toyed around with a few ways of getting there before I landed on the one I ended up writing. part of why I don't plot out the specific story beats beyond a first season is because a) I'm a very character-forward writer, so whatever is going to enable the characters to have the emotional arcs I want is what I follow and b) when actors are involved you just truly never know how that's going to transform things.
for instance, I've talked about this before, but jeremy didn't swear all that much on the page in S1, but misha threw in so many swears when we were recording that the S2 scripts had way more cursing for Jeremy from the start. I loved it, I loved how misha's perspective on the character and sensibility altered the way jeremy speaks - he's funnier in S2, with a drier wit, because misha is very funny with a dry wit. it's the same thing with anne - melissa plays her hard-nosed nature so well, but she also has this absolutely incredible softness to her, that I actually wrote her calling jeremy "sweetie" or "honey" in S2 a few times (which I have a lot of squishy feelings about, I just have a lot of squishy feelings about them in general bc of the chemistry that misha and melissa have). same thing with misha and karan - they had such a playful chemistry that it was really easy and nice to lean into the real genuine love and care that vipin and jeremy have for each other (this is, like, SUCH a minor spoiler for what's coming up next, but I was just listening to this episode today, and in future episodes people refer to vipin explicitly as jeremy's best friend because like....yeah, he totally is. jeremy is a pretty loner-ish guy and even though vipin is his TA there is a genuine closeness there).
so there's that kind of stuff that can shape the emotional journeys the characters go on which of course can shake up your plot completely (if anyone listened to The Bright Sessions and has heard me talk about this specific thing before, this is exactly what happened with mark/damien - that relationship was not supposed to result in one of them falling in love and the other one, like, kind of falling back a little against his better judgment (I mean, christ, damien was like the one character that when I started writing I was like 'yeah this guy is straight' turns out VERY much no) but it turned into that because the first time andrew and charlie sat down to record together as those characters it was INSTANT sparks. some of the wildest organic chemistry I've ever experienced as a director lol).
but then there's also the fact that sometimes your actors are your direct collaborators on building the story! of course aaron is my partner in crime in building the world of bridgewater, but for S2, because misha was on board before I even started writing it, the two of us had several conversations both as I was outlining and then after all the scripts were written about who jeremy was and what we wanted for him. so I tend to keep all my plans fairly loose because I love the spontaneous collaboration that comes out of working with other people.
YEESH that was such a long winded answer, but thank you for asking!
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icharchivist · 5 months
i finished act 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now there's just all these events I've yet to get to from a3en... plus reading through act 3 translations if those exist... i hope they do! but the FIRST thing I'm going to do is fill out my a3! name chart, haha :) okay but before i get ahead of myself: here's my thoughts on the rest of the winter story!
the moment they mentioned the fleur award, I knew within my heart that act 3 might have the members seriously tackle winning or at least getting a nomination, and hey, look, sakuya mentioned it at the end! there's lots of little things I could feel them start to set up, which is cool. like, haruto mentions that godza has new recruits! so I assume shift is gonna pop up in act 3. and then there's the hyakka theater company which sakuya adored so much winning the fleur award at the end... I wonder if we'll get to meet them? I also saw a character on a poll tournament once that I think was an old leader of spring? and since yuzo's already someone we've met, I wonder if we'll meet all the leaders of the old troupes... we've already seen quite a few bits and pieces of them, after all! then, of course, there's the thing with misumi's grandfather's old scripts and reni, which I'm sure will come into play... hopefully we'll get to see his brother, too... guy also recognized reni, so he's probably got some kind of connections with mankai, right? what if he was a leader of the winter troupe, or something? lots of possibilities. and tsuzuru's eldest brother could also bring something interesting to the table? he got his own sprite and all, and he seems pretty interesting, so I feel it'd be a waste if this was his only appearance...
since we're on that subject, I was very glad to meet tadoru. his and itaru's conversation was just really nice, and it was cool to see him kinda watching out for tsuzuru in his awkward way. for a moment i was confused by him randomly saying hello to itaru at the bar, though. was sitting there like. ...is itaru getting hit on? tadoru also gave me sort of chikage-esque vibes because he was just that friendly, and so when he gave itaru sake and was like. hey! bribe material! i was like. ah. nice. would love to see some more elaboration on what he says, though because... “I mean, back when everything was falling apart at home, I just ran off and left Tsuzuru to deal with it all himself.” is intriguing. tadoru says that tsuzuru probably resents him... i mean, he definitely has a right to, but i don't think he like, does, if that makes sense? like... his family is his family. he might not have been happy about dealing with stuff without his eldest brother around, but I don't think it's something that would... fester, if it makes sense?
I've gotten ahead of myself again, so let's rewind chronologically... it was nice to see the improv battle spark something in guy! also it's nice every time they run into haruto because like, tasuku probably calls him "yamada" on purpose but like, half of the time that people get his name wrong, I'm pretty sure it's totally sincere, which makes it even funnier... like homare being like. "ah, hato-kun, I think it was?" with no ill-will is amazing. i didn't actually make the connection that this was tasuku's second time playing raoul until now, which is quite a fun detail.
don't have much to say about the play itself... you made a really good point about how POTO relates to guy, so I don't have much to add except that there's a comment that izumi makes about homare as richard dragging emotion out of the phantom, and I thought that was neat, because it's homare that gets guy to laugh, too, with his silly chickpeas bit. all of winter getting drunk was sooooo cute. its so dear to me that tasuku and tsumugi are just like. intelligently critiquing theatre stuff. not even arguing. like how is their drunk habit just... how they are normally, it's great. and then of course there's homare who's in tears and super sappily composing poetry. love him. and love that he manages to elicit a truly wonderful-sounding laugh from guy the same way, later! what a BEAUTIFUL cg that was!!! homare looks so pleased with himself and he's right to be that way!!
the power outage for the last performance was such a cool moment, too... like, the way that this phantom's final line dedicates his song for his friend. where it's not about being a singer or taking his revenge, anymore. it's such a good way to reflect what guy says before the final performance, that being "all of you are the reason I am able to see myself as human again.” which is what chris does for the phantom, here. you can also hear in guy's BREATH how much finishing this play affected him, which is awesome. seriously, the VAs are so talented, but also whoever's directing them or the like has a really good eye for what kinds of voice performances to add...
watched the backstages and them at karaoke was cute! so they staged it with just music, i see... the part where they method acted like they were in a musical was really funny. yuki resorting to just saying he'll make them pay him every time they break out into song... the sakyo-influence. tsuzuru and yuki would actually be a really fun combo in terms of like, events, also. they've both got this midlly pessimistic way of talking. the SR hisoka was also really good... cant believe he sleeps in a coffin! no wonder tasuku got so into treating hisoka as a vampire during nocturnality lol. anyways what a great actor he is. i love that, with the possibility that hisoka was possessed presented to tasuku, who's seen magic happen before, tasuku is like. alright. time to act my heart out. i bet it was really good practice.
there's a bit where sakuya says "citron was still with us back then..." which. very misleading turn of phrase. anyways they're going to zafra!! whoo!! i think it's so funny that guy is like "I'm a wanted criminal" as like an expression of the fact that his presence is troublesome, completely unaware of the fact that two of the people he's gonna be travelling with are like, also wanted criminals. itaru has every right to call chikage a "menace" like he does here.
another hit out of the park with izumi going "I do not see." about chikage's illegal passport for guy. the structure of this episode is really interesting, though--winter had really big developments outside of their own story (tsumugi in act 1 plus a bit of tasuku, homare in the next play, azuma in the next + a bit of tasuku there, too, and then hisoka in spring's act 2 story. because they got such rich development there, it gives the story space to really work out things between guy and citron. like, apart from azuma and tasuku visiting azuma's old home, it's not like there's a particularly big event any of the other winter members go through? while spring has masumi's whole deal and though its minor, itaru has to open up a little to having a roommate. and summer had tenma's audition and dealing with that stuff, plus kazunari's career worries, alongside kumon's whole stresses (of which muku and juza obviously were major in helping him with). everyone in autumn gets a collage, but while it's not like the characters in winter weren't major presences, it was more like they were reflecting on stuff that had already happened, rather than having new things that developed them in some way? which allows for space.
