screamingay · 4 months
bought heavy cream to make tiramisu and had leftover egg whites from that so i made meringue cookies but i also realized i have just enough heavy cream left to make panna cotta too so this apartment is about to be dessert heaven
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venus-lou · 1 year
Love for Rockaleta Paleta
John Price x F!Reader
Summary: At the end of your visit to see Alejandro and Rudy, their abuela gave you a bag full of Mexican candy and Price isn’t having it.
Very short
A/n: I absolutely love Rockaleta! However, I don’t really lick them I just take a bite out of them like a heathen. Also I wasn’t sure how to spell Price’s name with the -ito endearment, Pricito, Pricto, Priceto I took four year of Spanish and clearly I don’t remember any of it.
Warning: Implied smut, just teasing Price with a lollipop
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“Abuelita, you know i can’t take this with me!” You whispered back to her smiling. Ever since you announced the her you were leaving, she started pulling out Tupperware full of food and desserts for you to take home. Honestly you didn’t even know how she cooked all this stuff. You swore to Gaz you almost cried after she pulled out tamales and posole. “Who said you can’t have this huh?! Is it Pricito?! I’ll have a word with him don’t you worry.” She shook her head and shoved them in your backpack. “And I’m expecting to get those tupperware back!” You waved back yelling “of course! I’ll come back when I can!” Hoping in to the beep next to Gaz, waving out the window until the sand blew back at you. Price looked at you through the rear view mirror, seeing you look so happy he couldn’t help but feel his chest tight when you made eye contact with him.
Smiling back you noticed Gaz looking over your shoulder before raising his eyebrows “trade?” Pointing at the Duvalín. You both looked up noticing Price’s arm bent back palms faced up “pass me a Mazapán” “Do you want me to open it Pricito” you dragout the last syllable remembering what abuela called him.
“Kid…yes open it please…” he rolled his eyes as you smiled triumphantly. Once you guys arrived back at base, Price called everyone to dinning room to have their share of all the food you guys brought back. It was a nice little break from all the training Ghost and Soap were putting them through.
Price swears you’re doing this on purpose at this point. Always sucking on those fucking lollipops, he could help but stay at your siting on the couch wrapping your lips around it. Running it up and down your tongue before popping it back in your mouth. He couldn’t help but imagine how you would look under him between his thighs. Looking up at him batting your eye, taking his cock all the do-
“stare at her any harder, and lasts of there will turn to stone.” Soap popped up around his shoulder before siting down next to ghost. “Shut it muppet.” Price rolled his eyes before taking a sip of his tea.
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself, you wondered just how much more teasing Price could take before he pulls you into his office and “reprimand” you.
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The Audition
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(Dieter x horror loving female)
Words: 1, 505
Summary: Dieter has to audition for a role and then everything seems to go wrong for him, a character from this story makes a reappearance so check out that story first and this is a reference to a later story but I retroactively changed the film title because coming up with fake film titles is hard
Warnings: some swearing, Dieter gets sad and insecure about himself, drunkenness, vomiting
Check out masterlist here
Dieter dreaded auditions. Even an award-winning actor such as himself still had to put themselves through the ordeal of an audition. He was auditioning for the part of Captain Proteus in the much-anticipated Ocean of the Cosmos; the once thought hard to adapt comic book was finally getting its film adaptation. The last blockbuster film he did was Cliff Beasts 6 and that nearly killed both his career and him. He was reluctant about this one, but his agent told him he’d be good for the part, although he probably told that to all his clients, and he had to do more films that brought in the money. He couldn’t be an indie darling for the rest of his acting life.
He had been practicing his lines with you and he felt confident enough and you wanted to go out for a little celebration afterwards no matter what the outcome as it could distract him from his building nerves. But as soon as he stood in the waiting room, all confidence was fading away. He recognised the lines coming from the closed doors of the audition room. Everyone before him seemed to be yelling the part where Captain Proteus was telling Princess Thalassa that they could never be together no matter how much they loved each other, a bit like Casablanca but in space. And then who came out of the audition room but Jagar Aldritch.
“Oh hey Deets, you’re auditioning for this?” Dieter sensed the smugness, “They said I was great but, good luck.” Now all confidence had left him. He tried to remember how to breathe and pictured your face, calming himself. He got to the part everyone else would say with a mean tone to it, but it never felt right to him, he’d never yell at the person he was in love with.
“Our love will never become a reality, you’re a princess and I’m just the captain of this ship. They’ll never create a constellation of our story; we simply weren’t meant to be written in the stars.”
He couldn’t remember the audition much afterwards apart from the casting director saying, “That was certainly different, thanks for coming in, we’ll call you.” That spelled certain failure for Dieter. He walked out of the audition room feeling defeated but tried to focus on the little celebration you had planned. He looked forward to seeing your smiling face but what he saw was worse.
“Fancy seeing you here.”
You looked up from your book to find the familiar face of Jagar Aldritch. You were surprised he remembered you after working on Hyde Away with Dr. J. Most actors you worked with barely gave you a second glance, let alone remember your name. Dieter was the happy exception and you planned to take him to a new dessert place once his audition was done.
“Um, hi.”
He gestured towards your book, “Oh Frankenstein, all about man creating man.”
“I know, I read it every year.”
“Frankenstein makes a great monster.”
“Yes, Victor Frankenstein did create a creature, but he was more an unfortunate abandoned soul.”
Jagar seemed bewildered by your statement, “Well it just proves that doctors are crazy. So what are you doing here?”
“Victor Frankenstein never actually graduated from university, everyone always forgets that part, but I’m waiting for my boyfriend.” You emphasised the word boyfriend but it seemed to slip through this mans smug filled head.
“That’s nice, you may be looking at the face of the new Captain Proteus. We should go out and celebrate.”
“Well I’m going to celebrate with my boyfriend Dieter who I’m waiting for.”
Your statement was followed by the sight of Dieter who seemed to be lost in his own fog storming away from where you were and outside, leaving you in confused oblivion.
“Guess you just became available.”
You left him with a disgusted look on your face as you rushed off to find your boyfriend.
He wasn’t answering his phone and now you wished you had put a tracker app on Dieter’s phone, he’d run off somewhere and you must have driven all around the city to find him. You had returned home to hope that he would homing pigeon his way back, but it was getting dark soon and you were worried. After what seemed like hours, you heard a knock at the door, and you almost ran to answer. Dieter stumbled in as if he was leaning against the door, clinging tightly to the half empty bottle of vodka.
“Honey cakes! What are you doing here?”
“This is my place.”
The smile on his face bordered on the happy and crazy, “Oh, it is! That’s amazing!”
“Dieter, where were you?”
“I really wanted to get drunk so went to find alcohol. But then my driver went missing.”
“He dropped you off, so I’d take you out to celebrate after remember?”
“Oh,” he took a sip, “Then I asked how to get here, and this thing kept talking to me.” He pulled out his phone and looked at it with childlike fascination.
“You got directions from your phone?”
“I did? That’s amazing, everyone should have this!”
“Dieter, what happened at the audition?”
“I screwed up, like I screw up at everything.” He was swaying like he was a boat in a storm and turning a very particular shade of green. You rushed him to the bathroom where he almost immediately started retching over the toilet.
“Hold my hair!” There wasn’t much to hold but running your fingers through his hair managed to satisfy him. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I’m such a screw up.”
You rubbed his back, “You’re not.”
“I am!” He crawled away from your touch and curled himself up in the small bathtub. “You shouldn’t be with a screw up. You deserve someone like that Jagar, not me.” The last words were whimpered out as tears were falling, he whipped them away and he soon drifted off into a sad slumber.
In the morning, you drew back the shower curtain as sometime during the night, Dieter tried to drape it around himself like a blanket but failed. You handed your just woken boyfriend a glass of water which he gulped down.
“I can only apologise for my behaviour last night. I completely understand if you never want to see me again.”
“Now why would I do a silly thing like that?”
His guilty look turned to one of confusion as you managed to sit on the edge of the bathtub. “You haven’t told me what happened at the audition.”
Dieter sighed, “I was the last to audition so already that was bad, and fucking Aldritch had to be before me and obviously he was amazing. Then the casting people told me that what I did was different from everyone else. Then when I saw that fuckwit flirting with you, that made everything cave in on me because of course he’s going to get the part so why can’t he get you because I’m just a fucking loser.”
“You’re not a loser, you’re a way better man than Jagar.” Dieter tried to shrug this off, but you stopped him, “You’re the only man I’ve ever felt comfortable around. Even drunk, I wasn’t scared of you.”
“Jagar tried to flirt with me even though I told him I was waiting for my boyfriend. Also, he tried to mansplain Frankenstein to me.”
“What a dick.” You couldn’t help but chuckle, “I can’t help it sometimes. It’s like you’re Miss Bianca waiting to be swept away by Jake and I’ll be left the loser like Bernard.”
“Hey, don’t diss Bernard, he’s got amazing qualities. Why else do you think Miss Bianca loves him?”
“Damn, you’re sexy smart.”
“I know, you tell me often enough.  Now I’m going to make you breakfast because you need food in you,” he was about to shrug this off, “And because I want to.” You left him with a his on his cheek, a smile ghosting on his face.
He eventually joined you in your tiny kitchen and sat down at your tiny kitchen table. His phone rang just as you were plating up. He mumbled an apology and moved out the room. A few minutes later he returned with a look of confusion on his face.
“Uh, that was my agent. The casting people showed my audition to the director, and they really liked my take on the character. I’m to meet with everyone this afternoon just to formalise everything but, I’ve got the job.” He said that last part like it was a question and he stared at his phone, still unsure of what he had just heard.
You however, sprang up and hugged him in the excitement. “That’s amazing!”
“Yeah it is,” he was still dazed.
“I guess you doing something different was a good thing.”
“They said it was the romantic scenes that sold them.”
“It was?”
“Well when I did them, I was imagining I was talking to you.”
Films referenced: The Rescuers Down Under (1990)
Books referenced: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Lovingly tagging @boliv-jenta @simpingcowboy @ellenmunn @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @brilliantopposite187 @chaithetics @myloveistoolittle @cevans-is-classic
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Mirth's Ebenezer: Part 16
A/N: It’s been…a while🥴 I hope no one minds the pivot from The Lair in the Woods back to Mirth’s Ebenezer (which I’m hoping to focus on both of these now that all three Heirs of Tenebris books are out and I have a little more time on my hands while I figure out my next project😎)
Warnings: Rough transition from fluff to full fledged angst (sorry, y'all!), reference to recent violence, anxiety, fear, shock/trauma, handling of weapons, reference to past disaster/attack, swearing, the author completely forgetting that this started off as a holiday piece
My Masterlist | Taglist Info or Taglist Request Form | Mirth’s Ebenezer masterlist
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Agent sighed heavily, scrubbing their face with their hand. Another dead end, another error message, another failure.
“Are you coming to bed?” A groggy voice called. Even the exhaustion in their lover’s voice couldn’t mask their irritation.
Agent blinked, breaking the spell cast on them by their Agency-issued laptop and the tens of tabs and programs opened on it. “I…” Shaking their head, Agent turned their chair around and stood. Both of their stiff knees popped and old injuries from their days in the field groaned. “I really should, shouldn’t I?”
Lover hummed, meeting them halfway across the cramped office and pulling them closer to leave a teasing kiss on their lips. “You really should.”
“Have I told you lately,” Agent started, resting their forehead on Lover’s, not daring to open their eyes for the fear that this was all just a dream and that they’d wake up any minute now having fallen asleep at their desk back in their cold dismal office at the Agency. “How much a love you?”
“Not nearly enough,” Lover whispered. “You’ve been too busy trying to catch that mole.”
“You’re not supposed to know about that.”
“And you’re not supposed to bring work home with you.”
“Forgive me?” Agent asked, parting just an inch to see their lover’s expression.
“Only if you take care yourself,” Lover said, turning serious. “You need to sleep—an actual full night of sleep—and eat proper meals and spend time rel—”
The pair jumped, nearly breaking away from each other in full. A blaring alarmed chimed from Agent’s desk. Agent snapped their head in the direction of their computer, their heart hammering against their chest.
Never once had they heard that alarm.
Lover groaned, clapping their hands over their ears. “Make it stop! It’s just as bad as the emergency…” Realization dawned in their eyes as the reality of what was happening sank like a lead weight in Agent’s stomach. “Shit it’s…”
“Yeah,” Agent said, shaking themselves from the shock of it. Darting over to their computer, they quickly silenced the alarm and grabbed their coat from the back of their desk chair, hurriedly shoving their arms through the sleeves.
Lover looked as disappointed as a child who’d been denied dessert.
“I know, sweetheart,” Agent said, cupping their cheek softly, forcing themselves to still long enough to remember themselves and their own situation. “I know. I promise, no matter what, I’ll come home.”
“Be safe,” Lover replied, tears brimming in their eyes.
Agent nodded. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Agent grasped Everette’s shoulder. “We’re not going to die, you hear me?”
Their words couldn’t stop the young hero’s blubbering, and if anything seemed to make it worse. Agent set their jaw, staring hard at the rookie-turned-forced-soldier. “Hey, look at me. Do I look scared to you?”
Everette shook their head. “You’re a heartless, bastard.”
Agent sighed. That wasn’t completely undeserved, but it still stung. Even after all they’d done to help protect a low-life criminal, to root out the mole, people still thought it was them, that they were to blame for this massacre.
“Leave them be, Agent.” Vigilante said, coming around the corner. “We have bigger problems to deal with than whatever rookie here is dealing with.”
“And you thought I was cold,” Agent rolled their eyes. Straightening, they reluctantly agreed with Vigilante and took up their rifle, slinging its strap across their chest. “Find anyone else?”
“Would I be standing here alone if I did?” Vigilante kicked the dirt beneath their feet. “If anyone else is left, they’re in deep cover now. The fire at the Agency’s building has finally been put out and the courthouse is mostly standing. The city’s in total chaos. They did it. The son of a bitch really did it.”
Agent shook their head. “I don’t believe that. This can’t be it. They couldn’t’ve won. Not like this.”
“Yeah, well, we never did find the mole, so…” Vigilante shrugged. “Guess it doesn’t matter anymore. Supervillain obviously got what they wanted.”
Agent didn’t believe that. If they could just find who the mole was and figure out why they betrayed them all, then…then they could…
“It won’t bring them back,” they muttered. Agent’s chest tightened. They forced out a tense breath and could hardly draw another. Sinking down to sit beside Everette, Agent repeated, “It won’t bring them back.”
Vigilante groaned. “Not you too. I need someone to have their head on right because it can’t just be left up to me. Hell if anyone knows where Superhero and Mirth are, or if…fuck.” Vigilante swore again, and again, but it still couldn’t quite break the stupor that had overcome Agent. If anything, they’d guess that it had spread to Vigilante too. They were certain of it when next they spoke. “You don’t think—we can’t be the only ones left. Right?”
