#…hey wait does anyone actually read these? if u do
crosbyism · 12 hours
HELLO IM BACK (the sid should have gender affirming sex anon) bc i just realized the real and true reason for sid’s old jock. it looks like an infection hazard right?? THATS THE POINT. the constant dick checks needed to prevent a rash. having a glorified 15 step korean skin care routine for his dick and balls. demanding nate double check his junk.
i had a whole thing about sid fucking his way across the masculinity spectrum to tell u and i can’t express it rn :( i am slightly high i think sid starts out w some fairly stereotypical cishet ideas of masculinity and sex, thinking in the middle of the flyers era misgendering. assumes his visceral negative reaction to getting babygirled is as much the sub part as gender (also bc prob has a lot of cishet ideas about gender and penetration and power) then he gets baby boy-ed and it’s like iiiii can shooow uuuu the woooorld like i think he’s a switch (sex competition!) which imo is underexplored but idk maybe he was operating off the hind brain assumption that bc he was topping in a certain sitch he’s be in charge and gets baby boy-ed by a power bottom. or maybe he tries anal but decides penetration doesn’t get him the way a handjob does bc he wants to touch dicks! idk i think sex gets a lot more wet n wild when penetration isnt treated as “realer” than all other forms even if it can be fun! i am high and this is probably a more nuanced topic than i can express rn sorry :( i just was struck w inspiration about sid’s nasty jock and demanding his junk be looked at to see if other ppl thought he was getting a rash or not
sid gets wiggly when condescendingly called sport
ur so right re nate and the eroticization of the everyday via sid’s masculinity kink. also i think one time the sink breaks and sid’s hind brain is like I Know What To Do and it’s not until he’s standing in front of the sink wearing a white tank top jeans toolbelt and holding a hammer (for a sink???) w nate staring at him expectantly that sid realizes he got all his knowledge from porn and has no clue what to do when facing an actual sink
also i think nate can trick? sid into doing chores if he frames it as fulfilling sid’s being a middle aged man kink. home depot dad kink. babe bring home the bacon. hey handsome going hunting? (grocery shopping). hey stud gimme a ride? wow we should compare charcoal vs gas grill maintaince. man these burgers are so good u gotta show me the recipe
i’ve mostly talked about sid here but ur nate idea w him having his everyday in a box and sec in a box and sid exploding the boxes is soooooo good
ok bye im going to go eat peanut butter. wait no i have chocolate cake!!!!
BESTIE WELCOME BACK 😍🥰😘 lol i love u and feel free to come into my inbox high and craving chocolate cake anytime. im laughing and delighted
LMAOOO re: sid’s nasty jock being an excuse for regular junk inspections, im crying ur SO right bestie. sid keeps being like: oh nooo i have to get my junk inspected again :( and someone has to fondle it while talking about my cock and balls in excruciating detail :( oh nooo what if they have to take out a magnifying glass :( to check for an infection :( and then they’d have to KEEP talking to me regularly about by cock and balls. and inspect it. every day.
anyone else: sid why don’t you just get a new jock
sid: no :) can’t. ✨superstition✨
like it would be SO ON BRAND for him. im crying. and also rolling in this headcanon like a pig in filth (read: sid’s junk in his jock)
re: sid working his way up to it and discovering the delights and dynamics of queer sex as an underbaked youngling, u r cooking and now i’m thinking about, like. sid nervously for one of his first sort of hook ups working his way up to insisting on topping with a very effeminate gay dude (since he feels safe asking for it there) and the guy just blowing his mind going “mh honey you’re such a stud, you’re gonna come and fill me right up, aren’t you?” sid goes UH. yes. YES PLEASE. and the sex essentially starts the process of boiling the frog for him, bc the guy is like. clearly at least a a decade older, clearly handling the reigns, but he’s also luxuriating in getting a cock inside him, calls sid (“just, uh. don’t call me kid, please.”) a sport, a stud, a good boy, basically sort of caringly soft doms him (“oh you’re gonna blow your load soon, aren’t you, baby boy? inside me? it’s okay baby, your big cock feels so good, i want it.”) while also begging for a cock in his ass. by the time sid walks out of there his queer third eye is blown wide the fuck open and he starts sucking and fucking his way through pittsburgh, craving nothing less than the high of shrimp colour sexual encounters. figuring out the shape of his (masc kink) sexual preferences one ultra specific hookup at a time.
the thing is that as a rookie he’s small in hockey terms, but he’s still a big guy compared to the normal population. so it’s not exactly hard to start topping dudes. but i think he does the classic dom top thing a couple of times and it gets a little boring. he loves fucking jocks, albeit starts out fucking smaller guys than him. he’s ecstatic the first time a bearded guy bigger than him goes to his knees and praises how pretty his cock is between sucking him off. he loves being called baby boy. sometimes even likes being called “kid” (but only in a specific gay hookup way). over the years he grows to like and appreciate all sorts of little masc epithets (big guy, handsome, mister, and ultimately daddy). i’m with you re: absolutely a switch, although i think he works his way up to some stuff. he just always, regardless of dynamic, enjoys sex the most when it’s full of masculinisation kink. he loves to be a dude fucking dudes. any which way. he loves touching a dick
i’m laughing so much @ nate tricking him into doing chores via middle aged dad kink bc why are u SO right about this. this is real to me. once nate figures the masc kink thing out he is milking that cow cock day and night about it. “hey handsome going hunting? (grocery shopping)” and “wow we should compare charcoal vs gas grill maintaince” are going to live in my mind rent free forever now, thank u. i’m gonna wake up in the middle of the night two weeks from now thinking: “hunting (grocery shopping)”. and the fact that sid 100% gets off on it. thrives on being referred to like this. sid wants to be the mustachioed porno plumber so bad. nate lets him tinker and break the sink even more just for the kink of it before they break 3 hours and two rounds of sex later and finally call an actual plumber. it’s a good thing they’re millionaires that can afford to break their appliances even more before hiring a professional to fix it.
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quinn-pop · 1 year
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doodles of the puff himself !!
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obsessedduh · 3 months
previous part | next part —> here
cw: mentions of blood, gore, stalking, obsession, peverse and creepy reader, yander intendecies! implied fem reader but I tried to make it as gender neutral as possible!
*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Careless!Simon 'Ghost' Riley who knows yandere!reader is stalking him. he's a military man, he's gonna hear you creep and watch him outside of his window!
simon who knows your the dirty little thief who's been stealing his clothes, mostly boxers. simon who keeps all your stupid notes that you write for him, they're normally weird but sweet in a really, really creepy way.
'si! you looked so pretty in the shower today, played with myself while looking at your pretty cock today! from your secret admirer ♡' you would leave him with a lazy drawing of a heart on his bathroom mirror.
'hey my love, you're finally home...look at the little gift i sent you on your phone!' he cocks an eyebrow, this was different? no, corny heart? no, 'from your secret admirer'? no weird, perverted stuff? just a simple note? that made simon confused, sure - the notes you give him were perverse and weird and should've made anyone who read them feel hella uncomfortable but the fact you didn't write anything odd in this specific note seemed a whole lot more creepy than it normally does.
he shrugs and takes his phone out of his pocket, clicking on the random number notifcation, as per usual, from how many times you've texted him he should really save your number. his eyes widen to see a picture of you, without your usual mask. wait a minute, he remembers you! you're the medic at work.
he couldn't believe it, you!? but your one of the sweetest and innocent people he knows there, in fact maybe even the sweetest. always treating solider's with care. always comforting soliders if they are surfering emotionally or physically. always cheering people up. always having a bright smile on you're no matter how shit the situation is. always putting a smile on people's faces.
he takes a good look at you, sheesh you were so pretty, he's finished staring at your face for a good long while, his eyes shift to the other side of the photo. his eyes shoot wide open again to see you next to a dead body of a blonde woman. a large cut in the middle of her stomach while organs hang out of her. gory much!
he groans out of digust until - wait a minute! he recognises theml? oh yeah, it's the girl from last week, the one who tried to get his number. his wide eyes slowly turn shift back into normal and he smirks and laughs. replying to your messages with:
mylove🤍: Was this out of pure jealously?
you hear a ding in your pocket while trying to dispose of the body. you gasp to see a message from simon, everytime you texted him, he would never reply always leaving you on opened. you were surprised when he actually did reply! you clicked on the notifcation, taking you to your chats. you giggle and immediately you realize how formally he texts, how boring until you finally read it, guess he's just as sane as you.
you: yup
he snickers at your childish reply.
mylove🤍: You gonna do this everytime a girl flirts with me?
you: yup
mylove🤍: Guess I should let girls flirt with me more often then, hm?
your laughed at the text, does he seriously not care that your literally killing people out of pure jealously!? i guess not, he's literally saying he'll let girls flirt with him just so you can slaughter them later.
you: dont tell me u want me to kill more girls for u si?
mylove🤍: Is that not what I've just implied?
you bit your lip at that, your crush is willingly let you kill people for him, it's like your dream come true.
you: i guess ill have continue doing it then
mylove🤍: I guess so.
your heat dropped at the next message he sent you.
mylove🤍: Also did not think you would be the cute medic from work though.
you forgot to blur out your face...
*✧・゚: *✧・゚
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day!
I wanted to do a cute and quick little headcanon, so this is the brothers reacting to MC giving them a box of conversation hearts. If you'd like me to do the other characters as well, feel free to send me a request for it. 💕 ETA: Part two is here!
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GN!MC x the demon brothers
Warnings: none!
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He does understand that there is limited space on these tiny chalk hearts, but is that really an excuse for the terrible spelling? LUV U and U R CUTE really make him frown.
Despite this, Lucifer does think it's very cute of you to give them to him. He will keep them on his desk, safe in their box, and woe betide anyone who even dares to touch them. He won't even touch them himself and no, it has nothing to do with getting chalky candy dust on his spotless black gloves.
He may not fully understand your human customs, MC, but he truly does appreciate your thoughtfulness. When you're spending time with him while he does paperwork, he will actually pick one out to give to you. It's the one that says ALL MINE.
He waits to see if you blush. If you do, he's out of his seat in an instant, pulling you to your feet so he can kiss you. He'll whisper in your ear about how you are, in fact, all his.
At first he's too busy being flustered by the fact that you gave him something so cute to consider anything else. But once he's calmed down, he starts scheming. Hey, MC! Don't ya think Devildom variants of these'd sell like hotcakes? You'd both be rich!
You get to decide if you indulge this idea or not. Though admittedly, it'd be pretty interesting to see what kinds of phrases you might come up with for a Devildom variant. They might say things like LUV POTION or SPELL ON U or maybe even HEART HEX. The two of you have a fun time coming up with these, whether or not you actually make them.
Mammon might think that you're only giving these to him because it's what humans do on Valentine's Day. He thinks it's cute, but he doesn't know if it means anything special. You can remove his doubts by choosing a specific message out of the box, though.
Put one that says KISS ME in his hand and it's all over for you. If you're around other people, you can be sure he's dragging you into the nearest empty room.
Ahh! MC! Did you know they actually made a promotional version of these for the anime I Made A Cake For My Crush Decorated With Candy Hearts But They Turned Out To Be Cursed And Now She's A Dragon? They had some in the box that were actually cursed and would turn anyone who ate them into a dragon for a day! They were pulled from the shelves, but he still has three boxes of them that have never been opened.
You listen to this in amusement, but you're quick to let him know that these are just regular human world candy hearts. As far as you know, there are no curses on them. Levi finds he's actually quite excited to try the real thing.
That is, until he starts to read the messages. Each heart he reads makes his blush get worse until he eventually asks you if you realize what these candies say. That blush goes deep red when you indicate that you are fully aware.
He'll get it together and actually try one, though. He's trying not to think too much about the messages. They taste kinda funny and they're a little chalky, but he loves them because they're from you. Give him one that says HUG ME to watch him blush all over again before he reluctantly puts his arms around you. Wait a moment and he'll melt in your embrace.
He's heard of these, though he's never had the occasion to try them for himself. He's skeptical of their texture, but he finds the little messages charming. He will eat some if you insist. He's grateful you thought of him, MC. He truly appreciates your gift.
Then again, these little conversation hearts are like a puzzling challenge. How can he make them say what he wants to say to you? They're so brief and they don't make much sense even when strung together. He spends half a day staring at them and thinking about it.
You eventually find a set of them lined up neatly on the table in your room. They say U & ME, FOREVER, SAY YES, MY LOVE. You look around for him, but Satan isn't there. He left these here for you to find on your own. You'll have to go looking for him in another part of the house.
He's in his room, blushing behind his book, acting like he doesn't know exactly what you're there for. All you have to do is take the book out of his hands and say yes. That single word is all he needs. You won't be leaving his room until morning.
Oh, wow, these are absolutely adorable! Not as adorable as him… or you… but still so cute! Help him set them up so he can take a picture for Devilgram. He knows it'll do numbers because everybody is so into human world trends right now. Plus, he's going to throw in a selfie of the two of you eating them.
Okay, wouldn't it be cute if he painted your nails to look like little conversation hearts? He does it immediately and gives himself a set to match. You're amazed at the skill it takes to write the words so small and perfect, but Asmo is more than up to the task.
Ask him which one is his favorite and he'll say all of the ones that remind him of you. He'll start putting them into your hand - CUTIE, SWEETIE PIE, and XOXO. He makes kissy faces at you as he puts that last one on your palm.
When you laugh, he joins you. You're radiant and that's all he can see for a moment. And then the candies are forgotten because he can't resist your sweet lips. He doesn't need candy, MC. He has you.
Surprises you by not inhaling them immediately. You have several boxes for him because you anticipated this reaction. Don't worry, though, he'll still eat everything you've brought him.
But he stops because he's curious. They say stuff on them, right? That's really cute, MC. He picks out one that says only LOVE. He doesn't need a lot of words, candied or otherwise, to let you know how he feels about you.
Turns out you're the one who's flustered now. You cover it up by telling him to try some. He does as you ask and he's happy enough to eat them all. You tell him about the different ways they can be used to decorate other desserts as well. Eventually he realizes he's really hungry. He wants to take you out to get something a little more substantial soon.
He tells you that he's full of sweet candy words now, but he would rather just hold you than say them. You're okay with that, of course, and it's not long before you find yourself covered in kisses.