as for guy's subordinate, mika, i'm like 80% sure their name is mika because it's meant to be like, "mikan"
we already discussed my opinion of zafra as a nation so there's no need for me to really go into that, but about tangerine!! firstly the fact that tsuzuru just has to instinctually correct his japanese is so dear to me, like, he can't rid himself of the impulse... also I can't believe I said muku probably reminded citron of tangerine and guy basically echoes my exact thoughts... like muku, he's rather cute and brave! running to save citron, and then making sure the fire is taken care of... what a good person! I'm sure he'll do well... didn't end up being twist-evil after all, phew. I'm glad I was wrong about that. the end was a little underwhelming in terms of how the king wrapped it up. i'm glad he did so kindly, but I think it's a rather big upheaval that just happened and it felt like things got wrapped up quite neatly... I feel like there's probably a more complicated and interesting way it could've gone down, that also makes zafra feel more like a real place, but that's for me to obsessively plot and headcanon my way around.
the moment they mentioned the chandelier i was like Ah. chekhov's chandelier!! also there's a literal chandelier fall in the actual POTO so like... yeah, of course. I ADORED how sakuya jumped in, improv wise. not even part of the cast! and yet! perfect reaction! he should be proud of himself. (my notes at that moment are just "THATS MY KIDDDDDDD!!!!")
the part where they save citron was also so good... like firstly, half the reason the plan to lure out citron works is because he thinks that it's mankai, which is a wild, would-be-tragic coincidence had not chikage and itaru saved him... speaking of!! what a good moment. those two are both kind of the "adults" of the spring troupe, so it was neat to see them put themselves in harms way while kind of redirecting the younger members. especially tsuzuru, who's fairly responsible... it's nice to see him get treated as young, yknow? anyways. it's up to dad and grandpa to save spring troupe's mom, right... i usually object to obsessively fitting found family into roles but since spring troupe has done this to themselves i can call them as i like!
the dynamic between itaru and chikage was really nice to see... they both know each other quite well, huh? the casual way they treated things was kind of fun. especially when chikage's like. close your eyes for a sec, would you, chigasaki? and itaru very cutely after being like ah close my eyes physically or mentally to your crimes? replies with roger that.
chikage rushing back in to warn everyone about the chandelier was also really really good... i love that his voice gets low when he's frazzled!
citron and spring's proper reunion was so nice... sakuya cried! and I really liked that guy talked to citron in zafran when telling him about being able to rediscover his emotions... “I was not merely ignoring my own emotions, but yours, as well.” was a really good point he made.
also with spring being family it's really awesome that citron calls them his second family.... that's right, they are! and then sakuya states the same feeling at the end, where he says "You're all my true family." which did, I admit, bring a tear to my eye. actually i started tearing up because before that he said "I guess I always assumed that we would always be here together as a company, you know? But that's not true, is it?" and then I remembered the a3en shutdown and got emotional.
still, it's such a sweet ending! excited for more, whenever I get around to it! and I can make my chart now!! I've just got one remaining thought, which is: I wonder who did guy’s scar makeup in zafra, since azami wasn't around? (probably azuma, is my guess)
YEEHAW CONGRATULATION!!! At least finishing the EN sever's content will be welcomed. (and then you'd caught up on me bc i still haven't started anything past that ahah…. ahah… cries). But congratulation at least on being introduced to the full cast now!!
under cut!
Congratulation on seeing it coming ;D yeah it makes sense honestly, after having sorted out some of their biggest emotional problems, it's time for them to start aiming higher eheh. And yesss there's so many set up. I haven't touched act 3 yet so it's just…. so far ahead for me lmao. We will get to meet the ex leaders of each troupes in act 3 though yeah! I really hope you're right in term of how Guy could see it coming too, and how everything is set up for more content in the future, hopefully. we'll see!
DFDLKFJDFL love thinking immediately that Todoru would hit on Itaru over just looking out for Tsuzuru, this is really funny. And ahah sake of chekov if you will. As for what you bring up, yeah… I think it's complicated. On one hand, it's understandable to want to run away when everything is falling apart - your parents are the one putting you through hell and ultimately you know it's going to ruin any possibility to a future you can have, so it's self preservation and all. But when you have siblings, it's leaving them to take the blow for you while you give up on them. It's selfish, it's understandable, i can't exactly blame him, but i blame him still because in the end it's the younger ones who had to take responsibilities while they could have banded together. But everyone was just trying to survive. When you see how Tsuzuru had to sacrifice everything for his family, you know Todoru should have done so too… But therefore it's even more unfair that Todoru dumped everything on Tsuzuru's shoulders. It's complicated, it leaves things to fester. So yeah. difficult for everyone involved.
Back to the plot, it was so nice indeed for Guy! and DLKJFDLKF yeah Tasuku is really just being petty that way. Also "Yamada" is Haruto's birth last name and also a very basic name? as in like, it's like "Smith" in the US, it's something a lot of people have, it doesn't stand out much. I think Tasuku is doing a couple things here. First, he used to call Haruto by his first name without honorific, which he doesn't even do with 90% of Mankai (the only people he calls by their first name without their honorifics are Tsumugi, Citron and Guy, so childhood friend privilege and the two without last name. Azuma stands as being the only one he calls by his first name + honorific. Everyone else is on last name + honorific basis). So it implies Haruto and him were close, yet by calling him by his last name again, Tasuku puts this distance between them. but it's also a name only Tasuku really knows, most people don't know Haruto like that. It remains something that denote how close they used to be, twisting the knife in the wound if you will. Meanwhile since Haruto wants desperately to be on top, to stand out, to be a star, it's also constantly reminding him that he's just like everyone else, that he's not standing out on his own, he's just a guy. it's so incredibly petty from Tasuku in general LDKJFDLKFJLD he knows what he's doing! But yeah the rst just, clearly isn't having this many hard feelings. I do think Azuma is being petty when he messes up (bc let's not forget also that the whole fight with Tasuku happened because of Haruto too, so Azuma may be entitled to be petty) but Homare? is fully genuine. It's so much. And yeah Tasuku and Haruto promotes POTO in act 1 when Tasuku is still working at the Godza! the more time changes.
And ahah i may have got ahead of myself there then -- but yeah Izumi's point here is very good, Homare truly is the emotion maker man. ALL OF WINTER GETTING DRUNK SO CUTEEE YES. and so true Tasuku and Tsumugi are so cute like that. hyperfixation goes brrr. meanwhile Homare, always a gem. he's amazing. And the fact he really gets to Guy is just 😭 Also not to be petty about fandom stuff here but i used to see a lot of jokes a few years ago about how Guy would be fed up with Homare's bullshit and would shut him down and be mean to him because of that and it used to make me SO angry because like Guy would NEVER, Guy would laugh and encourage him, it's HISOKA you want if you want to bully Homare damnit. This made me so angry. Homare has such a positive influence on Guy and Guy may be the one person in the Troupe who fully sincerely vibe with him (and not just to be sympathetic like Azuma and Tsumugi can be). I'm so glad you felt it. AND THAT CG IS SO CUTEEEE. A troupe symbolized by how hard it is for them to be honest about their feelings and how they closed all of them in, being able to laugh so openly with one another being silly. God i love them. Homare is so good.
YESSS Izumi's "the play will go smoothly" really didn't account for that lmao. I loved that everything went so damn wrong then. It made me think about how in act 1 every troupes except Winter have this moment of "The Show Must Go On" -- something that should have stopped the performance fully but the actors adlibed around the issue and all went well. Winter didn't have this moment in act 1, when Tsumugi fucks the play up no one knows how to fix it until the play is over. It really shows how quickly the others troupes went in synch with one another VS how Winter still had to work on their bond first. but in act 2, it's the opposite? For the 3 others troupes, all the problems happen before the plays, the plays themselves go rather smoothly. But Winter gets all sort of problems during their performance and they have to adlib ways to have the show going on even though they hit a deadend. i think it's a neat way to show that NOW Winter is fully in synch with one another. And i do think Guy is the ultimate way for them to make it happen, since Guy having so many of the issues the rest of Winter had to go through, the way they support Guy shows the way they learnt to support each other during the last year. But YEAH YOU'RE SO RIGHT ABOUT GUY'S PERFORMANCE. it's just so so good and the scene is so touching and gaah ;;-;;. the VAs are just so good and the directing is really incredible. Also something i love is coming back to the early plays and see how drastically different the acting for the acting is?? like, after reading act 2, they added voicelines to Alex in Wonderland, so i went back to check the event then -- and it struck me how, while they clearly had improved and weren't hammy at all, the acting was still miles away from being as clear than in Charlatant of Oz. Playing bad acting shouldn't be so hard, but managing to play "medium acting, not bad, but there's room to improve" seems like such a talent to me. the directing must be really tight because even just by VA's strength alone you need some guidance there man.
