romerona · 5 days
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All Y/N ever wanted to do was sing her songs and be free. Yet somehow, after offering to pay for the meal of a certain boy in a straw hat she finds herself causing havoc through the East Blue.
Masterlist - Next.
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Trigger warning: canon violence. Word count: 8K
A/N: The only thing I will be describing about Y/N is her hair colour. Everything else you can imagine her as you wish.
Disclaimer: The songs I will be using in this fic aren't mine bc I have 0 creativity. I'm sorry.
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Middle of the ocean, Nami's boat.
"Sooner or later, I'll wander into the unknown
Sooner or later, you'll face the world on your own
Who will you hang to when you're left all alone?
When the night grows cold, and the winds have blown--"
"....give me some quiet and some space?"
Nami's annoyed voice made Y/N look up from her booklet to Luffy chasing after his hat, it came right to where he was sitting at the nose of the boat. So, she simply stretched her arm to catch it just before it could fly away.
"Here," Y/N gave the thankful Luffy his hat back who took it with a small smile while mumbling his gratitude.
"Not cool," Luffy then turned to Nami, more serious than Y/N had ever seen him be. "Don’t mess with my hat."
"Why do you care so much about that hat anyway?" Y/N asks, glancing back down at her notes.
"Yeah, It looks like you fished it out of the trash," Nami added as she continued to try and unlock the safe.
Luffy smiles down his straw hat "One man’s trash is another man’s treasure."
"That still doesn't answer the question, stud."
Zoro groans inside the cabin, "Will you three knock it off? I’m trying to take a nap."
"Oh, I’m sorry," Nami said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Were we interrupting your beauty sleep?"
"Don’t like what you see? Look away."
Y/N chuckles at the response, however, her laughter is interrupted by the sound of the lock clicking making her snap her head towards Nami who was opening the door of the safe.
"You did it," Luffy exclaimed.
"Holy shit," Y/N swiftly stands and makes her way to stand next to Nami. She smiles at the orange-haired girl, "You actually did it, Pumpik."
They all looked down at the inside of the safe and it's content. Y/N was a little disappointed there wasn't anything special in it, not treasures one assumes a safe would keep, instead, there were some confidential files and a wanted poster for a pirate named Kuro. And then there was the golden map tube, the only valuable thing.
Nami reaches over and takes it. She hastily takes the top off and pulls out the map causing Y/N to let out a breathy sigh.
"That’s it?" Zoro deadpanned unimpressed by the findings, "Isn’t there supposed to be gold inside a safe? Or jewels?"
Nami looks at the green-haired boy in disbelief, "This is more valuable than gold. It’s knowledge. This is a map to the Grand Line."
"The Grand Line. Ah," Luffy, with his usual smile, stares at the map in Nami's hands."The Grand Line is just right… Where is it exactly?"
Y/N looks at the boy with narrow confused eyes, "Seriously?"
"You’re going there, but you don’t know where it is?" Sharing Y/N's thoughts, Nami asks.
"Guess I need a navigator on my crew," Luffy stated grinning at Nami.
"Oh, god," Y/N mumbles, cursing herself for being so stupid to think Luffy could take her to The Grand Line. Maybe she can steal the map at some point or draw a copy and go herself.... thought going solo wasn't a great idea. Not when ghosts continue to hunt for her.
They follow Nami inside the small cabin.
"The seas are divided into four quadrants." Nami grabs some chalk and starts drawing down on the hanging table. "East Blue, North Blue, West, South. This thin strip of land that circles the globe is called the Red Line, and this band across the middle is the Grand Line."
"A treacherous stretch of ocean with bigger islands, bigger cities, bigger pirates. Flush with riches and ripe for the picking." Nami grins.
Y/N regards the drawing with a soft frown as she recalls her past "And way more dangerous..."
"That’s where we’re gonna find the One Piece!" Luffy exclaims.
"I’ve taken out a lot of pirates looking for that thing," Zoro says before asking. "What is it? Like, a big diamond or something?"
"It’s Gold Roger’s treasure," Luffy told him. ""He hid it somewhere in the Grand Line. All in one piece."
"It’s a myth. The reason no one’s found it in 22 years is that it doesn’t exist." Nami says with exasperation.
"Reckon he just said it to piss off the Marines," Y/N hums, "Admirable."
Luffy grins at the girls. "Can’t wait to see the look on your faces when we find it."
"If you find it you mea--"
The sound of an explosion cut Y/N off sending all four of them into alarm mode.
"Is that the Marines?" Zoro asks placing his hands on his katanas.
Y/N quickly pulls her war-fans from her skirt. "Shit. Are they?"
They walk out to the deck. Nami mumbles "How did they find us?"
Y/N looks up with a frown for from the skies, some red dust falls upon them, slowly enveloping them. She was begging to feel dizzy, and very sleepy... with dread, Y/N realized what it was. This has been used on her before.
Nami was out first.
"This smoke smells weird," Luffy mumbles, feeling the effects of the dust.
Zoro was next.
"Luffy, the ma..." Before she could finish she felt the world went dark.
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Y/N's bare feet danced across the warm sand, her laughter mingling with the gentle lapping of the waves. With each step, she felt the freedom of the island envelop her, a secret sanctuary where worries vanished like mist under the morning sun. She glanced back, her eyes alight with mischief as she spotted her much younger sister, Miri, darting through the bustling market stalls.
"Come on, Miri! You'll never catch me!" Y/N called, her voice carried away by the salty breeze.
Miri's laughter bubbled forth, a melody that echoed Y/N's joy. With a determined grin, Miri chased after her sister, her small legs propelling her forward with unbridled enthusiasm. The market around teemed with life, vendors hawking their wares beneath colourful awnings, the air rich with the scent of spices and freshly caught fish.
Dodging between crates of exotic fruits and stalls piled high with vibrant fabrics, the two little girls raced through the people with loud laughter.
As they emerged onto a sun-drenched promenade, Y/N slowed her pace, allowing Miri to draw closer. She turned to face her sister, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Think you can keep up, fish-legs?"
Miri grinned, her round cheeks flushed with exertion. "Just you wait, Y/N! I'll beat you yet!"
With a mischievous wink, Y/N took off again, her laughter trailing behind her like a comet's tail. The younger girl followed in hot pursuit, their laughter intermingling with the sounds of the island—a symphony of joy and freedom that echoed across the sun-kissed shores.
The girls skidded to a halt in a quaint courtyard nestled amidst the bustling village. The air was redolent with the aroma of freshly baked bread and spices, luring them to pause and savour the moment. They settled onto a weathered bench, their breath coming in exhilarated gasps as they gazed around, taking in the vibrant tapestry of island life.
"Y/N/N, you think Mama would let me take one of those landfolk trinkets back home?" Miri exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight as she bit into a juicy slice of tropical fruit.
Y/N thought for a moment. Her parents were in an important meeting of some sort, she recalls them quietly speaking about the World Government declaration that was supposed to be out that afternoon, they sounded worried but Y/N had no idea why. "Maybe, depending on the trinket can withstand being in the water for long,"
"It's one of those dolls," Miri mumbles
"Those are made with fabric," Y/N shakes her head, "She won't let you,"
Miri pouts and deflates. Not liking seeing her younger sister sad, Y/N purses her lips in thought, when an idea hits her.
"Maybe not a doll but she can let us take one of these shiny stones. You like those, right?"
"Oh, yes," Miri smiles, "The stones with crystals inside of them, those are pretty..."
Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden commotion in the distance—a chorus of shouts and panicked cries that shattered the tranquillity of the courtyard. People began to scatter, their faces etched with fear as they fled back towards the ocean.
"What's happening, Y/N?" Miri's voice trembled with uncertainty as they were swept up in the frantic throng of people.
Y/N heart skipped a beat as she glanced around, her senses on high alert. People were scattering in every direction, their voices rising in panic as a wave of fear swept through the village like wildfire. Without hesitation, she grabbed her sister's hand, her grip tight with determination.
"We need to find-"
As if on cue, their father appeared, his brow furrowed with worry as he rushed towards them. Without a word, he took hold of Y/N's hand and began to guide them through the throngs of panicked villagers, his grip firm and unwavering.
"Stay close, girls," he urged, his voice tinged with urgency.
"Papa, what's going on?" Y/N asked, her voice wavering with concern.
Their father's expression was grim as he gathered them close, his hands firm yet gentle as he began to guide them towards the beach where their mother was anxiously waiting for them. "There's danger, my pearls. We must go to safety."
The sisters exchanged a worried glance, their steps quickening as they followed their father through the labyrinthine streets. The distant roar of the ocean grew louder with each passing moment, a reminder of the peril lurking just beyond the tranquil facade of the island...
When Y/N first woke up, she was confused.
"What...?" She looked around noticing the others were just as confused as she was. Then she noticed the box they were all in. Her heart began to race.
"They took my swords," Zoro grumbles once he notices the missing weight.
Nami groans noticing they took something away from her too. "And my rucksack, ugh, with all my navigation gear."
"And my fans..." Y/N mumbles, quickly standing up. Ignoring the rest, she reaches to place a hand on the hard wooden wall, "No, no, no..."
Her hands scrabbled against the rough walls, searching for any means of escape. Splinters dug into her skin, but she hardly noticed amidst the rising tide of fear. Memories flooded back, memories she had long tried to bury— The air was stale, each inhale felt like a struggle, as if the very act of breathing was a battle against the confines of the box.
"Hey," A raspy familiar voice said as a large hand landed on her shoulder but it swiftly slapped it off.
"Don't touch me," Y/N snaps as she continues to desperately look for a way out. "No. Not again, please,"
Suddenly, she flinches at the sound of someone next to her banging on the wooden walls.
"Stop." Y/N faintly heard Nami hiss. "Stop that."
"What? I’m trying to find a way out." The same raspy voice said. It was Zoro.
"We’ve been captured. We need a plan." Nami tells them.
"No, fuck no," Y/N continues to look for a way out, this time, however, she starts to push against the wooden wall.
"I just need to beat the hell out of every Marine I see," Zoro agrees.
"Hey, everyone, relax," Luffy, like Zoro, places a hand on Y/N's shoulders only to be slapped off. "We’re fine."
"We’re not fine. The Marines will throw us in jail if we’re lucky." Nami says. "Execute us if they don’t"
"They… they are not Marines. Before I got knocked out, I saw a Jolly Roger. We’ve been captured by pirates."
Y/N stopped her attempts as Images flashed through her mind—memories of past suffocation, of being trapped in tight spaces. Panic gripped her like a vice, squeezing tighter with each passing moment.
Time lost meaning as Y/N battled against the relentless grip of fear. Minutes stretched into hours, each second dragging by with excruciating slowness. Her throat began to close, and her body started trembling with exhaustion and terror.
"That’s much better news."
"No, he’s right," Zoro said, he stepped a little closer to Y/N, and she was painfully aware and utterly horrified. "Marines have training. Pirates are easier to kill."
"Shanks used to say not every situation can be solved with violence," Luffy told them.
"Who the hell is Shanks?"
"We don’t need to fight. I can talk to them," Luffy shakes his head with a grin, "Pirate to pirate."
Y/N would have laughed at the idea of reasoning with a Pirate hadn't she been in the starters of a hysteria attack.
"That won’t work." Nami said
"Why not?"
"To start, you’re not a pirate."
" Yes, I am."
"No," Nami said looking at Luffy, "You are some stretchy guy in a tattered hat."
"I’m a different kind of pirate," Luffy stated, optimism practically oozing out of him.
"Pirates are pirates. There’s only one kind."
That is true. Pirates are all foul, soulless creatures... another wave of memories flooded her brain. Y/N closed her eyes, willing herself to find some semblance of calm amidst the chaos of her mind. But even in the darkness behind her eyelids, the walls of the box loomed large, a constant reminder of her imprisonment.
But just when she felt herself on the brink of surrender, the top of the box opened forcing Y/N to snap open. Music began to fill her ears, an odd spectacle of dancing... clowns? began to surround them once all the walls of the box were pulled apart.
Y/N, finally being able to breathe properly, watches as people in costumes do flips and tricks around them. She glances at her surroundings. This was a circus. Why were they in a circus? The people on the stats started to clap, Y/N frowned as she watched the tears of fear in some of those people. Isn't a circus supposed to be fun?
"No. No, no, no, no," A man or rather a clown with blue and a red nose, shouting prompting everyone to stop the show. "Stop clapping! No, stop! It’s all wrong!"
"The spotlight was late. You completely missed my entrance." He motions for the light to go from the four of them to him. Then he turns his attention to the man dressed in a bear costume who is terrified of the clown. "And where, oh, where was the dancing lion?"
"Hey, I know you," Luffy earned the clown's attention. "I saw your wanted poster in Shells Town. You’re the clown guy. Um, uh… Binky, right?"
"Buggy," The clown with blue hair corrected and to Y/N's surprise, he kept going. "Buggy the Clown. Buggy, the Flashy Fool. Buggy, the Genius Jester."
"Wow. You have a lot of names. I bet everyone in the East Blue knows who you are." Luffy said impressed but his words earned a gasp from the audience confusing the four of them.
"What did you just say?" Buggy deadpanned.
Luffy, none the wiser, repeats "Just that everyone knows who you are-"
"Nose?!" Buggy exclaims rushing to clasp Luffy's face in his hand, squeezing. The clown's crew step forward, holding their weapons, looking weirdly intimidating. "Are you making fun of my nose?"
Y/N, despite the dangerous situation, was baffled for a moment. She subtly regards Buggy's nose. Was that actually his real nose?? Oh, it was. Woah.
"Well… I wasn’t. But now that you mention it, is that thing for real?" Luffy lifts a hand to touch the clown's nose but he quickly slaps it away, making the audience gasp.
"What’s real is I’ve been scheming for months," The clown pushes Luffy away, and Y/N who was just behind him manages to catch him. She turns as Buggy stands in front of Nami, "To steal that map from old Axe-Hand Moron…"
"Eh?" He waits for an acknowledgement or reaction from the orange-haired girl but when he realises he is getting none he waves a dismissive hand and turns back to the others. "…only to find out that I was upstaged by four little nobodies, who stole it from right out under my no- No! It’s in my head now."
"Ah!" Buggy groans with exasperation moving away. "
"Hey, I’m not a nobody," Luffy said, once again successfully gaining the clown pirate's attention. "I’m Monkey D. Luffy. And I will be King of the Pirates."
Y/N had to give it to Luffy. His determination was so outstanding that even in such a dire situation it wouldn't break, however, she couldn't decide yet if it was stupidity or courage.
Buggy lets out a laugh, "Oh! Now that’s funny."
One of his crew members holds up a sign, forcing the audience to laugh. Well, that's depressing, can't imagine being a clown and having to force people to laugh.
Buggy motions for the laughing to halt. He moves, looking in between them as he speaks;
"My bounty poster graces the marquee of every Marine outpost for miles. And my menagerie of outcasts and freaks is the most dreaded pirate crew the East Blue has ever known. I am destined to find the One Piece. And when I do… I will be king."
"No, you won’t, ’cause I’m gonna find it first." Luffy contradicted the clown.
It's stupidity, Y/N decided.
"You?" Buggy scoffs, "Don’t make me laugh."
One crew member holds the sign again, and the audience laughs but they are soon yelled at to stop.
"I said don’t make me laugh!!!"
"All right, listen up. I’m Roronoa Zoro," Zoro spoke up, loud enough to gather everyone's attention. He turns to face Buggy and his crew. "Drop your weapons now and I may let you live."
Y/N has half a mind to yell at him asking what the fuck he was doing. Did he honestly think he could fight against all of these pirates? He doesn't even have his swords.
Buggy stares for a moment before letting out a mocking laugh. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a celebrity in our midst."Ladies and gentlemen, we have a celebrity in our midst. Too bad I hate sharing the spotlight."
The stage light went from them back to Buggy.
"Now, maybe we should skip right to the finale," The clown pulls out his weapon. A very intimidating metal sharp claws. "My freaks put quite a bit of rehearsal time into this little abduction. And if I can’t reward them with that map…" He moves to stand next to a man with sharp teeth. "I suppose I’ll have to offer them a pound of flesh instead."
Oh, shit. shit this. This is bad. Like BAD bad. Bad enough for her to manipulate her way out of it, but for that she'll need to get the clown alo-
"Wait. Wait." Nami was standing in front of them, looking to make some sort of negotiation with the clown. "What if I have something else to offer you? Something more valuable than the map?"
That seems to gather a newfound interest in the pirate, who looks at nami in expectation.
"What if I give you an entertainer, a singer, the best I've ever heard," Nami said casting a quick glance in her way. Y/N's heart plummeted. No, she couldn't be doing that to her. Her heart sank even lower when Buggy's gaze shifted towards her, his blue eyes gleaming when he caught her form.
"And a new freak for your crew?" Nami continues, forcing the clown to look away. She was slowly moving next to Luffy, "A rare talent. The most spectacular act in all of the East Blue. Besides you, of course."
"Go on."
Nami takes Luffy's hat prompting a shout from the boy, she tosses it up into the air making Luffy use his devil fruit abilities and stretch his arm up high to catch the hat. And then, Nami was gone.
"Go after her," Buggy told one of his crew members who quickly ran after the orange-haired girl. He chuckles, looking at Luffy. He pulls out an apple from his pocket and a knife. "Well, isn't this just interesting?"
Y/N felt a surge of protest rising within her, a desire to shout out against the unfolding situation. Yet, she found herself engulfed in a sense of hopelessness, a feeling all too familiar from her past experiences. She knew well the torment of being confined within the hold of a pirate.
"It's fine," she whispered to herself, trying to muster some semblance of reassurance. I'll… I'll be fine. Despite her inner turmoil, she clung to a last resort—a secret move, a tactic she had saved for dire circumstances. All she needed was to find a moment alone with Buggy.
They soon bring a struggling Nami and a part of her is happy they did another part of her is annoyed she sells them out and still fails to escape.
"What did you do? What did you do to their town? You destroyed everything!" Nami exclaimed in anger.
As he ate the apple, Buggy nonchalantly replied, "Not everything. I let ’em keep their hands."
The signs were up again and the audience clapped in command.
"Okay," The clown throws away the remains of the apple and puts the knife back into his coat. "Here end the theatrics."
Suddenly, the lights flickered and dimmed until they focused solely on Buggy's figure, casting an eerie glow around him. His voice cut through the darkness with a sharp edge.
"I know one of you has my map," he declared, his tone laced with determination. "And I'm gonna get it back. What was it you said, Rubber Boy? That it was in a safe place?"
The tension in the air heightened as everyone present awaited Buggy's next move.
"Don’t look so surprised. I’ve got eyes and ears everywhere," Buggy told the four of them with a smile, "So, please make our guests uncomfortable in the green room."
As two pirates seized Y/N from behind, she instinctively struggled against their grasp, her heart pounding in her chest. Nami too fought against her captors, but Zoro remained passive, seemingly indifferent to their plight. Just as they were about to drag Y/N away, the clown intervened.
"Not her," Buggy's voice commanded, halting the pirates in their tracks. They obediently turned Y/N to face their captain, whose blue eyes bore into her with a curious intensity. He closed the distance between them, his presence looming over her.
"Just for you, beautiful," Buggy addressed her, a smirk playing on his lips, "I'm willing to share my spotlight for a few moments and let you sing for us while my 'freaks' prepare the things for my chat with my stretchy new pal."
"Why would I?" Y/N retorted, summoning whatever semblance of courage she could muster to meet the clown's gaze. Ignoring the pirates that were dragging Luffy to sit with the audience. "I only sing when I have something to sing for…"
"Funny you think you have a choice," Buggy chuckled mischievously, his tone dripping with amusement, the sign was up so, naturally the audience laughed as well. He sauntered over to a high chair, resembling a throne, and settled into it with an air of superiority.
"Well, it's either that," he continued, gesturing towards Y/N, "or off with you. Though," he added with a smirk, "it'll be a shame to harm such a pretty girl like yourself."
His words hung in the air, a thinly veiled threat that left Y/N feeling trapped and vulnerable, caught between compliance and defiance.
Despite the overwhelming intimidation, Y/N took a moment to steady her breathing and gather her resolve. Nami was right about one thing – she was an entertainer, a performer. With that realization, a flicker of determination ignited within her.
With a deep breath, Y/N straightened her posture and let a confident smile grace her lips. She could do this. She could fake her charm, her confidence. After all, she had faced tough crowds before. This was just another performance, albeit under much more dire circumstances.
Y/N flashed a charming grin at Buggy, exuding confidence as the impromptu show began.
"Well, darling," she purred, her voice dripping with charisma, "lucky for you, I happen to have had my heart stomped a few days ago. You don't happen to have a guitar lying around, do you?"
Buggy's grin widened, and with a casual wave of his hand, a guitar was swiftly presented to her. As the rest of the crew dispersed, leaving her alone in the spotlight, Buggy's voice carried a warning tone.
"Don't make me regret giving you a share of my spotlight, sweetheart," he cautioned, his words tinged with a hint of threat.
Y/N meets Buggy's warning with a playful glint in her eye, maintaining her charismatic demeanor.
"Oh, don't you worry, Captain," she replies smoothly, her voice dripping with charm. "I'll make sure to dazzle everyone enough to ensure you shine even brighter. After all, what's a spotlight without a little sparkle, right?"
Without missing a beat, Y/N pivots gracefully, turning her attention to the assembled audience with a grin that belies the tension of the situation. With ease, she addresses them as if they were any other crowd, temporarily forgetting the dire circumstances of their gathering.
"Well, well, well. Looks like we've got ourselves a full house, don't we?" she declares with a playful sparkle in her eyes, her voice projecting warmth and enthusiasm despite the unsettling circumstances.
"Ah, the joys of a heartbreak!" Y/N's grin takes on a mischievous edge as she continues, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
"As you may have heard," she begins, her tone dripping with theatrical flair, "some clueless boy managed to break this ol' heart of mine. But fear not, for in the face of heartache, what does a songbird do? Why, she writes a song, of course!"
Pausing for dramatic effect, she lets a playful wink slip before continuing, "Sadly, it seems our heartbreaker won't have the pleasure of hearing it. But don't worry, my captive audience, for you lucky souls get a front-row seat to the grand performance!"
Her words draw a ripple of shy, soft laughter from the crowd, turning this sombre moment into a somewhat of lighthearted affair. Her eyes meet Luffy's browns for a moment, he seems to pay her his all attention.
