#Anyway this ask was so cool ! =) I'm working on the next one rn it should be done by tomorrow evening hehe
another-clive-blog · 7 months
Would be funny if Dimitri had your stereotypical sci-fi weapons. Yknow like freeze rays and stuff of that nature.
That’s what he uses if Clive ever gets too crazy (which is probably often)
Anon I love you to death for this occasion to talk about my favorite platonic pairing <3 <3 <3 Thank you so much, I had fun hehe
POST IN TWO PARTS !! Rambling starts here, drawings are under the cut !
Okay first some rambling/headcanons (where we'll pretend Dimitri had those) ! I believe Dimitri is a pacifist and almost never resorts to violence, he's more of an 'ignoring the obnoxious man-child' type of guy. However the rare occasions he DOES use these guns would be at the very beginning of the Dove-Allen partnership, when Clive would be openly taunting him and deliberately pushing him to his limits. (He hates scientists, he hates Dimitri). THEN, I can see Dimitri snapping and using these, but only if he knows they aren't going to kill Clive because Dimitri has strong morals (not a joke this man has all the morals of the duo). He would only do it once or twice tho, both because he hates violence/feels guilty about it and also because Clive is Clive (see below).
RAMBLING OVER ! Sorry for that I needed to get it out lol. Anyway drawings under the cut
So first of all your ask made me think of this picture and I just couldn't resist lol
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Transcript : I don't have any defreezing option on this thing. He's probably alive anyway. I should time how long until he gets out. For science.
BUT THEN as I said, I think Dimitri could not use these more than two or three times on Clive 'Well the best way to deal with my grief is to build a mobile fortress filled with weapons' Dove. That man would absolutely go feral. Don't try him.
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Yes he threw that flashbang to the ground. This event is known in Future London as the First Layton-Luke battle (no puzzles included)
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sillysillygoofygoose · 4 months
Helloooo can I request single dad Toji living with his son megumi but then neighbor reader moves in and yk HAHHAHAH anyways love ur works
Hi!! Okay, okay, okay SOOOOO cute 🥰 I LOVE this trope sooooo much. Thank you smmm anon 💕💕 I have the smexiest ask in my inbox rn, so I thought I would start with some innocent fluff 🤭
Toji is like... super down bad in this one btw
One and a Half Men □○
Toji swore off of dating the day he became a single father. Never again, he told himself. He was too busy. Too preoccupied. Too grown to be playing a twenty-something year old's game. It was evident by his whisps of gray hair, earned over the three and a half challenging years of fatherhood.
When Megumi was first born, Toji found him and his bundle of joy a nice enough apartment, conveniently next to an uninhabited one so Megumi's cries wouldn't wake up any neighbors. Toji kept his head down and focused on what he needed to do. He worked, he took care of his baby boy, and he just kept moving forward.
And he kept good on his promise... very good. Until you showed up.
"Oh, good morning Megumi! Hi Mr. Toji, how are you guys doing today?"
There you were. A beautiful, shining sweetheart, kind and angelic down to your very core. A college student, roughly twenty years old, full of life and hope and love. And the Fushiguro's neighbor of six months.
"I told ya' a million times doll, don't call me Mr. Anything. Makes me feel older than I already am." Toji can't help the way his heart pulses in his chest everytime you flash that bright smile his way. He wishes he could.
"Okay, Mr. Toji." You giggle him off, shrugging away his gruff tone as Megumi let's go of his dad's finger and starts waddling over to you, the smallest smile parting his chubby cheeks.
"Hi y~y/n. M'mmorning. I have new shirt." Megumi makes his way over to you, grabbing your hand with one of his while the other stretches the fabric of his yellow and blue t-shirt towards you, showing it off.
"Oh wow! I see! You look very dapper this morning, Megumi!" Toji watches as you crouch down in front of Megumi, absent-mindedly patting down the raven strands of hair protruding out of the little boys' scalp
Hm, Toji thinks, watching as you blabber back and forth with the little man, smile widening more and more with every word Megumi stumbles out.
A buzzing notification from his phone distracts him from the heartwarming scene. Fuck, graveyard shift tonight.
"Well, I'm very glad you like it, you look suuuuper handsome, just like your daddy." Toji's ears perk up when he hears that. He let's a smirk slip when he realizes you're already looking at him, holding little Gumi's hand.
Hearing Megumi's quiet giggles reminds him of his current conundrum. He doesn't have anyone to look after Megumi tonight.
"Um hey, y/n, are you busy tonight?" Toji scratches the back of his neck, keeping a cool composure as his heart picks up speed.
"No, I don't think so! Why?" You stand up, caressing Megumi's head when he clings to your legs.
"I don't like asking for favors, but could you watch Megumi tonight? I'll pay ya." Toji ignores Megumi's excited squeal at the mention of spending the night at your place, knowing at this rate, he would probably have the same reaction.
"Oh my god, I'd love to! You really don't have to pay me, it would be my pleasure. He's such a little gentleman." Almost as excited as Megumi, you agree, softly squeezing the toddler's tiny shoulders.
You say your goodbyes, explaining how you need to run to the store and that Toji can drop Megumi off whenever.
As you wave goodbye, Megumi turns back to his daddy, huge smile overtaking his dumpling face.
"Yay, tank you dada! I wuv y/n, so nice and pretty." Toji has never seen his little boy so excited.
"Yeah, me too, little guy." Toji mused, walking down the apartment building's hallway, distracted by confirming his shift with his boss.
"Dada wove y/n too?" Megumi mumbles to himself, looking up at his dad with bright, hopeful eyes.
"Uhm, huh? Uh she's a very nice young lady, Megs." Realizing what he said, he backtracks, distracting Megumi with under chin tickles.
"Okay Dada." Megumi giggles, scrunching his chin to his chest, trying to stop the tingles infecting his little body.
Megumi was quick to warm up to you when you first moved in. It was just something about you. Maybe it was the same thing that had Toji head over heels the moment he first talked to you.
You were so refreshing to be around. Both Toji and Megumi were so used to only having each other. A young, smiling, motherly woman was such a fulfilling person to have around. Like a missing piece. Your presence was magnetic to the small family, both of them adoring you, only in different ways.
Everything about you was so beautiful. It almost made Toji nervous...
"Dada... knock knock." Megumi pulls Toji's hand towards your door, reminding him of the task at hand.
"You got it bud." Toji picks Megumi up under his armpits, letting him do the knocking.
Immediately, the door swings open, revealing a smiling you, clad in a flimsy tank top and baggy sweatpants.
"Megumi!!" You exclaim, laughing as the little boy grabs your neck and transfers himself into your arms.
"Yayyayayay, y/n!" Megumi squeezes you before turning to his dad.
"Bye bye, dada. Night night." Megumi immediately waves to his dad, almost kicking him out.
"Hold on, little man. Let me talk to y/n for a minute." Toji huffed a laugh as you smiled, moving to the side to let him in.
Toji declined coming in, explaining that he didn't want to intrude. He began explaining that Megumi was due for sleep, saying how it's already way past his bedtime. You point to your room, assuring him that Megumi would be sleeping like a king and that you were drowning in school work, too much to worry about sleeping on the couch.
Toji nodded along, beginning to tune your melodic voice out as he observed the way a sleepy Megumi snuggled into your neck, and the way your hand cradled his head, carding through his messy hair.
"Okay, well, I don't want to keep you too long, Toji! Megumi is safe and sound, and will be asleep verrryyy soon." You tease the little boy, knowing that he's already fighting sleep, dozing off on your shoulder.
Toji smiled when he didn't hear an honorific before his name. Your body froze up as he moved unbelievably close to you, face rubbing against yours as he cups the back of Megumi's head, kissing him goodnight.
"Thanks again, text me if you need anything. Be a good boy Gumi, love ya." Toji waves goodbye as you close the door, turning in your place to take a deep breath, feeling your heated cheeks with the back of your hand, pulling yourself together. What a man.
Your fan-girling subsides when you feel a yawn against your neck, reminding you of the exhausted little boy in your arms.
"Let's get you to bed, buddy. We can have fun in the morning, okay?" You feel a mumble on your skin as you walk to your room, taking in the little boys matching pajamas, little toes covered with fluffy socks. Your heart melts in your chest. How cute.
"Alright, there we go. All set, bud?" You smile down at Megumi tucked in your pink bedding, little head resting on your memory foam pillow.
"Back rub, please?" Megumi pleads, instinctively rubbing his scalp with flat hands. That's where the messy hair comes from.
"Okay, bud." You soften your voice as the boy rolls around in your bed, laying on his chubby little tummy.
He hums happily when he feels the weight of your hand on his back, making grabby hands at your unoccupied one, asking to hold it.
"Dada woves you. He said so to me." Megumi smiles softly, squeezing you hand.
"Oh! Um... oh! He said that?" A wave of shock and flush runs through your body, chest and face heating up.