What are these? Are they for Beel? You'll have to explain that you wanted to give them to him. Tell him about how popular they are in the human world and he'll start to understand. He might even be aware of what they are, but he certainly wasn't expecting you to give him any.
What a nice gift, MC. He's happy that you thought of him. He tries them out of curiosity and finds he's not too fond of their thick texture. But he likes the words. He arranges them into a little sentence for you. SWEET, DREAM, YOU & ME.
You see him blushing slightly when you read them together out loud. Well, that could mean a lot of things, right? There aren't enough words to make a real sentence. But he's just coming up with excuses to cover the fact that he's nervous about hearing you say the words.
It's easy enough to distract him with some kisses. He forgets his embarrassment pretty quickly when he's suddenly far more focused on how you feel in his arms.
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xoxo part two with the side characters
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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bebe-writes-stuff · 5 months
Hey lovely!! I love your work and I was wondering if you can do a baji x reader smut with like a friends to lovers where he gets jealous when one of his friends make a move on you as a joke but he can’t take it seeing y/n all happy’ with a. Anna that’s not him and can u please include where someone walks in on them at the end and he says something about how they became a couple like someone walks in and he he’s like “ can you ye out I’m trying to help my girlfriend clean up!” I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHHHH I have read so much of ur stuff BbBbdbdbbdbd
Ima be honest, I wrote this when I was high so like, idek if this makes sense
Jealous! Baji x Reader (Smut)
Annoyed by your lack of attention, he huffed and puffed, and you still didn't say anything,
"What are you even reading that you are so invested in?" He muttered glancing at your book before pouting and setting his eyes aside.
"Huh, you don't know?" You turned to him and showed him your book cover.
Romeo and Juliet
"Ew, what the hell. Who the hell even reads that in their free time." He cringed at your sappy choice of book taste.
"Shut up will you, it's for the Drama Club. It's the annual play, other schools come and parents also come. I auditioned for fun, but I got the main role, Juliet." You explained, before someone abruptly opened the empty classroom door, it was lunch time.
"Woah, Y/n, did you actually join the annual play?!" It was Chifuyu, he was breathing and seemed...flustered.
"Oh, yeah. how'd you know?" You asked, tilting your head a little worried.
"The flyers are literally being passed out everywhere, look!" He unrolled the flyer and then slammed it on one of the desks.
You took a peek before,
It was you and Ryusei Satou on the cover. You had a dagger in your hand aimed high at yourself as you knelt on your dead lover's body, Ryusei was lying on the floor with poison that fell in drops from his mouth, the tragic fate of Romeo and Juliet. On the cover, you looked just so beautiful, you looked alluring. Your eyes were magnetic, drawing people in with a combination of elegance and genuine warmth. Baji understood why you would be Juliet, no one fit better, you were beautiful both in and out, gentle, graceful, oh he could go on and on about you. He never liked to admit it, he loved you too much. But why was that asshole Ryusei, Romeo, he thought angrily.
The next couple of weeks, Baji has barely seen you. So imagine how he felt when he heard that the entire time you were with Ryusei practicing for the upcoming play. Almost as if you cheated on him, not like you were dating anyway. He didn't mean to stop, he really didn't. But when he heard your voice from outside the theater room, he stopped to listen. Even your voice made him flushed and nervous. However, he froze when he peeked in and saw how Ryusei had you in his arms as he performed dramatically. You were smiling and laughing even. You looked so happy with another guy, it broke his heart. He felt like punching him, or anyone at this point. It was now after school, Chifuyu stopped by Baji's apartment to study for upcoming exams and projects. Then he asked when he noticed how Baji seemed more angry than usual.
"Are you upset that Y/n and Ryusei are gonna kiss?" he shouldn't have said that.
"WHAT, THEY KISS?!" He shouted
"Ohh, I shouldn't have said that..."
"She can't- No- UGHH CAN SHE QUIT THAT STUPID PLAY ALREADY?" Baji groaned, throwing his books to the side before slamming his head on his desk.
"This is so stupid." He pulled onto his hair. He stopped and turned to Chifuyu, who muttered something.
"You got something to say?"
"Baji, she was gonna ask you to do the auditions with her but you turned her down for the gang, Also the play is in a couple days so I think it's too late to pull out now." He repeated himself, a little anxious.
Wait, he thought, was it that one time? Shit, he does remember when he turned down your request, you looked so sad and he promised to make it up to you, which he forgot to do. Fuck.
Now, it was Chifuyu's turn to be worried because of Baji's sudden absences. He couldn't be that affecting because of a silly play, right? C'mon that's Toman's First Division Captain, he can't be acting all childish and clingy when it comes to you, right? Wrong, he was in his room walking back and forth, whining about it.
Baji stayed home the day of the play, until he got a text from Chifuyu.
-- Holy shit, there's so many people at the school dude!"
He groaned and put his phone down, obviously people came. You were too unreal, too siren-like. He heard a knock on his door, it was his mom.
"Chifuyu told me what's been going on. I'm not here to talk to you because in truth, I think you deserve it. You had a chance and you wasted it and made her wait. And you know worst of all, YOU DIDN'T EVEN MAKE IT UP TO HER, and here you are being all childish and sad about the consequences to your own actions. If I were you, I would take my ass there and make it up to her." She scolded him, maybe it sounded harsh, but it was out of love, she was sad that he was putting himself through this.
"yeah, LIKE I KNOW HOW. AT THIS POINT, just let them be." He sighed defeated,
"Don't give me that bull. You know how Kei, I know what you've been doing." She said in a smug motherly tone.
He felt his face grow hot quickly as he glanced at the copy of the play he had read.
Stupid, he thought
He heard his mother's footsteps fade as she walked away once their conversation died out. She was right, Baji knew what to do, and he was gonna make it up to you, tonight!
Backstage, you were nervous, shaking even. You were wearing a silky and fancy long nightgown. It was a scene where you are on the balcony of your room confessing your love to the hidden Romeo as he listens to your heart-filled speech. The play was nearing its end, which meant it was closing to where you had to kiss Romeo or more specifically, Ryusei. Which you found extremely awkward. You noticed Chifuyu in the crowd earlier in the play, he was waving and cheering. However, it saddened you how Baji didn't come, he probably had another important gang meeting, you thought. It was the final scene now. You were getting ready to step on stage before you heard some ruckus in the background, before you had time to figure out. The play started and you stepped onto the stage. You talked clearly and passionately, You called out to your lover, this is when Ryusei was to step out and capture you in a breathtaking kiss after some sensual words. You waited, but no one came out. You called out again, nervously.
Suddenly, from the opposing curtain, he walked out. The stage lighting made the moment feel unreal, wait am I imagining this? Why was the one that stepped out of the curtain, it was Baji, it was really Baji. You gasped before you continued with your act. it was subtle but you glanced at Chifuyu who seemed also equally confused. Finally, the play was gonna end, the last scene was a recreation of the Flyer. Romeo and Juliets end. You stabbed yourself with Romeo's dagger as you fell onto Romeo's poisoned body. The crowd roared with 'woos" and cheers as they applauded loudly. You felt hands grip your waist, Baji whispered,
"Y/n, meet me in the costume closet after this. It's important."
What the hell was going on? you thought, first, Baji is distancing himself from you, then he shows up randomly in the play you in AND KISSES YOU. and NOW, he wants to talk to you alone after the play. But if you wanted to find out, you'd have to confront him. It was later after the show now, you were in front of the costume closet, no one was back there. You took a deep breath before entering, Baji was waiting, leaning against the wall.
"Hey Baji, what's up?"
"Keisuke, My name's Keisuke."
He hated how awkward you seemed around him, he wanted you to laugh and smile like how you were with Ryusei. He sighed as he stood up and approached you, suddenly you were pushed against one of the walls.
"Y/n, do you hate me?" He whispered, coming in closer, leaving little space between your lips.
No, quite the opposite actually, you thought, but you couldn't say that. You just looked to the side avoiding his gaze. He gritted his teeth harshly
"Look at me damnit!" He growled as he forced you to look at him directly.
"Tch, you like this don't you?" He smirked as he toyed with you. He grabbed your face, roughly and chuckled. You glanced at his lips as you both closed in on each other, your eyes locked in an electric gaze, anticipation hung in the air like a delicate melody. The world seemed to pause as your lips met, creating an intimate universe where only the soft whispers of your breaths and the tender exchange of kisses existed. His hands delicately cradled your face, and your fingers entwined in the strands of his hair. The kiss unfolded like a choreography of emotions, starting with a tender exploration and building into a passionate crescendo. Time seemed to slow down, allowing you to savor every fleeting moment of this shared intimacy. Your breath hitched as you felt Baji placing soft kisses and even nibbling on your sensitive neck. The warmth of his lips, coupled with the gentle pressure and softness of the kisses, created the obvious tension and the sense of both of your intimacy and arousal.
"Y/n, I'm gonna fuck you now." He already had his hand in your costume.
"Fuck, your this wet because of me, you're not scared of being caught, You little slut." You whimpered as you rode his fingers,
"K-keisuke, wait- I-" You tried to formulate a sentence but your moans cut you off.
"Uh, Y/n! Baji! Are you guys here?" You gasped as you put both your hands on your mouth, controlling your moans.
"Huh?! What you want, Chifuyu! Can't you see I'm helping my girlfriend change out of her costume, go now!"
Embarrassed, Chifuyu runs out, He sighed,
"You were right... Ryusei."
"Told ya." He smirked as he knew, the only way to get Baji to make a move on you was to make him a little jealous. 
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razzzzberrysorbet · 3 months
So uhhhh this is my first post lemme know if you liked it or want more!
My Modern! Atwow Headcanons!!!!!
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Includes: Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri,,Tsireya, Ao’nung +y/n ofc 💜
(I edited this btw so if you alr read this and it’s different that’s why 😉😉)
Darker skin then lo’ak
He had dreads about shoulder length
Probably has his hair tied up alot
Baggy cargo pants + hoodie/baggy tee are his go to!!!!!
Can def see him thrifting
Not really a teachers pet but is very respectful and does his work! Is a fav amongst teachers
Is probably in a bunch of advanced classes
Can see him doing track in the spring and football in the fall
Puts his jersey in your locker so you can wear it when you go to his games!!!!!!
Can he him being pretty toned and lean rather than buff
Is such a sweetheart to everyone!!!!! He loves helping people, very nice person (mom taught him well)
Can see him working at a sneaker store + lifeguarding in the summer with Lo’ak
Skincare queen 🩷🩷🩷
He loves when you come over so you guys can do face masks and watches movies (bro needs to confess already)
Is popular at school but I feel like he would be oblivious to the fact almost the whole school knows him😭
If his class is close he will wait outside of the room so he can walk you to class!!!!(so nice)
Out of all his friends he probably talks to you the most
Is so smiley around you!!!
Is so oblivious to other people’s crushes on him it’s kind of annoying
Smells soooo😫😫😫😫😫😫
Is a class clown for sure 😬😬😬😬
But he’s actually really funny!!
Is best friends with like all of his teachers
Def listens to rap or soul/funk
Light skin
Keeps his dreads short
Can see him having sum blondes pieces tooooo
He is totally a “where my hug at” and “hey mamas” type😪
Screams “AYO WHERE MY HUG AT” from across the hall way sometimes Tsireya will run away from him😭😭
Basketball + Track 😛
Probably only keeps his grades up so he can keep playing sports….
Has many friends very popular!!!!!!
His snap score is like a million 🥲
Gaslights the teachers into thinking he doesn’t have his AirPods in
Is loud…..
Is a trash talker during 🏀 fosho and is extra with celebrating
Honestly has THE WORST diet but somehow is really fit?
Checks himself out and flex’s 24/7 💪 💪
Is actually pretty famous on tiktok????
Charlie Damelio who????😍😍😍
Earth tones on her>>>>>>
Pretend to not to know lo’ak😭
Sleeps in all her classes yet is passing???
Room filled with crystals/incense
Has like 2 or 3 close friends
Wears waist beads !!!!
Wolf cutttt
Probably dyes her hair lot
Sassy queen
RBF for sure
Is such an artsy person can see her painting and sculpting
Has her 1,000 year old beat up converses 💀
Keeps trying to get you and neteyam together!!!!!
Not super popular or into popularity tbh
Her desks are always covered in random drawings
“🙄”go to face 😭😭😭😭
Is actually the sweetest girl ever!!!!
Such a girls girl
Def has a big sweet tooth and alot of candy
Gifting is her love language
Does very well in her classes!!!!! Can see her doing extra curriculars too!!!!!
I see her doing volleyball and dance w/you
You and her are besties for life!!!!!
You guys have been dancing together forever!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Does lo’aks makeup/ he pretends to not like it but is secretly loving it
She deff loves pastels and pink!
Omg her makeup and outfits are so cute!!!!
Loves matching with Lo’ak and you ofc
People pleaser to the max just wants people to like her🩷
Has 3 or 4 close friends but she’s honestly friends with everyone!!
You guys talk one time now she’s saying hi to you everyday 😭🥹🩷
Very girlie and feminine
Her room came straight from Pinterest
Polynesian baddieeeeee
Never ever excludes anyone makes people feel so loved
Cheers for lo’ak at his basketball games
Tries to convince you neteyam is crushing on you
Sleepovers with her 😚😚😚😚
Um RBF much????
Since you and Tsireya are childhood besties that means you and Ao’nung have known each other for so long!!!
Whenever you are over in tsireyas room he will come in and flex in her mirror 😒
Basketball for sureeeee
Parents forced him into learning piano and hes actually so good???
Might not seem like it but such a caring brother
Oh no?? Tsireya forgot her lunch
Don’t worry! Ao’nung already brought it!
She needs money? He’s handing her his wallet while rolling his eyes “🙄🫴💳 “
He’s honestly so protective over you
Barely tries in class but is super smart
Probably wears muscle tanks to school-
Plays basketball with Lo’ak in thier driveway
Ok but his biceps….
Quiet but known 🩷
Is friends with neteyam but mostly for your sake
Sarcastic king
Lifeguarding + teaching swim lessons
Deffffff wears puka shell necklaces
He’s pretty tall and teases you for being short
Natural smirk 😫😫
Triangle method ummmm???????😧😧😧
Always offered to get you something whenever he goes out
“Hey im going to the gas station, want anything??”
