#yeah they were friends for the majority of the movie but things were going awful. it drives me insane.
0rph1x · 1 year
look at them look at them look at them look at them look at th
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beanmachine69 · 10 months
can you please right a lance stroll fic where they both love each other but don’t know it yet?
Blankets | Lance Stroll
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The season had ended, it was early December and as per tradition, your families were in their cabin in the mountains. It was a silly cliche, but over the years you’d grown to look forward to it, especially since Lance started his f1 career and you two would rarely get to relax together like you usually would. Having grown up around each other, you two were practically inseparable; falling into all the childhood best-friend categories you could find. You’d support his career as much as you could, cheering him on from home and sometimes the paddock- you two were seen so often together that at some point some dating rumors had sprung up too.  
You had known Lance all your life, you two had spent most of your childhood together. He was almost two years older than you, which made you the youngest of the bunch and though Chloe always treated you like a little sister, hanging out with her wasn’t always an option because of the major age difference. Your families had been together for generations, your fathers being family friends since they were kids themselves too- the Strolovich family feeling like your own second home. 
“Fires’ nice and warm outside.” Your mother commented, passing the lounge to reach the kitchen, “You two sure you wanna stay here in front of the TV?” 
“Yeah, I’m not in the mood to hang out with my drunk father, that's your job.” You replied, eyes still plastered on the large screen in front of you. 
“You both become the same person when you’re drunk y’know.” Lance mumbled, eyes not moving to look at your phony expression of betrayal.
You playfully shoved him away from you, only for him to bounce back and press his side against you again. You two were always close, having had very little physical boundaries around one another as you grew up. You’d had plenty of cozy moments, none of them meaning anything more than what they were to either one of you. Albeit, this proximity would look far more romantic than platonic to strangers, you two had learned to keep it reserved for private spaces, the last thing you needed were more rumors for Lance to have to deal with later.
Movie nights at the cabin were more than what the rest of your families had understood them to be. You could still recall how you two would bond over these nights, and how often you’d whisper secrets to each other in the blanket- secrets that neither of you would have the guts to share face-to-face. You had told Lance about your awful first kiss while some silly 90s’ comedy movie played, and he had told you about his first failed talking stage while you both rewatched Criminal Minds for the millionth time. These shared moments under the blanket and in front of the TV were sacred to the both of you, it was like a little safe space for any and all confessions, it was these moments which made your bond so inseparable; under the blankets, with the faint light of the television seeping through the fabric to illuminate the cozy space as the conversation was muffled from others by the blanket and the background noise- it was a weird tradition, but one which you both cherished. 
You didn’t mind horror movies, or the genre in general, but perhaps binging a bunch with Lance late into the night in a cabin far from civilization wasn’t the best possible idea. So there you were now, afraid in your bed after having been forced by the instagram algorithm to continue your horror binge, alone in your room with all the curtains drawn out of the fear of a mountain creature. Your fear was irrational, you had no reason to be as scared as you were, but it still managed to keep you from falling asleep. You decided if you were going to be consumed by a horror beyond human comprehension, you might as well get a snack before doing so. 
The walk downstairs to the kitchen was frightening enough, but now you could hear the wind a lot clearer now, and every breath that escaped you seemed to sound unlike your own, your own shadow frightening you with every surface that it fell on. As you began to eat the chips you and Lance had bought earlier, your mind managed to consume itself in more theories and possibilities- kidnapping, demonic possession, a gruesome death by the hands of a wendigo, could Slenderman be here somewhere?-
“What are you doing up?”
Those five words were enough for your brain to completely haywire, accepting all possible scenarios to be true all at once, your flight or fight response kicked in, making you scream and drop your chips. Not particularly fight or flight, but it was something, in the case of any of the terrifying scenarios you had pictured earlier to come true, this would have possibly been the last sign of you your family or friends would have heard. 
“Jeez, why are you screaming?” Lance laughed, aware of how his efforts to spook you had worked out. 
“Oh my God Lance, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” You scolded, shoving him in the arm. 
Your hand was on your chest, feeling your heart pounding from the sudden burst of adrenaline. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d shit yourself.” Lance continued to laugh, clearly finding amusement in your reaction. 
You rolled your eyes as you tried clearing up the little mess you made by dropping the chips on the floor; Lance stayed in the kitchen, wordlessly grabbing you a replacement and one for himself too. You two stood there, not saying a word, only looking at the remnants of the fireplace outside as you finished your snack. 
“It’s really cold.” You mumbled, eyes on the burnt out logs. 
“Hm? Yeah.” He replied, moving his eyes from the window and back to you. 
The kitchen was dimly lit, with neither of you bothering to turn on any more lights than the countertop lighting that was already on. It was cozy, but for some reason the house was still cold despite the central heating. There was a dense silence between you two, your breathing being a silent acknowledgement of the other person, it was comfortable to be in someones’ presence and not feel the need to fill the space with words. 
“I can’t sleep.” Lance sighed, breaking the silence and prompting you to turn around to face him instead of the window.
“What, you scared?” You asked, teasingly nudging him a bit. 
His features looked enhanced in the dim light of the kitchen. You were never one to pay attention to how his face looked in different lighting, but the scarce light emitting from the below the cabinets and above the counters deepened his features; his brows almost seemed to cast a shadow over his dark eyes, making them seem black almost, the light shadows under his cheekbones and jaw seemed to be darkened in the sparse lighting- he almost looked intimidating to you for the first time. He didn’t seem like the pleasant and joyful friend you knew, but some serious and solemn man for a moment, only for a fleeting moment did you see that version- momentarily you quite literally saw him in a different light. 
“Shut it, do you wanna go upstairs? You could hang out in my room for a bit.”
The moment passed faster than it had appeared, making you question whether it had ever appeared or not.
Lance propped himself against the headboard, watching you as you sat across from him on the chair. The room was surprisingly cold too, was the heater not working or were you just cold?
“You never told me about that date you went on by the way.” Lance asked, putting his phone away from him; a gesture he did often to indicate his undivided attention was directed at you.  
“Which one?” You asked, not recalling any dates in the past few weeks. 
You brought your legs up on the chair, closer to your chest in order to prevent the cold you were feeling. His eyes followed your movement, tracing every bend and taking into account all of the little gestures you made, including the little hook your fingers made when you were confused.
“Y’know that stupid date your friend set you up with? The IT guy from the US?” Lance probed further, reminding you of an old date which you had successfully forgotten all about. 
“Oh that’s old stuff.” You mumbled, arms wrapping around your knees. 
“Yeah we haven’t really got a chance to sit down and talk for a while.” 
“I guess…” You trailed off, distracted by the surprise you felt by how cold it was and how Lance seemed to just not care for it. 
“So, the date?” 
“Right, yeah no it went fine, but I don’t know he just wasn’t it.” You replied, shrugging and sparing him the details. 
Lance pouted a bit, before adjusting his posture so he was lying down more than sitting up and patting the sheets next to him.
“Come on, you’re clearly freezing.” He noted, steering the conversation to a completely different route. 
You didn’t think much of it, you two would sleep in the same bed plenty of times when you were kids, it wasn’t odd at all. Even now, when Lance would crash at your house he’d sleep in your bed next to you- it wasn’t odd it was just the comfort you two had with each other. So when you crawled under the sheets and scooted closer to Lance, the both of you ignored the way your eyes locked for a moment.
“So, what was wrong with him? What made him not it?” 
Aversion. That’s what one would call it; he averted his eyes and changed the topic, that moment where your eyes locked as you moved closer to him under his sheets in his bed was nothing but a fleeting moment. 
“I don’t know Lance, he just wasn’t my type.” 
“I thought you said you didn’t have a type.” 
“I don’t… it’s just that I guess I hate having to get to know people romantically, it just seems like such a bother. Plus, remember the hell I had to be put through the last time that happened?”
Your ex wasn’t the peachiest person imaginable; he was manipulative and constantly accusing you of having a more complex relationship with Lance than you would admit to. “You two look at each other like nothing else matters, you don’t even look at me like that!”, accompanied often with several “There’s no way you two are just friends!”. His words hadn’t affected the friendship you had with Lance, obviously, but it did put a damper on the amount of time you two would spend with each other. In the end it truly wasn’t worth it considering he cheated on you with his own best friend. 
“God, he was a dick.” Lance mumbled, scooting lower on his bed and completely lying down, bringing the blanket up till his neck.
“Yeah, getting cheated on isn’t fun.” You mumbled, covering your face with the blanket; not because you were ashamed or wanted to hide your face, but because you were cold and your nose felt like it was going to freeze.
“Oh my god, how cold are you?” Lance asked, accompanying you under the blankets, swatting them a bit so the thick material wouldn’t hide your face from him. He reached over to grab your hand, only to let out a small yelp after feeling how cold they were. “Woah, you’re fucking freezing.”
“Yeah, I don’t know why I’m this cold.” You replied.
There wasn’t much need to ask or say anything, words weren’t a necessity in communication between you two sometimes. He just knew you well enough to know what you’d need and you knew the same, and so he covered the distance, and wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you in a warm hug. 
Several moments had passed and though you were still feeling cold, his body heat had managed to warm you up enough for it to not be a problem. As an unspoken token of appreciation, you had begun gently rubbing your fingertips on his scalp, something you knew he liked. 
“Do you remember when we were teens and we’d sneak into each other's rooms like this and watch all the shows we weren’t allowed to watch?” Lance whispered, not needing to talk at a higher volume due to the proximity. 
“We used to sneak into each others’ rooms all the time, remember that annoying nanny our parents would bring along? That old lady who was convinced we were up to no good?” You laughed, remembering how often she’d complain to your parents about your antics and how Lance wasn’t a good influence on a young girl like you.
“Oh God, she was the worst. She used to be on your ass about everything, she always said you weren’t proper enough.” 
“Ooh ooh, remember when we managed to sneak out with Chloe and go to that party with her friends in the summer?” You chimed, remembering something completely off-topic.
“Yeah, that time her friends forced us to kiss in that stupid truth or dare game, I swear I told your dumbass to sit next to me but you just had to sit next to that stupid guy.” Lance scoffed. 
“Oh my God yeah, that was my first kiss.” You replied, recalling how flushed you were and how glad you were now to have that memory be with someone like Lance and not with some weird, much older guy. 
“Wait, really?! I thought that was just something you were messing about!” He pulled away to look at you better. 
“No! Why would I lie about that?!” You asked, pulling away from his chest a little too, craning your neck to look at his face. 
“I…. I don’t know.” Lance replied after thinking for a while, pulling you back into his chest to avoid having to look you in the eye, “I guess I didn’t want to believe that your first kiss was with me.”
“Why not?” You asked, the question laced with confusion and several different emotions you couldn’t identify, “I never told you about my first kiss, I always thought you knew it was you.” 
A silence fell between you two, a sort of uncomfortable silence which made your hand stop stroking his hair, and made his grip on you loosen a bit. The cold hit again and though Lance was still close, it just didn’t seem like enough; for the first time in your life-long friendship you felt like a wedge had made its’ way in a moments’ notice, drawing you two apart. 
You had told him the night it had happened, on the way back to your house, you leaned in and told him that he was your first kiss. It was the earliest stages of his racing career, just a little before he debuted in F4. It was so long ago, you had forgotten about it, it really was just a silly little dare, but now you felt like you’d imposed a boundary you didn’t know existed. 
The silence between you two had lasted longer than either of you would prefer, yet neither of you had mustered the courage to disrupt this silence, hiding behind it from one another like you had never done before. The cold began to make its presence known to you once again, the blanket not providing much comfort any longer.
