#[[ he got sidetracked for a moment there xD ]]
countlessrealities · 9 months
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Send “Talk about” and a name for my muse to talk about that person || Accepting !
@imprvdente sent: “Talk about-” Morty about teen Fish!
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Morty's eyes go wide at the question. It's innocent enough, but his expression betrays that, for him, it's anything but. His thoughts rush, too quickly for him to fully keep on, and for a moment too long he's left speechless. And, worst of all, he's painfully aware that he shouldn't be.
Fish is his friend. His best friend...after Rick, obviously. No one can ever take the role that the scientist has in his life, also because the man wouldn't allow it. Morty has been pissed about it at first, but these days? He's fine with it. Rick is his number one, the person he will always go back to. And he knows that the same goes for his grandfather, no matter what the old bastard says or tries to prove.
...But this is not about Rick, is it? He's been asked about his friend Fish. His good friend Fish. The one who is his friend and nothing more. No matter what the traitorous voices in the back of his head say. He's is perfectly fine with them being just pals.
...Or, at least, that's what he constantly tells himself.
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"F-Fish? Oh, uh, she...she's great! Y-Yeah, she's really great!" He stammers, trying not to cringe at how lame he sounds to his own ears. "S-She's really smart an-and...you know. C-Charming? She has everyone wrapped around her fingers. B-But not in the same way popular girls do. S-She just...It's not her status or-or whatever that makes her that. S-She always know what to say an-and how to say it. I-I really wish I could be like her, a-at least from time to time."
She might not have Rick's silver tongue, but she also doesn't have his ego, which allows her to be sensible when she needs to be. The scientist, instead, has dug his own grave so many times that Morty has lost count.
"I-I'm very lucky to be her friend. I-I don't even know how that happened! S-She's so...so much...you know." He doesn't even know how to describe it. "Everything. S-She can be herself and people still like her. S-She's so good an-and has good grades an-and is really cute an-and she can do so much stuff and...She's the kind of person w-who shouldn't bother with the local weird. B-But she does and...I-I don't get why, but I'm really glad. An-And grateful."
And it's not just the case of making him into a minion. Fish is always happy to help and support him. She has defended him from some of his bullies. She has come and comfort him when shit has hit the fan. She has helped him studying. She has shared some of her secret passions with him. She trusts him. She likes him.
It's simply inconceivable.
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"I...I don't know what else to say. T-There's so much and...I-I don't know where to start from. I-I guess I can say that I...I hope that we can stay together...tha-that we can stay friends for a really long time. An-And I'd really like to take her on adventures, f-from time to time. B-But only the cool ones. I-I don't want to put her in danger or, uh, t-to expose her the really freaky weirdness R-Rick and I get involved in sometimes. T-That would be...uh...not ideal, y-you know?"
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grandlinedreams · 7 months
You! 🫵 You have an excellent way of weaving words, it leaves my heart in a kerfuffle! (no better way to describe it otherwise xD)
If your inbox isn’t already exploding, would you be up for a little fluff scenario with good ol‘ Law?
Trope: „Can we keep him? Pleeease?“ - Reader found a snow leopard baby . . 🥹 (If you know you know)
I let you channel your inner Law, I‘m curious how you‘d set the scene :3
Hope it ain’t too dull of a trope - thank you ~!
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OUGH I'M HONORED 🥺 he really does just bounce around in my head like a lil dvd screensaver but also PLEASE that little baby 🥺🥺🥺
[Heads up!: fluff, Law is a sucker for puppy dog eyes we all know, Bepo is an accomplice]
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It's cold.
Dangerously so, the wind making it difficult to keep on your course ㅡ how you're supposed to see anything in the vast tundra of blinding white is beyond you, but you press on.
You have to.
You tug at the fur-lined rim of your parka hood, trying to tug it over the rapidly numbed quality of your lips and nose. You'll be fine, you know that ㅡ the others can't be far from here.
Longing for the warmth of indoors and needing to tell Law what you'd seen in your scout ahead (a whole lot of nothing, unfortunately), you hurry your pace, only to halt at a faint, muffled cry.
Was someone else out here? You still, eyes narrowing as you strain to hear above the whistle of wind.
It takes a minute to hear it again ㅡ raspy and high, like the cry of a child. Your heart sinks as you turn to search for the source. You know Law will scold you if he finds out, much less if it's a trap of some sort ㅡ but the likelyhood of an enemy is low, and you can't just leave a child out here to freeze.
It takes several minutes of searching and stopping to pinpoint the cry before you find the source, and you stare with wide eyes.
No way...
"Cocoa, Captain?"
Law looks over as Bepo places the mug of steaming hot chocolate down beside him, watching tiny marshmallows bob in it before his attention shifts back to the door of the little cabin they've commandeered as a base of sorts.
"[Name] should've been back by now." You'd gone out to scout ahead, take not of any potential enemy activity ㅡ but you've been gone for a while now. And though Law is concerned, he masks it with the rise of irritation.
As if summoned, there's the darkening of the window set into the front door and he tenses for a second before you step in, quick to shut the door behind you.
"Hey guys," you greet. "Sorry I'm late, I got a little sidetracked."
Your cheeks are flush with the contrast of cold to warm, as is the tip of your nose ㅡ but from what Law can see, you're unharmed. Good.
"Anything to report?" He asks and you glance over.
"Huh? No, no signs of enemy activity." There's something you aren't telling him, that much he can tell.
"Are you bleeding?" It's Shachi's question that snaps Law's attention back to your coat, spotting the smear of red that he'd missed on his first once-over.
"Oh," you say as Law stands, intending to assess whatever damage has been done, demand to know what actually happened ㅡ only to halt as you reach for the zipper of your parka. "No, it's this little guy's."
You tug the zipper down, and a rounded, fluffy head wiggles free. Wide, wet looking blue eyes blink at them before a mouth opens to reveal tiny, razor sharp teeth as the creature offers a raspy sounding mew.
"Is...that a snow leopard?"
Several eyes snap to Law for a moment, the familiar speckle of his cap ㅡ and then back to the cub you have cradled in your coat.
"He's been injured," you say as you shuck your coat entirely in favor of cradling the cub to you. It's far bigger than a kitten, but broad paws still curl against you. "I couldn't just leave him out there..."
"[Name]." Law's eyes narrow. "A word, please." He turns to retreat down the hall to one of the other rooms, listening to your footsteps in tow. He waits until you've shut the door behind you before he turns to you. "Explain."
"I scouted as far ahead as I could given the current environment and found nothing out of the ordinary. If there's really something going on here, it's higher up the mountain." Your tone is calm and cool, professional ㅡ and he sighs.
"I meant the cub, [name]."
Your expression crumples as you look down at the leopard cub, and Law notices the ragged cut in its side, fur wet with blood. "I couldn't just leave him out there, Law. He'd die."
"He's a wild animal, [Name]. It's the way nature works." He knows he sounds unnecessarily cruel ㅡ and there's the squeeze of his heart when you frown and cradle the cub tighter to you.
"That doesn't mean I have to let it happen." Your fingers curl into soft fur, stroking gently. "I know he's a wild animal, but I want to help. Can't we keep him? Just until he gets better?"
You look up at him, and Law tenses. There's a shine to your eyes ㅡ he's never seen you cry, and you're about to over a damn cat? No, he knows this tactic. He knows exactly what you're doing.
Damn Bepo for teaching you his weakness to puppy eyes.
His teeth grit, muscle in his brow twitching as you continue to stare, silently pleading. All you're missing is the jut of your lower lip, and he jerks his head, scowling.
"Fine. But he's your responsibility. Now stop looking at me like that, damn it!"
You smile, pleased as you adjust your hold on the leopard cub and step towards him, leaning to brush your lips against his cheek in a soft kiss. "You're cute when you're grumpy, Law."
And then you're gone, hurrying off to gather what you need to treat the cub and leaving Law to process the warmth of your lips on his cheek. "What a pain," he grumbles, but there's a faint upward quirk to his lips.
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seongwin · 2 years
ateez as my fav tropes
Please ignore my crappy spelling and what not i am def not a writer-- simply writing my thoughts as they come baby /// i am literally so terrified of posting this but whatever (゜∀。)
Friends to lovers: a personal fav; like so good and classic how could you go wrong?? I 100% believe any of the members would fit in this trope but specifically-- Yunho, Wooyung, Jongho and Yeosang 
Arranged Marriage au: will literally scream and cry for this au likee?? Especially if it includes enemies to lovers KEKEKE this no doubt for me is Seonghwa and Mingi-- i just think this is such a silly little idea (>///<)
Pirate au: obvi this is a little too fitting for ot8 but i genuinely love this au; like you can't go wrong with it; the sea, stealing, being pirates, ships, being pirates, swords, literally everything; so silly and i love it- just all of that good good fills up my brain juices like no other ( ˘▾˘)~
Brothers best friend: now this one… lord let me tell you; i wholeheartedly believe this is ment for Jongho like someone tell me you agree (T^T) ; he is just so perfect for it like… the sorta  unobtainable man of your dreams AHUVDGBDJKIDVH i could pass away rn.  He's good at everything and you’ve had a crush on him for forever but HE CANNOT BE ATTAINED LIKEEE??? Oh my god this idea is going to make me spiral- Jongho plus was like a new boom of love for me so I’m eating this shit up rn ;^; OH MY GOD THE PINING!?!?!!!? Like it would be mutual BUT YOU DONT KNOW THAT //// slowburn af is all im saying-- so kind and so soft with that good good yummy sprinkle of angst- I’m sorry i’m invested now… 
Anyways, San also is so perfect for this but his would be more of a friends to lovers scenario ya feel
YEOSANG KEKEKE also pretty self explanatory me thinks 
Oh no! there's only one bed ¬‿¬ : i will eat this for  breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Thank you very much. 
Dont even get me started on if literally nothing but unbearable tension happens because- like for real, as much as i can't stand tension I  also can’t say no// sigh.. such is life… // got sidetracked but literally ot8 like-- jkjk it's Seonghwa 2000%; maybe its my bias talking but he just screams this shit like- my respectful king but the fucking tension could be cut with a knife ( i love saying that its so silly and classic anyways..) but would anything happen???  yea who knows but it would for sure be juicy-- glances, faint touches, so super nervous but still so sweet BDUKVEFUWKBDUF i could go crazy. 
kim hongjoong. like friends to lovers oh no he crawls into the wrong bed moment. ya feel...
I CAN NOT ESCAPE THIS THOUGHT NOW!>!? oh my god tried af Hongjoong + literally was asleep u?? yea goodbye. purely fluff and kind and love-- like the "oh my god he looks so cute sleeping. ...AM I IN LOVE WITH MY BEST FRIEND!?!??" ya feel the vibe?? sigh i love this thought. XDDD ( i think XD is so silly and fun i don't even care)
Fake dating: I literally can not let myself talk about this. It's truly  just so yum. 
BABY YOU KNOW IT’S YUNHO. Like he’s ultimate boyfriend material so I feel like it’s a natural choice. OH MY GOD the “i know this is fake but it feels so real” VHDUEVFUDKQ. We all know Yunho is our acting king so HOW COULD YOU TELL?? IS IT REAL OR NOT??!??  But then even in private  he’d be so sweet-  IS IT CUZ HE LIKES U BACK?? You’ll never know T_T (spoiler alert the feels are mutual KEKKE) 
 I don't really have a preference over if they know each other beforehand or not-- so silly and fun either way 
Honorable mentions aka i don't feel like screaming and trying to write that down:
Mutual Pining 
Slow Burn ///
Coffee Shop AU (hongjoong yea i see ur ass; YOU TOO WOOYOUNG) 
Please do not mention how many times i say like or use ellipses….
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Who I am
I realize in order to build a community it is important to get people to care about me to begin with; idk how successful I can be in that regard, but here I go:
My name is November.
I was born a long time ago in a land far far away... When I was a kid I would search up "free games" on internet explorer and that was my first experience in gaming. I still remember being stuck on hard levels and asking my parents to help me beat them.
Some of those games still live rent free in my head.
At one point I had a Nintendo 3DS, a Wii, and a Play Station; all which I somehow broke XD. I also remember playing plenty of NES games even though I never owned one, so that's weird.
My dad would play games often since he had a remote job, which is why as I grew up I got into gaming more and more by watching him play stuff and wanting to play myself.
Some notable mentions I loved and fondly remember to this day, and probably shaped what I value in games to some degree: -King's Bounty: The Legend, Epic Mickey, Club Penguin, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Grim Fandango, StarCraft II, Skyrim.
As I got older my hobby started to shift into escapism as I was struggling due to not having friends in School, it's around that time I got into more involved games such as HoTS, LoL, WoW, and FF14.
WoW was a game I spent a lot of time in. When you are struggling IRL and a game treats you like dogship... it sucks LOL.
This definitely pushed me to desire more from gaming and desire for everyone, not just me, to allow themselves to have higher standards!
Alas, I am doing something about it! I will do everything I can to help the gaming Industry be better, and treat the players of the games I make like the Kings and Queens that they are!
Game Design
In my early life I mostly would play games, I always had that bug that wanted to make games of her own, but I did that mostly IRL with my friends, making up games; and also making up board games.
During my early school life Club Penguin got really popular and that was a huge deal; I remember all of my friends were playing that game, and this would low-key be my first experience with an MMO.
At one point, though, I got acquainted with Scratch in school and I absolutely loved it! I installed it at home and was able to make actual games in there.
This opened my eyes since it was like something I had always wanted to do all my life had just been presented to me and I hadn't even been aware of it until this moment.
I remember making a couple of games on Scratch which were actually kinda poggers... I wish I still got a hold of them.
Eventually, I wanted to make a 3D game though; and while trying to make one in Scratch I started thinking about how I would even export it to begin with, and realized I couldn't, at least as far as little me was able to find. That was my first roadblock!
So I low-key gave up on that for a while; I continued to grow up, hang out with friends and do school stuffs; at this point the games i got to play were the games my dad would install at home for himself; I'd watch him play and would want to play myself; which I did!
At one point, I got back my desire to make games, one game in particular; recently I'd played a little bit of "Evolve", which absolutely fired up by drive and passion for making games; I saw insane potential in that game but the game itself was not what I was hoping it would be; that is what I wanted to make.
What I envisioned was an evolution game, similar to spore, but taken up a notch; this is a game I still wish to make one day, but it is extremely out there and absolutely... insane for today's standards.
Even little me, who was NOT grounded in reality, realized the game was too ambitious; and so I decided to make something similar but in a smaller scale.
Around that time I had a bunch of games in my phone. Phones were kinda the new thing around that time, I mean smartphones and the playstore; because obvi phones themselves were old news.
Sidetracking aside, I was super into phone games, so I decided to give that a shot; little me thought that was the future.
My dad got be aquainted with some programming software to make mobile games as well as Java; it didn't really click it...
Lucky for me, I found out about Unity while taking a Java curse; it was a poster that was stuck on a wall.
And so I decided to install Unity!
I legit do not remember at all how Unity worked... but I managed to get stuff done! I made a cute little game of a worm that would jump bricks when u tapped the screen, and every x bricks it would get to evolve (grow limbs, stuff like that). Now, I didn't actually get to do any of that XD. I did not like Unity.
At this point, I found out more about game development software through youtube and decided to give Unreal Engine a shot. I remember watching a bunch of Unity vs Unreal videos and ngl, making the switch was the best decision I ever did!
Unreal was game changing due to the visual scripting; now, I should mention most Unreal engine tutorials aren't actually... good. Not at all, ofc little me didn't know that! But that didn't matter, because this allowed me to some very bad games, but games!
I never did get to finish up that little worm game cuz around that time I imagine my brain was continuing to develop and I realized my game sucked and was boring.
I made a couple of other games after that; but I believe all of them suffered from the same thing. Looking back at it, I find it hard to believe I at one point thought those games were fun.. because they weren't.
I was getting smarter and all around, growing up around that time; and by the time I was halfway done with the games reality would hit me and I would realize I was making smth meh.
I look back fondly to all of them though. And what truly matters is that those games gave experience. There are SOO many ways in which you can make really inefficient stuff in the Engine, all of which i learned over that period of time.
