#yes this was the short version of my thoughts
Overblot Universe (3) | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Part 1 • 2
You could feel the urge to sleep pulling at your eyes
Faint voices sounding muddled had you fighting a little 
As you found your eyes drooping once again you could feel something wrap around your arms
Naturally you pull away, reminding you of those inky tentacles that held you captive a short while ago
You pause when you hear the sound of vines snapping
These weren’t tentacles
But vines 
Feeling the circumference of the vine you searched for thorns
Finding that they felt shaved and dulled
The detail brought a strange sense of comfort 
The kind you had when you were with your dear horned friend 
You follow their pull realizing the vines had come from an oval source of light
Blocking your eyes, you could finally make out where the light was coming from
The comforting green light shed through giant leaves that were covering the sun
It looked like you were back in Night Raven’s Botanical garden
Though it looked incredibly over grown 
“(Y/n) there you are! Where’d you go? My tummy’s going to kill me!”
The pitchy voice had you perking up, your eyes watering as you recognized the little fur ball running to you
“Wah! What is the meaning of this Hench human!”
You couldn’t help the tears that dripped into his grey fur
“I missed you so much!”
“Heh?! Why would you miss me? You been sleepin’ in here the whole time.”
“Have I?”
Just then you realized the encounters with the overblot versions of the dorm leaders were incredibly fuzzy 
Like bad dreams
Giving Grim one last squeeze before releasing him you inhaled knowing that was all it was
Just bad dreams
“Grim, I thought you were hungry enough to wake them up quickly?”
“I was! But suddenly they just grabbed me and started to talking nonsense!”
The vice dorm leader shook his head before smiling at you and holding his hand out to you
“Glad to see you’re awake enough to make your appointment!”
“What do you mean Jamil?”
He smiled pulling you up and into his side 
Holding you incredibly close as he walked into the overgrown expanse of the vegetation
Jamil looked heavenly under the shaded natural light
He looked so happy
Something in you told you not to ask about Kalim
Before you could question him more he pulls back a particularly large leaf to reveal something lovely
A picnic with a number of dishes that made your mouth water and sitting wistfully beside them was none other than–
“Child of Man, I’m glad that you’re here to join us!”
Grim ran past you to get to the food you let Jamil intertwine his fingers with yours as he led you to the blanket
In no time at all you were eating and chatting 
The ghosts of inky hands and tentacles leaving your mind every now and then as you spoke more and more with your friends
Sometimes the thought of how weird this pair up was but you had to pay attention Malleus was spoon feeding something to you
And even when the food was all gone and Grim was napping on your stomach 
All that existed of the nightmare before was the faint memory of ink which was constantly overshadowed by Jamil and Malleus 
“That’s what I’m saying: these clouds look like a bat!”
“I disagree. A Briar Valley bat is much larger than a fruit bat…and their tails are much larger.”
“But they’re still classified as a bat right?”
“See? (Y/n), please help him understand.”
It’s nice….to relax like this 
“Hey uh how long have I been sleeping?”
“Not long I am sure. You left shortly after our breakfast together and Grim claimed you went on your own after that.”
“Really? That’s not how I remember it…”
“Oh Really? What do you remember?”
That fuzzy feeling was there again 
you can feel your head ache while you tried to make the image in your head clearer
But alas it never did
“Nothing. Anyway let’s just go back to our special day!”
“Yes, let’s. You both have promised to indulge in our mini-gargoyle-making session.”
As promised all three of you separated a large block of clay that you weren’t aware that they brought
Beginining to shape mini gargoyles with it 
It was hard using the utensils Malleus seems to have bought
But they were great
It was all going great
Until you heard Jamil whimper
Looking up you hadn’t expected what you were seeing
Watching as Jamil’s figure faded like an image on a screen
Phasing in an out the clay falling from his fingers as it continued
“Jamil! Are you okay what’s wrong?”
“Do not tell me…” 
Looking over at Tsunotarou, his face was twisted and his eyes were glaring at the flickering Jamil 
But it didn’t seem that he was directing that hatred at him but someone else
“Jamil if I release you can you stop him?”
“I-I’m not sure I can’t feel the others–ack!”
Jamil belted out another round of coughing 
“Jamil, Malleus what is going on!?”
Malleus’ glare was now directed at you 
Taking his real name leaving your lips as an insult in and of itself
“(Y/n), I think it’s best you go back to sleep.”
The second the word left his mouth you felt a weight on all your muscles
Pulling at your eyelids and even your consciousness
But you fought back 
Backing away from the fae who was now worriedly reaching out for you
Instead you ended up closer to Jamil trying to grab onto his flickering form
“(Y—-Y—/n-n-n-)! P-lease!”
His form continued to flicker out of existence allowing you to see the familiar image of the Overblotted Jamil
“Viper make them sleep. I will come to your aid next. I just need you to make them sleep!”
The word had the same pull but you were getting used to it
Pushing through you watched the phasing Overblotted Jamil’s eyes light up as he tried to say something
Before he could he screamed out finally dissipating into nothingness
His disappearance revealed something more to you 
The green paradise you’d been in began to melt away churning and piling into mounds of ink 
Ink that you found yourself sinking into
Malleus’ layered voice was screeching and the world was shaking
But that wasn’t stopping your quick descent and sooner than you could react your vision was engulfed in blackness
The feeling of your heart being pulled out of something deep was what met you when you found you could open your eyes once again
“There you should be free of that creatures curse. Now my King we’ve much to catch up on.”
Part 4?
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elmaxlys · 1 year
Tokyo ghoul re really feels like it was some corporate meddling or something I just can't wrap my head around how we can go from TG to that
To me, :re's initial premise was incredible and Haise's simple existence could have lead to some amazing later developments - opposing Kaneki, initially a human, living with ghouls while retaining his love for humankind, he's a ghoul living with humans while retaining his compassion for ghoulkind. It all went down the drain after Black Reaper. I can elaborate but that's just full on talking shit about Kingneki and I feel like I'm alone in my sheer hatred of the guy so I'll spare you.
Long post short: from "it may not be stylish but live" on, the story on Kaneki (so our protagonist)'s side put all its eggs in the "if you can't live beautifully, live for someone beautiful" basket. Kaneki lives for his friends and his friends live for Kaneki (just look at Shuu oh my god this is the saddest/worst case of all) (or live for people who live for Kaneki, such as Ayato and Yomo, who live for Touka who lives for Kaneki). The social commentary was solely carried by the Clowns from then on, and they'd already been established as sadist people who don't give a fuck and like to stir things up for fun so why trust their actions? Also, since everyone else lives for Kaneki, they automatically oppose the Clowns, since the Clowns are with Souta and Kaneki opposes Souta etc etc
There's more to be said, about Hide and Kanou especially, but I haven't read the manga recently enough for my thoughts to be coherent.
