#Bi Rep deserved better
hoolay-boobs · 9 months
“What do you mean there’s still so much biphobia in fan spaces? Bisexuals are like some of the most popular characters!”
Yeah, and they either get treated like this:
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Or like this:
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“Biphobia isn’t real” neither are your braincells
#bisexuals deserve better#biphobia tw#biphobia#bisexual#bisexuality#listen not to post this rancid post on bi visibility month but part of bi visibility month is venting about biphobia and that’s okay#long tags#bisexual characters are constantly branded as either gay/lesbian or straight because bisexuality is constantly branded as never good enough#yes harlivy are sometimes fetishized by men who want to get off on seeing girls smooch. yes sometimes these men are the writers of dc#no they do not make up 100% of harlivy content. no gross men drooling over harlivy doesn’t immediately make harlivy straight#harlivy have had queer female writers before. a huge portion of their fanbase are queer girls#just because they are occasionally festished doesn’t mean that they aren’t good bi rep#I see where this person is coming from but no. bc REAL BI WOMEN get festishized by men and that won’t make their sexuality any less valid#would you tell these real girls that they’re actually straight since ‘sapphicness isn’t sapphicness once it’s taken advantage of by men’?#glimmer lesbian content makes me sad bc it’s not even like interpreting harlivy or korrasami as lesbians assuming all wlw is solely lesbian#but also erasing her entire romance with bow. degrading it down to comphet and ignoring bow#like I can at least understand mistakening poison ivy for a lesbian but glimmer?? glimmer??!#biphobic#biphobic tw#bisexual hardships#korrasami#harlivy#glimbow#bi#fucking essay in the tags
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dawningfairytale · 7 months
“the lgbtq+ community is over-represented in media, specifically in regard to sexuality” is a statistical error. riverdale, who confirmed 90% of its characters to be gay or bisexual by the series finale, is an outlier and should not have been counted (but should be normalised).
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I have a new essay for everyone its called "OFMD S2 is an insult to Con O'Neill both as a person and his legacy in his acting career as a queer man"
Like, this man did not spend his ENTIRE FUCKING CAREER playing almost exclusively openly queer or heavily, heavily coded queer characters to be treated like this??? In fucking 2023??????? He got better, more queer happy endings in the 80s and 2000s, the fuck?
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I think it's incredibly telling that David felt like he had to hide what he was doing with Iz' character arc from Con till it was too late in filming. Hey, hey David? What did you think he was gonna do if he knew beforehand what was happening?? David? David do you think he would've walked? Do you think he would've used his leverage both as the fan favorite and integral part of the story to demand BETTER from you and everyone else writing the show?
Con has been making queer art since the fucking 80s when he was in his 20s. He has openly talked about trans rights and the fight against homophobia that we have been fighting for years and decades. I can't imagine what kind of push back he had to deal with to get all the gay shit he was doing to come to fruition. I can guarantee that at least part of the reason he doesn't have as big of a career as he absolutely deserves is because of how openly queer he has been since the start. I think if Con had been allowed to have some input in the direction of Izzy's character that something like this wouldn't have happened, at least not this messily and uncompassionate.
I legit can't imagine how fucked he must've felt after being given the genuinely very beautiful Unicorn scene and then be casually taken aside and told "lolol anyway Izzy is gonna die now, without love and without the acceptance he had already been given". But at least he was given a cuddle????
Anyway watch Dancin' Thru The Dark. Its on YouTube and it's about an openly genderqueer/bi man who goes on a sad but fun music adventure and it's actually really really good. Con sings and its a fucking bop AND he doesn't die at the end or watch Bedrooms And Hallways, it's a fun romcom about a found family of all queer people doing stupid gay shit. Also you can see Hugo Weaving's entire dick and balls in one scene and if that's not better gay rep then ofmd s2 then idk what is
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xamiipholia · 3 months
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Carolyn Petit killing it as always. If you're not familiar with her work, I strongly recommend it! She's a wonderful writer and from one highly opinionated trans woman to another I always find her work insightful and deeply resonant even if I don't always agree. I think her post-game essay on The Last of Us Part 2 is essential reading on the game.
