#Alligator Loki 1
dispatchdcu · 9 months
Alligator Loki #1 Preview
Alligator Loki #1 Preview #alligatorloki #loki #thor #MARVEL #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #news #mcu #art #info #NCBD #comicbooknews #previews #reviews
Alligator Loki #1 Preview: ALLIGATOR LOKI MAKES A SPLASH IN HIS PRINT COMIC DEBUT! Bow down to the reptile in a helm who has enraptured the Ten Realms…with his cuteness! First Alligator Loki chomped down on Mjolnir, and then he chomped his way into our hearts. Now, the beloved Alligator of Mischief finds – and makes – trouble all across the Marvel Universe in his very own comic! Collecting the…
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mischievous-thunder · 8 months
Revisiting Loki Season 1 ft. text posts (Part I)
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Bringing back the nostalgia ❤️❤️
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uwingdispatch · 4 months
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New Lokiiiiiiis! Well, one new Loki. Classic Loki. And a very beefy THROG. I think they came out beautifully.
I also recently added Kid Loki and Alligator Loki to my shop. I have them matching beads in case you buy both and want to wear them together.
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Aaaaand additionally I’m working on changing over all the Lokis to Czech glass beads. All of the adult human-ish Lokis will have these shimmery green beads from here on out. Agent Loki and President Loki are below. (Sylvie will be rebranded soon.)
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Aaaanyway. Shop is here. Enjoy your Lokis. And Throgs.
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marvellousgifs · 1 year
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LOKI (2021) | 1.05 - Journey Into Mystery
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loki-stuff · 3 months
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deaconcheese1998 · 18 days
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Feral form. Keep your hands away from him.
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why-i-love-comics · 9 months
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Alligator Loki #1 (2023)
written by Alyssa Wong art by Bob Quinn & Pete Pantazis
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atypical-snowman · 5 months
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Alligator Loki #29
Vet Visit 1/3
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afirewiel · 6 months
Variants =/= clones. Variants do not necessarily share DNA. They can, but they don't always. This is so obvious in episode 5 of season 1 when Loki meets several other variants of himself. Most of whom look absolutely nothing like him. Alligator Loki being the best example of a variant whose DNA is wildly different than his. So stop saying Sylvie is "a gender swapped clone of Loki" or "she's genetically his sister" or "they're the same person." They are two completely different individuals. So Sylki is not incestuous in anyway. If Loki had fallen for President Loki, then yes, that would be super weird.
In the comics there is a female variant of Loki called Lady Loki, who I'm guessing, is "gender swapped Loki." The fact that the writers very deliberately chose not to use Lady Loki, shows that they were making Sylvie her own character, someone who fills the role of a Loki, but who is genetically different from him.
And the writers have said the Sylvie is NOT the same person as Loki.
You don't have to ship Sylki if you don't want to, but please stop with the absurd and untrue excuses as for why you don't.
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alienducky · 5 months
Fire Emblem Three Houses Crochet Wyvern - attempt 1
I finally finished it! It's taken me since the end of March 2022 (on and off, I got sidetracked making Alligator Loki for a while) but my prototype wyvern is done
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Wyvern is 123.5 inches / 10foot 3.5 inches / 313.69cm wingtip to wingtip, and 56 inches / 4 foot 6 inches / 142.24cm nose to tail tip, and roughly 6 lbs / 2.72 kg ish. So a chunky baby He was made out of aran weight yarn using a 5mm hook and for the most part is Tunisian knit stitch. His toes were done in Tunisian simple stitch, and I think I did his teeth in normal rounds?
And now I do a cut to save everyone's feeds from all the pictures I'm going to share ^_^
(For reference, here are two photos of the wyvern from in game)
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First, a few more angles on wyvern, and then I'll point out things I want to change for the next one
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He's a handsome lad, and very recognisable for what he's meant to be!
But he also could be improved. A lot
Example 1, I lined up wyverns nose and tail tip against the in game 3d model to see how close he was to being accurate. And, er. yeah.
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To give myself credit, when I first started this back in March 2022, I was working out lengths and widths and general sizing from screenshots taken from examining units in Three Houses, where I traced the outline onto a sheet of paper to measure things and perspective makes things AWKWARD, ok? (As is having brain farts and not remembering that the ruler had metric on the other side of it, but shush, let's not mention that bit)
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So the biggest thing to fix will be the scaling, if I can. I can definitely make the tail longer, the head shorter and thinner, the chest between the wings thinner, the wing sockets bulkier, and thanking all the stars, the wings get to be smaller too. By a LOT
The other major thing I want to do different/better is how the ridges along his back from nose to tail tip work.