"Mhm. He thinks you're pretty. I think he wants- marry you." Gumi goes rouge as sleep clouds his little mind, cutting into his own sentences.
"Allrrighhtt Megs... let's focus on bedtime, okay?" You giggle out, feeling like a schoolgirl after hearing the unreliable narrator's thoughts.
"Mmh, okay. Night night, Mama."
You didn't get a lick of sleep. How could you? Piles of work was banging at your brain, but the only thing you could think of was Toji and Megumi. Mama.
Pulling at your face, you snap out of your panicked thoughts when you hear a door open and the weight of a tiny body running to your couch. Looking up, your heart breaks in half.
"Y/nnn, bad dreammm. I had bad dream." Megumi sobs out, hands seeking comfort in his hair rubbing his head in agony. His face is puffy and red as tears run down his chubby cheeks, sniffing and crying.
"Oh Gumi, I'm sorry baby... here, come here honey." Climbing onto the couch, Megumi rushes into your arms, holding onto you like you would disappear. Sighing, you stand up with the little boy koala bear-ing you, pacing back and forth as you hush him.
Gazing at the time displayed on the oven, you see that it's already four in the morning. Megumi burrows himself into your body, getting as close as possible to you, seeking the maternal comfort your provide.
"M so sleepy. Don't wanna be by myself." Megumi eventually sighs after tiring himself out, fidgeting with the strap of your tank top.
"Let's sit down, okay bubs? Let's just take some deep breaths." You feel like a nervous wreck, hoping you're comforting Megumi well enough, not fully knowing what to do.
Sitting back down, you pat his back, resting your head on the back of the couch. The weight of Megumi's tired head on your chest grounds you. As you begin dozing off, you feel Megumi's grip on you relax, signaling his sleep.
Exhaling, you rest your arms around the resting lump, finally letting sleep overtake you.
Bright and early, you're awoken by the sounds of cabinets opening and closing. You freak out, thinking someone was ransacking your apartment before you open your eyes to see a little body wandering around your kitchen.
"Thirsty." Was the only explanation you get from the messy haired boy as he continued look for a glass.
Pouring him a glass of water, you place him on a chair in your small kitchen, starting his breakfast.
Megumi mumbles to himself as you prepare his scrambled eggs, keeping himself entertained. As you sit across from him, placing his plate in front of him, he smiles and thanks you quietly before digging in.
You drink your coffee, enjoying the peace and quiet provided by Megumi's preoccupied mind...
"Yes, Gumi?"
"Do you love dada?"
Megumi brings it up again. Great. Nosey little boy.
"Because I want a mommy. And you're good at it. I think you should be my mama."
"Hey, Gumi, what's your favorite dinosaur?" You blurt out, stopping the conversation as soon as possible.
The little boy glares at you, too smart to be tricked, but giving in anyway.
"Dada! Y/n took good care of me!" Megumi sung the highest of praises when you opened the door to an exhausted Toji.
"I'm sure she did! I hope he didn't give you too much trouble." Toji teased, seeing the dark bags manifesting under your eyes.
"No, not at all, he's a very good boy." You smiled giving Megumi one last hug before he grabbed onto his dad's thumb.
"Thank you so much again, really it means the world to us." Toji reminded you, pulling a fifty out of his pocket, almost begging you to take it. You insisted on him keeping it, joking that the economy is too tough to be stealing his money. Saying their final goodbyes, Toji and Megumi left you alone with your thoughts.
Oh my god. Toji looked so good. His sweatshirt made his already huge frame look unbelievably broader, looking so protective as he held onto his little boy at your door.
You needed him. Bad. And it freaked the shit out of you.
Hope you enjoyed! Xoxo
*PART TWO IS NOW UP!!!!!* https://www.tumblr.com/sillysillygoofygoose/740703539826917377/one-and-a-half-men-one?source=share
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critterbitter · 5 months
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More asks under cut! Yippee!
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@scarftale-bryan Trip for trio right? If so, I'm working on a comic for that ;0 But to help answer, I've head cannoned Elesa to originally be from Sinnoh. She and the twins didn't have the greatest first meeting, but, well, you see how they turn out later in the future so all that starts subpar ends pretty well. @bat-in-disguise NICE NAME. VERY WOOBAT THEMED. Second of all AYYYY this is where I resurrect the shambling corpse of this fandom. Please. I desperately want to have more on the train men. @mynamesaplant AH,,, YOU READ MY ONE SHOT,,, Okay look. Look. I love drawing comics as much as the next person. But if there's an interest towards fanfiction maybe I'll write a bit more... HMMM. HMMMMMMMM. (But anyways THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND WORDS! They keep the hearth cozy.) @dracally3 Don't worry about the rambles! If you wander through my ask box, you'd see I ramble. A lot. That out the way-- I'm sorry to hear about the drama! Man. I got into submas towards the tail end, which I'm a bit sad about (wish I got to interact with some of the bigger creators, but they moved on to other hyperfixations and I respect that). Drama's scary though, so maybe it's for the best I dodged the entire canonball. I'm glad my silly little characterizations of found family are healing! And I wish you the best too-- here's to happy futures ahead free of drama and full of shenanigans. @saffalilac AYYY Togekiss is so cool! I (heh) also only drew volo's togekiss once but the fact you're the second person to talk about how much you love them makes me chuckle. That in mind, here's a doodle.
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@chime-of-bells Hello! I remember your ask about saying how much you liked togekiss in my style. Drew some togekisses and thought you'd like them too :) @impossiblynoisyrebel AYYYY I LOVE drawing the eel dog lamprey dragon thing. Just. A tube with teeth. And giant eyes. and lovely fins. And bioluminescence!! Who doesn't love that? @onimusha095 Look look your local floating nightlight has SOME manners. (But also, Ingo and Litwick do come to an agreement at somepoint on who the ghost type can actively chew on. Emmet's fine with it. Elesa, who has less experience with Litwick's everything, probably would not be less fine with it, and Ingo really doesn't want to loose a friend.)
@magicfeatherbean4 Hello I see you're back! (I'm fine with this. I like snail mail from folks hhehe.) That out the way-- oh yeah they're DEFINITELY getting into fisticuffs when the mood strikes. And uhh Emmet starting battles only for Ingo to finish them off? Mercilessly? Without pause? Yes. YES. I am EATING this headcannon rn. Shuffling this into the comic ideas as we speak.
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distortionbobble · 4 months
"do you ever shut up" no... and nobody asked for this but i'm thinking about situationship!anakin right now. minors dni. fic has no warnings rn . might expand this one. modern au.
see the thing is, if any of your friends had gotten into this, you would have done a whooole extraction mission to get them out of it. a situtaionship? with that fine-as-fuck man? pretty wavy brown hair and that stupid fucking smile... baby your eyes look like the ocean i'm not arguing with you...
you found him on hinge during one of your dry-spells. the first thing you noticed was how pretty this man is. his profile featured pictures of him hanging out of the window of his car, gravity pulling his hair down as he flashed the camera a prize winning smile. another picture inside a restaurant, just a hint of manicured nails in the corner of the photo.. taken by an ex-girlfriend, maybe? you hum, and scroll down to see the rest of his profile.
"anakin, 22... figuring out my dating goals," you murmur to yourself, munching on your popcorn. okay, figuring out dating goals, that means... means what? a situationship? fuck, do you even have that in you? you're ready to x him out but something makes you wanna look at that face just one more time. fuck, he's pretty.
before your better judgement can stop you you're typing out a quick response to his prompts. green flags i look for are... good at legos. okay, that's cute, right? maybe he doesn't know what his dating goals are because it's kind of intense to be like, i want a long term relationship. that is a lot of pressure. you respond by sending him the lego flowers bouquet that's sitting on your coffee table (yes, your ex gifted it to you. no, that doesn't matter to you. what he doesn't know won't kill him. besides, it was a good present).
does this count? you respond, tossing your phone to the side to focus on Love Island playing on the TV, not expecting a response from anakin for at least a couple days. which is why you're almost shocked when the screen lights up with a notification from hinge.
anakin: yeah, looks pretty good to me ahaha
anakin: sent an image
anakin: rate the set up?
you open it with curiosity and a little bubbly feeling in your chest-- a cute boy matched with you, you're pretty sure it's well within your rights to be a little excited. it's a rather impressive set up of a few different lego sets, all built meticulously. you spot a few that are difficult to get your hands on, and think for a second on how to respond to him.
you: do i spot the indiana jones temple escape set?
anakin: oh my god yes that's my favorite set lmao, took ages to get it
you: dude that's so lucky
you stare at the screen, biting your lip. fuck, this is such a dry-ass conversation, it'll probably die out anyways so you don't bother sending a follow-up
anakin: honestly pretty lucky in general w all my sets. i've got a coupe unopened ones if you wanted to hang out and do them w me sometime tho? might be fun.
oh my god. oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. okay, be cool about this. wait, is this code for a hookup? okay, hang out and do them with him = y'all fuck after the legos? or before? you're confused. but like, legos sounds like a fun time.
you: sounds like a good time. does friday work? we could pick up some takeout from this place on jefferson ave, if you're down
anakin: down for friday. but i was thinkin i could make you somethin? i can make a mean miso soup, if you're down.
you: seeya friday, then :)
you brought chocolates. to his apartment. and after you knocked on the door, you're thinking maybe this wasnt such a good idea, after all. the chocolates, and the being here in the first place.
but anakin opens the door, and his apartment smells so good, and he's got a set of space post card lego sets already open with the accompanying instruction booklet next to him.
