#you’re left with a hollow and empty feeling because it feels like the show stripped ITSELF of its own heart and soul
heynhay · 1 year
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you do not want to do that OP I promise
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gayashouses · 2 years
Pairing: Stephen Strange x reader
Summary: Stephen has all sorts of magic tricks, though you’re not quite sure you believe him when he starts telling you about the heart lines on your hands. When he disappears into space one day, and you’re left alone - for years, and years - you can’t help but think hope was the best magic trick he ever showed you. Warnings: inexplicit but animal harm/blood for the purpose of divination, do people tag grief? Reader struggles with grieving, happy ending though~~ Words: 2.4k
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Stephen thinks he’s being funny.
‘Heart lines’ he calls them, as he traces certain lines across your hands. Some of his magic and sorcery makes sense - other parts sound like parlour tricks. You can’t tell when he’s being entirely serious. Some things – like portals and flight – you understand, because you’ve seen them. But astral projecting? Bending reality? You're dubious.
And now heart lines? In the moment you’re sure he’s pulling your leg. In retrospect, it’ll be one of the best things he’s ever done.
Still, now, in this moment of time that will fuel memory for years to come, he traces the creasing line over one of your palms with a shaking, pointing finger.
“And this is a heart line.”
“Oh?” You ask, voice clear with mirth. He’s been drawing lines all over, making it up. He’s making it all up, it’s all silly and nonsense, but you believe it because he’s telling you a tale - and you don’t know what’s coming next for all of you, but he’s here now. “And what’s it telling me?”
“Telling you? No, it’s leading you.”
“And where is it leading me?”
He doesn’t reply, and the look in his eyes is softer.
He holds his hand up to yours, palms pressing against each other. “Oh look.” He says, his voice barely a breath. “A matching pair.”
It’s so dumb, so cheesy you can’t stand it, but you love him.
He spins you a story, telling you that your heart lines connect you across the ages, across time, that you two are joined together indefinitely -  because 'do you see where these two bits line up?' I don’t think they do. 'They do, look, move your finger like this' -
He’s so lax with hands he once held so covered and secretive. He laces your fingers together. You’re at home and at peace in his arms.
All is well. Heart lines lead home.
And then your hands are cold.
Stephen made an irrevocable choice. In the grander scheme of things, it helped wipe half of life from the planet - from the universe - and in the smaller scheme of things it has left your hands cold at night.
That’s the part you can’t get past. The selfish part. During the day it’s easy to see the rest. At night, he’s the only one you notice the absence of. Cold bed, cold hands.
You hold your own hands, trailing your heart lines to ends with an abrupt stop. No leading, lingering flesh to soothe into story.
Some days - some dark nights - you ask him if he can return. If he could come back to you, please. Just him - how shameful.    selfish
- as if it’s even possible.
- as if he’ll know and have the answer.
Sometimes he’ll reply from spaces in your mind, or your heart, that he can. Yes. You’ll feel his voice and you’ll be the one to speak it into the hollow room, “you can, you can.”
Other times, nothing. Hollow room, hollow chest.
Empty hands full of time.
The sanctuary isn’t home without him – not even close. Without him, it doesn’t revert back into house. It isn’t a home turning back into a memory, it’s a home being stripped to a museum.
Relics that aren’t even his. Spaces that he existed in but didn’t claim. He was a mere footprint in a long line of succession that would blur with time. He could be forgotten so easily, fade into the background, into the wallpaper.
This was the place you lived together; but he made it your home. But he's the only thing that makes you want to come back to the house - so he can’t be gone. And you feel him deep inside, calling you forth - so he can't be dead. There are lines on your hand as proof. Home isn’t gone, but misplaced and distant - wrenched away.
People can be grieved, homes rebuilt - but how can a home be rebuilt without its foundations? He is the foundational heart. How can you ever hope to be restored to any home-like feeling within yourself, without him?
No, he’s still out there. The part of him that presses achingly against your chest and squeezes sulphuric against whatever dimensions sucked his soul through is still there, and it's trying to get back. And you'll get it back. You will build home again and be restored, and home will be restored to you.
It was cleaved from you. It has to be cleaved to you.
You will find whatever iota of him you can and bind him to yourself with heart lines as string adhesive. Fates be damned, you have the rest of time, and will cross and track and trace, circle back along every line.
Foundations will be rebuilt, and you will not be alone.
Blood finds your hands.
You’re closer to hearts, further from his. Every day is a step in the wrong direction, moving further along the trajectory of time. Divination was the future; he was the past – but how are you to go back?
You cut hearts out of animals, seeking an answer on how to bring him forward, how to take yourself back. How to undo what he said must be done, what he said was inescapable and unbreakable. Would it be so bad if you broke it?
- he said that the two of you were unbreakable, that the heart lines were inescapable. You have to trust that too.
Caustic divination with blood and bone and entrails - you would dig through hearts to find him if you had to, you would cut through others' in order to hold onto his.
Omens live longer in the natural world. You even looked to augury – you’d be embarrassed if you weren’t so desperate, and while it’s as open to interpretation as it is old, you need something to hold onto while you can’t feel his hand gripping yours.
Sometimes you wonder how Stephen would look at you now, if he reappeared in the middle of the room – and you’ve often had that thought. How he’d look at you if he saw you, wrist deep in sheep livers and herbs, practicing augury and haruspicy. Seeing bird guides and books full of scrawlings of a madwoman – you wonder what his first words would be with the anticipation of a new parent.
The Stephen in your head doesn’t care - of course. He’s learned to live with you.
Your hands take in all the world they can.
Pressing tightly to bark and dipping into streams of water as if you could reach through and pull him out of anywhere, at any time, as though if you close your eyes and are still enough, concentrate just enough… then, ah, yes. There it is! Do you hear his heartbeat?
But to no avail. Not yet.
It’s though there's nothing left of him in the world. No trace or trailing line. Not a footprint. A body, a scrap of cloak, a beating heart, a hand. There has to be some measure left behind to find, some measure of him that told you home was real. Some small part that you could grieve upon and rebuild from.
Some part that he can find his way back from, like an isthmus parting way over this relentless, endless sea, or an anchor joining two points steady - connecting wherever he is and wherever you are. Maybe he isn’t dead. Just displaced. Surely - surely not dead.
Always connected, he’d said. You two are always connected. If only you follow the lines.
You begin to theorise that you are such an isthmus, an anchor. That you’re the standing at the brink of death, and you alone could haul him up from the underworld, from the other side, from another dimension – where is he again?
- don’t look down that cliff. Your balance will throw you both off.
- don’t look backwards into hell. He won’t be able to follow.
It’s possible. He said that you were connected. Stephen didn’t just say things, did he? Sometimes he did. But not now, not when it could be the answer and you’re so close and so desperate and he’s still. Not. Back.
Your hands fail you.
This is not the work that will help. You want to turn away from your head and into your heart – to your gut, to your blood and instinct and be driven thoughtlessly.
But these things, these things… they’re so far from you. They’re so far from your understanding.
And you’re so far from him.
Instinctual Earth beats so distant from the heart – you’re so out of touch with your own heart. You can’t hear your blood thrumming to you anymore, can’t hear it telling you to settle, to wait, to listen. You’re too busy seeking in your grief-madness. Hands covered in water and bark blood.
The search cannot continue. You have to feel the absence of where he’s isn’t, but you aren’t listening.
Restless hands, you search books and tomes – temples. You hear of an Isle of Agamotto where you hope time itself can be turned back, just like the Eye, maybe be returned - oh please be returned.
But it’s not on earth, and it’s not within your reach. You cross seas, and try tombs, and do everything within your power – but you don’t have power. You’re not a sorcerer, and the things you’ve been trying are determined and practiced whims at best.
Stephen was powerful, he held the world, all realms in his hands, could’ve done anything he wanted - and he let it slip. So simply. He gave you up.
He let go of your hand - did he… sever the lines that you shared together?
No. Heart lines are set in hardier things. In skin, in bone, in fate.
“We can,” He’d told you. “We can.”
You’re not a sorcerer. You cannot take back time, but you can look to it. See through it perhaps. See forward.
As Odyssey mourned his journey, the length of salt he sailed, the years he was kept from home, so you count your days fighting the finality of grief. Salt-struck throat crying out in rage.
In your dreams the water tells you to be still, it tells you to breathe easier, it tells you to be calm, in a low, purring hum all too familiar. All the while drowning you, suffocating, forcing time down your throat, peeling lines from your hands like pulling stitches. Undoing destiny.
“Be still,” It murmurs, all the while. Taking its time, giving you yours. “This is how it’s meant to be.”
And you sleep with your hands clasped in fists, because time doesn’t feel like an insurmountable thing between you and Stephen.
Death? You can’t imagine it.
It’s not that you’re ignoring it, it’s that it doesn’t feel real. Death isn’t a finality, it’s an ocean. You only have to find the other side.
Stephen is somewhere beyond reach - but only until you can reach him.
Until you can grasp his hand, feel the creases and shape of his palm like the hills of a remote island that connects the two of you across all of existence. Then you’ll grip him tight and pull him back through.
You will.
You can.
Yielding comes on a Wednesday.
Because he’s gone now, but you still have the lines that he traced, that he said were ever connecting the two of you. Ever drawing you together. You would always end up together - that’s what he said. You clasp your hands tightly together now as you did years ago, when he first disappeared. Back then, it was a small effort to console yourself, now it worked well because it was all you had left.
Time had been forced down your throat, and eventually, you had accepted. Now, he’s gone. And your heart line that matches his? You can hold onto this.
In some way, by some stretch of the imagination, he’s here with you still. In the stillness of the library the dust motes dance in the sun, stirred only by your sullen breaths. The spaces where he moved and breathed and lived - he's there in moments and memories. Where he pushed you against the wall and kissed you until you whined breathlessly against his throat. Where you were together – those spaces still exist, so he does.
He’s here in fragments, so long as you're still here. This sanctuary is still his home, as long as it's yours. As long as you exist, he does too. Because of your heart lines. Because they’re joined. Because you’re joined to him.
- Perhaps that’s all he ever meant. Together, indefinitely.
He isn’t here. You can hold him in your hands, but you have no way to bring him back.
The river runs softer against you, washing sheep blood off your fingers, red creased lines in your hands once traced by fingers that no longer exist.
It’s okay that they no longer exist. You can bare the thought that they no longer exist.
You can.
You can.
The water runs against your hand like fingers dragging through yours. You’ve surrendered to it. Now that you have surrendered, and you have nothing left to give, it will stop fighting you too. The river demanded your grief. Once you gave it, it flows easy. You wash your hands in the flow, and the sensation is that of a lover’s fingers threading yours in replacement for those lost.
His hands come back into existence only to shake against the force of a river. You spent years trying to wrestle water, and here he fights an onslaught with his bare, beautiful hands.
You don’t expect it - how could you? Even after all that you fought to bring him back, you never really expected him to come back. Doesn’t everyone want to defy death? Defy grief? But here he is. Defying death, defying the onslaught of the river. The look in his eyes is still so soft and he can’t see the blood in the creases of your hands.
He comes to you, his hands seeking yours like ley lines seeking monuments across the earth.
Warm flesh meets yours. Lines joining, breath being restored, river in your chest soothed with sacrifice.
You don’t tell him how insane it drove you, the distance. The separation across time, across ages - indefinitely. You didn’t tell him what it cost you. His hands are here, holding yours, and they will not be parted again.
Let me know if you’d like to join a taglist!
A/N: Hot tip - if you’d like to feel sadder/happier(?) now, go listen to Heartlines by Florence + The Machine. It’ll work wonders ✨ This work is very heavily inspired by that song.
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jangofctts · 4 years
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Are You in Or Out?
Rated: Explicit 
Word count: 11.5K yall I am SORRY
Warnings: good lord y'all here we GO-- smut, explicit language, violence and mentions of blood and gore, injuries, unprotected sex (don't be a dick, wrap that stick!), oral (m&f receiving), blindfolding, vaginal and anal fingering, vaginal and anal sex, double penetration, spit is used as lube but for the love of GOD doNT DO THAT, there are some dom vibes on Paz’s end    
Summary: The job you’re on takes a turn for the worst--Paz comes to your rescue and you're brought to the Covert. There you meet Din Djarin. though during a good natured sparring session, you’re suddenly stuck between an age old rivalry that spirals out of hand. Hopefully an agreement can be met. 
a/n: hey...how y’all doin....SO lemme explain you smthn. I said helmets must be OfF--giv me them LIPS BABEY so this is a slight AU in which mandos can see other mandos’ faces. ya get me? I also tHot that it would be nice and fun to set the timeline 5-6 years BEFORE the plot of the Mandalorian so we gots a younger din here. anyway, as always enjoy and I hope you like!!
Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes—
Some as little as burning your finger on the nozzle of a smoking blaster or tripping over your own shoelaces. Simple things. Mindless things. 
Nothing that could ever compare to the catastrophic decision of picking up bounty hunting as a reliable source of income. 
The little ones were easy—tax evaders and deserters of the Empire—most who’d yield and gladly follow without complaint just at the sight of your blaster pointed between their eyes. And the gag of it is—most of the time you never bothered to load the damn thing. 
An invitation for disaster. 
But skirting that precarious edge, one little slip up away from plunging head first into inevitable trouble is better than Bracca. Stars—anything is better than Bracca. There’s no glory in bounty hunting but there’s even less in ship scrapping. Abysmal pay in exchange for risking your life on rain slicked metal with only the Ibdis Maw to break your fall.  
The guild you work for is considerate—scratch that. Greef Karga is considerate. Sure the flirting is a touch unbearable but it saves your ass in the long run. All easy money bounties set aside for you in exchange for a cheap drink, hollow laughs and sugar sweet smiles. 
It’s enough credits to get by—more than plenty to rent a room and charter a ship. 
But there’s only so many bounties to capture within the limits of the guild and oh so many people the empty blaster trick works on. And so the credits begin to thin; it gets too expensive to buy off a pilot and the debate over buying food or being able to pay for your room becomes more frequent than the scraprats that skitter inside the walls.  
It’s suicide to snag a higher paying bounty because....well—these bounties shoot back. 
 Might as well die trying. Who knows, maybe you could score big time if you manage to pull this off. 
You’re not sure who’s more surprised—Karga when you asked for the bounty or yourself when he actually gave it to you. 
“Are you sure, kid? This could—“
“End in a fiery shitshow? Yeah—I figured that,” you sigh, swirling your drink with a little complimentary toothpick. “But I need the money.” 
“Hah! You’ve got guts, girl.” He flashes you a smile and smooths down his mustache with his thumb and forefinger. “Tell you what. The last assignment was just taken but I’m sure if you run you could catch him. Work somethin’ out.”
Jumping from your seat, you throw on your coat and toss a couple credits onto the table to cover the drink. “What’s he look like?” 
“Big fellow—Mandalorian. You’ll know when you see him.”
You shout your thanks over your shoulder and hightail outta there. The landing docks aren’t far, you can see them from here. It’s finding the guy that could pose a problem.
If he hasn’t already left, you bitterly think. 
However, it seems the universe is on your side today. Karga was right. He is big. Stands out like a sore thumb against his ship that glitters dully in the overcast sky. Kinda like an oversized blueberry. A yellow and blue blueberry….not important—
“Hey! Hey, you!” You’re so close, just a couple yards away. You swear and hurry up your pace as he steps onto the loading ramp. “Big guy! Large...blue man?”
You trip over your own feet as he turns his head. Fuck—
No way are you gonna be able to bargain with this guy. Built like a fucking AT-AT and probably just as stubborn. After all, no one would ever be dumb enough to come between a Mandalorian and their quarry. You grimace, and suck in a breath—
Before a word even leaves your mouth he interrupts with a steady, unwavering;
Your brows furrow. “I didn’t even say anything!”
“I know what you were going to ask,” he huffs, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “I work alone.”
Ok, then. You didn’t want to resort to begging, but you’re kinda running out of options here. You take a steadying breath and plant yourself at the bottom of the ramp. “C’mon man. Look—I’ll let you take seventy percent of the cut and I can—“
“You’ll let me?” He repeats, the staticky tone of his voice dropping into an edge more cutting than broken transparisteel. The metal platting on the ramp vibrates from the weight of his step to move closer; Stars it takes every fucking inch of willpower to hold your ground. “You’re lucky if I let you leave with your life. Get lost.” 
Fuckfuckfuck—you should listen. You wanna fucking run for the hills and never look back in case he comes looking to purge your name from the kriffing galaxy. You clench your jaw and steel your nerves. Too bad—you’ve dug your heels so far into this empire of dirt and false bravado that your only way out is continuing to poke the sleeping bear until he snaps your spine or caves.
You have to crane your neck to glare into that dark strip of his vizor, seeing as he’s invited himself into your personal space. “No.”  
“No?” He mocks, now toe to toe with your scuffed up boots. 
Your teeth clench, a scalding flush burning through your cheeks and all the way down to your chest. He’s toying with you—finding amusement in your stubbornness and apparent lack of braincells for challenging him. “You don’t scare me.” 
The man hums, a deep purr that rumbles through his entire ribcage as he raises his gloved hand. You curse yourself for flinching because surely he’s about to crush your skull like a fucking grape, but no. All he does is fix your rumbled collar then pat your cheek.     
“I don’t need the extra baggage.”
“I’m not baggage,” you sneer, slapping his hand away. “I can handle myself.” 
“With an empty blaster?” He points out, tipping his head to the side. “Your parlor tricks won’t do you any good on this job.”
“I’m a good shot!” You sputter, placing your hands over you hips and mustering up your best glare. “W-when I have ammo…” 
Meeting Paz Vizsla, could have gone far better, to put it into the most simplest of words. Jagged and hard to settle into a routine around each other for the journey to Nar Shaddaa in a tiny, old, and cramped freighter ship. Most cycles you have to wedge yourself beside a cargo crate to sleep. In addition to that, how it’s able to break through the atmosphere let alone fly is beyond you—an entire mystery on its own.       
At least you’re able to sit in the spare seat inside the cockpit—one of the only places available to stretch your legs. The only problem is that it’s also where Paz Vizsla likes to lurk (well, not lurk—it’s his ship and it’s where he can comfortably fit but—to each their own). 
There’s a net of tension still woven between you—each interaction like tiptoeing over eggshells. Though, like all things, it becomes simpler. There’s not exactly any ongoing conversations—you don’t want to pry into a life you know nothing about—it’s not your business despite the cumulation of questions that linger in the back of your mind. You know when to take a hint—not every person is willing to indulge you about their livelihood, and surely not something as secretive and well guarded as the Mandalore.  
Familiarity is what you want to call it. Comfortable with each other’s presence with small talk speckled in throughout the never-ending vastness of hyperspace. Compared to the infinite turmoil in your life, slippery footholds and uncertainty—Paz Vizsla is steady. In a way— predictable and safe in the confines of this ship.       
You’d even go as far as to label him kind, a friend maybe—if you look past the grumpiness and rather poor taste in corny jokes. You know it’s stupid, no doubt stemming from the deep ache of loneliness that comes hand in hand with staking it out on your own in the galaxy; but you can’t help but wish that this could be a new normal. Not some once in a lifetime thing where you both part ways, fade into the recesses of memory and leave it at that. 
If things go well—and rarely do they on a job—maybe you’d pluck up enough courage to ask him if you could stay. There’s no harm in it…right?
Well—the cynical part of you was right.
It did end up in a fiery shit show. 
Turns out the stupid quarry you’d been tracking excelled in long range weaponry. A former marksman for the Empire to be exact. Guess that tidbit of information wasn’t pertinent. A need to know sorta thing, if you will. 
You feel the molten bolt of plasma connect with your side before your ears pick up the sound of a weapon firing, like a crack of lighting in the empty alleyway. And before your body even connects with the duracrete, Paz is returning fire. A brilliant neon red against the hazy blur of shadowy buildings.  
Kinda weird how knocking the back of your head hurts worse than the literal blaster wound burned into your side. Shock maybe. Or the heat from the plasma cauterized each veins and artery it tore through and ate away at flesh and nerves. Hm…          
You’re sprawled in a wet pool of something—either your own blood or a puddle of stagnant gutter water and damn—you’re wearing your favorite shirt.
It doesn’t matter at this point…
You’re choking on your own air from the big ass hole blasted into your diaphragm, so to say things are looking grim is an understatement.  
Nar Shaddaa isn’t your first choice to kick the can on, but hey—not everyone gets the luxury of dying on Naboo. And just as you’re ready to slip away into that sweet, sweet abyss, it seems your fellow armored friend has other plans. 
The beskar is freezing against your cheek after he deadlifts you off the duracrete—you remember that plain as day. That and the hushed rumble of Paz’s voice insisting you save your dwindling supply of air instead of apologizing to him—or ordering you to stay alive for kriff’s sake. It’s impossible to argue with Paz—like trying to bite through durasteel, and while those beckoning tendrils of eternal slumber are mighty tempting, you cling to your life with all the strength you have left. After all, inconveniencing someone with a corpse is such a party foul to the highest degree.    
The rest is muddled—like dredging up silt and clay in a murky river that just leaves you with a pounding headache between your eyes. It’s a terrible mess of pain and bouts of temporary consciousness, mistaken with fever dreams and yup—more pain. The only consistent is Paz—hovering nearby or settled beside you—through thick and thin as you heal. 
There’s no solid reason your brain can conjure as to why he brought you to the Covert—it’d have been easier to just dump you at the nearest hospital and be done with it. You’re not his responsibility and you’re too afraid to ask what it means. Too many possibilities—too many answers you aren’t in the mood to face or untwist.     
And so you leave it be, set aside for another time—which brings you to the present day…        
You’re splayed over your little makeshift cot, feet propped up on a spare pillow as you scour through a cheesy Coruscanti gossip magazine. It’s years old—the only piece of entertainment you could find other than a weapon in the Covert. And seeing as a massive hole had been blasted through your ribcage, picking up the clever art of throwing vibroblades or shooting targets to pass the time was out of the question.   
Even if you’d rather fall into a Sarlaac pit than stare at the wall for hours on end yet again—it hasn’t been all that bad. It’d taken weeks before you regained enough strength to sit up on your own, let alone walk—and walking is putting it lightly. It was more of a stiff legged shuffle better suited on a two hundred year old woman seconds from disintegrating into dust at the mere hint of a breeze.  
Not to mention—your right lung was all but shredded. Ripped apart from the plasma bolt and miraculously reconstructed by a more than questionable bacta tank, hopeful thoughts and well wishes. To this very day you still sound like a broken air filter. 
Could be worse. 
At least you aren’t dead. 
Just another setback that adds on the growing pile of reasons why never to leave the Covert. Free food, free board and mild entertainment to top it off. Paz had stayed at your bedside for the most part while you recovered—stuck with babysitting your sorry ass until you regained a bit of mobility. The times Paz hadn’t been at your side to stave off the boredom, it was up to you to find your own fun. 
Snooping is what Paz had labeled it—but you saw it more as an adventure. You met Din Djarin exploring (lost is what you actually were) in the dimly lit underbelly of Nevarro, after all. Yes, you may have scared the ever loving shit out of the poor guy and yes, he may have singed off your brows with a five foot jet of fucking fire—but hey. No one got hurt.        
And you made a new friend. Sorta…Din is difficult to read, subtler in his soft spoken words and quiet demeanor. A bit like a skittish loth-cat at the start, but nowadays it’s not uncommon to find him lounging in the same space as you or hovering over your shoulder, awfully curious in whatever it is you choose to do. Like Paz, Din isn’t overly fond of sharing much information about himself but he never complains after you regale tales of your own vastly fascinating past. He seems interested enough—tilts his head a tick to the right when you speak to indicate that yes, he’s listening despite the unforgiving dark line of his visor.      
There are others in the Covert too—some so elusive you have a hard time believing they exist. Shadows of what they once were before the rise of the Empire. And so, you count yourself lucky that you’d been introduced to two others—Aeris Fenn, a young man nearly as tall as a Wookie, and a woman named Ives Arrey; her armor a flashy green—damn near florescent in the light. 
They’re nice enough company. Aeris is a chatterbox, his wit sharper than a blade but lacking in any forethought before he speaks. Ives is the far opposite—rolls each sentence in her mouth before she voices it, but in no way is she angelic. Maker—you’d bet your entire left asscheek she’s behind each bad decision and silly shenanigans Aeris sticks his nose into. He never learns—not after a harsh chiding or cuff around the helmet from Paz or the Armorer could dampen is childlike enthusiasm or steer him away from repeating the same mistake over and over.  
Though if you read one more kriffing sentence of this garbage magazine you’re about to invite chaos himself to entertain you. Good thing too because just as you sit up to find the red armored Mandalorian—Paz rounds the corner and steps into your little broom closet that hardly passes for a room. 
“Paz!” You greet, tossing the magazine over your shoulder. “Please tell me we’ll be doing something interesting or else I might start ripping my hair out. Or maybe commit a heinous crime—haven't decided yet.”      
Paz grunts and shakes his head. “You’ll be doing neither. But today we’ll be sparing—hopefully that will curve your boredom.”
You scrunch up your face. “Sparring? Er, no thanks—I choose life.” 
“You breathe funny since your injury,” he says, jabbing a finger between your ribs. “And all you’ve been doing lately is laying around.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you sneer, tucking your arms over your chest. “Didn’t realize I was supposed to be running laps with half a lung.”
“It’s like stretching a muscle, you need to gain your strength back.” He retorts. “This will be good for you.” 
