#.this was an old meme so PLEASE steal it from me!
furysburn · 5 months
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full name :  Luke Castellan  nicknames : the traitor, Hermes' favorite, Kronos
moody |  short-tempered  |  emotionally unstable |  whiny  |  controlling  |  conceited  | possessive | paranoid|  liar  | impatient  |  cowardly  | bitter |  selfish  |  power-hungry  | greedy  | lazy | judgmental  | forgetful | impulsive |  spiteful  | stubborn |  sadistic  |  petty  | unlucky  | absent-minded  |  abusive  | addict  | aggressive | childish  |  callous |  clingy |  delusional  | cocky  | competitive |  corrupt  | cynical |  cruel  |  depressed | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive |  lustful  | delinquent |  guilt complex |  reclusive  |  reckless |  nervous | oversensitive
honest | trustworthy| thoughtful |  caring|  brave | patient  | selfless| ambitious  | tolerant  |  lucky  | intelligent  | confident  |  humble  | generous  |  merciful  | observant  | wise  |  clever  | charming | cheerful  |  optimistic |  decisive  |  adaptive| calm  | protective|  proud  |  diligent | considerate |  compassionate|  good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic| passionate |  reliable |  resourceful | sensible | sincere |  witty  | funny
𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐒      &      𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒  .
art |  acting |  astronomy |  animals | archery  | sports | belly dancing |  bird watching | blacksmithing |  boating |  calligraphy | camping  |  candle making  |  casino gambling  |  ceramics  |  racing  | chess | music |  cooking  | crochet  |  weaving  | exercise | swordplay | fishing  |  gardening  |  ghost hunting  |  ice skating  |  magic |  engineering  |  building  | inventing  | leather-working |  martial arts  |  meditation  |  origami  |  parkour | people watching | swimming |  puppetry  |  pyrotechnics  |  quilting  | reading| collecting |  shopping  |  socializing |  storytelling  |  writing  | traveling|  dancing | singing
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Hiii! Your headcanons and memes are absolutely funny, I think this request fits you.
So instead of dog or cat (Husker) Wife reader saw her Husband walking around with the egg boys, and she pulls out the '🥺can we keep one?' and would like ABSOLUTELY not take no for an answer, she even pulls out a new dress for the egg boi to differentiate him from the other eggs.
I loved those goofy eggs so much 😭
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being a jealous husband, Alastor being possessive of wife!reader's attention
Description: ☝️⬆️
Okay, so it's bad enough that Alastor is stuck dealing with the eggs and he's not even allowed to crack a few of them
And he's totally not annoyed with the way your eyes lit up, and you immediately started cooing over them the moment you saw them
Of course the clumsy little things just ate it up, flexing and showing off for you, even going so far as to climb into your outstretched arms
So now they're stealing his wife from him? Those eggs have crossed a line
He skipped breakfast for this?
Alastor knows he needs to keep them away from you to keep you from getting more attached than you already are
So at the sacrifice of his own needs for your attention, Alastor makes sure to keep the eggs far away from you by keeping them close to him
Even at the cost of his sanity
Alastor hadn't even realized he left one of them behind until he came back to the hotel to find you holding one like a baby
And the little imbecile is just soaking up the attention too, blissfully unaware of the error he just made
Not even Sir Pentious can get the egg to willingly leave your embrace, the little thing stubbornly clinging to you
"No! You can't sssstay with her! You're my little egg! My minion!"
It takes much coaxing from you to get the egg to leave your side but that's far from the end of it
Every morning afterwards the egg is bursting into the bedroom and crawling into bed with the two of you
Instead of waking up to your sleepy affection, Alastor is waking up to that stupid egg babbling off to you about everything and anything
Not him shoving the egg boy off the bed and tugging you against him
Alastor eats nothing but eggs for breakfasts for the next week, there's something therapeutic about cracking them that he just can't quite put his finger on
Oh wait-yes he can
He hopes that you'll get sick of the egg boy eventually, but then you start dressing the egg up, differentiating it from the others
"Alastor look! Doesn't he look darling? He's a mini you~!"
You don't notice your husband's eye twitching
You baby that egg more than you've ever babied him and he's definitely getting jealous
He just about snaps when he hears you and Sir Pentious talking about you keeping the little egg
"Aren't you a little old for those 'egg baby' projects, my dear? You're not in school anymore."
"Oh, please, Alastor! Can't we keep him? He's already so attached to me and I just adore him! I've already named him!"
"Um...Y/N...they already have namesssss..."
"I do?"
Somehow, he manages to convince you that you don't need to keep the egg but it's by the skin of his teeth
And it doesn't stop you from spending every waking moment spoiling the egg
That should be him being spoiled by you
He starts trying to intimidate the egg whenever you aren't around but the little thing is too dense to understand it
"I wouldn't follow Y/N so closely up those stairs, one wrong step and it would be quite the nasty fall for someone as fragile as you."
"Thanks Boss!"
Not Alastor trying to crack him whenever you look away
Purposefully opening doors a little too hard in hopes that your egg is on the other side
Using his staff to nudge him out an open window...
Finding extremely dangerous tasks for the egg to do only to be disappointed when he comes back unharmed
Developing a sudden interest in baking extremely large cakes
Alastor, honey, come on...that last one wasn't even subtle
Bottom line, if you care about the egg boy then you better give him back to Sir Pentious because he won't be safe around your husband
It's an emotional goodbye but Alastor's happiness at having your attention again is worth it
It's not like you won't still see each other around the hotel, chill
He's a terribly needy man when it comes to your attention but it's just part of his charm
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sant-riley · 1 year
[Task force 141 + others with Gen z!reader] [pt3]
A/N: Some of these you /may/ have seen on tiktok, that is me who posted them on tiktok. I am green haired bitch so no I didn't steal anything LMAO. I hope these live up to yalls expectations.
The last two of these my lovely friend gave me inspiration for <3 @frogchiro
Warnings: She/her pronouns swearing, age gaps, tiktok memes (like always lmk if I miss something!)