"hi," you smile up at him, a wave of shyness washing over you as you look at him. how are people allowed to be this pretty? it's like the camera didnt do him justice, because he's at least 20x more attractive in person.
"hey. it's nice to meet you," anakin responds with a grin of his own. "d'you wanna come on in? i've just put some of the veggies into the stock. got some tofu and stuff, bok choy, it'll be good," he says, shutting the door behind you as you enter his apartment.
"nice place," you say, looking around quickly before you take off your coat and shoes.
things flow easily between you too. he tells you about his day, his job, asks you about yours, asks you about your favorite movies. you ask him about his lego sets, his decorations, his favorite music, how he learned to get so good at cooking (the soup is fucking delicious). he puts on a grateful dead song on his speakers as you work on the sets, laughing when he asks you to separate two legos that are stuck together with the nails that you have ("don't you have one of those lego-separating tools?" "those. are for pussies.").
the sets come together what feels like too quickly. you almost wanna tear it apart so that you can have an excuse to just stay for a little longer, but it doesn't seem like anakin is eager to kick you out either.
but it's late, and you should go. as you head out for the door, you feel your eyes drifting to his lips-- his pretty bottom lip, plush and rosy and you wanna sink your teeth into it-- and you know he notices too. he doesn't say anything. is a first date too early to kiss?
"well," you say, lingering at the door. "i, uh, had a good time tonight."
"me too," anakin says, equally as awkward. he leans in just a little, so that his face isn't so far, so that you don't need to look up so much.
well, that's it. no invite to a next hangout. you try not to let your face fall as you wish him goodnight and thank him for the miso soup.
you've only made it out of his apartment complex when your phone lights up with a message.
anakin: d'you wanna do smthn next week?
you smile.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
We know JK is so bothered about a friend peeling perila leaf for his partner. He can't trust his partner even with that simple thing, so should we even talk about intimate choreography, living with producers, going for weeks long foreign trips ? You are saying a man who can't stand a simple perilla leaf peeling is cool with the above things?
No. He wasn't
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He wasn't okay with any of that anon. Like, not even a little bit. I think we have witnessed satellite Jeon for so long that we have forgotten what it actually means. JK always wanting to be next to Jimin, Jimin having a calming effect on JK, JK gravitating towards Jimin when sad, satellite Jeon means Jimin is JK's person. It means Jimin is more than just his boyfriend, he is his safe space. JK needs him. He doesn't just want him, he doesn't just love Jimin, he needs him.
Jikook live together, yeah? And this is after all members used to live in one house for years. So they've done nothing but be around eo for over 10 years. AND YET what happens when any content is released?
We have them backstage walking from point A to B together
We have them sitting and standing next to eo all the time
We have JK displacing members to be next to Jimin
We have JK following Jimin
We have them leaving premises together
We have them cheating to be on the same team
We have them staying up all night drinking alone together
We have them practising group choreos together
We have them hanging out at each other's rehearsals.
And all this happens after they left the same house and will go back to sleep in the same bed at the end of the day once they're done filming. When I call them interdependent... I mean they are interdependent.
Jimin is JK's safe space I'm pretty sure this has been established by how hard satellite Jeon works sometimes.
He failed. But he tried. Poor baby. 😪
What's my point you ask? My point is, JK has only known being with Jimin almost all the time. When they're good, of course. When they haven't fought and are giving eo space, JK only knows how to have Jimin with him at all times. And this has been the case for years. Then solo era comes along and Jimin moves out for a while, and even though I'm sure he made time for JK, it just wasn't enough.
JK went from waking up to Jimin, seeing him everyday, to seeing him what, thrice a week? Once a week? Who knows? Either way, his Jimin time had been cut considerably short and satellite Jeon was not handling it very well. Add that to the fact that they are supposed to lay low, can't be seen out together in public hanging out like they used to before.. and it was maybe a bit too much for JK.
So no anon, JK was not cool with any of the above things that you listed. We all saw it for ourselves. Coming live without permission and being unapologetic about it. First sign of defying the company. Coming live all the time coz he was bored and needed company. The drinking on every live even though he wasn't allowed to. Deleting insta and making the company lose money coz of it while most prolly not giving a shit. And then white day happened.
This couple holiday that JK has spent with Jimin every single year and once again his boyfriend is not just busy but out of the freaking country! So what happens? Mans breaks down. He's at his limit here, anon.
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I only wanna talk to Jikookers rn coz they're the only ones that truly understand how seriously Jikook take this couple shit. Be it matching rings on the same finger, or matching clothes on couple holidays, or matching clothes more often than with other members. And it happens even now, btw.
From JK ending up with Dior merch
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To Jikookers spoting that one red CK underwear that clearly didn't belong to JK
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And it couldn't be more clear they shop together. This one is neither here nor there but I'm throwing it in here anyway coz why not? 😂😂😂
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(They've always had very similar taste)
Then we have spending birthdays together, couple holidays, etc. They've done this forever. So for Jimin to be away on the last white day before they have to enlist and be away from eo for 2 years, I can imagine it kinda hit JK hard and may have been one of the things that got him emotional that day.
So no anon, JK was definitely not cool with any of the above things that you listed.
And we know this, because as soon as Jimin's promotions ended, not only did JK go MIA, but when he popped back up, mofo was fucking glowing
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He looked absolutely incredible. There was shine in his eyes and in his smile. It was so good to see him that way. And that has continued to be the case in the lives that he did after that. Sad JK was gone. JK that needed to drink when he came live, was gone.
So now i ask; Was this visible change that happened once Jimin was no longer as busy a coincidence?
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smutinlove · 10 months
You were my light (Part 4)
Carl Grimes x Reader
Warnings: Tiny angst, suggestive, nothing bad really.
☽ Author's note☾ That fun turned into me writing part 4 cause it's fun. anyway it IS VERY rushed. I'M SORRY. I was gonna make this like 20 parts long but school is starting soon. EEE gritting my teeth rn. wtf. show some love by liking. DO NOT STEAL, COPY, OR TRANSLATE MY WORK IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE.
Thank you to everyone who reads this!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Summary - The daughter of the now dead Negan Smith is walking in the woods. She thought she was alone. But she wasn't.
❝ Ocean blue eyes looking in mine I feel like I might sink and drown and die ❞
Two weeks. You have been staying in Alexandria for the past two weeks. Carol, the sweetest person you had ever met, got you an apartment in Alexandria. But there was still some part of you that wanted to leave. Go back to the woods. The woods were a bit like home to you.
But now Alexandria is your home. For now, at least. You would stay here, despite the dirty and angry looks the Alexandrians gave you. Even if Carl ignored you, you would stay here. For Carol.
Carl Grimes was a confusing fellow, wasn't he? Yep. That motherless man was strange and did not trust people easily.
Rick had been pushing Carl to talk to you. And Carol had been pushing you to go up to Carl and kiss his pretty little face. And maybe have sex with him. Maybe.
"Carol, what the hell?! I will not be doing that. Never!" You promised the gray-haired woman. "Please, I've seen it. You two have been staring at each other like it's the first time you've seen the opposite sex."
Carol laughed. She placed a plate of food in front of you. Carol, I just ate—"
"—Yeah, three hours ago. Eat," she ordered. "But—"
"No. Now, eat, Y/N." Carol was sweet like that. She cared about you. Carol reminded you of your mother, Lucille. She was caring, brave, smart, and could be strict, but you were always happy with your mom. And now she was dead. Gone. Erased from the world.
Y/N Smith, girlfriend of Carl Grimes—it does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
You saw Carl with Judith, his younger sister. She was a cute kid. "Carl!" You called out.
"Judy, go back inside," he whispered to his younger sister, and she reluctantly obeyed.
After Judith left, he walked up to you. "What is it, Y/N?" He asked. Carl sounded bored. Were you really that horrible to him?
"You've been avoiding me. Why?" You asked.
Well, so much for not asking him that.
He scoffed and looked at you in disbelief. "You—" He laughed. Why was he laughing? Maybe YOU shouldn't have asked that. It was a bad idea. A really bad one. You muttered an apology before quickly walking away from him.
But to your surprise, you felt him grab your wrist. "Leaving so soon, doll?"
There he was, back to calling you "doll" and sweetheart.
"I thought you didn't want to talk to me," you said.
"Well, you thought wrong, sweetheart. You were so wrong."
Lips touching lips.
