#And moon as a crow highly amuses me
derpiedoxie · 2 years
I saw @oobbbear’s farm au and I JUST HAD TO DRAW THEIR BOYS
To say I love them is an understatement
For the more detailed drawing I tried something more painterly to give it more of a storybook vibe, since these two would be perfect for a cute storybook, imo!
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And here are some extra doodles I did!
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And here’s the whole page incase anyone’s interested in how it looks!
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gsstories · 1 month
Baby Bird
The casino has closed for repairs and the place is empty from most human life. Those humans who are around are the work staff and the handlers checking on the harpies and making sure they don’t get in trouble while on this little break. Nearby was a small, fluffy and big purple eyed crow baby who was wandering around the building, looking at all the shinies decorating it.
Either the workers didn’t notice her or they just ignored her, no matter, the child was being a curious little thing on its surroundings, chirping a bit when seeing something that caught her attention. Her attention was soon drawn to a familiar, blue, silver, white and golden harpy just walking around with that smug and cocky grin of his. The baby chirped as she started following him around. A comical scene, seeing a little baby crow following a big shiny peacock around like it was its mama.
Some of the workers finally started noticing the little harpy and they couldn’t help but giggle and chuckle. Meanwhile, Moon heard the laughter but was unaware of the child following him and every time he turned to look behind him and down, the baby crow would move out of his sight before he turned back around and he resumed walking, the crow following him again.
Moon had taken notice of the baby bird following him since he heard her first chirp. He was highly amused, she did this quite often. Every time he turned around, he knew she was hiding but acted oblivious to so. He chuckled under his breath before he heard the baby let out a startled chirp. He quickly turned around to see the baby bird had tripped fallen face first to the ground and her big purple eyes were now getting misty. Uh oh.
“Oh dear…” Moon mumbled as the young bird was close to tears before he gently picked her up in his arms. “There there, it’s okay…”
The baby sniffled as she buried her face in the peacock’s chest, who held her close and brushed the feathers in her head to comfort her. Moon resumed walking around with the child in his arms, ignoring the stares others were giving him. He walked around for quite a while, at least until the crow calmed down and stopped crying.
“There you go, feeling better Tia bird?” Moon asked the young crow, who sniffled and nodded her head. “That’s good to hear. No more tears mmkay?”
Tia dried her tears as she nodded, chirping at Moon who chuckled when she hugged him and chirped again happily.
“Alright, let’s get you back to your momma. She’s probably worried sick about you.” Moon said as he went to some of the harpies’ rooms to try and find Tia’s mother.
The little wasn’t too preoccupied though, she was quite happy snuggling in Moon’s arms.
Decided to expand my little writing sent to the creator of the AU a bit! They said Moon was nice with kids soooo…
Wine and Feathers AU belongs to @missterious-figure
Tia (aka the crow child) belongs to me!
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rengokuswif3 · 1 year
Meet Me When the Sun Meets the Earth (Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader)
A/N: This is a prompt I came up with long overdue, so here is some angst to fluff! I kind of hate it and it’s shorter than I wanted it to be, but yeah it is missing the Flame Husband hours-
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The sunlight always soothed you, it felt like a warm blanket keeping you safe, and it reminded you of your dear husband. Bright, warm, and safe. His hugs felt like sitting outside on a summers day, being enveloped in the comforting rays of the sunlight.
You sat in the beautiful gardens of the Demon Slayer Headquarters, enjoying the serene spring air as you waited for your husband to be finished with his meeting. The meetings usually lasted for some time, but you were prepared to wait as long as it took. After all, he had promised a nice, romantic dinner once he was done. So to pass the time, you admired the gardens that no doubt the Ubuyashiki girls tended to in their free time. Bushes of colorful flowers and trees of hanging wisteria swayed in the breeze, filling the air with their sweet fragrances. Kasugai crows flew above you, delivering messages to and for their masters. You found a bench further into the gardens, sitting on it to bask in the beautiful setting. A couple hours passed, occupying your time with reading and tending to some plants yourself.
“My love!”
You turned when you heard the boisterous voice of Kyojuro Rengoku, the highly respected Flame Hashira of the Demon Slayer core. He strutted over to you with such confidence in each step, as if he were on top of the world. He flashed a bright smile at you when you looked up from some bright colored flowers. You picked a bright orange lily, standing up to tuck it into his hair behind his ear.
“Stopping to smell the flowers, I see?” He teased, touching the lily with his fingertips as he grinned at you.
“Well I had to occupy myself somehow.” You beamed up at him, standing up on your toes to kiss him on his cheekbone. His eyes softened from their usual intense stare, as he leaned down to give you a sweet kiss on the lips. “So how did the meeting go?” You asked once you pulled away, holding his arm that he held out for you as he began to walk you out of the gardens.
“It went splendid! A young new slayer managed to knock Shinazugawa down a peg, even! It was very amusing!” He shouted in his loud voice now, rather than the soft one he used for you and your private conversations. “Ha ha! He even got physically knocked down!”
“Impressive!” Your eyes widened, but you couldn’t help but giggle at the idea of the grumpy Hashira falling on his ass and getting angry from the embarrassment. “I hope that slayer goes on to do great things.”
“I’m sure he will!” He nodded, leaving it at that. “Now, how about that dinner that I promised you, my Y/N?”
“Please, I’m starving.” You nearly drooled, making Kyojuro laugh.
Your heart dropped when his Kasugai crow flew down to the both of you, hovering to tell Kyojuro that he was needed on a mission. You eyes widened when the crow said there was most likely an Upper Moon demon killing people off on a train. He listened carefully to the instructions, before nodding his head. He sighed as the crow flew away, leaving you with a heart filled with dread.
“Kyojuro, please don’t go! You just got here!” You looked up at him with pleading eyes.
“Y/N, you know I have to.” He said calmly, trying not to upset you further.
“But you promised-“
“I also promised to keep people safe and go when and where I am needed.”
“You’re needed here.” You grabbed his hand and held it to your chest, right above your heart. You desperately tried every excuse you could think of to keep him with you. “Please, we haven’t had a meal together in months now!”
“My love, please.” He said softly as he took his hand from your grip and used it to cup your face gently. His thumb rubbed your cheek, causing you to lean into his touch. “One day, we shall have every meal together. But for now, you know I use go help.”
“Kyojuro, the crow said it was an Upper Rank! What if…What if-“
“Y/N L/N.” He said seriously, before kneeling down before you. “I promise to return to you. No matter the cost. I promise that we shall have that dinner together as soon as I return. Do not worry, I will not leave you so soon.”
Your lip shook as you tried not to let ay tears fall. He hadn’t fought an Upper Moon before, only Lower Ones. You knew he was a strong, courageous and a capable swordsman, but that didn’t ease your mind. Not one bit.
“…Fine. But if you don’t come back, Kyojuro Rengoku, I swear…” You trailed off, a teat slipping past and falling down your cheek. Kyojuro held your hand with both of his, kissing your knuckles before rising to his feet to kiss the tear off your face.
“I will be back. No more than 5 days time. I promise you.” He assured you, voice filled with seriousness and genuine love. “Do you trust me, my Y/N?”
“I…I do.” You nodded, wanting to believe him. But something in your gut told you otherwise.
“Rengoku? Heading out for a mission now?” You both turned. When you heard the cheery voice of the Insect Pillar, Shinobu Kocho.
“Yes!” Rengoku replied in his shouting, confident voice.
“Could it be the Twelve Kizuki?” She asked.
“Most likely! It might even be one of the Upper Ranks!” Rengoku crossed his arms proudly over his chest.
“It sounds like a difficult mission,” she said, noticing your beautiful, normally cheerful features were now filled with sorrow. “But as long as you’re going, Rengoku, there’s nothing to worry about!”
“Yes!” He turned to leave, a hand going to hold your face tenderly. “Meet me when the sun meets the Earth, my love.”
“I will, Kyojuro.” You promised, holding his hand tightly as he walked away, eventually letting go as he left you.
You stood with Shinobu as you watched your husband walk away, until he was out of your sight, off to the Mugen Train.
“Goodbye, my love.”
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hannahgoldfish · 3 years
Ketterdam Alleys.
Platonic! Kaz Brekker x Reader Platonic! Jesper Fahey x Reader
A/N: This imagine is a little dark so read if you feel comfortable! Requested by @vinyldoves ♥️
Warnings: Explicit Language, Violence, Injury and Brekker being Brekker!
Description: You find yourself in some pretty bad trouble and injured. Luckily for you, some Crows seem to have your back!
It was getting late. The sun had long dipped beneath the horizon, the moon had risen and stars glistened like diamonds, high up in the sky. Your patrol of fifth harbour was coming to an end and the idea of submerging yourself up into your duvet was coming increasingly more desirable. You smiled at the thought.
Your footsteps echoed against the uneven cobbles of the Ketterdam alley. Normally this alley would be more crowded but no one seemed to be there tonight. Not even the drunk. Something felt different. Something felt wrong. The drum of your heart started to beat slightly quicker, so your grip lingered on the knife that was hidden in your pocket. A small reassurance. Perhaps you should of taken the more lit route to the slat. But no, always up for a little bit of adrenaline. Maybe that was why Kaz saw you had potential. Not afraid to put up a fight.
You shivered slightly, pushing all thoughts out of your head and pulling your long coat closer, surrounding yourself in the warmth. Your breath dancing and crystallising with the air.
A sudden chill crawled up your spine, causing you to tense. A glass bottle ringing as it rolled off of each cobblestone slap slowly, until it reached your boot.
You paused.
“Who’s there?” You shouted, your voice heavy, trying to sound intimidating just like Kaz had taught you. No response.
“Fuck sake.” You muttered. Annoyed that a rolling bottle made your fingers tremble. This is what Ketterdam does to you. Stay here long enough and every single action can be classed as a threat. How pathetic.
Then it all happened fast. Too fast to register what was even happening. The next thing you knew was your head colliding hard to a stone wall. You slumped down to the ground, your vision a mix of strange blurs and a warm liquid trickling down your head.
Two figures joined together from the blurs of your vision like a puzzle. All wearing black, all sharing the same smirk on their lips. And if you squinted hard enough, you could make out a faint outline of a tattoo, a cat curled into a crown on one mans arm. Bloody Dime Lions.
“Evening Fellas.” Your tone sarcastic. “I feel like two on one isn’t very fair of you.” The man laughed, the other stalked closer behind in your peripheral vision. That was the least of your concern, your head was throbbing.
“We were hoping a lost crow such as yourself would fall in our trap.”
“Well, it’s hardly a trap and I didn’t fall in it.”
Both men stared at each other, clearly not amused. And when they turned, their eyes like bitter ice; cold and dangerous. Your heart sank slightly, your stomach becoming a bundle of nerves.
“We are taking you to Pekka Rollins.” That one name made your blood boil and your heartbeat quicken. You needed to get out of this situation. “Oh I don’t think so.” You said, pulling yourself back up. Ignoring the spinning bodies. But a boot was met with your stomach and you tumbled back to the familiar ground. You grunted, your breath flowing unevenly. Saints that hurt.
“Pick her up.” The black haired man said to the other, the newly lit cigar lit up his face, revealing a long scar running across his cheek. He gave a short nod before striding to you.
Immediately, you scrambled for the knife in your pocket. The man yanked on your coat, hoisting you to your feet. His grip tight and your knife slid out of your grasp, clattering to the floor.
“Excuse me gentlemen.” A familiar voice said. “But I think that is highly illegal.” Your eyes darted to his face, his curly black hair stopped just above his eye and a smirk tugged across his face. A twist of his pistols. “But yet again, so is this.” He pulled the trigger. And the man holding you staggered, falling to the floor. His eyes glassy. Dots of blood on his face. The other man stood stunned. “Hello there.” Said a gravelly voice and immediately you could tell who it was. The man turned but was greeted with a crow head cane. He yelped before hitting the ground like a sack of bricks. You couldn’t help but smile slightly.“What an entrance!” Jesper clapped to himself. “Well done boss, gruesome as always.” Kaz just frowned, his head turning to you. “Can you stand?”
“Well… perhaps.” You said as Jesper helped you up, letting you lean on him for support. “Thank you guys.” Jespers smile beamed. “Of course, love.”
“Crows protect their own.” Said Kaz, wiping the head of his cane with a bit of cloth. “Now, let’s get back to the slat.”
You nodded, trying to send your smile to Kaz, however he just dismissed it and began marching in front, alerting all of Ketterdam with his presence. People’s eyes lifted to the sound of his cane thumping against the ground but soon darted away. Some people even hid in the shadows, hoping that the dark would make them invisible and the Bastard of the Barrel wouldn’t come for them. You are convinced that Kaz was enjoying this moment. The mans damn ego.
And as for you and Jesper, well, you both stumbled behind. Jesper waving to a few passers by -what an idiot. You sighed, happy that the slat would soon be in view and you could be back in your bed.
“Y/n, can you explain to me exactly why you were walking back to the slat in one of the most dangerous alleyways in Ketterdam?” His voice flat, you found yourself go quiet, unsure of what to say.
“Well… why were you in one of the most dangerous alleys in Ketterdam?” You shot back hoping to not sounds like a fool. Kaz stiffened slightly, meeting your gaze before turning back and striding a faster pace. “Ouch.” Said Jesper. You whacked his arm.
“You know, he went out looking for you.” Jesper smiled. “He was worried about you.” Your brows furrowed. “Worried?” Dirtyhands being anxious was definitely new. “So, why were you in a scary alley anyway?”
“It’s a faster route to the slat.” And with that, the sharpshooter let out a chuckle.
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honalele · 3 years
For Blood
The dull sound of rain and thunder kept Techno awake. He stared up at the cave’s ceiling from his cot and counted the amount of times the water droplets fell from its cracks. He held a pocket knife in his right hand and rolled it between his fingers in heavy contemplation, trying to keep the voices in his head calm and quiet. However he couldn’t help but catch the whispers of a few distinct voices that had been with him for as long as he’d known blood.
Danger. Escape. Run.
He knew they were speaking about the raid on Saint Charity’s tomorrow. It had been pushed back a couple times this week, but Captain Peirce said that tomorrow morning was the official day. It would be simple. Sneak into town, attack the withers, save the village. They’d done it over a thousand times before, but something about the night was causing the voices in Techno’s head to go berserk.
He twisted the pocket knife and gave it a toss, but before he could catch it himself a hand from out the shadows intercepted it. Techno looked to his right to see his friend’s smile glowing in the shadows of the den.
“Can’t sleep?” Phil asked with a knowing smile. Techno paused, then threw his legs over the side of the cot and gave Phil some room to sit down next to him. Phil pulled his wings in and took the seat. “What’s wrong?” He sighed. Techno wasn’t too sure how to voice his concerns. There was no reason for him to be worried about tomorrow. Their company had delt with many wither hoards before. Each soldier had memorized their fighting patterns and the stats on villager casualties had been going down for weeks. Still, he couldn’t brush off the feeling that something was wrong.
Blood for the Blood god.
A child’s voice rose above the rest. The voice of a small boy that had been stuck with Techno for as long as he could remember. He was becoming louder and more thirsty for fresh blood. Human blood. With Phil’s help, Techno managed to keep the voices quieter than they’d been in years, but during the past few weeks, they’d been growing noisy and difficult to ignore.
“It’s the rain. It’s keeping me up.” He said. Phil let out a snort.
“Afraid of a little thunderstorm are we?” He shouldered Techno playfully. Techno grinned in response and turned his gaze to the cave floor. In all honesty, Phil should’ve been more worried about the rain than Techno considering he couldn’t fly in it. Then again, the guy was like a one man army on his own, so a bit of bad weather wasn’t going to stop him from doing what needed to be done.
Techno also knew that Phil wasn’t one to prod. From the day they first met at the Eastern front, they had a connection. Phil actually saved Techno from being discharged where he would have been sent back home and hung for his crimes. Luckily, the “Angel of Death” held a decent amount of authority when it came to influencing the general’s decisions. Techno would always remember the first thing Phil ever said to him.
“Never in the thousands of years I’ve been alive have I seen a reflection such as yours.”
From that day on, the two became inseparable. They understood each other in ways that few people could. They were both outcasts. Phil belonged to a rare and elusive class known as elytra. A nation that had crumbled centuries ago. The few that survived were either hunted down and killed, or captured and used as weapons in the King’s army. While he was technically immortal, Phil was lucky to have survived for as long as he did. As for Techno, the military was his last resort. He was born cursed.
Blood for the Blood god.
“You know, I gave Will a pocket knife like this one. Before we were separated.” Phil said, interrupting Techno’s thoughts. Techno turned to see Phil looking at the pocket knife with a soft and sentimental expression on his face. “I told him that if I wasn’t going to be there to protect him, he’d have to do it himself.” His voice was low and quiet as he flipped the knife open, looking deeply into its reflective surface.
Phil often spoke highly of his son Wilbur. The guy was leading some sort of revolution in the Dream Kingdom. A project he called “L’Manburg”. Phil would sometimes share the letters they sent to one another with Techno, but recently the messenger crows were coming back empty handed.
“Have you heard from him at all this week?” Techno asked. Phil shook his head.
“Not since he wrote to me about his new project, Pogtopia. He sounded so optimistic, but it’s been weeks since I last heard from him. I’m beginning to worry…” Phil’s voice trailed off and his brows furrowed with worry. He was silent for a few moments before closing the knife and handing it back to Techno. “I’m sure he’s just busy leading his countries.” Phil was usually hard to read, but he had a huge blind spot when it came to his son. Techno took it upon himself to make sure that no one ever took advantage of that blind spot.
