#yesterday I didn't do much really I was just hanging out with friends and stuff...
mothram · 7 months
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lovelybrooke · 7 months
Darling, Let us Love you (Yandere Ouran High School Host Club) Chapter 2.
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Series Masterlist--Regular Masterlist
You were kind of embarrassed to admit that you wanted to see Haruhi again. After yesterday's ordeal, you didn't want to see or hear anything regrading the Host Club again, but Haruhi was an exception. He was nice, and seemed genuinely sorry for the way his club mates behaved, even texting you afterwords again to apologize.
You haven't seen him all today, which made sense. You weren't in the same class, so you didn't cross paths often. You debated texting him and asking if he'd like to eat lunch with you, but you decided not to as to not seem desperate. Either way, he was probably going to spend time with his club mates, not someone he met a few days ago.
"(Y/n)! Are you listening?" You were broken out of your trance by a shrill sound coming from your phone. It was your coworker, how you couldn't remember the name of even if you tried. "I need you to cover my shift for the next few weeks! Please!" They begged you as you winced away from the phone.
"Yeah, okay, sure." You respond, which gets a relieved sigh from your coworker. They thank you furiously before hanging up, leaving you alone in one of the many gardens of the school.
You started coming out here when your art teacher said you were spending too much time in his classroom. It hurt a bit to be called out like that, but hey, it's his classroom, so you really can't complain. The peacefulness of the garden was nice. There wasn't many people there often, except for the few garden club members, which didn't take much mind to you.
That peacefulness however, was broken by the what could only be described as the loud, excited gasp of a child. Though, when you looked towards the sound, you were only met with Honey. He was sitting on the shoulders of a much taller, much more stoic student, his eyes brimming with excitement, which was a stark contrast to your clear confusion.
"(Y/N)-chan! Hi~" He giggled, waving at you from his high position "What are you doing here?"
You stare dumbly at your phone as you attempt to recover from your shock. "I-uh...had to take a call from my coworker." You mumble, motioning to your phone a bit. He nods, a smile still on his face as whispers something to the one holding him, before he's promptly placed down on his side.
"(Y/n)-chan, have you had lunch yet?" You shake your head no. The upperclassman gasps, taking your hand with overwhelming energy. "You should come have lunch at the Host Club, Haru-chan would love to see you!" You feel yourself growing embarrassed at the statement. Haruhi was thinking of you? Before you could look anymore stupid, you shake your head slightly, peering down at the boy.
"Are you sure, I mean--isn't there club stuff going on during lunch?" Honey shakes his head a bit.
"There is, but it's not that big of a deal, come on!" Before you could even protest, you were being pulled out of the garden at impressive speed by the upperclassman. You try your best to avoid the gaze of the people around you, all looking in either jealously or confusion. Behind you, there was Honey's friend, who you heard referred to as Mori-senpai in passing. It doesn't take you long to remember that he was in the host club too, and that you just never got his name. That must've been why you didn't recognize him earlier.
"Honey-senpai, why were you and Mori at the garden anyway?" You ask when you finally calm down. You hear Honey giggle, and you notice that you're no longer being pulled by him. You're at the host club, and Honey is looking up at you with admittedly cute eyes.
"Me and Mori were going to get lunch when we saw you." He explains. "I thought it be nice to eat lunch together, right?" He giggles, but strangely waits for you to respond.
"Yeah--I guess." You hoped you sounded convincing, you really didn't want to upset an upperclassman. Honestly, you'd rather be anywhere other than the host club right now, but it wasn't like Honey really gave you any choice, any the thought of seeing Haruhi did seem nice.
Honey lets out yet another adorable giggle, before opening the doors to the club. You feel your breath hitch when you step into the room. It was so bright, and the smell of tea, coffee, and cake waft through the air. A part of you felt comforted, until you heard the squeals of girls as they talk to the host and then you're brought back to reality.
You look around the room a bit, and of course, you were met with the sight of the hosts doing their best to romance the girls around them. You weren't one to judge, especially when it came to money, but honesty, is this really what rich people spend their money on?
"Oh-(Y/n), welcome in." It was him again, Kyoya, the scary one with glasses. You don't waste time looking over at him. He, like always, was smiling, but you really couldn't tell the true meaning behind it. "What brought you here today, I'm positive you couldn't afford anything." He mumbled the last part, but you heard him loud and clear.
Before you could offer him offer him a smart reply, Honey butted it. "We're going to eat lunch together, right (Y/n)-chan?" Honey grips your hand, tight. It made you look down at him, but he was already looking at you. Unlike earlier, you weren't moved by his gaze, but instead, slightly afraid. You feel as though you have no choice but to nod. Instantly, his face light up, and he was back to being the adorable boy you knew him as.
You were pulled away from Kyoya and placed on a fancy looking couch. In front of you was an assortment of cakes and teas, all which looked mouth watering. Honey and Mori both sit down at a couch across from you, Honey looking ten times more excited than Honey, who still appeared ridged and aloof. "Go on, take one, they're super yummy." Honey says when he notices your hesitance. You wait a moment, like if you took a bite someone would run up and swat it out of your hand. After a while, and much insistence by Honey, you take a bite of chocolate cake, and it was amazing. It melted in your mouth and had so much delicious flavor. You wanted to keep eating it forever and ever, until you realized it was gone.
"Did you like it?!" Honey looks at you expectingly, his smile widening when you nod. He pushes a few more plates of cake to you and you happily take them.
"Hey~What are you doing here?" You look over to your side, your mouth filled with cake and your eyes wide. Of course, Hikaru was on your right, and it wasn't too much to assume that Kaoru was on your left. At this point, the twins were no longer that much of a surprise to you. You slowly swallow your cake before acknowledging the two.
"...Thats all you have to say?" You hear Hikaru ask. You shrug, moving to grab another slice of cake, much to Honey's happiness.
"They're eating cake with me! I would offer some to you both, but it looks like we're all out." The table was devoid of any food, plates and crumbs being the only thing left. Did you seriously eat that much already, you swear you only had like three slice. Honey must've ate a bunch while you were in cake heaven.
"That's no big deal Honey, that's not why we're here." Kaoru says, tilting his head towards you. "We wanted to ask (Y/n) here to our party next week." A dramatic gasp leaves Honey's mouth, diverting your attention from the orange haired brothers to him. His eyes were wide, just like his smile.
"Oh! I almost forgot!" Honey gasps, making you confused.
"What party?" You question.
"The Host Club is hosting a party for the end of the semester." Kyoya, who suddenly appeared behind the couch you and the twins were sitting on, said. "It's a great way to wish farewell to our wonderful customers before winter break." What he really means is to make some extra money before his entire clientele leaves. You nod along with his words, not really caring about what he was saying.
"Sorry, I'm not really the party type, y'know?" You attempt to let the twins down, but they persist.
"C'mon--it's not like we're asking you on a date. We just want to see you out of your shell, you're so quiet all the time." Okay, ouch. You did think they were asking you on a date, but Hikaru didn't have to be so mean about it. Kaoru from his spot on your left reaches behind the couch to smack his brother on the shoulder, sending him a glare.
"What my brother meant to say," Kaoru puts a hand on your arm, it was a comforting presence in comparison to his brother. "Is that we think you'd have fun, we know we would if you were there." Kaoru whispers to you. You feel your throat tighten up at the close proximity, making you so nervous you stand right up, placing your plate down awkwardly on the table in front of you.
Attempting to calm yourself down, you wipe your hands on your pants, eyes darting from the twins to the floor in a panic. You had to come up with something, or else you'd be stuck he fumbling around forever. "I--uh--can't. Have to cover my coworkers shift for the next few weeks, I'll be packed."
"We haven't even told you what date the dance would be though." You can hear the subtle teasing behind Kyoya's words, the smirk seemingly never ending. It made your stomach flip, and you questioned just running out of the room entirely before the glorious sound of the school bell rung in your ears.
"I-I'm sorry, I just can't...thank you for the invite though. Bye." You awkwardly bow before rushing out of the room.
"Hika-chan! Why'd you have to go and make them nervous." Honey chides the boy. Hikaru doesn't respond, neither does his brother, both of them staring at the door you left out of.
You swear, embarrassment is a curse.
You couldn't stop thinking about the twins, their sharp smiles and annoying giggles. The way they embarrassed you in the Host Club and wouldn't leave you alone. It's tiring, and it makes you nervous for how Haruhi thinks. You wonder if Haruhi thinks you're a mess now, if he's embarrassed of you and that's why he hasn't talked to you since that day in the club room.
Unknown Number: Hey!
The buzzing of your phone interrupts your nervous thinking.
(Y/n) (L/n): I'm sorry, who's this.
Unknown Number: It's Kaoru. I got your number from Haruhi.
You nod to yourself, typing in Kaoru's name in your contacts.
Kaoru: I just wanted to apologize for Hikaru, I know what he said was mean, but we genuinely meant it. We would really like for you to come to the party, it would make it way more fun.
You sigh. It was impossible to stay mad at Kaoru. He was a sweet boy, and you couldn't deny how nice he made you feel. Was it weird to feel this way towards someone you just met, probably. But he was kind to you, so it wasn't terrible.
(Y/n) (L/n): I understand, don't worry. I wish I could go, but I really am busy.
Kaoru takes a while to respond, bubbles popping up and disappearing over and over before finally replying.
Kaoru: That's fine! Though, if you reconsider, I'd love to take you, like as a date, not just to hang out.
Two times today did Kaoru nearly make your heart stop, it was hammering so hard in your chest that you were sure it was going to break out. You kept staring at the message until somehow you worked up the courage to respond.
(Y/n) (L/n): I'll think about it, not promises though.
Kaoru: Okay, okay. I'll take to you later. Bye, bye <3
Ugh, these twins were going to be the death of you.
"Hey, there you are." You look away from your phone, staring up at Haruhi. It was almost surprising to see him there, somehow your conversation with Kaoru nearly made you forget about Haruhi, as bad as that sounds.
Haruhi takes a quick glance at your phone, eying the contact before you're able to shut it off. "Oh, I was going to tell you know, but I guess Kaoru texted you first." He rubs the back of his head awkwardly, blushing a bit. "Yeah, he said he had something important to ask you, so I gave it to him. Hope you're not mad at me." He takes a seat next to you as you shake your head.
"Oh, it's no big deal. It wasn't that important anyway." Haruhi nods his head, silence falling over you two. It was awkward, especially when you could tell that Haruhi was taking small glances towards you every once in a while.
"Um--we're you looking for me or..." You whisper, looking at Haruhi. his face was red and he looked incredibly uncomfortable. He was stiff as you look over to him, back straight and fist clenched tight.
"Uh--yeah." You hear him gulp before staring at you. It was intense, and you swear his anxiety was radiating onto you. "I wanted to see if you'd like to go to the Host Club party with me." He whispered.
You couldn't believe it, was Haruhi actually asking you? Today felt like some strange dream, and this was just the cherry on the cake. "L-like a date?" You ask, feeling your heart hammer away again.
Haruhi's blush darkens, adverting his gaze from you to the floor. "I mean, if you want it to be that then..."
You didn't know where your confidence came from, but you took Haruhi's hand in yours. You were so nervous your hand was shaking, but you're sure Haruhi's was also shaking, which somehow calmed you a bit.
"I'd really like that, Haruhi."
Haruhi calms, relaxing a bit, and smiling at you.
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erwinsvow · 2 months
i’m definitely projecting BUT i genuinely feel like shy!reader would have wavy hair and be so insecure about it (even tho it’s so pretty) so it’s always straightened but i just know if rafe saw it he’d fall even deeper in love with the girl!
oh 100%. lets project together angel why not. if you dont have wavy hair pls look away im sorry. but i do have wavy hair that i straighten all the time so ! you sent this to the right bitch
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your hair, though you've been told so many times was pretty either way, is usually straightened several times a week, if not daily. it's easy to fall into the trap of preferring it sleek and shiny than the waves that were pretty for the first day, frizzy the next, and somehow constantly clashing with the outfit you selected for the day.
you thought straight hair was easier, looked better, went with everything. even if it wasn't true, you had bought into it for long enough, your blowdryer and flat iron your two best friends.
the first time rafe met you, your hair had been straight. it was that way on your first date, as well as your second and third, as well as every sleepover at tannyhill or early morning drive to watch the sunrise at the beach. he'd never seen your hair any other way, not realizing there was, in fact, another way for it to be seen, until today.
you and rafe had spent the first hour of the morning rolling around in his bed at tannyhill, working up a sweat, which then was washed off in the shower together. rafe gets out first, listening to his phone ring repeatedly in the distance. you finish up, washing your hair and turning the water to the hottest setting now that rafe wasn't there to complain.
when you walk back to rafe's room, he's on the bed, still on the phone. you try to dry yourself off and get dressed without giving him too much of a show, settling for one of rafe's old frat shirts and using another shirt of his to start drying your hair. he looks at confused, but you don't say anything, knowing he's still on the phone. you need at least a minute to explain cotton t-shirts and scrunching to him.
rafe finally hangs up the call with barry while you rummage through your overnight bag, realizing your flat iron and blow dryer were left behind on your bathroom counter, a result of finishing up your hair for your date yesterday.
"is sarah home?" you ask, looking up at rafe.
"don't think so. and didn't i give you a towel? why's my shirt on your head right now?"
"i forgot my hair stuff at home."
"oh," he says, walking back to his dresser and returning with something in his hand. "here." he hands you a hairbrush.
"what am i supposed to do with this?"
"you said you needed hair stuff. uh, you're welcome."
"i have a brush, rafe. i meant my dryer and my iron. do you think sarah would be mad if i used hers? is that weird, though?"
he didn't think it was that serious, but you look more upset by the second.
"what'd you need that shit for? we're not going anywhere until lunch. it'll dry by then." you stand up, taking the hair out of his shirt and trying to salvage whatever waves remained.
"i wanted to wear it straight for the club, though. my outfit, it looks better with straight hair-"
"and i didn't even detangle or use that conditioner, it's all at home. ugh." you keep scrunching, going to the mirror and taking a look. rafe follows behind you, eyebrows knitted in confusion while he takes a piece of curly hair between his fingers. it's pretty, the way it falls around your face and certain pieces are curlier than others. you look pretty like this, though he's sure you look pretty any which way.
"how come i didn't know your hair's like this?"