Glad you liked the backstages! it's so cute to me ahh. YUKI IS SO FUNNY he really became so cut-throat now, thanks Sakyo. God you're right, Tsuzuru and Yuki like "the two somewhat sane people against the world". until Yuki asks Tsuzuru to write a play that has fun costumes in and then he calls him Villager C again and now all hell breaks lose. RIGHTTT I LOVE IT. Hisoka has been sleeping in a coffin since his R from Nocturnality, and Tasuku already had to confiscate it then, and Hisoka was just "…….. i need to become a vampire brb" bc of that; But he basically kept this habit ever since until his SR. And i just find it sO funny that Tasuku tried to get Hisoka to stop sleeping and help out and Hisoka chooses violence instead. He's such a little shit he's so funny to me. And Tasuku just rolling with it because "well i've been stuck in a timeloop so it might as well happen" is so so funny to me. We managed to tame Tasuku into accepting the wildest of shit. god i love them so much.
Sakuya talking about Citron like he's dead fr. BUT YEAAAH ZAFRA! AND DLKJFDKLFJ DYEAH RIGHT. Guy: i'm a criminal // Chikage and Hisoka, with their fake IDs and actual criminal records: wow sucks to be you i guess. Itaru is so right about calling Chikage a menace. Chikage is one. fully.
Izumi's "i do not see" is SO FUNNY YEAH. It's her life now.
And you're so right about the Winter's structure. I think it really helped that well, dealing with Guy's problems is already a way to sum up how far they've come. Like… when Azami was going through his issues, he wasn't really communicating them and Autumn didn't know how to get him to communicate it, so they all shared their personal lives with Azami so Azami would make his own conclusions and all. But for Guy Winter mostly just learnt directly from how they helped each other out to help him instead so it's where the progress is seen, more subdued. But yeah, unlike say, Summer where everyone had a big plot to go through, Winter doesn't have that because it's been a bit spread out. Which i think fits them well. Winter isn't the type to make a big deal out of their own things, so everyhting kinda just happens around them. Act 1 only had them do big things because supernatural intervention happened. but it really helped the actual drama of the event to set in. I think this chapter had a huge task to make Citron be as important to its chapter than Hisoka was to Spring, while also having him absent most of the chapter. As such it needed more time to breath for Guy to really reflect on his past with Citron and stuff.
ooooh good catch!
nods yeah… And RIGHT i almost mentioned "i'm sure i saw Tangerine being fully compared to Muku" in the prev ask before it hit me it probably happened after lmao, but yeah!! it really is just that Citron saw his precious little brother in Muku and immediately became overprotective. Tangerine is so good so cute!! also as a result the fact Guy keeps calling Muku "Little Prince" because he sees Tangerine in him too? so adorable to me. Tsuzuru also not being able to help himself correcting Tangerine's japanese was very precious yeah in that regard. the Citron impulse too strong. As for the Zafra political drama yeah i agree, it was a bit "gotta wrap it up" type of ending lmao. fixing it with HCs is a good plan though fully.
Chekhov's chandelier indeed….. it's indeed very POTO in that sense. but YEAH SAKUYA SAVING THE DAY. BABY. THAT4S OUR BOY!!!!! It's exactly what he wanted like. he was inspired to do theater because of the pirate play that had to improvise evacuating people during a fire drill -- being able to do just that also during a fire drill must have been really the moment for Sakuya to come full circle. (THAT'S OUR BOY INDEED YOUR NOTES ARE SO RIGHT)
And god right. I love this bit so much. Citron just missing his family so much. The actual danger of it all; Chikage taking all the danger to himself, as redemption as well. The fact Tsuzuru is being considered a kid for once (especially after hearing how his brother left him to take all sort of adults responsibilities, i think it really makes it come full circle that in that moment even Itaru, who heard about that, stepped up to have Tsuzuru leave this responsibility behind for once and let the adults do the work instead). And god Itaru. His involvement there is so much. he would never have done anything that dangerous before, but now that it's all about protecting his family who cares. And besides Chikage can murder people he'll be fine. And yeah same, i don't like projecting Found Family's title on people and all but there's a couple exception: Sakyo and Omi being Dad and Mom (as per Yuki and Taichi always insisting and the fact they both answer to their given title like that), and the weird convoluted family dynamic of Spring (because they just love to play those up so much). Like, in the end also, the reality is that those titles don't fit them that much -- but it's a private joke in between them so it's fun to indulge. Dad and grandad on their way to save mom let's go.
Itaru and Chikage's dynamic was so so fun. They're really roommates in a deep way but i love the way Itaru is just getting used to Chikage's rascal ways like that while Chikage is really just unable to get rid of Itaru so now he has no choice but to get used to it. The close your eyes scene is SO FUNNY, the "physically or mentally to your crimes" is one of my favorite line it's just so on point. Itaru is too used to this bullshit. "might as well happen" type.
oghh Chikage…….; sighs lovingly he's so good isn't he. and yea his voice. so good.
CITRON'S REUNION YESS. Sakuya who's been already always left behind by all the family members who took him in, finally making himself a found family, and legit everyone almost leaving him at some point (except Tsuzuru)…. no wonder he cried when Citron was finally back. It's probably the last straw at this point for him. God. Family. And GOD Guy's quote as he talks with Citron. Crying.
Spring being so, so determined to talk about how they're really a family just keeps making me cry. Like, they really saw themselves as each other's family… ironically in the anime, when Citron and Izumi run away from the people that were sent after Citron, Citron does add a line about how in a way, he kinda hopes the troupe could become his family…. and the Ending song for Spring, Home, is also really about "and this home maybe could become a family" and it makes me cry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lM_rHEFJ3ME But them talking about the end of the company just makes me so unwell. A3en ending really ended up making all of that so, so hard to swallow sobs.
SO GLAD you liked the ending. Now you know everything you need to know before the events ;D and yeah, i think Azuma was the one to do the make up without Azami around. he probably knows a thing or two so it helps out ;D
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there's a couple things linked to the events, else i also did the mistake to tag my dgm posts with massive spoilers with kiri dont look so it might still be a landmine...
i can delete the tag from the dgm tags so it can make it easier for you? but yeah else some events are in the way
anyway as always i'm so glad to have been able to read your thoughts <333 so glad you had fun and so glad you get to know the whole cast now. they're so sweet, always........
Take care and see you around ;D
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thegeminisage · 3 months
time for. SSSIGH. a star trek update. last night we watched tng's "starship mine" and "lessons."
starship mine (tng):
i actually didn't hate this one as much as my beloved cowatcher did...i think if the details of this had made more sense it could have been a really fun and sexy episode for picard to FINALLY serve some fucking cunt in. uuunfortunately
firstly we have...the welders, which have a range of like two inches. why picard dropped his weapon when one of those was trained on him i'll never know
then we have the entire premise of the baryon sweep itself...surely such a dangerous maneuver would be locked behind some kind of. like those cars that don't start if the driver's seatbelt isn't buckled. the computer won't start the sweep is there are life forms aboard. ik all the people working at this station were ""terrorists"" or whatever but they had to beam like a thousand people off the ship surely they're fucking outnumbered. if he called for help someone would hear him?? bnot even getting into the fact that an operation of this size would have more than like half a dozen people working on it
furthermore, this woman's escape plan was to get beamed off back to her own ship...so what was picard's escape plan? like, yes, sure, go to ten forward to buy yourself some time, but how are YOU getting OUT?
we saw him use a communicator at the end and realized he'd had it for like half the episode. again, WHY DIDN'T HE CALL SOMEONE?
the fact that this sludge, which they invented for this episode, can be used for NOTHING except weapons. i know why they said that. they wanted a quick way for picard to figure out the thieves were dangerous and make him look smart in the process. but it's fucking lazy, like the rest of this episode, and it has horrific ramifications for the worldbuilding at large. all of that waste has to go SOMEWHERE. even radioactive waste in real life gets reused as much as it can and in star trek they apparently solved the problem of nuclear waste so making up this spaceship waste is like. you realize you're implying that it gets dumped somewhere, right? right???
this episode wasn't a total loss to me though. for one thing, the running gag with the saddle actually was very funny and it got funnier every time it got brought up. deanna also got to cuddle with riker at one point and later tenderly wipe the blood off his face. i have mixed feelings about Smalltalk Guy (smalltalk isn't bad and talkative people aren't evil, the problem was that guy was talking At people instead of with them, but when engaged with data he waited his turn to speak), but watching him and data go was also really good
and the CONCEPT of this episode - that picard knows his ship so well he can play cat and mouse with five other people when the ship is powered off and in the dark and put the fear of god into them and then JUST when you think they finally got him he stone cold kills them on the way out - that's hot. that's not what this episode actually did, but it's what it thought it was doing, and i guess i can understand if you want to view it that way in your mind palace.
oh yeah i also recognized that guy from voyager. and i was like no way is that the guy from voyager, faceblindness strikes again! but i googled him and it was.