I'm wary of the word 'representation' but this- this is why we *do* need it. We need havens. We need art that reaches out and lets us know we are seen and loved - that we have a place in the world that in many ways feels increasingly hostile towards us.
We need stories like Baulder's Gate 3 and Mass Effect that let us carve our own paths and find connections that feel true. We need stories like Hades and Life is Strange: True Colors with strongly and lovingly defined bi characters with resonant arcs. We need stories like The Last of Us Part II that are about queer and trans becoming, finding refuge in each other and holding on to that as long as we can - unshakable bonds of love in a world that is collapsing at the seams and ready to pull us apart without mercy. We need lesbian women like Judy Alvarez who are painted with such crystal clarity and compassion while also being an absolute dumpster fire like so many of us are. We need stories like Horizon Burning Shores that arrive as politicians are trying to excise us from public life and dare to show us finding each other in a beautiful, reborn future and parting with the hope of what we could be someday.
We need all of this. We need more of this - stories that let us find our own way and bespoke, curated narratives. Stories that let us know we have a place in the world.
We don't get enough. We need more. And - I don't have the experience to speak on this with authority as it is not my lived experience but please feel free to reblog and add on - our mlm bros ABSOLUTELY do not get enough representation. Judy's story in Cyberpunk is, in my opinion, one of the best wlw romances in gaming but male V's romance with Kerry can't even be unlocked until a hidden 4th act of the game that isn't even available until you have the point of no return available to you. THAT - that's not cool. We need to do better. Our boys deserve better. We need rep that isn't lopsided.
Anyway thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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glamfellens · 8 months
ok this is the last thing im going to say on the matter but of course there should be more gay & lesbian rep in video games and other media and yes these identities, along with bi and pansexuality, have a history of being underwritten and treated poorly when they are present . regardless of ur identity u deserve to be represented and we should all demand more and better i just think its reductive and harmful to ascribe a specific sexuality to a character based on appearance and mannerisms lol
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deluweil · 29 days
Here's the thing, I have nothing against Lou/Tommy, but the accessive enthusiasm of him returning and everyone already talking about him showing up for next season,
Which if any of you watched for the last 7 seasons, it is very possible because writers love to drag temps over to the next seasons because apparently breakups are for season beginners, mostly (except for taylor),
is very off-putting.
1. Because the dude literally just showed up and they haven't even had one worthy make out session to even call it a situationship.
2. Buck hurt Eddie physically to get into Tommy's mouth and pants, which ruined it for me from the start tbh and Tommy had nothing to do with it, he was just there.
3. Buck has made Maddie's day, his coming out party - that is a big NO in my book. Because one, dude you literally came out, what if you decide eventually that you don't want this or don't want this with this specific first-guy-ever anymore? And two SHE IS YOUR SISTER THE LEAST YOU CAN DO IS HAVE HER LEAVE ON HER HONEYMOON BEFORE YOU KILL YOUR PARENTS OF A HEART- ATTACK.
Even if they "seem accepting" to Buck’s face, this takes time to process, something better revealed in time and in private, once one is sure. Not thinking and talking about this the whole wedding!
And yes, I know, Buck is impulsive, but think for a second, would you want your baby brother to hijacke your wedding after so long of planning it? I know I would have killed him.
Would have told him in advance that if he's bringing his new boyfriend to my wedding, he better tell our parents first. Because this is my fucking day!
I love Buck, but his self-centered personality rubs me the wrong way this season.
Maybe because I wanted to see him growing the fuck up after 7 years and so many traumas and experiences and therapy that he went through, but nope, same old Buck, only instead of the dating the girl who gave him attention, he's seeing the guy who gave him attention.
It's annoying, it's off putting and frankly I am so mad at the writers and Tim for this because these characters deserved better.
And don't talk to me about representation because Shonda did the bi representation in Station 19 perfectly to the point that I was bummed that Travis and Eli didn't end up as endgame even though I loved Emmett with Travis.