Has all of ur baby pics😭😭😭😭
Plssss ur so embarrassed whenever he shows Neteyam
(Sorry if that was long lolll)
U and tsireya do/did dance together 🩷
Omgggg there are so many videos of you guys dancing
Straight A student cuz ur a baddie
Oblivious to neteyams fat crush on you?????
Jewelry Jewelry Jewelry
Ao’nung and Neteyam probably have ur bracelet on their wrists
Ur house is THE ultimate hang out spot
You and lo’ak do so many tiktok dances together 😭😭
You always cling onto neteyams arm when you guys walk together don’t let ao’nong see🫣
Unlimited amounts of clothes…….
Y/n ur literally so popular and you don’t know it!!!!
Helppppp you have guys falling to ur knees 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️
Lip syncing queen?????
Everyone loves you you’re so sweet and genuine🩷🩷
Ur photo album is full of pictures of all your friends
Wearing neteyams jersey to his games (y/n how have you not figured it out yet????)
I see you working with tsireya and Kiri at the mall
Dancing your whole life your so good!!!!!
AirPods in 24/7
Girl you got so many boys wrapped around your pinky how to you do it??????
Weekly hangouts with neteyammm
Omggg k ur baby pics are all over tsireya and ao’nungs house like?????
You and the girls filming Grwms😭😭
U love kids and babies (tuk)
Um imma need that workout/makeup/skincare routine pls 😁😁🤲🤲🤲🤲
(You can totally change dance to whatever sport/hobby you want I just put dance cuz I love it!)
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eyeliketoeatpoosay · 2 months
ANYTHING ~ matt sturniolo.
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summary ~ christmas eve and your mom does nothing but fight with you. you decide to leave and get stoned in some random parking lot when matt finds you.
warnings i! ~ ANGSTY ANGST, fluff, established relationship, soft!matt, use of petnames (baby), use of y/n (SUE ME), lower case intended !, mentions/details of suicide and depression. - tell me if ive missed anything !
a/n ~ hey ! haha🤣 so i was reading a fan fic and i started sobbing bc this song came on so i thought wait this is such a good song to write about💯💯‼️ so here i am💋 enjoy
not proof read !
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christmas eve. the last 24 hours before christmas day. the day of love and commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. the day of love, celebration, and hope.
christmas was the one day a year, besides birthdays, that kids looked forward to. the day that children got presents from family members they had never even heard of, it usually just being a box of chocolate and a card with ten dollars shoved in it carelessly. but, the children didn’t care. they saw ten dollars worth of candy and robux. they saw fifty new cavities for the dentists to worry about, toys for decades, and snow to lay in and create artificial angels.
however, christmas hadn’t been the same for you since your father died. the day felt dull, empty, lonely. december 19th 2016. one day after your thirteenth birthday, you walked into your parents newly organized bedroom to see your father’s limp and lifeless body with his feet floating 6 inches off the ground.
the day permanently imprinted in your closed mind. the way his skin faded white and his cheeks puffed up red. the way your father took his own precious life twenty four hours after you turned thirteen.
you were adding setting powder to your under eyes, making sure your makeup was perfect before putting your outfit on.
you, your mother, and sister always stayed indoors all day on christmas eve. playing board games, watching movies, drinking hot cocoa. it was like a tradition at this point. your father introduced it to your family when your mother was pregnant with you, now you were carrying on the legacy.
it wasn’t your favorite time of year, in fact, you dreaded the clocks striking midnight on december 1st. you wished you could stay in november forever. relive that last month of your life when your father stayed alive for every single day. when your father didn’t waste a single breath.
you shook the thought and wiped off the powder, curling your long and black lashes and swiping mascara across them. something about doing your makeup every morning was therapeutic, comforting. it wasn’t that you were ugly or insecure, no, it was just something to make your smile break out.
and something to make your boyfriend convince you that you didn’t need.
the brown fluffy hoodie that you stole from matthew sturniolo, your boyfriend, laid on your pink floral bedding. along with your red and black checkered pajama pants. it was a cozy and warming day. you weren’t going anywhere, so you didn’t bother with actual clothes.
it was now 10:07 am. matt was most definitely not awake, but you decided to message him. just to let him know you loved him. you couldn’t let anyone down ever again. you couldn’t end an interaction without an ‘i love you.’ or the guilt would eat you alive.
‘morning matt’
‘i love u’
‘merry christmas eve !’
‘tell ur mom and dad i miss them’
‘i already told nick and chris’
‘call me when u wake up baby’
‘love u so much.’
you sling your phone onto your mattress and tie your hair up. half up half down with a ribbon. just what your father knew and loved. what you know and love.
you stand in front of your six foot tall mirror and held your hands at your sides, looking at your reflection and not recognizing a single molecule of your body. from your toe nails to your hair follicles, you were a stranger. a complete stranger.
a deep breath escaped your lips as you switched your bright white led lights off and made your way to the living room where your mother was sat drinking a mug of black coffee, which was probably laced with vodka. her frail hands were shaking against the boiling ceramic piece, clearly already brain-dead.
your younger sister, monica, was slouching on the opposite sofa. her phone fixated in her sweaty hands which caused you to roll your eyes backwards into your brain.
you quickly glance over at the cats empty and stained food bowl, “has cookie been fed today?” you ask to a simple head shake and a mumbling of ‘no.’ you scoff and make your way into the kitchen, grabbing the cat biscuits from the cupboard and pouring a generous amount into her small bowl. you rinse away the three day old water and fill it with ice cold water for your cat.
you stroke your soft hand across her back as she wolfs down her food, storming into the living room. you snatch the mug of black coffee from your mother, holding it up to your nose and immediately being wafted by the smell of vodka.
you nod as tears gloss over your eyes, a pearly vision to them now. “you promised, mom! you fucking promised.” your voice started off as a yell until it breaks and the tears don’t even threaten to escape, they just do.
your mom furrows her brows, taking back the ‘worlds best mom.’ mug and shaking her head. her pupils were dilated and her scoff had the smell of alcohol. “i didn’t promise shit, y/n!”
“that’s bullshit mom and you know it.” you snap, monica shoving her wired headphones in and scurrying off into her bedroom up in the attic. “it was four months you were sober. now you’re off drinking vodka for breakfast. what the fuck is wrong with you?! don’t you care?”
your mom, ashley, laughs in your face like you’re a fool. like you’re just a piece of dirt she wiped off her shoe. “oh, so i’m a bad mom, is that it?”
“because i have tried so hard to suit your needs, y/n, but nothing seems to please you anymore.” she added.
you press your lips together tightly, pinching the bridge of your nose. “yeah, you are a bad mom. what happened, hm? ever since dad died you’ve been gone. it’s like you’re here but your head is in oblivion.”
your mom scowls, her fists in balls. how dare you speak to her like that? who did you think you were? your father?
“don’t speak to me that way, y/n. i am your mother.”
“are you?! are you my mother? because i don’t see you. i never see you anymore! you’re always in the clouds. you’re never here, you’re always in space.” tears flood as you speak your mind, as you bring up the same argument for the one hundredth time, hoping that she will finally listen, finally get help, finally be a mother.
your mom stands closer, her hand coming up to slap your face, ready to leave a red handprint in your pale skin, but you grab her wrist. she clenches her jaw and yanks her arm down. “i wish it was you that died.”
you immediately grab your tote bag and leave the house. making sure to slip your ugg’s on as you exit. you don’t even grab your phone, instead just sit in your car and drive off. no plan, no money, and a million thoughts.
number one priority is getting far away from your home, wether you get to australia or the local gas station, you had to leave. but, just your luck, the car ran out of gas as you pulled into a random parking lot. no clue where you were, you threw your head down onto the steering wheel, the beep continuing on for thirty seconds until you were finally cured of the sound.
the stress you received from your mother never failed to dig your grave further.
i wish it was you that died.
i wish it was you that died.
i wish it was you that died.
the longer you let the words sink into your brain, the faster your heart sank. the words stung. you knew when she’d sober up she’d apologize and cry, like she always did, but you were sick of the empty apologies. you were sick of the games. you just wanted it to be november 2016.
you rummaged through your tote bag, hands gripping onto a week old roll up that you and matt forgot to use. you took a deep breath and picked up the lighter from your glove box, holding the blunt to your cracked lips as you lit it. you wished matt was there to hold it to your lips as he lit it, blowing smoke into your mouth as you made out. you wished you were with him.
an hour had passed. a long ass hour. you were lucky for your watch. about twenty minutes in you realized your phone had been forgotten and left on your pink floral bedsheets. you had no idea if matt had texted you, you hoped he’d still be asleep.
since you were bored out of your mind, you took the nearly finished blunt with you and travelled around the entire parking lot on foot. over and over again until you spotted a bench outside of the target. you took a seat and stamped out the blunt, kicking it under the bench.
your fingers danced around on the arm of the rotted bench. you felt a coldness wash over your body and felt a human presence in front of you. matthew.
his hand pressed against your knee as he knelt down and looked at your face with worry and concern. “hey.. what’s going on, y/n?” he asked, his thumb swiping over your kneecap as a way of comforting you.
you frown, “what are you even talking about, matt? i’m fine.” you cross your arms and look away, but his free hand grabs your chin and turns your face towards him.
“you’re stoned at half eleven in the morning, baby. what happened?” he asked, soothingly, tucking a strand behind your ear. “you only ever smoke with me, and even then you’re cautious.” he sits beside you, waiting patiently for a reply.
“i don’t wanna talk about anything.” you mumble, “i don’t wanna talk about anything.” you repeat, a lot softer, glancing up at matt for a moment.
matthew sighs, rubbing his eyes, “did your mom upset you? i understand the time of year, but you’re gonna have to tell me if i’m gonna help you, baby..” matts lips twist to the side and he rests a hand on your shoulder.
“i don’t wanna talk about anyone.” you sighed, “i want to sleep.” a small chuckle escaped matts lips as you said this, looking at the store behind him.
“well, let me just quickly buy some more whipped cream and marshmallows since chris ate them all, and we can head to my house, ‘kay?” he suggested at you nodded, a small, soft kiss being planted on your temple.
it only took him ten minutes to grab what he needed. he took your hand and walked over to his car when he stopped in his tracks. “how did you get here?”
“drove ‘til i ran out of gas.” you shrugged, pointing at your car isolated across the parking lot. matt took a deep breath and look at you, shaking his head playfully.
“i’ll bring a fuel can down here later and drive it to mine for you.” matt smiled softly and opened the drivers door, climbing in and tossing his bag into the back seat.
this target was almost thirty minutes away from the sturniolo household, so you connected your phone to aux and played one particular song on repeat, ‘anything’ by adrianne lenker. you hummed the lyrics, staring out at the snow trickling down onto the sidewalks, kids building snowmen with their families.
your eyes shut as you stayed slouched in the passenger seat, your arms folded and your head resting on the inside of the car door. you took a deep breath before eventually falling asleep.
it was almost 12pm, afternoon, but you needed this nap. you needed this break. you needed matt.
4pm. you woke up in matts bed with three blankets sloped across your body. drool down your face with hair stuck to your cheeks. you took a deep breath and rubbed your eyes, sitting up slowly as you yawned and stretched your arms.
you blinked multiple times, still trying to come back to reality. your mind was foggy, cloudy, you had no idea what happened or where you were for a good few minutes.
matt suddenly walked into his bedroom and shut the door, jumping when he saw you staring directly at him. he smiled softly and walked over to kiss your forehead. he sat beside you on his bed and handed you your car keys, but you looked up with a blank expression.
“oh! i filled your car with gas, it’s out in the front.” he grinned and you nodded slowly, yawning again. he sighed, tilting his head and looking at you. “hey. what’s going on?” he kissed your cheek, “why did i find you stoned outside of a target thats no where near you?”
you finally start to wake up fully. wiping your drooled-face and shrugged, “don’t know.”
matt shook his head, “c’mon. speak up, baby.”
you sighed deeply and loudly, “i just hate this time of year, matt. my mom was literally drinking vodka at 10am. didn’t wanna fight, but she insisted.” you sob, laying your head in his lap and covering your face with your hands. “why did he have to die.” your words were muffled as you whispered into his lap.
matt felt sorry. he didn’t know what to do or say. all he knew was to be there for you. his fingers ran through your hair and he leaned down to kiss your head, “i know, i’m sorry, baby.” but he didn’t know. his father was alive and in the living room below them.
you choked on your cries, using his sweatpants as a rag. “i just don’t want to do it anymore, matt.” you say, sitting up and wiping your eyes. you look at his face, “i love you so much.”
matt nodded and kissed you tenderly, “i love you more, y/n.” he smiled softly and hugged you, “when we grow old and have grandchildren, we’ll give them a box of chocolate for christmas.” he chuckled, rubbing your back.
“with ten dollars in the christmas card.” you smiled back, holding his hand and pulling away.
matt nodded and spoke, “for now, we get to love eachother and be grateful for 8th grade science.”
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@mattslolita @sturnprime
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softspiderling · 2 years
baby, you down? | j.h.s.
summary: “-insane. The throttle sits extremely well in my-hey, are you even listening?” “Yeah, ‘course. The adverse yaw was so cool and the empennage knocked the wind out of you, totally.” Bradley scoffed. “You’re a little shit, toots. You know you could learn a thing or two if you would actually listen to what I’m saying. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up on a date with a naval aviator and you could impress him with your knowledge.” “Never. Having one as a best friend is more than enough.”
or, your best friend is a naval aviator, but apparently so is the guy you've been dating? Yeah, funny how life works.
OR, 5 times Bradley was blissfully unaware of who you're dating and the 1 time he wasn't
pairing: jake "hangman" seresin x reader , besties!bradley "rooster" bradshaw x reader
warnings: contains talk about sex, but no actual smut, minors DNI
word count: 6,4k
author's note: whoop whoop! the fic you all have been waiting for! where all things will be revealed. hope you enjoy!! no beta, we die like goose. PS: this fic is part of the wingman's best friend universe, but can be read as a stand-alone!
brad brad: i’m outside, u coming?
