#yesterday i woke up at 8 am. went to all my classes (last one runs till 5:15) ran home packed everything i forgot to up real quick shoved it
leakyleaky · 3 months
I am in car hell and I'm never ever getting out
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luke-r-gillespie · 17 days
May 25 - Osaka Day Trip
Today I woke up at 8 (feeling a little better than I did yesterday) and got ready for our regularly scheduled class meeting at 9. I arrived on time (やった) and ate my breakfast bento during the morning discussion before I left with the class for Osaka by train. The journey there took a little over an hour (way less time than when I navigated my friends and I there) and after arriving our first stop was Umeda Sky Building. This was our third "observatory" of the trip, but I didn't mind as the Birdseye view of Osaka was fairly different from that of Kyoto and Tokyo. One of the highlights of the view was a building that had a highway passing through its first four floors!
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After the Umeda Sky Building, we took a break for lunch where I grabbed some cheap ramen with a few of the guys (I am trying to spend a little less yen this last week as I have burned through a substantial amount of my funds already.) Regardless of price, the ramen was pretty good!
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After lunch we walked to Osaka castle, which was deceptively large. Leaving the station its size seemed comparable to the other two castles that we have visited in Japan thus far but once arriving, the building towered over me. It was probably my favorite of the three castles that we have seen so far (unfortunately, the interior has been turned into a museum of sorts so we did not go in.) However, it was still super cool from the outside.
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The final location that we went to as a class today was Dotonbori, the main shopping district of Osaka. Everything here was extremely over the top, with massive advertisements of sculpted dragons, crabs, and many other things outside of restaurants and storefronts.
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After breaking off from the class for the day, I walked around Dotonbori quite a bit more and got some cool souvenirs for people back home.
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After a slightly confusing series of train rides back, I stopped at McDonalds for dinner (on a budget) before returning to Stay SAKURA to unwind and write today's blog post!
Academic Reflection
Today's reading once again focused on the differences between Japanese cities and their Western contemporaries. More specifically, the layout and zoning of Japanese cities. As discussed in Tokyo, Japanese cities appear more haphazard at a glance and this is due primarily to Japan's less restrictive zoning laws. Due to this leniency in zoning, it is not uncommon to have a variety of businesses, residential buildings, and restaurants all within the same city block or even next door to one another. I personally enjoy this contrast to Western cities and feel that it makes Japan's cities feel far more walkable (of course the excellent and accessible public transportation helps.) I noticed this integration more in Tokyo than Kyoto but it is definitely present in both cities.
Todays reading applied this phenomenon to Osaka (where our today's excursions took us.) Osaka became a heavily industrialized city around the advent of the Shinkansen (specifically, the route from Tokyo to Kobe.) This industrialization drastically effected the quality of life in Osaka, with many considering it to uninhabitable for a time. To remedy the situation in Osaka, the Japanese government implemented land readjustment policies. These policies covered a lot but essentially forced land owners to comply with public building projects, taking away some of the rights previously held by these Japanese land owners. We even saw an example of this in effect on our first excursion today, with the building that has a highway running through it (The Gate Tower Building!)
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unsupervisedpanda · 3 years
Shots fired
Spencer x reader
Sitting on Spencer's couch you'd been reading one of your favorite books. It was early, at least for a weekend it was. You'd come by Spencer's hoping to catch him before a phone call from the team, however he seemed to have been gone already.
   You thought about just going home, but decided to stay and clean the already, mostly pristine apartment. It was organized in his own chaotic way. You'd slowly put away his paperwork and obsessively marked books.
  You then walked over to his nearly empty sink washing the dishes. After that it was doing his laundry and maybe make and remake his bed.
  Today was your last day off which is why you were hoping to catch him. You worked at an elementary school and taught a rambuctious group of 2nd graders. They were great kids and you loved them all dearly.
  That being said tomorrow was Monday so you had things that you needed to prepare. That is why you called Spencer and let him know you'd been there. You knew he was observant and may panic if he saw his apartment.
   "Hey Spence, it's me. I just wanted to let you know I stopped by. I love you and I'll see you when you're back. Kisses." Then you hung up.
  Nothing could have prepared you for the next day.
You woke up at 5:00am and got ready for the day. The school day didn't start until 8:30, but you wanted to catch a shower.
Swinging your legs over your bed and wobbled to the bathroom, grabbing a towel and your brush on the way. You had your clothes laid out the night before, surprisingly you were set for Monday it was Friday when you just threw your clothes on and prayed they matched.
  That being said you sauntered into the small room flipping the light on and flinching at it's brightness.
   "Ugh no! Tis to early for this." You groaned plopping the towel on the toilet.
  You stripped the overnight clothes off and turned the shower on, the steam rising from the enclosed space and into the rest of the room.
   Pulling the curtains aside you stepped in, the hot water cascading down your back and soaking your hair. The water washed away your sleepiness and you began to shampoo and condition your locks. You hummed as the suds made your hair squishy and soft. You giggled before putting your head back under the rushing water. The soap washed out gathering around your feet and down the drain.
   Once you were sure the soap was out and that your body felt refreshed, you shut the water off. Stepping out of the shower your feet padded on the shower mat. You smiled reaching over and grabbing the grey towel.
  Drying your body you then dried your hair. Once you were sure you wouldn't drip water everywhere you brushed through your damp hair.
  Spinning back to your door you wrapped the towel tightly around yourself. You needed to get dressed and you'd sleepily left the clothes in your room. Huffing you opened the door, the cool air rushing at your damp flesh, goosebumps rising.
Shivering you padded to your room and made sure the curtains were closed, windows locked, and then locking the bedroom door. You heard all sorts of stories from Penelope about how women were attacked in their own homes while they were vulnerable. No not you and not today.
   Quickly you slipped into your clothes, which happened to be a pair of black leggings and a (favorite color) dress that ended just above the knee, with a light overcoat
  You huffed before grabbing your phone. 5:45 am. Good you were on a roll. You lived about 15 minutes away from the school so you had time.
  Sliding your sneakers on you tied them before hearing your front door open. You immediately jumped up, opening your night stand, and pulling out the pistol you'd kept stashed there.
   You crept over to the door and unlocked the knob. With the way your apartment was set up you couldn't see the front door or the kitchen. Stepping into the hall you slinked down towards the living room. Once you entered you saw the back of the person kneeling in front of your fridge.
   You almost laughed out loud, but clicked the safety back on.
   "Spence you couldn't text me before coming over?" You giggled as the brunette jumped, hitting his head off the top of the fridge.
  "Ouch! Crap. I'm sorry y/n I wanted to surprise you. I figured I could stop by early enough that I won't be called in." You laughed at the male before placing the gun in another drawer in the kitchen. 
  "Awe that's sweet Spencer. What were you looking for?" You laughed walking over to him and pushing his bangs out of his face.
  "Ehm well I was looking for some coffee creamer because the barista forgot it. They were really busy." You nodded before brushing past him and to the refrigerator.
  "Ahh let's see I have hazelnut and vanilla and oh! There's some caramel, too."
   You heard him whisper a soft "Vanilla, please." Before you stood up the container in hand. Turning around you saw his eyes were downcast and your eyebrows raised in concern.
  "Spencer. Is everything alright?" He seemed to jump at the question, but nodded reaching for the bottle in your hand.
   "No. There's something bothering you, love. What happened yesterday?" His eyes widened as you placed the bottle behind him on the counter.
  "You can talk to me. You know that. Now spill, Spence." He shuddered slightly before sighing.
   "There's a case. The unsub is targeting elementary schools in the area. He targets the female employees killing them, talking about it's them or the kids. He even used a recording to lure them. Still no one is taking us seriously! We've gone to several of the schools, even the superintendent! They're refusing to shut the schools down saying that 'our employees are trained for this.'" He huffed heavily running his fingers through his hair.
  "This guy is smart y/n. He's already gone to three schools and killed 23 people and-" he choked up as he thought about the 13 children who died.
  "Spence, what school would he go for next? He's smart and calculated I'm sure. Where would he target next?" You looked at your best friend worry in your eyes. He looked up at you the gears in his head turning.
  "That's the thing y/n he's unpredictable. We thought he had a connection to one and he attacked another. We have no idea which school he'll target next. So far all of his attacks would seem random but they're not." He sighed out rubbing his face.
  "He's killed 23 people. 10 teachers and 13 children. We thought we were so close Y/n and he killed again. We can't lose. We can't let him kill again." His voice sounded so strained.
  You went to answer him when his phone beeped. He jumped slightly before pulling it out.
  "I got to go. The team needs me. I'm sorry. I love you! Be safe" he rushed kissing your forehead, before slipping out of the front door.
   Fisting your hands you sighed. This man could target your school next. Grabbing your purse and keys you rushed out the door.
     "Yes sir I understand there's no evidence or reason for him to come here but please listen to me. If we take the precautions, just until he's caught there's less likely of a chance for anyone to get hurt!
   We are an elementary school. We don't have to switch classes. We can have indoor recess, allowing the children to be safe, to learn, to have fun!
  We can have lunch in our classrooms and avoid being out in the open. This man is dangerous sir. Please."
   Your boss looked at you his eyes sharp.
  "Ms. L/n I'm sure this man is dangerous, and I'm sure you're worried but there is no reason for us to go into a panic. You may do as you wish with your class, I'll permiss it but I cannot make the other teachers to through with it. I'm sorry." You sighed but nodded.
  "Thank you Victor. I appreciate it but please inform them?" He hesitated but nodded.
  "I will."
Walking back to your classroom your shoes thudded along the tile. At least you got permission to protect your class. It was definitely something.
   Unlocking your door you pulled together today's activities. You'd have to make sure everything was prepared for if something happened.
   Going through your cupboards and closets, you emptied or organized them, to maybe hide the kids in. It wasn't much but you wanted to keep them safe.
  School would be in session soon and you needed to be sure that you were prepared.
    "Hey Lola! How are you today?" You greeted the young girl as she plopped into her desk.
  "I'm mad. Mommy told me that Skylar isn't coming to school today! And she is  like my bestest best friend!" You laughed as she threw her arms up in frustration.
   "Maybe that's what's best Little Lady. Don't worry though! We might play hide and seek later!" You said handing her a squishy ball to squeeze.
   Soon you had all of your kids for today. You may have called the parents and let them know of the risks and  Victor might not be impressed but you'd deal with his wrath later.
    Looking around you told the class of the plans today and gave them a math game to play in small groups. The door of course was locked along with the door stop.
   You gave each child an assignment, but made it a game so that they wouldn't be scared. You made Lola and Jaiden your captains who took care of their crew. If someone had to go to the bathroom you'd take a small group and leave the other group to watch the classroom. Then you'd come back and switch.
    That being said you were constantly checking in on Spencer. He didn't answer much but he did reassure you to his best ability. At least he had been.
   You didn't understand what was happening until you heard someone bump into the microphone in the office.
It made a terrible screaming noise before you heard Haley, the secretary announce that everyone had to take the school intruder precautions.
  Quickly you told the kids to go to their "bases" or hiding places. Jaiden and his team hid in the cupboards while Lola and hers hid in the closet.
  You? You stood next to the door out of sight. Earlier you'd put up a curtain so that if the guy did show up he couldn't look in.
   You heard the other kids in other classes asking what was going on and some of them were crying. You grimaced at the thought of their faces.
   You waited for a while before Victor came on.
  "I understand you are scared. I need you all to stay calm and keep the children safe. No matter what you hear, or see DO NOT leave your classrooms. Thank you that is all."
   Glancing around you began pushing some of the desks in front of the door. Then you ran over to the window and unlocked one. You didn't open it for fear of making your escape obvious. If you needed to get the kids out quickly you would.
   Pulling out your phone your dialed Spencers number. If you heard any evidence of the unsub he'd be on speed dial. That being said you told the kids to stay hidden and go over their "battle plans".
   Steadying your breathing you walked over to the door and stood next to it out of sight.
   It didn't take long before you heard screaming, a female. She was yelling about how it was the schools corrupt system that got her son killed. That if they had listened to protocol and protected him he'd still be alive.
  You gasped before calling Reid.
"Hello?" Shuddering you replied quietly.
  "The unsub is actually a woman. She has a dead son. He died in a school shooting or something similar." The other end was silent for a moment before you heard some scuffling.
   "Y/n?" You sighed as you recognised Hotch's voice.
  "Yes sir?"
"I need you to tell me what's going on." Before you could answer a loud gun shot was heard.
  "Y/n! Are you okay!" You heard Spencer panic.
   "I- I am fine. So are the kids. I don't know about the others though. The unsub. She's here Spencer and she's mad." You cried softly before another shot echoed throughout the building.
   "Y/n. We're on our way. Just stay safe. We're coming." You nodded before mumbling a soft 'okay' and hanging up.
   "YOU TEACHERS KILLED MY BABY! YOU DIDN'T PROTECT HIM! HE DIDN'T DESERVE TO DIE. HE WAS A CHILD!" you gasped as she wailed before shooting her gun again. Directly into your door.
  Gasping you waited. You heard her walk over to the door before pulling on the handle.
  "Oh. So you think you can protect them huh? With a measly door and a glass window with a fucking curtain? No way in hell."
  With that she put the gun against the glass with a 'clank'. Before you could react and loud ringing filled your ears as she pulled the trigger.
   Glass flew everywhere as the woman laughed. Thinking fast you grabbed a desk and faced it towards the window holding it in place. With her only way in temporarily blocked you called for Lola.
  "Lola honey! C'mere!" You whisper yelled as the small girl crawled out.
  "Ms. L/n what was that? It was really loud and we're scared." You smiled softly.
  "I know honey but I need you to get all of your classmates and take them to the 3rd window. Do you understand?" She nodded quickly rushing around.
   Sighing in relief you jumped when another gun shot sounded.
    Gritting your teeth you let go of the desk, glad it stayed.
   Helping Lola gather them all was much harder then you wanted it to be, but they were scared and that you understood.
   "Okay my little adventures, we're gonna do an escape mission. I want you all to climb out of this window and hide in the bushes until the good guys come okay?" They nodded and you shivered in relief. Once they were safe you could do what you needed to.
   Quickly you put them on the counter and they climbed out, the taller boys going first to help the shorter ones.
   Finally it was Lola's turn and she looked at you with big watery eyes.
  "Ms. L/n I'm scared." Your heart broke before you hugged her.
  "Me too. Don't worry though our knight is coming princess." She cried as you put her on the counter helping her out.
   "Be safe. Hide. Go!" They all nodded and ran off. As soon as you were sure they were safe you rushed to the door that connected to Mr. Groves room. Unlocking it you rushed in all the kids looked at you wide eyed.
  "Hey guys! It's okay you need to be really quiet and come with me okay?" They cried and looked over at their teacher and you nearly screamed at the sight.
He had gotten hit by a stray bullet or something and was bleeding out on the floor.
  "Okay. Okay come on. Quietly." They nodded rushing into your classroom. When you had them all you helped them out like you did your own, giving them the same instructions.
   Rushing back the other class you took off your jacket pressing it into Steve's chest.
  "Hey Steve. How are you?" You laughed awkwardly and he gurgled at you. Crying you kept pressure.
   "They're all safe. I helped them. It's okay." You smiled at him and he smiled lightly and you sobbed quietly as his life slowly seeped out onto your hands and jacket.
   Slowly pulled your hands away you jumped when you heard sniffling.
   Whipping around you looked under his desk finding a little boy.
  "Hey hey! What's your name handsome?" You asked quickly wiping the blood off.
  "C-christopher, b-but my mo-mommy calls m-me Chris." He sobbed.
   "Okay Chris why don't I help you out with your other friends?" The boy shook his head aggressively in a 'no' motion.
  "I can't." Your eyebrows raised before your eyes widened.
   "Christopher, are you paralyzed?" The boy nodded and you let out a breath.
  "Okay come here. I'll carry you." His eyes widened.
  "We, we can't go out there. The bad lady will shoot us!" You winced at his loud voice and he seemed to realize what he'd done because he began to softly cry.
   "Ahh honey it's okay. We won't move. We won't move." You hushed pulling him into you.
   You sat there for what felt like forever before you heard Derek talking down the Unsub.
  "Ma'am you don't want to do this! Put the gun down. Ma'am!" You and Christopher jumped when someone slammed into your classroom next door.
Pulling Christopher into your lap you held him close as he cried into your chest.
   "THEY KILLED HIM! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT. THEY KILLED HIM." You jumped at how close she seemed.
   Breathing out shakily you put Chris down gesturing for him to be quiet.
   Slowly you pulled yourself up. Glancing at the door connecting the rooms you saw it was partially opened.  
   Taking a deep breath you slowly made your way over jumping when the woman began to yell again.
   This was your chance. Running at the door you slammed it shut turning the lock.
   "YOU CAN'T PROTECT THEM!" She screamed slamming into the now locked door.
   Quickly you dragged a few desks to block her from entering. From there you unlocked the main door.
   "Chris, baby, I'm going to pick you up and I want you to close your eyes. Do you understand?" He nodded quickly tears bubbling up.
   "Okay come here honey." He dragged himself over to you and you quickly gathered him into your arms.
   "Okay you have to trust me. Just close your eyes." You hushed quickly and quietly opening the classroom door, as the women continued to bang and scream in yours.
   Rushing into the hall you saw Derek's eyes widen as you held Chris to your chest, the blood from Steve staining your outfit.
   "It's not mine!" You assured as you jogged to him, Chris hiding in your hair.
   "The kids are outside hiding in the bushes." You whispered once you were close enough so the woman wouldn't hear you.
   "Mr. Groves, she killed him. And Chris he's paralyzed." You informed as Derek ushered you behind him.
   "You need to get out of here. If she sees you she'll-" *BANG*
   You yelped in shock as the shot rang out.
   "Move in!" A man yelled followed by his team.
   Christopher held onto you sobbing into your dress. You held him close and hushed him, whispering reassurances into his ear.
    Derek led you outside and when you got there you were surrounded by police and EMT's.
     You handed Christopher off to one of the women, promising him he'd be okay. Then you ran over to the bushes and found both your students and Steve's.
     "Hey guys! Come one the good guys are here." You promised as Lola ran to you.
    "Hey princess." You murmured as she cried into your shoulder. The other kids surrounded you in a group hug.
     Standing up you held Lola to your chest.
    "Come on guys." You ushered them to the authorities.
     You were shocked when a woman mobbed you and began to cry as she held you and Lola.
     "Thank you! Thank you so much." She cried and you were to shocked to do anything.
     When she pulled away she held Lola's face in one hand and yours in the other.
      "You don't know me, but I know you. You saved my little boy Chris." She sniveled and you nodded.
    "Chris. Is he okay?" You asked as you set Lola down next to you keeping ahold of her hand.
     "Yes thanks to you. He's a little shaken up of course but thank you!" She continued.
     You nodded before you led her to an ambulance where Chris was sitting.
     "Hey Chris. This is Lola. You mind if she stays with you and your mom?" You asked as you brushed Lola's hair back.
    He nodded patting the spot next to him.
    "Thank you. Lola honey I'll be right back." You assured her before turning to scan the crowd, looking for Spencer. 
     When you found him you rushed to him. Calling out his name, he turned, and you ran into his arms.
    "Spencer." You wept lightly and he held you, wrapping his arms around you as he held you tightly.
    "You did it." He whispered and you nodded.
     "We did it." You told him pulling away.
   He nodded and kissed your forehead.
   "You're amazing." He murmured.
  You shuddered lightly.
    "Amazingly gross. I- I need to change. Steve..." You muttered and he nodded.
    "I think JJ might have a change of clothes.... Or I could ask Penelope?" He suggested and you nodded hating the blood on your clothes.
   Leading you towards his team mates, he kissed your forehead.
    When you got there Derek clapped you on the shoulder, congratulating you for your quick thinking.
    Hotch nodded to you in respect and Emily and JJ fretted over you.
    Emily gave you one of her shirts, and you borrowed a pair of sweats from Morgan.
    "Thanks guys." You smiled tightly as Spencer held you to his side, one arm wrapped around your waist.
    Leaning into his shoulder you closed your eyes. Today definitely didn't go to plan.
     You found out later after you asked what happened, that the woman was named Marissa Timmins. Her son was killed in a school shooting after one of the teachers snapped.
     The boy was eight. The snap occured after she found out that the man who'd killed her child was going with an insanity plea.
    That being said the gunshot you'd heard was her... well taking her life into her own hands.
    Everyone was deemed okay but were understandably shaken up. Luckily no children were harmed. Haley was being treated for a gunshot wound to her hip and Victor had been shot in the abdomen but was rushed to the hospital.
     It seemed the only casualties this time were Steve and Marissa.
   That night Spencer had taken you home and stayed with you the entire time, which the team understood. Several parents sent you thank you cards, and so did the kids. School had been cancelled for the rest of the week so you slept in, or tried to.
    The nightmares weren't helping but waking up in Spencer's arms calmed your racing heart.
     You were glad you had him. So glad. That being said Steve's funeral was on Thursday, and then despite how everyone else felt you attended Marissa's as well.
Maybe it was to see how her family saw her before she lost her child, maybe it was to try and get to know her for who she had been, or maybe it was so you could put a face to the woman who'd killed so many people.
It was closed casket for her, but the pictures showed enough. As for Steve's, well you felt terrible. Seeing his wife and two daughters, it broke your heart.
You offered your condolences and Mrs. Groves held you for a long time. She thanked you for being there for him in his final moments.
Spencer waited for you both times, ready to hold you as you sobbed.
You never understood how Spencer could do this, see people die, day in and day out but you loved him for it.
Standing on your tip toes you pecked him on the lips.
"Let's go home?" You asked and nodded walked around the car and opening your door.
"Let's go home." He confirmed kissing your cheek.
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namjoon-koya · 3 years
Do you watch Gakuen Babysitters? My favorite character is Kotaro who’s this sweet lil bean that’s usually quiet but he’s adorable! 🥰 I was wondering if you can do hc’s Hawks, Sero, Aizawa, and Tetsutetsu reacting to a fem!s/o’s baby brother visiting her in class or going to the teacher’s office to drop off her bento she forgot. All these up and coming pro hero’s or pro hero’s are just vibing and doing their thing but suddenly, this chubby lil intruder comes in with a bag for his sister and told her she forgot something. Let them die of cutness as she gives her baby bro “up’s”, kissing his face, and just seeing how caring she is to him. (For Hawks, I can see him being confused when there’s a little kid standing at his crush’s office but he’s too smol to reach the handle, so he lets him in)
(A/N: yess I’ve seen it. It’s a really adorable anime tbh :)
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I can just imagine he’s running late because he forgot to put his alarm in the morning or forgot to put AM instead of PM.
Obviously though he’s going to fly to the agency because it’s quicker and he often likes viewing the city during the mornings too.
So when he makes it to the agency (Yes he’s going to go through the entrance bEcause his boss told him he couldn’t fly to his office anymore)
He’s greeted by some pro heroes as he walks in and of course with his million dollar smile he greets them back.
It’s a habit don’t blame him, but sometimes his eyes will wander to your office checking if you’re there since you always made his days better especially while being at work.
So what made him so confused today was seeing a child standing outside your office with a bento box in one hand and trying to reach the door handle with the other.
He’s going to look around and see if he sees their parents, but when he doesn’t he hesitantly walks up to the child.
The small little munchkin didn’t even notice him.. wow hawks thought he must really want to get inside your office if he doesn’t notice someone behind him..
“Yo.” He said getting the child’s attention. The child looked up at him before pointing at the door “do you know them?” Hawks asked shoving his hands into his pockets.
The child didn’t answer and only pointed at the door again, Hawks sighed. He opened the door to see you working on a few papers “huh? Hawks I thought you weren’t coming I didn’t see you in the morning.”
He chuckled “forgot to put my alarm this morning, but.. I got someone here for you.”
You cocked your head to the side seeing hawks bend down and pick something up once he was in full view you saw it was your baby brother?! What the heck was he even doing here?!
“A-Ah! What are you doing here all alone?!” You asked rushing to Hawk’s side.
Your brother only held out a Bento box “huh? I forgot my lunch.. t-thank you.” You said taking it from him and placing it on your desk “But that doesn’t answer the question how’s your get here?”
Suddenly you saw your mom and dad walk in the office “don’t worry Y/N he was with us, but he was really determined to deliver the bento box to you so we just decided to let him go.” You sighed in relief taking your brother out of hawk’s arms.
Your brother only wrapped his arms around your neck “I’m not mad at you, but you just really scared me for a moment.” You said placing a kiss on his cheek.
Hawks just.. blushes because he didn’t even realize how good you were with kids until he saw how you interacted with your brother.. and now he’s thinking if you’d be the same if you two had a family (NOT THAT HE WAS THINKING THAT FAR AHEAD YET) but still seeing you with a child just made his heart explode.
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You two had a bet on who would take care of the little monsters of class 1A if one of you two lost.
Of course luck wasn’t on your side today and it had to be you “Good luck.” Aizawa mocked you “shUt up.” You said leaving to go to the classroom.
