wwhkimseokjin · 5 years
highway to hell - chapter 4
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pairings: bts x reader (bit of member x member too)
genres: seven deadly sins!au, devil bangtan!au, fluff, angst, smut
warnings: future smut, violence, death, swearing, NSFW, literal hell
summary: Y/N had always been the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the light in people’s life. She had always believed that she would never do anything wrong, be a perfect little angel. Until her life turns upside down, and she meets seven very handsome, very dangerous men.
Y/N had never truly had any regrets, she had always been lighthearted, seizing life as it was. Well, then again, the girl hadn’t in fact had a lot of occurrences she could regret. That was the way her life was going to be, how it always was going to be – or so she believed. But as she sat up in the bed and peeked beside her, only to discover the silhouette, that she least sought to see next to her – or perhaps the one she most wanted to see – Y/N couldn’t avoid regretting her actions. Regret encountering Kim Taehyung.
Now when she quietly there with her own thoughts, Y/N gathered that she had several additional regrets after knowing the overconfident boy. It was like the transcendent man had inserted himself into her life with a single purpose: wrecking it. Maybe that was just him, maybe she ought to have seen it coming. Kim Taehyung didn’t truly cherish her in any way, he just desired one thing. And now he had it.
Y/N groaned faintly - not loud enough to rouse the other resident in the bed though. It only truly struck her now, how atrocious she felt. Her head was thundering, and a ringing was in her ears. Only hazy memories occupied her brain. Recollections of shrill laughter and the reek of cheap liquor. Loud music and figures pushed against each other. Then there was Taehyung, his appearance blurry but somehow still distinct in her memory. The way he had sniggered at her drunken condition but persistently filled her cup. How the atmosphere had transformed so quickly, the blond whispering seductively in Y/N’s ears, directing her away from the masses. Then everything got too fuzzy, like she had gotten drunk off Taehyung’s honeyed words. Clothes torn off and tossed, insistent kisses on her neck, the room sweltering hot. Y/N could faintly recall his moans; how they sounded so heavenly, like an angel humming in her ear. The pleasure, the ecstasy - those things were unexpectedly clear in her head.
Y/N couldn’t remain there. She couldn’t stay next to Taehyung, who appeared so peaceful and serene in his sleep, when she knew how sinful he was. What had he done to her? Why was she behaving like this? Y/N had never done anything like this before, it wasn’t her. Meeting Taehyung had tainted her, and it was frightening. She couldn’t even identify herself – her own actions. Maybe…  was it because she loved him? But it couldn’t be. Y/N hardly knew him, they had only just met less than a month ago!
But maybe she did. Maybe she loved him. For as Y/N observed his slumbering form, she had to struggle with the desire to caress his cheek or kiss his tinted lips. She couldn’t deny, that her heart soared just from hearing his name, how it pounded swifter when he would study her… Shit, she was in love with him. Y/N’s eyes darted around the area, she really couldn’t remain there with him. Gently raising herself off the bed, she began dressing herself, only glancing at Taehyung once while doing so.
Unlocking the door, Y/N was almost successfully out of the unfamiliar dormitory, when a low voice stilled her in her tracks. “Where are you going?” Taehyung’s voice was gravely and – even though you wouldn’t have believed it to be thinkable – even deeper from the sleep. Y/N swallowed harshly, already noticing his impact on her, before spinning around to look at him. If sleeping Taehyung had been a glorious vision, then him sitting on bed, bare chest and disheveled hair, was a sight sent from Heaven. It was undoubtedly illegal to look this good, not that Y/N objected in that moment.
Stuttering for a bit, Y/N diverted her eyes from the nude male. The silence laid heavy in the room, and she could sense Taehyung’s protruding gaze on her. It was like he could see into her soul, know her deepest, most intimate secrets with just a glance. His laugh occupied the room, chuckling at Y/N’s embarrassed state. “Leaving already, princess? Where’s your manners now?” He arose from the bed, trying his best to provoke the girl in front of him. Staggering closer to her, he grasped her chin and brought her face closer to his own. Y/N’s eyes trekked downwards to dodge Taehyung’s gaze, but instead discovered the view of his now uncovered body. A gasp left her swollen lips, and she looked away, face turning beet-red.
“Have you got no shame? Prancing around like this?” Y/N glared at the spot right behind Taehyung’s ear, too ashamed to look anywhere else. The boy before her certainly had no shame, she had known that for quite a while now. “You weren’t complaining yesterday, princess. You aren’t complaining now.” His face was smug, and Y/N was beginning to ponder, if the smirk was permanently fixed on his face, from how much he appeared to carry the expression.
Y/N swiftly detached his hand from her face. She really had to leave. She knew, that if she gazed into Taehyung’s eyes, that she would stay. Or if he would kiss her right now, she would without question dissolve into his touch. Therefore, she opted to squeeze her eyes tightly, and whisper a faint I really have to go to the man positioned in front of her, before shuffling to the door. He didn’t speak, and when Y/N looked back at him, he just stood there, same dumb smirk on his face. In that moment before parting, Y/N pondered something. From what she had heard, Taehyung wasn’t exactly the keenest in the group. He might’ve not known a lot about math, or currently be flunking his Korean class, but there was no disagreeing with the fact, that he wasn’t as dumb as others assumed. Taehyung had at least one prodigy quality. He knew people. He was charismatic, he was a smooth talker, and even just with a glance, he could state the emotions someone was experiencing. That’s what Y/N realized right then and there. Taehyung knew she was in love with him.
Standing there, a few feet away from her, there was no denying the fact, that Taehyung very clearly had discovered her secret. And now it was even worse, because now Taehyung knew, that she knew. All of this was wrecking her head, the fervent hangover not aiding the assortment of emotions she was feeling right now. Spinning fleetingly on her heel, Y/N ran out of the room and found her way outside, not even turning once to look back.
Standing in her bathroom, Y/N observed herself in the mirror. Lightly dragging her fingers over the purple flowers blooming on her neck. She wouldn’t be able to conceal them, and her only hope was, that they would disappear before class tomorrow. Jihyo wasn’t home, but two of her other dorm mates were. Chaeyoung and Miyeon. Y/N hadn’t really conversed with them, possibly a couple of sentences with Chaeyoung, but they generally kept to themselves, and so did she and Jihyo. If they saw the marks on her, would they ask questions? Probably not, they’d all been there before. But Y/N couldn’t help but feel anxious, like Taehyung was still watching over her somehow. She felt truly bad, the blond male had changed her for the worse, her teen rebel years had arrived a little too late. But somehow all of this felt strangely… good.