With a graceful motion, Y/N turns her attention to the guitar, her fingers deftly plucking a few strings. The sound resonates through the room, filling the air with a gentle melody that carries hints of both melancholy and resolve.
"When I was a wanderer, I stumbled upon your shore
When I was adrift, I found refuge in your arms
We faced the storms, lost in our own private wars
You sought fortune in the shadows, while I relied on my charms
I danced through the shadows, whispered secrets to the moon
You chased dreams of gold, while I urged caution in vain
We sang to forget our troubles, then drowned them in wine
Then one day, you vanished, leaving behind a taint"
As she plays, her gaze flickers between the strings and the captivated audience, her expression a mix of concentration and subtle charisma. Each note she strikes seems to weave a tale of heartache and resilience, drawing the audience deeper into the performance with every strum.
"I am the one who saw you at your weakest
I know the battles you fought, behind closed doors
Too bad I'm the love you lost, the bond you breached
Now what'll you do, when I'm gone evermore?"
As Y/N finishes the song, a hush falls over the room, the echoes of her performance lingering in the air like a haunting melody. In that suspended moment, time seems to stand still, every eye in the room fixated on Buggy, waiting for his reaction, well, except for Luffy, he was the only one giving a standing ovation.
"Wooh, yeah!" Luffy claps, a smile on his face as he turns to one of the pirates holding him. "That's my musician,"
Y/N, however, ignore him and turn to Buggy.
Y/N meets his piercing blue gaze, searching for any hint of emotion within them, but finds his expression inscrutable, a mask of unreadable intent. There's a tension in the air, palpable and electric, as the weight of the silence stretches on, leaving everyone on edge.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Buggy breaks the silence with a slow, deliberate clap, his expression betraying nothing but a hint of amusement. It's a subtle gesture, but it breaks the tension in the room. The sign to clap was up but Y/N has a feeling they would've clapped regardless. It's a moment of relief for Y/N, who can't help but feel a sense of validation wash over her.
"It seems orange-hair was not lying, huh?" Buggy remarks, his tone carrying a hint of sardonic amusement. The cheers stop at his command.
Y/N lets out a forced chuckle, her lips curling into a wry smile as she meets Buggy's gaze.
"Well, what can I say?" she quips with a hint of playful sarcasm, "I did promise not to disappoint, didn't I? And trust me, darling, I always keep my promises, even when it involves serenading a bunch of pirates in a not-so-friendly setting."
Buggy's chuckle sends a shiver down Y/N's spine as he rises from his seat and advances towards her. Y/N fights to conceal the tremor of intimidation that courses through her, maintaining a facade of composure as he leans in to whisper.
"You could make a wonderful addition to my crew," he murmurs, his voice low and tinged with an air of intrigue. “Irreplaceable, even.”
While the idea of joining his crew fills her with trepidation and disgust, she knows better than to outright reject him, especially considering his unpredictable nature. Like most men.
With a steady gaze and a flicker of determination in her eyes, Y/N meets Buggy's gaze, her voice steady as she replies, "Well, Captain, it's certainly a tempting offer. But you'll have to forgive me if I take a moment to weigh my options. After all, I'm not one to jump ship without careful consideration."
Buggy regards her for a moment, then he smiles as he pulls back. His smile sends a shiver down Y/N's spine, but she maintains her facade of composure as he pulls back, granting her a temporary reprieve.
"Alright, I'll give you time to think it over…" he concedes, his tone deceptively genial.
Y/N's heart sinks as she watches him walk over to where Luffy is, a sinking feeling settling in her stomach. Before she can react, two pirates seize her again.
"Until he gives me my map, that is," Buggy adds casually, his words a stark reminder of the precarious position Y/N finds herself in.
As the pirates begin to drag her away, Y/N's heart pounds with a mixture of fear and determination. She casts a fleeting glance back at Luffy, a silent vow forming in her mind to find a way out of this predicament.
Soon, she was being tied down into a chair.
"Fuck you, Nami," Y/N spat out her frustration as soon as the pirates left them alone, her tone tinged with irritation. "Why would you do that?"
Inside her cage, Nami rolled her eyes in response. "It's survival of the fittest out here, Y/N," she retorted, her voice laced with resignation.
Y/N can't help but roll her eyes in return. She knows that in this cutthroat world, everyone looks out for themselves, but she had foolishly hoped for some semblance of a relationship with Nami only to be sorely disappointed.
"The least you could've done was actually manage to actually escape. You sold us in vain." Y/N chastised with a disapproving tsk.
"For what it's worth," Nami glanced towards the entrance of the crew's dressing rooms before skillfully picking the lock of her cage. "I am trying to get us out."
Y/N narrowed her eyes, unsure whether to trust Nami's words. Turning to Zoro, who was bound to a circular board nearby, she asked, "Do you believe her?"
"Don't have much of a choice," Zoro replies with a nonchalant shrug, just as a loud shout from outside makes them all snap their heads towards the entrance. It's Luffy's voice. "Better work faster."
As Y/N tries to free herself from the bounds, she realises that she's worried about Luffy because, despite his exasperating antics and seemingly reckless behaviour, she can't help but feel a pang of worry for him.
The bounds were tight but not enough to cut circulation just tight enough to leave burn marks when she moved them too much which she does.
Feeling the burn of the tight bounds against her skin, Y/N winced but pressed on, determined to free herself.
"That's only hurting you," Nami said sparing Y/N a glance before continuing to pick her lock.
Nami's words of caution brought a moment of pause, but Y/N couldn't afford to let fear hold her back. "I'll be fine,"
Nami rolls her eyes, then she glances at Zoro, he, too was trying to free himself.
 "What?" The boy asks.
Nami continues with her work, "This is my life now."
"You want to trade places?"
"Both of you shut up," There was a rustling sound just making its way to them, "Shit. Someone’s coming."
Nami stops her work and looks at the entrance. "I need more time. Keep them talking."
"I don’t talk." Zoro said, "I hit things."
"I'll do it," Y/N announced.
Seconds later, a pirate with a striking mix of black and white hair and a blue and white square pattern scarf bursts into the room, riding his monocycle with an air of undeniable flair. He comes to a stop right in front of Zoro, his gaze fixed firmly on the bound swordsman.
Y/N, who would have found the scene comical under different circumstances, straightens up, suppressing the urge to laugh. Instead, she puts on her best flirtatious grin and clears her throat, preparing to address the newcomer.
"Hey there, handsome," Y/N begins, her voice dripping with playful charm. "I bet your captain's got you on a tight leash, but do you think you could...?"
"Shut up, whore!" The pirate said not taking his eyes off Zoro.
Y/N's jaw was on the floor. Well, that came out of nowhere.
"I'm not an expert but I'm sure you don't talk to ladies like that," Zoro, ever nonchalant, unexpectedly comes to her defense, much to Y/N's surprise.
The pirate disregards Zoro and instead questions, "Remember me?"
"No. Must be some other homicidal, unicycle-riding clown." Zoro mocks.
Y/N flinches as the pirate with black and white hair delivers a punch to Zoro's stomach.
"I've been thinking about you for years," the pirate hisses, his voice dripping with resentment. "About how you killed my brother."
"I killed a lot of pirates." Zoro deadpanned.
The pirate, named Cabaji, scowls as he begins to recount their past encounter. "My name is Cabaji, and a couple of years back, you hunted us across the Goa Kingdom," he explains, pulling out two knives. ""Followed us for weeks through the swamp lands, day and night, never relenting, like some kind of demon."
The three of them shared a look. A silent understanding between them. This was it, the distraction. Cabaji glances at the two girls as he backs away from Zoro.
"Still not ringing a bell," Zoro remarks casually, prompting Cabaji to throw a knife dangerously close to his head.
"You cut off his head and you stuffed it in a bag, all for a few Berry." Cabaji accuses, his voice heavy with accusation.
Zoro sighs, briefly closing his eyes before conceding, "Okay, that does sound like me."
The air becomes thick with tension as the two men lock gazes, the looming threat of violence hanging between them.
"Let's see if you can keep your head," Cabaji declares, moving to the side of the circular structure and spinning it, taking Zoro along for the ride.
With each knife thrown, Y/N can't help but avert her eyes, unable to witness the imminent danger befalling the swordsman. As minutes tick by and Y/N finally dares to steal a glance at Zoro, she's taken aback by his unwavering composure. Despite the imminent threat of the spinning structure and the barrage of knives, Zoro remains eerily calm, his expression betraying no hint of fear or panic.
Watching him close his eyes and maintain his stoic demeanor in the face of danger, Y/N can't help but feel a surge of admiration mingled with astonishment. It shouldn't surprise her, knowing Zoro's reputation for unshakeable resolve, but somehow it does.
Y/N shifts her gaze to Nami, and in that brief exchange of eye contact, a silent understanding passes between them. She's close to opening the lock.
"You really don’t fear death, do you?" Cabaji asks after his tenth throw.
"No," Zoro said as the structure came to a halt, "I just don’t fear you."
Cabaji throws yet another knife before approaching Zoro "You know, I’m gonna enjoy this. As soon as Captain Buggy’s finished with you, you’re mine."
"Uh, tempting as that sounds, I’m not sticking around." Zoro slowly opens his eyes and focuses on the pirate.
"Really? Got somewhere else to be?"
"Didn’t used to think so. But Luffy changed that." Zoro said.
"That simpleton in a straw hat." Cabaji scoffs, "Don’t tell me you actually believe in him?"
"I don’t need to. He believes in himself." Zoro admits and shrugs, "It rubs off."
As Nami swiftly and silently cuts Y/N's bonds, relief floods through her as she rubs her sore wrists. With newfound freedom, she wastes no time positioning herself behind Cabaji, who is too engrossed in Zoro's words to notice her approach.
"And one more thing."
Cabaji continues to laugh as Zoro warns him.
"Don’t turn around."
In a split second, Y/N seizes the opportunity, delivering a powerful punch straight to Cabaji's nose. The force of the blow sends him staggering backwards. With Cabaji momentarily stunned, Zoro takes advantage, freeing one of his arms to grab hold of the pirate's throat, applying pressure with a steely grip while Nami frees his other arm.
"And by the way, you're brother's the whore," Y/N said to the Cabaji just moments before the pirate passed out.
"What's the plan?" Asks Zoro, retreating his swords.
Y/N takes hold of her war fans. "We go for Luffy,"
"Yeah but how?" Zoro turns to Nami, "You do have a plan, right? That’s your thing, plans."
"I say we beat the hell out of every clown we see." Nami declares, her eyes flickering between them mischievously as she brandishes her fighting stick.
Y/N chuckles in agreement, elegantly fanning her fans to reveal the gleaming blades within. "Well, isn't that a delightful idea," she quips with a smirk. "I've always had a knack for cutting through the foolery."
With a wink exchanged between Y/N and Zoro, a shared understanding passing between them, Zoro chuckles before they both follow Nami out.
As they navigate through the chaos of the circus tent, the trio encounters a shower of fools intent on blocking them. With a seamless display of skill and coordination, they engage the freaks in a fight.
Nami leads the charge, her fighting sticks a blur as she deflects incoming blows and delivers precise strikes. Each swing is calculated, each movement fluid and efficient as she exploits weaknesses in the clown's defences.
Beside her, Zoro moves with the grace of a great swordsman, his swords lethal as he cuts through the ranks of clowns with unmatched precision. His strikes are powerful and decisive, each blow landing with devastating force as he clears a path forward.
And Y/N adds her own flair to the fray, her fans flashing in the dim light of the tent as she gracefully dances between pirates. With a flick of her wrist, she spreads the fans, revealing the razor-sharp blades concealed within. Each movement is deliberate, and calculated, as she gracefully weaves through the chaos of the fight effortlessly dispatching any clown foolish enough to challenge her.
As they finally reach the main stage, Y/N's heart lurches at the sight before her. There, in the center of the stage, Luffy struggles against the confines of a tank filled with water. Memories flood Y/N's mind, images of a similar tank from her past flashing before her eyes with haunting clarity.
She tries to hold back a shudder as the familiar dread grips her, threatening to overwhelm her senses. The sight of Luffy, trapped and struggling, serves as a painful reminder, stirring emotions that she had long tried to bury but with a deep breath, Y/N pushes aside the memories, focusing instead on the task at hand.
With a swift and precise throw, Nami hurls her fighting stick towards the tank, the impact causing the glass to crack and splinter. Y/N watches with bated breath as the cracks spiderweb across the surface, spreading like veins of ice.
"Where are my freaks?" Buggy exclaimed looking around the circus.
Zoro appears on the other end, holding his two swords. "They're not coming,"
Finally, the tank gave way with a resounding crash. As the glass shatters, water gushes forth in a torrent, cascading to the ground in a rush of freedom letting Luffy out and soaking Buggy to the ground.
After he inhales some air, Luffy exhales the map. Ugh!
"My map!" Buggy crawls to the map.
Luffy, on the other hand, "My hat!"
Y/N turned her gaze towards the laughing clown, he took hold of the map while Luffy was hugging his hat. With careful steps, the trio approaches him.
"You want a piece of me?" The clown challenges them once he notices their approach. "Let’s see what you got."
Without hesitation, Zoro lunges forward, his sword slicing through the air with deadly precision. But to their astonishment, the clown doesn't fall. Instead, he splits into pieces, his laughter ringing out triumphantly as he effortlessly reassembles himself.
"Surprise, shithead!" Buggy crows with glee, his laughter echoing through the chaos.
Y/N, Zoro and Nami gather together as Buggy manically laughing starts to split himself into more pieces.
"What the hell?" Y/N yells as Buggy's body parts begin to fly around them.
Zoro's brow furrows in frustration as he watches the spectacle. "How do I slice a guy who's already in pieces?"
"This is not part of the plan," Nami grits her teeth, holding tightly to her fighting stick.
With a grunt of frustration, Y/N pushes away a stray hand that reaches for her, her mind racing as she tries to formulate a strategy amidst the chaos. "Yeah, no shit."
Despite their best efforts, the trio find themselves quickly overwhelmed by the onslaught of flying body parts. Zoro is slammed against the tank, Nami is hurled off the stage, and Y/N is sent crashing into a pile of crates, pain shooting through her side as she struggles to regain her footing amidst the chaos.
"Fuck," She hisses, placing a hand on the sore spot. She braces herself up watching as Buggy pulls out his metallic claws and slices himself again.
"Chop-Chop Cannon!!" His hands and arms start to rotate while his legs start to fly about in chaos.
Luffy does his best to dodge and punch and actually manages to reach Buggy but is soon pushed off him. The claws though, do manage to get Luffy's straw hat.
Buggy laughs and when Luffy goes to recollect his hat he is tripped and pushed to the ground.
Y/N's heart pounds with panic as she watches Buggy's hand find its way to Luffy's throat, threatening to choke the life out of him. In a desperate bid to save Luffy, she scans the area for anything that could aid them in their fight.
Then, like a bolt of lightning, inspiration strikes. With a quick glance at the crates nearby, Y/N's mind races with a plan.
"Luffy, Nami. The crates!" Y/N shouts, her voice cutting through the chaos as she rushes to one and flings it open.
With lightning-fast reflexes, Luffy manages to break free from Buggy's grasp, tearing the hand off his throat and hurling it towards Nami. Acting on instinct, Nami uses her fighting stick to send Buggy's hand hurtling towards the open crate, which Y/N swiftly closes, trapping the appendage inside.
One by one, the four of them began to trap the clown's body parts inside the boxes until only his head, hands and feet were all he had.
"What have you done to me?"
Luffy grins, "Cut you down to size."
"The One Piece will never be yours." Buggy all but growls in frustration. "You’re just a sad, lonely little boy wearing another man’s hat!"
"I know exactly who I am," Luffy puts on his straw hat and with his usual smile he turns to Buggy. "I am Monkey D. Luffy. And I’m gonna be King of the Pirates."
Y/N chuckles to herself. He really has an indomitable spirit.
Luffy stretches both his hands back, "Gum Gum…
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! No, no, no! Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait." Buggy pleads but Luffy is already spitting out.
And with a scream, Buggy's head is launched off the circus.
With a beaming smile, Luffy picks up the map and strides to the center of the stage, where Zoro, Y/N, and Nami are gathering. He extends the map towards the orange-haired girl, his expression filled with unwavering confidence.
"You're giving this to me?" Nami asks, her disbelief barely concealed beneath her facade of composure.
Luffy's grin widens. "You're the navigator," he replies simply, his faith in her abilities unwavering.
"Let's get out of this clown show," Zoro interjects, his tone tinged with impatience as he eagerly anticipates their departure.
Y/N nods in agreement, her hands deftly stowing away her fans back into her waistline. "Yeah, I've had my fill of this place,"
But Luffy's focus remains unwavering as he turns to address the others, his gaze sweeping over the captive audience.
"Still, there's one more thing we have to do," he declares, his eyes meeting those of his companions. "We have to set them free."
With determined hearts, they set about freeing the captive audience, their collective resolve aimed at bringing an end to the clown's tyranny.
"Are you our new captors?" an old man asks Luffy, his voice tinged with confusion.
Luffy tilts his head, a hint of bemusement in his expression. "What?"
"Well, you're a pirate, aren't you?" the old man persists, struggling to comprehend the act of kindness from someone associated with piracy.
"I'm a different kind of pirate," Luffy replies simply, his words carrying a weight of sincerity that belies his reputation.
Y/N shares a knowing glance with Luffy as she frees a child from his shackles, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Despite the odds, Luffy's unwavering determination and genuine compassion are beginning to win her over, gradually eroding her skepticism and replacing it with a newfound sense of admiration.
As they make their way through the town, the sun casts its warm rays upon the streets, a stark contrast to the wreckage left in the wake of Buggy's crew. Despite the devastation, a sense of relief fills the air as the townsfolk emerge from their hiding places, grateful to be free from the clutches of the circus from hell.
As Y/N walks alongside her companions towards their ship, she is greeted by a stream of townspeople, each one expressing their gratitude and admiration for her performance. Some approach her with heartfelt thanks, while others request the pleasure of hearing her sing again.
"We don't have much," the mayor of the town approaches them, offering a basket of food, "but please, take this as a token of our... of our gratitude."
Luffy shakes his head, a generous smile on his face. "You need it more than we do,"
Y/N wiggles her fingers in farewell as she follows Nami, Luffy, and Zoro to make their way back to their ship. As they approach, she notices Luffy darting back towards the mayor, returning for a piece of bread with a cheerful grin.
Once aboard the small ship, Y/N breathes a sigh of relief as she realizes all her belongings are still intact. With a sense of purpose, she joins Nami and Luffy in preparing the ship for their journey ahead.
Waving one last time to the shouting townsfolk, Y/N can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. The warm farewells of the townsfolk echo in her ears, a reminder of the impact they've had on the lives of others.
A few minutes into their journey, Y/N sits next to Zoro with a tired sigh. The swordsman's eyes are closed and his arms are crossed, she gazes at the sundown, a pretty hue surrounding them- when was the last time she enjoyed a sunny day? Right with Cygnus, that feels like a lifetime ago...
"Hey, you need help with that?" Nami's voice cuts through the serenity, pulling Y/N's attention away from the mesmerizing sunset.
Luffy's puzzled frown prompts her to tense up momentarily as Nami reaches for his straw hat. But instead of causing harm, Nami begins to carefully repair it, her skilled hands weaving the threads with practised precision. Y/N can't help but reconsider her latest thoughts of the navigator as she watches her work.
"Why did you freak out?" Zoro's voice startles her out of her thoughts.
Y/N turns to face the boy, but his eyes are still closed. " What? When did I-"
"Back inside of the box," Zoro said, his voice ever raspy but silent as if he knew she didn't want the others to hear.
"Oh," Y/N blinks, she didn't think he'd notice that, yeah sure she was freaking out but they all were, weren't they? She clears her throat, trying to mask her discomfort as she reaches for her guitar, seeking comfort in its familiar presence. "It's nothing special, really."
"What does 'not again' mean then?" Zoro asks turning his head and opening his eyes to look at her.
Y/N fakes a grin, "I'm just not a fan of enclosed spaces, that's all, hot shot,"
Zoro stares at her for a moment and Y/N stares back. Some of the light of the day cast shadows on his face. She can't tell if he's convinced by her excuse or not. She hopes he is.
Thankfully her silent wishes are answered, Zoro closes his eyes again and turns to face forward. "You better not make any noise, I'm trying to rest,"
Y/N flashes Zoro a mischievous grin in response to his warning. "Noise? Oh, you have it all wrong, hot shot," she quips, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm. "I don't make noise, I compose symphonies of sound that would make even the sea itself dance to my tune but Don't worry, hot shot, I'll keep it down… unless you want to hear a little tune to lull you to sleep, I promise to find a lullaby you enjoy."
Zoro's lips twitch with amusement, and Y/N can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.
"You fixed it," Y/N's head turns to see Luffy taking his hands from Nami with a smile. "Thanks."
"Well, you said it was your treasure, right?"
As Nami rises and heads towards the cabin, Y/N meets her gaze, and in that silent exchange, they share a moment of understanding. Any lingering tension between them dissipates, replaced by mutual respect and perhaps some camaraderie.
"Is every day gonna be this crazy with you?" Zoro's question breaks the silence, drawing Y/N's attention.
Luffy joins them, settling in front of them with a thoughtful expression. "Shanks always said… that if the path to what you want seems too easy… then you're on the wrong path."
Y/N nods in agreement, impressed by the insight of this mysterious Shanks character.
"Smart guy," she remarks, her curiosity piqued by the mention of someone who clearly holds significance in Luffy's life.
Zoro, ever the stoic swordsman, opens his eyes and nods in quiet contemplation. "Yeah, this Shanks guy sounds all right,"
Luffy's face breaks into a wide grin as he rises to his feet, his excitement palpable. With boundless energy, he dashes to the bow of the ship, his voice ringing out with unbridled enthusiasm.
"Next stop, the Grand Line!" he shouts, pointing a finger ahead towards the vast expanse of ocean that stretches out before them.
Shaking her head in amusement, Y/N feels a foreign surge of excitement coursing through her veins. With Luffy at the helm, she knows that her days with him, as long as they may be, will be anything but dull. The question is, will they be dangerous or not.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Lots of love, be safe.