But basically, ch148-149 are an amazing summary of what's wrong with TG:re for me:
Hide: I wanted to help Kaneki through the betterment of society, I already failed once but I won't stop trying (the only guy who understood the assignment. clown!hide theories made a whole lot of sense i tell you)
Itori: *lying* Kaneki killed humans to save you and help ghoulkind! this puts Goat on the right track for the betterment of society :D don't you love him and what he did for you?
Randos: :O op your mind
Shuu: but consider this: we don't care, so long as Kaneki in body and flesh is here with us 👍
Goat mains: ur so right bestie
Randos: L + ratio + we don't have any sort of fighting power or living chance without the MCs so sure, whatever you say, might makes right
Itori: oh well i tried
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TL;DR: I shit on King for that all the time but the entire MC group is egoistical as fuck, which is why Goat is the worst thing that ever happened to Tokyo Ghoul, and Goat was born from King, hence King fucking sucks (it's not slander if it's true) and the Clowns were right
This doesn't even really answers your ask but I have a lot of salt in me, sorry
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misslisamiray · 15 days
Gonna write a longer post about this when I have more time, but I just need to put this out there: I love my Rick and Morty Tumblr mutuals/people I interact with regularly so much. ❤️
I am not joking or exaggerating when I say I didn't know it was possible to be this active in a fandom and also this happy. I've only really been active in the fandom for the past 6 months, and it's been SUCH an overwhelmingly positive experience.
I've been meaning to make a post like this for a while, but two recent things really drove home how much I appreciate you folks: First, I had A Week That Felt Like a Year of Sailor Moon Twitter making me miss being 12 & not knowing anyone else who watches the show. Then, yesterday I opened Tumblr to be greeted by a post that brought up one of the reasons why, after 20+ years, Cowboy Bebop is still my number 1 "I love this show and it means so much to me, but this fandom frequently makes me want to hit my head on walls" series.
Obviously I know there's no shortage of issues in this fandom, too. I mean, there's typically an assortment of them on display in the comments of any post on the official RaM accounts. 😅 And I'm not saying I haven't met some really nice, cool people in my fandoms I've been in forever - I definitely have!!!!!
But this feeling of... Community? Home? This is new territory for me. And it took me longer than it should have to get here, but I'm so glad I did.
I have already rambled longer than I intended to, so now I'm going to attempt to wrap this up by tagging some of the folks who inspired this post.
@rickteacakes @thesoftboiledegg @hazelnut-u-out @dimensionduo @ajaynetic @fandomwe1rd0 @joycew-blog
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kawarikisaki · 10 months
Been answering a lot of questions lately but haven't been asked one that let me bring up this one specific point I love talking about yet. So this is the post for that.
And it gets its own art too:
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And if that doesn't clear up the topic for you....
Well, I'm talking about Kaito and Saguru’s names- but not those ones. No, I’m talking about their family names, Kuroba and Hakuba.
Starting with the kanji. Kuroba reads as 'black feathers', and Hakuba reads as 'white horse'. So even just at the base level they're both asigned a colour and an animal (or in Kaito’s case just the features of one.)
Now of course black and white are often used to symbolize things being opposites. It's a sharp contrast. A clear symbol of them being on different sides.
As for the animals, there are a few things that could be read into that, horses and birds are both used to symbolize a pretty wide variety of things, so there’s a pretty wide range of ways they can be taken even with the colours being specified. But the only one thats really notable for what I want to say here is that a birds wings often represent freedom (and im disregarding the color here because Kaito is associated with both black and white birds).
Anyway, the part i do want to talk about, is the fact that 'Kuroba' can be read as a Japanized 'Clover', which of course paired with the black colour harkens to the clubs suit of playing cards. And in with that in mind Hakuba's 'white horse' can instead be taken as a chess knight.
The two are playing a game together, the game or cat and mouse, cops and robbers- the thief and the detective. But they aren't playing by the same rules, they aren't focused on the same things... they aren't playing the same game, not really.
And both of them know that. Because Kaito knows what his real goal is, and Saguru knows that the police aren't the biggest threat that Kid is facing.
Kaito’s game is a game of bluffs. One where the stakes are high, and he keeps raising them higher by drawing that attention to himself with the intent to force his opponents the people that killed his father to make a mistake. If his poker face cracks, if he slips up he will actually die, and if he doesn’t he could land himself in jail with his freedom stripped from him. Kaito’s game is dangerous.
Saguru's game is a game of calculation. One where moves are carefully crafted and information is carefully controlled to try to reach a desired result... but the game is stretching on longer than he's ever played before, and he's changed his mind about what that 'desired result' even is. But he does know that if he keeps playing his game with the same intentions that he had when he started then he's liable to lose a friend.
But Saguru can't just switch games either, even if he's been able to recognize that Kaito's playing a game with cards, he doesn't actually know what game Kaito's playing.... is it poker? Old maid? Spades? Blackjack? And even if he knew, how is he supposed to play cards if all he has is chess pieces, Kaito's keeping as many of the cards as he can close to his chest... ..... yeah okay so that metaphor started to get messy near the end.
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silly-ehggy · 1 year
GUESS WHO FUCKING FINISHED READING FMA!!!!!!!!! (images in order of newest to oldest drawing (except the second and third onez cuz they were connected) btw cuz I nevr posted a lot of them)
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(Plz read my pinned b4 interacting!!! :3)
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patchedupartist · 1 year
Drafting Project Sekai Gumi...
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 6 months
hello hi idk if you're taking asks but. but I am fascinated by your watcher headcanons and I would Love to hear your thoughts about listeners *pleading face*
HIIIII I AM ABSOLUTELY TAKING ASKS. also i saw what you were talking about in the reblogs of that post and also really enjoyed your whole thing about the war i love when minecraft lore is relevant to this stuff.
everyone be so thankful mobile lets you do read more nowadays because this would be a nightmare if it didn’t.
also!! brief discussion of eye trauma below the cut! it’s nothing in depth but it is right there.
ok so we’re splitting the listeners talk into “full” and “partial” listeners again because it’s the best descriptors for these categories i’ve got even though i think it sounds stupid.
full listeners account for 99.9% of the listener population. listeners, unlike the watchers, cannot be born because of the circumstances of their creation. if you don’t know, the listeners were created when some watchers observing and running evos got particularly disgruntled with how the other watchers were running things (this is explicitly cannon!). to me, this group started with small stuff then realized they could get real weird with their rebellion and did just that.
full listeners, in order to create themselves, have to completely cut off their sight in some way. sometimes they've gouged out their eyes, sometimes they're wearing permanent blindfolds, sometimes they straight up don't have eyes! oftentimes no matter which option it is they wear the blindfold anyways, just because they recognize that without it they’re very off putting to look at.
both full watchers and listeners lack the senses of touch and smell, and even taste is more of an abstract concept than an actual sense for them, leaving only sight and hearing. the listners cut off one of their two real senses in an attempt to cut themselves off from the watchers and while this definitely works, it also makes existing far harder. mcyt is not made for listening to, let's be honest.
