#BUT if that IS the case for anyone: just know i will cry /very pos i LOVE crossovers so so so so much
callmehere-iwillappear · 10 months
BTW this is like . so delayed. but ABSOLUTELY feel free to draw/write crossover stuff w my guys if you want!! either cmh or npwd honestly but esp cmh i know the whole Leo Being A Ghost thing makes crossovers kinda hard but not impossible (+ if ur thing has donnie w goggles. those can see him)
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queer-overwatch · 2 months
THANK YOU FOR WRITING FOR VENTURE!!! I’ve been trying to read more x readers for venture BUT THERE IS BARELY ANY!! Anyway, is it okay if i can request Venture as a parent? How would they take care of a child with reader? fem reader preferably. If not then gender neutral wound be okay too! I’m loving your writing already <3
Parent Venture
Omg of course! Thank youuu, we 100% think Venture would LOVE kids <3 -Frisk & Xorn
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best parent ever 10/10
While you're young they'd play with you ALL THE TIME, even if you didn't ask them too, they did
Would totally abandon their work for you, and they are VERY passionate about their job so it takes a lot to get them to take a day off
The biggest sweetheart ever, has photos of you everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE, probably hid one in an compartment in their drill just in case
Raves to everyone and anyone about how awesome you are
Desperately wishes for you to be interested in history just like them, would buy you a little play dinosaur fossil kit
Once you're old enough they absolutely take you to explore caves with them
Only wide, open, safe ones though. They may be super awesome and laid back most of the time but they are well aware of the dangers that come with being underground at all, so they don't play when it comes to your safety
Would try and teach you to use their drill but only under their supervision, they know how heavy it is and don't want you to like drop it and break something, or yourself-
Absolutely LOVES dressing you up, no matter what your aesthetic is you are gonna match with them and you are gonna like it or they will be so sad
Would wear a dress or suit or whatever to match with you if you wanted them too, they don[t give a FUCK as long as you're happy
If you try on their clothes they will cry real, loud, embarrassing tears /pos
and now, a blurb! -Xorn
Venture had decided that today, since the dig site was meant to be cleaned up in the next couple of days that today would be the best day to bring you along with. They've had so much time to ramble to their co-workers about you and this finally gives you a chance to meet them in person!
You were strapped into the car happily given a couple devices to entertain yourself, along with music that your parent played.
Arriving at the dig site was interesting. All of the buildings while big were crumbled, old and destroyed in one way or another. And you got to see it all in its own beauty.
Venture quickly unbuckled you and picked you up carrying you in their shoulders, a grin plastered on their face as they walked up to the dig site.They shouted immediately holding you up for the world to see.
"Guys! Look it's my kid! They're seven, and they're really interested in archeology, like me!"
Venture grinned as they held you up to their co-workers, before resetting you down beside them, their hand holding yours.
"C'mon, (Y/n) I'm going to show you where I found a creature bone!"
Venture chuckles , as they bring you along happily telling every coworker they come across about your presence, a small fact about you, and just exactly how precious you are to them.
"Alright (Y/n), did ya bring your jar? It's so you can save some dirt from the dig site , that way you can keep this memory, and maybe, just maybe, you can start an ecosystem in it one day."
They bring proudly as they speak, watching you pull a small Mason jar from your bag. They help you fill it with dirt. This is going to be the start of a wonderful collection no matter what path you take.
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tmnt-tear-polls · 9 months
who are you placing your bets on?
And which do you think are the most interesting?
Oh that's a tough question
I don't have any bets. I haven't actually read everything and besides we don't know which stories are gonna be in the competition (stuff submitted by other people)
Cass apocalypse series by @somerandomdudelmao has been submitted by other people (not the creator themself) so like if they do want to participate that's a BIG candidate
Ghost in ronin's DMs and basically the whole ghost on the server au (home,ghost on the server, DMs, how to save a ghost) by @amevello-blue , @melonpalooza and then @just-a-lil-turtle-with-knives for the final has also been submitted and GOSH THAT HURTS MY SOUL
I'm currently reading post hoc by @posthocpaganda and it's hurting my soul /pos
But get emotional with everything. Just give me pure happy fluff and I'll find something to get emotional about.
But I'm not saying other stuff don't have a chance to win. If i learned ONE thing with the crossover polls was that there are sooooo many factors in who goes to the next round.
And i know the authors of some of the stuff and they hurt my soul (/pos) enough to get the winning prize
So I honestly don't have a bet
I will use this moment to tell you to definitely go read post hoc if you've watched house MD. I'm only on season one but that's enough. This is hurting my soul so much
A reminder that as the poll master I'd treat every competitor equally and that is very obvious.
Just like with the crossover polls i obviously have some favorites (wedding bells my beloved) that I would've personally made propaganda for if i wasn't the poll master.
I care about keeping things fair and equal and never want anyone to feel like i show any favoritism. Ever
These AUs i picked were only because the names caught my attention because i already know/cry over the AUs. They don't mean I'd show any favoritism and you can bet on that.
Besides the submissions are still open so yayyyy so many more AUs to cry over. And who knows maybe the winner isn't even submitted yet.
The point of this competition isn't that which story is the best or saddest. Treat is an archive with a list of AUs with loads of propaganda and excitement. The results of polls will NOT determine your story's worth. There are so many factors like popularity and community and the number of friends you've made in the fandom, if you want to go for a tie or not. And many other things. And having or not having those things are NOT a criteria of how good your work actually is.
(Def coming from someone who has an au lost on the first round of the @turtle-tot-tournament so i have the first hand experience of feeling like my au sucks because it lost even tho that's obviously not the case)
On another note. The submissions aren't that many yet (rip) and i know that's mostly on me not actually making a lot of posts about this and making sure authors/artists see it (sorry about that) but it'd be super appreciated if you submit your stuff/stuff you like or send these to people who'd be interested in it.
I know I haven't given a date for when the submissions are gonna be closed. Mostly because my life is pretty hectic at this moment and I'd like to start the competition after it's over (probably in a week or two I'll know if i got accepted to uni or not and that will determine my next 4-5 years so...)
But if you'd like to know more about the polls and talk to me directly
We have a discord server you can join
It's already an active server with the crossover polls fam. Welcoming both competitors and anyone else who just wants to vibe with us. We got movie nights and games and silly funny qotd
Annnnnd i got super off topic didn't i
Wellp i think i answered the ask a long time ago... So yeah have fun submitting
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avemstella · 7 months
so that archon quest, huh. Would be absolutely thrilled to hear what u have to say about fontaine act V :] i love all your takes on furina & neuvillette & fontaine as a whole, and of course childe [pretty much an honorary fontanian with how he unintentionally got wrapped up in everything whoops]
Oh boy, I have so many thoughts. To start with some non-spoilerly stuff: I loved it so much. I'm not sure if I'll say it's my favorite Archon Quest yet (I think I would have to go through some of the older ones), but I think it's safe to say Fontaine overall as an arc is my favorite. Even its weakest part (the prison stuff, tbh it was a pacing issue) was still really solid and the ending, while not perfect, really landed. Genshin continued the trend from Sumeru of having the playable characters really take the stage and god there were some great standouts (Navia/Neuvi/Furina to name my favs, but I also loved my fatui and there really isn't anyone I've disliked). And well, the quest (and Furina's chara quest) made me cry like a baby, so that's a win.
Tbh, I think my biggest issue, wasn't even really an issue with the story but just a case of I had a very clear idea of what I wanted out of it (the woes of writing speculative fic pfft) and when it wasn't that I'm like "awww darn". Thats on me, and I genuinely really loved what we got, but it do be like that sometimes haha.
Spoilers below, oh boy (also my Furina fic spoilers too lol).
Eldritch abomination Furina I'll mourn u forever. I can't complain because Furina splitting herself in two to go fuck u to the heavens is such a boss ass move I can't haha. Okay, but I will say, even if I'm probably the only one, I do wish they brought some Remuria stuff up in the main quest. They had the perfect set up with Ajax being there with his Greek myth references and just ahhhh, one can hope they do something with it later. But yes, just know it's my silly headcanon that Focalors just lied about being an Oceanid to Neuvi and is one of King Remus's fucked up Primordial Sea experiments that maybe caused the Abyss rift at the fall of Remuria.
But yes, Furina, Furina, I'm crying. She really destroyed the girl failure accusations in the most glorious way possible. She literally didn't fail once (either of her), she plotted out a plan to trick the heavens, give back what was stolen, and save her people and she did it perfectly. As you're probably well aware, I'm a big fuck u Celestia gal, so it was just so satisfying to see her just obliterate the throne (even when I was crying haha). And honestly, super relevant to the state of the real world, but her giving back sovereignty to Neuvi in my mind is a very clear decolonization metaphor. Ages past descenders came to Teyvat, killed the dragons and created their own order, and now Focalors is returning that power back to said dragon (or well, the dragon's heir, it's a bit vague if Neuvi's literally the old dragon's soul reincarnated or just the body).
The entire scene between Neuvi and Focalors was great, though I will admit I have one issue with it (and even then I go back and forth on it haha). Neuvi in that scene doesn't have a big attachment to Focalors. What I mean is that ultimately Neuvi only ever knew Furina (which side note I'll get into this next, but I do view them as the same person, but still), and with Focalors' 'death' he's not technically losing anything, the person he's sad over will still be there. Like don't get me wrong, he's very empathetic and can be sad over this person who is dying for them, but I feel like it could have been even more heartbreaking if he had met Furina/Focalors before the split, or he had interacted with Focalors somehow in the past, and so in this moment he wasn't just watching Furina's sacrifice, but the sacrifice of someone he shares memories with. But that's me being picky haha and not really a critique on the writing.
But yes, Furina! Focalors! As I previewed before, I'm going to come out swinging with a possibly hot take. They are, and always were the same person. Yes, Focalors is the divinity, but as we see after Furina is allowed to rest her persona, Furina is also super mature and knowledgeable. In Neuvi's flashback quotes of Furina, it's her softly giving important advice about living with humanity, which is what Focalors was all about. And much like Furina, Focalors loves preforming, she loves humans, she gets all excited about Furina and her future, and is sad she won't get to experience it.
Not to remotely downplay Furina's suffering (because holy shit my poor girl), but Focalors too played her role. Unlike Furina who had Neuvillette and all her friends post this, Focalors was all alone in the Oratrice, waiting for the day she had to kill herself. Furina, has the promise of a future, despite all the suffering she endured to get there. She gets the reward of a happy life as a human surrounded by people who love her, and while it was touch a go for a bit, she was told one day her play would end. In contrast, while Focalors didn't have the same anxiety that Furina had, Focalors knew from the beginning she would never get to see her people saved. Technically she, like Furina, didn't even know if it would even happen. She put her faith in Neuvillette to follow through, and while she had the utmost faith in him, she could never know for certain. But much like her mirror Furina, Focalors weighed her suffering over the people of Fontaine's, and never once faltered. Furina was willing to possibly kill herself via primordial seawater in order to keep up her ruse, whose to say Focalors wasn't the same. Smiling at Neuvillette until the last moment because she couldn't risk him interfering, hiding away her anxieties and sorrow, so he wouldn't look so sad. Furina's performance ended, Focalors' never will.
Focalors was so certain she couldn't be human, but as we see from the Oceanids it was totally possible. And even more vitally, we see from the other Archons it's possible. They might fumble around a bit (some more than others, looking at u Ei), but they are learning and immersing themselves with their people. While not an Archon, it's the same with Neuvillette. Focalors should have had the same opportunities as Furina and the rest (mostly because she is Furina), but the world isn't kind, and that's why her sacrifice hurts.
If u can't tell I have a lot of feelings about Focalors/Furina and while I can appreciate a joke about Focalors giving Furina anxiety, I'm also like, they are literally the same person working together, she deserves the world (all of her).
But yes, I can go on and on about Furina, but for now I'll move onto our boy Childe. To get it out of the way, a little disappointed that we really got no answers about him. Poor guy didn't really have any lines. Also, not big on Skirk's design, mostly the outfit. Putting her next to Dain and uh, yeah (like don't get me wrong don't mind the color scheme and all, but could she not have gotten some kind of armor. Or look more like Foul Legacy or something idk).
But onto more happier notes, I'm so happy to see Childe finally getting to do well in a fight. I know it's a meme for him to get beaten up, but my dude is the Vanguard, let him win sometimes (he doesn't technically win here, but he was fighting an eldritch whale monster for ages and helped save Fontaine, I'm giving it to him). And Skirk, while her design is mostly less to be desired, I'm winning on guessing her hair and eye color haha. Also, while I'll always love my version, I'm liking her personality so far. Her yeeting Childe, while I admit took me out a bit (I thought she threw him farther into the Abyss and was like, "uh guys, yall worried about my poor boy here???" and then was a bit baffled at them saying he was fine) was so fucking funny. It's cool to learn "Foul Legacy" refers to a literal person, and I found the fact that Skirk's relationship with Foul is basically the same as her relationship with Childe very amusing. And it seems she's Khaenri'ahn, maybe? Also, I thought she was listing off her master's other names at first, so when she said Gold I got super hyped that I guessed correctly about the narwhal being Rhine's in my fic, but then they were like nope pfft. I'll take it as a win.