Even though my game development journey was getting to a halt, I did continue to make apps in the Unreal Engine, usually stuff I'd need, like a clock; I once made a clock; I still have it! It's got She-Ra as the background XD. I was 16. It's based though.
Around this time, a lot of stuff was happening in my life, I was in High School and University was around the cornet, and by the time I left High School I stopped making games to instead focus on University.
I was still using the Engine for misc stuff, so experience did not halt during this period of time.
Something I got really big into doing around this time was Game Design as a thing. I was already familiar, low-key, on how games worked underneath; so I would make a bunch of folders with game ideas I had; I no-cap have like a dozen folders each with a proper game inside with a lot of excel and notepad files.
It's all theoretical ofc, but that is still a lot of potential games!
I designed Pandora during University, I was playing a bunch of WoW and basically Pandora is heavily inspired by both WoW and FF14.
An issue I had with WoW is blizzard sucks, I do not feel shy to say that; they once were awesome now they genuinely have lost all touch with their playerbase and the people making the games, it is clear they do not paly games and have no clue what they are doing.
But they are still successful! Why? Because what else can you do? Wanna play a game similar to WoW? You can't, there isn't one; there are many MMORPGS, but WoW's gameplay is still fairly unique.
I tried out FF14 around this time, kind of a thing around that time 'WoW refugees'. I love FF14 but it boils down to what I previously said, it is a different kind of an MMORPG. There is a bone in my body that craves for gameplay like WoW has; and FF14 gameplay is drastically different. All around love the game though.
So yeah, around this time I designed Pandora; it was based on all the things I loved about WoW, and all the things I loved about FF14. It is still mostly essentially "WoW, but better".
A lot of people are trying to move away from WoW, make something new and different. I say, we haven't even gotten to see "WoW, but good"; I want to see "WoW, but good" before moving forward.
Pandora has gone through a lot of changes since then, over a BUNCH of years, roughly 5 years from start to where it is now.
But anyways, Pandora was not the the last game I designed, and I had no plans to make it a reality around this time. I just loved the release of making games in paper and having them look pweatty!
It wasn't until the moment I dropped out from University that I decided to take Game Development seriously.
I need to get a bit dark though, for you to truly understand me at this moment in time. Throughout the years I was in university I had a bunch of issues and dwindled with self-termination, livin-no-mow. Why? Many reasons which can be summed up to not feeling like there was anything for me to do with my life.
University itself was meh, it disappointed me, and I did not like the environment. I low-key felt out of place; I went in for engineering and I both did not feel like I belonged; and the curriculum disappointed me. I wanted to learn about making robots and stuff, not about what some old dude from the 1780s thought about ethics and stuff; on top of that there was one dude in particular who was super obnoxious and would dismiss everything I'd say and I'd hate it and I was put in a group project with him and it sucked!
All around, it was a double punch. Both the social aspect of it was meh, and the curriculum aspect of it was meh. Not for me.
On top of that I was struggling with self-esteem issues and being given a punch of reality. The things I wanted to achieve were so out there and impossible. I like wanted to make super cool sci-fi stuff and at this point I was realizing that was kinda fantasy...
I just wanted a re-do, basically, it never was a 'I'm sad' thing. It was just a... "I don't want to do this, I want a new life".
I tried to, but failed... multiple times. The last time I failed was big... I started crying uncontrollably. And I felt utterly useless. Because it was like... How can I not even do this?
It is at this point that I started looking for solutions. "I can't do the livin-no-mow because of skill-issue, so what now". I was low-key forced to confront life and decide what I was actually going to do with it.
I decided to put my life together, work on some personal stuff, and mostly think of a plan for my future; it is at this point that I thought about game development, again. I looked back at it because it was the only thing that had truly been a driving force in my life, a true passion, something I would genuinely like to do for a living.
So I went to all the folders with all the games I had designed and thought to myself "Ok nova, which ones of this can you actually make".
And yeap... believe it or not Pandora stood out. I did have some single player RPGs and a bunch of in-theory easy games. But I know Pandora, and it low-key was the easiest one to develop.
It may come to a shock that an MMORPG would be that. But it is not the same as other MMORPGs; the content Pandora has is mostly player-made. PvP is essentially free content, all that is needed is classes, gameplay, PvP solves itself.
The only thing that I would need to do is some instanced areas, a world map, classes, items; if u care about this u can check the Kickstarter, I def cannot summ it up in a single paragraph.
Point is that, Pandora was, somehow, the easiest one of the games I had, so I decided: "OK, let's do this".
I set out a huge to-do list with all of the aspects of the game and started by solving the only real issue I had with it.
The 'Online' aspect of it.
That was like... I couldn't understand it. Over the next 6 months though, I came to understand it!
I am someone who doesn't get things unless she gets them at their core. I cannot understand a tutorial for something unless I understand what is actually going on under the hood. Figuring out networking in Unreal Engine was really hard, but I somehow got it done.
I installed Unreal from the source and all of that and made a total of 9 different projects, each coming to be one part of the server infrastructure. I tested it out with a shipping build and it worked!
This was a huge breakthrough, because what I had in my hands was essentially an MMO, just no content on it... but essentially people from all around the globe could make an account, log in, and be distributed along a bunch of servers and do nothing but chat looking at a black screen once they are in a world... pretty lame content.
At this point smth bad happened though, I became discouraged. I realized the game itself was WAYYY bigger than I imagined. It's still easier than other games i had, but it was just too huge. This goes to show the other games I had were simply bigger and scale and Pandora wasn't actually tiny to begin with.
So I went back into WoW, yeap; I actually made a guild and all, it was some fun times. But eventually my fire was lit again... because it sucked. It didn't... I liked it. But...
WoW is essentially a fantastic game that could be super awesome if the people in charge simply allowed it to be, but they don't.
It is essentially a piece of cake inside a toilet; the cake is great! the toilet isn't, but u're forced to eat out of it.
So, fire lit and all of that, I came back onto Pandora.
At this point I had a realization. I am good at some stuff. It is simply not viable for me to do everything.
I do know how to make all of the aspects of the game, I am just not very good at anything other than the coding and game design part. If I was to make the models... they'd look ugly af.
Essentially if I want models, I am better off hiring a modeler.
A bunch of stuff happened, but ultimately, I decided to find a group of people who can make this happen, which I did; and to make a Kickstarter to be able to hire them! Which I did!
This is where we are at. If you want to ever play 'WoW, but good', help me make it! If you want to help me, help me share it!
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sscarchiyo · 2 years
Masumi, Mikado, Tsukuyomi, Karou when you have an entire photo album all dedicated to their photos
(I have so much Masumi pics..)
having a photo album dedicated to them
paring(s): masumi, mikado, tsukuyomi & karou
contains: gn!reader, crack, fluff
✉️ - damn this is the fastest thing i’ve gotten done, i started in the afternoon XD hope you enjoy and feedback is always appreciated, have a good day <3
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→ his camera roll is filled with all sorts of pictures, from memes, to cursed pictures to the random shit he gets into while dragging karou along and he’s more of a ‘saved’ photo taker than actually taking photos
→ but he knows how much you love to take pictures, so he thought buying you a camera would be great and you were joyful. now you wouldn’t have to use up phone storage
→ while you were showering he thought he’d do you a favor and transfer you photos to the camera. but when he gets to the last folder he’s in shock, it’s filled with pictures of him
→ some of them were from when you first met, hell − he doesn’t have pictures dating that far back and he’s filled with a sense of pride. you love him so much to have a whole album just for him? he can’t stop his smile from growing
→ but his smile is replaced with a cocky grin when he sees, that you see, that he sees the album
→ and oh gosh, he’s holding it over your head
“aw, y’know if you wanted my picture you could just ask”
“should’ve taken my left side instead”
“is this for blackmail? i approve”
“damn you’re like a stalker baby”
→ despite his teasing, he can’t hide the smirk gracing his lips. but just so you know even though he found your album, that does not mean he’ll show the one he has of you. that's for a special occasion
→ mikado loves to take pictures with/of you, like it’s almost his favorite thing to do. he just thinks you look good all the time and wants to capture every moment of your glory
→ one day the both of you were chilling on the couch and you got up to fix yourself a snack. your phone started ringing and mikado checks the caller id
“it’s an unknown”
“hm, just leave it”
→ so he lets it ring a little longer before it cuts off, he takes an opportunity to check the time on your phone, noticing your wallpaper
→ laughing to himself he decides to change it, after all it was a bet he proposed and you lost to, that made you have a shrek lock screen. opening your photos he’s looking for a nicer picture to use, maybe one of the both of you
→ so when he stumbles upon a album filled with pictures of him, he’s perplexed. not sure if he should be happy or shocked. he’s always taking photos of you, so when did you have time to take these?
→ he wont let you know he’s seen them, but when you come back he’s grinning ear to ear
“why are you so happy? something happen?”
“huh? oh no reason ehehe”
→ very happy boyfriend indeed
→ another one who absolutely loves taking pictures with you, i also see him as the type to take pictures of everything. from outside scenery, to animals on the street and random silly photos of his coworkers
→ his phone died when he wanted to take a photo of a cat passing by, so he used your phone instead. once he finished, he opened your photos so he could send them to himself.
→ he gets a little sidetracked when he notices how many albums you have, with curiosity getting the best of him he’s scrolling through the album names until he sees one in particular so him being him, he opens it
→ so him being him he opens it and his jaw drops, who knew you had so many pictures of him. he’s not complaining though, he looks great in them and he’s not trying to sound self centered. but somehow when you take photos of him, they come out so much better
→ he’s going to very much approach you about it, he’ll even show you the secret album he has of you
→ karou is camera shy, he has no photos of himself (unless you’re in them) and doesn’t give anyone the luxury of taking his picture. the only people who can get his picture are you and masumi
→ now he knows the type of pictures masumi has on his phone, so he knows if his picture is there, it’s probably for blackmail. he also knows you take lots of selfies with him in the frame on purpose, to which he’s totally fine with
→ but he’s speechless by what he finds a whole album for him on your phone, it was a pure accident on how he found out. you’d left your phone unatened and he noticed the battery dying, being the considerate boyfriend he is, he goes to charge it − until he found the album
→ and it’s all sorts of photos, from him cooking, doing chores, some of them when he’s taken naps and to others it’s not a big deal or a little creepy
→ but he takes such pride in knowing you’ve done that for him, like my dude is literally smiling so hard his face will break
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aealzx · 3 years
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“Ven!” Namine gasped, hurrying over to kneel next to Ventus as he stared forward. “... Oh no.” Her hands hovered uncertainty, feeling bad for the patient and visitor that Ventus had barged in on but knowing that sometimes he didn’t react well to contact.
Riku made sure to push the wheelchair out of the way of anyone else coming through before crouching near Namine. “What happened- Strelitzia?” Riku started to ask, getting sidetracked when Lauriam’s little sister approached them from where she had been sitting by the bedside.
“It’s… okay. I think he’s okay,” Strelitzia assured quietly, trying to look Ventus over, but also not block his view. “It’s not how we wanted it to go but…… Do you…. recognize Ephemera?”
Riku and Namine ended up exchanging very confused looks, but with the complete name Ventus’ expression slowly turned to one of more clarity. Giving a deep inhale, Ventus was quiet as the broken memories from moments before became more clear, and sequential. His hand slowly raised to cover his mouth as he averted his gaze to the floor, considering what his mind was telling him. “I… you…,” he sputtered, eyes flicking up to Strelizia’s face before going to the scar just below her collar bone. “Vani shot you,” he choked, the realization causing the tears in his eyes to spill down his cheeks. “Ephem-... He… I’m so sorry.”
Strelitzia’s brows pushed together in concern even as she smiled softly and knelt in front of Ventus. “It’s alright. It wasn’t your fault, and he…. He’ll be okay. I know he will,” she assured, wrapping her arms gently around Ventus’s shoulders and pulling him into a hug.
I couldn’t decide on what pic to draw for this one, so I went with a strip XD
Had the idea of this in my head for months now, but finally got around to it. In case anyone was wondering where Ephemera is in this AU
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clocks-are-round · 3 years
it's donut november so.. donut for the character ask thing :>
This is all off the top of my head, so some opinions may vary upon rewatch.
aaaah sorry i got sidetracked for a couple hours XD
EDIT: Reading Z’s reminded me of things I was going to mention but forgot apparently rip haha
Why I like them: It’s fucking DONUT. What’s not to like? He’s a delight. While not my favorite of the characters, he’s gone through a surprising number of changes throughout the series. Even if most of it was due to the decision to lean more into gay jokes.
Why I don’t: Ok, yeah, NOT a fan of the homophobic shit in the early seasons. It was so obvious they were going for a stereotype… but he ended up growing on me anyways. Also, the in your face innuendos were very uncomfortable but I guess I got used to those too. I don’t like the default falsetto they were doing for seasons 16 & 17. It was so uncomfortably… “a voice” y’know? It wasn’t remotely natural sounding.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Wash and Donut repeating the moment when Wash shot Donut. Or the Donut and O’Malley fight. Both. They’re tied. Wait no— his little anti-drug tirade at Simmons?
Favorite season/movie: How can I not say season 17? It was so good to him.
Favorite line: that one super uncomfortable one in season 16 that basically summed up what his role had mostly been up until that point one sec lemme find—
“No, guys! I’m super duper sorry! This whole sticky mess--it’s on me! All over me! I’ve screwed each and every one of you deep, with no protection! And now, I’ve come to help pull out, before we’re all truly boned! From now on, nothing comes before my friends. They come first, and they come second. They come third, they come fourth--“
I hate (read: love) it so fucking much it’s great. Like holy shit, it’s just one after another!
WAIT— I take it back.
“I heard you needed to beat a guy off, so I came right away!” When he came to rescue Grif -w- Like me, I’m sure he had never been happier to hear an innuendo.
Favorite outfit: Hmm… maybe seasons 1 and 2? I dunno, I kinda liked the dull pink a bit more than the brighter ones. As for out of armor fanart, as long as it’s stylin’ and/or pink.
OTP: As many of you know, I am a fan of Washnut, Locnut, and Locnuttington. I’m chill with it never being canon, but I like the dynamics.
Brotp: Simmons and Donut have great sibling vibes. Wash and Donut have great untapped vibe potential. More of those please?
Head Canon: Aside from the obvious fan theories like burn scar, hearing aid, and his mom remarrying to a woman after his dad sent him to gay conversion therapy… Donut played baseball in high school. Why else would he be such a great pitcher? He spent a lot of time tossing to get that good. Gosh, he must’ve touched so many balls over the years. I’ll stop 🙃
Unpopular opinion: He’s as much of an asshole as everybody else. I have definitely written him too soft in the past (as i have many of the characters). He’s an obnoxious little shit and just five minutes with the guy is enough to know that.
A wish: Let the man say he’s gay. Or flirt with a guy without the guy recoiling in disgust and instead flirting back and Donut is taken off guard. Maybe it’ll be something more. That’d be cute. Please. More importantly, side effects from the Chrovos stuff? Or maybe not because “none of that ever happened” but goddamn would it be cool to include.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Don’t make him straight. And if you do, Rooster Teeth, only if EVERY OTHER character is stated to be queer. That is the only way I will find that “twist” funny.
5 words to best describe them: Flamboyant, Fabulous, Obnoxious, Gullible, GayAF (new compound word it counts)
My nickname for them: My tag for him is //*the clinking of champagne glasses* but it may change.
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novantinuum · 2 years
Clutching Destiny + 2 and 9 if you want~
Gawd, I really do need to actually WRITE more LoZ fics so there's more I can be asked about siudhsdnghj XD
Bc that's where my Big Excite brain is living right now, but alas 20K of my written work for this dang fandom is literally living in my brain and nowhere else ahahah. Which reminds me... I also need to finish chapter 3 of this. I wrote the first two chapters RIGHT before I started officially working on the prose for the main fic, so I kinda got a bit sidetracked. Might make that my May goal, once I finish my word count goal for Camp NaNoWriMo.
But anyways-
Fic I'm babbling about: Clutching Destiny
(Sir Arwel Haywood, loyal knight of Hyrule's royal guard and proud father of two, has never considered himself a particularly religious man.
Regardless, he can't help but fear the kind of deity who would condemn a mere child to being an instrument of Her endless war.
