theplantbish · 1 month
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rachelsfav-queer · 6 months
Random lil angst alternatives to your post
Baby Wednesday accidentally heard mommy and daddy’s conversation about her being too much sometimes and causing trouble. She starts to get worried that mommy and daddy will leave her soon if she continues being herself so she starts to keep things to herself. Only playing alone in her room with little raven, not bothering mommy and daddy while they work, stop initiating cuddles or any physical contact unless offered and just generally stayed quiet as to not cause trouble. She lasted almost a whole week like that until it gets too much for the tiny baby and she just ran to hide in her room or her lil tent and has a breakdown quietly because she just misses her mommy and daddy too much but she doesn’t want to cause any trouble or be too much for them. It’s very conflicting and all too much for baby Wednesday to process alone all this big emotions
Aaaa, my heart!!! How could you?!? /j
Oh my gods, hold on I got this, okay
(Note: I’m like halfway through writing this rn and I just have to say, there’s no way this is actually canon to the ship. It is WAY too sad and so we’re just gonna keep this as a sort of “what if” okay? And genuinely, if you’re already in a low mood or aren’t in a good headspace, I don’t recommend reading this. Just save it for later and scroll on. Remember, take care of yourselves.)
Enid and Yoko are worried, actually they’re terrified. Of course they noticed Wednesday pulling away and at first, they thought it was just Wednesday needing some space. It happens sometimes, she gets overwhelmed and takes some time for herself to recover. She usually just hangs out in her room for most of the day and then a day or so later, she’s right back to her normal self. But this time, something’s different. Wednesday’s been avoiding them for almost the whole week.
When they first noticed the difference, Enid almost panicked. She wanted to run right into Wednesday’s room and hug her so tightly and force her to open up. Yoko, on the other hand, went the entire opposite direction. She was convinced that the only way to handle the situation was to wait for Wednesday. She hoped that by not pushing, Wednesday would eventually open up.
Eventually, the two women compromised. They wouldn’t push Wednesday but they’d do what they could to remind her that they were there for her. They made sure to invite her to plenty of cuddle sessions and they tried their best to express all their love for her without overwhelming her.
But, it clearly wasn’t enough.
Today, Enid tried to hug Wednesday. Unfortunately, the tiny seer wasn’t expecting it and she dropped her cup and spilled juice all over the floor.
Wednesday panicked.
The moment her brain caught up, Wednesday screamed out an apology and dashed upstairs to her room with little Raven, slamming the door behind her and collapsing to the floor inside her tent. At that point, Wednesday was entirely unable to hold herself together anymore and all the emotions she’d been holding back exploded out of her as she violently sobbed into little Raven. She was an utter mess, coughing wildly through her sobbing and she had tears, snot, and spit painted across her face.
Little Raven had never seen her best friend in such a state and was at a complete loss for what to do.
Meanwhile, Yoko and Enid listened in complete, heartbreaking silence as the sounds of their baby crying traveled through the house into their enhanced ears. They looked at each other and knew now what they should’ve done from the very beginning and they weren’t going to make the same mistake twice.
The werewolf and vampire ran just as fast up the stairs and carefully entered the room, locking on immediately to Wednesday. It was like a fishing rod had hooked right into their hearts and began violently pulling them toward the tiny seer lying inside the tent. They collapsed down to the floor next to Wednesday, even Yoko began crying at the weight of her little raven being so upset.
Enid choked out through her tears, “Oh baby. I’m so sorry. I’m so so so sorry! Mommy’s here sweetheart. I’m right here baby girl.” Enid couldn’t stop herself from wrapping her arms around Wednesday and Yoko followed quickly, lying herself behind the seer and planting so many kisses to the back of Wednesday’s head, neck, and everywhere else she could reach. Enid did the same.
The trio lied there for what felt like hours, the emotions of the past week flowing freely out of them all. Enid and Yoko continued crying out their apologies and reassurances in a hopeless effort to ground themselves and Wednesday.
Eventually, the tears began to slow and the trio was left to tiny hiccups and gently flowing tears. Wednesday spoke first, hiccuping the most of all of them, mumbling, “I sorry. I sorry I is too much. I don’t want you to leave me. Pwease pwease don’t weave! I be better! I no be bad anymowe! pwease… don’t weave me alone…”
Yoko and Enid almost started sobbing again at their little’s desperate pleas, the utter defeat in her voice destroying them, as if she’s already resigned herself to being alone. It’s clear that Enid’s not able to speak, so Yoko goes ahead instead, “Wednesday… we will never leave you. I swear to you, baby bird. We- we love you so much and you could never be too much for us. You don’t ever have to change yourself, not for us or anyone else. We never want you to change baby. We love you, just the way you are. And if you were to change, it would break our hearts. You’re perfect sweetheart.”
Enid can’t hold back anymore and she begins crying again, “Oh little raven! We love you so so much. You will never be alone, Willa. We will always be here, my love.”
“You- you don’t… you don’t hate me?”
“Never.” Yoko and Enid respond simultaneously and they both leave a huge kiss on Wednesday’s head, sealing the promise permanently in the seer’s mind.
End <3
(Sorry for the abrupt end. I just had to stop it there lol)
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onslaughtsqueen · 3 years
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Dream x daughter! reader (ft uncle Sapnap and George)
It’s the middle of the night and dream hears your cries and gets up but then hears them stop, worried he walks to your room finding you over sapnaps shoulder. He moves from side to side and pats ur backend whispers “ it’s okay shh, you don’t wanna wake ur dad up “ he goes to the little changing table chances you complete doesn’t notice Dream off to the side smiling. Sapnap changes you and grabs a bottle from the little fridge in your room and picks you up wrapping you in ur little green blanket while sitting in the rocking chair, he smiles and feeds you “ see your okay shh “ you whimper as sapnap wipes little tears from your eyes. Dream walks in and Sapnap looks up and laugh lightly “ seee y/n you woke him up “ dream rolls his eyes and looks at you rubbing your cheek with his finger“ it’s okay as long as she’s okay idc about my sleep “ he kisses ur head and Sapnap nods and watches you eat “ can she come to my room, I’m streaming rn but then I heard her crying, can she just chill with me until she’s ready for bed” dream hums and looks at you. “ sure but have her in bed soon and don’t be screaming, you know how she is during the day when she doesn’t get sleep at night “ Sapnap nods and laughs “ ooo I know” he gets up keeping you close disappearing into his room. Dream hums running his fingers through his hair and goes back to bed.
Sapnap pov
“ sorry guys y/n was upset “ he turns the face cam off and lays ur head on his shoulder. Karl smiles looking at the discord seeing y/n on my shoulder “ awww look at uncle Sapnap” Sapnap laughs lightly and looks at you“ she was upset and dreams been extremely busy with his new song so I figured I’m already up so I might as well take care of her” the chat fills with *uncle Sapnap* he scrolls and clicked as you rest on his chest. You whimper lightly and babble and reach for his necklace. He checks the time “ let’s get you to bed or ur dads going to kill me “ he looks to his stream “ hey guys I think ima end it here, me and y/n gotta go to bed or father dream will be livid “ the chat says goodnight and some laugh at his statement. And Karl leaves the discord with a goodbye.He ends it and lays you on the bed gently with ur blanket and changes. He gets into bed putting you on his chest, he rubs ur back hums lightly watching you fall asleep soon he does the same.
Dream pov
Morning comes and I get up going to y/n room expecting my little girl asleep but no the crib is empty. I go to Sapnap room, I walk in slowly seeing her completely passed out on his chest and him asleep too, I pull my phone out taking a picture. Patches moves around my ankles and I smile picking her up “ shhh” I leave then an hour later I hear his door open and see him walk out with y/n on his shoulder. She yawns rubbing her little eye. “ how did you sleep” Sapnap yawns “ good actually she slept the whole night after I feed her” I take her from him and she whimpers “ dada “ and hides her face in m neck. I smile kissing her little hand along with her forehead “ I’m here sweetie” sapnap sits down across from me “ has drista or ur mom taken her out at all“ I shake my head “ I love my family but I don’t like her out of my sight, gives me to much anxiety “ Sapnap nods and heads to his room to stream. I go to mine and George calls smiling when he sees y/n on my lap messing with my space bar on my keyboard. “ I want to hold her so so bad dream arghhh “ he pouts and I laugh “ I promise George once all this is fix you can come and see her for however long you want” George smiles “ so when are you going to tell everyone the true story on how y/n came into ur life “ I tilt my head “ it’s a simple story no drama or anything, y/n mom died when she was born and I stepped up to take care of her “ George nods “ is she blood “ I nod “ yes,she’s my daughter just her mom was an ex-gf, I had no idea about y/n until ex-gf’s parents just dropped her at my moms house with nothing but a couple papers and a blanket. She wasn’t even a day old and she was already given up “ dream holds you close kissing ur cheek and smiles “ but no matter what she’s mine and I love her “ George does a pouty face and awes at him “ ima cry dream omg “ I roll my eyes “ George stop “ as the day went on she would crawl around my room as i chilled in call with George and streamed a little, sapnap takes her mid day to the store and just out. That night i go to grab her and she turns
hiding in sapnap neck, he busted out laughing “ so you said she was a daddies girl” I roll my eyes and taking y/n for a bath Sapnap sits on the side and laughing at me struggling to keep her from eating soap “ hey no no, not food “ she laugh loudly at his panic. Sapnap pours water over her hands and laughs,Sapnap grabs a little ducky towel and wraps you up. I laugh watcher her wiggle around in Sapnap arms “ hey hey y/n “ she laughs and reaches for me, I kiss her nose and she shyly hides her face in sapnap neck “ my sweet girl “. We head to bed and I have her lay with me, she rest on her back and I rest my hand on her stomach moving my thumb as she slowly falls asleep. I kiss her cheek and stay close to her “ goodnight my sweet girl.
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crispin-kreme · 3 years
heyy cutiee~ I’m not sure if you take requests but times are hard rn for me can you do an enhypen imagine/reaction where reader goes to enhypens house crying at night because their parents are fighting non stop? :,) thankuu before hand 😓
enhypen’s reaction to you coming at their place because your parents are fighting.
a lil note: i don’t really take requests bUt- this will be a special for you if this can help you cope <33 this also took a bit longer than expected- im so sorry for the delay 🙇‍♀️
gn! reader x bf! ot7 enha (assuming yall dating ok—)
warnings: parents fighting, mentions of divorce, traumas may get triggered
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there was screaming in your household here and there. your mother and father fighting over for the nth time. you hid in your room, covering your ears and crying. you held your phone trying to call your significant other, hoping that you can escape for a while and deafen the sounds of your parents’ argument
you have talked to him over the phone and told him that you would come to his place
as he hears your cries over the phone he starts to worry
stutters a lot from worry as he tries to reply
“get h-here safely, o-okay?” he says before he ends the call
as heeseung lets you in his apartment you breakdown in his arms. “shh... its okay.” he softly reassures you. you both sit on the couch as heeseung softly rubs your back. he listens to what happened to your parents, even though it wasn’t audible that much because of your sobs. “...so they might separate?” he asks. you nodded in reply. heeseung just hugged you deeply. he couldn’t say anything. he slowly cups your face and wipes your tears “stay here for the night, hm? i’ll tell your mother that you’re staying here.” heeseung suggested as you nodded in reply. how lucky you have someone like him.
he wasn’t picking up
i mean considering the time it was abt 3am and your parents were still fighting.
so after one last call you decided to flee your palce
and you also hope that jay opens his door for you at this ungodly hour
knocking rapidly, jay suddenly wakes up from his 2 hour sleep. he groans and opens his door. “its three in the morning who the he– oh my... y/n.” he sees your crying figure and ushers you to come inside. “get inside its freezing out here.” jay says as he leads you in. you both stay at his bed. you drink the glass of water he brought for you. jay embraced you and kissed your forehead for reassurance. he knew that your parents were fighting again. it happens non stop. “what if they get physical with each other?” you sobbed out “they’re not gonna be like that.” jay says, trying to reassure you.
oh gosh- this boy is gonna stutter so bad when he knows your situation pt2
“if you can- c-come to my p-place? please- you’ll be s-safe here.” he says over the phone
and yes you agree to go to his house
waits for you patiently at the door
as you come inside of jake’s apartment, jake suddenly threw his arms around you. you just sobbed all your emotions out on jake, then rambling about how your parents are fighting “wait- a divorce?” jake suddenly pulls away to see your crying face. “don’t think that way, sweetie. they’ll never do that.” he tries to reassure you. he then kisses you on your forehead.
embodiment of the standing emoji
boy did he not know what to do once he starts hearing you cry and your parents screaming in the bg
offers you his place over the phone
you actually speed run to his place
sunghoon finds you crying at the doorstep. he ushers you in and leads you to his bedroom since you have to rest at this ungodly hour. he gives you some tea to calm down and then listens to your parents’ ruckus. “i’m sorry that’s happening.” sunghoon frowned as you unconsciously laid on the bed. “its okay... i just want to be with you. i want them to stop fighting.” were your last words before you drifted to sleep. sunghoon looks at you and placed a soft kiss on your lips “i’ll be here for you always.” he replied.
is very worried
when you apologize for disturbing his beauty sleep he would say “no no its okay! just come here safetly.”
ig he would really pace around the apartment as he waits for you
once he sees you his worry is all gone
“sunoo!” you exclaimed as you feel sunoo hug you tightly. “darling, are you alright? are you hurt?” sunoo worriedly asks as he sees your tear stained face. “my parents...” “they’re fighting again?” sunoo asks. you nodded and cried into sunoo’s arms as he embraces you with all his love. he softly rubs your back and kisses your forehead “cry it all out.” he states as you then continue on the night spending time venting to him.
i feel like he’ll try to stay calm
probably would know that your parents is fighting
is worried sm inside
paces around the room pt 2
jungwon has given you a heads up that his door his unlocked. you silently and carefully came inside his apartment. he wasn’t in his living room so you decided to go to his bedroom. there, you see him pacing around but it soon stops as he recognizes your presence. “y/n! you’re here.” he says as he welcomes you with his biggest hug. you started to cry and sob in his arms “its okay... its okay.” jungwon reassures you. truthfully, he was speechless to these events and all he could do is to be there for you.
when he hears your parents fighting in the bg while you were calling him, he gets shocked
immediately offers his place to you
stutters in the call pt 3
“get inside! its freezing out there.” riki exclaims in worry as he pulls you in his home. you sit on his couch as he stands before you. “are you alright? your parents seemed like they had a heated argument.” he tells you. riki observed your eyes filled with tears, making him worry more. you didn’t speak- all you did was cry, unable to put words out. riki sits beside you and engulfs you in his embrace. “i’m here for you. don’t worry.” he says.