lessons (tng):
this one i did fucking hate, though having two picard-centric episodes in a row has done him no favors. i feel like we've had a lot of single-characters eps lately...one deanna one, one worf one, two picard ones, etc. i know the watching order has contributed to this plus the natla/bad batch break but i feel like we haven't had a genuine ensemble episode in 100 years
the big thing with this episode is of course ZERO regulations for a captain fucking around with his subordinate officer. this is a bad idea for many reasons presented in the episode itself - from picard's flirty like joke (???) about firing her to the way her requests of other crew members made them uncomfortable to the way she would go over someone's head if she wanted. again, in fics, they at least have to file paperwork. someone has to be assigned to step in if relationship problems interfere with work. i don't think it's reasonable to expect any person on the ship not to date when they're all stuck on that thing together for quite literally 5 and 10 years at a time but you have to at least have SOME regulations about it. starfleet has regulations about every stupid god damn thing in the universe, but not this?? when the episode itself showed it was demonstrably a bad idea??
apparently people praised the performances of these actors. i liked the girl, but i think for the first half of the episode sir patrick stewart was phoning it in. i don't understand why you'd have sir patrick stewart on your show and then give him such a shitty guy to be but whatever, man. like, he amped it up near the end, but by that time i was already so exhausted watching him awkwardly flirt in the exact same tone he uses to converse with his coworkers on the bridge that i didn't care.
the mention of the episode where he got his flute/learned his music WAS interesting. i wish they allowed character development and references to past episodes more often. but picard sharing his music with this lady and then being worried after she died that he would never enjoy music again just felt...selfish? especially because of:
BEVERLY. i feel like this is two or three times now picard's gotten interested in a lady and beverly has heard about it secondhand and made little jealous faces and then disappeared for the rest of the fucking episode. meanwhile when beverly was datign that trill picard got be like hey whatever else happens we're still buds ok? not only is beverly finding out like this insulting considering her and picard's situationship, picard LYING about where he got the tea recipe to her makes it perfectly clear he KNOWS what he's doing isn't fair to her. like, you see them share meals ALL THE TIME...i bet that dried up quick when he was dating this lady. did he even bother to tell her they weren't doing breakfast anymore?? my guess would be no.
i want to like picard SO MUCH but the truth is between the wooden flirting the general selfishness and the fact that he never does anything...blegh. i used to be a little unimpressed by his righteous speeches because while they were great in isolation (especially the one in data's trial...mwah) there were so many it felt like a one-trick pony situation. but we haven't had a good righteous speech in AGES and i KNOW this man can act. i actually really miss them. aside from the scotty episode, there are 4 lights, and schisms season 6 has sucked pretty bad i think
also, how are people out here saying THIS GUY is more mature than KIRK? kirk would torture himself over every one of those deaths from the firestorm whether he was dating those guys or not. he also wouldn't mess around with a fucking crew member to begin with - in dagger of the mind he was so mortified to have accidentally done so he could barely look that woman in the eye AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN FUCK. half of spirk fic angst comes from "oh no it's bad to fuck while you're captain!" and PICARD is the mature one??? kirk had fucking principles!!!!!
anyway, for half the episode we kept waiting for this lady to be evil or something and in a way that might have been less sexist and it definitely would have been more fun. picard roulette let's GO. but alas.
also, sorry, logistics again. number one in that little firestorm why didn't they send them down with GEAR. i know star trek is guilty of this across the board - nobody wears masks gloves or goggles in tos - but at least in tos they did have fucking space suits. number two why the fuck is some random employee allowed to SHUT DOWN the things that make FOOD on a whim. sigh. ok.
geez. tonight, in a well-earned break, we have 2 ds9 episodes: "vortex" and "battle lines." thank GOD it's not more tng
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chromotps · 4 months
The thing about Ace/Sabo is that the ship is less about them being brothers but more like them sharing a childhood friendship? That had the potential of becoming something more in the future. Except it didn’t, for obvious reasons. And yeah not everyone’s a fan of that, but people also like the raised by wolves/son of a noble dynamic they had as children. While I agree Sabo does kind of feel like he was stuck to Ace&Luffy as an afterthought, with a piece of chewed-out gum — his existence doesn’t… I don’t know, feel out of place? I also enjoy how kinda tragic his character is, and how he carries that tragedy with him? In the form of Ace’s devil fruit (Sabo also canonically hallucinates and there was an instance where he admitted to hearing Ace’s voice, during his fight with Burgess? so yeah, not everyone’s cup of tea again but I’m a huge fan of hurt/comfort so having a character go through a psychotic depressive episode because of the insane guilt he feels? Just, yeah. Plus there’s something really poetic about him literally eating Ace’s DF and still considering it „Ace’s powers” etc) and the way I see Sabo/Lu is through Ace/Lu (and partially Ace/Sabo) anyway. Because Sabo is trying to fill out the role of an older brother/friend for Luffy that he’s well aware is impossible to fill — because nothing ever will be the same for Luffy. Nothing or no one could even come close to making it up for Ace’s loss to Luffy, and Sabo knows he’s kind of a cheap copy of that (figuratively and literally lmfao, as I know people have been calling him low-budget Ace), but still he tries to? And the fact that Luffy is technically his only remaining family (or at least someone he willingly considers family). And I kind of see it as a parallel to how Ace’s approach to Luffy changed after Sabo’s „death”? Because Sabo was the „kinder” brother, the nicer one, the smarter one, it was usually him who took Luffy’s side whenever Ace was annoyed with him? And the one who explicitly asked Ace to look after Luffy — which then was one of the direct reasons why Ace changed the way he treated Luffy, forced him to be more patient/learn to love and eventually led to Ace willingly becoming the „older brother” figure for Luffy. I’m in no way trying to convince you to like Sabo, don’t get me wrong!! I’m just trying to show an example how Ace/Sabo isn’t necessarily brotherly either (like, I don’t know, Sabo/Luffy seems to be?). And it’s just that while I’m first and foremost a huge Ace/Lu enjoyer I also think Sabo did have a significant impact on their relationship both before and after Ace’s death.
((!! sorry i took a while to reply! i made that post before work on Friday and then got slammed until just now fdghjgk)
the odd thing is, I mostly agree!! I think I had to vent bc i saw ppl (a few specific sabo fans haha) on twitter acting like luffy would feel nothing toward ace but be obsessed with sabo. and, lol, no. but what YOU said makes total sense. like, yes, Ace + Sabo definitely has a different, more involved feeling to me than Ace & Luffy. I've had some ships in the past that fit the raised by wolves/runaway noble trope... the charm of the noble feeling like "this is the only person I feel like I can really be myself around" and the wild one thinking "i like spending time with this noble—they're tougher/kinder/funnier than i gave them credit for" AND/OR "society has always rejected me, but this 'cultured' person accepting me heals that pain a little bit"—all of those things are really charming.
Maybe if we'd seen more about how ace and sabo became friends, or if there were more emphasis on sabo's acceptance being what helped ace's anger (instead of, just from how i saw things, it being mostly luffy's unconditional warmth toward ace that did it?) then I'd personally be more feral about that dynamic, haha. But it's like you said, I guess it all depends on what we each connect with. I dont find tragedy alone compelling... I'm depressed enough already as it is LMAO!! if I think too hard about how viscerally sad Sabo only remembering Ace after he'd died is, my brain just shuts down. But I've got really good friends who would EAT THAT UP. Like, yeah, it is beautifully poetic... hahaha now i'm laughing thinking about my friends who were really into Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet finding out about Sabo & Ace and being obsessed, ahaha (they're not so into One Piece tho, only jjk... at least, for now!! 😈)
it's hard to put into words, but there's something about Sabo being a revolutionary vs. ace and luffy being pirates, that kind of explains why my brain sees A+L as very very very different than A&S or L&S. But like, that's just my brain and how my heart likes to focus on characters with really codependent relationships/dreams/themes, hahaha...
#also if we're talking tragedy#so many people have said it better than i ever could but#the beauty and drama of marineford#i live in denial and usually like imagining a timeline where ace was severaly wounded but lived through it#but canon#gosh#ace dying in luffy's arms bc luffy was in danger and he had to protect him#and he only had to protect him bc luffy was too weak from fighting his way through hell for ace#the love was there and it mattered and it didn't change anything but it mattered etc etc i'm WAILING#i don't know i'm bad at explaining why one of those tragedies makes my brain feel things and the other one doesn't quite as much#i wish i could express it better!!! sometimes i'm so frustrated with how i feel like i'm not really getting across the point i meant to#ace had been looking for that love his whole life!! he died KNOWING he had it!! (also like i didn't mention whitebeard here but#all that love ace received being the exact reason he had to turn back....)#and luffy!! luffy knowing he mattered to ace so much--ace loved him so much--he would die for him....#and going forward with that rock-solid certainty that he's loved in the new world#i'm going to fight a traffic sign. i'm at a loss.#ANYWAY i don't know if this was interesting or annoying as an answer but....... hopefully it was at least a little fun?#and if we just connect with different things in one piece then--not too surprising#with how big the story is!!!#the beauty of fandom etc etc different perspectives coming together and all that#meta#op#asl
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ent-maiden · 9 months
It is a popular head canon that Gollum has a split personality, one Sméagol side and one influenced by the ring. However, this is an oversimplification of the character.