Techno fiddled with the knife for a bit. He glanced at Phil who reached up and tucked a piece of his blonde hair behind his ear revealing a small brown feather that was tied into a braid. Techno lowered his gaze and thought about his next words carefully.
“You’ve already told me the pocket knife story and it doesn’t end with your last words to Will. It ends with that feather in your hair.” Phil shot Techno a look of warning. Techno knew it was a sensitive topic, but he persisted. “You told him to protect himself, and that’s what he did. Those wings that he sent you all those years ago, they were proof of your son’s strength. Wilbur is capable of handling anything the world throws at him. I believe he’ll write again soon, and the crows will sing when he does.” Phil’s gaze melted into sentiment, and even though Techno could see the uncertainty in his eyes, Phil nodded in agreement.
The two fell into silence for a while longer before Phil patted Techno’s shoulder and suggested that they both get some sleep before the raid. Techno nodded and watched as Phil walked back to his cot. Techno looked up at the ceiling of the cave once again. It was still raining and thundering outside. He reckoned it was only a few hours before the raid. A voice from the back of his mind rose just above the waterfall of water droplets outside,
No mercy.
Techno silently got up from the cot. He turned around and knelt so that his elbows were rested on the bed. He pulled a medallion out from under his shirt. It was engraved with the symbols of the gods. One side was etched with a pyre, the symbol for life. The other, a skull, the symbol for death. It was his only token from home. Techno rubbed the medallion between his fingers before letting it hang from his neck and lifting his hands up towards the sky to pray for sleep. Phil wasn’t the religious type, but Techno strongly believed in the works of ancient gods. They came through for him more often than not, and for a man living his life on the run, he needed as much help as he could get.
As Techno went over the prayer in his mind, the voices started to fade into a distant echo along with the flooding rains. His senses grew intimate with the near surroundings, allowing his mind to settle in the comfortable darkness of the cave. After the prayer was finished he stuffed the medallion back under his shirt and quietly climbed into bed. He pulled himself under the covers and focused on the warmth and security that the old sheets brought him. He closed his eyes and was finally able to drift into a deep dreamless sleep.
“… bastards we have… get up mongrels.” The noise of the Captain’s voice fell in and out of Techno’s mind as he slowly woke up. Then, his eyes snapped open at a clash of thunder and sound of rushing rain. It was still incredibly dark and he could see from the entrance of the cave that the moon was far from setting.
Techno forced himself to sit upright. He spotted the Captain three cots down ripping the blankets off some poor sap’s bed.
“Children, the lot of you. Up.” His voice was like nails on a chalk board, giving Techno a head ache. He was almost worse than the voices that already occupied Techno’s mind.
Techno glanced in the direction of Phil’s cot. Phil was putting his boots on and also watching the Captain’s display of morning furry. Phil turned to Techno and smiled. They shared a moment of silent amusement from across the room before continuing to prepare for the raid.
“Those skeletons aren’t going to slaughter themselves. You’d all better be at your posts within the hour.” The Captain fixed the cuff of his jacket before turning to leave. Techno noticed how the man side-eyed Phil, but it was only for a split second before he left the cave. Techno wondered what interest the Captain had in one of his oldest and most loyal soldiers. However, he decided that it must’ve just been his imagination and put the odd gesture out of his mind as he slid on his heavy-weighted chest plate.
The group left the cave in cautious pairs. No one wanted to give away the location of the entire fleet, so going in pairs was the stealthiest and most strategic move.
“Ya ready?” Phil asked in a much too cheerful tone. Techno finished tying his sword’s sheath to his belt and nodded. The two of them headed out of the cave and into the waterlogged fields of the Eastern front. The dark morning was made even darker with rainclouds covering almost every inch of a still starred sky. The mud was heavy and wet under his boots. Techno felt the sinking squish with every step. Perhaps instead of sleep, he should have prayed for better weather.
It wasn’t too long into their journey that the village of Saint Charity’s started coming into view. Though the heavy rain made it difficult to see, Techno sensed an eerie silence around the village, as if a witch had come and enchanted it with a mystical sleeping spell. He would have dismissed it for the lingering’s of a fearful evacuation, but something felt out of the ordinary about the place.
“Be careful now.” Phil spoke just loud enough for Techno to hear him over the downpour. “The wither skeletons could be anywhere.” Techno nodded and fell in step with Phil as they closed in on the first building at the edge of Saint Charity’s.
It was a shabby little stable that was barely even attached to the main road. There was only one horse tied up to a post that stood underneath a depressingly drooped awning. It looked like it was asleep, so Techno and Phil made sure not to disturb it as they snuck past and onto the main road into town.
The deeper they ventured into the village, the more houses there were, each bigger than the last. They’d eventually make it to the heart of Saint Charity’s where they spotted a large water fountain dressed in alters of soul sand. Techno and Phil shared a worried glance. They’d come across villages in the past that had taken on an almost cult-like belief in the so called “godliness” of withers. Some would even go as far as using alters to summon “the supreme”. Unlike the state, those people didn’t see these creatures as dangerous weapons. Instead they viewed the wither species as something celestial, given to earth by the gods.
Phil and Techno kept moving through the creepy abandoned streets of Saint Charity’s. There were no signs of life, nothing human, nor wither. The only sounds they heard besides the cascade of rain was the occasional slam of a pair of shutters from somewhere off in the distance.
“This is getting a bit creepy.” Phil commented. Techno remained silent and tried his best to take in his water-soaked surroundings.  
Suddenly Techno caught a whiff of something stale, almost metallic. He shifted his gaze towards the ground which was a mixture of cobblestone and mud, but he noticed that there were quite a few dark puddles that speckled the area. Techno bent down and dipped his fingers into one. It was blood. Human blood.
Blood for the Blood god!
The voices in his head started to scream. He could hear Phil asking him what was wrong, but his friend was quickly becoming muffled and distant.
Human sacrifice! No mercy! Let us have blood!
The voices were cheering as loud as a stadium. Techno pulled his hands up to his ears and begged them to stop. He could already feel the blood rushing and pumping through his veins as the memories of those children in the orphanage came rushing back.
You can never go back! Blood god needs blood!
They shouted in chorus, as loud as a bell bouncing around the inside of his mind. They infected his thoughts and bit his brain like snakes and spiders. Their venom seeped into his mind causing him to go blind and deaf to all of his surroundings. Everything was red and hot. Techno himself was rage filled. He hadn’t felt motivation like this in years.
Blood for the Blood god! Blood for the Blood god! Kill! Kill! Kill!
Suddenly his back was slammed against a wall and his throat was being crushed. Techno’s vision faded from blood red to a grey reality. Phil was holding him against a wall. His sword was unsheathed and so was Techno’s. They were both breathing heavily and Phil’s right cheek was bleeding from a fresh cut. Techno dropped his sword and clung to the hand that was clenching his neck.
“Phil-” was the only word he could manage. Phil’s furious gaze was unwavering.
“You said it was under control.” He said through gritted teeth. Techno looked down at the sword and then back at Phil. He did have it under control. He’d been around human blood before and was able to keep the voices down. Why now? Why was it happening again now?
The fire in Phil’s eyes shrunk to a smaller flame, but his grip on Techno’s neck tightened. He quickly leaned into Techno’s right ear and whispered, don’t attack me again, before letting him go. Techno allowed for his knees to buckle as he gulped down the humid air. He wasn’t sure of what he did, but if it gave away their location or threatened Phil in any way, Phil had every right to be this upset.
As Techno reached for his sword, he heard shouting from a few houses down. Despite the sudden tension between the two of them, Phil gestured for Techno to stay close, and together they made their way towards the screaming.
When they came up to the house, Phil tried to open the door, but it was locked. Without hesitation he broke the door down and headed inside with Techno on his heels. They quickly took in the scene. There were six wither skeletons. Four of them were running rampant while the other two tormented a women who was hiding for her life inside a closet with it’s door nearly ripped to shreds.
Phil pulled a knife from his belt and threw it straight into the back of the first wither’s head, then sprinted forward and took on the second one with his sword. Techno took this as a sign to go after the other four on his own, or at least distract them long enough for Phil’s assistance. He raced to one side of the room and sliced a skull off the first wither he came into contact with. It’s glossy tar-like eye sockets faded into empty black pools as it tumbled to the floor. The other three hissed at him violently. Techno plunged his sword into the exposed ribcage of the one to his right and kicked the one coming to his left. He tried to pull his sword out of the skeleton on his right, but it was jammed. The fourth skeleton was coming straight for him, so he decided to abandon the sword and shove his full bodyweight onto the menacing creature. It bit at his arm, but his armor kept it from puncturing his skin. He threw the beast off him and ran into the kitchen. He picked up one of the chairs and threw it at the wither with so much force that it broke on impact, leaving the skeleton in a hissing mess on the floor.
Techno reach for his short sword with one hand, and pulled out his pocket knife with the other as one of the remaining withers collected itself and came charging towards him. Techno caught it by the throat with his short sword and shoved it up against a nearby pantry. He stabbed its skull with his pocket knife and watched as the life drained out of its eye sockets along with one final hissing breath.
Then, searing pain exploded from his back side, causing him to drop his weapons. Techno turned to see one of the withers blasting its hot ash on him. He tried blocking it from his face with his arm, but the smoldering black dust tore at his armor and burned the tips of his ears. He tried reaching for his weapons, but couldn’t manage under the creature’s broiling breath. Suddenly, an arrow from the living room zipped into the wither’s skull. Its breath of hot ash died with a searing hiss and its towering body of black bones crumbled to the floor. Techno turned to see Phil in the living room standing over two more dead withers, his eyes bright with the excitement of death and war.
There was one final wither left. The one Techno had tried to stabbed in the heart. Phil was about to shoot the pitiful creature as it rolled on the floor in agony, but Techno ran out in front of it and put a hand up to Phil’s loaded bow. He turned to the creature and kicked it over so that its ribcage was exposed. The wither hissed at him and tried to breathe hot ash in defense, but it was far too wounded, and the ash fell out of its jaw like black foamy sand.
Techno reached down and pulled his sword out of its ribcage in one mighty heave. Then, he leaned in closely and spotted from within the thicket of ribs, a black heart, bleeding purple from the small cut he made earlier. Now that he had clear aim, Techno shoved his sword back into the skeleton and properly stabbed its heart. The wither coughed and hissed, and the light died from its skull just like it had the others. Then the creature went still. Techno pulled his sword from its chest and sheathed it as the wither’s body dissolved into a waterfall of dust before his eyes.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a white cotton pouch he’d made from an old shirt. He bent over to the pile of black dust and sifted through it until he found the wither’s skull, completely undamaged. He placed it in the pouch and then stood up and tied it to his belt before turning around to see Phil helping the woman and her child out of the closet.
The child must’ve been no more than ten years old. Her light brown hair was mangled and she clung a small teddy bear close to her chest. She spotted Techno, her eyes wide and gawking. She shuffled close to the mother and clung tightly to her leg.
“Do you know what happened here?” Phil asked the mother in a soft tone. He made sure to only speak just above a whisper. “Everyone in this village should have been evacuated and yet here you are, and there are puddles of human blood outside.” He said quietly.
“I don’t know. We were here, and there was screaming outside, and they came in, and I don’t know.” The woman was on the brink of tears.
“Please, you must know something, anything?” Phil’s voice remained gentle and quiet.
“I’m sorry. We hid as soon as we heard them.” The woman pulled her child in close and leaned forward to whisper something to Phil that Techno could just barely make out. “My husband was out there.” The room went silent as quiet tears fell from the woman’s face. Techno watched as Phil looked down at the child and then crouched so that he was at her eyelevel.
“You were very brave. How old are you?” Phil asked, and the girl silently held out eight fingers. “Eight? That’s a big number.” Phil said in feign shock. The girl squeezed her bear and pointed at Phil’s wings. Phil smiled. “Do you like them?” He asked. The girl let go of her mother’s leg for a moment and stepped forward. She slowly reached out and gently stroked Phil’s right wing. Techno noticed Phil trying his best to remain as still as possible, probably an attempt to avoid startling the girl. When she’d finished petting his wings, the girl smiled brightly and then ran back to her mother. Phil tipped his helmet to her and stood up to face the mother again.
Techno was glad that Phil was here to talk to the villagers. He’d seen the way people looked at Phil, as if he were an angel sent from the heavens to save them from the hellish withers. But for Techno, it didn’t matter what he did or who he saved, people always flinched when he walked by. They didn’t even try to hide their fear from him, children especially. As Techno passed the group and headed to the kitchen to gather his weapons, the little girl gawked at him again, not with the look of amazement and wonder she’d given Phil, but also not with a look of blatant fear. She looked at him with intrigue which was a first. It through him off.
Techno looked away and gathered his belongings. The pocket knife was lodged deep in the wither’s skull. He had to pull extra hard to get it out. Black sand flowed out of the wound and onto the floor. Techno looked into the reflective surface of the knife and was met with the harsh stare of his own monstrous red eyes staring back at him. He quickly closed it and shoved it into the palm of his hand.
When he looked back over at the mother and daughter, they were finishing up their conversation with Phil. He got up and walked over to them.
“…that’s why I think you’ll be safe here. Withers refuse to go near dead things, especially if the dead things in question are its own kind.” Techno came into earshot as Phil explained. Phil gave him an apologetic glance. He knew that Techno didn’t enjoy speaking to villagers for longer than they needed to.
“Anyway, we’d better get going.” Phil said. Then he reached for the woman’s shoulder in consolation and urged her to stay safe before leaving. Techno paused before following. He looked to the woman who’s expression was defensive and carrying subtle tones of horror. Then he looked down at the child whose expression hadn’t changed at all. He decided to copy what Phil had done and crouch down so that he was at her eye level.
She had such a young face of pure mind and imaginative thought. Blood so untainted, the gods could feed off it for months.
Blood for the Blood god.
The child’s voice whispered in his brain. Techno snapped open the blade of his pocket knife. He sensed the mother’s muscles tense, but the child remained still. A little girl whose father was out there, dead, or worse. Techno looked into the reflection of the blade one final time before closing it and handing it to the girl.
“For protection.” He said. The girl’s wide eyes stayed on Techno’s face as she carefully set her teddy bear on the floor near her feet. Then, she looked at the gift and cautiously took it into her small hands. Techno prayed that she would never have to use it. He looked up at the mother whose expression had changed from fear to plain confusion. Perhaps she wasn’t sure what to make of the creature before her. Was he a man, or just another exploitable weapon of the King’s army? Techno stood, and left the house without another word.
“Took you long enough.” Techno nearly jumped at Phil’s voice. He turned around to see his friend leaned up against the front of the house. Phil was giving him that horrible sympathetic smile.
“She needs it.”
“She’s eight.”
“And Will was how old in that story?” Techno smiled as Phil chuckled.
“Well, at least you’re admitting that you copied me back there.” Phil said with a sarcastic smirk. Techno looked down at the ground and smiled. This is how their friendship was. They kept each other in check when things got ugly, but they’d always have hope for one another. Phil was the only home that Techno had ever known. He was only good thing to come out of enlisting.
Danger. Quick. Leave.
Techno lifted his head and looked off to the center of town. The voices were telling him that something was wrong. They tried telling him last night, but he didn’t listen. He was beginning to believe them.
“We’ve been following the hoard of withers closely. Charting their movements and predicting their attacks. This village should’ve been on the evac list.” He said.
“It is weird. I wouldn’t be surprised if Captain douche fucked it up though. I have about as much trust in that man as I have in god.” Under any other circumstance, Techno would have at least snorted at the joke, but he couldn’t shake the unsettling feeling that something bad was about to happen. Phil shifted from his relaxed position on the side of the house.
“Come on. It’s bad to stand in one place for too long, especially in a downpour like this.” He said as he walked past Techno and headed into the center of town. Techno hesitated before following. He looked down at the mud soaked cobblestone path.
Run. Danger. Run!
Techno pushed the voices aside. If they were in some sort of danger, he needed to stay with Phil. They were meant to protect each other. He quickly caught up with his friend and together they fell in step. He noticed Phil eyeing Techno’s pouch.
“You shouldn’t have to go through all that trouble, and for what? Brownie points?” Phil said.
“I need the brownie points, you of all people should know that.” Techno replied.
“Yeah, but you still shouldn’t have to.” Techno wasn’t too sure he believed that. He’d done terrible things. He ran away from the consequences. He saved his tail and was now living with all of the guilt. Besides, his past made him reek of desperation. One false step and he could be court-martialed and killed.
You will die.
Techno shivered at the voice. It knew him too well. It knew his deepest secret and darkest fear. The fear that kept him up at night. The fear that motivated him to become a warrior in the first place. The fear of those dark angelic wings willing to carry him to the afterworld. Getting ‘brownie points’ was the least of his worries.
“It doesn’t matter.” Techno brushed off Phil’s statements. “You could help if you wanted you know? You’re a great shot.” He said, changing the subject. Phil snickered.
“Are you saying that I’m such a good shot, I could aim for the heart of a wither, one of the hardest shots in the history of combat, and make it?” Phil said in a greatly exaggerated tone of arrogance.
“No, you’re right. No one’s that good a shot.”  