"um, i like it flat. do i have to go to the club like this?"
"i like it. s'pretty. c'mon, leave it."
you turn to face your boyfriend. like everyone else, he's just saying it to be nice.
"will you take me home to grab my stuff? please?"
"if you really want it, kid, but i think you should leave it," rafe says, bringing his hand up to your hair, stroking the pieces by your face, twirling a wave around his finger. "c'mon, for me?"
you hesitate, looking up at your boyfriend.
"but i wanna look nice for the club."
"the fuck are you talkin' about? you always look nice."
"but it's not as nice. it's messy. i like it-" rafe interrupts you, bringing his hand to your jaw the way he always does, squeezing tight but not too tight.
"stop. it looks nice. stop overthinkin' it. got it?" you nod. "s'nice. you should wear it like this more often."
"sure. whatever you say."
"that's right."
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lowkeyremi · 2 months
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pairing: k. bakugo x fem!reader summary: Your man's birthday is coming up! Time to set up the venue for the birthday boy! Uh oh... gotta keep it on the low, I think he might be on to you. content: fluff, established relationship, bakugo is nosy, little bit of swearing, mention of other characters (his friend group) (you can find the rest of the series here!) wc: 1k
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"Shhhh!! Hurry up and bring the rest of the stuff out to the car." Kirishima and Kaminari can't seem to keep quiet while loading the rest of the supplies into the car for Katsuki's party. The two keep giggling and messing around.
"Sorry [name]! We'll be quieter!!" You highly doubt that because they said that the last two trips and if anything they've gotten louder. "Come on guys, we don't wanna give it away. You know how hard it is to actually surprise Katsuki." The boys know how much you've wanted to do this, so they quiet down and quickly take the rest of the party supplies to your car.
At this point it's almost like a challenge; to see if you can surprise him. His last two birthday parties you've tried to plan out were a major fail because Todoroki didn't understand the element of surprise and said, "Oh yeah, we're just getting everything ready for your party." and the other year he had threatened Mineta into telling him what you were plotting.
So, this year in order to keep it an actual secret, you had told very few people (kirishima, mina, sero, denki, and midoriya.) and sent Katsuki off to his parents to "enjoy his birthday with his family." His birthday isn't until a few more days but his parents were able to tire him out enough to keep him from asking questions or bothering you guys. he's currently in his room napping at 7pm.
"Alright, Sero, Can you read through the checklist once more to make sure we have everything?" Sero's quiet helpful, he'll be hanging up a lot of the decorations and what not. You had momo make a bunch of cool decorations yesterday while Katsuki was out with his parents and then sato baked a cake, that resides in the teacher's lounge thanks to Aizawa Sensei. You had also gotten the decorations that you and Mitsuki went out and bought a little while ago. She is such a big help and a huge part of why this whole plan is working.
Sero reads though the checklist and you give him a small "yeah" each time you see an item on the list.
"Okay I think that's everything let's go!"
In all honesty, Gym Gamma isn't that far away from the dorms, but carrying all of that stuff would have been a huge pain, which is why you're taking your car, with special permission from Aizawa of course.
When the six of your arrived at the gym you took charge of making sure the door was open for everyone to load everything in, and locking it behind you when everyone was inside.
Your teachers had already come up with some kind of white lie saying they were using the gym for some kind of new practice when in reality you're just setting up Katsuki's party.
So far everything's going according to plan, since Kirishima is probably the strongest one there he helps with setting up tables and moving them. While Denki sets up all the music equipment. (he, jiro, tokoyami and momo are going to play music)
Mina, being a natural leader is telling people where to put things, how high to hang up decorations and what not. She's really damn good at it too.
While you're in the trance your phone buzzes in your pocket and you hear the familiar ring tone of fireworks. When you and Katsuki started dating you set his ringtone to fireworks just to piss him off, and at first it did, but now he's just used to it.
"Hello?" In response you here a loud shuffling noise and a small grunt.
"Where the fuck are ya? Your location's off." If it were anyone else on the phone with him they probably would have thought Katsuki was being rude, but this is just how he is.
"Are you sure? I'm like 100% sure it's on." It's not. You know it's not. You aren't completely sure if he knows the gym is "off limits" because he crashed as soon as he got back. There's no way you're gonna risk it though because if he does know about the gym not being available he'll get suspicious of you being there.
"I'll check again, but I'm pretty sure it's off." His voice is groggy with sleep and he goes quiet while checking to see if you're location is on. While he's doing that you quickly mute your phone and yell out, "WHO'S NOT DOING ANYTHING RIGHT NOW?"
Midoriya is the first to respond, he runs right over to you ready to help.
"Listen, Izuku. I'm about to tell 'tsuki that i'm headed to my favorite book store on campus. I need you to take my phone and just kinda hang out there and if something goes wrong, like he tries to call just call one of the others so you can let me know, okay?" The green haired boy shakes his head furiously fast.
"I CAN DO IT!!" Even though you're slightly exhausted, Midoriya's energetic attitude does hype you up a bit.
You quickly unmute your phone, "Hey baby, I'm going down to the book store for a little while. I need to get this one book."
His bed creaks, indicating that he's just finally sat up in bed, "Alright, I'll meet ya there."
"I just need some time alone, please don't come by." You try your best to sound like you need space, because you know your boyfriend respects you and your space.
"Oh.. alright. If you want me to come get ya I will." Guilt slowly trickles through your stomach when you hear his voice drop into disappointment but you know it will all be worth it in the end.
"Love you Kats, I'll see you in a bit." The blond hums quietly in contentment.
"I love you too, be safe." With that he hangs up the phone.
Izuku quickly leaves with your phone to the book store and you + the others get back to work on decorating and making sure everything is organized.
"Okay guys! I think if we keep working at this pace we'll be done in thirty minutes or so." Everyone whoops in excitement.
It turns out you aren't the only one who wants to surprise Katsuki Bakugo.
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day 1: you make a birthday gift for katsuki - @zanarkandskylines
day 2: you invite all of class 1-A to the party - @xbabyd0lli3x
day 3: shopping for decorations- @angels-fantasy
day 4: You make a present plan 2.0! - @starieq
💖 day 5: Decorating the venue for his birthday party ! @lowkeyremi
day 6: Baking the cake for his party - @queenpiranhadon
day 7: you and your classmates surprise him ! - @cashmoneyyysstuff
tag list: @gina239 @mystic60 @meowze4r @icedemon1314 @bigsimpo343 @ah-mya @whezdostuff @berry-vioo @seonne @slayfics @food8me @katsuisbaby @azzo0 @kit-katsukii @stoned-anime-babe @kukikoooo
orange = can't be tagged
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©𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐊𝐄𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈 All works are written by me! Please do not copy, translate, or upload onto other sites thanks!
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personasintro · 8 months
Mutual Help | #08
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𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭: @kithtaehyung
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.6k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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"Why are we here?" you ask with narrowed eyes, eyeing your best friend whose cheeks are puffed up with pork belly.
"We are on a date." he answers with an obvious tone.
"I got that from your single message." you roll your eyes, remembering the message you got when you barely got home.
It's Tuesday, it's not even the middle of the week, and you definitely weren't expecting him to want to hang out during the week. He's lucky you were hungry anyway, home with an almost empty fridge. He knows you can't say no to food, especially when it's a typical Korean barbecue.
'I'm taking you out in an hour, be ready'
That's what the message said and even when his black car parked in front of your apartment building, he barely explained the point of all of this.
"Well, this is Seokjin's restaurant," he starts, seeing your dumbfounded look before he sighs. "Seokjin, you've met him when we went bowling with Tae, Jimin and Kiko. Even Hoseok tagged along." he explains, unfolding a very hazy memory.
If you remember correctly, it was the day when Jungkook introduced Kiko to you.
Jungkook looks like you should know exactly who he is, and the way he stares at you like if you were an idiot makes you annoyed. "It happened like a year ago. Do you really expect me to remember that?" you snark, rolling your eyes in annoyance when you see Jungkook doing the same.
So much for acting like a couple who loves each other.
"Anyway, he's not here right now. But Hoseok works here as operations manager."
Hoseok, Kiko's close friend, is here right now and it all makes sense. He knows when Hoseok would see you, he'd probably tell Kiko. Nothing is sure, but it's worth a shot.
"Ah, right. Now I get it." you breathe out, reaching for a chopsticks before you make yourself a wrap.
Jungkook just nods along, eating quietly before he opens his mouth. "Oh, Seokjin is getting married and he invited me to his wedding. You're coming with me."
"What? Why do I need to be there?" you exclaim with a full mouth, causing him to glare at you in disgust before he sighs.
"Because I need a date and he knows we're dating. He kinda invited you as well," he explains, shooting you his pleading look which consists of his doe eyes and slightly pouted lips in hope. "Okay, I'm sorry for dropping this on you all of a sudden. He just called me yesterday to remind me of the wedding and I forgot. I was supposed to go with Kiko, but that changed..." he trails off, silencing himself for a few seconds before he continues. "And now he knows we're dating, so I told him you'll come."
"Yeah, okay. Is she going to be there?"
He nods, biting the inside of his cheek. "Yes, Seokjin is marrying her best friend. She is going to be there."
With that, you only nod and stuff your mouth again.
It's just another plan that might work perfectly. Jungkook told you about him and Kiko talking to each other at the club. He hasn't said much, but he clearly sees the hope in winning her back. Even you can see it, after hearing her questioning you and his relationship. If she didn't care, she wouldn't ever stop by to talk to him.
"When's the wedding?" you ask him, noting that you need to buy a proper dress for that.
Your wardrobe mainly consists of sweatpants, slacks and basic shirts. If you want to look good, you need to invest some money in a nice dress.
"Next week."
"Jungkook!" you exclaim, watching your best friend in horror.
Next week is too soon.
He sheepishly looks at you, offering you a piece of pork belly with his chopsticks as a sign of apology. You roll your eyes again, but still lean towards him to eat the meat, not forgetting to glare at him in the process.
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"What are you doing?"
Eyeing Jungkook, who's scooting his way over to you as he unlocks his phone.
"We should take a photo," he answers, turning on his camera. "And make it Instagram official, baby." he wiggles his brows, causing you to snort in return before you try to adjust your hair.
"Wait, I'm not ready." you tell him, glaring at the phone that's shoved into your face before Jungkook snaps the picture of your face.
He snorts, looking at the picture of you glaring at the camera with hands in your hair and slightly opened mouth. He tries to do it again, but you slap his hands before you properly adjust your hair. You smile into the camera, before Jungkook does the same and snaps a picture.
He eyes it, brows furrowing as he exhales. "It looks like most of our photos."
You lean to him, looking at the photo that looks cute. Jungkook obviously looks hot, even with the soft smile that's settled on his lips. "I think it looks good." you shrug, reaching for your drink as you slowly sip from it.
"We're supposed to look like we're in love," he points out, shoulders dropping in disappointment.
Well, you came here on a date and yet you've spent all your time teasing and making jokes. None of that showed one piece of your fake love.
"Come on, let's take another one." he nudges you, causing you to groan but you still lean closer to him.
Jungkook puts his arm around your waist, pulling you even closer to him as you quickly smile into the camera. He does the same, your faces much closer before he starts to take more of them which turns to you goofing around, making different grimaces that makes you both laugh. The last shot is probably the best one and most believable. You're smiling widely with your eyes closer, while Jungkook presses his nose softly into your cheek, with a toothed grin.
You both check all the photos, none of you moving from each other as you silently comment on every one of them. You're both too focused from your creations to notice someone approaching, that's until he speaks catching both of yours attention.
"Hey, Hoseok." Jungkook greets him back, glancing at the man that's sporting a black slacks and a casual white button up.
"Hey guys, what a surprise," he beams, smiling at you when you wave at him in a brief greeting.
Although, you know Hoseok since the two of you hang out with the same people, you can't really consider him as your friend. He's a nice guy, very communicative, friendly and loud. You both have the same circle of friends, so there are times when you see each other from time to time. But that's it.
"What are you doing here?" he asks, looking back at Jungkook.
"We're on a date." he answers, a realization crossing on Hoseok's face as he takes his outstretched arm behind you and the proximity between you two.
"Oh," he opens his mouth in surprise. "So it's true." he comments, chuckling after that but something about his tone is off.
Of course. He's Kiko's friend.
"Yeah," Jungkook nods, not really sure what to say.
Just as you think he'll let it go, he opens his mouth again.
"I've never expected you guys to end up together,"
You shift in your seat awkwardly. "None of us did." you mutter, earning a very subtle kick to your shin from Jungkook underneath the table.
"We've decided to try it," Jungkook shrugs.
It's so damn fucking awkward, his short responses earning even more suspicious look from Hoseok, that he desperately tries to hide underneath his friendly smile. And the fact that you and Jungkook act so weird doesn't help.
"Ah, hyung," your best friend suddenly says, unlocking his phone before he hands it to Hoseok. "Can you take a photo of us?"
Hoseok eyes his phone before he slowly takes it from his hands, glancing at you before he smiles. "Sure."
It looks like Jungkook is one step ahead of you, knowing his friend and his rare fake smile. He must've thought the same thing like you did, proving that he got this. No matter how many times your conscience comes up to tell you that you're getting busted, Jungkook proves you wrong.
And when Hoseok finally aims the camera at the two of you, you're completely shocked when Jungkook grabs your face gently, hand spreading on your neck with his thumb on your cheek, before he connects your lips together. He kisses you, right in front of him, hiding your own shock by his mouth. When he pulls away, he does it slowly making sure when he opens his eyes, he's looking straight into yours with unrecognizable glint in them.
He traces your lips with his thumb, before he pulls away and looks at his friend. "Thanks." he says, grinning as he takes his phone from him.
"Yeah, no worries." Hoseok mutters, smiling at you as Jungkook takes a look at the photos.
Just when you thought he bought it, you glance from Jungkook's screen at Hoseok causing your breath to hitch. He's subtle, but still sporting an evident frown on his face as his eyes are glued to you. Your nerves get the best of you, a nervous smile spreading on your lips as Jungkook is completely obvious at your exchange with his friend.
Hoseok smiles at you, shaking off his previous frown as if he never stared at you like that.
But this time, you're smarter and see right through him.The smile he gave you was fake.