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2-cute-4-school · 3 years
𝘯𝘤𝘵 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘴/𝘰 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦
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requested by the national cutie pie @heartyyjeno​
Mark Lee
he can be a bit oblivious sometimes bless his soul꒰๑˃͈꒵˂͈๑꒱୭
so he’s kinda clueless as why tf you’re so pouty 
has he said anything stupid earlier? forgotten any important date?? or... even worse
ARE YOU ON YOUR PERIOD?? (シ;゚Д゚)シ  ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵒⁿᵉ ʰᵃˢ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᵒʷⁿ ᵖᵉʳᶦᵒᵈ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃⁿ’ᵗ ᶜʰᵃⁿᵍᵉ ᵐʸ ᵐᶦⁿᵈ ˢᵒʳʳʸ
he’s too nervous to even prod at you rn
especially after a trainee who just happens to be wearing his hoodie passes by and you-
did you just growl?!?? ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
but you’re his baby and you’re just SO deflated and he HATES seeing you anything but happy and lively so he just can’t stand by and watch you so upset cuz his lil heart hurts too (๑◕︵◕๑)
“babe, are you uh alright?”
“yeah, just a little bit cold” *trying to subtly hint him*
“oh! that’s not good, you should have dressed warmer, should i go ask manager-hyung to turn up the heating in the practice room??”
 ‘maybe i should just set your ass on fire to warm up’ (►˛◄’!)
“or do you maybe want my hoodie?? it should be enough so you won’t be cold anymore, where did i... ohhhhh”
*light bulb turning on above his head* (〇o〇;)
“it’s fine mark, it’s not like you love me anyway it’s fine i should have seen this coming” *loud fake sobbing in your hands* *mark panic*
“no no baby come on-”
“let’s just get the divorce papers, mark lee!!!!”
“but we’re not married-” *sobbing intensifies* “i’m sorry, I’M SORRY!!! i didn’t mean to!! here, just a second!!” (´⊙ω⊙`)!
this specimen just took off his shirt and draped it over you in the middle of the practice room
“mark, wtf are you doing?!?? i was only kidding!!”
“how was i supposed to know, what if you were seriously upset-”
“hyung, can you help-”  *chenle slams door closed* *dolphin screams* “you’re paying for my eyeball removal surgery, you nasties!!”
“chenle NO”
Huang Renjun
my man here catches on pretty quickly what your pout is about
you didn’t make it exactly hard to notice either (;¬д¬)
“y/n, want some ice cream?”
“no, i’m cold, you can shove it up yo ass and share with dear [redacted]”
jesus i wonder why your s/o is mad renjun
he’s not sure how to approach the situation at first, worried that he might get a tube of ice shoved somewhere he wouldn’t want it to ゞ◎Д◎ヾ
he decides to just be himself read as blunt
“baby come oooon, i can ask them to give it back”
“no, then i’ll seem like a possessive bitch” (Θ︹Θ)ს
“don’t call yourself that!! but then should i just run back to the dorms and get another hoodie?”
“no, i missed you this week, i don’t want you to leave”
“then you can just come with me?” (≖^≖๑ )フ
“but i’m too lazy to get up” same reader same
renjun : ఠ ͟ಠ then wth DO YOU WANT ?!!!?!!
your soul renjun
he’s a bit lost and you’re kinda under the weather too and he HATES it because you’re his kitten and he CAN’T and WON’T allow you to feel anyhting but like absolute royalty with him ೕ(⁍̴̀◊⁍̴́ฅ)
so he just drapes himself over your back, wrapping his arms tightly around you, caging you in a warm embrace and nuzzling his cheek into yours
“who needs a hoodie when they’ve got a junnie??!?!” (˃̵ᴗ˂̵ ๑)
how could anyone stay mad when a cutie like renjun just curls himself around you and pulls you flush against himself, wrapping his limbs around you and peppering kisses everywhere in reach
you’re basically purring in content at this how could you not 」( ̄▽ ̄」)
depending on how tired the both of you are, you might qualify for a good ol’ nap cuddled up against renjun 
but don’t let this fool you
you AIN’T gona catch him making the same mistake again
he’s asking you first about absolutely anything
“no renjun, i don’t need the last of your toilet paper, why do you even- you know what, don’t answer that, just go take a shit in peace” Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
Lee Jeno
we all know jeno is too much of a sweetheart to say ‘no’ (๑′ᴗ‵๑)
he might be freezing himself and he’d still give his hoodie away to the first person who asks learn how to say NO kids
so now you’re both freezing and on top of everything you’re upset too
that’s a DOUBLE KILL for sweet babie jeno (๑◕︵◕๑)
“babe i’m sorry how was i supposed to know you don’t like them??”
“it’s not even that, jeno, you’re literally shivering!! why would you give it if you’re cold too?”
and that’s when jeno’s bf sathelit sprung into action
“wait... ‘too’?? are you cold, my baby??!??!?” (ʘᗩʘ’)
“no, wait, i mean yes, but that’s not-”
“i’ll be back in a second” he isn’t even kidding
he comes back with a blanket AND heating pads (that he doesn’t miss a second to clutch to your cheeks and then coo at your fish face)
“where did you get these from?” *suspicious*
he tells you he borrowed stole them from hyuck by politely asking for them threatening with a flex of his arm while eye smiling the entire time hyuck stood no chance ( ⚆ ᴗ ⚆ ) *nervous chuckle*
but jeno allows you no debating time before he wraps you in the blanket like a lil cutie patootie WARM burrito and leaves a *smooch* to your forehead ( ˘ ³˘)♥
you can spend an eternity arguing with him that you should take turns since he’s cold too, he isn’t taking ANY OF IT
his bubs isn’t allowed to be cold and he wants you to forget about who he lent his hoodie to too
the only way you can get him to relent is refusing to stay cocooned in it
“y/n, wear it or you’ll catch a cold!!” ( •̀ω•́ )σ
“sorry to burst your bubble, but you can and will catch a cold too!!”
that’s how you found yourself sandwiched between jeno’s arms, suffocating from both his bodt warmth and the blanket enveloping THE BOTH of you
best sauna would 110% recommend ୧( ⁼̴̶̤̀ω⁼̴̶̤́ )૭
Lee Donghyuck
my man here knows EXACTLY what he’s doing once *that person* asks him for his hoodie with a flirty smile
he lends it over with that shit eating grin but not without watching from the corner of his eye as you deflated like a loney baloney ( ◞᷄દ◟᷅ )
pretends to not notice your pout and lack of answers to his remarks
“y/n, wanna order chinese tonight?”
sweet, but not on my watch asshole *silence* (˵¯͒⌢͗¯͒˵)
“i’ll take that as a yes, i’ve been craving some seaweed soup”
*eye twitch*
‘fine u lil booger two can play at this game’ (•̀o•́)ง
you leave the room and return... wrapped up in MARK’S sweater and plop down back next to hyuck proudly (ฅ⁍̴̀◊⁍̴́)
he tenses up and turns to you
“y/n” ooooh damn you’re in deep shit
*you bat your eyelashes innocently* “yes my dear?”
“you stink, can you move further away?”
you... did not... JUST HEAR THAT??!?!!? (ノꐦ ⊙曲ఠ)ノ彡┻━┻
but you get up and walk with your tail between your legs to the other side of the room and curl up in a ball of failure
you both do your own things insilence until-
*sniffle* *hiccup* *SNIFFLE*
“y/n?” *silence*”baby??” *hiccup*
oh no oh no NO NO, hyuck’s baby ain’t crying on his watch (╯’□’)╯
he DASHES to your side and envelops you in his arms while cooing apologies and sweet nothings in your ear
“come on baby, you know i didn’t mean it, i just want your attention and your attention only and i only meant that mark’s hoodie stinks, never you, you’re my baby, you can’t-” ヾ( •́д•̀ ;)ノ
and then your shoulders start shaking and hyuck starts to actually worry until your sobs turn into... giggles?? hold up, WHAT??
he turns you around just to see you in a fit of giggles, the only tears present are the ones building up in your eyes from laughter
“oh you think you’re smart, don’t you??” (⁎⁍̴̀﹃ ⁍̴́⁎)♡
Na Jaemin
another sweetheart tbh who wouldnt be able to refuse out of courtesy
but he just KNOWS he fcked up the moment you turn away when he leans in to kiss you (︶︹︺) ╯ ( ് દ ് )
but he ain’t giving up so easily
no matter how upset you are, depriving him of his dose of kisses? federal crime!!!! CRUELTY!!!!!!! ╰[ ಠ Ĺ̯ಠ]╯
so he keeps on pushing his affections on you
a clutching back hug, a rushed kiss wherever he is able to land it considering your struggle to avoid him, a nuzzle against your cheek, a pinch to your cheeks, a failed attempt to lockyour hands together
my man here tries not to show disappointment whenever you succesfully escape his ♡ 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 ♡   
jaemin, grumbling: “you and jisungie, a couple of hooligans, i’ll leave you on the welcome mat tonight for this” (҂⌣̀_⌣́) he won’t he loves you too much, he can’t fall asleep if he’s not 110% sure you’re well fed and happy
but he still babies you to no end
“come on my baby, what should i do so you forgive me hm?”( *¯ ³¯*)♡
you, an entire baby: *huff* “so now you care huh? go ask or no, go TAKE CARE of [redacted]” 
jaemin’s last braincell performing swan lake on thin ice male version 2020 be like ₍₍ ◝( ・’ω’・ )◟ ⁾⁾
so he sighs and leaves the room
so NOW you’re worrying that mayyyybe you pushed him a bit too far
but before you even get the chance to walk down the hallway in your mighty search for your boyfriend, everything suddenly goes black
no you didn’t pass out or did you
jaemin just creeped up on you and ENGULFED you in a blanket hug for which he DEFINITELY didn’t run a marathon to buy༼つ ் ▽ ் ༽つ
when you finally manage to worm your head out of the fluffy cocoon he engulfed you in, your words were still muffled
“nana?? how did you even-???”
he just hugs you tighter and cuts off your questions
“shhh, all that matters is that you are ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE and i am maybe perhaps forgiven??”  ◕ ‿ ◕ 
how could you ever refuse this precious soul
Zhong Chenle
so i can see one(1) scenario in which he would lend his hoodie to someone he SPECIFICALLY knows you don’t fancy
if you had a let’s say disagreement before and we all know he can be PETTY big time sooo basically he’d do it just to spite you ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
and the lil shiz looks SO PROUD of himself
but you’re not letting the brat win we ain’t no losers _へ__(‾◡◝ )>
so you just creep up behind him and stick your glacier hands up his shirt and rest them on his warm back
when i’m telling you he broke the record for the highest jump and most likely shattered any windows in the vicinity ༻(〃ຶ⌂〃ຶ)
“y/n!!!! keep your ice cubes to yourself!!”
“but i’m cold”
“your cold, your problem”
“watch me say the same thing when jaemin’s chasing you around with a wooden ruler” (;¬_¬)
things settle down after that
or so he thought!!!!! (งಠل͜ಠ)ง never let your guard down lele sigh
another sneak attack to make sure chenle gets a SOUR taste of absolutely pure pettiness so he gets sick of it himself lol
this time a bitch ain’t joking
you shove your entire head under his shirt and then slither yourself so the top of your head pops out of chenle’s shirt collar let’s hope chenle made the wise choice of wearing a loose shirt so you both won’t suffocate
so you just blink up at him like (◕ᴥ◕)
and chenle is shrieking the entire time sigh
and while you’re too cute for him, its not exactly comfortable for either of you so he pats your head and begs asks you to get out of his shirt(?)
“am i getting your hoodie then?”
“i can’t just barge in and ask for it back”
“alright them i’m suffocating you FUN” (╯✧∇✧)╯
“i’m buying you an entire store of hoodies, JUST GET.OUT!!!”(;≧皿≦)
you have to restrain him for actually going on a shopping spree cuz he LOVES spoiling you but he pays in cuddles while you’re snuggling in your favourite hoodie of his
Park Jisung
confused babie /(@゚ペ@) a mood 
he probably lent his hoodie cause he was too shy to refuse and didn’t even know you don’t like the person he gave it to
and then he’s clueless when you’re pouty 「(゚<゚)゙??
jisung: “do you want some water??”
you: *grumbling visibly upset* ( ー̀εー́ )
jisung, at a safe distance away from you, scratching his head, rethinking life choices: “...okay, maybe not. how about choco milk?”
he keeps an eye on you but other than that he’s LOST lol
that’s when the ✨𝓱𝔂𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓼✨ kick in
emergency contact momma jaemin is the first person jisung calls once he escaped to the ‘bathroom’
“jisung, you know i love you, BUT ARE YOU DUMB?? HOW COULD YOU- blahblahblah” my man is listening to an entire rant about how to treat your partner well 101 (۶* ‘ꆚ’)۶”
now that he knows the theory, he needs the practice
but you might already worry that he fell in the toilet with how long he’s been gone for god forbid you fall into that dark void
so he calls chenle
“chenle, i’m treating you to hotpot if you bring me a blanket or hoodie in less than 5 minutes”
“add in some steak and it’s a deal” ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)
“i’m so selling your soul for a piece of gum, FINE!! just be quick!!”
THIS BOI RIGHT HERE!! A TREASURE!!!! he would step on his honour just to make sure his bubs is hapyy ˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂)◞*✰
so after he excuses himself again to retrieve the blanket from chenle
he BURRITO WRAPS you in it and then sits down next to your confused but undeniably happy form and pats your head nervously while he rambles you’re still his most sought after for of comfort no matter what
“i’m sorry for being a bad boyfriend, i should have realized you’d be cold too and that i should always put you first and i-”
you cut him off with a chaste kiss to his cheek which definetely doesn’t leave him speechless and tomato red in the cheeks (๑♡⌓♡๑)
“it’s okay, i was just being dramatic, you should always put yourself first tho, okay baby??”
baby is malfunctioning but he still nods mindlessly and kisses your cheek back ( ᵅั ᴈ ᵅั;)
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my-pink-yandere · 4 years
Prompt: Yandere Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki (separately) has a crush on Y/N...who is actually obsessed over a fictional character.
C/N: Character Name
Warnings: Yandere Tendencies, Swearing, Also this is sorta long cause I wrote a lot ;-; 
💥Katsuki Bakugou💥
❥ This boy is angered when he finds out about this
❥ Like wow he’s super pissed
❥ If you’re unfortunate enough to ever have a Yandere Bakugou take a liking to you, when he realizes that you’re obsessing over someone who isn't him, a fictional character nonetheless, he’s... well...
