#(I say this about almost all billy joel songs)
togansweep · 6 months
tom wambsgans // the stranger - billy joel
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macfrog · 17 days
birds of a feather | joel & ellie
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y'all listen to the new billie eilish album? there's a song that reminded me of a couple of someones.
pairing: joel miller & ellie williams summary: joel surprises ellie on her sixteenth birthday. warnings: nada. just me loving hard on this pair. word count: 1.5k
main masterlist | follow @macfroglets w notifs on to be the first to hear when i post 🤍
Oh, my god, it is a dinosaur.
She didn’t actually believe it would be. I mean, it was her first guess – but where the fuck is he going to find a dinosaur way the hell out here? She was kidding.
Wasn’t a convertible, wasn’t a puppy, wasn’t even a lotta kittens. A litter. Whatever. It wasn’t a new pair of sneakers, nor a comic book collection. She’d almost run out of ideas, when she spotted the tail through the bushes.
Is that–? Is he seeing this, too?
It’s, like, three times the size of her. No, wait – five times the size of her. Ten? She’s gotta ask Joel.
Two thick, stocky legs planted firm into the earth. Draped in ivy and spattered with moss – the thing actually looks prehistoric. Head lifted to the canopy; teeth bared in a silent roar. His little arms – alright, they’re actually kinda fuckin’ cute – frozen, reaching for something.
It’s right fucking there. Right in front of her. A motherfucking dinosaur.
Her hands fly to her head.
“Joel!” Ellie cries, and she can hardly feel her legs with giddiness.
Joel lingers a few steps behind her. He kicks a heel through the mucky grass, just watching. Smiling like an idiot, letting the ripples from the kid’s glee wash over him. It’s like the zoo all over again, or that time he found a Savage Starlight poster while out on patrol.
Ellie’s laughter is ticklish, vibrating through his veins. She pumps her fists and sizes up the monster. She says holy shit, Joel three times before she takes a step closer.
The sun trickles through the leaves, haloing over the Rex. It’s warm, but not too warm – and the swim on the way helped cool them down. It’s a bit of a hike to get here. He’s just glad it’s a nice day.
He was, truthfully, a little nervous about it. About bringing her here. He’s never had a sixteen-year-old to plan shit for. What if she didn’t like it? Hell, what if she thought it was fucking lame?
But Ellie wades waist-deep into the moat instantly. She pulls herself through the murky water straight to the plaque, and whips out her journal.
And Joel knows he’s fucking nailed it.
“King of the tyrant lizards,” she announces, making sure she gets the spelling right. Her tongue pokes from the corner of her mouth as she sketches.
Joel wanders over to her side, hand combing through the tangles of leaves drooping from the dinosaur’s belly. He swats fluttering flies away from his face.
The water sloshes around her feet as she rounds the tail. It’s slippery with slime. She crawls over threads and vines, soles scuffing up the spine.
“What are you doin’?” he asks, a chuckle patching over cracks of sudden fear.
“I’m climbing a dinosaur!” Ellie yells. She hesitates on the snout – though only for half a second, because fuck it, how many times am I going to jump off a motherfuckin’ dinosaur? – and then she’s plummeting.
Joel’s stomach flips. He staggers into the water, breath clamped in his throat until she resurfaces again.
She’s still wearing that dumb as shit smirk. It probably didn’t flinch, the entire fall. “Did you see that?” she gasps.
Jesus. Yeah, he saw it. He pulls a hand down his face.
It’s been a year, little less than. They’re used to it by now – the slow turn of life in Jackson. Breaking bread in the dinner hall, calling the woodland creatures by whichever ridiculous names Ellie christens them with.
It took a few weeks, but eventually, their heartrates settled. Their fists loosened. They relaxed into the quiet, found respite in the negative space.
Tommy joked for the first little while that Joel had a shadow he couldn’t shake. She’s five-three, red hair, and she carries a switchblade everywhere she goes. Following him close enough that she felt more like a phantom at his heels.
Joel never minded, and he still doesn’t. He’s long forgotten the feeling of being alone – as quickly as he acquired it, it seems. These days, he waits at his kitchen table for the kick of the backdoor, the slump of a still half-asleep teenager opposite him.
He wonders how he ever got by so long without it.
He leads Ellie into the museum.
Everything looks exactly how he left it. A jungle of a building; shattered glass and overgrown grass, a muggy smell lingering in every dim corner. The stuff he deliberately left for her to stumble upon when she got here: a Giants of the Past brochure, the stupid hat he knew she’d force him to wear.
A marshland wasteland, and she still sees the magic in every square inch.
She throws fact after fact at him. Fruit flies and moon landings, gunpowder and Yuri Gagarin. She knows a shit ton, if the stacks of books on her desk are anything to go by. And when Joel tells her how smart she is, Ellie smiles smugly to herself and thinks up ten more facts, just for him.
He thinks of her books and their awkwardly long titles, the faded pictures on all the covers. Astronauts and nebulas and faraway suns. He offers the one thing he remembers from school back at her: My very educated mother just served us nice pizzas.
She’s never even heard of it.
But she’s impressed, and she repeats it to herself as she explores some more. Turning back at every new artifact she finds, beckoning Joel over with a flapping hand.
He wanders after her, thinking up questions he’s sure he already knows the answers to – just so she can tell him again. Just to see her face light, to hear her ramble as she explains.
And nine times out of ten, she corrects him, anyway.
The space shuttle is spotlit under a dome roof, more ivy spilling over the top. A little heap of machinery, succumbed to the nature around it. They crank the door open together, and a springtime heat floods from the cockpit.
Joel stops Ellie from climbing in. “You’re goin’ into space,” he says, leaning on the warm metal. “You’re gonna need a helmet.”
Her eyebrows lift. “Oh, right. What was I thinking?”
They’re too big for her – all three helmets. They’re clunky and clumsy, the visors a little grubby and distorted. But she pulls one over her head and jogs back to Joel, hoisting herself into the shuttle.
It’s cramped inside; stifling even with the door wide open. Joel feels his back twinge as he settles into the seats. But he doesn’t mind, and neither does Ellie.
She flicks button after button, her elbow knocking against his. Explosion sounds rumbling from her lips. Her breath clouds the inside of her helmet.
He could lie here all day beside her. In this quiet corner of the world, where time stands still. Guarded by the Tyrannosaurus Rex out front. Just him and his kid, listening to her mimic engine noises and pretend to lift them both into space.
But he’s hellbent on timing it perfectly. So just as she sounds the roar of a seamless takeoff, he slips the tape from his chest pocket.
“Happy birthday, kiddo.”
Ellie blinks at the cassette. “What is this?”
“This…” Joel says, pinching it in two fingers, “…is a thing that took a mighty effort to find.”
His handwriting is carved into the label. It’s the first gift – real gift, birthday gift – she’s ever been given. Thought out and made up, addressed to her and placed in her hands for keeps. All hers.
She clicks it into her player and hooks her headphones in, thumping her helmet back over her head. She jams a thumb into the play button, and –
He did remember to rewind the tape, right? It’ll play from the start, won’t it?
Joel’s heart begins to thud. He shifts uncomfortably.
Shit, what if it spoils the surprise? What if she hits play, and the first thing she hears is –
Ellie’s head lifts. Her eyes are wide. She grins, and so does he.
He fucking nailed it.
She closes her eyes, the staticky babble of mission control in her ear. His voice tickles, pulling a wide grin across her face. 10, 9, 8, 7…
The shuttle shudders as it shoots into space. She’s holding her breath, holding until he announces liftoff on Apollo 11. The naked sun stretches over her visor, red under her closed eyelids. It disappears somewhere in the distance.
Ellie lands slowly, carefully, back in Wyoming. She blinks her eyes open.
Joel’s still right beside her, hands clasped on his chest. He waits for her to turn, waits to check her expression. He asks it softly, earnestly.
“I do okay?”
Her cheeks ache with smiling. She clutches the tape player tighter, replies through a giggle.
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
There might be nothing outside of this shuttle. Perhaps there was nothing to begin with. They might’ve shot straight past the earth’s atmosphere, might actually be among the stars. And it might not even matter, if they are.
Everything is right here. The sun and the moon – the entire universe between them.
Joel breathes a relieved laugh. His chest loosens, his heart settles back into place behind his ribcage.
“You’re welcome, kiddo.”
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libraryofgage · 9 months
@holyangelstudentuniverse requested the following: Steve working at Bath & Body Works while Eddie is the mall pianist?
I love it omfg, your brain is fantastic I hope I did the idea justice
(if you see any typos no you didn't <3)
The old food court pianist was...okay. Technically, she was good; she knew how to play and rarely made mistakes. She was also clearly just there for the bi-weekly check (not that Steve can blame her), and her playing reflected that. The piano became the ideal white noise, loud enough to lessen the awkwardness of any silence but not so amazing that people couldn't ignore it in favor of conversing with each other.
The new food court pianist? He's a fucking enigma.
He's very clearly skilled, and he seems to actually enjoy the job. He plays like Billy Joel and Elton John met one night, had a piano contest, and then had a baby to create the perfect pianist. He's great and energetic and can play anything from Mozart to fucking Cardi B, and Steve wishes he'd quit already so he can actually focus on his own shitty mall job instead of getting absorbed in the guy's playing.
"You should just hook up with him," Robin says one day, hip-checking Steve as she passes by with a box of Cherry Blossom products. She restocks the soap bottles first, then the perfume, then the lotions, and finally the tiny hand sanitizers with their shitty little plastic flip-caps that Steve swears break for the fucking fun of it.
Steve, meanwhile, is replacing last week's sales signs with new ones. They're the exact same. They rarely change, actually. The only difference is the "expiration" date at the bottom, which changes if only to continually sell customers that sense of urgency that results in them buying $50 worth of products they'll forget about until the holidays come around and they need white elephant gifts.
He's almost done, too. All that's left are the signs by the metal gate pulled down over the store's entrance. They'll open it in about an hour to prepare for the mall's opening, but for now, it's staying down to discourage the mini-bodega clerk in the middle of the hall from flirting with Robin and trying to sell her shitty perfume like she can't just steal shitty perfume from Bed Bath and Beyond at the end of the day.
He waits until after he's switched the sign to turn around, arms crossed over his chest. His back is to the gate, and Steve would normally be too fucking paranoid about a blind spot to withstand it, but he's in argument mode.