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chosoisamalewife · 3 months
Hiiiii could you write suguru x male reader. Reader has been really bratty lately: screaming, throwing stuff and just flat out disrespecting Geto. He takes it because you know you'll be having some exams soon so he let's you take out his stress on him, until one day he sees you and Gojo flirting a little too much and he gets super pissed. He drags you back to his apartment and edges you to his hearts content
Top!Geto x bottom!male reader
WARNINGS : MINORS STAY AWAY-filthy smut- Dacryphilia-spit-mentions of threesome-oral-edging-anal-spit as lube-slight smacking-no protection-creampie- implied safe word-aftercare- I guess thats all. Geto is mean but ends soft and sweet…..let me know if I need to add anything
“Darling I don’t understand why are you stressing so much. You are a genius” You heard your boyfriend’s voice breaking the silence. Suguru was currently on your bed sitting with his back against the head board. You don't say anything just completely focusing on your studies. "Baby are you even listening to-"
"Yes", you responded quickly
"Okay then what did I say?" You didn't have to look at him know he crossed his arm
"I don't know"
"Why am I even here then?" He didn't realize he thought put until you finally turn to look at him with furrowed brows.
"Why are you here" You said before turning back. He gotten up walking towards you placing his chin on your shoulder
"Baby I didn't mean it like that. I want to spend time with you but right now you are more focused on that. You need to take break." He pressed soft kisses onto your cheek.
"Go hang out with Satoru." He stopped kissing your cheek at your words.
"You told me that yesterday, the day before yesterday and then the day before that. Baby I gave you a pass then because of your studies but now it just seem like you are pushing me away. It has been a week of you acting like this, acting like an ass. " You whipped face towards him at the last statement.
"Go" Y'all just stared at each other. "I said go so get the hell out Sugu"
"Fine, I'll be fucking glad to. Hey do me a favor and tell me boyfriend to text me when he gets his body back" He said leaving and slamming the door.
You didn't hear from your boyfriend the rest of the night, no calls no texts. He didn't hear from you either so the next day he was looking for you to apologize for the way he acted and for not being understanding of your stress. That though that need to apologize quickly went away when he saw you walking with Satoru laughing, smiling and talking. Satoru was showing you something on his phone what ever it was had yall smiling. Suguru couldn't take it he stormed over to yall.
"Hey ba-" He grabbed your bicep harshly pulling you with him. You talked to him all the way to his place but not one word from him. You knew what a part of this was about and you felt terrible for what you said the day earlier.
The moment you got to his place large hands push you against the wall of his room. His lips grazes yours. “ You’re such a filthy boy you know that” He whispered against them. You lean closer trying to fully press your lips to his but he instantly pulled his head back.
“Please suguru” You pleaded with him. He knew your favorite thing to do was to kiss him. Some nights you don’t even feel the need for sex, the feeling of y’all’s lips pressed together puts you at peace. His knowledge of it makes chuckle deeply. One of his hand left your waist to palm at your crotch. You looked at him with pleading eyes as your breathing picks up.
“This past week you have been nothing but an ass to me. The only time you spoke to me was to yell or tell me to leave you alone”
“Baby I'm-“
“Shut up, You ignored but oh when it comes to my best friend you all happy and laughing with him” He palmed at your hard cock even rougher. The feeling of his actions made you whimper. You close your eyes, leaned your head back while letting out groans. He removed his hand from your crotch before you can protest he pressed his clothed cock against yours. He grinded slowly causing you to clutch at his shirt “Do you want to fuck him?” You shook you head which wasn’t enough for suguru. He grabbed your jaw making you look at him “I asked do you want to fuck him. I want to hear yes or no” He thrusted harder against you
“No” You moaned out. You can feel your orgasm approaching due the harsh grinding of your boyfriend clothed cock against yours and his doming demeanor. How pathetic you really must
“Are you sure, I mean if you did I wouldn’t be angry with you. I could invite him over one night to join us.” You let out a pathetically loud moan. “Aw you already close to cumming? You going to make a mess out of your clothes.” He tapped your face lightly with the same hand that gripped your face. You mouth went adjacent and he took that moment to spit inside "You're so fucking pathetic" He said removing his body from you. "Strip and get on the bed" You removed your clothes with shakey hands. Before walking to the bed. You felt a smack on your ass as you walked by him making a gasp escape you mouth. You climbed onto the bed sitting in the middle of it.
“I’m sorry, I didn't make my self clear” He chuckled as he grabbed you by your ankles pulling you to the edge of the bed. He gotten on his knees in front of you “Hm now that’s more like it” He purred as he gotten on his knees in front of you. He unzipped and unbuttoned your jeans. You raised your hips so he can pull your jeans off leaving you in your boxers. You sit up so you can watch him.
“You’re such a needy slut. Barely done anything to you and you were already so close to cumming your pants.” He chuckled as kitten licked the wet spot on your boxers, your mouth parted at the sensation. He stared at you with darken eyes like a wild cat looking at its prey.
“Sugu please” You begged. You are so close but the licks that he is giving on your boxers isn’t enough. You wanted more, you needed more
“Nope! Remember what I said, filthy boys don’t get what they want. So don’t even think about cumming.” He yanked your boxers off freeing your hard cock. He wrapped his large hand around your shaft causing a lewd sound to leave your mouth. “Such a pretty cock for someone so filthy” he licked your slit that was leaking pre cum. You bucked your hips up, you knew you were going to last long. You are already so close to the edge again. “Do not even think of cumming because if you do it will not be pretty” He licked directly on your slit tasting you before taking you fully in his mouth. Your hands shot into his black hair threading them through.
"Fuck" you groaned, your hands gripped onto some strands causing your boyfriend to groan against your cock. The vibrations sending a new sensation throughout the nerves. The warmth of his mouth and the gliding of his tongue against the underside of your cock had your mind fuzzy. You feeling and the need for release were right there. You couldn't help but to thrust into his mouth a few times desperate for the high. You could feel it it was right there when he took his mouth off you. He slap your thigh making you jump a little. Your upper fell back groaning and hands covering your eyes in frustration. He raised up grabbing and pulling only your upper body up. He brings his face close to your staring you directly in the eyes like the day before. However your look wasn't the same, your face reaks desperation. "Please" you whispered softly. He grips your chin making your mouth open slightly. He leaned in making you think he was going to pressed his lips against yours. His lips never came though just him spitting on your mouth.
“I want you on the bed on your hands and knees ” You shakily gotten into the position and you waited there as you heard clothing being removed. You had no idea if you were shaking in anticipation or for the fact of being on the edge twice alright just to never fall.
You felt the bed dip in places then you felt your boyfriend's body up against yours. His hard thick cock directly against your ass. You could feel him grinding against it slowly. His chest was completely against your back.He placed rough kisses onto your neck. His kisses went up to your ear whincing as he bit and pulled on it. You could hear how breathless he was getting. He has been holding his own since this started neglecting his needs and wants of your body.
"Suck on them" He brought two fingers to your mouth shoving them deeply. You gagged at the sensation. Your tongue danced around them licking all over and in-between them. "There you go get them nice and wet". He occasionally shoved them back deeper to where he first put them. You could feel drool pooling at the corner of your mouth. "Aw drooling like a bitch in heat huh?" He chuckled deeply the feeling of the vibrations of it driving you more mad
Once he was satisfied he pulled them out your mouth and moving from your body. You felt spit dropping from his mouth onto your rim. Then his wet fingers entered you. Tears automatically fell from your eyes not because the stretch was the painful. It was the pain of being so close and haven't been able to release. His fingers pumping out of you didn't help. You move one hand from holding you up to your mouth hiding you moans and whimpers. You were already almost there again. Your release were so close however it still seems so far
Suguru's free hand reach up to you hair pulling it "Don't you even fucking think about it. Remove your hand". You dropped your hand back to its original place. "You crying and I haven't even put my dick inside you." He drop his hand from your hair to give your ass a smack. His moment of his fingers became harsher
"Please I can't" You turned your head as best as you could to look at him. You hope that maybe your tears and the look on your face could help you receive sympathy.
"Don't give me those puppy dog eyes. We both know you can take it. All you have to say is that magic word baby" He was right, all you have to say was the safe word and it will all stop. You don't want it to stop though. You just want to cum. "Plus you brought this upon yourself". He removed his fingers from your. He brought his palm to your face "Spit", he demanded. You spit a good bit into his hand. He took his cock in his hand pumping and spreading your spit all over it. He aligned him himself before slipping completely inside of you. He let out shakily breaths giving you time to adjust more to him. Your arms that were holding yourself up gave up now. You face and chest were against the mattress. His large hands glided against the arch of your back up to the muscles of your back and back down to your waist. . It felt good and soothing. His touch being more gentle than before.
He grips you waist and begins to move in and out of you. His pace starts out nice and calm before it picks up. You bit onto the sheet in frustration and pleasure His trusts became fast and rough as his moans increased. "Fuck" he groaned another slaps on your ass making you whimper against the sheet. "Gonna fill this ass of your with my cum. You'll love that won't you. Such a cum slut." His thrist became messy and sloppy as his breathing picked up. "My cumslut" He groaned loudly as his body shook. He fucked himself through his orgasm. The feeling of his cum shooting into you making your eyes start to roll back.
He pulled out before you could finally get there. The denial again made you scream into the mattress in frustration. He flipped you over gripping your waist and entering your hole again. You felt him cum that was oozing getting pushed back into you. He couldn't help but to watch for a bit. His cock coming out covered in his cum before going back in making the most lewd sounds.
You were completely fucked out at this point your moans were just soft whines and groans. You eyes were puffy and red from crying. His eyes were now completely focused on you. From your fucked out face, to your torso he just watched you as he fucked you. You were close again tears started down your face again. One of his hands caressed your cheek wiping the tears he couldn't help but to smile
"Please, I'm sorry" You whispered softly, you have no idea if you heard you or not due to the noise of the room.
"I know , just a little longer okay. I want you to cum with me this time" He leaned over you placing his face in your neck. You drap your arms that feel like jelly over his shoulders. Gripping onto his skin as best as of possible. The feeling of pleasure hurts more and more with each thrust of his hips. Your mind short circuiting with each of his groans on your ear, with each time his cock hits your prostate. He lift his face to look at you again. His hips starting to stagger. You body begins to shake.
"Sugu" You breath were heaving heavy tears pouring down you face. Your grip of his back tightened. His thrust became heavy, desperate and messy.
"There you baby cum with me. You can cum." He pressed his lips against your for the first time as your body begin to shake. Your eyes rolled back as pleasure hits your like a freight train. He groans against your mouth as his body stutters as he cum in you again.
You have no idea how long you were gone. You came to your senses feeling kisses being pressed all on your face, lips, neck and chest. Hand rubbing your sides gently. When he noticed you he smiled "There you are" He pressed another kiss on your lips. Tiredness began to settle as you closed your eyes again. "No no no, you cant sleep yet. I got to clean" You groaned in annoyance. "Baby I don't think you want to sleep in cum". You could feel it oozing out of your body more onto the bed. He shook his head getting up walking to his bathroom turning on the bath tub. He cleaned himself up quickly before returning to you
He lifted your body up before you can protest gently putting you in the warm water. "I'll be back baby, I'm going to change the sheet." You just nodded
He came back to the bathroom once he was done wearing his boxers. He sat by the bathtub watching you lay there with your eyes close. He touched you softly "You okay baby?" Concern was heared in his voice. You open your eyes and smiled.
"I'm fine, just sleepy now. I love you sugu and I'm sorry. I won't study tomorrow." You reach for his hand holding it.
"I love you to baby, and it's okay. How about you just study for an hour tomorrow. Since the exam is the day after. " You nodded your head. "Just a question what were you are satoru laughing about"
Your laughter filled the bathroom. "How you were whining to him like a love sick puppy needing attention."
"He showed you the messages? I'm going to fucking kill him"
I don't know how to end shit 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
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outerspacebisexual · 2 years
What Remains in the Wake - Eddie Munson
Part Two of Until the Chaos is Through
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Part One - Until the Chaos is Through
Part Three - Blessed Silence After This Mayhem
Part Four - Heinous Regret With No Salvation
Summary: You're left reeling after your boyfriend Eddie's infidelity. It doesn't feel like you'll ever move on, and a tiny part of you wants to go back to him.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Word count: 5.2k
Warnings: angst, swearing, implied/referenced cheating, again maybe steve x reader if you squint, you have really great friends in this i stg
a/n: HOLY SHIT guys i seriously didn't expect all the love on until the chaos is through! i LOVE reading your thoughts about it. genuinely so many made me laugh so much.
i really hope that you enjoy part two. i got so many requests to be tagged that i couldn't get through them all, so i am sorry about that!
thank you all so much for the support! <3
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Your days wasted away into the night after the Halloween party.
You teetered on a razor’s edge between wanting to run straight back to Eddie and wanting to never see him again.
Like today, when laying alone in your room only bought thoughts of missing him. When your covers still smelt like him, and the photos of the two of you stared blankly from their spots on your dresser and the walls and the bedside table, their wide smiles and bright eyes mocking you.
Everywhere you looked, there was Eddie, and you couldn’t bring yourself to leave this little self-proclaimed bubble of ignorance.
Because if you didn’t think about it, it wasn’t real. Eddie was simply on his way over to hang out and spend the night like he used to, and everything was fine.
The night of the party, your friends had stayed with you until mid-morning. They took turns in comforting you as you spent hours sobbing on the couch, crying out against the unfairness of it all. About how stuff like this didn’t happen to people like you.
It didn’t happen to couples who loved each other.
Because you loved him.
And Eddie loved you.
But that affirmation you had been repeating to yourself for weeks held no weight now. It had been your lifeline in all those moments of doubt and insecurity, the one thing that you told yourself over and over and over, assuring you that you were wrong.
And yet, you had been right, despite all the lies you pretended were the truth.
You heard Steve’s car pull into your driveway.
You didn’t get up to let him in. He and the other’s had borrowed your spare key, taking turns in checking in on you after your refusal to leave your house for the third day in a row.
You stayed still, curled up beneath the covers, eyes closed as Steve opened your bedroom door.
“Hey,” he murmured, coming to sit on the edge of your bed.
You didn’t reply, just barely peeking your eyes open, but he didn’t look dejected, he just gave you a tight-lipped smile—one that reeked of pity.