Y/N had never really disobeyed the rules before, she had always been a good child. But maybe she would have defied the rulebooks sooner, if she knew, that challenging the guidelines felt so good. That the adrenaline rush after doing something foul, was so gratifying. Y/N smiled at herself in the mirror, and admired the love bites on her, before moving to her and Jihyo’s room.
Kim Taehyung was never going to go back to her with his strict one-fuck only policy. So, if Y/N couldn’t have Taehyung, she would just pursue the second best – his friends. From what she knew, most of them wouldn’t be too difficult to get into bed with. She would show Taehyung what occurred, when you messed with her emotions. And therefore, she commenced on a voyage of seducing Taehyung’s best friend – Jeon Jeongguk.
Y/N still knew however, that if Kim Taehyung even as much as glanced her way, she would be in a puddle on the floor again, prepared to take his each and every demand. As some would declare, that is the supremacy of love. But our main character was forgetting one thing. 
Love and lust aren’t - and never will be - the same thing.
Tags: @d-noona @rottenratatouille @bts-edits-bitch @chims-kookies @xxqueenwxtchxx @miraisnotavailable @xsmilebitesx💕
97 notes · View notes
wwhkimseokjin · 5 years
my tumblr turned 5 today 🥺🥺✊🏻😢
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wwhkimseokjin · 5 years
highway to hell - chapter 3
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pairings: bts x reader (bit of member x member too)
genres: seven deadly sins!au, devil bangtan!au, fluff, angst, smut
warnings: future smut, violence, death, swearing, NSFW, literal hell
summary: Y/N had always been the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the light in people’s life. She had always believed that she would never do anything wrong, be a perfect little angel. Until her life turns upside down, and she meets seven very handsome, very dangerous men.
The last two weeks had gone by quicker than Y/N had realized. Getting accustomed to university had been rough. Getting to sleep when there were no morning classes? Utter heaven. On the other hand, having to drag yourself up after a long night with your friends as someone forgot about their early schedule? Not exactly ideal. But alas, that was the way of the university life. Y/N promised herself to enjoy these days though, before the dreaded no-sleep, caffeine-inhaling days would commence.
Two individuals were still present on her mind however, Jeon Jeongguk and the blond stranger - who she now knew as Kim Taehyung. Her days would’ve been a tad bit more tranquil, if she hadn’t constantly been on the lookout for the two boys. To be frank, it was almost like they had disappeared. But according to Y/N’s newly acquired friend Yein - self-declared gossiper of the campus - it wasn’t actually that odd. Y/N had met Yein at another party, which she had foolishly attended, hopeful to see the boys once more. There the two girls had struck up a conversation, realizing they had a few mutual friends. But the small talk had soon turned into gossip, and a familiar name had struck Y/N’s ears. Jeon Jeongguk.
From there the conversation had steered onto him, and the rest of his friends. Because apparently there wasn’t just those two. There was seven of them. Yein had clearly noticed the look on Y/N’s face, for she instantly delved into a extensive description of the seven individuals. Apparently, it was “shocking” that Y/N didn’t know about them yet, as quote on quote Everyone knows the seven, that’s like, their whole image, but Yein would kindly let it pass since she was new. If Y/N had to be frank, “the seven” honestly just sounded like a truly bad boy band. Momentarily after Yein had started talking about them though, a peculiar feeling had crept over Y/N, like she was being observed. She had looked around, but no one was watching them, so she promptly blamed it on having too much to drink. After Yein’s whole speech, Y/N was sure, that she was more than knowledgeable about the subject: Jeongguk and friends.
There was Kim Taehyung, the blond man that had ensnared Y/N. He was apparently the most popular, pretty much being friends with everyone he encountered. But you shouldn’t let that fool you, underneath the sweet mask, he was a flirt. Taehyung had, according to Yein, slept with over half of the girls at the school. That did hurt a bit to hear, but Y/N wasn’t that surprised over it, considering you could practically sense the sex oozing from him. He was, surprisingly enough, a pretty decent friend, (that is, if you weren’t on his ‘to bed’- list), but you shouldn’t always be certain of the sweet nothings he would whisper in your ear.
Next on the agenda was his best friend, Jeon Jeongguk. The one Yein had dubbed “the cute, reserved guy, who definitely watches anime instead of studying”. (Also the one Jihyo had declared unspeakable of) He wasn’t the most outgoing apparently, but that didn’t mean, that he didn’t get around. Referencing Taehyung’s metaphorical ‘to bed’-list, rumor had it, Jeon Jeongguk genuinely had one. Maybe not precisely a list over the people he was going to bed, but that didn’t transform the fact that the boy very much so, had a register of names around campus. Also, well-known words from him consisted of That’s mine, I’m not sharing, and one Y/N could resonate with deeply, Hey, are you going to eat that? It was a mystery how the ate as much as he did, and still had a body like the gods.
Then there was Park Jimin, a Sophomore like Taehyung. He was “the cutest in the group” and immensely talented in his major which, to Y/N’s surprise, was dance. She had never encountered someone who had such a major, but seemingly Jimin wasn’t the only one in the group majoring in dancing. A certain Jung Hoseok also had dance as his major, but more on him ahead. Jimin was cute but sexy, had an amazing body, his personality was amazing and so on it went. You had to be lacking in the brain cell apartment if you hadn’t understood who Yein’s favorite was. It wasn’t like she was trying to disguise the obvious crush she had on him. Y/N had inquired about his bad qualities, since it seemed to be a recurring tendency, that the boys had at least one personality trait that wasn’t exactly ideal. But no, no, someone as flawless as Park Jimin “couldn’t possibly have anything bad about him”. And then Yein moved to the next one. Kim Namjoon.
Namjoon was the cleverest of the bunch, being in the lead in all his classes and a favorite to the professors. But apparently, he wasn’t content being one of the greatest, he had to be the greatest. He constantly desired more, and it was especially satisfying for him, if receiving number one, meant beating someone else to the ground. All in all, he gets what he wishes for. You worked hard to win this debate? Suck it, Kim Namjoon wants to win this. And each time someone takes something from him, he comes swooping in and takes it from them with a power even sturdier than before. What Yein described as his extreme ambition and determination, seemed more and more comparable towards an unhealthy greediness to Y/N.
