#yesterday metod
godnessofassumtion · 1 month
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Waaa Senin pagi jam 10.55 am. Ku sudah di VHL targetnya hari ini adalah: menulis paragraf 5.5. discussion section (Implication of the finding in this study to hydrocarbon system), sama mulai ngedraf slide buat presentasi meeting hari Jumat nanti kali ya. Ini slidenya akan kupake untuk Goldschmidt juga sih. Dah 2 goal itu dulu aja deh for today. Gausah muluk-muluk Non.
Oh iya sama mau ngerapiin laporan SMA16 juga karena kemarin Jumat udah bikin tapi baru sampai 12 pertemuan, terus sama Bu Novi ditambahin 3 pertemuan lagi huhu baik banget pusing.
Tadi pagi juga buka grup whatsapp TOGI udah ada BA hasil penetapan 100 orang yang masuk tingkat nasional dari bidang Geografi. Enaknya OSP online (dan semua sistem tes online dengan metode jawab pilihan ganda) tuh gitu ya, semua kunci jawaban udah di sistem dan hasil betulan bisa keluar IMMEDIATELY bahkan 5 menit setelah semua jawaban di-submit. Memang itulah enaknya otomasi sistem. Masih inget banget dulu bahkan untuk koreksi OSP, kami juri-juri ini harus pergi ke suatu tempat dulu, menginap di hotel selama 3 hari dan bekerja non-stop bagai kuda. Karena soalnya essai. Ada bagus dan ada jeleknya juga sih. Ku suka pergi-pergi kan anaknya. Jadi, terbang ke Solo, atau ke suatu ibukota propinsi yang jauh, dibayarin negara, nginep di hotel bagus, makan makanan hotel, digaji pula, siapa yang tidak senang. Cuma ya emang capek aja sih ngoreksi tuh. Otaknya jalan terus kan berjam-jam dan ga abis-abis. Ku tapi termasuk yang cukup beruntung karena soal bagianku (LLLU: Landscape, Landforms, and Land Use) tu termasuk yang “susah” bagi anak-anak geografi… Jadi banyak banget yang ga milih ngerjain soalku (di OSP Geografi modelan lama, siswa boleh milih 8/12 set soal yang ingin dikerjakan). Jadi, most of the time, ku kebagian pax untuk dikoreksinya jauh lebih sedikit dibandingkan juri di sub-bidang lain. DUH jadi kangen ngerjain kerjaan yang laborous tapi otaknya ga perlu banyak-banyak dipake gini….
Kenapa jadi bahas ngoreksi OSP ya… Iya awal mulanya mau ngepos ini adalah bahas weekend kemarin berhasil mengunjungi mba @martabakkeju di Southhampton! Ku dikabarin sih sama Mba Mita kapan gitu kalau dirinya dan suami keterima PhD di Soton pake LPDP… kayanya tahun lalu ya. Terus yaudah life goes on aja kan gitu, sampai akhirnya tiba-tiba Mba Mita ngabarin via dm ig April lalu kalau doi sudah di UK! Wah sangat senang kan. Apalagi ku literally gapunya teman main sekarang… Sejak Ujang ke Jerman, Nadia ke London….. Terus yaudah ku jadi punya alasan juga untuk main ke luar kota selain London karena ada teman di sana.
Weekend-ku tuh ya sejak 2023 betulan yang di kamar aja seharian (seperti kemarin hari Minggu, well, sempat nonton Hongkim Dongjon di ruang tamu sih sambil dinner makan indomie goreng + telor dan angkat jemuran dan menjemur, tapi tetep aja ga keluar rumah samsek). Occasionally ke London, tapi mostly ya buat nonton sesuatu aja seperti kemarin Tulus dan Beyonce. Tapi ga pernah gitu lho yang mengunjungi suatu tempat baru dengan whole completely different scenery. Apalagi si Southhampton ini look over English channel kan. Jadi yasudah kuambil saja kesempatan ini untuk ber-adventure ke tempat baru!
Sebetulnya masih ada sih utang ke Rugby, rumahnya Dita dan Eja, tapi kan mereka bermobil ya dan lebih mudah ngundang mereka ke Oxford juga, jadi ku juga rada males sih ya ke arah Conventry sana… Mungkin next time.
Terus yaudah ku langsung lihat kalender kan, kosong weekend kapan. Alhamdulillahnya si OSP ini juga sudah berlangsung kan, jadi aku Sabtu Minggu pagi ngga ada kelas lagi dan bisa langsung beraktivitas mulai dari pagi hari. Awalnya mau agak lebih early ke Southhamptonnya tapi ternyata Mba Mita masih PK.... Terus diputuskanlah 10 Juni... Tapi ini a good thing juga sih, ku jadi bisa jalan-jalan di cuaca yang lebih hangat. Kalau earlier kemarin ku ke Southhamptonnya, mungkin masih dingin banget dan ga bisa enjoy the day as much as I did yesterday.
Ku juga baru booking kereta pas weekday menuju weekend kemarin. Tapi senangnya punya agenda pas weekend tuh, bisa jadi motivasi kita untuk get through the week banget!! Ku kalau udah STRES capek banget sama kerjaan selalu me-remind myself: “GAPAPA NON LETS GO PUSH THROUGH! NANTI WEEKEND BISA TIDUR MALAM BANGUN SIANG!!! Atau KE LONDON MAKAN KOREA ENAK!!! Atau KE LONDON NONTON TULUS/BEYONCE!!!” which is a good working method for me….
Terus Southhampton sendiri: SANGAT BESAR??! Ya emang kota gede sih. Historically juga penting kan, tempat masuknya kapal-kapal pas WW dsb. Betulan baru pertama kali lihat mall (dan IKEA??) segede-gede itu selain di London dan Manchester.