❥ “Very upset” would be an understatement
❥ He sees that as basically losing to a person who doesn’t even exist
❥ The chaos begins when he’s in the middle of his daily routine of admiring staring at you from afar, and when you stand up with one of your friends and begin walking out of the cafeteria, he hears a few... interesting statements escape your mouth as you pass him by
❥ “I can’t believe you actually like them, Y/N! You’re totally hopeless when it comes to love, huh?” His head was tilted your way, seeing your friend looking disappointed and you looking flustered. “It’s not my fault they're so perfect!” you answered, practically radiating embarrassment. He smirked, assuming you were talking about him. I mean, who else would you get so worked u about>
❥ “Besides, I’m not the only one who simps for C/N! So shh-”
❥ ...
❥ All that’s going through Bakugou’s head right now is why that name wasn't his
❥ He’s gone eerily still, and all of his friends sort of stop and look at him
❥ “Bakubro? You good-”
❥ Bakusquad is going to have to hold Katsuki back from blowing up the entire cafeteria
❥ This b*tch only sees red rn
❥ he got murder on his mind :0
❥ Despite how angered Bakugou is, he’s not a complete dumbass, believe it or not
❥ He’s not going to confront you about it, at least not right now.
❥ Once he calms tf down, he’ll come to his senses and have his top priority being to get rid the competition first, meaning he has to hunt down whoever C/N is and delete them from existence
❥ When he learns that C/N is actually a fictional character from some anime tbh he just feels extra insulted
❥ You chose a f*cking fictional character over him >:(
❥ It’s now where he begins to get even angrier when he realizes how easy it should’ve been for him to notice sooner. All the stickers on your school supplies, the pins on your bags, how you’d sometimes sneak in their merchandise to show off to your friends at lunch
❥ It was when he overheard you possibly owning a body pillow where he went feral
❥ Will go out of his way to steal your shit and burn all of your merchandise of C/N, or anything that would remind you of the character
❥ He’d catch you when you were alone, and would shove you off your feet as he’d grab your bag and roughly go through it, angrily tearing off the stickers on your notebooks and pins off your bag as your crying and screaming at him to stop
❥ At this point he doesn’t care about how you feel about this at all. It’s never even crossed his mind (blind rage)
❥ His plan is to pluck C/N out of your life, replacing all your thoughts of them with just him, so you’re only thinking of him
❥ It doesn't matter to him if they're good thoughts or bad thoughts
❥ All that matters is that you’re thinking of him
❥ Only him.
In a nutshell, he’s gonna steal all of your items that have any reference to C/N and get rid of it all. He doesn't care how much he’s hurting you by doing this, he’ll concern himself with your feelings later. He’s going to hang around you more despite your protests for him to just leave you alone, quite literally forcing his way into your life so that he infests himself into your brain and become the only thing you think about, so that you can truly understand how he feels about you.
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💚Izuku Midoriya💚
❥ Bold of you to assume he doesn't already know about this “obsession” of yours
❥ This child takes notes on EVERYTHING and ANYTHING related to you, so he obviously knew about your love for this certain fictional character
❥ At first glance, he believes your obsession with C/N is similar to him with All Might- just an innocent but deep admiration for them
❥ He’ll buy you their merchandise and gift it to you at school (accompanied by some flowers and sweet little cards of course ❤)
❥ He was nervous to do this at first, his crush on you rendering him a stuttering, blushing mess whenever you so much as glanced his way, but he pushed through his anxiety just to see your cute smile and feel your warm hug when he gives you those gifts
❥ He cherishes those moments more than anything, to see you so happy
❥ (Especially because  it was him to make you so excited! Not Kirishima or Uraraka... him)
❥ He’ll binge the entire show as fast as he can and memorize everything he deems as important just so he can chat with you about it at school
❥ “Isn’t C/N so cool?” he asked you, and you had quickly turned to him with a surprised and then starry gaze. “Izuku, you like them too?!”
❥ You were both on a first name basis now ;D (You even gave him a little nickname: ‘Zuku. Let’s just say he was a bit more than ecstatic when you began referring to him in such an informal way. You must really like him! ❤)
❥ And Midoriya, being the delusional little yandere he is, sees this as you both basically dating
❥ You both hang out everyday at school, discussing the show and characters, who your favorites were, how the plot was going, etc.
❥ You see him as one of your closest friends now, and eventually you trust him enough to bring him to your house to chill without your family home ;0
❥ The thing was, Midoriya noticed how you would never invite anyone from school to your house, always brushing it off and just saying how your parents would get angry or how dirty your room was
❥ This was the first time you’d ever invited anyone from U.A. over to your house
❥ His thoughts were running wild as you both walked home together: ‘What’s Y/N’s house like? Will their parents be home? Why have they avoided anyone coming over until now? Have they only invited me because we’re dating? Are... are we going to kiss?????’
❥ (For clarification, even with the dorms in place, over the weekend you like to hang out at home where you’re more comfortable)
❥ “We can re-watch some of the episodes for awhile. I think I also have some snacks...” you grinned, and he memorized every detail of your house as you both made your way to your room
❥ He was greeted with a room filled entirely with C/N merchandise, but caught his attention the quickest was your bed
❥ You had a body pillow of C/N
❥ Now Midoriya, like I said before, is a very delusional yandere
❥ He has excuses for literally everything you do. You love him just as much as he loves you after all!
❥ But this
❥ This he cannot ignore
❥ He was just staring at the pillow with a blank face as his eye twitched
❥ “’Zuku? What's wrong?”
❥ “Hmm?” he hummed, turning towards you. “Oh, nothing! It’s just, um, your pillow...”
❥ You felt your face catch on fire as you moved to block his view as you tried to quickly shove it under your bed. “UHM, HAHA SORRY ‘BOUT THAT I FORGOT IT WAS THERE-”
❥ Midoriya was quiet as he watched you struggle at hiding the pillow
❥ He was thinking
❥ He loved All Might a lot, but he’d never buy a body pillow of him
❥ What type of love did you have for C/N?
❥ “Hey Y/N?” You turned to look at him, but the moment your eyes met you felt a shiver run down your back. Izuku was smiling at you, but his whole vibe was different...
❥ ‘Was he angry?’
❥ “Why don’t we watch a different series today?”
In a nutshell, he’d go along with your character obsession up until you cross the line, and that would be either him finding out about you reading fan fiction of C/N, a body pillow of them, or some... questionable fan art you have of them saved on your phone. Then he’d do anything in his power to distance you from that show, hiding your merchandise and distracting you with more hero-related hobbies, like geeking over pro heroes or training. Just please stop simping over C/N. You’re making the smol boi jealous of a fictional character :( Why can’t you just pay attention to him a bit more?
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❄️Shoto Todoroki🔥
❥ Tbh he doesn't really acknowledge your love for this certain character for awhile
❥ All he focuses on is that you look really happy and cute when you talk about this show
❥ That’s all that really matters to him 😊
❥ Similar to Izuku, he’ll buy you all of their merchandise just to see you all adorable and excited
❥ And Todoroki is a rich boi so that’s a plus
❥ Will probably buy u all the expensive merchandise and you’ll just be 🥺️💞💞💞
❥ The only reason he never really gets angry is because he doesn't understand what's so terrible about your little obsession with the show/character
❥ He just sees it as a little hobby of yours that you’re really passionate about
❥ Despite his cold demeanor, Shoto is always trying his best to support anything you do
❥ While he can get very intense as a yandere, we gotta remember this is Shoto we’re talking about
❥ He probably has no clue what simping even is
❥ He only gets bothered when you own a body pillow or compliment C/N looks too much (he doesn’t appreciate you getting so worked up over someone who isn’t him... even though you both aren’t technically dating)
❥ But he wont flip out like Midoriya or Bakugou
❥ If you both are on the couch at the dorms and you're just going on and on about C/N he’d prob just like-
❥ Reach over and grab your hand and just state how cute you are
❥ He’s a bit of an idiot when it comes to flirting, but he notices that whenever he touches you in an affectionate way you sort of freeze up and forget what you're talking about for a few seconds
❥ Because of how supportive Shoto’s been you sorta developed feelings as well 
❥ Cause I mean who wouldn't ;)
❥ He becomes your close supportive weeb friend :D (even if he doesn’t completely understand what a weeb is...) 
❥ But Todoroki doesn't like that title that much
❥ But he’ll take it slow because he loves you and wants you to love him back :)
❥ “I like it when you smile like that, Y/N.”
In a nutshell, Yandere Todoroki is prob the calmest of the three. He doesn't understand how simping works and the idea of you passionately loving a fictional character more than him has never crossed his mind. But he uses your love of the show to get closer to you. Closer and closer and closer-
Until maybe he can just be the one to make you smile, and not just that character from the show :)
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where-dreamers-go · 3 years
Heyo! May I have Eragon's reaction to reader saying "I've loved you from the very start! I love you, but you don't love me! So why am I even confessing?" because I love drama and I do need a lot of fluff rn.
“The Many Questions And A Confession” Eragon x Modern!Reader
(A/N: How about a continuation to the one Modern!Reader slipping and telling Eragon how they know about him telling Arya about his true name?? I shall give the drama this day. It shall be a journey towards the fluff. Looks like this turned into an insert reader type deal. Needs a title now? Oops?
Drama time! Because Reader is really frustrated with Eragon in this one. Woo! How’s Eragon handle it? Spoiler: He doesn’t stop talking.
Continuation of this one: https://where-dreamers-go.tumblr.com/post/647030131496534016/if-modernreader-has-read-the-books-and-knows
Warnings: Angst! Fluff. Mild language.
Word Count: 1,703 words)
Hiding in your room’s bathroom, you remained silent. It was not so much that Eragon could not find you, it was that you did not want to be seen at least. So what if you had locked doors and were sitting in a dry tub? The worst that could happen would be if he decided to invade your mind.
“(Y/N)?” Eragon’s voice echoed throughout the chamber as the door to your room opened.
Of course he opened it. At least I didn’t barricade it, you thought. Can’t have thirty seconds to myself.
“Are you going to talk to me?” He asked quietly from the other side of the bathroom door. Apparently locating you was not an issue.
You narrowed your eyes at the door as you sunk further into the empty tub.
A barely audible sigh reached your ears.
“I’m not angry with you for knowing,” he said. “I just don’t understand why you’re running off.”
You glanced up to the ceiling. Did you forget your last guess?
“Then…you do have feelings for me?” Eragon asked. “Or you think I’m foolish for having feelings for Arya.” His voice softened, more speaking to himself than asking you another question.
You sighed and muttered, “Not so much that your feelings were foolish….just some of your actions.”
“You still haven’t answered my questions.”
“Because…wait for it….I don’t have to.”
“(Y/N),” Eragon’s tone lowered. “You’ve been avoiding me for weeks and it could not be for you knowing what I’ve done. If that were true…then you would have avoided me much sooner.”
“Brave of you to assume that I wasn’t avoiding you then.”
“We spoke more often then.”
“You asked me at least twenty questions a day. It’s hard to avoid that kind of persistence.” Kind of like now.
“Then why didn’t you?”
“Because I had just met you! I’m not trying to hurt your feelings. I would never do that.”
“So please stop avoiding me. I promise to be less foolish if that will help.”
“It won’t.”
“Why not?”
“Stop asking so many darn questions.”
“No. Just tell me.”
“I’ve loved you from the very start! I love you, but you don’t love me! So why am I even confessing?” You threw your hands out in a wide gesture. “Why do I bother? What does it even matter? …why am I even still talking?” You huffed. “Are we finished now?”
You heard nothing else. Nothing in the bathroom you were hiding in nor anything out in the bedroom.
He has to be still out there. You thought. But I swear to all that is good, if he so much as tries to enter my mind, I will loose it. I’ll probably scream, cry, or…whatever. You crossed your arms and tried to ignore the uncomfortable position you were in. Physically, emotionally, and mentally.
The lock on the door clicked and the door opened. Walking in with an unreadable expression, Eragon made his way to you.
“No.” You said shortly, but he made no move of stopping. “What are you—?”
Eragon stepped into the dry tub.
“What are you doing?” You sat up straight as he sat down in front of you.
Settling in, Eragon folded his hands in his lap.
You shook your head at him.
What in the world? If someone thought he couldn’t get stranger…he did.
“What the blazes are you doing?” You asked, too bewildered to kick him as the opportunity was brought up in your mind.
“I’m sitting.”
You rolled your eyes so far that you were staring at the ceiling. If there was one place you did not want to look, it was straight ahead.
Wanting to hit someone upside the head and still wanting to kiss their face can not be good right now, you thought.
“Why are you even in here?” You asked through clenched teeth.
“You have been avoiding me and I haven’t seen you,” Eragon said simply before his voice softened. “I’ve missed you.”
Keeping your gaze up or up to the side, you avoided eye contact.
“Can we skip to the part where you say ‘I’m sorry, but you’re right, I don’t feel the same way about you’?” You asked. “Not going to lie…right now…you’re kind of making this worse.”
“I’m sorry.” His voice was a murmur that tore through your heart.
“Alright.” Finally tearing your sights away from the ceiling, you hoisted yourself up and out of the tub.
“Where—I wasn’t finished.”
“Save your pity. I want to be alone.” You walked out of the bathroom and headed straight for your bed. There was an extremely low probability that he would follow you there too. Some lines weren’t crossed.
“I know you want to be alone.” Eragon was trailing after you.
I’m going to die from being not surprised, you thought of a quote.
“Please let me speak.”
“You’ve been speaking this whole time.” You yanked off your shoes. “What possibly could you have to say now?”
“I never said that I still loved Arya.”
You paused for a moment before saying, “Well…you don’t really need to. I’d be really surprised if you didn’t.” Tossing a pillow towards the middle of the bed, you kept your back to him.
“I don’t love her.”
Face scrunched up in confusion, you took a glance over your shoulder.
“Bull crap.”
His eyebrows pulled together. “I don’t understand.”
“I’m calling you out for lying.” You explained and crossed your arms under your chest.
“I’m not lying.” A smile slowly spread across the Rider’s face.
You rose your eyebrows, challenging him.
“Sure. And what changed your strong feelings for Arya? Cold soup?”
“What?” The word hardly reached your own ears.
Eragon walked up to you, albeit cautiously, with a full smile on his lips. His brown eyes were lit with a happiness you were not comprehending.
“What are you talking about?” You whispered. “Why are you smiling like that?”
A chuckle rang out into the room as he stopped to stand in front of you. “How am I suppose to keep a stoic face after you confessed that you love me?” His smile only stayed on his lips when he did not receive any verbal response from you, locked into his happy moment. “I know you would never lie about your feelings. Not something as strong as love.”