Honestly you didn’t mind though all the students in 1A adored you even Bakugou did! He always seemed to listen to strategies you gave them and even tried them out.
Aizawa of course was happily making his way to the teachers lounge when he noticed a very small child walking through the hallways while holding a bento box and he was like uH..
He saw Toshinori eyeing the child carefully too.. “hey Toshinori who’s child is that?” He asked walking beside him.
“He’s Y/N’s little brother his parents told me Y/N forgot her lunch at home and he was really determined to come drop it off..” Aizawa sighed.
“Does he even know where she is?” Toshinori only shrugged “I tried helping him.. he simply refused remind you of anyone?” He joked.
Obviously Toshinori and Aizawa are going to help lead the little munchkin to where class 1A was and once they made it Aizawa quietly and carefully opened the door a bit allowing your brother to slip right in.
As you were teaching you noticed a few students had drifted their eyes to the ground and some seemed to be blushing at something as well.. you looked down and saw your brother holding out the bento box.. HOW THE HECK WAS YOUR BROTHER HERE?!
“Huh?! What are you doing here?!” Of course he wasn’t going to answer you and still continued to hold out your lunch. You sighed and picked him up in your arms suddenly everyone started asking questions some asked if he was your child and some asked if you had a husband and you’re like “P-Please stop asking so many questions.”
The door fully opened and you saw Aizawa and Toshinori standing outside “Shōta? Toshinori? What are you guys doing here?” You asked as the students still continued to ask questions.
“You’re parents said you forgot your lunch today and your brother wanted to drop it off for you. Don’t worry they’re still in the office.” Toshinori clarified.
You let out a sigh before kissing your brother on his cheek “what am I going to do with you?”
Aizawa.ExE has stopped working.
Literally he’s seen the way you are with kids especially teenagers (often he can’t even deal with class 1A) and yet here you are having motherly instincts already and he feels like dying seeing it.
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You were in a rush to get to school since you woke up late and didn’t even realize you had forgotten your lunch today.
Since your house wasn’t that far from UA you made it on time to class.
“Whoa! Y/N you only had 3 minutes to last before school started!” Sero said coming up to you.
“I-I forgot to put my alarm today my mom was the one who woke me up on time thankfully.” You said panting between words as you tried catching your breath.
“Dumbass that’s why you sleep early.” You heard Bakugou comment from behind you.
“Excuse me for not sleeping at 8 o’clock everyday Bakugou.” You sassed back at him.
Finally class had started at everyone was seated down in their seats as Aizawa started going over a few lessons. Everyone was writing down notes as Aizawa wrote things up on the chalkboard.
For the most part it was quiet everyone was so focused that they didn’t even hear the door open up quietly Aizawa stopped talking and that’s when everyone looked up at him only to see a child standing next to him holding a bento box.
Everyone started mumbling asking who the child belonged to, suddenly they noticed the child finally notice someone they recognized he started walking over to where you were, but you didn’t even notice your brother until you heard a soft “neechan.” You looked up finally.
“Huh? What? How on earth did you get here?” You said as he walked over to your desk and held out the bento box. You picked him up and placed him in your lap everyone gathered around your desk to take a closer look at your brother.
“Wow Y/N! He definitely has your eyes!” Mina commented.
“He doesn’t seem to smile much does he?” Midoriya asked.
“He’s really quiet and shy the most of the time you informed.
Sero, Kirishima, Bakugou, and Kaminari sat in the back observing everyone.
Sero couldn’t help, but blush at the way you acted motherly to your brother. He knew it was still too early to think about kids in the future, but man he knew you’d make a great mom..
“Sero don’t tell me you’re thinking about..” Kirishima commented.
“I-I’m not!”
“Sure you’re not dumbass we can see it written all over your face.”
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You tend to forget a lot of things at times especially when you’re too focused on school.
You didn’t even realize that you had forgotten your lunch at home! And throughout the day you still couldn’t remember about it.
As you sat in class some students chattered away (especially Monoma and doing his dramatic laugh as always) you continued to gaze out the window until Tetsutetsu came up to you.
The both of you had always been close especially on the first day of school he actually just came up to you and started talking to you about random things.
It felt nice having him around he talked about Kirishima (who had a really similar quirk to his) and how their internship went.
You tended to listen more than talk you weren’t really a talkative person, but you always did pay attention to someone when they were telling you a story and something that happened to them yesterday.
You suddenly heard a gasp from Monoma he went to the front of the classroom and picked up something “now now who’s child is this?” He said holding them.
That’s when you saw it was your brother “Monoma!” You said getting up from your seat and walking over to him “don’t hold my brother like that! You have to hold kids gently.” You said grabbing your brother from him and carrying him in a more comfortable position.
“Hey what does he have?” Tetsutetsu asked walking up beside you, your brother said “neechan.” While holding the bento box he was carrying “h-huh? I guess I forgot my lunch.. aw you saved the day for me didn’t you? Look at you, you might already beat the number one hero.” You said kissing his cheek.
Everyone just smiled at the affection you were giving your brother, but Tetsutetsu was thinking other things.. you definitely had a good connection with children and definitely had good motherly instincts.. God he didn’t think he could fall more deeper in love with you..
“Tetsutetsu~ are you blushing because you’re thinking of the future with a certain someone?” Kendo teased.
“N-No! Stop reading my thoughts!”
640 notes · View notes
anika-ann · 3 years
No Strings Attached - Pt.1
Y/N vs. The Mutual Crash
Type: Modern-college-professor AU x CHUCK, part of Attached series More info here and on the Attached masterlist
Pairing: professor!Steve Rogers x reader   Word count: 2900
Summary for the series: When you literally run into a cute guy named Chuck in school hallway, you soon learn there is much more to him than meets the eye. Unfortunately for you, you learn the hard way.
What’s worse, the encounter sets events in motion you couldn’t imagine in your wildest dreams – and it make you question everything you know.
Warnings: for this chapter - tiny bit of 18+ nsfw smut in the beginning though it’s barely there, swearing, mention of a migraine... that’s it?
A/N: Just so I don’t spook you, we’ll start off easy… with a 2,9k chapter… enjoy and thank you if you’re giving this crossover a chance. You don’t need any knowledge of Chuck, not realy.
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Attached & No Strings Attached masterlist
⊱-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦ ✉ ◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-⊰
Almost as soon as you woke up, there was a feeling in your gut; today was going to be strange. Strange in a way that you might not be entirely able to put a finger on, nothing all that special happening, but even though it was only half past six, you knew it was going to be one of those days.
Maybe it was the fact that you cautiously dropped a forehead kiss on Steve’s still sleeping form only to find out he was very much awake. His arms swiftly took a hold of your waist and pulled you on top of him, drawing a startled yelp from your lips, which he quickly silenced by a passionate good-morning kiss.
Maybe it was the fact that you nearly ended up being late.
You were not the only one waking up with a peculiar mood. After Steve’s kiss stole all air from your lungs, he was rolling the pair of you over, trapping you against the mattress, arousal evident, hands wandering and sneaking under your sleepshirt, trailing higher and higher until they reached one of his favourite playgrounds. The rest was history; it was quick and little sloppy but undeniably lustful. Still, it led to mutual satisfaction and to not having even remotely enough time to get ready for the day.
Maybe it was the e-mail Bucky sent yesterday at almost 10 p.m. informing his students that there would be a last-minute change of classroom, because special guests were coming to give a lecture. A lecture that started at 8 a.m.. You hated early morning classes; the only thing making them bearable was Bucky, because he was a damn good and funny professor.
God knew if the guests were about to be a blessing or a punishment. Either way, you had a hunch today was going to turn out kinda weird.
And you only had that confirmed as you rushed through the corridors, the home-made coffee in your opened thermo cup in hand—and suddenly it was gone.
Because you crashed into someone. Well, someone crashed into you. It was a mutual crash.
Point being – a hiss of pain escaped your lips, cup slipping from your fingers as the last remnants of coffee stained it, hands thrown in the air—only to slap the person’s shoulder in the process, because they happened to be in the way.
“Dammit!” you cursed, shaking your hand to distract yourself form the mild burn.
You eyed the puddle of brown liquid at your feet before your gaze moved up, noticing a few droplets on your jeans, and finally you fixed your gaze on your crashmate.
A relatively tall brunet stared at you, dark eyes wide, an apologetic expression on his face.
“I’m sorry!” you both blurted out at the same time.
Short awkward silence followed as you just kept staring at each other, unable to utter a word. And then you chuckled at the absurdity.
You noticed the guy’s lips curling up in a brief smile as you shook your head and went to find tissues in your backpack.
It wasn’t funny – more like annoying, actually. But you did find it funny. Maybe it was because you had a perfectly steamy morning quickie with your fiancé, making you giddy. Maybe it was because this guy, dressed in a grey shirt and black dress pants was kinda cute, the dark curls of his hair causing him to look rather endearing and charming at the same time and—he was smiling too. There was an air around him; a very friendly air.
“Oh, no, let me help!” he rushed to crouch by the offending puddle before you could even open your backpack and you swiftly lowered yourself too.
“It’s no problem, the cup was pretty much empty, luckily…” you mumbled, shooting him a forgiving smile. He met your eyes, one corner of his lips rising higher.
Oh no. He really was cute.
Now, after the mess with Daniel, you were wary of cute guys, even if it came to innocent flirting. But this one, your crashmate… well. There was something about him screaming ‘trust me’; with Daniel, when you looked back at your first encounter, everything screamed ‘smug jerk’.
The brunet reached for the pack of paper tissues you were holding and so you shrugged, handing him some. If he wanted to help, who were you to stop him? It was both yours and his fault.
“Well, I’m glad it wasn’t full and I didn’t go all Hugh Grant on you,” he uttered as you both worked.
You stared at his Converses for a full second and then it hit you, drawing a surprised laughed from you.
“Was that a Nothing Hill reference? Am I Julia Roberts in this scenario?”
He smiled unsurely at you, seeming rather embarrassed – but seeing your expression, he relaxed. “Yeah, but luckily, you’re not, because the cup was almost empty. Still sorry about the coffee though.”
Picking up the soaked tissues, you went to find the nearest trash can.
“Well, if I-“ didn’t let my fiancé fuck me raw when I was supposed to be getting ready for the day-  “-was watching where I was going, this wouldn’t have happened, so we’re good,” you assured him.
“Are you sure that I shouldn’t, eh,” he pointed somewhere behind him vaguely in a sweeping gesture, smile a smidge shy, ”run to the cafeteria or something to buy you a fresh cup?”
Alert! A guy’s asking you out!
And alert it was; after the fiasco with Daniel, you made it a point to cut things off before they could develop into a sticky situation.
“Oh! That’s really nice of you…?”
You didn’t remember seeing him around before. New student? An exchange student? Because it always went so well with those…
“Right, Chuck. Nice to meet you,” you quickly uttered, introducing yourself as well. “But I don’t really--- I, eh-“
You gave up and just awkwardly showed off your left hand. The beautiful ring that once belonged to Steve’s mother – and goddammit, wasn’t it still making you feel all soft and fuzzy – sitting on your ring finger.
Chuck’s gaze zeroed on the jewellery for a moment and then it seemed that something clicked in his brain. He swiftly raised his hands in a no harm gesture, brief panic crossing over his face.
”Oh no! That’s not what I meant, though--- congratulations, but I really didn’t mean to ask you out or something-“ he babbled, hands clenching and unclenching, toying with the belt-loops of his pants the next moment.
You felt your cheeks heat up. Was he trying to cover for the fact that he was embarrassed for wanting to ask you out or had you totally misjudged this situation?
“-though this totally was a meet-cute if I’ve ever seen one and it’s not that you’re not good-looking, I mean attractive and beautiful, because of course you are-“
Oh god, he wasn’t cute.
He was an adorable disaster! You didn’t even care what the truth was at this point.
“-but obviously you’re engaged and I really wasn’t making a move or anything—and I’m gonna have to stop talking right now,” he finished breathlessly, closing his eyes with a self-depreciating smile, his chest rising and falling as he was trying to calm down.
Your cheeks burned from smiling so wide, a cackle fighting its way past your lips. Even if you didn’t want to laugh at him.
“Okay, Chuck. I think I get what you’re saying,” you assured him and because he was clearly adorable, he warily cracked one eye open as if to check if the embarrassing situation you two found yourself in went away. When he noticed your smile, his tense shoulders relaxed, both eyes opening.
“I’m glad. I’m sorry for embarrassing us both. I might as well be that guy from Nothing Hill…”
You laughed – like honestly, nearly having to clutch your belly, laughed. You couldn’t help it.
“Well, you’re charming enough. But I’m afraid I’m no movie star in hiding.”
“You’re cute enough to be one, no discussion here,” he said, his twinkling eyes gave your face a very quick once-over. Somehow, you found his compliment both funny and flattering. A lopsided grin appeared on his face, twisting into a grimace as he hesitantly raised his finger. “But, if we’re talking meet-cutes, I’m afraid I’m more of a Richard Gere here… I got a little bit lost. Point me the right direction, please?”
Whoa, he was stepping up, talking Pretty Woman now. You really liked that dorky comment though.
“Where you headin’?”
You blinked in surprise, wondering if you heard wrong. Because that was where you were heading.
“Oh? Interesting…” you muttered, earning a curious head tilt from him. Glancing again at your jeans, you grimaced. Those stains had to go… guess direction would have to do. “Yeah, that one is a little tricky… and dumb. You have to go through 2.33. Not that there’s any badge on the door on anything.”
He gasped theatrically. “Tricky!”
“I know! It’s a test of our interhuman skills; can’t really finding without asking someone first. I’ll see you there, I suppose, gotta clean up the cup and… well, me.”
“I’m sorry, again. And thank you,” Chuck said politely, sending you a final smile.
“You’re welcome, Chuck.”
Here’s a thing about hunches: sometimes, they come true.
Being run down in a hallway was nothing too weird, oh no. Not even when a funny charming guy was involved.
Things only got weird when you entered the lecture hall and finally realized why was Chuck heading to the same room as you did. He stood next to Bucky at the professor’s stand, quietly talking to a stunning blond woman in a dress suit and glasses.
Feeling blood rushing to your head, setting your cheeks aflame in embarrassment, you went to find a seat, noticing everyone was sitting with a space of at least three seats between them and never behind. As if you were about to write an extremely important test. Great.
Could this day get any better?
Two taps sounded through the room as Bucky tried the microphone.
“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Well, good for some of us, at least,” Bucky stated, unmistakably finding you in the crowd as if he knew exactly how your morning went – at least the part before you left the apartment. You wanted to sink through the floor – and wasn’t that a familiar feeling under Bucky’s knowing gaze. “Find your seats, please, so we can start. We have some special guests from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today with us to present you a special program you can apply to, so… you know. Pay attention. They’ll tell you the rest.”
Oh, so you had run into a guy from Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Spectacular.
To be fair, he had been a dork. How were you supposed to tell he was important?! He was still pretty cute standing there.
Also: the blonde by his side? Yeah. You understood now why he reacted the way he did earlier. Because if he knew a woman like that, the idea he was trying to ask you out – or anyone, really – was laughable. Hell, you’d ask her out.
“Morning, my name is Charles Carmichael and this is my colleague, Sarah Walker,” Chuck started off pleasantly, if little nervous from having all eyes on him.
“Like your professor said, we’re here to present you… with an opportunity to get a training for special analyst in one of departments. And before you ask why we’re ambushing a history class when we’re looking to fill an analyst vacancy…”
Several people laughed and you did too – he sounded like the guy from the hallway, only a bit more presentable.
“-it’s because we really talk about this with pretty much every student on this university, so you can see we have a lot of presentations still ahead. Anyway, I’m gonna talk a bit about the program and about our ministry in general, so… yeah. Please listen carefully and watch carefully too. Spoiler: it’s important. Thanks.”
The lights dimmed and he started the presentation, slowly pulling you in and making you forget the incident in the hallway.
And despite his charming ways… the presentation was rather strange too.
It was just one of those strange days.
⊱-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦ ✉ ◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-⊰
You didn’t think there would be anything to add insult to the injury, to turn into the so-called cherry on top.
You were wrong.
Chuck, or Charles Carmichael, was an alright presenter. He remained a dorky character, only enough to hold all of the students’ attention, that was quite okay. It was the pictures that appeared in between those images that felt perfectly in place, that were… just weird. Like… a rose. A beach. New York skyline. Pictures that were not at all related to what he was talking about. He always played it off as a joke – supposedly placing them there to keep you on your toes – but there was something that just felt… off.
And during what you later found out was like the last third of the presentation, you felt a headache starting to build. Not a terribly intense one, but strong enough to be fairly annoying and insistent on bugging you, just above your eyebrows. You couldn’t remember your head ever hurting in such way.
Then things got worse; you indeed got a test to complete. The nice people from Ministry of Foreign Affairs told you not to worry about getting it wrong affecting your marks in your course, obviously, so you didn’t, not really.
But it was hard to ignore that it was the weirdest fucking test you had ever seen.
In each task, pick five of ten words you associate with the word in question, read the instructions. Which on its own could be considered strange, but… it was the supposedly associated words that truly confused the heck out of you.
For ‘rose’ there were clear answers like ‘thorn’ and ‘flower’. The rest of the offered words? Non-sense. Like—utter nonsense. Bulldog, Victoria, Sao Paolo, camp, mirror, Tower Bridge, eagle, heroin. You stared at the words, reading them over and over, the pressure in your forehead growing more vexing by the minute.
For some inexplicable reason, your mind kept on gravitating towards the Sao Paolo, eagle and heroin; surprisingly vivid images of each flashing behind your eyelids as you closed them to relieve the headache. The light was starting to hurt your eyes despite being rather low. It was irritating.
Deciding the stupid test didn’t matter, you went with the first thing that came to your mind for each question, finishing among the firsts. It was rather relieving to see everyone’s face as confused as you imagined your looked.
Leaving the class, you spared Chuck one last glance, finding him staring at you with eyebrows furrowed; brief glance at Bucky told you why, for he wore the very same expression. It seemed that you weren’t very good at masking your suffering. You attempted a lame smile, knowing that you were about to ditch the class that followed.
Catching up with Linda, one of the girls who were with you in Callahan’s class, you begged her to give him your apology; the headache was turning into a splitting damn migraine.
Linda shot you a compassionate smile and assured you she would vouch for you looking absolutely terrible and having no other option than leaving.
“Thanks,” you chuckled weakly, nails digging into your palms as a mild case of vertigo threatened to throw you completely off balance.
“Hey, do you want me to call someone? Take you to the infirmary?” Linda worried, sporting a textbook example of having concern written all over her face. “Not joking, you do look like you’re gonna pass out. Rogers’ gonna be out for blood if he finds out I talked to you and let you wander off in this state.”
The image of Steve stalking down the hallway with an exasperated expression on his face searching for your classmate seemed rather amusing; but that was unlikely to happen.
“Nah, he should be all sunshine. Lots of endorphins released this morning,” you mumbled, absently rubbing at your forehead.
You only realized what you said when a dramatic silence followed, soon broken by Linda’s snort of laughter. The shock of you blatantly revealing something like that in your compromised state helped you to focus a bit more, bringing some clarity to your vision.
“I so didn’t need to know that. Good thing I have Callahan now and not him, I wouldn’t be able to look him in the eye. I’d be imagining him shirtless with a perfect case of bed hair. Gosh, you’re such a lucky bitch.”
“Don’t I know it,” you offered with another weak smile.
“I’m sure you do,” she hummed, lightly patting your shoulder. “Now you get home safe and get some rest.”
“Thank you, Linda. Really.” She only shrugged it off as if it was nothing. The friendly display brought an honest smile to your face and caused you to perk up enough to joke. “Oh, and Steve usually sleeps in a t-shirt, sorry to break it to you. But his bed hair is dreamy.”
“…I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.”
She would have if you added that the rumour about Professor Rogers being true. That he was indeed packing.
With a smirk at that thought alternating with a grimace whenever a sharp pain hit the back of your head, you headed home.
⊱-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦ ✉ ◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-⊰
Part 2
Chuck characters
⊱-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦ ✉ ◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-⊰
Thank you for reading :-*
In case you missed one of my way too many announcements, in Chuck, every episode was named Chuck vs. Something. I decided to keep the theme and go against my usual not-so-frequent use of Y/N in my stories.
P.S. – if any of this felt familiar to Chuck fans, know, some of the plot is a big nod to episode 1x07 Chuck vs. the Alma Mater. It’s one of my faves for many reasons – the plot, hilarious lines, the LOTR references… Honestly, they had me at this scene (0:05 – 0:25  though you can watch the full 2 min, obviously)  
Anika Ann out
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road less travelled - m. tkachuk
I was throwing together a list of ideas yesterday, and this one stuck out to me for some reason. So I started writing, thankfully had a pretty free weekend, and finished today! It was a fun piece to right, I hope you all enjoy it! As always, I read all my tags, so reblogs are a writer’s best friend! You’re also more than welcome to come into my inbox and yell at me if that’s more your speed.
word count: 4.5k+
March 18 (thurs)
Elsie couldn’t believe she had gotten herself in this situation again. Every time she woke up in his bed she swore it was the last time, but one drunken mistake turned into another, which turned into a threepeat, and now she wasn’t so sure it had been a mistake in the first place. There was just something about Matthew Tkachuk, something so intoxicating that she was able to ignore the every fiber of her being that was screaming at her to stop this, stop things before it turned sour. Stop it before her brother found out. 
It had been easy enough to keep things from Johnny when they first started hooking up; they’d meet at a crowded bar, somewhere where the cover of anonymity was all but guaranteed, or a late-night text, a few words by the other communicating everything they needed to know. He was lonely. And Elsie Gaudreau was the only one who could help. It had been easy enough to keep things from Johnny at the start, but then they started texting before 11 PM, and then they decided they were exclusive, and then, Matty decided that it was about time that they put a label on it. And suddenly it wasn’t so easy to keep their secret anymore. 
The team knew that he was seeing someone, but much to everyone’s surprise, he had said precious little about their relationship. He called her Leigh in the locker room, or out with the boys — her grandmother’s middle name, one he felt toed the line as well as possible between complete fabrication and some semblance of the truth — and they knew the couple had been together for a few months, that she made him laugh, and that he was more into her than they had seen him act with anyone in recent memory. She didn’t come to events because she was shy, Matthew said, and he didn’t want to subject her to the kind of spotlight he knew she might be scrutinized under the moment they went public. He wasn’t lying when he said she’d been to games — Elsie usually made it to a few a month, usually on Johnny’s invitation — but left out the part where she wore the number 13 in the stands instead of 19, or where she caught a ride home with her brother after media availability instead of her boyfriend, the man she’d been sleeping with for the past five months. 
“Leaving already?” Matty mumbled, slinging one arm over her waist as Elsie tried to sit up. 
She twisted over, kissing him softly. His stubble tickled her cheek. “Got class, remember?” Of course he remembered. Class was the whole reason she was in Alberta; most of it, at least. She had done her undergrad in astrophysics at Wellesley in Massachusetts, and when the time had come for her to decide where to do her graduate studies, Johnny had been all too quick to offer up Calgary. “It’s a great program!” he had said. And it was, but Elsie also had her doubts that her brother knew much about astronomy beyond the ability to find the Great Dipper on a clear day. They had always been close, even when he went to go play in Dubuque when she was 13, but their time together had naturally been more than a little limited ever since he turned pro. So when the opportunity arose for them to be in the same city full-time for the first time in a decade, he was jumping at the prospect of being able to look after his younger sister again. And, especially after he offered to pay her tuition, she wasn’t about to say no. International fees didn’t come cheap. 
Matty groaned, pawing at her hand as she got up from the bed, throwing the covers back over him. “Do you have to go?” he whined. 
Elsie rolled her eyes. “It’s an 8 AM, and it’s,” she glanced at her watch, “already 7. I’d love to stay in bed with you, babe, but I’ve still got to eat and get dressed and grab all my stuff. Plus, it’s at least fifteen minutes to drive and find a place to park, so I’ve got to build that in too.”
“I still think it’s dumb that they make you pay to park at your own school. You’re already paying tuition, plus you TA that one course, so it’s not like you’re doing nothing for them,” he said.
“It’s dumb,” she agreed.
Matthew clicked his tongue. “It’s highway robbery, is what it is, Els.”
She laughed, bending over the bed to run a hand through his curls. She loved those curls. “Be that as it may, Matty dear, I’ve still got to get there on time. Experimental space physics waits for no man.” 
He pouted. “Fine.”
Elsie shot him a sympathetic look. “I’ll try to swing by after my classes let out, how does that sound?”
“Can’t. Johnny and some of the guys are going to be over after morning skate, we’re going out to lunch then they’re coming back here. I’ll call you if they don’t stay too late?” he proposed, looking over at her. 
She gave a tight smile. “Works for me.”
