#And I’m not just talking about gifts I mean anything. Even a scrap of affection from anybody.
msredact · 2 years
dolores’ parents were so cold   &&   distant                   her mother was always busy   &&   her father was always coming home tired and worn. their marriage wasn’t unhappy, per say, but it also wasn’t lively. dolores never saw her parents exchange i love you’s, any meals they had together were often quiet and boring. they never had the time nor the energy to be loving and warm. dolores always felt coldness coming from them, even though she knew deep down they loved her. it just kinda seemed like they didn’t know how to show that, besides stepping up to their responsibility as parents.       there was no animosity in the household. I’m fact, it was pretty quiet. especially boring, routine, strict. dolores had a pretty set schedule                   go to school, come home, do homework, clean, eat, go to sleep, and get on the bus to do it all over again. it wasn’t until high school when she got a bike that she started deviating from those routines. her parents would scold her but didn’t do much else about it. as long as she kept her grades up and didn’t do insane shit, it was mostly good.       dolores was a bit too energetic for their liking, so they often ignored her and brushed her off. “ she’ll grow out of it, ” is what they often said. it didn't help that she was condemned for crying or feeling any emotions deemed too ' dramatic. ' for a while, all she wanted was their attention. and maybe that’s why she always tried to get into trouble in ways that they would know   :   stealing candy bars just to get caught, getting in the occasional minor scrap at school, talking back to teachers, staying out way too late   …   it wasn’t uncommon for her to get a ride home in a squad car. it was so ironic, her being a troublemaker and all that                   born to uptight parents who work in law or whatever, it felt like a joke that wrote itself.       once or twice, she was in the back of a squad car hearing some kind of “ your father worries about you ” talk, but she never really believed it. it became quickly evident that regardless if they paid attention or not, she was going to do whatever she wanted. so she reverted back to her quiet self, but continued to pursue her interests   …   she just took extra care to make sure she didn’t get caught. her parents were relieved that she calmed down, though she was doing far more sinister things in secret. breaking into crime scenes, stealing evidence, and illegally documenting shit isn’t exactly the problems you want with your kid. they had no idea about her zine or the fact that she was breaking into her father’s office and stealing files. not a god damn clue. the family grew rather estranged. dolores attended both of their funerals but didn’t stick around much. it felt odd to hear people offer their condolences when none of these people gave a shit before. she just smiled and said short thank you’s in return. didn’t even go to the receptions.       in result of all this, dolores grew up without much of an idea of what love looked like. she grew to resent affection and feel uncomfortable whenever she received it. she struggled with dating   &&   socializing. hook ups often ended up feeling awkward with the after - care, to the point where she would leave in the middle of night to go sleep alone. she never learned to say ‘ i love you. ’ she never learned her own love languages. she became so emotionally stunted that she’s grown to be stubborn, hot - headed, and unable to express much beside eye rolling and sneers. it doesn’t help that she’s become rather desensitized to real - world violence   &&   tragedies. as she’s grown, however, she’s tried to take steps to unlearn her behaviors                   if it means little gift giving to show she cares, so be it. anything to ensure that others know she’s there, even if she struggles with being totally present.       physical affection is something she craves but feels uncomfortable with at the same time. it takes a while for her to grow comfortable with showing any of that. whether it’s just sitting so close to someone that their knees touch, gentle touches on the arm, hugs, it doesn’t come naturally at first. but when that trust, that connection, truly builds, it’s felt 100%                   all or nothing, kind of thing. she feels it wholly, even if she tries to dampen it with sarcastic remarks. but that’s when the next fear comes in   :   being ignored. maybe that’s why she shuts people out so much ??? besides her really not knowing how to let others know she likes them in any way, she fears that the moment she does offer any kind of love, that it’ll be ignored or unrequited.       at the end of the day, it's worth noting that dolores loves receiving flowers.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
HCs for how Heisenberg shows affection
Karl Heisenberg x fem!reader
Warnings: nothing I don’t think
Requested: by anon, Karl Heisenberg showing affection + that he cares HC’s? We know this trash man isn’t going to be blatant about it. I feel like he’s the kind of guy to say “fuck you” while doing something nice for you like making you tea because you’re stressed or leaving you random gifts of stuff he made or found that he thinks you’d likeHe’s never been in love before an doesn’t want to be seen as vulnerable or soft but also cares so much + tries to balance these alien feelings
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy lovely!
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- Karl doesn’t have any idea to give affection
- he hasn’t ever had anybody
- he barely even had someone when he was a human and not a mold monster like he was today
- so when Karl met you he was more or less surprised
- his only people skills were the ones he learned from his siblings and the few machines he had that spoke before they were machines
- so forgive him, I would say he was rusty but that machine hasn’t moved like ever so there’s nothing to rust
- you showed him love in the ways that you knew but he took it awkwardly
- that being said, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you to pieces
- in fact, because you were the only person he had he probably loved you an unhealthy amount
- he is never going to be the kind of guy who showed you affection in the normal kind of way
- he never holds your hand, he never tells you he loves you
- in fact he’s more likely to say you’re annoying
- but he shows his love in his own little way
- he picks up things that you like and things that you don’t like
- he makes you gifts with leftover scrap metal
- once he even tried to make a dog that talked but alas, it tried to kill you both after a couple of hours
- he’ll stick to jewelry
- he’ll get things from his sisters that he thinks you may like (by get I mean steal in most cases but Donna will willingly hand over some things she no longer needs. She likes you)
- if anything ever happens for you that’s when he really shows his adoration for you
- he gets real worried, takes you down to the village if he must even if its just a cold that you know you will get over
- he’ll be at your beck and call
- he’ll complain of course
- ‘Doll I’m not making you soup, I have things to do, Miranda to beat!’
- you’ll get soup within the hour just be patient
- when you’re asleep at night he’ll watch your sleeping face as he drifts off, whispering to you his love for you
- you’ll hear it every once and a while but he’ll stop once your eyes are open
- he’ll protect you against his machines and Miranda until his dying breath. That he promises.
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wrathandgreed · 3 years
Side Guys with an Asexual MC
So I’m a sex-repulsed ace and I know (and appreciate :) ) how thirsty this fandom is, but I really wanted to write some soft fluffy HCs about the Others because I love them so much and I like the idea that they’d accept me or someone like me :) (I’ve also never written for the Side Guys before, so cut me some slack :)
GN!MC. MC is ace and sex-repulsed.
Wait, you mean he DOESN’T have to give a “royal performance” every night after dealing with running an entire realm?
He’ll be disappointed if you’re fully touch-repulsed, but he won’t let it stop him from showing his affection in any way you’ll let him.
Gifts, flowers, beautiful dresses for every ball (as modest or daring as you’re comfortable with).
And not just gifts - this man embodies all of the love languages.
Quality time? As often as he can. He’ll take you all over Devildom or treat you to excursions back up to the human world. Wanna see a movie? Go to a museum? Sit on the couch and put together a puzzle? Whatever, so long as he gets to spend time with you.
Words of affirmation? He won’t stop. If compliments on your physical appearance make you uncomfortable, he’s equally happy talking about your intelligence or creativity or singing voice. Whatever it is you love to do, he makes it easy for you to grow and improve. And he loves watching you do it.
Acts of Service? He’s a Demon Prince. Anything you want from him, you can have.
And if you’re into non-sexual physical intimacy, be prepared for every single moment of cuddles this man can wrench out of the day.
He just wants you to pet his hair as you walk past him while he’s doing paperwork. Give him a smooch when the two of you meet for dinner. Cuddle up on the couch while you watch a movie. Let him wrap himself around you while he sleeps.
Honestly, I doubt it would make much of a difference to him so long as he had some kind of intimacy.
Honestly, the most disappointed of the Sides.
He’s buttoned up and restricted and proper every minute of the day, and during the rare times he has a partner, sex is a release for him.
That’s not to say he’s unwilling to enter into a relationship. He’s been celibate for significant stretches of time before (it’s hard to find a partner - or even a fling - when you’re working 20 out of 24 hours and still need to sleep!) so he’ll just figure out how to be celibate while with someone.
While he can’t help but be attracted to you, he can help what he does about it and he makes sure never to make you uncomfortable.
Strangely, bathing together becomes his new favorite thing. Snuggling in the tub or giving each other a wash-up in the shower doesn’t satisfy EVERYTHING, but it definitely hits that “skin on skin contact” that he craves from the person he loves.
Also sleeping in the nude together, if you’re comfortable with that.
He spends every day covered up head-to-toe and even wearing gloves; he really needs skin contact and physical affection.
Knowing that he really can’t, physically, show you his affection, he starts carving time out of his day whenever he can to make room for you to fit in his life.
Might even talk to Diavolo about having a steady day or even just afternoon off every few weeks.
(Then has to turn down Diavolo’s offer for every other day off because, really, stuff needs to get done, man. You think this all happens by magic? I mean, it does, but someone still has to perform that magic. Constantly. And you’re trying to make him a part-timer.)
Probably the most at-ease with the situation. Not that he doesn’t have a sex drive, or isn’t attracted to you, but the man is a literal angel. He has a million other ways to show his affection.
(And for the record, he doesn’t pull this “it’s more pure this way” crap. Because it’s crap.)
His biggest form of affection is his words - but mostly his written words.
Little poems or letter snippets start finding their way into your pockets and replacing your bookmarks.
They always take you by surprise, especially when you find on in an out of the way place (really, the man slipped a little scrap of paper with a haiku on it into your bottle of aspirin) but they always make you smile, too.
You start writing him responses.
You know when he’s found one of your poem/snippet responses because he’ll beam at you the moment he sees you.
(So what if your poems are things like “Roses are red, water is clear, Solomon’s annoying, and you are a dear.”)
Likes cuddles - if you’re ok with it, he is *always* touching you. Holding hands or scritching your head or letting you sleep on him.
He actually invests in a slanted lap-desk so he can write while you cuddle against him on the couch and watch TV or read.
Comfortable silence is the name of this relationship game.
Man likes sex, not gonna lie.
But he’s got about a few thousand schemes, plans, and ideas whirling about his head on any given day.
He’s spent most of his life focusing on his brain and his magic. So you’re saying that’s still the focus? He can live with that.
Unlike the others, not much of a cuddler. (Except when he’s sleeping; then he’s wrapped tight around you like you’re going to disappear.)
The real connection in this relationship is of the mind.
Learn from him, work with him.
A perfect moment is two nerds having a three-hour long discussion on a potion adjustment, then testing it out.
Or taking a long walk to anywhere (but especially a magic supply store or bookstore)
Then there’s the other half of the relationship.
The pranking and trolling.
Coffee shop dates (where you use tiny wisps of magic to mess with people on first dates) and aquarium dates (until you get banned for trying to steal a jellyfish)
Anything and everything is free game in the House of Lamentation
And with the two of you working together? Pure, unadulterated chaos.
Somehow, he finds he doesn’t miss sex so much when the two of you are hiding in an empty RAD classroom, breathless from laughter and trying desperately to hold yourselves to a whisper so Lucifer can’t find you and (rightfully) blame you for exploding all of the magic circles in Hex class. Again.
He has a partner now.
It’s more than he ever expected.
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glitterge1pen · 3 years
Have You Ever Considered Craft Supplies Instead Of Drugs? Then This Might Be For You.
Kyōtani Kentarou x reader, sfw, fluff, 1,691word count 
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His room for the most part was clean. It’s main function was for sleep though. This was apparent. His clothes, which were mainly basketball shorts and blank t-shirts, were scattered about in a way that told you he threw them there when going to bed.
Kyotani had told you to give him a few minutes, while he was in the bathroom brushing his teeth and struggling with the cap of his eyeliner pen. You felt comfortable enough in his apartment to check the fridge and see if anything was worth your while. But still you felt a bit like an intruder in his bedroom, which is where you had wandered off to.
The walls were white, mostly bare. There was a poster up for some band you didn't recognize, and another one advertising the Sendai Frogs that looked like he had ripped it off one wall to get onto his. You smiled at the thought of him stealing the poster from the grocery store display window or stadium parking lot.
You give his room one last once over before turning to leave. On your way out you trip over a shoe box. You would have just ignored it but a few tufts of paper flew out from the lid. You bend down to collect them but find that these aren't just trash from the shoe box. Quietly, and with a tinge of guilt, you kneel down to gently put the papers back in the box. The little scraps of paper you had found were actually sticky notes, you couldn't decipher the writing on them because of how faded and old the paper was.
You get one quick glimpse inside the shoe box on Kyotani’s floor. There are dozens of papers, printed photos, receipts, tickets, and what you assume are old keys. You feel like you've seen something very private of Kyotani’s and when you turn around to find him standing in the doorway, you gasp in shock.
“What are you doing in here?”
He seems more concerned and confused about you versus the fact that you are in his room. You decide sarcasm is the best choice of action.
“What? You embarrassed about me being in your bedroom?”
“Shut up and get out!”
Kyotani puts his hands on your shoulders and tosses you out into the hallway.
“Hey, hey, what time is it because we might actually be late to the movie now,”
You say pulling out your phone to get a glance at the clock. There was only twenty minutes before you were supposed to be at the theater.
“We’ll be fine, the trailers always play for too long anyways”
He says leading you out the front door.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
When the team wins a game and you head out to eat with the guys afterwards, your eyes don't usually follow Kyotani’s hands so closely. You hope that no one else has picked up on your new habit. But last week's venture into his bedroom has left you reeling in thought.
Kyotani doesn't really like to be hugged. During movie nights he sits separate from the pile of pillows and bodies. He tolerates head pats and high fives. When he hangs up the phone you can feel how difficult it is for him to say something like “bye I love you” platonic or not.
You hadn't really considered it before, at least not so intently in relation to Kyotani. Most people were easy to understand in their affections and how they garnered it. Or if they weren't so obvious, they made some sort of distinction, a simple “I don't like when people do this” or “I prefer this”.
Being friends with Kyotani you had assumed that he was content with what people gave him because he never asked for more. He didn't hug you when you two parted ways, and you never forced him to. He didn't ask or push on others boundaries but now after seeing that shoe box you wondered why he had never advocated for his own. You thought perhaps it wasnt that Kyotani disliked those other forms of affection or care, but rather he didn't regard those other acts as affections at all.
The sounds of the restaurant fade back in as your thoughts simmer down. You feel Tsukishima and Yamaguchi next to you. Enthralled in a conversation about some show they had been binging together. Apparently Yamaguchi had watched a few episodes without Tsukishima and everyone found the annoyed, bitter expression on Tsukishima hilarious, the table erupting in laughter.
“You good? You've been staring at nothing for five minutes,”
Kyotani said to you before taking another bite into his food. He sat across from you, his elbows propping him up over his plate of food.
“Yeah, just tired today,”
You say shaking your head as if trying to wake yourself up.
As the evening wears on, your eyes still follow Kyotani’s hands. Trying to catch the moment of thievery in action. To see if your contemplations are grounded in Kyotani’s actions or rather thoughts with nothing to hold as they pass you by.
But as everyone files out of the restaurant, the bill already split, the copy of the receipt abandoned on the table, you watch as Kyotani lingers for just a moment, to pocket the slip of paper.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
You couldn't remember the last time you had attempted to burn a CD. Was it you who did it or a friend? It was years ago though that was for sure. You had made three playlists on spotify, checking and double checking that they were private playlists. After arranging them and finding the songs that fit just right with each list you started finding youtube videos of each song. From there you converted the links to MP3 audio.
While your computer whirred and the audio filed loaded onto the disk you thought about decorating the CD cases. Of course covering the clear plastic case with glitter gel pen and cute stickers was very tempting. But you weren't sure that was Kyotani’s style. At the same time this was supposed to be a gift from you. You met yourself halfway.  Decorating one CD case like how you would have wanted, and the other with more of a Kyotani flair, the third somewhere in between the two.
When the CD’s were done you carefully placed them into their new plastic homes. Grabbing a black sharpie to scribble the playlist names onto each. You felt like wrapping them would be too extravagant so you settled for tying a ribbon around the two.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
“What the hell do you want?” Kyotani says as he pulls up next to you on the curb outside your place. You had texted him earlier while he was at work, asking if could stop by after he got off. He has the window rolled down and you take it upon yourself to unlock the passenger door and climb inside.
"I wanted you to test these out"
You were hoping that you had done everything right with the computer.You hand him the CD's, he flips them over in his hands inspecting them.
“Is it cool if I take these ribbons off?”
You nod and he turns the car radio on to insert the CD’s. As the first song starts playing you turn to him.
“This is that band you like right? The one on that poster in your room?”
Kyotani is visibly flustered by this.
“Yes? Did you...did you make these for me?”
You throw your head back in a laugh.
“Yes, I made them for you,”
He says in a rather soft amazed tone.
“Look, I didn't mean to, but when I was in your room the other day I tripped over that shoe box you have,”
You keep your eyes trained on the street outside the dashboard window. Unsure and a bit nervous to see what Kyotani is thinking. Tempted by curiosity though, you do look at him for a brief moment, only to find him also intensely staring off into the street. His face lit up red with embarrassment.
“I’m glad that I saw it though. Because that stuff is important to you and I want to know what you think is important”
The air in the car feels like it is clinging to your skin with tension. You think the pressure will start to crack your bones when Kyotani’s voice splinters the suspense.
“It's easier to feel something when its tangible, when you can hold it, it's why people still buy polaroids and go to museums and shit”
You nod, a jovial ease overcoming you as he continues to speak.
“I don't really like, uh, I guess physical affection or even talking or it’s not like talking, people call it words of affirmation or whatever,”
You hold the smile of your lips down, you don't want him to think you’re teasing him in this moment. You're just happy that he is comfortable enough with you to say such things.
“I know lots of other people like to have those types of things though, and I worked really hard to get used to stuff, but I don't know, this is what I like,”
He says gesturing with the CD case to you.
“I mean so like, birthday cards, post-it notes, bus transfers? Things that are directly attached to memories and people? Anything else you want me to know about?”
While it hurts a little that he’s struggling to talk about this matter, you can't help but revel in the unusual brash shyness of Kyotani. He does mutter something, but when you lean in closer to signal that you didn't hear him the first time he repeats himself.
“Event pamphlets. I know it's trash but I like it”
“Promise you won't get mad?”
You drawl your voice out and make it sweet so he knows you're messing with him.
He says, eyebrow quirked in question.
“I think you'd be really into scrapbooking”
“Shut the hell up before I kick you out of my car”
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
A/N: Took a break from my current writing obsession to spit this out .
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willgrahymn · 3 years
Strangely Estranged
this is my gift to @romansandersprotectionsquad for the @sanderssidesgiftxchange!! I really hope you like it :]
Description: Remus just wants to make his art, but Roman is still distressed by the events of SvS Redux/POF and it's affecting both of their abilities to create. When Remus goes to confront him about it, he gets a little more than he bargained for. Content warnings: Some Remus being Remus-y type lines, blood mentions (again, Remus), a good amount of swearing, and throwing some shade at Janus. Word count: 2747 I’ll rb with the ao3 link :]
- ’Honestly,’ Remus thought, ‘this painting could use more blood.’
He stared at the incomplete project. It was at least the 7th time he started on something today, but no matter what he always came to a pause.
Roman, that motherfucker, he probably had a creative block. Remus didn’t care much about only being half of Creativity, hell, it was fun coming up with the most gory stories he could imagine, but it seemed like whenever Roman hit a block he just had to drag him down with him.
He leaned back against his wall, tossing his paintbrush and catching it again. He stuck the brush in his mouth. Blue paint didn’t taste as good as green, but maybe he was just biased.
Remus glared at the painting. If it had eyes, he was sure they would be staring back, mocking him. Maybe he’d scrap the thing and use it as a target next time he played with his throwing stars.
He ground his foot into the stained carpet. Whether it was paint or blood didn’t matter. Come to think of it, he’d been at a pause for some time now. Roman hadn’t left his room nearly as much either. The only people he’d seen Roman hang out with recently were Virgil, Logan, and (inescapably) Thomas. Then there was Patton and Janus who hardly spent time together before. Now they never left each other's sides. Remus would be a liar if he said it wasn’t somewhat upsetting.
Remus loved drama. He loved watching people fight and be seconds from either murdering each other or making out right then and there. It was exciting to see people so close to their limit. Roman’s drama wasn’t fun though, it was just fucking sad.
He was pretty sure it would stay that way unless he took matters into his own hands. He grabbed his morningstar. He didn’t think he’d actually use it, but if he had to literally knock some sense into his dear brother, then so be it.
Walking down the hall of the mind palace the lighting got brighter. Silently, he wondered how the hell Virgil had managed to live with the other three for so long. With Roman’s obnoxiously loud personality and old villain accusations, he doubted the rogue raccoon could’ve slept the day away like he did when he tried to avoid him.
He stood in front of a tall, white door. It looked like something you’d find in a children’s movie or fairy tale that told the protagonist there was some sort of grand adventure on the other side… 
How boring.
Without bothering to knock, Remus opened the door to his brother's room. Maybe for Janus, he would have knocked. There was hardly anything that could truly shock him anymore with all the fun little fantasies that ran through his head, but Janus’ wrath was something he would save for a day when he needed that extra kick.
Then again, maybe he was wrong to say that he couldn't be shocked. Not when Prince Perfect’s room was such a mess. Not when one of his mirrors had been knocked to the floor. And certainly not when he took in the sight of the other half of Creativity, sitting there at the side of his bed in his black undershirt and dress pants.