Btw oot tapi percaya gak, ku seumur hidup 30 tahun belum pernah masuk IKEA... Not even the one in Alsut,,, atau di Paris,,, Di Oxford tu gaada IKEA… terdekat dari sini tu di Reading.... Jadi sesungguhnya ku gatau dan ga relate banget sama experience orang-orang di IKEA yang pada ended up beli something from IKEA buat di rumah mereka.... Anyway, iya kapan-kapan nyobain deh ya. Gatau kapan juga tapi. Masalahnya ya emang belum ada kebutuhannya??? Dan kalau di Indo, siapa juga yang bisa ke Alsut dari Pasming tanpa mobil sendiri???
Ok, sekian iklan ootnya.
Terus apa lagi ya yang bisa ku-komen dari Southhampton. Other than the place itself, what makes a trip fun and memorable is always: the company. Ku ini baru ketemu in-person ke-3 sama Mba Mita tapi ya emang dari sananya udah nyambung ajasih saling baca postingan dan update-an masing-masing, jadi kalau ga dikasih waktu berhenti, akan ada aja yang diomongin lol. Ada satu yang ku IRI banget dari Mba Mita hehe: how supportive her mom is (?) kayak… pernah gaksi kalian ketemu orang, terus ternyata pas ngobrol lebih jauh, semua behaviour, semua perkataan, dan semua pola pikir orang ini jadi made sense? Kayak.. OH pantesan ya dia mikir abc atau berperilaku xyz, ternyata karena dia tumbuh di keluarga yang seperti ini… atau dibesarkan dengan sistem pendidikan yang seperti ini… Ini berlaku secara positively ataupun the other way around ya.
Terus yang ku-observe: orang-orang yang flourishing in life, yang blooming, ya mereka-mereka yang emang environmentnya sangat supportive – Alhamdulillahnya ku bisa bilang, termasuk aku, dan juga Mba Mita (sejauh yang kutahu ya). I am not saying here that Mba Mita (atau bahkan diriku sendiri) didn’t/don’t/won’t have our own battle to fight, kita nggak yang kerjaannya ongkang-ongkang kaki doang gitu, nggak, sama sekali nggak, tapi yang membedakan lebih ke: attitude(?). How we/these people view the fight itself. Orang-orang yang tumbuh di lingkungan yang kind, yang ga judging, yang giving them the benefit of the doubt, mereka nggak akan takut salah, atau jatuh, nggak ada yang namanya “failure” buat mereka, yang ada ya cuma learning process aja: “oh ternyata method ini didn’t work ya, let’s evaluate and do better next time”.
Ini erat banget sih hubungannya dengan repost-an ku terhadap post Ainna @untoldmind barusan. Ku gabisa ngejudge juga orang-orang/teman-temanku yang “cuma ngomong doang, tapi ga action” ini. Mungkin mereka ada trauma(?) yang bikin mereka takut banget sama “the idea of failure”. Mungkin mereka dulu ga berhasil perform well di sekolah dan akhirnya dimarahin sama guru/orangtua mereka(?). Atau mereka pernah melewati harsh experience lainnya yang bikin mereka subconciously mikir “mending ga nyoba sama sekali deh, daripada gagal”, WHICH IS FAIR. Menurutku, amat sangat fair. Itu nyembuhinnya harus terapi malah kan.
Itu juga yang bikin kita harus hati-hati banget deal with orang yang lagi berproses: baik kita sebagai orang tua, guru, mentor, kakak, apapun yang kita omongin (kata-kata baik atau kata-kata yang kurang baik) ke orang itu bisa membekas ke mereka. Bisa ngefek ke psikologi mereka. Bisa berperan dalam banyak hal keputusan hidup besar yang akan mereka ambil. Jadi kuharap banget, banget, banget, banget, kita semua bisa jadi support system yang baik untuk siapapun orang di sekitar kita. Jangan sampai amit-amit kita jadi alasan orang ga mau /takut nyoba sesuatu (apply scholarship, misalnya, atau apply kerjaan) karena kita pernah ada salah ngomong sama mereka, biasanya yang maksudnya well-meaning tapi come across as too harsh for them. INI PESAN UNTUKKU JUGA SIH: aku kadang berusaha terlalu objective banget sama Personal Statement orang (literally aku ga kenal mereka, gatau mereka di rumah kondisinya gimana, sekolah mereka gimana, mereka Cuma minta tolong aja di DM twitter/insta/linkedin), terus standar yang kupake standar Oxford… kabur lah semua orang. Besok-besok lebih kind Non!
Lah jadi ngalor ngidul ini udah halaman ke-3 HVS A4…
OK balik lagi ke mana ya. OH iya! Jadi, seru banget Sabtu kemarin ku ke Southhampton. Terima kasih banyak lagi ke Mba Mita dan Mas Aat yang sudah menerimaku dengan baik, ngajak ke mana-mana juga, despite the heat…. Ku ditraktir iced coffee HUHU. Kebabnya juga enak. Kalau nggak ada kalian berdua, ku gaakan sih ke Southhampton… Kami ke NOCs juga! Walaupun gaada apa-apa sih di situ, cuma office building aja HAHA. Tapi kan cita-cita-ku juga sebelum meninggal pengen ikut suatu ekspedisi laut gitu (karena udah ga mungkin jadi astronot), jadi kemarin senang banget bisa lihat suatu tempat di mana ocean research terjadi.