listeners, like watchers, feed off emotions, but they require far more to sustain themselves to compensate for the lack of sight. they don't try to avoid eating negative emotions, like a partial watcher might, but they don't usually try to create more to eat, no matter how delicious they may find them. this is less because of any care for the players and more due to the fact that listeners are less powerful than watchers by default. they should have full access to the same power set the watchers have, and they do, but because so much of their food and energy goes towards just sustaining life, they find it much more difficult to do what the watchers do. this is compounded even further by the fact that the watchers don’t want them to do their thing and are actively pushing them out. this doesn’t mean getting things done is impossible for them, far from it! but it does mean it’s significantly harder, and they don’t have time or energy to waste on making people sad right now.
full listeners can be created out of players, but the listeners don't usually go looking to create them, because numbers isn't what they need just yet. right now they're just trying to figure out an actual plan of action to take against the watchers. however, they know they'll need the numbers eventually, so if you ask, they're not going to turn you down. becoming a full listener, as is the case when becoming a full watcher, very quickly distances you from everything that made you you when you were a player. you lose your ability to connect to players rather quickly because everything about how you exist is so radically different, and your memories of ever being a player are quickly overtaken by the constant information intake being a full watcher or listener mandates.
full listeners interact more frequently with players than full watchers do, but find it harder to influence them and to bridge the gap between the planes they exist on to make their speech not rhyme and be actually comprehensible. the listeners talk so weirdly because it takes up too much energy to do it another way.
partial listeners... are not supposed to exist. and maybe they don't? they'd theoretically function how partial watchers do- a player who can still interact with the world(s) as a player, but also has some of the powers of a listener. however, listeners don't really have powers other than whatever the "moving between the place they live and the place the players live" thing is. listeners also don't really want partial listeners, as they find no use for them. their entire deal is working against the watchers, so what could they need with someone who, in their eyes (heh), cannot understand the watchers in the same way they do?
however, while you can request/be convinced to become a listener or watcher, i think there’s also an option to brute force it. technically, if someone was powerful and stupid enough, they could force their way into being a partial watcher or a partial listener... for fun? again, you have to be a little stupid to do this because it is insane person behavior, but it's fun to leave the option open. (whenever i think about the time sausage said that he definitely wasn’t a watcher when he was memorializing liml and then followed it up with a remark about how we just need to listen i think about the partial listeners thing. if anyone would brute force their way into this it would be him.)
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quasieli · 1 year
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[ID copied from alt text: A digitally drawn GIF of my D&D character Cham (he/they), shown from the shoulders up on a brown background. When the GIF starts, Cham is in disguise as a drow with dark purple skin, dark eyes, short white hair, and a short white beard. He looks nervous as he speaks to his party, who are offscreen, saying "I think I need to be forthright with you all..." He then exhales deeply and then gets a stony look on his face. Next, he begins to drag his hands down his face, and as he does so, his appearance gradually changes.
Their skin turns a pale gray-white; their hair grows out longer, to about shoulder length, staying white around the roots but the rest turning auburn; and his eyes turn bright magenta. He looks stoic for a moment before he once again looks nervous, his eyes shifting back and forth. Two speech bubbles appear on either side of his head, one at a time. The first reads "Hello... it's nice to meet you all again...". The second reads "I'm Cham...". These are said by him with a bashful look on his face. End description.]
Been playing in an awesome game run by @the-sloane-ranger for the past few months and as of last game, the party finally got to meet my real boy! Love playing a secret character but I am so shit at keeping secrets in games lmao I just wanna talk about my blorbos!
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blujayonthewing · 1 year
okay but if you ever DID wanna do the gnome gender deep dive I’d be ABSOLUTELY here for it?? so consider this an invitation to burrow down the gnome gender rabbit hole, should you want to!
HHRHGHH this is me sticking a pin in this/ acknowledging I saw it so I can come back to it when I have more time BUT the very tl;dr version is that gnomes are culturally extremely inclined to gender exploration and gender fuckery to an extent that really only elves are similarly culturally primed to Get, so a lot of apparently cis gnomes probably actually aren't but it's a lot easier to just pick man/woman/other when dealing with other races than try to Explain, Constantly in a premodern setting and in a premodern Common Language that is simply not built to accommodate the level of specificity and nuance you're used to
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person: *shows even the slightest hint of interest in music that I enjoy*
me: ah yes a new victim muhahahaha
#this is what listening to the wonder years will do to your personality#it's fun because it's so easy to steer the conversation into that direction#mention hobbies then music then ppl wanna hear it bc they haven't heard of it#then they express even the slightest bit of positive feeling for the music#and it's done#you have been caught in my trap#you will never find peace from me mentioning them every single time i see you for the rest of your life#i can't even think about the lyrics too hard because then I'll start infodumpjng to myself in my head#and then whoops it's been hours and I've just been hyping myself up thinking about how good the music is#i already know this information. i know it's good. i still need to scream ITS SO FUCKING GOOD THO in my head every so often lest i go insane#i haven't generated this much dopamine since I was in middle school and foaming at the mouth over fandoms#anyway if you're wondering what sparked this it's bc i made the mistake of listening to hum again this morning#then you're listening to wyatts song and thinking of screen door and whoops time to go listen to greatest generation in full again i guess#and do not even get me started on cardinals ii#you go from brothers & right into cardinals so it flows perfectly and then into cardinals ii and that is the peak of human emotion#i meed them to play all three in a row live and i need it to be recorded so i can listen to it even though the pure bliss may kill me#it just hits different when it's live bc in the studio version the drums stop when going from brothers & into cardinals#but the drums keep fucking going in the live versions there's an actual climactic peak where it fades right into the next and it is perfect#and they have live recordings going from brothers & to cardinals and cardinals to cardinals ii#but afaik they haven't played all three in a row yet. mayhaps next year......#though experiencing that live would probably permanently alter my brain#yes i am aware that i am very insane about them i cannot stop it and it is incurable#actually literally better than drugs imo#anyway look at me getting sidetracked on what was supposed to be a short tumblr break between studying for exams#i probably shouldn't listen to twy when im trying to focus on something else lol#you get into music bc it's the only hobby where you can enjoy it without dedicating extra time to it#and then it ends up taking over your thoughts and time way more than just doing regular people hobbies would have done#music#mine
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aajjks · 2 months
animal (m)
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synopsis. His jealousy has you choking on his dick.
warnings. pösèssïve jk, crüdè lângüágè, slüt-shámïng, dègrádátïôn, orál sèx (m!rêcèïvïng), kïssïng, bïtïng, mêntïôns ôf blööd, döm!jk, möánïng, hè’s süch ä dïrty tàlkèr dàmn. mdnï ând dèèpthröátïng, ëxplïcït, yándèrè.
note. send asks? ENJOY, not edited. ❤️❤️ also on my anime, focused blog @ttodorokiii bakugou’s version of this is available because I wrote it back a year ago, so check it out and this is jks version. Let’s welcome new jk and you can send asks for him too xx
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Maybe you shouldn’t have pissed him off so much.
Jungkook was a jealous man, he was territorial with you, but you’d never thought that a joke would get him so mad.
