#But because we have been thinking of ourselves as a nation in some form or another for at least seven hundred years
the-busy-ghost · 2 years
My new least favourite phrase is ‘indigenous Scottish people’ and yet the people who use it are always so well-meaning and not intentionally using it in that horrid blood and soil ethno-nationalist way, it’s just awkward
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proximasc0rner · 7 months
Hatchetverse theory/headcanon: the lords in black are monsters of our own creation.
So. In a previous post, I mentioned that the LiB might have ages in that they're born of some kind of evil, with Wiggly being the oldest "sin" for lack of a better word. And I think I like that idea the more I think about it! So, just for fun, I'm making a list of them from oldest to youngest:
Wiggly - Wrath. I- I think this one is kinda self explanatory I mean his name is LITERALLY Wiggog Y'Wrath what else do you want from me here- but in all seriousness, I think it fits. The oldest evils humans have known have existed because of wrath. The desire to hurt others due to a sense of justice or entitlement, or even just because one was having a bad day and needed to take it out on someone. Tale as old as time.
Nibbly - Nibbly. Where to start with you. I don't want to go with the basic-ass "gluttony" thing, sooooo... I think with Nibbly, it's more abstract than that. Humans don't just hunger for food-- they hunger for power. Power over themselves, power over some others, or, god forbid, power over entire groups and nations. Hunger for the prize. Hunger for fulfillment. I think we see this demonstrated really nicely in Honey Queen! But yeah, I think this abstract "hunger" is also something primal, like wrath. I wouldn't be surprised if Nibbly and Wiggly came into existence at the same time, but Wiggly just kinda took over.
Tinky - Sadism. YES I AM ONCE AGAIN GOING FOR THE EASY CHOICE SUE ME. Anyhoo, I personally think that Tinky came into existence with the first real atrocity. Not murder over an argument. Not an act of desperation. Just an act of cruelty for cruelty's sake. Sometimes I wonder why I like him so much. WHATEVER I BELIEVE IN BASTARD OF TIME AND SPACE SUPREMACY.
Blinky - This one was tough, but I think I got a semi-satisfying answer (for me anyway): I think Blinky represents the evil that is being a bystander. Like, someone commits a great evil and destroys someone's life in front of a crowd, and all the people just... watch it happen. They don't step in or intervene. They simply allow this evil individual to keep being evil, thereby becoming accomplices in that way. Again, wouldn't be surprised if Tinky and Blinky were twins, because I think atrocities and bystanders unfortunately go hand in hand.
Pokey - Exhibitionism! No wonder he's the youngest-- while vanity and desperately trying to gain the approval of others has been a thing for a very long time, I think that once better forms of communication and presenting yourself to the world (cough cough the internet cough cough) is when things really would've taken off. Everyone wants their voice to be the loudest. Everyone wants to be a star. So everyone puts on a show for everyone else as they desperately try to claw their way to the top.
But yeah. That's my idea of it. The lords in black are a threat, and we've got nobody but ourselves to blame.
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saintmachina · 2 months
One million dollar question: is it true that the Bible condems homosexuality? I had a discussion with two conservatives who sent me some verses that seem to confirm that but i don't know much about the context although i know this is important too
Let’s start here: why is this the million dollar question? Why does it matter what the Bible has to say about sex, or love, or human relationships? At the end of the day, it’s just a book, right?
Oceans of ink (and blood) have been spilled over not only what the Bible says, but what it does, how it functions. The course of empires, nations, and families have been shaped by the contents of this book, and from a historical and cultural perspective, it holds a lot of weight. But you didn’t ask about the sociological, you asked about the theological, so let’s explore. 
Different Christian traditions vary in their approach to scripture. For example: some Protestant denominations believe that the Bible is inspired, inerrant, and infallible. In this paradigm, God is the ultimate author of scripture working through human hands, and the resulting text is both without error and in no way deceptive or mistaken. Similarly, The Second Vatican Council decreed that “the books of Scripture must be acknowledged as teaching solidly, faithfully and without error that truth which God wanted put into sacred writings for the sake of salvation.” When a member of the clergy is ordained into the Episcopal Church they swear that they “do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation.”
Can you see how many of these points of doctrine overlap yet seek to distinguish themselves from one another? Theologians have spent lifetimes arguing over definitions, and even when they manage to settle on solid teachings, the way that the teaching is interpreted by the clergy and incorporated into the lives of the laity varies WIDELY. As much as systematic theology may try, humans aren’t systematic beings. We’re highly contextual: we only exist in relation to others, to history, to circumstance, and to the divine. We simply cannot call up God to confirm church teaching, and I think a lot of people cling excessively to the Bible as a result of the ache (dare I even say trauma) of being separated from God via space and time in the way we currently are.
God is here, but God is not here. God is within us, God is within the beloved, God is within the sea and sky and land, and yet we cannot grasp God to our bodies in the way we long to. In this earthly lifetime, we are forever enmeshed in God, yet forever distinct, and that is our great joy and our great tragedy.
So barring a direct spiritual experience or the actual second coming, we're left to sort through these things ourselves. And because humans are flawed, our interpretations will always be flawed. Even with the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives guiding us.
When engaging with any sort of Biblical debate, it is essential that you have a strong understanding of what the Bible means to you, an an embodied individual living a brief little awful and wonderful life on Earth. Otherwise it's easy to get pushed around by other people’s convincing-sounding arguments and sound bites.
Here’s where I show my hand. As a confirmed Episcopalian I believe that reason, tradition, and scripture form the “three-legged stool” upon which the church stands, interdependent and interrelational to each other, but I’ve also like, lived a life outside of books. I’ve met God in grimy alleyways and frigid ocean waters and in bed with my lovers. So my stool is actually four-legged, because I think it’s essential to incorporate one’s personal experience of God into the mix as well. (I did not invent this: it’s called the Wesleyan quadrilateral, but the official Wesleyan quadrilateral insists that scripture must trump all other legs of the table in the case of a conflict which...*cynical noises*)
Please do not interpret this answer as me doing a hand-wavey "it's all vibes, man, we're all equally right and equally wrong", but I do absolutely think we have a responsibility as creatures to weigh the suffering and/or flourishing of our fellow creatures against teachings handed down through oral tradition, schisms, imperial takeover of faith, and translation and mistranslation. Do I believe the Bible is sacred, supernatural even, and that it contains all things necessary to find one's way to God, if that is the way God chooses to manifest to an individual in a given lifetime? Absolutely. Do I believe it is a priceless work of art and human achievement that captures ancient truths and the hopes of a people (as well as a record of their atrocities) through symbols, stories, and signs? Unto my death, I do.
However, I am wary of making an object of human creation, God-breathed though it may be, into an idol, and trapping God in its pages like God is some sort of exotic bug we can pin down with a sewing needle.
Finally, we have reached the homosexuality debate. One of my favorite sayings of Jesus is Matthew 5: 15-17: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? In the same way, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit." In other words: look at what religious teachings have wrought in the world. When I look at homophobic interpretations of the Bible, I see destruction, abuse, suffering, neglect, alienation, spiritual decay, and death. When I look at theology that affirms the holiness of LGBTQ+ relationships, I see joy, laughter, community building, thoughtful care, blooming families, creativity, resilience, and compassion. I see the love of Christ at work in the world. I see the hands of a God who chose under no duress to take up residence in a human body, to drink wine with tax collectors and break bread with sex workers and carry urchin children around on his shoulders. That's my limited little pet interpretation, but hey, that's all any of us really have, at the end of the day.
So, I am absolutely happy to do a play-by-play breakdown of why those passages you were given (we queer Christians often call them "clobber passages" or "texts of terror") don't hold water in a theological, historical, and cultural context. We can talk about Jesus blessing the eunuch and the institution of Greek pederasty and Levitical purity laws and Paul because I've done that reading. I've spent my nights crying in self-hatred and leafing through doctrine books and arguing with my pastors and writing long grad school essays on the subjects. Send me the verses, if you can remember them, and I'll take a look. But it's worth noting that out of the entire Bible, I believe there are only six that explicitly condemn homosexuality AND I'm being generous and including Sodom and Gommorah here, which is a willful and ignorant misreading if I've ever seen one.
In the meantime, I recommend books by people smarter than me! Try Outside The Lines: How Embracing Queerness Will Transform Your Faith by Mihee Kim-Kort, or Does Jesus Really Love Me by Jeff Chu, or Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians by Austen Hartke!