He had never given it much thought, it really wasn’t a big deal and he wasn’t upset, rather just confused. He had been looking forward to this family vacation more than he usually would, and until he saw and hugged you, he couldn't seem to figure out why. You were his best-friend and as cliche and silly as the title sounded, he couldn’t ever just call you a friend, you were so much more than that, yet whenever anyone called you his sister he’d just end up feeling uncomfortable; he’d never seen you in that light, the thought was just weird. Realizing that he was your first kiss made him feel something he had previously averted from a few moments ago, except now, aversion wasn’t something he could do- it wasn’t something he wanted to do. He understood the reason that he hadn’t consciously accepted the fact that he was your first kiss was because he knew he liked the idea far more than he should have; he liked that he was your first kiss and he liked the idea of having that card over all the other men you had dated, he liked that you two had shared that sentiment, he liked that he was your first and most importantly: he liked the idea of kissing you.  
The situation felt awkward and you mentally decided it would be better off to just go back to your room, and so you did, quietly moving out of his bed and making your way to your own room. You had gone as far as tucking yourself in till your thoughts finally started piling on.
What if I pissed him off? Why did he get so quiet? Did I fuck things over? God, how did I manage to mess up the one friendship I thought would last forever? Why does it matter, we’re just friends and the idea of us kissing shouldn’t ruin a life-long friendship, should it? Unless he has another girlfriend again, God I really don’t want to have to go through that again, Wait, why not? It shouldn’t matter if he dates someone, right? I mean I haven’t been the biggest fan of his exes but who am I to- 
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the door to your room open, followed by shuffled footsteps and a weight on your bed. You turned to make out what you correctly assumed to be Lance, crawling under the blanket with you. You heard a huff of breath as he got comfortable, wrapping his warm arms around you again and pulling you into him once more.
You were confused momentarily, not having been able to completely exit your mind palace before you had to register all that happened. However, it only took you a few moments to adjust before you hugged him back, adjusting yourself against him slightly before fitting perfectly into his arms. 
“Do you remember how we’d sit under the blanket and cover ourselves completely in our blanket forts to talk in private when we were younger?” Lance asked, his smile almost audible in his words as he recalled the memory, not addressing the conversation earlier.
“Yeah,” You chuckled, “We’d call for ‘blanket meetings’ and all….”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m kind of calling for one right now.” He said, pulling away slightly, preparing to hold the blanket over your heads. 
You didn’t need to say anything, you smiled as you grabbed your phone and sat up, adjusting yourself under the blanket as Lance sat up too, the blanket forming a little tent around you two as his head held it in place. It took a little more shuffling around till you both were completely covered and comfortable and it was then when you pulled out your phone, turning on the flash and placing it in between you two so you could see each other. Having done this your whole lives, you two knew exactly what to do. 
“God, the blankets seemed so much bigger when we were kids.” You laughed. 
“The blankets were always big on you, pipsqueak.” Lance laughed.
“Oh, fuck off.” You laughed, “Alright, so why did you call this meeting?” 
“Oooh, professional.” Lance laughed, locking eyes with you as his laugh faded.
“If it’s about our conversation earlier, then I don’t really wanna talk about that, can we just go back to pretending that that never happened?” You asked, eyes averting his.
“No, we can’t. I don’t want to pretend like that didn’t happen, if anything I’m really glad you had your first kiss with me, I’m a much better option than that creep you thought was cute, if anything I was the best option in that whole party.” Lance spoke, voice hushed to match the vibe.
“I mean yeah… Wait, did you just say you were the best option? You know my ex was there too, right? I mean sure we dated after years but we met for the first time at that stupid party.” You recalled, ready to contradict his statement, unsure of what your argument would be considering your ex was awful.
“Yeah, I stand by what I said.” Lance spoke, a determination present in his voice. “You know how I felt about that loser anyways.” 
“Oh please, you never seemed to like any of the exes I have.” You scoffed.
“Like you like any of mine.” Lance scoffed in return, eyes still looking into yours despite your attempts at looking away. 
“I mean-” You tried to defend yourself when he cut you off.
“Oh come on, you know we don’t like any of each other's exes.” Lance persisted.
“I mean yeah, but I don’t like them because I think you deserve better.” You replied, content with your argument.
There was a moment of silence before Lance spoke and in that moment you watched his face as he thought, the way his brows momentarily furrowed and how his brown doe-eyes looked into yours, not breaking contact and making you more nervous than you had anticipated. 
“Well, I thought the same, y'know, I kept comparing them to me and how I’d treat you so much better than those losers.” 
His statement was calculated, and you could tell. It had completely thrown you off and confused you beyond expression, it left you dumbfounded and staring at him with your mouth open to say words you knew didn’t exist. 
“Come onn, You never thought about it? You’re telling me you didn’t think about the kiss all the time after it happened?” He probed, examining your face for a clearer answer.
To be fair, the second Lance had found out the kiss you shared was your first, a whole barrage of feelings and thoughts had bombarded his mind and he had no idea what to do or say, so when you walked off he barely registered what happened and when he did, he decided to resort to old tactics to talk to you and try to comfort you. Admittedly, Lance knew he should have understood that something was up when he realized that he didn’t hate the dating rumors between you two, nor did he hate the proximity you shared, if anything, Lance looked forward to these holiday retreats with your family because it meant you two could live together for a few days and he loved that- he also loved how close you two were and how in all honesty he truly wouldn’t want to date anyone but you. The realization that he had been comparing all his past relationships with you and why they’d never work out wasn’t something he had expected to come to so abruptly, yet here he was, risking everything for a whim. 
“I don’t know about you, but I don’t want that to be our last kiss.” Lance smiled, hoping that this last statement would break the silent oath you seemed to have taken. 
He leaned in closer, looking at you for a response, which you gave in the form of a small nod, before he gently landed his lips onto yours, holding your face as the blankets around you readjusted to the movement. His hold was gentle, like he was scared he’d hurt you or something, while your lips clumsily, eventually found a rhythm. 
You were bright red when you two pulled away for air. You mentally cursed yourself for turning the flash on. The prospect of you two being more than friends always seemed like a crazy thought, it always felt like something you felt wrong thinking about, like you weren’t allowed or something. But kudos to Lance for somehow always managing to understand what you two needed faster than you, whether it was making road-trip decisions or Tim Hortons’ order decisions, credit where credit was due, that man could read you like a book. And now he had made it apparent that he was capable of reading in between the lines too. You never knew you had wanted Lance more than a friend and now that the option was brought to your notice, you couldn’t, even for a moment, consider giving it up. The kiss hadn’t lasted long, but it had erupted feelings in you that had laid dormant for far too many years, all of which overwhelmed you enough to not think of your decision again before crashing your lips back onto his, this time allowing your hands to find the back of his head to push him into the kiss, which he enthusiastically reciprocated, his hands landing on your waist to pull your whole body closer. Suddenly, air didn’t seem like much of a necessity as the kiss deepened and you two got more comfortable against each others’ lips. It wasn’t till you two pulled away again, locking gazes as your chests heaved against each other, stupid grins adorning both of your faces. 
“Why didn’t we come to this realization earlier?” You asked.
“I don’t know… I’m just glad we came to it, better late than never no?” He laughed.
Now you didn’t feel so guilty admiring the way his face scrunched up when he laughed and how the skin around his nose crinkled and how you could see the slight gap between his side teeth and his front teeth. There was so much about him that you had mentally noted and admired that seeing him this close didn’t even feel like anything new- it was just Lance after all. 
“I still can’t believe I was your first kiss and we still didn’t do anything up till now.” Lance smiled, his lips parting to show his teeth. 
“I mean, I don’t know I didn’t really understand what I was feeling till now I guess.” You mumbled through a smile, lips barely moving to get the words out.
“I know, I think we’re on the same page.” Lance replied, pulling you in for a hug, the blanket finally beginning to feel warm again. 
“I want you to be my last too.” You laughed, wondering if he’d get the reference. 
“Seriously? You’re quoting one direction right now?” Lance asked, exhaling as he felt your body against him, warming him from the cold he hadn’t even realized he was feeling. 
“Always the right time to quote One Direction.” You laughed, knowing you were the reason he’d secretly be listening to them now. 
“That reference barely made any sense y’know, technically they talk about wanting to be the listeners last first kiss, not their first and last kiss.” He corrected you with a cocky grin you could practically hear.
“Anndd you ruined the moment.” 
“You’re welcome.” 
A/N: I'm so sorry for posting this so late! completely forgot about it, hope you like it nonetheless<3
Also, no I have no shame throwing in a One Direction reference in like that heh
As usual, criticism and requests can all be sent in through the ask box!
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oinkinpigprince · 26 days
OKAY. I love the way you depict Charlie sm. I WAS POSSIBLY WONDERING if you could do a Charlie x VeryObvioslyIntoHim! Reader HCs? (Also pref that the reader is Fem and Chubby cause yeah) Thanks pookie ✌️🥺🥶🔥💯
Of course!! I find your use of emojis disturbing, but I suppose I can look past it this once :33
Charlie x VERY into him!fem!reader
He’s so oblivious to ppl liking him it’s INFURIATING SOMETIMES. Every time someone flirts with him to goes, whoosh! Over his head. It might be a self esteem thing or a childhood thing or bro is just dense in the head
All of your friends know you like Charlie, all of Charlie’s friends know, all of his coworkers know, it’s literally everyone BUUT him
You try and drop subtle hints that just became more and more and more obvious as time went on. Til you were dropping absolute bombshells on Charlie, but nothing
“Charlie you’d make like, a REALLY good boyfriend ya know. You’re probably even MY DREAM man, ya know ANY girl would be lucky to have you as her boyfriend. Ya know ID be honored to date you even!” “Aw thnxs man you’re like, literally so sweet.” One of these days you swear to fucking god
You gave him a bouquet of roses on Valentine’s Day and he just said “oh that’s so nice of you man but I got like major pollen allergies.” He forgot what day it was
It’s infuriating, like genuinely gut wrenching at some points. You don’t want to give up though, not yet at least. You start trying other methods instead of flirting
You buy him food, gifts, a whole new pair of gaming headphones he’s been talking about none stop. You get a fucking ‘dude, you’re literally the coolest girl I know’
Once you offered to clean his entire apartment, because he seemed stressed out. He was so thankful but you still got ‘dude’ zoned
You even tried cuddling with him, during a home movie. He held you in his arms and thought nothing of it. Just kept going on and on about ‘the in-depth character arc’ of some movie guy you didn’t care about
It wasn’t until you looked him in the eyes and literally said “I want to kiss so fucking bad right now.” That it finally clicked for Charlie that you MIIIGHT have a crush on him but all he could stutter out was “I-i think I have a bag of like, chocolate in my freezer.”
After that night you kinda gave up, thinking that maybe YOU weren’t getting his hints. I mean what guy wouldn’t understand that was an profession of love
Charlie actually told Pim about it at work the next day, and was like “do you think she likes me dude?” Glep and alan both stop what they were doing and just stare at him. Pim has his hands folded on the table trying to figure out if Charlie was fuckin w/ him too
“What?” “Charlie, she literally said she wanted to kiss.” “. . . Yeah and?” Bro needs to learn the alphabet before he can begin to spell it out man it’s bad. Once it clicks it fucking snapped into place and he rushed to give you a call
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shadowkoo · 9 months
What Friends Are For
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→ Summary: When your closest friend confides in you with something truly surprising, it's only natural to step in and offer your assistance, because that's what true friends do, right?
