#(conciously or subconsciously)
shisasan · 2 years
What you focus on becomes powerful. Train your mind and your thoughts to see the good because what you look for, you will find.
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starrysharks · 11 months
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she's gonna go argue with people on bitter.com about visual novels now
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sennamaticart · 19 days
i'm unsure if this is a strange comment or not, but your "uncle stinky" character is the perfect model for mephistopheles in the adaptations of faust i've been reading!
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He's flattered! <3
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blowingoffsteam2 · 2 years
I honestly don’t think S/ora himself has been “misled” into thinking he’s in love with K after forgetting R’s sacrifice despite thinking she’s the light, etc. The audience is misled about it because of hetnorm expectations but I believe S/ora has gotten to the point where even though he’s confused about love and maybe confused about why he doesn’t feel like he thought he should about her- he’s pretty secure in knowing that whatever he feels towards her isn’t romantic love. So while the audience might read the hand holding and other stuff post R’s sacrifice as romantic I think it truly is not, from S/ora’s perspective. She is his friend. Period.
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castilestateofmind · 1 year
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"We are so captivated by and entangled in our subjective consciousness that we have forgotten the age-old fact that God speaks chiefly through dreams and visions."
- Carl Gustav Jung
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jbfly46 · 11 months
“Hearing voices”, isn’t really a thing, it’s actually a combination of childhood trauma and the entities that exists in the collective subconscious that have been studied by psychologists such as Carl Jung and even the CIA. The voice that tells people to do evil shit is the Devil entity. Since consciousness exists as external electrons with positive and negative charges these entities exist without physical form on certain frequencies. Can’t know this unless you research it and can’t get help for it unless you ask for it. The longer you allow it to exist the larger your subconscious gets and the smaller your consciousness gets, which results in all the different degrees of mental illness and even physical illness. It sounds like your internal voice so most people mistake it for theirs. Another fault of U.S. military, culture, and politicians ignoring psychology and allowing Russia to dominate the psychological sphere because corrupt rich criminals have always ran our country, even to the dismay of the founding fathers.
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theuniversalscat · 1 year
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Really digging Jung today….
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amazingchirping · 2 months
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otaconsloverboy · 1 year
Ive been away from home but i got to go and see my luffy wig today and its taking everything in my power to not style it into ace
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rosezii · 2 months
I keep seeing people saying its weird that buck said that he was 'trying to get Tommys attention' and like I think it makes sense if you take into account that its BUCK thats saying this.
Buck is so jealous all episode, hes trying to get Eddies attention all episode but now hes calmed down and realized that he was acting out instead of talking to Eddie. Instead of Eddie being at Bucks door its Tommy, already turning expectations on its head. And then Buck apologizes and Tommy says all the right things and Buck realizes oh, hes kinda into me. And i'm kinda into him. So buck does what buck does best and falls into the flirting and the romance and rationalizes it like oh i must have done all that because I liked Tommy. And its clear to us as onlookers that he was preening for Eddies attention, but buck being buck is like no it must be because I wanted Tommy's attention. Its the same story as it always is with Buck, running into a relationship because he doesn't want to conciously face what he already knows subconsciously, which is that hes already been in love with Eddie for a long time.
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soulful-lving8 · 6 months
Cancer in first house
Solar return/nartal chart
You'll show affection to your loved ones,love is act,like a mother.
You can feel powerful, confident & gracious ,an absolute darling ,easy going.
babyish eyes, roundish face & tender.
Cancer rules over the head & face,brain & conciousness, you'll be deeply connected to your subconscious
prioritize emotional Security above all else
It’s important for you to learn how to manage your emotions and develop healthy coping mechanisms. This may involve setting healthy boundaries, practicing self-care, and learning how to communicate your needs effectively.
You have a natural ability to sense the emotions of others and to understand their needs.
having Cancer in the 1st House can indicate that you have a strong connection to your past and your roots ie your subconscious world,this is the year to work on your subconscious,work with the 4/5d,You may feel a strong sense of nostalgia and a desire to preserve traditions and family values. You may also have a strong attachment to your home and your community meaning your surroundings will influence you
You are also highly intuitive and can easily pick up on the emotions of those around you.body tell /gut feeling
you can also be somewhat introverted and reserved when you first meet people. It may take time for you to open up and reveal your true self, as you value emotional security in your relationships.
your home is your sanctuary, and you tend to be most comfortable and content in your domestic environment. Creating a cozy and welcoming home is a priority for you, and you often seek refuge there when you need emotional solace.
