#I wanna hug him SO BAD
xiao-come-home · 2 months
having some Very Normal Thoughts about cradling Boothill's head against my chest since he's probably touch starved as hell and it's the only place he can feel it
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No matter how optimistic Boothill can be, he's also just as vulnerable as any human in this universe.
He's absolutely over the moon when you cradle his head against your chest. His arms wrap themselves around your waist, and he can't help but nuzzle himself into you even more - he lets out a few content noises, although muffled, sighing in relief when he feels one of your hands gently carding through his white locks.
It's one of those times, when words aren't needed. Boothill feels the softness of your skin on the very last part of own humanity, tickling you just below your collar bones with his lashes; he's at peace, almost as if the time has stopped for just you two.
Even though the possessive Boothill is still here, he knows in that moment, that you belong to him and vice versa - he feels safe, here, in your arms, longing the feeling to feel the warmth radiating off of you until the very end.
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judectrl · 24 days
i'm sobbing again
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fatuismooches · 5 months
Thinking about celebrating Zandy’s birthday…
As a child, Zandik’s birthday surely wasn’t celebrated, in fact he was probably treated worse on that day as it was the day the heretic came into this world. A cursed day. He had to watch all the other kids be filled with joy and glee with all the attention and gifts they received, not to mention how he was never invited to their birthday parties… 
And now, Zandy, his child self, also faces a similar situation. The boy reads books and stories about the wonders of birthdays and he too wishes to experience the same, as any child would, but he knows better than to bring up the topic with the segments or Prime. Still, every time his birthday rolls around, he hopes that it’ll at least be acknowledged. He’s wrong of course, but he’s grown used to disappointment. Until you come along.
Obviously, you’re deeply saddened when you hear the little child has never even received a “Happy Birthday,” much less celebrated it. So you make it your duty to see to it that Zandy has a multitude of good birthdays. You don’t let him know of your plans of course, you can’t wait to see the surprise on his face.
Perhaps appearing in the boy’s room at 12 AM and rousing him from his sleep wasn’t the best idea, but he sure seemed to like it! Blurry eyes adjusting to the brightness of the room, and then confused at why you’re in his room at this hour, and then his eyes drifting down to the cake in your hand, with a “Happy Birthday, Zandy!” written in the middle. The kid grabs onto you so hard you almost drop the cake. Despite waking up a mere few minutes ago, he seems to have all the energy in the world. He has a lot of fun blowing out the numerous candles you stuck in there (you had to help him because he couldn’t manage by himself.)
Needless to say, that was certainly one of Zandy’s favorite days ever. And he looks forward to your promise of taking him out of the lab on a future birthday. 
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bothersomedirtchild · 5 months
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Missing them 💙
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ketto-art · 1 year
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| sebastian sallow |
i would kill for this boy.
comms | prints
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harvestmount · 1 month
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mase and his blue sweatshirt 😽
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c00kietin · 7 months
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Today mentally destroyed me. But at least I managed to draw Papyrus! :D
Also, turns out it's Danny DeVito's birthday today, so happy bday to him 🥳
Edit: Tysm for 100 notes :DDD
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my teddy bear uwu
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bestboyjude · 5 months
i think i would actually do anything just to experience a jude hug like he is fucking massive and he probably gives giant bear hugs aswell
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errakiari · 1 month
..after reading kaiser's backstory, i feel bad for him and i just wanted to apologize to him even tho he's my least favourite character🥲
this just made me want to hug him like look at himm
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its so sad to see him like thatt☹☹
He even got his mothers face 😞
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When i catch you old man, when i catch you😠 im ready to throw hands
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spleentheween · 7 months
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nekofra · 1 year
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He's so tiny and so silly
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So I was rewatching Nimona with my Mama
And I don't know why watching movies with other people always makes my brain focus on the little things but this time around my brain was focused on Ambrosius. Mostly because my Mama was super confused about why they put so much weight on his and Gloreth’s names. After she brought that up I noticed a lot of little things like how the announcers chose to introduce him as “the most anticipated knight of a generation”. Then I remembered the other things like how Bal was described by the Director as “the biggest threat we’ve faced in generations” and how “thankfully we have a descendant of Gloreth to lead us”. After that, we see everyone looking to Ambrosius to fix the situation as soon as possible while knights like Todd consistently undermine him. And the Director is encouraging him to stay strong the second she senses a moment of weakness. And that all results in this 
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This poor man has had the weight of the entire kingdom on his shoulders for the whole movie. What's supposed to be an exciting and happy day is overshadowed by the reminder that the entirety of the kingdom expects him to be the best knight simply because he is a direct descendant of Gloreth. He watched as his boyfriend “killed” the Queen and then chopped off his arm out of reflex and was probably under the assumption that he killed him. When he finally does show up again he’s screaming at a kid about “killing everyone” while said kid is calling Amrbosius his “nemesis” and then they go on a rampage and destroy the institute. And after that, he steps up to find Bal because let's face it if Todd was in charge Bal wouldn’t come back alive. No one says things like “Treat Ballister like the Queen killing Monster he is” “I’ll hunt him down. I’ll make him hurt I’ll-” With good intentions at heart, he wasn't gonna say “I’ll throw Bal a tea party” You know it was going to escalate and the next step was pretty obvious.
So he now has the entirety of the institute pressuring him to find Bal and is constantly reminded that the safety of the kingdom rests on him. The next time he sees Bal he’s LITERALLY KIDNAPPING SOMEONE. We have the a little moment when we get to see inside Ambrosius’ head and we can see that everything it taking a toll on him he’s stressed and conflicted and freaking out. And the Director knows this and tells him to “stay strong”. And after that, Bal is confronting him in front of all the knights pulling the rug out from under him and putting even more stress on him. He has two paths he could take and both are uphill battles. He could let Bal and Nimona go free and arrest the director with literally no proof which no one would believe. Or he could arrest Bal and Nimona which is unfortunately the easier path.
Cause think about it there is concrete proof that Bal killed the Queen and he just found out that Nimona is a “monster” something they’ve been trained to fight since they were kids. So he makes the first easy decision since the begging of the movie and decides to arrest Bal. And the thing that rips my heart out and makes me sick to my stomach is his face. This poor baby looks like he is in physical pain. Nothing about this situation is easy nothing about this situation is okay he looks like he’s about to break down and sob during this entire scene. And if you pay close attention his eyes don't stay on Bal. He is scanning the crowd to ensure no one tries to move to hurt Bal when he knows he’s vulnerable. Even though it doesn’t seem like it he’s always looking out of Bal in one way or another.
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fruity-cleric · 1 year
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pearl-blue-musings · 10 months
Y’all I’m watching my adventures with Superman and yaaallllllll?????
They made Clark so baby girl and I am heeeeerrrrreeee for it
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fanaticartisan · 1 month
reached the end of the game and merchant is looking at me with the kindest eyes in the whole world
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ill make you proud sir please get to safety
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