“See you guys tomorrow!” you called to your team, waving into the round before you headed outside of the office, where Bradley’s bronco was standing by the sidewalk, engine still running. He was diddling on his phone when you climbed into the passenger seat. 
“You know I’m still in touch with my old colleagues from the SDPD, I could have you arrested for being on your phone with the engine still running,” you commented mildly and Bradley put his phone away, kissing you on the cheek, his mustache tickling your face. 
“Nah, you wouldn’t. I am your favorite law abiding citizen.”
“Shut up. I can’t believe the Navy still lets you keep that god awful mustache,” you muttered, rubbing your cheek and Bradley only laughed. While he drove to the restaurant where you tended to get lunch, you packed your badge and gun into your purse, not wanting to flash your credentials around when you weren’t on the clock. Especially not around Bradley. Fishing out your phone, you checked the messages you had missed at work.
jake: it does look great. I’ll look into it and book a table.
jake: you got any plans tonight?
jake: thinking of you
Grinning you tapped out a message, catching Bradley glancing over out of the corner of your eyes. God, he was so nosy.
“Eyes on the street, Brad.”
Bradley rolled his eyes. “You know I fly a million dollar plane for work, right? I can drive my bronco down the street and look at your phone. Who you texting?”
“Just a guy I’ve been seeing,” you replied, sending the text before putting your phone away, as the car pulled to a stop at a traffic light. Bradley raised an eyebrow at you over his aviators, clearly not satisfied with the answer.
“I didn’t know that you were seeing someone.”
Shrugging with your shoulders, you pursed your lips. “Well, now you do.”
“Anyone I know?” he asked, returning his eyes to the street when the traffic light turned green, you knew however, that his attention was still fully on you. 
“Nah. I met him at a bar while I was out for dinner a few weeks ago,” you gave him a look, squinting your eyes while you thought hard. “Honestly, I am not sure if you’d get along. You’re either gonna love him or hate him.”
“... That’s not reassuring. At all.”
Which, fair. 
Considering you put actual bad guys away as a living, you had a tendency to put other, arguably not as bad, but still bad, people in your bed. One of your exes gave you an STD, one literally stole your thesis and received a scholarship for it, and another one resetted your 5 star animal crossing island that you’ve lovingly curated for a year. 
Yeah, you weren’t proud of your dating history. 
But - and this was going to sound cheesy as hell - Jake was different. He never really put up a nice guy act, actually he kind of was a cocky asshole. Beneath all those layers you’ve peeled back, he was surprisingly soft. Of course he was hot as hell, but there was also something behind his cockiness. 
“It’s going to be fine, don’t worry. How was your day?”
Bradley launched into a story of how someone from his squadron, Hangman, pulled an insane move on a hop, that even Maverick was shocked. You barely understood a word he was saying, Bradley tended to get a little overexcited when he started talking about flying and would use very specific terms like camber and whatever the fuck aileron was It didn’t help that you didn’t know a single person he was talking about, except for the infamous Maverick, of course. Usually, Bradley was deployed somewhere far away and the friends he made during that time were strangers to you. 
“-insane. The throttle sits extremely well in my-hey, are you even listening?” 
“Yeah, ‘course. The adverse yaw was so cool and the empennage knocked the wind out of you, totally.”
Bradley scoffed. “You’re a little shit, toots. You know you could learn a thing or two if you would actually listen to what I’m saying. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up on a date with a naval aviator and you could impress him with your knowledge.”
“Never. Having one as a best friend is more than enough.”
Yawning, you unlocked the door to your apartment. You really wanted to spend the night at Jake’s but going to work from his place in the morning was just going to be a pain. You hadn’t brought a change of clothes and you were definitely not showing up at work with clothes from the day before. 
Shutting the door behind you, you kicked your shoes off and headed to the living room. It was dark, but the hairs on your neck rose immediately as you stepped over the threshold. The streetlights barely illuminated your room, but you could make out a shadow of a man by your couch. You weren’t sure if you’d make it to your safe in time, but you had to try. Throwing your purse at his head, you dove to your cabinet, only pausing when the grunt of pain sounded all too familiar to you.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Bradley!?” you yelled, standing up to switch the light on, just to see your stupid best friend sit on the couch, holding his nose, doubled over in pain.
“Jesus, sorry! I forgot to text you I was coming over,” Bradley whined, his voice nasal. “I think you broke my nose.”
“How many times have I told you to not pull these damn stunts anymore? I could have shot you in the face,” you snapped, grabbing some water from the kitchen and a pack of ice, wrapping it in a kitchen towel. 
When you used to be younger, Bradley always snuck up on you, trying to scare you or make you jump. And he was good at it, too. That was why he kept doing it. You joked that his jump-scares were the reason why you always were so aware of your surroundings when you were out in the field. 
Habits were hard to break. 
With a scowl, you picked his hand off his face, gently wiping the blood from his nose before pressing the ice pack on it, glowering as he winced. 
“What were you even doing sitting here in the dark?”
“It was still light out when I arrived. How was I supposed to know that you’d take so long to get home?”
“How about turning the lights on like a fucking normal human being?” you sneered. Bradley’s shoulder slumped, a crease in his forehead and you sighed, your voice softening. “Does it hurt a lot?”
“Getting better,” he muttered, gingerly placing his hand on the ice pack so you could let go. Bradley squinted his eyes at you. “Where were you?”
“With whom?”
“Did we switch jobs? What’s with all the questions?”
“Just curious, you’ve been out a lot lately.”
“You know I am seeing someone, since when are you so interested in my love life?”
“Love life?”
Cursing under your breath, snapping the water bottle open to take a sip. Bradley was frowning at you, waiting for you to elaborate.
“I am listening.”
With an eye roll, you leaned back on the couch. “He’s… Good. I really like him. He’s so charming, but not like in a gross way, you know? He’s actually charming. It’s kind of annoying. But he’s also like, really fucking hot? He’s not like anyone I’ve ever dated before. Thank fucking god. I kind of want to see him every day, which is so dumb. I guess he makes me really happy.”
“Bleurgh. You’re in love with him, aren’t you?” Bradley pulled a face at you and you scoffed.
“What are you, 12?” 
“I’m literally older than you. Respect your elders.”
“Respect is a two way street, old man.”
Bradley glared at you, putting his ice pack on the coffee table. He carefully ran his finger along the ridge of his nose. “Well, are you in love with him?” 
You tutted at his insistence, shrugging dumbly with your shoulders. Love was a big word. It wasn’t easy to find, especially with your and Bradle’s line of work. Most people Bradley dated found his job exciting at first, until they eventually got upset with all his time away and the odd working hours. It was hard enough being his friend, you couldn’t imagine how hard it was dating a naval aviator.
But then again, your job wasn’t a cake walk either. 
Suddenly, you regretted doing the “secret job” thing with Jake. Honestly, you hadn’t expected feeling about him the way you did, otherwise you wouldn’t have done it. What if telling him about your job now would scare him off? 
“Toots, you still with me?”
You snapped out of your thoughts, smiling crookedly at Bradley. “I don’t know. I guess I could see myself falling in love with him? He’s… Kind of perfect, actually. He made me come with his tongue.”
Bradley’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as he stared at you, wincing in pain as his nose twitched involuntarily. “Oh shit. You gotta lock that man down right now. A summer wedding sounds nice. Obviously, I’ll be your best man.” 
“Maid of honor, you mean.”
“That, too.”
“God, you’re stupid. All of that missing oxygen in your brain really is starting to show.”
“You literally just whacked your purse in my face, I’m pretty sure I have brain-damage.”
“Yeah, self-inflicted brain damage.”
“So when do I get to meet the guy?” Bradley asked and he really was not letting go of that topic, was he?
“Oh man, hell if I know. Introducing you to him kind of makes things serious.”
“Didn’t you just say that you could fall in love with him? Sounds pretty serious to me.”
“Stop making sense,” you groaned, flopping on your back, staring at the ceiling. “It’s just perfect right now the way it is, you know? I don’t want to fuck it up by rushing into things.”
“Yeah, ‘cause that makes perfect sense,” Bradley snorted. “Just going wherever it takes you instead of talking about the direction of your relationship. Definitely not a recipe for disaster.”
“Like you’re the one to give relationship advice. I can still remember the Jules fiasco.”
“Please don’t remind me. I was young and stupid.”
Snorting, you stretched your arms back. “I’m headed to bed. Got an early morning. You wanna sleep here?” 
“Definitely staying, I need your coffee in the morning, the one on base sucks ass.”
“You know you could just get yourself a good espresso machine right?” You pointed out, narrowing your eyes at him. “You don’t have to drink the one on base, nor do you have to mooch mine.”
“Nah, it tastes better when I bum it off of you. You owe me anyway.”
“What do I owe you for?”
Bradley pouted, pointing at his face. “You destroyed my money maker.”
“I swear to god, Bradley.”
The next morning Bradley still wasn’t awake by the time your alarm rang. Which wasn’t unusual, despite his stupid callsign, you always had to kick him out of bed when you used to live together. So you headed to the kitchen to make yourself an espresso and downing it, before you went to grab a shower. Your muscles relaxed, as you were still surprisingly sore after getting back from Jake’s, and after a good five minutes, you stepped out, wrapping a towel around your body, just as your phone started ringing. 
Jake’s name flashed over the screen and you sighed with a fond smile, leaning your phone against the mirror before picking up. You picked up your toothbrush as the video chat loaded up, squirting some toothpaste on. 
“Miss me already?” you teased, barely recognizing anything as his phone was shaking wildly, though you could hear Jake’s laughter through the speakers.
“And what if I was?”
There was loud rustling coming from his side, before the phone finally stood still, the camera focusing on a very shirtless and very sweaty Jake. You nearly choked on your toothpaste. 
“Jesus, give a girl a warning,” you wheezed, spitting out the toothpaste, your toothbrush clattering against the sink as you picked up your phone. You were staring, shamelessly, but Jake clearly didn’t mind as he only smirked at you. 
“I am not the one picking up a phone call while I was only in a towel,” he pointed out. “I could’ve been in public.”
“Sounds like a you problem.”
You picked up your face cream as Jake made his breakfast, apparently, probably some disgusting weetabix protein, judging by the sounds of the box. 
“You trying to make me regret going home last night?” 
“Is it working?” Jake chuckled, glancing at the camera. “Just came home from a run and had some time on my hands, figured I’d call you.”
“You’re sweet. And I wish I could’ve stayed last night, but it was a good thing I didn’t. My best friend was sitting in my apartment like a creeper and waiting for me to come home. I thought I was fifteen again, god, he had so many questions.”
Jake leaned on the counter, looking at you. “Brad, right?”
“Right. He’s kind of annoying, actually. Pestered me about meeting you and everything,” you said, purposefully lightly, your eyes flickering to the camera. 
“Yeah? Gonna show me his gun collection and threaten me not to hurt a hair on your body?” 
You snorted. If only he knew.
“No, he’s just nosy as fuck.”
“You know, I’d like to meet him. He sounds like a character,” Jake admitted and you smiled, looking up. 
“You do?”
“Yeah, why not?”
“Okay,” you said, pressing your lips together to stop yourself from smiling so hard. You jerked in surprise when there were loud bangs against the bathroom door. 
“Jesus, B! I’m busy!”
“Is the espresso machine on?” Bradley asked, his voice muffled through the door. 
“Yes, you dipshit. Don’t break it!” 
“I’ll get you another one if I do.”
His steps retreated and you turned back to your phone, Jake was rising an eyebrow at you through the phone. 
“He stayed the night?”
“Yeah, he keeps forgetting we don’t actually live together anymore,” you sighed, pinching your nose and Jake rumbled out a laugh. 
“Should I be jealous?” he asked with a teasing tone, but it was obvious he was joking. People usually got miffed when they found out how close you and Bradley actually were, but Jake didn’t sound like he cared. Which was a relief. You had to break things off far too many times because some people started being outright hostile towards Bradley and you couldn’t have that. You were glad that you didn’t have to break things off with Jake. 
“God, no. I promise, there’s nothing to be jealous about,” you told him with a honest smile, cringing when you heard a crash from the kitchen, fearing for your espresso machine. 
“You should go. I have to jump in the shower anyway before I head into work,” Jake told you and you bit your lip, nodding. 
“Okay. I’ll text you later, yeah?”
“I’ll hold you to that,” Jake uttered, winking at you. “Have a good day, sweets.”
“Bye Jake.”
The video chat closed and you rested your phone against your chest, before slipping into your robe, padding into the kitchen, fearing the worst. Bradley was squinting at the coffee grinder, holding the portafilter in his hand. 
“What did you break?” you asked, toweling your wet hair and Bradley frowned at you.
“Nothing. I dropped the milk can. I was trying to froth up the milk but I didn’t know how because you barely let me touch this thing.”
“For a good reason!” you huffed, pouring some milk into the can and shoving it under the steamer, pressing the button. As the steamer got to work, blubbering on, you peeled Bradley’s finger from the portafilter to fill with coffee grounds. 
“Were you talking to him?” Bradley then asked, his voice high, as if you were back on the playground, whispering about your crushes. 
“Yeah, before you rudely interrupted me.”
“You’re so in love,” Bradley needled and you stomped on his bare foot, making him yelp. 
“I’m literally holding a can of hot milk, don’t annoy me,” you threatened him, fixing the portafilter on the machine. “You want to drink your coffee here or take it to work?” 
Bradley glanced at the clock, his eyes widening. 
“Oh shit. Can you make it to go please? I still need to brush my teeth.”
With a sigh, you ushered him out of the kitchen, so you could finish up his coffee. Grabbing one of the portable coffee mugs, you let the espresso drip in there before topping it off with milk foam, twisting the lid on. Sometimes you really forgot that Bradley was a highly skilled naval aviator with the way he was behaving. Said naval aviator skeeted back into the kitchen, where you pressed his coffee into his hand. Taking a sip, he sighed in content and you rolled your eyes at him.
“Hey toots, you promise you’ll still make me coffee when you move in with tongue guy?”
“Get the fuck out of here, Bradley.”
Bradley cackled as he walked to your front door, slipping into his shoes. 
“Hey, don’t die at work!”
“You too!” he called, before the door fell shut behind him. 