"I barely know the guy," he says.
Robin snorts as she crouches, stocking extra hand sanitizers in the tiny drawers at the bottom of the shelf. "Yeah, but I know you, dingus," she says, her voice light and bouncing. "You hear the guy's muzak version of a Lil Nas X song and you're ready to marry the guy."
"I can just recognize artistic ability! Have you ever tried to make a pop song sound like a classic?" he asks.
"My point," Robin says, pushing some hair out of her face, "is that you should ask him out. Maybe you two can play piano together."
If she hadn't already heard it before, Steve would be immediately launching into an explanation of why that wouldn't work. Steve has never met someone he liked or trusted enough to actually play with them. Sure, he's tried playing with a partner before if only to say he gave it a shot, but it sucks. Especially when you don't like the person. You're squished together on an uncomfortable bench, sharing sheet music, elbows bumping as you both try to reach the proper keys to keep the song from sounding horrendous. It's Steve's personal version of hell on earth.
But Robin has heard that rant before, so Steve graciously spares her from hearing it again. For now. Until he's drunk, probably.
"What, I'm just gonna waltz up to the piano and ask if he's free on Saturday? Or, I don't know, try some dumb pick-up line like asking if he comes here often?"
"I'll be honest, it's not the worst pick-up line I've heard."
Steve and Robin jump, both whipping their head to look at the grate to see the food court pianist grinning at them (well, more specifically, he's grinning at Steve) from the other side. He's wearing a button-down black shirt with ripped skinny jeans, old Converse, and more accessories than Steve can count. There are chains on his jeans and a guitar pick hanging from his neck and an ear cuff and a stud through the edge of his eyebrow and so many chunky rings that Steve could use as an excuse to stare at his hands for an hour.
Robin is the one who breaks out of the shock first. She jumps to her feet and walks over to Steve, resting her arm on his shoulder and leaning against him. "But would it work?" she asks.
The guy grins wider, obviously looking Steve up and down to check him out before looking at Robin. "From Stevie here? Yeah. He's really rocking the apron," Eddie replies, winking at Steve.
Steve is about to ask how the guy knows his name, but then he remembers the name badge on his apron. He clears his throat, tearing his eyes away to glance down at Robin.
She seems to be having the time of her life right now.
"Well, uh, I'd prefer to know your name before trying any pickup lines," he says.
"Eddie Munson at your service," Eddie says, bowing to Steve with a dramatic flourish that he finds more endearing than anything else.
One look at Robin and her scrunched nose tells him she thinks it's a little over-the-top and, dare he say, cringe. Her opinion doesn't actually matter, though, since she'd be down bad for any girl that curtseyed at her.
Steve looks back at Eddie, noting the now expectant gleam in his eyes. He can't help an amused smile as he says, "Well then, Eddie," Steve says, stressing his name a little just for the fun of it, "come here often?"
Robin groans next to him. "Fucking hell, Steve," she mutters, slapping him upside the head. "I know you suck at flirting but you really couldn't come up with something better?"
"No, no," Eddie tells her, waving his hand dismissively. "I'm into it."
"And I'm out of it," Robin says, raising her hands in surrender before scurrying back to her Cherry Blossom products.
She's definitely still listening, though.
Steve rolls his eyes are her reaction and focuses back on Eddie. "So, uh, are you free on Saturday?" he asks.
"Completely free," Eddie says, taking a step closer to the gate and shoving his hands into his pockets. "How about lunch?"
"Yeah, I know a great pizza place."
"It's a date then," Eddie replies, winking at Steve. "By the way, any song requests?"
Steve blinks and thinks for a minute before asking, "Do you know Vienna?"
Eddie's grin tells Steve that he does, in fact, know Vienna. "Vienna it is." With that, he winks at Steve once more before heading back to the food court.
"That was painful," Robin says once he's far away enough.
Steve rolls his eyes and flips her off. "You're just jealous I've got a date and you're still too chicken shit to approach the Nike girl."
Robin practically squawks at him. "Oh, fuck you," she says.
"I'll leave that to Eddie, thanks," Steve says, laughing when Robin gags.
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ash5monster01 · 6 months
Favorite Song
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader
Warnings: angst, mentions of trauma, established relationship, language, loss, S4 spoilers.
Summary: Usually when people break up they don’t have to see each other again but that’s not the case for you and Steve Harrington since the evil that lurked in Hawkins will always tie you together.
word count: 1k
a/n: a short one for my Steve girlies, this idea was too cute not to write. hope you all love it <3
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Before you knew about the dangers that lied below your town you always found it weird that Steve and Nancy had still talked. You tried to not let it bother you and it didn’t make sense until you and Steve decided to spend the summer working together in the mall. You quickly learned exactly why they still had to talk. Not many people in this town shared the nightmares that came with the knowledge of evil here in Hawkins. Needless to say you never bothered him about it again.
Funny thing was you never expected it to happen to you. You and Steve had broken up, and you had tried desperately to stop it. Thing was, he couldn’t shake the trauma of everything that happened to him and as a result it was hurting you. Yet now, as the dangers return to your little town, you’re finding yourself in exactly Nancy’s position. Side by side with your ex, trying desperately to fight instead of focusing on the other. You hadn’t really had the chance to talk, too busy making sure Max was safe from Vecna who was actively trying to kill her.
With that knowledge you’re unable to sleep, eyes scanning over each of the kids deep in slumber, scattered across the basement floor. Apparently you are not alone in this either. You can sense Steve is awake across the room. After his scare with Max you figure he won’t sleep again until Vecna is defeated. Until then he’ll be on guard, eyes never leaving any of these kids. They meant everything to him and you knew that.
“What’s your favorite song?” the question surprises you in the silence of the basement. Especially coming from Steve’s raspy voice, the one he always had after not talking for a while.
“Hmm?” you furrow your brows, eyes falling on his form.
“Your song? Just in case” you can hear the fear in his voice. You know this is bothering him. He had probably been spending all day trying to remember each of your favorite songs so you wouldn’t end up hurt like the others. It’s your silence that keeps him rambling.
“I mean now we know Max’s and I know Dustin’s already, anything Madonna will work for Nancy, Lucas told me his already. I just want to know yours, it’ll make me feel better to know yours” your heart aches for him from across the room. You miss him and now as you sit here, trying to get rest before inevitable danger, you want him to see you again even more. Standing from your spot you carefully maneuver yourself around the room to sit beside him. Steve welcomes it as your leg brushes against his own.
“Longest Time, Billy Joel” you tell him softly, trying not to look him in the eyes because he knows that song. It was your song after all. Just like you hadn’t been able to let him go you hadn’t been able to let the song go.
“Really?” his voice is hopeful and you almost feel guilty for bringing it up. You had never wanted to leave Steve but he wasn’t ready to give you his all yet. The exact danger you’re in now proving that. All of this didn’t mean you don’t miss him. You missed him every single day.
“Yeah” you look up to him and he can see it in your eyes. That look of love and the warmth radiating from you stirs something inside of him. He had already lost you but sitting here next to him now it didn’t quite feel like it.
“It’s my favorite too, just in case” he whispers to you and you smile, a soft chuckle falling from your lips.
“Okay Stevie, just in case” you repeat back to him as you grab his hand. His heart rate picks up as you lace his fingers through your own and hold the intertwined hands on your lap.
“I didn’t think it was your favorite anymore” he says and you sigh, your heart aching with love and fear. You know it’s not the song he’s asking about, he’s asking about him.
“You’ll always be my favorite Steve, you just couldn’t love me the way you wanted to” this response tears his heart in two and it isn’t until he is frantically shaking his head you look at him.
“You’re wrong, I love you more than anything else on this earth. I was dealing with my grief but the best way for me to do that was with you” this sentence now breaks your own heart because you had left him when he needed you most. The way his eyes search your own you realize there’s no one else out there for you. It’s always been Steve and you never should’ve left him in the first place.
“I’m sorry” and then you’re kissing him. Kissing him like your whole life depends on it and in a way it does. You two could die tomorrow fighting the monsters of Hawkins but at least you’ll have each other. It’s the way it should be and you know this to be true when he removes his hand from your own to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you into his lap. He was only asking for your favorite song but now he had that and more.
“Please don’t leave me ever again” he breaths hotly against your mouth and you nod, trying to kiss him until your lungs can’t take it anymore. You had so much time to make up for. You hadn’t realized how much you missed him and his touch until now.
“I promise” you tell him and he can only smile against your lips, kissing you as quietly and passionately as he can because he finally had you back. You’d never leave each other again. Vecna or not.
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Nightlife 13
Warnings: dubcon, noncon, touching, coercion, manipulation. Proceed with caution.
Note: I know what you’re thinking, why the fuck are you doing this? Well, you wanted bouncer Lee and I did too. Also, short!reader, not sorry.
Part of The Club AU
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You have to make the call. You have no choice. One way or another, your father will find out and it will be worse if it’s not from you.
Another D and you're below water. You have no chance now. You’ll be lucky to finish with a C average for the semester and with that, you’ll lose your entry scholarship. You don’t understand where you went wrong. You try so hard. It doesn’t matter, it seems the more you try, the more wrong you are.
You hit the green button and wait for the line to pick up. You wait.
Still waiting.
The voicemail answers. You’re not surprised. You often have to leave several before you hear back. Yet when your father calls you, you answer. You don’t hesitate. 
“Hey dad, it’s me. I called because… because I need to talk to you. Please call me back. Love you.”
You hang up after leaving the message and blow a raspberry. He hasn’t even told you when he’s picking you up from campus after exams. Another week and you’re going to be done. You already have half your dorm packed.
In those short spurts where you’re not at Lee’s, you're sorting everything into the donate and take piles. Most of it you’ll leave behind, things you won’t need at your dad’s place. Things you can replace.
As soon as you put your phone down, it vibrates. You huff and pick it up. You need to study, even if it doesn’t matter.
Lee. Again. You’re not surprised. You almost admire his persistence given your own inconsistency.
‘Still coming over, sweet thing?’
Shoot. You don’t remember him asking. That’s the thing about Lee. He seems to frame demands as questions. Or maybe you really or that hopeless. You answer him. Sure. Why not? Not like anything will change if you do.
You get your bag ready to go and head down. Your dorm mates are bogged down studying, a few already gone as their exams finished early. Life seems easier as them. You suppose that most people see the world like that; they want to be someone else, though no one would ever want to be you.