↠ vernon x f.reader | 2.8k words | 18+ ↠ genre: smut, best friends, friends to lovers, virgin/first time au
→ Warnings: explicit & unprotected sex, oral sex (male & female receiving), handjob, doggy, language, creampie, jealousy, teasing, slightly dominant!vernon, virgin!vernon, riding, breast play, nipple play, dirty talk, fingering, rough sex, deep dicking, hair pulling, begging, cum swallowing, deep throating
→ Author note: This is an updated version of an old fic of mine, I hope you enjoy it!!! If you’d like to read this on ao3 instead it’s been crossposted here! As always, all likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated <3
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“You can’t be serious!” you burst out laughing, sharing a dumbfounded look with your best friend. You’re at his apartment and he just finished telling you the most ridiculous thing ever. You chuckle again while you continue to look for a movie to watch. “You are such a liar.”
“I’m dead serious, don’t laugh,” Vernon huffs, “You have no idea what it’s like having to pretend with the guys like I know what I’m talking about.”
“Oh please, I know you’ve watched porn before and I still don’t believe that you’ve never at least gotten a blowjob before.” He can’t be a virgin. And you seriously doubt he’s made it to twenty-five without ever having his knob slobbered on.
“Well, it’s true! So just let it go,” he barks. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”
You look over to see if he’s just playing with you, he has to be. But you’re surprisingly shocked to see that he genuinely looks upset.
Realizing you hit a nerve, you apologize. “I’m sorry, I guess I just can’t believe it.” You click on a random movie to ease the awkwardness and decide to text your friends.
♡y/n♡: okie serious question, who wants to blow vern [7:50 pm]
♡cee♡: askjlasjdflkj !! [7:50 pm]
♡mal♡: giiiirl what are you on [7:50 pm]
♡y/n♡: he’s feeling down, someone’s gotta take one for the team [7:50 pm]
♡anna♡:: 👀 …. [7:51 pm]
♡anna♡: KIDDING [7:51 pm]
♡anna♡: but on a real note, why can’t you?? [7:51 pm]
♡y/n♡: ur joking right [7:51 pm]
♡cee♡: yeah you do it, i’m busy rn [7:51 pm]
♡cee♡: plus we all know he wants none of us [7:52 pm]
♡mal♡: lmao truuu [7:52pm]
♡y/n♡: what’s that supposed to mean?? [7:52 pm]
♡mal♡: idk why don’t u suck on ur boyfriend [7:52 pm]
♡mal♡: sorry i mean boy FRIEND [7:52 pm]
♡mal♡: major emphasis on the friend [7:52 pm]
♡y/n♡: i hate you guys [7:52 pm]
♡anna♡: no u don’t, now grow a pair of balls and play with his [7:52 pm]
♡y/n♡: OMG [7:53 pm]
♡cee♡: ur with him, aren’t you? sounds like the perfect time to do it [7:53 pm]
♡anna♡: and let us know after how it was 😏 and size, we’re all curious [7:53 pm]
You set your phone down intentionally upside down so Vernon can’t see the messages. At one point, you did have feelings for him but you pushed them aside in fear of ruining your friendship. How pathetic is that? Peeking over at him, you wonder if those feelings ever actually went away, or if you’ve been pretending this whole time.
He’s very attractive, that’s obvious. The last time you thought about your feelings for Vernon was about a year ago when he started dating this horrible girl. She was awful, but he was trapped under her spell and it drove you two apart. Back then, you thought that it was for the best since you wouldn’t have had the courage to tell him to break up with her and date you instead.
They dated for almost 6 months, and when they broke up Vernon was devastated. It didn’t take long for your friendship to go back to normal after their time apart, so that’s why you didn’t want to take any chances now.
Those 6 months without him were miserable and you didn’t want to live without Vernon in your life again. He was too special to you to let something as silly as old feelings come between your friendship. You don’t want to mess it up.
But on the other hand, you’ve heard friendships often create the best relationships. Would yours?
Vernon cares for you, that’s a given. But how far does it go? Sure, you two pretty much act like you’re in a relationship, but you haven’t kissed. Other than that one time when you brought drunk Vernon home… but that didn’t count because he was trashed at the time and didn’t remember it, or so you told yourself.
If you are ever going to make a move, now is the time. Do you really want to lose another chance that the universe is obviously lining you up for? Why else would he bring up the fact that he’s never had a blowjob unless he secretly wants you to give him one? Does he want more than a blowjob? Does he want you to…take his virginity?
You force yourself to quit overthinking and muster up enough courage to ask, “Vern?”
“Hmm?” he responds. He’s so caught up in the movie you’re watching that he doesn’t seem to notice you sit up and scoot closer to him. Your hands are shaking but you aren’t going to let that stop you.
‘God, what am I doing? This is so embarrassing…’
“Can I…” You mumble nervously, not being able to finish the sentence.
“Can you what?” He asks back, still not really registering what you are about to say.
’Well,’ you think to yourself, ’It’s now or never.’
You move off the couch to kneel in front of him and rest a hand on his thigh, commanding his attention away from the TV screen.
“Please, let me.”
It takes Vernon less than a second to understand exactly what you’re asking and he has no idea how to respond.
If he’s being honest, he’s always had a thing for you. Though he’s never had the guts to make a move or even admit it to you.
He swallows nervously as his length inevitably twitches in his pants. “You’re joking right?” ‘She can’t be serious. There’s no way. This had to be some kind of sick joke. But you don’t look like you were joking. In fact, you look like you’re pleading. Holy shit…’
“Not at all. I mean, we’re friends, right? Friends help each other,” you say while sliding your hands up to the button of his jeans. His eyes follow your movements as you unzip his pants and reach a hand in.
“You really don’t have to. Mingyu’s having a party and I’ll find someone and get laid this week-” his words are lost in his mouth as you wrap your small hand around his rather growing member.
“Why would you want a stranger to do it when you could have me? That’s what friends are for, silly.” You’re trying your damn hardest to make it sound like you’re doing him a favor as a friend and not doing this out of your own desire, your own need to touch him - to taste him. It’s your safety net in case he says no. In case this ends badly. However, you aren’t so sure that’s the message you’re sending since you’re quickly pulling his pants down his thighs.
You look up at him and run a finger over his tip before bringing him into your mouth for a taste. “Before I continue, I need to hear you say that you’re alright with it. Tell me that you want my mouth on your cock,” you demand playfully while your hands stroke his length.
Vernon is at war with himself. Should he give in to his desire of wanting you? Or should he pull back, laugh this off, and forget about this? How the hell is he supposed to forget about this? To forget the look of you on your knees asking to suck him off? There’s no way. It’s impossible.
“Fuck,” Vernon rubs a hand over his face and you freeze in fear of what he’s going to say. “Babe, you can do whatever you want to me. Fuck.”
Without hesitating a second longer, you lean down to take him in between your lips. His girth stretches your mouth in the most wonderful way, and you’re unable to control the moan that escapes from your parted lips. God, you aren’t even embarrassed. You lift your eyes up to watch him, his mouth ever so slightly opens and his tongue drifts out to lick his lips.
Vernon is lost. Is he supposed to hold your hair? Is he just supposed to sit here and watch? Should he be praising you right now? He has absolutely no idea. All he knows is that what you’re doing with your mouth is driving him crazy. “Oh my god, this is what I’ve been missing out on? This whole time?” Vernon leans his head back in pleasure. “Fuck,” he gasps, “I have a lot to catch up on.”
Hearing his words gives you more courage, and you relentlessly bob your head on his length, making sure to have just enough suction while doing so.
You pull back for air and let your hands tug on him while you kiss his tip, listening happily to his husky groans. Honestly, this is the best part of giving a blowjob. Knowing that you can make a guy, let alone Vernon, feel this good. You feel him twitch in your mouth and moan in pleasure. Drool is running onto your hands at this point, proof of how much you like his taste.
Vernon smirks, “I don’t know who’s enjoying this more. You,” he quickly inhales as you shove your mouth further down onto his length, “Or me.”
You slowly pull your mouth off of him, watching his face twist as you tease the underside of his tip with your tongue. “I don’t know, the look on your face tells me that you’re enjoying this a lot,” you taunt.
His legs quiver as his length once again finds the back of your throat, your hands massaging his balls. It’s too much. He has to cum, he can’t wait.
Wanting to help him out, you hum and instantly feel the sticky liquid running down your throat. Your hunger grows listening to Vernon call out your name, his hand pulling at the hair by your neck.
He watches in wonder while you swallow him, licking some of his seed off his length when you release him from your mouth. You lift a finger to rub the remaining cum around his tip, “You came.” Vernon shudders while you tease his sensitive member.
“Shit, Y/N,” he whimpers, “I couldn’t hold it any longer; not when you were doing that last thing.”
“I hope you’re not tired because I am so not done with you yet,” you whisper. You had a taste of him, and now you want more. You want all of him, and you don’t want to wait another second.
The lingering salty aftertaste in your mouth is washed away by Vernon's kiss as he pulls you up onto his lap. He lifts your shirt up and off of you, barely breaking contact with your lips in the process, before he takes off his own in the same manner.
Your hands rub along his chest, feeling his muscles tighten and relax as your touch moves along his silky skin. His head dips down to catch one of your breasts in his mouth. You roll your head back as his tongue plays with your hardening nub, a gasp leaving you when his teeth graze your nipple.
Your head snaps up when he pulls away from you.
He chuckles, “Relax, it’s time for me to return the favor.” He leaves a wet kiss on your other breast and moves down to nibble on the inner part of your thighs. After what feels like years, his hands reach for the waistband of your shorts and pull them and your panties off of you.
His tongue protrudes out and licks your center before moving closer to your clit, which he circles and sucks on gently at first. His mouth on your heat pulls moan after moan out of you, and you involuntarily take a fistful of his blonde locks when his tongue enters you repeatedly.
Vernon pulls back all out of breath and his cheeks glistening. God, it’s such a turn on to see him like that, his face damp with your cum. He reaches for you at the same time you grab for him. His lips crash against yours, your tongues twisting with each other.
Vernon slides a hand back down between your naked bodies and rubs your sensitive clit, making your back arch in pleasure. You moan into his mouth which he gladly swallows before sliding two fingers into your dripping heat, bringing you right back to where you just were. Only this time, your juices cover his long fingers instead of his face.
Just as you finish riding out your amazing orgasm, Vernon starts to sit up. Although, your hands are wrapped around his neck so he doesn’t make it that far. You pull him back down onto you, which he isn’t ready for. His knee falls next to yours, his other foot landing on the floor, causing his length to rub right up against your wet heat.
You both gasp at the contact, but it isn’t enough for you. Your hand moves to grip his member and bring him further between your lower lips, your hips moving along with his - until he hesitates, his eyes full of worry…
Vernon bites his bottom lip as you ask, “What is it?”
“I don’t know if we should go any further. I don’t have protection,” he explains.
“Oh Vernon, I don’t care. I need to feel you.” You kiss him again. “I’m on birth control anyway. I need you inside me,” you finish before gripping his hair to pull him closer to you. “Fuck me, Vernon. Fuck me hard, please,” you beg, “It’s all I’ve dreamt about. I need your thick cock stretching me out. Please, Vernon,”
Vernon almost dies hearing you say that. Shit, he’s dreamt about this moment too, and watching you beg him to fuck you like that made his length twitch with excitement. There is no way in hell he’s going to say no to you after hearing that. He leans in to kiss you hard before dipping his tip into your dewy folds. He’s being too gentle for your liking, typical Vernon behavior, so you push him to sit up and lean against the back of the couch, yourself following, and slide the rest of the way down onto him.
It takes you a moment to collect yourself before rolling your hips into his. Once you’re ready, you anchor yourself by holding onto his shoulders and he lifts his hips up to meet your delicious pace.
Your arousal soaks his member as he slides deep inside you. It’s a perfect fit, he hit all the right places and has you squirming in his arms.