Something in Remus’ guts told him there was something wrong here, and this time it wasn’t because he had been impaled or ate something Logan and Janus insisted he shouldn’t have. No, this was something else. Something he hadn’t been allowed to see since the two split up. One brother deciding he needed to be pure as white, and the other allowing himself to be the darkest black imaginable.
He stepped closer. Roman hadn’t made a sound, not yet, but it felt like approaching a lion. A lion that stood for courage yet fell to shattered pieces of what it once was.
And maybe if he hadn’t been feeling real, genuine concern for something other than Thomas’ lack of flare in his art, he would have laughed when his mind went to Scar and Mufasa.
It wasn’t like he cared though. Concern, maybe. But he couldn’t be bothered to care for his brother who he hardly ever spoke to for purposes other than making him uncomfortable with his ideas.
Roman shifted on his bed, still not bothering to look to see who entered. “I already told you I don’t want to talk about it.”
Remus rolled his eyes. Of course his brother would choose to be a little bitch about this.
“First off, you didn’t tell me shit.” He said. Roman sat up, looking at him. A mix of defense and curiosity in his glare. “Second, I’m not the one making your life any harder than I normally would.” His brother scoffed. “Aren’t you though?”
“You’re the one affecting my work!”
Roman huffed, pulling his legs up to his chest and hugging them closely. He liked the pressure. Logan would probably be able to tell him why if he asked. He remembered hearing a conversation between him and Virgil when the darker first showed up. Something about pressure was a stress reliever.
At the same time, Remus crossed his arms, tapping his boots and rubbing his fingers against his sleeves. Whatever response he had been waiting for didn’t come. Maybe he should leave. Pretend whatever this was wasn’t happening and go focus on something else until the other half got his shit together. That would be a lot easier than standing here, the air of the room suffocating him into silence.
Either way, neither brother knew what to say. It would be easy for the pensive prince to turn around, to tell the other not to speak to him and to go back to wherever he came from. At least it should have been.
Remus bit down on his lip not minding the pain. It wouldn’t do any good to try to beat at what was already broken. “I can go find someone else.” It was more of a statement than an offer.
His twin tensed. “Please don’t.”
Remus just nodded. He didn’t know what to do or what to say. Normally he didn’t have to think this hard. He didn’t want to care about his brother and his problems. He knew at least part of the reason behind the other’s mood was because of him because Roman hated him and being compared to him. Yet still, despite being twins he couldn’t help but feel like he had to care for his baby brother.
‘What the fuck am I supposed to do now?’
He was Dark Creativity, the embodiment of intrusive thoughts and other so-called disturbing ideas and imagery. It wasn’t something that ever upset him, and hell it was fun making the other Sides and Thomas uncomfortable. It was fun telling Patton things that would make him shift in his seat and try to change the topic as if nothing had happened. It was fun to create thoughts that would fuel anxiety and haunt the sad little Side who harbored them. It was more than amusing to sit beside Roman, watching as he tried to do his work and ignore his bothersome brother’s constant suggestions that ruined his fairytale fantasies.
If Thomas didn’t want to use all the available ingredients he gave him to create that was fine. He could manage just fine! Really, the repression only made him stronger.
But Roman knew how to make people feel those warm fuzzy feelings that were like caterpillars in your ribs. Something that looking at it now, maybe Remus regretted not trying to pick up on the wholesome little messages that his brother always cared about. At least maybe then he’d have a better idea how to deal with all of these emotions going on. Even Logan would have done better in this situation.
His brother sighed, sitting up and turning to finally face him. He looked worse than expected. No wonder he didn’t want to see anyone else. Remus couldn’t tell what he was feeling, taking in the sight of this mess. Roman’s brow furrowed, his jaw clenched. He leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, his nails digging into his skin.
“Why are you still here?” He asked.
Remus bit his lip and chose to ignore the question. “I know you’re pissed about Jan being accepted.”
“Yeah duh,” Roman scoffed. He sounded like a dam ready to break. “Excuse me for not being absolutely overjoyed at this… Manipulative Malefactor being accepted by our very own Moralidad.”
The Duke nodded. Sure, you could call him friends with Double D, but he wasn’t going to be like him and lie and deny that Janus certainly had… a way… of getting what he wanted, whether it meant using others as a stepping stone or not.
“I never should have trusted him.” Roman continued. “I mean, I never even liked him. Hell, right after he revealed himself to Thomas I said I hated him… I only went along with what he wanted because he pretended to be someone I’m supposed to be able to trust, and then he used me again by flattering me with fake love and bringing up Thomas’ dreams. And I just– I just keep falling for it because I’m an idiot and I keep fucking everything u—”
He hadn’t noticed Remus approaching him or pulling him into a hug until it happened.
It was tense at first. Roman froze at contact. Slowly, he sunk into his brother's arms, not caring about the way the material scratched against his face. He just wanted to feel safe.
“What’s happening?” He asked.
Remus wasn’t sure he had an answer.
“I think Patton would refer to it as brotherly bonding, but I really don’t know.” Remus laughed lightly.
Eventually, Remus slowly pushed his brother off of him, still holding onto his shoulders and smiling in a way he could only hope came off as sympathetic. On any other occasion, Roman would despise the fact that his brother was just the tiniest bit taller than him, but right now he didn’t care. He wouldn’t tell him it was good for hugs though, he hadn’t lost all of his dignity.
“Listen, Ro-bro, we’re twins. What affects you affects me too. I know it might not change much, and you might still not want to be around me. That’s fine. Just… remember that we’re two Sides in a trenchcoat trying to make up for one, got it?” Roman nodded, rubbing at his eyes and smiling slightly. “I would have expected a darker way of phrasing that from you.”
Remus shook his head. “I may not think much, but I do know enough to understand it’s probably not the best timing for it.”
He smiled, watching as his brother lightened up a bit.
The room was still a mess. They’d have to fix it up later. Not right now though, he didn’t think his brother was ready enough to face his own destruction.
“C’mon, get your outfit on.” “Huh?” “You weren’t planning to stay locked up in here like Rapunzel all day, were you?” “I mean… kind of, yeah?” Remus shook his head. “Not happening,” He said. “We gotta do some dumb shit to make you feel better.” “Ree, I’m fine now, really.”
He ignored him, grabbing Roman’s stupidly bright white shirt off the floor and throwing it at him. Checking around for his sash afterwards.
“You at least gotta put yourself together! I know how you are about your looks– even if mine are better.”
Roman rolled his eyes before pulling his shirt on, grabbing his sash from under his pillow. “I can’t stand you.” They both knew it wasn’t the truth. Not right now at least.
“I’m going to fix… this.” Roman said as he waved his hand in front of his face.
The prince left to his bathroom, grabbing some of his makeup from his desk as he went. Remus flopped onto his brother's bed. This wasn’t exactly where he expected his day to go. It was fine though. Actually, it probably went a lot better than whatever he originally planned. Bitching at Roman could be fun, but he doubted it would have made anything better. Hopefully getting rid of some emotional block would stop the art block too. It sounded like something Logic would approve of.
Remus stared up at the glow in the dark stars that littered his brother’s ceiling. Roman’s room was less loud than usual. More quiet. Like a heartbeat that once echoed so loudly had suddenly stopped, or a fire which finally died out leaving nothing but smoke and ash behind.
He heard it when the faucet turned on, when a hairbrush hit the floor, and when Roman cursed at his eyeliner.
‘His hands must be shaky.’ They’d have to fix that.
Remus got up again, half-assedly making his brother’s bed and tidying up the place. He didn’t know where everything went, so he could only hope he was putting stuff where it shouldn’t have ever been. Even if he was trying to cheer up his brother now didn’t mean he couldn’t work in advance to cause trouble for him later.
When Roman came out he looked as if nothing had happened. Like nobody would be able to look at him and think twice of if he was okay. It was an art in itself to be a raging storm and to settle down to the tranquility of dewdrops on flower petals within a matter of minutes.
When had he learned to do that?
Or maybe it was just that he didn’t spend enough time around the other to know. Maybe if one of the other Sides saw Roman now, they wouldn’t even have to study his movements or expression to know he had been upset. It would be as easy as looking at  him and recognizing the scripted smiles and rehearsed words for what they were. Was he really that bad at being a brother to fall for his own twins’ tricks?
Roman shifted on his feet. “So… What are we doing?”
“Oh!” Remus bounced, the beads on his shirt clicking together. “Well I was thinking about it earlier and since Papa Patton and Daddy Dee are spending so much time together–” “Never call them that ever again.” “You never let me have fun! But fine. You know how those two have been hanging out more.”
“I can’t let you do anything mean to Patton, he’s off limits.”
Remus pouted. “I thought you were mad at him!” “He’s Patton!” Remus glared, and Roman glared back.
Remus sighed. “You’re so lame, but I guess we can just focus on the snake. Oh! And don’t worry, I can take the fault. Besides, I haven’t fucked around with him in a while and have been waiting for a good day to do it.” He grinned. Roman would have considered it evil, but this, this was pure sibling mischief. “I was thinking we could start subtle like moving his shit 2 inches to the left and work our way up from there. I was thinking about leaving my pet rats in his room and letting them go wild, but he is a snake and I don’t trust like that…”
Roman tried to stifle a laugh. Remus tried not to smile. Remus turned away, heading to his room to put his abandoned work away before anything else. Roman, he noticed, hadn’t followed. Slowly, he turned to him. “Are you coming?” “Oh, yeah I just...“ Roman paused, taking a deep breath and smiling softly. A real smile, not the mask he had given before. “Thank you. For doing all this.” Remus’ eyes softened, nodding as he spoke again. “Don’t go getting too soft on me, Ro-bro. I’m still going to attack your side of the Imagination.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.” The two brothers stood there, an awkward yet comfortable quiet moment of understanding neither wanted to interrupt. “C’mon,” Remus said, waving his brother along. “We have vengeance in our hearts and glitter in our pockets. Let’s fuck shit up.”
The prince glanced to himself in the mirror. Now wasn’t the time to focus on his shattered world view, or how his brother may not be as horrible as he thought. Now was the time to have fun messing with the one who had messed with him.
He looked to his brother, eyes sparkling. “Let’s do it.”
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thesuitkovian · 3 years
Avengers and Co and Their Love Languages
Author’s Note: This is inspired by @mymagicsuitcase 's post about spending time together with Daniel Brühl's characters, and even though this is a pretty loose connection I'm going to tag her post anyways for the sake of it.
This includes Avengers, (some) Guardians of the Galaxy and other supporting characters cause I felt like it.
Bruce Banner
Acts of service
This shows up in doing chores around the house, cooking you food, getting up to get you something so you don’t have to get up, running errands for you, etc.
Bucky Barnes
Physical Touch
A lot of the time it is hard to put into words what he needs/what he’s feeling and it’s just easier to sit down next to you, your sides flush against each other and his head resting on yours/your shoulder.
Acts of service
Do not leave him alone at your house. You will come home to everything having been cleaned, the laundry done, folded, and put away, dinner made and your favorite movie/t.v. show on the t.v. and ready to go.
Carol Danvers
Gift giving
Picking up things on different planets that remind her of you and bringing you home trinkets from her travels.
Clint Barton
Quality time
“Wanna go train with me?” “I’m about to watch this movie, wanna join?” “I was just gonna go out for lunch, wanna come with?”
Words of affirmation
Words are very important to her, and hold a lot of value in her life so when she says something she means every word of it.
Gift giving
Giving you something she stole/looted off some bad guy’s body because you might like it/think it’s useful/be able to sell it.
Helmut Zemo
Gift giving
Buying you things he saw you linger on while out in the market, getting you a dress/suit once a week simply because he thought you would look good in it, buying you the car of your dreams after you offhandedly mentioned it in conversation
Quality time
Spending time together is very important to him. He wants as much time with you as possible, and is willing to do whatever you want to pass the time as long as he gets to be with you.
John Walker
Words of affirmation
Complimenting your hair/clothes/makeup every chance he gets. Telling you how much he loves you/appreciates you after you do small things for him like cook dinner or buy him a gift.
Lemar Hoskins
A mix of physical affection and quality time.
Randomly coming up behind you and hugging you from behind as you guys bake/cook together. Pulling you into his lap/resting his head in your lap as you watch a movie.
Picking you up to hug you after not seeing you in forever.
Acts of service
Now this one might seem contradictory because Loki services no one, but like acts of service through other people. Getting his servants to give you the best wines/fruits/dresses, commanding them to listen to you and do anything you say.
Gift giving
“Hello my love, look at this beautiful blue tesseract, would you like to share it with me?”
Natasha Romanoff
Quality time
Just sitting next to you and existing in the same space as you is enough for her. Just knowing that you are there and she can turn to you if she needs you, that’s enough.
A mix of acts of service and gift giving.
“I killed this [savage and dangerous space beast] and took it’s head/tusk/claws/teeth so you can hang it on your wall”
“I stole this [extremely rare and expensive piece of jewelry] because I thought you would like it so here.”
Nick Fury
Quality time
Racing you around on an abandoned airstrip in a government vehicle and making you promise not to speak a word of it, vacations to places you’ve always wanted to visit, taking you to the theatre to see the new movie you’ve not stopped talking about.
Peggy Carter
Words of affirmation
This woman will not stop complimenting you ever in her entire simp life.
Gift giving
This one is a kinda sorta one. She loves to share her things with you. Her clothes, accessories, money, shoes if they’ll fit, house, bed, everything. She basically gives half of all her stuff by sharing everything she has with you.
Peter Parker
Words of affirmation
He loves to compliment you but also he loves to be complimented. And his favorite thing is hearing you say you love him.
Peter Quill
Gift giving
Much like Gamora he is the type to give you something he stole/looted off some bad guy’s body because you might like it/be able to sell it
Pietro Maximoff
Quality time
He cannot get enough of you. He loves being around you and doing things you like and being introduced/introducing you to new things.
Physical touch
This boy is so clingy. He wants to be around you and touching you at all times of the day and will become touch starved if he has to go even a day without you.
Sam Wilson
Quality time
Movie marathons. Going on missions together. Sparring/training together.
Physical affection
A gentle, comforting hand on your lower back when you’re nervous in public. Casually wrapping an arm around your shoulders when standing in line/lounging on a couch. Hugging you from behind randomly.
Scott Lang
A mix of acts of service and quality time
Doing chores with you, running errands with you, cooking with you, basically just going out of his way to make your life 1000x easier.
Sharon Carter (courtesy of my bf)
A mix of physical touch and quality time.
Sparring/training with you, and when she inevitably beats you up (because she will) pinning you to the mat. And of course, the obligatory sarcastic comment.
Gift giving
She is literally a rich princess and a genius. She has the connections and money to get you anything you want and the brain to build it for you if it doesn’t exist yet.
Stephen Strange
Physical touch
This seems surprising at first, because he is such a closed off person when you first met him but he is a very physical lover. He loves to hold you, and be held. When you two are in the same room you guys just sort of drift together until some part of your bodies are touching; even if it’s just your knees as you sit on a couch, reading in one of his many libraries.
Quality time
Intelligent debates that last hours. Reading next to each other in the same room. Reading the same books so you can talk about them/compare notes later. Teaching each other new things and expanding your minds together
Steve Rogers
Acts of service
I mean have you met this man. He is a slave to the person he loves and that is a fact. This man will do anything you ask or even insinuate that you want him to do. He will also go out of his way to do things for you, like get your favorite take out for dinner, or drop by your work on your lunch break, or do that one errand you had been putting it off cause you just didn’t want to do it.
Quality time
Another simp that just wants to be around you. He could just sit next to you and listen to things you are passionate about for hours and hours, and never get bored.
Acts of service
“[Name], I have tamed this mighty beast for you, so you may have them as a pet!”
Quality time
He wants to travel the world with you, he wants to stay at home for weeks on end with you, he wants to do whatever it is that you want to do and he wants to do it whenever you want to do it.
Tony Stark
Gift giving
He is a billionaire (playboy philanthropist) with almost as many connections as Shuri, and a desire to provide. Anything you show even the slightest interest in is on your doorstep the next morning if not within the hour.
Gift giving
Things she found from the scrap pile, alcohol, food, cool weapons she found, etc.
Words of affirmation
Vision has a very complex and intelligent mind and is trying to learn how to express himself correctly, so with your help words of affirmation quickly become your primary source of affection.
Wade Wilson
Words of affirmation
He may jokingly compliment you a lot/turn compliments into teasing but he means every word of his compliments.
Physical touch
Hugging you from behind as you cook dinner. Holding you to his chest and swaying gently to the music playing in the background. Pulling you back down onto the bed when you try to get up in the morning and octopus cuddling you. Tucking you under his arm and keeping you as close to him as possible while you guys sit on the couch together.
Wanda Maximoff
Physical touch
Running a hand over your thigh absentmindedly as she reads next to you on the couch. Gently rubbing your arm to calm you. Hugging you for a solid minute, just holding you and pressing her face into your hair. Rubbing your back to help you fall asleep. Giving you massages after a long day training/a taxing mission.
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psychewithwings · 3 years
Valentines W/ Akatsuki hcs: What they would give you
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This is actually wholesome content for once... enjoy some goofy fluff yall
I think Nagato is quite the romantic and actually really wants love... So when he finally meets you, he really isn’t sure what to give to you. All the stories would tell him that he should give flowers, chocolate... But that didn’t seem like enough for him to really express how he feels. He remembered one story he read where the boy gave his love a class ring from his school that was symbolic of a promise. 
He will place his Akatsuki ring in your palm and close your hand, still holding it.              “A promise... to always keep you safe.” 
PLEASE KISS HIM, he needs that 
She knew exactly what she was going to give you. Love is something that comes easily to her... And you fill her with such a sense of home when her head is on your chest and she can hear your breathing, smell your scent. She hadn’t felt anything like that since she lived in the house with Yahiko, Nagato, and Jiraiya. 
You think it’s cute when she hands you the bouquet of paper flowers, but you tear up when you realise that she’s written inside of them all the things she loves about you. Your sparkly eyes and lilting laugh.
In the middle of the bouquet, there is a small paper house. “What’s this for?” you ask her smiling. She takes your face in her hands and says, “It is a reminder, that you have become my home.”
Itachi is a simple man in a lot of ways. He loves you so much that a thing doesn’t seem like enough to give to you. 
So he scouts around for a few days, in the woods and small nearby villages, until he finds what he was looking for. 
He wakes you up really early in the morning, before the sun even comes up, and he takes you on a hike. “Where are we going?” you yawn, “it’s a surprise,” he smiles back at you. You’re the one thing in this world that gives him peace and serenity. When he’s with you he feels as if all the bad is melting away and he can just be in the present moment. 
The sun is coming over the hills in a pink and orange glow, just like he hoped it would... The light illuminates the old bridge and dances off of the water. There are cherry trees in full bloom, their petals blowing in the breeze. Fish swim around the maze of water lilies, the light glinting off of their scales. Tears are welling in your eyes and you turn back to him and say “it’s beautiful, thank you.”
He just smiles and takes your hand. “This,” he says, gesturing to the scene of natural beauty, “is how you make me feel... all the time. And I wanted to give you a precious memory, in exchange for all those you have given me.”
Kisame doesn’t really believe in gifts so much because he feels that items have very little importance. However, he does care about you and he wants that to be obvious. He’s a surprisingly good listener and he remembers you telling him how your family always made blue berry pancakes for breakfast on the weekends. He remembered the nostalgia in your voice so he decided he would make you some. 
They aren’t fancy, nor are they cutesy and shaped like hearts. But they’re sooooo good. They taste exactly like the ones from your childhood. It turns out, that he had called your family to get the recipe...  Kisame feels very proud of himself with how much you like them. “And I’ll always be around for ya to make more...” He really does love you.
Please give him Blu Ray copy of Finding Nemo, just to see what happens...
He knew Valentines day was coming and was so nervous... Sasori knew exactly what he wanted to do for you. He spent over a week making it but then he decided that it wasn’t exactly right so he scrapped that and started over. He really hopes that you like it. 
He gives you the box wrapped in pink paper with red ribbons. Inside there are two small puppets, one that looks like him and one that looks like you. They're beautifully carved and painted. You reach for the one who looks like you but he grabs your hand. “This one is yours,” he gives you the one that looks like him and takes your puppet in his hands instead. “I know it’s kind of selfish to make myself a gift as well...” He pauses, still holding your hand, “This way, when one of us is away, it’s less like the other is gone.” You squeeze his hand back, “I love it and if I’m gone, I’ll always come back to you.” He will remember those words forever.
He had an artistic spectacle planned from the very beginning. He dragged you out of bed because he couldn’t wait any longer to give it to you. You’re standing outside in your pajamas for whatever couldn’t wait until even 15 minuets later. He does the hand sign and there is a gigantic explosion. The ground is violently shaking and you have your hands clapped over your ears. You’re slightly annoyed because he does this everyday. But Deidara makes a clay bird and extends his hand, you hop on and take to the sky.
“There! See! Happy Valentines Day baby.”  The crater from the explosion is in the shape of a heart. “Love... is also an explosion,” he says as he kisses you. “That’s so cheesyyyy,” you laugh and kiss him back. “But look, my love for you will be carved into the earth for hundreds of years... thats how much I love you.”
He really doesn’t care about Valentines... or that much about you. He pulls a total grandpa move and puts a 5 in a card and doesn't write in it. 
He hands it to you and says “go buy yourself something nice.” You stare blankly into the card...