Then there was Jung Hoseok. As previously mentioned, he was majoring in dance too. Y/N admired both him and Jimin, herself not exactly being gifted in the area of dance. Moving on, Yein described him to be a complete sweetheart. He would always aid his friends, was awfully extroverted and could light up a whole room with his smile. Nevertheless, you had to tread wisely around Hoseok, he seemingly had vendetta against everything that didn’t go his way or went as planned. He had broken a guy’s nose once, because the dude kept messing up his dance steps. After that, everybody walked on eggshells round Hoseok, which in hindsight seemed to piss him off even more. People learned to just settle with whatever Hoseok wanted - but not too much, or he would get angry too…
Second-to-last was Min Yoongi. Yein claimed that he was typically the scariest out of the group (when Hoseok hadn’t preferred to wake up with a complete hatred for everyone and everything). He hadn’t actually done anything for people to fear him, it was just sort of an automatic response when you met him. He gave off an aura that said “you could die right now, and I would continue with my nap” – if you could describe a person like that. Min Yoongi just didn’t care. He was generally the one that disappeared the most, gone for weeks at a time, not even bothering to show up to his classes. If you questioned him about it, he would give his signature glare, and folks usually left him alone afterwards. On top of that, he would hardly ever be seen out with his friends, and the six other boys would continually claim he was taking a nap. Either Yoongi adored snoozing his life away or the boy was jammed in some shady shit – or perhaps both.  
At last, there was the Great Kim Seokjin. The boy had an appearance prettier than all the girls at university combined – and he knew. Seokjin could possibly be quite pleasant to hang out with, and a great deal of people on campus spoke of him as the dream boyfriend everybody wished for. Yein said she would approve, if it wasn’t the circumstance, that Kim Seokjin couldn’t go five fucking minutes without speaking about himself. It was like he had trained over numerous years, to be so good at sneaking compliments for himself into every single pompous, arrogant, self-absorbed sentence that left his infuriatingly pretty mouth.
Yein practically had to gasp in air after her amazingly passionate outburst about Kim Seokjin, and Y/N opted to take a sip of her beverage, instead of questioning the topic any longer. Y/N always told herself to never judge a book by its cover. She always believed people were good and kind, but in all honesty, she didn’t really get why these seven boys were so popular at school, they all sounded horrid honestly. But then she was reminded of Taehyung, and how even after hearing about him from Yein, Y/N already yearned for their next meeting. 
She had never really assumed she would be one of those girls pining after guys, that they knew would leave them in the end, but perhaps she was. Yein claimed that it was like dark magic. Those boys drew everyone in, and spit them back out again, after they were through with them. You didn’t choose to come into their life, they picked who they desired, and they had nothing against breaking a couple of hearts when they threw people out of their life again.
“Seriously, you think you know them! Turns out they are someone completely different, I don’t even think they have a real self! They’re all like a bunch of devils with too much confidence. Expect for Jimin of course! He shouldn’t hang out with them, he…” Yein continued to ramble on, but Y/N wasn’t listening any longer. She believed she had seen a tuft of blond locks out of the corner of her eye. But disappointment shortly filled her, as the room turned out to be vacant of both Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jeongguk.
After copious amount of begging, had Jihyo finally succeeded in dragging Y/N out of their dorms, but only after the promise of lunch on Jihyo’s side. Walking across campus, the two girls discussed where to consume their next meal, a heated dispute between pizza and burgers.
“Hey, what if we just mix them! A pizzaburger, a purger!” Y/N looked at the other female with repulsion, before fake gagging at her. “You are out of this world Park Jihyo, truly” Both snickered, before Jihyo halted completely and let out a stifled groan, puzzling Y/N.
“Don’t look to the side, Jeon Jeongguk and the freaks are sitting there.” Regardless of the notice, Y/N still twisted her head to gaze at the boys. Only four out of seven were present, but she didn’t really mind, only gawking at Taehyung. He hadn’t seen her yet – not that she desired him to see her salivate stupidly – but the guy across of him had caught her eyes.
Now, if she hadn’t listened to Yein’s painful rants about him, Y/N would undoubtedly have been clueless about who she was sharing excruciatingly awkward eye contact with, but there was no denying it. That was definitely Park Jimin. Y/N would rather not disclose, that viewing the boy, she didn’t have a doubt where Yein’s crush derived from. Jimin was endearing; his cheeks prodding out slightly and his eyes scrunched. Sadly enough, had his continuous gaze at her, made the other guys present, alert of her too.
Swiftly turning her head, Y/N pleaded that Taehyung hadn’t realized it was her. But by the widening of Jihyo’s eyes and the indistinct sound of footsteps behind them, it would appear her prayers hadn’t been heard. Turning around, Y/N came face to face with the grinning face of Kim Taehyung. That stupidly attractive face. Considering what she now knew about him, she shouldn’t surrender to him so effortlessly, but as the boy in front of her presented a huge smile, she couldn’t help but dissolve.
“I haven’t seen you around, princess” Jihyo shuffled awkwardly beside them, and Y/N turned to give her a panicked expression, inaudibly asking for aid. Jihyo raised her hands slightly, as to say, ‘What am I supposed to do!’, before catching Taehyung’s eyes and abruptly starting to murmur incoherently about how she had to go. Y/N looked at her staggered, confused about why her friend would abandon her, but Jihyo only gave her look to say Sorry, before turning to tread away. Y/N was dumbfounded over the bizarre exchange but remembered the boy behind her. When she turned around to stare at him again, he hadn’t shifted, and was still blatantly ogling her.
“I think- Maybe I- I probably need to go after her…?” Y/N stammered, evading making eye-contact with the striking flirt in front of her. “Just stay a bit, princess. She won’t mind. Alright?” Taehyung draped his arm over her shoulder, directing her over to the three other males, who appeared to have resumed their previous conversation. Damn her helplessness. Damn her inability to say no. And Damn Kim Taehyung.
She inserted herself in between Taehyung and the other guy, while being embarrassingly aware about the multiple sets of eyes on her. Bracing herself, Y/N elevated her gaze slightly, only to encounter the eyes of Jeon Jeongguk. He was looking her up and down, practically like she was a meal offered to him, which – not to lie – made her greatly uncomfortable. Possibly Jihyo hadn’t been so mistaken about him. The other guy beside her, was unexpectedly offering her a smile. He had a mole dotted just above his upper lip, and his cheeks displayed cute dimples.
“Y/N” She looked at Taehyung once more, finding him pointing to her, as to introduce her to the others. Then he began pointing at them one by one, identifying them. “Hoseok. Jimin. Jeongguk. There you go” Y/N smiled awkwardly at them, rubbing her neck, feeling warm under their gazes. She heard Taehyung chuckle behind her, almost like he relished in her uncomfortable suffering. Well, this wasn’t awkward at all.
Only after almost three excruciating minutes of agonizing silence, decided Y/N, that she really needed to find Jihyo. Coughing softly, she gazed towards Taehyung, making an explanation about how she had possibly forgot to turn off the oven. He quirked an eyebrow at her, before allowing her to depart. Standing up to press a kiss to her forehead as a farewell, and his smug expression came forth again, after seeing her stiffened and panicked state. A hasty goodbye was ushered, and Y/N quickly made her way towards the direction Jihyo had went.