“Oh my god, Vernon!” you whine, gyrating your hips to bring some relief to your aching bundle of nerves. Sweat covers both of your bodies as you fuck each other. The pleasure is almost unbearable; your insides scream for release.
As if he knows exactly what you want, Vernon flips you over and squeezes your ass cheeks before he enters you from behind. You push your face into the throw pillow below your head and grip the sofa’s arm for dear life.
“Oh god, don’t s-stop,” you drag out while he ferociously pounds into you. Vernon groans and hovers over top of you. His hand wraps around your neck and pulls your back against him.
This new angle has you shivering and Vernon can tell that you’re close again. His other hand wraps around your waist, pulling you down onto him harder. The sound of your arousal echoes through his living room, your breaths combining with the creaks of his couch.
You feel Vernon stiffen inside you, he’s close. “Cum in me. I want to feel you cum in me,” you sigh, begging for him to do so.
Vernon grits his teeth, there’s nothing he wants more than to fill you up with his cum right this second. Your legs clench as you tip over the edge. The climax hits you both instantaneously and sends you spiraling.
“Oh my god, oh god!” you cry out. Wave after wave of pleasure passes through your limp body. Thankfully Vernon is still holding onto you or you would have fallen off the couch. Resting against him, your breathing matches his.
His delicate touch leaves goosebumps along your body where his fingers trace. Everywhere tingles. You can’t remember the last time that you came this hard. It’s earth-shattering, exhausting, and yet you feel totally full of new energy at the same time.
Vernon’s cum starts leaking out of your folds, it’s a strange feeling. This is the first time you let someone cum in you and it felt oddly satisfying. Vernon reaches over to the coffee table and grabs a tissue to clean you up with before laying back down on the couch, bringing you on top of him.
“Jesus,” He pants, still completely out of breath, “Where the fuck did that come from.”
“I don’t know but I’ll be needing more of that when I wake up,” you moan, your eyelids feeling awfully heavy. Vernon’s chest vibrates, laughing at your response. He puts an arm around your waist as he whispers, “Thank you, for… well you know. That.”
“Mmm, no problem.” You turn your head over to look up at him and smile devilishly, “That’s what friends are for, remember?”
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©shadowkoo 2023. All rights reserved.
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poedameronloverx · 7 months
5 Hugs from Tommy Miller
Wow, hi! It's been a while since I've written anything really. And I'll warn you now, this is awful. If you're looking for high quality Tommy Miller fic then this isn't the place to find it. It's really just a stupid little thing that popped into my head after meeting Gabriel Luna last week and being on the recieving end of 3 hugs from him. So I hope maybe someone will enjoy this and I'll hopefully have something else out that's a lot better sometime soon xo
Pairing - Tommy Miller x F Reader
Word Count - 2398
Warnings - Some swearing but nothing major
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The First Hug
The first time you’d ever been hugged by Tommy Miller was after you helped him find Sarah when she ran off while she was in his care. You knew exactly where his 8 year old niece would be. You were Joel and Sarah’s neighbour and you often looked after the girl when her father was working or on a date and her Uncle wasn’t available to help out. On this occasion, Joel had taken his girlfriend away for Valentine’s weekend, Tommy and Sarah had popped into see you a couple of times throughout their long weekend together so when the youngest member of the Miller clan had run off, Tommy had come to you in a complete panic. His brother was due home in a few hours and his niece was missing.
“Hey, it’s okay. Calm down. I have a feeling I know where she’ll be” you said.
Tommy followed you as you led him down the street and through an alley way right at the end of the road, it led to a park he didn’t even know existed. Sarah was there, climbing the stairs to the slide, just as you knew she would be.
“See! No need to worry. She’s right there, she’s safe and everything is fine”
Tommy sighed in relief, letting out the breath he didn’t know he was holding. He knew where Sarah was, she was safe and Joel wasn’t going to kill him.
“Thank you! Thank you so much!” he said. Before you knew what was happening, you’d been swept into his strong arms in the tightest hug you’d ever experienced. His arms were wrapped around your back tightly, he’d pulled you against his chest and didn’t seem to be letting go anytime soon. You chuckled and wrapped your arms round him, giving him a squeeze.
“It’s no big deal Tommy, really. She always wants to come and play here, I knew this was where she’d be”
“You’ve saved me from Joel’s wrath. I wouldn’t have known where to look. So yeah it’s not just a big deal, it’s a huge deal darlin”
When he released you from his hug, you felt a chill running through you. You told yourself it was just down to the fact summer was ending and the weather was getting cooler. Nothing to do with the fact you were no longer in Tommy’s arms. He insisted you joined them for dinner that night as a thank you. They were having take out and a movie night. Your head was screaming at you to say no, more time with Tommy would just make the crush you were developing get worse, but your heart was giving into the puppy dog eyes of the Uncle and Niece duo so you agreed. It ended up being one of the most fun evenings you’d had in a long time. When Joel returned home late that evening, he said nothing when he found the three of you snuggled up and fast asleep. You were asleep against Tommy’s shoulder, his arm wrapped tightly around your shoulders and Sarah was lying across your lap. Joel draped a couple of blankets over you all and left you sleeping.
Birthday Hug
From the day you helped Tommy find Sarah; he suddenly became a big part of your life. Ever since you’d helped him out of his predicament, he seemed to decide you were now his best friend. He’d bought you flowers as a thank you; he turned up at your door a few days later with a beautiful bouquet. You didn’t even realise it was him at first as the flower arrangement was so big you couldn’t see who was behind it. That was exactly how you found yourself on your birthday; you opened your door to what looked like a bouquet of flowers with legs.
“Happy Birthday Darlin!”
“These are beautiful, thank you Tommy!”
“Ah its nothin’, just something pretty for your birthday” he shrugged “Now Joel and Sarah were thinking pizza for dinner but it’s real nice out so I was thinking we could do a barbecue, grill up some burgers, hot dogs, things like that. But of course it’s up to you, it’s your birthday after all”
“Both sound like great options, you guys don’t need to go to all this trouble for me though!”
“Course we do, you’re our friend and it’s your birthday! I’ll tell Joel to order pizza and I’ll fire up the grill and we’ll have both”
“No more protests. I’ll see you at Joel’s at 4pm”
When you got to Joel’s you were showered in cards and gifts, Sarah had drawn you loads of pictures and they’d gotten you a large cake.
“This is way too much” you said, as you sat down on the deck with Joel and Sarah, watching as Tommy swayed to the music that was playing as he grilled up the food.
“Don’t be silly!” Sarah said “It’s your birthday, you deserve it”
“I’m so thankful to you all. The flowers this morning and now all of this”
“Flowers? I didn’t get no flowers” Joel shrugged
“Tommy brought them round”
“Did he now” Joel raised his eyebrows, a shit eating grin on his face “Well I can assure you that was nothing to do with Sarah and I. That was all my little bro”
“Oh, that was really nice of him”
“Super nice, maybe he loves you” Sarah giggled
The evening was spent in the company of friends you loved so much they were basically family, good food, plenty of laughs and of course birthday cake. When the night drew to a close, Tommy offered to walk you home.
“You don't have to, I live right next door. I think I'll make it” you chuckled
“I want to, can't have the birthday girl walking alone”
“Thank you kind sir” you smiled at him “And thank you for the flowers. I know they just came from you and not Joel and Sarah”
“I told ya darlin, it's nothin. Just a little gift for the birthday girl” he smiled as you reached your front door “Have you had a nice day?”
“It's been wonderful, thank you so much. I appreciate it all” you leant forward and wrapped your arms around Tommy, drawing him in for a hug. Tommy was taken by surprise for a moment but soon wrapped his arms around you. Your eyes closed in contentment as you allowed yourself to settle into the hug. Too soon it was over and you were waving goodbye to Tommy as he made his way back to Joel's house.
A goodbye ‘Just Friends’ hug
A few years later when your work told you that you were being sent to the New York office to work for 6 months you'd been excited. You were sad to leave your friends behind but you knew you'd be busy and time would fly by and you'd be reunited with them before you knew it. Tommy, Joel and Sarah had come to the airport to say goodbye to you on the morning you left. Joel wished you well and assured you he would keep an eye on your house whilst you were gone, Sarah gave you a framed photo of you, her, Tommy and Joel. It had been taken on Tommy's birthday when you'd all gone out for a meal. You hugged her tightly and told her how much you'd miss her and that you'd see her soon. Tommy was the last to step forward, you could see the sadness in his beautiful brown eyes. The two of you spent every spare moment hanging out together so not seeing one another for 6 months was going to be a huge adjustment. Neither of you said anything, you just reached for one another and wrapped your arms around each other. Your hands clung to Tommy's soft jacket, like you never wanted to let him go, you could hear his heart beating against his chest.
“I'm gonna miss you so much sweetheart” he whispered into your hair “What am I gonna do all these months without you”
“It''ll go by so fast, I'll be back before you know it and you'll soon be sick of me”
“I could never be sick of you”
“I'll see you soon, okay?” you said pulling back slightly, his hands still on your waist, yours on his chest “And we'll text and call all the time”
Your flight was called at that moment. Tommy pulled you in for another hug before letting you go.
"Just friends huh?" Joel asked, eyebrows raised "Never seen 'just friends' hugging like that!"
"Shut up Joel" Tommy fired back
You waved to the Millers as you disappeared out of sight. Little did you know it was the last time you'd ever see Sarah, and the last time you'd see Tommy and Joel for years.
Reunion Hug
Living in Jackson was as good as it got in a world that was infected by Cordyceps. You had your own home, you had a comfortable, safe community around you. You helped out around town, taught kids how to read, helped in the kitchen, helped sort out any supplies that arrived and took your turn on patrol. It was a safe and secure life but you always felt empty. It wasn't that you didn't love and appreciate your friends in Jackson, you did, Maria had become one of your closest friends and you were so grateful for the day you found her. But you missed everyone from before. Your family, your friends and especially the Millers. Patrols were mostly quiet, the infected had been cleaned out, apart from the odd one that stumbled upon the woods outside Jackson. You, Maria and 3 guys headed out for Patrol, you split up and they headed down towards the river whilst you and Maria checked the woods. When you came to meet up with them, you could see they had 4 more people with them. From a distance you could make out a woman, two men and a child, as you got closer you felt like your heart stopped.
His head whipped up at the round of your voice, his eye's going wide as he saw you for the first time in over 10 years.
“Oh my god, it's really you” he said, watching as you jumped off your horse and ran towards him. You lunged forward, closing the gap between you, and wrapped your arms tightly around him. His embrace was warm and comforting, like a cup of hot chocolate on a cold winters night.
“I thought I would never see you again Tommy”
“Me too sweetheart, I've been hoping to find you of course but I was starting to lose faith”
You pulled back slightly so you could get a good look at him, your hands came up to cup his cheeks, your thumb ran over his freckles. He was still the same Tommy, a little bit older with longer hair and facial hair, but he was still the Tommy you'd crushed on for basically your entire friendship. You surprised even yourself when you closed the gap between you and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. You were about to pull away and apologise when he tightened his grip on you and crashed his lips to yours.
“God I've wanted to do that since we met” he said when he pulled back.
“Me too” you chuckled
“I love you sweetheart, always have. Sure I've dated and had short relationships but it's you and it's always been you”
“I love you too”
He kissed you again before pulling you back into his embrace. Maria smiled as she watched the scene on front of her. She'd spent many girls evenings with you listening as you told her all about Tommy Miller and how much you crushed on him. She was glad to see you reunited and finally giving into how you really felt about him. She spoke to Tommy's travelling companions on the way back into town and organised somewhere for them to stay. She knew she didn't need to bother about Tommy as you wouldn't be letting him go ever again.