You steal Prices hat on numerous occasions bc its a fashion abomination and you refuse to let this man wear it around you. You hide around base as frequently as you can.
Jokes on you though bc he will literally wait til it's your birthday and buy you a matching one and will laugh at your scream of disgust.
Gaz one ups him by gifting you a matching hat as well, putting it on your head as he flicks the brim.
"Thanks Gaz! I love it!
"And not mine?"
"You're on thin ice, old man."
Price gets gifted a set from manscaped by the guys as a gag gift. He uses it for his beard bc he never bothered to look into why everyone was laughing around him.
Price takes your phone when you try and show him memes, squinting hard as fuck like a dad 💀
Soap, if yall have the time off takes you to scottish football games and it's a whole thing. You sitting there while he gets drunk out of his fucking mind, hollering and whooping and you're there trying to sink into your seat.
Chances are someone's gonna shove you and you're gonna trip and fall bc everyone's so amped up and Soap threatens to beat the shit out of them. It's a miracle y'all don't get kicked out 💀
If you have tattoos, Soap is the first one to take a marker set and color them in and adding his own additions. If you were ever to get them actually tattooed, he would tear up and pretend he isn't emotional about it.
"You like me that much Bonnie?"
He would get something of you too, so it evens out. This also makes Ghost in turn get a tattoo for you bc he refuses to be out done and he's just as attached
Neither of them get your call sign or your name, but they get something personal to what each of them associate you with.
The first time you meet Alex, you're across the room doing something that has your focus and didn't realize this is actually your first time meeting him. You ask him for a hand only to look up and see him extend his prosthetic at you with a smile and you scream.
"You asked for a hand but best I can do is a Leg." Price comes running and he sees the scene and rolls his eyes.
Everyone single one of them are the definition of "my girl can wear whatever she wants bc I'll break your jaw." meme btw. You can take care of yourself but you never need to bc they will beat a bitch up.
Laswell invites you constantly to come over and meet with her wife, esp if you don't have a mother figure. She always always tries to come on base to see you and always has a birthday and Christmas present on it's way to you wherever you may be. Her wife loves you to death and they've pretty much adopted you and you cannot escape it, oh well.
Gaz buys you whatever your little heart desires, especially if he's deployed away in a country where they sell exclusives of whatever you enjoy. It's a pain in the fucking ass to try and ship a anime figure to your place from Japan but he's gonna try his best.
Ghost doesn't share his food, or at least it was before you came along. He groans and grumbles about having to feed you but he wouldn't do it if he truly didn't want to. Soap asks and Ghost tells him to fuck off.
If you watch anime, please imagine trying to get everyone in the room and trying to explain who Dabi is. They're all so fucking old they keep thinking you're referring to the elf from Harry Potter and it infuriates you to no end.
Soap and Gaz know better but it's funnier to see you mad.
Being the youngest, they absolutely force you to do the jobs they don't want to. Whether it be cleaning the barracks, to cooking dinner when able, it doesn't matter bc they'll all pull rank on you.
"You're the new kid, get to it then."
"Don't Ghost me."
Soap is the kind of motherfucker to play the fifa games and doesn't understand that he's stupid for buying it every single year bc there are no changes oncesoever. He will not listen to you about it and you've given up.
Ghost will see you talk about your etsy list and will ask for your phone, you trust him so of course you hand it over. He hands it back to you and it's just, all purchased. He says nothing while he sips on his tea while you scream at him asking why he did it. He won't tell you but it's because he knows it makes you happy and it'll keep your mood up, giving you a reason to be motivated to get through missions. It's also because he knows that retail therapy is a thing for your generation.
Soap, if you do any, is actually really good at doing your makeup! He knows how to do everything and he refuses to elaborate. (As a kid he'd do his mom's makeup when she went out for dates) he's the one who helps you doll up if you're going undercover.
Ghost, Gaz and Price find you unfunny whenever you make a "wow I wish British people were real." You say it so often and it gets annoying but they also just accept it's a part of life.
Soap personally enjoys the "SCOTLAND FOREVERRRRRRR" meme and will scream it with you. Ghost threatens to cut yalls tongue out.
Other parts can be found under #Kayla writes <3
@devilsfoodcake22 @simon-rileys-princess
@stupid-ninja @milkmily
@lune-la-chanson @tamayakii
@teacupcollector @sweet-as-an-angel
@perilous-pasta @ihatethisappsomuchitpains
@marsbar127xx @baddump
@xncasi @king-cookiex
@palomaxaxaxa @amatchasky @wolfyland07 @diejager
@hailstrum18 @pretty-little-bunny382728 @mzfandom
If you'd like to be tagged, go to my pinned post and comment there :)
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chloeangelic · 2 months
update 3/26/24
Hey, long time no speak! I’m here to quickly inform you all about two things:
1. I have permanently removed all of my writing from here because I’m getting increasingly freaked out by chatbots, tumblr farming content (as if opting out will do anything), and all other creepy and nefarious use of AI to steal writers’ work. Writers and other creators are treated like absolute shit on here and I feel too protective over my own work. A lot of my masterlist also didn't feel representative anymore, and knowing it was all here was making it harder to write. I’ve felt sort of chained to my tumblr account, so for my own psychological wellbeing I just have to cut it off. 
My current writing is on my AO3 and I am regularly updating it there, however a lot of my old stuff has been privated cause I’m not happy with it at this point. I have backups of everything, so if there’s a specific piece of writing you miss and that you can’t find on my AO3/you can’t access AO3, please message me on discord at chloeangelic and I will make it available for download/send you the file! 
2. I will not be returning to tumblr in any capacity, not now and not in the future. I will not stick around to answer messages either, so if you’re reading this and want to talk, I have logged out permanently, and the only way to get in contact with me is on discord or in my AO3 comment section. I go back and forth on deactivating this account, and it might happen in the future, so be prepared for that possibility. 