Again somehow the 911 writers managed to taint for me what should have been and amazing experience, independent completely of buddie, but no they managed to not only mix Eddie and Buck with Tommy, the whole thing came at the expense of Eddie, physically and mentally, because not only did Buck not apologized to Eddie, Eddie also lost his new friend who now fawns over Buck.
So screw this storyline, I hate it and I hate how everyone is OK with everything that happened in the story, just because Buck is doing a dude(kissing really, there was no doing yet).
There's a lot of blocking in my future, most are just ppl who either came in now because of bi Buck or those who came from other disappointing fandoms and are just here for the rep not the actual story.
But some of us have been here since S1, we want the rep, but we want it to be complimenting, we want to fall in love with the character before it turns into a LI, we want the emotion, the connection, the obvious love building over several years.
Like Casey and Gabby and Severide and Stella, like Maya and Carina, like Travis and Emmett (even though I liked Eli better for him) like Sullivan and Natasha.
I want an emotional payout, give up the surprises, and the wrecked trucks and ships, just tell a good story!
And for the love of all that's holy, enough with the last-minute changes, those never turn out well in the long run. They literally started from scratch when they made the switch between Eddie and Buck.
Also in my opinion, Eddie had a LOT more chemistry with Lou/Tommy than Buck. It would have made so much more sense, in the catholic guilt and internal homophobia department, the nun and supposedly commitment issues was weak at best.
It could have been epic. 😩
And yes, Buck could have started the season single, no harm in that, maybe make him, I don't know, actually growing into something that he would like without someone else to pet his ego? Go back to therapy, work for the LT. exams, be interim captain, realize his worth and learn to love himself for him, not because someone else gave him attention and that made him preen, get him somewhere worthy. Even lessons with Tommy without involving Eddie in this would have been great.
Just something that shows character development, because up until now all I get is S2/S3 Buck and I've seen that movie before, I want my money back.
I realize this is harsh, and normally, I would stick to the light and fun and ignore the rest, but this had to be said out loud so I can go back to that.
That being said, as I said, I will watch Madney wedding purely for Madney. Anything else is just a bonus. I can't wait for that bachelor party and see wth happens to Chimney.
Happy Monday, my loves. ❤️
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"Integrity of ship" Jesus christ, go touch grass. Buddie may never happen, so excuse the fuck out of my bisexual ass for being happy we got some representation.
if you read the tags you would see that none of this has to do with bi buck. buck being bisexual is huge. however, putting him with a character who has actively engaged in workplace racism and misogyny towards people who are his friends is shitty representation. as a queer person myself, i’m tired of our storylines feeling like ab afterthought because they want to go the easiest way out. buck as a character deserves better than someone who was racist to two if his close friends, and who made a closet joke about him in front of his best friend when he knew buck was not out yet and not comfortable being out yet. we shouldn’t settle just because “oh we got representation that’s good ig.” no we need to keep PUSHING for something that actually means something.
i am glad you’re happy with lukewarm representation, but as a queer person myself i expect a little more than the bare minimum that people are going batshit for. this is the reason we never see good rep on tv because we give up at the bare minimum.
so kindly fuck right off my page if me wanting something a little more meaningful that doesn’t erase problematic behavior offends you that much <3
hope you have a lovely day, anon
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
Hopefully, this ask won’t get you in trouble. If you feel it does, then feel free to disregard this. Or if you don’t feel comfortable or confident talking about it, cause it does involve talking about ships.
But it somewhat feels like Horikoshi for the later chapters seems to be catering for same sex pairings, like Midoriya always being around Bakugou, or Ochako’s most significant moments now being around Toga. At least to me.
And the fact he seems to be focusing on same sex pairings certainly isn’t the problem.
The problem is the fact is the pairings he’s focusing on are f****** shit!
BakuDeku is an angry asshole bossing around and being a d*****bag to a boy that has been conditioned to think so highly of his abuser. This is a hop, skip and a jump away from Stockholm Syndrome.