He a mixture of good and evil, not just with a good side and an evil side. He was never totally good to begin with which allowed the ring to tempt him.
There are a few explanations for the Stinker/Slinker conversation that Sam hears:
Gollum does have a split personality between his tough survival side and his whiney, eager-to-please child side. In a way, it makes sense. However, this doesn't neeed to be a split personality, it could also be two sides to him. I once had a whole argument with myself driving back to work in order to punch out (I forgot you see, and only remembered the second I got home.) The whole time the lazy part of me that just wanted to go home protested while the righteous part of me gave a lecture on how it was "the right thing to do" I don't have a split personality, I was just venting and frustrated that I had to drive all the way back to work.
What is viewed as a split personality could also just be him talking to himself and referring to himself in the third person, taken to an extreme after years of hardship and isolation. By the third day of the backpacking trip I was already referring to myself in the third person whenever I was tired, hungry, or "Amer's hips hurt, can we take a packs off break?" It is a coping mechanism. It was meant to sound funnier and more likeable and less like a complaint. That would explain why he switched from "we" to "I" when he was being genuine. And he seemed to prefer being called Sméagol over SméagolandGollum.
Maybe he does have a split personality though? He sure uses "we" a lot. I'm not a psychologist or anything, I don't really know how I'd define him.
Maybe he's just been talking to his tapeworm for all these years.
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cogentranting · 2 years
Thor Love and Thunder Thoughts! Spoilers
Overall, I really enjoyed it. It’s not my favorite Thor movie but it’s good and I had fun. 
It wasn’t the Most anything out of the Thor movies-- Ragnarok is funnier and has cooler moments, Dark World has more pathos with both the Jane and Loki storylines, the first one has a stronger character arc, Infinity War plays Thor’s grief better. But at the same time it’s not that Love and Thunder necessarily does any of those things BADLY. It IS funny. It does have cool action moments. I did like what they did with Jane and Thor. There is a decent character arc. They do explore Thor’s grief in an interesting way. 
My two main criticisms:
1. Thor doesn’t really find a purpose anymore than he did way back in Dark World. It doesn’t feel like this movie progressed Thor in that sense. BUT. I don’t blame that so much on this movie as I blame it on Endgame. Thor’s character arc was about him becoming king. And he did that in Ragnarok and it was good. And then Endgame undid that. So I’m not really sure what this movie COULD do as far as moving Thor toward a purpose when he has the door to kingship closed, and when he has consistently been a hero saving people since at least 2011. So was this is a super satisfying continuation of Thor’s arc? no. Was it fine considering where the previous movie left us? yeah. 
2. They leaned too much into “Himbo Thor”. Thor’s not dumb. For Thor’s first six appearances he is not dumb. And I’m not a fan of when they try to make him dumb. And it’s not even so much that this movie makes him dumber than the previous ones because they really don’t do it any more so than Ragnarok or Endgame does, but this one just doesn’t ever let up from that goofier Thor and he’s really lacking serious moments. Ragnarok still has the cliffside scene with Odin, or his quieter moments with Loki or the confrontation with Hela. And this movie has some of those-- I’m not claiming Thor has NO serious moments-- but, in my opinion, not enough. The ending was stronger in this regard than the beginning. In particular I think the first third just needed to let Thor have a serious conversation at least once without really any jokes. 
Other thoughts:
- Giving the kids Thor powers and having them fight the shadow monsters was really fun and I liked it a lot. Also must have been so cool for those kids acting in that scene. Does Thor’s ability to just give people powers at any point raise some logistical questions as something that could potentially solve a lot of problems but will likely never be seen again? Oh yeah. Do I care? No. The kid used a stuffed rabbit to shoot lighting at monsters. That’s all I care about. 
-I was very relieved to find that they managed to not depower Thor too much and he was still clearly the most powerful and was still the main character of the movie. I was worried that with Jane having powers Thor would get sidelined. (the one major failing with Thor being underpowered was that Thor can summon lightning without the use of Stormbreaker as Ragnarok CLEARLY shows, so  the big moment where Gorr is trying to get him to summon the axe doesn’t quite make sense. Unless you grant that Gorr, being specifically equipped by a magical swords to kill gods, is in some way blocking or limiting Thor’s power which I am totally willing to accept). 
-I thought the shadow realm fight in black and white was very very cool,. 
-I like Heimdall’s kid. 
-I like the use of kids in the movie in general. the early hints that Thor wants kids, the adjustment of Thor getting better and better at interacting with the captured kids and how that led up to the ending with Gorr’s daughter which I loved. 
-I liked Jane’s arc. And I liked that they killed her. It was a bold move and I’m a fan. It gave real weight to her sacrifice and her heroism and I think made Thor’s growth work better than just “Thor heals because he gets back with the woman he loves” would have. And I just liked that the hammer wasn’t an easy fix for her cancer, it was a way for her to use her final days to have an adventure and do something she hadn’t been able to before. And she gets to go hang with Heimdall now. 
-They didn’t kill Sif. I thought for a moment there that Taika was going to finish what he started in Ragnarok, but he spared SIf and I appreciate that. 
-Valkyrie was cool and did cool things and that’s really all I ask of her. 
-Seeing Peter and the Guardians was nice. I appreciate them. 
-I cannot stress enough how happy I am that they gave Thor a kid. That eclipses any problems I had with the movie. Thor has a daughter and she’s played by Chris Hemsworth’s real daughter and that’s adorable and all that matters. 
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chaostheatre · 9 months
Btw, I think this is one of the nicest features about the book compared to the movie: the circumstances under which Ramona leaves Scott and Gideon's reaction to them.
*deep sigh* For me, the biggest failing of the film is the absence of The Glow phenomenon itself and the explanation of how it works. This is a very important thing, and it was worth the time, because without The Glow, the whole picture does not add up. It’s not clear where this subspace comes from, why Ramona suddenly uses it, and also it’s not clear why she decides to leave Scott, which makes the creators invent these stupid chips and magic rings (honestly, it would be better if they just said that Gideon was too fucking hot, not that anyone really needs a chip in their head to dump Scott Pilgrim). And what do we get? The problem is not only that the heroine reveals herself much worse — okay, short timing, understandable, but I simply don't believe that Gideon, having got Ramona, would go to fuck her. In the book, he wanted to put her into cryogenic sleep, like the rest of his women. He wanted to possess her, but not sexually, he wanted her to belong to him, because I think it was unbearable for Gideon to understand that Ramona was with someone else, but it was also unbearable and unsettling to be with her because of the amount of sincere love and affection that she gave to him (I already spoke about this more detailed in my reasoning about counter-dependence). We could have a strong sex scene within the circumstances set by the movie in this case: It seemed to Gideon that possessing Ramona sexually is exactly what would relieve his suffering, but at some point, he turned her back to him, caught the chip with a glance, and was pierced by such a sharp sense of self-disgust that abruptly stopped and went out of the room without a word, leaving an uncomprehending Ramona to sit absolutely naked in solitude. But this is not that kind of movie. Still, I don't see any reason why Ramona couldn't disappear after the fight with Roxy, just like she disappeared in the comic, and then reappear after Scott was killed (again, just like in the comic...). It would make a lot more sense, and even without The Glow, we have a conflict in the bar that could be amplified to be a replacement for the conflicts around The Glow, leading to the same outcome — the disappearance of Ramona.
Anyway, I hope you get well soon!! Like... in all meanings.
no yeah you're totally right, it's great how the topic of subspace is brought up one time in the movie, actually shown like twice, and then never included again. everything to do with it is more for the aesthetic than for the writing (like most things about the film, which is why I dislike it) and the subspace sequences make basically no sense without the context from the book
oh yeah and gideon's hold over her is barely understandable even with the chip cop-out. gideon as a character is kind of poorly handled and cartoonishly evil and comes off as a little... um, he's smug, but he's definitely not as smart or cunning or brutal as the book version. he's almost a comical villain in nature, like james woods' hades. he's presented as far more extroverted and thus a funnier, goofier, and arguably FAR more likable version of the character than the quiet, angry, cold, smart book gideon who invented the glow. outside of the random woman beater scene which todd also got cause... I dunno evil guy hit woman? they should've made them both kick puppies, wasn't on-the-nose enough! sigh
0 notes
musashi · 2 years
First of all sorry about that addition that got your post to blow up, yours is so much funnier and I totally wouldn’t have made it if I had seen you made your own!
