#(btw i mean like. official content haha)
sadkois · 1 year
sitting patiently waiting for new nishiki content
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 months
relationship hcs ; pure vanilla cookie
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requested by ; anonymous (31/05/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; pure vanilla cookie
outline ; “can you please do some pure vanilla relationship hcs please? thx (btw: i hope you have a nice break)”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
pure vanilla cookie is a complete and utter gentleman in how he treats the people around him, but especially you as his spouse — starting from how he took his time to traditionally court and woo you before the two of you became an ‘official’ couple, and ending with him treating you as nothing short of royalty as you two settle more and more into your relationship
he rarely ever calls you by your formal name and rotates through a small selection of sweet pet names whenever he’s talking to or about you — including, but not limited to: ‘(my) beloved’, ‘(my) angel’, ‘(my) darling’, ‘dearest’, and ‘sweetheart’
he’s naturally a very giving person and will happily indulge in every single expression of love he knows of just to make sure you have no room left to doubt his feelings for you
acts of service — when it comes to taking care of you, status be damned pure vanilla cookie will do just about anything it takes to make your day a little brighter. this can mean all sorts of things, such as: going out of his way to get up earlier and make you breakfast in bed, sending word out to local vendors in the kingdom to ensure that they always have your favourite things in stock when he knows you’re going to go out to the market, or making sure that you get spoiled rotten and properly celebrated for every birthday, anniversary, or achievement.
gift giving — being the ruler of a thriving kingdom and a talented magic user, it’s safe to say that pure vanilla cookie is more than capable and willing to shower you with all sorts of gifts. of course amongst these gifts are things that are more lavish and elaborate (whole wardrobes worth of new clothing in the style of his kingdom, organised banquets to celebrate important milestones, using his magic to organise unforgettable dates for you both, and so on) but most of the things he gifts you are more small and thoughtful in nature, as is to be expected of someone like him: trinkets and souvenirs from his travels, books he thinks you’ll like, accessories that reminded him of you, and anything he sees that he knows will make you smile (e.g. a type of item he knows you like to collect)
physical touch — though he does tend to stick to a socially appropriate level of pda with you, pure vanilla cookie is far from the type to shy away from physical affection with you. around others he usually sticks to a set few acts (hand holding, bringing your hand up to his lips to kiss the back of your hand/your fingertips/your knuckles, kissing you chastely on the lips or temple, brushing any hair out of your face, and reassuringly stroking his hands up and down your arms), but in private he’s much more varied in his displays of affection: more passionate kisses, cuddling and hugging you, dancing with you at random, letting his arms rest around your hips or waist, kissing along your shoulders, neck and wrists, etc. (he’s just… very touchy with you haha)
quality time — you’re his absolute favourite person to be around without question, whether you’re going out and having fun as a couple or just sitting together in silence doing your own things parallel to each other. every conversation, every date, every outing, every holiday, and every moment spent with you is something he treasures dearly and he does what he can to make sure that you’re as content and as comfortable in his presence as he is in yours.
words of affirmation — he’s the type of partner who tends to shower you with praise and attention whenever the opportunity arises. most of his affirmations are verbal (calling you beautiful/handsome as he presses a chaste kiss against your knuckles, earnestly congratulating you for every achievement and accolade you collect, softly and quietly reassuring you before you step out of your comfort zone, smiling as he recalls your strengths and talents to his oldest friends with more awe than he recalls those old stories from his adventuring days, etc.), but he’s also the type of sappy romantic to leave little love letters and notes around your shared space for you to find in his absence (e.g. a neatly folded note on your pillow telling you where he is, reaffirming his love for you, apologising for being absent, and promising to make it up to you at lunch time / or / a floating note on your vanity in his signature cursive that recalls a different positive affirmation every day that’s designed to make you smile, laugh, and relax for the day ahead)
though it’s easy to forget given how passive and pleasant he’s become in recent years, pure vanilla cookie is still a very capable magic wielder and, thus, is more than capable of protecting you should it come down to that — of course he’d much rather have the option to talk things out without having to shed blood, but if your safety is on the line then he’s not above returning to his roots and making damn sure the offending party knows to never try a stunt like this again
on the rare occasion that hollyberry cookie and the other ancients actually manage to get him tipsy (or, better yet, outright drunk), pure vanilla cookie will not stop talking about how amazing you are and how much he loves you — if nobody stops him or brings him somewhere quiet to rest and sober up, then there’s every chance that the ancients will spend the next few hours hearing about every little thing he adores about you until he finally passes out or golden cheese cookie goes and gets you so you can take your poor boyfriend home for the night
(the girls all think it’s absolutely adorable, dark cacao cookis is mostly neutral about the whole affair and just lets him rant, but golden cheese cookie and hollyberry cookie have both been known to tease him by reciting the sappiest things he’s said about you back to him when he’s sober again — usually something about your smile or the sound of your laughter)
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deffonotsimping · 2 years
hii! i just the the playable reader au thing and i love the concept it’s so cool!
can i request scara , zhongli and kazuha with the playable reader au? if you don’t mind of course!
bet! I love this au so much :))
characters: Scaramouche + Zhongli + Kazuha
-> Masterlist
content!! minor spoilers for the archon quest, gn reader, fluff
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Oh boy. Whilst you two haven't actually met in the game yet, your personalities (or how much the players have already seen of them anyway) fit together so well!!
"ScaraDer (Scaramouche x Reader) supremacy" - "they haven't even met? 🤨"
We don't care, you two are (would be??) cute together.
There's this one fanfiction of you two that is widely known among the fans, both shippers and non shippers, might I add!
It's about you getting introduced as a replacement for Signora (Reader on their villain arc, love to see it) and getting the place of the 8th harbinger.
Along with Childe you had to try to find Scaramouche in Inazuma after he had taken the gnosis of the raiden shogun. You and Childe had decided to split off, everyone going their own way and even making it a little game on who would find him first.
You won and the scene from the fanfiction is what even got your ship THAT popular!!
"You're insufferable, trying to hunt me down like this. Who do you think you are, huh? You really think you could take me in a fight?" - "What a pity, not only do I think that, I know so, Balladeer."
Watch "I know so, Balladeer" get trending on Twitter smh.
Please. This is set when you're already a playable character and/or if your voice lines already got leaked!
Canonically knowing many characters because you're a traveler that has been to many places in this AU, you're bound to run into the very Geo Archon himself at least once, right?
He doesn't have a voice line about you yet (at least the players can't listen to it yet because it's important to some lore stuff that will happen only a little while later). BUT you do have a voice line about him.
And oh my God, let me tell you!! You admire the archons so much and it's so adorable I can't.
"What I think of the Geo Archon? What makes you think I even know him? Haha! Didn't he die or something.. I mean! There's no suspicious activity here! What's an Archon, anyway?"
There's also official art of you two, meaning that you do canonically know him. The fans went wild, trust me. He also looks at you with a gentle smile on his face in it, how can they not ship you two?!
We love em anemo boys, do we not?
For this one, it was mainly because of the people that shipped you with Gorou and because of the people that shipped you with Scaramouche. They decided to make it a poly ship and then some of them changed their opinion to just Reader x Kazuha!
(I do accept Reader in a poly relationship with characters requests btw so.. 👍)
You sadly don't have many shippers because you haven't met in game yet and KazuDer (Kazuha x Reader) originally started existing because of two other ships, but the people that do ship you are loyal af!!
"Admit that KazuDer (Kazuha x Reader) will never be canon or die. 🔫" - "[death noises]"
... kind of concerning but they can't help it when you two would just be so cute together!!
The little crumbs of content you two have among fans is wonderful, though!! The fanart? immaculate. Cosplays? So much talent, I'll puke. FANFICTIONS?? ARE THESE PROFESSIONAL AUTHORS BEHIND THE SCREENS? 🤨🤨
You may not have many shippers, but they're all very talented with what they post, it's amazing!
All in all, you two are an amazing comfort ship, the dynamic between you is so soft, singles be crying just at the thought of seeing you ever interact ingame!
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I really do be writing like it's the last thing I'll do.. That's fine tho!! God, I love them so much, this was fun! :D
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primofate · 2 years
HELLO!! glad to see that you're well! and i hope you're enjoying your break from writing hehe <3 haven't really been feeling genshin for months now, but i still wanted to check up on you 👁️‼️ hope that the following days will be good to you!
— 🐞
Hello ladybug anon! Thank you for dropping by! Hope you don't mind if I use your ask to update everyone about what's been happening and my thought process.
To start off, much like you, I took a break from Genshin as well. I still play it, and still very much enjoy playing it as well as the characters (so excited for Ayato btw), but writing for it was becoming tedious (much of the reason is related to my third item on this post) I mean, I think it's normal. Interests fade and change over time, but I can at least promise everyone that if I do really lose interest in a certain fandom, you'll know about it so that you don't have to start guessing "omg, she hasn't posted in a while, did she officially leave tumblr?" If there's no official explanation, then just assume that I'm still lurking in that fandom, haha.
I wasn't in the right headspace mentally, I think it was work and the COVID situation becoming worse in my part of the world. I don't think I really have to explain myself. Simply said, I just didn't feel like it.
Third, is the pressure I put on myself to get content out there. I think all creators will understand, there's gunna be a LOT of times where you wanna drop everything and just not do it. I knew I needed to take a long break when writing became more about meeting a deadline than enjoying it.
Annnndddd I think that's pretty much it :) I can't say that I'm 100% mentally back here again. But I'm starting to write again, and I'm just going to take my time with it instead of worrying about whether or not people will still be here to read it, or if I'm being too slow with my content or whatsoever. That's a big thing I've always had to learn.
I have to enjoy the writing process, not just the product, and that takes time. I just hope everyone can understand that :) Anyway, thank you if you've read up to here! Glad you stayed and appreciate it.
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chili-aux · 3 years
*whispers* okay heres the tea. some big er/uri account got into a fight with a lvhn shipper under that zodiac official art post cuz they said that the latter has more basis than ruri so the big account asked them to pm as to why they think that and they messaged them a thread by our resident god levihantrash covering crumbs from manga to the spinoffs, interviews etc. the big account posted screenshots of those on their main(typical ruri behaviour im sorry ahah) and now they are all like "imagine having to consider unofficial stuff and all just to get crumbs for your hc ship" "hange filthy, why do you romanticize levi bathing them" and all that shit they always they say. Its funny cuz they are currently celebrating their ship being canon bcuz an old artist has a song called midnight sun in their new ep(which has nthng to do with aot btw) describing ruri’s bond apparently and we are ones grasping for crumbs lmfao. i hope this isn’t too controversial haha, that ship is cool and all but the shippers are wack. Thanks for letting me ramble lol<3
no worries about rambling anon!!! you can ramble as much as you want ^_^
i will try to be objective as possible.
I'm all for being a respectful shipper, staying on the ships' respective lanes, and just hyping the ship and the contents it has - doesn't matter if it is canon or fanon.
in my perspective, both sides are in the wrong. there's this sentence saying "shut up" and honestly, we all need to practice that. i'm not really a fan of ship wars, even though i sometimes engaged in one. they're just draining and i don't have enough energy to deal with it continuously. however, there are just many points that I want to debunk here.
first things first, I honestly don't like eruri. i just can't see the romantic side of erwin and levi's relationship but I still respect it. as a levihan shipper though who has hange's guts in her veins, I wouldn't explicitly say to a public platform that "hey levihan has more basis than this ship" but in a more subtle form of "Levihan Canon As Fuck" and if someone replied, I will just ignore and block them. in my opinion, that's more respectful.
In short, the wrong thing that that levihan shipper did was mentioning another ship besides levihan - furthermore, in a negative manner. it will really attract ship wars, whether we like it or not.
As for that eruri who replied, ya know, if someone dmed me about a topic that is so 'controversial in both fandoms - a topic that always incites ship wars such as what ship is really canon or not - it's time for a healthy discussion. however, I know that I'm in no position to talk cuz I'm not even the one who got involved. but the thing is, dm means direct message - both of you can talk in a civil manner, discuss each other's part of the argument in a healthier way without anyone interfering. but it seems like that didn't happen in this case.
why did that eruri post the convo with that levihan shipper? that's so fucked up - especially with that caption lol.
before you proceed, I'm afraid to tell yall that my shipping goggles are on, and being objective was thrown away cuz I'm just pissed by this part.
"imagine having to consider unofficial stuff and all just to get crumbs for your hc ship"
what did you all call all of these then? fanarts? guess we have to thank isayama for being the greatest and biggest levihan fanartist out there then.
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and even if both are from spin-offs, they wouldn't be there if isayama wasn't consulted.
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and in the anime...
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Yeah, we're grasping in plentiful contents :D
"hange filthy, why do you romanticize levi bathing them"
man... why are you turning levi into a balloon then? /hj /lh
anyway, it's the first time I heard about that song and that topic so I don't have much say on it. but if it really doesn't have a connection on aot, then why? I'm genuinely asking why do these shippers relate their ship to something that isn't even related to the canon material? and we're grasping for straws? for crumbs? it... doesn't make sense.
The bottom line tho, be respectful. don't fuel ship wars or engage in ship wars cuz, in all honesty, they're all pathetic af. I'm saying this unironically cuz this post might fuel one and I might get hate on this again lol. but go off, idc.
btw, thank you for the ask anon. ramble as much as you want. i won't mind!!
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End of year sappy post
We all knew this was coming especially after this shitshow of a year so let’s all be sappy together 😂 I just want to say I appreciate every single person who followed me, interacted with my fics or posts or just said hi. It means so much to me to have this safe space and have people who love and support me.
Special mentions:
@eeyore101247 - Lolo, my best friend, my stitch. I love you so so much. I can’t imagine surviving this year without you. We grew a lot closer this year and became best friends in a rather unconventional way but I wouldn’t change it for the world. You might live far away but you’re close in my heart and every time I give my stitch plushie a hug I think of you. You make me smile and laugh and cry and game/movie nights with you are my favourite. I love when we share tiktoks and fic ideas and hype each other up. I love you to the ends of the earth and back. Thank you for being by my side and for being my best friend. 
@angelhaz11 - CAREBEAR! I know you’re not on tumblr much anymore but I couldn’t do a sappy post without mentioning my carebear. You were one of my first friends here when I first started and now you’re one of my bestest friends. You always make me smile and laugh, you go out of your way to help me and others and radiate such sunshine and positivity. I hope you know I’m always here for you just as you are for me and I will always be here to hype you up and support you no matter what. I hope we have lots more friend nights next year on discord because I love hanging out with you and maybe that you’ll finally be able to come to London! 
🌿 anon - I know I don’t know your name but I really wanted to mention you because for the past few weeks you’ve been making me smile with your asks. You appeared when I was going through a really rough time and your strength and positivity inspired me and others. I know this year has been rough for you and I really hope it gets better because you deserve the world lovey. I hope you keep talking to me and stay because I will always be here for you and even though I don’t know you I love you a lot. Thank you for being you and for coming to my blog. 