It was enough to get a drink and a snack from a vending machine tho
Hidan decided that to shows his love and affection for you, he needed to give you something...personal.
He tells you to close your eyes and open your hands. You feel something cold on your palm. “Okay, now open,” he says excitedly. You open your eyes and there is a small vile on a chain. “Lemme put it on ya,” he offers and clips the chain around your neck. There is a strange dark liquid inside the small glass vile. “It’s my blood,” he smiles. Your eyes grow wide and you really aren’t sure what to say. He reads your expressions of confusion and mild horror. “Listen, it’s more symbolic than anything, relax...” He seems almost offended that you don’t understand. “My blood is my weakness and I’m giving it to you, it means that I trust you more than anyone...”
He’s technically a member still... yes?
Anyways... he remembered you telling him about how much you missed a family member who passed away. 
Well Happy Valentines Day, he’s reanimated them for you! 
The fright you got when you saw them sitting down stairs drinking a cup of tea with Orochimaru is something you will never get over... 
He didn't need to think hard at all about his gift for you, it seemed pretty obvious. 
He hands you the small succulent in a heart shaped pot. “Aww so cute! A plant baby!” you exclaim. Zetsu is please that you think it’s cute. “It’s me actually, well it’s us... well my clone.” You blink at the plant in the pot. “Good morning, my love,” it says. Zetsu moves closer to you and puts a hand on your waist. “This way, you can talk to me whenever you want to, or call me back if ever you need me,” he whispers sweetly. You wrap him in a hug and tell him you love it and that it means so much to you. 
Zetsu smiles, all those things he told you were true. He wants to make sure that he’s always there for you but he also likes to just know what you’re doing. He’s actually quite Yandere... He wants to keep tabs on you and especially those you talk to. 
And besides, a clone is much easier than hacking your phone. 
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prinxlyart · 4 years
Your Vinira is sSO SWEET MY HEART US MELTING! How Viney not only accept Emira' stutter but straight up loves it?! Oh my poor bleeding heart! Now, my own question: How do the redeemed Blight parents react to their relationship?
Ooohhh see at least in my Willumity headcanons, Alador and Odalia don’t redeem themselves for several years. Like, maybe 8 or 9 years from when our girls first start dating. I imagine Viney and Emira become a thing in roughly the same time frame. So Emira doesn’t even tell her parents about her girlfriend. Viney introduces Emira to her parent(s) (eventually, maybe after like 6 months of dating?? Maybe a year?) and they are super wary at first because a Blight???? Is dating our daughter?????? And Viney reassures them that yes, they’re dating and it’s not some wild ruse. That being said, the heads of the Blight family also don’t know they’re dating so like. They’re trying to keep their relationship on the DL.
But if I’m gonna dip deeper......
( way deeper. This is another one of those Long One’s, lol )
I think....if Alador and Odalia catch wind of their daughters dating people they don’t approve of, there would be hell to pay. Like, all of them being grounded until further notice and that means escorts to and from school, no friends, no extra curricular activities, nothing but school and home. Not even their “approved friends” are able to communicate with them because their scrolls would be confiscated. Tutors (babysitters) while they do homework and further studying on weekends. No contact with the outside world. And if they even try to speak with anyone at school? They’ll all be pulled from Hexside and be homeschooled from then on.
All the while they’ll be using their connections to have Viney, Willow and Luz expelled, permanently. They may not have too much sway over these delinquents’ lives, but they’re going to make sure they’ll never be able to advance in society. And then they find out that this “Luz” is the Human that dared go against Emperor Belos? I can’t even begin to imagine the hell they’d bring down on them all.
So yeah, there’s a lot of disaster scenarios like that that haunt the Blight girls and ensure that they’ll never tell their parents of their relationships and will keep most displays of affection away from the rats that would somehow get the word back to them. At first it might hurt Luz and Viney to not be able to be affectionate, but Willow 100% understands. She already has that history looming over her in her memory. Viney and Luz will often use the Secret Room of Shortcuts in order to just hang out with their respective girls between breaks when they can.
I genuinely don’t know how the timeline of events will play out in the show in regards to Belos and the portal. It could take just days, weeks, months??? Years???? Before he’s taken down accordingly and a new portal is made.
Regardless, I like to think that in that time though, the moment the twins turn 18, they leave and they take Amity with them. They’re not just going to sit idly by anymore. Whether that means revoking their family name by some intensive ritual or just fleeing and using whatever money they took with them to find an apartment somewhere, they need to get out from under their parents’ thumb. As soon as they’ve established new lives for themselves, they are as open with their relationships as they want. They might even be a little over-eager, what with Amity kissing her girlfriends for probably too long at school in front of everyone, or Emira actively distracting Viney from her work while on the clock.
By the time we get to the point where they’re trying to re-enter their children’s lives, it’s stiff and awkward at best and like bulls butting heads at worst. The Blights are using any method they can to bring their children back home, whether it’s promises of extra freedom or putting in a good word to their coven of choice; even sending them extravagant gifts that none of them want. This maybe goes on for about a year before the twins and Amity agree to meet with their former parents. They bring their respective partners with them too; not as back up or anything, but mostly as moral support and as a giant middle finger to their parents.
Alador and Odalia don’t hold back their disdain. For their children’s’ foolishness, for their childish behavior thats ruffled so many feathers within the Emperor’s coven, for the damage they’ve all done to the Blight name; and for their daughters’ choices in partners.
They could take all of the other nonsense their parents were spouting, but being so outwardly hostile to their respective partners??? That causes Emira to nearly turn the entire Blight Manor upside down and Amity to summon an abomination large enough to chuck the manor into the Boiling Sea with her parents inside. Edric manages (somehow) to keep them both sane long enough to continue their conversation, at which point I think the Blights simply write off their girls’ anger as petty childishness.
And that. Is what sets off Luz, Willow and Viney. They absolutely go off on the Blights and just tear them both a new one. I think it’s been a long time since the Blights actually feared anyone besides the Emperor, but in that meeting, they feared these teenagers who seemed to radiate more power than they’d ever been witness to before. I think Emira and Amity are both shocked but Edric just gets comfortable and summons some popcorn to watch the show because finally, someone is telling off these miserable witches they used to call their parents.
They don’t meet with their parents again for a few more years after that encounter. I think Emira and Viney maybe break up once for a week before getting back together due to a misunderstanding, but Amity couldn’t possibly be happier with her life as it goes on, free from her parents and being able to be with her girls as she wants.
Over the course of the following years, they all still receive correspondence from their parents. On every birthday, they send a sum of money and a simple greeting. Every holiday season is the exact same. I think Luz is the only one to actually reach out to Alador and Odalia. I think she sends them a photo of their most recent holiday get together; where everyone is smiling or laughing or making messes or whatever. The exact opposite of every holiday held at the Blight Manor. They see each of their children, smiling and looking truly happy. And on the back, Luz maybe writes something about wanting to speak to them. Alone. Not with Amity or Willow, not with Emira or Viney, not with Edric, no one else. Just Luz and the Blights. They agree.
When Luz meets with them, it’s tense. They’re all quiet and stiff and still have an aura of hatred hanging between them. But Luz clears her throat and informs them that she’s planning on proposing to Amity and Willow. She’s still not sure when, or how, but it’s something she’s planning. She also informs them that if they don’t want to miss another wedding, they’d better clean their acts up and fast. And she just hands them a small scrapbook full of pictures of Emira and Viney’s wedding. They hadn’t even known it had happened. They weren’t informed, let alone invited, and Luz was granting them possibly the only chance they’ll ever have again at being in their children’s lives. Luz lets them know to reach out to her if they decide they want to be in their kids’ lives again and leaves them with the scrapbook.
When they do reach out, Luz shows up at Blight Manor with three others in tow: Eda and Lilith Clawthorne and Camila Noceda. They are three different kinds of pissed and the Blights have the good sense to just be good hosts and invite them in with little fanfare or argument. They all settle in with cups of tea and I think Lilith goes first; she tells them about how she’s had the opportunity to watch Amity grow up, even more so after she abandoned the Emperor’s coven. Over time she still acted as something of a mentor, but also as a parental figure when she or the twins needed her to be. She was honored to officiate Emira and Viney’s wedding. She’s grateful to be part of their lives because she’s been a witness to their incredible achievements. She really digs the knife in deeper when she tells them that Emira and Viney are considering having kids but Emira’s been especially hesitant due to fears that she’ll somehow end up like her parents.
Eda goes next, not even having touched her tea, just sitting with her legs and arms crossed and glaring at them in the most severe way. She tells them about the various sleepovers she’s hosted over the years. How at least half of those sleepovers found Eda talking outside with at least one Blight child if not all of them in the middle of the night.
She tells them she got herself a scroll for the first time ever because she knew those kids needed an adult figure that wouldn’t reprimand them for existing. They needed an adult figure to go to for comfort and guidance, someone that could reassure them that their best is more than enough. They don’t need to work themselves into the ground for a scrap of approval or force themselves into the rigid mold their parents made for them.
She tells them she’s seen more tears from the Blight kids than she’s ever seen from any other kind of creature. Not even Luz cried as often as they did, and she’s a giant softy (Luz lets out an indignant “hey!” At that and pouts). She tells them that she, Edalyn Clawthorne, the Boiling Isles Most Wanted, has provided more warmth and comfort for their kids in the time she’s known them than they [the Blight Parents] had in their lives.
Eda hasn’t had magic for years. But everyone knew how powerful she once was. They had all gone to school together too, of course they remember her and the trouble she caused. She lets them know that if she even had an ounce of the magic she once had, she would use it to decimate the Blight parents in every way possible for causing so much harm to three bright, talented, loving children that have grown into some of the most powerful witches the Boiling Isles has to offer. She also lets them know that before they even consider being part of those kids’ lives again, they have a lot of shit to work on and sort out. Because if they don’t? It doesn’t matter whether or not Eda has magic. She will decimate them.
Finally Camila sets her empty tea cup down and levels them with the most venomous stare she can. She’s the only one of Luz’s guests that’s actually also a biological mother. If she could, she’d probably go Super Saiyan with the sheer power she’s exuding with this stare. The Blights actually flinch which causes Lilith to have to hide a chuckle (she’s been on the receiving end of that rage before and she’s excited to see it unleashed on them).
She just starts tearing into them like her life depends on it. She doesn’t hold back in the slightest. She admonishes them for holding their social status at a higher priority than the safety and happiness of their own children. Her criticisms and curses are all laid out with razor precision. The longer she goes on, the more the Blights shrink in on themselves. Alador definitely starts crying at one point but refuses to wipe his tears away because he knows there’ll just be more anyway. The Clawthornes are shocked at seeing him cry, throughout their time at Hexside and while Lilith worked with the Blights in the Emperor’s coven, they’d never seen Alador express an emotion beyond irritation. Odalia also has tears in her eyes but she refuses to let them fall. Her face is bright red in shame though, it just grows steadily more red as Camila goes on. (Luz idly notes that that must be where Amity and the twins get their blushing genes from. She also notes that Odalia looks remarkably like Amity and wonders if that’s what Amity will look like when they’re that age. Her heart flutters a little at the concept of being with Amity for the rest of their lives, but she tampers down the runaway thoughts to refocus on her mom’s tirade).
By the time Camila’s done with them, Alador and Odalia are hiding their faces in shame. Alador’s trying to stifle his crying to the best of his ability cuz his breaths are turning ragged from how much emotion he’s experiencing. Odalia is desperately trying to wipe her tears away without ruining her makeup, but she’s also quietly sniffling and hiccuping. Camila sits back with a satisfied huff and Luz pats her shoulder (as a thank you? As a good job? As a ‘tag me in it’s my turn’? Who can say).
After letting the Blights collect themselves, Luz clears her throat to get their attention. She struggles for a moment to figure out the best way to say it, but ends up setting her jaw firmly and just blurting it out: she asks for their blessing for her to marry Amity.
After a moment of shocked silence, Luz’s courage starts to crumble a little and she begins to explain herself; she knows that Amity doesn’t value their opinion. She hasn’t for years now. Luz also doesn’t value their opinion. But if she’s going to such lengths to try and give one of the loves of her life her parents back? She may as well start off with a show of respect.
Odalia is the one that gets up from where she’s sitting and quietly approaches Luz. Eda and Lilith are about ready to throw hands if need be and Camilia starts to put her arm in front of Luz, but Luz stands up to meet her. Odalia gently takes Luz’s hands (she also notes that her hands are just as tiny and soft as Amity’s) and brings both of their hands up to about chest level. She has to clear her voice before she speaks; her throat became tight with the tears and hiccuping she was trying to hold back.
Odalia takes one hand to draw a large circle around their joined hands before clasping Luz’s hands again. She tells Luz that she absolutely has their blessing, and vows to do whatever she needs to to atone for the cruelty she put her children through. And so the Everlasting Oath is sealed.
Alador also stands up and does the same in a tear-strained voice. After his oath has been sealed, he places his hands on Luz’s shoulders and thanks her for being so damn stubborn.
They promise that they’ll be in touch with Luz again soon, but they need to talk to one another first and really sort everything out. Luz gives them a small smile and confirms that she’ll be waiting to hear from them as the Clawthornes/Nocedas stand up to leave. Before they leave, Odalia gently places a hand on Camila’s shoulder and asks her quietly if she could maybe come to her for advice on how to approach their children when they’ve figured themselves out. Camila stares at her for a moment before giving her a smile and nodding. She doesn’t have a scroll or anything, so she tells her to just reach out to Luz when they’re ready to talk. Odalia just nods and the Blights watch as their guests leave.
I think it particularly strikes Alador how casually Eda ruffles Luz’s hair and pulls her in for a side hug, loudly telling her how proud she is of her for pulling such a bold move. It dawns on him that he used to do that to Edric when he was still smaller than his own knee. It may have been after the first spell Edric ever successfully cast. Odalia sees Camila scoop Luz into her arms and plant a giant kiss to a her head, probably also praising Luz. They watch as Luz puts her arms around Eda and Camila’s shoulders as they leave the Blight estate and Alador closes the door before he starts crying again.
I think that’s the first time in years the Alador and Odalia really hug each other properly. Not to pose for a picture, not just a quick greeting as they pass each other in the halls of the Emperor’s coven, but like. For comfort. I don’t think they really realized how big and cold and empty their manor is until that moment.
I think it takes several months for them to get their acts together. They seek out a family counselor, they have weekly tea with Camila, they dust off the parenting books that have been untouched on the shelves in their library for decades. They look into Viney’s family and find out that she and Emira have started their own service beast program. The general air of grief and undertone of determination is interrupted by a moment of sheer pride at knowing their eldest daughter not only found someone she loves, but has taken the risk of starting her own business with her wife that’s a genuine service to the Boiling Isles. They make a few duplicates of the newspaper article they found announcing the grand opening of the first Service Beast Training Center and Shelter on the Boiling Isles and have it framed in different places; there’s one on the desk in their study, there’s another on their wall in their bedroom; they each have their own copy at their desks at work.
No joke, it’s taken Luz months to convince Emira and Viney that Em’s parents are trying to change. Emira has absolutely 0 faith in her parents being able to turn over a new leaf. It’s not until they hear Camila say that she’s surprised at the Blight’s improvement after their last tea meeting that they even consider that they actually are trying to change.
Luz coordinates a day and time for them to all meet once Emira and Viney agree to do so. I think they meet at a park somewhere, maybe a particularly nice public garden (maybe it’s Willow’s). Emira’s never seen her parents look so nervous before and that already sparks some hope in her heart that all of Luz’s efforts might not be naught. I think Odalia tries to reach out to hug Emira but like, actually flinches when Emira steps back. So instead they sit at one of the secluded garden tables and just talk.
Alador and Odalia apologize in as much depth as they can. Emira just sits and lets them say everything they want to say. Once they’re done with everything they can think of, they just sit in silence for a minute while Emira processes everything they’ve said. It’s not until Viney squeezes her hand that Emira finally starts crying. She wants to be angry, she is angry, but her entire heart feels like a full-grown griffon just stood up from where it was sitting and flew away. Her heart feels so much lighter. She stands up and moves to her parents and they stand and embrace her tightly for a while. Viney also feels like a huge weight has been lifted just watching the exchange. Maybe she also cries a little bit because she’s so happy to see her wife so happy. (And she maybe ignores the sound of a high five happening in the distance; she’s like, 90% sure Luz is there with someone else spying on them to make sure the meeting goes well).
All the Blights have full-on waterworks going on because they each individually realize this is the first time they’ve expressed their love for each other in probably more than a decade. Long before Emira and Edric took Amity and left. Viney maybe also hears a muffled sniffle and when she turns around to see, yup, there’s Luz, and she’s definitely crying into Willow’s shoulder. Viney rolls her eyes. Luz is such a sap. That’s probably why they all love her so much. She brings out the sap in all of them too.
After the Blights finally calm down, Alador and Odalia have an entire separate list of things to apologize to Viney for, which takes her off guard. She maybe expected an apology for the last time she saw them in person, but they went waaaay deeper than just that. And then they don’t stop at the apologies? They start thanking her for all sorts of stuff. Like loving Emira and being there for her when they weren’t. For helping her grow into the incredible person she’s become. They also congratulate them on their Service Beast Shelter and ask if maybe eventually they’d be allowed to visit and see them in their element. That’s when Viney’s face finally splits into a wide grin and she joins the big family hug they’ve got going on.
Lmao so yeah, long story short, it takes them a long-ass time, but eventually the Blights learn to love Viney 💖💖💖
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slightlycrunchy · 3 years
the color you bleed is me
A fic written for the Dead Dove exchange over at @thewitcherbog. My recipient is @jaskiersvalley who wanted a little mind control, so where else would I go but to Vampires? (Let’s see if this gets flagged heh)
Read on ao3 (which I recommend cuz the formatting is better)
WC: 5.8k // Rated E // Warnings: blood and gore, sexual violence, explicit sexual content, dub-con, mind control, blood as lube // Tags: vampire!Jaskier, top Jaskier, happy ending, geraskier, hurt/comfort, geralt is self-sacrificing
It all begins one night across from his witcher, soft amber eyes aglow with burning flame. Jaskier stands, stretching his travel-weary muscles as he endures the cracks that run up and down his spine. They have just eaten dinner, dried meat turned into a stew flavored with a handful of herbs Jaskier had happened upon. Usually it’s a good night when sweet little surprises like this happen. Jaskier loves these evenings spent around the fire, soft companionship shared with his best friend.
Yes, that’s what they are.
“To bed, bard?”
Geralt’s rough tone catches him unawares and he jumps. He doesn’t dare hope that Geralt didn’t see it with the small smirk that plays at his shadowed face. 
“Afraid so, dear, long day and all. You’ve worn me out something dreadful. It’s a shame I won’t have the energy for anything else”, Jaskier teases, the back of his hand held to his forehead in an affected swoon. Geralt simply rolls his eyes, far too used to Jaskier’s antics to be provoked any longer.
“Yes, what a shame. A good wank would have put you out hard enough I would be spared your snoring.”
Jaskier chokes on a laugh. He’s still not quite used to Geralt’s good-natured teasing. “Yes, well, perhaps there’s energy for that. Maybe you could do the same and spare me yours?”
“I sleep like the dead.”
“Un-dead more like it.”
Geralt’s shoulders shake with suppressed laughter and with a wave of his hand, he dismisses Jaskier. Turning away, Jaskier finally settles into his own bedroll. It’s a cold night, autumn’s grasp only becoming stronger each day, and yet Jaskier feels unbearably warm, his cheeks and chest alight with an inner fire.
Friends. Yes. 
The teasing, the ribbing, the fights that melt into small squabbles that are gotten over quickly. Gone are the days of getting on each others’ last nerve and Jaskier fighting for scraps of Geralt’s attention. 
As the night closes in and Jaskier’s thoughts go in familiar circles, he feels sleep coming for him strong and fast. Gods, is he exhausted. It really is a shame that he doesn’t have the energy to take himself in hand.
This is the last thought he is allowed before sleep takes him.
He’s jolted into waking, his heart racing so hard it hurts his chest.
“Melitele’s tits, Jaskier hurry the fuck up,” Geralt growls from somewhere above. Jaskier’s eyes have not yet adjusted to the bright light around him, sunlight pouring down on him sharply—
Oh no. Not again.
He’s up as quickly as he can manage, bedroll hastily packed and boots put on the wrong feet. He needs to take a piss but will hold it for now, not wanting to worsen the look he can imagine lies starkly across the witcher’s face as he waits for him, ready to go with all of their things packed.
He’s done it again. For the third day in a row, Jaskier has slept through their usual dawn waking. Two decades of travelling off and on with Geralt should guarantee Jaskier’s body knows what to do and when. The sun warming his skin has always been his signal to wake, just like it is Geralt’s. Even when the witcher would leave him for the long winters, it took weeks for Jaskier’s body to recognize that it did not actually have to wake with the sun in his rooms in Oxenfurt.
He doesn’t understand what’s happening. 
“I’m sorry, Geralt, I don’t know what’s come over me,” Jaskier says, breathless as he comes to the witcher’s side, arms full of the bag he clumsily tries to throw over his shoulder. His limbs shake a bit with the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He doesn’t think he’s ever felt so awake. 
Jaskier looks up, his first time really seeing Geralt this morning, shocked that the look he had imagined—pure, unadulterated irritation—is not there at all. There’s a furrow to Geralt’s brow as his eyes shamelessly roam Jaskier’s body. It makes Jaskier’s cheeks hot.