You watched on, cautious.
What is he trying to say, that he likes the idea of me loving him? Uh. Is this normal? You thought.
“Perhaps I should have stated my feelings for you much earlier. Clearly you have been worn down with your heart and for that I apologize.”
“Yes,” he wet his lips briefly and straightened his posture. “I do care for you deeply, (Y/N). My feelings were already growing before I even recognized them.” His smile turned sheepish, but he persisted onwards. “I didn’t think I could have those feelings for anyone else, but….it’s different somehow. I’m not sure how to explain it. I feel better when I’m around you. We’re honest with each other and you’ve taught me so much already. I’ll make this as much like home as I can for you. I really want you in my life.”
It took a moment before you breathed in a small breath.
You knew that you were probably looking at him as if he had lost his ever-loving mind. Who could blame you at that point? You were in a completely different world. And one you knew of, mind you. It was bound time for a round of unpredictability.
Eyes the color of enriched soil underneath the blooming flowers in light of a summer sky watched you with surging hope.
Were you hallucinating? Lucid dreaming? No, you couldn’t be. There were far too many moments that would have had a timeskip or objects from back home. The only way you would have this much time with Eragon would be if it was real.
He’s serious? He’s serious.
Your chest tightened and somewhere inside all of your tension released. In its place there was a warmth that brought tears to your eyes.
Frustration rapidly melting away, you carefully turned to sit on the edge of the bed to compose yourself.
“Are you alright?” Eragon asked, kneeling down to look upon your face.
“I’m…,” you swallowed. “I’m still processing what you said.”
“Just…uh… Can you give me a second?” You waved a gentle hand in his direction.
“Take as much time as you need,” Eragon said as he delicately took your hand in his own.
You internally groaned at how sweet he was even after you verbally rampaged him about leaving you alone.
Seeing as you did not retract your hand, the Rider held your hand against his chest. The position allowed you the rare opportunity to feel his heartbeat. A rapid beating of his heart as he awaited any sort of verbal response from you. Anything that would tell him if he should indeed pursue the strong feelings he had.
You snuck a peek at his face; clear of any imperfections of the sun and brown eyes lit up in hope.
“You’ve been interested in me this whole time?” You asked. “And I didn’t know it?”
After reviewing your choice in words, Eragon nodded.
“What the actually hell?” You laughed. “You develop feelings quick, sir.”
A lopsided smile appeared on his face. Your light teasing of his actions always did surprise him in the most satisfying ways.
“You’re not upset with me?” He asked. “About earlier.”
“A little.”
His smile dropped a fraction.
“But I’ll find it in myself to forgive you.” You smirked.
“Then I should be grateful.” Eragon held his head high. “I would rather face your affections than your wrath.”
“Alright,” you rolled your eyes. “That was smooth, but cutting it close.” You tugged on his hands. “Get over here.”
Before Eragon could stand, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders in a tight embrace.
“You’re a bit of an odd one, you know that?”
Eragon nudged his head against your own. “I will gladly be odd if it means I can be with you.”
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @cubedtriangle
Inheritance Cycle Tags: @shewhobreathesfire @emburbaguette
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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odetojeons · 3 years
Hello! Idk if you’re taking asks rn, but what are your opinions on Soonyoung’s kinks? I loved reading the other ones!!!
awwww thank you!! AND OMG KWON SOONYOUNG!/!/&2&2/$$2@:@: everyone saw that video of him right? mf suddenly appeared to murder us all with no regret or warning whatsoever. AND THE COMMENTS FROM THE OTHER MEMBERS??? I might commit a crime if I don’t get more of those videos.
Breeding Kink — I even WROTE this. It was a request but I’m so happy someone else thought about it other than me. Because Kwon Soonyoung is all about fucking you again and again and again, until you’re full of his come. He would be so horny, wouldn’t stop it as long as you don’t tell him to — and trust me, this man has a lot of stamina —, and honestly it’s something animalistic, primal of him to want to see you full with his seed and come dripping down your thighs
Pet Play — HELLO????? His tiger agenda screams this. I don’t think he’s completely into pet play though, Soonyoung would be more into wearing tiger ears and even a tail butt plug so he feels more like a tiger — and, of course, he growls, and it’s not even funny or cute, it’s so deep and rough it shakes you to your bones. Or make you wear them too, all pretty and gorgeous for him, and it would turn him on so much. OH AND. A leash. Definitely a leash. Soonyoung would put you on all fours, fucking into you while you use tiger ears and tail, and he would pull on the chain of the leash, making you arch for him.
Wall Sex — Not a kink, but after that unholy video I can’t stop thinking about Soonyoung fucking someone against a wall. It’s just so damn hot, how he would sink his fingers on your thigh to hoist you up and make you circle your legs around his waist, growling with his lips pressed between the juncture of your ear and neck and rising goosebumps all over your skin. He would have no mercy, brutal as he pulls you down on his cock at the same time he fucks up into your hole, sending your body into an up and down motion.
Possessive Sex — Although I think he gets easily jealous, his show of possessiveness isn’t (good) intimidating like Wonwoo’s, but rather cute even. He would want you to wear his shirts, especially if they have his name on it, would want you to smell like him and be full of bruises and marks after he ruins you on the bedroom. Or the way Soonyoung would grab the back of your thighs and push your legs up until you’re almost bent in half, just so he could look at his come dripping down your hole.
Spitting Kink — OH MY GOD, I can’t stop thinking about this. Soonyoung hooking two fingers in your mouth, prying your jaw open and just spitting down your throat. He would press on your chin, make you close your lips and then wrap a hand around your throat so he could feel you swallowing it. The shiver that would rock down his body would be no light one, because holy fuck, Soonyoung is dirty and he wants to make you his, his, his.
Messy Sex — As in he enjoys all types of things that would make the sex potentially messier. The tears in your cheeks when Soonyoung fucks you so hard you don’t even know your own name; his come panting your face, your stomach, your inner thighs, your hole, your ass, any place really; your come or squirt when he makes you orgasm hard enough to the point you think your eyes won’t turn back from how far they rolled; and even the drool running down your chin when you can’t seem to keep your mouth shut.
Lap Dance — SHUT UP I’M DYING HERE. I think he would actually love being tied up, yes, tied up to a chair and have you dancing and rolling your hips all over his lap. Or even,, oh my god, or even him doing so, dirty dancing for you until you’re crying, begging for him to touch, and what the fuck this man is the embodiment of sin.
Bondage — Don’t think he would be into the heavy ones though, would rather put some silk around your wrists and tie them to the headboard, or even tie them together on your back as he fucks you face down, ass up. But I also think Soonyoung would love to wear a rope dress. Yes. Like as in that shibari thing in which you put ropes around your body, not restricting but just to, I don’t know, be beautiful. And hot.
Leather Kink — I just think that Kwon Soonyoung with a leather harness is the greatest enemy of my heart’s healthiness. Like just, just IMAGINE how hot he would look with it on, the sweat turning his skin into a beautiful gold, you laying half on your stomach and half on your side because one of your legs is thrown over his shoulder where he kneels in front of you, the position giving you the privilege to see his harness. Or how insanely good it would be to feel the leather of his gerthers hitting the back of your thighs every time he fucks into you. Damn. I’m not even alive anymore.
Choking — Oh, yes. Not in the sense of restricting your air flow, but rather the mind numbing pleasure of putting his hand around your neck. Because of Soonyoung’s sense of possessiveness, a dark side of him loves the feeling he gets when he sees how his you have become with his fingers around your throat. Does that make sense?
Collar Kink — Yes. A collar. That kind of collar. The ones you use into dom/sub relationships, and as much as I think he’s not too much into power play, I also think Soonyoung would love to see a pretty collar around your neck, especially if it has a little bell on it that he can hear ringing every time he fucks into you. He would hook a finger on it, pull at it so you could arch your back and offer yourself up for him to take and take and take.
Spanking — Can I just say that Soonyoung gives me the vibes that he’s the type of person who would lay you across his lap and spank your ass until it turns red with the print of his hand. I don’t even know what else to say, just that Soonyoung overall is fucking dirty. Nasty. Filthy. I love this. I love him.
I hope you enjoyed it!! Tell me what you think later ♥️
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usual-day-dreamer · 3 years
Veneno (Javier Peña x Reader)
A/N: I know I promised it’d be a Mandalorian one but this idea came to me thanks to a song and I couldn’t miss the opportunity to write it so I hope you enjoy! Pedro Pascal and his characters requests are open! I’m so in love with him rn, I swear.
SUMMARY: Javier cannot stand the thought of losing you to someone else, and after a lot of missed chances he finally acts upon his feeling.
WARNINGS: angsty with a happy ending, infidelity.
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“Congratulations on your engagement” 
Javier’s voice distracts you from your actual conversation “Excuse me for a second please” you say with a sigh, turning your attention to him and crossing your arms over your chest “Thanks” you reply, tone bitter “Now, if you'll excuse me I have some things to attend to”
You turn to leave but his firm grasp stopped you.
“Wait didn’t you tell me?” he demands and with a scoff you set free from his grip “No tengo porque darte explicaciones Javier” (I don't have to give you any explanations Javier).
With a last glance you walk away from him, trying your hardest not to cry.
His calloused fingers caress your bare back and you hum in satisfaction. A light breeze comes inside the dimly lit room through the open window while the moon shines brightly outside. Cigarette smoke fills your lungs but you don’t care, you snuggle closer to his chest with a content smile.
The street was unusually quiet, the only sound of a passing car every now and then. Javier looked ahead, inhaling the smoke and letting it out through his mouth in deep and even breaths, he looked pensive and tired and you reached up to kiss up his jaw “What`s on your mind?”
He sighs, and for a second you think he’s finally going to open up to you, your heart jumps with hope. He looks down at your eyes, hopeful and shining, his heart swells at the sight and he brushes a stray strand of hair off your face “Nothing dulzura, go to sleep”
There’s a flicker of disappointment in your eyes and he feels guilty for causing it, scolding himself. You pull away from his embrace to turn off the lamp and fall down to your side, back turning away from him “Good night” you say and you fall into a peaceful slumber.
Javier knew that was supposed to happen just once. You had a boyfriend and seemed to be apparently happy but he knew better; otherwise the encounters would have never existed.
He wanted to regret them, he really did, but with every passing day it got harder to let go, already addicted and deep inside a hole he never thought he’d find himself.
He’s angry and full of frustration. For so long he had longed for you, to finally be… something, whatever that meant.
Javier loaded these events, not only because they were utterly boring and unnecessary, but because you’d be there, holding another’s arm.
He sipped his champagne quietly looking with a frown at you and your boyfriend, you were smiling, but it wasn’t reaching your ears and he just knew that if he was in his place it would. You were gorgeous. Gleaming with a lilac dress and carefully applied makeup. 
He takes a sip of his drink again, hoping to ease the dry feeling in his throat, looking around for someone else to spend the night with; but no one compared to you. He gives his empty flute to a passing waiter and walks to a small balcony, lighting a cigarette.
“¿Aburrido tan pronto?” (Bored so soon?) Your voice almost makes him jump, instead, a smirk dances across his lips and he turns around to face you, words completely trapped at the sight of you giving him one of your smiles that was only reserved to him.
“Al parecer no soy el ùnico” (Not the only one, apparently) you walk next to him and he offers you his cigarette, you take a drag from it and hand it back “¿Y Ricardo?” (Where 's  Ricardo?” you roll your eyes.
“His name is Rodrigo” you remind him “I told him I had to go to the restroom and talk business with someone” 
His empty hand traces along the soft skin of her exposed back, goosebumps rising and you shiver “Javier” you warn “We can’t, anyone could walk out and see” Javier looks around, the place still empty and he walks backwards to a more secluded area, pulling you with him “Then we’ll be quick” He crashes her lips into yours with passion, pleased that you don’t pull away.
The worst part was that he really loved you, and that realization took him months to accept and confront; but he was afraid, terrified of that. He found out that being truly in love was the scariest thing that has happened to him so far, and he fought against narcos every day.
He knew that he had to be quick, to steal you away from the other as soon as he could, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it and he had no idea why.
“Ya no puedo seguir con esto Javier” (I can’t keep up with this Javier) his heart almost stopped at the sound of those words “Me duele demasiado, es horrible estar con alguien màs cuando yo estoy pensando en ti… cada que beso sus labios deseo que sean los tuyos y yo sòlo quiero que sean tus brazos en los que despierto” (It hurts so much, being with someone when I only think of you… everytime I kiss his lips I wish they were yours and I just want your arms around me when I wake up) 
There’s a lump in his throat and he watches you fight your tears “Por favor dime que tu igual sientes lo mismo que yo” (Please tell me you feel the same way about me) your voice trembles and he watches the tears travel down your face, but still says nothing. You wait, desperately holding to any sign that he actually wants you just like you want him, but his expression stays the same and suddenly his silence is too deafening.
“Goodbye Javier” he watches you go, finding himself unable to scream out your name.
A knock on his door brakes his trance and he walks towards it to open it, only to find you behind it. His mind tricks him for a second and he pulls you in with force, pressing you against the closed door as his lips hungrily attack yours in a bruising kiss. 
You slowly pull away, pulling something out from your pocket “I came to invite you to my wedding” the words pierce his heart and he hesitantly grabs the cream envelope “I don’t understand mi amor”
“You can’t call me that anymore Javier, you are just making this harder for me”
“Por favor, sòlo dèjame-” (Please, just let me-)
“Ya te di muchas oportunidades, y ¿sabes què? Jamàs hiciste nada, no creo que ahora vayas a cambiar, tu miedo al compromiso es demasiado grande... solamente eres un mujeriego, nunca me debí enamorar de ti” (I already gave you lots of chances and you know what? You never acknowledge them, I don’t think you’ll change now, your fear to commitment is way too big, you are just a player, I should have never fall in love with you)
You open his door and step outside “If you still won’t do anything, at least come to my wedding” 
And again, he watches you go.
He’s sulking, wearing a suit still debating if he should go or not. He wonders how you must look, beautiful with an equally gorgeous white dress, getting ready for another man. 
He curses and covers his face with his hands, a long sigh leaving his lips.
He feels himself close to tears, memories with you shaking his very core as he tries to grasp what’s left of them. A slow and sad song playing in the background, helping his mood just right.
He scoffs, slowly feeling himself drift away to insanity and you slip out of his hands like sand.
There’s no way you want him now, not after all the times he fucked up.