@mayberosey - My bubs. In the short time I’ve known you (which feels like forever btw) you have been like my anchor in the stormy sea that is 2020. You’ve stuck by me through a lot of drama and hurt and I don’t know how you’ve put up with me but thank you for everything. I will always be here for you too even when things are tough. You’ve pulled me out of the darkness a lot of times and I hope I do the same for you. You’re a blessed angel and I love you so so much. 
@glowunderthemoon - Fay I love you so much. Whether it’s convincing you to join tiktok and laughing about them, helping each other out with rants and advice or just talking about the state of Britain haha. You’re one of my favourite people to talk to on this site even if I suck at replying. Also your fic ideas are always so amazing and I will get the motivation to write them soon I promise because I want to do them justice. You’re so smart and kind and talented, more than you know and I love you. 
@parkerpeter24 - Cookie! you are one of the kindest and sweetest people I’ve met on here. I know we don’t talk as much as we should because I’m a shy bean and don’t know what to say but you’re one of my favourite people on this site and in this fandom. Your interactions with your mutuals are always so sweet and even thought I need to catch up on your writing I know you’re so talented. I love you and I hope we can talk even more next year! 
@farfromparker - Jade! In my eyes you are the sub smut queen and you inspired me to start writing that kind of smut which I now love. You are so  so talented and your writing is amazing, you’re one of the writers I look up to on here and I still have many more fics to read which I can’t wait to do. You’re also so sweet to talk to and even though I was a little intimidated by you at first, I’m so thankful to be able to call you one of my mutuals. I love you and I hope you have a good new year love! 
@hollands-weasley - Addie! We only started talking recently even though we’ve been mutuals for a while because we’re both shy baby beans haha. You’re honestly one of the sweetest people I’ve met and I love you. I’m so sorry about the drama you’ve been through lately, you don’t deserve it, you deserve the world. You’re now officially my favourite Gryffindor and my sweetie hehe. 
@cosmicvibecheck - Div Dev! the Tom to my Haz, the Elsa to my Anna and the Ned to my Peter, I love you and I’m so happy we started talking again. You always make me laugh and have great recommendations for me to watch and read and listen to. You’re so talented and creative. You’ll always be the other half of the dream team and I can’t wait to start working together again and helping each other out. I love you, you div. 
@theliterarymess - my British buddy! I can’t wait to talk to you more next year because you’ve easily become one of my favourite people. You’re my British TV soulmate and I love you. You’re funny and kind and sweet. I will always be here for you to rant to or just to send tiktoks and hype you up. 
@fallinfortom - Adeline, you are a beautiful soul and one of the blogs I look up to. You are so strong and talented and sweet. I love talking to you even though I’m shy and I can’t wait to binge your master list soon hehe. Your blog is amazing and you’re just one of my favourite blogs. I love you.
@lovelyblossomcherry - Nida! I’m so grateful to have met you even through slightly weird circumstances. You are the sweetest person I’ve met and you always lift your friends up and radiate positivity. You’re a ray of sunshine and I really hope we stay friends and talk more because you’re awesome and I love you. 
@spideyspeaches - Kriti! You’re so so sweet and kind to everyone, I love speaking to you and seeing you in my notifications. You’re always there with a cute meme or kind words and I love you. I hope you have a good new year because you deserve it. 
@sunflowerspidey - Jess you were also one of my first friends here and I’m so happy we started talking again because I really missed you. You’re one of the kindest people I’ve ever met and I know I can come and speak to you about anything and I hope you know you can do the same to me. I love you and I love talking to about video games and Marvel and everything else. Have a good new year love because you deserve it. 
@tomhollandsgirlfriend - Kat! My skittles buddy! My fellow thirsty bitch! I love you so much. You’re so awesome and just your tags can make me smile which are a whole entire mood by the way haha. Talking to you and thirsting about Tom is so much fun and I love you. May the new year bless you with new Tom content and skittles. 
There are also a few people I’ve lost this year as friends and who I’ve hurt and they’ve hurt me but they still mean a lot to me. They are people who have helped me grow and learn for the better. Even though they might never see this post or even if I never get to speak to them again, I want to thank them. 
And to everyone else who was here for me this year or people who I looked up to and was too shy to speak to, thank you for everything. I hope I get to make more friends and talk to more of you in the upcoming year and I hope you make the most of it because if this year has taught us anything it’s to be grateful for the things we have. 
@calltothemisha @darlingspidey @anagonyeet @gloomcorpse @stars-aligning@spideysquackson13 @rebekkah4766 @parker-hollandx @canwekissforever-haz @blissfulparker @promisedparkers @stuckonspidey @angelic-holland @angel-spidey @allegra-writes @duskholland @wazzupmrstark @madmadmilk @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @teen--marvel @theamazingtomholland @littlebookbengal @geminiparkers @blcssomtree​@thirsttrapholland @terrifictomholland @kelieah​ @acourtofstarsandsadness​ @uglypastels​ 
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wren-of-the-woods · 3 years
Hi again! Omg you are so nice?! I mean based on your reply and tags etc. at least, you seem it haha 💞💞💞 How are you? What's going on in your life? I officially wish you a lovely day/week ✨
So... I started working on your gift, and I'm pretty excited about the ideas I have for it... I just hope I can do them justice and create something awesome like you deserve! ⚔️🌻❄️
Btw your blog is full of some A+ content, would follow right away except then I'd be a significantly less secret santa 🤶🤶🤶
Hello santa friend!! Thank you 🥰🥰🥰 I’m doing quite well at the moment! I got a bunch of free produce volunteering at a food bank earlier, I got to take a nice walk/run around my neighborhood, and I just finished a long and time-consuming thing in real life so I’ll have more time to write now! 💞 How are you? 
Woohoo!!! I am so excited to see what you make! And I’m glad you’re excited too -- I hope you have fun! 💞
Awwww, thanks!! I’m glad you enjoy my nonsense 😂🥰
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goldie-claws · 3 years
6 and 11 for any f/o(s)! ^^ (@lilacslovers)
Thank u for the ask @lilacslovers ! Ngl it was tough to pick who so I’ll do Sephiroth bc I have some thoughts about my favourite catboy (also btw when I say Squeenix I mean Square Enix. It’s just my nickname for them lmao)
6) what are some tropes that fan art of your f/o tends to follow? - From what I have seen over the years and through osmosis lmao, is fanart loves making him the dark and brooding type which is arguably completely untrue lmao (even an official Advent Children poster does it! I mean look at this ghdfkg).
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Plus since FFVII (his home game which I think is important to add) he was more of a guy who just kept to himself before he became a villain? Which I’d argue gets blown up a bit to make him a ‘Why are we still here? Just to suffer?’ kinda guy by fanart and maybe fans but I haven’t spoken to any FF fans indepth since I grabbed him as an F/O lmao.
And since FFVII even Squeenix have misinterpreted his character (Advent Children being an example of that also, naturally) so imo and depending on who you ask, his original incarnation is the most TRUE version of him (That and the remake! They did a really good job imo in going back to his original character :>).
Sephiroth is just a weird guy obsessed with spending Mother’s Day with his alien madre and also becoming a god on the side. He maybe look like the brooding type because anime sword, long hair, black cloak but in reality he is just a catboy baby! I genuinely don’t think I’ve ever seen someone perfect the :3 face like he can lmao.
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He wants to cause problems on purpose and I’d let him. Just watch out for any glasses of water he plans on knocking over to spite you.
11) do you think it’s better to have a copious amount of content for your f/o, even with the risk of finding a lot of ship art, or better to have a lot less? - Slightly leaning towards less fanart imo. He’s a very particular character to write/draw etc due to how even Squeenix and fans handle him, so finding that pure FFVII characterisation of him may be tough to find.
Especially since he is THE original Sans Undertale eg. popular character every fangirl of any age loved, which then leads to him being woobiefied (eg. made more pitiful/likeable) and like, I’ll agree his past is fucked up and he deserves pity in some places, but not ALL the time (past does not excuse actions) which some fanart may emphasis and forget that he is THE signature villain and very important to the history of games and villains in general.
Sephiroth is a genuinely frightening and scary character for many many reasons (hell, there’s even one scene where Cloud is actually paralysed with fear over seeing Sephiroth in front of him, to the point he can’t defend himself with his buster sword like in previous encounters). It’s very obvious in the remake he completely lacks empathy and a moral compass (eg. he stabs another evil character who is threatening Cloud’s group, only to immediately turn around and stab a good character for no reason other than maybe(?) spite or because he’s a troll lmao), which I think many people have forgotted bc haha hot boy!!! Again, there’s a reason he is THE villain of video game history, and why I make it where my S/I’s form a bond with him BEFORE he becomes evil lmao. Otherwise there would be no hope in befriending him.
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nattikay · 4 years
Me: Oh yeah, aliens are also a thing in the Sims...eh, well, that’s not really my cup of tea; I probably won’t do anything with them
Sims: Oh hey btw when you make an alien Sim you can make both their alien form as well as a human disguise form
Me: ...
So their human forms turned out to be pretty straightforward. I think they came out pretty decent nearly right off the bat! :)
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Their Akiridion forms, on the other hand...those were tricky, as they involved a lot of custom content. And when I say custom content I mean literally MADE BY ME. ^^” I hand-altered pretty much every part of their Akiridion forms in some way or other.
Their hair is still a default EA mesh, but I wasn’t satisfied with the default color swatches so I had to go in and custom-recolor them.
I do have some CC I downloaded a while ago for Akiridion eyes, but for some reason custom eye colors don’t show up as selectable swatches in my game despite being in my mods folder, so I had to make some of my own...in the “face paint” category rather than the “eye color” category. But hey it worked! So fyi for anyone interested, you CAN override eye colors with face paint; I’d recommend that route if you wanna make some custom eyes o3o 
(theoretically you could also use this technique to have your Sim change eye color with each outfit, if you want!)
The clothes were the trickiest part. EA does have a glowing “alien suit” that’s pretty cool, but it only comes with green glow. At first I tried to just use that suit with a custom swatch for blue glow, which did actually work (looked a little rougher than the official swatch but was still functional, glow and all):
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(screenshot taken before fixing the eyes, obviously ^^”)
...but I still wasn’t quite satisfied with the overall aesthetic. It would be ok for an oc but didn’t really look enough like Aja and Krel to me. But what else could I do? I’m not good enough at modeling in Blender to create my own custom mesh for the outfits, and I couldn’t think of any EA full-body outfits that had the right shape I could recolor....
...what if I just painted it directly onto their skin as a “tattoo” like I do for custom fur patterns on the furry mod?!
This was a good start, but of course under normal circumstances Sims aren’t allowed to be “naked”; even if you remove all the clothes you can in CAS it’ll still give them non-removable underwear in its place. In order for the tattoo idea to work properly, I had to find a way around that as the game wouldn’t recognize the “tattoo” as clothes and try to make me put a different outfit on top of it.
So what I did was grab some skintight swimsuits and just...deleted the diffuse texture (as well as specular/shadow/etc maps), effectively rendering the swimsuit invisible in-game. So as far as the code is concerned, they are technically clothed...it’s just invisible so you can see under it without triggering the default underwear...and IT WORKED!!
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They’re not perfect, you can definitely see where I didn’t quite line up the UVs right, but I think it’s a pretty darn good start! 
At the moment they’re using the exact same texture, based on Aja; I know Krel’s outfit design in the show is slightly different than his sister’s BUT I wasn’t sure if the technique would work and didn’t want to waste time making two separate nonfunctional textures, so I just used Aja’s as the test. Now that I know it works, though, I’ll go back and make a proper one for Krel later. For now they’ll just have to match haha.
Aja is also sporting @zaneida-and-sims4​’s Angor Rot style legs, cuz I thought it was a bit closer to the show, even if it caused some more issues with the texture lining up. I tried to give them to Krel as well, but for some reason it wouldn’t show up as an option for him. Sorry Krel, you’ll have to stick with regular human legs. ^^; If it makes you feel better, they don’t work on Blinky either (I would be tempted to wonder if maybe they only work on females were it not for the fact that they DID work on NotEnrique...oh well).
I did also experiment with a mod that allowed for extra arms, HOWEVER the arms were basically just an accessory and didn’t actually have any animation on them. While they would cool in screenshots, in-game it just looked really distractingly stiff and awkward, so I ultimately opted for just two arms. 
Varvatos Vex is not currently in the game; I MIGHT add him in later but if I do he’ll be a dog like Aarrrggh. We’ll see though.
So that’s that! I probably won’t play much from the perspective of this house directly, but I look forward to finding them out and about in the world... 👀
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
Comic buff with a thought, I notice the P5MM art and composition is more striking and closer to p5's art and style than the other manga, which is fine, but kinda... flat. (I find myself thinking there's something missing when I read it, then I look back at P5MM and I notice how there's more clever paneling, imagery, and stylistic choices akin to the games in it (like that one goro panel ya had a rant about) and I realize what's missing) That could be why P5MM is brought up more, just a guess. I dunno how you feel about all that though, I'm curious.
Under the cut cause it gets long cause of pictures:
I am very big on art style and visual presentation. I do actually judge a book by it's cover (manga, game, movie, show, yadda). If I find something pleasing to my eye I'll read it.....even if the contents are trash. Domestic Girlfriend is one, horrible manga (didn't finish, was holding out for Momo, aka best girl, and getting closure for her....then I bounced). Didn't watch the anime (didn't need to I was way ahead in the manga I think), but I know that opening is wasted on it. ldskfjaf Don't invest your time into it, it's not worth it, you would probably learn better morals from P5.......probably. But yeah I found the art style pleasing enough to try it out (I's not amazing by any means, but I like looking at it....or did.....that writing man....dat was bad ;w;).... *waves hands vaguely in air* yeah.
Fun fact, it's why I got into Persona. I happened across an ad for P4 on the PS2 in the Gameinformer magazine, it showed a screenshot from an animated cutscene plus one of the fully body art for the chars and I was like "Yes this is my jam!" (which only doubled down when I read what it was about, and it was a murder mystery and the article also talked up "the mystery of the glasses" which fakldjsalkfs yeah). So yeah it really clicked for me.
Tbh it's why I'm probably going to get back into freaking Bleach, and it's why I got into it and Naruto over One Piece (I don't think I'll ever read ON I'm sorry). Tite Kubo has sexy art what can I say? Can't trust a thing that man writes now but eh. It's also the reason I read a lot of Shojo (and now Yuri) manga, cause their art style is usually what I find very appealing (even if I've read the same gd shojo love story just by a different name for the 1000th time, give me the flowers and sparkly eyes! they are my life blood!)
