#&. christa ‚ closed .
aflawedfashion · 10 months
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madwickedawesome · 11 months
thinking abt how “keep that hair short” (as last words to clem) is so loaded with unpoken be safes and i love yous and ill miss yous
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endfght · 3 months
❝ hey, it's carley, right ? ❞ there is assured hesitation in her tone, a purpose to her presence in front of the other. a softness in her voice that doesn't necessarily shine in eyes beneath furrowed brows. the moonlight spilling in from the open doors provides just enough illumination inside of the train car to christa to make it from one end to the other without falling flat on her face. ❝ it's obvious there was some . . . tension in your group when we first met ⸺ i don't want an explanation, you're entitled to keep whatever the hell happened to yourselves, but i need to know one thing, ❞ she doesn't mean to sound so accusatory, not really, but christa had more than just herself and omid to be looking out for now, and with his leg the way that it was ― she couldn't risk dragging them into the middle of what could be the massive implosion of this group; the frays of which already seemed to be a stone's throw away from that becoming reality. ❝ should omid and i be worried that you're all gonna turn on one another in the middle of the night ? because if the answer is anything but a definitive no, i think we should go our separate ways. ❞
starter call. @000warning's carley.
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With the popularity of Ted Lasso, I'm genuinely just so glad that we got such a phenomenal show that has made an impact on so many people, and of course now we've also gotten the first season of Shrinking, which also knocked it out of the park.
But I still mourn Whiskey Cavalier every time I watch an episode of either of those.
There hasn't been a whole lot of tv I've actually enjoyed in the past several years, and these three feel like an absolute trifecta, but WC feels like the holy ghost at this point because there is SO MUCH of it in Ted Lasso and Shrinking-- it's so many of the same writers/directors/producers, but they're also just so similar right to their foundations. All three interrogate tv tropes and relationships (of all kinds!!!!!) and mental health through comedy, and Ted Lasso and Whiskey Cavalier actually interrogate an entire genre. I'd say that WC is more on that side than Ted Lasso even is, because although they definitely interrogate some of the tropes of sports fiction (toxic masculinity, anyone?), WC actually parodies spy fiction while playing itself as straight.
It just makes me absolutely feral to think about what more of Whiskey Cav would have looked like. A second season? A third? The development of the show from the original(-ish, one of the drafts) pilot to what was actually filmed shows so much growth and an acknowledgement that they could really work with what they had-- it turned from a show about a guy (hence the name) to a show about an entire team. Frankie took the spot as the second main character with Will once they cast Lauren Cohan (I don't think that happened before she was cast but I may be wrong) and another character was completely rewritten into Jai when Vir Das was cast. They had an entire plan for how to flip the TV trope of the will-they-won't-they relationship to a how-will-they-make-it-work relationship!!!!!! It would have been so good!!!!!! The amount of character development we got in just one season was far above and beyond anything else I've seen besides Ted Lasso and Shrinking, and honestly I think more actually happened specifically because they didn't have the assurance of more seasons (good thing they didn't assume, I guess) to build on things like the Ted Lasso Method™ but they still managed to do it without rushing it.
Honestly I feel like I could make a venn diagram of how all three of these shows all overlap and it would be hilarious. Excellent theme songs by well known artists without it feeling cheap? ✅✅✅ Excellent episodic music by well known artists also without it feeling cheap? ✅✅✅ Really well executed character development for ALL of the characters? ✅✅✅ Interrogation of tv tropes? ✅✅✅ More specifically, hilariously camp villains who still manage to take advantage of tropes to work? ✅✅ Incredibly well developed character relationships OF ALL KINDS that don't all hinge on only one romantic relationship as the centerpoint of everything? ✅✅✅ Queer characters who don't exist for the butt of a joke or solely as token queer characters? ✅✅✅ Every line is delivered with perfect comedic (or dramatic) delivery and timing? ✅✅✅
Anyway, this has been a barely coherent and very meandering way of saying that the fact that ABC put the episodes out of order really screwed things up, but Whiskey Cav really hit its stride there with the second half of season one and absolutely nailed the vibe they'd been working towards with the foundational episodes that came before them, and I just get SO ANGRY when I watch Ted Lasso and Shrinking despite the fact that they're both so good and I enjoy them so much because it makes me think about just how good a second (and third, damn it) season of Whiskey Cavalier would have been.
#also Christa Miller ✅✅#there are live five people still on this entire platform who care at all about wc but it's just permanently close to my heart#also do not @ me about queer characters in wc Frankie literally talks about being queer IN MULTIPLE EPISODES#they all also said during a live tweet that she's queer but word of god isnt the same as canon#but it is also canon so#and ray literally talks about a guy he's flirting with and I do not want to hear a word about it being an 'accident'#another reason that I'm mad we didn't get to have s2 is because we didn't get a chance to have it spoon fed to people who#weren't paying attention or didn't want to believe it#like all the people watching ted lasso who said we didn't have any queer characters in it??????#keely and colin were queer the entire time folks it was made quite apparent#trent was less obvious but they pointed out keely and colin well without hanging up a sign the side of the believe poster#to draw attention to it#do I think it should have been more important sooner? sure#but they waited to fully explore it until it was part of the narrative#once keely wasn't with roy (which made sense to happen while she was at richmond) and once#colin and trent are in the same space at Richmond#anyway that's not the point of this post it's just making me mad right now because I keep seeing it#representation is really important but at the same time having characters who we expect to announce that#they're queer loud and up front creates really unreasonable expectations for real people to do the same#but ANYWAY#jo says things
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latenightdaydreams · 19 days
I have an idea that Konig is Ghostface and he's been stalking reader for a while. He found out reader is a bookworm outside but literally a cunt inside. Like she never comes to parties, spend hours with her vibration instead. One night, Konig sneaks in her house and rape her fat unused pussy 😩😩😩
Ghostface!König x Nerd!Reader (fem)
Master List
>cw: fem/afab, cnc, bondage, voyeurism, stalking
3.1k word count
The first time König saw you was at the campus Valentine's Day party. You showed up dressed in a festive pink sweater, but then sat in the corner with a stank look on your face. His eyes followed you as you seemingly complained to the girl you came with, a friend? Either way, your breasts and sensual body shape caught his attention.
König walks up to a guy that’s talking to your friend, “Wer ist das?” He asks, pointing to you.
“She’s a bitch,” the girl's friend hits his chest as if to tell him to shut up.
“She’s just shy. She hates parties.” Christa, your friend, defends you.
They all stand there and watch you gather your things and walk out the door without saying bye to anyone, not even your friend. Interesting. What type of woman are you? He was intrigued and wanted to see more of you. See what those bouncy breasts look like outside of that pink sweater.
After this first encounter, he dedicated his time to following you around campus. First, only to figure out what your schedule was. What classes do you take, what teacher do you have, what building the classes are in, etc. Just the basics.
He stalks behind you, far enough behind that you’d never notice; but close enough to listen in on any conversations you had. Which was basically zero. You kept to yourself no matter what you were doing. If someone interacted with you, you’d have such a poor attitude about it. Snappy, short, lots of eye rolling. This went on for two months.
One day, König set up a forced interaction. Dressed casually and slicked his blonde hair back. He looks handsome, standing at 6 '10 and being pure muscle. He knows he is attractive; his personality just sucks, much like yours seems to.
He lingers outside your second class of the day and looks around as if he were a lost student. Once he sees you, he walks over.
“Excuse me, miss?”
Your eyes dart to him as you take out an air pod. “What?” Your tone is unkind.
“I’m lost and I don’t know which room-”
“I’m late for class.” You cut him off and walk past him.
König just watches as you walk away with a smirk on his face. He knows once he has you in his hands, he’d have fun breaking you. After that, he waits for you to leave class and follow you home. Since you would not get to know him the typical way, he would continue getting to know you in the shadows.
You walk fast, but he has no issues keeping up. Your hips sway hypnotically, keeping his attention. Finally, you stop at a cute one-story home. He watches as you take your keys out and enter your home. Waiting a few minutes before he walks up to peek into your windows. He looks around to make sure no neighbors are watching as he walks up to your house, crouching.
Eyes peering through the first window, he sees your living room. Your shoes kicked off by the door, TV turned on already, and backpack thrown on the couch. His eyes scan the room, trying to take in every detail.
Continuing on he comes to the next window. He sees you and ducks back, worried you might have seen him. After a few seconds of no screams, he creeps back to the window. There you are. Taking off your shirt and jeans, just standing there in your beige bra and blue cotton panties. Totally unaware you’re being watched as you check yourself out in your dresser's mirror.
Watching like a hawk as you open the top draw and pull out a pink little vibrator. König could already feel his pants begin to tighten. You walk to your bed, grabbing a towel that’s folded underneath the bed. Laying the towel out, getting your pillows situated, and moving the blanket. It’s almost like a ritual and König’s interest is definitely piqued. 
He watches as you lie down on the bed. Your pretty pussy covered with a little bit of hair, as you spread your legs he can see the pink within your folds. Fuck this is gold…
König quickly undoes his pants as he watches you pick a setting before moving it to your little clit. Through the window he can hear how loud you’re being, your legs twitch from the stimulation. All the while König stands there feverishly stroking his leaky cock. Imagining him running up to you and shoving his cock in that tight little pussy…
Your hips begin to grind into the vibrator as your head drops back on to your pillows. Your left leg is starting to tremble… König watches without blinking as your innocent pussy begins to squirt. Fingers replacing the vibrator, you start rubbing your clit quickly. Your sweet juices are spraying everywhere. He bites his lip as he begins to cum, accidently cumming on the siding of your house. It felt as if he were a wild animal and just marked you, leaving his scent behind to deter other predators.
This became a ritual for König as the school year went on. He would follow you around campus, watch who you talk to, see how you interact with the world. Occasionally he would try to go up to you and just talk nicely, but every time you shot him down. As if you’re better than him. Then he would follow you home and masturbate outside your window as you play with your tiny cunt.
That was until summer break happened. You went away to work as a camp counselor for the summer, leaving König behind. With you gone, König felt lost. He spent most of the summer inside watching porn. Looking for actresses that resemble you, but none could match your perfect breasts or pretty pink cunt.
August rolls around and classes start back up. König walks into his social science class and sees you… perfect. You sit in the front, middle. Teacher’s pet know-it-all, of course you’d pick there to sit.
König sits in the very back, where he has a clear line of view in your direction. He watches as you rest your head in the palm of your hand. How you cross your legs and squeeze, as if you’re trying to stimulate some sort of pleasure. Little slut, you can’t even control yourself in class. All the obsession comes rushing back to him. He needs you.
Halloween rolls around. König is handed a flier for a costume party that will be happening at one of the sororities here on campus.  His new friend Carl, your friend’s boyfriend, goes out with him to buy costumes.
 They both walk through the Halloween store and talk casually. He tries to think of ways to ask about you without being so direct.
“Is Christas bitch friend coming?” König chuckles to make it seem less important to him.
“Y/n? Probably not. She never shows to support anything Christa does. When she does, she’s in a foul mood and just leaves. It breaks Christas heart.” He sounded genuinely upset with you and your behavior.
“What’s her deal anyway?”
“I don’t know. Little stuck up virgin bitch thinks she’s better than Christa because she’s waiting until marriage.”
Virgin. That’s why you only touch your clit; you don’t want to “pop” your cherry.
“Is she religious?”
“Probably. I never cared to ask. Let’s just hope she doesn’t show up and ruin it.”
“Yeah.” König didn’t want you to show up, but for a very different reason. He had something special in the works.
Reaching up, König grabs a Ghostface mask and holds it up to his face. “Hey, what about this?”
Halloween night, König puts on the black robe over a pair of blue jeans, a white shirt, and a small satchel bag that has duct tape and rope. A real knife in his hand. He stood in front of his bathroom mirror, looking at himself. Blonde hair longer and pushed back, dark circles under her icy blue eyes, and a twisted look on his face.
“You got this. You can do it.” He whispers as he slips the mask over his face.
König leaves his shared apartment on campus and walks down the street while the sun is just beginning to set. Other students rush past him, all heading to their own Halloween parties. Towering over everyone dressed as Ghostface, he had a few people jump out of fear. From behind the mask, he apologizes while laughing. As if he is a normal guy.
Finally, he approaches the steps on the sorority. Walking inside he sees that there are a few other Ghostface at the party already. König rolls his eyes under the masks. His attention turns to the staircase as he hears Christa and Carl arguing. Without being seen, he walks closer to listen in. It’s clear that she’s talking about y/n.
You bailed. Probably home studying or making yourself squirt. The thought gives König a chub. You’re exactly where he hoped you would be. At first, he was nervous this wouldn’t work out for him. No, you never change. Easy to track. Before he is seen, he slips out of the doors.
He blends in easily for once in his life. Everyone dressed up like freaks or sluts. The giant isn’t the main focal point today. Once he enters your neighborhood, he notices the empty streets, but very loud house music. All of your neighbors seem to gather, yet your home's lights are on.
Cautiously, he approaches your living room window. Boom, there you are, asleep on the couch. The TV on TLC, some random trash television show. He attempts to lift the window in front of him, but it’s locked. Moving down a window to your bedroom, also locked. König walks around the back and tries the back door, locked. The kitchen window is a little smaller, but he still tries it. Open.
Carefully, König climbs through the window. His massive body just barely begins to fit, but he manages. Slowly he climbs off of the counter that was right under the window, being sure to not kick anything off the counter and possibly wake you up.
Once stable on the floor he stood there for a while and looked around your kitchen. Your style was quirky, which was odd because you act as if you have no personality. Before waking you up, he goes into the bedroom and gets that towel you keep under your bed. He lays it out on the bed the same way you do. Even arranging the pillows and blanket for you.
Reaching into his bag under his black robes, he takes out the rope and tape. The rope he leaves on the bed as he walks out of the bedroom with the tape. He pulls some and he can be quick to shut you up.
With soft steps he makes his way to the living room. He can see your hands are in your hands as if you fell asleep masturbating. A virgin whore. He’s ready to just make you into his whore. Standing over you as you sleep; eyes drifting over your breast and the tiny bit of midriff that is showing.
Slowly lowering his face closer to you until he sees your eyes open. At first it’s as if you didn’t register what you saw. König tilts his head. Then you open your eyes again and begin to scream. Quickly he covers your mouth with the tape.
