#3 of them in one moon?? 2 of them the ogs??
object-vault-9 · 1 month
Week 48
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youremyheaven · 3 months
Outcaste Nakshatras: The Misfits & the Misunderstood
Yesterday I made a post about how outcaste nakshatra natives tend to be anti-establishment thinkers and how many of the most well known radicals & revolutionaries of our world tend to have Outcaste nakshatras.
Outcaste or Mleccha nakshatras belong outside the caste system and aren't given a place in the caste hierarchy. Shudra nakshatras are the lowest caste to occupy the hierarchy. Mleccha is considered lower than that and thus outside the system.
(Ashlesha, Bharani, Shravana and Vishaka are the Mleccha nakshatras)
Thus it comes as no surprise that those who have Outcaste naks often experience being socially outcast, excluded and like they don't belong anywhere.
Shudra nakshatras also experience these themes to a certain degree as these two are at the lowest end of the pyramid.
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Shannen Doherty (middle) was fired from 2 shows, Beverly Hills 90210 and Charmed because of issues among the cast members & rivalry between them. When she was starring in 90210, her fellow cast member Tori Spelling whose father Aaron Spelling produced the show, asked her dad to fire Shannen. Aaron Spelling also produced Charmed and subsequently fired her after 3 seasons due to her conflict with cast member Alyssa Milano, who later admitted that she was responsible for a lot of the tension at work. Rose McGowan who replaced Shannen on Charmed also accused Milano of creating a toxic work environment.
Shannen acquired a "bad girl" reputation and was known for being "difficult to work with"🙄I feel like she was pushed into a corner by her male producers and bitchy co-stars and felt excluded among them as a girl from a small town in Tennessee :(
She has Revati Sun, Vishaka Moon, Uttaraphalguni Rising and Ketu in Ashlesha
Revati is a Shudra nak whereas Vishaka & Ashlesha are Mleccha naks
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Isaiah Washington was fired from Grey's Anatomy for using a homophobic slur against gay co-star T.R Knight. Washington has come out saying that this is false and that he said the f word during a dispute with Patrick Dempsey who had a tendency to provoke him (he apparently said: "Isaiah, do you know that white men are the masters of the universe?")
He also said that he was always excluded on set and they tried to pay him to NOT audition for the role. Washington also claimed that star Ellen Pompeo was given millions of dollars to stay silent about Dempsey's on-set behaviour in the #MeToo era, and alleged that she was racist, saying, “She really thinks that she’s cool with Black people like that, but she’s not.” There have been many rumours over the years about Greys being a toxic work place so tbh I am inclined to believe him.
He has Ashlesha Sun, Uttarashada Moon and Jupiter in Revati amatyakaraka
Not everyone tries to expose their former bosses or colleagues but given his Moon in a Kshatriya nakshatra (or warrior nak) I see how he's brave enough to risk everything to speak his truth.
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Brendan Fraser has had a lot of setbacks in his career and for a good period he just sort of disappeared from Hollywood; in recent years he has come out saying that it's because he was blacklisted by the then President of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association who had sexually assaulted him. He did make a career comeback and won an Oscar but man's been through a lot in life.
He has Jyeshta Sun, Krittika Moon & Bharani Rising
Although he has a Mleccha nak in his big 3, since he also has a Brahmin & Vaishya nak, he has enjoyed immense public support and sympathy which not very many other people on this list have. Not everybody gets to make Oscar winning comebacks either.
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Tatjana Patitz was one of the 90s supers (she's the one in the back in this picture) but unlike Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington or Cindy Crawford, she's hardly ever mentioned in conversations about the 90s OG supermodels. She received very little press coverage and unlike the others who've made career comebacks or enjoyed sustained fame, Tatjana kind of vanished. She unfortunately passed away in 2023 from breast cancer and even then I haven't seen the industry mourning for her or anything :(
Tatjana had Bharani Moon
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George Clooney has spoken about how in high school, he was nicknamed Frankenstein because of Bell's palsy which caused the whole left side of his face to be paralysed, his eye rarely opened and he had problems with eating. Because of the constant bullying, he had to move to another school. After a change of scenery and active sports, the disease receded. 
George has Bharani Sun, Uttarashada Moon, Shatabhisha Ketu & Rising and Mercury in Krittika atmakaraka
Even though majority of his naks are Mleccha/Shudra, he subsequently became an A list actor and enjoys immense wealth, popularity and good will. His moon is in a Kshatriya nak and his atmakaraka is in a Brahmin caste nak. He fought his way up.
Amal Clooney was born in Lebanon into a well-off family but they had to flee Lebanon due to the civil war and settle in England. Amal is a human rights lawyer whose clients include refugees. (I had previously spoken about the outcaste nakshatra tendency to be anti-establishment or to dedicate their life to causes which had initially affected them personally).
Amal has Shravana Sun, Jyeshta Moon and Venus in Dhanishta atmakaraka. Due to the presence of Vaishya naks, she gets to support these causes from a position of immense privilege and champions them through her position as a lawyer, i.e, using her intellect not armed struggle or some other form of activism.
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Megan Fox's career was full of ups and downs and for a period she was pretty much blacklisted from Hollywood and labelled "difficult to work with"🙄
She has Krittika Sun, Ashlesha Moon and Purvashada Rising
Even though her moon is in a Mleccha nak, due to her other luminaries being in Brahmin naks she's enjoyed immense popularity among the public for years and has always enjoyed a certain status or level of fame (largely due to her looks but honestly Hollywood is full of gorgeous women, how many enjoy the same popularity or public interest as Meghan?).
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Billie Eilish, Shravana Moon grew up lower middle class and was home-schooled. Even though now she's rich & famous, she still acts like an outcast and "does not fit in".
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Angelina Jolie, Revati Moon & stellium has spoken a lot about being unpopular in school, being a punk, being misunderstood. She has Mercury in Mrigashira atmakaraka and Saturn in Punarvasu as her chart ruler
Revati is a Shudra nak, Punarvasu also experiences themes of being an outcast, Mrigashira nak has themes of abuse.
It makes sense as to why she has dedicated most of her life to helping refugees and championing numerous causes and has even said if she were young now she would never have become an actor. She enjoys immense popularity and is very privileged (lots of Vaishya gana naks in her chart) but to this day she's condemned for her weird behaviour in the 90s and early 2000s and can never seem to shed her past image completely which is crazy because she's not the first or last person to have an affair with a married man (not condoning adultery just saying that it happens all the time in Hollywood and people hardly bat an eye but for her, her reputation as a homewrecker has come to define her).
Claire Nakti had done a survey on nepo babies and concluded that Revati was the most common nakshatra among them. This is very interesting to me because I feel like most Revati nepo babies including Angelina, Jamie Lee Curtis, Robert Downey Jr etc acquire fame that far exceeds that of their parents. It eclipses any privilege they already had; all these individuals are far more successful than their parents ever were. Obviously being privileged helps and this does not apply to all Revati nepo babies ofc but many people mentioned on the list are total superstars who you'd never guess came from famous families, this is to say that they're not famous for being famous or because of their families, they're icons in their own right.
And even with Angelina, she grew up with a single mom and was estranged from her dad for most of her life so her upbringing was rather modest even with the showbiz ancestry she had.
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Olga Tokarczuk has Shravana Sun, Vishaka Moon & Purvaphalguni Rising
Olga is a Polish writer who is known for the weird, quirky, mystical, and philosophical nature of her novels (She received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2018). It can be said that many of her characters live on the fringes of society but have a very strong sense of justice and fairness despite their position that renders them powerless. She has 2 Mleccha naks in her big 3 and a Brahmin one, I thought this particular quote was very interesting because its Mleccha naks who acutely understand the nature of human suffering but the Venus ruled Brahmin nak insists on how being deluded, that our psyches prevent us from seeing the true nature of human suffering. If you saw everything exactly as it was, you'll die. In order to live, you must be willing to be deluded.