You could feel, those warm, soft lips. Carl's lips. Your lips. Lips moving against lips. Carl's hands were on your hips. Your hands are on his shoulders. Both of you were sitting on his bed. "Doll." Carl's voice was rough and breathy. "Hmm." You hummed.
He kissed you again. But then he abruptly pulled back: "You sure you wanna do this, Y/N?"
You nodded. He started to unbutton your shirt.
Your shirt came off. Then Carl's. "God, you're perfect, doll."
You were lying next to Carl. Completely forgetting how he knocked you out, slapped you, and fed you dog food.
And then you remembered what you said.
"Carl, about what I said—" But he swiftly cut you off with a "Sweetheart, I just had my dick inside you. And you're still thinking about what you said?" He chuckled. "Doll, you don't need to apologize. I swear. It's fine. I was a jackass to you. And hey, I deserved that hit. I got a pretty cool scar out of it." He laughed.
You remembered when you hit him with a glass vase. It was a bad idea. But he said it himself; he got a cool scar out of it.
He was gorgeous.
Part 5?
☽ Another author's note☾ so what do we think guys?? Part 5 will come out tomorrow. I SWEAR WITH MY LEFT TOE AND PINKY THAT I REALLY WANTED TO MAKE THIS SLOW BURN. BUT SCHOOL GUYS. I GOTTA FOCUS ON BEING FAMOUS FOR BEING SMART. 🙄ANYWAY i love you all so much ❤️y/n, why do you have to lie so much? you promised my girly carol that YOU WOULD NOT FUCK CARL. dumb bitch. anyway carl is totally into us like
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kittenninja14 · 4 months
Hii KN!!
I have a question. Can you describe the evolution of the way you drew Zane?
ps. ur Zane is so cute!
Hello, my mysterious friend!! <333
Thank you for asking that brilliant question.
First of all, thank you soo much!! I'm glad you think my Zane is cute!! <33
As for the "evolution" here it is:
The first time I drew Zane, I drew him like this:
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Yeah.... nowhere close to the Zane I now draw, lol.
Tbh, I nvr really liked how I drew him here. To me, he just didn't feel real(?). I dunno if that's the right word, lol. He looks more like a rectangle than a human.
But all in all, I just wasn't satisfied with the results. For this fanart, I just needed to draw Zane so I did my best in this art.
The second time I drew Zane was-- welllllll, I honestly love drawing Zane, he kinda is my fav character to draw (his hair is soooo easy, lol) But I started doodling Zane here and there in class.
I do not recommend doodling in class. Be responsible and work on ur classwork, lol.
I don't have all my doodles but here is one
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As u can see Zane is starting to get more shape here, lol.
He's starting to look more human (is that the right word?) than a rectangle, lol.
The third time I drew him was for a fanart from Shogun: Becoming by @nickelwick
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(sry about the bad quality)
Now this was a completely different art style in coloring/drawing but with all that aside-- you can see a major shift in style when it comes to drawing Zane.
(now in retrospect the eyes could use a little improvement)
Anyways, I wanted to draw Zane with a different look. From the time between the first drawing and the second, I was tweaking/improving my art style.
The fourth time was for my screenshot redraw:
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Honestly, here, you can see a huge change.
I would say that the fanart for Shogun: Becoming seriously inspired me when I drew this.
I think the tip I can give you when it comes to drawing characters is to first try to find an art style that you are comfortable with drawing.
In my case, if you scroll wayyyyy down in my DeviantArt account, you can see that the first couple of artworks are all done in different styles--I was in the "experimenting" stage.
In all honesty, I believe that all artists out there--no matter how good their art is--can improve. There is always room for improvement and betterment (dunno if that's a word, lol).
So when it came to Zane (and my art style as well) I started experimenting.
Then after I was done with experimenting, I started improving my art.
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Here is the fifth time I drew Zane.
This pic is actually the "foundation" of all of my Zane pics. The colors, expressions, and clothes were all done bc I experimented.
It took time--a lot of time-- to get this drawing done.
But that's how we all start, lol.
The sixth time, I drew the og Zane.
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He was quite a challenge, lol. Perhaps it was the color pallet or the fact that I was rushing to get this done for Ninjago's 13 anniversary, but he honestly could use an improvement, lolll.
Now I can do A LOT of pics to show the "evolution" but imma just use the latest art.
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This pic took like 10 mins (at most) to draw. Compared to the fifth time which took hours.
Drawing Zane has honestly become my fav pass-time, ngl.
I would say to all the artists out there-- just relax. Ur art doesn't have to be purr-fect. No one starts out as a professional. (unless u have some cool powers that make u draw perfectly)
Be patient with yourself.
Everyone can draw. But it just takes time, practice, and perseverance.
So don't give up. If I had given up on drawing Zane after the first pic, then I would have never drawn this cutie pie, lol.
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Anyways, I hope this answers your question!! I honestly had a lot of fun with this "evolution" post. Feel free to ask me more about the other ninjas. But ngl, I think Zane is the only character (as of rn) that I feel the most comfortable with and has the most development, lol.
Byeeee!! Cya next time!!! <3333
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chickenoptyrx · 1 year
Ok so here's the run down since I'm too lazy to ever draw everything out :U
goin off this comic
⬇️and down here cause I ramble too much 🙄⤵️
Ok so first the next few pages I had sketched out
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Ok so things to note:
• trunks is sad and like very much thinkin bout gohan and his death.
• bulma has the control device thing for brolys headband, but can't figure out how to make it work
• this thing is basically a ki battery. And what imma ramble about.. The whole sub plot here being that 1 of the big drawbacks in the future is theres just not enough power for bulma to accomplish much. Ki as an energy source should work but it doesn't interact well w earths tech, its nearly impossible to store, and even when stored it doesn't then 'power up' in a predictable/usable way like electricity.
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(As a side note I stopped at this page cause I kept wanting to redesign it to have 7 obvious apatures or idk something to coincide w the 7 Chakras cause like brolys jewelry stuff also has 7 gems. But. I did none of that :U )
So anyway we see in dbz that non-earthlings have tech that utilizes ki, and paragus' control device for broly obviously uses ki, but while this battery that her and gohan were able to sorta get to work can store ki, they never found a method for converting or using it. But now it can be used and the control device gives her something to reverse engineer from, which is 1 of the reasons for wanting broly around despite him being.. the way he is.
This was another panel I intended to use once 17 starts attacking broly, who at this point is still very zonked out and not reacting.
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So. From trunks pov. Hes already A. thinkin bout what happened w gohan and B. primed to see 'saiyans' as good guys or heros or whatever. Even if hes heard every story about saiyans as a race being bad, hes grown up hearing about goku, seeing gohan, and yknow no ones really talkin too much heavy shit about his dead dad- and his mom loved him so like he was probably good too.. right??
Lol dumbass kid.
So yeah my poor dumb stupid baby boy here is gonna jump into a fight that he does not needta be involved in to protect someone who does not need his help and won't be grateful :D cause ⭐ Le Trauma ⭐
Meanwhile, bulmas testing out her new theory(s) about the control device A. being built to send out some kinda signal and B. Being powered by ki. She's got it set up to expand the reach of that signal so she can pick up that it is reaching something without using too much power and without necessarily alerting whatever its reaching. But broly was already in a weird spot w the headbands control so this lil ping along w everything else goin on is what like awakens him to the fight or whatever. As you can see I'm not a writer.
Big cool epic no holds fight scene that im not drawing starts up. Broly terrorizes the androids but also attacks trunks cause like tf does he care? He's havin fun :>
Bulma realizes how late for dinner she is, decides not to waste the energy in the battery since its all they have of it (also she doesn't wanna admit it but she knows its like the last thing they have of gohan) and now that she knows it won't blow up she can just ask trunks to help her run more tests on the control device later. Then she realizes her kids not home any more and 3 guesses where he went :U she planning on goin out after him guns blazing, realizes she has no idea where he actually is, YadaYada, if she increases the power and range, she can pin point what this devices signal is bouncing off of and thats probably where this new alien and therefore her kid are.
By this point in the fight the androids are aware this is not goin their way, and trunks, poor dumb baby that he is, has finally managed to draw his stupid sword thats way too big for him rn. This creates an opportunity for the androids to get tf outta dodge cause see. Here's the bit. Broly was stabbed by trunks grandad as a baby. So seeing someone pointing a big knife at his probably gets his undivided attention :D anyway, luckily bulma uses the last of gohans ki from the battery thing to send out another stronger signal that zonks broly right tf back out before he can kill trunks. He runs and meets his mom on her way to save him and uh.. yeah, they go home. Soooo gohan saved trunks again even after he's dead :U im sure that'll be fine. Maybe they have a sad fight about it, idk.
Anyway. Middle middle middle.
Paragus used broly for his power to fight his battles for him, so I dont see how this situation w the androids looks very different to broly. They have the control device for their own safety sure, but I mean that was paragus's reason at first too
Then too, broly doesn't know or really care to know how to actually apply any self control w his powers so ya kinda don't want him 'helping' destroy anything- dudes just gonna nuke the planet as collateral damage and move on.