“I don’t know,” Agent said, their voice and soul hollow. They forced themselves to swallow. Nodding their head as if they could convince themselves of their own resolve, Agent pushed themselves off the ground and stood on shaking legs. “But if we are, we owe it to them to fight. Supervillain can’t win.” They shrugged, growing more confident with every word. “At the very least, we can be a thorn in their side until the calvary shows up.”
Everette took a shuddering breath, sniffling. “You really think that there are other heroes coming?”
Agent snorted. “You didn’t really think this was the Agency’s only branch, did you? There are heroes all over this country—all across the world even. We might not all be under the same banner or agency, hell we might not all even consider ourselves heroes,” they paused, glancing over at Vigilante and offered them a nod. “but we are. There are more of us than we know. There are more people who want to help, who have good hearts, who care about others, who want to do good and be the good that people see in the world, that inspire them to do good too. It’ll sound cheesy and like a shitty motivational poster, but I’m gonna say it anyway: we have hope. All Supervillain has is fear, and if there is anything I have learned watching all of these heroes for the twenty some-odd years I’ve been an Internal Investigator, it’s that hope is stronger than fear. Think about the most feared people throughout history. You don’t see them still standing, do you?”
Everette shook their head weakly. Agent looked to Vigilante. Their eyes were narrowed suspiciously, like they thought the whole thing was dumb. After a second, they nodded anyway.
“And why not? Why are they history? Because the people had hope. Someone, somewhere, had hope, and they held on to it, and they tore down their fears, they defeated the big bad that plagued their people, and they gave them hope, something to believe in. And that’s what we need to do. We need to show this city that there is still someone fighting for them, that Supervillain hasn’t won, and that they won’t win. We just need to give them something to hold on to, just until help arrives.”
Agent looked from Vigilante to Everette and back again. Sweat slicked their palms. They held their breath, praying their compatriots at least believed their speech.
They tried to believe in it themselves, but all Agent could bring themselves to think about were those few precious moments from earlier in the night. A few precious, yet stolen, moments.
They wondered if they had been selfish, if they had gotten to the Agency sooner, if they hadn’t taken that moment to say goodbye.
They wondered if Lover was still awake, fighting their exhaustion and battling against their anxiety, waiting for any word, any sign, any instance of them.
They wondered if a single moment, a single kiss, a single speech, a single hope would be enough to reverse the damage Supervillain had done, and the battle they’d already won. They hoped, with every fiber of their being, that the war could yet still be won.
Turning their eyes toward the eastern sky, the first hues of the sunrise poked through the ashy haze that hung over the city scape.
Perhaps a single hope was all they needed in order to survive long enough for something to happen that would make a real difference—a real, honest difference for the betterment of the city.
Meanwhile at Baron’s Cabin the Woods:
Superhero glanced around the dimly lit basement, taking in the gleaming array in the lantern light Baron had brought with them.
“So, a safe house, huh?” they asked, eyeing Baron skeptically.
“Yeah,” he said. “This is what makes it safe.” Superhero had to admit that he had a point, but didn’t dare say so aloud. Taking a breath, they resigned themselves to being at the mercy of Baron’s plan. “All right, so where should we start?”
Mirth’s Ebenezer Taglist: @heroes-villains-side-blog @selene-stories @violetcancerian @kaiwewi @averyconfusedhuman Just let me know if you’d like to be added or removed (no reason necessary!) You can also add yourself using this handy dandy form 😊
A/N 2: I legit can't remember the last time I wrote for Mirth and I'm so sorry to those of you following along with this series💜
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tumblr is truly the digital equivalent of a cockroach. this site should be gone with all of the mess its been through but it stayed semi alive by virtue of nostalgia for people who have been on it since its early days, and now it's being resurrected by twitter refugees.
65 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
Tumblr Merch ads are proof that this site has truly become a parody of itself lmao
102 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
Not the organizers of Woodstock '99 blaming Fred Durst for the chaos, and not their lack of organization and their refusal to prevent people from bathing and playing in shit water
114 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
i swear this pink sauce shit is a natural selection experiment, because how the fuck are y'all buying this sauce knowing that the ingredients are spelled wrong, it's not FDA approved, there's no preservatives, and the shit is made outta MILK AND RAW ASS DRAGONFRUIT?????? like girl good luck dealing with the botulism from that curdled pastel pink milk lmaooooooooo
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soaringmirror · 2 years
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words cannot express how weak in the knees this man makes me omgg, this is me falling in love with him all over again!! rbs appreciated my loves <3 I was listening to Aphrodite by RINI when I was thinking about these
warnings: NSFW content under the cut. MINORS DNI OR ILL EAT YOU :)
Caesar is a gentle lover, he kisses you softly but surely so he knows you’re not slipping away from him
King of romance, he has so many date nights planned, so many places to take you. He’s just excited to show you off to the world and spend time with you
He’s super attentive to his lover, is never dismissive and wants to make sure you’re safe in his care
His kisses are addictive and his lips turn super red after
Give this man a back hug and it’ll drive him wild. He feels protected and safe, what more could he ask for
This man is an excellent cook, he’s also really good with dessert. Twirls you around in the kitchen, slow dances, why haven’t you married him yet?!
Enjoys it when you’re sleeping against his chest, deeply inhales the scent of your conditioner and he’s just fallen in love a little harder
Loves hearing the sound of your voice, you’ll be on the couch both deep in conversation “caesar are you listening?” “yes amore”
Can’t take his eyes off you as you’re getting ready, one morning he was just so focused on the way you were applying your lipstick and in the reflection of the mirror you could see the gleam in his emerald eyes when you noticed him staring.
Loves those kisses where your lipstick stains his skin, makes him delirious. He’s crazy over you.
Caesar thinks about the way you’re riding him nice and slow in the bath with candles illuminating the room and your nails digging deeper into his shoulders
He leaves deep purple marks in places like your collarbone. I swear this man has a thing for collarbones and finds them really attractive.
Will spend hours just worshipping your body, telling you how perfect you are 
tease this man, seduce him in lingerie and he’s under your spell 
He’s such a tease, he loves seeing your face twist in pleasure and hearing you beg for his cock he’ll grind into your plush thighs and clasp his fingers around your nipples until you can’t take it any longer
Praises you as hes thrusts in you, "you’re taking me so well", "lift your hips for me angel"
Caesar isn’t embarrassed to be vocal, he’s sincere and vulnerable around you. His moans sound heavenly, breathes heavily and bites his lip to hold back the grunts that are threatening to escape his lips
Whispers so sensually against your ear as you’re about to cum, his lips press at the shell of your ear. He’s holding himself back from cumming first. "come for me amore".
Buries his head in the warmth of your neck and groans loudly as he cums in you
I just know the way he thrusts his hips into your aching sex sends you both over the edge, you’re both heaving, panting messes
Aftercare is a must for him, his voice soothes you, reassuring you how well you did for him. It’s full of soft touches and kisses. He runs a bath for you both because it reminds him of how much he cares about you
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koishua · 2 years
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"you have something right there." he swipes the pad of his thumb across the corner of your lips, grinning to himself mischievously when you blink back at him, flustered and at a loss of words. he raises his cone with a shrug and leans back on the heavy concrete looking beyond at the river flowing peacefully beneath during the young hours of a parisian night, "it was ice cream."
you let out a huff of breath, amused by his antics. jung yoon-oh was an eccentric man, as far as you are able to tell from the few days you'd spent with him wandering around the city of love.
"you're not as smooth as you think you are, jung." he brushes off your comment with an easy chuckle, the deep hum somehow soothing to your ears.
you rest your elbow on the rough surface of the side of the bridge, biting off the sturdy ice cream cone, the waffle still deliciously crunchy after having been soaked by the cool substance for quite a while. following you, your partner sighs in contentment, finished with his own dessert, "your face is telling me otherwise."
a soft breeze blows by, ruffling his soft brown locks to rest in a charming way. you steal glances at the side of his face in wonder, how could someone be so breathtaking?
finding a brief moment of silence and opportunity to start a new conversation, you call his name. "yes?" he replies suite, the dimples set in his cheeks deepening by a simple smile. he looks like the prettiest of paintings.
you come to a moment of epiphany— jung yoon-oh was made out of everything you ever found beautiful.
"how much longer will you be staying?" your voice carries softly in the cool summer air, warm lights hung up every few feet apart illuminating the place you stand and a group of young musicians is heard somewhere on the other side of the bridge, casting a spell on the passerbys.
placing his chin on his palm, he leans in closer to your side, "i don't know."
and truthfully, he really doesn't. everything had been a decision taken spontaneously, nothing planned thoroughly and everything on a whim. it all had seemed like a play of fate itself, pushing him to run far, far away from the world he'd shortly left behind.
maybe it had meant to be when he'd stumbled into you the morning he'd arrived, searching for the small hotel he'd be staying at. maybe it had been a play and tug of strings that made him feel so undeniably close and entangled with you.
two days? three? no, he had known from that first moment, that he'd stay for a long time, liking each and every bit of himself each moment he had spent with you.
he peers into your eyes, silent for a blink or two. leaving? when he'd finally found a feeling he swears he could get addicted to? jaehyun feels his heart clench at the thought of leaving when he had something so much more he could stay for— someone he wanted, ached to stay with.
he doesn't hesitate— not when he'd finally found the breath of air his lungs had craved so long for.
"i'm not going back."
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© koishua 2022, all rights reserved.
hi! i would love to hear your thoughts on this, as they motivate me to continue quite a lot! i hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading. reblogs are super appreciated <3
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violettelueur · 3 years
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↳ featuring : basically everyone at this point from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : mention of explosions + EXTREME grammar issues
↳ form : story
↳ published : 29 march
↳ pronouns : she/her
↳ word count : 2.2k
↳ synopsis : within the jujutsu world, there were three famous clans to be aware of, the Kamo clan, Zenin clan and the Gojo clan. However, unknown to many sorcerers there was one last family that was known to be apart of the three, only for them to disappear after the golden era leading some to speculate that they had died in battle after the sealing of ryomen sukuna, but....
↳ previous episode : kyoto sister school exchange event - group battle 1
↳ next episode : kyoto sister school exchange event - group battle 3
↳ barista’s notes : it’s been a while huh? ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ BUT! my exams and easter hoilday is nearly here, so i will be able to update more than i have been this month, so thank you all so much for being so patient with me ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ���♡ my heart can’t take all the kindness ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ other than that, i hope you all enjoy today’s episode since fushiugro doesn’t pop up until like episode eighteen...so hope you love all the made up scenarios that i have constructed ʕ→ᴥ← ʔ
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1. the whole story belongs to Gege Akutami and the credits go to them and them only.
2. the spell curses used belong to Tite Kubo due to them being the ‘Kidos’ being used on the manga and anime ‘Bleach’ - but none is mentioned in this chapter.
2.5. for the ‘cursed spells’/kidos (bleach) i will link this video here and tell you the time stamp to check out what i am intending to show - remember i add a few twist here and there by adding the katana to link with Y/N’s cursed technique : hopefully this video is slightly better...
no cursed spells used this episode..
but the little sword swing is inspired by this : here
3. if you are confused on anything, please don’t hesitate to message me since i know this whole thing is so confusing.
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“What’s with the smiley look on your face?” you asked as you lifted your eyebrow in curiosity since the man in front of you had a somewhat goofy grin plastered on him while adding a ridiculous amount of sugar cubes into his coffee cup causing you to shiver since you couldn’t imagine how sweet the caffeinated drink would be now if you tried it right now.
“Oh, nothing~ I’m just glad that I got to spend time with my daughter since we both have been so busy lately,” Gojo answered you brightly before grabbing the small metal spoon that was placed on the white saucer below his cup to stir the dark drink to quicken the process of the sugar dissolving.
Right now in the afternoon, you and Gojo were at a random luxury dessert place in the middle of Tokyo, where he had unexpectedly dragged you out of training that you had with the first and second years - much to their complete dismay - to have some ‘father and daughter’ bonding time together, leaving them to prepare today’s training by themselves since their plans were ruined with you now gone out of the scenario.
“Please don’t call me that,” you muttered as you processed to swirl your iced orange and mango juice with your straw before taking a quick sip of the cold beverage causing the tropical flavour to enlighten a light feeling of happiness within your stomach.
“So~ how is training for the exchange event going on?” Gojo asked as he took a sip of his cup causing you to look up at him before moving your lips away from the plastic straw. “It’s going well, Fushiguro and Kugisaki are improving bit by bit as well as the second years, it’s progress,” you replied back as your head began to nod slowly as you began to process everything in your head.
“Ah~ I knew I could count on you,” Gojo mentioned with a proud smile present on his face before looking over to the side to find the waiter coming to your table with the desserts that you both had ordered.
‘Well...isn’t it really your job as a teacher to train them?’
“Thank you so much,” you said to the waiter as they placed down your plates before giving you a nod as they processed to look after the other customers that were also in the cafe right now, leading Gojo to look at the treats in such delight before handing you one of the plates since he was the one that ordered everything - which was a complete surprise since you didn’t think he would remember you liking orange juice at all.
“Here you are! Tiramisu with fresh strawberries on top,” Gojo expressed with an excited tone causing you to look at him with a perplexed expression before slowly peering down at the small white plate that was placed in front of you to only find the mentioned dessert with a small fork right beside it.
“Did...you know I like tiramisu?” you asked bewilderedly since you had never mentioned anything about your favourite treats to Gojo since he was so keen on ordering as quickly as possible the second you both got here, to get the beautiful desserts as early as possible leaving you no room to add what you wanted.
“You were looking at it on the display when we got here, so I thought you wanted to give it a try,” Gojo informed you, leading you to look at him once again in surprise before steadily taking the fork in hand to dig into the treat you were gifted with.
“Thank you,” you mentioned with gratitude before you slowly began to tuck into the meal leaving Gojo to look at you with a smile before changing his gaze towards the sweet treats that were displayed at you both right now before gleefully taking the strawberry shortcake as his first choice.
“Y/N...when the exchange event comes...don’t use your curse technique at all,” Gojo said in a serious tone leading you to look up at your teacher in confusion due to the unexpected change in atmosphere, before sighing since you thought it was common knowledge by now and there was no need for him to remind you.
“You don’t need to tell me that, I can tell that the Kyoto Principal is coming to be watching, right?” you rhetorically asked as you slightly tilted your head to the side, “you don’t have to worry about anything, I ain’t that stupid, besides...the Kyoto students from what I’ve seen are real drags,”
‘I swear I feel like using a curse spell right now’
At this current moment in time, you were in a somewhat difficult situation as you were rapidly zooming past the forest trees that were surrounding you while continuously avoided the arrows that were coming towards your way as some flew right past you while others struck the tree trucks that were somewhat protecting you from them, leaving you with the job to find an escape route since you were still trying to find clues of the mole that Gojo mentioned to you before the Exchange Event started as well as the second-grade curse that was needed to be exorcised to end the first day of the two-day event.