“If you still won’t do anything, at least come to my wedding”
He suddenly remembers and his head shots up, you still wanted him to make a sign! Oh how stupid he has been for the past three hours. He checks his watch and rushes out, if he leaves now, he’ll be able to arrive before it’s too late.
The tires of his car screech loudly as he parks just in front of the lovely Colombian chapel. He stops for a few seconds to think of the right words, almost laughing with how silly all this was, it was like a telenovela.
His legs come back to life and he runs inside “¡Paren!” (Stop!) the guests gasp and all eyes turn to him, including yours, which were covered by a beautiful veil “Javier?” you call his name and he stops in the middle of the corridor, taking in your appearance.
He takes a deep breath and finally swallows the lump in his throat.
“Por favor no te cases con èl” (Please don’t marry him)  “Te amo, te amo como no tienes idea, cada momento que paso lejos de ti es un infierno y la verdad es que no puedo vivir sin ti” (I love you, you have no idea how much, every moment I’m not with you it’s like going to hell and back and the truth is that I can’t live without you)
“I know I missed a lot of chances, and I understand if it’s too late now, but I truly can’t live without you anymore, so please, give me a chance”
Everyone is silent with their mouths agape in amazement. He looks at you, nervous because he can’t see your expressions behind the lace veil. He’s about to walk out when you finally speak.
“Oh, Javier” you gasp out and run towards him, grabbing the front of your white dress to avoid an accident. Javier opens his arms and your crash against him “I love you too Javi” he smiles and pulls away to look at your face “May I?” he asks, gesturing to the veil, you nod eagerly and he pulls it over your head.
Your smile is enormous and your eyes shine brighter than usual as he meets your wanting gaze, he smiles too before tilting his head and kissing you, deepening it by grabbing your jaw and cheek with his hand, the other gripping your waist tightly pulling you flush against him. When you pull back he admires you closed eyed face, you open your eyes slowly and stare back at him.
He grabs your hand tenderly and kisses your cheek “Let’s go mi amor”
And you follow him, not even glancing back at the forgotten groom astonished in the altar along with the guests.
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thisdreamplace · 3 years
ashamed to say the 3D reflects our true inner reality, yes? my ENTIRE family has turned against me, after some atrocious conflicts in which they all ganged up on me nd judged me, name-calling, very hurtful things too, provoked me. i been dealing with some serious mental uh 'issues' on my own nd when this happend i was already on the verge of a breakdown nd the good news is while the conflict happened i kept telling myself theyre only reflecting me u can get thru it etc. Later i looked at the hard facts nd realised some of the hurtful things they said were my deep secret feelings abt myself. BUT my question is why the HELL cant they talk to me like normal people? confronting one person vs whole family, why?! i felt so small nd like an object, nd not a single person defended me. am i not a part of the family?
Part 2 is simply its been a week and theyve still been cold towards me as if I yelled AT THEM ABT THEIR PAINFUL 'tRuThS' in front of EVERYONE LMAOOO. At first if i was around we'd have dinner together while they'd all talk to each other like best friends aka sickeningly overly friendly while completely IGNORING me while i sat there. i could tolerate it. I WAS PISSED AT THEM TOO Now its too painful. They're having dinner without telling me, yesterday didnt leave enough food for me knowing i hadnt eaten, serve tea/snacks without my portion. i honestly feel so unspeakably trigered nd sad. worst is these things r reminding me of deep school memories when id feel excluded like this by other kids at parties or class activities nd its like im back there. anyway im glad i controled myself a bit nd didnt counter with horrid things abt them to THEM yet they think they can say the same to me. im so hurt rn i cant even tell u lol i was okay the whole week but now its too much,, ive been crying the whole day
thing is, ik this seems like 'im a victim oh noooo they ganged up on meee'. Nope its more like how do i change myself to change them?! u could say why not talk to them how they made u feel, except whenever ive defended myself in the past regarding hurtful things they/anyone in family did, the siblings/parents would say irritating things like: "oh so YOU'RE the one hurt? Oh thats right, its because YOU'RE right! yes, yes, you're always right. Forgive me for saying anything against the perfect person u are." Or one of them says: "You?! I hurt YOU? What about me? You don't care about me! So you think what ur doing is okay?" or "no, who do YOU think u are to tell ME what to do?" it just goes in circles like this! i dont deserve to hurt myself or do smth to myself even if they dont give a damn, even if years of silent suffering of the 'mEntAL pRoBlEms' (which my lovely parents have already told me is my fault years ago, hence why I NEVER show it to them, unless im crying too much then lol they just mock me, but idc abt THAT bcoz now ik i hav a right to let out my emotions)). i mean this is worse rjan usual. its kinda insane nd when guests come they start talking to me as if nothing's wrong then when they leave, they ignore me!
this whole twisted dynamics, feelijf left out nd helpless is ig some crazy assumptin from childhood of being alone nd unable to defend myself. plus when they argye with anyone, they become overly self-righteous nd over the years its clear they can only scream, blame the scapegoat and never talk abt serious matter like normal ppl. And yes, in the past when i bring this up, they like to reply with stuff like: "no YOU'RE the one who doesnt talk to US bla bla" like, when i do u just shut me down? have belittled my mental 'issues', mocked me when im at my worst, stabbed me with cruel silent treatments nd thinking its alright "bcoz of self-righteousness blegh". Or maybe i think its okay for them to punish me? or whatev? Like law says u get what u r. if these ~~~ keep doing this to me, im doubly ashamed to say this means im the one at fault?! i let this monster assunptin grow nd now idk what to do. the worst thing imo is how i failed to tell them,even if they ignored me in the past, how i feel when anything like this or a conflict happens nd none of them stand up for me, or at least are neutral to me. bcoz now if i do, they say nope, u dont care what we do, YOUR the shameless one :! so yeah they hav the advantage of 'numbwrs' while im too afraid to stand up for myself lol. btw they never apologize nd i suspect they expect ME to apologize to TYEM bcoz everything's already ruined bcoz of 'me'..... i give up on them, i really do, but my heart hurts. Either i harden my heart, nd save up to move out, OR i try to change my self or whatev assumptins i have. But how do i do that? i try afirming: "my familys so nice to me, im respected by them" but it feels so fake tears literally enter my eyes lol
firstly i want to say, thank you for coming here to vent and being open about your feelings. it’s so important sometimes to just let it all out, without holding back. so that way you can move forward more bravely, to create the life you truly want to experience. that being said, i am going to be completely honest with you here in hopes that perhaps it may inspire you and you will be ready to do what is needed for the life you truly want to experience.
“BUT my question is why the HELL cant they talk to me like normal people?” -> “i felt so small nd like an object, nd not a single person defended me. am i not a part of the family?” here is your question, and here is your answer. i think that being completely honest when venting your feelings can actually be so helpful, because if you read back what you have said, you will be able to clearly find the patterns that are creating your personal hell. FEELING IS THE SECRET. ASSUMPTIONS HARDEN INTO FACT. the true way you feel, becomes your experience. Feelings/assumptions/beliefs come first, and the experiences come second to confirm them. That’s all that’s happening here.
i am glad that you were able to keep your reactions to a minimum! that's wonderful and as many of us know, it can sometimes be hard to do in such hurtful circumstances. but you managed to do it, this shows just a small glimpse of the power you truly hold within. although emotionally you may feel out of control, there is still the choice to choose better for yourself which you demonstrated through your reaction to them. good for you!
the truth is, you acknowledge the victim mindset to seem like you’re not engulfed in it, but no, you’re still very clearly engulfed in it. as i have said before, you can’t be a VICTOR and feel bad about it. feeling bad about taking responsibility, about everyone is you pushed out, about any of these types of concepts automatically shows a victim mindset. talking to them won’t do anything, because there are no second causes. you could talk to them nicely, you could be the nicest person in the world. but you can’t pretend your way out of your inner world. your inner world is the one and only cause of your experiences. until you change the story you tell yourself, they will stay the same. this is a hard pill to swallow sometimes. and it can feel heavily, because it’s ultimately only you’re choice. they can’t change until you do. the heaviness of the situation may make it seem impossible to turn around, but that’s just an illusion. your emotional attachment to the situation makes it seem so real and hard to change, but no. that’s just an illusion too. however, it’s ultimately your choice. Do you want to take responsibility for your life, or do you want to keep being tossed around like your lost at sea, victim to the merciless angry waves? Because we always have a choice. No one chooses your inner world, you do. No one can go into your mind and decide things for you, that’s only your job.
you can harden your heart, but who would be the one who suffers more? It won’t be your family, i can assure you. it’ll only be you. by doing that, you keep that old story alive and therefore you keep experiencing it. you keep those stories alive that are desperately showing themselves to you, saying “LET US GO.” but you remain identified with those painful stories, so you grip onto them tight. you keep on thinking of possible reasons for their behavior, but you could just read your entire ask back to yourself and you’ll see every reason. your reactions, your beliefs about them, your emotional pain. its your refusal to let those things go, and focus on what you truly want that keeps you in this state and keeps them in this state. sure it’s painful to face the responsibility at first, but it’s not a blame game. thinking its about blame is just a misunderstanding of the teachings. it’s not about they’re so perfect and you’re so not, so you have to change your ways. it’s about this is how life works here. this is about... you can ONLY ever experience self. whatever is going on within, will be reflected in your outer world. it’s about how they can’t change, UNTIL YOU DO. so instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you have to decide to give yourself the gift of a wonderful life because you have that power too. you stop deciding they can be in control of your experience, and you decide your experience yourself.
to change your assumptions, stop trying to affirm over them and actually face what’s keeping you from believing in your desires. yeah, it’s going to be painful and uncomfortable. but you need to face the pain that you’re running away from, so that it can finally be released. you have to realize, it only stayed true because you believed it to be true. and if you are to live a life free from that story, and experience a more desirable story, then you must let the pain go. give yourself love and grace as you work through it, and know that there is a more beautiful side of life that awaits for you to accept it in.
No One To Change But Self
There is Nothing to Forgive
How to Sit with Your Triggers
give yourself the time you need, it's not race. the love that you wish to experience exists, allow it in. 💖
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cappsikle · 4 years
just a bunch of fools // george weasley
Request: omg ok hi!! I’m in love with your writing so I was wondering if I could request a George Weasley imagine where they’re at bill and fleur’s wedding, and him and the reader are dancing like complete idiots and totally making fools of themselves, but they don’t care. and they’re all happy and sort of forgetting that the wizarding world is super chaotic rn?? I can’t get this idea out of my head so thank u so much for helping it come to life and fueling my obsession w/ the twins lol<333
Pairing: george weasley x reader
Summary: with the weight of the world heavy on everyone’s shoulders, it feels good to just let loose.
Warnings: nope! (unless you count not proof-reading... haha...)
Word Count: 1.1k (i’m so sorry it’s short :(((
A/N: Ahhh omg this is my very first request!!! this made me sooo happy and I started writing straight away! I hope you like it! If any of you have requests feel free to send them in!
Also, would anyone like me to make a taglist?
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!!
You couldn’t even begin to describe how incredible everything was. Molly really outdid herself. Bill and Fleur’s wedding was nothing short of, for lack of a better word, magical. The atmosphere was full of love and joy and just plain old happiness, something that is really hard to come by these days. You and George and the rest of the guests sat through the reception with smiles, and you would be lying if you said you remained dry-eyed throughout the whole thing. But now, it was time for a party.
Bill and Fleur stood in the middle of the room, music filling the area as they begun their first dance as wife and husband. The look on their faces was nothing short of ecstatic, love for each other seeping from every fiber of their beings. As you watched them, you turned your eyes to George, who had his arm wrapped around your waist. He looked down at you and smiled a sweet smile, it was one of your favourite things to look at. You leaned up to place a delicate kiss on his cheek, his skin soft under your lips.
George's lips curl up into a sly smirk, his cheeks lifting with it, “what was for?”
You shrug your shoulders, “no reason, I just love you”
“Well in that case...” George leaned his head down to connect his lips with yours, placing his hand on the side of your neck. You pull away after a couple of seconds, not wanting to miss out on the first dance. But when you look up into George’s eyes, you almost forgot where you were and why you’re there. The crowd cheering as the bride and groom finished their first dance drew your eyes away from George, you both clapping and cheering with everyone else. You hoped this could be you someday. Whilst you and George hadn’t specifically discussed what the future may have in store for your relationship, you knew he was the one you wanted to marry.  
You had gotten together in your fifth year, both of you dancing around your feelings before Fred had enough of the pining and locked you in a broom cupboard until you confessed. Since then, you’ve practically been attached at the hip. Come to think of it, you’ve never actually thanked Fred for doing what he did, but you knew his smug little self wouldn’t leave you alone if you did. You were dragged out of your thoughts, quite rudely if you might add, by George practically yanking you to the middle of the floor which resulted in you almost tripping over your feet. Classy.
“George, what are you doing?”
“Dancing, love. What does it look like?” you couldn’t help but to laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of what you were seeing. George Weasley was many things, but a dancer he was not. His arms flailed like they weren’t attached to the rest of his body and his head bopped up and down completely out of tune to the music. Boy, he was an idiot. He was your idiot though, and you wouldn’t change a single thing about him.
Once again, George dragged you away from your thoughts and brought your body close to his, gripping your hips tightly so you didn’t run away from him, although you did try. “George, you know I can’t dance, please let me go!”
“doesn’t matter, love! Does it look like I can?” Well, you couldn’t exactly say yes. “C’mon, It’s a wedding! It’s a time of happiness and joy!” George grabbed both your hands as he started spinning the both of you around, and you couldn’t help but laugh loudly.
“Alright, alright! Just stop spinning me, I’m getting dizzy” George slowed down, giving you a minute to let the spinning in your head go away. Then, he placed one hand on your waist and the other gripped one of your hands as he started moving from side to side sporadically as a jazz type of music played. You knew you both looked like complete and utter nutters, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care in the slightest. You could feel the other guests’ eyeing you both, but honestly, all you could focus on was him in front of you.
For a moment, you forgot about the war that was raging on outside. As George spun you around and dipped you, it was like everything in the world felt alright. Your heart felt light, but full all the same as you looked at George and he looked at you. Goerge pulled you to stand up straight again and put both hands on your waist, your arms coming up to circle around his neck. That's when a slow song started playing, and you barely noticed the other guests grabbing their respective partners and joining you on the floor. Your eyes drifted to Bill and Fleur, smiling up at each other, and you felt one of your own grace your lips.
George followed your eye-line and smiled to himself. He then lent down so his mouth was right next to your ear, his breath fanning over your neck, “that’ll be us someday,” your heart begun to beat harder in your chest at his words, not really knowing how to respond. And Goerge wasn’t lying either. He thought about the little black box was in his drawer back at the Burrow, hidden from you and his family. Fred was the only one aware for his plans, naturally, and Goerge suddenly started feeling giddy for what was to come.