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While they do work on wyvern, they don't look as great as I think they potentially can? So I'm going to be doing double layers of crochet, sort of, to help give the sticky up bit of the overlapping ridges more definition, and hopefully make them look like the slightly thicker scaling they're meant to be. It'll also help to smooth them out, so they won't have the weird dips where I've joined one to the next
I'm going to do the wings differently too, because what I did with these ones was quite frankly awful? I cut each wing segment into individual pieces to then hem and flip inside out to over sew the visible edges, and then hemmed up the sides that went inside the struts to then sew the crocheted parts to the fabric. So the fabric was the cheese to the crochet bread in this awful, awful sandwich situation. I am also never, ever buying anything that is even vaguely silky or satiny or slippery ever again for anything
For the next one I'll keep the two pieces of wing fabric as one big piece, since the top and bottom of the wing membranes are actually slightly different colours if you look closely, but I'm going to cheat and use some of that iron on hemming tape stuff to fill the inside of the fabric after I've done all the outer hemming and over sewing so it'll kind of look like all the veins and stuff that the membranes have? So the fabric hopefully won't slip around so much, so will be easier to sew, and keeping it as one big piece means there's less change of me messing up the positioning of the struts on the panels because the wings on this one aren't equal despite my best efforts
Next is Claude's white wyvern, but it'll be made with DK yarn and either a 3.5 or 4mm hook, so it will (hopefully) come out significantly smaller than this one. And that one is going to get plastic boning/skeleton in it, so it'll be poseable!!!
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nameforthemain · 6 months
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Alligator Loki #26: Daycare Part 1
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hikikomorialice · 1 month
Thanks to @bullyboyscollectibles over on Twitter, we have a first look at the new Loki Deluxe Pop! Moments of The Void:
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Featuring 5 Loki variants, 4 humanoid and 1 alligator, and Alioth on the backing art (I think it's just the card backing).
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uwingdispatch · 4 months
New Lokis have arrived!
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Alligator Loki and Kid Loki earrings are now in stock! I am so excited about these little guys! They're so cute! I also used the same beads on both so that you can wear them together. If that's the sort of thing you might like to do.
Shop is here. Enjoy!
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nightmareinfloral · 20 days
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Speed- Where to Read?
Tommy Shepherd, also known as Speed, is a mutant and one of Wanda Maximoff’s reincarnated twin sons. He is a speedster and possesses a powerset very similar to Pietro Maximoff, including superhuman speed, stamina, strength, and molecular acceleration. Below the cut is a complete list of Tommy’s appearances updates as of May 2024.
Young Avengers (2005) 10-12
Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways (2006) 1
The Amazing Spider-Man (1998) 534
Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways (2006) 2-4
Civil War (2006) 5
Civil War: The Initiative (2007) 1
The Mighty Avengers (2007) 1
Civil War: Battle Damage Report (2007) 1
Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America (2007) 5
Young Avengers Presents (2008) 3
Secret Invasion (2008) 2
Secret Invasion: Home Invasion (2008) 3
Secret Invasion (2008) 3
Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers (2008) 1
Avengers: The Initiative (2007) 15
Young Avengers Presents (2008) 6
Secret Invasion (2008) 5
Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers (2008) 2-3
Secret Invasion (2008) 6
The Mighty Avengers (2007) 18, 21, 23-24
Dark Reign: Young Avengers (2009) 1-3
The Mighty Avengers (2007) 28
Dark Reign: Young Avengers (2009) 4
The Mighty Avengers (2007) 29-30
Dark Reign: Young Avengers (2009) 5
The Mighty Avengers (2007) 31
Nomad: Girl Without a World (2009) 4
Siege (2010) 2-3
Siege: Young Avengers (2010) 1
Siege (2010) 4
Avengers (2010) 1
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (2010) 1
Uncanny X-Men (1981) 526
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (2010) 2
I Am An Avenger (2010) 1
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (2010) 3
Avengers: Prime (2010) 5
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (2010) 4
I Am An Avenger (2010) 5
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (2010) 5-9
Young Avengers (2013) 6-7, 14-15
Original Sin (2014) 0
The Astonishing Ant-Man (2015) 1, 6
The Vision (2015) 7
Scarlet Witch (2015) 8
Marvel Knights 20th (2019) 3
The Astonishing Ant-Man (2015) 13
Scarlet Witch (2015) 13
The Vision: Director’s Cut (2017) 4
The Unstoppable Wasp (2018) 7
Marvel Comics (2019) 1000
True Believers: Empyre - Hulkling (2020) 1
Road to Empyre: The Kree/Skrull War (2020) 1
Lords of Empyre: Emperor Hulkling (2020) 1
Empyre (2020) 4-5
Empyre Aftermath: Avengers (2020) 1
X-Factor (2020) 7-8
Marvel’s Voices: Pride (2021) 1
X-Factor (2020) 10
Marauders (2019) 23
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) 1, 3
X-Men (2021) 5
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) 4-5
Who Is… The Scarlet Witch Infinity Comic (2022) 1
Free Comic Book Day 2022: Marvel’s Voices (2022) 1
Marvel’s Voices: Pride (2022) 1
Marvel’s Voices Infinity Comic (2022) 5, 9-10
Love Unlimited Infinity Comic (2022) 25
Alligator Loki Infinity Comic (2022) 13
The Avengers: War Across Time (2023) 5
Free Comic Book Day 2023: Marvel’s Voices (2023) 1
Love Unlimited Infinity Comic (2022) 49
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic (2021) 100
Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver (2024) 1-3
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11queensupreme11 · 6 months
I sat down and for a second tried to think about who the best option would be for Percy with all these silly goofy yanderes, through how I would be able to stand them.
