#9. Conversion Optimization
successartistry · 9 months
Affiliate Marketing: The Unexpected Path to Financial Freedom
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Are you interested in finding a way to achieve financial freedom? Look no further than affiliate marketing! In this blog post, we will explore how affiliate marketing can provide you with a lucrative income stream and the opportunity to be your own boss. 
By promoting other people's products and earning a commission, you can leverage the power of online marketing to reach a global audience and generate passive income. This means you don't have to create your own product to start earning money. 
Affiliate marketing allows you to tap into the vast potential of the internet and make money while you sleep. With the right strategies and dedication, you can build a sustainable online business that brings in steady income. 
So, if you're ready to embark on an unexpected path to financial freedom, keep reading. We'll delve into the various benefits and strategies of affiliate marketing that can help you achieve the financial independence you desire.
Section 1: No Need to Create Your Own Product
One of the most attractive aspects of affiliate marketing is that you don't need to create your own product. Instead, you can focus on promoting existing products or services that align with your interests and passions. By leveraging other people's products, you can bypass the time-consuming process of product development and jump straight into earning commissions. 
This approach allows you to get started quickly, which is especially beneficial if you're looking for a way to generate income sooner rather than later. Additionally, by promoting established products, you can reduce the financial risks associated with launching your own product. The costs and uncertainties of product development, manufacturing, and inventory become someone else's responsibility, leaving you free to concentrate on marketing and driving sales.
Whether you're passionate about fitness, technology, or home decor, there's likely an affiliate program available to suit your interests. With the opportunity to earn income from products you genuinely believe in, affiliate marketing provides a flexible and rewarding path towards financial freedom.
Section 2: The Power of Online Marketing
Harness the power of online marketing to tap into a global audience and expand your income potential. With the rise of digital platforms, reaching customers from different parts of the world has become easier than ever before. Through affiliate marketing, you can utilize various online channels such as websites, social media, and email marketing to promote your affiliate links. This opens up opportunities to earn income while you sleep, as your marketing efforts work continuously in the digital realm.
Online marketing allows you to target specific demographics and interests, ensuring that your promotions reach the right audience. By leveraging the power of search engine optimization (SEO), you can increase your website's visibility and attract organic traffic. Additionally, social media platforms provide a vast network of potential customers who are actively engaged and ready to discover new products or services.
Email marketing is another effective tool in your online marketing arsenal. By building an email list of interested subscribers, you can regularly communicate with them, share valuable content, and promote your affiliate links. This direct line of communication helps you establish trust and credibility with your audience, increasing the likelihood of conversions.
In the digital age, the possibilities are endless. Embrace the power of online marketing to reach a global audience, expand your income potential, and achieve financial freedom.
Section 3: Be Your Own Boss
Imagine the freedom of being your own boss, setting your own schedule, and working from anywhere in the world. As an affiliate marketer, you have the autonomy to choose your niche, select the products you want to promote, and define your marketing strategies. This flexibility allows you to pursue your passions and build a business that aligns with your interests. Say goodbye to the constraints of traditional employment and embrace the freedom that affiliate marketing offers.
Being your own boss means you have the power to make decisions that directly impact your success. You have the freedom to experiment with different marketing techniques, explore new opportunities, and adapt your strategies as needed. No longer will you have to answer to a supervisor or adhere to someone else's vision. Instead, you can take charge of your own destiny and create a business that reflects your unique strengths and aspirations.
In the world of affiliate marketing, you are in control. You have the ability to set your own goals, determine your own income, and shape your own future. Whether you want to work part-time or build a full-time business, the choice is yours. So, take the leap, embrace the entrepreneurial spirit, and become your own boss in the exciting world of affiliate marketing.
Section 4: Diversify Your Income Streams
Affiliate marketing provides an opportunity to diversify your income streams and reduce financial risks. By promoting products across different niches, you can ensure that you are not solely reliant on a single income source. This diversification not only brings stability but also allows you to tap into various markets and adapt to changing trends. 
Imagine having multiple streams of income flowing in from different sources. If one niche experiences fluctuations, you can rely on the others to keep generating revenue. This flexibility is crucial in the ever-changing world of online business. 
Utilising your skills and passions, you can explore different niches and find products that align with your interests. This way, you can enjoy what you do while earning money. As you expand your affiliate portfolio, you can create a reliable and sustainable income stream that continues to generate even when one niche experiences fluctuations. 
Diversifying your income streams through affiliate marketing is a smart move that can lead you on the path to financial freedom.
Section 5: Utilise Your Skills and Passions
Finding the perfect affiliate niche is not just about earning commissions, but also about utilising your existing skills and passions. Take some time to evaluate your interests and expertise. What topics or industries excite you? By focusing on areas that align with your skills and passions, you can build credibility and create content that resonates with your target audience. 
When you are passionate about a subject, it shines through in your work. Your enthusiasm will captivate your audience and make them more likely to trust your recommendations. Plus, your existing knowledge and skills will give you a competitive edge in your chosen niche. 
For example, if you have a background in finance, you could explore affiliate programs in the personal finance or investment industry. Your expertise will allow you to provide valuable insights and advice to your audience, establishing yourself as a trusted authority.
Remember, affiliate marketing is not just about making money; it's about sharing your passion and expertise with others. So, leverage your skills and passions to create content that not only drives sales but also brings you joy and fulfillment along the way.
Section 6: Develop Valuable Relationships
In the world of affiliate marketing, building relationships is crucial for long-term success. Connecting with top performers and industry players allows you to gain insights, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects. By networking within the affiliate marketing community, you open doors to valuable partnerships, joint ventures, and mentorship opportunities. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals accelerates your growth and allows you to learn from those who have already achieved financial freedom through affiliate marketing.
To develop valuable relationships, start by attending industry conferences and events. These gatherings provide an excellent opportunity to meet influential people in the field. Additionally, join online forums and communities where you can engage with fellow affiliate marketers, ask questions, and share your experiences. Actively participate in discussions and offer help whenever possible.
Remember, relationships are built on trust and mutual support. Be genuine, provide value, and be willing to help others. By nurturing these connections, you'll create a strong network that can propel your affiliate marketing journey to new heights.
Section 7: Embrace the Digital Age
In today's digital age, e-commerce is thriving, and affiliate marketing is at the forefront of this boom. By embracing the digital landscape, you can tap into the enormous potential of the online market. The convenience of online shopping and the increasing number of internet users provide affiliate marketers with a vast pool of potential customers. Putting your marketing efforts in the digital space allows you to capitalise on this growing trend and maximise your earning potential.
With the rise of social media platforms, search engines, and online advertising, reaching your target audience has never been easier. You can leverage these digital tools to create engaging content, build a strong online presence, and attract customers to your affiliate products or services. Additionally, the ability to track and analyse data in real-time enables you to optimise your marketing strategies and make data-driven decisions.
Embracing the digital age opens up a world of opportunities for affiliate marketers. It allows you to reach a global audience, scale your business, and stay ahead of the competition. So, don't hesitate to dive into the digital realm and unlock the full potential of affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing offers a unique and unexpected path to financial freedom. With no need to create your own product, the power of online marketing, the flexibility of being your own boss, and the opportunity to diversify your income streams, affiliate marketing provides endless possibilities. 
By utilising your skills and passions, developing valuable relationships, and embracing the digital age, you can embark on a journey towards financial independence. Imagine having the freedom to work from anywhere, set your own schedule, and earn passive income while you sleep. 
So, what are you waiting for? Start your affiliate marketing business today and unlock the door to a life of freedom and financial success. With determination, perseverance, and a willingness to learn, you can turn your dreams into reality. Take the leap and embrace the unexpected path to financial freedom through affiliate marketing. Your future awaits!
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Realistic Tips & Tricks to Become "That Girl"
Some alternatives to having an entire day before 9am that allow you to enjoy your life and help you find pleasure in reaching your goals. Enjoy xx
Focus on a consistent sleep schedule, not select times: Structure your day around your energy, not an idealized schedule is guaranteed to not work for everyone. Wake up at 6-7 am, if you're a true early riser, and head to the gym to get your day started. Otherwise, there's no reason why waking up at 8-9am and getting in an evening-time workout session is lesser than.
Plan your days & week around your energy peaks: Figure out the times of the day when you're most focused, productive, creative, fidgety, sleepy, etc., and structure your days/weeks/month around your internal clock to the best of your ability. While this may be slightly difficult if you have a 9-5 or go to school during the day, think about what blocks of time are best dedicated to meetings, creative work, planning, routine tasks, emails, studying, etc. For those with uteruses, consider your energy throughout your cycle to help you plan the month.
Create "bookend" routines: While these will often be your morning and nighttime routines, consider how you prime and unwind your mind from your biggest tasks of the day (for most of us, this will be work, school, and chores on the weekends). Some reading, light movement, and upbeat music can create momentum before starting your daily tasks. A long walk and some journaling are a simple yet productive combination to decompress from the day.
Embrace the power of 3s: Create a daily primer routine, workday, and relaxation routine around 3 core tasks/projects/rituals. For example: Mornings can include using your 5-Minute Journal, doing a quick 10-minute meditation/yoga/dancing session to get in some movement, and spending 10 minutes reading; Your workday should be focused on completing your "Big Three" tasks, projects, or meetings of the day; Evenings can include a quick 5-10 minute planning session for the next day, a 15-60 minute walk or workout (depending on how you're feeling), and some journaling/reading time after dinner. You don't need to do it all. Consistency is key.
Create a "pleasure" and "pain" list. Own your inner masochist: Open up a fresh journal page or web document. Create two separate lists titled "Pleasure" and "Pain." The first list captures all of the simple pleasures that make your days enjoyable (from coffee rituals and your skincare routine to small work successes, daily movement, and indulgent evening treats, like a favorite TV show, a glass of wine, tea, etc.). The second list captures the tasks you regularly dread or procrastinate out of hatred and overwhelm (includes tedious or mentally-draining work tasks, meetings, chores, difficult workout sessions, necessary conversations with emotionally immature people, etc.). Looking over these two lists gives you an overview of your daily experience to help you (realistically) optimize your day for more ease and enjoyment.
Incorporate a pleasurable element into every ritual: Find ways to pair these more "painful" activities with something pleasurable. Examples include having a favorite coffee or tea while working on a draining work project, listening to a fun playlist, taking a walk/doing a face mask or massage while having a less enjoyable conversation, etc.)
Leverage habit stacking: Build habits on top of one another to set yourself up for success. Use a nearly mindless or enjoyable "cue" to spark action that results in habit formation. For example, use sipping your morning coffee as a cue to read your 10 daily pages or do some journaling. Leave your workout clothes out beside your bed with your yoga mat all laid out to make it stupidly easy to get your workout done right away. Have a playlist curated and opened to let you press "start" immediately when you need to begin your work day.
Create a capsule menu/wardrobe: Streamline your everyday meals and outfits by curating a handful of healthy breakfasts/lunches/dinners/snacks and outfits that you can put together mindlessly throughout the week. While creativity in these areas is fun, pre-determined options for busy days can help minimize decision fatigue. Know what staple groceries you need in your kitchen to make these recipes, and ensure to keep them in stock when going on your weekly grocery run. Have a few go-to outfits for work, running errands, working out, and social outings. Choose 5-10 well-fitting wardrobe staples that pair well together in the front of your closet at all times.
Become a playlist master: Curate different playlists for particular tasks, activities, and times of the day. Having playlists for creative/admin work tasks, reading, working out, cleaning, waking up, and winding down for the day can give you the energy to focus and not procrastinate or simply enjoy a necessary task more.
Focus on systems, not habits: Consider the domino effect of each practice and activity. Determine whether your current strategies and routines align with your energy, goals, and desired outcomes. Reflect on the parts of your routine that increase/decrease your energy and motivation. See how you can create a system – a pattern of consistently-practiced habits – that supports your goals and desired lifestyle that does not compromise your overall life satisfaction and well-being.
Experiment until you find an achievable balance: Focus on progress, not perfection. While there may be days or even seasons where hard work and fewer pleasures take priority, life is meant to bring you joy, peace, and satisfaction at the end of the day. Remaining in your comfort zone does you no good. However, learning ways to find pleasure in the process remains the key to long-lasting discipline and the energy necessary to maintain the determination required for success.
Sending you healthy and prosperous vibes xx
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angelzai · 5 months
Chuuya nsfw alphabet please
nsfw alphabet - chuuya nakahara . . . .ᐟ
wc: 2.2k
cw: gn!reader - no explicit anatomy mentioned, dom!chuuya, experienced!chuuya, nicknames (baby, doll, sweetheart), marking, unprotected sex, graphic descriptions of cum, cum swallowing, mentions of public/semi-public sex, mirror sex, praise, nipple play, finger sucking, teasing, dirty talk, references to overstim and light bondage
reid: your mind anon. this was so embarrassingly easy to write. for all intents and purposes osamu dazai is my pookie my snookums my dearest my darling my one true love but damn i do kind of want his boyfriend too. enjoy
. . . .ᐟ
a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
a is for attentive, actually
chuuya’s a gentleman. it’s whatever you want. the whole nine yards.
you want cuddles? conversation? a massage? a shower? a towel? music? tv? your hair braided or played with? wipes? water? wine? a cigarette? silence? sleep? the first thing he says after he lets you ride out your final orgasm is always “what can i do for you, baby?”
if his busy schedule allows, he prefers most to settle in and be in silence with you, soak in your presence, and just breathe you in until you both fall asleep
b = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
probably his neck or his hips and waist, since those are where and how you pull him further into you; mark him up in these spots, please <3
he loves those parts of himself also because you can lock your thighs/calves/ankles around him so easily and wonderfully
that being said, chuuya worships your thighs. always grabbing them, squeezing them, clawing them, smacking them, kneading them, gripping them, kissing them, biting them. i am a thigh man chuuya truther
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
pretty and almost translucent spurts
lives and breathes to pump you full <3
please let him cum down your throat
will have you stick your tongue out to make sure you swallowed all of him (watching you do this will get him hard again instantly)
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
wants to fuck you in a meeting so badly
preferably one he’s heading
doesn’t want to bring it up for fear of making you uncomfortable, even if you’re okay with public sex - he doesn’t know how you’d feel about him taking you in front of people you vaguely know
but the thought of sitting you on his cock and making you try to stay quiet and still in a room full of his subordinates? unnnghhhhhsnnn
he cannot let himself think about it or he’s bricked immediately
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i think he’s got a good bit of experience! definitely not trying to push my manwhore chuuya agenda
doesn’t really know how many people he’s fucked, doesn’t really think it’s relevant information. what’s important is that he knows what to do with it
he’s the type to have a one night stand from months ago still trying to get his number. that’s how good he fucks
even if it’s casual or even if it’s rough, he has a way of making sex feel so comfortable and passionate
literally husband dick
f = favorite position (this goes without saying)
anything that optimizes how deep he can go <3 doggy, mating press, hot seat . . .
9/10 times there is a pillow beneath your hips
specifics aside, he just really loves having your legs over his shoulders
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he is not goofy.
at least, not in a deliberate, ironic way. if you’re laughing in bed, it’s a breathless giggle because everything he does is so charming or dreamy or romantic
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
a true ginger call him fire crotch when he’s already mad and watch smoke literally come out of his ears anyway
he prefers to shave everything except for a little patch that connects to his happy trail <3
he doesn’t care what you do. man is thrilled to traverse the jungle if it means he gets to taste you
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
again, even if it’s just a hookup, he has a certain charm and natural way of making sex feel so special . . . so imagine what he’s like in a committed relationship. i’m foaming at the mouth
does he fuck or does he make love? how about both every single time. he just takes such good care of you, whether that means setting the bar for your wedding night or throwing you around and destroying your insides <3
extremely attentive to your actions and reactions. will come to understand the sounds you make almost like a language of its own and he is fucking fluent
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
looks so alarmingly beautiful while he does it.
long, languid strokes while he runs his other hand through his hair
his abs flex and twitch and sometimes his tongue lolls out a little while his mouth falls open and his head tips back to let the prettiest moans leave him
doesn’t masturbate often with you around; when he does it’s usually so you can sit across from him and watch while you touch yourself, too <3
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
mirror sex
nipple play
finger sucking
put it all together, and . . .
imagine the arc in your back while he fucks you from behind against the bathroom sink. you better not take your eyes off yourself, he tells you. and you can’t even protest to tell him he’s too gorgeous for you to only watch your own reflection because he’s got his middle and index finger pressing down on your tongue while his thumb holds your jaw firmly in place. his other hand reaches around you to alternate between your nipples - he tweaks them, flicks them, rolls them between his fingers and leaves it to you to hold yourself up while he does this, all while he sinks his teeth into your shoulder and groans all gravelly and hot into your ear about how filthy you sound, how good you’re being, how tight you feel, how perfect you are.
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
his office hands down
a little bit of an exhibitionist
it goes hand in hand with letters d and q - the looming threat of maybe getting caught balls deep in you drives him crazy
big fan of your/his bedroom too - allows him a pleasure that sex in his office does not, which is your loud and uninhibited moans and mewls <3
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
seeing you in any of the expensive clothes he buys you!!!
he of course keeps your taste in mind when he shops for you, but at the end of the day he’s buying you that high-waisted pant/button up shirt/platform shoe combo because he knows your ass is gonna look delectable in it
would also love to have you wear a chain with his initial on it - whether it’s a necklace, bracelet, anklet . . . catching a glimpse of it dangling off you from the right angle has him dragging you off to fuck so he can bite it between his teeth while he’s in your guts <3
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
chuuya will scarcely let you dominate him. he’s not completely opposed to it all of the time, but it’s a little more vulnerable than what he prefers. plus he likes his control, even - no, especially when he’s letting you think you have the reins
understands and values the psychological importance of aftercare - he never doesn’t do it.