You groan and flop back into bed. “I don’t wanna. I was pretty much dead like three cycles ago—cut me some slack, man.”
There’s a brief silence as if he’s mulling over your words, but he’s stubborn. You crane your head to look at him as he says your name with a deep sigh attached to it.   
“Truthfully, I’m surprised you’ve survived this long.” He says it quietly, fragile even, like he’s still expecting you to tip over and die on the spot. You very well might.  
You huff. “Wow. Thanks, Paz.” 
You feel his heavy stare through the helmet. “What happened to you that night was a mistake. It wasn’t preventable but the least I can do is teach you basic selfdefense.”  
You gripe out your complaints but you know you’ve been beat—and well, a bit of your agreement is based on guilt. 
Damn it.  
It’s weird to see Paz without his heavy duty gear—like seeing him naked or a crab without a shell. The only piece he continues to wear is his helmet and padded gloves and under clothes, but it’s still weird. Strange enough that it shocks you tongue into remaining still instead of bitching about this. 
He leads you to a wing of the Covert you’ve yet to discover and ushers you through the doorway. The floor is padded, a bit smaller than you expected and already occupied by none other than Aeris Fenn. 
It’s a whole other kriffing shock to the head seeing him without the plates and layers of fabric and beskar too. The armor makes him bulkier—fuller and much more intimidating. Now, with only his black underclothes on, Aeris could be the spitting image of a sentient tree. Willowy limbs that stick out like branches as he stretches on the padded mat. He lazily swings his head around as you greet him, his face still covered by the black beskar painted with streaks of red. 
“So you choose sparring over knife throwing?” Aeris snorts. “And to think I thought of you as a friend.” 
“You think I chose to be here?” You say, grumpy and still upset at the choice of activity. Really, a brisk walk around the Covert would’ve been fine.
Aeris shrugs. “Ah, and I see you’ve roped in my favorite vod. Tch, he uses his fists instead of his words to teach. I wish you luck—you’ll need it.”      
You open your mouth to retort but Paz beats you to it. 
“I’ve just arrived, actually,” Aeris scoffs, folding his torso over his other leg to stretch. “Perhaps you could reschedule. After all—our guest is quite free most days.” 
Welp—you’re perfectly fine with that. Problem solved. 
You spin on your heel and make a break for it but Paz snatches your wrist and pulls you back to his side. “Aeris.”  
“Paz,” Aeris mocks, tipping his helmet to the side. 
Paz exhales, a long, tired sound and grovels out another plea in clipped Mando’a. Aeris languidly stands and brushes off imaginary dust from the front of his pants. “Sorry, what was that? I don’t understand your accent.” 
“No, no, it’s alright.” Aeris sighs, waving his hand in a mopey display as if he were told that his birthday party were canceled for the fifth year in a row. “I’d have trouble speaking too if my enormously thick head were cooped up in that little bucket of yours all day.”  
You wince. 
In the time you’ve known Paz Vizsla, he’s never been one to launch into rash decisions fueled by anger—he lets it simmer and build like an oncoming storm over the ocean. Devastating once it reaches land.
Aeris bobs his head and inspects his black leather glove, picking at a loose thread on the inseam over the thumb. He clicks his tongue. “Or'dinii—you’re going to kill her.”  
Your offended scoff is ignored as Paz steps forward; jutting his chin up to even out the few inches Aeris holds over the man. “You still haven’t learned to shut your mouth, boy.” 
The tension surges and crackles like a volt of electricity through the air—unresolved and ready to ignite with the sparking embers of Paz’s growing irritation. It’s not a fight Aeris Fenn will win. He’s volatile and hotheaded—but his expertise is in long range weaponry. Precise, deadly and swift—not whatever this little pissing match is heading towards.    
Aeris clicks his tongue as Paz digs a fist into the black fabric of his shirt. Paz yanks him forward, the metallic clink of their helmets colliding an unpleasant scrape that pierces your eardrums. Aeris snarls out sharpened words in Mando’a as his willowy fingers shoot up to curl beneath the lip of Paz’s helmet. 
In the blink of an eye, Paz lifts Aeris up by his collar and launches him across the room like he weighs nothing more than a couple of down pillows. His helmet meets the wall with a resounding clank, chipping some of the red paint outlining the visor. Ouch. 
Like a kicked dog, Aeris clambers to his feet, still dazed and swaying and for a fearful second you think he’ll retaliate. But with whatever braincells he happens to possess today—he instead spits out a venomous curse that even yourself would hesitate to repeat. He leaves without another word, bristling with rage. 
Your flash Paz a questioning stare. “The hell was that about?” 
Paz waves it away with an irritated grunt. “His heart is in the right place but he is young. Aeris doesn’t understand his place in the Covert yet and I doubt he will for years to come.” 
You frown. “Poor guy…” 
Paz mutters something under his breath. “Enough distractions. We’ve wasted enough time already.”
“Y’know…I think that’s enough excitement for today. I think I’ll be going now—“ Your last ditch attempt at weaseling out of this is quickly thwarted the moment you turn your back.  
You wheeze as the heel of Paz’s palm shoves into your shoulder blade, the force of it sending you stumbling to the ground. “Paz—“
“Go on. Hit me,” he orders. You squeak, narrowly avoiding the well aimed kick that skims the top of your scalp. 
You scramble to your feet, skirting out of range of the oncoming right hook. “So you attack me instead?” 
“How do you expect to catch quarries who are bigger than you?” He presses. You hiss as the points of his knuckles dig into the meat of your shoulder. 
You dance out of reach and rub your arm, a dull throb flaring up in the muscle. “I dunno—electrocute them?”
“Not if they take you by surprise.” 
You screech as his knuckles skim your cheek. Adrenaline pierces you veins and you wildly throw a flaky punch that wouldn’t even impress a toddler. He catches your fist with ease, his entire hand dwarfing your clenched fingers. “You can do better than that.” 
You snarl and struggle to rip your hand back. “I’m a scrapper. I don’t fight.”
“No,” he retorts. You fall onto your ass as he abruptly lets go of your hand. “You’re a bounty hunter.” 
You roll your eyes. “Hardly—why can’t I just stay here?”
Although there’s nothing to see with that swatch of black covering his eyes, you can certainly feel the look he’s giving you. A deep sigh hisses through the vocoder. “You can stay here—“
A triumphant smile splits across your face—
“—but not without contributing where it’s due.”
You puff up your cheeks and let out a dismayed stream of air. “Booo—lame.”
He sighs again and helps you off the floor. “Even if you leave the Guild, what I’m teaching you is helpful.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you say. “I’ll give you a call after I use your invaluable skills to beat up some thug.”
Paz ignores your comment and turns on his heel. “Let’s go through it again. This time use your front two knuckles instead of your whole fist.”
As your eyes land over the stretch of tight fighting fabric over his back an idea pops into your head. It’s a petty move but getting a punch in is fruitless—like trying to beat up a brick wall. You don’t fancy a broken hand and your knuckles are already bruised and swollen to the point where it’s hard to bend them. 
And so, without any forethought and with a running head start, you launch yourself onto him, your arms coiling around his neck. It does the job—takes him by surprise and makes him tip to the right. 
Aha! Yes!
Your reign of victory is short lived, however—
He latches onto your forearms strung around his neck and yanks. And much in the same way he threw Aeris like a sack of potatoes—you’re no different. For a short stretch of time that feels kriffing endless; you soar through the air, your directional whereabouts violently ripped out beneath you and equally nauseating in the same breath. 
Why you ever agreed to this—you don’t know.   
Your shoulder blade connects with the mat first, leaving behind a dull sting as you roll and tumble with uncontrollable momentum. Oh, yeah—you’ll feel that in the morning. 
Groaning, you thank the Maker that your body eventually settles into a miserable little pile of limbs and pain. But, it seems whatever higher power that lingers in the edges of the galaxy hasn’t decided to put you out of your misery just yet. 
A bulky shadow blocks out the dim lighting overhead, and for a brief anxiety ridden moment you’re afraid it’s Paz. You roll onto your back with a pathetic groan, a beg for mercy on the tip of your tongue—but as your eyes flutter open they’re met with an entirely different man. 
Din Djarin looms over you, his head cocked to the side as you blink in dumbfounded bewilderment. Ah, hell— 
You swallow, a furious heat bitting at your cheeks. “Uh…fine weather we’re having…”
“We’re inside,” he states with a brief glance up to the ceiling. 
You purse your lips. “Huh.”
With a pensive hum he offers his hand, you sigh and roll over, accepting his gloved hand. He hoists you up easily and adjusts your rumpled collar. “You ok?”
“Pfft, yeah,” you groan, rubbing your throbbing shoulder. “Never better.”
The low grumble of your name is a cross between disbelief and irritation. Din jerks his head, his attention zeroing in on Paz. “Are you trying to kill her?” 
“She isn’t made of glass.” 
“She is still recovering—“
Normally you’d intervene, but their bickering is tiring and it gives you the excuse to lie down. By the time one of them caves you’ve counted exactly one hundred and twelve weird ceiling stains. They should get that checked out.  
“Very well,” Paz snarls, cutting through your wandering thoughts. “You teach her.” 
Din scoffs, his shoulders drawn tight as he stomps over to your splayed out self. “Get up.”
“Geez, fine,” you grumble, not in the mood to test his patience further. “Since you asked so nicely.”
Later he’ll no doubt apologize but right now? He has to prove a point. Din cuts right to it, moves in close to place your clenched fists in the right stance and nudges at your feet until they’re a bit wider than hip distance. 
“You have to get in close with a bigger opponent,” he says, stepping into your space until your fists are close enough to touch his chest. “We don’t have much range here—easier to break our guard too.” 
“Right. And how would you suggest I do that?”
“You’re always beating me at cards.” Din says, tipping his head to the side. “You have a clever mind. Use it.” 
“But I always cheat.” You point out, dropping your guard to swat at a stray hair.   
He catches your wrists and returns them to where they ought to be. “Quick enough to get away with it.” 
You make a noise of uncertainty but do as you're told. Din takes a couple steps back and with a rough order you begin. 
He’s faster than Paz—bats at your guard in quick bursts and steps away when you attempt to hit back. It’s a dance almost—somehow elegant in its brutality of bruises and flashes of pain as you move around one another. Compared to Din, Paz is almost clumsy but unpredictable. Din—despite the rapidness of his attacks and evasiveness, becomes predictable.
He steps to to left—you follow. He rocks onto his toes to jab his fist forward and that’s where you find a break. Punching Din’s helmet won’t do you any good but catching the juncture of his shoulder with your elbow is completely feasible. Too bad that you’re not the only one with a clever mind.        
Din uses the momentum of your attack to catapult you to the ground—his own body rolling with you in order to capture you in a headlock of sorts. This sucks. After this you’ll never be setting foot in this Maker forsaken room again. 
Din tightens his elbow that’s looped around your throat as you squirm and flail, trapped against his chest. He grunts as your elbow digs into his ribs but holds steady and snakes his free arm across your front, pinning your limbs to your body in an unbreakable vice. All mobility is cut off as his knee pushes between your thighs, locking your leg out into an uncomfortable and frankly quite awkward angle. 
Inhaling a shaky breath, you arch as the crown of his helmet skims along the curve of your throat; the bite of beskar frigid and startling against your flushed skin. You can see his visor out of the corner of your eye; glittering and dark like the polished obsidian on Black Spire and endless like the greedy maw of a black hole. 
Your breath hitches as he shifts and curls his head closer to your ear. His voice rumbles low and deep through his chest and vibrates against the delicate cartilage. “Yield.” 
However much your pride wrestles with the sensible part of your brain, it’s all for naught as you jerk your head in defeat.  
In retrospect you should’ve said something—used your voice or made some kinda sound because suddenly Din’s forearm digs alarmingly hard into your windpipe. He read the stuttered jerk of your head as another pitiful act of defiance but no. Nope. 
Here you are—asphyxiating.   
Not exactly what you had in mind, being strangled by a Mandalorian and all—but a chokehold where you could very well die was not it. 
Fuzzy darkness begins to shade the corners of your vision, lightheadedness and a curious warmth that prickles down your spine settling low in your belly. A raspy gasp manages to slip through your blocked off airway, and stars why does this feel good?   
Paz’s sharp bark is distant above the ringing in your ears and it all stops.
You gulp in air that burns your throat like refined fire whiskey—hunched over the mat as a large palm rubs soothing circles over your upper back. You cough and roll over, sounding like a dying animal run over by a speeder then hit with a spiked club to polish it off. 
You’re quickly herded into Paz’s arms and pulled into his lap. Still wheezing and attempting to recover lost oxygen, whatever Din is trying to say translates into an indiscernible hum against the ringing in your ears.  
“I’m fine,” you mutter, though neither of them care to listen. Like bristling wolves, snapping at each other’s heels.  
“Apologize to her,” there’s not so much as a centimeter of room to argue. “Now.”           
It’s nice of Paz you suppose—defending your honor and what not, but you’re not a vengeful person. It was an honest mistake and you want to explain that so Din quits looking like a kicked puppy, yet the sudden touch over your ankle stops you. All the times Din has initiated contact it’d been a friendly pat to your shoulder or ruffling you hair, and while touching your ankle isn’t exactly scandalous it’s certainly an odd place to put your hand on. 
Your fingers clutch Paz’s shirt as you eye the man lingering at the bottom of your feet, his gloved thumb unconsciously rubbing patterns into the exposed skin between your boot and your pant leg. “Cyare—I’m sorry.” 
You blink and lick your lips. Interesting. “I-I don’t know what that word means.”
His hand inches higher, resting on the swell of your calf. “Sweetheart…darling…loved one—“ 
There’s a shift—a dark undercurrent that none of you should be dipping your toes into. There’s a million and one things to say or do to sever this at the root, but are you going to? Nah. 
Din’s thumb now rests over your knee, goosebumps following in his wake. “Should I keep going?” 
It too hot—stuffy with both of their heavy stares locked on your flushed face. You squirm and glance up at Paz who only offers an impassive stare. Great.   
“I can make it up to you,” Din continues, his hand stationary—a warm weight even through the fabric of your pants. “If you let me.” 
Your mouth feels drier than the desert on Jakku. This…nothing good could come out of what Din is hinting at. This is uncharted territory—launching yourself into the great unknown without any idea of what’ll fester and grow if you agree. 
It’s not like it hasn’t crossed your mind—it’s just…it’s never been both of them at the same time. These men are short-tempered, an open flame to jet fuel with deeply seated ire woven into the very fabric of their beings. You’ve barely scratched the surface on the inner workings of their mutual hostility, but you’re bright enough to question if this will make it worse. Tinder and brittle twigs feeding and enabling the hungry flames of rivalry to spiral and consume with chaotic brilliance of a dying star—
But, oh—
Isn’t it worth taking the risk? 
You suck in a grounding breath and slowly extend your leg that Din touches, gingerly skimming the toe of your shoe along the inseam of his inner thigh. “H-how would you…make it up to me?”
Din preens at your answer and shuffles closer, lifting your legs so that they rest in his lap. Devotion drips off his words like a fine liquor as he toys with the laces on your boots. “Anything—say it and it’s yours.”    
Sparks of molten heat race down your spine and metastasize in your lower belly, spreading through each vein and artery like a some sort of invasive ivy. You spare a look up at Paz as he shifts.      
“Go ahead, girl,” Paz assures. “Answer him.” 
It’s an unspoken, buzzing sort of thing like the static air before a storm, crackling and surging with pent up energy. You all know the implications of what’s to come—but it’s your words, quiet and steady that irons that nail into your coffin.
“Take me like you mean it.” 
The next few moments pass in a dizzying blur, a mess of anticipation as your shoes are yanked off, your pants following soon after and tossed into some unknown corner of the room. Paz helps you out of your shirt, a shiver wracking through your body from the chill, leaving you bare save for your underthings. Yet the warmth that seeps through his shirt and his hands that linger over your ribcage do a lovely job at making up for the cold.
Din shuffles closer and brings his fingers up to cup the side of your face, lowering his head to rest the crown of his helmet on your forehead. “Wanna touch you.” 
Your breath hitches as Paz’s hands sweep up your torso, cupping and kneading your breasts. “Y-you already are touching me, Din." 
Paz snorts as the rough leather of his gloves scrape over your skin and unhook your bindings. You hardly hear Din over your own whine as Paz rolls your hardened nipples between a forefinger and thumb. 
“I want to feel you—without the gloves,” Din clarifies, fighting to keep your attention on him. “Will you let me?”  
Maker that shouldn’t even be a question. You moan out your approval, delighted that both of them decide to slip off the padded fabric. Din touches your bare thigh the same moment Paz returns his hands to your tits and it’s exhilarating. The rasp of their bare palms against your flesh is addicting—something so foreign and warm compared to their usual armor and thick layered clothing. 
You arch into Paz’s hand as it curls around the base of your throat, a tentative pressure but still heavy. “You’d let us do anything, wouldn’t you? Needy little thing.”
“Yes,” you croak, already debauched and falling apart at the seams. “Anything.”
You’re all too happy to fade away in the embrace of the larger man but the other participant is far from letting that slide. Din grabs your hand, guiding it towards the front of his trousers, the drawstrings already loose and easy to pull aside. He groans and twitches as your fingertips flirt along his navel, then curl over the waistband, tugging his pants the rest of the way down to pool around his knees. 
You reach for the already impressive outline of his cock pressing against his boxers, but Paz cupping your cunt through your underwear just before you touch Din is distracting. You gasp and arch as Paz digs the heel of his palm against your clit, electrifying ecstasy zipping down your spine with each touch. 
There’s a twinge of guilt after Din huffs and drags your limp wrist back to his cock, this time encouraging you to palm him by guiding your actions with his own hand until you lazily oblige. Din’s quiet grunts, gravely against the vocoder do nothing but throw more jet fuel to the fire inside your belly. The growing urge to actually touch him gnaws and corrodes the forefront of your brain. With a firm yank his boxers are quick to join his trousers and Maker—
Will he even fit?
Din is thick, rosy brown and flushed at the tip and beginning to curl towards his bellybutton. A bead of liquid shines at the tip, dribbling down the underside as he wraps his fist around the base of his length. He gives himself a languid stroke before he, once again, reminds your hand of what it’s supposed to be doing. Din is searing in your palm, molten and stiffening to hardened steel in your grip.   
“You look so fuckin’ pretty like this,” Din hisses as his head rolls back onto his shoulders. “S-so pretty holding my cock.”
Your desperation tears at your insides, insatiable and Maker— you wanna taste him. You want to hear every little stuttered moan and feel each twitch of his hips as he claims your mouth as his own.    
But before you’re able to ask Din if he’d be willing to fuck your throat, Paz grips your knee and slings your leg over his thigh, murmuring praise as he peels off your underwear. Paz’s hand snakes down to your pussy and runs two thick fingers through your already slick cunt, then delicately parts your folds. 
It’s like a fucking bomb going off as his thumb grazes over your swollen clit. His forearm locks tight around your waist, keeping you in place as you arch and tremble. Paz is feather light and teasing, as he strokes over the little bundle of nerves in a painstakingly slow rhythm. 
He nudges your cheek with his helmet and chuckles. “You’re so sensitive, vaar’ika. Such lovely noises too.”  
Paz trades in his light touches for using his two fingers instead. They form a relaxed ‘v’ shape, trapping your clit in between the digits as he massages in a steady up and down motion. You cry out, every nerve shocked and flooded with saccharine pleasure, shoving you so treacherously close to that precarious edge of release.      
You have no fucking chance as a different set of fingers, leaner in length but just as bulky, carefully prod at your entrance. Din’s pointer finger slides into your cunt, quickly adding a second as your core clenches and stretches for him. The dual sensations over your clit and Din’s fingers steadily pumping and curling inside you send you hurling into that dazzling white-hot pleasure.     
Throwing your head back, you cry out—a jumbled mess of their names or just nonsense— pleasure crackling out from your core and all the way down your legs. Your cunt tightens like a vice around Din’s digits, your legs twitching as your high dips into prickly overstimulation. You whine, and swat at Paz’s hand, Din pulling out his own fingers a moment later and wiping your wetness on the inside of your thigh. 
Your head rests in the crook of Paz’s shoulder as your breath fans across the side of his helmet, fogging up the metal where the blue paint is chipped and scraped away. The shirt he wears smells a bit like sweat but the underlying scent of him is comforting—worn leather and something crisp, like fresh laundry. You don’t mean for the words to slip out—
You know better than that, but everything feels muddled and silly and, and, and—
“I wish I could kiss you.”  
It’s like dousing ice cold water on a pile of smoldering coals. A silence, petrifying and like the inhale before jumping off a cliff and into a rocky sea, ensues. Stupid, stupid, stupid—  
Paz shatters the fragile suspense with a rich laugh that burns away all the icy worry making itself a home in your ribcage. He moves his arm up, his fingers gripping your jaw to fix your gaze onto the other Mandalorian. “You want his mouth on you too?”  
You whimper and nod, but it isn’t enough. 
“Use your voice vaar’ika,” Paz hums, pressing the crown of his helmet against your cheek. “Tell us want you want.” 
“I-fuck—” Paz’s fingertips sneak up your torso, rough callous catching deliciously on your skin. “I wan’t your mouth on me. B-both of you.” 
Paz chuckles and releases his hold on your chin. “You’ll have to be blindfolded, sweet girl.”
Din scoffs, a harsh crackle through the vocoder. “Like she’d want to see your face anyway.”
“Please,” you mewl, turning your head to curl into Paz’s neck. It’s not ideal, but it’s a sacrifice you’re willing to make. “I don’t care. I need—“
“Patience, little one,” Paz purrs, rubbing up and down your bare sides in a soothing manner. All it does is stoke the flames. “You’ll get what you want.” 
Paz shifts, reaching for your abandoned shirt and stars—
You can feel his cock, firmer then tempered durasteel and poking into your lower back. Oh, hell—these men are going to ruin you. 
You’re nudged forward, your vision going dark once your shirt is securely tied around your head. The knot traps a few hairs that pull sharp against your scalp but the measly pain is worth it. Oh so worth it.  
“Is it too tight?” You hear Din ask, concern lacing his gravely vocals. 
You wave your hand in dismissal. “S’fine.”
“Cant see anything either, right?” 
You squirm, your patience spreading thin. “Din, please.”
“Fine.” There’s no bite to his tone and under different circumstances you’d have more composure. Acknowledge that they’re putting their religion, their whole being into your hands—a fragile trust that could so easily be shattered. 
Your ears pick up their subtle movements, their helmets landing onto the thin mat with soft thunks. With bated breath you wait for them to jump into action, seize every spare moment to taste your skin and breathe the same air. But—
“You need a haircut, vod.”
“And you need to shave.” Retorts Din with bitter indignation. 
“It’s hardly even stubble.” He chortles. You giggle and twist away as he scrapes his prickly cheek up and down your neck. “Besides—she likes it.” 
There’s another lull, and with the blindfold everything is amplified—the quick and quiet breathing of Din on your right and the slide of fabric against skin as Paz shifts. Your attention is captured by Din’s bare palm, warm and calloused like weathered leather left out in the afternoon sun. He caresses the outside of your thigh in smooth, longing strokes, enraptured by the softness of your skin. You whimper and let your leg fall open, exposing more of your thigh for his curious exploration. 
The sudden touch on your cheek is jarring. You know Paz is there—it’s not an easy thing to forget the solid chest you’re leaning against but it’s hard to focus. Difficult to settle on one thought before it slips away like grains of sand between a clenched fist. Paz’s touch is heavier than Din’s, ambitious and greedy but…mindful. Even as his fingers spread along your jaw and drag you into a deep, mouthwatering kiss. It’s…stars—   
There’s nothing that can describe this. No word that could ever hold a candle up to the way his lips, plush and soft, move against yours. His nose brushes against your cheek as he tilts his head and deepens the kiss, his warm tongue sliding against the seam of your bottom lip. 
You whine and bury your hand into his hair as Paz groans, a low rumble in his throat. You wonder what color it is, but carding your fingers through the curls atop his head suffices for now.
Your curiosity is abruptly ended as Din’s hand snakes around your forearm. You’re forcibly yanked away, only to be met with another pair of lips. Din murmurs an apology at the sting of his teeth bumping into your upper lip, but the pain is hardly the first thing on your mind. 
Din’s kiss is devouring—  
Scalding and bright—the galaxy, a thousand suns, all there ever will be and all that ever was. The way his lips move against yours is a devastatingly sharp contrast to the steady, syrupy sweet kiss Paz offers. Desperate and eager to surround you in his own arms—steal away any lingering thought and replace it with him. Din Djarin—  
You gasp as Din’s teeth nibble and pull on your bottom lip, only a moment before he surges closer, wrapping his hand around your jaw to hold it open as he licks deep into your mouth. Breaking for air, Din tangles his fingers into your hair at the base of your neck and yanks, baring the column of your throat. His travels down, the tender kisses morphing into teasing nips and lingering sucks that’ll turn into tender bruises in the morning. 
Din hovers over your breasts, his heated breath and cooling saliva the catalyst to the goosebumps that rush over your skin. He lightly tugs on your nipple using his teeth, then plants a sweet kiss over your sternum.   
“Can I taste you?” Din murmurs, his lips ghosting over your flesh. “Maker—wanna put my mouth on you.” 
“Din—“ A different set of lips latching onto the juncture of your neck and hijacks your train of thought. Wipes your mind clean until Paz is the sole thing you can consciously focus on. 