Terus kita jadi lihat P&O cruises! Barusan ku cek websitenya ada last minute deals cuma 679GBP include return flight London-Malta for 7 days lagi…… Kayanya akan masuk bucket list deh buat cruise ini…
Udah sih terus habis makan, ngobrol, ngopi, solat, balik ke Oxford lagi ku langsung datang sosialisasi pemilu dan nobar final Champion League, tapi karena ku ngga ngerti bola akhirnya ku ended up main uno dan pools sama Widari dan Mba Patricia… Pulang dari tempat Widari jalan kaki nanjak karena sama aja durasinya antara naik bis dan jalan kaki… Berujung sampe rumah jam 22.30an sepertinya. Itu CUAPEK banget Sabtu. Karena ku catch train ke Southhampton mayan early juga kan 09.16 keretanya, dan ku udah left rumah Headington dari jam 08.30am… Hari itu juga ku-lihat di app ku jalan 14km overall. Sampe rumah si Kalina sudah kembali balik dari SouthAfrica setelah mudik 2 minggu, tapi kami betulan baru ngobrol hari Minggu evening  pas w nonton HKDJ di ruang tamu itu…
Dah itu dulu kayanya udah panjang banget. Accomplishment minggu lalu juga udah kutulis bareng postingan Tulus itu kan. Dah gitu aja. Selamat menjalani week teman-teman!!!
VHL 12:07pm 12/06/2023
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growninhaiti · 2 years
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Aye se te yon jounen ranpli ak lanmou ki vreman fèm reprann konfyans nan kapasite pataj ke nou genyen nan mitan nou. @agrinatif ak @growninhaiti pataje de nouvo metod pou rejenere sol la, ajoute yon sere plant pou kreye biomass, pou ajoute koulè sou tè a epi atire polinisatè yo. Nou resevwa diferan plan bannan ak fig. Anpil diferan flè. Lè nou finn plante yo nou pral poste rezilta yo pou kou. We had a glorious day yesterday and the start of the collaboration with @agrinatif and @growninhaiti is really starting on a new level of companionship and « sharing is caring ». Jaden lakou OBEC received multiple plantain amd banana trees to plant for biomass and a multitude of new flower trees to add some colors, more biomass and atteact the polinators. We will post the videos and photos after planting them. #growninhaiti #agrinatif #OBEC (at Cap Rouge, Sud-Est, Haiti) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf90j3xOrUK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xatskee · 6 months
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#QuoteOfTheDay (20231214):
“Anda tidak dapat melakukan pekerjaan hari ini dengan metode kemarin untuk menjalankan bisnis esok.”
Era disruptif telah mengubah teknologi atau metode yang relatif baru menjadi usang begitu cepat. Yang dirasakan sudah best practice hari ini menjadi so yesterday esoknya. Menarik pesan Rektor IPB, Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, “Fokuslah pada Future Practice, bukan pada best practice. Fokus pada best practice hanya akan menjadikan kita sebagai follower, sedangkan fokus pada future practice akan menjadikan kita sebagai leader.”
Karena itu, seorang pimpinan dituntut menjadi inspirator dan tulang punggung bagi para staf yang dipimpinnya untuk senantiasa mendorong dan menjaga dinamika perubahan yang ada di masa mendatang. Anggap saja mereka adalah anak-anak yang menjadi tanggung jawab kita. “Janganlah kalian memaksakan anak-anak kalian mengikuti jejak (cara) kalian, karena mereka diciptakan di zaman yang bukan zaman kalian,” begitu kata Socrates yang dikutip oleh Ibnul Qayyim dalam kitab Ighatsul Lahafan.
#You #cant #do #today #job #with #yesterday #methods #and #be #in #business #tomorrow #focus #on #FuturePractice
Telegram channel: https://t.me/x_QoTD
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farever · 2 years
How 1st Term Ends
Oke jadi ceritanya udah lama banget merencanakan untuk buat semacam recap semester satu kemarin. Supaya ga jadi wacana aja mari kita mulai sekarang. 
Awalnya kukira bakal berjalan lancar2 aja, sebagaimana maba klise pada umumnya yang berharap nilainya polyA. Di awal aku udah mulai ngumpulin tips belajar sana sini for graduate students, tools apa aja yang bisa dipake, metode apa aja yang perlu aku coba. But I guess the result isssss far far away from my expectations 
But we’re here not for talking about the results. 
Sebagaimana yang baru ku baca di buku mindset, my currently reading, kita harusnya ga fokus sama result, bukannya mengabaikan juga, tapi harusnya lebih fokus ke usaha apa yang bisa membuat kita improve ke depannya. 
Balik ke semester 1. Turns out ga semua tools atau tips yang aku kumpulin itu aku jalanin, my bad. Tapi kaya tips pake OneNote, buat pertanyaan sebelum ujian, highlight dan ss ppt ke note, sama tidak lagi belajar sks seperti saat s1 alhamdulillah terlaksana (ya meskipun paling mepet h-2, the one with the unexpected schedule and the worst result i guess😭, but alhamdulillah i still got a chance to make it better & turns out it's my highest score :) funny how this life goes right?)
key takeaways: buat jadwal, belajar lebih konsisten, fake it till you make it~
Belum berhasil bukan berarti selama ini kamu ga ngapa-ngapain ngang ngong aja gitu. Kamu berusaha kok selama ini, and you should thank your self for that. Kamu hanya perlu berusaha sedikit lebih keras lagi dari yang kemarin. Mereka yang berhasil itu bukan karena pintar (ya meski mungkin ada sekian persen pengaruh genetik ya), tapi karena usaha mereka lebih banyak dan lebih keras, dan kamu yang belum berhasil bukan karena kamu bodoh / ga mampu 
Let’s just try the other way and make it better than yesterday ☺️
ps: ini ditulis di akhir term 1, tapi lupa publish jadi dia terpendam aja gitu di notes sampe term 2 berakhir 😹
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the-kingshound · 3 years
ROs reactions to MC becoming a cold and calculated killing machine because of the torture with RO now being their only soft spot?