In case you didn’t know I left tumblr and you’re feeling like the pikachu meme right now, feel free to read this. 
I hope you’re all having a great year, and I’ll see you on AO3! <3
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elodee · 1 month
Keralis x Lupin the 3rd: Part 2
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₊˚⊹⋆ This is a robbery 8D ⋆⊹˚₊
Lupin the 3rd is an adult comedy anime series about a charismatic thief who robs from the rich and gives to himself (and his buddies). I drew Keralis in this style for the meme (and the massive eyes). Please be aware: Lupin the 3rd is an old series that has a LOT of crass sexual humor. Trust me, like, boob jokes galore on a tame day. All installments of the Lupin franchise (that I've seen anyway) are aimed at an adult audience. To see my style references and learn more about Lupin the 3rd (specifically Lupin the 3rd: Part 2) journey below the cut!
But real quick, before you click 'keep reading', let me remind you that this year for Hermit a Day May there is a fundraiser for Gamers Outreach with incentives from the fabulous artists @belmarzi and @rendiggitydog so don't forget to go check that out too!
Lupin the 3rd: Part 2 follows the misadventures of the grandson of gentleman thief Arsène Lupin of literary fame. The show tells the story of Lupin and his friends as they pull wacky heists to steal from the wealthy, get rich, and avoid the dogged police detective, Zenigata, who follows them everywhere and is definitely not in love with Lupin. This show has made me do an embarrassing bark laugh many times against my will. It is not a show to take too seriously as Lupin is, at his core, a clown of a man who hangs out with two overly serious boyfriends platonic buddies who are pretending as hard as they can that they are not also clowns. The only consistently competent person in the entire show is Lupin's will-they-won't-they love interest, Fujiko, who tries her best to kill him every other episode.
Style references:
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Lupin and the gang! Lupin is the guy who is shooting you.
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Lupin and Jigen, the man whose heart he stole (this is canon). They're inseparable.
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Lupin the 3rd: Part 2 has multiple title designs. I picked this one because it's my favourite.
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bu11seye · 3 months
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permanent interactions call .
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by liking this post you are giving me permission to just throw jessie into your inbox randomly , tag you in random starters , and make your muse a more constant person in jessie's life ! this also means more ooc communication for plotting , and establishing more dynamic and fleshed out relationships for our characters . * if we are already actively shipping , by liking this you are giving me permission to up our interactions . multis please list which muses you'd like this for , or say whole blog !
things that jessie can and will probably do for your muse :
bake them treats .
tend to their pets injuries !
steal some things for them !
make them things !
help them with mundane tasks !
listen to their problems and give unwanted advice !
talk their ear off .
things that i ( mimi ) can and will probably do for our muses :
send unprompted memes, asks , and random scenarios for our muses to interact .
hop into your inbox ( through here or discord ) to talk about things that remind me of our characters .
create a tag for us here on tumblr and reblog things for our muses .
create pinterest boards and edits for our muses .
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please be aware that i am looking for platonic relationships before shipping , but we can see where things go . jessie will most likely reference your character in threads with others depending on the relationship we create .
below are some platonic and kinda random dynamics i want to explore based on verse !!
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wanted connections main verse : best friend , found family , coworkers -- other vets ; bartenders or just odd job workers , friendly and not so friendly neighbors , club / party / drinking buddies , villain that jessie can just scheme against like they're in a cartoon , roomie , annoying classmate she follows on socials , the owner of a place she frequently visits , old classmates and townspeople of where she grew up , friends of her parents ( older muses ) , unrequited crushes ( both sides are welcome ) , friends of her older brother woody , new partners of her older brother woody , more gay friends to do more gay things with , flings that stay flings -- no romantic ties , college friend group .
wanted connections vampire verse : all of the dynamics above , owner of a bunker or safe house , connections for when she stays certain places and needs to start over , personal blood bags , someone to look after her different houses and her pets while she is away . other sires of her now deceased maker father adam ( bio in progress but can be given on request ) to bond with , other vampires from his sireline that hate that she killed him / are after her , family of victims that jessie herself has killed , designers and rich celebrity circles where she would have more access to wealth and money through connections rather than compulsion , old flames and relationships from the past that pop up out of the woodwork every hundred or so years , people to do favors for her in exchange for manual labor like her strength or ability to be somewhere quickly to give messages , witches on standby , ghosts who haunt her house .
wanted connections hunger games verse : other tributes of her games , capitol workers , other members of her district , past winners , mentees , her own mentor and other mentors of the games , game makers , lucky flickerman / effie trinket / canon characters and family of those canons , designers , tribute that kills jessie in her games ( wanting to do a ghost / haunting plot for character work ) , allies , sponsors , cooks , flings , stable hand for when she lives in the capitol for awhile after her games .
wanted connections demigod verse : mentor , bunk mate , sparring partner , monster friend , other demi gods to befriend , quest members (2) open to more than one mun for trio dynamics ! .
if you are interested in writing in the same verse as another mun i am currently writing with that you see on the dash , please contact me so i can set something up to talk with both you and the other mun . i am more than welcoming of threads that involve more than one mun but all parties need to be on the same page in order to proceed <3
wanted settings i would like to explore for misc verses :
western , historical , high fantasy , otherworldly ( alice in wonderland , coraline , narnia , etc ) , apocalyptic , dystopian / utopian .
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phoenixyfriend · 7 months
If you still do the ask meme: nr.1 for a timetravel Jangosoka?
26 Family Prompts Ask Meme
Accidental Baby Acquisition
This contains both intentional and accidental acquisition. (They'll give it back! Probably.)
"He's mine."
Jango looks at the woman he has, somehow, managed to fall for.
He looks at the baby.
He looks at her again.
"You adopted? Without asking me?"
"No, birthed him myself."
That baby is human. Fully human. There is no chance, in any way, that Ahsoka managed to have a fully human child. There's some shit about placentas or whatever. A tog can't surrogate a human and vice versa.