Shifting your eyes to the side, you noticed Fushiguro running in the same direction as you as he needed to keep up with you to make sure that you were safe and there was a way to help you avoid attacking your opponent right now since that was a new rule implemented to keep the game fair. However, with the abandonment of the use of your curse technique, Fushiguro needed to make sure he could defend you and have your back right now.
Quickly, you turned your head back to face forwards to ensure that you didn’t bump into anything or tripped up anywhere since you still had no idea where you were heading right now. From what you could recall, the area that was mapped out to the event’s arena was quite vast and it was getting somewhat difficult for you to sense everyone’s cursed energy since they were all now scattered in different directions with different distances leading your sense on them to become disorganised around you causing some difficulty to sense the curse you needed to locate for.
During this train of thought, Fushiguro couldn’t help but notice a few odd but small objects flowing through the air in front of both of you and him, causing the erratic-haired sorcerer to slightly tense up since he wasn’t sure what they were but also knew he couldn’t act too careless right now since it could be a trap that was set by the Kyoto side. However, as you both continued to sprint forward, those same small objects gilded right past between both of you and Fushiguro causing him to able to identify what they were.
‘Flower petals?’ Fushiguro thought before noticing how a few more pink petals would flow between you and him causing the shikigami user to look at you in confusion (since it was summer meaning there was no way they were just in bloom) as a few more of them gracefully fluttered past you which lead Fushiguro to slowly remember something, yet it was blurry in his mind right now. However, before his mind could even process anything to clear up the blurry image, you swiftly raised your arm to unexpectedly grab a few of the pink petals causing him to snap out of his daze before you left him more perplexed about what you were planning.
“Gojo, what are you going to do?” Fushiguro questioned, as he slyly noticed how your grip on the petals began to tighten before a small smile graced itself upon your face.
“Right now, let’s just say I ain’t planning to follow the rules if he keeps attacking me!” you answered back in a loud tone causing the grade-two sorcerer to glance at you with widened eyes as he wanted to halt you from what you were organising to do. Although, it seemed like it was too late since your hand opened slowly to release the pink flower petals back into the air before you took hold of his sleeve to pull him further so you both can take a long distance away from the same petals right now.
Suddenly, another arrow appeared from the trees as it was making its way towards you both leading you to smirk slightly as you let out of your classmate’s sleeve to take a hold of your katana that was still within its wooden sheathe as you needed to prepare for what was about to commence. 
As the arrow drew closer and closer to you and Fushiguro, it couldn’t help but slightly grazed its sharp metal tip on one of the rosy coloured petals causing a sudden large explosion to commence right above you and Fushiguro while the other petals began to follow due to the first explosion’s residue hitting them as well leading to a row of large explosions to employ to which caused Fushiguro to look at the scene in complete shock before noticing how you were beginning to casually unsheathe your katana from its metal hold.
“You see, if I follow the rules, there is no way of telling them to stay the hell away from me,” you muttered, as you spun around to face the opposite direction before fully swinging your sword sideways leading to a crescent wave of cursed energy to speedily manifest as it flew across the whole woods while somewhat clearing the fiery explosion that was already enough to keep Kamo in place for some time leading Fushiguro to inspect the destructive site in complete surprise since he had no idea that you were able to carry out such an attack. However, it seemed like there was no more time to admire your work as you gripped onto his school jacket’s sleeve, once again, as you had already turned back around to continue running to god knows where.
‘Maybe I went a little overboard…’
“What was that?” Nishimiya asked in slight fear, as she peered in the direction on where the unexpected explosions had occurred while noticing how some of the trees were suddenly on fire while others just seemed to be missing leading Kugisaki, Panda and Mechamaru (who were down below on the ground) to look towards the direction where they hear the destruction.
“Woah,” Kugisaki muttered in awe since she had a slight feeling that it was you, who caused the mass destruction just seconds ago.
“Well, it seems like we don’t have to worry about Gojo,” Panda mentioned to his lower classmate before he swiftly got back up on his feet to attack Mechamaru by launching a punch into the robot’s face causing Kugisaki to turn to him in shock since she thought he was still unconscious.
‘Yeah, I don’t have to ever worry about her’ Kugisaki thought confidently before turning towards her opponent with an annoyed look on her face.
“She can do that with flower petals?!” Utahime screamed in shock as she peered at the screen that was now just a pure full screen of static leading her to nearly drop her cup of tea, while Gojo looked at the same screen in slight surprise before he began to giggle while processing to remove his hands that were resting behind his head in amusement of what he had just witnessed from you.
“Awhhh so pretty~” Gojo commented as he clapped his hands like he was applauding you, leading Utahime to turn her gaze towards him in an irritated manner.
‘You love to keep surprising me, don’t you Y/N?’
“And that’s one bird down! Mei-san, is it possible to get another?” Gojo questioned as he peered back to his colleague causing her to giggle slightly as she opened her eyes again.
“Just who did you take in Gojo? You have a good eye if you decided to take her as your daughter, how much did you pay for her?” Mei replied, only for Gojo to look at her with a cheeky smile.
“Nothing, absolutely zero yen! I got her by pure chance, don’t tell me you’re planning to take her away from me, Mei-san?” Gojo jokingly commented back, before turning his sights on the Kyoto Principal, who seemed to be somewhat shocked at the current events that were transpiring on, but managed to maintain his composure leading to the strongest sorcerer to turn back to the other multitude of screens that were in front of him right now, like he was at the cinema watching an action movie.
‘The Kyoto student from what I’ve seen are real drags’
“That’s a bit harsh and violent from those said ‘drags’, don’t you think Y/N?” Gojo muttered under his breath as he waited for another crow to replace the one you had destroyed earlier.
‘At this rate, she won’t be able to track down the mole if Kamo is going to keep attacking her...oh well~ she’s a smart person, she’ll figure it out without even facing them’
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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spxllcxstxr · 3 years
Date Night • The Marauders
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(Gif not mine)
Request: Maybe like a poly!marauders x (she/her) reader where they just spend a day together :) like you can write smut If you’d like, but yea maybe they can go out to eat id like to see a dynamic in a poly relationship w them. Thank you!! Love your writing <3 — anon
Summary: Date nights are rare, but tonight, you go out for ice cream with your partners
Warnings: Food and eating!! The entire fic is about eating, so please stay safe! If you have a peanut allergy no you don’t. Also, if you’re lactose intolerant like me, uhhhh pretend there’s a potion for that I guess, kinda implied first Wizarding war, smallest hint of steaminess
Word Count: 1.6k
A.N: Remus=Ross, James=Chandler, Sirius=Joey, right? This took me like weeks to finish...but overall I kinda like it. Let me know what you think, and love you all ❤️
The four of you very rarely had free time.
Between missions and meetings, you and your partners almost never had time off, and even when you did, one of you would still be busy. One of you would still be undercover or stuck debriefing the latest mission with Mad-Eye for hours.
So it’s weird to find yourself situated on the couch, Sirius’ head resting on your lap and Remus on the other end, stuck with his feet. James shuffles around in the kitchen behind you, stuck with dish duty after almost setting your flat on fire.
Sirius snuggles deeper into your thigh, evidently still exhausted from the previous day’s mission he was tasked with.
The flat is mostly quiet, the only sounds coming from Remus turning the pages of his novel and the ceramic plates clashing together as they get put away. The sun slowly sets outside, basking your living room in glowing orange in light.
You run your fingers through the mess of dark curls splayed out on your lap, always lustrous and soft to the touch. He hums deeply in approval.
A sharp clap from behind jolts you out of your peaceful thoughts.
You crane your neck to watch as James throws on his denim jacket.
“I believe that we,” He starts, eyeing the three of you. “deserve a date night.”
Instantly, a smile grows across your face. The last time the four of you had a proper date night, it was 1979 and Queen had just released a new song, which meant that Sirius needed to celebrate with all of you at the pub getting absolutely pissed.
Since you all joined the Order, all your free time has been sucked down the drain.
So that’s why the mere suggestion of the normally elusive date night makes you feel all giddy inside. You would’ve gotten up from your comfortable position to throw your coat on if it wasn’t for Sirius practically securing you to the cushions.
“But James...” He groans.
“Oh c’mon, Pads, we haven’t been on a proper date since—“
“Last year.” Remus interjects, shutting his book before placing it onto the coffee table. “But then again, you were too drunk for it to actually be considered a date.”
“Don’t blame me, blame Freddie and his Merlin given voice.” Sirius muses, still laying on your thigh. His fingers dance around your kneecap.
Remus slowly eases himself off the couch, joining James by the front door.
“Fine.” You hear James shrug. “We’ll just leave you here to suffer while Remus, (Y/n), and I go out to Florean’s.”
This seems to grab his attention, because he perks up just enough for you to slide out of his grasp.
You end up at Remus’s side, clinging to his grey jumper as you excitedly pull on your shoes.
“Ice cream?” Sirius asks, pushing his hair behind his ears. “Without me?”
“It doesn’t have to be without you, Sirius.” You retort, sandwiched between James and Remus. “If you get your arse over here, we won’t have to leave you.”
“Alright, you’ve convinced me.” Sirius huffs, hands raised in mock surrender, dragging himself over to the front door.
He waves his wand, boots zipping out of the closet and slipping onto his feet, his dark leather jacket covering his white shirt on its own.
“What, are simple tasks too hard for you now?” Remus teases, lightly bumping his shoulder into Sirius’.
“We’ve got magic for a reason, Moons.” The shorter of the two rolls his eyes. “Might as well use it.”
Remus opens his mouth to retort but James swiftly interrupts their bickering.
“I swear to Godric Gryffindor himself, (Y/n) and I will leave both you gits here.”
There’s grumbling from the two of them, but it becomes garbled once James throws an arm around you and Apparates you to Diagon Alley.
Your brain feels like it’s spinning in your skull and your stomach tugs familiarly at your naval. Sure you’ve Apparated many many times before, but it’s simply not fun no matter what.
As per usual, Diagon Alley is loud. Children and drunkards laugh, spells and fireworks whizz passed your ears, people in heels trot across the cobblestone path.
It’s places like Diagon Alley that remind you why you love magic so much.
James’ arm is still heavy on your shoulders as you watch people in cloaks and tall hats rush by you.
There’s a startling crack behind you and you and James turn around to see your other partners. Sirius might have a few new purple bruises littered across his collar bones and Remus might have a smug look plastered across his face, but no one says anything. Remus throws the two of you a silent wink as Sirius hangs off of him.
“Gonna hold my hand, Moony?” James questions, his arm outstretched.
Remus eagerly takes it, fingers interlocking.
So the four of you are connected as you stroll down the street. Your face is buried into James’ denim jacket, the faint smell of grass stains and broom oil an already welcomed scent. In the middle, James and Remus have their shoulders rubbing together as they walk, James’ thumb most likely tracing figure eights between his knuckles like he always does. Lastly, it seems like Sirius had changed his position enough to stick a hand in Remus’ back pocket.
The sun continues to dip lower below the horizon, resulting in candles and lanterns being lit in every dark corner. Children are ushered inside homes and adults start to flock towards the pubs.
With the looming threat of dark and dangerous wizards, people aren’t taking their chances, safety in numbers and safety indoors being popular within the village.
Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlor is lit up in a rainbow of colors as always, and the sweet scent of ice cream drifts through the air. People sit in crowds outside the shop, enjoying their treats on the sidewalk or some even spread out on the street.
“So what’re you going for today, Jamie?” You ask as your little group enters the shop.
A little bell sounds from above you, barely heard over the boisterous laughter and rowdy conversations that surround you.
Unlike you, Sirius, and Remus, James doesn’t have a signature flavor. He had to have a different kind every visit. So while Remus had already ordered his strawberries and cream in a waffle cone and Sirius is eyeing his peanut butter ice cream, James is still perusing his options like a little kid.
Your own ice cream starts to melt a bit while you’re waiting.
James squints his eyes at the names, despite his glasses already resting on the bridge of his nose.
“You haven’t done toffee apple in a bit, Prongs.” Sirius points, his finger making contact with the cool glass barrier.
“You’re right.” James hums. “Thanks.” He presses a quick kiss to Sirius’ stubbled cheek before ordering his ice cream.
There’s a small open table across the way, lit up by a few lanterns, which the four of you claim.
There’s a very slight breeze that makes you cuddle up to Remus’ soft jumper.
Desperate to talk about something other than the current state of affairs, James gets caught up talking the Wimbourne Wasps and their new Beater, Ludovic Bagman.
You watch Sirius, tongue poking ever so slightly out of the corner of his mouth, try to sneak a scoop of James’ ice cream while he’s distracted.
Attempting to hide your amusement, you bring a hand up to cover your mouth, feigning interest in the Quidditch talk.
You watch the spoon make an indent and it’s halfway to Sirius’ mouth before—
The silver spoon freezes abruptly, and grey eyes widen significantly.
“Is that why you suggested toffee apple? So you could nick some of my bloody ice cream?” James gasps dramatically, mouth agape in shock.
“Where’re your manners, James?” Sirius retorts, licking his spoon. “Sharing is caring.”
His hazel eyes narrow. “I don’t know, Black, that looked more like thievery to me.”
“Well let’s take it to our very own Wizengamot, then.” Sirius loudly gestures to you and Remus.
“Well I’m sure that for a wee bit of ice cream, (Y/n) and I, as key witnesses to the whole event, can clear the air.” Remus smirks, biting into his cone.
Sirius swiftly pushes the rest of his ice cream across the table, not even trying to be discrete about his offering. You and Remus start to dig in.
“Bribery!” James shouts, throwing his arms up in the air in exasperation. “This trial is a load of bullshit!”
“Sorry James, can’t hear you over how good this is.” Remus remarks with his mouth full.
You lick your spoon, watching the theatrics.
“That doesn’t even make sense!” James straightens his glasses and runs a hand through his hair in playful frustration.
“Aw, Jamie...you want some of mine?” You pout, offering some of your own frozen dessert.
“At least someone at this table loves me.” James grumbles, sticking a spoon into your bowl.
Sirius sticks his tongue out.
“Hey, I never said Sirius was cleared of all charges.” Remus raises a scarred brow.
“What?” Sirius snaps. “But I bribed you!”
You snicker at his balled up fists.
“So you admit to the bribery, you might as well admit to the thievery while you’re at it.” He finishes the bowl, licking the last of it from his spoon.
“Oh how the tables have turned.” James smugly points out.
Sirius childishly pouts, opting to pick at his black painted fingernails.