Ohh, anon, I love this ask and since in game action will have permanent consequences I will make a follow up of this scenario so every RO's MC has been through a different kind of torture. It got a bit long, sorry, I kept writing and writing!
When the Knights see you, they bow.
"Your Majesty."
You nod in their direction, signing them to raise. You then unsheathe your sword and stare at them with a pragmatic, focused glance "follow my lead."
You join the battle only after the second wave, attacking from the side and rapidly gaining the upper hand. When no more opponents stand in the field but injured and dying fighters, your chest heaves and your sword drips crimson blood from the tip.
"Your Majesty, a couple dozens of rival soldiers are retreating in the woods."
Your voice betrays nothing but a cold type of control when you answer "get the heavy chivalry to chase them. If possible, we take prisoners."
"Yes, your Majesty."
Arthur will be here shortly, you think just before you start metodically cleaning your sword to sheathe it. Your King, as you predicted, reaches your small group of knights shortly after. He seems to glow like a majestic, regal vision in the bright daylight. You can never get enough.
As you approach his knights, between rigid strides you crouch down briefly to pick up something from the grassy field. You have most of the knights eyes on you as you get near your husband and offer him a daisy.
He takes it with a radiant light in his eyes, you know that the softness there is more than reflected in yours. You plant a soft kiss on his cheek before you retreat.
"For you, my King."
And when Arthur keeps you close at night in your shared bed, holding your hand and kissing your knuckles one by one, you know you you could lose you fingers and your ability to wear his ring, but never his unrestrained, blinding love.
Arthur strides through the castle's halls with his usual composed demeanor, exhuding a reflective sense of peace that is only exterior. Inside, he is worried and scared. Ever since the kidnapping, you've been cold and distant. More focused, in a way, calculated when you would have hesitated before. No matter the thin scar that marked your face or the limp that now slowed you down in combat, you were merciless. Arthur just wants you to feel safe again.
He rounds the corner and stops in front of his knight's door. He knocks and recieves no answer, probably because of the sound of more than one voice inside. Slowly, the King opens the door, calling with a soft voice "Evaine?"
The sight that greets him is... unexpected.
Evaine's room is drowning in garments, dresses, robes and cloaks are all over the bed and the large vanity. You're standing in front of the mirror, Evaine is just behind you, their finger ghosting on your skin as they tie a golden neckerchief around your neck.
As soon as Arthur's presence is noted, you clear your throat, molding your expression back in a neutral one, but not quite as closed off as the one you always wear.
"So, how do I look?"
You turn around to let him see the dress in its entirety, the wip scars quite visible on your back. Arthur's pained grimance fades quicky in favour of a soft, sincere smile "you're stunning."
His attention is then on his knight. Evaine is radiant, more relaxed than he's seen them in a very long time. More... present. They've not been well for the past months.
"You wanted to talk to me, my King?"
"Yes," Arthur nods "since I had to reschedule some of today's appointments, your schedule has been rearranged. You have the rest of the afternoon free."
If that's not entirely the truth - Arthur was in need of a Knight for the squire training, but it was also true that it has been too long since he's had fun with the younglings - no one needs to know.
And with a cheeeful "have fun" he's out of the room.
You look at the dress you're currently wearing in the mirror one more time, than turn back and take another robe, soft and tighter fitting, from Evaine's wardrobe.
"How about this?" you ask them.
"Mh," they hum, giving it a very serious assessment "it would compliment your eyes perfectly. And it's not that heavy compared to the previous ones."
You send them a blinding smile, trowing your arms over them in a playful hug, than you let them help you hastly put it on.
Sometimes you forget yourself to the memories and the freezing phantom of a long gone pain, but everytime Evaine is there to bring you back, offering distractions that bring you joy and happiness. That night Evaine tells you you're the most beautiful and bright star in the sky and, for the first time since the kidnapping, you believe them.
Whispers of the King's hound gone rabid have all but taken hold of the settlements near Kev, the last town to know your uncontained fury as your informants found some dissidents nobles. You made sure not to leave the town unscathed to be of warning for whoever next dared to conspire against the King.
There are frightened voices murmuring of an heartless punisher, what they recount are mostly exaggerated distortions of true events, but they do get right the almost lifeless glint in your eyes as you write down orders.
At this point, even some knights are scared of you, of the seemingly merciless way you stare down at them without ever breathing a word. There is only one person able to get past the coldness that replaced your lost tongue, and it's the court physician.
You are currently in Morien's arms, buried in the familiarity of their scent that is secure and grounding. This feels like a rare privilege for how much Morien usually shyes away contact. With you they have reached a level of comfort, through, that sees you gifted with the warmth of their body whenever you need it and you couldn't be more grateful for that.
"Plans for today?" they ask you a rough but comforting tone of voice.
Frighten the knights, you sign and instantly they let out a humored chuckle.
"Alright, you have my attention. How do you want to proceed?"
Just tell them I want to see them all in the courtyard. They skipped training yesterday and went out drinking to celebrate. you let out a voiceless hum  I'm not really mad but they don't know that.
Morien's laugh is brief but sincere "well, let's go then."
And as you get ready, you tie a red ribbon to your wrist, very alike the ones that sometimes Morien themselves ties to their cane. The physician looks as it and then their eyes are fixed on your face with a mixture of emotion that is both fondness and tender adoration. You shrug, then offer them your arm as you walk in silence through the halls in the courtyard's direction.