And I've mentioned I really like Saito's art style. I've (attempted) to color some of his pieces on top of animate some manga frames (most of which I haven't actually published......I...I should....get around to finishing those up....haha...aha....haaaa). I really like his art, it's pleasant. But even with good art, I can still see past it and see what BS it's peddling and it can hamper my enjoyment of it. If I don't look at the context of the scene or the words on the page, I can be down with it. But when I'm reading.......I get annoyed. I balk at anything with Goro. I guffaw whenever Makoto's on screen (cause Saito nails her from P5, she acts useful but really she's useless but the narrative views her as useful it ironically makes her useless......it's the weirdest thing I've ever witnessed >.>). Like Saito really.....gets P5 it seems, down to it's flaws even (tho he can actually make the good parts of P5 shine, or at least parts that P5 failed to execute....execute in a way). But he also makes the flaws.....shine that much harder for me.
Now the Reg manga? it's nothing special art style wise, in fact it starts off VERY wonky, and while still wonky, has gotten a lot....better/cuter (esp Ryu). Not like shojo cute just.......I wanna squish their wittle faces cute (at times when it's not serious).
Like when it comes to Reg Manga these are the two pieces that have appeared in it that I feel kinda hit the P5 mark in terms of style:
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(look at Mona, coming into this world like the pustule that he is 8U)
Which isn't much, but it's something. At least Reg's AOA is better looking than the anime. 8U
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But I dunno, as the chapters go on, the Mangaka allows for more cuter expressions, and I just like their neat:
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(btw I colored that page)
I dunno, it's not as overtly cutsey as Saito:
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But they are still charming in a more simple way (without out having them go full chibi), it subtle but it gives it flavor. "Silly why are most, if not all those pics of Ryu and Anne?" I dunno guys maybe you should ask them how their backs are doing, cause they're the ones who are carrying the Reg manga when it comes to this! 8U
Tho I do think the first ch or two of Reg does a better job capturing P5's feel than the rest of the chapters, I think the mangaka is just.....bogged down by exposition and the game's BS that a lot of text on their pages so it almost reads like a novel:
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ALots of text, not the most dynamic of framing with the panels. It's kinda eh. I haven't really read the manga past the 2nd dungeon tbh (I mean......as the residential #1 Makoto hater, I think that's fair.....that I'd start to zone out during my least fav dungeon....and then continue zoning out during my 2nd least fav dungeon askfdjaflk)
But during the first two dungeon arcs, I liked how.....bad the PT were at thieving, I liked how green they were. It was obviously a learning process. I also like some of the fight choreo (Saito did the best hand to hand one in the series in P4U's Yu vs Sho....which I actually animated....spoiler.....no I have no released that...my dumbass wants to tempt fate and see if I can redo it in color even tho it took me 4 days non stop to get that animated in just black and white.....but I am a fool so alas 8U). I mean it's not mind blowing, but it was simple and decently thought out, which is more than I feel like we usually get (esp with the anime shows....or at least P4/5's).
But I think what draws me in is....it's lack of P5 style. P5 style has them being still oh so cool despite being new at everything. It's tired me out. P5's how identity is style. It's....style over substance (gonna rile some feathers with that....Cvit(?) vid title). But P5 is overtly stylish, to the point it......weighs on me. Drags me down. Tires me out. I don't think they're cool, I'm bored with it. Ironically, Reg manga lacks that, which......def would make someone (and me usually) give it much of a passing glance. It's very basic I guess. But.....consider me, being in P5 hell, surrounded by all it's nausea inducing stylishness, sees a small break in the hellish hurricane to see.......normalcy. It kinda makes me connect better with the kids (kinda, it's still P5).
They feel like normal kids, trying to do their thing (sometimes trying to look/act cool and failing), and.....it's just the absolute antitheses to P5's brand......and I think that's why I like it. KLFJDSAFLKJA;
Anyway, who knows, maybe when I catch up on Reg in english and re-read MM with the official translation I might change my mind about a few things, or at least how I rank them. But for post length sake, and my sanity sake, I think I should keep the anime and mangas out of the "Which entry do you hate least" post......because I should just make another post where I go into both mangas as well as compare and contrast the anime! :D I'm just delaying some insanity for later haha....
Wait.........I just remember Day Breakers exists......and I liked it....still do....don't have much issue with it. Well shit, that is probably the one entry I hate the least. fklsdjfalkjdfkla;jsL;FJljsfdlskafaj *sobs* nO NO, I committed, and that's just a sad loophole. fdklsajflakfj *sobs* I still need to the game thing, cause let's be honest, the games are where it counts.
So right now my ranking for manga/anime is:
Daybreakers>Reg manga> MM>>>>>>>>>>TV Show Anime and it's OVAs (may the burn in the hell fire from which they spawned)
Oh, one last thing, forgot to put it in but I dunno where to put it now. I like how the manga tones down the pervyness some:
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I mean Ryu is a fellow monkey. u_u .......but it's for the best I don't have to see his ape expression. ;w; (iirc the pyramid scene was a lot shorter/faster, but that's by the grace of reading and books rather than animation I suppose).
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kerra-and-company · 3 years
#5 for the slightly altered timeline prompt! Happy endings would be so nice :D!
[ @thoseofuswhoblossom ]
Okay, now that I've answered a very much NOT happy one (my own fault, I was given free rein and my brain chose angst) let’s do this one! Time for happy things! :D @thoseofuswhoblossom
5. the timeline in which they continue on from the current point in their lives to the best happy ending that is within their reach, where nothing that has happened so far is negated but from now on, the happy things start piling up.
Under a cut because this got long! :)
Kerra (because I just wrote what’s basically the worst timeline for her and she deserves to be happy): 
For some reason, it’s unnecessary to go to Cantha. Maybe Bubbles is actually decent, or maybe they’re simply content to disperse the magic and not keep it, or maybe something else entirely. The balance is restored/maintained, and Aurene is still Aurene, though maybe farther out of reach depending on whatever was necessary to make that happen. She can still talk to Kerra and does so on a regular basis.
The Pact retires from its taking-down-the-dragons job, and “Commander” officially (and actually for real, no matter what on earth happened with it in LWS3) becomes more of a ceremonial title. She’ll never stop helping--she wouldn’t want to--but the world-saving responsibility is no longer on her shoulders. She can be with her family and live a life that she and she alone chooses for herself.
She, Nisha, and Canach mean to have another sprout, but they actually end up having twins, Tev and Ia (that’s i - a btw), who awaken a few months post-Icebrood (these two are going to be canon in the main story, too). Rhi dotes on their baby siblings and helps teach them how to fight. Tev has Kerra’s empathy powers (but he gets a much calmer start learning to use them), and Ia is an elementalist (like her uncle Rel) with a tendency to destroy whatever room she’s in before she learns control. Kerra’s able to be there for all of her kids as they grow up, and for once, she doesn’t have to work as hard to balance her job with family because her job is whatever she says it is.
Maybe they settle down. Maybe they travel together. But she’s able to rest with her family and make her own way in the world, and to see her friends, and to finish the cleansing of dragon-corrupted land with her brother, and to do any number of other things without worrying about those that could die when she’s forced to fight a corrupt minister or a lich or a rogue god or an Elder Dragon.
She helps Jory and Kas and Logan deal with corruption in Divinity’s Reach. She plays with her nephew in the long grass of a field in Queensdale. She does what she can to help the charr and the norn rebuild. She teases her sister about a crush and is promptly threatened with being stabbed. She stands by Cio and Pliarr and Taimi when they deal with the Arcane Council. She laughs as she reminisces over drinks with Braham and Tanza and Minei.
She wakes up in the morning in the pile of family she’s built and made and chosen, and that’s the most incredible part of all.
(The random thing picker has chosen Ari again, haha, so here’s her version! And then I’ll give you one more character at the end.)
Along the same lines as Kerra, going to Cantha becomes unnecessary. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean, for Ari, that the Pact doesn’t go. It just means that they don’t need her (or Cio, or Brook, or Casca). 
She’s able to stay with them. She can actually take Cio out on a date, and they can laugh in the faces of anyone who stares. And she'll let herself laugh freely, now. She’ll let herself smile. She’ll let herself be happy and hold her mate’s hand.
Brook and Casca stay close--maybe not directly with her, but nearby, doing whatever it is they choose to do (helping the Crystal Bloom, working with the Olmakhan, opening a restaurant...could be any number of things). They stay in touch and they stay close.
Maybe Ari helps Crecia create a new structure and future for the charr, pointing out any number of things that they’ve been doing wrong. Maybe she stays as far the hell away as possible. Both options are viable.
On her days off, she goes to watch the cubs at the fahrar. She’d never be a primus; she wouldn’t want the job. But she watches them from the shadows and picks out any having trouble. She’ll usually help them indirectly, through gifts or subtle encouragement or protection that they don’t realize they have until their bullies back down. (And she may or may not threaten any adult charr mistreating the children. You have no proof either way.) Her lurking around earns her a nickname or two, some positive and some not so much. Depends on who’s giving them to her.
She and Cio make a life together. They probably open up a business, too--maybe fixing machinery and airships and anything mechanical, maybe transportation, maybe both. It’s fulfilling and normal in a way directly contrary to the standards of normal that she grew up with. 
She’s happy, and she’s home. She never has to fight again.
(And for a third, last but not least, you get Tanza!)
Her wound from Jormag’s magic heals, though it will forever leave a scar. They go home and find their mothers, alive and well, though clearly a bit traumatized from being stuck inside magic ice. She stays with them for a few months as they recover, then she leaves.
They stay in the Abattoir for several nights, and eventually, they reach Owl in the Mists. She becomes what passes for a havroun to Owl, which is a bit odd considering that Owl is technically no longer alive, but since she’s a revenant, they make it work.
They travel back into Bjora Marches and the Northern Shiverpeaks, learning and reclaiming the land. Sometimes other norn come with her (Braham does too, on a few trips, once he’s feeling better), sometimes it’s just her alone, sometimes it’s Cio, and sometimes it’s Minei. Once or twice, it’s Kerra.
They build a new shrine to Owl in Hoelbrak, as well as new ones for the other lost Spirits. She stays there sometimes, but she also travels--maybe a week or so there and a week away. They build a friendship with Minei, too; the two of them are very different, but they click in some ways, and Minei becomes like a second child to Tanza’s mothers.
She struggles sometimes. It’s an odd path to walk, and they’ve gone through a lot in the past year or so. But she has friends and family to hold her up, and she feels at peace. This is what they were meant to do, what they were meant to be, but they also chose it and walked into it with open eyes.
She loves her family and Owl, her Spirit, and she’s a bridge between Tyria and the Mists. They made themselves a legend and found exactly where they belong.
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nighttimepixels · 4 years
night how do u do it, how do u make things so gay but also pan but also hilarious?? WIZARDRY. Seriously though it's great XD it feels really organic with the girls especially. like, not forced, or so fast? slow burn but also just... organic, idk XD kinda makes me wonder what your early gay realization was! if that's okay to ask??? feels like u got ur finger on the pulse of 'oh shit i'm gay',,,
Thank you so much?? (//▽//)ゞ I dunno about finger on the pulse but I do try X) Especially with the queer content! Like, most of the girls are pan (per usual, excepting Crimson, who is pansexual but mostly finds herself homoromantic, and Blade, who just id’s as a big ol’ lesbian), but I specifically wanted to write their fic from a wlw perspective. So it means a lot to hear that you think so! ♡♡♡
as for my ‘realization’ - sure, I don’t mind, heh. But it’s under a cut since it’s not skeleton-related content so people can easily skip it if they don’t wanna read. ┐(´∀`)┌
Long story short, I was the total quintessential sapphic ‘ahaha, we’re just best friends! I’m just comfortable in my sexuality! She’s just the prettiest, coolest, hottest- oh no she can dance, oh geez I sure do love when we’re working on theater tech together and I’m up in the lighting booth helping her check the spots and oh wow she sure does look Very Good in Those Lights ahahahah-’
(=▿= ||||)
Big case of falling-in-love-with-your-bestie, basically. She was new to the state, no less, and we listened to Fall Out Boy and the Arctic Monkeys and yes even Smashing Pumpkins together,,, she got a record player when we were 16 and hoo boi the baby gay feelings when we had sleepovers and she put on a record and we ended up dancing on her bed with only the fairy lights on in the room;;; Meanwhile, she totally dated multiple guys over the years. Which, fair!
Anyways, cue her between boyfriends when we’re 16 or so, a month after our first water rave (yes, legit a thing, and yes, I legit was lowkey a raver for a few years haha - water raves were done after-hours in an indoor waterpark). Cue another sleepover, just us, this time we were in a pile of blankets in her dad’s small study (downstairs, vs all the bedrooms at her place which were upstairs - so we didn’t have to be as quiet, a perk as a teenager at 2am).
Cue her admitting that the guy she was into basically alluded to intending to ask her out officially the next week (might’ve been a school dance coming up..? probably something like that)… but her also admitting she’d been “curious” about “what it would be like to kiss a girl, y’know-” she had a friend where she’d lived previously that was into girls, etc… heh, any wlw probably gets the vague ‘oh I have a friend who, yknow-’ when trying to hedge about curiousity.
Aaaanyways… she sure did ask my oblivious self if she could ‘try it’ with me XD and my, extremely dense gay ass, sure did say “oh, okay- I mean, I’m comfortable with my sexuality! So, um, if you want to…”
… comfortable with my sexuality, mmmmmhm. (ಠ_ಠ)  legit thought I was straight, just an ally, etc. Yep.
Cue smooch that made my poor gay heart flutter. Talkin’ all the good good gay feels. How soft girls are,,, how nice it was that she smelled nice….. how pretty she looked when her eyelashes fluttered closed with the moonlight from the window of course falling over her profile, how cute it was when her leg bumped mine-
Cue me, post kiss, internally saying “yup!! totally comfortable in my sexuality!!!! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ “
I never ended up properly confessing to her, btw, but about a year later I finally internally just casually went “oh. huh. shit.” after I got a crush on another girl and couldn’t deny that one as easily XD aaaaand after the aforementioned best-friend-who-was-coincidentally-that-fateful-sleepover-night-my-first-willing-kiss, that same bestie casually invited me to a threesome-makeout with the guy she started dating (who I was acquaintancey-friends with as well). Talk about making that guy’s very confused day when his girlfriend and her best friend took off their shirts after he, looking like he was convinced he was hallucinating, agreed to the situation. Aaaaaaand another threesome makeout with her and a different guy after that boyfriend left for college.
Funny, really, bc looking back it really was a... hm. A loophole, if that makes sense? Basically, I was ‘allowed’ to kiss a girl if it was under the pretense of making a guy’s day.
I mean, still a dangerous game to play, but a loophole in the 2000s nonetheless
I was… a youth……..