“Like a fucking child,” you muttered to yourself, turning back to your espresso machine to make your second cup of coffee.
Narrowing your eyes at the refrigerated section, you were looking for the brand of mozzarella you always got. Jake had decided to cook dinner for you, but conveniently forgot to go to the grocery store, so there you were, picking up groceries. And while you were already there, you figured you’d pick up some things too. Which would’ve been an easy feat if he had taken you to your usual spot. So now you were scanning the racks for the cheeks, rubbing your arm absently, the cold air hitting your bare skin like on a Winter night.
Suddenly, you felt something cover your skin, glancing to the side as Jake gently draped his jacket over your shoulder. 
“Hey, where’d you get this?”
“Just grabbed it from the car, you looked like you needed it,” Jake hummed, pressing a soft kiss on your cheek. You flushed, squeezing his hand. This man. 
“You didn’t have to.”
“I know, but I wanted to. You find what you were looking for?”
You shook your head, a bit petulantly and Jake bit back a laugh. “You need help?”
“No. I’m fine. I can find cheese on my own. You go ahead and pick up the rest of your stuff.”
Jake eyed you for a second, like he was scared you’d get lost, lingering, before he went off to find the rest of the ingredients to cook dinner. You turned your attention back to the cheese racks in front of you, your eyes lighting up when you finally spotted it. 
Grabbing two pouches, you gently tossed them into the shopping cart, pulling up your grocery list on your phone when a call from Bradley came in. 
“Hey, I just dropped by to bring you the oranges from Penny’s backyard, where are you?”
“Whole Food’s.”
“What are you doing at Whole Foods?” Bradley snickered and you frowned, deliberating whether you should hang up. “Oh, since you’re already there, can you bring me a Coconut Protein shake?”
“First of all, ew. And second of all, no. I’m not going home after.”
Bradley ahhed, as if he just realized and you rolled your eyes at him.
“Can you pick up some ice cream sandwiches then? Tongue guy has a freezer, right?”
“Can’t you go to Whole Foods yourself? You’re so lazy,” you accused him, already moving to the frozen section, pushing the shopping cart in front of you. “What kind do you want?”
You stopped in front of the ice cream section, your eyes widening at the assortment from ice cream sandwiches alone. This was definitely not your last time here. You didn’t know why, but you never really came to Whole Foods, which you definitely regretted. Their selection was insane.
“I don’t know, I had them at Hangman’s once, they were really good.”
“Well, how am I supposed to know what kind of ice cream sandwiches Hangman buys? Why don’t you ask him to get you some?” you bitched at him. “Were they square?”
“No, the normal ones.”
“Okay, I’m all done. What are you looking for?” Jake asked, dumping a whole lot of stuff into the shopping cart. You muted Bradley, not even listening as he tried to describe the ice cream sandwiches to you.
“Uh, ice cream sandwiches?”
“Oh, I always get these,” Jake said, opening the freezer doors to pick up a package of Organic Ice Cream sandwiches. “Is that okay?”
“Yeah, thanks babe,” you hummed, unmuting Bradley again as Jake added the pack into the shopping cart. “We got you a pack. If it’s not the right one, then tough luck.”
“You’re mean. Thank you.  See you later, toots.”
“Bye, B.”
You pocketed your phone and Jake raised his brows at you. “You ready to go?”
“Yep,” you said, curling your hands around his arm. “Let’s go, I’m starving.”
“You’re still down for my birthday party, right?” Bradley asked, 
Usually the two of you would just get dinner at the weirdest restaurant you could find, when he was around, it was kind of a tradition. But this year, when Bradley got this permanent stint at Top Gun, he decided to throw a little get together with his team and you. It’d be the first time you’d meet anyone he was working with.
“Eh. Who’s coming again?”
“Just my team, probably Mav and Penny. One of the guys, Hangman; I did tell him to bring his new girl around, but he said she was busy. But I think he was lying, because he doesn’t want us to meet her.”
You paused at that, turning to suspiciously glower at Bradley. Why would anyone in the team be nervous to bring around their new girlfriend? God, you hoped that there wasn’t some weird hazing ritual for meeting new people.
“... Why?”
Bradley shrugged, taking a sip from his coke. It was nearing twelve am, but you suddenly craved In-N-Out, so you made Bradley take you to the nearest location. It was full off people inside and you didn’t really feel like getting out of the car, so you just got your food from the drive through, eating in his car in the parking lot.
“Probably because he knows that we’ll give him shit. But I think it’s nice, him being all lovey-dovey on that girl,” Bradley chuckled, eyes lingering on you. “Kind of like you, actually.”
“Oh fuck off,” you huffed, chewing on some fries. 
“Just saying. Never seen you like this before.”
And he was fucking spot on. Things have gotten kind of serious with Jake. When you had caught a particular bad case, the outcome not the one you had hoped for, Jake came over with take out, just eating with you instead of pestering you with questions. While you did like not having to talk about your job, you wished you could’ve, and it did make you think that it was time to stop with the charades. It was getting exhausting and if Jake really didn’t want to be with you because of your job, you’d rather know now than even later on. 
You just weren’t sure how to bring it up, though.
“I know, I know. Been trying to set up a play date for you, but work’s been shitty. Sorry,” you sighed and Bradley wrinkled his mustache. 
“It’s okay. The FBI's not as breezy as you thought it would be, hm?”
You gave him a look. “I knew it wasn’t going to be. SA Brenner said it would be hard work when he first approached me. I knew that going in and I don’t regret it. It’s just that some cases are like, really fucking hard.”
“... Which is why I’m even more glad that you found someone who makes you this disgustingly happy,” Bradley interjected and you rolled your eyes, grinning. 
“Guess so. After your birthday I’ll get you guys together,” you told him and he gave you a thumbs up, pressing his lips together. 
“So… You are coming, right?” He asked, realizing you never gave him an answer. You frowned, stretching your arms, careful as to not spill over your drink, purposefully drawing out your response time. 
“I don’t know… You Navy guys are kind of pretentious.”
“What?” Bradley spluttered between laughter. “You literally work for “The Bureau”,” he mocked, quoting the air. “If anyone’s co-worker’s are pretentious, it’s yours.”
“Name one.”
“You like Avery,” you snickered and Bradley huffed. 
“Yeah, I do. They’re funny. Anyways, the guys are pretty cool. And the girls, too. I think you’ll hit it off with Halo and Phoenix. The team’s kind of chaotic, but you’ll like them. And you don’t have to stay long if you don’t,” he added quickly and you sighed, nodding.
“Fine. I’ll come. Do you want a cake?”
Bradley perked up at the mention of baked goods. “Yes. Please.”
0“So, you’re the infamous best friend,” Phoenix, Natasha, said, holding a plate with a slice of cake in her hand. The cake you brought seemed to be a hit with Bradley’s squadron and you were glad. You’ve been nervous all day for his birthday and getting to know his other friends, but when you found out they were Jake’s friends, too? Your nerves about skyrocketed into the air.
“Infamous?” you snorted. “Whatever Bradley told you about me was probably a lie.”
“Nah, it’s all true. You remember the first day of Top Gun, when I barely made it through the door before the instructor came? Well, this genius turned off my alarm clock after it didn’t wake me, and instead of waking me up, she went back to sleep. I only made it just in time because Toots actually used her lights and siren to get through traffic.”
“Jesus, stop telling that story, you make it sound like I’m abusing my power,” you muttered but Natasha only laughed. 
“I like you already, toots.”
You rolled your eyes at her for using Bradley’s nickname for you, though the corners of your lips were curling up. 
“Here’s your drink, sweetheart,” Jake said, pressing a red solo cup on your hand, when he came back from the cooler, because of course Bradley brought fucking red solo cups as if this was his 18th birthday. Natasha did a double take, frowning as she blinked at you, standing between Bradley and Jake. The three of you did wonder how long it was going to take for the others to figure it out.
Jake was grinning, bouncing back and forth on his heels as you laughed into your cup. 
“Wait, you’re Hangman’s girlfriend?”
That seemed to catch everyone’s attention, as the squadron crowded behind Natasha. You merely glanced at Jake, who was taking a suspiciously long gulp of his beer, his cheeks red, eyes hard on Natasha. You could tell he was embarrassed, however you barely had time to analyze him. All the attention suddenly made you a bit nervous, but this was no different than answering reporters’ questions about an on-going case right? Act confident enough, and they would eat out of your hands.
“We actually haven’t had that talk yet, but assuming we’re both on the same page, I guess so,” you stated, looping an arm around Jake’s waist. The tension bled from his shoulders and he sent you a smirk, while his eyes remained soft. 
“Wait-” “Did you-?” “This could not have been a coincidence.” 
“Okay, wait, hold up,” Javy cut in, waving his hands around. “Just so there are no misunderstandings whatsoever. You’re Rooster’s best friend?”
You nodded.
“But you’re also Jake’s girl?”
“She’s my girl, Javy,” Jake replied instead, gripping your waist tightly. 
Next to you, Bradley rolled his eyes, fake retching to the side. You elbowed him in the side, hard and he winced, glaring at you. Everyone thought you were hilarious apparently, Javy however, offered his hand. 
“Javy Machado. Coyote.”
Amused, you clasped his hand with yours, shaking it. He seemed nice enough, but there was a hint of concern in his eyes. By now you knew what was coming.
“Pleasure. You’re Jake’s best friend, right?”
“That would be me. I’m assuming Rooster gave Jake the shovel talk?”
“It’s the 21st century man, I don’t need a man to protect me. Jake knows not to mess around.”
“Yeah, Coyote, get with the times!” Callie heckled him, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him so violently, you were afraid he’d get whiplash. This bunch seemed extremely chaotic and you kind of loved it. 
“It was about time we met,” Callie then said, her arms still around Javy. “We’ve been dying to finally get to know the woman who turned Hangman into someone who blushes on the regular. But seeing that you’ve been managing to be friends with Rooster for so long without killing him, I am not surprised. You must have the patience of a saint.”
“Hey!” Bradley and Jake exclaimed in unison, deeply offended. 
“Aw, no you give me way too much credit. I like to think that Bradley and I balance each other’s stupid, I wouldn’t be where I am without him.” You might have dug a bit too deep into the emotional box, but it was his birthday after all. “And Jake’s been pretty amazing. He really knows how to make a girl feel special.”
“Awwww,” Billy said, leaning onto Mickey, his arm around his neck. “That’s so adorable. I might just vomit.”
“Please, I’ve heard you say cheesier things about your partner, Fritz.”
In the midst of the conversation, Bradley peeled away from the group, disappearing into the back of the hangar. Gnawing on your lip, you blew out a breath. 
“I’m gonna go check on him really quick, okay?” you whispered into Jake’s ear. He nodded, his brows furrowing, pressing a soft kiss on your cheek before you took off after Bradley, trying not to get lost in the unfamiliar building. 
“Hey. You okay, B?”
Bradley grabbed himself a beer from the fridge, before shutting the door, leaning against it. 
Narrowing your eyes at him, you heaved yourself on the counter. Bradley has always been the kind of person to shut himself off and bottle up his emotions.  When you were younger, you had to probe and annoy him until he eventually relented and told you what was bothering him. Sometimes, you still had to do it. 
“Wanna try again?”
He didn’t answer. Instead, he popped the top of the beer bottle and took a gulp, staring ahead and you pressed your lips together, your patience wearing thin. 
“Is this about Jake? You and him used to have problems, right? But aren’t things better since you got back from the mission? I thought you got along now.”
You remembered how he used to bitch about Hangman this, Hangman that. But his tone changed ever since he got back from his mission, stating that they had talked things out, how saving his life had changed their dynamics. And you were glad. Contrary to belief, while you were an independent woman, who didn’t need anyone to protect you, you wanted Bradley to get along with Jake. Be it professionally or privately. Bradley’s been by your side, in times where even your family wasn’t and it was important to you that he approved of your partners.
“It’s not about him.”
His voice was even, neutral. Also, absolute bullshit. With all the training you’ve had, it was easy for you to read a person, but it was especially easy to read Bradley. You’ve known him for almost twenty years now. And something was clearly bothering him. 
“Fine, I’ll leave it alone for today, because it’s your birthday,” you sighed, jumping off the counter. “But I promise, you’re not getting out of this conversation.”
“Did it have to be a naval aviator?”
You paused in the doorway when Bradley spoke up. Turning on your heel, you looked at him, his face scrunched up in worry. 
“It’s not like I was actively looking for a naval aviator, B. I didn’t even know that he was one, remember?”
“I know,” Bradley sighed, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his hand. “I just wish it would’ve been anyone else. You know how dangerous my job is. I wanted you to have someone with a less dangerous job, so if anything happened to me, you’d have someone. But now you’re dating a naval aviator? And one from my squadron, on top of that? You could lose both of us, just like that.”
Your mouth opened, but there were no words coming out of it. You never realized this was something Bradley was worried about, and you were overwhelmed by a sudden fondness for your mother hen of a best friend, even if he was dumb. 
“Bradley,” you started, fondly. “I am an FBI agent. Do you know how high the chance is that I get shot or hurt or worse, while on duty?”
Bradley glowered at you.
“You and Jake could lose me just as easily as I could lose you. But we won’t. Because we’re all very good at what we do.”
“That’s debatable.”
You gave him a look and Bradley sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I guess you’re right… Guess I just didn’t expect you to get with a naval aviator.” He took another sip of his beer, looking at you. “You love him?”
Taking a step back, you looked out to where Bradley’s squadron was still standing, apparently pouring out shots. Jake was already looking back at you, raising an eyebrow questioningly. With a smile, you gave him a thumbs up before he nodded, turning back to the others. You turned back to Bradley, cheeks flushed, your chest warm.
“I do, yeah.”
A few days after Bradley’s birthday party, you had decided it was time for your boyfriend to officially officially meet your best friend. You didn’t realize how exhausting it was to keep your job hidden from Jake until you didn’t have to anymore. But you only had yourself to blame for that, huh? You hadn’t even realized how much pressure you had put yourself under, and the heavy weight that lifted off your chest, especially after seeing Jake react the way he did. And it was honestly comical how easily your job invaded your daily life as soon as you dropped the“secret job” ploy.
