#Audrey answers with shit we already know
blessedwithabadomen · 3 months
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in love with the mess - day one
summary : Aubrey is going on tour and, for once, she's decided to focus on having as much fun as possible. Oli can be a little shit but he does nothing short of adore Audrey and... well, maybe Noah a little, too. Noah likes the flirting, as long as no one gets too close, emotionally. But what will happen when the three of them take it too far?
content : fluff and flirting
length : 3.1k
tags (let me know if you want to be tagged!) : @veronicaphoenix @cookiesupplier @lma1986 @jilliemiw86 @bngurngheart @lacktoesandtoddlerants @narcissisticbehavior81 @flowery-mess @shilohrosechicken
a/n: I'm not home this week so I hope this posts correctly from my phone 😬 enjoy the chapter!!
day one
If there was one thing to know about me it was that I was an absolute whore for a breakfast buffet. And the one at this hotel had both a waffle station and a chef to make you omelettes on demand so really, I couldn't be to blame. It was simply unfortunate that I was elbows deep in a plate of chocolate croissants I’d balanced on my table when Noah appeared.
For a singular moment I still had hope that he would not see me or even then, decide to ignore me and enjoy the quiet morning by himself, but after a quick detour to the coffee machine, he confidently took the seat across from me.
“You stuff everything in your mouth with that much vigour?”
Both of us froze in the middle of our movements. From the look in his eyes, I was pretty sure that he was not insinuating what we were both thinking now, the realisation of what his words could mean hitting him only after they’d already been spoken. I was trying so hard not to let my face twist into a grin, or full on laughter, and it was becoming increasingly difficult with every second of horror passing through his eyes.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Finally realising that I was very much seeing the humour in his slip-up, he cracked a handsome smile, half-hidden by the hand that was rubbing his face as he groaned. I had half a mind to throw another remark at him, tease him about his faux pas a little further, but my eyes were trained on the back of his hand and the dark flower design inked into the skin.
Carefully reaching for him, I pulled the hand away from his face, lying it palm-down on the table between us between my plate of sweets and his coffee, just to study the tattoo further. Tracing every line on every patel, I committed the design to memory. It was gorgeous and it was perfect on him.
“You got any tattoos?” Noah tried very hard to sound normal, but I heard the huskiness in his voice, one that hadn’t been there before. I hoped it had to do with my touch. It was why I didn’t quite let go of him when I answered.
“A couple,” I mused. “Most of them hidden away though. Had some, quite ridiculous I can say now, ideas about wanting to have the option of a normal job that might not like to see me covered in ink. Although I’m pretty sure that ship’s sailed, so I’m definitely looking to get started on my arms soon.”
“Where’s the ones you have so far?”
He was probably expecting my legs, my shoulders, something easily shown with barely any clothes removal. Something I could let him see right now. He wasn’t entirely wrong. I did have a couple in those spots, too.
“I don’t think I can show you in a public place without becoming a menace.”
Noah’s hand visibly flinched underneath mine and he pulled back, immediately making me miss his warmth. He took a long sip of his coffee and I wondered if it was an attempt to buy some time.
“This was, um,” he coughed in between his words, “a great talk but you’re a fucking flirt and I need a bit more caffeine to deal with you.”
Disappointment flooded my veins as he got up from the table - had I been too much? Said the wrong thing? Come on too strongly? I knew I had vowed to take Lia’s advice at being a little more offensive and letting myself do whatever I was in the mood for, but that didn’t mean it was appreciated. Maybe I should back down. Keep more to myself after all. Not be so damn-
“Find me later?” He asked with a grin as he stopped next to my chair on the way out.
Well. Maybe I didn’t need to change much at all.
I had forgotten how much running around was involved in a job like that. I wasn't complaining really, I did enjoy that it kept me on my toes, but I was thoroughly exhausted by the time I basically dropped Oli off for soundcheck. He'd had several appointments beforehand that I accompanied him to and even when he was busy, he still found time to think of fifteen different things he had forgotten in some place or other and needed immediately, making me cross the arena and the hotel several times more than necessary. He had way too much fun with it too.
Now I finally saw a chance to take a breather, so I grabbed a couple of things from catering (surprisingly good catering actually, Bring Me The Horizon had really moved up in the world it seemed) and went on a hunt for a quiet backstage room. I was fully planning on bunking up in one of Bring Me’s dressing rooms as they should all technically be empty now, but when I walked past a different door, half open, half closed, I couldnt help but stop as I looked inside. Noah was sitting on a couch - well, I said sitting, I really meant he was halfway to sliding down off it, his head collapsed onto the back ledge, eyes closed, looking ridiculously uncomfortable.
I didn’t mean to disturb him. In fact, I didn’t quite know what the plan was at all, but in one split decision, I walked into the room, quietly closing the door behind me and sitting down on the couch next to him. Balancing my stuff on the table, I scooped some of my (honestly deliciously smelling pasta) on a fork and carefully held it under Noah’s nose.
It was like watching a dog sleep that suddenly started dreaming of the very smell that surrounded him in real life. His nose was starting to twitch in the most adorable way, then his breathing changed a little. One by one, his body was waking up, not quite sure yet why, but pulled from his sleep anyway.
His eyes finally opened, a little at first, then more, slightly swollen from the nap had seemingly had taken him by force, as he tried to focus on where we was. Blinking, then blinking again, he finally set sight on the fork in front of him, brows furrowing as he pulled his head back to look at it better in utter confusion.
“What the-”
Noah finally sat up properly, only just now noticing me sitting next to him, amused beyond belief as I finally pushed the fork in my mouth. The pasta was a little cool already, but still surprisingly tasty. Good venues came with good catering apparently.
“Want one?” I asked, scoopin up some more pasta and holding it out to him. Still a little dazed, he simply opened his mouth and let me carefully feed him a portion.
“Didn’t you two meet, like, yesterday?” I looked up in surprise as someone entered the room. Folio, I think his name was, drummer for Bad Omens, currently looking at us with an questioning, but not unkind smile. “What’s with the married couple behaviour?”
“Very funny,” Noah commented, but there wasn’t the usual playfulness in his voice. I instinctively pulled back a little.
Both men exchanged looks I couldn’t quite interpret. I didn’t know either of them well enough to know what they were silently communicating, but I knew there was a conversation happening that I wasn’t part of. The intensity of it was felt in the whole room though. If I was the reason for it, I wanted to never be put in this position again. It even put me off the pasta I’d been shovelling in my mouth with vigour.
Then Folio turned away from him and toward me, once again showing his smile which seemed so out of place for a moment that I wondered if I had purely imagined the unease I had felt before.
“Oli’s looking for you, by the way. Apparently he left his phone in his dressing room.”
“I’d wondered why it was so quiet,” I mumbled with a look toward my own mobile. “Not sure why I thought I could escape him.”
Folio sent me a pitiful look, even though I was sure he knew as well as I did that I wasn’t really complaining. Getting up from the sofa, I cradled my pasta again, determined to finish it one way or another, putting my phone into the pocket of my jeans, when I felt a hand on me.
Noah’s fingers were wrapped around my wrist. He had sat up slightly just to reach me. I both wanted to lean into his touch and pull away, almost overwhelmed by the sensations running through my body with his fingers on my pulse point.
“Are you watching the set later?”
“Yeah, I… Oli said I could watch the show from the sound desk.”
“Good. I hope you enjoy it. I’d say I’ll look for you but I don’t think I can see that far.”
And then he sent me a smile that had my heart soaring and I was once again ready to throw all caution in the wind.
“Are you sure this is okay?”
I carefully slid into a designated spot at the sound desk, giving everyone around me smiles that I hoped would convince them not to hate me for intruding into their workspace.
“Well if you touch anything, we’ll have to burn you at the stake… Other than that, welcome to the sound desk!” The woman next to me cheerfully explained. “Don’t worry, Oli vouched for you, so unless you’re extraordinarily clumsy and manage to undo all our work with the sweep of a hand over our stuff, you’re grand.”
“I’ll try my very best,” I promised. “And if I fuck anything up, take it from Oli’s wages please.”
“Oh, gladly!”
I watched as she went back to work, preparing for the upcoming Bad Omens set, and I couldn’t help but study her a little bit. If I hadn’t known from the AAA pass around her neck and, well, the fact that she seemed to know what she was doing and wasn’t in the process of getting kicked out, I couldn’t have told her from the fans that were starting to crowd around us in the venue.
She hadn’t overdone it by any measure and her face, as far as I could see, was blank of any make-up, but she had dressed the part with ease. Heavy boots accompanied her black shorts perfectly, making her look both tough and delicate somehow, her black top was wrapped in a corset, she was wearing a choker and several earrings. It just made sense. Looking down at myself, I was suddenly less thrilled with my hastily put-on choice of clothing from that morning. A simple pair of dark jeans, a non-descript shirt, no accessories whatsoever.
I didn’t know why I hadn’t made more of an effort. It wasn’t that I thought it was expected of me or necessary in any way, but looking at the sound tech reminded me of how much fun I usually had dressing up. In fact, half of my wardrobe at home was stuffed with elaborate pairs of trousers, laced tops, skater skirts, platform boots. Only I hadn’t really packed any of it.
Pulling out my phone, I shot a text to Lia.
Have I been hiding myself away lately
context pls
I can’t remember the last time I dressed up and it’s just hit me with everyone in this venue looking so fucking fab
For a moment, I wondered if she was already giving up on messaging me, but when I looked back at my phone, I realised that she was instead recording an audio message. Oh dear. Checking the time, I made sure I would manage to get a good listen before the lights dimmed and Bad Omen’s show began.
“Babe, since you’re finally realising it yourself now, yes, you’ve been letting yourself go. I didn’t want to push you too hard - well, I would have if you’d gotten really bad, you know that but then Oli called so that was off the table. But since… you know, you had that girlfriend and it was all fucked up and your family basically - well, let me just say I’m still available to beat any of them up. The ex and the family. You know that. But yeah. It’s taken a toll on you and you’ve not been yourself lately and it’s been painful to watch. Which is why I’ve been telling you to have some fucking fun on this tour. Put on that dress and that lipstick and get back to being yourself, yeah? And now enjoy the show and give Noah some air kisses from me, love you, bye!”
I felt dumbstruck. Had it really gotten that bad? Had everyone noticed but me? I knew I’d been struggling a bit since my last relationship drama and everything that followed (and technically preceeded) it, but… Lia’s words were ringing in my head. Maybe I had been letting myself go. It wasn’t worryingly bad, surely, but had I been my usual self? I thought I was seeing glimpses of it again now that I was on tour.
Quickly checking the schedule on my phone I realised that after today it was one more gig before a day off between Bournemouth and Birmingham. I shot Oli a message.
I don’t care what kinda disguise you need to go out but you need to take me clothes shopping in two days xoxo
I’ll get a fake moustache
Bad Omens were a force to behold on stage. I couldn’t help but keep my eyes on Noah as much as the distance would allow me to, hanging onto his every word, studying his every movement. It was mesmerising. I’d never had the pleasure of seeing them live before but I already knew I’d make sure to catch them several more times on this tour. There was simply no way around it.
The break was spent chatting to the sound tech whose name I finally learned was Becky. It turned out she was extremely passionate when it came to talking about her craft and I was a willing listener. Nothing she said made a lot of sense so far as she threw all kinds of technical terms at me, but it was fascinating to hear her explain how much of a part she and her team really played in making this an experience, rather than just a live show.
She barely managed to stop talking by the time she was nudged by someone else on her team to notify her of the performance being about to start, which left her busy for the next one hundred minutes and me with too many thoughts and no one to voice them to. So I did the only sensible thing I could think of. I spam-texted Oli all of them for him to find after the show.
Opening with darkside is bold but I love a bold man
I love this setlist so much
I know you showed it to me yesterday but it doesn’t compare
Also the visuals wow
You look very good in red btw and so does your ass
Cause you got a taste noooow drank the kool-aid by the juuuuug
Oh dear I hope everyone’s ok
I’m glad you’re stopping shows liberally these days to make sure
I said it before and I’ll say it again, strangers into diamonds is fucking insane and I don’t know who allowed you to do that
Antiviiiiiiist!! Tell Noah he looks good in that mask
Also why were you getting a headrush after that song hmmm was it performing with Noah do you love him I’d get a headrush to if I screamed with him like that and got to give him two hugs
Yeah the doomed montage is making me cry, fuck you
I hope you have fun whenever you find these messages
I promise I wasn’t drunk when I wrote them just high on live music heyyyy
Walking backstage, I immediately ran into the band leaving the stage. Lee held out his hand for a high five, massive smiles all around from a successful start to the tour, and I wasn’t one to leave him hanging. It ended with everyone who came up behind him following suit on the high fives, until Oli appeared at last, who instead grabbed onto my hand and clumsily twirled me around myself. I was still stumbling over my feet, uncoordinated feet unable to keep up with the sudden movement, when he pulled me into his chest for a hug.
