#(it was literally just me going batshit and going into too much detail about them :)))
ethereal-maia · 9 months
A for the ask game!
I’m just going to go with drawenna because I literally can’t stop thinking about them right now
#1 OTP right now: drawenna 💗💗💗 (Drake and Morwenna Carne from Poldark)
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LITERALLY WHAT IN THE WORLD LIKE LOOK AT THEM. They’re so so cute. I’ve literally had these two in the back of my mind for like 5 years and the full obsession is hitting me really hard right now!! They’re so sweet, so so tragic and lowkey young me had a crush on morwenna. I want to go so fucking in depth on these two I want to study them I want them to live their silly lives I want to watch them grow!!
(also sorry I took so long I was in school and then had to figure out how to make this as self-indulgent as possible waah)
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ronanlynchdefender · 1 year
An Asexual Reading of Gansey
A little while ago, I made a post saying Gansey should’ve been ace “because reasons” and then I decided to write a post detailing those reasons and here it is.
As someone who is ace, I think many ace-spec (and aro-spec) people conceptualize our romantic and platonic relationships differently than allo people might. When reading The Raven Cycle, I personally related to Gansey and how he thinks and feels about his friendships with the raven boys. Had Gansey been written as an asexual character, I think it would’ve added another layer of nuance to the unique ways in which he views these platonic relationships.
"What has he possibly done to deserve such a thing?" Helen demanded. "Are you sleeping with him?" Indignation cooled his voice. "Because friendship isn't worthy enough?" (The Raven King, pg. 303)
Gansey prioritizes his platonic relationships just as much as his romantic relationships. In fact, Gansey’s primary concerns in the entire series (aside from finding Glendower) are his intense (and often tumultuous) friendships. His friends are such a priority that he brides the headmaster in order to guarantee that Ronan gets his high school diploma. Helen assumes that only a romantic or sexual connection would motivate someone to do something so extreme, but Gansey pushes back on this idea. For Gansey, friendship is just as worthy and just as important as any other relationship. The words,  "just a friend," are meaningless in a Gansey world. If Richard Campbell Gansey III chooses you as his close friend, he will go to the ends of the ley line for you.
I think this is something that ace-spec and aro-spec people can relate to because we may also place higher value in our friendships just like Gansey does. Just because we don’t experience romantic or sexual feelings in the same way as everyone else, or at all, doesn’t mean we won’t still do batshit crazy things for other people.
For an ace or aro-spec person, platonic relationships can be just as strong as romantic or sexual relationships are for allo people. 
“Do you not want me to come?” Something stuck in Gansey’s throat. “I would take all of you anywhere with me.” (The Raven Boys, pg. 163)
This is just an absolutely beautiful line, and what makes it so is that Gansey truly means it. It’s so sincere and vulnerable. The things that Gansey values most in his life are his friendships, and he just wants all of them to be together forever. Besides finding Glendower, his dream in life is to literally live with all his friends in Monmouth. He begs Adam to move in with them. And I KNOW I am not the only ace-spec or aro-spec person who dreams about living in a big house with all their closest friends.
What was it about Blue? Adam was not suspicious of her, and he was suspicious of everyone. But then again, he was clearly infatuated. That, too, was unfamiliar ground for Gansey. (The Raven Boys, pg. 201)
In these couple of chapters when Adam asks Blue out with the guys and they find Cabeswater for the first time, Gansey is confused about Adam’s feelings toward Blue. There are a few interpretations: Gansey is jealous of Adam because he is attracted to Blue; Gansey is jealous of Blue because he is in love with Adam. Both of these interpretations are, of course, not mutually exclusive.
Regardless of any jealousy or attraction he may or may not be feeling in this scene, Gansey is genuinely confused because Adam liking a girl so openly is inconsistent with his perception of Adam. It is exactly as Gansey says. Adam doesn’t trust people.  To see Adam trust another person so suddenly and inexplicably in Gansey’s eyes is disconcerting to say the least.
At the door to the helicopter, Gansey looked back over his shoulder at them, his smile complicated when he saw them holding hands. (The Raven Boys, pg. 196)
Obviously, Adam has a crush on Blue, but this isn’t easy for Gansey to wrap his head around. It's easy for Gansey to conceptualize that Adam may admire this strange and quirky girl from afar at Nino's, but seeing them physically close after only 2 or 3 encounters utterly puzzles him.
I feel like a lot of ace-spec and aro-spec people can relate to the confusion around sudden attraction. We ask totally reasonable questions such as how do you know you like someone after only having one or two conversations with them?
If Gansey was written as asexual, one could interpret this scene as Gansey not understanding the nature of Adam's romantic or sexual attraction to Blue. It would not be Adam’s crush that puzzles Gansey but also the idea of crushes altogether.
[Side note: Just imagine a version of Raven Boys where Gansey is lamenting the downfall of his queerplatonic relationship with Adam because Adam has a crush on a girl. It’s not even too far off from what actually happens in the books. Lmao]
“We’re friends at once, we would instantly do what friends would do for each other. Not just pals. Friends. Blood brothers. You just feel it. We instead of you and me. That’s jeong.” Gansey was aware on a certain level that the description was melodramatic, heightened, illogical. But on a deeper level, it felt true, and familiar, and like it explained much of Gansey’s life. It was how he felt about Ronan and Adam and Noah and Blue. With each of them, it had felt instantly right: relieving. Finally, he thought, he’d found them. We instead of you and me. (The Raven King, pg. 360)
How interesting that Gansey bonds with Henry Cheng, The Raven Cycle’s most aroace-coded character, about the concept of platonic soulmates. This point is pretty self-explanatory. I feel like a lot of ace and aro-spec people relate to the concept of platonic soulmates.
In conclusion, I think making Gansey asexual could’ve added another layer of nuance to the already nuanced relationships he has with all of the members of the gangsey. While it is evident in certain scenes that Gansey was not intended to be an ace-coded character, I still resonate with the ways Gansey feels about his relationships.
Also, I know I wrote about ace and aro-spec people in general for this post, but this is mainly from my own personal perspective so obviously the points I make are not necessarily representative of the entire community.
If any other aces (or aros) are reading this, let me know if you relate or if this is just a me thing. I’m curious to hear what other people think about this topic.
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kerubimcrepin · 4 months
Episode 26 - A Hairy Mystery
TW: Discussions of in-universe false allegations of S.A. towards animals and/or children. Discussions of addictions, and what might be actual S.A.
This episode is a doozy, both canonically and due to the analysis I conduct.
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From the first seconds of the episode, we can note one very important detail:
The episode's narration is not censored by Kerubim, as is usually the case, but filtered through Joris's very limited understanding of sexuality and other adult things, and metaphors alluding to those.
Which results in this being a very dark episode in every single way possible and kinda batshit insane, when thought about for too much.
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This is the same house as the one we'll see in Episode 50, Deadly Charm.
During Episode 50's time, the two of them share this house. This may suggest that the two episodes happen relatively closely, timeline-wise. It would make sense, considering the fact that in both of these episodes, Lou investigates crimes.
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This investigation sounds like how long a war that would result in the birth of a very cool huppermage would last.
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This episode will be hellish to translate... First of all: all the little text on these images? Just gibberish. Also, it's the same gibberish copypasted in all the newspapers.
However, we have some juicy stuff in the big text blocks: real text, with more context for the ep, besides what we see through Joris's ~imagination~
Big text on the top:
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"LITTLE CAT (??? something something)
Big text on the bottom:
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"HE LOOKS LIKE A BEANPOLE(???) -----------UN"
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Firstly: the newspaper name says "BOTA" instead of "BONTA"... Not even a spare letter "N" for the starving public?
The text on the left is, for some reason, upside down, and the letter N is in my transcription only because it makes more sense than W. What is says is: "EST U(N)E FIOTTE"
Translation: Someone (a female judging by "une") is (I am about to quote google here) "a homophobic(?) swear word for men(??)."
I'm sure someone in Ankama was very giddy to have snuck this in, but god, I wish I knew what this really means.
Don't worry. There are worse hidden texts in this episode... Like this next one.
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I guess that what Kerubim is accused of is. Uh. not... literally eating a cat. It's something... different. Or eating the cat and also doing other things to the cat. hm.
I guess for Ecaflips, doing this to a cat, is not just an animal thing but also uh. a kid thing.
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...Idk if I ever wanted to know this much about the World of Twelve. Man.
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To pause from the insanity of this episode so far, I want to point out, that, both here, and in the episode 50, which we had established, takes place close to this one, Kerubim and Lou are very close to marriage/consider each other fiancés (in episode 50, she is referred to as his wife, despite them not being married).
So... I am assuming both of them take place before Ecaflip City! We're making some real discoveries here, folks.
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This episode was funnier before I knew this was Kerubim's twitter callout arc. Now it's just sad.·😭
Also, in a better circumstance, I would comment on how cute it is that Kerubim says he likes cats (or babies, considering that for ecaflips... yeah. man. this episode is making me say insane things.) that much.
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No wonder he's going fucking insane.
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The first one is a reused text asset from the first episodes that says "MAISON DE NERUBIM CREPIN". What she is writing seems to be "RMCP"
The second one is, uh. Yeah.
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Judging by the paintings, I suppose this episode takes place after Vax's Art (ep10) and Bashi the Shark (ep7).
I know these are just reused assets, but also — it's Ankama's own fault that they gave me this to do theorizing with.
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Jesus fucking Christ, here we go. Twenty pages of analysis incoming:
He had a very interesting evening. Getting drunk (as usual), gambling (as usual)...
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But having a woman "ride" him, while being very, very drunk, too — is this also, in fact, usual? Hopefully, it was a literal riding, horse-style.
Judging from Lou's phrasing and reaction, as well as this episode's whole thing so far, it was probably not.
Which is... not good at all. Yeah.
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We'll never truly know, with Joris's unreliable narration in this episode. But I am sad to report, that I don't think it would be out of character for Kerubim to... have these things happen to him, and be okay with that.
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And it's in-character for Lou to view Kerubim's habits of getting drunk and gambling everything away, while having ambiguously-nonconsensual (on his side) relations with women, as punishable evils on his part, good old "shit boyfriend" behaviours.
Instead of, y'know, self-destruction.
...Okay, I think I am ready to present something to you, so here's a refresher for my earlier liveblogs, in the form of the six tenets of theorizing about their final break up we established:
She left sad, and unlike many other times, without any anger for Kerubim.
She left Luis with him to watch over him.
She also left Luis because he couldn’t go with her, but that could mean many things.
She left after Ecaflip City, obviously, and at that time, their relationship seemed the healthiest. (Well, as healthy as it could be.)
Unlike all the other times, Kerubim didn’t go searching for her. It seems this separation was final in a way no other was, and there had to be a reason that he didn’t go and try to make up. An unsolvable issue.
Both Luis and Kerubim blame Kerubim, and the first one uses this to make the second one angry.
I think it's time to make to finally reveal my Divorce Theory:
I think Lou left Kerubim after regaining her memories, and realizing that they're just bad for each other.
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She often manipulated him using his insecurities and fears of abandonment, which are the result of his childhood traumas. She hit him, and disregarded, or at times exacerbated, his various mental health issues.
While he has cheated on her many times while being completely sober, without any regard for her personhood and feelings. He's gambled away her memories.
Yes, they loved each other, but they were horrible together.
And I think it's a very sad realization to have about someone you've been in love with for your whole life:
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That all you've ever managed to do is hurt each other, and make things worse.
...Now that I'm done with sad divorce theories, let's finish up this episode.
The newspaper that shows miss Kitty behind bars, has all the same text as the newspaper where Kerubim is behind bars, so I won't include it, but this?