“Sorry. Again.”
As Geralt turns and they begin their way out of the woods, Jaskier rubs at his jaw absently where it aches. Why did Geralt look at him like that? And why isn’t he angry?
Jaskier doesn’t stop wondering for the rest of the day.
Something is wrong with Jaskier.
Amber eyes roam over the sleeping body that lies close to the fire, small shivers still running up and down the blanketed lump. Jaskier has slept through dinner, and this isn’t the first time.
Geralt tears his eyes away from the man before him, looking up to the stars that shine bright and clear above them. The weather is pleasant, though cold. A human would perhaps be feeling its bite by now, but not to the degree that Jaskier seems to. Geralt has taken to holding the bard close the past few days just so his teeth will stop chattering; the man sleeps so deeply that Geralt is sure he doesn’t even notice. 
The hare Geralt caught sits heavy in his stomach, Jaskier’s portion eaten as well, as Geralt knows by now he won’t be able to wake the other man. His sleep patterns have become worrisome if he’s being honest. Jaskier is nearly impossible to wake of a morning, and more often than not he doesn’t eat before he goes to bed in the evenings. Tonight, the sun hadn’t even fallen beneath the treeline before Jaskier had rolled out his bed and folded onto it like a man who hadn’t rested in days.
And yet they don’t talk about it.
Jaskier’s appetite has waned, even midday breaks taken only for sips of water and a rest for his feet. Geralt has had to shake him awake twice, head rolling onto his chest against a tree. Jaskier seems to be able to fall into sleep anywhere, at any time. This level of exhaustion can’t be healthy.
Jaskier says nothing.
Geralt has watched his skin turn sallow and hands begin to shake, and even as Geralt shoots him knowing looks, begging the bard to say something, Jaskier looks away with a look like shame blanketing his face. Why would he be ashamed? If he’s growing sick, there’s nothing for Jaskier to feel shame over; he can’t help it.
With a sigh, Geralt thinks of Jaskier’s age. His fortieth birthday is coming up, literally within the week. Two decades Geralt has spent with this man, at first an annoyance but now someone Geralt would call his closest friend.
Geralt wonders at that word. So innocent and small, and yet it holds the meaning of joy in his life. Jaskier brings so much joy into his life. 
Geralt startles, half rising from the log he sits on when a shuddering sigh escapes the lump across the flames from him. Geralt waits a moment, but then Jaskier settles and the tension bleeds from his limbs. Forty years old is middle-aged for a human, a time when their bodies begin to struggle and slow. For the gods’ sakes, many don’t even make it this far. Sickness ravages too many too young, and Jaskier has always been bafflingly healthy.
But not anymore, it seems.
With a heaviness set upon his shoulders, Geralt rises and makes his way to Jaskier’s side, placing his own bedroll close. Something pricks at his mind that he doesn’t want to name as he bundles Jaskier into his arms. Geralt hears his labored breathing slow, Jaskier’s muscles relaxing into Geralt’s chest as he holds him closer and Geralt ignores the twist in his gut.
Not for the first time, Geralt wishes he had the means to know what the future holds, where they will end. He doesn’t know what he will do if he loses his closest friend.
Jaskier can’t eat. His stomach twists and curls uncomfortably nearly every waking moment, and even the thought of food has him nearly retching. His jaw aches, a sensation that has crept up on him with every waking morning and no matter how much he massages the skin there, nothing assuages his discomfort. He knows Geralt is aware something is wrong, but the witcher never brings it up, and for that Jaskier is thankful.
He doesn’t want to acknowledge whatever this is. But he’s finding it harder to ignore.
The tipping point comes the day before he is due to turn forty, some vague and distant part of Jaskier’s mind regaling him of birthdays spent in Oxenfurt, memories drenched in too much wine and debauchery. There have been other, softer years spent with Geralt on such a day; times when Geralt has gifted him something thoughtful and sweet—useful, more often than not. If he’s honest, those are his favorite years. As he gets older, nights full of revelry are wanted far less, time with those he loves needed far more.
And Jaskier loves Geralt, by Melitele’s mercy he does.
The sky sprinkles a light drizzle all around them, grey and pressing down with a haze in the air that tugs at Jaskier’s lungs with an insistent pull. A town rises up before them out of the mist, inconsequential, looking no different than the last four they've passed through in the past two weeks. However, Jaskier thinks every town would look the same to him at this point.
His breathing is labored as he follows Roach blindly, her body taking up a dark corner of his vision even as he stares down at his own feet. It’s all he can do to keep walking; place one foot in front of the other, the pressure at his soles grounding and slightly hypnotic as he does so. He’s so unaware that he walks into her backside as she’s stopped at some point, his shoulder bouncing off with an embarrassing squeak as he’s shocked out of his daze.
“Jaskier, we’re here.”
Geralt’s voice sounds distant even as Jaskier attempts to look up at him. The back of his neck aches something awful and he can’t quite force himself to make eye contact, his gaze shifting off somewhere over Geralt’s left shoulder. Even so, Jaskier gives a wan smile. “Where exactly is ‘here’, witcher?”
“A place I know...with people I know,” Geralt answers, his voice soft and...concerned. Jaskier’s expression shutters; he doesn’t want Geralt’s pity, he’s fine, this is all fine. He ignores how his knees shake beneath him—
“You’re not fine, bard,” a feminine voice cuts through the fog.
Immediately Jaskier is at attention, more aware than he’s felt in days. He looks to Geralt’s face, a feeling of betrayal and something else that’s hot and nearly overwhelming bubbling up in his chest. He hasn’t seen her in months, and Jaskier has been grateful for it, especially since his feelings for Geralt have changed as of late, tumbling firmly into non-platonic territories. She is a threat, an enemy come to take what is his—
He startles. Where has that thought come from?
“Yennefer? Why is she here Geralt, what are you doing?” His heart rate is rising and with it comes a new wave of dizziness. He sways, Geralt bracing him firmly beneath his elbow. Geralt’s face is pinched in discomfort.
“You’re...you’re not well, Jask. It wasn’t originally my plan to seek her out, but I heard rumors of a sorceress this way and…” he trails off.
“And you look like shit, bard. Stop being so stubborn as to not accept help from someone who can do something about it.”
It’s as if it comes from nowhere really, like he’s turned a corner and it’s just there, crouched and ready to pounce on him when he’s least expecting it. Fury; hot, possessive, overwhelming fury. He is equal parts surprised and satisfied when he hisses, the sound feeling wrong coming from his mouth. Gods, his mouth aches; he wants to tear her to shreds.
“Jaskier?” Geralt asks.
Jaskier won’t look at him, eyes boring holes into the mage before him who takes a moment to look surprised before her eyes harden into steel. His head pounds.
She nearly sneers when she says, “I know what the fuck you are.”
Jaskier hardly has a moment to register her words before his legs give out and everything goes deeply, horribly, black.
Jaskier is sleeping deeply, looking worse than ever, upon a bed inside the humble cottage Yennefer has set herself up in. The lack of wealth that usually surrounds the mage in her favored homesteads is shocking, though Geralt has more pressing matters to mind.
“What’s wrong with him, Yen?” He tries to keep the desperation out of his voice. 
She doesn’t look at him, busy bustling around in the small kitchen, gathering up herbs and water into a bowl that she heats with her magic. She places sprigs of rosemary and sage within it and immediately Geralt’s senses are overwhelmed with the earthy softness as she wrings out a cloth and fits it neatly upon Jaskier’s forehead, all with clinical ease. Jaskier has begun to sweat, his skin clammy with it. He pants harshly, and Geralt feels an urgency more than ever. 
“Tell me, Yen.”
She looks at him askance, placing the bowl upon a table that rests at the bedside. “You’re not going to like it, witcher. Things are going to change.”
“When one lives as long as I have, change is inevitable.”
Yennefer looks at the bard, and Geralt isn’t sure if he imagines her gaze to be full of pity. “Not like this, Geralt.”
Geralt feels his patience snap, “Damn it all, Yen! Tell me!”
“Don’t you yell at me, witcher,” she says dangerously, even as she finally stops before him, arms folded over her chest in defiance. “Now shut up.”
She’s silent for a moment and the anxiety that Geralt has easily pushed down with action and outward movement now comes toppling over him. Is Jaskier dying? The air in the room is foreboding, so much so that he can hardly breathe with it. He watches as she hardens her expression, her eyes darkening. He clenches his fists.
“He’s turning, Geralt.”
Of all the things she could have said, this was not what he expected. “Turning? Turning to what, Yen?”
“Turning into what, you mean. He’s a vampire, Geralt. How have you not noticed? I assume he hasn’t been eating, been sleeping more—he’s probably in quite a bit of pain as his body goes through the changes. I can see his teeth from here, how have you missed it?”
The teeth? Immediately Geralt is at Jaskier’s side, raising one pale lip to look at the canines there. His throat tightens at the sight; they match his own, now. He knows they will only grow sharper. Suddenly the thought overtakes him, stealing his breath, “His fortieth is tomorrow Yen...tomorrow.”
“Is it? What a shame.”
“Have some compassion, for Melitele’s sake,” he says without heat, but his mind is roaming elsewhere. 
He thinks back to the bestiary, of all that he knows of higher vampires. How does Jaskier not know what he is? For surely he doesn’t know, he would have told Geralt...wouldn’t he? There isn’t much known about the species, many witchers having been destroyed too swiftly to report any characteristics in the flesh. Though, they know a little: vampires come of age much later than humans, at forty to be exact. They hold the ability to thrall and speak to the beasts of the field, lack reflection or shadow and can blend in with humans almost seamlessly. They don’t require human blood, but many give into their desires and take it anyway—except on one day of their life.
The day they turn.
“He’s starving, Geralt—he’ll need his fill of blood tomorrow to survive the change, so what will you do? You hunt monsters like him. You can’t possibly condone even your precious bard taking a human life to save his own? What will the world come to—”
“Quit mocking him, Yen,” Geralt spits, his mind in a whirlwind.
Jaskier’s body has been slowly transitioning over the past two weeks and Geralt hates himself for not noticing, though there’s no way he could have. Without realizing it, Geralt has begun petting Jaskier’s chestnut hair, his sweat slicking it back bit by bit. With gentle hands, Geralt lowers them to the hem of Jaskier’s tunic, slowly lifting it up just to Jaskier’s chest.
Geralt sighs heavily. He’s lost weight—more than Geralt would have thought. His stomach lies sunken in slightly and the edges of his soft chest have turned sharp, ribs protruding by a small measure. His body has been wasting away and something in Geralt howls at this. It’s his job to protect Jaskier, to make sure he’s safe—how can he protect him from this?
“So what are you going to do witcher? You could wait until tomorrow to slay him or…” Geralt looks up at her, his eyes wide in surprise, “you could do it now, while he sleeps. Put him out of his misery before he even knows of the monster he has become.”
“Jaskier is no monster,” he growls, something in him jumping forth with teeth bared. He turns away from her, to look at the man below him who didn’t choose this for himself but is forced into it regardless—
Not unlike Geralt himself had once been.
Witchers are hated all over the continent, though they do thankless, dirty work that keeps the people safe in their beds, and yet he didn’t have a choice in the matter. In those early days, Geralt had wished he didn’t survive the trials, hadn’t lived to become this. ‘Monster’ they call him. He used to believe it...until Jaskier came along.
Jaskier was never daunted by his looks or gruff demeanor. Jaskier always saw deeper down, into who Geralt actually is...and now, Geralt will do the same.
“I will help him.”
He sees the way Yennefer flinches even from the corner of his eye, unwilling to look away from Jaskier’s face. The bard’s brows have knit together in discomfort now, and Geralt gently smoothes the ache away with his thumb. 
“Are you insane, Geralt? He’ll kill you!”
“That may be true, but…” He doesn’t know what it is, or why, but something in Geralt’s mind says that Jaskier won’t. He doesn’t dare trust it, but it’s there all the same. “That would be alright.”
“It will hurt Geralt, he’ll want the thrill of the hunt, he’ll tear you to shreds.” He hears the concern in her voice. It’s not as surprising as he would expect. “I— Please don’t, Geralt.”
Geralt rises from the edge of the bed, and makes his way over to where Yennefer stands, her fingers fidgeting with each other in her discomfort. Geralt feels his expression soften. 
“Is there any other way, Yen?”
She is silent. Her gaze skitters to the floor. “No. Either he dies without feeding, or I suppose you end him—which it seems you won’t do,” she says accusingly.
“I won’t.”
“Then do what you will, witcher.” She sounds resigned even as she turns away with a dismissive wave, sauntering off into some other portion of the house down a long hallway to his right. 
Geralt’s stomach twists at the thought that this may be the last time he sees her, speaks with her, and they’ve ended on such a sour note. “Thank you, Yennefer...for everything.” He says this softly, but somehow he knows she has heard him. 
With a final look down the now empty hall, Geralt turns, his eyes settling across the exhausted body before him. In three strides he’s beside Jaskier now, and takes his hand within his own. Jaskier’s skin is cold. 
“Let’s go, Jask.”
And as he slips into the night, a vague direction planned within his mind, strangely Geralt finds he feels nothing but peace. 
He’s so unbearably hot. 
It’s as if his skin has molted, revealing something fresh and new and entirely too weak like a newborn's flesh and he aches with it.
It’s difficult to open his eyes, the slit between his lashes hard won and he closes them immediately in the end, the air around him bright with flickering warmth. 
“Jaskier? Jask.”
He knows that voice though it feels far away, muted beneath his pain and the tightness of his own body. He clenches his jaw, teeth and gums radiating with discomfort as he realizes he’s lying down, his back on something firm yet soft. He feels fingers run through his hair.
“Sleep. You’ll wake when it’s time.”
He doesn’t understand what that means and yet...he knows it to be true.
And so Jaskier sleeps.
The next time he wakes, Jaskier knows he is not the same.
His body thrums, residual pain receding into something else, something that sings in his veins and calls to him from beyond. It’s instinctual, and his eyes shoot open with the hunger that would be foolish to call bodily alone. 
He can smell him now. A man. Smoky and sweet—salt and musk. His mouth waters uncontrollably.
Elongated nails, sharp at their points, dig into fabric that lies soaked with sweat beneath him. His chest is bare, but the breeches around his legs remain and immediately he knows this will not do. With a strength that feels nothing but right, Jaskier is quick to rip them away along with his braies, leaving his skin unencumbered in the night air. His cock hangs heavy between his legs and his back arches with the feel of the fire-warmed air caressing his balls that already tighten with need.
It’s nearly overwhelming, the amount of sensation he feels. He feels empty, his jaw aching and fingers itching to slash and claw, to draw blood that he can lick away, filling his body with nourishment and energy—
He needs to feed. He needs it desperately.
He looks around, taking in the room. It appears to be a cave, carved into the side of a mountain, the drop off at the mouth of the entrance steep and dark, but he can easily see out into the night with his enhanced vision. Somehow, this doesn’t phase him at all, and as his eyes scan the walls, the ceiling, across the fire to his right and through the flames, he sees him.
If pressed, Jaskier would be unable to explain the exhilaration that runs through him at the sight. It feels wrong when he smiles, his teeth taking up too much of his mouth but he does it all the same; he can’t help it. Seeing Geralt makes him so happy.
“Jask...how are you feeling?”
The words sound off to his ears, but even so he understands them. Answering the question however, is not his priority at the moment. 
With limbs that feel shaky for only a moment before they strengthen, Jaskier rises, his member bobbing and full with every step he takes towards the man on the other side of the fire. Geralt’s eyes glow, and Jaskier can see the cords of muscle in his neck tighten with anticipation. The witcher is nervous...interesting. 
Once Jaskier sees it, he can’t seem to look anywhere else. Geralt’s pulse pounds beneath the thin, white skin above his collarbone, and Jaskier feels himself swoon at the sight. Two quick strides have him close enough to touch and he doesn’t hesitate to bury his nose within the crook of Geralt’s neck, taking in the scent of the man, his nose picking up things he knows he never has before. Jaskier’s skin tingles with the proximity and suddenly his urges snap into place; this is his friend, this is his love, this man is his.
“Jask, do you know who you are? Who I am? Do you...do you know what’s happening?”
Geralt’s voice cracks as Jaskier licks the column of his throat, from the dip in his clavicle to the point of his chin. Geralt tastes like sweat and anxiety, and Jaskier can’t get enough.
Strong hands hold Geralt at the nape and lower him down to the rough ground, the points of Jaskier’s nails digging into Geralt’s scalp just enough to draw blood. As he straddles Geralt’s hips, Jaskier’s eyes find Geralt’s own wide with trepidation and slowly Jaskier takes the hand away, bringing it to his mouth and placing the bloodied fingers onto his tongue.
His vision goes white with the pleasure that runs through him.
At once, it’s like he’s woken for the first time. He needs this, he has to take, has to feed—
His fangs sink home into the vein at Geralt’s neck, and warmth blooms upon his tongue, heavy and aromatic as the thick glide of the witcher’s life essence slides down his throat.
Geralt’s body tenses and he swallows a cry as Jaskier suckles his skin, his teeth penetrating deeper as he begins to rock his body against the man held captive beneath him. The sensation is new and yet so familiar, right in a way that nothing has ever been as he uses Geralt’s body to satisfy his own. There’s a voice in his head, telling him to hunt, claim, mate, breed, as he takes and takes what he wants from Geralt.
“J-Jask—” Geralt stutters, but Jaskier cuts him off with a low growl. Geralt’s body is as taut as a bowstring beneath him and something in that sings wrong in Jaskier’s head, like a chord struck wrong in the song at his fingertips. 
He will do something about it.
He doesn’t know how he becomes aware of the ability, but he does all the same, activating something within himself like a switch he can turn on at will to draw himself even closer to his victim, to his meal, to his lover—
He invades Geralt’s mind.
Words do not exist here, but instead, it is feeling. Jaskier wills the body beneath him to soften and sate, relax into the curves and points of Jaskier’s body and Geralt complies without fight. Where his hands had been clenched into fists and his breathing labored, now there is nothing but tranquility, a body giving itself over to be used as it will.
Jaskier can hardly stand it.
His teeth rip from Geralt’s body, but the connection remains as Jaskier decides there is certainly too much clothing between them. With a few swift movements, Geralt is bare beneath him, and Jaskier can’t feast his eyes on enough skin. With a hunger he can’t name he decides he must see it all, as if he has been waiting for years, though time does not exist here. Right now there is nothing more than this cave and this desire and this hot, burning need. He flips Geralt over.
Scars, endless upon creamy canvas—and Jaskier knows he must add his own. It’s almost as if he is watching from above as he sees his own claws rake over Geralt’s back, drawing lines of crimson in long patterns. His tongue is quick to follow, sucking the flowing rivers out of deep trenches. Each drink goes straight to his cock and soon enough, Jaskier can’t take it anymore, his teeth sinking back into the vein that bleeds sluggishly from Geralt’s neck.
Time passes and the man below him grows colder, in increments. Still Jaskier is not satisfied. Something claws at him from within, older than the new song that plays in his head on loop, something from before, something important. After ignoring it for as long as he can, it breaks through, however.
Don’t kill him!
The thought feels wrong to his animalistic desire but it stops him all the same. He rises, his fangs leaving skin only for his tongue to lap at the wounds, sealing them as quickly as he can. Geralt’s skin has taken on a grey tint, and this does something strange to his gut.
Fear. He feels fear.
He is ours, but you cannot end him, not like this!
And yet he knows he cannot stop, his body is not ready, has not been fed, has not been filled.
Suddenly another idea overtakes him.
Geralt lies still, his breathing slow and steady even as his heart beats thready and weak. Pity lies somewhere beneath Jaskier’s skin but he ignores it, dragging his fingers through the beads of sweat and blood that leak steadily from Geralt’s wounds, two fingers drenched with it as he looks down to where he is straddled, over the rounded peaks of Geralt’s arse. His hands find themselves beneath the witcher’s hips, guiding them up until Jaskier can easily see the sweet, pink, puckered hole of Geralt before him, and without preamble, he slides two crimson fingers within.
Geralt is still warm here, and as Jaskier works him open, fast from the start with rough strokes, his teeth sink into the curve of his cheeks, small bites drawing more blood from pale skin.
Two fingers is all Jaskier has patience for.
His cock throbs, nearly purple in its fullness as he lines up with the now red rim of Geralt, and without so much as another breath, sinks home to the hilt.
Jaskier can feel within himself the way Geralt shudders though his body is kept still from the thrall that wraps itself entirely around his mind. Geralt’s body only gives—lets itself be taken by Jaskier and all at once he knows this is what he needed. His stomach, his veins full from Geralt’s nourishment, and his cock wrapped up in the witcher’s warmth as his insides batter against the length of him. The slide is sweet and Jaskier pants with pleasure, running through him like sparks set to ignite into a blazing, uncontrollable fire. His claws find purchase in Geralt’s hips, digging deep into muscle and grinding into bone. Jaskier nearly cries out with the deliciousness of it all.
This is what he has craved, every corner of his being suspended in want for years on end, coming to a glorious conclusion, a poetic end as Jaskier gives in to his every want. He plows forward, in and out of Geralt’s hole as he begins to weaken the hold on the witcher’s mind; he wants Geralt to feel this, wants Geralt to know that he is owned, held up only by the strength of Jaskier’s hands—
The sound is one of pain, and yet it only drives Jaskier on further.
“Jaskier, stop— Stop...”