“Shhh,” his eyes go wild behind the mask.
You try to stand and get away but his massive body easily overpowers yours and slams you back down into the couch.
“Don’t fucking move.” He hisses as he cuts the tape with the knife. Pulling more, he adds an extra layer.
With ease he lifts your body from the couch, pinning your arms to your side so you can’t hit him. Your legs kicking as he brings you into your room; eyes going wide as you see that he set the bed up the same way you set up when you masturbate.
König giggles looking at your face, “I did good, ja?”
He grabs the rope and tosses you on the bed. As you try to stand up, he pushes you back hard, “Give up Maus, you’re mine tonight.”
Using his massive body to pin you down, he climbs on top of you. Your face down into the mattress as he grabs one of your arms and pins it behind your back before grabbing the other. He uses the rope to tie your hands together, tight enough to dig into your flesh.
“I’ll show you how to have a really good time.”
König stands and grabs your body, turning you to rest on your back, nuzzled in the pillows like when you masturbate. He walks to your dresser and takes out the small pink vibrator. You look up at him with wide eyes, it’s clear that he’s been watching you.
“Now, don’t move, or I might cut you.” He says leaning back over your body as he begins to cut your shirt from your body. Your full breasts come into view and he can’t help the temptation of reaching up and pinching your nipple. You try to scream through the tape, but the sound is muffled.
His attention drops down to the waistband of your pajama pants. Slowly he pulls them down. Seeing your cunt face to face instead of at a distance was breathtaking. Speechless, he moves his fingers through the soft hair that covers your pussy. Finally, he can feel you, smell you, taste you.
“If you move, I’ll gut you.” He threatens as he begins to settle himself between your legs.
He lifts his mask slightly and takes in a deep breath of what your pussy smells like. It’s almost sinful. He has to taste it. Slowly he slips his tongue out and swipes it through your folds. You squirm slightly but stop, remembering the knife. He swipes his tongue up again. If he knew you were this sweet, he would have broken in sooner.
Shoving his face into your pussy he takes a deep breath before sucking on your clit. He bites it lightly, causing you pain as your body jerks away. Not letting you move; he wraps his arms around your legs tightly to hold you still. Spit running down his chin as he aggressively laps at your cunt. He slurps your pussy juice before biting your labia. Again, you jerk in pain and König just laughs as he pulls his mask back down.
Once he stands from the bed he just looks down at your naked body. He begins to pull off the black robe, tossing aside the satchel. Stripping down to his birthday suit, but the mask stays on. His body is massive with a cock so heavy it hangs.
He grabs your pink vibrator and turns it on, gently holding it to your clit. His eyes light up as your legs begin to tremble. Muffled little moans escaping your lips. You can’t help but to feel pleasure, even though you’re in this situation.
“Good…kleine Hure.” He turns off the vibrator and sets it aside. Inching closer to you, he slaps his cock on your pussy a few times.
You shake your head no and try to scoot away from him, but he grabs your legs and drags you back to him. “No, no, no, you’re not getting away that easy.”
Looking down at your cunt he rubs the head of his cock back and forth over your clit. Slowly he slips down. With one hard thrust of his hips, he bullies his monster cock deep inside of your unused pussy. The tightness of your cunt was something only his hand had ever given him.
“Mien Gott, you really were a virgin.” He chuckled.
König grabs your legs and lets them fall over his arms as he holds your ass up off the bed slightly. His hips rolling rapidly into you, looking down he can see blood on his cock. A soft growl leaves his lips.
He lets your legs drop as he leans over you, one of his hands wrapping around your throat lightly. “My fat unprotected cock just ruined your pretty virgin cunt.”
You try to turn your head away from him as tears begin to roll down your eyes, but he doesn’t let you. He turns your head back to face him.
“Eyes open. I want to see the shame when I make you cum.”
You open your eyes as you have no choice but to listen. His free hand reaches down between your legs and begins to rub your clit. Trying to resist the pleasure was impossible, your legs tremble as your pussy feels as if it were torn in two.
He watches as you shake your head no. Your pussy getting tighter on his cock, he knew. He pulls out quickly, shoving his middle and ring finger into you. He presses down on the lower part of your stomach as his fingers curl, hitting your g-spot repeatedly.
You drop your head back and he slaps your pussy, “Eyes on me!” His voice a low growl.
Lifting you head back up to look at him, your eyes cross from the explosion of pleasure you’re feeling. You squirt, hitting the Ghostface mask slightly, getting it all over König’s hands and arms.
“That’s what I want to see!” He excitedly slips his cock back into your pussy. His eyes watch as you wince in pain.
His hips move mercilessly into you. “I’m going to cum deep inside of this pussy. You’re going to get pregnant with my babies. You like staying home anyway, right?”
The look on your face as he talks down to you is full of fear and it’s just enough to get him off. He presses his cock fully into you, your cries of pain muffled buts still so beautiful. König cums deep inside of you. His seamen painting every inch of your velvety walls. A loud groan leaves his mouth as he tries to press in even further.
The look on your face is almost relieved as he cums, that means this is over with. So, you thought. He pulls his cock out, covered in blood and cum. In one quick motion he flips you on to your stomach, pulling you down the bed a little. He sits on the bed now, one leg on either side of you. König leans forward to pull the tape off of your mouth and drags you closer to him by your shoulders.
“You’re going to clean this.” He says slapping his cock on your face a few times. “Open.”
You don’t struggle, opening your mouth wide. The taste of salty cum and blood assaults your taste buds. His hand grasping a fist full of hair and shoving his cock down your throat. Your body thrashes, legs kicking as you gag.
“Get used to it, Maus. My cock isn’t leaving your throat any time soon.”
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sonamytrash · 3 months
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Just friends, right?
Just a Levi × reader fluff, some of the gang catch a glimpse of Levis softer side.
Warnings: Suggestive themes, fem reader deacribed, semi public displays of affection, Christa is a fangirl, the aot characters ship levi x reader.
The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting an amber hue across the landscape as the scouts had the opportunity to have an evening of rest and relaxation following a day of training. Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie, Jean, Ymir, Reiner, and Christa were gathered on a hill overlooking the stables, watching as you tended to the horses. The gentle sway of your hips and rhythmic movement as you worked were almost hypnotic, drawing the group's gaze like moths to a flame. Their eyes followed your every movement, even as they engaged in idle conversation about their day's training. It was then that they noticed Levi approaching you from across the field, his stride purposeful and determined.
Ymir and Christa exchanged knowing glances as they all observed the exchange between you both.
"There they go again," Ymir snickers, nodding in the direction of the two figures. "I swear, it's like they can't keep their hands off each other."
"Hey, Ymir," Sasha began, trying to gauge her friends reaction. "You think Levi and y/n are...?"
"He's probably just going to ask her about her day," Armin ventured, trying not to encourage any gossip. But even as he spoke, a blush crept up onto his cheeks. "I mean, they're just friends, right?"
Jean raised his eyebrow at Armin. "When has the captain ever asked anyone about their day?."
Ymir smirked, her eyes fixed on you and Levi. "Oh, come on, Armin. You're supposed to be smart, you know better than that." She said, teasing the innocent blonde.
Christa cleared her throat, a fond smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "It's sweet, really," she mused. "But, they're definitely more than friends. She is the first person he goes to see after a mission."
"Probably to make up for lost time." Ymir replies with a sly smile. "If you know what I mean."
Armin's cheeks flushed redder as he glanced over at the two of you, Ymirs comment making his imagination run wild.
Eren, on the other hand, was still confused. "Wait, what do you mean, 'they're more than friends?" he asked, his brow furrowing. He turned to face Ymir as she continued to watch you both with interest.
"Oh, come on, Eren," Reiner teased. "You can't tell me you haven't noticed the way they look at each other. It's obvious they're more than just friends."
Jean couldn't help but sigh with a jealous frown, watching as you and Levi spoke. "Yeah, but what does she see in him?" he muttered under his breath. "She is such a beautiful, intelligent, and kind woman." He rests his head in his hand, "and he's such a grumpy, short, old man." He says with a pout playing on his lips.
As if on cue, you let out a girlish giggle in response to something Levi had said. The group collectively sucked in a breath, their eyes wide with surprise. "I guess she doesn't mind his grumpy old man act," Reiner remarked with a chuckle.
"You mean like, in love?" Connie cut in, his voice a mix of curiosity and disbelief. A little slow to the conversation.
"I think they are," Mikasa said quietly, a small blush painted accross her cheeks.
The group fell silent as they watched you both converse, your bodies comfortably close together. Suddenly, you lean in closer to Levi, your lips brushing his ear as you whispered something that made the usually stoic man blush.
The gesture was so intimate, so familiar, that it left the group speechless. Even from a distance, they could see Levi's cheeks flush red as his eyes meet yours. You seemed to revel in the effect you were having on him, teasing him with your eyes and the gentle brush of your fingers against his arm.
"Oh my god, Captain Levi is blushing." Christa squeeled her eyes wide with excitement, propping herself onto her knees. "Do you think they're going to kiss!? I mean, they're totally in love, and I just know they're going to kiss right now!" she gushed, her cheeks flushing a deep shade of pink.
"He's never like this," Reiner mused, studying Levi's face. "I mean, I've seen him angry, and I've seen him determined, but this... this is something else entirely." The others nodded in agreement, their attention fixed on you both as you conversed.
Ymir nudged Armin, her grin widening, "See? I told you."
As if to prove her point, Levi leaned in even closer, his hand moving up to rest on your hip, the gesture bold and possessive. The others couldn't help but hold their breath as they watched, transfixed by the scene unfolding before them. Sasha, her cheeks flushed a deep red, whispered, "I didn't know Levi had it in him." Reiner chuckled, "Neither did I."
Connie whistled lowly, impressed by the display of affection. "Who knew Levi was such a romantic?" He muttered under his breath. Eren snorted, his cheeks flushed pink. "Oh, come on. You don't think they're really...?" His voice trailed off, his gaze fixed on the couple before them. Ymir laughed, "Oh, they're definitely doing more than just talking," she assured him.
The group watched as Levi pulled back slightly, his hands moving up to cup your face. You leaned into his touch, your eyes fluttering shut as he brushed a stray hair behind your ear.
Christa covers her face, blushing furiously. "They're so cute together," she squeels, watching you both with a dreamy expression. "It's like they're the only two people in the world right now.".
Sasha glanced over at Ymir, a mischievous grin playing at the corners of her lips. "So, Ymir," she said, her voice low and teasing, "what do you think they're like in the bedroom?."
"I bet they go at it like a couple of alley cats every night behind closed doors." Ymir smirks.
When your lips finally met, the group let out a collective gasp, their eyes wide with wonder. As they watched Levis hand travel lower, cupping your behind before pulling you against him, causing you to let out a soft moan.
Armin stands up, blushing furiously. "I think that's enough for one evening!." He exclaims, waving his arms frantically to obscure the groups view. "But it's just getting good!" Sasha protests, trying to move him aside.
"I agree with Armin. If the captain finds out we were watching..." His face turns deathly pale. "He'll kill us."
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teddyeyeseddie · 11 months
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The Cherrywood Motel
rockstar!eddie x reader
warnings: drug use, general rockstar lifestyle
(a/n- rockstar eddie? housekeeper reader? sign me up! thank you @lofaewrites for looking this over for me, my beta forever ✨ I have two more parts for this, it may be longer we shall see!)
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The smell of bleach invades your nostrils as you push through the laundry room of The Cherrywood Motel. Your uniform skims across your thighs, the baby blue ribbon cinching your waist flowing easily behind you. You run into a few co-workers, older ladies that have worked for the family for years. Each woman bids you a soft good morning as you collect the linens you would be needing for the day. 
You load up your cart and push out into the cold crisp fall. It’s nearing 10 o’clock, checkout time coming in a hurry as you watch the parking lot before you fill with guests packing their cars to leave. 
You push to your first room when the clock hits 10:15. You’d given the occupants more than enough time to leave, so you’re not really worried about bothering a guest. 
You knock several times on the door, no answer coming from the other side. You knock once more, just to be sure. Silence. You take out your key and begin opening the door when suddenly it swings open. 
On the opposite side of the door stands a tall, lean, beautiful man. He has inky black tattoos creeping up his arms, the dark contrast on the skin drawing your eyes to anywhere and everywhere on the man’s body. 
“It’s’ 10 o’clock, what do you want, sweets?” The man groans as he holds back the long brown hairs that have slipped from the bun resting atop his head. 
“S’ actually time to check out?” you say as if its a question, the man's eyes widen comically as he rushes back inside. He closes the door in your face but returns moments later with a shirt on and clunky Dr. Martens on his feet. 
“Came in so fucked last night I must’ve only paid for one night,” he mumbles to himself as he makes his way back to the main office to settle his predicament. 
You’re left in a daze, the beautiful man leaving a lingering tingle in your heart. He was just so pretty. 
You were used to pretty men but not pretty like this man. You lived in a small town outside of Nashville, too many wannabe cowboys and country stars for your taste. You’d managed to meet a few nice men in your small town, but nothing that ever stuck. But he, he stuck with you. You remember his big brown eyes, smudged with eyeliner, his tattooed abdomen, his impossibly long fingers and even the way he smelled. It left you speechless outside of your next room, eyes scanning the expanse between his room and the office. 
Just as you’re about to peek into the motel room, you see him walk out of the office. He flashes you a smile and holds something up in his hands. You squint and see it's a pair of keys, you squint a little harder and notice the unfamiliar yellow keychain adorning the set. You send him back a smile and continue with your work, making the beds in the muggy room, scrubbing toilets and leaving complimentary soaps on each pillow.
It wasn’t glamorous work, you weren’t exactly busting at the seams when someone asked you what you did for a living. But, it paid your bills and paid them well. 
You mindlessly hum to the radio as you finish up mopping the bathroom in your final room of the day. You carefully fold up the extra towels once you're finished mopping. You wipe your hands off on the skirt of your uniform before rolling up the cord to your vacuum. You place everything back on your cart, rolling it down past the man’s old  room which now lay empty. 
You park your cart and make your way to the breakroom, pushing inside and plopping down across from your co-worker, Christa. 
