#( IN RP!! I MEANT IN RP!! )
hhoneycloves · 1 month
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Mutual Overstimulation
[ @randaccidents; you always tell me to mention you whenever i post art w/ your little guys in it 🗣]
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melody-han-wayne · 3 months
in this family we don't open doors and walk through them like ordinary people, we break in through the window or crawl through the air vents
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Best night of the year for someone with combat-related PTSD and someone who is hypersensitive to loud noises and flashing lights. I do appreciate the fascinating chemistry and beauty of fireworks, but it's better in moderation than this excess of noise and explosions all night long.
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pokemonranch · 7 months
Oh my cousin's team is FILLED with holiday themed pokemon. Delibird, Gourgeist, Luvdisc, Diggersby, Kangaskhan, Braviary (He is Unovan unfortunately)... there's more too. The man is COMMITTED to that bit.
I'm sorry I know I should comment on the team (and I love the commitment your cousin has) but I got distracted by the "unfortunately he is Unovan". You didn't need to diss that poor Braviary like that, he has enough being Unovan already.
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gothamcity-official · 6 months
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Management is sadly touchy with the censors, despite what everyone can hear walking down one block, but Mod Rusty is recovering and we wish them well.
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the-somwthing · 1 month
I’ll just say I never understood why so many fans say that other fans give Grian “too much trauma”. Like. I feel like you could say that about literally any of the life series characters yet I ONLY really see it said about Grian? Why are we not allowed to give Grian Specifically any trauma. I don’t get it.
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natsmagi · 16 days
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babe wake up new Switch Completing Each Other in Common Sets of 3 just dropped (rock paper scissors)
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draconifay · 8 months
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Avalon moments before being put in baby jail in the Cosmos
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thescoutgaymer · 2 months
Who needs sleepnwhen ya have toness of driksks andddddd
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markthemannequin · 3 months
how do you feel about people saying you gave birth to a literal lamp
Real weird that they assume I'M th' one who gave birth ta' Lampert!
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ask-themilkman · 2 months
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Set your timer for 7 pm GMT tomorrow chat.
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monoafterhours · 1 month
Why did you leave so suddenly? Did something come up?
I didn't leave- sorry-
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lloydfrontera · 6 months
related to that last post that's kinda why i think cpsm revealing that javier had died three years earlier than lloyd is poignant in a very understated way.
javier's original fate was to live when everyone he cared about didn't. he was meant to be the protagonist of that world, to face all kind of threats and survive all of them, but with no one at his side.
he's the narrative's favorite but the narrative's love is not gentle and it is not kind and it will hold you close until you suffocate under its themes and parallels. for the world would bend itself for javier to be at it's center but it would not allow him the comfort of sharing that spot with anyone else.
he was always meant to be the last one standing. fate won't kill him but it won't allow him to die either.
and then comes lloyd with his plot breaking meddling saving everyone around them and shoving his way into the protagonist role, sharing the burden javier wasn't even aware he was carrying. and fate tries so hard to correct itself, it tries by all means possible to put things back the way they were meant to be, but in the end the best it can do is to try and make it so there will only be one main character in the world. the way it was always meant to be.
it concedes. it won't take away everything from its favorite anymore. but it won't stand for there to be two of them.
and the thing is. it wins. it gets what it wants. in the end javier can't save lloyd, he can't take his place, he can't keep him alive, he has to stand and watch him sacrifice himself for everyone else. for javier himself. in the end when the battle is over javier is again the last one standing.
when lloyd comes back and the fate restoration doesn't start up all over again, he thinks it's because lloyd frontera's original body disappeared and he came back in his own body. i don't think it was that. i think the reason fate didn't try to restore itself again is because it had already achieved what it wanted.
the narrative won. not completely. not the way it was originally meant to. but in the end javier ended up as the lone protagonist who watched his loved one die before his eyes.
only then was it satisfied and allowed javier to leave its grasp. only then was he allowed to become a person and not just the main character.
a person who could spend a lifetime with all of his loved ones and when the time came, die peacefully in his sleep, knowing at least the person he came to care the most about will outlive him. at least this time, he won't be the one left behind.
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guckies · 4 months
I might just be stupid but why would the dead eggs be crying?
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What do you think of lucifer?
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"I hope that fucker dies in that blender, I hate him. ⚡"
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elias-magnusnt · 9 days
Ohhh Eliiiaaassss~!
That's a lot of vowels you got there. I'm sure I don't know what they mean...
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