Yesterday, it had been Nancy who came by. She had sat right where Steve was, that same sympathetic look on her face. You hadn’t wanted to talk then either.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, just loud enough for you to hear.
The tears burned the back of your eyes. “I’m fine,” you whispered, but your lip trembled, and Steve was quick to brush his hand over the side of your head.
“You don’t need to lie to me,” he told you, the same softness to his voice as before, as if he, too, was trying to protect the quiet bubble just as much as you were. That was what you told yourself, even though you knew it wasn’t true. “Talk to me.”
Your throat ached as you swallowed back a sob. You’d cried enough these past few days. “I—I don’t know what to do.”
His hand brushed over your head again. “About what?”
“About the love I have for him. I love him, Steve.” Just saying those words out loud had you weeping. “I love him so much and it still wasn’t enough.”
Steve’s hand rested on your shoulder, and he squeezed it just tight enough to make you look up at him. “Y/N, it would have been enough for anyone else. I don’t know why he did what he did, but I do know that it wasn’t because of you.”
“But if I—”
“No,” he cut you off, tone firm—firmer than anyone had been in days. “No. This isn’t on you. This is on him.”
The words should have comforted you. He meant them to be comforting, but they didn’t help. They only caused you to think about Eddie.
And it made you think of the fact that he hadn’t contacted you at all.
He hadn’t tried to call. He hadn’t come over. He hadn’t made any effort to try and talk to you.
Maybe you don’t mean enough to him, that tiny voice whispered. Maybe you weren’t enough for him to even bother to apologise. Maybe he doesn’t want to apologise.
You clamped your eyes shut, trying to block out the awful words that just kept tumbling and turning through your mind.
Steve removed his hand from your shoulder, and you instantly missed the comfort of it.
When you opened your eyes, they fell to him—to his hands—and you frowned.
“What is that?” you asked.
You removed your arm from the warmth of your covers to take his hand in yours.
His knuckles were bruised, the middle two split, but they had healed enough to not need to be covered.
Steve tried to pull his hand away, but you held fast. “Steve?”
“I—uh,” He swallowed and looked to the wall, avoiding your eyes. “It’s from the party.”
Your brows furrowed. “You got into a fight?” You had been so focused on yourself that you hadn’t even realised he had been hurt at all, not at the party or over the past few days.
He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, eyes not leaving your patterned wallpaper. “Sort of.”
You studied his side profile, the way his eyes darted around, his hesitancy to answer your questions.
Steve had been with Jonathan and Nancy most of the night at the party, if you remembered correctly. From the couch at the Roland’s, you had been able to see most of the first floor and you couldn’t recall him getting into a fight. If you had, you would have at least tried to stop him. That man did not need any more knocks to the head. It must have happened upstairs—
It hit you, and you shrunk back.
“Oh,” you said, and this time when he attempted to pull his hand away, you let him.
“I—yeah. Jonathan and I, we—” He cleared his throat, standing. “I should probably go. Do you need anything?”
Jonathan had been at the top of the stairs, but Steve…Steve hadn’t come out until after. Judging by his knuckles, now you knew why. You wondered if Jonathan had even tried to stop him.
You stared at him for a long moment before shaking your head. He rushed out a hurried good-bye, and then your door was pulled shut with barely more than a click.
School was the absolute last place you wanted to be.
The incident wasn’t common knowledge amongst your peers, but you knew that it was only a matter of time before they found out. Already, hushed whispers trailed you; some sympathetic, some not.
It was also the first time in over two years that you didn’t have Eddie by your side as you walked through the front doors. Even before you got together, you had been friends, and his presence right beside you had become a staple in your life that you never thought you’d lose.
But you had.
The worst part was lunch.
As you grabbed your tray, your eyes immediately went to the Hellfire table out of habit, and you stopped short when you realised that you couldn’t sit there anymore.
Eddie wasn’t there in his pride of place at the head of the table, thankfully, but Jeff’s eyes found you, confused as to why you weren’t coming over.
It became obvious that the rest of The Hellfire Club didn’t know.
As you stood there, you wondered if they had known about Eddie and Chrissy. Had they been aware of Eddie’s deals with her? Had you sat across from them every day being the only one in the dark? They were Eddie’s friends first; they didn’t owe you any loyalty. That belonged to their infallible Dungeon Master. Had they humoured you while Eddie snuck out to the—
An arm slipped through yours. “I hear that the band freaks and the school newspaper weirdos have way more fun than D&D nerds,” Robin whispered into your ear as she guided you towards a table at the back of the cafeteria.
You had never been more grateful.
She saw the beholden look on your face and shook her head. “Don’t,” she said softly, and then launched into a spiel about how she had a pop quiz this morning that she most definitely flopped.
Nancy was happy to see you, eyes lighting up as she moved her bag off the table to make a place for you opposite her. Robin dropped into the seat beside you. “Hello, I didn’t expect to see you today.”
You sent Nancy a shy smile. “Yeah,” you said, picking up your fork, “I was surprised, too.”
You had been thinking about skipping school today, and the rest of the week if you were honest, but you knew that it wasn’t going to make a difference about how you were feeling. Your bubble was nothing more than a delusion that you allowed yourself to believe in anyway.
“Well, either way, it’s good to see you here.”
Robin was quick to say, “And to have you sitting with us now. You have no idea the fun we have here.”
You raised a brow. “Oh really?”
“You bet,” she told you, taking a rather large bite out of her sandwich. “Us two? We’re living it up while you losers sit around whining about whatever it is you whine about all day.”
“You don’t have to sell it to me, Rob. I believe you.”
Around a mouthful of food, she said, “Look! You’re already laughing. Proof!”
True to her word, you were grinning wider than you had in nearly a week. Being by yourself for so long had only allowed you to stew in your own self-pity. Being here, with your friends who were trying so hard to help you?
That was worth braving the school corridors for.
Robin placed a hand on your arm. “Oh, did you hear about Lucas’s basketball game? He wasn’t benched—” She immediately cut herself off as her eyes flew to something—or someone—behind you.
You tensed, already not liking the way her eyes bulged as she beheld who stood there.
“Um, Y/N? Can I please talk to you?” Chrissy’s voice was quiet, so much so that you almost missed it as you turned to look at her.
She fiddled with the sleeves of her varsity cheer jacket, the one she always wore, the one you knew that she wore when she would see Eddie.
“W-What?” you managed.
She swallowed, eyes darting around at the stares that came with being the Queen of Hawkins High. “I—I would like to talk to you, please.” She pulled the sleeve of her jacket particularly hard, and it displaced the neckline of her shirt just enough to reveal a tiny patch of discoloured skin on her collarbone.
Your throat suddenly felt like it was closing up.
You couldn’t pull your eyes from that spot of skin. Had it been Eddie? Or had it been Jason? Had Jason known that his girlfriend slept with the freak he hated so much? You had never really liked Jason Carver, but right now, in this exact moment, there was no one else on earth who you understood more.
Both thoughts had bile rising as you tried to calm your racing heart. “I don’t want to talk to you, Chrissy.”
She looked down at you, a dumbstruck look on her face. “Why?”
Your jaw dropped open, and you knew that Robin and Nancy shared the same look. “Why—Why do I not want to talk to you?” you uttered. “Because you slept with my boyfriend, Chrissy.”
Her eyes widened, and she quickly glanced around at the surrounding tables.
As she did, that feeling that you had become so accustomed to whenever you saw her slowly morphed into disbelief.
Even now, she was worried about people finding out that she was the one who fucked the freak. Even as she stood beside the person who she had stolen him from, who she had a hand in betraying.
“Are you serious?”
“Please,” she murmured, “Can we speak outside?”
“I’m not going anywhere,” you told her, voice shaking.
You dug your fingers into the side of the table.
You had no idea where all of this anger was coming from. For days, you hadn’t been able to feel anything except a swirling pool of heartbreak and numbness. And now, this rush of hostility coursed through you faster than you could stop it.
“—Chrissy,” Nancy interrupted. “You should go.”
Robin’s hand coming to rest on your forearm was the only thing keeping your grounded.
Chrissy eyed the growing number of stares that were on her. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, and your chair was sliding back in an instant as you stood.
She shrank back at the ferocity in your eyes, mouth dropping open as you leaned forward. “I don’t want your apologies,” you spat. “I want you to fuck off.” Robin and Nancy were standing, too, Robin’s hand a hairsbreadth from your arm as if to grab you at a moment’s notice.
Chrissy took a single step back. Then another. Her eyes didn’t leave you as she raced away from your table.
You stared after her, blood thrumming in your ears and your heart pounding in your chest.
But as soon as the adrenaline rush arrived, it deserted you, and that rage became humiliation as you noted all the eyes on you.
You slumped back into your seat.
Nancy sat wide-eyed across from you. “Are…Are you OK?” she asked, somewhere between shocked and…impressed?
“I honestly don’t know,” you muttered. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
Your face burned, and you shook your head. At what, you didn’t know. Maybe at your actions. Maybe at Chrissy’s fucking ignorance.
“Well,” Robin said, brows raised as she looked between you and Nancy. “I think we can safely say our table hasn’t seen this much action in years.”
You covered your face with your hands. “I thought you said you had fun here?”
“I’m a liar.”
You knew that going to The Hideout for the first time since Halloween would be difficult, but you hadn’t expected it to be so hard.
You didn’t expect to see Eddie in everything.
He wasn’t actually there on the random Friday night that you, Nancy, Robin, Steve, and Jonathan decided to hang out, but you saw him on the stage.
You saw him leaning against the back wall, you standing snuggly against him, playing with his hair as you listened to the band on after Corroded Coffin.
You saw him sitting at the bar, peppering kisses along your jaw.
You saw him at the table by the window, his eyes lighting up when he spotted you coming back with drinks in hand.
The Hideout was a living, breathing reminder of everything you and Eddie had once been.
And you didn’t expect it to hurt so much.
“I just can’t believe it’s taking this long,” Jonathan shouted over the music, bringing your attention back to the group. He was rambling on about something to do with Chief Hopper and his mother, and to be honest, you were a little lost.
“Didn’t they go to high school together?” Steve asked. “They’ve known each other forever.”
“Exactly!” Jonathan exclaimed, surging forward enough to jolt Nancy who was perched under his arm. “It’s like, you’ve known each other for so long and you both know you like each other, so why are you just waiting around for something to happen?”
Steve opened his mouth to reply, but one of the bartenders appeared at the end of the table. Earl, you remembered, and from the way his face lit up, he remembered you, too.
“Y/N!” he called, and you waved politely. “I haven’t seen you here for ages! We missed you at Eddie’s set last week. I almost called you when he got so wasted he couldn’t walk, but he insisted he was fine. Stumbled out of here by himself with nothing but his wits. Stupid boy.”
Despite everything, a pang of worry shot through you. “Oh,” you said awkwardly, “I—yeah, Eddie and I aren’t really…” You trailed off, and Earl’s face fell a fraction.
“Ah, well, next round is on me,” he told you, and you sent him a grateful smile as he disappeared into the throng of people.
You weren’t quite sure what to do with yourself, and Steve picked up on it, launching back into the conversation with Jonathan.
That seemed to be your general state of being now. Unsure.
You were unsure who you were without Eddie. You were unsure how you could go forward when a small part of you kept wanting to go back. Back to the man that you had made plans with for after graduation. The man who you had promised to be with forever; promised to build a life with outside of Hawkins in less than a few months.
Eddie still hadn’t tried to see you. He still hadn’t called, or come to your house, or even tried to accost you at school like Chrissy had.
Over the past two weeks, you hadn’t even seen him in the halls at school, or the cafeteria, despite his van being in the parking lot every day.
He simply disappeared from your life, and you weren’t sure if that was a good thing or not.
The lump in your throat made itself apparent, just like it always did. It practically lived within you now.
You slid out of the booth, shooting your friends a quick glance. “Bathroom,” you said quickly, before weaving past people you both recognised and didn’t. Most of the people you only knew because of Eddie.
The bathroom was empty. A small mercy, as you locked the door and sat on the lid of the toilet, head in your hands.
Coming here so soon was a mistake. It was too much.
You pressed the heels of your palms into your eyes, quietly savouring the pressure.
You didn’t belong here without Eddie.
You didn’t belong anywhere without Eddie.
No matter how much you tried to kid yourself, nothing felt right without him.
There was a knock on the door, but you ignored it.
You hadn’t ever even been to The Hideout without him. It was his place, and you just tagged along, ringing in the perks of being with the band. Which weren’t many except maybe a few free drinks here and there.
But to everyone you met there, you were Eddie’s.
And now you weren’t.
And that hurt so much.
Someone knocked again, and this time you shouted, “Give me a minute!”
The person on the other side was silent, and you rubbed at your eyes, patterns playing behind your eyelids in a kaleidoscope of colours and shapes.
It was comforting, somehow.
The door clicked open, and your head shot up to see Nancy standing there, hair pin in hand. “Sorry,” she said, looking only slightly guilty. “I wanted to check on you. I was worried.”
You scoffed. “What if I was peeing?”
She shut the door. “Then we would have known each other a lot more intimately than we did ten seconds before now.” She eyed you up and down, eyes not missing a thing. She was so perceptive that it was almost scary. “Too much?”
You nodded. “Too much.”
“We can go, you know? We don’t have to stay if it’s making you upset.”
“I—I want to. I just—” You waved your hands around. “—It doesn’t feel right. Without him. Nothing does.”
Nancy gave you one of her closed mouth smiles. “I know it feels that way now, but it will get better. I promise.” She knelt before you, hands on your knees as she leaned down to catch your eye. “What he did, you can’t go back, no matter how much you want to.”
You chewed the inside of your cheek. “How long will it take?” You felt like a child asking questions that didn’t have an answer.
Nancy shrugged. “I don’t know. But I do know that a week ago, this would have sent you spiralling. And now, you’re not even crying.” You blinked, feeling for the first time that your eyes were dry. She smiled. “Time, honey. You just need time.”
“Why are we here again?” you grumbled to Jonathan as you both got out of his car on the main street.
“Because one: I need help carrying all this to the car, and two: I also need help putting it together,” he told you.
“And why am I tasked in helping you put your brother’s Christmas present together? It’s still months away.”
Jonathan sighed, all mock disappointment. “Well, you weren’t my first choice, but everyone else is busy.”
You jabbed your finger into his arm. “That’s mean, you know that?”