Divider by @cafekitsune
67 notes · View notes
romerona · 2 months
Tell me this song doesn’t embody pre/during peacekeeper Coryo????
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I need an edit of him with this song.
76 notes · View notes
romerona · 2 months
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See the vision???
(Ignore my terrible editing skills pls)
Just hear me out...
Iñaki Godoy as James Potter fancast???
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29 notes · View notes
romerona · 2 months
The Worm
Surviving the game and losing yourself in the way.
"Don't go underestimating the power of a small force, it may be the only thing that can slip through the cracks."
"Rosemary Black, district 10, the youngest ever victor in the Hunger Games. Don't let her age fool you, she a force to be reckoned with, known for her cunning wit and speed she managed to-"
"I remember her… I found it hard to believe it then and still find it hard to believe it now."
"Well, then you know that with the right motivation, she's unstoppable."
Rosemary Black × OC!SnowMale? // Primrose Everdeen?
A/N: There would be a few inaccuracies but please, remember this is a fanfic. I'm unsure If I will match Rose with anyone yet but I'll think about it as the story goes.
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Rose was scolded by practically everyone in her ‘team’ for getting into the bad side of the careers in her very first day. From Allen, who she was sure had almost giving up on her, to freaking Lennox, who decided she had condemned Eugene (which to be fair she kind of did) to a horrible death. Before she could even explain herself she was STRONGLY advised to steer clear of careers for the remaining of the training days.
Rose was already planning on doing that, the second Blaze Rafferty dangle her from her shirt, Rose knew she had to stay as far away from him as she possibly could.
That would prove to be a challenge, however, for the next day, while trying her best to stay away and picking up a few skills like archery ( to which she’s more than pleased to know she’s decent at it) or spears (too heavy for her to hurt someone let alone kill) she could feel the heated gaze of the careers, it was burning her back and settling a deep hole in her bowls.
They made her beyond nervous.
But it wasn't until lunch when Rose heard Blaze and Xury speak with District 4 tributes, which after 1 and 2 were the biggest threat for the other 18 tributes, that if either Blaze or Xury didn’t kill the worm, (as they had nicknamed her) in the bloodbath, the first one to do so will be able to join their alliance. That made Rose feel terrified.
They were loud enough for every other tribute to hear, of course, Rose knows it was on purpose. It was an open invitation, a challenge, yet another game, for the others to join.
After that, she was in autopilot after that and refused to looked at anyone she simple and almost in daze continued her archery practice while Blaze’s words repeated in her mind over and over that not even Eugene, who tried his best to keep her mind of off it, could make her heart to stop terrorizing the inside of her chest.
That night Rose escaped to the rooftop of the building, because where else could she go? She felt suffocated in her disgustingly luxurious room.
Leaning against the railing, ignoring the view of the capitol and the chilling breeze that came form within the mountains, Rose took a shaky breath, then another and another but no matter how much she breathed nothing seemed to be making it to her lungs.
It seems that whatever courage she had excited her body.
‘I won’t accept the fate they all believe I’ll have’
‘but I refuse to leave the Games in whatever form that is without trying my best.’
‘I promise I’ll make it.’
It was all a load of bullshit, wasn’t it? She’ll never make it. Allen was right she’s going to die in the arena, and she’ll never get any sponsors or make people like her, she a lost case they all know that, and until now she refused to believe it because she’s so optimistically blind, she stubborn and so fucking stupid.
What was she thinking when she convinced Allen that she could handle this? She can’t, he was right and now she has the burden to live up to her stupid stupid deal.
So fucking stupid.
Her brother, her father, her grandfather… she can only hope they forgive her for not making it back to them, for not keeping her promise. She hopes they live a happy life, she hopes that Finn finds someone who will make him happy, she hopes her father doesn’t beat himself up, and she hopes her grandfather lives the rest of his life healthy. And her friends, Harper and Chet, she hope they end up marrying each other and living a happy life or as happy as this life can offer.
Rose will miss dancing in Buckaroo's Bar, she will miss singing with her father, she’ll miss the heat of the day, she’ll miss the sun, she’ll miss the stream near her house, she’ll miss… Rod.
‘I promise I’ll make it.’
It was all a load of bullshit, wasn’t it? She’ll never make it. Allen was right she’s going to die in the arena, she’ll never get any sponsors or make people like her, she a lost case they all know that, and until now she refused to believed it because she’s so optimistically blind, she stubborn and so fucking stupid.
What was she thinking when she convinced Allen that she could handle this? She can’t, he was right and now she has the burden to live up to her stupid stupid deal.
So fucking stupid.
Her brother, her father, her grandfather… she can only hope they forgive her for not making it back to them, for not keeping her promise. She hopes they live a happy life, she hopes that Finn finds someone that will make him happy, she hopes her father don’t beat himself up, she hopes her grandfather lives the rest of his life healthy. And her friends, Harper and Chet, she hopes they end up marrying each other and live a happy life or as happy as this life is able to offer.
Rose will miss dancing in Buckaroo's Bar, she will miss singing with her father, she’ll miss the heat of the day, she’ll miss the sun, she’ll miss the stream near her house, she’ll miss… Rod.
Suddenly, Rose felt something nudge her foot forcing her to look up at the perpetrator, it was a woman, she’d seen before, the spiky brown hair and wide-set brown eyes was too familiar. “Get up, kid.”
The woman said, nudging her again with her heel. Was she a tribute? No, she couldn’t be, not dressed like that, surely. Not with the bottle of a crimson liquid in her hand. Not with the bored eyes she stared at Rose with. And she hasn't seen the woman at the training center either.
“Why?” Rose mumbled, only realizing that she had somehow ended up on the floor and hugging her knees for dear life.
“Because it’s pathetic.” The girl took a swing out of her bottle turning to look at the view. “And the only place I can relax in this goddamned place is here and you’re ruining it, so up.”
Rose couldn’t but scowl at the woman, “Who are you and why should I care about you want?”
That made the girl turn to her. She leans down a little to stare down at Rose. “I think the question is why are you here crying like a baby for?”
“What do you mean—“
“Wake up, kid.” The girl snaps at her, “Tears are not going to help with anything. Stop whining, will you?”
"Go fuck yourself," Rose swiftly wipes away her tears, glaring up at the girl.
The mysterious woman raised an eyebrow at Rose's sudden defiance.
"Well, look at that. A backbone," she remarked, taking another casual sip from her bottle. "But let me tell you something, kid. Nobody cares. In here, it's every person for themselves. You cry, you die. Simple as that."
A wave of bitterness washed over Rose as she processed the harsh reality laid out before her. She hesitated for a moment, then defiantly retorted, "If it's every person for themselves, why bother helping me up?"
The woman's eyes flickered with a mix of annoyance and amusement. "I didn't say I'm helping you. I said you're ruining my spot. There's a difference."
"Whatever," Rolling her eyes, Rose braced herself as she stood up. "Even if I stop crying I'm dead anyway, why does it matter?"
"Don't tap out so quickly, kid. Your chances might be better than you think inside the arena,"
"Right, because kids my age usually make it out," Rose scoffs a bitter laugh.
"Well, that is true," The woman shrugs and moves to lean against the railing looking down at the street, "But at least most of them go down fighting and not whining,"
"They probably did," Rose mumbled under her breath, crossing her arms as she felt the cold of the mountains.
"Whatever kid, if you want to go and die in the arena be my guess, I don't give a shit," The woman took another sign of her bottle before muttering, "And If I'm honest, I think death is better than this shit,"
Rose frowns, hugging herself tighter, she regards the back of the woman's head, she is so familiar but Rosemary can't pinpoint from where.
"What do you mean?"
The girl glances back at her, and she sighs looking back at the view, "Nothing. Just leave already if you're going to keep whining."
Rose stood there for a moment looking at the view of the Capitol skyscrapers. The air was cold but fresh, far too different from the dry wind of her district. Her district. They will see her in a few days fighting in the arena, they are counting on her, on Eugene. Eugene, her partner, he has been so supportive these past few days, he's been training, fighting against the odds to help them when they were in the arena... and what is she doing? crying. The girl is right, that's pathetic. Imagine how disappointed would be her family if she went down without a fight.
Rose can't disappoint them like that neither can she disappoint Eugene, he has been giving his all so she should too if not for her at least for him, for her district, and for her family.
"Thank you," Rose mumbles lowly, just enough for the girl to hear. She isn't all aware of why she's thanking her but it feels right.
Without waiting for her response (which Rose thinks won't come anyway) she made her way back inside with a newfound determination.
No more crying, no more whining, no more feeling bad for herself. The future ain't written in stone.
The next day rolled around, the last day of group training. Rose decided that she would try hand-to-hand combat, after all, her skill with knives works better when close to the victim.
Rose stood in the training center, surrounded by the faint hum of activity as tributes prepared for the imminent Games.
The trainer demonstrated a few basic moves, showing her how to break free from a rear chokehold. He emphasized the importance of swift reactions and using her body's natural leverage.
"Remember, it's about using their momentum against them," the trainer explained. "Now, you give it a try."
Rose squared her shoulders, mentally preparing herself. The trainer approached from behind, mimicking a potential threat. In a split second, Rose executed the techniques she had just learned, twisting her body and breaking free from the hold.
"You're a fast learner, good," the trainer praised.
Rose grins at him, "Yeah, well, when your life's at stake, you tend to become one,"
The trainer huffs a laugh, "Okay, now, let's say someone comes at you with a frontal grab. You want to create distance and be ready to react. Keep your hands up, elbows close to your body, and stay light on your feet."
They continued the session, with the trainer guiding Rose through various scenarios. In the short hours, she learned to deflect grabs, escape from holds, and use her body to create openings to attack.
Each move is a step closer to survival.
As the sessions continued, there were times when Rose failed to execute a manoeuvre or became momentarily disoriented, but she refused to let the setbacks define her.
The trainer observed her progress and noted, "You won't get it right every time, Rose. What matters is your ability to get back up and keep going. Adaptability is the key to survival."
During surprise attack simulations, there were instances where Rose found herself momentarily overwhelmed. Yet, no matter how many times she hit the mat, she rose again, determination burning in her eyes.
With each fall, Rose learned. She absorbed the lessons of her mistakes, and despite the setbacks, Rosemary persevered.
Soon after lunch, they were calling the districts, one by one in order. District 1 is first the dumbass of Blaze and then Xury. Then goes District 2, Devon and then Aria and then 3 then 4 and so on until it was their turn.
"Eugene Dion," the voice called making Rose nervous fidgeting to stop. She felt Eugene squeeze her interlaced hand.
"Good luck, make them remember you" Rose mumbled squeezing back.
Eugene nods, and he sends her a smile. It was as if she was nervous for both of them. "Right back at you, Rosie,"
With that, they let go of each other and Rose watched him walk through the doors. Her nervous fidgeting came back as she waited for her name to be called; she tapped her feet, crossed and uncrossed her legs, drummed her fingers, and played with her hair that somehow Pearl had managed to put in a bun.
Another minute ticks by and she looks at the back door thinking of Eugene. Rose has no idea what his skill is, all she knows is that he is good at milking cows which means he has a good grip right? He might been able to learn something like climbing or something, hell, maybe he even learned how to use an axe or--
"Rosemary Black,"
Her heart did a summersault. Rose took a deep, shaky breath before standing up and with all the confidence she managed to gather, Rose walked through the doors.
The Gamemakers, all sat on their platform, some talking amongst each other, others drinking wine, others eating and very few looking at her, paying attention.
Shit. Okay. Okay, It's cool.
The cold metal of the training weapons gleamed under the artificial lights. Determination etched across her face, Rose decided to focus on close combat. She approached the weapons rack and selected a set of knives. The weight felt familiar in her hands, a comfort amid the impending chaos.
Summoning her courage, Rose decided to address the indifferent Gamemakers. "Hey, ya'll!" she called out, her voice carrying a playful twang that turned a few heads. Rose flashed a radiant smile, acknowledging those who bothered to look her way.
"I reckon I'm interrupting some important business here, but I promise it's worth the while," she continued her facade, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
A few Gamemakers exchanged glances, curiosity piqued by Rose's unexpected interruption. She seized the moment, more confident in her ability to make an impression even if it was just shit-talking her way out or rather up the ranks.
With a sly grin, Rose twirled her knife with flair. "Now, I know you've seen tributes before, but trust me, you haven't seen one like me." She struck a pose, emphasizing her point with a touch of sass.
With knives in hand, Rose moved to a designated training area, an open space where combat simulations could be enacted. She eyed the target dummies lined up, their fabric surfaces waiting to be pierced by her blades.
As she moved into her lively demonstration, Rosemary infused it with a comical touch. The rhythmic sounds of the knife striking the training dummies were accompanied by a playful commentary.
"I call this move the 'Dodgin' Districts.' It's a real crowd-pleaser."
The Gamemakers, initially surprised, found themselves chuckling and exchanging amused glances. Rose's charismatic, talking her way up, approach is working.
She continued her demonstration, her strikes were deliberate, aimed at vital points while mixing dance-like footwork with quick jabs at the training dummies.
Rose finally stopped, catching her breath, and gave a mock bow. "Well, what do ya think, folks? Ain't that a sight for sore eyes?"
With a final wink, Rose exited the stage she had created, leaving the Gamemakers amused and hopefully thoroughly charmed. Rose had successfully showcased her close combat skills with a knife while infusing the moment with her 'charm' good or bad as it may be, Rose was sure she would be memorable.
"How did it go?" asks Caine the second she steps into the District 10 suit.
Rosemary glances at the familiar and expecting faces of Allen and Eugene before looking back at Caine. "I.. think it was okay,"
"Okay?Okay?" Caine huffs, "Just an okay?"
"We want to know what you did, kid," Allen spoke from his place on the sofa.
Rose moves to the sitting room, "I don't know I showed them that I can use a knife and sort of talk to them through it,"
"Talk them through it?" Caine asks slightly scandalize.
"I made them give me their attention," Rose turns to Allen who was regarded with curiosity, " A character, right? Charming them up and whatnot,"
"That only works with the audience, kid,"
"Maybe it'll work with them too," Rose looks at Eugene while sliding down next to him."What about you?"
"I didn't have much to show them but I climbed and built some shelters," Eugene shrugs looking away, he purses his lips "I don't think I'll get a good score, I mean they didn't even look at me,"
"I'm sure it'll be okay, Gene," Rose tells him, with a reassuring smile.
Allen spoke again, "Sometimes it's better to get a low score. Keeps the targets off your back, y'know."
Pearl and Lennox arrived just before dinner, both stylists asking the same questions about their private session. This time around Rose decided to keep the details to herself.
After dinner, Pearl sat beside her on the sofa as the team waited for Ceasar to announce the scores on her other side was Eugene. The team was chatting among themselves waiting for the show to start, meanwhile Rose was drumming her fingers nervously on her tight.
She hears the music of the intro of the show and everyone quiets down, compulsively she reaches for Eugene's hand, and she feels him squeeze it but at the moment she is more focused on the television.
They showed a picture of Blaze Rafferty on the screen and below it, his score, which of course, was a 10 because her life couldn't be easy. the same with the rest of the Districts. The careers got the usual high score, the lowest being the boy from 4 with an eight. Then the rest of the tribute's scores were average.
And after some minutes it came theirs.
Rose's stomach churned as the television focused on Eugene's image. She felt the squeeze of his hand, a shared moment of solidarity. A five appeared beneath his picture, and a murmur of encouragement spread through the room.
"That's an okay score," Caine offered reassuringly. "It's the half of the punctuation, not so bad."
Eugene nodded but remained quiet, disappointment lingering in his eyes. Rose shot him an encouraging smile, silently communicating that they could overcome this together. The arena was where they'd truly prove themselves.
Then, it was her turn. The camera shifted to Rose's image, and she held her breath, bracing for impact. To her surprise, a seven flashed beneath her picture. A wave of relief swept over her, and a triumphant smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
The tension in the room gradually lifted as Rose's seven was announced. The weight on her shoulders seemed to ease, and she allowed herself a moment to bask in the relief. Glancing at Eugene, she saw a subtle smile breaking through his disappointment. It was a moment of shared triumph amidst the pressure of the Capitol's judgment.
Caine, the team mentor, grinned approvingly. "A seven! That's a solid score, Rose."
Allen, ever the pragmatic strategist, nodded in agreement. "He's right. We can work with that."
The team, though not entirely satisfied, began to see the silver lining. The scores were decent, and the anticipation of the upcoming challenges fueled their determination.
As the broadcast continued, showcasing the tributes from other districts, the atmosphere in the room shifted. The initial disappointment transformed into a quiet resolve.
Rose squeezed Eugene's hand again, this time with a hint of pride. "We got this, Gene," she whispered.
The redhead took a breath turned to face Rose and nods, "We do,"
The room buzzed with subdued conversations and strategy discussions for the upcoming interview with Caesar Flickerman. This would be their very last chance to secure sponsors and stand out in the eyes of the Capitol audience.
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romerona · 4 months
Umm…. Excuse me but where are my Rockstar/Popstar Theo Nott x reader fics?????
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96 notes · View notes
romerona · 4 months
The Prince of Panem.
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Creon Snow.
President Snow’s beloved grandson.
The heir.
The mystery boy.
Solitary child.
Books. (The smell of them. Favours fiction, mystery and low-key romance.)
Privacy. (Time alone)
Flowers. (Mostly roses)
Spending time with his ‘grandma.’ (Tigris.)
Calmness. (Enjoys the peacefulness of the library)
Drawing. (Secret hobby that’s not really a secret)
Fresh air. (Enjoys the air of the mountains)
Warmth. (Sunshine)
Sleeping late. (Can’t do morning & night howl)
Dry humor (Like his own)
Sweets. (Has a sweet tooth)
Neutral colors. (Mostly black)
Xanthos Dovecote. ( Childhood friend/ best friend)
Crowds. (Not liking being around a lot of people)
Capitol Parties. (Social burn-out)
Loud people. (Unnecessary noise)
Willful ignorance. (He mostly is self aware)
The Academy. (Hates the uniform)
Genetics. (Despises the subject)
Fakeness. (People who favour him for status)
Fawning (Happens often)
Flair (Not really interested in the glitz and glamour)
Showing his drawings (shy/ insecure about it)
Onions. (No further explanation)
Winter (Ironically, not a fan of the snow)
Annoying people (Xanthos Dovecote & Medea Price)
Creon does not enjoy being the center of attention and often stays in the background. When he must be social, he prefers speaking with one person rather than a group.
While Creon is smart and independent, he does have a few weaknesses. He finds himself easily frustrated and overwhelmed when dealing with overly emotional or needy people. He struggles with social anxiety and is a bit awkward when interacting with new people. He's always unsure of how to act around new people and prefers to avoid any uncomfortable interactions.
Though he has been afforded every luxury since birth, Creon's life isn't all glitz and glamour. He often finds himself out of place amongst the flashy citizens of the Capitol. He appreciates his cushy life, but he also longs for something more meaningful because despite having more material comforts than he could ever possibly need, Creon has never known a true sense of love or belonging. He struggles with his relationship with his family and mostly his grandfather, President Snow. Their relationship is complex and Creon is often unsure of where he stands with him.
As a Capitol citizen and grandson of the president, Creon has a complex understanding of the world around him and recognizes that the Capitol system is far from perfect. Though he is comfortable with his privilege, he also finds the Capitol's flashy lifestyle exhausting. His views on the Hunger Games are complex but for the most part he finds it to be a distasteful event. (He wouldn’t dare to say it out loud, though.)
Fun facts about Creon Snow.
Photographic memory.
Swears he saw a ghost walking around the hallway of his house when he 8.
Needs glasses.
Knows all the 50 digits of pi.
Makes over-exaggerated faces when he doesn't understand a subject of school.
Isn't sure he wants to attend University but knows he doesn't have a choice.
Gets hyperfixate on a book he enjoys. Re-reads most of them soon after finishing them.
Xanthos is his only friend though his family doesn’t like Creon hanging out with him because Xanthos is, for lack of better words, the local dumbass.
Has a tell when lying.
Can’t swallow pills.
Never asks for help; always tries to do everything himself.
When he was younger, he found the Avox to be creepy but after (unintentionally) witnessing how one of them got their tongue cut off he started to feel sorry for them and is discreetly nice to them whenever he can.
Left handed.
Daydreams often.
Angel Of Small Death And The Codeine Scene - HOZIER
I watch the work of my kin, bold and boyful
Toying somewhere between love and abuse
Calling to join them, the wretched and joyful
Shaking the wings of their terrible youths
Freshly disowned in some frozen devotion
No more alone or myself could I be
Lurched like a stray to the arms that were open
No shortage of sordid, no protest from me.
“Snow lands on top, right?”
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Creon will be a love interest in my Hunger Games fic, The Worm, if you want to read more about him and his relationship with the MC.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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romerona · 4 months
Quick question.
You think President Snow reminiscent his peacekeeper era when he went to visit Katniss in CF? Like, he probably had some flashbacks of Lucy Gray, her songs, the hob, the lake, the meadows or something?
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31 notes · View notes
romerona · 5 months
Just hear me out...
Iñaki Godoy as James Potter fancast???
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29 notes · View notes
romerona · 5 months
Can we appreciate this man for a moment? Death Eater vibes.
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570 notes · View notes
romerona · 5 months
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All Y/N ever wanted to do was sing her songs and be free. Yet somehow, after offering to pay for the meal of a certain boy in a straw hat she finds herself causing havoc through the East Blue.
Masterlist - Next.
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Trigger warning: Harassment, canon violence. Word count: 8K
A/N: The only thing I will be describing about Y/N is her hair colour. Everything else you can imagine her as you wish.
Disclaimer: The songs I will be using in this fic aren't mine bc I have 0 creativity. I'm sorry.
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Shells Town, 153 Marine Branch.
Y/N, huffing and puffing, speeds walk through the townspeople, she was late for her shift at Food Foo and all because of that absolute idiot.
That little fucking weasel, he is. Ugh!!! just thinking about it makes her blood boil even more. Whatever, it’s her own fault, she should have known better than to get close to Cygnus or any man really.
She scoffs to herself. ‘She’s no good’ As if he was any better. Both of them had their own things, their own faults, Y/Nthought that was part of why they connected in the first place but it seems she was mistaken. And Y/N would have believed that was his reason for 'dumping' her but she has heard the rumours. She has heard the whispers of him charming up the daughter of one of the lieutenants...