Oli was made of pure adrenaline. I could basically smell it radiating off him. There was laughter in my ear, exhilaration from the first show having gone well, his hands pushing against my back so tightly I had no choice but to melt into him. Any attempt at not touching his bare skin were futile as my fingers slipped under his cropped jacket. He was hot and sweaty, but I didn’t mind one bit. If anything, it awakened something more primal in me. Something that begged to claw at his skin, push him against the nearest wall, have a taste of the droplets running down his chest. I was almost glad when he let me go for fear of what my hands would do if he didn’t.
“I sent you a couple of messages during the set by the way. You can read them as a slightly unhinged bedtime story,” I explained as he nudged me to get a move on toward the dressing rooms.
“Oh I bet those will put me right to sleep,” he laughed.
“Did you actually say that you had a headrush on stage after performing with Noah?”
“Fuck, yeah, my head was fucking spinning, thought I was gonna faint.”
“Was it so stimulating be around him?” I teased, moving to tickle his side, but he quickly dodged me and fell onto the sofa alone. “Does he make your heart race?”
Oli eyed me for a moment, pushing his hair back. I tried my best to ignore how good it looked on him.
“See, you talk about him so much, I can’t tell if you wanna hook up with him or if you want to set me up with him.”
I genuinely didn’t know how to answer that. I didn’t think I quite knew it myself.
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dontfeed--theplants · 11 days
The plot of Little Shop of Horrors explained by a new fan who hasn’t watched the movie yet
Hey everybody hey! It had been not that long since I joined the fandom, but I already have a bit of an understanding of the plot. Yeah, here is the Little Shop of Horrors plot explained by me! A person who hasn’t watched the movie!
[Plot under the cut btw!]
Now, I am only going over the 1986 movie’s plot.
Okay so our protag is Seymour. He is autistic because I SAID SO. He is loserboy and works at a flower shop, with his gf Audrey and his boss (and possibly father figure) Mr. Mushnik. Seymour has this stupid plant that he found after a TO-TAL E-CLIPSE OF THE SUN (which is a major plot point). The plant is Audrey II! I am using She/Her pronouns for this plant.
Seymour is like “Hey guys! If we want more visitors to our florist shop, we should put this plant on display.” THE STORE IMMEDIATELY GETS LOTS OF COSTUMERS. The store suddenly is now popular.
However, poor Seymour does not fucking know what Audrey II survives on. The answer is blood. Seymour fucking HURTS HIMSELF (f u, roses!) and that’s how he figures out what the FUCK the plant eats.
Some time later, we get introduced to Orin Scrivello, Audrey’s abusive dentist boyfriend. He is not important yet.
So now Audrey II is big! And then Seymour realizes “Holy shit Mushnik is my father figure👍” via musical number. And then Seymour sings about how his life is changing so fast, and how the flower shop is becoming more better and shit.
So then Audrey II says “Feed me!” and Seymour is just like “HOLY FUCK! Twoey you talked!” So now Audrey II is explaining that she is hungry, and Seymour is just like “But you’re an INANIMATE object!” Audrey II is just like “I can talk, and I can move, so I think I can get you a Cadillac.” (That quote was from @lithuanianking’s review of this movie btw!)
So now that Seymour has his first target (which is Orin), we can finally see GAY SEX! Yea. Gay sex happens. Bill Murray appears for five minutes, to have gay sex with the dentist, and then is never seen again.
At some point, Orin accidentally overdoses of that gas and fucking DIES! Is it Seymour’s fault? Idk. But hey at least somebody can be chopped up and fed to a hungry plant!
After Orin is cutely fed to Audrey II, that is where Act 1 of the theatre production ends. And then Act 2 begins. DON’T ASK WHY I AM USING THEATRE TERMS HERE.
So Mushnik thinks Seymour is being suspicious. Mushnik proceeds to be eaten by plant. Some time later, the human Audrey (which she has hardly been mentioned in this entire post) is tricked into being eaten by Audrey II.
Now, this is where the story splits in two. This movie has not one, but TWO endings. I’ll go over the good ending first.
Seymour saves Audrey before she is eaten, and he kills Audrey II by electrocuting her. (“Oh shit!” are Audrey II’s last words. I know because I looked at all the TV Tropes pages for this movie.) And then everybody lives happily ever after.
Okay, time for the bad ending! Both Audrey and Seymour get fucking eated. Oh and capitalism reigns supreme, because Audrey II is being sold everywhere. Death to America happens.
That’s the end of my miserable plot recap of a movie about a bloodthirsty plant! Thank you for reading.
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Fright Night
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: Reader beware, you're in for a scare 👻
Synopsis: The annual Private Garden Halloween party doesn't go exactly as planned when Shloob doesn't realize the location he picked for the party is actually haunted
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by my baby @softtcurse 😘💕
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
“I found the perfect place to go before our Halloween party.” Shloob confessed as PG were all sitting around waiting for him to say where they were going.
Every year PG hosted a Halloween party and it would rotate every year who was responsible for finding a location for it and from there everyone would set up everything and invites would be sent out at the beginning of October.
“And where is that?” Yasmin curiously asked from her spot on the couch next to Urban.
“It’s called Terror Heights and it’s an amusement park that’s Halloween themed.”
“I-..... now you already know that I do not do scary shit like that.” 2fo said while looking over at him and shaking his head.
“Stop being scared, it’s going to be fun.”
“Fun? By whose standards? I’m not interested in someone chasing me with a chainsaw!” Quiiso said while looking at Shloob. 
“What the….? It says that they can come close to you, but they can’t touch you on the website.”
“I think we should go, it’ll be fun and then we can go to the mansion and have the Halloween party.”
“I don’t know about this. Why do I have such an uneasy feeling?”
“Because you’re a big baby who can’t go anywhere without her husband.” Ace answered while looking over at you.
“And? What about it? I have absolutely no shame. And does everyone have their costumes? We might as well wear them to the amusement park so that way we don’t have to worry about changing.”
“Yes! I’m going as Brat doll!” Luna exclaimed and Yasmin was immediately on board with that idea.
“Oooh, I did that last year. I’m going for a cowgirl and of course Urban is going as a cowboy.”
“So you can ride him like a rodeo later?” You asked while wiggling your eyebrows.
“What? I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true! Shit, I’m about to do the same thing to Jack!”
“Here yall fucking go! Will yall cut it out just for tonight?”
“No.” You and Jack said both at the same time and he leaned over to kiss your forehead.
“Well I’m going as Captain America.” 2fo said and you smiled. The two of you had been doing some serious binge watching when it came to Marvel movies as of lately.
“I’m going as Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors.” Nicole added and you smiled with that being one of your favorite movies.
“Mine is simple. Michael Myers. A classic.” Ace said while smiling. 
“I’m going as Prince. I got a whole wig and everything.”
“Shloob, I look forward to seeing that. You wearing the heels too?”
“You’ll find out later. No spoilers.”
“I’m surprised Jack and baby girl aren’t going as a pad and a tampon.” 
“SIGMAAAAAA!” Urban yelled and everyone busted out laughing. 
“What are you two even going as?” Quiiso asked while looking over at the two of you.
“I got me a Georgia peach just like Bowser.”
“MARIO AND PRINCESS PEACH! I LOVE IT!”  Yasmin exclaimed. 
“I’m going as MJ.”
“Michael Jordan or Michael Jackson?”
“Heehee bitches!”
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you Nemo?” You said as you busted out laughing.
“Okay Quiiso that just leaves you. What are you going as?”
“Hamburglar from McDonalds!”
“I can’t wait to take pictures.”
.All of you were now walking into the amusement park ready to explore and you were holding onto Jack’s hand for dear life.
“Baby? Don’t tell me you’re scared already?”
“Shut up, Jackman. Not helping.”
“I’m going to be with you the entire time, mamas. Nothing bad is going to happen to you.”
“You promise?”
“Yes, I promise.”
“Will you two come on?! Yall are slowing us down already and Yasmin! Who told you to wear them tall ass heels to the amusement park? Ma’am what if we have to run?”
“A bitch can run in heels just fine and besides, Y/N’s heels are taller than mine!”
“I had to look cute!”
“Which you do baby.” Jack said as he leaned down to kiss you.
“Okay, is that the house of mirrors? Let’s go.”
“No, the fuck I’m not.”
“What the hell is wrong with yall? Nothing bad is going to happen, come on.”
Everyone followed Shloob into the house of mirrors and you spent time making funny faces at Luna who was laughing at you.
“Damn Y/N, this mirror captures your actual height.”
“Fuck all the way off 2fo before I kick your ass.” You said while you laughed and playfully pushed him. 
Once all of you exited the house of mirrors, everyone was looking around for Nemo or should we say Michael Jackson.
“Where is Nemo?” You asked while looking around at the group and everyone shrugged.
“I coulda swore he was right behind me.”
“Dramatic much, 2fo?”
“But we seriously need to find him. No man left behind.”
“Shit, it’s every man for his fucking self. Ain’t nobody tell his ass to get lost.”
“DID I LIE!?!”
“Somebody has to go back in and get him.”
“Over my dead body. Somebody call him because issa no for me dawg.”
“Yall are terrible.” You said while whipping out your phone from your bra.
“Damn, Y/N, what else you got in there?”
“That concerns my husband and no one else. And my weed is in there” You said as you were now dialing Nemo’s number.
Straight to voicemail.
“I don’t understand, it went straight to voicemail.”
“Oh shit, here we go.”
“Will everyone calm down and act like they have some sense? Jack, go back and get him.”
“Then you go, Luna!”
Just as Luna was about to turn around and go back, Nemo came from around the corner stuffing his face with cotton candy.
“Are you serious?! Where the hell did you go?!”
“To get cotton candy obviously.”
“And you didn’t think to tell us?! Or get us any?!”
“No, yall got legs and can walk over there just like I did.”
“I’m done with yall, anyway can we keep going? What’s that up ahead?”
“Don’t know but I saw a clown and Quiiso does not do clowns.”
“Why are you referring to yourself in the third person?”
“Does it matter? I SAW A CLOWN!”
“And Jack could dress up like Georgie. Oh yes, next year babe we’re doing it.”
“Oh, so I take it he didn’t even know about the other costume?” Yasmin asked you while raising her eyebrows.
“What other costume?” Jack curiously asked as everyone was making their way over to the haunted house.
“She was going to be a dominatrix.”
“Fuck, that’s hot.”
“Well umm baby you still technically can do it later. I’m definitely down with the idea.”
“I-... will you two behave?!” Nicole exclaimed as screams were now heard from the haunted house in front of all of you.
“Nope.” You said as you hid behind Jack and Yasmin hid behind Urban.
“A bunch of babies, I swear. Let’s go!” Nicole said, trying to pry your fingers from around Jack’s waist.
“No one has died! Come on!”
“But how do you know that?”
“You are about to cut off your husband’s circulation from holding him so tight!”
“Fine.” You loosened your grip and followed behind Nicole while still holding Jack’s hand.
“Welcome to Terror Heights and I hope you enjoy your stay.” a lady who was dressed up as the corpse bride said as all of you entered into the house.
“Jack, you go first!”
“Yall been throwing me under the bus all night! Why the hell do I have to go first?!”
“Because you’re the tallest!”
“What the fuck does that have to do with anything?!”
“All of you out of my way.” Nicole stated and moved to the front with you and Jack following close behind.
It was quiet for a few minutes and all of you were beginning to feel uneasy.
“Nah, it’s too quiet. Some shit about to pop off.” 2fo said while looking around.
Just then you heard the familiar sound of a chainsaw.
The next thing you knew, a guy with a chainsaw was literally running behind all of you.
Shloob fell, Nemo tripped over him, Luna was nowhere to be found and you figure that she ran off awhile ago, Yasmin was screaming and ditched Urban and ran for her life with Urban yelling at her that she left him, Quiiso and 2fo were trying to duck and dodge the dude with the chainsaw, and Ace was doing mission impossible rolls on the floor while you, Jack and Nicole took off running leaving everyone else behind.
“I AM NEVER FUCKING DOING THIS AGAIN!” You said as you were now running with one hand holding your dress and your shoes in your other hand.
“Almost there, AHHH SHIT GO FASTER! HE’S COMING, HE’S COMING!” Nicole said and she didn’t have to tell you twice. 
All three of you found the door that exited the house and led back out to the amusement park and Nicole immediately pushed it open with the two of you tumbling out behind her.
“That’s it. I want to leave NEOW!”
“Imma kill Shloob.”
It was about ten minutes before the rest of PG and Yasmin came out looking distraught.
“How the fuck did yall just leave us?!”
“You and Nemo fell. It’s every man for himself!”
“And Yasmin just left Urban to fend for himself.”
“Look, he wasn’t moving fast enough for me. I was like see you on the other side, hopefully.”
The annual Private Garden house party was now underway at the location that Shloob picked and everything was going perfectly. From the spooky alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks you made, bobbing for apples, finger foods that were shaped like actual body parts and the amazing decorations, you were pretty proud of yourself.