Paz laves his tongue over the shell of your ear and urges you to lean back against him once more. Your nose scrapes against his stubble as you tuck your head into the crook of his neck, his hips lazily rolling his hardened cock into your backside. 
“Or…” Paz rumbles, capturing your hand and interlacing your fingers with his. You marvel at the sheer size of his palm—astounded still when he leads his and your hands to palm his cock. “I could give you this. Fuck your pretty little cunt until you’re screaming for me.”
It’s a punch to the gut. Why the fuck do you have to choose? You squirm as Din points his tongue over your nipple then sucks it into his mouth. 
Working through the fog in your head, the answer is clearer than fucking crystal. Because who in their right mind would turn down a Mandalorian’s request to eat you out? Not you, that’s for sure. “Din—want your mouth.”
Din huffs in triumph and slips between your legs that part to accommodate his broad shoulders, leaving no patch of bare skin untouched and worshiped. You shiver as his tongue circles around your bellybutton then retreats. Din settles his head beside your knee and mouths a kiss there.  
You whine his name and buck your hips, heart beating wildly in your ears. The teasing is unbearable and, stars—if he doesn’t start now— 
He nibbles on the inside of your thigh, laving his warm tongue over each mark he leaves behind, buffering the sting of his teeth. Din snake his hands under your ass, hooking your knees over his shoulders as he heaves your cunt closer to his mouth. Din’s thumbs part your soaking pussy, his breath hot fanning over your cunt. His tongue his scalding—like liquid velvet as he dips the tip of his tongue from the base of your slit all the way up to your clit. 
Din sucks on the little bundle of nerves, rolling his tongue until you’re crying out, molten pleasure zipping through you. He grunts as your fingers tangle into his hair—fuck. Fuck, you need more.   
Arching into his mouth, all thoughts are obliterated; nothing but the warmth of his tongue, and his lips, devouring you as if he were a man seconds from death and you’re his saving grace. That frenzied desperation lingers on the edges of his movements like he’s afraid you’ll fade into smoke—but you’re not going anywhere. Not even a million credits could convince you to push Din’s head away. 
He sinks two fingers into your clenching hole and curls his fingers, stroking and curling his fingertips to make you sing. Zeros in on that little spot that causes the involuntary twitches of your leg and wrenches embarrassing, high pitched mewls that fill the room. You’re careening towards your high, the sensitivity of your last orgasm amping up the influx of pleasure. 
“Shit—Din. Close—I’m so close,” you gasp, pulling his hair tight enough that you know it must hurt. He makes no sign that it does, just groans and buries his tongue into your dripping hole, licking alongside his fingers that shovel more of your wetness into his mouth. 
Your release unfurls through your body like sticky molasses—smoldering embers that seep into each limb until they’re heavier than lead. Fuck—it’s so hard to think and at this rate your brain is as good as gone.   
You pay only a fraction of attention to Din as he kisses his way back up your body and lands a final one over your lips. His thumb grazes over your chin, his gravelly words of praise cutting through some of that foggy haze, how good you were, how fucking delicious you tasted when you came on his tongue. You taste your own arousal on his mouth as he noses your cheek and captures your lips in another kiss.           
“Are you done?” Paz asks dryly, much too barbed to be thrown your way. You groan when Paz jostles your limp body as he hoists you back into his lap.
“Just starting, actually,” Din quips. “Why don’t you hand her back over? I’ve got some more things I wanna try.” 
Paz scoffs and secures a heavy arm around your middle. “Greed will get you nowhere.” 
“Neither will your arrogance.” 
“Shut up—both of you,” you interrupt. Your voice is raw and choppy but it does the job. “Just fuck me already.”
For now their little spat is sidelined—it’s not worth ripping off that bandage of a temporary truce. There’s a chaste moment of quiet, like they’re considering tearing into each other’s throats instead, but with a touch to Paz’s thigh the standoff fizzles out. 
“We need to work on your manners,” Paz suggests, curling his large, calloused hand around your neck in a loose hold. “I believe it’s please fuck me.” 
Maybe if you weren’t practically a pile of brainless goo, you’d argue. See how far you can push—though this time you fold. “Please fuck me. P-please—I need it.” 
Seemingly satisfied with your answer; Paz wedges a hand between your bodies to grip his cock and run the tip through your folds, soaked from you own wetness and Din’s saliva. The head of his member nudges at your entrance, and wether it’s his size or the fact you can’t see anything—you panic. 
Your hand shoots out, nails harpooning into the meat of his forearm. “W-wait—you’re too b-big.”  
Paz freezes and moves you up his lap and presses a kiss over you hairline. “We can stop. Just say—“
“N-no, I’m fine,” you assure, planting an apologetic peck on his stubbled jaw. Stopping is the last thing you want to do—it was just…overwhelming. A sensory overload testing the very fringes of your being. “Go slow?”
You feel his head bob in compliance as he moves you back to where you’re hovering over his cock. You relax this time, not as many alarm bells clanging through your head as your cunt flutters around the fat tip and then that glorious, first thick inch. Paz’s thumb bumps over your throbbing clit, coaxing your pussy to take him further. 
“Yeah, that’s it vaar’ika,” he grunts, his breath fanning over your neck in quick pants. “Taking my cock so fucking well. So nice and pretty.”
Your pussy flutters, fresh waves of arousal hot and burning.You nearly keel over when Paz starts shallowly rocking his hips, easing your body the rest of the way down his length until the back of your thighs touch his. Maker—how the hell is he all the way inside? You can feel him in your fucking guts—         
“See?” Paz purrs. He sucks a bruise into the meat of your shoulder and pushes his palm against your lower stomach, making the fit even tighter. “Fits fucking perfect.”
The noise your cunt makes pulling out and the debauched moan that filters through his vocal chords is obscene. If anyone where to walk by, well—it’s certainly not training that’s going on, for the better lack of words. 
Paz holds true to his word—keeps his pace limited to deep, languid thrusts that brush up against something that makes your whole body shake—like strumming a golden chord molded to a musician’s fingers. Fuck—he’s doing all the work too. Lifting you by the swell of your hips and pulling you down onto his cock with a rough buck of his hips. 
Abruptly, he slows to a gentle rocking—quick to lock you in place as you thrash and roll your hips. “Paz—n-no. Keep going. You n-need to—“
Paz silences your please with a wet, open mouthed kiss. “Our friend looks lonely. Why don’t you use that pretty mouth and suck his cock?” 
You hear the man curse in Mando’a, probably some stab at Paz—
But with a pat to your outer thigh, you don’t need any more prompting—you’d give up your left hand to get a chance to suck him off. With the help of Paz, you’re eased onto your hands and knees, shocks of white-hot pleasure zipping through your core at the change of angle. Like this Paz is seated deeper inside, stabbing into each spot that makes you sing.    
Fuck—your arms are shaking—only able to hold yourself up for half a click and then you’re sinking face first into the floor, ass in the air as he fucks into you. Paz clicks his tongue and wraps his arm around your front, pulling you back up from your slumped position. 
“I told you to suck his cock, girl. Not take a nap.” Paz accentuates his words with heavy, well measured thrusts—the kind of force you know will leave your whole lower half throbbing and sore in the aftermath. 
You whine as Paz grabs a hold of your jaw, digging into the tender joints until your mouth falls open. “Good. Keep it like that.” 
Paz’s hand falls away, replaced by a softer touch. The pads of Din’s fingers hook under your chin, guiding and tempting you nearer to what rests between his legs, hot and heavy and large.       
You feel the tip of his cock, flushed and pulsing, rest on your bottom lip. You lap up the beads of sticky precum with kitten licks that morph into suckling the entire head. Din grunts out your name and tangles his hand into your hair as you tongue at the ridged frenulum. He never forces you to swallow down more of him—lets you cradle the first few inches in the wet warmth of your mouth and languidly roll the pad of your tongue around him. 
You want to take him deeper, let Din fuck your throat raw, but your jaw already aches. Your lips are pulled tight around his shaft, drool dribbling down your chin and landing on the mat below. You’re not sure if you could take more of him without the danger of your teeth catching or dislocating your jaw. So you manage like this—hollowing out your cheeks and and using the momentum of Paz’s thrusts to pleasure Din.          
It’s frustrating—it must be each time you let his cock slip out of your mouth to breathe or the fact Din isn’t able to fucking fit his cock into your mouth. Annoying that you aren’t able to think properly to help him out a bit ore when that said brain is being fucked straight outta you, put through the wringer and then body slammed onto duracrete. 
Din cups your cheek, strokes over your skin with his thumb and maneuvers himself out of your mouth. You whine and lean into his palm, his touch addictive like smoldering coals in the dead of winter.    
“You want me there instead of him?” Din purrs, using the tips of his index and middle fingers to tilt your chin and drag you into an open mouthed kiss. “Fuck you like you deserve.” 
The profane imagery of Din between your legs instead makes you clench tight. It only takes a couple seconds and a few more feverish kisses before you’re nodding to his request. Paz mutters a swear, hesitates, and reluctantly pulls out, leaving your cunt empty and aching with need. 
Din, however, is speedy—quick to hoard you to himself and yank your legs over his hips so that you’re draped on his lap. He jumps straight to the point, no fancy maneuver or drawn out teasing—just grabs the base of his cock, slides the flushed tip between your folds and sinks into your cunt. Even after your pussy had been stretched and molded around Paz’s length, you struggle to take Din’s entire cock into your aching center. It’s easier than Paz but, Maker—not by much. 
You whine, harpooning your fingernails into his shoulder once he bottoms out. Din snarls a curse and latches his teeth onto the juncture between your neck and shoulder, prickly pain shooting directly to your belly. “Fucking tight. H-how—fuck.”
There’s no time to adjust before Din sets a pace, harsh and desperate—his hands digging into the flesh of your ass for better leverage. Each roll of his hips borders erratic, taking his pleasure without thought—intent on reaching his own end before it could be yanked out from under him. Din’s staggered exhales below your ear are interlaced with subdued moans that start low in his ribcage then dip into a higher, airy pitch. A delicate sound you’ll guard closer to your chest than any secret you possess for the rest of your life—precious and yours. 
Din turns his head to steal a kiss. “You feel fuck—fucking good. Wanna feel you cum around me. S-squeezed so fucking hard around my fingers—“
You choke out a groan and feel your arousal begin to drip down your thighs—hear the thrusts of his cock into your cunt become shamefully wetter. Heat sizzles down each vertebrae in your spine, burning up each and every cell with the brilliance of a wildfire. Stars, this is gonna destroy you.      
Din’s hand sneaks between your bodies and rubs tight, little circles over you swollen clit. There’s no build up to your orgasm—just a blinding surge of blistering warmth that knocks you off your feet and steals away all the air left in your lungs. Your nails dig into Din’s back as you shake and grapple for a foothold in your own consciousness—the steady warmth of his body a much needed anchor for the madness that threatens to drown you.  
“Good girl,” Din praises, pace faltering from just how tight your pussy squeezes and flutters around his cock. “S-such a fucking good girl for me.”     
Regaining some semblance of control, you realize he’s still fucking going—still rock solid and throbbing, fucking you through the aftershocks of your release. Your arousal turns sharp, like rough cotton over a fresh sunburn as it dips into overstimulation. It’s not unpleasant but Din has to slow his hips to a delicate roll for you to recover.            
In the time it takes to inhale, a different calloused hand kneads into your lower back then smoothes up your spine. A second later you feel the scrape of Paz’s stubble prick along your exposed shoulder as his tongue drags along your sweat dampened skin—all the way up the curve of your neck and ending at the shell of your ear. 
You’re not sure if it’s intentional, but as Paz crowds closer the tip of his cock pokes at your other hole. With a surprised mewl, you tense and shy away—but he follows, molds his chest against your back to sandwhich you in. The hand gripping your bicep jumps to your neck and pulls your head against his shoulder. 
Two of Paz’s fingers dip down the curve of your ass and brush along the puckered skin—far less jarring this time. “Do you want to be fucked here too?” 
You’re gonna fucking explode.  
Stuffed to the brim already, it’s hard to imagine Paz cramming himself in along with Din. A little red light blares in some corner of your mind but it’s quickly soothed as Paz plants soft kisses over your cheek and jaw. You trust him—there’s no reason to think he’ll hurt you or push you to the point of pain.
You catch his mouth with a kiss and rock your hips back. “Y-yeah, ok. I trust you.” 
You feel his smile curl against your cheek. “Don’t worry vaar’ika—I’ll take care of you.”
Paz strokes your bottom lip with his thumb and kisses the crown of your hairline as you sink into him. With his ring and middle finger, he pushes past the seam of your lips. “Suck.”
You obey, sealing your lips around his two digits and coating them in your saliva. Paz pulls them out with a pop and moves them between your legs, and with the added wetness dripping from your cunt, the first finger is easy enough. The second and third have you gasping as he scissors them and stretches your tight hole wider. You claw your nails into Din’s shirt—and he’s no better—Din’s own hands are clamping around your hips, struggling to keep still and biting back moans each time your cunt constricts. 
Your hips begins to meet the thrusts of Paz’s fingers as your body familiarizes the feel of him there. It’s a deep thrill that rushes up through your spinal cord—much different from anything you’ve felt before. 
“You like this, don’t you?” Paz goads, chuckling when you whine as he extracts his fingers. “I think you’re ready to take my cock, yeah?”
You shudder and nod, your voice no more than a squeak as it pilfers out. Paz strokes the top of your head and tips you forward into Din’s eager arms as Paz slicks up his length in a mix of precum and your dripping arousal. He touches the swell of you ass in warning, lines himself up with your hole and wedges the tip of his cock inside of you.     
Involuntary tears dampen your makeshift blindfold as Paz buries himself deeper, his rumbling tone urging you to relax—relax even though your mind is drowning in an ocean of arousal and swirling emotions you have no hope to pin down and analyze. It’s for the best—thankful as Paz bottoms out that it wrenches you back to a feasible reality you’re able to manage.
“Shit—I-I’m gonna die—“ You sob, writhing at just how full you are. But there’s nowhere to fucking go—     
“Easy,” Din breathes, and you wonder if he’s said it to keep his own head on his shoulders. “Easy.”
Din’s gravelly rasp cuts through the fog in your head, and stars—you sound like you’re fucking dying. Your wheezy breaths and lightheadedness would certainly suggest that—but no…no, you’re fine. Better than fine.     
A rush so acute and devastating launches up your spine as Din’s patience cracks. He experimentally rolls his hips and that’s the end of it. You’re swallowed up in that riptide you fought so hard to avoid—fuck. You won’t be the same after this. How can you?  
You can feel them both, separated by a thin wall as they sprint towards their own highs. You’re never once left empty—Din reaches the end of you as Paz pulls out and while there’s not exactly any finesse involves it’s the best fucking thing you’ve felt in your entire life. There’s no bickering—no teasing and you’re struck with an idea that makes you clench tight around both of them. You wouldn’t mind if this was the way they decided to settle scores or finally see eye to eye.   
This time you can’t discern your high—just a constant overflow of ecstasy and dazzling arousal like an imploding supernova. You cry their names—sob and shake in their hold with such fervor that Paz traps you tighter between them to keep you still.  
“Fuck—you get so fucking tight,” Paz growls, blunt nails digging into your hips. “And so fucking wet.”
His fingers touch the inside of your thigh and stars—he’s right. “I get to fuck your cunt next time—see how much you’ll drip for me.” 
Even if the blindfold were off—there’d be nothing to see but a white wash of nothing. Blinded by pleasure and bursting at the seems. 
Jealous, Din steals your breath away with a kiss, licking and nipping at your swollen lips until you whine his name. His jagged pants fan across your chin—chapped lips and patchy facial hair tickling across your bottom lip as you breath the same air. 
Din whispers your name like a prayer, his fingers clutching tight around your thighs as his pace starts to flounder to choppy jerks. “Shit. I-I’m close—“
Your fingers twist into his hair. “Yeah—ok baby. Let go.”
Din’s teeth sink into the base of your throat and cums. His seed coats your insides—hot and copious and fucking shit—if there’s a next time you want him to cum in your mouth.      
You don’t get time to relish Din’s stuttered gasps of your name, laced with praise and a show of a tender and bleeding heart before Paz is gathering up your hair in a tight fist and jerking your head up. “You—you want me to cum too? Say it.” 
Without a breath of hesitation you beg for it, cry and arch into him. It does the trick—
Paz is loud—shouts a thunderous roar and buries his cock deep into your hole. Din is still recovering from the aftershocks of his release when Paz pulls out after what seems like ages pumping you full. His cock no longer there to plug you up, his cum begins to dribble out and mix with the mess between your legs. Your legs shake and you wobble--crying out as Din slips out, your body dreadfully empty and aching.     
You're lowered to the mat by Din and if you weren't still trying to formulate words, you'd thank them. Lips dart over your cheeks and hairline, and for once nothing needs to be said. It’s nice...the radiating warmth from their bodies and the simmering flush through you body is something you could get used to. But you’re no stranger to the shifting tides of the future. 
You shrug it off.    
Your eyes are heavy and with one of them stroking your hair and the other your thigh, you drift to sleep. Later—later all unspoken things and disastrous words can be dealt with tomorrow. You must be dreaming when it’s said--careless and bold, but the words nestle into your heart and sprouts with fear. 
“You love her, don't you?” 
or’dinni--dumbass idiot 
tag list: 
@bobafctts​ @djxrxn​ @teaofpeach​ @corrupt-fvcker​ @nelba​ @datmando​ @ben-is-a-hoe​ @dreams-like-clockwork​ @aerynwrites​ @auty-ren​ @huliabitch​ @anxiety-riddled-mando​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @trippedmetaldetector​ 
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Bedroom Blues | Luke Hemmings
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A/N; I hope you like it, and that it’s angsty enough. I’m not too great at writing smut, but I took more time with this imagine, and I felt quite inspired with it. Feedback would be appreciated for any improvements, thankyou for the request and please enjoy (Sorry if the smut’s bad!)  - M x
Warnings; includes smut, angst, mentions and complications of miscarriage, cheating, mentions of drug use, drinking, swearing, choking, toxic relationship, spit
Uttering a single word was unsettling, there was an edge driven between you and Luke, a bump in the road that you feared that the pair of you were unable to cross. He had distanced himself, pouring his emotions into his music rather than expressing them to you.
It hurt, that he pushed you away, telling you to focus on yourself when all that you could mull your mind over was his state of self and all that you had lost. You needed him, it would never be a cure for the pain in your chest, but even so much as a word would have dimmed the heartbreak.
But he was ‘busy’ as he put it. He remained at the studio as you sat on the bottom of the cold bed, the sheets made and pillows perfectly shaped. No one had slept in it in days, you’d opt for the sofa and he anywhere far enough away.
Sometimes, he’d even crash at Cal’s, leaving you in the company of Petunia, who always tried to make you feel better, bless her little heart. But there was another suspicion arising in your welded brain.
It was not a puzzle to put the pieces together, the clues were straightforward. He was slowly losing himself, and by doing so, also you.
Whenever you had the chance to see him, there was a cheap stench of perfume that waded around him, giving you hints about his altered aura. The scent was new to you, nothing you owned smelt like chemicalised fuchsias and indigos.
It could only belong to another woman, the one who left red marks upon the collars of his white shirts that he ignored, allowing you to wash them when you extracted them from the laundry basket.
He sat at his desk, phone in hand as he spoke frustratedly to his manager. Feldy was unimpressed by the things that the musician that he bought with his money, it wasn’t legal and if it were to escape to the public’s eye, he’d be cancelled.
Drugs was not the only consumption that he tolerated to ease his childless suffering, he endeavoured out to puns, with new friends that the boys hadn’t even met.
They seemed sleazy, and were accountably not a good influence upon him. As you leant against the doorframe, you tentatively listened to Luke cuss at the man of his label, him oblivious to your presence.
“It doesn’t fucking matter, I have a reasonable excuse. My child died, before he was even born, I have to cope somehow! So before you let your criticisms slip through your barking lips, consider how you would feel if you were in my position!”
Luke gave the man no time to reply, he hung up, sliding his phone across the table, it hitting the stapler that was sat on the hardwood surface.
He was hurting, he was trying to tolerate the pain, but he was not going about it the right way. As he attempted to get through this tough time, he was hurting everyone that he claimed to love, including you.
“You can’t keep using our son’s passing as an excuse.” It was his answer to everything, the penance that he guarded himself with.
At the sound of your voice, he sighed, rubbing his face with his hand, sick and tired of it all. There was never a moment to waste, he had realised that. Life was about living, something that his child never got to experience. He was making up for the future that he didn’t reach.
“Don’t hassle me woman, you don’t understand.” It was as though he was oblivious to how you felt, focusing on yourself wouldn’t have made his words burn any less.
However painful the strike of the match was, it also made you angry. The way he had the audacity to speak to you like it, as though he were blaming its body for the error that it had gone through.
“Fuck you!” It leapt from your mouth far more aggressively than you intended, but you didn’t regret the exclamation. It was a blessing, that your voice box had the courage to speak the pickings of your mind. “I understand more than you could ever know, you think you’re in pain. Perhaps you should take some time to think, sit and remember the life that we were going to have. Because whilst your out partying, fucking other women and being blind to the fact that you’re pushing everyone that cares away, it makes me think that it’s a good job that our baby wasn’t brought into the world. You’re not exactly father material.”
Luke threw himself from his spinning chair, clasping his hands around (Y/N)’s neck, holding your furious body against the wall. He sneered at the sight of her, for the first time in two months, looking into her eyes. She had insulted him, he wasn’t in the right headspace for that.
“Take it back.” He sternly ordered her, squeezing tighter around her throat. Her silence infuriated him further, and so the tall blond man pried again, leaning in closer to her face. “Take it fucking back you - you... Please take it back (Y/N).”
He broke, but (Y/N) wasn’t ready to cave for him so easily, even as he kept a hold around her. Instead she pursed her lips, forming a ball of saliva in her mouth and spitting it straight in his face.
It landed upon his left eyebrow, wallowing further down as he frowned at her crudeness. Finally, he realised his girlfriend, stepping back, shaking his curls at the sight of her. She disgusted him, she had no right to treat him that way when he was in so much pain. You weren’t helping him cope, you were only making it harder.
“I can’t lie to you like that Luke.” Your voice was softer, however your cheeks hollowed at the crumbled sight of him. He had sunk to the ground, he was on his knees, his head hung low.
“I’ve really fucked up, haven’t I?” He didn’t need an answer, not when he was already too aware of his own mistakes. There was no redemption, no do overs. No way to revive his son.
Although he had hurt you in ways in which you’d never forgive him for, it drummed an ache in your chest to see Luke like this. The worst part was that through all of his fuck ups and downs, you still loved him.
He was all you had left, you had lost everything else. It made you think that it hadn’t been the right time, or right at all for you and Luke to have a child together. The creation and its demise had split the two of you apart, there was no coming back from that.
But you were both here, on the floor of his studio, and so you got on your knees before him, cupping his downturned face and turning it up to look at your own. He appreciated the warmth that your hands provided, he had missed them, as well as the rest of you that accompanied them.
“That’s one way to put it.” Licking your lips at the dryness that had masked them, Luke watched the action. It was ordinary, as did your relationship to the media. But that things that they did not know was that the string between the pair of you was torn, it was getting old and would soon fall through.
There was still a single spark left, he felt it surpass the contact he had with your skin. Instinctively he rotated his head in your palm, pressing his lips against the smooth skin, placing delicate, harmless kisses upon the skin.
It surprised you, however you allowed him to continue his path, that trailed up the expanse of your arm, across your shoulder, up the hollow of your neck, until he arrived at your lips. They were so familiar, yet he was so estranged from them.
The appearance of them upheld that of an old friend, they had changed, grown away from their friendship and moved on. This was a chance to reconnect, even if it be for only a moment, and so Luke greeted them with the pressing of his own lips, feeling the remainder of passion left.
He would always love you, you’d been the mother of his child, his rock. And thinking of that had you reciprocating the action, opening your mouth and inclining him a taste inside.
His hands ran down the silhouette of your body, feeling every curve and inch for what felt like the last time. And it probably would be, and so he intended to make the most of it, leave with a regretless finale.
Your hands attacked his hair, tugging at the roots, making the man before you groan at the contact. “Bedroom.” You mumbled against his bittersweet lips.
The pair of you stood, and the tall guitarist hoisted you into his arms, walking through the halls that the pair of you shared.
There were so many ghosts wandering the house, it was eerie, nostalgic. He’d remembered when the pair of you had first scoped out this place through an estate agent. It had felt like home, but now it had the aura of a blue sea; polluted and slowly emptying of all life.
He took careful steps up to stairs, as insurance that he wouldn’t drop your body from his amorous grasp, or that he wouldn’t slip somewhere he couldn’t see.
The two of you were already emotionally fragile, it didn’t need to transfer to its physical cousin. And so he proceeded his route, pushing the bedroom door open with his shoulder, not bothering to close it in his wake.
Lightly he tossed you onto the neat and unused bed, causing a crease to form in the material, but it didn’t matter. Not as he stripped himself of his white silk shirt that had an opening at his chest, tossing it onto the floor.
His stomach was heaving as he got caught in the moment, watching you expectedly as he tugged on the end of your own shirt. It had been a maternity shirt, one that you had bought in consideration for later in the course of your pregnancy. At last, it was getting some use, but Luke would have preferred if it received less of that.
Removing the article washed away any link that your body showed of a prior pregnancy, momentarily it discarded the memories of the change your body had been due; stretchmarks, swollen feet, a craving for the strangest of digestible combinations.