“Can you believe Eddie Munson is here?” You cock your head to the side, confusion evident on your face as you look at your friend. You get up from your place at the table, walking to the vending machine and admiring your choices as Christa drones on. 
“You know Eddie Munson, Corroded Coffin Eddie Munson? Dropped out of highschool to form the most metal band of the century? Does that ring any bells?” She questions as she watches you fish dimes out of the pocket of your skirt. 
“I listen to Bowie and Kate Bush, I dont think I’m the one to be asking about metal,” you respond, pushing the coins into the machine and mindlessly punching in the number you always do. A-3. 
“He’s got like, gorgeous long brown hair? Loads of tattoos?” she continues to pry, she knows you’re familiar when your cheeks burn red. 
“AHA! You do know who I’m talking about!” she yells, rushing you to sit back down so she can hear all about it. 
You throw your treat on the table before you and take your seat back across from Christa. 
“I uh- woke him up this morning,” you state, a little shy to be talking about a customer so freely. 
“He answered the door all confused. He wanted to know why I was waking him up at 10 and I told him it was time to check out. So he freaks and rushes to the office after getting dressed. Nothing really special,” you shrug your shoulders as you play with the wrapper of the Hostess cupcake in front of you. 
Christa shrieks at your words, fanning herself as she imagines herself in your shoes. 
“So he was shirtless?” she questions. You offer her a small nod. She squeals even louder, an older lady who works in the laundry rooming shushing you two as she microwaves her dinner. 
“I saw him again, after that,” you state matter of factly. 
“He had a new key, had a yellow keychain?” you open the dessert in your hand and take a bite. 
“Yellow?” Christa Questions. You nod as you chew, Christmas mouth dropping as you confirm her question.
“That's the long term room,”
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You leave the break room that evening with your mind whirling, surely he only wanted the room for the additional features. There was no way Eddie Munson would stay at The Cherrywood for that long. 
You’re walking to your car that is parked behind the office, shuffling with your keys. You spot a small ember to your right, you turn your head towards the source of the light and see Eddie Munson staring at you, his face lit by the Camel he is smoking. He gives you a small salute as you slip into your car, you only offer him a shy smile in return.
You drive home that night with the smell of cigarettes lingering on your clothes, your mind swooning at the imagine of his stubbly face lit by a cig. You toss and turn that night in your small apartment, the image of those brown eyes bore into your mind every time you tried to close your eyes.
The next morning you sneak into the main office where the small continental breakfast is offered. You sneak past your boss to the coffee station, pouring yourself a heaping cup before turning to walk to the sugar station. As you’re turning around, you collide with a firm body, expletives fly as does the coffee in your hand, sending it straight down your uniform, warm liquid causing your thin uniform skirt to cling to your stomach and thighs.   
“Shit- m sorry sweets,” the man you now know at Eddie kindly offers, “Wasn’t even payin attention,” You look up at him, frowning when you see his beautiful brown eyes are hidden by dark round frames. 
“Probably cause of these,” You mumble as you reach your hand up to take the glasses off his face. You’re met with those brown eyes that filled your dreams the night prior. There’s still eyeliner smudged under his eyes, the dark presence bringing out the golden flecks in his eyes. You frown when you really begin to study his face, his nose is dry and cracked, the skin around the nostril irritated and puffy. His eyes are rimmed red, like a permanent kiss of tears. His hair disheveled and heaping on top of his head. 
Eddie’s heart pangs when he sees you recoil at the sight of him, he averts his eyes and reaches for his glasses. You snatch your hand away, looking up at him. 
“S’ just you're too pretty for that, Eddie,” You fold the glasses up in your hand before gently placing them in the palm of Eddie’s, you turn on your heels and rush to your first clean of the day, successfully locking yourself in the room before Eddie can find you. 
Eddie curses to himself when he watches you walk, no run away. You leave him there bewildered, not quite sure what to do. He wanted to run and explain that he’s trying, trying to be better. He wants to tell you it was just one line but everyone who knows him knows that’s bullshit. One line is never one line with Eddie Munson. 
It’s one line, two lines, a random fuck, three lines, four lines, a broken chair, five lines a broken tv, 6 lines and somehow he wakes up naked in his guest bedroom. It's a shot for shot, line for line, cut throat kind of party when Eddie Munson is around. 
But now, standing here, he has this itch inside him, one he has never even entertained scratching in his years to fame. This want to actually do better and this need to prove to you that this isn't the Eddie Munson the world cracks him out to be. 
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His second day there, he finds your cart and places an old Metallica t-shirt on your cart with a little note, “Sorry I dumped your coffee all over you :( xx” 
You giggle at the sloppy handwriting, you smile when you see him across the courtyard of the small motel. He sends you a wink which causes you to blush furiously. He lets out a small chuckle at your obvious flustered demeanor. He tries to wave you over but you’re quick to scurry in another direction, off to another clean. 
His third day there he stops at your cart when you’re leaving your last clean of the day.
“Hey uh- I need?” He trails off as he looks around your cart, eyes lighting up when he sees the extra complimentary soaps on your cart, “SOAP! I need more soap,”
You look at him quizzically, head cocking to the side as he lets out a nervous laugh. You simply reach for the soap and hand him some, smiling slightly when your hands touch. 
“Names Eddie,” he says softly.
“I know,” You respond, eyes never meeting his as you walk away towards the breakroom. 
His fourth day there he is bound to know your name, he even stops Christa to try and wiggle it out of her.
“She- she's really pretty?” Christa’s eyebrows raise, knowing exactly who he is talking about. 
“She always wears little white keds, with the ruffle socks?” Christa nods, crossing her arms over her chest as she weighs the benefits of revealing any information to Eddie. 
“I just wanna know her name..” he mumbles, pleading eyes looking down at her. 
“Think she’s gonna have to tell you that one,” Christa pats his thigh before heading to her car, she bids Eddie a soft goodnight and drives away, leaving him alone and wondering all about who you are. 
His fifth day there, you’re standing in the middle of the office, suitcases all around you. You’re flustered and upset talking to your boss. 
He’s watching from the outside, sitting by his door smoking a cigarette. Your boss rounds the counter, grabbing some of the bags before leading you to the room next to Eddie’s, the other long-term stay. 
You pass by him without a word, your boss simply offering him a nod of his head as he passes him. Your boss lets you into the room, giving you a quick hug assuring you everything would be okay. 
Your eyes meet Eddie’s as you go to shut the door, he offers you a small smile that you softly return but shut the door quickly so as to not start any conversation. You were over the night and you dont think your poor brain could handle another dose of being rewired by Eddie Munson. 
Your apartment had flooded, ruining much of the furniture you owned but sparing your more beloved pieces. Your boss agreed to let you stay in the other long-term as long as you were willing to help extra in the laundry room in the mornings. You agreed, thankful you had such a wonderful work family around you. 
You unpack your bags slowly, the night wearing on you. You check the clock and see that it is nearing 1am. Your boss has given you the day off tomorrow so you were excited to get to sleep in. As you lay your head on the pillow you hear a soft voice bleeding through the wall behind your head. 
“Her eyes and words are so icy
Oh but she burns, like rum on the fire
Hot and fast and angry as she can be
I walk my days on a wire” 
You hear the same words over and over, different inflections and notes flooding through the walls. If it was anyone else, it’d drive you crazy. But knowing it’s Eddie, it makes your heart skip a beat. You feel like he’s there, singing just for you, putting on a show for you that no one else can see or hear. 
You fall asleep like that, the perfected verse softly bleeding into the room, the twang of guitar accompanying the words comforting you. 
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You wake the next morning with a crick in your neck, you slowly roll out of bed heading towards the shower in hopes the heat will soothe your aching muscles. You hop in as soon as it is warm enough, letting the water aid the painkillers you had just taken. Once you’re through with your shower, you slowly climb out and wrap a towel around your exposed body, heading back to the main room to get dressed for the day. 
You settle for a soft skirt and Eddie’s Metallica shirt, you shove on your Keds and make your way out the door, shrieking immediately when you open the door to find Eddie Munson standing there. 
“Shit! M’ sorry sweets.. Was just gonna knock and see if you wanted anything from town,” he soothes, hands coming to rest on your tense shoulders. Once you finally calm down a bit, you’re able to respond. 
“Was just going to town myself,” you reply, smoothing out your skirt and looking down at the ground. 
“I could take you?” he questions, eyes hopeful as they cast onto you. You switch your weight from foot to foot, contemplating the idea of being so close to Eddie for so long. You look back at his eyes, his usual unsure eyes filled with hope. 
“O-okay but I’ll drive,” you respond, looking up at him, cheeks burning at the smirk that plays on his face. 
“Sure thing sweets,” he rasps, turning to lock his door. He’s wearing baggy blue jeans, reebok sneakers and a shirt that barely rides up his tummy. His hair is pulled up on top of his head, bangs framing his face. 
He follows you to your car, a baby blue ford fiesta. You loved your car, it was relatively new and oh so cute. Eddie smiles upon seeing it, whistling as he approaches the door.  
“Mmm cute car for a cute girl,” he says with a grin, ducking into your car. He buckles his seatbelt, sniffling as he does so. Your heart breaks for a moment, knowing just what was going on. 
You stay silent during the car ride, the odd sniffle breaking the silence here and there. You arrive at your local grocery store, turning your car off once you park. Eddie pushes his sunglasses up his nose, adjusting his bangs before exiting the car. 
You round the car, making your way inside, Eddie right next to you the whole time. You browse the aisles looking for the things you need, stopping and picking up a treat here and there. You’re at checkout when you spot the Hostess cupcakes, your hand reaching out for a chocolate one but a hand is quicker than yours. Your hand meets the top of Eddies but you quickly pull it away when you feel the cold of his hands. 
“Sorry-” you mumble as you place your items on the belt before you. 
“S’ okay. Here,” he hands you a pack of cupcakes, smiling at you before grabbing another pack for himself. 
You both buy your respective items, Eddie taking your paper bag, carrying one in both arms. He puts them in the back of your car, settling in next to you in the passenger seat. 
“Listen- I know I’m kind of intimidating and I’m sure you’ve looked into who I am, but that's not really me…” he tries to offer. You stay silent before taking a deep breath in. 
“E-eddie, I know people crack you up to be crazy and you haven’t shown me that. But..” 
Eddie winces, preparing for what words come out of your mouth next. 
“I- I can see it. In your eyes, some semblance of truth,” you stare up at him for a while, his hands coming to take off his sunglasses to reveal those beautiful red-rimmed eyes. 
“S’ part of the lifestyle sweets,” he rasps, smirking but letting it fall when he sees how unamused you are. 
“Doesn’t have to be..”
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bookishcarmela · 7 months
Shadows of Affection
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warnings: death, violence
Coriolanus Snow x reader, slight Felix Ravinstill x reader
Chapter 4: Arachne
The news from Dr. Gaul had lifted your spirits as you arrived home early. To your surprise, you found your younger siblings at home. Your mother was engrossed in the television glass of wine in hand, and your siblings, as oblivious as always, were watching the tributes. They pleaded with you to take some food to Lucy Gray, Coriolanus's songbird. Normally, you would have refused, deeming it unnecessary, but the positive mood of the day prompted you to agree
With a sigh, you said, "Alright, we can go. Get whatever you want to take with you." The twins squealed in delight, rushing to gather snacks. You called for Christa to arrange transportation and accompany them to the zoo.
The ride was smooth and quick, and upon arrival, you found a bustling crowd. you spotted some of your classmates, including Festus, and Arachne. Not surprisingly, Coriolanus was there with his songbird, none of them notice you but Coriolanus giving you a surprised look until he saw your younger siblings clinging to your skirt.
Benjamin brought a boiled potato for Lucy Gray but was too afraid to approach the cage. Coriolanus, noticing the situation, winked and waved at Benji, giving him the courage to move forward. You nodded in approval, encouraging Benji to interact with Lucy Gray.
“Did you bring that potato for Lucy Gray?” Coriolanus asked. “Yes. I saved it from dinner. I wanted to eat it, but I wanted to feed her more,” Benji replied. “Go on, then,” Coriolanus encouraged him. “She doesn’t bite. Mind you, use your manners.” you reassured Benji, saying, "Go on, it's alright." Taking a shy step toward the cage, Lucy Gray graciously accepted the potato, treating it as a precious gift.“Well, hey there,” said Lucy Gray. “What’s your name?” “Benjamin,” he said. “I saved you my potato.” “Aren’t you sweet? Should I eat it now or save it?” she asked.
“Now,” he gingerly held it out to her. Lucy Gray took a bite, savoring it with closed eyes, and almost seemed to swoon. “My That’s about the nicest potato I’ve ever seen. Nicest tasting, too. Thank you, Benjamin,” she said. Benji blushed with pride, and you couldn't help but smile a little at the heartwarming interaction between your brother and the tribute.
Coriolanus gave you a thankful look, and you responded with a small smile. He then shifted his gaze with curiosity behind you. Turning your head to see what was happening, you were surprised to find that Arachne had set up a little picnic for her tribute. There was a fresh loaf of bread, a block of cheese, and even grapes. 
You observed as Arachne sliced the cheese with a mother-of-pearl-handled knife. Her tribute, the talkative girl from District 10, sat in front of her, leaning eagerly into the bars. Arachne prepared a thick sandwich but didn't hand it over immediately. It seemed she was delivering a lecture of some sort. At one point, the girl reached through the bars, grinned at the audience, shook her finger at her tribute, offered the sandwich, and then playfully pulled it away, much to the crowd's amusement. 
Lucy Gray commented, "She's playing with fire.”
Arachne waved to the crowd and took a bite of the sandwich herself. you could see the tribute's face darkening, the muscles tightening in her neck. Something else caught my attention; her fingers slid down the bar, darting out, circling the handle of the knife.You opened your mouth attempting to shout out a warning, but it was too late
In one swift movement, the tribute yanked Arachne forward and slit her throat. The crowd's laughter turned to shock, creating a chilling atmosphere. The unexpected turn of events left everyone in stunned silence.
Shrieks came from the audience members nearest to the attack. Arachne’s face drained of color as she dropped the sandwich and clawed at her neck. The blood poured down her fingers as the District 10 girl released her and gave her a small shove.