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This has a plot twist:
...Emilie, if you're out there: years ago, in Dofus: Aux Trésors de Kerubim, someone called you a bad word.
And I hope it was a joke and not some office drama. I really do hope so.
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...My reaction to this whole fucking episode, Keke.
My exact reaction to all of it.
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This is the face of a parent who knows that he will have to assess the damage. A second plane has hit the fucking pentagon level damage.
The "will he be asking me what "riding" means now?" "will he be asking me why "you ate a kitten" allegations got me into prison?" level damage.
Actual nightmare.
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katyspersonal · 5 months
Collision, Family, Volcano, Crown, Ruler and Fire for Izzy! (Her character has such a cool concept yet there is so little about her character in this fandom i need more of her,,,,)
Hey!! Thank you for asking! And also your ask made me want to finally do another quick doodle of her x)
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Baby boy. Baby. vs Evil
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with? 🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
I am combining these questions because the answers to both are quite connected, hope this is okay!
Izzy will go feral, figurally and literally, when someone either threatens people she is willing to protect or knows which regrets of hers to turn outside. Although she thinks reasonably and tries her best to have a grasp on her impulses and "be an animal responsibly!", she unfortunately is vulnerable to provocation. You know that one smug asshole that simply knows all of your insecurities and will lead you in public (friends or families) so they could humiliate you or dig through your dirt? ...no? Well, it is the worst kind of parental/authority figure, and Izzy is likely to see red and even physically attack a person like this. If she is around someone who knows how to get under her skin, she needs a more collected friend to ground her and remind her this is not worth her passion and anger.
Conclusion: slow boil, unless you pull the right strings! He can pile up grudges and anger- heck, it took a while for Izzy to "explode" at Ludwig with telling him in exact detail how much of a dumbass he was fhfhdsfd Yet on the other hand, Ashton (a crucial OC for the story) infuriated Izzy upon like, second significant interaction!
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
I envisioned her as the only child and someone growing without mom, raised just by father who was also quite harsh on her. A hell lot of emotional problems that never got resolved, just piling up over the years. She never tried to earn her dad's approval, nor strongly rebelled against him, but simply tried to coexist with little to no trust to the irrational fool that never knew what did he want.
The father had plenty of siblings on the other hand, so Izzy got to see various uncles, aunts and cousins often! With most of them Izzy was friendly and they felt more like a family than his dad, but still it was a little soured since for them her dad was the best person even with no flaw whatsoever and in her kid and teens she lacked the nerve to ruin the good picture. Izzy stopped writing any letters to her father or cousins from Yharnam in the end. There were just too many absolutely batshit things happening that letters would not cover, but he didn't want to bother with 'fake' and shallow letters either.
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
Izzy simply wanted to have his place amongst other significant people in Yharnam, whether it'd be as a great hunter or as a significant researcher! In a way, this wish came true.. you know, discovering a whole new philosophy in all that... mess of Kin, Beasts and humans, that STILL (!!!) has people like Josef diving into Loran dungeons to get at least close to the revelation about beasthood Izzy found? Izzy died as a monster, not knowing her legacy would live on beyond cursing Yamamura's homeland with beasthood, but she'd be very content to know she left the potential of "better humankind" open :')
📏 RULER - is your oc well educated? where did they get their learning from?
Izzy is actually well-versed in subjects like math, history, chemistry and biology! She knows a lot of literature and art too, it is just not a forefront and only brought up accidentally, when she tries to recite a poem that no one recognises. Doesn't help that her manner of talking is really "simple" for the lack of better term, and her education is only obvious when she IS discussing the topic! I always joke that she is a jock+nerd hybrid xD
She went the self-taught road as soon as she gained enough maturity to understand the teachers at the school tended to abuse their authority and the educational system itself was sketchy and with propaganda of certain ideas baked in it! If they wanted to overreact at her reasonable curiosity, then whatever! Calling them out on their bullshit and doing her own thing at the library it is, then! Because of how she studied everything "unofficially" she never had any certificate for her rich knowledge. But out of all Hunters visiting Byrgenwerth, only Izzy took a whole room to conduct researches, not to mention giving good lectures..... until Willem finally walked in and shooed her with a broom fdhfdjdsd
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
If you count self-inflicted beastly evolution and accelerating Vermin she got inside herself to properly become a part of her blood as self-destruction, then I guess so xD But in her defence, her choice of path to evolution preserved the humanity in its true nature the best!! Filth of humanity is not something to "cleanse" but something to cherish and protect from Great Ones who abuse it!
I'd say a flaw that guarantees his "failures" is inability to control the way arrogance grows as soon as his ideological enemies are marked. Izzy gets commentaries on being too stubborn from friends often, even when he is objectively right! She is actually quite similar to Laurence with the whole "I know what's best for humanity!".. Izzy is actually a strong competition to Mico in terms of being Laurence's rival: they both have these grand plans, whereas Micolash largerly doesn't care about humanity and sees most as cattle. But God FORBID you TELL Izzy this fhdhfdshds
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I want to present.. the sequel
Izzy: Unlike you fanatics I am able to listen to the ideas that contradict mine without losing my shit uwu
Caryll: Embracing beasthood is not the rebellion against the vicious cycle of Moon Presence that you think it is but a truthful part of her plan same as Star Kin that receive redemption from her, the only way to win is to not play.
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Ok ok I am done now fhhdshfdhf Thank you for the ask again!!
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coredrill · 3 months
i’m rly vibing w senor bighands design thus far………………i hope it looks good in action!!! the deathdrives’ designs have been pretty hit or miss for me tbh, like i rly love superbia and cupiridas but knuth/pessimism/vanitas are more meh…….like i generally enjoy the unique shapes in THEORY but i just feel like they also suffer a lot from being overdesigned the way a lot of modern 3d mecha are and it makes them kind of hard to parse out on screen which is :/ like so many of the shots are just so BUSY that it’s hard for me to get a handle on what is going on yknow? i can’t stop thinking abt what that shot of bravern saluting smith would look like if there were less details fjdbjfjdndbdn
if burn bravern + superbia gattai. that robot will literally be red + yellow + green + blue + purple. 🤨🏳️‍🌈⁉️
if on the off chance it turns out lulu IS biologically related to smith. i think it’ll make that one scene from ep3 where the hotel owner is like “🤨 she doesn’t LOOK like your sister” a fucking million times funnier LMFAO. also i am still suspicious of why her name is lulu if NOT being just the repeated first syllable of smith’s name like a noriko -> nono situation. this has fr been my tin foil hat theory since ep3 and i am not letting go until the end!!!!!! (although also side note that in general i am not EXPECTING any of this lmao. i honestly am mostly just finding such joy in the fact that this show is batshit insane enough that stuff like this is like. relatively plausible? at least to consider floating around? like it’s the same w the “lulu is biologically smith AND isami’s daughter cause isami’s blood dripped in bravern and her hair is blue and her eyes are red and she pilots the PURPLE deathdrive” thing - like the fact that i’m not immediately rolling my eyes at the idea tickles me greatly LMAO)
the way that the pieces for this episode have been positioned intrigues me to no end. like. it’s bravern + lulu + superbia(? i assume) Who Know and isami Who Doesn’t. and the side characters who ALSO don’t know are also not there (at least in the setup). although tbh i could see miyu having an inkling abt it or at the very least being super chill like she was in the Bad Future. like that rly opens the floor up from both a plot perspective (don’t have to worry about whatever power these new DDs have cause only the core cast will be affected) and from a character perspective (don’t have to cut to the faces of Literally anyone but isami going like 😲 once the truth is revealed. if isami doesn’t figure it out for himself first. or however that plays out) and its so smart on the whole and i’m genuinely so excited to watch it play out!!!!!! like even if miyu et al roll up in the last two minutes to help save the day with um. idk it’d have to be smth completely new i suppose cause they sure do have like one gun that is marginally effective against the DDs FNDJFJJDJS it pares things down for max efficiency which is really smart imo
japan and the US jointly developing a mech that reads your brainwaves is the most sus thing in the world LMAO like i could not sleep at night if that thing were real even moreso than the deathdrives themselves
i think there’s at least one more twist left. like ep9 was The Twist and then they pulled time travel AGAIN in ep10 which is genuinely WILD to me. so like. idk maybe ep11 is Old Man Isami coming back from ANOTHER future to sunbathe in the volcano FNNDNFN
i am also not counting out a g gundam style ending yet and Getting Smith Outta That Thing. obviously my own biases are very much at play here but like. if the moral of this show is that you gotta live no matter what you just HAVE to live and fuck time and space and convention because the people who love you will make sure you live. like. if any show is gonna have its cake and eat it too and keep both bravern AND smith around? i feel like this one could pull it off!!!! not placing bets ofc but like its possible yknow? but again that is also based on the assumption that the end point of the show is at all congruous with its current status quo, and something that my feeble human mind can even conceive of with the information that is given, so we shall see. LMAO. the idea that they’re all just gonna be fucking isekai’d into the florist AU that staff loves so much is ANOTHER idea that tickles me greatly for being something so in line with the insanity of this show that i cannot IMMEDIATELY rule it out even if i very much doubt that’s where we’re going LMFAO. bc smth like that sure would fucking vibe w the final battle taking place somewhere “unexpected” (again, if that’s true, idr if it was just a rumor or not) and also how uninterested the show has been w the state of the world at large barring a few scenes. HM.
anyways final predictions for this ep is that i will cry atleast once 👍
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greg-montgomery · 9 months
Hi Fay! as promised I'm gonna recreate the ask i swear on thor odinson i sent to you but oh well here we go!
You said you were so sad greg wasn't with you 24/7 in your life so allow me to shed some light on a gaggle of reasons why he's a pain!
firstly, he spills. This man is infuckingcapable of pouring liquids or moving them from point a to point b without making a whole mess. So every morning if you wake up after him, there's water slopped all down the front of the fridge, a puddle beneath it. Your poor keurig is going to shock somebody because it's sitting in a puddle of coffee. NOT TO MENTION the state of this man's clothes. You make him tuck his napkin into his collar like his life depends on it because you cannot take one more red wine stain on his nice shirts. You've joked with him for years now about getting him an adult BIB because he really is that bad. Every surface in your kitchen is always wet from where he's either left a spill behind OR he's mopped it up by spreading it all over the bench.
secondly, greg is a whistler. Your mum always told you only happy people know how to whistle, so when you met Greg and he could blissfully create the tune of 'livin la vida loca', you thought you'd found the happiest man alive. Of course, after years of listening to him whistle ALL THE TIME, it's lost a little of it's charm. You now end up trying to tune out the high frequencies when you have work to do, but you can't bring yourself to yell at him for being happy. so, you deal with it.
the same CANNOT be said for when you two are sleeping, and greg doesn't snore, his nose whistles in his sleep. it's far less mood-lifting and in-tune than his usual song, and man does it drive you batshit crazy. EVERY time you're drifting off to sleep in his arms, wondering how you got so lucky, there's suddenly the sound of either a very large mosquito or a very small steam train in your ears. It's shrill and it keeps you up all night. You've tried the nasal strips to no avail. You end up buying a white noise machine to blast at its highest volume and hoping that'll cover his high pitched breathing.
Greg looks at you. A lot. It's a beautiful lovesick puppy look in his big doey eyes, but over time it's become a dangerous habit. He doesn't notice literally anything else around the two of you. He's TERRIBLE at judging when to cross the street, much too enthralled by talking to you and holding you close and you always end up yanking him back by his sleeve as a car whizzes by you two. "Greg did you see that new restaurant that opened up just around the corner?" No. Of course he didn't. He never ever does. He's not capable of noticing things that aren't directly between his eyes and your face. You want to gossip with him about how your friend was pulling away from her boyfriend when you guys went out dancing last night? he doesn't know what you're talking about. He was busy admiring your outfit and the way the cheesy disco-ball made your eyes sparkle.