“fuck! Your slutty little mouth is a sin of its own,”
He growls, your eyes are filled with hot tears, you can’t see him clearly, your knees hurt but he’s merciless. He is shoving it deeper into your throat and you can’t do anything but to swallow.
The air supply is short, “you only suck MY dick!” He is being so cruel to you right now.
All you did was joke about sucking your friend off, while you now get was inappropriate, especially if you have a boyfriend, a very possessive boyfriend.
Jungkook loves you, very fucking much.
But he doesn’t get jokes, you love him very much too, he’s the only man you’ll ever love. you both have very opposite personalities.
But there is one big similarity between the two of you.
You both don’t watch your mouth.
“Fuck, it feels so fuckin’ good, I-I’m gonna cum..” he moans, you inhale a sharp breath, your jaw hurts, but he feels so good.
You want to make it up to him.
“Fuck fuck fuck… ‘m so close, make me cum yn.” He buries your face deeper into his crotch, by grabbing your hair and forcing it.
“My fuckin whore. Only mine.” He glance up at him, your hair is mess, your mouth is a mess and you can feel him shaking now, he’s turning into a mess too.
And you’re ready to take it.
All of him.
“Your fuckin’ pretty mouth is mine to fuck as I wish! Fuckin’ mine,” you can feel him bucking his hips, he’s close.
You feel close too.
‘M gonna fuck your mouth full, you want it, baby don’t you?” His tone is sickly sweet, “mhmm..” you barely reply.
“My good ba-baby fuck take it all.”
You feel him spilling all over your face, you swallow like a good girl, you want him to forgive you and you’ll do anything.
“Ye-Yeah babe, jus’like that, fuck….” He exhales a loud moan, “you’re gonna be the death of me.”
Jungkook immediately picks your body up, grabbing your face by force and kissing you fiercely, his tongue is exploring every inch of your mouth.
“‘love you so much.” He moans once again into your lips, tasting himself.
“That’s the only taste that should be in your mouth.” He licks your lip and his teeth graze your lips, he bites it hard, you whine as the pain is too strong.
“How fuckin dare you say that to him?” He stops kissing you, you cry out as you watch a string of blood connecting your lips, his hands don’t give you a break though, travelling into your panties as he grabs and cups,
His fingers are cold on your burning core, your breath hitches when you feel him tease you, “he can’t fuck you though right, princess?”
“Y-Yes, koo!” You bite the inside of your cheek, he’s such a tease.
“now ‘m gonna fuck your brains out until the name you remember is mine.”
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ponderingmoonlight · 4 months
JJK men with a big-chested reader
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Pairings: Nanami x reader; Geto x reader (nsfw); Yuji/Sukuna x reader; Gojo x reader
Word Count: 4,4k (she's big)
Warnings: THIS IS A FIC WITH A BIG-CHESTED READER! so if this triggers you, don't read it (especially in Sukuna's part, you might get triggered when having smaller boobs so just do me a favor and don't read it instead of leaving a sassy comment), boob play in Geto's part so nsfw, in general harassment but big old fluff from your faves, not proofread bc I have my final exam tomorrow - hope you enjoy! 🤍
Special thanks to one of my moots for letting me turn her cleavage into a cover for this fic - you look STUNNING + thank you to everyone who sent me their experiences for this!
Since I'm not big-chested myself, I'm calling all my big boobie girlies to leave me a lil review about this fic - it would literally help me so much 😭
Click here to get to the small-chested version
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Nanami Kento
You sigh to yourself, too exhausted to even stand up straight anymore. Today was like a trip to hell and back. All those fucking curses, the death, the horror. You rub your tired eyes, the stinging pain in your back reminding you more than urgently that you have been up for way too long.
“You look tired, darling. Go change and get into bed with me.”
Oh, that deep voice behind you, the voice you learned to love to the moon and back. How did it even happen that a man like Nanami Kento was seeking interest in you? What was it that made a man like him even look your way? You’ve known each other for quite some time, seeing each other on missions from time to time. But when you began to work at Jujutsu High, everything changed so fast that you couldn’t keep up. And now you’re sitting here in his bedroom, watching in awe as he crawls into bed with nothing but his boxer shorts on.
You would love to get out of your uniform right now, But most importantly, you urge to take off that soaking wet bra that has been bugging you since afternoon. You have no choice, though. With a large chest like yours, it simply isn’t possible to leave the house for missions without extra support. You glance at him while he reads in his book, your gaze falling to your chest.
This isn’t exclusively about missions and you know it. Even though you’ve been together for a few months now, you were never brave enough to show Kento your breasts. Not without a bra, let alone completely naked. Just the thought of him seeing how your big breasts fall down when they slip out of their bra shells, the look on his face when he realizes that you don’t look like those large-chested models with their boobs standing like mountains. Yours definitely don’t. And you fucking hate it.
“I know that look on your face. You are uncomfortable, aren’t you?”
His soft voice rips you out of your pondering immediately. Fuck, he caught you again.
“No…I mean…Yes, kinda…”
You can’t lie into his gorgeous face, not even when the truth makes you feel so uncomfortable. Oh, how much you wished you look the way he deserves it with delicious female curves that suit his flawless appearance. But as soon as you look down, you just know how awful your boobs will look when set free. So you’ll do what you do every night: wait until Kento is asleep to finally take off your bra only to set an alarm in the morning to get up before him and put it back on.
“I always wondered why you are waiting until I sleep to take off your bra and put it back on before my alarm goes off.”
You can’t help but stare at him, mind racing while your palms start to get sweaty. Fuck, how did he even notice? No, why did you ever think he wouldn’t? Kento cares about you like none other, never pushed you to take off your shirt, never failed to ask you how you’re feeling.
“Listen, darling.”
He gets off the bed and kneels down in front of the chair you are sitting on, gently taking your hand into his.
“I just want to make sure you feel comfortable around me. Am I the reason that you don’t want to take your bra off? I can see clearly how uncomfortable it makes you feel.”
“No!”, you blurt out immediately.
Calm down your tingling nerves, this is ridiculous. You stare blankly at your hands intertwined with his.
“I mean…It has nothing to do with you, it’s me.”
“How is this about you, love? There is no reason for you to feel uncomfort-“
“I’m afraid.”
You swallow hard. Are you oversharing? Will he laugh at you for something so ridiculous? But what if he sees you naked at some point, his gaze dropping to your chest only to be greeted by your large hanging chest? You can imagine the look of disgust on his face, how he turns away from you, how-
“Hey, look at me darling. Look at me and tell me what’s wrong”
He cups your cheek gently, forces your haunted eyes to look at him, to stare into his orbs filled with sincerity. There is no way out of this, you can’t lie into his gorgeous face.
“When I take my bra of my breasts just…hang. It’s even visible through my t-shirt…”, you mumble, cheeks redder than the devil.
Thick silence hangs between both of you, his gaze still as soft as before. What is going on inside his head? Is he secretly laughing at you, does he even care about what you have to say?