“We should have date nights more often.” James chuckles, clinking your spoons together.
All Character Taglist: @aspiringsloth20 @amourtentiaa @cherie-draco @mullthingsoverinthehotwater
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lilac-super-nova · 3 years
WARNING: Character death! Swearing.
A/N: Sorry, I changed it up a bit from the post I made about this fic the snippet of text. So, it's not exactly what I said it would be!
Hermione finally decided to go outside. The library was far too stuffy and there was a chattering group of third-year girls nearby. As she placed her book back on its shelf, Draco rounded the corner of the aisle and stopped at the sight of her standing there.
“Shit! Malfoy!” Hermione yelped quietly in surprise.
“Oh, finally,” he sneered, staring at her. “I was looking everywhere for you.”
“Of course you were! And I bet I know what you want to talk about,” Hermione whispered harshly, turning around to face Draco. “All you ever want to fucking talk about is us!”
Draco’s face registered hurt and then quickly switched back to his usual sneer. “So? You’re scared to talk about it at all,” he muttered, leaning forward so that Hermione could feel his hot breath on her cheek. “Are you scared of me, darling?”
He felt her body tense underneath him and he smiled. He tilted her chin upward and put his arm on the bookshelf behind her so that his body was practically touching hers, but not quite.
“Draco!” she gasped.”Not here!”
“Hmmm… perhaps an empty classroom?” he suggested.
Hermione tried to object but then she realized there was no point and settled for a look of pure hatred instead.
She followed him to an empty classroom and closed and locked the door behind her.
“I think we could try again. Please trust me. It’s okay, don’t worry,” Draco assured her as he sat her down on top of the teacher’s desk.
“Draco, I really don’t know,” Hermione mumbled, closing her eyes and taking Draco’s hand in hers.
“Please, darling? For me?” Draco pleaded with her, squeezing her hand tightly.
Even though she enjoyed watching him beg with her, she reluctantly sighed and nodded her head. Draco smiled and felt grateful for the opportunity. He knew he only had one chance and he had to be careful.
Draco placed a hand on her waist and leaned forward so that their lips almost met, but he paused, thinking of how lucky he was to have this opportunity and how beautiful Hermione was at that moment. He slowly breathed in and then tilted his face forward so that his li-
Hermione pulled away, hopped off of the desk, and landed with a dull thud as Draco tried to comprehend what had just happened. She had just been sitting in front of him, lips awaiting his touch, or so he had thought. Now, she seemed to be a completely different person, fierce and fiery beneath his gaze.
“Draco… I really can’t do this,” Hermione began regretfully. “You’re a good person, but I really don’t think this is going to work out. I’m so sorry, Draco.”
The realization and fact of what was going on hit Draco like a huge bullet, his heart dropping immediately and his mind drowning in despair. No, no, no, no, this couldn’t be happening! What had he done to earn this? He had been careful and slow. Was he too slow!? What ha-
“This isn’t your fault,” Hermione assured him, reading his mind. “It just doesn’t feel right to me. Do you understand?”
“Y-yes,” Draco choked out quietly, stuttering in his confusion. “I understand.”
Hermione nodded. “I wish you well. Goodbye.”
And with that she walked out, gently closing the door behind her. Leaving him with his head down, wallowing in his misery, feeling as if he had failed. Drowning in his fears, mistakes, and insecurities.
The next day, Draco was walking down the hall on his way to potions class and he saw Harry, Hermione, and Ron standing with the rest of the Gryffindors, waiting for the class to start. The ease she talked to them with made him feel a deep pang of jealousy and longing. She had never talked to him like that.
Professor Snape opened the door to the dungeon and all of the students filed into the classroom, sat down, and awaited instructions. Today, Draco found a table with just Pansy and slumped onto a chair.
“Where the fuck were you yesterday?” she asked, setting her bag down on the empty seat next to her. “Crabbe and Goyle are in the hospital wing, they fell down a whole entire flight of stairs. I don’t really understand how that’s possible though,” Pansy said, noticing that he had looked around.
She smirked and had a slight air of triumph. Draco wondered if she had pushed them so that she could sit with him alone. He didn’t understand how she could be so obsessed with him when Hermione Granger had turned him down twice. When he couldn’t even gain the love of a mudblood.
Shit. “I was busy doing some studying in the library… for… uh… an extra credit essay for Snape! And it took quite a long time, I couldn’t figure out a specific thing about... unicorn blood.” He pieced together. He couldn’t tell her about what happened with Hermione, she would humiliate him for loving a muggle-born.
“Oh, well, you could’ve told me. I would’ve gladly helped you with your essay, you know,” Pansy said with a sly smile.
Draco began to feel uncomfortable and there was an awkward silence.
“I’m so sorry, I just didn’t think of it at the time. Next time something like that comes up I’ll let you know, okay?” He brought his hand up to his neck and rubbed it.
Pansy simply nodded, a little disappointed. He felt like he was failing everyone in that sense. How could he satisfy the love Pansy had for him and his own need for love from a person he could never quite capture at the same time?
At the end of the class, Draco quickly made his way to the door and hurried down the hall and up to the Great Hall to eat lunch. The entrance was filled with people and Draco let out a small groan when he realized that he had come at the worst time.
As he finally made his way to the Slytherin table he noticed Potter stare at him with a mix of hatred, confusion, and pity and Draco knew that Hermione had told him about what had happened.
He chose to sit at the far end of the table, away from his friends, and waited. When the food appeared he ate only a few things and no dessert at all. He noticed that some of the other Slytherins were looking at him and whispering to each other. Draco sighed. They were talking about him, of course.
When he got up with everyone else to leave and go to their next classes, he heard snippets of conversations including his name.
“Look! It’s him, Draco Malfoy. What a fuck up. Did you hear that he’s failing all of his classes?”
“--and that he’s starving himself! Do you know why?”
“Ha! He got turned down by a muggle-born! Ya’ know, the nerd?”
His cheeks glowed red as he ran, not to his next class, but to his Slytherin dorm room. He felt like he was going to cry and soon enough, his vision was getting blurry.
He threw open the door and dragged himself over to his bed where he collapsed onto the soft sheets. There he let all of his tears out until he was done and simply lying face down on his covers, barely able to breathe through the thick fabric.
The thoughts racing through his head were tangled in each other as he tried to make sense of his feelings and compose himself. Soon enough, he knew what he must do and it made his heart go wild. He had been expecting this for a while and he finally had the courage to do it.
Draco got up and robotically walked himself over to his trunk. There, he tied almost all of his clothing into one long rope and stood at the wall, waiting. He got out his wand, and under his breath, mumbled a simple spell. When he looked up, he noticed a hook protruding from the wall a foot above him. It was next to his bed so that if he got on it he would be able to touch it with the top of his head. The perfect height.
Without thinking, Draco worked the rope of clothing and created a noose that looked like it would fit perfectly. He did this by hand. He adjusted this on the hook and made sure it was very tight and would not give way. After that, Draco got up on the bed, positioned himself, and put it on while simultaneously tightening it.
The thorny roses stood on that bedside table, never wilting or dying, never needing to have their water changed. The thing is, they had never been magically altered in any way and were practically perfect. The pure crimson red of their beautiful petals. The neatly sculpted thorns, sharp as a needle. The long and delicate, but strong stems, as healthy as they had been exactly a year ago. Nobody touched them or bothered them in any way because they were a monument. Some people said if you get that bed, you would end up dying that year, some said it was good luck.
Many people mourned this tragic death, but none as much as Hermione Granger.
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daisylore-au · 3 years
The Revival — Day Three, Part One
you know, i don’t think a single person went for “don’t promise” LMAO ,, honestly i had a stroke of genius about an hour ago for today so get ready for later tonight !!!! this is genuinely gonna be the best night :DDD
ignore spelling mistakes man’s is TIRED lol
warnings: dereality, body horror, eye horror, horror aspects!
Daisy hangs her head. Deep down, she knows Darian is right. It’s clear this place isn’t reality, no matter how much she wishes it could be — they don’t have flowers for eyes in the real world, and in the real world, things are a lot harder than they are here. It’s so much easier to live here, where everyone is smiling and happy, but…
“I promise,” she says quietly, hooking Darian’s pinky finger around hers and squeezing, “thanks, Darian. I was a little dumb.”
“Just a little,” Darian says, looking infinitely relieved, “I forgive you. Now, let’s get Wil, and figure out how to—”
Wilbur miaows, a very startled, displeased sound, and when Daisy and Darian turn to look at him, surprised, they’re met with the sight of George and Dream in the doorway of the treehouse, big, big smiles engraved into their faces. Daisy stares curiously into the petals of their eyes, and swears she sees a bug on one of George’s.
“Daisy, we were just looking for you!” George beams. “It’s dinner time: did you lose track of time?”
“It happens,” Dream teases, “but say goodbye to Darian and come with us, okay?”
Dinner: Daisy’s stomach, as if on cue, rumbles. She is hungry. “Can Darian come?” She begins, not wanting to split up from her only friend in this world, turning to face him—
And shrieking. Darian’s speaking, but no words are coming out: instead all Daisy can see are petals falling from his mouth, petals of snapdragons and petunias and all sorts of flowers she doesn’t even recognise. Scrambling back, horrified at the sight, Daisy backs into the arms of her parents, while Darian claps a hand over his mouth in horror.
“I— What— What happened?!” She demands, unable to stop staring at Darian, who she has never seen look more frightened. “Why can’t he speak?”
“Well, silly,” George says brightly, as Dream picks her up and sits her on his shoulders with a reassuring pat on the back, “when you say bad things, you lose your speaking rights until you learn to be good! Did you forget that already?”
“Darian— He’s not bad,” Daisy pleads, distressed, “and that’s a stupid rule! You can’t just take away someone’s voice for saying something you don’t like!!”
“Sure you can,” Dream tells her goodnaturedly, leading her away from the treehouse, oblivious to his daughter staring back in horrified misery. “That’s how the world works. If you’re bad, you get treated bad. And if you say bad things, you don’t get a voice.”
“What happens if you do bad things?” Daisy whispers, eyes sticking on the cat at the window of the treehouse. Watching him, Daisy sees Wilbur jump out of the door and down the tree, slinking off round a corner and disappearing. “This isn’t fair!”
George hums as they arrive back at the house, helping her down, and keeping one hand wrapped around her wrist to keep her with them.
“How do you think the Monster is made?” He asks, smiling, and a petal flutters out of his eye. It’s rotting before it even touches the ground. “If you do bad things, you’re not a person anymore, Daisy. You become a Monster. You know that, don’t you?”
Daisy goes pale, mind whirling with old fears resurfacing. Dream, seizing this opportunity, ushers her inside, closing and locking the door securely behind all three of them.
No chance to get to Darian now.
“Enough talking about monsters,” George continues, voice softening, “listen, like I said, it’s dinner time. Your Uncles are here to see you! They’ve missed you. Can you hear them?”
The noise coming from the next room suddenly picks up: Daisy doesn’t need to strain to hear the joking and laughing, and their words become a lot more audible. Hunching over, anger and upset and fear brewing inside of her, she mumbled an agreement.
“Come with us,” Dream says encouragingly, holding out his hand, “let’s go see them, okay? We have all your favourites for dinner — and loads of dessert.”
“Uncle Karl made cake, and it’s even edible this time!”
Daisy looks between her two parents — Flower Dream and Flower George, she tells herself, wildly, because there are not her parents. Her real Dad isn’t like this. And the real Dream…
Well. Does she even know the real Dream? For the first time, she feels doubt creep into her heart. What if this is like the real Dream? What if the real Dream is nothing like the ghost Dream she knows and loves?
Does that matter?
“You’re not going to make us drag you in, are you?” George teases, but there’s a cold note to his voice suddenly. “Follow me. Go into the room, Daisy.”
Daisy hesitates.
(twenty minutes to choose!)
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modernpaw · 3 years
It's a Beautiful Day for a Wedding (Part 3)
Charlie Barber x Female Reader
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Summary: When your ex-husband shows up at your cousin’s wedding, old wounds can’t help but resurface. Lucky for you, a certain theater director is also in attendance.
Notes: I had to write this whole thing twice because right after finishing it the first time, I accidentally pressed something and deleted much of the text, with no way to undo it. My last draft had been hours ago and so much had already changed in the scenes. You guys have no idea how much I wanted to cry, so I'm just glad someone's reading this. SNIFF. Lesson learned.
CW: N S F W, SMUT, swearing, unwanted advances, PIV sex, divorce, painful breakup, implied past infidelity, unprotected sex, AFAB reader
Words: 4.3k
Read Part 1 here
Read Part 2 here
The sound of knocking brings you back to your senses, and you push Charlie away in alarm. A look of hurt crosses his face, but it only lasts for a second. Before you can even open your mouth to apologize, however, the knocking starts again, and your attention returns to the door.
"Hellooooo," the person on the other side calls out. "Anyone there?"
"Sorry, occupied!" you shout, voice hoarse.
Aren't there other bathrooms in the house?
"Oh, honey! Are you okay?" You now recognize the speaker as one of the bridesmaids. "We haven't seen you since the reception began!"
"Y-Yes!" you answer, looking around for an alternative way out. Your eyes land on the frosted glass window on one side of the wall, which you know for a fact faces the back of the house.
You look back at Charlie. You may need him to climb out that way, but you're not sure how you can ask him to do so without offending him more than you probably already have.
"Are you sure? You sound like you're coming down with something!" the bridesmaid replies. "Let me in! Maybe I can help!"
The doorknob jiggles.
Panic surges in you, and you feel like throwing up. You're going to have to choose between making Charlie leave, knowing full well that you're the one who pulled him in here in the first place, or getting caught in a compromising situation. Either way, you're going to have to deal with the fallout.
Fortunately, Charlie seems to have come to the same conclusion. He taps you on the shoulder and points wordlessly to the window.
You nod at him before opening the faucet, hoping that the running water will help mask the sound of his escape. As he slides the glass up, you flush the toilet and slam the seat down, trying to make as much noise as possible.
For good measure, you shout back at the bridesmaid. "Uhm, on second thought, you might be right. I think I might have caught a bug or something."
"Oh dear!" she cries out. "You know, there's a stomach bug going around! Half my family is coming down with it!"
You say something in reply, rambling on and on about how sick you feel, while leaning your forehead against the door. Much of what you're saying probably doesn't make sense, but it only helps sell the idea that you're not feeling quite like yourself.
"Do you think you're well enough to come out? Perhaps you need to drink some water," she says helpfully.
You look behind you to check if it's safe to open the door. Charlie is nowhere to be seen, the open window the only indicator that he was ever there in the bathroom with you.
Aside from the taste of his lips on yours, of course.