You sit on the curb and wait. You tune out the world with your headphones. It’s been a while since you listened to music. Really listened without any distraction. 
Your head pops up as you see the familiar car approach. You stand and cross the street. You get in the car. The routine is just that. You’re used to it. You haven’t told Lee yet either. He doesn’t know that you’re going home for summer. You don’t expect him to be happy to hear it but it can’t be a big surprise. All the college students are leaving.
“Hey, darlin’,” he leans over to kiss your cheek as you pull your earbuds out, “whatcha listening to?”
“Oh, just…nothing–”
“Nah, go on, put it on,” he insists as he hands you auxiliary cord, “I could use something new.”
“Really, it’s–”
“Come on, I wanna listen.”
You don’t argue. Why? It’s a small thing. It’s nothing. You unplug your headphones and shove the cord into the port. Your music plays automatically.
So come on, Virginia, show me a sign Send up a signal, I'll throw you the line The stained-glass curtain you're hiding behind Never let's in the sun
Billy Joel croons from the speakers as you place your phone in the cupholder. You sit back and buckle in as he hums and gives a thoughtful nod. He taps his fingers on the wheel before he pulls out.
“You got a taste for the classics,” he muses, “I ain’t heard this in a while.”
“Uh, yeah, I like it,” you shrug.
“Good song,” he remarks, “I’m a fan of You May Be Right, myself. But I’m not too picky. You listen to Seger? How about Elton? You seem that sorta girl.”
“Some, yeah,” you cling to your bag and watch through the window.
“Hickory missin’ ya,” he says, “ain’t ya excited to see him?”
“Yeah,” you answer glumly.
“Whatsa matter, then? Don’t know why you’d be so down when you got that rascal waiting on ya… and me.”
“Just school,” reply evasively.
“Ah, yeah, you were saying you’re having some troubles. Wish I could help.”
“Ugh, well… no one can help me now,” you plant your elbow on your door and put your chin on your fist.
“Now, don’t be moping ‘less you gonna tell me what’s going on,” he says grumpily.
You sigh. You can barely admit it to yourself. You don’t even know if you can say it out loud.
Your vision turns bleary and you sniffle. It’s too late. You should’ve asked for help months ago. You made promises you didn’t keep and now you have to accept the failure. You wipe away your tears and sit back.
“My GPA is garbage. I’m gonna lose my scholarship and my dad– my dad’s gonna kill me.”
“Oh, honey, kill you? Don’t talk like that. I’m sure he wouldn’t, not a sweet thing like you. Besides, if he’s an ass about it, you still got me, don’t ya?”
You nod but refuse to look at him. He’s sweet but he can’t understand. Your dad isn’t the type to just say oh well or to give second chances. This semester was a second chance and you blew it.
“Maybe it just isn’t for you. Schoolin’ and all. I know lots of people who never did it,” he speaks as he drives. “Or maybe you’re in the wrong kinda school.”
“Maybe,” you grumble and pick at the zipper on your bag.
“You can change, can’t ya? Pick something else. Something you’re better at,” he suggests. “Like I said, I went into the military. They offered me some school but I told ‘em not to waste the time.”
“I don’t know what I’m good at,” you sigh.
“Well, you’re good to me,” he says brightly, “you know I’ll help ya. I’ll take care of ya no matter what.”
“But you don’t have to.”
“I wanna. Why are you sayin’ that?”
“Cause… cause it’s a lot. Don’t you think?”
“No, wouldn't say it if I thought it was too much,” he rebuffs, “don’t get no attitude with me, now.”
“I– I’m not but… but… I don’t want to…” you shake your head and stare at the dash, “I’m going home for the summer, Lee. I have to go home. And I feel bad with you doing all this–”
“Going home?” He says so quietly, his voice almost cracks, “but, darlin’, I’m taking you home right now. Ain’t I?”
“That’s your home. I mean, my dad. I gotta… I gotta figure this all out. When he finds out–”
“You’re a goddamn adult,” he growls and grips the wheel tight, “you shouldn’t be so worried about him and damn it, he should be treatin’ ya a lot better.”
“I know, but he’s my dad. He– he paid my tuition. He’s gonna want me to work that off at the restaurant–”
“Work? He– What the heck is wrong with ya? You shouldn’t be workin’? Silly little thing. He’s your dad, he should be supportin’ ya, not takin’ from ya,” he seems angrier with each word, “what kinda man– and you’re gonna leave me for him?” He snarls, “just like that. You’re gonna hurt me?”
“Hurt you? No, but… but I have to.”
“You don’t gotta do nothing. Sounds to me like he don’t want anything to do with ya anyhow, so maybe you should stay in town.”
“My lease is over at the end of the month.”
“Mine ain’t,” he insists.
He’s quiet. You squirm and bite your lip, “Lee?”
“You said you was gonna marry me. How’re you gonna do that if you’re all the way somewhere else?”
“I know I said but… I’m nineteen. I thought you meant later.”
“I’m a lot older than nineteen,” he scoffs, “I’m not waiting til later.” He sneers through the windshield, “you said. You promised!”
“I did, but–”
“But? But you were just lyin’, I get it.”
You nearly choke. You weren’t lying. You just were caught off guard and didn’t know what to say. Like now. You're not just stunned by the sudden shift, you're scared.
“I didn’t lie,” you croak, “please…”
You cover your face and take several deep breaths, trying to hold back. He huffs and you feel his firm touch on your leg. He squeezes as he slows the car.
“Don’t cry, darlin’, alright? Don’t do none of that. I know you meant it. Let’s just figure this all out first, schoolin’ and all that. Alright?” He coaxes, “you know I’ll be there for ya, don’t ya? No matter what your dad says.”
“Yeah,” you drag your hands from your face.
“And I know you’re not gon’ leave Hick. He needs ya around.”
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monster-energies · 1 year
always a woman
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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pairing: severus snape/reader
summary:   severus snape had always fallen for every little trait of yours, you have always made his life feel like the warmest hug there is. you do everything to make him happy but now he feels its the right time to make you happy only in the best way possible.
warnings: the lightest of angsts, if you squint but other than that, all round fluff
rating: general audiences
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ʚ♡ɞ taglist: @insomniacaesthetic @eternal-silvertongued-prince @sevsssnape  @mirarenwick @diamondbitch116 @mamawolfsmith16 @nickangel13 @a-queen-and-her-throne @deepperplexity @amazingzou @yan-senna @yellowbadgermole @sevssillyincantations @alisongurl13 @inflation-of-mind @ilomessiah​ @maitre-de-marionnettes @impulse-anchor @multifandomgeeks @lady0fmischief
word count:   3048
this oneshot can be found on archive of our own
author’s note:
title's namesake: the song always a woman by billy joel
guys. she is back EVERYONE CLAP.
well i say i return but then i disappear due to writers block and creative burnout for almost a year 😐🧍🏼♀️ i would type out my authors note disappearing reasons, but i genuinely think i would be here all day BWHAHAHAH,,,,anyways this was a suggestion/request i saw on tumblr by  @wtfhasmy-lifecometo :  a severus snape x reader where the plot of the story is based off of the song “she’s always a woman” by billy joel… and have it all be fluff… and basically it would be severus’s pov and it would be him describing how much his wife means to him despite her “flaws” . and i've taken a bit of a twist with it but i feel it vibes with it. im going with vibes, slay. anyways i won't keep you for long so enjoy reading or whatever
no but genuinely though,  thank you very much for reading !! it means a lot to me that you support my fanfics, whether you're an old or new reader of mine you are apart of the most girlboss place there is. reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated. have an amazing day 💖
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
“severus we can worry about your scarf later, we don’t want it to rain now do we.” you called from downstairs.
severus had been fumbling around with said scarf for quite some time. he had been  rather nervous and he couldn’t entirely figure out why. then he looked over to the one thing that he had bought and had merely regretted seconds after purchasing.
it was so expensive he contemplated why he bought the final choice in the shop, but he knew.
his life was worth living from that point onwards.
once he adjusted his scarf one last time, he took it, placing it in his pocket before heading downstairs to see your face.
you had beamed and was quick to take a hold of his hand. as you opened the door, the mid-autumn breeze hit you both and a smirk hit severus’ face. autumn was always his favourite time, he loved the leaves changing colour and his ability to wrap himself in more coats and scarves. he always was equipped for the autumn and winter season.
you had both been in for a long day, however it would be a day that you both planned for ages.
neither of you were one for having long days outside, and even then you would need to recharge before you planned on stepping foot outside again. it was severus who brought the concept up, which had been very out of character for him to say the least.
what was there outside that required an entire 24 hours was beyond you. but this was your lover, and you couldn’t help but love the moments in which he found himself impulsive.
you and severus started at the local bookshop, taking in every aesthetic of the bookshelves around you. the shop had recently introduced some new animal friends, cats, pygmy puffs, and many others graced their way to the shop to keep fellow attenders company. you loved stroking and tending to every animal there as they accompanied you to your bookshop adventures.
severus hadn’t been too fond of the animals, however if they made you happy then he was happy. after going to the bookshop, severus made a visit to a small café nearby to pick up some of your favourite sweet things, you had grown suspicious once he had asked you to wait outside, as you always went in with him to pick up these delicacies. but you had shrugged it off, just severus being severus.
“ready to go my dear?” you asked. and he nodded.
you  both made your way to a field, walks wit severs snape were always the best activity to do with him, a lot of your dates prior to today were always consisted of a slow journey that had no purpose, only for you both to smell the fresh air and be in one anothers presence, especially after long days where you find yourselves far apart. night walks seemed to be severus’ favourite thing, but of course you didn’t protest to that.
once you both found a perfect spot, you set up everything and indulged in your little day out you both were very much enjoying. you laid your head on severus’ lap as you eyes gazed at the beautiful view ahead of you.
you had taken out your wand, aiming it to the grass that bestowed upon you both.
“expecto patronum.” you chanted with your wand and your glowing rabbit patronus hopped around you both, surrounding you and severus in a beautiful blue wire binding you both together.
“your patronus will always be my favourite y/n.” severus said. you couldn’t help but giggle.
“i suppose i can let my one free for a moment.” he said.
he took his wand out from his inside pocket, and had it pointed to the ground.
“expect patronum.” he chanted quietly.
but much to both of your shock, nothing appeared. puzzled, severus tried again but to no avail. mumbling the spell over and over again, he smacked his wand several times on his thighs, had he really grown out of his wand?