All four of them observed the girl hastily making her exit, and Hoseok chuckled before adding a slight remark. “She does know, that the dorms are the other way, right?” Taehyung turned to stare at him, both grinning. “Yup” He sat down again, fishing up his phone, before being interrupted by a dainty voice. “Why did you introduce us? It’s not like she’s anything special, you’ll forget her name soon enough.” Jimin’s eyes were pointed at the boy, and he huffed slightly before crossing his arms. “Calm down, Jiminie” Taehyung winked at him, before bending over to tousle his hair. “I don’t like her” No one in the group was surprised about the comment. “You never like any of our partners” Jimin glared slightly at Jeongguk but didn’t contradict the statement. “I don’t like when you touch them. They don’t deserve you. They’re nobody” Jimin seethed inaudibly, glaring at Jeongguk and Taehyung. Hoseok clicked his tongue and snickered at his three juniors. “Watch out, pretty boy, you’re turning a bit green” Jimin snapped his head towards him but chose to remain quiet. He wasn’t up for a quarrel today, and even though Hoseok seemed content right now, Jimin wouldn’t put it past him, that he wouldn’t mind delivering a few punches if someone talked back.
Taehyung eased the tension by patting Jimin on the back and laughing. “Don’t worry, darling. I practically had her the moment we met. I’m only toying a bit, she’s too innocent to say no. I’ll have a new one by the weeks end” He leaned back again, and their previous conversation issued once again.
Tags: @d-noona @rottenratatouille @bts-edits-bitch @chims-kookies💕
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wwhkimseokjin · 5 years
of this world - jjk
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pairings: jeon jeongguk x reader
genres: angst, bit of fluff
warnings: this is pretty short, so i guess it’s more of a drabble 
summary: You didn’t know where you two where - or if you were going to survive. But being with Jeongguk made even the worst situations into better memories.
y/n: This was supposed to be a short story for school, but I was sick the day we were meant to write it, soooo... why not use it for this. 
- also this was inspired by a poet by an author from my country, so enjoy!!!
”Hey, we’ll be alright” You looked towards the boy beside you, his body slumped against the wall. “Jeongguk?” You spoke to him again. The boy looked up and smiled slightly. Even though the grin was seemingly forced, and didn’t hold the same meaning it used to, it still made you calm down. Releasing a breath, you hadn’t realized you were holding, you slowly took the boy’s hand in yours. It was cold, almost freezing. Jeongguk grasped your hand tightly in his - which wasn’t that tightly considering his current state. Normally the muscle bunny would have been able to crush your hand in one motion, but everything that had happened, had taken a toll on him. You two were just kids, what were you doing here? Why was this happening to you?
Your thoughts were interrupted by Jeongguk’s shaking form beside you. The cold was finally getting to him, your own fingers and toes had gone numb too. You were sure, that if you were to stand, your legs would collapse under you. Tugging at the worn blanket over you two, you removed it from your own body, and used the extra fabric to wrap around Jeongguk. He opened his mouth to protest, but you shushed him before a word could leave him. He complied, closing his eyes.
Looking around the empty city, you tried to recognize the buildings, or the language scribbled on them. If you knew the place, the chances of surviving would increase. In the middle of the abandoned square, glowed a single, dirty phone box. It reminded you of something you had seen before, and it brought back memories of sharp eyes and dimples. Memories of the boy you had been traveling with before you had become stranded here. He had told you about his dreams. It was always of a phone box in the middle of nowhere – ringing. But he could never get to it in time. He had been quite strange, but you had enjoyed his company.
This one was completely silent, though, and even if you wanted to use it, you doubt you could. Heavy chains surrounded the box and from here, it seemed like the cord was broken. You weren’t exactly sure of its purpose, but then again, you weren’t exactly sure of your purpose here too. Catching a slight movement in the corner of your eye, you turned your head slightly. A shadow limped across the far horizon. You couldn’t make out what it was, and it disappeared behind the hills before you could investigate it any further. You ignored the chills on your spine, and insisted to yourself, that it was probably just a stray dog – if they had dogs here.
“Y/N” Jeongguk’s voice was hoarse as he spoke, and it broke you out of your little trance. You turned your head to him, but he wasn’t looking at you. His big doe eyes were turned towards the night sky. He coughed slightly, before continuing to speak. “I don’t like the stars here” His voice was quiet and felt unfamiliar to you. “You… You don’t like the stars here?” Your voice wasn’t any better, it sounded way too gravely, and you wondered when you last had gotten hold of water. “Yes, I don’t like the stars. They’re too big, it doesn’t fit” You chuckled slightly and looked at him fondly. He had closed his eyes again, and he placed his head on your shoulder, his breathing turning more and more shallow.
“I think they look the same, but I guess you are the expert here. I mean, I can only recognize the Big Dipper, and that isn’t really impressive” You gave a slight huff and looked up at the star-spangled sky. “See… there it is. When I was younger, my father would always point it out when we went on walks. My sister even has a tattoo of it, right on her ankle” Closing your eyes, you reminisced about your childhood, missing your old house and the garden you used to spend all your time in.
The feeling of Jeongguk’s head on your shoulder had grown heavier, and his breathing was now so quiet, that you had to strain your ear to hear it. This situation you were in, didn’t seem to have a happy ending. You knew it, Jeongguk knew it. You lifted his head carefully, placing it in your lap. His head lolling slightly, mouth partially open. You leaned down over his face. “Are… are you sleeping?” Of course, he wouldn’t respond, but still… “I’ll… I’ll stop talking now. Don’t worry, bunny. They’ll pick us up again tomorrow… I’m sure of it. And then we’ll… we’ll arrive home into our own bed… I think” Shakingly you brushed a piece of Jeongguk’s hair out of his face, and then leaned down to kiss his forehead. If you hadn’t already gotten used to the temperature, you would have pulled back at the freezing cold of his skin. Sitting up again, you leaned back against the brick wall and closed your eyes. You chewed your lip slightly and listened carefully, but no matter how much you strained your ears, there was only silence. Only the sound of your heavy breathing filled the air, and a single tear rolled down your cheek, as you whispered three words to the boy beneath you, before dozing off.