Wedding Hug
It was easy to adjust to being in a relationship with Tommy, you'd basically acted like a couple whilst you were just friends anyway. When Tommy filled you in on everything that had happened since you'd last seen him, from losing Sarah, going his separate ways from Joel, the Fireflies, going it alone, you'd both decided not to waste any time together. You'd been reuinited a few months when Tommy asked if you'd marry him. You asked the kind old man who worked in the place of worship in Jackson if he would perform a wedding ceremony for you. When he agreed, Maria helped you both sort rings and she managed to find you a dress to wear and a suit for Tommy. Neither outfit was anything special but neither of you cared. You said your vows to one another underneath the beautiful apple tree in the town with only the old man and Maria there to witness it. You didn't want any fuss so after your vows the pair of you headed back to your home as husband and wife. Tommy pulled you into his arms as soon as you were through the door, hugging you tightly to his chest. #
“Thank you for agreeing to marry me love, it's the best fuckin' thing that's ever happened to me”
“Thank you for asking me. It's the best thing that's ever happened to me”
“So how about I take my wife upstairs to our bed”
“I think that sound's like a wonderful idea husband. Our first night as husband and wife. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you”
As you lay in Tommy's arms later that night you couldn't help but think back to all the moments you'd had together. From the very first time he hugged you after finding Sarah, to leaving him behind when you went to New York, right to earlier that day when you'd said I do. Things hadn't always been smooth sailing for the pair of you but you knew that Tommy Miller was the love of your life and you couldn't wait to see what life would throw at you next. All you knew for certain was that you'd be happy just to spend the rest of your life in your husbands embrace.
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boltlightning · 1 year
hey guys. me again. i just noticed we only see norrington receiving and following direct orders in awe; in cotbp he’s got a much more open relationship with governor swann. this is partially because we don’t meet a higher naval power than the commodore until the EITC is introduced, but i think there’s some real fun (read: painful) parallels there:
gov swann commissions norrington’s sword for his promotion ceremony, and it’s clear he wanted it to be something special. both swanns knew he was gunning for the promotion, and both were delighted to see him receive it. i certainly like to read into the three (3) lines of dialogue that reference this way too much, but it establishes very early on that there is fondness there.
after jack saves elizabeth and the royal navy finally catches up to them, governor swann is pretty insistent that jack be arrested on the spot. norrington takes his time assessing the threat and explains to both swanns his reasoning rather than slapping the irons on jack immediately. you only see glimpses of their professional relationship, but there’s clearly a huge amount of trust between the two: when elizabeth goes missing, swann trusts him to find her even if he isn’t setting sail immediately. he trusts that norrington knows what he’s doing when he lets jack lead them to isla de muerta, even when he wanted to head straight back to port royal to get out of danger.
then, of course, there’s the big moment on the precipice: elizabeth stands between norrington’s state-mandated justice and will and jack’s freedom. governor swann could order norrington to stand down, let jack go, and grant will clemency (...again). but instead he gives norrington a gentle reminder that maybe life isn’t just following the law. and norrington trusts governor swann enough to see his reasoning and come up with a compromise of his own. as poorly as it ends in the sequel, it really warms my heart that they trust each other on something so major. it gives you the smallest peak into how port royal is run, between loving, emotional governor swann and prim, rigid commodore norrington.
and then yeah norrington loses everything for that clemency but then beckett makes him an admiral and he just had to use all his wits to become the very thing he hates to get there. but hey! he’s an ADMIRAL! he should be the authority on the sea! but the first time you see him in his new rank, he is being summoned to show up to beckett’s cabin. he is not an equal. beckett gives him his sword back, the sword that should have been his the whole time, and it is not a gesture of kindness or fondness, as it was originally. it is a reminder that everything norrington has now, it was given to him by beckett. and he will serve.
and yet — AND YET – in that same scene, he and swann interact for the only time in the film. and they exchange no words, but a single glance, one that reads spells out all the fear and apprehension they are both sharing as prisoners aboard beckett’s ship. neither want to be complicit in the EITC’s actions upon the sea, but both their power belongs to beckett. both are trapped. my eternal kudos to davenport and pryce for making whole meals out of these scraps of character development.
norrington and beckett don’t exchange any words the rest of the movie, yeah yeah, but the one time you do see them interact, beckett is gesturing him around like he’s a dog to be commanded. he is taking orders quietly; he is not making decisions. he is not even given the chance to get a word in edgewise. and then beckett further breaks his trust by telling him, off-screen, that governor swann went back to england and all is well. when he was in fact murdered and everything sucks.
it is no wonder that norrington’s first instinct, upon finding out that elizabeth is alive, is to express the relief her father will feel. they’re his last friends on earth, the only people he can trust!! and he has inadvertently betrayed elizabeth’s trust by returning to her father’s side, only for it to have gotten him killed. like, of course norrington immediately defects to help elizabeth. if he doesn’t have her trust, if her father is gone, then what is there left for him as an admiral?
and this, gamers and ghouls, is one of many reasons why they shouldn’t have cut that fucking scene where governor swann is told elizabeth is dead and tries to stab jones’ heart himself. norrington restrains him instantly, and they struggle — gov swann could overpower norrington if he truly wanted, but instead he begs, pleads, to let him do this, to avenge his daughter. and then davy jones enters to torment them, and norrington is holding swann’s blade steady even as he points a gun at jones. he is literally holding gov swann’s death in one hand and protecting his life with the other.
and then beckett comes in to be cruel to him, to thank him for averting disaster — and norrington can only laugh, because it’s not like he had a choice. beckett trusts norrington here, but only in that he trusts he can be controlled — or at least predicted.
this deleted scene is the only time in awe we would have seen norrington acting without orders before his big betrayal. it would have been a fantastic and elegant reminder of all that james norrington has to protect, and all that he is capable of, and all the love and trust that motivates him.
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randombush3 · 2 years
Bad Habit.
florence pugh x reader
summary: words that should’ve been said never were.
words: 4209
warnings: drinking, suicidal themes, major breakdown, disturbing topics
notes: OKAY. it was originally supposed to follow the song, but now it doesn’t. look out for the lyrics though. also this got really out of hand imo, it’s one of those fics where i never actually saw the end when i began it and therefore takes lots of twists and turns and may not make sense. you might have read it like twenty times. who knows!
based on steve lacy’s song Bad Habit
p.s. fuck tumblr’s editing interface.
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“That will be my cab, Flo.” You swirl the dregs of your whiskey, noticing that though the bar is cold, the ice has melted. Have you really been here this long? You would never have realised if you hadn’t remembered to order a ride to the airport while washing your hands twenty minutes ago. Time is irrelevant with her.
She places a hand on your arm, wishing you’d meld together and stay forever. In this bar, forever. In her life, forever. If she were to truly believe that she’d be naive and stupid. You met filming, and, yeah, maybe you did become friendly but you’re always going to view her as a work friend; nothing more, nothing less. “Okay,” she says, voice deep and low and undeniably sexy to have directed at you. It isn’t fair. “This is it, right?”
You smile, lips pressed together and hiding the slight ache of your heart. “Right.” Work friend. Your characters were dating, not you two. You tilt your glass, toasting with what’s left of your diluted drink, “until we meet again.”
She laughs, but it rings out more melancholic than intended, hanging heavy in the air between two people who will most likely not end the night the way they’d both like to.
“Yeah.” She smiles. “Until we meet again.”
Standing up to see you out, Flo envies the bartender because the smile you give him is more genuine than any you’ve given her. “Thank you,” you tell him. He fights a blush, finds your softness beautiful, charming. Flo would better describe you as the magnet that attracts every ounce of adoration in her body and takes it unknowingly and unwillingly. “Have a nice evening.”
“You too,” he replies, seemingly ignoring the five other customers — all old men with cash only and wives on the brink of divorcing them. Florence thinks he is about to hop over the green leather of the bartop and kiss you, because he certainly looks as if he will, but you’re lacing your fingers with hers and taking her with you outside before he can move an inch.
She feels special in that moment. More than she has ever felt.
“How come you’ve dragged me into the freezing air of wintertime Helsinki at one in the morning?” You giggle, pure tipsiness making your decisions for you. The woman in front of you recognises the way you shift your weight from one foot to the other, leaving her hand dead by her side in order to wrap your arms around your front. “I’m going to miss watching an underdressed Y/n L/n die a long, cold death while begging me for my jacket.”
“I haven’t asked for it yet.” She grins, taking it off anyway. “And I don’t want to take it, because I’m going to stop by my friend’s to grab my suitcases and then I’m off. Back home until the next adventure.” This jacket is old, it must be from skiing a few years ago, but her body has warmed it and it’s cosily swallowing you whole.
“Or the next torture. At least being forced to be near me is coming to an end,” she jokes, self-deprecating. You hate it when she says things like that, mainly because you’d watch her in awe whether she delivered an Oscar-worthy monologue or figured out a simple maths equation. Either would be something you’re convinced you’d never do, anyway. Wrapping the movie hit you both like a brick, because the sudden realisation that, if neither of you had the balls to say something tonight, nothing would ever come of the three months you spent frolicking in the snow, pretending to be in love with someone who made you feel an affection you were supposed to not feel in real life, pinches your cheeks and reddens them. Flo chalks it up to the snowflakes falling on your eyelashes, your collarbones, touching parts of you she can only dream about.
“No, c’mon. Nothing’s ever torture with you. I’ll love this film even if it turns out to be a disaster because we made it together and I could never hate something you put your heart and soul into.” You’re essentially saying you’d like to kiss her and fuck her and preferably marry her, but Florence has failed every subtext social test ever presented to her. It’s brave of you to reach out and grab her hand again once you’ve said that. She’s blushing and not hiding it, your heart is pounding. If you could visit the Wizard of Oz, you’d beg for courage and step closer, tell her how you really feel. “I—”
Whatever magical emotion revealed itself to you is instantly scared off by the harsh beeping of a fat old man’s horn. “Are you getting in?” The taxi driver rolls his window down, face sour and bored and sick of stupid people having stupid rom-com moments. “I’m allowed to leave if you’re not going to.”
After a pause, you let go of her hand. Of her. “Okay. Goodbye. Good luck for Oppenheimer, yeah? I’ll see you when I see you.” If Flo’s voice hadn’t slipped out of her and ran away to the circus, she’d have stopped you in your tracks and told you that goodbyes needn’t be said so soon because she’s convinced that she loves you (and she’s right to believe so).
She should kiss you: it’s her final chance and chances shouldn’t be wasted on people who are too scared to say something in case the other doesn’t feel the same. You wish you knew if she felt the same, but you haven’t got time to rebuild your earlier fortitude as the driver is threatening to creep away by slowly leaving the side of the pavement. She waves goodbye awkwardly, trying to seem funny at the very least, and turns her back once you’ve surpassed the ten metre mark.
Not kissing you has to be the biggest mistake she has ever made.
You’re at the airport, sitting in the business lounge alone because you can’t cry in front of all those people. The waitress asks if you’d like anything to drink, nervous, not wanting to startle her client. “Do you have whiskey?” You decided that the tears need wiping if you are to carry on with your life like she never happened.
Once you are comfortably in the air, the plane’s window becomes more interesting than any of the movies offered in Finnair’s business class. While it proves as little distraction from the events of seven hours ago, you ask yourself two million questions, most of them beginning with ‘why didn’t you’ and ending with internal outbursts of frustration. Being alone, your head quite literally in the clouds, is what you need to recover from three months of nights where neither of you wanted to go back to their own bed. Three months of giggling endlessly though the director has reminded you how easily replaced you are. Three months down the drain.
God, you miss her, but you’ll have to go on missing her. You’ve kid yourself she could ever reciprocate selfish desires.