One reminder remained though. It was Luke, who crawled upon the king sized bed, sliding atop of you and trailing his fingertips down the lines of your bra straps, carefully sliding them down your arms, so that the covering merely stayed on by the back portion.
“Is this okay? I don’t want you to regret it.” He had his own, he know how it ate away at his soul, piece by piece. There was no worse feeling, he didn’t want you to experience the same.
A loose lipped smile came across your face, he was being considerate. It was more than he had been since the miscarriage, then he had resembled a shadow whenever he chose to return home. He was hardly visible, and if you saw him, nothing was uttered, it was just a bleak darkness underneath the sun’s scoping rays that explored through the open blinds.
“I’m okay with it.” With your consent in hand, Luke shuffled atop of you, grinding his half hardness against the cotton shorts that protected the disabled birthing centre that you had been the entrance to this entire ordeal.
Shivering at the feeling, you released a small moan, which further spurred on the man. “Fuck, I can’t wait any longer.” He sat upon his knees, digging them into the mattress as he made easy work of his belt, sliding it through the loops and throwing it aside.
Next were his trousers, and as he removed them and his undergarments, you quickly mirrored his actions, leaving both of you naked, aside from the comfortable bra that you were cooped in.
It didn’t matter if a part of you was shielded, Luke was ready to get down to business and make the most of this last night. But before he could position his tip at your slit, one of your hands softly pushed him back, although he remained hovering above your ample body.
“Condom.” You told him, you not wanting to risk another pregnancy. At the word, Luke’s eyes widened, as though it was flashing him back to the night that the pair of you had forwent using one. It had ended in a miracle, that over time, transformed into the worse curse imaginable to mankind.
Luke reached over to the bedside draw, extracting a single packet and delicately ripping it open, taking out the form of protection. He held it in his hand, rolling it upon himself from tip to base. And then all was ready for him to proceed.
Hooking one of your legs around his waist, he pushed into you, which emitted a gasp from both the involved. It felt almost foreign, like a one night stand. It had been a while since such a natural presentation of affection had dawned in this room, or anywhere in this house.
The angle gave him a deeper point to hit you at, and he took full advantage of that. His pace had began slow, but it increased as your hands traced undecipherable shapes upon his nude back, knowing that in this minute, everything went away.
All the pain was gone. The distance was nowhere to be found, it had been crushed by the closeness that your bodies now emitted. It was all replaced by pleasure, the exotic feeling flowed in flushed lines through your skins, and out of the sinful sounds that emitted from your mouths.
Biting lightly into his shoulder, it made the singer groan, it sounded almost musical. It brought you back to the days when he would sing lightly whilst making breakfast together in the mornings, that was in the old apartment, before you had risked such a great commitment into buying somewhere as a couple.
He didn’t fault in his languid strokes, they weren’t fast or slow; they were the perfect in between. However he was going deep, reaching far into your cunt, which was clenching over and over again around his impressive girth.
“Do that again baby.” The name made the pair of you freeze, staring solely into each other’s eyes as the train stopped on the tracks once more. “Shit, fuck, sorry.”
It pained him too, but there was no other thing that didn’t mean stopping other than pushing through the sensitive clause. And so you dragged his face to your own, allowing him to entangle your lips, clenching around him with your inner walls as he had asked.
“Oh god.” You moaned as he had rammed further inside of your core, he sped up at the sound of your approval. He was driving you closer to the edge, and so were the noises of your bodies battling against each other. The entire ordeal was euphoric, you couldn’t help but let go.
Luke noticed that you had came, and from realising that alone, followed shortly after your bust. And then it was the prompt, the realisation that this was the end, there’d be no more love, no more sex, only ghosts trailing through your brain.
The fact was depressing, but it was healthier for everyone involved, Perhaps one day, you’d return for each other, but first you and Luke would both have to heal from the scarring, separately.
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kira-fluff · 3 years
Hello! Have you done headcanons for a MC that is a really good artist? Like, that's what she loves and hopes to make a career out of it? (For the RFA, V, And Saeran?) thankyou! Bye bye! \ ^-^ /
a/n: I LOOOVEE this idea! As a passionate artist myself, this one hits home :) As you probably know, I’ve updated my rules, since you specified 2, I will pick 2 from the RFA :) Again, let me know if you’d like to have different characters than the ones I picked! I went for MC instead of Y/n this time. Let me know what you think. Thanks! 
Also, this is pre-relationship and it may or may not have turned into a confession headcanon oh gosh 
MC is an Artist +Confession bonus 
V +bonus confession 
As a fellow artist, V would be incredibly proud of you 
Even though he might sometimes have trouble saying it 
V has always showed actions above his words 
You’d quickly gathered this from his lack of communication with the RFA chat and text messages between the two of you in general 
But you understood him, in a way 
You related to the freedom he felt whenever he expressed himself through his photography 
Because you felt that same feelings when you painted 
You were incredibly inspired by Beatrix Potter, your memories of her various artworks inspiring you to do the same 
You adored nature just as much as V did 
Together, you both made a beautiful pair 
You wore an adorable flower-patterned, yellow sun dress
A beige sunhat you held to your head with a hand, carrying your brushes and paint palette
Him, dressed smartly in a sweater with khaki pants 
 V could carry your easel for you, his professional photography bag slung around his shoulder. 
You’d laugh, turning around to look at him, the wind blowing in your face, urging him to “Come on!” 
V had never thought you more beautiful than the time you’d accidentally tripped into a meadow of freesias, scattering them every which way 
You gasped, whipping out your pocket book, etching down the scene before you 
After a measurable silence, you looked over at V who had been quiet in taking pictures of you 
He keeps many copies of the pictures, putting one in his wallet and other places he’d look frequently just to make him smile 
He’d never let others besides himself see them, but they were the most beautiful photos he’d ever taken, and this not just by his standards of your beauty 
You sometimes would catch yourself sketching him during your time outside with him, sitting in a quiet pasture 
The world’s creatures were your muse, but you couldn’t help yourself from taking every opportunity to capture V’s every expression
And maybe that’s when you realized you were completely and utterly in love with him. 
In those quiet times in the meadows, all along you were in love with him. 
When you’d caught V taking candids of you, you always would beg him to delete them, which he begrudgingly would, if you really begged him 
But.. other than that, you were positive V had no real feelings for you outside of a deep friendship. 
That must’ve done it. He knows.  
Because suddenly, V had become incredibly distant, flaking out of your naturalist escapades, becoming increasingly difficult to come in contact at all..
it was all pointing to the fact that he had realized how deeply you loved him. 
You in turn, pushed away everyone around you. 
Rejection hurt. So much. One does not truly understand it until they’ve felt it themselves. 
It came to a point where you had no more tears left to cry, you knew he was gone forever. 
Your love, your inspiration. 
All was gone. 
You hadn’t touched a paint brush in months 
You’d been skipping meals for a while, beginning to feel more and more fatigue because of it. 
It came to the point where all in the RFA (except V) had become so worried about you that they’d sent Jaehee and Yoosung over to check on you 
You couldn’t remember the last time you’d checked your phone 
Your blinds and curtains had been shut for a subsequent amount of time. 
It had been weeks since you’d last changed your clothes, your hair was unkept. 
You stopped taking care of yourself completely, emptiness overtaking you. 
You had always had a dream of making artwork your career.. but just when your freelance career had begun to take off.. you lost everything. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to touch your paints or pocket book. It reminded you too much of him. 
You weren’t concerned about money, Rika’s apartment was already paid for and… well, with no real meal expenses, you didn’t feel any real purpose to continue. 
You heard a soft knock on the door. 
Instead of answering, you groaned, rolling over in your sheets – hoping if you ignored the knocking they’d assumed you weren’t home.
Any last grain of hope you’d had left you a long time ago. 
You slowly sat up in your bed. It was Yoosung. 
You instantly felt shame for ignoring them.. and looking, well, like this. 
“I’m coming in!” Came a loud shout, causing you to panic. 
Damn. Seven must’ve opened the apartment.  
Seven was concerned for you, given the surveillance footage, he couldn’t find almost any instances when you’d left your apartment. 
Given your apparent closeness, Seven shot a text to Yoosung, Jaehee, and of course, V. 
Yoosung and Jaehee replied in agreement and concern, V, however, said something very different. 
// V:  I’m sorry. I can’t go. >> [sent, 6:08am]
707: I thot the 2 of u were rly close. Did sth happen? >> [sent, 6:09am]
V: I’m selfish. I can’t see her anymore. >> [sent, 6:29am] 
707: ? >> 
707: > [sent, 6:29am]
read, 6:32am. //
You began to cry, embarrassed and ashamed, as Jaehee and Yoosung called your name throughout your hollow feeling apartment. 
Immediate concern covered their faces when they saw you teary eyed in your bed. 
“Oh, MC, hey, it’s going to be okay.”, Jaehee immediately held your head in her arms. 
She ordered Yoosung to get some food from your local convenience store
From there, she opted to begin cleaning you up. 
Jaehee didn’t want to force you to do or say anything, so she never asked questions – unless to ask whether you were comfortable taking a shower or perhaps, eating something later. 
You were not opposed to the help, rather, you felt indebted to them, feeling guilty for causing Jaehee, Yoosung, and likely Seven a great amount of trouble. 
Jaehee made quick work of stripping your bed sheets, stuffing in the laundry and opening the blinds, cleaning your room and dusting where necessary 
A part of her chastised herself for not doing so sooner, but she and the others were afraid that they’d be intruding on your right to take a social media break or something of the sort. 
Yoosung came back relatively quickly, a meal in hand, per Jaehee’s request. 
He made quick work of making his specialty – an omurice omelette. 
Jaehee continued to tidy up, checking up with you when she’d realized the apartment had gotten too silent
You at last stepped out of the shower, your hair taking on a glimmer, as if thanking you for taking care of it at last. 
You washed your face, trying to gather your thoughts as your shoved a crew-neck shirt over your head, opting for jeans and slippers as well. 
At last coming out of the bathroom, you at last made eye contact with Yoosung and Jaehee you began to cry again. 
Without hesitation, they rushed toward you for a hug, hushing you when you’d blubbered, “I’m sorry, thank you, I’m so sorry” in between dry heaves. 
After a quick call to Seven from Jaehee, Zen, Jumin and Saeyoung had made their way to your apartment as well. 
They each had their piece to share, kind words of encouragement and love. 
You were happy by their words, but… 
V wasn’t here. 
At last gaining confidence through their encouraging words, you ushered them to the large sofas that laid beneath your TV. 
Looking down, you said, “I-I’m sure you’re all wondering about V and I..” 
You didn’t dare look up when your sniffles began. 
You took a deep breath before beginning, “This is nothing to his fault, but….” your lip wobbled, “I believe.. I think he realized that I had completely fallen for him,” you laughed pathetically, “Still am”
Seven began, “MC–” 
“I don’t blame him, really, I never intended to tell him… it’s awkward.” 
Zen clenched his fist, “That asshole…” 
“And my friend” Jumin quickly rebutted. 
“P-please! I didn’t tell you this to make you dislike him or anything! I just felt like I owed you all an explanation…”, you begged.
Seven stared at you for a while before saying, “MC… V he’s– I think you should tell him properly.” 
Zen, ever the hot-head, stood up shouting, “And get her heart broken all over again?! How heartless can you be!” 
You smiled ingenuinely, “He’s right, Zen.” 
Before you could change your mind, you picked up your phone, and for what felt like years, you at last dialed V’s number. 
On the last ring, you heard sound that the caller had, picked up though there was no sound on the other line. 
Jumin and Yoosung ushered everyone out of the room, deciding to take a little stroll outside the apartment complex. 
After a moment of silence you started, “…..V?” 
You now heard him breathing on the other line.
“V, I know you’re there. Please…” You felt your voice wavering, “P-please… come to my apartment.”, you whispered a final, “please.” 
V was silent for what felt like hours before saying, “……..okay.” 
You hung up, attempting to mentally prepare yourself for the world of hurt you were about to endure again. 
After a long silence in which you’d zoned out, you suddenly heard the door bell ring. 
You glanced up. Only V ever used the doorbell.. always had. 
You slowly crept toward the door, taking deep breaths to calm your nerves. 
Gently opening the door a crack, you took in V. 
It had been a few months, but he looked so different. So…hollow. 
You moved for him to come inside, closing the door behind you. 
“Um, V, there’s something I need to tell you.” 
“You already know my answer.” 
You looked up, tears welling in your eyes, doing your best to ignore his statement. 
“V… I love you.” 
You’d never seen V so taken aback, his whole face grew pale. 
“Y-you love me?” 
“Have. For a long time.” 
You looked down, “You can go now.” 
Yet you didn’t hear a sound of movement. 
Looking up, V was still standing there, shocked. 
At last, you managed to hear the softest whisper, “All this time….”
You leaned in closer, “What?” 
“I- I loved you.. I love you. Since we’d first met. I-I thought you didn’t want a thing to do with me. Thought you’d figured out I’d fallen in love, so I distanced myself.. selfishly to try not to get hurt, but I still did. And all this time you felt the same.” 
You were now the stunned one. 
V gently smiled at you, enveloping you in a tight hug, “Really.” 
Jumin +bonus confession 
You loved to create stories 
Various areas of fiction, watercolor splashing against crisp, white pages 
Telling a beautiful story in color 
And Jumin adored it. 
He adored you. 
He admired your deep passion to create and your love for everything. 
He couldn’t understand how you could see the beauty in everything around you… for Jumin, he tended to consider things in their degree of usefulness. 
For the longest time, his father and those around him had encouraged this mentality 
And so, Jumin rarely sought for things that would have no real purpose – his penthouse proved this point by its bare walls – void of artistic charm
It wasn’t until you’d met him through the RFA that you’d immediately brought a force of color into his life 
He remembered well the first time you’d come to his apartment 
You gently ran your soft fingers against the walls of his penthouse saying, “Mr. Han, I think you need some more color in your house. It looks like a hospital in here!” You turned to him, a playful smile on your face. 
The breath was knocked out of him. 
God, he could never say no to you. If you’d ask, he’d get you anything you’d ever need. 
But he loved that you didn’t appreciate that kind of affection. Jumin knew he immediately ran to gift giving for love because it was the only way he had been shown love throughout his life…. and, it didn’t really mean anything to him. 
Still, he desperately wanted to be helpful, so if you were ever in a financial struggle, he’d offer to assist you. 
You’d proudly decline, declaring you could do it all yourself. He liked that about you too. Your independence, your kindness. 
It didn’t take long for him to realize he had taken to you greatly. 
One day when you’d come over for a visit, while petting Elizabeth III, you said, “Hey, Jumin.. have you ever fallen in love before?” 
Tension filled the air while Jumin stared at you. 
How could MC be so blind. 
When it had been a few moments he’d not answered, you awkwardly said, “J-just kidding! I figured you’re probably engaged – that was a stupid question, sorry..” 
Jumin was stricken by your sudden uncertainty, but didn’t make anything of it. 
“I’m not engaged. Don’t listen to anything my father says regarding that. And to answer your question, I think I might have an idea of what that feels like.” 
His eyes bore into yours, but he of course missed the look of sorrow that’d taken over your eyes.  
He’d watch you paint all day if he had the time. 
He couldn’t understand how you could look at a blank sheet of paper and write something so poetically beautiful and paint a lovely picture to match 
It was all a part of his amazement of you. 
He could watch you for hours, humming to yourself while you played around with contrast colors for your watercolor pieces 
No other art had value quite like your own 
He encouraged you at every chance he got, “MC, you should go into the arts.” 
“That’s what I want to do! But, Dad says the arts aren’t a realistic job.”, you frowned. 
“That may have been true in some outdated decade, but in our world today people are always looking for something hand-made and authentic. When we research our products, we look for items that have a ‘signature’ to them. Trust me, people want your art not only because it is breath-taking.. but because you made it.” 
You smiled at that, Jumin was always one to put a rational thought forward for your consideration, something you’d cherished. 
“Besides, I think you’d be happy anywhere you can create.” 
You grinned, pulling him into a tight hug, “Thank you, Ju Ju.”
Staying close friends became increasingly difficult, but Jumin wasn’t going to risk losing his friendship with you because of feelings. 
So you surprised him when you began randomly, “Jumin, I think I’m in love with you, okay?” 
You made eye contact, doing your best to show you were serious. 
As soon as he realized you were authentic in your confession, you turned around and began sprinting, flying open the door to his penthouse 
Jumin immediately chased after you, both in a full sprint 
You screamed when you heard his breathing and steps behind you and so increased your speed 
You had at last reached a dead end, but Jumin was a ways behind you. 
You reached for the elevator button, furiously clicking it – thankfully it came on the first ding. 
You rushed inside, repeatedly tapping the door-closing button. 
You sighed at last when you felt the elevator moving up, gasping for air. 
You attempted to continue going up to the highest story, which happened to be 320, grateful that this damn skyscraper had a ton of floors. 
You froze when the door came to a stop at floor 13. You panicked, trying to force the doors not to open. 
In front of you was a random businessmen, looked slightly peeved at the long wait he must’ve had for the elegant glass elevator. 
You apologized, allowing him into the elevator along with a crowd of impatient people, some gorgeous women with a smart suit and long hair, their phone resting on their cheek next to their ear, some more businessmen, glancing anxiously at their watches. 
As the elevator climbed to floor 21, a heap of people acknowledged their stop, pressing out of the elevator shaft and onto the busy hallways of what appeared to be the finance department. 
You sighed, pressing more buttons to go up higher. 
You screeched when you felt a hand on both of your wrists, slamming you into the wall behind you. 
Jumin’s eyes were glowing from the slight sweat that was beginning to form on his brow 
He looked pissed. 
“Don’t. Ever. Run. Away. From me. Again.” 
You gazed up at him, a guilty expression clouding your face 
“S-sorry..”, you quickly looked away, not bearing to look at the anger in his expression, the way he clenched his jaw and his eyes took on a darker hue… brows knit together. He was really mad. 
“You didn’t let me answer.” He said, his voice deep. 
He leaned in closer.. you closed your eyes in anticipation. 
He breathed a laugh through his nose, resting his forehead on your collarbone and shoulder. 
You blushed in embarrassment. 
Suddenly, Jumin hugged you tightly, “I love you too, MC.” 
As a fellow artist, Zen was overjoyed to say the least when he found out about your love for singing 
Your social media accounts were growing rapidly from your posts of music covers and original songs 
You also had a deep love to playing the harp. 
It had taken a lot of coaxing to convince your father to let you pay half and he pay the other of the expense of a 200,000 Won pedal harp 
But you loved it so much 
And so does Zen 
He’d definitely insist on doing a collaboration with you 
After the recording session and upload, both your following counts grew rapidly 
Comments of all types flooded your posts: 
who’s the b*tch next to him? 
omg, right? 
ew lol 
MC looks so cute…
I agree!! 귀엽다   (cute) 
Over the course of your social media endeavor, you’d learned to ignore the ruthless comments of jealous fans 
Zen was worried you’d taken them personally so he validated you a lot over the period that the video was a hit 
Zen wrote a song about you (which he definitely serenaded you with): 
“your passion, my passion one in the same this song – our communicator of my love to you. your smile each day this serenade a simple translator the time we have means so much i wouldn’t spend it any other way.” - radio wave COMMUNICATION by Zen 
The song overtook the song charts, making it’s way to the #1 spot in half a day 
You’d asked him, “Zen, are you going to make that a single? You are, aren’t you? Right?” 
“No, this is something for you and you only” 
You smiled at that, but said, “Zen, love like this deserves to be shared. This song will mean something so special to someone else, just like it means something to me. Music, what we do.. it was made to be shared.” 
Zen looked at you with stars in his eyes, taking you in a big hug. 
You truly were the kindest person he’d ever met.. and he loved you so, so much. 
Even though you may not have realized yet what the truth of his feelings were in his serenade, he knew he’d wait for the day in anticipation when he’d finally ask you to be his. 
Saeran wasn’t personally one for dramatics, but he loved watching you perform  
You’d sing for all kinds of musicals – you’d act for a series of plays 
He loved it when you’d act in classics like Macbeth or The Phantom of the Opera
It felt like a safe place to forget everything in his life and just watch you 
But he hadn’t fallen for you for who you pretended to be, but for who you really are. 
You were shy – something he found surprising (but unbelievably adorable) because you were a well-known actress 
When you’d first met him, you were walking outside the entrance way of the theater a few hours before your showtime. 
You had accidentally tripped and spilled coffee all over some tax forms you had to fill out
You let out a soft, “oh no!” 
Saeran had been early for a nice seat (hopefully away from other people) and noticed a woman in a cute over-sized sweater was muttering words under her breath, picking up what seemed to be endless amounts of papers 
He quietly walked over and just as softly said, “…need some help..?” 
You were surprised at the sudden presence of a stranger 
“o-oh! … yes please..” 
he smiled, leaning down and picking up stacks of coffee-stained paper
“would you like me to carry them for you?”, he said 
“are you– are you sure?” you looked up at him innocently in concern 
he answered by gently taking the stack of papers, “where to..?” 
“um… i’ll show you..” 
he nodded, following you to the backstage area where there was a mirror attached to a dresser, stage makeup covering the top of it. 
“you’re an actress?” 
you grinned shyly, “everyone’s surprised..” 
“n-no, i think it suits you. i was surprised because i’m watching the show tonight.” 
“r-really? you’ll watch me?” 
he nodded, blushing at your hopeful smile 
“i’ll do my best then, if you’ll watch me..” 
“good.” he looked away 
“i’ll be waiting” you said with a soft smile 
“so will i” 
yeah you two were literally so adorable.
enjoy my beautifuls
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m0srael · 3 years
Like a River on Fire
For the @drarrymicrofic prompt "wolf" based loosely on this song.
If his sixteenth year was the year of invisibility, his seventeenth was the exact opposite. Everything he’d worked so hard to conceal--about his “extracurricular activities”, his family, his terror, and even his body--he now wore like a suit of armor. He had no more choice about that than he’d had about repairing the vanishing cabinet. If he had any energy for humor, he might laugh at the irony: hiding took so much more effort than being seen.
This relationship seemed reversed on the part of the watcher: seeing someone, really seeing them, was a lot of work. People walk by each other every day, sit in a classroom with one another or sleep in a bed five feet away, without ever really seeing. Even (especially) when you’re hurting them, they look right through you. With this realization came opportunity. No one noticed that Draco talked less and skipped meals in the Great Hall for the month of October. Blaise only asked once that Spring why he left their dorm every morning at dawn and didn’t come back until just after sunset; he’d mumbled ‘squad business’, with a glare, and Blaise had never asked again.
The first time he transformed, late one evening in April, he nearly didn’t change back. His body, exhausted and in pain for so long, felt strong and lean and capable. His mind, confused and angry and sad, felt weightless and his thoughts were simple, easy. Like the sun breaking through clouds after a storm he knew, with instinctual clarity, that all of it--the violence, the terror, the dogma--was meaningless. He felt, more than heard, the echo deep in his mind that people were dying and that meant something, but he couldn’t quite wrap his hands around the thought. Instead, he stared longingly into the cool solace of the Forbidden Forest and thought of running. He wasn’t surprised by the form he’d taken. After all, he was a pack animal at his core.
Draco spent the sweaty, tear-soaked, manor-bound summer after the Battle loping through the woods of Wiltshire. He’d stay out for days, only transforming back when his mother’s high-pitched voice cut through the fog of running-trees-freedom-air that clouded his brain. She didn’t ask where he went and he never told her. They had an unspoken agreement--his mother didn’t cry in front of him, and he would promise not to leave again. That never lasted long. He thought about leaving for good all the time, no one knew he was an Animagus so the wards around the grounds weren’t set up to stop him. That thought was always carried in on a current of guilt, though.
The last time Draco saw Harry Potter in person it was across the crowded Ministry Atrium after his family’s sentencing. Potter, looking drawn-out and too-thin and like he’d rather be anywhere else, had been surrounded by reporters while Draco and his mother were shunted roughly into a Floo by their Auror escort. Draco had tried to catch his eye, but Potter didn’t look up from the floor. Draco didn’t want to return to school to finish his N.E.W.T.s, but it was better than home. Or Azkaban. Unsurprisingly, Potter was the first person to learn Draco’s secret. Draco had made the mistake of trying to hide again, which meant that he was all Harry could see.
Harry’s anger used to fill him up; it flowed over his edges to crash in waves around his feet and leapt up to burn those nearest to him. Now he just felt empty, immobilized under the weight of grief, confusion, and regret. He reckoned that he’d only been able to pursue Voldemort with such single-minded focus because the man himself had predisposed him to it when he unwittingly joined their souls, but that part of him was gone now. He’d been hyper-aware of every passing second from the moment he learned the truth about his parents right up until the moment of his death. He didn’t know what to do now that the future felt boundless. He stayed quiet and he watched, hoping his friends would show him. Instead, all he saw was Draco Malfoy. He had a feeling that was a predisposition he’d cultivated all on his own.
Harry began to follow Draco into the forest under his cloak as soon as he realized Draco snuck out of the castle every night. Draco had known he was being followed, and by whom, as soon as he’d stepped out into the cool night air. He’d spent so long as a wolf lately that even during the day he had to process an overload of sensory information fed to him by his overly sensitive nose. That scent had become as familiar as his favorite jumper. Harry watched each time as Draco stripped off his pajamas, folding them neatly and stowing them away in the hollow of a large tree. His breath caught at the way the moonlight made Draco’s skin glow, pearlescent, and set his hair alight. He almost cried the first time Draco had transformed because it reminded him of his dad, Sirius, and Remus, but mostly because Draco was beautiful and Harry wanted him. And because Harry ached to transform, too.