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
chuuya loves seeing you on your knees for him.
loves making you suck his fingers like you would his cock before he actually lets you on him.
he doesn’t need to fuck your face - all he needs is your dedicated tongue on his tip, a hand on his balls, maybe a finger or two in or around his hole . . . ugh he busts so fast
referring to c - bonus points if you swallow every last drop of his cum <3
talks you through it deliciously
“that’s it, doll, wanna see you work for it.”
“eyes up here, baby, look at me.”
“you’re gonna swallow all this cum, ‘kay?”
he returns the favor eagerly, don’t you worry
an absolute animal when he’s going down on you. his nails in your hips, his hands gripping your thighs, his fingers playing with you when he’s not spreading you apart
eats you like he’s starving and will not stop even after you cum.
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he’s all over the place.
he’s really good at slow and sensual foreplay, but when he’s actually in you or tasting you he can’t hold himself back
whewwww you both gonna be sweating.
tries to save slow, sensitive sex for special occasions . . . but he usually builds up to fast, frantic fucking anyway
passion on 100 regardless. he is going to take you to heaven
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
loves. loves loves loves loves loves.
loves sitting you on the kitchen counter and cumming in you before he leaves for work
loves sneaking away with you on his breaks to rail you in a supply closet
loves seeing how many times he can make you cum before the meeting he has to be at in twenty minutes
loves bending you over his desk like he doesn’t have a few of his subordinates on their way up to his office to drop off a report
loves bouncing you up and down on his cock in the car ten minutes before your dinner reservation
truly whenever he can. chuuya <3’s quickies
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he’s down to try anything once, period.
communication is the most important thing to him - experimentation and risks just need to be discussed beforehand
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he can go three or four rounds at a time, each lasting anywhere from less than 10 to up to 30 minutes; he’s usually pretty impatient to see you falling apart on him <3
it’s a different story if he’s only going down on you. he can do it for hours. you’ll lose track of time, numbers, colors, your own name and birth date etc
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
chuuya definitely owns some high quality rope and a pair of thigh-to-wrist cuffs <3
for you, of course.
he doesn’t get tied up unless you really, really beg him
will occasionally let you tie his wrists while you ride him <3
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
likes to tease you verbally more than he does physically.
he’ll try to hold off on making you finish, he really will! but most of the time he just can’t help giving you what you want.
what he’ll do is make you cum for a third or fourth time with hardly any effort and then throw it in your face - “so needy for me, huh?” “barely takes anything to have you squirtin’ all over me.” “think you can give me a couple more, doll?”
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
can’t help the fact that he whimpers.
so much pretty, breathy whining and cursing - it almost takes the bite out of his domineering sometimes . . .
(lots of “ah- ah! fuck, fuck, fuck fuck f- fuck! y- yes, ugh . . .”)
. . . but he makes up for it with how his voice drops almost an octave when he talks
big talker.
“swear you were made f’me.”
“fuckin’ take it, sweetheart. doin’ so good.”
“ngh, fuck- gonna make you cum all over this dick.”
so much of your name <3
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
sometimes he’ll cum so hard he blacks out for a few seconds. that’s all <3
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
like a fucking can of coke bitch.
6.5-almost 7 inches hard, curves upward the tiniest bit, pretty and tan with a sensitive red tip
v-line to fucking die for.
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
higher than a goddamn kite
he is down to fuck you 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days of the year for as long as you’ll let him
just. insatiable. so greedy. takes everything you give him every single time and eats it up. cherishes it like keepsake. burns it into his mind and thinks about it at work the next day and gets himself so horny he’ll have to jerk off in the bathroom and send you a picture with the tagline “look what you do to me”
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
it just depends if he’s sleepy or not! he absolutely can stay awake, get up and moving, go back to work, whatever
but as mentioned before it is his favorite thing to do after - if he’s sleepy, you’re sleepy, and his chaotic life graces him with the time and peace, he will fall asleep with you in his arms so fast.
regardless, he’s so clearheaded after you make each other cum <3 he just adores you so much
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casual-tarot · 1 year
Pick a pile: details about the day you'll meet your soulmate
Note: This is all just for fun! Take everything said here with a grain of salt! And excuse any spelling/grammar mistakes, I haven't proofread this lol.
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Pile 1:
Birds keep popping up, I think you'll hear or see a LOT of birds that day, you might even see a nest of baby birds too.
Rainbows for some of you. It might be a day something good is happening at work, maybe a promotion or something?
I think it might be the opposite, getting written up or fired. Take what resonates, that's not a message for everyone.
I'm seeing a city? Maybe a walk in the city or going shopping.
For some I'm seeing a "bad" neighborhood lol.
I think it's likely going to be a sunny day.
I don't think you're going to realize it's a special day, you'll be too preoccupied with whatever else is going on that day that you won't be thinking about the potential for something like this to happen. It'll come as a surprise and you won't even realize the person you met is going to be special to you in any way.
I think this will be a day of growth for you, gaining experience and/or getting wiser.
I think on this day, you will either be very optimistic or need a lot of optimism, and I think this will effect how you will each meet your person. They might be drawn to your cheer or might give you a little pick me up.
Whatever is happening to you That day, good or bad, I think you're going to want to slow down and take a breath. Maybe to calm down or ease your excitement/anxiety.
Additional signs and details: The color dark blue. The night sky, Stars, North, Crystal's, Amethyst, Webs, Spiders, waning gibbous moon, full moon, 12, 10, 9, 99, 999
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Pile 2:
I'm getting the vibe that you might be very busy?
For some of you I think it's going to be a sunny day, maybe in summer or spring?
But for some reason I think a majority of you are going to meet them on a snowy day. If it doesn't snow wherever you are when you meet them, then probably just a really really cold day.
I think you will be kind of stressed?
Even despite all these factors, I think that some of you will come across someone that could use some help(maybe someone homeless?) and you or your person will likely stop to help them in some way?
Maybe you meet because of this? Or at least one of you sees the other person doing this and it catches your/their attention.
You might meet them in the morning, maybe on your way to work.
I think some of you will be coming out of hermit mode, as in you'll get out of the house for the first time in a little while.
I think part of the reason you will be stressed is because you will be working really hard at your job, maybe aiming for a promotion or raise. This doesn't feel negative though, it feels determined. I think you will have that mindset the day you meet them.
For a small amount of you, I think you may meet this person on Christmas, or maybe even new years.
I'm seeing snowy night. Especially for those of you that work at night.
I think you might be called to get out of your comfort zone somehow. Whether that be talking to a stranger or taking the long way around to work, I think you'll have an inexplicable urge to do something different.
I think for a lot of you, your soulmate will be the one to help someone, and it will really make you stop and think, maybe even admire them. You might consider helping your community more.
I have a feeling that you'll just know that that day will be different. That urge pulling you out of your comfort zone, or that first conversation you have with them, I think something will tell you, "this is important. This is different. Something about this is different. "
Adittional Signs and Details: Coffee, Morning Coffee, Snow, Charity, Big Cities, New York, Night Shift, Christmas, Winter Holidays, New Year's, Snowy Night's, Under a Streetlamp, Light in the Darkness, New Moon, Starry Night, North, East, 3rd Eye, Ambitious/Ambition, Ambivert, "You rise with the moon, I rise with the sun." 3, 4, 2, 12, 44, 444, The book "Strange Grace" by Tessa Gratton, Voice in teh back of your head telling you "this is right," the middle path, The Sun, A sunny day, The Sun between branches, creative block or work slump
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Pile 3:
I'm called to use an extra oracle deck for this group specifically, so these are four messages I've pulled out for you:
Treat your body like the palace it is(Mirror, 4)
It's time for healing, not war(Castle, 30)
We're all just stardust(Universe, 31)
Every hurricane comes to an end(Storm, 44)
On to the rest of the reading!
You may have been drawn to one or both of the other piles, this reading shares similar messages to pile 1 and similar signs to pile 2.
I think it's going to be a very good day for you, even before meeting them
I think that you will have had a tower moment, something that had really rattled you in some way and forced you to deal with certain problems, and I think on this day you finally are moving past it. This is the first day you've happily come to terms with what has happened and can smile again.
For some of you, this may be cutting someone out. You will realize that someone in your life that has been bothering you in some way, really isn’t worth all the time you put into dealing with them. This doesn't have to be aggressive, it could just be a silent ghosting. On this day you will feel free from the shackles they've kept you in.
I think your hard work(emotionally/mentally)will be rewarded, likely the reward will be your soulmate. And you'll realize that there is still work to be done, but you are happy to do it and get past it.
I'm getting the vibe that some of you are going through a hard time right now and I want you to know it will pass. This is your future, whether that be today, or in a decade, and all the work getting there will be so worth it. I also think you need to know that this slump will pass soon.
I think you will finally be putting yourself first.
You will be full of positive energy on this day.
Your creative energy and/or ambitious will be at an all time high, you will be very passionate about what you're creating/your work.
You will be looking inside yourself and see the growth you've done, and you will be proud. You will pat yourself on the back for it.
You will be very present in the moment, and may have to remind yourself not to get lost in thought, knowing you may spiral. I feel like you'll be successful in that.
It will be a new beginning, and you will know it.
You are the main character of this story.
Adittional Signs and Details: Waxing moon, Castle, birds, rainbows(for some), nests, ocean, night sky, Knives and swords, the sunset, hard work, dirt, earth, fire, lava, volcano, tower, lighting, mirror, hands, black nail polish, stars, the universe, storms, 4, 44, 444, 4444, 31, 30, water Droplets, 8, 88, 888, 5 stars, first quarter moon, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, April, Fire signs and fire sign energy, Mars, Saturn, The Sun, 1, 11, 111, 6, 7
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foreingersgod · 2 months
Is it Casual now? . CC
pairing: caitlin clark x reader
synopsis: you thought you and caitlin were endgame, but now things are starting to feel a bit different
A/N: will be shifting the “ending” of the song so that we can all enjoy a happy ending lol
My friends call me a loser
'Cause I'm still hanging around
“YN come on we’ve had these plans set for weeks now” your roommate complained from her spot on your couch.
life had been so hectic recently and you barely had anytime to hang out with your girls. so when you heard caitlin was going to be out of town for the week and you had work off, you thought to set plans with your roommates to have a movie night and dinner at your place.
“seriously, you’re just gonna ditch us off?” another one of your roommates chimed, slightly irritated. you were scrambling around your apartment, throwing things into your overnight bag for when you arrived at caitlin’s place. “caitlin shoots you one quick text that she’s back in town earlier than expected and you’re immediately at her beck and call?”
you rolled your eyes. you knew what they thought of caitlin, that she was a player and only wanted you for one thing. but to you, it felt different, like she genuinely wanted you there at her side
I've heard so many rumors
That I'm just a girl that you bang on your couch
“she just wants you for a quick fuck, YN”
you’ve heard it all before. and you were very aware of how bad it looked from the outside. caitlin would only reach out late at night, never took you out, never bought you gifts, or offered to come over to your place. no wonder everyone thought you were just a booty call, every possible flag was blazing red.
and you often had your fair share of skepticism when caitlin called you up at 2 am with a “sorry i hadn’t called all week, you down to come over?”. but you always felt so worshipped when you were with her, completely blinded by the attention and false promises.
I thought you thought of me better
Someone you couldn't lose
she fucking stood you up. again.
you were sat at a bar, swirling the contents of your lip stick stained class. the classy black dress you wore suddenly felt suffocating and your eyes welled with tears. you couldn’t stop staring at the blaring 9:30 on your phone, thinking back to your conversation with cait the night before.
cait <3 : yea baby i can do 8:30, how does that bar down town sound?
you : that sounds really nice, see you then :)
it was your fault really, you kept hoping she would change. that maybe one of these dates would actually mean something to her, but after sitting in a bar alone waiting for an hour for her arrival, you were starting to lose your optimism.
sick of waiting, you paid your tab and left, not even thinking of texting caitlin back.
You said, "We're not together"
So now when we kiss, I have anger issues
“i missed you last weekend, cait” you muttered, pushing her face away from the crook of your neck, letting your head fall back against the pillow.
she had sent yet another text to you a few hours ago, asking if she could makeup for standing you up. of course, you gave in immediately.
she had sweet talked you so nicely when you arrived at her apartment. whispering in your ear, leaving trails of kisses down you neck and abdomen, taking your clothes off so gently. but the thought of her possibly abandoning you again lingered in the back of your mind.
“i know, i already said im sorry,” she attempted to seduce you with a kiss to the cheek “am i not showing it well enough?” now a kiss to the jawline.
she knew what she was doing, trying to act all innocent with flattery and kisses. if you weren’t so sick of the back and forth between the two of you, you would have let it convince you.
“cait, please. i want to talk about this”
“what is there to talk about?” her voice, once inviting was now laced with anger and irritation.
“don’t get defensive with me” you sat up, pushing her off your vulnerable body “i’m just trying to tell you that what you’re doing is hurting my feelings”
she looked at you expressionless, fingers rubbing at her temples.
“i want to spend time with you and it hurts when you ignore me and stand me up and-”
“yea, well we’re not together so…” she cut you off sharply.
it felt like a punch to the gut, hearing her say that. yea it was true, you weren’t together, but you don’t just act like the person you’re fucking isn’t worth anything to you.
“wow” you didn’t even know what to say. your eyes stung and you chest heaved with humiliation. did she truly think this wasn’t “together”?
You said, "Baby, no attachment"
“YN i really don’t know what you want me to say…i thought we both agreed that this was a casual thing?” she tried to tell you as you angrily picked up your discarded clothes from her bedroom floor.
“i don’t care what we SAID, caitlin” you stopped, buttoning up your shirt, looking her in the eyes “it’s what we keep DOING.”
“what are you talking about?”
“i know we said this was just a casual thing, but- but things started to change. we…ugh i don’t even know how to say it, but it just feels so different when we’re together. more than a casual hookup.”
she’s looking at you confused, pleading for an explanation.
“like when we hooked up that time after Iowa’s big game, you were knee deep in the passenger seat and eating me out? is that casual?”
she scoffed and rolled her eyes, but you egged on.
“or when your mom invited me to her house on Long Beach last summer? what about that, is that causal now?” your face felt hot as you raised your voice to her. you had surprised your self with these accusations.
“I hate that I let this drag on so long, caitlin, and now I hate myself”
all she did was stare, studying the features of your face. every crinkle in your nose, the way your lips quivered with anger, and every twitch of your right eyebrow was now forever embedded in her mind. she knew you were right, deep down, knew that she had fucked up so bad and that you only hated yourself because of her. she knew that her inability to commit had caused you pain and her avoidance issues had gotten out of hand.
“i’m sorry” she admitted, “i’m so fucking sorry that it hurts”
“caitlin, why? am i truly just a quick fuck to you?”
your question nearly knocked the wind out of her. she stood off the bed and meandered over to where you stood at the door, your pants still undone and your items thrown haphazardly into your overnight bag.
“no,” she breathed “you’re so much more than that”
it’s like you couldn’t speak, unable to do much else other than stare at her quizzically.
“i know i’ve treated you like shit. that i’ve fucked up far beyond fixing”
“so why don’t you show it? why sit here and tell me that it’s ok to ignore me and stand me up because we’re just ‘not together’? i don’t get it cait”
her hands ran over her face in frustration, she hated the confrontation. having to tell you all of this was sending her into a spiral. things were fine before tonight, she was able to do want she wanted and ignore all her feelings. and it all came crashing down the second she had gotten you into her bed, instantly faced with reality. tonight was it. she needed to be honest with you.
“i didn’t think i could love someone as much as i love you” she blurted out, which was followed by a deafening scoff from you.
“i’m serious,” she retorted “obviously i haven’t shown that, i’ve done nothing but be cruel to you. but the moment i met you, i knew you would have some sort of hold on me. and it scared me, YN”
you tried to interrupt, to take another stab at her childish behavior, but she kept going.
“i was so scared that i’d lose you, that you’d see through me and all my issues and eventually realize that i’m not worth having a real relationship with. so i tried to keep my distance from you, tried not to see you so it didn’t absolutely tear my heart apart, but i couldn’t help myself. i needed to have you, just a little bit, so i what it felt like to be loved by you. i just couldn’t risk ruining you, taking away a genuine life that you truly deserve all because i’m fucked up and avoid everything. and hooking up with you, to be completely transparent, has only made it worse because…because now i’ve seen what i actually lost”
“you,” there weren’t any words to express how you felt right now “you don’t need to avoid me, cait, you won’t ruin me. i know what i want in a relationship. it’s you, i want you”
“i’m just scared you’ll finally see past this whole thing and see that you don’t actually want me like that”
“i know you. i know that past this,” you waved your hands, gesturing between the two of you “there’s a different caitlin clark. one who doesn’t undermine herself and recognizes that she’s deserves real love just like how i deserve it. one that can address her commitment issues before they get out of hand like this did. one that won’t stand me up, that won’t shoot me down because she has ‘practice’. i know that the real you is perfectly capable of change.”
“i’m scared.” was all she managed “but i want to do better for you, i don’t think i can be without you, please let me fix this”
it came out as a desperate whisper, almost incomprehensible, but you heard her loud and clear.
“it’s going to take some time…but i’m willing to work on this.”
“i swear to god, YN, i’m going to be so much better. i’m done with the hookups and the late night texts. i just want you. all of you”
your hand found her cheek, pulling her towards you gently to place an intimate kiss on her lips.