Togachako, imo, is slightly worse than BakuDeku (but not by much) simply because it’s a very one sided relationship where one partner always has to cater to the problems of the other with no sign of returned love or reciprocated love. I wouldn’t trust Toga to know when she’s had enough of my blood. Why should I believe she would know where to stop drinking Ochako’s blood? And despite the images throughout their fight, like Toga GROPING Ochako, Horikoshi, for some disturbing reason, tries SO hard to paint this as a CUTE couple. (Hell, the dude could be showing Toga literally EATING Ochako and somehow paint it as an endearing thing…)
Why is Horikoshi banking on these toxic forms of love for the LGBTQ when he’s had more HEALTHIER couples?!?
TodoDeku? Tsuchako? IidaDeku? Minachako?
Hell, there are other pairings that were literally already there!
Mirio and Amajiki!
It’s just…it’s baffling why BakuDeku and Togachako are paraded as these fantastic M/M and W/W ships when they are anything BUT.
I have a sapphic couple in their wedding dresses as my pfp and my user is sapphic-agent... I'd honestly be impressed if someone could accuse me of homophobia😆Feel free to submit any LGBTQIA asks :)
In the case of TogaChako, I just think Toga herself is queer-bait. Among BakuDeku and other queer ships becoming popular, good old Hori probably thought to himself, "What's the best way to capitalize on this?" without actually putting any thought or care into it (like with Bakugou's redemption once he started to become popular). So he made Toga canonically bisexual (I'm like 90% sure she wasn't originally intended to be bi as she was way more infatuated with Izuku than Uraraka initially). And she's bad rep to boot. Horikoshi is making his only canonically queer character a predator... that's not a good look.
I even like Toga. Or, I liked how much potential she had at the beginning of the series. She was original and I liked her quirk. He could have given her a lot of depth, but nah let's just make her creepy and a predator mfers will eat it right up... And he was right unfortunately.
What makes it worse is that Uraraka has to be at the center of Toga's advances (again, WHY THE GROPING PANEL). Idk if it's because she's the main girl or what, but she deserved better than this.
(Tbh, I know she's Izuku's LI, but her and Tsu are way cuter and a lot healthier than her and Toga)
BakuDeku I feel like is part of that queer-baiting. Look, the fact is that it will never be canon. We know it, the shippers know it (even if they feign delusion), and Horikoshi knows it. But that doesn't mean Hori isn't milking it for all its worth. Do you see how the shippers go nuts when Izuku and Bakugou are in the same panel together? The entire MHA feed will be filled with it here on Tumblr for weeks. They eat that shit up and Horikoshi knows that. That's part of the reason why he forced reconciliation between them, so that he'd have more content for them to froth at the mouth over.
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loganschwarzy · 10 days
why you should watch a gentleman's guide to love and murder
hey! i've been thinking about a lot of musicals this week (some bad, some good) and so here's my reasoning for why you should watch this one :)
the basic plot is a guy murdering his relatives to impress his girlfriend. what more could you want
the songs are great! my favorites include Foolish to Think, Poor Monty, Inside Out, The Last One You'd Expect, Why Are All the D'Ysquith's Dying, Sibella, I've Decided to Marry You, and That Horrible Woman.
the characters are also great! Sibella is probably my favorite, because Lisa O'Hare just plays her so well. Monty is also incredible. i've said multiple times that he's one of the only male characters i've ever loved, a sentiment that might get funnier once you've watched the show
the entire d'ysquith family are played by one guy! jefferson mays, in what i consider one of most impressive theater roles of all time.
it's HILARIOUS. the deaths itself are worth watching for.
there's queer rep? maybe? two male characters sing a song called Better With a Man and... yeah. one of them is definitely gay, and you could make an argument for the main character being bi. and the three main guys are lowkey in a polycule at the end of the show
for those of you who like seeing what the Tonys had to say about shows, i've got good news for this one. it won best musical, best book of a musical, best direction, and best costume design, which are all very deserved.
yeah. that that's it. watch this show i love these guys they're all such terrible people <33
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musclesandhammering · 11 months
Spn Opinions That’ll Have Me Burned at the Stake Pt. 2: Electric Boogaloo
I’m back and bitchier than ever. For reference, here’s part 1.
• Season 5 wasn’t that great.