“I’m just...only, it’s…I’m not…” Draco spoke out loud to the forest one night as he stood from tucking his pajamas away, “Why?”
His eyes, almost pleading, darted to a spot just above Harry’s head and Harry knew Draco was talking to him. Not only were they alone, but Harry realized a while ago that Draco knew Harry followed him. Harry almost turned around and gave it up at the time. The last time he had followed Draco around like this he had been consumed by helplessness and outrage and he had hurt Draco. He'd do everything in his power never to hurt Draco again, even if that meant staying away.
But then he’d remembered the way Draco sighed, flexed his shoulders, and dropped to his knees right before he changed and Harry decided that if Draco wasn’t saying anything this time it must be different--for both of them. Now, instead of suspicion, all he felt was a deep desire to hold Draco’s snout between his hands, to lay down on the forest floor next to him and breathe him in, to warm Draco's folded pajamas against his cheek before sliding them back onto his newly-human body.
Harry pulled the cloak off of himself, “I know. I can’t...” he said, one hand braced against the trunk of a tree, “...you always were…and we...” he looked into Draco’s eyes and said, “I want…”
Read on Ao3
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weeb-stomper · 3 years
Bakugou KatsukixFem!Reader - Desk Work
Word Count: 2,170
*In surprised old man voice* “It’s been 57 years.....”
No seriously, sorry for not posting in so long! Art block is a bitch :( But I’m back! I have something in the works that’s taking way longer than I thought it would, so I busted this out over the last few days just to get things goin again on the ol’ writing blog :) hope you enjoy, NSFW below cut
special thank you to @wootato and @kat-unzel for beta reading this so many times. Also tagging @cupcake-rogue because she went out of her way to mention something I wrote in a post the other day and she made me feel all UwU-soft :)
Tagging all my friends cause ha
     Patrolling with Dynamight had been difficult at first. He was abrasive and stand-offish, a wolfish thirst for power kept him from having many friends and the calculated strength he brought to every fight was admittedly a bit scary. Civilians were equal-parts likely to ask for his autograph as they were to cross the street when they saw the two of you coming, with the exception of the countless women who would attempt to chat him up throughout your patrols. You couldn’t say you didn’t get it, if you were honest. He was quite attractive, and you’d passed an embarrassing amount of time wondering what those calloused fingers might feel like digging into the meat of your thighs, what that mocking sneer might taste like when it melted into your mouth…But considering the cold way he brushed off his adoring public, those fantasies remained as they were. Fantasies.
     All you could say now was that if you’d had any idea how this day might turn out, you would have worn cuter underwear.
     You were sat in Bakugou’s lap, your back against his chest and his feet hooked around your ankles, prying your knees open so wide your hips hurt. You wondered in passing where exactly your shorts had gone before a sharp pain at your pressure point erased your thoughts once again, the resulting moan echoing in the stale air of his office. Your jaw ached, Bakugou’s fingers stretching your mouth open so wide you thought your lips might split, his other hand pinching and tweaking your nipple underneath the stretchy material of your hero costume’s top. The taste of his sweat flooded your mouth, his rough fingers smashing your tongue against the sharp edges of your teeth and allowing drool to spill out and run down your chin. His breath was hot against your neck as he sucked another mark onto the sensitive skin just below your ear, the overwhelming scent of burnt caramel filling your nose.
     “C’mon sweetheart, where’s all those stupid jokes now?” Bakugou hissed against your ear, hand dropping from your chest to rub harsh circles against your clit. “You were so fuckin annoying on patrol today, I thought for sure you’d be a good girl for me.”
     A choked sob wracked your shoulders as his pace picked up, the rumble of his manic laughter reverberating through your ribs completely overwhelming your senses: Taste, smell, hearing, feeling, he was everywhere on you at once and it was just too much. And yet, you couldn’t stop yourself from writhing against him, wordlessly pleading for more. Your head spun, growing more and more hazy as his ministrations continued, dragging ragged moans and whines from your lungs against your will. If he’d just let you cum once, if he could show you that kindness, you’d do anything.
     Your head tilted towards the door of his office in the far corner of the room, noting with a cracked whimper that he hadn’t even bothered to lock it before he’d set on you. You felt him smile against your shoulder as his eyes followed yours, a pang of panic ringing in your head a split second before he sank two fingers inside of you. A guttural moan poured from your lips, your back bowing against him as he began working you over.
     “Heh...you finally noticed? Took ya long enough, sweetheart. You’re dumber than I thought.” He chuckled, feeling you clench around his fingers at his harsh words. “You like that, huh? Then why don’t ya beg for me, sweetheart?”
     A fresh torrent of drool dripped past your lips as Bakugou finally pulled his hand from your mouth, fingers still connected to your lips by a nearly-invisible strand of saliva. Swallowing back as much as you could, you worked your jaw open and closed, easing some of the built up tension there. It had been painful, but you couldn’t help but miss the taste of him. An all consuming sense of emptiness mixed into your lust clouded mind when his other hand trailed up from between your legs, and you let out a low whimper at the loss. If he kept up like this, you were sure you’d pass out. His hands settled on your hips, gently urging you off his lap and turning you to face him.
     He remained slumped in the chair, a wide grin showed the now familiar sharp canines at the edges of his smile. Half lidded eyes raking down your face, trailing across the swelling marks that framed your neck on either side before skipping down to settle between your legs, heightening the feeling of your own slick rolling down your thighs, and his breathing faltered for a moment. It was humiliating, standing half naked and wrecked in front of your boss like some fucked out groupie, and your hands subconsciously drifted to the hem of your top, knotting into the elastic material as you shifted anxiously in front of him. Risking a glance, you noticed the strained tent of his pants. Even through the thick fabric of his hero costume you could tell he was big and, you realized with a surge of pride, that he wanted you. A vicious grin stretched your abused lips.
     Bakugou was silent as you sank to your knees between his legs, his smirk falling as you slid your hands up his muscled thighs, looking up at him through tear spattered lashes with wide, innocent eyes as you worked his belt undone. The softness of your touch left him frozen, his head tipping back against the seat when you finally tugged down his waistband to free his cock. Flattening your tongue, you licked a long strip up the underside of him, drinking in the loud groan that slipped past his lips. Those hands you’d quickly grown addicted to twitched, moving to tangle in your hair, but you slapped them away. He growled as you continued taunting him, placing small kitten licks and sloppy kisses against his member and relishing the needy way he tried to push into your mouth whenever you strayed too close to the head.
     “I don’t beg for shit.” Your voice was hoarse but confident. You were playing a dangerous game and you knew it, but seeing him all riled up from your teasing was such a power trip that you couldn’t resist.
     Your stomach dropped as your eyes slid up to Bakugou’s face, meeting his gaze for the first time since before he’d closed the door. His lips were pulled back in an animalistic sneer, glaring down at you with half-lidded eyes. The furious crimson staining his cheeks did nothing to soften his expression, like it might have were this literally any other situation. A small giggle tumbled from your mouth despite the warning written plainly on his face. Ya, you’d worked him up. 
     Big mistake.
     His hand shot into your hair, gripping tightly at the roots and guiding your head to him while the other hand held his cock steady. He shoved himself sloppily against your lips, smearing precum across your mouth and cheeks. You gasped as his hold on your hair shifted, a burning pain exploding across your scalp, and he seized the opportunity to force his way past your swollen lips and bottom out in your mouth. Tears pricked your eyes once again at the new sensation as his now-free hand shifted into your hair to maneuver your head along his length. 
     “Keep runnin your mouth, sweetheart.” Bakugou snarled, slamming himself against the back of your throat and making you gag against the intrusion.
     He shuddered, rough hands cementing you in place against him. Your eyes widened, a reflexive wave of panic sang through your veins as the seconds stretched on, your nails digging deep into the tops of his legs and a hazy tingling the edges of your mind as the lack of oxygen made itself known. You hollowed your cheeks around him, doing your best to work your tongue against his shaft and dropping a hand between your legs to give some much-needed attention to your neglected core. The feeling was euphoric, the tension building inside you feeling more and more unbearable as Bakugou’s moans mingled with the small whimpers escaping around his cock until your shoulders were shaking. Pins and needles erupted across your skin as your orgasm crashed over you, your shoulders folding forward as you slumped against him, thighs twitching as you rolled your hips into your hand.
     He tore himself from your mouth with a stuttering groan, ignoring the way you coughed and sputtered for air as he rose from his seat, pulling you onto unsteady feet. Spinning you around quickly, he planted a hand between your shoulders and shoved you down against the desk in front of you. The cool wood felt good against your heated skin and you relaxed against the surface. You clutched the edges of the fine wood for support as you indulged in your peak, savoring the lingering muscle twinges and blissed out fog still wrapping your mind. It was only when you felt something hard press against your entrance that you came to your senses, managing to slur out a ‘wait’ before he sank into you to the hilt, immediately pulling you undone again. You almost screamed, patches of white popping in your vision as he began thrusting into you wildly, writhing in painful ecstasy as he hit that sweet spot inside of you over and over again. The sound of that malicious laughter cut filled your ears once again 
     “Fuck, baby, you feel so good around me.” He groaned, planting a hard slap against your ass. “Keep making those cute little noises for me, ok?”
     You were being too loud, you knew, but you couldn’t stop the salacious moans and whimpers from bubbling past your lips between mindless praises and begs. Dignity was a forgotten concept at that moment. You couldn’t care less if someone walked in, saw you rocking back into his Bakugou’s thrusts like the pathetic, desperate little thing you felt like, or heard the way you mewled and cried for your boss to fuck you till you couldn’t breath. All that matter was chasing the high that Bakugou gave you, the stretch in your walls as he used you completely for himself.
     The breath was again stolen from your lungs as he slammed down on top of you, pressing your chest so hard against the desk you could feel your ribs creak. His rhythm was growing sloppy, hands groping you wherever he could reach as he neared his own climax slipping beneath your shirt to dig into the burning flesh of your waist. A sudden desire erupted in your lusty mind, and you lifted your head, trying in vain to communicate with the man above you. He let out a frustrated growl that reverberated against your back, threading his fingers into your hair and jerking your head to the side enough to look you in the face.
     “What the hell do you want, sweetheart? Spit it out!” He demanded, carmine eyes glued to your bruised lips.
     “I’m on the pill!” You sobbed, voice no more than a cracked whine.
     You shuddered at the wolfish grin that split his face as he processed your words, releasing your hair and digging his fingers into your waist hard enough to bruise.
     “You wanna be my little slut? All filled and dripping with my cum?”
     You nodded frantically, struggling to match him when his pace picked up.
     His eyes darkened. “Then say please.”
     You didn’t hesitate. How could you?
     “Katsuki, please!”
     That was it. He hugged you tight against his chest as he finished inside of you, painting your insides with thick ropes of cum, thrusting into you shallowly as he rode out his high, the immense feeling of fullness bringing you to your own peak once again. You went completely limp against the desk, letting out a sharp wail as tremors took over your body once again. It was the most deliciously overwhelming thing you’d ever experienced, completely blotting out your vision for a few seconds and cancelling out everything except the feeling of him still buried inside of you.
     Eventually, the two of you separated, Bakugou tucking himself neatly back into his pants before crossing the room to retrieve clean clothes from the small cabinet in the corner opposite the door. Rather than right yourself, you slid to the floor behind the desk. The twinges in your legs hadn’t completely subsided, but the cold air of the room was starting to become an issue as you realized again that you had no idea where Bakugou had thrown your shorts earlier. Your eyes trailed lazily around the room, briefly appreciating the sight of a now-shirtless Bakugou before grazing past the open door.
     OPEN DOOR!?
     Your eyes darted back to Bakugou, who was now staring at the door with a mixture of horror and shock. You couldn’t help but laugh, slumping back against the desk.
     “Jeanist is gonna be so mad at us.”
@kat-unzel @wootato @sawamooora @honeyyandere @anxietyplusultra @redpandaramblings @krystalwithakay @dynamightslittlehotpocket @spooky-all-year-round @nkjktk @cupcake-rogue
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sinsbymanka · 3 years
Rubatosis from fun word prompt for any Anders-centric ship of your choosing?
Hello! For the @dadrunkwriting challenge. I wanted to do a little bit more for this but I’m trying to stay short. I may come back and add to it. 
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Rubatosis: The Unsettling Awareness of Your Own Heartbeat
Pairing: Anders & Merrill 
Rated: M to be safe 
CW: Blood Magic 
Two weeks passed since they left Kirkwall, and Anders still hadn’t gotten used to Merrill’s neverending chatter. 
Maybe it was because he, for the first time, found himself alone with the woman. There was no Hawke to redirect her inane questions to, no Varric to engage her in friendly banter. It was just two of them and Anders has never felt less talkative in his life. In fact, he could use some good, proper silence to plan. To think. To try and come to terms with his new life. 
“What do you think that cloud looks like?” Merrill asked. 
Anders looked up at the blue sky and the white, puffy clouds drifting lazily across it. He didn’t scream. Barely. 
“Hawke’s drooling mabari,” he answered sarcastically. “And a big, juicy steak.” 
“Really?” Merrill looked over her slim shoulder, eyes wide. “I thought it looked like a fennec myself.” 
She turned that bright gaze back to the sky and squinted into the clouds. “I suppose I could see the steak, though.” 
Anders barely repressed a hysterical laugh. How had he ended up trekking across the countryside with Merrill of all people? 
Easy question. He blew up the Chantry, and everyone that was unlucky enough to be in it, before Hawke sent him packing just before Templar reinforcements showed up. Anders was a fugitive now, and he couldn’t afford to be picky when Merrill was sent alongside him to help him get as far from Kirkwall as he could. One companion was about as good as any other. 
“I really don’t see the mabari at all. Are we looking at the same cloud?” Merrill asked. 
Maybe the Templars would have been preferable. 
Before he could summon the proper retort about Merrill and her ridiculous games, non stop talking, or any of the other things that had done nothing but annoy him since their escape from Kirkwall, he heard the clatter of hooves on the dirt road behind him. 
Merrill froze and Anders followed her lead. They both looked over their shoulders at the sound of thundering hooves just in time to hear the accompanying shouts of men and women. Angry men and women. 
“I knew that innkeeper was looking at us strangely,” Merrill murmured. 
Anders barely heard her over the roar of blood in his ears. The fear always came back like this, sudden and intense, causing his stomach to turn and bile to rise up his throat. The sound brought back memories, metal armor and stone walls too high to climb, a lake separating him from the world outside… 
“Run!” he yelled. 
Merrill didn’t need to be told twice. They both sprinted from the road just as the figures of men and horses came into view. Anders heard the triumphant shout as they were spotted, felt the sucking drain of their powers around him, the popping of his ears. 
Merrill hit the ground just in time as the smite flew over their heads. She scrambled up in a moment, staff in hand. Her eyes flashed, deadly and sharp as the blade at her hip. She hollered something in Elvhen as Anders shoved himself up off the ground before it burst into a tangled forest of thorns. 
Then her fingers closed around his arm and she pulled him onwards into the cover of the trees. He twisted around as a male scream pierced the air just in time to see a templar dragged to the dirt in his shiny armor. 
That meant he wasn’t looking forward when Merrill dragged him right into a low-hanging branch. It whacked against his head with a worryingly hollow hunk that almost drove a laugh from his lips. 
Irving always said his head was empty. 
“Ooops!” Merrill chirped. “Sorry! Humans are just so tall.” 
“I’ll be a lot shorter if you take my head off,” he huffed breathlessly as she dragged him onwards. Despite his height advantage, he very much felt like he needed to keep up with her as they raced into the forest. 
Branches hit unprotected skin with the same sharp bite as a whip, snagged at his cloak and shirt. He barely had time to regret the mending he was going to have to do before Merrill bit off a sharp Elvhen oath and skidded to a stop. 
The forest floor in front of them abruptly ended in the jagged edge of a cliff. Below them, nothing but a rocky ravine. Anders stood on the edge of the precipice, Merrill’s hand still latched on his arm, and the sound of clanking coming closer. 
“There’s a way around.” She sounded so determined, so sure. “We need to-” 
Her eyes blazed green as the ivy climbing up the ledges, reminded him of the brightness of the soft grass beneath his feet on the days they left Kirwall behind. The freedom of being out from behind the city walls, the blue sky above. Knowing he’d never be back in the circle again. There was some peace in that, even if the alternative was death for being an abomination. 
In the grim tip of her pink lips, Anders could see the same grim reality on Merrill’s face. No matter what happened, she’d not be taken alive either. No use for a blood mage in a proper, respectable circle. 
“No.” His tongue darted out to lick at his lips and he felt Justice’s power crackle beneath his skin. “I think we’re trapped like nugs in a sewer.” 
“I do like nugs,” Merrill murmured, already sliding into a stance prepared to attack and defend. “And you do like sewers.”
“I do not!” he protested quickly. 
It was the last thing he said before the templars burst into view and they had no choice but to fight for their lives. A blast of energy from him sent them skittering backwards like iron-clad beetles into Merrill’s vines, but they kept coming like roaches ready to feed on their corpses. 
Sweat dripped down his forehead and burned in his eyes. Lightning sizzled, ozone around him crackled. Beside him he heard Merrill’s staff thunk against metal, heard the distant scream of another templar being toppled over the cliff behind them. 
Then a blade appeared in the corner of his vision and he lashed out with his staff, catching it in the enchanted wood. He grunted, forcing the other man back with all his wiry strength. 
He never saw the silence coming.
It hit him like a fist, dropped him like a punch in the stomach. His vision swam, his ears popped. Anders scrambled to reach for the last vestiges of his mana, but it was gone, gone. Justice, his magic, the noise of battle, everything was fading. 
Above him a blade shimmered in the afternoon sun, piercing the clouds. Anders’ heartbeat thudded in his throat, his fingertips. He counted the remaining beats, wondered how long it would take to count the very last one. 
Would he even feel the very last one?
A shrill scream. Then something sizzling. The smell of iron and the splash of something warm against his face. 
Then screams. So many screams. His heart thudded uncomfortably and he looked around as men began to drop. They clawed at their eyes and began to utter prayers to Andraste, the Maker, anyone to save them. But their Maker went silent long ago and there’s nobody to save them from the blood bubbling over their lips. 
A blood mage, after all, can’t be silenced. Maybe that’s the real reason the templars killed them on sight. 
Merrill’s hand dug into his shoulder, pulling a fistful of feathers from his coat. “Anders! Anders get up!” 
He staggered to his feet and reached blindly for Merrill’s hand. Their fingers twisted together and she pulled him upwards. He caught sight of blood dripping down her pale skin, the bright fury of her gaze. 
And then they ran. 
It took him far too long to realize there was too much blood. It slid down to where their fingers were entwined, dripped onto the ground. Merrill started to weave and stagger before she slumped against him. 
Only then did he notice the horrific gash in her thigh, through the thin leggings she wore. He caught her in his arms and held her to his chest as her eyes fluttered closed over her pale cheeks, vallaslin stark on her cheekbones. 
“Oh don’t you dare,” Anders rasped, slowly lowering her to the ground. “I swear on Andraste’s dirtiest knickers, if you make me go tell Hawke I got you killed…” 
“It… it’s not so bad,” Merrill insisted, a bold statement considering the sheer amount of blood soaking her clothes. Anders tried to summon mana to his fingertips, only to come up heart wrenchingly short. 
He had nothing. Nothing. And Merrill… Merrill needed healing. Merrill needed healing or else…
“Anders-” she whispered. 
He tugged his cloak from his shoulders. “Where’s your knife?” 
“Anders, it’s okay. Hardly hurts at all.” 
“That’s cause you’re going into shock.” He pried her blade from her hand and sliced a long strip from his cloak. “You’re not stupid enough to cut into your own artery are you?” 
“Templar,” she murmured quietly. 
A templar blade to her unguarded leg, probably at the same time he got hit with the silence. And yet she used that blood to bring them all to their knees. Anders didn’t know whether he really disapproved. 
Merrill’s eyes shut, her chest rose and fell shallowly. He quickly tied the makeshift tourniquet around her thigh, watching her face. “Merrill! Merrill, you gotta stay with me. Talk to me.” 
They fluttered open one last time, fixed on the clouds above them. A small, soft smile graced her lips just before unconsciousness claimed her. 
Anders thought he knew all the iterations of silence, the way it settled in your bones and drove you slowly insane. The way it haunted you, the way it comforted you. But he had never heard silence like this before. Silence so pristine he heard his own heart begin to fracture as his fingers flew to try and staunch the bleeding that continued with each faint beat of Merrill’s own. 
If she survived, he would never complain about her talking ever again.
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sk1fanfiction · 3 years
the many faces of tom riddle, part 5
 - more myth than man... or not? the mortality of tom riddle and the anatomy of a villain-
That leaves us with Ralph Fiennes’ portrayal of adult Tom Riddle/Lord Voldemort in movies 4-8.
I generally find adult Tom Riddle disappointing, even in the books, in terms of character depth. Instead of delving into his motivations and the inner psychology of a villain, we get... slight body horror? And in the movies, it’s even more egregious. 
If a story is as good as its villain, adult Tom Riddle is a bit of a let-down, especially on-screen.
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“I was ripped from my body, I was less than spirit, less than the meanest ghost . . . but still, I was alive.”
Perhaps the very first time I watched it, I found this scary, but I must confess that nowadays, Voldemort’s resurrection is more funny to me than anything else. The forked tongue and the nose slits, yes, are supposed to allude to Tom Riddle’s loss of humanity, but I don’t think it...worked out that way in practice.
I know that’s how it is in the books, but ugly equals evil (and vice versa) is a tired trope. not only that, but under the CGI, Lord Voldemort is so difficult to relate to, so inhuman, that it’s hard to (1) see his true depravity (2) connect with him emotionally (3) at least for me, not laugh at him flapping around the graveyard in GOF like an oversized crow. 
Now, the reason I’m going on about this is not (just) me being petty. Lord Voldemort is the Boggart for most of the characters in the HP universe, meaning their greatest fear is Lord Voldemort. He represents Fear; as such, he should be utterly terrifying. Now, I don’t mean horrifying in that sense, but Voldemort’s grand entrance should at least feel somewhat unsettling, have some sort of a Gothic atmosphere...
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"But then, through the mist in front of him, he saw, with an icy surge of terror, the dark outline of a man, tall and skeletally thin, rising slowly from inside the cauldron."
Visually, this looks great. But it’s not scary. And I’m not a purist by any means, but the words are scarier than the book. Darkness induces fear. 
“The lack of any kind of visual stimuli increases anxiety, uncertainty, and tension.”
So, having Voldemort’s pale body materialize isn’t as scary as it could be.
Furthermore, I think Fiennes’ overexaggerated expressions would actually come across as properly horrifying/threatening rather than funny if they just left his face alone. Yes, Fiennes does manage to emote the fear and the anger through the CGI, but it’s like he’s too alien to be scary, at least to me. The amount of memes with Voldemort suggest I’m not the only one this way inclined.
I think there’s probably a problem going on with the uncanny valley. (Images from the Mori essay linked).
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[When things are still]
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[Creepy things are creepier when moving]
Now, I assume Voldemort is meant to be zombie-creepy, or at least that how Harry describes him in the books.
"The thin man stepped out of the cauldron, staring at Harry...and Harry stared back into the face that had haunted his nightmares for three years. Whiter than a skull, with wide, livid scarlet eyes and a nose that was flat as a snake's but with slits for nostrils...."
Now, we can’t get Harry’s experience of being haunted by Voldemort in his dreams, because what I think makes Voldemort’s countenance so truly frightening to the other characters isn’t his snake-like nose or his red eyes, but the potential. Voldemort is, in essence, the Grim Reaper. You are at his mercy, and you’re probably going to be dead. 
“This time, I shall enter the fray myself, Harry Potter, and I shall find you, and I shall punish every last man, woman, and child who has tried to conceal you from me. One hour.“
And yes, Voldemort can be quite funny and witty, but..
“I will allow you to perform an essential task for me, one that many of my followers will give their right hands to perform.” (To Peter Pettigrew)
...it’s still incredibly dark, sadistic humour. Whereas the teenage Tom Riddle we’ve been discussing has just barely dipped his toes into evil, Voldemort is, well... swimming in it. At this point, he think he undeniably enjoys causing pain.
And much of what makes Voldemort scary is subtle. 
For example, what I personally consider haunting is the fact that he’s got a cave full of Inferi. A cave full of reanimated dead bodies. 
Either he dug them up, which is unlikely... or perhaps, a twenty-seven-or-so-year-old Tom Riddle would lie in wait like a bird of prey, very quietly and patiently, perhaps reading a book, waiting for an unsuspecting Muggle to wander past. Maybe killing is a game to him at this point, when it’s not so personal as killing Harry Potter. Maybe it’s a whispered Avada Kedavra, and then he carries the dead body away to his cave. Maybe he Imperiuses them to walk off the cliff. Maybe he tortures them first.
And I don’t think you can show that kind of horror through any CGI or make-up, so...
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You know what is terrifying? Revolting? True crime; real-life people who do unspeakably horrible things. And I think a lot was missed out on, in stripping Tom Riddle physically of his humanity. Yes, Riddle is a monster...
But, as we’ve seen, he’s a human monster, not some eldritch horror from the seventh level of hell or something.