“god forsaken piece of wood!” he muttered to himself.
you couldn’t help but giggle at his multiple attempts, tapping the wand on his lap in hopes that the magic would possibly work, your smile soon turned to small laughs, but severus happened to catch onto your little laughs.
“this isn’t funny, silly girl.” severus said, ruffling the ends of your hair before you let out more laughs. enough to make his heart melt.
“i know.” you suggested, you dug through your pockets and found a flower crown inside and put it on severus.
severus now had been bewildered by this action, turning his head slowly only for his brow to be raised, which you clearly couldn’t take seriously, and had only made you laugh some more.
“and…how is this supposed to help me?” he asked.
“trust me! it will work, try it.” you said.
severus couldn’t help but roll his eyes slightly, in actuality he did enjoy the feeling.
when he tried the patronus spell once more, he saw it had taken the form of your patronus. a rabbit hopping in and around the fields.
he would always have this hint of shock that he shared a patronus with someone, it was a feeling he could never get used to. you couldn’t help but beam at his reaction.
“severus, your patronus…”
you were just as stunned as he was, neither of you had thought this would happen. your chemistry with one another had been stronger and stronger, from the moment you and severus had set eyes on one another, you had known it was nothing but destiny that had pulled you together.
severus turned to you and instantly grabbed a hold of your hands, by instinct. there was something in him that realised the moment was just right.
in fact it was more than ‘just right,’ it was perfect.
he was really going to do this now…
“y/n…i never thought i’d ask you such a question, but i fear i can’t contain my feelings any longer.” severus said.
“y/n m/n l/n…”
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
when severus had asked you to move into his home, not a single ounce of hesitance disappeared inside of him. he hated his home, he hated that he inhabited this place.
but he had no other choice but to at least maintain what little legacy he had (if he were to call it that.)
when you had settled in, you actually didn’t seem to mind spinner’s end and it had some sort of potential to it. severus constantly asked you how things were in the house, even the most mundane things he had constantly told you that it wasn’t the best but it was the best he could offer to you.
he feared that his best wasn’t entirely good enough for you, but you always did your best to reassure him that everything in his home was fine.
one day he had left for his job and you decided to do the things that snape had always promised to do in this house. you had planned it for a while, but had to find the perfect timing  and severus being away at hogwarts for the day seemed to fall perfectly in your plans.
you were in for a very long day ahead.
severus had always found the items in his home having a particular place in each room, he didn’t want anything to be changed or it wouldn’t have felt right to him. you had been very careful about that, you put everything into boxes so that they could be taken out later, and got round to deep cleaning the house from top to bottom.
severus had neglected the deep cleaning process, always at the back of his mind however, he never done so.
how could severus live like this? was all you could think about. considering how much neglect he had received from his father, that would have been one of the many factors.
once the deep cleaning was complete, you went to organize all of his books, they had a comforting feeling in your grasp. you took a note of how severus organized his shelves and followed it down to the point.
you had wanted to make this place at least worth coming home to for him. you had seen how miserable severus had lived his life and it hurt you to see that.
as the day went on you had been putting in the finishing touches of the house. you had rearranged the furniture slightly and as you had placed severus’ knick-knacks all over the house, it made you hope that he appreciated all you had done.
suddenly you heard the keys jangle outside and you bustled to the front door, quick to open it.
“sev! you’re back.” you squeaked slightly, shoving your entire body in his arm and peppering kisses all over his lips.
severus had been shocked at the sudden affection, he had never felt that he deserved such a thing.
“i’ve got something to show you.” you said excitedly.
you took his hand and there was where you showed him the house. a mixture of emotions wavered in, as you showed him all of the little details of the newly arranged home, severus couldn’t decipher the feelings he had in the moment.
you had shown him the ground floor of the house, the kitchen and the tiny hallway and then the living room.
his chair had remained the same, by the fire place. the bookshelves looked…new. for a fact he had known that the books on those shelves were nowhere near new.
you had been talking about the newly arranged desk, picking up some of his favourite quills here and there.
but severus said nothing.
that deadpan (with the added shock) expression remained, as you looked up to your lover you could tell he was going to explode at any second.
you frowned as you put down the quills, “i’m sorry…” you mumbled, walking past him and going upstairs. closing the door on the bedroom you shared, you cried quietly to yourself as you slumped on the floor.
then the door slowly opened again, through your glossy tears you saw severus.
he then did something you almost never saw him do before, he pulled you into his arms. it had been awkward at first but you warmed up to his touch, new tears dripping down your face.
“i’m so sorry…i should have asked you, it won’t…it won’t happen again.” you mumbled.
“why are you apologizing?” severus asked.
“because, i ruined your house. i thought it would be nice to give you something nice to come home to. but you don’t like it.” you sniffled.
you did all of that for him?
“why would you think i wouldn’t like it?” severus asked again.
“because you like everything to be the same. you don’t like changes, i did too much.” you said.
if anything, severus had liked the changes you made in his home. it felt like he had stepped into a completely different place and he grew to like it.
“darling…i do love it. you’ve done the one thing i wished i could do to this home, you have no need to be upset.” severus reassured.
that made you hug him even tighter, he could only smile only to himself. you both got up and continued your tour of the newly decorated home, rambling about the tiny items that meant a lot to the pair of you.
you even had dinner freshly made, and so you both sat on the floor by the fireplace, with plates of lasagne at hand. of course you made it and severus did in fact love your lasagne. you listened to  severus talk about his day, it warmed your heart that he was able to open up to you. that he felt accepted enough by you to talk not only of the past but the present also.
you had both finished your foods and now you had been in one another’s arms, staring intently at the fires crackling in between the woody piles. from time to time, you had exchanged small kisses but they were the ones that always made the moment even more special.
“how long do you think you’ll stay with me y/n?” severus asked.
“well…for as long as we want, unless you wish to have me around. i don’t want you to be bored of me” you answered.
“how could you say that? y/n i couldn’t get bored of you. not in the slightest.” severus replied, with zero hesitation.
it shocked him how easily the words seemed to flow out of his mouth, it would take him months, hell even years to say that to someone but with you it seemed to be so easy.
and it was.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
settling in at spinners end was like any other place for you. you seemed to enjoy the dark aesthetic of the small town, how it seemed to be secluded from everywhere else in england and everyone seemed to be in their own little bubble but yet everyone knew everyone.
you had lived there for a year at that point, you had wanted to go outside. you knew a forest that wasn’t far away from the home, it had been heavily raining over the last few days. you seemed to enjoy the aftermath of the heavy rain.
“severus!” you called.
you slid into his office, his head shot up.
“ah you are clearly dressed. get your coat, we are going outside.” you said as you then disappeared.
severus seemed to enjoy when you took control of the day, he enjoyed how different every day was. with no hesitation he grabbed his coat and his scarf and joined you downstairs at the front door.
you took hold of his hand and lead him outside, you held a basket on the other hand as you then handed severus the other side of your wired earphones.
“y/n you know i will never get used to your modern traditions.” severus said.
“oh come on sevvy, you can listen to music at the palm of your hands! just this once, pretty please.” you pleaded.
severus grabbed the earphone and put it in as he then found himself listening to some classic rock song.
“it’s my favourite song.” you said.
the song in question was from a classic rock band. he was not entirely well versed in music, nor did he have an interest in it. but it was that moment something switched in him, the rhythm of the song seemed to catch onto him.
you squeezed his hand a little tighter as the music played.
“you’re enjoying it!” you squeaked slightly as you noticed severus humming along to the song.
severus only smirked and pulled you closer as you paced closer to what looked like a forest. you were the one person that would convince him to have music in his life. severus never understood the concept of it and why people enjoy it so much, but whenever music was played around you his whole life seemed to change.
there was always a song he would associate with you, which made him appreciate you more and more by the second.
“i found the perfect spot.” you said once you arrived.
you both entered deeper into the forest until nothing but the top of the trees was all you could see once you looked up.
severus looked around the spot you mentioned, serenity was you could feel. you were at peace with him.
with every second severus was with you, the more entranced he was. oh how your hair swiftly followed the breezes of the spring time winds, and when the sun slowly followed after you had looked nothing but a piece of art to him.
you were always his work of art.
“oh severus look!” you called and got up instantaneously.
severus sat up slightly, only to have his eyes on you. his gaze not leaving you, he was loved undeniably.
you sat right next to him and there you had picked up a small rabbit.
“oh severus! look at its ears, its adorable.” you squeaked, stroking the rabbit that had sooner or later, gained your trust.
severus looked to the furry animal, stroking it slowly.
you tried to let the rabbit go.
but it later came back.
you let it go back to its home, but not even five minutes later it would come back to you and severus. even making its way to severus’ lap and sleeping.
“i think it likes you.” you giggled.
it was quite adorable you thought. severus becoming a father of a rabbit within five minutes of your date together.
you enjoyed severus softening slightly at the sight of animals, seeing him tend to a stray rabbit was something you didn’t see everyday, but perhaps this would mean something for the both of you later in the line of your lives.
you scoot to severus, resting your head on his upper arm, then slowly wrapping his arm around you, you both took in the scenery, soft breaths escaped your lips as parts of the sunlight hit the forest bestowed upon you.
you felt like you spend an entire life time with him if you could.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
“y/n…i never thought i’d ask you such a question, but i fear i can’t contain my feelings any longer.” severus said.
“y/n m/n l/n…”
“will you marry me?”
you couldn’t decipher the question and then it dawned on yo.
severus wanted to marry you. someone out there was willing to marry you.
tears flooded your eyes and dropped from your face, as you couldn’t see severus through your hazy vision of your sobs.
“yes…of course i’ll marry you.” you replied.
choked sobs escaped severus, putting the ring on you and embracing you into his arms and spinning you slowly.
“we’re going to get married.” you said barely louder than your normal voice.
“we really are.”
severus didn’t want to let you go in the slightest.
and it was in that moment that you were undeniably in love with severus snape.
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poorlittlegreenie13 · 2 months
Scenes From an Italian Restaurant:
WC: 2,000
Syd/Carmy falling in love to the soundtrack of Billy Joel, idk
It's past midnight, but Carmy & Syd still haven't finished closing. It might have something to do with the fact that neither of them can sleep without nightmares at home, and that there's something uniquely comforting about having another person with an equally fucked up sleep schedule to silently work with well into the early hours of the morning. They rarely talk while they're working like this; a blurry, unfocused period somewhere between opening and closing, things that do not strictly need to be done, but that they both take pride in doing anyway. It's their fucking restaurant, they both seem to enjoy treating it like a child they're co-helicopter-parenting.