So yeah, more middle middle middle and he's training trunks to fight and trunks is tryin to get him to learn basic self control and like.. morals. And uh theyre friends or whatever. Idk man I just wanted to draw them hanging out and hadta do a convoluted back story about it that I then never actually did :D
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alitgblog · 3 months
ok thoughts for volume IV bc I actually enjoyed it a lot lol
also I'm currently on a Jin route (i might switch to claudia i have not decided) so that's important context lol
I Spy was an interesting concept for a game but if i can nitpick here, it felt much more like a firepit game than a challenge and that would be nice to have some variety since last week was the Heartbreaker thing and next week we have Excess Baggage.
For whatever reason I can't remember the format of the show rn but I think if the game is gonna continue with doing about a day more or less per volume, it should be like the show where there is at least one or two major events being either dates (where couples are either all in the same area, one couple goes out of the villa, or there's bombshells involved), challenges (where they go out onto the stage and do some physical challenge), or parties (which can include games). And right now I feel like we're getting three challenges in a row and I'd rather we change it up. But that's besides the point
anyway i believed Jack when he said his secret wasn't supposed to cause drama but I did not believe Theo at all and the fact that we got to tell him that later? Great choice. (and also so in character for MC to tell him off and him to just continue pretending like she didn't say that)
Also very flirty moments with Claudia is what is making this Jin route so hard. she's very forward and the fact that you can pursue her so soon is great actually. I thought maybe she and theo would share a slow burn route but it seems like it might be just Theo (or that you can't officially couple up with her later but apparently you can kiss her and go to the hideaway and stuff so that's cool).
I'm always hoping for non MC centered drama and we got it (but also there WAS MC centered drama too so that's even better)
I love to have a character to hate/dislike, so thank you so much Sophie and Jack. I can't imagine what it would be like with Luna and Jin though because they seem way more chill whereas I can see Sophie (a PERFORMER) doing all that and Jack (self proclaimed romantic) also just doing stuff to fit with Sophie.
And honestly still having residual feelings from the previous episode works. Like, yes to the Jack and Emel kiss (at least from Jack's POV about being insecure about Sophie,,, I'm not so sure about Emel but as someone who played it flirting with Oakley up until the end of Vol II and knowing Emel wants a romantic guy like Jack, I will let it slide). I kinda wish it implied more that Jin rejected Sophie so that's why she didn't pick him at the last recoupling so she's still hurt and still antagonizing MC and Jin for that reason. Otherwise it's just like, why are they still mad though?
Emel and Oakley are so cute. I also kept wishing after S5 and S6 that we got more strong couples in the game and I'm very glad they seem happy and if anything happens to them I'm gonna be so upset.
And tbh Jack and Sophie making it work is so nice too. Even though I think they're gonna keep having a lot of drama, it's entertaining and it's also great to have a couple that's probably gonna get dumped or split up at some point (and you know they're not gonna make it on the outside).
I don't care for Brad and Christy at all but why is that option 29 gems?? Like even asking for drama about the Islanders currently in the Villa is 17 gems (which I still don't think should be behind a pay wall but it feels like that one might be more relevant).
I do like that Jack is trying to be sweet to Sophie because even though he has also been an asshole to MC and her couple, he's still a possible route for if you replay, so that's nice they're not making the other LI's unappealing like in S6 (...yet???? im not giving fusebox the all clear yet)
I hate that Jack called his apology thing a game, I wish he just gathered everyone at the firepit and did the same thing but not called it a compliment game.
in the same vein, why did he invent the chemistry game because that feels like they should've gotten a text about that and then the next text about voting for the couple with the strongest chemistry to go into the hideaway would make more sense.
regardless, I really liked Jack's compliment to MC because that's how I've been playing this character and the fact he pointed it out, I feel like she'd love that. Also everyone else's compliments were fun too except maybe Sophie's which is funny.
And then he tried to make a joke at the end which was bold, but then I found out it might have been Jin's fault which is far more in character but again I don't know how well that would play out if I was playing a different route.
Also you can cheekily ask Oakley how he felt about Jack's joke about Emel being the best kisser in front of everyone and you best believe I did that
Then everything seems fine until the chemistry game and then suddenly Sophie, Jack, Emel, and Oakley are doing fine and everyone else is not and I love that turn in drama. Again, can't speak for a Theo route but the way suddenly Claudia is in between Jin and MC is crazy and Jin has a somewhat reasonable response (considering that fusebox wanted to give you space to go to the hideaway with Claudia). he probably forgave MC too fast imo but that's on me for playing the messy route.
Also Claudia's response after hearing Jin and MC are going to the hideaway together instead of her and MC is so good. Like she does convey she's disappointed but understands, and MC says there's still time for them, and Claudia's response is like it would blow your mind like we gotta give Jin a fighting chance, and I love that. also bc I'm indecisive so I'm glad her routes not closed yet.
as much as I like the drama, Tyler did not make a big splash so it does feel like we just got drama four volumes in a row, so I'm kind of hoping we get a bombshell mid challenge. Unfortunately, it's the excess baggage challenge, which I do like and I think we're due for this challenge to show up, but a bombshell showing up mid excess baggage challenge is literally what happens in S3 so I don't think I'm right.
I already posted my little joke about the Hideaway scene but yeah it's so much better than it's been recently. And like it looks like there's a few more options to change up the scene/dialogue so that's good they put effort into small stuff like that
and I'm not advocating for them hiding scenes behind a pay wall (like I rather them put these expensive gem choices behind drama I don't care about, that's fine) but like if there was ever a time to have a pay to win part of the game I would've made it this and not the kissing challenge. HEAR ME OUT: so it's like an early in the game hideaway first of all, technically you've known each other for like four days and if it comes up again for free, i wouldnt even miss it. Second, it kinda dismisses the drama that JUST happened. Like, either Theo or Claudia have just blown up their strong couple to pursue MC and their LI doesn't do anything? And the other couples vote for them anyway? Like get rid of the gem choice early on for MC and Jin to prove their chemistry and have them stumble anyway. Then after the Claudia/Theo confession, the gem choice is MC announces she wants another shot and because Sophie, Jack, and Emel like her for solving their drama they agree. And then MC can choose her second try with Theo, Claudia, or her LI. And then still has the chat later with her LI and then you win with whoever you pick (or I guess if you pick Theo then you don't bc I guess it's the slow burn route. Maybe you get a chat with him on the daybeds or SOMETHING lol). And third, Jack did this whole campaign to get him and Sophie to a stronger place so like there was a perfect backup couple right there.
and also some non volume specific thoughts:
I'm kind of excited to replay and like couple with Jack or Oakley at this point because I'm curious if the dialogue is much different. I really like Jin's dialogue and it fits his character, so I'm wondering how much of it is copy paste (but most people here are also on a Jin route so I can't cross reference damn).
also I would've reordered the past couple of episodes so that like Luna and Tyler would stay for longer and have a bigger impact but I don't need to make this long post even longer so maybe I'll post it some other time
still don't know why it's called tempting fate but if we're returning to the non themed seasons I'm not complaining
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always-andromeda · 2 years
Love Me On My Bad Days | Timothy Klitz x fem!Reader
Timothy Klitz x fem!Reader
Word Count | 1,364
Author’s Note | just gonna say rn this one is heavily dedicated to soph (@lost-in-sokovia) because I know how much she loves klitzy and I’ve been wanting to write something like this for a while. and bc I know she’s having a hard time rn and I wanna use my writing powers for good lol. to soph: I love ya so much and I hope you like this little surprise! send some love her way! and check up on your friends!!! please be kind to yourselves, friends. love y'all!!
Warnings | descriptions of depression, but overall a big fluffy comfort blurb!
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The second he got to school, Timothy Klitz felt your absence. With that, the whole day seemed oddly empty without you by his side. Even though he still convinces himself that he’s just a friend to you, he hopes one day he'll mean more to you. For now, Eli and Matt tease him when he even dares to acknowledge you not being there.
“Have you guys seen Y/N at all today?” he asks nonchalantly during lunch.
Eli picks at his turkey sandwich in front of him and taunts, "Why? Were you finally gonna man up and kiss her?"
"No, where did you get that idea?" Klitz squints incredulously at him and glances at Matt for backup.
Of course Matt has to be a backstabber. "I don't know, man, maybe it's how you talk about her literally all of the time."
Klitz's voice got high pitched, immediately defensive, "I don't talk about her all the time!" Even he, himself, didn't believe that answer. Yeah, he talks about you...a lot. 
Eli and Matt roll their eyes every time Klitz interjects a conversation with something like, “Oh, Y/N likes that song too!” or “Y/N told me she did that once.” It might be cute if he didn’t clam up so pathetically when you’re actually around. He can try his best to be normal, but his leg still shakes when you sit next to him and he’s not nearly as cool and collected as he’d like to be.