It doesn’t matter anyway, she has been in Shells town for about 6 months now, and she should probably leave soon.
When she finally arrives at Food Fo, Y/N sends Ayana a guilty look when the owner of the restaurant sends her the ‘warning’ look.
Y/N didn’t wait for her to start scolding her, she quickly walked behind the counter, left her guitar there and grabbed her apron, wrapping it around herself and muttering as she did. “I know I know. I’m sorry, Ayana,”
“At least you're here. It seems today is going to be a busy day,” the woman said from the bar, nodding at the plenty of marines, most already falling in their cups.
“Lovely,” Said Y/N with no enthusiasm.
The Marines are the worst. The very fucking worst, they are vile and foul.
Ayana hums in agreement as a cook passes a platter of dumplings, she takes it and then passes it to Y/N before pointing at the table on the back. “Table 5, then take these drinks to 11.”
“Got it,” Y/N nods and quickly makes her way to it, smiling at the customers, a couple, charmingly. “A plate of dumplings for you, a couple of peanuts. Let me know if you need anything else, okay?”
With that, she left to take the drinks to table 11 whilst greeting her coworkers with a smile as she walked past them. Hours pass and Y/N continues her shift, ignoring the shameless flirting and other hiccups…
“Here are your pork chops and Oden Soup, and not to be biased but our Oden Soup is the best in the whole town,” Y/N said as she softly laid the plate on the table before smiling at the couple and parroting, “Okay, let me know if there’s anything else I can help with, okay?”
“Yeah, thanks,” said the guy.
“I wasn’t aware they hire about any skank from the streets,” the girl says under her breath before glaring up at Y/N.
“Bree!!” The boyfriend looks at his girlfriend With exasperation.
The girl, scoffs crossing her arms, “What? Don’t tell me you didn’t notice the way she’s parading herself around? Everyone here notices it,”
“Bree, please can you not?”
“Can I not what, Laurent? Can I not call her out for her attitude, huh? Why are you defending her?”
Y/N purses her lips, holding back the words that want to escape her lips and takes a couple of steps back, “I’m going to go now…”
“Yeah, you do that,” sharply said the girl, once again her narrow eyes on Y/N.
The girl simply turns and makes her way back to the bar. She leans against the bar and closes her eyes, a tired sigh leaves her.
“Bad table?” Asks Asimi, one of her many coworkers and friends.
Y/N shrugs turning to her, “Nothing unusual, but today has not been my day…”
“I’ll switch mine with yours,” said Rei, another waitress, as she passed a new order to the cook. “I have the most entitled Marines right now, they had me return their meals 3 times already because it's just 'not like what they’re used to' like one would think they got their swords stuck up their ass or something,”
Y/N and Asimi laugh.
“I’m being serious, Y/N, switch tables with me. They’ll be less dickheads to you thanks to that pretty face of yours.” Rei said pinching Y/N's cheek.
Y/N shakes her head, moving away from the girl's fingers, “Thanks for the compliment babes but I’ll take my chances with the match made in heaven,”
“Worth a shot,”
Ayana places two cups in front of Y/N and points at the group in the back, “Table 3, please Y/NN,”
Y/N takes the cups and walks to the table of Marines. She once again smiles at the men as she sets the drinks down. “Here you are! Two beers for the gentleman’s.”
“Hey sweetheart, can I get another round of sake?” Said an older Marine from the next table to them.
Y/N nods, “Sure thing, sweets, anything else you want?”
“Is a kiss from you on the menu?” Laughs the old Marine earning chuckles from others.
Ugh! Disgusting!
“Not on this one, fortunately for me!” Y/N said as he picked up a few empty cups. “However, If you read the menu closer there’s your captain's number in there somewhere maybe you can call it so he can give you that kiss you want? Hope you don’t mind steel, though,”
The Marines around them laughed and so did the older man, Y/N was slightly relief because there had been instances where the Marines did not enjoy her… sense of humor.
Y/N didn’t wait for a response she simply took the last empty cups and made her way back to the bar. She turns to Ayana “A bottle of sake for table 4”
Ayana nods as she looks for the bottle, and Y/N lets her head fall back. She pressed her hands on her shoulders.
Gods, she hates working. Why does she continue working in this job?
Then, as if on cue, Y/N felt two tiny arms wrapping themselves around her middle. Ah, yes, because she’s a softy…. And money.
“Y/NN!!” Rika, Ayana’s daughter, looks up at her.
“I was wondering when you’ll show up,” Y/N laughed as she leaned down to return the hug. “How was school, Rikis?”
“It was alright,” Rika shrugs stepping back, she grins. “I practised the cup trick you showed me,”
“Did you? Well, in that case, you have no choice but to show me, little miss,” Y/N smiles at the girl, she nudges the girl with her elbow teasingly as Ayana places the bottle of sake on the bar.
“Nooo…” Rika chuckles hiding her face under her hands.
“Rika, go change,” Ayana tells her daughter motioning the door that leads to the kitchens.
“We’ll talk about it,” Y/N takes the green bottle and winks at Rika as she moves to take the sake to the Marines.
A couple of more hours pass and the bar thankfully the customers flow in and out with ease. Y/N was glad that her shift would soon be over so she could finally play with the band.
“Take the orders from 16, Y/NN, then you're off,” Ayana says with a nod at the two boys who had just sat down at a table.
“Right on,”
Y/N makes her way to the two boys, one of them has pinkish hair, and round glasses and the other a dark curls under a straw hat and a red vest.
“Hello guys, welcome to Food Foo!” Y/N smiles at them like she does with all her customers. “Can I get you, handsome gentlemen, some drinks to start before deciding what to order?”
The boy with pink hair turned a shade of deep red, a shade Y/N had never seen very little in her life, it was kind of funny. “Uh… I- I…”
“No need, I want one of everything and a milk, please.” Said the boy with the straw hat, smiling back at Y/N.
Y/N was slightly surprised but nodded nonetheless, “A big appetite you’ve got there sweets.”
“Ah, I just love food,” the boy said, tapping his stomach with a grin.
“Who doesn’t?” Y/N nods, writing on her pad, “Food is the best part of life, I’ll say.”
“Right?!! It’s just amazing,”
Y/N laughed at his excitement, he was like a puppy. He was cute. She then turns to the boy in round glasses, “What can I get you to drink, pretty boy?”
“Uh… a- a water would be nice, thank you,” the bright red was still displaying itself on the boy's cheeks.
“Alright, everything will be ready in a few minutes, boys,” She told them, “If you want anything else, please don’t hesitate to call for me,”
With a last smile she left them. She then went to do a few more rounds, cleaning away the dishes and cups, collecting money and such before she was called to pick up the food for the two boys.
“Alright, here you are!” Y/N places the plates on the table. “One of everything,”
Before she even finished putting the plates on the table the boy in a straw hat was already almost finishing his first plate.
“Thank you,” the boy said, his muffled by the food in his mouth.
The boy with pink hair sends her a small grin, “Thank you, miss.”
“No problem boys, call if you need anything else,”
As she left, she glanced at the clock and let out a sigh of relief. Her shift is over, thank the gods. She walked behind the counter took off her apron and took her guitar before walking through the kitchens, where she greeted the cooks.
“You playing today, Y/NN?” asks Gunny, one of the cooks, offering her a plate of chips.
She grins at him as she takes one chip, “Yeap, and I better see you at least once, dumpling. Even if it's peaking.”
“Y’know I never miss your performances,” said the man returning her grin.
Y/N walks to the back of the bar where there is a small room for employees, to change into her clothes. She put in a bit of makeup, some light colour over her eyes, a bit of pink in her cheeks and painted her lips a soft red shade.
“You look so pretty, Y/NN… can you paint me too?” asks Rika, she had slithered her way into the small room a few minutes ago and was watching her do her makeup.
“Last I did, your Ma wasn't happy about it, Rikis,” Y/N told her looking at the girl through the mirror as she twisted her silver locks in a loose braid. “And considering she's the one I'm renting my room to and my boss, I’d rather not risk it.”
Rika huffs in disappointment, leaning against the wall. “You think one day I'll be as pretty as you?”
“What do you mean?” Y/N smiles at her and pulls Rika to look at herself in the mirror next to her. “You are the prettiest girl I know, Rikis.”
“Really?” asks the young girl.
Y/N stands from the old vanity table and sits the girl on the chair. “You so are, sweet girl,” She takes the girl's hair to pull it on a half-up style. “See? You have the prettiest face, and a pretty smile and pretty eyes… and most importantly a pretty heart."
Rika smiles at herself in the mirror, and a giggle escapes her. Rika was such a good child, so very kind. As she stares, Y/N wonders with longing if she has grown to be kind and nice, she should be a couple of years older than Rika if Y/N recalls correctly…
“Are you going to play a love song?” asks Rika, snapping Y/N out of her train of thought.
Y/N wrinkles her nose and shakes her head, “Don’t think so, Rikis.”
“I’m just not feeling it,”
“How come? Did something happened with Cygnus? Did you broke up with him?” The young girl inquires, her eyes twinkling with intrigued.
Y/N let’s out a chuckle, “You are very noisy, sweet cheeks.”
“I’m just informative,” Rika shrugs innocently.
“Of course, you are.” Y/N scoffs a laugh, she nudges Rika’s shoulder. “Come, let’s go out.”
“Oh, please Y/NN,”
“Nope. How about you go make me something sweet for after the show?”
They walk outside, Rika complaining about Y/N not telling her but the older girl simply ignores her and leaves her near the counter before walking to the bar band.
“Hello, dears, ready for tonight?” Y/N said as she approached the three older gentlemen, they had been letting her play a few songs a night with them since she arrived, always practising new songs on the slow days and late nights.
Duke, the violinist, nods as he takes a large gulp of his beer. “As always, lovey.”
“Never expect any less,” Y/N grins, she moves to the small wooden stage, guitar on hand and her charm full on.
As soon as she did, a few cheers echoed around the bar.
Using a Den Den Mushi, Y/N’s voice rings out through the room, with a charisma and ease that speaks of years of practice. "Why, hello everybody!" she exclaims, gazing at the growing crowd of Marines and civilians. "How’s the day been treating ya lot? Better than me I hope.”
The audience cheers, and Y/N’s smile grows wider and lets out a laugh. “Very good, very good.. but how about a song to better it, aye?”
She launches into her first ballad, her voice rising with the rhythm of her guitar.
“I've been sleepin' in my mind
But now my heart is risin'
Risin' with the tide
Floating on a wave
Buoyed by the sea
Carry me away 'cause the world is not for me”
The crowd claps along, lost in the music and the charm of the girl on stage. It's a moment of pure joy, as Y/N’s voice fills the room with sweet melody and a spirit of celebration.
As she continues her song, Y/N noticed someone in between the crowd, a blonde pain in the ass. It took everything in her not to roll her eyes at the sight of Helmeppo.
Out of everyone, the son of the captain (as he always likes to remind everyone about) was the most spoiled, disrespectful, persistent and annoying guy she had come across in her short years of freedom and best believe she had met some annoying people but no one can compare to the blonde with the bad hair.
No matter how many times Y/N has asked him to fuck off, he simply refuses to. It’s as if he couldn't understand the words that come out of her mouth… honestly, she’s never one for violence but she’s getting to a limit.
“No matter where you land or how far you may fall
You have heart, you have hands
And the highest calling of our lives
Is to find the grace at the very place we stand”
With the final chords of her song, she finishes with a flourish and a cheerful smile. The crowd erupts in applause and cheers, ready for more of Y/N’s enchanting performances.
“How’s that for starters, eh?” Y/N’s chuckles at the cheers.
She gives the crowd a cheeky grin and strums her guitar with an extra dose of gusto. She launches into another lively tune, her fingers dancing across the strings as she belts out the words. The crowd is absolutely hypnotized, swinging their heads and tapping their feet to the beat. Y/N’s energy is contagious, and it's not long before the whole bar is rocking with cheer.
The vibe is electric, and it's clear that Y/N is the star of the show. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long because just as she was making her way to the second verse there was the loud distinguish sound of a sword being drawn and the loud pompous voice of Helmeppo ran through the bar.
“Oh, come on, tough guy. Three swords?”Y/N saw him pointing his sword at a green-headed guy who didn’t seem to care as the spoiled blonde teased. “I only need one.”
Y/N tried to keep going but it was almost impossible when the guy with green hair deflected Helmeppo's attack and easily pushed him down, and soon after, a brawl between five or so marines and the one green-haired guy with… what looked like three swords. The guy fought them with ease, he never even drew any of his swords only using his hands as a defence.
It would have been impressive… if he hadn’t thrown one Marine towards her drummer, knocking him back onto the floor.
“Holy- Stu!!” the band gathered around the man who was under a groaning Marine officer.
When Stu is being helped by the other meme era of the band, Y/N turns to glare at the green-headed guy only to see him grab Helmeppos from the floor and pin him against the bar.
“Don’t kill me, please.” Helmeppos pleads with the guy, showing his true colours. “My father will give you anything you want.”
The green-haired guy asks “Who’s your father?”
“Captain Morgan. He’s in charge of the Marine base.” Whimpers Helmeppos.
“Then he owes me money.”
And with that, the green-haired guy dragged Helmeppos and a sack… of something out of the bar followed by a few other Marines.
“Fuck, am I bleeding?” The voice of the Marine woman. She wasn’t bleeding but there was a big red spot in her head.
Y/N helps the woman up and sits her on a near by stall. “No, you're alright.”
“Hey, Y/NN bring some ice for Stu, looks like he got a bump.” Said Duke.
As she made her way to the kitchen, she came across something more interesting… an orange-haired girl taking the uniform off a knocked-out Marine and hiding it under her clothes, nothing subtle about that.
The girl didn’t seem to have noticed Y/N, much to her surprise, until she spoke. “Y’know if you walk out of here with that uniform you’ll get arrested, right?”
The girl jumps up and turns to Y/N. “My boyfriend, he got hurt fighting off the drunk guy, I'm just taking it off to prevent it from getting dirtier.”
Y/N looked down at the middle-aged man with receding hairline and then at the orange-haired girl who was definitely too pretty to be the fallen Marine anything but… she’ll play along.
“Right, well, in that case, let me bring you a bag so you can put it there instead,” Y/N said, she turned to leave but was stopped by the girl. She grabbed her arm and turned her back around.
“I don’t need—“
“Believe me, pumpkin, you do!” Y/N motions to the bar exit which is surrounded by other Marines who seem to have already forgotten about the fight. “And unless you don’t want to get dragged to the cells I’ll recommend you wait for me here and let me bring you a bag, I promise it’s not a trap or anything.”
“That’s exactly what someone who’s planning a trap would say,” the girl with bright blue eyes said, still not letting go of her arm.
Y/N shrugs, “Maybe so, but I don’t have any reason to do that.”
“And you don’t have any reasons to help me either,” the girl replies instantly.
“Ah, but I do,” Y/N got closer to the girl and whispered without breaking eye contact, “Fuck the Marines,”
With that Y/N backs away from the girl's hold and moves to the kitchens. She swiftly takes some ice from the freezer and wraps it around a napkin and then a paper bag. She only hopes the girl actually listens to her.
Why are you helping, you might ask well, Y/N has a history with them beyond her interactions with them in the bar and knows their lack of morals. They are good for nothing and always abuse their power… so, fuck them.
Thankfully, the girl did listen to her. When Y/N went back to her she was met by the sight of a pant-less Marine. “Oh, no honey. You do not want to use his pants.”
“Can’t you just give me the bag and move on?” Said the girl, clearly annoyed.
Y/N sighs as she passes her the paper bag. “Sure but I’ll just say that if you wear his pants you’ll look like a clown.”
“Why do you care what I look?” The girl says ripping the bag out of her hand.
“I’m just helping a girl out, that’s all.” Y/N shrugs glancing at the girl's legs. “Listen, I know it’s none of my business—“
“— you’re right, it’s not.”
“— but whatever is it that you’re planning will be ruined because of a pair of pants. So, if you need some pants that go with that shirt, I might have something that could work for you.”
The girls look at Y/N suspiciously “What do you—“
“Y/N, what’s taking you so long?” Duke shouts earning the girl's attention.
“Yeah, coming,” Y/N turns to the girl with the orange hair, “I’ll be out in about an hour, if you want you can meet me in the fountain just a few houses from here,”
With that Y/N makes her way to the stage and gives the napkin to Stu. “Here! Press it firmly because it seems like you're growing a horn, dear.”
“Quit messing with me, girl!”
After a few more minutes of helping Stu out, it was more than decided he couldn’t play anymore so, they cut the show short. Unfortunately.
So, to kill time, she ordered herself water (Which she dumped a large amount of salt when no one was looking) while listening to Rika theatrically replay what happened with Helmeppos and the guy with green hair, a pirate hunter. It seems Helmeppos finally meet the ass-beating he’s been looking for…. Good.
She should give the guy in green her gratitude.
“And he also said my chocolate cover rice balls were delicious,” Rika blushes.
Y/N chuckles, placing a hand on her head, “Don’t tell me little Rikis has a crush on the pirate hunter,”
Rika blushes even further, she swaps Y/N’s hands off her head. “Stooopppp, Y/NN, it’s not funny,”
“Right, sorry.” Y/N chuckles, and she takes a sip of her salty water. “So, are you going to let me taste those delicious chocolate rice balls or those are only for the hunter?”
“Mom said I can’t do that anymore,” Rika said with a huff of dissatisfaction.
“Shame, I really wanted to try it.” Y/NN pouts.
“I can make you something—“
“You should go home and get ready for school tomorrow,” said Ayana from behind the bar.
“But mom-“
“No, go home, Rika. It’s getting late.”
“Fine,” Rika huffs as she stood up from her seat and turns to Y/N, “Night, Y/NN.”
“Nighty sweet girl,” She said back, waving as the young girl leave.
Y/N sighed taking a sip of her water and looking around the bar, it wasn't her first time working as a waitress but this one bar, she had become accustomed to. It was a nice place, she’s never really appreciated it but it was, people here were friendly, caring, kind… Y/N almost does not wish to leave but she has to, she has to keep moving otherwise the past will soon come knocking banging her door down.
“Y/NN,” calls Ayana, making the girl turn to her. The older woman places an envelope in front of her. “This month's pay plus tips for the performances.”
“Thanks,” Y/N takes the envelope and looks in it. A happy amount of berry…. This should be enough. “Hey, Ayana,”
The woman hums in response as she passes a bottle of rum at a Marine before moving to wipe something off the bar.
“I think it’s time for me to go,”
That made the woman stop and turn to her with a frown. “What? Why?”
“It seems now the time,” Y/N smiles at the woman, “I did tell you I’ll be here temporarily,”
“Yeah but… I thought you’d stay a bit longer, it’s been what two-three months?” Ayana moves to face Y/N.
“Six but y’know what they say, time flies by when you’re having fun,” Y/N grins at the woman who in return rolls her eyes. “But, I do need to leave, Ayana. I’m sorry.”
She regards Y/N for a moment she purses her lips before nodding, “If it can’t be helped, I suppose I let you go.”
“You’ve helped me immensely, I really don’t know how to thank you for all that,” Y/N tells the woman honestly.
“Don’t,” said the woman as another waitress came to give her something, “You’ve been a delight to— what do you mean they won’t pay?”
“I reckon the boy with the straw hat said he’ll come back to pay you once he’s king of the pirates.” Said the waitress.
Ayana huffs, and she shakes her head. “Bring him here because I swear to the all four blue seas today it’s not the day to fuck with me.”
The waitress leaves to bring the poor soul who’s about to get their ass handed today. Ayana scoffs crossing her arms, waiting which she hadn’t had to do for long because the waitress returned not seconds after with two familiar boys in tow. One looking oblivious and the other nervous.
“Hello!” Said the straw hat guy.
Ayana narrows her eyes, “Don’t hello me, you little punk, where’s my money?”
“You see, I don’t have it yet but I promise I’ll come back once I find the one piece to pay you. With interest.”
“The one piece?” Scoffs Ayana, “Who do you think you are, boy?”
“I’m Monkey D. Luffy and I will be king of the pirates.” The boy, Luffy, said with pride and too much conviction that if Y/N didn’t know any better she’d actually believe him.
Ayana shakes her head in disbelief, “Well, Mr future King of the Pirates, unfortunately, I can’t let you leave without paying so either give me the money you practically inhale in food or I’ll have to call the Marines to take you, your Highness.”
“I do need to get inside the base—“ Luffy was cut off by the pink-haired boy.
“No, please, listen is there something we can do to make up for it?” He asks, fidgeting where he stands, obviously nervous under the woman’s gaze.
As Y/N watched the two boys she couldn’t help but chuckle. There was something about this Monkey D. Luffy… he is so unique. So, she decided.
“No need to do anything, pretty boy,” Y/N said earning everyone's attention. She puts a few berry bills on the table. “That must cover it, right?”
“Y/N, you don’t have to pay for them,”
Y/N smiles at Ayana who was frowning back at her. “Call it my last good deed on this bar,”
Ayana huffs, she stares at the Berry before shaking her head. “Keep it, kid, for your travel.”
“No, honestly, Ayana—“
“I won’t hear anything else,” Ayana sighs, massaging he sides of her head as she walks Into the kitchen. “I need a drink,”.
After a moment of silence, as Y/N was reluctantly pulling the Berry back into the envelope Luffy speaks.
“Hey, thanks for that,” he said causing Y/N to turn her head to him.
“No problem, Monkey D. Luffy.” She grins at him.
The pink haired boy walks forward cheeks comically still red, “W-why did you offered to pay for us? It was quite a lot.”
Y/N shrugs, “I’ll scratch your back you’ll scratch mine, right?”
“You want us to scratch your back?” Luffy tilts his head making Y/N laugh.
“No, stud,” Y/N shakes her head as she moves to her feet, she smirks at Luffy placing a hand forward. “However, I do hope you remember my name when you become the King of pirates,”
Luffy takes her hand in his and shakes, “Why don’t you join my crew? We’ll need a musician on board to keep the spirits high, you’ll be perfect.”
Y/N chuckles and shakes her head, “I’ll swallow my own guitar before becoming a pirate,”
“What? Why? Being a pirate is awesome,” asks Luffy, the boy was still shaking her hand.
“Because I have had bad experiences with them, so, I’ll much rather not be part of that life,” Y/N said, looking down at the hands that still shake. “You can let go of me now, stud.”