Matthew couldn’t believe he had managed to keep things from Johnny for as long as he had. As pretty much anyone could tell you, he was the world’s worst secret-keeper off the ice, and even more so when it came to his friends. And every time Johnny would lean over to him in the locker room, showing him a picture Elsie had posted on Instagram, or recount a story from the intro astronomy class she TA’d, he had to bite his lip and pretend like he hadn’t been the one to take the picture, or he hadn’t been the first to hear about the kid who didn’t believe you couldn’t see the Southern Cross from Alberta. As much as Matthew hated it, he knew that part of what made his relationship with Elsie so exhilarating was the illicit nature of the whole thing. Something about sneaking around with your best friend’s little sister made everything that much more exciting. 
The first time they hooked up hadn’t been a mistake, but it hadn’t been planned in any possible sense of the word. Elsie had moved to Calgary in August, a few weeks before everyone had stated trickling back into Alberta for training camp. Matthew was pretty sure it was mostly Johnny not wanting her to only be surrounded by “space nerds” — his words, not Matty’s, because while he had endless admiration for his sister’s dedication and academic skill, he understood approximateky 0.2% of what she was studying — all day, so by late September or so, she had established herself as a core member of the Flames’ “going-out” group. Which led to one particular night at a bar in October, with Johnny having already headed home thanks to an early breakfast with his fiancée and most of the rest of the group leaving around midnight. And it was a Friday, so Elsie had let herself have a few more drinks than usual; the team didn’t have practice until noon, so Matthew let himself shrug off any worry of a hangover. And Matty and Elsie already knew each other, so they got to talking, then they got to drinking, then they got to kissing. And then Elsie cancelled her Uber to get into Matthew’s, and before she knew it they were stumbling through his doorway, her fingers tangled in his curls and her legs wrapped around his waist as he walked her back to his bedroom.
There were a few people who knew the truth, and only a few people. Matthew had Brady and his mom. His logic being, as soon as Brady knew he was even vaguely interested in someone, he never took no for an answer and would have annoyed her name out of him regardless of whether or not he was being particularly forthcoming with any personal information. His mom because if he needed any advice, if he needed someone to turn to that wasn’t the incredibly vague commentary he gave the boys in the locker room, he wanted to have someone there who wouldn’t judge him and would have his best interests at heart. Okay, scratch that. Chantal definitely judged him, lifting her eyebrows over FaceTime as he called to break the news. She knew Elsie from the one trip with Johnny she’d made out to St. Louis and the times the Tkachuks had travelled up to Canada to visit the boys, and as much as she told Matthew that keeping it a secret was just about the worst thing he could do to his friend, she couldn’t say she was exactly surprised he had fallen for Elsie. 
Elsie had Ines, her best friend from college. It was easier with her, much more straightforward with a lot fewer of the conflicts of interest she felt she got with talking with anyone in the “hockey world.” Ines knew hockey, she obviously had met Johnny and some of the other boys before. Wellesley was only a twenty-five minute drive away from the Boston city center, so the one time a year the Bruins played Calgary at home she’d go with Elsie. But Ines was compassionate, objective, and one of the smartest people Elsie had ever met in her life. She didn’t have any stake in the matter that wasn’t named Elsie Gaudreau, and she wasn’t about to mince her words because she was afraid of what Matty — or Johnny for that matter — would think. So there were people who knew, but the list was very short and, at least for the time being, they wanted to keep it that way.
For anyone on the outside looking in, who didn’t know them as well, they might have said that it was a long time coming. “It” being Matthew and Elsie’s relationship. And, if she was being honest, Elsie might have agreed. She knew Matty since he joined the team; he and her brother were thick as thieves from the beginning, and he’d visited them on the East Coast pretty much every summer since his rookie year. Visited Johnny. Not her. Johnny had made it crystal-clear from the beginning that under no circumstances was their relationship ever allowed to proceed beyond friendly. 
And it didn’t. For four years, almost, it didn’t. Sure, Elsie may have carried a torch for him from the moment they were introduced, but she was far too concerned about Matty’s physical and mental well-being to pursue anything. Even if, once or twice, she could have sworn that he felt something too. But then she moved to Calgary for grad school, and Johnny started bringing her out with the boys, and she finally got to see him in his element, really in his element. She got to see Alternate Captain Matthew Tkachuk, the one who’d go to the ends of the earth for his team, who would score goals and drop gloves and do whatever needed to be done whenever it needed to be done. And it didn’t hurt that Matty looked hot as fuck whenever he got into fights, his curls flying as he stuffed his helmet under an arm, skating over to the penalty box. It only hurt that she had let herself fall for him.
March 22 (mon)
Johnny was over at Matthew’s apartment; he had come over under a pretense of going over some tape from their last road trip, but it had quickly devolved into a very heated game of Super Smash Bros before the pair took a break for dinner. “Dude, your laundry’s in the way,” Johnny said as he made his way to the bathroom, Matthew staring at the half-cooked pot of pasta on his stove. 
“It’s clean, you can just dump it in my room,” he called down the hall. He didn’t hear the tell-tale click of the bathroom door, so he looked down the hallway, only to be greeted by a site he hoped he’d never have to see. 
A conspiratorial grin on his face, Johnny held a black, lacy pair of panties between two fingers. His sister’s panties. The half-second it took for Matthew to reach, jumping forward and grabbing them out of his hands, unfortunately wasn’t enough. He held them behind his back, almost as if he was hoping that if Johnny couldn’t see them, they weren’t really there. 
“Leigh’s?” he asked, raising one eyebrow. 
Matthew rubbed his temples with the hand that wasn’t holding the panties. “Yeah. Just...Pretend you never saw those, okay?” 
Johnny rolled his eyes. “Who would I tell? The boys? They wouldn’t care. You? You already know. Elsie?” Matthew froze. “She’d just slap me and get mad at invading your privacy.”
“And you are,” Matthew mumbles, stuffing the panties into his back pocket. 
Johnny’s brow furrowed; he leaned up against the doorframe. “Seriously, though, Chucky. What’s going on with you and this girl? You know everyone respects your decision to keep things quiet and private, but I’m your best friend on the team.” The look on his face betrayed the hurt he felt inside. “I would have thought you’d say something, to me at least.”
Matthew let out a deep breath. How was he going to talk his way out of this one? “I know, and I feel bad that it seems like I’ve been keeping things from you.” But he was keeping things. Very important things. “I think with Leigh and I, we just want to take things slow, make sure what we have is real. And I think it is,” he said, hazarding a glance at his friend. “I don’t know if it’s love, yet, but I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way about a girl before. But we both agree that we need to know before we open it up to the opinions of the rest of the world, before she gets shoved into the public eye. And she understands what that’s like better than most, but it’s still not fair.” 
Johnny’s ears perked. “Better than most?” Matthew froze. “What is she, like an Instagram model or something?” 
He smirked, pushing him with one hand. “No, she’s not.” 
Johnny realized quickly that he wasn’t going to be getting any more information out of Matthew anytime soon, so much to his chagrin, he dropped it. Johnny left Matthew’s apartment that night with a weird taste in his mouth, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was. And he didn’t like that. 
April 3 (sat) 
Everyone was at Gio’s house, one of his quarterly team barbecues that had quickly become one of Matthew’s favorite things as soon as he joined the team. By “everyone,” that meant the players and their families, kids, partners, parents if they were in town. Johnny hadn’t invited Elsie — he assumed she’d be getting ready for finals, which was true, but Matthew knew she could have spared an afternoon — and Matthew couldn’t think of a way to invite her himself without arousing suspicion, so she was back in her downtown apartment while the boys were busy grilling up an inhuman amount of meat for dinner.
After everyone ate and the dishwasher had been loaded, someone decided to light the fire pit, and the conversation turned to relationships. For once, Matty didn’t tune out.“It’s the little things, you know?” Gio said, tipping back his beer. “When I see Lauren in my jersey at the games, or when she’s fallen asleep on the couch waiting for us to get back from a road trip. Makes you realize that what really matters isn’t so much how many goals you score or how big a contract you have. It boils down to the quality of people in your life, and we’ve got some good ones.” 
“It’s the same thing with Leigh and I,” Matthew said. His words caused everyone to listen. There were precious few times Matthew willingly volunteered information about his relationship, and as much as his teammates genuinely did respect their penchant for privacy, that didn’t mean they wanted any fewer details. “Sometimes when she stays over and doesn’t have anywhere to be the next day, I’ll walk out to the kitchen and she’ll just be dancing around the stove, making pancakes and singing along to a Fleetwood Mac song. Usually takes her a minute or two to notice me.” 
The guys laughed, and Matty took a long pull of his beer. He wasn’t really risking anything by saying that. Plenty of people liked Fleetwood Mac. “And she’s got this little scar behind her right ear, got it from falling out of a tree as a kid. She always tries to cover it up, but I like it better when she lets it show.” Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was Matty’s frustration about not being able to say anything about the woman he was falling in love with finally coming to a head, that made him say something he maybe shouldn’t have. 
He realized, as he hesitantly met Johnny’s eyes, and could see the gears in his head turning, that he definitely shouldn’t have said anything. Johnny was looking in between his beer and Matthew, then Matthew and his beer, then his hands and Matthew’s, which were tapping nervously on the arm of his deck chair. And then he started to put things together. The orange blossom soap at Matthew’s apartment — Elsie’s favorite scents were citrus. Fleetwood Mac was one of her favorite bands. Their maternal grandma’s middle name was Leigh. And the scar. He remembered the day she got it, falling off an oak tree in their backyard in New Jersey, running into the house to get their mom and then in the car to the emergency room with a six-year-old Elsie who needed four stitches from the accident. And with an extremely uncomfortable feeling, he realized that that more likely than not, that meant the pair of panties he had picked up that one afternoon in Matthew’s apartment had been hers. He wanted to throw up. 
Matthew was sweating as Johnny finally looked him in the eyes, realizing that the secret he and Elsie had tried so hard to keep for so long wasn’t going to be a secret much longer. “Matthew,” he began, his voice dangerously low. Matthew winced. He couldn’t remember the last time Johnny had called him by his first name. “Her name’s not Leigh, is it.” He said it like a statement, because, well, it was. He knew the answer, he just needed to hear it from someone other than himself, that the one thing he had asked of his best friend had apparently proven too much. 
Matthew shook his head slowly. “No.” Everyone else’s eyes flitted between the pair, Markstrom and Gio and Andersson and everyone else very clearly confused. 
“Something going on here?” Gio asked carefully. 
“Tell them what her name is, Matthew.” Matthew squeezed his eyes shut. If he didn’t see everyone’s reactions, everyone’s disappointed faces, maybe they wouldn’t happen. 
“Elsie what?” he prompted. 
“Elsie Gaudreau,” Matthew finished. You could have heard a pin drop, the backyard was so silent.
 “Dude, you’re dating his sister?” Noah asked. 
Matthew nodded, one hand still tightly gripping his bottle. 
“How long?” Johnny asked, looking him straight in the eyes. 
“Just under six months,” Matthew admitted. 
He sucked a breath in. “You’ve been dating my sister for six fucking months and nobody ever thought to maybe, I don’t know, tell me?”
“It didn’t start as dating, we were just—” 
Johnny cut him off. “I can see where that’s going, and I don’t want to fucking hear it, Matthew. This was the one thing I asked you to not do. You’re a fucking All-Star NHL player, Matt. You could have any girl you wanted, you could wheel half of Calgary and I wouldn’t care as long as everyone was into it. But my little sister? The one person I told you years ago was off-limits? You had to fall for Elsie?” 
“I—” Matthew stammered as he set his drink down. “I didn’t expect anything to happen. Neither of us did. But then it did, and I fell for her, and for some ungodly reason she’s decided to stay with me, and I don’t know, Johnny,” he finished weakly. “I felt terrible about keeping it from you, and for what it’s worth, Elsie does too. I feel awful about how you found out, you deserved better than this. But I won’t apologize for my feelings.”
Johnny scoffed, standing up and grabbing his keys. “She deserves better.”
April 4 (sun)
The first thing Matthew did the next day was go over to Elsie’s house. He had already called her the night before to tell her what happened; even if he didn’t, she had the numbers of half the guys on the team and more than one had texted her to check in after seeing how Johnny left things. When he opened the door, Elsie wasn’t doing well, to put it mildly. She was sitting on her couch, wrapped up in a blanket with a barely-touched mug of tea on the coffee table in front of her. She gave him a weak smile as he walked over. “Hey.”
He bent down, kissing the top of her head. “Hey, Els. How are you doing?”
“Not great.” At least she didn’t try to hide, not like it would have been any use with Matthew. He could read her almost as well as her own parents could. “I tried to call him last night and this morning, sent a few texts, just trying to explain. Asking to talk. But he hasn’t responded to anything, I called my mom and she said she hasn’t heard anything either.”
Matthew sat on the couch beside her. “He hasn’t talked to Gio either.”
She rested her head on his shoulder; his fingers carded through the soft hair at the base of her neck. “I feel like it’s my fault,” Elsie said despondently. Coming in between her brother and one of his best friends was the last thing she would have wanted, and she was starting to feel like everything was falling apart because of her. “It never would have happened if I wasn’t there,” she mumbled into Matty’s shoulder. 
Matthew immediately shook his head. “No, no, don’t say things like that, babe. It’s not your fault, don’t put all the blame on you. Everyone dropped the ball on this one, and you shouldn’t have to take responsibility for how your brother decided to react.”
They were jolted out of their relative peace by a frantic knocking on the door. Elsie furrowed her brow. “I’m not expecting anyone?” she questioned as she threw the blanket off of her lap, She opened the door to see Johnny, staring bashfully down at his hands, an apologetic look on his face. 
“I’m sorry,” he said. 
Elsie raised her eyebrows. “You should be.” After a moment, she stood aside to let him in the door.
He scratched the back of his neck, avoiding Matthew’s eyes. “I talked to Mom, she kind of chewed me out about the whole thing. Not talking to you when you called or texted, the way I kind of blew up at you yesterday,” he nodded at Matthew, “but mostly the leaving. Neither of you deserved that. You deserved to have a chance to sit down, explain yourselves, and have an adult conversation.” A flash of regret shot through his eyes, which steeled again as soon as he saw Matthew’s arms around Elsie, who had returned to the couch. “But that doesn’t mean I like it. I’m still pissed that you went behind my back, and that you two decided to do the one thing I asked you not to do, and how you blindsided me—”
“You’re not my dad, Johnny. You don’t get to decide how I live my life,” Elsie said sharply.
He screwed his eyes shut. “I know, but I love you and I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, and—”
“No more ‘ands.’ I know you don’t like it, Johnny. You’ve made that much very clear,” Elsie said in frustration. “Pretty much everyone knows that if you could make a list of guys you wanted to date your little sister, Matthew Tkachuk would be in last place. But just think,” she paused, looking up at her brother. “Think about all the things you said to look for in a guy when I started getting old enough to date. Divorce who Matty is from your feelings about us being together. You always gave me three things. Someone who cares about me. Someone who respects me. And someone who’s honest.” Johnny nodded, his hands in his pockets. “Matty is all of that and more, Johnny. He treats me better than anyone I’ve ever been with, and I love him. And that’s what you’ve always wanted for me. Nothing more and nothing less.” 
Johnny leaned up against the bookshelf. “I guess you’re right.” 
Elsie cracked a tiny grin. “I’m sorry, what was that?” 
He groaned in response. “Don’t make me say it again, I’m not going to.” She shrugged. He looked between her and Matthew, sighing. “I overreacted, and I’m sorry about that. If you love him,” Elsie smiled, “and he cares about you,” Matthew frantically nodded, “then there’s really nothing more I could ask for. I think it just hurt that you two felt like you couldn’t come to me as soon as things progressed, as soon as you got together.” 
“We were afraid you’d react like you did,” Elsie said, reaching over to grab Matty’s hand. “We never wanted to hurt you, and I might only be speaking for myself, but I think I was worried you’d try to come between us, or say something about the relationship, or…” She trailed off. “I don’t know. Sure, you shouldn’t have reacted that way, but you’re not the only one to blame. We shouldn’t have kept things from you, or from Mom and Dad for that matter.” 
Johnny laughed. “Honestly? I’m pretty sure Mom called it from the beginning.” Elsie frowned. “What do you mean?” “You know when Matty came over to Jersey in the summer when you guys were about 20, and we all took that vacation on the beach?” She nodded. “There was one time when she saw you together, running into the ocean together. You were laughing as hard as I’ve ever seen you, Matthew was splashing water back at you, and you kept trying to tackle him into the waves. Mom, Dad, and I were back up on the beach. She just looked at you two, looked at me, and smiled.” 
Matthew rubbed his thumb over the back of Elsie’s hand. “You think she knew?” he asked curiously. 
Johnny nodded. “I think she knew even before you guys figured it out for yourselves.”
“How could she tell?” Elsie asked. 
Johnny gave a soft smile, looking over towards the couple. “You’ve never been a good liar, Elsie. And you can’t hide love.”
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fallingfor-fics · 3 years
Teachers Pet- chapter 4: introductions
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chapter 3
I woke up to the Grandfather clock in Dumbledore's office chiming, if I counted correctly, 6 o'clock. The sunlight beaming in through the small circle cleared on the window. Although I was still dreading this day I figured I'd want to be ready and awake when it was time to begin my very first day at Hogwarts. I laid on my back looking up at the ceiling getting lost in thought for a moment thinking of all the things that could go horribly wrong. 
Eventually I lifted the covers off myself and swung my legs out of the bed stepping on the cold stone flooring. I yawned, stretching my arms up and cracking my neck and back. I got up and went to my luggage. I paused for a moment wondering what I should wear since I didn't have a uniform yet. I looked over what I had and contemplated my choices. I wanted to try to look the part and not stand out too much. I grabbed my black boots and a simple dark green turtleneck sweater I had that used to be my grandpas that I snagged from my dad's closet since he never wore it. I looked over my bottom options trying to remember what the students were wearing. I remembered seeing some in skirts and some in pants. I just decided on some simple black leggings and figured I would have my coat on anyways so it didn't matter a whole lot and once I got my uniforms I would change into them as soon as possible. Probably as soon as I purchased them in the nearest restroom. I took my clothes in the bathroom and went pee and got dressed. I then brushed my teeth and splashed my face with some cold water.
As I exited the bathroom I stopped and grabbed my hairbrush and some makeup from my bag, I didn't wanna look too rough on the first day. Thinking of that made me think of all the new people. There are a ton of students here, girls and boys. What if they make fun of me for not being in a uniform. No, no they wouldn't, Albus wouldn't run a school that bullied people. And if they do that fine ill just hit them with a hex or something. I can defend myself just fine. I always did at Beauxbaton's. I remember my first year there were some girls that messed with me for having a hole in my tights since I knew my mom couldn't afford to buy me new ones after she explicitly told me to not rip them. And they would continue to tease me for other things, anything. But one day in my second year I got tired of it and turned all of their hair green. Of course they screamed and freaked out and I got in trouble, but I didn't care because no one messed with me after that. There was still the occasional comment or unsolicited opinions but I like to think I'm pretty smart and quick witted so I usually always had a response to them.
   I grabbed the brush and brushed my h/c hair and pulled some from each side back into a small clip. I grabbed my makeup bag and applied some concealer here and there, brushed my brows out, and curled and applied mascara to my lashes. I contemplated some light eyeliner but I didn't wanna risk messing it up and running late, I hadn't done any in awhile and probably fell out of practice. I figured this was decent enough and put on some simple pearl earrings and a silver necklace that had a small sun and moon charm. It was a gift from my sister years ago and I would wear it almost everyday. She said it reminded her of us, the sun and moon, she liked to think she was the sun and I was the moon but I said I didn't revolve around her, but she was older so it made sense she was the sun. I took one last look in the mirror, some of my shorter hairs falling from the clip and I tucked them away from my face. I didn't really like stuff in my face. I contemplated putting on my glasses or my contacts. I figured the last thing I needed was to look like a nerd so I put my contacts in and exited the bathroom. Just as I was packing up my things I heard Dumbledore knock on my door. "Come in," I answered. He opened the door and smiled at me. "Well you're up and at em" he snickered. I smiled at him as I applied chapstick and sprayed on some perfume. It smelt like roses and an old lady. But I still liked the smell. It was like my signature scent. "Are you ready for your first day here at Hogwarts my dear?" Dumbledore asked cheerfully. "A little nervous, but mostly ready" I sighed. "Ok well to give an overlay of your day, you can leave all your belongings here and I will have one of the house elves bring it over to your dormitory when you get sorted. And then I have arranged a student to show you around and then travel with you to Hogsmeade to get your uniforms and stationary items once you are given your schedule. It should only take but half the day, at least up until lunch and then from there you can go to the remaining classes of the day." he said with a witty smile standing in the doorway with his hands together. "Wow sounds like a plan!" I said nervously. Realizing this was actually happening there was no stopping it, and I would have my first day at Hogwarts starting in the next thirty minutes. I looked over to the clock and it read 6:30. "Oh and breakfast is from 6:30-8:30am so we should probably head to the Great hall now so we can get you sorted and seated in time" he added. I felt a nervous tingle spread in my chest at the thought of being sorted again in front of different people, having no idea how their sorting ceremonies went. I was gonna ask but I didn't wanna look stupid so I went with it. "Wonderful I'm all ready to go." I smiled putting my coat on, tucking my wand in my boot and grabbing my bag from the post and throwing it over my shoulder.
He headed out towards his office and I silently followed behind all the way down those odd stairs again and down the hallway. After what seemed like quite some time we approached large doors that were open, which I assumed was the so-called great hall, and kids were shuffling in and taking their seats. Some saying small good mornings to Dumbledore. He went into the great hall and I followed directly behind him, my heart suddenly beginning to beat faster. What looked to be most of the school had already arrived to their seats and conversed amongst each other. Some I could tell were obviously first years by their innocent faces, and others I could tell had seen some shit and were at least 5th years. I took deep breaths as I followed him up some stairs to where the teachers sat, where I presumed, to eat. I looked over at some of them and back to Dumbledore. He walked me over to the table to do some quick introductions. "Good Morning everyone this is my Goddaughter y/n that I told you all about" Dumbledore said to them they all smiled and said small hellos to me. "This Professor Lockhart teaches Defense against the dark arts" he said as I looked at the very interesting man. He was smiling largely up at me, almost to largely, it was kind of creepy. "Hello" I said softly. He then took my hand and shook it and then brought it to his mouth to kiss it. I tugged it away quickly after he did so and he said "Good morning y/n! It is so wonderful to meet your acquaintance, I can not wait to have you in my class! I have heard so many things about you and you are much more grown than Dumbledore had described." I looked at him and just gave a soft smile not really knowing how to respond to that. I lightly and discreetly pushed Dumbledore's side to encourage him to keep moving so I didn't have to retain eye contact with this Lockhart fellow. "And this is Hagrid as you met yesterday" "Good Morning Hagrid it's good to see you again." I smiled at him "Pleasures all mine, I teach care of magical creatures" he boomed. "Oh nice" I said as we kept going with our introductions. "This is Professor McGonagall she teaches Transfiguration" She gave a simple nod to which I returned. "And this is Professor Flitwick he teaches charms" I smiled and nodded at the small man with a thick mustache. "Oh and It appears Professor Snape has not joined us yet, but he teaches potions, and this is Madam Pomfrey the matron here at Hogwarts, and last but not least Professor Trelawney who is the Divination teacher" he said I smiled at the kind looking woman who had rather large hair and glasses. She looked like a lot of fun.
"Ok now that all the introductions have been made, it's already," he stopped to look at his watch " 7 o'clock I would say this would be a good time to get the show on the road" he said smiling down at me. I laughed nervously and realized no one had paid any attention to me yet, but that was about to change. Don't get me wrong sometimes I love to be the center of attention, but not in strange and new places. He stepped past me and up to his podium, I stood kind of behind him and waited to see what was next. He cleared his throat and began. "Good Morning students, I hope you have all had a good weekend, before we get breakfast started I have an announcement to make, or rather an introduction. We have a new student joining us today, she has transferred from Beauxbatons. And let me add she is my Goddaughter and I am very pleased to have her here with us at Hogwarts." he looked over at me and nudged his head for me to come up next to him, I did so and looked over the full room of students, making sure to not make eye contact with them. Some were still having quiet conversations but halted when I stepped up, and turned their attention to me. "This is y/n, she is in her 6th year and has not been sorted yet but we will do that in just a minute." I smiled a small smile at the students or should I say my new classmates overlooking the rows upon rows of them "I have high hopes that you will treat her with respect and make her feel welcome!" he spoke loudly. Some of the more obnoxious students yelling "hellos" from their tables. "Now come sit and we will sort you into your house" he said as I followed him around the podium and to a chair in front of it.