This particular night, Carmy is in the kitchen doing food prep & Syd is sweeping up the dining area. It's quiet enough to hear herself breathe in, and the silence is getting annoying, so she finds herself sweeping toward the kitchen, peeking through to look at Carmy. As she gets closer to him, she hears him... muttering to himself, maybe? No, that's not it. She walks closer, slipping into the kitchen as quietly as she can, and realizes he's... singing. Carmy Berzatto. Singing. In the kitchen.
Her first impulse is to laugh but she stops herself.
He's kind of... good.
She listens for a little while, mesmerized, trying to make out the lyrics.
A bottle of red, a bottle of white. It all depends on your appetite. I’ll meet you anytime you want, in our Italian restaurant.
She moves slightly and Carmy freezes like a scared deer in the fucking forest, of course. His eyes are so wide and scared, Syd almost feels bad, so she tries to break the tension.
“Didn’t realize you moonlighted as a singer,” she says with an awkward smirk, leaning on her broom. “Did you write that?”
Carmy’s eyes narrow. “Did I— did you just ask me if I wrote that?”
Syd shrugs slightly, sensing she’s made an error.
“It’s Billy Joel,” Carmy says, looking genuinely concerned that she’s lacking this crucial piece of information.
“Okay, sorry, I’m not, like, Italian… and into 70’s music,” Syd says, with a dry, sarcastic smile.
“No, no, but this is a classic song,” Carmy says, “I mean, this is just a good song.”
Sydney just stares at him blankly. “I wouldn’t know,” she says.
“Alright, something’s gotta be done about this,” Carmy says with a disapproving shake of his head, tone as serious as it might be if he was noticing a typo on a menu or a smudge on a plate. He unplugs his headphones from his phone, walking to the restaurant’s sound system and connecting his phone.
A jazzy piano song overtakes the speakers, Carmy pausing to crank up the volume to far above their normal level before turning back to Syd with a smile on his face.
“Cold beer, hot lights, my sweet romantic teenage nights,” the voice of Billy Joel (apparently) sings out over the speakers of their restaurant. Carmy looks at her expectantly. Syd raises an eyebrow.
“It’s… loud,” she says.
“No, no, no,” Carmy says, rolling his eyes, infuriatingly smooth Italian-American vowels softening out as he speaks, an unquantifiable accent that Sydney is pretty sure is going to actually kill her one day. “It tells a story,” Carmy insists, turning back to his prep, chopping vegetables to the beat of the song, talk-singing along with the song, back turned to Sydney. “Brenda and Eddie were still going steady in the summer of ‘75, when they decided the marriage would be at the end of July.”
Sydney can’t help the laugh she lets out. Carmy spins around, an indignant smile on his face.
“Stop looking at me like I’m crazy,” he says, “you’re the one who doesn’t know Billy Joel.”
“I do know some Billy Joel,” Syd says. “Just not this Billy Joel.”
“Well I'm showing you this Billy Joel,” Carmy says. “Listen. Come on, you’re not listening to it. This is good music.”
He sets down his knife, walking over to her, holding out a hand.
Something in the pit of Sydney’s stomach fires off like an over-excited fire-cracker.
“Are you seriously trying to dance with me right now,” she asks flatly, glancing between his face and his extended hand, trying her very best to hold her sarcasm out in front of her like a shield against whatever fuckary this is.
Carmy’s smile fades, just for an instant. Sydney can’t stand it. She rolls her eyes, and takes his hand. Immediately, he grins, spinning her around him. She can’t help but smile. Carmy reaches out for her other hand, pulling her in on one side and pushing her away on the other, awkward high-school-dance moves that a grown man should probably not be pulling on her right now, and should certainly not be working as well as they are.
She meets his eyes, wide grin, slight flush, hair even more disheveled than usual. For a second, she just stares at him, forgetting to dance, forgetting to smile. Carmy, oblivious, is still singing.
“They parted the closest of friends, then the king and the queen went back to the green, but you can never go back there again, no no.”
She shakes her head ruefully, spinning him around to break their eye contact. And okay, maybe she spun him away from her slightly too hard because his hand slips out of hers and he stumbles a few steps away from her, laughing, and then, in a flash of movement, moving back to her, one hand coming to her lower back, the other settling around her shoulders pulling her into his chest, still laughing, still red in the face, breathing slightly heavier than usual, vocalizing Billy fucking Joel right into her ear.
What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck?
Is she slow dancing with Carmen fucking Berzatto in their kitchen right now?
He’s ridiculously warm in a white tee shirt and jeans, solid and impossibly, weirdly soft, leaning heavily against her, breathing against her neck, smelling like kitchen spices and sweat. This is simply not fair. This is… seriously outside anything normal or manageable. Carmy’s hand on her lower back is keeping her in place against him, stomach to stomach, fingertips splayed out across her back.
She’s stopped moving, she realizes. Carmy stops too after a moment, but he’s still pressed against her, still smiling slightly. Syd lets out a short, nervous laugh.
“Is this weird?” Carmy asks, voice low, unsure, still holding her close—maybe so he doesn’t have to look her in the eye, maybe so he can just rest his chin against her shoulder for a little longer.
Very slowly, Sydney brings a hand to the space between Carmy’s shoulder blades, just resting it there. “Kind of, yeah,” she says. “But not bad weird.”
“Fuck, sometimes… it’s like I forget to be nervous in front of you,” Carmy says—quick, breathless words, slowly pulling back from her, an embarrassed little smile on his face. “And I make a fuckin’ fool of myself before I realize I’m doing it.”
Sydney smirks back at him. “Well it’s kind of too late to fool me into thinking you’re cool,” she says. “Might as well stop being nervous about it. I mean, that ship has sailed.”
Carmy laughs, shaking his head, going a bit redder in the face. “I just really want you to like Billy Joel,” he says.
Syd smiles. “No, I do,” she says. “I totally do like him. I really like him.”
“He has other good songs,” Carmy says. “I always liked this one though. I was like fourteen, thinkin’ I was gonna meet a girl and take her to an Italian restaurant and get… fucking married at twenty. Talk about a ship that’s sailed.”
He goes quiet.
Over the speaker, Billy Joel is still singing.
“A bottle of red, oh a bottle of white, whatever kind of mood you’re in tonight. I’ll meet you anytime you want, in our Italian restaurant.”
“It kind of did work out though,” Sydney says, over the last few chords of the song, “I mean, you do in fact own an Italian restaurant.”
“Yeah,” Carmy says, a boyish smile crossing his face. His expression lingers on her for a long moment.
The song ends, and abruptly, loud guitar chords blare through the kitchen.
“Oh my God,” Carmy says, grinning, the tension of the moment entirely shattered. “Fuckin’ love this one.”
He crosses back to his prep station, picking his knife and returning to his work like nothing happened, bobbing his head and singing, “You had to be a big shot, didn’t you?”
Syd watches him for a little while longer before going back to her sweeping, making a mental note to never think of this night ever again. She’s not sure she could withstand the sheer force of her own stupid fucking yearning. Minutes pass. Half an hour. Carmy cycles through ten odd Billy Joel songs, and then—
“Hey, Syd!” Carmy calls from the kitchen.
Sydney turns, white-knuckling her broom handle, collecting herself for a moment before walking toward the sound of his voice.
When she reaches him, he gives her a crooked, slightly unsure smile.
“If it’s not bad weird," he says, "can we keep doing it?”
Her face burns. She stares at him for a long moment, trying to gauge whether he’s joking or not.
“I mean, can you come here again?” Carmy says, quieter, sounding slightly desperate, while she’s still trying to gauge his sincerity.
Wordlessly she steps toward him, heart pounding. He wraps his arms around her waist, exhaling heavily, chin returning to its place on her shoulder, An Innocent Man playing through the empty restaurant.
“Some people live with the fear of the touch, and the anger of having been a fool.”
Sydney’s not entirely sure how the night ends. It sort of blurs together; Carmy holding her against him, clasped hands, kitchen knives, food prep, sweeping, laughing, blushing, Billy Joel and Carmy’s singing voice. Eventually, Sydney in the doorway, bag slung over one shoulder, Carmy flushed and breathless from laughter, Sydney mentally filing away exactly how it sounds when Carmy says her name, out of breath and slightly desperate.
“I feel like I should apologize to you,” he says, but he's still smiling.
"Yeah you should apologize for not finishing your prep," she says, clinging to the remaining shreds of her self-respect as she stares at him. "Get that done. I need some fucking sleep."
"Yes, chef," Carmy promises softly, with a rueful look on his face. She turns to leave, but he speaks again. "Hey. "Thanks, Syd."
She turns back.
"For what?"
He shrugs, looking down at his feet.
"I just had a nice night."
"Yeah, me too, Bear," Sydney says, and then forces herself to walk away from him, out the door and into the Chicago cold.
Maybe the sleeplessness is making them both crazier than she realized.
Or maybe it's not just the sleeplessness.
Because she's pretty sure she's going to be thinking about exactly how Carmy's arms felt wrapped around her for the rest of her fucking life. And if that's not insanity, she doesn't know what is.
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manygeese · 18 days
mega projecting rn, this is
aka what I think they would do for karaoke, what’s they like, and what song is them coded
What he’d do karaoke to: Beyond the Sea by Bobby Darin. Son of Poseidon thinks water songs are funny.
What song he’d like the most: either Angry Young Man or Allentown, both by Billy Joel. Hard hitting lyrics and instrumentals to match.
What song he has the vibes of: Kodachrome by Paul Simon. Silly, jaunty, but kind of soothing at the same time. Reminds you of your childhood, almost.
What she’d do karaoke to: Stand by Me by Ben E. King. She’s a romantic lady, what can I say? She’d totally be winking at Percy when she sings the chorus.
What song she’d like the most: Arthur’s Theme (Best That You Can Do) by Christopher Cross. She has classical vibes and this is the closest thing to classical as I have on my playlist. Also, I feel like she’d love jazz and this is jazz-adjacent.
What song she has the vibes of: She’s Always A Woman by Billy Joel. Sentimental, cool, but still oozing with emotion.