“Really?” Phil asked. Techno stopped walking and Phil stopped with him. Techno watched as Phil pulled his own white cotton pouch out from the cover of his wing and tossed it to Techno.
“There were seven withers total. This one was hiding in the bathroom. Shot it from behind.” He said pridefully. Techno could hardly believe it. He wanted to thank Phil, but he was at a loss for words. As he stood there in shock, Phil casually nodded towards the creepy water fountain at the center of town.
“Let’s see if we can get a whole set, shall we?” He said with a malicious grin before running off in that direction. Techno doubted that they’d find anything, but if the raid was a bust and the only withers left were stragglers, he didn’t see the harm in taking time to collect one more wither skulls.
He tied the second pouch to his belt and raced after Phil towards the fountain. It seemed like they were the only ones in the area, and despite the blood on the ground, there were no bodies. It wasn’t Techno’s job to play detective, but a part of him wished he could investigate Saint Charity’s further to figure out what had actually happened.
The fountain was even bigger up close. The base of it had to be at least eight feet tall. The sides of it were painted with odd creatures and strange words, each contributing to some sort of violent scene. One of the paintings showed a man stabbing an animal that resembled a cat, then underneath it was a strange word, written in a language Techno couldn’t understand.
The next image below was of the same man walking his cat on a leash. Perhaps Techno was reading it backwards.
“This village is so weird.” Phil mumbled uncomfortably at the graphic image of the cat being stabbed to death. Techno nodded in agreement, but kept the fact that he’d stabbed a cat before to himself.
After a bit of sightseeing, the two started searching the ground for abandoned wither skulls. They walked all the way around the fountain, but came up empty-handed. Then, Phil climbed up onto one of the alters.
“What are you doing?” Techno asked.
“Getting a better look.” Phil said as he peeked over the side of the fountain. “Oh my god.” Phil’s face darkened and his eyes grew serious.
“What is it?” Techno called from the ground.
“I, uh, I found another wither skull.” Phil replied, his voice strained. Then, he pulled whatever he’d found floating in the fountain to its edge. “Look out.” He warned as a person fell to the ground. It was a man, dressed in robes like some sort of monk or priest. He was dead. His entire body was limp, and he smelled of piss and wounded flesh. The man wore a cord that went around his waist and was tied into a knot on his side. The wither skull was tied at the end of the cord and dangled just below the religious man’s knee.
Phil climbed down from the alter and placed the priest so that he was facing the sky. The man’s face was bloody and there was something sticking out of his eye.
Blood for the Blood god.
The voices whispered to Techno, but he was far too confused to pay them any mind.
“See this?” Phil said, pointing to the thing sticking out of the dead man’s eye. “That’s a piece of arrow. The rest must’ve snapped off when he fell from the top of the fountain I suppose.”
“What do you mean?” Techno asked. Phil looked up and pointed to the top of the fountain.
“There’s an alter up there.” He said, then turned around and nodded to one of the nearby houses. “Someone could’ve easily shot him from that roof.” Techno looked from the house to the alter on the fountain. It was possible.
“Why would someone shoot him?” He asked, but Phil had no time to respond as an arrow zipped six inches past his face and into the side of the fountain. Phil and Techno turned to see Captain Peirce along with a group of about thirty soldiers, standing before them, armed and on the offense.
“Because harboring weapons of mass destruction is considered treason.” The Captain called. Phil raised his hands up in surrender and slowly stood from his crouched position by the dead man. Techno was about to do the same, but decided to wait for an explanation.
“What is this?” Phil asked.
“King’s orders.” The Captain responded and fired another shot. He was either firing warning shots, or the heavy rain was ruining his aim. Based on the Captain’s scowl, Techno assumed the latter.
“What have I done?”
“I’m only taking orders elytra.” Peirce shouted over the roaring thunder. “But if you really must know, there are certain things you’ve forced your hand on.” The Captain flashed a quick glance at Techno before swiftly returning his focus onto Phil. “Such an unbalance of authority in the camps cannot exist. Besides, you and your kin have made your use, and now you must die.” Techno flinched at the Captain’s final statement.
You must die.
He fought the urge to jump up and rip the Captain apart with his bare hands. That bastard had it coming. He knew that Phil was the most powerful asset of the battalion, and yet he chose to do something as stupid as pull an arrow on him. Then Phil took a step forward.
“Stay where you are.” The Captain warned, but Phil kept moving. Techno watched as he slowly made his way to a nearby alter.
“Don’t I get a trial?” Phil asked.
“I suggest you yield.” The Captain responded in a firm tone and fired another failed shot.
Techno stayed near the body. None of the soldiers seemed to have an eye on him. He watched as Phil casually hopped up on the alter as if he were choosing to sit there with his arms in the air.
“Please Captain, don’t make me beg for my life. Doing so will only incur my wrath upon you.” It was difficult to make out the Captain’s face what with the dark morning sky and dreadful downpour, but Techno swore he saw the man smile.
“What wrath? You’re out numbered, bird.”
Techno finally understood what Phil was doing. He’d been stalling for time. Techno looked down at the wither skull attached to the Priest’s robes. He cautiously reached for it and undid the knots. Somehow, Phil had made him completely invisible to the other soldiers.
With all three wither skulls in hand, Techno slowly started making his way to the back side of the fountain. Once he was out of sight, he took each of the skulls and placed them gently on the soul-sand alter. A horrible hissing noise erupted as he placed the final skull. Techno quickly backed away and watched as a tornado of soul sand and dark ash tore through the air and spun around the wither skulls.
Techno had seen these kinds of withers summoned before, but he’d never done it himself or been so up close. Muffled voices of confusion and concern floated around the town center as the shrieking wither came to life before him. It was big, and much more frightening to look at than the ordinary wither skeletons. Its ribcage was mangled with an overabundance of bones that connected to a singular spine. Its ability to fly made up for its lack of limbs. Two of the wither skulls had been pressed and warped into the creature’s broad shoulders, and the third sat on its neck. Its body emitted a hot purple light from every pore and instead of plain dark pools of tar, each set of eyes glowed the ominous color.
Techno backed up and watched as the massive creature slowly turned around and came upon the small army. It made a horrifying screaming noise and the started blasting vast amounts of hot ash out of each of its three skulls.
“Stand your ground! Don’t-” the Captain was cut off by the wither’s attack. Techno watched as he pulled up his shield and tried to shout orders, but the other soldiers had already descended into panic.
Techno searched the chaos, trying to find Phil, but he failed to concentrate as he watched all of the soldiers, men whom he’d fought alongside for many months, some for years, being burned to death in front of his eyes.
Join. Kill. Blood for the Blood god.
Techno stumbled back as the voices attempted to take over his mind. He needed to find Phil.
The voices only came back with a more vicious attack. All had joined in. His head was full of the noise, just like it had been that day back at the orphanage. All those years ago. He’d only been a child, but that was no excuse. Not for him. Because it happened again, and again; and it would’ve kept happening if he hadn’t joined the military. It would keep happening if he didn’t find Phil.
Blood god!
Techno placed a hand on the hilt of his sword and took a step forward as he felt himself get lost in the wave of a thousand voices. No one had seen him yet, they were all still busy fighting the wither. Very few of them would survive. Though men sodden in sin weren’t the gods’ preferred sacrifice, their blood would taste just as sweet. Techno let the voices boil over in his mind and unsheathed his sword. He gave into the anger that had been rotting deep in his belly for far too long. His muscles tensed in hot furry as he started making his way towards his first victim, the Captain himself.
Then, someone took his hand from behind. Techno twisted around and pulled his sword up to the man’s neck. It was Phil. His eyes were steady and his grip remained firm on Techno’s hand.
“Not now.” He said. Techno fought the fire inside, but his blade stayed on Phil’s neck. He could cut it open in one smooth movement and watch the blood flow like a red river down Phil’s chest. He would watch the pyre dim from his friend’s eyes and his body become cold and blue in a breathless death.
Conquer death. Kill the angel.
Techno remained still with his sword held on Phil’s neck. A glimpse of fear crossed Phil’s gaze that made Techno want to go for the kill, but it was gone in a blink and replaced with a warm and steady stare. Phil was no Angel of Death. He was a skilled fighter, a caring father, and a good friend. Techno fought hard to take the sword down, but eventually he was able to overcome the wave of voices and pull it away, placing it back in its sheath.
Phil didn’t waste any time. He quickly took Techno by the hand and lead him back into the shadows of a dark alley, away from the hectic sounds of death. The voices in Techno’s mind screamed in protest, but he forced them down and tried to focus on what needed to be done.
“Follow me.” Phil whispered, and the two of them raced into a maze of dark streets and black alleyways. They sprinted through the mud and rain, taking lefts and rights, trying to find the quickest way out of town. Then Techno started to recognize some of the houses. Phil was leading him back the way they’d come.
Run! Run! Run!
The voices screamed in Techno’s mind, and for once he agreed. Neither Phil, nor Techno could go back to the base. It was too dangerous. Techno wasn’t sure if Phil had a plan, but he trusted his old friend enough to continue following him.
As the two escaped the village and entered out onto the main road, Techno noticed the small stable from before. He smiled to himself as they ran. Phil planned for them to take the horse and outrun the tropes. They could be able to find another nearby village for supplies and then go from there.
As they came up to the stable, Techno looked for a saddle, but all he found was a dusty tarp. He accidentally startled the horse awake when he tossed it onto its back. He untied the horse’s lead and brought it out from under the awning. Phil helped boost Techno on first, then Techno lent out a hand to help Phil, but Phil didn’t take it.
“I can’t go with you.” He said shaking his head.
“I’ll only slow you down.”
“Phil, they are going kill you.” Techno replied. “If you’re staying, I’m staying.”
“No.” Phil grabbed Techno’s hand and placed something inside. “They will kill us both. This is your way out.” Phil said. Techno couldn’t believe what he was hearing. After everything they’d been through.
“You need to come with me.” Techno insisted. Phil shook his head and tightened his grasp on Techno’s hand.
“No, you need to find Will.” Techno was taken aback by the sudden mention of Will. “They’re not going to kill me, not yet. But you are not going to get another opportunity like this. I can make them think you’re dead.”  Phil’s tone was intense and his eyes were desperate. There was no reason for Phil to be this confident. He had to be keeping something from Techno. “Trust me.” Phil pleaded. Techno held Phil’s gaze. He couldn’t abandon him. Phil had been his best friend, his only friend for years. He was all Techno had. He was Techno’s home. Techno couldn’t let this be the last time they ever saw each other, but as he stared into the pleading eyes of the only man he trusted, he had faith that it wouldn’t be.
Techno swallowed the emotion lumping in his throat. He reached under his chest plate and tugged the medallion out from underneath. He pulled it over his head and handed it to Phil who took it carefully into his free hand. Phil let the skull and the pyre spin in the rain as it dangle from his fingertips. He knew how important it was to Techno.
“For protection.” Techno said. Phil’s eyes softened for a moment before growing serious again. “You can give it back to me when we see each other again, in L’Manburg.” Techno prompted. Phil placed the medallion around his neck and gripped it tightly. He nodded silently to Techno, his eyes bloodshot from holding back tears. Techno gave Phil’s hand one final squeeze before letting go. What Phil had given him was one of Will’s letters. Techno made sure that it was put safely away in his belt before commanding the horse forward, then he turned one last time and pointed at the medallion.
“I better get that back.” He said, and then galloped away, shoving the guilt and worry down with the cheering voices.
Status Report Full Report Eastern Front: Company #008 Company arrived in Saint Chastity’s at an estimated time of 0400hrs led by troop Captain Edgar Peirce. Company was attacked by class 1A wither. Company contained a total of 119 soldiers. Company left Saint Chastity’s with a total of fifty-six soldiers presuming a death toll of sixty-three. Eleven identifiable bodies, eleven unidentifiable bodies, forty-one missing bodies presumed burned to ash. No witnesses.
Presumed dead: Captain Edgar Peirce, Lieutenant Tate Tapia, Sargent Aran Curran, Privet Brogan Spencer, Privet Bryce Carson, Kyran Nichols, Reo Bone, Brendan Lin, Laith Dunkley, Kris Garner, Daryl Bowes, Vincenzo Montgomery, Shaan Ward, Presley Olson, Harlee Derrick, Winston Schmitt, Kohen Ewing, Cai Thomas, Andy Stott, Denny Harmon, Ammar Strickland, Charles Muntz, Mike Rudd, Luka Kaur, Technoblade, Paolo Laing, Joe Berg, Russell Chan, Peter Frazier, Torin Kelly, Martyn Collins, Harlow Bowers, Buddy Guerrero, Kiki Trejo, Timur Stewart, Jack Glover, Evan Marsden, Olly Avery, Amir Russo, Raj Miles, Eddy Moreno, Thomas Webster, Shelly Franco, Yaseen Acevedo, Seren Mclellan, Kynan Ferguson, Roma Park, Nola Mcgowan, Eesa Williams, Wasim Mcfarlane, Leon Randall, Joe Mama, Kit Holding, Gordon Ramsey, Pawel Bostock, Sylvester Nixon, Karl Simons, Shayne Mckinney, Aneurin Mckenzie, Robson Myers, Michael Finche, Sam Osborn, Philza Minecraft.
My dearest Will,
I’m not even sure you still read these.
I’ve sent someone to you. Perhaps he can help with whatever’s been keeping you from my letters. It’s my friend Technoblade. Yes, “the blade” as Tommy once wrote me, (thank you for restricting his writing privileges by the way).
I wanted to make sure that you received this letter before hearing the false news that Techno and I are dead. It was the only way out of the military, and if I can be honest with you, I didn’t expect to make it. I asked Techno to trust me, but I didn’t even trust myself. I thought I was going to die. I thought that sending Techno to you was the last thing I’d ever do. I’ve wanted for you two to meet for so long and I couldn’t risk Techno’s life with the bounty on mine.
Somehow, I made it. I did terrible things to get myself here, but I made it. And I’m coming to see you. I can’t wait to meet all of your friends and tour L’Manburg and Pogtopia. I’m sure you’ve done a wonderful job.
Please write back soon.
With love, Phil
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angrylizardjacket · 4 years
is a virtue {Brian May} [1/2]
[ And All The Queen’s Men ‘verse ]
Summary: Gizelle wants to set Brian up with one of her friends, a model named Patience Hall, and the guitarist is surprised to find how nervous he is, and how Patience is nothing like he expected.
A/N: PATIENCE PATIENCE PATIENCE MY DEAR LOVE, anyways i adore patience and i need to write more about her. this is part 1, but there is a part 2 coming. @ginghampearlsnsweettea and @prettyboyroger i lov u both to the moon n back
“There’s someone I’d like you to meet,” it’s a Wednesday afternoon, overcast, though that in itself wasn’t really a sign of anything, especially not in the middle of Winter, but still Brian feels a wave of apprehension settle over him when he realises Gizelle is talking to him. The band is waiting for Freddie to show up since he’s late, again , and while Roger’s working on a new drum solo, and John and Veronica perusing a furniture catalogue together, but Brian’s been writing lyrics, perched on his amp.
Gizelle, coffee in one hand, designer handbag in the other, cocks her hip as she waits for Brian to look at her, and comprehend what she’s said, and she watches with amusement as a range of emotions flick across his face.
“You’re not trying to set me up with one of your sisters, are you?” Brian asks, and Gizelle has to bite back a smile as she plays innocent.
“You and Gabrielle get on well, don’t you?” Behind her, John snorts a laugh where he’s clearly eavesdropping, but Brian sighs as though terribly put upon.
“You know that’s not the one I meant.”
“As hilarious as I find the concept of you and ‘Vanna together, unfortunately she’s taken up with some American hair-metal boy, so no, I’m not trying to set you up with one of my sisters.” There’s the faintest twitch of her lips that indicates she’s trying not to smile at the thought, but for Gizelle knowing the sound guys are in the very next room, it’s her equivalent of a full-bellied laugh.
“So go on then, tell me then, who’s the unlucky lady?” Brian asks with only the barest hint of amused self-deprecation. Gizelle gives him a flat stare, the way her perfect eyebrows lower being the only real change in her facial expression, but it’s enough to let him know that she’s disappointed in his negative self-talk.
“She’s a friend of mine,” Gizelle explains, “we met through work.”
“She in a band?” Brain asks, interest piqued, finally putting down his notebook and pushing off from the amp to stand. Gizelle shook her head.
“My other work, Miami and I’s mutual friend is representing her in a contract dispute, and he brought me in to raise her profile and make sure she’d still get work after the dust settles,” Gizelle explained, which only seemed to confuse the guitarist, “even if she wins and gets out of her contract, there’s no guarantee she won’t be blackballed from potential jobs in the future so -”
“So you throw your support behind her and everyone and their dog wants to hire her,” Brian nodded, finally understanding, and Gizelle cracks a smile, “is that why you want me to meet her? Do you want us to hire her?” And there’s confusion in his voice, but it’s Gizelle’s turn to be confused.
“She’s a model; I want you to meet her because I think you’ll like her,” she tells him bluntly, and Brian’s expression lights up as he goes pink around the ears, pleased.
“Are you sure?” He’s trying to play it cool, “not that I don’t trust your judgement, but you did marry Roger .” And they both ignore Roger’s indignant scoff, but Gizelle’s smiling at that, her fond gaze flicking to him over Brian’s shoulder before she looks back to see Brian’s amused expression.