“Baby girl?”
“Yes, smush?” You asked as you turned towards Jack and he looked a little uneasy.
“Umm do you get like a weird feeling being in this house?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean something about it just feels off to me.”
“Don’t tell me my baby is paranoid.” You said while eyeing him. 
“Nah babe. I’m serious, something doesn’t seem right.”
“I’m sure it’s nothing. Come on and try to have fun.” You said while reaching up to kiss his cheek and going back over to where Luna, Yasmin, and Nicole were.
“Nas! Who are you dressed as?” Druski asked, clearly confused.
“Ice Spice! You can’t tell?”
“Obviously not, that’s why I asked.”
“And who are you?”
“Drake, obviously.”
“I-... I don’t see it. You look like the security guard I saw at the hotel the other day.”
“Have yall noticed that the lights have been flickering on and off since we got here?”
“It is an old house.”
“But, something feels weird.” Luna said while looking around and taking in her surroundings.
“I said the same thing.” Jack confessed while looking over at her.
“Yall stop trying to scare me. You know how I am.” You said while eyeing the both of them.
“Baby, that is the last thing I’m trying to do, I just…”
“Umm so when I was dropping off things here earlier in the week, I would set them in one spot and when I came back they would be somewhere else.”
“Oh hell nah, absolutely not.”
“And this place is not too bad during the day time but it still felt weird and creepy so I knew that this would be the perfect place to have the party.”
“I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight.”
“You weren’t sleeping anyway because I’m tearing that ass up later.” Jack said before leaning down to kiss you. 
“Got damn it! Not now!”
“She has to put her dominatrix outfit to good use! Jack you just might cum in your pants when you see her in it.”
“What is this about a dominatrix outfit I hear?” Clay said while making his way over to where everyone was.
“Favorite Harlow child!”
“No, no, and no. Back up from my Georgia peach NEOW!”
“It's not my fault she loves me more.”
“You wish.”
“She confessed this info months ago.”
“Okay, you two calm down.”
“Imma beat his ass later.”
It was now around 3 am and a few of you were cleaning up and taking down decorations that you wanted to use for next year. You and Jack were gathering things up to take them to the car when the unexpected happened. 
"Baby…. Did you? Did you see that?"
"Mm hmm and you know good and damn well black people don't do ghosts."
“I told you that something wasn’t right about this place.”
“We need to hurry up and get out of here, now. I am not for the nonsense tonight.”
Jack made his way to the front door and tried to open it with no success.
“Baby, the door isn’t opening.”
“What do you mean?!”
Everyone came to see what all of the commotion was and you explained to them what was going on and what had happened. 
You took it upon yourself to pull up your phone and do a little research and when you had finished reading a few articles, you wanted to kill Shloob. 
"SHLOOB THIS PLACE IS ACTUALLY HAUNTED?!? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?!? WE GAVE YOU ONE DAMN JOB!" You screamed and everyone began to freak out. 
"WILL EVERYONE STOP YELLING AND LET’S THINK FOR A SECOND!" You said while trying to calm everyone down.
“Okay so apparently the ghost who haunts this place is named Amelia Wallace. She passed away here and apparently her husband went off to war and never came back and she was pregnant and a whole bunch of other shit but yeah.”
“I don’t care about her fucking back story, I want to go home!”
“Oh shit and it’s the witching hour! It’s 3 am.”
“It was nice knowing yall. I had a good twenty something years on this earth.”
“Luna! Quit it!”
“We just have to figure out how to get out.”
“Nah, she’ll probably close the shit on top of us and cut us in half!”
“Did I lie?”
“Just let me try the door again.” Nicole said and walked over to it. She turned the knob and it opened with no problem.
“That was too easy.”
“Welp, it’s been not fun. So LET’S GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!”
As Nicole held the door open, the rest of you were literally throwing things out of the door to put in the car later not wanting to risk getting locked in once again. 
2fo and Quiiso started to load up the car while Nicole was waiting for Yasmin to come out since she hadn’t seen her. Just then she heard a voice from behind her.
“Won’t you stay? I could use the company.”
All of the color drained from Nicole’s face as she turned around and was met with a young woman in 1800s clothing staring back at her.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.”
Nicole then turned around and made a run for it towards where everyone’s cars were parked.
You and Yasmin then looked over at her confused.
“Nic? You okay? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”
“Because I just did.”
Everyone proceeded to turn around and look at her in disbelief
“Next year I’m staying home and eating candy.” You said while looking up at your husband who simply nodded his head in agreement. 
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mmikmmik2 · 25 days
Black comedy fanfiction idea
Félix randomly finds some jewelry containing an amok in the Agreste mansion or in the Grand Paris. Who the fuck is that?? From research and interrogating Nathalie and Duusu, Kagami and Félix narrow it down to Chloé or Zoé.
Félix and Kagami being forced to ask bizarre and intrusive questions and make themselves look even weirder than usual while trying to figure out which of them it could be, without crossing an ethical line by using their amok. What if it's both girls and there's still a lost amok floating around somewhere??
Félix, believing it is wrong to hold on to another person's amok forever even if he would just be keeping it safe and not using it, coming up with absurd and melodramatic schemes to give Chloé (presumably hates him and Kagami, currently lives on a different continent) or Zoé (not close to either of them and has no reason to trust them afaik) a random piece of jewelry and convince them to keep it safe forever and never ever ever lose it or damage it or let anyone else touch it, without having to answer any followup questions, possibly while in disguise
Félix, grasping at straws, keeps suggesting murdering Audrey and Kagami is like "you cannot start a relationship with unsolicited parent murder, we have been over this"
Zoé finding out she's a sentibeing would be so funny because like. She is a relatively normal person and she already had So Much family drama and now this is happening to her. Can she get a break.
I think Chloé finding out about sentibeings would not give a shit about what Félix and Kagami want and would start yelling about it to whoever she wants. I think her and Adrien should both be like "we're sentimonsters" together in a kinda-reclaiming it way and kinda-beating themselves up way and have terrible sentibeing terminology discourse with Félix
Everyone wants to know why tf Audrey has a sentibeing kid and an until-further-notice mundane kid and is coming up with elaborate theories. It turns out she was asking tons of invasive questions about the Graham de Vanily twins' fertility, Gabriel and Emilie (who didn't want her to suspect they personally own multiple powerful magical artifacts because she sucks) panicked and basically claimed they Know A Guy for magic kids, and Audrey accidentally came away with the impression that senti-kids are exclusive and trendy. Like purse dogs.
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inflamearc · 1 year
initially when i started writing laura, my main course of action was Get Her Out Of Twin Pea/ks --- because at the time neither i nor dana NOR syd could really see a way for her to be home AND safe AND [reasonably] happy. i knew she'd be homesick forever but i just did not trust anyone with her at that time. she was faking her death and dana's audrey and syd's coop were gonna be the only people who knew. i still like a lot of the writing we did then, and i still value the dynamics fostered during that period, but the longer i write her, the more i know laura doesn't truly work anywhere else: not because it's all she's ever known, or because her mom is there, but just because for better and for worse, the town is so much a part of her And She Loves It So Much.
sure, she fantasizes about leaving in her diary sometimes --- one, that's just how growing up in a small town is, and two, she's got a lot of immediate danger to run away from --- and i do want her to get out, travel, Experience Life, See Things, but i know she'd always want to come home. she likes being a big fish in a small pond. she likes that everybody knows her and that she knows everybody. she likes the routine in always knowing where she's going to eat and shop and party. she likes that she knows where everybody's at, even the elderly mostly-strangers on her meals on wheels route.
she doesn't like being out of control of what people know about her --- that's always been an issue (obviously) --- but the thing about laura that you should understand, that i should have understood much earlier, is that she won't back down from a fight, ever (i do not mean physically, okay; physically she's going to talk shit and get hit, but METAPHORICALLY,).
(we're going to cut this because 1. it's already long and 2. i'm about to get to the part that you may or may not want to opt out of, i.e. the aftermath of fire wal/k with m/e --- nothing graphic, ever, but frankness is my only real way, so.)
like, yeah, it's going to be fucking awful. the news will be tactful --- as it probably was in canon, officially, with her dead --- but everybody's still going to know. and beyond the news, there's the rumor mill, and while it's not like anyone has All The Answers, what they're dealing with is "local man commits suicide in police custody following the rape and attempted murder of his daughter", so it's safe to assume there are going to be a lot of solid guesses. and she's still going to be processing the events themselves and having just admitted to herself that her dad ever was her [primary] abuser to begin with. and then dana and i are letting audrey out ben as the other and he's going to die, too :-) which is great news, but is also yet another Thing To Whisper About :-)
but laura is a proud, proud little person. she is also a very spiteful little person. she'd appreciate it if you'd just [daxna vc] be normal, or at least upfront, but she's not her mother: she pays attention, and if you make her feel weird about continuing to Exist In Society, she's going to call you out. if she feels like you've got something to say to her but you're Being Polite, she might say it for you. it would not be accurate to say she doesn't care: she cares a lot! she hates the thought of not being accepted! it's something she's always struggled with! she will probably cry about it! but not until she's alone and has embarrassed you so incredibly badly that you will, hopefully, consider becoming a hermit yourself. this is her non-city. her home. she's not going to be humbled and she's not going to transform into someone new because of what's supposedly been taken from her. she is incapable of making herself small.
she's a lot to deal with. she's always been a lot to deal with. knowing What She's Been Through (or thinking that you do) might give you some context to better understand her, if you know her, but it's not going to change much, unless you end up in one of the prior camps. without the constant threat of danger, she's bound to be less volatile, and if you react to The News in a way that's encouraging and not patronizing, she is bound to handle you with more tenderness, but otherwise she's largely just ... laura. she is miserable, she's ecstatic, she's full of love and righteous anger, she's stubborn, she's brash, she's sullen, she's kind, she's unfortunately never recovered from being the weird horse girl in your fourth grade class and it has never once even occurred to her that she would be made fun of like this.
she is so annoying. and she is also the best girl in the world. and also, i wish i didn't feel i have to say most of these things? it's not because i assume You, The Mutual don't intuit them: if i felt that way about you, you wouldn't be here. but i also know, incredibly well, that if i don't state my intentions very clearly regarding arcs, they might get muddled and they might be misunderstood. i do not like angst for angst's sake. i am not here to make myself sad. i am here to do justice to laura, which means dealing with a lot of misery, but my end goal will always be to let her live her life without shame and with, well, i guess a manageable amount of fear. i would like for her to be defined by and remembered for the person she actually is, or was, or whatever the fuck.
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*rubs hands together* let's do this...
1. I know giving Freddy TOO much attention will backfire, so I won't aggressively eat the popsicle. I'll just... Eat it like normal. If he tries to make it dirty, I'll call mama Pam for help and he can deal with hers and Jason's wraths XD
2. Find a replacement. She ain't getting my friend, but I got some people in mind I'd feed hef..her...
3. SWEET JESUS BUBBA NO- I'll take on this chore, you SIT DOWN. I can hopefully charm/distract Audrey by telling them how much I love their singing voice (it wouldn't be a lie so that makes it better-). Though I may need Bubba's chainsaw if things go south...
4. I... Oh crap neither option is good XD um... You know what? I'm too tired, I don't want Freddy or Chucky or whoever the Frick else to harass me in the living room. I'll just scream at Patrick to shut up through the wall of my bedroom and possibly bang on it to get the message across... Then lock the door and text Jennifer or Tiffany I may need backup XD (NOT Carrie. She has her powers, but I will not let that innocent soul be anywhere NEAR Patrick)
5. Honestly, I can actually be pretty damn sneaky and quiet, even when I don't mean to (I don't know how!!! It just happens! I legit sneak up on people by simply trying to walk past them for heavens sake!). So I'll take my chances with Jason and Micheal.
6. I can't remember, is this Learherfaces brother Drayton? Or a different Drayton? If the former, I'll go with him since he seems like we both have the same want: to be left alone. If it's the latter, I'll go with Beetlejuice since I'm more familiar with him.
7. Again, I can sneak around people without them noticing. I'll risk it, and if they try to drag me in it I'll just tell them its not my fight or I have some other obligation and convince someone to be my alibi if they try to ask.
8. I don't care if she's throwing a chainsaw around. I WILL offer the cinnamon roll comfort. Even if I have to yell from a distance (I'll grab Freddy or Chucky as a meat shield if all else fails)
9. Oh hell no, Chucky you are GETTING THE BOOT. I don't care if i face Tiffany's wrath, nobody is going to pick on Carrie on my watch.
10. Oooooh shit, I can already feel the parental judgment... Screw it. I'm telling Pam. If I come clean, hopefully that'll at least put me on her good side. And even if it doesn't, Maternal reprimands is SOOO much better than facing whatever Freddy anyday.
11. I'm pretty sure their truths would either be horror related or some juvenile crap like "Who was your first kiss?" Or something. So I'll take truth.