(Or... the story of how Link's father comes to learn about his son's fateful destiny.))
2: What scene did you first put down?
Hah- I actually wrote the first chapter in a two hour fit of creative chaos at like, 1 am. I started musing about the idea for this story while I was doing some backstory work for my current long-fic project. I wanted to muse upon what kind of man I wanted Link and Aryll's father to be, and that led me to think... y'know, what better to show a father's true colors than to present him with the horrifying reality of his son being chosen by the gods for a destiny that he fears will only lead to hardship and ruin, and see how he reacts?
I honestly wasn't sure HOW I wanted to portray Arwel at first, but the moment I started writing him I knew I definitely wanted him to genuinely love on and support his kids. He's a caring father, on the whole. Later on, there's definitely stuff I'd love to dig into pertaining to his training of Link, though... I have the idea that these two are both equally driven and stubborn, with one-track minds once they really get into a task. In addition, Link is a swordplay prodigy, and Arwel takes his role as teacher and royal guard very seriously. So when they're training together, Arwel can often lose track of the fact that he's practicing with his 12 year old son, and not another soldier. Link’s mother Kelra often worries that one of them will end up getting hurt one of these days, and chides on her husband for not taking it slower... for not allowing more breaks... for encouraging Link to push himself so hard at such a young age. So... a good dad, yes, but certainly still has his issues.
Later on, I think Arwel can't help but wonder if the sword would've chosen his son at all, had he not so eagerly guided him down the path of swordplay as a youth.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
At this point, I feel like the alternate version of this fic will be the version of chapter 3 I imagined when I first wrote out my notes for chapter 3, because that was so long ago that I'm pretty sure my thoughts on Kelra (who will show up in this chapter once it exists) have diverged since then, ahah XD
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sevi007 · 4 years
(have not played hades but-) Can you imagine Persephone dragging Hades to the surface for just a minute, just for a moment. He's grumbling, he's BUSY, there is so much work to do and-what, is that-? huh. He doesn't remember the sun being that. warm. did he forget? no. Must be because he's with her.
I hope it says something about HOW MUCH I JUST WROTE for this prompt if I post a link to AO3 first, before the story - Because it just got SO long. XD
Read the answer to this on my AO3 under the name “Home is not where you live (but who cares when you’re gone)”
Or read it under the cut, but in worse formatted form:
„Mother really does not do things halfway, does she?”
 Persephone’s voice was strained, the chatter of her teeth laced into her every word. And yet when Hades turned to her she was smiling wistfully, her gaze directed at the glittering white around them fond and amused both.
As soon as he noted the shivers wracking her frame, Hades immediately moved to cross the distance between them, already loosening the clasp of his cape while cursing himself to the depths of Erebus and back again. Even to him, with his cape and internal fire, the air was frigid. To the goddess of spring, it must have been positively arctic. How could he not have thought of that?!
For all his anger at himself and his mother-in-law, his hands were infinitely gentle when he draped his cape around Persephone’s stiff shoulders, pulling it closed around her. “Your mother,” he grumbled to himself, nearly letting the words get lost in his beard, “always had a talent for holding grudges for a very, very long time, even for us gods.”  
“Oh, I…,” a little sound slipped from Persephone’s lips, a curious mixture of surprise and awe as she watched his hands wrap her gently in the cloth. Once he was finished, she reached up and touched his retreating hand gently, effectively rooting him in place when she smiled up at him. “Thank you.”
Feeling as frozen as the land around them, Hades could not muster a single word. He nodded jerkily, murmuring something which could count as assent, and forced himself to take a step back again, to put distance between them to be able to breathe again.
At least Persephone seemed to need to get her bearings about herself as well. She blinked into empty space for a beat before shaking her head, laughing quietly, and focusing on him again. “Well!” Let’s keep moving, before we freeze in place.”
“I would not even put that option past her,” he mumbled. He had thought the crunch of snow under their feet would have swallowed the quiet words, but Persephone actually laughed, blindsiding him completely with the melodious sound and nearly making him stumble. Blast.
„You are still going on about that? I’m sure this is not her holding a grudge; this is...” Persephone gesticulated about, clearly at a loss of words, until she caught sight of him and the way his bushy eyebrows had risen nearly to his hairline. Defeated, she snorted and let her hands drop. „Perhaps a little. A very little grudge.“
“Perpetual winter. And only here,” he reminded her gruffly, only to bite back a court laugh when she leveled a glower at him, stubborn and defiant for a beat – before she deflated.
“She really is good at this, isn’t she?” Once he nodded gravely, she was already smiling again, her good spirits not that easily deterred. “But grudge or not – it really is quite beautiful, in its own way. Look!”
Hades grunted and would have kept walking, but of course she would not have any of it. She stopped right before the way bent around a corner, and with how close she had positioned herself at the edge of the plummeting cliff, he could not bring himself to simply continue on and leave her there. With nothing left to do other than to follow her gaze or stare at her, he heaved a soundless sigh and allowed himself to take in the sight.
 As far as they could see, the land was clad in powdery white, glittering in the early morning light as if diamonds had been ground into the finest powder and strewn out.  And where the last edges of his - their - realm ended, there was only the sea, dancing lights reflecting on light waves, and the sky above,  tinted in hues of orange, pink and palest blue.
It really was quite beautiful; he was at a point where he could admit it was. Once upon time he had been blind to the beauty of the surface and the skies; too hurt to see anything but a disappointment in those domains which had been denied to him. Not because he envied his brothers for the realms they governed over; blood and darkness, no! He could not have cared less about lofty highs and watery depths, and much less wanted to call them his own.
No, his ire had been drawn burning hot because it had been a short straw which had decided it all.
His life, his future, resting on a single straw. What a cruel joke that had been. Had the decision not been made by the Fates, anyway, long before he had made his draw? And they all had known so. He had known – had known that neither his brothers nor the Fates had even left him the pretense of having a say in the matter.
Now, eons upon eons later, he had embraced his fate and accepted the Underworld as his to govern over, much like it had accepted him in return. And with it, his rage had cooled. He was no longer blinded by it while gazing out over the mortals’ realm, feeling not awe over it, but at least a certain… contentment.
Although maybe most of it was because of the goddess at his side. Hades found he forgot all about the landscape once his gaze settled on Persephone; her eyes shone as she took in the sight, and the bow of her excited smile was so familiar and near-forgotten both, it wrenched painfully at his heart.
A portrait could never come close to the real sight of her.
It felt nearly sacrilegious to draw her away from something which could made her smile like that, but she would be miffed if she did not get the work done what they had come here for. Hades was reaching for her before his mind caught up with it, and only managed to draw his hand back an inch from her shoulder. “Persephone,” he called instead, quietly. „The garden?“
“Hm? Oh! Right,” another laugh; this time, he was better braced for it, and did not feel as weak-kneed as before when he followed her away from the cliff and up the mountains again while she chattered on. “My apologies. Here I am dragging you up to the surface to gather some plants from my garden, and then I get sidetracked at every opportunity.”
“You did not need to drag me,” he reminded her firmly, although not unkindly. “You asked if someone had the time for a short trip. I did, so I agreed.”
«And that was very kind of you,” Persephone’s steps were quick and sure, finding their way up towards the cottage blindly even while she glanced back at him. “Don’t think I’m not aware that there is now work piling up for you! But I would have had to ask Charon, otherwise, and I so hate to keep him from his duty...”
“It is doubtful he would have found the opportunity.” Frowning down at the slippery snowmelt his fire-clad feet left behind, Hades swallowed a grumbled and shook the cold wetness off as discreetly as he could. “With all the time he has spent selling useless clutter to the boy-… Zagreus, he is behind in his work as it is.”
His harsh words did not seem to deter her in the least. Green eyes flashed with mirth over her shoulder as she chuckled. “All that selling of clutter you have not forbidden him yet, you mean?”
A grumble left him, too indistinct to pinpoint if it was embarrassed agreement or offended muttering, and she laughed heartily. He kept silent, letting her have her fun at this expense. She was right, anyway, and it would distract her from questioning his decision to accompany her, which was a relief in itself.
 What would she say, he wondered, watching her sure-footed gait up the hills and the smile he could only make out the curves of from his position, when she knew he had never intended to let anybody but him accompany her up here? He would have loaded the chthonic gods with work himself if he had needed to, only to make sure he was the only one who had time for her.
Not because he did not trust anybody else to protect her. She was very capable of taking care of herself, nobody knew that better than him.
It was the destination of her trip which made him uneasy. Having to let her go, months at a time, for her visits to Olympus would be terrible enough already; he was aware of all his subjects and colleagues already conspiring not to bother him during those times, since his mood would be at all-time low the kind of which even titans and giants would have feared. But when it came to Olympus, he was at least sure she would always return to hi– to the Underworld. She did not like the mountaintop any more than he did, after all.
But here? The place she had made for herself; the everlasting reminder that he had chased her away once already? That she did not need him to be happy? He could not bear the thought of letting her go here alone and risk that he was left in the dark about her changing her mind about the Underworld, about her place amongst them… about him.
If she did, he would not stop her, of course. He would let her go, no matter how it would break him. But at least he would be there, and would know where she was; that she was safe.
And at least he could say goodbye this time.
 So lost in his increasingly hopeless thoughts was he that he did not notice the sound of her footsteps changing; the crunch of snow was replaced with the soft sound of grass swishing around her ankles. It was the change of temperature that alerted him to a shift, seconds before her voice made him look up, “We’re here! Zagreus did not promise too much, he really has been taking care of… Hades?”
Hades could not have answered even if he had really heard what she had been saying. He was frozen in place the moment he had looked up and laid eyes on their destination.
It was not what he had expected; not that he had been sure what, exactly, he expected to find on this trip. Perhaps something akin to the garden adorning the House down below: plants which could flourish despite the close proximity to the beyond, and which had likely survived more because of the magic of their owner rather than his own clumsy care in her absence.
But this place was different. This place, down to its very core, was her.
She was everywhere here, in the air, in the ground. Not only her magic and her vitality were represented in the eternal spring garden – no, better. Worse. He saw the warmth of her smile reflected in the magical golden sunlight; heard the lilt of her happiest laughter in the gurgle of the stream further ahead; could feel the smell of her hair wafting up from the multitude of flowers tickling his nose.
The kindness and strength of her very soul was represented in every single piece of nature around them, and it was so overwhelming that even the God of the Dead stood stunned, unable to tear his eyes away from it all – away from her, standing there in the middle of the golden sunlight, looking every bit like the goddess and queen she was.  
 “It’s alright.”
Her gentle voice pulled him from his stupor.
Persephone was smiling patiently at him, hand offered out with its palm up. “It’s alright,” she repeated gently, softly. “You won’t burn any of it, I promise.”
Hades’ confusion was short-lived; only long enough to notice that in his shock, he had stopped just short of stepping onto the lush green grass. Of course, he knew his fire would not, could not, burn any of this; it had never burned any of her plants down below, either. And still he felt hesitant to take the first step into this sanctuary of hers.
How could he possibly be welcome here, a distant part of him wondered, in this domain which was hers and hers alone, when he once had been the reason she had left the Underworld in the first place?
When he should have come here to beg her to return back home, yet never did?
And yet, there was still her hand offered out to him, her smile directed at him so kind and gentle. Even the deepest guilt and most crippling doubt could not stop him from taking such an invitation, and he reached for her haltingly, allowing her much smaller hand to slip into his and draw him over the invisible line between them.
Persephone’s widening smile was fully worth it.
 Ripping his gaze from her features before he could be caught staring at the crinkles around her eyes or the bow of her lips, Hades directed his attention to the quaint cottage in the corner of the magical garden. While commonly and unassuming at first glance, upon closer inspection it was shimmering with the same power as the rest of the place did. “You made this yourself. Everything?”
“Mhmmmm,” even Persephone’s hum was proud. “The very first living quarters I made and maintained myself.”
You should not have had to. “It is… comfortable.” Internally, he cursed his clumsiness. He could thunder orders powerful enough to halt titans in their tracks, command respect with a single cold word, yet this was causing him trouble?
Luckily, Persephone seemed blind to his inner war, beaming up at him as if he had made her the biggest compliment. “Right? I was quite happy with how it turned out; so homely. Although it became a little quiet from time to time, but… oh, well! Here we are.”
Her hand slipped from his as she moved to kneel next to a patch, immediately leaving him feeling cold. His fingers flexed, feeling the lingering ghost of her touch, while he watched his wife fuss a little with the ends of her peplos and chiton to get comfortable, setting the yet empty basket down next to herself. His cape, neatly folded, found its place next to it. The careful way with which she stroked over the cloth for a beat, lingering, made Hades’ heart turn over in his chest, and he had to look away.
In the middle of pushing her hair back, Persephone suddenly seemed to remember him standing there – already lost to her work, he noted with a surge of staggering fondness – and shot him a half-reassuring, half-apologetic smile. “I will try to be as quick as I can. You, hm. You still might want to get comfortable, however? There are chairs right over…there… oh.”
 Her voice trailed off and into silence when he lowered himself to kneel beside her, mirroring her stance. She was still staring at him silently by the time he tucked the tips of his long beard aside so they would not get in the way, and in lieu of having to say much else, Hades murmured, “It will be faster, this way.”
“Right. Right, yes, of course.” She ducked her head, yet was not fast enough to hide her smile completely.
Unsure if she was making fun of him or not, he swallowed his instinctive, defensive retort and raised an eyebrow at her profile. “I do remember a little of what you taught me.”
“You do?”
The question was high with surprise. He felt his hackles rise immediately, jaw tensing.  Of course she could not even imagine that he would-…
“Oh, I’m sorry, Hades,” her hand settling gently on his elbow made his rage draw back like the tides, as quickly as it had come. When he glanced up again, Persephone grimaced in a way that was apologetic and self-deprecating all at once. “That was silly of me. I should have known you – I know you still remember. After all,” and here, her expression softened in a way that made his throat go tight, “after all, you took care of the garden by the House in my absence, right?”
Once more he tensed; this time not from anger, but because he suddenly felt caught out. He nearly ripped his arm from under her hand but couldn’t bring himself to do it, so he simply avoided her gaze, rather decisively. “I attempted to.”
“And you did a wonderful job at it,” Persephone said, so firm he dared not even scoff at her words. “I was so happy to see it all flourishing when I came back. After all this time, I thought… well. To be honest, I thought it would all have wilted.”
Hades looked up at her sharply, searching for her gaze, but now it was her who was looking away. She thought…?  “Never,” his own voice startled him a little, raspier than he had meant to be. “I could never have…. It was… it was yours.”
The mere idea of the garden wilting and dying made him sick, even now. It had been one of the two only things that he had left of her, apart from their son. All to remember her by.  Raising Zagreus like the way the boy had deserved… well, he had failed at that, hadn’t he? But the garden. The garden he had somehow managed, to his own astonishment.
While he watched, Persephone’s features softened; Hades could not decipher the emotions swirling in her green eyes, yet the intensity there made his mouth go dry. Before he could further question it, she looked away, releasing him from his stupor. “Let’s get to work; I have kept you long enough.”  
His first instinct was to deny it; he had come here willingly, after all. But she was already handing him a little spade to work with, avoiding his gaze as she began to explain what she would like to do. All he could really do was accept the tool and nod jerkily along to her words, trying to get his whirling thoughts into order and focus.
 In the end, it was not as difficult as first feared. They fell into a kind of easy rhythm, a dance they had danced long ago and with steps that now quickly came back them. Persephone directed him with gentle words and helpful pointers while she made quick work of her own half of the patch; he, in turn, was content to follow her lead without missing a beat. Most of the time, he dug a hole around the plants she pointed out to him, graciously leaving space around the roots so as not to damage them, and then let her lift seedlings, seeds and bulbs out of the earth to dust them off and set them aside in her basket.
Often, Hades got momentarily lost watching her. Watching her simply… being. He had nearly forgotten how radiant she was when content. The tilt of her little smile when she found a particularly strong little seedling. That she would praise the plants for their beauty and growth. More than once, he had to force himself to look away in time to avoid her questioning gaze, for he did not know if his staring would be welcome at all.
 Only once the sun had already passed its zenith did Persephone sit back on her heels with a deep, content sigh and wiped the back of her hand across her forehead, cleaning sweat and dirt off her brow. “Phew, that should last us for quite a while now.”