“Let me make a few things clear.”
He lifts himself off the ground and pulls you up. You squint your eyes, mind racing over why on earth he made you stand up. Is he going to leave, to laugh?
“First of all: I love you just the way you are. I love your gorgeous smile, the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you carry yourself. And I love your breasts-“
“You didn’t even see them yet.”
“I don’t have to in order to know that”, he continues.
“Nothing makes me sadder than seeing you uncomfortable each and every night before going to bed. Of course, I don’t know for sure, but I imagine it to be really painful after some time. Isn’t it digging into your skin?”
Oh, you think about the countless times the sweat underneath your bra made you almost go insane, the red streaks that visibly show where the wire cut into your skin all day.
“It kinda is…”, you confirm with low voice.
“Don’t do this to yourself. I adore you just the way you are and I am dying to see you laying comfortably in your t-shirt next to me. So please, would you allow me to take it off for you?”
Your eyes widen in pure shock. Is this a bad joke, is he just teasing you? No, this is Nanami Kento. And the way he gazes at you with nothing but affection gleaming in his eyes tells you that he’s telling the true, that this is what he wants right now. But are you ready to expose yourself like this? What if he’s still disgusted after saying all those nice words?
You let your head fall against his chest, breathe in his delicious scent. A voice deep inside you tells you to stop, to just relax inside his arms. This is the man who chose you out of all people, who stood by your side no matter what. Kento proved more than once that he loves you dearly, never made you feel the slightest bit bad about yourself.
“Go ahead…”, you mutter against his chest.
His hands wander up your back gently, make shivers run down your spine until he reaches the clasp of your bra. Your heart simply stops when he unclips it through the fabric of your shirt. You fade into darkness as soon as his hands wander up to your shoulders, slide down the thick straps and pull down your bra until he finally lands on the floor.
Slowly, he takes a step back and picks it off the ground.
“You will never have to wear this again when you are home with me, okay? Not when it makes you feel so uncomfortable”, he gently speaks out.
You stare in awe while he carefully places your big bra over the chair and returns in an instant to pull you close against his chest.
“Come on, let’s go to sleep.”
“Yeah”, you mumble, body slowly but surely getting flooded by warmth.
“Going to bed sounds good…”
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Geto Suguru
You feel hot but at the same time cold, turned on but at the same time scared. This is it, the moment you’ve been waiting for. At this very moment, none other than Suguru Geto is laying on top of you, kissing you so passionately that you forget how to breathe.
What an overwhelming feeling it is to call him your boyfriend for a few months now. Such a kind and loving man, always looking out for you, giving you the time you needed for this to finally happen. You couldn’t believe your own ears when whimpering that you want him, that you are ready.
But are you really ready for showing him that part of your body? The part that began too grow way too early in your life, the part you’ve always got picked on by all the other girls.
“Look, there she is! She looks like a cow ready to milk!”
“That cleavage…She’s literally begging for it, what a bitch.”
“Ew, are those pimples on your tits?”
You know you are better than that, that your big breasts just belong to you and that you should love yourself just the way you are. But with none other than Suguru laying on top of you, his hands slowly but surely coming dangerously close to your breasts…
“Wait”, you breathe out, haunted eyes making Suguru stop in his tracks in an instant.
“Did I do something wrong? If you don’t want to, we don’t-“
“No, this is great. I- … I waited so long for this. But I just wanted to let you know that…”
You swallow hard. Are you acting ridiculous, destroying the moment with your behaviour? Suguru’s chocolate brown orbs don’t show a hint of annoyance. Instead, he gently strokes your hair while waiting for you to move on.
He deserves to know it
“I might not have the nicest boobs. They are big, but not well formed like the ones of those models. I tend to sweat a lot underneath them, my skin breaks out from time to time and my nipples might be-“
“Stop that right now, (y/n).”, Suguru gently interrupts you with a grin.
But it doesn’t look like the grin of the girls who picked on you for years. No, this grin is filled with warmth and loves, fills you with what feels like confidence. After all, he said that he loves you just the way you are over and over, right? Still, he didn’t even see your boobs. What if he changes his mind?
“There is absolutely nothing, and I mean NOTHING about you that isn’t ‘nice’. I don’t care about what the chest of random models looks like, to be honest I don’t care about anyone but you. And you are everything I want, you are everything I see, you are everything I love.”
His words make you tear up in an instant, send your whole body into space. As long as you can remember, no one ever said really nice things about your breasts and therefore you. You were either insulted or sexualized. But that force of a man on top of you…He just looks into your eyes that are filled with nothing but warmth. This man means every word he says.
“Well, that’s cool”, you mutter without even thinking about your words, lost in the sheer sight of his sincere eyes.
There is no one in the world you want to show your boobs more. Like in trance, you pull up the hem of your shirt and let it fall to the floor mindlessly.
“Are you okay with me touching them?”, he purrs against your ear.
A silent whimper escapes your lips while you simply nod, whole body on fire where it touches his. Painfully slow, he lets his hands wander down your hair onto your shoulders, trace the line of your collarbones until he reaches…
Your breasts.
What an unknown feeling. But oh, what a sensation as well. You arch your back out of instinct while he massages your breasts, the feeling of his fingertips against your still skin alone simply driving you insane.
God, who would have thought you’d ever hear Geto Suguru moan against your ear by just looking, touching, squeezing your boobs? His eyes are darkened by lust, the way his heart pounds against his ribcage echoes through your very own body.
“You look absolutely gorgeous. I can’t stop looking at you, (y/n).”
You feel like flying, fainting, losing your balance. There is no doubt in the fact that this man adores you the way you are, that your constant fear of him not liking your large chest was more than unfounded.
“So…you don’t mind the way my breasts look?”, you whimper underneath his bittersweet touch.
“More than that, I adore you”, he replies in an instant. “And now, let me see you in your full glory.”
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You’re back feels like it might break every minute, shirt dripping in sweat in the sheer heat of the summer sun. You just want to get out of here, away from those disgusting people, back into your dorm. How stupid it was to leave Jujutsu High on your own for a little stroll through the city. Without the protection of Maki or Nobara, without any good friend who shields you from all the unwanted looks your large chest attracts. While most people think it must be a blessing, it definitely is a curse to you 80% of the time.
Just like right now.
“Come on, I just asked for one grab!”, a guy shouts after you.
Out of instinct, you pick up your pace, not even daring to turn around. What did you even do to catch his attention? You gaze down at your breasts that uncomfortably bounce up and down in the way too tight bra you are wearing today. No, you did absolutely nothing wrong. It’s just these disgusting people who seem to see nothing but the size of your chest.
“Why would you want to touch her? She looks like a cow”, the girl next to him comments along with an ugly laugh, making your heart sting in an instant.
“What a slut”, another voice mutters.
“Oh, I didn’t know you are out today! How are you, (y/n)?”
Your heart almost stops inside of your chest, hands beginning to tremble in an instant. No, not him. Not right here when these people are chasing you. If there’s someone you don’t want to hear those things about you, it’s Yuji Itadori.