12. I'm not familiar with Jerry, but if this is Patrick Bateman and not another Patrick, I'll pick him. I wouldn't be able to handle Patrick insulting me while 'helping' me.
13. Freddy. Jason was probably going to put him through a wall eventually to meet his quota, now he's got motivation. Bonus points is that I get to watch Freddy's "Oh shit" face and try to deny he ever did XD
Hey!! Oh wowwww, I love your answers XDDD
Haha, excellent plan B! XD I love how everyones go-to for when Freddy's being a hindrance is go get the Voorhees'. Like he's their badly behaved pet. Like GUYS. YOUR CAT"S RIPPING UP THE FURNITURE AGAIN, and they come in with the spray bottle (holy water, of course).
More sacrifices, good!
I'm so happy Bubba can be safe and relaxed but STAY SAFE YOURSELF!!! Here, take the Voorhees' badly behaved pet with you for a shield. (Also I love Audrey's voice too, I listen to those songs quiteee a bit)
Solid plan- just lock the door FIRST thing instead, so Patrick doesn't do a zoom of fury and get there before you can!! XD
Goodluck!! ^^
This is Leatherface brother Drayton ^^ I agree, too!
I'll be your alibi! Yes Officer, we were playing scrabble all night long so she couldn't have- oops wrong alibi.
!! Yes ^^ We are on the same page, here. Chucky wouldn't be a very good shield though, he is very small. Freddy would be okay, but he's still kinda small for comfort for shield standards. Have MICHAEL. dont worry, he has a very long history of being fine in the end and lots of referalls.
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9. Chucky and Carrie again!! Very good choices!! XD Hey, if we go by your au that Tiffany becomes basically Carries mother- she'll probably help you! XDDD
10. Good news!! Pam forgives you, and basically takes you into the family. You can have playdates with Jason, now! XD
11. Here is your truth, straight from the minds of Billy and Stu!!: You get to go back in time to see Who Framed Roger Rabbit in theatre on its opening night!- but you have to take and sit next to Glenda in a murder mood the entire movie. Do you go??
12. Oh yessss same. Jerry's compliments may come from a place of hunger, but that's still nicer to deal with then Patrick 😅
13. I love this whole paragraph XDD 'to meet his quota', 'now he's got motivation', 'Freddy's "oh shit" face'.
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Thank you so much for participating and sending in your great answers!! I hope you had fun thinking of them! ^^ XD
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badboojuicetm · 11 months
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem oc
Warnings: Blood and vomit maybe?
Fluff and angst
A/N: didn't know how to end it so if you have anything that would make it better please tell me. Lmk if you want more Audrey content.
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“Do you think it’s out of our system?”
“I don't know, maybe,” he asks, shifting his body to lean on the toilet bowl.
The brightly colored bath room smelled of vomit and old sweat. The fluorescent lights buzzed creating a white noise over the women's restroom.
“How about we ask some questions.” He suggested with a lopsided smile across his face.
His blue sailor looking uniform was stained with blood and traces of vomit from the previous purging. His left eye felt as if it was going to explode out of his eye, and he knew he would have a killer headache for at least a week.
“Shoot.” She replied, resting her feet on the bathroom stall that had boobs carved in it. Her black converse with yellow stars colored in on the side tapped together as she laid her head on the parallel wall.
“When's the last time you peed your pants.”
“Really!” Turning his head in shock.
“Yeah when the russian doctor came out with the bone saw. It was Just a little bit.” She explained, holding her index and thumb up millimeters from each other. The two started filling the room with laughter, and for the first time in the past 48 hours they felt safe. Even though they were russian fugitives.
Audrey shifted in her position again, her inside monologue arguing with itself. “Have you ever–” she paused, picking at her already chipped nail polish she had only put on a week ago,
“been in love?” She spit out cautiously, staring at the divider between the two of them. Deep down she knew she shouldn't have asked that, but she wanted to know. She wanted to know everything about him to make for the lost time and the little time they have.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah.” He answered, “ Nancy Wheeler, first semester senior year.” Bringing his hand up and releasing it creating an exploding noise. But he was a different person now, not as artificial. He knows what he wants now.
“Oh my god, you were serious about that.” She criticizes looking down at her hands. Of course she had heard about the two of them dating, they were the it couple of Hawkins high. Audrey hated the two of them together with every being of her body. Every Time she saw the two of them making out in the hallway she tried to not throw up.
“Yep, turns out she wasn't a pris.” Steve replies, feeling his heart beat start to pick up.
Audrey's eyes lift back up to the stall wall, “ Are you still in love with her?”
“Why not?”
Steve felt his chest tighten, but there was a calling to him that this is what he had to do. Why should he be scared, he wasn't lying. He would finally let everything out.
“I guess it's because I found someone better for me. I don't know, ever since dustin got home he's been talking about how I have to find my suzie-”
“Suzie? Dustin’s imaginary girlfriend?” Audery interrupts getting a sense of where this is going and trying to slow it down. She looked too far behind the curtain and now regretted it. It was a stupid idea, she always had to follow her moronic instincts.
“He says she's real, but come on, hotter than phoebe cates.” He chuckles, running his hand anxiously through his mane of hair.
“But that doesn't matter. The point is this girl that I like is somebody who I’ve hurt and been a real asshole to for too long. I mean all throughout highschool I ignored her and I don't even know why. Maybe because Tommy H would've made fun of me or I wouldn't have been prom king, some stupid shit like that.” Frowning to himself as he felt the guilt he had burrowed within himself resurface.
“Because when I think about it, the best times of my life were with this girl and I should have been hanging out with her the whole time anyways. First of all, she's absolutely hilarious I mean I have never laughed harder than I have this summer.” Steve smiles to himself as he's recalling the girl who just threw up a bunch of truth serum with him. All the stupid ramblings and dick jokes that made this summer so bearable. Creating stupid games to pass the time.
Audery can't help but smile at his flattery and confession, but she knows she shouldn't.
“And she's smart, way smarter than me. I mean she deciphered a Russian translation in a couple of hours and could tell you why the Russian alphabet is the way it is. You know ever since she came back into my life, she has treated me with kindness I don't deserve. Hell she had saved my ass several times.” She feels the anguish rise in her and crumples in on herself on the bathroom floor. This isn't how it's supposed to go, why is life so unfair.
“If could go back in time I would tell myself to never let her go”
Love is suffocating him in his corner with the toilet as he lets the feelings he has felt for too long be released. Waiting for anything he sits, his body fuzzy and his heart pounding. As minutes pass he sits to himself, his heart pounding of love turns cold and filled with anxiety. Maybe he overstepped a line, maybe she doesnt love him, hell maybe she overdosed. What if this breaks everything so delicately built back up and she never wants to see him again.
“Hepburn,” he asks, banging against the wall between them.
Audrey lifts her head out of her cocoon of shame to the noise knowing she's going to have to respond. She wishes her self made hiding spot could swallow her up. She wouldn't have to deal with the feelings or fall out from the bomb about to be dropped.
“Auds, did you just OD in there?” He asks, hoping maybe that's the answer rather than straight up rejection.
“I am still alive.” She chuckles, trying to lighten the mood. The chuckle turns into heavy breathing as she tries to control the weight on her chest.
Feeling something wrong from the other side of the border Steve feels the urge to try and help. Moving away from the corner facing the stall wall, he slides himself across the disgusting bathroom floor to come face to face with her.
“That floor's disgusting.” She scolds him.
“Yeah well I already got a bunch of blood and puke on me, whatever disease lives on the floor can't hurt.” He says trying to make eye contact with her.
Leaning his foot on the wall near her head he asks her, “What do you think?”
“This girl.”
“She sounds like the coolest person to walk the earth.” He smiles at her comment.
“Absolutely.” He agrees, trying to get her to smile. “And what about the guy?”
“I think he's on drugs and is not thinking straight.” She tried to reason, hoping to let him down easy.
“Really, because I think this is the first time in his life he's thinking clearly.”
“If he were 12 and playing in the woods of Hayfield farm I would say so too.” She looked back down to her nails, unable to keep eye contact with him. “But he’s not, and neither is she. They grew up.”
“And if he knew her now and all she's kept from him,” she pauses for a moment, feeling her throat tighten. “I don't know if he’d even want to be her friend.”
“No way is that true.” He reassures her, resting his elbow on her knee.
“Steve, it's shocked me to my core, but no matter how many times I tried to tell myself, I missed you. But I’m not like your other friends. I'm not like Nancy Wheeler.” She looks down sniffling.
“Audrey, that's exactly why I like you.”
“What do you remember of my mom?” She asked to still look at the ground. Her eyesight was blurry and all she could see were the impending tears about to fall.
“I-I, I remember the news reports.” He tells her truthfully laying his hand on her knee. “She was sick and you and your brother suffered.”
“There's a good chance that I will turn out just like her.” She looks up to him finally. “So I did what I thought was best. By some miracle I got a full ride to some preppy school in Maine, and I’m gonna leave so I can't hurt anyone the way she hurt me.”
Steve stared at her in shock for countless reasons. Could she really believe she was that much of a monster? “When were you gonna tell me you were gonna leave.”
She stared at him with guilty eyes.
He tightened his lips into a line “You weren't.”
“Steve there is no one in this world I love more than you, that’s why I can't hurt you.” She confesses placing her hand on top of his. “And if I did-”
He grasped onto her hand his grip tightening, never letting go. “You won't.” He reassured rubbing his thumb across her blood stained hand.
Audrey looks down at their entwined hands. A shiver rips through her spine. How could such a simple act be so sensual?
“When I hurt you,” She couldn't gather the strength to face him. Not now with his chestnut eyes staring into her so deeply hurt. “I couldn't live with myself.” She sniffs, wiping her nose with her left hand sleeve.
Steve felt his heart breaking from the sound of her crying. If it was possible he gripped her hand tighter, reassuring her he wouldn't let her go. Reaching over he craddled her cheek, making her look up to him and holding her up for extra support. In the dark never ending pit swallowing her whole, there was Steve Harrington there to rescue her and bring her back to life. She truly lived when she was with him. Birds sang and the sun shone brighter at the sight of his million dollar smile.
“You could never hurt me.” He whispered, stoking her cheek finally getting a look at her face. It was tear stained and her eyes were even more red than before. She was beautiful no matter how beaten down she was. His head was exploding inside and he was covered head to toe in sweat, blood and vomit, but he couldn't pay a mind to it. His girl was in pain.
Audrey smiled and a giggle burst out of her mouth. She hid in the comfort of Steve's hand out of embarrassment.
“What?” He asked. Over the tense conversation Steve had started to inch closer to Audrey and now their faces were merely inches apart.
She looked back up to him with a rare smile on her face, showing off her imperfect teeth. ““You could never hurt me”.” she mocked, chuckling at the impression. “Since when did you become Brando?”
He smiled rolling his eyes, “you know this was a really deep conversation, an adult conversation dare I say.” He banters just hoping he can make her smile again.
“I'm serious though,” he starts, “You can't get rid of me that easily and you could never hurt me. No matter how cheesy that sounds.” He's done it again, he's reeled her back in to the point of no return. She couldn't back out now and why would she want to.
Slowly they come closer colliding together, their lips meeting in a kiss. Not one of lust and excitement but one so sensual and pure you figure this must be what true love feels like. It's slow and steady feeling the passion in it. Just like their first kiss out in the woods next to the water tower. After a day filled with running around and playing nonsense like 10 year olds do their fate was sealed with a quick peck as the sun set. Suddenly they felt like time was no matter and they were 10 years old again.
Audrey pulled away first, opening her eyes that had a glint of disappointment. He could never truly be hers but at this moment she knew she shouldn't care. Steve was still frozen, jarred that the kiss was over so soon.
“I'm still leaving in august.” She reminded him to pull him out of his love sick daze.
He blinked a couple of times as he turned his body to lean on the same wall as her. “Of course, why wouldn't you.” He told her with full eye contact, turning his head to the side “ I'm not mad that you're going to school you know. There's nothing less I would think of for you. I only wish it was closer to home.”
Audrey tightened her lips while laying her head on Steve’s shoulder. She should have told him sooner, hell she should have told him everything sooner. Maybe then they'd have more time. Her foot started to tap against his red pair of converse to keep herself from going crazy in such a tense environment.
“What does your brother think?” He asks, leaning his head against hers.
“I mean he doesn't like it but it's his fault for flunking.” She replies.
“Whoa, what does that make me?” Steve remarks putting a piece of hair behind her pierced ear. A smirk covers his face as he watches her expression of fear that she had offended him.
“Oh shut up,” he feels a pierce in his side as Audrey elbows him. “You're stupid but not that stupid.”
Before he had the chance to respond the door burst open in the mall bathroom. Dustin emerged with a look that triumphs all the pissed looks. His neon clothes reflect off the tile floor as the bright pink of Erica's backpack neighbors it. All the way by the water fountain where the two almost purged everything in their system was Robin.
“Okay, what the hell.”
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 2 years
"eavesdrop" (from Klaus to Lexa @storystartsanew )
"Lexa? Are you busy?"