He wasn’t entirely sure when he was going to do it, but he knew for sure just how much he loved you. Goerge left a chaste kiss on your temple before lifting his head up to look at you, meeting your eyes. You both smiled at each other, your cheeks warming slightly from the idea of actually marrying him. You both knew what was to come, the war coming closer and closer every second, so you both felt it was important to make the most of and cherish every moment you have left.
"I love you; you know that?” you smiled brightly at George’s words and leaned up to connect your lips with his, him eagerly reciprocating the kiss. You felt the tears build up at your waterline, trying desperately not to let them fall, but a single tear slid down your cheek. George pulled away, bringing his hand up to wipe the tear away, “why are you crying?”
“I’m sorry,” you shook your head at your own silliness, “I just love you so much.” George thought about teasing you for your sappiness, but then he surprisingly felt prickles in his eyes that indicated that he wasn’t far from the waterworks either. So, instead he brought you into a tight hug, wrapping his arms around your shoulder and resting his forehead against yours.  
You sniffled slightly, looking deep into George’s eyes. And that’s how the two of you stayed, wrapped up in each other’s arms and loving each other for the rest of time.
Until it all came to an end.
Ahhh anon I hope i did your request justice!! Thank you so much for sending one in, I actually screamed when I saw the notif! If anyone else has a request please send them in!!
Please don’t forget to reblog/comment so I can grow! 
- Mills <3
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cloveroctobers · 3 years
Our baby going to prom prompt with jordan baker please 🥺🥺
From this prompt list
so I feel like his first born would be a little girl (which he predicted but initially wanted a couple of boys first...typical I know)
he’s extremely protective over his baby girl okay it doesn’t matter how old she gets he’s still gonna be that dad
Has a loving/goofy relationship with her, something he picked up from his own dad but he’s only serious when he feels like he needs to be
Chose her middle name since he wanted her first name to be “olive” but you weren’t having it. He tried to be creative by relating it to his twin but Olivia also agreed that the name kinda sucked but to compromise with Jordan you allowed it to be her middle name
he calls her “olly” instead of her first name
He wanted to be very active in this whole process while you were more easy-going about the whole ordeal but also just as excited as your little girl once the date started approaching
“They think they’re all cool now but wait until they see you in your dress, I bet $20 bucks they’ll be bawling like a baby.” Jordan whispered to your daughter who bumped her dad’s shoulder laughing with a shake of her head
“I can hear you, you know.”
“Do you have ears on the back of your head too?”
Jordan was very vocal about your daughter’s dress choices, giving his input of what he liked and what he didn’t like
“Honey, that compliments your skin so nicely but let’s talk about that neckline and one of your thighs is peeking out...”
Sure he might not agree with certain lengths or what was being shown but if it was something you really wanted he’d cave.
Anything for his little girl
“I’m gonna go broke before she’s married.” Jordan grumbled as the assistant carefully handled the dress
You laughed with your arms wrapped around Jordan’s waist, “you haven’t seen nothing yet. Ask my dad how much he paid for my wedding attire.”
Jordan threw his head back, “oh god!”
“Thanks dad!” Your daughter giggled running up to the both of you to wrap her arms around the pair to add to the embrace
“You’re welcome, little stinker.”
You did everything else far as the glitz and glamour bonding with your daughter and getting the latest teen gossip as always + some more info on your daughters prom date
You’ve already met the kid once or twice at the school and he was a nice kid as far as you were concerned
“Yeah he better be or I’ll have to call in some reinforcements to help get rid of the body.” Jordan huffed the night before prom as you lay in bed beside each other
“I don’t know about all that with the way your back is set up...”you laughed at the appalled look Your husband sent you
“I sure haven’t heard any complaints from you.” He argued as you entangled your legs together making Jordan flinch after he peeled his glasses off to lay on his nightstand, “always cold, aren’t you?”
“warm me up then.”
Jordan smirked as he lowered himself into the bed palming your cheek, “like I said, no complaints.”
The girls were upstairs as their dates waited outside in front of the house
Most of the parents were inside chatting away as you waited for the girls...well one out of the friend group was non-binary something Jordan was still trying to figure out but was still respectful towards the friend
they all took their time but it was common for your daughter to be dramatic she was into theatre after all
you had Olivia recording on the camcorder and Spencer on his cellphone to send the videos to all the friends and family that couldn’t be here
While you were acting like paparazzi getting all the angles of your daughter and then her friends then all together
“we can always count on you to make us look the best.” Your daughter said as you got up from the floor
You fixed your daughter’s hair after her poses, “you’re always stunning without even trying, my baby.”
Your daughter blew a raspberry until she noticed tears swimming in your eyes
“I mean she looks just like me so of course it’s effortless.” Jordan tossed an arm over your shoulders earning a laugh from some parents who listened in while they attended to their own children
Your daughter rolled her eyes, “I have the most extra parents.”
“Oh nooo, What gave that idea away?” Aunt Olivia sarcastically asked
Uncle Spencer added, “was it parent one trying to do parkour to get pictures or your dad threatening your date in the shed with his hardware tools?”
Your daughter whipped around to face Jordan along with your raised brow, “Dad, you didn’t.”
“I had to set some boundaries!! even the nerdy ones aren’t what they’ve seem. I’ve seen some tik toks you know?” Jordan defended while you placed a smile on your face bringing your daughter into your arms as you hid your sniffles
Your daughter and Jordan shared a glance
“I’ll give you $20 the day after tomorrow.” Your daughter tried to mouth
Jordan turned his eyes into slits, “what?”
Your daughter slapped one hand against her head before pulling back to smooth down your hair for reassurance
“You gonna be okay?”
“Stop growing! I’ll be fine! Let’s get some pictures of all of you with your dates before we send you off to live your lives!” You sighed waving everyone outside
“It’s just prom Mrs/Mr. Baker!” One of your daughters friend’s attempted to make you feel better
While their parent replied, “yeah but to us it’s like you’re already entering adulthood.”
The kids all groaned as they tracked down the steps to meet their dates who expressed how they liked their “fits”
All the parents snapped away and wishing them all to have fun
The parents thanked you for the hospitality and the wine/beer before taking their leaves promising to chat about the kids drama later on in the week
You were in full on tears ten minutes after watching your daughter ride off in the limo with Jordan cradling your head to his chest
Olivia and Spencer were completely confused
“Is this normal?” Olivia asked getting comfortable on the couch
Jordan patted your head, “I knew it was coming.”
“Shut up, mr. I’ll get rid of the body myself if I have to.” But it came out a lot less clear to Olivia and Spencer but Jordan understood your crying fits oddly
Olivia turned to Spencer who rested his hand against her knee
“You ready for kids?”
Olivia widened her eyes as you let out another dramatic sob and blew your nose against Jordan’s shirt who bit back a laugh, secretly making fun of you, which means this must have been love ‘cause high school Jordan would have thrown a fit if his significant other was using his shirt to deal with their emotions rn
“I think I can wait another year.” Olivia answered
Spencer eyed his in-laws over his shoulder as Jordan brought you over to the center of the living room to grab the baby book but decided to put it back down, “want to play olly’s favorite game: twister?”
“Her favorite game isn’t twister that’s mine! She loves charades.”
“Oh yeah,” Jordan’s mind went elsewhere before shaking those thoughts away, “...What about Jenga?”
“What about jenga?” You mocked, “next you’ll say it’s operation.”
Olivia didn’t want to interject and say it was actually “clue” so she watched the usual banter between the two parents glancing over at Spencer awaiting his answer
“Yeaaah I’m cool on that. Waiting a year sounds good to me.” He agreed watching as you pointed a finger into Jordan’s chest who scoffed at you and crossed his arms 
A/N: This was too cute/fun to write!! Thanks for requesting! we love dad Jordan! Why do I see him driving a dad car during the week like a Subaru and then bringing out the expensive cars on the weekend with his baby girl in the passenger seat screaming along to prince and new edition songs. Just imagine billy in the backseat along for the ride too. Woooow! The ideas. I love domestic fluff so much 😩💕
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hatsukeii · 4 years
One where y/n has been obviously in love with Tsuki since they were kids and not afraid to show it, but he’s always been lowkey mean to her and thinks she’s annoying and then finally years later she decides he’s not a nice guy and let’s him know she’s fine with all that crap and then he realizes he’s falling for her and does something really sweet for her and they fall in love? 😭😭🥺👉🏻👈🏻 ty in advance. Sorry if this is too long or specific, if it is, feel free to ignore
I genuinely hope you didn’t think I would actually ignore this<33
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Dear diary//Tsukishima Kei x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k+
Warnings: Cursing
Genre: Angst??? I guess???
Summary: He’s an ass, but you still love him to bits, and it’s killing you.
July 16, 2008
Dear Diary,
I got to play with Tsukki again! He had his dino with him, it was super cute! He told me his front teeth came off last night, and there’s a big hole in his teeth, but it’s okay, because he said it will grow back. I tried to hold his hand while going down the twin slides but he said it was sweaty, so next time I’ll wear gloves!
You flip through the hot pink diary, cringing at your young infatuation. Your diary entries were cringey as fuck, but they always rekindle something within you whenever you read them. You can’t even remember when you stopped writing in the book. Was it when you turned 10? Maybe 12? You don’t have a single clue.
April 30, 2011
Dear Diary,
Tsukki refused to marry me in the playground at break:(( I’ve known him for so long though, aren’t we supposed to get married? I just wanna hold his hand and hug him and give him a biiiiig kiss<33
Chuckling at the memory, you recalled the event from that entry clearly. You were seven years old only, still an immature kid. You still thought that getting married in a middle school playground was a huge milestone in life, almost as crucial as a legal marriage.
May 29, 2016
Dear Diary,
Love how Tsukki didn’t even remember my birthday:,) Must be nice getting made fun of. Half the students in my class felt my second hand embarrassment from when he completely forgot about it. God, why am I even in love with this asshole? I’m gonna have to go to school tomorrow and deal with all my classmates making fun of me for being hopeless. Brb, currently digging a hole for myself:)
Frowning at the memory, you think back to when you were twelve. He was an asshole then, still is an asshole to this day. And yet not an ounce of your unconditional love and support for him has faded. Grabbing a tissue, you wipe the remaining tears from your eyes, ignoring the dried tear stains on your cheek. Your hand slams onto the bedside table, lazily feeling for your phone. Tilting it towards your face, you sigh at the empty lock screen, accepting defeat. Flicking through the rest of the book, you are welcomed by pages and pages of white. “So that’s when I gave up on this diary...” you mutter to yourself as you lift yourself up from your bed. Heading towards your desk, you absentmindedly grab yourself a pen, notebook in hand. Slamming the diary down, you open it up to the next entry page after your last one, gently placing the tip of your pen on the first line. You grab your hair out of frustration, the ink bleeding into the thin paper. “What to do, what to do...?” You mumble, starting to form sentences in your notebook.
July 17, 2020
Dear Diary,
It’s been a while hasn’t it? Holy shit, all my entries were about Tsukki weren’t they? Jesus, of course they were. At least I was able to get it off my chest this afternoon. Telling him that I’ve been in love with him for years, that was fucking terrifying. Telling him that although I know he’s an ass, an animatronic dick complete with ballsack, that won’t stop me from falling harder, it was gut wrenching, but also relieving to a certain degree. I’m still waiting for some form of response, although I’m not sure I’m gonna get one anytime soon. I can’t decide whether telling him was the dumbest or bravest decision I’ve made. Maybe it was both. Just wait until I look back on this entry like a decade later and still cry about it lmao. Tbh he’s a genuinely nice person at heart. I know that all too well. He may be an ass most the time, and he may think I’m annoying, but despite how hard he tries to push me away, I’ll never abandon him. Jesus Christ, I sound like a yandere here, but it’s not that. It’s that I care for him a lot. Maybe even a bit too much. It’s ridiculous how absolute and utter shit a crush can make you feel.
Throwing the pen down, you flop back onto your bed, huffing into the thick blankets. You stay silent, not sure of what to think of the situation. “I’ll just deal with it all tomorrow, I’m tired of this shit.”
On the other side of the incident, Tsukishima is currently going through a mental crisis.
The blond sits at his desk, eyes unwavering, but focusing on nothing. It feels as if he hasn’t blinked in what seemed to be hours. Just hours of staring at his wall that led to nothing. Your confession plays in his head nonstop, like a broken record that refused to run out of battery.
“The thing is I like you. I’m pretty sure I always have. And I know that you’re such an asshole and all that, you won’t treat me as well as people would expect, but it’s fine. I’m fine with all that. All the dumb, stupid, careless insults you’ll throw at me, the side eyes and sneers, telling me to shut up and go away, I’m fine with it. I know you’re a good person, and that’s all that matters to me.”
“Well shit what the fuck do you want me to say?”
Maybe he shouldn’t have said that.
Maybe he should have let you down slowly.
But as he stares at his wall, the photos of the two of you framed and balanced on his floating shelves, he starts to reconsider his feelings.
The way your expression faltered then as you hastily took your bag and rushed away without a single word, the way you avoided him in the halls, the way you stopped talking to him throughout the day, it drove him crazy. He couldn’t handle the realisation that he hurt you so incredibly badly, so now all he can do is stare at his empty, blank wall. Did he know why he felt that way? No. He didn’t and still doesn’t. He’s Tsukishima fucking Kei, the emotionless, provoking, unlikeable king, yet a mere girl is somehow able to mess with his mind so badly, that all he can do is wallow in regret and confusion? What is this weird feeling? His throat itches, his heart is beating like crazy, sweat starting to gather around his temples. He clamps his two hands together, slamming his forehead onto them and squeezing his eyes shut.
How could I have been so dense?
How was he unable to see that you were absolutely in love with him? Even with the bento boxes, birthday gifts, constant compliments, he still only ever thought you liked him as a friend. However he never did. He likes you more than that. Way more. Yes, he thought, and still thinks you can be annoying at times, especially when you nag at him about not eating enough or being rude, but it was undeniable that there was something else he felt. But his stupid ass shitty ego would never let him admit it. And now that you finally confessed, he freaked out and fucked up. Even then, he didn’t think it would affect him to this extent.
“It was a stupid middle school crush, I’m over you (Y/N).”
He says that over and over again, desperate to cloud out the disagreeing thoughts in his head that scream otherwise.
“It was a stupid middle school crush, I’m over you.”
“It was a stupid middle school crush, I’m over you.”