“Oh, right!” Luffy let’s go of her, “But just because you’ve had bad experience with Pirates doesn’t mean they are all like that, we can be different.”
Y/N smiles and looks behind the boy at the clock in the wall. “Maybe but I’ll rather not find out the bad way again. I’ve to go now, Monkey D. Luffy, it was nice meeting you.”
She turns to the pink hair boy with round glasses “You too…”
“Koby,” the boy informs.
“Koby. It was nice meeting you lot,” Y/N says before moving to the exit, ignoring the cat calls from drunk Marines.
As she walks to the fountain, she can’t helped but scoffs at the thought of her being a pirate out of all things. Pirates took everything from her, in what world would she ever become in the thing that almost destroys her?
“Took you long enough,” The familiar voice makes her head snap up.
Y/N grins as she approaches the girl, “I know, sorry. Would you believe me if I told you I just met the future king of the pirates?
The orange-haired girl scoffs, "Another fool who believes they can find the one piece? Right."
"Ha!" Y/N chuckles, shaking her head. She does share the sentiment. "He seems very determined, perhaps he’ll actually do it, though I doubt it,"
"I'll belive it when I see it," The girl scoffs again, she then seems to sober up to ask Y/N, "So, the pants you mention?"
"Right, they're in my room, it's not ar from here just a few houses down," Y/N tells the girl who narrow her eyes.
"You can stay here if you want?" Y/N offers, with a tilt of her head, "I have no problem in getting them for you, pumpkin,"
The girl stares at Y/N for a moment, trying to figure out if she's lying or not. "... Fine, I'll wait."
"I won't be long," Y/N calls as she continues her walk to the space just in between a shoe shop and a gardening store.
As soon as was inside her room, Y/N lit up a few candles to light the small room. She puts her guitar down and goes to the dresser to search for a pair of pants, she did own quite a bit of clothes so it would take her a minute. Ever so often, Y/N comes across the few vials of poison she stacks in her clothed for safety and a few of her modified hand fans reminding her that she has to buy a few more vials just before leaving Shells town.
After another minute she finally found the black pants and was on her way back to the girl with orange hair.
"Here! They should fit,” Y/N said, leaning against the fountain and watching as the girl unfolded the pants and placed them over her legs.
When she was satisfied she nodded before folding it back again, narrowing her eyes at Y/N "Why are you helping me? And don't bullshit me with that fuck the Marines excuse. Even as someone who hates the Marines, you're going out of your way to help, why is that?"
"Is it too hard to belive some people just like to see them burn?" Y/N chuckles, she sighs, stiffing a little as she speaks. “The Marines fucked me over, more than once… I just want to make their life miserable even if just a little,”
“And what do you want? Nothing ever is for free in this life, so tell me. I’ve got berry-“The girl huffs crossing her arms.
“I don’t need Berry,” Y/N interrupts, she shrugged thinking for a moment, “Unless you have a boat I don’t think there’s anything you can give me,”
“Say I do, what do you need a boat for?”
Y/N gazes at her, “A ride to the next town,”
“Fine, be at the docks by 12, and not a minute late or I’ll leave you,” the Orange-haired girl said sternly.
“Deal,” Y/N holds her hand out, “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“Nami,” she shook her hand once.
Y/N nods with a wink and starts to walk away, “Right, well, good luck tomorrow, Nami. I’ll be thinking about you,”
Y/N thought she saw a smile on Nami but it was gone as soon as it came.
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When morning rolled around, Y/N, with her one bag packed and guitar in hand made her last errands, which included saying her goodbyes to Riki and the employees of Food Foo, it was a teary one but it was better than leaving without saying goodbye. She then needed to get some poison…
There is where everything went to shit.
She needed poison and to get it she had to buy it from Cygnus, unfortunately. Cygnus owns a fish shop in the market street but it was a cover for other more illicit sells.
When she got there Y/N was met with her ex-fling and his new and very hostile victim. Y/N knew who she was, the girl was the daughter of an influential lieutenant of the base, and she like Helmeppos made sure to use it as a threat.
The girl was known for getting people she didn't like in jail for the stupidest things and out of fear most people rather stay out of her way or let her walk all over them.
Y/N, in all honestly, didn't care about her but it seems she should have at least been a bit careful because it wasn't even 10 minutes into the awkward and tense negotiation when she was being dragged to the marine base because the girl started screaming that Y/N was trying to rob them. And for what? Because she told the girl to mind her business after being spoken over once again.
Foolish on her part, because now, she's in Captain Morgan's/Axe hand Morgan’s office when she ought to be waiting for Nami in the docks.
"Trying to rob someone, I heard?" Said Morgan, a large man with a steel jaw. "Didn't think a pretty girl like yourself would commit that petty crime."
Y/N purses her lips, "Because I didn't. Either way, I didn't think the Captain of this entire Marine base would oversee the case of a petty crime, which once again, I didn't commit."
"Only on special circumstances. Take a seat,Y/N," Axe's hand told her, and he motioned with his head to the chair in front of his desk.
Y/N didn't move her gaze from the man with the steel jaw, "I'm okay standing,"
Morgan laughs, "How stubborn of you but I respect it."
His eyes shone with something Y/N had seen many times before and didn't like at all. Desire. Shit, she should’ve known when she was allowed to keep her belongings.
“So, care to tell me why were you attempting to rob the fish shop?” The man asks.
Y/N jaw clutch as she held back an eye roll, “I wasn’t.”
“Then why Kaori accused you of it?” Morgan inquires, his eyebrows shooting up in expectation though, to Y/N it felt as if he was mocking.
“Because she’s insane and a spoiled brat,” snaps Y/N, narrowing her eyes at the older man.
“We’ll, she does has the tendency to exaggerate,” Morgan said as he slowly got up from his seat and made his way around it, “Buy still, it’s her word against yours, a girl that’s been in Shells town for around what? Six months? You see how I can’t simply ignore the statements of my lieutenant’s daughter. However…”
Y/N’s gaze didn’t falter as the man stood in front of her or flinched when his axe hand moved a piece of hair away from her face. It was all very familiar, unfortunately.
“It would be a shame to string you up in the yard… good thing for you I’m willing to come to an agreement that can benefit us… that is if you manage to convince me, pretty girl,”
Y/N glared up at him, her eyes hardening as she prepared to send him away but thankfully for her, before she could, there was a knock on the door.
“I’m busy.” Scowls Axe hand Morgan.
The door opened and a meek Marine girl peeked through. “I-I’m sorry, Captain Morgan but this situation needs your immediate attention.”
Morgan sighs tiredly, he nods at the girl waving his normal hand dismissively. “I’ll be there,”
The Marine girl nods and closes the door, leaving Axe hand to look down at Y/N, “I’ll be back in a minute so we continue where we left off, sweetheart, don’t worry.”
Y/N didn’t respond she simply watched him leave and of course, he locked it behind him.
“Shit,”Y/N sighs, still stiff feeling her heart pound in her chest.
She takes a deep breath, not knowing how much time she has until Morgan comes back, she quickly looks around the very… ugly, self-centred office. No wonder why Helmeppos is the way he is.
Y/Ntried opening the windows with all her might but the damned thing didn’t bulge. She tried the door, despite knowing it was futile. She tried and tried but there was no way out.
When she heard the sound of the keys unlocking the door, Y/N tensed as she reached for her War fans that were hidden into her waistband and waited. It wasn’t until she saw the familiar Orange hair and straw did she let herself calm.
The girl's eyes widen as she enters the office, “Y/N?”
“Y/N?” Calls Luffy a smile gracing his face as he follows Nami inside the office. “Oh, hey! What are you doing here?”
“Yeah, what are you doing here?” Nami asks, locking the door behind her. “You know him?”
Y/N looks between them, and sighs. “Long story. What are you doing here. Is it part of your plan?”
“We’re here for the map,” Luffy exclaimed excitedly as he looks around the office mumbling “woah, this guy really likes himself.”
“No, I’m going to find the map.” Nami said as she moves near Y/N, where Captain Morgan desk is. “Let’s pretend he’s not here.”
“But I am here.” Luffy says.
“Wait, what map?” Y/N asks looking at Luffy and at Nami who was scooping through Morgan’s things.
“The map to the grand line,” Luffy said, a grin on his face.
Y/N blinks, ignoring the bickering of the two as the information processing. The grand line? They’re going to steal the map to the grand line… her hearts starts to pound again but for a different reason.
"Every idiot dreams of finding the One Piece." Nami's voice snapped her out to another piece of important information.
Looking at Luffy, Y/N asks, "You're planning to travel to the Grand Line?"
"Yeah!" Exclaims Luffy with his usual grin, "To find the one piece,"
"People like you believe in something and you don’t even know what it is." Nami huffs as she continues to scoop through Morgans's belongings.
"Well, yeah. Don’t you?" Luffy fiddles with the telescope, pointing at Nami, "So why did you decide to become a thief?
Nami spares him a glance, "I didn’t decide. I needed to eat. You do what you have to, to survive."
"Ain't that the truth," Y/N mumbles as she as well gazes over Axe-hand Morgan things.
"You’re right. Nothing more important than food." Luffy moves around, touching just about everything in his way before he turns to Y/N. "And why did you decide to become a singer?"
"I've always enjoyed singing," Y/N shrugs as she decides to help Nami and opens a drawer. "There was a time when I couldn't, so, I made it my mission to sing all I wish anywhere the sea takes me,"
"Is that your dream? To sing around the world?" Asks Luffy.
Y/N shrugs, opening another drawer, "For the most part, I suppose,"
"Can you all just shut up and find the map?" Nami scowls looking through the pages of a book.
"Where you reckon he has it-"
Y/N was cut off by the desk suddenly sliding out of place, displaying a large hidden safe. They all looked at each other before Nami dropped beside it and placed her head near the lock.
Suddenly, an alarm started to blast, echoing all around the base.
"Shit," Breaths out Y/N, she moves to the window again, trying to pull it open.
"Uh… Do you think they know we’re here?" Luffy asks as he lowers himself next to Nami.
"No, I think they’re after the other thief and idiot pirate trying to steal a map." Nami scowls sarcastically.
Luffy grins, "What are the odds of that?"
Both Y/N and Nami, stop their doing to stare at the boy in a straw hat.
Luffy looks between the girls before uttering with an innocent chuckle "Kidding."
"Nami, not to stress you or anything but can you work a little faster?"
As soon as those words left her there was a banging on the door making the three of them jump.
"Open up!" Morgan's voice rang through the door along with the bangs "By the authority of the 153rd Marines!"
"You need to hurry," Luffy stresses.
Nami grunts, her ear still near the lock, "I can’t rush this!"
Morgan was now using his axe hand to get inside the office.
Y/N moved next to Nami, "There's no time for that,"
"I have an idea," Luffy tells the girl forcing Nami to move as the straw-hat boy grabs into the safe and starts to pull.
"Are- are you trying to pull the safe out?" Y/N asks in disbelief, trying her best to ignore the growing hole Axe-hand Morgan was creating on the door.
"Yeah," Luffy grunts as he continues to pull and pull and much to her surprise his arms were starting to... stretch?
Y/N tilts her head in confusion and amazement. She and Nami shared a look when the safe actually seemed to bulge.
The door bangs again and Y/N doesn't waste a second, she grabs Luffy's waist, Nami following her after her. Before Y/N is aware of what is happening, she feels her stomach rise to her throat. They were falling out the freaking window.
"Fucking..." Y/N grunted when they reached the ground, she felt her side hurting from where she had landed but there was no time for that. She quickly dropped the annoying bags off her shoulders and stood up, shaking off the pain.
"How did you do that?" Asks Nami as she rips the Marine's shirt off.
However, before Luffy could answer, they were surrounded by Marines. Y/N quickly pulled out her two war fans and took a defensive stand next to Nami who was holding onto her staff.
She used her quick reflexes and agile movements to evade their attacks while landing swift blows with her fans. With a quick flick of her wrist, she knocks one Marine to the ground and uses the momentum to twist her body, dodging another. Her movements are as graceful as they are deadly, and she slips through the chaos of battle with remarkable ease.
Meanwhile, Luffy and Nami are in their own battles, each utilizing their unique skills to take down the Marines. Luffy, with his fists and legs, dodges and attacks at will, while Nami wields her staff with expert precision, taking in multiple Marines at once.
However, more and more Marines kept coming. It was starting to get overwhelming. Y/N suddenly felt a sharp pain in her back making her stumble, she turned to fight off the Marine but to her surprise, someone else had joined the fight and sliced the Marine off of her.
With a final fierce strike of her fans, Y/N takes down the remaining Marines and is quick to meet with Nami, Luffy and-- "Hey, aren't you the guy from the bar?"
"The drunk?" Nami added to the question.
"Glad I made an impression." The guy said, sparing the girls a glance.
They turned their attention to the man who had just entered the yard. Axe-hand Morgan.
"The imposter, the pirate hunter, the thief and the prisoner." Called the Captain as he approached them, looking between each of them. "Fancy that. The four of you working together."
"Yeah. We’re a crew!" Luffy declared to which the three others were quick to deny.
"Nope, not a crew."
"Not together."
"No enemy has ever escaped my wrath. I alone defeated the Black Cat Pirates." As he brags, Morgan begins to take off his Marine vest, displaying his scars from past battles, "I alone captured Kuro of the Thousand Plans. And I alone keep Shells Town safe from the scum of the East Blue."
He takes a fighting stan and so do the four others.
Y/N held into her sharp war fans, hoping some of the paralyzing poison she had covered the blades with hadn't all worn off.
Morgan's first strick was met with the guy with green hair swords but was thrown off, then Luffy tried to strike him but was unsuccessful. Y/N was going to slice his face off but a grunt from Nami stopped her, noting she was fighting the upcoming Marines off herself Y/N decided to help because even if all her impulses were yelling at her to cut Morgan's dick off she wasn't about to leave Nami to fend for herself.
Nami uses her staff to block the Marines' attacks, while Y/N uses her fans to deflect and dodge their strikes. The two work in unison, their teamwork making them a formidable force to be reckoned with.
Nami strikes out with her staff, taking down one Marine after another. Her strikes are powerful and precise. Y/N uses her fans to take down the others, she strikes with precision, her movements fluid and graceful and when all of the Marines are down, Y/N turns to Nami, both girls sharing a look of respect for one another.
"Gum Gum Whip!" Luffy's voice rang through the yards forcing them all to turn to watch as his leg stretched inhumanly before kicking Axe-hand Morgan, knocking him off.
"Whoo!" Luffy celebrates his victory.
Y/N shares yet another look with Nami as both girls put their weapons away.
"Gum Gum Whip?" Asks the green-haired boy.
Luffy nods excitedly as he approaches the other guy, "Yeah! All the great fighters call out their finishing moves."
"No, they don’t."
"Some do," Y/N breathes out, turning to him, "What's your name, Hot Shot?"
"I'm Roronoa Zoro, pirate hunter," The guy, Zoro, said as he put his three swords away.
"And the future greatest swordsman in the world," Luffy added with conviction.
"Well, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet ya,"
Nami interrupted, looking over at the safe, "Hate to break up this beautiful moment, but we need to get this safe out of here."
"Some rope might be useful." Y/N hums, looking about while taking back her disregarded things.
But then, as if it were nothing, Zoro grabbed the safe and hauled it up into his shoulders.
"Or we can do that." Y/N mumbles, gazing at Zoro, impressed. It was kind of hot.
Soon, the four of them were jumping into Nami's small boat. She gave Y/N instructions to pull up the anchor as she unfolded the sails
"Careful with that!" Nami scowls Zoro when the guy all but throws the safe down.
"Whatever you say." Zoro tells her as he continues to roughly move the safe into the small boat, "Oh, wait. I don’t work for you."
Nami glares at Zoro prompting Luffy to speak. "I’m sensing a little bit of tension amongst the crew."
"Not a crew!" They all rebottle.
Ignoring them, Luffy stands on the dock looking around, "I can’t leave without my friend."
"Koby?" Y/N asks as she finishes pulling the anchor up.
Luffy nods, "He should be around somewhere,"
"Can’t wait,” Zoro tells him, "The Marines will be here."
"The Marines are here already." The annoyingly familiar voice of Helmeppos made the four of them turn to him, he was holding two guns up, "You’re under arrest."
"What happened to you?" Y/N, unfazed by the guns, laughs.
Luffy nods, laughing with her. "Yeah, what’s wrong with his hair?"
"Yeah, I might’ve done that," Zoro informs them, proudly.
"Nice work, Hot Shot" Y/N chuckles approvingly.
Helmeppos fires a shot near Zoro forcing a shriek out of Y/N, however it seems that she was the only one to have a reaction to a gun being fired because not even that fazed the pirate hunter, Nami or Luffy.
"I won’t let you make a joke of me. I’m taking you in and handing you over to my father." Helmeppos said, an air of superiority oozing out of him. "I’ll be the hero. I might even get a medal or something--"
Helmeppo's rant was cut short by Koby, who had satisfyingly punched the blonde down.
"Koby?" Luffy exclaims, impressed by his friend's actions.
"God, that hurt!" Koby looks down at his fist but then he smiles, "It also felt really good too."
Luffy swiftly urges Koby near the boat, "No time to explain, but we gotta go. This whole island is trying to kill us."
"I’m not coming with you," Koby said causing Luffy to halt his steps.
"You sure?" Luffy asks.
"Before we met, every choice was made for me. But now I’m gonna do what I want to do." Koby said with determination making all the others stare at him, "I’m gonna be a Marine. I want to help people that can’t help themselves."
Y/N smiles at him. She can tell he has a kind heart which is more than what half the Marines will ever have. She can only hope that he protects it.
"Next time we meet, we might be enemies," Koby tells Luffy but the straw hat boy didn't seem bothered by that.
"But for now… we’re friends."
Luffy nudges Koby in a friendly manner before getting into the boat where Y/N, Nami and Zoro are working to unravel the remaining sail to begin their travel.
And the boat finally starts to sail, leaving the decks and island behind. Y/N looks back at Shells Town, what was her home for six months, half a year, is now a memory. Usually, leaving a town leaves her with a bittersweet feeling until she gets to the next one to do it all over again but now, knowing that the Map of the Grand Line is within reach, she has a new plan in mind.
Find her sister.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Lots of love, be safe.
Divider by @cafekitsune 3
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romerona · 5 months
Dragon Breath.
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Harry James Potter x OC
𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢, 𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚛!
𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗?"
Marauders Alive. Wolfstar. LGBTQ content. Year 3 -- After Hogwarts.
On Wattpad as TessaRyoung.
   "How is my second favourite Potter doing?"  Fred Weasley called, sliding next to Harry on the sofa in the Gryffindor common room with a familiar look on his face that told Harry too much and too little.
George took the seat on Harry's other side, sporting the same grin and twinkling eyes as his twin. "Not knocking out anyone today, have you?"
"The day's still young, there's still plenty of time," Fred added to his brother's question.
Harry turns his gaze away from the game of exploding Snap game he was playing with Ron, his emerald eyes softly narrowing with suspicion and hesitant mistrust. He has seen that look enough times to know it's usually followed by trouble.
"Sod off, the both of you," Ron scowls at his brothers who didn't pay him any mind, instead they both were grinning at Harry.
"What do you want?" Harry deadpanned. If his suspicions are right then they were probably after his father's map.
George turns towards his twin, inquiring. "Do we want anything, Fred?"
"Other than give our second favourite Potter a heads up? Nothing George," Fred answered his brother, turning his gaze towards Harry whose frowns deepened.
"What are you on about?" Ron asks, looking between his brothers, mirroring Harry's suspicious frown.
The twins shared yet another waggish look much to Harry's and Ron's concern. 
With a hint of exasperation, Harry looks between the red-headed twins and asks. "What is it?"
"Did you know your lovely lady has a fan club?"  
"And it not just you?"
Harry blinks, confused. "What?"
"Emerson," Fred clarifies as if Harry didn't know already who they were speaking of. "She has suitors lining up to her."
Well, that was to expect, isn't it? Harry thought. Love Emerson is walking art, only to be gazed upon, to be admired and loved.
Before he could say anything, George continued adding to his brother's statement. "And we happen to know she has been asked out to Hogsmeade and she said yes."
Harry blinks again. The information processed through his mind, slowly but surely. 'Someone is taking her on a date to Hogsmeade? And it's not me?' He felt his stomach twisting and turning restlessly. He feels off. His chest is painfully tight. Harry has half the mind to get up and demand Madam Pomfrey figure out what is wrong with him because he feels like he's about to have a right fit. This new bomb of information the twins dropped was settling an awful sickening feeling on his bowls that was transitioning to his chest and then his throat, something was climbing out.
At the tight lip, crimson cheeks, and stoic face of his friend, Ron hesitantly asks. "How do you know this?"
George shrugged, turning to his youngest brother. "We heard Ernie Mcmillan boast about it with his friends earlier today."
"Mcmillan?" Harry scoffs, finding his voice whilst jolting from his seat as if the red soft fabric of the sofa was burning his buttocks. "She's going on a date with sodding Ernie Mcmillan?" 
"Apparently so, we heard him say that she was delighted to accept, that she practically jump at the chance to go on a date with him," Fred told him twisting imaginary long hair with a dreamy look on his face, a bit theatrical in Harry's opinion. Truly, he's just repulsed at the thought of her getting swooned by Mcmillan.
Harry snits, his eyebrows scrunching together vexingly. He doubts that's the case because, for one, he has never seen Love and Mcmillan together or interact in any form, not ever. Second, the idea of Love jumping at the opportunity to date Mcmillan is laughable, Mcmillan, the same Hufflepuff boy who was spreading rumours about Harry last year, boasting as if he was such a catch, please,  Love is way out of the Hufflepuff's league, she was way out of everyone league, even his. The idea of Love ever wanting to go on a date with people such as Ernie Mcmillan was simply rubbish.
"How do we know that's true?" Ron asks, voicing a quarter of Harry's thoughts for his head is somewhere else.
Fred shrugged, relaxing down on the sofa, letting his feet take the place Harry was sitting moments ago, "He sounded too excited for it not to be real, he said he is planning on taking her to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop."
"A tea shop?" Scoffs Ron as if it was a comical idea to visit a tea shop in Hogsmeade.