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Lindsey Lohan, Ardra Sun, Bharani Moon & Mrigashira Rising plays a social outcast in Mean Girls who tries to infiltrate a popular girls group (despite having a Shudra & Mleccha nak, her Vaishya asc helps her ascend the social hierarchy to some extent). The movie ends with her having managed to destroy the clique of the Plastics and create a new social order at her highschool.
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Miley Cyrus is a Vishaka Moon & Demi Lovato is a Bharani Moon and its pretty well documented how they both didn't feel like they "belonged" or "fit in". They rebelled in different ways and have opened slammed Disney on multiple occasions.
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Presley Gerber who has the word "misunderstood" tattooed on his face has Ardra Sun, Dhanishta Moon, Jyeshta Rising and Ketu in Shravana
Ardra is a Shudra nak, Shravana is a Mleccha nak whilst Dhanishta & Jyeshta are Vaishya naks
As a result of feeling left out, misunderstood, isolated, excluded etc Mleccha nak natives often tend to keep to themselves and are very very private. They are loners at heart.
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This is by no means a comprehensive list but off the top of my head here's a bunch of celebrities who are very low-key and very private. There are no rumours, no pap photos, nothing, just silence (for the most part).
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Denise Richards- Vishaka Moon
Christian Bale- Shravana Sun, Mars in Bharani amatyakaraka
David Duchovny- Ashlesha Sun
Shakira- Shravana Sun
Elijah Wood- Shravana Sun
Harry Styles- Shravana Sun
Saoirse Ronan- Bharani Moon
Penelope Cruz- Bharani Sun
Beyonce- Vishaka Moon
Uma Thurman- Bharani Sun
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L to R
Charlize Theron- Ashlesha Moon
Amanda Seyfried- Ashlesha Moon
Joseph Gordon-Levitt- Ashlesha Moon
Paul McCartney- Ashlesha Moon
Ryan Gosling- Vishaka Sun
Adam Driver- Vishaka Sun
Leonardo DiCaprio- Vishaka Sun
All of these celebrities maintain a pretty low profile and only interact with the press when they're promoting something.
only 30 images are allowed per post acc to tumblr so there will be a part 2!!
I hope this post spreads some light into the nature of Outcaste naks, I have a lot more research that I'll share in my next post<33
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mcyt-trios · 9 months
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The winner of this poll will go on to face Soup Group (GeminiTay, Pearlescentmoon, ImpulseSV)
THE ORIGINALS!!! They're just three stupid guys trying to go to space and make jaffa cakes and they suck at it So bad. Xephos is an alien, Honeydew is a dwarf, and Lalna is their resident human blorbo.
They're the OG ok. And they all sleep in the same bed.
one of the og trios, they deserve to be on here even if they're gonna get bodied
These fucking idiots managed to crash on the moon 3 times. Back to fucking back, 2 of which were rescue missions. There’s tons of animations about the “Hold Space To Slow Down” travesty.
ok so i don’t actually like 2/3 of them as people (lmao guess which you get 3 and the first two don’t count) but the DYNAMIC. the SHIP. the CANON POLYAMORY. also the fuckin. versatility. like they can be dating! they can be engaged! they can be going through the worst angst you can fucken imagine! they can be divorced! i want to study them.
the most poly relationship to ever. no one has ever done it like them. no one will ever do it like them again. they built an alter for their marriage but never got to make a date. miscommunication drove them all apart but they were at their best together. they were home for each other. their love is so tragic its going to drive me up the walls
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sholangagaga · 10 months
What do you think happened to Glamrock Bonnie, using all of your info that you gathered through the game? your analysis on Bonnie's disappearance was really indepth
I was putting off this ask for a while because I wanted to properly gather my thoughts (and I wanted to replay Ruin like another 2 or 3 times just to make sure I got all the lore I could) but I think I have a grasp on what I want to say
BTW, Spoilers under the cut per usual, also, this theory is going by the premise of Ruin's ending. I'll reference my previous theory as well. This is also a carry over of this post.
Now, I had said in that previous post that the three Dufflebag notes told a patchy and incomplete story. Because to me, they do. But in order to decipher the story they tell, you need to think about what was happening in the Pizzaplex during that timeframe. (there's also a couple more Dufflebag notes that help the story as well, I totally forgot to put them in my earlier post)
as I said before, Bonnie and Monty were already co-existing at this point. Bonnie was the bassist, and Monty was just an animatronic with his own attraction (like how Foxy is the animatronic at the theatre and Sun/Moon/Eclipse are the animatronic for the Daycare)
Now I'm gonna preface all of this theory and information with the fact that I do not believe Monty killed/attacked Bonnie.
I simply don't.
I know what the OG Security Breach story wants us to assume, but from a logical standpoint, it simply makes no sense.
Now, let's go through this chronologically. There will be some conjecture here using the information we've seen outright, so please don't strangle me if this doesn't necessarily match canon or what-not.
First, Bonnie was the original bassist of the band. Alongside Freddy, Roxy, and Chica, they were the original cast. (I don't know why Foxy wasn't part of the original band. Maybe he WAS, long before Roxy took over, or maybe they decided Foxy would be better in the theatre/child area since prior incarnations of Foxy weren't considered bandmates, they were simply side attractions for kids)
I think it's pretty safe to say that Monty was enamored with Bonnie in some regard. At the very least, he looked up to him. In the Gator Golf attraction that shows you Monty's rise to fame, you see Monty playing something akin to a bass or a banjo all alone in his swamp. He was a One Man Band, as they say.
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I think his One Man Jug Band probably played in the Gator Golf, maybe he had his own little party bookings there judging by how popular his attraction is. (Like how Roxanne's parties can be booked at Roxy Raceway/Glamrock Salon or Freddy's parties can be booked at the Atrium and main stage)
At some point, Monty became acutely aware of the main band and the stardom they enjoyed. Of course he did, they were the main focus of the Pizzaplex, and the main band had their own greenrooms along Rockstar Row, the FNAF equivalent to the Hollywood Walk of Fame, if we had to compare it to something in the real world.
It seems very obvious that Monty looked up to Bonnie. Bonnie, who shared the same instrument as him, who probably was friendly to him and maybe gave him some pointers on how to refine his playing.
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You can see Monty looking up towards the band, but his gaze is localized on the star and Bonnie. Bonnie is also the only one looking at Monty. I think that, at least at this point, they were on good terms in some regard.
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Now, for what happened to Bonnie. When we look at Bonnie's body, you can see that he was apparently clawed open and parts of his endoskeleton and machinery was removed and taken away.
You might be thinking, "Well, he got clawed open. So that means that Monty did it, of course."
and You'd be wrong.
If you recall, Monty got his claws in order to play the bass. Now why would he need to play bass if the band was still full and there was no need to replace Bonnie since he was still active? This is mentioned in the note MONTY UPGRADE
MAINT LOG: MONTY - Montgomery's Claw upgrades allow him to play the bass. Following performances, he mostly uses them to cause damage. The fence repairs are getting costly.
So, whoever clawed up Bonnie couldn't have been Monty. And if Monty had clawed up Bonnie, why did he rip out his hardware when he'd have no need for it?
Now what exactly happened to Bonnie can be tracked through his last night active in the Pizzaplex. Seen in the notice MISSING, we are able to see Bonnie's final movements.
SECURITY REPORT - 12:24AM - Bonnie is seen leaving his green room in Rockstar Row heading East towards the atrium. 2:40AM - Bonnie enters the East Arcade. 4:12AM - Bonnie enters Monty Golf.
Now I went into deep analysis of this in my post explaining how Bonnie is considered missing in canon, so I'll summarize it here.
Bonnie spent 3 hours and 48 minutes following a specific path in the Pizzaplex only to disappear after entering the Monty Gator Golf attraction. It took him 2hr16mins to enter the Fazcade from Rockstar Row, and then 1hr32mins to get to Monty Golf.
There's no reason it should have taken Bonnie so long to move from Point A to B. So there must've been something that he was doing during that long walk.
So my theory is that Bonnie was already injured when he exited his green room and started his journey towards the Fazcade.