I just think it would be interesting to have this perfectly normal-looking human do all the horrific things Voldemort does. I want to see that sick joy in a human face and feel disgusted. I want to see fear make his bottom lip tremble, and feel a misplaced sense of empathy. (Think President Snow from the Hunger Games -- now, that’s a sick, twisted villain who we can relate to as a human being, but still love to hate -- or what about The Joker?).
And out of everything they chose to CGI, why on earth did they not make his eyes scarlet? That might have made him look at least somewhat menacing, rather than a failed lab experiment.
(Don’t even get me started on his and Bellatrix’s death scenes in the movies-)
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Here’s President Snow. He’s got a cute little granddaughter, he sends kiddies to kill each other Battle Royale-style every year, and he poisons all his political opponents. He’s also a master manipulator and has a penchant for white roses. They cover up the smell of the sores in his mouth from eating the poison too, to conceal his treachery.
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Heath Ledger as the Joker in Dark Knight (2008), who is, according to NYT (which I totally agree with), the best Joker. Now this is a villain done right, with many Voldemort-like traits. On a scale of one-to-ten, he’s absolutely terrifying. Why? He’s (unlike Voldemort in the movies) incredibly intelligent, shows young-Tom-Riddle-like skills for charm and manipulation, plays with humans like they’re his own personal psychology experiment (and to hell with the Institutional Review Board), and has one, single, very clear goal -- chaos. Like Voldemort, he wears an inhuman mask that’s not horrifying in its own right; but unlike Voldemort, the human is all there -- terrifying, real, and with a bottomless, obsessive desire to destroy. His disordered thinking is all out there for the audience to see. The Joker’s motivation is to enjoy himself; whereas Voldemort seems to lack drive. Why does he want to take over the world -- who knows, with Voldemort? The Joker wants to see it burn.
Let’s try to do the same with Lord Voldemort:
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I had to go with this because Voldemort isn’t legitimately terrifying in many scenes. And yes, this unrefined anger somewhat speaks to Tom’s immaturity
By this point, seventy-one year old Tom Riddle is a hollowed-out shell of a human being. After decades of building his power, he was defeated by a one-year-old, and ended up slumming it as a spirit for a decade, got defeated again, was a shrivelled-up baby for a year, then finally got his body back.
He’s angry, okay! And Fiennes does a great job of portraying the sheer, destructive, unbridled rage of this character.
The body language. again, since his face is inhuman, this is super important. and Fiennes’ body language is great. Voldemort/Riddle commits to his actions. He is very emotionally-driven.
But yet, he doesn’t feel capable, in the way that the Joker or President Snow do. Yeah, we know anecdotally that he’s incredibly evil, sadistic, and second only to Dumbledore in terms of power, but he loses to a baby, and then that same baby as a teenager. So, we really could have done with seeing Voldemort’s power, cruelty, and evil firsthand a lot more often.
Voldemort is not well-characterized. I don’t understand his motives, and the ones that I do understand are not compelling.
Not to die? Well, he’s already made several Horcruxes. Why not sit back and relax? Why start a war and risk himself?
JKR said that Voldemort’s great desire was to become all-powerful and eternal. But that’s... boring! It does little to tell us about Voldemort, other than that he’s a villain and a wannabe dictator. 
Furthermore, the charm, manipulation, and cunning that are hallmarks of younger Tom Riddle’s personality are gone.
Is Voldemort (to return to Jungian terms) all shadow? An empty creature of simple creation and destruction, perhaps? We’ll discuss this further down...
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And this isn’t a problem of having a fantastical world with magic and the like. Grindelwald’s quiet, self-possessed, almost coy “So you think you can hold me?” was infinitely scarier than anything that has ever come out of Voldemort’s mouth. It was chilling. 
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OOTP is my favorite book, and the Ministry sequence is one of my favourite in the films. 
This scene where he psyches out Harry, talking so quietly that he could just be a little voice inside his head (and again, during the possession scene)? Absolute perfection. 
Why? Because this showcases what’s truly scary about him. Voldemort can get into your head. He can make you do things. And perhaps, if we had seen that more often, we’d understand how scary he is.
I wish this had been his grand entrance, and not whatever that scene in GOF was. Somehow, him screeching “I WANT TO SEE THE LIGHT LEAVE YOUR EYES!” is not menacing. At all. 
But, I can’t help but think how much greater the emotional affect would be if he had more human features (think the burned-and-blurred, waxy features from Dumbledore’s memory). 
Just imagine these scenes if Voldemort looked human, and spoke as quietly as he did in this one.
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Because of the reason that I have little to go on in terms of characterization that I haven’t already covered, we’ll discuss the myth and legend of Lord Voldemort.
I can’t decide if the statue in the films is supposed to be the Angel of Death or the Grim Reaper. He has a skeleton and carries a scythe, but he also has wings. There are so many different interpretations, attitudes towards, and personifications of Death across the world that I don’t want to draw any one conclusion. But I must wonder if Lord Voldemort, with his yew-and-phoenix wand (which carries heavy symbolism of immortality and rebirth) and almost deified figure is meant to be a personification of Death himself? His name, Lord Voldemort, is a shade close to Lord Death.
For years, it has stumped me that wizards and witches are afraid to utter Voldemort’s name, especially since we only see the Taboo in the middle of the last book. It didn’t make sense just based on fear; in the real world, we don’t circumvent Hitler’s name, for example.
Perhaps this may have been obvious to others, but it wasn’t to me.
Here’s a counterargument to myself; why Voldemort shouldn’t look human.
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Voldemort, in the Wizarding World, is seen as a literal deity.
I promised to attempt to answer this question in Part 3: 
And so, I can’t help but wonder if the opposite is true… if Tom Riddle creates Horcruxes, would that grant him additional magic powers?
In Part 3, I likened Tom Riddle to a sorcerer in Russian folklore, Koschei the Deathless, also famous for sequestering his soul in objects. This source suggests that Koschei was considered not an ordinary magician, but a representative of the ‘other’ world, the world of death.
So, what if... creating Horcruxes makes you... more than human? Now, I could definitely see god-like status being appealing to sixteen-year-old Tom Riddle. Perhaps, even appealing enough to kill for. Now, his proclivity for Avada Kedavra makes sense. We know it’s an incredibly sinister spell, but at the same time, it’s a very humane way to kill. Why might it be so horrifying?
Here’s a weird theory.
To the best of my knowledge, no one but Voldemort is seen using the Killing Curse more than once or twice. 
Perhaps, ordinary mortals can only cast Avada Kedavra a few times, but Tom, having split his soul and having become in some way a non-human instrument of Death, can cast it however many times as he likes, and that is part of what serves to make him so terrifying.
This makes the idea of Voldemort tossing around Avada Kedavras actually incredibly terrifying, if you take into account what that might mean.
The collective cultural fear of speaking Voldemort’s name supports this theory.
Take the chthonic (underworld) deities of Greek mythology; most notably, Hades and Persephone, the king and queen of the underworld.
Hades, the god of the dead, was feared. 
So feared that the word ‘Hades’ (”the unseen one”) was so frightening, that people came up with all sorts of euphemisms to circumvent actually saying it and he was rarely even depicted in art. For example, they would refer to him as Pluto (”the rich one”), Clymenus ("notorious"), Polydegmon ("who receives many"), and perhaps Eubuleus ("good counsel" or "well-intentioned"), amongst many other names. 
However, he was not seen as evil; just stern, cruel, and fair. Like most Greek gods, he had an associated cult (the Death Eaters, anyone?)
Another interesting connection between Hades and Voldemort is that Hades was associated with snakes.
Persephone (suggested to have a pre-Greek origin and probably pre-dates Hades), who was also a vegetation/fertility/spring goddess, similarly, was referred to as Despoina (”the mistress”), Kore (”the maiden”), etc, because as the terrible Queen of the Dead, it was considered unsafe to speak her name aloud. In mythology and literature, she is sometimes referred to as ‘dread Persephone.’
--Just like how Lord Voldemort is referred to as The Dark Lord, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, You-Know-Who... (and if you’re Dumbledore, ‘Tom’.)
Her central myth served as the context for the secret rites of regeneration at Eleusis (which was basically a mystery cult devoted to her and her mother, Demeter), which promised immortality to initiates.
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We don’t know for certain what exactly went on, because, mystery cult -- the members were sworn to secrecy -- but it revolved around immortality and rebirth and possibly psychoactive drugs. 
Perhaps ironically, in comparison to the Death Eaters, anyone could join, as long as they could speak Greek and had never committed murder.
And that concludes my assessment!
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goldafterglow · 4 years
my love is a dagger
Summary: Jack Daniels is hopelessly gone for you, and you’re starting to think it’s a two way street. Maybe.
Request: “May I please ask for Basorexia and Whiskey please? 🥺” - @scribbledghost (ma’am I’m SO sorry this took me so long and then after the long wait you got whatever this is); taken from this post
basorexia: the overwhelming desire to kiss
Pairing: Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x reader
Word Count: 4.8k+
Warnings: suicidal themes (just a little and not really but there’s definitely a line), sexual harassment, anGST!!, PINING omg SO much pining like folks get ready to y*arn, a little bit of fluff bc Jack is a sweet talking southerner and I couldn’t help it, more angst I rly hope you cry, there’s a cute little lesbian couple in one line so don’t read if ur homophobic! but that goes for all of my work :)))
Author’s Note: Thank the GODS for @catfishingmorales for being my first ever beta reader!!! maybe this one will make any fucking sense at all!!! also a special shoutout to my wife @pascalplease bc she stayed up all night vomiting headcanons with me about this and I didn’t even get to all of them.
Gif Cred: the lovely @coredrive​
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“Two single-bed rooms,” he says. No; he manages.
Jack has to pry the words out of his esophagus, the passageway so clogged with sleep that he thinks that if he clears his throat he might be able to clear it.
It doesn’t work.
He tends to add a little brightness and smile to his voice when he talks, always eager to please even strangers. He embellishes his sentences with pleasantries and a chipper shimmer that makes even the most overworked bartender smile and the most destitute rancher crack a grin because he has this uncanny ability to make everyone feel special. But right now, at eleven pm on a Saturday evening after what might’ve been the worst, most emotionally grueling mission Jack has ever completed, he is not pleasant. His words are simply a tool for him to get a message out, his voice choked and flat.
“I’m so sorry for the inconvenience, sir, but it looks like we only have one king-size room available,” the lady informs. She is looking intently at the screen, still typing and clicking like the words might miraculously change right before her eyes.
The powerful Agent Whiskey’s heart falls into his stomach.
He can’t tell if this is the best or worst thing that has ever happened to him. Is this finally the excuse he needs to sweep you off your feet, like the catalyst giving him the strength to overcome his intense paranoia? Or is this the last straw, the final stone before you step off the staircase of his heart and back out onto the run-down open streets without him? Panic floods his chest and he is so paralyzed that he doesn’t even know what to tell her; for once, Jack Daniels is speechless.
Thank god he doesn’t turn around; he’d’ve seen your wide frantic eyes and would’ve known immediately what you’re thinking.
“Oh, it looks like a vacancy just opened,” the hostess chirps, a hint of relief floating on her words. You and Jack turn your heads to your left, where a young couple is saying their “thank you”s as they rack up the handles of their suitcases, hand-in-hand. One girl leans over to kiss the other on the temple with a smile; they both seem so secure. You turn your head back to the hostess; the sight of two people being content was disturbing to you and frankly a little offensive. “Unfortunately they’re on separate floors. Is that-”
“We’ll take them,” Jack gruffs. He wants to sleep, wants to die, wants to be in any existence where your soft eyes aren’t glued to the back of his head because he can feel it and he thinks you might burn holes into his skull just to find that he’s hollow inside.
The transaction is quick and a little forced. She hands you both your respective key cards wordlessly, and if your eyes had lingered on her just a little longer you would’ve caught her face falling into it’s default relaxed state of misery. Jack walks with you to the elevator in silence, but he’s still close. He’s always close to you. Often you’ll turn your head in an empty room and anticipate him being there just to be sorely disappointed, though you aren’t sure what you’re always so disappointed for. His spirit haunts your thoughts, floats around your body and does laps around your brain because he is always there when you need him, so much so that you expect him to be there when you don’t need him. You want him to always be there. To always be with you.
Strange thoughts to have so late at night.
Jack sets his bag down beside you, stepping forward to press the button for you; it’s such a small gesture, something that he probably didn’t even think to do since hospitality runs in his bones, and yet you noticed it.
The door opens, and he wordlessly puts a hand on your back, guiding you towards the elevator in front of him. Letting you on first. You can’t help but smile a little at him; you can tell he’s so tired and yet he still finds it somewhere in his heart to make you feel so important.
“You know I don’t need that from you,” you tease lightly, turning to look at him as the doors drag shut. The elevator shudders around you, indicating that it’s ready to start it’s journey to the fifth floor.
Jack grins at you; it’s not something he’s doing with his voluntary muscles, something that he thinks is coming off muted because he just doesn’t have the energy. It’s something he doesn’t even think about doing, a visceral reaction to hearing your sweet voice like aloe vera on his scorched throat.
“Well then, darlin’, take it anyways just to indulge your favorite cowboy,” he almost begs, lip pouted and eyebrows raised like he’s a child asking for candy except he’s an addict crying for just one more dose before the night ends because the nights he goes home without the memory of your eyes, your smile, your scent in his system are the nights he can’t sleep through.
You giggle softly, nudging his side gently because you want to crush him in your embrace and lift him onto the barbs of feathers into the moonlight all at the same time. To Jack, it feels like you’ve just kneed him in the chest, hogging all his air and wrapping his head in plastic so he can’t breathe, not that he minds. He’d let you tear at the delicate skin of the inside of his wrists, bite into the gentle flesh of his cheeks until he’s on his knees, bleeding at the seams. He’d let you destroy him if you wanted to.
He sighs a little, so dead, as a flush of air enters the vacuum of the elevator; you’ve arrived. But he doesn’t want to leave yet, wants to wring every last drop of your attention out of your pliable bones, so he follows you out and walks you to your room.
“I don’t need this either,” you say, a yawn stretching and blurring the edges of your words.
“I know,” Jack concedes, rolling his eyes in a way that is so adoring that he might as well have kissed you full on the mouth.
Not that you wanted him to.
“I know you don’t need a lick of help from me, sugar. Maybe I just like giving.” He grins down at you again, his side brushing against yours as you place slow, careful steps down the carpeted floor.
Yeah, he likes giving.
He gives you his leftover coffee when he “doesn’t want it” - it’s a tall cup of his favorite brew. He definitely still wants it. He gives you his blazer when you call his desk landline just to tell him your office is cold because you know he’ll give it to you. What you don’t know is that it’s because he’s completely and utterly whipped for you - he’d strip naked in a snowstorm to keep you warm, hold you in an icehouse as the bite of the frost burrows into the cracks of his dried skin, because he doesn’t need clothes when you’re in his arms. That’s about as warm as he’s ever been.
He gives you his time of day - almost all of it. He’s the first person you see when you step into work, the last face you see when you’re ready to retire. He walks you to your office every morning - he had to beg Champ to switch offices with him so that he could be adjacent to you, but every ounce of dignity lost was paid back to him with royalties in the precious extra seconds he gets to spend rubbing his shoulder against yours. He saunters into your office unannounced daily at 12:35 pm sharp to eat lunch with you, flopping onto your couch with the audacity of a man wet with wealth and simultaneously listening to you rave about your day with the patience of a therapist. Your time is a sacred commodity to him, and he makes sure that he’s earned it.
He gives you his whole soul. Sometimes he wonders if you’ll one day open your purse and find his glass heart sitting there, beating hard and loud and only for you. He wonders if you’d pick it up and smash it against a wall. He wouldn’t mind it at all.
The silence hangs in the air, dancing on your breaths as you seem to be inhaling each other, soaking in each other. It’s strange, the moments you share alone with Jack. There are the ones you share late at night, croaking at each other over the phone about how shitty that one show ended or how beautiful blue things are. Blue like his suffocated lungs, like the ocean of tears that drown him when he looks at you, like the finger you’ve got him wrapped around real tight.
But then there’s the moments when you’re in a room full of people. The briefing room sitting at a table spanning the length of the room that’s completely full of people, a club chock full of sweat and neon energy, the lobby of the lavish estate of a target where the bourgeoisie can swarm and stalk each other. All he has to do is toss you a roll of the eyes, a grin, a subtle brush of his hand against yours, and you are instantly thrown into the web of his affection as you get lost and locked in the atmosphere of his presence. Like, even in a room full of people, he’s the only one around. You’re not breathing in oxygen but the hickory fumes of his skin, the only sound getting registered being his dark honey voice. You’re not quite sure how he does that, distorting reality so heavily that you feel like you’ve traversed to an alternate dimension every time he touches you, pays any mind to you. Every single time.
“This you?” Jack asks, his words like a rubber band to your pulse as you’re snapped out of your train of thought. You look up at the room number - room 513 - and then down at your keycard. It reads the same. There’s a dull ache of disappointment that erupts through your chest, beige and static like the chipped paint on the walls.
“Yeah,” you mutter, turning to face him with your back to the door. He smiles at you softly, gentle like his fragile soul that you always manage to make hurt so bad without doing a single thing, and he opens his arms to you. Nothing out of the ordinary; you’ve grown accustomed to his goodbye hugs. “You’re so needy,” you giggle, stepping forward to bury your face in his pillowy chest and letting yourself sink into the quicksand of his warmth. It’s so easy to get caught up in him like a butterfly to a flower, and yet it’s so hard to pull away. He’s always been difficult to separate from; every time it’s like you’re sewing a microfractal of your esse into the velvet of him. Not big enough for you to notice, but still missing, and it adds up every time until there’s a big gaping hole in your chest that Jack holds claim to and the only way you feel right is when he’s with you.
I know, he wants to say to you. I know I’m needy. I know that you’re the only one, the only person, the only fucking thing that I’ve ever wanted this bad. I know I steal your time and your space and your thoughts but I’m a greedy man. Please forgive me. But he doesn’t say that; he could never say that to you. So instead he buries his face into the top of your head, trying to get a big sleepy lungful of you before he parts with you for the night, and says “Can you blame me, baby?”
You look up at him, eyes bleary and red but still eager to be so close to him. “Always such a tease.” He smiles wide at you, like he’s looking at a whimsical sprite so colorful and magnificent, but it’s just you. What does he see when he looks at you?
“G’night, pretty girl,” he coos, arms still wrapped around you and eyes big and doe-y. Please don’t leave yet, my perfect thing. Except that’s the part that stings him the most; you’re not his. He doesn’t get to say that sacred “my.”
“Good night, Jack Daniels,” you whisper, words fanning on his cheeks like waves of heat from a bonfire. But you don’t move, and neither does he. Not yet. Please.
He’s looking down at you with a certain reverence, like you were sculpted by the angels and placed right here in front of him with intimate precision. And then, without a breath to spare, he leans down and presses a kiss on your forehead so light that you wonder if it even happened or if someone has just thrown a marshmallow at your face. A friendly kiss from a friend that you’re friends with.
It feels like the seams of your limbs are being ripped out as you slowly separate from him, flashing him a soft smile as you take your duffel bag and unlock the door in front of you. You step into your hotel room, the air conditioning immediately sticking to your damp skin. As you close the door you catch him still standing there, looking at you like you’re something so precious.
Platonically, of course.
You sigh as you look around the room, suddenly freezing. The tiny dress you’re wearing doesn’t add much insulation and the big diamond necklaces and chandelier earrings and silver cuffs adorning your body like ornaments become ice on your skin. Kicking your shoes off and into a forgotten pit of the room, you step into the bathroom. Flicking the light on, you stare straight at the bulbs, letting the light sear your pupils just so that you can focus on something other than Jack fucking Daniels. Your jewelry is the first to go, becoming a delicate display on the bathroom counter. Something so pretty, but they’ve left angry dents in your skin that are starting to inflame and you figured it was too good to be benign. Nothing so beautiful, nothing that makes you feel so beautiful, could do so without hurting the paper-thin barriers of your heart. You’d have to be a fool to not know that.
You open up your duffel bag, fishing around impatiently until you find your makeup remover and cotton pads. As you erase the paint on your skin, removing the rough mission from the memory of your face, you start beginning to look less disheveled and more exhausted. Now you can really see the dark circles under your eyes, the discomfort of Rolex’s touching the small of your back and Armani cologne grabbing at your hips while you let it happen. Your body had become free real estate and in just hours you had broken down to feeling like you were stained, a dirtier version of yourself that couldn’t ever be cleaned.
You hadn’t felt so filthy when you were in Jack’s arms.
Eager to try and scrape the mission from your lungs, you peel the tight fabric off your body, letting out a breath of something far redder than relief as it falls to a pool around your ankles. You turn around to reach for the shower handle and grip it hard, letting the cold steel fill your palm as you twist it mid-way. While you wait for the steam to seep into your pores you reach for a bar of packaged soap on the bathroom counter, sizing up the créme box. It’s about a centimeter thick, easily filling your palm, and you frown a little at realizing that most of it will be thrown away, unused. Such a waste.
Turning your attention to the water, you run your hand under the water pouring out of the shower nozzle. It’s warm enough. But you don’t want it to be enough. You want it to melt your skin, to burn through your used body and shed your cells to unleash the layers beneath, the layers that Jack had touched, because thinking that your body has been safe inside his embrace feels better than thinking that you put your head in the jaws of the alligators and hoped they wouldn’t snap.
Once the water is burning, sure to inflame your skin, you step in and close the shower curtain before beginning to let the soap glide along your arms. Except it’s not enough. You’re not clean enough. So you run the bar over yourself again and again, wearing it down as your skin turns hot to the touch until you’re using the tips of your fingers to salvage the last bits of product onto your chest. Shit. You don’t even realize that the bar is all used up until you feel the sensation of your fingers rubbing against your now irritated skin and yet you still feel soiled. So you elect to give up on your sorry attempt at washing away the strange eerie touches and predatory looks and turn off the water, drying yourself off.
The solitude in the air stings.
By the time you’re laying in your bed and looking up at the plain off-white ceiling so that you don’t have to look at the old collections of dirt in the crevices of the wall and carpeted floor, you haven’t thought about Jack for the past 30 minutes. Not since you were washing yourself and the ghost of his fingers scraped your scalp, making you long for the feeling of his chest pressed to your back and the sound of his voice floating into the vinyl of the curtain liner while his hands danced in your hair - 
Not since then.
But Jack Daniels is most certainly thinking about you, and he’s far too deep to bother pretending that he isn’t anymore.
He stands outside your door for just a little while longer after you close it, staring at the fool’s gold embellishment on the front as he basks in the faint warmth of your spirit that lingers in the space of the hall and inside of his bones. He’s not sure how he got so lucky so as to be able to touch you without abandon, kiss your forehead out of greed and hold you in his arms because he really is so needy. He replays the scent of your dainty floral perfume and rewinds the heat of your forehead under his used, chapped lips, trying to commit you to memory as if he hadn’t done this a million time already, as if he hasn’t tried to burn a million of your hugs into the plush cotton of his skin like a brand. Your fading ghost consumes his mind, and by the time it’s whispering farewell to him, he’s already at the bank of elevators waiting patiently for the doors to open for him. Jack does a lot of that; waiting.
The weight of his duffel bag starts to grow and he can’t tell if his tired left arm is getting weaker or if the bag is getting heavier, but he can tell that his nerves are aching because he already misses you.
He’s always missing you.
The trip to his room is quiet, lonely, and as the elevator doors close for him to make his way to the 6th floor he wonders if this is how it’ll always be. Having you so close, seeing you right in front of him, and yet never truly being with you the way he wants to be. Never belonging to anybody, just a wisp of air passing through your life without holding any true substance or having any real meaning to you; but what a privilege to be one of your wisps. To have been in your lungs and have seen what he imagines are wide open plains, vibrant with wildflowers and gentle beasts. He wishes he could stay.
The elevator door dings.
This time he is caught off guard and he inhales like a shudder, eyes darting around the cold yet damp walkway to see if anyone has caught him thinking, caught him yearning.
He steps inside of the compartment with his stupid heavy duffel bag, immediately letting it fall to the elevator floor. His eyes find the plastic, cloudy buttons making up the keypad of the elevator. His left arm lifts to press the “6” button but he immediately regrets it, feeling a searing agony shoot through his shoulder. He mutters a little “fuck” to himself like it’ll help balm the pain, and of course it doesn’t, but Jack is a stubborn man and the buttons are to his left, so he shakes his arm out the way you shake out your boots before stepping inside mama’s house and tries again. But his dry, chapped fingers struggle to reach for the buttons, shaking in his own seismic wake. It takes him a few seconds to steady himself, taking temporary control over his body so he can actually touch the button; the plastic is cracked, a small piece having fallen off to be lost, likely thrown away. A discarded fracture in the shell leaving the inner label forever open and exposed, never to be whole again.
The elevator door shuts.
Jack lets out a low sigh, leaving his arms to fall to his sides as he leans against one of the walls. The back wall of the elevator is reflective, muddled and stained but clear enough that Jack can see what has become of him. His stetson is barely on his head anymore, his tie crooked and his collar untucked. He almost feels like a suit monkey, walking around playing dress up with the caveat of poisoning a man’s fresh champagne. But you told him he looked so handsome all gussied up like a proper gentleman worthy of taking a dime like yourself out. So he leaves it at almost.
He does a lot of that too.