Everything happened so fast, a chaotic blur unfolding before your eyes. Shrieks pierced the air from the audience members closest to the attack. Arachne's face drained of color as she dropped the sandwich, desperately clawing at her neck. Blood poured down her fingers as the District 10 girl released her, giving a small shove. 
Reacting quickly, you shoved Benjamin into Christa's arms, instructing her to get the kids out of there and home. Arachne, bleeding profusely, stepped back, reaching out with a dripping hand, imploring the audience for help. Stunned or scared, people hesitated to respond, drawing away as she fell to her knees, bleeding out.
Forcing your legs into motion, you were the first to reach Arachne, She clutched your sweater as life seeped out of her. "Medic!" you cried, easing her to the ground. "Is there a doctor? Please, someone help!" you tore off part of your skirt and pressed it to the wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding. "Come on!" you screamed at the crowd desperately pleading for someone to help Arachne.
 Your voice was hoarse, your eyes stinging with tears threatening to spill. No, not now. This isn't the time, you thought. Arachne, with the little life left in her, said, "Please, Y/n, please. I don't want to die."
Your lips trembled. "You're not going to die, okay? Everything is going to be okay," you assured her. When her breathing stopped abruptly and her eyes became dull, panic set in. "Arachne, no, no, no. Please, come on, wake up. You have to stay awake," you kept muttering to yourself, cradling her in your arms. you knew she was dead, but you just couldn't let her go. 
Festus and Coriolanus were next to you now, exchanging helpless looks. How long had they been there? Why weren't they helping her? Why didn't they call for help? "Y/n," Coriolanus said softly, grabbing your shoulder. "Y/n, she's gone. You have to get up; you're hurt." His hands gently grabbed your face, moving it to look at him. He then moved his hand down to the base of your neck, and you felt a stinging sensation. You could now feel yourself bleeding. When did that happen? How could you not have felt that? It must have been when the Peacekeeper shot the tribute; the bullet must have grazed you without you even knowing.
You remained motionless until the medics finally appeared and lifted Arachne onto a stretcher. Coriolanus helped you up and insisted that the medics check you for further injuries. you swatted them away; you were fine. It was Arachne who wasn't.
Coriolanus pulled you close, checking you himself since you wouldn't let anyone else near you. You wrapped your arms around him, and he reciprocated, laying his head atop Yours and planting a gentle kiss on my temple. "It's okay, Dove. I've got you," he whispered.
"Dove," you thought to yourself. The only people who ever called you that were Dr. Gaul and your father. you hated it when people called you that since Your father passed. He came up with that nickname; it was your thing. You didn't mind Dr. Gaul calling you that; she was almost like a mother to you. But coming from Coriolanus, it just felt right. It calmed and soothed you in a way you hadn't expected.
The soldiers were swarming the place, clearing out the last remnants of the audience and lining up the tributes along the back of the cage with their hands on top of their heads. The peacekeepers gave you two a respectful but firm push toward the exit. You stopped at a water fountain and worked a bit on removing the blood. Neither of you knew what to say.
Arachne hadn't been your favorite person, but she'd always been in your life. The wash of blood, the whiz of bullets, and the screams in the crowd all caused flashbacks to the worst moments of your childhood. Rebel boots pounding through the streets, Arachne and you once pinned down by gunfire, surrounded by dying bodies.You had to play dead among the rest of the bodies until they left, praying they didn't find you. Arachne and you never talked about that day, but it created a shared bond between the two of you. As part of the wealthy old guard of the Capitol, she was family. The bond was a given.
“I couldn’t save her,” you said. “I couldn’t stop the blood.”
“I don’t think anyone could have. At least you tried. That’s what matters,” Coriolanus consoled you. Once you exited the zoo, you kept walking. "Do you want me to walk you home?" Coriolanus asked. "No," you said quickly. Coriolanus gave you a taken-aback look. "No, I mean, I'm not going home. I just can't deal with home right now. I'll find somewhere to go. But you don't have to stay with me. You must be exhausted." Coriolanus thought for a second, taking a deep breath. "You could, uh, you could come home with me if you want," he suggested. you gave him a sad smile and thanked him. As you walked to his apartment, your hands kept touching each other until they finally interlocked. As you approached his apartment, he stopped and looked at you. 
"Corio," you said. "Look, I'm not... we're not, uh..."
"I know," you interrupted him. "It's okay. I won't tell anyone," you assured him. He gave you a look you couldn't read, and continued up the stairs to his apartment. you'd known for a while that the Snows hadn't had money for a while now. Quincy owns almost half the real estate in the city, including the Snows' apartment. Sometimes when he's not looking, You'll hide the paper informing him that the Snows are late on rent. To give them some extra time. 
As you entered his apartment, Coriolanus's grandmother and Tigris were fast asleep. you walk quietly to his bedroom. You settled on his bed as he shut the door and went to freshen up. His room seemed frozen in time, almost identical to how it was during your last visit—about eleven or twelve years ago. It was a time before the war, when your families were close. You used to have countless playdates until the war separated you. After his mother's death, you rarely visited. The funeral marked the last time you saw him before both your fathers perished in the war, and things just changed. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts as Coriolanus handed you some clothes to change into and pointed you to the restroom. His hair was slightly damp, and his shirt clung to him. You tried your best to keep your gaze steady as you took the clothes and made your way to freshen up.
You shed Your bloodstained uniform and stepped into the near-scalding water of the shower, scrubbing away the remnants of Arachne’s blood from your body. For a moment, a painful sob wracked your chest, a mixture of sorrow for her death and frustration over your own life. It passed, leaving you unsure of its origin—perhaps a blend of both.
Once you stepped out, you dressed in the clothes Coriolanus had given you: a white undershirt and blue sleeping pants, two sizes too big. you did your best to dry off with the towel before hanging it back up.
 In Coriolanus's room, you found him deep in thought. When he looked up, his eyes scanned you from head to toe as you came to sit beside him on the bed.
"What are you thinking about?" you asked. "The proposal," he replied. "Surely she wouldn't expect us to have it done by tomorrow after everything that's happened." You sighed wearily. "She would. Dr. Gaul is the type to penalize for missing any deadlines, regardless of the circumstances." He shot you a tired and annoyed look.
"I can help you if you want," I offered. "It's technically cheating because I'm supposed to sort through and approve the proposals tomorrow, but this can be our little secret." Coriolanus perked up at the idea, and you spent hours crafting the perfect proposal together.
Exhausted, you laid down in bed. To your surprise, Coriolanus wrapped his arm around you, holding you close. "Corio," you said with a yawn.
"Hmm," he replied sleepily. "Thank you," you said.He simply held you closer. "Good night, Y/n." "Good night, Corio," you whispered before closing your eyes and letting sleep take you.
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shikiii-skadi · 2 years
Attack on Titan Love language Season 4ver.
part 1 (eren jäger, mikasa ackermann, armin arlert, levi ackermann, christa lenz)
includes: eren jäger, reiner braun. pieck finger, porco galliard, colt grice
warnings: mentioning of insecurity
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Eren Jäger:
How they love you: Physical Touch
Over the years, he has become expressionless. After all he has seen and done, he feels most comfortable when you touch each other, since he is no longer able to express his love for you with words.
How they want to be loved: Words of Affirmation
Even if he would not admit it but there are times when he doubts himself or the things, he believes in. At these times he wants to hear nothing but your soothing words filled with so much love for him. He himself can't understand why you still want to be by his side.
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Reiner Braun:
How they love you: Acts of Service
Reiner thinks he doesn't deserve you. He thinks it's more tolerable to be by your side if he is of use to you. If you need something, you don't even have to say something. He is already on his way to get it for you. Reiner is doing the little things as well. Always checking if you have enough water with you while training or if you seat in a meeting is close enough to the front so you can hear and see everything.
How they want to be loved: Words of Affirmation
As said before, Reiner is really insecure. He thinks he doesn't deserve you and that you deserve someone better than a broken man like him, with whom you will never have the life you dreamed of, because of his position as a warrior and Ymir's curse. But if you, someone so wonderful and important to him, tells him how much you love and appreciate him, he feels a bit better about himself.
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Pieck Finger:
How they love you: Physical Touch
Pieck likes to touch you. She likes the feeling of your soft skin and how warm it feels. There is nothing is better than to cuddle with you after a long and stressful day. Pieck also likes to give small gestures of affection, for example fixing the collar of your jacket, while slightly brushing against your neck with her fingertips.
How they want to be loved: Quality Time
Pieck knows that you two can't spend your entire lives together, as much as she wishes it. That's why she wants to spend as much time as she possibly can together with you. You don't have to do anything special every time you have a free day. It's enough for her to just cook together or sort out old clothes. The only thing that's important is that you do it together.
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Porco Galliard:
How they love you: Quality Time
Whenever you are together, you have his undivided attention. He will always set aside time just for you. Even if it sometimes doesn't look like it, but Porco always listens to you very closely and remembers what you told him weeks later. You have his full attention even if you are on the other side of the room or something like that.
How they want to be loved: Physical Touch
Porco always tries to maintain his tough guy image, even if it's just the two of you. That's why he often can't bring himself to admit that he really likes it when you two cuddle. Therefore, he is more than happy when you make the first move.
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Colt Grice:
How they love you: Acts of Service
Colt will do anything for you to make your life a little easier. No matter what it is, Colt is immediately at your side ready to help. Even when it comes to easy things, he always asks you if you need his help.
How they want to be loved: Receiving Gifts
Colt can't think of anything nicer than the thought of you spending your free time figuring out what the perfect gift for him would be. All the time and effort you put into this just to make him happy warms his heart. He also doesn't care what it is or if it's valuable. Because the fact that you gave it to him makes it valuable enough.
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happypeaceperson · 7 months
Reiner Braun X Male Reader
Returning after another long ass break because I just gotta write stuff for this man right now. I've been rewatching AOT recently and had to write for Reiner. Of course my first fic with him had to be from one of my favourite moments in the series. The one where they are in the castle ruins. This is just a cute little confesion fic thats all. No fighting or anything!! (About to rewatch season 4 so expect a shit ton more for Reiner because season 4 Reiner is FINEEEE)
(Also, slight mentions of suicide. Not explicit but its heavily implied!)
Hope you all enjoy :)
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You sat on the ground, resting by the wall with your eyes closed. You couldn't believe you were in a situation like this. Trapped in the ruins of a castle with dozens of Titans outside trying to eat you alive. Death was so close, only a wall separating it from you. You never feared death, if you were being honest, you embraced it. The main reason you chose to fight the titans was to hopefully die one day. To go out on terms that weren't your own. You felt that if you died in the middle of a fight it would give you more meaning than if you did it yourself. 
You opened your eyes to observe your surroundings. A sigh escaping your lips as you took in the empty room. Only you and your friends sat in it. You saw Connie and Sasha sitting beside you. Both looked like they could sleep for days. Ymir and Christa sat beside them. You weren't surprised that Ymir hadn't left Christa’s side since you all got here. You always saw those two together. On your other side you saw Bertholdt Jean, they were fast asleep. You didn't understand how someone could sleep in a situation like this. 
In front of you stood Reiner. Why was he up? You stared at his back for a moment, wondering what he was doing. His hands were clenched and he looked deep in thought. Another sigh left you as you decided to get up and go over to him. Hoping to ease his mind. 
You and Reiner weren't that close. Only close enough to barely call each other friends but it was enough for you. You weren't that talkative with people anyways. You didn't have “Friends”. The only people you would consider friends were Eren or Mikasa but even that pushed it. You didn't mind not having people close to you. It made it easier when they would eventually die. It was a grim Ideology but it was true. Getting too close to someone scared you but for some reason you felt yourself wanting to grow closer with Reiner. To you it seemed that he did too. Although he put more effort in doing so. 
“Hey, Reiner” You place a hand on his shoulder. “Everything alright?” His body tensed for a moment when you placed your hand on him. He seemed to ease when he noticed that it was you. 
“Y/n? Why are you awake?” He looked at you with those eyes that made your heart skip a couple beats. Why did you feel this way? Nobody has ever made you feel like this so why him? 
“Couldn't sleep.” You admit. 
“The titans scare you?” He questions. 
“Nah, More scared of what they'll do to them” You point behind you to your friends. Reiner chuckles. 
“Connie and Sasha don't stand a chance.” You laugh with him. His face suddenly turns serious. It made your stomach twist. What was he gonna ask now? “Are you scared of dying Y/N?”
“Wha-” Why was he asking you this? You stood there for a moment. Not sure what to say. “I guess” Was all you could get out. “Why do you ask?”
“Everyone here seemed scared to death on that rooftop when we looked down at the titans. You on the other hand, the look in your eye was something. Like you were waiting for the tower to just collapse and take you down.” How the hell did he get all that from one look?  Why is he pointing this out now? “Is that why you chose to fight titans?”
“Why do you care?” You didn't mean for that to come out so mean. You just wanted to know why he was all over your ass about this. 
“Because I care about you.” Reiner turned away from you. He turned to face the window of the tower again. “”It might not seem like it but you're one of the few I actually wanna protect.” 
“Why's that?” You move closer to him. 
“Can we go somewhere private? Like, away from the others.” He asks. Was he avoiding your question? 
“Uh, okay” Reiner takes your arm into his grasp and guides you to an empty room. He closes the door behind you two before facing you. His eyes looked different. There was something to them that you couldn't decipher. He wasn't acting like himself either. He seemed more timid. Like he was scared. Why would Reiner be scared?
“You wanted to know why I feel like I need to protect you?” He grabs your hand. You nod slightly. “I'm not sure how to say this.” He closes his eyes. “Ever since I saw you I felt something. I wasn't sure what it was at first but when I went to talk to you that feeling grew. I knew from the look of you that you took death as a joke. Something you wouldn't give a second thought to if it was handed to you on a silver platter. So I took it upon myself to protect you. I wanted to help you. I was confused on why but now I know. It's because I like you, Y/N” You saw Reiner begin to blush. He what? You were trying to decode what he just said. This man that stood in front of you just read you like a book and confused his love for you? How do you respond to that. 
“I- um” Speak idiot. You cursed yourself internally. Reiner looked at you. His eyes wandered over your face, looking for any indication of emotion. He liked you. Someone genuinely cared for you and this is how you react? You felt Reiners grasp on your hands release. 
