hallieticket · 6 months
What if I told yall I posted another chapter?
Chapter three:
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hallieticket · 6 months
Bitches ask their friends what kind of girlie they are and cry when all their friends tell them they’re mirrorball girlies (It’s me, I’m bitches, all my friends see right through me)
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hallieticket · 6 months
mirrorball girlies: James “I’m still trying everything to keep you laughing at me” Potter, Peter “and when I break its in a million pieces” Pettigrew,
Archer girlies: Sirius “All of my enemies started off friends” Black,
This is me Trying Girlies: Regulus “So I got wasted like all my potential” Black, Remus “I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a spear” Lupin, Lily “And my words shoot to kill when I’m mad, I have a lot of regrets about that” Evans,
and bitches say this is hard (its me, im bitches, im also indecisive)
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hallieticket · 6 months
The Black Brothers have the biggest praise kink, but in different way.
Sirius wants to feel wanted, so if you call him "Pretty Boy" or something like that he's going to melt like butter left outside in August.
Regulus, on the other hand, need to be enough, to be good. Subtle praise is enough to make him blush, and telling him he's being good leaves him trembling.
Remus and James make good use of that knowledge very often, and very often the brothers can be seen blushing furiously at something their boyfriends have said.
(This hc talks only about them when they are adults, so sixths and seventh year or after)
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hallieticket · 6 months
*slides into your dms majestically and sexily*
Four words: Hozier, Spider-man, nurse, Jegulus
*wriggles across the floor in a haphazard army crawl after leaving thing link by your feet*
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hallieticket · 6 months
How do you title a fanfic??? Like I know I can write but I never claimed to be creative. I need to hire someone to start thinking of titles for me
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hallieticket · 6 months
Thanksgiving at the Waynes:
Dick- has come home for the holidays, has brought every single piece of clothing he owns for Alfred to wash, is the person in the family that makes everyone go around and say what they’re thankful for,decides halfway through the meal to stand on the table, tries to start a sing along, ends the night swinging from the chandelier for “old times sakes”
Jason- Refuses to come until Alfred plays the “I need help in the kitchen” card, yells at Dick for trying to steal food while he’s cooking it, “I need a whiskey to get through this dinner,” was told to leave his weapons at the door and takes twenty minutes to de-armor, he still has two guns on his person even after that, sneaks off after the meal to read in the library, somehow ends up surrounded by the entire family, stress bakes the night before and provides enough desserts to feed a family of ten
Tim- is “not working” but ends up taking three different business calls throughout the day, nurses a glass of wine all day long and leaves with only half of it drunk, somehow ends up sitting next to Damian and gets all of his silverware confiscated except for his spoon by the time they get to the main course, “TIM HOW MANY COFFEES HAVE YOU HAD TODAY?,” uses eggnog as creamer, somehow they end up playing poker and he absolutely smokes them
Damian- spends the entire day with some kind of animal perched on his shoulder (first Alfred the cat and then a bird: nobody knows where the bird came from), is thankful for his swords (they’re all secretly named after his brothers, he’ll die before he admits that), tries multiple times to sneak different kinds of alcohol, fails.
Bruce- Starts the day with at least one of his children jumping on his bed, tries to sneak out at least twice to patrol before Alfred stops him, has at least two bruised ribs, falls asleep on the couch after dinner, is forced to sit at the head of the table and nods off twice during dinner
Cassandra- unabashedly watches the thanksgiving day parade, is the only one that ends up patrolling after dinner, the only successful one that can steal food, smokes everyone but Tim in all their card games, helps Damian sneak alcohol without getting caught
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hallieticket · 7 months
Bruce Wayne is the type of person to go to a comic-con dressed in his professional Batman suit and not even place in a costume competition, fight me about it.
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