“i believe you”
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thesecretsofthedivine · 5 months
Pick a Pile Reading | What Do People Admire/Find Beautiful About You? ☄. *. ⋆
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*Disclaimer: This is a collective reading - take what resonates and leave the rest. If this resonates with you, please show support by reposting (with credit), tipping, or booking with me! :)
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7 of pentacles. ace of cups. the magician.
channeled songs: sh-boom - the chords. starstruck - christopher wilde. magic - bob. where you lead - carole king.
people admire how much of a visionary you are! your aesthetic sensitivity, long-term goals, personal values, business skills, creativity, and optimism are some sources of your beauty. people find you to be very physically beautiful in general though. maybe it’s the advice you give or the pleasant sound of your voice, but your charm is undeniable. people also appreciate your unique flare, work ethic, and emotional intelligence. it’s clear you have big dreams and capabilities. something about you is dependable and trustworthy to others. you have tinkering energy and raw talent. people recognize the positive impact you make regardless of the environment. you may often be in a fixer-upper, alchemist, support system, teacher role. people admire your dedication and feel more connected to their dreams/purpose because of you. your energy is healing and uplifting. the sincerity in your heart is a gift and allows others to find hope/relief in you. you’re a trailblazer, philanthropist, humanitarian that does the world good simply by existing and sharing your light. your self-assured outlook is infectious and the way you make life feel like a party is irreplaceable. people admire how much of a safe space and muse you are, tied all into one.
knight of cups. 2 of wands. 9 of wands rx.
channeled songs: perfect (exceeder) - mason. the heart wants what it wants - selena gomez. come & get it - selena gomez.
you are a natural flirt and an object of affection, whether you know it or not! you've got sweetheart/crush/eye candy energy. people love to simply know and be near u. it can be hard to read your mind because of your gentle/feminine/passive nature, which tends to keep the thrill or mystery alive! you're someone that can appear intimidating or too hot to handle, but your inner self is much more reassuring and grounded. people find your resilience, charm, social status, patience, thoughtfulness, style, and mysteriousness to be beautiful. it’s giving hot but unavailable/bad bitch or bad boy. you can be quite protective with your energy/time, which people admire. you know not to settle and to treat yourself like the prize. you often intimidate but intrigue others. cat's got their tongue when they look at you! you embody the beauty standard or simply have that “it” factor. you leave people wanting more and struggling to move on from you. you’re unforgettable and mesmerizing, which is beautiful. you’re like a still and elegant work of art that people would go up to admire in a museum. sometimes it can seem like you're a shiny toy that everyone wants a chance to play with, but you’re not easily impressed.
queen of swords. 5 of wands rx. knight of pentacles. knight of wands.
channeled songs: look at me, i’m sandra dee - grease soundtrack. something that i want - grace potter.
your composure, morality, clear judgment, inner beliefs, and stimulating conversation are really attractive to others! people feel that you have a way with words or a commanding presence without actually exerting force. you’re strategic and wise beyond your years, which makes people want to respect you. others also admire your resilience and thoughtfulness. you can easily find answers to problems or have an unmatched intuition to those around you. you’re in it to win it, which makes u dedicated and passionate. for some, you may relate to the underdog. even with life’s tough challenges, you always persevere. people admire your loyalty & find your mind attractive. you may tend to keep to yourself or people could view you as having a big ego, but your tunnel vision blocks out all that noise. you're admired for the way you defy expectations and others’ authority. you are the boss of your own life and a force to be reckoned with. your identity is a mix of stoic tradition + edgy rebellion, which can surprise people at times. your tenacity, analytical traits, high spirits, and capacity to lead are beautiful. you have natural leadership skills that make people want your approval or loyalty. your aura is dominant and elusive so people know better than to stand in your way or do anything other than tag along for the ride.
8 of swords. 9 of swords. 8 of pentacles. justice (libra).
channeled songs: i’m a mess - bebe rexha. mind over matter - young the giant.
your past, independence, emotional maturity/depth, complex mind, shadow self, and resilience are focal points of attraction. you are a survivor who takes their time in opening up/letting go. people admire the capabilities of your heart and feel a lot of sympathy for you. others may feel that you are too much of a people pleaser or often underestimate/overwork yourself, which makes them want to show up for you. the more reluctant with embracing confidence you are, the more people want to advocate for your potential and growth. others feel like you deserve all the privileges and platforms that you may have been previously denied. you deserve to take up space. people tend to develop a karmic attraction to you where they want to see things through or can’t bring themselves to leave your life. you are hardworking and deserving of everything good, which can enhance other people’s desire to provide and show up for you. if life has not been fair to you, this inspires generosity and admiration in others. people feel protective and want to advocate for you. your fairness and respect for the balance of life is also beautiful. people enjoy how even-tempered, considerate, honest, and reflective you are. they see you as the work hard, play hard type. “went from nothing to something”, apocalyptic energy. you’re on your grind and everyone wants to be a personal cheerleader to you. you fight the good fight and others believe in ur potential because of how beautiful your heart is + how much you’ve overcome. your willpower is also a defining statement/testament of your core identity.
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nayziiz · 3 months
No Way | LN4
Summary: Lando Norris, an F1 driver for McLaren Racing, faces persistent attention on his single status. In an attempt to appease fans and quell rumours, his management suggests a fake relationship with a popular Portuguese model. However, Lando's PR manager, Natalie, disagrees, believing fans would see through the ploy. As an alternative, Lando's management notices the genuine bond between him and Natalie and proposes they feign a relationship for authenticity. Initially hesitant, they agree, given their existing friendship and professional connection. The fake relationship takes an unexpected turn as Lando and Natalie grapple with burgeoning real feelings, attempting unsuccessfully to conceal their growing emotions.
Pairing: Lando Norris x Original Character (Natalie)
Warnings: Mentions of physical and emotional abuse; SA; fluff; crash
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As Lando prepares for his first race back in the car since the accident, the atmosphere is charged with anticipation and excitement. The British Grand Prix, his home race, adds an extra layer of significance to the occasion. The energy in the air is palpable as the fans, eager to witness their local hero back on the track, fill the grandstands with cheers and banners.
Lando's determination is a beacon, shining brighter than ever. The challenges and uncertainties that followed the accident have only fueled his resilience. The sight of his McLaren gleaming on the grid ignites a fire within him, a renewed sense of purpose that transcends the ordinary pursuit of victory.
The moments before the race are a flurry of activity. The team works meticulously to ensure the car is in optimal condition, every detail scrutinised to maximise performance. Lando, surrounded by the familiar faces of his dedicated crew, shares nods and words of encouragement. The camaraderie is evident as everyone rallies behind their driver, each person in the McLaren garage contributing to the collective aspiration of victory.
“Welcome back, Lando. You gave us quite the scare back in Monaco, but we’re pleased to see you back and smiling. How are you doing?”The interviewer asks.
“I’m feeling great. My body’s healed up nicely. I’m very thankful to everyone who played a part in my recovery, it’s not every day that something like that happens, but everyone did their best and I appreciate that.” Lando comments, his gratitude evident in his voice and smile.
“What’s your headspace like heading into your home race this weekend?” The interviewer continues.
“It’s a positive headspace. I kind of try to forget about the last few weeks, it was beyond anyone’s control, so heading into this week, it’s pretty much back to normal. I love racing on this track, and it’s home, so that helps.” Lando concludes before returning to the McLaren garage.
Upon Lando's return to the garage, a sense of normalcy returns as he seamlessly transitions into the routine of a race weekend. Without missing a beat, he joins Natalie, and together they delve into the intricacies of his race weekend schedule. The professional camaraderie takes precedence, temporarily overshadowing the nuances of their romantic relationship within the confines of the work environment.
In the controlled chaos of the garage, surrounded by the hum of machinery and the focused energy of the McLaren team, Lando and Natalie synchronise their efforts. Their interactions are marked by efficiency, communication, and a shared commitment to the tasks at hand. The dynamics between them shift seamlessly from the personal to the professional, a testament to their ability to compartmentalise and navigate the complexities of their dual roles.
“Lando.” Adam's voice rings out from behind him and Natalie as they sieve through his social media content for the race weekend. “I need to chat with you.”
Lando, sensing the urgency in his father's tone, follows him to his driver's room. As they enter, Adam shuts the door, creating a private space where their conversation can unfold without the prying ears of the bustling garage.
“What's wrong?” Lando immediately asks, sensing the gravity in his father's tone.
“We've finally found him.” Adam informs his son, the weight of the revelation evident in his expression.
“Who? What are you talking about?” Lando questions, his confusion etched across his face. In response, Adam pulls out his phone, showing Lando a photo of a man in a club.
"Is this him?" Lando asks, scrutinising the image on the phone.
The air in the room becomes charged with anticipation as the pieces of an undisclosed puzzle start to fall into place. The photograph holds a significance that raises more questions than answers, setting the stage for a revelation that could potentially reshape the course of their conversation.
“It seems like the barman spiked her soda at the club that night. She had one drink from what I could tell, and he was the one who handed it to her. She kept her drink covered the entire time, so the only time someone had access to spiking it was before she received it.” Adam explains, referencing the night in Shanghai when Natalie was drugged and assaulted.
The room tightens with tension as the implications of Adam's discovery sink in.
“But, why? He doesn't know her, does he?” Lando continues to prod, seeking to understand the motive behind such a malicious act.
“I had a friend of a friend go by the club and speak to him. And, you'll never believe what we found.” Adam explains, swiping to reveal a photo of Lucas, Natalie's ex-boyfriend.
“No way," Lando seethes, his disbelief and anger evident.
The revelation hits close to home, and the betrayal is twofold—first by the barman, and now by someone Natalie once trusted intimately. The shock and frustration emanating from Lando reflect the emotional turmoil of discovering that someone from Natalie's past could be involved in such a reprehensible act.
“He came in the day before, apparently he knew where she would be going, paid the barman a hefty amount to spike her drink. We suspect he has some hidden app on her phone so he can see exactly what she’s doing, when, and with whom. I’ll need to get her phone cleaned. Lando, Lucas was there that night in the club. I also got a different camera angle from the opposite side of the club and it clearly shows him watching her, approaching her, and then dancing up behind her. She spins around and immediately hurries away, likely to the bathroom where she called you from. There weren’t any cameras there for us to see if he followed her again, but he just disappeared.” Adam details.
The revelation unfolds with a chilling precision, exposing the orchestrated cruelty behind Natalie's assault. The calculated actions of Lucas, manipulating the situation and exploiting intimate knowledge of Natalie's whereabouts, paint a disturbing picture of betrayal and malice.
“He's insane. He's literally insane. He claimed to love her. Who does that to someone they supposedly love?” Lando argues, his anger palpable, a storm brewing within him that his father has never witnessed before.
“Son, it gets worse.” Adam adds gravely. “He has a paddock pass this weekend.”
“No fucking way.” Lando grunts, the shock and disbelief evident in his voice.
The sanctuary of the racing world, meant for competition, suddenly feels tainted by the presence of an ominous figure from Natalie's past.
“We'll do what we can to protect her, but she's bound to run into him at some point.” Adam replies, acknowledging the imminent threat that hovers over Natalie's safety.
“Please, Dad, don't tell her. I don't want her stressing about this, with everything the last few weeks, she's had enough to deal with as is.” Lando urges his father, his concern for Natalie's well-being overriding any desire for immediate confrontation.
“Of course.” Adam agrees. “But, we'll have to think of a way to keep her safe. If he can drug her that easily, who knows what he can do here. She's by herself most of the time.”
“I'll think of something.” Lando mumbles before a knock on the door interrupts them, signalling an intrusion into the private space where they grapple with the unsettling reality that has unfolded.
The impending challenge of ensuring Natalie's safety in the paddock adds a layer of complexity to an already emotionally charged race weekend.
"Sorry, I hate to bother. Lando, we need to finalise your content, please," Natalie sheepishly explains her intrusion as she pops her head into the room.
The transition from the weighty conversation to the demands of the race weekend is abrupt, but Natalie's professional demeanour glosses over any traces of the private matters being discussed behind closed doors. The racing world, with its relentless pace, demands a swift return to the immediate tasks at hand, and Natalie, aware of the intricacies involved, seamlessly switches gears. Lando, while grappling with the recent revelations, acknowledges the necessity to refocus on the upcoming race.
“Of course, let me be out of your hair.” Adam quickly excuses himself, sensing the need for privacy between Lando and Natalie.
“Everything OK?” She asks Lando, her concern evident in her gaze.
“Yeah, all good.” Lando lies, attempting to shield her from the weight of the recent revelations. However, the internal conflict is palpable, and he hesitates before admitting, “Actually, no.”
“What do you mean?” She asks, her confusion deepening as she senses a shift in the atmosphere of the room. The veneer of normalcy cracks, revealing a layer of unspoken tension that lingers between them. Natalie, attuned to Lando's emotions, waits for him to unravel the truth.
“I may or may not have tracked down the guy who drugged and assaulted you in China, with my Dad’s help, of course.” Lando admits.
“You did what?” Natalie exclaims, her surprise and shock evident. “Why would you do that?”
“I needed to know who it was, Nattie. He could have really hurt you.” Lando explains, his concern for Natalie evident in his words.
“So, who is he?” Natalie quickly asks, seeking an answer. The urgency in her voice reflects the immediate need to understand the identity of the person responsible for the traumatic incident in Shanghai.
“I don’t have a name.” He lies. “I just know that he’s been spotted in the UK in the last few days.”
“This is actually crazy right now.” She breathes, her heart racing.
The revelation adds another layer of complexity to the situation, leaving Natalie in a state of uncertainty and unease. The lack of a definitive name amplifies the mystery surrounding the person who orchestrated the assault, and the proximity of the threat raises the stakes for both of them.
“Please, Nattie, I’m asking you nicely, please do not do anything by yourself this weekend, even in the paddock.” Lando begs her.
“You don’t think he’ll be in the paddock.” She shakes her head in denial.
“I don’t know, but I cannot risk you getting hurt.” Lando tells her as he pulls her closer to him. “Please promise me you’ll have someone from the team with you at all times, just for this weekend while we figure out what to do about him.”
“Why did you do this?” She quips, her brain digesting the fact that he had purposely sought her assailant.
“I can’t let someone get away with hurting you.” He half explains.
“Yeah, sure, but that’s a lot of effort.” She shyly responds.
“I told you I can’t lose you. Hand-in-hand with that goes a promise to protect you, to the best of my ability. Let me do that. Let me protect you and keep you safe.” He finally admits. “No matter the amount of effort, or the time, or the distance - I will do what I can to keep you safe.”
The vulnerability in Lando's plea cuts through the complex emotions of the moment. The admission of his commitment to her safety, despite the challenges and uncertainties, unveils a depth of care that transcends the boundaries of their public personas. In this intimate moment, their connection strengthens, grounded in a shared understanding of the need for protection and support.
The weight of his words hangs in the air, a testament to the sincerity and depth of Lando's feelings. The realisation that he went to such lengths, confronting a potentially dangerous individual, solely to ensure her safety, leaves Natalie with a mix of emotions—gratitude, awe, and a growing awareness of the depth of their connection.
In the midst of the chaos surrounding them, Lando's unwavering commitment to her well-being becomes a beacon of support. The paddock, usually filled with the noise of race preparations, momentarily fades into the background as the significance of their shared moment takes centre stage.
“I feel like I should write that down.” He jokes.
“Why, so I can read it when I don’t believe you?” Natalie jokes back.
“No, so I can use it in my vows one day.” He responds, causing her to smack his arm.
The banter lightens the atmosphere, injecting a moment of humour into the seriousness of their conversation
“Please, just have someone with you this weekend, especially when I’m not by your side.” He reiterates.
“I promise.” She finally agrees as she hugs him tightly.
In the midst of the racing world's intensity, their love story unfolds, marked by the unconventional backdrop of pit stops, podiums, and paddocks. Lando, with his passion for speed and the vibrant papaya colours associated with McLaren, becomes the unexpected protagonist in the romance she never saw coming. His gestures of care, protection, and understanding create a narrative that transcends the confines of a typical love story.
As the engines roar on the racetrack, so too does the beating of her heart for the man who not only races with fervour but also loves with a depth that surpasses the confines of the fast-paced world they inhabit.
A missed call from her mom causes panic to hit Natalie in the middle of the race. She knows her mom wouldn't call her at work unless it was an absolute emergency. She rushes out of the garage, leaving behind the sounds of roaring engines and the intensity of the race. The paddock, filled with people moving up and down past the garages, becomes a maze of anxious anticipation as she presses the phone to her ear.
“Hi, Mamma. You were looking for me?” Natalie speaks into her phone, a sigh of relief escaping her lips.
“Sorry, my love, it was an accident. I wanted to message you and ended up calling you instead.” Her mom sweetly explains.
“That’s OK. I just thought-” Her sentence is cut short when she spots a familiar face further down the paddock.
“Honey, are you there?” Her mom asks.
“I’m here. I have to go, though. I’ll call you after the race, OK?” Natalie quickly speaks before hanging up.
With all the people around, she had drifted a distance away from the entrance to the McLaren paddock. The paddock, a buzzing hive of activity with team members, journalists, and fans, proved to be a labyrinth of twists and turns. In the midst of the race excitement, Natalie had momentarily strayed from the familiar path, drawn by the urgency of the call from her mom.
As she hangs up the phone and takes a quick scan of her surroundings, a sense of disorientation kicks in. Racing against time to retrace her steps, she turns to see where Lucas might be but couldn't spot him amid the crowd. Panic sets in, and her steps quicken as she rushes back towards the garage. The familiar sights and sounds of the paddock become a blur as she navigates the human maze, desperate to reach the safety of the familiar McLaren territory.
Frantic and without anyone by her side, as Lando had pleaded with her, Natalie finds herself caught in a moment of vulnerability. The realisation dawns upon her—Lando knew it had been Lucas and deliberately withheld the information. The protective instinct in Lando's actions becomes clear. He chose not to disclose the identity of the person who had caused her distress, perhaps to shield her from the heightened anxiety that such knowledge might induce.
In the midst of the racing world's chaos, Natalie grapples with the conflicting emotions of gratitude for Lando's protective gesture and the realisation that there are elements of her past that still hold the power to disrupt her present. As she hurries back to the garage, the intensity of the race is momentarily eclipsed by the personal turmoil unravelling in the paddock.
“Where’s Natalie?” Lando yells as he celebrates with his team on a P2 finish in the British GP.
“No idea.” Zak yells back as the crowd keeps growing louder.