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wwhkimseokjin · 5 years
highway to hell - chapter 2
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pairings: bts x reader (bit of member x member too)
genres: seven deadly sins!au, devil bangtan!au, fluff, angst, smut
warnings: future smut, violence, death, swearing, NSFW, literal hell
summary:  Y/N had always been the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the light in people’s life. She had always believed that she would never do anything wrong, be a perfect little angel. Until her life turns upside down, and she meets seven very handsome, very dangerous men.
a/n: The end of school year is nearing which means tests, exams and end of the year assignments. This means I will be quite busy and probably quite stressed. Therefore, I will in advance apologize for the lack of updating, or not updating frequently. I hope you understand, thank you!
”Shit, shit, shit” Y/N looked at her clock for the third time in the last two minutes. She couldn’t believe this. She was going to be late, on her first day. This was nothing like her, she was always on time. Always. She just hoped that her teacher didn’t realize or could care less. Y/N looked around one last time, grabbing her keys on the table and checking the clock one last time. If she really hurried, she could still get there in time. Shutting her door harshly, she began running down the staircase leading to the school campus. “How the hell am I going to get to the other side of campus in 20 minutes?”
One thing was for sure, Y/N really needed some fucking exercise. Not even 5 minutes went past, before she had to stop up and take a deep breath. “Holy shit, I’m going to die.” She looked around quickly, huffing slightly, to make sure no one saw her compromising position. Luckily, it seemed like there was no one around, on the other hand, it probably meant everyone was in class. Resuming her run, Y/N rounded the corner of the building, but didn’t continue any further. Instead she found herself running into a hard surface, the force making her jump back and drop some of her books. Looking up at the wall she’d run into, she was surprised seeing an incredibly handsome boy. Y/N forgot everything about her running late, or her books lying on the ground. She could only look at the boy’s face, watching his eyes searching her up and down. Was it even allowed to be that attractive? His face had to belong in a museum, he looked like he was a piece of art.
“You dropped your books” His voice was deep and saturated, and it send chills down Y/N’s spine. Breaking out of her trance-like state, she felt her cheeks grow red from embarrassment. “Sorry” She bend down quickly picking up her books, feeling his gaze on her. Straightening up again, she looked at his face once more. It was now being donned by a smug look, his eyebrows slightly lifted at her, the expression making him even more attractive. There wasn’t a lot of strangers, that Y/N would willingly get down on her knees for, but the blond in front of her was definitely an exception.  
“Don’t worry about it, princess” He leaned down and brushed a piece of her hair behind her ear. If it had been anyone other than the handsome stranger, then Y/N would have been uncomfortable with the close proximity, but standing here she was more than happy about him touching her. “I should’ve been more careful” His breath felt hot against her face, and his eyes pierced into hers. Y/N only had to move a little bit forward, and her lips would touch the strangers, but before she could do anything, he pulled away again, almost making her whine. What was happening with her? Had it really been that long since she had gotten some, that one touch from a pretty boy was leaving her a mess? She shook her head slightly, realizing that the stranger was already a decent way away from her. He turned around to look at her again, opening his mouth to perhaps... ask something? Y/N was already pulling her phone out to give him her number. “I think you’re late for your class, princess” Her movements stilled, and the boy winked at her, before turning around and disappearing. Pulling her phone out of her pocket completely, she looked at the clock, loudly cursing when she realized what time it was.
Her class had started 15 minutes ago.
After giving up, and deciding no to go to her first class, Y/N stood waiting for one of her dorm mates to finish her class. Her name was Jihyo, and even though the two hadn’t spoken much, had they still become friends pretty quickly. Meeting in the cafeteria, they sat down and ate their food, while Y/N complained about the stranger preventing her from getting to class. Leaving out the fact, that it was also her own fault to some degree. Jihyo laughed at her inconvenience and shoveled some rice in her mouth. “But he was pretty, right? You should’ve said he owed you his number” Y/N buried her head in her arms and groaned at the older girl beside her. “You aren’t helping at all!” Jihyo laughed and gave a quick apology, before continuing to eat her food. “My professor is going to hate me, I’m dead meat” Shutting her eyes, Y/N began thinking back to the stranger she had met this morning. There had been something eerie about him, something weird, she was sure of it. She just couldn’t figure out what exactly it had been.
Shot! Shot! Shot! Shot!
The words repeatedly rang out inside the house, encouraging the boy in front of Y/N to down his 11th shot glass. Which was quite impressive, but she didn’t actually really care for the show, still there was nothing else to do at the party. Y/N didn’t know why she had come. The first reason being she wasn’t even  in the first place much for partying and the complete madness of it. Second one being the gathering turned out to be just another typical college party. She thought that she would be dealing with a different crowd once coming to university, but apparently people didn’t grow up anymore. And on top of that, she was pretty damn sure, she saw a couple of college kids running around too.
Looking around the room, Y/N froze as her eyes landed upon the blond stranger across the room. The man had been on her mind since their first meeting and seeing him across the room made her stomach warm up. His sculpted face was handsome, even under the dim lights of the party, and Y/N had a strange feeling of wanting to kiss every place on his face she could reach. Trying to shake the weird thoughts of her, she spotted the other man beside her stranger. ‘Man’ wasn’t quite the right word to describe him, he looked young and boyish. Even then his beauty was just as apparent as the blond beside him. His brown ruffled hair adding to his charm and making him appear more fresh looking compared to the sexy facade of the her stranger.
As if feeling the eyes on him, the brown-haired boy turned to stare directly at Y/N. His eyes contrasting his kid like features. They were holding a certain kind of dominance to them, his powerful gazing making her look away in embarrassment. Sneaking a glance once more, she saw not only the kid looking at her still, but also the blond staring with his eyebrow raised. He was smirking slightly, and his eyes were glinting with amusement, like he knew her awkwardness just by staring at her. Feeling her shoulder shoved lightly, she flinched slightly, breaking out of her trance.
“I thought I’d lost you, you just disappeared from beside me!” Jihyo laughed a bit, obviously tipsy but not yet fully drunk. Y/N muttered a slight sorry and gave her a sheepish smile. “Found any hot guys in the meantime?” Jihyo sent a wink at her, and her cheeks reddened slightly, sneaking a glance at the two boys across the room, who now looked to be debating with each other. Apparently, she hadn’t been so subtle as she thought, because Jihyo turned around, staring straight at the people across the room. Y/N saw her eyes widening slightly, before she let out a loud groan. “No, nope, no. You’re staying far away from him” She turned back around again and grabbed Y/N pulling her a bit closer. “That’s Jeon Jeongguk. We went to the same college, don’t know how the fucking menace got in here” She made a motion with her hands, pretending to throw up. “Anyways, don’t even try. He’s messed in the head, heard his friends were too. Don’t let the hotness fool you” Y/N’s eyes widened slightly at Jihyo’s clear hate for the boy. “Messed in the head? What do you mean?” She looked at Jihyo, who was still cursing the boy – Jeongguk - quietly. “Listen here, he’s weird okay? He collects things – no, not only things, everything. Food, friends, girls, he’s just weird okay? He once told me ‘I’ll never be satisfied, not before I’ve had a taste of everything in this world and more. Seeing is devouring’. I don’t know if he was high or something, but that’s still really fucking mental. What does that even fucking mean? Anyways, just stay away from them.” Jihyo had pulled Y/N outside doing her long rant, ending it with a short ‘We’re going home’. The trip home was entirely silent, only one thought occupying Y/N’s thoughts.