And hindsight makes me go “oh gods, yeah, no, I’ve been majorly Not Straight the Whole Time” but shit’s confusing in the best of times, let alone pre-2010s when millenial and older queer folk had the added fun of society being extra dumb-and-or-awful outside of the few carved out Accepting pockets. No judgement if it takes you decades, half your life, whatever. Everyone’s circumstances are different, and I respect the hell outta you and your journey!!
Live your best life, I guess is the moral?? And also go with the flow. But also, if you find yourself kissing someone of a not-’opposite’-gender and thinking “wow I sure am straight, but this happens to be absolutely the best”, maybe consider the… possibilities that you have inclinations towards the delightfully queer end of the spectrum. °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° 
And now I just take that energy and pour it into making queer characters so… Woo!! Smooch a skeleton, hold hands and be soft,, insert to your heart’s content!
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goofnuggetkarlaa · 4 years
Long OFA Quirk Theory Post, BNHA ch 257 Spoilers
Also I apologize now for anyone on mobile where the read more isn’t working properly and you have to scroll through this whole thing. It got way longer than I intended. I won’t be upset if you block me so you don’t have to see this post anymore lol
Alright so I was really hoping All Might would at least briefly say the quirks of the previous OFA holders he found (or have a quick panel showing them in the notebook or SOMETHING), but sadly we’re gonna have to wait a bit longer I guess...
However, he and Bakugou said the same thing: all of their quirks are relatively weak, since AFO was basically controlling the quirk world and taking all the strong quirks for himself or his “army”
It makes me curious though about how weak the quirks really are. Since idk about yall, but Black Whip seems to be an incredibly strong and versatile quirk (even taking into account that it was weaker back then compared to Midoriya using it now).
We also know that quirks in general get stronger the more generations go by (not just in OFA, we see this in the children the remedial course “fights”), so it makes sense that none of the quirks in OFA are particularly great compared to current times, given that quirks were still developing (tho... like I said before, I really doubt that’s the case. They may be physically weak quirks in combat, but I’m sure Midoriya will find a way to make them all incredibly op).
Another reason why I’m kinda doubting the legitimacy of the whole “they’re all weak quirks” thing is because of what AFO says about Nana. He calls her weak, a useless successor, etc. Now, I suppose having a quirk that lets you fly might seem like a weak quirk. It’s no muscle enhancer, explosions, lazer beams, etc. Though Nana herself was clearly ripped as all hell (like bro I’m so gay wtf)
Ahem, anyways, maybe he was just saying that to taunt All Might, to break his spirit or whatever. Typically evil villain stuff. But also... AFO doesn’t seem to be the type of guy to do that. To just call someone weak even if they weren’t. (altho he also uses a flying quirk, so make of that what you will) BUT ANYWAYS this just leads me to think her quirk was probably the “weakest” out of all the successors he had faced so far. I would probably think the same if the successor 2 people before her had something as interesting as Black Whips.
So what kind of quirks are they? Unfortunately my theories are only based off of their appearances, and AFO. I’ll mention the bit about AFO first, since it feels more solid than the bit about their appearances.
It’s a theory I’m kinda believing less and less with the information we’re being given, but I wonder if AFO could have taken their quirks before they died. Sort of like a way to taunt future holders. Like “haha look I’m using your master’s beloved quirk how does that make you feel.” And I mean, yeah, he can’t take OFA, that much has been established (altho that seems like it’s gonna change soon... hmmm shiggy what you up to?). But what about after they’ve passed OFA on to the next person? They still should have their original quirk, since OFA seems to work kinda like a copy-paste system. So would AFO be able to take it then?
I’ll use Nana as an example. In the short 2ish minute special, All Might Rising, we see Nana’s last fight against AFO. At this point, we know she must have passed the quirk on, because the last thing we really see is her pointing at All Might as Gran Torino carries him away. We don’t actually see her death. There could have been time for AFO to take her quirk. And we know he has some sort of flying quirk, Air Walk, which could have been hers (although we won’t know until the official translation comes out. However the current fan translations are calling Nana’s quirk stuff like Levitate or Hover)
Unfortunately that’s about where that bit of my theory comes to an end. With ch 257 saying the quirks are weak, I doubt AFO would have been using them in his fight with All Might. Gran Torino also mentions his quirks and fighting style were totally different from the last time 6 years ago, so that also kinda tears this theory apart. At least the bit where the quirks we got to see were any of the successors’. He still could have taken them and passed them on to the nomu while he waited for Shigaraki to be able to use them himself.
As for the appearances and quirks themselves... well, we really only have 2 that we can take a guess at. I know people have the time travel theory that Bakugou was the 2nd wielder, but I don’t like that one very much. But that’s a post for another time.
Also, from here it’s really just my opinions, and not a lot of solid or even jello-y theories. Like sand. It’s just a mess. Just a jumble of observations and  ¯\_(:/)_/¯ materialized.
So here’s the closest thing to a full body shot we have of them, the 4th on the left and 6th on the right.
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The first one I’m gonna talk about is the 4th holder.
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The first thing I noticed are the two marks on his face. They don’t seem like scars or some other kind of injury. They’re not drawn lightly the way Midoriya’s or Todoroki’s scars are, they’re really dark and crisp. So I’m thinking either some kind of tattoo, or (more likely) something to do with their quirk. Sort of going with my AFO theory above, it reminded me a lot of the forced quirk activation quirk he was using, though looking further into his appearance, I don’t think that’s right.
He has very contradicting vibes in my opinion. His clothes make me think something to do with water or wind, or some sort of spiraling energy like Nejire’s. But based on his face, body, and stance, I would lean more towards a physical quirk. He seems like a solid dude. Originally, I had believed he had a wind type quirk (thinking about Inasa’s appearance, he felt similar somehow), but now that Nana’s quirk is confirmed to be some kind of flying ability, it feels like having a wind quirk (that could also theoretically make you fly) would erase the point of Nana’s, and I doubt Horikoshi would want Midoriya to have quirks similar to each other, thus limiting how badass he could be (and lets be honest, this is a shonen jump manga. protags gotta be as op as possible, especially in a series like this which just SCREAMS the very essence of shonen manga. not that I’m complaining btw, I love op characters)
So anyways, I’m currently at a loss for this guy, the only other hint I feel like we have for his quirk is the color associated with him in OFA, blue, which doesn’t help much, seeing how the 5th with Black Whip is red and Nana’s with flying is yellow(? can’t really remember)... None of it seems related
Which leaves us with the second wielder we know little about, the 6th user.
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And let’s be honest, there isn’t much to work with here either. Since I just mentioned associated colors, I’ll just point out right away his color is a purplish-blue. So do with that what you will. (I’m going to get into it in a moment, but I theorize a mental/kinetic-type quirk for this guy. Purple is maybe associated a bit more with kinetic-type abilities? idk look at Shinsou)
Appearance-wise, I definitely get a more mental based quirk. He’s kinda small, seems reserved, so that’s just my gut feeling. You can see some bandages around his arms, though, which might mean... something? Perhaps it has to do with his quirk, maybe he just got injured (maybe he got injured because of his quirk..? hmmm)
Honestly, his appearance just reminds me of Kageyama from Haikyuu!!, so my brain keeps unhelpfully jumping back to that, making it hard to come up with good stuff for him. If I had to guess at random, I wanna say pyrokinesis. This is partially because of a long-winded, very very VERY unlikely theory that he could be related to Nana who could VERY UNLIKELY be related to Inko, so ya know, probably some big family tree of kinetic-type abilities (since, assuming AFO isn’t his dad, which is a theory I’m a big fan of, it would be possibly pretty emotional for Midoriya, seeing how it COULD have been his quirk if he were born with one, since it’s a good mix of his mom and dad’s quirks) The other reason is just cause I thought it’d be cool. lol.
Though to be fair, part of that “it would be cool” has to do with the idea of “how op can Midoriya get?” which involves having a large range of abilities to be able to be effective in any situation. so far he has super strength as the base of OFA (which is always good in a fist fight), restraining with Black Whip, and eventually mobility with Hover. It would make sense for him to also have more rescue-type abilities, seeing how so far most of his skills are geared towards fighting rather than saving, which is the opposite of Midoriya’s personality. So I thought of natural disasters: earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, floods, mudslides, and volcanoes are listed as common disasters in Japan, and fires are more-or-less common anywhere. So having an ability that would be beneficial in those situations would be ideal, such as pyrokinesis to stop a fire, or something like hydro/aquakinesis to rescue those in a flood/tsunami.
Sooooo tldr I have no idea what the fuck their quirks could be but I love to theorize random shit so please come talk to me because I’m bored and dying for more content so I’m doing all I can to keep sane while I continuously wait for more updates :)))))
also I’m sure my thoughts were all over the place and made no sense, I’m sorry, I really tried to rewrite stuff over and over to make sense, but I might have made it worse, so if you don’t understand something or think I missed something, please let me know. I probably either worded it strange, or thought of it and didn’t remember to include it. BUT IF YOU THINK OF SOMETHING I ACTUALLY DIDN’T I WOULD REALLY LOVE TO HEAR IT PLEASE!!! SO DON’T BE AFRAID TO CALL ME OUT ON SOMETHING! not if it’s about the time travel theory though, I’ve had enough of that right now lol
small edit: I went back to watch the movie again (in 4d this time) and realized I had messed up the colors of the AFO holders. Also, they appeared slightly different in each shot (in one, the 5th holder was pinkish purple, but another shot was a deep red?), so I’m basically ruling out that colors have any meaning at all. Not like I think they had much basis to begin with though...
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
The Untamed Liveblog
Yes hello I watched the whole thing and wrote down some of my thoughts and feelings along the way so I wouldn’t fuckign EXPLODE! Only look under the cut if you’re prepared for a truly outrageous amount of rambling (...no really)  
- I am elated to find that so far every adaptation I’ve seen has faithfully preserved the absolutely bizarre structure of the original book, I am appreciating the dedication haha
- the actor lends this version of lan wangji such an edge of youth and vulnerability right from the beginning, it breaks my heart. I don’t care how good he is with a sword, you can’t expose this pure sweet boy to the horrors of war!!! 
- I am so glad I already know who all these characters are and wtf is going on, I can’t imagine watching this first time without that knowledge lol 
- I love how they’ve made nie huaisang look so small and soft next to all the other cultivator, he looks like a floofy and eternally confused baby birb ;______;
- nhs citing the goldfinch as the reason he doesn’t want to die (presumably because no one will know to take care of it) TOT ur meant to be comic relief in this part of the story buddy you can’t make me cry like this yet!!!
(also the actor for wwx effortlessly sliding into being protective and reassuring and Good in a crisis. wonderful!)
- the actor for xue yang has chosen to go with the sexy baby school of evil acting normally associated with female villains and for that I can only applaud him
also setting up characters who are going to be important later on is something this show is doing better than the original haha, both the extra wen quing & ning and song lan & xiao xingcheng content is appreciated. (especially the latter suffered from ‘oh yeah those two -- actually wait who the fuck are these two again’ syndrome for me when I read the book. additional note: I am very sorry but clearly they are gay there’s no other explanation here)  
- poor jiang cheng, they really haven’t given him much help in this huh. I would sort of have preferred it if they let him be ever so slightly less abrasive in the beginning, like in the book and the animated version; I’m not feeling quite as devastated over this relationship as I did in either of those.
- lan xichen’s soft knowing smile is a blessing every time. just a nice man. did not deserve this. protect.  
- kudos to the actor for jin guangyao for the instinctive creeping unease I feel whenever he talks, even at this stage. he’s a wrong ‘un sir he’s a wrong ‘un
- y’know both the fact that nhs spent three days catching a bird and kept it with him undetected and that he’s the friend you go to for the good porn and managed to not only smuggle it into the cloud recesses but did so without getting caught... some wonderful subtle foreshadowing here (to make up for the very blatant visual foreshadowing that’s already been given out I assume lol)
- anyway lan ancestor lady and baoshan-sanren? gay. sad and gay. (I love how thoroughly wwx is getting to meet the in-laws btw lol how often do you have to meet your future spouse’s family from like three generations ago and take care of her rabbits for her after she’s gone, all before you even get to second base)
- fkadshfkasjdlhfsdjkfh the sheer consistency of nhs wistfully commenting on all the beautiful men surrounding him fsadfkjsdhfksd I think they might oh so subtly be hinting at some stuff here. HILARIOUS that this version, which has to maintain at least the veneer of some plausible homoerotic deniability, is a lot more overt about it than the book, which is free to be balls to the wall as gay as you please  
- oh no nie mingjue just showed up my entire heart is on fire. BIG BROTHER!! so stern yet fair, so righteous, so worried y______y also can we talk about how his ‘hmmm I think imma stab it?’ approach to evil in general and xue yang in particular would have saved everyone a lot of grief later on? and he tells wwx the whole necromancy thing is probably not a good idea? (I really like how he does it too, he has so much Older Brother Energy it spills over when he talks to other kids around huaisang’s age lol. it’s good that they show his temper isn’t indiscriminate at all, he’s not angry at wwx even though his idea is provably incredibly dangerous) sole ornery voice of reason nie mingjue, also did not deserve what’s about to happen, I cry and my tears are blood  
- ‘yeah okay I get that you’re mad but have you maybe considered... I didn’t do it?’ is an unusually weak opening move from jgy considering nmj literally did just see him absolutely 100% do it
- there should be a WARNING at the beginning of episodes where nmj cries so one could be PREPARED for the emotional devastation!!!!! tollest & stronkest man of the cast also stupidly pretty and heartbreaking while crying, it’s not fair
- I love how every cultivation sect’s home (except for the wens b/c they’re cartoon villains) is refined and beautiful and luxurious, even when it’s in a restrained way like the lans’... and then there’s the nie place which is like ‘please understand that this is a fuckn fortress’
- aww this doomed jiang cheng/wen quing thing is cute! too bad about... everything that’s about to happen happening huh
- oh wen ning.  very hilarious that he’s known as the ~*ghost general*~ forevermore when actually... he is baby... cinnamon roll baby... too good for this world, too pure...
- how is this cgi turtle somehow less egregious than the one in the animated version lol. I quite like this bad little friend! long neck.