Speaking of gossip, he never gets you any. He is too dedicated and frankly too self-satisfied and disinterested to go digging around for any interesting tea around his office. He never hears about the drama, unless it's because he was asking somebody how they've been. It has to present itself directly to him for him to take any notice of the juiciest details.
Greg is practically allergic to spice. You put pepper in his food and he'll turn to you with a light sheen of sweat and lie to you through gritted teeth about how delicious it is. His tongue is numb. He's almost crying but he'll still tell you he loves the food. You have to cook everything so bland for your sweet darling boy to handle it.
Also, he eats EVERYTHING. There's no such thing as leftovers in your house and there probably never will be again. You swear his mother was right about him having hollow legs. He can eat enough for a family of five and still go searching for dessert. Don't even think about meal prepping your lunches for the week and leaving them in the fridge. They're gone. Every time you turn around he's got an emptied vessel of food in hand. And once he's burned through all the real food in the house, he's eating boxes of dry cereal, old dates, raw carrots from the crisper, anything he can get his hands on. On the bright side, you never have to leave food behind at a restaurant. Your boyfriend can ALWAYS finish it with a smile on his face (unless of course it's even remotely spicy).
I tried making these all obviously forgivable traits, because I don't want any of us to really hate greg. But these are some pretty good reasons to miss him a whole lot less.
mission failed i now miss him even more ‼️‼️
plsssss rome this made me fall for him even harder 😭😭😭😭 i love his annoying habits i want him to annoy me :(((
omg especially the one where he only notices you and nothing else :(( that’s so romantic 🥺🥺🥺
and the gossiping LMFAOOOOO he drops a bomb of a gossip from work and then you’re like “AND????????” and he’s like “oh…i didn’t ask idk” and you’re like 😐
baby not being able to handle spicy food he’s so cute stop it rn 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ugh but also eating everything all the time 🤭🤭🤭 the duality of greg
ahhhh i’m yearning SOOOOO BAD after this :(( i want a life with him :((((((( i want all these annoying habits of his to be part of my life and routine </3
rome thank you so much for sending this 🥺🥺🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 i needed some greg fluff 🥹
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butterflyintochains · 2 months
Those Who Tried
Just a little fun thing I wanted to try out. Some instances of people who tried - and failed - to sway our two brunet defencemen from each other. Four for Erik, and Four for Kris. No slander to anyone involved here, just having fun!
EK - Jason Spezza
Jason knows that this will make him look incredibly fucking stupid. But, sometimes you've got to take the plunge, right? Do the thing even if it makes you look or feel like a complete idiot after the fact. He's not blind, nor is he stupid. Erik is, objectively speaking, drop dead gorgeous, and - for all intents and purposes - single. So, because life's too short, he's gonna do it today. If he doesn't, someone will absolutely beat him to it. This will work, right? He's the captain for a reason, right? So, fuck it. During training, he skates over to Erik, who is re-taping his stick. ''Hey, Karl, can I ask you something real quick? It's... batshit crazy, but, can I?''
Erik smiles brightly, sweeping his long hair aside before putting his helmet back on. ''Sure, Spez, what's going on?''
Jason swallows to ease the dryness in his throat. ''Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go get dinner with me sometime?'' Erik stops dead, brown eyes flashing between disbelief, anger, and something he can't give a name to. ''Like, a date, you mean?''
Jason stutters out, feeling like a bomb has been lit under his feet. ''Well... yeah, I suppose so. What d'you say?''
Erik firmly says, skating away, as if to put as much space between the two as possible, drawing a literal line in the ice. ''No, I'm sorry, Jason. There's someone else.'' Is all he says, it's all he has to say. Jason has no idea who the other person is, but whoever they are, Erik clearly adores them.
KL - Brian Dumoulin
There's not too many people in this league that truly turn heads, make everyone stop what they're doing and admire them. Too many busted noses and missing teeth. But, Kris Letang is not one of those with no teeth and a fucked up nose. Nope, all perfect features, long hair, swagger aplenty, and strength of character. Where that stroke would have retired anyone else, Kris stands strong at their captain's hip every game. There's something captivating about his partner. So, he takes the matter up with Flower. ''Hey, Flower, is Tanger spoken for?''
Flower's eyes blow wide, as if Brian has two heads for even thinking that let alone asking that. ''You really wanna open that door, eh, rookie?''
Brian shrugs. ''Well, maybe? I dunno, is he spoken for?'' They look over to Kris, who is beaming an ethereal smile while texting someone from his stall. ''Dumo, you're a good kid, truly, you are. But,'' Ah, there it is, the stipulation he was dreading. ''Kris has been spoken for for a bit of a long time. I don't know all the details, but he's likely texting his partner.''
Brian curses himself, of course someone else snapped up the best looking guy in the entire league, who wouldn't? ''Fuck.''
Flower claps him on the shoulder. ''Plenty more fish in the sea, mon ami.''
Kris doesn't even register their presence, too engrossed in whoever he's texting with, not even Sid rising to give a little captain speech can tear him away from his phone. ''Tanger, you with us?'' Sid asks. Kris hastily puts his phone away. ''Oh, yeah... yeah, oui.'' He's beet red, the colour harsh against his black jersey.
EK - Brent Burns
Brent is nothing if not honest with himself, he's not the regal viking like Erik is, but he has heart to more than make up for it. Still, he's not immune to Karlsson's numerous charms. Or his unfair good looks. Rumour among Team Canada and Team Sweden has it Erik is taken, deeply and madly in love with someone out east. He's been betting with Jumbo as to who it is, and trying to wrangle it out of the swede as well. But, lately, he's been to depressed to even speak to anyone. San Jose was nominally a fresh start after the 2017 playoffs. But, Erik seems plagued by something heavy. ''Erik, are you okay, man?''
Erik shrugs, tying his skates for a training session. ''Just... got lost in my head, that's all.''
Brent asks further, not intruding, just curious. ''Why? What's wrong?'' Erik looks wistful, nostalgic for something. ''It's just, January, y'know?''
Jumbo says, taking the caring older brother route. ''Help us out, Karl, why is January so depressing for you?''
Erik smiles sadly, eyes glazing over. ''Six years ago this month, I found the love of my life. And, six months ago, I fucking threw it all away like the idiot I am.'' With that, Erik grabs his stick, and all but runs out of the dressing room. Wow... six years of a love so deep two entire national teams are gossiping about it, and it's all over? Brent now feels dirty for even thinking he'd be good with Erik, given how heartbroken his partner seems to be. And, how in love he still is.
KL - Olli Maatta
Olli didn't know what to think when the usually so insular top defenceman on his team came back from San Jose practically buzzing with euphoria. Truth be told, no one did. No one in the room has seen Kris this happy in ages, it's almost jarring to see the beaming smile on his face as he strides to his stall for morning skate. ''Tanger, you okay? This is weird.'' Horny asks.
Kris nods, running his hand through his long dark hair, famous league wide. ''Me? Yeah, I'm just great, Horny. Why'd you ask?'' Phil says, looking equally concerned. ''It's just that you look so happy all of a sudden.''
Kris picks up his helmet and stick, and declares. ''I have plenty of reasons for that, Thrill, believe me.''
After skate, Olli decides to capitalise on the legend's happiness, and approaches him. ''Hey, Kris, uhm, can I talk to you a sec?'' Kris smiles, and says. ''Sure, Olli,'' Only for his phone to ring, he answers it. ''I am so sorry, hold on.''
Olli says. ''Yeah, that's fine.''
Kris answers in french, face lit up like a christmas tree. ''Bonjour, amour.'' There's a short pause, then he says. ''What hoodie, amour? My Val D'Or one?'' Another pause. ''Thought so, keep it, it looks good on you.'' Another short pause, Kris smiles. ''Yes, I'm sure.'' Another pause, Kris is beaming now. ''Okay, je t'aime aussi, see you when you come here again.'' He hangs up, and turns back to Olli, who is now just curious. ''Sorry, Olli, what did you wanna talk about.''
Olli swallows, feeling like he should not have heard that half of whatever conversation that was. ''Nothing, forget it.'' He grabs his stuff, and heads out to his car.
EK - Logan Couture
First game back from Christmas break of the first semi-normal season since Covid ruined everything. The team have a long flight to Pennsylvania for their game against Pittsburgh. As captain of this team, it's Logan's job to notice everything, even the things no one else would. But, not even he needs to look far to find the only person happy to be flying all this way. He's currently answering a phone call as they take off for the east. ''Right on cue, hjartat, we've just taken off.'' A short pause comes, Erik looks out the window, in what looks to be anticipation. ''I know, first time in a while we'll be able to crash at yours after the game.'' Hjartat? Crash at yours? Huh? ''You wouldn't dare, and we both know it.'' Erik's cocky voice quickly turns soft and comforting. ''Hjartat, I just got you back, I'm not throwing you away over anything, okay?'' A brief pause takes over. ''I promise, it's you and me, right?'' Another tiny pause comes. ''Okay, jag alskar dag, see you really soon, hjartat.'' Erik hangs up.
Ever one for some good gossip, Logan asks his teammate. ''Who's the lucky one, Karl?''
Erik just chuckles, and puts his head back for some sleep. ''You'd never believe me if I told you, Logan.''
That hits like a Chara body check, It's been a while since he's seen Erik so at peace, it's almost too alluring to pass up. But, there's someone else in his heart... someone in Pittsburgh. Logan feels on the cusp of some revelation, but it just won't come to him.
KL - Brandon Tanev
Turbo feels like such a fucking idiot right now, they've just beaten the Sharks 8-5 in their house, but Brandon feels like he's been sent on a suicide mission when he goes to ask Tanger after they're back in street clothes. ''Hey, Tanger, team dinner? Maybe some drinks?'' Kris just shoots him an unfairly beautiful smile, the kind he usually reserves for when he's on the phone with whoever he's constantly on the phone with. ''I'd love to, Turbo, but can't.''
Tanny knows logically he should quit while he's ahead, he's been shot down, that should be good enough, but he's an idiot. ''Yeah? Why not?''
Kris checks his hair in a mirror on the wall, and smooths down his suit. ''Got someone special in town, Turbo. Can't miss this night with them, it might be my last until summer.'' His phone pings in his hand, his face lights up. ''That'll be them, gotta go, see you boys later!'' Kris sprints off to meet up with the person from his phone, Turbo looks to Sid, who looks equally as confused as he feels. Tanger keeping secrets from the team is one thing. But, from Sid as well? ''Do you know who he's talking about?''
Sid just says. ''Not even a little bit, Turbo. But, with him this happy, I don't dare ask.''
EK - Lars Eller
Lars has always found Erik handsome, charming too, almost unfairly so. And, the two are quite good friends, so what if things could evolve now that they're both Penguins? Who knows? They could make quite a nice pair, it would be fucking hilarious, a Swede and a Dane. He's noticed Erik gravitating towards Kris lately, always sitting together on the bench or plane, sharing a joke. So, he asks Kris for advice. ''Hey, Kris, can I get your opinion on something?''
Kris says, finishing his gatorade. ''Sure, shoot.''
Lars asks, suddenly feeling as though he shouldn't. ''Do you think I would have a shot with Karl.'' Kris's jaw tenses, barely visible with his beard, but it's obvious. Knuckles white from his grip on his stick. ''Hate to be the bearer of bad news, Tiger, but he's taken.''
Of fucking course he is, typical. ''Really? Who's the lucky person?'' Kris takes to the ice again, a wry grin on his face. ''Take a lucky guess.''
KL - PO Joseph
''I am so fucking stupid, I am so fucking stupid.'' PO says, slumping down on the sofa in Drew's condo.