“I promise you’ll like her,” Gizelle assured gently, before offering him her coffee cup to hold, fishing around in her bag for a moment. Pulling out a business card, she hands it over with a flourish, “she knows I’m giving you her number; she’s expecting your call.”
“Oh is she now?” Brian raises his eyebrows, smiling as he exchanges the coffee for the card, taking the time to read it.
Patience Hall in a neat, nondescript typeface, white text against the dark skinned model whose headshot made up the background. On the back, there’s a business and fax number, but beneath those, neatly handwritten, sits a personal telephone number.
“This is her?” Brian’s voice is a little soft, a little awed as he takes in card as a whole; it feels so professional. Looking at the model, at her serious expression and gorgeous dark eyes printed in black and white, he quietly gets a little giddy at the idea of taking her out. When he looks up, meeting Gizelle’s gaze, he thinks she can tell.
“That’s her,” Gizelle nods once, and Brian lets himself smile a little wider.
Brian calls Patience that night, after Freddie finally shows up to rehearsals and the band is polishing the last few songs on their new album before they shut themselves into the studio for a few weeks to record it.
“ Good evening, this is Patience, ” the voice on the other end of the line answers after only two rings, soft and lilting despite the crackle of the phone line. Brian hesitates. “ Hello ?”
“Hello,” he finally finds his voice, “hi, this is Brian May, Gizelle Taylor gave me your number,” as if it could have been any other Gizelle , he’s already mentally berating himself, but he hears her laugh on the other end of the line, kind and relieved.
“ Oh, I’m so glad to hear from you! She told me you’d be calling, but I never expected it to be this soon,” she muses, and Brian grins.
“I can call back in a few days,” he offered, his smile clear in his words, “if this is too fast -” but she cuts him off quickly.
“ No, no! ” She’s quick to say, “ I’m not complaining at all, it’s lovely to hear from you! ”
Patience sounds like she’s smiling, like she’s genuine in her words, and Brian can feel himself flushing. She doesn’t ask him about Queen , and he doesn’t ask about her modeling, instead, they stumble through some small talk before he’s asking her out to dinner.
“Or lunch,’ he follows it up with quickly, “if you’d prefer -”
“ Dinner sounds wonderful ,” she assures, and there’s a moment of silence that hangs in the air between them before he asks, tentatively.
“How’s Friday?”
“ Friday, ” she pauses for a beat, and there’s the rustling of paper, perhaps a calendar, “ Friday’s perfect; does seven work ?”
“Seven sounds great,” he agrees, and she gives him the address of the hotel she’s staying at. The moment after he hangs up, he’s excited, and the moment after that, he’s nervous. He hasn’t really dated anyone since he and Chrissie had split up over a year ago. He’d thrown himself into his music and parenting his children, and making sure the divorce was amicable for the childrens’ sake. He wasn’t a nun by any means, he’d let Freddie take him to nightclubs a few more times than he’d like to admit to, had relieved his Fat Bottomed Girls days during the last tour once or twice, but dating had never been his intention.
So why - why - had he agreed to this?
Because he trusted Gizelle.
The next day, Thursday, he’s a ball of nerves when he walks into rehearsals, and Roger’s wearing a grin that’s all teeth.
“Don’t -” He heads Roger off before the blonde can even open his mouth. Roger’s smile widens. That’s the problem with having known each other for over fifteen years at this point, is that Roger can tell exactly what he’s feeling with just one glance; Roger of all people, should not be granted that privilege, Brain finds himself ruminating.
“You alright, dear?” Freddie asks, interest piqued, early for once, and Brian huffs a sigh.
“It’s nothing, I’m fine -”
“He’s got a date with ‘Zelle’s friend,” Roger crows, and Brian shoots him a filthy look.
“Good on you,” Freddie nods emphatically, walking over and clapping Brian on the shoulder, “she’s got wonderful taste in friends,” and both Roger and John behind him hum in agreement. Brain actually rolls his eyes at them.
“I’m sure she’s lovely, but that’s the problem, I’m… I’m just -” and he gestures to himself awkwardly, making an unflattering face.
“You’re a strapping young lad,” Freddie insists, and while Brian appreciates it, it’s not exactly what he meant.
“She’s going to love you,” the sincerity in Roger’s voice comes as a surprise, and when Brian turns to where he’s sitting on the drum risers, he sees Roger with one foot tucked up on his stool, expression warm and kind, “‘Zelle speaks very highly of Patience, and from what she’s said, you’re going to love her, and as long as you’re, you know, yourself or whatever, I’m sure she’ll love you too.” And he cleared his throat, averting his gaze and breaking the moment of honesty, but Brian was thankful for the pep talk. After a beat, letting the moment settle, Brain sighed deeply.
“Thanks, man,” he said with a half-smile, and Roger grinned back in acknowledgement, “but I don’t even know where to take her to dinner; I haven’t been on a real bloody date since -” and Chrissie’s name catches on his tongue but they all know, and don’t comment about it.
“I think ‘Zelle said she’s vegetarian,” Roger muses, and after a beat, he suggests a restaurant Brian’s only heard of by reputation, right in the middle of the city, telling him that even Gizelle recommended it. That night, he calls, books a private room at the fancy little restaurant, and heaves a nervous sigh the moment he hangs up.
The band has Friday off, so instead he lays about in bed until it’s almost eleven, spends a good few hours pottering around, occasionally gardening, reading a few articles his assistant had sent over a few days ago, and spends the better part of half an hour trying to pick an outfit.
Why had he chosen dinner ? There was no right answer to dressing for dinner! Lunch could be nice slacks and a button down, but dinner meant possibly a jacket, but what if he’s too overdressed? What if he doesn’t wear a jacket but he needs one to get into the restaurant, then he’ll look like a fool, what if --
When he picks Patience up, he’s wearing a well fitted suit that he’d had tailored for an event not too long ago. It’s dark blue and crisp, but he’s forgone a tie, leaving the top few buttons undone, he is a rock and roller, after all. He parks, steps into the hotel lobby, and tells the man at the front desk that he’s here for Patience, and they ring her, quietly letting her know that - and he gets a wide-eyed look from the bellhop, whose voice goes a little uncertain - Brian May is waiting for her.
Patience steps out of the elevator in a midnight blue dress, barely a few shades darker than Brian’s suit, and he’s pretty sure it’s fate. The moment she sees him, she’s smiling, and it’s blinding, all teeth and shining eyes and genuine excitement at seeing him, and Brian’s smiling too as she makes her way towards him, but all thoughts have left his head. She’s stunning in person; willowy and statuesque, the heels on her shoes make her the same height as him, which Brian finds he rather likes as she greets him with a hug and a kiss on either cheek.
“I wasn’t going for speechless,” she says with a soft laugh, and something connects in his brain very suddenly - she’s American , “but I think it’s a rather large compliment coming from you,” and finally Brian’s brain connects with his mouth.
“You look stunning,” and Patience’s answering smile was surprisingly abashed.
“You don’t look so bad yourself,” she tugged the lapel of his jacket for emphasis, a playful smile on her lips, and gestured for him to lead the way out. As he turns, Patience tucks her arm into his, and leans in for a moment, “we match.” And she sounds so pleased .
“Must be destiny,” Brian hears himself say back, and Patience hums thoughtfully.
“Must be,” she agrees with a smile.
Patience wears her emotions on her sleeve, Brian’s quick to pick up on; she’s direct but never unfairly blunt, and smiles like she’s never known hardship. She’s like sunshine , an interesting counterpoint to Gizelle, who seemed to take months to warm up to the band enough to even smile at them. When Brian asks about her connection to Gizelle, Patience’s smile turns fond.
“I’m very grateful to call her my friend,” she muses, “she’s a lot kinder in person than I was expecting.” And Brian nods with the faintest smile, knowing exactly what she means, but already seeing how this bright and joyful woman was able to so easily win Gizelle over.
They have dinner in the private room of the restaurant, both ordering the garlic and herb grilled eggplant, and when Brian tells a joke, Patience laughs so hard she snorts. It’s adorable .
As the dinner’s winding down, and Brian’s wracking his brains for ways to keep this night going, Patience turns a little nervous herself, fiddling with her napkin, avoiding his gaze.
“I fear I’ve double-booked myself tonight,” she admits, and Brian’s heart sinks at her words, “I have a friend at the Museum of Natural History, and he’d pulled some strings for me to let me in tonight after they’d closed,” she explains, and Brian’s eyebrows raise in surprise, “I mean,” Patience deliberates, looking up at him through her lashes, “unless you’d like to accompany me?” And she sounds hopeful. He’s pretty sure he’s never met anyone so earnest, it’s kind of refreshing.
“I’d- I’d love to,” Brian’s so quick to agree it’s like the words fall from him before is brain even registers what he’s saying; he’d been so worried that she’d just want to leave after dinner, just call it a night, despite how much she’d seemed to be enjoying herself, but here she was, lighting up, explaining how the museum wasn’t far away, easily within walking distance and -
Oh , he finds himself thinking with a gentle smile, she might be perfect .
When they exit the restaurant, however, there’s a blinding flash of light, and then their names being called, someone desperate for their attention. Patience freezes, smile turning still as she grabs Brian’s hand and power walks to the theatre. He realises too late that it’s the paparazzi, and when he turns to tell them to leave them alone, Patience, voice low and insistent, tells him to just leave it.
They make it to the museum in a matter of minutes, hand in hand, and the man who greets them at the gates smiles at them both with a warmth in his eyes, and offers them both a solid handshake.
“So good to see you again, Hall,” he tells Patience, and quickly introduces himself to Brian as Lawrence, and turns on his heel and leads them through the gates, into the museum.
“How do you know each other?” Brian asks, trying to make casual conversation, still holding Patience’s hand.
“He was my tutor in college,” Patience explains easily, and the man nodded in agreement, before adding.
“She’s terribly bright,” Lawrence adds, “in her final year, she helped me with my thesis for my Masters, which, speaking of -” he looks over his shoulder with an inquisitive look, and Patience rolls her eyes.
“I’m getting there, you know I’ve been going through some shit, my Masters is the least of my worries,” she waived him off, and Lawrence made a disapproving tut, but didn’t press her on it.
“Terribly bright,” Lawrence reiterates, “not much of an entomologist, but a fantastic help nonetheless.” At this, Brian turns his amused expression upon Patience, eyebrows raised in question.
“I studied biology,” she explains, though her voice is quiet, as if she’s a little embarrassed by that fact, “I mean, I am studying- am still studying- I’m a biologist?” Though it sounds like a question.
“ Fascinating ,” and he means it with his whole heart when he says it, though she seems to be surprised at his enthusiasm, “I never would have picked that.”
“Most people don’t,” Patience muses with a surprisingly rueful tone, looking around at the museum ground as they approached the front doors. Lawrence graciously let them inside, acting as though he wasn’t listening to their every word.
“I haven’t worked much on my thesis lately,” Brian mentions casually, “have been rather busy over the last few years, it can be so hard to find the time.”
“Masters?” Patience asks, in the exact same carefully casual tone that Brian was using.
“Doctorate,” Brian tells her with an air of humble pride, “astrophysics.” There’s a moment of silence, and when he looks at her, she’s regarding him with a newfound respect.
“Never would have picked that,” she grins a little, parroting his own words back at him. Brian shrugs easily, and gives her hand a squeeze.
“Most people don’t.”
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ducktracy · 4 years
117. billboard frolics (1935)
release date: november 16th, 1935
series: merrie melodies
director: friz freleng
starring: cliff nazarro (eddie camphor, worm), billy bletcher (rub-em-off)
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the first cartoon to use “merrily we roll along”, which, fittingly enough, would become the theme song for the merrie melodies starting in 1936 and all the way through 1964. it wasn’t formally adopted as the theme song until 1936’s boulevardier of the bronx, but still worth noting. if my memory serves me correctly, this is also the first merrie melody whose title isn’t reflective of the song showcased in the cartoon. as always, billboard advertisements come to life, and trouble brews when a hungry cat preys upon a helpless little chick.
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it’s night, and a grassy lot in the city is illuminated by a number of stray billboards. focus on a billboard advertising old maid cleanser, some other menial posters, and finally a poster advertising eddie camphor and rub-em-off “and his wioleen”. an obvious reference to singer eddie cantor, a star who would find himself in many a looney tunes short. rub-em-off is also a spoof on his violinist david rubinoff.
eddie does his signature cartoon “eye roll”, referenced in cartoons such as shuffle off to buffalo and slap happy pappy to name a very select few. together they launch into “merrily we roll along”, which cantor sang originally. the impression of cantor is fun and lively, and bletcher’s characterization as rub-em-off is just as amusing. they don’t do much in terms of dance, but it still remains relatively lively.
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song number over, dance routine begins. a cocktail shaker in a poster shakes itself like maracas, accompanying a girl advertising all expense tours to cuba. the animation feels looser than normal, but the dance remains fun and playful. your stereotypical freleng girl.
some hot tamales lend their voices, strumming a fork like a guitar, reused from how do i know it’s sunday, as is a sequence of clogging maids birthed from “old maid cleanser” cans. now a sequence with russian rye bread dancing the hopak, their advertisement reading “baked on the five year plan”—a reference to stalin’s five year plan(s). animation is fun for all of these sequences, but none too groundbreaking.
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a more upbeat, amusing sequence as a line of penguins engage in a dance sequence, rolling on their mannequin feet like skates and intermittently quacking—because all penguins quack, right? a woman in an above advertisement rains powder below on the penguins to create the illusion of snow. one of the more entertaining dancing sequences in the cartoon, if not the most entertaining. the animation is smooth and flouncy.
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the stars of the girl at the ironing board make a comeback and reuse their dances from the aforementioned short. two tapdancing pajamas do their thing, drumming their buttflaps on upturned wash tubs, while the main “woman” from the short (nothing more than an assortment of clothes) dances as well. smooth animation, and the addition of color is a nice touch, but nothing extremelt wow-worthy. freleng’s knack for timing is not to be taken for granted, however.
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meanwhile, a hungry chick spots a worm writhing around in an apple. as all hungry, inquisitive chicks do, the little bird jabs its head inside the apple in an attempt to snag the poor worm. reused from pop goes your heart, the worm crawls out of the other end of the apple and gives the chick a spanking, the chick leaping around in pain and clutching its derrière. even more determined (especially after the worm mocks the chick), the bird tugs at the worm, the worm clutching desperately to a nearby twig for support. just as the worm is about to be made into mush, it pushes against the apple, knocking the apple into the chick and sending the chick into a daze.
enter a chase scene, the worm rolling around like a wheel while the bird nips at it from behind. truthfully i forget which exact cartoon it was sourced from, ain’t nature grand!? but the animation of the worm has DEFINITELY been reused in many a harman-ising cartoon. after 100+ cartoons, it gets harder to keep track, especially when those early cartoons are so barebones.
the bird chases the worm right into a junk pile, dragging out a long strand... which turns out to be an air pump. knocking into a branch sends a propped up cellar door crashing straight on top of the pump. an amusing visual as the chick, connector still in its mouth, inflates like a balloon, even floating into the air and flopping to the ground.
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enter the same cat from it’s got me now!, creeping along a fence. it passes by the moon, illuminating the cat’s innards like an x-ray, recycled from sittin’ on a backyard fence. the food chain reminds us of its existence as the cat sees the chick, licking its lips. the cat pounces, providing a menacing meowl (animation of the closeup reused from my green fedora).
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i LOVE this chick’s face. full of personality, probably the most this cartoon has had so far. the chick provides a smug, guilty grin as it sways to and fro nervously. a cheeky grin as the bird bids goodbye with a wave, trotting away nonchalantly... and instantly picking up into a hurried run.
an advertisement of a bellhop, labeled “‘CALLING FOR PHILMORE’ CIGARETTES”, notices the chick’s peril and shouts “calling all cars! calling all cars!” two police officers in a “police chief gasoline” ad (a reference to texaco’s fire chief gasoline that was used until the 1970s) chase after the cat... figuratively. a fun visual as their car speeds along, a jaunty rendition of “merrily we roll along” underscoring the scene, yet their car only speeds along inside their billboard. in reality, they’re merely suspended. one of the officers whips out a machine gun and shoots at the cat (lovely, huh?), the bullets actually breaking the barrier between realities.
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an advertisement for “the electric hand” pokes the victor phonograph dog, alerting the dog to the trouble. the dog (fun fact: he actually has a name—nipper) chases after the cat, running straight into a tube. the conniving cat turns the valves on the tube so as to trap the dog, the dog reduced to a mere barking bump thrashing around inside the metal pipe.