Jake and Bradley got out of their car, both dressed in their khakis and your mouth ran a little dry. You’d seen Bradley in his uniform probably countless times, you never understood the appeal of a man in uniform. 
“Hey lieutenant,” you greeted him with a teasing lilt in your voice, looping your arms around his neck. Pressing your lips against his, Jake hummed into the kiss, his hands splayed against your back. 
“Hey, yourself… Agent?” 
“It’s actually Special Agent.”
“God, I am already sick of you,” Bradley sighed and you frowned at him. 
“Don’t be mean, B,” you teased, but let go of Jake to hug him nonetheless, kissing his cheek. “Let’s go in.”
You grabbed Jake’s hands, pulling him inside the bustling coffee shop, Bradley hot on your heels. Two naval aviators and an FBI agent enter a coffee shop… There had to be a joke in there somewhere. You and Jake slid into one side of a booth while Bradley sat across from you, picking up a menu. 
“Oh, they have those blended frappes you like, the chocolate chip ones look great,” you told Jake, flipping through the pages and Bradley snickered, looking at his wingman. 
“You drink frappes?”
“They’re the only sugary thing I allow myself,” Jake said defensively, his ears turning red. “I like ‘em, okay?”
“Leave him alone, B,” you scolded Bradley lightly, though you were grinning too. You quickly ordered when the waitress came up to your table, before you settled back into the cushions of the seat. 
“I can’t believe that you’re her best friend,” Jake then sighed, throwing an arm around your shoulder and Bradley pulled a face. 
“Well, I can’t believe that she talked about your sex life with me.”
“Yeah, what’s with that?” Jake asked, glancing at you. “The two of you share everything about your life with each other?”
“Basically, yeah,” you shrugged. 
“Oh good, that is totally not going to bite me in the ass in the future.”
“For the record,” Bradley started, lifting his index finger threateningly. “I do not want to hear about any of your sex-capades in the future. I already feel like bleaching out my ears.”
“Oh please, I literally saw your bare ass when you decided to fuck that one guy on our couch. Even though we agreed on communal spaces being off limits for hookups. Can’t believe you spit on our rules like that, especially with that son of a bitch.” 
The waitress tutted, giving you a dirty look when she placed your drinks on the table, and you only rolled your eyes at her, reaching for your coffee. Jake hid his snort in his frappe, spooning the whipped cream into his mouth. Bradley smiled sheepishly at the waitress, his cheeks reddening, waiting until she was out of earshot until he turned back to you.
“I don’t even know how you found out that I got back together with Lucas. I didn’t tell anyone and yet, there you were, ready to cock-block me as soon as we got naked.”
“Guess I am just that good, huh?”
“Yeah you are,” Jake smirked and you laughed as you glanced at him, leaning further into his side.
Bradley rolled his eyes, leaning his head back against the seat, staring at the ceiling. His hands dropped into his lap, as if into a prayer. “God, how did I never see how similar the two of you are and what did I do to deserve this?”
author's note: whoop whoop!! hope you guys liked it! REBLOG! SHARE! COMMENT! I LOVE YOU!
🏷️list: @littlebadariell // @labellapeaky // @solacestyles // @shaded-echoes // @princessofglitterland // @unordinare // @unluckymonaghan // @solacestyles // @pythagothug // @shanimallina87 // @fantasias-creativebubble // @2fabul0us4 // @lovinnoya // @emakacat // @takeyour-pantsoff // @another-tblr-fangirl // @alana4610 // @band-of-losers // @oscarisaacsleftknee // @candid-confetti // @sallyp-53 // @j-velvet // @vexedcanadian // @fantasyfan4life // @justanothermagicalsara // @obiwankenobis-lap // @et-homephone // @dummythiccwitch // @nonononomiles // @harper1666 // @simpingfortoomanypeople // @fangirling-4-ever // @hueanhdang // @i-wear-wet-socks313 // @hopeless-romanticnamed-s // @angelilacsworld // @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy // @unlikelycollectiondreamer // @lonelywitchv2 // @je-suis-prest-rachel // @hotch-meeeeeuppppp // @deliciouslydisturbed365 // @tinyworm3 // @luckyladycreator2 // @ssaic-jareau // @xoxabs88xox // @averyhotchner   // @army24–7 // @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
tagging moots: @gretagerwigsmuse // @sunderlust // @stilinskiderek // @veraocruel // @seresinhangmanjake // @greenorangevioletgrass
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ruddyhotelau · 5 days
Hey I read the post where you mentioned about 9 AU for justicestatic if u don't mind I would like to know about au even a short one liner is enough!!
I am really curious and love your Au!!
Ok till the moment I answer this question, the amount of AU increase to 14 AU =)))))))
Nate did draw sketches for some AU in the list, we will break it down for you.
1. Hellaver Secret
This AU started our Hellaverse Journal, it is the combination of Hazbin Hotel and an anime called Spy x Family. Mixing the lore of both media to create a plot that balances between fantasy and slice of life . The main couple in this AU is RadioApple, JusticeStatic is only a side dish that we came up with as a joke at first.
Basically, in this AU, Samael gave up his position as a Seraphim to become a normal human and changed his name to Lucifer. He's currently an assassin, a daughter he has with his long lost wife - Charlie, a telepath that can read people's mind and Lucifer form a fake marriage with a man named Alastor - a spy in disguise.
Michael is still an Archangel in this AU, he came down to Earth to bring his brother back to Heaven and somehow agreed to a business deal with Alastor's coworker - Vox. Even tho they hate each other, they still try to work things out because they both want to break the fake Morningstar couple.
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2. Ruddy Hotel
You guy already knew about this one =)))
But yea, basically role swap AU
3. Band AU
This is a human AU. All the Heaven siblings decided to create a rock band called Octagrams. Michael is the drummer of the band and Vox at first was their anti, like the kind of anti that will stalk you from behind. Vox is actually a very successful businessman but he's also a stalker cuz c'mon, it's Vox.
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4. Students AU
They are high school students in this AU, and yes, Vox is older than Michael in most of our human AU. In this AU, Vox is a 12 grader student while Michael is in grade 10. If anyone wondering then no, they are not dating till later when they're both legal adults with jobs.
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Michael: I think you should give up on that school already.
Vox: Shut up kid, I'm trying to concentrate.
5. Hotel Supervisor
In this AU, Michael already knew Vox when the TV was still alive. Michael has to come down Earth to do his jobs and somehow Vox was his next-door neighbor. Long short story, they then fell in love but in the end, Vox died and became a demon in Hell. Then, one day, Michael got a direct message from God ordering him to come down to the hotel, keep an eye on it and decide whether the hotel deserved a chance to prove redemption is possible. Vox then knew about Michael's appearance at the Hotel... After a long time of thinking carefully, he decided to knock on the hotel's door.
7. The contract
Michael is currently having a headache about the last extermination, about his brother and his niece, about their resistance, which could cause a misunderstanding for Heaven and made God think they want to rebel against Heaven. Michael needed to know what was happening in Hell as soon as possible and Vox was the most suitable choice for this job.
8. Soulmate AU
When humans turn 18, some of them will appear a small mark at their wrist, the mark that represent their soulmate. But love has never been easy, not everyone with the mark can find their soulmate because all the mark does is glow when your soulmate is making love with someone that is not you and you will be able to feel a faint electric shock when you meet them. The mark will disappear the moment your soulmate passes away.
Vox got his mark when he was 18. Some of his friends were jealous of him but all he felt was empty and annoyed. If anything, Vox is never the one who trusts in destiny and fate. Same with his soulmate - Michael, Archangel Michael got his mark as a gift from God but he never paid much attention to it. He didn't understand why God gave him this? The idea of himself getting attached to someone on first sight is something Michael can't even imagine.
So they both waited for the day that their mark disappeared so they would no longer be bound to a stranger anymore.
But things never go as they expected...
Destiny must be crazy when it thought that tying an Archangel and a Sinner together was a good idea.
9. Get rid of you
Michael is currently a third year law student in this AU. One day, his younger sibling Gabriel thinks it's a good idea to fill that empty fish tank in his brother's house with some fish in some skeptical looking pet shop. Lilttle did the Morningstar siblings know the mini shark they picked up at the store that day was actually a demon in disguise.
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10. Roommate AU
Vox, the Static Demon and Archangel Michael got summoned to Earth in another universe where Heaven and Hell didn't exist by a mysterious cult. Because they both came from the same universe so it's best that they stick together to survive in this familiar yet strange world. It took all of Vox's neuron nerve to convince Michael and after thinking carefully about his current situation, Michael knew he will have a better chance at getting back to his world if he co-operate with an Overlord and a better chance at blending in the human world with the help of someone who used to be a human. So even though he despised Vox's existence but for his future benefits, Michael is going to spare Vox's life.
So the two began to live together to find a way to come back to their world and to survive in this society without drawing any attention to their existence.
11. Guardian Angel
In this AU, all the siblings are the guardian angels for the humans.
Michael - Vox
Lucifer - Alastor
Raphael - Cherri Bomb
Gabriel - Niffty
Uriel - Husk
Jophiel - Velvette
Chamuel - Angel Dust
Azrael - Sir Pentious
Their mission is to guide their human on the right path but sadly, for Michael, he and his human are not getting along too well. Michael could only hope that he could get the guy to be 50% better at being a good person until the day Vox dies or else Michael is going to lose that promotion that he's always wanted.
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12. Your Name
Inspired by an anime called "Your Name". Basically, it depicts the story of two college students, Michael and Vox, who suddenly swap bodies despite having never met the other, unleashing chaos onto each other's lives.
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If you're wondering why they're doing weird expressions that doesn't match their personality is because in the pic, these two losers are swapping bodies, Vox in Michael's body and vice versa.
13. The Moving Castle
Inspired by an anime named "Howl's Moving Castle". Vox is an overly confident man who is cursed to have a demon body with a TV head by a spiteful witch. His only hope of breaking the spell is meeting a powerful, cold and distant wizard that travels around in his moving castle.
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Michael's mind is filled with doubts when he sees Vox. He couldn't believe this vile man in front of him was the one he had been searching all alone and the one who could break his curse.
14. Apocalypse AU
Take place in the post-apocalypse world where almost everything was destroyed but with advanced technology. In this AU, Vox is a mad scientist and Michael is a soldier in a poor and small area.
So Michael and his siblings in this AU were all slaves when they were small. Some were sold to by dealer or black market and others came from a corrupted lab or were kidnapped. Because the 8 of them were locked in the same cage and all of them were around the same age so they got close with each other really quickly. (In this AU Michael and Lucifer are still twins) After knowing each other for a while, Lucifer came up with the idea that all of them should have a unique tattoo so even if they got split up in the future, they will still be able to recognize each other. So time passed, one by one was sold but the place collapsed before Michael got sold. And so he was able to escape then got adopted by a soldier.
Time passed, he became one of the protectors, an excellent and skilled soldier of the area. But one day, some people in the area started to go missing and Michael has been assigned the task of finding those missing people. And he was able to track Vox down. Vox noticed there has been some annoying rat following him lately, not to mention being the first to come this close to him in the first place. So he asked his old pal Alastor - a famous hitman to deal with Michael.
Then "BANG" - a clean bullet through the head, taking away Michael's life. Vox was not going to let Michael's body going to waste so what better way to reuse the body than to create a hybrid monster (The reason why Vox want to create a monster is because he remembered Al used to tell him a long time ago that he wondered how a monster tasted like. So Vox thought maybe if he created a monster and served it to Alastor, perhaps he could fix his relationship with Alastor)
So a monster was created and so did a broken screen. (Vox did change his screen later, don't worry) What will they face together afterward? What will the future hold? What kind of madness, wacky adventure and people awaiting them? It is something that they need to go through together in the future...
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lelengerine · 8 months
I'm down bad for mark+ celebrities au 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
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thinking 'bout you
pairing | idol!mark x idol!reader
genre | celebrity co-hosts au (if that’s a thing), a lot of fluff and comforting, mark addressed reader as dude once
wc | 0.6k
notes | thank u sm for requesting on my drabble event hehe <33 i hope you enjoy reading this and hopefully its along the lines of what you wanted !! likes, rbs, and feedback are highly appreciated :D
this is part of my drabble req event here!
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as one of the hosts for the year-end awards event, you are currently residing backstage in a location grander than any you have ever seen. and though the outfit assigned to you looks absolutely pristine, it does little in actually giving you comfort to last the entire night. 
in your hands are cue cards you’ve been practicing nonstop for the past few days, now feeling anxious as the time ticks closer to the actual event. this was a ceremony broadcasted nation-wide and you didn’t wish to be deadweight your co-host needed to pick up.
“y/n, you ready?” a voice abruptly brings you out of your thoughts, turning towards its direction to find mark calmly approaching you. he was your chosen co-host for the event with a few years more experience than you. this gave you all the more reason to hate the idea of messing up and becoming a fool in front of someone like him. “hey… are you good?”
“hm? yeah, i’m fine. just a little nervous, but i won’t let you down!” your determination is oddly enough endearing to him, a lopsided smile now grazing his lips. 
“i know you wont, y/n.” he answers back with a soft chuckle, the sound of it easing the tensions within you. “come on now, you were chosen as a host for a reason.” he adds, nudging your shoulder lightly.
“thank you for the flattery, but if i may ask, how do you look so relaxed all the time? i wish i were like you.” you admit with a sheepish expression, and he looks at you a little dumbfounded. 
“me?” he points at himself almost animatedly, eyes widening. “oh dude, if you knew what’s going on inside my head right now- i think you’d say otherwise.”
he puts it lightheartedly, but deep down, you understand he’s rather in the same predicament as you, trying to find a form of relief from the panic before the event actually began. and for some reason, that revelation calmed you down more than anything has — you weren’t alone in this. he’s your co-host after all.
“then that makes both of us.” you state with the hopes of providing him that same comfort, and he seems to acknowledge the meaning behind your words. “it does.”
“you know,” he starts, “i’ve heard that thinking about someone you like really helps the stage fright. i used to only think of my parents before going up on stage, but maybe i’ll change it up today and think of someone else.” 
you feel a prickle of heat up your cheeks, thoughts in your head running the idea that he could be talking about you, but your logical self told you that could only be utter nonsense. 
“you’ll change it up today…?” you repeat slowly, wanting clarification on his words. “does that mindset really work?”