Seven months later, you feel as if you’ve only just landed from your flight home. (Not that LA is quite your home.) Summer is supposedly fun, or it appears so on your Instagram that is monitored closely by an old costar. While your mind can, at times, be distracted for a day or so, hers is constantly split in two. Like every other thing in her life is fighting for her attention but being battered down by the thought of a lost girl in a jacket that swallows her, waiting for words that will never come.
Occasionally, under the influence of too much tequila, you text her, shit like what you ate for dinner, how your parents’ dog is doing. Empty words from an empty brain. She ignores them because it doesn’t sound like you, not because she wants to (she would like to screenshot each one, frame it, and worship her shrine for the rest of her life, but that’s deranged — you make her feel deranged). Though most of your friends think you’re overreacting to delete her contact and unfollow her on everything, it’s somewhat therapeutic to return her radio silence. If the mighty Florence Pugh won’t give you time of day, why should you remain?
“I’m not doing it,” you tell them — your friends — when she’s brought up. “I’m not going to wait for someone I’m not good enough for. Why can’t that be okay?” Secretly, you fall asleep every night lost in a tornado of moments that could have been; everything that could have happened but didn’t still happens in your mind, filling in gaps where the cupping of your cheek led to kissing you, where the parts left unsaid were spoken and heard and listened to. Listened to by the right person, not a friend, not an unbothered sibling, not a stranger sitting next to you at the dentist with too much time before their appointment. Sometimes the tornado begins to materialise and you spend the night with trapped sobs finally tasting the air beyond your lungs. As the sobs rise up in your throat, you can feel the snow land on your nose, the bleak taste of Helsinki resting on the tip of your tongue, nothing but a vivid memory that disappears when you gasp to check if you’re really there. You never are. You seem to snap in half every time.
Every fucking time.
“It’s just press.” Your publicist doesn’t accept your statement as smoothly. “If you don’t do it, you’ll be blacklisted and I’ll be underpaid. You’re an actress, Y/n. Act.”
She keeps three books on her desk, each the size and shape of one Hunger Games book. You’ve always wanted to ask what they mean to her; does she thumb through them between meetings? “I want to hit you very hard with the largest of your Hunger Games books. The second one, right?” She nods. “Yeah. I’d use the second book.” Under her desk, she has her palm flat against the wood, searching for the emergency button desks in movies have. She’s never had to even think about using it before. “I’m not going to, of course. That would be preposterous.” You get up, smiling at her. “I’m not going to do that, just like I’m not going to do that stupid press tour, understand? Because if I do that press tour, hitting you with a book won’t seem ridiculous to me. She will drive me insane. She already is.”
Reluctantly, the executives allow you to skip the cast briefings on the basis that you do more interviews than you’d initially agreed to, overlooking the breach of contract. Considering Florence and you were in love for the whole movie, the original interview schedule had twenty interviews with her and your other cast members and four with her alone. Now you have fourteen with the woman your publicist went back to counselling for.
You realise you’ve been massively fucked over, because not only are you doing the press tour, you are doing majority of it with Flo.
“I’m going to slit my wrists in the bathtub if one more Marvel actor tries to talk to me.” Your friends have started to look increasingly more alarmed every time you open your mouth, but it’s their fault that they got you drunk. “Do you know that they’re like some,” you spill your beer from your gestures, “cult? If you hurt one of them, you hurt them all. I didn’t even fucking hurt one of them. I fucking… fucking loved one of them. Fuck, I love her now. You know? Love? Fuck that.”
A particularly kind-hearted member of your friend group removes your drink from your hand and pats your shoulder. But you continue, unwillingly to hold it in any longer. “I have a confession,” you slur, eyelids closing heavily before you force them open again. “I have a… I have a confession to make to you all.” The group are drunk, some as far gone as you. You’re not the favourite member, not the one everything is planned around. They’re your friends from an early movie you once played a supporting role in. Most of them are jealous of your success, most want to leech off it. All of them are tired of your bullshit. “I’m kinda mad I didn’t take a stab at it. We’d have had great sex.”
- - -
She wakes up alone again.
She’s not used to that just yet.
Not physically.
Going back to a man she once thought she loved was comforting for a while. A good six months. It was a good, long slap in the face too, like being in a car crash with your favourite person in the world; she was reminded that she didn’t say anything every time he kissed her, attempting to kiss the hesitation out of his girlfriend, and felt like the crash was beginning to drag. Sparingly, she waited for him to state the obvious (“this isn’t working out”), collect his shit, and leave.
And so, one month later, she still pats the unused side of her double bed to check if it’s cold. It’s not that she misses him. Florence Pugh dreams about being with you every time her eyes close, and has done so for ten months. From the minute she met you.
“Mama has interviews today,” she tells her Billie. She seems to be the only proper listener nowadays. Humans can talk back, voice their unwanted opinion, and recommend therapists who really helped them. Dogs can’t. “They’ve told me I’m with Y/n for one of them. Do you think she’s changed?”
If dogs could text, Flo would’ve texted Billie to say you haven’t. You look sadder, but so does she, and you look ever so slightly older. Your eyes don’t light up quite the way they used to.
Flo moves her hand away from yours when you get too close to her on the sofa they’ve had you sit on. You didn’t mean to inch towards the ruffles of her dress but if your home is sixty centimetres away, you wouldn’t run in the opposite direction. (You did once, remember how that made you feel?) “Our characters are beautifully in love,” you answer, smiling at the interviewer behind exhausted eyes. “The kind that is excruciatingly wonderful to witness, and even better to create. Falling in love with Florence was the best thing I have ever had to do.”
She wishes you meant it.
“Have you ever been in love like your characters? Was there something real woven into your portrayal?” For a moment, you think she’s caught onto the fact you did actually fall in love with Flo. It takes a second for your mind to repeat her words in different tones, deciphering what she meant by ‘something real’.
You pause. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.
“I think that, in every movie ever created, there is a piece of reality, a base to build on, because stories are a way to explore what didn’t happen. For me, the love we filmed came before my experience of it. There’s something real in there, but it was the kind of seed that only gets planted in a script and made into a blockbuster. The way I love her is unrealistic.” The interviewer nods, smiling at the material you’ve given them. That’s the perfect quote for the headline.
It breaks Flo in a way that no one can describe.
“Unrealistic?” she quietly repeats once the interview is finished. It’s the last of the day. “Who?” You stay silent, though in your head you’ve professed your undying love to her five times over. “You weren’t with anyone when we filmed.”
You’re called away — thank god — because your car is here.
Flo wonders who stole your affection from beneath her feet, pulling out the rug and letting her fall on harsh reality. She decides she hates that person wholeheartedly. Maybe she even loathes them — they’ve taken her world from her.
“It was okay, I promise,” she later says to her stylist, Rebecca. Press junkets for Rebecca are like advent calendars for Flo. She is a stylist, and so Flo doesn’t blame her excitement, having become used to it over the last few years. Rebecca’s mission is to make Flo look irresistible to you (set by Flo’s unspoken desire that floats around the very much spoken angst-filled pining). “Apparently she was in love with someone, but it was ‘unrealistic’. She phrases things so…”
“Cryptically,” Rebecca offers, mundanely recycling that word from the last time her client (and friend) brought this up. “Ever thought it was you she meant?”
Jerking upright at the thought, Flo shakes her head; “there’s no way. Y/n doesn’t beat around the bush. She would’ve made a move ten months ago!”
“I think she was talking about you, maybe she was trying to tell you how she felt.”
“It doesn’t matter. It has to be too late to pursue her.”
You wouldn’t care if Flo and you started dating in fifty years. It would just be another fifty years of feeling lost in an expansive desert where love is like water.
“Why don’t you respond to the many willing women then? Just for sex. I’m sure they wouldn’t care.” Your friends don’t quite understand that you can’t do anything with anyone who isn’t her. You’d say her name, think of her face, her hair.
“Did you know she cut her hair?” You like it. She once told you that she’d chop it off after filming ended, and that she’d like you to cut it for her because she’s sure you’re a talented hairdresser. “She has that septum piercing you told me about, and she has a new tattoo. She’s changed so much since last year, and I feel like I’ve been frozen in time instead. That’s not fair… I feel like that’s not fair. That she gets to be so…” You recount previous conversations, “you guys think she loved me, don’t you? I think that, if she did love me — which she didn’t — then she’d have said something. She’s honest and blunt and not the kind of person to harbour feelings for someone and do nothing about them. Especially when it comes to love.”
“Y/n, you always act like you have one chance to do something.” Trying again and again doesn’t work for someone who exclusively does things she’s good at, and loses her passion at most setbacks. Resilience never seemed to find you when you were in need of it the most.
“I feel like, my whole life, I’ve been missing the boat,” you concede.
“Just get the next one.”
- - -
Like you warned your publicist, you are losing it. Things don’t seem to matter as much anymore, and if they do it’s because it has to do with her. Brushing your teeth is easier, actually, because what if she got close enough to smell your breath?
You feel taller, shorter, wider, narrower. You’re being stretched in every direction at every moment of the day, only contracting to your most painless self when Flo is beside you on a chair or a sofa, hand close to yours but not enough to touch it.
Most wonder if you actually eat, having not seen you holding any form of edible object during the whole three weeks. You can’t eat, you can’t sleep. At night you forgo convincing yourself to wait for a break that will never come, so you spend them staring at a working TV, not interested enough to turn it on.
By the time your last interview is finished, you haven’t slept in four days. Everyone is worried.
Flo corners you when you stumble away. She forgets her anxieties, her doubts, she doesn’t care if you hate her. “You’re not going back somewhere where you are alone.” She leaves you no other option, grabbing your wrist, pulling you to her car. You’d fight back if you weren’t feeling like every breath is your last. It feels nice to be defeated.
She drives you to a house you’ve never been to, telling you to get out of the car. Her fingers fumble for the keys in her pocket as she unlocks the door, pressing her hand on your back to get you inside.
“You’re a mess,” she murmurs, guiding you to her kitchen, sitting you down on one of the cream leather stools tucked under her island. You smile.
“I’ve been worse.”
She hates the way you say it. As if she doesn’t care about you. As if you think she despises you.
“When was the last time you ate anything?” You shrug. “I’m making you food.” She fills a glass with water from the filter in the fridge, placing it in front of you. A drop spills over the edge, rolls down towards the granite surface. You swipe your finger against the glass’s edge before the drop can touch it, drying it off on the fabric of your unreasonably expensive Versace suit. It fits looser than when you tried it on, but your stylist doesn’t like you enough to care.
The clang of her pans mocks the silence between the two of you. Her kitchen communicates more than you can, and it’s only when the smell of something good seeps through your barriers of believing you aren’t in need of sustenance that you speak again.
“I love you.”
Flo glances at you, breaking her concentration. “What?”
You rock back on the stool, enjoying the thrill of almost falling over but never quite hitting the floor. “I know you heard what I said. I love you.”
“No,” she mutters. “No, you don’t.” You scoff and she looks alarmed. Upset.
“I may not be in the best state of mind, Flo, but I’m pretty certain that I love you,” you tell her again, nodding your head. “I can even tell you the exact moment I fell in love with you.”
She fights back tears, because this is not how any of it was supposed to be. “You haven’t slept. You haven’t eaten. You don’t talk to people — you don’t talk to your friends. You have no right to sit there and tell me you love me when I know you don’t mean it. It’s mean.”
“I’m not being mean.” Your defence is penetrated by her eyes: mistrustful. She doesn’t trust you anymore, she doesn’t know what to believe and what to blame on your current insanity. “I’m telling you the truth, because I thought you would want to hear it. I thought you’d listen.” You stop before you tell her she is just like everyone else.
“That’s unfair.” You drink the water. “I’m not going to let you manipulate me like you’ve manipulated everyone else.”