Drew jokingly says, scrolling through some NHL news on his phone, relaxed in an armchair by the windows. ''I'm sure you're right, but elaborate, please. I'm bored and want some gossip.'' PO says, taking his hand off his face. ''Promise not to be all judgy?''
Drew simply says. ''Depends on what you're about to tell me, but go ahead.''
PO seems to need to muster up the guts to tell him this, but after some moments of silence, he blurts out. ''I asked Kris out today.'' Drew almost drops his phone on his face. He adores his best friend, he really does, but... what the hell was he thinking? ''Pierre, please, for the love of God, tell me Karl wasn't there.''
PO half sighs-half groans, Drew rolls his eyes as PO says. ''Karl was there. Why is that important, though?''
Drew informs his best friend. ''Because, Pierre, Karl and Tanger are together, and have been longer than we've been in the league.'' PO asks, indignant. ''How the hell do you know that?''
Drew rolls his eyes again, and says. ''Rusty told me when I was put on Sid's line with him. Anyway, that's not important, what did they do?'' PO recounts. ''Tanger just politely let me down, Karl looked like he wanted to throw me in the river.''
Drew just nods, and picks at a chipped nail. ''No shit, Sherlock.'' PO asks, having pissed off one half of the d-corps power couple. ''I'm screwed, huh?''
Drew just says. ''Probably.''
Just something fun I wanted to write, Some of the hockey himbos attempts to flirt with or ask Kris or Erik out over the years, many have tried. But, alas, they've only got eyes for each other. Got another TangerKarlsson idea cooking too!
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queenmillymonkey · 4 months
NPMD song tier list
As cool as I think I am: I never really vibed with this song. I mean it's good but compared to every other song it just doesn't excite me as much. Although it does always make me laugh and cry.
If I loved you: I just started warming up to this song, but it's also like as cool as I think I am. And then also to sing this right after Ruth dies? If this was placed after they honored her a little more that'd be fine. The emotional whiplash from just for once to this song
The best of you: definitely an earworm. I love all the highschool characters we got from this one song (like brooke and rudolph) and also how this is like their up-town funk, that idea is absolutely adorable. But then, 3 kids died from murders (soon to be 4) in the course of one month and they just forget about it? I can't help but feel a little sour about that. But other than that I love it.
Cool as I think I am (reprise) this song brings me to tears every time I watch NPMD. LIKE joeys performance in this? Breathtaking. It's very sad but also very short
The summoning: I really want to put this song up higher but I do get second hand embarrassment for some parts. Other than that I love the LIB and was absolutely ecstatic we had something for them all together. I really love pokey after yellow jacket so I wish they evened out the lines throughout the song
Dirty Dudes must die: I love how batshit insane Grace became at the end. She is a true icon. And the vocals? CHEFS KISS! Her ending pose is everything. She is THE GIRLBOSS
Dirty girl: I'm going to be honest, I skipped this the first time I watched NPMD. But rewatching and relistening to it really made me appreciate the amazing harmonies in this song. I love them so much in this, although its extremely embarrassing watching with your friends
Literal monster: again, I would love to put this higher but it's hard to rate this. I love love love how max sings a verse in this. But also how the nerds sing too, god the choreography is just sjrjrntjng
Go Go Nighthawks! THE FUCK YOU CLIVESDALE VERSE HAS ME ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING. And Richie dancing in the mascot costume is so funny to me too. Especially cause Jon was battling to keep that on his head when he was in the play. Plus this song is the last time we'll see everyone happy together.
Bury the bully: this song is so funny. But also how everyones voices go together? Changing from bully the bully to bury the bully is GENIUS. the end when "I just cut off his nips" and grace screams "GIVE ME THOSE" is definitely an underrated line
Bully the bully: I know I keep on saying that these songs are hilarious, and that's because they are. Like, the chemistry all the nerds had in this scene? The spins? You can see how much more sure of this they are then in the 'reprise' and how they think this is going to solve all of their problems (it does for like two weeks)
Hatchettown: all the cameos in this made the hours of going through NMT so worth it. (I do recommend watching it. At least season two) even kn tje cast recording boy jerry is in it calls Jeri a dirty girl and I don't think many people know about that. And the bridge in this song? Heavenly. Actually a 10/10 song.
Nerdy prudes must die: this scene is heartbreaking but it was necessary for us to hear Jon's amazing voice. The little details where max uses his powers on him and he like flops to the floor? To good. And he thinks saying "I'm not a loser" will help his case like in all of his animes LMAO. This just really shows how far everyone in starkid has come.
Highschool is killing me: best opening number ever (totally not biased) the opening lines always give me chills how it always smoothly transitions. I think everything in this is perfect.
Just for once is one of the best songs of the hatchet field trilogy and here's why: it uses clever word play and shows how Ruth isn't just a throwaway character.
Jeff blim isn't really known outside of the fandom from having the best lyrics (I obviously love them but this is just some beliefs other people have) he really outshined with this. It just looks so dumb but when you really feel dive on what the double meaning for every lyric is you really start to appreciate it.(someone pointed this out once and I'm just obsessed:the joke of her brushing her hair with the grill brush is also funny because she doesn't have any hair from her chemo treatment)It's heartbreaking to see how Ruth longs for something people wouldn't consider a big deal; she wants to be a middle aged mom. That goal just to be found is so sad to see how much she wants it and then you see that she's never ever going to reach that goal because of Max jagerman. Ruth definitely makes people uncomfortable when watching the musical, but for her character saying the most out of pocket things is her way of getting attention, and then also to have such a pathetic death? It really rubs salt in the wound.
In many ways I can relate to Ruth. Her want to be something when she's older. Ruth's need of attention and affection is also kind of how I do it: with theater and saying weird shit. Although when I say weird shit I think it's hilarious to see their reaction. But she also wants to perform and I love to perform so much and being someone you aren't for just an hour seems so fun.
They couldn't have chosen anyone better but Lauren for this role. You can see how much thought she put into her acting: her little facial expressions, the slightest change in tone of voice and her posture. I love the way she acts in the beginning of the song with the eye batting and the over animated movements are so satisfying but also serve a purpose. It shows how Ruth is mocking the play, but once the movements become less and less animated you see that she longs for that life she is talking about. I just absolutely adore the song and character although she is seen as weird. ENDING NOTES: THIS SONG IS SO GOOD!! LISTEN TO IT RIGHT NOW
If you actually read the whole thing thank you :))
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obsessednotepad · 2 years
Honestly I love how the show has shifted our perspectives on these characters and their relationships with one another. Honestly in the YT series we got some instances and scenes to be able to make inferences of their personalities but the TV series? Mwah thank you Becky and Joe for this good soup.
Literally we see how they’re stuck together and fucking hate each other on any given day because they’re 3 randos stuck in some place where every day they restart at home before ever being able to escape- who don’t know even how to escape this place.
So they just simply get by and at this point after the YT series they’ve kinda gotten used to the same routine of teachers popping in and out of their lives to torture them. Of course a few changes are welcomed bc it does become dull, maybe perhaps that’s why they go batshit on each other when given the chance bc holy shit what do you do with that resentment and anger that lives inside of you and all you’ve got is a confusing group (clump? Found family?) who don’t really fully understand each other.
But we also see that on any other given instance, they have formed their ways of showing how they care and get along. (I will probably edit it in later bc I only have limited storage in my brain and majority of it is full of bullshit)
However a little detail I’ve noticed is while Red is hardly vulnerable about personal feelings, he just seems like he assumes nobody truly cares enough about him to even a “best friend” level and given with how his family treats him I honestly can see why he feels that way. I even think regardless of the platonic or romantic implications- the “I like looking at you” scene is just so. Good. Yes because it’s a nice moment and has quite no heterosexual explanation for it but. The whole “I see you and you see me.” motif is just. So good in a way for both characters in that one moment.
They’re in a time of distress but also ease, everything feels easier to say in the dark when no one can see you. However with a egotistical, narcissistic, and honestly weirdly stupid but also fruity ass character who over compensates for either not actually being good enough (as we can see through him only making a minimal mistake that gets him instantly thrown out of a family, we can possibly assume this for other scenarios or his actual real family and well him as a character..)or something else, coming out of his head, seeing someone for who they are and liking it- is just fucking refreshing for this character. And Red? Holy shit, 1) him being the one to first openly admit is well kinda new for his character but then again his character has expanded beyond monotone and boring- he has emotional outbursts and is just as scared and angry as they are but we’ve never fully seen him say something alike to what he does say in that scene.
“It would be nice to look at the house again..and maybe looking at you too.”
Idc whatever you interpret it as- I just love how we see through small little moments and voice lines and scenes like this one how each go about their way of expressing themselves. Also just the line?? The scene?? Taking place in the dark??? Dude don’t even get me started bc while I know there is a bunch of context this scene could’ve easily been cut but it was left in for a reason. And I just generally love motifs that connects characters through “I see you” so. Yeah.
And I haven’t even fucking touched Yellow yet >:)
The whole thing with episode 6 just reveals so much more. Of course he’s always been a little silly but never fully ignorant of what bad things happen to them. especially in the YT series and haha we see that within episode 6 too. And now we see a “separation” between parts of himself, see how much aware he’s been of the hellscape they’ve been stuck in and choosing to just try to make things better by doing what helps Red and Duck feel better. Just be the happy and goofy kid. However when he can think clearly, for himself solely is when you realize he’s been thinking of this stuff for the entire time, just never had ability to communicate everything without hurting people or himself. Idk just kinda sad seeing a kid with so much shit in his brain and having so much difficulty expressing them while also going through so many emotions at once is like. Fuck you’ve got 97 mental illnesses and not in the quirky way…
But the scene with “have we gone wrong?
I don’t think so…atleast it doesn’t hurt to think anymore-
they seem upset with us….
well maybe it’s because they’re not in control of us anymore….
maybe they never were.”
It represents so many experiences. Like discovering that maybe you dont identify with what you were born with and how that effects you and your family- or a kid growing up, realizing they are scared of shifting away from themselves as they grow, or just realizing you cannot be what everyone wants, that you are in control of your life.
Well until your batteries get taken away.
And then the dynamic between all of them? Ugh I don’t know if I should discuss bc of how long this will end up being. This is probably incomprehensible and stupid but idk that’s like my thing so. Yeah get with it.
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some-pers0n · 4 months
Watching the last four episodes of the demon show against my better judgement. Gonna be an annoying live-blog post full of rambling.
Okay so maybe a quarter/halfway through the fifth episode (when they introduce Lucifer) and so far? Eh. I think it's an interesting direction to take Lucifer's character. I'm not against making Lucifer a sympathetic role, especially since the story is taking a more "Lucifer was cast out of heaven for not complying with heaven's rules and morals" path, but it feels a little...odd. I look at this guy and don't think of him as any different than the overlords. It reminds me of Bee in a way, where it feels like they should be more, well, grand? I need a moment to think more about him though.
I also think it's kinda really awkward to introduce the concept of Alastor being a father-figure to Charlie considering they have had maybe three conversations and none of them were even remotely close to lukewarm in attitude. It feels forced and unnatural. The show barely shows any of them really interact and form bonds and connections. The only ones who I feel have any sort of bond are Vaggie and Charlie, and Angel Dust and Husk. Alastor is just kinda this character who doesn't really do anything.
Again, the show feels like fanfic. It feels like the show expects us to already be familiar with these characters, their dynamic, and general role in the story. To an outsider, this beat of Alastor feeling like a father-figure to Charlie is extremely out of left field. Hell, for most people who are fans of the show it feels odd. The show is pretty much only made for people who are already familiarized with these characters. It doesn't spend time setting up relationships, since it assumes we already know how they interact.
Anyways, enough rambling. Lemme unpause it so they can finish their little song.