Hades followed her lead and sat back; he knew better than to make a snide comment about the plentiful assemble of plants nearly spilling over the sides of the large basket. He already knew she would probably return here at some point in the near future, no matter what she said now. The surface was part of her, and she needed it like her flowers needed the sunlight. “Shall we heed back, then?”
“Probably,” but even as she said it, Persephone did not sound convinced. Her gaze lingered on the garden around them, travelling here and there, but never quite meeting his. “You will have to meet Zagreus by the temple soon, won’t you? He was preparing to leave when we went out.”
Ah. Hades nodded with a quiet grunt, hoping his surprise was not as visible as he thought. He had completely forgotten about that while they had been here, and he did not quite like to admit it.
The curve of Persephone’s smile betrayed her pride as she glanced over at him once more.  “He got so good at this. Do you think he has passed through Asphodel already?”
“He will be leaving it soon,” Hades corrected absentmindedly and without a hint of doubt. He felt it, the same way he felt his heart beat and his lungs draw breath: While they spoke here peacefully, tremors shook Asphodel beneath their feet. Ear-splitting hisses sent tortured souls scurrying for cover while the trashing of an angered Hydra sent more magma over the edges, flooding what little solid ground was still left with the Phlegethon’s liquid fire.
 Zagreus had become quick in his escapes, Hades had to give him that; with each run to the surface, the young god got faster, stronger, more strategic about his approach, and the Underworld had little to offer that could keep him chained, at this point. The Hydra would not be able to hold him in place long. The champions of Elysium would slow him down somewhat but even they would fall before the prince, as they had done many, many times before. And then soon, it would be the Lord’s own turn to try and send him back to the House.
By sunset, Hades guessed when he checked the sun once more, sunset at the latest he would have to face his son. And while those fights had gone on from a bitter deed over to an annoying nuisance and ended up being something he actually looked a little forward to – well. Today was different, wasn’t it.
 Persephone was still looking at him questioningly, ever patient, when Hades glanced back at her.  There was still a streak of dirt on her cheek which she did not have seemed to notice. It made her look younger, somehow; every bit the young, spirited goddess with dirt under her fingernails and the stars in her eyes whom Zeus had one day dropped at his doorsteps as a “gift”, and who had immediately started to worm her way into his heart.
Without making the conscious decision to, Hades reached out and gently, carefully, wiped the dirt of her cheek with his thumb. Under his palm, he felt her draw a breath and then fall entirely still, and when he realized what he had just done, he dropped his hand immediately.
He had not made the first move to touch her ever since she came back. And now he was not sure if the wide-eyed look she gave him was to mean he had made a horrible mistake.
Changing the subject right now seemed the safe thing to do.
“There is time yet,” Hades interrupted her softly; unsure if he wanted to hear what she had to say. “I can remain for a little longer, if…”
He trailed off, gaze flicking away from her as he cleared his throat uneasily. How to continue on without making it sound like he was trying to make her decision for her was beyond him. Yet asking her to please, stay here, with me, a little longer, seemed like too much, still.
It was said much firmer now, a gentle command which immediately made him listen, even when he could not yet bring himself to look back at her. He nearly did, his whole arm jerking in surprise and shock, when she gently took hold of the hand he had let drop away from her moments before. Her touch felt alien, after all this time; his fingers twitched when hers ghosted along them, cradling them, torn between holding very still and grabbing hold of her.  
 Persephone’s gaze was a near corporal thing, drilling into his temple, but he still refused to meet her gaze; couldn’t bring up the courage to do it. She seemed to sense this, since she took a deep breath after a moment and began talking again without waiting for eye contact. “When Zagreus visited me, here, before… he told me something.”
Both of her hands settled around his now, holding him, staying him. It might have been a good thing, for a suspicion already rose in his mind, making his muscles lock as if to bolt.
“He believed you might still love me.”
Suspicions became reality, All air leaving him in a great rush, Hades closed his eyes, remembering – remembering very vividly: the door to his chambers just the slightest bit ajar on his return; dust on a side table disturbed ever so slightly; and the portrait… the portrait which had been standing half an inch more to the side as it had for the last eternity.
He should have been furious, then; he should have been furious now. At his son for meddling in things that were not his to care about; at Achilles, for abandoning his guard duty out of misplaced loyalty; at the Fates, perhaps, for continuing to make a fool of him.  
Instead, he only felt tired. So very, very tired.
And she was not even done yet.
 “Do not be angry with him.” The force in her voice nearly made him smirk despite the circumstances; every bit the queen he still remembered after all. Then her voice softened again, making him listen very closely despite himself, to catch her next words. “He did it to convince me to come back, you see. Because I said -… well, I said to him there was nothing left for me, in your House. Not after…after all this time.”
By the end of it, her voice had taken on such a softness, such a dejected tone, that he could no longer look away. His head swiveled around, but ironically, now she was avoiding him; keeping her gaze fixed intently on their joined hands and making it impossible for his incredulous stare to decipher her meaning.
Nothing left? She could not be serious. She could not have possible thought, all this time…
“I could not quite believe it, when he told me,” Persephone continued on, either blind to his inner turmoil or ignoring it for the moment. “That could not possibly be true, because… because. After all this time? After… I left you, without as much as a goodbye.”
She laughed quietly, then, but it was nothing like the sound he loved to hear so much; it was watery and quivering, and he could not stay still for any second longer, reeling as he was. Turning his wrist in her grip so he could cradle her hand in his palm, Hades squeezed it, hoping it would get her to look at him as he reminded her gently, “You left me a letter.”
“A letter,” the shaky sound repeated itself, laced with a scoff, but at least Persephone looked up at him now. Her eyes were watery, but steely as she shook her head. “That letter was not enough to tell you-…”
“I understood,” he hated to interrupt her, but he would not let her go that spiral of doubt and she was working herself up to. “I understood that you did not want to stay.”
She fell quiet then, her gaze darting over his features, searching for something. A deep breath, then a sad smile formed on her face once she seemed to have found it. “Perhaps. But perhaps, you misunderstood my reasons to leave.”
What? Hades slowly shook his head. It seemed ridiculous. Of course he had known. There might have been a great many things he had not known anymore, then – why they had to suffer; why she had to be punished for their love; why anything still mattered with her gone. But this, he had known.
“Really?” Persephone prodded, gaze sharpening a little at his denial. “Did you really know? I did not tell you. I should have told you.”
“You were not happy,” this was the easiest part, painful as it might be; the sound of her crying had haunted him for a long, long time, after all. “It was obvious. What was there to tell me?”
“Is that really all you thought? Or did you think, maybe, that I was not happy with you?”
 Already having opened his mouth to reassure her once again that he had understood, Hades paused, carefully considering her words once more. To him, there had never been a difference; if his wife had not been happy in their home, then it had to be his fault. If she had to leave because she could stand it no longer, than he had failed her. What husband was he, when he could not even make her feel welcome, and happy?
“That is what I feared,” Persephone interpreted his long silence immediately, and correctly. She looked positively grief-stricken when she shook her head. “Oh, Hades. That is what I meant when I said the letter was not enough-… you were never the reason why I left!”
He had not been? He had not been. But still…
“I was not reason enough to make you stay, either.” He cringed the second the words left his mouth, hating how petulant and selfish they sounded.
“… Back then, no, I suppose you weren’t.”
It hurt to hear her say it, even when he had always known it for a fact.
“You always made me so happy. However, at that time, there were so many things that made me forget what happiness even meant.” Persephone’s breath caught a little before she shook her head, drawing aimless pattern on the back of his hand. “My insecurities over my place in your realm…. If I was able to be the queen you deserved. My loneliness. And, most of all…. when Zagreus…”
Her voice gave out on her, then; he did not need her to finish, hold around her shaking fingers instinctively tightening.
(Their son had been so very small. So very beautiful. So very dead silent.)
Quietly, Persephone sniffled, one hand coming up to discreetly wipe at her eyes before she continued, keeping her head ducked. “Some of those things, I am still not sure about, even looking back at them. But I had time to… get some distance from it all. And Zagreus… well.”
She looked up, smile soft yet radiant. “He found me.”
 What should have been a reason for joy only made Hades twitch guilty, nearly pulling his hand back; her touch suddenly so undeserved. For none of that had been his work. He might have believed his decisions right, once, everything only to protect her. But in the end, he had only kept mother and son apart at every turn. “I should have told you,” he muttered, knowing she would understand without words.
And she did. For one terrifying moment, Persephone’s features closed off from him, lips tightening from a smile into a frown. No longer the warmth of spring, but rather cold disapproval. “Yes, you should have. On that, our son and I agree wholeheartedly.”
Again, he cringed, her soft words like a whip. He did not deserve their forgiveness, he knew, but… but. He feared, anyway.
“But that is not why I’m telling you all this. Not today,“
 Barely able to believe his ears, Hades dared to risk another glance at her. Persephone had softened once again, her warmth returning. Yet she seemed hesitant to begin talking once again; he was familiar with the way she bit her lip, eyes lowered.
After a moment of hesitation, he allowed himself to shift his thumb, letting it ghost over her knuckles in silent encouragement.
Persephone‘s eyes darted to his, briefly surprised, before her smile returned and she squeezed his hand back, clearing her throat. “So Zagreus told me you might – might still love me. Well. I wasn’t convinced, as I already said. Not even when he told me about the portrait.  A portrait could just be a memory, after all. Collecting dust, no longer getting any attention.”
At that point, Persephone faltered once more, her gaze asking for his understanding. Hades nodded slowly; not in agreement, for her assumption could not be further from the truth, but in the hope she would continue. He needed to know what she was trying to tell him.
And she did. ”But… Zagreus’ claim stayed with me. In the end, whether he was right or not, it was the only thing he could have said to convince me to come back.”
She fell silent, then. Hades could barely breathe, anticipation and fear warring in him as he waited for her to explain, one moment, two, what seemed to be an eternity. Finally he realized that it would not happen, not without his prompting.
Swallowing tightly, he managed a rough „Why?“
It had been the right thing to do, judging by the way her whole demeanor relaxed and she smiled at him. „Because out of everything I left behind, it was you whom I missed the most.“
A wave of disbelief and relief swapped over him, strong enough to leave even a god dizzy. After all this time, all his shortcomings - knowing that she had missed him even a little was a balm on his broken old heart.
Fates, but he did not deserve her.
 Hands trembling faintly under the onslaught, he forced them to calm long enough to wrap them around Persephone’s, dwarfing them, while he searched for words. They were not his strength, ever been. But she had been so terribly brave and strong, and now – now it was his turn. It was the least he could do for her.
“Not only a memory,” was what he finally managed, tongue so heavy with emotions he could barely get it out. “The portrait, it was not that. It was always there, Persephone. You... you will always be my queen.”
It was not the great declaration of love he had hoped to make. Not that he had ever been the best at those, anyway. Perhaps it was for the best; at least for now, when he was not sure such a declaration would even be welcome.
And still, great words or no, her eyes started to glow as she took in his words, a slow smile spreading on her face. She had always been the one to understand what he meant, no matter what words he did or did not say. Carefully, so very carefully, she slipped her hand from his – his heart missed a step in fear – only to take his hand in hers instead, to lift their joined fingers to her cheek in a mimicry of his earlier touch; a tiny thing that seemed to long ago now.
The whole world seemed to stop when she leaned into his touch, searching for it instead of balking from it, and smiled, eyes wet. “Husband?” Said as a question and an invitation both.
 Something in Hades’ chest unraveled; a knot he had been carrying around ever since she left – ever since he had heard her cry out in anguish over their unmoving baby – finally loosening, letting him breathe at last. His hand was shivering against her cheek when he let his thumb gently stroke away the single tear slipping from to the corner of her eye. “Wife,” he breathed, answer and plea in one.
The sound which ripped from Persephone’s throat then was both incredulous laugh and broken sob; before he could worry, she was leaning forward, swaying into him until their brows touched.
The connection was – everything, Hades decided, releasing a breath he had not realized he had been holding. Once more he was enveloped by her, her scent, her warmth, her touch; he had thought he had lost any right to this. His second hand rose to gently cup her other cheek, fearing she would vanish like a dream in the morning light if he did not keep her close. “Persephone.”
“Hades,” she answered his broken plea without a beat of hesitation, her hand cupping his, holding it tight. There were tears in her eyes, only visible because she was so close. “Husband; I missed you so.”
“You should be furious with me…”
“Shhhhh,” her firm headshake nearly knocked their noses together. “We have been angry long enough. We have been hurting long enough. Not now. Please. Let us… let us think about how to be better in the future, but… later. Yes? Not now.”
Who was he to deny her? He did not know if it was the right thing to do, but then it was not his place to decide, either. He would do anything his queen asked of him. Anything, if they could just stay a little longer like this.
 And stay they did. For how long, he did not care, and hoped she would not, either. It could have been an eternity but it still felt too soon when Persephone took a deep breath and leaned back, his hands slipping from her face.
He immediately missed her but stayed, waiting for what she had to say; for he did know the cheeky gleam in her eyes still when she considered him from close up and yet too far away, head tilted. “Persephone?”
“Not in a hurry to get back to your paperwork?”
He snorted loudly without a thought, the notion too ridiculous to take it seriously for even a second. Only after did he register the mirth dancing in her green eyes, the smile twitching at the corner of her lips. It all seemed so familiar, quite suddenly, but why…?
Oh. Oh.
The realization was sweet and warm like the ambrosia he pretended to hate so much.
An eternity ago, this question had been a secret joke between them – a relic from old times where they were still so familiar which each other that she could tease him with the question without fearing his ire, and when he could tease right back without feeling like a clumsy fool.
She still remembered that. She thought it time to bring that old familiarity back. The thought filled him with a warm to battle even Demeter’s harshest winter.
What had been his answer, back then? Right. Something along the lines of…
“Why, always,” he rumbled, making sure to draw the syllables out as if in consideration, “but I can make time for you.”
 Pure delight lit up on Persephone’s face then and she laughed, heartily and happily, warmer than the sunlight around them. It prompted an answering smile from him, the kind of which he barely even remembered anymore. She was beautiful, his queen; now more so then ever, since he had her back. He would have loved to…
He was reaching for her before he could think better of it, now more sure of his welcome than before. Yet once his fingers were trailing along her jaw, he hesitated. Was this too fast?
“My queen,” Hades murmured, waiting until her eyes were on him before he let his gaze drop to her smiling lips. “May I…?”
She understood, of course she did. She understood, and instead of rejecting him, Persephone only laughed quietly and made the decision for him – something he would have not permitted, never again, had it been anyone else but her. Before he could even blink, she was rushing forward, arms settling around his shoulders securely, and lips crashing into his to kiss him with a ferocity and passion no god or mortal would have expected of the goddess of spring, except perhaps her husband. And a good thing indeed that he did, for it made him spring into action the moment their lips meet, readily welcoming her back into his arms and steadying them  before she could topple the both of them.
Back home, Hades thought, blurrily, as the world fell away around them, everything but their joy, their longing and their love ceasing to exist. He was back home.
 And for the first time ever, he actually felt like thanking the Fates for his lot in life.
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
Kiss With A Fist
quite literally heeheheh ok I’ll see myself out LMAO the rest of this song doesn’t literally apply to these two, they love each other very much and rest assured they’d never actually, deliberately hurt each other. it’s more the general Vibe(tm) of the song that fits their courting process + I really liked the poetic irony of this line used as the quote & the last line of the fic XD Also bear in mind this is from D’leah’s POV and yes, it is semi-ironic on purpose because...it’s D’leah. Any regulars on the blog should be very familiar with mama Sith’s propsensity to be a bully with an overinflated ego at this point *shrugs* XD
OKAY, with that out of the way, here we go! A little oneshot. I haven’t sat down to properly write or edit for a good long while, but this is still one of my favourite oneshots that I’ve ever written tbh, so...enjoy! 😄😄 I’ll leave it up to reader interpretation as to whether they actually finished the mission her brother & dad sent them out on or got sidetracked(tm) 👀😉
I don’t think it needs a particular warning since it’s literally one sentence but there is a mention of killing an assassin in the middle of this (under the cut) so ig be aware of that. It’s not horribly graphic so should be fine but uhhh, just in case?