“J-just…l-leave”, you stutter.
“Huh? But I just met you! Would you like to watch a movie with me?”
“Look, the cow brought her friends!”
“Do you think he’ll get in her pants today?”
“What a lucky bastard, I’d love to touch them just once…”
Yuji’s face drops in an instant when realizing their words are directed towards you.
“Hey, there’s no need to be rude”, he begins but gets stopped by uncontrollable laughter immediately.
You want to die right here on the spot, disappear from the surface of earth. As if being treated like this wasn’t enough, why does it have to be Yuji who witnesses it all?
“Step aside, loser. Let me handle that.”
Sukuna leans forward in his throne, thick anger rising inside of his chest. You, the one who caught his eye when he first saw you. You, with the immense powers. You, with a dangerous mind that could end wars. Who are these people to talk to you in this manner?
“Are you crazy? I definitely won’t let you out right now”, Yuji replies in an instant.
“You aren’t able to help her brat, now get lost!”
“I won’t let you-“
“Now who exactly do you losers think you are, huh?”
That voice, that aura? Your mouth feels dry like the desert in an instant, eyes widen in pure shock. No, this is impossible, Yuji is in control over his body, this can’t be-
“With tits like yours, I would be jealous of someone gorgeous like her as well”, he spits at one of the girls following you.
“And you.”
With a swift motion, he grabs on of the guy’s wrists roughly. Just a little more pressure and it will snap.
“P-please. Don’t!”, you shout after him.
Urgh, why does your begging voice make his grip loosen in an instant, what is it about you that made him switch with this brat anyway?
“Were you really just trying to touch her chest? Thinking just because she has a big chest, you are allowed to touch her, to sexualize her, huh? You humans disgust me with your simple desires”, Sukuna continues.
“If it wasn’t for her unshakable character, I would kill every single one of you right on the spot. But for now-“
In the matter of seconds, all their arms hang in unhealthy directions, visibly broken by the sheer force of none other than Ryomen Sukuna.
You want to scream at him, want to run away, want to get away from this place. But on the other hand, a warmth fills your chest. Did the king of curses just stand up for you, protect you from their rude comments?
“Get going”, he barks at you.
“This was unnecessary”, you mumble.
“And give Yuji back.”
“You should be thankful, (y/n). They will worship you for the rest of your life.”
“No, they will be scared of you for the rest of their lives”, you clarify, hands still trembling.
“So what? Nobody gets away with insulting you over your perfect body. Especially not over the size of your chest. How ridiculous…”
You can’t believe your ears, eyes darting towards him in an instant while you turn redder than a tomato. Did he just say that you are…perfect?
“You didn’t mean that”, you breathe out.
“Oh god I’m so sorry (y/n). Did he hurt you?”, the familiar voice of Yuji cries out.
Calm down your tingling nerves, your pounding heart. Sukuna’s gone. Sukuna…stood up for you. Sukuna said you have a perfect body.
“N-No”, you stumble.
How are you supposed to get over this?
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Gojo Satoru
Finally. You sit in front of the bar, excited by the smell of alcohol and cheap perfume that hangs in the air. After working your ass off for what felt like an eternity, you decided to use your day off right. You put on the dress that fits you best, packed your purse and went into the first bar you’ve seen.
Damn, when was the last time you were out on your own? With all your friends being out of town for vacation, this definitely is new.
“Not bad”, you mutter to yourself, eyes roaming around people making out, heartfelt laughter and a group of women sipping on their cocktails.
A cocktail, exactly what you need today.
“Hey, I’d love to order something”, you speak out when the waiter finally comes cross you.
What a lucky day, they even have your favourite cocktail in store. You’re usually not the type of girl to go out on yourself, but these last months, you truly learnt how enjoyable time can be with yourself as your only company. You smile to yourself. Yeah, this is definitely something you could get used to.
“There you go”, the friendly male announces and places the glass filled with joy in front of your hungry eyes.
You gift him the sweetest smile you have before taking a sip. Oh, this tastes absolutely amazing.
“I’ve never seen a woman like you alone in a place like this.”
Your heart drops to the floor in an instant, hands holding onto your glass tightly. Ew, a man is certainly the last thing you want to hear right now with the bartender being the only exception. Instead of even looking his way, you just take another sip of your well-mixed cocktail, the music blasting out of the boxes might make him think you can’t hear him and leave.
Honestly, there aren’t many things that creep you out more than men approaching you. Since you’ve reached puberty and your breasts starting to grow bigger and bigger, it almost felt as if you weren’t a person anymore. With rare exceptions here and there, most of them only talked to you because of one thing:
Your boobs.
Is the man sitting next to you one of them?
“Hey, I’m talking to you, gorgeous.”
Your whole body tenses up in an instant, eyes darting towards him by the sound of his harsh voice.
“Excuse me, I’m not up for a talk”, you bite back.
While you did meet genuinely nice men and have some male friends, the one sitting next to you certainly is one of the other categories. God, how much you hate it, being looked down at and reduced to the size of your breasts. You can’t even count how many times you’ve got commented on them, how many men and women just shamelessly stared at your bust instead of your face while talking to you. It’s safe to say you have enough of all of this.
“A woman who presents what she has like that is up for a talk and far more than that. Why would you come here dressed like a slut if you don’t want me to talk to you?”
Your breath gets stuck in your throat, all thoughts vanish into thick air. This disgusting guy with his beard filled with crumbs and breath stinking like the cheapest beer is definitely up for no good. You, dressed like a slut? You wear a basic black dress, the only one your boobs didn’t fall out when trying it on. What the hell is this creep talking about?
“Just because my boobs are big doesn’t mean I’m a slut. Watch how you talk to me”, you bite back.
“I talk however I want to a bitch like you. Are you up to go somewhere more…private?”
The scene that lays itself out in front of Gojo’s eyes is hard to bear. He doesn’t even know the woman in the black dress sitting in front of the bar, let alone the guy sitting next to her. But just one look into your disgusted face is enough to know that something isn’t right. How you cross your arms in front of your chest, your eyes filled with horror, the way you scoop backwards with every word this man says. Are you okay? He shouldn’t let other people’s business bother him. Fuck, wasn’t he here to get his mind off saving everyone all the time? Nah, he should enjoy his evening, drink that new whiskey they offer, just relax and-
You aren’t even able to comprehend what is happening next to you. He stretches out his hand, ready to touch your breasts without consent when another pair of hands stops him mid-air.
“I think the lady said no. Don’t ya think it’s a little over the top to go into a bar and touch a woman’s boobs?”
His voice might sound playful, but your blood freezes inside of your veins by the power he radiates. Just one glance into his face tells you he is like no men you’ve ever met.
“I…She…She said she wanted it to!”, the crumble beard tries to defend himself.
“I said what? Are you out of your fucking mind!? I told you to leave me alone and you harassed me!”, you clarify in harsh tone.
Oh, how much you’d love to break his nose right now, to give him a taste of his own medicine. But the white-haired man seems to have the same plans.