“it does if you believe in it enough? does that sound silly?” he cranes his head a little to the side, shyly rubbing his nape.
you immediately shut down his worries, shaking your head. “not at all! i’ll try it if you say it works. i just don’t know if i have anyone in mind yet.” with that answer, he beams again, opening his mouth to reply but one of the staff members manages to speak before he gets to utter a single word.
“y/n, mark, it’s time to head up. please make sure you bring your cue cards.” they instruct, now waiting on you both to lead you up the stage.
“oh- well then, shall we?” he politely offers his arm out for you to hold, one you take graciously.
“we shall.” you answer with a grin, knowing you’d take mark’s advice to think of a person you like as a way to calm your nerves, and that person might just be him.
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eunnieboo · 1 year
IYHM ask replies (thank you!!!)
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❤️ Anonymous asked:
hey there just wanted to ask about your book, is there a way of purchase that benefits you most?
hello! this is so thoughtful omg, thank you so much for asking. preordering the book at all is a huge help! more preorders mean there’s a better chance more retailers will want to stock the book, and also lets the publisher know that my work (and hopefully, this kind of story) is something readers are interested in.
i don’t think there’s a specific method of purchase that would benefit me particularly, but i do think this is a lovely opportunity to support an independent bookstore by preordering through them! or if you don’t have the means, requesting it from your local library is always an option.
but again - preordering the book, no matter where or how, means so much. barnes & noble is currently having a 25% off all preorders sale until the 27th, if that interests anybody! i’ve been trying to read more prose novels so i may peruse their collection myself. happy reading!
❤️ u-u-h asked:
Do you know which retailer gives you the largest percentage of the purchase?
i believe it’s all the same! i think the main difference in terms of sales is that hardcovers have a higher return - but i’m not hung up about that, so please get the format you prefer! i will actually not begin to get royalties until a certain number of copies have been sold (i don’t know if “earning out” is a concept exclusive to publishing but i’m happy to talk about that another time), and that’s something out of my control so i can only hope the book does well.
all that is to say, no need to worry about the place of purchase! but i’m so touched by this question. thank you! 🥺
❤️ Anonymous asked:
will there be a chance to pre-order a signed copy of your graphic novel?
my cousin adores your artwork and while i was already going to order a copy for her, i was wondering if ordering a signed version would be possible in the future to order 2 copies; the non-signed for myself and the signed for her. (instead of what i planned which was reading the copy i ordered for her after she read it lol)
omg that’s so sweet of you! HMM ok i looked into this, and i think this is something that can be coordinated with a local bookstore? i think i’d have to come in to sign their stock, and then those signed books could be shipped out. i’ll look into it more but that’s the impression i’m getting!
❤️ ecurps asked:
Congrats on getting published! =D
❤️ Anonymous asked:
congrats on finishing the book🎉‼️‼️ i am so happy and excited for you 💗❣️❤️💕❤️💞💗❣️ ive been following your account for quite a while now and im sooo excited to read it i just cant wait ‼️ wishing u a very successful 2023 👍
thank you so much!!! 😭💖💕🌸✨ AHHH i can hardly believe it myself... i’ve been a hot mess since the cover reveal! i’ve worked on the book for so long that having anyone else perceive it is exciting and terrifying at the same time. it’s like i’m releasing a child into the world haha! but i’m so grateful to everyone for the warm response, and for waiting so patiently. i hope i get to keep making stories like this for a long time ❤️
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malereadermaniac · 9 months
Go to bed ~ Leon Kuwata x Male Reader
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It was early in the evening, 9pm sharp
You'd been scrolling mindlessly on tiktok for the past hour
You come across a video you felt you just needed to share, so you post it on your Insta story
Hoping you can making your friends giggle at it
Of course, Sayaka replies to it, and the two of you spiral into a conversation
But halfway through your convo with Sayaka, you get a message from none other than Leon
You and Leon were good friends, you liked the red-head, you went to hid games and cheered him on louder than anyone else
He fucking loved it when he heard your voice in the crowd
Leon had recently realised he had the fattest crush on you, so he did what any reasonable person would do and asked a friend for help
However, that friend he asked was Mondo.
Who encouraged Leon to talk to you as much as he could and to try exert dominance
"Cause a guy like (y/n) would totally love a dominant typa guy ya know?" - verbatim Mondo's advice to Leon
You end your conversation with Sayaka and go check what Leon sent you
It was a short reply to your story
"Go to bed, it's late"
You audibly chuckled, you looked at the time on your phone
It was barely 9:30
What the hell was Leon on to be going to bed so early?
"Bro it's 9:30 it's so early wdym???"
"This is actually late for me, I go to bed at 9 pm, its much better for you yk"
"Oh really now?"
"Yeah, clearly why I'm so much healthier and better than you"
Oh no...
Leon clearly misunderstood the kind of dominance Mondo meant.
"(Y/n)? You still there?"
You left him on seen again and then shut off your phone
"Oi (y/n)!"
"Shit please dont ignore me."
"I'm sorry okay"
Leon was panicking, spam texting you as you put your phone on silent and went to bed
Guess he achieved his goal of getting you to go to bed
But he pissed you off while doing so
Truthfully you didn't care, Leon was ditzy from time to time and didn't think before he spoke
You were used to it
But you took up the opportunity to make the man frantic
You weren't thick, you knew the baseball player was crushing on you
And you were crushing on him too, hard
So knowing that Leon was now worrying that he messed up his chances with you gave you a sick pleasure - you didn't care if it was just the tiniest bit toxic
The next morning you woke up well rested
Your phone now plastered with message notifications from a certain ginger
You open them and send one quick message
"Oops I fell asleep sorry... Guess you are better than me for that haha ❤️"
Leon stopped in his tracks when he read that message, toothpaste falling out of his mouth as he froze
The sportsman quickly finished brushing his teeth and screenshot the message
Sending it to Mondo, frantically messaging him
"Dude chill.... he defo fucks with u" mondo replies half asleep
Leon short-circuits, mindlessly changing as thoughts of a relationship with you fly through his head
He was like a schoolgirl, but he had reason to, in his eyes you were the finest of men
"Good morning~" you say with a smile as you sit down next to the muscular man
"Hey, beautiful~" he mumbles flirtily
"Oh? That's a new one?"
"Yeahhh figured I should up my game if I wanna get with you by the end of the year"
Holy shit you were shocked just how much that one heart emoji riled the ginger up
"Hold your horses, BallBoy... who said I was getting with you?" You tease him
"Oh just you wait, (n/n)..."
Short but eh whatevs!!
This has happened to me before - I doubt he meant it as anything but I just remember the situation while writing this and wtaf...
Anyway hope u enjoyed!
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dwtdog · 3 months
I’ve been saying this for a while, but I think when something like this happens, you don’t get to speak out at first. You rt/like the victim’s post and offer private comfort (something as simple as a dm saying “hey I hope you’re doing well”). You don’t get to add on your own personal opinions and god forbid “takes” on whatever happened the hour it’s posted. You sit and listen and learn to stfu. If your name wasn’t brought in the convo don’t bring yourself in, unless it becomes apparent after a week of sleeping on it and collecting yourself and allowing yourself to think that you need to. IE, basically what antfrost did (waited a bit and said ‘support victims’)
ugh. not enough people know when to be quiet omg.. I get streamers yap for a living but still
anon u read my mind this is exactly what i was about to try and make a post about 😭
the whole thing that’s happening with this situation where suddenly every cc feels the need to share their own opinion, and their own trauma, is not helping anyone. it’s causing the ccs to spiral, like we’ve seen with hannah and maybe ghostie, or it’s just taking away from the actual situation at hand, like with punz.
and fuck does it just feel.. performative???? like u guys didn’t do this with dream’s original allegations, u didn’t do this with punz’s much more serious allegations, and it just feels really fucking gross
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rizs-briefcase · 4 months
all my thoughts about episode two of junior year !! it’s a long one :)
The little scenes when they describe their attacks and moves where the minis are acting it out is so cute
‘A mega version of Riz’s mage hand’
They all look so good. But especially Ally and Murph omg
Adaine’s first turn was actually pretty sick
And Gorgugs wtf
‘Do you have mass healing word? Would you be interested in doing that?’
‘Brennan you’re literally bullying us’
‘You can try, oh it does hit’
These beans are DUE
Murph starting to roll like shit again
Fabian flirting with efac again
‘I punch the mirror’ ‘I punch Kristen twice’
Lou Nat one again to get out the van ‘I’m going to throw up’
In two turns Lou only needs a 2 to not get crushed by the van, and twice he rolls a nat one
‘For you to half or third or whatever you do since it has multiple attacks’
Adaine death fail instead of taking a Dex save wtf
‘You don’t have it written down! I thought you read the book’
‘Look somewhere else’
I need a full story of Balthazar and Duggan, THEY WERE LOVERS
Murphs sleeves being short enough to show off his tattoos, I might disintegrate
What is with these kids and crashing vehicles
Ally throwing their dice
‘With my wizarding powers and my absolutely fucked van’
‘Just don’t roll a one and this is over.’ ‘NAT 20’
Gorgug IS the greatest wizard of our time
DUGGAN NO. At least he’s with Balthazar now :(
Moggy the doggy crit <3
‘Can I get under that hood a lil bit’
‘Give me a tinkerers room check’ ‘I don’t have that’
‘It’s limp silk’
‘Fabian, photosynthesis is back!!’
It just ain’t the same
‘I don’t even cutting words. I just take it’
‘I’m feeling a little unhinged’
‘Love is love’
Gorgug double crit, my boy <3
The enemy rolling two Nat ones and shooting himself in the eye
Murph dying of laughter of these guys showing up late
‘Nat 20’ ‘are you serious?’ Balthazar is everywhere
Adaine would’ve got a job, Fabian would’ve gone to dance camp, Gorgug would’ve worked on his van ; THEYRE JUST KIDS
But Riz is just happy they got to spend the summer together STOP MY SON
‘I do a half hearted prayer of healing just because I don’t trust you’
‘This was supposed to be an in and out deal but I got involved and I regret it’
‘Hey girlie,,, heyyy girlieee’
Gilear x Hallerial wedding WHEN
There’s something so sad about Fabian, who’s been coddled his whole life, being abandoned and left to fend for himself in a massive house
Sklonda talking to Riz about college and how she doesn’t know if she can afford it for him
Riz just wants to go to college with everyone stop :(( him and adaine are fine there grades are good, but he needs to make sure he finds a place that suits the others please!!!!
WAIT DID GORGUG AND ZELDA BREAK UP?? THEY ARE NOT THE COUPLE THAT WAS MEANT TO SPLIT !! Although calling it rn they’re getting back together
‘The elven oracle, the Saint of mystery and doubt, and the archdevil of rebellion’ THATS MY GIRLS!!!
Kristen never told anyone she changed gods (I guess twice now?), Fig still hasn’t been to a bard class. They’re so funny
Ayda leaving Fig fossils to say she loves her her!!
Aelwyn putting protective wards on adaines bedroom to keep adaine safe :((
Cassandra my love,, but also it should not be up to a literal child who has just came out a religious cult to keep you alive and all that.
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starsofmilos · 1 year
You Drew Stars Around My Scars (Adrian Chase x reader)
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Request: I think Adrian kinda a touch starve person, since people think he's weird so maybe not many people like to be near with him? Which make him a touch starve?. So could u write a reader who's make the first move to touch him in innocent way, like kissing his hand nor his forehead something simple like that??
So I read a lot of fics having touch starved reader and as much as I love that. I’ve always wanted to write a fic or see a fic where Adrian was the one who was touch starved so I was excited to receive this request
Warnings: fluff, mentions of sex, mentions of violence, small amount of angst
“Dude why don’t you just ask her out?”
Chris spoke out seeing Adrian eyeing you once again. Adrian turned giving him a small confused look.
“What do you mean? Why would I do that?”
“You’re joking right?” 
Adrian scoffed chuckling a bit. The idea of asking you out was so funny to him. As if you’d ever say yes especially to him. Besides it’s not like he liked you.
“Dude you’re so obviously attracted to her and she feels the same way. You could see it. I’m tired of all your guys stupid sexual tension so just ask her out.”
“Okay first of all there is no tension. Second of all, Y/N does not like me that way. I mean you’ve said it yourself no girl would ever willingly date me.”
“That was a joke because let’s be honest you’re kinda annoying most of the time dude and Y/N tolerates you. She actually enjoys your company and goes out of her way to look for you.”
“No she doesn’t.”
“Yes she does. Anytime we come back from a mission or we get separated from each other and we regroup, you are the first person she looks for. If you’re not there, you’re the first person she asks for. I’m telling you I could tell chick digs you.”
Adrian rolled his eyes, “Why should I believe you? How do I know this isn’t some stupid prank you’re trying to pull on me?”
“It’s not. I’ve admitted I’m a bit of an asshole at times, but I wouldn’t try to screw you out of a friendship. If I didn’t think she liked you then I wouldn’t be telling you to ask her out.”
Chris gave Adrian a grin as they both looked back to you. You did look especially pretty tonight. Adrian thought so at least.
You wore that one outfit that Adrian swears is his all time favorite. Made your eyes and smile pop more as he described it. 
He smiled as you looked towards them giving them a small wave.
“I can feel the tension from across the room. Go to her.”
“But she’s relaxing I don’t need to go ruin that for her-”
“Shut up and go sit with her and maybe I don’t know grow a pair of balls and ask her out.”
Adrian flipped him off as he walked towards you. It was a simple little get together at Adrian’s place that they all planned to unwind. Everyone would leave by midnight, but you..
You always stood to help him clean up or just to hang out with him just to end up crashing on his couch. (More like his bed since he’d rather die than have you sleep on his uncomfortable couch.)
“Hey Adrian..lovely little shindig you planned here.”
“Ah thanks all it costed me was thirty bucks.” You laughed a bit as he took a seat across from you. Not to close, but also not far.
“I could tell great idea getting digorno pizza. instead of ordering a couple. It’s not delivery.” You winked not noticing as Adrian grew flustered.
He laughed nervously rubbing the back of his head. “So did you plan on spending the whole party sitting in the corner?”