“Maybe if you stopped complaining so much, we’d already be done,” he teased, and you rolled your eyes.
The main street wasn’t as busy as you thought it would be on a Saturday mid-afternoon.
People still meandered up and down the street, but most were on a mission, like you and Jonathan.
Jonathan hadn’t even explained exactly what it was that you were picking up and putting together. You just knew that he was really excited about giving it to Will. And you could hardly say no to him when it was practically saying no to sweet, little Will.
“Don’t forget we have to pick Lucas and Max up from the arcade on the way back,” you reminded him.
“Why do we have to do that again?”
“Because you recruited me and I already said yes to them, so we have to combine plans.” You side stepped a large group of elderly women who pushed straight through the middle of you two. Jonathan kept walking and was a few metres ahead by the time the group of ladies finished filing past.
You stepped off to follow after him when your name was called from across the street.
Looking up, you froze as Eddie came rushing across the street towards you.
It was as if every single thought you’d ever had emptied from your mind as he came to a stop a few feet from you.
His hair was just as messy as it always was, and you noted the faded bruise on his cheekbone. You didn’t have to guess where that had come from, and the bags under his eyes were much more prominent than they normally were.
Seeing him now, your stomach churned with so many different emotions that you weren’t even sure what you were feeling.
He was a little out of breath as he said, “Can I talk to you? Please?” His dark eyes were pleading, and you fought against the urge to instantly cave, just like you always did when he shot you his puppy dog eyes.
You were cut off when Jonathan suddenly appeared beside you. He looked beyond angry; his brows creased, and his top lip pulled back. “I thought we told you to keep your distance, Munson,” he ground out.
Eddie looked surprised to see him. He obviously thought you’d been alone. “I just want to talk, man. Please. I’ve stayed away, but I need to talk to you.” He directed the last bit at you. “Please.”
You didn’t think that you’d heard him say please so much in his life. He was practically begging.
“What do you want to say?” you asked timidly. Eddie glanced between you and Jonathan. “It’s fine, Jonathan. Just give me a minute?”
He looked unsure, but eventually conceded, shooting Eddie a dirty look as he made his way up the street just enough to give you some privacy. You had known him long enough to know that he was still within hearing distance.
“What did you want to talk about?”
When Eddie’s eyes finally found yours again, they looked pained. “I…I wanted to talk about us.”
“There is no us, Eddie.”
“I know. I know that. But I’m so, so sorry. You have no idea how hard these past few weeks have been for me. Staying away from you—”
“How hard they’ve been for you?” You laughed, right in his face. “How do you think they’ve been for me? You didn’t even try and see me.”
“Steve and Jonathan told me not to. They said—”
“I don’t give a shit what Steve and Jonathan said. You cheated on me and then just abandoned me.” Your voice wavered, and you hated that Eddie caught it.
He tried to reach for you, but you stepped back and pulled your hand away. His eyes flashed with hurt, and you squashed the part of you that felt bad. “And I’m so sorry, sweetheart. It was a mistake.”
You closed your eyes for a second, hating the way your pet name rolled off his tongue. The pet name that he hadn’t used in the weeks before Halloween. It had become non-existent once he started seeing Chrissy.
“How many times?” you asked suddenly.
He looked confused. “What?”
“How many times, Eddie?” you repeated. You didn’t want to say the words out loud.
Understanding your meaning, his eyes found the ground. He was silent for a long moment. “Six,” he mumbled.
You choked. “Six?” You took another step back.
“It—Y/N, wait—”
“—Six times you slept with her and then came home to me?”
You weren’t even sure why you were entertaining this conversation. You knew that it was only going to end up with you hurting more than you already were.
“No, I never saw you on those days,” he confessed.
You stared at him. “Is that supposed to make it better?”
His eyes widened, and he rushed out, “No, no. I’m just trying to explain.”
The melancholic agony that you’d been stuck in for weeks was suddenly sharpening. The razor’s thin edge became no longer wanting or not wanting, it became anger and rage. “There is nothing you could possibly explain to make this better.”
His voice became pleading, and he stepped towards you as if you were going to suddenly disappear. “Please, baby, it was a mistake. Chrissy—she’s not you. I want you. I need you—”
Your fist was flying before you could stop it, and you only registered what you had done when your knuckles stung.
Eddie reeled back, and you stared wide-eyed at him. His hand went to his face, holding the spot between his cheekbone and his nose.
He opened and closed his mouth.
“I loved you, Eddie,” you uttered, clutching your fist in your other hand. “I gave you everything, and it still wasn’t enough for you. I needed my boyfriend to love me enough to not sleep with other people.”
Jonathan was suddenly standing beside you.
“Fuck you, Eddie,” you spat as Jonathan took your arm. “I don’t need you anymore.”
If Eddie was going to say something, you didn’t find out, because Jonathan was pulling you up the street past the onlookers who were gawking at both you and Eddie.
“Are you OK?” he asked.
“No,” you muttered, and you weren’t sure if it was the adrenaline or just pure mania, but you started to laugh. “That really fucking hurt. I think I broke my hand.”
Pulling the door open to Family Video an hour before closing, you were pleased to see it was empty aside from the man you were looking for.
“Harrington,” you called as the door shut behind you, “I need a movie recommendation.”
Looking up from where he was leaned against the counter flicking though a magazine, Steve seemed both surprised and happy to see you. “You’ve come to the right place,” he declared, standing up. “We have movies galore. What are you looking for?”
You grinned as you reached the counter. “Something funny, but also a little sad, with a killer soundtrack.”
He pretended to ponder for a moment. “Sounds an awful lot like your favourite movie,” he pronounced.
“Someone has to keep this place afloat. Why not me and my little favourites?”
Steve rolled his eyes playfully. “Where would we be without you?” he joked, pulling a tape from beneath the counter and setting it in front of you.
You raised a brow. “You had it sitting back there already?”
He shrugged. “Had a hunch.”
Reaching for the cash in your pocket, you hissed when your knuckles caught the lip of the pocket. Steve noticed, and his eyes shot to your hand.
“I heard you socked Munson in the face today,” he remarked, and you couldn’t quite tell the tone he used.
“Yeah,” you said sheepishly, placing the money on the counter.
He held out his hand, wagging his fingers. “Let me see.”
Gingerly, you placed your hand in his own, watching as he studied your knuckles. Unlike his, the skin of your knuckles was still intact, but they were slowly starting to bruise.
And they hurt like hell. You didn’t know how people did it over and over again. Just one mediocre punch and you were sure you wouldn’t be able to hold a pencil for a week.
“We match,” you observed, and he shot you a disapproving look.
“Not really something I wanted to match you for.” He brushed his thumb over them, and you winced. “You’re lucky it’s not broken.”
“Jonathan already gave me that spiel,” you muttered. He had seriously ripped into you on the drive from the main street. Not only had you ruined his plans for the day and still forced him to pick up Lucas and Max, but he then had to take you to the hospital which he was less than impressed with.
The verdict had been bruised knuckles and not a break, but the doctor had advised you to lay off punching people in the face in the future.
Still looking at your hand, Steve started chuckling and you narrowed your eyes. “What?”
He shook his head. “I just can’t believe you punched him in the main street.”
“He’s the one who came at me. If anything, he chose the location,” you tried to justify.
Steve smiled. “I’m proud of you,” he said after a second. “I know it was hard for you.”
Your heart squeezed in your chest. “Thank you, Stevie.”
And you really meant it.
You had no doubt that if it weren’t for the support of your friends, you wouldn’t be where you were. If it weren’t for them, you might never have known about Eddie and Chrissy.
And as much as you had been confused and upset about not seeing Eddie in the last few weeks, Steve’s threats about giving you space were the best thing that could have happened. Because you would have gone back to him if he showed up on your doorstep. You would have continued to bleed yourself dry for him over and over again.
Steve tapped your fingers, and you looked back at him.
Like Nancy said, it would still take some time.
But you were all right with that.
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tell us everything about your day yesterday
oh, ok!
i woke up at 5:30am and went out for a run. it was pretty short, 3 miles, i was back in a half hour. i got really sick a few weeks ago and my lung capacity is still not 100%, i ran five miles a few days ago and i threw up on the sidewalk.
anyway, when i got back home i paced around in the backyard for ten minutes to cool down, and then i slipped back into the house to my bedroom and woke up jake by sucking his cock. we fucked (me on top, no real foreplay, the cocksucking only lasted a few seconds and we went straight to fucking) and we came at the same time, and then i laid in bed leaking while jake got up and showered as the kids woke up. at this point it was like 6:40. i got up and made oatmeal for my kids (with blueberries!) in a robe and jake was all dressed and ready before 7, so i left him to get the kids dressed and stuff and i answered a bunch of emails. i do this now in the mornings so i can get to the office after everyone but i already have them working on stuff. LOL.
the kids were playing for a bit before school, and margot woke up, so jake made breakfast for me and margot and himself, so i ended up out there with them having coffee and chatting until 8:10, and I was still in just a robe, so Jake walked the kids to school, which is usually my job.
i got dressed (no shower, LOL. white panties, no bra, jeans and a t-shirt - very professional) and margot was making a shopping list so i tried to remember everything i needed (i forgot most of it, i always do, so i have to go to target today). and then jake got home so i kissed him goodbye and left for work. i got to the office at 9:20. i had meetings with various little teams from 10-12 and by the end of the second meeting I was very bitchy and everyone was like, "OK stop giving angel new information" which i thought was a very insightful analysis of me as a coworker.
i had coffee and two cigarettes with jane, a fairly recent hire who is like a 40s goth punk chick who reminds me a lot of ivy if ivy had never gone corporate and had a dozen babies. i love jane, she's 15 years sober from heroin and she rocks. she also compliments my waist a lot, she (like many of you lol) can't believe i pushed two kids out of my pussy.
then i walked to my friend casey's work to meet her for lunch. i don't know if i ever talked about casey. i think so? she is like 27 years old and she has a baby and a much older husband and a stepdaughter who is 19. when i was in my lexi-obsessed phase she was adjusting to returning to work with a baby in her life so we didn't hang out much but now we see each other all the time.
we had lunch at a bagel place and i was back at work by 1:45, just in time for more meetings, but these were with clients and i was nicer. the t-shirt with no bra was a very good strategic decision, one of the bigger guys at the company stared at my tits the whole time, and agreed with everything i said. i wore my hair down too and played with it a lot, you know, alternating between ditzy hair twisting and sort of gathering it and arranging it behind my back like i was about to put it into a blowjob ponytail.
N.B. the ponytail blowjob is such a stereotype/meme but i never do that. i let my hair fall all over the place when i am sucking dick. men love my hair.
i had an hour in my office during which i accomplished literally nothing. i looked at my phone and deleted some emails. that's it. then i had a meeting with my boss, and we talked exclusively about sex with our respective partners. his wife is cumming really easily lately, which on the one hand he likes and on the other hand doesn't like because she's wrapping up sex really early. he said about half the time he doesn't get beyond eating her pussy; she cums and then sucks his cock and won't stop until she's swallowed every drop. but even when they get to fucking, he said she cums in like 40 seconds and hops off to suck his cock. i told him to start slapping her clit with his cock to stop her orgasms. he said she'd get so mad at him if he did that and i said, "i would beg for more." anyway, he told me i am doing a great job with the team lately so i flashed my tits at him.
alice called me at 4 and just clearly wanted to talk at me, but i let her, it's kind of like a podcast, and so she was in my ear for the end of my work day and my ride home.
when i got home, margot and the kids were in the park, so jake fucked me in the kitchen, quick and hard, panties and jeans down, bent over the kitchen island, his hand on my clit. he came inside me again and i pulled my jeans and panties up right over the mess and walked around like that all afternoon, making dinner and catching up with everyone. dinner, did a puzzle with my daughter, bathtime for the kids, storytime, bedtime, and i just took my jeans off and relaxed on the couch with jake and margot and we watched a movie. i fell asleep on jake's shoulder after the movie was over, and he moved me over on the couch, took margot to her room, fucked her and came on her tits, took a picture of it and sent it to me, which woke me up, LOL, but i was too tired to move so i let jake come in, naked, and carry me to bed. at some point in the night i took my panties off because they were full of dried cum, and this morning i woke up next to jake, he was naked and i was in just a t-shirt, so i pushed my ass against him until he woke up and fucked me from behind nice and slow. i came twice.
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mothram · 7 months
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joeys-babe · 10 months
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Someday We’ll Be Together
Chapter 6: Realizations
(joe's pov)
yesterday, i came to a realization. the feelings i had for y/n back in college never truly went away. i didnt admit to y/n's mom that she was right that i still liked y/n, but in my head i knew she was right.
she's why i finally broke up with lexie. i knew she treated me like shit and still stayed with her, but y/n being there to comfort me just made me want to end things. i wanted my attention to just be on her after all the shit i did to her while we were living in different states.
that's why i'm so jealous of her and tee. i wanted to be in the spot he was in; i wanted to be taking her on dates, i wanted her to watch me at practice, and hang out with the other girls because she was with me.
now that i've excepted the fact that i still have feelings for her, i need to come up with a plan. this time im not gonna chicken out, im gonna confess to her what i've wanted to tell her for a very long time.
the first step in that direction is actually talking to her, because i haven't been doing that the past couple of days.
come over?
that's the first text i sent to y/n. i've been an unreasonable jerk to her the past couple days so i'd be surprised if she answered
why? you've been ignoring me and now you want to hang out?
fair enough.
i want to apologize. thought it'd be better in person.
i'll be over in ten.
thank god she's not mad enough to refuse to see me.
the next ten minutes seem to go on forever. i sat on my bed just staring at the ceiling and waiting for a knock on the door or a ring from the doorbell.
i picked up my phone to see that had been 11 minutes, and i lost hope until there was a knock on the door followed by the doorbell.
i practically sprinted down the stairs, through the living room, and up to the door.
i took a deep breath before i opened the door, she had a pissed off look on her face.
"hey" - joe
"hey" - you
"come in" - joe moved to the side and let you in
she sat down on the couch, i followed and sat a couple feet away from her.
it was silent for a few moments, i was trying to collect my thoughts and perfect my apology. when i was ready i cleared my throat, causing y/n to look at me.
"i'm really sorry y/n. i shouldn't have ignored you like that.." - joe
she scoffed at my apology, and that's when i realized this was going to be a lot harder than i thought.