The elevator hiccups, and as expected the doors open, inviting him to leave. He looks down at his duffel bag and he can already feel the weight of it on his weeping muscles, but he’s so close to his room and he can’t give up now that’s he’s made it so far, so he uses the momentum of his swinging right arm to sweep the bag up off the floor and drags himself out of the elevator. Not the best thing he’s ever done, but certainly one of his proudest moments.
The sixth floor is less damp, less like a moldy underwater cave and more like he’s at the top of a breezy mountain where the strands of air are like spurs to his cold, tight skin. Crisp. It is different, and yet he feels the same. Like his joyful warmth has drained out of his system, flushed out of his body, and on the inside he is the 5th floor of a shitty decrepit hotel in the middle of fuck all Kentucky. 
He makes quick work of finding his room, the inertia from getting off the elevator being the driving force that gets him down the two hallways and standing before room 645. He pulls out the plastic keycard, adorned with scratches on its surface and stains on its edges, and shoves it into the card reader. With a subtle flash of green and a gentle click, the door gives way for Jack to practically fall inside. He flings the bag as far across the room as his arm will let him, letting gravity control his movements as he is drawn to the white mattress in the center of the room. He releases a groan a little louder than should be appropriate this late at night - he checks the alarm clock on the bedside table to confirm that it’s 11:08. He hasn’t been apart from you for longer than what, 4 minutes? No, he did stand outside your door for a little bit. He decides it’s been 5 minutes.
Oddly enough, the extra sixty seconds don’t make him feel any less fucked.
Now that he’s finally still, his body begins to focus on how sore his legs are as any pain grows from the ends of his limbs and seeps into his chest. He can feel the weight of the night press down heavy on his diaphragm, suffocating him in a way that travels to his eyes and sprays sand like mist onto the walls of his throat. He selfishly lets himself lay there for a second, thinking about that weight being you pressed up against him, face buried in his chest or his neck or in his own face. It’s sacrilegious the way Jack thinks about your touch, the flutter of your lashes like majestic butterfly wings against his cheek, so enticing. So pretty.
His shower is fast despite the way his muscles screech at him to let them rest, begging him to just fucking sit down. When he leans down, back made of creaky burnt red iron, to reach for his sleep clothes, he does a double take; there’s not much in the bag at all. A bunch of small, disguised weapons, communications devices, a pair of grey sweats, a white t-shirt. Nothing oppressively hefty to pull on his tendons; at least, not in a way that could practically drag his shoulder out of its socket. Then suddenly he remembers; he had been holding your bag until you’d both reached the lobby desk. It was a long walk from where you’d been instructed to dump the care and the hotel, so after watching you squirm a little in the freezing air, he offered to take your bag off your back. He’d walked with a bag in each arm for maybe a minute before he realized that his greedy fingers missed being wrapped around your side, missed your melted essence seeping into his stomach, so he’d held both bags in the one left hand for the rest of the thirty minute walk. He hadn’t even noticed how bad he was hurting; perhaps you were too distracting, smile too alluring as your words painted his eyes in lilac and blinded him from his own discomfort.
For being the one person Jack wanted, you sure did hurt him a lot.
Once he is dressed, he lets his sore body absorb into the linen sheets as his muscles finally find some form of permanent relief in the salve of stillness. But this is a dangerous state to be in; when Jack isn’t talking someone else’s ear off, he thinks. He fantasizes, ponders, mulls and muses himself into a state that is suspended between consciousness and sleep.
He thinks about your lips.
You’ve never been too shy to mouth him off, poking and prodding at him and his eccentric cowboy aesthetic. Seeing you walk in every morning and beeline it straight to greet him with a casual fifteen-second hug sends daggers flying into his heart every time, a pain that he’s learned to brace himself for and yet can never seem to be able to handle. And when he looks down at you, adoring eyes and all, he can never help but glance at your lips. It’s always short, a self-indulgent guilty pleasure that he could never admit to, and he thinks about the way they feel against his collarbone when you hold him tight. He thinks about the way they might feel on his own lips.
And then he is thinking about that wretched mission, flashes of luxury clothes and manicured hands trying to feel you up right in front of his eyes. The way you fake smiled at men with money and wrinkles as they leaned into your ear, trying to whisper enticing tales of exorbitant trips to islands that are garishly tropical and dresses so exclusive and designer that no one in the world would own a duplicate. Watching in utter silence because no matter agonizing his need for you is, you’ll never be his.
Suddenly that ache in his body has traveled to his face. It’s so painful to think about you, and yet he takes the jagged edges of his love for you and drags them through his wrists because he’d rather fucking bleed than ever forget you.
Outside his window he hears the clouds crash into each other as an icy downpour beats the pavement. And like a curse, at the expense of his own self-destruction, the image of you in his arms in front of room 513 slices through his brain. Your face right under his mouth, forehead right up against him, your lips right fucking there. And then the feeling of you pulling away. Of you leaving him to rot with the flies, because he’s never going to be strong enough to tell you how bad he needs you,  let you tear his heart into a million pieces for good.
From somewhere in his room the rain begins to fall on his face.
people who asked to be tagged: @gustavos @catfishingmorales @keeper0fthestars @1zashreena1 @blancatobarxoxo @honeyedspace @chaotic-noceur @opheliaelysia @adikaofmandalore @din-damn-djarin @ergotautology
people who most certainly did not ask to be tagged sir: @agentpike @damndamer0n @dindjarindiaries @moonglowcarrillo @girlwithanewplan @mrpascals @bunnykjm @maxlordd @buckstaposition​ @cryptkeepersoul​
This is new so I’m putting it down here too, but I made a little form for those of you that want to be added/removed from my taglist (pls take it my tags are very disorganized rn).
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nyxdelanuit · 4 years
Please Let Me Take You, Ch 3
TWs: Cheating, angst, unhealthy/abusive relationship, manipulation, smut,
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You were glad Kirishima wasn't too well known anymore. You were able to meet up almost anywhere without being bombarded by fans and paparazzi. It was a much-needed relief to sit in a random bar without constantly looking over your shoulder. Maybe that lead to the predicament you were in now, a few drinks too deep with an almost-stranger. Yet you couldn't find it in yourself to be anything but relaxed around him. He seemed genuinely interested in you and your stories, and he didn't hesitate to tell you stories of his own. The past few years of his life had been full of rehab for his injuries and training to get himself to par for returning to hero work.
 “So you have a degree, what do you do for work?” You frowned at the question, taking another too-big sip from your drink. You had stopped tasting the alcohol a few drinks ago, a realization that meant you should have stopped or at least slowed down, but you forged blindly ahead.
 "I, uh… don't. Katsuki doesn't want me to take public transit too much, and there's not too much work near our place. He thinks it's a good deal, having me stay home." He watched you a moment too long, but you were too lost in thought to notice.
"That sounds pretty boring, but at least you know that you'll see him no matter what shift he has that day." His grin was so bright, even under the curtain of his dark hair, you almost felt bad telling him the truth about your days. But the alcohol had loosened your tongue, and complaints poured just as easily as your drinks.
 “If he comes home that day. He’s so busy being one of the top heroes, he only comes home maybe once or twice a week. Sometimes less.” Your laugh sounded hollow even to your ears, and you saw his face drop.
 "Not even the number one hero is away that much, unless they're on a mission. That's some bullshit, and I hope you know that." It was comforting and sad all at once, having your feelings validated by someone outside the equation. You loved Mina and Ochako, but they were friends with Katsuki long before you were in the picture. "So what, you just sit at home all day, waiting for someone that never shows up?" You laughed bitterly.
 "Sometimes, I go out, and he comes home all angry about that too." The touch of his hand on yours startled you, but you had missed gentle touches so much that you were reluctant to pull away.
 “You deserve better than that, you know.” The concern in his scarlet eyes drew you in. If it wasn’t for the heavy ring scratching at your finger, you’re sure you would have kissed him right then and there. How starved for affection were you, aching for comfort in the arms of a stranger? That thought was enough to pull you away from him.
 "Thanks, Kirishima, I should probably get home." You smiled awkwardly, willing yourself to walk away before you made a mistake.
 “Let me escort you home, you’ve had quite a bit to drink.” You shuffled a bit, wondering how you could turn him down gently, but he nudged your arm. “It’d be pretty rude of me to not take you back, I’m a hero after all.” You couldn’t turn him down now. Not with the grin he was giving you, and the arm held out expectantly. Even if he was a near stranger, you couldn’t bring yourself to say no.
 You don’t know why you had been so worried. He was a perfect gentleman the whole time, continuing to entertain you with stories even after you so blatantly invited him out and tried to ditch him the moment things got uncomfortable for you. By the time you reached the gates leading to your house, you were near out of breath from giggling, his cheeks flushed from pride. You sighed a bit as you turned to him.
 “This is me.” You pouted, prompting him to give you a small smile in return.
 "Well, now I know you've gotten home safe." He pulls you in for a hug, his arms already gone by the time you thought to reciprocate. "Try to have a good night, and if you ever want to get out again, let me know." All you could do was nod, hoping you could write the heat rising in your cheeks to the drinks you had.
 “Thanks, Kirishima. I’ll text you?” He nodded in response, watching you go through the gate before waving and walking away. You felt like you were back in high school with the way your heart fluttered watching him leave, it felt juvenile and utterly ridiculous. Especially considering that you were engaged. To a man that was decidedly not Kirishima.
 You were so busy trying to dissect your new-found crush, you almost missed Katsuki waiting for you on your pristine couch.
 You froze at the call of your name. He was on his feet, moving closer. Your mind was screaming at you do to something, anything, but you just stood there, waiting. You could feel the heat he radiated on your back, and all you could do was tense. Then his arms slowly wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his chest. Your breath hitched, something he must have taken positively, although you were sure it was just the adrenaline racing through your veins.
 "I'm sorry, babe. Things at work have been stressful, and I bet you've been lonely. No wonder you're going out, you're trying to get my attention, aren't you?" You didn't answer, didn't need to. Katsuki would always find the answer he wanted to hear no matter what you said. "Let me make it up to you, baby." His kiss was like fire against your neck, and you had to fight your desire to push him away. Hands traveled up your shirt, his touch feeling like oil sitting on water. You wanted to wash it off, separate yourself from the feeling.
 Love shouldn’t feel this way, should it?
 Yet you let him lead you to bed, tried to distance your mind as he stripped you down. You hated the feeling of his hair in your hands as he dove between your legs, barely recognized the voice resonating throughout the room as your own. He was too hot, too sweaty under your hands as he slipped inside you with a feral grin. His words slurred in your ear, sounding as if you were underwater. His touches were too rough, the teeth in your shoulder biting too hard. You still managed to find your end, all the tension in your body releasing with a whine. Katsuki followed soon after, flopping back into bed satisfied. He didn't reach out for you, and you stayed still and silent on your side of the bed.
 The ring felt so heavy on your finger as Katsuki slipped from bed, closing himself off in the bathroom. You should have cleaned up too, but you were having a hard time trying to find the energy to do so. So you waited until he came back, sweatpants clinging to his hip in a way that would have had you swooning a few years ago.
 "You should get cleaned up, I'm hungry. Can you do curry tonight?" You nodded as you sat up, and that seemed like it was enough for him. You locked the bathroom door behind you, not that it would do much against Katsuki if he really wanted to get in. But the warm water was soothing, bringing you back to yourself enough for you to get dressed and be around Katsuki without feeling like bugs were crawling over your skin.
 You cooked as he stayed lounged in the living room—no words spoken, just the tittering of the people on tv filling the empty space. The curry you were making was spicy enough to make your fingers tingle, and you were contemplating making something a little more palatable for yourself. The argument that would cause wasn't worth the effort; you'd just have to make do with his snickering as you drowned the spice out with whatever was left in your fridge.
 The late dinner passed as you thought, pretending you didn’t hear Katsuki’s laughing at your spice intolerance while wolfing down his food, declaring it ‘sub-par’ and wandering back to your room. You washed the dishes in silence. He must have had another early morning at work ahead of him. He was just busy.
 Those words started sounding like excuses, even to you.
 You laid in bed that night, cold despite Katsuki’s presence on the other side of the bed. You couldn’t sleep, Kirishima’s words echoing in your head. “You deserve better.” Mina had said similar things hundreds of times, even Ochako had expressed her concerns. Yet none of them stuck in your head like Kirishima did. Was it because even an acquaintance could see how much of a toll this relationship was taking on you?
 You finally fell into a fitful sleep late that night, not surprised when you woke to an empty home. It was a relief this time, not to pretend you wanted to be close to him. The voice in the back of your head kept nagging, telling you this feeling was only temporary. Just a speed bump, every couple went through things like this, but you weren’t so sure anymore.
 Deep-cleaning the house kept your hands busy, but your mind wandered. You fought with your mind for hours before sitting on the kitchen floor, exhausted, when you realized: Even if you wanted to leave, you didn’t know how you could.
 You weren't sure how long you sat there, a mess in the middle of the pristine house, but you were finally snapped from your thoughts as a loud knock sounded at the door. You tried to straighten yourself up as you walked to the door, opening it to Mina's bright face.
 "Hey, babe! I just wanted to stop by and make sure Bakugou didn't give you too hard of a time about the article yesterday." You welcomed her in with a sigh.
 "He did, but I appreciate it, Mina." You smiled tiredly at her as she looked you over.
 "It looks like you made up." She giggled at the blooming bites across your neck and shoulders, and you shrugged.
 “I guess so.” The humor fell from her eyes as she grabbed your hands.
 "If you're still feeling down, the squad is going to go out for drinks this weekend. We'd love to have you with." Your smile felt a little more sincere this time, having something to look forward to.
 "Yeah, I'd love to, Mina."
 Now you just have to survive the next few days.
taglist: @httpsambar @thecatisblackl @ihopethatwemeetinanotherlife @7teenlyfe @tspice283 @domtamaki @taehyungbbe @silentw-lkr @zbops @beatific-drabbles @moonsaye @dadchis-girl @verdandi24-blog @cornchipsanddip @gokm1023 @animefandomally @rocorambles @But-kairis-not-that-smart @say-my-name-assbut @samanthaa-leanne @hot-pocket01 @minihemo @kagomefan27
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daikon-dishes · 3 years
𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 | Keigo T. |
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Unfortunately, like a fool, Keigo would still kiss her goodbye countless times.  Pairings: Keigo Takami [Hawks] x Reader, Slight Dabi x Reader Warnings: angst, most likely wrong assumptions about prison, manipulation, slight suggestive content, OOC Hawks
The famous Keigo Takami was in deep trouble and he knew it. Watching the femme fatale dressed in stripes, he couldn’t take his eyes off of the lady as she gulped down the liquid inside the metal cup before opening her mouth rather spitefully to show that she had eaten the vitamins provided to every prisoner.
It made his pants tighten a little when she stuck her tongue out for extra confirmation.
“Yeah...” He trailed a little, feathers ruffling as he watched her figure disappear from the crowd to get the slop this prison calls lunch.
Guard duty has always been easy for Hawks The Winged Hero since he had nothing to do but make sure the prison was safe both inside and outside and nothing illegal was being done. Attractive women were common but Keigo has never met someone so alluring and he was deeply worried about his mental state due to the type of woman he had fallen in love with.
If he was asked why he had fallen for such a woman, he wouldn't know how to answer. Perhaps simply because she was pretty? No, it was how she held herself. In truth, Keigo Takami was a lonely man and while he was used to people falling head over heels for him, he could never find himself doing the same for anyone.
When he checked on a certain cell, however, it seems like his entire world turned pink as she flashed him a mocking smile as if making fun of his standing entirely.
The feeling bubbling inside him was making him wary with each passing day and so he left. His discomfort was working overtime, the emptiness without seeing the mocking smile was getting lonely. Only after saying, "I don't even want to talk to you" did he realize that he was acting out of self-preservation and unfortunately, like a fool, he chose his heart over duty.
His walls were crumbling like hollow bricks, the woman he learned the name to be (Y/n) was breaking them with a touch of her finger and a flash of her smile.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Keigo wasn't dumb and knew there must be something she wants from him. How she slyly smiled when he squirmed, how she acts all innocent after asking confidential information; He could see all the red flags being set down but instead of staying away, unfortunately like a heel, he followed it without a thought.
"Listen, (Y/n)," He started, deciding to tell her that they'll never see each other again after tonight as he patted her hips in search of a weapon. This is where he'll end it all before it gets too far for him to return to society as a normal man but his train of thoughts about heroic duties was stopped when he felt soft lips against his own and his world turned pink once again.
"Are you leaving me?" Her tone was saddened, breaking his cool and collected nature as he waved his hands to his face in a worried panic. "It's not like I want to let you go!" He nervously laughed, his own heart pretending not to notice the villain behind her sweet and apologetic smile that convinced something inside him of her innocence.
As the halls of the prison dimmed, Keigo wished the other guards a goodnight before leaving the security room, feathers ruffling to alert him of their success with the keycard dangling from the tip of the soft feather.  
With a determined look on his face, he unlocked the girl's cell and woke her up with a smile. "You have a plan?"
"Of course I do."
Striped clothes in his arm and police uniform in the other, Keigo made sure that no one else was around as he entered her cell once again and stripped, slipping on the striped clothing he once despised and turned to the neatly dressed prisoner for confirmation of their plan.
"You're sure it's going to work?" "I'll be fine. These wings are fast, you know!"
Keeping quiet, they made a run for it and down to the entrance, exchanging looks as the realization spread across her pretty face about what must be done. Keigo only smiled at her, leaning down to share one last kiss and reassure her worry.
"I love you."
With a deep breath and a battle cry, the hero broke the metal doors and made a run for it, the wailing for alerts and shouting of guards ringing in his ears but the only thing in his mind was the shallow kiss he shared with her.
Barely able to fly and reach the gates, only after he was caught in a net and tackled to the ground did he realize that he misjudged the situation. His wings desperately tried to break free as he watched her blend in with other officers and walk through the gates with ease, flashing him one last mocking smile.
If this shallow love is what you call love, Unfortunately, like a fool, Keigo would still kiss her goodbye countless times. Just like a dog, he would still follow her everywhere despite his heart breaking in his chest as he watched you share a kiss with the burnt villain before getting in a van and escaping for good.
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lykegenia · 3 years
Nate x f!detective
I barely have time to draw breath before three figures stumble to a halt in the broken doorway, the rest of Unit Bravo drawn clearly from other parts of the warehouse, their postures tense and alert for danger.
Adam steps forward first, his gaze sweeping in a calculated arc over the room. “What happened?”
“We smelled –”
“Someone needs to go and check on Nate,” I interrupt.
There’s a heartbeat’s pause where confusion reigns. Mason is the first to respond, swiping the unlit cigarette from between his teeth with a muttered curse as he whirls away out of sight. It leaves only Adam and Felix to stare at me, and both keep their distance, the frown on the commanding agent’s face sharp enough to cut glass.
“Detective?” he asks.
“It was an accident,” I explain, swallowing. “I cut myself, just my finger.”
“You ought to have paid more attention –”
“Jesus Christ, Adam, this is not the time.” I twist around to face him properly, hand aching under the stream of cold water, and once more the rational part of my brain steps aside to marvel at the ease with which I take control of the situation. As if this is just another crime scene, as if my heart isn’t thundering in my ears lie Niargra Falls. “I need you to switch off the oven and fetch me a med kit.”
“Is there anything I can do?” Felix asks from even further away, golden eyes hopeful.
I force a smile to my face. “I’m fine, really. But thank you.”
Adam returns from the far corner of the room a moment later and sets down the first aid kit and a roll of kitchen paper at my elbow.
“We’ll leave you to it,” he says with a terse nod.
“There is blood on your sleeve,” he adds. “You should soak it as soon as you can.”
He turns away as I twist my arm trying to catch sight of the supposed bloodstain, not daring to take my hand from under the tap until the two vampires have left the room. When I eventually hold the lacerated finger up for inspection I sigh at the look of the wound. The cold has turned the whole digit bloodless, and while the cut itself is pretty deep the sharpness of the knife worked in my favour and it shouldn’t need stitches.
I pat it dry with a few squares of paper towel, careful to avoid splitting it open again, then rummage one-handed in the first aid kit for the antiseptic and a box of plasters. The sting of the concentrated alcohol draws a hiss from me as I pour it over the wound, but the whole process of cleaning and wrapping up the finger is over in less than a minute, with only the clinical smell left hanging in the air. After a moment of consideration, I fish an extra plaster out of the box and add it to the first so it stays extra secure.
That done, my attention can finally turn to the mess of dinner abandoned on the other side of the kitchen. The tray of vegetables I pull from the oven is still half-raw, the potatoes overboiled and almost mush after I drain away the water from the pan. I make sure there’s no blood on the duck breasts before wrapping them back in their brown paper to go back in the fridge. I wash the knife, and I wash the chopping board, as well as I can one-handed. For the rest, it takes me a long poke about in the cupboards – because of course Nate doesn’t own any Tupperware – before I can transfer everything into containers. Most of it probably won’t taste all that good if it has to be cooked again, but making the choice to throw it away without Nate’s input feels… wrong. Even if what I really want is to throw the whole lot at the walls.  
Either way, my appetite is completely gone. In its place, a sick feeling worms through my stomach, part worry for him and part relief that what happened wasn’t worse. The look in his eyes keeps surfacing, drawing me back, distracting me to the point where I realise the CD of overtures finished playing ages ago, unnoticed. Now that I hear it, the silence presses on me like a stone.
I leave the washing up in the sink.
No one stops me in the labyrinthine passages to my room. The silence follows and grows larger as I strip out of my jumper and toss it into the bathroom before pulling a new one from the drawer. The stain on the sleeve is only small and should come out easily enough once I soak it, but I’ll have to take it back to my apartment to wash it properly. At least the blood soaked into the fabric instead of dripping onto Nate’s hand. His reaction was bad enough already.
Once thoughts of him break through, there’s no stopping the flood. A glance around the bedroom shows just how much empty space there is, and I shiver. The wash of loneliness threatening to swallow me is one that wouldn’t have bothered me before Unit Bravo came into my life, before I got used to the comfort Nate provides just with his presence. Right about now I should be enjoying an intimate dinner and quiet conversation, his warmth at my side after the week of paperwork that’s kept us apart. Instead, there’s just me, and the hollow sound of my breath. Hard to believe I ever thought that was enough.
A text comes through from Felix as I dry my hands.
              You ok? Nate wanted you know if you’re ok too
              I’m fine  ☺️ Where is he?
              In his room, he’s pretty shaken
              I’m going to go talk to him
He starts typing a reply, but I don’t wait for it. The path to Nate’s room is so familiar I could walk it in my sleep – and nearly have, more than once, creeping from my own bed in the middle of the night with only a little guilt that I might be interrupting his own rest. Getting used to another body was difficult at first, but sleeping with someone else next to me, at least when it’s him, feels better than I ever thought it would, even if Mason keeps teasing that we’re not making the most of the situation.
I swallow as I knock on his door. “Nate?”
There’s no answer. Despite the bubble of disappointment in my chest, I wasn’t really expecting one.
“I wanted to see if you were alright.” Though my ears strain in the quiet hallway, I can’t hear any sign of movement. I sigh. “Look, you don’t have to come out, or say anything. I guess if you’re not listening it’s not like there’s anyone else here to listen to me talking to a door like a crazy person either.”
The attempt at humour falls apart, and a deep breath pulls through my teeth to keep the prickle of heat in my eyes at bay.
“I’m alright, Nate. It wasn’t your fault, just an accident. Please don’t guilt yourself about it too much – I know you’ll try to. I’m…” I falter, my thumb running over my plastered finger. “I’m going to go home. I’ve got laundry to do and an early start in the morning, and it’s probably better if I go.”
Tension is running through the halls like a vibration, all the vampires kicked up by the unexpected smell of blood even if they don’t want to admit it, and I don’t want them to see how unsettled it’s made me in turn. The nightmares of Murphy have faded over the past few months, but I can feel them crawling in the black mud of my subconscious, waiting to surface, and I don’t want to be near Nate when they do. I’ve handled them well enough on my own in the past.
There���s still no sound from Nate’s room that my pathetic human ears can pick up.
“If you need anything, call me,” I say, with a last moment of hesitation before I turn away.
There’s not much to pack. I’ve got a permanent drawer here now, and a second toothbrush so I don’t need to remember it back and forth. I’m ready to go in minutes. In one movement I pluck my car keys from the bowl by the door and flick off the light, and I don’t look back.
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twilitty · 3 years
Waiting pt.2
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Part 2/?
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: none
Read this first! Bella is away while Rose and Emmett are watching Nessie. This fic is centered around Bella.
It took everything out of Bella to not draw attention to herself. She had dressed in sweatpants and a ratty sweatshirt that she had to hide in the back of her closet so Alice couldn’t find it. Yet still people stared at her. This was one thing Bella doubted she would ever get used to: the attention.
She liked to lay low, fly under the radar, get lost in the crowd. But, that hasn’t happened to her since her human days. Well, it hasn’t really happened to her since Phoenix. It seemed that Forks high school thought she was the best thing around and quickly she had a band of boys vying for her attention. 
She’s walking down a busy side street in Port Angeles, she hadn’t lied about where she was going. The entire family knows she is in the city, they just don’t know why- except for Alice- and decidedly choose not to ask her about it. She appreciates the faux privacy they give her. It’s difficult living with a family who had supernatural hearing abilities, every whispered argument with her new husband was put on display for all to discuss in private. 
Port Angeles is her monthly retreat from the Cullens, who seemed to be her only socialization after she awoke as a vampire. It’s not that she doesn’t enjoy spending time with them, she loves them all dearly, but most conversations revert back to time periods from before she was born. She was never a fan of history class.