He’s a loser and like at worst clingy and I think most people can survive that plus he has pink hair and I love pink ( I’m a biased gal 😋)
2-Hades ( hear me out here 🥲)
He may be her uncle but out of Beel , Loki and Poseidon I’m ranking him as second ( and cause he’s so pretty like godanm ! Did you see that pic of him with his blaser off- ahem) he’s too mulch or a gentleman ™ to be an actual problem. Like yeah creepy uncle dude but I’m taking my that over the three others.
3- Beel
Idk why I put him here but like his temper isn’t as bad as the two others, and although I do not want a man seeing me as some guniepig he’s at least slightly ( slightly 😐) more controlled of his Urmm… Cookie ness ( also I want to steal his boots they’re pretty 😋)
He may have no chill but He’s a hermit book looser with a short fuse and homicidal tendencies, and I’m banking on that hermit persenality to hide in a corner unless I really have to interact with him. ( also he’s got that pretty luscious head of curls and that facial structure that makes me wanna giggle and twirl my hair )
5- Loki
I would sob scream and pull at my hair (his pretty hair and face won’t save him any points ) This is the tipe of person that puts you on a float or mattress in the middle of a alligator pond for the funsies , he’s the type that’s fun to be around till he takes the joke too far or he doesn’t like the joke you do to him. Pretty much a person I would run screaming from if he so much as blushed in my visceral direction.
ohhhhh i enjoyed reading this because i already know that this list is gonna change later in the future the more you read about what these psychos are like once they've gone full-yandere
(loki's spot at the bottom is probs gonna stay the same tho LMAO)
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nostalgia-tblr · 4 months
one problem with getting into Fiction Franchises like, oh let's say the MCU, long after they started is that 1) there are things that refer back to things I don't know about and 2) i don't know what i don't know about, and in a way that latter is more of a problem at least for me.
i managed an episode of wandavision and was left thinking "this seems like it's good, but i have no clue what's going on here so it's not going to work for me is it?" and i am reliably told it's supposed to be Mysterious Mindfuckery but i, a noob, was unable to work out without external clarification what i wasn't supposed to know. if you see what i mean.
i notice the mcu movies (at least as it progresses?) don't have numbers on them, and we know when they're direct sequels because there's a subtitle. and if you come at these later you need to get a chart to work out whether you should watch thor: ragnarok before or after thor: the dark world. which is easily done if i am determined to get things in the right order, but any effort is too much for someone.
so while i am willing to consider the idea that the later mcu films/shows are just Less Good than the early ones (personally Doubt so far but I'm not opposed to the idea) it's very easy inside a fandom to lose sight of what your thing looks like to the casuals who make up most of an audience, and frankly the mcu is currently Very Large and confusing.
who are all these Mrs/Captain/Miss/etc Marvel ladies and which of them have already been in films I might or might not have seen? how many ant men are there prior to this one? am i supposed to know who the baddy in this or that film is? which of these side-characters are from something else?
doesn't-seem-related-but-it-is: i was surprised to discover that the general mcu fandom view of the loki series was not that it was some sort of AU situation that could be thought of an entirely separate from the main series of films. because that was pretty much why it was the one to hook me, i think - it explained the relevant backstory with clips and yet also this is a different loki so if i don't want to go and watch however many films he was in i don't have to. i would expect him to be to some extent "out of character" because it carefully explained to me that this is not really the same character as that identical guy with the same name who was in some number of films. there's a woman one and an alligator one but don't worry they're all from AUs anyway.
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