“A kick in the teeth is good for some, but a kiss with a fist is better than none!” ~Florence & the Machine
Of all the Royal Guards that could have possibly been assigned to accompany her on this mission, it had to be this one. The heiress would be lying if she said she wasn't a tad bitter by the Emperor's insistence on that arrangement; she'd attempted to change his mind in a moment of desperation in the past, but her father would hear nothing of it, patting her on the shoulder and claiming that none of the others had the skill level for this sort of task, or to keep up with her during it. So, once more, she was resigned to the company of the fool who, despite her snapping, always seemed to turn up when he was least wanted and needed. 
(This was, of course, not the case and given that his entire purpose was to protect the heiress from threats, perhaps she should have been more tolerant of his presence, or perhaps her protests stemmed less from annoyance and more from something else than she was willing to admit…)
 And he had been fraying D'leah's nerves ever since they'd landed on Tatooine this morning. Kissai had enough arrogance for the both of them, and he seemed to have gotten the idea into his head that she couldn't take care of herself without him needing to jump in to "rescue" her at the most inopportune moment. It was infuriating. She did not need him charging in to help, she could handle herself just fine.
Everything about this man irritated her to no end: the way he stomped around with his great big feet and woke half the karkin’ planet, his habit of always being right behind her whenever she turned around, the way he kept grabbing her by the shoulder to pull her back and insist he, of all people, went first; his stupid face and that annoying, oaf-ish smile of his…
She’d been so busy internally cursing her Guard that she’d failed to notice the man who had been tailing them since the spaceport; in fact, she only noticed him in the first place when she heard his spine crack as Kissai lifted him into the air with the Force, then flung the body down in front of her almost pointedly.
D’leah let out an agitated hiss as her amber eyes flicked from the corpse at her feet, to his face as he raised both browstalks at her as if to say "I told you so", then back again, and sputtered.
“He wasn’t going to shoot me.” 
“I think you’ll find he was, princess.” Kissai retorted smoothly, plucking the man’s blaster pistol off the ground and waving it at her as he added, “You’re welcome, by the way.” She bristled faintly at the word ‘princess’. Sometimes when she was in a good mood, she’d slip up and let it slide without correcting him. Today, after the morning she’d had, D’leah was in no mood to put up with it.
“I don’t need you following me around like a lost Tuk’ata pup!” she snapped at him, trudging onwards and praying he’d catch his stomping feet in a sinkhole when he tried to follow her.
“Your father seems to think otherwise.” The man simply laughed the comment off, pulling his hood up to protect his face from the sand that whipped into a vortex around them. His voice dropped an octave, to become a more serious growl. “Are you forgetting that my entire job is to protect you?” 
The Ahaszaai High Lady snarled under her breath, checking the locator beacon Duuma had given her as she ducked into the alcove it indicated. The lost artifact should be around here somewhere…
“I don’t need protecting, I can take care of myself just fine!” 
“Mm, of course, D’leahane, because Sith who can take care of themselves usually almost get decapitated by assassins.” Kissai snorted, though she could practically hear the shit-eating grin in his voice, “I think your father’s right to ask me to accompany you. You’d have died three times today if I hadn’t.”
“GO JUMP IN A SARLACC PIT!” she shouted back at him. 
“And there are the creative insults your brother warned me about.” 
D’leah paused in her search to turn her head and give him a dirty look over her shoulder, intoning menacingly. “I’ll kill him when I see him next.” 
Kissai’s expression moulded into one of concern this time, the red-eyed Pureblood blinking at her uncertainly as he reminded her. “...You don’t know which one it was.”
Now it was her turn to grin at him.
“Don’t need to, I have a fifty-fifty shot.”
“No wonder they’re both afraid of you.” he scoffed, rolling his eyes. Truthfully, the High Lady was doing her best to ignore his obvious needling as she ducked through another archway and moved further into the cave system, the words she threw over her shoulder echoing back to him off the empty passageway’s walls.
“You should be afraid of me, too. I could end you.”
She was surprised he was still behind her, he could move rather fast despite his large frame, it would seem. D’leah tried not to be too impressed by that fact, but if she was being honest...
“Does it bother you that I’m not, princess?” 
He wasn’t going to drop this, was he? She’d been about to levitate a pile of rocks out of their path, but stopped and spun around to glare at him instead.
“Don’t you “princess” me, you...you…” just when she needed it the most, her ability to think of an appropriate insult failed her, and instead she trailed off into awkward silence. Kissai took that as an invitation to make her even more irritated that his wit was quicker than hers, and added, grinning the whole while: “If you’re trying to think of something you haven’t called me yet, we’ll be here for a good century or so.”
“Fool.” she hissed in frustration. He had her on the ropes, now, and that wasn’t somewhere the Ahaszaai heiress was used to being.  “Is that the best one you have? Did I wear you out, my Lord~?” he crooned back at her, and that was when D’leah put her foot down. She flung a few bolts of lightning in his direction for good measure. As she had suspected, his reflexes were as good as his saber skills and he easily deflected them off his palm before the electricity did any damage, swatting them aside into the wall as if he were brushing dust off his cloak.
“I knew you were going to do that, too...do you really think I can’t handle you?” he teased fondly. 
“I’ve no time for oafs the likes of you.” D’leah growled.
"Then tell me to leave you alone." he stared back at her seriously, browstalks furrowing as his gaze slid from hers to focus on the rest of her face, as if searching her expression for a nonverbal cue he might have missed. "At your word, my Lord, you'll not hear another thing from me beyond those necessary for my duty." 
Looking into his eyes in that moment, she was forced to admit the reality that perhaps she didn’t want him to leave her alone. He’d figured out she was testing him, and now he was calling her bluff, the kriffing, good-looking bastard.  Her jaw spurs rattled in annoyance, but D'leah's lips remained sealed. He waited a full minute, still studying her carefully, to give her plenty of opportunity to voice her thoughts. 
She didn't. The corners of Kissai's mouth turned upwards into a faint smile. 
"That's what I thought." he stepped away from her again, but not before slipping up and forgetting his station for long enough to murmur fondly, "Your nose scrunches up when you're sulking, you know. It’s cute."
D'leah could let "princess" slide on a good day, as far as his pet names went it was among those she considered tolerable, but she drew the line at "cute"! Annoyed and frustrated in more ways than one, she strode after him to reach up and grab the taller Pureblood's shoulder to stop him in his tracks. The Guard turned towards her again, a small, confused noise rumbling in his throat.
First she punched him in the jaw, then she kissed him. Hard. And that was the end of that.
#swtor#swtor fanfiction#elven's writing#subterfugeverse#swtor oc: d'leah ahaszaai#sith heiress#swtor oc: kissai ahaszaai#d'leah/kissai#d'leahssai#is this classified as a meet cute; a meet-ugly; or some sort of weird in-between version of *BOTH*? you guys decide hahahaha#this *is* a prequel of sorts ;) i'm finally trying to sort out my askbox and clear it so i can open it again in a few months' time#so that oneshot will go out next week; if fanfic/writing gods are with me and i can finally finish writing it 🙏#d'leah: stop saving me all the time; i can save myself!!!#also d'leah: constantly walks her ass into danger with alarming regularity#emperor ahaszaai: uh; yeah; hey....izreni do you....do you think you could; maybe; stop her from doing that. great; thanks#d'leah likes to blame kissai for saarai's knack of throwing herself into danger like some sort of damage/blaster bolt sponge#but the truth is it's actually *BOTH* their faults; d'leah's just as bad at wandering into dangerous situations#it's just that kissai's whole ass job is to jump in the way before something bad happens *to* her#i really enjoy writing their dynamic it's so much fun#it's a blend of bodyguard/royalty; ''only i get to make fun of/beat them up''#and later on once they're married: well-meaning idiot/''oh fuck that's *MY* idiot!!''#it's great XD#i need to find a better title/''name'' for the Royal Guard(s) but atm i'm drawing a blank so generic filler fantasy moniker(tm) it is !#(for now)#also yes the jaw spurs *are* bone and they *do* emote with them; bioware are cowards and no i will not stop with that headcanon LMAO#i could write a whole ass essay on that point alone#maybe one day when i actually manage to draw the examples like i keep saying i will XD
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Mentor!Leesin x student!male reader x Sett . In Ionia have spirits right? So reader have a serpent spirit in him and don't know how to control it , so he accidentally destroy a village when his still a kid ( kinda look like Lee old lore ) . Leesin found him after the accident and decided to help reader control it , also he meet Sett be accident when some get lost in to his underground Area
Wew sorry this took a while got sidetracked cuz school and stuff hehehe 😅 but I made it a bit longer .
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• Pairing •
[ a little bit ] Lee Sin X male reader [ mentor and student ] and Sett X male reader [ Romantic ship ] Bromance bb XD
• a little something •
a few cursed words on the last part, I'm making this in 3rd Point of View and instead of making the spirit as away for you to be powerful, it's gonna be your defense mechanism [ also like what Po from Kung Fu Panda kind of a thing ] and also you'll be a kid at the start before meeting Sett in your 20's ( He's 30 something and you're right his is a perfect Daddy for that 🤣).
× ∆ × ∆ × ∆ × ∆ × ∆ × ∆ ×
Everything happened so fast, the last thing you remembered was trying to avoid the alley kids from the village until they cornered you and started beating you up and when you asked for help people just walked by and it was the last straw, blinded by rage you accidentally lash out and let the spirit inside of you out.
All of the nearby people scream in fear and some in agony as they were killed by the large Serpent spirit that emerged from inside you and started moving. the buildings where destroyed to the ground, the trees and plants were either push or crushed down.
Soldiers and some brave men tried to take you down but you where just floating inside the spirit safe from their harmful weapons, The being continued on wrecking havoc around the village killing every living being in it's path before disappearing in thin air when it was sure you were safe from harm.
Then you drop from the crushed ground still unconscious as the new morning sun raised from the hills near your Village.
Lee Sin and the Monks was alarmed by the disturbance in the area, they decided to investigate and found a village burned and destroyed to the ground but was lucky enough to see who the perpetrator was, they saw The Serpent Spirit Disappearing by slowly entering your body in mid-air before leaving your form to fall on the ground.
The monks quickly run towards your unconscious body while Lee calmly walk and kneeled down when he reach you finally sensing the content spirit inside you more different than his and very strange.
Nonetheless they all decided to bring you back to the Monastery to heal and find out who you are.
When you regain consciousness, you were greeted by monks and provided with food and clothes, you were a little hesitant by their caring ways but even so you were still greatful.
After changing into knew clothes you asked.
"Um thank you for the new clothes but can I asked you why I am here?".
The monks kept quiet until an older monk step up.
"I am afraid to say that it not our place to explain your situation but I know the one who can ".
Curious to what he meant you followed him towards an Isolated ground with beautiful wildlife around it and few balance stones, structures and ponds.
Looking forward you see a man meditating in the middle but what's more strange is him wearing a red cloth around his eyes.
When reaching him the Elder monk left the both of you and walked back to the building (Monastery).
"ah you're finally awake boy". startled you look back and see the blindfolded man standing now with his arms behind his back.
The two of you talked for awhile exchanging questions and answers until a certain topic came in mind.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but the elder said you can explain what happened to me?".
He explained how a spirit - a Serpent most likely - was living inside of you, like how the dragon spirit choose him but alot more different.
"Different? How so?".
He says that instead of choosing you as it's vessel, it choose to just live inside of you and became protective of you.
Seeing as you have no place to return to, Lee Sin and the Monks offered a place in the Shojin Monastery for you to live, Lee Sin taugh you everything about the spirits, how to control them, how to fight to be strong enough to not depend on the spirit, while The monks guide you through spiritual ways to help you more on Lee Sin's teaching while also teaching you about life and it's importance.
Years have gone by you finally learned how to control the spirit inside of you and additional you also learned how to fight from your Master who is also your father figure, Lee Sin and Learned the deeper meaning of life through the monks.
You decide to travel and start living away from Monastery and maybe finding more about the outside world, so you packed up with some clothes and few gold coins before saying goodbye to the people you can call family.
Walking around you made sure to explore more of Ionai, you then stumbled upon a city with less wildlife and later found out that this was one of the place that Noxus build to show how they can carelessly claim the Ionian grounds, no Plants, no animals but you can still see Ionian people walking around but saddened to see no Vastyan in sight.
Sighing to yourself you continued walking around looking for things you might need in the stalls when you hear loud shouting nearby, placing down an apple back you excused yourself to the Vendor and trudge towards the sounds.
Looking past the people around you see a large male screaming down at surprisingly a Vastayan Woman with long white hair and ending with the color purple on the tips, snapping out of your shock you run towards them and catch the raised hand of the man that was probably gonna land on her cheek.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you".
You said not even stuttering while glaring at him, he struggled in my grip but gave up and went to punch me with his other hand instead.
I effortlessly dodge it and twisted his arm and kicked him away before helping the Vastayan woman up, you turned towards the crowd.
"I would like for you people to mind your own business, now leave". you harden your words making the people leave in fear.
You turn towards to woman and help her picked up the scattered foods from her fallen basket, she was hesitant towards your kindness like how you were when you were a kid but you only offered her a smile and s deep bow as a sign of respect, one of the best lessons your master taught you.
When you walked away she continued to watch you before someone tapped her shoulder and grab her basket that was properly filled back with all of the food she bought.
"Hey, sorry Ma I got caught up with something, you ok?". a Tall large build man said before nudging his mother to put her arms around his elbow as they start walking back to the busy market.
"oh nothing Dear, it's just I met a rather peculiar man on the way". Hearing that the Half Vastayan man couldn't help but worry but his mother defended you.
"but in a good way, he help me when I 'fell down and scattered' my groceries". He hesitantly nod his head and tried to calm his worried heart.
After that Day you decided on living in the city, you found a job and meet new people but you often wonder if you'll meet that Vastayan woman again.
"I hope she's alright". you said to yourself before effortlessly carry 10 large sacks of powdered cement -5 on each shoulders- and walk towards the construction site as people gawk at your strength when you walk pass them.
You carefully dodge every person you walk but stumbled a bit when a large guys bump into you.
"Hey! Whoa! sorry about that". you grunt but quickly fix your stance and re-adjust the weights in your shoulders before calmly returning back to your walking.
"Hey!- watch where yo- huh?". the Tall Half Vastayan man from before grunted but stumbled on his words when he saw you walk away and surprised to see a small yet lean man like you carry that much weight but shook his head and continue on.
Finish for the day you patiently waited for your payment when one of your co-worker approach you.
"Yo Y/N! got a minute?".
"More than a minute actually, can I help you with something?". you looked at them as you wait in line with the other workers.
"Nah man I just wanna ask if you wanna fight in the pits tonight". he said while waving a poster in your face
"You know I hate those stuff Arik I'm afraid I'll have to pass that one". you wave the paper away from your face and gently grab the small bag of coins from the lady whilst saying 'thank you' to her.
Walking away Arik who was stubborn as a pampered brat keep insisting it making your patience thin, by the last moment you almost let your spirit get fired up before shutting them up.
"OKAY fine Arik I will just please stop with your whining it's more irritating than your normal voice". you rip the poster from his hands and walk off.
"Yes! that's the!- wait?! my what?!".
Picking your ear you walk inside the large Pit with Arik guiding you, flinching when you say people fighting down and people screaming like wild animals when one of them land a hit or two.
You watch as your friend talked to some man on the side before giving them a small sack of money before walking back to you.
"really Arik betting money on illegal pit fights? don't tell me you have much more worse things you than this". you glare at him but he just shrugged his shoulders and pushed you towards the fighting area.
"Don't worry 'bout lil'ol me and worry how you gonna beat those guys asses and no I have no more worse things to do than this". he said before leaving you in you devices.
You glare at them then huff before walking off and join the people on the waiting area.
Few fights when by you continued of just knocking your opponent with only few punches and kicks rather than killing them, you were Forbidden to takes someones else life again if you wanted keep the spiritual bond with your spirit.
Not noticing a man watching you from his post on top of the balcony, who had the perfect view to your fights.
Nearing the end of the fight you finally got to fight 'The Boss' to the death, hearing this you stared at you so called friend and started motioning him that you quit, he shook his head 'no' and just shake the bag of coins in his hands.