"why'd you do that?" - you
"i- i was just kind of annoyed that you were going on a date with one of my teammates." - joe
"what's so wrong with me going on a date with your teammate? wouldn't you rather i like someone you know rather than someone you don't?" - you
"it's just that if it didn't work out between you too i don't want it to be awkward at practice and at games. it's my job, and i can't have stuff like that messing with it." - joe
"that's not a good excuse. i'm confused because you call me your best friend but you don't want me to be happy." - you
"i do want you to be happy-" - joe
"no you don't!" - you raised your voice
"don't yell at me." - joe
"i can do whatever the hell i want! including going on dates with your teammates!" - you
"i'm just trying to protect you y/n!" - joe
"says the guy that dated a girl that was using him for 6 months. you can't even protect yourself, let alone protect me!" - you
i stayed silent for a second, that was a really low blow.
"do what makes you happy, and if tee makes you happy then go date him. i dont care anymore!"
- joe stood up from the couch and started walking towards the stairs
"wait joe! im sorry i shouldn't have said that- that was uncalled for.." - you
i ignored her comment and kept walking up the stairs, so much for apologizing.
"joe don't walk away, im sorry.." - you
"y/n i asked you to come over here to apologize to you for being such a dick and instead you yelled at me and brought up my shitty ex that i'm trying to get over." - joe yelled from the top of the stage
"i know, and i'm sorry." - you
i didn't reply and walked into my room, loudly
slamming the door and flopping onto my bed.
(y/n's pov)
of course this happens.
after what tee told me last night, i couldn't sleep.
i tossed and turned, replaying his words in my head over and over again.
the fact that you still have feelings for joe.
after losing hours of sleep i came to a realization.
tee was right. i still liked joe, i don’t think i ever really stopped.
but of course now that the very rare occasion that joe and i are both single is happening.. we’re fighting.
it’s honestly my fault, instead of excepting joes apology i accused him of him not wanting me to be happy and shoved his toxic past relationship in his face. not the ideal way to drop hints to your life long best friend that you have feelings for him.
“sweetheart.. you okay?” - your mom knocked on your bedroom door
it was now a few hours since my incident with joe, and i was feeling increasingly guilty. this was probably the third time my mom had come up here to check on me, one of the times being to tell me dinner was done but i didn’t leave my bed.
“no mom, i’m not okay” - you sniffled
“can i come in?” - your mom
“yeah..” - you
when my mom walked in to see me sprawled out on my bed with my face covered up with a blanket she sighed and let out a “oh honey” before sitting on the edge of my bed.
“wanna talk about it?” - your mom
“not really. but i know i probably need to.” - you leaned up
“so how’d this all start?” - your mom
“joe wasn’t exactly happy about my date with tee. so much so that he had been ignoring my calls and texts, and ignoring tee at practice.” - you
god these kids are so clueless, your mom thought.
“mhm” - your mom
“he asked me to come over today so he could apologize.. but i messed up.” - you
“what happened?” - your mom
“he told me he was sorry but i just kept arguing with everything he said. i yelled at him, and accused him of not wanting me to be happy. then i did something super bitchy mom..” - you
“oh lord, what’d you do?” - your mom
“he said he just wanted to protect me.. and i said says the guy that dated a girl that was using him for 6 months. you can't even protect yourself, let alone protect me.” - you
“y/n!” - your mom
“i know, i can’t believe i talked to him like that.”
- you
“i see why you’re upset.. what’s he do after that?” - your mom
“he started walking upstairs, saying that i should go do what makes me happy and if tee made me happy to go date him because he didn’t care anymore. i told him i was sorry and that i shouldn’t have said that, but he just went to his room and slammed the door.” - you
“oh honey.. i’m sorry but you really shouldn’t have said that.” - your mom
“i know.” - you
“so are you going to go out with tee again?” - your mom
“no. he said we’d be better off as friends.” - you
“that stinks, i knew you liked him.” - your mom
“that’s not even the worst part though mom.”
- you
“what’s the worst part?” - your mom
“earlier that night tee had asked me if i ever had feelings for joe, i told him only in college. well after tee told me that we’d be better off as friends he said there was something i wasn’t realizing, and when i asked him what that was he said i still had feelings for joe.” - you
“do you?” - your mom
“yeah.. i think i do.” - you sniffled and wiped your eyes
“y/n…” - your mom pulled you into a hug
“i realized it last night at like 3 am. it’s always just been joe. all along it’s just been him, ever since damn high school. i’ve been on so many dates, had boyfriends, failed talking stages. there have been some really nice great guys, but i just end up comparing them to joe. no guy compares to him, mom. he’s so sweet, genuine, protective, down to earth, one of the most hardworking people ever, he’s always been there for me, and i mean he’s the most handsome boy i’ve ever laid eyes on.” - you
“are you saying what i think you’re saying?”
- your mom smiled
“yeah.. i’m in love with joe.” - you grinned
“oh thank god! i was starting to think you were actually blind. i’ve known this since you guys were in middle school, i always knew you’d fall in love with him.” - your mom
“how do i fix this? i’m telling him how i feel this time, i’m not gonna chicken out. can’t really do that in this mess.” - you
“we’ll figure that out tomorrow, you need to go to bed and sleep. it’s been a long day for you.” - your mom stood up and walked up to the door, turning the light off and walking out of the room
it felt really good to finally get that off my chest and tell someone.
im in love with joe.
authors note: the motivation i have to write rn is insane.
hope you enjoyed ❤️
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bunnyreaper · 9 months
ps look at my gorgeous man
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okay, wrote a lil gn!reader x gaz, with birthday theme!! it's a bit silly but i hope you enjoy!! mild 18+ below + alcohol consumption!
Being in the army was never convenient. Thrilling, challenging, life changing, yes--but never, ever truly convenient. 
You suppose the universe took pity on you somewhat, as the stakeout in a sweltering hot campervan had been moved forward to yesterday, narrowly missing your birthday, but only just.
Today you're still left with the fatigue of the late night you pulled staring down binoculars and making the awkwardest small talk ever with Ghost.
But, today at least, you'd entered the rec room of the Los Vaqueros base to the most pleasant surprise. 
Kyle must have spent the whole afternoon preparing it, as there were balloons and bunting and even a small cake waiting for you when you arrived--as well as the man himself, all soft eyes and beaming smile. 
The cake has long since disappeared (largely courtesy of Johnny), and you've both been making your way through a fairly expensive bottle of tequila, one shot at a time. 
The Captain didn't stick around for too long, and Ghost headed to bed after him and Johnny swept the floor with you and Kyle in a particularly heated game of beer pong. 
Johnny is currently drooling into the couch cushions as you and Kyle try and finish off the last of the tequila while playing Never Have I Ever. You're a few rounds in, and Kyle is rapidly realising that there's a lot of things you haven't done.
"Never have I ever... had a threesome." Kyle says, with a shrug and a melodic laugh, and is unsurprised when you don't drink.
"Never have I ever had a twosome, even." You counter with a snorted laugh.
Then, mortification washes over you, as you stay stock still and wait for the realisation to catch up to Kyle.
"Oh, you've never...?" His lips part and his eyes widen adorably, but they hold no judgement within. 
"Nope." You shake your head, taking a hefty sip now anyway to deal with the blush of your cheeks at such a reveal. 
Kyle follows suit out of habit, his face scrunching at the taste. "With anyone?" 
"Nope, I've done some things but... no one I wanted to go all the way with." Really, you aren't embarrassed about this detail in particular, more so that you're sharing it with Kyle, who you've been crushing on pretty much since you first laid eyes on him. 
"Well then." His initial surprise dissipates, replaced with an entirely too sweet smile that just makes you melt. "Hope you find them soon, if you're ready." 
His voice is laced with sincerity, and as you get lost in his gaze all you can think of is that above everything, you're so thankful you get to call Kyle your best friend. "Thanks for not being weird about it." 
"Nothing to be weird about." He says, completely nonchalant as he reaches out, his hand resting on your arm to rub reassuringly. "Though I do think you're missing out." As he says those final words, his face splits into a smirk for the ages, before he wraps his lips round the bottle once more. 
"Oh I know I am, trust me." You groan, desperately wishing to experience everything you hear people talk about, especially with Kyle. 
"Tequila brings out the wild side of you, apparently." He chuckles. 
You shove him playfully, knowing deep down you haven't gotten as wild as you could. "You say that like it doesn't do the same to you! I remember when you were doing shots in that bar we went to, and you ended up shirtless on the dancefloor." 
He hangs his head in embarrassment, but smiles through it anyway. "Thanks for reminding me of that." 
"Anytime, Kyle." You wink, the alcohol making you just a little bold. "Think I might head to bed though, actually." Best to go now before you end up straddling him right here, you think.
"We outlasted Soap, so I'll call that a win." He screws the cap on the tequila before setting it down on the table and offering you a hand to help you stand.  "Did you enjoy yourself?" 
"I really did, thanks for remembering." You smile, trying to fight the urge to rush to him for a hug. "I'll clean up in the morning." 
"Let me walk you back to your room, yeah?" He offers his arm now, allowing you to hold onto him as the two of you make your way out of the rec room.
"Oh, you're being extra nice, it must be my birthday." You tease, eyes ahead so as to not focus on the muscle you're clinging to and the heat radiating off him.
At that, he gasps. "You're my favourite person, I'm always nice to you." 
"If being cheeky is nice, then sure." 
His head dips down ever so slightly, and he stops walking for just the briefest of moments, his voice almost a whisper. "It's how I show my affection." 
It takes everything within you to not fall over your feet then and there. 
"Does that mean you have heart eyes for the Captain, because you're always being cheeky with him?" 
Deflect, deflect, deflect. 
"Why? You jealous?" He laughs, now properly coming to a stop outside your door. 
"Desperately." You drawl sarcastically, hoping he doesn't see right through it--and hoping he doesn't notice your shiver when he pulls away.
Things fall comfortably silent between you, as you stand and share fond looks. You swipe your key card, kicking the door open ever so slightly as you cling to his presence for a moment longer, not really wanting to go inside. 
"Kyle..." You begin, not really knowing what you'll say next. 
"Yeah?" His smile is so bright, so warm and loving that it almost hurts to lay eyes on.
"Thanks again." 
"S'aright." He shrugs it off like it's no big deal that he remembered, and made sure that everyone made a fuss. "Not too bad as far as birthdays go, I hope."  
Little does he realise, spending time with him is the best birthday gift you could ask for. Well, almost.
"Not bad at all, though I just thought of something else I want as a gift." Bravery courses through you, your brain ticking over into a needy territory where you just need something from Kyle--something beyond barely-there touches and friendly smiles. 
"One wasn't enough?" He teases, his eyebrow quirking and lips turning up in a way that makes him all the more attractive. 
"Nope." You take a step closer, and he makes no effort to retreat.
"Lay it on me then." 
And with those words, you snap. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down so you can slot your lips against his and pour out all your pent up feelings into kissing him silly. He tastes like tequila, and mint, and heaven, as he kisses you deeper and deeper, and sends your head into a bigger spin than the alcohol did.
He pulls away after a moment, pupils blown wide and hands still gripping onto you. "Fuck." 
"I mean, the actual gift I'd like would be a lot more... involved, but..." 
He pushes you through the door, slamming you against it as he closes it behind the two of you. "How about we make a deal?" He begins, before trailing kisses down your jaw, to the sensitive spots on your neck. 
"Oh?" You ask, voice barely there as light-headed dizziness and arousal takes over. 
"Tonight... I'll give you part of your gift, but the rest has to come when we're both sober." He whispers, his words full of promise. 
You whine as he nips at your throat, already wanting more, wanting everything. "You're no fun." 
He pulls away to meet your gaze, eyes sparkling as his hardness presses against you, and he flashes that oh-so-handsome smile. "If I'm gonna be the one to fuck you for the first time, I'm gonna make damn sure you remember it, yeah?"
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Part I ::: Dad's Best Friend, Reiner
Part II
Yep. I'm pumping out more Reiner stuff. Yesterday (Nov. 6) was my birthday and I couldn't get enough of the man. So I started writing again today and he was just wrecking my brain. STILL proofing. My laptop went a little haywire. This will be straightened out by tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for your patience ♡.
This will be in 2 parts. I'll attach links as I post and finish them up.
Warnings ::: Flirting with your dad's friend, older man kink (newly discovered, kinda?), accidental exhibitionism, accidental voyeurism, accidental kiss, erection. Implied plus size//chubby reader The good stuff (HA, listen to me) will be in the second part. That's already almost done. I'll probably post that tomorrow morning or afternoon. Enjoy!!
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Part I WC ::: 2,557
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It was Thanksgiving break and you were heading home from college. It's always been a big deal with your family to have everyone over to their home and have them leave well-fed.
Well, it was, anyway. Since your mom left last year, it's fallen entirely on your dad's shoulders.
But this was his time to shine. His time to show you and everyone else that he could go above and beyond the regular turkey dinner. You were a little nervous about it. He didn't exactly have the best track record when it came to cooking turkey. But you'd be here to help him out however he needed.
You and your dad's best friend, Reiner. There wasn't a holiday that he hadn't been around. In fact, there weren't any special events that you couldn't remember him being at. He was sort of like a second dad to you. If you had to put a label on it, that's probably what it'd be.
It's been over 4 months since you'd last seen him. You were both at your dad's house on the 4th of July. You stopped by to have a quick burger before you went back to your dorm room. All you remember is that his best friend was really, really drunk, and really happy to see you.
You called your dad as you hit a red light.
"Yell-o?" The voice at the other end of the call said.
"Hi, dad. I'm on my way. I'll be there in less than 30. Do you have everything you need for the great cook-off? Let me know, I'll call when I get clo--"
"Hey! Hey, y/n. It's Reiner, your dad's --"
"Oh! Hi, um, Reiner. My dad's ... best ... friend. W-where is he at?"
"He had to run to the store to pick up a few last minute things. But he'll be back. Either before you're here or right around the same time. S' I guess, just keep coming, uh, home. I'll be here. We'll be here, I meant. See you soon, sweetheart." He said before hanging up. "Y-yeah, ok. Rei-, um, ok. Bye, see you soon."