Geralt fights weakly, still drained of energy from the blood loss, and this of all things is what pulls Jaskier over the edge.
He spills his seed into Geralt, warmth spreading around him as he keens into the night air, a chill settling beneath his skin with a dizzying immediacy. Slowly, it’s as if his body returns to him, the harried internal screams of more, more quieting to a dull hum. He is sated...full. He can’t remember feeling like this in a very long time. He shudders through the residual tremors of his orgasm, dripping the last of his spend into Geralt’s body with a sense of relish. This is wonderful. This is heaven.
With the lightness blooming in his chest, Jaskier had nearly forgotten his witcher. With an exhausted smile on his face Jaskier finally looks down, taking in the sight before him.
Geralt is covered in blood.
And with such a sight, something within him stops.
Somehow he had known what he had been doing and yet...the consequences of such had been shelved, buried six-feet deep, flung over his shoulder to be thought of later. His skin is pink and flushed and Geralt’s is crimson and grey-toned. The air rushes out of his lungs in one unhappy push.
He tries to be gentle as he removes himself, his limp cock bouncing against his own inner thigh as he flips Geralt over gently and with newly shaking hands, “Oh gods, Geralt—Geralt I’m so sorry, what have I done—”
“Jask…” Geralt’s voice is thin and weak, his eyes barely open even as a small smile appears on his face, and immediately Jaskier wants to slap him for it. “It’s alright...it’s alright. I’m alive, you didn’t,” —he takes a breath— “I’m alright.”
Jaskier looks around frantically, taking in the pools of blood on them both and pales, “You could still die!”
“No. I won’t. Come here.” He gestures to himself, uncaring of his nudity nor Jaskier’s even as Jaskier blushes deeply, regardless of what they have just done. 
Jaskier recoils in disgust, “No, no don’t let me touch you, I’m a monster, a freak—” he cuts off abruptly, his eyes going wide, glossy as his gaze is lost in the distance. “You have to kill me.”
Grunts of pain are heard as Geralt tries to sit upright, only to realize it’s a losing battle; he doesn’t have the strength. Still his voice is fierce when he says, “No.”
“Yes, witcher...yes…”
And suddenly Jaskier can hardly breathe for the sorrow that swallows his entire heart whole.
Geralt finally knows how Jaskier feels and yet it comes at the highest cost. Not only did he hurt his friend, the man he loves—but this will be the end. Jaskier lists to the side, catching himself on cold stone with a clammy palm. He shivers in the night air, the sweat on his skin cooling rapidly. He doesn’t much care.
“No, Jaskier, I will not.”
“And why not?” Jaskier cries, tears slipping from his eyes as he whips his head towards Geralt and stares him down, defiant. “That’s what you’re made for—to kill things like me!” Finally, he breaks down into tears, burying his head into hands still smeared with Geralt’s blood. He’s disgusted with himself. If only Geralt would just do it already, he would welcome it—
Arms come around him, warm, even if they lack the temperature Jaskier knows they normally house. His breath stutters in his chest.
“Don’t you see, Jask? Can you really not?”
Slowly, blue eyes search for golden, blazing in the molten light. They are always so beautiful, Jaskier thinks. It will be a pity to know them no more. But Geralt just looks back, his expression soft...fond.
“Can’t you see I’d do anything for you?”
As Jaskier’s face crumples, and Geralt holds him through his echoing sobs, a low timbre tells of how Geralt knew—with Yennefer’s help of course—what would happen...and came anyway.
Jaskier shakes his head in exasperation as Geralt finishes, his voice shaky as he says, “You stupid, stupid witcher. You couldn’t have known it would be alright.”
“I don’t take unnecessary risks.”
“You did tonight.”
But Geralt did it all for him, and he won’t soon forget it.
“Besides, bard, this is the only night you will even show vampiric traits, if you so wish. So stop being so dramatic. You can live your life as you always have.”
Jaskier looks up, eyes tear bright and hopeful. “As I...always have?”
Geralt hums, nodding.
“With me.”
16 notes · View notes
chevrolangels · 4 years
though the stars walk backward
#24: You’re my ex but I think I still have feelings for you, 4.1k
From this prompt list
For @princessjimmynovak​  This was requested approximately a million years ago and I finally finished it!! Happy belated birthday darling 💜
Feat. Space Ex-Boyfriends who are bad at talking to each other. So, canon. But in space. (Dean has always wanted to be an astronaut, lbr)
read on ao3
“New crop of cadets coming in today.”
“I know.”
Charlie bites into her apple, munching as she scans her screen.
“Hope they’re better than the last ones. Half of ‘em couldn’t tell the difference between a spectrometer and an ammeter.”
Castiel doesn’t comment. He’s too on edge to indulge Charlie today, so he just shrugs, swiveling his chair back in front of the control panel.
Everything’s on autopilot, like always, but he likes to check the nav-console by hand, every once in a while, if nothing but to prove his usefulness. Wouldn't do to have the computer shift a few degrees without anyone noticing and end up halfway to Alpha Centauri.
“I mean, what do they think we do up here? Run pretty tests for fun?” Charlie continues. “Like, one leak is the difference between life and death.”
Castiel makes a noncommittal noise and starts typing in the complicated sequence with his stylus, the starmap projected before him, their course pulsing with gentle blue light.
“I mean, they’re gone for all that time, least the Academy can do is make sure they’re prepared.”
Castiel bites his tongue, typing with perhaps a little more force than is necessary. He loves Charlie, but her ranting is really starting to get to him. Castiel might be the best pilot this side of the Pleiades, but hey. He’s only human.
“If they send me one more programmer who asks me how to do an abstraction, I’m going to―”
“Charlie, do you mind?” Castiel snaps. “I’m trying to concentrate here.”
He regrets it immediately. Charlie does go quiet, but makes a thoroughly overdramatic roll of her chair into Castiel’s eyeline. She raises an eyebrow.
“Somethin’ you wanna share with the class there, bud?”
Castiel exhales, rolling his shoulders.
“Sorry. I just...need to focus.”
A decidedly sneaky look crosses her face, one that Castiel knows spells trouble.
She leans forward, propping her chin up on her hands.
“Is it because you gotta do the whole ‘Captain Thing’ later?” She asks. “Shake hands, greet the greets, that whole deal?”
Castiel acquiesces.
He quickly finishes the rest of the code and enters it into the nav-console, sinking back in his seat. Charlie purses her lips.
“And I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that the teaching staff is coming back, huh.”
Castiel keeps his face carefully neutral, even as he feels the back of his neck grow hot. He fiddles with the stylus in his hands, turning it over and over again.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Charlie taps her chin, looking thoughtful.
“What’s it been, two years?” She whistles, drawing it out. “Long time.”
Castiel just grunts. He should be getting up, to change into his uniform for the new batch of arrivals, but he makes no attempt to move.
“Dean’s coming back, too, right?”
Castiel snaps the stylus in half.
Charlie grins.
Castiel looks down at his hand, shoving the broken stylus into his pocket.
“If he is, I haven’t heard anything about it,” he says loftily. “And whether he does or not certainly doesn’t affect me.”
Charlie tilts her head.
“Didn’t they send the transfer roster last week?”
Castiel glares at her. She smirks back, giving him a cheeky wink.
Castiel abruptly pushes back from the console, standing.
“I have to go change,” he says shortly.
Once he gets to his quarters and the door slides closed behind him, Castiel sinks back against it, dropping his head in his hands.
Two years. Two years since Castiel chose to stay, and he chose to leave. Two years, of long lonely nights in front of the computer, of avoiding the Observation Deck, of throwing himself into his work. Two years in which Castiel thought he’d successfully ridded every last trace of Dean Winchester from his life.
After that night, Castiel had thrown away everything he’d ever given him. Every trinket, every gift, every scrap of paper―pathetic trophies of infatuation that Castiel had saved like a fool, pressed between the pages of his books.
The rest of the ship noticed, of course, because how could they not―Charlie, especially, had been particularly persistent in trying to get Castiel to tell her what happened. But Castiel resolutely refused to talk about him, and glowered sufficiently at any mention of his name that eventually people just learned to stop bringing him up.
But time marches ever onward, and the training cycle at the Academy is complete. The institution that Dean fled to in the first place is now spitting him back out, thrusting him back into Castiel’s life.
Castiel presses the heels of his hands to his eyes. How is he going to stand in front of nearly three hundred people and shake his hand? Just the mention of his name made Castiel want to throw something, bringing back all those memories Castiel tried so hard to forget. It may have been two years, but everything that made the man named Dean Winchester the best part of his life is still imprinted in Castiel’s memory, like a brand.
It’s times like this when Castiel wishes he could be like one of Charlie’s computers, erasing all information at the touch of a button. There would be no pain, no memories―like he had never existed in the first place.
Castiel exhales, looking down at his hands.
He’ll just have to make it quick. It really wouldn’t do for the captain to start a fistfight in front of the entire crew.
Roughly thirty minutes later, Castiel finds himself standing stiffly at the end of the receiving line of officers, the collar of his uncomfortable dress uniform cutting into his neck. Something must be off with the temperature regulators in the receiving deck, because he’s sweating, a few locks of hair slipping loose from his hat. He attempts to comb them back into place until Naomi hisses at him to stop fidgeting.
Charlie is beside him as Chief Engineering Officer. She cranes her neck above the crowd, looking at the small group that’s just disembarked from the transport ship.
“Showtime,” she says, adjusting her gloves.
Castiel closes his eyes briefly, breathing in. He can do this.
The new ones pass through first, freshly graduated, young and starry-eyed. Castiel can appreciate their eager enthusiasm. It’s important work they do here on the ship, and they need the best crew to make it possible. They shake his hand vigorously, hopefully interpreting his tight-lipped stare as stoic strength.
Then, the officers.
Hannah, who Castiel has always liked, gives him a warm smile and clasps his hands, telling him how much they missed him. Castiel agrees with the sentiment, but he can barely focus during their conversation, continually darting his eyes towards the end of the line.
The procession inches forward, painfully slow. Cain, Chief Military Strategist, is next, then Billie, and Linda Tran. Crowley, a truly despicable human being, but perhaps the most brilliant Flight Engineer Castiel’s ever worked with, passes with a slimy smile―and then, a face Castiel hasn’t seen in a long time.
“Captain Novak,” Sam says warmly, reaching out to shake his hand. “It’s been a while.”
Castiel smiles back, unable to help himself.
“It has,” he agrees, taking his hand. Despite whatever may have happened between him and his brother, Castiel always liked Sam. “I can’t tell you how much we’ve missed you during your absence.”
Sam nods, dropping Castiel’s hand.
“Believe me, we missed it here, too,” he says, smiling. “You never know how good you have it until you have to spend time way out in the boonies.”
Castiel chuckles. He remembers. The time at the Academy might be necessary, but it certainly couldn’t be called comfortable.
Sam turns, indicating the cadets behind them.
“We’ve got a good group for you here, Cas,” he says, dropping the nickname with easy familiarity. “I think you’ll be happy with them.”
“Good to hear,” Castiel replies. “I’m sure they benefited from having you as a teacher.”
Sam shrugs, ever modest.
Naomi clears her throat from behind them, not-so-subtly encouraging him to move it along. Sam smiles and gives Castiel a small little salute, moving away.
Castiel sighs, tugging at his collar. To his left, he hears a low chuckle.
“Still hate that uniform, huh?”
Castiel stiffens.
He’d know that voice anywhere.
He slowly lowers his hand, looking up into the face he tried two years to forget.
“Hey, Cas,” Dean says softly, smiling.
His eyes are bright, shining, like he wants to be here. Funny. Castiel seems to remember he went halfway across the star system just to get away from him.
He extends a hand, holding it out for Castiel to shake.
Castiel clears his throat, but doesn’t move.
“Dr. Winchester,” he replies stiffly. “Welcome back.”
Dean chuckles.
“Oh, right,” he says sheepishly. “I gotta call you ‘Captain Novak’, now, huh? Sorry.”
He looks up, that soft smile returning.
“Old habits, I guess,” he murmurs.
His hand is still extended, in the distance between them. Naomi must be practically foaming at the mouth at such a lack of decorum. Castiel couldn’t care less.
Dean looks exactly the same, perhaps a few more lines around his eyes, still that perfect shade of green. Dean's eyes always reminded Castiel of Earth.
Dean seems to be thinking along the same lines. He looks Castiel up and down, gaze lingering for a moment on the few locks of hair Castiel knows must still be stubbornly escaping from beneath the brim of his hat.
“You haven’t changed at all,” Dean continues. “Even after two years.”
“And three months, six days,” Castiel says coolly.
Dean’s smile fades a little.
He pulls back his hand, awkwardly picking at the edge of the hat in his hands.
Castiel’s heart is beating wildly, but he keeps his face still as stone. Dean shifts uncomfortably, then seems to make a decision.
He leans in, lowering his voice.
“Look, Cas, you know I always hated this formal junk,” he murmurs. “Can we talk later, maybe?”
He sounds so cavalier, so oblivious, and Castiel hates it.
“Catch up?” Dean asks. “Away from all these people?”
Castiel gives him his coldest stare.
“I don’t think so, Dr. Winchester,” he says sharply. “Running this ship is a full time job.”
Dean blinks, and he stares at him, looking like he’s just been slapped across the face. The monster of heartache and pain inside Castiel roars with a vicious triumph.
“I have enough on my plate as it is,” he continues dismissively. “I simply don’t have time to indulge every junior officer who wants to waste my time.”
He straightens, looking away disinterestedly.
“You’d do best to remember that.”
For a moment, Dean doesn’t speak, merely staring at Castiel, his mouth open in disbelief.
Then he remembers himself, and with a glance at Naomi, he stands up straight, placing his officer’s hat back on his head.
“Yeah,” Dean mutters, lowering his eyes. “Well.”
There’s an awkward cough from Charlie to his left. Castiel ignores her.
“It’s good to see you, again, Cas,” Dean murmurs. “Really.”
Somehow, he makes it sound genuine.
He exits the platform, quickly disappearing into the crowd.
Castiel watches Dean go an uneasy curl in his throat. The brief flare of vengeful satisfaction is already leeching away, leaving him feeling brittle and hollow.
Naomi is already busy shooing the officers into the reception hall, for the welcome banquet. Charlie finds Castiel’s arm and squeezes it, her eyes sympathetic.
“Cas?” She asks quietly. “You okay?”
Castiel clenches his jaw.
“Think I might have to get back to you on that."
Later, after the banquet, after three hours of restless tossing and turning, Castiel slowly gets up, not bothering with shoes.
Wandering the hallways used to be his favorite pastime. The quiet, the stillness. He still does it, on occasion, when he finds sleep isn’t easy in coming. The lights that try to mimic some semblance of a day and night cycle are dimmed low, the halls empty, most retired to their chambers.
Castiel makes his way up to the Observation Deck, taking a brief look around. There’s no one there, no one to spy on the captain of their ship, stealing away in the night for some much needed solitude. He walks the ramp to the very top part of the observatory, leaning his arms on the handrail. Castiel used to spend hours here. He would sit and watch the stars turn, feeling at once very small and very infinite. He sits now, staring out at the vast darkness before him. It’s utterly quiet, the electric hum of the ship the only sound in the gloom.
Unbidden, his thoughts turn to the last conversation he had here.
Castiel had just learned he had been chosen to be the next Captain, a highly selective process that he had stressed about for weeks. The first person he wanted to tell was Dean.
But Dean had come with news of his own.
A teaching job at the Academy. Highly prestigious, second probably only to Castiel’s role―but that meant―
“Two years,” Dean said to his hands, his voice flat. “That’s how long I’d be gone.”
Castiel felt his brief taste of happiness deflate like a suit after a spacewalk.
“Two years?” He echoed, his tongue thick in his mouth. Dean nodded mutely.
Castiel bit his lip.
“Wow,” is all he managed.
“Yeah,” Dean muttered.
There was a long moment where neither of them spoke.
Castiel hardly dared to say it.
“I’m guessing you knew that when you applied,” he said flatly.
Dean nodded mutely.
“Didn’t really account for you becoming the Captain,” he muttered.
Anger flared within Castiel.
“What, because you think I wouldn’t get it?”
“No!” Dean said immediately, looking up. “God, no, Cas, of course not. Why would you think that?”
“I’m thinking a lot of things right now,” Castiel shot back.
Dean shut his mouth angrily.
“I guess...I guess it’s just hitting me how long two years really is,” he said finally.
Castiel sucked in a breath, stunned.
“You’re not serious,” he whispered. Dean dragged a hand down his face, avoiding his eyes.
“I don’t know, Cas!” He said, voice rising in the quiet. “I mean...you’ll have your job, Cas, I'll have mine...who knows if you’ll have any time for me―”
“Oh, I won’t have time for you?” Castiel repeated scathingly. God, he should have known, it’s just like Dean―shove the blame off himself and project it onto Castiel instead of owning his feelings like an adult.
“Just say you don’t want to be with me and get it over with,” he snapped.
“Cas…” Dean started.
Castiel couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t believe this was happening.
Dean sighed, breath shaky.
Castiel looked up.
He saw the look in Dean’s eyes and he didn’t let him finish. He didn’t let him break his heart.
He ran like a coward.
Castiel wipes angrily at his eyes, banishing the memory. He can’t change the past, so he might as well not dwell on it.
He looks up, at the wilderness of the stars. They shimmer gently against the blank expanse, his constant companions. Castiel can tell you the distance between Betelguese and Rigel, can calculate the time it would take to travel to Sirius and back, but he could never navigate his own life so surely.
If only humans could be as constant as the Heavens.
Behind him, the floor creaks softly. Castiel goes still.
“Hey, Cas,” Dean murmurs.
Castiel turns, glancing over his shoulder.
Dean is standing at the end of the platform, in his sleep pants and shirt. He looks so different out of his uniform. Softer. More like himself.
“Dean,” Castiel says, unable to stop the name from coming to his lips.
Dean responds with a bashful smile, one hand twisting nervously into the hem of his shirt.
“Figured I'd find you here."
He glances out at the stars, then back to Castiel.
“You mind if I join you?”
Castiel swallows, but looks away, saying nothing.
Dean seems to take that as permission, and sits, legs hanging over the edge of the deck, next to Castiel.
There once was a time when they’d sit close enough for their knees to knock, their hands lacing over the railing as Dean told stories, weaving grand tales of the constellations and their histories, while Castiel listened, enraptured.
Now the distance of that memory feels vast, lightyears away. They’re both quiet, not speaking a word. The silence is thin, fragile as glass.
So Dean will be the one to break it.
He pauses, brow furrowing as he searches for words. Castiel bristles, waiting for it.
“Look,” Dean says, turning to face him. “I get it. You don’t want anything to do with me. But―”
“You’re right,” Castiel interrupts fiercely. “I don’t.”
Dean goes silent beside him. When Castiel finally musters the courage to look up, Dean is staring at him, hopeless and broken.
“Can you at least let me explain?” His voice comes out low and hoarse.
Castiel is torn. Half of him melts, seeing Dean so desperate. But the other half, the rational part of him that remembers the danger of falling for Dean Winchester cautions him, telling him the smartest thing he can do right now is walk away, and never open his heart again.
He lowers his head, exhaling heavily.
“I can’t,” he mutters. “Dean, I just…can’t.”
“You’re angry,” Dean says softly. Castiel scoffs.
“You’re damn right I'm angry,” he mutters. “And I don’t care about any half-assed apology you have for me, not now. Too little, too late.”
He moves back from the railing, pushing himself up. Tears are starting to come to his eyes, hot and bitter, and he’ll be damned if he’ll let Dean see him cry.
“Cas, wait―”
He reaches out, grabbing his hand.
Castiel freezes, rooted to the spot. Dean is frozen too, looking down at their joined hands. He doesn’t let go, though.
“Just...slow down, will ya?” Dean says, and there’s a hint of a laugh there, the way he always sounded when he would talk Castiel off the ledge. But now, it only ignites the rage inside him, and Castiel rips his arm from Dean’s grasp, whirling on him.
“No!” Castiel yells, shattering the silence. “You left, and you don’t get to do this now, you don’t get to come waltzing back into my life like everything’s fine―”
Dean’s eyes widen, he holds up his hands.
“You broke up with me, remember?”
“No, I didn’t, Cas, will you shut up for two seconds and listen?”
Surprisingly, Castiel does. He blinks, slightly stunned at Dean’s words.
What is he talking about?
“Look,” Dean says quickly, probably to prevent Castiel from shouting again. “I only applied to the stupid Academy because Sammy was too―he was freaking out about the process, so I did it with him, just to show him it was nothing. He’s the smart one, so never in a million years did I think they’d choose me, too.”
Castiel crosses his arms, huffing under his breath. Even if he does hate him right now, it always hurts to hear Dean undersell himself.
“The moment I found out, all I wanted to do was talk to my best friend about how fucking scared I was.” Dean sighs. “And then you said you were picked to be Captain, and it all just...seemed too much.”
He looks down, twisting his hands.
“I panicked. God—somehow had it in my mind that the minute I told you you wouldn’t want to be with me, that there wouldn’t be any room in your life for me anymore. And seeing your face in that moment, you were so excited, and then it just slid off your face…"
Castiel remembers. Shit, he had been so happy, so proud—and when Dean told him…
He’d never been good at hiding his feelings, not with Dean.
He turns over their last conversation in his mind and all at once it seems to click, now that he knows what Dean must have thought.