The jubilation of the race result echoes through the paddock, but Lando's elation is tinged with concern for Natalie's whereabouts. Amidst the cheers and the team's celebratory atmosphere, her absence becomes a noticeable void.
The thrill of the podium finish momentarily takes a back seat to Lando's growing unease. The question about Natalie's location hangs in the air, creating a pause in the celebratory chaos.
Lando breaks free from the crew as he rushes into the garage.
“Where’s she?” He asks his father, but doesn’t wait for a response, he just keeps running. “Nattie!”
His voice echoes through the garage, filled with urgency and worry. The celebration around him fades into the background as he searches for the one person who matters most to him. The pit lane becomes a blur as Lando races towards a truth he needs to uncover, his mind echoing with the possibility that something might have gone wrong.
Natalie is locked in Lando's driver's room, hidden beneath the massage table, when she hears Lando's voice screaming her name. The sound reverberates through the room, heightening the tension in the air. As his calls pierce through the silence, the door rattles from his attempts to gain access, his hands banging on the door, urgently pleading for her to open it.
In the confined space beneath the massage table, Natalie can feel her heartbeat syncing with the frantic rhythm of Lando's cries. The fear of being discovered intensifies with each passing second. The room becomes a sanctuary of isolation, echoing with the outside world's chaos and the desperate plea of someone searching for her.
Unable to endure the mounting pressure, Natalie decides to end the charade. She gets up, her hands trembling as she unlocks the door. The door swings open, revealing a breathless Lando on the other side. His eyes scan the room, settling on her panicked expression and shaky hands. The relief on his face is palpable as he steps inside, shutting the door behind him, creating a momentary bubble of privacy in the midst of the paddock's tumult.
“It's Lucas... isn't it?” She manages to speak, her voice laden with fear and vulnerability. “He was in the paddock earlier, and then he was just gone. Please tell me it isn't Lucas.”
The revelation of Lucas's presence and the implications weigh heavily on the air. Natalie's tears stream down her face, dampening the fabric of Lando's fireproof suite as she seeks solace in his arms.
“I'm sorry, love.” Lando breathes as he pulls her against him, offering a comforting embrace. 
“Why would he do something like that?” She cries into his chest, the pain and confusion evident in her voice.
The question lingers, an unspoken plea for answers to a situation that strikes at the heart of trust and security. The weight of the revelation, the emotions swirling in the air, leaves him momentarily speechless. Sometimes, there are no words that can adequately capture the complexity of the situation, especially when faced with the shocking reappearance of someone from Natalie's past.
In the silence that follows, Lando tightens his embrace, offering a silent reassurance that transcends verbal communication. His presence, a steadying force in the midst of turmoil, becomes a tangible anchor for Natalie as they navigate the uncertainty together. Sometimes, the absence of words speaks volumes, acknowledging the depth of the emotional turmoil and the unspoken commitment to face whatever challenges lie ahead, hand in hand.
After calming Natalie down, Lando continues to debrief with the media and the team, leaving her in the care of his father. As they get ready to leave the paddock, Lando wraps his arm around Natalie, keeping her tight against him. The physical closeness serves as both a shield and a source of comfort, a silent affirmation of their connection and Lando's commitment to providing her with a sense of security.
Strolling down the paddock in silence, the night has settled, and the once-bustling atmosphere has dwindled. Very few people still wander around, allowing the couple a moment of respite amid the shadows of the paddock. Adam, Lando's father, had departed earlier to arrange additional security for both Lando and Natalie. He had pulled some strings to ensure a heightened police presence outside the track premises, further fortifying their protection.
In the quiet of the night, with the paddock lights casting a gentle glow, Lando and Natalie navigate the aftermath of the unsettling revelation, finding solace in each other's presence and the unspoken assurance of shared strength. The night air carries a mixture of tension and determination as they make their way through the paddock.
“I always thought you two would make a good-looking couple.” Lucas' voice echoes as he emerges from the shadows, stopping Lando and Natalie in their tracks. The sudden appearance sends a shiver down their spines, the past converging with the present in an unexpected and unsettling confrontation.
Lando instinctively tightens his grip around Natalie, a protective stance against the intrusion. The paddock, once a place of celebration and victory, transforms into an eerie backdrop for a confrontation that neither of them anticipated. The ambient glow of the paddock lights casts long shadows, accentuating the tension in the air.
Natalie's gaze narrows, a mixture of fear and defiance in her eyes as she confronts the figure from her past.
“There’s no use in hiding her. She’s always been a scared little girl.” Lucas continues, his words slicing through the air with a cruel edge. The tension in the paddock becomes palpable as he attempts to exert control through intimidation.
“You don’t want to do this, mate.” Lando warns him, a firmness in his tone. The protective instinct in Lando intensifies, his posture reflecting a readiness to shield Natalie from any harm.
“Oh, but I do. Because I vividly remember you staring at her, pining after her, pretty much frothing at the mouth when she was around you. Now you have her, but is she really as great as you hoped she would be?” Lucas asks. “Have you not realised that there’s nothing special about her?”
Lucas' words are laced with bitterness and resentment. His attempt to undermine their relationship becomes evident, a calculated effort to sow doubt and discord. Lando's jaw clenches, and his gaze narrows as he absorbs the verbal assault. He remains steadfast, standing beside Natalie with an unwavering determination to protect her from the venomous words.
“I think you need to leave.” Lando continues to warn him, his voice firm and resolute.
The air becomes charged with tension as Lucas takes a step closer to the couple, his actions pushing the boundaries of confrontation. Natalie, feeling the threat escalate, clutches Lando's arm, attempting to pull him back from the brewing conflict.
“And, you. You naughty little whore. Did you really think I was stupid? You got so turned on whenever he smiled at you. I should have known when you suddenly started wearing shorter skirts when you knew he’d be around.” Lucas continues, his words cutting through the air with a venomous tone.
The accusatory remarks aim to demean and shame, further escalating the tension in the paddock. Natalie, stung by the degrading comments, feels a surge of anger and humiliation. She tightens her grip on Lando's arm, seeking solace and strength from his unwavering presence.
“That’s enough. You do not get to speak to her.” Lando barks, his voice carrying a stern and protective edge.
The line has been crossed, and Lando, unwilling to tolerate any further disrespect towards Natalie, asserts himself in the face of Lucas's venomous words.
“Did she tell you she packed all her shit and disappeared in the middle of the night? That she didn’t even have the audacity to leave me in person, she left a note on the kitchen counter.” Lucas adds, his bitterness evident in every word. “She left me without any warning.”
Natalie, caught off guard by the airing of their past, feels a mixture of emotions. Lando, however, remains resolute, refusing to let the past dictate the present. He wraps a protective arm around Natalie, silently conveying his support and determination to shield her from the ghosts of her past relationship.
“I don’t blame her.” Lando counters. “You drugged her and assaulted her, and we have proof.”
The revelation of Lucas's heinous actions shifts the power dynamics of the confrontation. Lando, steadfast in his defence of Natalie, draws a line in the sand, exposing Lucas's true nature.
“I did not assault her.” Lucas argues. “She was drunk and having a good time. Who would have thought she’d be grinding her ass up against me that night and not you?”
His attempt to twist the narrative adds a layer of manipulation to the already charged atmosphere. Lando's jaw clenches once more, his grip on Natalie tightening as he struggles to contain his anger.
“Mate, take one more step and it’s over for you. Did you honestly think you could come into this paddock after what you did in Shanghai and intimidate us? I have people all over this paddock watching us right now. I have video evidence being sent to the police where you’re paying a barman to drug a girl’s drink with the intention of physically harming her. You do not get to scare her any more. You do not get to look her in the face and cause her any more trauma. Do you understand me? You’re going to walk out of here and never look back.” Lando barks with a resolute authority, his words cutting through the tension-laden air. “Leave. Now.”
Lucas, realising the gravity of the situation, begins to retreat hastily. The collective eyes of the paddock, now aware of the unfolding drama, follow his every step. The atmosphere is charged with a mix of tension and anticipation as security guards shadow Lucas's exit.
“Get the fuck out of here.” Lando repeats, his voice cutting through the commotion.
The authority in his tone demands compliance, and Lucas, with a resentful glance back, continues his retreat, disappearing into the shadows of the paddock. As the tension gradually dissipates, Natalie looks up at Lando, a mixture of relief and gratitude in her eyes.
The distant wailing of police sirens grows louder, signalling the swift response to the emergency call. Within moments, uniformed officers arrive on the scene, taking control of the situation. Adam provides the evidence they gathered, including footage of Lucas orchestrating the drugging at the club in Shanghai.
Lucas, now surrounded by law enforcement, is met with stern faces and handcuffs. The seriousness of his actions sinks in as the officers read him his rights. The arrest is swift, and the atmosphere in the paddock shifts from tension to a sense of justice being served.
Natalie watches from a distance, her eyes fixed on the unfolding scene. Lando stands by her side, a protective arm around her shoulders. The weight of the recent events slowly begins to lift as they witness Lucas being led away by the police.
Lando, having fulfilled his promise to protect Natalie, looks down at her with a reassuring smile. The wheels of justice are in motion, and the dark chapter of Lucas's actions is now transitioning to a resolution that ensures accountability.
As they drive back to the hotel, the quietness inside the car is a comfortable one, devoid of tension and anxiety. The events in the paddock have left an emotional residue, but the shared silence between Natalie and Lando carries a sense of mutual understanding. The soft hum of the engine and the gentle rhythm of the road serve as a backdrop to their contemplative thoughts.
Lando occasionally glances at Natalie, his expression a mix of concern and relief. He reaches over and gently takes her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Natalie, still processing the recent confrontation with Lucas, appreciates the warmth of his touch.
The city lights illuminate the night, creating a calming ambiance within the car. The journey, though marked by the unexpected encounter, becomes a moment of reflection for both of them. The emotional rollercoaster they've been on seems to slow down, allowing them to catch their breaths.
In the dimly lit hotel room, the soft glow of the bathroom light spills into the space. Natalie takes a moment to compose herself, the echoes of the recent encounter with Lucas still lingering in her thoughts. As she emerges from the bathroom, she finds Lando sorting through their luggage.
Feeling a mixture of emotions, Natalie decides to embrace the solace of Lando's presence. Without saying a word, she walks over to him and wraps her arms around him. Lando, attuned to her unspoken feelings, reciprocates by folding his arms around her waist. In the quiet intimacy, he rests his head against her neck, offering silent support.
A moment of stillness hangs in the air before Natalie, moved by the comfort Lando provides, retracts slightly. Without a word, she pulls him closer and seals the moment with a sweet and reassuring kiss. The exchange speaks volumes, conveying a shared understanding and a connection that transcends words.
“What was that for?” Lando whispers once she pulls aways from the kiss.
“It was a thank you. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you enough for what you did.” She murmurs, her words carrying the weight of deep appreciation.
Lando, understanding the sentiment behind her actions, tightens his embrace and responds with another tender kiss.
“And, I’ll do it again. No questions asked.” His commitment to her safety is unwavering. “You know I love you, right?”
Natalie's heart skips a beat at Lando's unexpected confession of love. The shock registers on her face as she gazes into his eyes, trying to comprehend the depth of his feelings. The weight of his words hangs in the air, and a mix of emotions swirl within her.
In that moment, the room seems to hold its breath, enveloping them in a cocoon of shared vulnerability. Natalie, caught off guard, searches Lando's eyes for sincerity and finds a sincerity that resonates deeply with her own emotions.
“You do?” She asks shyly.
“Of course, I do.” He informs her, his voice soft and low as he caresses her cheek. “How could I not?”
She presses her lips to him once more as they shuffle towards the bed. She pulls him down on top of her, her legs instinctively wrapping around him as they continue to kiss. In the intimate embrace, their lips meet in a dance of shared emotions and newfound revelations. The room, once filled with tension, transforms into a haven where unspoken feelings find expression. Lando responds to her kiss with a gentle passion, savouring the warmth of the moment.
As they continue to kiss, a sense of comfort envelops them, transcending the events of the day. The weight of recent challenges begins to lift, replaced by the tender connection they've discovered. In each other's arms, they find solace, understanding, and the promise of something deeper than the complexities of their fake relationship.
The journey from pretending to love to acknowledging true feelings has unfolded in unexpected ways, leading them to this intimate intersection. The room becomes a sanctuary for their unspoken emotions, and time seems to slow down, allowing them to savour the sweetness of the moment.
Taglist: @noneofyourfbusinessworld @scopeiguess @tbsloneely @secretgal66
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King Edward
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In the months that followed King Wilhelm's demise, Windenburg seemed to be on a brighter path. One morning, King Edward called for an audience at The Tower of Windenburg, and the crowds gathered eagerly, their eyes filled with anticipation. At only 12 years old, King Edward wasn't even tall enough to reach the podium, so he stood on books to make himself appear taller. He was flanked by his mother, Dowager Queen Cordelia, who stood with a sense of quiet pride.
As the young king prepared to speak, there was a hush that fell over the crowd. Edward's voice, though young, carried a weight of authority and determination. "In a time of crisis, we must show compassion and resolve. Thus, I announced the conversion of The Tower of Windenburg and The Palace of Westsimster into infirmaries for those afflicted by the plague. Furthermore, I pledged to hire 1500 new plague doctors to aid in this dire hour. My vow is to protect my people, not to condemn them. Through employing more doctors and fostering care, we witness the slow return of hope as our afflicted brethren begin to mend." Edward stated. He employed more doctors, and slowly, people started to get better. The plague had seemingly run its course, though many people had died, it seemed that no one new was getting infected.
By summer, traces of the virus had vanished, and many of the traveling plague doctors went on their way. The streets of Windenburg were bustling with life once more, and the people rejoiced in the newfound sense of hope and optimism. King Edward's swift and decisive actions had not only saved countless lives but had also restored faith in the monarchy. The young king's compassion and determination had proven that age was no barrier to leadership, and his reign was marked by a sense of unity and progress.
On the fifth day of summer, 1350, crowds gathered around Westsimster Abbey for the coronation of King Edward. The Abbey was heavily guarded, and only nobles and a handful of lucky citizens were allowed to attend the ceremony. Edward, dressed in his finest clothes and wearing his custom-knit coronation robe that was 9 feet in length, walked beside his mother, Cordelia, toward the coronation chair. The robe trailed behind him as he moved, a symbol of the weight of the crown he was about to bear.
As they approached the coronation chair, Cordelia helped her son remove the robe, her hands trembling slightly with the weight of the moment. She looked at Edward, her heart filled with a mixture of pride and fear. Pride for the son who was about to become king, and fear for the challenges that lay ahead. "He is but a mere child," she thought to herself, her mind racing with worry.
"As my son ascends the throne, I can't help but fear the weight of the crown upon his young shoulders," Cordelia whispered to herself, her voice barely audible over the murmurs of the crowd. "Will he be strong enough to withstand the challenges that lie ahead?" Her mind was clouded with uncertainty, and she couldn't shake the feeling of foreboding that lingered in the air. Edward sat in the coronation chair, a place where many of his ancestors had also sat before him, and waited for the crowning to begin. The High Priest of the Jacoban Church, Paul Leudemond, would be conducting the ceremony, despite his biases. Facing the crowd, Paul began his speech.
"Your Majesty, esteemed nobles, and beloved citizens of Windenburg, today marks a significant moment in our history. We gather to witness the coronation of King Edward, a young ruler who, despite his tender age, has shown remarkable wisdom and courage. As the high priest of the Jacoban church, it is my honor to preside over this sacred ceremony and to bestow upon our young king the blessings of our faith. Let us begin."
"I am here to affirm that Edward is not merely ascending to the throne by birthright, but by divine will. The Jacoban faith has long held that kings are chosen by the grace of the Almighty, and in Edward, we see a beacon of hope for our kingdom."
After saying a prayer to St. Jacob and anointing the new king, Paul placed the crown upon Edward's head, and everyone in the building bowed before their new king. Following that, Edward stood up to the side, and Cordelia was guided to the chair. Paul placed the Imperial Orb of Windenburg in Cordelia's hand and stated , "Your Majesty, it is my duty to present you with the imperial orb of Windenburg, a symbol of your regency. However, I must also remind you that this orb is not yours to keep. It is a temporary token of authority, entrusted to you until King Edward comes of age."
"I trust you are aware of the weight of this responsibility. You are not the rightful ruler of Windenburg, and your reign is but a temporary measure. I urge you to remember that, as you hold this orb, you are merely a steward of the throne, not its true sovereign. It is my fervent hope that you will fulfill your promise to relinquish the throne to King Edward on his 18th birthday. Your Majesty, I implore you to set aside any personal ambitions and act in the best interests of our kingdom."
Cordelia held the orb out in her hand and stated, "I vow to uphold the regency of Windenburg with unwavering dedication, ensuring the prosperity and well-being of our kingdom. I pledge to guide and nurture King Edward, preparing him for the responsibilities of the throne. On his 18th birthday, I will gracefully relinquish the regency, allowing him to ascend as the rightful king of Windenburg. Until that day, I will serve as a steadfast protector of our realm, honoring the trust placed in me by our people."
After that, Cordelia stood up, and both of them headed towards the crowd, stopping on the ledge to wave as many monarchs have traditionally. Behind them stood Paul, a look of resentment on his face. He would do anything within his power to remove Cordelia from her position. The crowds roared as Edward and Cordelia exited the Abbey, parties in the streets broke out, the people were overjoyed by their new King, despite his age.
Back at The Parish of St. Jacob, the Jacoban clergy met again in secrecy to discuss their plans of ambush. Paul, with a solemn expression, addressed the gathered clergy. "My brethren, the ascension of King Edward, a mere boy, and the regency of Queen Cordelia, a woman of Bagley blood, are affronts to our faith and to the very fabric of our society. It is an insult to the Jacoban church and to the traditions that have guided our kingdom for centuries."