Okay I unpaused it for all of like three seconds but I need to complain a little again. I'm not a character designer or artist, nor do I really think that the character designs are they fun to talk about (other than them being extremely animator unfriendly), but Lucifer's wings should be a little more...detailed? They feel blank and boring. I think they should have more gold or something. Anyways back to show.
If I may, I also do think that the show generally introduces wayyyyy too many characters for its own good. I think it should've stuck with a smaller cast. Way smaller. Most of these overlords and new characters could've been cut and nothing would really change. It feels really bloated and, again, feels like fanfic. The show expects us to already know these characters and doesn't really introduce them or give proper time to, well, be characters.
Oh yay Alastor exposition.
I do with Alastor was actually allowed to be batshit crazy and blow up things. I think it would be better if we were shown why we should fear Alastor. Why Alastor is this big scary guy. See him kill people. See him slaughter and completely level buildings without breaking a sweat. So far? I don't really feel anything about him. He's not scary. He's nothing, really.
Oh I've seen this scene of Husk and Alastor before.
God I wish there were more scenes of this happening. Literally just more of this place. Even more scary though. More of this. Please and thank you. Actually makes him interesting to watch.
Okay the joke about "loan sharks" is actually cute and fun. I like that.
Oh my god is Alastor going to do something????
Mimzy bothering Alastor about him caring about the hotel makes me think of that one theory that Lilith is forcing Alastor to do this. There's clearly some higher power that is forcing Alastor to comply and help with this, as said with Husk just a couple minutes ago. Lilith has been missing for a couple years and now recently Alastor is back. They've gotta be linked in some way.
Okay Lucifer sing your song about how heaven is evil and how you love your daughter.
I've mentioned it before, but I think the reveal of heaven being evil was shown way too early for its own good. I think they should've withheld it for a while. Revealing that, no, heaven is corrupt and bad in the very first episode kills any sort of tension or concern. We already know that heaven is corrupt and bad. That they don't believe in redeeming sinners and they'll just kill them all cause it's a) fun and b) to control them. Perhaps in a later episode it should've been revealed in its entirety.
Okay considering how Lilith took away Charlie from Lucifer, which is framed as being a sad thing, I'm certain Lilith is now going to be a villainous character. At least antagonistic. This is a Vivziepop show we're talking about here. So what does that exactly mean?
That was a pretty cute song not gonna lie.
Heaven time!!
I was already spoiled about Vaggie being a fallen angel, but I do think that it's a pretty decent reveal. I think it'd be better if the show had more time to-- OH THIS IS THE EPISODE WITH CHERRI BOMB??
God Cherri is such an animator unfriendly design it hurts. Why does she have so many edges and dots.
Don't tell me this is when the Sir Pentious SA joke happens. Please.
God I still can't believe they made Saint Peter into a blue-eyed blonde hair white guy. Viv only knows how to design one type of male character.
Heaven looks pretty neat so far. Interesting to see it finally.
I wonder if they'll ever bring up how Molly is in heaven. Or Angel Dust's other family in general.
I'mma be real: I think the exterminator designs should've been kept as what they look like. They look cool as hell with their masks on.
Anyways, reveal time.
I wonder if Vaggie is the angel who that one girl a couple episodes ago said she killed. Or if she just took credit. Or if it's another angel.
Court time.
HELP THE DICTIONARY JOKE-- okay that one's pretty funny.
Again, I think heaven should be more pretentious and weary about swearing and generally acting "like a sinner". I get that Adam was the first sinner and his whole thing is that he's an old bigoted white dude, but I feel like heaven should at least react to him swearing. Be all like: "!! you can't say that!!" or just generally be really uptight about it. I dunno. I think it'd be cute and fun.
Aw Sir Pentious :] He's so sweet
But oohhh noo Angel :(
WHY DOES EVERYONE REACT TO CHARLIE SWEARING BUT NOT ADAM??? WHUH??? Okay, okay, playing devil's advocate here, but maybe Charlie is more judged because she's from hell and it's commentary on how angels and sinners aren't that different and yet the sinners are judged more...but like...c'mon man...
Sir Pentious sweetheart no..
Don't tell me this is where the Sir Pentious SA joke happens now. I love you Sir Pentious please.
Jesus that slap drew blood
?? Whuh? They don't even know what constitutes a sinner and a angel? ...okay devil's advocate again, but maybe it's still with the commentary about the church and whatnot.
I do like the idea of heaven not being aware of the exterminations though. Again, theme of the church hurting those who they deem to be sinners (aka addicts, queer people, or just generally anybody who isn't a straight, white guy with zero mental illness).
Okay final two episodes time.
Aw Sir Pentious :]
Alright Alastor go get your queer-platonic partner and go and sort this all out
Okay honestly? If this whole scene came before the dad Alastor thingy, I could believe it. A one-on-one conversation with Charlie and Alastor with him looking out for her.
Okay so it's been cleared up, Carmilla did kill an angel. Probably with her blessed weapons considering how angel weapons seem to hurt each other (as shown with Vaggie)
Sir Pentious and his goons are the only characters I care about
Ayyy Alastor's queer-platonic-partner
Aw that's a cute ace reference. Ace in the hole. Adorable
I do like Rosie. She's kinda neat
I do wonder what the logistics are behind Vaggie being latina if she's seemingly heavenborn. Maybe she's not and human souls can become exterminators. Though, Adam did say he named her, which sounds like she's heavenborn.
The cannibal town is funny. I like Susan. Ol' prick
Die girlies are fighting
Yep angelic weapons kill angels
Ooh I like this song
Oh this is cute, Carmilla is teaching Vaggie how to be a better fighter. I always like this cute. Adorable actually
C'mon Charlie tell the old queer about your relationship problems.
Rosie is so sweet and fun I love her
Hey okay why is this conversation actually not that bad? I like this interaction quite a bit. Rosie is really sweet and charming and lovely and she does tell Charlie to love and trust Vaggie in a way that's not really forced. I like it.
God dammnit I like a friendship in the demon show (Rosie and Alastor)
I like the idea that all of these cannibals dress like they're from the prohibition era.
I also like the idea that this one cannibal town is capable of taking down the exterminators.
Aww the girlies :)
I actually like this episode quite a bit. There's no glaring flaws or anything. It's a fun and cute episode that sets up the climax. Probably my favourite episode of the series thus far
Final episode lets go
Alright Vox what do you want now?
Angel sobering up a bit is pretty nice though. The show does get a bit better. Those first couple of episodes are pretty rough.
God finally they kissed
Hi angels
Aw I like all of their battle attire
Alastor please be cool and do something menacing and fun
I do like this final battel thus far. Seems pretty earned. This later half is a lot better paced than the first half. Feels nicer.
vox what
You can definitely see the inspiration from that one villain from The Princess and the Frog here in this fight between them.
?? Does Angel's arms just grow out of him at will?
I'm personally not really vibing with Cherri/Pentious, but eh it's fine it's meh
Fake-out death calling it now
Oh FINALLY Charlie is turning into a demon mode
Final confrontation between Vaggie and Lute lets go
Was that a snout on Charlie I saw?
I saw people complaining about their blood being "piss coloured" on Twitter, but honestly golden blood goes so hard. I love ichor so much. It's always so cool
Okay sparing somebody so they have to live with knowing that you gave them mercy goes hard
Oh hey, deus-ex-lucifer
I think Adam still would've been cooler if that WAS his face and not just a mask. Also if Adam wasn't a generic white guy. He needs curly hair
OH SHUT UP-- okay, fine, mercy. Mercy is fine. Mercy is the entire show's point. Redemption and not killing a person. I think it should've been better paced though.
Don't tell me Nifty killed him-- oh for fuck's sake. I hate this trope of the comedic relief character killing the bad guy. It's not funny and it feels underserved
Boo hoo song about how Sir Pentious is totally dead. He's not. He's still alive, I know it
So the V's are obviously going to be the main villains next season
Hey Alastor
I still don't think Sir Pentious is dead. You can't convince me show. He's alive
Oh is this Lilith?
Yeah it's Lilith.
Alright, thoughts:
I think it's a decent show all around. Would I casually recommend it to people? Absolutely not. I still believe the biggest flaw is how the show is based around you already knowing these characters and the context around everything. It makes it extremely unappealing towards casual viewers and only really makes it watchable to people who've already seen the pilot, Helluva Boss, and know a bit about Vivziepop lore.
The writing is hit-or-miss. Pacing and mood whiplash is certainly an issue. I think the show has a general lack of focus in the first couple of episodes especially, though it does pick itself up a lot by episode six once it focuses on the heaven VS hell plot.
I find most of the characters to be stale and iffy. Alastor I think suffers the most since he's obviously this character you're supposed to like and find just as cool as Viv does, but he isn't really doing it for me. He feels forced and unnatural.
Despite Viv claiming it to be a female-lead show, I still feel like it spends infinitely more time giving more depth and character to the male cast than it does with the female ones. The male cast gets more complicated stories than Charlie and Vaggie, which kinda sucks.
Overall? Not bad. I wish the season had twelve episodes instead so it could be better paced, but ah well.
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hrokkall · 1 year
grimora for the ask game !!
Favorite thing about them: I feel like this is cheating because it’s so niche but I love the skeleton hand that rings the bell in the Finale (honestly Grimora’s whole aesthetic in the finale is phenomenal but if I had to narrow it down to one detail it would be that). Also a very small detail but I like how in her idle animations her hands are always folded over her abdomen; reminds me of the way people are laid to rest in coffins and really cements her undead status for me.
Least favorite thing about them: I wish she had some/more lines talking about her subordinates. We really don’t get to know much about how she feels about them which is sad. (I’d say the whole “killing everyone” thing too but… I don’t completely blame her on that one—similar to the other Scrybes’ Batshit Machinations, I can see why she felt like she needed to do it. Not to mention she didn’t technically succeed so I’ll give her a pass (I say that jokingly but holy shit did it catch me off-guard in my first playthrough))
Favorite line: This bit in her boss fight. Absolutely insane mechanic (just killing all of your cards but instead of the PG “turn them into gold” she just casually hands you back their lifeless bodies. Also pretty good foreshadowing in hindsight).
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brOTP: I’ve seen a couple of works where Grimora has Royal as her right-hand man and they both get to be pirates together and you guys are absolutely correct. They should get to explore the high seas (or at very least I’d like to imagine Royal spins a lot of tales about his time when he was alive—a lot of which are pretty exaggerated—and she listens and makes sure to write them down regardless).
OTP: Her and any/all of the other Scrybes. She deserves better but the other three immortal shitheads she has to share an archipelago with will have to suffice. I’d say they’re all divorced but that’s probably putting it too simply. It’s more accurate to say they’re all fighting to see who’s the best at inventing a brand new type of complicated relationship. They’re all winning.
(I’ve also seen her paired off with the Woodcarver—not my thing personally, but I think it’s cute)
nOTP: Haven’t seen any Grimora ships that I don’t like honestly. But again I’m not super into shipping so that might be part of why this category has been blank the past couple of times—I’m not seeing many ships so there’s not any for me to report on.
Random headcanon: The dead can’t really “sleep” (and don’t really need to)—they just sort of “fall prone” into a state where they don’t really rest and don’t dream. As a result, a “sleeping” Grimora just looks like a corpse… more like a corpse than usual, anyway (she already rarely breathes and her heartbeat is so slow the event sometimes surprises her, but you know, completely lifeless). This would be disconcerting for the other Scrybes if not for her other far more concerning physiological traits. Like the first time she came to a meeting with her head in her hands—literally—and a needle and thread to sew it back on while the others talked. Not much got done that day.