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back to the chick, who runs for its life after realizing the cat is free of distraction (i wonder where we’ll see more cat and bird cartoons. curious indeed). just as the cat has the poor bird cornered, the arm from the arm and hammer logo—this time parodied as “ham & armour” conks the cat right on the head with its signature hammer. the little bird perched itself on top of the dazed cat’s head, slapping its sides and crowing like a rooster (parallel to country boy). iris out.
it’s unfair of me to deduct points for recycled animation, but i have a different perspective than a moviegoer in 1935, or even you reading this (unless you’re as much as a nut as i am and have actually taken my recommendations and watched these, to which i say 1) thank you and 2) hang in there). watching all of these cartoons in rapid succession, you pick up on recycled animation much quicker, and so you can’t help but notice it. the average moviegoer isn’t going to say “hey! that was used in the girl at the ironing board, directed by friz freleng, released august 23rd, 1934 as a part of the merrie melodies series!” so, because of that, i won’t try to let that influence my opinion so much. but the retakes were rife in this one, and an indicator that they were either out of time, money, ideas, or all three.
the cartoon felt incoherent and not exactly sloppy, but extremely loose, the closeups of the cat meowing especially. all of the gags have lost their novelty (again speaking as someone who is watching these one after the other), and it’s hard not to say “i’ve seen this before, it’s getting old, it’s not funny.” it’s also difficult to come down from the high that was gold diggers of ‘49. not at all tex’s best, far from it, but from what we’ve seen so FAR it’s like a huge sigh of relief. and thus, going back to cartoons like these make for a harder transition.
this cartoon wasn’t THAT bad, though. the music was fun (how can you hate hearing the merrie melodies theme song, knowing it would be THE merrie melodies theme song?) and the eddie cantor caricature was highly amusing. freleng’s musical timing saved a lot of visuals from being too dry and trite. but it just doesn’t have much going for it, it lacks coherence and confidence. it just feels like friz’s heart wasn’t fully in it. so, i’d say skip it. yet, as always...
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15 Oct 4027 - The Return Of Skull Squad
    After a year off trying and failing to be a professional bounty hunter, I’ve renewed my Geddon Force commission. I was shipped to Space Station KC 845 in orbit of Ross 248, for my assignment to the 108th fleet, second battle group Cyclops class carrier Heaven’s Turmoil 38 (HT38). Much to my dismay the four other members of Skull squad who went AWOL were also assigned here. In fact 84% of the crew of the HT38 had served with me in the past either on the BK45 and/or the SS19. Not wanting to see any of them i purchased a week's worth of food and beverages and locked myself in my quarters. I just stayed in my quarters drinking rum, eating junk food and smoking indica. Things just got so complicated...but that is a tale for another day.
I’d been aboard the HT38 for two days and it was 1244 hours and I was awakened by my doorbell sounding. Risa, my personal integrated computer (PIC), identified the solicitor as Lt. Rheyeice Otneps; fifth seat of Skull squad, my squad. Her call sign is Rice, a simplified pronunciation of her first name. She’s a Devorean so her hair and eyes are the exact same color, pale pink. There are numerous physiological differences between Devorean and Humans, most notably their joints have evolved to function in all directions, and their feet are spatulate. She’s Three inches taller than I am, and her skin is a darker shade of brown than mine.
    I was dressed in powder blue boxer briefs and my face itched from 48 days of unkept beard growth. I let her in hoping my current state would repel her. I forgot who I was dealing with. Devoreans believe the most noble pursuit in life is to abstain from vice; Rice is an exception to this. She leads a hedonistic life that has made her the black sheep of her rich and powerful family; whom she loathes.
“Figures I’d find you like this.” Rice came in and went diagonally for a bottle of rum on my dresser. She swigged from the bottle before saying,
“I get it. Things got really shitty for me too after Sorry died and all the mess that followed. But I came back, we all did. We neither want to, nor know how to do anything else. It’s a little late lament about it now. Now you know me, I’m not one to tell another how to live their life; to each their own. But if you didn’t want to be here, why did you come back when asked?” Before I could answer she did it for me. “I guess you never figured they’d stick you with us again. With her. Tough luck. You should know better than anyone it’s good PR for the heroes of the Battle of Darnoc to be seen together.” She took this moment to sip more rum and sit on my dresser.
“And that’s what I’m here for. The new nuggets arrive in 76 minutes and Angel wants all of us in the briefing room in 60. Skull squad has the honor of pay aggressor squad.” She took another sip of rum and said, “I’m not asking you not to hurt, or be angry. I’m asking you to do it for the six hours a day you’re not on duty. When you’re in here,” she gestured to my messy quarters,”alone, you’re free to think and feel how you wish. But it’s only a matter of time before someone who outranks you sees your pitiful state. And if that happens they’ll take away your wings. And when that happens you’ll truly have nothing. Besides, without you we’re one seat short and they just sent us a fresh batch of rookies. It’ll be sometime before we get a replacement.” Rice slithered off the dresser and handed me the bottle of rum. Before opening the door to leave she said, “Remember, flight suit, not uniform.”
    I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Rice was right, the truth is I had nowhere else to go. And all my sulking wasn’t accomplishing anything. It was a means to mask the fact that I missed the job. Sure needless bureaucracy cost Sorry her life, and everything that followed twisted my heart and mind. But it wasn’t the job specifically I loathed. I loathed myself for not loathing the job. Like I should be angry and bitter at something when I didn’t truly feel that way. It was time I embraced the life I chose seven years ago. Though I might need a fake brave smile for a while.
    I shower, comb my hair and beard and squeeze into my flight suit. I’ve gained some weight; Risa confirms that I’ve gained two kilos since I last wore it. Then I stop by the officer’s club for a mai tai and two Gran Vuvaa (a domesticated animal native the Periphon system similar to buffalo) tamales before reporting to the briefing room. Despite being seven minutes early I’m the last to arrive. Col. Syllia Winters (callsign Angel) is our air boss, and she looks just like I remembered. Pretty face, violet eyes, healthy pale skin, the only thing that's changed is her hair. It’s all grey save her bangs. She also seemed to develop crows feet but her professional level makeup hid them well.
    “I’m glad to have you all back from your sabbatical.” she was still nothing but politeness and manners, “I’m confident you’re all eager to get back in the saddle. But I wanted you to know that none of you are under review, nor will your flight performance be graded in any way. I selected you as the aggressors as a surprise to one of the nuggets. This is about to be the best day of her life.” She was laughing during that last line. “So I need you to mount up before they arrive, so get going.”
“One query Col. Angel.” Cera spoke up. Lt. Capt. Cera Perrine (callsign Cera) is our second seat, meaning she’s second in command of our squad, is a Tarkin; though she’s from Saturn’s moon Tethys. Like all Tarkins she has chromatophores, iridophores and leucophores that enable their skin and eyes to change colors. They also have muscles in the skin to change its texture. They have 11,664 tentacles on their head in place of hair. These features have given them a reputation as shapeshifters. She maintained her “hair” black, her eyes yellow and her skin a pale yellow. She’s two inches shorter than I am. Her younger sister, Ma’re, also serves aboard HT38.
“There are eight new pilots joining us. We’re to face them with just the five of us?”
“Correct. And I’m counting on you five not to lose. I’m sure you won’t disappoint.”
“What scenario shall serve as the nuggets initiation?” Cera asked.
“Operation broadsword, followed by mayhem.” Angel was so amused she could barely contain herself, which was most unusual for her. She was always very prim and proper, even when not on duty. “
“Where’s M’Fisto?” Inquired our third seat Maia.
    1st Lt. Maiangela “Maia” Wingates is human and with mauve colored eyes and her purple hair is in afro puffs. We are from the same academy graduating class and she graduated six spots ahead of me. I had a crush on her back in those days and we even tried dating for a time. The return and death of Sorry complicated the whole matter causing the squad to go AWOL. But like I said, that is a tale for another day.
Funny, I just noticed the top four seats in this squad (currently) all have at least one parent serving in the Geddon Force. Though mine is the only one listed as deceased. Don’t ask I’m getting off topic...let’s just say I wasn’t ready to see her when I arrived, and had no choice but to get over that as she was standing right next to me. And she still smelled like lavender.
    “Unfortunately, during your...sabbatical M’Fisto was promoted to Captain and assigned elsewhere. I lost track of her about eight months ago when she was assigned to the 78th fleet.” There was genuine regret in Angel’s voice. M’Fisto was our third seat during the battle for Darnoc. She was never one for the fame we gained that day and not really relevant to the story here, so I’ll move on.
    There were no further questions so the five of us hurried to the flight deck and boarded our F/A - 74C Phantom space fighters. They were set to simulator mode so we wouldn’t actually be flying or fighting in them, but  were the real thing. Risa had uploaded my preferred settings to the unit, and I used the spare time to make minute adjustments to the seat inclination and pedal sensitivity. While settings could be uploaded, it was simpler to have each pilot assigned a specific fighter. Off duty fighters could be worked on and in the event of crisis time wasn’t wasted waiting for settings to adjust.
    The simulation began, but we were casual observers at this point. Operation Broadsword consisted of two waves of Torven fighters (the aggressors were always Torven because of the similarities in performance to our own mecha) defending a cruiser. Their mission was to break through the defensive line and destroy the cruiser. The mayhem part was where we came in; as enemy reinforcements.
    There were eight nuggets, four in Phantoms and four in the F/A - 79A Phantasm, referred to as the bomber. The difference was the Phantasm lacks an internal weapons bay in favor of a 105 mm cannon used primarily for anti ship operations. They dealt with the first wave of enemy fighters just like the textbook spells it out. The second wave of fighters presented them with only minor complications, but were soundly defeated. Rice and Maia quipped about how these nuggets had it way easier than we did during our initiation. I gave automatic responses, but was glad Maia was at least speaking to me.
Why must I have this anxiety?
    While the eight were attacking the cruiser, we got the greenlight to attack. We decloaked 35 seconds away from the action. As usual, Cera gave the orders,
“Accelerate to attack speed and fall into an “O” formation. If they follow the textbook, the four fighters will turn to intercept us, as they are doing now. All units save Harper are to blow past them and engage the bombers. Harper, you are to delay the fighters until we eliminate the bombers.”
“Four against one? You think to highly of me.” I lamented, noticing how naturally that came.
“And you still think too little of yourself.” Cera retorted. Before I could respond, Lt. Col. Yellow added,
“If Cera and I didn’t have the utmost confidence in your ability we wouldn’t have assigned you this task. Now Cera and I could do it, but that would increase the time it takes to down those bombers and lend you support. But if you can’t say so right now and I’ll handle it. You have seven seconds to decide.” Lt. Col. Scorpio Thaddeus Yellow (callsign Yellow) was our squad leader. He’s 6 ft 5 in tall; his registry is human but he’s quick to point out how the majority of his DNA isn’t human. His hair is black, straightened and almost never tied up. He has pale brown eyes and noticeably dark skin. He’s done his best not to get promoted throughout his career, and was promoted to Lt. Col. for purposely failing the promotion exam with a score of zero.
I only needed one and a half seconds to respond, “No, no I got this sir.”
“Incoming long range missiles.” Maia notified us. We easily avoided them with chaff then entered dogfighting range. As per the plan the others blew past the furball leaving me alone with the four fighters. The four tried to split up but I halted that with a trio of my own missiles. They quickly realized my agenda  and regrouped to take me out four on one. And in that moment I felt it; again. The resolve not to die. I knew the textbook, and I also knew first hand how it could be exploited against itself. Suddenly their maneuvers became predictable something I could exploit. Their stratagem was to surround me and attack from all sides and if I were to lock onto one, the other three could get on my tail and eliminate me. It kept me mostly defensive. But i saw an opening. Something the textbook doesn’t prepare one for. I locked onto one and pursed, and the other three took my tail, but as they did so, I simply dropped my remaining missiles arming the proximity fuses. since I didn’t use a lock on, they ignored them until they detonated. It didn’t destroy them, but it did distract them long enough for me to shoot down the one I was chasing.
    The remaining three tried to gang up on me but I went totally defensive. One got overly aggressive and made a bad move and I shot them down too. I felt a smile creep across my face as the remaining two fighters pressed their attack. But it was in vain; if they couldn’t beat me with three fighters they couldn’t with two. I stayed defensive, but began predicting which chapters of the textbook they’d use next. They took notice and tried to be unpredictable, but this left them open to my fire. As they were thinking about their options when they were shot down by long range fire from the rest of Skull squad. They were so focused on me that they ignored the fact that their bombers had been shot down. The simulation was over, but I wanted more. My soul was left wanting. I wanted to shoot the last two down myself and was nearly overcome with rage at being denied.
    I exited the cockpit and stormed towards the gathering squad. As i took off my helmet, Maia intercepted me and said, “That was quite the piece of flying Hammer. One wouldn’t think you’d had a year off.” and then she smiled, like she knew it would instantly defuse me. And damn her it worked. All I could do was grin sheepishly and say,
“Aw shucks, it was nothing.” To which Rice said,
“If that was nothing, I’d hate to see something.” Cera nodded in agreement.
“C’mon they’re expecting us in the briefing room.” with that Maia took me by the hand and lead us out. For one brief moment it seemed that all the pain, fear, grief and anger that separated us vanished. But after that moment I remembered reality and forced such pleasantness from my mind.
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alia-turin · 6 years
Fic Title: Broken Bonds [Chapter IX]   All Chapters: Master List
Rating:M (This chapter has some NSFW moments) Characters: OC, Libertus Ostium, Cor Leonis,  Luche Lazarus (mentioned), Titus Drautos | Glauca (mentioned), Nyx Ulric (mentioned), Gladiolus Amicitia, Crowe Altius (mentioned), Iris Amicitia, Prompto, Ignis Summary:  Ignis finally gets the restaurant they all have been planning for him and Ada has to face Cor. Notes: There are two songs mentioned in that fic. First one is The Best is Yet to Come, second one is sea shanty known as the Trooper and the maid. Just fyi if you were interested. Tagging: @birdsandivory  @yourcoolfriendwithallthecandy @jojopitcher @fromunseeliecourt @lazarustrashpit  
(if you wish to be tagged or untagged, please let me know)
Three days had passed since Ada’s little chat with Ignis and here they were. Galdin Quay was witnessing the opening of its new restaurant. Prompto had come with a brilliant idea, make the first night ‘free’ where everyone can come and eat whatever Iggy has prepared, but they had to pay entrance fee. Since Ada and Gladio had taken care of all the ingredients the day before they agreed that they didn’t need any reward for that. However, everybody who visited had to pay a fee, the amount depending entirely on the patron. The income collected from these fees was going to be used to helped orphaned children. Everybody loved Prompto’s idea so here they were.
Gladio was standing at the entrance, directing people and collecting the entrance fee, Prompto was having hard time in the kitchen following Ignis’ instructions and literary being his eyes. Ada had agreed to help Iris with waitressing, they even managed to find (almost) matching black dresses which actually was harder than finding all the things Ignis had requested for.  
“Prompto!” Iggy roared and Ada rushed to make sure the kid wasn’t being massacred with kitchen knife. “I said tea spoon of sugar not table spoon. Table spoons are big ones, tea spoons are the small ones.”
“Hey Prom, why don’t you help Iris, I think I have more experience in the kitchen than you do.” Ada suggested as she grabbed an apron. Prompto was more than eager to escape from the kitchen.
“I might have pushed him a bit too far.” Ignis said after the blond man was gone.
“He needs to learn to work under pressure.” Ada smiled and Iggy did the same. “What do you need me to do.”
“Everything is prepared in the boxes right behind you.” It still amused her he knew where exactly was she standing and what was behind her. “You just need to help me put them in the pans and pots whenever ordered.”
That was easier said than done. Ignis was strict in the kitchen and as brutal as that sounded a pedant. Everything had to be perfect, which she appreciated but his lack of sight had made me way more cautions. At some point Prompto came back to apologize for being clumsy, and Ignis was kind enough to give him second chance. Ada was happy to give him the apron and run from the kitchen as fast as she could. Even Titus Drautos wasn’t as scary as the prince’s adviser.
“Is Prompto going to live?” Gladio asked passing her a glass of wine. She had no idea where or how he had found the wine, but she was grateful for it.
“That remains to be seen. He is at round two right now.” Ada finished her glass quickly and could feel it hitting her harder than it should. Of course, she hasn’t touched anything alcoholic in more than one year probably just the smell of wine could make her tipsy. “You have any more of that?” she pointed at the glass.  
“Of course, I do!” Gladio reached behind the bar and poured her another glass. Ada decided to go slower with this one. “So, you and the Marshal?” Gladio smirked as he said that and she suddenly regretted for not just grabbing the bottle.
“How do you know?” she could feel panic creeping in her mind.
“I didn’t. You just confirmed it.” His smirk has turned into a very wild smile. “I had a suspicion. You seem to be very eager to stay away from Lestallum, and even if you are not the only person who goes away for days, you are the only person he ever asked me about.”
“I’m not trying to stay away from Lestallum.” Ada said in her defense but realized she sounded a bit like a child who had just made terrible mess and was trying to deny it to her parents. “It’s just complicated.”
“Well don’t make it more complicated that it already is.” Gladio gave her reassuring smile and she knew he was right, but it wasn’t that easy. “I would kill for some music.” He randomly added. “There is a piano there, and Iggy is so good at it but….” He didn’t have to finish that sentence.
“If you help your sister with waitressing, I can sort out your music problem.” Ada winked at him.
“You can play the piano?” Gladio seemed pleasantly surprised.
“I haven’t been slashing and hacking at demons all my life. My mother used to be music teacher and she insisted I learn.” Ada was literary tortured as kid to play the piano, but she learned. “Help your sister.”
“I can do that” he offered her his fist for a fist bump and she hit hers gently against it. “By the way, the Marshal is here.” He just pointed with his head.
Ada followed his gesture and could feel her heart beating faster her eyes finally located Cor. He was chatting with Libertus and the moment she turned towards them, the Marshal’s eyes fell on hers.
“I need another one of these.” She drank her glass on one go and poured herself another one. “I will sort out your music problem.”