Sidenote, Alice and Rhine where are yoooouuuuuu.
Ultimately, while I enjoyed the Childe and Skirk stuff, it really just feels like a set-up for later stuff. Which isn't really a problem, but I was hoping we'd get something a bit more concrete. Like, I thought we were going to get answers about the "it" that Skirk saw in him, and it would have to do with the Narwhal, but now it seems those were mostly unrelated??? While I did find baby Ajax accidentally waking up a big world eating monster up kind of hilarious, it did feel a little incidental, if that makes any sense. Like, Fontaine's doom was an accident and not the result of anyone's choices. But that might just be a me thing. (and the quest needed more Arle, where was she??? my not really based on anything theory is that whenever we get Furina (or maybe Nevui's) 2nd character quest, Arle will be the boss fight. A reverse of the normal final Harb boss fight during the Archon quest)
Okay, because I really don't want to end on a downer (as I said uptop, I genuinely adored this quest haha), here are some minor spoilers from the Narzissenkreuz Ordo quest that have me by a chokehold.
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I wasn't ready for a sudden Ajax. What does this mean??????
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And this one just makes me laugh. Whichever Ordo member wrote this, I vehemently disagree with u and am on Khaenri'ah's side with this one. I'd much rather have bread then some higher power nonsense. In my fic I tend to write Khaenri'ah more akin to a modern nation than a fantasy one, and its nice to see me vindicated pfft.
Other random notes, enjoyed that the Fatui weren't just cartoonishly evil in both the main and world quests. I like some nuance. I saw that Sandrone hint, that was fun. Though it makes me wonder when we'll get Columbina lore (especially because if the theory about Harbinger boss fight order based on the Constellation circle is true, she should be showing up soon. Though also I half think that order will break because if it doesn't, it means Sandrone will probably be the final Harb boss which is an odd choice.) As revealed on Furina's weapon, Egeria being around during Remuria raises so many questions around the timeline of events. Genshin pls tell me when the Archon war takes place in all this pls (if they tell us in some lore I haven't read yet, whoops). (also on egeria, I mourn my version but hey, she exists in my heart and in my fics pfft. I can't wait to write her in smfwtwd and venti fic, though she's getting a new name for confusion and better symbolsism)
the contrast between Neuvi and Furina after the quest is so funny and sad. Neuvi "Furina is the best, I want her to be happy". Furina, "Every hates me Neuvillette most of all, I can never face him again." And the other Archons, they are all like Furina, wow u are so cool (which just highlights Neuvi's utter disdain for them other than Nahida haha).
And most vitally, Furina and Venti should be best friends. Musically inclined performers who definitely aren't plotting to overthrow the heavens. I think they are neat (they also both have Latin names!).
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moons-epiphany · 3 hours
clancy album review
i have finally listened to clancy and watched all the music videos so i thought it'd give a little album review
okay first i'll give each song a star rating out of 5 which will mean:
1 star = i didn't like it
2 stars = it was okay
3 stars = i liked it
4 stars = i really liked it
5 stars = i loved it
(also disclaimer in case anyone tries to come for me lmao - i've been a clikkie since 2016 back when i was a young cringefail teen so just bc i'm not a massive fan of all of their songs does not mean that i hate the band or that i'm not a true fan or anything. fans can be critical of the bands/media they like and in fact i encourage it. okay anyway, let's go.)
album rankings
and, because why not, here's my ranking of all of the top albums so far:
trench (5 stars): you can take this album from my cold dead hands. i firmly believe that this was top's best album music wise. (also the bandito tour was an overwordly experience that i'm grateful i saw twice so i'm very biased towards this album).
vessel (5 stars): my favourite album (despite being second). it's very nostalgic for me. when i think of twenty one pilots i usually think of guns for hands first as both the song and music video are peak.
blurryface (5 stars): i love every song from this album :) also tear in my heart was the first ever twenty one pilots song that i listened to <3
self-titled (5 stars): every song is a banger. ate no crumbs.
regional at best (5 stars): again every song is a banger.
clancy (4 stars): some songs will have to grow on me but i largely like most of it.
scaled and icy (4 stars): i did really like this album and i did like the sound but only after listening to it a few times (and the live stream experience really helped me to like it even more because that slapped).
track rankings
alrighty now for the actual songs themselves. also another disclaimer, i'm not a musician, i don't know a lot of the terms lmao i'm just a sensory seeking autistic and listen to music a lot. also i listened to all the songs first and then watched the music videos (not including the singles - overcompensate, next semester and backslide - though) if that adds anything at all.
1. overcompensate (4.9 stars): okay the reason why i put my album ranking is because you need to know how much i love trench lmao. the bandito sample at the start was the peak of the album for me. the rest of the song is why it's a 4.9 (i'm being kinda petty with this lmao) and not a 5 star song but i have listened to it a bunch of times and it is a banger. also the muscial video created the perfect level of hype for the album, it made me very excited for the rest. a strong opener indeed!
2. midwest indigo (5 stars): now i know it might be silly to have a 5 star song below a 4.9 star song but listen this is my ranking list and i can do what i want ;3*. when this song first played it reminded me of what i call my "don't stop believeing" song. essentially, songs like these make me react like how every white person, like myself, reacts to don't stop believing when it comes on. that song for me is magnolia by gang of youths. as soon as the first note is heard, i am up. midwest indigo is a close second to magnolia. this is the highest praise i can ever give to a song lmao. also the music video is very twenty one pilots to me seen by tyler tweaking on the ice and dancing - remember when i said that guns for hands is the first thing i think of when i think of twenty one pilots and have you seen how weird he dances in that music video? /pos (dw this is a compliment) [*it's second and not first because overcompensate is a certified twenty one pilots song, if you don't know what that means, i can't help you just trust me on this.]
3. at the risk of feeling dumb (5 stars): okay so this song just makes me want to cry because 1) it hits close to home and 2) i'm going through some shit right now and this song just perfectly describes it. i also love the music video, it may be simple** but i really like it. the way that at the end it gives like classic band vibes? like i can think of a lot bands that have had that same shot of very close up to the camera stood on top of a building lmao. [**in comparison to some of their higher production music videos with the special effects and what not]
4. vignette (5 stars): as soon as this song started i liked it. it gave me gang of youths vibes (one of my fav bands, listen to magnolia linked above!!) tyler's vocals in the chorus come throughhh (this means that i loved them). such a groovy and cool song, how can you not like it is the real question. i also love the shouted (or at least in top terms just a slight volume rise lmao) "where do i go from here?". and don't get me started on that little music break oooooh so stimmy. the "(denial)" part after "no-no, not me, it's for a friend" is also hilarious in a way i can't describe. the music video: what was that red piece of paper??? that's a lovely portrait of josh, but tyler, what is that paper????
5. navigating (5 stars): loved this song as soon as it started, i loved the groovy retro almost 80s vibes to it?? and in typical top fashion i thought "oh this song sounds groovy the lyrics must be really sad" and then bro started saying "disassociate" in the chorus lmao. but anyway yes, i instantly adored this song. the song is just so stimmy, i was stimming pretty much the whole time this song was playing. obsessed with the music playing in the background of the verses. also obsessed with the way tyler sings "navigating" idk he just says it in a way that's fun. further, obsessed with the bridge and the bass. so the music video. first of all, why did the aspect ratio change, was that just me? secondly i'm welsh so i loved the daffodil cameo <3 thirdly, WHAT??? WHY IS MY BLOOD HERE? WHAT'S WITH THE MY BLOOD SAMPLE? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THE MY BLOOD SAMPLE??? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN???? HUH???
6. the craving (both versions): listen i'm not rating this, it's a cute wholesome sweet love song for his wife. it would be evil to say anything bad about this and it doesn't really feel like my place to say anything about it in the first place, yk? the song isn't for me. however, the music video... what? there was me thinking they were making a cute music box for their family or something only for it be a box for a bullet??? huh???
7. backslide (4 stars): we now enter the songs that i didn't instantly love, but i'm sure they'll grow on me. i really like backslide but what's stopping me from giving it 5 stars is the chorus, which is complicated. i love the sound paired with the vocals but i just feel weird about it??? idk how to explain it. the music video also doesn't help bc i don't really like the part where he rides his bike through the wind and rain. i get it. i get why. but i just don't really vibe with it??? i'm being really petty about this but i just can't get over it. apart from all that i really liked it. i loved the references in the music video but justice for that meat patty damn.
8. next semester (4 stars): okay not an instant hit for me. it sounded very pop punnky 5sos-y??? which isn't a bad thing but it's not my usual taste. however, i loved the chorus. the vocals and the sound are peak, i love it. also the ukulele part, love love love. also the "oh-whoa-oh" part is amazing too, i'm a massive fan of "oh-whoa-ohs" and i also love it when vocals overlap. i alsoooo love it when there's a group of people singing together :) it's also so catchy? i find myself humming and singing it a lot. the music video was very sweet, having members of the clique there singing along was a lovely detail. the bow at the end too :')
9. lavish (4 stars): this song took me by surprise. it still sounds like the classic top sound but in a way i never expected they'd go, yk? and i think it worked! honestly, there's no reason why this is a 4 star rather than a 5 star, i just feel like the 5 stars are in a different catergory if that makes sense? i loved those better. also the music video for lavish is my favourite out of all of them. it's so fun. the suits and sunglasses. the weird ass dancing from tyler and josh just being there. it's groofy, it's got charm. i love it so much.
10. routines in the night (3 stars): okay i know a three doesn't look great but this song isn't my usual taste in music, nothing necessarily bad on the song or anything. i loved the vocals on this track and i find it catchy because i will sing along to it. i also found it was too cool for top if that makes sense?? like it's very different from the ukulele emo band yk? again, not a bad thing, just not *my* thing though i can see this growing on me for sure. also i see those references in the music video.
11. paladin strait (3 stars): this song is confusing. i like it but there are parts where i don't like it so i averaged it to a 3. i feel like those vocals don't really match the song? i'm not sure. i know i just talked about the good old emo ukulele days but i feel like the ukulele doesn't really fit here?? i did like the "here's my chance" bit, though i still felt like something was wrong about it?? idk. i also really liked the lyrics, they were very sweet and encouraging :) i've listened to this song a bunch of times and still the random ukulele that starts playing jumpscares me T^T it happens so suddenly lmaooo but that part is nice :) then the rest... the fpe???? hello clancy??????? hello???? clancy is still in the thick of it, huh? finally showdown vibes, i'm ready let's go. i've also seen theories about how this relates to the isle of flightless birds which is very interesting and i mean they did play it recently sooooo.
12. oldies station (3 stars): okay when this first started playing it gave me children's song vibes, you know? like it was a kids song or even a song in the background of youtube videos or something. that is to say, i didn't really like it. however, the lyrics were sweet and i liked the line "your favourite song was on the oldies station" :') yeah that hits oof. i also liked the "you don't quite mind" part! it saved the song for me i won't lie. it was very sweet and nice :) nothing really bad to say about it. also the lyric "you're in the crowd at her first dance recital" was very sweet :') as for the music video: yo homies you just killed someone. anyone gonna comment on that at all? and the white pole things moving was really trippy T^T i hated it, it hurt my eyes.
13. snap back (2.5 stars): honestly when this first started playing it gave me like txt / kpop vibes??? not a bad thing as such but just surprised me. however... i gave it a 2 so i wasn't really a fan of this song. though i did like the "i've been praying for my elasticity..." part. that was really vibey :) if we wanna get personal real quick then i'm someone who becomes quite angry and quick to irritation when i'm not doing well mentally and can lash out at people as a result so normally i relate a lot to lyrics like the ones in this but something just felt off about them??? it kinda felt like 'oh i hurt people when i was mentally unwell the other day but why haven't they forgiven me?' type of vibes??? (i got this largely from the lyric "blacklisted from forgiveness") essentially it sounds like an excuse for doing something shitty to someone when you're mentally unwell which doesn't sit right with me.* which i know is referenced in the song itself -> "i have seemed to run out of excuses of why i am this way" which yeah i relate to that because i have said those exact words to myself before, so i get it. i have first hand experience. it's something that i have done before but deeply regretted and don't really want to be reminded by a song. in short, "i am in this and i don't like it." the music video itself was fine i guess but didn't really change my opinion of the song at all. [*also remember that music is up to interpretation, so just bc this is how i see it does not mean that this is the actual meaning, reasoning or the thought process behind tyler's writing. art is subjective and we're all allowed our own opinions and all that jazz. i mean no hate or disrespect when i voice my opinions and only ask for mature responses that contribute to a healthy discussion.]
anyway we got deep at the end there but please don't jump on me bc my opinion is different from yours i beg T^T i left twitter to avoid that, please don't disappoint me tumblr clique :') but i was being serious innit, feel free to add your own opinions onto this :) i'd love to know what everyone else thought!