“Why?” you ask, curious. “Do you think you’re different? You’ve rejected the idea that I am able to love you, clearly. That puts you on the same level as the rest of them, doesn’t it?”
To be honest, you weren’t expecting her to take you with her, after all that wasn’t said or done. When you said it, you didn’t want her to necessarily push you against the worktop and kiss you hard, but you’d assumed she would at least believe you. You’d rather shock her than make her sad.
But you’re making her cry.
You hate watching her cry. You want to swipe away the tears just as you cleared the droplet from the glass of water, but you find yourself stuck to the cream leather stool, only able to watch her. She wipes her face with the back of her palm, knuckles running over her soft skin, reddening it.
“You can’t love me, because I love you, and we’d destroy each other. It’s already destroying you.”
“Not being with you is destroying me.”
“I heard what you said to the woman who does your makeup. I’m destroying you, Y/n. This,” she gestures between you and her, voice breaking, “is destroying you.”
You shake your head. “I think about you all the time. I live for you,” you state firmly, standing up. As you move towards her she backs away. “Don’t you get it? You are my everything.”
Flo can’t be your everything, because she is one person and you need at least four. She knows you better than you think, she knows that you’re an addict, that you don’t like living with the feeling of not having anything. If you weren’t addicted to her, it would be alcohol or drugs or a simple thing like crocheting. You chase that intensity, bleeding it dry until it can give you nothing more.
“I don’t want to be your everything, Y/n.” It’s a lie. You can hear her regret, it drips off her words. “The food is ready. Eat it, and then leave.” She almost smashes the plate, but holds her anger in until she leaves the room.
Your, “I’m sorry. Wait a second,” gets stuck at the roof of your mouth, refusing to come down its hiding place. You find other words to say, but you don’t say them.
You bite your tongue, it’s your worst habit.
tags: @pewpughpew @ridlz @jeyramarie @flosbelova @kassies-take @delfiore @yelenabelovasbxtch @sophie-xox @slut4milfs69 @sunshadesnrainbowz
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"A dragon and a demon? Together? no way." Headcanons
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A/N: or just canon since they’re mine…. anywho Hi! I got overly excited and wanted to gush about Monica and Verioth on main so here we go!
And if u saw the other post? No u didn’t.
Warnings(?): Somewhat yandere tendencies…?, casually glossed over death threats and violence, vaguely mentioned dragon shenanigans, scary monster x even scarier monster (guess who’s who)
Ah, Verioth
My sweet, 7’7, dragon shifter…
He loves his wife.
His scary, dream demon wife.
That’s it, that’s the post.
No but for real though he’s absolutely whipped—
And tbh? Monica is no better.
She’d do anything just to see him smile really. Even murder.
Especially murder.
They’re a bit…unhinged.
It’s fine.
Despite all of that, they didn’t get off on the right foot exactly…
With Monica appearing on the Isle suddenly, and Verioth nearly killing her…
“I should’ve killed you when I had the chance.”
“If I wanted you dead? You’d be dead.”
And once she said that? Demon eyes and all?
He. Was. Gone.
Developed the absolute worst crush that got even worse once they were out of the eternal enemies stage and into the “we hang out sometimes” stage.
Verioth is a dragon, what do you want from him? He likes his women violent.
There are also other, more lore-heavy reasons for that but spoilers people spoilers.
But yeaaahhh before they got married (among other things) he was down bad.
Again they went through the whole enemies to friends to lovers pipeline he was in it deep for a while.
And he didn’t even realize it half of the time tbh.
“What are you talking about? She lives here of course I’m going to be nice.”
“We hang out sometimes it’s not that big of a deal.”
“I don’t— I’m not staring at her—”
When he does finally acknowledge it he’s a nervous wreck btw. He avoided her for 2 weeks, much to her confusion.
“We had movie night…”
He felt awful and came right back :’)
And btw Monica didn’t have it easy either.
She also didn’t realize she had a crush on him until it was too late.
They were just hanging out one day and she told a stupid joke and he laughed
She watched as the corners of his lips quirked up a bit before he finally broke down and it did something to her.
She just wanted to hear his laugh all day for the rest of her lif—
Oh nO–
They were besties with a lot of feelings
A lot of pent-up feelings that they refused to address.
Much to the distress of the others.
“She likes you back.” “You’re seeing things.”
“He’s been in love with you for months!” “I’m pretty sure I’d have noticed.” “You two are lovestruck idiots, of course, you haven’t!”
Oblivious little dummies.
And then one day they went out on a “not date”, got cornered by some mercenaries who were wildly unprepared, and then one major adrenaline-fueled makeout session later—
Yeah, they dating.
And they didn’t tell their shared friend group for about a year (15 months their time) because they knew they wouldn’t hear the end of it.
“Heyy Monnie, have you seen Verioth anywhere?”
“Nope, haven’t seen him since yesterday.”
A few moments later…..
“think he bought it?”
And once the cat got out of the bag? they found out they placed bets.
One half thought Monica was gonna fess up first
The others thought Verioth would crack under pressure
And only Oz, our other resident giant of a man (dragon technically) said they’d probably figure it out at the same time
Safe to say his collection of gold got bigger that day.
They’re a mess. But they absolutely love each other and that’s all that matters.
A/N: I just love them sm dude ;-; thanks for reading!
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arriansarchive · 11 months
Noor Pradesh/Symbiote!Venom!Male!Reader
I watched venom so now I'm gonna be obsessed with symbiote reader for like forever
Okay off topic but the movie was so fucking good
I just wanna say also that most of my 'male' reader stories are gn because of the second person pov; I just say male because it's written with a male in mind or you have a penis soooo
Okay I just wanna say that this is very paraphrased because I am not going to get the book to see what exact lines there are
Excuse me if Venom just isn't very venom because I don't have his personality completely down in my head yet
I'm watching agt right now and it's so good omg
Lame ending yeah but I didn't know what she could say
Summary: Noor meets your symbiote, Venom, for the first time while talking with the Peculiar's in the abandoned building.
The pitch black building was quiet besides for the light tapping of everyone's footsteps, making you a little uneasy.
"It's dark." The deep voice inside of your head rang out.
You speak out to Venom in a hushed whisper. "You just noticed? We've been walking in this stupid tunnel for what seems like forever."
"Quiet!" The blind girl in the lead who's name you had already forgotten barked.
You heard Venom grumble something about her not being able to control him before he went back into whatever crevice of you he was hiding in.
The blind girl suddenly came to a halt as did the rest. You stumbled back as you bumped into someone who mumbled an ow.
"Who's there?" A sharp voice from beyond the darkness says.
You see that there's a patch of light in the distance, but it isn't light enough to make out anything major. You start to take a step forward before forgetting that it could get you kicked out of here, and the mission would fail.
"Noor, there's people who are like you that I've brought here." The blind girl told.
Jacob ejected in a few words before all of you were lead into the feeble light. There was a girl, probably the same age as your body, standing in the middle of pizza boxes and empty soda cans.
She was really pretty. You thought her name sounded like something out of an old fantasy novel. Her hair was dark, and her eyes were something you felt like you could get lost in.
"Who the hell are you people? Where did you come from?" Noor's voice was deeper than most, but it entranced you like no other.
A while of explaining happened, mostly consumed by telling and trying to convince Noor of your pasts and Peculiar history but to mostly no avail. She didn't believe a word.
Well, not until Enoch showed her his peculiarity, followed by some of the rest. She was completely taken aback.
Everything was going fine; questions were answered and trust was half-given. That was until a helicopter's whirring sounded outside of the room.
The men that were trying to take Noor had arrived. Being the last one in line, you were closest to the door.
"You, what's your weird thing you do?" She frantically asked.
A smirk grew on your previously concerned face as you turned to look at the door. The sound of yelling was apparently alongside rapidly approaching footsteps.
The door flew open to reveal two men with guns and sunglasses. Wights, you presumed.
"Bad guys?" Venom asked.
You nodded a little. "Very bad. I actually encourage you to eat them, so I don't have to look at them anymore."
The black goo enveloped you as Venom slid out of his bloody hiding spot. He cackled and launched himself off the floor to pounce on the guys.
"Cover the children's eyes!" He exclaimed gleefully.
Bronwyn quickly coaxed Olive and Claire over to her to shield their visions from the scene that Venom was making. The thing that she couldn't hide, though, was the sounds.
Crunching of bones and the squelching of flesh covered the previous quietness of the room. You swear you heard Horace faint.
Once the barrage of eating was over, Venom turned to Noor, Lily, and your friends.
"What are you?" Noor stammered out in awe.
One half of your face was unveiled from Venom's thick, gooey skin. Both of your voices combined to make a distorted melody. "We are Venom."
She took a quick step towards you, seemingly testing if Venom would tackle her or not and then reached a finger out to poke you.
Venom hurriedly cowered back inside of you, not daring to be touched anymore. "Pussy." You whispered.
"What did you just call me?" She cocked an eyebrow.
Enoch rolled his eyes behind you. You decided he was probably jealous by the female attention you were getting.
"He can talk to Venom in his head. His entire peculiarity is just Venom; quite disappointing if you ask me." He complained. "Mine is much better."
Noor paid no attention to Enoch's complaints and instead decided to take the same finger that had poked Venom, and she poked your face instead.
"So you have a parasite?" Noor questioned.
Your head panned to the floor; you were very sure that she was going to call you disgusting like all the village people previously in Wales.
"That's," She paused to give a giant grin, "so fucking cool!"
You looked up into her eyes and smiled widely, but the sound of other people venturing in the building became louder as the seconds past.
"Let's go. We can definitely talk about us later." You said, pointing to yourself and Venom. "Right now, me and Bronwyn have some fighting to do.
You motion to Bronwyn to come to the front with you as you all ran through the open door and into the darkness which was soon lifted by Noor.
Despite her seeming quite interested in you, you were definitely more interested in her. She seemed like everything you had always dreamed of.
Of course you weren't expecting to meet her in these conditions but would anyone?
Out of the corner of your eye you see Noor standing beside Jacob, whispering to him about you. You suppressed a smug grin as your next enemies rounded on the corner.
You think you might have a shot her with but only time will tell, you suppose.