Paul then turned his gaze to a guest he had called to the meeting, Lord Richard of Windenburg, the current King's first cousin once removed. "Your Grace," Paul addressed him, "The regency of Cordelia is a blight upon our kingdom, a threat to the very fabric of our society. We cannot allow her to continue to wield power unchecked. We must take decisive action to protect the sanctity of our kingdom and to ensure that King Edward is guided by the true principles of our faith."
Richard, with a furrowed brow, listened intently. He knew that the Jacoban clergy were prepared to go to great lengths to achieve their goals, and he was prepared to do whatever it took to protect the kingdom. "Your Holiness," he replied, "I understand the urgency of the situation. Cordelia's regency poses a significant threat to the stability of our kingdom, and we cannot afford to let her continue to wield power unchecked. I am prepared to do whatever it takes to protect the kingdom and to ensure that King Edward is guided by the true principles of our faith."
"As for Cordelia," Richard continued, "I propose a swift and covert operation. We'll stage the ambush when she's least expecting it, perhaps during a royal procession or a visit to a remote estate. The goal is to take her into custody without causing a scene, ensuring she's held in a secure location away from the influence of the crown. As for her fate, I advocate for keeping her alive but in captivity. Killing her would only escalate the situation and lead to further unrest. By keeping her isolated, we can neutralize her influence while avoiding unnecessary bloodshed."
Paul and Richard rose from their seats, their hands meeting in a firm handshake, a silent agreement passing between them. Their eyes held a steely determination, knowing that the ambush they planned would soon be set into motion. With a shared nod, they reaffirmed their commitment to the cause, understanding the weight of their decision and the consequences that lay ahead.
In Tartosa, the aging Dowager Queen Margaery of Windenburg sat in her chambers at Thebe Castle, a sense of nostalgia and longing filling the air. She sifted through the letters and correspondence that had arrived from overseas, her heart heavy with the weight of the past. The news from Lady Dorothea, a trusted confidante, struck her like a bolt of lightning. King Wilhelm V, her son, had passed away. Margaery's hands trembled as she read the words, her mind racing with memories of her son's troubled reign.
As she absorbed the news, a mixture of emotions washed over her. Grief for her son's passing mingled with a profound sense of relief. For years, she had borne the burden of his actions, the weight of his tyranny. Now, with his demise, she felt a weight lifted from her shoulders, a newfound freedom she hadn't experienced in decades.
Margaery's thoughts turned to her daughter, Empress Mary, who was unaware of the news. She called for Mary to join her, the urgency in her voice evident. As Mary entered the room, Margaery's eyes met hers, filled with a mix of sorrow and resolve.
"My dearest Mary," Margaery began, her voice trembling with emotion. "I have received news that will change our lives forever. King Wilhelm, your brother, has passed away. While I am stricken with grief for his loss, I also feel a sense of relief. For so long, I have carried the weight of his actions, the burden of his reign. Now, with his passing, I am free from the shackles of his tyranny."
Mary listened in stunned silence, her mind reeling from the news. She had not seen her brother in years, nor had she witnessed the turmoil of his rule. Her memories of him were from their childhood, a time when they were close and carefree.
Margaery continued, her voice filled with determination. "This moment marks a new beginning for me. For thirty long years, I have been estranged from our family in Windenburg. It is time for me to return home, to mend the rifts that have divided us, and to reconnect with our loved ones. Would you accompany me, my dear Mary? Let us reclaim our rightful place in the embrace of our family."
Mary's heart swelled with a mix of emotions as she looked at her mother. She knew that this journey would not be easy, but she also knew that it was necessary. With a nod, she replied, "Yes, Mother. I will accompany you. Let us begin this journey together, to heal the wounds of the past and forge a new future for our family."
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deowon · 2 months
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﹟HAN JAEWON ⠀╱⠀ 한재원 ⠀ ────── ⠀ a fictional member of south-korean boy group  THE BOYZ.  he made his debut on  DECEMBER 6, 2017  with the single  ‘Boy’  in their mini-album  ‘The First’ .  outside of the group,  he is known for his participation on the second season of hit survival show  PRODUCE 101,  where he placed 13th in the final episode.
a study on  stardom since childhood,  perceived innocence,  misplaced optimism,  being milked for fame,  not-so-first first loves,  last chances,  self-acceptance,  and learning to live for yourself.
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      ››⠀ BASICS.
BIRTH NAME :   han jaewon ⠀ ( 한재원 )
ENGLISH NAME :   jamison han
STAGE NAME :   jaewon ⠀ ( 재원 ) 
NICKNAMES & TITLES :   jaewonnie.  wonnie.  jae.  hannie.  hanjae.  ( all )  james.  jamie.  jam.  sonny.  jw.  (  jacob, kevin, eric + other english speaking friends )  lover boy.  pengwon.  hammie.  idol heartstlear.  nation’s face card.  nation’s sweetheart.  korea’s cutie.  snow prince/ss.  forever rookie.  mr. forgettable.  unknown twelfth.  ( netizens & deobis & antis ) 
DATE OF BIRTH :   september 30, 2000 
ZODIAC :   libra & dragon 
PRONOUNS :   he  ╱  him 
SEXUALITY :   biromantic-asexual  ( private )
ETHNICITY :   south korean 
NATIONALITY :   american 
BIRTHPLACE :   gyeonggi, south korea 
HOMETOWN :   seongnam, gyeonggi 
LANGUAGES :    korean  ( fluent  ╱  mother tongue ).  english  ( fluent ).  japanese + french + italian  ( conversational ).  mandarin  ( basics ).  
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      ››⠀ PHYSICAL.
HEIGHT :   180 cm  |  5’11  
NOTABLE FEATURES :   doe eyes.  mole on his lower lip and by his left eye.  small scar on his left palm and back of the neck. 
PIERCINGS :   n/a 
TATTOOS :   a small star  ( inner left wrist ).  a cat curled in a sleeping position ( above his right knee ). 
FACE CLAIM :   kim yonghee  ( cix ) 
VOCAL CLAIM :   ha hyunsang  ( soloist )
RAP CLAIM :   mark lee  ( nct )
DANCE CLAIM :   hwang hyunjin  ( stray kids ).  @/shoyan_yan. 
SPEAKING CLAIM :   kim wooseok  ( soloist ; korean ).  joshua hong  ( seventeen ; english ). 
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      ››⠀ PERSONAL.
STRENGTHS :   soft hearted.  empathetic.  thoughtful.  gracious.  compassionate.  practical insight.  fair-minded.  creative.  organized.  great communication.  understanding of other perspectives.  best hype man out there.  optimistic.  the hardest worker you will ever meet.  high eq.  
WEAKNESSES :   conflict averse.  overthinks social interactions.  perfectionist.  insecure / low confidence.  people pleaser.  ignores his needs and wants for others.  has difficulty setting his own boundaries.  gets caught up in stress.  altruistic.  tends to overwork himself by doing too much for others.  
LIKES :   soft sweaters.  cheese.  fashion.  reading.  puzzles.  indie rock & r&b.  making & posting song covers.  the colour purple.  cute stuffed animals / trinkets.  shows with more than one season.  strawberries.  pokemon.  babying his members.  getting to perform darker concepts.  psychological thrillers. physics & math.
DISLIKES :   having to act cute.  getting involved in arguments without good reason.  waking up before 9 am.  being purposely left out of things.  broken guitar strings.  people touching his stuff without asking first.  uncalled for cliffhangers.  broken promises.  weak plotlines.  superficial relationships.  
HABITS :   pouts when focused / in deep thought.  cracking his joints ( knuckles, wrists, & ankles ).  hums instead of responding with words.  chews his lip when annoyed.  clings to a groupmate’s arm when nearby.  rubs at his eyes a lot.  straightens his posture when excited.  hands tremble when nervous.  
FEARS :   astraphobia  ( fear of thunder and lightning ) 
KNOWN FOR :   his popularity on produce 101.  having the longest training time in the boyz.  being the quietest member.  chaotic solo lives.  emotional singing voice.  being adopted by friends with many other idols.  his bond with keonhee of oneus.  never being scared of chanhee’s antics.  iconic one-liners.  being the younger brother of han subin.  crying at the end of every big tour the group has done so far.  not being in the visual line up.  his soft demeanour & politeness.  his duality on stage.  being the second scariest in the group when mad.  his small hoard of stuffed animals / keychains.  boba eyes.  nepotism allegations.
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      ››⠀ CAREER.
PROFESSION :   idol.  model.  actor. 
COMPANY :   ist entertainment  ( 2021 – current ).  cre.ker entertainment  ( 2017 – 2021 ).  sm entertainment  ( 2013 – 2017 ). 
TRAINING PERIOD :   four years & four months  ( 2013 – 2017 )
GROUP :   the boyz  ( 2017 – current ).  smrookies  ( 2013 – 2016 ). 
POSITION :   main vocalist.  main dancer.  sub rapper. 
SPECIALTIES :   bass & electric guitar.  songwriting.  producing.  acting.  choreographing.  freestyle.  acrobatics.  figure skating.  
EMOJIS :   🐹  ╱  🐰  ╱  ⭐️  ( main )  🐧  ( fan joke )
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      ››⠀ TRIVIA.
﹟ he used to do competitive figure skating when he was younger but stopped a year after moving to america. he got into the sport because of his sister, han subin—a now retired professional figure skater, and saw her as a role model. 
﹟ despite being seen as soft, jaewon doesn’t get scared easily and often partakes in tormenting the other members with chanhee. he enjoys psychological thrillers the most and gore films the least under the genre. 
﹟ a human scale; he can tell how heavy someone is just by lifting them. 
﹟ there’s an old video of him as a child slipping on the ice and sliding on his stomach, leading to his fans fondly nicknaming him “pengwon”. many often use the penguin emoji as a joke whenever he does something clumsy on screen. 
﹟ whenever nervous or scared, jaewon said that his hands go freezing cold and take a while to warm up again after. he mentioned that it happens a lot still and he isn’t sure how to fix it. 
﹟ his close idols friends include: oneus’ keonhee, verivery’s dongheon, a majority of nct, and sf9’s chani. he wants to be closer with stray kids but is too shy to approach them first. 
﹟ him and sunwoo are childhood friends and somewhat rivals. they used to live close by to each other before and after jaewon moved back to south korea and would bicker a lot. sunwoo mentioned that jaewon is not the type of person you want to play fight with unless you’re sure you’ll win. 
﹟ loves pokemon and animal crossing. his favourite pokemon are mimikyu and eevee while his favourite villagers are raymond and butch. 
﹟ grew up learning piano and cello and is self-taught in bass and guitar. he often helps to compose and produce the group’s music and loves to make his own songs. fans have been begging him to post stuff on soundcloud.
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emilyssky · 1 year
Chapter 2: Slow Motion
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PAIRING: Lee Know! X fem!reader
GENRE(S): college au, smut, angst
WARNINGS: Mentions of violence and abuse, depression, self harm, eating disorders etc.. mentions of blood, swearing, smoking, smut [ dirty talk, oral; giving and receiving, chocking, spanking, praising, degradation, pet names, sometimes Minho is a dick :)
SUMMARY: "Do you remember what you told me the first time we met?"  
"You said; Always leave people a little better than you found them" he looked at the floor with a small smile for a few seconds and then his eyes found mine. "You really annoyed me when we first met. I envied your optimism and excitement for life. But each time I saw you, I felt a certain thrill. You made me angry, you made me laugh., you made me feel everything. Something about you made me feel a little more alive each time. I know I fucked up and I know I'm an asshole but I'm also brutally in love with you."    
[The GIF is not mine ]
The urge to just ball my eyes out right this second is stronger than my desire to live, honestly. I stare at my laptop screen, at my essay which is a total of 2 words. My name. It's an essay that counts for 30% of my final grade and it's due in 9 days. Last night, I was chilling in my bed, scrolling through Pinterest when a reminder that I had set to remind me that the due date is in 10 days went off. Today I woke up at 7 a.m to begin the essay. It's now 11:17 and all I've written is my name. I rest my head on the back of the couch, closing my eyes, trying not to panic but the sudden banging on the door only makes my nerves worst. The banging continues and I know for a fact who's behind the door.
"For fuck's sake, I'm coming!" I yell over the noise.
I open the door only to come face to face with Chan's smirk. He has both of his hands resting on each side of the door, looking down at me. His position makes him look a little taller than he is.
"Hi." He says, wiggling his brows. I know that face.
"Whatever it is, the answer is no." I sigh, looking at him with a straight face.
He groans and pushes me aside. "I haven't said anything yet, stop being so negative."  He pops down on the couch. I close the door and walk towards the fridge.
"I don't have to hear it, I know you." I grab a bottle of strawberry milk from his stash that he keeps in my fridge. "And I know that whatever you want to do, I don't want to be involved" I sit down beside him, giving him the bottle.
He takes 3 giant sips before speaking. " At least hear me out first."
I turn to face him, placing my elbow on the back of the couch. "Fine, speak."
A huge smile spreads on his face as he copies my position.  "So" He clears his throat. "We are throwing a party this weekend-"
"Absolutely no" I face forward and reach for my laptop but he grabs my elbow to pull me back.
"You didn't even let me finish"
"You don't have to" I pull my hand out of his grip. "I have a really important essay that I have to submit in 9 days. I don't have time for parties."
He runs his hand through his hair and I notice some new rings on his fingers. I grab his hand, bringing it closer to my face.
"Did you get new rings?" I cut him off just when he was about to speak, trying to change the conversation. He rolls his eyes.
"Don't change the subject y/n" He pulls his hand away after letting me take a look at them for a few seconds "You haven't been to a party since my birthday. Come on, have some fun"
"I've been really busy" I stare at the wall in front of me. "With college and stuff."
"Bullshit" He crosses his hands. "All you do is stay in your room, rewatch stupid tv shows, and read fanfics."
"Hey, don't call 'The vampire Diaries' stupid" I point my finger at him.
He grabs it and lowers it from his face. "You're coming. Your depressive episode must come to an end and as your best friend it's my duty to make it happen."
I bring my knees to my chest. "I'm not depressed, I just-"
"Y/n" He places his hand on the back of my head, playing with my hair. "I know you and I can tell when things are not okay. You don't go out anymore, you're skipping classes, you're always in your room and you don't hang out or talk to any of us anymore." He shakes his head "You don't talk to me anymore." He stares at me with a sad look on his face.
My heart hurts at the sight. I don't want him to think that he's doing anything wrong when it's completely my fault. It's been a couple of months that I've been feeling like that. I don't find anything that exciting anymore. I don't enjoy parties like I used to. I can't focus on college or even study. I just feel heavy and tired of everything.
"Please talk to me." He stops playing with my hair and grabs the back of my neck to turn my head towards him. "You know I'm here for you and if something is wrong I want to know"
"I know Channie, but I don't really wanna talk about it you know?" I offer him a smile. The best one I can manage and he drops his hand in defeat.
"At least come to the party with me." He says with pleading eyes. "One night. Forget everything for one night and just have fun."
I haven't been to a party in ages but I'm not really feeling it. I wish I did cause I really miss everyone. Honestly, it seems exhausting to me right now but the puppy eyes Chan is giving me and the way his bottom lip is poking out make me soft inside.
"Ugh, fine I'll come." I groan. His smile takes over half of his face and I can't help but smile at the sight.
"It's going to be a good one, I promise " He stands and drowns the rest of his drink. "It's a great chance to meet some of my friends from the studio."
Chan is a music major and since he's a senior he's spending most of his time in the studio working on his music. He's graduating in a few months and he's pretty set on working in the music industry. He met a couple of guys last year and bonded with them a lot over their mutual love for music. Now they're something like a group and spend hours in the studio, creating songs and sending their work to record labels, hoping to get signed. He's been going on and on about them and how I would really like them.
"Mmm, I would like to stick to the familiar friend group, thank you very much"
He rolls his eyes "Shut up, don't be a bitch, and wear something nice." He grabs his jacket and walks towards the door. "No hoodies or baggy jeans." He turns around again and points his finger at me. "I want the slutty version of you back, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 10."
For the past few weeks, I've been in nothing but sweats and hoodies, occasionally I would maybe wear a pair of jeans. So my reflection in the mirror is a strange sight. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday noon and I've been really careful with my diet the past week but still, my body never changes in my eyes. I stare at myself and move around a bit, trying to feel even a tiny bit of confidence in my outfit but the black dress is still too tight for my liking. I shake my head and sit on my bed to put my heels on. They're not too high, just enough to give me just a little boost. As I'm running around the room trying to gather all the things I need to put in my bag I hear the familiar, loud banging on the door. I quickly throw everything in and make my way towards the living room. I open the door before he has a chance to bang his fist a second time and his eyes immediately widen, scanning me from head to toe.
"Holy fuck y/n," He moves around me to see the full outfit. "You look hot. I had honestly forgotten what your legs look like. Thanks for reminding me." He lifts a brow at me.
I roll my eyes, laughing "Stop it, we're late, let's go" I grab my jacket and push him out the door.
The drive to the frat house was short as usual. It's only about 10 minutes from mine and Emma's apartment but since it's freezing outside and I'm wearing heels I told Chan to come pick me up and he was happy to do so. Going on late-night car rides is one of our favorite things to do together and something we haven't done in a while. The frat house is as crowded as ever but I didn't expect anything less. I shiver as we walk towards the entrance, mentally cursing myself for not wearing thicker tights under my dress. Chan takes my hand in his as we walk inside the house. He pushes through the crowd, leading me to the kitchen. The kitchen of the frat house is pretty large and not as crowded so it's easy to spot Hyunjin's long, blonde hair. He's making out with Jisoo who seats on top of the counter. It's a sight everyone has gotten used to since they started hooking up almost a year ago, yet I don't think the have made it official yet. Still, everybody knows that they're together.