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Is viv gonna do the trick of how to keep a male character is by letting the female character having sex with them despite they hinted to suffer from SA. Stephen King Harlan Ellison. The game i have no mouth and i must scream i'm glad Ellen didn't have to intercourse sexually with anyone that is remove. Oh yeah in the game she was assaulted by worker who work with the same company as her, in the elevator. AM Make her relive the trauma to show her abuser they didn't show face or name, they only show invisible Man wearing work clothes. Ellen is also shown very uncomfortable with the color yellow. Wait wait SHIT
Ok so hazbin hotel but we keep the name happy hotel. So angel dust mafia mob theater actor porn star drag queen. He formerly work as a mafia and porn star, when he work as a pornstar. He was exploited by a man who's name is John, his boyfriend lie to him about he have debt angel who really fall in love try to help. Little that he know he was sold off by him his boyfriend just watch him get gangraped while he got the money. Angel wait for the right moment he murder his pos lover he hide the body and then run away. He want to start over so he become theater actor and drag queen he really enjoyed it. That's why he was in hell and why he really distrust around man. When he met with husk he just act flirty but act nothing more. When husk being Grumpy and rude it make angel feel more safe, atleast he knew husk is one of the few man he can actually trust. With Charlie it took time since angel really hated people who polite to him they just fake underneath so he always intentionally cause problem but Charlie always patience with him. Sir pentious angel often tease him a lot and he love how pathetic he is. When sir pentious touch him unintentionally angel snap pentious who didn't understood why immediately apologize to him. Vaggie one of the few he loved to tease, vaggie talk about how she felt guilty for murdering someone who abused her. Angel told her he know what it's feel like, husk who happen to listen in hell there's people who have regret. Husk notice how angel always sitting alone in bar never want to close with any man at all. Husk who didn't think too much never ask, angel reveal he like husk being Rude and Grumpy atleast he knew he wasn't fake. The betrayal he got is someone is very dear and close to him, angel didn't notice he was crying. He ask for drink he reveal in his drunken mess that he was stupid for believing his boyfriend and he got raped. Husk just told him sometime love is stupid the people he can think to trust sometime is their judas. Husk who carried angel to his bedroom. Angel woke up he realize he told husk about what happen, then he decided to talk with Charlie. Angel talk about his trauma Charlie who is prepared tell him her uncle and her aunt can help him, asmodeus and naamah help with angel dust case. Angel dust love to perform as an actor and he even sometime come to fizz show. With cherri bomb and angel naamah letting them perform and sing a song in Ozzie club. At first he thought he gonna be alone but he was wrong he got cherri fat nugget husk Charlie vaggie sir pentious heck even alastor. Alastor and him bonded having abusive father, angel even started dating husk
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dcjokerhs · 1 year
8 shows to get to know you
i was tagged by @arrysa-clair so... thank u huney /p ^w^
Katekyo Hitman Reborn: 🎵HELLO MY LUVELY HELLO MY HUNEY, HELLO MY RAGTIME GALLLL!!🎵 This wasn't the first fandom I wrote fanfic for, but I just,,,, YES!! 100%!! YES!! Because this shounen I Binged because of 1 CardFight! Vanguard/KHR crossover and THEN I WAS INVESTED, and now I am The Biggest Simp... It was also the fandom where I had to admit that I'm a filthy filthy multishipper so... OOPS, GUESS I CAN NEVER UNDO THAT!!!
Bagpuss: 🎵Bagpuss, oh Bagpuss, soggy-old-cat puss, wake up and see this thing that I bring, wake up, be bright! Be golden and light! Bagpuss, oh hear what I sing.🎵 THIS SHOW!!! THIS SHOW IS MY LOVE, MY BLOOD, AND NOW ONE OF THE LEAST-KNOWN SHOWS, EVEN THOUGH IT'S BLIMMIN GREAT (apart from one episode that suddenly comes to mind because HHHH IT WAS MADE IN THE SIXTIES AND THE OBJECT WAS A PAIR OF BOWING MEN) But think, like, Toys coming to life to check out this neat little thing their owner's brought, using songs, stories and poems to tell what the thing *really* is, working together to fix or clean the object, then moving it into the window "So anyone who had lost [the object] Would see it, and know it was found" AND THAT ENTIRE SHOW!! I LIVE FOR!!! If I need to sew, or if I'm sick, or even if I just don't want to watch much and snk into a pile of plushies, I can pop this show on, and listen to a soggy old pink and white cat, a raggedy old bookend, a toad with a banjo, a music box of mice and a well-loved doll explain why a small cushion is really the seat of the boney king of nowhere's throne. I Am Soft.
Thunderbirds/Thunderbirds Are Go: THIS SHOW, THIS SHOW I WROTE FANFICTION FOR BEFORE I EVEN KNEW WHAT FANFIC WAS!! I still even have the cute li'l notebook it was written in, now sans cover, IT IS UPSTAIRS IN A BOX AND I WAS SO YOUNG my handwriting was a full 2cm/0.8inch TALL, SO EACH PAGE WAS BASICALLY 5-7 LINES OF WIGGLY TEXT, because of course the paper doesn't have lines, and MY WRITING WAS SO CUTE AND SIMPLISTIC I WANT TO SQUEEZE YOUNGER-ME'S CHEEKS!! And then younger me made it have a crossover with Lazytown, because I was a sucker... AND NOW WE HAVE T.B.A.G, AND CHCGHCG I WAS ECSTATIC, my dad and brother less so, BUT I LOVE IT, and now I am back on my thunderbirds bs. /lol
Tantei Gakuen Q/Detective Class Q: I adore both the anime and the live action for this one. They may have slightly different stories, but they're still both quite powerful, and very fun, but also able to talk about some topics in ways that make me tilt my head a little, like the idea of an area cut off from the outside world, finding peace within the smaller things, or, from the live action, how far one person can go in search of freedom, and how that can then be framed by others during the uncovery of that story. Also! The cases!!! They can seem so complex, yet, then the answer will turn out so simple, and I absolutely adore that! ^w^
Gravity Falls: IDK what it is, but the idea of some kids just having fun, finding something, then having fun solving the issue, or going hrough an experience, and then supporting each other on the other side, getting the support of their chaotic family.... HHHHHHHH /pos. I am Very Soft. Also, fxghxfcghcfgh, Bill and Dipper's Entire Dynamic brings me life. Jesu Maria.... AND THEN I REMEMBER THEY'RE 12!! THEY CAN'T EVEN OWN A BANK ACCOUNT YET, SOMEONE GET THESE KIDS THERAPY OH MY GOODNESS!! bUT!!! SOOS!! YEEEEEE!! idk ok NEXT ONE!
School Babysitters: I may not be able to handle children irl, but the stories between the kids, the way the students handle caring for the kids, THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE CENTRAL DUO!!! HAS MADE ME CRY!! SO MANY TIMES!!! ARARARARARARARARA!!! I LOVE THEM!!! HHHHH!!
SCOOBY DOO! WHERE ARE YOU?/SCOOBY DOO, MYSTERY INCORPERATED!: My first crush was Daphne. I didn't realise it was a crush, I was just like "yeah, the others are pretty cool... But Daphneee..." And Nowadays I go "oh dearheart, Oh Sweetie" BECAUSE, HAHA, SHE IS STILL A FICTIONAL CRUSH, THIS WOMAN IS A COMPETENT QUEEN, tho some shows they make her a little mean, AND THAT'S WHY SB:WAY AND SB:MI ARE MY FAVOURITES, because Daphne is Adorable-- OMG I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT THE baby version of scoobydoo, oh my goodness that was adorable, though THE FACT THEY DECIDED THAT THE YOUNG VERSIONS WERE JUST WHO THE CHARACTERS ARE FROM BIRTH WHEN CGJHCHJCGJCGHJ YOU CAN'T TELL ME VELMA WASN'T THE CHEEKIEST BABY! YUHUXFH\OEW7SZDUFIYFWZPS9OUFZHRXDC8ZOSEYRHFNRICKUJFZBXED!!!!!
And last, but ne'er least: CUTE HIGH EARTH DEFENSE CLUB LOVE/BINAN KOUKOU CHIKYUU BOUEI-BU LOVE! That Show!!!!! THIS SHOW!!!! AAAA!!! Think, like, Genderbent Magigirl anime, but, again, Genderbent, and it's so cute, and funny, and yet it SOMEHOW, SOMEHOW, DESPITE BEING THE LIGHTEST THING SINCE FREE!, I AM a total mess mum plz come and pick me up i will cry from CUTENESS ISTG!!!
Gods, picking out stuff was so hard, but so fun, because I had to say "No" to Dream SMP, I had to turn down shows like the Katrielle Layton Anme because I ONLY GOT TO WATCH THAT ONCE, AND I AM SO SALTY 'CAUSE THAT WAS SO CUTE!! But then, hhhhh!!! /vpos /lovinglyfrustrated. Other shows skipped are Ouran High School Host Club, Free!, How to Keep a Mummy, Merlin, Dr Who, M.I.High, Good Omens (Good God do I love Good Omens), Love Stage!! aaand Marginal Prince.
Anyway!! Tagging!! I have no clue!! UUUUUUUUUHHHHH
@captaindragonsgold @snailraffle @slytherinroyaltyblogs @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars @silverdrip
^w^ Have Fun! ^w^
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littlehaize · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes Tag
Rules: use this quote generator & list as many quotes as you like using characters from your WIPs, then tag as many people as quotes you listed.
Thanks @vampywriter for the tag!
I then tag: whoever wants to do it and wasn't tag by someone, you can say i tagged you! (moots please do it, i don't want to bother you, but i'm looking at you) (no i don't really tag people because i have more than forty quotes and won't tag that many people)
it's going to be very long because i love incorrect quotes and i have too much time on my hands (and wip on many things)
WIP from fandoms:
(Star Trek) Sarek: Sybok... Sybok: I can tell by the tone of your voice that you are disappointed. Alas, I must further disappoint you by affirming how little I give a fuck.
Spock: If we lose, you’re out of the will. Sybok: I was in the will?
Sarek: You deserve a reward for putting up with me. Amanda: You are my reward. meanwhile Jim: You deserve a reward for putting up with me. Spock: True, you can be really difficult at times.
Sybok: Reverse tooth fairy where you leave money under your pillow and the tooth fairy comes and leaves you a bunch of teeth. Spock: Why? Sybok, shaking a bag of teeth: Just because.
Sarek: Yes, I'm adopting Michael and you cowards can't tell me no!
Amanda: What is love? Spock: An emotional minefield. Sarek: A neurochemical reaction. Sybok: Baby don't hurt me.
Spock: I love you. Jim, not paying attention: What was that? Spock: I said I’m selling you to the zOo-
Bones: Let's just agree to both say we're sorry on the count of three. Bones: One... two... three. Spock: ... Bones: ... Bones: See, now I'm just disappointed in both of us.
Jim: *seductively takes off glasses* Jim: Wow... Spock: *blushes* Haha... what? Jim: You're really fucking blurry.
Pike: So… what would you do if you were in bed with me? Una: Depends. Is your bed comfortable? Pike: Yes. Una: I'd sleep.
Una: My hands are cold. Pike: Here, let me hold them. Una: My lips are cold too. Pike: covers Una's mouth with their hand
Una: When I said bring me something back from the beach I meant like a conch shell! Pike: Struggling to hold a seagull Fucking say that next time!
Pike: Can I ask a dumb question? Una: Better than anyone I know.
Pike: Where are you going? Una: To get MYSELF a gift cause somebody didn't get me one! Pike: I told you I did! Its coming here on Friday! Spock, knowing full well that Pike got Una an engagement ring: *eating popcorn*
(AOT) Annie: Have I ever told you that you cook well? Armin: Awww, no, you haven't! Annie: So why do you keep cooking?
Armin: Why are you late? Annie: A technical error occurred, causing an unexpectedly long bout of unconsciousness. Armin: Overslept? Annie: Overslept.
Reiner: *double checking supplies in the boat* Compass. CB radio. Sunscreen. Bertolt: Hot dog costumes! Reiner: I’m sorry, what? Bertolt: You know, in case we get lost at sea, and one of us, probably Annie, goes mad with hunger, we’ll put these on. Annie hates hot dogs, so they probably won’t eat us. Reiner: Are you saying that Annie would rather eat us than hot dogs? Annie: I do hate hot dogs.
Annie: Okay, can we all stop saying stupid shit for a moment, please?! Bertolt: Alright. Reiner: Hey, I- Annie: SHUT UP! Reiner: I HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED MY SENTENCE!! Bertolt: It was bound to be stupid.
Armin: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos- Annie: I wrote you a poem. Armin, already crying: You did?
Annie: I still have no idea how I’m attracted to you… Armin: Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me, and no take backs, honey.
*Something crashes* Reiner: Shoot- Bertolt: *running into the room in a panic* WHAT FELL?! Annie: *walking by the room calmly* What died?