“Sorry. This was stupid.” He says. He looks so vulnerable right now. You never thought you would see him like this. Reiner reaches out to the door, slowly opening it.
“Reiner, wait!” You called out. You pushed yourself away from people too much. You had to learn to let others in. This is that chance. “I um. I care about you too. I don't show it but I care about a lot of people. Letting people in is scary for me. I don't want to lose anyone so I just push everyone away. You were different. I feared for you everytime we fought the titans. Losing you scared me. I don't know why but it did. If I'm being honest, you're the reason I haven't let a titan treat me like a chew toy yet.” Reiner stood there,staring at you. “I like you too.” You let out a shaky breath. 
Reiner walked back towards you. His hands reach up to your face. His eyes never leaving yours. “Can I kiss you?” He asks while looking at your lips. You simply nod. He leans forwards. You feel his breath on your face. It was warm. His lips finally met yours and you swore you just died and went to heaven. His lips were soft. You placed your hands on his chest as you leaned into the kiss. It felt like an eternity but Reiner finally pulled away. Allowing you to catch your breath. He didn't say anything, only staring into your eyes. “We should probably head back to the others” He says, breaking the silence. 
You nod as you two begin to make your way back. “Wait.” You paused. You hold on his hands growing tighter. “Promise me something.” He turns back to face you. His eyes filled with curiosity. 
“What is it?” He asks as you take a deep breath. 
“Promise that no matter what we will be by each other's side till the end. I don't want to have to come back from a mission to see that you're gone. I want us to be together till each other's final breath.” Reiner is surprised by the sudden request. He smiles at you. 
“I promise.” His hand reaches out for yours. “Till the end of time” His eyes stayed locked with yours. You take his hand. 
“Till the end of Time.”
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viisoul · 7 months
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you don’t like girls… no way. but you’d take it into consideration after trying it for yourself.
cw : CORRUPTION KINK , cunnilingus
a/n : i hope i did this right
gothic mikasa! who's always staring at you, dirty thoughts running through her head when she looks at how short your skirt is and how it's so close to showing off your perfect ass.
gothic mikasa! who finally chooses to go to a party with eren, immediately realizing you were there when she noticed you uncomfortably sitting with a bunch of people you weren't exactly too familiar with, but had no choice because you didn't want to be alone.
gothic mikasa! who stole you away from the people you were uncomfortable with, deciding that this was a great opportunity to speak to you since you both were mutual acquaintances.
gothic mikasa! who guided you through your first time drinking and smoking.
gothic mikasa! who sat with you in a random, yet quiet bedroom, while smoking so much weed that both of your eyes had turned red.
gothic mikasa! who finally kissed you, and who you let touch on your body as she pleased, pinning you down on the bed without a care in the world before going down on you...
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you were grinding against mikasa's face, fingers tangled in her silk black strands of hair. by now, her chin was glistening with your juices, middle and ring fingers pruny from fingering you for so long.
it wasn't supposed to go this way—, you didn't like girls. let alone would you ever let a girl do something like this to you. honestly, it was your first time ever getting head, or engaging in sexual activity for that matter. you'd only gotten as far as kissing, but no one needed to know that.
it was embarrassing, really. you've gone years—, being a sophomore in college without finding anyone necessarily trustworthy of touching on you the way mikasa did. it might've just been the alcohol and weed, it had to be. if anyone were to find out about this, seeing a girl have you whimpering, your reputation likely would've been ruined.
you were a pretty girl. you had money, fans, majority of your college knew you and loved you. a lot of the boys wanted you, and if they didn't want you, they probably wanted your best friend, christa, or were gay... or just had a girlfriend. whatever the case was, you were a stereotypical popular girl who always walked around in pink with a pretty little smile on your glossy lips that caused the boys to swoon over you.
but none of that mattered. your reputation didn't matter. okay, maybe it did, but not at the moment. what mattered was the fact that mikasa was so good at this. what mattered was the fact that she had you covering your mouth so you wouldn't be crying out, tugging on her hair and back arching.
"m-more, please, mikasa..." you begged. she could hear the neediness in your voice, and it'd honestly sounded like you were crying. she didn't question you though, only choosing to give you what you wanted.
mikasa used her free hand to spread your folds erotically, swiping her tongue up your pussy before closing her wet lips around your clit. you were sensitive there, so every movement she did while sucking on your clit had you crying out into your hand.
"ah—! i-i can't... mika~!" you whined.
you felt so close to such an unfamiliar feeling that you were desperate to discover, only knowing that it'd bring you to a blissful state.
mikasa's lips departed from your clit before moving down, flicking her tongue in your hole. her nose grazed against your clit, sending tingles up your spine.
"such a good girl f'me... so good," it was clear she was pussy drunk, beginning to babble muffled words and sending vibrations up your clit. she'd moan, curling and scissoring her fingers inside of you, alternating between rubbing on your clit with her thumb and reaching up your chest to squeeze your soft tits.
something about mikasa being the first person you'd ever did anything sexual with, along with her being the person making you into girls had her dripping in her own underwear. she wanted to do so much to you, but she couldn't. however, this moment was just enough for her to cherish, because she knew she was the first one to make you cum.
you had to roughly keep your hand over your mouth to hush the high pitched squeal you let out, tugging on mikasa's hair while doing so. there was a feeling that washed over you, one so overwhelming but so blissful. you slowly let go of her hair, resting your back against the headboard. you panted, the muscles in your legs spasming.
you could feel yourself throbbing from the aftermath, sweaty, a bit tired. maybe it was from all the weed. there were so many things you'd done that night that you'd never done before. drinking, smoking, letting a girl eat you out…
but, you kind of liked it. well—, you only liked it from mikasa. she made you feel good. she made you want more of her.
“m-mika…” you whispered.
“mmh?” she hummed.
“i… um… thank you. y-you’re really good at what you do. i mean, i didn’t even know i… y’know… would like that from a girl.”
“i’m sure you didn’t,” she spoke under her breath, a small grin growing on her face.
“nothing. are you feeling okay?”
“um, actually…” you crawled on top of her, despite your legs being weakened. “can you teach me how to make you cum? i wanna return the favor and make you feel good.”
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ambassadorarlert · 8 months
HEAT WAVES... (Armin Arlert x afab!reader)
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0.6 AS ABOVE… (main menu | spotify) ↳ summary: armin does something special. // sasha starts getting curious. ↳ warnings: so much fluff it'll make you sick, minor mentions of violence, flower language. ↳ genre: comfort, comedy, fluff ↳ word count: 6k
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“Woosh… woosh…”
All was quiet in the girls barracks. Crickets sung outside of the window, the pale light of the moon high in the shy offered relief from the darkness of the night. 
“Woosh… woosh…”
The layout in the barracks were rows and rows of bunk beds with a nightstand in between each one that housed a single oil lamp. To your right was Mikasa, who slept on her back as if she were sleeping in a coffin. Above her was Sasha. Her foot hung off the side of her bunk, beckoning to be grabbed or tickled. To your left was Christa, and Ymir, who snored loudly on the top bunk. 
The sound of whooshing had woken you up. You rubbed an eye, looking around for the source. Everyone around you seemed comfortable and cozy, out cold from a hard day of training. After another quiet ‘whoosh,’ you pinned that the sounds were coming from above you. You kept your eyes half shut to retain your sleepiness so you could easily go back to bed, and climbed the ladder on the side of your bunk. 
Annie laid on her back, one arm out from under her covers and rested above her head. She looked just as intimidating asleep as she was when she was awake. Annie had a bad habit of talking in her sleep. Sometimes, they were incoherent sentences but most of the time she made the silly “whooshing” sound effects. 
Annie had talked in her sleep since she started cadet training, and you figured she had done it her entire life. You always wondered what an aloof person like her dreamt about. You asked once, but she never gave an outright answer. It only added to her cool mysteriousness. 
You waited less than thirty seconds to catch her in the act and “whoosh” again under her breath. With a pillow in hand, you whacked her with it. Annie jolted upright, sputtering confused and dazed. 
“What was that for?” She hissed at you. 
“You’re talking in your sleep again.” You informed her. 
Annie looked around her. Her eyes were blown out wide, lips turned upside down into a different kind of frown from the one she wore during the day. She looked around, getting a grip back into her waking reality. 
“Are you okay?” You tested.
Perhaps she was having a nightmare, and smacking her with a pillow wasn’t a good method to wake her up. You immediately felt guilty. 
“Yeah. I’m fine. Sorry.” She mumbled.
Annie turned on her side, facing away from you now, and cuddled back under the thin sheet. You returned to your bunk, settling down on your back. You closed your eyes to get back to sleep. Not even five minutes had passed until you heard,
“Whoosh… Whooooooshhhhhhhh…”
The morning was warm and breezy. The sky above was just beginning to turn blue. Shades of yellow swirling behind the clouds. The sun had not come up yet but here you, Sasha, and Mikasa were, ready to train.
It was Mikasa’s idea. Now that everyone had returned home to Paradis, it was time to fall back into the usual routine. Mikasa used training to blow off the stream Eren left her seething in, instead of laying in bed and rotting. You and Sasha woke well before the crack of dawn to accompany and support her. 
Two months had gone by, and neither of you missed a single day. 
“Om…” Sasha hummed. She increased her volume slowly with each meditative mantra. 
Before physically training the body, Mikasa stressed the importance of training the mind. For forty-five minutes the three of you did peaceful meditation. Mikasa led since this was her routine. She’d find a comfortable spot and you all would fall into a higher state of consciousness. 
“Sasha, quit it.” Mikasa chuckled. 
You kept your eyes closed as you focused on finder inner peace. There was no way you could now. Sasha exclaimed out loud, pouncing on you and Mikasa’s shoulder. 
“Look, look, look! There he goes!” Sasha excitedly hushed. 
Just a few feet away, Niccolo walked to the mess hall. It was unclear if he knew you three were there and watching him or not. All you could make of him was the back of his curly blonde hair, white chef's coat, and the crate he was carrying. You put the pieces together and assumed he was beginning the breakfast shift in the kitchen. 
“For a Marleyan, isn’t he dreamy? I wonder what he’ll be making this morning!” Sasha sighed whimsically.
You weren’t completely sure if she was drooling over Niccolo himself, or the idea of his cooking. 
Sasha was completely head over heels for this guy, and you could understand why. Niccolo was relatively good looking, but the fact that food was Sasha’s love language and Niccolo was a chef boosted his score. She had fallen stomach first for the grumpy and apprehensive Marleyan that was hired to work in the kitchen temporarily, both of them forgetting that he was technically a prisoner. Niccolo couldn’t hide how he had begun to soften around Sasha. Whatever he cooked, Sasha ate it and was always given a sample before it was properly served.
No better match could have been made.
“For you.” Mikasa chortled. 
The wet morning dew from the grass dampened your clothes, especially on your butt. It had gotten to a point which you couldn’t tolerate anymore. Having enough of Sasha’s lustful shenanigans, you quickly stood up on your feet. 
“Can we get started now?” You asked. 
You extended your arms out, pulling Mikasa and Sasha to their feet as well. 
Sasha mostly kept up with her archery and shooting skills, since she was the kill shot of the squad. The sound of her emptying her magazine didn’t bother you as much anymore. You didn’t need to see how she had obliterated the target dummy with bullets and arrows. Wherever Sasha’s target was— between the eyes, center chest, or the groin for giggles, she hit it with impeccable accuracy. 
You liked to imagine Sasha as a little girl with a crossbow in her hand, proudly displaying the game she had hunted. She always kept you entertained with her childhood stories about growing up in the forest. You could recall how ecstatic she was when she had conquered that wild boar in the forest of Trost District. Sasha had brought it down with a single arrow to the skull. That was when you truly realized how amazing she was. 
You couldn’t break your eyes away from Mikasa for a moment to admire Sasha’s damage. One distraction would cost you your face. With boxing gloves on her hands and safety pads on yours, Mikasa boxed you with no remorse. You dug your feet in the dirt to keep your balance upon her impacts, focusing on her flying gloves to protect yourself. Mikasa’s eyes were cold and dissociated as she pounded your palms. You and her were together often enough, you had a stellar idea of her routines and habits. Still, you wondered what the hell she ate that made her so strong. Or, perhaps, she was simply born effortlessly talented. 
From your peripheral vision, you saw how Mikasa raised her foot for a kick. Without hesitation, you swatted her ankle away. Mikasa caught her own balance. She never fell, slipped, or tripped over anything.
She had barely broken a sweat. This moment of lapse made you realize just how far you both had moved from your original position. A good ten feet or so. Mikasa was slowly backing you into a corner, she always had the advantage. 
When training for the day had drawn to a close, Mikasa suggested that your living quarters would be the ideal spot to recuperate and relax. You agreed, saying you had nothing planned for the day.
As the three of you slowly approached your living apartments, an object in front of your door came clearer into view. You all stared at the wrapped bouquet of blue Campanulas perfectly placed in the corner of the doorframe. They were delicately protected in white parchment paper. 
“Someone left you flowers.” Mikasa announced, her tone comically flat as she pointed her finger at the conspicuous gift. 
“Who are they from?” Sasha incredulously gawked.
You carefully picked them up and inhaled the petals. They smelled divine, a hint of Earth still lingered which meant they had been freshly selected and dropped off not too long ago. The gag was that you already knew who had left them. It was a typical token of affection and appreciation that Armin would present you with a flower, or a small bundle he had chosen for you. He also liked to place a few of them in your hair. Then, later, you pressed them into your personal journal for safe keeping.
Buried deep within the stems was a small note card. You plucked it and read the face silently to yourself. 
10am. Same place, was all it said, written in Armin’s tiny penmanship. 
During those two months since you had returned from Marley and adjusted back to regular life, you still hadn’t told a soul about you and Armin. Since Mikasa was healing from a broken heart, it felt insensitive for two of her best friends to be open about being in a relationship with each other. You and Armin didn’t exclusively agree to continue your low key relationship on those terms, it just seemed clear that now was not the right time to broadcast it.
The honeymoon phase of your relationship was still buzzing. Since you and Armin couldn’t be out and about in the way you liked, the routine you had become accustomed to on Marley had bled into your lives on Paradis; sneaking through the halls at odd hours of the night and averting a wider audience of wandering eyes, letting your eyes linger on each other longer than normal, holding hands and playing footsie under the table.