Lexa glances up at Harmony, smiling and shrugging. "I've got someone coming to join me any minute, but you're welcome to pull up a seat in the meantime. What's up, Harm?"
Harmony nods, sitting down awkwardly. She did not particularly enjoy doing this, the lying and the pretending, but Axel had explained the situation rather thoroughly.
They both really, really like each other, Harm. But they're also both far too stubborn to ever say anything to each other, and it's distracting them both and driving them both insane. This is just a nudge to help them both recognize what's already there. I got him to open up to me when she could overhear it, so she knows about him. I just need her to open up to someone when he can overhear it, and it can't be me, because she's definitely gonna know what I'm up to. All you have to do is get her to talk about it. You can pretend it's for your own curiosity with understanding emotions and just start to nudge it in the right direction. Here, let me explain...
And it was a good plan, a detailed one, one she could highly appreciate and adapt if needed. She just didn't enjoy lying.
"Lexa... how do you know when you are... attracted, to someone? I am still learning a lot about recognizing and understanding emotions, and I thought it was my next question. I would ask the others but... I know that Prue, Eretria, and Margo had bad first responses, Keefe still does not trust me, and Stephanie informed me when I asked her that not only is she a bad person to ask because of her lack of experience in the field, but so too was Dexter because he, and I quote, 'likely doesn't know how he got into his relationship'. I would ask Axel but he's busy, and I cannot find Crystal."
Lexa sighs, laughing. "You didn't have to give me the complete rundown, but thanks, I guess. Okay, so, I guess that leaves me?"
"Zevon is after you, but I thought you might understand it better being from Auradon."
Lexa sighs, smiling. "Well... I don't know. Not really. I never really... thought about it before, I guess. Nothing like that ever really came up till recently."
"Recently?" Harmony sits up, leaning forward. "What do you mean?"
Lexa sighs, clearing her throat and running a hand through her hair. "Well..."
"Well?" Harmony raises an eyebrow.
"Well, there's... you'll probably meet him at some point, but... Klaus. I guess he's, somewhat Mafia-adjacent, so they're not always around when we all hang out, but he's still a part of it. And, well..."
Harmony reaches across the table and gently nudges her arm. "Lexa, do you like him?"
"I don't know, yeah, I guess, I..." Lexa rakes a hand through her hair. "I've never... experienced it. I mean, I grew up with Audrey and Taylor, so I've seen it, I've seen them and the way they act, the way they describe the feeling and it... it lines up. But I'm always so afraid of screwing things up. Because it's all I've ever done, right? Shit, I went to juvie in high school because I couldn't stop screwing everything up. So... I'm afraid of screwing things up with him."
With a small eyeroll, Harmony shakes her head. "I doubt you would do that, but... how does he make you feel, then?"
Lexa sighs. "I mean..." She chews her lip, tapping her pen against her own arm for a moment before answering. "I mean, I really like him. I feel like I'm not pretending with him. And, and I've said that about VKs in general, but... something about him is different. For the first time... it's like someone actually likes being around me as just... me. He's so easy to be around and he can be really sweet. When he cares, he cares so deeply about things, and you can see it in his face. He just tries so hard to protect everyone and I... want him to see that he's doing more than enough. I want him to know he's enough, just as he is. And... at some point I realized I liked him in trying to just do that."
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fefairys · 2 years
37 36 35 28 27 25 18 13 7 6 4 ^u^
this is really fucking long
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
6. What is your darkest fear about writing?
that people will take my stories at face value or think that i have the same opinions as my characters. please read into everything. the curtains are not just blue.
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
this is such a generic answer but truly just being able to express myself!!!! my writing is all just an examination of my own psyche. i love that about all writing i love that about READING how it can tell u so much about the person who wrote it!!!!
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
man idk. if something is incredibly difficult for me to write about i probably just will not write about it sldkfd but i guess i will say that i did have a bit of a hard time writing the latest chapters of bcbgl in regards to describing dirt's mental state just because i was so concerned about capturing it correctly. in general, i struggle with making sure that i capture intense emotional states with enough detail that the reader can REALLY feel what the character is going through.
what's easy? i wanna say friendly banter because i have a lot of FUN writing, like, group chats between friends, or fictional twitch chats lol that are just the characters being silly and having fun with each other :) but that can also be hard sometimes!!! all writing is hard!
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
OKAY SO AHAHAH from chapter 18 of bcbgl:
["Agh... We slept for an hour," Brian said, checking his watch. "I should get goin..."
"Oh, okay, yeah," Dirt said, mildly disappointed that his time with Brian was about to end. He stood up and walked Brian to the door, giving him a quick kiss before waving him off.] and from chapter 21, when they break up:
[Dirt just scoffed angrily again, not wanting to say anything else in the fears he'd cry even harder if he tried to. "I.. I should get goin..." Brian said, no longer making eye contact with Dirt.
“Oh, yeah, okay," Dirt scoffed, "Fine," he crossed his arms, "Don't even LET me give any sort of explanation! Just fucking WALK away!" he shouted, his voice wavering as he held back sobs. Brian was already walking away, though, and not looking back.]
as soon as i wrote that first passage i wrote this in my notes:
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i was just so fucking excited to do this parallel and im happy to point it out right now in case nobody noticed LKSDJFSL because its really important to me!!!!! when the same words are used in such drastically different contexts in the story!!!!! AAAHHH!!!!
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
salem's favorite thing to do in minecraft is to herd and tame and breed all the different animals because he likes sitting with them and listening to their sounds and hanging out with them and being their friend :)
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
hm. i wanna say Dirt. but honorable mentions are: Sebastian (Roommates), Audrey (NLOG), and Slime (dont worry about it)
dirt is so fucking stressful. he loves to lie and do shit without thinking. he told salem he was going to take him to the vet to get vaccinated, and then tried to take him to get spayed, forcing him to out himself to a stranger so he wouldnt be fucking sterilized without his consent.
dirt lied about having psychosis to get out of a conversation. who does that.
salem is also an honorable mention because he's just so closed off but IM such an open person so writing someone closed off forces me to into a complete opposite headspace than what im normally in. audrey, sebastian, and slime are for the same reason
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Zelda from NLOG is really fun :) i don't think ive ever written a character quite like her before! shes the type of girl that you see post on instagram and you assume shes a high school bully-type mean girl, but shes actually really genuine and sweet, and not only that but shes deeply lonely and has never had any friends and shes so insecure despite being so beautiful and presenting herself with such confidence from afar. max assumes she's the most popular girl in school but shes actually the least!!!!!!!!! aaahhh!!!!!!
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
oh god literally so many FUCK writing rules!!!! i do literally whatever da fuck i want!!! bitch!!!!! but a big one is "dont say 'said'" FUCK YOU!!!! he said she said they said bitch!!!! they just said it! they didnt do anything else or i would say so!!!! is they said it they SAID IT. PERIOD!!!!!!!!
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice…what do you Know?
anxiety. yeah. anxiety is a big theme in like every fucking thing i write. i know her so well shes not even an feeling shes like a sister to me
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
'holy shit he had ISSUES'
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tresradiossolis · 1 year
"?" (i wanna hear all about potential muses from you! i already love your suns so skfjskfjjd)
Potential Muses?
This was at your own risk....
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tl;dr Funtime Freddy, Eclipse, Phone Dude, Withered Bonnie and Michael Afton
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Funtime Freddy ××× Frederico Fabel
Frederico is from my College AU verse, a 6'8" 20 year old student at his family's college (pretty much all the Freddys are related one way or another) that focuses on Engineering and Robotics, although he's taken up studying Art and Prop Making instead, as well as Theater. There's a whole Mess of a history when it comes to who should inherit the college, but his parents gave up on Frederico pretty early on because of his Conduct Disorder, which was not properly diagnosed. This also lead to his relationship with his parents being really messy too.
He loves to make dolls and puppets, as well as more intricate work (think Audrey 2 from Little Shop of Horrors), and in every manner that he presents himself, he's a jolly jokester who loves a good pun, always dressing up in pink and generally most know him as a big softie.
He did stab his childhood friend's bully to death and then hid the body that one time though... and in his friend group, the Fun Gang, he tends to be very aggressive about getting his way. He'll do it with a smile of course, but he Loathes not being in charge.
Why I don't write him: At this point he's so much his own character that I worry I'd alienate people with him. He's also a Very dominating presence, and it's easy to do that in a small private server, I think about him daily though...
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Eclipse ××× Umbra
Umbra is an orphan that's been struggling through the foster care system their whole life, and because of various trauma and just... awful awful experiences, it's left them with crippling social anxiety and phobia.
They're a hikkikomori, they do Not leave their room under any circumstances, this will give them severe panic attacks. They're very slow to open up to people and even slower to actually meet them in person, and once they do, it's a long process to even be able to get past their door.
Other than that, Umbra is a twitch streamer and is known for their game breaking speedruns, glitching through stages with ease while cursing like a sailor. People love seeing them do their work, but also love it when they get absolutely Furious on their twitch streams and chews out their entire team in whatever game they're playing. Umbra is an asshole, and we love that for them.
Why I don't write them: I've actually considered it... again they're such an OC at this point, I could maybe see them being a part of a multimuse, but then who'd read everything about the verse idk... I'd love to write Umbra though, I love this little shit
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Phone Dude ××× Dylan
It's Phone Dude man. Outside the college verse, Dylan is just a dude who really wanted to create his own horror attraction, he loooooves horror movies and has quite the artistic eye for making props and even engineering, and Freddy's checks all those boxes. He's made some sick shit bro, and have recorded some movies for his YouTube that really kicked off.
Idk what to add... in college verse he studies Film and Art, he is known to make some gnarly stuff for the theater crew. He's as dumb as a rock and loves the devil's lettuce.
Why I don't write him: I can't answer that. I should probably write h
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Withered Bonnie ××× Wilt Grimm
The lad to the right
A blind mortician that focuses more on grief counseling and funeral planning than the practise for quite obvious reasons. That's not to say that he isn't incredibly skilled at what he does, but the limitations can't really be ignored.
Wilt lost his eyesight and left arm in a fire when he was just a teenager, and gained severe burns all across his body with it. The incident was life changing to him, since he had been at a house party when it happened. He lost all his classmates that day, and he couldn't understand why he was special in any way for surviving. This lead him to study to become a mortician, because he wanted to help all those who grieve the loss of their loved ones in whatever way he can.
Why I don't write him: Again, he's such an OC.... also this is some heavy stuff I gotta carefully think about making public
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Michael Afton
My Michael is. Basically a zombie LMFAO
He's so tired and goal driven, he has his Tasks and he's gonna Do Them, no matter what is in his way. He's not sure how to express emotions anymore, be it because he got dun scooped, or just really fucking traumatised from seeing his brother's skull cave in because of him.
He doesn't feel like he deserves to be happy, or mad, or even sad anymore. He just needs to do what his dad told him to do, but also.. he needs to make things right.
He's an excellent mechanic and can put together, or take apart, whatever you throw at him. He's a little stinky but it's nothing some wunderbaums can't fix, and he's been known to sass every now and then.
Why I'm not writing him: Intimidation. The fear of having to read up on all the lore 10 times over and having somebody tell me I got something wrong xbfbdb, I do love him tho...
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squirrel-fund · 2 years
auds, i am screaming.
No but, Bee... LISTEN
Imagine Barry is just like, omg omg omg he just moved in AFTER ONE NIGHT and now he's planning a wedding?!
And Brian is sleeping on the floor while Mickey sleeps in the bed every night so like, how bad will this marriage really be??
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Then one time while Bernie is on his knees (because Mickey isn't sucking anyone off besides Ian, come on now) Mickey is just like, "Vanilla is fine for a wedding cake flavor, right? Like, it's my fucking day and if I want vanilla people can just get the fuck over it, ya know?" And Brian just gurgles in agreement and Mickey's like, "Yeah, vanilla it is."
So Bart is like, Holy hook-ups Batman, I gotta do something! I'm too vespa-y to get married.
Then, as luck would have it, Ian shows up that night!! Ian! Beautiful, brave, Sir Ian Gallagher. And this happens:
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But what happens?? Ian drops the ball! He burns the pie! He adds too much water to the soup and it seems like all hope is lost and Bucky probably crumbles as he watches from the window above. (You know he was up there wishing on a star and breaking turkey wishbones)
Mickey comes upstairs and he goes right to bed, grumbling about stupid fucking redheads and their inability to accept love and Bart is like, SOS to anyone listening I think there's still hope.
And there is because Ian shows up AGAIN with some lame excuse to give Mickey a flannel shirt and here's his chance! Bob invites Ian to listen to live music that night in hopes that he'll be free soon.
But then... Billy Boy messes up! Instead of "playing it cool" He bad mouths Mickey... IN FRONT OF IAN.
And what happens??
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But I'm pretty sure Byron would rather be a bruising ex than a blushing bride and honestly thank God.