And take a breath, dear one. Breathe in God, in the droplets of water in the air and in the wind from the south. Breathe in the gift of life, and know that you are loved, now and unto the end of the age and even beyond then.
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popawritter12 · 3 months
Hey hey heyyy im back with another request (im the same anon who requested that yandere morgana piece u wrote, absoutely loved it btw ate it up) and i was wondering if you could write some yandere! Hwei x reader? (fanfic or headcanons is up to you!) maybe the reader is an artist as well and they bond over that? Idk man up to you, also love ur takes on characters ur legit one of the best LoL writers ive seen!!
Btw if you dont mind can i be the 🍊 anon? Ive seen other blogs have their emoji anons and i wanna be one so bad fhdbfh
Hope youre having a nice day!!
Author's Notes: Of course 🍊 anon! I would love to <3
I also got tired of making so many headcanons (believe it or not, I have more saved in my drafts), I'm going to write a one-shot. I hope you like it <3. I also appreciate that you like my work. It's especially nice to know that there's someone who enjoys what I do besides me. By the way, I think Hwei is not in the Yandere “tier list” of LoL, so from how I write him and how I see him, I assume that he is a “Normal” type, because his personality reminds me a little of Ayano from Yandere simulator jjjjjjjjjj
Yandere! Hwei x Fem! reader
Tumblr media
Yandere character: Hwei From the videogame/anime/manga/movie/series: League Of Legends Case: Mention of stalking, allegation of theft, robbery and kidnapping. Part: 1 of 1 Warning: Excessive text LOL
You had heard that word for so long that it was already embedded in your memory. But not in the way most expected.
You hated that word, and for that same reason you almost never hung out with the teachers or students of the temple you went to.
But we are getting ahead of ourselves, we better go to the beginning.
You had been born into a family that had never been close to other nations apart from Ionia, your mother was a strict woman, sometimes bordering on abusive, who always hated temples. Especially religions… Let's say she never had good experiences with it.
And your father, oh your beloved father… He was a saint in every sense of the word. He was kind, a joker… And a smile was always on his face. He had never yelled, in fact even when he was angry, he would just sit in the corner, ignoring everything around him until his mind cooled down.
And, being an only child, your life around them was quite chaotic. While your mother always tried to stay out of her entire family situation—a rather complex issue even for you—your father was the “husband of the house,” so to speak. He was in charge of teaching you both cooking and home care in general, including carpentry and, mainly, the art of home decoration.
He always dreamed of being a great artist, but in his family it was never frowned upon for a man to make the decision to undertake such a complex world of art, because, you know… that's a “women's thing.” But anyway, a lot of things have happened since the last time you talked to your uncles and cousins so… They aren't very important in your life right now.
But do you know that it is important? Where did you study.
Your father insisted a lot on your talent with sculptures and the human form; You really liked making ceramic vases manually, so much so that from the age of 8 you made your first sculpture; It was the strange shape of a dog with small eyes and a giant nose. At the time you barely knew how to paint sculptures, and your father barely knew about sculptures, and the shape of it so… Let's say it looked more like an "alebrije" than a dog with a big nose.
But that was a long time ago, and now the only proof of that memory is the figure on your father's furniture; kept as a beautiful memory.
As time went by your sculptures became more complex; from simple vases for flowers to sculptures with human figures of such a level that, at this point, we could compare them with the statues of Michelangelo.
And your father wanted that talent to be exploited to the fullest. So, after years of arguing with your mother, they both agreed that you should go to the great temple where you would learn about the art.
But there was a small problem, one that was going to haunt you a lot.
You weren't used to how strict that school was.
The first and second day at that school were quite chaotic for you. It wasn't just because it wasn't as you expected, but because everything was very limited.
If you wanted to make art, you had to do it how they wanted, when they asked you to, and how they expected it. However, not only was that not your style, but it seemed like the teachers (especially the principal) always had one eye on you. And only for a few weeks did you endure that strict issue of obedience.
But there was one boy who was particularly kind to you, and he was a young man of always unkempt appearance. His dark circles always stood out on his face, along with his hair that was rarely organized in a linear manner. From the first time he saw you, he felt charmed by the way you expressed yourself; You were good at painting and using magic, but when he saw the ceramic sculptures you made…damn, you really drove him crazy.
But you obviously didn't notice, you were too focused on trying to get along with your surroundings in general that you didn't notice his desperate attempts to get along with you.
However, in the pleasant conversations you had with him, you always saw him as the stereotype of the exemplary boy; someone who dedicated his entire life to his art, to the temple and was admired by everyone for his great talent. You thought he was assured of a great future thanks to his eccentric abilities.
And you, unlike most, learned very well from your mother that you could not let yourself be trampled; especially by anyone you barely knew. So the blood that ran through your veins and the passion for your own art that you kept for so long was slowly being tied to be limited, but with barely strong ropes. It hurt a lot to know that you were in a place that didn't belong to you, it was as if you were a squirrel in the Freljord, or a mouse in a perfume store.
And in the end, when you mentioned all these things to your mother, she didn't take it very well.
—Did you really go through all this while you were in that temple? —She asked, a cigarette between her fingers as she arranged her needles on the table.
You just nodded your head, not looking at your mother at all. The woman, at this, clicked her tongue.
—I knew that those bitches are only good for the basics, they didn't evolve at all —The woman brought the cigarette to her lips, taking a gentle drag —so, do you know something, my child? Send them to hell.
You were used to her bad vocabulary, so much so that at this, you just nodded your head again.
—I know perfectly well that you are not like me, that you want to venture out and learn about “the ways of art” and that I know —The woman moved her free hand in the air, while with the other she only lightly squeezed the cigarette. —, but if you're going to go alone so that that bunch of nuts can do you less, I'm going to get you out even by kicking you in the ass.
Your mother was tough as a chain in the teeth, and you knew that she couldn't last long without making trouble in the temple if there was someone bothering her only daughter. She cared very little if it was a student, a teacher or even the founder of the temple himself —Even though she knows that she died a long time ago— she would go and give her her dose of shit if she messed with the pride of her as a mother.
She advised you to kick their ass if they messed with you, but your father later talked to you about it, advising that you couldn't take all your feelings and thoughts to such an extreme, but that you should think coldly, and not give importance to people that were not to your specific liking, regardless of their social status. You were no less for coming from a family that came from the middle of nowhere.
During your temple walk, you always walked alone, which gave you plenty of time to think about your actions; You had been passive most of the time, however, more than once you let out those classic off-color comments when they already crossed your limit. Words like “Fuck you if you don't like it” or “You're barely able to use colors and you're going to tell me what I have to do?” escaped you in very rare cases.
You entered the less traveled part of the temple, hoping not to encounter those looks that made you uncomfortable. The song of nature resonated in your ears harmoniously, while the sound of the materials inside your bag resonated from time to time.
In the midst of your ramblings, you remembered your lost sculptures, and your forgotten materials; You were not a forgetful pardon, and it seemed strange to you not to find your favorite materials —That were metal, so they were worth a lot of money —, and even though you asked and asked, you couldn't find it anymore, so it depressed you a lot to think that you had lost something that had cost yout parents so much effort, and the mere memory of it caused you to feel that pang in your heart.
Even if your parents said it was nothing that couldn't be fixed, it hurt to know that you had lost one of the most expensive things your parents had cost you to get you.
But it was curious to think what a surprise you would get.
However, you get to hear some noises; without being the whining of baby birds waiting for food or rodents walking in search of food, but rather it resembled the voice of two people talking. You recognized both of their voices, but you thought it wasn't too important to stay there, in fact, you were already planning to go somewhere else when you heard it.
—So that girl, (Name), right?
—Yes, I didn't think you realized that issue.
The second boy's shy voice reminded you of that young man you rarely spoke to, which took you by surprise. Hwei wasn't the type of person to talk bad about someone behind their back, or at least that was the idea you had based on your interactions.
—You don't have to worry, after all it's normal for you to feel attracted to someone —Jhin mentioned, almost in a mocking manner—. So why don't you tell me about her?
You had already noticed the intention behind that interaction, however, after what happened, you thought that maybe you could calm your heart with some sweet words that you weren't meant to hear at that moment.
—Well, she is… incredible —He begins, you hear how the young man sits on a log due to the sound of the hollow wood —, she is beautiful, kind, tender… and her way of expressing her art is so… unique.
You gently leaned your back against the wood, trying not to make any sound. Something in your chest moved abruptly, as if your heart was fluttering like a butterfly in glass.