Being in a secret relationship had its perks and downsides. It was fun to lurk in the shadows, feeling as if you were doing something you shouldn’t. You never had a rebellious phase. Slipping out with Armin and creeping back in the small hours of the morning, hushed quickies in empty closets, keeping your own secrets and knowing things about each other no one else knew was far too exhilarating. 
The only negative perspective was that you couldn’t shout from the rooftops on how madly in love you were with Armin already, previous years of undercover pining like a juvenile included. Armin had made you feel so special with his words of affirmation, tender acts of service, and romantic quality time. He was supernaturally kind, always considerate of your feelings and carefully choosing his words. He had literally given you the clothes off his back, letting you wear his heavy Survey Corps coat if you weren’t adorned in yours and the night was chilly as you roamed the streets together after dark. He picked up easily on your likes and dislikes, what your favorite anything was, and how you expressed displeasurement by the way you turned your nose up at certain things.
You had been awake for so long, it started feeling later in the day than it actually was. Sasha had a watch, you grabbed her wrist to read the time which read nine forty-five.
“Oh, shoot! I completely forgot I had something to do this morning after training!” You falsely gasped at the time.
Sasha blinked. Her first thought was how it was unlike you to forget anything, especially if it was something important. Mikasa spoke, but Sasha didn’t hear. Your suspicious body language was too overwhelming not to pay attention to. Sasha saw the note you slipped into your pocket, and the way you cradled the bouquet closer to you as you fumbled with your key. It seemed like putting a key in a lock was an exceedingly difficult task given how you began to tremble like a leaf in the wind. She watched you cautiously.
“Aw, that’s a shame. I was hoping you’d touch up my eyebrows.” Mikasa pouted. She traced a finger over them as she thought about it.
You quickly unlocked your door and briefly stepped inside. Mikasa and Sasha didn’t follow, as you’d be leaving anyway. Sasha stuck her head through the door, she watched as you chucked a smaller and more decayed bunch of flowers into the trash and added the fresh flowers to the same vase.
Y/N get flowers regularly… Interesting, Sasha thought to herself. 
“I’ll do them later, I promise.” You said, closing and locking up your apartment.
“You said that last week!” Mikasa protested.
You looked in between both Mikasa and Sasha. Mikasa’s unkempt brows were bent together in the middle in a dissatisfied frown. You had been putting off helping Mikasa with some of her beauty regime because any other amount of free time you had was spent mostly with Armin. You glanced at Sasha, eyebrows turned in the opposite way. She had hers quirked up, her eyes shamelessly looking you up and down. They both stared at you intensely, and you knew if you lingered a second longer they’d start asking questions.
“I’ll see you guys later!” You caved, not being able to handle the silent pressure. On that note, you scurried off down the hall, not looking back as you exited quickly. Sasha and Mikasa stood for a brief second in silence. They exchanged odd glances, knowing they were both thinking the same thing. What’s with them?
“I can do your eyebrows for you!” Sasha offered.
“After what happened last time, there’s no way I’m letting you that close to my face ever again.” Mikasa spat out.
The sounds of horses snorting amongst themselves along with the smell of hay lingered in the air. Each stall was occupied with either a single horse or a mother and her foal. Whenever you went to the stables on unofficial scouting business, you tried your best to never arrive empty handed, whether it be a crunchy carrot or a nice head pat and a scratch. You offered the new colt your friendship, petting along its little face, and paid brief attention to some of your friends' horses as well.
You briefly scanned the stables for a sign that Armin might be here, but all was silent and vacant. To pass the time you thought you would visit your own horse. 
You walked further down the isle of horses, each one snorting and making noises to themselves as they stood around in tranquility. Walking by one particular stall, you heard an all too familiar sound.
Doubling back your steps, you saw that it was Armin tending to his own horse.
“There you are!” You exclaimed.
You briefly eyed Armin up and down. He was in rather casual clothes, accepted with a pair of his tougher boots he wore for working in. His horse also had a saddle strapped to her back, ready for an adventure.
“What’s with the get up?” You wanted to know.
“I was going to the forest this morning. I w-wanted to know if you would like to come along with me?” The words spilled from Armin’s lips like an accident that was waiting to happen. His sky-blue eyes were drawn open wide, wholeheartedly hoping you would agree to his invitation. He rubbed his palms together, a sheepish mannerism you realized he had.
The smile that slowly began to spread on your lips lifted the heavy weight in Armin’s chest. He logically knew that he had no reason to be nervous about rejection, as you had never denied him before. You had alway been open to his ideas he shared, always met up on time when you arranged meet-ups, and you never pushed him away whenever Armin started poking and prodding at buttons that he knew would make you turn to liquid in his hands. Even so, the potential chance of being turned down lingered involuntarily.
“Okay!” You didn’t even miss a beat. 
Armin released a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He grinned ear to ear, ready to immediately set out. You didn’t notice the rucksack in the corner until Armin grabbed it. He wasted no time gathering his bag and strapping it to the side of the saddle. Armin held out his hand, obviously waiting for you to take it. His hands were usually soft and just a little sweaty, but you didn’t mind it that much. Armin assisted you in helping you jump up on his horse’s back, hoisting you up by your foot. You could mount a horse on your own, but you allowed him to be a gentleman. - The Scout Regiment’s headquarters was stationed in Trost, and had been for a few years. The pastures from Wall Rose and outward had been completely wiped of titans, thanks to Hange and Eren’s ingenious guillotine, thus making expeditions outside of the walls a breeze. With Armin taking the reins and you sitting behind him, you both trotted off of Scout property and into the streets.  
It surely didn’t take long to reach the gate of Wall Rose, the only thing keeping civilization and the nearest stretch of wilderness apart. You never would have imagined that you would be able to travel back and forth, and still remain alive. This would be your first time going beyond the walls, not necessarily alone, but without a parade of scouts. You took a moment to look up at the wall and at the people around you.
You already knew that the walls were made from titans, but your brain just couldn’t imagine how they’d all fit together inside. The haunting face of a titan peering through the brick, or what you used to believe was brick, never left your imagination. A flock of birds flew overhead, making shadows while they flew in front of the sun. 
“State your name, regiment, and business going outside of Wall Rose.” The Garrison guard demanded. He held out his hand promptly to inspect Armin’s exit permit to be outside of the wall on his own.
“Cal, you already know me.” Armin sighed, obviously annoyed. He reached into his back pocket to present his permit.
“No exceptions, Arlert!” Cal spat back.
You relaxed your posture and waited. You looked out at the people around you. Since there were no titans outside of the wall, the Garrison didn’t have much to look out for. Not that their jobs were back breaking anyway. A few guys in their short tan leather jackets sat around a wooden crate, playing cards and passing around a flask. They were all painstakingly bored, because the guard currently monitoring the lack of traffic through the gate was giving Armin a particularly rough time.
“This looks fake.” Cal huffed, holding the permit high in the sunlight to spot any forgeries.
“Well, it’s not.” Armin responded dryly.
You locked eyes with a woman. She was blonde, her hair had a dustier hue to it, compared to Armin’s yellow undertone. She sported the knee length green coat with a unicorn in the center of the crest, indicating she was of the Military Police. Being an MP was your first goal once you joined the cadet corps, but as time went on and with the more friends you made, and the more you changed your ideals, you decided to stick it out with the scouts. A decision you were glad that you chose, even through all the disaster and tragedy the scouts had to endure and will experience more of.
Everyone knows two things about the Military Police; they’re lousy at their jobs, and the women were gorgeous. The woman you were having an unintentional staring contest with was no exception.
You politely smiled at her, a favor which was not returned back to you. Her lips were thinned in an expression of judgment and you were close enough together to see some emotions in her eyes. She scanned you up and down as if she knew already knew what your greatest sin was. Your smile fell from your lips, no longer seeing a point in trying to be nice. She turned away with a roll in her eye, and carried on with the squiffy men seated around her. You watched her out of the side of your eye as she twiddled a piece of her short hair and flirtatiously laughed above everyone else.
The screeching chains of the gate being lifted caught your attention. Since they weren’t in a formal formation, As the outer gate to Wall Rose was lifted to let you pass, you could see the green fields as far as the eye could see.  A new and fresh gust of wind blew right through you. You got your arms around Armin’s abdomen and held on, knowing Armin would tear off for the open field. Armin snapped the reins, and broke speed in record time.
You held Armin tightly as Armin’s horse  booked it by his command. The sky had never been so blue and the grass had never been greener. You could actually admire the land you lived on now that blood didn’t stain the ground, and steam from destroyed titans didn’t fog up the sky. You thought back to the very first time you had gone outside of Wall Maria, bound for what seemed at the time to be the edge of the Earth. Life really was beautiful when it wasn’t polluted with death and destruction.
The nearest set of trees wasn’t far, only a half an hour ride. Armin rode up to a heavy patch of the deepest pine and juniper green trees that stood well over eighty meters tall. Their leaves rustled in the wind, a few falling high from the branches above. Armin hopped down from the saddle, tying his horse off on the trunk of the tree. His blond hair glistened in the sun. Armin’s hair had three different dimensions of color, a few pieces around his face and temples had a different texture compared to the rest of his head. Sweat had curled the hair framing around his face, his cheeks and the tip of his nose flushed darker than usual.
“So,” You breathed once your feet hit the ground. “We’re here. Now what?” You asked.
All around you, there was nothing. No villages or homes, not even empty or abandoned ones. The land was flat and appeared to continue forever if you didn’t know that the ocean was on the other side of the distant horizontal line. The wind was silent and warm. 
Armin took a few steps closer, the grass squishing under his boot. His eyes trickled over your face, talking in all of your beautiful details in the organic sunlight. Armin kept eye contact with you while he sneakily grabbed your hand and held it politely in his. Even through his fingertips, Armin radiated kindness. He gently pulled you towards the man-made gap in between the trees. There was a trail that led through the shadows.
“Come on, I want to show you something.” His voice was low and enticing. There was a bass in his quiet tone that made your ear drums tickle.
You glanced over his shoulder to look through the massive tree trunks. There were glimmers of light that came through the branches. Looking deeper in, you could see that it was dark and shady. Ominous and suspicious. A shiver went through your spine and a reflex to wonder if there were titans lurking about.
“Are you sure there are no titans out here?” You asked.
You moved your feet apprehensively as Armin continued to tug you closer. You felt silly for asking considering you were on the expedition to double check that all titans beyond Wall Rose had actually been eliminated.
“I swear.” Armin promised. 
With his word of honor, you grasped Armin’s hand tighter and brought yourself to his side. Your fingers locked in with his while you walked into the forest.
Comfortable silence blew through every now and then, but Armin mostly talked while you listened. This seemed to be your usual dynamic. He asked how your morning training went, if you were tired and if you needed a break from walking. Armin filled you in on his morning. He finally finished that book he had been reading for most of the month and how he didn’t like the ending, the ideas he proposed to Hange and how he was looking forward to seeing some of them come to fruition. The railroad was almost complete, and was about to kickstart a new project. Armin thought it would be beneficial for the population inside the walls to construct a major institution where the sick and injured could be treated. If there was one place the severely ill and wounded could heal, there would be more free space for minor illnesses and grievances in local doctors offices. That way, health care could be provided easily and evenly. You thought it was a fantastic idea.
The forest wasn’t as threatening as it seemed. The sun came through the canopy of the trees beautifully, creating an ethereal environment. You spotted a bush of Campanulas along the matted dirt trail. One section was missing several flowers. You put two and two together. Armin had been here earlier, but why? With the rucksack hanging on one shoulder, items inside of it clinking together, you knew he had to be up to something.
Jumping over fallen branches and bending under low branches, Armin began to lead you uphill. The mourning doves were still hooting softly in the distance. Armin stopped abruptly. He popped up directly in front of you. He already had a solid grip on one of your hands. With his free one, he slid it down your arm to the one he didn’t have. His touch sent a cold chill through you, despite it being quite warm outside. He held them both as he spoke.
“Close your eyes, okay?” Armin couldn’t resist giving your knuckles a quick and chaste kiss.
You were right. There was a trick up his sleeve, an ace in his deck you weren’t expecting. There was a flux in his tone of which he spoke, drawing you to say anything except no. His eyes sparkled with mischief and surprise while he held you so close to him. 
You did as he said with no questions asked.
Behind the darkness of your eyelids, you could hear Armin doing things and moving around. He unzipped the rucksack. Whatever items he had in there clanked around as he moved about. Armin muttered quietly to himself.
“Are your eyes still closed?” Armin asked, though he could see that they were squeezed tightly. 
“Don’t open them yet!” He instructed.
You stood awkwardly, eyes still closed and not yet completely sure of your surroundings. Your ears were finely tuned into the noises around you. Birds flittered and chirped closely, leaves rustling up above your head along with the faint breath of breeze. You drummed patiently on your thighs as you waited, growing more anxious by the second as to what Armin could possibly be up to.
“Okay, open.” His voice this time was lower than a whisper and appeared right in the shell of your ear. Your heart pounded at his lips suddenly being so close.
You did just as he said, opening your eyes and letting them adjust to the greenery around you. Both of you were standing in the middle of a clearing. The sun was at its highest morning peak, not a single cloud in the sky. It shone a spotlight down on the clearing Armin was leading you up to the entire time. On the ground was a blanket with food spread buffet style. White flower bushes encased the area like a natural fence.
“I-I figured that since you don’t have anything planned this afternoon, and I don’t have anything to do either, we could just hide out here…?”Armin explained, an open and hopeful suggestion left in the end. He rubbed his hands together nervously as he spoke.
It wasn’t really surprising that Armin had gone out of his way to do something this nice, as he tried to do things for you while keeping a low profile. The bouquet of flowers weren’t out of character, and neither were the little notes. Armin left little pieces of himself in places only you could see; the inside of your Survey Corps coat, in books.
This set up, however, was the grandest thing he’d ever done.
Armin pulled on the joints of his fingers to soothe the storm in his stomach. He scanned your body language. Your face lit up, a wide and surprised smile spreading across your soft lips. The knot in his tummy quickly untwisted itself.
“Aw!” You gaped at how everything was intentionally set up and laid out before you.
“You like it?” Armin questioned, as if the sentimental gloss in your eyes made it difficult to actually tell.