Cause like... LOOK:
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Mickey had it under control 🧡
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Commission work - Harry Hook x Male!Reader Multipart - Matchmaker - Part 7 (final) - (y/n)/Harry p2
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commissioner - @random-thoughts-003​
Three months, three months! That’s how long the couples that (y/n) and Harry had gotten together, had been trying to get the two together; multiple plans, scenarios, even truth spells, had all fallen flat. They were so close to giving up, every attempt failed, no matter who made the plan or who executed it. Meanwhile, (y/n) and Harry were just-having a time, enjoying the fruits of their friend's labor; multiple paid for dates a month, some free suits from Evie when Ben and Lia sent you off on a dinner date, and watching their friends go insane from trying to get the two together.
It was hilarious honestly, but after those couple months, and with the glaring support of their friends; (y/n) was ready. So one day, he stepped into Harry’s room, happy to see Gil wasn’t there, and locked the door behind him, smiling at Harry who was chilling on his bed. “hey?” Harry said quietly, thinking something was wrong, with the way (y/n) was looking at him so softly “yeh good? Did-shit did someone” (y/n) shook his head, walking over to Harry and climbing on the bed next to him, caging Harry between his arms “(y/n)?”
“I’m ready” is all (y/n), smiling down at Harry so softly, yet Harry's mind went the other way, face flushing red, and (y/n) chuckled, trailing his hand up Harry’s arm to rest on the crook of his jaw that connected to his cheek. “not that kinda ready, I mean, im really to tell them” the red flush disappeared from Harry’s face, turning to pink as he tilted his head slightly.
“are yeh sure?” Harry asked quietly, sitting up and wrapping his arms around (y/n)’s torso. (y/n) nodded, curling his fingers into Harry’s hair as his boyfriend stared him down. “yeah” (y/n) answered softly, bringing his hands to Harry’s cheeks and kissing him, pulling back after just a moment and pressing his forehead to Harry’s “yeah I’m ready.” Harry smiled, nodding as his eyes sparkled, excited to finally be open about his relationship with (y/n).
And finally, get (y/n) back for the closet incident.
“Hey, guys~!” Lia sang as (y/n) and Harry walked into Ben’s room where the couples were hanging out, Lia sitting on Ben’s bed while he sat in between her legs, his head resting on her thigh as he greeted the two pirates with his girlfriend. “what’s up?” Lia could tell the two were about to burst with information, and she smiled, seeing their intertwined hands.
“We have something to tell you all” (y/n) started, gaining everyone's attention, winking at Uma as she gasped, her eyes sparkling in realization “im gay, and we’ve been dating since we were sixteen” at this, everyone lost their shit. All screaming obscenities (well, minus Ben, Lia, and Uma who were laughing) and cursing out the two pirates.
“this entire time?!” Mal yelled, leaping to her feet and getting gin (y/n)’s face, knowing if she got in Harry’s face he would punch her “the entire time!? While we all tried to get you two together, planned dates n shit, you were just-this entire time?!”
Harry snorted, leaning into (y/n) a bit as Gil pouted at him “it was his choice” Harry said with a laugh, pulling (y/n) closer to him and resting his chin on (y/n)’s shoulder “if I could’ve, I would’ve jus’ been PDA city” Uma rolled her eyes, knowing Harry wasn’t lying, the attention hog he was.
(y/n) smiled at Harry fondly, bumping his head into Harry’s “yeah, it wasn’t that I was scared about any of your reactions, ya know considering” (y/n) gestured to Jay and Gil, then Mal and Evie, then Uma and Audrey “yeah, just didn’t feel ready till today” the couples all nodded, understanding, back on the isle relationships, no matter how they were, wasn’t accepted, and then (y/n) wasn’t obligated to come out before he was ready, even if he was already dating another dude.
“cool, so you’re going to be outwardly dating now?” Jay asked, tossing his arm over Gil's shoulder and smiling as Harry grinned at (y/n), the two nodding. “yeah” (y/n) answered for Harry, smiling back at his boyfriend.
“well im happy for you both” Ben said, Lia nodding in agreement as she reached for a purple grape on the plate Audrey was offering her. “but, be courteous, and keep it pg while in public” Ben teased, knowing he and the others were just as bad as (y/n) and Harry probably were going to be.
“no promises” Harry teased, already sneaking his hand up (y/n) shirt, resting it on (y/n)’s hip. (y/n) rolled his eyes, turning and nipping Harry’s earlobe, making him squeak. “HEY!”
“aaaand that’s what he’s talking about” Evie sang, still laughing as Harry flushed red and pouted at (y/n), who just grinned at him. Harry stuck his tongue out at Evie, squeaking again as (y/n) smacked his ass “(Y/N)!”
-five years later-
Harry grumbled as the sun beamed into his eyes, reflecting off the sea outside. “fuckin hell” Harry cursed, sitting up and sniffing, stretching his sore back and sliding out of bed, biting his lip as he spotted (y/n) moving about on the main deck, already getting to work on sailing the ship. Harry quickly got dressed and ran up to the main deck, sneaking a kiss on his husband's cheek and running off to handle the sails. (y/n) shook his head fondly and finished tying off the ropes, leaning against the rails as Harry released the main sail, raised the anchor, and the wind set the ship off, the two of you sailing through the Caribbean.
(y/n) took a deep breath, smiling as he smelled the very same sea his fathers’ once sailed. He turned, leaping up to the cockpit and hugging Harry from behind, and kissing his head. “good morning love” Harry rasped, his voice still laced with sleep as (y/n) rested his chin on Harry’s shoulder, eyes on the rising sun upon the horizon. “what's the plan fer today?”
“We find the edge of the world” (y/n) whispered, smiling as Harry cackled “ta the end of tha world it is!” Harry cheered, taking the compass from (y/n)’s hip and popping it open, snorting as it first pointed to (y/n) before redirecting to the right, and Harry took its course. (y/n) kissed Harry’s cheek again and sighed, closing his eyes in bliss.
Who would’ve thought two pirates born on a prison like isle, would be sailing the seas, free to be whoever they wanted? Not many, but those who did, weren’t surprised the two were destined to be together till the stars burned out.
Ah! Im both not happy, and happy with this part. High quality yes! But high quantity? No T_T, I wanted it to be at least five pages long, really only got to four n a half. But again I’d rather have one good short part then a mid-long part. I hope yall, and the commissioner, liked this series! Im sorry it took so long for me to write it out from p1 to p7.
 @queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​ @lunanight2012​
@daughter-of-the-stars11​ @musicarose​ @rintheemolion​
@remembered-license​ @imtryingthisout​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ 
@verboetoperee​ @saryguerrero​
@h1gh-funct1on1ng-soc1opath​ @mary-wolf​
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you’re my world, you’re every move i make.
This is the story of a girl who’s chasing a past she never lived yet, almost broken-hearted.
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Yesterday, I saw Last Night in Soho, and it left me feeling strange, hopeful, and with a sense of déjà-vu. Alexandra Collins went through believing that she could do whatever she ever dreamt of to getting cheated on in the ugliest way. She saved herself. I understand her and I do not understand why. 
I’ve never been more beautiful than I am these days, and I still want it all. Last month I did a photoshoot inspired by the seventies and its glamour and it was like travelling in the past. How can I feel nostalgia for a decade I’ve never lived? My eyes, they never lie, and when I see the photos, I know that I am more me than ever I’ve ever been, as if I knew it. And as I’m writing this, I’m confused, am I speaking about the movie or am I speaking about the fantasy I’ve had ever since that I was a little kid? 
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Maybe that’s the disability thing, maybe that’s the old-kind-of-soul trope after reading Fitzgerald or Austen but honestly, the late sixties always felt like I could have a chance to belong. It doesn’t stop me though, it never will, and I am blooming into the woman I am and it’s precious and romantic. The music flooding into a never ending dance, and how everything seemed possible and free. After two WW, nothing could stop anyone’s creative hunger. Everybody could have a chance to become who they are and dream, bigger than everything (darling). If my words could convey the way it’s calling me, how it makes my stomach sing and my eyes starstruck! I wish I could have felt that freedom and that vibrant lust for life. Maybe I had. The current era we’re living will make me, I don’t doubt it a single second, but my romantic side craves the past.
At the same time, what’s in the past is in the past, I don’t look back and barely hold the word regret in my vocabulary. But as an artist, and as a young woman, I just can’t help but feel the way the satin kisses my shape and the way eyeliner make my eyes become killers. I can’t help but embrace the fantasy that I was born too late or feel connected to what might have been, once upon a time.
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Even the violence seems too familiar. Alexandra, just like Eloise did, I wish I could have told you “I understand” because I wish someone would do the same for me. Women who go for it, who are bold, and witty, shameless and talented, I love you.  
All these night where I dreamt of (and will probably keep on dreaming on) untold stories like they were holy secrets, with awe and romance, and gut wrenching accomplishments. I’ve lived these moments but were they mine? And I took them for what they are, precious hours that the universe gave me, and in return I kept the love, pain and smiles close to my soul, to never forget. 
This is my love letter to the person I could have been in the past and who kept going after everything that happened to her. You are who you are and it’s vivid in my mind as if we’re one and maybe, you could have used a friend or a savior. I know it doesn’t stop you from saving yourself, no matter what. You’re too much. You got the thrill life needs for and you don’t take no for an answer. Drugs didn’t kill you and weapons neither, even if it does hurt. They look at you as if they think they know but they don’t know shit. You dress in colors and have magnetic eyes and it’s how you convey the truth. The cupid bow of your lips. You fell in love with a city and it doesn't change a thing, in the best and in the worst, but you keep going. And you live as if you had nothing to lose, I admire you for that so fucking much. Your heart might be broken but you know how to put it back together to try again. And you’re beautiful, so bloody beautiful. You’re a part of me and a part of who I might have been once, somewhere, someday in the long forgotten past. But I’m emotional and feeling like we already met. Is it possible?
nb : Thank you Edgar Wright for the kaleidoscope trip. 
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weasleylangs · 3 years
in the summer sun - f.w
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Pairing: Fred x Fem!Reader but honestly it’s just a whole Weasley family slice of life fic. Summary: The war has ended and the Weasley’s appreciate their family now more than ever. Warnings: Mention of the war, mention of Fred having a near death experience, mention of PTSD, anxiety, nightmares and injuries, opening scene involves an anxiety attack, fuck is said twice by the way. Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: This fic is inspired by this ask I received from Kai @weasleyclaw for the ‘send me a made up title game’! The warnings sound scary, but I promise this is a super fluffy slice-of-life fic with Fred and the reader, just existing after the war! Fred lives, obviously but he still had an accident and in reality, he’d be going through a lot of shit and I didn’t want to ignore that!
I am in no way romanticising mental illness and trauma, I myself struggle with a variety of mental illness and trauma and representation is super important, babey!!!!!! Proper support is important!!!!!!
I still can’t decide if I love or hate this but.... [schedules while I’m asleep]
Fred sat up quickly. Heavy and ragged breathing coursing through his lungs as he struggled to catch his breath. He couldn’t even remember what he was dreaming of now that he’s awake, only remembering flashes of green and a loud ‘bombarda maxima’ before being shocked awake by his anxiety and fear.
He’s been plagued by nightmares for three months, ever since he was fighting in that seventh floor corridor and the wall came crashing down on him. He knows it’s normal to be haunted by these memories, he almost died, for crying out loud, but he would really like to have one night where he sleeps through it without being jolted awake. 
He could feel the pressure in his chest get stronger as he struggled to breathe as he checked the clock on the bedside table. It reads 6:30am and when he looks out the window he realises the sun is already rising and the summer heat is making it into their bedroom. His girlfriend of five years sleeps in the bed next to him, snoring lightly having not been woken up by his oncoming anxiety attack.
Fred struggles to remember the grounding technique she taught him when he had his first attack. She’s his biggest supporter, always there when he needs her, but he wants to get better himself . He doesn't want to rely on her for the rest of his days no matter how often she reminds him it’s okay and that she wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.
He’s got his legs swung over the side of the bed, his body closing in on himself when he feels the bed move and arms wrap around his middle, “Breathe, Freddie, and tell me five things you can see,” she whispers gently in his ear.
His eyes darts around the room, searching as he tries his best to breathe, “The tree outside our window, the lamp, that chair,” he struggles to speak as his breathing is laboured, “your book on my bedside table, my slippers…”
“Good job, my love. Now, four things you can touch.”
His hands grab hers, “Your hands,” he says as he turns to face her, “the duvet, my shirt and…” His hand moves, from her hand to cupping her face, “your hair.” 
This continues, Fred rattling off three things he can hear, two things he can smell and one thing he can taste before he realises his breathing has slowed down, his hands have stopped shaking and while the pressure in his chest is still there, it’s been alleviated and he knows it’ll disappear in a few moments. 