Klitz, being the gentleman (and nerd) he is, goes around to all of your teachers as soon as the final bell rings, asking each of them if he could take whatever homework you missed over to you. They all agreed and each gave him pages upon pages of new work that he knew you'd inevitably be swamped by.
But that's okay; it would give him more of an excuse to come over later on in the week so he could help you with whatever you were struggling on. He was a ball of sparking nerves as he drove to your house after school.
There was a familiarity in isolation. You were comfortably numb, nestled into the corner of the living room couch and watching reruns of some old sitcom. The continuous stream of stale content had you staring, eyes glazed over and barely paying attention. You almost didn't notice when the doorbell rang; it almost blended into the sounds coming from the TV. You didn't get up and check it until it rang a second time about a minute later, draping your blanket around your shoulders.
Who else would be at your door besides your sweetest friend, Timothy Klitz? Tucked into the curve of his elbow and pressed against the chest of his striped button up was a stack of papers about an inch thick.
"I brought your homework." He holds the papers out awkwardly before cracking a toothy grin.
"Oh, thanks, Klitzy. You really didn't have to do that though." You return the smile through pursed lips. You were usually happy to see him, but in that moment, being around people was a bit overwhelming.
Klitz can't help but ramble. It got especially bad when you called him by that silly little nickname. "It's totally fine, I was driving through your neighborhood anyway…sooo..." You sniff then and that's when he notices the missing telltale crinkles by your eyes and the bags underneath them. "Are you sick or something?"
"Or something. I'm just...having a bad day." you say, though you know well enough that it's more than just a bad day. You sigh and fold your arms over your chest. You weren't exactly dressed to be seeing people in the same pajamas you woke up in: some plaid bottoms and a thin, threadbare t-shirt that swallowed your figure.
Klitz tilts his head before asking, "I could keep you company. If that's okay with you!" he tacks on quickly, trying not to sound too eager.
For some reason, you can't say no to him. Not when he's this sweet and you're feeling this alone. Besides, you know by now that just avoiding your friends will only make it easier for your brain to tell you that they all hate you.
"Sure, that sounds okay." you agree gently and move aside, allowing Klitz to enter. Closing the door behind him, you realize that you've never let anyone in when things got bad. You're quite used to taking care of it yourself and reemerging from the dark after working through it. But already, Klitz was acting as your flashlight, making you want to giggle even though he wasn't trying to be funny in the slightest.
His tall, gangly frame stood awkwardly in your living room as he tried to figure out what to do with himself. Should he take his shoes off? Should he sit with you and watch TV? Should he try asking if you're sick again? The energy of the room is off, he can tell. But he has no clue how to approach you. Luckily, you do it for him.
"It was really nice of you to bring my stuff over." you say before returning to your spot on the couch.
"It's really no big deal. I'd do anything for you." Klitz froze, instantly realizing how intense that last part sounded.
"Anything?" this time you genuinely smile. It's small but it's the warmest you've felt all day.
Klitz breathes once before confirming, "Yeah...anything." You pat the space next to you on the couch and like a golden retriever, Klitz is by your side.
After a few more seconds of waiting for you to say something, he can't help but pry, "Why did you stay home today?"
You stare at the ceiling for a beat, contemplating how to tell him, "Do you ever just wake up sometimes and everything feels...wrong? Like you could literally be having the best day ever but your head just...isn't in it?"
Klitz wasn't sure if he'd ever felt that way. He shakes his head back and forth, his shaggy hair brushing against his shoulders slightly.
You continue explaining, "Well, that happens to me a lot. Usually I just deal with it and move on but today was different. Maybe I'm just tired I guess." You had slept in way too long that morning, though your body was nowhere near exhausted. Before leaving for work, your mother said she'd called the school and told them you were sick. You were grateful that your parents were so understanding about your mental health. But with them working so much, it was hard getting physical support.
Though Klitz isn't quite sure he understands, he knows he wants to be there. He doesn't expect you to be bubbly at all times but it breaks his heart seeing someone he loves so burnt out. That faded look on your face makes him want to do everything in his power to get you feeling comfortable.
"If you want, I could just sit here with you. We don't have to talk or anything."
"That sounds really good." you say softly, already feeling tears prick at your lash line. You don't really think about it before sliding closer into Klitz's side and resting your cheek against his shoulder. You take the blanket from your own shoulders and drape it over both of your laps. Folding your legs up next to you on the couch and leaning into his touch, you feel like you could fall asleep all over again with the cozy heat of his body. Instead you focus your attention on the canned laughter and humorous dialogue of your TV show and the tranquility that has fallen over you and him.
Though your actions make him tense up slightly, he knows now isn't the moment to be getting butterflies. Instead, his heart swells up with a sense of pride knowing that you trust him enough to let him in even a little bit. He puts his arm around you and hopes that it communicates all that you need to know; that he'll be there to help you get through any and all of your bad days.
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okay so, we talked about shuji reacting to a tattoo you got before but what about tattoo artist! shuji, ink and piercings decorating his skin
you come in for your session the first time to see him pull on his gloves, thin-rimmed glasses perched on his nose and amber eyes glinting as he pats the couch he’s sitting in front of; “get comfortable, doll, we’ll be here for a while,” he says, rolling up his sleeves
you can’t really see him as he puts the stencil on your back but you already notice then how hard it’ll be to keep your cool, with his long fingers pressing down along your spine and his low whispers of how good you’re doing for him in the quiet room
by the end of the session, you’re exhausted enough as is when shuji can’t stop himself from sending you a wink coupled with a playful smirk as he hands you his number “you know, if you have any questions you wanna ask before our next date~”
[don’t ask me where this is coming from, but I felt compelled to bother you with it <3]
Tattoo artist shuji is so ungodly sexy you're evil for this holly I'm in public, at a party and I can't indulge properly rn
imagine kicking yourself so! hard! for picking THIS artist of all the guys in the shop for this big backpiece. like, he does great work and you found him from his ART but why did it have to be Hanma motherfuckin Shuji that you had to take your shirt off for? he walks out of the private booth (probably resisting the urge to wink, but the twitch of the corner of his mouth makes the feeling clear anyway).
imagine having to call that attractive tall ass man back in his booth, laying on your shirt, extremely conscious of the side boob you're serving as you wait for him to wipe you down and place the stencil.
just imagine his little half chuckled, "yeahhhh, that's it" when he peels it away because he's proud of the design and it compliments you so well. and your dumb ass is laying there, arms to your ears, head resting on your forearms, trying desperately to hide your incredibly obvious blush and dreading the reminder to stand and check the design in the mirror because it means shyly holding your top to your chest with one arm and the hand mirror in the other while he brushes your ponytail over your shoulder (and then offers a cheeky, "as much as I love playing with your hair, doll, you might want to tie that up in a bun.")
and his hands! those long fingers moving steadily and confidently over your skin, stretching it at times, pressing at others, even rubbing calming circles without thinking much about it when he's made several passes over an obviously tender area to fill it with color. He's mumbling praise, obviously, and stifles a giggle at how tense you get whenever he calls you doll. he avoids that name for a while because as much as he loves to tease, the quality of his work and your experience come first.
at long last he's asking if you've got adhesive allergies and bandaging you up and letting you take a peek. to no one's shock it looks incredible. You reach for the rest of your clothes and he wags his finger and raises an eyebrow at you, "ah-ah, no bra. no friction on that back for at least week, alright?" and when you blush you lie to yourself that it's not about the thought of being on your back at his mercy.
He congratulates you on one long session down and how to contact him for questions and then you realize you get the joy of reliving this lovely (yet embarrassing) experience at least 3 more sessions. oh and on your way out of the booth, loose top on, bra shoved in your bag, he send you off with a "and if you need help taking that bandage off, you can always come back to the shop. after care is on the house."
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anthrofreshtodeath · 1 year
Oooh. For the prompts 22. Playful arguments please!
Let's do it! I'm being romantic about summer and baseball rn so here we go.
Children splashed in the Talucci pool with alternating shrieks and giggles, the displacement of water creating cool air where the July sun had been only oppressive when everyone had first arrived. Jane hadn’t been around that many Italians since her cousin Rita’s wedding three years prior, and she was drunk on familiarity, on culture comforts.
And also, honestly, on beer. 
And when Jane was drunk on beer, in the summer, surrounded by Italians, she liked to argue. Good naturedly, of course, and with anyone that would give her the time of day. Tommy was up flirting with the roommate that Marisa Talucci brought over, two med school girls he had zero chance with, so it wouldn’t be him, and Frankie sat right next to Jane, but he was also drunk and when drunk he liked to laugh. So he was a no go.
That didn’t matter, however, because this Independence Day, while cousin Danny and his kid stuffed their faces at the table next to her, Jane had the perfect interlocutor right across. She pointed the rim of her half-drained bottle in that direction. “I think you’re nuts,” she said, continuing the banter she’d started a few minutes before.