- oh NO lan wangji finally letting himself show that he’s in pain when they’re in private... i’m uwu  
this beautiful boy is so long and lanky tho, I must admit he triggers my parental instinct more than the hot boy alert at this stage (but that’s fine I’m not the one who’s going to smooch him that’s wwx’s job lol)
the look of absolute disbelief and despair lwj gives when wwx thinks he’s in love with mianmian... this show is a cinematic masterpiece and I will hear no other opinion  
- lwj looking at the love of his life completely missing the point: are you a joke to you (the answer is yeah)
- okay we’ve officially hit the point where everything’s about to go to hell for real, pray for me I’m not sure I can handle this again
- jiang fengmian acknowledge your other son who desperately wants your attention and affection challenge (unfinished)
- watching this scene knowing exactly what this promise means to jiang cheng and that wwx is going to break it... this is fINE
why the fuck did I do this to myself I know what’s about to happen when will I learn to quit while I’m ahead lol
- the change in subtext from the novel that EVERYONE sees wangxian coming from day one is so painful from jiang cheng’s side. this poor boy really has abandonment issues pelting him from every direction huh. tfw your idiot genius brother doesn’t even fucking realize he’s basically announcing he’s leaving your clan and your side to get married one day ;______;
- man mxtx is just so GOOD at peppering in the small private tragedies that somehow sting even worse than huge atrocities going on. the fact that madam yu and papa jiang never manage to reconcile and communicate except possibly in death... oof my friends. oooof.
- like we’re right at the worst part now and she is an asshole... but damn madam yu’s last stand is epic tho. like a champ to the end
- wen zhuliu’s actor being able to uphold a look of tremendous boredom at all times regardless of what’s going on around him is Poetic Cinema Bitches
- jiang cheng and wei ying are holding hands on the boat... stab me in the heart... end my suffering
- you know what in this version we get to see that madam yu knew her husband came back for her and they died holding hands and not everything’s on fire yet, so far this isn’t quite as harrowing as the animated version. the dead children are fucking me up but the tone of the animated version is like a nightmare, this is less disturbing to me
also can we talk about how madam yu fought them off the whole day and night and her husband gets his ass owned within five minutes 😔 oh papa jiang
- oh okay turns out jiang cheng’s ‘I want my mom and dad’ gets to me in every adaptation good to know
they’re so young they’re bbs I don’t want to be here anymore haha
- wen ning. a sweet angel. just the goodest of boys. his sister raised him so well ;______:
- wen quing is so ethereally beautiful and also looks like she could stop a train with the force of one glance. like she’s my height but her presence is immense
- oh I see we’ve arrived at the tiny adorable flashback bbs part of this journey, let me just... just lie down somewhere huh
- outside of the central romance this is a tale about people who love their brothers very very much and it’s real sad for everyone involved
- me watching nie mingjue kicking down the doors to reclaim his own dang fortress: YEEEEAAAAH GO OFF DAGE!!! i um love him and his very handsome face
- jiang cheng dreaming about his family is EMOTIONAL WARFARE!!! how fucking dare!!!
- y’know what this isn’t a bad way of adapting the burial grounds thing! also pretty cost effective I imagine, gotta think about the budget when so much of it goes into fabulous wigs and robes
- credit where it’s due, the actor for wen chao makes his face do some shit I didn’t know human faces could do and he’s enjoyable to watch in the capacity as your friendly neighbourhood hate sink
- lwj consistently using wwx’s personal name even when talking to total strangers now... mhm this is also fine
- I can’t beliEVE this show is somehow less subtle about the gay stuff than the book, jin zixuan basically just asked lwj if he and wwx were... y’know... I guess cultivation partners would be the way to go here lol. between that and nhs more or less asking them if they were off fucking after the whole cold cave debacle... what a time to be alive even if they’re not going to kiss on-screen  
- huaisang I hate to have to be the one to tell you this but your brother is an entire snacc. and yet I respect him way too much to ever proposition him, I know he is busy winning a war and being Righteous and slowly being driven mad by the ghost in his sword on top of raising his little brother, I’m not here to complicate things for him any further
I love this version of nmj so much though. this sense that he also sees the stuff that is genuinely good in jgy and has a real moment of grief that the dude just can’t seem to get away from his basic insecurity that causes him to do horrific things, even when handed other opportunities... the fact that he seems regretful and worried when asking jin zixuan how jgy is doing with the jin....... everything to do with his little brother...................... oh no he’s Soft in his private life this is awful
- poor lwj’s ‘I have a bad feeling about this’ face in this scene haha, he’s staring at this talisman like ‘I only know one person smart and dumb enough to pull this off’
- can’t wen quing just get one nice thing. one nice thing just for her. hasn’t she been through enough. give her her brother back and a nice quiet place to practice medicine and maybe some soft romance with jiang cheng eventually this show is kind of selling me on this.  
- unexpectedly my favourite part of the revenge scene is just the camera switching back to lwj and jc watching in horrified silence like ‘...O___o dude this is fucked up tho right?? it’s not just me that’s messed up??’
- one is forced to wonder about wen zhuliu tho. this version reads as pretty explicitly depressed/suicidal to me, he’s kind of an interesting villain since his main traits are unquestioning loyalty mixed with unending indifference and also seemingly not too pressing a will to live
- oh nhs desperately trying to keep it together and pretend nothing’s different ;_____; this version is really driving it home that wwx is a lot of people’s only friend -- jiang cheng is mentioned to not have anyone but his sister to play with before he arrived, lwj was raised primarily on books and rules and his brother is ELATED that he has one (1) friend now, from the sheer depth of the attachment I’m willing to bet nhs hasn’t had many real friends in his life either. wwx gives and gives of himself and doesn’t know how to take help in return.    
- foreknowledge is a beautiful thing; if you look at nhs when it’s revealed wwx didn’t bring his sword you can visibly see his brain kicking into overdrive haha. smart boy.
- big sister ;_______; I am an older sibling so I haven’t really had the feeling of having an older sister to look to, I see why it might be comforting now
- oh this is some real uruk-hai shit!! honestly the special effects in this aren’t half as bad as I’d been lead to fear, some of you guys just weren’t forged in the crucible of shitty sci-fi channel cgi at an early age and it shows  
(honestly the weird fight stuff threw me much worse in nirvana in fire, because that series has such intricate, credible and realistic political world building and then people are flying all over the place through wire fu and it is so disorienting haha)
- oh nhs looking up at his brother like a puppy during the war council T______T baby bird boy
(between this point in the main story and fatal journey it’s very interesting how clearly nhs needs the emotional stability and safety of his brother -- who also seems to be his parental figure -- to function properly, even in his late teens. it looks like he needed more time to grow up than the rest of them even before they were all thrown into this awful bullshit. well he does have a lot of murderkitten brain to grow I guess that’s fair enough lol. wwx has some of the same thing with his sister too)
- whenever lxc and nmj look at each other it feels like the only two adults in the room meeting each other’s eyes like ‘...oh dear’
- aww lwj getting some advice from his brother. this poor kid really hasn’t been raised to handle the moral complexity of the real world huh, good thing lxc is here to lend some nuance to lan qiren’s unforgiving dogma
- oh lan zhan
- nmj’s plan to just idk somehow go in alone and fight the wen overlord mano a mano to avoid any more casualties... a spine made of steel, a heart made of gold, a head made of wood :’) truly a perfect man, good thing his brother got the brains in that family and he has some more sensible people around him
- in the face of inevitability I plead... jiang yanli... please don’t marry this asshole your son is going to be predictably insufferable
wwx has suffered through so much the last four months or so and yet his real breaking point is seeing his sister cry and can I just say -- relatable content
(could be applied to like 98% of these characters but in this case it’s nmj b/c I love him)
I do find it very funny and oddly comforting that nmj is literally so fuckn mad that it takes three times as many attacks for the evil sorcery stuff to take him down than we’ve seen used on anyone else fsdkfhasdkj too angry to die  
wHY has my brain chosen for me to attach so deeply to perhaps The single most inevitably doomed person in this entire cast, at this point I’m just being cruel to myself lol
- I can’t describe how much I love the fanficiness of this story, in the best ways. the emotional fallout from the destruction of the lotus pier gets more screentime and attention than the entire sunshot campaign, and that’s exactly how I want it to be.  
- they’ve been doing some great work to establish that the jin are also jeeeeeerks for such a long time, how’s that for foreshadowing
- equal opportunity traitor jgy gets his stab in lol one must respect the grift, though, he’s set himself up pretty darn good
*lxc stops nmj from killing jgy, hello darkness my old friend starts playing in the background*
fatal journey builds nicely on this fundamental thing that the nie boys take their responsibility to their people extremely seriously, it seems to be the fact that jgy so blithely talks about them as necessary casualties that really sets him off
- adlfsdfhsdkjh lxc and nmj meekly being like ‘...we could maybe... not commit war crimes? if that’s at all possible? no?’
*slaps ‘I don’t think you even tried at all’ stars on both of them* (I mean I actually do kind of see where they’re coming from a bit, they just came out of a pretty costly war and I wouldn’t feel too comfortable getting right back into it with arguably the wealthiest faction, who’s also been keeping back a bit and thus kept a lot more reserves. well played jin bastards well played)
- I could stop here. if I stopped here everything would basically be as okay as they could be and the world full of hope still. I suppose the question here is... do I love myself enough to quit while the going is good. and the answer is no I already started the next episode
- I think one incredibly endearing aspect of this version of nmj is that he has a look of faint but permanent worry about him. he walked onto the screen with a vibe of ‘...oh boy I don’t like where this is going’ and he’s just kept going ever since
in the book he’s kind of a flat character (whose one trait is Mad), I love that they’ve given him some depth and nuance here! probably partly down to the actor doing a great job, but this version has a real sort of warmth to him and also seems downright uncertain at times -- he thrives when there’s a clear goal and black and white sides, and is probably not  t h r i l l e d with the weird tentative political situation after they take down the wens lol. thank god he has his little brother to make ‘bitch please’ faces over his shoulder when the jin get weird about things
anyway I’m always on the ‘nhs you are SO valid’ train, but in this version nhs is quadruple valid, in fact only mianmian is more valid in this entire world
- one of my favourite parts of this show is when wwx enters a situation and the camera takes some time to zoom in on the faces of his family and friends to convey their sense of ‘oh god what the fuck is he about to say now’ dread    
- jiang yanli asking her little brother if he doesn’t want to stay with them anymore while crying is emotional kryptonite, help
this poor woman, she had to put all her points into emotional intelligence b/c god knows no one else in this family did
- hell YEAH lan zhan go break some rules!! treat yourself my guy
- hey sis if, theoretically, one hypothetically found oneself in -- for the sake of argument -- love with, as the case may or may not be, someone... how would one tell?? asking for a friend
- the whole summary of this fucking show is just ‘weaponized sibling feels’ everything hurts with foreknowledge why did I keep going
- aw no blindfolded kiss scene but here’s a scene with real earnest emotional intimacy stuff going on instead... I will joyfully take it your honor
- I do value and respect the translators giving us these subtitles so much... but they did also force me to read the words ‘bosom friend’ with my own two eyes right there and that was not very cool of them
- why oh WHY must jiang yanli, best person in the world, have been cursed with the horrible fate of being in love with the dumbest man on the planet
*jiang yanli juggling all the idiot men in her life* oh god my little brother is causing an international diplomatic incident again time to bUCKLE UP
oh ho ho you know shit is getting real when big sister gets mad I LOVE HER. suddenly you see she definitely her mother’s daughter after all lol
wwx crying because his sister just fiercely defended him in public... im uwu
- I hate jgy with all my heart but I do feel bad for him too. his barely faltering :) look while all his asshole relatives gang up on him sdfhskahf
- again the jin are dicks but when it comes to aesthetics they do go off, that’s such a beautiful shade of blue
- dsflhsdakjlfhsdakjfl sd this shot of lwj and nmj right before lxc drinks is the funniest framing imaginable b/c lwj is wearing a look of complete stonefaced
and meanwhile nmj, who presumably has seen lxc drunk before since they’re longstanding bros, looks worried as fUCK
- awwwww I do love nhs capitalizing all of jc’s attention so the others won’t start shit with him/so he won’t get to say something publicly he’ll regret later because he’s (understandably honestly) mad at his brother for making his life even more difficult than it has to be (I have every sympathy with wwx but buddy... buddy must you make everything more complicated for your bro every darn time this is a real delicate political situation and he’s not suited for that even without your antics)
it’s a very nhs move because he comes across as slightly boorish and rude and thus leaves jc blameless and thus protected, you can get so far if you have no self respect lol  
- showing us exactly how wen ning died is honestly a little too mean this is not fun
- good god this poor grandma has been through the wringer hasn’t she
- oh. oh wen ning, who never meant hurt anyone in his entire life :(
- listen okay the end is in sight just a couple more horrific tragedies to get through and then it’s the weird romantic comedy buddy cop antics of the current day timeline to ride to the end
- it cannot be overemphasized how much this lan zhan is Baby, I so desperately want to help and protect him
- I’m going to stop shouting out individual actors on this show they’re all goddamn brilliant haha (but am I tho)
- most valid person in the cultivation world mianmian
also enjoying the exemplification of nmj’s character that is ‘not sure how I feel about this dumb kid with the big mouth digging his own grave ever deeper but that girl’s got guts and I respect that’
- wen quing is getting a taste of the dangers and pitfalls of having wwx as a little brother dfhskdalfhsdaklj she and jyl should compare notes (he’s so good tho T-----T)
- how does wwx’s actor have such natural dad energy at such a young age, too powerful
- people give so little thought to how fucked up jc’s situation really is here, like he’s just being an asshole for the sake of it. spend three fucking seconds looking at it with some realpolitik in mind and realize that the clans around him have just shown that they can and will wipe out an enemy clan together if need be, and that his own sect hasn’t even gotten back on its feet after the war that almost wiped it out. like wwx is unquestionably morally right but has gone about it in such a way that it’s real fucking hard to support him without going down with him and how do you calculate that risk when you’re responsible for so many more lives than your own
also so sad about jc being so afraid this entire time that wwx would leave him like everyone else... and now he has :( jc doesn’t handle it well but then who would at this stage
- there is something so pure about a quietly horrified lan zhan getting Dad Advice from these guys (well he’s going to be needing it soon enough so)
oh the utter softness of his face looking at wwx and ah yuan ;_______; thank god, some fluff to bolster my heart before we set off into the last harrowing ordeal here
LAN ZHAN’S ENTIRE FACE LIGHTING UP AT WEI YING ASKING HIM OUT thank fuck there’s still some joy left in the universe
this poor love struck man, someone help him  
lan zhan conscientiously grabbing ah yuan’s toys is fskhdfksjdlfhskjdhf
- lan zhan looking around the demon subduing cave: babe I love you more than life itself but this is tacky as hell
- crying because wen niiiiiing
- crying because sibliiiiiings
okay this is the last time the three of them will be together and nominally happy, need to appreciate it through my tears
- actually I take it back please just let the bad thing happen now so I don’t have to live in suspense anymore lol (...this probably says a lot more about me as a person than I’m strictly comfortable with)
- the fact that none of wwx’s little adopted wen family are AT ALL intimidated by him anymore is just... it’s too much to bear
again tho this book/show is so willing to let you dwell in the emotional stages of things in a very fanfic sort of way, I think it’s what makes the sad parts so much worse (and makes you feel so incredibly attached to these characters)
- I gUESS it’s a testament to jin zixuan’s character that he has any decency at all, considering who his dad is and where he was raised
I’m cracking up at their dad being the one who still doesn’t trust jgy tho lol snake recognizes snake