Bertolt, Entering Reiner's room: Annie did it again. Reiner: Peace disturbance? Bertolt: What no- Reiner: Arson..? Bertolt: NO, JESUS CHRIST, HOW MANY- Reiner: uh....Attempted murder? Bertolt: NO, THEY ATE ALL THE FOOD IN THE FRIDGE, BUT WHAT THE FU-
Eren: Onion rings are vegetable donuts. Mikasa, used to Eren being dumb: Sure... Eren: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed. Mikasa: Okay? Eren: Lasagna is spaghetti flavored cake. Mikasa: Eren: Lobsters are mermaid scorpio- Mikasa: Jesus, that one is a little- Armin, interested: No, no, Eren, keep going.
Armin: What are you writing? Eren: The government wants to know what kind of weapons we have in the house. I'm letting them know it's private information. Mikasa, looking over Eren's shoulder: This just says 'fuck around and find out' in calligraphy.
Armin: Guys where did Eren go? Mikasa: They got arrested. Armin: How the hell- Eren: *bursts in through the window* The cops are after me, I thought it would be fun to steal crackers and throw them at people.
WIP from original content:
Robin: What’s the announcement, Hiroaki? Hiroaki: It’s a lecture. Nayeli’s gonna tell us everything they know about sex. Noam: It should be an enjoyable 60 seconds.
Noam: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Nayeli. They're mad at you. Nayeli: No, it's Hiroaki. They're just being gramatically correct! *meanwhile* Hiroaki: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them. Robin: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'. Hiroaki: I stand by my choice.
Hiroaki: Wake me up- Noam: Before you go go Robin: When September ends Nayeli: WAKE ME UP INSIDE
Noam: Where are your parents? Robin: What are parents? Noam: That’s just about the saddest thing I've ever heard.
Noam: I need a long word. Nayeli: T-rex but the long one.
*Noam and Nayeli are in a car teetering on the edge of a cliff* Noam: oh my god, Nayeli, backwards! Nayeli: Really, Noam? I thought I might go forwards into the river, I thought that would be a fun thing to do.
(they're siblings) Charlene: I WOULD DESTROY THE WORLD FOR YOU! Archibald: Okay, can you do the dishes? Charlene: No!
Archibald, near tears: Please, Charlene, I don’t speak meme! I don't know what a 'yeet' is!
Zachary: Are you a cuddler? Esfir: I'm a machine of death and destruction. Zachary: Esfir: ...Yeah, I'm a cuddler.
Esfir: It's called cauliflower, not ghost broccoli. Zachary, eyes wide: I know what I saw.
Zachary: Here’s the cold medicine you asked for. Zachary: *dumps 3 shopping bags of wine on the table* Esfir: ...Thanks.
Noam: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us. Hiroaki: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
Hiroaki: Ugh, crushes are so dumb. Noam: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid. Hiroaki: But you’re always acting stupid? Noam: ... Noam: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Noam, talking to Nayeli: Wait, what's going on? Are we all talking about how hot Hiroaki is? Because Hiroaki is a straight up sexual fox riding a red-hot nuclear bombshell right toward the yowza plaza in the heart of Babe City, Assachusetts, U S A. The last A just stands for more ass.
Hiroaki: I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing them under the moonlight. Noam: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther? Hiroaki, already taking off their clothes: God, Noam, you’re so fucking stupid.
Robin: I wish I could control wasps and bees to sting my enemies. Nayeli: You’re too young to have enemies. Robin: You don’t even know.
Nayeli: This is horrible! This is the most humiliating thing to ever happen to me! Noam: Oh-? Even more humiliating than- Nayeli: We are not doing this!
Robin, holding a scooter: Nayeli! Can I go outside and play with this? Nayeli: Sure, whatever. I'm not your parent, okay? Robin, running outside: Thanks Nayeli! Nayeli, running out after them and screaming: NOT ON THE STREET! STAY AWAY!
Nayeli: I am a responsible adult! Robin: *raises brow* Nayeli: I am an adult.
Hiroaki: So... what’s goin’ on? Noam: You want the long version or the short version? Hiroaki, hesitantly: The short one, I guess? Noam: Shit’s fucked. Hiroaki: Oh. Well, yeah, that’s definitely not an optimal situation.
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Evil Laa-Laa AU (Death warning obviously lol)
Tinky Winky was asleep and dreaming one second, and the next he couldn’t breathe. He wiggled, muffling screams. He somehow had the strength to finally push his attacker off him.
He didn’t wake anyone up, he ran out of the dome. Feeling confused and terrified. He shivered against the chills.
Soon Tinky couldn’t run anymore and collapsed on the sand. He shakily sighs as the only sound he heard was the lake and his heavy breathing. 
Soft footsteps catch his attention and he hopes its Po-wait no Po doesn’t walk like that. She’s more of a runner and fast paced.
He looks behind him, okay it's just Laa-Laa.
Tinky breathes out.
“I-I’m sorry, I-I don’t know why I ran away in the middle of the night.” He looks down in a mix of shame and embarrassment.
“It’s okay, I know.” 
The yellow tele’s footsteps were changing. They sound more…cautious?
“I did try to make it quick, but I didn’t expect you to fight back.”
Tinky Winky was now back to terrified and ALARMED. His mouth opened to cry out, but he couldn’t get his words out.
“I suggest you use this limited time to use your words, because after this you won’t be speaking anymore.”
Tinky couldn’t get up and run. His brain was trying to connect the words ‘attempted murder’, ‘Laa-Laa’ and ‘friend’. But these words simply shouldn’t belong together.
She tightly grips his neck and pins his throat against the sand. Taking advantage of his lying position.
“We tried to get Dipsy to come with us to look for you, but he kept mumbling about how he would just wait in case you came back.”
Whenever Tinky Winky’s strangling noises got to the point of him almost passing out from lack of oxygen, Laa-Laa would cease. He didn’t know why she was talking about this.
“We even implied that you could be in big trouble, still that moron didn’t seem to care-”
Tinky began to cry, he didn’t know if it was out of the pain, fear or the implication of Dipsy not caring about him.
His scream was cut short by her claws ripping into his throat.
Po’s ears perk when she hears a familiar scream but it only lasts for one second but she swears she heard it from the beach.
Something painful surges through her body. It made her stumble and almost fall over. She clutches her chest, she hears her television screen make a strange noise.
Po felt like she was struggling to breathe, what was going on? A numbing chill spread to every nerve and all her limbs.
Her antenna, which had been glowing, came to a stop. Po got a feeling in her stomach, telling her Tinky Winky was in deep trouble.
She eagerly runs toward the noise, it felt like forever before she finally made it only to skid to a stop. Her jaw dropped at the horrifying scene despite her unable to understand fear, she knew anyone else would use that word to describe this.
The chills became worse.
Tinky laid lifeless on the sand. His throat and face were bleeding. 
Po shook in a mix of anger and shock.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” She finally screamed, Laa-Laa turns to look at her but Po was already running.
Her breathing was shortening which was very odd.
“Dipsy!” Po yells.
She trips when she gets to the dome entrance. She turns her head.
Surprisingly Laa-Laa wasn’t following her.
Po pushes herself up before stumbling in, her purple eyes widen.
Laa-Laa must have gotten here first due to how slow Po was. She’s standing over Dipsy’s limp body. Blood was spilled on the ground, on the slide. She’s gripping Dipsy’s head by the antenna. 
The biggest problem being the head wasn’t attached to his neck.
The red teletubby turns on her feet and runs again, ignoring her body’s need to stop. She didn’t get far before someone, if she couldn’t guess who, tackled her.
Po growls and screams, before she could curse Laa-Laa out, she couldn’t breathe. She clutches at her neck, where she feels the roughness of a rope.
You bitch!
Laa-Laa shortens the rope before standing up, and drags the girl somewhere while still strangling her.
Po kicks and scratches at the grass trying to slow the other, but it does nothing. She doesn’t possess a survival instinct, but she fights mentally to cling onto life. 
Soon the feeling of grass and dirt on the back of her shirt left, and something hard replaced it. She supposes this could be called ‘dragged up on a tree’. Or pulled up? 
The choking became worse suddenly, Po twists and turns, trying to take off the rope. She looks down when she realizes she was swaying.
Laa-Laa observes her with curious green eyes.
“You’re still alive?”
Po struggled to keep her gaze on this crazy bitch.
“You’re going to die eventually, there’s no point in holding on.” She tilts her head. “You’ll see Tinky again if you give into the darkness.”
The fucking what?
“I’m not leaving until I see you die.” 
To Po’s dismay, Laa-Laa blurs into a mess of colors. She couldn’t…
Her body goes limp as her eyes roll into the back of her head.
Laa-Laa wordlessly heads back to the dome, hopefully the infection hasn’t kicked into motion in Dipsy’s body yet. She sighs in relief, the head and body are still there.
She heaves his corpse onto her shoulder before picking up his head and puts it under her arm.
Off through the caves, to the outskirts then it should kick in when they get to the satellite station. Maybe she’ll get to see this so-called ‘Guardian’. 
Laa-Laa read about him in Noo-Noo’s notes and considering she didn’t encounter him all night, he sounds like the worst she’s ever heard of.
Maybe he’ll stop being a lil coward if he lives to reach the station.
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httpdabi · 3 years
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Nothing special
Word count: 2.0k
Genre: smut, I don’t even know anymore
Warnings: 18+, dom!Dabi, rough sex, unprotected sex, creampie (once again, pls use condoms lmaooo)
,, Babe, I was just joking around’’ Touya cooed on the other line, forcing you to put the phone away as you took a deep breath, trying to calm your tits down.
,, You are always joking around. Some things are kept private Touya’’ you whined, wishing your boyfriend actually understood the meaning of the word privacy. Closing your eyes, you weren’t even sure if he bragged about it to make himself cooler in front of his friends, or because he simply thought it was alright to talk about it. Once Mina told you that he was holding a speech about your sexual life with his friends last night, you almost wished you were never born.
,, Babe, they are my friends, they won’t tell anyone if you’re worrying about it’’ he said with almost apologetic voice.
,, Well guess what, one of them already told Mina’’ you tried not to scream, as you walked fast, face red from all the embarrassment you felt at the moment.
,, You know what, we’ll talk when you calm down’’ Touya hissed, hanging up fast after it. You wanted to scream in frustration and smash your fucking phone onto the cold street, but yet you stopped yourself , not wanting to make a fool out of yourself in front of the crowd of strangers.
The moment you got into the apartment you shared with your boyfriend, you sighed in relief once you realized that he ain’t home. The moment you found out about him not being able to keep his mouth shut, you felt like all the stares were directed to you.
,, Piece of shit’’ you whined, as you took your phone out of the pocket of your jacket. A sudden idea popped up in your mind. Grinning widely, you texted your best friend, telling her to be online in the next few hours, making sure she’ll have some time for a small call once Touya comes back home.
Instead of preparing the dinner, you ordered a pizza for yourself. You knew very well how much he loved when you cook for him, and how much he’s thankful for it, and it almost made you feel bad about your decision, but yet you managed to push the thoughts away, remembering about the conversation he had with his stupid friends.
,, Submissive bitch my ass’’ you hissed, choking onto the small piece of pizza. At some point all the disappointment and sadness was long gone, as anger and frustration took over you.
Not even trying to clean up the mess you made, you simply went into the bedroom you shared with him, and changed, wearing your purple oversized shirt. Sure, you loved wearing his shirts, somehow something that simple, gave you so much comfort. But not today. Today you wanted to burn everything that was his.
,, Baby, I’m home’’ you heard him say, as he slammed the door. Ignoring his words, you just hopped into the bed, trying to calm yourself down a bit. You acted as you were asleep, once you heard his steps coming closer to the bedroom the two of you shared.
,, What ? No kiss today?’’ he asked, knowing very well that you are wide awake. It was foolish of you even to think that you could fool him.
,, Ask Shiggy for a kiss, I heard he’s as submissive as I am’’ you hissed, hiding your face in the covers, still not brave enough to face him.
,,Oh? You’re still not over that?’’ he asked again, leaning onto the wall. If your behavior wasn’t so annoying at the moment, he would probably find it cute how frustrated you were over something so small. Turning around, he left you alone, wanting to give you some time for yourself, only to find you hopping out of the bed.
You followed him into the living room, courage taking over your body, once you realized that he’s calm as fuck and not affected by your reaction at all.
,, You’ve gotta be kidding me doll’’ he gasped once he saw the mess in kitchen, and leftovers of your pizza placed all over the counter. ,, At least throw the leftovers away’’ Touya added, pushing the small box to the side.
,, Clean it yourself if it bothers you that much’’ you spat, as you hopped onto the couch, turning the TV on. A dangerous smirk appeared on his face, once he realized what kind of game you were playing, not wanting to give in.
You tried to concentrate on the stupid movie you found on Netflix, as he prepared the dinner. A small part of you wanted to push him away, and simply make anything for him, but yet another part of you was telling you to sit the fuck down and ignore him.
The fact that he wasn’t paying much attention to you was pissing you off. You hoped small stuff like that would piss him off, but yet he was so calm.