• D*stiel isn’t real, it’s a sucky ship, and that confession scene was just the writers pandering to the rabid deancas fans cause they knew they were the only ones still watching the show lol. And they left it ambiguous enough that they could still say it was meant platonically if they needed to.
• I hate how they watered down both angels and demons post-season 5ish.
• I liked Ruby 1.0 better than Ruby 2.0.
• I hate Honey!Cas. They just did that cause they didn’t know where to take his story from there, needed him out of the way, and thought it would be funny. It was insulting.
• Jack should’ve been played by an actual child so everyone’s abuse of him would resonate with the audience for what it was (casual fans are brain dead and need to be spoon fed).
• Victor Henrikson deserved more time on the show.
• I said it in the last post, but Alex is way more interesting than Claire and should’ve been given the lead role in the wayward sisters storyline instead.
• Dean is canonically straight and for Christ sake if you guys wanted bi rep, there’s about a thousand other characters that are strongly coded or implied to be bisexual (including Sam!) but y’all didn’t focus on them because it wasn’t actually about representation, it was about making it more plausible for your dumb fetishised gay ship to actually happen (spoiler: it didn’t).
• Season 3 and Season 6 were some of the best ones, you guys just don’t have any taste.
• Claire is not Castiel’s daughter and saying she is erases Jimmy and insults her, and even Cas himself acknowledged that on the show.
• Castiel is canonically NOT gay and Misha constantly saying he is is annoying and airheaded. He’s been attracted to women IN THE SHOW and he’s not even really male, so calling him a Gay Man is reductive and just plain wrong. Also, it’s veeery sus that- given how bi/pan folks are even more underrepresented than gay people- that one of the rare times where the bi/pan label actually fits a character BETTER in CANON……. the allies and monosexuals adamantly reject it. Hm.
• “Curing” vampires or werewolves or demons shouldn’t have been a thing.
• The Winchesters cause most of the bad shit that happens and then they just force supernatural beings to fix it for them- tell me again how they’re Super Special Heroes.
• It shouldn’t be possible to make angels human by removing their grace, because (unlike demons, werewolves, etc) they were never human to start with. If you drained me of all my blood, I wouldn’t magically transform into another species, I’d fucking die.
• Making Billie go crazy was dumb.
• Rowena was one of the most interesting and charismatic characters on the whole show- they just didn’t know what to do with her character.
• The archangels, Lilith, and Azazel should’ve been the biggest threats on the show. No other knights of hell, no god and his sister, no Cain, nothing like that. Having every villain just get progressively more overpowered made the show unbelievable and repetitive and annoying.
• The kernel sanders king of hell guy was hot.
• Dean is misogynistic as HELL, homophobic, likes racist porn, is a narcissist, pervs on teen girls, & thinks all non-human people should be exterminated… and that is all CANON.
• Most of John Winchester’s abuse is fanon.
• Fans portraying Cas as a smol bby who colours in colouring books and has a bee plushie is so fucking annoying.
• Instead of having so many gigantic cosmic storylines with god and his sister and alternate dimensions and even the angel and demon tablets, they should’ve just scrapped those and made the stein family and the bmol and the alpha vampire storylines way bigger than they were. Less cosmic stuff, more earth-based stuff.
• They ruined Lucifer’s character post-season 5. Before that, he was more sympathetic and reasonable than Michael. After, he was a spoiled child hurting people for fun.
• Everything from season 7 on is garbage. All of it. There’s bits of goodness here and there but overall seasons 7-15 are trash.
• How the fuck are there actual people who are deangirls and hate Sam?? The space where your brain should be is empty, I swear to god.
• If there was gonna be any lgbt rep in the Wayward Sisters group, it should’ve been Jody and Donna instead of Claire and Kaia. Those two were boring as hell and had zero chemistry or build-up, but Jody/Donna had plenty of chemistry and was very believable.
• Meg has the best and most realistic redemption arc of anyone on the show.
• Chuck was not likeable or charismatic enough to carry off as big of a villain arc as they gave him. Also that whole thing was stupid and WAY too Out There.
• All the angels should’ve been aroace. All the demons should’ve been pan.
• I stanned Cole so hard up until he changed his mind about hating Dean. That was disappointing.