"Not just any tea shop, ickle Ronnikins," George sat down next to his twin, he had a small grin. His eyes slither from his younger brother to Harry, "Puddifoot's Tea Shop is a place where couples usually go to where they serve you tea with cute little cakes to share with your partner. Quite a romantic atmosphere for a first day, that is." 
"I need to go," Harry mumbled to Ron after feeling his insides twisting once again. Once there he opened his trunk and pulled out the famous Marauders Map, hardly listening to Seamus and Dean's greetings, the two other boys he share a dormitory with. He grabbed the map and sat on his bed, closing the blinds for privacy.
"I solemnly swear I am up to no good," Harry whispers, tapping his wand on the parchment.
Soon, the blank pages began to reveal themselves as what they really were. Harry swiftly opened it and began his search for the one girl he typically looks for when using the Map,-- not that he did it often, not at all if anything he hardly uses the map that's why he let Fred and George borrow it but... and sure when he does use it he may try to spot her on it but just out of curiosity, this time, however, he needed to find her because he needed to speak to her about Ernie, give his knowingly unasked opinion about him and how she is way too good for the likes of him– it took Harry a few seconds but he found her, she was in her common room, the feet next to hers where Padma Patil and Emmanuel Salazar.
Harry went to move out of his bed but stopped dead in his tracks, reality snapping into place, and all the memories coming back like a slap to the face. How is he supposed to do that? How is he supposed to go to the Ravenclaw tower, call her and say all those things when he hasn't even apologised for knocking her out? What would she think of him if he did? What does she think about him now?
Harry sighed, slumping on back his bed, the feeling in his chest was still very much present. He looks back at the map, watching her feet move from the common room to the dormitories, thinking back to the way she smiled at him moments before the catastrophe... Merlin knew those were about one of the best moments in his young life but regardless of what he felt, of what he knows about Love, he is not entitled to dictate who she can go out with, no matter how much it bothers him not to mention that If he did think to do something like that, his mother, who since little had thought him to respect women, would be beyond disappointed with him, his life is too difficult right now to add maternal disappointment to the list.
Harry placed his arm over his eyes when his mind forced him to relieve that mortifying moment yet again and grumbled to himself in defeat and resignation when suddenly, he heard Dean exclaim in disdain.
"Bloody hell, Seamus, when was the last time you brush your teeth, mate?"
His voice sounded nasal, not his usual tone but rather as if he was plugging his nose.
"Oh, me Mam send me some dragon tartare, her speciality, quite good but leaves you reeking for hours, they do," Seamus told Dean, and after a moment he asked. "Want one?"
"Not particularly feeling like eating one, no," 
"If you change your mind, I'll leave them on my trunk"
"Won't they go bad?"
"Only after two months or so, dragon meat doesn't rot quickly,"
His mother may have thought him not to disrespect women but his father also thought him a few things too one of which was always to speak your mind, perhaps he doesn't need to say anything to Love to get her to understand Ernie Mcmillan isn't right for her in any type of way, he could simply show her...
"Hey, Seamus," Harry opened his curtains making the two boys snap their heads his way, "You reckon I can have one?"
"I still can't believe you chose sodding Mcmillan over us," Emmanuel huffs lowly under his breath, but due to Love's closeness she still heard him clear as a summer day, and even if she hadn't, Love already has an idea what he could have been mumbling about. 
"Well, believe it, she ditches us for a man," Padma made a noise from the back of her throat, making a few fellows Ravenclaws send her a weird look, "A man, of all things,"
Let's just say her friends didn't enjoy her sudden change of plans and they made it known, even now, as they walk to the entrance to meet the rest of the third years to go to Hogsmeade.
Love purses her lips, sending her a pleading look, she didn't enjoy making her friends feel pushed aside like that, "Don't be like that, I promise we can go back to Hogsmeade tomorrow and hang out."
"You see Love, I don't know if I should believe you, because you also promise to go with us today but here we are..." Padma sends her a soft glare, crossing her arms a bit too dramatically.
"Padma–" Love groans but was cut off by Emma.
"Not to mention we had plans, to meet places and shops and sodding hunted shacks but if we go tomorrow it won't be the same," The boy huffs, his eyes refusing on meeting Love's, he kept his glare straight ahead.
"I said it once and I'll say it again. The disrespect is outstanding." Padma pronounces every single syllable of that word.
"I'm sorry, okay," Love huffs exasperatedly, halting on her steps. She looked between Padma and Emma with a frown as they force to stop as well, Emanuel's glare was still not meeting her eyes whilst Padma had a very narrow eye look directed towards her. "I am sorry, it was not on my plans to get asked out but it happened and I– I can't change that now, not when we are literally about to arrive at the entrance,"
She sighs, Love felt guilty, she hated breaking promises like that and letting her friends down but what's done it's done and the guilt mixed with the ever-growing anxiety she was feeling at the moment was making her feel physically sick but, despite it all, despite how she at first dreaded the thought... "This is my first date, and I wish to enjoy it," she looked between them again, "And I also wish my friends felt a little excited for me, even if it is not the most ideal time,"
There was a moment of silence, and people continue to walk around them, some throwing odd looks, others not even glancing at them, Love would have felt a bit embarrassed had she cared for their opinion more than solving her current problem with her friends but she didn't. She waited as the seconds of dire silence draw out until Padma sighed and step towards Love, she sends her a small guilty smile vanishing a bit of the tension that was drowning Love.
"I do feel a little hurt but I was just being a bit dramatic, I'm sorry," 
Love smiled back at her as Padma threw an arm around her shoulders giving her a comforting squeeze and before she could say anything back to her best friend, Emmanuel grabbed her attention.
"You are right," He pursed his lips, and crossed his arms over his chest, looking down at his dirty black Converse. "It is definitely not an ideal time to go on a date."
"Emma," Padma hissed, slapping his arm.
He rolled his eyes and then his brown eyes finally gaze up to meet hers, "But I guess, once your date is over, we can go back tomorrow, after all, it's not the place but the company that makes things better, right?"
Love's smile widen as she jumped forward and enveloped him in a tight hug. "I knew you could forgive me," She smack a kiss on his cheek.
Emmanuel groaned but Love could hear a few low chuckles as he weakly tried to get her off of him. "Barely, so don't let it happen again, now get off me, you sod."
When she finally did, Padma intertwined her arms with Emma and then Love, before continuing their walk to the entrance.
"And I can't wait for the insight after the date, because you have to tell us everything and I mean every single detail, Love," Padma said, squeezing her arm a bit.
Emmanuel made a disgusted face, "I mean you can omit a few details if you know what I mean,"
"Absolutely not, those are the most important ones,"
"No, they are not,"
Padma sighs tiredly, shaking her head. "Emma, just because you have no understanding of romance doesn't mean I ought to be deprived of them,"
"You are not the one going on a date, Padma," Emma's unamused stare turns into faux confusion when he turns to his friend, "You know that right?"
"Even better, mama loves some hot gossip," she wiggles her shoulders.
Love chuckled, she felt a gorilla-like weight being lifted from her shoulders as her friends continue to banter, but no matter how relief she is that everything is back to normal with her friends, a new heavy weight settled in like it was just waiting for the moment to pound on her. The guilt was gone but the anxiety not only took its place, it doubled down. And love could recognise it, it was the anxiety she had been ignoring for the past few days. It came back to be acknowledged and she has no choice but to listen.
Oh, god!! This was her first date. Love feels her stomach twist in itself.
She heard it before she saw it, the entrance hall was erupting with students from every house, most of them being third years, they were chatting among themselves, they were loud and raucous. The excitement of the students could be palpable as she, Emmanuel and Padma walk down the marble stairs, ignoring Filch, the caretaker, who was standing inside the front doors, peered with obnoxious suspicion into their faces before checking off their names against a long list. How did he know who they were was a mystery to her but he did.
Love gulped as she stared at the many faces, she bit her lower lip, unconsciously tightening her hold on Padma's arm.
"Hey, Love,"
She turns to her friend. Padma was grinning down at her, she let go of Emma and turn to face Love fully, she grabbed her shoulders and shook her a little, her bangles clanging, "Shake off that nervousness, you're just wasting mental energy because there's nothing to be nervous about, okay?"
Love lets out a breath, her eyes meeting Padma's calm brown making her relax even just a little but certainly not enough to actually make her chest feel less tight.
"You are freaking Love Aurelia Emerson, get that through your thick skull, there's nothing to worry about,"
"I know..."
"No, you don't,"
"Yes, I do,"
Padma pointed one finger at her head, right in front of her eyes. "You have that look on your face, doesn't she Emma?"
"She does," Emma answered, who had been watching with knowing eyes, before turning to face her, "You do,"
"What look?" Love grabs Padma's finger moving it away as she looks between them.
"That face that you make before starting to catastrophize,"
Love scoffs, forcing a frown on her brows, "I do not catastrophize,"
"You do," Padma and Emmanuel answer in unison.
It seems that the only time they get along is either with Quidditch or when mugging her off. Love shakes her head."Unbelievable,"
"Love," A familiar yet unfamiliar voice called. "There you are,"
All that anxiety she had forgotten when talking to her friends return like a wave to the shore. Love turn from Padma and Emmanuel to face Ernie, he looked nice, his blonde hair combed back, Love thought he was rather cute in his brown trousers and canary yellow vest over his white shirt, he has a nice smile but it was a bit too tense, Love notice, and immediately, she couldn't help but to think back at all her choices before that moment.
"Ernie, hi," Love tried her best for her smile to come out as naturally as possible. "You look very nice,"
Ernie looked down at his clothes. "Ah, thank you, I wasn't sure about the shoes but they are rather comfortable, and I heard we are going to have to do a wee bit of walking,"
"They are nice," Love glances down at the brown shoes. She didn't voice it but his shoes reminded her of the shoes her abuelito wear to church every Sunday.
There was a moment of awkward silence. Love wasn't one of those people to expect compliments from people but she had to say she was very disappointed when instead of nice words about her outfit that she had spent hours working on, cursing Hogwarts for not having phones and keeping her from calling her sister for help, making a mess out of her room, came;
"Ah, and I believe you know Justin Finch-Fletchley," He looked to his side where the other Hufflepuff boy was uncomfortably standing, Love hadn't noticed him until now.
"Not personally but I heard of him," Love smile at the boy who smile back, and he pushed his hand out for her to shake.
Justin nodded in acknowledgement. "As I have heard of you,"
"Good things, I hope." Love chuckles playfully, using that same line she had heard people use in films.
"Well, my father works for your mum's company," Justin told her, making Love look at him in surprise. "He has worked there for years, almost twenty years, I believe,"
"Oh, he must be a great employee if he's been there that long," Love said with a pleasant smile, not knowing what else to say to Justin's sudden information. She glance at Ernie and he had a confused frown on his face, and instead of explaining she turn to her friends who had been watching it all in silence. She caught both of their eyes, there was a look they all shared. 'This is awkward' "And these are my friends,"
"Padma Patil," Padma stick her hand out with a flirty grin. Both boys shook it, Justin turning a bit pink when she winks at him when he let go of her hand before pushing Emma a bit forward, "And this is Emmanuel Salazar,"
Emma gave them a tight smile before returning his face to neutral.
"Salazar you say?" Ernie shared a look with Justin, though, Love couldn't unravel the meaning behind it.
"You couldn't possibly–"
Emmanuel huffs hotly, "No, no relations."
"Right, it's just that–"
"Alright, everyone, be silence," McGonagall's voice echoes through the hall, making everyone cease their chattering. "Now remember, these visits to Hogsmeade village are a privilege, should your behaviour reflects poorly on the school in any way that privilege shall not be extended again."
The old professor glances down at them from the top of the marble stairs, her intense gaze seemed to be scrutinising every single one of them as if to spot the ones who were most definitely going to cause trouble.
"Oh, come on, come on, let's go already," Padma impatiently groaned only for the one near her to listen.
"The carriages will be available all day until five, if you arrive after that you shall get detention. Shall you need any assistance, look for your house prefects or head boy and head girl, they are instructed to assist you with whatever you need throughout the day. Now without further delaying, let us enjoy the day,"
There was a buzz emanating from everyone as the words left McGonagall's mouth and they all made their way to the awaiting carriages, the same old carriages they use when travelling to the station to the school.
"Eager for another running with a dementor, Potter?" Draco's mocking voice made her unwillingly snap her head to the side. There he was, cackling with Crabbe and Goyle as the two massive boys pretended to pass out for Draco's amusement, the only other third-year Slytherin laughing was Pansy Parkinson, the others were more preoccupied with finding a carriage.
Love couldn't help but purse her lips to keep her displeasure for him buried deep in her mind.
The thing about Draco Malfoy was that he's just like a snake, meaning that when feeling threatened he's bound to attack. He attacks and then he thinks of the consequences once the venom has spread upon its victim. Draco has lived a life where most people in it had to agree with him, but also be agreeable to be accepted in his society. To be admired by those around him and never look down upon like those other 'traitors' as he was thought to call them. He was surrounded by people who positively live by that day by day like his father, Lucius, he was the man Draco aspires to be. Why would he possibly be different when people like his father and those he surrounded himself with have all that power and money he was thought to be so important? There was a time he thought most people if given a choice would choose a life like his, however, Draco came to the shock that the life that he lived was not suited for Hogwarts, where he encountered people who think differently than he does, people that look down upon his views and him. When he got to Hogwarts he got a glimpse at a world where money and power could only take him so far and he struggles to understand that.
So, of course, Draco can't seem to comprehend why Love isn't on his side, and while all she did was try to make him see reason, all Draco saw was her pillorying him and that was simply unacceptable to him so he attacked but, regardless of how hurtful he was, here she is, stubbornly waiting for him to come up to her and make up a half-apology because each time something like this happens, which was more often than she would willingly admit, all she sees is a reaction of years of habit and she couldn't blame him for the way he was raised. La cabra siempre tira al monte. Old habits die hard. Draco is her friend, despite it all and she firmly believes he has the capacity for growth so she won't give up on that hope yet, not for a small mistake like this.
"Shall we all take one together?" Asked Justin, as they arrived at the carriages.
Padam chuckles, sending him a look over her shoulder, "Want to spend more time with me, eh?"
Justin's cheeks once again turn crimson, "I- well,- It's - "
"If we are sharing I suggest we take that carriage before anyone else does," Emmanuel said pointing at the last carriage which thankfully and conveniently was near to them.
"Shifted, people," Padma grabbed Love's and Emma's hands and sped walk to the carriage, forcing the two Hufflepuff to scramble after them and into the smelly wagon.
"I'm proper excited to see Hogsmeade, aren't you?" Padma asks, looking between the boys.
"How couldn't we?" Justin responded amicably, his smile widening as the carriage began to move. "We have heard so much about Hogsmeade from older students, I can hardly wait." 
"What are you most excited to visit?" Padma asks.
"Well, I haven't thought about it, I suppose Honeydukes would be a great choice to start with, would it?" 
Ernie had a grin on his face, his gaze slithering to Love, he lean forward and whisper. "I'm the most excited to spend it with you,"
Love can't stop the chuckles that left her, feeling her face heat up. His flattery however was not working on easing up her nerves.
"Oh yes, I have a mental list of what I want to get starting with chocolate frogs, obviously..." Padma's voice trails off as a wave of coldness washes over all of them. Love saw a shadow figure pass right by them through the small window as the carriage cross the gates of the school the closes place to the school where the Dementors were allowed to be.
Love unintentionally shudders at their presence. The dread took hold of her for a short moment before it went away.
"For Helga's grace!! How awful those things are," Ernie breathes out, trying to shake off the aftereffects of the creatures.
"Truly, I still can't believe they let them near Hogwarts." Padma huffs, shaking her head. "Anyways, where was I- uh..."
"Chocolate frogs." Emmanuel mumbles, crossing his arms and looking out the window.
"Right, I want chocolate frogs, nougats, sugar quills...."
The last of the ride went by quickly, Padma doing most of the talking, she was telling them a very detailed list of what she wanted to get from the sweet shop, Emma continue to stare at the window quietly, Love adding to Padma's rant a few times, and the two Hufflepuff boys speaking every once in a while.
When the carriage stops they all but jump out of it. Ernie, like a gentleman, tried to give Love his hand to help her out but before she could, Emmanuel pushed her out mumbling about the carriage odour but Love knew better, he was just really excited to be in Hogsmeade and did not has the patience for Ernie's attempts of wooing and if Love was being honest, she didn't either, at least not at the moment.
"This is so cool," Padma said as she took in the wizarding village like the rest of them and Love couldn't agree more, everywhere she looked from the cottages to the colourful shops to the mass of students walking about excitedly was nothing short but wonderful. This is exactly how she imagine how an all-wizard was supposed to look, straight out of a tale.
But that view was changed when a hand was lifted in front of her, "Shall we?"
Love glanced at the hand and smile up at Ernie, once again being filled with nerves, she place her hand on his, hoping it wasn't clammy and nodded. "We shall," She turns to Emma and Padma both already looking at her, not even being a little discreet. Love sent them a more genuine smile, "I'll see you two later,"
Emma nodded, sending her a small reassuring smile. "Be careful."
"Of course, you go enjoy yourself," Padma chuckles, winking at her before turning to Ernie less friendly, she pointed a finger at him, "You better make sure she has a great day, Ernie, or else I'll hit you with a brick, a heavy one too."
"Right," Ernie chuckles awkwardly, he glances at Justin who nodded as if saying 'see you later,'  he clears his throat before looking down at Love, "Let's go,"
And with that they were off into the village, walking through the cobble busy street, hand in hand.
"So, where do you want to go first?" Love asks, her eyes trailing over the several shops, glazing at the things in the windows for only a brief moment for Ernie kept a steady pace, never stopping. He seemed to be looking for something. "Oh, is that Zonkos? Why don't we–"
"I actually planned for us to do a few things, I hope you don't mind," He told her, glancing at her with a small apologetic smile. 
"Oh, n-no, not at all, it's fine," Love smile back at him. She was rather surprised he had plans for them, she thought they would just hang out and explore, go into a few shops, and perhaps have lunch... she felt just a little disappointed and wished he had talked to her about it first but it's okay, it was a thoughtful action from his part, Ernie took time to plan the date and Love didn't want to ruin it.
Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop was lovely. It was a small yet cosy tea shop, the decoration was rather amusing in Love's opinion, the tinkle of the bell when they walked in, the bows that went from side to side along the shop, the pink colour of the walls... 
"Lovely place, isn't it?" Ernie spoke taking her attention from the china sugar bowls.
"Yeah, kind of cute, the pink certainly sets the mood," Love chuckles, glancing at the kissing couple sitting next to them. It was no secret why Ernie chose Madam Puddifoot's Shop for their first date.
Ernie went pink, he clears his throat, looking down at his lacy napkins. "It is a bit crowdy, thought, but if you like it then I'll endure it,"
Love faked out a chuckle. She felt like Ernie was making it seem like he was here just for her, making her feel a bit guilty but he could have worded it wrong, after all, it was him who planned the date, if he didn't want to be here he wouldn't have come, right?
She clear her throat, deciding to just ignore her thought and indulge in the excitement of the first date. "So, is your owl back yet? Uh- what was her name? I don't think you told me. "
"Her name is Aella, greek for Whirlwind and yes, she's very fast as I've told you, she's one of the best breeds of owls there is," His eyes shinned with pride like they did the last the sake of his owl.
"She seems like a wonderful owl,"
"She is... and what about your– err–."
Love smiles thinking back at her beloved pet, "I have a toad, his name's Hoppy, well, actually is Hopper Hoopalong Lollihops but we all call him Hoppy,"
"Your pet is a toad?" Ernie looked rather surprised.
"Yes. Why?" Love chuckles confused, not understanding why that was so surprising, plenty of students own toads.
"Nothing, it's just that I imagine you with something more..." Ernie waves his hand trying to come up with the word. "Gentler like a cat or perhaps even a rat,"
"Toads can be gentle, Hoppy is ever a gentleman." Love shrugs with a grin.
Ernie scoffs, crossing his arms, "What kind of toad is he?"
"Kind?" Love asks, confused.
"Breed, what is his breed?"
"I... don't know, I just picked the one I liked,"
"Why?" Ernie shook his head, with a frown. "Don't you know when choosing a pet the breed of it it's important?"
Love huffs out a laugh, not taking him seriously. "What?"
"Yes, the breed can tell you a lot about their behaviour and how to take care of them mean, when I chose to get an owl as a pet I would have never chosen one just because they are pretty, I mean yes, I suppose appearance is important but they are not people to care about their beauty and dare I say that—"
Ernie went on a rant about why the breed is important, he wasn't just taking a piss, he went on and on about why choosing the best breed can be beneficial for oneself and what not, if she didn't know better she would have thought Ernie could have been one of those purebloods who glorify their pedigree. The topic of conversation went from owls to the Fwooper, which was okay if he had let her get to give her opinion about the bright magical birds, instead, he went on to explain what they were, probably thinking she didn't know about them. At one point in his rant, Love excuse herself to the toilet. 
The loo was just as she imagine, decorated with bows, two vanity tables with all a girl could need, and pink walls with just two stalls, one of which was occupated. Love didn't need to go to the loo, she just needed a moment to herself. 
The date was going well, Ernie's sweet and sure, maybe it was a little boring but it could be worst. Love looked at herself in the mirror, tilting her head down at her clothes wishing she could have called Kiara, maybe Ernie would have said something about it if she had her sister's help, then her gaze travelled to her hair, did she brush her hair nicely? She did try her best to give it a bit of shape, though with hairpins she somehow manage to style it like those girls from the magazines.
"Shit. Shit. Shit."
Love frowns as she heard the girl from inside the stall, looking at the closed pink wooden door through the mirror.
"Fuck my life."
"Hello?" Love turns to face the door, "Are you all right?"
"Aye, mind your soddin' business, will ya?" The girl curses her off, her tone harsh as they come.
Love backs away from the door, a bit offended. "Right. Sorry, just wanted to help,"
"I ain't ask for it, innit?"
"You're right, my mistake," Love huffs, rolling her eyes, she went back to gaze herself in the mirror. People can be so damn rude for no reason.
Half satisfied with how she looked, Love turn to leave but just as she turned the door opened and the mysterious rude girl came out of it. Her brown eyes were narrow when her eyes settle on Love making her already sour face look grimmer.
"What the fuck are ya looking at?" She all but barked at her.