"Oh, I'm in trouble," she giggles, entirely too enthused about his annoyance.
"Jetii," he tries again, "please tell me you didn't steal a child."
"I did not steal a child," she confirms. "I just... acquired one."
"Acquired one."
He waits in vain. He breaks and asks, "Ahsoka, how did you acquire this child?"
She smiles at him.
The child's name is Ferus Olin. He was not stolen, but given willingly by his parents for Ahsoka to take to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
"You could have just said so," Jango gripes as he fires up the engines. She laughs at him, and hikes the tot higher on her hip. "Don't act like it's not within the realm of possibility that you'd randomly pick up a kid and forget to warn me about it."
"Sure," she says, "but consider this: it was funny."
"You are not nearly as funny as you think you are."
Ahsoka rolls her eyes and addresses the kid instead. "What do you think, Ferus? Am I funny?"
The toddler--baby, really--stares up at her silently. There is something up with that kid, but Jango figures that's par for the course with Force Sensitives.
A slightly wet, very chubby hand lands on a lekku.
"That is saliva," Jango notes aloud, mostly because Ahsoka looks a little disgusted, and likes she's trying to hide it from the kid. "Baby drool."
"Oh, fu--shove off."
So like. Here's the thing. About carting around two almost-Jedi:
One of them is his age, and hot, and weird, and he's a little bit in love with her.
The other one is less than a year old, and should be relatively safe and sound to leave alone for five minutes while napping so they can do things like use the bathroom, or argue over the nav, or knock against the walls doing things that babies probably shouldn't know about.
Ahsoka says that Ferus was a rule-abiding guy in the future, uptight, even.
This means nothing, because the ship jolts out of hyperspace without warning while Jango's got his hand up a hot tog's skirt, and they both have to rush to the cockpit to find the literal baby has crawled onto the pilot's seat and somehow turned off the nav.
The baby continues patting, full-palm, at the controls.
"What the fuck?" Jango demands.
"Language," Ahsoka sniffs, and then picks up the baby and swings him around. "Who's a little troublemaker? You are!"
"What the actual--"
"Language!" Ahsoka snaps, a little harsher this time. "There's a baby."
"Yes, I noticed, it just knocked us out of hyperspace."
Ahsoka rolls her eyes. "It's fine. We just need to keep a better eye on him."
"This could have been deadly."
"Eh, doubt it," she dismisses. "I mean, with a normal kid, yeah, but I bet you ten to one odds that he did this because the Force told him to."
"I cannot explain how much that doesn't fill me with confidence."
She ignores him. She settles into the chair, toddler on her lap, and closes her eyes. This lasts for several minutes, and Jango tries to keep his impatience under control so he doesn't 'project' it into the Force or whatever it is that the Jedi are worried about. It would distract Ahsoka, and possibly more importantly, it would upset the baby.
"I've got it," she finally says. "A direction. He pulled us out a bit early, but the fact that we didn't overshoot it is a bit of a shocker in and of itself."
"A direction to what?"
She shrugs. "We'll find out."
The direction is to a fresh-faced teenage Duros by the name of Cad Bane, who's been floating around the guild's gossip lines for a few years now. He's good, for eighteen, but Jango hasn't met him before, and Ahsoka really doesn't like him--Jedi don't hate, supposedly--and that's enough for Jango to have zero interest in really networking here.
Also, Bane has a stolen toddler. Jango knows the toddler is stolen, because she's dressed in far-too-fancy clothes for Bane to bother with, and screaming her head off, and trying to bite him, and yelling about how she wants to go home. Surprisingly eloquent for a toddler, actually. She can't be more than four.
Jango wants to get involved. He's itching for a fight. He does not get one.
He gets the smaller baby, and is told to take care of said baby and be ready to catch the bigger baby--toddler--while Ahsoka handles the fighting.
It seems kinda personal. Jango leaves her to it. It's not like they need both of them to fight this literal teenager.
(He's right. They don't.)
There are now two small children on Jango's ship. One of them is barely-almost a toddler, and the other is barely-almost not.
"I am Padme Naberrie of Naboo," the little girl tells him, all care and important grandeur. "Thank you for saving me. When may I return home?"
Naboo. The noble kids from there are damn creepy. Also worth a good ransom or a better bounty, to some. It's not exactly surprising that Bane went for one of them. the family must be pretty influential somehow.
"Not sure," Ahsoka says. "We were on our way to Coruscant... do you have a number we can call? Maybe one of your parents can meet us on the way."
"That is ac-cep-table," the little girl sounds out. She even bows, a touch wobbly. "Thank you, Master Jedi."
Ahsoka is not a Master, and is only sort of a Jedi. She does not correct little Padme, because that would be a little mean, in Jango's estimate. The girl's just been through something harrowing, and even he's not that much of a dick.
"Do you know their contact info?" he asks instead.
They aren't on a convenient hyperlane for Naboo, so they're meeting Lady Naberrie on Corellia. It's several days there, which is still faster than trying to get to Naboo from where they currently are, and Padme spends an hour or two talking to her mother before the woman enters hyperspace and comms are no longer an option. Then she talks to her father, and asks about someone called Sola, and Jango's not paying enough attention to keep track of who's who in the life of a child that is not his.
He doesn't have enough beds on the ship for this.
He empties out a small armor crate and lines it with blankets, then sets it on teh floor by the end of his bed. It's big enough for Ferus, who probably doesn't care much for fancy things. Padme gets her own bed, because they're strangers and it would be odd to suggest she share with Ahsoka as a gender thing. The other, larger bed is then for Jango and his somewhat irritating and entirely too lovely Jedi.
He laces his fingers with hers, once they're in bed, autopiloting down the hyperlane. Padm's breathing has finally evened out, and Ferus hasn't woken up yet either.
"Do you want them?" he asks.
"Hm?" Ahsoka shifts, and when she speaks, it's sleep-heavy and muddled. "Want what?"
"Kids," he says.