• Sam went through the same shitty childhood Dean did (plus Bonus Abuse on top of it) and he didn’t turn out Like That.
• I cannot think of a single person that was asking for a spin-off about the Winchester family, like that has to be the most boring thing.
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aborddelimpala · 11 months
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"I don't know anyone who ships Wincest who are upset that people feel Dean represents their queerness. The distinction between canon and fanon is important because truth and accuracy matter. Saying Dean is *canonically* bi is not supported anywhere in the show. Canonically, Dean repeats that he doesn't swing that way, sleeps with a ton of women, uses the straight person app, and never even responds to Cas's declaration of love - or even mention it after it happens. The way he sits/speaks/stares is not canonical anything. Canonically, Supernatural is terrible rep. It deserves and should get no accolades for stuff it didn't do. It shouldn't go down in history as groundbreaking queer anything, because it broke no ground. Saying it did is rewriting history and misrepresenting the show. And that matters because we are still in an era where we are surrounded on all sides by people trying to rewrite history to be whatever they want it to be - politically, socially, in the media, everywhere. As a queer person, it's important to me personally to make the distinction between canon and fanon because if we insist that a man who never makes a queer move in canon is good rep, who says he's straight and only sleeps with women on screen, then that's what we'll get.
In fanon? I have no problems with Dean being bi, trans, gay, aromantic, secretly ace - however folks relate to him. Fanon lets you read between the lines all you want.
OFMD gave us canonical queer characters - characters who verbally or physical confirm their queerness. So did Black Sails, Interview with the Vampire, Sex Education, Euphoria, Supergirl, First Kill, Nimona, Owl House. Dean does not, despite repeat opportunities.
Saying that Dean's canonically bi feels like gaslighting. It doesn't matter how many times people say it - Dean was conceived of as straight according to Kripke, written as straight in dialogue and action in the scripts, and played as straight according to Jensen. On the other hand, canonically Cas is gay. He was conceived of as genderless originally, written with bi plots, and ultimately played and viewed as queer by S15 according to Misha. It is a legitimate queer journey, one many people have gone through. I would still argue that it deserved much more onscreen development and dialogue to be good rep - see OFMD and Black Sails, e.g. Queer Cas deserved better than he got, especially with turbohell seconds later. But that's the difference - queer Cas IS canon. Bi Dean is not.
And yeah, it's a fiction show, and 50 years from now not many people will care. But the truth should still matter. I've shipped Wincest, Megstiel, Destiel, Sastiel and a ton of others in-between. Megstiel at least got a kiss, which is more than Destiel got.
tl;dr I fully support everyone shipping all the ships, see yourself in any character you want, embrace all the queer fanon, write and art and vid and whatever. But Wincest isn't canon, and Dean - on the show, not in our heads - is not bi. And truth and actual rep both matter.
And time and time again, we've seen that the studios will give us the bare minimum. If we say a character conceived, written and acted as straight is good queer rep, they have no reason to give us characters conceived, written and acted as queer. And THAT'S what I care about."
This is the most mature and well written discourse I've read about Dean sexuality. I'm glad Casey allowed me to share it here.
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jasontoddssuper · 7 months
If i had to pick a Batboy to make canonically queer(specifying boy because my first choice including all the Batkids would be to make Stephcass canon),i wouldn't make any of them gay or bi or pan.I'd make Dick a trans woman.Her character works way better and is done more justice and unlocks it's full potential as a transfem one which includes her being much happier as a girl than she ever has been as a cis guy-and i have canon basis for this thanks to reading most of her comics-but also because A)People are EXTREMELY annoying about their mlm headcanons of the Batboys and over half the time straight up disgusting(Looking at you,Batcesters and Damian/Jon and Jason/Roy shippers)so i want to the monkey's paw to curl on them,B)She's a lot like irl trans women in multiple ways and transfem DC fans deserve good rep and C)It would be such a good fucking punch in the face to superhero dudebros.They love hypermasculineizing her and self-inserting into her for their male fantasies and get so pissy when she's potrayed with her actual characterization and when women and queer people stan her so imagine their meltdowns when THE Nightwing,the first Robin and the inventor of and definer for kid superhero sidekicks,is turned into a tgirl and transitions.There's literally no downsides to The Boy Turned Girl Wonder.DC hire me rn
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dottyistired · 1 year
nah but helluva boss is unironically the mspec rep i've dreamed of for years. a big anxiety around bi/pan characters is worries that if they end up in a same gender relationship they'll be assumed monosexual gay, and in a different gender relationship they'll look 'straight', or that their same gender attraction didn't count/was fetishizing or queerbaity (which is SO wrong but unfortunately people will make these biphobic assumptions)
hb addresses these issues by showing a wide variety of mspec characters with different but equally valid experiences. we have pansexual blitzo, a loving father, chronic flirt and casual hookup king, with a masc presentation and a history of mostly men, but still very much pan and his general leanings don't change that at all. we have millie, bicurious based on how excited she was to know what sex with verosika was like. verosika and her entire gang of kinky succubi with no gender preference.