—I adore her sculptures, I feel that they are the most beautiful thing I have seen —He continues talking, slowly his emotion rose more and more —. I looked sometimes at her work in class or in the room away from her, and they are… beautiful.
—So much so that you had the need to steal them, right?
It was a single sentence, one which echoed in your head for several seconds.
—What are you talking about? —Hwei asks, arranging his hair a little, trying to place several strands behind his ear —. I would never do that.
You didn't hear how Hwei's tone of voice changed, becoming staccato, as his hands clung to his backpack, which he had in his lap.
At this, the other student laughed, almost like a subtle laugh, while his eyes wandered to where your shadow was looming. A mischievous smile forms on his face.
—So, I imagine that the sculptures that are in your room were made by you, right? —He questions, looking subtly into Hwei's eyes—. Or you bought them from her.
Your thoughts slowly formed a thread of the events that had happened. A lump formed in your throat, almost painfully so.
—Or her favorite utensils, she asked me if I had seen them last week, since she had left them near you the last time she saw them —He continued, almost introspectively—, but when I asked you, you only mentioned that you didn't see them that day either.
You shook your head, from the depths of your soul you prayed that it wasn't true, that you didn't have the school prodigy after you in such an extreme way.
—Well, I admit that I have some of her sculptures in my room, but they are the ones that she forgot in class or anywhere! —The pale boy snapped—. And I don't know what you think I did with her utensils, I don't know how to sculpt.
Jhin laughs again, barely audibly now, as if he knew that now he would have to act more vividly.
—And why were they in the box in your room? —Jhin asks him —, it even had remains of dry ceramics. Could it be that they were already used?
Hwei gritted his teeth, while his gaze met Jhin's again.
—That side of you… It's so peculiar. —He smiles —, I thought no one would see it, but you risk being seen in exchange for getting some things from (Name).
Hwei knew that darkness within his soul had awakened since the first day he saw you. And that darkness spread throughout his soul, mind and body, to the point that it seemed to consume all of his heart and mind.
—Your paintings were always warm colors —Jhin changed the subject, the smile disappearing from his face —, they were never about anything specific, but since you met that girl, something changed —He bowed gently in front of Hwei —. If it was about her, you focused on her in a way that made her seem pure, you used colors that highlighted her body or her emotion on her face. But she never looked at anyone —He subtly changed his focus —, she looked at the painter, or she didn't look at anyone, tell me, do you just want her to not look at anyone but you? Do you want her to the point that you don't want her to look at anyone but you?
He remained silent, in such a way that you could feel the weight of the words lingering in the air, causing an almost inexhaustible tension there. It was such that you could no longer hear the song of nature that you longed for so much.
—I won't criticize you, Hwei, you know that I understand better than anyone the dark feeling inside you —Jhin tried to sound empathetic —. And, if you want, I can help you make (Name) yours. I can make her fall in love with you and make that she can never leave you.
The obsessed young man understood how wrong it was to have those thoughts terrifying his mind, but he couldn't stop it, it was a feeling that had already taken root in his heart, and he couldn't tear it out no matter how much he wanted to.
—I can't… —Hwei whispered, his voice breaking —…, I don't want to harm her; She is so nice to me, I don't want to put her through all my feelings.
You heard him sob.
—You're not going to hurt her —Jhin comforts him, a hand running over his cheek —. I know you love her very much, and you notice how others hurt her. But, tell me, don't you think about those people really hurt her? —He subtly wipes away the tear that slipped down her face—. You should take care of those people, you know? So she could express her art as she loves it. Maybe she could even make thousands of statues without anyone to pressure her, and you could “borrow” them for yourself.
You had heard enough, you couldn't stay there for another minute.
However, before you could move, Jhin leaned close to Hwei's ear, his lips close to her loose strands of hair.
—Or you could take it right now, you know? This opportunity is perfect. —Jhin's mischievous smile spreads across his face.
Hwei opened his eyes to her peak, at the same time he heard a rope move abruptly.
And you felt your foot being pulled up, forcing you to hit your face against the ground, causing you to moan in pain.
—Shit. —You whispered, feeling your head spin, a small wound on your head began to make small drops of blood come out.
—That is…? —Hwei whispers, his heart sinking in his chest —(Name)..?
Today I came wanting to write. I loved how this one-shot turned out, and I hope those who read it do too haha.
I hope to receive more orders if any of you wish, until then, I will be dedicated to my hobbies and my studies.
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furrywithfourlegs · 20 days
tfw shower thoughts happen during services
I accidentally wrote an entire dvar Torah during shul yesterday and the only appropriate place I could think of to share was here, on Tumblr, so here I've come to share it.
There is no one type of Jew. In fact if anyone tells you there is you can immediately discount whatever they're saying, because they've already proven their ignorance. We can't even agree on how to categorize and group ourselves; the only common denominator among Jews is we worship the One G-d, Unique in His Oneness. Everything else depends on circumstances.
There's a common Jewish joke to this effect: "Two Jews, three opinions." I rather think our history of debate is one of our great strengths - it forms the basis of our quintessential and almost instantly recognizable learning style. We sit in pairs or groups with a holy book on the table between us and read it aloud... And we argue over what exactly, precisely, the author meant. What did he mean by this word, this phrase, this parallel structure, this reference? What can we learn from the text to apply to our daily lives?
Jewish study halls are loud.
And believe me, they're not necessarily polite, either. Some full-time scholars treat arguing like a beloved hobby. The magnum opus of the Jewish academic world, the Talmud, contains the collected opinions of the greatest ancient sages, written down when the chain of oral transmission was threatened. To our great fortune, they also preserved the lively discussion (source) and passionate name-calling that came with it: "empty-headed", "scatterbrained", even "a first-born son of Satan" come up more than once. (Source) They insulted each other, each other's wives, each other's entire generations to prove a point.
So how do we resolve these conflicts? How does the study hall ring in harmony, rather than strife?
The answer lies in another Jewish maxim (we love our proverbs):
שבעים פנים לתורה / Shiv'im panim la-Torah. / There are seventy faces to the Torah.
Biblical context: The Torah refers to 70 languages, 70 nations, and means "all the people in the world." So when we say there are 70 faces to the Torah, we leapfrog off that concept and say "The Torah encompasses all possible permutations and interpretations in the world." (Recall the scene in Fiddler on the Roof where someone says, "They can't both be right!" and Tevye responds, "You know, you're also right..." Source.)
The Talmud is a unified text because the sages recorded in it were debating toward a common goal. Their opinions may have been equally valid (peep the story of Rav Eliezer vs the majority, source), but at the end of the day they agreed on a deciding factor and made a final decision. The study hall rings in harmony because we argue and debate not toward a common goal but for a common purpose: to increase our knowledge and understanding, and to deepen our love and relationship with G-d. With this as our guiding principle, differences of individual interpretation melt under the overriding truth that all are facets of G-d's World.
How does this apply to us? Let me make this very, very Jewish and end with a parable.
So, nu, you're sitting in the study hall and your partner has just spent the last twenty minutes trying to explain a fakakta idea and you KNOW he's meshugana but you don't have time to reason with him because the rabbi just hammered on his desk to call for the afternoon prayer service. You take a deep breath and remember - shivim panim laTorah. He can keep his ideas, and maybe next time it'll be your turn to rant, because the Word of G-d is infinite and encompasses all interpretations.
And another:
You stand with the prayerbook in your hands and stare at the paragraphs written by sages hundreds and thousands of years ago and you struggle to relate to the words, even though your teachers and rabbis have lectured about how meaningful they are over and over again. You take a deep breath and remember - shivim panim laTorah. These words were codified with a particular set of meanings in mind, but you have a unique relationship with G-d. You can use these words OR their original intention to inspire your own, private prayer, and it is equally valid. Because the Word of G-d is infinite, and encompasses all possible permutations of prayer.
70 whole and unique faces to the Word of G-d.
Whether you're in the midst of an emotional crisis, a spiritual crisis, an existential crisis, or a motivational crisis, may each of us merit to see the conflict we are feeling, and find a new face to study instead.
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Anarchist Book Club Presents a reading for March:
Anarkata - A Statement
Afrofuturist Abolitionists of the Americas
Table of Contents:
What Is Anarkata?
Anarkata Tradition
Anarkata Politics
Anarkata Praxis
To What End? The End of the World?
Full text:
What Is Anarkata?