"Get a room" Chan yells. He lets go of my hand and walks over to Felix to make himself a drink. I laugh at how they don't even acknowledge him and continue to heavily make out. I make my way towards Felix and wrap my hand around his neck. I've missed him so much. Hyunjin and Felix are both dance majors, that's how I met them and we started hanging out almost immediately. Due to the classes that we saw each other almost every single day until I started skipping. I also would pass on our afternoon practices, so I think it's been almost 2 weeks since I saw them.
"Hi Felix." I smile at him. He turns his head and his eyes widen a bit before disappearing due to his smile.
"Oh my god y/n. " He pulls me into a hug. "What are you doing here?"
"I wouldn't miss the biggest party of the semester"
"The biggest party will be on New Year's, stupid. Why haven't you answered any of my texts or calls?" He pulls away but keeps me at arm's length by my shoulders.
"She hasn't been answering you either? Thank god, I thought she was mad at me" Hyunjin appears at my side and pulls me into a side hug.
"I've just been crazy busy lately, sorry for disappearing on you guys" I reach for the vodka.
"Let me." Felix stops me and begins to make me a drink. Chan walks back to us with I red cup in his hand.
"The party is crazy." He says and Hyunjin nods smiling.
"Yeah, and we're just getting started" He lifts his cup to us and walks back to the living room.
"Here." Felix presses a red cup into my hand. I bring it to my nose.
"It's vodka redbull."
"Aw, you remember my favorite" I take a sip. I've missed the taste of alcohol.
"Cheers to your comeback" He lifts his own cup. "Bottoms up" . . . . . 3 cups later, I'm in the middle of the living room dancing my ass off. I'm tipsy at this point and the happiest I've been in days. The alcohol, the music, and the sweaty bodies around me are enough for me to forget everything that's been going on in my head. Chan was right, the party is crazy. There are people half naked, dancing on top of tables, couples having sex in all the possible places in the house, and unconscious bodies laying on the floor and couches. I move my hips to the music, completely lost in my own word with Felix dancing in front of me. Suddenly I feel a hand on my lower back and I instantly tense up. I look behind me and I relax as my eyes meet Chan's red eyes. He must have been out smoking, god knows what.
"Come with me. " He grabs my hand and makes his way out of the dancing crowd.
"Why are you dragging me away? I was having fun." I whine as he leads me into another living room area beside the kitchen.
"I told you I want you to meet my friends" He stops in front of the couch where 3 guys are sitting, talking among themselves.
"Guys this is y/n, the friend I was talking about " All 3 of the guys look up at us, pausing their conversation.
"Y/n, this is Jisung, Changbin and Seungmin." Chan points at them in order and then takes a seat on the couch beside Seungmin.
"Hi, nice to meet you guys" I wave awakrdly and move to take a seat on the coffee table in front of them, since the couch is full.
"Chan has been talking about you none stop, so we're glad we finally get to meet you." The guy named Jisung says, smiling. His smile is attractive. Well, he's attractive. His hair is dark brown and a bit on the longer side, coming down to his jawline, he's dressed and a simple black button-up with the top 2 buttons open exposing his quite wide chest.
"Yeah, Chan has been talking about you guys a lot too." I return his smile.
"Are you a music major as well?" Changbin asks.
"Um, no I'm a dance major. "
"That's really cool. How do you know Chan?"
"I met him on my first day of college actually, I was lost and I asked him for help-"
"And the rest is history" Chan finishes my sentence with a chuckle.
"There you guys are." I turn my head to see a guy dressed in all black with a red cup in his hand walking towards us and sitting on the arm of the couch next to Chan. He doesn't even acknowledge me until Chan speaks up.
"Minho, this is y/n " He nods his head in my direction and the guy's eyes turn to me. I instantly freeze, my mind recognizing his face immediately. Bits of memories flash through my eyes, of the night I saw Jackson fucking another girl, the rude stranger on the rooftop, and the terrible hangover I suffered the next day. His eyes also freeze, mouth parting slightly as he scans me up and down before blinking. I couldn't stop thinking about that night for months, replaying our conversation over and over in my head or at least what I remembered, and trying not to forget his face. I was silently searching the campus for him since that night, hoping he was a student here but a guy as gorgeous as he was wouldn't go unnoticed by the girls here. I let my eyes study him a bit more. He looks almost the same as I remember.
"Y/n this is Minho."
So his name is Minho.
It's hard to tell if he fully remembers me or if he even wants to in front of everyone so I choose to play it safe.  "Nice to meet you, Minho" I smile, offering my hand. Instead of taking it like a normal person would he just nods in my direction before taking a sip of his drink. My lips form a tight line, embarrassment swallows me whole when I feel everyone's eyes on me.
"Where were you? " Seungmin clears his throat at the awkward interaction "You've been gone for like half an hour."
"Our boy got laid" Changbin's pushing Seungmin with his shoulder but Minho just rolls his eyes at them.
"I wasn't fucking, I went outside for a smoke and some peace and quiet, this party is fucking crazy." He says expressionlessly.
"Yeah, it's the biggest party yet" I comment, trying to join the conversation, unsuccessfully though cause his head doesn't even turn in my direction, ignoring me once again. Well, his rude attitude definitely has evolved over the past year. Chan notices my bothered expression and jumps into the conversation.
"New Year's somehow going to be even crazier." He says.
"Yeah, but on New Year's we're going clubbing right?" Minho asks
What? There's no way. We spend every New Year's eve together. Me, Chan, Felix, Emma, and Hyunjin.
"It's kinda like a thing, to spend New Year's at the frat. We've been doing it since Chan joined the frat house. But you guys should definitely come." I say.
"Well, plans are changing this year." Minho lifts his brows mockingly, his eyes glaring at me in a challenging way. I don't know how that night almost a year ago I didn't curse him out but then again maybe he wasn't as much of a dick back then as he is now. I bite the inside of my cheek trying to control the annoyance that's building up inside me.
Chan lightly nudges Minho with his elbow. "What?" Minho stares at him blankly.
"Anyway" Chan clears his throat "We'll see". At that, I roll my eyes. Chan's always the person trying to avoid any conflict. I, on the other hand, usually start them cause I'm physically unable to keep my mouth shut.
"Chan told us that you're helping him write most of his lyrics" Jisung changes the topic.
It takes me a second to snap out of my thoughts and turn to Jisung. "Um, yeah I really enjoy writing, it comes quite easily to me, so whenever Chan is writing I love to join."
"She's really good at guitar as well. She's helped me with tons of pieces whenever I was stuck" Chan adds, resting his elbow on his knees.
"You play guitar?" Changbin's eyes widen a bit, and I can feel my cheeks heat up at the sudden attention that Chan put on me. He loves going that, putting me in the spotlight, and pushing himself in the background.
"Well, I knew the basics, but Chan was the one to actually teach me." I give him most of the credit but he just smirks and waves me off with his head.
"So you write and play music? How come you're not a music major?" Seungmin asks.
"It takes a lot more than just playing a few chords on the guitar and writing some lines to major in music Seungmin." Minho says before I have the time to answer, leaning back to look at Seungmin behind Chan's back.
Honestly, if it wasn't for Chan I would have asked him what's his fucking problem right in his face but the last thing I wanna do is create an uncomfortable situation. Chan's friends seems genualy nice and he's been wanting me to meet them for so long. So instead, I poke the inside of my mouth with my tongue and release a loud sigh, not bothering to hide my annoyance.
"I think I'm going to find Jisoo, she was looking for me earlier." I focus my eyes on Minho, who stares back at me as I get up from the table. I break eye contact with him and turn to the rest of the guys. " It was really nice meeting you guys." I offer them a smile before turning around and walking towards the kitchen area, deciding to calm my anger with some alcohol. . . . . . . .
My anger towards Minho and his dick-like behavior has almost disappeared after 5 more shots of tequila. I force myself to ignore the millions of questions that fill my head about him and have fun. It's fine that he doesn't remember me or if he wants to be an ass  I tell myself over and over as I find myself searching the party with my eyes for any sign of him. It turns out the rest of his friends are actually really fun and I've been dancing and drinking with them for the past hour.  Chan introduced his friends to the rest of the group and everyone loved them. At this point, everyone is drunk and dancing like there is no tomorrow. I've been dancing mostly with Jisung and Felix, Hyunjin and Jisoo have excused themselves upstairs, Chan has taken over as the Dj after complaining for almost an hour about the shitty music they've been playing, Changbin is completely wasted and dancing like a maniac making everyone laugh and Emma has been mostly dancing and talking with Seungmin. As I'm dancing between the guys, I noticed Emma and Seungmin leaving the dance floor and sitting on the couch a few feet away and I smile. From the minute Chan introduced them, they've only really talked to each other. Emma is my best friend and roommate and a few months ago she and her boyfriend of 2 years broke up after she caught him cheating. She was completely shattered and hasn't really talked or hooked up with anyone since, she closed herself entirely, so seeing her talking to Seungmin makes me really happy cause as far as I've seen he's a great guy.
"I'm going to get a drink" I yell at the boys over the music at which they nod and I try to push my way out of the dancing crowd. I reach the kitchen, sporting only about 5 or 6 people chatting among themselves, and walk directly towards the drinks. I'm definitely more than tipsy at this point but not completely wasted like most of the people at this party. I grab a cup and begin to pour some vodka when a voice makes me completely freeze in place.
"Y/n?" I slowly turn around and come face to face with the one person that I wish I'd never spoke to again, the guy that I thought I loved, and the guy who broke my heart a year ago like it was nothing. I look up at his face and he smiles a bit. The sight is almost painful.
"What are you doing here Jackson?" I say, trying to keep my voice as steady as I can.
He stares at me for a bit before running a hand throw his hair, smiling at the floor. "I heard that it was going to be one of the biggest parties and you know me" He grabs the cup from my hand and drowns the vodka I poured earlier. "I'm a sucker for a great party"
I narrow my eyes at him. "Yes. Sadly, I know you." I'm surprised at how he and his friends managed to sneak in here without Chan, Felix or Hyunjin seeing them but then again there are close to 100 people here.
"Come on, don't be like that Y/n" He shakes his head and looks behind him, at the rest of his friends that are chatting with some girls by the kitchen entrance, probably making sure that none can hear us. "You know I tried talking to you but you pushed me away every single time." He takes a step closer to me and I instinctively take one backward, hitting the counter.
"We don't have anything to talk about, you are a manipulative piece of shit. I opened up to you and you played me like a fool. Everything was a fucking lie, all of our talks and moments, everything was fake." I try not to raise my voice but I can feel my emotions getting the best of me as my eyes begin to water. Ever since we broke up, almost a year ago, I haven't talked to him at all. I occasionally saw him around campus or at parties but only from afar. With Chan, Hyunjin, or Felix beside me, he never had the chance to come and talk to me.  All of the words that I never got to say and all of the things I realized while being away from him are now spilling out of me.
He wets his lips and places his hands on the counter trapping me. My heart races almost instantly at his movements but I try to keep my face straight. "You know, that I wasn't faking shit y/n, I just made a mistake, I should have told you, I know but I'm trying to change. I wanted to apologize about what happened but-"
"Don't you even dare" I hold my hand up between us. "Don't even dare apologize about what happened. The way you were treating me is unforgivable," I say slowly and then push lightly at his chest forcing him to take a step back. It's funny that he thinks that the reason of our break up was the pathetic lies and the fact that I was simply a bet for him, when in reality that was the cherry on the cake. "Now please, get the fuck away from me. I can't even stand to be near you." I try to walk past him but he grabs my wrist and pushes me back to the counter.
"You never let me fucking explain." He raises his voice at me and suddenly I'm back in his apartment, pushed against the wall. The familiar feeling of fear spreads down my spine.
I swallow hard. "I don't wanna hear shit Jackson, leave me the fuck alone" I once again try to walk away but he forcefully grabs me by my arm, making me slam into his chest.
"You're not going anywhere until you hear me out" I can now smell the alcohol in his breath and it makes my stomach tighten. Some of our worst fights would happen when he was drunk and would lose complete control over his words and his actions.
"Let go of me." I try to free my hands but he tightens his grip and pushes me back to the counter.
"Y/n, please listen to me." His words are gentle but his actions are rough and painful causing me to wince.
"Jackson, you're hurting me, let go." Tears threaten to spill from my eyes as panic slowly takes over me.
"She said 'let go'." A voice drawled and my head snaps to the right, only to see Minho entering the kitchen.
"Who the fuck are you?" Jackson relaxes his grip slightly, focusing his eyes on him. Minho's eyes went from my trapped hands to my eyes to Jackson.
"Let her go." His face is relaxed but the tightness in his jaw is visible.
"Is he your boyfriend or some shit?" Jackson releases my hands and takes a step back looking between me and Minho annoyed.
"That's none of your business." I say harshly, feeling a bit more safe knowing that we're not completely alone. He takes an angry step towards me again but before he can make another move, Minho steps in front of me and pushes him backwards. My hand shoots up to my mouth in shock.
Jackson stumbles back a few steps. "Did you just push me?" Jackson's friends make their way beside him after hearing him raise his voice. "I'm trying to fucking talk to her, what's you're problem?" He tries to grab Minho but Mark, one of his best friends, holds him back. I take a step to the right, using Minho as a shield, my hand grabbing his shirt instinctively out of fear. The action causes him to look back at me. His eyebrows draw together and I can see his jaw tighten even more.
"I'm pretty sure that she made it rather clear that she doesn't wanna talk to you," Minho says in a deep voice, turning to face Jackson again. "You should just leave." He grabs my hand "And don't come near her again." He walks past them, dragging my still shocked body behind him, and out of the kitchen.
He continues to walk through the crowd and up the stairs. I begin to feel a little dizzy, my mind blurry at this point. Suddenly the music is too loud, the people are too many and my memories with Jackson are too intense in my mind. I don't even look at Minho as he leads me inside the last room of the hallway. As soon as we enter he drops my hand and walks towards the window. I look around the room, quickly recognizing that it's Felix's. My body instantly relaxes at the familiarity of the room and I sit on the bed. My ears are ringing painfully loud, my heart is pounding and as much as I'm trying to control my breathing it comes out loud, sharp, and quicker than normal, catching Minho's attention. His head snaps in my direction.
"Are you okay?" He walks towards me, his eyes searching my face. I try to answer him, but the words die down my throat and I grip the bed sheets tighter. Minho drops to his knees in front of me.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" He tries to keep his voice steady but his eyes are looking at mine with worry.
"I-I'm...I t-think I'm h-having.." I try to form a sentence but my breathing quickens and panic rushes through my body.
"Hey, hey look at me" Minho places both of his hands on my bare knees, bringing his face closer to mine but my eyes are glued to the ground as I desperately try to calm down. This is not happening.
"Y/n, look at me" His voice is demanding, making me lift my head immediately. His eyes are calm, and his face is relaxed.
"It's going to be fine. Take a deep breath. Focus on my eyes and try to match my breathing." He says slowly, never breaking eye contact. He starts taking deep slow breaths and I try my best to match my breathing to his.
His fingertips make small circles on my thighs. "You're safe, it's going to be alright." My breathing begins to slow and I close my eyes slowly releasing the tight grip I had on Felix's sheets. When I open my eyes, I realize how close Minho is, his eyes are fixated on my face. I hadn't had the chance to notice any of his facial features that well earlier due to the dark lighting of the living room and the distance between us and I don't really recall exactly his face from a year ago. But now that he's a few inches away from me and with the light that's coming through the window and the lamb on Felix's nightstand I can clearly see how beautiful Minho's face is. His hair is a dark shade of brown, falling into his eyes a bit, his eyes are big and almost black but somehow incredibly bright. They hold no emotion in this moment but something about them is warm. My eyes move to his lips, his lips are big as well. They are heart-shaped and full, the kind of lips you would die to kiss. My eyes travel back to his and suddenly a huge wave of embarrassment runs through me. I can't believe I just had a panic attack right in front of him, I can't believe that I saw Jackson and I can't believe how stupid I must look right now. For some reason, Minho isn't really fond of me, and now not only did he see me being embarrassingly weak but I also just shamelessly checked him out. My eyes drop to my hands that are now resting between my legs and then I notice that his hands are still resting on top of my knees. Neither of us says anything for a few minutes but the silence is making me feel even more embarrassed.
"I'm so sorry that you had to see this, I-I don't know what happened. I usually can control my panic attacks well, I honestly don't know what took over me." I find the courage to say, not looking him straight in the eye.
He tilts his head a bit, his eyes never leaving my face. "Do you get panic attacks often?"
His question catches me off guard. "Um, I don't know, I guess. I've been having them since high school, but lately, there've been getting a little worst." I answer honestly. The way he acts and speaks now is completely different than when I met him the first or second time but then again he might pity me right now. I hate it when people pity me. There are a lot of times that Chan looks at me that way and it angers me a lot.
"You don't have to be ashamed. I have a lot of people that deal with panic attacks around me, I'm used to it." He says sounding almost bored like he had this conversation many times before. "Is he your boyfriend?"
"No." I say sharply "We broke up a long time ago."
"Well it looks like you're not over it."
"It's not that, it's just that seeing him again brought back a lot of bad memories" I swallow hard. Minho stares at me, his eyebrows frown suddently, as if a thought crossed his mind and I stare back at him not knowing what to say, We stay like this for a few seconds until suddenly he removes his hands from my knees and quickly places them on the bed trapping me between them. He brings his face closer to mine, our noses almost touching. His movements were so quick and unexpected that I flinched slightly, my hands instinctively coming up. Minho's eyes darken and he drops his head, sighing. I quickly drop my hands to my sides. He removes his hands for the bed and starts walking toward the middle of the room, his hands now resting on his hips and his head still looking down.
"It's him right?" He turns to face me.
"What?" The confusion lasts only second until my blood run cold.
"And it looks like you had to defend yourself way too many times." His tone is a mixture of disgust and disapproval.
My eyes slightly widen. "What are you talking about? You just scared me, why would you do that?" I struggle with my words. I tried really hard to hide what was happening between Jackson and me from everyone and the thought of Minho knowing makes me panic immediately. I remember telling him about it the night we met, thinking I would never see him again, I never expected him to be one of Chan's friends. Realazation slowly starts to hit me, that my secret is no longer safe.