Gladio just chuckled as he saw her walk toward the piano. Ada knew she had to speak with Cor, but she also could use some distraction and time to arrange her thoughts before doing it. After all she wasn’t just avoiding him physically she was trying to think about him as little as possible which wasn’t working very well.
She sat in front of the piano and ran her fingers over the white keys without actually pressing any of them. It has been too long since she had played so that might turn out more embarrassing than she thought. She regretted not grabbing the whole wine bottle. She took a deep breath and exhaled loudly, pressing one key, then another. She let her fingers roam freely on the keyboard, the song she was thinking about just magically coming from under her fingertips. She didn’t sing but the lyrics of the song were running in her head as the sounds were coming from the piano.
It was a song from Galadh, ironically a love song, about lost love and heartbreak. Very fitting.
Once she finished that song she could hear Gladio cheering from somewhere behind her. That made her smile.
“Are you taking requests?” Libertus sat next to her.
“I can try.” Ada smiled. That felt a lot like the past. When things were way simpler. Or complicated, depending on the point of view.
“It’s an old shanty. I don’t recall the name however. It’s about a soldier and the girl he was trying to get laid with.” Libertus tried to explain as best as possible.
“That one?” Ada played few notes from the song she was thinking about.
“Yes!” he sounded way too excited.
“That is highly inappropriate song!” it wasn’t even a song it was just a shanty the sailors in Galahd would sing.
“Do you think anyone here cares about appropriate?” he pointed toward the people around. Galdin Quay might have been nice and fancy place some time ago but now was gathering of hunters, refugees, crownsguard and glaives. Maybe the song was appropriate.
“Fine. But you will sing with me.” Ada started the beginning of the song and Libertus gulped the content of his glass which seemed like whiskey or similar.
“A trooper lad came here at night, with riding he was weary, a trooper lad came here at night, when the moon shone bright and clearly.” They both sang together and it felt strangely good and familiar. Libertus had terrible voice so that was making her feel a bit better about herself. “Bonnie lassie, will you gang with me, bonnie lass, will ye lie near me, I'll get all your ribbons reel, in the morning ere I leave ye.”
The song went on and on, for Ada’s surprise she could see the people around enjoying it. She didn’t expect that a dirty shanty from Galahd’s docks would inspire such…positive reaction. Once they were done everyone clapped and laughed someone even whistled loudly.
“Know your audience.” Libertus laughed.
Ada didn’t even want to look at Ignis who was probably on the verge of killing both of them and she had no doubt he was capable to do so.
“You can continue entraining your audience, I have something to do.” She finished her wine and got up. She wasn’t drunk but there was pleasant buzz in her head. Good, that was going to make things much easier.
Cor was sitting at the bar chatting with Gladio who seemed like he was keeping an eye on Ignis and Prompto and probably making sure the latter doesn’t get stabbed with a kitchen knife.
“Can we talk?” Ada asked the Marshal as she approached them.
“Weren’t we supposed to talk three days ago?” he said with absolutely no feeling in his voice.
“Please?” Ada knew she fucked up, she didn’t need him to be a dick about it even if he had every right to act as one.
“Marshal, if you don’t talk with her, I will and that song was highly inspirational.” Gladio chuckled but his smile froze quickly on his lips as Cor fixed his eyes on the younger man. “It was a joke.” He added quickly.
“Come.” Cor grabbed her hand a walked her away without saying anything else. They went past the hotel down to the dock where it was dark and quiet. She could still hear the laughs and Libertus’ terrible singing but it all seemed muffed by the waves below them.
“First.” Ada started. “Let me apologize. It was childish of me, and if I said I will talk with you I should have done it.”
“Ada, you cannot continue like that.” He didn’t seem angry which probably was good thing, but at the same time she couldn’t even guess how he was feeling by his voice. It expressed…nothing. “One day you are in my arms, then you are gone with not even a ‘goodbye’, then you are back again offering me support and then you are gone again. I don’t have the patience for that. I like you, you are pretty, you make me laugh and the sex is great, but I am not fifteen.”
“Right.” She has been worried that her behavior might have pushed him too far away and seemed like she was right about that. Subconsciously she had done what consciously he didn’t want to do. “Can I explain? When I am done you can go if you wish. The Astrals know I deserve it.” He didn’t say anything but nodded for her to continue. “I like you. I’m attracted to you and you are right the sex is great. But I’m scared and I’m hurt.” Admitting that to him was terrible. She had admitted some of it to Libertus but she knew Libertus for more than five-six years now. It was easier. “The last person I trusted the way I want to trust you almost ended me.” She saw him opening his mouth to protest, but she didn’t allow him to continue. “No, just listen. He didn’t just betray me.” Technically he probably didn’t betray her, judging by the last test message he sent her, but she didn’t want to think about it. Ever. “It’s not about him turning against me. He betrayed everything. My friends, the place I was starting to call home, the things I thought we both believed in. It wasn’t just about some stupid relationship. I have lost my home twice now. That makes losing friends, family and everything I know, twice. The first time thanks to the empire, second time was more personal. How do you trust people after that? The Kingsglaive was my family. My second family. Turns out daddy was just cosplaying as Titus Drautos and half of my siblings killed the other half. I fought next to the people who betrayed the king. I have saved their asses multiple times same way they have saved mine. We bled, we laughed and at times cried together. You said it yourself when we met, your trust towards the Glaive has to be earned. But you trust the Crownsguard, you trust Monica, Gladio and the rest. I trusted my family. Didn’t work out very well.” She realized she barely had breathed while saying all that. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to avoid you or mislead you…I want you. I’m just terrified.”
“Are you done?” he asked and Ada just nodded sure he would just walk away now. “I didn’t trust the Kingsglaive. I didn’t trust Libertus when I first met him, but trust is earned not given. Don’t trust me. Let me earn it. But you have to allow me to try. I cannot do it if you disappear every time I attempt to do so.”
Ada looked in his eyes and knew that she was completely lost. She was happy he didn’t walk away, but what he wanted seemed so…difficult. She had opened to him more then she had to anyone else in the past twelve months, and that was freaking her out at the moment.
“No more running.” She finally said very quiet.
“Good.” He stepped closer to her, Ada had to lift her head up in order to be able to see him. “Now that’s out of the way can we just go to the pleasant part?”
She looked at him puzzled but the Marshal didn’t allow her to ask anything. He pushed her gently against the wall behind her and pressed his lips against hers. Ada opened her mouth allowing his tongue to touch hers. That was when the very familiar click from a camera’s flashlight came. They both turned towards the direction of the sound to see Prompto standing on the stairs, holding his camera and grinning.
“Prompto!” Cor roared, but the young man was quick to run up the stairs. “I will kill him.” He groaned. “In a bit.”
“In a bit?” Ada laughed.
“Don’t know where you found that dress, but getting under it right now seems more pleasant than killing a kid.” Cor chuckled and ran his hand up her leg and under the dress. He leaned forward and started kissing Ada’s neck.
“Cor, somebody might come.” She protested but a moan escaped her lips as she was doing it. His hand had already reached between her legs and was teasing her.
“So? We are not doing anything.” He grabbed her underwear and yanked it down.
She looked towards the stairs to make sure nobody else was standing there. It was just the two of them and the waves crushing against the docks. Ada stepped on her tiptoes and kissed him, her arms wrapping around him.
Cor didn’t seem to be in mood for any further teasing and playing. He bent down a bit and placed his hands on her ass, lifting her up. Ada wrapped her legs around him, her arms still around his neck. He kissed her fiercely barely allowing her to take a breath. She never heard him undoing his belt or zipper, but apparently, he had done it since next thing she felt was his full length going all the way in her. Ada almost screamed with pleasure and surprise in their kiss.
“Don’t make a sound, someone might hear us.” He whispered in her ear as his hips were moving almost violently against hers.  
At the pace he was keeping it didn’t take too long for both of them to finish, Ada was grateful he didn’t drop her down when he came, that would have been embarrassing.
“No more running.” He warned her as he was buckling his belt.
“Where is my underwear?” Ada pulled her phone out for some light.
“You don’t need it.” Cor chuckled.
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If you are interested in learning more about Native American myths this is a book I would highly recommend you should read. However, before you read it it’s important to bear in mind these myths are more than just “fictional stories” but is representatives of one’s culture, history, and religion and should be respected as such as all myths from every culture should. Before the stories is a part of an excerpt I quoted below that I think better explains the importance of these myths.
“Stories are told for adults and children alike, as elements in solemn ceremonies and as spontaneous creations. Rather then being self-contained units, they are often incomplete episodes in a progression that goes back deep into the tribe’s tradition.  
“Long ago Hubert Howe Bancroft wrote, ‘Language is thought incarnate; mythology soul incarnate. The one is the instrument of thought, the other the essence of thought. In mythology, language assumes personality and independence. Often the significance of the words becomes the essential idea.’Thus the word for ‘sun’ becomes the name of the sun god, the word for ‘moon’ the name of the moon goddess. The words themselves take on potency, as the Sioux medicine man Leonard Crow Dog explains:
“Our modern Sioux language has been white-manized. There’s no power in it. I get my knowledge of the old tales of my people out of a drum, or the sound of a flute, out of my visions and out of our sacred herb pejuta, but above all out of the ancient words from way back, the words of the grandfathers, the language that was there at the beginning of time, the language, these words, should ever die, then our legends will die too.
“In this volume we offer titles and categories for different tales, but these are in the end arbitrary appendages for a reader’s convenience. No child will ask her grandfather to tell the story of the first arrival of winter, but will clamor instead, “Tell me again about Iktome getting caught when he steals food,” or “Tell us about where the girl saved her brother.” The tales can be divided in infinite ways, and we hope the chapters we have selected show both the common elements that run through the stories told at opposite ends of the continent and the rich diversity of detail.
“...these legends are not told merely for enjoyment, or for education, or for amusement: they are believed. They are emblems of a living religion, giving concrete form to a set of beliefs and traditions that link people living today to ancestors from centuries and millennia past. As Bronislaw Malinowski said, ‘Myth in its living, primitive form is not merely a story told but a reality lived.’“
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scarletrebel · 7 years
more destiny oc stuff: avias past and yr 1 destiny timeline
totally inspired by @mrpinstripesuit‘s post last night, also featuring their guardians, also @nattiebug14 and @lostinthehaywoods oc’s carver and cornelia
(im making a lot of assumptions on how grier and avia met btw pin so if theres anything you disagree with or wanna change thats cool!!)
- petra and avia become part of the queens guard - uldren takes an interest in avia, potential for her to become a crow, which she really, really doesnt want - reef wars, petras sister dies, avia begins to question the awoken, why this happened 
- petra grieves, avia is alone for the longest time and becomes frustrated, wondering what they're even fighting for - petra is promoted to the corsairs and avia has mixed feelings. petra needs the direction but avia doesnt think a promotion will fix anything, also if avia was a corsair uldren would Leave Her Alone.  - tries to convince petra that everything is bullshit but petra just hears jealousy and treason - uldren pulls her up on it, and that's when she knows she needs to Leave - steals a harbinger at the first opportunity she gets - gets out of the reef and into our solar system before the other harbingers find her - it's a long ass fight, avia is able to evade them for the longest time until they shoot her engines out somewhere around the moon - she dies. the harbingers leave. a ghost is born, shakes its shell, and starts searching. - the remnants of her ship, with her nestled in the cockpit, break orbit of earth and crash land in the cosmodrome - she's revived with her memory in tact and her heart broken to pieces - she rejects her ghost and the light at first but her ghost is persistent and she gives in and follows him through the cosmodrome to find a ship - they make it to the tower and she's so fucking scared. the awoken do not speak highly of the guardians. - but her ghost leads her gently to cayde and he welcomes her jovially. doesn't much care for her past (only because he doesn't expect her to know it) - going through the D1 story is what gives her the direction she needed and begins to ground her, making her realise she can be a better person than she ever was at the reef - afterwards she admits to cayde that she remembers everything, after figuring out that it's not a Thing amongst guardians because she's Confused. he's supportive and passes her onto Ikora - huge mistake - she loves Ikora - cayde is kind of sad about it (jk) - Ikora tells her about the thananotauts and at the concept avia kind of puts her nose up to. it sound stupid and weird to her and refuses to explore it, like ‘oh hey actually I don't care that much I'll just keep being a guardian who has my memory as a bonus yay’ - avia kind of wanders around for a bit, patrolling and running strikes with guardians she never keeps in touch with. this is where she learns that she really, really doesnt get along with a lot of other hunters.
- petra comes to the tower as the queens emissary. avia doesnt recognise her at first but petra recognises her and its
- its not a good time for avia. petra tries to speak to her but avia bails all the way to venus and has a good old fashioned breakdown
- ikora calls her back and puts her on a mission to find tolands scattered journals. she fears the worst ones may still be out there and she doesnt want any wayward guardians finding them and abusing what power may lie within
- little does avia know she has another warlock, scarlet-2, searching for them as well. 
- this is how scarlet and avia meet, with avia acting like a cat who caught their own reflection whenever scarlet is around 
- scarlet doesnt much care even though this pint sized hunter constantly trying to one up her is. amusing. 
- petra tries to approach avia again when shes in the tower with scarlet and the warlock very gently diffuses the situation, and has figured out by now that avia likes to Run Away and so she takes them to the cosmdrome 
- avia doesnt give a lot of details, but basically explains the situation to scarlet and mentions that ikora wanted her to talk to the thananotauts and scarlets like ‘ew. you dont need to talk to them. they’re weird and desperate for answers youre fine the way you are.’ 
- and a friendship is born 
- petra venj leaves the tower. 
- a fireteam takes on the vault of glass, and avia is only slightly disappointed she wasnt there
- avia spends a lot of time with scarlet and by extension lots of other warlocks too. she becomes a running joke to the vanguard mentors that she chose the wrong class. 
- so scarlet and eden met after twilight gap, they both helped build the wall and they became really close buddies. scarlet tells eden that she may have finally found a hunter for their fireteam and eden is so. excited. 
- eris morn returns from the moon, and avia sees this funny little warlock awoken talking with her all. the damn. time. 
- eden and avia meet, and avia is overwhelmed. she thinks that eden must be a new guardian and doesnt care to ask anything about her and wonders how the hell her and scarlet of all people are so close
- she doesnt really give the friendship a chance (although eden is patient and knows avias type all too well) until zavala asks eden to do routine sweeps of earth and the moon to make sure these blades of crota are kept at bay
- of course, eden drags avia along with her and it takes a wayward mention of building the wall for avia to get off her damn high horse and start taking eden seriously 
- they dont really take part in the dark below campaign, just keep on top of the rise in hive activity whilst scarlet talks to ikora and eris and studies the hive at the tower, in the middle of one of her ‘not leaving the tower’ phases that eden tells avia about
- which causes avia to a) worry about scarlet and b) begin to realise shes starting to care for people 
- emotions are weird you guys 
- avia starts to ask eden about the wall, twilight gap, everything that came before she got to the tower. eden answers all her questions with a raw truthfulness, although she doesnt know the specifics and laughs that scarlet would be better to go to for the history of the guardians and such, but avia is just fine with what eden tells her 
- and avia tells eden about her past, about dying but still remembering everything and petra. eden is very chill and happy for avia that shes somewhere better now, that shes trying to be better. 
- yay now avia has TWO whole friends. they become an official fireteam and eden is far too excited about it. 
- avia starts seeing that funny little awoken warlock less and less, and asks scarlet about him. she knows hes gone missing but kind of shrugs it off as a thing that warlocks do. avia says if scarlet ever does that avia will Hunt Her Down. scarlet just laughs.
- (she says this in earshot of ikora) 
- crota is killed. again, avia wanted to be there. she needs more friends
- avia basically sticks like glue to scarlet and eden, kind of refusing to run strikes and missions with any other guardians which is a problem
- avia meets carver and cornelia through eden and scarlet but is still really prickly. her fireteam are at their wits end. 
- ikora straight up forces avia on a mission with another warlock, and of course its the funny one who went missing a while back 
- she sees something in ikoras eyes when they meet for the first time but knows better than to question it 
- this. kid. is. a. handful. 
- their mission is something hive related, a big risk on ikoras part but avia guides them through safely. 
- ‘ooh a hive thing!’ ‘do we need to know about the hive thing?’ ‘no, but I-’ ‘then lets move on grier.’ ‘but-’ ‘now.’
- ‘youre mean, avia.’ ‘im also keeping us alive.’ ‘you dont have to be mean about it.’ 
- ‘fine, i will stop being mean if you start doing what i tell you to. deal?’ 
- idk i kind of imagine grier latching onto avia for reasons that i cant explain bc grier isnt my character but hes basically exactly what avia needs at this point in her life, a funny little warlock who gets under her skin. 
- she massively underestimates him, reminding her of what she did with eden so she loosens up and gives him a chance. 
- they run more missions and strikes together. she asks questions about his gun, his attire, why he likes the hive so damn much.  
- he tells her about toland and the hive, and the weapons of sorrow whilst explaining bad juju. she makes a mental note to keep an eye on him whenever he uses it (and somewhere ikora smiles gently to herself. it scares cayde.) 
- she tells him about the journals she found in the wild and he just :oooooooo asks a lot of questions about where and what was in them and what that could infer
- ‘wait avia, i thought you didnt care about hive stuff?’ ‘what? no, i just... dont like getting off track during missions.’ ‘oh. then does that mean you also actually like me and arent mean to me cause you dont?’ 