we have moxxie. moxxie moxxie moxxie my sweet sweet beloved moxxie, the vanilla, happily monogamous with his gorgeous wife he thinks he doesn't deserve but would do anything for. who scoffs at stereotypical assumptions of him being a 'sissy' and his wife being a 'beard' just because of his past relationship with a man, his traditionally feminine interests and submissive bedroom leanings. who indulges in crossdressing without embarrassment, who loves theatre, phantom especially, has a crush on michael crawford he is able to share openly with his wife, who he loves and is committed to and she understands that. WHO IS PROUDLY BISEXUAL AND SAYS SO TO HIS ABUSIVE, HOMOPHOBIC AND BIPHOBIC FATHER. i nearly sobbed.
beyond the examples i've talked about here, basically everyone in hb is clearly written with the intent of "mspec until said/shown otherwise" (eg stolas). it makes sense how true it all hits when vivienne medrano herself is bisexual.
basically the solution to Avoiding Stereotypes of a marginalized identity in your writing is...put a lot of representation and show the width of experiences there can be. even crass, largely unsubtle helluva boss understands that. be better!!
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the-owl-house-takes · 8 months
lunter shipper anon here. just wanted to say a few things -
1) both shipping hunter and amity with luz would be equally bi rep. the only reason lumity would be 'better' queer rep is purely because homophobes can't deny the queerness of watching two girls call each other girlfriends and kiss while they can do that for lunter. that is important and lumity's impact can't be erased.
i hope one day we get enough queer rep that we stop needing to judge how good rep is based on how easy it is for homphobes to erase though, because by itself it is not more inherently bi to ship amity with luz than hunter with luz. but as of now, lumity is what we got and it's damn good rep.
2) i do NOT hate lumity. they are adorable and i love their development throughout s1 and most of s2. I only mourn for how interesting their dynamic was when amity stopped getting focus near the end of s2 and especially in s3. that's why i think lunter has potential, cause that's the same time that hunter got all his focus. whether hunter deserved that much focus is an entirely different topic that i am not going to focus on
but regardless of your opinion on whether hunter deserved it, he got it and that meant less time for amity to get character focus outside luz. this means luz and hunter end up having more meaningful convos in s3 than lumity, which is unfortunate but true and that's where people like me decided to multiship both lumity and lunter (and bonus huntlow a bit too)
3) lunter is NOT a proship oh my god PLEASE stop saying that. it is a popular fanon HEADCANON that luz and hunter are like siblings. it is NOT canon. i am tired of seeing proshipper antis every single time lunter is brought up. i am not defending lunter shippers who harass lumity and huntlow shippers, that is not okay. but this is not okay either. luz calls hunter family in the same episode that camila calls the entire hexsquad her kids. there is no canon basis for the 'luz and hunter as siblings' headcanon.
cheers to all of you, and hope mod!willow is having a good day
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RWRB - thoughts
Already did this on the bird, so might as well retype it here:
Some thoughts on Red White and Royal Blue, and why I feel a little disappointed in some of the reactions I've seen because I need to caffeinate and also type this out into the void.