My reasoning for this is mostly because of how long it took Bonnie to get to the Fazcade, but also because it doesn't make sense for him to take the path he did in the first place in the middle of the night.
I believe Bonnie sustained his injury and then left his greenroom to find help or someone to help get him to Parts and Service. He trudged his way to the Fazarcade and then went towards Monty Golf. And then something happened in Monty Golf that must've fully incapacitated Bonnie, making it so that he was unable to leave. And then at some point, he was abandoned at the back of the Bonnie Bowl and left to rot.
Now, as for what attacked him, I'm a bit up in the air about it since I don't know what exactly is the true canon-line for the game. I've heard some people imply the Burntrap and Blob ending was deemed noncanon and instead the ending of Ruin involving the Mimic IS the true ending. That confused me because the Mimic didn't appear at all in SB (as far as I recall, and I poured over that game pretty intensely) and in the Ruin ending, you see the area where the final battle against Burntrap took place. (And this isn't even touching on what exactly Malhare/M.X.E.S is, I'm assuming hes some remnant of Glitchtrap?)
After playing Ruin (and using Ruin as the main plotline) I have two theories of what attacked Bonnie.
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Bonnie was attacked by the Mimic (who does have huge, sharp claws) in an effort to either build on itself or repair itself, and then maybe followed or lured him across the Pizzaplex towards Monty Golf. And then it fully shattered him there, maybe using the Hurricane Bucket that was mentioned in the Monty Mischief notice. Then in an effort to hide the "body" and be able to take it apart without technicians or FazEnt getting in the way, the Mimic brought Bonnie so the back of the Bonnie Bowl and further removed his endo and parts.
My other theory is that Bonnie injured himself. Remember, Monty didn't have claw upgrades by that point so he couldn't have been the one to claw open Bonnie. But you know who DID have claw upgrades? Bonnie.
I think in some way, Mimic or some glitch entity (maybe Malhare/M.X.E.S) got into Bonnie's head in an attempt to lure him somewhere secluded so they could harvest him for parts, but Bonnie fought the conditioning much like Freddy had and ripped himself apart to get these strange voices/entities out of him. And then he wandered the Pizzaplex presumably looking for help before he was finished off in the Monty Golf and brought to Bonnie Bowl to be harvested.
This would explain Bonnie's injuries, why the Mimic (or Burntrap if you want to go that route) looks so brand new and put together, and also why Bonnie apparently disappeared without a trace.
There's another notice in the Dufflebags that seemingly adds more to Bonnie's fate, Understudy
MANAGEMENT REPORT - With Bonnie out of commission, we are making Monty the new bass player. Parts and Service has already done the proper adjustments. This could be a good thing. Monty could be even more popular than Bonnie.
This notice apparently takes place before the notice Re-Theme since it takes place DIRECTLY before Monty gets established as the new bass player in the aftermath of Bonnie's disappearance/shattering. However, Bonnie being "out of commission" doesn't allude to anything about his actual fate. It must be that Bonnie disappeared suddenly, and in an effort to smooth things over and re-complete the band, they pushed Monty into the role. As we know, repairing and fixing an animatronic is not a hard thing to do. There's no way Bonnie would be so destroyed that it'd be impossible to put him back together, and from what we saw of Bonnie's condition, it was certainly bad but it's not like he was completely turned to ash or destroyed and unrepairable. They could have repaired him if they got a hold of his body. But it was apparent they didn't, and they had no idea where it was. So instead of rebuilding/remaking an entirely new shell and endo from scratch, they simply grabbed the next best thing and put him into the role.
Which explains why Monty seems to openly use Bonnie's old props, like his glasses and his bass. Monty never had a problem with Bonnie, he idolized him. And after his idol disappeared, he took his place and used his props to allow Bonnie to live vicariously through him. Not to mention how maybe Monty feels responsible for Bonnie's disappearance since it happened in his own attraction, but if Monty was the one who hurt Bonnie then I sincerely doubt the other animatronics would be okay with him taking his place and using his props. Especially Freddy, who was the closest to Bonnie.
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feyascorner · 3 months
random facts about TFBU because i don’t feel like writing at the moment!
1. instead of a bard, tav was originally supposed to be a cleric of selune! hence why there’s so much talk about the moon and selune herself in the earlier chapters hehe. i thought about swapping out the writing but i thought it fit pretty well anyway so i kept it in :)
2. one of the many OG ideas for this fic was an ascendant astarion fic (surprise!!!) the original plan was that tav tries to stop the ascension but fails to do so and astarion manages to ascend. since tav tried to stop him they automatically assume one another to be enemies now. and the entire fic would just consist of tav trying to get away from him in everyday life while he pulls the strings. if they try to get a job? he manipulates it so tav has to work close with him. tav gets a new house to rent? he buys it and becomes the landlord. that sort of thing
3. though he’s not the best TFBU!astarion does know how to play the lyre a bit! tav taught them when they were together
4. i think it’s mentioned in some of the earlier chapters but tfbu!gale already has his orb fixed. but shadowheart escaped shar at the sacrifice of her parents, which adds to why she’s so protective over tav! tav is practically the only person she has left :(
5. tfbu!astarion cannot swim
6. more on number 5 he says in game he doesn’t know if he can swim anymore so i just found this funny and made it real in my head
7. tfbu!astarion brings the comb everywhere he goes
8. tfbu!gale knows basically everything that happens in the house. he just keeps his mouth shut just to keep the peace
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loupy-mongoose · 4 months
I have a very silly question for you.
Which of your characters would you assign as the protagonist to each mainline pokemon game.
(so for example, Randy was the protagonist of your BDSP/platinum playthrough, and Lav is for paldea)
duplicates are allowed
For the fun of it, I'll throw in which starter they'd pick as well. :3
Randy would LOVE to go to Alola, so I would like to have him be the protagonist of Sun/Moon. His starter.... I could see him picking Popplio. Surfing buddy. :3
Akoya I see fitting well in Sword/Shield. If she knew the starters' final forms, she'd pick Grookey. Big cool ape resonates with her. X3
Lav... I'm just gonna keep it to Paldea, and not even share which starter she'll pick.
I can also see Momo being in Sw/Sh, picking the go-getter Scorbunny. I feel like she would really get into the sports theme it has going. Also the giant Pokemon. XD
Midas I could see being in Black/White (maybe the 2's as well, but more so the first ones). With me seeing him as a Grass type trainer, he'd probably pick Snivy. (It could be fun to have him train the stereotypical "Smugleaf", lol)
Alola (Su/Mo) also feels like a good match for Persim, but it's hard to decide which starter he'd pick. He really wouldn't be a great trainer, per se. I feel like Litten would pick him, and drive him to be a better trainer. XD
Rosemary... Hmmmmmm.... Maybe she'd hear tales of Hoenn from her dad, and go on to be the protagonist of Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, or more likely, Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire. She'd absolutely pick Torchic, assuming she knew their final forms. Blaziken is just her type.
I'll throw in the Branch crew too, why not~
Jovial I could see in Kanto--FireRed, LeafGreen, Let's Go. (maybe the OG GameBoy games, but I don't like playing them lol). She'd pick Squirtle.
Nicodemus I feel would be in HeartGold/SoulSilver (or the OGs). He'd pick Chikorita for it's chill vibe.
Pari... It's actually really hard to see her becoming a trainer. She already went alongside some trainers on their journey, and had a front-row seat to the trials and dangers they went through. So she might be a bit hesitant to do it herself. She'd much rather tag along with one of her human friends should they do another trainer journey. Mostly to protect them if something happened.