Standing up, you texted Mina, checking if she’s online, as you hopped onto the tall chair next to the counter. You noticed that he was giving you a side eye, checking you out every now and then, as you just texted someone on your phone.
,, Who are you texting ?’’ curiosity took over him. You weren’t the one to text people, and if you were texting someone just to piss him off, then you were on a good way.
,,A friend’’ you simply stated, ignoring the confused and almost mad look on his face.
,, Which friend? ‘’ he asked almost immediately, his grip around the wooden spoon he was stirring the food with, grew much stronger without him even realizing.
,, You don’t know him’’ you gave him a simple answer, more than satisfied with the reaction he was giving you. Placing the Airpods in your ears, you turned the volume down as you answered Mina’s call, not giving him a chance to say anything else.
,, Heyy babe, I’ve missed you so much’’ you squeaked happily, as Mina laughed on the other side, talking some nonsense, while you answered some bullshit. Touya’s eyes widened in shock as he turned the stove off, turning around to face you as you talked with the unknown person.
,, Yeah, I’m still with him’’ you smiled widely, faking the whole conversation with Mina. The moment you realized that all of his attention was placed on you, you took a next step, hardly holding the laugh to yourself.
,, Yeah I know. No, it’s not hard to take it, his dick is nothing special, but it’s about the technique, you know? ’’ you said, biting onto your nail, as you tried to ignore the shocked expression that was written all over Touya’s face. Sure, he tired to act all calm, but there was a line and you just crossed it.
Grabbing the phone out of your hand, he looked at the unknown number that was on your screen. A small smile formed on your face, as you felt grateful that you remembered to delete Mina’s number in case something like this happens.
,, Who’s this?’’ he asked almost aggressively, only for Mina to hang up on him the moment she heard his voice. As much as you tried to stop yourself, a smirk formed on the corner of your lips, glad that he could get a taste own medicine.
The smirk long gone, once your phone flew across the room and his hand found its way to your throat. You knew that you were playing a dangerous game, but in your opinion, it was all worth it. Every fucking second of it.
,, You have a death wish ?’’ Touya hissed, his grip around your throat getting much stronger. The moment you nodded your head, he pulled you up, pushing your body down onto the counter.
,, Sure my technique might be good, but as much as I remember, you were crying about my dick not fitting in?’’ he said, making it sound like he was questioning you. ,, Guess, I’ll have to remind you about it’’ Touya added, flipping you over. One hand gripping onto your hair, as he pushed your upper body over the counter, and his other hand ripping your panties apart, throwing them on the floor.
Without a warning, he slammed his dick into you, making you scream as the pain took over your body. It was weird how even tho the two of you fucked every night, he was stretching you out like it was your first time.
He didn’t give you any time to adjust, snapping his hips against your own at a ruthless pace. There was no need for it, it was a punishment in the first place and as you said, his dick is nothing special after all.
Somehow you managed to grab onto the edges of the counter, as he roamed into you fast and deep, hitting your cervix with every move he made. Closing your eyes, you tried not to moan, you tried not to show him any sign of pleasure you felt in that very moment.
,, What’s wrong baby? I thought you can take it’’ he groaned, yanking your hair back. The whole situation was turning him on way too much, your bratty attitude, the way you are bent over the counter for him and the small whimpers that were escaping your lips every now and then.
,, I-I’m glad.. I’m glad you could feel the way .. The way I did’’ you managed to say, catching your breath in between every word you said.
,, Shut your bratty mouth’’ he hissed, his grip and moves getting only stronger. A loud moan escaped from your mouth, once you felt him hit your g spot. Closing your eyes, you wiggled your body a bit, giving him a sign that you are close. Like he didn’t know already. If someone knows your body, it’s Touya. He simply knows everything about you, he knows when you’re upset, sad, when you’re hiding something from him. He knows when something is wrong, when you are in pain, and the best he knows is when you are about to cum.
He didn’t plan on making you cum, he wanted to punish you and leave you on your own once he’s done with you. He wanted to make you beg for him, he wanted you to finish yourself with nothing else than your own fingers. He didn’t want to give you that pleasure of reaching your high, you didn’t deserve it, yet once he felt you moving your body closer to his, and once he heard the small moans coming out of your mouth, the thought he had was long gone.
,, Right here?’’ he asked, his fingers on your clit, rubbing small circles. You couldn’t even answer him properly, only nodding your head, as you squeezed your eyes shut. Toyua grinned once he felt your walls tightening around his dick, making him fuck you even harder than he already did. If that was even possible.
,, Oh God, Touya’’ you moaned loudly, repeating his name all over again, as you came all over his dick. Touya continued to fuck you, reaching his own high shortly after. The moment you felt his warm seed deep inside of you, you sniffed quietly, disappointed with the fact that you were once again so weak and nothing else than submissive bitch for him.
,, Baby, it’s okay, it’s okay’’ Touya whispered, turning your body around and placing small and soft kisses all over your face. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt you, and the way you acted in that very moment broke his heart.
,, I’m sorry baby, I’ll make everything better, I’ll never talk about our love life ever again’’ he added, pulling you into a tight embrace.
,, Promise?’’ you whispered, slowly rubbing your eyes as he showered you with billion small kisses. You knew that he didn’t mean any harm with his reckless talk, you knew he never wanted to hurt you.
,,Promise’’ he said, and you believed him, like you always did.
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Could you write something about Peter Walter VI accidentally hurting himself and not accepting help or smth?
I've been very hyperfixated on him specifically
IT'S FINALLY DONE!!!!! I am so sorry that this is so late, everything I do is nowadays :/ I'm trying to fix that, but here! Sorta goes along with what you requested but also not a tiny bit so yeah.
TWS for pain, mentions of vomit, mentions of self-neglect, crying, loose limits with bodily physics, panic attacks, and refusal of help
Peter stifled a groan, resisting the urge to dive headfirst into a pool of ice as his face throbbed with pain. This must be the side effects of his body getting used to his void and the Blue Matter spikes that came with it. That didn’t mean he liked it, though.
His head hurt, he felt sick to his stomach, and his throat was dry. He hadn’t changed in 3 days, for the fear that taking his mask off to change would cause more pain. He didn’t know what was happening- nobody had gone through what he was and survived. Peter Walter IV was nowhere to be found or contacted, and he was the only other person that Peter knew of who had survived a Blue Matter hit.
And now he was alone, failing to work away his pain and worry. He simultaneously felt his face fade out and then back into existence and a sharp pain across his cheek, like someone had stabbed him with a hot poker. He let out a whimper at this, gripping his screwdriver tighter.
The pain eventually passed and he let out a shaky sigh, setting the screwdriver down. His head ached, he felt dizzy, and he just wanted it to stop. He staggered to his feet and out of the lab, blinking in the bright light. Of course, nobody would be able to see him blinking, as his face was a void and covered by a mask.
He could barely make it down the hallway before another wave of pain washed over him, throbbing in his face like a heart. He bit back his cry of pain, but he couldn’t help stumbling. He leaned against the wall, trying to recover his bearings.
“Peter?” Great, The Spine was here.
Not that Peter didn’t like The Spine; he was actually kind of like a second father to Peter. It’s just he didn’t want anyone to see him like this. Oh god how pathetic he was being.
He hated this. Being this pitiful put a bad taste in Peter’s mouth-well, what left he could describe as a mouth. If he could just hide it until he got better, that would be best.
“Peter? Are you alright?” The Spine asked, slowly approaching Peter. He could see the pity in The Spine’s eyes and it made him even more determined than before.
“Yes, The Spine, I’m fine. Just taking a small breather, that’s all,” Peter said, pushing himself off of the wall.
He wobbled a bit, but managed to stay on his feet. He hobbled past The Spine, who shot him a concerned look, and around the corner. He managed to make it back to his room before he collapsed, his knees giving out as another wave of pain emenated from his face. He had a headache to beat all headaches and his face just hurt so much.
He muffled another cry of pain and curled up on the floor, caressing his mask like he could somehow take the pain away if he treated it nicely. Obviously, this wasn’t the case, and his face kept on hurting.
Peter tossed the wrench over his shoulder, groaning in frustration. This engine just wouldn’t work, regardless of whatever modifications he did to it. He grabbed an oil-streaked screwdriver and wiped it on his dirty sleeve, ignoring how it would stain. He hadn’t changed in four days, his fear of adding extra simulation to his face still bright in his mind.
His face was now in a constant state of pain, sometimes greater than usual, but still pain. He was starting to consider looking for some ultra-strength painkillers. His thoughts turned back to his work as he stared at the engine.
Would he have to take it apart and put it back together? That would run the risk of destroying it, but if he didn’t he wouldn’t know what was going wrong. Maybe he had to check the core positioning?
He grumbled and grabbed a hammer. This was going to be annoying. He unscrewed one of the bolts and wedged the screwdriver between two pipes, smacking it with the butt of the hammer. The pipes separated, but a hot burst of steam shot out, startling Peter.
He jumped back and banged his head on an overhanging light. Small waves of pain emanated not only from the back of his head, but also the front. Well, that wasn’t true. The waves of pain coming from his face were anything but small.
Peter stifled a groan and sat down, closing his eyes and wishing that the pain would just stop. “Peter, I’ve brought you a sandwich. You need food and- Peter?” Hatchworth’s voice came.
Peter felt a flash of alarm travel through him and he bolted upright, his eyes snapping open as he turned to face where the automaton’s voice had come from. There stood Hatchworth, a confused look on his face and a sandwich in his hand. “Hatchworth! What a surprise, I didn’t hear you come in!” Peter said, standing up and trying to hide his nervousness.
Hatchworth just stared at him with those unblinking optics, his expression carefully neutral. Peter found himself starting to sweat, little beads gathering on whatever remained of his skin beneath his mask. “Peter, are you well? Healthy or well people usually don’t lie on the floor all that often,” Hatchworth noted.
Peter cleared his throat, tugging on the edges of his coat nervously. “Ehm… Yes, I'm fine, Hatchworth. You don’t need to worry about me,” Peter said, wishing that he had the innate ability to lie casually like Rabbit did.
Hatchworth gave him a searching look before sighing. “Okay… Anyhow, I have a sandwich for you. Regardless of what you say, humans need sustenance and you are a human, so therefore, you need sustenance,” He said, thrusting the sandwich into Peter’s hands.
Peter hadn’t noticed how hungry he was until Hatchworth handed him the sandwich. “I… Thank you, Hatchworth. I’ll eat it while I work,” He said.
Hatchworth gave a little smile before leaving, humming something beneath his breath. As Peter stared at the sandwich, his appetite dropped. The pain in his face grew and he drew a shaky breath, gently putting the sandwich onto his work table. There was no way he’d be able to eat that sandwich without losing it all.
He stared forlornly at the sandwich before sighing, wrapping it in an oil-dirty cloth and dropping it into a waste bin. He sat down heavily at his table and stared at the engine. He felt the familiar tears of frustration well up in his not-there-anymore eyes but they didn’t fall. They couldn’t. Peter laid his head on the table and dry sobs began to wrack his body.
Peter was sitting in one of the many living rooms of the manor, feeling horrible. The pain coming from his face had doubled in the past hour and he still hadn’t changed in five days. His sleeves were dirty with oil and grease, his blond hair flopping over his mask in a dirty mop.
He was tired. He was even more tired than that one night where he lost Bananas and looked all around the Manor before finding it in the fridge, and he had been pretty tired after that. He wanted to fall asleep and dream, but the agony radiating from his face prevented him from doing so.
Another spike of pain radiated through his face and he winced, his hand shooting to his face before he caught himself. No… he couldn’t take off the mask. It was the only thing protecting everyone from his Void. 
In the hospital, people seeing what used to be his face resulted in agony. He didn’t want a stray worker or, god forbid, his mother to stumble upon him without his mask on. He would never be able to forgive himself if he hurt her.
“Petes? Pe-Petes, you alright?” Rabbit asked, poking her head in.
Peter jumped, his hands shooting to his sides and away from his face. “Rabbit! Oh, Rabbit, you scared me,” He said, his shoulders relaxing.
“So-Sorry, Petes. Still, ar-ar-are you alright?” She asked, looking sheepish before approaching him.
Peter felt himself involuntarily tense up again. “Yeah, I’m fine. Why do you ask?” He said, trying to maintain his cheerful tone while a pit appeared in his stomach.
“We-We-Well, The Spine and Hatchy to-told me that they we-were worried ab-about you and your accident was only a few wee-weeks ago so…” She trailed off, her mismatched optics staring at him intensely.
“I’m fine, Rabbit. You can stop worrying,” Peter said curtly, momentarily shocked at his own tone.
Rabbit jutted her jaw defiantly and crossed her arms. “No-Now that’s not like you at a-a-all,” She said, her eyes narrowing.
Another bolt of pain lanced Peter’s face and he couldn’t help but hiss softly. Rabbit’s brow furrowed, confusion dancing across her faceplate. “Petes? Are you alright?” She asked, her concern as clear as day.
“I’m fine. Just leave me alone,” Peter hissed, getting up and starting to storm out of the room.