"It looks to me like you were already scared y/n." He stares at me so intensely that I'm forced to look away. I'm embarrassed and annoyed. I knew coming to this party was a wrong idea. I just wanna go home and I definitely don't want to be having this conversation, especially with Minho.
"Look, thanks for helping me with Jackson and with my panic attack, but anything else is not really any of your business. You met me a few hours ago and you just acted like a dick, why do you suddenly care about my personal life?" I get up from the bed, annoyed. Something flashed over his eyes and any emotion and softness that was in them disappeared in a second. He drags his tongue along his bottom teeth and turns to stare through the window. "Just forget everything that happened and please don't say anything to Chan about this" I begin to walk towards the door, just wanting to remove myself from the situation and this party in general.
"Why? Chan doesn't know that his best friend was dating an abusive bastard?" His words make me freeze before my hand reaches the doorknob. My fingers close, turn into fists and I turn around to face Minho's cold gaze.
''It's none of your goddamn business Minho. " I say through my teeth, trying to control my temper. "Just keep your mouth shut"
"Why are you protecting him?" Minho raises his tone for the first time since I met him and takes a step towards me. At this point, I'm boiling mainly cause I feel threatened but also cause he's asking questions that I don't have the answers to.
"I'm not protecting him." I take a step towards him as well.
"You're acting so fucking stupid." He raises his tone a bit more.
"Why the fuck do you care Minho?" We're face to face and I'm angrier than I've been in a long time. I did everything I could to hide this part of my relationship and save me the embarrassment that I would feel if anyone knew. They would all pity me, they would think that I'm weak. I can't even imagine how everyone would look at me if they knew what was going on. It's a secret  I want to keep from everyone and I will not let some noisy, rude guy who doesn't know shit about me change that. Silence had fallen upon the room once again. Eventually, Minho breaks our angry eye contact and sighs.
"You're right. It's none of my business. If you wanna protect that son of a bitch and be that stupid, feel free" And with that he walks past me and out of the room.
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foggyxrayspecs · 1 year
Can you do a one shot of cub standing upright??
Sorry it’s the anon from before
YESSS. Thank you for being patient, friend! You got it! Here's a one-shot about a year and a half after the Security Measures main series. Warnings: dark-ish, sub-themes of human trafficking, heavy pet play Word Count: ~1500 Excerpt: You swallow down your growls. You straighten your spine against the stress. No slouching. Slouching turns to bending, bending turns to curling… You roll your shoulders back and puff out your chest intentionally. Your focus shifts back to your breath — the only thing you can control at the moment.
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IN A WAREHOUSE IN YEKATERINBURG, RUSSIA It took roughly a thousand hours of mobility training and practice to get you here, but you are here on your own two feet.
You stand stoically, a sentinel outside the room where your owner engages in a high-stakes meeting with the Yekaterinburg mob boss. Your hard gaze wills your sight to bore through the closed door. Your auditory enhancements are dialed up to try and catch every sound, including the cadence of Yelena’s speech rhythms as she negotiates for keeps. 
You are dressed head-to-toe in black tactical. Always mindful of your comfort and mobility during missions, Yelena designed your suit to be roomy enough to accommodate any necessary movements. The fabric clings to your body but is not too tight, allowing flexibility without compromising protection. Your hood, a custom piece, resembles a K-9, complete with little ears that stand up on either side of your head. It extends with a longer snout build-out that provides ample space for a muzzle when required while still optimized for breathing. 
Around your neck, you proudly wear your day collar, a symbol of your loyalty and Yelena’s ownership. A simple bulldog harness adorns your torso, providing additional support and security. Plus, you love it when she tugs on the strap to pull you close. 
But it's the footwear that still feels strange to you. Yelena insisted you wear shoes after you accidentally burned the pads of your feet. These steel and supple leather boots have been expertly molded to fit your feet like a second skin. You wiggle your toes, still adjusting to the sensation so different from what you were accustomed to. So weird.
As the negotiation progresses, you study the tone of the voices in the room, Yelena's trademark confidence, and the mobster's unpredictable temperament. The rhythm of their conversation, the pauses, and the inflections become a catalog of information that you analyze every nuance for potential threats.
You swallow down your growls. You straighten your spine against the stress. No slouching. Slouching turns to bending, bending turns to curling downward… You roll your shoulders back and puff out your chest intentionally. A tiny bit of your focus shifts to your breath — the only thing you can control at the moment.
Yelena's determination to have you on more extended missions made her focus on your mobility earnestly. Due to the regulations that required HK-9s to travel in crates in the cargo holds of planes, Yelena wanted to find a way to keep you close to her side. So, she started you on a rigorous routine, retraining you to stand upright after spending most of your adult life walking on all fours.
The training began with early morning workouts, targeting your core muscles and balance. You could sit up on the ottoman for an entire movie as you gain strength. Well, if the movie wasn’t too scary (and didn’t set off your protective instincts enough to lunge at the screen.) From there, Yelena guided you to stand using support from a wall or other sturdy objects, allowing you to grow accustomed to being upright. Climbing up her while she stood was always your favorite exercise, with the instant reward of affectionate kisses and nuzzling.
Gradually, Yelena decreased the amount of support you required. With time and practice, you could stand unassisted for extended periods, your muscles growing stronger as she molded your body through her instruction.
Once you could stand freely, Yelena shifted her focus to re-teaching you how to walk. Advised by Oksana, she transformed the home gym by installing parallel bars and other physical therapy equipment, providing you with stable tools for practice. 
The effort wasn't without its snags. Melina offered her assistance when you experienced unexplained bouts of vertigo during your first steps. She expertly assessed your sensory inputs and made slight adjustments near your vestibular nerve (to reverse tampering from years ago), alleviating any concerns of nausea or dizziness. Your progress kicked into overdrive when you could stop worrying about losing your lunch.   
Yelena ensured the house environment was safe and free of obstacles, so you could no longer leave your toys everywhere. Bipedal-only walking days were implemented inside the house, pressing you to practice on surfaces like wood, carpet, tile, and grass. Yelena remained patient and positive throughout, even when frustration got the better of you. 
She stood by your side with a cane during sessions on the treadmill, gently tapping you on either calf to correct any toe-turning. She listened keenly to your body's messages and promptly ceased training if you experienced pain. She was better at that than you were. 
But the playful moment when you confidently moonwalked backward across the kitchen floor — a move taught to you by one of the widows during some downtime— signaled to Yelena that the time had come to take you out.
You stand at attention as Yelena exits the dimly lit room; her expression is unreadable, and her gun is smoking. Her eyes briefly look up and meet yours, a fleeting acknowledgment. There is no need for words; you are leaving now. You fall into step beside her as you walk down the corridor. Your eyes sweep the area and over her head, knowing that four widows are covertly covering the building but will not reveal themselves unless signaled. 
Together, you and Yelena move in sync, a well-practiced vigilance. Each turn you take, each hallway you navigate, brings you closer to the exit. Yelena quickens her pace, and you adjust accordingly, seamlessly matching her movements. You share an unspoken understanding, a mutual trust forged through countless missions and shared experiences.
Finally, you reach the exit. With a subtle nod, you guide her toward the sleek egress vehicle, its polished exterior gleaming under the moon. The car door opens soundlessly, and Yelena gracefully slides into the driver’s seat. You ensure her safety with a gentle click as the door closes.
The engine purrs softly. With a smile on her lips, she reaches over and opens the passenger door, motioning for you to join her. She whispers with her voice laced with pride and anticipation, "Get in, cub." 
She opens the door for you when you get out of the car. You reach out, then stop yourself. Yelena looks back at you and smiles softly, then reaches to curl her pinkie around your index finger. “You always need a leash, yes?” You roll your eyes. She continues while leading you to the door, “You know you love it.”
You smile shyly with a shrug and sign. Maybe just a little.
Yelena opens the house with her security access, then locks it down when you are both inside. Once in your bedroom, Yelena stands before you, her eyes scanning your tactical gear. “You did a very good job, my cub, and you looked very cool in your new suit.” 
Yelena’s inspections were familiar after a mission, but this time, she had a mischievous glint in her eyes. With deliberate movements, she approached you, her fingers deftly undoing the fastenings of your suit, one by one. 
You stood still, anticipation building as she removed each piece. As her fingers released the buckles of your harness, the straps fell away. When she unzipped the suit, her fingers brushed against your skin, igniting a trail of shivers. The hood was the next to come off. Her fingers lingered, tracing the contours of the muzzle as she set it aside.
Yelena's touch ghosted over the day collar, a silent affirmation of her possession. With gentleness, she leaned forward to press her lips against the lock that symbolized your devotion.
With every piece of clothing removed, you stood before Yelena, bared and vulnerable. Her eyes met yours, a mixture of affection and possessiveness shining in them. She took a step closer, caressing your cheek, and whispered, "You're mine." You close your eyes briefly, then open them, knowing that her claim extends far beyond the physical. 
You take a long breath and sign. Please?
Yelena smiles slowly and nods once. “Kneel.”
A wave of relief hits you, and you can barely help yourself from folding in midair.
As you lower yourself, your eyes never leave hers while your perspectives are inverted. You go from towering over her down to her eye level, then lower until you are on your knees, looking up at your owner.
It's hard to describe the transference. Looking down at Yelena makes you feel protective, strong, and ready. It also makes you feel loving and compassionate. When you look down at her, you see not only her physical appearance but also her vulnerability. You see a person who trusts you. 
But looking up at someone you love can also be a very intimate experience. It makes you feel safe and protected. It makes you feel excited and grateful. When you look up at Yelena, you see her body but also her soul. You see the person who makes you feel happy, loved, and cherished.
After a thousand hours of training to stand and move, it becomes clear that kneeling for her requires no time at all.
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theculturedmarxist · 9 months
It has been clear for some time that US corporate news media have explicitly taken a side on the Ukraine War. This role includes suppressing relevant history of the lead-up to the war (FAIR.org, 3/4/22), attacking people who bring up that history as “conspiracy theorists” (FAIR.org, 5/18/22), accepting official government pronouncements at face value (FAIR.org, 12/2/22) and promoting an overly rosy picture of the conflict in order to boost morale.
For most of the war, most of the US coverage has been as pro-Ukrainian as Ukraine’s own media, now consolidated under the Zelenskyy government (FAIR.org, 5/9/23). Dire predictions sporadically appeared, but were drowned out by drumbeat coverage portraying a Ukrainian army on the cusp of victory, and the Russian army as incompetent and on the verge of collapse.
Triumphalist rhetoric soared in early 2023, as optimistic talk of a game-changing “spring offensive” dominated Ukraine coverage. Apparently delayed, the Ukrainian counteroffensive launched in June. While even US officials did not believe that it would amount to much, US media papered over these doubts in the runup to the campaign.
Over the last three months, it has become clear that the Ukrainian military operation will not be the game-changer it was sold as; namely, it will not significantly roll back the Russian occupation and obviate the need for a negotiated settlement. Only after this became undeniable did media report on the true costs of war to the Ukrainian people.
Overwhelming optimism
In the runup to the counteroffensive, US media were full of excited conversation about how it would reshape the nature of the conflict. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told Radio Free Europe (4/21/23) he was “confident Ukraine will be successful.” Sen. Lindsey Graham assured Politico (5/30/23), “In the coming days, you’re going to see a pretty impressive display of power by the Ukrainians.” Asked for his predictions about Ukraine’s plans, retired Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges told NPR (5/12/23), “I actually expect…they will be quite successful.”
Former CIA Director David Patraeus, author of the overhyped “surge” strategy in Iraq, told CNN (5/23/23):
I personally think that this is going to be really quite successful…. And [the Russians] are going to have to withdraw under pressure of this Ukrainian offensive, the most difficult possible tactical maneuver, and I don’t think they’re going to do well at that.
The Washington Post’s David Ignatius (4/15/23) acknowledged that “hope is not a strategy,” but still insisted that “Ukraine’s will to win—its determination to expel Russian invaders from its territory at whatever cost—might be the X-factor in the decisive season of conflict ahead.”
The New York Times (6/2/23) ran a story praising recruits who signed up for the Ukrainian pushback, even though it “promises to be deadly.” Times columnist Paul Krugman (6/5/23) declared we were witnessing “the moral equivalent of D-Day.” CNN (5/30/23) reported that Ukrainians were “unfazed” as they “gear up for a counteroffensive.”
Cable news was replete with buzz about how the counteroffensive, couched with modifiers like “long-awaited” or “highly anticipated,” could turn the tide in the war. Nightly news shows (e.g., NBC, 6/15/23, 6/16/23) presented audiences with optimistic statements from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and other figures talking about the imminent success.
Downplaying reality
Despite the soaring rhetoric presented to audiences, Western officials understood that the counteroffensive was all but doomed to fail. This had been known long before the above comments were reported, but media failed to include that fact as prominently as the predictions for success.
On April 10, as part of the Discord leaks story, the Washington Post (4/10/23) reported that top secret documents showed that Ukraine’s drive would fall “well short” of its objectives, due to equipment, ammunition and conscription problems. The document predicted “sustainment shortfalls” and only “modest territorial gains.”
The Post additionally cited anonymous officials who claimed that the documents’ conclusions were corroborated by a classified National Intelligence Council assessment, shown only to a select few in Congress. The Post spoke to a Ukrainian official who “did not dispute the revelations,” and acknowledged that it was “partially true.”
While the Post has yet to publish the documents in full, the leaks and the other sources clearly painted a picture of a potentially disastrous counteroffensive. Fear was so palpable that the Biden administration privately worried about how he could keep up support for the war when the widely hyped offensive sputtered. In the midst of this, Blinken continued to dismiss the idea of a ceasefire, opting instead to pursue further escalating the conflict.
Despite the importance of these facts, they were hardly reported on by the rest of corporate media, and dropped from subsequent war coverage. When the Post (6/14/23) published a long article citing Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s cautious optimism about the campaign, it neglected to mention its earlier reporting about the government’s privately gloomier assessments. The documents only started appearing again in the press after thousands were dead, and the campaign’s failure undeniable.
In an honest press, excited comments from politicians and commentators would be published alongside reports about how even our highest-level officials did not believe that the counteroffensive would amount to much. Instead, anticipation was allowed to build while doubts were set to the side.
Too ‘casualty-averse’?
By July, Ukrainian casualties were mounting, and it became clearer and clearer that the counteroffensive would fail to recapture significant amounts of Ukrainian territory. Reporting grew more realistic, and we were given insights into conditions on the ground in Ukraine, as well as what was in the minds of US officials.
According to the Washington Post (8/17/23), US and Ukrainian militaries had conducted war games and had anticipated that an advance would be accompanied by heavy losses. But when the real-world fatalities mounted, the Post reported, “Ukraine chose to stem the losses on the battlefield.”
This caused a rift between the Ukrainians and their Western backers, who were frustrated at Ukrainians’ desire to keep their people alive. A mid-July New York Times article (7/14/23) reported that US officials were privately frustrated that Ukraine had become too afraid of dying to fight effectively. The officials worried that Ukrainian commanders “fear[ed] casualties among their ranks,” and had “reverted to old habits” rather than “pressing harder.” A later Times article (8/18/23) repeated Washington’s worries that Ukrainians were too “casualty-averse.”
Acknowledging failure
After it became undeniable that Ukraine’s military action was going nowhere, a Wall Street Journal report (7/23/23) raised some of the doubts that had been invisible in the press on the offensive’s eve. The report’s opening lines say it all:
When Ukraine launched its big counteroffensive this spring, Western military officials knew Kyiv didn’t have all the training or weapons—from shells to warplanes—that it needed to dislodge Russian forces.
The Journal acknowledged that Western officials simply “hoped Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness would carry the day.”
One Post column (7/26/23) asked, “Was Gen. Mark Milley Right Last Year About the War in Ukraine?” Columnist Jason Willick acknowledged that “Milley’s skepticism about Ukraine’s ability to achieve total victory appears to have been widespread within the Biden administration before the counteroffensive began.”
And when one official told Politico (8/18/23), “Milley had a point,” acknowledging the former military head’s November suggestion for negotiations.  The quote was so telling that Politico made it the headline of the article.
Even Rep. Andy Harris (D-Md.), co-chair of the congressional Ukraine Caucus, publicly questioned whether or not the war was “winnable” (Politico, 8/17/23). Speaking on the counteroffensive’s status, he said, “I’ll be blunt, it’s failed.”
Newsweek (8/16/23) reported on a Ukrainian leadership divided over how to handle the “underwhelming” counteroffensive. The Washington Post (8/17/23) reported that the US intelligence community assessed that the offensive would fail to fulfill its key objective of severing the land bridge between Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine and Crimea.
As the triumphalism ebbed, outlets began reporting on scenes that were almost certainly common before the spring push but had gone unpublished. One piece from the Post (8/10/23) outlined a “darken[ed] mood in Ukraine,” in which the nation was “worn out.” The piece acknowledged that “Ukrainian officials and their Western partners hyped up a coming counteroffensive,” but there was “little visible progress.”
The Wall Street Journal (8/1/23) published a devastating piece about the massive number of amputees returning home from the mine-laden battlefield. They reported that between 20,000 and 50,000 Ukrainians had lost one or more limbs as a result of the war—numbers that are comparable to those seen during World War I.
Rather than dwelling on the stalled campaign, the New York Times and other outlets focused on the drone war against Russia, even while acknowledging that the remote strikes were largely an exercise in public relations. The Times (8/25/23) declared that the strikes had “little significant damage to Russia’s overall military might” and were primarily “a message for [Ukraine’s] own people,” citing US officials who noted that they “intended to demonstrate to the Ukrainian public that Kyiv can still strike back.” Looking at the quantity of Times coverage (8/30/23, 8/30/23,  8/23/23, 8/22/23, 8/22/23, 8/21/23, 8/18/23), the drone strikes were apparently aimed at an increasingly war-weary US public as well.