Unbeknownst to me Professor Snape walked in out of my view, as I was focused on the students that I was displayed in front of and took his seat behind me. I sat nervously watching as Dumbledore walked over and grabbed an old dusty faded brown witch hat and carried it over to me, he is putting this thing on my head? I sat still and upright as he gently placed it atop my head. All of the sudden the thing began to speak, startling me a bit. "Hmmm very interesting," it said and I sat patiently wondering what that was supposed to mean. "Tough one, compassionate but stubborn" I rolled my eyes at that comment, even an old hat could tell I was hard headed? "Smart but will do anything to be proven right" how dare he expose me like this, I was beginning to think this was some trick to humiliate me, a few of the students snickered at that and I shot them cold looks. "No doubt, clear to see...SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled and an uproar of cheers came from the table on the far right, I didn't know if this was a good or bad thing but based on the looks of some of the students and Professors faces it was probably not the most popular. Dumbledore took the hat from my head and I shot him a concerned look to which he just winked and smiled. I smiled and looked over the tables, the Slytherin one still cheering. "This is going to be interesting"
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,945 Words
Summary: Five worried members of class 1-B and a day off for the hero courses.
Warnings: Cursing, Injury Mention, Caps, Death Mention, Broken Bone Mention, Panic Attack Mention, Abuse Mention, Disownment Mention, Blood Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Usernames: Existence Is A Prison  Aizawa: feral cat dad, Aoyama: gay salt, Hagakure: ranch flavored jello, Tokoyami: foil-mecha, Shinsou: farmer toshi, Kuroiro: life is a nightmare, Shiozaki: saviour, Tsunotori: schrodinger better run, Honenuki: pure, Monoma: nat20
Aizawa, We Agreed No More Cats: Chapter 4
2:55 PM
Existence Is A Prison
nat20: @feral cat dad @gay salt @farmer toshi @foil-mecha @ranch flavored jello
nat20: Are you guys okay? There was an announcement for all available staff to come to the USJ asap. Isn't that where you are?
nat20: Guys?
nat20: I get that y'all are training but can one of you answer? I'm getting worried.
nat20: Akemi, sis, you better fucking answer me.
3:00 PM
Existence Is A Prison
nat20: Akemi, this is breaking law three of being half-siblings. Getcha ass in the chat and fucking respond to me or I'm taking a protective quirk and coming down there myself.
saviour: You will do no such thing. Clearly it's dangerous since the announcement was directed toward all available teachers. That doesn't sound normal to me, even if someone had been just injured. Seiko, it's best to try to make things decently safe for their return instead of hound a response.
life is a nightmare: Six different news sources say that three unidentified people were admitted to a hospital nearby UA, said to have been transported from the USJ, which was attacked this morning by an unidentified villain, the attack being resolved by UA's pro hero staff members only ten minutes ago. Two more people were injured and are supposedly in Recovery Girl's office.
nat20: AKEMI @gay salt
gay salt is now online
ranch flavored jello is now online
foil-mecha is now online
gay salt: I'm back, Seiko. I'm fine. Almost everyone is fine.
nat20: Five people are hurt!
ranch flavored jello: Yeah, all three pros were hurt.
nat20: Which students got hurt!?
foil-mecha: I think you already know what you're suspecting, Seiko.
nat20: No. No, he's not dead. If Shinsou's dead, I'll personally bring him back to life to scream at him. My little brother isn't dying dammit.
gay salt: Not dead, mon dieu. Shinsou is severely injured but he isn't dead.
nat20: Who else is hurt? That green kid again?
ranch flavored jello: Yeah, Midoriya's hurt again. To be fair, he wasn't thinking about how he was using his quirk, just that he was using it period.
foil-mecha: Hold on, they're calling on Aizawa and Shinsou's condition, I'll do a video chat with you guys.
foil-mecha has started a video chat
The bones in his arms are splintered and he's got facial fracturing. Fortunately there doesn't seem to be any serious brain damage. But his orbital floor has been almost completely destroyed. We have no way of knowing if his eyesight will be impaired or not once he's healed. -Unknown
Well, you heard the man. -Unknown
Sir, what about Thirteen? -Unknown
No need to worry there, despite some pretty bad lacerations to the back, Thirteen is gonna pull through good as new. And AllMight is also without any serious injuries. He's in the nurse's office right now. Recovery Girl's power should be all that he needs.-Unknown
What about Deku!? -Unknown
How's Midoriya? -Unknown
Midoriya? Oh, Recovery Girl was taking care of him too. He's fine.-Unknown
How is Shinsou!? -nat20
Who was that? -Unknown
My half-sibling, we both live in the dorms with Shinsou and Aizawa. They're worried about them. So is the rest of the class 1-B students that live in the dorms with us. -gay salt
Shinsou has a mild concussion, a severe bruised nasal bone, and his jawbone was fractured so he needs to have his jaw wired shut for a bit until he's back to being strong enough for Recovery Girl to heal him. He should be better in about a week or two.-Unknown
What the fuck happened to him that he got that badly hurt? -life is a nightmare
During the villain attack, Shinsou decided to fight alongside Mr. Aizawa. against the villains and this big monster thing was hurting Mr. Aizawa and this creepy guy was about to hurt Asui, Mineta, and Midoriya. -ranch flavored jello
Call me Tsu. -Unknown
Tsu, Mineta, and Midoriya. But Shinsou got the creepy guy to respond to him with the mist guy's voice and he brainwashed him. Then the monster hit his face into the ground really hard. But he covered Mr. Aizawa with his own body and got his face hit down again. -ranch flavored jello
Shinsou was really out of it, ribbit. He was calling Mr. Aizawa his dad.-Unknown
Tsu, Mr. Aizawa legally adopted Shinsou as of 8 o'clock this morning. -ranch flavored jello
I'm gonna hang up, we're all gonna head back. I'll visit you Seiko. -gay salt
You better. -nat20
gay salt has ended the video chat
2:40 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi is now online
life is a nightmare: Shit, I'll shadow over, hold on, Shinsou.
2:50 AM
Existence Is A Prison
life is a nightmare: shinsousleepingagainsther.jpg
life is a nightmare: Guess I'm claiming he's my boyfriend when they ask why I'm here because I can't even shadow out right now without waking him up.
gay salt: rip to you, Kageya, but me and Seiko need our beauty sleep.
nat20: so go to sleep, Kageya, you need to sleep.
2:16 PM
Existence Is A Prison
saviour: I'm pre-making some easy meals since they both have facial damage and need softer foods.
farmer toshi: What are you making?
saviour: Well, I have Seiko working on frozen smoothie bags. Kiyomi is helping precook some vegetables and stuff that can be blended down to baby food consistency. Pony's really good at making homemade juice so she's making you juice with lots of protein and stuff so you don't loose too much weight and set your progress back.
ranch flavored jello: Me, Akemi, and Fumikage are making soft food for you both once Toshi gets his wires off. We've been making a lot of soup. We may have gone overboard.
ranch flavored jello: So far we have chicken soup, broccoli and cheese, potato soup, split pea soup, egg drop soup, cheese soup, soft curry, corn chowder, turkey rice soup, ham chowder, cheeseburger soup, creamy meatball soup, chicken cordon bleu soup, chicken pot pie soup, and and miso soup.
farmer toshi: You guys are so sweet. Thank you so much. I wish I could hug you guys right now but they want me in the hospital today for observation.
gay salt: I expect a hug when you come home.
feral cat dad is now online
nat20: DAD'S BACK!
feral cat dad: Hello, dorm children. This is Mr. Yamada, Mr. Aizawa told me to tell you all thank you for making him and Hitoshi food for when they come back on Friday.
pure: It was nothing! We want to help them get better as fast as possible and, to do that, we need to keep them healthy!
feral cat dad: I'll add myself so Shouta can have his phone back.
feral cat dad has added Yamada
farmer toshi has changed Yamada's name to President Megaphone
nat20: Wow, you don't waste a second, do you?
farmer toshi: I didn't when I was attacking villains in the USJ.
schrodinger better run: What happened in there, by the way? My phone went missing yesterday and the day before and I finally found it last night.
farmer toshi: Well, you see, some wannabe criminals calling themselves the League of Villains teleported themselves into the USJ just before we were about to start training and our communal father figure was about to go fight them and all my instinct just told me to follow him so I did.
President Megaphone: Kid, you really don't have to tell them just because you live with them.
farmer toshi: These are basically my adopted siblings, Mr. Yamada. Of course I want to tell them.
farmer toshi: Anyway, so I was fighting thugs and Dad had already gotten to this "Shigaraki" dude who was like their leader or whatever and the fucker decayed his right elbow and I was trying hard to get to him but the fucking cronies wouldn't let me by them.
farmer toshi: Then this huge fucking monster grabbed Dad and hit him into the ground and broke his arms. That thing couldn't be human, it's brain was out and it was like 9 feet tall.
farmer toshi: That Shigaraki fucker spoke to me. I can't even remember what about, but he was mocking me, I can tell. But the teleporter told him they needed to leave because Iida had made it out by that point.
farmer toshi: So this fucker tries to decay either Midoriya, Asui, or Mineta to "break AllMight". But I used the teleporter's voice to brainwash him and that monster hit my head into the ground like he did with Dad for brainwashing its friend.
farmer toshi: I knew Dad was out because the thing had hit his head into the ground again and knocked him out and that thing would try to hurt him again if I didn't do something. So I put myself on top of him because I couldn't lose a Dad I just finally got. But the monster hit my head down again.
farmer toshi: I had finally managed to get up to get me and Dad out of there when AllMight showed up. AllMight put us on a stair landing and I had to get up the rest of the way. Another villain tried to get us while I was getting him up there to get out but I just stabbed her and pushed her down the stairs.
farmer toshi: Mind you, I was running on adrenaline this whole time. So, when the UA teachers came in, I was pretty numb emotionally because I was basically out of steam but I wanted to get Dad out of there so I kept going until Sero and Uraraka helped me up the rest of the stairs while the teachers got there.
farmer toshi: I'm pretty sure Snipe is who caught me but then I just passed out and woke up in the hospital not being able to speak and had a panic attack.
feral cat dad: I've figured out speech to text and I appreciate what you did for me, Hitoshi, but I was worried about you when that thing had me. I don't want you dying to protect me.
farmer toshi: Trust me, I don't plan to nearly die again. The headache was killer and I'd rather never experience that again.
feral cat dad: Good. Now, make sure you rest, kids.
2:15 AM
private chat with Bakugou and Yamada
Bakugou: Look, I know it's late, but my mother kicked me out and she's disowned me because she now wants me to drop from UA and I won't do it. I need somewhere to stay and I know Aoyama and them were talking about dorms yesterday after the USJ incident.
Yamada: It doesn't matter if it's ideal. Head to the school, I'll come get you inside and we'll go for your stuff from your parents' house tomorrow after school and I'm putting a rush order for emergency UA protection for your custody right now.
Bakugou: I think I need Recovery Girl, she got my arms pretty bad. I'm losing blood like crazy and I can barely grab things to keep going but my leg is sprained so I need help moving.
Yamada: We can worry about healing injuries once you're here. Until then, just be safe and get here as fast as you can. If you can't make it here, then I'll come get you.
Yamada: Just keep responding, little listener. How bad are your injuries?
Bakugou: bloodyleftarm.jpg
Bakugou: bloodyrightarm.jpg
Bakugou: sprainedknee.jpg
Bakugou has sent their location
Yamada: Fuck.
Taglist: @everythingisstardust 
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hyuniebaby · 4 years
Focus (3)
Pairings: Baekhyun x Y/N x Junmyeon
Genre: a little smut
AU: College student! Baekhyun, Professor! Junmyeon AU, college!au
Warning: masturbation
A/N: This part isn’t as important as the previous part. I just wanted to introduce some of the friends of baek and oc. There’s not much happening, just their friends teasing them. This part also mentions that Baekhyun can’t get oc out of his mind 🤪
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
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Baekhyun is a big flirt but he does NOT sleep around. He likes stability. He likes people who are constantly there. So when he woke up after sleeping with you, he didn’t know what to do.
His previous experiences allowed him to stay in bed until his partner wakes up, but you two weren’t in a relationship. Wouldn’t it be too awkward if you woke up cuddled to him? Is he supposed to be a one night stand? He didn’t want to be a one night stand though. Sex with you was mindblowing. He would even dare say it was the best sex of his life.
Baekhyun also dislikes awkward situations. When he’s with his friends usually when something awkward happens, he’d be the first to break the ice. But in this case it was different. Yes, he flirts with you most of the time you’d cross paths but he doesn’t really know you well enough. It was all flirting and no getting-to-know-each-other-deeply. Will you be mad if he left? Will you freak out if he stays? He doesn’t know! It was driving him insane.
But still, he doesn’t like awkward situations so he opts to leave before you wake up. He doesn’t want to be a jerk and just go out and leave though. He wanted to remain friends with you because he’s going to have to spend a whole semester with you. With this in mind, he grabs a pen and paper and writes a note for you quickly, afraid that you’d catch him doing this. If you do, this situation will be more awkward.
When he’s done with the note, he places it on your bedside table. Then he grabs his clothes and quickly wears them. He spares a glance at you before he reaches the door. You looked so peaceful, so beautiful. As if a spell was casted on him, he walks back to your bed and places a kiss on your forehead. And then he leaves.
When he reaches his dorm, he was surprised his roommate, Jongdae was still awake. After all, it was three in the morning. Jongdae squints his eyes on him. “Where have you been?”
“Uhh... I... uh...” Baekhyun doesn’t know how to answer. He scratches the back of his head while he tries to come up with an excuse.
“Nevermind. Tell me about it tomorrow when you’ve gathered your mind.” Jongdae dismisses him. Baekhyun sighs with relief. He goes to his room and lies on his bed. Still tired from the activities that happened, he falls asleep with you in his mind.
Baekhyun dreams of you. He dreams of you sucking him off in his car. Your mouth choking on his dick while you massage his balls. You sucked him off until he came and swallowed all his cum.
He wakes up with a jolt and realized he had a wet dream about you. He stares at the clock and realizes it was already noon, good thing he doesn’t have classes today. He stands up and showers. Thoughts of you still running in his mind. His body instantly reacting to the thoughts of you. As if his body has a mind of its own, he reaches for his member and strokes it.
You were naked and on all fours. You were so wet for him. Baekhyun inserts two of his fingers at once in your pussy. You moan out his name. Once you were fully prepared for him, he slams his dick inside you. He fucks you hard and fast, the bed creaking as he does so. His hands go to your tits, pinching your hard nipples. One of his hands then travels to your clit while the other continues to play with your boob. You were both nearing your climax. You tell him to cum in you. His thrusts go impossibly faster after you say that. After a few thrusts, your walls clench on his shaft. You felt so good.
He moans out your name as he releases. You were driving him crazy. How was he supposed to face you after he masturbated at the thought of you?
When he finished cleaning and dressing himself up, he goes out of his room to grab something to eat.
“The prince has finally woken up,” Jongdae loudly says.
Baekhyun ignores him. He grabs some ramen from the cupboard and starts heating up some water.
Jongdae takes this opportunity to talk to Baekhyun.
“So, what happened last night?”
Baekhyun sighs, he knows Jongdae won’t leave him alone if he doesn’t start talking.
“Last night, you looked...” Jongdae’s eyes widened at the realization, “I know! I know! You got laid!” He exclaims.
Baekhyun nods in confirmation.
“Wait... You have a new girlfriend?”
“But you don’t sleep around!”
“I know! That’s why I don’t know what to do in these situations!”
“You’re too pure,” Jongdae coos.
“Fuck off.”
“So who’s the girl?”
“I’m not sure if you know her. You don’t really interact with sophomores.”
Jongdae gives him a look that screams “So what?”
“She’s Y/N.”
“Y/N? As in Y/L/N Y/N? The one with friends who are always dressed to kill? I’ve worked with her before, we trained together for some Chemistry quiz bee or whatever.”
“She was in your quiz bee team?!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Jongdae casually says. “But isn’t she too... plain for you?” Jongdae knows Baekhyun’s type. He’s been his friend since high school so he’s basically met every single one of Baekhyun’s past lovers. He knows that Baekhyun adores pretty women. Pretty, sexy, slim. Modelesque.
In Jongdae’s eyes, you were very timid. Smart, timid, simple. He has only ever seen you talk so much whenever you’re with your friends. You don’t even talk unless spoken to. You would never make the first move. Could it be? Could it be that Baekhyun made the first move?
“She’s cute okay!” Baekhyun pouts.
“Fine, fine. Geez. So how was it?” Jongdae moves his eyebrows up and down.
“Fuck off Jongdick.” He turns around to continue making his ramen.
Jongdae laughs out loud at Baekhyun’s lame attempt to insult him.
“Guess I’ll find out myself.” He teases.
Baekhyun has never whipped his head so quickly at a statement. “Don’t you dare!”
Jongdae raises his hands as if surrendering, trying to look serious but failing to wipe the smile off his face. It was either (a) the sex you and Baekhyun shared was amazing or (b) Baekhyun’s getting so whipped about you but he’s oblivious about it, Jongdae thought, but he doesn’t say anything.
He lets Baekhyun be, trying to come up with a plan to approach you. He’s free the whole day after all.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You wake up with a jolt, body feeling sore from yesterday’s activities. The first thing you looked at was your clock. It was 9:00 AM. FUCK, your classes starts at 9:30. You’re going to be late! The ride to your college takes up 20 minutes so you only have 10 minutes to prepare. As much as you wanted to skip shower, you can’t, you were sweaty and sticky. You already know your day is going to go wrong, great, just great.
You try to walk to the bathroom as fast as you can, as fast as anyone can move when their body especially the nether regions is sore. You opt to wear a skirt today, not wanting to go through the pain in wearing jeans. You grab a sweatshirt and put on your shoes and dash outside your house. Disoriented because you were running late, you didn’t even notice the note Baekhyun left on your table.
You ran so fast after paying for the cab, people gave you weird looks. You didn’t care though, afraid you’d get scolded by your professor in Analytical Chemistry. He was old and very strict about time. When someone comes in late, he “targets” them the whole day, asking questions that were far advanced than what should be discussed. It was scary and you don’t need scary today.
You opened the door forcefully and all eyes looked at you. Thank god, your professor wasn’t there yet! You release a breath of relief and sat towards your usual place. Your friends immediately facing you.
“I forgot to set my alarm!” You instantly said before they could ask. It was amusing to them, you were never late.
“It’s okay to be late you know,” Seulgi says.
“And be Mr. Jung’s target? No thanks! I’d rather die.”
Your friends laughed at your exaggeration.
“Look who decided to skip the jeans and finally wear a skirt to class,” Mina notes as she sits beside you. She came in a few minutes after you. She woke up late too but she lives just around the block so she looks a lot less haggard than you did. “You only wear skirts outside the classrom. You look better in it, you should do it more often.”
Before you could respond, all of a sudden Joohyun gasps and your group of friends look at her. “Is that a hickey?” she whisper-yelled while pointing at your neck. All your friends whip their heads to look at you.
Your hands immediately went to cover your neck. “It’s a mosquito bite!”
Of course no one believed your excuse. If you were them, you wouldn’t too. They bombarded you with questions. “Who did it?”, “How was it?”, “Home run?” You were flustered. As if on cue, your professor enters the room. Your friends immediately stopped talking and faced Mr. Jung but not before giving you a look that says “Tell us all about it later.”
You know there was no winning with them. They would tease you all day until you caved in. So you half listened to Mr. Jung’s lecture and half thought of how to tell your friends about it without telling them it was Baekhyun who you slept with.
You didn’t want to dwell so much on Baekhyun because, well, he left before you woke up. And although he had no obligation to stay, you considered him as a friend. And friends talk, right? Just to be clear on how they move forward after that...
You know your friends are crazy about Baekhyun, but quite frankly, they are crazy about all guys who have amazing bodies and stunning smiles like Kim Jongin, Park Chanyeol, even your professors Mr. Kim Junmyeon and Mr. Kim Minseok. You aren’t as vocal as they are but you have to admit, these men have a way of making you feel giddy just by looking at them. If your friends were to know you did it with Baekhyun, they’d be so jealous but they wouldn’t mind. They‘d be supportive. Boys are just boys anyway.
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Becoming A Stark? (28)- Peter Parker x Stark!femReader
Word Count: 3395
Warnings: swearing, IW emotional trauma, the usual.
Author Note: There is some dialog from Infinity War used in this chapter. I don’t own it, but also there’s new stuff after it so don’t skip it. This is the final chapter. There will be a sequel that I’m not sure when will be posted but it will be coming. If you want to be tagged when it’s posted, let me know! Thank you for reading all of this and giving me so much love on my fist PP story. Let me know what you think of the finale.
Chapter One || Previous Chapter || Master List
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“Mom have you seen my jacket?” You ask as you walk from the living room back into the kitchen. You’re already dressed in ripped jeans, galaxy converse, and a grey AC/DC shirt.
“Which jacket?” Pepper asks as she stirs the eggs she’s cooking for you.
“My denim one? I wore it yesterday? Or maybe it was the day before?”
“Have you checked your room?”
“I looked there when I was getting ready. I didn’t see it.” Instead of being dressed for the office, Pepper is wearing running gear. “Are you going into the office today?”
“In a little bit. Your dad wants to go to the park for a run first.”
“Dad running? Since when?”
“I think your birthday is making him feel O-L-D.” Pepper teases as Tony walks down the stairs.
“I can still spell even if I’m getting old.” Tony responds. In his hand he’s holding your Rolling Stones jacket. “You left this on the stairs kiddo.”
“Oh, right! I meant to take it up last night.” You shrug it over your shoulders before sitting down at the food that Pepper made for you.
“What’s with the pep in your step today?”
“Field trip. I don’t have to be at school today.”
“Field trip?” Your dad asks as he sits down next to you. “Where to?”
“MoMA. My art class is going.”
“Ah so you and the young Parker are getting out of school to go look at art. How sweet.” Your dad says with a teasing tone remembering how Peter ended up in your art class after switching in in the second six weeks. “With how much it cost for you to go to that school, I would think you would spend more time at school than on field trips.”
“It’s educational. I promise.”
“Sure it is.”
“What your dad is trying to say is have fun.” Pepper says with a laugh. “He and I are going to go so can you lock up when you leave with Happy?” You nod. “Perfect. Have fun, love you, see you after school.”
“Love you kiddo.” Your dad kisses the top of your head. Pepper places a kiss behind him. You munch on your toast as they walk towards the door. Today should be a fairly normal day, apart from the field trip.
“Slow down, slow down. I’ll spell it out for you.” Tony tries to get Pepper to listen as he tries to explain his dream from last night while they walk through the park together.
“You’re totally rambling.”
“No I’m not.” Tony throws back in his own defense.
“You lost me.”
“Look, you know how you’re having a dream, and in the dream you gotta pee.” Tony ties his jacket around his shoulders as he says this.
“Okay. And then you’re like ‘Oh my God. There’s no bathrooms. What am I gonna do? Oh, someone’s watching.’”
“‘Oh, I’m gonna go in my pants.’”
“And then you wake up and in real life you actually have to pee.” Pepper catches his drift.
“Yes.” Tony’s hand waves in agreement.
“Yeah. Everybody has that.”
“Right that’s the point I’m trying to make. Apropos of that, last night I dreamt we had a kid.”
“We have a kid. Y/N.” Pepper points out with a smile.
“No like a baby.” Tony explains. “It was so real. We named him after your eccentric uncle. Uh what was his name? Morgan! Morgan.”
“Right. So when you woke up…”
“...and thought we were…”
“No.” Pepper smiles at him as she says it.
“I had a dream about it. It was so real.”
“If you wanted to have another kid, you wouldn’t have done that.” Pepper unties the sweater and taps on the nanoparticle home.
“I’m glad you brought this up, ‘cause it’s nothing. It’s just a housing unit for nanoparticles.”
“You’re not helping your case, okay?”
“No, this is detachable. It’s not a…”
“You don’t need that. Y/N didn’t need you to get that. I didn’t need you to get that. Your family needs you to put them first sometimes ok?”
“I know. I had the surgery. I’m just trying to protect us and future usses and that’s it. Just in case there’s a monster in the closet. Instead of, you know…”
“You know me so well.”
“You finish all my sentences.”
“You should have shirts in your closet.”
“Yeah, you know what there should be? No more surprises. We’re going to have a nice dinner tonight. Hear all about Y/N’s field trip. Show off this Harry Winston. Right?” Pepper chuckles at his antics. “And we should have no more surprises. Ever. I should promise you.”
“I will.” Tony leans in to kiss Pepper. “Thank you.”
“Tony Stark?” Pepper pulls away at the sound of someone calling Tony’s name. Tony on the other hand can only roll his eyes because this was exactly the kind of thing he was talking about. “I’m Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me.” Pepper grabs Tony’s hand at this. “Oh and uh congratulations on the wedding, by the way.”
“I’m sorry, are you giving out tickets to something?”
“We need your help. It’s not overselling it to say that the fate of the universe is at stake.”
“And who’s we?”
“Hey Tony.” Bruce appears by Stephen’s side, shocking both Tony and Pepper after so much time without him.
“Are you ok?” Tony asks as Bruce falls into hugging him. What has happened while he was away?
“Ready for this field trip?” Peter asks as he sits down next to you on the bus.