You let out a sigh as you look at yourself in the mirror, recomposing yourself as best as you can. You fix the smudge of your makeup and rearrange your dress, all the while thinking about how his absence doesn't make you feel relieved, only hollow.
From experience, you know that you need to talk to Charlie right away. So many things have been left unsaid, and the longer you leave things unresolved, the harder it will be to sort out later.
You open the door abruptly, surprising the bridesmaid waiting on the other side. She takes one look at you and shakes her head. "Honey, you look so pale. I think you need to lie down."
You admit that you feel faint, but you also know that you need to go back to the reception to find Charlie. "I'll be fine," you say with a placating smile. "I just need to get something to eat."
She doesn't look like she believes you, but escorts you back to the garden anyway. You station yourself right by the dessert table, so you can nibble on a slice of cake while you scan the crowd for any sign of Charlie.
The party is still in full swing. From your vantage point, you can see your cousin and her husband engaged in an animated conversation with another couple. Everyone else is either talking, laughing, or eating, all having a good time.
There's no sign of the theater director anywhere though, and you blink your tears back, trying not to let your emotions get the best of you.
It's very likely that he's already left the party.
He probably doesn't want to see you again.
You really fucked this up.
Lost in your thoughts, you don't notice your ex-husband approaching you until he's right by your side.
"Look, I'm not really in the mood for you, Steve," you say when he calls your name. You keep your face turned away, eyes still searching the crowd for Charlie. Maybe if you don't look at him, he'll go away.
"I just want us to talk, sweetheart," he says, using his pet name for you.
The urge to vomit returns in full force. "D-Don't call me that," you say, putting your plate down when you feel a cold chill seep through your bones. Your hands turn cold and clammy, and it feels like you've actually caught a bug.
"You used to love it when I called you that," he continues, moving closer to you, lips brushing against your ear. "Remember the first time I called you sweetheart?"
You know where this story is going, but you don't want to hear it. "You lost the right to call me that a long time ago," you say as firmly as you can, finally looking him in the eye, and pushing him back. "Please just leave me alone."
Steve doesn't seem to know how to take no for an answer. "That wasn't the case a few months ago," he presses. "Weren't you my sweetheart when we spent that whole weekend in bed?"
You feel a dizzy spell coming on, and you sway a little where you stand. You steady yourself, trying to block Steve out as he recounts the details of your time together. Does he really think that reminding you of that weekend would make you want to jump back in his arms? If anything, it only reinforces your decision.
You've just about had enough, but when you try to walk away, he takes your hand and pulls you back. "Let me go, Steve," you hiss quietly, not wanting to call any attention by struggling harder, not that you have the energy to.
At this point, a stiff breeze would blow you over.
Before he can answer, you feel a strong arm curl around your waist, freeing you from Steve's grasp.
"Baby, here you are," Charlie says, putting himself in between you and your ex-husband. "I couldn't find any meds for your nausea, but maybe this watermelon drink will help."
On instinct, your body curls around Charlie's, one hand resting on his back, the other on his chest. He holds the glass before you and gently lets you sip from it, much to Steve's bewilderment.
Improvisation isn't necessarily your strongest suit, but it's not difficult to play along when your partner is Charlie.
"Better?" he asks.
You nod. "Can we go?" you ask in a small voice.
Charlie deposits the glass on the table. "Of course, babe," he says, before giving Steve a smile. "If you'll excuse us," he says before gently walking you back to the house.
You don't spare your ex-husband a second glance, choosing instead to focus on Charlie's arms around your waist and the feel of his body so close to yours. His presence is warm and comforting, and you feel the symptoms of what might have been a panic attack recede.
As you lean closer to Charlie, you think you feel his arm tighten around you, but you're not certain. It might have just been your imagination. You keep your hands on him anyway until you're safely inside the house, only letting go when he breaks away from you.
"There's a guest bedroom upstairs where I'm staying," you say as soon as you're out of anyone else's earshot. You don't want to risk getting interrupted or Charlie leaving before you get a chance to explain. "Do you think we can talk there?"
Charlie considers you for a second. "That depends. Am I going to have to climb out of a window again? Because I don't know if I can manage it quite as easily as from the second floor."
Guilt floods you and you look down on the floor. "No, it's my room. No one will—" You cut yourself mid-sentence, realizing that you couldn't, shouldn't, impose this conversation on him if he doesn't want it. "But if you don't want—"
Charlie sighs and gently cups your face. "I'm sorry. I meant it as a joke, but I think it came out the wrong way."
You blink up at him in surprise. "So you're not... you know...angry?" you ask.
He bops his forehead gently to yours. "No, c'mon. Let's talk."
Upstairs, in your room, you sit on the side of bed, while Charlie, after unbuttoning his coat with one hand, takes the desk chair right beside it.
You take a deep breath, not really sure what to say first.
Do you say that you're not normally that promiscuous? That that thing in the bathroom was your first time acting on your desires so indiscriminately? Do you apologize for pushing him away earlier? For making him leave through the window as if you're embarrassed to be caught in the bathroom with him?
Once again, however, Charlie beats you to it. "I'm sorry if I overstepped," he says.
"No!" you say, quick to contradict him.
You don't want him to think that you didn't want any of it or that he was alone in his actions. You're just as responsible for what transpired. "I wanted it," you say. "And I'm sorry for pushing you away. I was just surprised."
He studies your face for a moment, wanting to make sure he doesn't miss any important non-verbal cues from what you're saying, that it's not just wishful thinking on his part. "I understand," he finally says.
And he does. While he did feel hurt earlier, it was more of a reflex than a conscious emotion, and it wasn't something he would allow to take root without talking to you first. After escaping through the window, he went in search of another bathroom where he could compose himself and make himself more presentable before rejoining the reception.
That was when he saw you standing by the dessert table with whom he assumed was your ex-husband. As a director, Charlie is very used to reading body language, and he could tell within a second of watching you that you were very uncomfortable in the other man's presence.
He had already been on his way over, but when Steve pulled your hand, Charlie had to stop himself from making a scene. He grabbed a drink on the way, so he wouldn't accidentally break your ex-husband's nose for putting his hands on you, knowing that that last thing you wanted was to call any attention to yourself.
Now that he has you all to himself, all sorts of thoughts are running through his head, such as the fact that he probably should have asked you to dinner first, and he says so as much.
"But I can't say that I regret what I did either, unless, of course, you do," he says, watching your face carefully.
You stare back at Charlie in awe. "I-I don't regret it either," you say. "I like you Charlie."
Charlie smiles as he holds his hand out to you. "Well, just in case it's not obvious, so do I."
You reach out to place your hand in his, returning his smile. "It's been quite a day, hasn't it?"
He squeezes your hand. "I think we deserve a break."
The break is apparently a nap, which, according to Charlie, you desperately need. You don't have the energy to argue, especially not when you know he's right. Your emotions have been running on high since earlier this morning when you heard that your ex-husband was attending the wedding.
Charlie admits that he may have exacerbated the situation.
"Exacerbated," you yawn, "is one way of putting it."
Now, lying on your side, you feel your eyelids start to get heavy. The bed is so soft, and Charlie is so warm. He's taken his coat off and is positioned right behind you, one arm slung over your body, pulling you close to his chest.
You put a hand over his and hum in contentment. Charlie smiles when he hears it, likening it to a cat's purr.
He drapes one leg over yours. "Sleep now," he commands, and you find yourself obeying without question. His weight is a welcome anchor for your frazzled emotions, and soon, you find yourself dreaming.
You're on a boat, bobbing up and down, in the middle of the ocean. There's nothing but water for as far as your eye can see, no other person around you, not even land on the horizon, but you don't feel scared or alone. You just feel at peace.
When a large wave rocks the boat gently, you rush over to the side of the craft, only to realize that the wave is actually a blue whale. Its sheer size should have been overwhelming, but its presence only calms you.
Then the dream changes, and you feel lips pressing against the back of your neck and hear sweet nothings whispered in your ear.
You're gorgeous.
Stay here.
I'll be right back.
You try to shift closer to the warmth behind you, and that's when you wake up.
Blinking your eyes open, you register the fact that you're alone in bed, alone in the room, in fact. You push yourself up on your forearms. Charlie's side of the bed is still warm, so he probably hasn't been gone for long.
Before you can even speculate about his whereabouts, however, the door opens to reveal the man himself with a plate of food in one hand and two bottles of water in the other. "Hey," he says, placing them all on the desk. "Thought I left you sleeping."
You crawl over to the edge of the bed before standing on your knees before him. While you appreciate him taking the time to bring you food from the reception, it's not exactly what you're hungry for. You reach for his belt, pulling him towards you, before laying gentle kisses on his stomach.
Charlie swallows. "Are you sure about this?" he asks, cradling your face.
You look up at him and nod. "Very sure."
Charlie leans down to kiss you softly on the lips before joining you on the bed. You move back to make room for him, until your head hits the pillow and the entire length of his body covers yours.
"You look so beautiful," he says, before gently parting your legs. He nudges your left leg to the side, and slides his hands up the smooth expanse of your skin, bringing your dress up as he does.
Your breath hitches in anticipation when he raises it to your waist, revealing your seamless underwear. A new wet patch is already forming on the crotch.
Charlie gives you a heated gaze before devoting his attention back to your core, his undivided attention making you feel even more aroused.
"Now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted earlier?" he asks softly. Before you can even comprehend his question properly, however, he leans down to sweep his tongue across your slit through the jersey fabric.
"Oh f-fuck," you whimper as soon as you feel him on you, the panties barely a barrier from the warm, wet, and firm assault of his tongue. The soft, sensual motions of his mouth make you hotter and wetter, and one of your hands lands on his head, while the other clutches wildly at the sheets.
As he proceeds to lick long stripes up and down your core and lap at your clit through your panties, your desperate pants and gasps redirect blood flow to his cock, filling it up even more. He groans against you as he palms himself through his trousers. He can't wait to be inside you, to plunge himself in so deep, he'll never find his way out again.
Charlie moans against your pussy and wonders if you know just how much more depraved his thoughts about you can get. He's never felt this way before, has never wanted to give in to his desires as much as he does with you.
Leaving one last kiss on your pussy, he pulls away to make quick work of his pants and his shirt.
Despite feeling lightheaded, you sit up to follow his lead, pushing the straps of your gown down until the entire dress slides off your body. Without breaking eye contact, you stand back on your knees, and reach behind you to unclasp your strapless bra. Before you completely release the band, however, you hesitate for a moment, suddenly feeling self-conscious. It's ridiculous, you know, but even though he's already had his lips on your most intimate places, this is the first time you're going to be baring yourself to him.
Will he like what he sees?
Before you can back out, you remove your bra and lower yourself to sit on the backs of your legs, hands on your lap, inadvertently squeezing your tits together.
Charlie is silent for a moment, staring at you unabashedly, and you wonder if you're not what he expected.
Finally, he kneels down on the bed before you. "How are you even real?" he whispers, reaching out to touch your chest. Your hands fall to your sides, as he caresses your tits up and down, over and under, tracing their natural shape, letting them bob against his palms. At his ministrations, your breasts start to swell. They become heavier and seemingly fuller in response to the largeness and roughness of his hands. You arch your back, offering yourself up to him, as your pussy quivers and flutters in anticipation.
He has yet to touch your nipples, but he doesn't have to, they're already hard and swollen, waiting for him to lavish his attention on them. Charlie licks his lips. You can tell—or maybe you hope—that he wants to lick them, suck them, but that can wait another time. There's something else that needs attention.
You reach for the waistband of his boxer briefs, tugging them down. Charlie helps you pull them off, and you barely contain your excitement when the head of his cock slips out and the rest of his length is finally unsheathed.
It's big, bigger than what you're used to, and it looks—fuck—it looks so hard and heavy, the head barely managing to lift itself. The tip is shiny with pre-cum, the balls drawn tight and large. Your mouth waters at the sight. You've always had a bit of an oral fixation if you're being honest, and you can't wait to have his cock between your lips.
Charlie groans as he watches you watch him with undisguised desire. He gives himself a few strokes, but you stop him before he could get anywhere, pulling him down to the bed. He soon finds your positions reversed, him with his back against the headboard, you right between his legs, kneeling down on all fours.
Seeing your ass up in the air and hearing your delicate moans as your nipples rub against the sheets—it's all nearly too much for Charlie, and more pre-cum gathers at his tip. He stops breathing altogether when you hover your mouth over his cock and raise your head to look up at him. He feels like he knows what you're about to do, and he's not disappointed when you hold his gaze as you give his head several experimental licks.
"Ungggggh!" he moans, his hands digging into his thighs at the sensation. He doesn't want to rush you, not yet, but god does he want to thrust up into your mouth.
"That's it—fuck—take it," he groans when his cock finally slips between your lips. Holding the base of his erection with one hand, he pulls your head down with the other, gently feeding you his length one inch at a time.
"C'mon, baby girl," he groans encouragingly as you take in more of him. "You can do it."
You close your eyes in pleasure, and you take him in further, sucking softly as you do. You're not a world champion at deep-throating, but you do enjoy giving head. In fact, you enjoy it so much, your pussy's already salivating.
"You feel—fuck—you feel so fucking good," Charlie says. You moan in reply, and he involuntarily tightens his fist in your hair when it sends vibrations through his cock. You hardly feel it, however, focused as you are on the singular task of taking in as much as you can of his length and the sheer pleasure you get out of servicing his cock.
Charlie nearly loses it when he looks down to see your eyes half-lidded and strands of saliva around your mouth. You look so thoroughly debauched, so fucking dirty and unrestrained in your pleasure, that he can't help himself. He begins to face-fuck you, hand urging your head to keep up with his thrusts.
You gag slightly, eyes tearing up immediately when Charlie's dick hits the back of your throat, but you try to relax your muscles, taking what you're given. You love how he sounds above you, his groans raw and broken, his growls bordering on animalistic.
Just as you think he's about to come, however, he pulls his dick out and pulls you onto his lap. You place your hands on his shoulders, moaning when you feel the full extent of his hardness against your core. You feel your cunt throb, swelling up at the prospect of having his cock inside.
"Y-You want my cock?" Charlie asks with a hiccup, still breathless after nearly coming in your mouth.
"Mmmhmmm," you answer, as you lean back, hands on either side of his hips, indulgently rubbing yourself against him. Charlie allows it for several seconds, knows how much you deserve it, before lifting you back up on your knees. You're still wearing your panties, but he doesn't care. He simply pulls the crotch of the fabric, wet as it is, to the side. As he positions his cock right under your pussy, he inhales sharply at the sight if your glistening folds. Slick. Sopping. Dripping. He can't wait to get inside you, can't wait to feel your wet pussy ride his dick.