Unpopular opinion: As much as I wish she did get more screentime I can see why that wasn’t really possible. Inscryption is already a pretty long game as-is, adding a whole card segment for Grimora—while it would be fun DLC—isn’t really feasible in the base game. Having said that, I do still wish we got to know a little more about her, even if it was just via some lines from her subordinates.
Song I associate with them: My knee-jerk is Necromancin Dancin by Bear Ghost just because it’s a batshit ridiculous villain song about the undead (she deserves to be a little more unhinged than how she gets portrayed by a lot of people; just look at the other Scrybes), but for something a little more fittingly melancholic I’d go for Grave Digger by Blues Sarcaceno or Dance While the Sky Crashes Down by Jason Webley.
Favorite picture of them: Please check out the official renders of her 3D model if you haven’t already seen them. She’s lovely. [Link]
Also a fan of this particular Stinkbug sprite (and the base sprite of course, but everyone knows what that one looks like).
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julianmajablancas · 1 year
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entry 10.
april 28, 2023
after a much awaited return (literally no one said that) i’m back. a lot has happened since my last entry, my girlfriend (or now ex) broke up, i got admitted to rehab, had the lowest point of my life there, bounced back, and now i’m having my ??? moment. what prompted this entry is my recent string of failed relationships (by string i mean 5 of them, all failed horribly) and i’m feeling like an absolute fool about it. i don’t have the drive to detail each of them, they’re all a piece of shit one way or another. i won’t say it wasn’t all my fault but there’s only one instance where i can say that it really was… anyway, i was feeling really low and melodramatic these days, it’s like thoughts are clouded over my head. am i really that unlovable? the only moment i became my true self was when i told her what i wanted to be treated like, but apparently it was too much that she decided to go completely unresponsive to me. i mean, all of them had these unique qualities in my mind which made me think that we were 4ever, looking back that was one of the most batshit insane things i’ve probably said. my closest friends can attest to this, and it’s funny because everytime i would introduce someone to them it would go horribly WRONG. i would miss them randomly, and i know this was my delusion talking because i would miss the what-could-have-beens and not the situation as it was. i would get in this cycle of beating myself up for relationships ending prematurely and i never got anything good of it. still, i subconsciously still do it. i know the way to end all of this is to stop seeking validation but growing up unvalidated it’s better said than done…
sometimes i would remember my ex. its making me confused too, like how i would root for kyle all the way to the end yet i couldn’t say the same for her… i wonder if we became friends after i wouldn’t be feeling like this, i would be at least indifferent towards her, maybe even happy. but the thing is, i’m not. i’m rooted in this deep seethed anger. i don’t know if i’m capable of ever forgiving her completely. a friend said to me that some people just aren’t meant to be friends with. and i kinda agree, maybe it’s like that. kyle was probably a good candidate to be a friend but she wasn’t. it doesn’t help at all that i’m listening to Cool About It by Boygenius. that song basically talks about how you can’t stand to be with someone you still hate, but you’re just faking it all the fucking way. and it hurts. it fucking hurts me in ways i do not expect. i wouldn’t be able to function, to do the basic things i used to do. sometimes i can’t stand the pain, i just want to wallow in my own depressing self pity and self sabotage all the ways i could’ve prevented it from happening. if i hadn’t talked to winslet, would we still be together? if i didn’t choose to ignore her, would we still be together? but in the back of my mind i know i could have done absolutely nothing wrong. looking from an outsider’s point of view, it was really her problem, she needed to do some serious self reflection. and it would end, just like the way things do. i hate that she’s happy with someone else, and it’s not me. as cheesy as it may sound tears are currently flooding my eyes as i’m writing this. i know her next will be met with intense disappointment also, just by the way she treats life in general. and i feel sad for him. i know i’m over her, it’s been months, but sometimes i just hate remembering. ever since then, i’ve just been met with continuous disappointment. which is probably why i’m feeling like this. i don’t know, i have more thoughts about this whole thing than i’d like to write but that will be all for now. i hope tomorrow i’ll feel better, i know there are better days ahead than this….
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kageyuji · 4 years
❝what’s on your neck?❞
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also known as “the team finds the hickeys you left on him”
-> warnings; implied making out, hickeys, sexual jokes
-> includes; bokuto, kuroo, tanaka, atsumu, and iwaizumi.
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a/n; gender neutral, also it’s implied just making out but the characters are aged up to third year (18 years old)! and please remember to reblog <3
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bokuto honestly forgot it was there, he’d remembered the makeout session you and he had
but somehow he had completely forgotten about the mark you’d left, sigh <//3
washio is Staring he is Looking he Knows what’s going on
akaashi and konoha exchange a look before finally akaashi speaks up
“what’s on your neck?” he doesn’t know why he even asked - he knows the answer
“hm?” bokuto asked, a totally innocent and confused expression on his face before realizing what they meant
konoha lightly tapped on his own neck, showing bokuto what they meant
he’s blushing at first, but then quickly changes his expression into a smirk
he has like 27% shame, he’s a little nervous but then again he loves you and couldn’t care any less if they see
konoha never lets him hear the end of it, but it becomes helpful whenever he and Akaashi are trying to get him out of slumps
the team also probably teases you about it, but bokuto just pouts and pulls you closer
10/10 boyfriend, anyway-
he probably lets it happen again but its literally on accident <//3
like he just. cannot remember <///3
he spends hours on his hair in the morning i don’t know how he doesn’t see it
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kuroo knew they were they he just didn’t really think anyone would notice
kenma did, but he didn’t really care
‘kuroo getting freaky sigh idk this animal crossing lookin real sexy tho’ or smth idk what goes on in kenma’s head
he doesn’t really show off his hickeys, he just more acts like they weren’t there? and if someone sees them, someone sees them
yaku was the first one besides kenma who saw, but he didn’t really say anything
he just kind of?? stared?? and grabbed kuroo by the shirt, pulled him down, and inspected the hickey
lev was the one to actually ask, poor baby didnt realize what it was, “what’s on your neck?”
kuroo very nonchalantly says, “oh, y/n gave me a hickey last night.”
yamamoto is going feral, he’s yelling, he’s gone absolutely batshit
whenever you walk in yamamoto does the whistle thing, you know what i mean
yaku gives you a whole speech <//3
kenma honestly couldn’t care any less, you can go and vibe w him <3
kuroo likes to tease you about it too, not as much as yamamoto, but teasing nonetheless
it’s just sweet little jokes though, teasing you but not too much
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well in all honesty it wasn’t like tanaka was actually trying to hide it
he knew it was there, he wanted to show it off, he had absolutely no shame about it
he walked into volleyball practice and the first thing people noticed was that he wasn’t wearing his usual jacket
instead, he was wearing a sweater
the next thing they noticed was the mark on the side of his neck, definitely put there by you on last night’s date
“tanaka?!?!” hinata was the first to say something, worried about what had happened to his elder, “what’s on your neck?”
then he realized what it was and his face went from 🤕 to 😟
nishinoya laughs, congratulating tanaka on “finally getting some action”
hes smirking and hyping himself up, but on the inside??
he’s just a blushy smiley boi 🥰😽
if the team mentions it to you you’re like 🧍 and suddenly tanaka turns from cocky to soft, peppering light kisses on your face and trying to convince you the team saw your marks on accident
the team absolutely teases him about how quickly his disposition changed
but once you’re out of the room, he’s flexing on them again BAJDBFNCM
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little shit knew it was there, was trying to act like he didn’t, and was secretly trying to show it off WSHUXHDN
osamu deadass just looks at him like 😐 when he sees the hickey
“what’s on your neck, sumu?”
“what do you mean, samu?”
suna looks so annoyed sigh </3
they’re both very much done with atsumu’s bullshit
some of the other members are v concerned about it though BSJDJFNF
suna loves to tease you about it, he likes to see you go 😳 or 😼
it makes atsumu 10x more flirty i’m not even gonna lie, he’s riding the high
teases you all the time, even though?? he’s the one that should be being teased?? but go off ig sir <//3
dw though suna asks him all the time if he’s gotten anymore sigh
jokingly asks you for another one after realizing it’s getting him attention and then panics when you say ok LMAOWBHSHDFM
the fans are lowkey upset about it </3
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he half forgot it was there, like he made an effort to cover it up but at some point during the day he let it show
oikawa was the one to point it out, very dramatically gasping and pointing it out like Iwa was a plague victim or smth
kunimi and kyotani couldn’t give a shit they just wanted to be anywhere else and away from the rest of the team, who were all screaming and yelling
“awww did iwa get his dick wet?” mattsun asks
“no, we were just making out,” Iwaizumi says sternly, but no one believes him 💀
mattsun and hanamaki keep making sex jokes, oikawa occasionally joining in
oikawa is mostly asking what happened, he’s wondering what happened and wanting to know all of the details
kindaichi is just like 🧍‍♂️
if you come in?? oikawa is not shutting up about it
mattsun and hanamaki are teasing you and iwa about it, sigh 💔
iwa just holds you and pretends to (well, tries to, it doesn’t really work) ignore them
he’s much more careful about consealing his hickeys now, he never wants to have to deal with Seijoh like that again, sigh
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havenoffandoms · 3 years
Hey congrats on 900 followers! Would I be able to request the touch starved prompt from your list with the pairing Aiden/Lambert please? Love all your writing!
Hello!! Thanks for requesting this prompt and this pairing! I’ve been on a right Lambden kick recently, so I felt inspired. I hope you like it! 
Prompt 13: Touch-Starved
Pairing: Aiden x Lambert
Warnings: None
Prompt List
Lambert was apprehensive about many things concerning Aiden when the two started travelling together. Being stabbed to death in his sleep comes to mind, or having Aiden go all batshit crazy if Lambert dared to beat him at Gwent. Lambert has heard many rumours about Cat witchers in his long life. Cats are batshit crazy. Cats are emotionally volatile. Cats are backstabbing sons of bitches… literally and metaphorically. Cats are bad. Cats are evil, etc, etc. All these rumours circulated in Kaer Morhen long before Lambert even set foot in that ramshackle castle. He was too young to have witnessed the Tournament, but he heard the older witchers talk. Later in his life, when only a handful of wolf witchers were left after the sacking, Eskel gave Lambert a more detailed account of the Tournament.
“The Cats betrayed us, went on a rampage. Killed many wolf witchers in the process. Geralt and I lost many friends that day,” Eskel told him one evening, when the oldest surviving wolf was too far in his cup to notice that he was oversharing. “Radowit’s court mage Astrogarus promised the Cats monopoly on killing monsters within Kaedwen in exchange for attacking the Wolves during the tournament. Turns out Radowit was a backstabbing motherfucker himself. He ordered his soldiers to shoot all of the remaining witchers of both schools in the arena.”
“Lemme guess,” Lambert spoke, his own speech slightly slurred, “pretty boy saved the day?” 
Eskel shook his head. “Fled. Mousesack helped him escape the massacre. Poor bastard never forgave himself for abandonin’ our brothers, but what choice did he have?”
Don’t get Lambert wrong. He’s not saying that Aiden is harmless, far from it. The guy’s lethal with his swords, deadly with a pair of daggers, not to mention a stealthy and clever thief. Aiden is mercurial, hot-tempered and a bit feral when he wants to be, and his morals are at best dubious. Whereas wolf witchers had their emotions beaten out of them at a young age, cat witchers feel too much, too strongly. Lambert’s witnessed Aiden flip tables when peasants beat him at Gwent, but he’s also witnessed the Cat shed a tear after bringing the news to a mother that her son did not survive the ghoul attack two villages down the road. 