Y/N whispers soft praise in Fred’s ear as she lays him back down in their bed. She’s so proud of the progress he has made in just a short few months. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
He shakes his head, while he barely remembers, he knows it’s the same nightmare as usual. Hogwarts, duelling, wall comes crashing down and Fred almost dies. It’s more of a flashback if anything, that he’s constantly reliving the worst day of his life.
“That’s okay, we can just lay here and rest before we go to your mum and dad’s… If you still feel up to going?” Y/N knows when nights like this happen, Fred usually wants to stay in bed and recoup his energy and try again the next day. 
“No, no, we have to go,” he says and it’s not because it’s an obligation, he truly does want to. After almost dying, after spending almost a year without knowing if Ron, Harry and Hermione were okay, after Bellatrix Lestrange threatened to kill both Ginny and his own mother and with Percy reconnecting with them all, he appreciates family time like he never did before. They all deserve to have happy, carefree and relaxing days and that’s what today is meant to be for them all.
“If you’re sure, my love,” she whispers, pressing a soft kiss to his neck. Fred probably won't fall back asleep, the sun has risen and while he won’t admit it, he’s too scared to try and sleep again. But he doesn’t mind, he’s perfectly content having Y/N fall back asleep in his arms and sometimes, rarely but sometimes, her soft snores lulls Fred into a light, undisturbed sleep.
It’s lunch time by the time Fred and Y/N apparate to The Burrow. Fred’s still recovering physically from his injuries - having your entire body crushed by rubble does that to you, so he happily side-along apparates with Y/N instead of solo floo’ing places. 
When they walk into the house, they’re met with a chorus of hello’s and Molly dragging Fred into a hug and kisses his cheeks repeatedly, and then continues to complain that he has no meat on his bones and that he needs to be eating more while shoving a muffin into his hand. 
George is snickering by the table because someone who isn’t himself is finally being on the receiving end of his mothers affection and he has Angelina Johnson awkwardly beside him. When Y/N raises her eyebrows at him, he mouths a ‘I’ll explain later’ before winking and walking Angelina over to her. 
“Hey, Angie,” she says, pulling the girl into a hug. While they were never close at school, considering Y/N wasn’t a Gryffindor, they still got along when the time arose, “didn’t know my little Georgie here got himself a bird.” 
George groans at the fact Y/N completely ignored him and Angelina blushes as she tries to hide her face behind her hair, but Y/N can see that she’s smiling and not at all bothered by the teasing, “Hey, I’m only teasing, come here!” she says as she pulls the embarrassed girl into a tight embrace. While Y/N drops the subject of Angelina and George finally getting their lives together and dating after years of pining, George knows Y/N is going to corner him later and get the answers out of him.
Hermione and Ginny quickly run down the stairs and grab Y/N, pulling her into a hug as well. Soon enough, the entire family is trying to squeeze inside the living room - including Bill and Fleur who always turn up for the Weasley get together and even Charlie has taken extended leave from his job in Romania to stay and spend the summer with everyone. 
Because of the overcrowding, Ron whistles loudly, grabbing everyone’s attention, “Who wants to play a game of quidditch and let mum have some peace and quiet?” Immediately Harry, the twins, Angelina and Charlie are out the door, already fighting about teams and position. Y/N briefly hears Harry whine ‘I want to be on Charlie’s team but he plays seeker’ as their voices fade. Ginny stays back, wanting to catch up with Y/N for a bit and promises to join everyone later.
Fred loves nothing more than spending time with his siblings. Growing up as a twin, he’s had someone constantly by his side, but he loves his huge family more than anything. George and he spend 5 minutes fighting over who gets to be beater until they just decide they’ll just be on different teams before they realise they don’t have enough siblings for a full team anyway, meaning the beaters are out of the equation.
This causes the twins to just start jokingly fighting over who plays chaser before Ron and Harry has to break it up so they can actually play. 
Fred adores flying. His hair has been growing out and the wind through it as he flies is one of the best feelings in the world, he thinks. It makes him forget all his worries, his only focus is snatching the quaffle out of George’s slimy grip and getting it past Charlie, who’s playing both keeper and seeker for the other team to make up for the lack of players.
“Oi, Ickle Ronnikins,” he calls out from his broom, wobbling slightly as he yells to get his brother’s attention, “mind paying attention to the match and not your girlfriend? George is getting every shot in, mate,” He’s teasing of course. They can see the girls through the window and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t sneaking glances at Y/N.
Meanwhile, the three girls sit at the kitchen table chatting amongst themselves and Bill and Fleur are outside in the garden when Percy and his girlfriend turn up. There’s tension in the air, there always is when Percy turns up. It’s not that no one wants him there, but given his history of being a ‘right prat’ (Fred’s words), everyone is cautious. 
But he goes right up to Molly, pulling her into an embrace and kissing her on the cheek and then turns to his dad and gives him a hug. 
“Hey Gin, Y/N, Hermione,” he gives them a curt nod as they say hello back before pulling the girl beside him closer, “this is Audrey, my girlfriend. Do you guys mind hanging with her while I go find the boys?"
The girls, of course, nod. “How long have you and Percy been together for?” Y/N asks as the girl sits and she hopes she isn’t coming off rude. She’s been with Fred for five years and never met Audrey and Hermione’s been in the Weasley’s lives for even longer, so it’s clearly a recent development. 
“Around this time last year… With everything going on and Percy not being on speaking terms with everyone, we haven’t really had the chance to meet…” she trails off and Y/N senses the awkward tension rising, so she grabs Audrey’s hand in a reassuring matter.
“Don’t stress about that. You’re here now and you’re family,” while Y/N isn’t officially a Weasley, her and Fred have spoken about their future together on numerous occasions so she doesn’t feel like she’s speaking out of turn offering ‘Weasley Family Status’ to Audrey, “I’m Y/N, Fred’s girlfriend.” 
“And I’m Hermione, Ron’s girlfriend,” Hermione adds and before Ginny even speaks, Y/N interrupts her, “You’re obviously a Weasley, Gin,” and the girls all start giggling.
“I’m Ginny, Harry’s girlfriend!” she exclaims proudly when all the girls finally calm down and it only sets them off again.
What the girls don’t notice is that Molly’s watching them, with a smile on her face. She’s always wanted daughters - she loves Ginny and she loves every single one of her sons, but she wishes she had been able to give her a sister. But watching the scene unfold in front of her, how these girls welcome Audrey so easily into their lives, Molly’s eyes well with tears as she realises she has the most wonderful daughter and future daughter-in-laws a woman could ask for. 
“How’s Fred doing?” Ginny asks. Of course, everyone’s suffered from the war, but everyone is constantly concerned about Fred. 
“Between seeing his psychologist and his physical therapy appointments, he’s doing really good,” she says, looking out the window and she laughs as she sees Fred holding Ron in a headlock, shouting something about how rusty he is at keeper, “there’s days it’s hard, and he has really bad nightmares sometimes, and there's days where they make him not want to leave the house but he had one this morning and was determined to get here today. I’m really proud of him.” 
Molly rubs Y/N on the shoulders, almost like a thank you for being there for Fred through it all as she places muffins in front of all the girls and takes her own seat. She takes a moment to scold Arthur for trying to repair the muggle radio playing he’s stolen from work before joining in on the girls’ conversation as they eat. 
The sweet moment is interrupted by a voice that is clearly Percy’s shouting and both Y/N and Audrey’s automatic assumption is that the worst has happened. Especially when Y/N hears the familiar voice of her boyfriend shouting incoherently. 
All the girls rush out the door, expecting to break up a fight but that isn’t what’s happening. Instead, Fred has Percy on the ground, rolling around in dirt and they’re both laughing . Molly has to excuse herself, tears welling in her eyes at the sight of Percy being accepted by his brother. 
“What’s going on here?” Audrey questions. It’s clear she’s still weary, worried that at a moment's notice, Percy’s siblings will turn on him and forget his apology. Fred looks up, winking at Y/N before looking at Audrey and flashes her a cheeky smirk, “Perce said I suck at quidditch.” 
Everyone rolls their eyes at this as Y/N grabs Fred’s hand and pulls him up. She lives with him, so one would think that the time spent apart at The Burrow is no big deal, but secretly Y/N has always been super clingy, wanting to always have Fred in her sights, and it's only worsened now they live together.
“Hi Freddie,” she giggles, tucking herself close to his side despite the summer heat blasting down on them, “I miss you.” she whispers.
Fred lets out a cackle of a laugh, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and leading her to the tree they always sit under as he tells Ginny to take his spot on their makeshift quidditch team. Secretly, he was hoping to get away from the game because he needs a break and maybe an attempted nap under the tree. 
He settles down first, stretching his legs out as he leans against the trunk and then he pulls Y/N down to sit between them and to rest her back against his chest. This has always been their favourite way to cuddle.
“What’s the go with George and Angie? I knew they were going on dates but...” Fred asks, and Y/N shrugs. “He just said he’d fill me in later so I’m still waiting. But she’s at family day, so it must be getting serious.” Fred hums behind her, resting his chin on top of his head as he watches his family on the makeshift field in front of them fight over quidditch rules. George is trying to teach Percy fake rules and Ginny’s smacking him over the head as he laughs at the confused expression on Percy’s face. 
To their right, Arthur’s got the radio working and he’s charmed it to blast 80s muggle music loudly for the entire family to hear. Bill’s dragged Fleur to dance around with him and Arthur’s trying to get Molly to join them. Charlie’s sitting with Audrey and Hermione, probably droning on about dragons as usual and the girls listen intently, gasping when appropriate. 
“What are you thinking about?” Y/N asks. Fred is never this quiet, usually speaking every single thought that comes to his mind without any sort of filter. It’s gotten him in trouble a fair few times, from both his mother and Y/N. 
“I’m just happy,” he says quietly, tucking his head into her neck, and Y/N doesn’t miss the crack in his voice, “I’m so happy I’m here with everyone.” She shuffles in her spot so she can sit and face Fred and he can’t meet her eyes because his own are welling with tears.
“Don’t hide, my love, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” she coos as she cups his cheeks in her hands. He leans into her touch and smiles as he sniffles. 
“I know, it’s just…” He trails off and Y/N knows what he’s going to say. He almost wasn’t here and that thought haunts the both of them more often than they’d like to admit. “I know, but that doesn’t matter, because you’re here , and I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am you are,” she whispers, pressing a kiss to his cheeks.
“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you,” he says and Y/N’s heart swells. Marriage and lots of ginger babies has always been in their life plan, but hearing Fred say it, so, so vulnerably, almost brings her to tears. “Forever, Freddie, you promised,” she replies and he leans forward and presses a soft kiss on her lips. 
He’s always promised. He promised forever when they were 16 and they’d only been together for a year as they danced at the Yule Ball until 12am. At 17, when he admitted he wouldn’t be finish the school year. He promised once again at 18, before he flew out of Hogwarts with George. At 19, straight after George had his ear cursed off and he was sick with fear because the war was real and happening.
At 20, they were fighting in their school and he’d promised, ‘We're surviving this fucking thing and I’m marrying you as soon as I can.’ 
They pull apart and Y/N is smiling at him, adoration filled in her eyes as Fred feels around in his shorts, clearly trying to grab something. When he pulls it out, Y/N’s eyes catch the small, velvet black box and while she doesn’t want to get her hopes up, her heart is racing.
“I’ve been carrying this everyday, waiting for the perfect time,” he chuckles, shaking his head. You’d think Fred Weasley would have a huge and bizarre proposal, most likely with fireworks and dancing gnomes somehow, but in reality, this is perfect. He’s surrounded by his loved ones, there’s no war and he wants nothing more than to officially make Y/N a Weasley. 
“Is that now, Freddie?” she says and he nods, smiling. Y/N thinks he’s never looked happier in his life. He knows what her answer will be so he doesn’t feel the slightest bit nervous.
“I promised you, we're surviving the war and I’m fucking marrying you as soon as I can, so here I am,” he pops the box open and Y/N gasps. It’s nothing extravagant but she doesn’t mind. Small and classy, just like she’d always wanted and she doesn’t even realise she’s crying until Fred’s hand wipes her tears with his free hand, “Will you marry me?” 
She barely gives an answer, nodding her head violently as she wraps her arms around his neck and presses her lips to his. Their teeth clash and they both laugh at Fred not being prepared to be jumped before getting a verbal response. Y/N pulls away and puts out her left hand, “Of course I’ll marry you.” 
He slides the ring on her finger and it’s a perfect fit. They continue to sit in front of the tree, watching their family but Y/N constantly catches herself looking at the diamond ring sparkling in the sun and she’s decided she’s never been happier as well.
Everything is perfect, because it’s the calm after a very, very long storm and she’s never taking family for granted again.
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thebookreader12345 · 3 years
Jealous Much?
Pairing: Crockett Marcel x reader
Summary: Y/N and Crockett have been dating for a while, and one day, one of the new med students flirts with him because she doesn’t know he has a girlfriend
Requested: Yes, by anonymous
Warnings: slight swearing and a steamy make out session
Word Count: 1,131 Words
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As soon as the door shut behind us, Crockett pushed me up against the nearest wall and smashed his lips to mine. I smiled against his lips as he rested his hands under the top of my scrubs against my waist. The feeling of his hands against my bare skin sent shivers down my spine. And the thought of what those hands could do to me........ Crockett then moved his lips to a spot on my neck, and as he sucked at the skin, I couldn’t help but let a small moan escape from my lips.