You facepalm not noticing your next opponent entering the pit with you in it.
The Boss named Sett walked towards you before stop few meters away, He smirks at you while acting cocky, you only raised and eyebrow before sighing in frustration.
"I'm wasting my time here". you tell yourself while pinching the bridge of your nose.
"Well I'm surprised you got pass all the contenders here construction boy, ready to get your ass kick?". he said before putting his brass knuckles on.
You said nothing and just stood there looking at him.
Seeing that you're not moving first He took the opportunity to strike you first but before he can reach you, you raised your hand and signal to stop before announcing.
"I'm not fighting you". Directly after that people started cursing and boo-ing at you only making you roll your eyes then walk away.
Sett stared dumbfounded at you as you walk out from his pit, enraging him he stomps to you and started looking for you, shoving people away he saw you almost reaching the large wooden doors that leads to the outside.
"HEY YOU! GET BACK HERE AND EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT WAS THAT BULLSHIT BACK THERE!". Sett shouts to you making you turn around.
"What are you talking about?".
"I said what kinds shit-show did you do back there?". he growled and towered you.
"I simply said that I don't want to fight you, isn't that a win for you?". You calmly said shocking him a bit.
Getting a bit lot of words you continued to speak.
"I don't see you as a weak person, I can clearly see that but I know myself that what you do here is not my thing, it's yours. so if think of me as a coward or anything I don't blame you it was an accident and also my fault that I let my 'friend' drag me here". you turn around and walked away.
Sett stared at your form slowly disappearing in the distance not even breaking away from his blank-staring until his assistant brought him back.
"Shows Over, tell them the challenger quits". He said before walking back to his office.
Since that fiasco you continued on with you life and started to forget about that night or any thing related to that.
You were walking around the market when you were approach by the Vastayan woman you've meet before, you and her talked and accompanied her while she buy things around.
The two of you talked for a bit and was being watched by Sett who was buying something that his mother asked him, quickly approaching the both of you he took a second to look and recognize you from that night.
"Ma, here's the silk you asked for". he said showing her the fabric he then turned to you when he saw that she was busy fiddling it.
"Hey". he greeted first making you nod.
"Hey to you too". you smiled and continued staring at him.
His mother looked between the two of you and giggled to herself.
× ∆ × ∆ × ∆ × ∆ × ∆ × ∆ ×
I don't even know what I was doing mygod waaaahhh??? anyways hope you like this (• ▽ •;).
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knittingdreams · 3 years
Fireheart - Chapter 18
Short and sweet today because I’m drowning in work! I will update the Masterlist later, I promise! But if you jump down like 2 posts, the link will be there (I know, I’m so lazy, it would have been faster to copy the link rather than type all of this, oops! xD) I’m a weirdo, I know!
Btw, if anyone wants to be tagged when I upload a new chapter, please just say so! I’d be more than happy too! And as promise, here’s my first tag: @tillyrubes10 I hope you love this new chapter! :D
Sunday was a blurred mix of images in Celaena’s mind, and she wasn’t sure what had been real, and what had been a dream. Waking up in a stranger’s room, she started piecing all the bits of information together, trying to collect as many facts as she could about her situation.
She got up from the bed and had a drink of water from the bedside table. There were a couple of blisters with painkillers, and she decided to take just one more to blur the pain and help her focus. She was done with feeling weak and useless. Her phone was also on the night table, connected to a charger on the wall that wasn’t her own; she was surprised to find it there as she couldn’t remember asking for one. 
Looking down at herself, she laughed; she was wearing a pair of male pajama pants with drawings of dinosaurs in all colors and shapes. After checking her phone, she started rushing around and picking up the few belongings that were scattered around the room, and throwing them back into her duffle bag. If she wanted to make it in time to go to school, she’d have to go back to the hotel to get her uniform, shower, get changed, and apply a ton of makeup. Probably too much makeup. Time was barely on her side. 
She looked around the room until she finally found a small mirror on the inside of the closet’s door. She looked pale, and the cut on her brow was still swollen, the skin around it was a mixture of green, yellow and purple. She rolled her sore shoulders and then lifted her top to look at the long cut on top of her hip bone; the skin around it felt a little tight, but the redness had almost disappeared and the stitches looked good.
As she heard voices outside the room, she hurried to her bag, grabbed her contacts, and put them on using the small mirror again. Her eyes were still sore from wearing the contacts for way longer than she was supposed to and sleeping with them the night before, but she added some eye drops and hoped it’d do for the moment. She barely remembered taking them off on Sunday and hoped she hadn’t been stupid enough to let any of the guys see her eyes. 
Not like they could make anything out of it anyway. 
A knock sounded at her door, and it slid open slowly almost as soon as she reached the handle.
“You’re up early,” Fenrys said, sounding surprised.
“Yes, I’m feeling way better.” 
“You’re leaving,” he said as his eyes darted around the room and focused on her bag. It wasn’t a question, but she answered anyway.
“I am, I need to head to school.” She bit her tongue as soon as the words were out of her mouth. The pain was certainly still messing with her mind, she normally wouldn’t have been so stupid to let such a big piece of information slip out of her mouth.
Fenrys’ eyes didn’t give much away, but his smirk did. “School, huh? Why don’t you join us for breakfast before you go? Connall’s making eggs, and he’s a fine cook.”
“I don’t really have time for-”
“I insist,” Fenrys hooked an arm around her and ushered her out of the room. “What kind of host would I be if I didn’t feed you, right? You haven’t eaten pretty much anything in two days, you need your strength back.” He might have noticed her body going tense at the contact because he let go of her almost as fast as he had grabbed her. “Please?” He added with pleading eyes.
Begrudgingly, she walked with him down the hall and towards the kitchen. It was probably a good idea to gather some information on these people before leaving anyway, and she was famished. 
The open plan lounge was small but practical. To her left, there was a couch in front of a small TV that had some blankets and a pillow on top, and two small armchairs. And to the right, a small kitchen and a table with four chairs around it. Connall was cooking on the stove, his back to them, and he barely looked over his shoulder as they walked into the room. 
“Morning, brother!” Fenrys chanted happily.
“Hm, morning,” Celaena said, feeling slightly uncomfortable but slowly slipping into the character she had to play. 
“Come on, let’s grab a seat,” Fenrys pointed to a chair, and she took a seat, looking around the room discreetly.
“So, it’s just the three of you living here?” She asked, pretending to make small talk.
“Yes, it is. So glad to see that you’re off your defensive horse.”
Celaena glared at him and then softened her look. “I apologize if I caused you any inconveniences or if I was rude. If I’m honest, my memories from what’s happened in the last day and a half are a bit hazy, but I know I owe you one; the stitches look great.”
Fenrys’ smile spread wide on his face as he looked at her up and down as if trying to check how well she was feeling. 
“You’re welcome, I’m glad you're feeling better. You have some color back on your cheeks... If you wanted to pay me back, you could always stay for a while longer, so I can make sure you’re properly healed.”
“I do feel almost back to my normal self,” Celaena shook her head, and Fenrys sighed as he smiled warmly at her.
“You are so much stronger than what meets the eyes, you know that, right? I think you might be the bravest teen I have ever encountered, you almost had those guys back at the alley.” He said encouragingly. 
Connall came over with two plates full of scrambled eggs and toast then, and put one in front of each of them, then returned to the stove and came back a moment later with his own plate, and a tray full of crispy bacon. Celaena was glad for the interruption as everybody looked at the food in awe.
“Bon appétit," Fenrys lifted a glass of orange juice as if doing a toast.
“Thanks, Connall, and thank you too, Fenrys.”
“Eat up,” Fenrys grabbed a forkful of eggs, and Celaena followed suit.
The eggs were delicious, and considering how hungry she was, she ate her whole plate without paying much attention to anything going on around her. Once she was done, she looked up, only to find both Fenrys and Connall staring at her.
“Do you want some more?” Connall asked jokingly, a half-smile showing on his face for the first time.
“Is there any more?” She asked softly, making both brothers laugh. Connall went over to the counter and returned with a new plate full of eggs and fresh bread.
“It was meant to be for Rowan, but he’s taking too long on the 24/7, so you can have it. I’ll make him more later.” He slid the plate in front of her, and Celaena grabbed a mouthful of egg, aware of Fenrys’ eyes still on her.
“So, school, huh?”
She looked up at him through her lashes and shook her head.
“I think you’re smart enough to know I won't tell you anything about it.”
Fenrys’ laughed out loud while Connall collected the empty plates and headed towards the sink. There were only a bunch of schools in the city, but they were enough for them to have to actively search if they wanted to find out which one she attended. 
“Girl, I don’t even know your name.”
“And that’s how it’s meant to remain. I need to leave, and you should forget any of this ever happened.”
“Are you sure you're feeling good enough to leave? I honestly don’t think you should be going to school, you need to rest and take care of those stitches. Do I need to remind you that you lost a lot of blood?”
“Trust me, I remember.”
Her eyes dropped back down to her plate as she ate slower now, the memories of everything that had happened catching back with her. She had been careless and stupid, she should have never allowed Cain to get so close to her, to make her so vulnerable. She didn’t want to admit it, but she was lucky Fenrys had seen them and stepped in; she didn’t want to imagine what would have happened if he didn’t.
When they heard the front door open, they both turned around and found Rowan standing under the threshold, his hands full of grocery bags.
“What the fuck is this?” He dropped the bags to the floor and slammed the door shut behind him.
Celaena jumped to her feet on instinct, and Fenrys walked forward, standing almost in front of her. “What’s wrong, Rowan?”
“What’s wrong?” Rowan yelled back. He stormed towards them and pushed Fenrys with a palm against his chest. “Couldn’t you have given her any other fucking seat?”
Celaena watched them confused as Fenrys’ expression changed, his eyes dropping and his palms raising. “I’m sorry mate, I didn’t… didn’t think about it.”
Rowan’s cheeks were bright red, one fist clenched by his side, and the other grabbing a fistful of Fenrys’ shirt. Celaena cleared her throat lightly, and Rowan turned to her as if remembering she was standing there. His eyes traveled down to the pajama pants she was wearing, and if she didn’t know the guy better, she would have thought his eyes were filling up with tears. He let go of Fenrys and, pushing him to the side, stormed towards the hallway.
“Fuck.” Fenrys ran after him, leaving Celaena standing on the spot, speechless and confused. He disappeared down the hall, and then she heard the knocking on a door, a door opening and closing, and muffled yelling as Fenrys and Rowan argued behind closed doors, possibly in Rowan’s bedroom. 
Connall showed up by her side, and she looked at him questioningly. “What was that about?” He shook his head and pointed to the bags by the door.
“Help me with the groceries.”
She followed him as they picked up the bags, took them to the kitchen counter, and started unpacking all the food. They worked in silence for a while, the muffled argument in the distance going quieter and quieter until Connall sighed and looked at her. 
“You were sitting on her seat,” he said, as if that explained everything.
“Who’s seat?”
“Rowan’s ex.”
“Oh, okay.” Confused, Celaena got a bunch of bananas out of a bag and passed them over to Connall, who set them on a fruit bowl and turned around to get some cans out of another bag. 
“So, what’s the deal? Is the seat sacred or something?” She grabbed the last of the apples from the bag and set them on the fruit bowl. Connall poked his head out of the pantry, looking at her with his characteristic nonchalant expression.
“She’s dead.”
Celaena’s jaw dropped, Connall’s head disappeared back behind the pantry’s door, and as if on queue, Rowan walked into the room. There was an awkward silence as Celaena held an empty bag in her hands, and Rowan just stood there in front of the hallway door, looking at her. As she opened her mouth to say something, anything, Fenrys showed up behind Rowan and set a hand hard on his shoulder.
“My mate here wanted to apologize for overreacting,” he said, a huge smile on his face. Rowan scoffed and rolled his eyes, but then looked at her, nodding lightly.
“I’m sorry for overreacting,” Rowan said, nonchalant.
“And… for being a moody prick?” Fenrys spur him on, making Rowan roll his eyes again.
“And for being a moody prick.” Rowan’s right corner of his mouth turned up ever so slightly.
“Apology accepted.” Celaena had to admit, she almost liked Fenrys and his way of dealing with things. But her time was over, and she needed to hurry and head to the hotel if she wanted to have enough time to do her makeup. There was probably no useful information within the apartment, nothing worth her time. “Now, it’s my time to head out.”
“Don’t forget to return Rowan his pajamas before you go.” Fenrys winked at her, and Celaena darted out of the kitchen, pushing the guys to the side as she passed the door and headed back to the bedroom. Rowan’s pajamas? She remembered then, barely, how Rowan had given her some of his clothes the day before. Had he been in the bathroom with her? She shook her head dismissing the crazy memory of Rowan helping her, that part surely must have been a dream. 
Celaena got her bag, and as she was about to head out of the room, her phone rang. It was Sam’s name on the screen.
“Hey, you’ve been MIA this weekend, I expected to hear more about the fight. Should I pop into the hotel before school?”
“I don’t think so, I’m running late and will be just in time for class.”
“Oh, okay. Any new developments I should hear about? I’ve heard from Arobynn, he’ll be out of town all week again, I think he’s headed over to Terrasen.”
“Not much, really. Look, can’t talk right now, gotta go.” She hung up, fixed her bag over her shoulder, and walked towards the lounge. 
All three flatmates were sitting on the couches as she approached. “Okay, thanks for your hospitality, but I guess this is goodbye.”
As Fenrys stood up, a loud knock sounded on the front door. Fenrys’ eyes widened, Rowan jumped to his feet, and Connall raised his eyebrows.
“You,” Fenrys mouthed to Rowan as he pointed at her. 
Rowan walked quickly to her side and pushed her gently with a hand in the small of her back. He led her towards the room on the back of the hall as she heard Fenrys calling ‘coming’ while he walked loudly around the lounge.
Rowan left the door ajar as he leaned in, his ear against the gap. 
“Hey, how can I help you?” Fenrys’ voice reached them from the entrance.
“I have a message for you all,” an unknown male voice replied. It sounded deep but young.
“What is Lorcan Salvaterre doing here?” Rowan murmured to himself, and Celaena stepped back, the school database popping in her head as the name rang a bell.