“A guy like you wouldn’t end up with her anyway. That lady has class. And you, my friend, are just a disgusting pervert. Are you touching other women too without consent? Isn’t your first time, huh?”
With a swift motion, he begins to twist the man’s hand around itself. He whines out in pain in an instant, face twisted just like yours before when he talked you down.
“Let me go!”, he cries out in visible discomfort.
“This is what you get for treating a lady so badly. You can be glad she even looked your way.”
When he gifts you a sly grin, you can’t help but blush. What is it about this man that feels so different, so damn inviting? He seems like no other men you’ve met before. And the fact that he just called you lady…Why do your knees suddenly feel weak?
“Now repeat after me: I.am.sorry.for.disrespecting.you.”
“I will not apologize to a girl who’s dressed like a slut!”
A loud crack makes the already muted room go completely silent, the violent scream coming out of this man’s mouth when his wrist breaks like spaghetti echoing through the room.
“Wrong answer”, the white-haired man purrs.
“Hey, would you mind just taking the trash out?”, the barkeeper questions.
“Did you hear that, dirty boy? Let me show you the way!”
“Are you alright? I didn’t even notice he was harassing you. I’m so sorry”, the bartender speaks out towards you.
“Oh, it’s okay.”
You aren’t even able to give him a real answer, eyes glued on the white-haired man who carries your harasser out like trash.
Like in trance you get back on your feet and follow him out into the cool air of the night.
“Have a nice evening!”, he friendly shouts after the man who sprints down the streets like a coward, as fast away as possible.
“You definitely scared the shit out of him”, you comment.
“He definitely deserved it. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m used to shit like that”, you reply with a huff.
“But normally, they aren’t this disgusting.”
“I hate to hear that. You seem like a genuinely badass and nice person. You didn’t deserve his words.”
“Not as nice as my knight in shining armour who stopped him from touching my boobs.”
He lets out a heartfelt laughter, bright blue orbs set on you.
“Hey, what about me escorting you back home? I’m totally in the mood to beat up any other men who gets in your way.”
“Only if you let me join, though”, you challenge him.
“Definitely a deal. Hey, what’s your name?”
“(y/n), huh? Cool name, suits you right? My name’s Gojo Satoru. Nice to meet you.”
He stretches out his hand in front of you, inviting you to take it. You can’t help but smile at his sheer excitement. No, you just have to take his warm hand into yours and shake it.
“Let’s get you home, okay?”
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Tags: @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez @belovedvamp @wifenanami @chilichopsticks @dlwlrmas-world @oikawarz@darkstarlight82 @satoreo @luwumii @kentocalls @cheesemachine44 @maya-maya-56 @jinririz @getou0309 @ieathairs
Dividers by @saradika 🤍
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lundenloves · 1 year
bro ik simon buys his daughter some silly ass shit on missions😭 like he will buy her a mug ( a mug, FOR A BABY. ) titled: "worlds best daughter and dad duo" .. wont even let the reader hold their kid as long as hes some n shit.. just pls dad!simon hcs PLS
you ask and you shall receive anon. here are the current thoughts swooshing around in my messy brain right now. 🪄
dad!simon masterlist | hc 2
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my god definitely tho.
He’s the definition of girldad. To a T. Like, when she’s younger and he’s still new to the whole thing it’s all scary but once he’s past that and realises it’s literally just a tiny person. It’s over for everyone around him.
That little girl is worth crushing skulls for fr.
Waking up in the middle of the night to baby cries was something he took in stride. The first few times definitely scared the shit out of him and he wanted to wake you up. But then again, realising that it was just a tiny person. He would get up and probably fall asleep on the sofa with her instead of taking her back to the cot.
Not that he would admit it but he felt way more relaxed with her sleeping on his chest.
When she gets older, she starts asking questions about him and his job and all the ‘why’ follow ups. We’re talking ages 7-9 here.
“Why wear skull stuff if you’re called Ghost?”
“It’s a callsign.”
“What’s a callsign?”
“A nickname.”
Literally his mini-me though. She follows him everywhere. All around the house, upstairs downstairs, outside inside. EVERYWHERE. He never grows tired of it though. Always entertaining the questions.
“Do you have a name?”
“Yes. I have a name.”
Then telling her it and she goes onto call him Simon for three days straight before moving onto another source of entertainment.
She draws pictures of 141. Penning a little version of herself in the middle of the men, a big arrow pointing to each of them labelled by their names spelt wrong. Sop. Pris.
Soap draws pictures back stfu.
Definitely the type of relationship with his daughter where they’re close until she becomes interested in boys and her dad is suddenly embarrassing lmaoooo.
Johnny is actually the embarrassing uncle.
Her first boyfriend my days.
I know by this point, he has another daughter. No one can convince me otherwise. He has a minimum of two.
“She’s gonna see her boyfriend.” The younger one would sing and Simon is right onto that shit. Dad stance n’ all.
“What age is he?” First question.
His kids don’t actually know what he works as. It’s like, no one knows exactly what their dad does. SAS shit or smth.
For forms, he just waves a hand of dismissal and is like, “Just say i’m in the army.”
“Are you in the army?”
“No.” this mf
Having two daughters definitely be teaching him a lot. Like periods. He never took them seriously until he was being barked at for the seventeenth time in one day, deciding in that moment to understand.
Also the designated bag holder and credit card user on shopping trips.
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this is short but i’m writing a huge smut for him rn don’t tell anyone. you. yes, you.
taglist? click this link to complete the form.
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argent-sz · 2 years
Hmmm should i be making my twitter alts more visible before i leave and forget their existence and the entire personal backlog gets lost to time
Or should i do a funny ..
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undiscovered-horizon · 7 months
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[Old love never rusts. Shanks has to face that truth when he meets again the husband of the girl he almost had.]
Shanks's version | Enjoying my work? You can leave me a tip on Ko-Fi | Have a request?
Shanks knows he has no right to ask this question. Not when he's the one that up and left in the middle of the night, without even a word of warning that could soothe your aching heart. Nevertheless, he can't help but indulge his yearning:
"How is she?"
Mihawk raises his eyebrows barely noticeably. He seems surprised that after Shanks's disappearing act and a decade of dead silence, he's still interested in you, even if motivated by pure courtesy. But before Mihawk answers the question, he notices something strange in the red-haired captain's eyes, a sensation he's rarely seen in them before - sadness.
Interesting, how some things never quite change.
"Well," Mihawk answers laconically. Instead of indulging Shanks's lovesick longing, he wishes the man would finally accept his utter failure and move on. You're married to Dracule and this isn't going to change anytime soon. If ever.
"Wells tend to be cold and musty," Shanks jokes but his tone is far from lighthearted. In fact, his voice sounds strained like he's holding back tears. "I hope she fared better with you."
The Red-Hair pirates laugh at their captain's joke but quickly turn quiet again. Something about the tense confrontation makes their good humour virtually nonexistent. Especially when Mihawk gives them a curt, cold glare. He doesn't find his past rivalry with Shank to be funny in any way.