She's silent, long enough that he starts to wonder if she's fallen asleep, but eventually she shrugs. "I'll take an apprentice one day, probably."
It's basically the same thing, for Jedi.
"Did I ever..."
He tries not to ask too much about his personal future. He knows how Galidraan would have ended, and knows that somehow, he had been involved in a clone army that tried to kill Ahsoka when she was seventeen. She tries not to tell him too much.
"One," she says. "Boba. A few years younger than me. And..."
She doesn't finish.
"Maybe another time," she says.
He's gotten that response more than once. He knows it for the wall it is.
"Alright," he says. "You could... tell me about Boba in the morning?"
Noncommittal. He's not entirely surprised.
"Okay," he finally says. He presses a kiss to her lek. "Goodnight, Ahsoka."
"Night, Jango."
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Riordanverse Characters as quotes by people i know have said
dedicated to @lord-of-pterodactyls, i know you asked for friends in particular but i’m broadening it as even people i consider my nemeses (old ass philosophy teacher) are funny
Percy: i truly feel as if nothing will ever incapsulate my being as truly as the singing monsters water wubbox
Annabeth: *screaming from adjoining room* GET LOST APPLE MUSIC PRIVACY
Piper: *in bikini* i don’t like people with big boobs
Jason: *trying to compliment piper* your hair looks like dementia
Leo: *emerging from the stinky depths of his room after being in there for 16 hours straight and no showers with clothes from 5 days ago, red scabs all over his body and lips so dry it looks like a snake shedding its old skin by how crusty it is* guys on a scale from 1 to 10 how sexy do i look rn?
Hazel: *yeets her foot out and jiggles her toes menacingly at people she dislikes as an intimidation tactic because her toes are particularly hideous*
Frank: *after literally being targeted by a racial ‘joke’* worse than that, you white people eat spam
Grover: *pats air purifier* a good trusted friend
Nico: *drifts into hazel’s room* bro i ain’t even gonna lie, the holidays are better than the black plague *leaves room before she can question him further*
Reyna: *sleeptalking* stallion le meghan
Rachel: *pretending her coloured markers are vapes*
Thalia: *pointing at luke* my bro be the victim and the perpetrator
Tyson: *when talking about doing math* all i have are my fingers and a dream
Clarisse: *sees a sick person in bed* you’re looking pretty vulnerable *proceeds to ransack their room and steal their sheets like some gremlin*
Octavian: i am THE riddler *speaks in riddler voice and puts on devious little expression* what is... a curtain?
Will: *sees a dying person and looks pointedly at nico* and thats because they didnt take their cenovis vitamin c
Luke: i am constantly one snap away from either committing homicide or suicide
Apollo: *feeling face after new skincare routine* gosh my face feels as soft as a silicone tit
Meg: *pointing at apollo after redemption arc* YOU WON’T GO TO HEAVEN BECAUSE YOU ARE A COMMUNIST!
Magnus: *eating falafel* this is an orgasmic experience
Samirah: *substituting random words in english for arabic and not realising no one understands what she’s saying*
Alex: *laughing at the death threats she gets online after posting a meme about BTS in the military*
Blitz: *does something naughty* omg sorry im such a libra(^ν^)
Hearth: *walks into room* god is dead.
Carter: *walking into sadie’s room visibly upset with a box of cadbury favourites* here take them. if you don’t im going to eat them all. please, dont make me do this
Sadie: take a shit and be late to school or dont take the shit and be on time hell loop
Zia: my top artist on spotify this year will be xi jinping’s wife
Walt: *simply, appreciatively and completely without context* yeah, buddha is a pretty amazing guy
Anubis: i dislike being emo because i can only go as death note characters for halloween
Bast: *absolutely entranced by watching love island uk and is just repeating everything any person says back in a treacherous essex accent*
Bes: *walking into classroom full of young teens with an oversized ‘free james assange’ shirt* today i am a nice, trendy leftist. tomorrow, who knows?
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callivich · 4 months
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Just a reminder for anyone new or anyone who has been lurking:
I know it’s difficult coming into a new fandom but everyone in the Gallavich fandom on tumblr is very friendly and kind, so don’t feel nervous - just jump in and say hi.
Make an intro post and check the #gallavichintro tag to find fellow fans!
Like seriously just send a message or reply to a post. We’re here to have fun, the idea of new people is great because it means more engagement.
When I say people are nice, I mean it. I’ve been in so many different fandoms over 20+ years and this is genuinely the kindest group of people I’ve ever encountered online in a fandom space.
Give your blog an icon. People tend to assume that ones without are spam blogs and may block immediately. Here are some great icons you can use with credit: here / here / here
If you’d like a Gallavich banner for your blog, send me a message - I’d be so happy to make you one! I’ve got ones free to use here / here.
Please don’t steal gifs and repost them, here’s a great post explaining why. And another one explaining the gif search function.
Reblog content you enjoy and write in the tags or reply to the post - how much you liked something or if you have other thoughts…..creators love to hear this!
Use the tags. They’re the best way to get your posts noticed if you’re new- #gallavich #ian gallagher #mickey milkovich #ianxmickey any or all of these will work. When you make a post, you should see a little grey box that says something like add tags to help people find your post, just type in there. (You don’t need to use the # symbol. Tumblr automatically does that.)
There are so many brilliant active communities that you can take part in - I’ve done a roundup post here & I will update it with new communities.
If you feel creative? Got for it. Don’t worry about what people think, just share your work. Write that fic or headcanon or meta, draw that art, create that gifset, design that aesthetic piece, share that playlist. Chances are that a lot of people will enjoy your work!
Don’t feel shy about promoting your work either - tag it with #gallavich & the tags mentioned above.
Recommend what you’ve enjoyed! There is no time limit on sharing links to fic, art, headcanons, gifsets, posts of any kind…..reblog/share what you love and keep sharing it. Whether it’s brand new or years old, sharing the work is great idea.