. .........
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shisasan · 1 year
Observe what you attract to yourself so you can learn what you do believe deep down.
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borderline-culture-is · 4 months
bpd culture is having the people closest to you all collectively decide you’re actually the worst human alive and were subconsciously manipulating and guilttripping them by telling them you loved them “even though [you] didn’t mean it like that but the effect was still there”
That sounds wrong of them, you cant really subconsciously manipulate anyone, manipulation is an intentional thing thats conciously done
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Thinking abt cheongryeo
dod spoilers!
Keep in mind i dont know a lot abt the related industries this is all opinions
Cheongryeo himself is such an interesting character. I find that he is so incredibly well written and thats amazing.
Usuallg people depict a lot of psychos as the innocent ^^ expression guys. And thats fun and all and i very much still enjoy him being depicted that way but i love that he definetely gives of more :) energy to me.
Like hes not mean? Hes actually pretty nice to people around him as far as it seems with how positive his image is that people are comfortable featuring him with puppies. You dont do that with people known to be cruel as far as i know and hes actually overall quite a decent and nice guy. And he has had a long enough career that even after the regression time period he could get ruined.
And his relationship with his members arent hostile either! Theyre have a bit of distance between them but its not because hes particularly mean. His dynamic with them is just more so of a leader and normal members in the sense of the person in charge + everyone else but not to the extent of a boss or superior.
But the thing is that they are also quite intimidated by him. I think part of it at least is unconciously or conciously his single minded drive to be the best idol for the longest time possible. Its not bad... its just unsettling and we as the reader know for a fact why but they dont at first so its like they just see a guy with such a single minded driven focus that has probably made a lot of unreasonable decisions that help them unexpectedly and he doesnt seem to care for much else.
He had no life outside of idol work and not in the same way as moondae who seems to merge idol work with his life. Moondae tends to more have his idol life bleed into his non idol life and that develops into less idol life and more his general life and thats a great comparison i think to cheongryeo who literally only has idol life. It seems explainable to us because we know the context but to them they see a guy not just buried in work but have a complete lack of life outside of it. (And i know context makes a difference because of the impact it has in mostly later chapters but ill get to that later)
And he doesnt even know what to do outside of idol work when he starts to learn to be a person again! I think thats very telling of how he acts. Because he has based every bit of himself on idol work he has nothing left and has no idea where to start. And its probably a bit unsettling to have someone so focused on their career that they have just nothing else. Not in a oh no this was like his like shtick thing way but just completely non existent.
I think that single minded focus is at least unconciously intimidating or unsettling even if they dont notice. Because people are like plants with several branches, grows in unrefined and crossing over each other and changeable with sticks but cheongryeo only has this one branch, his idol life, and its his everything. He doesnt even seem that connected to the metaphorical trunk which would be his pre regression time! He has this one branch with these few sticks because he keeps cutting off everything he deems 'trash' (as like his characteristic). He only stops after his forgotten 101th probably because of his subconscious making him redo a large part if not his whole perspective. And even then its still just a single branch, still just his idol life. He only really gets other branches in his life after all his regressions when he gets kongi. (I could elaborate more but again later)
This leads me into his obsession. Because idol work was literally his entire life and has been his actual lifeline for so long he knows nothing else. So when he finds out the next person (moondae) he obsesses over it. Because in a way he is still obsessing over a perfect idol career even if hes not working on the assumption that he would return too.
As long as someone can go back even if its not him he would always have a chance to perfect his idol career.
Eugh i have so many thoughts that intersect with each other but im hungry so im going to continue another time
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acorpsecalledcorva · 4 months
While I do definitely wholly agree that no perspective or technique is universally useful and helpful for everyone, I definitely think there is value in being open to the perspectives and techniques that we've dismissed in a limited and specific way when we struggle.
For instance, I use parts language and view the system, including myself as a part as all being part of a collective singular me. It's why I tend not to use we/us a lot. I, and the other mes take ownership of all actions taken by petty much everyone in the system because this creates a sense of cohesion and continuality that allow us to function. It reduces daily amnesia because we're not constantly trying to distance ourselves from each other and generally reduces friction around decisions trusting that they're made with the system in mind rather than personally for each part. HOWEVER, I've always hated myself. I have incredibly negative opinions about who I am and punish myself a lot for just being me or not being a better version of me. Any mistakes I make are treated with severe prejudice and I don't accept nice things because I feel like I don't deserve them.