Maura, who had indulged Jane because she too may have had one too many beers and one too few glasses of water, gasped. She folded her arms over her bikini top and leaned in, tossing one of the peanuts in the bowl near the center of the table at Jane’s face. It landed, and Jane’s reflexes were too delayed to stop it. Frankie bellowed out a laugh. “How could you possibly counter? OPS combines two of the most basic offensive metrics in one to provide one of the strongest predictors of production! Only the top one half of one percent of the league has a superior OPS. Every single one of those players are perennial all-stars!” Maura shouted, though the din of family fun and sizzling barbecue tempered the sharpness of it.
“I dunno Janie, I think she’s got you. Remember when Mookie led the AL in OPS? MVP caliber year,” Cousin Danny said around a mouthful of hot dog. 
“Who asked you?” Jane whipped around, motioning for him to zip it. But when she turned her sights back on Maura, she grinned wickedly. She wore her navy road alternate jersey, the one she didn’t mind getting dirty, unbuttoned over her own bikini top, simple black to Maura’s deep, rich red. She leaned back when Maura leaned in, and probably on purpose: it showed off all the musculature she worked so hard for, the musculature that often set Maura off-kilter. “Anyway, here’s what I’m saying: you have a stat that has been around since the beginning of time that basically tells you the same damn thing.”
“Oh?” asked Maura, dripping with superiority. She held back a scoff only because she wanted another sip.
Jane sucked her teeth at the daintiness of that sip. At the pink pout cradling the lip of the bottle.
“Yeah - total bases,” she said as if Maura should have thought of it before. “The more total bases the better. Ya don’t need equations or averages or any of that. Ya just need to know how many knocks a guy got and how many bases each knock counted for. I guarantee ya that tells ya as much as a guy’s slug.”
Maura paused, blinked, clearly unsure if she saw Jane’s point or if the alcohol was seeing it for her. “Well, I…”
At that moment, a particularly large twelve year old kid cannonballed into the deep end just a few feet away, and the water on everyone’s feet at the table gave Jane a wet idea. “Wanna bet? Let’s go inside. I know Carla’s got the family computer in Marisa’s old room. We can do a whole spreadsheet right. Fuckin’. Now.” 
Maura dropped her mouth open at the audacity, and then at the implication. They’d be alone. In a bedroom. Collecting data sets. Arguing. “I do want to bet. Lead the way.”
Frankie only rolled his eyes when they shot up from the table and burst through the sliding glass door to the house. Another beer it was, then.
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pells-wife · 10 months
Cuddles and magic remedies
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Warnings: periods, fluff, cramps, not proof read, spelling mistakes, reader is female
Armin x F!reader
This is really scrapy because it took me like an hour and im tired. I need armin rn but couldn't find anything so I wrote this. We. Need. More. Armin. Fics.
Anyway enjoy
Your day was shite.
There was no other way of putting it, your cramps had been on and off all day, ranging from so painfull all you could do was curl up and pray for your life too I think I have cramps but I only feel them when I think about it.
So now here you stood in captain Levis office hoping there was a god.
"You finished?" He asked annoyedly.
"Yes sir," you stood to attention.
"Tch, your done for the day go get some food. Dismissed," happily you skipped out of his office glad your half-assed attempt at cleaning the store room had been accepted,or maybe he knew what time of the month it was?
As you entered the food hall you saw it was almost empty except for a few cadets playing old maid.
Collecting your soup you sat in your usual spot and waited, and waited...
You smiled as Armin walked towards you waving as he did. When he reached you he sat down on your left.
"Hi," he beamed picking up his bread and taking a huge bite out of it.
"Hey Armin, how are you?" You replied.
"I'm good been working on a new strategy that could include erens titan, I'm thinking of trying it out soon, how about you?"
"Ooh sounds exciting, personally? I have done next to nothing," you huffed letting your head fall onto the table.
"You ok?" Armin asked genuine concern in his voice.
You were about to reply when eren and Mikasa came up behind him.
"Hey Armin!" Eren exclaimed. You moved along a seat and eren took your old one.
"Hi eren can I-" armin started, but you cut him off knowing mikasa would want to sit next to eren you ignored your body screaming at you and got up. Leaving your luke warm soup behind.
"Later armin," you excused yourself and left.
It didn't matter that you'd let your soup go cold so you could eat it with him.
You lay face down on your bed sobbing into your covers. Wearing your comfiest night clothes and wrapped in your softest blankets. The hot water bottle sloshed as you rolled to lie on your side.
A soft knock came from the door.
"Hey its Armin can I come in?" He said softly.
"Yeah," you sniffed shuffling in the bed to make room for him to join you.
Quietly he entered closing the door softly behind him.
"I thought so," he smiled at you. "You need anything?"
"Cuddles and a magic remedy," you chuckled, but it turned to sobs.
"I can do cuddles," he said softly pulling you into him as he lay down next to you.
"Thank you," you snuggled into him.
"It'll be okay," he kissed your head, stroking your hair.
"Now that your here?" You laughed.
"Yeah," he laughed too.
You laughed together until a sharp pain struck you in the gut.
"Ow," you groaned burrowing your face into his neck.
"Sshhh," he showered the top of your head in kisses. "I'll be right back ok."
Quickly he stood up and exited.
You curled into a fetal position as the heat from the water bottle was infinitly lacking.
When Armin returned he was holding a steamy cup.
"Whats that?"
"It's ginger tea, petra told the captain and he told sasha and she told jean, who told connnie and he told, never mind its meant to help with cramps," Armin flushed red.
"Thank you," you said reaching for it.
"Wait let it cool down first its to hot right now."
"Armin it's meant to be hot it helps trust me," you smiled at him.
"But this is too hot, I don't want you to get burned," he looked at the floor.
"I'll be careful just gimme the magic remedy," you pouted.
"Mm ok," he carefully handed you the cup.
Slowly you stuck your tongue in it checking the temperature, it was barely hot just a pleasant steamy heat.
You took a large swig and almost moaned.
"So it's good?" Armin joked.
"I think I was promised cuddles," you smiled.
"You were promised nothing," he said but still sat down next to you letting you lean into him.
"I love you," you said into his neck.
"Love you too," he replied into the top of your head.
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dalishthunder · 4 months
Happy valentine's! It's me smile anon :]
It's been a really really long while and I planned on replying much sooner but in short: college life and depression. I'm not back to full power yet, but getting there and I absolutely had to leave a message on valentine's day since I missed new years.
I've been around since the GEO days and I've even interacted before, just never left anything that indicated I'm the same person hehe. That fic and universe will always have a special place in my heart. I binged the whole thing in one day when it was one chapter away from being finished and I laughed and I cried and the ending left me warm and satisfied despite not being into cronus at all. I've read that fic entirely for the humor, the emotions, the dynamic between two characters you've beautifully constructed (and made me gain a new appreciation for, cronus-wise. still a goober, but your take really fleshed him out), and for the background characters who got their own depth and interiority that it made the story's universe come alive. It's one fic that really touched me and I think even affected the way I approach my own creative projects. And then I proceeded to scour your blog for every other thing you've written and have been hiding in your (tumblr) backyard, occasionally whispering 'yippie' ever since lol
Anyway back to what we're both here for, GoG:
READER GOT TO (ATTEMPT) KILLING SOMEONE ("INDIRECTLY") :D!!! I was wondering when it will be coming to this and yup. Here it is. With Ramattra basically going "Point and I'll kill them" as a show of trust/respect lmao. I am really excited to see how this plays out, if there will be any casualties on their side. How that would make them feel. If it would be difficult seeing themself the same way again after asking for something like that even knowing the person they ordered killing wouldn't think twice about the suffering they'd inflicted. I'm also worried about what will happen when Talon figures out their real identity...
This project started as a two parter and look where we are now. I'd leave a longer more in depth comment but my brain is pretty fried rn ashsh. Just wanted to let you know I'm still here finding joy and comfort in your writing, and thank you for sharing it this valentine since we're celebrating the love and all that :3 Hope you have a good day today!
Happy Valentines Day!!! Oh my god thank you for sticking around so long! And I'm so glad you enjoyed GEO enough to stay for the ride ;u;
writing GEO was honestly such a huge emotional experience for me beginning to end. It's... one of those ones that will probably stay with me in my heart forever because it was the first big thing I wrote in... a good 9-10 years, and it was filled with a lot of heart (not that my other stuff isn't, I do pour my heart and soul into my other works, but GEO was special to me yknow?) So I'm really glad that you enjoyed it so much
And that's so touching to hear that it's kind of changed the way you view your creative endeavors!!!! At least I hope it's in a good way haha ASLDKJFASLKDFASDFSDF
And yeah baby's first murder... Ramattra is so proud
But in all seriousness there's gonna be a lot of emotions in the next chapter and I'm so fucking pumped for it... (if my hands and brain would cooperate and type)
I hope you also have a wonderful day!
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dddomenstarstwst · 2 years
One caramel macchiato, please!