I don't know if that's what you meant, but I hope it was enjoyable nonetheless. X3
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alexxncl · 2 months
masterlist | all lessons | lesson 35 | lesson 37
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MEPHISTOPHELES WHEN I FUCKING CATCH YOU i'm wiping that smug ass smirk off your face. don't play about my man's tea (i'm a lesbian)
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HSNSJSDJGD he's so fed up 😭 all the man wanted was some peace and quiet
now the real question is, does diavolo want mephisto to stop lucifer from getting close to mc, or does he want to stop mc from getting close to lucifer? or both? i'm all for a poly relationship between the three of them but i've always been a dialuci girlie 🫣
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oh he's such a dickhead i love him so bad
see lucifer wonders why his brothers behave the way they do. IT'S BECAUSE OF THEY LEARNED FROM WATCHING YOU !!! like lucifer is easily one of the pettiest, if not THE pettiest, out of all 7 of the brothers, but he also knows not to treat people like shit without good reason mephisto deserves all the shit he can get for
1) being racist, for lack of better phrasing;
2) being classist; and
3) being so full of himself that he can't face his own insecurities and projects them onto others
now, i'm all for character development and growth. he doesn't WANT to grow. and as much as i hate him, i love mephisto as a character. he's basically a representation of the way high society treats those that they think are "lesser" than them, even after being shown time and time again that their views and belief systems are outdated and bigoted. he and diavolo are foils almost. raised in same sphere, though mephisto definitely has had impostor syndrome for his entire life and it SHOWS
i wish we got more bits of him not being a pretentious asshole but i also think the pretentiousness adds to his value as a character yk yk
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i'm calling it now, this is how he became immortal | this is also why back in season 1 of nb (i think) thirteen said that his soul wasn't as shiny as mc's anymore. it was corrupted by whatever he saw or whoever he met in the underworld. more on this here
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moments like these are what i need. more depth and insight om mephisro to person, not mephisto the noble. he's such an interesting character and i feel like we only ever get a tiny glimpse of it every once in a blue moon
also, i wonder how his stance on humans now changed in the future, bc we know he was a bitch to mc on the basis of their identity in the og game
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god i hate this. i knew it was was a setup from the jump
lucifer having to defend himself to mephisto, let go of his pride in the process, and now end up being framed for a crime that he obviously didn't commit? all because some racist assholes don't like the idea that he and his brothers are in consort with the future demon king
it's sad that this has to serve as a lesson to mephisto about how corrupt the lineage he was so proud to be apart of truly is, and how he's constantly perpetuating the corruption and bigoted ways of thinking just by acting in a way that benefits that lineage. but that's the way the world works outside of the game, too
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slexenskee · 8 months
can i ask for any details about the hotd/jjk fic?
you mean aside from this lil WIP snippet?
I think I'm gonna call it "Write myself out of the history books" a line from All Time Low to match the rest of my 'Dropping Gojo into fandoms he didn't ask to be in' works 😂
His name is Soren and let's just pretend its Valyrian when in actuality it's just one of my favorite Fire Emblem characters (I feel like Gojo would appreciate that though, prolly a Soren stan himself lol)
His dragon hatches in his crib and idk I headcanon that Rhaenyra would wait to let him name it himself because she probably did the same with Syrax? But then 2 yr-old Gojo is like 'her name is Blue Eyes White Dragon' and Rheanyra is like 'wtf no' and also, this is why you shouldn't let kids name their own damn dragons. Rhaenyra refuses to let him name his dragon after what she doesn't realize is a Yu-gi-oh card, and in they settle for Sylvion, which she thinks is just some obscure Valyrian word/reference his 'Uncle' Daemon taught him, but is in fact a Pokemon that bears striking resemblance to his dragon. It's one of Dreamfyre's eggs, mostly bright white, with blue accents and some slight pink in the membranes, hence, Sylvion. Which is also Gojo's favorite pokemon, so he's two for two with references in this life.
He knows damn well that Daemon is not his Uncle, and they (Rhaenyra, Daemon, Laenor) all know he knows even if they collectively don't acknowledge it. He's Daemon and Rhaenyra's 'accidental brothel baby' that she had to get shotgun wedding'd to Laenor for, which is why he's much older than canon-Jace.
The age gaps are: Satoru/Soren (0), Aegon (+2), Helaena (-1), Aemond (-2), Jace (-3), Luke (-4) idk if Joff or Daeron will be in this.
Aegon is in love with him literally at first sight. He's going to PINE FOREVER. Like so much angst when he realizes he doesn't just adore his nephew in a purely platonic sense - which his mother/grandfather already dislike - but is in fact homosexually and audaciously in love with him lol. He definitely tries to fuck himself out of his own gayness, which absolutely does not work, esp when he starts ending up gravitating to regular female whores to male whores who all bear a striking resemblance to his nephew.
Does Gojo know? Hmm yes but not really. It doesn't even cross his mind even though he is also very gay, and also knows incest is casually a normal thing in the Valyrian family. But to him, Aegon is his uncle, and also a man in a 'don't say gay' world, so he kind of intentionally doesn't look too deeply into it. He does notice Egg is very attached to him, but he's not sure how much of that is familial and platonic and just Egg's very handsy personality versus romantic. They played a lot together as kids, slept in the same bed etc back when they were young enough it didn't mean anything, and obviously Gojo never felt that way about what he thought was a 'cute sticky dumpling of a kid who thinks he hung the moon' so it'll be a longgg and difficult shift for him to see Egg in any other way.
Aemond worships him in a strictly platonic sense that totally feeds his god complex. Gojo is literally the warrior reborn to him. He's a one man army and everyone knows it and he's so out of any mortal's league instead of being jealous about it Aemond just straight up adores him like a god. Daemon and Laena don't get together in this fic (RIP Baela and Rhaena) so Laena is still alive and has Vhagar, so idk maybe Aemond has Vermithor.
On a related note, everyone worships him as a god (or a Valyrian devil, *ahem* Hightowers *ahem*) bc to them he may as well be one. He has all his OG powers, he's invincible and untouchable and literally unstoppable. He achieves infamy the world over during Stepstones Round 2 where he absolutely obliterates an entire army and a few islands besides. He straight up asks his 'grandfather' Corlys if he should just eradicate the whole island chain and permanently solve the problem. Of course, the story gets convoluted with the whole medieval 'he said she said' chain of communication so there are plenty of non-believers still. LOL jokes on them.
He adores Rhaenyra. Like he likes Laenor a lot, and is partial to his little brothers (yes Jace and Luke exist, idk if they're Laenor's or Daemon's yet tho. They would't be Harwins bc Rhaenyra took one look at Gojo and was like 'shit he's 100% Valyrian its gonna look weird as hell if his siblings dont look like him at all') and has a soft spot for his 'Uncle' Daemon, but the reason he even bothers to stick around and not just fuck off to Essos to raise his own empire is because of her. I headcanon Gojo to have zero relationship with his parents in JJK - which unfortunately is expected from 'the patriarch' aka his father, but deeply hurt him in regards to his mother, who also cared nothing for him. Yes total double standard, but that's patriarchy for you. Anyway Rhaenyra is the opposite - she cherishes him from day 1, and whether that's because she truly loved him at first sight or just loved the idea of a child of hers and Daemon's who knows. But she doted on him and took care of him in a way anomalous for mother's in Westeros, and Gojo always took note of that. He'd burn the world for her - or in this instance, cower it into submission so she can have her throne in peace.
He doesn't mind playing the 'radiant prince' for her, being the faultless and impossibly perfect heir to the throne, because he knows it strengthens her claim immeasurably when his achievements so obviously outshine her direct competitor (Egg, who in fact does not give a shite about the throne and just wants to run away on his dragon with Soren). He even quietly submits himself to the idea of taking a wife because he knows that's also expected of him, although he plans on copying Laenor and having some threesome magic going on. Will that have to come to pass though? Hmm idk yet
THERE WILL BE ZOMBIES. No Night King, but I absolutely believe that Gojo accidentally would become the Prince who was Promised. His birth once again upsets the balance of yet another world, and shifts events into motion that would have laid dormant otherwise. Does he bring magic back into world with his birth? That would be interesting. Idk yet tho.