“Anarkata” emerges as a response to the political alienation that has been experienced by Black anarcho adjacent leftists who reject both the whiteness of traditional anarchism and the authoritarianism of some forms of Black nationalism.
21st century “Black Anarchism” as a concept has recently gained more popularity as the works of Lucy Parsons, Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin, and Kuwasi Balagoon, have become more widely disseminated on the internet (and especially with the publication of the ‘Black Anarchism Reader’). This increased attention and visibility has provided a degree of validation to those of us who are Black radicals that share a common belief in the need for decolonization and self-determination for Afrika and the Diaspora, but who reject an uncritical investment in hierarchy, centralization, and the State as the ways to achieve international Black liberation.
We find Black Anarchism as a political tendency particularly attractive because of its flexibility— how it draws from a number of revolutionary frameworks—Black Marxism, Maoism, Pan Afrikanism, Black feminism, Queer liberation—which makes it not just opposed to the Western and capitalist forces oppressing Black people, but also the transmisic, heterosexist, misogynistic, disablist, and human-centered forces working against us as well. Most of us in “anarchic” Black radical movements, however, find ourselves overlooked, and our politics get confused and dismissed as synonymous with classical, European Anarchism—which is itself often misunderstood by the non-anarchic world as largely an aesthetic and utopian movement, perhaps where people in bandannas smash windows or advocate an individualist liberty, a naive pacifism, or simply uncoordinated destruction and “chaos.” It is within this milieu—of the increased popularity and relevance of anarchism to Black revolution, and the confusing or elusive nature of this relevance in the public consciousness due to anarchist mythology—that some of us decided we should develop our own name, to help demonstrate that we locate our anarchic radicalism in our own history as Afrikan/Black people.
The struggle for Black self-determination has often articulated itself through self-naming, whether naming independent parties or religious institutions or choosing non-Anglo/non-European names. Inspired by that tradition of self-naming, it was suggested we could use the term ‘Anarkata,’ to describe ourselves for ourselves within the revolutionary canon. Short for ‘anarchic akata,’ the term is to be a reclamation of the Yoruba word for ‘housecat’ or ‘wild animal’ (we thank Black Youth Project for getting us thinking about this) that has been used to describe Afrikans displaced in Amerikkka. Reclaiming a term that has been on some accounts regarded as a slur and on other accounts is said to be a way to conflate all Black/Afrikan folk with the Black Panther Party was important here. Anarkata means for us that first and foremost the prefix “anarch-“ (meaning ‘without unjust hierarchy’ or ‘without rulers’) would be grounded in the political struggle of ‘Blackness’ as a Pan-Afrikan (and Afrikan Diasporic) set of experiences and revolutionary histories (anarch-akata) and not just in some universalized, unspecified vision about absence of rule (anarch-ist). We would thus be defining domination, subjugation, exploitation and resistance to them in light of Black/Afrikan thought and struggle.
In this way, to be Anarkata is akin to something Ashanti Alston once said, where our Blackness is “…not so much as an ethnic category but… an oppositional force or touchstone for looking at situations differently. Black culture has always been oppositional and is all about finding ways to creatively resist oppression. So, when I speak of a Black anarchism, it is not so tied to the color of my skin but who I am as a person, as someone who can resist, who can see differently when I am stuck, and thus live differently.” Anarkata politics seek to consolidate that flexible culture of Black oppositionalism into a consciously revolutionary, ethical and logical form—especially in response to 21st century problems facing Black/Afrikan people globally such as climate change, environmental racism and disablement, neocolonialism, neofascism, Zionism, settler colonialism, militarized policing, mass incarceration, etc. It is this process of synthesis, a synthesis of Black radical oppositionalities along the lines of a Black nonhierarchical critique (Anarkata synthesis), that is characteristic of the Anarkata approach to Black liberation.
The following document is not to be a founding document for one particular organization but is intended to be a jumping off point for anarchic Black radicals to cohere our diverse thoughts together. The authors have not written this to speak for all things in anarchic Black revolution, but we write this as an invitation to us all to put our heads and minds together. We hope that from this document a set of conversations and relationships can spring by which Anarkatas can then more effectively propagandize and produce a wave of literature that reflects even more of our perspectives. We envision that what’s proffered here get taken up, dissected, rewritten, expanded upon, and challenged beyond here—that this be a living document. We hope that it is used to better inform and enrich the local Black anarchist work already taking place. Zines, videos, memes, lexicons, podcasts, articles— we hope to see all of this and more generated around this document so that the growing energy for and interest in anarchic Black radical politics can be intensified and pushed further. Our hope is that in coming together as Anarkatas we can then work more cohesively to make our traditions, politics, praxes, and freedom visions accessible to everyone.
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nation-of-bros · 3 months
Reincarnation as an African
There won't be much choice of bodies that you can reincarnate into (if you even want to). Therefore, many European and Asian spirits will then be squeezed out of African wombs, their spirits reborn as black, which will possibly influence their development and bring them closer to ours. But that's just speculative.
I was once told of an experience where a girl in an Iraqi family always spoke strangely. Nobody understood her until an acquaintance of the mother's came to visit and asked why her daughter spoke Mandarin. I find that quite impressive, and it is also obvious because China has a very low birth rate and as a deceased Chinese person you are thus required to look further afield for a new family in order to be reborn.
Most people reincarnate near their place of death or where they have a point of reference. But this is not a law of nature, and changing nationalities are as common as changing sex. This is why many people tend to learn certain foreign languages much more easily and quickly because they already spoke them but just simply forgotten due to their current reincarnation. However, the information is still there, as part of your consciousness, your personality, which is purely immaterial and hence cannot die like a body.
There are even children who report that they previously lived on another planet. And, not surprisingly, Earth is often described by them as a particularly difficult world. In fact, our consciousness is completely free and can reincarnate anywhere in the universe, you just have to open yourself up mentally and project yourself there in your mind, like an out of body experience that some living people are already capable of: You have to imagine a place, get a picture of it, and you're already there and can look around without actually being in that place physically.
The Trinity of Body, Soul and Consciousness
Die Dreiheit von Körper, Seele und Bewusstsein
When we are dead, this is the normal state for us, which is why deceased people can apparate no matter where. It's enough if their living loved ones are thinking about them and they then appear in one of the photos taken at a family party, for example. My theory is that under a certain angle of light, apparations of the deceased or other immaterial beings that manifest themselves photonically on our physical plane can be made visible, which are otherwise only perceivable by a few receptive people who have easier an access to the immaterial plain of existence.
In fact, even when dead, we are not formless beings, some cloud; Because the information that holds the atoms and molecules of our body together to form tissue and organ units is equally immaterial. The British Biochemist Rupert Sheldrake calls this immaterial aspect of life "morphogenetic fields," an eternal substructure just like our consciousness itself, as you can't kill the idea of a construction plan or any other thought.
I myself prefer to speak of the "soul", which we adopt from our parents during reincarnation when we attach ourselves to a fertilized egg cell like the sperm itself. Our new "morphogenetic field" then represents nothing other than a kind of mixture of the souls of our new parents, an already finished blueprint of our fully grown body. It is then our consciousness that mentally sends out streams of patterns to initiate self-organizing activities that lead to the fertilized egg cell dividing. So to speak, the body's cells grow into the immaterial form that has long since been completed. I suspect that a certain variation, different from the parents, also occurs here and there, in that one's own previous existences also, albeit minimally, influence the physiognomy, so that the resulting child is a moprhological mixture of its parents with certain variations by previous existences.
It is also conceivable that some people choose their new parents very precisely and exert every mental influence, possibly even regarding the choice of partner, so that their next reincarnation corresponds as closely as possible to their previous one. Some people don't even leave the choice of name to chance, so they appear to their new mother in a dream and introduce themselves with the wanted name. Our consciousness is like a book that is never finished. Most of the time we write in it ourselves, but there are many pages where others write in and it is up to us to read or skip those pages.
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organizeworkers · 3 days
A PAW in #PAWlidarity
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Austin Pets Alive! (APA!) sets the standard for animal shelters across the nation, but some might say leadership isn’t upholding those standards. Workers at APA! are reporting disarray on all fronts, resulting in stress, anxiety, miscommunication, improper animal care, and harmful conditions for both the workers and the animals in our care. 
That’s why we’ve formed Austin Pets Allied Workers (APAW). This union is born from the passion of the “boots in the kennels” workers who care deeply about the mission and the work we do. Workers from every corner of APA! joined together to form an organizing committee to fight for the right to better treatment for ourselves, our co-workers, and the pets that we care for.