“I’m always ready. Getting out of school for the day? Hell yeah.” You nudge your boyfriend’s shoulder. “Are you ready to see MoMA?”
“I guess so. I haven’t been since Ben died so…” Peter trails off.
“Babe, you haven’t been to MoMA since then? Why?”
“Ben really liked seeing the new exhibits and he would take me with him when he went. It just felt wrong to go without him.” Peter explains as the bus takes off from MSST and heads towards MoMA. “But there’s a first time to do stuff since you lose people I guess.”
“It’s going to be fine. I’ll be with you the whole time.” You say as you take his hand in yours. Peter leans forward on the seat in front of you so he can look in your direction.
“Well that will make everything better.” Suddenly the hairs on Peter’s arm stand straight up.
“Something’s wrong.” Peter mumbles. “Spidey senses are off the wall.” His voice is no louder than a whisper.
“Something like a giant donut spaceship floating over NYC seem off enough?” You say pointing towards the window beside him. He turns to look and the recognition on his face tells you all you need to know. Looks like Peter may not be on the field trip after all.
“Can you and Ned create a distraction?”
“Of course. But you’ll be safe?”
“Always am.” He kisses you on the lips really quick before you tap Ned on the shoulder. Ned spins around to look at you. 
“Guy in the chair needs to distract everyone with me.” You say quickly, but as Ned turns he sees the ship out the window.
“Holy shit.” He then turns towards the back of the bus and yells, “We’re all gonna die! There’s a spaceship!” You follow him towards the back of the bus as people start calling out asking what’s going on. But your eyes catch Peter’s one more time before he opens the emergency exit window with his web shooter. While everyone else is watching the spaceship, your eyes are trailing out the back of the bus as Peter jumps off the bridge. You know he’ll web himself to safety, but it makes your stomach fall to your toes every time.
Peter swings into the park where he sees a big angry alien… if he had to guess, swinging a sword/ax at Tony. So he does the one thing he knows how to do, he grabs it. “Hey man. What’s up Mr. Stark?” 
“Kid where did you come from?”
“Field trip, to MoMA.” Peter screams as he’s thrown in the other direction. “Uh what is this guy’s problem Mr. Stark?”
“Uh he’s from space. He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard.” As the alien throws cars around and Tony tries to laser him, Peter webs the car and swings it back at the alien. Which might just make him more angry, but that’s half the fun. Right as the alien swings his ax down again, a red object zooms by. “Kid that’s the wizard, get on it.”
“On it!” Swinging across New York, he finally grabs the wizard when a blue light grabs the wizard and pulls them both up towards the sky. “Uh, Mr. Stark, I’m being beamed up.”
“Hang on kid!” Wong traps the alien in an icy tundra, slicing off the hand that reaches up towards them. “Wong you’re invited to my wedding.” Tony shouts before jetting off to rescue his daughter’s boyfriend, who happens to be climbing up the side of the alien spaceship. “Give me a little juice FRIDAY. Unlock 17:A.” His boots morph together to form one big foot thruster. “Pete you gotta let go. I’m gonna catch you.” He says over the comms to Peter.
“But you said save the wizard.” Peter pulls his mask off as he says, “I can’t breathe.”
“We’re too high up. You’re running out of air.” If your boyfriend dies in space, you might kill your dad, so he’s going to do everything he can to save the kid.
“Yeah, that makes sense.” Peter’s hands slip from the ship as he runs out of air. But the Iron Spider suit Tony had been working on arrives just in time to grab hold of Peter and save him from falling back to Earth. Instead he just hits the ship a time or two before having air to breathe again. Peter grabs a hold of the ship and stands back up. “Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here!”
“Happy trails, kid. FRIDAY send him home.”
“Yep.” A parachute deploys and pulls Peter off the ship.
“Oh come on!” As Tony cuts into the side of the ship, FRIDAY alerts him of something else.
“Boss incoming call from Miss Potts.”
“Tony are you alright? What’s going on?”
“Yeah I’m fine. I just think we might have to push our 8:30 res.”
“Just ‘cause I’ll probably not make it back for a while.”
“Tell me you’re not on that ship.”
“God, no, please tell me you’re not on the ship.”
“Honey, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say.”
“Come back here Tony. I swear to God. I will take Y/N and I will leave for good. No more surprises. You promised.”
“Come back here right now.” Static starts to crackle. “Come back.”
“Boss we’re losing her.”
“I’m going too…” Pepper’s voice breaks off as the call drops. While Tony is dealing with this call, Peter is climbing up his webs, back onto the ship he had been told not to be on. 
All he can mutter is “I should have stayed on the bus,” as the doors shut on the ship.
The ship is no longer in the sky. You watched it fly away. But you don’t know if that’s a good thing or not, because now you can’t get a hold of your dad or Peter. So you call the one person who has always had to be in the same position as you- you call your mom.
“Y/N? Are you ok?”
“Mom tell me Dad didn’t do something stupid and get on that ship.” Your school group is starting to walk into the first exhibit hall, but you need reassurance right now, not art pieces. Pepper doesn’t say anything for a moment, trying to figure out how to tell you that your dad is on that ship. “He’s on that ship isn’t he?”
“Why? Why would he be stupid enough to get on an alien space ship?”
“Because he’s stupid enough to think that saving the world falls on his shoulders and his alone.”
“I think Peter might have been stupid enough to think that too.” You say as soon as you know your class is out of hearing range.
“I’ve tried calling him and he’s not picking up.”
“I thought he was on the field trip with you?”
“He was until he saw an alien ship in the sky. Then he decided that he needed to be a superhero. And now he won’t pick up the phone and he always picks up the phone, even when he’s in his suit.” You voice the concerns you’re having. “And my calls to Dad aren’t going through either which makes me think that Peter is with him.”
“He wouldn’t be stupid enough to take a fifteen year old with him on a space ship.” Pepper tries to reassure you.
“But just because he doesn’t take Peter doesn’t mean that Peter isn’t stupid enough to follow him.”
“Sounds like we both need to date smarter men.”
“They’re book smart. I’m just not sure if they’re life smart.”
“I think I’d agree with that.”
“But we also love them too much to let them go.”
“That’s also true.” Pepper doesn’t comment on the fact that you just admitted that you love Peter. “But I also know that your dad will do anything to keep Peter safe if he’s with him. So you just focus on your school trip and at the end of the day, they’ll all come home safe.” Pepper’s promise doesn’t hold much truth to it, but you know your mom is trying to calm you more than anything. “I’m going to send Happy to pick you up from the museum and bring you to SI.”
“Right now?”
“No, but he’ll be there to pick you up when everyone heads back to school.”
“That’s not necessary. I’ll just head back to school and then he can pick me up from school. But Mom, if you hear from Dad, can you tell him I love him?”
“He knows you love him.”
“But I didn’t say it to him this morning and if something happens to him…” You feel the tears welling in your eyes.
“Nothing is going to happen to him. He knows you love him.”
“You don’t know that. Every time he walks out the door to play Avenger, he could leave and not come back. He could die out there today. And I couldn’t take the two seconds it would have taken to tell him I loved him this morning.” The tears drizzle down your face as you mutter the words you feel in your soul. Out of the corner of your eye you see Ned waiting by the door leading to the next exhibit area. You wipe the tears from your cheeks. “So just if you hear from him tell him ok, Mom?”
“I will. Now just for now, don’t think about all of this. Just focus on the field trip and I’ll see you after it ok? Everything is going to be ok.”
“Mom? I love you.”
“I love you too Y/N. So much.” You hang up the phone and Ned walks over.
“Everything alright?”
“No, but the universe doesn’t usually ask me before it makes it’s decisions.”
“Have you heard from Peter?” You shake your head. 
“I can’t get a hold of him or my dad. My mom said my dad is on that donut that flew out of the sky, which makes me think if I can’t get a hold of Peter…”
“He’s on it too.” Ned finishes your thought. “Peter’s in space with Iron Man. That’s so cool.” Ned mumbles but then sees your face. “Ok, not the point right now. What’s our plan?”
“We don’t have one. We’re not Avengers. We just wait around until the rest of them hopefully show up.” And you do what you hope is the next best step, you text your aunt- SOS.
N:Don’t worry. Avengers are on it. Focus on school. 
Why does everyone think you’ll be able to focus on anything when your dad and boyfriend disappeared on an alien spaceship? 
Y:you all think i’m going to be able to focus on learning when my dad and boyfriend have just gone missing? that’s the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard of coming from two of the smartest women i know.
N:I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but this isn’t on your shoulders. The Avengers will take care of this fight. I promise you, we’ll get them back. Anyway we have to.
“Anything?” Ned asks quietly, as your tour guide goes on pointing out different pieces of art. You shake your head.
“Apparently it’s an Avenger problem, not a me problem, according to Aunt Nat.”
“It’s still cool that you can just text Avengers.”
“Ned, my dad is literally an Avenger. It loses the coolness factor when your dad leaves on missions and you don’t know if he’ll come back alive or not.”
“That’s true I guess.” He looks at the art piece next to you. “But still you get to text the Black Widow! Isn’t that cool?”
“She’s just my Aunt Nat. I’ve hung out with her watching horror movies and talking about crushes. It feels different than saying I text the Black Widow.” You glance over at the statue, trying to take it in so you can write your report when you get home.
“They could have tried to put at least one blemish on it.” MJ mutters and you nod in agreement.
“Uh, Y/N?”
“Ned?” You turn from MJ to see Ned staring at his hand. It’s turning to dust in front of his eyes. “Ned, what’s happening?”
“I think something’s wrong.” His other hand starts to turn into dust and you don’t understand. 
“What is happening?”
“Something that can’t be good.” MJ says and you turn to see her hands turning to dust as well. “Y/N, something is wrong. Really wrong.” Your friends are turning to dust in front of your eyes. You can’t stop it, you can’t figure out what’s wrong. So you do the one thing you know to do when something is wrong- you call your mom.
“Y/N? Please tell me you’re not turning to dust too?”
“Mom, I don’t get what’s happening.”
“I don’t know either. But something isn’t right.” Your mom sounds stressed and worried at the same time you lift a hand to run through your hair and that’s when you see it. Your hand is disappearing before your eyes.
“Mom. Mom, I’m scared. My hand, it’s going.”
“Y/N, everything is going to be alright. It’s going to be ok.” Pepper doesn’t tell you that she has tears streaming down her cheeks. She needs to stay calm for you. You’re the one fading into nothing. She can stay calm for you in this moment. 
“Mom, Mom. I don’t want to go. Please. I don’t know what’s happening. Mom, please make it stop.” Pepper closes her eyes as she listens to your pleads.
“It’s going to be alright sweetheart. Everything is going to be ok.” You watch in horror as Ned fades into nothing but a pile of dust.
“Mom, Ned’s gone. MJ’s seconds away from going. I don’t want to go too. Please make it stop.”
“Everything is going to be alright baby. Just breathe. Everything is going to be ok.” Pepper lies to you.
“Mom, I love you. Tell Dad I love him too. I don’t want to go. Tell him that. I never wanted to go. Having you two as parents was the best thing that ever happened to me.” Your eyes look in horror as MJ turns into dust too.
“We feel the same about you.”
“I love you. I love you so much Mom. I’m sorry. I don’t want to go. I love you.”
“We love you too.” Pepper knows she only has seconds left with you so she wants to make sure you know this before it’s too late.
“I love yo-”
Permanent tag list: @wormonastringonastick​
Becoming A Stark Tag list: @persephonehemingway​  @iamaunicorn4704​  @furiouspockettoad​  @daughter-of-stark​  @eternalharry​  @huntective-kyeo​ @riiis-stuff​ @sunnyoongles @cosmicqueenieb​ @sovereignparker​ @bbarnestan​ @teenwishes08​ @iamthescarlettwitch​ @skyfallstilinski @cutie1365​ @a-mnd​ @youarethereasonimsmiling​ @thefemalestorywriter​
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99 Problems (Favored Ones, Part 8.)
Series description: Many things were surely fucked up in the year 2038, but no-one ever told anyone how all of it went down. What happened before a group of people left for Seattle to handle personal matters? Why did one girl refuse to leave all of it be? And why there were so many dead in the end?
Part Summary: Waking up after a perfect night always seems to be so rough. What should you think? What should tell? And how the fuck were you supposed to behave in front of the man... And the others?
A/N: Oh no, we’re in the part when we’re finally starting the countdown until Abby arrives in town. And the song is about the aftermath of the nasty fucking things you and Joel were doing. 99 Problems inspired the first half of the chapter and a song named Hell and You (by Amigo the Devil) had inspired the rest.
Warnings: None other than half of the characters being confused as usual and smut at the end.
Word count: 5.6 K
Tagging:  @nemodoren @xxgoldenhour @missdictatorme​ @peakymarvels​ @davnwillcome​ @pickleriiick​ @jodiereedus22​ @gladiosamicitias​ @tamkashi​ @eternallyvenus​ @avengerssstuff​ @fangirl-inthe-us
Series master list: H E R E
Joel Miller’s playlist for the bonfire occasions: H E R E
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Fall of 2037, five months before the incident:
In the morning, it was barely morning, your eyes just shot open. The night was still behind the windows, the light was slowly lurking in. Jesus, you couldn't tell what is hurting more - if it was your goddamn head or your fucking thighs. Just when you were about to climb from the bed you realized, that it isn't your house and that someone has their hand over your waist.
Oh, Lord. Slowly, the things which happened last night... All the words which were said and all the things that were done... Were coming to your head and suddenly, you could see each moment vividly. You've done it. You've fucked with Joel Miller. Joel was still sleeping pretty deeply, which made you act fact - withing few minutes, you were all dressed up and sneaking out of the house to run to your home.
Sure, you've fantasized about having him exactly as you had him, yet the realization was making you dizzy and ashamed, to be honest. He still was Ellie's dad, for fuck's sake. If she would get to know... Fuck you then, you were a dead man for her. The funniest part was yet to come. Sure, lessons with Joel were far gone because of the fucking weather, just like the classes, but the patrol you were about to have with Ellie was about to be interesting. The things you were doing with Joel felt completely right, you wouldn't have it any other way, but in the perspective of the situation around it? Jesus.
You were asking yourself questions the whole time you were packing your things for the patrol - how you and Joel were planning to make this fuckery work anyway? You'd always come late in the night, leaving when everything's done or early in the morning so no-one would see you? How would you know that you can come to him that day? You'll just knock on his door, asking 'Joel, wassup? Wanna hook up today?'. Yeah, sure, you could see yourself asking him. And most importantly, what if it was just the result of all these emotions brewing and going boom inside of you? What if he wouldn't want to do that emotionally sober? There was this one question going through your head quite a lot: what the fuck have you done?
On the other hand, when the man woke up just minutes after you left, he shouldn't be surprised to find the house empty - but it still caught him off-guard. So, were you trying to tell him something with disappearing into the thin air without a word, a note, anything, weren't you? Well, it was an experiment which went exactly as he assumed - you weren't into someone like him. You were too young and you thought that you were sure about wanting him, just to realize that it was a mistake. So much for not being alone, at least in some way, right?  
But it made him think about some things Joel already thought are buried deep inside of him. Those demons which he hadn't heard of in years. He didn't hear these inside his head ever since he and Ellie moved into Jackson. These thoughts were concerning Tess. And a lot about her. It was no mystery that he and she had something together. It was just because of the physical release, sure, but it was something. It started one night, it came out of nowhere. They were already partners at the time, this was just a friendly help as Tess would say. But truth be told, Joel never believed anyone enough after Tess to end up in bed with them.
You were the first one in five years. The first one to even show some interest in him. And the first one who didn't seem to be enough of a bitch to stab him in the back. Well, these things happen and it didn't exactly go according to the plan.
It was strange to meet you in the city almost every other day. Sometimes, you were there with Ellie, sometimes with other friends. And you never spared him a look, you never stopped for a few words just like he always did before. When meetings were happening, you made sure that you sit somewhere where he couldn't see you, so it wouldn't be possible to make any kind od eye-contact with you. You felt scared just because of the though Joel speaking to you. The whole of September went like that. And when November had started, the tension felt so strong that even others had noticed.
"I thought that you and Joel are on the good note now." - Ellie asked one night when you stopped by to play some video games and to have a sleepover after a busy week when you were shifted to help with the animals. Both of you were dressed in old, comfy sweats and drank some beer while playing Ellie was winning since she had the damn console at home, but you had a ton of fun nonetheless. Well, until this question.
"What?" - You asked with a chuckle, opening a package of sweets you got from Seth. It was something called donuts or so and it was fucking delicious.
"Nothing. He just looks so fucking butthurt when you're around, I just noticed yesterday. Tommy was trying to talk to him when you were sitting ar the next table - I wouldn't think it's you, but then he looked over to you and he got even more heated up. As if he was angry with you or some shit. What's that about?" - Okay, it wasn't the time to panic now, it was time for you to make something up. You were good at that, your small lies saved you and Ellie quite a few times. So now it was your time to lie to Ellie directly.
"Oh, oh yeah, that." - You nodded when you pretended that you suddenly realized. You had to pretend it wasn't even that important to you - and you were one of a good actor when it came to that. - "Yeah, we had some disagreements about my hunting lessons, so I told him some nasty things." - You rolled your eyes at the memory, secretly thinking about all of the nasty things you've done to him for real. For a moment, Ellie was laying there and looking at you, as if she was not really convinced that's the case - but suddenly, she started laughing. The sound of her laughter made you finally breathe out. She believed you.
"He can be an asshole when people ain't doing the things he wants them to do. I know... But still. I think I'm slowly getting behind the anger I felt for him. You know what I mean?" - She asked, suddenly being all vulnerable again. No-one in Jackson was able to see her the ways you did - she was blushing quite a lot around you. She never wore hair down in public - she always wore it down around you.
Maybe you've done the right thing with running away? He was right - it could damage and maybe even destroy a lot of relationships for you to only have occasional fun. Jesus, why was too hard to tell if you acted right even when you were just looking back on the situation? You were still into him, no matter how hard you tried to be into someone else. You spent a shit ton of time with Diego in the last month and as you expected, he was probably having something for you.
But every time he smiled at you, held your door, or told you a joke, you asked yourself - holy shit, why isn't Joel standing in front of me? Every time the man walked around you, your breath hitched when you remembered the pleasure time with him could bring. Every time Joel spoke at any kind of meeting, which happened rarely, you got lost in his voice and that Texas accent. What a slut you were. But what was done was done - and you couldn't just walk up to the man and kiss him after ignoring him for a month. In theory, you perfectly could, but what good would that bring?
"That's awesome. How you plan on doing that?" - You asked a bit uncomfortably, gulping one piece of the donut as you lounged back next to her. She leaned the back of her head on your thigh, opening her lips so you could feed her. At that, you smiled.
"I don't know yet." - She hummed thought the food, gulping it down. - "I think I'll just take some more time and... I will do the only thing I can. Go there, ask him to listen and talk." - Ellie closed her eyes for a moment. - "Man, do you know how fucking nervous I am about this? You're the only one who knows. If you'll going to tell it this information someone, you're waking up in the snow on one winter day."
"Really? I thought you're telling me and Dina the same amount of information?" - An answer came out of you as your eyes followed the girl who was turning off the console to play you both some movie to fall asleep during. When the first sigh came out of her, you knew something has gone bad. - "When did you two had the time to argue?"
"Well." - Ellie started, letting the opening of the movie roll. You didn't care about the fucking movie, you were staring at Ellie. - "The things are kinda on thin ice now. You remember when I told you I like someone?" - Ellie chuckled uncomfortably. You put five and five together immediately. She was looking down and suddenly, her face was red as a strawberry. No way in fucking hell. You remembered her relationship with Kat going to hell suddenly, but Dina? Holy fuck, that was a new level for you. It was still less scary than what you were doing with Joel, but it rose your eyebrows with surprise.
"You weren't talking about me?" - You tried to joke, but it wasn't appreciated at all at the moment.
"And I think she knows and something is happening between her and Jesse now, and we talked about some stuff, and now we're not talking." - Ellie told you in as few words as she could. Quietly, you sighed and laid down next to her, snuggling to her to watch the movie. You probably missed all of that because your head was all wrapped up around Joel all the time when you tried to figure out how to cross him out and forget that one night at his house. Great. You missed your best friends arguing because of the relationships. What a fucking friend you indeed were. You had to do something about that.
So the following morning, you did just that. As usual, you found Dina and Jesse together. They were just having breakfast - so you told Jesse to get up from the fucking table and leave because you and Dina were about to talk about girly stuff. Which wasn't weird at all, since you and Jesse never went easy at each other. That was why you loved the boy just as much as you did. - "What was that for? You're really off the rails today. Is it supposed to make me attracted to you?" - Dina asked playfully, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Come the fuck on, you're already into me so much you don't know what to do with it." - You answered and watched her moving her plate of veggies in front of you.
"True dat. You're angry and food always helps you when you're angry." - Dina leaned her cheek into her palm, smiling at you carefully. Yeah. Since you've spent most of the time in your workshop, gone on patrols, and with trying to take your mind off of Joel, you hadn't time to have breakfast with Dina and Ellie. And you missed it pretty bad.
"I'm not angry." - You pointed out, but stopped Dina from taking the damn plate back nonetheless, having the girl chuckle again. - "But I'm just concerned about you and Ellie. She told me a bit yesterday..." - You rose your eyebrows. Dina sighed at that, leaning her back into the chair below her. Watching you stuffing your cheeks with the food, she smiled again but didn't comment on it, since she was aware you'd tell her to fuck off as well.
"I don't know what's going on inside her now. She hasn't spoken to me in a week, she didn't even say a damned hi or acknowledged me. I told her that Jesse and I are having some... Problems now and she went all coo-coo, I haven't ever seen her like that before. She told you what was that about?" - Dina leaned her head closer to her shoulder, looking at you innocently.
Well, you had your theories, but Ellie hadn't told you officially what was happening, so all you could do was to shake your head. Dina scoffed at that, mumbling something very similar to an unbelievable 'of course she didn't'. Other than this small bit, once you allowed Jesse to join the breakfast again, it was a fun morning. As usual, you and the boy didn't hold a single comment back, making Dina laugh throughout the whole time.
It was your time to help Tommy with some things around Jackson and the patrols around it, but it was quite fun if you had to say. Tommy was a lovely guy - and ever since he stuck with you after Eve had passed away, you were looking up to him even more. And you're also screwing his brother, you slut, you told to yourself. This particular piece of information made your eyes widen. Jesus, where did that come from? Ever since this thing popping inside your head, you really couldn't think about anything else - not even Tommy's jokes made you laugh.
To have everything fucked by the evening, there was another meeting about the patrols - which was exactly what you needed, right? Another evening to strategize about sitting somewhere where Joel couldn't see. But what needed to be done, that needed to be done - especially when this meeting was supposed to assign groups for the coming up winter and spring.
It came off as expected - Tommy paired himself with Joel mostly, you had Ellie by your side, Dina and Jesse were together and Diego was assigned to Maria. There were occasions where you and Ellie would pick a kid from the patrol group. showing them what to do, but so far so good - this winter seemed to be cool. In the middle of the meeting, just when Tommy was talking about some shit that wasn't concerning you, again, you kinda turned your brain off and let your eyes just wander around the fucking room. Which you obviously shouldn't do.
Joel was just listening to his baby brother talking about stuff, leaning his ass to one of the tables as he drank his coffee. He wasn't listening from the moment Tommy grouped himself with Joel again. It didn't seem that you're hiding so far in the back that evening. You were sitting there, obviously, you weren't paying attention to Tommy for a long time. Your eyes were wandering around the room until the point they fell on him. For a moment, you were just staring at him and you probably didn't even realize you were. But it was bloody funny once you realized who you were looking at - immediately, you shifted your attention to Tommy. Nervously biting your lip this time. Wait a minute...
Joel did expect a lot from you - a look of disgust, aversion maybe, some confusion or anger... But you were just visibly nervous. Joel was purposely searching for some negative emotion in your face, for any red flag showing him you don't wanna even see him again, yet he didn't find any. That was the breaking point - he caught up with you as soon as the meeting ended, taking you aside to ask you some stuff which you two hadn't quite solved. And to solve it properly this time - already knowing how will he mess all of it up from the moment you agreed to talk to him.
You were one hella nervous-looking girl. Maybe it was that you were sobber, but your eyes were all over the place and you were playing with the hem of your shirt. - "Why we ain't talkin', girl? Did I mess somethin' up?" - The man whispered as you both stood on the other side of the street, talking rather quietly. It would be embarrassing if someone would hear even the slightest bit of your conversation.
This whole thing was confusing the shit out of you. With him being distant, possibly even cold to you, the whole month you didn't come to ask him if he liked it, it was hard to believe that he liked it. And that Joel maybe wanted to repeat it. And not once. This solution didn't come across as an answer for you, which was why you were looking at him as if you couldn't even speak proper English.
"No? How... Why... Why do you even think you've done something wrong?" - You whispered back, stepping more into the shadows. Jesus, you didn't remember missing his smell until the very moment you sniffed it again. You didn't remember how easy was to get aroused around him. You didn't know you missed these darkened eyes watching you, or the confident smirk on his face.