Love purses her lips, it will probably be unwise to say anything as the girl looked older than she is, maybe a fifth year, her feature are certainly mature, the slope of her nose and high cheekbones... she had a rough edge of her look but she was rather pretty, Love would have complemented her black curly hair as it was put on a nice bum but the girl made it known she didn't appreciate her voice or opinions.
"I was just leaving," Love mumbled, as she finally turn around to leave the girl came out of the stall Love caught the sight of red on the girls white pants making her halt on her steps. It had to be what she thought it was.
"Oh, my days, ya wee shit," The girl turn to set her hard glare on her, and she took a few threatening steps towards her. "If ya continue to look at me, I will hex ya fuckin–"
"You have a stain," Love told the girl, she pointed at her pants.
The girl rolled her eyes so hard Love thought they would get stuck. "I know ya little fuck, now leave me alone, my day is already ruined, I ain't want to get expelled for cursin' a fuckin third year."
Love purses her lips in indignation, and with a huff she turned and left, cursing the girl in her head all she wanted to do was to help her but Love will leave her to do as she wants, she will leave her no matter if she... if she clearly needs her help,  Love only made it two steps out before she stubbornly turn back into the toilets. The girl had a deep frown on her face while she was holding her wand near the red stain looking at it through the mirror and trying to straighten herself when Love barge back in but she caught all of that.
The girl groans loudly, looking at the heavens. "Ya little–"
"Did you try a spell on it?" Love asks, motioning to the stain.
"It's not any of ya fuckin business," The girl snapped, pointing her wand at her.
Love, feeling a little frightened but hiding it well, took off her cardigan and hold it out for the girl to take. "Here. If the spell doesn't work you can use it to cover it."
"I ain't wearin' ya ugly jumper." The girl glare at her and the piece of clothing in her hand, however, there was more than just anger behind that glare, one Love could identify as confusion.
Love sighs, she moves to place the cardigan on top of the vanity table."It's just an option in case your spell isn't working, if you don't want to don't wear it."
"Why do ya care if I leave this bathroom with a stain on my flippin' pants," The girl hadn't dropped her glare but it did soften a tiny bit.
"Because I've been taught to help when needed," Love glanced at her before she once again made her way to the door, "And I am also a girl who looks out for other girls."
With that, she went back to her table, where the tea and food seems to have arrived. Ernie and she ordered something to share, a big plate with small cakes and pastries, she couldn't wait to try them... and it seems Ernie couldn't either for when she sat back down in front of him, he seems to be halfway through the plate.
"What took so long?" Ernie asks, drinking from his teacup after swallowing whatever cake was in his mouth.
Love glanced from the plate to him, the frown easing into a reluctant smile, "Oh, there was a queue for the toilet."
Ernie hums accepting the answer, he motions her cup of tea which she notices was full, "I served your tea, ginger, right?"
"Yes, thank you," Love took a sip of it, relishing how good it tasted, it's been a while since she drank ginger tea. She grabbed a pasty as Ernie went for the meaty small ball, "Are they good?"
Ernie nodded, shoving the small ball in his mouth, "Yes, there was this really good eclair, and the spinach patty, to die for."
"They do sound rather good, I've tried a few eclairs before and I have to say that no matter what they are always good," Love told him, taking a bite out of her cheesy pasty.
Suddenly the boy coughed, he hit his chest before taking a sip of his tea, making Love frown in worry, she leans forward. "Are you all right, Ernie?"
He swallowed the last of his tea and nodded, he smiles as he turns to face her, "I'm all right, Love, but I'm touched by your concern."
When the scent hit her nose, Love recoils to the back of her chair. What was that? Because holy shit.
"What?" Ernie asks, a frown forming on his face as he watches her actions.
Love opened her mouth to answer but words just don't seem to form as another round of stinkiness made its way to her nose. It didn't take a lot to know that it was Ernie's stink. How is she to tell him that his mouth smelled like something died in it and was rotting?
He asks again, leaning forward to whisper. "What is it, Love? Are you okay?"
Oh, God.
"Mhmm, yes all good," Love held her breath, leaning back into her chair as much as she could trying to look as subtle as possible.
"Are you positive?"
Love nodded, taking a large gulp of her tea, before exhaling on the cup and inhaling back again. The air wasn't clean in the cup but at least it didn't smell like... well, like Ernie. How did she not notice he smelled like that before? She had been in close proximity to him, there was no way she wouldn't have noticed it then so what change? When she looked up at Ernie once again, he was happily munchkin on the last of the pasties on the plate. At this point she didn't really care he ate all of them, her appetite was gone anyways.
"So, Justin said his father works for your mum," He swallowed the cake, looking at her he continue, "How's that?"
"Uh... well, my mum, she owns a company back in the muggle world," Love needed to exhale, she was practically choking. She took hold of her almost empty cup, swallowed what was left and exhaled as silently as she could before taking another long inhale.
"She does? Whoa, that's rather impressive, what is it about?"
"Energy," Love was slapped with another whiff of repugnant odour. It seems that even not breathing wasn't enough to escape what death probably smells like. "Jesus Bendito."
"What was that?" Ernie asks, puzzlement written on his face.
"I was just– I want to walk around for a bit, you know, look around the village," Love tells him, hoping that he agrees to leave so she could be in the open air.
Ernie frowns at her before looking around at the couples,  Love did the same however she couldn't really stare too long because most of them were snogging each other off, surprisingly she caught sight of the loo girl, setting in front of a handsome boy and wrapped around her waist was her cardigan and a smile on her face. If someone was going to have a pleasant rest of the day, it clearly wasn't Love. So she's glad she helps someone else to have one.
"Oh, well, if you wish but I thought we...uh could have gotten to know each other a bit better, without distractions and all," Ernie turned pink as he set his gaze on the teacup in his hands, and Love was sure she was matching his colour, maybe she was even sporting a tinge of purple in her cheeks, y'know, for the lack of air.
"Oh, come on Ernie, let's be adventurous," Love tried her best to smile as if she wasn't two seconds away from falling unconscious yet again this year. Now wouldn't that be embarrassing?
Ernie gaze at her for a moment before nodding, and getting up from his chair, "I'll go pay, you can wait outside if you–"
"Yes, I'll wait outside," In all but seconds, Love grabbed her bag and was out the door.
Love wheezes as she exhales, before inhaling again. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. She places her hands on her knees as she continues to take heavy breaths. This is the closes she has come to dying, Jesus knows that not even her brother's farts smell that bad and that is saying a lot.
Straightening up and leaning back into a wall, Love started to think, what happened? It surely had to be something he ate but what? Was it one of the pasties? No, obviously not, if Madam Puddifoot's sell something that made her customers' breath stank of all that's evil on this planet then she would be out of business in a month, hell, Love gives it a week before it shuts down. Because who in their right mind would sell something like that, the only other option was that it had to be a prank, someone was pranking Ernie, the poor boy, but why though? Ernie is well-liked, isn't he? She knows he's a bit popular among his peers, he's never been libellous against those who aren't from his house, at least not that knows of. Ernie's a good student, a good person, so why would anyone do this to him... or maybe it's not Ernie the prank it's directed at, maybe it's at her? Oh, Rowena what if it is her who the culprits wanted to prank? But why? What had she done? No, she hadn't done anything wrong. Maybe it's a prank from Ernie and his friends, like a dare of some sort? They dare him to ask her out and see how much she could handle of this new form of deathly torture. Ernie wouldn't do that, would he? He's nice... but then again what if all she knows about him is a lie. What if it is a dare and as soon as they part ways he'll go straight to his friends and laugh because she literally almost dies to avoid telling him he stinks and then the whole school is going to know and it's gouging to be her. That would be so humiliating. Stinky is going to be her new nickname, everyone will call her that... Love's stomach dropped, Professor Lupin will probably hear about it too, he'll think she stinks. She feels faint. Oh, Love needs to throw up. All those plans she made for becoming Mrs Lupin, all to the garbage, he'll never want to marry someone with the nickname of stinky.She's going to be single for the rest of her life. No one would want her. No one. She's going to be alone for the rest of her life. Not even Padma and Emmanuel. Oh, her best friends, she's going to be dragged down with her. Oh no no no. She couldn't do that to her friends but she knows they'll never leave her alone. She'll have to leave Hogwarts to protect them. They know where she lives so she can't even go to her family because they'll follow her there. She'll get a job somewhere to live away.... But Is she even going to get a job? Love knows how quickly rumours spread in the wizarding world. Who would hire someone whose nickname is Stinky? No one that's who. She'll be poor and with no place to live. She'll end up living in the mountains, alone and— 
Her head snapped to the side where Ernie is looking at her worriedly.
"Are you all right? I called you like five times?"
She felt like she wanted to cry as another death-scented breath of air made its way into her nose. Merlin, she just can't tell him and she can't be the bitch that ends the date right after he paid for tea and cake but she can't spend another minute near him.
Love bottles her small thoughts up and smiles at him, "Yes, I'm good, now let's go,"
"Where do you want to–"
She, grudgingly, grabbed his hand and was practically speed walking, going from one store to another, only staying for a few minutes to see the basics and get the gist of what the store sells before moving to the next. Ernie tried to keep up with her, speaking to her whenever she slowed down, Love gave him a few short answers, always making sure to not sound rude but still being quick with her words before they speed walk to the next store.  
"Why don't we slow down a bit?" Ernie asks as they left Ceridwen's Cauldrons, pulling Love back by her hand forcing him to stop.
Love holds her breath and grins playfully, or at least she hopes that's the vibe she's giving on, "Because, silly Ernie we should walk to... get in shape, y'know, for all those calories from the cakes and pastries we ate."
"Oh, is that a grocery shop for plants? How interesting." She pulled him back into walking, heading to The Magic Neep.
Sooner rather than later, they are done visiting most of the shops in Hogsmeade and inside the carriages. She'll never call them smelly again. Love stares out the window at the village thinking back to the stores she visited, the one they took a bit of time was Honeydukes, where they parted ways for a moment much to Love's relief, to get their sweets, Love bought two chocolate frogs and a single sugar quill, she would have probably gotten more things but Ernie insisted on paying and she didn't felt comfortable spending money that wasn't hers and two she wasn't in the right state of mind at the moment. And they also took time when they visited the post office, where they encountered hundreds of owls Ernie wouldn't stop speaking about Aella, pointing out that the breed of birds they use for the fastest owl which was colour-coded red, was the same breed as her but of course, his was faster. That was the third time in the day were Love was close to passing out. But Merlin did that boy adores his owl.
Thankfully, they had to share the carriage with some older students, two girls, (who didn't care much about them and talked all the way to the castle about one of the girl's boyfriends, he wanted to live with her after graduation but the girl wants to break up with him as soon because she started to fancy his friend who apparently fancies her back but not before her birthday because her boyfriend said he was going to buy her some pearl earrings) Geez, now that is very messed up. The two older girls' chat served as a distraction for both her and Ernie since neither of them talk and only bestow themselves into listening to the gossip. It wasn't until they were at the marble stairs that Love spoke.
"This has been nice," Love send him a smile, one that she wasn't sure was genuine as she knows now is the time she has to once again hold her breath.
Ernie nodded, smiling down at her, "It has, I really enjoy spending Hogsmaedes with you, Love."
"You were pretty great too," Love waves a dismissive hand.
"You really think so?" Ernie took a step closer.
No, please no. Step back.
Love nods, humming with a tight smile on her face. "Mhm, yeah, of course, anyways, Ernie, I really need to go because—"
"What? Now?" Ernie took another step closer and grabbed her hands in his, peering down at her, with big blue eyes. Step back, please. "Why? Let me walk you to your common room."
"Now that wouldn't be wise, would it?" Love took a step back, setting her hands free from the boy's hold. "Why go all the way up to the Ravenclaw tower when your common room is practically just around the corner?"
"Is what a gentleman does,"
"Ah, don't worry Ernie, I don't need a gentleman," Love chuckles, taking another step back, practically halfway into the castle.
"I need to pee, Ernie!" Love almost shouted for the whole students to hear, but she was desperate to get away and in desperate times, desperate measures. "And I really need to go right now,"
Ernie blinks, his face turning red once again, Love doesn't understand why he's the one embarrassed in this situation but alas, it's proving to be successful. "Right, sorry, don't let me keep—"
"Bye, Ernie thanks for the tea and sweets,"
She was gone like the wind, finally free and if hadn't been for the fact that her name was called she would have forgotten about her little freakout.
"Miss Emerson,"
Turning, she came face to face with none other than James Potter, a renowned Auror and quite a  famous man for surviving Voldemort, along with his wife and son, Love was awfully confused about why he, of all people, was calling her name and smiling at her, his smile was so welcoming, Love felt oddly warm about it like his smile was a hug she would have a smile back if it hadn't been for the two-man next to him. One who had dark hair and strikingly grey eyes that shine with nothing but mischievousness, he had this aloofness attached to his persona that practically oozes out of him, he was rather handsome, both he and James were handsome but definitely not as handsome as Professor Remus Lupin, who was smiling warmly at her from next to James Potter... then the thought hit her. He's going to think she stinks if her prank theory proves itself to be correct. Of course, it's going to be correct, what kind of person goes around pranking Ernie of all people? He and his friends are probably pranking her, or maybe Ernie doesn't even know, in that case, they both got pranked but they'll go easy on him because he is their friend and he'll forget about it and forgive them because they are his friends after all, but that treatment would not be extended for her, and they'll make fun of her and she–
"Hey, Love Emerson, right?" James Potter continues to smile at her, his hazel eyes staring down at hers. "How are you doing, darling? All better I hope?"
Love purses her lips and nodded, before giving him a tight smile, she doesn't want to speak with anyone right now "I'm all right, Mr Potter but soon I won't be because I'll be probably living in a cave,"
She walks right past them, not even noticing the baffled look they all give her. She just couldn't face anyone right now. Love made her way to her common room in record time, even with all the students walking about in the hallways and stairs. She was itching to get to her room and sleep all day, all night until the music stops as the phrase says, indulging herself in the last moments of pace in Hogwarts before she becomes a pariah of society.
What is the end of everything?
It seems the eagle has taken notice of her mood and given her an easy riddle. Love didn't even need to think about it for the answer was right in the riddle. Without much waiting the door quickly opened, and Love all but bolted inside.
"Hey Love, how did–"
At Padma's voice, Love stopped and turn to where she was lounging with Emma on the sofas, both with massive bags of products from Zonkos, Honeydukes and who knows what else. She's going to miss them. She's going to miss time like this.
"I'm going to live in the forest, in a cave, and I'm going to miss you all so much,"
With that, she turns back and went straight to her dormitory. Thankfully, there was no one there so Love took her shoes off and just manage to climb into bed before the door was slapped open as Padma came barging in, a hard look on her face.
"All right, tell me what happened on that date that got you catastrophizing?" 
Love sends her a glare before pushing herself under her covers, "I do not catastrophize,"
"Then what do you call this?" Padma places her hands on her hips much like a mother would as she scowls at her kids.
"Being reasonable," Love calls from under the covers. She was being reasonable, right?
Love didn't need to see Padma to know she was rolling her eyes, she could feel it in her bones she was most definitely doing it. "Sure, because thinking you're going to be living in a cave is a reasonable response for any situation."
"Leave me alone, Padma."
"Love, bloody hell, get this through your skull," Padma pulled her covers off of her, leaving her feeling naked. Both girls glare at each other. "You are catastrophizing, my dear friend."
"You are overthinking, you are in panic mode right now, obsessive over something that will never happen," Padma came to sat down next to her, her back leaning on one of the four posts, "You need to relax and tell me, what got are you overthinking?"
Love purses her lips, she knew she was overthinking, she just lost control there for a second or two. She held her hand out, "Give me back my blanked and I'll tell you,"
Without waiting, Padma passes her the covers. Love engulfs herself in them, enjoying the warmth her covers give her, she glances a Padma and holds her arm up, motioning for her to cover herself too and when she does, when both girls were tucked in the safety blanket, Love begins the tale of the boy with dragon breath.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed it.
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romerona · 5 months
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All Y/N ever wanted to do was sing her songs and be free. Yet somehow, after offering to pay for the meal of a certain boy in a straw hat she finds herself causing havoc through the East Blue.
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---Coming soon---
1. F$ck The Mar*nes.
2. What does a songbird do?
Disclaimer: The songs I will be using in this fic aren't mine bc I have 0 creativity. I'm sorry.
126 notes · View notes
romerona · 5 months
🗣️🔊 This world goes blind. When children are dying.
I turn to dust, but you never stop trying
It's why I Love you—
You're pure as the driven snow 🗣️🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊
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106 notes · View notes
romerona · 5 months
Quick question for delulus
Snow lands on top.
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romerona · 5 months
The Worm
Surviving the game and losing yourself in the way.
"Don't go underestimating the power of a small force, it may be the only thing that can slip through the cracks."
"Rosemary Black, district 10, the youngest ever victor in the Hunger Games. Don't let her age fool you, she a force to be reckoned with, known for her cunning wit and speed she managed to-"
"I remember her… I found it hard to believe it then and still find it hard to believe it now."
"Well, then you know that with the right motivation, she's unstoppable."
Rosemary Black × OC!SnowMale? // Primrose Everdeen?
A/N: There would be a few inaccuracies but please, remember this is a fanfic. I'm unsure If I will match Rose with anyone yet but I'll think about it as the story goes.
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Rosemary has always liked horses, despite their ferocious power and wild nature, they were graceful and beautiful. As a poor girl, Rose was confined to watch them from afar whenever a wealthy folk decided to take them out for a walk, Rose used to think that she’d probably never be able to interact with one, but here she is, gently offering her hand to the horse, waiting to see if it allowed her to touch it which it did.
Gently caressed the coat of the chariot horses, which stood proudly with their fancy and shinny decorations waiting for the parade to start. Rose was unaware of its breed, but she could not help but appreciate its beauty and how different it was from the horses in her district.
She thought of how the horse was there to be part of the spectacle made for the Capitol elite, just like her, and the comparison struck her deeply. Like the horse, her ‘beauty and grace’ if she has any, can be appreciated by the people of the capitol, but at the end of the day, she was ripped away from her home to be just an accessory meant to entertain the masses.
As she looked at the horse, she felt a sense of kinship and empathy towards the creature, realizing that they were not so different after all. They are pawns, used and abused by their masters to fulfil their own agendas, they both share the same fate, with no control over their own lives.
“Are you ready?” Asked Eugene coming next to her to pet the horse. He was wearing a similar costume to hers only his a tad more masculine. He looked good, and the costume made his styled red hair stand out, no doubt he’d catch some attention.
Even if I’m not it doesn’t really matter, does it? Rose wanted to say that, but instead, she sent her tribute partner a smile saying, “As I’ll ever be,”
Rose was trying to stay somewhat positive in her gaze of nervousness not only for herself but for him as well because even if he looks calm she knows he is just as nervous as her.
Eugene smiled, he looked down at her and nodded, motioning to the cockpit of the chariot before offering his arm in an overly theatrical manner with a grin, to which Rose couldn’t help but laugh. “Shall we?”
“We shall,” Rose intertwined her arm with his and let him lead her. Once on top, Pearl and Lennox came to tell them how to act when they were making their debut, as they spoke to them Rose let her eyes travel along the other tributes, each looking as… dazzling as the next one. Rose felt slightly lightheaded as a thought struck her mind; they all looked incredible… at least for the Capitol standard, so how the hell was she supposed to stand out? Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“Hey,” Eugene squeezes her shoulder forcing Rose to snap her head in his direction. He takes hold of her hand, something is coming to learn that is a thing he does often, and sends her an understanding look. “Together, right? No matter what?”
Before Rose could even mutter an answer or even think about it, the horses began to move causing Rose to momentarily lose her stability as the tributes enter the streets of the capitol.
Rose feels a mix of emotions as people cheer and wave around her but if she has to describe it with one word It would be overwhelming, knowing that all eyes are on her and that this is her time to make the Capitol's elite take interest in her makes Rose feels out of her element… But as the cheers grow louder and she oddly feels the excitement of the crowd, her nerves are replaced with a sense of determination and importance.
Rose went to use both her hands to wave at the crowd when she noticed one of those hands was still latched with Eugene’s, Rose felt slightly embarrassed but she chuckled when Eugene grinned and winked at her before using their interlaced hands to wave.
It was goofy but definitely something that would grab attention, so, she decided to play along and faux her ‘joyful’ laugh as if she was enjoying herself, as if she was enjoying being there. Both are untrue but the audience doesn’t have to know that.
As the chariot goes on, people get louder some pointing at them and chuckling, others cheering their names, Rose, in between her waves and fake laughter, saw a few that ‘Aww’ them. Rose only hopes this reaction stays for as long as she’s in the games.
At some point, Rosemary caught sight of herself on a large screen, and for a moment she was awestruck. Not to be pretentious but goddamn! She’s never looked this good in her life. Pearl deserves praise for this look, even her wild hair complemented her form. She wonders if her family likes it, and she wonders if maybe her friends like it too... Rose quickly shakes her head, no time for that now...
Soon, the parade was coming to an end. And Rose and Eugene as well as the other 22 tributes found themselves in the City Circle. Rose looked about at the prestigious-looking citizens as the horses stopped right up to President Snow's mansion.
Snow stands to make his welcoming speech, just like he had for the past games. Rose hardly listened to him, she only regarded him, his presence was weirdly perilous. At long last, the chariots were making their final rounds before disappearing into the Training Center.
The doors had only just shut when Rose and Eugene were engulfed by the prep teams, all of whom excitedly praised them about their debut.
Leto smirks proudly at Rose, or rather at her hair as he takes one wild curl pulling it softly. “This hair of yours was the main character, wasn’t it?”
“And you wanted to cut it off,” Rose couldn’t help but say back.
Leto looks at her, a small smile shoving away the smirk, “Why yes, but only because I believe it has a mind on its own… good thing your hair and I came to an agreement.”
“You seem to be the only one who can actually manage it, my grandfather would be jealous.” Rose smiles back, feeling comfortable for the first time around her prep team.
“Please, keep the compliment coming, I adore it.” Leto smirks and comes back as he helps her out of the chariot while Lennox, who was sporting a similar smirk, helps Eugene.
“I think it is us who deserve the praise,” said Lennox, making Pearl nod in agreement as she helped Rose out of one of the ornaments.
“Yes… but the person is what makes the outfit,” Pearl gives Rose a comforting squeeze and a wink.