- jgy’s faint look of ‘are you fucking kIdDiNg me rn’ whenever all these jin douchebags talk is very entertaining. if he didn’t go on to do all that murder and incest and (probably) infanticide I’d sort of cheer for him no matter what kind of sociopath he is
- not to be a downer or anything but isn’t one month a little premature to be celebrating the survival of a baby in fantasy old timey china tho
sometimes I feel like looking back at history is just seeing a whole lot of dead children (and this is why I think that even if god did exist it would be morally inconceivable to worship him! sorry just a quick detour into my personal grudge against the inherent cruelty of the world there, let’s move on)
- it’s uncomfortable to watch even the outlines of the jin sect’s slow insidious stranglehold on power. even these random shopgoing nobodies know that nmj is Not Happy about these watchtowers and that it’s probably going to happen anyway. the jin are snakes but at least they’re clever about it and I do kind of respect that
- oh everything’s about to go so wrong I hate it
NOOOOO don’t make the zombie baby fight, nothing good will come of this
- man this is hitting me worse than lotus pier actually I’m just... crying haha
it’s almost cathartic tho... there’s something about wen quing’s dignity and certainty that really helps? I just really wish they hadn’t brought the whole little group, god I want them to be okay so badly and ah yuan will be all that’s left and. and just throw me into the ocean and let me sink tbh
- I know this is all so much black cgi smoke (pls let us see the red version again at some point btw that was cool as shit) but the emotional metaphor of wwx that you can’t take on more and more of other people’s suffering and trauma and not care for yourself because you will lose control of that at some point is just. very nicely done. (he’s a bit of an odd serial codependent for a lot of the story, isn’t he. thank god lan zhan is not a quitter)
- jin zixuan’s mom is breaking my heart a little here. this lady has been married to THAT GUY all this time and now this as well. sorry lady, I guess jgy probably Took Care Of You at some stage after this
- a) this is just real good acting for wwx. this is the perfect level of unhinged for this, even though I’m always like ‘just. just shut your mouth for one time in your life and stop digging this grave any deeper six feet should be enough for anyone huh’ at this stage of the story and b) I am cackling inappropriately at the shot-reverse-shots between wwx, jiang cheng and jgy. jiang cheng looks like everything he ever loved is falling apart around him and jgy is like ‘oh wow I didn’t even have to provide him any rope he’s doing an excellent job at hanging himself without me’
I love wwx so much but it did take him an unconscionable length of time to realize that when you set big enough things into motion you will not be able to control who it crushes along the way or who might steer it in the wrong direction. other people exist and have agency and a lot of those people are bad honey :(
- ah yes lwj being stopped by a barrier made of the physical manifestation of wwx’s trauma when he tries to reach him :’) this is okay and cool and fine    
- it’s admirably obtuse of everyone to look at wwx at this stage and still think he’s in control of uh anything lol
- oh okay that went better than expected I don’t know if I’m just inured to sadness at this point
jiang cheng looking like a little boy clutching his big sister’s body is tugging at my heartstrings a bit tho
- ooooh this battle hardened intense lwj!!! I guess I can sort of see it now
- oh lan zhan 2, electric boogaloo
- finally! time for some comfort up in this hurt
- my man nmj still so fucking angry in the afterlife that anything even remotely connected to him is shaking with rage in sympathy in the real world. a mood
- fdsahfsjdklfhsdajk wwx being like ‘I can take everyone saying I was evil but how DARE you not mention I was also a snacc’
- when do you think nie huaisang really realized that his brother wouldn’t have children and that he was up for the sect leader seat next? nie mingjue seems to have known pretty far in advance himself and tried to prepare his brother accordingly, but that kid really didn’t want the job so I imagine he’d try to live in denial as long as possible
vaguely related: no other family is ever mentioned by either brother or anyone else, and nie huaisang straight out says that he is the only main disciple (I seem to remember and with the caveat that I might have misunderstood the translation) when there’s the talk of them being sent to the wen as hostages -- I suppose you sort of have to be very selective when your ancestral cultivation method is sketchy enough that you should keep that shit on the down low and you know people die young from it. so I think it’s possible if not probable that huaisang is the last of his family. isn’t that a fun little thing to think about? haha. ha. help me  
- this random street vendor is an unexpected strong comedy performance, every face he makes is pure gold
- fkshafkjsdhfasd best introduction of adult nhs
- the quiet luminous love on lwj’s face whenever he looks at wwx in the present... give this man all the awards. it’s nice that wwx gets to be scared and childish and vulnerable with someone who loves him no matter what too, he’s been through some shit
- oh okay I see so the reason they chose to make fatal journey the way they did was because they already had the set built
- *nhs dropping one set of robes like that one gif from anastasia to reveal another even more luxuriously dandy-ish set under it* oh wow what a surprise to see you two down here, coincidences amirite (anyway here’s the testament to all the sins of my ancestors & a trail of breadcrumbs to lead you to the murderer of my brother)
no wait that’s slightly later isn’t it. well the point still stands
- dead!nmj is truly a mood -- “I don’t know where I am, who I am or what the fuck just happened but I do know that I am PISSED OFF”
(actually in the book I found that almost comforting -- at least the dude got to spend his afterlife doing what he loved (i.e. being angry), but this more nuanced and sympathetic version being trapped like that just. makes me very very sad)
nice of him to stick around to play a few rounds of hot or cold with his little bro’s friends tho lol. I mean from what I understand of this take on canon it’s actually the spirit of his sword and not him in person? but close enough, let me keep him as long as I can okay
- jin ling getting his dumb ass cask of amontillado’d within ten minutes of entering the tomb smh
look at your ROBES young man what is your (other) uncle going to say??
- hAH what did I say. pedagogic mastermind jiang cheng at it again
enjoying the fact that they chose the floofiest most benign-looking of dogs to play this ~*terrifying hound*~ so much
I have a lot of sympathy for jiang cheng, and the actor is doing a good job at aging him up here (not as good as lwj’s but then you can’t beat perfection). the way he’s calcified into bitterness and anger b/c he can’t express his emotions in a healthy nuanced way feels very... real I guess, people get like that sometimes
- I am somehow really endeared to this version of jin ling. a dumb baby, but a baby
he consistently uses jiang cheng’s personal name too huh. well it is his brother in law I guess ETA: actually I’m an idiot ignore/forgive me, that’s jiang cheng’s courtesy name isn’t it. lan wangji is being salty/maybe-deliberately-maybe-not-(but-definitely-tho) distant/polite with him I think 
- y’know... as I watch lwj carry the love of his life around on his back with all the tenderness in the world and I see people in the comments yell about why do you always need everything to be gay they’re just good friends you’re all crazy... I realize all over again that there really is no level of queerness they’ll ever find legitimate or acceptable. which like. feels bad, but there’s also the freedom in remembering they are always going to be assholes no matter what I do, there’s literally no need to listen to them at any time.
- I am CRACKING UP; watching this episode right after seeing fatal journey sure is a treat hahaha. nhs really must enjoy the acting on a deep level because he is hamming it up and I am living for it    
“It’s nothing at all like unorthodox demonic cultivation methods!” he protests with his big innocent doe eyes, having yelled the exact same accusation at his brother within ten seconds of finding out about it dsfdskjha
- awww that’s such a sweet way of telling nhs who he is while both of them still get plausible deniability :’)
this show is making it a LOT easier to figure out nhs’ deal earlier just through visual storytelling and his reactions when lwj and wwx aren’t looking, but I guess you sort of have to do that without the benefits of selective POVs that you can do in written stories
- lan zhan’s little smirks are such a blessing
- can we talk about how INCREDIBLY rude lwj and wwx are being barging into other people’s ancestral tombs like they own the place. I know I said break some rules lan zhan but there’s such a thing as common decency too at least wipe your feet at the entrance or something
stop being big bullies!!! (nhs actually sounds a little salty at how debonair they are being lol he’s like yeah you’re doing what I want you to but you don’t have to be such dicks about it)
- nooooooo nmj don’t die ur so sexy ahaha (I jest so I do not cry godddddd my heart big brother come baaaaaaack)
I’m honestly finding it very hard to live with knowing that the last thing nmj saw in life was jgy having his little brother in his clutches D:D:D: looking at it like that... of course he came back mad as fuck, I’d probably do the same thing
- boys boys I love and support you but could you maybe not stand around talking about how this was totally a horrific murder like the murderee’s little brother isn’t standing right there?? i mean it’s useful for him but it’s kind of mean of you, I know neither of you were raised in a barn  
okay there’s wwx irrepressible protective instinct that’s better. I just... nhs standing there looking small and sad and soft and lonely isn’t the whole truth but it is part of the whole truth, it’s nice to see wwx being like this even after all those years. (the physical closeness in their friendship in their youth in this version is so gooood. outside of wwx the only two people we see nhs consistently allow close or seek out closeness from is his brother and MENG YAO, who can frankly burn in hell even more than usual for the flute thing in fatal journey.)
- lan zhan contemplating the inherent impermanence of everything good in the world and then immediately getting blackout drunk -- MOOD. also I have never seen a scene where someone so obviously was about to press a soft kiss to someone’s forehead or cheek, don’t worry wwx I see you through the censorship lol
(it’s incredible how well they’ve adapted the love story considering the fact that they technically uh can’t)  
- wen ning: shambles, zombie-like and disheveled with horror movie monster eyes, into frame
all of us: omg a BABY ToT
- live action drunk lan zhan is living up to the hype I am  d y i n g
this poor repressed man
fjskdfsdkjhf he could do sword fighting in his damn sleep probably
I will say that leaving ‘wei wuxian was also here’ is going to scare the crap out of these poor people whose only crime was keeping well fed chickens
- they r so in love someone hold me
- this nmj!kid I am LOSING IT, this is so cute I want to lie face down on the floor and cry
- the yi city arc is my least favourite part of this story, so I’m fortifying myself to get through a couple of hours of sexy baby xue yang here
- Dad/troll teacher!wwx is in fact everything
- oooh wwx has the same weird crooked fingers as me when they’re extended! just some small Facts About Your Friendly Neighbourhood Blogger there
- this is not at all a bad take on ah quing! she qte
- ‘what’s your husband look like?’ song lan, crying: beautiful
- xxc you didn’t think it was a little weird the dude wouldn’t tell you his name -- even a name -- all this time. honestly
I know you’re in a bad place and this is sort of a rebound thing from your actual true love but stop letting him gaslight you like this buddy :(
- I don’t know if I’m just a heartless monster but I honestly don’t care that much about anyone but ah quing in this little sideplot lol (probably my complete disinterest in xue yang tainting everything else)  
- xue yang and jgy: the ‘sad backstory dude still inexplicably extra mass murder’ club
- godddd I’m so bored I’ve listened to this guy cackle ~*madly and evilly*~ for three episodes now when will it fucking end
- lan jingjy you are VALID
- fhsdkfhsdkj can’t get over baxia being like ‘OI you two stop gazing soulfully into each other’s eyes for five seconds and get on with avenging me’
must be annoying spending your afterlife in a pouch third wheeling the two most obnoxiously in love people in the world, I think this spirit sword is being admirably restrained and patient all things considered
- big brother I am so sorry you had to hang out under there all this time while this boring bullshit plot happened above you ;________________________;
I’m actually not clear on what the nie sect does with the bodies of the dead -- the saber tomb seems to be exclusively for the weapons/we see that some of the cultivators will go down there while they’re still alive to sacrifice themselves... maybe they go in the walls? I guess nhs is breaking tradition in a lot of ways tho so who knows!
- ‘from what I’ve seen he’s not so bad’ wei ying he smilingly asked you to use POWs for target practice I’ll allow lxc to be this dumb but you really have no excuse
- this duckling in red is a gentleman and a bro, one to watch
- wwx seductively arranging himself in the open window to cover his panic fsdkjfhsda
- lot’s wife WISHES she had the level of salt jiang cheng does
- ‘if they ask me any weird questions I don’t know the answers to I’ll have to pretend to be a total psycho’
lan zhan, dragging his husband with one deadpan face: I’m sure that is going to be a huge feat of acting for you babe
‘but new problems appeared’  how is he such a mood
again tho you can give your unknowing accomplices so much space to investigate if you just don’t bother with self respect or dignity at any stage of the journey lol
- fjshdfkjlsahd that beat of lan zhan clearly taking a moment to contemplate the idea of wei ying confessing his love naked in public there
- uncle and nephew bonding time T________________T  
- fsakfhsadkjlfhsad I can’t deal with this mission impossible ass music in the background as a little paper gingerbread man scoots around the palace
whoever animated this was clearly having a lot of fun, I love the little details like his dangling legs and him rubbing his lil paper bum after landing
- poor qin su, one of the most screwed over people in this whole show. at least in the book he didn’t mean to
- ah su, you’re being very unreasonable about this, what is a little incest between friends
- straight culture is this being chill to keep in the adaptation but god forbid anyone got a loving queer kiss at any point (not blaming the showrunners at all, they’re clearly stretching the limits as far as they will go and maybe a bit more at a few points)
- YES SISTER CALL HIM THE FUCK OUT I always felt like she’s known something was a little off for a long time but never could put her finger on what exactly
- ‘can you still not let me go’ hey jgy you piece of shit who’s keeping whose head in a weird serial killer cabinet here
- he’s so beautiful and righteous and strong 😭😭😭😭 dage come back to us
(makes even more sense that he’s so pissed off about what jgy did if he’s already shown clearly that he’ll shut down the people fucking with him if it’s brought to his attention. he gave you every opportunity you little oh-it’s-never-really-my-fault worm of a man)
- another nmj about to cry warning needed here help me
the nie traits are undying loyalty, rage, and the intergenerational trauma of watching your parental figures succumb to death and madness through the same cultivation path you practice
- my cause of death: nmj’s eyes shining with unshed tears
this version has that edge of vulnerability to him, you suddenly do realize he was once just a kid watching his dad die a horrifying death and then having to take on all that responsibility and raising his brother
nie boys unfailingly devoted to the people under their protection I’m gonna go bury myself under a tree or something
- I’ve had to turn the volume down so I can barely hear anything b/c my emotions are too big to for my dumb body to contain already I can’t listen to this
- extremely sad but also a little funny that part of the reason nmj died was that he had no interest whatsoever in the arts. ‘music is music right?’ says local jock
- I’ve just been whimpering the last twenty minutes this is awful
- huaisang’s voice breaking on ‘big brother, it’s me’... sdlakhgsdjklfhsadjkghsdkjlfhdskljhgsdalkhgsdklgjhsdjklhgkdjslhgjskd I’m going to the bottom of the mariana trench and I’m staying there goodbye
- I can’t wait to watch nie huaisang end this putrid trash man’s whole career in the most devastating way possible tbh
- I’m just so SAD T______________________________T I hate jgy so much my heart burns with it I’m so glad he’s about to get some dramatic irony shoved up his -- but I digress
- haha poor jin ling standing there watching all this messed up shit like ‘O.O thanks i’m nine’
- I wish I was as good at passing the fuck out on command as nhs, I feel like it would solve a lot of my problems
- just some low key soulmate shit no biggie
- wwx is basically fantasy old timey naked again here the SCANDAL except no scandal they’re clearly married
- wwx is being so much more patient with lxc than I would have found it in my heart to be at this stage. he’s like ‘lxc you are my brother in law and I truly appreciate you and everything you’ve done for me but it’s sadly up to me to gently confront you with all the ways you’ve been a dumb ho just b/c you think jgy has pretty dimples 😔’
- “You’re not qualified to talk to me” oh lwj I love you so much. I thought committing murder was forbidden by the lan sect rules but there you go  
- it honestly baffles me that some people think nmj would be the strictest parental figure in this universe when a) everything about huaisang suggests otherwise and b) lan qiren is right there
madam yu has that ‘super unforgiving to her son’s face but will also tear anyone criticizing him a new one’ mixed energy too  
- lqr: I raised a perfect obedient righteous cultivator
me & wei ying: you’ve ruined a perfectly good boy is what you did look at him he’s too repressed to breathe
- well their dad clearly paid enough attention to worldly matters that two kids resulted from it, I’m not quite sure where we’re going with this lxc
one’s an accident two’s a pattern etc.