What he’d do karaoke to: Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler. Boy puts on a performance.
What song he’d like the most: My Way by Frank Sinatra. He feels good about himself and all the stuff he’s been through while listening to it.
What song he has the vibes of: Out of Touch by Daryl Hall & John Oates. Edgy, cool, and a bop.
What she’d do karaoke to: Lovefool by The Cardigans. Daughter of Aphrodite thinks love songs are funny. She’s a really good singer though, so she can choose any song and still knock everybody’s socks off.
What song she’d like the most: Yesterday by the Beatles. I think she’d like sad songs (not breakup songs, more like “wallowing in self pity, wondering what happened to us” songs).
What song she has the vibes of: Thank You For the Music by ABBA. Self worth problems, putting all your value in one ability? Piper coded.
What he’d do karaoke to: Let’s Hear It for the Boy by Deniece Williams or Thank God I’m A Country Boy by John Denver. The first because he’s some sort of LGBT+ and thinks it’s funny, the second because he’s Texan and thinks it’s funny. Also Fernando by ABBA.
What song he’d like the most: Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go by Wham! He identifies with it. Also he loves the dorky Just Dance for it.
What song he has the vibes of: Telephone Line by Electric Light Orchestra. Hopeless romantic vibes right there.
What she’d do karaoke to: Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra. She’d eat any jazz song up, really, but this one’s got her name written all over it.
What song she’d like the most: Bad, Bad Leroy Brown by Jim Croce. It’s got that school house rock vibe that you know she’d love. And also, bar fights! Yay!
What song she has the vibes of: Put Your Records On by Corinne Bailey Rae. Happy, sends a message, gives off sunny day and Hazel vibes.
What he’d do karaoke to: Delilah by Tom Jones. He’s belting this shit in the shower at 3 AM.
What song he’d like the most: Oh, What A Beautiful Morning by Gordon Macrae from the musical Oklahoma. He’s embarrassed to admit it, but this boy loves old Roger’s and Hammerstein musicals (The Music Man, Carousel, etc.) that go on for too long and have unnecessary songs. He thinks they’re pretty.
What song he has the vibes of: Everybody Loves Somebody by Dean Martin. Gentle giant vibes.
What he’d do karaoke to: So Long, Mom (A Song for World War III) by Tom Lehrer. He’s a sucker for old satirical songs and loves watching his friends react as he sings them.
What song he’d like the most: The Vatican Rag by Tom Lehrer. Again, because he likes satirical songs. He cried laughing the first time he heard it, having grown up in the Catholic Church (of Italy, no less).
What song he has the vibes of: Carry on Wayward Son by Kansas. Stark contrast from the earlier songs but it’s just… so Nico coded. The type of stuff you can head bang but also perform ballet to.
What she’d do karaoke to: We Didn’t Start the Fire by Billy Joel. She memorized the whole thing and likes flexing on everybody else about it because they don’t have the guts nor the dedication.
What song she’d like the most: Fame by Irene Cara. She unwinds to this in her room after a long day. She also totally does embarrassing dances to it.
What song she has the vibes of: Leningrad by Billy Joel. A song about war, seemingly endless cycles of violence, but small victories and reconciliation.
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u2fangirlie-blog · 2 months
Good Omens Crowley and Aziraphale Reunited Playlist
In anticipation of Good Omens Season 3, here’s the “Crowley and Aziraphale Reunited and It Feels So Good Playlist.” We know our favorite demon and angel will be reunited. Take heart, have faith, and keep hope. Crowley and Aziraphale will be together again, like chocolate and peanut butter. This is music Maggie and Nina would put together in a playlist for a party celebrating the Crowley and Aziraphale’s relationship. The songs are about friendship and love.
How ever you as a fan define the love they share – eros, philia, or agape - we know Crowley and Aziraphale love each other. In the Good Omens universe, angels and demons are sexless and genderless. However, they can have genders and sex body parts if they want to. They can be sexual, asexual, binary, nonbinary, romantic, aromantic, hetero, homo, bi, pan. They can be any expression of the spectrum of identities and orientations. Above all else, they can love each other.
Maggie, Nina, Aziraphale, and Crowley are going to sing a karaoke version of “That’s What Friends Are For” at the party.
Please enjoy this unashamedly, unapologetically romantic, silly, sentimental, and sugary playlist (with extra cheesy goodness).
See note after list on song the selection process.
Songs include:
“You’re My Best Friend” – Queen
“Let’s Stay Together” – Al Green
“For Once in My Life” – Stevie Wonder
“Reunited” – Peaches and Herb
“Love and Happiness” – Al Green
“Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” – Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
“That’s What Friends Are For” – Dionne Warwick, Elton John, Gladys Knight, and Stevie Wonder
“I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)” – Aretha Franklin and George Michael
“Can’t Fight this Feeling” – REO Speedwagon
“Time After Time” – Cyndi Lauper
“I’ll Be There” – Mariah Carey and Trey Lorenz version
“I’ll Stand by You” – The Pretenders
“I Say a Little Prayer” – Aretha Franklin
“I Honestly Love You” – Olivia Newton John
“God Only Knows” – The Beach Boys
“Don’t Let Me Down” – The Beatles
“Just the Two of Us” – Grover Washington, Jr., ft. Bill Withers
“Just the Way You Are” – Billy Joel
“Your Song” – Elton John
“How Deep is Your Love” – The Bee Gees
“The Air that I Breathe” – K.D. Lang version
“Time in a Bottle” – Jim Croce
“Up Where We Belong” – Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes
“Islands in the Stream” – Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers
“Endless Love” – Diana Ross and Lionel Richie
“Almost Paradise” – Mike Reno and Ann Wilson
“Leather and Lace” – Stevie Nicks and Don Henley
“Feels Like Home” – Bonnie Raitt
“In Your Eyes” – Peter Gabriel
“I Want to Know What Love Is” – Foreigner
“Never Tear Us Apart” – INXS
“Eternal Flame” – The Bangles
“Heaven is a Place on Earth” – Belinda Carlisle
“Walking on Sunshine” – Katrina and The Waves
“Never Gonna Give You Up” – Rick Astley
“Everlasting Love” – U2 version
“[I Can’t Help] Falling in Love with You” – UB40 version
“Let’s Get It On” – Marvin Gaye
P.S.: Aziraphale secretly loves romantic duets and rock ballads. He wouldn’t admit it because his personality is classical music. However, he longs to sing karaoke duets with Crowley. “Reunited,” “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” “I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me),” “I’ll Be There,” “Don’t Let Me Down,” “Up Where We Belong,” “Islands in the Stream,” “Endless Love,” “Almost Paradise,” and “Leather and Lace.”
P.P.S.: “Never Gonna Give You Up.” Crowley unironically loves this song, but he invented “Rickrolling,” so Rick Astley would get paid more in song royalties. Who’s laughing now?
P.P.P.S.: “Let’s Get It On.” Crowley has experienced all the infinite varieties of human, demonic, angelic, and supernatural being sexuality and intimacy. Like various “sins” thought up by humans (without demonic influence), he has taken credit for inventing some of the more fun, creative intimate activities. He consulted on the artwork in the Kama Sutra. Crowley secretly wants to snuggle under the blankets with Aziraphale on cold rainy days, but he would never admit it because it would ruin his reputation.
Note on song selection:
Yes, the playlist is exclusively classic pop and rock songs. I’m a Gen Xer. David Tennant and Michael Sheen are Gen Xers. Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett are Boomers. This is the music I grew up listening to. These songs make me feel good. They don’t write songs like this anymore. I’m a cool college English teacher. My job is to corrupt the youth of the nation. Ms. Myers is going to expose you to culture. I’m a cool spinster aunt. Auntie Amy is gonna learn you about oldies music. I selected songs that thematically fit with the relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley. Listen to the lyrics. They fit. The list flows. You may not like my choices, so your mileage may vary. You can make your own playlist.
You can listen to it on YouTube.
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prisoner-000 · 5 months
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did you really love her? | a kazui and hinako playlist!
tracklist & my reasons for the songs below the cut :) (half & coward montblanc excluded because i believe those to not be about hinako and kazui's relationship)
little lies - fleetwood mac: i feel like this is almost too obvious to explain. i know the song is technically about falling out of love, but the lyrics fit way too well with their relationship. this is from hinako's perspective, she wants to believe that kazui is genuine, but she slowly realizes that somethint is off. this song encapsulates their dynamic to me. tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies... oh no no, you can't disguise... [].
little soldiers - the crane wives: "and i dragged you through every room inside our home, but you still held me at night" and "i swear that i loved you, i swear that you loved me". hinako works herself to the bone for this relationship to work, so does kazui, they don't surrender, they want to win against the social norms. but they can't. no matter what, they can't do it, and they tear each other apart.
cat - milgram: yeah
have to explode - the mountain goats: "someone's gonna do something someone else is gonna regret". this whole song is so somber and sad but you know the singer and their partner are going to have a terrible fallout. it's all so bleak. hinako and kazui are going to have that argument, and hinako's going to fall.
time - aliceband: "will you remember me in years to come?/or am i just a seed, and please be fine/'cause i hate this lying all the time/and i would kill myself if i thought i'd go somewhere better/but this is it/we are in hell, we are in pain/and i will suffer with you"
second hand news - fleetwood mac: a song about the singer's lover finding someone new to love and the singer leaving. take that as you will.. hinako pov :)
angeleyes - abba: lyrics don't really fit their relationship but they do fit eerily well with the entirety of the cat mv (i made an amv of it. Perhaps.)
leaving home ain't easy - queen: "stay, my love, please stay" - this line always makes me think of the moments before hinako's death. a lot of singled out lyrics really fit their relationship imo..
i want you to love me - fiona apple: hinako pov. need i say more. a woman raised in a society that expects her to be the perfect wife and she finds the perfect guy but he doesn't love her. not quite.
neo-neon - deco*27: yeah.. (both of t2 kazui songs feel like they are sung to hinako imo)
the winner takes it all - abba: feel like i don't even need to explain myself just listen to it man
drowse - queen: a song about goodbye and love fading away... and remembering what used to be happiness... do you think kazui ever looked back on the happy days with hinako and felt like the worst man on earth
butterfly - weezer: sorry for weezer. "sorry for what i did" MORE GUILT!!!!
another heart breaks - elo: just a good, moody, calm song that i feel would, if milgram was a movie, play in the days after hinako's death
the man with the child in his eyes - kate bush: something about kazui constantly reminiscing about his childhood, wanting to not grow up, wanting to be young and irresponsible forever. hinako pov.. meeting him and seeing that child in him
the stranger - billy joel: "you never let your lover see the stranger in yourself". self-explanatory? kazui never told hinako the truth until... well.
left-handed kisses - andrew bird: a song about two people falling in love. there's a lingering sadness in it, almost like they're both kind of unmotivated.
fakery tale - deco*27: THIS IS MY T3 COVER PROPAGANDA!!! i'd rather forget this ever happened, pretend it was all just a lie...