The mark has made very difficult for people to meet your eyes and watch you in the face. You don't hold it against them, though, you know you're not an easy sight. The only ones in this room who can actually stomach it are Arthur and Gwyar, and while the King can hardly suppress the guilt, your manservant has managed to push it down in favour of their usual attentive posture.
With a fluent movement they are beside you, refilling your cup of whine and whispering in your ear with a bland tone.
"Lady Deva is under the impression that a necklace has been stolen by the less than reputable Lord Havet."
Your interest piqued, you arch a brow in their direction, only to catch at the corner of your eye the sparkling of jewelry.
Careful to mantain a neutral expression, you subtly extend your arm in their direction with the open palm facing upwards. Gwyar lets the necklace fall in your possession with an effortless movement, then they fall back behind you with the grace of a liquid shadow they've always possessed. No one seems to have noticed the brief exchange.
It does take the meal to finish before finally some action unfolds. You register Lady Deva bringing her fingers to her empty collarbone and instantly her eyes snap to the Lord at her side.
"How dare you" she hisses, low enough not to make a scene but with enough vehemence to make him reel back.
"My Lady, I sincerely don't know what-"
"My necklace."
"What of it?"
By now the altercation has managed to attract most of the other nobles attention. The argument gets heated quickly and as the situation unfolds you fail to contain a wicked grin. Arthur, to your left, is surprised by it ony for a second, then he catches the feral glint in Gwyar's eyes, just behind you, and he has to bring a hand to his mouth to suppress a laugh of his own.
Taking pity on them, you clear your throat, your voice steel cold but not unkind "did it have by chance an engraved pendant?"
The scraped sound of your voice, a bit rough from unuse, is enough to snap the entire room to silence and attention. The lady's eyes widen as she watches you extract the necklace out of your robe, her eyes immediately falling off your face as her expression contorts into a mixture of embarassment and fear.
"I found it just outside of the chamber, in the hall."
"Ah, I- I probably lost it" the lady stammers and you have to figh your lips from curling upwards as another wave of hilarity hits you.
That night, Gwyar is so undeniably proud of your performance you can only laugh with them and take them in your arms as you both fall on the bed. They let their gaze wonder on your face and they breathe out a raspy praise. You are motionless as they kiss your mark and you think in that instant that you'd let it happen only with them. Only with them - and the phrase holds a strange type of comfort.
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cirrusminors · 5 years
I got tagged by @dandylion1966, thank you darling!
zodiac sign: Gemini :)
height: 161 cm/ 5′2, I’m a shortie alright 
put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 4 songs: 
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carrol - Bob Dylan 
Dream Lady - Bread
It’s not Time Now - Scott McKenzie
Itchycoo Park - Small Faces
grab the nearest book and turn to page 23; what does line 17 say? 
“Men akutenheten på Stockholms Center för Ätstörningar säger att det här är en metod som ofta fungerar” lol it’s in Swedish sorry! It’s about a mom who’s child has an eating disorder. 
when was the last time you played air guitar? Yesterday when I was listening to Eagles haha!
what is a sound you love and what is a sound you hate? I love the sound of rain or someone playing guitar. I really dislike the sound of wind actually, it kinda scares me! 
do you believe in ghosts? Yeah I do, I’ve personally never seen one but I’ve definitely like felt the presence of them. 
do you drive? and if so, have you ever been in an accident? No and thank god no!
do you believe in aliens? 
Yes I do, I’m like waiting patiently for them to visit us.
do you like the smell of gasoline? I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it either. I just have a sensitive nose and smells like overwhelm me.
do you have an obsession right now? 
I’m always obsessing over something weird, over the last couple of days it’s been Trixie and Katyas “UNhHnhh” show, Kate Bush and I’ve been reading a lot about personality disorders for some reason? Tryna self diagnose you know. 
in a relationship? No, very single actually
I tag @damselcherie and @britishsixtiesbeat and anyone that wants to do it. Sorry if you’ve already done this btw! 
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tumbirus · 3 years
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Continue. ..It is time to implement universal basic income (UBI)in India to give Rs:1,200 per month to 150 crore Indians will cost the government Rs:21.6 lakh crore a year.This would be far lesser than the Rs:9 lakh crore spent through more than ten thousand schemes when we compare the humongous bureaucratic cost incurred in deciding who is poor and designing maintaining complex systems to disburse the money.The UBI should become a fundamental right of every citizen. This will take the pressure of the poor from struggling to meet the basic needs and would give them divinity Theirs choice of work would become a mode of self- development rather than a desperate means of sustenance It would seem like a utopian dreamboat so was abolishment of slavery or democracy a century ago Any other metodes in India is sure to get sunk in the quagmire of corruption. Indian poors life development is any politicians word and hope also but Indian country under any political party leaders government 365 days under ,this one state or country developed one s are want to India,today's all political parties are non capable in India,our own party and own benifit name cruelty thinking and doing one all political party name and leaders are no more want to India . yesterday to hope words give one political party leaders in India,next one ruling governments name peopls life harassment making to India.which political parties or leaders are not any peopls life established one's established to vote ,power and Money making aime.so any country under development same ,Indian country peopls life kind of path ,god fear joint all religious community brotherhood joint development making to zinnias country,coming any state elections ,any political parties hope words name not any vote,reality joint capable and kind of path life ones are choose to Indian public to in this country.all selfish,criminal,Jalous, ego,non kind,peopls life harassment ,Cheating and hope words making one political leaders and parties are band to box inside to peopls of India.so Hindu faith tell to " Thamsoma Jothirgamya ". Barth Martha Ki Jai,Criminals End. (Thanks for Anand .N,RJJ ,De (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLXG77SBVBI/?igshid=4ya0qqnaucxu
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Hi! 🌸 What are your best metods for dealing with stress? I had a bad breakdown yesterday (partly bc of school and partly other stuff), and I think it’s because I’m stressing a lot. I have so many things I need to do, but the pressure of it all just breaks me down and I end up doing nothing. I hope you’re having a good day, and I love your Tumblr! 💕
Make a to-do list with everything that you need to do. Put the most important and urgent things at the top so that they get done first. You can also split up your tasks into smaller ones so that it feels like you can get more done and they don’t look as daunting if they are much smaller. Also remember to take time for yourself so maybe after you’ve done your urgent tasks you could have a nice bath and unwind with a book. Hope this helps, dm if you ever wanna chat about it or anything more!