- wow I was so confused about ‘confidante’ being used here b/c it makes absolutely no sense in context, and the comments helpfully informed me that it’s more accurately translated to ‘soulmate’ or something like that; that does make a whole lot more sense yeah
- bb!lan zhan kneeling in the snow is more than anyone’s supposed to have to live with tbh
- lxc being like ‘so yeah my brother will keep loving people long after they’re gone and unable to give him love back! just a fun fact there, something to think about anyway here’s wonderwall’
- soft, ever-so-slightly messy haired at home lan zhan deserves the world
- oh wwx’s shift away from thinking the truth doesn’t matter at all to realizing the truth of you being held fully and with love by one person in your life is enough as lwj plays their song ;______________________________; this is almost more romantic than a kiss scene would be honestly jesus christ  
- little apple is the best of us tbh
- apologies but they have 100% started to fuck off-screen at this stage, the looks wei ying is giving him dsafasdfhsjkd
- I take it back mianmian and little apple are the best of us
- imagine just finding the light bearing lord, second peerless jade of lan in his immaculate white clothes, peeking out from between your hay bales one day
- the exponential increase in lan zhan’s blessed little smiles lately: my oh-they-fawking thesis is validated yet again
- wei ying lying through his teeth: of course I remembered your face at once who do you take me for  
(lan zhan: smirks in quiet satisfaction)
- walejhgskdjhgsjdaklfhsadjkflafhsjakdsf wen ning is so cute I don’t know what to do with myself
- wei ying this is where you first asked him out of course he remembers
- lan zhan is like ‘oh shit I forgot to tell him about our son and at this point I’m kind of embarrassed to bring it up’
- I am NOT thinking about the lotus pond they made for him here, you can’t make me
- ‘the worst time in their lives’ yeah, but there was such love there too. it  h u r t s 
- the actor for wen ning is so good at making his expressions look deeply earnest but also a little uncanny, like moving his face doesn’t come naturally to him anymore but his Good Boyness shines through
- DRAGGED in public by his own son. rip wwx he had a good run of it before his untimely murder
- wow thank goodness sect leader yao survived all this time, his death would as we all know have been a huge loss to society as a whole
- “I’m just here to round up the numbers” I love him more than I can convey to you in words
I’m a simple person, I hear nhs’ chronically befuddled voice and a burst of pure joy is released in my heart
sdfhjksadhfsad his soft little 😕 face peeking out from behind people’s shoulders fkjsdhfsdjal
- will I ever get enough of nhs masterfully manipulating a situation through his own apparent cowardliness and uselessness? no is the answer to that it’s always entrancing to watch
nhs as a teacher, nodding sagely as his disciples exchange glances: it’s never too late to go home instead of going big. saying ‘fuck this i’m outta here’ is always an option
- also nhs seemingly doesn’t use a saber at all anymore, where he at least used to have one back in fatal journey times. I’m very happy he’s trying some new things, time to break that very sad traumatic chain of dying young and furious
also him getting someone else to do the work of fixing the ward or whatever fskdfhaskdlf
teacher nhs, waving his pupils away b/c he’s busy painting or something: class dismissed. and remember, if at all possible, get someone else to do your homework for you. as long as you don’t get caught that’s an automatic A
- wwx is literally the cat surrounded by knives meme here lol
- lol lol lol wwx just removed his outer tunic thing to reveal lan zhan’s undershirt still under there and you can see lan qiren silently seethe with ‘that little hussy has seduced my nephew away from the righteous path’
(do I personally believe in slut shaming of any kind? nah it’s dumb as fuck. do I think lqr does? yeah)
- hahaha I can’t tell if nhs’ slightly glazed look here is b/c wwx did something he didn’t plan for him to do or if it’s because he’s for all intents and purposes half naked in front of them. (tbh I think there’s a case to be made in this version that he has a sort of wistful would-never-act-on-it-for-a-million-different-reasons-lan-zhan’s-furious-jealous-stare-being-foremost-of-them crush on both wwx and lwj from back when they were teens)
- WOW all these dicks inviting themselves to lotus pier!!! r u d e
- lan zhan flexing on lan qiren by raising a happy well adjusted child even while he’s mourning the love of his life: what like it’s hard
- wen ning kept that toy for sixteen goddamn years don’t touch me
- I’m crying about jin ling give me a moment. he is baby okay he’s even younger than ah yuan by at least four years
the image of him hugging the only thing he’s got left of his dad... fsdalkfhasdjlkfhsjdakhfsjdk
- lan sizhui has a crowd of good uncles/dads and poor jin ling has a crowd of utter disaster uncles and it’s very unfortunate (yes wwx is on both of those lists)
it is very sweet that it’s jiang cheng who consistently actually looks out for him, even in his feelings-wtf-are-feelings sort of way. the least disaster uncle, but only by comparison lol
- I think this ouyang kid might be duckling in red from before? LOVING the interspersed nhs reaction shots to him, anyway fsakdfh (I’m going to make it sad: how many conversations like this do you think he had with his brother as a kid? that’s fine we can both cry now I don’t want to be alone in this)
- ‘mr ning’ im Y___________________________________Y
- extremely Here for yet another full costume change from nhs hahaha (he’s changed at the boat already, god knows how he pulled that off but I’d expect no less from him)
- nhs must have been a sect leader for at least a decade at this point, and he still manages to exude such a powerful ‘kid at the adult’s table’ aura. incredible. mindblowing, inspirational
- ...oh they went with the same version of the previous jin leader’s death huh (but GOD FORBID that anyone should be openly gay amirite lol) O___O again though WHY is jin ling here, jiang cheng??????? he’s like sixteen, he’s never going to dare to even kiss anyone after this
- nhs has the look of a man who’s had to sit on this disgusting knowledge alone for years and finally gets to share that icky burden around, merry christmas everyone if I have to know about this so do you
- I don’t know if this is just me imagining things or reading more into it than what’s there, but I think nhs is actually sitting in the same pose his brother used to a lot in this part of the scene (the upright posture with palms resting at the top of the thighs/hips, fingers turned inwards/towards each other; it looks sort of... solid and self-contained, I guess)
- I would call jgy knowingly committing the incest character assassination if he’d had enough character to assassinate even in the book, I would never have put it past him
- y’know... god knows nmj had flaws (I think my immense depth of love for him in this version comes precisely from how hard he tries even while being deeply flawed. him dumb but him always trying :’) well actually he’s not dumb at all, he’s shown to be pretty darn politically savvy, I’m just having a hard time finding the right word here. ‘inflexible’ is maybe closer ), but the big defining difference between him and jin guangyao (and consequently xue yang) is that both of the latter are completely open about the fact that they see themselves as more important than anyone else -- xue yang considers one of his fingers worth more than fifty people’s lives, jgy kills twenty sex workers as a mere afterthought to his own revenge on his father. meanwhile nmj gets Messed Up by people dying under his protection to the degree that he came up with one of the dumbest plans I’ve ever heard just so he’d be the only one at risk, just so no one else would get hurt anymore. hmnghsjhfs.   
- wen ning, proudly: my sister was the best doctor in the world 
me, openly crying: she sure was buddy
- wwx: hey lan zhan are there any sweet patient lan ladies with an open mind around
lwj: ...why
wwx: I just think our zombie son should start thinking about getting friends, maybe even a real home
lwj, subtly relieved: oh
- nhs I need you to come in and end this man I cannot look at his awful face anymore
- ugh this garrotte sound effect is really unpleasant actually well done
- THERE HE IS!!! conveniently swooning his way into the scene again, my guy ;_______; smol and soft-looking and about to utterly obliterate a man on every conceivable level 
I love every moment of the camera dwelling meaningfully on his innocent vulnerable face, this is going to be so great 
it’s too bad he’s a behind the curtain sort of dude, I would kill for a poirot-style ‘I’m sure you’re all wondering why I’ve gathered you here in the library’ moment here lol
- tbh jiang cheng’s got a point about that whole ‘making huge sweeping decisions about someone else’s life and never telling them about it’ thing
wwx has sort of structured himself as a person so that you’ll never be allowed to really reciprocate his dedication and sacrifices (unless you’re lz lol), and while that is a very sympathetic trauma reaction essentially it is sort of a dick move interpersonally.
- the weight and wisdom that comes along with the scars of older wwx... you love to see it
- nhs, with effortless grace, rousing from his disney princess slumber just as the real drama’s about to begin... your honor he is simply the best
-  T__________________________________________________________T big brother 
- the tinge of coldness in nhs’ eyes while he watches jgy through this whole scene even as he keeps up the ‘im baby don’t worry about me’ act.............. fashdfjlksdahfslkadj, not to say askfksjhafkjsldhfkjsalhfksjaldhfkls
- to say that jgy has perhaps ‘gone overboard with this’ might be the biggest understatement of any century lxc
- watching him kneel by his brother’s coffin here I’d like to propose that Nie Huaisang has exactly the same capacity for all-consuming rage as the rest of his family, except he can’t just vent it by hitting something real hard with a haunted murder saber so he has to get creative and that was real unfortunate for Jin Guangyao  
- one thing that’s always tickled me is that nhs did give jgy the choice. the people around him -- the people he claims to love -- could have been left out of it, no dishonor being brought to either his name or any of theirs... if he’d been willing to sacrifice himself. (probably a gambit where he knew that was never going to happen, but still!)
- nhs standing there in the background like ‘yeah yeah we all have horrifying family legacies buddy, we just don’t knowingly marry our sisters or arrange for mass murders over it’  
- arguably killing the previous jin leader could actually count as a good deed if not for the horrifying way he did it lol. jgy all over, he could have done something helpful, *john mulaney voice* and then he didn’t he just killed nineteen innocent women while he was on a roll instead
- while it’s sort of bullshit that some responsibility is taken away from wwx in jin zixuan’s death here it’s also making a bit more sense to me like this -- seems like an uncharacteristic gamble from jgy to just idk hope wwx would lose control at exactly the right/wrong moment. wwx is still at fault for how casually he treated wen ning as a weapon when he didn’t know what the consequences could be, I’m okay with this
- jin ling and the terrible horrible no good very bad week :( protect him
wow lan xicheng let’s stand around some more letting this awful excuse for a person tell this sixteen year old boy that his parents deserved to be murdered basically, I’m sure there’s a lot more fruitful discussion still left to be had here  
- talk shit about nie mingjue’s brother get hit su she hell YEAHHHHHH
big brother still looking out for him I’m fsdklfhajsdlhf 😭😭😭
- I’M SO FULL OF FEELINGS ;________________________________; at least in this version the implication feels more like he’s finally at peace? (hilariously wwx managed to purge/cleanse the saber spirit, which is the entire conflict of fatal journey haha, nhs really did get his best friend to do his homework for him yet again, INSPIRATIONAL)
They did do away with any and all ambiguity around nhs here and I’m totally cool with it, that was awesome
- I’m playing the world’s tiniest little violin right now, wow much sad fuck you and your dumb hat
- may I just say that the fact that jgy uses his last moments on earth to make lxc, a person he proclaims to love, feel as bad as possible about his now inevitable death even though it clearly wasn’t really his fault... is just proof that he has never actually loved anyone at all except possibly himself 
contrast with wwx, who tells jc that he’s sorry, dries his tears in the here and now and says to let the past go because there’s nothing either of them can do about it now and there’s no point in hurting themselves over it again and again anymore. jgy has the opportunity to give a similar kindness here and instead twists and twists the knife, so lxc will be in as much pain as possible when he’s gone. he’d rather be kept alive in lxc’s suffering than let him, someone he ‘loves’, ever heal and be happy. anyway I hope hell is real shitty for you jgy
- jgy you absolute piece of shit you couldn’t let my man have TEN FUCKING MINUTES to nap in peace? after sixteen years of your fuckery? urgh bye  
- nhs looking at lxc sadly when lxc can’t see him... one last ‘I don’t know’ finally closing out his arc... I love all of this so much, there’s such a nuance of... he is genuinely a bit sad about causing lxc pain but he also doesn’t regret what he did At All. (I guess most of what he’s done must be pretty easy to rationalize/justify to himself, since the vast majority of his work went into finding the horrible shit jgy has done and showing them the way home to roost, rather than creating fresh suffering from scratch. and then there’s also the whole mo family but uh well eggs omelettes amirite lol)   
- lan qiren telling people not to run or talk loudly b/c they’re at a temple, even under these circumstances fhakjsldfhkjsdafhkjsaldhf 
- god the casting people for this show have a perfect track record of finding heartwrenchingly cute kids my GOD
- jfdsafhaskdjfh I love how they’ve done the moment with the hat -- the way the flashback sort of indicates that nhs does recognize on a deep level that the dude he just killed was someone’s son, was after all once an innocent child, like anyone... and again, it doesn’t make him regret it. he looks tired and sort of empty, but not like he’d take any of it back. he’s seen jgy for all that he was, good and bad, and made his decision. his reaction to seeing his hands ever so slightly stained with blood is mostly ‘...eh sure’ (and he knows none of this will ever bring his brother back and I am HURTING) . just. I love him so much what an interesting character 
- lan zhan raised a child who can talk about his feelings, unprecedented & wondrous 
who’s chopping onions in here
- never getting over ah yuan being the best person in the world at roasting his dad 
- okay okay okay I’m going to have some incoherent feelings here -- the expression on nhs’ face right after wwx asks him if he intends to be chief cultivator is just... hm. how do I describe this. it looks almost like he’s thinking ‘oh yeah I forgot you don’t actually know me anymore (yeah okay that’s my bad)’? the previous scene is about lwj and wwx, The symbolic representation of true love in this world, naming each other/knowing each other for exactly who and what they are. that’s the thematic victory in this story; to be truly known, accepted and loved for the entirety of who you are, if only by one person in your whole life. (notably all sorts of love, parental, familial, platonic etc., not just romantic/sexual) and to get his victory, nhs has had to completely forsake that because his whole plan hinged on it; he hasn’t been emotionally honest with anyone for well over a decade at this point. no one really knows or understands him, and if someone ever did he’s long dead now and never coming back. and in this one moment both wwx and nhs seem to come to the quiet understanding that neither of them are who they used to be as kids and it’ll never be like it used to be again, and reach a sort of live-and-let-live truce about it.  d u d e this goddamn story 
(after all part of the reason jgy is so incredibly terrified of nmj is that he’s the first person to see straight through his bullshit to who he is behind it, and that it’s u g l y  back there. jgy + nmj = being known without being accepted or loved (b/c honestly he doesn’t deserve to be loved or accepted yeah there we go I said it), jgy + lxc = being accepted and loved without being known, which turns into disaster all around.)