Kennel Conditions
Naturally, our veterinarians and lifesaving program coordinators’ crucial knowledge comes first, but care-working staff are crucial. We are the closest thing that the animals in our custody have to a voice when it comes to their well-being, living conditions, and treatment plans. 
We must make decisions for an animal’s safety and wellbeing, and we don’t make these calls lightly; we make them based on what is best for the animal, not what is convenient for us. Still, coordinators chastise us because it’s not the call they would have made, but I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen some of these coordinators on-site in the year I’ve been at APA!.
We often spend more than 10 hours a day with these animals and give our all to advocate for what is best for them. We spend more time caring for them than we get to see our loved ones at home in a given week, often staying after our long shifts. We ensure the safety and well-being of the companion animals that we are caring for, which can often lead to burnout. 
Beating Burnout
Given these conditions, our turnover is so high. Many of us don’t have the means to take a break, nor are we properly staffed for the majority of us to do so. We do this work because we love what we do. We are passionate about these animals, we are passionate about APA!, and we are passionate about saving lives and making sure the lives we save make it into good homes. We deserve to be recognized and valued for the passion that we pour out of ourselves day in and day out.
Many of us would like to see a more sustainable Austin Pets Alive! on all fronts. We welcome people, train them up, and then they are gone within a matter of months due to burnout, injury, or something else that could have been avoided. This affects staff and morale, but in the end it really affects our animals, as we lose key, quality life-saving knowledge and care. A seat at the table would mean management would have to listen to our voices and, ultimately, what we and our animals need. 
Moved to Organize
All of these conditions have pushed us to organize because we want the way that the public perceives us to match the way that we perform as an organization. Austin Pets Alive! strives in its mission to be the best of the best in terms of life-saving care and placement of pets, but we cannot pour from empty cups. In order to achieve and uphold our cornerstone values, we need to take care of the staff and the conditions they work in, that the animals subsequently live in.
I, and many of my co-workers, voted a big “union yes” in this election on May 1, 2024 because we’re in this for much more than ourselves. We are in this for the companion animals who are in our care, our co-workers who fear retaliation from higher-ups, our co-workers who think we are foolish to dream of unionizing, ourselves, our volunteers, our fosters, our community, our CEO, our leadership. 
We have been very clear and concise to keep our messaging positive and not slander our workplace. Even though conditions are less than ideal, it is still a home away from home for so many of us. We pour our hearts into this establishment every day. Yet we have still somehow found ourselves met with negativity from our leadership when we have only set out to better APA!’s working conditions and the living conditions and quality of care for the animals.
If and when we win this thing, I know that APA! will become an even better organization than it already is and have the true ability to stand by our cornerstones and mission statements. The change, like all good ones, may be slow, but it will be great and worthwhile.
A Union of Members
“We are APA!, not some strange offshoot of troublemakers,” said our evening facilities lead Rodger Griffiths. “We are there when a dog needs help, we are there when cats need a home or ringworm treatment, we are there running across campus after loose dogs, we are there when they pass away in our arms, in our homes, and even our offices. We are not strangers, we are not adversaries, we are APA! every day.”
“I would like to see an increased transparency between directors and on the ground staff,” said one of our organizing committee members, Ellis Avallone. “I work with a lot of the directors because of my job as a data analyst and have learned a ton about our operational structure. However, there are still many things that don’t make sense to me. Having a codified seat at the table can change that.”
Community Support
We have been so lucky to have amazing staff organizers, like Yana Kalmyka (San Antonio DSA, and EWOC), Keith “Chub” McCrory (IAM), Dave Smith (NVPU), and Liz Hughston (NVPU) who have been the most incredible sources of knowledge, support, and #PAWlidarity for us. We have definitely encountered challenges and had our days of feeling absolutely hopeless, but those have been very few and far between. That’s thanks to the support these folks and our community of volunteers, fosters, council people, news outlets, and everyone across the world have given us!
On April 28, 2024, we hosted our “Paws to the Polls” rally at the Texas AFL-CIO. We handed out “power gear,” including APAW pins, stickers, and bandanas, and hosted speakers, including members of our staff from different teams; Keith “Chub” McRory; Tessa Mitterhoff from MOVE Texas; Rick Levy, president of Texas AFL-CIO; and a heartwarming speech from Rodger Griffiths.
We have learned so much along this journey and how to better communicate our grievances into solid, cohesive foundation pieces for us to fight the good fight for us, our neighbors and the animals we care for day to day.
Our Continued Fight
Unionizing APA! would provide us workers with further clarity on the day-to-day goings on within our departments, our huge organizational wide reorganization that has thrown every worker’s job up in the air, solidified training and procedures, as well as better systems of discipline when warranted.
When these concerns come from just one person, management can just chalk it up to “moaning and groaning,” which is why our election count on June 7, 2024, and gaining that seat at the bargaining table are so crucial. We deserve to be met with good faith, true consideration, and honesty. We deserve better wages, better benefits, more staffing support, safer working conditions, and an end to unfair punishments and terminations. Our animals deserve better consideration and living conditions.
Once we win the election, we also hope to reinstate the positions of those we lost along the way to this fight. Organizing a union is not an easy feat. Whether our friends and co-workers resigned voluntarily or were fired for organizing with us, we feel they deserve their place back with us at APA! and sitting next to us at the bargaining table.
If and when we win this thing, I know that APA! will become an even better organization than it already is and have the true ability to stand by our cornerstones and mission statements. Like any good change, it may be slow, but it will be great and worthwhile.
For the people. For the pets. I stand in #PAWlidarity with each and every co-worker, manager, visitor, volunteer, adopter, animal — really every being who exists at APA! at any given time.
United we bargain, divided we beg.
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gregor-samsung · 8 months
“ Given present circumstances, there are three possible alternatives to the two-state solution [...]. First, Israel could expel the Palestinians from its pre-1967 lands and from the Occupied Territories, thereby preserving its Jewish character through an overt act of ethnic cleansing. Although a few Israeli hard-liners —including current Deputy Prime Minister Avigdor Lieberman— have advocated variants on this approach, to do so would be a crime against humanity and no genuine friend of Israel could support such a heinous course of action. If this is what opponents of a two-state solution are advocating, they should say so explicitly. This form of ethnic cleansing would not end the conflict, however; it would merely reinforce the Palestinians' desire for vengeance and strengthen those extremists who still reject Israel's right to exist. Second, instead of separate Jewish and Palestinian states living side by side, Mandate Palestine could become a democratic binational state in which both peoples enjoyed equal political rights. This solution has been suggested by a handful of Jews and a growing number of Israeli Arabs. The practical obstacles to this option are daunting, however, and binational states do not have an encouraging track record. This option also means abandoning the original Zionist vision of a Jewish state. There is little reason to think that Israel's Jewish citizens would voluntarily accept this solution, and one can also safely assume that individuals and groups in the [American Israel] lobby would have virtually no interest in this outcome. We do not believe it is a feasible or appropriate solution ourselves. The final alternative is some form of apartheid, whereby Israel continues to increase its control over the Occupied Territories but allows the Palestinians to exercise limited autonomy in a set of disconnected and economically crippled statelets. Israelis invariably bristle at the comparison to white rule in South Africa, but that is the future they face if they try to control all of Mandate Palestine while denying full political rights to an Arab population that will soon outnumber the Jewish population in the entirety of the land. In any case, the apartheid option is not a viable long-term solution either, because it is morally repugnant and because the Palestinians will continue to resist until they get a state of their own. This situation will force Israel to escalate the repressive policies that have already cost it significant blood and treasure, encouraged political corruption, and badly tarnished its global image. These possibilities are the only alternatives to a two-state solution, and no one who wishes Israel well should be enthusiastic about any of them. Given the harm that this conflict is inflicting on Israel, the United States, and especially the Palestinians, it is in everyone's interest to end this tragedy once and for all. Put differently, resolving this long and bitter conflict should not be seen as a desirable option at some point down the road, or as a good way for U.S. presidents to polish their legacies and garner Nobel Peace Prizes. Rather, ending the conflict should be seen as a national security priority for the United States. But this will not happen as long as the lobby makes it impossible for American leaders to use the leverage at their disposal to pressure Israel into ending the occupation and creating a viable Palestinian state. “
John J. Mearsheimer, Stephen M. Walt, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy; 1st edition by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, N.Y., 2007.