You work as a barista in a local coffee shop. Your days come and go, until you notice one particular person, who seems to stop by a lot more often now. They're so shy, but you find it cute, so why not ask them out on a date?
{just some cute heads for all hacketteers bc I'm really sad rn and need a distraction 🤪 also trying some new style of posts sorry if its messy or smth im a mess myself}
Emma Mountebank
°^° she wasn't exactly a regular at first, emma just went along with abi cuz the latter was really excited about this 'new cool coffee place'
°^° but after she tried a drink you made her, she fell in love. With a place, with her drink, with you
°^° so she started visiting a place a lot more, i mean of course, if she can get the most delicious coffee she ever tried AND some time with her new crush then what is there to wait for?
°^° however she wasn't sure if you're interested as well, she did flirt with you a couple of times but you probably got flirted with a lot right?
°^° so it was up to you to take matters in your hands. When she visited next time, you prepared a special drink for her with a 'wanna go out w me? :)' written on a cup
°^° no need to say she was excited as hell and sending you flirtatious looks waiting for your shift to end
Dylan Lenivy
°^° tell me he's not a guy who prefers smaller and less known to public places? You can't tell me otherwise. Anyways, he's a regular all the way and he enjoys different drinks
°^° he likes to try new stuff every time so he pesters you with questions like 'ooh, how do you brew that?' 'can you teach me how to make that?' 'how many calories is in that drink?' he doesn't care about answers, he really just wants to hear you talk about stuff. Honestly, just talk in general
°^° he makes attempts in flirting tho it's awkward and maybe a little forced, but still makes you laugh a little. And he would kill for the sound of your laughter
°^° god give strength to this man if you ever decide to flirt back, he will blush so hard and stutter a lot but he'll be really happy, even tho he thinks you're just trying to entertain him until he leaves
°^° unfortunately, he won't ask you out basically bc he thinks you don't like him and just think of him as this weird customer who doesn't take hints poor boy :(
°^° he'll be so shooked when he sees a 'lets go on a date, cutie ;)' on his cup you're sure he had a heart attack. For the rest of your shift he'll stay near you making occasional jokes to lift your spirits up
Nicholas Furcillo
°^° he doesn't remember how he ended up in that coffee place, yet he doesn't complain. He gets to have nice drinks and to see your cute face
°^° he doesn't really interact with you because he's shy and awkward so he's afraid he might say something weird or embarrass himself so he just... sits far away from you and sometimes looks in your direction
°^° if you start a convo with him he will stutter a bit and shift his gaze a lot, but he'll open up eventually and begin convos with you himself
°^° he is insecure about himself, especially in things like dating, so he won't really flirt with you, but he'll be polite and nice so you don't feel uncomfortable around him
°^° he makes sure to clear up his schedule as much as possible just to spend time with you. He also started learning about coffee stuff just to impress you
°^° ask him out when there's not many customers around bc he will get so shy and red the moment you say 'i really enjoy your company, wanna go out on a date with me?'
Kaitlyn Ka
°^° kaitlyn absolutely (secretly) loves small cafes so when she found out about that place she immediately became a regular. She likes the atmosphere, the prices and the quality, and she likes one particularly cute barista too
°^° she's confident and she knows it, so that makes flirting with you easier bc whenever she feels shy she can just bombard you with some cheesy pick-up lines and joke about how cringy it was
°^° sometimes she makes fun of you for being 'clumsy' or 'trying too hard' or 'ew, that drink didn't come out that good, but ok i guess 🙄'. She does know that it probably hurts you as a barista, but that's her defense mechanism and she hates it as well
°^° she's quick to apologize if she sees you're upset and offers a date to make up for it as a 'joke' but bro, she doesn't think it's a joke anymore
°^° she'll fall deeper in love if you tease her back and jokingly misspell her name as 'Caitlyn' or 'Kaitlin' just to shit with her, if you pretend it was a mistake she will kiss you here and then no
°^° give her a free drink with 'lets go on a date, shit ass ;)' and she'll look at you mad but also blushing. She wants to beat your ass but she'd rather kiss you
Jacob Custos
°^° he's kinda a regular but kinda not. He can visit a cafe for like four days in a row, but then just disappear for the same amount of time which confuses you a lot
°^° you may think it's bc he's a busy man but nope, he just likes you a lot but is a bit confused about his feelings, he doesn't have a good experience in dating so he doesn't wanna get hurt again
°^° but you're so sweet and kind, always writing cheerful comments on his cup that sure do lift his mood up so maybe he should try dating again?
°^° he makes attempts at flirting that aren't as awkward as dylan's but still a little questionable. He doesn't mean any harm so his flirting is really innocent and full of jokes
°^° he's insecure too, he doesn't wanna be a bother but still wants to be needed by you, so teach him about some stuff and ask about his day to show that you're interested in him
°^° he will absolutely jump when you ask him out on a date, just say the word 'date' and he's already suggesting places to go that you might like, he really likes you and he doesn't plan on messing up
Ryan Erzahler
°^° he likes the place bc it's always quiet and doesn't have many people around. Perfect for listening to some podcasts. He also likes how polite you are and how you're interested in whatever stories he tells you
°^° he orders drinks different for whatever mood he's in so you're never able to guess what'll it be. However he likes to just sometimes come and order something 'to your liking' bc he secretly tries to learn about you
°^° I've read so many heads about him majoring in arts, specifically animation, and fuck just imagine him sitting near a window with his sketchbook out, him sketching you while you work bye
°^° he's really quiet and awkward, he doesn't know much about dating so he might not really interact with you, not much flirting either. He just kinda talks to you sometimes when you work and he has nothing to do or while he waits for his order
°^° if he's comfortable enough he might show you some of his sketches not of you or show you his favorite podcasts, and if you tell him about your hobbies or something you like he'll have that shy smirk and nod along
°^° ask if 'he'd like to spend some time together?' and he'll go silent, a little hesitant, but would agree nonetheless
Abigail Blyg
°^° she was so excited to discover this new place, the interior is absolutely amazing and inspiring, she sure has to sketch that... cute barista that served her a drink just now hello??
°^° she's a shy bean so she won't initiate convos so it's really up to you, or up to emma to matchmake you if she's with abi
°^° she would scream internally if you call her pretty or even more complement her arts that she not-so-subtly showed off to you
°^° make her special drinks and write some complements on a cup to make her day, she'll make sure to mutter little 'thank you's' all while blushing
°^° doesn't really understand all the coffee terminology, so she will be ecstatic if you teach her some of the stuff, that way you'll bond and spend a little time together
°^° please do write a 'you're cute, let's watch a movie?' and she will cry, blush, die, ascend to heaven and return to earth while nodding in agreement
Somehow I don't like how those turned out but i spent so long writing it so I'll post it anyway
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Helping hand: Michael Myers x gn reader
So I'm switching schools rn and that's making me pretty anxious because school does that to me in general. I'm anxious about a bunch of other stuff excluding all the world problems going on and I'm trying to stay calm an cool so I don't have a break down. Anyway I wrote this to make me feel better. I hope it can make y'all feel better too.
Warnings: Strong language, maybe ooc Michael
You kick leaves out of you way as you walk home from work. You're dealing with a lot of stress from that, but now it's the weekend, which means you have to work on cleaning up your house and trying to socialize with other people in this dumb town. Not to mention cooking tonight because you know you can't afford to eat out. Everything going on in the news and constantly having to keep up with everything is a chore. You swear if you could just run out into the woods and live there forever you would.
As you reach your house you pull out your keys. You look at your lawn that needs to be mowed and leaves that need to be raked, another thing to do. You unlock and open your front door and take off your coat. You put your coat up and shut the door. Michael probably already knows you're here. You take off your shoes and make your way to the kitchen. To your surprise you found the dishes you left to be washed gone, the sink and dish washer empty. You know it was Michael and you can't help but smile at this sweet gesture.
You walk to the living room wondering if he did anything else and he actually did. It doesn't look the best but all the pillows look decently put together and your shelves look somewhat more organized. You walk into the laundry room next. Again Michael took care of the washing and drying, your clothes sit thrown together in a basket for you to sort through. Not the neatest formation but still that's one less thing you have to do. A smile grows on your face as you make your way to your room. You walk in and set your bag down on your desk. Your dresser looks pretty tidy, all the trash is off of it. Your bed is decently made and your bedside table looks decently neat too.
"Michael?" You call out leaving your room and heading back to the kitchen, "Michael are you here?" You walk back into the kitchen but you still don't find him. When you walk into the living room you do find him sitting in a chair, "Michael there you are," you say making your way over to him, "I'm so surprised you did all of this for me. Why'd you do it?" You ask.
'To help you'
He signs, you can't help but smile, "Oh Michael. I would hug you but I'm pretty sure you'd snap my neck for doing that," Michael stands up with a deep exhale and pulls you into a tight hug. After the inital shock wears off you hug him back. He's being careful and you're thankful for that, "I love you Mikey."
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