Slowly, you sink yourself on him, and although he's larger than what you're used to, your cunt instinctively makes room for his cock. Not enough that he can just slide all the way in, but just so that you're taking more of him with every move. It's a tight fit, but it's comfortably snug, and you can't stop yourself from moaning at how good it feels.
"Mmmm... yeah," you cry out. "F-Feels so good."
Charlie groans as he watches your pussy swallow him down. "Fuckkkkkk," he swears. One of his hands hovers just over your shoulder, resisting the urge to push you down. "So damn greedy for this cock."
He's not wrong. You gasp when you finally seat yourself fully on his lap. You've never felt this full or this close to bursting before.
While he waits for you to get used to his size, Charlie distracts himself by running his hands all over your body and leaving feather-light kisses everywhere—on your shoulders, your neck, your ears, your breasts.
"Oh, Ch-Charlie!" you cry out when he catches one nipple in his mouth, the suction of his wet warmth making the already sensitive bud ache. The delicious throbbing causes your walls to contract, which then squeezes his dick in a solid grip.
Charlie lets your nipple go with a raspy plea. "Baby, need you to move now," he says urgently.
You lift yourself back up and try to find a rhythm, but when Charlie sees how much of your slick is covering his dick, he decides that you can go a bit faster. Grabbing you by your waist with both hands, he takes over the pace and starts bouncing you on his dick, the constant fwap-fwap-fwap sound of your fucking filling the air.
"L-Look at how well you're taking me, baby girl," he groans, watching as his cock disappears in and out of your pussy.
"Ahh, ahh, ahh!" you moan as his thrusts repeatedly hit your g-spot and your clit rubs against his pelvic bone. "Ch-Charlie, Charlie, Charlie!" you chant his name as if it's the only name you've ever known.
"Th-That's right—fuck!" Charlie exclaims, thrusting upward frantically now. He wants to leave his mark in you, wants to ruin you for any other man, wants you to know only his touch.
He's so, so close, he can taste it. "So fucking good!" he groans.
You're not that far off yourself, but then Charlie lets out a deep, rumbling growl and bites down on your shoulder.
Oh fuck.
You let out a high-pitched whine as pleasure sweeps through every cell in your body. You feel yourself literally crying out in ecstasy. Without a doubt, this is the best orgasm you've had in a long time.
Charlie grits his teeth when he sees the tears in your eyes and feels the exact moment you reach your peak. His balls draw themselves up, and his cock prepares to ejaculate. He wants to come in you, but you haven't had the chance to discuss anything, so he lifts you up and pulls out at the very last minute.
As soon as his hand touches his dick, it spurts out gobs of semen, painting your pussy, your stomach, and even his chest and your breasts white. Some even land on your face.
Charlie groans when he sees you slip your tongue out to lick the spot near your lips where a bit of come landed. He doesn't have it in him to get hard again, but his dick still twitches at the sight.
"Come here," he says, pulling your head close, so he can kiss you. Chest still heaving, you part your lips for him, letting his tongue in. Charlie kisses you tenderly and lovingly, and then pulls you closer so he's cradling your body on his lap sideways. You two remain like that for some time, kissing away the aftermath of your orgasm, oblivious to the rest of the world.
When you two eventually break apart, it's not because you two get tired of kissing, but because your tummy finally makes its hunger known.
"Looks like someone's finally ready to eat," he says, chuckling.
You smile back at him. "Well, I'd say we deserve it."
Tagging: @cornmousequeen, @fizzywoohoo, @paper-n-ashes, @morby, @shygirl268
Tagging (for this story): @clydesfavoritegirl, @alpha-lobito, @gurl-ly, @boltonbritreads
If you would like to be tagged in future adcu stories or only those for specific adcu characters (which I cannot promise will actually happen), let me know! :) Otherwise, thank you for reading!
Likewise, if you want to be untagged, feel free to let me know! No need to explain and I won't be offended! :)
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writesowhatnext · 4 years
lost in translation // george weasley
Summary: George and the reader are rather… close. Fred and Ginny are very, very suspicious as to why they weren’t informed that their best friends were together.
Request: Could you write a George Weasley imagine with the couple trope "what is personal space" with a reader who is the Golden Trio's age and friend and Ginny's best friend? Thank you!
A/N: I tried so, so hard to get George to right character-wise so I really hope I did him some justice here and I really hope you like it my love – sorry it’s essentially Christmas themed
Reader: female
Warnings: none I think – very PG! Maybe British swears? A common theme I suppose… kissing?
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Anyone would’ve thought you and George Weasley were dating. It was an easy assumption to make given how absolutely inseparable you were. No one knew exactly how you got so close; only last Christmas, at the Burrow, Ginny brought you home for the holiday. Somehow you went from rolling your eyes at the pranks and the schemes and the inventions in December to smiling and laughing in January. Though, there were still eye rolls when required. Honestly, Ginny and Fred were rather put out by it.
“Hey, Gin?” Fred asked, leaning forward on the desk she’d been scribbling her Charms homework on.
“What?” Ginny said suspiciously, eyes narrowed. She smudged her words with the side of her hand. Fred wasn’t paying attention, though, he was staring at the sofa in the centre of the Gryffindor common room.
George was sat at one end, face lit up like a Christmas tree and you were, well, practically sitting on him. You were facing him, knees folding into your chest and feet tucked neatly under George’s legs. His one arm was spread along the back of the sofa whilst the other he used to gesture wildly, sending you both into hysterical laughter. Fred enjoyed seeing his twin laugh like that, his head tilted back with his whole body shaking, but this was taking the piss a little.
Ginny followed Fred’s eyes to the couch.
“What is that about?” Fred rested his head on his hand.
“Y/N and George?”
Fred nodded.
“I don’t know.” She admitted, copying her brother and smudging ink across her parchment with her elbow. “All they seem to do is spend time together.”
“I’ll say. We haven’t pranked anyone in a month.” He huffed. “A whole bloody month. We have a reputation to upkeep, you know.”
“They’re so close to each other, too.”
“Too close.”
“Last week,” Ginny said, casting a glance at the way you hit George’s leg, laughing at a joke he’d made, before turning to face her quite grumpy looking brother. “I came here after Potions and they were comparing hand sizes.”
Fred’s expression turned to one of distaste. It only worsened as George pushed you off the sofa. You grabbed his arm as you fell, pulling him next to you on the ground, both your legs tangled in the air.
“Fred, you don’t think they fancy each other, do you?”
“Fancy each other?” He looked incredulously at his brother. Experiencing all five stages of grief simultaneously, he frowned. “They would’ve told us, right?”
Ginny didn’t reply.
“I think it’s time for some investigating.” Fred’s grin was wicked.
You’d got very used to George touching you. He was a very affectionate person, always with the hugs and the arms and the hands. It was hard not to enjoy it, actually, because George was tall and incredibly funny. He was a genius, too; not that he’d ever let his professors know that. His laugh was infectious and you couldn’t help but bite your lip when he rolled his sleeves up the way he did. These thoughts were ones that often distracted you in the recent weeks. You didn’t know what had started it, exactly, but you knew you were definitely a little bit lost in whatever it was you felt for him. Right now, you were lost in the middle of Charms, ignoring whatever Flitwick was saying. If you’d been paying more attention, you would’ve noticed the strange way Ginny was staring at you. It wasn’t until Flitwick set you off to practice your spells that you were even remotely aware of what was happening.
“Y/N,” Ginny said, uncharacteristically softly for her.
You hummed.
“Are you going out with my brother?”
You turned to face her then, looking at her determined expression. “George? No.”
She nodded slowly, frowning. “Why?”
“You’ve been spending an awful lot of time together. The only time Fred sees him nowadays is at Quidditch practice and even that’s cancelled for the holidays.”
You couldn’t help but feel bad for hogging her brother. Fred must hate you, you thought.
“We’re not going out.”
“But you want to?”
She sent you a dry look.
“Maybe.” You sighed, rubbing your eye with your hand. “It doesn’t matter anyway.”
“And why’s that?”
You smiled at her hard expression, how bold she was, how bright her eyes were. Your smile fell.
“Well it’s not like he fancies me, is it?”
Ginny got a sharp reprimand from Flitwick for how loudly she laughed.
George, on the other hand, was much less confused about the whole situation. He had been, at least, before a choice conversation with Fred.
“George, do you fancy Y/N?” Fred asked, deciding a surprise attack in the corridor after breakfast was the best line of attack. His approach returned strange results. George laughed as he reshuffled his books in his hands.
“I should hope I do, you daft sod, she’s my girlfriend.”
“Your what?” Fred stopped in the hallway, ignoring the mutterings of students unfortunate enough to have been behind him. “You prat! Why didn’t you tell me?”
He caught up to George, hitting him in the shoulder.
“Bloody hell, Fred, I thought it was quite obvious.” George rubbed his arm with a wounded expression written across his face. “What do you care, anyway?” His face turned mocking. “Jealous?”
“Oh, shut up.” Fred murmured. “I’ll have to tell Ginny.”
“Ginny doesn’t know? They’re best mates.”
“Weird, right?”
It wasn’t until class ended that Fred found Ginny again. You and her were chatting in the corner of the common room, laughing and bickering about something or other.
“Hello ladies.” George said as the twins drew closer. “Raising any hell today?”
His eyes lingered on you.
“No more than usual.” Ginny drawled, folding her arms. “I’m sure you have a miraculously terrible plan up your sleeves, though.”
“Ah, dear sister.” George said, looking to his brother who had lit up significantly since last time Ginny had seen him.
“Just you wait and see what we have in store.” Fred’s grin only grew.
“There’ll be lights,”
“Sensations beyond your wildest imagination.”
“It’ll be wicked.” They said in unison, smirking at you in front of them. You and Ginny shared a dry and wordless look.
“Anyway,” George said, offering you his hand. “I owe Y/N a trip to the kitchens to thank her for her wonderful Potions expertise. See you at dinner, you two.”
You glanced at Ginny before letting yourself be dragged along, hand in George’s warm palm.
Fred waited till you were out of earshot before pouncing on the chair opposite Ginny you’d just abandoned and leaning over the table.
“They’re going out!” he said at the very time Ginny said “They’re not going out.”
“What?” they said at the same time, again.
Ginny shushed him.
“What do you mean? She said they’re not going out?”
“He said they were!”
They both paused for a moment.
“Mind you,” Fred hummed. “Do you think George ever asked her?”
Ginny mused on it. “Very like him to just assume they were an item.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
Christmas dinner in the hall was no less fun that usual; full of laughing and cheer and the general merriment you get at this time of year. It wasn’t till it was time to go to bed that anything remotely notable happened. Well, other than the exploding stink jellies Fred & George had planted as dessert
“Y/N’s staying over Christmas. Ginny invited her.” George said as him and Fred packed their suitcases, at the last minute of course. Fred nodded.
“George,” he said, standing up straight. “Did you ever actually ask Y/N to be your girlfriend?”
“Did you actually ask her or did you just assume she knew, like me?”
George quite resembled a fish, the way his mouth was opening and closing.
“I think you might want to ask her, mate.”
You were confused, to say the least, and also slightly hurt. George hadn’t so much as talked to you since you’d arrived at the Burrow. He hadn’t touched you either; which was more of an adjustment than you were prepared for. There was something obviously wrong with him because he was quiet. Even with Fred at his usual eccentric volume, the absence of George’s voice was somehow louder. You’d asked Ginny about it but she had no idea. Fred did, though, you suspected. That’s why, when George disappeared into the kitchen before bed, you followed like a somewhat lost puppy. It was almost as if he was waiting for you, leaning against the counter with a glass of water.
“Are you okay, Georgie?”
He didn’t say again as you walked closer, your hand skimming the side of his arm as you stood in front of him. He let your hand fall into his own, fingers interlocking.
“I like being close to you.” He said sombrely, completely out of character. You looked up at him, frowning slightly.
“I feel like a right prat, actually,” he barked out a laugh. “I thought we were going out.”
“What?” you asked, voice sliding up on octave. You could feel your cheeks heat up and hoped he wouldn’t notice. “Me and you?”
He lifted your hand, moving his fingers back and looking at the size of your hand compared to his. You stared at him but his eyes never left your hand.
“Would that be so bad?” he asked, finally meeting your eyes. You’d never seen him so vulnerable. A small smile pulled at your lips as you stepped in between his feet.
“George Weasley, are you asking me out?” you placed your free hand on his shoulder. “Because,” your mouth twitched “If you are,” his free hand found your waist. “You are doing a horrible job, truly.”
“Oh, is that right?” He asked, smiling now himself. He tilted his head downwards. You bit your lip as you nodded.
“Yep. A girl hopes for fireworks, roses, big grand gestures-“ You rocked your head to the side. “I get an ‘I already thought we were-“
“You are talking rubbish.” He whispered, unable to contain the way his smile lifted his cheeks.
And then he was kissing you. Slowly, softly. Your hands loosened. His dropped to your waist, pulling you closer as yours dragged up his chest, winding around his neck. You scratched the back of his neck lightly and he made an indecent noise in your mouth. He pulled away all too soon, resting his forehead on yours. Neither of you could hide your smiles. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pursing your lips.
“If you want fireworks, I’ll light you fireworks in every room of the castle.”
“Oh, I know you will.”
“One condition though.” He smirked, pulling you to his chest as you raised your eyebrows. “Be my girlfriend.”
You laughed.
“Have to get it in writing now, don’t I? Don’t want to look like a git again.”
“Oh, we are far past that.”
“You cheeky-“
You didn’t let him finish, only moving in for another kiss.
That was until you were interrupted by two very smug looking redheads.
“So,” Fred smiled, crossing his arms and leaning against the fridge.
“You two going out yet?” Ginny asked, shooting you a pointed glance, a small smile playing on her face.
“Oh, piss off.” George huffed, rolling his eyes and cupping your cheek with his hand. You couldn’t help but smile into the kiss when you heard gagging noises from the doorway.
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matbaerzal · 4 years
Love Notes | B. Boeser
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Summary: Brock surprises you with a weekend camping trip. He sets up a scavenger hunt with clues for you to find out where he is waiting for you. A/N: I got this idea way back in June when I was out camping, and I finally put my mind into finishing it. let me know what you think 💕 Warnings: FLUFF, like one swear, gossip girl references & camping... Words: 3,5K Copyright © @matbaerzal 2020 All Rights Reserved Tagging: @powerblais​ because the photo is a screenshot of her gif 😅 & @tkachukme​ @captainkreider​ @yeeehaw-hockey​ @tysojost​ @puckbitchesgetmoney​ @canadianheaters​ @shirarihena​ 
Coming home from work on a Friday during the off-season you’d grown used to having Brock welcome you home, Coolie and Milo following after. So when you open the door and find the house empty you can’t help the frown that takes over your face. Though, as you see one of his perfectly folded notes on the fridge door, a smile takes over.