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pumpkinnning · 10 days
Could you tell more abour the dutch culture you mentioned?
I thought dutch were more open minded in general, I was not aware of the things you described about masculinity etc
hi anon ! sorry it took me so long to answer, i was really thinking about it for a while
short answer : we elected a far right government recently, so that's that on open mindedness
long answer :
there's several periods in history where the Dutch were more relatively tolerant than the rest of Europe. For instance from about the 16th to 18th century there was a lot less censorship due to less strict printing laws in many Dutch cities, and relatively more religious freedom, and so a lot of writers came as well as persecuted religious minorities, and this made the area, especially around Amsterdam, a hotspot for art culture science philosophy etc etc and a reputation for free thinking at a time where a lot of other countries were busy going to war over religion and burning heretics and their books.
in the 60s and 70s there was a really big and loud counterculture, anarchist, hippie etc movement who inspired a lot of people abroad, and they actually managed to get some political concessions and had a deep impact on the culture of the country, which echoed for a long time. in 2001, the first legally recognized gay marriage took place in Amsterdam and it was long considered one of the biggest safe havens for queer people. we've long had very good social welfare and labor rights compared to a lot of other countries ; i think this is still the country with the best work/life balance in the world.
so it's very much in the Dutch mindset that we consider ourselves tolerant and open minded. unfortunately i think we've been coasting on the accomplishments of the past for a very long time ; stagnating or even going back in many areas. the thing about Dutch tolerance is that it's very based on protestantism and capitalism ; it's like, God has already picked his favorites and we can't do shit about it (but if you're rich it means you've been picked!!!!) ; do what you want as long as you're not bothering me and you can work and turn (me) a profit.
this is less about love of difference and more about indifference and liberalism in the economic sense. there is a kind of small mindedness about a lot of Dutch people where they seem to only care about their little normal lives and routines. people here are obsessed with the word 'normal'. the prime minister once published a letter on an entire page of several national newspapers telling the 'asocials' of the country (in very racially coded terms) to 'be more normal' (big yikes). a lot of Dutch people are proud to be average, normal, ordinary, self-centered, and even for some, ignorant and small minded.
the biggest place where this shows up is when it comes to racism and xenophobia, which brought the current government to power. the country never fully reckoned with its history of colonialism. it's still very proud to have been the 'most powerful nation of the world' at some point - which was really about having a big navy and being able to force non western countries into commerce and acting as a vanguard for colonialism, profit based on mass exploitation and subjugation that fed the so called 'Dutch Golden Age'. today a big part of the country hides behind this reputation for tolerance to avoid looking at the problems of the past and how they still impact the present. it's a very European form of delusion ; we don't talk about racism like in the US so it doesn't exist and meanwhile we put on blackface parades and treat our minorities like garbage all the while feeling very good and self righteous about ourselves. add the Dutch 'we're just a small country uwu' thing and you get what Gloria Wekker calls 'White Innocence' (title of her great book) and it stinks.
i'm harsh because i've been really ashamed to be Dutch lately. of course like any culture it's not a monolith, it has its complexity and subcultures, lots of great people and leftists who aren't afraid to speak truth to power, movements and initiatives to reckon with the past and change this, etc. but this is a big general trend.
and yes it's relatively less sexist than lots of other European countries, but we also had centuries of patriarchy here and that doesn't just vanish ; sexism just takes on different forms depending on culture. often it's about the qualities that a society values most. in the US ideal men are the rugged tough individualistic self made men ; in France where cultural capital is key, men are seen as smart, intellectual, witty, deep and artistic where women are often seen as dumb and frivolous and trivial and lacking taste. In the Netherlands, the key values are being rational, down to earth, direct, profit-driven and unsentimental ; women are often depicted as silly and overly sentimental and inefficient. it's especially considered very manly to be a tactless inconsiderate asshole who speaks his mind without giving a shit about other people's feelings.
so in the end i think this was probably about me saying why, as a (half) Dutch woman, Max Verstappen's whole 'im just a simple down to earth normal guy who is honest and speaking his mind' and 'i'm a super efficient machine who only cares about racing' thing is not charming or cute to me (especially when that narrative is often deployed as a contrast to Lewis.) it doesn't make him a relatable autistic king or whatever ; it's very much rooted in dominant social norms, and it just makes him a very average Dutch dude with all the potential for deep shittiness that implies.
in the end of course this is my opinion and everyone is some level of problematic just for taking part in a deeply corrupt and evil sport. so like. i'm not going after anyone here. but to me this is a good illustration of how a lot of things get lost in translation when you consider everything from a very american-centric or just global internet viewpoint. and giving points to Max just for being Dutch bc that means he must be open minded and tolerant is just. not it.
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skaruresonic · 5 months
I tire of how writers will often portray indigenous people as essentially being Wood Elves. 🧝‍♂️
As annoying as that is, I feel like it's an extremely marginal improvement over acting like we're all dead. Even then, the stereotype still originates from the former anyway. People talk about our cultures in past tense. Once you notice it, you can't not notice it. Then, to rub salt in the wound, they use the colonizers' name for us rather than the name we call ourselves. I can't really describe the effect it has, but sometimes it makes you feel like you're a specimen under a microscope. Your subjective experiences with your culture don't matter as much as what the dominant culture says about you. "The Iroquois WERE a matrilineal society. They HAD clan systems. They plantED the Three Sisters" gives off real "I can still hear their voices sometimes" energy. We're still here, standing right next to you. Could you not. I shit you not, several months ago we had some German exchange students visit our nation, and they were amazed that Native Americans were still alive. Period. Not "there's so few of you," not "wow, I didn't know this tiny tribe existed," they were surprised, legitimately, that any of us were alive in the year 2023. That's how hard the US sold the lie of the dead Indian; they've got the rest of the world believing it too. I've heard it said that people often use past tense when referring to us because on some deep subconscious level, they know they benefit from colonial structures, which are inherently predicated on the elimination of indigeneity in order to exist... And they're uncomfortable with the idea that there are still Indians living with the ongoing effects of cultural genocide. It's easier to think of us as museum artifacts than as people who can suffer. Because then our cultures are up for looting as folks see fit, whether for academic "curiosity" or appropriation. The reason I bring this up is because it ties into the idea of Natives being magical wood elves. Because we must be relics frozen in an idealized past, we cannot possibly exist in the modern day. We must be One with Nature and this oneness innate, instead of something we do. It removes our agency and portrays our "noble savageness" as an immutable quality, and therefore something white people could never possibly attain, so why even try. It's insulting because it disregards the intelligence of Native people, who observed nature very closely and learned the most efficient ways of coexisting with it. The Three Sisters method of planting has been scientifically proven to be the most successful when it comes to planting corn, beans, and squash. The Three Sisters work in tandem to provide each other with necessary protections and nutrients in a sort of feedback loop.
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The Haudenosaunee didn't just have that knowledge fall into their laps one day; they learned how from the first tenet of scientific inquiry, observation, and they passed that knowledge down. Just because it wasn't written down doesn't render it an invalid form of knowing.
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The Teaching that Uses Animal Behavior to Normalize Homosexuality in Humans
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There is a popular teaching among those that support homosexuality which points to the behavior of some animals (that have sexual relations with same sex partners) as a means to make homosexuality appear normal in nature. This teaching stems from another teaching that states we as human beings are in fact animals, and are part of the animal kingdom. Therefore, we as animals are prone to act in animalistic ways at times despite our higher level of thinking and reasoning abilities. This teaching is neither biblical in nature nor is reasonable considering the behavior patterns of most animals.
Consider some of the behaviors of animals. Some animals eat fecal matter, others wallow in their own fecal matter, others that throw fecal and semen matter at others, many sniff the behinds and genitalia of one another, there is rape, there are cases of different types of animals having sex (like a monkey and deer as an example), their are some that kill their offspring or mates, while others kill off their elderly members, their are some that cut each other up during mating, others steal things, some will kill just for a piece of food, and that is just a short list of things animals do. The animal kingdom is no place to take advice from on how we are to conduct ourselves with one another or in the privacy of our own homes.
In fact, the Bible equates those that practice homosexuality to dogs which are animals. Dogs sniff butts, lick their genitalia, hump peoples legs or other things, and on occasion eat fecal matter. I love animals, dogs included, but taking up behavioral patterns from them I will not. Why? Because like all people on this planet I am created in the image and likeness of The Creator God, not an animal. For out of all the things God made, He formed man in His image and likeness and breathed His personal breath into man. No other creature in the universe can that be said about. Therefore, I have a sense of wrong and right, and a reasonable mind of a man, not a wild beast.