“Petes, I’m only trying to help-” “I don’t want help!” Peter cut Rabbit off, his voice rough.
Another flash of pain emenated from his face, but he ignored it. He couldn’t be around people right now, regardless of whether they were organic or not. He fled, leaving Rabbit standing in the living room with her thoughts.
He ran into a lab and sealed the door behind him, his breathing ragged. He hated this more than he could even say. The Blue Matter that was intertwined with his body made him feel weak.
He couldn’t run anymore, he couldn’t eat normally anymore, he couldn’t even see normally anymore, only out of the keyhole in his mask. Regardless, this was his job as a Walter. He had to weather whatever the effects Blue Matter had on him, regardless of his own feelings. And he had to do so alone.
Peter threw the screwdriver to the side, his breath coming in uneven gasps. He had just been in the middle of taking that engine apart when his face had begun to hurt. Not just hurt like it had before, which was more of a dull throb. This was more like his face was on fire, like how it had been when he had his accident.
He choked back a sob, pushing himself away from the desk and landing on the floor. He curled up on his side, trying and failing to comfort himself. He felt something weird bubble up in his stomach, like he was about to vomit and pass out at the same time. He took deep breaths to try and centre himself, but it was too late.
Just as the feeling peaked, Peter felt the world go fuzzy and he fell through the floor. He cried out, his vision going dark for a second before he fell into the Hall of Wires, only a few feet away from The Spine, who was reading a book in a fluffy, pink bathrobe.
The Spine shrieked, jumping back in surprise as Peter fell to the floor from his ceiling. Thankfully, Peter wasn’t hurt and didn’t go through the floor again. “Peter!” The Spine cried, suddenly aware of the situation and reacting.
Peter lay shaking on the floor, gasping as he tried to recover. What was that??? “Peter, it’s okay. I’m here,” The Spine said, gently easing Peter onto his lap like he had when Peter was a little boy.
Peter could only whimper, his tears pooling in his non-existent eyes as he tried to calm himself down again, still failing. He heard the heavy thumps of mechanical feet and Hatchworth and Rabbit burst in, Hatchworth’s face still as blank as ever and Rabbit’s expressing her concern and fear openly. “Pe-Petes!” She cried, pulling him into a hug.
Peter suddenly found himself trying and failing to push them away. What was he doing!? He wasn’t a child; he didn’t need comforting like a baby! Another wave of pain emanated from his face and he whimpered, curling in on himself. “Peter? Do you need to take off your mask?” Hatchworth asked, kneeling by Peter’s side.
“No!” Peter cried, his head snapping up and prompting another wave of pain.
“Peter… why?” The Spine asked, his expression confused.
“Because it’ll hurt you! I-I don’t want to hurt you…” Peter sobbed, curling in on himself again and hiding his masked face in his hands.
There was a pause before Peter felt cold, robotic hands hove his own away from his face. “You-You-You won’t hurt us, Petes…” Rabbit said softly, holding his hands gently.
Hatchworth’s hands gently grabbed the leather strap holding Peter’s mask in place and before he could object, the mask was off. The pain lessened and Peter gasped, his eyes flying open. There was Rabbit, The Spine, and Hatchworth. And… and they weren’t in pain. “What…?” He breathed, his voice coming easier now that it wasn’t muffled by the mask.
“To-Told ya,” Rabbit said, smiling.
“But I thought…” Peter whispered, his hand flying to his face. His fingers traced over his cheeks delicately, as prodding too much would make his fingers phase straight through his skin.
“We’re not organic, Peter. The things that would hurt others don’t hurt us,” The Spine said, sympathy in his voice.
Peter started sniffling, curling into The Spine and Rabbit’s embrace. They let him, their combined hugs warming his cold skin. For the first time since his accident, he felt safe.
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jadelynlace · 3 years
something of madness for the widow / Modern Vikings AU [Ivar x Reader], prologue
synopsis: You are brave. You are cunning. You are brutal. You are restless. And you are hunting them.
author’s note: refer to this post, your honor, when I go insane and finally snap because I have too many things in progress. details at the end of the post to clear up any confusion. please note that Ivar’s canon brittle bones do not exist in this universe. I have other pain to make up for it. I mean, what?
content warnings: mentions of mafia-style business, weaponry use & references, language, drug use & reference, sexual / adult themes.
“How about a favor, for an old friend?”
“I am neither old, or your friend, Ragnar. The answer is no,” 
“I have intel on the Galvanic Couple,”
“Does Aslaug still like sweet wine with her dinner?”
“The sky is still blue, dear,”
The pale beauty on the other side of the door had a face that dug into your heart. Blue silk for eyes that hardened like a metal cross with a growl hinted in his speech at his confusion for your sudden arrival. Ragnar promised himself once more that he had “forgotten” the silent promise that he was not to contact you. Certain unanswerable questions had spent too much time forming in his mind, questions you wanted answered just as quickly. But this man with chestnut locks of pulled back hair knew nothing of the hidden crudeness you had sailed upon. 
Your lover turned up dead, lone bullet casing and hair mangled with blood and regrets. Copper polished steel with the whispers of a fake apology for the loss of your husband. But the couple never killed with their own hands; they covered his head with screams and terror and gave him one simple solution to their torture; and you were holding it between your fingers. It was the only reason you are determined to destroy their project, one beautiful blood bath at a time.
“Allow my condolences, once more. Your husband was a good man,” Ragnar started.
“Save it,” You spit quickly. “You have intel, and I want to hear it, we’re not here to shoot the breeze and catch up Ragnar,” Ragnar offered an annoyed sigh, setting his glass down against stained wood grain. A mahogany desk top that you knew was built by the same hands who had supplied some of the best weaponry you had used to date.
“I have intel, yes.” Ragnar spoke, leveling eyes with yours as you took the moment to drown the remains of the amber liquid from your glass. A sting down into your throat. “Quid pro-quo, dear. I’ll tell you something if you tell me,”
“I’m still waiting,” You argue, straightening up your frame as you level a stare against his.
“Can you move ice?” 
“Is that a fucking joke? You know I can move ice—is business that bad for you Ragnar?” You ask but the snicker behind you calls for you immediate attention. 
“Have you met my youngest?” Ragnar says, hand outstretched to his son as he comes through into the locked vicinity of spoken crime. The other man offered you a look, one silent nod in approval—or appreciation, you negated to really care which. “Listen, you work with me for these next few months, and you will get that intel,” He sings, the music floating into your ears as the thought turns over through your head, rolling around the musical notes and the lyrics to his speech. It blindsides you, loudness covering your common sense but in the moment you’re too lost, but too caught up to really care. You want to stamp your signature on the death certificate of that company if it took your own life in the process. Not through one loud bang, or one swish of a blade, but rather one scream at a time. “What do you say?” Ragnar asks, knuckles mingling together as he he folds his hands against his desk. 
“You cover it all—every expense,” And you know with your barter you have this man locked back around your finger. 
“Let me introduce you to your team,” Ragnar says as he stands. His kingdom is a large mansion, labyrinth of halls and twists and turns of marble, gold and well earned, well spent money. There are words he’s speaking to you, stories of golf games and coastal vacations that you couldn’t give less care about if you harbored every angry cell in your entire body. Blue eyes are trailing on your back as if they each hold the red glow of a scope, ready to fire by one small clench of his jaw. His steps ebb and flow, closer to you and then slip back a few feet, silently sizing you up from where you stalk in front of him.
“Excuse me,” You say suddenly at the halt of your feet. “I am trying my best to be polite, but if you move any closer to me, I will tear you apart,” comes your speech through crimson stained lips while those azure orbs take to watching you. Void of all emotion, eyes that look as dead as the stars in the sky take to haunting your own vision as he remains silent. You nod once for his unspoken understanding, still in your same spot as the two of you make no hurry to move in either regard.
“Save the pissing match,” Ragnar calls from the end of the hallway. “You two won’t be able to kill one another,” But those words do peak a sort of petty interest in your mind, this mute solider behind you that seems to be of such a prize to his father. You longed to see him in the field, ruthlessness pouring from each pore like sweat would, pulling men apart and yelling in victory through an estranged war cry. Something about how he towered above you, build sturdy like stone and expressionless, sparked your mind back to your late husband. You wondered if these blue eyes ever melted into a smile. Or if every emotion was boxed away out of spite. He waited for you to lead, resuming the steps and catching up to where Ragnar had stopped: double doors to a room already loud with the sounds of recreation. “My boys like to relax in here, before they return to the real world,” Ragnar says, opening the door. He flicks the lights several times, like a professor trying to wrangle a classroom of unruly, immature students, and each face, all eyes, snap to where you stand with their father. Ragnar takes to stalking into the room, peering around what these men have been up to in their cooling down. “Iron,” Ragnar starts, tapping the shoulder of his eldest son, “Titanium,” He then said, tapping his second born, “Gold, and Mercury,” He spoke, a hand on each of the next two boys. “And that is your partner, Lithium,” And his hand was outstretched back to that man who wore a glare better than you did, cold blue eyes that looked no different. And you knew right then, being at the center of this man’s attention was a very dangerous place to be. “This, boys, is Polonuim,”
undercover name references for anyone who is not a science nerd, like me, eldest to youngest in this AU: 
Fe (Iron): Bjorn, based on the ironside nickname
Ti (Titanium): Ubbe, low density & high strength
Au (Gold): Sigurd, least reactive
Hg (Mercury): Hvitserk, silent killer
Li (Lithium): Ivar, highly reactive
Po (polonium): Reader, 250-thousand times more toxic than cyanide
Galvanic Couple: in a galvanic couple, the more active metal (the anode) corrodes at an accelerated rate and the more noble metal (the cathode) corrodes at a slower rate. the anode: a human’s body. the cathode: a human’s mind.
@smileysam13579  @dreamtherapy @heisentwerk  @angelofthenightposts @ill-skillsgard @youaremyfamiliar @unbetaedimagines @kathryn-jane @readsalot73 @skrsgardspam @lihikainanea @queen-sarang   @anastasiaskarsgard @andmyannabellee @walkxthexmoon  @flowers-in-your-hayr @peachyboneless @heavenly1927 @istorkyou @victoria-styles @quantumlocked310 @xbellaxcarolinax @apenas-mais-uma-pessoa  @youbloodymadgenius @love-all-things-writing @leilabeaux @writings-of-a-fool @builtlikeanokia
(also tagging anyone who commented/liked on that post)
*please message me to be added or removed from the tag list. specifications for series are welcomed, as well as feedback!*
full & current masterlist can be found here.
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
hi popcorn, do you have some fluffy ideas or headcanons about jon-dany and aegon-rhaenys if rhaegar had survived the trident and they all 4 were raised happily in red keep. Ofcourse it would be 1000 time better if you wrote something about them but assuming you will be quite busy with your current fics, could you just share some ideas about these 2 couples which you wanna read. Also maybe about ashara-elia as well in case you like this pairing.
Hi Anon 🤗
I have to confess that although my heart goes out to the horrible deaths that Rhaegar's children suffered, I am not really interested in them as characters nor for the potential they could have had, sorry 😬 an AU where Rhaegar survived in the Trident also wouldn't be of interest to me, no. Concerning Rhaegar and Lyanna the only AU that would interest me would be one in which he doesn't marry Elia. No hate to Elia, please, I am just not a fan of either polygamy (especially one dude with multiple women because I find it f_cking rich, and yes I do realize Aegon I had two wives, thank you, that’s something for me to deal with) or arranged marriages such as the one they had and I really feel for Elia that she did seem to really love Rhaegar but the feeling wasn’t very... mutual I would say. I am not a fan of this dynamic and of the women ALWAYS getting the sh:t part of the deal. 
As for that pairing (Elia/Ashara) and any pairing really, I do prefer sticking to canon-only pairings where asoiaf is concerned. I mean I might make some exceptions here and there, but I just cannot be invested in pairings of very minor characters that I don’t really care a lot about *shrugs* Again, nothing wrong if anyone does, it’s just not my cup of tea.
Concerning Dany and Jon, I really like the choices of the main asoiaf series especially in regards to Dany's story so I wouldn't want to change it, at least not how she became the Mother of Dragons. If I did write an AU it would only focus on Dany/Jon and I would probably just make Dany go to Westeros much sooner and meet Jon a lot sooner as well. This would be for two main reasons:
1- To spare her the cancer that was Hizdhar and ANOTHER arranged marriage like George... enough is enough! Like no! Wasn't her marriage to Drogo enough?! Can't Dany just be happy?! I just hate arranged marriages so much... and Hizdhar is such a f_cking cancer to her life I just... I want to k:ll myself when I image our queen with him!
Tumblr media
2- I would never have the capacity to resolve her plot as is in the books, like I have no idea where Turtle Man would be going with that - I use conditional and not present because he ain't finishing the books so it doesn't matter. #LOL
I would have her maybe go to the North sometime Robb is defeated, maybe she hears word about Maester Aemon and she wants to meet with him. Like we DESERVE a meeting between Dany and Maester Aemon - GEORGE YOU POS - that canon denied us! And it would be there she and Jon would meet and that sparks would fly!