"Well, I woke up and you were nowhere to be seen. Quite easy to make somethin' outta that." - Joel sighed, looking around. There was one group standing a bit away from you, probably thinking about sneaking out of the city that night again.
"It... It wasn't like that." - A mumble left your lips as you watched the tips of your boots. - "I panicked, okay? I sobered up and I just thought that you might not like it as much as I did, and all the things you've told me before it happened... It was a lot." - You apologized, at least sorta apologized, Joel for your behavior. The man nodded and licked his lips - you almost missed the smug that appeared on his face. - "I couldn't even imagine how would it work, how..."
"And if I tell you to come today so I can show you how much of a torture it was for me?" - Joel asked you out of the blue, looking somewhere away from you. That made your breath hitch and eyes widen. You'd love that. You would. Yet it made you so nervous that you almost ignored a newcomer completely. It was Diego, who was visibly confused by seeing you and Joel talk in the shadows.
"Am I interrupting something?" - The black-haired boy looked at Joel, pointing at you with a wide smile. It could be seen that you're distant - it was because you had the imagination of you and Joel on your mind, both naked, inside his bedroom. Which was exciting. - "Not at all, son. What do you need?" - Joel grinned at him, trying how much fucked up he can get you before getting you into his bed.
"Um, it's kinda weird to talk about it in front of you, sir." - Diego chuckled, clearly respecting everything about that man. That poor boy was just about to ask you out, after the damned month he was building up the courage to do that. And just a moment after the man haunting your head asked you to come later that day.
"I won't tell a livin' soul, I swear." - Joel grinned at the boy. You were just standing there, already aroused from the damned question Joel asked you teasingly and now, he was pretty much enjoying seeing you in such a state. What a motherfucker.
"We're... I mean, me and a few other kids, are about to go for the last swim of the summer... And I was wondering if you'd like to go with me... I mean, us, of course." - The boy got out so silently that you could barely catch what he was asking about. When you realized, your eyes popped up.
The pressure was building inside you fast enough for you breath hitching for a second, while you had your cheeks on fire. You shot a look to Joel, who already knew your answer, and that motherfucker was just grinning. Then you turned your head back to Diego, making a sad face.
"I'm really tired to do that. I have to help in the kitchen tomorrow, so I'll be busy... I want to catch some sleep." - Your palm smoothed Diego's shoulder gently so he'd know you mean it. You were helping in the kitchen the following morning, so that wasn't a complete lie. But you were more than awake at that moment.
The boy seemed to be surprised you turned him down. He thought that you and he were building something since fall had started. You were together a lot, almost all the time, he was making you relaxed and laughing, he thought about kissing you many times as well. Maybe, he should've gone for it instead of just thinking about it. He was sure you'll come with them. But you told him no.
"Oh, sure. No problem. See you around then, I gotta go." - The boy gave you an honest smile and nodded to Joel as he was leaving slowly. His face was still saddened tho. - "Have fun, tho!" - You called out at the boy, feeling a palm creeping up your thigh even though Diego still had a clear view of you, and then a palm holding your ass pretty firmly. It was done in such a manner that Diego couldn't see a thing, yet you could feel Joel perfectly.
"What is this supposed to," - "Meet me at my place in twenty, 'kay?" - The man breathed out, already feeling himself hardening due to that small contact. After that, the palm slowly slapped you as he left you just standing there.
Confusion took hold on you once again. At least, it was a euphoric confusion this time. He liked it. He liked the night he spent with you. Joel Miller wanted to see you again, more like demanded it. His back were slowly disappearing out of your sight as you stood there with your panic mode turned on.
20 minutes was all he gave you. It was merely enough to take some seductive underwear on unless you'd make a run for it. So you ran for that shit to your home. And you almost hit Ellie with your shoulder when you just started sprinting.
She caught your shoulders to prevent you from falling, looking you in the eyes. She hasn't seen you in such a rush - never. You seemed like you can't keep your mind straight. - "What is wrong with you, baby?" - Ellie started to laugh, having Dina chuckle at you as well.
A good sign was that they both been talking before you almost killed Ellie singlehandedly. Their friendship seemed to be saved, which was great. But it wasn't concerning you in the slightest bit at the moment.
"I left my iron on. I need to turn it on right now!" - You yelled chaotically, already running off. Jesse was confusedly watching both Dina and Ellie starting to laugh. - "Why is that so funny?" - The boy asked when he circled his hand around Dina's shoulder and kissing her forehead right after.
Ellie wiped the tears away, shaking her head at the sight of you disappearing in the night. - "This girl had never ironed clothes in her life." - "Never before." - Dina finished, laughing with Ellie.
"She's probably going with Diego and other kids, they're sneaking out of the town." - Jesse assumed. That made sense. You've been always ready to do random bullshit, so going out of a midnight swim? That was you.
Well... Only if the things weren't completely different...
In record fifteen minutes, you found yourself creeping through Joel's neighborhood to see if anyone's out before knocking on the door.
He had enough time to prepare you at least a beer like a gift or something, but he chuckled at the things your behavior was saying about the things you had on your mind was enough.
"Come in, suit yourself." - Joel stepped aside, smiling at the sight of you. You were so damn cute with that small grin. You were also wearing a different t-shirt - this one wasn't yours since it was too tight and showed a good portion of your cleavage. He had never seen you wearing this one.
"Are you trying to support my alcoholism? A gentleman at his best, huh?" - You grinned upon seeing the beer served on the countertop.
"That wouldn't be too responsible, would it?" - Joel answered you, but took the second beer and toasted you before taking a good long swing. You did so too, gently meeting his bottle halfway. - "Is anything of this responsible, Joel?"
You were there again, doing exactly what you wished for and what you've told you're not ever doing again. It was strangely exciting. Honestly, you were wet beyond your wildest dreams and you could already feel the blood inside you boiling. It was quite exciting to stand there for a moment, watching each other. You almost felt as if Joel was too far away from you. With that, you put the bottle down, coming that one step closer to him. Gently, you tiptoed and put your palm on the nape of his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. This man's palms were exploring the entirety of your back thighs and ass.
How comes you haven't noticed how long his fingers were before? And how firmly he could squeeze things with them? You thought that you're maybe about to fuck on the countertop, but a hiss came directly to your ear. - "Come on, girl, take off these shoes for me."
Directly after that, he gave your ass one good slap, making you chuckle. But soon, as you saw that smile, you did what he had told you. The whole way to stairs up, you both leaned away for a while to take off another article clothes before leaning in for another heated kiss. By the time you were walking into the bedroom, you were only in your panties, while Joel stopped you before taking off his t-shirt, so you took the briefs instead. And lemme say, he was prepared to take you right there and then, but he didn't do that.
You were very confused once he laid down on his back. You smiled when you figured out that most probably, he wants you to ride him one more time, so you climbed to sit on his lap, biting your lip.
"I figured out you like it on the top, girl. You up?" - He chuckled when you palmed the shaft down there while Joel closed his eyes, smoothing both your thighs gently. It was quite fun to watch him react to the things you were doing - you hadn't seen a boy doing any soft pants under your touch. Joel even went to far to let out gentle groans sometimes. - "Jesus, get these off for me and climb 'ere." - The man looked at you, patting his stomach. You grinned as you pushed the panties away, wondering about why wants you on his belly. But you did as you were told.
"Good try, try it a bit higher." - The man chuckled at seeing you clueless. With even weirder expression, you climbed higher, now hugging his shoulders with your inner thighs. What the fuck was that for? You could feel his forearms circling your thighs, suddenly pushing you forward so aggressively that you had to put your elbows under you so you wouldn't fall on the mattress. Sure, you've been eaten out before, but it wasn't such a miracle everyone was talking about. On top of that, you were always laying on your side while the guys were usually kneeling in front of the bed.
You looked down on Joel to see him staring at you being completely wet - so much you could start dripping at any second. And suddenly, you heard him chuckling under you. Which honestly got you confused. - "What's so funny, cowboy?" - You whispered before you felt the beard kissing your right inner thigh.
"Nothin'. I'm just impressed by the view." - The man answered just seconds before his tongue and lips disappeared between your legs. At that feeling, you closed your eyes and moaned. You weren't even caring about your volume at that moment, you were just moaning louder and louder so the man would know how much you're enjoying what he's doing. It took you by a surprise when he slapped you to get you lean into his face, but you rocked against him just as he expected as he thought you'd.
"Girl, be so kind and pick yourself on your knees for me, will you?" - You didn't even realize he had stopped until the moment he spoke to you. You were just too lost in the feeling. Was it the attraction that made it all so much more enjoyable? Or maybe the fact he knew what he was doing? You didn't know, but you kneeled on top of him, watching half of the handsome face being covered by your own body. - "Now, put your hand in my hair, come on." - The man encouraged you while smoothing small circles on your thighs. Jesus, you must've looked so dumb and unskilled. With a gentle sigh, you did as you were told.
"Show me how you want it." - The man whispered, kissing your inner thighs gently. To try it out, you pulled on his hair gently, making these eyes shot directly to your face at that moment. He was listening to what you were about to show or tell, it didn't matter. Carefully, you entwined your fingers inside that maybe-a-bit-too-long hair, picking his head up to put it back where it belonged. Suddenly, when you closed your eyes because of all the nice things he was doing, you realized that he wasn't talking to you in such a matter. He didn't like to make fun of you because he knew these things and you didn't.
You had the upper hand at the moment. You were the one in charge. You deliberately chose to do this with him, again, and this was his way of paying him back without talking. And he also wanted you to learn you these things one by one, one step at a time. When that clicked inside your brain, you carefully put your other hand into his hair, massaging his scalp in the process to show him how much you were into it.
"Just don't stop, Texas." - You whispered town to him and when he hummed back as an answer, you thought you're coming for a moment there. It sent vibrations through your whole body, making you moan once again. When you, again, though things can't get any better, you felt two fingers slipping inside of you. You thought it might hurt at first, but your eyes rolled as soon as he moved them inside of you. Not like the last time when he was just making sure you're ready. Joel was taking his fucking time that night.
Watching you was the most erotic thing he had ever seen - and Joel had seen some stuff before you, alrite? Through the time, you learned that you can ride his face, which made you mutter out his name here and there, then you bent your head and let out another erotic sound. His jaws were on fucking fire... But how could he stop? That was until you tugged his hair again, making him lay down again. Only his fingers pumping in and out remained inside of you.
"Just take me already, will you be so kind?" - You asked silently, climbing off of him. He couldn't quite even climb on his elbows properly and there you were, already tugging on his t-shirt to bring closer. But you weren't going to kiss his mouth, no. Which made the man surprised. Instead of that, you hissed a small trail on his neck while your palm slipped under his t-shirt, gently scratching his back. - "Look at her, she's a natural."  - Joel chuckled light-heartedly, pinning you down finally.
It was safe to say that neither of you lasted long, but there was nothing to wonder about. Letting the things gather inside for a month? Geez, nobody would go for hours after that. When Joel was trying to catch his breath, you pulled him close, letting him rest his head on your chest while unknowingly smoothing his hair. Which was probably his most favorite thing ever - the moments of vulnerability just moments after the act itself.
You were warm and fragile, something he had to protect. At least that what his head was thinking. In reality, he knew how good you were with a fucking bow since he learned you on his own, he had seen you survive some things... You weren't a small, fragile doll. - "I'm going for a shower, okay?" - You ended the small moment by kissing his forehead, leaving the bed. - "Will it be weird to borrow something? I kinda don't wanna go for the clothes, I'm too done for that." - You mumbled, trying to at least stand up. This man was capable of having your legs behaving like jello with the orgasms he could bring. He grunted, already throwing a t-shirt on you. - "Take your time, I’ll fetch somethin' to drink and the clothes, yea?" - He told you, already leaving the room, searching for his briefs in the process.
When you were done with the shower, the bedroom was prepared for you, your clothes folded on a small pile on the table, both beers standing on the nightstand. But Joel was sitting on the edge with Ellie's guitar, playing something. He was lost in the moment until you laid behind him, snuggling under the blanket. He almost put the guitar away, but your palm stopped him. - "Play something for me, Texas. Please?"
And he did. He remained playing until he noticed you're already asleep. And for the first time in a long time, Joel wasn't feeling alone.
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short-story100 · 3 years
am William, and I woke up on a beautiful Saturday morning with a cool breeze blowing through the windows. As much as the morning was adored with beautiful sky colors, I still had mixed feelings about my new school, not about the weather. This worries me because I still love my former school, but time flies and one must skate high in levels and achievement whether I like it or not. At the same time, I'm curious about how my new school will be. The school was founded on a sole proprietorship by my mom before being handed over to the government due to a lack of funds to run it. It has also held the title of best high school in the state for the past nine years. It is, indeed, the school of every child's dreams. They go on excursions within their own country as well as to neighboring countries, national parks, and so on. And, by August of this year, they'll be visiting the National Museum to see long-standing evolution on display. Model High School is, without a doubt, every child's dream school. As much as I want to go there, I'm also wondering if I'll be chosen as one of their students. Will I be able to pass their preliminary entrance examination? Will I be able to pass the main entrance examination, let alone be admitted? These are the issues I ruminate about until Dad came for a morning prayer at my door. As usual, Mom pray to pray one at a time, in offices and in the classrooms. After the prayers, dad jokingly commented that you seem more enthusiastic about getting this admitted in his newly proposed school because of the way you are committing both living and non-living things in the school to prayers, we all laughed, then she panted my cheek and said, "I can't wait to see my boy in those elegant beautiful plaid fabric polyester viscus uniform". . When I heard this, I was tempted to ask, "Was she trying to change my school because of the uniform?" But, of course, she wasn't. Then dad came over to sit by my side on the chair and asked if I wanted to say anything, given the fact that he had an intuition skill of knowing if you had bottled words you wanted to say. Finally, I told my parents that, while I was excited about attending the best school in the state, for me, I had a second glance about whether I would be able to meet their requirements because, according to what I had heard, their cut off mark is 75% at the preliminary entrance level and 70% at the main entrance examination level. Also, if you do not meet the aggregate of 80 percent, you will be placed on probation for a period of time You will most likely be demoted to a lower class and, if your score falls below 50%, you will be withdrawn. To be honest, these figures scare me, even though I'm not your average student, but I'm skeptical. Dad, still holding my hands playfully with a more devoted affection, then said, "You remember, February 15, 6 years ago?" At this point, even Mum was curious about what happened on that day. Then she said, your teacher summoned your mother and me to a private meeting in her office, saying, ‘she didn't think you'd be able to move on to the next class, and I'm afraid if he doesn't meet the required grade, he might have to repeat his class for another year', but here you are today, best student in two different sessions at the same school, and you represented your school in the intrastate academic competition and came third while Model High School came first. Do you know that the most difficult examination or test is not the one you passed or the one you will face at entrance examinations or promotion examinations, and it is not even the American Mensa admission test, California bar exam, or chartered financial analyst examination? However, the most difficult I've encountered thus far is one of mindset. When you allow yourself to be overcome by self-defeat, it may be difficult to answer even the most basic question posed to you. You must shift your perspective and mindset from one of "I can't do it" to one of "I will definitely scale through; I will pass this examination with determination I will pass." You have to remind yourself of that from time to time,' mum added, ‘remember Gabriel your immediate senior who also changed schools to Model High School, he is now doing well and fine, at this time, I felt something bubbling inside me, lighted up and anxious to participate in the preliminary and main entrance examination. Nonetheless, my mother was always present to ensure that I was not overconfident, and that I did not abandon my studies. My Sunday night sleep was like a kilometer of stop and wake intersections. I start imagining how the school will actually look, the entrance beauty alone will be as beautiful as my former school assembly, I can't wait to meet new friends, faces, and also see Gabriel and Sophia, my old friends from my previous school. I remember dreaming of Gabriel throwing his arm over my shoulder, talking with me as we walked down the schoolyard, as if we were going to meet others in the class. I'd wake up with a smile and go back to sleep. I also had a short nightmare in which I saw the principal snarling at a student and telling me, "We can't find your papers, they're not complete," which shocked me. Not long after, he told me to step aside for the next person in line. I awoke worried and terrified, and I dashed to my cabinet to see if there was a missing document among my files. As I was checking, my mother came over and asked, "What are you doing at this time of night, why aren't you in your bed sleeping or probably studying?" I then narrated my dreams and the night mare with a serious expression on my face, only for her to burst out laughing and then stop to prevent me from feeling embarrassed or too childish, and she said it was all a result of my anxiety to get into the school and not something to take seriously, and that your father and I checked and arranged the documents and filed the necessary documents that had been updated at the school webpage. She then assists me in placing the document back in the cabinet while holding my hands back to bed, reminding me of our discussion yesterday to tell myself I will pass the exam; I will scale through, she said kissing my cheek as she walks away, telling me to have a good night's rest and a blissful dream. My alarm went off at 6 a.m., and my mother came over to see why I had allowed the alarm to continue ringing, only to discover that I had been in the bathroom before the alarm even went off. She turned it off to finish her chores. As usual, I completed my morning chores and prayed in the morning. At 6:40 a.m., a heavy downpour began, and I immediately concluded that it would not last. I ate my breakfast of tea and bread in a hurry, dressed up, and prepared for the 9 a.m. examination. Surprisingly, the rain was still falling at 7:45 a.m. I was already fussing about why this was happening today when my parents didn't have a car; mum was busy organizing her office items while dad went out to find us a ride. Fortunately, the rain stopped and began to subside around 8 a.m., leaving the road with fog, though not thick enough to obstruct visibility. Instead of the usual 20 minutes, it took about 40 minutes to get to school. I alight first from the taxi cab at the school gate, while dad waves goodbye as he continues on his way to work in the cab. Unknown to me, a black Roy Royce was approaching to park, and as I stepped out of the cab, I was splattered with water on my feet. I was enraged when two hugging muscular men exited the car with a boy. I could tell they were bodyguards for a politician or businessman's son. When he got out of the car, he snarled at me, saying, "What the fuck are you doing here?" I was perplexed when my mother later discovered she had made a snarky comment I couldn’t figure out. We wasted no time in getting clean at the school's entrance tap and was directed to the hallway for the preliminary entrance examination. At the entrance, two security personnel will stop and search to ensure that no malpractice or inappropriate objects enter the examination hall. The examination was divided into sections A and B, with section A consisting of 100 objective questions and section B consisting of two theory questions, all of which were completed in three hours. I decided to take a walk around the school after the exam because I had been told that only those who passed the preliminary entrance exam would be eligible for the main entrance exam. . It was at this point that I noticed how beautiful and fortified the school was beyond my expectations; it was adorned with various types of flowers such as roses, hibiscus, tulip buttercup, and long-standing trees. Two days later, my mother received a text message on her phone asking her to go to the school website to check the preliminary examination results. Mum checked my result but remained silent; I was anxious, worried, and anticipating, and my mind was racing with questions such as, "Did I pass?" Why has she remained deafeningly silent? How can she just call me at home and break the news to me without telling me my score, grade, or hope? I desperately need an answer. I then begin remarking myself in my imagination, marking the majority of my actions correctly and only a few incorrectly for as long as I can remember. Finally, I come to the conclusion that I will receive no less than an 85 percent. Not long after, at half pass three, she appeared with such joy on her face that her grin makes me smile as a positive sigh to justify the accuracy of my imaginative score and grade. And when she told me I passed, I screamed like a punctured inflated balloon, jumping on her and hugging her even tighter. I then asked her why she didn't tell me over the phone and just break the news; in any case, what's my score? I inquired. Then, without pronouncing, she dramatized the score with her lips, and all of a sudden, she screamed it loudly, saying 87 percent. I was overjoyed and hugged her once more. She goes on to say, "I had to branch out in the school to get study materials that will be useful for the next exam, as instructed on the school web portal." And here it is; you will begin it tonight because the next examination is in two days. Without wasting any time, I began studying, memorizing, and so on. Mum was a great source of support and encouragement as she kept checking and assisting at critical junctures. Two days later, I was dressed for the exam, and on the way to school, the taxi cab we boarded had its tyre punctured and thus deflated. Mum and I were very concerned and felt a little sympathy for the taxi driver, so we boarded another taxi cab right away. I was nervous as I got closer to the gate, checking back and forth to make sure no car or vehicle splashed water on me this time. For the main entrance exam, we were directed to a different hall. This examination was divided into written and interview sections; however, one surprising aspect of this examination was that we were few in number and that the results would be published in the school notice board that same day. We had to wait for about 2 to 3 hours. I kept assuring mum before the results were pasted because she seemed a little tense this time around, despite the fact that I spent most of the time playing a game on her cell phone. And when I was finally pasted and passed, she was overjoyed because my name was also among the first five on the admission list. She was simply too excited to wait and break the news to dad at home, so she called to inform him that I had been admitted with a 76 percent score. On Monday morning, we went on a tour of the school before proceeding to our class, which was led by our ostensible class teacher. I felt a wave of relief sweep across my nerves all over my body. I had no idea Felix, who snarled at me after being splashed with mud water on my first day of school, was in the same class. I was never bothered by this because a parent's words kept ringing in my head that I was here to study and focus. Mr. Smith, who taught with a strong sense of humor and demonstrated and illustrated where necessary, began our next 1- hour class study on full fold. I really enjoyed his teaching and skills, and I was tempted to think he couldn't have anger in his emotions because of his pleasant demeanor. The next subject was mathematics, which was also an interesting class. During the break, I was able to meet new people and walk through to the school's art and gallery room, where accomplishments and some creative work were carefully and strategically displayed. I also play on a school soccer team. My study was increasing enormously and taking a positive drift toward excellence. I also make new friends and an enemy too, Felix, who never acts as if I exist in school, let alone that we are in the same class. Felix had a friend named Elizabeth who would always tell him to stop discrimination because his dad is the richest dad among the students of the school. Elizabeth and Felix are intimate friend back home, they’ve been attending the same school right from crèche, the same age, live in the same estate with their parents’ house at close range. Felix would leave his house a zillion times to read, study, play tic-tact-toe, Mine-craft, hide & seek, Ludo, and play video games. And at another time, Dr. Idris, Felix father, planned on taking his family on a picnic, museum, relaxation center, and Barbecue, Elizabeth would accompany them to make the trip more fun fill for Felix and other way round for Elizabeth too. One day, during our excursion to the country's national zoological park, we decided to pay a visit to Felix's dad, who happens to be the Chief Executive Officer of the zoo in addition to other portfolios he holds in the country, as opined by our coordinator. I wasn't all happy because Felix was giving me a horrible look, as if I had come specifically to seek desperate familiarity with his dad. I tried everything I could to hide my feelings and blend in with. We were warmly welcomed and given preferential treatment throughout our visit and exploration; he instructed his personal assistant to give us a special ticket with his signature; in fact, he demanded that we be given free access and promised to pay our bills. Elizabeth's father was offered a full-time job at Harvard University shortly after the excursion, prompting him to relocate his family to the United States, and Elizabeth was accepted to continue her studies in no time. Back in school, Felix and I were never companions in school, and if anything can ever bring us together, it would have to be classwork or class teacher instruction. Sometimes, I wonder why he behave that with some other students too. It was later I got to know he doesn’t like students of middle or lower socioeconomic class or race. He is uncomfortable being with children from the middle and lower classes. Though I happened to be the one of the middle-class citizen parent child in Felix's class, enjoys playing games and studying with the other students, with exception of Felix. Felix would prefer to be in the opponent's team against my team. Once, Mr. Donald, the class teacher, paired the students in preparation for a dance performance practice in the school. However, he paired Felix and I together and during the performance practice, Felix tactfully got me injured. This continued till something happened to Felix a month before our promotion examination. He had an accident on his bike, leaving his arm partially fractured, and to be hospitalize for two weeks and even with family support and visits from his class teacher and friends in school to create an aura of love and belonging around him, he still felt lagging behind in his study. Upon hearing of the accident, Elizabeth was sad and sent him gift and, fortunately for her, the gifts were delivered on time to Felix. Occasionally I used to visit my aunt, who happens to be a nurse at the hospital where Felix is being treated. Felix had praised the nurses for their care, and psychological support on numerous occasions, notably Mrs. Richard, my aunt for her comforting words. "Thank you for taking me as your child," he once told her. Mrs. Richard was on duty on this particular day, and I paid her a visit as usual after school before mum come around to pick me up, but this time she decided to take me around the facility during her break though she had to persuade me to visit Felix's room, and was even surprised Felix consented to me entering his room even though I wasn't interested initially. For the rest of the day, he was gloomy, and later requested to see me, but I had already gone home. And the following day, Mrs Richard informed me that Felix wanted to meet me. I was surprised and hesitant to visit him, but she encouraged him to meet him. When Felix sees him, he tries to get out of bed, despite the pain of his bandaged arm, and then begins to plead to me, begging him to forgive him for how he had been treated me, with little or no regard for. I did manage not to tear at point even though I felt emotionally moved. I then added, "I've forgiven you despite the fact that you wronged me by portraying me as inferior," and we both hugged. Felix then requested that his brother bring him the gift Elizabeth had sent him, and he presented one of the gifts to me. This astounded me, and a new relationship blossomed between the us. Each time I paid a visit to my aunt, I would also pay a visit to Felix, supporting him with his notes, and we would read, study, and play together.