“No I was waiting for you to join when you wanted. I always wait for you Adrian.” You gave him a small smile. Adrian grinned as you sat up a bit more.
Adrian admired your smile as you fiddled with your water bottle. So maybe he did like you more than he’d care to admit.
You just confused him and kinda scared him.
No one had ever made him feel the way you feel. Whenever he was around you, his heart felt full, his palms would get sweaty and he felt breathless. He never felt this way around anyone before. 
He’d gone his whole life believing he wasn’t capable of feeling anything like this. He thought he didn’t need it. It was a superficial thing. He didn’t need anyone else but himself. 
Adrian couldn’t even remember the last time he intimately held hands with someone. He didn’t even quite know what that intimacy felt like. 
With you though, he wanted to know. He wanted to be held and not just used as a quick fuck. He wanted to be himself and know what it felt like to be held or just to hold.
He wanted you close. 
He wanted you next to him. He craved your touch even though he’d never experienced it. He just knew you would be the best person to hold or be held by..
You scared him in the best way possible.
The idea of one person bringing all of that out of him was fucking terrifying. 
You smiled softly standing up wanting another drink of water. “If you wanna wait for me you can, but I want a refill.”
Adrian’s eyes shut as you ran your hand through his hair walking by him. His own hand reached out for yours as you passed by wanting to hold it, but he didn’t.
As the night progressed and the more people drank. You and Adrian sat closer and closer to each other. Still not touching but close enough that if you wanted to lean on his shoulder you could.
And you did.
Adrian’s breath hitched as your head leaned on him shutting your eyes. He glanced down seeing your hand reach out for his. He held it open as it a silent invitation to hold it if you wanted.
God did he want you too.
You didn’t notice it though.
“I’m starting to get tired..Do you mind if I spend the night Adrian? I don’t wanna drive when I’m this tired.”
“You know you are more than welcomed to spend the night. Besides you did drink a bit I don’t want you driving at all.”
“I only had two beers. Rest of the night has been water. Didn’t wanna get stupid drunk like Peacemaker over there.”
Adrian glanced over chuckling a bit seeing that Chris was indeed stupid drunk. You laughed a bit seeing Chris tumbling over his words to Emilia. 
“Not our problem, Adebayo said she’d get him home.” You pointed to Adebayo trying to hide Chris’s drink.
“Last time I drove him home, he just kept yelling at me and threw up in my car so I said I wouldn’t do it again for a while.”
“Good only person who could vomit in your car is me.”
“Yeah it is only you. I’ll clean up your vomit and you any day Y/N.”
“How sweet. Might be one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me.”
“I try.” Adrian eyed your lips as you stared up at him. You grinned seeing his dumbstruck look. 
“Why do you look dumb? What’s got you all bothered?”
“What? Nothing. Why?”
“I know you Adrian. I can see there’s something on your mind. Now spill.”
“It’s nothing.” You shook your head as he laughed a bit.
“Not nothing don’t give me that bull shit.”
“You really wanna know what’s on my mind?”
“I do. I always wanna know what’s on your mind.” 
“Do you really?” Adrian teased as you huffed. 
“Yes. I’m sure you idiot.”
“I really really and I mean really wanna kiss you..” You grew quiet staring up at him with shock. You didn’t think Adrian would say this.
“But I can’t and I won’t. It would ruin our friendship and make everything weird. Chris kinda got into my head tonight too saying there’s some tension between us and I said no because why would their be? You’re...Shit man you’re so special and beautiful so how could their be tension with me? Me of all people.”
“Man I’m rambling now aren’t I? I didn’t mean too. Sometimes it all just spills out without me meaning too. Let’s change the subject, I’m kinda surprised Chris didn’t bring Eagly with him. I love Eagly-”
“Adrian I’ve never said this to you before but shut up.” He looked down at you in shock. You grabbed his arm picking it up to snuggle into him. 
“First of all so it’s not on your mind, Chris did bring Eagly. He’s outside though on the roof. Second of all you could ramble as much as you want to me and I’ll listen-”
“You just said for me to shut up-”
“I’m not done...Adrian...I really really and I mean really want you to kiss me too..”
Adrian stared down at you in shock. “But it would change things and probably make it weird-”
“I want weird with you. I love weird with you. You say I’m special..Adrian Chase you’re the nicest weirdo I’ve ever met and I want nothing more than for you to make it weird between us. Cause if you don’t I will.”
“I-I- um..I wasn’t expecting this at all. I think I need a moment.” You laughed wrapping your arms around him.
“Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Okay...lemme think about this..” You nodded shutting your eyes in content against him. You leaned up kissing his cheek softly not knowing how that small gesture made his brain short circuit. 
“You’re killing me here.” He glared at you. 
“All I did was kiss your cheek dummy.”
“Fuck you.” You grabbed his hand playing with it as he continued trying to glare at you. 
Everyone began to clear out of the house each of them going home except for you and Adebayo who had to drag Chris to her car.
Chris laughed as Adrian helped her get him in the car. You stood watching them from a small distance.
“Dude y-you gotta just do it okay.” Adrian grimaced as Chris burped. “Ask her out!”
“Okay I will not shut up and let me buckle you up!”
“Y/N you hear that! He’s gonna ask you out!” You laughed as Adrian resisted the urge to punch his drunk best friend.
“Shut up!”
“Oh did you not want her to know yet?!”
“Adebayo please get him home.” Adrian slammed the door as she laughed a bit nodding her head.
“I will.” 
Adrian sighed approaching you. You rubbed your arms cold as the night air pinched at your skin. Adrian shrugged off his sweater throwing it over you. 
“Can’t have you be cold now huh?”
“I don’t need it. Spending the night still if that’s okay.”
“Yeah why wouldn’t it be?” You giggled deciding to tease him a bit.
“Might make things weird between us.” Adrian rolled his eyes. 
“That’s fine. I want weird between us.” You stepped forward grabbing his hand tentatively holding it firmly.
“You know you’re probably the first girl or well person to ever want to willingly hold my hand. A lot of people really don’t wanna approach me.”
“Well that’s sad. Who could look at you and not wanna just hold you?” Adrian laughed a bit shaking his head letting you lead him back inside. 
“So does this mean we’re dating.” He asked as you led him to his room.
“I don’t know ask me out.”
“Oh fuck fine! Y/N will you go out with me?” You grinned widely nodding.
“Yeah I will..Gotta say though this is kinda forward taking me to bed before dinner.”
“Shut up.” Adrian pulled you to him not holding you but having you close. You noticed his hesitancy to touch you. He wanted too.
You wanted him too, but it was obvious Adrian never had been intimate like this with someone. Not the sex intimate, but the I wanna hold you till I’m out of breath intimacy.
So you grabbed his cheeks admiring his face. Every small detail. He relaxed as your thumb ran across a small scar he had on his cheek. 
He smiled as you pulled his head down softly kissing his forehead. You kissed his forehead, cheek and let his head go only to grab his hand to lay a gentle kiss on it.
“Adrian..I know you usually let me have your bed and you take the couch, but tonight do you think it’d be okay to share a bed with me?”
“Are you sure?..” He whispered out scared that this would all end up being one big joke on him.
“I’m sure..”
“Okay..We can share a bed..”
You grinned as he walked away beginning to strip for his pajamas. You followed suit borrowing a shirt of his to sleep in. Adrian admired you as you laid next to him bed.
“Can we..Can I..” He struggled a bit to voice out what he wanted. Adrian Chase was speechless for once in his life.
You knew what he wanted though. You always knew.
“Yeah..yeah we can. Is this okay?” Adrian let you lay on his chest before wrapping his arms around you. 
“It’s more than okay..”
Within a couple minutes he fell asleep. You fell asleep after throwing your leg around his waist both you entangling yourselves around the other.
The next morning you awoke feeling warm. Adrian had completely latched onto you. You smiled feeling his arms tighten around you when you tried to move.
He hummed as you ran your hands through his hair. “I gotta pee.”
“No! I’m not peeing here idiot!”
“Well I don’t know how you’re gonna go then because I’m not letting you go. I don’t think I’ll ever let you go..”
You pulled his face away from your neck where he had it buried in. 
“I’m gonna go pee-” Adrian groaned shaking his head. You grabbed his face planting a soft kiss on his head so he could let you go. He relaxed more loosening his grip letting you wiggle free.
“I’ll be back!”
“You’re no fair!!!”
Adrian sat up jumping a bit as you ran back in throwing yourself on the bed. “That was fast.”
“Told you I would be...Do you think we could go out today? On a date?”
“Fuck I was gonna ask you...Y/N do you think I could have another hug?”
“You don’t gotta ask. Wanna cuddle then go out for breakfast?”
“Is that our date?” Adrian wiggled his eyebrows. You nodded gripping his shoulders to help yourself up. 
“Yeah..it is...to seal the deal I’m gonna kiss you now okay?”
Adrian eyed your lips nervously as you leaned in placing a soft kiss on his lips. He smiled chasing your mouth when you pulled away. 
“Was that good?”
“More. Give me more please.” You laughed kissing him again laying down with him on the bed.
Adrian couldn’t stop kissing you. He kissed your lips, cheeks, forehead. 
Nothing could beat this. 
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mochiimadness · 2 years
Hi! Can i request a headcannon for rottmnt where the guys find out their s/o is a huge fan of horror & mystery. Like for example buzzfeed unsolved and movies like the conjuring and/or it? Thank you!
Neon Leon
Leo’s a huge horror skeptic
“Psh, ghosts aren’t real! It’s probably just the wind.”
Which means for the most part, he isn’t afraid to watch horror movies or read scary stories
Which is great for you!
He won’t object to watching them
He also, well, a huge-
H u g e
“That isn’t even possible!”
“How did he catch up to them, he was walking!”
It can get to be a bit much
If you’re fine with that, cool!
Critique with him, you two will end up laughing at most of the movies and stories
(Mikey walks by and sees you two laughing at the scariest thing he’s seen and is convinced you two are possessed-)
If you’re not okay with that, just let him know!
He won’t take offense
Realizes his critiquing can take away from the horror atmosphere
He’ll tone it down and instead opt to laugh quietly at some scenes
Is absolutely down to lay down with you and scroll through some buzzfeed unsolved articles
“Maybe I’ll end up on there one day! I’ll be famous, baby! Just make sure they put the best photo of me.”
Leo no
He does get a bit freaked out with horror movies based on real events
Tries to laugh it off
“C’mon, it can’t actually be real.”
He’ll manage to keep up his unphased image at first
But the second the scary scenes come on, he’s clinging to you
Will try to play it off
“I just thought maybe you were scared- ahaha…ha…”
You’re not fooling anyone Leo.
Please give him a hug.
Don Tron
One word
He loves to theorize about the paranormal and such
Will share his theories with you
D o n n i e
He’s so excited to share his theories with you, especially since you listen
You two regularly have a horror movie/reading binge at least once a week
It’s one of y’all’s favorite thing to do
You’ll both curl up with some pillows and blankets
Snacks and drinks within arms reach
The highest quality screens he has
And ofc he has note pads by him
If you also love theorizing, he sets up a space in his lab for you two to record your theories
Y’all probably have a podcast or YouTube channel
And you both wear hoodies with horror puns and references on them.
He still gets scared and will knock over a bowl of popcorn or too-
But don’t worry, Shelldon helps y’all clean it up
Speaking of Shelldon-
He joins y’all every now and then
His fans whirs loudly when he gets scared but he’ll deny it.
Donnie sometimes grabs your hand when he gets really scared
Just hold his hand and tell him it’s alright- you’ll throw hands with any monster
“You can’t hit a ghost-“
“Watch me.”
Mystic Mike
Mikey likes watching horror movies every now and then
But can he handle horror???
N o
It’s okay, he’ll still try to be brave with you
“With my s/o with me, there’s no monster we can’t beat!”
Two seconds later he’s popped into his shell
Just pick him up and put him in your lap
Scratch his shell gently and he’ll pop back out after a moment
Mikey definitely clings to you during movies, and keeps a blanket wrapped around you both.
He does much better with reading horror
Loves to read buzzfeed unsolved with you
“Hey wait a minute- I’ve seen that guy!”
“W h a t?!”
He’s definitely seen one or two ‘missing’ people
Usually they’ve just been mutated
If you want, he’ll introduce you to them!
You two usually curl up on his bed and read horror stories together
He even gets a few scary scrolls and books from the Hidden City library for you two to enjoy
More often than not, they’re mainly illustrated- like a comic book.
Mystic horror books are on a whole different level
Sometimes the books come alive and try to eat y’all
Other times, they sort of work like a mystic 3D hologram-
Using magic to show the events of the story happening around you
You two get so invested that you both shriek when the monster suddenly appears in front of you both
10/10 for practically being in the stories yourself
Big Red
Oh sweet, sweet Raph…
He can’t handle anything horror to save his life
He’ll try to tough out watching a movie or two for you
But he always ends up shrieking and nearly breaking your tv- or his dads projector
(Okay, he has broken his dads projector repeatedly)
He thinks you’re the bravest person ever for enjoying horror
If you want him to watch a movie with you, you’ll usually have to coax him into it
Make the couch super comfy and cozy- with his favorite blankets and pillows
You’ll have to keep a light on- or get fairy lights
He’ll sit with you in his lap, with his arms around you
This way he can hold onto you when he gets scared
(Also so he can hide behind you)
He’ll be so happy if you get him some noise cancelling headphones
The movie will still scare him, but he’ll be able to handle it a bit better.
If you’re reading some buzzfeed unsolved or horror stories,
He’ll gladly sit next to you with a book of his own, or his phone
While he won’t read it with you, he’s more than glad to spend time with you
You both get to enjoy time together while doing what y’all like
He usually falls asleep with his head in your lap while you scroll through buzzfeed unsolved, or watch movies on your phone with your headphones in.
He may feel a bit guilty over not being able to enjoy horror with you
So he gets you a poster of your favorite movie
Or asks Splinter if he knows one of your favorite horror actors so he could get a signature for you
“I uh- know ya really love scary stuff, so I got ya a signature from that one actor you like!”
Sweet boi
He’s trying.
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Thanks for requesting, I hope you liked it!!
This was pretty fun to write ^^
Reblogs appreciated :3
Updated and edited as of July 2023
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