Lambert was apprehensive about many things concerning Aiden when the two started travelling together, but the Cat had never ceased to surprise him. The most unexpected trait Aiden has displayed to date is his insatiable need for physical contact. It’s not like Lambert hates being touched - he’s only human, albeit a mutated one, but still human. He enjoys a hug as much as the next person, especially when said hug comes from one of his brothers (or, dare he say, Vesemir) at the end of a long and difficult year on the Path. Lambert has also never begrudged a bed partner a post-coital cuddle session. Aiden’s need for physical contact is… on a whole different level. 
The first time it happened, Lambert almost shoved the Cat off him and sent him packing, until he realised that Aiden was not only hugging him, but clinging onto him. His sharp nails were digging in the soft material of Lambert’s shirt, the fabric creaking in protest under the firm grip. When Lambert looked down, he noticed the pinched eyebrows and tears trailing down Aiden’s face. It wasn’t until a broken sob pushed past the Cat’s lips that Lambert reluctantly returned the embrace, arms wound tightly around Aiden’s trembling body. Aiden eventually settled in the safety of Lambert’s arms, his features softening as he sank back into a peaceful slumber. 
Neither mentioned the previous evening’s impromptu cuddling session, but from that moment one, it was like someone had flicked a switch. Aiden came up with every possible fucking excuse to touch Lambert. Their hands would always accidentally graze each other when they packed up camp, or tacked up the horses. Aiden would bump shoulders with him when they were travelling on foot. If they sat next to one another in a tavern, Aiden would press his leg against Lambert’s, and if they were facing each other, a tentative foot would gently nudge Lambert’s shin and linger there. It’s not like Aiden was trying to hide his intentions, either. They rarely paid for two rooms anymore, because even if they did, Aiden would always end up in Lambert’s bed anyway, arms wound around Lambert’s body like a koala clinging to its mother.
Lambert doesn’t hate Aiden’s need for physical proximity, he’s just… confused by it. Aiden rarely takes any lovers to bed, even though he clearly craves physical intimacy. Lambert is more than happy to cuddle with Aiden, especially when they are forced to sleep under the stars and the early autumn frosts begin to settle over the region. It saves them from lighting a campfire, which may attract the wrong kind of attention to them. That’s all that’s ever transpired between the two, though… cuddling. Lambert enjoys the cuddling as much as Aiden does, but for Aiden it seems to be about more than mere enjoyment. The Cat simply refuses to go without physical intimacy which at times can be… alright, it can feel overbearing, but Lambert’s not about to complain, not when most humans turn away from him in disgust and contempt when he tries to chat them up. 
Over the course of the next few weeks, Aiden almost develops a form of separation anxiety. He refuses to let Lambert out of his sight, going so far as to follow the man everywhere, and that’s the moment when Lambert snaps. 
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” he asks, his tone hiding none of the irritation he feels at being tailed by this overgrown tomcat. Aiden stops dead in his tracks, his eyes growing wide at Lambert’s words. 
“You’ve been following me since this morning… I have errands to run and it’s hard to do that when you’re breathing down my neck!”
Lambert instantly regrets his words the minute they leave his mouth. Aiden’s shoulders visibly sag at Lambert’s comment, his content expression melting into something sadder and the sight tugs at the wolf’s heartstrings in all the wrong ways. Aiden averts Lambert’s eyes shyly, the tip of his ears turning a pretty shade of pink as embarrassment washes over him. Lambert heaves a sigh. Way to act like a fucking dick. 
“Sorry, Aiden. I… I didn’t mean to sound like an ass, but-”
“It’s alright, I… I knew this moment would come eventually.”
“What are you talking about?” Lambert asks, a confused frown etched on his face. Aiden doesn’t look at him when he replies in a voice far too small to belong to the lethal, cocky witcher Lambert has come to know over the past few months. 
“You’re gonna ask me to leave for good. I get it. I… I’ll go back to the room and pack my things.” 
As Aiden turns around to leave, Lambert’s hand shoots out and grabs a hold of Aiden’s wrist. Before Lambert’s brain has a chance to catch up, he finds himself pulling Aiden into a nearby alley, away from prying eyes of judgemental humans meandering the stalls of the midweek market. Aiden looks so unsure now, so vulnerable like this, and it makes Lambert want to wrap the Cat up in warm blankets and cuddle him and forget the world for a while. Instead, he settles on pressing Aiden’s back against the wall and draping himself around the Cat witcher as much as he can. 
“That’s not what I meant,” Lambert breathes in the air pocket between them as he locks eyes with Aiden, “you’ve just been… especially clingy recently. Are you sure you’re alright?”
Aiden averts his eyes once again, but Lambert is quick to grip the other man’s chin and force Aiden to meet his gaze. Even that simple touch pulls a small hiss from Aiden, whose eyes flutter shut as he relishes in the feeling of Lambert touching him anywhere. Lambert purses his lips, eager for an answer. 
“Winter is around the corner,” Aiden whispers, his tongue darting out to lick his suddenly dry lips. Lambert’s frown deepens. 
His question is met with a pointed eye roll from Aiden. 
“And… wolves return to their dens for winter, don’t they? I was just… enjoying the last few weeks in your company before you leave and never come back.”
As the final piece of the puzzle slots into place, understanding dawns on Lambert. He pulls away from Aiden and the small whimper the loss of contact triggers does not go unnoticed. Something old and fragile aches in Lambert’s chest as the meaning of Aiden’s words sink in. Aiden isn’t just worried about being separated from Lambert for a few months, but he’s worried that Lambert will never come back.The wolf links his fingers with his Cat’s, squeezing softly as he leans into Aiden’s space and rubs his bearded cheek against Aiden’s jawline. The latter quickly melts under the soft ministrations, the soft content rumble deepening into a continuous purr as Lambert nuzzles the crook of Aiden’s neck. 
“Why didn’t you say something sooner?” 
“Yeah, right,” Aiden snorts in response, “cause you’re so good with feelings and shit.”
“Not everyone’s a sappy sentimental bitch like you are,” Lambert teases gently, earning himself a half-hearted slap up the back of the head. “I don’t have to go back to Kaer Morhen this winter.”
Aiden tenses, his soft purring stopping abruptly as he takes in Lambert’s words. Lambert continues to rub his cheek against Aiden’s jaw, his neck, his cheek… wherever he can reach, the action meant to soothe the brewing storm in Aiden’s mind.
“It’s your home,” Aiden offers weakly, “I don’t want… I… it’s your home.” 
“I can send a letter to the old man. Let him know I’m alive. We could find a den somewhere else… an attic somewhere, or an abandoned castle.” Lambert nuzzles the spot right behind Aiden’s ear, earning a pleased hum from the Cat. “Or you could come with me.”
“Sure. Cause that’s gonna end well…” 
“That’s settled then. I’m spending winter with you.”
Aiden pushes Lambert away, their eyes meeting once again but this time, Aiden searches for any trace of a lie in Lambert’s amber gaze. He finds none, because Lambert is one hundred percent honest in his offer. He would ditch Vesemir, Geralt and Eskel for a year to spend it with Aiden… and the thought should scare him more than it does, truthfully. He’s only known the Cat for a few months, and yet… well, maybe Lambert was dreading the winter as well. How about that? It’s not like he felt equally anxious about leaving Aiden, it’s just… fuck off. 
“You mean that?” 
“Mhm. Fair warning… I hate the cold. If I’m spending the winter with you, you’ll have to find a way to keep me warm or I will bite your head off.” 
In Aiden’s defence, he does keep Lambert warm all winter long. Their cuddling finally turns into something more, and from the moment Lambert and Aiden cross that fateful line there is no going back. Aiden becomes insatiable, always seeking Lambert’s body in some shape or form, never letting the wolf out of his sight again.  Lambert may have been apprehensive about many things concerning Aiden when the two started travelling together, but it turns out that all his worries were for nothing. Turns out Cat witchers are still crazy, and feral, and mercurial… a tad possessive as well, something Lambert doesn’t hate... but they’re also the cuddliest sons of bitches on the Continent. 
Lambert can live with that, he thinks. 
Request a prompt.
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hello - do you have any dick grayson-centric fic recs?
do i-do i have any dick grayson centric fic recs?? oh babe you have come to the riGHT PLACE. as any of my mutuals could tell you, i have so many goddamn fic recs it’s not even funny anymore. here are some of my personal top favourites:
1. And The World Came Crashing Down by @zhe-angst-diary  ~5k. a fic centered around dick’s self-sacrificial tendencies, especially for the batfam. a bit angsty, very much feels, a tad ooc, but i really did love it
2. bad signal by @prismatic-et-al 38k. the plotfic to end all plotfics. this author is one of the most brilliant dc fic authors i have ever come across, and the way they weave this dark, mysterious story is nothing short of ingenious. i was on the edge of my seat the entire time. again, brilliant.
3. Breathe In, Breathe Out by @kirazalea ~20k. this woman is one of my all time favourite writers for just some really really good stories about the batfam working through and overcoming their issues. this series is comprised of 2 fics that deal with the batfam discovering how much of an impact other people’s blatant sexualization and dehumanization of dick does to him, and how, over time and with help from his family, he picks himself up and starts to defend himself. really just a wonderful series
4. Declensions by @dustorange 13k. the best rom dick grayson fic to ever exist ever. you ever look at dc making dick romani and how they fuck up all the time and think “this could have had so much potential?” this work of art tackles that issue and creates something spectacular. each line of this fic had me screaming with joy. the robin cape symbolism? beautiful. i reread it all. the. time.
5. Don’t by @haunt-the-stars ~4k. do i have too many fics on here about dick dealing with + recovering from sexual assault and rape? probably. do i care? no. this fic takes a dive into trauma and how it can affect victims. it was absolutely heartbreaking, but also has the actual best wally + dick friendship i’ve ever read ever. seriously. if “wally west is a Good Bro” could be condensed into one fic, it would be this one. 
6. the fit of the cowl by @quillium ~4k. some people could argue dick was the best batman. other could argue the cowl only hurt dick. still others say dick could’ve been a much better batman if was better written. regardless of your opinion, you should definitely read this fic. it delves into the different reactions the batfam have to batman!dick. the family dynamics in this one were super interesting, and it’s always wonderful to read a fic about dick grayson  but from someone else’s eyes
7. Hard Truths and Other Realities by @ckbookish  ~108k. a series about dick feeling lost after being fired from robin and eventually finding his way again. featuring very very much wonderful uncle clark, and bruce isn’t an asshole, he’s just a worried dad that fucks up a lot but tries his best to make amends. also, dick bonding with jason. it basically takes you through that time period from the end of dick’s robin to him solidly affirming himself as nightwing and starting to forgive bruce. a really cool take on canon, loved this series!
8. Job Performance by @i-just-want-to-destroy ~3k. ohhhhhh dear god does this fic give me the feels. set during s1 yj, it shows what being a vigilante since the grand age of 9 does to someone, how much it hurts dick to compartmentalize, how much he doesn’t even realize it. this fic leaves you with a sense of “wow. this child. he’s really fucked up.” in a heartwrenching way.
9. a soft place to land by @bluebeauregard 3k. the best dick + tim being brothers fic i’ve ever read. people like to expand on his gradual acceptance and love of jason, people go batshit crazy over him practically parenting damian. and while i do love those, dick and tim had the best canon sibling relationship in the comics (at least, in pre52). this fic takes that and runs with it, and it’s so goddamn unique. i have literally never read this idea anywhere, so i was blown away by both the fic and the way the author wrote it. 
10. touch starved by @iwhumpyou ~4k. we’ve all seen fics where timmy’s touch starved from not receiving much affection from his parents growing up and the rest of the batfam smothers him in hugs. but what i really want is a fic where dick’s the one touchstarved because he grew up in the goddamn circus where everyone was close, but ever since he came to live with bruce, he’s been starved of the affection he used to so freely get, because his entire family is most certainly not the touchy-feely type. and for added angst, he doesn’t do anything about it because he knows his family has issues with trust/intimacy and he wants to make them as comfortable as possible. anyway apparently that fic exists and it’s this one read it and sob with me will you?