Second of all, I have a few questions! Is there something in the Ace Attorney canon you feel could be improved? Something you’d write a fix-it fic for? Is there a particular bit of characterization of your faves that you feel people often get wrong or disregard? Out of all of the one shot (one case?) characters, who’s your favorite?
JHJFDHGJKDFGFD OH YOURE FINE i have enough popular posts on this website that its all just bg noise to me haha
thank for question :3
Is there something in the Ace Attorney canon you feel could be improved?
probably. i've grown out of being critical of media tho. unless it's a special interest i've had for a really long time i just prefer to turn my brain off and enjoy things ghfghg
Something you’d write a fix-it fic for?
that being said, i COULD fix big top. i constantly think about fixing big top. honestly if i wasn't a coward i'd novelize all of justice for all and make it better. but i would make celeste and adrian sisters and i feel like people would NOT like that lmao.
Is there a particular bit of characterization of your faves that you feel people often get wrong or disregard?
uhhh fanon manfred sucks so bad. he's the worst. i hate fanon manfred and all the people who act like ur a weirdo if you don't subscribe to him. i am not surprised that the tumblr/twitter AA fandom is full of puriteens who can't understand nuance in characters but it is just SO fucking weird to me that they saw a guy do two whole murders and were like....... yeah but that's not bad enough wouldn't it be soooo edgy if he beat his kids
in literally every single canon there is more evidence that he was loved and loved them in return, or at the very least made them feel loved even if it was ingenuine on his part. i could compile fucking PILES of evidence to explain all the reasons why its weird that people think manfred is abusive. literally every time his proteges talk about or to him there is little undercurrent of anything sinister?? people ESPECIALLY go ham on this idea that he was cruel and abusive to miles, but miles is way more outwardly fond of him than franziska is?
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like doesn't the love make him MORE despicable? MORE interesting? doesn't the idea of a loving father who took in this orphaned boy and raised him as one of his own only to turn on him and excessively frame him for the murder of his father sound INFINITELY more tragic and interesting to think about than just shitty child abuser does a murder, abuses kids, tries to get one executed in prison, dies
the only evidence the manfred is abusive crowd even have for their claims is investigations which isn't even written by the main AA team. and while i ADORE those games, they have character problems!!! like. one of the most important bits of character from the OG trilogy was franziska's disinclination to use her whip on miles. across the whole trilogy the only time she did was when he was having a ptsd episode and it was her version of slapping some sense into him. investigations are good games, but they overlook little details like that and tend to tell off-center versions of these characters, and the line where manfred just randomly fuckin calls miles worthless out of NOWHERE is an example of that (especially when they are??? like??? normal that whole case??? and just kinda buddying around?? seriously wtf is with that line)
and the fanon manfred crowd cannot even like. stop it at he's a manipulative shithead (which he is but like. about other things fdghfdgf) like he's homophobic he's transphobic he's. SOMETIMES HE'S CATHOLIC WHICH IS REALLY FUCKING FUNNY BESTIE HE IS GERMAN? the worst thing is they make him ableist ive seen so many takes like "manfred didn't let miles get glasses because he saw it as an imperfection" "manfred probably used ABA on his autistic protoges" BESTIE HE IS DISABLED. BESTIE. HEY BESTIE. BESTIE HE WALKS WITH A CANE. BESTIE HE IS LITERALLY--HE IS ON SCREEN RIGHT NOW USING A MOBILITY AID I'M GONNA-- I'LL FUCKING EAT YOU ALIVE
here's how i have to look for fic of my Blorbo:
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did you know? there were approximately 900 fics in the mvk tag before i plugged these into the exclude field. when i hit exclude, that number dropped to 700. HELLO?
i literally feel like the whole fandom is gaslighting me sometimes what fucking GAMES did you play. anyways heres more of me ranting on this topic if you want it.
Out of all of the one shot (one case?) characters, who’s your favorite?
i thnk cody and sister bikini are tied fghfdgh
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philhoffman · 2 years
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Revisiting an old and familiar favorite for this week’s Monday Philm — Happiness (1998), dir. Todd Solondz.
I’ve been meaning to watch more Solondz movies and get familiar with his style so today I made myself a little sick on him tbh — three of his feature films (Welcome to the Dollhouse, Palindromes, Wiener-Dog) and all of his NYU short films, then tonight’s screening of Happiness (my first time watching it on DVD instead of a low quality torrent!). While that crash course was... a lot, it also very clearly defined his work. He has such an easily identifiable style, you may not like it, but no doubt you can recognize it within 30 seconds.
I honestly don’t like Solondz’s films very much, the humor isn’t my style and the fucked up stuff seems more cynical and outlandish for outlandishness’ sake than witty or valuable social commentary. But I’m glad I watched them to get a better sense of how Happiness fits in. It’s definitely my favorite of his films (heavily biased by PSH as Allen Mellencamp, obviously). But it’s also... bolder? than many of his other movies. If it’s going to go there, it goes there fully, recklessly, which I respect — it’s much more biting than Palindromes a few years later, for example. Which makes it funnier, too.
Happiness is also Solondz’s longest film, which is a benefit. Aside from maybe Dawn in Dollhouse, these are his strongest characters because you get a chance to really know them. Many of them are disgusting, despicable people, or sad and lonely, but we see them for what they are. And the cast is especially wonderful anyway, I really loved Camryn Manheim as Kristina (so sensitive) and Lara Flynn Boyle as Helen (so vain) this time around.
It’s impossible for me to be normal about Allen so I won’t even try. It feels way too reductive to call him “the incel blueprint,” a description I’ve heard before — he’s like every stereotype of the horny, nerdy, socially awkward computer guy yet he bodies it in a totally original, fleshed-out way. In one of his interviews with NPR, Phil talked about developing Allen’s voice and his physicality, picturing him as a guy just collapsing in on himself. His voice, his hunched-over posture, his gaze down, just totally withdrawn and therefore only reaching out in obscene ways. Allen can’t even keep up the charade over the phone after he’s called out. He’s gross and oblivious, he’s kind of a loser, and he’s also sort of sweet...? Maybe I’m projecting bc I know I could fix him 😌 but his weird little... partnership with Kristina is touching, and one of the “happiest” endings a Solondz character gets (Life During Wartime doesn’t exist to me.), no matter how brief.
At any rate, some of PSH’s best work — there’s an early moment in the therapist’s office where he does such a classic Phil gesture but otherwise he’s totally Allen (he looks like he constantly has a headache, brow furrowed and eyes screwed up with concern), one of his most iconic, well-remembered performances and rightfully so.
Trying to articulate how much I love Mr. Allen Mellencamp who works in data resources always comes out messy but he is just a weird guy who rocks <3 He seems like one of the strangest PSH characters to get mushy about but after a rough week it was just good to see him again. “I was pretty heavy, and I was afraid that people would laugh at me... Sometimes, acting is a really private thing that you do for the world.”
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ducknotinarow · 7 months
2k12 Mikey Casey - #
| send me “#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses including:
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"mmmm I dunno, I don't think Casey would like me to show the stuff we talk about? Raph already beat me enough I don't need Casey adding in. hmm I guess it's fine though not like I would keep my dirt on Casey that open after all. Nah I keep that under lock just in case."
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
"No special names or nicknames used I do decorate his name with emojis though. I mean I gotta make sure I can tell who i'm talking to after all. Not that I text that much honestly I use my phone most when it comes to getting pizza you wouldn't believe how easy it is to get deals or better free pizza! Oh right Casey. Well I think it makes sense the Skull cause he paints his mask like a skull since he thinks it 'so metal' kind of looks like a raccoon mask in you ask me. I think he should look at some comic characters and do it over. And course hockey stick cause Raph's right hes a total puck head. Last time I said it around Splinter I got in trouble cause he mistook what I said. So he is also a fuck head for that."
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
[image description] A photo of Casey sitting with Young Savage on the couch in the pit. The small baby turtle is clearly attached to his finger at the moment. Casey in the middle of a clear moment of pain. There are some 'stickers' added to photos with yellow smiley faces tearing up around it. Casey clearly seems aware and doesn't look to happy about the picture being taken of him in that moment.