I also believe in the Maester conspiracy, so that might be in this fic too
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vomits0cutely · 2 months
My opinions on Marauders era ship names (my opinions no hate)
— Wolfstar - 7.5/10, I really like it it’s like a wolf howling to the moon but expect to a star, which is strange but beautiful. I’ve heard it sm it’s kinda normal for me idk, it doesn’t strike me that much. ~ Moonstar - 8.5/10, I love this also, I prefer this one tho. This one feels right and just seems more like engaging ig?
— Jily - 8/10, very cute name. Jily is the og name and I love it but.. ~ Flowerpot - 9.5/10 i love this name SM better, it sounds more iconic and rare idk, Flowerpot does different stuff to me. Gives me more love and home-y vides which fit them sm
— Pandalily - 9/10, it’s reminds me of a sunny day with rain: the perfect mix of warm and cooling down. It’s so cute ‘panda’ and ‘lily’ is such a cute mix and I love it
— Marylily - 5.5/10, very cutey I love lesbians friends to lovers. It’s such a beautiful fun name and I think the ship dynamic changes my opinion but I still love it
— Marlily - 6.5/10, sound smooth, I get kinda confuse this with Marylily cause they look similar but they’re still both very cute, I still like this name.
— Dorlene - 5/10, love this ship sm but this name is so weird, it doesn’t spell, sound or look nice. Just gives me weird vibes idk. The ship >>> the name
— Jegulus - 3/10, sick ship, the most known name even though I very much dislike the name. This name doesn’t sound or look that nice, it’s just weird to me but.. ~ Sunseeker/Starchaser - 8/10, much better, more iconic, more unique, more interesting. I like this sm better. It’s also real cause James be down bad for his lovers and is definitely chasing them. I think I like Sunseeker better tho, like Regulus seeking out James and making him fall inlove with him, makes me feels thing
— Rosekiller - 8.5/10, very luck fits their vides it’s just so perfect and I love it. I think it is kinda basic because it’s been around so long, but I don’t think anything else can fit their relationship so well into a name
— Bartylus - 2/10, I don’t really like this shop but the name just makes it worse, it’s just sounds dirty and messy and idk how to describe it idk ~ Starkiller - 8/10, that’s such a better name and is savage asf. I don’t really like this ship but this name is amazing, I don’t why but this name reminds me of flames for no reason and I think it’s real fitting
— Sunkiller - 6/10, sick name, sounds like something that would be a bad guy name like deadpool or smth. Like damnn, this ship is growing my and I think this name is helping. It’s a sick name and it kinda fits their vides, Barty’s part of his ship names being ‘killer’ always fits, and this is another one that shows it so well
~ Darksun - 5.5/10, savage, reminds me of an ellipse or like an apocalypse movie idk why but I ain’t complaining
— Moonwater - 8/10, I don’t like this ship cause I prefer them to be platonic but it sounds good. It’s such a great and smooth name and it’s calming and I just like it. Reminds me of the moon reflecting on water and it look so pretty and I like it
— Rosewater - 4.5/10, it sounds smooth and reminds me of rose petals in a bath with candles and stuff, but I don’t like the ship
— Rily - 0/10, so bad, sounds like that annoying boy that was in your class called Riley and ew ~ Moonlily - 3.5/10, sm better, reminds me of a waterlily and it’s so pretty. I don’t like them together but their friendship >>>
— Jeverus/Princechaser - 1/10, ew, that doesn’t look, sound or spell nice. It looks like it would be like green mold for no reason, I do like Princechaser a lot better than Jeverus tho, but.. ~ Stagposion - 8/10, like something that a person would drink and die from. Like a poisonous drink that you’d find in a bottle with the skull on it. Don’t like the ship, love the name
— Rames/Jamus — 0/10, also ew, I don’t like it at all. It doesn’t look appealing at all, it makes me feel gross. Just looks uncomfortable ~ Moonchaser - 9/10, 10x better, I love friends to best friends and lovers sm and they would be so cute together, I don’t really ship them tho. This name is very cute tho icl
— Jeter — 1/10, reminds me of that saying some white people say after something dramatic happens “jeepers!” Idk why but I think the J is throwing me off. It’s just a funky name ~ Prongsfoot - 5/10, much better, just give me a hella tall person with a tiny person for idk why. I don’t like this that much but it’s sm better
{idea from @jiangyanlissidepiece )
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beloved-cat-gremlin · 6 months
To all of us hoping that Gregory will be the protag of HW2, I have found a bit of info that might help fasten that theory.
I'm not sure if anyone else has pointed these things out before. So keep that in mind when reading.
Theory rambling incoming from here on out.
So a few weeks ago I got myself this lovely book here.
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And while it is just a general cookbook with some fancy recipes in it, we all know that in true FNaF fashion there is more going on here than it seems.
And boy there sure is, even if some of these are rather obvious. Because throughout the entire book there are added pieces of paper with small notes that contain info on them.
And these little straps of notes are written by none other than Gregory himself. With the notes themselves indicating that these are post Security Breach as evident by these specific notes right here:
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These are very clearly written by Gregory and all tie into the events of Security Breach.
(There are a few more notes mentioning how you should always keep your eyes on the Endos, grab an Ultimate Pass from Bonnie Bowl, Chica eating from the garbage, that you should grab a Party Pass for Fazerblast and use the blaster to stun animatronics, how Moon is and I quote "a nightmare animatronic" and to keep away from the Staffbot flashlights)
But there are even more notes in the book that do not follow the events of the game but rather talk about older versions of all the characters we all know and love. And not just that but Gregory is flat out describing mechanisms from previous games. Like this note:
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Not to mention the note itself is attached to an image with the FNaF 1 office.
There is also notes on how you should watch Bonnie's every move, to never take your eyes off from Foxy's hook and how Foxy's eyepatch doesn't seem to stop him from hunting intruders.
But the most fascinating, and most random note to me, has to be this one:
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A note from Gregory describing Ballora. I could kinda understand that Gregory might have gotten info on the classic four animatronics via searching stuff up, but the fact that Ballora is mentioned here, and only her from SL, makes me think that this is way more important than a random little easter egg.
Because let's take a look at the HW2 trailers again? We know for a fact that the three main games featured in this new one will be Security Breach, Pizza Sim and Sister Location.
And that is the important part, because Ballora was only and only in SL and nowhere else. Heck she was even the first animatronic teased in the first HW2 trailer.
Some people theorize that Cassie could be the one we play as in HW2 because of the Foxy ride shown in the second trailer, and with Cassie mentioning that she had been on this ride before, but here we have a game that includes Ballora and could be a potential GGY prequel where we play as Gregory.
Now we have a book with notes written by Gregory, mentioning Ballora. And not just that but HW2 could be where Gregory got all the info for the older animatronics from.
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We do see that the new Foxy ride attraction includes the FNaF 1 office, which could be how Gregory knows Chica's specific attack pattern and also knows more about Bonnie and especially Foxy. Because outside of cutouts and references and images in SB and RUIN there is no way that any of these kids should really know much about Foxy.
Sure Cassie might know stuff from her dad but Gregory? There is no way he could have known most of this stuff. Unless he played a game prior to SB where he did get to know about the old animatronics.
And all of this isn't even me mentioning how Gregory, somehow, managed to dig up the old news paper articles from FNaF 1, 2 and 3 and put them into the cookbook.
Heck the first note you see from him is of the first location threatened to be shutdown because of the weird odor and mucus from the OG animatronics after the first MCI! Followed by the MCI report itself:
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Other articles that were included are of the original help wanted ad in the paper where they are looking for a night guard. The article about the OG pizzaria closing down. The second help wanted poster from FNaF 2 which talks about the grand reopening in 1987. And the two news articles about Fazbear's Fright opening and then eventually burning to the ground.
Not sure how or why Gregory managed to get a hold on all of these and why he decided to include them in the cookbook. But they are there.
And that's kinda all the info I found myself. I'm not the best at doing these theory things but I'm trying.
Am I maybe digging for hints where there might not be any? Possibly.
Do I however feel that this could be important clues to figuring out more about Gregory? Oh absolutely.