Go back and explore things. Older fics on ao3, gifsets and art from years past, moodboards and headcanons that are years old. None of these things have an expiration date. So reblog them, share them, let people experience them for the first time and allow people to enjoy them for the 2nd/3rd/4th time.
Comment!! It’s such an important thing to do in fandom. Whether it’s on new work or old work, whether you write long comments or just a keyboard smash and emojis - it’s great way to share love to creators, to support/encourage/inspire them and to get involved in fandom. Check out Ian and Mickey’s guide to commenting and other posts about commenting: here // here // here
Share your ideas. Whether it’s headcanons or meta or fics or art, share it. Feel free to explore your ideas. There’s always room for discussion, analysis and creativity.
If you see ask memes or tag games going around, take part! Or even reblog one of these games and tag some people you’d like to get to know better! Don’t feel intimidated, it’s always nice to be tagged.
Keeping reblogging posts. Not just once or twice but again and again. The queue is there for a reason. And each time you do? You’re sharing it with your dash.
Remember, pretty much everyone starts out as a lurker and when it comes to being creative - everyone starts at the beginning. Those writers and artists and creators that you are in awe of? They all started out at square one. Everyone practices and creates over and over again, that’s how it goes. The more you write or draw or create, the better you get. And fandom loves to see it.
Need ideas or inspiration? I’ve got lots and lots of prompts for you!
This is a relatively small-ish fandom but it’s active and there is nothing nicer than new people joining, so don’t hesitate - jump in. It’s so much fun and we’d love you to join us! 💖
If anyone has any tips or encouragement they’d like to share, please reply to this post! 💖
And if you have any questions about using tumblr, send me an ask!
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totoshka-kartoshka · 1 year
Random Obey Me&Teen!MC headcanons
Strictily platonic!
My personal headcanons on what will OM boys do with teen MC
Still remembers his brothers being little so will be a dad for MC
Will not let MC out without a hat if it's cold bc "they will get cold"
If MC has long hair, he will braid them
Partner in crime
Will steal some of MC's pocket money
Not enough for them to notice though
Will try to help with homework like a cool old bro
Will most likely fail at it
He definetley has some online teen friends from human world
Will let MC watch him play videogames
Maybe will try cosplaying together with MC because why not
Be quiet and you'll get along
Discussing human world school literature together
Quiet evenings together: Satan is reading something and MC is just chilling, maybe knitting or crocheting next to him
MC's rat bestie
Talking about all of the gossips in RAD
Relationship expert
Will be the 1st to comfort MC if they break up with their bf/gf
"Let them see who they've lost, hon!"
Overprotective big bro
Has MC ever had bullies? Well now they don't
He'll eat chips during lessons together with MC
MC's lessons skipping buddy
Will be their embodiment of not willing to get up
Lucifer: MC, why are you not in RAD yet?
MC: I physically can't get up [photo of Belphie lying on top of them]
Lucifer: ...
Will ask about human world a lot because kids and adults see the world around them differently
Will ask MC to show him the best things in human realm on his day off
Acts like a child himself so MC will more likely to be a parental figure among those two
"Youthful fun 101"
Careful listener
Will ask you to wear a hat if it's cold outside but not as strictly as Lucifer
*hands MC the sword* "Please don't kill anyone, have fun"
He has asian mom vibes tbh
Grandma vibes
Does not understand the concept of memes
Cooking lessons because "MC is soon to be adult and they should have some practially useful skills"
Gifts MC his drawings
Follows MC everywhere
MC is around the on the same level as the Simeon in his "THE MOST AWESOME PPL" chart
Head patting
Trying to keep up with MC's hobbies
Extra points if MC is a LARPer
Treats MC as an equal
Calls them "little one" when talks to others
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darkrpfinder · 1 month
23 yr old lesbian looking for any fellow queers to write monster fucker stuff with!! cishet men dni. i average around 200 ~ 600 words, looking for similar! when i say monsters, i mean it! i love non human characters, literally anything you can think of i probably like it; from basic things like angels & demons, werewolves, vampires, aliens, to eldritch horror types, to anthro/furry/beast(?) like characters,,, however you wanna call those! i have a few ocs i'm hoping to use, mine range from humanoid - anthro/furry like. but making new ones for roles is okay with me, too! any gender pairings are okay!🌈✨ i adore the non human x human trope, but non human x non human is just as good if you have your own monster character! i love playing switch characters, but if you only do one or the other that's fine! just pleaaase no uwu subs that're overly shy and can't do anything, i'm a little over this trope and having to carry everything. bring me your feisty brats or mean power bottoms!! that being said, i'm not just looking for smut! it's fine later on but there must be plot, build up, and chemistry between characters. i love dead dove/problematic themes! anything you're uncomfortable w/ doesn't have to be included, but i would loove to do something with underage, grooming, age gaps,... i'm not looking to do anything unsanitary, extreme underage below 12, or excessive violence/gore. you're free to ask me about anything specific! (and again they don't have to be included if you're not into it!) i don't do rl fcs/ai/stealing artists' oc(s). i draw/commission art of my ocs, preferably you do the same or even a picrew or written description is fine! if you dislike anime art styles, you're not gonna like my ocs... pls keep this in mind!! as for ideas, i have a few in mind, but i'm hoping to brainstorm together! please no yes men, i'm hoping to find someone who will be happy to discuss ideas and share memes, gush abt the ocs and plot, etc!! send me your pinterest boards!! tell me ur what ifs and ideas abt our ocs! so if you're only looking to keep it strictly rp i'm not your gal. i'm hoping to be friends alongside writing! like if interested and i'll reach out!
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innytoes · 4 months
Outsider povs are my fave please share about yours!!
You activated my trap card! This is my Leverage fic, Let's go Steal a Protégé, which only has TWO MORE CHAPTERS LEFT and is also the reason I'm not allowed to post wips anymore until I'm done, because the last four chapters have taken like two years to post, lol.
The last two chapters kind of wrap up going from post-Leverage into Leverage:Redemption.