You suddenly felt really hot in the face. Was his voice always that provocative? Did it always sound like that when you talked to him on the phone? So deep and alluring? Snapping your head from your daydream as the car behind you honked at the green light you were mindlessly sitting through, you drove on to your childhood home. Not sure what you're in for when you get there. But feeling a little giddy about it, all the same.
Pulling into the driveway, you didn't see your dad's truck. But you saw Reiner's. It wasn't huge, but it took up over half of the drive. You loved the color; a deep blue. So dark you couldn't really see your reflection on the side of it. It was nice.
"Hello? I'm here. Dad? Are you home ye--" you called out to your dad. But he wasn't there. It was just his friend, still. Just you and his friend.
"Hey, sweetheart! Welcome home! S'good to see you, baby girl!" Reiner came to you with open arms. You looked at him. He wore a nicely fitting light blue button-up shirt. It was accentuating his very large, muscular arms. Shit, did he always look like this? His hair was a little longer than you remember it being. But it was slicked back as much as he could get it. It was in that awkward phase between too short to get it to do what he wanted and should he get a haircut. You thought it looked fantastic. Even the little bits that hung down against his forehead.
You let yourself be wrapped up in his arms as he pulled you into a close, tight, and very warm embrace. His body was so hard and so soft, simultaneously. It made your head spin.
A little while later you realized he'd already let go but you hadn't, so he kept hugging you until you were ready for him to loosen his arms. He chalked it up to you missing him or missing your dad after being gone from the house for school.
"You ok, sweetheart? *Heh* I don't remember you ever letting me hug you like this. But that's ok. I don't mind. I'm happy to fill in for any dad energy--"
Dad energy? No. No no no no no. You thought. This had nothing to do with 'dad energy'. Maybe 'daddy energy'.
"Not 'dad', god. I just ... s'just, well, guess I missed you. Dad energy. God." You laughed. He leaned down and brushed your hair from your face and kissed you on the cheek. Twice. You hoped he wouldn't notice how your heartbeat quickened. Or your breath got caught in your throat. Or how your face turned a deep shade of pink.
"You good, baby girl?" Nodding you put your hands up on his pecs and it took every ounce of will power to push him away from you. All you wanted to do was drop to your knees and lick his stomach. Just for starters.
"Hello? I see my daughter's car in the driveway! Where is she?" Reiner dropped his arms and let his hands glide down from the curves in your waist and turned quickly. You saw him start to adjust something, but your dad's voice drew your attention away from his best friend tucking his cock away.
"Dad! Hi! Happy Thanksgiving, pops. Thank you for doing all of this."
He hugged you and kissed the top of your head. "Well, I wouldn't be doin' this if it wasn't for my dumbass friend over there. He insisted that I do this. Y'know, to keep things 'normal' and to entice you to come home for a nice meal."
You looked at Reiner. He shrugged his broad shoulders. Fuck, how had you not noticed how hot he was before today?
"Well, thank you. Both of you. I can't wait to get started on everything. Are you working over the break?" Your dad was a veterinarian and often the one who was on call over holidays. Even on his vacations he'd still find the time to work for his patients. He was just that kind of person. You always admired it about him.
Your dad sighed. "I think you already know the answer to that, baby girl." Reiner's head whipped around at the sound of your dad calling you what he had called you minutes before. Maybe he should lay off. 
But your dad called you that. Reiner has been practically a part of the family for over 25 years. He decided to try it out in front of your dad to gauge his reaction to the pet name. He'd go from there. It just had to be the right time.
"Don't worry, though. I sent home fliers about all the foods animals should stay away from over Thanksgiving. And how they shouldn't have bones that can get lodged in their throats."
Reiner choked on his beer. "Shit, shit. Sorry, {Dad’s name}. I ... *aheh*, shit. Never mind. Sorry." You and your dad stood there looking at Reiner, puzzled. You knew what he was choked up about. But your dad was most likely clueless. And that's probably better for everyone.
It was around 8pm and your dad and Reiner were watching football and reliving their high school days. Reliving their game nights when they were in (what they felt like) was the prime of their lives. Reiner jumped up from the second recliner that your dad moved in for him after your mom left. "Go. Go. Go go go go go go!!! YES!! Whooo! Fuck, I love this team." His honey-colored eyes met yours and you couldn't help but get all bubbly in your tummy at the slight squint as he smiled so widely. He genuinely looked the happiest you've ever seen him. And for some freaky reason, that made you happy, too.
"I'm going to grab a shower and go to bed. Can I bring you guys another beer or anything?" You asked, still maintaining eye contact with Reiner.
He shook his head, "'S fine ..." Now! He thought. Now is the perfect time to test out calling you baby girl in front of your dad! "Think I'm done for the night, baby girl." He waited for the ramification of calling you such an intimate thing. But it never came. Your dad just followed suit, "Yeah, I'm 'bout to turn in too, sweetheart." You nodded with heavy lids at Reiner and rubbed your thighs together the whole way as you walked to your room.
Sitting on your bed for a minute, you did your best to compose yourself after that pithy exchange between the two of you. If you could even call it an exchange. All he did was look at you while you asked if they wanted anything before you went to get cleaned up and tucked in for the night.
Maybe it was the way he hung on to the gaze. How he lured you in to maintaining the shared glance. No, it was more than a glance.
You stood inside of your room, feeling no relief whatsoever, and pulled your t-shirt over your head and tossed it on the chair. Unhooking your bra, the little clasp in the front separated without much effort.
All you could think about was Reiner's hands on you. How would he take your bra off? Would he do it slowly and make you wait as he teased you? Would he be frantic and grab and pull it off?
"Fuck. I, I gotta stop. Gotta get a grip on this shit. Goin' to drive myself nuts." Slipping your jeans and panties off in one motion, you kicked them aside and left them on the floor by the standing mirror near your desk. There was a small wet spot on your panties that could only be from one thing: Reiner.
Looking around your room for your bathrobe, you remember that you saw it hanging in the bathroom down the hall. "Sh- shit. Ok, g'na make a run for it. I'm just going to run for it. They're both in the living room watching football. I can do this." You bounced on your toes a couple of times to hype yourself up for the mad dash you were preparing to make. Slowly, you opened your door and stuck your head out to survey your surroundings.
"H-hello?" You whispered, testing the population. "Ok, 'm gonna ... gonna go ..."
From out of nowhere, Reiner's face popped into yours as you stood there, naked as the day you came into this world. Oh, how he tried to not let his eyes wander from your blushing face down the front of your body. But he couldn't. He couldn't make himself look away. He was hypnotized by your curves. How your thighs nestled together. Your soft stomach. The soft, silvery glow of light stretch marks. 
"F-fuck, sorry! I'm so sorry!" He shouted. "I came to tell you that your dad had to go out on an emergency call for someone's horse. Broke its leg or somethin'. Sssshhhhit. I'm sorry. I'll go now that you know where he's going to be."
He was so flustered he couldn't bring his eyes around to yours. He just stared awkwardly at the floor, hoping you wouldn't see how hard he'd gotten over something so simple and awkward as bumping into you at your bedroom door that you were about to make a break from. Granted, you were naked.
"Oh god, Rei-ner! Oh my god!" You yelled back. But it was more out of sheer surprise than embarrassment. Ever since he answered your dad's house phone today, you couldn't get his voice out of your head. And when he hugged you, it was impossible to forget what his arms and hands felt like on you. There’s a 99.9999999% chance you’ll never forget how he smells. But you couldn't really act like you enjoyed exposing yourself to him. Could you?
Reiner finally found his footing and looked you in the eye. He saw your eyes and felt bad that he made you feel uncomfortable. But he couldn't help but notice how your nipples pebbled in the cold air. How they were a lighter shade of pink than he expected. He just wanted to cup them in his hands and roll them between his fingers. Fuck.
"I-I'm sorry. I thought you and my dad were still in the living room watching tv. I - ugh. Fuck." You turned back and grabbed your throw that lay across the foot of your bed and wrapped yourself up in it. You couldn't get away from him fast enough, but he stood right in the doorway.
"S'ok, sweetheart. It's alright. I just came to let you know that your dad's gone and that I'll be here. Least until he gets back tonight. Just lettin' ya know." He smiled his dazzling smile and you felt your heart skip a beat. "I can come back later and ... and ... you can leave your door open." He stuttered out, not entirely sure what he was suggesting. "You can leave it open while you're getting dressed or whatever. So you don't have to worry about me barging in again."
You nodded, "O-ok? That sounds good, Reiner." You whispered, holding the throw clutched to your chest, you managed to look up at him.
"So, are we in agreement that your dad doesn't have to know anything about this?" Reiner asked and you laughed. "Yes, oh my god, that would be mortifying. Let's just keep it between the two of us."
"Ok, sweetheart. Can do." He leaned down and let his lips sit on your left cheek for far longer than a simple smooch should have lasted. As he was pulling back, you turned your face and looked up at him. What you didn't know was he was going to do the same thing to your other cheek and your lips met with his.
They were so soft and warm. You weren't expecting to actually kiss him when you did this. You were going to say goodnight and slip passed him down the hallway. But instead, you just stood there. Initially wide-eyed, your mouth puckered out slightly. When did that happen? When did you push your lips out to meet his?
Reiner stepped back slightly. He didn't look like he was in as much shock as you. But he had a stupid half-grin on his face where your lips had just been. Like his little scheme had panned out perfectly. You couldn't believe you'd just kissed Reiner. Your dad's best friend. He was practically family. Even if it wasn't on purpose.
You both stood there for a moment longer. You couldn't believe how amazing it felt to kiss him. His lips were so sweet and perfect. But you knew it couldn't go any further. Your dad would lose his shit. And Reiner was his best friend. And he was old. Well, not old. But older.
"I, um, I'm going to hop in the shower." You said, quietly. "Yeah, yeah, I'll leave you to it. Sorry, baby girl." He turned on his heel and walked back down the hall.
He didn't sound like he was sorry. He sounded excited. Like he was about to win some kind of prize.
And that prize?
Was you.
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Taglist ::: @darkstarlight82 @callm3senpaii @reinerswarrior
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mutantthedark · 3 months
Caught red-handed
Warnings: Cheating, angst, hurt no comfort, swearing. Enjoy reading! Or not... ---- The morning felt like yesterday. The morning sky is clear with no clouds, but the wind is brushing the leaves who is hanging on the breaches gently.
It's spring season, the weather is getting warmer, thank god Halia didn't have to wear a coat again. Walking to school in snow was a waste of time for her and it frustrated her so much. 
A few students walking towards the school, some of them are going to the canteen to eat breakfast. A chatter filled in the hallway into Halia's ears as she closes her locker while she's carrying a backpack on her shoulders. She walking through the other students and sees her best friend, Michelle, who is southeast asian descent. Halia gives a small wave and smiles. "Hey."
"Hey, good morning!" Michelle hugs her gently and releases her. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just didn't sleep well, had to finish all my school work after leaving the driving test." Halia sighs and rubs her eyes.
"How did it go?"
"I failed, again." 
"Seriously?! You failed 2 times now? What did you do now?" Michelle's eyes widens, Halia motions to Michelle to walk beside her slowly. 
"The driving instructor insulted me that I didn't cleaned the windows, and even in the back of the car!"
"That sucks... It's certainly not easy." Michelle mutters.
"Of course it isn't... it's so much going on right now." Halia looks around the hallway and raises her eyebrow. "Have you seen Noah?"
"No, but I'm guessing he's running late?" 
"Probably..." Halia checks the clock who's hanging on the wall, she still has 6 minutes to hang out. "His dad is always driving him to school, maybe his car broke-"
But Halia got cut off by the 'ding' sound and she pulls out her phone, message from Noah. She opens the message and reads it carefully.
 Noah: "Hey, I'll be late to class, the traffic is really terrible, tell the teacher, yea?" 8:25 am.
Halia's eyebrows raises and types the message back, her fast fingers are typing the keyboard.
Halia: "No problem, don't worry about it!" 8:25 am.
"He texted the traffic is terrible." Halia tilts her head and gives almost a smug face to Michelle. 
"Oh, no shit, sherlock. People are always driving to work. Uh... We have Spanish class, right?" Michelle rubs her forehead gently, brushing her black curtain bangs away.
"Yeah, we do." Halia puts her phone back to her pocket as she continues to walk with Michelle. She groans in annoyance.
"God, I hate this class! Everytime the teacher asks me to read, I struggle with words. Also, we have a test today and I don't know anything!" Michelle fake-sobs, leaning her forehead on Halia's shoulder.
"Hey, chill out, you're barely passing. What, you get C's? Good thing not a C-" Halia grins, she's clearly teasing Michelle. She looks at Halia annoyingly, still slowly walking to Spanish class slowly while Michelle's arm is resting on Halia's shoulder.
"Yippie, yeah. Or else my mom will kill me, my dad always gets grumpy." Michelle pouts.
"Hey, I'm always helping you, you know? Besides, I learned Spanish when I was 13 years old." 
"You're a lifesaver! I'm glad I have a wonderful friend like you!" Michelle raises her arm, similar doing a victory pose. Halia rolls her eyes playfully and they walk into a Spanish class.
The other students are already in their seats, the bell rings as Halia and Michelle sat down in their seats, taking out the book, notebooks and pens out of their backpacks.
The Spanish teacher closes the door behind her and walks to her desk to put her stuff down. 
"Okay, students! As you may all know, we have a test today. So, I'm giving you..." The teacher looks at her wrist watch. "A five minutes to revise everything what we learned and wrote down everything we should have."
Halia raises her hand. "Ms. Green?" 
Ms. Green walk to Halia to listen what she has to say. "Is it okay for Noah to take the test in another day? Because he's going to be late."
"Uh..." She thinks for a moment, then looks at Halia. "I'll talk to him when he gets here, but thank you for informing me." A smile preads on her face as she brushes Halia's shoulder gently, she walks to the desk to take out the test papers. 
Halia sighs quietly and opens the notebook to check everything what she had to write from the board. Surprisingly, her hand writing is clean, the highlights are marked with light yellow color to memorise everything. Although she's really good in talking Spanish, only that languages what her aunt taught her the most.
Of course, Noah ran late to Spanish class in the middle of the test, but luckily he'll take it next time. Good thing the teacher is one of the kind, if not, he wouldn't passed the class. After 4th period, it's lunch time, the three of them are sitting on the bench outside, the sun of the warmth are hitting their skins.
"Man... this day is more harder than I thought." Michelle sighs softly, looking up at the clear sky.