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the-resident-gay · 2 months
top 5 fable ships go
I don't know ship names very well so please forgive me
I've also decided to do 5 platonic and 5 romantic because yes
5. Wetbird- I am a proud Icarus POV main and I enjoy a healthy bit of Vens POV as well. There is something about this ship that just feels very right to me and also they both have experience with Fable so I feel like they'd have this ability when something might set the other off with trauma and stuff
4. Ghaae- The OG polycule on the server and they can do no wrong in my eyes. They support each other so nicely and its just wonderful.
3. Isla/Enderian- The momssss. I love them sm for so many reasons. Enderian being protective of Isla and only soft for her is mmmmm/pos
2. Ocie/Centross- you guys I love them. I love them so much. They are so similar and I love them so much and they're just mmmmmmm/vpos. How to I explain the love I have for these two.
Wolftross- I hold them in my little hands. As a Centross POV main(until the cathedral, ofc), watching this relationship form was one of my favorite things ever. From the castle back to spawn to s3, I love this ship with my whole heart.
5. Rae/Wolf(Nightingstar?)- Okay so I love these two as a duo, and the cast can do what the cast wants to do with their characters. Now, with that being said- something about them becoming romantic didn't and still doesn't sit right with me. I can totally see the two in a QPR, they have a great dynamic as partners, but I just prefer them as a platonic ship.
4. Ari/Momboo- I have seen like three posts about them as partners and I hold them in my hands. The sun/moon imagery. The potential for nicknames. They would be wonderful QPPs.
3. End duo- They're such close friends. They are always there for each other. I hold them in my hands.
2. Ghosty/Momboo- LOTW and the guy she revived. The everlasting friendship. Their beauty as a duo. They are so good you guys I don't know how to sell this please just trust me on it.
Prison duo- I could go on for so long about why these two are the perfect platonic relationship in my eyes. They have similar trauma, saw each other at their worsts, when through so much shit and came out as best friends. Icarus taking off their jacket, which they don't do often, in front of Centross. Icarus letting Centross give them a tattoo. Icarus barely fighting Centross when he took off their gloves. Centross showing up on Icarus' doorstep with a skulk injury. Centross fighting Fable for Icarus. Them, everyone.
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neonscandal · 4 months
some questions about jujutsu I would appreciate it if you could answer me. 1. do you think megumi and itadori are a comparison to geto and gojo? 2. What do you find most tragic about geto and gojo's relationship? 3.if geto didn't exist, who would you ship gojo with? ps; I would ship toji and gojo.
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Answering these out of order to hide spoilers!
3. If Geto didn't exist, I would ship Gojo with Nanami. Nanami would be bothered 600% of the time.
2.Most tragic is the fact that, while Gojo always looked at Geto's soul and accepted him unconditionally, Geto thought their relationship was over the moment he chose to leave Jujutsu High and they never reconciled this disparity while living. If you want an exhaustive list of the things that rot my brain and prevent me from remembering basic things like my childhood and the Pythagorean theorem, please, feel free to read this recently updated and ongoing list. 😭
Lastly, yes, I think ItaFushi are meant to be a parallel to SatoSugu. See below for why!
⚠️ Spoiler Warning through JJK chapter 247.
The comparison isn't perfect but I don't know that it's meant to be.
I feel like I reference Naruto a lot for having not seen it but I'm pretty sure it's a solid example of the generational failures of the Uchiha clans and the Hidden Leaf Village as overcome by Sasuke and Naruto, respectively.
I think that JJK could be a circular story (check out the Rick & Morty progression, in particular) and that SatoSugu and ItaFushi seem to run as parallels. To simplify, we'll break it up by the OG for parallels:
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and Megumi (he got blue eyes when he's supposed to have green.. 💎👄💎)
Born of Jujutsu royalty with a familial technique
Familial technique damns them to a burden of responsibility. Gojo became the head of the Gojo clan, Megumi is bought and sold but effectively abdicates his place with the Zenin
When given the chance, relents to leverage the value of his cursed technique to protect others that they deem deserving. Gojo protects Megumi, Yuta and Yuji; Megumi protects Tsumiki and later, Yuji.
In spite of the above, will execute their responsibilities of a sorcerer but will also pick and choose if they will do something outside of that obligation. Think back to Megumi's moral judgement when it came to those in the detention center and Gojo's willingness to act outside of direct orders because... he could.
Just leaving the visual evidence of these little weirdos
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and Yuji
The Sun characters but not without shadow.
Blessed births, even though Yuji's was... untraditional, it forged him as a powerful vessel with inhuman strength without a heavenly restriction.
Anomalous strength. Gojo for Six Eyes and Limitless which haven't been seen together in one user in over 100 years. Yuji is able to produce Black Flashes at will and at a rate which is canonically uncommon.
Experienced death and rebirth which brought about change in them. Gojo found enlightenment; Yuji, while in hiding, experienced loss, the tragedy of which marked him noticeably.
They both know the alienation of greatness. Both undergo power ups shattering the ceiling of their previously understood power thresholds and go beyond the comprehension or without the knowledge of their counterparts. Gojo, I think, knew that it would foundationally upset something between he and Geto. Yuji probably just thinks he is getting acclimated to the new world he finds himself within and doesn't realize how insane his glow up has been.
Guilt for not being able to save someone "close to them". Gojo, obviously, with Geto and Yuji with Junpei, initially, but that list has grown. Exponentially.
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and Megumi
The Moon characters but they have something worth fighting for that gives them an air of light.
Both believe in and will act on behalf of the weak. Geto believes the strong should protect the weak and keep the strong in check. Megumi believes that if someone cannot observe the basic tenet of don't kill me, I won't kill you, he should exact punishment whether the person infringed on this basic law with him or not.
Despite their code, they still develop or have a discerning application of their morals.
But what happens when that morality is tested? Geto realizes the weak are capable of harm when he discovers the abuse of Nanako and Himiko. Megumi, if he hasn't already, will eventually come to understand that saving Yuji came at the cost of countless lives, including that of Tsumiki, in a way, even if she died by his own hand.
Know intimately the loss of someone they were close with only to find that person returned to them.. but different.
Feeling left behind by the power ups of their counterparts, they are left to their own devices. Notably, Geto spirals into depression and PTSD, Megumi, citing the difference, asks Gojo for additional lessons so he doesn't fall behind.
Doomed by the narrative? or at least by their power. Kenjaku covets Geto's body for the hold it has over Gojo and, possibly, the cursed technique that enabled him to espouse Mahito and Tengen's techniques. Sukuna covets Megumi for Ten Shadows.
Subsequently, both are possessed by something that easily outclasses them but they still are able to rebel when fighting against their counterparts. Geto's corpse strangles Kenjaku in Shibuya; Megumi manipulates how much cursed energy is output when Sukuna fights against Yuji.
Both of them recognize that, despite their counterpart's strength, they are still deserving of concern and worry. This is likely informed by the knowledge of their own weakness and inability to protect.
and Yuji
Outsiders to jujutsu society
Get their power/strength from ingesting something unholy; curses or cursed relics. Either way, both seem to beg the question of how long one can you these things before it poisons something within you?
Earnestly want to help people with a martyr mentality. The idea being, if I am the only one with this power then it's my responsibility to do something; Geto with his role as a sorcerer and Yuji as the only person who can consume Sukuna
Subsequently damned by this noble desire. Geto finds that the sacrifice is no longer palatable after the sacrifices of Riko and Haibara and the abuse of Nanako and Himiko. Yuji experiences survivors' guilt for every slight Sukuna is able to inflict while he continues to live.
A pattern of failure to protect (Riko and Junpei) followed by the loss of a companion (Haibara and Nanami, and what a way for their deaths to mirror one another...) as an impetus for great change in their characters.
The wealth of their goodness has the potential to cause just as big a vacuum of negativity when they break. Arguably this is what pushes the invisible hand that guides the events that radicalizes Geto and informs Mahito's insistence to break Yuji's soul.