You immediately got comfortable on the splayed blanket. It was unexpectedly soft. You laid on your back and threw your hands behind your head, looking up at the sky through the deep green branches. Armin joined your side without wasting a single second. You took a closer look at all of the food and smaller things he brought. It wasn’t much, but there was bread and jam, bits of different cheeses, apples and grapes. There was also a deck of playing cards and two books. They were simple things to come by.
Your chest felt as if it could just explode from the way Armin made you feel. Before you had gotten into a relationship, you never would have guessed that Armin was as romantic as he had been. Often a man of a few words unless prompted into conversation. Logical, analytical, and practical didn’t seem to go hand in hand with romance and affection. It was a side of Armin that only you got to see, a side that you knew that was only reserved for you. Which made you feel all the more special.
“This is really, really nice. You’re so sweet to me.” You gave him praise and recognition. Armin jokingly rolled his eyes, shrugged his shoulders and scoffed with faux imperturbability.
“Well, you know…” His face turned a deep pink.
After all the hard work and organization he put in to set this up, you decided at least a kiss was in order. You extended your neck slightly to meet his lips in the middle in the midst of his humble denial. Only then did Armin fall silent. He caught up to the pace of how you moved your lips in between his. His body melted on top of yours, now lying comfortably on top of you. He helped himself to hover you, his waist making home right in between your legs and hands holding him up on both sides of your head. You threw your arms around his neck, Armin instinctively lowered himself. The tips of your noses brushed against each other, and abdomens flush.
In between little make outs, you fed yourselves and each other, played a few rounds of Go Fish, and finally nestled down and started reading once all of the food had been eaten. You cracked open the newest book Armin had got just for this occasion. With a book in one hand, Armin rested his head in your lap and you played with his hair as you read out loud. You used your nails to scratch at his scalp, and twirled pieces of fine angel hair around your finger. Armin’s eyes fluttered shut, resting them as he listened to you read. He could listen to your voice forever.
Apart from the sounds of you reading and the feeling of you gently twirling his hair, everything around Armin seemed to fall away. Armin could only seem to find peace of mind whenever you were in his presence. Just the sight of you soothed the redundant and dull ache in his chest he had acquired from the trauma of the last few months. Armin still missed Eren more than anything, he thought of him every single day. He wondered if Eren was alright, if he had somewhere to sleep or something to eat. Whether or not Eren had grown comfortable in the new life he abandoned his old one for, or if he was even alive at this point. Instead of bottling up all his emotions inside, keeping his thoughts to himself so as to not upset Mikasa and others, you encouraged him to speak his mind. Little by little, each day got easier. Even still, apart from you and Mikasa, Armin couldn’t confide in anyone else on the same level as he did with Eren.
No one could take Eren’s place in Armin’s heart. However, the space Armin had for Eren and you separately started to slowly merge. Your touch comforted him like soup on a sick day. Armin never knew how much physical touch meant to him until Armin got to hold you almost whenever he wanted to. Your hands fit perfectly together, your bodies evenly meshed when you were pressed against one another. Hearing you laugh drowned out the buzzing in his brain. He slept deeper and longer with you snuggled up next to him. Those thoughts that had their own tiny voices couldn’t be heard over Armin hearing you moan his name in your ear while you both fucked each other.
Armin took advantage of the pause you took to flip the pages to speak after he had been quietly paying attention to your story telling.
“Can I ask you a question?” He blurted out.
You gave up trying to turn to the next page and closed the book completely, giving Armin your full attention.
“Yes,” You spoke, not even thinking twice about it.
Armin sat straight up. You leaned back on the blanket, supporting your weight with your hands. Armin’s throat bobbed as he swallowed. There was something on his mind that he just could not hide. Armin was a quiet man, and you studied his body language carefully. A slightly turned head with eye contact was reserved for when Armin was curious, inquisitive. When Armin turned his head without eye contact, something was on his mind. He took a reasonable pause.
“If you could have anything you wanted, what would it be?” Armin implored.  
You reached out again for his hair. It was so soft, as if you were touching nothing. His hair wasn’t as neat as it normally was since you had been playing in it. The wind blew his bangs back. You remembered when his brass-blonde hair was just shy of touching his shoulders. Armin hardly ever did anything with his hair, as a guy usually would. It always hung in his face, shielding him from being perceived. All you wanted to do was let the strands fall through your fingers.
Now, Armin’s hair was shorter in the back and layering longer at the top. It wasn’t quite a bowl cut, but it worked for the shape of his face. When Armin first got his hair cut, you were glad to see the guy behind it, but sometimes you did miss the length. You never got to play in it while it was long.
Your first thought to his question was to be able to turn back time. You would take it back three months ago in Marley, where Eren stood in front of you shaking with an unknown anger you had never seen before. You would change how you didn’t try hard enough to get him to articulate his thoughts. You would make yourself follow him outside so he wouldn’t be alone. Then perhaps he would only be minutes late to meet back with the squad instead of never showing up at all. Armin would be happy and still be conjoined to Eren’s side. Mikasa wouldn’t have cried for weeks and weeks, her smile would be brighter and her eyes wouldn’t be so cold. Captain Levi would still have someone to sarcastically abuse, Hange would have at least one person willing to stay up until three in the morning with them, Jean and Eren would fight as usual. Connie and Eren would still teasingly taunt and terrorize you at every chance they got. Everything would be in balance, as it had been before, and as it should be.
“I don’t know.”
You shrugged innocently as you took a section of Armin’s hair and split it into three pieces. It would be best not to say. You didn’t want to ruin a perfectly good and wholesome moment. 
On the other hand, there wasn’t anything else you immediately wanted or needed. You were so grateful for all the times you scraped by death without even a broken bone. There wasn’t much one could ask for once you’ve been given life so many times. You weren’t starving, you had a roof over your head, and money in your purse. You had friends, and Armin, who gave you heart palpitations every time he blinked those long eyelashes. What else could you want?
“What about you?” You asked Armin in return. 
You reached around you towards the flower bushes and plucked one straight from the stem. Within the white petals and yellow center was a sultry and sweet aroma. The scent tagged itself in your memory. You chose a few more flowers and placed them along the crown of Armin’s head. 
Armin had already gone beyond the walls and had already seen the ocean, his ultimate life goal. He had an influential hand in transforming the island of Paradise, installing the railroad that was almost completed, and several other new ideas. Those ideas were just that so far. Armin wanted to think of an objective that was outside of work, something personal.
“I’d like to revisit my old house at some point, and see what it looks like.” Armin admitted.
“That can easily be done.” You said while your fingers kept working. Armin chuckled. 
“Yeah. But, I can imagine some renovations would be in order for it to be livable.” Armin added. 
You hummed. The scouts didn’t have the greatest salary, and saving money for a home would take quite a while. Even in a less fortunate outlier district such as Shiganshina. Why would the government waste money on paying soldiers in a regiment who were destined to die anyway? 
You started your project on Armin’s hair over, since the flowers wouldn’t stay put in its fine texture. You recreated a braid going across the crown of Armin’s head, and then stuck the flowers in where they fit best. You worked on him as Armin spoke about his home in Shiganshina. 
He and Eren lived in the same neighborhood, just a few blocks from each other. Armin remembered sitting at the kitchen table with his grandfather, who taught him to read, showing him pictures in the infamous book Armin brought up a few times. At the same table, his father would fix up the scrapes on his hands and knees from falling, either because he was clumsy and mistook his step or because he was shoved to the ground. And, Armin definitely remembered sitting in his mother’s lap while she showed him all of the blueprints for the hot-air balloon and the plans she had made. 
Armin thought about his bedroom, and how juvenile it would be for him now. How the dishes would still be piled in the sink, books on the shelves were still organized in chronological order, shoes still by the front door and clothes for a little boy hanging in the closet and folded in the dresser. Everything would have layers and layers of dust, but would still be perfectly in place. 
“And after reconstructing whatever needs to be done, we could get off-campus permits and live there.” Armin said. 
Your heart almost stopped completely at hearing him say ‘we.’ As in you and him together.
“That sounds lovely.” Your breath tickled the back of Armin’s neck. He rolled his eyes back at the sensation, toes curled in his boots and stomach turning.
From that comment on, Armin continued. He shared how he wanted a flower box in every window, even on ones facing away from the street where no one could see. He wanted bookshelves built into the walls so it appeared more flush and cohesive, an oven to make bread at home instead of struggling to buy a loaf every week. All the renovations would be expensive, most definitely, but if he saved just enough and learned how to do a few things himself, the possibilities would be endless.
You lost your concentration for one moment, and a flower tumbled from Armin’s head to his lap. He picked it up and lifted a finger to ever so gently touch the delicate petals. All that Armin described sounded like a dream. But, there was one tiny minuscule flaw. 
“Wouldn’t people notice that we live together? What would we do then?” You asked, half teasing. 
So far you and Armin were so good at hiding your relationship, no one had suspected anything. It was easy to slip undetected while everyone’s attention was averted to coping without Eren and adjusting back to regular life. If word got out that you and Armin were living together off Survey Corp grounds, there would definitely be assumptions and questions. 
Armin shrugged. He shoved his nose into the flower that had fallen into his lap. Armin got a whiff of a spicy scent with earthy undertones. He twirled it in between his fingers. 
“It’ll take a while to save for even a down payment, then having the off-campus permit go through. W-We’ll just figure it out when we get to that point, I suppose.” Armin talked low, despite you two being the only ones out in the forest. 
Armin’s flower crown was completed. He moved his head around carefully so as to not ruin your masterpiece. The flowers sat on the top of his head as if you had crowned him a prince of the trees. Armin did a half turn to at face you. The sun coming through the greenery above granted Armin a glowing shadow around his shoulders. He looked like an angel. 
“What kind of flowers are these?” You wanted to know. 
You quickly changed the subject. Thinking further ahead about living with Armin was making your head spin. You wouldn’t be totally opposed to it, but you never had lived with a boyfriend before. The possibility of settling down somewhere seemed so far away, so unlikely given the chance you’d die the very next day. A new window of potential cracked open ever so slightly. 
Armin took a final glance at the flower in his hand, and then gently placed it in your hair just above your ear. You flushed quickly at the feeling of Armin’s fingers dusting through your hair. 
“I believe these are gardenias.” Armin replied matter of factly. He responded with little hesitation.
“We could plant some of these in the windows!” You mentioned excitedly.
“Okay, sure. Whatever you’d like.” Armin smiled, and chuckled. 
His cheeks burned hot, he could feel himself turning an embarrassing shade of red. He smiled gently and genuinely at you. The corners of his eyes turned upwards happily. Only you were capable of making him grin this way these days. The pulling feeling in his chest was a sensation reserved for you and you only. The tunneling vision whenever you were in his line of sight became clearer and sharper with focus. Armin’s body was already admitting to itself that he had fallen for you harder than he had ever thought imaginable. 
When the sun shifted and time set to late afternoon, it would be time for dinner by the time you and Armin returned back. The thirty minute trek lasted another thirty minutes because Armin’s horse walked the rest of the way to Scout headquarters. Armin could have made her pick up the pace a little bit, but he wanted to spend his time with you as much as he could. Armin didn’t talk much. He stayed quiet and enjoyed the slow trot with you holding onto him again. You didn’t have to hold onto him so tightly, but Armin liked it nonetheless. You both parted at the stables, but not without quickly and deeply pressing your lips together in a long kiss. Neither of you were sure if you’d be able to see each other later, or if this was your secluded parting for the night. You went ahead of Armin to the mess hall. The snacks Armin had brought were eaten hours ago, and you absolutely needed more sustenance. The mess hall was busy, as expected. You got your plate and sat yourself at the usual table. Connie and Sasha had already claimed their spots, sitting right next to each other and shooting the breeze. You plopped in front of them, greeting them breathlessly before helping yourself to your meal. The food today was just alright, but beggars can’t be choosers. You completely missed the way Sasha and Connie exchanged short looks at each other.
They leaned in closer, keeping their eyes on you until you noticed them staring directly at you. Connie naturally had wide eyes, big and a yellowish-hazel, lighter than Sasha’s. If you didn’t know them both, you would have assumed they were fraternal twins. They spent so much time together they started looking like one another. You blinked at the both of them, staring you down like you had grown a second head. “What?” You asked. You took your napkin and wiped the corners of your mouth, in case there was something on your face.
“Who’s the guy?” Sasha simply asked as if it were the easiest question in the world. You scoffed.
“What?” You choked. “Who is the guy?” Sasha pressed again.
“There is no guy!” You automatically denied.
You did the best you could to keep your composure, but your body couldn't stop the increase of anxiety. You might as well be under a single spotlight lamp, playing carrot and stick. Sasha leaned in closer, the smirk on her face grew bigger and bigger as you kept insisting there was no person of interest. There was no getting out of this conversation, Sasha could smell fear. Her honey-hazel eyes met to yours, you subconsciously avoided eye contact. If she looked too deep into your eyes, they might tell her the answer she seeks.
“Oh, there’s a guy.” Connie input with a knowing smirk on his face. “‘Cause I’m a guy, and I know when there’s another guy.” He explained as if he was making sense.
You squinted, not understanding Connie’s logic. You and Sasha cut your eyes at each other.
“Old flame, or is it someone new?” Sasha continued. She wiggled her eyebrows and shimmied her shoulders.
Just because you have had an incredibly dedicated crush on Armin since you were cadets, did not stall the pursuit of other potential partners and lovers. For years and years, you had become comfortable admiring Armin from a distance. You never actually thought you two would potentially end up together. Had you known that, you obviously would have waited for him. Then, you never knew when your last moment would be, so you lived your life as fully as you could for a soldier — per Sasha, who encouraged you to have normal relationships.
You took a pause to actually think about what you might want to say next. You didn’t honestly believe you could hide much without at least Mikasa and Sasha catching on. They were both very intuitive, and Sasha was more of a gossip than Mikasa was. Confessing now, in front of Connie and without Armin present, thus leaving Mikasa the last to know, seemed inappropriate. 
Like Armin said, you’d both figure out what to say when you got to that point. Whenever that day comes, you’d like Armin to be with you. Connie wasn’t paying attention anymore. His focus was directed towards his bowl of stew. He shoveled food into his mouth as if someone would come by and snatch it from him. Sasha’s face twitched with excitement. She leaned in closer and spoke just a smidge quieter, a tone that was befitting the noisy environment.