“Mm. Crockett,” I breathe out and tangle my hands in the hair at the base of his neck. Crockett smirked against my neck before deciding to slide his hands from my waist to my butt. “You’re a terrible person. Did you know that?”
Crockett pulled away from my neck, a small smile gracing his lips. “What?”
“You’re terrible because you’re turning me on so damn much, and we’re at work, so I can’t do anything about it,” I say.
Crockett laughed softly. “I guess you’ll just have to wait until later then.”
I huffed. “I hate you.”
“You love me,” Crockett countered as our pagers both beeped. “Looks like we’ve got work to do. Oh, and you might want to put on your jacket. You’ve got a little something there.” Crockett pointed at my neck, and when I took out my phone to see what he was looking at, I saw that there was a hickey beginning to form.
“I’m going to get you for this,” I tell him.
“Mmhmm,” Crockett hummed and placed a peck on my lips. “Lets get back to the ED.” When Crockett and I exited the supply room, I quickly made my way to the doctors lounge and threw on my fleece jacket. That way, none of my co-workers would see my hickey. Yes, everyone knew that we were together, but we didn’t like to show PDA in front of everyone. So, if someone was new here, they would have no idea that we were dating.
“Hey, Mags. What do we got?” I ask.
“Oh, uh, Dr. Marcel and Dr. Sima are already on it,” Maggie informed me. I looked over to the trauma room to see that what Maggie had said was true. Crockett was already working on a patient with Audrey, one of the newest med students interning here.
“Oh, uh, okay. Just page me if you need me,” I say and turn around, making my way back to the doctors lounge. This time, when I entered the room, I found Will sitting down at one of the computers.
“Hey, Y/N. What’s up?” Will asked. I sighed and sat down in the other computer chair, sneaking a glance at the trauma room where Crockett and Audrey where working.
“Nothing much. Hey, you got any cases you need help on?” I question.
“I thought you’d be working with Crockett,” Will responded and spun his chair to face me.
“I did too, but he’s working with Audr- Dr. Sima,” I state, a hint of jealousy evident in my voice.
“Oh, you mean the young, hot new med student who just got assigned here last week?” Will teased.
“Shut up,” I growl and push him away from me playfully.
“Holy shit! You’re jealous that Crockett is working with Dr. Sima,” Will pointed out.
“Well, wouldn’t you be jealous if Natalie was working with some hot new doctor with a 6-pack and a Disney prince haircut?” I ask.
“Okay, one, I have a 6-pack and a Disney prince haircut,” Will joked. “And two, you and Crockett were made for each other. I don’t think some new girl is going to change his mind about you.”
“I’m not too sure about that,” I murmur. Will looked up to see where I was gazing, and I’m assuming he saw the same thing as me, which was Audrey placing a hand on Crockett’s chest, and him not doing anything to remove it.
“Okay, I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for that,” Will told me as Crockett began to make his way towards the lounge. “Y/N, please don’t go off on him.”
“Oh, I’m going to do something much worse,” I mumble as Crockett entered the room.
“Hey, guys. What are you guys doing in here?” Crockett asked. Instead of answering Crockett’s question, I ignored him and stood up before stalking out of the room. I was not going to talk to the man who was letting a med student flirt with him. I made my way over to Maggie, who was standing at the nurses station, and sat my elbows on the counter, putting on chin in my hands.
“Mags, I need some patients. I’ll take anyone,” I declare. 
Maggie laughed, but extended a tablet in my direction. “All right. We’ve got a bunch of cold and flu patients waiting to be seen. They’re all yours.”
I took the tablet from her hands. “Thank you.” Later that day, I was standing at the nurses station with Will waiting for some tests, and while we were talking, I could see Audrey batting her eyes at Crockett, and she looked like a lovesick puppy. I had to do something, and I had to do something quick. “Excuse me for a moment,” I say to Will. I then marched right over to where they were talking, maneuvered right around Audrey, and when I got to Crockett, I tugged on the collar of his scrubs and pulled him down to my height, eagerly pressing my lips to his. Crockett was shocked for about a second, but soon kissed me back with just as much passion. For a moment, our lips moved in perfect sync, and it felt like I was dreaming. Finally, I pulled away from Crockett, and placed my hands on his chest. “Is she gone?”
Crockett smiled softly. “Yeah. She’s gone.”
“Good,” I reply. “You know, it really wasn’t cool of you to keep letting her flirt with you.”
“Oh. I see what this was about. You were jealous of Dr. Sima, weren’t you? That’s why you were ignoring me earlier,” Crockett spoke.
“I had every right to be jealous. She’s young and beautiful and-”
Crockett cut me off. “But she could never be you. You’re the most gorgeous woman I have ever met, Y/N. And no one can ever replace you.”
“You sure have a way with words, Crockett. So, about what we were doing earlier...”
Crockett chuckled. “It’s more than okay with me if we finish that steamy encounter after shift.”
“Well then, I guess I will meet you at your place,” I murmur and lean forwards to place a small peck on his lips. “See you later, Crockett.”
“Yeah. See you later,” Crockett repeated.
Tag List:
@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld @caitsymichelle13 @king-crockett​
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honeysorwell · 3 years
(a very unprofessional) game changer
Pairing: Audrey Tidall x fem!Reader x Diane Sherman
Summary: Audrey Tidall ends up conquering the role of the protagonist in the expected film that marks the great director and screenwriter Diane Sherman return to the film market, Run, that the blonde one desired really much. The filmmaker has only managed to return now since she left her job almost twenty years ago to take care of her daughter. She has no real plans other than finishing the film that will mark her return, but her nonpeaceful coexistence with Audrey during the filming, along with the loneliness that consumes her personal life ends up instigating an unexpected affection - and that grows every day - for Y/N, the costume designer for Run.
What Diane did not expect, when giving Y/N anonymously flowers during the recording months, is that the costume designer has been in a secret relationship for more than months with Audrey. However, the feeling of indifference and disdain that the director feels for the actress gradually dies after a heated argument between the two, leaving an unnamed tension in the air, while Y/N searches for her secret admirer with her girlfriend.
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[gif by @sapphiclesbian​ ]
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[gif by @cherry-jimin] 
A/N: I was extremely surprised when I posted You rush into my life, stay a little while (I know that we can have it all), and in less than a month I got +50likes (after all I barely know how to use tumblr and I discovered these days how and where to look at the followers that I have lol). And thanks to that, I will use (a very unprofessional) game changer as a social experiment, to see if you guys really like what I write, and if the answer is also positive, I will open requests to write things in my free time. And yes, my first language is not English so maybe something might sound strange.
I had this idea as soon as Run was released, thanks to Diane's passion for films... And since Audrey is an actress, I thought it would be good to combine these two...
I can say that this is a big AU because Diane is a lovely mother, and no one from Roanoke dies (because I don't have time to develop any of this shit).
Hope you all like it!
Synopsis of the story + Chapter 1 ,  Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 , Chapter 7 , Chapter 8 , Chapter 9 , Chapter 10 (final one)
Chapter 1
Chapter’s summary: Audrey and Y/N get to know each other thanks to Diane, and even though they are about to start recording Run, they decide that it is worthwhile to continue with their relationship. Even if secretly.
Warnings: In this chapter at least, none. Just implicit mentions of smut, it's not really something!  
Word Count: 1,2k
In theory, when someone wins an award as important as The Saturn, their career between movies becomes more likely to invitations to productions. Films, miniseries, or even theatrical productions. But that didn't happen with Audrey.
There was a voice in her head that said it was thanks to her age. But since none of the actors in Roanoke's cast, especially women, were so different in this aspect, Audrey continued to ignore that voice.
Everything was relatively ready for the British woman to participate in Return to Roanoke: Three Days in Hell, however after her breakup with Rory, the blonde one preferred to focus on something new. She quickly fell in love with him, but when the red-haired man asked about marriage, everything was clear to Audrey. Their paths and thoughts were so different, even with the significant feeling between them, that it was better to break their love relationship before their friendship was affected. And this was what she did.
It was audacious. Refuse a proposal for the same program that gave her fame and awards, to audition for a new film that she barely knew would happen. Some people would call her crazy, but the email she received from her agent was enough to give her courage.
Or rather, four words from that email. Directed by Diane Sherman was what caught her attention and prompted her to try to venture out to take the test.
She can still remember. Years ago, while she was still fighting for a minor role in any theatrical production in England, Diane Sherman was already acclaimed worldwide for the grandiose films with unexpected endings that she produced, even at a young age.
All the films of the woman with a reddish tone between her brunette hair strands became hits. But in the midst of it all, Diane decided to take a break from her career, and less than five months later, a pregnancy was announced.
After that, twenty years passed and no film was released, no interview, no magazine cover. Such a gloriously famous woman disappeared from everyone's view with her baby. But only up to now.
That test was probably the one that tired Audrey the most in her entire career. To portray in a few minutes the pain of the life of a woman who is obsessed with her daughter to the point of making her sick was difficult. But she did, and so, while her former co-stars were locking themselves up in a seemingly haunted mansion, she was getting a call from her agent saying that she got the lead role.
Everything worked well when the blonde received her script and started working with Diane on how they would like this character to be seen by the audience, but as the conversations flowed, Audrey understood why all of the woman's films were such a success. She was a perfectionist and her authority was clear.
Everything needed to be perfect. Including the costume.
And so Audrey met Y/N. A beautiful costume designer with so much talent to spare to the world.
The first time they saw each other, Diane was not present, after all, it was just a date to take Audrey's body measurements. As the story was about a housewife, movable and comfortable clothes had to be designed, which did not force Audrey to strip naked to have her measurements known by Y/N, even if an unprofessional part of her wanted to.
Quick encounters followed, some with Diane briefly present, just to define new color palettes or to approve and disapprove something. The director never stayed more than twenty minutes with the two women, but thanks to Y/N's perseverance, in producing everything exactly as Diane wished, and Audrey's free time, due to her mind being ease in memorizing lines and just a few friendships outside England, the two woman became relatively close.
When the costumes were all designed and in the final process of being made, Diane decided that she would like Audrey's hair to be longer. Some wig tests took place, but a joint decision was made.
The film would be postponed in five months from there, so that the blonde's hair would grow.
It was frustrating, to say the least, and maybe that was the trigger for Audrey's disapproval with Diane, but one thing was good. The time now acquired has started to be spent on Y/N.
Always at discreet lunches or afternoon teas in their homes...
Y/N thinks it might be extremely inappropriate and absolutely unprofessional to get personally involved with a co-worker, even outside the set, and even though their work on Diane's film was relatively distant. But, after many glasses of wine and random conversations, nothing made more sense to Y/N than Audrey's lips against hers.
A one-night stand. That was what they thought they were born to be. But the skin on Audrey's stomach was so smooth that Y/N didn't know if she wanted to kiss her until she moaned or laughed, confused as she tried to understand which one of the sounds was the actual responsible for her heart beating faster.
A one-night stand. Because Audrey didn't feel ready to start a relationship after such a recent breakup. But there was nothing more beautiful than Y/N's face full of pleasure while she was being touched, or her face concentrated on redoing a crooked seam, even if she was the only one that noticed the defect in the piece.
A one-night stand. That turned into two, three, ten, thirty... and when they noticed, Audrey's hair was long enough for the film to start recording and their mind was unconsciously bought each other's favorite foods at the supermarket.
And on one of those nights, when they were both lying on Y/N's bed and Audrey was drawing imaginary flowers on the bare skin of her right hip, a whisper escaped the actresses lips:
"I don't want this to end because we are going to work together... Does that make me unprofessional?", The moment the question escapes her lips, she raises her face towards Y/N and looks deeply into her eyes.
"Well ...", the costume designer starts and stops, distracted by the beauty of Audrey's brown eyes and a lock of her hair - now longer - that is hindering the Y/N view of the blonde's cheeks, but that soon puts the hair strands behind her ear and continues - "Count me in because I don't want this to end either..."
It is a smile so beautiful that it takes hold of Audrey's lips, that the courage to take possession of Y / N's body and one more phrase escapes her lips.
"I think I'm in love with you."
The word think sounds so low, it's like it's not even there. Because Y/N's mind knows that she is sure, even scared and that is why Y/N's eyes focus on the whole room, except the face in front of her. Until delicate fingers touch her chin and direct her to see brown eyes bathed in tears, amid the same glorious smile of seconds ago.
"And I don't know how you didn't notice that I fell in love with you too."
And so they come to an agreement. Nothing will be explicit while they are on set. At work, they will be just friends, close friends if the distance wraps their stomachs, but still, just friends.
For the sake of their reputations, their jobs, and the Diane Sherman film they will be just friends.
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