“I jumped to conclusions,” Dean admits quietly. “I was...so afraid you wouldn’t want to do the long distance thing for two years so I….kind of...let you break us up before I could.”
Castiel stares at him, a painful bubble of emotion rising in his throat. Oh.
Dean continues.
“If anything, I wanted you to ask me to stay.” He lowers his head, dragging a hand through his short hair. “Which was wrong. I get that now.”
He looks up, huffing out a feeble laugh.
“Believe me, Cas,” he says lowly. “It took me all of about an hour to realize how badly I fucked up. But by that time the solar flares were surging and we had to go.”
Dean bites at his lip.
“I looked for you. I tried. But you had locked yourself away in a meeting and I didn’t get to say goodbye. You didn’t let me,” he finishes, a sad bitter note in his voice.
Castiel cannot speak, in shock. He never knew. He’d always thought...after that conversation, that Dean had left without so much as a glance back.
He eventually trails off. He has no words.
Dean takes a tentative step forward.
“And you know what it’s like out there. The distances are too far, so they restrict communication.” He shrugs, a slight smirk tugging at his lips. “Doesn’t mean I didn’t try, though.”
“What?” Castiel asks.
“I tried to send transmissions back,” Dean says, rushing out the words. “Every day for a month. They kept telling me personal messages weren’t allowed. I even tried to break into the control center after hours.”
“Dean,” Castiel breathes, awed and horrified all at once. “You didn’t.”
Dean chuckles.
“Nearly got myself tossed out of the airlock for that one.”
His teeth return to his lip again, his green eyes hesitant.
“Sam said I was crazy. I just told him he’d never been in love.”
Castiel's throat goes dry.
They’d never said, not even before Dean left. But Castiel knew he was. Only love leaves that big and jagged of a hole.
“That’s why,” he says softly. “Why I never heard from you the whole two years.”
“And three months, and six days,” Dean says quietly.
Castiel bites his lip.
“Yeah,” Dean says softly. “I was counting, too.”
He sighs, spreading his hands.
“So, yeah. I messed up. And I get it if you never want to talk to me again, I just―”
Dean never finishes his speech because he doesn't need to. In three swift steps, Castiel has reached him and pulled him in by the front of his shirt.
Dean makes a soft noise of surprise as Castiel presses their lips together, but he quickly gets on board, pulling Castiel in by his waist, kissing him back. And he no longer needs to dream about Dean’s warmth, his lips underneath his, the dry rough touch of his palm coming to cup Castiel’s cheek. He’s here, and he’s real, and he’s never going to let him get away again.
Dean pulls back slightly, pressing his forehead against Castiel’s
“Damn,” he breathes. “I missed that.”
Castiel tightens his grip.
“Dean, I’m so sorry,” he whispers.
“Yeah,” Dean chuckles. “So am I.”
He licks his lips, looking down at Castiel’s.
“I was an idiot,” he murmurs, and the sound rumbles through his chest. Castiel shivers.
“I should have just told you,” Dean finishes, shaking his head slightly.
“Yes,” Castiel says, bumping their noses together. “You should have.”
Dean laughs, and it’s possibly the most beautiful sound Castiel’s ever heard.
“There’s the asshole I remember.”
They both grin, just basking in their closeness, breathing quietly.
Castiel clears his throat.
“So, this whole time, we wanted to be with each other and we just...weren’t.”
Dean chuckles.
“Sounds like it.”
Castiel shakes his head.
“We’re a couple of dumbasses.”
Dean laughs again.
“Sums up the last fifteen years of us knowing each other.” He reaches out tentatively, fingers brushing Castiel’s. “Don’t you think?”
Castiel smiles, turning his hand up so Dean can thread their fingers together. He knows they so much they still have to say, so much to catch up on to fix everything that’s broken between them.
By a backdrop of stars, Dean kisses him once more, and well, that’s as good a start as any.
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captain-danwilds · 3 years
One Step Forward
Hi @avengerpercy! I realize I didn’t take Brazil’s timezone into account when posting this so I’m sorry this is technically late, but here’s your @aftgexchange gift.  I hope this is good enough for you Cristal.  This is my first time playing in the AFTG sandbox, so I wanted to live up to your expectations.  I ended up using your prompt “Andrew and Aaron talking and solving their problems”  for a little outsider POV Andreil fluff with a large helping of twinyards.   
A few quick notes. Betsy and the joint sessions set the backdrop for this fic even though I am not a therapist and also not trying to make some statement about therapy in general (Personally I’m a big fan, but also recognize that Aaron really doesn’t seem to be in we’re in his POV.) I’m not trying to demonize Aaron or Andrew here.  Aaron just fundamentally misunderstands Andrew.  Also Raven King/Drake Incident references.  
Ever since Aaron had found out Andrew existed, he’d felt unsteady.   It wasn't just the sudden knowledge of how different his life could have been if Tilda hadn't decided to come back to get him or even if she'd just taken the other baby.   It was the fact his brother was a mass of contradictions piled on top of each other and every aspect of their relationship was built on the idea of one step forward and two steps back.
Aaron wasn't an idiot.  When the officer at the stupid game had mentioned Andrew, Aaron didn't expect his long-lost brother to immediately love him.  This wasn't a television show.   He knew by now that blood only went so far, that it hadn't stopped his mother from raising her hand to him or Uncle Luthor from sending Nicky away only for his cousin to come back a shell of himself.  But he couldn't deny he wanted it to work desperately, for there to be another little boy out there whose life might be made better by having a brother in it.  
His first step forward a letter that had to be rewritten at least twice because everything sounded wrong.  His bedroom trash can overflowed with pieces of notebook paper crumpled in frustration or with ink smeared from tears he'd never admit to anyone he'd actually shed.  Aaron must have spent hours writing the letter, typing it up in stolen time at the school library and sneaking to the post office while Mom had been out of it.  
Hours completely wasted when the only reply was two words:  "Fuck Off."
That should have been the sign to leave things well enough alone.  
But instead, he'd taken the return address and written a second letter to "the guardians of Andrew Doe."  
And instead of an answer from his brother, Aaron had gotten a voicemail saying Andrew had gone to Juvie.  
Even the slightest hint of progress was met with resistance.    
Gaining a brother meant losing his mom and never being in control of his decisions anymore.  
Andrew lived by his own rules, an unspoken tally system of betrayals where Aaron would never be the one who measured up.  Andrew wouldn't say it, because Andrew didn't say anything now that he was off the drugs.  Aaron knew his brother only cared about him in context of proving that he'd never broken their deal.  Until he called the whole thing off for Josten.  
Josten, the idiot that would say things like "Andrew doesn't lie"  as if he actually believed him.  As if there truly was some magical code his brother followed that made sense.    
"If you really don't care about Andrew, why does Neil bother you so much?"   Dobson asked during their Wednesday session.
Aaron dug his fingers into the couch.  He hated this.  Hated that the only time he could get answers out of Andrew was when he was sitting in front of a shrink.   A shrink who was undoubtedly on his brother's side. And that in order to get answers he had to rip himself raw first.  
"I understand that therapy isn't for everyone,"  She'd said smiling gently during their first mandatory meeting freshman year.  "More than that, therapy with me might not be your answer,  so don't let today stop you from seeking help in the future if that's what you decide you want.  I can direct you to one of my colleagues who you might feel more comfortable with."  
They'd been meeting for almost a year now and Aaron still wasn't comfortable with her, no matter how many cups of hot chocolate she offered or how many smiles she gave.   They'd come a long way from the complete silence and blank expression of his first individual session or even the harsh words the first time he'd shown up to Andrew's session, but it wasn't comfortable by any means.  
The point was he wasn't about to pour his heart out to her even if Andrew wasn't in the room.  With Andrew there, Aaron had no good way to answer the question without giving too much of himself away again, of being hurt when everything went to hell. Still, Aaron couldn't help but let the multitude of answers flow over him.  
Because Josten waltzes in, every ounce of him screaming lie and danger, and this team bends over backwards for him. Because Aaron's seen enough to know Josten is dangerous.  Because he will kill him if Josten doesn't keep his big mouth from bring the mafia down on them again before Aaron graduates and he can't handle another murder trial.  Because Josten makes it so easy, throwing as many insults back as he gives.   Those are the easy answers, because Aaron's life doesn't revolve around Andrew. He can hate Josten because Josten is a piece of shit who makes every aspect of his life harder.  
But that's also not the whole truth.  Because he saw the way Andrew looked at him in Baltimore, the tender movements in his hands completely at odds with the angry spark in his eyes.  Because Andrew hates people touching him and yet he doesn't hesitate to wrap his hand around the back of Josten's neck.  Because there's something aggravating in the way that Andrew can look at Josten and see something precious when he never looks at Aaron like that.  
Aaron doesn't want to think his life revolves around Andrew, but his hatred of Josten certainly does.  It’s partially jealousy.  Why does this nobody get easy answers from Andrew?  What makes him so special?  
But the larger issue is that Aaron has seen Andrew broken.  As much as Aaron wants to wish Drake away, he can’t.  He’ll never be able to get Andrew’s face out of his head or the manic laugh left by the drugs. There are nights where he wakes up feeling like he still has the blood on his hands, that he’ll never be free of the feeling of Andrew knotting his fingers through his hair in worry when Andrew’s the one covered in bruises.  Seeing his brother like that once was enough to break him.  He doesn’t understand how Andrew can let Josten so close when Josten is a walking danger magnet.  He doesn’t know what he would do when Josten inevitably hurts Andrew, because that’s the type of danger Andrew can’t just stab with a knife.    
Betsy gave a small cough and Aaron knew he'd been quiet too long.  He avoided Betsy's gaze to look at the clock.  They were already a few minutes over their time.   He wouldn’t have answered at all, just turned back to glare at Betsy until she dismisses them both for the day except he saw Andrew.  
Andrew was still angled away from him on the opposite end of the couch.  His mouth was still turned in a slight frown, but Andrew’s gaze had sharpened.  Even months ago, Aaron might have missed it.  It was a sign of amusement, slight exasperation maybe, but also one of want.  Aaron had never seen that expression for any reason other than Josten, and now it’s directed at him.
“Josten isn’t safe.”  
Andrew gave a huff that might even be considered laughter.
“I’m serious. You’re giving him the power to hurt you.  Just because you don’t care about your own wellbeing, doesn’t mean I’m going to stand by and let him get away with it.”  
“I don’t need you to fight my battles for me.”  Andrew waved his hand dismissively.  “Which is good because you’re shit at picking the right battles.”  
Aaron groaned.  “And what do you mean by that?”  
“Neil won’t hurt me.”  He said it like it should be obvious, like he can’t believe Aaron missed something so fundamental.  
“But how can you know that?”  
“How do you know Kaitlyn won’t hurt you?”  The words were thrown like a weapon to end this conversation.  
But Aaron isn’t about to rise to the bait.  Andrew seemed to think that every girl was just going to be another Tilda, that Aaron would let them hurt him for the scraps of affection.  He knew Andrew didn’t decide Kaitlyn was safe out of the goodness of his heart, so his answer made no sense.  
“Why shouldn’t I be worried about Neil hurting you?”  Aaron repeated himself more directly, even calling the idiot by his first name as a sign of good will.  
Andrew looked down at his hands, his right-hand tracing seemingly random places around each of the knuckles on his left.  The gesture seemed both familiar and wrong.   Finally Andrew took a deep breath and looked directly at Aaron.  
“He listens when I say no.”
The words are simple, but Aaron can hear the depth of meaning there.  He gave a slight nod.
Andrew must still see that he doesn’t fully understand, because he continued softly, “He promised he’d stay” before nodding at Betsy and leaving the two of them alone in the room.  
Aaron doesn’t hear Betsy’s chipper goodbye or even comprehend most of practice afterwards. His mind is reeling and even though Andrew only gave him ten words, it feels like one hell of a step forward.  
It’s only later at one of the Fox movie nights that Aaron realized why Andrew’s fidgeting looked wrong.  He’d seen that gesture before.  Andrew’s right hand gently tracing the scars on Neil’s as they sit side by side in silence, barely acknowledging each other but still taking pleasure in each other’s presence.   It’s easy to miss the moment when Neil leans easily back into Andrew and Andrew only tugs their scarred hand closer.  
Aaron hated that it’s this little action is what finally makes him understand. Andrew’s words about Kaitlyn no longer felt like a dig.   It was his brother’s roundabout way of trying to phrase his relationship with Neil in a way Aaron would understand. When you love someone, the world seems safer with them in it.  Andrew might not have said the word love, but he didn’t have to. 
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nanoland · 3 years
title: Compass Rose 
series: Lucifer (TV) 
pairings: Mazikeen/Eve
summary: In which Mazikeen exercises her renowned patience. 
warnings: Lucifer is kind of a dick in this. Not intentionally; he’s just young and colossally self-centered. 
 Also on Ao3! 
“You. Demon. What’s your name?” asks the Morningstar, looking bored and depressed, as usual.
She straightens up, brimming with nerves and excitement, feeling her acidic blood bubble happily because he’s so handsome! And he’s talking to her! Her siblings will shriek with jealousy when they hear of this. “Mazikeen, my liege.”
“Mazikeen,” he repeats, mispronouncing it. “Great. Maze, do something about… all that, would you? It’s dreadfully grating.”
He gestures to the sea of damned, miserable human souls milling around the base of his throne, calling up to him for help or mercy.
“Yes, my liege,” she says, her bright mind already hard at work planning the next few millennia of punishment.
“Maze, is there a letter from Amenadiel?”
Mazikeen is now four hundred years old and in all that time, not a single letter has arrived in Hell, from Amenadiel or anyone else. Regardless, her handsome king asks every week.
It’s fine. She’s far too mature and cunning to feel even the slightest scrap of envy towards some pompous old angel she’s never even met, regardless of how obviously Lucifer loves him.
Regardless of how obvious it is that he loves no one in Hell half as much.
“No, my liege.”
“Hmm. Fine. Whatever. Fuck him, then. Brothers – who needs ‘em?”
She nods. She herself has many, many brothers, and sisters, and siblings who are neither or both, and she certainly doesn’t need them.
(Sometimes she longs for them, especially when she’s weary from the years and years dedicated to building and securing Lucifer’s kingdom, but she never needs. Needing is for the weak.)
It occurs to her that that king might be cheered by stories of Tradiusis, her most treasured and most useless brother, who is prone to chatting with the damned and asking them about all the silly human indulgences they enjoyed in life, like movies and theme parks and hot dogs. Fool that he is, the mere thought of him always brings a smile to her face.
But she decides against it, suspecting that if she were to begin telling Lucifer about her family, he’d get that same dull, faintly irritated expression she sees every time she reads him a report about the number of new arrivals and how various parts of Hell will need to be restructured to accommodate them all.
(She wonders what will happen when Hell is full – does he have a plan? Is she expected to have a plan?)
(How long, exactly, are they supposed to keep doing this?)
(Surely this can’t be all they were made for?)  
“Maze, get me a drink, would you?”
Mazikeen is Lucifer’s right hand, his bodyguard, the highest-ranked demon in Hell, named the Lady of Pain, the Whirlwind, and the Blood Dancer by her peers and underlings.
Pouring drinks is… new to her.
But this is what he wants; this club, this loud music, these inebriated humans constantly demanding attention and entertainment, constantly needing to be managed. And he’s her king.
She pours him his drink and listens to him play the piano, until some wretch attempts to grope her and loses two fingers.
Running a nightclub is, it turns out, complicated.
There are all sorts of rules and regulations regarding what can and cannot be done inside it.
At one point, Lucifer decides it would be fun to have white tigers roaming the dance floor. After a few days spent looking into that option, she has to explain that they may to have settle for waitresses dressed as tigers. He pouts like it’s her fault and goes back to the piano.
She’s also not allowed to kill anyone, which is, honestly, ridiculous. Mazikeen is an ancient being, a warrior nigh unparalleled, with centuries of experience contending with the worst the human race has to offer, and every single night she endures treatment from at least one of Lucifer’s guests that, even to her vast, reasonable, and patient mind, clearly warrants swift annihilation.
If murder is, indeed, illegal, how do all the mortal women in this city who serve drinks cope?
“You block it out, I guess,” says Suzy, a waitress with thick red hair and tired eyes, after Mazikeen has had to save her yet again from a patron with wandering hands (and now broken hands). “You know, just… don’t let it get to you. Grow a thick skin.”
Mazikeen considers the half of her body that has no skin whatsoever and snickers inappropriately. Then she gifts Suzy one of her knives.
Chloe gasps. “Maze! No! Absolutely not!”
“Why?” she asks, annoyed but also genuinely curious.
“I can’t just torture a suspect to get information, Maze. It’s wrong.”
Mazikeen considers saying: You already torture people. You lock them up in tiny boxes until their minds break and their lives are utterly ruined. How is that different? I don’t understand.
Mazikeen considers saying: You let Lucifer violate peoples’ innermost selves to obtain information. How is that better? I don’t understand.
Mazikeen considers saying: I don’t want to be good. I don’t care about being good. So why do I seem to put so much more thought into how to be good than you do? I don’t understand, I don’t, I don’t.
Instead, Mazikeen rolls her eyes and says nothing.
“Maze! No! What were you thinking?” cries Linda, rushing over to the cradle. “You can’t give that to a baby!”
She snatches away Mazikeen’s present; a blade, small and silver, just right for tiny hands, the same blade Mazikeen herself received from her favourite sister on her fourth birthday. It has tasted the blood of over a hundred enemies.
Charlie starts to cry and Linda puts the blade aside so she can pick him up and comfort him.
“Children need to be able to protect themselves,” Mazikeen insists.
“No, Maze. Children need to be protected.”
“No one protected me.”
Linda doesn’t say: Exactly. Why would I want my son to be anything like you?
Because Linda is kind.
But Mazikeen is perceptive and she sees it in her friend’s eyes all the same.
“So then, then it turns out that Jon Snow is actually Daenarys Targaryen’s cousin, right, which makes him – oh no! – a rival contender for the Iron Throne, and…”
“Ugh,” Mazikeen groans, cutting Ella off. “I thought this was a show about dragons! Why does it waste so much time on people either fucking or killing their relatives?”
She laughs at Mazikeen’s exaggerated annoyance. “It’s not just about dragons. There’s a lot of stuff about politics and war and, yeah, fucked-up family dynamics. Honestly, that’s one of the reasons it grips me so much. My own family’s always got a ton of drama going on, too. I mean – no incest. Not that I’m aware of. But you know all about my brothers.”
Mazikeen is about to ask what the dragons look like – whether the show’s version bears any resemblance to the beasts she’s ridden into battle – when Ella tilts her head sideways and squints at her. “Huh. Now that I think about it… I’ve told you all about my brothers but I’ve never asked anything about your family. That was shitty of me! Can I ask now? Or is it, like, one of those things you don’t talk about? Like where you’re from and how you met Lucifer?”
Fiddling with a lock of her hair – it’s straight and black today – Mazikeen says, “I don’t mind talking about it. Just… most people don’t care.”
Ella frowns, briefly (cutely, curse her). “Well, I wanna know! You got any brothers?”
“How many?”
“A lot. I’m not actually sure exactly how many there are now.”
“Oh, right. Gotcha. Are you close to any of them?”
“Not these days. But when we were young, we were pretty tight-knit. Didn’t really have anyone besides each other.”
Ella asks her more questions and though she has to keep her answers extremely vague, Mazikeen finds that she likes talking about her home and her childhood. Prolonged exposure to the human world has begun to make her feel insubstantial; a tool, a disguise, a thing without roots or history. Lucifer’s been no help with that, for he’s only ever known her as his servant (and, sometimes, when he’s in a good mood, his friend, by virtue of the fact that friendship with someone who works for you – who can do nothing but work for you – requires no tedious emotional labour whatsoever).
It’s nice to remember that she has, in fact, been other things. That she could, perhaps, be other things in the future.
“So,” Dan slurs, hunched over his beer. “You got whores… hordes… horns? Thought demons had horns.”
She’s busy applying a fresh coat of candy-pink lipstick to match her powder-blue bob. “Some do. I don’t.”
“Well, that sucks. That’s not fair! You deserve horns. You’re cool, Maze.”
Because that provokes a twinge of genuine affection, she says, “Wanna see what I have got?”
“Hell, yeah!”
He grins drunkenly.
“You need to promise not to scream.”
“Oh – oh, man, is it scary? Is it gross?”
She shows him her true face.
After a moment of owlish blinking, he shrugs and returns to his beer. “Eh. S’not that gross. Lucifer’s grosser. Wanna play pool?”
Amenadiel presents her with a beautiful black sheath. “I crafted it from my own feathers. It will keep the blade contained until he’s old enough to wield it safely.”
She slides Charlie’s knife into it. “Someone will need to teach him.”
“Who taught you?”
“Me? No one. They just threw us at one another and clapped for whoever survived. But… well. He’s not like me, is he?”
The angel places the sheathed blade down beside Charlie’s stuffed rabbit and plastic truck. “Maybe not now. With any luck, that will change.”
“Ma-aaze,” Lucifer groans, flopping back in his armchair with his long legs artfully folded and his hand over his eyes. “I’ve had such a tiresome morning. Pour me a drink, would you?”
“Pour it your damn self,” she suggests, standing on his penthouse’s balcony and admiring the view. His throne in Hell was about as tall as this building. From up here, all the little people down below look exactly the same.
He pouts and fetches a glass – and, to her surprise, one for her as well.