Caine comes up, his own excited smile on his face, “Oh, my Panem. It’s wild out there. I swear I heard at least a dozen people talk about the cuties from 10. If not more.”
“Definitely more,” mutter Allen coming up to them however his eyes were roaming the other tributes making Rose do the same, unsurprisingly no one was looking at them for more than a couple of seconds. As if they were only curious about the two tributes that cause that uprise only to discover it’s just two youngsters barely worth their attention.
“Let’s continue this conversation In the penthouse, okay?” Caine swiftly took Eugene and her by the shoulders and ushered them to the luxurious elevators with one last goodbye to her prep team Rose let herself be guided away.
“Good job out there, that’s what I was talking about,” said Allen as soon as they stepped foot into the glass elevator.
Rose was slightly nervous as the elevator began to make its way up because she felt as if she was going to fall off at any moment. She refused to look at anything other than the metal door because heights, while not a big weakness it's surely a sensitive spot for her.
“I’ve been conversing with a few influential people and they seem to like you, of course, there’s a lot of hesitation and restraint so you’ll have to work their sympathies to get them to be fully convinced to bet on you,” Allen continues leaning against the crystal window, “After that, I’ll try and do miracles,”
Rose scoffs, sparing him a glance.
Much to her relief, they arrived at District 10 suit, their home for the next week. Much like everything else in the Capitol, the suits were as large and luxurious as everything else, however, all Rose wanted to do was lay down and sleep which unfortunately didn’t seem to be coming in a while. After her much-needed shower and change of clothes, Caine was knocking on her door telling her to come have dinner.
As Rosemary makes her way into her meat, which is the most delicious thing she has ever eaten, she listens to Allen, Caine, Pearl and Lennox go on about their strategies. In a way, it was comforting to know that even now people can care for her survival, genuine or not. While drinking her green juice, because Allen wouldn’t let her have Wine, Rose regards the servers, this were young people dressed in white tunics, they move wordlessly to and from the table, keeping the platters and glasses full without even having to ask them to.
These are Avox. Rose only knows that because one time, when Hugo had taken her to the edge between 10 and 11 to fish, (an illegal spot) she had spoken on a fantasy of just leaving District 10, about taking everything and going about free only for her grandfather to snap at her saying that her fantasy was a crime in the eyes of the capitol and if someone were to hear her speak like that she’ll be turned into a tongueless puppet, or better known as an Avox.
“Oi, put on the opening ceremonies,” Lennox tells one of the Avox offhandedly gesturing to the screen in the living room. Lennox was slightly annoying for Rose but whatever it’s not like he’s her Stylist, she really lucked out with Pearl who was calmly taking a slice of cake.
Wordlessly, the Avox do as told, and soon they were watching the replay of the ceremonies. They all look as good as Rose originally thought but honestly, her and Eugene's performance, not to mention outfit, was really outshining everyone else.
Good. She only has to keep this goofy, joyful persona up for the games, can’t be too hard, right?
“You know what you should do?” Pearl says to Rose quietly as Lennox and Caine ramble about the other tributes' outfits.
When Rose turns to her expectantly Pearl continues, “You should watch the past interviews of the past victors, like Finnick Odair, people love him, watching his interview perhaps can help a little.”
Maybe it will.
The next morning was the first day of training out of three, after a hearty breakfast, Allen told them what to do once they were with the other tributes training which was basically ‘Don’t show many skills until the last training day, the private session that’s when it counts, instead try to learn something new, try and learn basic survival skills if you don’t know any’ before sending them away to be eaten by the wolfs.
Lovely. As if she’s not nervous enough to meet face-to-face with the others. As they (Caine included) were ridding the elevator down, Rose couldn’t help but take Eugene’s hand, it was the first time she had initiated the hand-holding thing, and as much as she was embarrassed about it, she didn’t really care either. Eugene didn’t seem to be pushing her away so that’s a relief.
The doors open into the one and true training center, stepping out, Rose looks at the enormous gymnasium filled with various weapons and obstacle courses and then her eyes settle on the circle of tributes, 1,2 and 4 career districts, looking healthy as ever while the other 9 district tributes look malnourished, nothing to be surprised about, they were all wearing clothing with their district number pinned on their shirt. The tension could be cut with a knife.
A few tributes turn to them but just like the night before no one really spared them a second glance and Rose doesn’t know if that is good or insulting.
Suddenly a tall and athletic woman named Atala steps up and begins to explain the training schedule. Experts in each skill will remain at their stations. They will be free to travel from area to area as they choose, per their mentor's instructions. Some of the stations teach survival skills, others fighting techniques. They are forbidden to engage in any combative exercise with another tribute. There are assistants on hand if they want to practice with a partner. It sounded as if she had made the same speech over and over… perhaps she has, who knows just how many games she has seen through.
As soon as Atala let them go train it was no surprise when all the career districts chose the deadliest stations, showing just how good they were at it. Show-offs.
Rose looked around the stations, she noticed most tributes went for easy ones, climbing, some chose camouflage, and the most daring chose the gauntlets and sparing.
Rose turns to Eugene who has his eyes on the climbing station, she nudges him, “Go on, I’ll try hammocks making or something,”
“Okay, I’ll see you later,” said Eugene before leaving her.
It was really odd to Rose that she felt a bit disappointed when he left, it was odd because Rose had only known him for two days time and she already formed some sort of dependency on him.
She shook herself off and swiftly made her way to Edible insects where she learned that when it has a hooked-tale, bright colours or more than eight legs it’s probably not consumable. Then, she first thought that maybe she could improve her fish hook-making, then she figured knot-tying could be a good one but Rose felt she knew enough… she wanted to try sparing but backed down when she saw the tribute from 1 and 2 laughing at a boy who just got thrown down by the trainer, so instead, she decided to try something she had never before done, slingshot.
When she arrived at the station she was glad that not many tributes were there, only the girl from 7 and a boy of 5. She smiled at both of them and waved a shy ‘hello’ The boy from 5 greeted back, a bit stiff but at least he said hi, the girl only spared her a glance.
After being told the instructions, each took a slingshot and began to practice. Rose remembers all the instructor's movements, the arm and hand positions, keeping her wrist straight but not stiff, after her first five shots, Rose came to the conclusion that she was surprisingly good at it and just how much she enjoyed it, definitely not the best, (like the guy from five who had great pulse), but not bad either (unlike the girl from seven who had giving up after the first three shots,) or at least that’s what the trainer said.
Still, even after the two tributes were gone, Rose remained there, practising. She came to learn the importance of using different types of slingshots, such as their size, shape, weight, and materials. The instructor kept helping her when needed, which after two hours was hardly needed. All she had to do now was practice.
After another hour or so, Eugene found her and dragged her away when it was time for lunch much to her dismay but she figured she couldn’t stay there forever…
“How did it go?” Rose asks sitting on one of the long tables, just in between the tributes from 4 and 11.
Eugene shrugs, his eyes settled on his tray “It was hard but I figured it out, and then I moved to Axe’s.”
“And how did that go?” Rose asks, taking a bite out of a tasty-looking apple.
“Could be better if it weren’t for the watchful eye of the Gamemakers,” Once again he shrugged, before asking. “What about you?”
Rose frowns at him in confusion, “What Gamemakers?”
“Those Gamemakers,” Eugene points at the open doors of the gymnasium, where a few men and some women dressed in deep purple robes were speaking with an instructor.
“They have been watching us this entire time?” Rose asks loud enough for a few tributes to turn their head, Rose simply smiles at them before turning to Eugene in confusion and surprise.
Eugene huffs a chuckle as he nods, “Yeah, they’ve been sitting on in the elevated stands that surround the gymnasium taking notes and whatnot… did you seriously not notice?”
“Obviously not,” Rose rolls her eyes, she eyes the Gamemakers laughing at something an instructor said.
“Don’t worry much, if Allen didn’t tell us maybe it’s not that important,” Eugene said as he sipped his juice.
Rose looks back at her half-eaten apple, all hunger gone. “Or maybe it is, why are they here in the first place?”
“I…listen, I don’t-"
“Obviously because they are here to assert us, you dumbasses," Said a voice from behind Rose.
Rose's head snapped to where she heard the voice, there, at another table, was the boy from 1, Blaze Rafferty, with a shit-eating grin, sitting with his district partner, Xury Ashbluff who snorted.
"Honestly, 10 I know not to expect much from lower districts but fuck!" Blaze scoffs brassily, "There's really not much of a competition this year, isn't it?"
"Maybe just like the usual ones," Xury shoots a glance at 2, who just like the rest of the districts have been watching before sending Rose yet another condescending look, "But other than that not at all,"
Rose pursed her lips, it'd be smart to just turn back and ignore them, not to engage, not to put herself on their bad side and simply be laying low until the arena, "Y'all can go shut yall's trap, ain't no one talking to you."
"What?" Scoffs Xury, she seems slightly confused but Rose knows that it's not because she didn't understand her more like she wasn't expecting backtalk.
Eugene was quick to say "Nothing-"
"No, no. This is quite interesting," Blaze, with a smirk, stood up from his seat and Rose watched him walk towards her and hold back a gulp when he took a seat to her side, facing her, it was then that she noticed just how massive he was. "I've never seen an animal talk before, and now I'm curious about what it got to say, so, go on, bark!"
At first, Rose couldn't help but look away from him as he continued to stare at her, his eyes holding mirth and arrogance, but his words ticked her off. She could feel Eugene's eyes pleading with her not to, a part of her brain was also loudly yelling to back down and get into a fetal position, and another part wanted to just cry and cry but ultimately, her mouth and brain didn't connect.
"I meant to say..." Rosemary gazes up at him sporting a grin of her own, "Is that y'all sure do talk a bunch for someone who looks like your mama gave birth to out her ass!"
There was a stunned silence, a pin-dropping quiet, and for a few moments, no one made a sound. The tension in the air was thick and uncomfortable. But then, someone let out a nervous laugh, a small sound that broke the stillness. A few more chuckles followed, and soon the air was filled with muffled giggles.
However, before Rose could even react, she was being lifted into the air by her shirt, like a doll by a giant, which was almost comical. But there was nothing funny about Blaze's grim expression, "You weak little worm, just wait---"
The peacekeepers were quick to intervene, their presence immediately shifting the atmosphere. They removed Rosemary from Blaze's iron grip as they pushed him away, with his face red with displeasure he grunted in annoyance. "Let's see if in the arena you have just as much bite as bark, 10."
Well, shit shit shit.
"Alright, lunch's over let's go back to training," Atala announced, causing the group of tributes to stand and walk into the gymnasium again.
As they walked, Rose could feel the stares of a few tributes, but the ones who just seemed to burn her were the stares of the Gamemakers, the ever-penetrating inquisitive stare was practically making her skin sizzle. But she wouldn't for the life of her glance back up at them.
"I done messed up, ain't I? Rose mumbles as Eugene all but drags her the farthest away from the careers.
Eugene hums in agreement as they arrive at Edible Plants station before he turns to look at her, his eyes echoing the exasperation of his tone, "Why the fuck did you do that for?"
"I... I don't know," Rose mumbles, she glances at Blaze and Xury, both glaring right at her from the Axe’s station. Blaze's glare, however, seemed like he was planning her death to be a slow painful one. "I just couldn't let him talk to me like that,"
"Fuck, Rose, the careers will have us on their kill list now, no doubt 'bout that,"
Rose groans, she is well aware of her life-threatening fuck up.
A/N: Blaze’s face claim is Alex Høgh Andersen.
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romerona · 6 months
🗣️ You, you can't, you can't catch me now
I'm coming like a storm into your town
You can't, you can't catch me now
I'm higher than the hopes that you brought down.🗣️
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On repeat since it came out and doing wonders for my maladaptive daydreaming.
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romerona · 6 months
The Worm
Surviving the game and losing yourself in the way.
"Don't go underestimating the power of a small force, it may be the only thing that can slip through the cracks."
"Rosemary Black, district 10, the youngest ever victor in the Hunger Games. Don't let her age fool you, she a force to be reckoned with, known for her cunning wit and speed she managed to-"
"I remember her… I found it hard to believe it then and still find it hard to believe it now."
"Well, then you know that with the right motivation, she's unstoppable."
Rosemary Black × OC!SnowMale? // Primrose Everdeen?
A/N: There would be a few inaccuracies but please, remember this is a fanfic. I'm unsure If I will match Rose with anyone yet but I'lI think about it as the story goes.
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"Okay, firstly, one of the most important things for survival in this place is popularity.” Allen said leaning against the one of the many luxury sofas on the main cart.
Taking a bite out of a bread, Eugene frowns “Meaning what?”
“Meaning that people from the capitol can be your ticket for survival if you are well-liked,” Allen told them, taking a sip of his juice from a pink-looking glass. “Being well known in the population of the capitol is having the upper hand in the games, for lack of better words.”
“And how do we do that?”
“You need to stand out to them and how do you do that you may ask, well, that's simple enough," Allen looks between them. "What these people want is a show, they want characters, so, my advice is for you to create one- It doesn’t matter what or how just make sure you leave a mark. Make them remember you.”
Rose purses his lips, looking down at the half-eaten piece of toasty bread. The concept of selling herself to the Capitol is deeply unsettling but it must be done, "Seems simple enough."
"Yeah..." Allen sighs, running a hand over his unruly dark curls, before looking down at his plate and stuffing his mouth with cake after cake.
Rose eyed him for a moment. By the way that he sighed and adverted his eyes, Rose knew Allen was clearly holding something back and while she usually wouldn't push people to speak, right now, in their current situation, it wasn't an option.
"What aren't you telling us?" She asks, eyes set on Allen.
Allen snaps his brown eyes to hers, the lack of reaction on his part was more telling than anything else. He sighs, swallowing the last of his food and leans back in his seat, "I won't lie. The fact that you are the youngest tribute might make things harder."
"In what way?" Eugene asks, concern clear in his voice.
"Not you," Allen said, he gestured at Rosemary, "Her. Kids your age hardly ever make it out of the bloodbath and if they do they only last a couple of days tops so people... they don't usually bet on them."
Rose processes Allen's words carefully, trying to make sense of what he is saying. She understands that being sponsored by citizens from the capital is crucial to her survival and knows that she has to battle the impossible odds that keep stacking against her so she has to keep going.
"I'll find a way to stand out," Rose said, trying to convince Allen and herself.
With a nod of agreement, Allen returns to his food as he continues, "I'll try my best to convince those shitheads to sponsor you but once again I need you to back me up with your actions, so-"
The sound of a door sliding open and the excited voice of Caine as the colourful man enters the cart cut Allen off. "Oh, kids, look out the window. We have arrived, isn't that exciting?"
Rose and Eugene snap their head to the nearest window. Sure enough, there it was, the Capitol of Panem. Rose stood up and walked to the window, the city sprawled out seemingly endlessly, every building shining brightly, it looked pristine and perfect, a sight she had never seen before.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Caine breathed out next to Rose and Eugene, who had joined her at the window.
Allen scoffs loudly, he murmurs something under his breath but it is ignored by the three of them. As the train gets closer to the prestigious-looking city Caine turns to look at them.
"Okay, my sweet children, once we arrive at the station, I want you two to give your biggest smiles at the cameras, okay?" Caine told them showing them with his own mouth exactly how they should smile too.
"We can do that, right?" Eugene nods, glancing at Rose.
Before Rose could say anything, however, Allen beat her to it as he stood up from the table and gave them a stern look "No, you 'can' just do that you two have to do that. Remember?"
"Right, of course," Eugene mumbles, looking away sheepishly and back to the window as the sound of cheers of glee and excitement gradually gets louder as the train arrives at the station.
Before the train even stopped, Caine quickly dragged them to the exit door. Rose, as best as she could, smooths her washed-down pink dress and ran her hand over her unruly mop to try to look as presentable as possible.
"Hey," Eugene whispers, making Rosemary turn to him.
Eugene smiled at her, it was an encouraging smile which made Rose feel slightly less anxious and to her surprise, he took her hand in his and whispered, "We'll do this together,"
"....Yeah, together," Rose said, letting out a breath as she looked at the closed door, where just behind the cheering was louder than ever.
Despite Eugene's comforting words, Rose felt her heart beating faster as she took in the atmosphere, she took a deep breath to calm herself and remembering that she had to make the most of every given opportunity, whether she liked it or not.
The door finally slides open, and the cheers and lights make Rose flinch, regardless of her original plan to smile and wave, all Rose could do at first was gawk at the people who have gathered to see them. It wasn't the quantity that startle her, it was the way they looked. All the people there had bizarre hair and painted faces, their clothes were just so... odd, and although Rose, after meeting Caine, shouldn’t have been so surprised to see the people of the city dress like that, she was stunned nonetheless.
Rose felt Allen nudge from behind, snapping her out of her thoughts. She quickly recovered, remembering where she was and what she had to do, Rose took a breath before she smiled at the people cheering for them, the cheers continued as Caine moved them to the vehicle waiting for them.
As they were making their way, Rose could feel the weight of the gazes and most importantly the cameras. It felt suffocating yet all she could do was smile and send small shy waves, still not confident enough about her act.
A squeeze on her hand made her turn to Eugene, they hadn't let go of each other's hands, a comforting fact. He sends her a quick smile before looking back at the masses of ornamented people.
Soon enough and much to her relief, they were on their way to the Remake Center, where, according to Caine, Eugene and Rose will be getting a refashioning for the opening ceremony to which Allen simply said 'Let them do as they wish,' it sounded very ominous to but Rose supposes that Allen, despite it all, knows better.
As Caine went on and on about the opening ceremony and their prep team and their stylist, someone named Pearl for her and for Eugene someone named Lennox, Rose turned to look out the window of the vehicle.
She was astounded by the view, her eyes darting back and forth as she tried to take it all in. The Capitol was the complete opposite of the impoverished districts, Rose was overwhelmed by the sight of sprawling, luxurious buildings and the endless crowd of people gathered there. Everything was perfectly maintained, the buildings were tall and imposing giving off an air of wealth and power that could not be denied. The Capitol was a world of its own, and Rose felt completely out of place there.
After the ride, Rosemary and Eugene were ushered into one of those large buildings, where they were separated and led to individual rooms. In there, two people were waiting for her. One, who had presented himself as Leto, had long, colourful hair that was woven into a series of intricate braids, while the other sported brightly coloured drawings over much of their exposed skin, Pax. Both had unique and eye-catching features.
Before Rose could even mutter her name back to them, she was stripped butt naked, much to her discomfort and pushed into a long, cold table where Leto and Pax began to prepare her.
While the prep team was painfully polishing her from head to toe, all Rose could think was how much she hoped they would just leave her hair as it was. Having grown up in a house full of men, Rose learned to not care for her appearance often, it's not like she had any money to buy pretty dresses or pretty shoes like the daughter of the mayor uses if she so happens to want to put effort into her looks anyway. Even so, her hair was something Rosemary always liked about herself. Her untamed beast of a hair, as her grandfather liked to call it whenever he tried to brush it every other week. Her hair was not only what Rose thought to be her most distinguished aspect, but her brother once told her that she looked just like their mother when she wore it down. That is a detail she carries close to her heart.
Thankfully, all they did was wash it and comb it, though, Rose did hear Leto murmuring to himself as he was trying to untangle her hair that it would be easier if he just cut it off and put her in a wig instead. Good thing that didn't happen.
Time passed, and Pax and Leto had done their work leaving her alone In the room to wait for the stylist, Pearl. Rose wasn't aware of how long she was waiting or what she was expecting but when the door finally opened she couldn't help but be slightly stunned by who had entered the room.
"Hello, you are Rosemary, right?" Pearl stood barely four feet tall, and her delicate features and tiny frame made her look more like a doll than a person. A very pale doll, the woman's skin seemed to be lacking any colour, her short hair was painted white, and even her eyes were a pale blue colour.
"I..." Rose blinks as she stares for a moment. "Yes, that is me,"
"Lovely," Pearl smiles at her, showing her row of perfect white teeth, before she moves to grab a chair and slide it near Rose as she amicably continues talking, "You know, this is my first time as a stylist- I mean, I am a stylist, a legit one but this is my very first time styling by myself for the Games, can you believe it?"
"Your... first games?" Rose couldn't help but ask, slightly worried.
Pearl takes a seat in front of Rose, making the girl aware of the folder in her hands. Pearl smiles waving her small, yet delicate-looking hand dismissively, "Yes but don't worry, little lady, I've been chosen to be a stylist for a reason, okay?"
"Okay," Rose mumbles, biting her lips and watching as Pearl opens the folder on her lap as she continues to ramble.
"Besides, what other stylist can say they've worked with the Tigris, huh? No one, that's who. I was the only one she took under her wing and believe me when I say you have nothing to worry about, my hands and eyes have been blessed by her and I wouldn't dream of embarrassing her by making my first tribute look awful in their debut and- Oh, here it is." Pear stops her ramble when she finds what she is looking for.
Pearl took a page out of her folder and showed it to Rose with an excited smile. "I've noticed that cowboys and farmers are somewhat of a tradition when it comes to dressing the tributes from 10 and every year it's the same, it get tiring, don’t you think? Of course, you do but don’t be frighten now. Lenox and I will switch things a little."
Rose looked down at the design, it was nice, she supposed, definitely different but she thought it represented her district and the wildlife there perfectly….
"I like it," Rose concluded, looking back at the pale woman who seemed very pleased with herself.
"Perfect, now I shall bring back Pax and Leto so we can start with everything and-"
"Uh... I- can I..." Rose hesitantly cut Pearl off, causing the woman to turn to her with curiosity and expectation in her pale eyes. "Can I keep my hair?"
Pear frowns, tilting her head, glancing at her hair, "What do you mean, honey?"
"I mean... can I keep it as it is?" Rose asks tentatively, running a hand through her surprisingly soft and untangled loops, "I... I would appreciate it if we can keep it like this."
Pearl purses her lips as she regards Rose's hair, she moves her chair forward and takes a loop in between her fingers before letting go. The woman turns to Rosemary and sends her a comforting smile, "You have beautiful hair, little lady, I wouldn't dare to hide it away."
"Thank you," A feeling of relief washed over Rose only to quickly transform into nervousness as soon as Pearl jumped off the chair with a smile and a clap of her hands.
"Now, shall we?"
A/N: I decided to leave the design of the opening ceremony costume open to imagination.
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