“It was a stupid middle school crush, I’m over you.”
The guilt didn’t go away.
In fact, now that he’s said all that, he feels even worse. Oh how much he wants to find you right this second, wrap you in his arms, tell you how incredibly sorry he is, but he can’t. He doesn’t deserve to do that. His heart is begging for him to just get out of the house and run to yours as fast as he could, but his body won’t move. He wants to cry. Scream. Shout. Throw something. Shatter something. But most of all, he wants to get another chance.
Picking up his phone, he hesitates, before typing in your contact, the cleared out, empty chatroom showing up on his screen. Going as fast as his fingers could, he typed out the one sentence he’s been dying to let out.
“It was a middle school crush, but I’m still into you. I always have been.”
Is it just me, or is this bad-
Idk man it seems like all my fics are pretty much the same and I hate it😌
@sunshines-and-tatertots @izzyphantomgamer @justachillgirl @trashcanweeb @just-another-bored-writer @poppirocks @majorfangirl37 @kaylacinderella @random-fandomlover @tiger1719 @tiredgr3mlin @itmekisuu @skyeackermans @talks-a-lot-of-stuff @shoutsukii @agentvicinity @sakusasgarbage @kuroo-thought-of-a-better-un @sneezefiction @bokutokoutarou @thirstyvolleyballhoe @iwaixiumi @iwaigroomi @inlwlevi
Feel free to comment or pm to be added to taglist!
I’m back to writing lmao I’m bored in two week quarantine rn
Edit: cue me realising I was half asleep and missed something in the request don’t be surprised if I repost this💀💀💀💀
Btw the hq manga just ended time to cry
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: When a mysterious person threatens the heir's life, the service of a personal guard is required to keep him safe until the foe is found. Fíli, who doesn't take the matter very seriously, only sees it as an chance to spend more time with certain knight.
Pairing: Fíli x Reader
Genre: angst-fluff
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: weapons, injuries, death
A/N: idk man I'm kind of a mess with my studies rn so thank you for your patience. Also I just started a new art account and it'll be great to get some support (wise.artwork on ig) This part took a dark turn I'm sorry babes, enjoy nonetheless<3
Part I
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"Taking care of you is a nightmare" Y/n grumbled as we strolled into Dale's market.
I shrugged, thanking very much being out of Erebor with her. "Could be worse."
"Oh really?"
"It could be Kíli instead of me."
"Oh Mahal" she snorted, shaking her head, "I would have never volunteered for that."
"Wait—" I turned to her with a mix of confusion, shock and excitement in my gaze "you volunteered?"
She snorted. "How did you think this happened?"
"Because I might have chosen you." I responded seemingly distracted by a piece of clothing on display.
"Why would you do that?" She inquired, extending her arm to move someone rather suspicious out of my way.
"I wanted to spend more time with the most beautiful knight in the guard." I half-confessed, stopping by a dresses' stall.
"Making her life impossible?"
"Making sure she has fun." I went over the silky gowns tracing them with my fingertips. "Do you like any?"
"Fíli," she grasped my bicep and jerked me back to look at her, her eyes piercing my soul. "someone is trying to kill you, I am certainly not having fun."
"Loosen up, we are safe here." My attention came back to the dresses. "This one would look tremendous on you." I continued, picking up a iridescent green gown for her to see.
It was received with a tired sigh. "do you realize it is not true? We are not safe outside the Mountain where—"
"That's exactly why we are safe— how much is this?" I asked, ignoring Y/n's exasperated huff. "Everyone knows I am not allowed outside." I grabbed a few coins from one of my pockets and handed them to the tradesperson in exchange of the dress.
"That's why you will get me in trouble." She pointed out, following my lead when I resumed our walk, now with the dress. "If the king finds out we are here he will end me."
"Y/n," I stepped on her way, walking backwards so I could look at her whilst moving. "Do you really think I would let my uncle punish you for my actions?"
"You're my responsibility." She circled me with intent eyes. "It's on me if something happens to you." Looking at her y/e/c eyes, I then started to get a guilty feeling. Y/n was right, no matter how many times I would tell Thorin this was not her fault, she would be the one to blame. "Why that face?"
"I no longer feel like staying out of Erebor." I held her hand and guided her down the slopes that comformed the City of Dale, in the direction of the entrance.
"Such an impromptu change of mind." She teased, "You're tired already?"
"Yes, very much." I contributed to the obviously wrong statement. "I think we should go back to bed and cuddle a bit more, huh?"
She snorted. "Don't push your luck."
"C'mon, I'm obeying," I whined as we were about to exit the city. "Indulge me?"
"I indulged you last night."
"Then indulge yourself." She stopped dead in her trucks, refraining me from walking in the process since we were still holding hands.
Here eyes were screaming at me, but her lips did not part, at least not immediately; and when they did, she just said, "no."
"We talked about this." "I can't—"
"Why not?"
"Because! you're a prince and I'm a guard."
"First of all you're a captain of the royal guard," she rolled her eyes at me "second of all, Kíli and Tauriel—"
"The sole reason for your uncle to consent that was that Kíli is a second prince," my eyes dodged hers. "you're his heir."
"I don't care."
"Well you should! You should care about a lot of things that, despite your lack of interest, are important!" We were now attracting attention that we certainly did not need; that brought Y/n composure back. "Let's go home and pray for this not to reach your uncle's ears."
"I'm sorry."
"It's alright, let's just go." My eyes lingered on our interlaced fingers; Y/n squeezed my hand and I looked up to see her bittersweet smile, which I ended up mirroring.
All from sudden, Y/n's orbs screamed panic.
Before I could put myself on guard, she tugged me back and stepped in front of me, taking her hand to her sword and giving me enough time to get my blade out.
In a swift movement I slayed the person that had attempted to kill me, triggering gasps and squeals from the people around us. It took me a hot second to realize that Y/n's digits were digging on my arm.
"Y/n?" Confusion was soon followed by terror when the only response I obtained was a ragged breath. "Y/n!" My voice shifted to a desperate cry when her legs gave in and we both fell on our knees.
"T-tell me you got them." I felt his hands frantically wander over my torso to find the wound; it was impossible for him to see it without moving me, since I felt my body basically collapsing against his. "I-If I die— Fíli..." I love you, I wanted to say. My fingers gripped the collar of his shirt for dear life until I had no strength to do it.
My abdomen hurt madly when I recovered my conscience, but it was good, I was alive.
I however struggled to find the will to take a peek at my surroundings. My eyes briefly opened and I saw Fíli sat besides me, holding my hand in both of his, his lips pressed against my knuckles whilst muttering some unintelligible words.
Before I could call his name, my eyelids began to feel too heavy to keep them parted, and before I knew it, I was asleep again.
When I woke up again, I was told I had remained in Dale, at Bard's home; I was informed that the foe had been slayed, and the threat's case solved.
The only thing I wished to do was talk to Fíli, but the prince was nowhere to be found.
After approximately a week of rest in the humans' metropoli, I was taken to Erebor.
Once there I looked for the blond-haired dwarf again, but the only thing I could find was the dress Fíli had bought for me, resting neatly folded on top of my bed.
I had been endeavouring to stay distracted or busy at all times in order to stop my mind from musing on the older prince.
To either our luck or our dismay, we found each other in one of the vast halls of the mountain, walking in opposite directions.
His eyes were first of surprise, then of panic, and lastly, of pain.
I could almost feel his desperate need to turn around and run back to where he had come from, but he probably realized that wouldn't spare him from this.
"You can walk." He awkwardly observed. "Are you recovered?"
"Not entirely," I decided to keep up with the small chat since I couldn't find the words to express what I wanted. "I can't reincorporate to the guard yet."
He nodded. "I figured." His eyes flickered to mines for a second before fixing on the ground. "I should go—"
"Why are you avoiding me?" My question was loud and clear; before he could come up with something, I spoke again. "What happened was not your fault, Fíli." He shook his head no. "I understand that you feel guilty, but you have no reason to do so. My duty was to protect you and I did."
"I..." With a deep breath, he found the strength to reply. "I cannot tell you how sorry I am." He finally looked at me, and I soon picked up on his welled eyes. "had I only listened to you..." I nervously shifted my weight from one foot to another. "I tried visiting you but I just— I couldn't look at you without—" his voice cracked, making me feel a pang on my chest.
Surprising us both, I strode across the hall and enclosed him in my arms, which he eagerly accepted. "Please do not avoid me." I whispered on his ear. "I can't stand it."
There was a moment of silence before he gathered the courage to ask what he had wanted to ask since I first opened my eyes.
"Did you mean it?" My confusion was visible when he pulled apart to look at my eyes, trying to hold himself together. "That... That you love me. Did you mean it?" My face burned as if I was mad red, but it was quite the opposite. "You look livid." He was quick to guide me to a stone bench near us.
"No, I'm-" he sat me down and kneeled in front of me "I'm fine." My head was spinning. I had actually said that out loud. "Fíli, listen," I took a deep breath. "I thought I was going to die I-"
"I am asking you" it dawned on me that his hands were grasping mine as if I would slip away if he didn't do so, "if you meant it. Did you?"
"It doesn't matter."
"I love you." His statement was so clear, so overwhelming, that my eyes started to water. "And you're wrong, I acknowledge the importance of my duties; despite my words I know what I owe to this kingdom, but my mother taught me that my heart comes first." I tried blinking the tears away, "That means that my love for you comes first. So when I tell you— Y/n look at me—" he propped himself slightly to meet my gaze again. "That being the heir is not an obstacle for us, believe me, for it is not."
He awaited for my answer wearing his heart his sleeve, but I felt like I would break down to tears if I attempted to articulate one single word, so instead of giving him a reply, I leaned down and kiss him passionately.
He tugged me down with him and embraced me, returning the kiss with the same enthusiasm I had put on it.
"Had I known this is all it took to gain your favour," he teased with a grin, pulling away just enough for us to breath.
"You wouldn't have been hiding from me like a coward?" I finished with my forehead resting against his.
"Probably." He confirmed, leaning on to resume the kiss he had stopped.
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savagesbonergarage · 4 years
Nightsister OC pics and backstory ❤️
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So I kinda got my Nightsister oc worked out today!
Meet Eilantha!
No makeup and with makeup since I like both. :) I know her outfit is Rey’s, but it turned out to be the one I liked best after going through all of them. This was so much fun to do! I’m on mobile rn so I don’t have a link, but search ‘rinmaru star wars avatar creator’ and it should be the first result.
The nightbrother is also an oc called Sever. He’s more bulky in my head and his tattoos are different and more brown than black, but whatevs. Also he looks more like a teenager here, which is NOT the vibe, lads. Mans is in his late 20's-early 30's. 👍
I know I’m sorta biased and all since she’s mine, but I’m in love with her? I’m not a huge fan of the Nightsisters and their misandry and general terrible-ness, but this girl is the exception. 💕 Learn more about her under the cut if you’d like. :)
She was born in 46BBY, making her around 27 in the final year of the clone wars. From the time she was a youngling it was clear that she had a natural affinity for magicks and spellcasting, which allowed her to participate in more advanced rituals and rites from an early age. This inevitably caused some contention among the sisters in her age group that felt this privilege was wasted on her, and therefore she had few friends during her time within the coven. She didn’t really mind, as she preferred to spend her days on her own anyway, learning as much as she could about whatever she fancied (usually spells that piqued her interest whose texts she discreetly snuck from within the cavern).
When she wasn’t studying, she loved music - writing, playing, and singing. It wasn’t anything like the typical malicious sounds of tribal chanting and drums you’d hear from within the grotto; not that she didn’t appreciate that also as she practiced it well, but her heart leaned toward a softer, more soothing genre of arias and melodies, bordering on lullabies based on her wanderlust, and, though she’d never admit it, her loneliness.
As she reached adulthood, she underwent the trials for her dark baptism as all Sisters did, which consisted of returning from a challenging hunt to add a token from her kill to the Water Of Life, and receiving her ichor tattoos that signified her coming-of-age before being ritualistically bathed in the ominous liquid which sanctioned her as an active member of the Nightsisters.
After this, I have two different routes (or however many, depending on who I’m shipping her with at the moment 😅 bc I ship her with everyone, no lie) that I like to take with her story. The first is expanded upon in the fic by @fallenrepublick here (still my favorite thing!) where she starts sneaking away into the nightbrother village and befriends Savage and Feral before they go through Asajj’s selection trails. This is the nicer, less-traumatic arc.
This next one gets really, really dark. I'm not going to post it all here bc honestly this post doesn't need all that angst, so I'll save that for later. Essentially, I like to think that Eilantha did at one time have a nightbrother of her own (Sever) that she actually loved, rather than treated as a slave. As you can imagine it doesn't end well, but we're not gonna get into that. We'll talk about how they meet. :)
Instead of sneaking away to the village, Eilantha is pressured into conducting her own selection trails by Mother Talzin. She doesn’t inherently have any reason to object, after all, she was taught that this is was simply the way of things. Part of her even looked forward to obtaining a manservant, whose loyalty would belong to her and her alone.
Perhaps he’d be a useful asset when it came to sneaking spelltomes to and from the vaults, and maybe he’d even be the only one staying by her side while she practiced her songs. What if he’d even appreciate them? Not that he’d have much of a choice, but the thought was comforting nonetheless.
From the moment she stepped foot in the village, all she could focus on was the feeling of the uneasy and fearful gazes of the men who undoubtedly knew more of what was to come than she did. She chose her roster at random, unsure of what she should have really been looking for or what she actually wanted from a servant. Even before the fighting, she knew deep down that she didn’t want to inflict any unnecessary harm on them…but why? From what she’d overheard at home, the violence was half the fun.
It wasn’t.
She evaded and blocked every blow with ease, yet avoided retaliating and taking the offensive in any manner that would prove fatal, causing the battle to go on far longer than anticipated to the point where Brother Viscus insisted that she take the next opening for the kill. With reluctance, the blade of her weapon collided with the ribs of the next brother to reveal himself a target. She watched in horror as the light faded from his hateful, reflective eyes, and she was nearly sick. She didn’t want to do it, but it had been done, and it couldn’t be undone. His body thudded against the ground and she screamed.
The battlefield went silent, and as she came to her senses she attempted to save face.
“I’ll have none of them!”
Before Brother Viscus could interject with any alternative propositions, she was gone. She ran, fleeing as far away across the rocky terrain as she could. She didn’t cry; at least not until she was certain she was alone. She felt so pathetic - Nightbrothers were meant to be disposable, yet she couldn’t handle killing one. Her shame shifted into heartbreak, and she crouched low and wept for the death of the brother she’d just caused, as well as for all those who came before him. All the needless, thankless, mindless deaths of these men whose lives may not have mattered to the Sisters, but they mattered to someone.