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johnmaiolo · 4 years
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#lambrusco #pairing #texmex . . When I decide to Cook Tex mex I Like to pair with a Montepulciano or a Dogliani or also a Barbera with important freshness and fruit. Yesterday I have decide to change and try with a Lambrusco Metod Charmat. . . . In moto con Bruno Ceci 60's Lambrusco Vino Spumante Brut Metodo Charmat Emilia IGT 11,5% 🍇100% lambrusco Maestri Residual Sugar 11 g/l Acidity 6,5 g/l fermentation in Autoclave @cantine_ceci @bibendaofficial 🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇 @james.suckling 91/100 . . This bottle has been made to celebrate 80 years since winery foundation. . . . 👁️dark purple red 👃Plum, ripe cherry, strawberry and flowers 👄warm, Fresh and tasty with good fruity persistance and Harmony . . . The wine was not perfect to pair but It was perfect with my Mood 😉and I enjoyed.😍🍷🍷🍷 . . . .📷@johnmaiolo #johnbarolo 📍Turin . . #igt #lambrusco #parma #cantinececi https://www.instagram.com/p/CA2UNJbJs4V/?igshid=8nrbk5p2vm47
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screamera-inc · 5 years
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#Repost @joshbodwell with @kimcy929_repost • • • • • • Saw the new Mad Max yesterday and it's nothing short of epic! Would love to tattoo any character from the film! #whatalovelyday • • • • • • CYBRPNK tees 🤖💀💥🔥 Inspired by Mad Max Fury Road the movie. Described as the reborn of Immortan Joe in a new outfit. Specification : • Name : CYBRPNK • Material Used : Quality 30S Combed Cotton • Printing Method : HD Manual Plastisol Screen Printed • Available Size : XS - XL • Price : IDR120K • Remark : 》Art design inspired by Mad Max Fury Road soundtrack, "Brothers In Arms" and "Storm Is Coming". 》Check out the songs on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sCXkpZsBRg and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3yxnD9Lflw For Order : • WhatsApp : 081318886165 • LINE ID : screamera_inc • BBM PIN : SCRMRA Produk kami diproduksi di Bandung oleh tangan-tangan kreatif dan teknologi terbaik dalam proses produksinya. Bahan Combed Cotton 30S kami pun juga berkualitas baik : • Dengan metode pre-shrunk, memastikan bahwa ukuran kaos tidak berubah/menyusut setelah kaos dicuci. • Jenis bahan yang reaktif terhadap cat sablon sehingga menghasilkan warna yang lebih baik • Juga adem dan nyaman dipakai, cocok dengan iklim tropis seperti di Indonesia. Produk akan kami kirim lengkap dengan hangtag, bonus cuttingsticker serta kemasan yang pastinya keren! Cek produk-produk original kami lainnya di situs web resmi kami www.screamera.com Pengiriman dari area Jakarta Pusat. #annabellecomeshome #screamera_inc #spidermanfarfromhome #artees #crawl #instapic #iger #artoftheday #skull #metal #heavymetal #metalhead #rock #childsplay #tshirt #cyberpunk #immortanjoe #kaosmetal (at Roars) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0D8wK9HB8C/?igshid=17eddjta5d4rw
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tvoyo-odeyalko · 5 years
End of day 3
hello, i forgot to post yesterday, so me and my fam got to see my grandparents, i made a list of things i am thankful for and i tried an affirmation metod it's super cool
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bisatau · 5 years
Oppo F11 Pro will be released, lots of fancy and great features
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Oppo returned to offer the next great cellphone camera, when the latest F11 Pro series was officially announced yesterday. What makes it really tempting for users is the presence of a 48-megapixel camera plus 1080p notch-less display and of course the 16-megapixel Selfie Pop-up Camera that feels so fun. This mid-range class phone comes with a screen size of 6.5 "and is a bit similar to what the V15 Pro can offer from Vivo, although it has slightly lower specifications. Even so, the latest phones from Oppo can offer other great forms of Smartphone for users with the power of the AI Camera of the highest quality as the main dish. Sandisk and Micron The first 1 TB capacity microSD production in the world Black Shark Gaming Smartphone The next generation appears Samsung Galaxy Active Watch and Galaxy Fit Officially Launched Galaxy Fold Receipt Released, Samsung’s First Foldable Smartphone Intel Will Launch The Latest Pentium Gold Series This Year Nokia Pure 9 Smartphone with 5 Official Rear Cameras Introduced List of the required Sony phones this year As for the internal specifications, the F11 Pro is ready to be presented with the power of the MediaTek Helio P70 processor, 4GB or 6GB RAM, and a 4,000 mAh battery that can be charged quickly with Oppo VOOC 3.0 technology. The manufacturer also provides a conventional capacitive fingerprint sensor on the back, which has a unique red-black-blue gradient effect. And yes, like the V15 Pro, it has a combination of I / O retro headphone jack and Micro USB port. Although this dish feels Fresh, but this is not Oppo's first self-up camera where we have seen it in the Find X series that came last year. It's just that this is the first to adopt the Vivo style of