Port Angeles was nowhere near as large as other cities, but it was close to home and she doesn’t like leaving her daughter for long periods of time. 
The street is littered with tourists in heavy backpacks, maps under their noses. The maps are unnecessary, each street has clear signage and you can always cut through alleyways to the next street over if you need to move fast. She can’t imagine how anybody could get lost among these streets and then scolds herself immediately. She had gotten lost in these streets. Her human self was used to getting lost and falling into the lap of trouble. She hates forgetting about her old self. 
Her shoulder bag bumps her hip with every step, inside her car keys, wallet, and a hardcover book. It’s a battered copy of Pride and Prejudice, the edges of the stiff covers frayed with time and use. The words inside bore the stains of past tears, tears she would never shed again. She remembers the last time she cried over these pages, sitting on Charlies beat up couch with her wet hair tied up in a towel atop her head. She couldn’t stop thinking of Edward. This was before they had come together and stayed together. She had hoped that his behaviour was an imitation of Mr.Darcy’s. Hopefully he was just pretending to dislike her because he didn’t know how to work through his true emotions, ultimately her hopes came true, but at the time she felt empty. 
Empty from caring too much and empty from being let down yet another time. A new town she didn’t want to be in, and the one bright side seemed to hate her, how is she supposed to cope with that? She had treated herself with a bowl of ice cream after her hot shower, curling up in a quilt that seemed older than her and reading Jane Austen yet again. 
Everytime Darcy entered a scene another fat tear would drop onto the page, marking the exact spot she thought of the cruel bronze haired boy. A boy so beautiful her heart wanted to sing, yet every time he looked at her with that same disdain she couldn’t help but feel torn apart all over again. How could one human stand so much torment?
A part of her, small and insignificant, sits in her gut and wishes for tears. Wants some physical expression of her emotions. But, that won’t happen. 
The street winds to the right, groups of teenagers clustered outside of an indie coffee shop and giggling amongst each other. Idly she wonders, how is Angela doing? But the thought disappears as quickly as it comes and she finds herself at the end of the street with a four-way stop in front of her. 
She takes the right turn, sneakers scuffing as she lets her heels drag a little with every step. Humans never walk evenly, there is always something to unbalance their gait and mark their shoes. Alice would rather die a million deaths than see Bella purposefully mistreat her shoes, even if they’re knock offs she bought at an outlet mall. 
A couple buildings down, all cement and brick, is the public library. It’s poorly funded and the lighting inside is horrendous. The windows need to be resealed and the doors squeak like mice. She loves it. She enters into the drafty lobby, a bulletin board shows all the events this month, a book club is scheduled for today at noon. She checks her watch, 11:47. 
The next doors lead into the children's section where parents and toddlers sit in a semicircle at the back wall, a poorly constructed stage is used to recreate a story with hand puppets. “Save me!” She hears one of the socks yell out, a few children gasp and her steps slow to a stop. A child sitting up close to the stage has brown hair braided down her back in uneven strips. Her giggles stand out from every other childs gasps of horror. Beside her sits an identical little boy, his brown skin shining just like his sisters. 
“Don’t worry,” the little girl whispers into his ear, “the princess has a happy ending.” The boy looks up at her with big doe eyes, his nose sniffling. “I promise,” she says. Then, as if feeling that someone is watching, she turns around and faces Bella from across the wide room. 
They look at each other, the human and the vampire, the child and the woman, the hunted and the hunter. Her, Bella thinks absently, her senses slow to a dull, focused only on the soft thudding of the little girls heart. She is so beautiful. The girl watches her, wide eyes blinking as she takes in the woman staring at her without seeming to notice it. Then, she raises a dark palm, waving it at the woman.
Bellas senses surge back into her, noises and colours and scents slam into her like a wall and she almost feels the need to take a steadying breath. The girl continues to wave, her little brother looking over his shoulder to see who she’s looking at. 
Walking quickly and a little dazed, Bella makes her way to the staircase and closes the door behind her. She takes a deep, unnecessary breath which does nothing more than fill her lungs. Her chest sits hollow, no movement unless she forces it and no beating of a heart. She wonders idly what would happen if she was opened up, would they find her heart still intact? Did the venom solidify it like the rest of her or is it just simply gone? 
“Isabella!” It’s Nancy, she’s at the top of the stairs holding a book to her chest. She’s an older woman, maybe sixty five, with beautiful grey hair cut into a sleek bob at her shoulders. “I’m so glad you’re here, and looking stylish as always!” Bella just nods with what she hopes is a warm smile, she had heard and smelt Nancy above before she heard her but still widens her eyes to make it seem surprising. 
Coming from anybody else, calling Bella “stylish” for wearing sweatpants would have been sarcastic. Maybe a joke about how she always looks beautiful. But not from Nancy. Nancy is too kind, she likely has never said a poor word to anybody. 
“Thank you,” Bella responds. Taking the stairs up, Nancy has already started talking again. Bella's mind has a difficult time abandoning the little girl in front of the stage. The girl's heartbeat thuds in her ears, carrying through the thick metal door and up the stairs. She isn’t sure if she can still hear it or if her mind is just playing it back on a loop.
“All the ladies are already here, you’re the last to join us.” She continues to talk about who is here and who can’t make it. Someone brought lemon squares and someone else had snuck in orange juice and a bottle of champagne for mimosas. It’s a wonder the book club hasn’t been kicked out of the library permanently, it seems every month they are receiving another infraction for bringing in food and drinks. 
The book club meets once a month to discuss the book they were supposed to read, this week it’s Pride and Prejudice. The room they reserve is tucked into the back left corner of the library, the carpet is dingy and the walls that were once white are closer to yellow. Bella loves this room.
The ladies are all already sitting in a semicircle, a low table in the center is covered in treats and large glasses filled with a sweet smelling drink. A large bottle of champagne sits next to it. “Isabella!” A few of them call out as she enters the room with Nancy. She greets them happily, smiling widely.
“Alright, so this month we read Pride and Prejudice!” A few women whoop at that, giggling and whispering amongst each other. “Now, now,” Dhruvi chastises lightly. She’s the club leader, she makes sure the discussion doesn't get carried away. “Who wants to share their first reactions to Mr.Darcy?” Bella's mind runs faster than any computer, her words and actions are usually well thought through before she reacts, which is why she takes herself off guard when she responds so quickly. She hadn’t even known she had something to add. “I think he was acting a little cruel.” Bella’s voice says without her knowing. All eyes are immediately on her, apparently none of them agreed because their eyes are wide as saucers.
“How could you say that?” A woman pipes up, her bushy eyebrows knitted atop her wrinkled forehead. “He loves Elizabeth.”
“Yeah,” Bella says slowly, her mind whirring but not producing anything. “But that doesn’t mean he can treat her like he doesn’t care for her. He should have been open with his feelings at the start, not play stupid mind games with her.”
The room is quiet, the air dripping in what can only be suppressed judgement and mild concern from the old women. Bella notices this, takes a few looks around the circle and swallows her pride. “I’m sorry,” she enunciates, each syllable crisp with her obvious discomfort. “I guess I’m just projecting my life onto the story.”
“Is it your husband, dear?” It’s Nancy, sitting three women down from her and giving her a soft smile. Her skin is wrinkled, her eyes creasing in a motherly way. Bella’s vocal cords refuse to work, and even if they were functioning she has no idea what to say. None of the women speak and instead watch Bella work the question over in her mind.
Even though Bella could have thought this over in the bare breath of a second, she takes a minute to truly think it over. Was it her husband? Edward who loved her, who she loved? They had a child together, they were both immortal. She served up her human life on a platter and asked him to throw it away. No, it wasn’t her husband. Their relationship was perfect, picturesque, the happy ending everybody always knew they would get.
“My wife,” starts Dhruvi with a heavy sigh, “does this to me sometimes, too.” Bella had met Dhruvi’s wife before, she was a kind woman with long black hair streaked with silver, her skin a nearly identical shade of brown to Dhruvi. “She will go days treating me like a guest in our home, not holding my hand or kissing me. We will eat breakfast at opposite ends of the table and make small talk. The entire time I think, ‘did I do something wrong? Has she abandoned her feelings for me?’ But, no.” She leans over onto her knees and the scent of her floral perfume fills Bella’s head. “The next night she will cook me dinner and kiss me and tell me I’m beautiful. And, yes that is nice but it is also sad like you said-” Bella never said that what Darcy did was sad, but in her head she can see now that that word fits into her sentiment perfectly. “- because for a moment I questioned my wife’s love for me and that is very painful.” 
The room nods and murmurs in agreement, Nancy giving Bella a sad, pitying look the entire time. “I- I’m sorry about your wife not always being open about her feelings,” Bella starts, feeling like she’s being forced into giving confession. “But that’s not my Edward.” 
“Not mine either,” Nancy says quickly. “But when we met that was him. He was my Darcy in the way you described him. I love Patt now but at the time he would take me out on a date only to show up for class the next day with some new broad.” She shrugs her shoulders, “and that was cruel. He played mind games with me.” The grey haired woman doesn’t seem upset by this, instead she seems content with it. Stating it with a resigned indifference. 
“But you’ve got him now!” A woman exclaims and that sends the room into an uproar of laughter. Bella’s is noticeably absent from the mixture. 
The group finishes their discussion about the book in just over an hour, a few women sneak snacks into their purses as they depart, giggly from all the champagne. Bella packages her novel into her bag and puts it over her shoulder. Dhruvi stands at the door, with a styrofoam plate of lemon squares, only three left. 
“Isabella, I’m sorry about your experiences with this month's novel.” She says it kindly, but also as if she’s digging for more information. Trying to reopen the discussion from earlier. 
“No, I enjoyed the book, really. It was quite romantic.” The words rush out of Bella, the last thing she wants to do is start this conversation all over again. Dhruvi laughs off her comment.
“I’m considering hosting dinner at my home, I will be inviting a few of the women from this group and a few others you don’t know.” Bella’s silent heart has jumped into her throat. “Would you be interested in joining us?” What does she say? That she will go but won’t eat a single damn thing? Oh, sorry, I ate just before getting to your house for this prescheduled dinner. How awful is that, there is no way that she can go. 
“I don’t think I’ll be available that day.”
“I didn’t mention the date,” the older woman says slowly, eyelids leveling down over her pupils as if searching for something in Bella. The vampire has no response to this. “Bring your husband,” she says finally, “I would like to meet him.” 
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raleighcarrera · 4 years
7 & 21 for Kayden and Juliet :)) (if you can! <3)
7. “i see you’ve started without me.” 21. “get on your knees.”
50 NSFW starters
heavy footfalls paused just a few steps into the room; though her eyes were closed, juliet heard the door shut forcefully and a sharp intake of breath that, combined with the familiar sound of boots on the stone floor, she’d know anywhere.
her wrist didn’t falter from where she had her fingers pressed between her legs, drawing frantic circles through her center. the amusement in kayden’s voice made her eyes blink open slowly. “i see you’ve started without me.”
like that was her fault.
dinner had been an agonizingly slow affair, made worse by the torturous presence of kayden’s hand on her leg beneath the table and his thumb drawing slow circles on the inside of her knee, over the heavy fabric of her gown.
their guests couldn’t have left the estate soon enough. from the moment the door shut behind the very last one of them -- annelisa, of course, smirking at her from over her shoulder as she wiggled her fingers in a mocking wave goodbye -- juliet had been trying to herd kayden upstairs to the bedroom.
but he had found reason after reason to delay retiring to bed. he insisted on helping the staff clean up, on double-checking the locks on the door and, finally, on doing something in the study and waving her off to meet her upstairs when he’d finished.
almost as though he’d expected to find her like this, two fingers deep between her legs, the angle nor the pressure exactly right because her body was accustomed to kayden. 
“i couldn’t wait any longer,” she answered honestly, her voice wavering. “you weren’t being fair.”
kayden’s hum echoed through the empty room as he considered her. juliet felt her bottom lip jut out and was certain she appeared perfectly pathetic, shivering on the bed. for a moment, it felt as though she barely even dared to breathe, but then kayden said, “perhaps you’re right,” and she relaxed, melting back into the bed.
he stepped closer slowly, kicking out of his shoes as he went. anticipation swirled low in her stomach and her movements faltered under the heavy weight of kayden’s gaze, which roved up and down her body with an unrestrained hunger. 
she stared up at him, entranced as he licked his lips, pausing at the side of the bed and resting a hand on the mattress -- so close to touching her but refusing, still. “i hope you weren’t planning on finishing before i got here.”
juliet shook her head rapidly, squirming on the bed. “no,” she promised, “i want you to help. i wouldn’t...”
her voice trailed off as kayden’s knee pressed into the mattress so he could lean over her. she shifted to accommodate him, welcoming his body on top of hers and moaning as soon as their lips touched, kayden’s warm mouth claiming hers in a possessive kiss, sparking a new round of shivers through her body.
his clothes scraped against her skin when he pressed his body against hers where she was bare on their bed, and juliet groaned again, more loudly this time, reaching up with her free hand to cup kayden’s jaw and keep him close, kissing him as enthusiastically as possible.
kayden’s fingers stroked her cheek when he pulled away, their foreheads tipped together so that they shared the same breaths. “what do you want me to do, lady juliet?”
“touch me,” she implored, wriggling beneath him. her efforts were proven worthwhile when, a minute later, kayden wedged his own arm between their bodies, closing his fingers around her wrist and pulling her hand away. 
his fingers replaced hers and the difference was immediate. the sound he made when kayden pressed the pad of his thumb to the spot where she was the most sensitive made her hips jerk roughly, a small, answering noise of encouragement tumbling from her lips unbidden.
“i see you’re desperate for it,” he noted, the tone of his voice even -- almost conversational. “aren’t you?”
“please, kayden,” she begged, clutching his arm tightly as though to punctuate her point, “faster, please --”
her words dissolved into another moan as he obliged, and though it felt like she’d waited so long for this the relief she had, now, was impossible to contain. messy gasps and rough exhales and whispered breaths of kayden’s name continued to fill the bedroom, until her moans of delight were too loud to be contained by only the four walls surrounding them -- surely, anyone else at the estate who was still awake knew exactly what they were up to.
“like that?” kayden asked, when he absolutely already knew the answer to his question based on the way her body was responding, something he brought out of her effortlessly, often with little more than a few gentle caresses, “is that what you like, juliet?”
“yes,” she groaned, “yes, yes, yes, kayden, please.”
“go on,” he encouraged, voice still soft in comparison to her wicked trembling, his free hand gently holding her cheek, pushing her hair out of her eyes, “show me how much you like it, juliet. let me see.”
her whole body went taut as if commanded, and whether or not this was an extension of kayden’s magic or just something uniquely him and how much she adored him, she’d never know. fireworks exploded behind her eyelids, her vision swimming with stars as the pleasure swelled and burst, wracking her body with shivers as her hips twisted under his hand. 
it never took much, when kayden was the one touching her. her body always responded to his ministrations as if beyond her own control, the confidence of his movements triggering a reaction within her she was helpless to stop.
when she finally felt calm enough to open her eyes again, she was met with the sight of kayden hastily stripping out of his clothes, as quickly as possible while she struggled to sit up. “let me,” she pleaded, her voice scratchy from the sound she’d made.
he stilled, and she crawled forward to help him out of his tunic, tossing the fabric to the floor. as always, the sight of his bare chest made her breath catch, and she paused in the middle of undressing him to lean in close and capture his mouth in another soft kiss, arching her back to press their bare bodies together.
“kayden,” she murmured, in between each press of their lips, “i want... to please you.”
he pulled back just enough that she could see how dark his eyes were. the slight upward curve of his wet mouth meant he felt she didn’t quite know what she was in for. his hand pet sweetly at the hair at the back of her head, and then the pressure increased as his grip tightened slightly. “get on your knees.”
her body folded obligingly on the bed, shifting back to make room for him. kayden stretched out languidly, though his hand waved before she could find purchase and she felt her arms fly behind her back, binding together under some invisible force and widening her eyes in surprise.
juliet scrambled to stay balanced on her knees, struggling a little just to test the limits of his magic. predictably, it held, and the force that pressed back in to hold her arms still made another delicious spark of heat slip down her spine.
one of kayden’s hands worked the fastenings at the front of his pants while the other settled in her hair, pulling her closer. her eyes fixated on the sure movements of his fingers as she let herself be moved, and as soon as the front of his pants was open she leaned in, mouthing along his fingers where he was still pulling his cock out for her.
kayden’s low laugh felt as though it was exhaled directly into her ear, even as he sat stretched out above her. “eager, juliet?”
but she was. this had been on her mind through a dinner that felt so long it was unbearable, through a day of preparation leading up to it.
since the last time they’d had the chance to do this, even, something that felt an agonizing number of days away even though it was only just the night before.
she nodded her head enthusiastically, closing her lips around his length before he could decide she needed permission. kayden made a sound that felt like it was forced from his lips, and she leaned over him to get closer, tilting into the guide of his fingers tangled in her hair to keep steady, slowly inching her way down.
usually she had her hands to help her along, but she’d never been one to shy away from a challenge -- especially not one set by kayden.
her eyes fluttered shut as her cheeks hollowed, and juliet lost herself in the sweet melody of kayden groaning above her as she slowly swallowed around him, slipping down more and more until there was no where left to go and the groan he gave made her face feel hot. 
“juliet,” kayden sighed from above her, his grip on her hair tightening deliciously before relaxing, his thumb dragging over the skin on her forehead to soothe it. “just like that, darling.”
her head bobbed slowly, at first, dipping up and down and building up a rhythm, her lips working him over with a practiced ease. though this had been far from her favorite thing to do with other partners, there was something about kayden that made her relish the act of using her mouth on him. he always got more wild when she couldn’t speak, was always more free with his praise and his touches and his control diminished to something that was almost gone completely, prompting her to savor every moment she spent folded onto her knees between his legs.
“that’s it,” kayden praised, as he used the hand in her hair to gently tilt her head back so his hips could slowly press forward, taking control of their movements to chase his own pleasure, “you’re so good for me, juliet. so perfect.”
she did her best to relax as he pushed forward, squeezing her eyes shut until she felt the bindings on her wrist tighten and blinked them open, her eyes finding kayden’s in time with his hand brushing over her cheek again so he could run his thumb along her jaw.
kayden held her gaze as his hips thrust forward once, twice and then stilled, emptying inside of her with a low moan of her name. 
he continued to brush his fingers through her hair softly while she caught her breath, the magic holding her wrists back slowly receding until she could move again and shuffle closer to kayden with a sigh. juliet climbed into his lap as soon as she was able to, and kayden’s strong arms wrapped around her perfectly, holding her close.
“worth the wait?” he questioned softly, after kissing her so thoroughly her progress on getting her breathing regulated was set back to the start. 
the smile on his face was soft, the expression in his eyes adoring. there was no amount of time she wouldn’t wait to be alone with him, no evening spent together that could ever be enough to satisfy her.
even if he always insisted on making things difficult for her, on wearing her patience so thin it snapped near-immediately. 
they both knew how much she liked to be tested. and kayden delivered every time, without her even having to ask for it. he understood her perfectly -- and that marked him as the first. no one else had ever seen so much of her before.
“of course,” she murmured, gently brushing the tip of her nose against his just to see kayden’s eyes crinkle at the corners, “you always are.”
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fmdtaeyong · 3 years
— (he loved you).
date: early 2021. word count: 1,387 words, without lyrics. summary: after months of struggling to write music after finishing lovesick, ash finds inspiration where he doesn’t mean to — the very place he’d left behind. notes: writing verification.
he sits at the island in his kitchen, the light of his phone screen the only thing illuminating the darkness around him as he uses it to provide enough light to watch his own fingers slide across the fretboard of his guitar. the moon hangs somewhere overhead beyond his windows, past the lonely lights of seoul at night.
a guitar riff is playing in his mind and he toys with it, the same three chords over and over in different ways until he likes the way they sound. there’s no words to it, but he hums a soft melody that changes each time he loops back around, his ear refusing to commit to any one series of notes right away.
there’s nothing much on his mind these days. work is scarce, and when he’s done, he comes home, pumps out melodies and chords and then abandons them to be found years later when he feels something other than emptiness when he tries to think of what he wants to say.
lyrics have never eluded him the way they do lately. for as long as he can remember, there have been strings of words in his mind, piecing themselves together like a puzzle he didn’t know his own mind had crafted a mold of. they’ve come to him even when he has no use for them, but now, he’s lucky if he finishes a verse with more than a basic melodic direction to it.
some artists, kurt cobain occurs to ash immediately, had been proud advocates for melodies over lyrics. it’s something that ash had found curious for more than a decade of his life, but as of late, he’s been thinking cobain might have had a point. where words fail, melodies speak. when the mind is too exhausted or distracted to string together phrases, it can still run on autopilot, placing notes one after the other. a song without lyrics is still music. there’s another name entirely for lyrics without a melody: poetry, and ash has never considered himself a poet. he couldn’t proudly hold that flame if he wanted to.
he hums along a bare bones melody on meaningless syllables, trying to navigate a course over the chords he’s toying with with the aimless pattern of his fingers from one spot to another. instead of love ballad or glittery and coy pop tune, the melody rings more with the high-tension attempted detachment of emotion of rock. it’d sound good with some drums and electric guitar, he notes mentally, but it’s nothing solid enough to take him from his seat into the safety of his studio. it’s not like anything will come of it anyway. a half-baked melody isn’t exactly a home run for a hit song, even if it feels like it in comparison to the shit luck he’s been having scrounging up that much to show for himself.
the melody in progress stagnates before long, as they all have been lately, and he grows frustrated with his own creative block.
frustration leads to distraction and distraction leads to the aura of his phone’s screen illuminating the dim kitchen.
he rarely finds himself on the naver front page in the late hours of the night, but how he’d even ended up there is the last thing on his mind when he sees her face, unprepared to be confronted with his memories of her without warning.
it’s a picture of her at some award show that must have happened since he’d last seen her, hair chopped short at her shoulder and that cherry red smile on her lips that could bring the strongest to their knees if she was the type to use her powers for evil. his stomach twists at the mere sight of her, nothing new for him, but for the first time it’s more pained than lovestruck.
nam yeseo cast in hollywood film, expresses excitement about moving to u.s.
he stares at the headline through the darkness, shock coming with a delayed onset. he has to be dreaming. only his mind could play such a cruel trick on him.
he hasn’t read a word of the article yet, but his mind brings screeching forth the memory of that night he’d brought up visiting the u.s. together. it’s not for me, she’d said.
so what had changed?
more likely, nothing had changed at all, and it’d all been some polite rejection of the deeper parts of him. it’d been a hypothetical, purely hazy daydreaming in the aftermath of intimacy, but had it been her drawing the line before he’d cut an unfixable crack through the ground between them himself? should he have known then?
he can’t help it, and without thought, his fingers type out her name in the search bar, like naver will be able to give him the answer to his questions.
nam yeseo to work in u.s. under name julia nam
the universe is cruel with its pranks.
he has no ownership over her name. he knows that. it’s her identity, not his, but for all the years he’d known her, ‘julia’ had never been anything more than the once-used english name he teased her with in the private walls of their homes. when she’d confided in him about her parents pressuring her to settle down and marry because she was past thirty now and to them that meant it was time to abandon her silly acting dreams, he’d whispered in a voice that was only half-pained with memories of their own that the julia kim would never let anyone steer her off-course with humor in his voice that only existed for the two of them, ignoring the knife blade in his stomach at the reminder of what could have been. when he’d spent the night at her place for the first time, the letter left on the pillow when he’d had to sneak out early to get to a schedule had been inked with the inside joke of her english name she only told him after his playful prying.
it’s always felt something like kinship, ‘julia’ being some distant, separate entity the way ‘taeyong’ is for ash in a sense that had haunted his thoughts as a little too dark to compare on entirely equal footing.
now, without him by her side when the lights go down, she’s stepping into the spotlight as julia, ash is floundering more than ever trying to swim in the sea taeyong has shipwrecked him in.
he’s happy for her. he is. hopefully she’s getting that role she always wanted of someone more of a woman than a want.
but the ache that comes from knowing he won’t ever be able to congratulate her sits deeper inside of him. heavier.
nam yeseo in the search bar becomes yeseo in his contacts and the screen seems brighter than ever.
i heard you’re leaving town.
no. there’s no way she’s looking him up. he has no right to admit to looking her up. what does he expect? he can’t change her mind. he wouldn’t want to.
he deletes it.
it might not matter now
he clears the message box again before he can even finish the thought.
his grip on his phone strengthens just enough for the edge to dig into his palm and sober him with the pain. the next moment, his phone goes sliding down to the edge of the kitchen island, saved from falling off by little more than chance.
there’s so much he’d say to her if he could, but they’re worlds apart now.
it’s the middle of the night and he’s on his own. the realization knocks the breath out of him and numbness thaws away for something more raw. he’s not sure he wants to be spending his night with her, not when that would mean confronting his own demons that had gotten them here, but being alone isn’t much easier a task.
by force, ash is reminded why he writes.
not because it’s his job or because of the expectation he will.
he writes when reality strips him of the opportunity to say what he wants to.
stripped raw in the kitchen of his apartment, without anyone to call for the first time in years, he writes to run from his own hollowness.
he runs, like he had from her last fall, from one shoddily constructed safety net to another, and repeats the words that have become inked on his tongue from their permanent residency there the past few months.
i'm doing fine, i swear it's not a lie
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