Mazikeen brings an abrupt, efficient end to the bar fight by slamming her palm into an assailant’s solar plexus.
He drops like a ton of bricks, joining the pile of groaning men, broken furniture, and smashed bottles. (Shit; it’s going to take ages to clean all this up. If Lucifer didn’t have infinite money, Lux would have gone bankrupt eight times by now.)
She turns to see Eve staring at her, beautiful mouth hanging open, and braces herself for the “Maze! No!”.
“That was so cool,” Eve breathes, and rushes over to leap into Mazikeen’s arms, only to draw back at the last second. “Oh no! You’re hurt!”
There is, indeed, a small cut on Mazikeen’s left hand.
“Don’t care, doesn’t matter,” says Mazikeen, reaching for her, wanting badly to be kissed.
But Eve drags her into a quiet back room where she applies disinfectant and bandaids with cartoon cats on them.
“I really wanna learn how you did that thing with your elbow,” she chatters, wiping away a few spots of blood with a white handkerchief. “The way his nose just went crunch! – man, it was fantastic.”
“I can teach you. If you like.”
Eve’s dark eyes are fond. “You’re always offering to do something for me – to teach me how to fight, or to carry something, or to protect me. It’s… like, I love it. But you know you don’t have to, right?”
“Yeah. I do.”
“I wanna do stuff for you sometimes. Oh! That reminds me. Lucifer was going to take Chloe to a wrestling match but then they had another fight and he’s back to being sad, sooo I stole the tickets out of his jacket. Wanna go?”
“I love you,” says Mazikeen, even though she’s said it five times today. She likes the way it sounds in her mouth. She likes the way it makes Eve’s whole face sparkle.
“I love you too, babe.”
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my-one-true-l · 4 years
Rated G
One shot written for @deathnotetober [Day 28, L]
Summary: As a favor to Watari, L takes on a case he has no interest in and finds himself spending his birthday at a masquerade in order to meet the culprit. 
“Watari, is this really necessary?”
Watari held the black suit coat up behind L, allowing him to slip into it easily.  
“Since we’re shorthanded, you going yourself is the only viable option, so you must blend in my boy. If you wore your usual attire, they will laugh you right off the property and we don’t want that now do we?” Stepping in front of him, Watari smoothed the lapels before securing the top button. “Now don’t you cut a fine figure!”
“If you say so.” L caught his reflection in the mirror and sighed. “The things I do for you.”
“You’re technically doing it as a favor to Roger, but I do appreciate you helping him. That ring has been in his family for generations.”
“Then perhaps his niece should have been more careful with it.”
“It wasn’t her intent to leave it behind at her pottery class, she just…didn’t think of it.” Watari ran his hand over L’s hair, the unruly locks refusing to relent to his arranging. “Now remember to be polite when you locate the young woman that found the ring.”
“You don’t have to remind me how to behave in public, I’m not a child and don’t you mean the young woman who stole the ring?”
“She didn’t steal the ring, she just didn’t turn it in when she found it. She was more than willing to give it back when you hunted her down and contacted her about it.”
“A task far beneath my abilities. I do have my pride, but I suppose I can write her off as an inferior jewel thief and leave it at that.”
“She’s far from a thief. I say she falls in a grey area and you of all people should understand that position?”
“When I fall into the grey, it’s for the purpose of justice, not to keep something that is clearly more than a forgotten trinket.”
“L, she agreed to return it. She isn’t a criminal, please don’t treat her as such.” He smiled at the detective’s aggravation, stifling a laugh as he watched him fidget in the uncomfortable clothing. “The transaction will take place on the balcony, 10 pm. Since you’re not privy to what the ring looks like, be sure to check the engraving on the inside so you know it’s the correct one.”
“Yes, I am aware of the parameters around the meeting, but I still don’t know why you agreed to such a peculiar location.”
“She’s attending the party anyway and felt more comfortable being surrounded by acquaintances. You are nothing more than a stranger, one that tracked her down and demanded you return the ring. You can’t blame her.”
“No, I suppose not.” L turned his eyes towards his handler. “But if I’m to waste my birthday doing this, please have cake waiting when I return.”
“It’s the least I could do.” Watari chuckled warmly. “Oh, and L…don’t forget your mask. It is a masquerade after all.”
“Of course it is.”
L leaned against the balcony, the autumnal evening washed in moonlight. Music from the ballroom drifted on the night air, his thoughts running through his mind in time to the melody.
What if she doesn’t show? In fact, I gave her no incentive to. No mention of a reward, no threat if she didn’t come. Other than knowing where she lives, what leverage do I have? I suppose I could have Wedy break in and search her dwelling when she isn’t home, but there is no guarantee she would even keep the ring there.
“The moon’s lovely tonight.”
The gentle words took him away from his thoughts. He never heard her approach, lost in his own preoccupations.
“Hmm? Oh, yes. Quite.”
“Fitting for an occasion like this I guess, or perhaps a little too on the nose, being Halloween and all.”
He wasn’t in the mood for small talk, but Watari’s voice echoed in his ears, reminding him to be polite. “I admit this isn’t my forte. Dressing in one’s finest and interacting with those that are barely acquaintances is not something I would consider entertaining.”
“Me neither. Truth be told, I came here tonight out of obligation, though I did enjoy the excuse to dress up. There are not many occasions when you can wear something like this.” Gathering the layers of black satin in her hands, she fanned it out, crossing one foot behind the other, bending into a playful curtsy towards the mysterious stranger.
Her eyes sparkled through the plain black mask tied securely with a velvet bow, concealing her assumed soft features. He smirked at her antics, wondering if her playfulness came from the freedom of anonymity the mask afforded her or if it was just her personality.
It was then the moonlight reflected off of the gaudy, jewel-encrusted ring she wore on her index finger and it became all too obvious. This was the young woman he was sent here to meet and he felt foolish for not realizing it sooner.
“That’s an interesting ring. May I see it?”
“Of course.” Not removing the ring from her finger, she extended her hand to him and he took it cautiously. “I found it. I’d never seen anything like it before, it just seemed magical with all the gems and the ornate shape of the setting. If it had been mine, I would never have been so careless, but I suppose one person’s impossible is someone else’s taken for granted.” She gazed at it affectionately.
Watari was right. This is no thief, just someone that found something that caught her eye and wanted to keep it. Even if it wasn’t the correct action to take, but who hasn’t given in to such whims now and then…and Roger’s niece was careless with it.
���It’s quite unique indeed.” He commented, gently dropping her hand from his hold. “Aren’t you concerned that the owner will want it back though?”
“It’s you isn’t it? The person that I’m supposed to meet to give the ring back to? I should have realized…” Her eyes saddened, even the mask couldn’t hide that fact. She slid the ring from her finger and held it out to him. “Here you go. Tell your friend I’m sorry.
L hesitated before he spoke. “I assure you I have no idea as to what you’re referring.”
“You don’t?”
Maybe it was the fact that Roger’s niece had always been careless, taking her good fortune for granted or perhaps it was the way the young woman spoke of the hideous ring with such affection, but either way, it didn’t matter. A rare circumstance has occurred. Something had caused L to soften towards the young woman. “No, please put it back on your finger.”
“It’s alright. Take it. It’s what we agreed to on the phone and a promise is a promise. Check the engraving. It’s the same ring you’re looking for.” Taking his hand, she placed the ring in his palm and closed his fingers tightly around it. “It isn’t mine. I shouldn’t have taken it in the first place, but thank you for being kind to me.”
“On behalf of the family that I represent, thank you.”
“They’re not pressing charges are they?”  A hint of fear trembled in her voice.
“Of course not. They simply wanted it returned.”
“Ok. Good.” With a sigh of relief, she smiled softly at him. “Well, thank you…I don’t think you ever told me your name.”
“Correct. I didn’t.” He turned away from her, leaving her alone on the moonlit balcony. “Enjoy the rest of your evening.”
“How did it go my boy?” Watari glanced at L in the rearview mirror.
“Fine.” L grumbled the simple reply.
“You don’t seem too pleased?”
“It was a simple task and an unremarkable case, if it can even be considered such.” Leaving his shoes on the floor mat, L scrunched his legs to his chest and frowned as he stared out the window at the moonlit roadside. “Though I feel this one would have been better left unsolved.”
More than a month had passed since she returned the ring when there was a knock at her door. When she answered, there wasn’t a soul to be seen, but a plain brown box sat on her doorstep, no bigger than a child’s building block.
She picked up the small package, looking left, then right, and left one more time before ducking back into her home and shutting the door behind her.
She eagerly tore the paper from the tiny gift, carefully removing the lid with excited fingers. Inside was a ring, identical to the one she had given back to the strange man on the balcony, the only difference being the engraving on the inside of the band which were her initials and the date of the ball.
Scrawled on a scrap of paper tucked inside the box were the words… “I know you won’t take it for granted.”
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aqua-murphys-law · 4 years
i can feel it falling (timber)
Rating: G Warnings: None Summary: A look at what inspired Milo not to give up on the possibility of Zack becoming his friend, the day they first met.
A/N: When I fell back into the Dwampyverse fandom, I foolishly said that I didn’t know if I was gonna write anything for MML. I really should’ve known better. So here’s a little something inspired by @wiz-witch‘s post here!
I wish I’d had it done in time for MML’s 4th anniversary but such is life. Reblogs/comments would be greatly appreciated, and a good response will let me know whether I should write the other one-shot ideas I’ve got. Hope you enjoy! - Aqua
(Click here to read on A03 for extensive tags!)
Milo approaches the bus stop with a bounce in his step.
It’s been a relatively light morning so far. There was just one bird nesting in his hair when he woke up, and it relocated to the backyard without much fuss. He got through both of his showers without slipping, getting soap in his eyes, or breaking the water system (the second shower was because the garbage disposal spewed breakfast scraps back up at him, but still, that could’ve been worse).
He even gets to the bus stop before Melissa, only a few boys from school present. It takes a couple seconds before he hears shoes scuffling away from him, which isn’t surprising. It’s very rare for him to actually end up on the bus, but when he does, it makes for an… eventful ride. He can’t fault them for being cautious, since it’s looking more and more like it might actually be one of those days-
“What’s that all about?”
That’s an unfamiliar voice.
Milo turns to the speaker. It’s a boy around his age, dark-skinned with frizzy black hair. He’s dressed simply in a yellow shirt and jeans, a red backpack at his sneakers. He’s looking at Milo with confusion, and something akin to concern.
“Oh, you’re new here,” Milo realizes. It’s strange for someone to transfer schools after the start of the semester, but stranger things have happened. He sighs good-naturedly, going on to explain, “I’ve got a bit of a reputation.”
The boy blinks before amusement tugs at his mouth, and he quirks a brow. “So what are you, a tough guy?”
That might be teasing, Milo’s not sure. “Oh, I don’t think anyone’s ever called me tough,” he says. And this is really pressing his luck, but he can’t help being polite and offers his hand. “I’m Milo.”
The boy actually takes Milo’s hand, and smiles when he does it. “I’m Zack.”
Of course, the other boys at the stop immediately urge Zack against it, but Milo isn’t fully paying attention. He instantly commits Zack’s name to memory because if there’s one thing he’s learned, it’s that knowing his classmates’ names helps soften the blow when he accidentally lands them in the hospital for the first time.
Despite the warning, Zack doesn’t let go right away. His hand is warm, and a little bigger than Milo’s. Mostly softer than Milo’s too, but unexpectedly calloused in telltale places, like he plays a guitar of some sort. That’s interesting.
“So what exactly is this reputation?” Zack asks, seeming more curious than concerned now.
Milo tilts his head. “Well, people have used the J-word, but you know what they say. Sticks and stones can damage your vital organs, so always wear body armor.”
The original meaning of the phrase is still implied. As a Murphy, harsh words are extremely low on his list of things to worry about. At least, that’s how he tries to keep it. It’s not that words don’t affect him at all, he just has steps he takes to prepare himself for them, like he would for any other unpleasant event. Just as he wears body armor to protect against physical harm, he protects his feelings under his carefully crafted demeanor.
Lots of people think his cheeriness is default, but in reality, it’s a conscious choice. It’s his emotional armor. Words hurt him less if he chooses to be upbeat and optimistic, rather than let himself despair. That just creates a negative feedback loop, which doesn’t help anything.
Before Zack can inquire further, Melissa shows up to the stop. Milo gets preoccupied by their conversation and forgets that Zack’s still waiting on an explanation until he interjects. But right as Milo is about to elaborate, Murphy’s Law kicks in.
Milo has just enough time to slap his spare helmet onto Zack’s head before they turn and run. And it is both of them; Zack’s taken off without any prompting- he didn’t freeze like so many people do for their first disaster, that’s good. He’s screaming quite a bit, but that’s to be expected. And more surprising is that Zack’s keeping pace with Milo. Not many people can match his speed when he’s going full-tilt like this.
“-wait, why aren’t you screaming?!” Zack demands suddenly.
Milo’s intrigued. Most people who get caught up in his Murphy’s Law don’t have the presence of mind to question why he’s calm while being chased down the street by some devastatingly heavy object.
“I find it doesn’t help,” he answers simply. “Just hurts the larynx.” While he runs and talks, part of him is absentmindedly planning his next move, and he adds, “hand me that bungee, and you’d better hold onto my backpack.”
Milo winds up his throw. Even as Zack exclaims, “Wait, what?” he feels the other boy grab on as instructed, and then they’re up in the air.
Zack maintains his hold while they flip, and when the bungee snaps and drops them on top of the drainage pipe. He’s strong, Milo notes with pleasant surprise. More impressively, Zack doesn’t go careening off of the spinning cylinder- he manages to stay upright beside Milo. That’s a rare skill, for sure. Maybe he’s taken log-rolling classes, for whatever reason. Or, he’s just exceptionally quick on his feet. An athlete, maybe.
“That bungee was definitely defective,” Milo comments, if only to fill the space.
Zack offers no reply, even as Milo sends Diogee home. The pipe takes them through a road barrier, down a rocky incline, through a wooden fence, off of a thankfully low cliff, and into a shallow pit of mud. They barely have time to blink the mud from their eyes before the pipe falls down after them, and Milo tells Zack to scooch over- which he does with little hesitation.
They fit neatly through the center of the pipe, and a wave of mud sends them up to the top.
Zack glances over at Milo, his sudden stillness probably due to shock. “… the J-word wouldn’t happen to be jinx, would it?” he ventures.
Even though he knows it wasn’t used maliciously, Milo can’t stop himself from flinching. He brushes it off with a laugh, though it comes out slightly apologetic. “Yeah, that’s the one.” He pulls himself up onto the rim of the pipe, offering Zack his hand.
Miraculously, Zack accepts his help, and they climb over the edge and drop into the mud below.
Milo wipes his face off with a towel from his backpack. “I have EHML,” he explains. “Extreme hereditary Murphy’s Law. You know, ‘anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.’ Around me.” He studies Zack with a hint of apprehension, the other boy doubled over to catch his breath. He doesn’t look angry or upset or scared, but Milo can’t always tell.
“Well,” is all Zack says. “Alright, then. How are we gonna catch the bus?”
Milo blinks, handing Zack the towel. “Whenever stuff like this happens, the driver usually gives me a few minutes to make it back in case it’s something light. If we hurry, we should be able to get there in time.”
Zack cleans his face and gives the towel back to Milo, brows raised. “Lead the way, I guess.”
Well, indeed. Milo leads the way, and Zack follows.
Naturally, they miss the bus.
Zack’s definitely in some kind of shock now. He doesn’t even scream when the oil spill in the rock quarry goes up in flames. Milo gently suggests that they go through the woods instead. And then the shock seems to wear off when they’re beset by a pack of hungry wolves.
Shock and panic can interchange remarkably quickly, in some people.
While Milo knows from experience that wolves do, in fact, love peanut butter, Murphy’s Law isn’t yielding anything today. One of the wolves lunges at the same time he tosses the sandwich, and it gets thrown right back, sticking to Zack’s shirt. That elicits a shrill scream from him, and Milo has to fight the urge to cringe. This is not a great first impression, even by Murphy’s Law standards.
At this point, Milo’s pretty sure that the presence of the sandwich has no bearing on the wolves’ desire to attack them, but he grabs a stick and peels it off anyways, if only to try and save Zack’s shirt from being stained too badly.
They escape by scrambling up a tree, but the situation is complicated by the presence of an irate beehive.
A wolf with a beehive stuck on its face is a new one. Luckily, Zack continues to demonstrate remarkable survival instincts, such as ‘dodging when a wolf with a beehive stuck on its face lunges at you’ and ‘running when a wolf with a beehive stuck on its face gives chase.’ He’s keeping up well enough, though he might be starting to fatigue because he lags slightly behind Milo. And he’s still screaming a little, but Milo isn’t holding that against him.
In the end, they don’t escape the wolf so much as they accidentally plunge through an open manhole. But it’s not a high fall, and Milo’s not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Or, to look a sewer in the open manhole.
Milo lands on his feet in the middle channel, which is fortunately shallow. Zack crashes in right behind him.
“Here,” Milo hands Zack a headlamp from his backpack, “these will help us navigate in the dark.”
Zack’s voice follows him after a moment. “Dude… if and when we get out of here, I’m gonna have to go my own way. No offense, I just can’t handle all of… this.”
Milo’s heart trips inside his chest. He wants to protest that Zack has, in actuality, handled everything just fine. Truly, even Melissa would be impressed, and he’s sure she will be when he regales her with the story later today. But he knows that isn’t the crux of the matter.
“A- all of what?” he asks quietly, his voice wavering slightly despite his best efforts.
The answer is painfully obvious as a raccoon leaps out at him from a pipe, sailing over his ducked head and disappearing into murky sewer water. Milo grips his backpack tighter and keeps walking.
“This cyclone of calamity that follows you everywhere you go!” Zack exclaims in disbelief, his voice echoing in the tunnels. “How do you live like this?!”
Milo supposes this was inevitable. It’s not often that someone gives him a chance- usually it’s something like this, a new kid who doesn’t know any better- but it always ends the same way. He accepted long ago that Melissa would be his only school friend, and he’s okay with that.
Right now, they’ve reached the point where Milo will say he understands and apologize for putting Zack in danger. He’ll get him out of the sewer and part ways, only seeing Zack as much as school demands. Or less than that, if Zack decides to switch schools and get a restraining order. That’s happened before. But really, this is where Milo should ‘cut Zack loose,’ if he’s speaking metaphorically.
Except Milo doesn’t want to.
It’s a bizarre sensation. He’s never put up a fight before, whenever someone decided he wasn’t worth all the danger associated with Murphy’s Law. He almost lost Melissa that way, and was incredibly fortunate she decided to choose him. Typically, it’s easier for everyone if he just accepts it without complaint, and he doesn’t like making a scene. But this time, every part of him is rebelling against the idea.
He really, really doesn’t want to lose Zack. Zack, who’s fast and strong and quick on his feet. Zack, who has good instincts and knows how to trust them. Zack, who willingly followed Milo all this way despite knowing about his EHML. He doesn’t come across people like Zack every day.
Right now, it’s just him and Zack in a dark tunnel. There’s no one else around to worry about, no judgmental looks or scolding words. No one to tell Zack that he shouldn’t be around Milo. So maybe, this time, Zack can really decide for himself. Maybe, deep down beneath the knee-jerk fear reaction, he feels what Milo does, and knows that leaving would be the wrong choice.
Maybe Milo can fight for this.
So instead, Milo asks, “How do you live like that?”
Zack’s voice is hesitant. “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” Milo turns around, frustration nipping at him because it’s always so hard to put these things into words, “you wanna live like those other kids? They took a bus to school today. A bus! Does that seem like more fun to you?”
That really doesn’t say everything he means. It doesn’t say ‘I think you’re amazing and destined for so much more than an ordinary life’ or ‘I feel better with you by my side so please don’t go.’ But none of that comes easily to Milo, so it’ll have to do.
Zack stops and thinks about it. Really thinks about it. Milo holds his breath.
“Hm. Alright,” Zack says simply. He hops over the middle channel, landing next to Milo on the other side. Closer than most people are willing to get if they don’t have to. He shoves his hands in his pockets and looks at Milo expectantly. “Where to next?”
Milo is almost stunned by the sheer relief that washes over him, but he pushes through it. “Well, there’s a loose grate up over here to the left,” he says, turning around to resume walking. “I’ve been here before.”
“Of course you have,” Zack says, and it actually sounds fond.
Milo’s heart is running now, though he’s not sure why.
As they scramble their way through the construction site, Milo can’t help but think that they make a good team.
He knows he’s letting himself get too attached, too quickly. At the end of this, Zack could very well change his mind. Or maybe tomorrow, or after a week. Maybe his tolerance of Murphy’s Law has a limit. He wouldn’t be the first.
But they’re incredibly in-sync, for having just met not even a half-hour ago. They don’t even speak as they navigate the various hazards together. Zack seems to be relying on his instincts and cues from Milo, and they escape unscathed, floating down the river on the detached bed of a dump truck.
After they avoid the wolf (again) and Milo sends Diogee home (again), Zack climbs over to sit next to him, leaning back on his arms. His hand is close to Milo’s knee, close enough that their hands would be touching if Milo put his down. And the way Zack’s looking at him right now… his heart’s acting up again. Maybe he should get checked for arrhythmia.
“You know,” Zack starts, “I don’t know if it’s the adrenaline talking, but I’m starting to feel like we can handle anything that comes our way.”