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krysyuy · 4 years
Episode 5 aka “omfg, I love this drama”. I actually didn’t think it would take the whole episode to find Hee Seong/Hyun Soo, but the writer has continued to surprise me. I didn’t even realize how much time had passed before the episode was over. I love how smart Ji Won is. The drama is letting her use her brains. She’s not being dumbed down or being mislead to drag out the reveal of HS’s involvement. The watch is what tips her off to who she had been chasing earlier and, looking back, she realizes she recognizes that face. (“No way. I can recognize you even from your shadow.”) Of course, she struggles with this even as she conceals the evidence. She knows this is Bad, and right now, no one can find out. I feel a bit sorry for her hoobae who had no idea why she’s snapping at him. ^^;; And then he was along for the ride with JW and her tunnel vision as she tried to apprehend the taxi driver. Aside from the bizarre scene at police headquarters (though it was funny xD), I like that we got to see the detectives do their jobs, tracking down and using clues to figure out where the suspect is. I take back everything I said about the sunbae. (Please don’t die!!) We even get to see the Team Leader out in the field when he informs HS’s “parents” about what happened. But no wonder HS didn’t want JW near his “mom”. She has no chill whatsoever under pressure. HS was right, JW would see right through her. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Team Leader recalls this interaction later because she was frankly being way too obvious. Any lenient feelings I may have had for the parents has shriveled up. They are absolutely going to throw Hyun Soo under the bus. I mean, they state it explicitly. Well, the father does. The mom actually didn’t seem as sure, but that might just be me giving her the benefit of the doubt after her moment of weakness during her conversation with Hyun Soo in the pharmacy. Anyways, I don’t trust either of them, and I’m sure HS is gonna have to deal with their shit (and their real son) in the back half of the drama. I didn’t get any shady vibes from the sister previously, but I sure as hell have them now, lol. “Keep it [the goldfish charm] on you at all times”??? Did she say that to ensure he would have a piece of evidence on him linking him to the serial murders if/when he was ever caught? Where is that charm now? Is JW going to find it in the basement?! (And then burn it in that bonfire from the trailer? 👀) Despite this revelation of where the goldfish charm came from, Hyun Soo remained stubbornly quiet. He was willing to die for his sister rather than reveal what he knows. If HS had told the taxi driver, he knows Hae Soo would’ve been the next target. I hope that loyalty isn’t misplaced. While I suspect her a bit, I’m still 50/50 on if she’s evil or messed up just like her brother. But god, all of Hyun Soo’s confrontation scenes with the taxi driver. *chef’s kiss* (Give LJG all the awards.) The driver clearly wasn’t listening to him. He only wanted information that Hyun Soo could not give him. I wonder if he actually believed him at the very end when HS denied it yet again. The more we learn about HS and JW in the past, the more I love them. JW mentioned possible robbers because of the blackout, and I didn’t think HS got the message from his reaction. But he stays outside the store until the electricity comes back on (╥﹏╥)♥ There was absolutely no reason for him to do that if he didn’t care on some level, and at this point, they’re just barely acquaintances too. And then their conversation in 2008… they were both honest and straightforward with each other. (Well, HS was as honest as he could be without divulging the darkest of his secrets.) HS had been trying to drive her away for her own good, and he told her point-blank about what’s wrong with him/why he isn’t suitable as a potential partner. But JW is undeterred and goes on about how he has only one problem, which she has the solution to. She sees something in him that he doesn’t, but she will love him, she will be there for him, she’ll teach him whatever he needs to know… and then things will change. And they did. Ji Won took the time to see him, and Hyun Soo works on himself, betters himself, for her. They manage to carve out a happy, peaceful life for themselves. But the drowning scene! God, it didn’t disappoint. I’m trash for when my OTPs are in life or death situations, and one half is desperate and frantic with worry over the other. JW has figuratively and now literally breathed life into HS (╥﹏╥) JW didn’t have time to fully process HS’s presence in his hometown since she got sidetracked and found out he was kidnapped. In the next episode, she’ll definitely start to put clues together. If she doesn’t figure out his identity right away, she’ll be set on that path. HS will also be in the hospital recovering, so she has time to snoop and come to her own conclusions without him running interference. It will be so interesting if JW figures it out, but she doesn’t say anything or confront him right away. So he doesn’t know that she knows, and he’ll continue acting “normal” and give his excuses about why he was at the inn, etc. Meanwhile, JW is uncovering the full truth and perhaps misunderstanding a few things along the way. The ending montage had me so confused, lol. I initially thought they were part of HS’s memories but then they dropped the future parts too. Plus we also have JW wandering around on her own, so that’s another mark against it being his memories. Instead of the normal ending credits, they decided to give us this sneak peek, probably partially as promo for the new OST. Like a mini MV clip. I think it also might be because everything will change in the next episode, but I guess we’ll see. There’s also so much going on in that montage, I don’t even know where to start. Is their relationship doomed? (╥﹏╥) That’s the vibe I was getting, especially from those angsty parts where they’re both emotional and he has dried blood on his face and she’s crying. Then it looks like he leaves her, and I’m assuming she told him to go… Don’t mess with my heart like this!1!! My Twitter liveblog for Ep5: twitter.com/krysyuy/status/1293643015672619008
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drummergirl231-2 · 4 years
16 Days ‘Til the Season 3 Premiere!
And next on my favorite moments countdown is:
“The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck!”
I love the whole format of the episode of Scrooge telling a story of his past to teach Louie a lesson, and all of Louie’s interruptions.
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Even better was when his interruptions changed how the story went. This has got to be my favorite moment of the whole episode:
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Goldie is so bad for Scrooge but my gosh I love their chemistry! Who knew 2D animated Ducks could have so much of that kinda tension between them?
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Would you look at her??? Oh she doesn’t mind being stuck with him as much as she says she does.
Gyro was fantastic in this scene. Jim Rash’s comedic timing and inflections are always on point. And even when Gyro wasn’t speaking he still cracked me up.
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It was a fun throwback to finally see/hear Goldie singing for a crowd.
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I love that moment at the end when Scrooge realizes who the scientist was. XD
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Oh and lastly, before I forget (got a little sidetracked talking about Scroldie for a bit)...
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I have nothing to say about this other than it is flawless. I’m very excited to see this wussy snob again in Season 3. XD
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andiwanderer · 4 years
New Kid
Tony Stark x daughter!Reader
Overview: Frustrated by how Tony was treating the new kid, you felt like an outcast. After the outburst of your father, you finally told him your decision. Because no matter how hard you try to gain his attention, his sole focus was directed to this new kid, named Peter. Maybe parting ways from your father can finally make him notice you. a/n: i'm sorry for the poor written summary! please bear with me! XD
Warnings: Angst, Language, Fluff
a/n: my first fanfic post, please, pleeeassseee! bear with me✨
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"Hey Parker, look at this."
"That kid is doing his job. I commend that. And also he's my intern, so get yours."
"He said his name was quote on quote "Spiderman". You got that, Rhodey?"
"D'you think? You know you have a potential Pete,"
"That spiderling?"
"Peter, just contact Happy on that one, I'm on my way."
"Mr. Parker, the Avengers just wanted your safety. Courtesy of me, of course."
"Mr. Parker, Mr. Stark ask your presence in his office."
Y/N had enough. It was like 4 in the morning and she hasn't got her proper sleep. She reached for her pillow and pushed it to cover her entire face along with her ear. Now, silently hoping she can finally sleep.
She really had enough not just because of exhaustion. But because of the 'New Kid' from Queens, Peter Parker.
She can't have a full day without hearing that kid's name uttered by her father, Tony.
Not that she was jealous of him but she's getting there. She used to be her father's apple of the eye. She used to have that same praises and care from Stark, then this Sokovia Accords began to ruin it.
Y/N knew what's right from wrong, Tony taught her that. And being controlled by the government, it was as though not having the freedom to have your own insights expressed. You can't do that because you're their personal puppet, the only thing that is right for them is their own judgment.
So she joined the Captain's team and learned the knowledge that Barnes wasn't a killer and he was controlled by HYDRA, the organization that they've been chasing, and it was not him who killed the T'challa's father, T'chaka. He was framed.
The encounter in Germany happened, there entered the new mighty intern of Stark, Peter Benjamin Parker also known as Spiderman.
They seemed pretty close for her liking and from that moment on she knew something is about to change.
They went back to the compound after what happened, finally having a truce. Understanding each side, well a majority of them, but there are two certain people who are still not on speaking terms.
Here's the thing, Y/N, and Tony fought regarding the accords before parting ways. And both of them seemed to heightened their pride and refuse to apologize to each other. They still think that their own opinion is better than the other.
Living in one compound doesn't help, it's difficult to not cross paths when wandering around. The only advantage of this was finally they're having small talks.
"Mr. Stark, I just went to grab my bag."
"You go ahead on the lab, I'll just..." Tony's voice trailed off as they walk towards their destination.
Y/N's eyes peeled open. Why can I still hear their voices in my sleep?
She knows drowsiness already left her and this will take a toll on her later on.
Now that she's awake, might as well start her day. With that, she sat up and stretched her arms out with a yawn. Grabbed her phone and hoodie before making her way into the kitchen.
When she got there the lights turned on, it was motion-sensored. "Good morning, Ms. Stark."
"What's good in the morning," she murmured as she open the cupboard and reaches what she needed. "The sun hasn't even peaked yet."
"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, miss?"
"More like woke by an annoying voice."
"I apologize for that, it seemed that I was the one who is guilty-"
"Geez FRIDAY, I was only kidding. Can't take a joke?"
"Your voice was monotone, it was hard to tell."
"Not a morning person..." she sat on one of the stools and continued stirring her cup of milk as she entertained herself by scrolling onto her phone.
"You're up too early." Bucky's voice filled the room slightly startling the lone girl in the kitchen. He removed himself from leaning against the frame of the doorway. Making his way to Y/N, he sat beside her.
Glancing up from her phone she met his gaze, "I could ask you the same question."
"Don't smart ass me, doll." he gave her a stern look. "I got back from the bathroom and you weren't on the bed."
That made Y/N's voice back down and instantly felt guilty. It's dawn and she's giving her man an early headache to nurse for the entire day.
So she wrapped her arm around his waist, hugging him, nuzzling her face on his chest. She felt him responding to the embrace, hugging her fragile body against him tighter.
"I'm sorry..." she mumbled through his chest.
He kissed the crown of her head while caressing the back of her head, "I'm sorry too. I was just worried... I thought you were gone."
"That won't happen. I'm a pain in your ass remember, it's not easy to get rid of me." she chuckled, taking in his warmth.
"Is there a problem? Did you have a nightmare, Hmm? You can tell me everything, I'll listen."
Bucky knew about her struggle seeing the two, namely the man of iron and the kid with the sticky web, having a bond like father and son. Every day he sees the look in her eyes, that hostile look that she gives the kid. If staring is deadly, Peter would've been cold meat. So this topic isn't new to him. And every day it reaches a different level.
"Not really..." she pulled herself from the hug, grab his hand into hers, and intertwined them. "Is it I or Peter and my father are so close right now, even mom can't break the two apart. If I didn't know them I might've assumed they're connected by blood."
"In my perspective, I don't really pay much attention to anyone except you."
His statement brought a smile to her face. "You're crazy."
Bucky leaned in until his lips are ghosting into hers, "Only crazy for you." leaving a peck on Y/N's slightly parted lips that made her cheeks burn. She lightly shook her head on his lame comebacks and partly to somehow ease her flustered face.
"But seriously, Buck. I-" she inhaled and exhaled a deep breath. Her next words came out as a whisper, "I'm jealous...I'll admit. I am now..." she finished her drink and went to the sink washing the things she used, Bucky still eyeing her waiting for her next words. "There's not much to tell, Peter was the son he never had. He was always enthusiastic about it when he talks to mom," pertaining to Pepper "I can't blame him..." when she was done, she turned, her hips leaning against the sink. "I don't want to think about it but I don't know, Buck. Sometimes I just want to d-"
"Disappear, disperse, die?" her head whipped to where the voice came from. Tony walked into the room, screwdriver in hand.
He was headed to his workspace when he heard her daughter talking, her voice was serious so he got curious and got sidetracked.
Tony's eyes shift from Y/N to Bucky, confusion was etched on his face. He can't read either of their expression so he made his own conclusion. "You're thinking about killing yourself?"
Y/N's eyes widened in shock at his statement. I was going to say disappear. Which also has the same meaning by the way. She was about to interject when Tony immediately cut her off, not wanting her to say anything. "Is that it?" He arched a brow at her, he was starting to get pissed. "Aren't you even grateful you're alive? Many people die every single day. It wasn't their choice, hell they'll do anything they can to be alive. And here you are having the opportunity to live thinking how to end your life? Why did that thing even cross your mind."
Bucky sensed Y/N's tense composure as her hand began to fidget her shirt in habit when she's nervous or scared, Bucky noticed it but Tony didn't, so he got between the two. "Tony..."
"Shut your mouth, metal man. We're in a conversation as you can see. Can you please-" the guy waved his hand dismissively, gesturing him to vanish, then turned to Y/N.
He pointed the screwdriver at her, "What happened to your smart mouth, young lady, did that also died?" firmness laced his voice, she can't even decipher if that man was still the father she grew up to. It was like this moment, he became a cold jerk father to her.
Not wanting to deal with his shit, she grabbed her phone at the counter, and without saying anything she walked out.
How did he even think I want to die? I had only said 'D-'! How that does make any sense. I can say dance or whatever d-verb I can apply to my sentence!
Almost stumble to the new arrival, Peter Parker. She scoffed and rolled her eyes at him before making a beeline to her room.
As to Bucky, he just stared at Stark who shook his head as he brought his free hand up to massage his temple.
Peter shot a question, "Mr. Stark, Mr. Barnes, what just happened?"
It was Barnes' turn to shake his head with amusement because of the two. Before Tony could utter a word, Bucky left and followed Y/N to her room.
"What the hell was that?" he angrily spat at Y/N as he left his suit.
"Rogers this is between us so get lost."
Steve looked in Y/N's direction whose eyes were glued on the floor. He wants to get between them because there has been a misunderstanding and Tony had been declining to listen to the captain ever since the time they finished the mission. Turning off his earpiece and blasting off defeating them on getting to the compound first. He didn't want to be rude, Tony was right and he didn't want to meddle with them, afraid that he might get the topic even worse. But if anything goes wrong he'll step in no matter what. So he ushered the team to leave and go to the med bay to have their wounds treated.
"That doesn't mean it excludes you, Barnes."
That made Y/N lift her gaze, meeting his steel-blue eyes that were full of concern and love. She gently nodded at him, giving him the idea that she can handle it and Bucky did what she silently asked.
Tony paced around the room. "You are well aware of what you just did, correct? And you know that it was gonna put you in danger!"
I was just trying to save you. She wanted to say those words to him but witnessing how riled up he is right now, made her heart race. Yes, she's afraid of him whenever he's angry that's why she never gave him a reason to be angry at her. The first was with the accords, and the list might continue because of this.
"What were you even thinking! It doesn't mean that now you're a shield agent, you should put yourself on death's door! Or just because you're fulfilling your task of getting yourself killed. You're taking every mission as an opportunity!"
It's not like that... Tears are now falling freely on her face.
"I will talk to Fury about this. And Y/N," his eyes were cold when she gained the courage to look at him, "you're out of the team. Sooner or later SHEILD will kick you out too. Believe it or not, this is for your own good."
She stared at him in disbelief. This was her entire life, he can't take that away from her, for the first time she had the urge to argue but her father cut her before she can speak.
"If only you're as obedient as Parker this wouldn't happen."
That made her heartbreak into many pieces. It was like hearing her own father saying that if only Peter was his son.
Y/N eyes were now red and puffy. Cheeks and nose flustered because of her crying. The tears are making their way down her cheeks uncontrollably and seemed that it's not stopping any time soon. Biting her lips to stop the whimper from being heard. She averted her gaze to the ceiling to somehow stop the flow of her tears.
That's why she didn't see the reaction of her father upon seeing her in her state at the moment. Guilt was already eating him.
Assuming that their conversation was over, she turned her heel and took her to leave with low shoulders. Even though she wanted to be angry at him because of his statement, she can't. Tony Stark raised her well and disrespecting isn't one of those.
"I--" suddenly his voice died. Was really apologizing for that hard?--
"I'm leaving..." She said with a tiny voice.
Y/N swallowed the lump on her throat before saying, "I'm going to fix my things, maybe I should give you some space. I don't like s-seeing you angry. I will join Bucky on their trip to Wakanda. This might give you some peace of mind. And don't worry, I won't kill myself, I'll let a natural death fall on me."
She waited for him to respond or anything but when he didn't she ran towards her room with only one thing in mind, He didn't even try to stop me.
Bruce who was headed to the med bay heard a little of their conversation--he didn't mean to eavesdrop--he approached Tony. "Was that really necessary?"
Tony who felt guilty answered, "She was having suicidal thoughts, what was I supposed to do!"
"Understand her! What the hell, Stark! You only made it worse!"
"What the--what are you doing here?" Y/N eyes widen when he saw her father who has the same expression as hers, and a red floating cape behind him.
"I'm the one who should ask you that, missy." he frowns at her. "It's dangerous here! How did you ev--you should've stayed at your house. You could have get yourself in danger!--you know what screw this--" Tony snarls at her clearly he cared for her well-being, however, Y/N didn't acknowledge it instead took it negatively.
"I can handle myself just fine, Stark." she rolled her eyes at him.
"Oh, so it's Stark now. I didn't teach you how to disrespect, young-"
That's when Peter came swinging in and landed beside Tony. Y/N's eyes narrowed at their suit, how can she not recognize it. It's nanotech just like hers, and it was originally her idea by the way. Formulated when she was 12 years old, being fascinated by technology and all that stuff.
She felt insecure because of Peter... She was the daughter she didn't even know if creating a suit like that for her crossed her father's mind. She made her own damn suit, okay.
"I thought you were a spiderman, so why do you always follow him like a good little soldier? What are you a cat who's having fun and chasing his tail?"
"Y/N, mouth."
Peter became tense but quickly composed himself, ignoring Y/N's sarcastic statement, "Miss Y/N, I want to apologize-"
"Apologize? For what?"