"She has everything she could ask for," he says with a sense of finality to his words. Mihawk feels himself growing irritated.
"Good, good..." Shanks nods, lost in thought for a moment. He clenches his hand, giving away the unpleasant tension inside his chest. The captain has promised himself to let go of you. Alas, here we are. "Is she happy?" he suddenly asks.
Mihawk furrows his thick eyebrows in an angry frown. It's almost insulting for Shanks to have any doubts regarding your well-being under the Warlord's care. "What sort of question is this?"
"A 'yes or no' sort."
"Then yes," he drones his words.
Shanks forces a wide, playful smile. There's agony hiding in his eyes and as though Mihawk is a blind man, he's trying to play it cool and appear unaffected. The truth is, the red-haired man is holding on by a thread.
"I bet she talks about me all the time," Shanks says in faux amusement. His voice almost doesn't shake. "We both know I've always been her favourite."
"And you'd lose." Mihawk begins to feel an insidious satisfaction from the distress of the other man. "In fact, I doubt she thinks about you at all."
"You keep telling yourself that, hawk-eyes."
"This misguided flattery is much unwarranted," Mihawk warns him. "No one bets on losing dogs."
But she would, Shanks thinks to himself. She always did.
Short fingernails leave bruising marks on the inside of Shanks's palm as he's clenching his fist. Once again he's reminded that when it mattered, he was a coward and fled from the overwhelming, crippling love he feels for you. Only know there's no hope, there's no ifs - you belong to another man.
Afternoon sunlight reflects off of Mihawk's gold ring. Shanks glares at it for a moment too long to pass off his intense stare as circumstantial. He can almost hear the mocking laughter of the universe as the consequence of the amalgamation of his bad choices is merely two meters away from him. There is nothing he wouldn't give up to turn back the time and make sure that things go differently, that he never became afraid of being too deep in love.
But time, like the seas, has no master.
I was so torn about this one, I couldn't decide until the very end, so if you want to read a version where the scenario is flipped and Shanks is the 'lucky guy', just hit me up.
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pantherxrogers · 1 month
hi I love your work can you please do a sugar daddy/boyfriend Mingi and what he will do for reader
blurb: sugar daddy!mingi x reader  ✧
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🎀 pairing: mingi x fem!reader
🎀 warnings: suggestive, explicit language, mention of daddy kink
🎀 summary: spoiled!reader wants to bring all of her friends to coachella. mingi can't say no 🤭
🎀 a/n: tysm for your request! this was super fun (and challenging) for me to write as a san bias, lmao. i hope you love it! divider by @fairytopea
my masterlist (you can find the yunho and san versions here!)
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“I reaaaaally miss you, Mingki,” you coo into the phone, knowing you’ve got him wrapped around your finger. That nickname always gets to him.
Fighting back giggles, you motion a quiet down to your friends, so your boyfriend can’t hear them on the other end. 
“I miss you too, baby,” he groans, knowing you’re about to get exactly what you want. But, if you ask him, he really can’t help it. Who is he to deny you?
“It’ll be so nice to see you, baby. Plus the girls really want to go to Coachella, too,” you whine, putting extra pout behind your words, playing it up for him. 
“Baby, I only asked for one press pass. I don’t know if I can get extras for your friends,” he added, hoping you’d drop it, but knowing he won’t be that lucky. 
Hidden away on the side of the practice stage, Mingi battles with himself on what he’s going to do next. The desert heat beats down on his neck, sweat accumulating in the oversized tee shirt and sweats he decided to wear for soundcheck. 
He very well could get more passes for your friends, but he already flew all of you out to Bora Bora because you wanted a girls weekend. If you’d come to California with him, he knew you’d be sitting around in the hotel room for most of the day. So, he paid for the trip without any complaints (like he always does). 
“You won’t do it for me?” You whine, putting on the dramatics.
Your friends are in near hysterics, laughing at your antics. They all know how much Mingi spoils you, and they actually find it kind of sweet. You see, Mingi is the type of boyfriend who spoils you beyond reason, but he likes to pretend he isn’t a total and complete pushover (he definitely is).
“Fuck, I’ve created a monster,” Mingi chuckles, already having made up his mind. You giggle softly, twirling your hair around the end of your finger, happy that you’ve won another battle. 
On the other end, Mingi glances up to see his captain motioning him back over, signaling the end of their short break. He holds up a hand, mouthing out I'm almost done. 
Your playful giggles steal his attention back, momentarily forgetting about the lengthy practice.
A warm blush heats Mingi’s cheeks, while he listens to your kisses through the phone.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, baby!” You squeal, dancing around with a bright smile. You motion a thumbs up to your friends, all of you cheering in victory. 
“I’ll send the jet to Bora Bora tomorrow morning, so you guys can get in early,” he announces, fighting to keep the smile off his face. He can still hear your excited giggles through the phone.
“Baby, are you listening?” He playfully chides, knowing how you get tunnel vision whenever he gives you what you want.
“Private jet, Coachella, blah blah blah,” you joke, Mingi answering you with a laugh. 
You step away from your friends for a moment, heading into the villa’s primary bedroom. 
“I really am grateful, baby. I can wait to see you,” you confess, heart racing at the thought of seeing your boyfriend tomorrow. You fiddle with the Cartier love ring on your index finger, smiling at the memory of when he gifted it to you.
“Maybe I should just fly you out tonight,” he sighs, equally impatient to see you. 
“Mmmm, I would say yes buuuuuut,” Mingi huffs, "We have one more shopping day planned,” you mutter, remembering the Goyard bag you had your eye on yesterday. 
“Babe, you’ve been shopping the whole trip,” he argues, remembering the multiple notifications he got from his credit card company.
“I know, but I saw this bag yesterday and couldn’t make up my mind about it. I really want it now,” you whine, going into more detail as Mingi listens to your rambling with a smile. 
“Do you trust me, baby?” He questions, the wheels already turning in his head. 
“Of course,” you answer honestly, confused at the sudden change of subject. 
“Then, be ready for the driver to pick you up in two hours. I want you to myself for a night before your friends get here,” he asserts, the low rumble in his voice causing a warmth to spread over your body. 
You bite your lip before answering him, torn between the bag and the need to see your boyfriend as soon as possible. The both of you know which one you’ll pick in the end.
“Okay,” you sigh, “I’ll see you tonight,” a wide smile spreading across your face at the thought. 
“Good girl,” he coos, making you squirm against the plush mattress beneath you. 
“I love you, daddy,” you whisper, warmth flooding your cheeks at the title. Mingi chuckles to himself, fascinated by your sudden shyness.
“I love you too, baby girl. See you soon,” his voice is like gravel now, while he tries his best to not get carried away in public like this. 
He ends the phone call with a click, before sending a quick text to his manager. 
📱: Need a favor. Gonna need the private jet tonight and tomorrow. Also contact the Bora Bora sales associate for me. I need him to overnight a Goyard bag.
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