I would never treat anyone else like that though, I wouldn't think these things about a friend. And so for these issues it IS useful to view my parts as completely separate people, to think of them as friends or colleagues or family, because I can show them the compassion I cannot show myself. If an alter fucks up or does something harmful I can remember that they come from a history of pain and isolation, I can understand their actions and forgive them, think about what they might need from me to heal and help them move on because I truly believe that everyone is deserving of rehabilitation.
Sometimes though, I have to reverse engineer this situation. Often an issue with persecutors is that they feel rejected, their actions and behaviours were once a helpful coping mechanism but when our lives changed and we moved on it became less and less appropriate to do those things. They get stuck doing the only thing they know how to do and become increasingly frustrated that it's no longer working or being appreciated by the system. They're hostile to everyone else because they've been treated with hostility and aren't open to reconciliation because by that time it's like "oh what? Now you want to talk? Fuck you". To write them off is to confirm what they think about themselves. That they're bad and evil and so what's the point in getting better because they don't deserve compassion or acceptance from the system. Sound familiar?
So what do I do? Well, from my distanced perspective I then have to approach it with curiosity. Why might I behave this way? What scenario might lead me to do these things? What environment might convince me that this is a necessary thing to do? Can I find empathy with this position or similarities? Could that be a point of connection through which to make a connection? To show that I truly understand what they're going through and genuinely want to help?
Or even, am I subconsciously a willing participant in this dynamic? I hate myself, right? Do I think I deserve these things to do be done to me? At one point in time is this behaviour what I thought showing love was? Is this what it meant to be cared for to me back then? Does this situation feel safer to me in a way because pain and suffering is the devil I know?
In Existential Kink, Carolyn Elliott believes that we create painful scenarios for ourselves because our brains desire a more complete human experience, the good with the bad, and the more we conciously reject and resent the bad the more we desire it and create badness for ourselves. It is only by accepting this desire and gratifying ourselves by enjoying it and being grateful for the terrible things that happen that we can move on and seek out the good. Which is...definitely one of the takes of all time. I definitely take issues with the implications of victim blaming that are prevalent throughout her book, but there is insight to be drawn for sure. And in fact, the number one recommended approach to a persecutor is gratitude. To thank them for doing what they do, to show them that they're appreciated for their role and what they're trying to do, because from that position it may very well be more possible to provide constructive criticism. You have to mean it though, because by living in your head they can usually tell your true feelings.
And I completely understand why that might feel impossible to do when you feel like what they do is unforgivable, but there's a very important lesson that everyone needs to learn if they want to grow. And that's that sometimes it is up to us to take responsibility for a situation, even when we really shouldn't have to, even when it so completely isn't our fault or fair in the slightest. If what a persecutor needs to feel to change their behaviour is gratitude and acceptance, to feel that they really are a vital part of the system just like everyone else, and by providing this for them we can make things better for ourselves and the rest of the system, to create a net positive effect on all regards, then... shouldn't we? Not because of some moral duty to do the right thing or be the better person, but simply because things would be better?
Like, if there's a $1000 dollars on a table that's free for you to take, if you don't take it then no one will get it, it's only there for you to take or not with no judgement or consequences either way even if you feel like there will be, would you really not take it? And if not, then why? Do you think it's a trick? Do you think that you don't deserve it? You see how these all loop around and connect to each other?
This post is long and confusing because these situations are complicated and don't have any simple answers. All I'm trying to highlight and urge everyone to do is to never stop being curious. Always ask yourself questions, always approach something from a different angle. Especially when you come across obstacles that feel impossible. If anything that I've said feels completely wrong to you, rather than dismissing it as not being applicable to you ask yourself why you feel like it doesn't? If your persecutor is actually irredeemable and evil but mine are not, what makes you different than me? Is it easier for you to think that because then you don't have to put in the work? Does it make you feel special to have a kind of persecutor someone else doesn't? If what I'm saying right now offends you, is there a possibility, however small you think it may be, that deep down it might be true?
No, I don't think you can say for certain that every persecutor is a misguided protector, but what if the one you've decided definitely isn't actually is? What if you're wrong about them? What if you can fix it and make things better? Shouldn't you try? Why not?
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eggthew · 8 months
anyone else always have the whole "things will End soon, that was the last time, times almost out" in the back of your brain? not conciously but its just a quiet but known fact. not even necessarily about life or death but just in general. annual events or holidays will happen and I'll just subconsciously accept that that was the last one, what a shame. why apply to uni if all the universities will not exist next year? everything you could possibly think of has an expiry date and that date is Now
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