Jeon Jeongguk and his friend interested her more than they should.
Tag: @d-noona 💕
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wwhkimseokjin · 5 years
bittersweet first love - jhs
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pairings: jung hoseok x reader
genres: major angst, a bit of fluff
warnings: swearing, cheating, angst, university!au 
summary: Y/N falls in love with the sweet exchange student at her school, only realizing afterwards, that love isn’t really what it’s portrayed as in the movies.
a/n: I do in no way support cheating, or the pain it brings. Stay loyal! And don’t go after taken people, get over it. This plot is something that actually happened to me, and I wanted to write it down, so I perhaps could get over it.
“Man, I haven’t heard from Hoseok in so long!”
Y/N’s head snapped up from her lunch, only tuning in to her friend’s conversation after hearing his name. She felt like she hadn’t heard it in forever, him rarely being a topic that was talked about in her friend group. Suddenly hearing the name brought memories back, and Y/N felt tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She stood up from the table, making the chair scrape the ground loudly. Her friends stopped their talking and looked at her with worry.
“Sorry, I just- I need to use the bathroom.” Y/N ran out of the hall, hoping none of the others had seen her tears. She was being ridiculous honestly. She couldn’t react this way just by hearing his name! It wasn’t only his name though. Even the craziest things as the way people would pronounce something like him, or hearing a song he heard once, made her freeze up and panic. And like many other times, Y/N curses Jung Hoseok for ruining her life.
Y/N honestly didn’t want to go with her friends to another stupid frat party. She had much better things to use her Saturday nights on, but here she was in a way too tight dress and sweaty, drunk people surrounding her on every side. Why did she agree on coming here again? Spotting her friend, she quickly began pushing through the copious amounts of bodies to get to him.
After a few minutes of pushing and shoving, Y/N broke free from the crowd and took a deep breath, looking at her friend again. Her sight having been obscured by the others on the dance floor, did so she hadn’t seen the guy her friend was talking with. And holy shit! the guy her friend was talking to. How had she never seen him before? Was he new? He must’ve been, Y/N was a 100 % sure, that she would have seen someone as pretty as him around campus before, or at least have heard of him. Taking a deep breath, Y/N started walking towards the two guys, her friend spotting her and giving her and enthusiastic wave. Following her friend’s wave, the guy looked at her and gave her a big smile, his dimples protruding. He was hot. He was really hot.
A couple of seconds went by before she realized her friend was talking to her. The thundering music blocking out any form of sound, making it impossible to hear what he was saying. She mouthed What? and pointed to her ears. Before her friend could answer, the stranger at his side leaned down and pulled Y/N a bit closer. “He asked if you wanted to go to the dance floor.” The stranger had a slight accent, and as he laughed, his smile grew even wider. His warm breath on her neck, made her shiver. “Oh…” Y/N felt her entire face turn red, and she quickly started moving to the dance floor, before any of the two guys could see it. Her friend and the stranger joined in beside her, and she was painfully aware at them beside her. The stranger turned to look at her again. “I’m Hoseok by the way. And what should I call this pretty girl?” Y/N didn’t think it was possible, but she blushed even more. Her body heating under the gaze of Hoseok. He was definitely a foreigner, his name and the cute accent told so. “Y/N… I’m Y/N.” They stopped in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by other students dancing closely around them, her friend having already disappeared in between them. Y/N didn’t realize though, being too captivated by the handsome man in front of her. “Y/N? A pretty name. It suits you.” Hoseok winked at her, and stepped a bit closer. “Well Y/N, do you dance?” He raised an eyebrow, waiting for her answer. Y/N shook her head slightly, her hair bouncing with the movement. “Not really, no.” Her eyes widened slightly when she felt his hands on her waist, him making the both of them move to the beat. “Let me teach you then.” His eyes glinted mischievously, and he pulled her into him, making her grip onto his arms. Getting lost in Hoseok eyes, Y/N agreed with herself, that she had never been happier about choosing to go to a frat party.
Y/N found her night ending faster than she intended. The shouts of Hey! The fireworks are starting now! interrupted her and Hoseok’s dancing. Looking around bewildered and panicking, as the masses started pulling her and Hoseok outside. Screams and laughter filled the air, and Y/N started breathing quicker. The first bang of the firework rang out, and the sky lit up with color. Y/N flinched roughly, and shut her eyes harshly, trying to hide away from what was happening. “Hey, are you alright?” She opened her eyes and saw Hoseok’s worried face. “I just- I really don’t like fireworks…” Y/N closed her eyes shut again, as another bang went off. Clutching her phone in her hands, she looked for a way out of the crowd. “Wow, you’re really shaking a lot. Here.” Hoseok suddenly took her hands in his and gently took her phone from her, placing it in his pocket. “Don’t want you to drop it, do we?” He smiled down at her, and Y/N felt her chest getting a little lighter. Hoseok shrugged of his jacket and placed it over her shoulders, patting her head slightly.
“You’re here for the exchange program, right?” The question that had nagged her for a bit, was finally being asked. “Yes, I guess I don’t really look like your typical American frat boy.” His laughter filled the air and drowned out the rest of the noises. “I’m from Korea, thought it would be cool to be somewhere new. I do miss everyone, though.” Y/N looked up at him, his eyes illuminated by the lights from the fireworks. He smiled fondly, thinking back to his home. Looking upon his heart-formed smile, (Y/N) felt her cheeks heating up and a strange warmth filling her stomach. Looking away from Hoseok, she grinned slightly. Was this what falling in love felt like?
Next time she saw Hoseok was in the cafeteria, sitting with some of her friends. He waved her over to the table, his signature smile donning his face. Y/N sat down, watching as he continued the discussion he was having with her friend. She felt a strange fondness just from looking at him, and a shy smile spread over her face. She felt a kick under the table, and quickly looked up. Her friend was wiggling his eyebrows at her, while looking between her and Hoseok. She blushed scarlet and kicked him back under the table.