- she begins to find him quite endearing. 
- he gets them out of a lot of jams during missions just from his practical know-how and shes impressed too. 
- also asks a lot of questions about his sunsinger abilities and esp reviving himself. shes only ever seen scarlet be a voidwalker so sunsinger amazes her endlessly. she sees grier as a lot more powerful than he sees himself, and again, its totally endearing to her. 
- he introduces her to rook and eve. avia steers clear of rook at first, even though she finds him handsome straight off the bat.
- they play a few iron banner matches together, a mixture of griers fireteam, hers and carver and cornelia. avia starts to develop a crush after realising how laid back and relaxed rook is.
- also how freaking good at crucible he is. 
- he’s really easy to be around, she can be herself around him, around another hunter which is something she never thought she’d have. i imagine that means they talk about their class a lot seeing as avia never really did that with anyone else, or really cayde for that matter. it helps to get an insight into what being a hunter is all about from a guy who doesnt take it so seriously. 
- the flirting starts, playful and nothing serious and we allllllll knowwwww where that leads to
- then the wolves revolt. 
- before the tower even find out, she receives a message from petra, apologising. asking her questions about being a guardian, how she is. avia ignores it, the first of many. 
- she Refuses to get involved. 
- not even scarlet and eden can convince her. or ikora. or cayde. 
- but grier comes back from the reef one day and looks really dejected and hurt and avia is just. who hurt you. what happened. and he explains that none of the awoken at the reef like him??? he thinks a couple of them looked at him weird he couldnt tell it was all confusing and avia kind of sighs and. explains some things. 
- she tells him that she used to be Awoken and that she knew petra and basically tells him everything about her past whilst explaining that the Awoken have a very high opinion of themselves  - they go back to the reef together, but she still doesnt want to get involved in the uprising. 
- she goes and patches things tentatively with petra another day. its a case of avia explaining how she became a guardian and petra explaining why she was forced to become an emissary after accidentally killing a team of guardians. its an amicable, but strained relationship. they basically realise that they were never friends, just competitors. theyre both happier where they are now.
- avia grows closer to grier to the point where they’re inseparable, she flirts with rook, runs missions and strikes with her fireteam and really starts to come into her own as a guardian 
- she runs a lot of prison of elders with cornelia and carver and grows closer to them too, eventually apologising for being a little standoffish when they first met
- now avia has SO MANY FRIENDS and gets really emotional whenever she thinks about it 
and then taken king and rise of iron happen and they deserve posts of themselves tbh but!!! avias D1 experience!!! i love this kid so much
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Just Dance // Silent Disco !!!!! I danced like the raven and Rue from Ahiru
THE TALK WITH HALLIE WAS SUPER FUN!!!!!!!! We talked about her galas (Charity fundraising ones ! Reminded me so much of the RFA Christmas Charity Event !!) and her pretty dresses 👗
And of her occasional love for Metallica and Metal Bands and their strange and similar calming effect with Opera.
!! She used to disco dance too - she was pretty embarrassed about it and hasn’t really told much of anyone about it - But wow that makes it really special to me >///< !
This is what brings me peace !
Silent Disco!
The Wind Activation 💗💞💗💖💗💘💗 !!!
She’s like a magical source of information!
I’m pretty sure Hallie is also an empathic, highly sensitive person - and this is why she treasures her alone time, despite what mom might say. It probably drained her too ^^’.
Our talk was amazing! And it all stared by me sharing how I was dancing on my own 💗💞💓💞❣️💗 The Magical Raven
Mashups. Collaboration. Singing, writing, dancing, poetry, prose, photography..!
They need me to be vulnerable, to be deep in my truth and the way I see and feel my own truth ((Clarity and unconditional love))
As a child I really really loved singing.
Joyfully, in front of others, share it.
Be bold, be brave with it in my life.
To attract someone in my joy, not in my pain.
Only the happily single can find true love.
Collage and digital photoshop/design.
Yoga/Chakras Anodea Judith
In the amusement park I did see a guy with a professional camera and I Was actually taken by that :O..
It then made me think about Jihyun though. He preferred the camera and photography because he didn’t feel good enough and like he’d be judged and criticized for his own artistic self expression too.
Regarding hobby passions - Be loyal to what you love (Doggo barking in the background) - I’m still looking for it - what makes me happiest creatively, I’m actually kind of looking forward to more of my single life right now - Victor Oddo ‘His daughter was upset, angry at what she perceived was a mistake (filling the tub with orbeez and doin’ the orbeez challenge n then getting sick) and he responded with ‘nonono! You did amazing, good for you ! You took action towards what inspired you at that moment. Every time you fall, every time you ‘make a mistake’
Chakras - 17:00
I envision my muscles healthy and strong, with the ability and knowledge to protect myself with the gifts of the universe and my own willing effort.
And the fierce, clear, firm yet compassionate courage to find and speak the truth of my needs and emotions with clarity and confidence.
I Hold My Body Sacred -> Healthy High Vibrational Food, Exercise and Humming/Singing, silent disco dancing. Self Respect to say No to what bothers me or is uncomfortable for me. Massage and Water Heat.
Grounding with sea and sun. 💓.
Yuval said I had phenomenal English. Mom back then told me I was intelligent, always striving for knowledge, I am spiritual and empathic - though I Am wounded right now. What lessens the pain is understanding where they come from, even when you decide and express that that type of behavior is not for you.
I Follow My Heart -> Daily journaling of my feelings, thoughts and what in life affects me, developing and exploring my artistic side?
From black and white thinking to the complex duality of gray within us all. Pray for those we resent, as they are struggling too. But know what serves us and what doesn’t with clarity.
Hallie’s mom’s dress reminded me of an ash faerie -> It really inspired me and reminded me of the Phoenix rising from the ashes ! I also encouraged her ‘You can always make your own little private ballroom, pour a lil champagne, wear your dress, feel pretty and dance to whatever songs you love, humming and singing along to them. 💗💓❣️💘 Just for yourself’ -> I allow my inner divine child to do this too.
We had a really great talk ! Yuval suggested I watch the HaGashash -> add more happiness and laughter and joy to my heart.
I nurture this funk/groove/magical lullaby classical dancer -> shapeshifter of animals, crow, raven, flowers, swan, groovy whatevemebob Just as I used to in my 2AM dancing in the living room, with the moon and my headphones 💗💞💗.
In Jihyun’s route it was all about Unconditional Self Love after the wreckage..
I don’t think I’m actually in love right now. A symbiotic attachment to the label of twin flames? The sentiments of our past? As well as the repel to that? My own divine masculine and feminine are still wounded - knowing and fearing that they’re not ready for a relationship yet.
No. I went through meditations to heal that fear. Now I’m feeling a little tense still, like right now it would be draining, I’ve looked into the situation you’re in right now, Jumin.. There are, hm. I’d still like to hold onto the hope of a future for us together, I do....I’m still not sure if those are because of sentiments to the past or ?? God. Not knowing makes me kind of anxious. I still care about the betterment of your life because of course I still really care about you.
Maybe there’s more held within me that I don’t know of yet? I’m not sure if it’s good or bad :x
I need to connect to my Archangels too, to really understand it a lot deeper. Within my own family and with this situation I’m in right now.
I do know that my hobbies are a main thing I wish to cultivate right now !
Because of my anxiety? I feel like he’s not ready yet and I do not wish for a re-run of what happened. I lowkey also kind of feel like we’re holding onto something that brings us pain and that isn’t good for us either?
Though city life does not suit what I envision for my future. I definitely envision a cottage and a garden safe haven, and Forest animals for sure ! there are photographs I took that lift me up and I’m thinking about getting back to digital collaging
But I feel that there are..Like...hmhghhh How do I say thisss..Like you’re still caught up with old habits? Autopilot? You are really caring to your surroundings and I did read that you Are aware of your need to meditate and look within yourself, which I’m proud ^^ !
But need to let go of your previous programming that are holding you back from being your truest self? (I am in the process of doing so as well ^^’)
What are hobbies you wish to get into that will bring you joy? How would be best for you to manage your time so you’ll still have time to connect to your own self and to the divine?
It’s draining but because Jumin is still such an important person of my past that I still care about from afar right now, I wish for him to be able to do well in his life..
And Regarding Saeyoung..with ‘nothing to lose’..I feel like..I would regret not being able to spend time with Saeyoung if he were to leave..Not out of ego, but like an overarching cloud of grey, electricity of lightnings in my heart and a wallowing abyss of what could’ve been. .... Best friend....Ow. Okie: I can feel thorns happening from these expectations - knowing how it would hurt him..
But he has been such a treasured support...And I realize, I know how he’s so much more than that ! orz
And..you know. Maybe it is foolish. Foolish to try and hold onto the 0.000000001% of hope for life but I still think it’s worth it. To continue holding onto life. It’s just like in Jihyun’s after ending where you really, really nearly gave up all hope - But Vanderwood and even I was at the very same mindset ! To finding Saeran ! !!! And, you did in the end ! The divine is always there to give guidance :o ! I’ve been relying on them quite a bit too, even with the uncomfortable sensations that I’m still trying to figure out and let go of??
It’s trueee...;;;..I have wallowed too much in carrying around my mistakes??? And grudges and hurt I wanted to heal and bury but didn’t know how?? I felt obligated to carry out Forgiveness as that is what God would want and because of a genuine desire to have the connection turn lighter. To love and pray for even those who’ve hurt us..By trying to understand where they come from too.
Of course it doesn’t mean I should stay as a ‘Yes complier’ always. I am planning to first develop my own healthy boundaries ! ònó
And the dream I have that I’m not willing to give up on is living close to nature, the thriving, luscious forest and the crystal clear, flowing ever sparkling blue lake, gardening - wild bushes and succulents all around...
Worms ! Are definitely important in decreasing organic food waste and creating a very mineral nutritious soil for the plants 💗💞💖💘 AA! I can already imagine the delight of singing to them TvT !!
And both close and connected to the divine together ! A person whose values towards the universe match mine !
She’s right. That kind of lavish lifestyle isn’t for me. City life, lavish parties, clubs, drinks, or jealous/controlling patterns. It brings back my childhood patterns and inner wounds. As mine do to his. But again, when we are both more balanced within ourselves - just like in the video of ‘Why you will marry the wrong person’ - No person is ever, well,
Not because he doesn’t deserve forgiveness and understanding and prayers for his pain and struggle and in overcoming those, but because his lifestyle does not suit what I envision for myself.
I also don’t feel like he’s comfortable in his own essence yet ? Like he hasn’t filled that hole within himself with the new sides of himself he wishes to build, rather than filling it with booze, work or, well. Relationships/sexual endeavors, perhaps he’s still caught in trying to fill himself with his arranged marriage girl?. Those are addictions that are hard to let go of, I agree - Just like Saeyoung with his own as well.. The positive side is that most people in current society Are very tempted by distractions - Of course I don’t wish for infidelity, as no one should nor deserves to go through that.
But Even I was, with anime too. It was inspiring though and motivated me when I was in high school! I’m not gonna lie and say I’m not tempted to rewatch some of my favorite ones. I was also, well. I’m overcoming the desire/need to receive external validation.
But the divine can really shed light on what we can do to better our own situation, and our own..inner look within. And actually following what hobby type of endeavors each wants to go on.
I read that Jumin was really working hard..Taking care of business and everyone in his life.....Trying to escape his mind..? To feel worthy by doing and accomplishing? I’m sure he’s working hard. .. I just feel like he, might not be tending to delving into his inner workings with the help of the divine more?
(!! The reading just now told me that you know that you need to do that. I’m proud of your inner knowing ! - But it is important to know that now is definitely not the time.)
Looking towards our future as individuals (it is important for me to say as individuals first) and how to build to that in the now moment !
I was also .. Hm.. Those were pretty dark matters within my own family. I’m on the path to understanding the complexity and my own handling of other’s grey and multifaceted areas, as well as my own.
Well, especially my own right now. Creating better habits..!
I am still balancing my own and pursuing new hobbies for myself (Gardening! Photography! Spirituality! Silent Disco :O ! Self Betterment !) and wish to have my future coupling be with someone who’ll expand with me spiritually, who’d be dedicated to that path with me.
I still feel rather rigid and repelled in regards to connecting with Jumin right now. It doesn’t feel like, he’s ready or balanced with his own essence yet.
I am still progressing in slow steps towards my own betterment as well.
What stops me from progressing things with Saeyoung despite him being such an incredible person in my eyes? And maybe Saeyoung doesn’t care if he dies but even while I’m caring for my own schedule and healing and hobbies - But of course I do..Of course life does, of course the divine does !
What’s holding Saeyoung back from hope? Cynicism? His situation in the agency?
If I reset the game and go through Jihyun’s forgive ending where you two reunite and Jihyun doesn’t die and causes a hell of a lot of grieving in Jumin’s side of things - and you are out of the secret agency and working in C&R instead and have a way better life there for yourself, would that be better??
I’m not in love with Jihyun, nor do I really have a crush on him or anything, he really is more of like, a soul partner and I share a kinship with him in regards to life and plantation and art - deep platonic coupled with intrigue? but it is the best ending in my opinion for everyone involved.
I really do admire his growth there too.
The way Saeran heals there and !! You know ! Miracles can definitely happen !
Not only in computer games, but there are people who’ve accomplished their dreams in National Geographic too!
And it’s hard for me too, I agree But there is also the saying ‘Shoot for the moon! If you miss, you’ll become one of the stars’ !
And, I am also still holding hope towards Jumin’s strength in bettering his own situation. Sending out a big ‘You can do it!’ ‘I believe in you!’ from the heart to Us all !
I was influenced to do so thanks to Mary Jane and it reminded me a lot of Ichigo’s heartbell from Tokyo Mew Mew and I also just - Really did wish deep down to encourage !
Why am I cautious to commit? I don’t. Know yet what the future holds for me romantically and I’m not sure where Jumin stands, nor am I looking to get cheated on again, and lifestyle wise I’m not willing to give up on my dreams of living next to nature and animals and gardening and flower pressing, have it incorporated to witchcraft too ! for my whole life and again, a life where my partner and I are both highly connected to the divine and Art ! (yes, even when it’s a work in progress in my own life ^v^’)
Foolish? Maybe. But I also know that now is not the time to reunite.
I can’t save everyone. Stick to my own values and biggest dreams.
The lifestyle I wish for is village life, lakes, cultivating and nourishing ecological gardens - A safe haven of natural life ! Bunnies, squirrels, fireflies, some bees, proper protection from wasps and mosquitoes and the like ! Succulents !! Pretty flowers! Recycling natural food with harmony in worm composting..! (Still a slow pace venture in regards to that ! But I will ! Their help is necessary for my highest vision !)
Saeyoung is sweet and charming and funny and supportive and wise, sometimes bitter and handles some really heavy things as well - sometimes dorkily awkward and insecure - I really admire him - but romantically it’s like..I still feel awkward about it? Like, my feelings of romantic attraction aren’t there?..; part of me also doesn’t wish to hurt Jumin. .... Breathe. Center yourself. My decisions are not about him. What is it that I wish to do? I don’t wish to hurt Saeyoung when I’m not serious about it yet. I do like Saeyoung, I do like musing about a life with him or dates with him occasionally, but am I ready?
Oh my god and reminiscing !! AA. Just hanging out with him is really fun though. I reminisced over summer events !
Especially cause I’m in such close proximity to the beach !
Reminiscing over chats with him !! Te le pathyyyy~~~~
His nonchalant ‘whoops’ LOL.
heheheh and, and ! God, I missed Jaehee’s anger.
OMG. Victor Oddo’s response to his daughter’s feelings of anger towards what she did was ‘No, nonononono, what you did was amazing. You took action into what inspired you at the time and whenever we do that, there’s always a chance it might not work out, it’s not about that ! making mistakes is valuable cause you can learn from them !’
‘Whenever we make a mistake, slip off or fail - There’s a lesson to be learned there somehow’ (Just like mine today with my search for maybe buying a camera. It didn’t work out but I gained insight into maybe instead in the future - in Israel to buy a newer phone with better, more high def camera settings and I can check camera options out. See really how deeply interested I am in that. And I Do have my chakras to get me acquainted with myself and my own body too.)
I don’t know how I’d be able to help Saeyoung with his own depression and suicidal tendencies, but my higher self is saying ‘Just by being there for him’. In our own journeys of recovery. But it’s also, like, The hobbies, friends, the family trip, connecting to my archangels in regards to my past lives’ effects on me right now, scheduling more journaling too. are what I wish to do the most.
Am I in self defense mode? I still don’t feel prepared to being in a relationship with Saeyoung. I wish for friends ! And
The Seagull told me I’m livin life too safely, to bring up a more lighthearted attitude !
Hm. Looking at things deeply and with clarity..Sentimentality conceals life’s complexities..
I like Jumin, somehow I still do. I do realize that he’s not ready yet. Plus I don’t know if in the future he’d be willing for us to go, lol, Farm style ! (I do have to say, the art of him in farm/village wear 💗💞💗) - But he still has things to figure out with his own self.
But right now it’s definitely - The journey of connecting to my archangels, creativity in regards to like - That’s what I wish and am taking steps towards ! - singing, prose, dancing, digital design, blogging about my photos too!
And figuring out how my past lives affect my current situation with my family and in relationships too. With the connection to my archangels.
I wish to express my own values, delve and express my own hobbies and creativity online.