Speaking of souls - this idea of their soul's in particularly. Gojo seeing and recognizing Geto's. Mahito feeling the edge of Yuji/Sukuna's soul. We see that Sukuna can aim attacks at Megumi's soul but... why did the goodness in Geto's persist for Gojo to love him unconditionally? How did Yuji's soul withstand external attacks from Mahito and internal attacks from Sukuna?
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Where SatoSugu's fatal flaw was hubris, we don't see that with ItaFushi and that, perhaps, is the biggest indication that they're correcting the faults of their forebears while also suffering the repercussions of their failure.
Gege Akutami could absolutely have the whole story end in flames, don't get me wrong. I would 10,000% be invested to the very last page. There's no guarantee that this is a circular story, that any of these characters find peace or that any of them even survive but I can't help but see the similarities, at least as far these four are concerned.
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youremyheaven · 8 months
Cancer Girls: Baby Voice Edition
I've noticed a pattern with many female celebrities who are known for their "baby voice" and I thought I'd make a post about it. Since Mercury is what affects our voice and style of speech the most, I'll be looking at Mercury placements along with big 3.
Obviously not everyone on this list has a natural baby voice, in fact I'd say the majority of them speak in a very affected pseudo baby voice for which they've become known. I had previously observed how Cancer rashi women do this THE most but here are more examples.
Marilyn Monroe
The OG Ingenue who was known for her breathy baby voice. She has Rohini Sun & Mercury along with Ashlesha Rising
2. Pamela Anderson
She has Ardra Sun, Punarvasu Mercury and Mrigashira Rising
3. Paris Hilton
She has a Pushya Moon and is known for her fake baby voice which her mother claimed she learned from her.
4. Drew Barrymore
She is Punarvasu moon & Mrigashira Rising
Many have noted that a lot of famous Punarvasus have a slightly ditzy way of speaking/demeanour. Almost all Mrigashiras have a very hyper, enthusiastic, kind of frantic and restless way of being and talking. They actually embody "golden retriever energy". I think the combination of these two nakshatras results in Drew's childlike enthusiasm and kind of frantic manic way of speaking and behaving. A lot of people think she's weird 😭but it's just her nature, even Pamela Anderson who shares similar placements has a similar demeanour.
5. Wonyoung
She has Punarvasu Venus conjunct Saturn (both of them are exactly conjunct so idk which one would be her amatyakaraka) and she has received a lot of flak for her "fake baby voice" 😭 Her real voice is naturally deeper and more mature but honestly Wonyoung is such a good example of a Jupiter dominant woman; they are obsessed with presenting themselves a certain way and are very "image conscious", this truly extends to everything from clothes, style, etiquette, speech, voice, absolutely everything. They know exactly what behaviours will elicit what responses.
6. Halsey
She is Punarvasu Moon (atmakaraka) & Mars along with Swati Mercury & Rising
She's known for singing in cursive 😭 but also just has a very sugary high pitched speaking voice. If you observe her even she has a very expressive, animated way of speaking, she's not quite ditzy but she's still almost childlike in her demeanour from time to time.
7. Ariana Grande
She is Ardra Sun & Punarvasu Mercury and she rose to fame for playing a ditzy airhead on Nickelodeon. She in fact spent many years speaking like Cat Valentine off screen as well until she underwent an image revamp in the mid 2010s and adopted a blaccent.
This video shows how when she was younger not only did she have a fake baby voice, she also had a very different slightly ditzy demeanour.
8. Shehnaaz Gill
She is an Indian reality star turned influencer who is known for her baby voice and exaggerated cutesy mannerisms. She is Pushya Moon.
(the interview is mostly in Hindi but you can observe her mannerisms and way of speaking)
9. Melissa Rauch
She has Punarvasu Mercury (amatyakaraka) and played Bernadette on Big Bang Theory where she spoke in a distinctive high pitched voice whereas in real life, her voice is entirely different.
10. Kristen Bell
She has Punarvasu Sun & Mercury. She literally voiced Princess Ana in Frozen. Watch any interview of hers and you will see how expressive she is when she talks, she uses her hands a lot, her face is so animated and its so Punarvasu like🥰
(Tumblr does not allow me to embed more than 10 videos per post so I'll just be linking the rest)
11. Jennifer Garner
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She's Mrigashira Moon (atmakaraka), UBP Mercury, Rohini Stellium (Venus, Mars & Saturn)
She's a very good example of a typical Mrigashira. She always speaks like a very sweet, enthusiastic kid; very expressive, very animated.
Here's a link to her interview.
12. Mandy Moore
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She's Revati Sun (atmakaraka) , Pushya Moon, Mrigashira Rising
She voiced Rapunzel in Tangled and imo Rapunzel is Tangled is a veryyyy good example of Mrigashira behaviour in many ways but especially with her mannerisms and manic pixie like behaviour which makes sense since she was voiced by a Mrig actress.
Here's a link to Mandy speaking
Here's a link to Rapunzel in Tangled
13. Jenny Slate
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She is UBP Sun & Moon and Punarvasu rising
Her sense of humour and how she delivers jokes is a good mix of UBP and Punarvasu
Here's a link to a stand up bit
I've noticed that many Pisces rashi folks (UBP & Revati) are very expressive storytellers and have a very specific style of delivery (Salma Hayek, UBP Moon is a good example and so is Rihanna, Revati Moon).
Jenny has the dryness/deadpanned delivery of UBP mixed with the expressive frantic style of Punarvasu
14. Anna Kendrick
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She is Ashlesha Sun (atmakaraka) & Mercury (amatyakaraka)
She has that typical Cancer girl sense of humour and speaking style
Here's a link
15. Mindy Kaling
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She is Ardra Sun & Moon, Rohini Rising with Punarvasu Mercury
She rose to fame playing Kelly Kapoor who is a very typical Cancer gal tbh, replete with the slightly ditzy, hyper & manic style and mannerisms and squeaky excited voice.
Here's a link to her being Kelly
Here's a link of her as Mindy Lahiri on The Mindy Project
`16. Leslie Mann
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She is UBP Sun, Revati Mercury and Pushya Ketu
Here's a link to an interview but Leslie is such a good example of this ditzy, kind of naive way of speaking. Her mannerisms and the way she delivers is so Pisces girlie of her.
17. Lana del Rey
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She is Ardra Sun, Ashlesha Moon & Punarvasu Mercury
Lana is a good example of an introvert Cancer gal. People often think they're kind of weird and kookie and they have a chaotic kind of manic pixie way of speaking and behaving that it throws people off.
Here's a link, her speaking voice sounds very young and soft.
18.Rose Byrne
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Pushya Sun & Moon, Ashlesha mercury
She's usually more composed and elegant but when she's more comfortable you see that Cancer girl charm come out. One thing all these women have in common is how they like to act out their stories and be very expressive with their face and body; their sense of humour is very silly and slapstick.
Here's a link
19. Emma Bunton aka Baby Spice
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she is Pushya Sun, Mercury and Venus
(isnt it sweet that someone whose alter ego is literally called Baby Spice is a Cancer stellium 🥺)
Here's a link but Baby Spice is also a good example of a less manic but still very cutesy Cancer girl
Many Cancer girls have a tendency to "act cutesy" or "babyish" but also more often than not they are just very in touch with their inner child and kind of goofy and silly.
20. Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen
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They're Mrigashira Sun, Punarvasu Mercury & Ashlesha Rising
If you've watched Full House or any of their movies, you can see the ditzy girly girl behaviour of Punarvasu come out but irl they're more introverted and a little awkward, sort of like Lana and seem funny in a shy way.
Claire Nakti had observed in her Swati video about how Swatis and Punarvasus share certain similarities, I've seen this extend to their behaviour and mannerisms as well. Jennifer Tilly, Mila Kunis (both Swati Moon) and Emma Stone (Swati Sun) all have a very similar energetic girly, sweet and humble but kind of kooky and silly style of speaking and story telling.