To be given a mind like an animal is a curse from God upon those that stand against Him and His ways. Take the case of king Nebuchadnezzar from Daniel 5:18-21. Daniel says to king Belshazzar the son of Nebuchadnezzar this.
“O king, the Most High God granted sovereignty, grandeur, glory and majesty to Nebuchadnezzar your father.Because of the grandeur which He bestowed on him, all the peoples, nations and men of every language feared and trembled before him; whomever he wished he killed and whomever he wished he spared alive; and whomever he wished he elevated and whomever he wished he humbled. But when his heart was lifted up and his spirit became so proud that he behaved arrogantly, he was deposed from his royal throne and his glory was taken away from him. He was also driven away from mankind, and his heart was made like that of beasts, and his dwelling place was with the wild donkeys. He was given grass to eat like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven until he recognized that the Most High God is ruler over the realm of mankind and that He sets over it whomever He wishes.”
For seven years king Nebuchadnezzar was in this state of being.
The practice of homosexuality was among several crimes that got you stoned to death in the Bible, and is also listed among several sins in the New Testament that will keep you out of Heaven. Because like all sinful practices, sin separates us from God.
Jesus said this about sinful practices. “Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.”
Jesus is The Light, this is why He said the world hates Him, and will hate those that choose to follow Him. Those that follow Him speak His Truth, not the cultures truth.
Turn away from todays cultural teaching that normalizes sinful practices or animalistic behavior in human beings. We are meant to be holy as our Heavenly Father is holy. Homosexuality, fornication, and many other things are not holy.
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queerticulate · 2 years
I gotta say the whole supposed moral panic about fetishizing gay men through fandom seems like a bit of a trojan horse for homophobia to me. People of a variety of sexes and orientations finding gay sex/romance appealing is not a bad thing. What is a bad thing is when women start harassing gay men to join them in the bedroom, or random people disturb gay "couples" in public with sexualized remarks on their displays of affection or lust for each other. Now I have been very active in my local and national LGBT scene for years now, and you know how often I've heard of this happening? Never.
You know what does happen a lot? This being done to queer women. I myself and pretty much all of my friends have multiple experiences of this happening. Men commenting on you when you're kissing a girl in a bar or nightclub, men whistling when you hold hands in public, men who become obsesses with trying to seduce you when you say you're a lesbian. I even was with a lesbian couple when they got sexually assaulted by a man during freaking Pride. So for one, I think the panic is really overbearing, and very misdirected. If you want to help LGBT people and protect them from harm resulting from being fetishized... direct your efforts at protecting queer women.
Absent of real life consequences, I gotta wonder how many people rage about the potential of people of a variety of sexes and orientations getting off on the idea of (attravtive) guys having sex or a romance say this, because truly they cannot cope with gay sex or romance being considered something attractive at all. A lot of homophobia that queer people experience is centered around this belief that we have to cower and beg to be accepted, that we have to present ourselves as the abberation to the perfect cishet folks. If we act like our lifes and loves are just as normal or in our eyes better than cishet stuff, we are often punished as being too much. Queer men especially face a lot of punishment for existing in public and expressing their sexuality. Any public display of affection regularly gets met with disgust, hate, or even violence. I know so many guys who are scared to kiss or hold hands in public. I also know several recent stories of gay men being beat up within my city. Male on male sexuality is also treated as something dirty. Immediately if you participated in it, no matter if you only ever had a 100% safe sex, in my country you immediately get signed up for more extensive health checks. You get barred from blood donations too, also for being in a gay relationship at all regardless of your sex pratices. Heck, even if I as a woman would have sex with a queer man I get the same treatment. So really, people in fandom creating some online buzz about 'wouldnt it be cool if these guys kissed/fucked/were in love' really feels like it does more against real life homophobia for queer men as i see it existing, by normalizing it, by lifting it up as desirable, than it seems to do harm. Cause the main problem is and has been that queer guys are told they cant exist, or need to be scared, or are dirty. All this talk online that so much attention going out to fantasized queer men's relationships is bad, that you're a dirty freak if you do that, i don't know, it mostly sounds like reinforcing the main form of homophobia queer men face.
Now the world is a big place, and i cannot presume to know about all local variants of homophobia and common queer experiences. Maybe there are places in the world where queer men publicly getting harassed as if they're sex dolls is a huge issue. In which case: your complaints are valid. I am sorry people in your life are going through that. I am sorry this post feels like another horror thrown on top of it. But maybe, when adressing a global audience... do as i do here... presume not the whole world works in alignment with your local point of view. Contextualize your complaints. Let your brothers and sisters in another country know you're fighting against stuff happening in your area, instead of just being another demon coming to reinforce homophobia.
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The zombie apocalypse is already happening and it is known as vaccine injury.
Dr. Tau Braun, a clinical psychologist and United States National Counterterrorism and Emergency Management advisor, made this claim in an interview with James Grundvig during the April 6 episode of “Unrestricted Truths: Defcon 5” on the American Media Periscope network.
According to Grundvig, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been involved with the military and with zombie apocalypse predictive programming for a long time now and they are preparing the American people for a zombie pandemic. (Related: James Grundvig joins the Health Ranger Report to reveal the CDC as a criminal and deceptive cartel – Brighteon.TV.)
Grundvig and his co-host Josh Reid discussed with Braun why the human race is going to become zombies and how it is connected to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines.
“The zombie apocalypse is already happening. It’s called vaccine injury. It’s already happening to these folks that are calling themselves, for the most part, long haulers,” Braun said.
Long haulers refer to people who have long COVID. Braun noted that the list of long haulers is becoming shorter because the recovery time to get over the exposure to the COVID-19 chemical and biological weapon is different from having it placed into a lipid nanoparticle. This highly charged cationic lipid nanoparticle put into the human body is moving through every organ to escape the human immune system.
Humans are now in some form of zombie fight
Braun pointed out that a purposeful attack using low-grade, tranquilizer-like vaccines has been done to control the behavior of the population.
“And in some way, this is like spraying over a population with human beings. And we’re all in some form of zombie fight at the moment. We are not ourselves. We’re not reacting in the same way. Our behavior is sluggish for the amount of threat that we are under,” Braun said. “We are the proverbial deer in headlights and it’s everywhere because the spike protein is now ubiquitous. So, we are constantly having to fight that effect of zombification.”
The clinical psychologist noted that the biology of someone injured by the vaccine is comparable to someone who has been envenomed. The venom in the vaccine is replicating the effect of hibernation and putting people into a form of suspended animation, or a zombie state.
While in this zombie state, the venom replicates the spike protein, which copies parasitic-like behavior as it reproduces in the human body that is switched off in the hibernation process. “Think about all the things that we’re going to need to counteract living human beings that have essentially lost their souls,” Braun said.
Reid warned the viewers that this agenda is going to be pushed on the American people. He said another plandemic is coming at some point and the people behind it are getting everybody prepared for the digital slave system.
Follow Zombie.news for more about the zombification of humans.
Watch the video below to know more about the zombie apocalypse that is happening now in America.
This video is from the AMPNews channel on Brighteon.com.
More related stories:
We are now witnessing the early signs of the dreaded vaccine zombie apocalypse: Raging “mask Karens,” personality changes, violent behavior and animalistic lower brain stem lunacy.
Zombie apocalypse: The coronavirus is now known to alter brain function and make some victims AGGRESSIVE and disoriented (NOT satire).
New bird flu passes to mammals and causes “zombie-like” behavior — infected animals have no fear of humans.
Sources include:
DrTauBraun.com [PDF
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wondrouswendy · 1 year
Top 10(ish) Friendship Moments with Zath
So today is the 10 year anniversary of me knowing @rangerzath (formally ijaat on Tumblr).
This is a compilation of my favorite moments/experiences shared with Zath over the years. Some of these moments are funny. Some involve mistakes on my behalf, but Zath had my back. What do all of these moments share? They're heart-warming reminders that sometimes you can meet people online and form a friendship with them that survives the test of space, distance, timezones, ups and downs, and grief.
It's hard to believe 10 years have passed since we've known each other, but here's to 10 more years of more laughs, more jokes, and more joy. Thanks for being a great friend!
1 - Zathran's People Needed Him (SWTOR)
This is one of those memories that we often refer to amongst ourselves. The comedic timing between our comments is great.