Chapter 27 is all about 'the Gen Z Leverage International Group Chat' aka all the young people Leverage has recruited across the globe banding together to whine and moan about The Old People.
Ollie (he/him * AUS): That feel when you get beat up by goons and make an ‘oof ah my bones’ joke and nobody laughs Jamie (they/them * USA): Boooo Ollie (he/him * AUS): They asked me if I needed medical attention. Nah mate, I just cracked a rib, but the real thing that’s bruised is my ego That’s a great meme
So this chapter is half-written and then it's just the ending. But Hnnngh it's so hard when my brain just wants to write JATP.
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birb-tangleblog · 6 months
Seeing the occasional post in the tag talking abt how cliquey the fandom is and wondering why it's that way always kinda baffles me.
I think a lot of the perceived separation in the fandom and everyone figuratively eating at their own lunch tables is actually pretty natural; the show's been over for a good while now, so there's no new content to bring people together. Fans are mostly only interested in their favs, and a lack of crossover isn't too surprising or bad on its own. 7 K will probably never be my cup of tea, and I wouldn't expect someone big into Cass and Raps as siblings to consume content of them as romantic partners.
But I do think the 'tone' and climate that contributes to cliqueyness is often set by the more popular/active blogs in a fandom. ND fans wondring why Cass fans (and especially Cassn//zel shippers) feel ostracized seems rather obvious to me when the more vocal ND blogs/fans I see in the tag can't even engage with the idea of Cass existing, deride her as a creator's pet/waifu/"OC" [derogatory], and constantly treat her and Eugene's roles in the plot as a zero sum game, with her "stealing" moments from the movie or upstaging him as something Cass-the-character is personally responsible for.
I know there are definitely some bad takes out there from the hardcore Cassn//zel crowd too, and the 'Eugene cut her hair too short/he's too old for her' is kind of a meme to me at this point. I think there's also a lot of similar stuff to be said abt Var fans' attitudes towards Raps/Cass and the diff discourse topics with him- fans projecting and taking the narrative personally, etc.- but that's a diff post.
Anyway, not sure where I'm going w/ this. Having a lot of little niches isn't bad? 'The fandom' as a whole should be more self-aware? Performative neutrality is kind of unconvincing/tacky and you can't please everyone anyway? Some polarization is to be expected, esp as a fandom shrinks over time and the different servers and groups of fans become more insular and boil down/concentrate.
It's always good to be mindful of the atmosphere you create and how welcoming your spaces are to fans w/ different interests, but that's also not a requirement and sometimes different fans just won't gel or enjoy each other, even if they're all v cool people.
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You must be 18+ to interact with Adam or any of my muses for that matter. Hazbin Hotel is not intended for children and I am over the age of 18. I do not feel comfortable writing with minors. I check every blog that interacts with me.
Adding on to the previous rule, please make sure your age or age range is visible to mobile users. I do not have a desktop, I access Tumblr from my phone, so if I can't see your age, I'm going to assume you're a minor and block you on sight. If you'd like to message me privately to let me know you're 18+, that's fine too but please make it known that you are not a minor bc I will block you and if I find out you lied to me about your age, I will definitely block you.
Do not harass me about responding. I can understand being excited for a thread but I have a life outside of roleplay, as I'm sure most of us do. I also have depression and ADHD, inspiration is a fickle thing for me and I tend to drop threads without warning because I meant to respond and forgot or I just can't formulate a response. If it's been at least a week, feel free to poke me and we can talk about it.
Do not, and I mean do not, reblog my threads or anything else that doesn't concern you. This is the absolute quickest way to piss me off and get you booted from my blog. If it's a discussion post, obviously that's meant to be replied to and reblogged but if it's a thread or something that is personal to MY portrayal, don't steal it. You can reblog my Headcanons if we're mutuals but if we've never interacted, don't reblog my shit.
Adam is a misogynistic piece of shit and he's going to act like one. I don't condone anything he says or does, obviously he's a prick. Don't come at me if he says something out of pocket to your muse. However, if it's too much and it bothers you, let me know if I need to tone it down a little bit. I won't completely erase his personality but if he gets carried away, let me know.
That being said, I am not Adam. We are definitely not the same person. Do not treat me like him. Muse ≠ Mun
I am open to shipping! I have no idea what Adam's sexuality could be and I can't imagine anyone wanting to be shipped with him but if you want to date a gigachad, go for it
If you're planning on writing with me, please, please, please, please, please with sugar on top, for the love of all things unholy, give me something to work with. Plot with me! Especially if you have an OC.
I love OCs but as I previously mentioned, you are required to plot with me if you're going to throw your OC at Adam. I prefer plotting in general, especially since Adam is a character we don't really know much about and obviously if he doesn't canonically know your character, I don't either. Please plot with me, I promise I don't bite. Adam might though 😏
Think carefully when you send me things. If there's a specific context for the meme or starter you sent me, tell me. If I can't work with what you gave me, I'm going to ignore it or ask you ONCE to fix it. If you still continue to send me things I can't work with, I won't interact with you anymore.
If I block you, don't go to my other blogs and ask me why. If I block you on one blog, that obviously means leave me alone. DNI.
Non-RP blogs are not welcome here. If you're an anchor for a RP blog or blogs, that's fine, but if your blog isn't affiliated with the RPC in any way, do not follow me because I will block you. And RP hubs, make sure you make it known that you're attached to an RP blog because I might block you by accident 😅
I cannot STAND first person, script style or chat style RPs. Nothing against the people who enjoy writing them, I just can't do it. It's a personal pet peeve of mine, so please, if you're going to only write in that style, move along.
Do. Not. Godmod. This is my blog and my muse and I am more than capable of writing him. I have been in the RPC since I was 8 years old, I have 15 years of writing under my belt, I think I can handle it. If you think you can do a better job of writing my muse, make your own blog, but do not try to take my character from me.