"Tell me about it. For me, Thursdays are the hardest days for me." Halia blinks a few time, looking at the school's surroundings. Noah, in other hand, his arm is wrapped around Halia's shoulder, she looks at him.
"Wanna hang out after school?" Halia asks, bouching her leg lightly.
Noah sighs. "I can't, sorry. I have a practice today."
"Oh, my bad. You're a quarterback. Sometimes I lose a track of time." Halia rubs her temples softly.
"I honestly can't hang out too, I have a gymnastics." Michelle answers, rocking her feet back and forth gently.
"Right, Thursdays are the worst..." Halia groans lightly. She hates these days. 
Although when she met Noah, things are getting little easier for her. Of course, they argued a bit, but not too much by considering things. 8 months of relationship... Wow, time flies really fast.
Noah is seriously has a good taste by finding a good places for Halia to hang out. She's lucky she's with him.
...Maybe not anymore...
By the time Halia is always in his case, asking where he been or something, he always act nervous. No wonder what he's hiding, maybe it's Halia imagination and throws that thing away.
It's been a few hours and classes are over, Halia is already exhausted as she's packing her math book in her backpack. She's the last one who leaves the classroom.
Halia is walking in the hallway and spots a History teacher, Mr. Smith who's carrying books.
"Do you need help with that?" Halia asks as she approaches him. He nods. 
"Yeah, could you bring them to my classroom? I have to get more from the library." 
Halia nods and takes them to bring to the History class. So much for after school hours, he has no one to hang out with, she'll probably spend her day alone at home to do something useful. 
Noah promised her they'll go to restaurant to get Japanese food after he kissed her forehead. Boyfriends... they do so much.
Halia tiredly and slowly reached the History classroom and puts the books on the table. When she was about to leave, she hears muffed voices in another classroom, Halia raises her eyebrow curiously and follows the sound of the voice.
The voices are coming from the English class.
The door is slightly open, Halia peeks through the gap and looks at it. There is Ryan with... another girl? Who appears to be talking, so she decides to listen.
"Really? You shouldn't have." The girl giggles and looks at him lovingly with those green eyes of her.
"It's no problem, Ashley." Noah rubs his neck. "A few days back it was amazing."
"Same, the date was fantastic!" She smiles. 
Halia's eyes widens in sight as she keeps listening quietly. Date?! Did she heard that right?! That cheating bastard--
"Although I promised Halia to get the Japanese food tommorow, I'll lie to her again to hang out with you more." Noah smirks. Ashley rolls her eyes.
"Ugh, you're still with that intelligent-freak? No wonder why she's always in your case."
"Yeah, she sometimes acts like a bitch and I don't like her, I don't even love her anymore." Noah chuckles darkly and he grins.
Halia feels her heart shatters in thousand pieces. Why would Noah say this?! Obviously he's a fucking liar.
Saying he has a Rugby practice, obviously he's a quarterback on Thursdays but he's hanging out with another girl! Halia now doesn't reconize herself anymore... it feels her blood is boiling.
"Guess I'll see you later." Ashley smiles, rubbing her forearm shyly.
"Yeah..." Noah gently takes her chin and leans in closer to her, Ashley slowly closed her eyes, they were about to kiss... Halia's brain signals to burst inside immediately, she had enough listening. Halia slams the door open and glares at them.
They flintched and Noah turns around, his eyes widens as he sees Halia... all angry. "H-Halia! W-what--"
"I should ask you the same! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Halia bursts out as her eye twitches.
"I-I uh... W-we were just talking...! I swear! Come on... yeah." Noah nervously laughs, Ashley glances both at them and rushes out of the classroom to leave them arguing, seems like they're going to kill each other.
Halia crosses her arms, holding back her tears inside her. "So this is you've been doing huh?"
Noah sighs and rubs his neck nervously, trying to act innocent. "Halie, love--"
"Don't "love" me!" Halia gets closer to him and puts her finger to his chest. "You lied to me, how could you?! I did everything for you and this is how you repay me?!"
Noah blinks and rolls his eyes annoyingly, busy with "practice", he knew he was caught red-handed by her.
But this relationship never meant anything. Just some texting and saying "I love you"'s over and over. Then she starts to wonder: how many times he has been with her? Her heart was hurting like crazy, stabbing her countless times like with a knife. Noah looks at her and sighs softly, she is about to stroke her hair, but she slapped it away.
Her voice echoes around the English classroom, even in the hallway. Rage, a pure rage. She doesn't even want to hear his excuses and lying in front of her face.
"How many months have you been with her?"
"How.many?" Halia's voice cracks, tears starts to fall down her cheek. Noah closes her eyes and keeps silent, keeping his mouth shut, trying not to let out of breath of annoyance.
"2 months."
2 months... 2 fucking months... God, it feels like 2 whole fucking years. Noah was never good hiding his act and emotions, but he tries to keep his cool. 
"So this is why you've been acting weird for the past few weeks... Who are you?! You've changed--"
"So what?! People fucking change right?? If you think crying like this will help you to get back at me, you're a fucking idiot."
No. He didn't mean that.
Did he really?
He never cared, he didn't loved her.
"I don't need you..." Noah mutters, turning his head away. "Not anymore."
All those times, those 2 months he cheated... he lied behind her back time to time. Hell, Halia's brain goes on fire right now, and just like that her world broke.
Noah walks to the door and stops for a moment, he looks over his shoulder to look at Halia who is still frozen in shock. He wanted to say something, nothing came out, no words, only silence between them. 
With that, he leaves the classroom, leaving Halia completely alone. Halia clenches her fists and punches the wall while she screams in frustration. His words rang inside Halia's head, she starts to sob hardly and tears fall down her cheeks, then pain hits her more.
 Even though love is cruel by cheating... and a waste of time.
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emchovy · 3 months
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Learned about the release of this book real late, (as in, this February, when I decided that I wanted to show my roommate Epithet for the first time) but thankfully that was just in time to preorder a copy of the hardcover release, which finally came.
Or well, it came yesterday, and I'm finished reading it now. It was AMAZING.
The writing style is pretty different from the stuff I normally read, but once I got in the groove, I felt like I didn't need the audiobook (which I'm definitely gonna get eventually) because I could basically hear all the characters in my head. Also, spoilers for the rest of my review. Pick up a copy. You won't regret it.
I say review. This is disconnected rambling. Also, seriously, spoilers for the whole book delivered in a random out-of-context way.
This book is definitely Molly's story more than anything, and beyond that it's a story between Molly and her sister Lorelei. Two kids with epithets, and opposite personalities. There's a really masterful job here of balancing realistic family drama with the fun, villain vs. hero hijinks.
I love a pathetic loser, and so I was immediately taken by Rick Shades, and his quest for friends, to the point I was getting bummed out when he kept getting rebuffed lololol. However, it was all earned in the end. The scene with him and Molly was <3. Also, I am glad he's gonna get a job. Of some sort.
Naven meeting Molly in the street and just agreeing to give her speech training is an incredibly cute concept.
I liked the Neo Trio a lot, but they're surprisingly not the new faves I expected them to be, though I did laugh pretty much every time at the running joke with Feenie and money.
Actually, my favorite new character was probably Lorelei. We love a girl who's making every wrong decision and also just doesn't leave the house anymore and wonders what's wrong. Also, the Martin + Lorelei relationship was also pretty intriguing. He's more supportive of Lorelei, she's got more of his traits, but Lorelei needs someone who'll help her manage better. Martin's vague support of her 'playing', as Molly puts it, is doing more harm than good. I wasn't exactly sure how to take the fact that Martin constructs Lorelei's ideas in the real world, also. Is he plagiarizing? I wouldn't read it that way, but he's also not collaborating with Lorelei, so they could build something together. A relationship that could go either collaborative or parasitic, depending.
Also, I want Lorelei to get better (and I fully believe she will) but I really liked the end. She needs some time in the real world right now, to grapple with her actions. Neven's gentle support was good. Her and Molly need time apart, so that they can be able to be together again.
Gio and Molly remain duo of all time. Every interaction they have is cute and/or funny. Two characters I could probably enjoy watching/reading about doing basically any boring task you can think of and enjoy. Painting a fence, doing laundry, vacuuming, whatever.
Giovanni's complete blindness to romance was so fuckin' funny in this book. Him and Lorelei and him and Crusher were also distinctly different levels of complete obliviousness.
Also, Crusher and Molly, right at the end <3!! Pulling out the stool for her, her getting reassured by the fact she was nervous. Augh. So sweet. I've reread that scene like 4 times. I do hope we get Molly hanging out with more of The Boys. Crusher's coming across like a pretty gentle sweetie, but I'm very curious about how she'll integrate into the larger group.
All of that to say! Good book!! Would recommend! I'm extremely excited for Sweet Escape.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 8 months
how is it possible to be this delusional about a ship? And that too so confidently? I really hope jks relationship gets revealed. This useless cult needs to die.
People keep forgetting about late August last year when Jimin went back to Korea after spending a couple of weeks in NYC. He arrived in Korea and a couple of hours later Jungkook was having dinner, alone. It was that time Jungkook went out to eat literally everyday, I think trying out different meat restaurants. Well, Jimin arrived back in Korea after weeks and they didn't even get dinner together lol.
Once or twice might be a coincidence, but if it keeps happening every single time... Wake tf up!!!
It's also so deranged to think two people who are, on the record, FRIENDS have to hide and can't hang out like normal friends do. Literally anyone who's ever been in a gay relationship can tell you that you go out and have a normal life like everyone else does. I get livid everytime I have to see cis straight women talking about being gay and making it sound like it's a Tarantino movie. Newsflash: gay people live normal lives!! The two females friends next to you at that restaurant last week? Probably lesbians! Probably bisexual! The guy bagging your groceries yesterday? Probably gay!! Was there a sign over their heads? It's not like Jimin and Jungkook or any gay person has to go and sit on "Reserved For Gay People" part of a public space.
I think very confidently that Jimin is gay, and that several people around him know that. Did that stop Jimin from having men hug him in his choreography or is it stopping him from getting on all fours and showing his butt to the camera? Is there a flashing sing on his head because of it? No. He just lives his life normally.
"They see each other at home" ALL THE TIME? Girl.... Nobody survives a relationship like that. Even couples have to go out and do regular stuff, regularly. That's what healthy is.
And that's allegedly people who've been married since 1950. Yeah, anyone can survive a relationship when you have jobs and children and you go out and live your life like any normal human being. Now I'd like to see them try to survive a relationship like the one they've made up in their heads about jikook. Scared, lonely, secluded, constantly lying to the point they can't even talk about food. Let's see how long they last.
Even more so, months passed and Jimin said Jungkook didn't cook that meal for him. If they spend SOOOO much time together at home, they would've had time to have a meal together.
Somehow they spent so much time together at home with nothing to do, but Jimin was just informing Jungkook about letter when he arrived at the studio. So much time together in private and somehow Jungkook was wondering who wrote the second verse in SMF2. He didn't know Jimin was doing fan calls. He didn't know when would Jimin be recording for music shows.
Forget about seeing each other. That's all stuff you can literally know by texting someone.
Anyways. This is so boring and I can't keep making lists of all the times they didn't see each other for weeks or probably months.
From here on to two years there'll be more Jungkook once again filmed with women and people will still be acting insane. Larries still act like nothing has changed between Louis and Harry and they've been hiding a gay relationship since 2011. That's exactly the kind of life taekookers and jikookers are headed to.
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steddieas-shegoes · 11 months
wip wednesday (actually thursday oops)
I got tagged by @nburkhardt (thank youuuu sorry I am late and not following directions but what else is new) and didn't even get a chance to actually post it yesterday. I also only do one WIP at a time because my brain cannot do more than that so the fun game you guys are doing just cannot happen in this household and I am so sorry 🥺 but here is a preview of some of chapter 4 of it led me to you, which should be out tonight sometime if I can manage to get this last bit figured out!
He cornered Eddie after school, usually in a rush to get to practice, but the season ended last week and he didn’t have any more responsibilities until tonight.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?”
“That you aren’t graduating!”
Eddie flinched at Steve’s volume, his sudden anger making him wish he reacted more like Wayne did.
“It wasn’t important.”
“What do you mean it wasn’t important? Eds, we’ve worked so hard for this all year.”
“Yeah until you got busy. I tried to fend for myself and I failed. So. I’ll be there to cheer for you, but I won’t be walking across the stage.”
God, he hoped Steve would just drop it.
“What do you mean? I’m never too busy for you.”
It was a nice sentiment, if completely untrue. Maybe Steve believed he was never too busy for him, but the facts were that his schedule was filled and hardly ever with Eddie for the last few months.
“Steve, it’s fine. Just drop it.”
“Steve? Since when am I Steve to you?”
“Since I’ve barely spent any time with you! You were too busy for the last two Hellfire campaigns, and you didn’t ask me to go to any of your games, and you barely come to the trailer anymore for dinner. Wayne thought I did something to piss you off because you never showed up anymore. The guys started asking me if you found a girlfriend since you stopped coming to band practice. And I had to tell them that I didn’t know, because I don’t! I have no idea what’s going on in your life other than that you’re graduating. I know you’re busy and I’m not expecting to be a priority, but I figured you could at least find some time during the week to check in. I knew I wasn’t graduating since spring break and you just now realized it. That should tell you everything.”
Eddie felt like he was going to puke.
He never thought he’d be saying this kind of stuff to Steve, never thought their friendship would be anything less than perfect.
He never thought he would be watching Steve graduate while he had to return to another senior year.
Steve looked like he was going to cry, but Eddie felt like he was going to cry.
“I didn’t know it was hurting you so much.”
For some reason, that pissed Eddie off even more.
“You didn’t know it hurt me to know that my best friend had more important things to do than hang out with me?”
“No! I just-“
“Forget it. Wayne has a celebration dinner planned for you for the day after graduation, so I guess I’ll see you then.”
“No, Eddie, wait!”
Eddie ignored him, walking as quickly as he could towards his van.
Steve could easily catch up, he was much more in shape than Eddie was, but he didn’t.
And that spoke volumes to Eddie.
sorry for the angst (but not really because the amount of fluff that is coming is sickening and almost more than this needs)
I'm not gonna tag anyone since I'm late to the party, but anyone can feel free to give an update on something they're working on if they want to!
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