If that’s how adrenaline makes Zack talk, Milo certainly doesn’t mind it. It’s not often that someone else is doing the reassuring, unless it’s Melissa or his family. And the confidence Zack says it with is an incredible thing. Even if it is just adrenaline.
Of course, now that Zack’s gone and said something like that, Murphy’s Law can’t resist the opportunity, and a massive tidal wave appears out of nowhere to carry them out of the river and straight off the edge of a cliff.
This time, Zack doesn’t scream. They plummet silently for a couple seconds before he turns his head towards Milo, almost casually, and says, “Well, maybe not anything…”
Milo would laugh at that, but then they faceplant onto the dome of an alien spacecraft and suddenly have other things to worry about.
Somehow, they end up at school on time and unscathed.
Zack thinks he might not have fully processed everything yet, because he feels… surprisingly okay. Considering what happened. But really, it seems silly to freak out and make a huge deal out of it when they’re both perfectly fine.
Aside from missing lunches, that is, but the redhead sitting in front of him- who he recalls as Melissa- has that covered. They don’t have time for formal introductions before the teacher comes in and begins class, but context clues tell Zack that she’s Milo’s only friend. And from what he can piece together, she orchestrated a betting pool to ensure they’d have something for lunch in the event theirs were destroyed.
So she’s either psychic, or stuff like this happens often.
That gets filed under ‘things to think about later,’ next to everything else that just happened. Right now, he has to focus on getting oriented to his new school. Which is… actually pretty boring, compared to this morning. Meeting his teachers, figuring out his schedule, finding his locker… it’s crazy to think he was stressing about this stuff just last night.
He gets strange looks here and there, and catches a few murmurs of, “Someone better warn the new kid” and “Wonder how long that’s gonna last” that make him… oddly indignant. He doesn’t like the feeling that his new classmates are judging his choice to stick by Milo.
He also doesn’t like the attention he’s attracted from Melissa. She’s nice enough, but he catches her staring at him sometimes, this intense look in her eyes, like she’s trying to puzzle something out, and it gives him the creeps.
Someone remind him not to get on her bad side…
If something’s up, Milo’s oblivious to it. He’s happy to help Zack around to their classes, and never falters under the stares or whispers or occasional small mishaps that occur. And they are small; nothing else that happens that day can compare to their crazy morning.
Which is perfectly fine by Zack. No complaining here.
The relative calm gives him a chance to actually get a good look at Milo- something that was neglected in all the terror. He’s deceptively average at a glance; pale, brown hair, brown eyes. An ever-present smile on his face. His outfit’s a little odd; shorts, sweater vest, loafers. And Zack quickly finds out that Milo’s backpack isn’t just a regular school backpack that happens to contain a random assortment of items.
Milo wears it nonstop throughout the day, never stashing it under his desk or in his locker. Not even during lunch. That also gets filed under ‘things to think about later.’
Along with the fact that Milo has a lot of scars. Like, a lot.
Zack remembers the conversation at the bus stop, but in the light of day it’d been easy to overlook. Milo’s so pale, the faint marks don’t show up that much until they’re under more contrasting light. And again, they aren’t running for their lives, so Zack can take the time to notice the dozens of scars on Milo’s arms, knees, and face.
Some are small pockmarks, some are lines of varying thickness, some are patchy blotches. Some of them look surgical in nature, while others Zack can’t even begin to speculate about. After their morning together, it’s not hard to imagine why Milo’s acquired so many scars in his short life, but it’s… sobering, to say the least.
Today wasn’t the rule. Milo gets hurt a lot. Like, a lot.
And so Zack’s starting to think this morning was actually really lucky, all things considered. Part of him wants to reconsider his decision. Not so much out of fear that he’ll get hurt, but because he’s not sure he can handle seeing Milo get hurt.
But then Milo catches him staring once. Their eyes meet briefly before Milo’s cheeks flush and Zack looks away, his stomach flipping like it did when they were freefalling together, and he already knows he’s in for the long haul.
Melissa doesn’t get a chance to speak to Milo alone until lunch, when Zack excuses himself to the bathroom and their little three-person table becomes its usual two-person table.
Milo, who had been excitedly recounting the morning’s events for her, suddenly falls silent as soon as Zack’s out of earshot. He looks up at her apprehensively, fidgeting with his hands, and Melissa already knows what’s on his mind before he says anything.
“So, uh, what- what do you think of him?” he asks quietly.
Melissa tilts her head, considering. She hadn’t thought much of the guy at the bus stop, simply recognizing that he was a new kid and thus didn’t know not to stand that close to Milo. She’d been surprised to see Zack stuck with Milo through all that happened, and seemed none the worse for wear.
“It sounds like he handled himself well,” she concedes.
Milo nods enthusiastically. “Yeah, he really did. I was very impressed.”
“I can tell,” Melissa says, amused.
Milo laughs sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. Is that a blush? “I just, I know we haven’t really hung out with other people in… forever. I didn’t mean to have this whole adventure with him, without you, it just happened.” His expression sobers. “And- and I like him, and I think he’d be a good fit for us, but if you don’t, then just say the word. I’ll understand.”
Then he gives her that little smile of his, the one that’s sad at the edges like he’s already expecting a certain answer and has resigned himself to it. The one he uses whenever he’s apologizing for some Murphy’s Law related incident. The one that makes her want to shake him and say, “It’s not your fault, you deserve better.”
Over the years, some people have tried to stick around Milo just for the spectacle of it. A chance to see what the deal with the ‘disaster kid’ was (particularly back when Diogee was allowed to accompany Milo to school as his service dog). They didn’t care about Milo as a person.
And worse, Milo never caught on. He really thought someone was giving his friendship a chance, and was crushed when they inevitably decided it wasn’t worth the risk.
It only happened a handful of times before Melissa established herself as “someone you do not want to cross” and people were too scared to try it anymore, but it took a toll on both of them. Milo’s convinced that he’s destined to go through life alone, with no one but Melissa at an arm’s length away.
And Melissa’s instantly suspicious of anyone who shows an interest in Milo. Admittedly, she might’ve jumped the gun a few times, and chased off potential friends who could’ve actually had good intentions. After all, some people genuinely did try to be his friend, and just couldn’t handle Murphy’s Law. Mostly new kids like Zack. But whenever someone who already knew them started getting closer, Melissa’s defensiveness quickly deterred any further advances, before she even knew whether they were sincere or not.
Those are acceptable loss margins in her opinion, if it meant Milo didn’t have to suffer another heartbreak.
But she knows he’s lonely. More than others would think, and probably more than he’s willing to admit to himself. The two of them are close, but one person can’t be someone’s whole world. He’s always wary of putting too much on her, so she knows there are holes she isn’t filling.
If she’s being honest, it might be nice to have someone else around to help handle the Murphy mayhem. From what she’s heard, Zack is plenty capable- and that’s without any prior experience. She could do worse for someone to take under her wing. Plus, she hasn’t gotten strange vibes from him yet, regarding Milo. He seems genuine.
And Milo really seems to like Zack. Probably more than he’s willing to admit to himself.
So much so, in fact, it speaks volumes that he’d break this budding friendship if she asked him to. It scares her, sometimes, how much of Milo’s heart she seems to hold. They’ve won each other’s trust and loyalty a thousand times over since they first became friends, but all she really did in the beginning was show him some basic kindness. That’s all it took for him to decide he was devoted.
The wrong person could really abuse that.
… Zack better not be the wrong person.
“He’s in,” Melissa decides.
The way Milo’s face lights up almost makes all her worries go away.
Zack will have to watch himself around her. If she gets a single whiff of any funny business from him, he’s done, and she’ll make him regret ever switching schools.
But even Melissa has to admit, the soft way Zack looks at Milo when he returns to the lunchroom and Milo happily waves him over makes her think she probably doesn’t have anything to worry about.
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dikiyvter · 3 years
23 & 31? :eye: for either or both
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Of course aid anything 4 u <3
Uncommon Questions [ accepting ]
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23. How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)?
For Gio: Envy is... kind of a scale of ugliness for Gio, to be honest. First and foremost his envy is typically not something ugly; It's typically something that turns more into a hopeful longing other than any sort of truly resentful behavior. Just because he wants what someone else has doesn't mean that he needs to take it from them necessarily; the world is not a pie to be split among it's inhabitants. He views the world as an endless wealth, and if he wants something someone else has, all he has to do is work to get it himself. Ultimately his longing to be human and to take a quiet role in human society spawns from envy of the lives that humans lead.
... And then there's the far uglier envy. Gio is a rather childish individual who experiences emotions very strongly; In part this is subconscious acting, and in part it's genuine truth; He's really never been good at things regarding emotions primarily because he's never been taught a whole lot in regards to control of ones emotions or ways to manage them. He's a bit... emotionally stunted but more in the 'seems like an erratic mood swing-y mess because he feels very strongly' sense and less, you know, [gestures at Baal and Zhongli]. There is thus always a chance that when Gio becomes envious of something, his first reaction is that of intense resentment towards whoever it is that has what he doesn't- This is partially true even for his love of humanity. Even though he starts off with the thought of "this is beautiful" it was still interlaced with a lot of bitter resentment that he would never really have that; Coming to terms with his worldview is what got rid of that. But it's a bit harder to have a mentality of 'the world isn't a pie; someone having a bigger slice than me doesn't mean i can't have more if i want it' when its... say...
A person whom you love whose fallen for another or is having all of their time taken up by them.
For Riga: ...Riga gets a much shorter paragraph and for that I apologize, but I have a lot more thoughts regarding Gio on this subject considering that lil clowns got a lot of conflictions and nuance to ramble about. Riga, on the other hand, tends to be far more simplistic in the things he is feeling and how he is feeling them; though this isn't to say he feels any less strongly or erratically than Gio does.
Rigatello typically feels envy as a genuinely ugly awful emotion that typically results not just in resentment but in a very, very intense form of frustration. A major part of his character is that he is someone who wants very little, but the few things he does want are things he perceives more as needs; Case in point being he doesn't perceive wanting Gio to care about him as being a want, he sees it as a need, and when your needs are denied you become... what? Angry. Frustrated. Depressed. Envy turns him violent, because why should others have what's rightfully his? Why are others entitled to the few things he truly needs? Why is he not deserving of these things? There's a tangible cycle to a lot of Rigatellos emotions, and it's that he is confronted with something ( or someone ) he wants; He becomes reliant, he thinks he needs them ( using gio as an example; He cannot imagine who he is without Gio nearby. He cannot imagine himself in the hierarchy that is set between them both and Dottore without Gio there, because Gio has always been the one to provide a release of tension, even if the relationship the two of them shared was at times very far from healthy; The change of something he sees as being integral to his identity and his place in his little corner of society is something that throws him VERY badly; Rigatello is someone very afraid of any meaningful change because the fear of what comes next and that change leading to potential failure is one that haunts him ) ; They move away from him, and he panics, because he has very little and thus clings desperately to what few things he has; Cue the cycle of seeing that which he 'needs' with someone else, being angry, being frustrated, falling down the rabbit hole of wondering why he isn't worthy, arriving at depression, resparking that frustration, and... repeat.
A lot of his envy spawns almost purely from a place of this frustration-depression loop of wondering why he isn't good enough-- something that ties in heavily with the way he was 'raised', where threats of being scrapped were thrown freely, and any failure could potentially result in his literal destruction.
Wait this wound up being longer than Gios. Whoops.
31. Who are they the most glad to have met?
Okay here's where we ease into me being able to make coherent sentences again bc i'm not bound purely by my muses emotions <3
For Gio, It would be Venti, in more ways than one. First he had technically met Barbatos. The ideal Barbatos gifted to Mondstadt that rubbed off on the freshly-created and quite impressionable Gio; It was Mondstadt and their talk of freedom that lit the little fire that eventually turned into Gio pursuing his autonomy and humanity. Then was the archon; Barbatos gave his vision to him, and without that Gio never would have managed to escape Dottore, and if he didn't currently have it he wouldn't have been able to evade capture for this long. It also served as a constant reminder of Mondstadts ideals -- And not just that, but the special shape that the vision takes has always been a symbol that although Snezhnaya was his home-- Mondstadt was where he belonged. Then came Venti; Someone who made him feel welcomed in Mondstadt when he was initially very nervous about being there. He and Venti became dear friends ( possibly more ) and now that's someone he looks forward to every time he's on his way back to Mondstadt. The city truly feels like home to him now, and that's mostly because of Venti-- and even if his friend doesn't wish to be seen as Barbatos the archon, Gio cannot help the appreciation he feels for those previous actions, nor for the general ideals that Venti / Barbatos inhabit.
For Riga, that would be Lio, no contest. It.. it would take me ten years to explain all of Rigatellos feelings towards Lio there's so much shit at play they mesh so fucking well together their traumas and mentalities are such similar echoes, Lio is literally the only person in the world that Rigatello has felt genuine love and affection for and not in some way panicked and tried to burn the bridge before it could burn him; He feels genuinely safe and happy with Lio, and the fear that constantly haunts him is eased in their presence; He trusts not just Lio but himself, the fear he typically fears when he touches others is gone because they trust him so thoroughly that in the midst of their love it's hard to be afraid of himself. He feels for once that he can be something that protects instead of something that exclusively does damage; He feels cared for, wanted, loved, when all his life he's felt rejected and constantly on the brink of destruction. Where he once was told his wants and thoughts don't matter he has now found someone who cares very much for what he wants and what he thinks and FUCK I have a lot of thoughts about these two.
40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
Oh god, here's another thing I can't fully explain.
For Gio: Immensely. Gios current mentality is essentially that if he just closes his eyes and refuses to think about it then he doesn't have to deal with his flaws, and if anyone points them out he can just get mad about it and avoid them until he dies because he does. not. want. to. think. about. it. He HATES feeling bad, he hates feeling negatively about himself, he doesn't... know how to genuinely change things about himself; And I think that. That itself can be very much shown in how he treats the fact that he's not human? A person? Yes, he's a fully sentient person with his own thoughts and expressions and free will, a human? Not exactly. He's made out of metal and circuitry and artificial materials, and this is simply a factual statement, its not opinion; But he almost treats it like it is. He sees this idealized version of humanity that he wishes to be a part of but he cannot fathom how he can be apart of it if the core thing about himself isn't changed, but its NOT something he can change; Instead of accepting that, however, and still going on with his goal to pursue his autonomy and humanity despite this, Gio would... honestly rather stick his fingers in his ears and go "lalala" because he doesn't really have the toolset to mentally deal with the contradiction of "I want to be human but I can't". He perceives a need to change that isn't there, and instead of trying to address it he ignores it entirely in hopes that... it'll just stop being an issue that he needs to address with himself at some point. The same mentality applies to a lot of his flaws. Does he know hes being avoidant of his problems? Does he know that it's going to cause more issues in the future? He does. But he can't even address it with himself because it makes him feel bad, let alone with someone else who could actually provide him with skills that he needs to change his behaviors and mentality.
For Riga: Okay he genuinely gets a shorter paragraph this time because in short? Rigatello doesn't care. Admittedly he kind of wears his flaws on his sleeve. He's a "says it right on the tin" kind of guy most of the time, where he's typically mostly open about the less positive parts of himself-- If not exaggerating them as a means of keeping people away. There are of course the flaws that he hides due to them stemming from traumas, and his general desire to hide all things relating to his personal thoughts and feelings-- But this in and of itself could be perceived as a flaw, though one very unexplored considering Lio is his first close relationship with another person where he's been in any form open about his own thoughts and feelings, away from the influence of Dottore or the Fatui.
Rigatello does have... slightly less healthy perception of what counts as flaws in himself, though, such as having his own thoughts and emotions. He perceives his traumas as weakness, and weakness is a flaw, to him-- So too, then, are his traumas. He's not sensitive about this in the sense that Gio is where he's willfully ignoring something he's doing wrong; Riga doesn't... know that this isn't a good mentality. He.
Riga is kind of hard to explain this regard because of how severely impacted Rigatello is by the traumas hes endured, the people he was 'raised' by, and the current lifestyle that he leads. His emotional understanding is extremely limited and always has been, and I'm not entirely sure how to put it in coherent wording; Because typically when I try to talk about Riga and emotions it devolves into word vomit because his thoughts are just... nonsense screaming pain mush that he doesn't know how to cope with so he tells himself to toughen up, shoves it in the closet, and goes on with his day until he can lay down at night and have a meltdown--
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Honestly? The general rule of thumb is that I don't typically write people that I myself would get along with, if only because I know way too much about my own characters and their flaws? When. I look at people that I get along with, its primarily people who are patient enough to deal with my memory issues and my general lets say... low iq, to be nice. They're mostly laid back people who don't give too much of a shit one way or the other, but are friendly and fun to talk to because they have interesting ideas to contribute to a conversation, give room for others to contribute, and don't mind a bit of chaos when things inevitably devolve.
When I look at the characters I write... They all have some sort of flaw that directly contradicts the core things I typically find in someone I get along well with?
Gio is someone who I think I could get along with for a while; But inevitably his flaws, his distress regarding those flaws, and his subsequent refusal to acknowledge them in any meaningful form would inevitably stress me out and it would start to get tiring.
Bluntly put Riga is scary and I feel like I'd be stressed out 24/7 that I'm going to irritate him... And his general mindset of emphasizing his own flaws to push people away would just make me angry and I'd probably wind up letting him isolate himself because, having once been someone who was very much that way, I no longer deal well with that degree of self-pitying behavior b/c it pisses me off.
Outside of this blog, Ku Shen and I could probably get along pretty well, but I think the issue is that he's a massive introvert who would go Weeks in-between texting, and I have the memory of a goldfish and i'd inevitably find myself in a position where i have a text from him that's been waiting for me to answer for the past week and I'm too nervous to reply because I feel awkward being like 'hi i have untreated adhd sorry', and then suddenly three months has passed and I just can never talk to this man again.
...I'm going to include my Morax on here as well even though it's blog isn't super active; Look I might actually be able to chill with Morax if only because we vibe in either 'i am listening to you ramble for 3 straight hours with occasional questions or commentary' or 'we have both been dead fucking silent for the past 3 hours' and these are both my ideal ways to exist in someone elses presence. Also I feel like it'd wanna do fun shit and likes going on walks or smth. 10/10 I think I could get along with Morax.
H) What trait do you admire most?
Ah fuck okay. Uh. For Gio... I admire his optimism and hope. I consider myself to be a generally hopeful person but I'm not typically the kind of like... ~ * direct action * ~ person, and Gio VERY MUCH IS in most regards. He's generally super fucking ambitious and if he WANTS something he will GET IT and you cannot STOP HIM and I just wish I had that level of
I. Dedication II. Energy III. Optimism in actually completing the goal
For Riga? I guess it would be his general tenacity and endurance. He goes through. A lot of shit. Constantly. And he just keeps trudging on forward without pause. He does what he needs to do, and if you get in the way of him and what he needs to get done, then he'll make you fucking regret it. Top tier shit 10/10 good for him.
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un-nonymous · 3 years
I am ~*homesick*~, my dudes.
And I still feel like there is no room for my grief a lot of the time. I feel this with myself and I feel this from other people (unintentionally, I know).
I have mentioned to a few people how much I wish I could go home for Christmas, since we didn’t go for Thanksgiving. My mom (and maybe Wes but probably not) were supposed to come out here for Thanksgiving, which obviously got scrapped.
I appreciate people trying to relate or soothe or offer something, but what would be more helpful than anything is a simple “wow yeah that super sucks.” Just once.
It’s tough because I don’t have close friends here (yet, hopefully) so there’s the charade of small talk at work, where most people are just unaware - and I am, too, I know. It is just uniquely tiring lately.
Sometimes I pass it off like “man, first big holiday away from home is rough right? lol” but what I mean is,
It’s the first year without my dad, I cried thinking about Fannie May chocolates twice now because that’s all I want for Christmas (because he loved them and made sure everyone he loved had some, even the mailman) and he would have sent me 3 boxes from Florida somehow. I’m not connecting well with my new therapist or maybe it’s the screen again. I feel weird about that but mostly I wish we had made more progress already because I would really love to genuinely work through some of this grief. Right now if even light pressure is applied I am likely to just crumple into a ball still, which would be okay except we — me and my brain — are not being great about it even amongst ourselves. I hide it with Matt(?), I don’t talk about it as much as I need to because I feel like it’s too much, and it’s crushing me. I lost my job in June which was really a gift except I’m drowning in my new job that I moved across the country for and I could really use a hug from my mom about it. Wes is isolating himself like crazy but told me he’s just “mad at the family and not willing to talk about it right now” which I don’t really understand and I feel overly guilty when I think about it despite all the work I’ve done with boundaries in general and more than anything I’d love to see him on Christmas if only to know he wasn’t spending it alone. It would be hard enough being in Chicago but being a thousand miles away adds a weird new layer to the strain on all fronts. My domestic messiness is coming back again and it’s affecting us both. Cluttered mind, cluttered home? I wish I could go home just to spend a couple of days away from my apartment. Sometimes you just need your mama. And then, COVID and all of the things we’re collectively dealing with. Man, first big holiday away is rough right? lol
We (I) will be okay. I know this without having to force the thought and reminding myself of it, and saying it out loud, helps. In my own little CO bubble, things are fantastic. I just need some help figuring out the undertow sometimes (or instead maybe confronting it and riding it out finally) and I’m looking for it. Until then, I’m allowing myself to post dumb shit on the internet again. So there.
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