I want to preface this by saying that obviously we all consume and experience media in a vast myriad of unique and different ways, and my opinions aren't stated for the purpose of diminishing or belittling anyone else's. If you read this & disagree that's your right!
I went into RWRB expecting it to be NOTHING like the book (for ex I was aware major characters had been cut and some exposition revised). Also, the book is generally better than the adaptation - that's my mantra (w exception of Good Omens and Sandman; the Neil Gaiman effect is strong).
What I did NOT expect was how MONUMENTALLY touched I would be by such open, romantic, and intimate representation of a m/m love story on my screen. There are multiple scenes between Alex & Henry in RWRB that I have never seen so touchingly depicted before (and perhaps I'm missing other movies that do it! Drop them in the replies!) RWRB earns that R rating but it does so in such a gorgeous way - it show cases the love of these two men as a beautiful, NORMALIZED thing.
I know, you're saying - that's the bare minimum!
And it is. But, the state of our world, especially when it comes to the representation and the rights of our community - is such that I feel the need to take joy in even what is the bare minimum for people like us. (Speaking of people like us - the B in LGBTQ plus is not a silent letter!!) You can read about the importance both Casey and the director of RWRB placed on bi rep in this film in this piece.
A very important example is the sex scene in the movie, which is likely the most explicit m/m sex scene I've seen in a mass distributed highly promoted film since - ever? This is important because it's done ROMANTICALLY. And mind you - it's still leaps and bounds from explicit sex scenes in a het rom com film, which is why it's so important that we have this.
Normalizing intimate contact between couples other than those who are heterosexual is monumentally important. I for one would hate to see any negativity leveled at this film due to the (fair & justified!) disappointment folks may be having because it's different from the books take away from that very important aspect. (Also why aren't we talking about the trans rep?! Aneesh Sheth stole the show for me as Amy).
I think that's where my feelings of sadness ab some of the reactions are stemming from. I had similar thoughts when folks were upset over S&B not being identical to the books as well, but it feels even more vital for us to celebrate RWRB for everything it brings to the table and to our community instead of focusing on what its missing from the books.
I am very grateful to have a story like RWRB in existence, and I hope it leads to many more, because queer love is beautiful in all aspects, and it deserves to be seen and celebrated in ALL mediums.
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oblivious-aro · 1 year
I should've said something way earlier, but it's absolutely fucking insulting that Owl House gave Luz and Amity a beutiful sapphic romantic storyline, had two characters use explicit they/them pronouns, and had characters proudly wearing bi and NB flags, while its aro ace content is confined to some charity stream thing and they couldn't even be bothered to confirm it in the actual show.
It's even worse that the aro ace community treat Lilith like she's the best representation ever and has no flaws, and they'll lash ourlt at you for suggesting otherwise.
Like...Luz gets a lovely coming out scene, snd Rayne and Masha get to be open about their identities, but Lilith doesn't even get to actually say she's aroace?
Some people will say that you can't just say your orientation, but that doesn't seem to be a problem for all three other characters, just the aroace one. Like, do you know how much it hurt, watching and celebrating with everyone else as Lumity unfolded, so glad to finally be done with cagey representation and Twitter confirmations, seeing all the care ace respect that went into their storyline, and then to turn around and hear that Lilith had been implied to be aro ace off screen in some stream by her voice actor, and that no one else saw the problem with this and was treating it like the aro ace version of Lumity....
Like, Lilith's on the fucking aromantic reddit banner. The writers didn't respect her identity enough to confirm her in the show, and you're holding that up as a representation of who we are?
That's just so fucking insulting. We deserve better, but we won't get better if we act like this half-assed rep is what we deserve. I almost don't blame writers for continuing to do Twitter confirmations, because the audience treats them the same they do actual lgbt+ content, so you might as well do the rep in a way that takes less work (even if actual aroace rep really isn't that much work at all) and gets the same amount of praise.
This is how we remain shoved in the background. Maybe you like being represented as an afterthought, but I don't and I don't think it's what the kids watching Owl House deserve.
I want the same basic respect the other orientations get. I deserve it. So do you. I'm tired of acting like we don't. I'm tired of being an afterthought.
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