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joshslater · 4 years
The Reformatory
A rewrite of jd07201990′s swimmer story. Similar stories and bonus material on my Patreon.
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Dear diary or however you are supposed to start.
So tomorrow is the big day. Dad and I are sleeping at a Holiday Inn at the other side of the state. Well, I'm obviously not sleeping. How could I? So I thought I should start a journal of some sort to document this experience.
Some background. Two months ago I was in a fight with Mark Samberg on the football team. It had gotten pretty bad between the football schmucks and us swimmers. The jockheads were constantly harassing us, calling us fags and prissy boys. It happened often and was getting boring. As the captain of the swim team I asked Mark to knock it off and get his players in line. Idiot as he is he tried to knock me out instead, and I lost it. In our scramble I managed to knock him down and was about to kick him in the shin when he shifted and instead I connected with his knee. Apparently it fractured. He'll be able to walk and even run, but he'll not be able to play again for years, so he lost his Scholarship.
His family sued everyone they could. Me, the school, the swim coach. In the end all the lawyers sat down in a room with a local judge and came up with something they all could agree to. Mark gets some study assistance to get his grades up, the school had this quickly brushed under the carpet, and could pretend I was never student there. Me not graduating wasn’t really a blow, as my college fund now went to pay for Mark’s education, as compensation. They were rich enough to afford it anyway, but they wanted to see punishment. I get the honor to spend the next 180 days at the Lepinski Adolescence Reformation Center, where I will "participate in all scheduled exercises, activities, therapies, meals and medication programs". They can tack on some extra days for bad behavior without going back to the judge, but essentially I get 6 months at bad boy camp for standing up to bullies.
What will I do there? No idea. The website talks a lot about work ethics and responsibility and working together with the local community. Sounds like labor camp to me. I'll guess we'll know tomorrow. But first we have to visit the hospital for a check up. My first day in prison will mostly not be in prison!
Day 1, Monday
We started with a checkup at the hospital, and man did they do a thorough job. Our appointment was at 10, but before that I had to fill out a form with 100 questions. The doctor spent more than 30 minutes doing the most extensive check I've ever had. Not only that, but after the check we had to go to the sample lab to draw blood, and finally I had a CT scan at noon. After that, and a quick lunch, we drove to the actual reformation center, which was in a smaller town 2 hours away.
It's an old boarding school building that they've turned into this "Reformation Center", and it clearly looks more like a prison than a school. Just a heap of two story brick and concrete buildings out in nowhere. Not much of security, but then everyone was there "voluntarily", meaning that we all had a proper punishment waiting for us if we left. I hugged dad goodbye and was shown to Mr. Kerwin’s office by the entrance guard.
Mr. Kerwin was a lean, ripped man in his forties that oozed military discipline. He explained that he was responsible for my rehabilitation and that he wouldn't start soft. He would give me a packed schedule, and if I didn't pull my weight he would add more days for "noncompliance". If I didn't like it I could run back to judge Stephenson and ask to start over in juvie.
Perhaps that would be better, because the schedule he showed me was totally insane.
4:30-5:00  Breakfast 5:00-8:00  Exercise pass 1 8:00-12:00 Work pass 1 12:00-12:30 Lunch 12:30-14:30 School 14:30-17:30 Work pass 2 17:30-18:00 Dinner 18:00-21:00 Exercise pass 2 21:30       Lights out
He explained that my breakfast, lunch and dinner would be pre-portioned and I was required to eat all of it. The exercise passes would be lead by himself or one of the assistants. Again, I would have to follow every instruction. The work passes were done at local businesses that wanted an extra hand, and changed depending on demand. The school passes were done as a group on whatever subject Mr. Reed selected.
Next he ordered me to get naked and place all my clothes on top of my bag and move to the other side of the room. Having done so he pointed at a stack of clothes on the table and told me to pick my size and get dressed. I quickly dressed in one of the track suits from the table. There was a baseball cap also, which confused me, but was told that it was instead of sunglasses when working outdoor.
With that I was given a rule book to study and was led by an assistant to my room where a dinner was waiting. Turkey, rice, water. I was reminded of lights out at 21:30 and wake up at 4:30. The assistant left and locked the door. 10 minutes later he came back with my journal book and pen, and told me that they'll keep the rest for now.
Having eaten the dinner and having three hours (I'm almost sure 21:30 is 9:30 PM) to kill before the lights go out I'm now summarizing the day. I'm sitting in something very similar to a prison cell. Bed, toilet, sink. Everything is clean, though somewhat worn. Looking into the mirror is kind of depressing though. I look like some jailed gang member.
It's kind of weird that I haven't met any of the other inmates, sorry students, here. I saw some of them while coming in, but perhaps this is their kind of hazing, or they do an official presentation tomorrow. Anyway, I should study the rule book and go to bed, since I didn't sleep much last night.
Day 2, Tuesday
So much to write about, so little time. I might have to split this into several entries since lights out is in 20 minutes.
I was awaken at 4:30 and given a tray with a large bowl of porridge and berries and some chalky smoothie or shake or whatever to drink. After that an assistant lead me to the gym room where we went over various machines, mainly for cardio. Elliptical, bike, treadmill. Weird thing was that it was only us two in the room during all three hours.
Sweaty and a bit tired I was then taken outside to a bus where some of the other boys where chilling. Apparently everyone else had breakfast between 7 and 8. They had no idea why I didn't join them there. The bus then drove around town and the driver announced who should exit where. My group of four people exited at a farm before town, only about 5 minutes away. I don't know exactly since I haven't been given my watch back.
There we spent hours just moving hay. Don't they know about tractors? Sweaty, itchy, tired and hungry we were then picked up and driven back. At lunch was the first time I saw the real common area. To my surprise there were more boys there than had been on the bus.
Everyone else could pick what they wanted from what was served, but I was given a ready tray with an heap of salmon and pasta. I was starving though, so it wasn't a problem to eat it all. I didn't have much time to talk, but the guys at my table were nice. Somewhat rough, as could be expected. Apparently you were chosen for the different work assignments, and if you were not picked you stayed at the center for sports or craft or similar things.
After Lunch followed a session with Mr. Reed. The first boring hour was on English grammar and the second boring hour on US geography. I aced the quizz getting all 50 states and state capitols right, so I didn't learn anything new after that. Then Mr. Reed announced who had work assignments, and I was again selected.
This time I and Troy were dropped off at a different farm where we spent almost three hours helping with fencing. Mainly carry posts and sawing them to length.
For dinner I had some meatballs with roasted sweet potatoes while everyone else had meatballs with tomato sauce. Mr. Kerwin picked me up and led me to the gym. Unlike the morning session this was all about weight training. Most of it was on finding my limits for different exercises while Mr. Kerwin pointed out how I could improve my form. You could tell that this was what he liked to do, and encouraged me to push a bit further. Once we were done I had a bottle of post workout mix of some sort and a very quick shower before rushing back to my room.
Here's the thing. My room is on a different floor than the other guys. Also, my schedule appears to be different and much more rigid than the rest of the guys. I also
Day 3, Wednesday
I couldn't finish the last entry before they cut the light. My entire body is in pain right now. I woke up like that, and it didn't go away all day. Same schedule as yesterday, but different tasks and different dishes. The assistant really pushed today during the morning session, so I was exhausted already at the bus. Planting bushes at the city park all morning didn't help. I got some rest during Reeds rehash of elementary math. Then back to doing fences, and top it all off with weight training. I asked Mr. Kerwin about the schedule and why it was so different from everyone else’s. He said that everyone's schedule is individual and that he'll adjust mine as needed.
One more weird thing before I fall to sleep. Everyone else is using their normal clothes. I haven't gotten mine back yet.
Day 4, Thursday
FUCK! I was back on moving hay today again, with Sam, Trevor and Rick. I'm still hurting like hell and Rick is one lazy motherfucker, so old fart Farmer Joe decided to complain. The end result is that I am getting 2 days added for noncompliance. Sam, Trevor and Rick got nothing. WTF!
Day 5, Friday
We were carrying merchandise all morning and Troy heckled me on how I got more days because of the piece of shit Rick. But he then said that it was a weird coincidence that every work shift I've been on has been the toughest one.
Instead of going to class I met with the doctor from the hospital who made a visit. He asked me about how I felt, where I was sore etc. Then he gave me an injection which he said would ease things for me. I didn't feel much different, but I was getting really sleepy getting back to Mr. Reeds class, but it might just be that everything he did was too simple and boring.
Apparently while I had a check up Troy had shared his theory about me being a work magnet, so there were some groans from the guys placed in my group. God damn fence work again.
Man, I'm tired. I was tired even before Mr. Kerwin gave me the toughest weight pass ever. Fuck, I'm tired.
Day 6, Saturday
So the weekend schedule is different. There is still a morning work pass, basically only used by the local farmers. But the afternoon is free both on Saturdays and Sundays. Conditions and terms applies, apparently. Since I haven't done any cleaning or dishes all week (how could I?), I'm assigned washing clothes, sheets etc. Man, how much better it is to carry laundry than hay. Best job assignment all week. Lots of downtime. Only real drawback is all the humidity. It’s steamy AF here.
Still fucking 3h workout pass in the morning and evening. The other boys were pretty vocal in mocking me on my way to the gym.
Day 7, Sunday
So the day started out as any other so far. Woke up sore. Breakfast alone and 3 hour gym session. There are no work passes outside LARC on Sundays, so I was hit with cleaning, together with Kyle G. and Rick. Rick ghosted after like three minutes, but KG did a solid work. It took us all the time til lunch though to finish it.
Then my first free couple of hours all week. It’s insane. The other guys were low key avoiding me, so I did what Mr. Kerwin had suggested and had a walk in the forest. It was actually kind of nice, and for some weird reason I didn’t feel like sitting still.
Day 8, Monday
Same shit again. Mr. Kerwin gave me a shot in the arm this evening. Apparently I’ll have one each Monday from now on. Whatever.
Also I found out today that the others don’t have formal lights out. I’m on my own floor so they can lock me up and cut the power. What the fuck?
Day 9, Tuesday
That fucker Rick slacked off again, taunting me about another two days. Ha! I got 10. Mostly for kicking him in the teeth. They locked me in my room, so I had lunch there and sat in this boring ass cell during class and work. Fuck, I don’t know what’s worse. I had to do some body weight exercises to keep sane. Fuck this shit.
Back again. I still got to have my evening workout. Kerwin was pushing harder than ever. The order of exercises was different too. Apparently to make the major muscles tired so smaller muscle groups then get to work. Or something. I don’t give a shit.
Day 11, Thursday
They fucking work now, don’t they the little shits. They know I ruined someones career to get here and another one for slacking off. They better pull there weight
Day 14, Sunday
I think I’ll stick to just write on Sundays. There is only half an hour from evening gym to lights out, so there isn’t much time for writing. I’ve even skipped shower a few times. It’s not like it matters when you start every fucking day getting soaked with cardio. Not like there are any girls around to impress either. Sunday has a different vibe tho. Cleaning, running in the forest and taking a long shower.
Starts and ends with fucking gym time though.
Day 21, Sunday
I really fucking like the forest runs. Its like you don’t have to think and can just run wherever and grab whatever and smash whatever. Fucking love it
Day 28, Sunday
Yay! A full fucking month!
It’s crazy though how much stronger I’m. I have gone up one size larger track suite and 2 sizes larger sneakers. Working hard to make me the best I guess.
Day 42, Sunday
guess i forgot about writing last week. i think the monday shots make me angry or something because last week fucked up someone else on tuesday. at least they all give me fucking respect at least.
Day 92, Monday
i dont give a shit abot reeds borin ass lessons and they fuckin repeat on a loop or some shit. today he was back on gramr and the states. i most time dont fill out his shit but wanted to do it again today. fucking aced most of the states. not so good on the capitols tho
Day 203, Sunday
only 2 weeks left tomorrow lol then im gonna yeet the fuck outta here !!!! adios motherfuckas
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Mr. Kerwin enters the room, carrying a folder, and walks behind his desk, not even looking at me. I am sitting in his precious fucking antique chair I pulled from the corner. He’s sitting his ass down, rifles through the papers in the folder and starts to read from one of them.
“John Hamlin agrees to 180 days of rehabilitation training at the Lepinski Adolescence Reformation Center, where he will participate in all scheduled exercises, activities, therapies, meals and medication programs, with a possible extension of 30 days for noncompliance and a possible extension of 60 days for infractions as described by the Juvenile Rehabilitation Act (JuRA), section 1103 (b).”
He looks up at me. It sounded like easy shit when I said yes to it. I thought half a year in a bad boy summer camp, or worst case something like prison, but that would have been miles better than this fucking non-stop hard labor shit. And 180 days was a fucking joke. They never fucking intended that to be the actual time. Have someone else slack off and the slap another 2 days to the time. Kick a chair to pieces, 5 days. Punch a guy for being a cunt, 10 days. I’m close to having another fucking outburst again. It must be all that fucking shit they put in the food or shakes or whatever. I fight it. I don’t want to show any emotion in front of him. I don’t think he buys my shit.
“There is another document in the agreement that you haven’t heard. This one between Mark and judge Andrews.”
He pulls out another paper from the folder and read it.
“The state hereby directs Mark Samberg, or person(s) by him so designated, to design and oversee the rehabilitation program of John Hamlin to be administrated at the Lepinski Adolescence Reformation Center. This includes physical exercises, physical therapy, education, consoling, dietary plan and medication, as long as it fulfills the positive development criteria (Appendix D), is within the available services at the Lepinski Adolescence Reformation Center (Appendix A) and within the given budget (Appendix C). Additional services require external financing and approval from the Reformation Center management (Appendix B).”
That doesn’t make any fucking sense. Why the hell had the judge put Mark in charge of my schedule? I understand why he’d want to make the experience suck as much as fucking possible for me, by why had everyone agreed to it? Kerwin looks at me as if he can read an open book.
“You are wondering what has happened to you. What was the meaning of all this? Stand up.”
I jump to my feet. There are still weeks he can add to my time here, and I don’t want to give him any fucking reason to add some shit.
“Stand with your feet as close together as you can.”
He’s never asked me to do that before. I can easily tap me feet together, but I can’t really stand still with my feet right next to each other for long. What the fuck is this bullshit? My thighs are too massive for that.
“Sit down again.”
He leans back and watches me with a bemused smirk.
“Imagine that you’d been away from swimming half a year. Even if you kept in shape it would take you months to be back in good enough technique to clear the swim team tryouts. But you have not kept in shape, have you? You have a completely new shape.”
The blood is draining from my face. I understand where this is going.
“With your upper body build you can physically really only do butterfly strokes properly, but if you can’t bring your feet together the leg kick will just be a wild thrashing of water. You swimming medley would be a hilarious joke. We haven’t even talked about you almost doubling in weight, and how much more oxygen you would need to swim. Sure, you are much stronger now, but old you would swim circles around new you. And that is of course the point. If Mark couldn’t have his sports career, he didn’t want you to have yours either. And the judge agreed.”
I’m surprised that the chair doesn’t break, as hard as I’m squeezing it. I’m boiling with fucking rage. I have to really focus to not to act on it.
“Now the judge specifically set out that this transformation couldn’t be punishment in itself, but rather that you were trained in a way that just wasn’t optimal for swimming. We may have gone a bit overboard with the body building to leave you many options though. You’ll obviously never be competitive in anything with speed or agility, like football or boxing. The metabolic conditioning, hormone treatment and gene therapy have far to long lasting effects to change you back from where you are now. You could try wrestling or weight lifting though, unless you mind showing your erection through spandex.”
“What the fuck?”, I said, as much as a general question to all the things he’d said. What does metabolic conditioning mean? Gene therapy? Erections?
“The medical regimen that Marks family found for you kind of put the feet on both the gas and the break at the same time. It forces the body to grow a lot at the same time as we try to stop it, so it has to try even harder. By injecting stem cells with the right CRISPR-modified DNA we could get rapid, major and long lasting changes. Well, I say we, but all I did was to make sure you kept to the exercise regimen, for a little cash on the side… Surely you didn’t think you got larger feet and dick from eating much and working hard?”
I don’t understand exactly what they done to me, but the result is pretty fucking clear. There was no way I would swim competitively ever again, if I could even fucking swim at all now. I would come out of here looking like a fucking balloon animal muscle jock, and shedding the muscles back to where I were would take shitloads of years.
“The hormone treatment finished two weeks ago and last blood sample shows that your natural hormone levels will keep you muscled and pumped probably well into your forties. So this morning I also cut you off from all suppressive medication as well. That is going to spike your hormone levels and mess quite a bit with you, so we need to see just how badly fucked up you are before we can release you.”
“The good doctor say that you’ll be more irritable and have more excess energy than before. Both something you can work on with regular, hard exercise. But I want to see where you really are at now, so starting today you’ll have no required gym time and labor passes. You can wake up when you want, eat what you want and do what you want.”
“You said erections?”, I asked.
“Yeah, the suppression medication should have kept you limp. You haven’t jacked off while here, have you? Well, you heard what I said about gas and break and compensation. Your body has been pumping massive amounts of hormones into your blood, and will continue to do so. But now that you don’t have the suppressives anymore you should expect to be horny for the next decade or two. You’ll be nothing but a lumbering muscle dildo.”
There’s a crack somewhere inside the wood of the armrest. Fucking fourteen more days, I have to remind myself. Don’t fuck any shit up before then. If I let go of the chair I’m quite positive I will knock him the fuck out. Fourteen fucking more shit days.
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elixkatsu · 3 years
“WHO ARE YOU ?” - chapter 7
about: kenma x kuroo | kinda sad | fluff | very pg rated | slight hanahaki
the birds early birds humming softly isnt what kenma woke up to unfortunately, the sound of college kids scurrying outside of his dorm door is what awoke him from his restless slumber.
“morning, sleepyhead.” a groggy voice called out to him, forcing kenma to peak his head out from under the covers of the duvet he cocooned himself in.
“what time is it ?”
“8:43 am.” kuroo replied, looking at his phone for confirmation. “you should get up, haven’t you got class ?”
“i should” kenma sighed as he stood up from his bed, heading over to his wadrobe.
kuroo stared at his sock covered feet as kenma’s frame stood off to the side, rummaging through his clothes, searching for a clean pair of sweats.
“im sorry.” kuroo sighed, playing with his fingers.
“hm ?” kenma hummed in confusion, looking over to the other from where he stood.
“about last night-“
“it’s fine tetsu.” kenma reassured, cutting kuroo off mid sentence.
“so ... what are you gonna do now ?” kenma started, hinting at kuroo’s current dilemma.
kuroo looked over at kenma, pleading puppy dog eyes in full affect.
“no.” kenma stated, instantly receiving the message.
“oh c’mon kozu! it’ll be just like the old days! i promise!”
“you’re not going to room with me, kuroo.”
“it’ll be so much fun tho! i promise im not messy and-“
kenma gave kuroo a knowing look at the false statement.
“okay fine, im a little messy, but i’ll clean up after myself, i promise!”
“you don’t even have a bed!” kenma said gesturing to the empty space in the room.
“we can call maintenance to fix that, can’t we ?” kuroo smiled.
kenma remained silent, staring at the other.
“THANK YOU!” kuroo yelled in excitement. running over to the smaller boy and engulfing him in a hug, picking him up and spinning the both of them around in circles.
“i didn’t even say yes-“ kenma protested half-heartedly.
“i know you well enough to know when you’ve given in” kuroo smiled, setting the boy down as he made his way over to his jacket. throwing it over his shoulder, he slipped his shoes on.
“so....wanna help me move in after class ?” kuroo turned back as his hand rested on the door handle.
“do i have a choice ?”
“not necessarily, but i wanted to give you the option.” he smiled, rushing out of the room after yelling a loud goodbye, leaving kenma alone in his thoughts once more.
he’s not going to lie, he did want to room with kuroo. however his mind couldn’t help but think that if they ever did become a thing, if it would end the same way it did with shoji.
you get them how you lose them, right ? isn’t that a saying ?
but, he didn’t get him in college, they’ve known each other since ... forever.
“get him” ? why was he referring to him as if he was an object ? a prized possession? a collectible ?
besides, even if that situation were to happen, that would mean that kuroo liked him back which he was sure was false.
thoughts. thoughts. thoughts.
they need to stop.
kenma quickly changed out of his clothes, brushing his teeth, splashing water on his face and combing out his knotty hair.
quickly spritzing himself with deodorant and some cologne, he rushed out of the door and headed to his class.
today is going to be a long day.
kuroo strolled across the campus slowly, making sure to breathe deeply and ground himself before having to face his current situation. the calm atmosphere he created quickly disappeared as he entered his dorm room, his boyfriend seeming to be getting ready for the day ahead, stuffing his bag aggressively.
“welcome back.” he stated sarcastically at the tall black haired male.
kuroo sighed, he wasn’t in the mood to argue yet he knew this conversation would end in one.
“we need to talk, shoji.” kuroo stated in a serious manner.
shoji’s attention was brought to kuroo’s as he remained silent, gesturing for kuroo to go on.
“i can’t do this anymore.”
“do what, exactly ?”
“this. us. whatever we are.” he gestured between the two as he spoke.
“so what ? we go though a few rough patches and you wanna run away ?” shoji asked, a firm aspect to his voice present.
“a few rough patches ? run away ?” kuroo laughed in disbelief. “c’mon shoji, open your eyes. i can’t remember the last time we spoke where we weren’t down each other’s thoughts either physically or verbally! there’s no love between us anymore!”
“the hard times is what makes out relationship stronger kuroo! if we can’t get through this then what can we get through ?”
“you’re not listening to me, shoji! this isn’t just a rough patch! it’s been like this since i can remember! isnt that worrying ?! god, it is exhausting being with you.” kuroo yelled at the other.
“as if you’re any better! you’re never here, kuroo! how do you expect us to have a good relationship when you’re not here for it ?”
kuroo sighed, calming himself. “im done with this.”
“so you’re breaking up with me.”
“yes. yes, i am. i don’t want to end this in an argument so please just say okay and let’s get this over with.”
“you gonna switch dorms too ?” kuroo nodded, shoji seeming to have given up on the situation just as much as kuroo had.
“i just need to speak to maintenance.”
“who are you moving in with ?”
“you don’t know them.”
“it’s the person from yesterday isnt it? is that where you were all night ?” shoji asked, his energy spiking once more.
“i’ve got class, shoji. i’ve gotta go.” kuroo said, as he exited the room. he started walking instantly, letting out a deep breath he wasn’t aware that he was holding as he headed towards his scheduled period.
[rooster_head]: let’s meet up in front of my dorm building after class, alright ?
[kozuki]: aye aye, captain.
kuroo waited in front of his residence as the half blonde approached him slowly.
they headed inside, getting into the elevator instead of taking the stairs on kenma’s demand.
kuroo fiddled with his pockets, in search of his key as they neared the dorm room. “got it.” he whispered as he unlocked the door.
to his, and kenma’s, suprise, all of his belongings seemed to be in boxes already.
kuroo knew shoji’s schedule like the back of his hand, he knew he’d be in extra credit classes which is why he decided to ask kenma for some assistance.
“it’s not as much as i thought.” kenma eyed the 3 boxes that sat upon the mattress.
“im a simple man, what can i say ?” kuroo shrugged, giving kenma the lightest box as he carried the other two.
pushing past the doors of their now shared dorm room, kuroo spoke.
“i spoke with maintenance, they said that there will be a spare bed and mattress brought here by next week.” he set his things down in the empty space.
“that means....”
“one week left of my amazing cuddles, yes. how saddening, right ?” kuroo put his hand over his chest, mocking a pain filled expression as he spoke.
“shut up” kenma laughed, shaking his head at the sight.
kuroo smiled, opening the first box, emptying the contents and kenma did the same.
“what’s this ?” he asked in amusement he pulled out a the stuffed cat plush that sat at the top of the big box.
“why that’s, sir ruffles.”
“you still have him ?”
“oh so you do remember him ?” kuroo asked, curiosity laced in his voice.
“of course i do. how could i ever forget the plushie i picked out for you ?” kenma laughed. “but why do you still have it, is my question ? i thought you would’ve thrown it out by now.”
“because it reminds me of you.” kuroo smiled nonchalantly, shrugging a little. a small tint of pink rising to kenma’s cheek at the brushed off statement.
“why’d you call him sir ruffles again ?”
“because i used to ruffle your hair a lot”
“oh, yeah” kenma replied in thought, memories flooding into his brain before he snapped out of it a little. “you still do.”
“it’s a habit. live with it.” kuroo said in a jokingly stern voice.
“well then, do you need any help setting up ?” kenma asked, changing the subject as he laughed a little.