Making a mistake, is valuable. Even if I fail, or make a mistake, or mess up..
Wow. I really do want to fill it up with my own hobbies and the delight in those. Journey of self discovery the more I follow my passions !
0 notes
Wheatfields with Crows
Vincent van Gogh, 1890.
It’s been a while.
I know, I know. I’m regressing back to the state where I’m about to put “writing” inside a drawer that I’ll open once in a blue moon. I’m trying not to do that, because I genuinely enjoy the time that I spend typing away on the keyboard. It’s decompressing in a sense. Ironically, I thought I wouldn’t have anything to say prior to writing anything, but it turned out that it was just something that I needed to do for the familiarity.
I’ve written so much about one experiences that I’ve decided to divide my travel posts into different parts, starting with this one on a special dinner with my friends.
I’ve been a lot more active recently in terms of being a nomad, and so about three weeks ago, I’ve had the opportunity to meet up with my friends at the one and only Las Vegas. It’s funny, because I’ve coordinated the trip with them since March, and at that time we thought that the end of October is a hefty distance away.
Time seemed to fly within a blink of an eye.
(Note: It was also the first time I’ve been to Vegas during Halloween, but since it landed on a weekday, I was more or less exploring on my own. That explains the painting I’ve selected from Van Gogh.)
Caesar’s Palace: Restaurant Guy Savoy
Ever since two years ago, my friend and I have had an ongoing conversation about going to Guy Savoy’s restaurant…one day. It happened when I was asking her for Las Vegas restaurant recommendations. She is the type of person anyone would call a fine dining connoisseur, but definitely not in a snobbish way. She’s just pretty passionate about food, making her the ultimate source to ask for recommendations.
On the other hand, we’ve both been to Joël Robuchon (@ MGM Las Vegas) as well as é by José Andrés (@ Cosmopolitan Las Vegas) so it was an overall great experience to explore somewhere new with someone I adore. I should really write about those two restaurants one day, too, as they were fantastic as well.
Therefore, when we finally get to visit Guy Savoy on the 28th of October (thanks, iPhone album) – it was appropriate to get the Prestige Tasting Menu. I think all of the individual dishes deserve its own picture, so I’m going to post that instead of bundle all of them together to do them as much justice as I can.
Amuse-bouche (Foie Gras)
Amuse-bouche (Salmon)
French butter (imported, looks like ice cream)
Bread cart (freshly made daily)
Amuse-bouche and carbs. Lots of them. They were freshly made so I ate a lot.
Without further ado, here is the start of a wonderful and filling menu (that might be my own problem though):
Kushi Oyster Concassée, Lemon and Seaweed Granité
I’m a huge fan of oysters – and in recent years, raw ones, even though I don’t know much about them yet. Raw oysters and lemon is a match made in heaven, and the seaweed gives it an additional texture. I may be biased, but it’s a good start.
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Osetra Caviar, Crab Salad and Heirloom Tomato Gelée
Honestly, I can’t really tell the difference between caviar quality, but I’m pretty sure the restaurant uses finer caviar. It’s still quite a light dish that introduces more flavors and a great successor to the oyster. I’ve decided to display three photos, because of the intricate detail that goes into producing the dish. The red nest on the top is made out of beets (lightly fried, if I remember correctly), and meshes well with the crab, caviar, and tomato once it softens with the liquid; it also provides more texture within the dish.
The most impressive detail of this dish was that the liquid the waiter poured down the dish was actually salt water from the sea if I remember correctly. I’m sure they’ve purified it somehow. The octopus was cooked perfectly – it wasn’t too tough to chew, and the additional croquettes add an extra crunch to it. Not to mention it was one of the most visually stimulating dishes from the entire menu.
Salmon Iceberg
My friends and I were trying to figure out the concept of this dish after it has been placed before us. The waiter rolled the cart over to us, placed the salmon on a huge slab of ice, and told us that the idea behind this dish is to play with extreme temperatures. The salmon is placed on ice at first, then on individual dishes with stock poured over it to heat it up.
When we ate it, the salmon wasn’t fully cooked inside (which was completely fine for us, as we all like Japanese food), which explains the disclaimer on the website menu. I’m still not too sure about the entire idea behind it, but the salmon was quite fresh and the stock was sweet.
  Red Mullet, Fregula Sarda and Jus Corsé
This was the turning point for me. The dishes were getting stronger as evidenced in the jus – it was much thicker than the stock with the salmon, and the crisps on the top were the red mullet scales. If I remember correctly, the vegetable below the fish was spinach, and the fregula sarda (a type of round pellet pasta) was al dente.
As usual, everything went well together – whether it’s regarding texture or taste wise.
Seared Foie Gras and Unagi Napoleon, Cherry Extraction and Green Almond
Yikes. There’s no need for further introduction for foie gras – albeit its controversial nature. Unagi is the Japanese word for “eel”. I have to admit, I’ve never had a dish combination with foie gras and eel, both on the heavier side of the palette. The cherry extraction and green almond counteracts the oil and overwhelming greasiness that one gets when he / she takes the first bite out of foie gras.
Artichoke and Black Truffle Soup, Toasted Mushroom Brioche, and Black Truffle Butter
This was the second time I’ve had artichoke in the entirety of my life, so I can’t say I’m a good judge of it. However, oh my goodness – the biroche had the perfect crunch, and went well with the thick soup (think: pumpkin soup consistency). The black truffle wasn’t the only dominating flavor, and I have to say that the two make a pretty good duo.
Hazelnut Crusted Sweetbread, Summer Squash Variation and Roasted Veal Jus
If I were to pick, this would probably be one of the least memorable dishes in Guy Savoy. It’s not because it wasn’t good – everything was exquisite in the restaurant, but it is because of my own unfamiliarity for the ingredients that were used to create this dish.
The sweetbread provides an extra type of “crunch” to it, although I wasn’t aware of what it was until I was doing my research and searching for it for more accuracy of the dish. It’s not a big deal though, because I’m more or less and adventurous eater. The hazelnut provided a sweeter taste to it, balanced out with the squash and veal.
Pluma de Bellota Iberico, Textures of Corn, Basil, and Roasted Jus
Oh, Iberico. I was already in love when I saw that on the menu, but after further research, “Pluma de Bellota Iberico” is actually a type of cut from the pork, which is located at the end of the loin, and is one of the juicer parts of the meat.
What is so special about Iberico pork is that this type of pigs eat sweet acorns and grasses as their main diet, and they also get to roam around the range freely. This results in its unique texture and flavor as well as its marbling.
Overall, the pork, combined with the jus and sauce on the side was robust in flavor, and the fried slice of corn on the top added the crunch that accompanied well.
Petit Basque Cheese, Textures of Pear and Saffron
The waiter recommended that we eat the entirety of the dish in one singular bite for the flavor. It was a huge bite, with a serious crunchy texture on the outside along with softness inside (think: fondue thickness). I can’t really recall any flavor but cheese.
“From Beet to Sweet”
Beet lovers, rejoice. This was a dish full of beets, and perhaps a transition of savory to sweet. On the side there were diced and fried beets, and beet mousse enclosed within candied beets.
I think this dish was innovative and highly focused on beets. It was creative, and the presentation was beautiful and impressive. Not so impressive for one of my friends who really isn’t a huge fan of beets though.
In terms of taste, it was great, but not my favorite out of the entire menu as it was focused on one singular ingredient.
Fig, Mediterranean Flavors
Here’s another ingredient I’m not familiar with. Taiwan isn’t a place that has a lot of figs, and the ones that I’ve had here that were grown locally were pretty much tasteless. The local figs here are basically watery sacs over here, so I’m pretty much indifferent about them.
However – the dessert had a mixture of sweet and tartness, so it wasn’t sickly sweet. I’ve come to realize and accept the fact that my sweet and salty tolerances are declining (or maybe my taste is just getting more and more refined), so this is a delicate balance.
Dry Age Pineapple, Baked in Clay, Scent of Lemongrass, Mellowest Aloe Vera
This one is pretty neat, as one of the pastry chefs came to our table to explain the dessert while working on its plating.
What the restaurant has done was to basically dry age the pineapple (like how beef would be dry aged), and the size of the pieces as shown above were reduced severely due to dehydration. This resulted in bite sized, flavor packed pineapple squares. The chef was breaking open a pineapple shaped clay mold (if I remember correctly) to reveal the pineapple we were about to eat.
To be honest, I’ve never been a huge fan of eating pineapple by itself because of the stinging sensation it brings my tongue whenever I try them. There is a reason behind the “sting”; pineapples have an enzyme that breaks down called “bromelain” that breaks down protein (meaning it digests protein). This explains that there’s that feeling on the tongue whenever one eats too much pineapple. It also explains why pineapple is used as meat tenderizer as a culinary ingredient.
Again, I dug in (even though I was super full by that time) and finished the entire plate. Perhaps it was the dry age – the pineapple provided the tart with a smudge of sweetness that paired well with the ice cream. It was a refreshing dessert.
Cocoa “Pie”
I can’t say “no” to chocolate, even though I was so stuffed I could just pass out from food coma then.
The chocolate flakes on the top balances the sweetness of the pie on the bottom with a dash of bitter, which would’ve gone really well with the coffee and tea that the restaurant offered, but we were all planning to drink later, so we politely declined.
Dessert Cart: Fall (Halloween) Macarons 
Last but not least, despite having a stomach that was about to burst, we were offered desserts on the cart. There was a hefty selection of freshly baked and made dessert, but ultimately I picked my favorite macarons to try, especially because it was close to Halloween and I do like seasonal desserts.
I guess I can save the others for next time with the same company or different.
The jack-o’-lantern looking macaron was of course, pumpkin flavored, and the cobweb black macaron was sesame flavored (I believe…? I forgot, really). They were both tasty, but I preferred the pumpkin flavored more as it was a flavor that I’ve never had.
So, was the restaurant worth the price tag?
I suppose it really depends on the person.
Personally, I am more than okay with spending money on experiences, whether it’s by myself or with my loved ones, so in my opinion, I’d say this meal was worth every penny spent. I also think that my palette has evolved throughout the past couple of years by getting the opportunity to travel and experience new cuisines – and not just fine dining, but also street food.
The ingredients, effort, and service was impeccable, not to mention the decor and ambiance of the restaurant.
I haven’t had the opportunity to try to wine tasting, but I would do so next time, as when we were offered the wine list, the server rolled a cart over with what looked like a dictionary or an encyclopedia on it. I can’t imagine how the list would be.
This is definitely somewhere I’d look forward to visit some other time in the future.
Food & Travel: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. (Part I – Fine Dining) Wheatfields with Crows Vincent van Gogh, 1890. It's been a while. I know, I know. I'm regressing back to the state where I'm about to put "writing" inside a drawer that I'll open once in a blue moon.
0 notes
katiezstorey93 · 7 years
How Jewelry designer Myles Mindham is celebrating his silver anniversary
The well-heeled clientele of jeweller Myles Mindham possess the luxury of shopping the world, but if it comes to dreaming up particular items to last a life, these connoisseurs return home to cooperate with him. Without a formal design training, Mindham, 57, has catered to celebrities and socialites alike. Initially situated in the seventh floor of Toronto’s Park Hyatt hotel, Mindham’s company has surfaced since 1991, and now boasts an amazing Yorkville address. His maison on Hazelton Avenue is an oasis, complete with a massive salon upstairs and a bustling studio workshop in the basement. To indicate his company’s 25th anniversary this season, Mindham has created a 35-piece limited-edition group entitled Magical Woodlands, designed to appeal even the most discerning collector. I seen Mindham in his tasteful emporium to talk about the youth dreams that fuel his imagination, why his customers feel secure with him, and also the function a part of fine jewellery can play in our  lives.
Mindham describes himself as a magpie: ‘Anything which sparkles draws me  in.’
When did you first fall in love with the craft of style and jewelry specifically?
As a kid I had been highly dyslexic, so like me personally, visual arts had been a massive relief since all I had to do was lure — and that I could always draw. I also had an remarkable grandma who had been very much engaged with the arts. She had been a pianist and a painter. She worked on Paisley Shop here in Yorkville, that offered antiques, and she would always teach me on marquetry or fine silver, therefore there was always a character of detail in whatever I did. Among my earliest memories was being five years old and also among my grandmother’s friends invited her friend to a celebration at Christmas time; that this woman arrived in a 1964 Cadillac stretch limousine, which to get a five-year-old boy was the most magical thing. And this lady was wearing a gorgeous bib diamond necklace and probably a three-carat diamond solitaire. I watched that necklace glimmer and the ring glow and I walked up to her and stared at her and she said, “Oh are not you sweet little boy!” And I recall saying, “Is that real?” Needless to say, my parents have been  unthinkable.
And now, 25 years after being in the company of fine jewellery design, you’re celebrating with a collection that pays homage to a  youth.
I always had this kind of fascination with light and glow. I’m like a magpie, a crow. Anything that sparkles draws me in. So I chose for the anniversary we would concentrate on fantasy, miniaturization as well as the refraction of light, along with each of my subjects are derived from a youth story. I thought I would indulge myself a little and reflect how I made here. And just how I got here was using design, imagination, creativity and hard job, since you have to be able to manage to do those things. My own childhood was contested by my mother’s health and before my mom got ill, among the most astonishing, reassuring parts of my life was reading at night time. I just wanted to make all the elements of these youth books of  fantasy.
There is a flying bunny in this collection that’s amazing to me because there is such a childlike innocence into it, yet we are talking about really serious jewellery here.
The wings are plique-à-jour — they’re liquid glass in platinum and diamond.
I find it interesting that as a creative artist, then you’re able to walk that line between keeping in touch with your inner kid when executing something that’s so enormous — a severe bit that is worth tens of thousands of bucks. How can you figure out how to straddle both those sensibilities?
To be honest, it’s a bit of a risk. We’ve created three characteristic pieces: A strikingly detailed amulet, the bunny, and the star bracelet. And it’s a bit of a risk because who’s going to work with a $32,000 bunny? However, I’ve met folks in my career that are so inspirational and magical to me personally and I’ve managed to create those heirlooms on them. My customers can store anywhere on the planet, however they decide to shop   here.
Pieces in Myles Mindham’s limited-edition Magical Woodlands collection include the Moon Fairies statement pendant, the Wings statement brooch as well as the Mushroom Wishes brooch.
Why would you suppose it is that they decide to return home to Canada to work with   you personally?
It harkens back into dating. They feel secure with me. They are feeling comfortable, and they all understand I’m attempting to do beautiful things and that I can do them. We’ve got an incredible workshop here that is really unparalleled in this country. The tradesmen I have already been 20- to 40-year specialists in terms of producing those things. We push them all the time. The fact is we have to become a tiny bit better. The point of [this] relationship is that folks love to look at the world and store locally. At least my customers do, because using jewelry, you have to have someone that is going to back you up. I’ve heard unfortunate stories where matters that came back were not as good as they should have been. But individuals have a sense of security; they have a confidence in me, and they understand that we are making beautiful   things.
What part does one bit of fine jewellery perform now?
History. Emotion. I’m blessed to be able to create things that people will take their whole lives. I have customers who I inform, “Please use it!” And occasionally when they get to a certain age, they say, “When am I going to wear that?” And I say, “Well if you do not wear it, your children or grandchildren will not see you wearing it, and it will not be particular.” However, these pieces become heirlooms. They take memories. I have a fantastic belief in the power of crystals. They take an energy. There are families that left Russia with a single stone that maintained their loved ones alive, built into the hem in the own dresses, and after that maintained tucked into floorboards. There is history there. There is emotion. There are all kinds of strong energies which are carried in  jewelry.
Many people think from the mysticism of jewelry. Psychics often say there is something irresistible concerning those precious pieces. Is that the wavelength you’re   on?
I’m completely on that wavelength. Sometimes I’ll sun soak a stone before I start to design. I’ll take it and then leave it sitting in sunlight, and after that I’ll come up with something in terms of design, because I really believe that there is a universal energy which goes into a stone. Now the man who possesses the stone is the overriding thing for me personally; they will select a bit because that stone spoke to them. I have a customer who can manage any gem in the world, however she sees that a 33-carat green peridot and she says, “I have to own this stone!” Why? Since that stone speaks to that person. There are several dark things which happen, and I believe jewelry is one of those really bright places. There is so much darkness and dread and doubt, that there are definite beautiful things that speak to our  spirits.
Developing a company in this country is not an easy thing to do, however producing a powerful brand with high visibility 25 years after is a particularly tough feat. What would you say has frees you to this particular place and time, where your brand actually does mean something to so lots of  individuals?
Diligent hard work, ethics, honesty and the fact that I grew quite slowly. There are a whole lot of individuals who want everything immediately. However, I started my company using 362 square feet of distance at which I met my customers, and that I handled them with a great deal of respect and dignity. And that I took each repair job, each restringing job. And folks recall loyalty, they recall experiences. Service, integrity and honesty are all important. All you have is your reputation in this organization. A happy customer tells two people, an unhappy one tells 10. Every customer must leave joyful. People expect that if they’re spending, they want to be cared for. We have 19 people on staff here. We look after our customers. We’re manufacturing, we are advertising, we are retailing, and we are growing the corporation. The amusing thing is that I keep thinking I’m just getting started.
This meeting has been condensed and edited.
from network 8 http://www.diamondprismcoaching.com/how-jewelry-designer-myles-mindham-is-celebrating-his-silver-anniversary/
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