- man this was actually a really solid adaptation, it was excellently done! they did rush a bit towards the end there (it was never explained why jgy didn’t kill sissi along with all the other sex workers in this version, for example, leaving a rather substantial plot hole, and they never reveal why exactly lan zhan had to take over as sect leader which breaks off lxc’s arc at the end), but all in all that was wonderful and even added some stuff I liked better than in the book! now please god never let mtxt write a sequel, just let them be in this happily ever after, all of them have been through enough ;________;
- also the music was truly epic! I don’t even begrudge them using some parts more often and blatantly than what’s probably necessary, I want to wallow in this love theme as much as the next person lol
- what am I going to do with hours upon hours of my life now? I don’t know either, I suppose I will just have to find some way to hobble on 
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thegayfromrulid · 5 years
Every time I think about Eugeo's death, thinking I'm finally over it, I notice I'm not over it at all. It's been like half a year, what on earth? I usually cry once and get over it but this time the sinking feeling just won't go away. Is anyone else as affected?On another note, does anyone plan on going to pillowfort? Or is there a discord I can join? I've abandoned tumblr since the apocalypse, so it's been kind of lonely. Btw I'm really glad for every ff you post. Thx
Oh man, anon, what a mood. It’s been ages since I first read the novel and read about his death and I just. I keep crying. I won’t bore you with a monologue, but Eugeo as a character means so much to me because of some traumatic things and it just broke my heart. I’ll never not cry. 
I, uh, had to look up what Pillowfort is. Haha. I’m big dumbass. I have no idea if people are moving there- I’m not, but I’m also quite comfy in my little Tumblr corner. I can reccommend a few Discord servers!
S-(G)A(Y)-O Server: https://discord.gg/nHG7fAt
Fun, casual chit-chat, lots of happy-to-be-your-friend LGBTQ SAO fans!
SAO Fanworks: https://discord.gg/dCkQRAt
My server, which is mostly a spot to share fan-made content. We also do a bit of chit-chat sometimes!SAO Photo Dump: https://discord.gg/EfW2zUw
Full of SAO official art, and they have a casual chat channel as well! 
And. Thank you? So much? I’m? I’m so glad you like my fics! I’ll keep working hard to bring good content to my AO3 for you!
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bilgisticallykosher · 5 years
Reminder that I’m totally down to give specific warnings or descriptions or help people navigate through the video if anyone needs.
Warnings (aside from the obvious): Long post, lots of caps lock, long rambling with a large degree of incoherence. I titled this “me screaming at the new video” in docs. I was real accurate.  It took me over 2 hours to watch this thing because I kept pausing to not shut up. This is 5 pages in docs.
Okay, JUST looking at the cover, I-  are those tentacles? IS this a new side? Octoside? I can already hear all the names were going to give him. Oliver, Octavio, October wait no that’s already a Sanders shorts. Okay, intrusive thoughts, that's… Roman’s already a supplier of those. Fandom agrees, “Don’t think about your naked Aunt Patty.” So, maybe Depression? Anger? Or, is it Roman still, after all? Because I see the word Creativity there. Or tentaclereativity. So it’s still Roman, but I’m convinced that his opposite is Virgil, although I’m also sure that they implied Pride in the Halloween episode. Something about “proud of it” and then they said “let’s table that discussion for another time.”
Ugh, Roman’s been doing so wonderful on his own. He’s just been owning up to insecurities, and it’s been great. This is going to be highly related to him. Although, Patton looks like the one trying to block him out? Roman’s concerned, Logan’s miffed, Virgil is angry, and oh my god is that a MOUSTACHE OKAY I’M WATCHING. 
Content warning, oh my gosh, they were not kidding. Does that seriously say death and blood and gore? I’m just getting more hype. I mean, intrusive thoughts, I’m sure nothing will permanently, physically happen to them.  (Goodbye Fresh.) 
Dark circles under Thomas’s eyes, implication of sleep deprivation, or something with Virgil?
“The human connection will make me feel more like a person,” I came here to have a good time and honestly I’m feeling so attacked right now. Credits! Great job everyone! I know everyone worked real hard on this. 
Okay, Thomas in his robe, very reminiscent of Excepting Anxiety. Blasé attitude, too. Hmm, trouble sleeping (tires), overstating ‘everything going wrong,’ definitely seems like Virgil’s territory. 
Woah there he is. He’s, he’s really angry? And Patton’s voice is strained. What is happening, does Patton know……whatever, or WHOever? Yeah, he’s shifty eyed. He knows. Virgil definitely knows, and it’s not him. Oh man oh man. Oh, confirmed, they’re in on trying to avoid the conversation. GREAT TEAM WORK, PAT! Doing great, buddy. 
Roman’s rhymes are amazing. Definitely misery, though. Alright, so Thomas is having thoughts that make Virgil act up, and either he’s telling Patton, or Patton knows because of emotions. 
Roman’s so much better at summoning than Logan. And Logan knows?! Ooh, sore spot for them here. Patton oh noooo. That’s easy for you to say? 
I love the idea that, 1, Logan Falsehood’d as a reaction and an example on purpose, and 2, that he’s got a limit of one per day. 
ALRIGHT! I’ve got it. They don’t want Roman to know because he’s going to, intentionally or not, expand on whatever the thoughts are. He’s Creativity and dreams, it’s what he does and he’s not going to be able to help it, intrusive thoughts, this IS Roman-centric! Poor boy. (Kraken, sushi. Those tentacles mean something. Also the tentacle represents the C, I understand the title image now.) Yeah, they don’t want him inadvertently going into daydream mode. 
I have never seen this movie. These are freaking top-notch jokes, though. WOAH, THOMAS. Not good. Really not good. I’m still hype. Oh, is that the sort of death mention that
Television: [has hands]
Me: [strangled squeaking noise] 
Okay, I’m having, okay. Okay. Okay. I’m fine. I just. I need. Okay. I’m fine. Need a moment. Freaking out, in, a good way? I just. Really unexpected, even though I saw the hands. Oh my gosh. Can the others see him????? Because they’re looking at Roman they should see him. I didn’t know I could make that noise, but apparently I can. And I can hold it. And make it slowly go higher pitched. Okay. Okay. I’m fine now. Maybe. Okay. Hypening.
OH THEY CAN okay, oh dissonant voice. What sort of overdramatic staff is this dork NO ROMAN. 
THE DUKE?! WHAT!!! Getting heavy Warfstache vibes, btw, and why does he have a grey streak? Virgil and Logan are unconcerned about Roman, so I guess he’s fine. 
Is this a song? What is his outfit, omg. His mustache is fabulous. His eyes are kinda ringed.  in purple? 
What is happening, oh my god. Oh here’s the religious commentary, I guess. This is fine, I’m okay with this. But he’s playing Adam AND Eve himself. Dramatic dork confirmed. Oooh, you lack imagination. He IS Roman’s opposite, dang. I was so sure it was Virgil. Also YES green’s my favorite color! 
Hahaaaa! Tiny little aunt Patty naked post-it! Patton’s so distressed, Virgil ANGERY. A to Z is incredible. I missed some lyrics there; I’ll catch it when I watch it with captions the next five times. I mean, uh, no, I’d never… ten times. Nice blood spatter! What is he doing to them! What’s with the size thing? Is that a thing he can do? Or creative (heh) liberty due to song? 
SNAKE how’d I not guess that from Adam and Chava SNAKE IT’S SNAKE!
I don’t get the hand image. What is that? So far kind of the same sort of vibe from Deceit and Duke- oooh, both Ds. The whole, own up to who you are, stop lying to yourself. 
“You’ve got a fiend in me!” “Squeak!”
Oh, oh no, he’s really not quite like Deceit. He’s saying that these things make Thomas evil. Definitely not a Deceit thing to do. 
EDITING PRAISE! YOU GUYS. You guys are incredible, you did such a good job. 
“I’m your Creativity!” Officially calling those things fart trumpets. 
Oh, is he actually Creativity? Okay I’ll roll with it. Oh my gosh it’s only ten minutes into it and I can’t shut up. Virgil is so uncomfortable. 
Never bring [Jeffery Dahmer] up again got a GREAT face from Duke. Oh man. Is that true about him trying to repress those thoughts?
WHITE BEAR that episode of Black Mirror might make more sense now. 
Impressive hair blowing from Virgil, that’s the hair blowing equivalent of what Dr. Horrible did with his fingers in Brand New Day. 
Patton called Roman handsome, and I knew that second most handsome prince bit in the last episode was something he’d say, not just him trying to be all lawyer-y! (Ooh, foreboding music…)
Honestly, Logan was, if anything, even more chill about lying in CLBG, and Deceit in general (his scales are quite smooth). By comparison, he’s going off on the Duke. OOH, I KNEW THAT ABOUT THE WORD DORK! 
Ohhh my gosh the costumes are opposites! I, almost realized that, about color theory, and then forgot about the sash. And those shoulder pads are massive, Duke! Did you steal Roman’s puppet chin to make those? 
Joan! Haha, I love it, definitely something they would do. Interesting, you can hear an overlay of Joan’s voice, and Duke’s voice. Why can’t the Duke do it as well as anyone else? What did Virgil realize during the twin explanation? Hey, Cayin and Hevel, more Genesis. 
Did he mention friends and family? Oh my gosh, self-immolation is terrible, I looked it up. Like, uh, suicide for a public purpose, or to make a point? 
Laugh! Dork laugh! There’s the implication of them knowing each other. 
Oh, okay, okay. So, Virgil’s anxious, because in and of itself, whatever it was that he was thinking/obsessing over was bad. His anxiety is, well, cognitive distortions. That’s why everyone’s all bothered. Yeah, point to Logan on that oh my god, what is that camera angle, I love it.
Duke is JP confirmed. Ripped off nipples. JP from Wade’s (lordminion777) circle of friends, salty boys. That’s still their official name, right? Anyway, he’s JP.
Oh, I saw dripping off of that hand. That sequence is getting longer every time. 
Who are those, I don’t recognize them? “I’m about to smash the Hulk” you guys I think I love the Duke a little bit a lot. 
Patton, no, that’s- Patton! “That’s what repression is?” Ooh, tense Virgil moment with Logan. Yet, also touching? 
“Well THAT can’t be where the bar is.” !!!
Weird Duke blink during religion talk. It’s so funny looking at this though a Jewish perspective. It’s similar, but just a little off. And we don’t do the 7 deadly sins thing. 
Wait it’s coming from Virgil?! Uh, uh, anxious about being a bad person, subconsciously projecting it onto Thomas?
Patton too?! Oh, wait, yeah, this comes back to repression that makes sense. Oh my gosh, Logan. ! Can the Duke do the Deceit silence thing oh no, no he can’t. Close. Teeth are an improvement I think. 
Hey isn’t there an incorrect quote about Virgil drinking shampoo? 
Remus?! Oh my gosh are you KIDDING me? A new side, PLUS his name? Oh, oh that’s so clever, Roman. Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus. So clever! And definitely butt trumpets, from earlier, because AVPM’s Lupin had butt trumpets. 
Oh, direct shot and reaction at Virgil not hiding anything. And okay, I’ve changed my mind like 10 times, but I think I get it now. Haha, Logan! It was like a pop quiz! And Thomas cursed!
The scream darkened the room, that was awesome. But nobody cared. Ah, secretly a Patton and Virgil arc! 
Oh my god, Patton had a look of realization when Virgil was listing off things, is he going to tell him to not skip the callback?!
[Sad poopy noises.] Logan’s on fire today! Yes! 
Oh, he’s gone? Ha, nope! Oh it got worse, haha!
Patton, control, it’s happening! Oh, wait no. 
Virgil really used to fear him? And, oh, what were those exchanged looks during “just like old times”? Logan and Patton, and maybe Roman figured it out? Does Virgil know that? 
Nerdy Wolverine. Ahh, cool! Dukey problem! Oooh return of “I don’t like him.”
What, brother?! So that’s an actual thing now? But okay, alright, I guess Logan’s thing from before. NOPE EVERYTHING’S FINE NEVER COMING BACK. Romaaaaan.
Dark sides? “Others.” Oh, Thomas for sure doesn’t know. Oh dear. OH MUSIC it’s swelling oh my gosh, he’s going to tell, he’s going to tell.  Gasp! He told, and oh, so sad, and oh no he’s just sinking out?! My poor baby little precious oh I immediately see why Patton had a problem with coddling him.
Oh, oh Thomas is so confuddled. There’s going to be so many angst fics. I will read them all. 
Alright, actually a hilarious ad.  Way to incorporate intrusive thoughts into it! END CARD holy- REMUS! Oh the deodorant. And again. Nice knife, he’s going to- yep, deodorant. Oh he’s done, but he’ll have another- yep. What the heck is it, actually? 
THERE’S A SNAKE IN MY BUTT! PFF that’s going to be some fics also. Officially: I love Remus. 
Final thoughts; I’m in love, I was so wrong about “they wouldn’t throw a new side or plot relevance at us with all these warnings,” everyone freaking outdid themselves, this must have happened so soon after Selfishness vs. Selflessness, I love him, I really dug a lot of that humor, my taste in music is way worse than anything Remus threw at us (ask me about that), WHAT WERE THE THOUGHTS with the dripping hand bit, S v. S part 2 is definitely the next one, and I freaking love this video. 
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