a small module that appears from the top of the cellphone rather than the Find X method that enhances the entire top of the cellphone. The Find X approach is allowed to unlock the face with an X-iPhone 3D-style scanner, but the F11 Pro only offers less secure camera-based functionality. If you agree with that, then you can still use it in the same way as Find X by swiping on the lock screen to quickly raise and hide the camera. What about prices? Oppo apparently hasn't announced pricing information for the F11 Pro in its entirety, and will only be released in India at the beginning. While other regions such as Southeast Asia, the Middle East and North Africa will only follow. However, according to GSmarena, this series will have a price range of 320 euros or around 5.1 million. Intrigued by the specifications? You can see the details here. murdockcruzOppo kembali memberikan sajian kamera ponsel hebat berikutnya, ketika seri F11 Pro terbaru resmi diumumkan kemarin. Apa yang membuatnya benar-benar menggoda bagi pengguna adalah kehadiran kamera 48-megapiksel plus 1080p notch-less display dan tentu saja Pop-up Kamera Selfie 16-megapixel yang terasa begitu menyenangkan. Ponsel kelas mid-range ini hadir dengan ukuran layar 6.5” dan sedikit mirip dengan apa yang bisa ditawarkan oleh V15 Pro dari Vivo, meski ia memiliki spesifikasi yang sedikit lebih rendah. Meski begitu, ponsel terbaru dari Oppo bisa menawarkan bentuk Smartphone hebat lainnya bagi pengguna dengan kekuatan AI Camera dengan kualitas terbaik sebagai sajian utama. Sandisk dan Micron Produksi MicroSD Kapasitas 1 TB pertama di Dunia Smartphone Gaming Black Shark Muncul Generasi berikutnya Samsung Galaxy Watch Active dan Galaxy Fit Resmi Diluncurkan Galaxy Fold Resi Dirilis, Smartphone Lipat Pertama Samsung Intel Akan Luncurkan Seri Pentium Gold Terbaru Tahun Ini Nokia Pure 9 Smartphone dengan 5 Kamera Belakang Resmi Diperkenalkan Daftar HP Sony yang Wajib kalian beli tahun ini Sedangkan untuk spesifikasi internal, F11 Pro siap dihadirkan dengan kekuatan prosesor MediaTek Helio P70, 4GB atau 6GB RAM, dan baterai 4.000 mAh yang dapat diisi dengan cepat dengan teknologi VOOC 3.0 Oppo. Produsen juga menyediakan sensor sidik jari kapasitif konvensional di bagian belakang, yang memiliki efek gradien merah-hitam-biru yang unik. Dan ya, seperti V15 Pro, ia memiliki kombinasi I / O retro headphone jack dan port Micro USB. Meski sajian ini terasa Fresh, namun ini bukanlah kamera self-up pertama Oppo dimana kita sudah melihatnya pada seri Find X yang hadir tahun lalu. Hanya saja, ini adalah yang pertama yang mengadopsi gaya Vivo dari modul kecil yang muncul dari tepi atas ponsel daripada metode Find X yang meningkatkan seluruh bagian atas ponsel. Pendekatan Find X diizinkan untuk membuka kunci wajah dengan pemindai 3D gaya X-iPhone, tetapi F11 Pro hanya menawarkan fungsionalitas berbasis kamera yang kurang aman. Jika kamu setuju dengan itu, maka kamu masih dapat menggunakannya dengan cara yang sama seperti Find X dengan menggesekkan pada layar kunci untuk dengan cepat menaikkan dan menyembunyikan kamera. Bagaimana dengan harga? Oppo tampaknya belum mengumumkan informasi harga untuk F11 Pro secara utuh, dan hanya akan dirilis di India pada awal mulanya. Sementara Kawasan lain seperti Asia Tenggara, Timur Tengah, dan Afrika Utara baru akan menyusul. Hanya saja, menurut gsmarena, seri ini akan memiliki kisaran harga 320 Euro atau sekitar 5.1 jutaan. Penasaran dengan spesifikasinya? kamu bisa melihat detailnya disini. murdockcruz Read the full article
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rogntre · 7 years
science vocab
detalj (en).  detail teknologi (en).  technology utvikler.  develop elektrisk.  electric / electronic / electrical vitenskap.  science ekspert (en).  expert bevegelse (en).  movement
metode (en).  method forsker (en).  scientist / researcher stikkontakt (en).  outlet avstand (en).  distance forbindelse (en).  connection volum (et).  volume vekt.  weight vektproblem.  weight issue
temperatur (en).  temperature hastighet.  speed / velocity overflate (en).  surface senker.  descend veier.  weight kilo.  kilogram(s) / kilo overfladisk.  superficial
alkohol (en).  alcohol teknikk.  technique laboratorium (et).  laboratory fysikk.  physics beholder.  container nobelpris (en).  nobel prize nobels fredspris.  nobel peace pride masse.  a lot of / loads of / mass
oppdagelse (en).  discovery prikk (en).  dot mål.  measurement(s) / target måler.  measures løfter.  lift beveger.  moves oppfinnelse (en).  invention
trekke.  draw konklusjon (en).  conclusion merkelig.  peculiar / strange / odd centimeter.  centimeter enhet (en).  unit / device / entity undersøker (undersøkte).  examine
rister.  shakes mangler.  missing / lacks oppdaget.  discovered består.  consists kraftverk (et).  power plant elektrisitet.  electricity
Jeg utvikler programmer.  I develop programs. Vi har teknologien.  We have the technology. Drømmer roboter om elektriske sauer?  Do robots dream of electric sheep? Eksperten hadde et bedre forslag.  The expert had a better suggestion. Jeg kan ikke lese mens bussen er i bevegelsen.  I cannot read while the bus is in motion.