“Who is it?” Was her next question, naturally. 
You sighed. You took a look around the mess hall, wondering where anyone else was so the current conversation could come to a close. You shook your head.
“I can’t say.” That was all you were willing to admit for the time being.
“Whyy-uhh!?” She whined as she stomped her feet under the table.
“We want to be…private.” You put it lightly so as to not hurt Sasha’s feelings by saying it was a secret.
You wanted to tell Sasha so badly. She was always your number one supporter about crushing on Armin. If your circumstances and environment had been different at the scene of defining your relationship, she’d be the first person you’d tell. 
Sasha slouched back in her seat, arms folded with a smug smirk across her lips. Her eyes glanced you up and down about twice before she nodded and threw her hands up.
“Fine. Don’t tell me. I’ll figure it out myself.” Sasha declared.
You hadn’t looked away from Sasha’s suspicious yet omniscient stare down. Not knowing who the mysterious guy is would drive her insane for sure. Perhaps it would be fun to see all of her guesses, and to watch her face fall every time she got it wrong. The chance of Sasha naming Armin right off the bat was slim. 
Right in the nick of time, Jean had helped himself to sitting on your left.
You didn’t see Armin, but you felt him. You smelled him. The aroma of gardenia still lingered on his skin, on his clothes, in his hair. Armin gently sat down across from you, next to Connie. Jean had occupied the only space next to you. Armin greeted you with a soft ‘hey.’
“What are you trying to figure out?” Jean wanted to know. He got a spoonful of his stew and blew on his spoon lightly.
“Sasha’s gonna figure out who Y/N’s secret boyfriend is.” Connie summarized the conversation.
You opened your mouth to speak but nothing could come out of it. Like a sixth sense, your eyes honed in on Armin across from you. Armin kept his hands folded in his lap, ears open and listening to the conversation as he pretended to be busy with a string on the hem of his shirt. 
“Like I said, it’s private.” You repeat yourself again so Jean could retain that bit of information.
Under the table, Armin nudged your foot with his. You made eye contact for half a second. You met each other with stealthy and knowing twinkle in your eyes. You knocked your foot against his in return, rubbing the side of your shoe with his boot.
Armin’s face muscles ached to pull to smile, but he held it all inside with an awkward swallow. His heart skipped a few beats when you raised your foot to graze higher on his calf, teasing him under the table. 
“That’s your business. I don’t care.” Was all Jean had to say. He began to eat his dinner and remained silent.
“I care! I care so much!” Sasha exclaimed.
Sasha had worked herself up so, she went to flail her hands up to her chest in dramatics. She knocked into Connie’s wrist, and his spoon flew from his fingers. The muted clang of metal rang from Connie’s position. 
“See, look what you made me do! You made me drop my fuckin’ spoon!” He complained.
Armin refrained from giggling at the irony. If it hadn’t been for Jean and that humongous gulp of alcohol he made Armin chug, you and him would not be a private item. Another thought crossed Armin’s mind. He knew you both couldn’t stay in the comfort of your secluded relationship forever, and eventually the truth would come to light. If Sasha was asking questions, how much longer could you two get away with it?
Armin watched you and Sasha go back and forth. Sasha spat out a few names of Scouts you might know and who might be interested in you. You shook your head at every name Sasha gave, promising her that she wouldn’t guess it so easily. Once she ran out of names to give, she gave up and insisted she’d try again later. 
“You got me now, but I will figure this out!” Sasha swore as if her life depended on it. 
You could spare her sanity and give her a hint, tell her to shorten and reel in her fishing net, or offer a clue about his identity. Sasha was so hellbent on solving the mystery, it seemed to be more entertaining to let her do it on her own than to offer help. You failed to hide how much you were resisting to smile. You nodded, while still brushing yourself against Armin’s foot only inches from Sasha’s own casual flat sandals. 
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arlertwitch © 2023. all rights reserved. do not translate or repost any works by arlertwitch on any other platforms. violators will be prosecuted in accordance within the law.
tags: @callm3senpaii @aegonslawyer @arminsdiscordkitten
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liannelara-dracula · 7 months
Hello I'm unsure if requests are open but I guess this is more of a question I've had about DL, a very dark question so TW
Let's say Karlheinz had a daughter, who he had an incestuous relationship with similar to Cordelia and Laito...but the Sakamaki brothers were oblivious until recent. How would they react, would they care? I'm assuming they would be as close to this sister as they are to one another.
Just I'm curious as it seems something Karl would certainly do as he'd already experimented with Christa, but he also punished Laito for being with Cordelia...
Again I know it's a very dark question so feel free to ignore but I follow a lot of DL blogs and I feel like you may be the only one who may give it some thought...
Hi Love,
Totally, more than open to dark content questions. :) This will be more of a general question, but I can answer it.
Okay, firstly, I will say that none of the brothers are close. They are rather distant, after all in the games some kill each other and have no reaction to it. Only proves the family bond they have.
It's possible with a sister they have had a bond when they were all young, of course, it depends, and it depends on who her mother is. I can guarantee you that if the child is from another woman, they do not care, and if it is from Cordelia the only ones that could possibly care are her sons because it is their full-blood sister. But even this is a stretch.
Either way, when they are all grown up they are not close. If they are close, it's obvious they care and if they are not close, they don't care. For Karl, he probably wouldn't punish her. This can be because he has a soft spot for his daughter, especially if she is his only daughter. This is just my thought. I think it would be different since he is the one having the relationship and not, Cordelia.
He'll also just justify it for science and nothing more. This way he's not deemed a dirty man.
Thanks for asking this question anon. :)
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natsuki208 · 3 months
Marco Bodt Headcanon (and Ymir)
Ymir always had this sort of physic ability to read other’s if they have hidden crushes on people. She could sense it from Bertholdt when it comes to Annie, and the same is for Marco.
Ever since the Cadet days, Marco tried his best to get close with Jean without realising he had feelings for him - but Ymir knew better.
She playfully teased about it with him at first (saying things like: “You really got an obsession if you wanna partner up with him so often, huh?”) and this embarrassed Marco to no end.
Overtime, the two actually got much closer because of the consent teasing. Marco then returns the favour by asking her about her closeness with Christa.
“Touché.” Ymir admitted defeat.
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zombtismonmain · 29 days
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my lee hc's -> mostly for comfort or just because hes my fav character but its my autism and i get to decide the character /j
Character Related
Lee is autistic and has a special interest in civil war history, as well as various media relating to historical events and had a big collection of books prior to the apocalypse - some gifted by his ex wife, some from his students.
Lee is ace
Lee's birthday is January 20, 1966 (same day/month as his voice actor), and is older than Bud by 2 years.
Lee, while not believing in horoscopes, would still read his in the paper sometimes.
Lee is ambidextrous
Had things turned out differently, Lee would of been happy to have children and if not biologically his, he wouldn't of minded fostering a few.
Lee had a dog as a kid, who was originally supposed to be a guard dog but was too friendly to everyone - so his dad had to use his cane instead.
Relationships - Familial
Lee often sees himself - and a bit of his brother - in both Clementine and Duck and is very protective as a result.
Katjaa and Lee have a respect for one another, both often talk about life prior to the apocalypse and sometimes have conversations related to Kenny or Duck.
While not a defenseless child, Lee does feel some occasional protectiveness towards Ben, but does still reprimand him when he acts cowardly - especially if it puts Clementine in danger. He hasn't fully forgiven Ben for Carley, Katjaa or Duck, even if it was indirect.
He and Omid bond over their shared love of civil war history.
Relationships - Romantic
After the apocalypse and the end of his relationship with his wife, Lee and Carley develop a somewhat romantic relationship, and the two become very close prior to Carley dying. IMO Lee fell first, Carley fell harder.
After Carley dies, and throughout the rest of the journey, I personally view Lee and Kenny having a somewhat queer romantic partner dynamic built upon relying on each other and trust they share, Lee opting to be a comforting presence for Kenny after the death of his wife and child.
Both situations, Lee does keep Clementine as a priority, which both respect. Especially in the late game, if Christa and Omid didn't take Clementine, Lee would of trusted Kenny to keep her safe and protected.
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blues824 · 1 year
For Historia/Christa MC it’s easy for me to see MC’s good girl facade slowly wavering after she released Belphie from the attic & Mammon, Asmo & Levi felt betrayed. Historia in AOT was looking for a heroic way to die which is why she joined the Survey Corps in the first place, & MC knew Belphie was lying since the beginning but went along, in truth she wasn’t trying win Lucifer’s respect. Post-Lesson 16 Belphie is horrified & feels more guilt after recalling how MC just calmly accepted her fate.
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Female reader. Does this count as being suicidal? Imma put a warning anyway.
Warning: Suicidal? Reader, Hurt/No comfort, big sad
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As he saw you in the grasp of his youngest brother, he wondered why you weren’t fighting back. You fought against Titans, but this is what gets you?? He needs you to fight back. You made him feel appreciated, and he grew to love you. He would not stand to lose you. That is, until he heard you say something.
“The only thing I’ve ever wanted was to die a noble death so that people remember me fondly.”
The one sentence just shattered Lucifer’s heart, and he didn’t even move when Belphegor finished the job and dropped you to the ground. This is what you had wanted. Everything you did up to this point wasn’t really for the livelihood of the Brothers, but rather so that you would be seen in a good light.
However, after the events, he realizes that he can’t do this without you. He begs Barbatos to use his power to bring you back, but it only makes the guilt worse. Every single time you bring him tea in his study, he’s reminded of what you said. So, he keeps a close eye on you to make sure you don’t do something like that again.
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He is yelling at you to fight back, and he’s yelling at Belphie to let you go. Unfortunately, you didn’t seem to even try to hear him, as you just let Belphie grasp you by the neck and lift you up. With your last breaths of air, you mustered up a sentence.
“I hope dying like this allows others to think of me with fondness”.
Mammon’s entire world came crashing down around him as he saw Belphegor drop you. He dove to catch your lifeless body, and held you in his arms as tears streamed down his face. You really wanted to leave him? The feeling of betrayal was almost too much to bear, especially while holding you.
Out of any of the brothers, he is the one most likely to respect your wish to be left dead. He argues against Lucifer’s decision to ask Barbatos to bring you back, and even offers to select a different exchange student. Every single time he sees you, all he can think of is how truly happy your eyes were as he held you on the day that you were killed.
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Along with Mammon, he’s screaming at you to fight back and screaming at Belphie to let you go, but neither of you followed his orders. You actually used your pacts with Beel, Mammon, and Asmo to have them restrain the others from helping you. He felt absolutely distraught.
“My only goal was to die a noble death, and I hope you all remember me.”
He was angry. Henry doesn’t betray the Lord of Shadows like that, and you weren’t supposed to either. Levi was angry at you, and Belphie, and Mammon, and everyone who never did anything to help you. But most importantly, he was angry at himself.
The Avatar of Envy was in support of bringing you back. As much as it pained him, he needed you. He wanted a do-over. This time, he would make sure that you knew he loved you. He would make sure to spend more time with you. He would change himself just for you to not leave him again.
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He is sitting there in shock at what is happening. He already knew something was up, since you always were so kind even though everyone gave you shit in return. He was the closest to you, and felt as though he got to know the Historia behind the Krista (so to speak). But he never expected something like this, or what you’re about to say.
“All I ever wanted was for people to see me in a good way when I die, and I hope I’ve finally achieved that if nothing else.”
Satan remained frozen as his youngest brother dropped your dead body as though it were nothing. But, the freeze only lasted a few seconds, because he immediately attacked Belphie. He was in his demon form, yelling at the Avatar of Sloth while trying to actually kill him.
As angry and upset as he was, he was against bringing you back for fear of this repeating. He doesn’t know if he could handle the pain of 1) seeing you so happy while knowing what was really going on and 2) seeing the tears in your tear ducts as your body went cold for a second time.
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Along with his 2nd and 3rd brothers, he is screaming at you and Belphie. He doesn’t care if it will ruin his vocal chords; for you, he would ruin his ethereal beauty. If it meant that there was even a small chance of you making it out of this unscathed, he would take it.
“This is all I’ve ever wanted: to die knowing I’ll be remembered for the good I’ve done.”
So… this was your plan all along. Mascara was running down his face as tears flowed. He felt betrayed, deceived… why didn’t you tell him anything? He could have helped you. Did your makeup and skincare sessions mean nothing to you? He poured his heart out to you, and you didn’t even bother to do the same.
He is in favor of bringing you back because you were the one person who loved him for him rather than just his physical appearance. Like the others, he feels like shit whenever he sees your smile because now he knows the real reason why you’re being so kind. He doesn’t want to even lay with you at night because he doesn’t want you to see him crying himself to sleep.
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You used your pact with him to make him restrain the others from helping you, so he has every right to feel angry and upset in general. He’s begging you to not do this, but you either don’t hear him or are choosing to not acknowledge him. So, he watched as Belphie asked you for your final words.
“I have but one life, and I want it to end knowing that everyone will think of me with a smile.”
The second he was released from your command was the second he raced to catch your corpse. He didn’t like how you were limp in his arms. He’s not angry, but he is in an excruciating amount of pain. He was torn because he loves both you and Belphegor.
He chooses not to vote in deciding if you should be brought back. Beel will miss you if you remain dead, but it was bound to happen at some point since you were human. However, he doesn’t know if it’s worse than the guilt and grief he would have to go through knowing the reasoning behind your kind acts.
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He knew that you knew he was lying, but he was confused as to why you still helped him. It had him go through an entire internal conflict because of it. Besides, you were always so kind towards everyone and you didn’t show anyone any resentment, including him. So, he asked for your final words.
“My wish was to die in a way that had good memories associated with my name, and I hope my wish has been fulfilled.”
The deep breath you took before he finished you off was a happy one, and as he saw his brothers huddling around your lifeless body, he felt an entire tsunami of grief crash onto him. He really didn’t know what to do with himself, since he really never took the chance to get to know you.
When asked, he votes to bring you back, giving the final score of 4-2. But, as he saw your smile once again, his eyes went blurry with tears. He felt ashamed of his actions, but he also knew that he had no excuse for what he had done. But you were willing to forgive him; of course you were, but it’s not for the reason he wanted to be forgiven.
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