When I post an open starter, I'm looking for interaction with that muse. I don't post them just because. Every time I post a starter, it gets likes but very rarely do I actually get interaction. That annoys the hell out of me. If I post a starter, it meant to be replied to. I don't care if y'all like it, but please, for the love of God, if you like it, reply to it! That's what it's there for!
Feel free to chat with me OOC, I promise I'm not mean. I'm just tired of not having my rules followed :p
That being said, follow my rules and we'll get along fine. Disrespect me and I'll block you. Plain and simple.
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savebatsartedition · 1 month
Second to last old Scratchcraft fanart dump! (I think.)
(These ones are three years old I think.)
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Scratch link: X
(More notes under the cut.)
Ack this season was awesome, I explain why this wasn't posted earlier a bit further down in the instructions.
Technically the sixth one but you get the deal by now lol.
Click or space to progress through the art.
If you think anything in this project is inappropriate, please tell me and give me the chance to remove it, I don't think anything is, but I don't have the best track record of being correct in that area. I'm not trying to have anything bad in projects.
Alright then, explanation time, I can't really go on youtube anymore, or at least I couldn't for a few months, so this fanart is a bit… uh, later than was expected I guess? Oops, it's not my fault though. (Ack season two started and I'm just over here-) This is kind of rushed and there aren't many drawings in it, but that's because I wanted to seperate the season one stuff from the season two stuff.
I- I think Drawception might have seriously helped my drawing abilities in the terms of backgrounds.
Please don't steal my art!
Now I've decided to write something for each drawing: 1: Storm taking off lol
Kenpo flying.
Storm with a sword and a trident.
Hm… I could really use a trident.
Fools… (Hunted hiding in the grass ft. really weird lighting.) I lowkey dislike this one a lot but it was funny.
I kinda hate this one too but they are fighting over the egg.
Mallon calling Kenpo to help kill Hunted, fighting over Mallon's stuff.
Same people as last time fighting in the background and Storm annoyed about the side of his shop blowing up. (I was too lazy to draw a helmet.) ALSO I know it was in a desert, I forgot but was too lazy to change it, sorry!
Hunted in his base just trying to build when the creepers attack.
"How Distressing," Mallon is in prison lol.
He won. :)
Kenpo and Hunted sitting in a pool of lava together. (Hunted's base.)
Kenpo I doodled because I felt bad for not drawing him enough in this one.
Storm falling out of the world.
Bonus Meme! … and that's it because I really want to share this project.
(More season one fanart might be in the next one, but I started watching season two, and I don't want any of that fanart in this one, even though I really want to draw fanart for that one already lol. Hope that explains the utterly sad amount of art in this.)
The people who made the 24 different songs. Scratch bitmap is the place I drew stuff. The Scratchers in Scratchcraft. @savebats (me) for art.
The Scratchers in Scratchcraft are these people! Their episodes are all amazing, and though I haven't been able to regularly watch them, I wish I could, and hope I can soon. @huntedskelly: huntedskelly @unknownscratcher1234: KenpoViper @Haunted_Enderman: StormLordZeus @Mallonations: Mallonations
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greenskellyblob · 11 months
9 people I’d like to know better
Tagged by; @thefloatingstone
Last song; Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths, I’ve been listening to this song relentlessly a year ago, and it still frequently pops up when I let youtube radio do its thing. I’m not gonna complain!!! It’s still a banger! I’ve just googled it and realized it is a song in an album, and I never listened to the whole of it. Huh. I should do that sometimes.
Anyways, here’s the song:
Currently watching: Just finished Community and the last season of Black Mirror. I finally know where some memes come from now!!! I’ve been seeing Community memes around and I never knew TwT. Consider me enlightened now. I really enjoyed it, all the characters there are stupid and unhinged and taking their stupidity seriously and I loved it! V good, v nice way to spend the time.
On the other hand, this season of Black Mirror kinda dissapointed me? There was one episode I REALLY LOVED (Demon 79, the last one, hell yeah the ending!!!!! WOOO!!!!), the first one (Joan is awful) was kinda neat, Loch Henry was depressing and I laughed out loud at how one character died because it is SO STUPID, Mazey day was boring, and Beyond the Sea was the biggest bullshit I ever saw. Such a big old dump!!!!! Something Extremely Traumatic happens to one character on a very important mission, and the Earth command doesn’t even get them to talk to a therapist. Also a lot of dick measuring going on there. Also shitty ending nobody could have predicted (sarcastic). Just, ugh. Sorry about the vagueness but I don’t want to spoil people who haven’t watched it yet. But if you want to watch only one episode of season 6, make it the last one :D 10/10
Also I’ll be cheeky and say I just finished the VOD of C-Puff’s ( @thefloatingstone‘s) stream :3 Can’t wait to see more!!!! And, please, don’t apologize for lore dumps they are delightfull and I finally have a streamer I can watch and not feel like I’m missing most of the story/worldbuilding. You know what? Everyone, have a link for that too. For some reason it doesn’t let me embed it?
Currently reading: Nothing in particular, my brain is once again in the reading slump. I guess comics would count, actually? In that case, an absolutely amazing comic called “Tiger, Tiger” by @pepurika. It has two very gay siblings, A giant bisexual (?) himbo, an old god’s child (they are very chaotic and very, very gay from what I understand) and cool old ships. ALSO SEA SPONGES!!!! Sea sponges are very important. They literally drive the plot okay! There is ship stealing, identity theft, deals with gods, marvelous scientific discoveries and much, MUCH more, all in the name of sea sponges! The main character got hyperfixated as a child and went unhinged, and if that sounds relatable to you, you’ll enjoy her :) Also everyone there is very smart and capable and yet you have to wonder where they keep their braincells because they are all also??? Kinda dumb??? In incredibly relatable ways. Heccking 10/10 comic. I have to read it all from the beginning because I can’t wait for the last book to come out asaajudzgigui the suffering is sweet tho.
I slapp’a link your way. Go read, you’ll have a really good time (this is a threat)
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