Finishing their lunch, the friend group parted ways to go to their classes. Y/N looked towards Hoseok, trying to hype herself up, so she could talk to him. She looked at her watch, class was starting, she had to hurry. “Hey, Hoseok!” The boy turned around hearing his name, his face lighting up when he spotted her. “I was just wondering, if you, you know, wanted my number? If we were to hang out sometime?” Y/N stuttered slightly, already feeling her cheeks becoming red. “Sure!” He smiled at her, handing over his phone. Numbers were interchanged, and they said goodbye to each other before heading to their classes. Y/N felt her phone vibrate, a cute emoji popping up from Hoseok. Her face was donned with a smile through the entire class.
Hoseok 😊: Hey, can you come to my room after school? Really need help with this English homework!!!
Y/N had read over the message at least fifty times, her heart racing every time she read it again. She didn’t want to seem too desperate, so instead of writing I would love to! – which was her first choice – she instead opted for a simple What’s the dorm? Hoseok responded not long after with the address and You’re an absolute legend!💖. Y/N looked at the message, a bit confused over it, but chose to take it as compliment anyway.
Later that day she found herself in Hoseok’s room trying to explain English grammar. After almost 15 minutes trying to explain pronunciation, it seemed that Hoseok got it. “Ah, you’re a genius!” He smiled brightly and began laughing at his idiocy, hitting Y/N’s leg slightly while doing so. His laughter stopped, and he rested his hand on top of her thigh. Y/N thought that he would probably remove it in a moment, after he realized where his hand was. But the hand stayed. It was still there, when Y/N had moved on to explaining the compositions of their assignments, and it didn’t seem like Hoseok was going to move it anytime soon. Actually, it felt like his hand was slowly moving, now resting on the inner side of her thigh. His touch burned, and his hand felt heavy, the warmth of his palm spreading around the area. 
Y/N couldn’t breathe. The room was all of a sudden way too small, and everything felt like it had been paused. She wanted to run, flee from the dorm and never come back. But she couldn’t. She instead turned her head to look at Hoseok, who was staring straight at her. Y/N felt her heart speed up, the beating of her heart feeling unpleasantly loud in her ears. Hoseok wasn’t even hiding the fact, that he was blatantly staring at her lips, damping his own with his tongue. She couldn’t do this, she had to run, she had to flee.
“I’m really sorry, I totally forgot I promised my roommate to be home before 6!” Y/N stood up rather violently, and tried to look anywhere but Hoseok’s face, only peaking slightly to catch his expression. He was smirking. His eyes glinting slightly, while looking her up and down. “Alright.” He said it so casually, like he wasn’t affected by the situation at all. “Oh, alright I-I’ll see you then.” Y/N started walking towards the door, feeling the uncomfortable and heavy gaze of Hoseok on her. It felt like she was a prey, and he was the predator. After she made it out in the hallway, (Y/N) ran.
Y/N was sitting on campus with her friend, listening to him complain about his terrible day, that he had yesterday. She wasn’t really listening, her mind was far away, thinking about Jung Hoseok. She hadn’t seen him in four days. It was weird, shouldn’t he at least have been at lunch?
“Hey! Are you even listening to me?” Her friend broke her train of thoughts, and Y/N turned her head to look at him. “Of course!” She smiled at him innocently, and he looked at her suspiciously before continuing with his story. “As I was saying, to end my disaster of a day, I come home and Hoseok doesn’t even want to play!” His story suddenly becomes interesting after the mention of Hoseok. “He just sat for two hours talking with his girlfriend! Korean gets pretty annoying when you don’t know what they’re saying…” Y/N froze completely. She must have heard wrong. “Girlfriend?” She interrupted her friends rambling. “Yeah, his girlfriend, back in Korea. Why does that ma- Why do you look like that?” He stopped talking, looking at her confused. “Are you alright?” Y/N whimpered out a small got to go, before running away.
Hoseok had a girlfriend. She didn’t even realize she was crying, before she tasted the salt on her lips. Her head was ringing, and there was a lump in her throat. She couldn’t breathe. Y/N broke down sobbing, supporting herself against the wall. Her chest felt tight and constricted. Had he led her on? Maybe she had been wrong, and he didn’t actually like her. He wasn’t interested in her at all, she was just a friend. Hoseok wasn’t a bad person, and his girlfriend was probably some kind of model, matching his beauty standards. So, it only made sense that he would never cheat, he wasn’t interested in her at all then. Y/N tugged at her hair, why did she have to fall in love with someone, who clearly were never going to love her back? It’s my fault, I’m the one who fell in love after all. She was going to stay away from Jung Hoseok from now on, she was going to get over him, no matter how long it took.
That was what Y/N tried to tell herself at least, but here she was two months after, at another frat party, just because he was here. She couldn’t help but come, she couldn’t stay away. Not from him. Slightly turning her drink in her hand, she spots him across the room, laughing with a couple of guys. Y/N looks away quickly and instead moves to the dance floor, to get the image of him laughing out of her head. Only a couple of minutes dancing passes by, before she feels hands on her hips and a light breath on her neck. “I thought you didn’t dance?” His voice sent chills down her spine, and she quickly turns around to look at his face. She wanted to hate him, God, she really wanted to hate him. But seeing him here, smugly looking down upon her, she honestly just wanted to kiss him until she couldn’t breathe. “Have you been ignoring me?” He pouts a bit, but his eyes remain the same, holds the same piercing gaze. Y/N shakes her head slightly, not trusting her voice in this moment. “Well then, shouldn’t we go somewhere else, so we can talk about what you’ve been up to?”
They don’t talk. Y/N is pressed up against the wall, legs wrapped around Hoseok’s waist as he kisses her. His hands are in her hair, tugging it slightly, and she’s tightly gripping his neck, holding onto dear life. This is wrong. This is really wrong, she thinks. He doesn’t love you like you do. He doesn’t care about you. Y/N tries hard to get the voices in her head to shut up, but to no avail. She untangles her legs and pushes Hoseok away from her. She can’t do it.
“I can’t do it.” Y/N looks up at Hoseok, his face showing slight confusion, then as if a switch was flipped, his face turns completely emotionless. He knows. “Oh shit. You really do like me, don’t you? Fuck, I just thought your friends were joking.” He drags his hand through his hair and looks away from her face. “Sorry ‘bout that. Maybe, we should just… I mean, you’re a great girl Y/N, but you’re not…” He scratches his neck slightly, his face showing obvious discomfort. “Not someone you would date.” Y/N finishes his sentence, suddenly feeling courageous enough to look at him. Hoseok’s eyes widen a bit, and he is just about to open his mouth to say something, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t disagree. “We wouldn’t have worked out anyways.” His voice is monotone, and his tone is cold. He shrugs his shoulders and walks towards the exit. With one final look back at her, he opens the door and leaves. This wasn’t the Jung Hoseok Y/N knew, this wasn’t him. Or maybe it was, maybe she just didn’t know the real him.