"You think he would learn no to pet around the lil guys mouth, but I also think Savage likes bitting Casey which he might be letting them get away with? awww ain't that just cute?" The turtles snickers a little after. "Man nothing funnier than Casey trying to act like a tough dude hes like a marshmallow man. Sure I didn't always like Casey at first but I changed my tune, even if he likes to blow us all off for Raph he still sits there and puts up with me at times like answering my clearly very accurate magazine quizzes. Suuuure I tend to lure him with something about Raph when I do buut he don't have to if he really didn't want to right? Besides I think this is a hilarious picture of Casey I should send it to Angel!" He makes a little mental note of that thought. "but that's not the only reason I picked it. I know Spike meant. Alot to Raph, but Raph? He's the type to blow things off that effect him like nothing. How Raph is. But I guess that's when I started to feel like Casey was good for my brother. Cause he saw something none of us really noticed cause I know how much raph loved Spike beat me up for it alot so casey clearly really cares about Raoh to know a pet turtle would mean the world to him"
- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
Pop That Lock by Adam Lambert
Tonight we burn it all
Get high, get tall
Yeah, we are lighter than air
You got the key to your release
So pop that lock until you are lighter than air
"I don't I think it fits for Casey I like Adam Lambert, was surprised, casey did too. But maybe I shouldn't be? I feel like I really misjudge casey cause how he acts and such ya know? But he's pretty cool I guess. I think it's cute he tries to lowley paint his nails red by going as near black he can. I dunno I notice Casey seemed to open up himself too I don't know details. He just got more hmm uncaring? Mayne he grew comfortable with us? I mean yeah him yelling he has a erect in the middle of lair isn't something I want but I dunno. Look were mutants yeah? We outcasted blah blah blah. That it's nice that a human feels that way around us is all I mean. Casey never really seemed phased by the turtle thing he kind of just treats us how I feel he still would if we were human? Any the song cause I feel Casey very good about wanting to stand out and such and seems to do more so as he gets more open and I like that. Also it's a good song!"
- my muse’s last text to your muse
[Text] oh casey don't freak out but!
[Text] image sent of Angel's arm seemingly covered in blood
[Text] we found the arm though so don't worry we reattached it
[Text] ah fooled you Dr. Prankenstein strikes again!
[Text] fine I'll hang out with Angel for the night buy you own me like three pizzas, make it four angel gott eat too
[Text] image of Raph as a handling sent
[Text ] since Raph said you couldn't have the copy!
[Text] hey Casey I was told to text you cause uh raphs hurt so he might not make your date, you can come see him but he got hit on the head soooo might be out of it
[Text] casey I scored some make up (clean btw!) And raph said you might loke the sliver stuff
[Text] so I set it side for you!
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darling-i-read-it · 2 years
HCs for NSFW w/ Adrian and Matt
Matt Murdock x fem!reader x Adrian Chase
Warnings: pure sex talk
Requested: by anon, OOOO!!! I ADORED the adrian and matt headcanons, pretty accurate! also, totally could imagine adrian just being a good and putting on Matt's glasses like: "hey y'all, I'm the really good lawyer from town".
nowww...I wouldn't mind some nsfw headcanons for the trio sooo if you can....please? 👀👀👀 thank you!
Requested: by anon, ...i need nsfw hcs for the matt x reader x adrian if possible
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
Author’s Note: This is not as good as I wanted it to be lol but I hope you enjoy anyway!
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- oooh
- so ;) ;)
- sex with these two is a trip I will not lie to you
- sex with Matt is a whole thing and Adrian is a whole thing I have to break this down into parts otherwise I’ll get lost
- Matt is a soft dom (or not soft, depending on the day) and he tends to be the one taking the lead around things
- he likes to pleasure his partner
- he has a blood kink and a choking kink <3 no doubt about those ones
- Adrian is a switch but more of a sub than he cares to admit
- he likes praise and to not be serious in the moment
- he thinks it’s more enjoyable for all parties if you’re slipping and stumbling around, laughing throughout it all
- where they come together is their undeniable adoration for passionate, sensual love to show the love for their partners
- both Matt and Adrian could sit for hours upon hours, just holding their partner in their arms, breathing in their scent, feeling their body around them
- tOgEtHeR?
- you’re constantly and consistently praised
- Matt still takes the dominance stance whereas Adrian plays underneath
- it could go a number of ways
- Adrian doesn’t actually mind being under Matt’s thumb, in fact he adores it
- in the same vein, he doesn’t mind being under your thumb at ALL
- you’re likely never going to get Matt to revoke control
- your often sandwiched between the two of them though, that’s where they ideally want you
- so that Adrian can be eating you out while Matt has you suck him off
- or I mean, Paris always looks great from Matt’s apartment window
- Matt will lead the both of you around the bedroom
- Adrian often loses his glasses around the room which means he’s stumbling around blindly until you find it
- Matt often makes fun of him for these moments (‘You should know what real blindness is like Chase’)
- Adrian has two hands for a reason you know and he uses them both very often and very well
- Matt praises the both of you easily, dragging his hands along your body in a sense that’s absolutely perfect, like he knows exactly how each touch of his finger will affect the both of you
- Adrian brings a bit more fun in the sense of laughter, giggling in between kisses and cracking jokes about how Matt can’t even see what he’s doing
- it brings out a funnier sense in Matt too so it could just be love and laughter
- not that it’s a bad thing when it’s all serious either, that sometimes warrants the most pleasure out of an evening
- sometimes they conspire against you to ambush you with adoration
- Matt will swoop you into his arms and toss you on the bed where Adrian is already waiting
- it’s a great amount of fun. It’s an absurd amount of fun
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ghostdrafts · 2 years
Hi Ghost!
How would Jason Todd (Titans) react to his best friend writing fanfiction?
AH, okay. First of all, thank you for this. Easily one of the funnest things I’ve written in awhile (but I always have fun with your requests, let’s be real) and my askbox is currently empty, so you are doing a civic duty by asking!
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That face. That face right there is the exact expression he’s going to make after he asks what you’re writing about when you start to explain what it is you’re doing.
I feel like he’d probably alternate between a couple of different reactions, but every single one is going to end with him (affectionately) teasing you.
But don’t let him lie, he actually thinks it’s pretty neat and if you happen to get a kudos left on ao3 at two in the morning from a user by thebestrobin it totally wasn’t him, alright? Yes, it was.
And as a fun little bonus, I’m really high on the idea of any canonverse fandom. Tim Drake is proof and I will die on that hill.
So, if anything you write pertains to him or the Titans in some way, he’s simultaneously going to double down on his teasing and get really invested.
I wouldn’t say that, you’re making me sound like a dumbass!
Jason. Honey, sweetie, baby. You kind of are.
Offense taken.
Not really.
He will sit quietly with you while you’re writing, whether throwing around headcanon ideas or working on a new chapter. At some point, his attention will shift from whatever he’s doing to read over your shoulder.
He will ask a lot of questions. Like, so many questions. And at a certain point it’s less that he doesn’t understand and more about him wanting to see into the world of your writing from your own perspective.
He’ll occasionally throw his own ideas out there! If you’re out and you see something that sparks his imagination, he’ll turn to you and say something like hey, imagine x character with so-and-so
It gets added to the next chapter and he gets so giddy when he sees that an outsiders idea has been accepted into your writing! He’s all smiles, feeling very proud of himself for it.
He’ll be your beta reader! He doesn’t know what a beta is, but he’ll ask to see your rough drafts before it’s posted and Jason being Jason, doesn’t stop himself from correcting any spelling errors. It happens to the best of us.
All your titles come from him. He’ll read it, before volunteering random song lyrics to go by.
He makes an effort to learn more about whatever fandoms you write about. He’ll take the time to watch movies, tv shows, whatever it is, and make a lot of mental notes to keep up with you when you spiral into a hyper-manic, fanfic writer tangent.
He loves hearing all of it. And if you’re the kind of person that prefers physically writing something down to get the creative juices flowing before actually typing it into your next masterpiece of work, he’ll randomly buy you journals and so many pens you end up with a whole collection of them.
Little references from your fics get plucked out as inside jokes between the two of you. Whether it’s a phrase or an action, character behavior. It gets brought up between the two of you constantly.
And Dick is confused every single time he hears it.
Kory asks if that’s just a human thing, because it doesn’t make any sense??
Dick tells her it’s not a human thing, it’s the side effect of sharing one brain cell.
Which makes it funnier for Jason to incorporate more references that only the two of you understand into totally normal conversations.
He’s a total sucker for seasonal prompts. He doesn’t know what it is, but he never had a proper Christmas and Halloween is a nightmare when you’re a little kid, all alone on the streets of Crime Alley, so when the holidays roll around and you start writing fluffy pieces about carving pumpkins and baking cookies, rainy days curled up by the fire, he adores it.