As night fell, she trudged along the jagged landscape and thought of what explaination she’d give to Mother Talzin upon returning home. She had run in the opposite direction of where her speeder was stationed at the base of the village, so she had plenty of time to consider on the long journey back. She casually hummed a tune to herself in some meager attempt to self-soothe, which served to distract the shadow that had been trailing her for some time. The sound of a twig snapping in the rocks behind her alerted her to the presence and she confronted him.
"Are you lost?" she asked in a derogatory tone after he revealed himself.
"I'm not."
Of course not, this was his home, after all. She couldn't say the same for herself, however, she pressed him further.
"Then why are you following me? I never asked for an escort."
The amber-skinned nightbrother looked as though he were choosing his words carefully, though if his aim was self-preservation he'd done a terrible job of it.
"I saw you crying."
Eilantha was hit with a pang of embarrassment, though she feigned otherwise as her eyes met the ground.
"Well, you can forget what you saw. Now leave me alone."
She turned away, but the brother remained there in quiet contemplation before he spoke again.
"I've never seen a Sister cry. I've never seen a Sister feel."
Something about those words struck her directly in her heart. The confirmation that she was inherently considered to be a heartless monster in the view of these villagers hurt a little more than anticipated, though she had no right to refute it. No amount of apologies would ever remedy the divide that separated the Nightsisters from the Nightbrothers, regardless of how she felt. She clenched her fist as she turned to face him again.
“I said, leave me alone. Don’t make me-”
She actually choked on her words, unable to say the rest.
Don’t make me put you in your place.
Despite her partial warning, the nightbrother stepped closer. He grabbed the edge of his already tattered tunic and tore a piece of it off, inspecting it for cleanliness before holding it out to her. Eilantha froze, uncertain of what to make of this interaction.
“You aren’t done,” he explained.
She hadn’t realized that her hot tears continued pouring down her cheeks during her retort. She accepted the cloth with some reluctance, her dainty fingers lightly brushing against his as she took it and dabbed it against her wet face. He promptly turned and started walking away, as instructed. This strange...kindness, or rather, strange act of servitude via obligation perturbed the young witch, whose thoughts were now fixated solely on the zabrak male.
“Wait, Brother,” she implored.
He paused, resuming his attention to her after hearing the endearing use of “brother” from a Sister’s lips for the first time. She continued, an unusual softness in her tone.
“What is your name?”
“It’s Sever,” he revealed, “May I ask yours, Sister?”
She repeated his name in her mind, determined never to lose it.
He did the same, only out loud. Gods, it was an enticing sound.
"Will you be returning?"
This was a question she wasn't prepared to receive, and one that she herself didn't fully know the answer to. Her reply was engineered from a concerned sigh.
"I'm not sure. It might be problematic returning to the coven empty-handed. I may come back, I may not. I don't know what the future holds."
Sever pursed his lips slightly.
"If you do find yourself here again, will you..."
He coughed into his fist and centered himself before continuing.
"Will you consider me?"
Her eyes shot up to meet his hopeful gaze, a golden yellow in the night. She had a hunch as to what he was alluding to, but a little clarification was needed.
"Consider you...?"
He swallowed, his countenance displaying concern that perhaps he was stepping too far out-of-bounds this time, but he wanted to know all the same.
"As your mate."
Eilantha clutched the piece of fabric in her hand. This man was offering himself to her. The images of all the nightbrothers staring her down when she first arrived with fear in their faces raced through her mind, revealing the dread the men felt when they were met with her kind, and yet this one was volunteering. She wasn't sure if she should be flattered or angry, as any other Sister likely would be at a savage that dared to seek special permissions. Of course, she wasn't like that.
Imagining him as her mate, however, was certainly...something. She thought of how she would discover just how much of him was tattooed and he would learn the same of her. She could claim him right then and there if she wanted, and he would be obliged to obey. It would solve her worries about returning home if she decided on a servant after all, although, her soul was unsteady. Though she was entitled to any male she desired, she couldn't allow herself to do it. Even though this man was offering, it would weigh on her conscience knowing that even a part of him would only be with her out of fear and obligation, rather than his own free will. This nightbrother wasn't free. None of them were.
"I'll consider it," she replied genuinely.
This news seemed to please him to some extent, a tiny smirk curling at the corner of his lip.
"I'll look forward to the possibility of serving you, Sister Eilantha."
She watched as he turned a final time and disappeared further into the darkness, leaving her alone with her busied mind.
The course was set for the Nightsister temple once she finally got to her speeder, servant-less. She looked over her shoulder to see multiple pairs of glowing golden eyes quizzically prying at her in the darkness, and she smiled before taking off.
It was a long journey home, and the entire trip her mind was occupied with thoughts of the intriguing zabrak male who saw her for what she truly was. She pulled out the tattered cloth from her pocket and pressed it against her chest as the wind rushed all around her before bringing it to her lips and kissing it.
It became her greatest treasure.
That is, until she finally had the real deal in her arms months later when the separation became too much to bear, and they arranged to meet in secret during their first rendezvous of many.
Sever, my treasure.
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mooosicaldreamz · 3 years
We obviously need your song by song analysis of evermore please!
i got asked to do this about four times so here it is.....much anticipated. i know. please note that when i say that i hate her or despise her i don’t actually mean that. but i do
WILLOW - ok, groovy first time you hear it, right? has a strong rumbly wiggle. let’s VIBE. the low of the verse, the high of the chorus…oh my goodness! what is she doing. she’s just out there! wow. “wherever you stray i follow” is a banger. “life was a willow and it bent right to your wind” with the overlay oof let’s go.!!!! a shockingly strong first entry of the record…best one since “welcome to new york” maybe!!! let’s just say it!!! for some reason “i come back stronger than a 90s trend” throws me off though…i don’t know. it’s just so moody pop, no one is doing it like her!!! i hate her
CHAMPAGNE PROBLEMS - every time i listen to this song i listen to it four times. not a joke. it’s perfect. i don’t think i need to convince anyone! it’s perfect!!!!! what are you doing? taylor swift, the most dramatic bitch, has been writing dramatic bitch songs since she was fourteen and yet, somehow, she contrives to write even more dramatic things as she ages. this song is a JOKE. there are not ENOUGH songs about denying proposals! it’s just simple and sad. oh my god. it’s insane. the fact that she wrote this with her boyfriend (i have a running theory that they are married, we are going to refer to joe as her Perfect and Glorious Husband from now on) …… come on. the ENTIRE BREAKDOWN. “YOUR MIDAS TOUCH ON THE CHEVY DOOR / NOVEMBER FLUSH YOUR FLANNEL CURE / THIS DORM WAS ONCE A MADHOUSE / I MADE A JOKE WELL ITS MADE FOR ME / HOW EVERGREEN OUR GROUP OF FRIENDS / DON’T THINK WE’LL SAY THAT WORD AGAIN / AND SOON THEY’LL HAVE THE NERVE TO DECK THE HALLS THAT WE ONCE WALKED THROUGH” ……. concluding with that absolute stabby killer “what a shame she’s fucked in the head” oh my god……….. and the song resolving in a very adult “you’ll find someone else” god
GOLD RUSH - ok so like this song is like ok it’s got the same groovy high /low that’s happening on willow but it’s so different! it’s so good! the pulse of the beat propelling the whole thing through and then the falling apart “oh what must it be like to grow up that beautiful”……………..ok. the visceral image of “my eagles t-shirt hanging from the door” …………. i admire very much taylor’s oncoming gift of moving through high/low imagery…… i love her so much? it’s so HARD. “my mind turns your life into folklore” beautiful! BEAUTIFUL! also i have some belief in me that this is about karlie kloss but i shall not dive into that hole.
TIS THE DAMN SEASON - oh so i’m supposed to LIVE with this song EXISTING. WHY!!!! HOW……..oh my god………..taylor was like, yes, i’m going to write a song about a famous girl going home and banging her high school flame for a week and jack and aaron were like oh ok. “i parked my car between the methodist and the school that used to be ours.” she is such a joke. “you could call me babe for the weekend” like ok emo!! emo!!! OK. I LOVE THIS SONG
TOLERATE IT - taylor really gave us the most depressing track 5, but it’s absolutely a banger and i love her! she is just vibing! oh my god. what a specific emotion to pinpoint with this song….it’s such a gift. no one is hitting this space
NO BODY NO CRIME - this song has no business being on this record but in the BEST WAY, like how daddy lessons mysteriously appears in the middle of lemonade. oh my goodness. this is just pure country revenge song. taylor was like oh actually i haven’t forgotten my roots and i hate men more than i ever have. and she got haim to sing with her. and it’s so good. the low “i think he did it” oh my goodness. this song is a joke. how is it real? it’s just a perfect radio song. it reminds me very much of “before he cheats” but it’s a lot more sonically calm
HAPPINESS - similar to “tolerate it” and i think “champagne problems” this song is beating on an emotional bush that is really really hard to hit the head of. like, so she collabed with the national and bon iver on this record and previous obvi, and i LOVE them, but their music can often be very………impressionistic? perhaps? is how i might put it. it’s sometimes hard to get a note of specificity from it. imo. but taylor loves a fucking story bro. and she has figured out how to tell made up stories. she can’t be stopped now. like…this space of a breakup and knowing that it’s for the best and being sad in this way? name a pop star who has a song this nuanced. for real! god. i despise her. “across a great divide / there is a glorious sunrise”
DOROTHEA - the other half to the far superior TIS THE DAMN SEASON and a banger all the same. it has the bouncy joy of the most buoyant national songs. in the same vein as the also far superior BETTY, she has her sweet dumb boy slurry and less intelligent voice. i love that she paints these narrators this way, it’s just nothing she would have ever reached for ever before this period. she has a Perfect and Glorious Husband now and she has begun to understand teenage boys, FINALLY.
CONEY ISLAND - i have upon many occasions opined that i love the national VERY MUCH. i once went to a festival with my gf and her sister to see them even though i was expressly not invited and you know what despite the fact that it caused a lot of angst, i got to see the national play TERRIBLE LOVE in the middle of the night and I SCREAMED IT. so like, listen. what is matt berninger doing here, to me, specifically????????? i was somewhat hesitant about how their voices might blend, but it works astonishingly well. and i think that it’s so wonderful, i can’t. the imagery of a dreary coney island…..”sorry for not winning you an arcade ring.” as taylor always proves, the bridge is spectacular. “were you standing in the hallway / with a big cake / happy birthday”……”and when i got into the accident / the sight that flashed before me was your face / but when i walked up to the podium / i think that i forgot to say your name” sorry to yOU calvin. she had ISSUES. and now she has a Perfect and Glorious Husband. also “sorry for not making you my centerfold” ok kaylor
IVY - this song is about emily dickinson and i DARE you to tell me that i’m wrong. I DARE YOU. I DARE YOU. you’d be wrong! embarrassing for you. taylor finally writing a probably legitimate queer song and it’s about fucking emily dickinson is so on brand…..it’s dripping with poetry and groove and she’s so fucking dumb i hate her so much. her narrative of ivy and poetry and the lakes district…….ok taylor. i know. i know you watched all the dickinson things that came out and you identified with her. the gentle sway of the “oh, goddamn” and the “oh, i can’t”……i CAN’T EITHER TAYLOR !!! i CAN”T TAYLOR!!!! “oh goddamn / my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand / taking mine but it’s been promised to another / oh i can’t / stop you putting roots in my dreamland” TAYLOR. and then she says, “oh you didn’t realize this wasn’t gay?” “i want to know the fatal flaw that makes you long to be magnificently cursed” like @ emily yourself taylor “he wants what’s only yours”……TAYLOR. give me the entire catalogue of emily dickinson songs!!!!! i can’t do this. “springs breaks loose / but so does fear” “i’d live and die for moments that we stole / on begged and borrowed time / so tell me to run / or dare to sit and watch what we’ll become / and drink my husband’s wine.” taylor if you see this post, a, i love you, b, i need you to tell me about ivy, and c, PLEASE can i have tickets to your next tour in the year 2025 or whenever because my gf never buys me any to your shows……….i love this song if it isn’t clear. i think i’d love it if it wasn’t gay
COWBOY LIKE ME - ok this will sound weird and if you’ve read this far i’m going to assume that you don’t care about me being weird…but this song reminds me of the fanfiction STAY THE NIGHT by lynnearlington (maybe u’ve heard of it). please reply if you think about this and feel the same. “never wanted love / just a fancy car” “you had some tricks up your sleeve / takes one to know one / you’re a cowboy like me” the opening line re: the tent-like thing reminds me very strongly of the fourth of july at our family’s country club and they set up a tent over the parking lot and this song just makes me think of that vibe????? i don’t know. i have vibes. i love this song a lot, which is impressive because it follows after the gay euphoria of IVY. perhaps this is because it gives me its own gay euphoria. “now you hang from my lips like the garden babylon” ???? is one of the most gay, seductive, brutal lyrics i have ever heard. she wrote that down and was like, oh yeah, vibez, hundo p. she did that to me
LONG STORY SHORT - this song is an honorary sequel to I FORGOT THAT YOU EXISTED from the lover era (honestly i’m still in the lover era). but i actually think this song is better! so we are taking that. “actually i’ve always thought that i looked better from the rearview” ok taylor let’s access that feeling! “no more keeping score / i just keep you warm” is like, stupidly sweet.  rip to calvin but now taylor has a Perfect and Glorious Husband.
MARJORIE - made me cry, simple and beautiful. one of the more personal songs on the tracklist! and something that i had never considered that she would write about, but i think the quarantine period has allowed a lot of us to dig into our feelings, so….vibez. we’re vibing!
CLOSURE - this song’s production sounds a lot like bon iver’s recent productions, very tech-y and repetitive and spare. rip to karlie kloss but taylor has a Perfect and Glorious Husband and karlie’s legal last name is kushner so who really won? hmm? i love “i’m fine with my spite / and my tears / and my beers / and my candles” the inclusion of candles is just. vibez. there are four candles lit rn in our apartment!
EVERMORE - i think this song is very intriguing and i’m still puzzling with it! the simplicity of her depressive gray November phase and then the very ebullient and bold bon iver interlude……..really has a manic/depressive, sad/angry vibe???? it feels so on brand for this pandemic quarantine…..and it works shockingly well, except for that i’d rather listen to the bon iver part for 10 minutes more. “all my waves are being tossed / is there a line that i can just go cross” and then taylor’s sort of call and response with his interlude……should just be the whole song.  but it’s still good. that’s how annoying she is
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