1.25 - Gaerwen Aurell and Zathran Ijaat (SWTOR)
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This was the friendship dynamic duo that started it all. Countless AUs spawned from these two, countless stories, and eventually, we both took the dive and merged our SWTOR legacies/families together into one universe.
1.5 - Zath Finally Gets Nightmare Brontes Wings (SWTOR)
Zath was one of the last people in the guild to earn the NIM Brontes wings lmao -- but when they did, it was great!
1.75 - Barsen'thor Buddies (SWTOR)
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Barsen'thor Buddies was created as a guild for Zath and I originally. We were just a two person team until we decided to recruit people raid and pvp with us. We recruited people from the server and from tumblr in the olden days. We used to raid regularly and achieved many raid oriented goals. Some highlights include discussing whether this scene from National Treasure could be considered iconic to talking about OCs to labeling bad pugs as the proverbial "Steve."
2 - Almost Instant Regret (Overwatch)
Throughout our Overwatch 1 career, Zath often played Zarya would use the Graviton Ultimate to set up team wipes for me while I was playing Hanzo. I got really cocky in this game, but Zath had my back when someone tried to spoil my play of the game...
3 - Zath Becomes Superman (Overwatch)
The Iron Giant has nothing on this.
4 - Zath Panics When I Scream (PUBG)
Notoriously, in my early days of playing battle royale games like PUBG and Apex, I would get jumpscared easily by enemy players. I tend to scream/panic first, shoot second, give Zath information third. Not really helpful for your teammates! But this has become kind of a meme between us even though I no longer get jumpscared (as often).
5 - Check Your Corn-- (PUBG)
Zath doesn't get jumpscared often, but when they do... Well, make sure you're prepared with backup clothes. Sound warning on this one.
6 - Hacksaw Ridge (Apex Legends)
In this epic, thrilling match from the early days of Apex, Zath played Lifeline and learned the hard way what it takes to be a field medic in a battle royale game. I love this memory because it features some of Zath's funniest one liners, Zath saving the day countless times over. It also features a good old instance of me getting jumpscared.
7 - That Was a Mozambiqueeeeeeee (Apex Legends)
It's not often that Zath breaks the sound barrier with their voice, but lo and behold... sound warning on this one :P
8 - Thaeus and Ziael (World of Warcraft)
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I think of our WoW OCs, Thaeus and Ziael have had the most development and story-based growth. A druid and a deathknight, who would have thought that they could fall in love? They are one of my favorite pairings because of their personalities and their dynamics. Zath has created a death knight character who subverts many of the typical tropes we see with these kinds of characters. Thaeus is kind, warm (in spite of being a *frost* death knight), and loving towards Ziael and his family. He is Zath's favorite of their large swath of OCs and played characters. It goes without saying that Zath is an excellent death knight and it's been a pleasure to see how Thaeus has grown in both retail as Zath's perpetual tinkered character and now in Classic as one of the guild's highest parsers.
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9 - Rated Battlegrounds with Zath Leading (World of Warcraft, Retail)
Zath always was a champ leading our RBG team. This is my favorite game recorded from that era. This game has a little bit of it all. People ribbing Zath playfully. Zath and I bantering over Frost Mage being good, for once! Ultimately, this game was a win where everyone had fun.
10 - Zath Podfics (Control 2019)
Zath has started reading some of my fics out loud. Honestly, this has been one of the greatest gifts they have ever given me. Hearing my stories outloud has helped me overcome some of my own imposter syndrome as a writer. When I hear Zath reading my stories, it shows me that I am a good writer. I hear the cadence, the intended tone of dialogue, the humor within humorous scenes. Normally I'm so detached from what I'm writing because I'm so immersed in it already. Having an outside perspective bringing the scenes to life has been a tremendous gift, one that I know has been produced with love, passion, and care.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Women and children are now living in a war zone and I’m supposed to feel sorry for a couple that’s putting money, time and energy into finding a woman to exploit instead of adopting? 
Irish couples seeking surrogacy services are being forced to turn to unregulated destinations now Ukraine is off the cards – and are also facing higher costs in their bid to start a family.
Ukraine was considered the gold standard for surrogacy services for Irish couples.
However, due to the Russian invasion in February, intended parents (IPs) are now turning to other nations, some of which are unregulated for surrogacy and many of which have extortionate price tags for these services.
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Cork couple Sam Bengtson and Jason Carrig have undergone two attempts to welcome a baby through surrogacy in Ukraine, but both were unsuccessful.
They were due to make a third attempt earlier this year, but their plans were stalled when the war broke out – putting them back to square one, with no obvious country to turn to as an alternative.
‘We spoke with the doctor two days before the war broke out and the last thing she said to me was: “Come over as soon as you can.” We were preparing to fly out as soon as possible and then all of a sudden, the war broke out so everything was put on hold,’ Ms Bengston told the Irish Daily Mail.
‘Everything was up in the air. It left a lot of people in our situation wondering where to turn to next.
‘It was quite challenging to think of where else you could go because Ukraine was seen as the gold standard in how this was set up and how well it was run and all of the regulations they had in place to protect IPs and surrogates.
‘There is no other country that is as well-set-up and as cost-efficient as Ukraine would be.'
Following months of research, the couple decided to go to Georgia, as it is the most similar to Ukraine in terms of how it regulates the surrogacy process. Ms Bengston has completed her IVF round, and the couple are now back home in Ireland waiting to be matched with a surrogate.
An egg retrieval procedure is performed at a fertility clinic or other medical facility. Viable eggs are then transported to a laboratory, where they are combined with sperm to form an embryo.
However, the fact that Georgia is not usually popular for Irish IPs is causing added anxiety for the couple, as the same level of advice is not there from other couples who have been in their position.
Ms Bengston, 40, said the cost of the process in Georgia is around €60,000 – over €10,000 more than it would be in Ukraine – while she expects to spend at least another €10,000 on flights, accommodation and spending money.
‘Not everybody can afford this and we’re struggling ourselves,’ she said.
She added: ‘It’s a lot to ask for but how can you put a price on getting a baby at the end, getting a family that you’ve always wanted.’
The wait time to be matched with a surrogate in Georgia is also longer than in Ukraine, with most couples being told to expect a wait of six months compared to a maximum of three in Ukraine.
‘The closest fit in terms of regulation would be Georgia in the sense that you have contracts that are set up, the IP mother’s name is put down on the birth certificate,’ Ms Bengston said.
‘We’re able to work on an exit process which takes slightly longer than Ukraine but is still manageable. We can trust that the legislation is set up to protect all parties involved. It’s nerve-racking going to a new country, a new clinic, dealing with new doctors, going through your whole detailed medical history. It’s very personal, it’s very upsetting to go through and the number of tests you have to go through is quite intrusive.’
She continued: ‘To go through all of that again, it just feels like we’ve rewound 18 months to where we were in Ukraine.
‘I’m trying to think of the quality of care that I’m getting which is fairly good here instead of just worrying a bout the what-ifs of being in a new country.’
Ms Bengston is also a committee member of Irish Families Through Surrogacy, which offers advice and support to those looking to start their family through this avenue.
She warned that IPs are taking desperate measures to ensure they can still go through with surrogacy.
Some are turning to unregulated countries, while others are even considering returning to Ukraine.
While the US and Canada both offer surrogacy services, the cost comes in at over €100,000, which is out of reach for many.
Ms Bengston said: ‘Desperate people are doing desperate things at the minute. They’re looking into everywhere possible and exploring all avenues. 
‘A lot of people are trying to balance cost with regulation, with feasibility.
‘People have been looking into Mexico, Cyprus, so there’s a lot of confusion out there.’
She added: ‘Cyprus is something that comes up quite a lot but it is an unregulated country in the sense that surrogacy contracts cannot be upheld in a court of law.
‘There are some people considering going back to Ukraine and we are advising against that because there is a war, it is a war zone.
‘You don’t know what area is going to be targeted next; to go out there to take a level of calculated risk, the Department of Foreign Affairs is advising against it.’
A spokesperson for the Department of Foreign Affairs said it does not hold records in cases of international surrogacy where births have not already taken place.
‘The role of the department in cases of international surrogacy concerns the processing of applications for travel documents for children born through international surrogacy arrangements and providing consular assistance, if necessary, in the country of birth,’ the spokesperson added.
So the Irish people know the difference between men and women when it comes to trying to buy a baby but not when it comes to women’s sports?
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