Brock liked leaving you little notes, he’d been doing that ever since you were in elementary school. Back then they were filled with stupid jokes or questions that could’ve definitely waited until after class. Now, they were filled with words of love and adoration. Regardless, they had always made you smile. You’d known him forever, you grew up on the same street, went to the same school and your parents had always been really close.
You walk over, putting your bag on the kitchen counter, before unclipping the note from the magnet on the fridge. You unfold it, scanning the paper quickly. It’s a bit lengthier than his usual notes, so you sit down on the island whilst you read the first sentence.
I hope you had a good day at work, sorry I’m not there to hug you and kiss you.
You smile to yourself, leaning your chin on the palm of your hand before reading the rest
But, I thought we could go camping this weekend. I’m already there, probably just finished setting up the tent by the time you read this. Before you join us there are a couple of things I need you to pick up for us. Each clue will bring you to a new location where you’ll find a new note.
Your first clue: The first time we kissed
Love, Brock x
This was new to you, not Brock surprising you with a weekend getaway, but the scavenger hunt. You bit your lip in excitement, reading the note again as your mind drifts off to when you first kissed - to figure out what his clue could mean.
You and Brock had a lot of almost-kisses as you were growing up. But, your first actual kiss happened when you were sixteen years old.
“All you ever do is watch gossip girl” he rolls his eyes, you poke your tongue out at him. “You’re free to watch it with me,” you say. Before you know it he’s laying his whole weight on top of you, and you can’t help but laugh in surprise.
“What are you doing?” you say through your laugh, and he has the audacity to shush you. “Brock?” you try to push him off of you, his weight crushing you, but he doesn’t budge, “will you calm down? I’m trying to watch,” he says, pointing at the TV.
“You’re the absolute worst” you gape at him. He finally looks at you with a smile, and he’s a lot closer than you thought, though he doesn’t seem to mind. You feel your heart beating against your chest as his eyes scan your face.
Like so many times before, your eyes drift down to his lips, and you feel his breath across your face. Like so many times before, you think you might actually kiss him - but at the sound of the end titles of an episode you’re hit with your reality.
You can’t kiss Brock - he’s your best friend. You don’t want to risk losing that for some silly crush.
You clear your throat, turning your head away from him, struggling to reach the remote so you can play the next episode. You don’t notice the defeated look in Brock's eyes as he adjusts his body, so only half his weight is on you, making it easier for you to reach the remote.
The two of you watch a few more episodes, but all you can focus on is him. You’re painfully aware of his hand and how it’s on your waist - his thumb mindlessly rubbing back and forth over the fabric of your hoodie. Though, even through the layers, you feel it - and it’s torture. His actions are so sweet but you know he means nothing by them, that he’s just mindlessly doing it.
“Hey, this show’s actually good,” he speaks up, making your focus shift to his voice instead.
“You’ve been laying here for 4 episodes, and you’re only just now realizing that?” you laugh.
“Well, in my defence, I wasn’t really focusing on the show”
“Oh? What were you focusing on, then?”
“What I always focus on,” he says matter of factly, confusing you further.
“And that is-?”
A breath hitches in your throat, and you suddenly notice how his arm has tightened around you - as if you’d drift away if he didn’t hold you close.
“I always focus on you” he confirms with a low voice, but it feels loud to you, and his words make you dizzy.
He lets his hold of you go a little when you try to turn in his arms. It’s only when you face him again that you notice the deep breaths he’s taking, and the nervous look on his face. You’re close again, like before, and the same thought comes back.
His lips are parted, and they just look so soft and you wonder what it would feel like to just-
Suddenly you don’t have to wonder anymore as he presses his lips against yours. The kiss is cautious at first, but as you melt against him, it grows firmer. Your fingers thread through his hair like you’ve done this a thousand times before - like it’s what you’re meant to do.  
Anything else around you disappears as the two of you stay wrapped up in each other. The conversation about what it all means is a worry for another time - though, you’re not really worried about it anymore.
You touch your lips, remembering how his lips felt against yours then - how they still feel. Going over the moment again you try to figure out where his next clue might be. Then, you remembered how he’d bought you a box set of all the gossip girl seasons, and you wonder if he might have hidden it in the box.
Sure enough, when you take out the DVD covers, you find a note stuck to one of them.
Your second clue: The first note I gave you.
This time, you know exactly where to go as soon as you read the clue. Setting the note down on the counter next to the first one before going to the bedroom to get changed for the trip.
Your parents always told you, that at first, you found Brock annoying, all he wanted to do was shoot rubber disks at the wall by his garage - and even though he was polite and invited you to join, you could think of a million things that would be more fun.
Eventually, you grew bored of having to find other things to do, so you decided to take Brock up on his offer - only to discover that it wasn’t as easy as it looked. So instead, you decided put up targets on the asphalt in front of his garage for him to try and hit. Your teddybear, Cuddles, got the worst of it.
You were both 6 when Brock gave you his first note. It was more of a drawing really, of him hitting you right in the stomach with a puck. But the letters written with blue crayon unmistakably spelled out “I’m sorry”.
After getting changed and packing a few essentials, you grabbed your car keys along with the note and drove over to his parents’ house. You’ve barely made it out of your car before his mom comes out to greet you. “Hey honey,” she says rushing over to you, “Hi Laurie,” you lean into her hug. “Hey Duke,” you say, seeing him standing in the doorway over her shoulder.
“We’ve got something for you” she sings, her whole body language telling you there’s something she’s keeping from you. But you don’t press for it as you reach the doorway. Laurie goes into the house as you give Duke a hug. She reappears in a second with a sleeping bag in her hands. “Here you go, have fun camping” she sings, “thank you” you smile, giving them both one more hug before going back to your car.
With a million thoughts running through your head you get back in the driver seat, finding the note tucked into the side of the sleeping back before throwing it in the backseat. Before you unfold it you look back at Laurie and Duke, the same secretive smiles on each of their faces as they wave at you before closing the door. Before you overthink and look into things that might just be your imagination running wild, you unfold the paper.
Your third clue: Our first date
Though you shared your first kiss when you were sixteen, you didn’t have your first actual date until you were eighteen - according to Brock, anyways. See, after you kissed, the two of you just started dating, you didn’t need to go on “dates”, because you knew each other so well already.
And every time you went to the movies together or went to the lake - you didn’t really consider that to be dates, because you’d done all that before even when you were just friends. And while you weren’t too fussy on what was a date and what wasn’t, Brock had been insistent on one evening, in particular, being your first date.
You were out for dinner, just the two of you, celebrating the draft and him being selected by the Canucks. It wasn’t until the desserts came that he realized - “this is our first date”.
“What? We’ve been on plenty of dates” you laugh at him.
He doesn’t exactly disagree, but you know he’s about to contradict your words anyway.
“We’ve never dressed up and went out to a fancy restaurant before though,” he points out.
“True, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been on a date before”
“Ok, so name the last time we went on a date, then” he challenges with a smile.
“Well, last Wednesday-”
“Being on the lake with my parents doesn’t count as a date” he argues.
You laugh, holding your hands up giving up the argument, “if you want this to be our first date, then - this, is our first date” you smile softly at him. He raises his glass, and you clink yours against it, “you’d think we’d be running out of firsts by now” you muse.
“Oh no, my love. We have a lifetime of firsts ahead of us”
It hits you then, just how well you and Brock know each other. No one else would have been able to answer that question but the two of you. Even if you asked your mom what she thought yours and Brock’s first date was, she’d just joke and say the first day you met - back when you were kids.
Well, there’s one other person that knows of that detail - the owner of the restaurant you went to, Nora. You and Brock had been there many many times by now and she would always come over and chat for a little while whenever you were there. After the two of you we’re old enough to drink she’d given you both some wine on the house - laughing as you both pretended to like the taste, just to be polite.
You could already see her as you parked your car across the road from the restaurant. You practically skip across the road after looking both ways.
Nora perks up when she sees you - the look she gives you reminds you of the way Laurie and Duke had looked at you earlier. As she hugs you and ushers you over to the counter you don’t have time to look into it too much. She disappears into the kitchen momentarily, coming back with a take away bag for you. You see the folded note attached to it instantly.
“Your favourite,” she winks, and you can smell the sweet chocolate chip cookies without even taking a peek at them. After you’ve taken the bag from her she looks around to see if anyones looking before bending down and getting a bottle of wine, quickly putting that into a bag as well.
“Nora, you don’t have to-” you start, only to be interrupted, “I know, but you know I can’t help myself” handing the wine over to your reluctant hand.
“Thank you” you smile at her.
“Anything for my favorite couple” she brushes it off.
You give her another hug before you walk out, skipping across the road to get back to your car. Once you’re back in your seat you remove the note from the bag, setting it down in the passenger seat along with the wine.
You bite your lip as you unfold the note, your eyes scanning the handwritten letters with wonder.
Your final clue: The first time I told you I love you
You picture the scene vividly in your mind, not having to think twice before putting the car in drive. You’d been to the small secluded clearing by the lake countless times with Brock, and shared many treasured moments with him there.
If you had to have guessed where the scavenger hunt would end up, it would be your first guess, and you loved him for being so predictable even in his adventures. As you drive down the familiar roads you think back to that moment, years ago, when you first uttered those words to each other back when you were seventeen.
You and Brock jumped at the chance to go camping together the first week of summer. Packing his car full of essentials, and only essentials. Because, according to Brock, a bunch blankets and pillows, fairy lights and s’mores were all under that category.  
He’d found the spot a couple weeks ago when he was hiking, and he instantly thought of you when he saw it. The walk wasn’t too long, and Brock carried most of your stuff anyways - you almost had to fight him for the few items you were carrying.
You sighed out after everything was finally set up, sneaking your arms around Brocks waist as his arm slung across your shoulders. Then, you went for a swim, staying in the water until your skin turned pruney.
After that, Brock got started on the fire as you set up your chairs right next to each other, and got all your snacks ready. When your stomachs were filled you fell into a comfortable silence, and you fished out a book from your bag that Brock had given you a little while ago. With your head leaned on his shoulder, you opened the book for the first time.
A surprised chuckle leaves you as a familiar looking piece of paper falls into your lap.
“I’m sitting right next to you, you know,” you say, showing him the folded note. “Well, it’s been in there since I gave it to you,” he says matter-of-factly, “not my fault you didn’t open the book until now”.
You unfold the note carefully with a small smile on your face, shaking your head at him. You do a double take as you take in the words he’s written down for you.
Three words, eight letters
You look up at him, a breath catching in your throat when you meet his eyes, “Brock-”
“I love you” he cuts you off. The way it leaves his lips is effortless, and it makes you completely melt. You’re torn between wanting to wipe the smirk off his face and kissing him. You decide on the latter, grabbing his cheek - leading his lips to yours.
You don’t kiss him for long, quickly realizing you didn’t say the words back to him, and they all but stumble out of your lips “I love you too”.
Your car pulls up next to his and you breathe in deeply when you step out, double checking that you have everything before you make your way over to the start of the path. Your steps are hurried, eager to see him, to wrap your arms around him - to kiss him.
You see the hints of the sun setting through the trees, and you know you’ll just about make it to see the colors change.
You hear the water before you see anything and as a twig snaps under your foot you hear Coolie and Milo bark out for you. Coolie comes running up to you, and you kneel down to greet him before letting him lead the last of the way to Brock.
As the site comes to view you instantly feel relaxed. There’s a soft breeze, warm against your skin. The sun reflecting on the tiny waves in the water, the clouds have turned light pink as sunset comes near.
Your breath is taken away from you as you look over at Brock, he’s hung up what seems like hundreds of fairy lights in the trees by the tent. You’re barely able to look away from the scene as Milo comes up to you. You look at Brock in awe as you crouch down to pet Milo, giving him a short kiss before standing up to walk over to Brock.
“What’s all this for?” you say as you approach him. He doesn’t answer as he takes your items out of your hands, setting them down before kissing you deeply, making your mind go blank for a moment, getting lost in the kiss.
“Hi,” he finally says - you’re not able to get a read on the look on his face.
“Hey” you laugh, confusion still evident in your voice, looking at the scene again as if to make sure it was real.
Then, he takes your hand, biting his lip as he plays with your fingers, he almost seems out of breath now that you study him closer. He takes a deep breath before a smile takes over his face as he speaks.
“I’ve been searching for the perfect moment, for the perfect way to do this. Because you deserve the world - and more. This idea popped into my head months ago, and fuck- waiting till the season to be over and then waiting for both our schedules to clear has been near torture”
He huffs out a laugh before continuing, “but, I wanted everything to be perfect, even though I almost slipped up a couple times - like the time I was practicing what to say as you were sleeping and I thought I woke you up. You’re my world, and I couldn’t imagine my life without you-”
The way he says your name then, is unlike any time before. It’s not like how he says it in the morning or when he’s about to give you something that reminded him of you. It’s almost like when he’s telling you he loves you, but it’s so much more than that.
Your heart beats a mile a minute as you predict what he’s about to say, but nothing could’ve ever prepared you for what he does next. He takes a small velvet box out from his pocket as he gets down on one knee in front of you.
“Will you marry me?” his voice breaks a little as he takes in your glossy eyes, tears threatening to spill from his own as he opens the box to reveal the ring.
“No way-” you cry, the words stumbling out of your mouth. You can’t believe it, how lucky you are to have this man in your life and here he is, asking if he can spend the rest of his life with you.
A laugh leaves his lips at your words, because although you’d said “no way” your whole body was screaming “YES!”. A hand covering your quivering lips, a tear falling down your cheek as you nod. He stands up wrapping his arms around your waist, your arms wrapping around his shoulders as you nuzzle into his neck.
Your feet lift off the ground as he spins you around, a joyful laugh leaving both your lips. He carefully sets your feet back on the ground and your hands slide to thread through his hair, urging his lips to yours.
“Yes- yes of course, I’ll marry you” you murmur, he nudges his nose against yours - leaving another kiss to your lips. Then his hand slides up your arm, gently taking your hand again, leaving it to rest on his chest. His other hand, still grasping the box comes between your bodies as he takes the ring out before grasping your hand again.
A breath catches in your throat as he slides the ring onto your finger, your free hand caressing his cheek, wiping the stray tear away.
You’d spent the day reminiscing over your past with Brock and now your mind travels to the future. Looking forward to spending it with him, and knowing that you’d have each other through the good and the bad - like you’d always had, like you always will.