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lesbianhughie · 13 days
Ive always tjought that Hughie's autistic 🤔 like maybe he masks it really well because he wants to be seen as "normal" but he still has the traits that shine through .....🤔..,, LIKE HIS SPECIAL INTEREST IN MUSIC 🤔him always playing Billy Joel 😭. I fully believe that's his comfort music . I got one of my friends to watch the boys and he said that he stims when learning that Annie knew the lyrics to a song???? I haven't watched it in a while so I'm going off of that but ?!?!?🤔he has his favorite person and gets super mad if anyone says something wrong about them (but he also might not know how to properly show anger or manage it (I'm projecting
I love Hughie he's just a poor autistic lesbian
yyyyyas YYESSS my agenda . Yes
he doesnt rly have a particular stim i can rememebr off the top of my heOHWAIT im lying actually he scrunches his face a particular way. a Lot. enough to be noticeable and to the point where i think it can perceived almost like a stim or tic atp my phone is being slow as fuck rn so i cant pull any pics up but like. its in the eyebrows ,
also YEA the poor anger management… he wears himslef out to exhaustion when he gets upset. 1x02 when he tears apart his room or when he punches a wall until his hands are all bloodied . also the way his dad didnt come in until after his outburst and didnt really seem all That surprised that he tore apart his room .. like he was like “aye hugh whats goin on” but he doesnt make a huge deal outta it which makes me think maybe hughie had a past with poor anger management and he often fucked up his room or threw things in anger.
and can i please point out that its so common for autistic people to be viewed as “childish” by others. and what is hughie perceived as constantly throughout the show. a KID. constantly being called “the kid”, “petit hughie” etc etc. there’s always comments abt him being “young” when he’s clearly a grown ass adult. like yes hes a lil younger than the others but not by that much ?? and his room when he lived with his dad had a childlike charm to it. supe posters, music speakers, collectables, figures, etc. i have no doubt that the seven was maybe a hyperfixation or special interest at one point for him (before being ultimately ruined by a-train).
so ermm tl;dr autism hughie. its real in my heart
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envyadams-vs-me · 2 years
Eddie inviting Steve to come to one of his gigs, specifically one for covers and stuff, and Steve's like, "I probably won't know any of the songs but yeah I'll be there." And Eddie just clasps a hand on his shoulder, smirks at him, and sighs, "Oh, I think you'll know a few of them, Harrington."
Now, they're flirtation game is on point so Steve's not prepared when he gets to the half way point of Eddie's show. Up until now it's been all loud crunchy metal music, and it's not like Steve minds, he just wish it wasn't so loud. Eddie's talking into the mic, but Steve's to focused on the way his chest rises as he catches his breath and the sweat making his face shine.
He does however make out the words, "special song" and "something a little different". The crowd doesn't seem to mind and the band starts to play again.
And this is where Steve Harrington starts to officially shut down. Eddie Munson....is playing a Billy Joel song. And not just any Billy Joel song, oh no, he's playing You May Be Right, a song that Steve had told Eddie specifically reminds him of their relationship (this being during one of their hang outs where he was feeling high and flirty).
A song that Eddie is now using to confess his feelings for Steve and let him know he reciprocates his affection.
Steve just kind of slack jawed staring at Eddie while the song plays and the guitarist won't admit it, but he's a little worried. However the show must go on, so the set eventually ends and the band leaves the stage.
When Eddie steps out into the alley for a smoke break, he finds Steve waiting for him, fidgeting with the watch on his wrist. He looks at Eddie and tries to find the words to explain the millions of emotions he feels at this very moment.
Eddie isn't doing to well himself, nervously looking back at Steve waiting for him to say something, or deck him.
"That was-"
"Steve, I-"
After a moment of embarrassment they burst into laughter and settle next to each other on the ground. Steve sighs as Eddie lights up the cigarette he came out here for.
Steve watches with envy as the cigarette touches the metal head's chapped lips, gets wrapped around them. He flushed at his thoughts, but finds he's not embarrassed.
"You played good tonight, Munson."
Eddie chuckled as he exhaled, "You recognize any songs?"
Steve rolls his eyes, "Maybe one or two."
"What'd you think about them?" The insecurity is clear in Eddie's voice and body as he shifts around his legs, preparing to run away if he has to.
Steve almost wants to laugh at his absurdity, but opts for tugging him a little bit closer, "I think it just might be a lunatic I'm looking for."
Neither one breaks eye contact as Steve pulls him even closer, cigarette long forgotten and dropped to the ground, lips brushing against each other, "Are you that lunatic, Eddie?"
There's not verbal answer, just a short gasp of disbelief before Eddie is kissing Steve. Steve's sure he's gone to heaven and he never wants to come down he wants to feels Eddie's lips and tongue wrapped around his forever. Though years of smoking, even casually, have not been kind to either boy and they have to pull away to breathe.
"You may be right, Harrington."
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bedoballoons · 11 months
Genshin Men Headcanons:
~What song they would sing to you~
(Includes: Diluc, Bennett, Thoma, Zhongli, Albedo, Itto, Gorou, Tighnari, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Baizhu, Xiao, Kazuha, Venti, Heizou, Wanderer, Kaeya, Chongyun, Mika, Ayato, Childe, Xingqiu, Cyno, and Razor!)
♪~Ghost Town: By Benson Boone~♪
He'd try any way to get out of singing to you, it's not that he's embarrassed, he's just scared you'll end up not liking what you're hearing. He sounds amazing though and each lyric is sung with so much soul...
♪~Walking On Sunshine: By Katrina and The Waves~♪
He walks up to the mic and just let's loose singing happily, dancing around without a care in the world...till he gets wrapped up in the wire and falls off the stage, the thought was sweet though! His singing wasn't horrible either!
♪~Dont Stop Believing: By Journey~♪
He is extremely red in the face, the entire time before singing saying that he's going to sound terrible...but as soon as he you realize that's not even close to true. He sounds perfect and he adds extra emphasis to the chorus.
♪~Hallelujah: By Leonard Cohen~♪
When he sings it's like you can see the story playing out in front of you, it makes you wonder if he experienced anything like it. He sounds wonderful, his voice slightly lower than normal and it made your heart beat faster.
♪~Rewrite The Stars: Sung By Zac Efron and Zendaya~♪
He sings the song a bit slower than the original almost like a acoustic version and he's slightly awkward, but he sounds good. Through out the entire song his eyes are on you and at the end he thanks you for giving him the courage to try.
♪~Thats What Makes You Beautiful: By One direction~♪
He goes all out, screaming the chorus loudly and putting a hand on his heart as the song comes to a close. He doesn't sound...the best, but he's so funny and cheerful that it doesn't matter.
♪~Just The Way You Are: By Bruno Mars~♪
He's so shy when it starts that he messes up the words, but after you give him a reassuring smile he forgets his stage fright and sings the best he can, he doesn't sound bad either! In fact he does really well and gestures to you whenever he gets to the chorus, making you blush heavily.
♪~Time Bomb: By Zach Gordon~♪
He teased you till you'd sing, now it was his turn and he wasn't happy about it, everything sounded to loud, he already had a headache from the horrid singers before the two of you. However...he sang really well and it was like he had a special connection to the song. It made your heart flutter.
He refuses to sing, claiming there's no point in it other than for entertainment and reading a novel would give the same effect. He did say he that if he were to sing it wouldn't be anything sappy or romantic, most likely something classical and short.
♪~Uptown Girl: By Billy Joel~♪
He's a absolute blast, his singing isn't perfect but he puts so much effort into the song and into his dance moves. By the end he's completely out of breath and your stomach hurts from laughing, your face is red with a blush.
♪~Leaving On A Jet Plane: By John Denver~♪
He sings so softly, taking deep breaths between most of the lyrics and you can't help but worry about his song choice. He had soul...and he would sound good if there wasn't so many pauses...was he really going to be okay?
♪~Perfect For Me: Sung By Justin Timberlake~♪
At first he said he wouldn't take part in such a mortal activity, but eventually with enough convincing and promised almond tofu, he eventually agreed. You were in pure shock...he sounded amazing and despite the song being a sad one...he somehow sang it like a love song.
♪~I Will Follow You Into The Dark: By Death Cab For Cutie~♪
His voice is very gentle and he sings so slowly, you could fall asleep to it, not to mention how good he actually sounds. Poetry and the art of sword fighting are just some of the many things he's amazing at.
♪~Tale As Old As Time: Celine Dion~♪
Not only did he play his lyre but he sang so wonderfully, it was right out of a story book and you cheered for him when it was over. Little did you know you were his inspiration.
♪~Perfect: By Ed Sheeran~♪
It was a cheesy song choice and he knew that, but it was one of the few he knew all the words to. He sang it pretty well too, even grabbing your hand and dancing with you while he sang.
♪~Walls: By Louis Tomlinson~♪
He tried every way possible to get out of singing, saying he'd rather eat garbage then sing a song, but in the end he'd been dared and now he had too. He actually put more effort into it then you expected and as he sang...you could tell he was truly feeling the emotions of the song.
♪~Sexy And I Know It: By LMFAO~♪
You were dying of laughter, your blush redder than a tomato as he sang directly to you the ENTIRE song. Not to mention his dancing...that was questionable. He truly knew how to do a show and he winked at the end...
♪~Flashlight: By Hailee Steinfeld~♪
He's completely blushed the entire time as he sings the sappiest song you'd ever heard and afterwords he had to eat three popsicles just to calm down...but it was all very cute.
♪~Somebody To You: By The Vamps/Demi Lovato~♪
He was so nervous he could barely sing and although the song was one he knew...he messed up every word, he didn't sound very good but the emotion in the song was there!
♪~Thousand Years: By Christina Perri~♪
You were shocked by his song choice at first, but as he slowly sang the whole song you fell absolutely in love with him all over again. He sounded incredible and afterwords the two of you slow danced.