Hvor i huset kan jeg finne en stikkontakt?  Where in the house can I find an outlet? Forskerne utvikler en ny løsning.  The scientists are developing a new solution. Avstanden er for stor.  The distance is too great. Har han gode forbindelser?  Does he have good connections Han hører på musikk på høyt volum.  He is listening to music at high volume.
Maskinen har en lav hastighet.  The machine has a low speed. På overflaten var alt rolig.  On the surface everything was calm. Mørket senket seg over Tyskland.  The darkness descended upon Germany. Hvor mange kilo veier katten vår?  How many kilograms does our cat weigh? Jenta er svært overfladisk.  The girl is very superficial.
Alkoholen har skylda.  The alcohol is at fault. Vi fikk masse fisk i går.  We got a lot of fish yesterday. Laget trengte fire ekstra beholdere.  The team needed four extra containers. De utvikler nye teknikker for å bygge datamaskiner.  They are developing new techniques for building computers.
Oppdagelsen av Amerika.  The discovery of America. Hun tar mål av meg til klær.  She is taking measurements of me for clothes. Han måler nesten to meter.  He measures almost two meters. Han løftet ikke en finger.  He did not lift a finger. Månen beveger seg omkring jorda.  The moon moves around the earth. Datamaskinen er en viktig oppfinnelse.  The computer is an important invention.
Må jeg trekke et kort?  Do I have to draw a card? Hvordan trakk han den konklusjonen?  How did he draw that conclusion? Jeg er en meter og sytti centimeter høy.  I am a meter and seventy centimeters tall. Hvilke enheter bruker landet ditt?  Which units does your country use? Studentene undersøkte noe merkelig.  The students were examining something peculiar.
Hun ristet på hodet.  She shook her head. Laboratoriet mangler teknologien.  The laboratory is missing the technology. Komiteen består av flere eksperter.  The committee consists of several experts. Jobbet hun på kraftverket?  Did she work at the power plant? Mange tror at en amerikaner oppdaget elektrisitet.  Many believe that an American discovered electricity.
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roderic-third · 4 years
First week summary
Ok. Yesterday was just good day, nothing more. You drew a little at morning time and girl came. Lot of sex, she was sexy and active, plus we was high. 9 times, Roma. It’s became pathological. Really.
So, by the evening you went to the studio. Drew some sketchy shit and talked with Vera, check some of her process.
After that we came to Rusya and you drank a little. Spend some time with morning girl whom apparently was with guys.
Go to sleep in the middle of the night.
Today was miserable. But you drew. Hmm. You practiced with figures, and it was not so bad, but kinda sloppy. You watched Peter’s Han course, but struggle a lot in the end of the day, the major reason for struggle was Kira, she brought an idea about you, not bringing girls at home for non-sex purposes. You are not spending time with girls without sex. You can watch some good shit or play games, or something, but always, always there is some sexual context. The real mission is always sex. And her offer gives you about an hour of realizing, that you, horny animal, does not spending time with girls without sexual subtext. 
It’s pathological. I don’t like it. You are not gonna find Ixtlan if you only gonna treat girls as sexual objects. But you don’t treat Kira like that. And she gives you that realization.
So. Your mistake. You are treating yourself as the week person, indulge when you feel even a sight of tiredness or uncomfort. It’s week. Don’t be so week. It’s gonna pay you better.
First week of journaling finished. Yesterday. Yeah, you missed even that. But okay, it’s just a beginning.
You missed major part of the week. We have to put it in your Habbithub. But will you check? Will you go with that? It’s time, Roma, you are loosing that battle.
That week was fun. Really fun. One of the best week for a year maybe. You made a lot of tattoo work, but drew a little. 15 hours. Some of that is tattoo time. It’s shitty result. But 3 finished pieces and 2 times with Tima and Vova.
English. Your passive learning is ok, but you did not do any active work, just preparations. 
You fucked 2 new girls, good ones. You almost got treesome. Like half a threesome. Had lot of fun with guys and spent good amount of money. Not calculated. Another missing point. There is too many missing points, my boy. Do not look into abyss too long. 
From tomorrow we start a new week, where you gonna finish all everyday goals no matter what, and I don’t give a fuck, if tomorrow is Tuesday. Week - 7 days. Next Monday we gonna summarize your progress. You know enough about self discipline. Execute.
Goals for tomorrow:
4 hours, you peace of shit. But productive: First - German piece, from morning and till you finish it. After bugs sketching(min - 1 hour). After master study for engraving(min 1 hour). Study Proko theory for couple hours.
Instagram work, but at the evening. Drawings have to be presented in right way.
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langblrtr · 6 years
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어제 서핑하는 방법을 배웠습니다. eoje seopinghaneun bangbeob-eul baewossseubnida. Yesterday I learnt how to surf. Dün sörf yapmayı öğrendim. 어제 eoje yesterday; dün 서핑 seoping surfing; sörf 하다 hada to do; yapmak 는 neun subject particle; nesne eki 방법 bangbeob way, method, system; yol, metod, yöntem 을 eul object particle; nesne eki 배우다 baeuda to learn; öğrenmek 습 seub particle in verb to add politeness, formal; kibarlık katmak için fiile eklenen ek 니다 nida statement ending in formal tone; resmi tonda biten ifadelerde kullanılır. #kimsohyun #kdrama #korece #korecekelimeler #koreceogreniyorum #hangıl #korean #learnkorean #languages #hangeul #english #turkish #koreangrammar #langblr
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