Tony is sure, she can be stubborn as him. She's his daughter after all.
When the kid didn't reply she huffs, "See you don't even know what you're apologizing for. So if I were you just step back, I'm had to get Dr. Strange from that two-foot Squidward."
Squidward, huh. He can't help but remember what he had called the alien-like antagonist that they had been chasing. Turns out they gave him the same nickname. That's my daughter.
"Wait, you know his name?" Tony questioned, pertaining to the magician.
"Long story, years passed, things changed, many things happen but--whatever."
"We have a plan actually..." peter said meekly, completely intimidated by Y/N. He thought that Stark's definition of her was all too good to be true, cause he can prove it's all the opposite but maybe he just met her at the wrong place at the wrong time.
"Oh yeah?" she arched a brow at them as she cocked her head at the side. "What is it?"
"I want to protect the stone."
"And I want you to thank me, now. Go ahead I'm listening."
"For what? Nearly blasting me to space?"
"Who just saved your magical ass?--Me."
"I seriously don't know how you fit your head into that helmet." Y/N bit her lower lip to prevent her chuckle from erupting. Cause Strange said was so true.
"-flying donut, billions and miles from Earth with no backup."
"I'm back up." Peter raised his hand.
"No, you're still away. The adults are talking"
"I'm sorry, I-I'm confused about the relationship here. What is he your ward?"
"Stark's son," Y/N interject. She's bitter alright.
Strange lift his gaze from where she was sitting on the ceiling. Looking confused, "Your looks don't resemble."
"Exactly! cause I don't have a brother and I am nobody's daughter." her feet swaying back and forth as she answers and it echoes all around the ship.
"Please don't mind her that's not true. I'm Peter by the way."
"Dr. Strange."
"Oh you're using made-up names, I'm Spiderman then."
"Y/N can you please go down, you might get yourself hurt up there." Tony pleads.
"You said you two can handle it. I'll just stay here thank you for the concern, but no thank you."
She watches them on her spot, not really paying attention to what they're saying but she senses Strange and Stark's topic was serious.
Y/N was acting like a slightly drunk lady, that's what the others' observations were, but she wasn't. She's just sleepy and she acts cranky when she does. And she's missing her guy who at the moment might be pissed at her because of her sudden disappearance. Oh, Bucky... I could use a hug...
After their conversation, Tony approached Peter, and like what the highest person does to proclaim a knight, he does it with Peter along with the lines of 'You're an Avenger now.'
Letting the guy recover from his shock she calls him, the kid met her gaze. "I hold no grudge, really."
Parker was having second thoughts on her statement either it was a half-hearted claim or not, regardless he answered. "Thanks." giving her a shy smile and Y/N returning a tight-lipped smile.
"Mr. Stark, I don't want to go.. I don't want to."
Y/N stared at them as she sit on the ground, tired and weary. She doesn't need to ask them what it felt to disappear, she herself can feel it inside of her. That weird feeling seemed hard to explain.
Witnessing this moment in front of her shattered the little part of her heart left. That should be her in his father's arms, that should be her having that last moment with him before she disappear-but no. It's always Peter.
At that moment she felt numb, as a lone tear made its way down her cheek. She never thought that she'll welcome death open arms. Y/N is done, she knew that.
"Sorry..." was the last word Peter uttered before he turned into dust.
Good riddance.
The older Stark can't still register what happened so when he turned his head, his eyes looking for a certain someone. He was filled with dread when he didn't found her.
"He did it." Nebula stated pertaining to Thanos that his plan on wiping half of the planet has begun.
Now that it was all sinking into him, he can't help but blame himself for not doing his job in stopping that grape titan, and maybe if he wasn't an asshole enough to his daughter, maybe he still has her in his arms like when she was still a baby. He was a complete dick towards her. It was all coming back to him, all the times they had been together.
It broke his heart when he watched her ran to her room that day. He can't speak because his pride was fighting off his conscience. He didn't want to see her cry, and the idea that it was his fault for making her leave dreaded him. He tried to follow her to Wakanda but he was afraid she might ignore her, afraid of the instances that might happen if he does one wrong move. Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Natasha were his only contact on asking how Y/N has been and their answers were always the same.
Peter and Y/N were almost alike, maybe that's the reason why in doing so his relationship with her drifted.
If only he'd stopped Y/N from leaving maybe this wouldn't have happened. If only he didn't sign the accords maybe things didn't change the way they were...
If only...
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a/n: i'm really sorry for the crappy plot..
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wolfs-hunt1 · 4 years
Power hungry (03/04)
Summary: When your coven sisters find a way to keep using your powers and keep your life they try anything in the books to get it, even if it means killing someone else in the process. But something happens unexpectedly, he happened so unexpectedly, Chase Collins. Would you be willing to go along with him to have some happiness or will you just do what you are told by your sisters?
Pairings: Chase Collins x reader
This part is a lemon, which means it contains sexual content. If you are under 18 or you don’t like this sort of things then please turn back now. If you do like then enjoy the reading.
Part 2
After almost a year without updating this one, here’s the next chapter XD
Not beta-read, so sorry for any mistake you encounter.
Good readings!
obs: gif not mine
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That night Morgan calls a meeting with all of you. It was raining heavily, the thunder illuminating your room once in a while. Vera was late, but once she got there Morgan tells you all to take a seat.
"It's almost time to see my plan bare fruits. We need to act fast now or we'll lose our chance."
"You still haven't told us your plan, Morgan." Gwen notes, getting a dirty look from Morgan right after.
"I was getting there if you had let me finish."
"We have a chance to get more power and keep using it, without repercussions. All we need to do is get caleb to give up his powers once he ascends, and in time, get all the sons of Ipswich to do the same. We get stronger, and they get out of our lifes for good." once she says that you get a bad feeling… like the power she craves won't come to her that easy.
"Now, me and Caleb share a birthday, which is just perfect. I can just snag his powers then and there, what isn't perfect is that bitch Sarah getting all grubby with him. My plan was for you (Y/N) to seduce Caleb and take him to a remote place, but now that all he has eyes for is her it will be trickier. But I know you can do it." wait what?! You had to seduce Caleb?
"First of all how am I suppose to do that? he hates our guts remember? Second, I thought you had said Sarah wasn't going to be a problem. Maybe if you had told us sooner we could have droven her away form him."
"The sons of Ipswich don't consider you a threat (Y/N), unlike they do the rest of yous, you are just too sweet." she mocks you for your more subdued attitude towards them and the feud. "But dont worry you just need to focus on Caleb. Edith and Gwen will take care of Sarah for you." you can see the twins shake their head and start whispering to each other, already devising up a plan.
"Anf if I fail to seduce him?" you ask softly.
"Sweety, you better not fail. Or we'll have to expel you from our coven." she sais it dripping with false sweetness, making your inside coil. "Oh and one more thing (Y/N). You better not get sidetracked with Collins. Or else." you nod, lowering your head.
How in the world where you suppose to seduce Caleb? Even if Sarah was out of the picture he would still prefer her over you. And Chace. You weren't sure yet if you really did like Chase, but he did manage to make you lightweight whenever he smiled at you. But you definitely felt something for him. And now that you started to finally develop felling for someone, after all this time, she tells you to step back? 'Just my luck…'.
The night is restless, and you can't stop your anxiety for what's to come.
You're headed to the library the next morning when you see Caleb walking on the corridors, 'It's now or never'.
"Caleb!" you run up to him and stop in front of him going silence. you adjust the strap of your bag and gatter the courage to do this. "I needed to talk to in."
"Then talk." he shrugs his shoulders.
"In… a more private place, if it's ok?" he eyes you suspiciously but nods anyways, you two walk outside to the small alcove you and the girls usually hang out in.
"So, what did you wanted to talk about (Y/L/N)?"
"I wanted to… to say that I…" you cheeks started to grow pinker by the second and you didnt know how to make it sound natural. "I wanted to say that I like you." you finally let out. "That I realy like you and that I think its stupid to have been fighting since we were kids for something our great great grandparents did. And I wasn't going to say anything because I don't think I'd ever got a chance but seeing you and Sarah getting closer has just made me realize how much it hurts not telling you I have feelings for you." Caleb just looks at you for a few seconds with a dumbfounded expresion on his face.
"(Y/N) I… I'm sorry but I like Sarah, we're sort of dating now." you sigh and look down. he pats you softly on the arm and goes back inside, leaving you there looking at your shoes.
"That was cold of him, to just leave after a confession like that." you out of your skin hearing this, turning to see Chase leaning on the wall of the building, hidden, from where you were, behind the trees. Fuck, he must have heard everything. "If I had known you had feelings for him I wouldn't have flirted with you so much the other day." he says this with a thange of venom and hurt, kicking off the wall to leave you there too.
"No, Chace, wait, please." you beg him to stay, getting closer to him and fidgeting with your hands for a while. Maybe you shouldn't touch his arm, give him some space while you try to explain things. "It's not what it looks like. I swear."
"Really? Because it seemed like you were confessing your love for him."
"It's not like that. I really like you, but Morgan wants him away from Sarah, so she sent me to do her dirty work… You know what, I've ruined any chances now, and if she evens sees me talking to you I'm done for." you start to turn around, tears forming in your eyes, when he grabs your hand and pulls you against his chest and then against the wall, running his finger on your check clearing away your tears softly contrasting with his actions just secons before.
"Morgan is not here now is she? Care to explain this a bit better?"
You end up telling him Morgan's plan, glossing over some stuff like the fact you all have powers. All the while his face is of concentration and he seems to be thinking about something he doesn't voices. You also tell him of your feelings towards him. At that, a devious smirk plasters itself on his face. But once you tell him Morgan doesn't wonts you seeing him the smirk falls a bit.
"Do you always do what she tells you to?" he inquiries softly on your ear, nudging his nose down the column of your neck breathing in your scent softly. You let out a shuddering breath, getting high on his proximity and the smell of his cologne. "Dont you ever want to be a bad girl?" he nips your neck softly and once you keep quiet for a while he hums to signal you he's still awaiting an answer.
"I guess I've been used my whole life to her telling me what to do, old habits die hard." you moan softly when he kisses your neck and bits down again, your knees getting weeker by the minute.
"Do you want me to get away then? Wouldn't want her to see us, right?" he says it mockingly because he dives down to your collarbone next, no intentions of stopping in his tracks whatsoever. "Do you want me to stop (Y/N)?" he asks, finishes you name on a whisper to your ear, where he licks and nips on the lobe.
"No." you say weakly, grabbing at his uniform jacket more securely as to not lose your balance. You head foggy with the desire coursing through your veins. once the word is out of your mouth he steps back and gives a toothy smile, grabbing at your hand and pulling you with him across campus. Both of you running and giggling like two teenagers, unpreoccupied if someone running into you since they where all suppose to be in class already.
Next thing you notice you are running through the dormitory corridos, and Chase is fumbling with his keys, hastily opening the door and pulling you inside, closing it and loocking it right away. He leans against the door for a second while you turn to him, just in time to see the hungry look he's throwing your way.
"You look good enough to eat (Y/N)." he growls out, licking his lips and kicking off the door to keep your frantic kissing going, making both of you lose your balance in the process and fall on to the creaky bed. You both make hast with each other's clothes, taking off jackets and the polo shirt he's wearing, he grabs at your dress shirt and pulls down, buttons flying everywhere. He takes a moment to admire your lacy bra, and dipping down to kiss from your neck to the tops of your breasts.
"You look so hot in this number." he says, biting on your bra strap and pulling it, just to hear your soft gasp once he let go of it, snapping against your soft skin. He straddles your waist and takes off his own dress shirt, leaving on his tie. He kisses down your navel, hands traveling up your thighs and down your skirts, caressing you softly. You feel his nimble finger hoking up the hem of your panties and slowly pulling them down, kissing down your thighs accompanying that movement.
Every touch of his lips in your made you burn with ecstasy moaning his name softly into the chill air of the dorm room. His hot breath puffed up neer your moist core, making your squirm in delight. His hands grab your thighs, hooking them up on his shoulders for better support. Fingers digging into your supple flesh when his velvety tongue licks up a stripe from bottom to top of your pussy, eyes looking at yours for approval and incentive to continue.
You were choking on your own moans, his tong wiggling around your lips and entering your warm hole, just to retreat and continue its assault on your pink clit. He added in his fingers, making come either gestures and moving his tongue side to side on your sensitive clit. He pushed over the edge of the cliff screaming his name, and helped your ride out every wave of you orgasm, until you had to pull him by his tie to stop him from touching your oversensitive clit. his chin was damp from your juices, and a wolfish grin spread across his face while he crawled over top of you, by the provisory leach you had over him.
You roll the both of you into bed, straddling his lap now. His hard-on painfully straining on his slacks, you unbutton them and pull them down along with his boxers, his cock bouncing up once freed, precome dribbling slowly from his tip. He reaches onto his bedside table in a flash and takes out a small aluminum foiled square, unraveling the condom over his engorged tip and down his shaft. He grabs for your hand, helping you adjust on top of him, and pulling you down to kiss your soft lips.
You rake your nails over his toned chest and start to bounce up and down, watching as his face contorts to one of pleasure and as he bits on his lip. The sexy look on his face making you moan louder and bounce faster, his hard cock felt so nice inside you, reaching all the sweet spots in you from this position. He grabs your hips and helps you bounce for a while until he rols you over again, and spreads your thighs wider to pound into you harder.
"You feel so good around me babe, you make me wanna cum right now." he dives down and takes off your bra, kissing and licking at your nipples and massaging them on his big palms. You moan in response, all coherent thoughts pounded out of you with each dive of his hips into your core. You grab at his biceps for suport, nails scratching every once in a while, just making him moan louder. You come around him, pulsing and trembling, legs shaking and breaths raged until he stiffens up and pumps slower into you, his face contorted into one of pure bliss, until he hides it in your neck, licking and marking you with a hickey.
His arms are shaking, and so he pulls out of you slowly and flops onto his side as not to crush you under his weight. You snugle up to his side, his hearth beating fast. "That was amazing." you say softly, he kissing the top of your head in response and you both drift off to sleep for a while.
You wake up to the feeling of soft kissing being landed on your skin, a huge smile spreading across your face even before you open your eyes to the sight before you. Chase has only in his boxers, hair mused over spiking everywhere, and attentively kissing every inch of your body slowly and sweetly until he noticed you were awake already.
"Afternoon my sleeping beauty."
"Hey." you rasp out, accepting his kiss to your lips.
"You wanna get to class? We missed the entire morning and lunch already." he lays down again in bed and lets you rest your head onto his chest, getting his arm around your arm making slow circles with his thumb.
"I do need to go. The girls will be questioning why I haven't showed up."
"Well, your phone has been going off forever, if we wait longer they might send a search party." he says laughing heartily. "But before you go. About the entire Caleb thing." you grimace up at him and go to apologize again when he shushes you with a kiss to the lips and sais:
"I'll help you." you look incredulously at him for a few seconds until you shake your head to get your thoughts in order.
"You'll help? How?" he pulls you donw to him again for a kiss.
"I don't know just yet, but I'll. That way Morgan gets what she wants, and we get to stay together." You hug him tight and kiss his cheks and nose until you reach his lips again. You both get dresses and get out of the dorm room and head to your next class, taking separate routes to seamless suspicion.
You are giddy throughout the entire of the day, until Morgan gets in your shared room.
"Where the fuck were you all day? You where suppose to be taking care of seducing Caleb, but you dont even show up?" you try to defend yourself but she soon snaps at you again. "You were with Chase where you?! He was also missing today, I told you to stay away from him didn't I?" a thunder cracks loudly in the distance, making you jump slightly.
"You disobeyed, and so now you pay the consequences. You won't leave this room until I let you, or getting expelled from the coven won't be the worse thing i'll do to you."
She grabs your keys from the desk and goes out locking you into the room.
"Morgan, no, dont do this please." you scream into the locked door pounding your fists against it, but to no avail, she had also charmed the door. You where trapped. A couple of hours later you hear the faint noise of the sirens of an ambulance, but no one ever passed in your corridor so you could ask for someone's help. But even if they did, they couldn't exactly help you anyways. You could only sit and wait out for her to return.
Part 4
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