♪~What A Man Gotta Do: By The Jonas Brothers~♪
You couldn't help but smile the entire time as he sang, he was enjoying himself and he sounded pretty good! He was also fairly animated, clearly used to entertaining others and it only made the whole situation that much better.
♪~Dandelions: By Ruth B~♪
He sang so gracefully, each note hit perfectly on time and in key...it was beautiful, thoughtful. He had a light blush on his face but the entire time he smiled showing his true feelings through music.
♪~All I Want Is You: By Barry Louis Polisar~♪
The song was a little silly, with more puns then you'd usually like, but the way he sang it also made it feel...romantic? Somehow it became a very special song to you both and he hums it sometimes while at work.
♪~Count On Me: By Bruno Mars~♪
He's not the best at talking, so singing really isn't his strong suit but he tried very hard and in the end he sounded adorable. He may not have remembered some of the words and he definitely wasn't in key...but he picked the song just for you.
✿Hope you have a good day!✿
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Songs For The End Of The World
Playlist Part Five
Part One * Part Two * Part Three * Part Four
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Link to the Spotify Playlist is at the bottom of the post
Sign of the Times (Harry Styles)
Just stop your crying * It's a sign of the times * Welcome to the final show * Hope you're wearing your best clothes
The Way It Ends (Landon Pigg)
You held me and taught me how * I think I am ready now * If this is the way it ends * This is the way it's meant to be
Bad Moon Rising (Credence Clearwater Revival)
I hear hurricanes a blowin' * And I know the end is coming soon * I fear rivers overflowing * I hear the voice of rage and ruin
Caught in the Fire (Klergy)
In these last days * We prayed for light * Prayed for a way out * Hear the thunder from God * In the eye of the storm * Everything is gone
Miami 2017 (Seen The Lights Go Out On Broadway) (Billy Joel)
I've seen the lights go out on Broadway * I saw the ruins at my feet * You know we almost didn't notice it * We'd seen it all the time on Forty-second Street
No Escape (Sam Tinnesz)
Wrestlin' with feelings we don't understand * Every single secret's blood on our hands * We're right on the edge, givin' in, givin' in * But we can pretend it's not the end
If The World Should End (Jennifer Damiano)
And the sky tonight is luminous * For all the wrong reasons * And every doorway is hiding something * And if this world should all * Come crashing down * I wouldn't care at all
Never-Ending Story (Within Temptation)
Armies have conquered * And fallen in the end * Kingdoms have risen * Then buried by sand * The Earth is our mother * She gives and she takes * She puts us to sleep and * In her light we'll awake
We Remain (Christina Aguilera)
Now, we talk about our wasted future * But we take a good look around * Yeah, we take a good look around, ooh * Yeah, we know it hasn't been for nothing * 'Cause we never let it slow us down
Eve of Destruction (Barry McGuire)
Don't you understand what I'm tryin' to say * Can't you feel the fears I'm feelin' today? * If the button is pushed, there's no runnin' away * There'll be no one to save with the world in a grave * Take a look around you boy, it's bound to scare you boy
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set-phasers-to-whump · 8 months
remember how i found you there, alone in your electric chair?
prompt: shock
whumpee: illya kuryakin
fandom: the man from uncle
hi! title for this one is from billy joel's you may be right, bc i simply couldn't resist lmao. hope you like it :)
It’s horribly familiar, except this time it’s Illya instead of him. He doesn’t know whether that makes it better or worse.
He’s tied to a chair, arms wrenched behind his back, and his jacket is gone and his shirt is torn and there’s a bruise beneath his eye and dried blood streaked beneath his nose. His feet are bare and stuck into a trough of water, and he’s shaking, fine tremors running through his body. 
It’s eerie. They’re in a different country, on a totally different mission, but suddenly Napoleon is back with Rudi in his torture chamber. 
Except it’s Illya in there, not him. 
He pushes the door open, gun out, but there’s no one to shoot. Only his partner, whose eyes go wide when he looks up and finds Napoleon staring at him. 
Napoleon approaches him, and Illya whispers, “stop.”
He stops. “What?”
“It -”
And suddenly Illya’s body tenses up, then starts shaking much more than it had been before. Napoleon hears a familiar buzzing noise. 
He can’t do anything about it. Not when there’s electricity flowing. He has to wait. Has to stand there and watch as his partner is electrocuted.
A few seconds pass, and the noise abates. Illya’s body jerks one more time, and then he sort of relaxes, panting heavily. 
Napoleon wastes no time. He pulls his wire cutters from his kit and rounds the chair. Wires criss-cross each other on the back, and he cuts through several of them indiscriminately. Nothing happens. 
It has to have worked, he knows. But he still tenses up, anticipating a shock, when he touches Illya for the first time. 
Illya flinches a bit, and that is all. Napoleon breathes a sigh of relief, then quickly unties his hands and feet. The ropes have left scrapes on his skin, and Napoleon can clearly see how hard he must have fought. 
Illya stands up the second Napoleon frees him, but almost immediately sinks back down. He’s still trembling. He breathes deeply, hands on his knees. 
Napoleon waits. He remembers how he felt, after. But they can’t afford to stay here for long. At some point, someone is bound to come check in on their torture victim. 
Illya sits there for a second or two more, then stands again. Napoleon offers his arm for support, and Illya grabs it tightly, nearly stumbling already. 
“Are you alright?” Napoleon asks quietly. “Relatively speaking, I mean.”
Illya nods. 
“You can walk?”
Another nod. 
Illya can, in fact, walk, despite his recent electric shock, despite his missing shoes. Not as quickly as normal, and with a good deal more clinging to Napoleon’s arm, but they manage.
Miraculously, they run into only a single guard on their way out. Napoleon dispatches him quickly, effortlessly. 
And then they’re outside. They make it to the tree line, to cover, and Illya drops to a knee. 
“Just a second,” he says, when Napoleon also takes a knee and looks at him worriedly. “I am okay.” He hasn’t yet stopped shaking, though the tremors are less violent, less frequent. 
They rest for a little while, relatively safe and hidden behind the trees. When Illya gets back to his feet, he’s a little steadier, and Napoleon simply keeps a hand on his shoulder to support him, if needed. 
They make it to their car. Illya sinks into the passenger seat and Napoleon switches on the radio and they both relax, just a bit. 
Napoleon hums along to a song he doesn’t know the words to as they drive closer and closer to their safe house, and when he glances over at his partner, visibly exhausted and occasionally shaking, he swears that despite this, there’s the slightest hint of a smile on his face.
thanks for reading!!! love u all <3
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cowgurrrl · 5 months
idk if you've seen any of them but W magazine has some great celebrity interviews, they're pretty chill and fun. sometimes it'll feature two random celebs together and idk! the idea of rockstar!joel and actress!reader being cute in those types of interviews is ADORABLE to think about. like them in any interviews together is cute but specific ones like these i LIVE for. ( i adore this couple SO MUCH!!!)
here's a recent one for context lol
Omg yes i have seen those!!
I think they would work around rockstar!joel and actress!reader schedules SO HARD because they want to interview them together so bad and when it finally works out they’re like YES this is how I imagine it going (because I’m too lazy to write out a whole thing but I love this dynamic)
Interviewer: What was the first thing you ever booked?
Joel: I think it was a gig at a little dive bar back in Austin. I was probably… sixteen? Seventeen, maybe.
Reader: Did you get paid?
Joel: I think they gave us one free beer each and I promised to not tell my mom.
Reader: So, we’ll be getting a call from your mother the second this airs.
Joel: Probably.
Interviewer: What about you? What was your first gig?
Reader: I played Mary in a Nativity scene at school and I was most definitely not paid.
Joel: I didn’t know that!
Reader: Yes, you did! We talked about it during Sammy’s first Christmas.
Joel: Okay, that doesn’t count ‘cause we were sleep deprived.
Reader: Then, how come I remember it?
Joel: ‘Cause you’re a world better than me.
Reader: Mhm.
Interviewer: Who was your cinematic crush?
Joel: Jennifer Grey in Dirty Dancing. Without a doubt.
Reader: I had a crush on Russell Hammond in Almost Famous.
Joel: Really?!
Reader: Yeah! I don’t know what it was. I just think I liked the whole guitarist thing…
Joel: D’you just realize somethin’ bout yourself?
Reader: Maybe, just a little bit.
Interviewer: What’s your karaoke song?
Reader: Dancing Queen by ABBA because I can be bad but everyone will still be excited.
Joel: I don’t have one.
Reader: Yes, you do!
Joel: What is it?
Reader: Piano Man by Billy Joel. He has two drinks and he thinks he’s The piano man.
Joel: ‘Cause I am.
Reader: It’s that or something country like Johnny Cash or Loretta Lynn.
Joel: Oh, that is true.
Reader: And the kids hate it.
Joel: They pretend to hate it because I’m their dad and they refuse to admit I’m cool.
Interviewer: What movie always makes you cry?
Reader: Steel Magnolias.
Joel: The Beginning of the End.
Reader: Joel, you can’t say my movie!
Joel: Why not? It makes me cry.
Reader: Because… ethics or whatever.
Joel: Is it unethical to say I like my wife’s movies?
Reader: No, it’s just-
Joel: You just don’t like it when I compliment your work in public because it makes you blush.
Reader: That’s not true!
Joel: It is and it’s really cute even when you pretend like you hate it.
Reader: There are just so many other movies.
Joel: Not ones that my wife is in.
Reader: I’ve already decided to keep you. You don’t have to butter me up all the time.
Joel: Little extra love never hurt.
Interviewer: What are you secretly good at?
Reader: Joel’s a really good cook.
Joel: I’m an okay cook.
Reader: Stop. Don’t get modest on me now, cowboy. He made an amazing three course meal and dessert for our anniversary last year. All from scratch, too.
Joel: She is really good at fixing things around the house like the other day, Sophia put a hole in one of our walls and I didn’t even notice you fixed it.
Reader: Somebody’s gotta use all the tools in the garage.
Interviewer: Where was your first kiss?
Joel: Under the bleachers at a football game.
Reader: On stage for a high school production of The Music Man.
Joel: That had to be weird.
Reader: Oh, yeah. Half the entire theatre department was there. It was awful!
(This ended up being SO long but it was so fun and yes these questions ARE directly from the video suck my dick (lovingly))
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