They would talk of how Alysanne once visited the Wall, and about the Pact of Ice and Fire, how the North stood by the Dragon Queen (aka Rhaenyra Targaryen - green fans and H*O cry) even after she died... but then Dany would harden her heart and remind him of how his "father" fought against hers. And I know she would LOVE finding out he was a Targaryen, that she was no longer alone in the world. That a piece of her brother, that she had never met, lived on <3 and was there with her. (and that her baby dragons got a father to put down some much needed discipline! I am kidding)
(F_ck you HbitchO and D&D and all the rest of the circus, you are as capable handling anything asoiaf related as I am at Mandarin) 
*Me being romantic AF* (Please excuse me I have no idea how to write Jon and I know this sucks)
Jon looks at the Queen, ethereal in white furs, with the moonlight on her hair. He wonders how it would be to stretch a hand and to touch the melted silver of her mane. He might have done so before he was a sworn brother of the Night's Watch, was he just a bastard boy. Alas, she would still be a princess, a queen, too far from his reach. And in either case, Daenerys Targaryen, young and innocent as she might look, was no maiden. 
In some ways she lived a hundred more years than him even if she was younger, having yet to count her sixteenth name day. Were half the tales true and though small and frail as she looked, she had none of Queen Naerys and all of King Aegon the Dragon. She would like put Daeron the Young Dragon to shame and somehow the thought made Jon smile.
This is the best I got which still sucks 😬 oh well... I will “keep trying” (Hightower, 115 AC)
Also Dany is the one true queen, and I except no AU where she is not 😌 Dany >>>>> Everyone else.
All the best to you, Anon 🤗
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zishustits · 3 years
oooooh ship bingo! i recently heard about these two concepts and would love to hear your take: ye baiyi and lan xichen, and xie'er and lan xichen <3
Oohhh okay, first I have to say I'm not actually into crossovers BUT let's forget about that for a little bit, these concepts are interesting.
First, Ye Baiyi and Lan Xichen. Let's see what they have in common.
They are both high skilled cultivators, very relevant figures in their respective societies.
They share common values such as righteousness, compassion, honor, service without waiting for anything in return, even kindness (more explicit in Lan Xichen).
They are not rigid in their principles though. Both acknowledge that most of the times you cannot judge a person as bad or good, nor a situation as black or white. They have struggled with it sometimes (i.e. Ye Baiyi considering whether he should kill Wen Kexing or not after knowing he's the chief of Ghost Valley, while also being aware of the difficult circumstances that led him to become that evil figure, which are indirectly related to YBY as Rong Xuan was his disciple. Also Lan Xichen caught between the evidence that Meng Yao has committed very wrong deeds and the kindness he has known from him)
Both have lost their loved ones forever.
Both have a tendency for retirement and solitude.
Apart from that, LXC has this noble and respectable aura that makes people feel calm and reassured when he's around, like if there's any problem it's okay, LXC probably knows how to solve it, he's diplomatic, also he will protect his people from danger, always keeping that composed calmness that's inherent to him (even if there's inner turmoil).
Now I consider, Ye Baiyi is very similar too, think of those scenes in the first episodes of WoH, when he gave Gao Chong the token of honor, then at the second Heroes Conference when everyone turned to him as a guide for what to do with the Ghost Valley issue, and also when WKX and ZZS fell from the bridge Cheng Ling felt reassured having YBY to help him. People feel relieved when he's around to lead them and solve problems.
So now, if LXC and YBY met I think they'd be a good match, like they would sense the similarities of their souls, especially the influence they have on others, now I can't find the words, but it's related to the righteousness and the high moral values and elevated cultivation they have achieved. Also they would perceive the isolation that comes with being far from the mortal realm for so long (for Ye Baiyi) and with being an important figure of the cultivation society that also has lost someone who was very important to him (in the case of LXC).
I believe they'd connect easily, like oh I recognize you, you are similar to me. And also they would enjoy learning from each other, YBY has reached the most elaborated martial arts skills and LXC is outstanding in musical cultivation (or whatever name it is). They see each other as equals and no one feels less than the other.
However, I think Ye Baiyi would break all of the Lan rules XD and be upset all the time, like why can't I just sit on the roofs at night to watch the stars while drinking alcohol? But as LXC is the Gusu leader (I think? Can't remember what he was at the end of The Untamed) and he is far from strict as LQR was, he would ignore it. In fact, I think he knows most of the rules are outdated and unnecessary, so they just keep following the rules that are actually related to master one's discipline, being righteous, respecting your elders and seniors and being kind to your sworn brothers and so on.
They might cultivate together. Keep each other company even as they are just sitting there in meditative contemplation or just enjoying the silence. Talk about ancient knowledge.
As for the type of relationship, I don't actually think it would be of romantic or sexual nature, like they were devoted to one partner in the past (probably more platonically than anything, at least on YBY part) and seem to me the kind of people that does not engage with anyone else after his companion has died, at least in the same way, like sometimes it's hard to reach the same level of deep connection with someone else. That doesn't mean they could not forge a close relationship, but to me it's not the same vibe as xiyao or rongye (or whatever the name of this ship is).
Following the bingo classification, I'd say Best friends, or Qplatonic at most. Also I'm intrigued to know what other kind of relationship people think they could develop. If you want to share with me, I'd love to know your ideas!!
Okay, probably for the next one I'll try to write less because I realized how long this is getting (it's just a bingo, please brain!!!), and I should finish some college stuff buut it's not less interesting to me I swear!!
So Xie'er and LXC. First, I think LXC would be aware of the good that's in Xie'er and his potential, mostly his inexhaustible willpower and determination, which have been until now directed towards, let's say, flawed goals? All that energy and intelligence wasted on another man's dream. It's unacceptable!!
The principal thing that comes to my mind and that struck me since Xie'er first appeared was the he seems to know who is everyone, like he saw ZZS and WKX together for the first time and he thought, why are the former leader of the Window of Heaven and the chief of Ghost Valley together wtf? While everyone else was like oh, two righteous wanderers, never heard of them before. Xie'er clearly knows how to obtain the right information, he has the mind of a researcher, and that could be put to good use.
Also Xie'er knows a lot about venoms and their antidotes, is that not another relevant and useful skill he has??? Again here, he is a researcher, as for instance he discovered the cure to the Meng Po soup was Drunk like a dream. Furthermore, he probably knows a lot about survival, hiding, disguising himself, being a shadow amongst shadows, fighting (especially dirty tricks), and leadership skills. He also has some knowledge on magic tricks (with the Drug men) that could be the simile to demonic cultivation.
All this knowledge and abilities could be put to good use, not to achieve other's goals, but to help people, for example, finding a cure to their poisoning or demonic possession (or whatever), instructing others on different facts that could be useful if they need to hide from a threat, survive in the wild for some time, coming alive from a fight with a nasty opponent an so on.
I mean, I haven't mentioned LXC until now but let's assume he is aware of everything about Xie'er's skills that I have described. Also, he realizes Xie'er has a good soul, it's something you can see right away if you spend a minimum of time with him. He has shown it with actions too, for instance, when he released Liu Qian Qiao and his lover, also that scene after the battle at mount Qingya (I'm still crying about Cao Wei Ning and Gu Xiang, my poor babies ;~;) when he left WKX and ZZS go (although he had a sword to his neck gssbsbsbsb), and of course everything he did for Zhao Jing, out of his love and affection for him.
Okay, he has done bad deeds, but he has kindness in him. A kindness that has not actually been nurtured but has developed there anyways. He has a tendency to serve others, that we see mostly with his yifu. Those are important values that might be developed and focused to actions that make an improvement on people's lives, and probably on Xie'er's own.
And LXC is determined to do that. Like he sees Xie'er's efforts to serve others because it's something that comes naturally out of him, but realizes it needs to be properly acknowledged as no one has done that before (we only got to see him do things for his yifu, who rarely showed any gratefulness for it, and only this time with Qian Qiao she almost got to say something nice to him, but Xie'er turned away swiftly, like he is not used to receive positive feedback on his good actions at all, so probably it's not something that he feels comfortable with).
I believe LXC would nurture this good side of Xie'er, praising those little (and bigger) services he does for others, which would act as a positive reinforcement. Also he would show interest in Xie'er's skills, and what he does in his free time (like no one has shown some interest in this before?), as well as his emotional state and stuff. Showing that he genuinely cares about him. That he appreciates Xie'er for who he is.
Also he would encourage him to persevere on those abilities he has and teach others, maybe the Lan disciples. So Xie'er would see that his skills can be used for some other things that are not killing or trying to become the king of the world.
As for Xie'er, he would grow to like LXC, finally finding someone who really cares about him, knowing for the first time in his life what it is to be seen and appreciated by someone who does not expect nothing from him in return. Learning that he deserves to be loved that way (and I don't necessarily mean romantically).
And that he does not need to kill for others anymore. He can become the person he wants to be, not what others want to get from him. LXC would show him he can do good deeds and they will be appreciated, even if he's doing it for others is something he inherently has done before, it nurtures his soul. He needs to experience more of that. And LXC would encourage it. He is patient, he is kind, he rarely lashes out, he has predictable reactions unlike his yifu (I mean, when Xie'er did something to please him but sometimes he would react nicely and many others he wouldn't, let's ignore if his actions were morally correct or not, the fact is Zhao Jing would respond differently to similar things).
Also Xie'er is able to discern what's good and what's harmful, and I believe that given he could choose freely, without thinking is this what my Yifu would do, he would be inclined to do the good thing. LXC encourages that.
Okay, I will not elaborate more, probably I've even been redundant several times. This relationship would definitely be great for Xie'er, for him to learn what is a healthy bond and to grow as a person.
But I don't think it would develop into a romantic or sexual kind of relationship. It just don't give me those vibes. LXC and Xie'er have different backgrounds, LXC is a sect leader and devoted to cultivation, Xie'er is the leader of a shady assassin organization and has developed other kinds of abilities.
Dunno, I don't feel them like equals, as it feels with YBY and LXC, for them the cultivation/martial arts skills are one of the main pillars of their lives and it's something they can share together, LXC and Xie'er are way too different. There might be some power imbalance too, and LXC would be somewhat taking care of Xie'er and not quite the opposite? (save from those little services Xie'er would do for him). Well, this is not probably a good reason because I like some ships with power imbalances too.
But I mean, they just don't click to me as a couple at least. More like a teacher/student relationship perhaps, or a friendship at most. Perhaps I just can't ship it any other way because of my strugglr with crossovers, but with YBY and LXC it was clearer to me that, well, it could be possible.
I'd love to know your takes on these two concepts too, whether you talk to me directly or in a post!!
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vettelewis · 4 years
Lewis Hamilton: ‘There are so many things to fight for’
In his 14th season in Formula One, Lewis Hamilton has won more races than anyone else. And with his win in Turkey earlier this month, he achieved a milestone not just in his career but in the history of his sport: a seventh world title. But it’s also his actions off the circuit that make him our Game Changer Of The Year, as he takes a knee and raises a fist for the global Black Lives Matter movement
By any standards, even if Lewis Hamilton hadn’t spoken into a single microphone this year and hadn’t sent a single tweet and hadn’t once bent knee to ground in order to shake up the very male and oh-so-pale world of Formula One, he would have had one of the most remarkable years of his life. In winning the Portuguese Grand Prix in October, the 35-year-old surpassed Michael Schumacher’s record of 91 race wins, a feat most in the sport felt untouchable. And with his victory at the Turkish Grand Prix earlier this month, he equalled the German’s seven world championships. As his race engineer Peter Bonnington succinctly put it, “You are rewriting the history books.”
But GQ’s Game Changer Of The Year is not only a sporting great: he has quite literally used his exalted platform – or, more specifically, podium – to raise the issue of race in a sport for which it rarely comes up, precisely because there are so few black faces in it. In taking a knee before races – and even making his team change the colour of its car – he has pushed for change in a world that badly needed changing, consequences and criticisms be damned. GQ spoke to him as he was on the cusp of claiming his seventh championship and found that, both on and off the track, he’s just getting started...
Misan Harriman: What was your motivation when you first decided to take the knee?
Lewis Hamilton: I remember watching the video [of George Floyd’s death]. This life extinguished in front of my eyes by the people who are hired to protect others, and I heard when he was calling for his mum. This happens time and time again and that’s why there’s been such a large cry out. When I was watching it, tears came, so many emotions came up. It brought stuff up of my past. I started experiencing racism when I was five and people looked upon it so lightly, when someone would throw out these words, the bullying and the beatings and the intimidation... My dad always said, “Do your talking on the track,” so I held my tongue, but we suppress a lot of things and all my suppressed emotions came up and I was like, “You know what? I have to do something. I cannot stay silent.” If we all stay silent, it will continue for generations. I look at my niece and nephew and do not want them to experience what I experienced.
How do you feel about the response from F1? Thirteen drivers knelt with you in Spain and I think seven didn’t...