You’d find him, burrowed under his blankets, head barely poking out in a mess of curly hair, scrolling through his phone. He wouldn’t tell you what he’s doing, but it becomes clear when he rolls over after several minutes and asks you to post a part two.
All in all, Jason is a menace, but he’s the most supportive best friend anyone can ask for and very easily converted into the worlds biggest fanboy for your writing exclusively. He actively reads your works, but doesn’t really stray to other fanfics, because it’s just not the same.
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Could you please write the brothers with a genderfluid MC? You’re writing is so amazing! 😍😍
At what temperature does gender fluid become a solid? It varies, welcome to my bad jokes and fluffy headcanons
I use they/them pronouns for this MC throughout the headcanons for ease of reading, but naturally some genderfluid people use multiple sets of pronouns which may or may not include they/them. Know that the brothers would absolutely use whatever pronouns you tell them to!
Also uhhhhhhhhhh… this ended up including some of my HCs about the “brothers’” genders as well. Quick rundown of that, I see Luci, Mammon and Beel as trans guys, Levi as genderfluid but an egg (ie. closeted/still figuring himself out), Satan as demigender/Spite, Asmo as genderfluid/nonbinary, and Belphie as agender/*snoring cow noises*
No I don’t always use these headcanons when writing requests, and in this all the characters are still referred to with he/him pronouns, but if people do want to see more of my Obey Me gender HCs, feel free to ask!
Also thank you for the compliment uwu I definitely did not turn beet red and spin in my chair for several minutes after reading it
The Brothers With a Genderfluid MC feat. some Trans/NB Brothers HCs
When MC first showed up to the Devildom, their presentation didn’t match the gender Lucifer had on file
He didn’t think anything of it, just quietly made a note to correct the information later
But then a couple of weeks later MC starts presenting differently and he’s like, “??? Oh wait I get it”
Decides that the easiest thing to do is just approach MC directly and ask them what they’d like him to write on their file
If they ever got a hold of it, they would see a couple scribbles on it lol
Lots of things give Lucifer headaches
MC’s gender is never one of them
He takes any fluctuations in stride: change of name? Sure. Multiple names? No problem. Feeling more masc/fem but don’t want to go through the effort of necessarily presenting that way? Just let him know how to refer to you and he’ll follow your lead
It’s a complete non-issue for him basically, totally normal
Though because for him gender is a Private Matter, he won’t make a big deal of it unless he senses that they’re nervous about it and his reaction
In that case, he will assure them that he’s not acting the way he is to be cold, he just doesn’t want to make them feel othered or like a spectacle
Will Not talk about his own past though, unless you’re really really Really Super Mega Close
Perhaps post-pact he might be more forthcoming...
Wait, so MC has to buy multiple wardrobes?? Isn’t that expensive?
Not necessarily how it works bud, but go off
His most common nickname for MC is “human”, so no need to worry about any accidental misgendering there
Should any gendered terms/pronouns come up though, Mammon might stumble a bit at first, before he knows MC’s rhythm and preferences
Not in a “ugh it’s too hard to keep track” way but in a “oh shit I don’t wanna get this wrong” way, you know?
This resulted in a lot of “MC’s so stubborn, h— sh— they— OY HUMAN! WHICH PRONOUNS IS IT TODAY?”
While in the Devildom changing names and pronouns aren’t really a big deal, if MC doesn’t like extra attention being drawn to themself this way, they’ll quickly figure out a system to let Mammon know how to refer to them
It makes his whole tsundere act infinitely funnier tbh
Hard to play the “I don’t care about you” card when you meticulously respect someone’s identity and always ensure they feel comfortable
Nooooo, he totally didn’t get MC that outfit they were wishing for because it’s easy to make more masc or fem!! That’s ridiculous!! NO DON’T LOOK AT HIS CREDIT CARD RECEIPT—!
*Leviathan has added Gender Envy to his list of envies*
Someone please crack this egg, he’s got a job in there it’s been so long
I hc that Levi is genderfluid, but because Insecurity and deeply internalized transphobia some Certain Corners of human world fandom, he’s never tried just casually presenting differently
When it’s a costume/cosplay people are generally receptive, but would they accept it if it was just him?
But seeing a genderfluid MC? Either just casually doing their thing, or quietly confiding in him about their identity? It gives him hope
His Henry understands!
If MC is still experimenting with presentation or names/pronouns, Levi is super supportive, even if his proposals are very… particular
And through helping them, he gets a bit more comfortable with himself as well
He’s still a bit nervous to officially come out, that lingering fear and doubt is hard to kick, but it’s nice to know he has someone who will stick by him no matter what
He’ll do little things with MC, if anyone asks he’ll say it’s in solidarity with them, but his brothers start to pick up that something Else is going on
Do Levi and MC get matching TSL pride pins at some point? :3c
It’s at this point that Asmo, known Gender Trapeze Artist, loses his shit and Demands that the others let him help Levi with his Gender Makeover, but they all furtively tell him to zip it. Levi will tell them when he’s ready, and IF he wants help with anything
Satan has more Spite than gender, but is very intrigued by the concept of gender fluidity
Asks a Ton of questions, not out of ignorance but curiosity over the particulars of MC’s specific experience
He’s internally comparing it to his own, as well as others he knows — it’s interesting to see the differences in how humans and demons understand gender!
If MC’s not down to talk about it or gets annoyed by the questions, he’ll of course back off and apologize
He knows there’s a lot of issues in the human world with people asking invasive questions and feeling entitled to trans people’s entire life stories
However if MC accepts and even reciprocates his curiosity?
*Accidentally acquires a degree in Devildom Gender Studies*
Is always ready to help MC stand up for themself and assert their identity
No one misgenders them on his watch
No One
TWINS!!!!! :D
Asmo is very excited to find out the human exchange is just like him!!!
Okay, they might not necessarily be exactly like him in terms of presentation: maybe MC prefers a more consistently masc/fem style, or is more lowkey in general, or— oh no, they’re not too insecure to even try to present how they’d like to, right?!
If MC does find something about their presentation lacking or unsatisfactory, Asmo is 3000% willing and ready to help
But more importantly, if it’s MC’s confidence he cares about most
He’ll help an insecure MC find their inner strength and confidence, and be the Best Hype-Person for an MC who’s already confident
Asmo’s brand of genderfluidity is usually pretty loosey-goosey, his general sense of fashion leaning more towards the fem side but internal identity swinging about wildly, but should he and MC ever “synch up” at any point, he Will make a joke about it and how it must mean they’re meant to be! ;p
Also knows the best tips for coping with fluctuating dysphoria because although he publicly hides it, sometimes it does get him down
It tends to blend into his pre existing issues with public image and his body and even with shapeshifting sometimes things just Don’t Feel Right
So if MC’s ever having a rough time, they know who to turn to
Like Lucifer, he’s very chill about it
It’s the content of MC’s character that matters, not their gender
And he thinks they’re a great person, so any way they want to be referred to, he will respect it without question
If MC is the type to change their presentation to suit their feelings, he’s lowkey in awe that they pull it off so well
Even before he transitioned, Beel was never very good with fashion beyond finding what makes him most comfortable and what’s most practical
But he respects the skill, and sometimes wonders if it would have made some of his pre-transition time easier to cope with
However unlike Lucifer, he’s fine confiding in MC about his experiences if he thinks it will make them feel better
Lots of Support Hugs
Sometimes it feels like he’s trying to hug the dysphoria out of them
Also re: the Lilith thing, if MC ever feels Extra awkward being compared to Lilith because she was a girl and MC Isn’t, Beel will take extra care to remind them that he and the rest of the House of Lamentation love MC for who they are, not because of their connection to Lilith
Ughhhhhh that sounds like so much effort
Uhhh, explain yourself cowboy, and talk fast
Belphie’s not really a boy, but whatever.
See? That’s so fast, “ehh I don’t really Do the gender thing, k byeeee” Done
Or at least it would be if people weren’t so stupid and kept pestering him about it
But MC… if their gender changes over time and people ask about it, that must take so much explaining
Doesn’t it get annoying?
Ohhhh… He’s trying to empathize!
Belphie has a weird way of showing support, but he means well
Like Satan, he doesn’t take any shit vis a vis misgendering, but instead of righteous fury, it’s more of an exasperation
“Just use the right pronouns! It’s not that hard! Mammon can do it, for fuck’s sake, are you saying you’re so dumb you can’t keep track of what even he can?!”
If MC’s having a mini Gender Crisis because sometimes gender is just weird, Belphie will absolutely say something stupid like “Nah, your gender is just taking a nap. You should too. C’mere *grabby hands*”
He’s insufferable, but also a stalwart supporter of MC
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