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mcyt-trios · 8 months
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Soup Group:
I love them sm. They go raid a woodland mansion together with stone tools on day 1. They go end-busting with only soup a few days later. They all based practically on top of each other and send messages under the river (or through the ceiling/basement in Gem and Impulse's case). Pearl and Impulse got mad at the king so the three of them started a revolution. Every single meetup involves them drinking suspicious stew that more often than not causes someone to go blind. They share a nether tunnel. Gem got bored and they all had wooden sword fights. They put their faces all over each other's bases. Gem still uses the "Behind You Gem! 2.0" sword that Impulse made her at the beginning of the season. There's so many inside jokes between them. Please, they mean so so so much to me <3
They're neighbours. They're going on soup adventures. They're watching each other die in comedic ways. They're slaying each other with wooden swords. They're teasing each other. They have an elaborate messaging system they never use. Pearl keeps making them blindness soup and then the others complain that she's blinded them again and then they'll do it all again next week. They're silly and goofy and so much fun. I love them.
THE ORIGINALS!!! They're just three stupid guys trying to go to space and make jaffa cakes and they suck at it So bad. Xephos is an alien, Honeydew is a dwarf, and Lalna is their resident human blorbo.
They're the OG ok. And they all sleep in the same bed.
one of the og trios, they deserve to be on here even if they're gonna get bodied
These fucking idiots managed to crash on the moon 3 times. Back to fucking back, 2 of which were rescue missions. There’s tons of animations about the “Hold Space To Slow Down” travesty.
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brightsstar · 15 days
Multi theory time! I have a couple theories on Eclipse from today's LAES episode.
LAES SPOILERS! Also mentions of death
So, it seems like Eclipse is getting weaker, and apparently, it's been going on now for about a month or so, according to him. I do want to say i am very proud of him for revealing a vulnerability like that. Og and Backup Eclipse probably would have died before revealing such a genuine weakness to them. So i am very proud of him for being that open, even though he is still hiding more, it's a huge step forward for him compared to the past ones.
Theory 1: The device that Dark Sun may have put in him could possibly be killing him. Maybe unintentionally. It's no secret that Dark Sun may have put a device in Ruin when he fixed him, and he may no longer have a use for Eclipse's, or it may have been installed wrong, depending on how much struggling Eclipse may have done while Dark Sun was putting it in, but i think this may be the less likely theory to explain it.
Theory 2: his Solar code may be deteriorating. Since he was made from parts of Solar's code, and Solar is erased, currently, the code that came from him may finally be falling apart. Something can only last so long without its' source. Honestly i am surprised Eclipse managed to last this long with Solar gone. It may also explain why he said that he will try to fix himself, but he knows it won't work. Like Ruin once said, copying Solar's code would not have saved him anyways. Eclipse's current state could be proof of that. Maybe not quite the way Ruin meant it, but it's a different approach to the same outcome. If this is the idea, then even if they copied all of Solar, he probably would eventually have died again anyways because the source code is entirely gone and the copied code has nothing to link to, yet is also still connected with the dimension the source code came from. I know this is not how it works irl, but it's a fictional world. They have an interdimensional portal for crying out loud. It may not be out of the realm of possibility that this could be the case.
And like Ruin said, anything connected to a collapsed dimension gets erased, no matter where it currently is. Solar's source code was copied to make both clones of Eclipse. And honestly, i expected Eclipse to die with Solar since he has his code. Perhaps his death is just a much slower one that is only showing symptoms now. Either that, or Eclipse was just really good at hiding it until now. He did seem like he had lower energy than normal in some of the previous videos now that I think about it..
Part of me wonders if when he asked Earth both times who she would sacrifice for Solar he was hoping she'd say him? Does he know he's dying? Is that why he asked the second time? Does he know Ruin's back? I don't know if he does know that Ruin is back, but he had said earlier, when he asked the sacrifice question again, that Ruin was off the table. Maybe he was hoping she would say him that time.. it really makes me sad if that may be the case.
Eclipse's behavior kinda reminds me a lot of what some cats tend to do when they know they're dying.. Like they try to get away because they don't want their humans to see them dead. Eclipse wants a new body and he wants to go to a different dimension. I think that's also because he wants them to think he's starting a new life, but instead, he could be going there to die because he doesn't want them worrying about him. I really hope this is not the case.. i don't want this Eclipse to die. It's clear that he cares to an extent. He even went out of his way to tell Earth about Moon in hopes of getting Moon help before he makes a huge mistake and probably spirals even more. He is even putting himself at a huge risk to get information for Earth so she can try to help him! Cuz Moon may try to hurt him too in doing this with his current mindset!
Theory 3: He may have been damaging himself trying to get Dark Sun's device out of himself. This one may be unlikely too, but honestly it's what i hope is the case because that can be more easily repaired, unlike the above ones, which would be more difficult to remedy.
All of these are theories, so don't take them to heart!
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zukadiary · 2 months
Hi!💓 I have a few questions, apologies if they are a lil vague, it's just something that has been on my mind lately as a fairly new fan:
1. Was it ever clear that Chinatsu is the next top? Was it the reason for Ari's transfer, or was it a need for ninbante in star and that's why Chinatsu became the next in moon?
2. Also, how did you predict back then that Coto will have a long run as top star? Based on what in particular?
3. Why did Tamaki became top star comparably so early?
4. And I know that lgbt+ culture is practically nonexistent in Japan, but i still wonder if any of the actress ever talked abt it or addressed it in any way? Has anything regarding lgbt happened around taka that you know of?
Thanks a lot for your blog!! I am writing a wiki page in my mother tongue for taka rn, since it doesn't exist yet, and ur explanations clarified a few things for me, so thanks a ton again! 💕
Hello! Not vague at all :)
It was NOT personally clear to me that Chinatsu was going to be top (usually these things are obvious, occasionally we get a surprise). I don't think it was the reason for Ari's transfer though; it's impossible to know for sure, but my guess is more because of Oda (they don't want her to wait for Ari to finish) and some need to balance Hoshi. With Chinatsu as an older top, she can stay for a shorter time (similar examples would be Sou Kazuho and Hokusho Kairi, also older tops who stayed for three Grand Theater shows) and Oda can become top sooner.
I had a feeling Coto would be a long top for a number of reasons... 1) she's extremely popular and puts a lot of butts in seats, 2) she has a reputation for being a "mini Yuzuki Reon," who also stayed for a really long time, 3) the Hoshigumi producer has a bit of a reputation for putting a lot of stock in high-powered top stars and somewhat neglecting the nurturing of his track, and 4) until Ari came over there was no clear successor, which made me think they were going to ride Coto until they figured it out.
I've only heard rumors about this... one that Miya Rurika didn't want to be top star, one that Manaki Reika was so popular they designed the troupe around her and the producers didn't like her and Miya/Kacha together as much as they liked her and Tamaki together... but again, there is no way to know for sure.
Firstly, LGBT+ culture is NOT practically nonexistent in Japan—not saying this to correct you, but it's an impression a lot of people get and it makes them sad! So I want to share the reality of it! LGBT+ activism is way less prevalent than in other cultures (and as a result, legal protections are definitely behind), but this is true of pretty much all types of activism (I had an interesting conversation about this with a group of Japanese climate activists). There is a rich LGBT+ nightlife scene, and over the years Japan has been fairly ahead of the curve when it comes to queerness in media and fan culture. There is, however, a very "we pretend we do not see it" energy despite the prevalence. That said, Takarazuka actresses are almost definitely forbidden from talking about this while active, and discouraged while retired (especially if they stay in entertainment). Even if they are not actively discouraged, because there is no culture around being open about it on a real and personal level, they certainly wouldn't out other people and likely wouldn't out themselves. There are OGs both in and out of entertainment who are not shy about living as their honest selves and you can pretty much tell, but it still doesn't tend to be something they openly talk about (Nanami Hiroki and Miya Rurika have discussed breaking gender norms in interviews, but have skirted around saying anything definitive about themselves). The one exception I can immediately think of is Misuzu Aki retired and blogged about moving to Europe with her female partner.
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