It’s not always a good thing for me, but I often post out of just kneejerk reaction, passion. And I called everyone out. I see all of you out there who have platforms, who have a following and just stay quiet. My team was the first to react. Since I joined, I remember mentioning that this team is not diverse. Year on year, I would talk about how our team is not diverse, how our sport is not diverse. So I got to sit down with my team and get into deep conversation of what is going on. And, you know, we changed the car to black and that had to go through a chain of command. Everyone got on board and it was overwhelming to see the response from our partners, because logo colours had to change. Brands put the issue first rather than themselves. I think as a sport, they were very, very nervous of what the right steps were. We saw the reaction: 13 drivers, as you said, took the knee. Obviously, the ones that didn’t, I don’t know if some drivers were like, “I’m not doing it because this is what Lewis is doing” or whether they didn’t get it... I think there are plenty of people in our sport that still don’t understand what we’re doing.
Do you think it helps that your record is so extraordinary that it adds to your ability to do this within the sport? If you weren’t winning, would it be harder?
Well, you can look at some other sports and there’s some people that aren’t super successful yet, but the more successful [you are], the wider your audience, the wider the impact. I’ve had a very, very difficult life and I’ve been thinking a lot about all these wins. I’ve had a lot of success in my racing career. It’s a great feeling, it’s a real privilege, but what does it really mean? All these numbers... what is it? Why was I the one who was chosen to represent black people in our sport? But I think as my life is unravelling, as the journey unravels itself, my purpose here is to utilise my voice to help encourage change. And my goal, really, is to shift the sport in a direction that it perhaps wouldn’t have gone if I wasn’t here. And most certainly not have gone if the Black Lives Matter movement hadn’t started, if George’s life wasn’t so visible.
You were critical of Vitaly Petrov’s comments about Black Lives Matter before the Portuguese Grand Prix. Was it a mistake for the FIA to appoint him as race steward?
I don’t know whether they call it a mistake. I think that the FIA is a large organisation and they are leaders and if you’re going to state what your values are and what you fight for, yet you hire people who don’t seem to have those in common... I don’t understand. I don’t personally get that. I don’t really know the guy very well and I won’t really comment about whether he’s good or not – I think his results speak for themselves over his career – but I thought that it was a step in the wrong direction or even a step backwards. But, you know, you look at Donald Trump, people can obviously see he’s racist. He even said, “I am the least racist person in this room,” so he’s acknowledging [it]. But people are willing to put aside the fact that he’s said so many bad things about minorities, for wealth or for other policies.
Formula One rules were changed after the Tuscan Grand Prix to effectively ban T-shirts with political statements after your Breonna Taylor message. Will you ignore those rules in the future?
If I believe it is important enough, I will. I will do it again. Going into that weekend, the case with Breonna Taylor had really been on my mind and I’ve been chasing down this shirt for weeks. Every weekend that I arrive, we have the spotlight on us and every weekend there is an opportunity to raise awareness. We don’t live in a time when everything is OK. And I remember as I went through the day I was like, “OK, I’ve got to win this race. I can’t come second and wear this top.” So I remember racing my heart out, pushing with every ounce for first place and I remember getting that win and I was like, “OK. I’m here for you, Breonna.” And I put that shirt on and in the 70 years of our sport, no one’s ever stood up there for anything but themselves. And I was standing up there for someone else. It was one of the greatest feelings.
You’re virtually in uncharted territory, on the verge of a record-equalling seventh F1 world championship. Is it sinking in? Is your operating system even able to process what that means?
I remember winning my first championship when I was ten years old and I remember how great that day was. My dad was – is – a tough man. It was really not easy to make that man happy, but I remember winning that championship and we had the best moment – we went away singing, “We are the champions.” And I remember the relief I had in that period of time, because I wasn’t good at anything else. I struggled at school, no matter how hard I tried. Then I won these other championships and, as I started getting older, I realised it doesn’t change anything. Like, it’s a relief of tension for a second, the muscle can let go, but then you’re like, “OK. What’s next?” And it’s taken time to be present and enjoy the moment for a longer period, because it passes so fast. I never thought I’d get to seven. No one ever believed that I would ever get to seven. And now I’m on the verge of equalling the most successful driver of all time and [have] more race wins and I have a chance to potentially go and win more championships. Even if you just take my name away, there will always be at the pinnacle of our sport someone of colour. So I’m very proud of that and I think that’s probably the thing I’m going to be most proud of.
Do you think you have reached your own limits or do you think you can get even better? And would you love to race everyone in the same car, without any advantage?
Well, firstly, on the driving side of things, you know, I was just doing the race yesterday and I was going through this race realising that I’m getting stronger. My skills are getting sharper – my intuition and understanding of strategy, my understanding of my tires... I’m getting stronger and I didn’t expect that. And I didn’t know at what point I was going to plateau, but I’m realising that I’m getting better and that is a great feeling. But it doesn’t come without the hard work. There’s no coincidence that I’m driving the way I am. And, of course, we do live now in a sport where there’s such a gap between all the teams. And people try to devalue what I do because of the machine that I have, so without doubt, I would love to have everyone in the same car, with a track that enables you to really, really race. And then we’ll see... Like, [Fernando] Alonso, I beat him in my first year, straight out. I was 22 years old, a rookie, and I finished ahead of him. Even today, you know, people talk about Max [Verstappen]. Like, it’s probably never ever going to happen, but if I did have Max come into my team and I did the job I currently do and beat him, people would say, “Oh, it’s rigged.”
What about the rumours of you ever being tempted by the red paint of Ferrari?
That’s not going to happen. The Ferrari thing is not going to happen... I think. I’ve always been positive about Ferrari. I watched Michael win there. I’ve always been a Ferrari fan. I remember one of the first cars I ever bought was a Ferrari. And I think it’s a hugely iconic team and brand, particularly. I think the team has, in my period of time... There have been things I’ve seen that I don’t necessarily feel mirror my values and my approach. However, it is a team that every driver, I think, has dreamed of what it would be like to sit in the red cockpit. No disrespect to them, but when I stop I want to work with Mercedes in helping them be even better in the outside world. You know, they’ll always have beautiful cars, but how can we be a more diverse industry?
So when you stop, what are you going to do? Salsa dancing, fishing, Fifa?
Definitely not salsa dancing. And definitely not fishing. I’m vegan! I’m not going to catch fish out of the sea! There’s a lot of different things that I want to do. I would say on the fun side of things for me, I’d love to try a bit of acting. I love my music, so I’ll continue to do my music. And I want to continue to want to learn to play the piano. I really would love to learn a language. My mum is a dancer, so I may take her to go and do a dance course with her son. But then, on the business side of things, there’s not a lot of black-owned businesses in the Fortune 500, for example, and I’ve had the privilege of working with someone like Tommy Hilfiger, who’s really opened my mind to the fashion industry. And I love that industry. I really do have a dream of one day having a fashion brand that’s fully sustainable, fully ethical. I’m always going to be trying to get involved in tech, because that’s the key to the future, I think. And then, most importantly, working with organisations out there to raise awareness for important issues that I care about. There are so many things to fight for.
Lord Hain, who was a Labour cabinet minister and who vice-chairs the All Parliamentary Group On Formula One, said it was “unacceptable” that you hadn’t had a knighthood yet. Is he right?
Well, it’s the first I’ve heard about this! It’s not what I’m racing for. I’m not like, “I’ve got to win these races so I can be knighted.” My granddad served in the Second World War – I’ve got all his medals – and I was so proud to see Captain Sir Tom get his knighthood this year. I think the unsung heroes are the ones that deserve these things. If I’m one day honoured, I don’t think it’s something I’d say no to, but it’s not an issue for me right now. Like, I’m really grateful. The fact I’ve even had the opportunity to go to Buckingham Palace and I’ve got an MBE – like, wow, a kid from Stevenage, so I’m grateful for that. Look at Captain Tom, he was 100 years old before he got recognised.
The black community, obviously, are very proud of our own and sometimes I think the frustration is your level of success should have been recognised a lot earlier on. And maybe, ironically, your activism is getting that kind of attention, instead of what you’ve done on the track, which is a surreal thing to say. I actually think the Lewis Hamilton of 2020, what you’ve done off the track, is almost making as much noise as you making history by beating Schumacher’s record.
The mixed feelings that I’ve had this year... I could never have ever dreamt of having the year that we’ve had, in the sense of the sadness, the isolation, the trials and tribulations. This is going to be the one I remember the most, I think, and, you know, I still have a job to do: I’ve got to win the seventh title. And when I win that seventh title, what am I going to do with it? I’m still going to be taking a knee and using my voice on that day. But I’m near. I’m closing in on it. I’m still energised. I came back last night [after the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix in Italy] and I was like, “I can’t believe I just won that race,” but the thing is, the world moves on so fast, you just keep going.
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dame-mas-princesa · 3 years
** these are all my interpretations and thoughts when listening to these songs **
1.) chemical kids and mechanical brides
- i love love pierce the veil and this song makes me <333!! you can kinda tell this is a break up song. the lyric “i still hold your breath so you won’t leave” just like mmmm jealousy and possessiveness. lots of ptv’s songs kinda surround this topic. i LIVE for songs like that LOL.
2.) Currents Convulsive
- UNDERRATED!!!! i can’t remember the last time i’ve listened to this song omg. man the perspective of having to see someone you love struggle with addiction pains one. you can just tell this is a very personal situation. doctors DO lieeee. this entire pos is just gonna be like “yassss vic sing it bae!!!” xD is she doing this to avoid the harshness of the person singing (whether it be a character or vic himself) idkidkidk
3.) Yeah Boy and Doll Face
- UGHH SO GOOD I CRY EVERY TIME!! this just reminds me so much of my past relationship????? lots of back and forth like is this going anywhere? are we back where we started? i remember being so attached to the feeling of suffering cause “she could make hell feel like home” mannnn. OH AND THE LINE “do you want me to let you know you’re OK” GAHHH YES?? TELL ME IM OKAY!!!!!
4.) I’d Rather Die Than Be Famous
- BEST CAR SONG!! GOES SO HARD!! this embodies the teenage dream: falling in and out of love and forgetting about the reality surrounding us. running away and risking it all for the fucks of it. GOD such a good song
5.) The Cheap Bouquet
- also been a while since i’ve listened to this song. this also relates back to the ‘fuck yeah we are teenagers we can do whatever the fuck we want’ actually thinking about it maybe this is about breaking up cause of “and i scare myself with all that talk of severing, Doing the best or so it seems You’ve been mistaken” cause maybe this person is trying to convince their partner that they are trying but in reality they aren’t doing anything.
6.) falling asleep on a stranger
- i couldn’t remember listening to this song at all. omg maybe i am a fake fan ;^; you’ll get my first thoughts on it. WAIT NO JK I HAVE LISTENED TO THIS SONG!! phew anyways i kinda imagine this as the person is lost in this world and their partner saved them. They ended up leaving though but the ghost will always be there. the ghost will accept them even though they left. ‘come back to my heart (i don’t care)’ over and over.
7.) She Sings in the Morning
- short song but one of the best imo. damn this album is a lot of begging someone to get back with you >.> at first it’s the realization that you won’t be able to see their face again so you just sleep to hear their voice again. the second part is the stage of anger where you try to convince yourself that it was real and everything in that relationship happened! “so stuck on the only thing that we know, what we know starts to waste” resonates with me so much cause you think you know so much about something or someone but people change, your knowledge starts to waste
8.) The Balcony Scene
- iconic song wonderful wonderful! STILL RESONATING WITH PAST RELATIONSHIP??? damn man but felt felt in a sense. i no longer really think about it but nonetheless it lingers. if i had really listened to this album like REALLY listened back a few years ago i know that the line “Can we lose our minds and call it love for the last time?” would have made me BAWL!! what i’m getting from this is “i am nothing without you so come with me”
9.) Drella
- i swear this song is on every single one of my playlist. “i didn’t think it could have lasted. Now we broke another bracelet, tore it off your wrist tonight” UGH having something that connects you and a partner break tears my heart. Things like bracelets for example hold so much value even it’s a simple beaded bracelet. not much else to say other than damn mf going through all stages of grief.
10.) Diamonds and Why Men But Them
- being grateful for things even if they aren’t what you asked for is important but it still hurts. could this possibly be about friends with benefits after a breakup?? “this remedy is worse than the disease” i’m think i’m just reaching but alongside the “a bed for a backseat, a love drunk memory” kinda does it for me. Being FWB after your relationship is ASS and the worst thing you could EVER do. Are we better off that way??? no. never. never the case.
11.) Wonderless
- now this song makes me CRY like a baby. it’s still after the breakup and he is like ‘you know what, do what you want but it’s all fake’ in the sense of you can’t love anyone else like you did me, it’s all fake! he is still most OBVIOUSLY in love with her still. he is recalling his past relationship saying maybe that he was fake too. he continues to say things like he can’t get the thought of her or his mistakes out his head. he realizes at the end; “…from the mess that i become, i’m destroying what i love” he now acknowledges that HE was the problem.
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