11. you gotta tip on the tightrope by Anonymous 12k. for people that don’t actually know much about comics canon and why exactly dick went undercover at spyral, this fic is absolutely wonderful. it shows the lead up of events that led to dick faking his death and leaving, and why exactly he chose to listen to bruce. (i’m using “chose” liberally here). plus, sibling bonding!! specifically with jason!
12. young volcanoes by @dottie-wan-kenobi 3k. i haven’t read this fic in a while, so i don’t remember some of the finer details, but i do remember loving it. also i have it bookmarked on ao3 with the tag “THIS!!!!!!!” so that counts for something. this fic focuses more on dick’s relationship with the titans rather than bruce or the jl, and centers around what their friendship has done for dick/how it’s helped him, and how much he loves them. a wonderful team fic. 
anyway, i hope you enjoy these babe!! these fics are all so so incredible, and i just want to give all of these amazingly talented authors one big incredible hug. 
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First Mistake
Here's the second pic I posted a teaser for a little while ago. And yes, I angst'd again. Big surprise, I know.
Pairing: Rickey Shane Page x OFC
Word count: 2,379
Content advisory : sexual content, language
“Guess what?”
The way Maggie’s eyes are sparkling, you know you definitely don’t want to hear what she has to say but then you’d be a pretty lousy friend. So you hold your breath in the hopes that it stops you from just going to pieces and give the obvious answer. 
She plunks down on the bench next to you and looks around, biting her lip. She’s so excited and you so want to feel excited for her but roughly 94% of you wants to throat punch her. 
“Well,” she grins, satisfied that there aren’t any others lurking, “I finally sealed the deal with Rickey last night.”
Please just fucking kill me now.
“Wow,” you gasp, hoping that you sound more like you’re thrilled and not like you’re trying to hold back tears. “Way to go.”
“You want details?”
No, I do not want details. I want to stick my face in the toaster oven.
“Sure, of course,” you choke. 
“Really? Because I get it, he’s your best friend, he’s like your brother or something. I don’t want to make you feel weird or anything.”
You could not possibly make me feel anything worse than I’m feeling right now.
“It was good?”
She just dissolves into a giddy fit and for the first time you notice a couple of little bruises on her neck. One time, as a joke, he’d nipped the side of your neck and even though it hadn’t really hurt or anything, it had left a mark just like that. Setting them up on a date was surely one of the worst ideas you’ve had and that is saying something. 
You smile and nod like your head is on loose as she regales you with a litany of details. A litany. How can there be so fucking much to tell you? Didn’t she literally just say this happened last night? Is she telling you about it in real time? It doesn’t stop. Smile and nod, smile and nod, smile and nod. 
He’s an amazing kisser. You knew that because on a couple of occasions you’d gotten drunk and kissed him as a joke. Yup, just a joke. Definitely not acting on some repressed desire you weren’t willing to admit to. And whenever you’d done it, he had kissed you back. Then he’d laughed at you. I mean, better you were kissing your best friend than some strange guy in a bar, which you’d been known to do occasionally. He’d had to come to your rescue a few times when men interpreted that more seriously than you meant it, and while it had never resulted in a fight- he was big enough to make them back off just by being there- it was undoubtedly easier to kiss you and have men assume he was your boyfriend to begin with. 
Maggie goes on. Yeah, not just a great kisser, amazing with his mouth in general, which isn’t exactly surprising because the two of you have had plenty of very intimate conversations and you know he enjoys it, love the feeling of accomplishment when he can make a girl fall apart for him. Hell, you’ve even talked about what you liked in order to give him some pointers, should he need them. Lucky Maggie, benefitting from your work. She has chafe marks on her inner thighs from his beard that she’s worried will distract her during her match. You hope she sweats enough that they really start to sting. 
Of course, he loves having a woman go down on him too, which she had been only too eager to do. You don’t need her to tell you this. Man likes having dick sucked. News at eleven. Besides, you’d heard the stories about his ex-girlfriend who was apparently amazing at it and would take any and every opportunity to do so, which is why he’d stayed with her even though she was batshit crazy. Bitch had thrown a roasting pan, one of those heavy ceramic deals, at your car when you’d come to help him pick up his stuff so that he could escape once and for all. The dent was still there, although he’d offered to pay for it a dozen times. Whatever. Makes your car less attractive to steal is what you said. The truth is that it’s like this weird little badge of honor. You had stepped up. 
And you don’t need her to tell you about what it looks like because you’ve seen it. Going between shows, changing, showering, it just happens. Eventually you see each other naked. You’ve never seen him naked the way she’s describing, of course, not erect and longing and stroking himself as he prepared to bury himself… You cannot keep thinking this way. It has to stop. 
It was a cruel trick the way that your brain decided to make you aware that your feelings about your super best friend forever Rickey Shane Page had evolved to something significantly more than friendly. You had been talking to Maggie at a show and she’d asked why the two of you hadn’t ever just gone for it. 
“We’re not into each other,” you insisted. “We’re just friends.”
She shook her head. “I would go for that in a second.”
“Yes, seriously. He’s completely adorable. The only reason I haven’t ever tried anything is because I figured you were into him.”
Sure, that made sense. Everyone assumed there was something going on between the two of you. No surprise there. It just hadn’t occurred to you that this was preventing Rickey from finding out that other women were attracted to him. He’d been going through a phase of feeling down on himself, feeling lonely, and you’d been trying to cheer him up but nothing seemed to work. What better way to cheer him up than to tell him that your gorgeous friend was sweet on him? 
“What do you think of Maggie?” you asked, having gotten her permission to say something to him. 
“What do I think of her?”
“Yeah. Like, do you think she’s attractive?”
He made a face at you like the question was pretty stupid, which it was. 
“Fuck yeah, I think she’s hot. Who wouldn’t?”
The second he said that, you’d felt acutely uncomfortable.You’d reassured yourself that it was just because you hadn’t ever played matchmaker this way before. 
“Why do you ask?”
“She likes you.”
His eyes widened. “She likes me? For real?”
“She was thinking of asking you out but…” You decided on the fly not to mention that you’d been the obstacle. “She wanted to know if you wanted to grab dinner after the show.”
“Hell yes, I want to grab dinner. I’ll grab whatever I can.”
He’d made that dumb joke and you’d instantly realized that you were in love with him, that you’d been in love with him for a long time. Looking back on it, your best move would have been to tell him right there, before things went any further, but you’d been struggling to process this revelation, so instead you’d told him that he should go talk to Maggie pronto, which he did. You had just needed a minute to collect your thoughts and decide what to do. But then you saw the two of them chatting and Maggie touched his arm in this totally innocent but also intimate way and you’d had to run to the bathroom to throw up. 
What the hell did I do?
You’d held your breath practically ever since, hoping that things would just blow over but of course they didn’t. Maggie was stunning and she was really funny. Rickey was a great guy. He was the best guy. And of course they had lots to talk about. They both had things in common with you, so why wouldn’t they have things in common with each other. 
And oh boy they were happy to tell you how very fucking thankful they were that you’d brought them together. You were the absolute most best amazing awesome friend ever, you were. 
The infuriating thing is, of course, that you should have figured out earlier, much earlier, how you felt and you can’t figure out why you never did. All the times the two of you had cuddled while watching a movie or fallen asleep talking in bed, those drunken kisses, the glimpses of each other’s bodies, that time he grabbed you and hugged you from behind and his hands had accidentally slipped up under your shirt, or when you’d been crowded around a table at that taco place and he’d pulled you onto his lap to save space, then made fun of you because you were balancing on one foot like a flamingo to avoid putting your weight on him… All that had happened, had been happening for years and somehow the different parts of your brain hadn’t ever had the conversation they needed to. 
How can she still be talking?
But she is. At least now we’ve moved on to the aftercare section of the program but, surprise surprise, this hurts more. He was just as affectionate, demonstrative, amorous… goddammit this woman is listing an entire thesaurus worth of words describing how great it felt to cuddle the man who’d just fucked her into another dimension and fall asleep next to him. 
Yeah. You know that. You’ve fallen asleep with him plenty of times. You’ve fallen asleep in his arms with your face pressed close to his chest, the scent of him safe and calming and familiar, and it was wonderful every single time. You wish you’d told him. Hell, you wished you’d taken advantage of one of those hazy moments on the edge of sleep to let your hand wander along his body to see how he’d react. 
“The whole time,” she sighs, “he just made me feel… loved.”
“Did he actually say that?”
You’re aware that you’ve asked that question way too quickly and way too loud but Maggie’s so stunned from having her head knocked into the headrest that it doesn’t seem to register. 
“Oh no, of course not.” She laughs. “Lots of time for that.”
You choose to interpret that as faint hope, although it doesn’t exactly sound like you have reason to be optimistic. 
Maggie hangs close all afternoon, continuing to share from the seemingly bottomless pit of details until it’s time for her match. 
“Wish me luck,” she giggles, squeezing your hand. 
You have got to be kidding.
The second she’s out from behind the curtain, you take off to find him. Maybe if you can have a halfway normal conversation for two minutes, you can convince yourself not to go jump off the roof. 
You find him by himself, fretting over something on his phone, away from the rest of the gang. That’s fate, right? You’ve found him alone and isolated in a place where you can have a private conversation, which means that the gods are smiling on you. 
“Oh hey.” He smiles as soon as you get close, the smile of someone who is still basking in the afterglow. 
“Hi,” you squeak, barely able to make sound. 
“I saw you talking to Maggie.” He’s full-on grinning now. “Did I get a good review?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, she… yeah, definitely very good.”
He blushes, something you’ve never seen him do. 
“So… what did she say?”
“That she enjoyed… she said you were…” You’re hopeless. You were more articulate the time you got a concussion. The time Rickey took care of you and insisted you stay at his place for a couple of days so that someone would be able to keep an eye on you. He’d given you the most amazing neck rub. 
“I have to say that she-”
“I can’t hear this!”
You blurt it out before you can even think of how you’re going to explain it because the one thing you know at this moment is that you’re going to literally explode if you have to hear another syllable about the great sex he was having with your hot friend last night. 
“Is something wrong?” he asks, his face a mask of confusion. 
“With me? Did I do something?”
“Yes… I mean… no.”
He stares, waiting for you to clarify and you know exactly what it is you have to say but you just need to hang on to this moment a little longer, the last moment you’re going to have before you tell him you love him and things go to hell. 
Your body knows what to do even if your mind can’t figure it out, so it’s like you’re in the passenger seat as you walk over and kiss him on the lips, the first time you’ve done this sober. At first he just doesn’t react but after a few seconds, he parts his lips a little and lets you press your tongue softly into his mouth before responding in kind, just like he did those times in bars. Of course, he doesn’t let it continue too long before he pulls back and looks at you with an expression you can’t read but instinctively know is not good. 
At a loss for what to do, you try to kiss him again but he pulls away and gives you a little push.
“Don’t,” he mutters, rising to his feet. 
“I am so sorry for-”
“Don’t,” he repeats, more firmly. He shakes his head like he’s trying to get rid of an annoying cobweb. “What the hell are you doing this for now?”
And you don’t have an answer for that, so you just look at him and hope that he can figure out everything that’s going on inside your boiling mind because you sure as hell can’t. He doesn’t move, doesn’t break eye contact, and inhales as if he’s about to speak when the first notes of his entrance music hit.
He shakes his head and marches out to the entrance. He doesn’t turn around, so he doesn’t see you following after him, or the expression on your face when Maggie runs up and gives him a last minute kiss on the cheek, something he accepts but doesn’t react to. Another second and he’s gone through the curtain. You’re on your own.
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