“yes, i’d like that.” kuroo smiled at the offer as kenma continued emptying the contents of the box.
the two males laid in the shared bed, lights off, their switches illuminated their faces as they played together.
“oh c’mon! you beat me again ?” kuroo grumbled throwing his head back into the pillow he laid on.
“let’s give it a rest, you won’t beat me any time soon” kenma, who currently laid on his stomach with his elbows propping him up, giggled as he looked over to the boy next to him.
“yeah, i give up for now” kuroo stated dramatically shutting off the switch.
“hey, kenma. how long has it been since you last went to the arcade ?” kuroo asked suddenly.
“uh, wow” kenma tried to rack his brain “i guess i’ve been bombarded with school and work, i can’t really remember.”
“do you wanna go tomorrow ?”
“why all of a sudden ?”
“i have my reasons.” kuroo smiled.
“yeah, sure. after i get off of work in the afternoon.” kenma nodded, setting both of their games on his bedside table before face planting his pillow, drifting off to sleep.
“goodnight, kozu.” kuroo mumbled in a sleepy manner, ruffling the sleeping boy’s hair before falling into a peaceful slumber himself.
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ravenforce · 5 years
Ithaca Pt. 2
Word Count: 2031
Warning/s: None
A/N: Hey loves, a deal is a deal. You got part one to over a hundred notes, so here’s part two. Natasha’s playing a huge part on this arc. So, I thought it’ll be good for you to get to know her in this alternate universe. Let me know what you think of it in my inbox or the comment section. Xx
PS. If there are any grammatical mistakes I’ve still overlooked, I apologize.
Parts: 1 | 3 | 4 | 5
5:30 AM
The alarm clock on Natasha’s bedside table reads. She blinked twice at it before sighing. She woke up earlier than her alarm again, not that she’s actually excited to go to school. Today, she’s actually supposed to tour the new transfer student, which is, by the way, is not her job as the Student Council President but Clint is out of commission for the week for some Intercollegiate archery competition in Washington DC. So, as President, she had to step in and do it.
‘At least, this is gonna be different from yesterday’, she thought to herself as she rolls out of bed.
Living in Ithaca since she’s a child meant Natasha knew the city like the back of her hand, knew almost every single family in town and went to school with the same kids since the beginning of her existence. It also meant being friends with founding family kids like the Odinsons, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, and Steve Rogers since forever ago. She was the only girl in their group until Carol Danvers moved in when they were eight. Maria transferred to their school and was easily adapted to their crew when they were thirteen. The last addition to their gang was Valkyrie and Wanda, who migrated somewhere from Europe when they’re fifteen.
Six years after, a new person arrives in Ithaca. The school didn’t give her a lot of information regarding the new student, only that it is a woman and Stark level intelligent. She tried to dig up info on her own, and thankfully she didn’t have to go far for a source since apparently the new girl is close friends with Tony and best friends with Maria. Maria is one busy nerd to track down though, and they don’t share a lot of classes together. So, Natasha wasn’t able to get too many details from her aside from a departing comment.
“Relax, Nat. She’s amazing; smart but not obnoxious like Tony,” Maria said before practically running towards her next class. She considers herself pretty intrigued.
‘How can someone be as smart as Tony and not be obnoxious? That sounds like an oxymoron,’ Natasha thought to herself.
6:00 AM
Natasha is the only founding family kid who liked being awake at the wee hours of the morning. She likes getting ahead of everybody, and she thinks better when the world is still asleep. So, being in school at the crack of dawn isn’t new too for anyone. Even the groundskeepers let her nowadays.
“Good Morning, Miss Romanoff,” the old security lady at the studio greeted her. 
“Good Morning, Mrs. Miller,” Natasha smiled before logging in her credentials. 
“Early start today?” Mrs. Miller asked politely and jovially. 
“Yes, Clint is away for a tournament. So I have to give the grounds tour to the transfer student later,” Nat explained with a smile. Mrs. Miller didn’t respond and just waved Natasha inside.
Natasha’s been doing ballet ever since she can remember. At first, she was doing it because her family wanted her to and all of the founding family children are doing one extracurricular activity every after school. Thor has been sailing since he learned how to walk, Loki, on the other hand, preferred fencing. Clint tried equestrian for awhile but his heart and talents were really in archery. Steve got so good in lacrosse that he ended up with a sports scholarship playing one. Tony chose chess because he deemed contact sports barbaric; he believes the battle of the wits is better than a physical brawl, which Steve always take as an offense. 
Being the only girl in their group, Natasha decided that ballet is her yoga. The boys know not to come within a hundred yards of the studio whenever Natasha’s practicing. Ballet has become Natasha’s sanctuary away from the noise and the usual ruckus of the boys. She shed everything inside the studio but today, Natasha finds it nearly impossible to focus on the movements and the music. Her thoughts keep drifting to the conversation she had with Tony the day prior about the new student. 
“Nat, what are you fuzzing about? It’s just a school tour,” Tony complained. He was tinkering around his home lab when Natasha arrived and being a regular visitor, she was allowed to roam and look for Tony herself. 
“I just wanna know what she looks like. So I know who to look for in the morning crowd,” she whined. 
Tony put his stuff down, pull the safety goggles off his face and looked at his friend. If Nat has been any other girl, she would have melted in the way Tony was looking at her. 
“Oh, trust me, you won’t miss her,” Tony said simply before smiling and walking out of his lab. “She’s breathtaking, in more ways than just physical.”
Natasha groaned and scrambled to follow her friend and bug him for more information.
7:00 AM
Natasha cut her practice short since she couldn’t focus. She showered and got ready in record time. She was leaning against the handrail of the front steps of the school, scrolling through her Instagram feed when she looked up and saw a face she didn’t know. Her fingers hovered over her phone mid-swipe, thankfully she had enough grace at that moment not to have her mouth hanging open as she gaped at the transfer student. She’s wearing a very preppy outfit, which wasn’t really Natasha’s style or the style girls she usually goes after but something about this girl that makes her stomach flutter with nervous butterflies.
“Y/N Y/L/N?” she asked, all trace of her nervousness gone when the girl came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs.
“Who’s asking?” the girl asked.
Natasha watched the girl take her in. She reined in the urge to squirm under the Y/N’s eyes. For God’s sake, she’s Natasha Romanoff. Various girls all over town wants her, she’s by no means gonna squirm under a stranger’s beautiful eyes.  
“Natasha Romanoff. Student Council President,” she introduced herself confidently to take back control. “Pleasure to meet you.”
Natasha smirked as the new girl blushed profusely before smiling up at her. “Pleasure is all mine,” she said.
‘Breathtaking is an understatement’ she thought to herself when she saw Y/N’ smile. Natasha’s not a sap, she doesn’t plan on being one but at that moment, she thought she’d do anything to make you smile at her every day.
“I’m here to give you the grounds tour,” Natasha explained before pulling the door open and prompting you to walk with her.
Usually, when she had to cover grounds tour for Clint, Natasha almost always wraps it up under forty-five minutes. She just points which buildings houses which classes, where the important areas are such as the library and the mess hall. Today, with you by her side, Natasha found herself giving her first, in-depth school tour. Literally giving out facts and even stupid trivia when she remembers it.
Natasha walked as leisurely as possible to prolong her time with you but she knew you have a 9 AM class. And she might not be as nerdy as Tony but she’s not gonna skip class, let alone make you on your first day of school.
8:30 AM
Natasha’s one of the quiet ones in her crew that’s why she get along spectacularly with Maria. Both of you filled the walk towards the art building with polite small talk about which classes you two take, how you finished a degree at eighteen and in one of the toughest schools in the country at that, and how you’re friends with Maria and Tony. God, Natasha didn’t want the tour to end. She didn’t want you to stop talking, which is new because Natasha finds it annoying when people don’t know when to shut up. She wants to get to know you more.
Her heart sunk a little when she caught you discreetly glancing at your watch but by the number of kids watching the two of you in the hallway, she knew that class is fast approaching. She decided to be a little playful.
“Oh,” Natasha gasped and frowned. “Am I boring you?” she asked quietly.
“What?!” you exclaimed, earning a few curious looks from students in the hallway.
Natasha watched the emotions play out across your face, and she thought you’re even more fascinating. She’s been friends all her life with Tony, another Mensa student, another genius. She thought you’d be obnoxiously cool and a little indifferent like him but in the past hour and a half, Natasha found you brilliant but not condescending, warm, and empathetic.
“No, no, you’re not boring. I was just wondering if I’m allowed to skip the first period on my first day of school because this is by far the coolest school tour I’ve ever done,” you rambled on.
Natasha couldn’t help but grin. If she paid attention to anyone else other than you, she would have noticed several students openly gawking at the toothy smile on her face. Natasha’s reputation was not built on being chummy with just anyone, especially new kids. But she wasn’t looking, she could only look at you. She will be caught dead before she admits to having a school girl crush at first meet but at that moment, in that crowded hallway, she decided she definitely likes you. She just has to find out if she has a fighting chance.
“You’re cute when you ramble,” she said matter-of-factly. “And no, you’re not allowed to skip the first period because you’re here.”
“Oh,” you said before glancing at the classroom door.
Natasha took a step towards you and tucked a stray hair behind your ear. “See you later, Y/L/N,” she said slowly, watching the blush crept up from your neck before dusting your cheeks.
‘Beautiful, so beautiful,’ she thought before turning on her heels and gracefully walking away.
“Blushing doesn’t mean she’s gay. Maybe she’s just the shy type, I can work with that,” she murmured to herself while walking to her classroom. She looked up when she heard soft muttering in front of her.
“Danvers!” she growled. Carol’s pressing a girl between her toned body and the wall.
Carol didn’t even have to look to know who it is that interrupted her. She knows that voice anywhere. “Tasha,” she said sweetly.
Natasha didn’t smile, she only continued to glare until the girl pushed Carol away and scrambled to get to her classroom. Carol swipe a hand through her hair before turning towards her friend. Natasha glanced at her watch.
“You’re ten minutes late already,” Nat started. “And your class is on the other side of the campus.”
Carol ignored the fact that Natasha still knows her schedule. She walked towards the redhead until she’s toe to toe with Natasha. Natasha didn’t step back, she’s used to Carol always invading her personal space.
“I got that class in the bag, Tasha. Relax,” Carol whispered before leaning in, kissing Natasha close to her mouth, and running away.  
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If You Only Knew, You'd Hate Me Chapter Four
Pairing: Bucky Buchanan x OMC (Zebediah Kaskitt)
Summary: Bucky and Zebediah had a fleeting interaction years ago and Zeb has been hung up on the boy ever since. Even with his arrogant and dismissive exterior, Zeb still tries to make a connection.
Warnings: swearing, that’s actually it, this was a mild chapter, Bucky being dumb af
Tags: @thebtrmuffins @diagnosed-crazy @lykenbcrn
Ask if you'd like to be added or removed
Part One Part Two Part Three
Bucky woke up with his legs intertwined with Zebediah's. His eyes went round. He quickly detangled himself and sat up, legs dangling off the bed. He looked at Zebediah, who was still sleeping.
"I don't hate you."
He doesn't know why he says it. He won't be able to hear him. Still, he continues.
"I don't even hate zombies, I think. I just, my parents, I have to be perfect for them. If I'm different, they," he paused. "But I deserve it. I just want to impress them, but I feel like I can't, no matter what I do. I'm scared of them."
Zebediah doesn't move. He doesn't show any signs that he hears what Bucky is saying. Seeing him sleeping, free of stress, made it that much clearer how much he carried when he was awake. It seemed so noticeable now that he saw him so carefree.
"You're stronger than me. You've gone through so much. The whole world's been against you, and you keep smiling. You're just a good person, all the time. I'm not. I'm a bad person. I don't know if I can be better."
He checked his phone. It was after six. He wasn't going to school today, but he still needed to be home before his parents woke up. He took one last look at Zebediah, deciding to write his number down before walking home.
Bucky was gone when Zeb got up. He went to check his phone and a small slip of paper fell onto the floor. He picked it up to see a phone number written in immaculate handwriting. Bucky signed behind it. He put the number in his phone before texting: Hey, did you get home alright?
His pa walked into his room.
"What are you doing? Come on, time to get up. You can have breakfast on the go."
Zeb rushed to get ready, grabbing his breakfast and walking toward Zebina's.
"Zebina, you have no idea what happened last night."
Zeb ran toward her, resting his hands on his knees when he reached her porch.
"Did you run here?"
"Yeah I was late, but that's not the point. Guess what happened last night?"
"You actually stu-"
"Bucky came over!" He cut her off.
Zebina's eyebrows jumped into her hair.
"He what? Why?"
Zeb recounted his tale. It was bittersweet. He had had a successful interaction with the guy he'd been dreaming about for years. But the reason he ran into Bucky made him sick. He knew people like Bucky's parents first hand, and he wished Bucky didn't have to deal with it.
"That's crazy, I- I'm happy for you."
Zebina was incredulous. She had been ready to console him when Bucky never gave him more than a passing glance. She was not prepared for Bucky actually talking to him, nicely, at his house. That had been completely out of the realm of possibility.
When they got to school they didn't sit in their normal spot. They, instead, sat with the wolves. Zeb had received a text saying that he had and that he would be staying home today, so he didn't mind where they sat. They took their seats between Willa and Wynter.
"He doesn't hate me."
Zeb leaned in to whisper to Willa when the rest of the group was distracted with a conversation. She looked around the room.
"He's not here today."
"Willa, you know who I'm talking about right?"
With everyone's attention turned to them, she settled back into her spot. She didn't say anything more about it, but she did give him a half-smile and a nod. The conversation moved on and eventually the bell rang, the wolves and Zebina letting out a howl. Willa gave Zeb a little nudge, encouraging him to join in.
Zeb exchanged texts with Bucky sporadically throughout the day. He actually hadn't expected him to really answer him.
Me, 7:17 am: Hey, did you get home alright?
Bucky <3, 7:43 am: Yeah, I won't be at school today though
Me, 7:43 am: okay, feel better
Me, 7:44 am: and ice it
Bucky <3, 8:26 am: I will
Bucky <3, 9:06 am: What are you doing after school?
Me, 10:01 am: nothing I don't think
Me, 10:01 am: why
Bucky <3, 10:19 am: I need to talk to you
Me, 11:04 am: why?
Bucky <3, 11:44 am: I'll let you know later.
Me, 11:46 am: okay
Bucky <3, 11:50 am: Is it okay if I come over?
Me, 12:37 pm: yeah
Me, 1:39 pm: it'll be like 15 after class
Bucky <3, 1:40 pm: Okay, see you then
Bucky managed to get a group call with the Aceys after school ended. There was no way he was inviting them over in his current condition. He also wanted to get a head start on walking to Zebediah's house, so he started the call as he walked down the street. He had a Seabrook hoodie over his head to cover up his bruises. The group exchanged small pleasantries chatting a bit before Bucky cleared his throat.
"Hey, guys. Remember that zombie guy. He would always give me compliments just like randomly?"
"Oh my god, that kid? He's such a loser." Jacey laughed.
Bucky didn't really like Jacey much, but they needed another Acey after Tracey bailed. There was a silence while everyone waited for Bucky to comment.
"Yeah, he's going to be joining us, like an Acey but not. His name is Zebediah. So Jacey? Shut up."
"So, does this mean we don't have to be mean to zombies anymore?"
Lacey quickly shifted the conversation to avoid potential drama. They did not need that. The question did surprise Bucky. He didn't realize that he was making them act that way. He just assumed that's just how they were.
"Yeah, but not too nice."
"Oh, thank goodness. Because, like, it was honestly so tiring. Like, its just so much energy you know? And I just-"
"Stacey, shut up."
Stacey interjected in the middle of Lacey's little rant. The conversation moved to a more casual topic and Bucky wasn't really paying attention. He was thinking about Zebediah, and how he was going to tell him about joining the group. He was worried that his parents would see his true intentions, or someone else would. He didn't want people to think he liked Zebediah. He also didn't want Zebediah to think that he hated him. He rounded the corner of Zebediah's street and easily excused himself from the call.
"Here goes nothing."
Zeb found Bina and the wolves after school.
"Hey, Bina and I are going to study after school, anyone want to come?"
Zeb could see Bina's face fall at the statement, then brighten up again when everyone said they couldn't, including Zebediah. So, in high spirits, the three embarked on the journey home. Bina and Wynter happily bantering back and forth. Wynter brought out the talkative side in Bina and you could tell that Wynter was just happy to have someone listen to what she was saying. Zeb, not wanting to be engaged in pity conversation, put his earbuds in. No, he was not listening to music. He took the time to think about what was going to happen.
Zeb was excited to see Bucky. Yeah, he just saw him yesterday, but like that was several hours ago. He was curious as to what Bucky had to say to him as well.
He'd wave to Bina and Wynter when he left them at Bina's house, skipping the rest of the way home, eager for their meeting. He walked in to see Bucky already sitting down. He was laughing with his pa and dad.
"You've got yourself a good one, Zeb." His dad clapped his hand on Bucky's back.
"Okay, well, we need to talk so bye."
He grabbed Bucky's hand and pulled him upstairs into his room, shutting the door behind them.
"Have fun you two."
Zeb could feel his face getting darker. He looked down to see their hands still together. He looked back up to see Bucky grinning at him. He quickly removed his hand, wiping it on his pants. He didn't think it was possible to be more flustered than he already was.
"So, I, uh. What did you want to talk about?"
Zeb gestured for Bucky to sit on the bed, following quickly behind him. Bucky looked him in the eyes. Although they were about the same height standing, Bucky had a longer torso, so Zeb had to look up to see into them. Wow, they were such a pretty brown.
"I've been thinking." Bucky placed his hand on Zeb's. "I actually really like you, Zeb, like a lot."
Zeb froze. Bucky liked him. Bucky Buchanan. Bucky "pro keeping things the way they are" Buchanan liked him.
"This is unexpected, to say the least. I actually have been daydreaming about this for a long time. Wow, that's embarrassing to say out loud. I think this is actually-"
"You talk too much."
Bucky cut off Zeb's rant, quickly catching his lips in his own. Bucky pulled Zeb flush against him, Zeb reaching up to cradle his face. It was everything Zeb had thought it would be. Yeah, it was clashing teeth and hunger and neediness. But it was also fireworks and warmth and it was perfect.
"Zebediah Kaskitt!"
Zebina was in front of Zeb. She pulled an earbud out of Zeb's ear. He grinned sheepishly at her exasperated face.
"What is up with you?"
"So the usual." Bina laughed.
The two exchanged 'I love you's and Zeb waved a goodbye to Wynter. To follow his daydream, he skipped the rest of the way home. The fantasy was interrupted when he saw Bucky fidgeting on his front porch. He slowed down a little bit to watch him, stopping and leaning against a pole. Bucky switched from playing with his hands to fiddling with a lawn ornament, panicking when the plastic cup he was spinning fell off.
Zeb decided to step in before he could do any more damage. He jogged up to his porch waving at Bucky. He grabbed the cup Bucky had semi refitted onto the iron rod.
"That wasn't me."
"Mhm." Bucky chuckled at him. "Come on. We can talk in my room."
Zeb pushed the door open. His dad and pa sat at the kitchen table.
"Hey. This is my friend Bucky. We're gonna talk up in my room, okay?"
"Just keep the door open. Do you want any snacks?"
Zeb looked at Bucky, who gave him a blank stare.
"Maybe later."
Zeb gestured for Bucky to follow him up the stairs. He led him into his room, making to keep the door open.
"So what did you want to talk about?"
Bucky took a deep breath before starting. "I want you to join the Aceys. You wouldn't have to change your name or anything, just hang out with us. But don't get a big head or anything about it, and don't act too friendly in front of people."
Zeb was dumbfounded. Sure, Bucky wasn't professing his love, but it was a step in the right direction.
"So I can act all friendly when it's just us?"
"Shut up."
Zeb laughed, looking sideways with a lopsided smirk.
"So, does this mean I get to wear actual clothes?"
It was something that Zeb couldn't have even thought about happening a year ago, and here he was, doing it with Bucky. Bucky shrugged and nodded.
"Rad. You want some snacks?"
Zeb didn't wait for a response. He jumped up and grabbed Bucky's hand, pulling him off the bed and out of the room. He walked him down the stairs into the dining room. Pa had set out some broccoli and even ranch. He must have known how badly Zeb wanted to impress Bucky. Ranch was only brought out during special occasions.
"So, Zeb, introduce us to your boyfriend."
Zeb looked to see Bucky blushing, and from the heat on his face he was looking similar. Black blood pooled in his cheeks. His dad snapped his fingers in his face, turning his attention back toward his parents.
"What? No. He's not my boyfriend, just a friend. Dad, Pa, this is Bucky. Bucky this is Zelon, my dad, and Zamian, my pa."
Zeb was a little nervous. He expected to see disgust on his face, or malice, but all he saw was a growing confusion.
"Well, Buckster, tell me a bit about yourself."
Zelon went to pull Bucky into a side hug, Zeb grabbing his arm in the air, wrapping it around himself instead. Bucky gave him a grateful nod and Zeb made up an excuse about Bucky not liking strangers touching him. The group sat down and Zeb gave Bucky a nod to go ahead and start talking.
"Oh, well I was previously cheer captain but gave it up to become student president. I'm the best cheerleader on the squad."
Bucky tapered off. Everybody knew everything about Bucky, except Zeb's parents. Zelon and Zamian continuously assaulted him with questions, smoothing them over with the occasional over the top compliment.
"You are quite the handsome young man," Zamian said.
He leaned against his husband, legs crossed and one hand splayed across his chest. Bucky made a face; his brows furrowed and his nose crinkled. This couldn't happen; he hoped to god that Bucky wasn't homophobic. That really wouldn't help better their situation, and it was entirely likely considering his parents.
Bucky <3, 4:02 pm: do you want to leave
Bucky <3, 4:02 pm: I can make up an excuse
Me, 4:02 pm: Yes, please.
"Hey, Bucky and I were gonna head out. I gotta go upstairs I'll be down in half a sec."
Before Bucky could respond, Zeb ran up the stairs into his room. He lifted up a floorboard and pulled out the money he had saved. $162.17. That should be enough to buy new clothes. He shoved the ziplock bag filled with change and a ridiculous amount of ones into his back pocket. He ran back downstairs interrupting his dad's spiel about the economy or something boring like that. He was about to walk out when his dad spoke up.
"Aren't you forgetting something?"
Zeb closed his eyes and pursed his lips, sighing through his nose.
"Love you. K bye."
He started to open the door before his dad cleared his throat. He turned around and hugged them both.
"Okay bye."
He pulled Bucky out of the house before they could embarrass him further. They walked for a little bit. Instead of heading toward the gate, Bucky made a turn back into Zombietown. Zeb was still too frightened about his reaction to mention it. Bucky found an alley with some wood boxes for them to sit on.
"You have two dads?"
To Zeb's surprise, his words weren't filled with disdain. It was a genuine question. Zeb nodded.
"I was adopted."
"But why do you have two dads?"
"Because they love each other."
"You can do that?" Bucky's eyebrows shot up.
Zeb laughed. Did he really not know?
"Yeah, you can do that. Guys can like guys. Girls can like girls."
Bucky's jaw fell slack. "So that means I could like boys?"
"Yeah, or you could be like me and like both."
"So you could like anybody?"
Bucky's tone was a sort of mix between bewilderment and excitement. It was like a kid's when they saw their older sibling do something cool. Zeb shrugged and blushed. He was doing more blushing today than he would've liked. He wasn't overly fond of the way he looked when he blushed. It was like ink blotches on his face, neck, and ears. His hair hid his ears and back of his neck but the rest was on full display. He threaded his fingers through his hair, pushing it back out of his face.
"In theory, yeah, but right now I kind of got my eye on someone. They're, uh, actually the reason I joined cheer squad."
Zeb quickly decided he did not like the feel of the air and refocused the conversation.
"And, you could decide that you actually want to be a girl or you could decide that you don't want to be a guy or girl."
Bucky smirked. "Nah. I'm definitely a guy. I'm Bucky; I'm the epitome of manliness."
He flexed and made a couple of poses, letting out little grunts of effort. Zeb giggled, bringing his hand to his mouth.
"Whatever you say, big guy."
Zeb patted his hand on Bucky's chest, letting it sit there for just a moment too long before abruptly pulling away. He cleared his throat and stood up, mumbling something about how they should go before all the good stores closed.
They walked back toward the gate, this time in a more comfortable silence. They checked through the gate and Bucky didn't seem to notice the funny look the guard gave. He led them far into Seabrook, farther than Zebediah dare go by himself. In all honesty, it was making him a little frightened. He knew what people around here were like and what they were like toward zombies. He stuck closely to Bucky, shrinking in a little when he saw people pass by. They came up to a small store, and Bucky pushed the door open and leaned against it, beckoning Zeb to go in first. He did so and was almost immediately greeted with the unhappy face of a middle-aged woman.
"No zombies. I'm going to have to ask you to leave or I will call Z-Patrol. Now."
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