Y/N doesn’t see Hoseok at all the next two months, she actually doesn’t hear anything about him until her friend doesn’t show up to class one day. A quick message is sent, asking where he is at.
Idiot: I’m at the airport, we’re saying goodbye to Hoseok.
Idiot: I thought you would’ve been here? 🤨
Saying goodbye. To Hoseok. He was going home. Y/N couldn’t focus anymore, her mind drifting back to his face. Her eyes clouding over the tiniest bit. He didn’t even tell her, she should’ve known. Y/N looks around the class, it was so big, that the teacher wouldn’t notice one gone, so she packs her things and leaves. She wouldn’t make it in time for the airport, she wasn’t going to try that. Instead she opens her messages again. She clicks on contact ‘Jung Hoseok’, and writes her text.
Y/N: You were wrong. I don’t like you.
Y/N: I love you, Hoseok.
Y/N splashes her face with water before opening the bathroom door. Her friends were probably worried, she just barged out of the cafeteria. She heads towards her class, stopping before the door to check her phone for a last time. She looks at her last message to Hoseok, and then the notification under it.
Read 4 months ago.
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wwhkimseokjin · 5 years
highway to hell - chapter 1
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pairings: bts x reader (bit of member x member too)
genres: seven deadly sins!au, devil bangtan!au, fluff, angst, smut
warnings: future smut, violence, death, swearing, NSFW, literal hell
summary:  Y/N had always been the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the light in people’s life. She had always believed that she would never do anything wrong, be a perfect little angel. Until her life turns upside down, and she meets seven very handsome, very dangerous men.
Y/N learned from the mere age of seven, that perhaps the world wasn't as kind as she once naively believed. As she watched the taller girl walk away from her, she promised that from now, she would always be kind to others. For how could you live with oneself, knowing that you have caused harm to someone else? How could you live, knowing that one word you said, caused someone to lie awake crying for weeks on?
Y/N could never do that, not even as a child. No matter how badly she wanted to scream at the girl walking away from her, she didn't. She wasn't like that, like her. So Y/N just sat there, tears slowly falling down her face, mingling with the rain cascading from the skies. The edges of skirt absorbing the muddy water on the ground and her tiny feet drowning from the water inside her shoes. The seven year old sat there for quite awhile, how long she didn't know. But the sun was now free from the grasp of the graying clouds and it warmed her fingertips. As she looked up at the sun, she made a promise. Y/N would always be kind, Y/N would always be generous and Y/N would always be happy in front of others. She would be the light, the kind of light people would huddle around because all of them wanted to feel its warmth. And she kept her promise.
Y/N, now at the age of nineteen, still didn't quite know why that girl had pushed her. Maybe she had a bad day? Or perhaps Y/N had done something to offend her? She had no idea. All she knew was, if one day she met the girl again, Y/N would ask her why. Of course Y/N had forgiven her a long time ago, she wasn't one to dwell on things, but that didn't mean she wasn't curious. If it wasn't for that mysterious girl, Y/N would never have become this Y/N. The kind one, the smart one, the perfect one. So as she sat there in the dark, on the edge of her bed, she kindly thanked the girl. Falling back into her pillows, she smiled and closed her eyes, determined on getting at least one good nights sleep before her final exams.
The days ticked by fast, faster than she wanted. Y/N had been desperate to grow up, but as be know stood with her parents and her friends, celebrating their graduation, she was afraid. Afraid of the future and what it would bring, but also afraid that growing up meant she could longer keep her promise. She hugged her friends one last time, wishing luck on the people coming to say farewell to her and promising her parents, that yes, she would call them after she had moved to Seoul. That was perhaps the one thing she was most afraid of. Moving. Personally, she would have been fine to stay in her town, but her parents got so overjoyed when she was accepted into Seoul National University, that she couldn't not go.
Only a month after her graduation, was Y/N seated in a train heading towards the capital city. Of course she was excited, but her anxiety was perhaps just a bit greater. Tapping her foot lightly on the ground, she looked around observing the people around her. Some were smiling, others were looking just as anxious as she was feeling. Perhaps they were starting a new chapter too? Y/N stood up and slung her bag over her shoulder, gripping it tightly, as the speaker announced that Seoul Station was a couple minutes away. As the doors of the train opened up, so did a new chapter of her life and she took a deep breath in, before stepping out into her new life. Here she was, ready to face all the challenges of life head on. Or so she thought.
Y/N wasn't prepared for the challenges life was about to throw at her, no sane person would be. Y/N hadn't really prepared for anything at all. But beginnings usually bring more than just fresh starts to ones life.  Looking at her phone to find directions, she started her walk towards her university, having no clue that she was walking directly into the open gates of Hell. Quite literally.
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wwhkimseokjin · 5 years
highway to hell - masterlist
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pairings: bts x reader (bit of member x member too)
genres: seven deadly sins!au, devil bangtan!au, fluff, angst, smut
warnings: future smut, violence, death, swearing, NSFW, literal hell
summary:  Y/N had always been the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the light in people’s life. She had always believed that she would never do anything wrong, be a perfect little angel. Until her life turns upside down, and she meets seven very handsome, very dangerous men.
chapter 1
chapter 2 
chapter 3 
chapter 4 
chapter 5 (coming soon)
93 notes · View notes
wwhkimseokjin · 5 years
highway to hell - introductions
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pairings: bts x reader (probably member x member too)
genres: seven deadly sins!au, devil bangtan!au, fluff, angst, smut
warnings: future smut, violence, death, swearing, NSFW, literal hell 
summary:  She had always been the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the light in people's life. She had always believed that she would never do anything wrong, be the perfect little angel. Until she meets seven very handsome, very dangerous men.
there are six things the Lord hates. seven that are detestable to him:                    haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.  
jeon jeongguk as gluttony
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kim taehyung as lust
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park jimin as envy
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kim namjoon as greed
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jung hoseok as wrath
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min yoongi as sloth
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and kim seokjin as pride
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131 notes · View notes
wwhkimseokjin · 5 years
🍂: angst - 🌻: fluff - 🔥: smut - 🌑: done - 🌓: writing - 🌩️: serious topics
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- disagree  🌻 🍂 🌑
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- bittersweet first love    🍂 🌻 🌑
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- of this world  🍂 🌑
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- (SLIGHT HIATUS - REWRITING)  highway to hell (4/?) : all members 🍂 🌻 🔥 🌓
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