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stayevildarling · 3 years
How the Sarah Paulson AHS Characters react to reader dying their hair in a vibrant color: (One Shots/Headcanon)
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Cordelia Goode: 💛
-All day Cordelia has been pacing back and forth in her office, waiting for you to return home from wherever you are. At first she didn't really notice your absence because she was in her office all day, expecting you to be in the greenhouse or with the girls somewhere but when she couldn't find you in the afternoon she started worrying and calling you. You couldn't pick up the phone however because currently you are hiding in your old room at the academy after one of your genius ideas and spells failed miserably
-All you wanted was to change the color of a rose for Cordelia because you have been watching the other girls all do it before and you wanted to surprise her by learning this spell. What you missed was that on the table where you focused your magic on wasn't just a rose but also a strand of your hair. So instead of only the rose changing into a nice pink color it turned your hair pink as well
-At first you didn't notice until you saw your reflection in one of the big windows of the greenhouse and you have been embarassed about this all day. Instead of talking to anyone about this you decided to just hide in your old room with some books trying to figure out how to reverse this spell and get your natural color back. In the meantime Cordelia double checked around the entire academy and eventually she found a pink rose and pink strands of hair on the table in the greenhouse and she connected the dots after asking Zoe who was last in the greenhouse and her telling the supreme it was you
-Finding you in the end wasn't that hard either because all Delia has to do is close her eyes, imagine you and boom she will be right there, teleported by your side. You were just in the middle of reading your book, sitting on your old bed when Cordelia suddenly appeared. ''Delia'' you squeal and you say ''I hate it when you do that'' but suddenly you remember your hair. Cordelia stands in front of the bed, looking at you with a little smile ''What did you do to your hair sweetheart?'' she questions playfully and you look down feeling embarassed. She approaches the bed and sits at the end of it ''Well I tried to do a spell for you to enchant a rose and I also changed my hair color instead of just the petals'' you say with a frown
-Cordelia just smiles the entire time and shaking her head playfully before saying ''I really like the rose and the pink hair'' and you furrow your eyebrows and look at her ''Really?'' you ask and she nods. ''I could change it back you know'' she says after a few moments of silence and you say ''Really?'' and she nods. ''Can you then because I don't like it'' you say with puppy eyes and Cordelia chuckles and with a flick of her wrist your hair is back to normal. ''Oh thank you Delia'' you say and breathe out feeling relieved that your hair is all back to normal. ''Next time Darling just come to me straight away and I can fix it'' Cordelia scolds a little with a raised eyebrow ''Dinner now?'' you ask feeling hungry from hiding away all day ''Yes sweetheart come on'' Delia chuckles and takes your hand while pulling you into a kiss
-Will never stop joking about the time you tried to enchant a rose and ended up with pink hair, always makes jokes or sometimes playfully threatens to turn your hair pink again when you don't listen to her or you are disobeying
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Ally Mayfair-Richards: ❤️
-Your wife is currently preparing breakfast in the kitchen when she hears a loud high pitched scream coming from you in the bathroom. ''Oh my god'' you scream and Ally is quick to drop everything she is doing and run upstairs. As she enters the bathroom she sees you standing by the mirror your hair a bright blue color. ''What have you done?'' Ally asks slightly shocked and you shake your head in disbelief ''Nothing I just washed my hair'' and Ally furrows her eyebrow in confusion before you see a little someone standing by the doorframe giggling
''Oz Mayfair-Richards I swear to god'' you say as you see him and Ally is quick to turn around and look at him. She raises her eyebrow at him and he instantly starts apologizing ''I'm so sorry it was supposed to be a prank for mom''. Ally's jaw drops a little and she huffs ''So this was for me just wait you'' and she chases him across the entire house. You stand in the bathroom unsure what to think of this sudden change in your appearance. After changing your clothes, you walk downstairs to the kitchen only to see Oz sitting by the table with a frown. ''I'm sorry Y/N'' he apologizes again but you just ruffle through his hair and tell him ''Payback just wait buddy'' and he smiles
-Ally walks over to you with the bottle he used ''It's just temporary it should come out in a few washes'' she says relieved and you also feel slightly relieved although part of you actually really likes this color. You take the bottle out of Ally's hand and say ''Come here Oz'' but Ally is quick to chase after you and scold ''Don't you dare put this on his head'' and you argue ''You said it was just temporary, just a few washes'' mocking her words from seconds ago. ''Please mom we can all dye it'' he suggests and you nod your head and both of you and Oz look at Ally full of excitement
-She takes a deep breath and thinks about it for a moment, considering it's the holidays and you all have a few days off she ends up agreeing ''Fine but I will do Oz's hair and my own'' and you and Oz squeal and run to the bathroom, Ally following with a chuckle and shaking her head playfully. The three of you end up with blue temporary hair but you all love it, you take a thousand selfies, Oz doesn't stop talking about it to his friends on the phone and Ally just loves her little adorable family
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Wilhemina Venable: 💜
-You walk into Kineros Robotics with your head held high, carrying some lunch for your girlfriend ready to surprise her at work. The last few days she has been so stressed and busy with work that you thought it would be nice to cheer her up a little. You decided to wear her favorite skirt on you, some tights she loves and bring her favorite lunch plus you as dessert if she is up for that.  However the biggest surprise isn't the food, you or you showing up at her work unannounced it's the fact you just came from the hair dressers with your new hair color and Mina's favorite- purple of course
-Already from a few steps away you can hear her typing on her computer and you knock on her door gently. It takes a few moments before she replies ''Come in'' and at first she carries on working on her computer thinking it's her assistant or just someone getting on her nerves again but her jaw drops completely when she sees you and the hair. ''What on earth have you done?'' she asks her jaw still dropped. ''Don't you like it?'' you ask while closing the door and putting her lunch on the table. ''I do but why?'' Wilhemina asks, now a smirk visible on her face
-''Well you have my favorite color as a hair color- red and I thought I could have yours, I could tell you will like it'' you reply with a smirk and Wilhemina looks your body up and down. ''Besides this way everyone knows now that I belong to you'' you say with a smirk. ''Did you lock the door?'' Wilhemina asks while licking her lips ''Always Miss Venable'' you reply and she pulls you closer and sits you on her desk
-Wilhemina will be very shocked at first and unable to even speak about it because the gesture of you dying your hair purple just for her is something so special and no one has ever done anything special for her. Mina being Mina she is a bit awkward but soon enough will fall in love with the idea and your hair. Often strokes it and praises you for picking that color ''Good girl for choosing such a pretty color, little one'' she will say to you
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Audrey Tindall: 💚
-You both have been talking about it for a little while now dying your hair in a more brighter color and what you didn't know was that when Audrey left for ''Work'' this morning she actually went to the hairdresser and when you told her you were gonna go to the ''Store'' you actually did the exact same
-Audrey decides for a turquoise color and you go for mint green. Once you both get home that night you stare at each other with the same hilarious expression. ''Oh my gawd you didn't'' Audrey says and you just start bursting out laughing that you both had the same idea, on the same day and even lied to what you are spending your day with and almost the same color
-''I love it'' you tell her as you actually take a proper look at her hair and you stroke through it. ''Yours is amazing too love'' Audrey says and she kisses your head and the two of you being adorable dorks you both walk around with very vibrant colors for a while, getting you strange looks wherever you both go especially when you go somewhere together
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Billie Dean Howard: 🖤
-As soon as Billie Dean returns from work tonight she is so excited to see you. She unlocks the door and kicks off her heels while trying to find you. When she sees that you are not in the kitchen she frowns a little. Billie doesn't expect you to be her maid or anything and make her dinner every night but you usually do it so she is a little sad especially because you had messaged her in the morning you will cook for her
-She carries on looking for you and she can't find you anywhere at first. She was about to go back to the kitchen to get her phone and call you, thinking you might have gone somewhere when she hears silent sniffles coming from the bathroom. She instantly walks in there without knocking, worried why her babydoll would be upset. When she walks in however she sees you sitting on the floor with dark dirty green hair. She tries to hold in the chuckle and she kneels down in front of you ''Honey what happened?'' she asks and you try and fight the tears ''I was just trying to dye my hair blonde again and then this happened''
-Billie shakes her head and tuts ''Babydoll I have told you so many times don't use box dye and go to a hair dresser with me'' and you frown. ''I just wanted to surprise you that's all and I couldn't get an appointment anywhere until weeks so yeah'' and you cross your arms. ''Well you definitely have surprised me babydoll'' Billie says with a smirk and she offers her hand to help you up. ''But I'm ugly now'' you frown and Billie lifts up your chin and looks into your eyes ''Kitten you could never be ugly don't say that'' and you simply nod and mumble ''Okay''
-She leads you out of the bathroom and into the living room ''Alright you go ahead and order us some food and I will call Constance I think she has a good hairdresser and she might be able to get us an appointment for tomorrow'' Billie says and you smile, take the phone and thank your girlfriend. ''Thank you Billie'' you say shily and Billie walks off swaying her hips and answering ''Anything for you babydoll'' and you feel all warm and loved that Billie is taking care of you like that. You end up ordering Billie and your usual order and Billie gets you an appointment for the next day
-She takes you there and insists on staying with you and thankfully the hair dressers are able to fix it and you end up with pretty blonde hair. ''So pretty darling'' Billie praises as she takes you back home after paying for your new hair as well. ''Thanks for everything Billie'' you say and give her a kiss on the cheek while she takes you both home ''The green didn't look too bad'' she jokes and you roll your eyes and playfully punch her arm
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Sally McKenna: 💙
-Your girlfriend has been waiting for you to return from your appointment all day. You didn't exactly tell her where you are actually going which only caused Sally to be suspicious and just a little jealous and also scared you won't come back due to her abandonment issues. What she didn't know however was that you are sticking to a weird dare that Sally found on social media. The post said ''Your first @ has to dye their hair in a vibrant color'' and of course Sally tagged you but never expected you to go through with it especially because it was a few days ago
-Considering you spent most of your days with Sally and in the hotel you thought why the hell not. So you ended up going to the hairdressers across the street from the hotel and you picked orange. It has always been one of your favorite colors and you just really wanted to go for orange and a short hair cut. As soon as you walk back into the hotel Liz sees you and approaches ''Looking good girl'' she says and you blush a little ''Well Sally is gonna love that pumpkin'' she says with a wink knowing all too well about how Sally always calls you by that pet-name
-You find Sally sitting in a booth by the bar and just drinking something. She sees you and looks away again before realizing you just walked into the bar. She spits her drink out seeing the color and she approaches you. ''What the fuck did you do?'' she asks shocked and you smirk and reply ''The post you tagged me in remember?'' and it takes a few seconds for her to reply ''Pumpkin I didn't think you would actually do that, it's orange'' she says while stroking through it gently ''Oh my god you are actually my little pumpkin now'' she says with soft puppy eyes and your heart melts at her words. She pulls you into a hug before dragging you to the bar to get a drink with her and show everyone your new hair color
-Will take selfies with you and photos of you, showing you off all over social media. She will edit a photo of you with a little pumpkin emoji and post it with the caption ''My little pumpkin'' and the hashtags ''my little pumpkin''  and ''hands off-mine'' Will never shut up about the orange hair and always forces you to get it dyed again once the color starts to fade and you both love it
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Lana Winters: 🧡 (AU -now time)
-Your girlfriend is so excited to pick you up for your day together today because she agreed to take you to pride. You both have been preparing for ages, buying matching rainbow outfits, little badges and flags. What she didn't know yet is that she is in for another rainbow surprise as soon as you open the door. When you hear the doorbell you are a bit nervous of her reaction considering you have dyed your hair from your natural color to rainbow color, even though it will be temporary you are still nervous about her reaction
-As soon as you open the door Lana's cute smile turns into her jaw dropping slightly and eyes going wide ''Oh my god'' she chuckles after the initial shock and she asks ''Is that permanent?'' but you quickly reassure her it will wash out in a few days. ''Okay good I love it then'' she says with the most adorable smile and you can't help but smile at how adorable she looks with the rainbow t-shirt, pride pin and little rainbow face paint and her hair in a cute ponytail
-She will take your hand ''Ready sweetie?'' and you will both spend the best day together, dancing with people, singing to the music and enjoying your day at pride. A LOT of people mention and compliment your hair and Lana smiles every single time, proud to be your girlfriend
A/N: I have more stories on my wattpad- check it out ✨
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serenity-songbird · 2 years
Hello! 💜
Just read the request with German reader
I would like more Cartman’s reaction to these Czech nicknames (I’m sorry it’s just me being proud of being Czech 😭)
Zlatíčko (Sweetie)
Drahoušku (Darling)
If I can also ask for one, more vulgar. If he makes the s/o mad:
Blbečku (Dummy)
Ik Blbeček sounds kinda cute but sadly doesn’t have good meaning 😭
You can even do like with Kyle - Cartman making a research on some swear words and giving a payback I don’t mind! I really hope it isn’t bothering you 😭💜 Thank you very much btw! I’m glad you popped up in my recommended! 💜
Awww!!! I'm so glad people are actually reading my stuff. I've only put the request offer out a few hours ago and I've already replied to so many. (This is the last one of the night though. It is Midnight and I need to go to bed.) Thank you so much for requesting!!!
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-Okay. So this boy immediately gets on the defensive when you first start calling him all these Czech nicknames.
-He literally could not tell what was an insult and what wasn't. You literally had to sit him down and explain everything to him. (It took like 2 hours for him to even grasp it.
-So he, for the first time in his life ever, actually chose to study Czech. And no, suprisingingly he did not use Google translate. This boy ACTUALLY had his mother buy him a CREDIBLE BOOK. A BOOK!!!
-You were both so surprised and so grateful that your boyfriend decided to actually try and learn Czech for you. (Realistically though he did not do it for you. He just wanted to know what you were saying about him and if whether or not your were insulting him, but I'll let you dream).
-You better believe this boy definitely learned all and EVERY. SINGLE. Insult there is too know in Czech. Oh, he could not pass up any chance to royally fuck with Kyle. And he did.
-Every chance he got he was spitting out Czech curses and insults and relished in the fact Kyle did not know what he was saying. Because for once he could not properly insult him back.
-Bonus. Because no one could understand him, he would actually call you cute nicknames in your native language. So you could call him Drahoušku or Zlatíčko as you pleased.
-He would definitely lie and say he is insulting his soulmate or telling them to do something for him if anyone asks. And because no one knew how to spell in Czech or really know what he was saying, they could neither confirm or deny.
-Obviously he's going to make you mad being how he is. So when you call him Blbečku or any other insult, he gets really annoyed and irritated.
-After receiving the cold should for so long he begrudgingly apologizes and will do whatever to get you to stop being mad.
-He will even go out of his way and buy you your favorite desserts or nice gifts. So he's not so bad.
-You will help him learn more about your country and language. He will outwardly appear annoyed, but secretly is really invested in learning more.
-He also thinks it's cute they way your eyes light up when you talk about your homeland.
-Secretly loves your accent and your cute nicknames and tries to hide his joy with annoyance. (You know him well enough to see through his act though).
-But honestly you and Cartman are a good couple and you will always love the fact that he took the time to learn more about you and your culture.
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