War as desirable outcome
The fact that US officials pushed for a Ukrainian counteroffensive that all but expected would fail raises an important question: Why would they do this? Sending thousands of young people to be maimed and killed does nothing to advance Ukrainian territorial integrity, and actively hinders the war effort.
The answer has been clear since before the war. Despite the high-minded rhetoric about support for democracy, this has never been the goal of pushing for war in Ukraine. Though it often goes unacknowledged in the US press, policymakers saw a war in Ukraine as a desirable outcome. One 2019 study from the RAND Corporation—a think tank with close ties to the Pentagon—suggested that an effective way to overextend and unbalance Russia would be to increase military support for Ukraine, arguing that this could lead to a Russian invasion.
In December 2021, as Russian President Vladimir Putin began to mass troops at Ukraine’s border while demanding negotiations, John Deni of the Atlantic Council published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal (12/22/21) headlined “The Strategic Case for Risking War in Ukraine,” which laid out the US logic explicitly: Provoking a war would allow the US to impose sanctions and fight a proxy war that would grind Russia down. Additionally, the anti-Russian sentiment that resulted from a war would strengthen NATO’s resolve.
All of this came to pass as Washington’s stance of non-negotiation successfully provoked a Russian invasion. Even as Ukraine and Russia sat at the negotiation table early in the war, the US made it clear that it wanted the war to continue and escalate. The US’s objective was, in the words of Raytheon boardmember–turned–Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, “to see Russia weakened.” Despite stated commitments to Ukrainian democracy, US policies have instead severely damaged it.
NATO’s ‘strategic windfall’ 
In the wake of the stalled counteroffensive, the US interest in sacrificing Ukraine to bleed Russia was put on display again. In July, the Post‘s Ignatius declared that the West shouldn’t be so “gloomy” about Ukraine, since the war had been a “strategic windfall” for NATO and its allies. Echoing two of Deni’s objectives, Ignatius asserted that “the West’s most reckless antagonist has been rocked,” and “NATO has grown much stronger with the additions of Sweden and Finland.”
In the starkest demonstration of the lack of concern for Ukraine or its people, he also wrote that these strategic successes came “at relatively low cost,” adding, in a parenthetical aside, “(other than for the Ukrainians).”
Ignatius is far from alone. Hawkish Sen. Mitt Romney (R–Utah) explained why US funding for the proxy war was “about the best national defense spending I think we’ve ever done”: “We’re losing no lives in Ukraine, and the Ukrainians, they’re fighting heroically against Russia.” The consensus among policymakers in Washington is to push for endless conflict, no matter how many Ukrainians die in the process. As long as Russia loses men and material, the effect on Ukraine is irrelevant. Ukrainian victory was never the goal.
‘Fears of peace talks’
Polls show that support for increased US involvement in Ukraine is rapidly declining. The recent Republican presidential debate demonstrated clear fractures within the right wing of the US power structure. Politico (8/18/23) reported that some US officials are regretting potential lost opportunities for negotiations. Unfortunately, this minority dissent has yet to affect the dominant consensus.
The failure of the counteroffensive has not caused Washington to rethink its strategy of attempting to bleed Russia. The flow of US military hardware to Ukraine is likely to continue so long as this remains the goal. The Hill (9/5/23) gave the game away about NATO’s commitment to escalation with a piece titled “Fears of Peace Talks With Putin Rise Amid US Squabbling.”
But even within the Biden administration, the Pentagon appears to be at odds with the State Department and National Security Council over the Ukraine conflict.  Contrary to what may be expected, the civilian officials like Jake Sullivan, Victoria Nuland and Antony Blinken are taking a harder line on perpetuating this conflict than the professional soldiers in the Pentagon. The media’s sharp change of tone may both signify and fuel the doubts gaining traction within the US political class.
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satoshi-mochida · 9 months
Ib coming to PS5, PS4 on March 14, 2024
Gematsu Source
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Publisher PLAYISM and developer kouri will release PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 versions of 2D exploration adventure horror game remake Ib on March 14, 2024 for $14.99, the companies announced. It will be available both physically and digitally in Japan.
In Japan, the physical edition will be available in 4,400 yen standard and 5,500 yen limited editions. The standard edition includes an art book, while the limited edition includes both an art book and milk puzzle (all-white puzzle).
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The Ib remake first launched for PC via Steam on April 11, 2022 in Japanese, and added English language support on May 17, 2022. A Switch version followed on March 9, 2023.
Here is an overview of the game, via PLAYISM:
Ib is a 2D exploration adventure game set in a creepy, mysterious art gallery. Inspect the area around you, discovering items and disarming traps to find your way out of the strange gallery.
A young girl named Ib visits an art gallery with her parents. While perusing the various works of art, Ib suddenly realizes that she is alone. As she searches for someone—anyone—else, the museum begins to change…
Key Features
A mysterious adventure set it an art gallery full of puzzles to solve.
Pieces of artwork beautifully crafted in pixel art.
Basic controls consist of movement and an interact (speak) button, enjoyable by players of all levels.
Seven different endings to unlock based on player actions and choices.
Upon completion you will be rewarded with the True Guertena exhibit where you can collect the artwork found throughout the game and be able to visit an extra dungeon that you couldn’t access in your first playthrough.
New Features
This game is a remake of the 2D exploration-adventure title Ib, set in a creepy, mysterious art gallery and originally released in February 2012.
Virtually all of the graphics have been updated, with many upgraded and additional effects as well.
Significantly improved screen resolution and graphics allow players to experience a classic in a whole new light.
Brand new graphics for maps, characters, and stills.
Addition of all-new and redesigned pieces of artwork.
Further improvements upon the original concept of making the game enjoyable for players of all level through optimizations to the many puzzles in-game.
Brand new puzzles, effects, and tricks that were not present in the original.
Addition of “Smooth Mode” for improved visibility, allowing players to spot small items more easily and view the many pieces of artwork in greater detail.
New “conversation system” allows companions to offer hints and engage in conversation.
Brand new background music composed specifically for the remake.
Watch a new trailer below.
PlayStation 5 And PlayStation 4 Announce Trailer
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rafiqul01693 · 6 months
Unlocking Success: The Best Use of Facebook Marketing
In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, Facebook remains a powerhouse for businesses seeking to connect with their target audience and drive results. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers an unparalleled platform for businesses to enhance brand visibility, engage with customers, and boost sales. Here's a comprehensive guide on the best use of Facebook marketing to maximize your business potential:
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1. Create a Compelling Business Page:
Your Facebook business page is the digital face of your brand. Ensure it's visually appealing, consistent with your brand identity, and includes essential information such as your business hours,
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contact details, and a compelling 'About Us' section. Use high-quality images and a captivating cover photo to make a lasting first impression.
2. Leverage Facebook Ads:
Facebook's robust advertising platform allows businesses to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. Invest time in creating eye-catching ad creatives, compelling copy, and a clear call-to-action.
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Experiment with different ad formats, such as carousel ads, video ads, and lead ads, to find what resonates best with your audience.
3. Engage with Your Audience:
Social media is all about building relationships. Regularly engage with your audience through comments, messages, and posts. Promptly respond to inquiries, address concerns, and foster a sense of community. Encourage user-generated content by running contests or asking for reviews, turning your audience into brand ambassadors.
4. Utilize Facebook Groups:
Facebook Groups provide a unique opportunity to create a community around your brand or industry. Join relevant groups and participate in discussions, positioning yourself as an authority in your niche. Alternatively, create your own group to foster a sense of belonging among your customers and prospects.
5. Harness the Power of Facebook Analytics:
Facebook Insights offers valuable data on your page performance, audience demographics, and content engagement.
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Use these insights to refine your strategy, identify popular content, and optimize your posting schedule. Data-driven decisions are key to a successful Facebook marketing campaign.
6. Optimize for Mobile Users:
A significant portion of Facebook users access the platform on mobile devices. Ensure that your content is mobile-friendly, with concise and visually appealing elements. This includes mobile-optimized ads, responsive landing pages, and a seamless user experience.
7. Implement Facebook Pixel:
Facebook Pixel is a powerful tool that helps you track the actions users take on your website after clicking on your ads. Use this data to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns, retarget website visitors, and optimize for conversions. Facebook Pixel is an invaluable asset for refining your marketing strategy.
8. Run Targeted Contests and Giveaways:
Engage your audience by running contests and giveaways. Encourage participants to like, share, and comment on your posts to increase organic reach. Ensure that the prizes align with your brand and attract your target audience, fostering a positive association with your business.
9. Stay Consistent with Content Strategy:
Consistency is key in maintaining an active and engaged audience. Develop a content calendar and post regularly to keep your audience informed and entertained.
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Mix up your content types, including images, videos, articles, and user-generated content, to maintain variety.
10. Test and Iterate:
The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and what works today may not work tomorrow. Continuously test different strategies, analyze results, and iterate based on the feedback and data you receive. This iterative approach will help you stay ahead of the curve and adapt to changing consumer behavior.
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enterpris · 4 months
An Education in Attraction, Chapter 13
Pairing: Reader x Gojo
Summary: It's spring when you start your Master's degree. As the flowers and leaves unfold, so too do your feeling for Gojo
Warnings: none
Previous Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ao3: PlaidSparrow
Your mood remains neutral for the rest of the week leading up to classes, and you try to approach the second term with a cautious optimism. 
The first day of your second term is hot and bright, the sun blazes through the window of your dorm and beats down through the cloudless sky on campus. It’s still summer in Tokyo, and the sun has come back with a vengeance after your stormy break.
After spending breakfast enjoying your friends’ company at a cafe off campus, the three of you walk towards your new building across the grounds. As you wind down the brick paths, strong branches block the worst of the sun and a light breeze drifts through the buildings, cooling your face. 
Your first class of the day, Implementing Classroom Lessons, is in one of the newer buildings of the Education division- the warm brick walls and low entrances house the more intimate classrooms and lecture halls for the advanced teaching classes. As your trio searches for your classroom on the first floor, you recognise some of the other students in your program and are struck by just how much has changed since you began classes five months ago.
While you’d felt welcome on campus since the beginning, completing the first term and delivering speeches at the conferences has been a sort of crucible, binding your cohort of students together. Your group follows your peers to the correct room down the hall. 
Full bookshelves line two of the walls and the front is dominated by a long chalkboard, giving the room an intimate, cluttered feel. While you initially hadn’t been fond of the scratch of chalk or the mess it brings, chalkboards have remained popular in high schools in Japan and you’ve come to associate them with teaching. The final wall offers high windows that look out onto the campus and bring in natural light.
You settle beside Saito near the front of the room and prepare a fresh document for notes before turning to face your colleagues and chat.  
There’s a comfortable and warm energy in the classroom- it vibrates with the conversation of your peers catching up with each other and an overall enthusiasm to begin courses. The dusty smell of chalk and the old books makes the room feel homey. 
A flash of silver on the periphery of your vision catches your eye. It could just be the bright white of an open notebook, but you know better. Your stomach drops and you train your eyes on the front of the room.
He’s magnetic though, and you glance back at Gojo for just a moment before he reaches the back of the room and slouches into a seat. He seems as unengaged with your classmates as he had last term. It's a stark difference from the animated speaking and camaraderie he offered you at the conference. 
Even though this room is darker than the previous classroom you shared, he keeps his shades on and head down, even while he idly scrolls on his phone. 
Soon after Gojo enters, your professor calls attention to the front of the room and passes around copies of the syllabus. You center your attention on the new professor and lose yourself in the material. Between the key dates and projects for this course, there's plenty of moving parts to prioritize over your former partner. The rest of the class passes quickly, a blend of instructions and lecturing from the professor. 
By the time he dismisses your class you’ve completed several pages of notes and are already thinking of how to organize your time to meet the reading deadlines. You notice that Gojo's already left by the time you walk out the door. 
When you head towards your second class, you can’t help but wonder if Gojo will be there too. It’s possible that he may have tested out of the Assessments class you’ll have next- after all, with three degrees already completed, he’s surely had more experience with exams and testing than anyone else in the cohort. 
Luck isn’t on your side though. As usual, he enters the classroom nearly late, and finds a seat in the back of the room. 
His presence isn’t enough to dampen your mood though- creating fair and accurate assessments is crucial as a teacher, and you’ve never had formal training on how to build a good test. You try to ignore his presence the best you can. 
Similar to your first course, the majority of the period is dedicated to an initial lecture describing the importance of testing structures, the elements of design you will cover throughout the course, and how this class will build on the courses you’ve already taken. When your professor releases the class, you linger in the room to schedule the first review session with Kuzume and Saito. 
Many of your classmates filter out of the classroom quickly, but you’re too engrossed in your conversation to notice that Gojo hangs back at his desk until you gather your things to leave. 
Walking back out onto campus after a successful first day, you can’t help but feel energized and truly optimistic.
Your renewed vigor makes you eager to get a jump on your first assignments. Since it’s still the early afternoon you stop by the annex of the library and grab one of the smaller tables. The space is so much livelier than when you had visited over the break, student conversations and shuffling pages echo off the domed roof. 
The table is soon covered with the syllabi, your planner, and your laptop as you try to organize your schedule for the coming weeks. You’d managed to stay ahead of schedule last term by managing your time carefully, and you’d like to be just as successful with this round of classes. 
It’s easy to lose yourself in the stream of assignments and readings, and in the first week of the term, you allow yourself to be swept up in planning and school work. You meet with Kuzume and Saito for a “study group,” but so early in the term your session consists more of chatting and laughing together than actual review. 
As the end of summer slowly draws nearer, your days get busier and your nights become long once more, filled with readings and careful note-taking. 
Due to the nature of your classes this term, your professors are very hands on in the lectures and classroom assignments. You’re regularly asked to participate in discussions based on the initial readings and interact with your peers.
Most of your classmates offer their opinions and speak more openly with each other, but Gojo remains silent and distant. Since the symposium, you’ve given each other a wide berth, and you’re sure that as time passes, you’ll feel the loss of his friendship less keenly. Your busy schedule helps to keep him off your mind. 
On Sunday following the first week of classes, you’re enjoying the afternoon in your bright and cozy room. The good weather has held up, and if the gray weather over summer break mirrored your gloomy mood then, this sunny day couldn’t be a better indicator of your mood today. You're trying to get through the next chapter of the text for the Assessments class, and even though you’re not feeling particularly inspired by this author, you’re eager for the new knowledge.
You take a moment to stretch, then light a candle. The section is due for class tomorrow, so you try to pull your focus back to the reading. You crack the book back open, but before you can begin to re-focus, there's a knock on your door. 
Kuzume probably wants to grab lunch, and having something to eat will help you focus as you read. You grab your student ID and crack the door without a second thought, but the man standing in front of your room stops you in your tracks. 
Gojo is here. Now. 
You stare at him for a moment, mind abruptly blank. 
“Hello?” you ask dumbly. 
“Hey.” He peers down over the rims of his glasses. “Can I come in?”
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nurjahan774 · 8 months
Digital Marketing Strategy
Set Clear Goals and Objectives: The first step in creating a digital marketing strategy is to define clear goals and objectives. These goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Examples include increasing website traffic, generating leads, improving brand awareness, or driving online sales.
2. Understand Your Target Audience: To effectively reach and engage your target audience, it's important to understand their demographics, interests, behaviors, and pain points. Conduct market research, analyze customer data, and create buyer personas to gain insightful information about your target audience. This will help you tailor your digital marketing efforts to resonate with them.
3. Choose the Right Digital Channels: Identify the digital channels that are most relevant to your target audience and align with your marketing goals. Common digital channels include websites, search engines, social media platforms, email marketing, content marketing, mobile apps, and online advertising. Each channel has unique characteristics and advantages, so choose the ones that best suit your business and audience.
4. Develop Content Strategy: Content is at the heart of digital marketing. Create a content strategy that focuses on delivering value to your target audience. Plan and produce high-quality content that aligns with their interests, needs, and preferences. This can include blog articles, videos, infographics, eBooks, webinars, and social media posts. Consistency and relevance are key to establishing thought leadership and building trust with your audience.
5. Optimize for Search Engines: Implement search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to improve your website's visibility in search engine results. Conduct keyword research to identify relevant search terms and optimize your website's on-page elements, such as meta tags, headings, and content. Create high-quality backlinks from reputable websites to boost your website's authority.
6. Leverage Social Media: Utilize social media platforms to connect with your audience, build brand awareness, and foster engagement. Identify the platforms where your target audience is most active and create compelling content tailored to each platform. Engage in conversations, respond to comments, and encourage user-generated content to cultivate a sense of community and brand loyalty.
7. Implement Email Marketing: Email marketing remains an effective way to nurture leads and engage with existing customers. Develop an email marketing strategy that includes personalized and segmented email campaigns. Provide valuable content, offers, and promotions to your subscribers, and automate email sequences to streamline your communication.
8. Monitor, Measure, and Adjust: Regularly monitor the performance of your digital marketing efforts using analytics tools. Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, engagement metrics, and ROI. Use the insights gained to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven adjustments to optimize your strategy.
9. Stay Updated and Evolve: The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving. Stay updated with the latest trends, technologies, and industry best practices. Experiment with new channels and tactics to reach your audience. Continuously adapt your strategy based on market changes and feedback from your audience.
10. Evaluate and Refine: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your digital marketing strategy against your goals. Identify successes, challenges, and areas of improvement. Refine your strategy based on the insights gained to ensure continuous growth and success.
11. In summary, a well-rounded digital marketing strategy involves setting clear goals, understanding your audience, choosing the right channels, creating valuable content, optimizing for search engines, leveraging social media and email marketing, monitoring and measuring performance, staying updated, and evaluating and refining your approach. By following these steps, businesses can effectively harness the power of digital marketing to achieve their objectives and drive sustainable growth.
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19 notes · View notes