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sn0tcl0wn · 6 months
wish and the star boy we never got is proof of my long standing theory that disney (and animation as a whole) needs to bring back cute boys. they stopped featuring them as much back when frozen came out to focus more on famalial love and i respect that. however, that was the tail end of an era where animated movies were almost always guaranteed to have one super cute boy. this was the thing that brought audiences in. i swear to god until i was like 18-19 if an animated movie had a cute boy, i and all my friends were there opening night. a movie could look like pure garbage and if a boy was cute we were there. and of course there are other factors like the other character's designs and music if it's a musical, but cool designs didn't go anywhere and i, as well as many people, can overlook a bad musical if the animated dude is pretty (quest for camelot is a movie that exists). like why do you think anime really became so popular amongst preteen/teenage girls? they'll outright tell you, just go in the tags. it's the cute boys. cute boys bring in audiences.
it's not sexism, it's not heteronormativity, it's not "teaching girls all they're good for is marriage" or whatever the fuck people were complaining about ten years ago when disney made the executive decision to step away from having cute boys and by extension started a trend of studios doing that; it's the simple fact that people, especially girls, tend to like cute animated boys. and yeah people like pretty and cute animated girls too but that's kinda the whole point of disney princesses. we don't even need cute boys as love interests, in movies like treasure planet and rise of the guardians there is no romantic subplot for either of the movies' cute boys. it's just cute boys doing cool stuff with other well designed characters.
i feel the overwhelming response of disappointment when the star boy concept art was released is proof that, at the end of the day, animation fans want more cute boys. and i agree. you wanna actually sell that shit to your main demographic of kids, specifically girls, aged 10 and up? cute boys worked every damn time for decades. it only became less prevalent in the 2010s when people decided we for whatever reason didn't need the cute boys and nixed them completely in an attempt to seem progressive and not "reduce" any girl protags to love interests. which is an awful way to refer to writing a love story btw, we need to work on that because that gets said every time this happens and it's weird people can't fathom a strong, independent girl who also has a boyfriend. and yes, yes it's better if she has a girlfriend but there is still a desire to see a cute boy character on screen. the best animated movies from the 90s-2000s all had them and everyone vividly remembers a time where that drawing was their husband or literally them. it's important for some weird reason for cute animated boys to exist and the star boy proves that these movies would do way better with cute boys.
and the "boy" in question doesn't even need to be human or whatever. you think zootopia sold because the trailers actually looked good? what about sing? god no. no matter how much i like those movies, the trailers made them look like trash, but the power of cute boys prevailed even when the "boys" are a fox and a gorilla.
ik this rant is long and it seems pointless but i feel like i cracked the code for why so many animated movies have been sucking harder than ever and it's because for almost two generations we had cute boys to soften the blow of a bad animated movie and now we have more evidence that they're actively making decisions to cause that. i said this about five years ago when i realized the majority of cute animated boys were furries or anime boys and now i see this star boy shit. and i'd been saying how ugly i think the star is for months beforehand too when merch started popping up.
i just feel like they could have avoided fucking themselves so hard if they just let the cute boy exist. i genuinely feel people would at least be more likely to see the movie but most people didn't even bother and the people who did say don't bother. but if a cute boy was there and they used his song as the trailer? we'd wanna know what this little magic man was about. we'd wanna see how things panned out between him and hero girl. and if it ended up being bad we'd all say "yeah but the designs were good" or some shit and disney would get that sweet, sweet centennial money. but that's not what happened because some moron somewhere decided girls don't want to see cute boys in their princess movies and a chain reaction started that won't stop until disney undoes it and gives us a goddamn cute boy. and that's not even a joke. that's my honest to god theory for how to save mainstream animated movies. we saw a glimpse of this with spider-verse. like those movies ate but a big draw for both of them was the fact that there was a cute boy for everyone to crush or project on. we need cute animated boys now more than ever.
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z0mbieb0ybyersblog · 7 months
and it feels like the start of a movie I've seen before before
“But it's not real and you don't exist and I can't recall the last time I was kissed. It hits me in the car and it feels like the end of a movie I've seen before.."
pairing: James Potter x Regulus Black, James Potter x Lily Evans, minor Dorlene (if you squint)
warnings: Fluff, Angst, Major Character Death, semi non canon character replies
word count: 1.5k
ao3 tags: Angst, Fluff and Angst, Sad Ending, Modern Era, Endgame James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Minor James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Alternate Universe Muggle, Minor Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Minor Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes
basically Jegulus starter with Jilly endgame, based off cellings by Lizzy McAlpine!!
originally posted on ao3
Tumblr media
It was a lovely night; everyone was over at Marlene and Dorcas' place for a game night, and everyone was having so much fun well, besides Regulus, who couldn't pull his eyes off James and Lily; Regulus wouldn't say it, but he had a thing for James, and when he heard James liked Lily he couldn't help but feel jealous.
Regulus' jealousy soon brought him sadness. Once Sirius found Regulus in a drunken state crying, and when Sirius asked his brother what the matter was, Regulus sobbed James' name and ranted how he was stupid for ever falling for James. That same night Sirius spent his time caring for his brother because he knew how he felt because he had gone through something similar. Regulus doesn't like to bring up his crush on his brother's friend, but Sirius knew it was still there and would be for a long time.
"I might head home soon.." Regulus told the group, who were now playing their third round of uno, because Peter kept winning each game. "Aw, Reggie, one more game?" Mary whined, causing Regulus to send daggers at her because the use of the nickname he always hated.
"Can't. I have to open tomorrow," Regulus explained, and Sirius got hit with a sudden idea, "Shit, Reg, I said I would give you a ride, right?" Sirius asked
"Yeah, it's fine. You don't have to-"
"No, it's not fine, um, James! You said you have to leave soon, right?" Sirius asked, turning to his friend. "Yep, right after this game, and.." James said, placing down his last card. "I just won it." James laughed as Marlene groaned. 
"Great! You think you can bring my brother home?" Sirius asked, and Regulus gave him a death glare as he realized what he was planning. "Um, sure, Regulus; you ready to go now?" James asked, walking to the door to put his shoes on.
"Great! Let's go."
It was a quiet ride to Regulus' apartment; Regulus was afraid if James said anything, he would want to throw himself at him. 
"Regulus.." James spoke.
"Yeah?" Regulus asked as they arrived at his apartment.
"I have to confess something.." James paused " Im.. I'm in love with you," James explained softly as he turned to face Regulus, who sat there stunned. "No- No, you don't.. James, you're in love with Lily-" Regulus spoke but was cut short as James softly touched his cheek. "Regulus, I haven't been in love with Lily for a long time, and I've loved you for a while now, actually probably longer than I've loved anyone else-" James explains as Regulus cuts him off by kissing him. The kiss was sweet; it felt like something Regulus had longed for a long time.
"James, I feel the same way.." Regulus says as he pulls back a bit to catch his breath.
James smiles as he kisses Regulus again.
Regulus groaned as he picks up his phone from the side table beside his bed. His phone read six o'clock; he saw a few notifications from Pandora and a new message from Sirius.
Sirius 06:00am
I'm guessing you got home safe.
Regulus 06:01am
Shut up.
Sirius 06:00am
What? I can't see if my little brother got home safe?
Regulus 06:03am
Your stupid plan worked, by the way.
Sirius 06:03am
Are you being serious right now?
Sirius 06:04am
Regulus, look at your damn phone
Sirius 06:05am
I'm going to strangle you, I swear to god
I'm going to literally kill you.
Regulus 06:06am
Yes, I'm being serious.
Sirius 06:06am
You should tell me everything
wait don't
actually do
Regulus 06:07am
Im good.
Sirius 06:07am
Well, just tell me, what did he do? Did he spend the night or something?
Regulus 06:09am
No, he didn't spend the night.
Sirius 06:09am
Regulus 06:10am
I have to get ready for work. Call me later.
Sirius 06:10am
Ugh fine
Regulus wasn't lying when he said James didn't spend the night. After James' confession and their make-out session, James explained how he loved Regulus and will always love Regulus, and Regulus swooned over every word. The same night James asked if Regulus would be his boyfriend, and Regulus happily accepted.
Now, it had been a little over a year since the two had got together, and everyone was so happy and excited for them. Sirius was the most ecstatic for them; hell, it was his plan that got them together in the end.  When Regulus told James about Sirius' plan and how it worked, James couldn't help but laugh because James told Sirius beforehand about his crush on Regulus and figured that helped Sirius make the plan. 
"Hey, is it okay if I leave a bit early today," James asked his boss, who was sorting out stuff in her office.
"Why are you rushing to leave us today, James? You have a date?" His boss joked. "Yeah, I do have a date. I'm meeting my boyfriend for dinner," James explained. "Well then, yes, you can leave a bit early. Not much happing here today cause of the storm. I hope this rain doesn't ruin your date."
"Nah, it won't. Well, if I'm free to go, I'm going to head out now, have a goodnight, Sue." James said as he gathered his things to leave.
James 06:37pm
Hey love, I just got off work, and Im heading to the restaurant now!
Regulus 06:37pm
Okay. Im stuck in traffic right now, so I might be a little late. 
James 06:39pm
K ill just get the table while I wait for you
James 06:56pm
Okay, I just got the table!
James 07:10pm
Hey love just checking in and seeing how close you are
James 07:10pm
Hey, are you okay?
James 07:24pm
Okay I'm really starting to get worried please reply
James had his full attention on his phone, praying everything was okay and hoping Regulus would walk through the door at that very moment; nothing would grab his focus until he heard the television from over the bar.
"Breaking News, multiple crew on the scene work their hardest to pull a car out of the river after it hydroplanes off the highway."
"excuse me, can you please turn it up," James asks as he approaches the bar, "sure," The bartender replies.
"They have successfully removed the car from the river, and the crew is now bringing the driver to the hospital as I speak." James' heart stops when he realizes it was Regulus’ car, or a car that looked like his; in seconds, James runs out of the restaurant to get into his car and speeds to the hospital, praying to whoever would listen that Regulus was not dead. 
 As James got to the hospital, he felt his heart pumping with adrenaline; it felt like it could beat out of his chest. "Uh- The person on the news.. is he here? Is he alive?" James asked the person at the front. "Um.." The front desk worker checked her computer. "Yes, he just got here.. but sir-" She started but was cut off by James' pleas. "No, don't, don't say it,"
 "Sir, he didn't make it... He passed away on the way to the hospital." She explained; James covered his mouth as his eyes became glossy.
 "James?" a voice spoke from behind him; when James turned around, he saw Sirius and Remus standing there. They had just arrived. "James, is he here? Is my brother here?" Sirius asked, and James could not speak as he looked at Sirius.
 "James.. is my brother alive.." Sirius asked as his voice trembled, and all James could do was hug Sirius, and Sirius knew what this meant; it meant his little brother was gone. 
Sirius began to sob as James held him tighter.
James groaned as he reached the side table beside his bed to turn off his phone alarm.
It had been two years since Regulus drownd, and everything was so different. There would be days when Sirius would reach for his phone to call his brother but then remember he couldn't; everyone mourned Regulus, especially James. For the longest time, he believed it was his fault Regulus died; he was the reason Regulus was on the highway that night so it must be his fault.
His friend would always remind him it wasn't his fault, but deep down, he believed it was. "mm, what time is it?" Lily asked as she rolled over to her side, softly putting an arm on James' chest. "five thirty, I have to get ready for work, but you should go back to sleep," James explained softly as Lily yawned. "Alright, have a good day at work, love," Lily said, falling back asleep. "Thanks, dear..' He said, getting up and kissing her on the head.
He started dating Lily only a few months ago; it took James a long time before he could fall in love again, he honestly felt guilty because he told Regulus he had only loved him, but here he is now, dating Lily...
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lumiereandcogsworth · 10 months
5 9 13 15 22 and 27 ! 🫶🏻
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write? well there’s like some pretty unnecessarily angsty plots i’ve thought about, i call it the Dark Timeline lmao. no one dies or anything but just like, intense illnesses or injuries that bring characters near-death. you know, for the worry!!! for the angst!!! but ultimately that’s not really what i wanna write, they’re more just for me to play out in my head when i need to Feel Something™️. but besides that idk. i have a lot of throwaway AUs that just dance around my head, but never say never!
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written! no i don’t! i think it’s safe to say i write a couple times a week though. not a ton by any means, usually just bits of dialogue that happen because adam and belle just live rent free in my head so sometimes i get the chance to jot down what they’re bickering or flirting about. but unfortunately i haven’t written today :( i thought about a convo this morning before work but didn’t get the chance to write it down. and now it’s lost in the abyss.
13. How much planning do you do before writing? i mean generally none at all because like i said above im pretty much just writing down exactly what i’m seeing and hearing happen in my mind. for my longer things i’ve had some future plot points that i wanted to make note of, but still not much “planning”
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters? ah, my fic titles. i’ve actually (this is so autistic of me ajdksjdk) i’ve actually been keeping a tally of how i title my fics. because there are so many and i was curious, statistically, how it plays out. SO i can actually answer this with way more detail than you bargained for!
titles i’ve just made up based on vibes: 51
titles that are based on a line in fic/canon: 42
titles that are a line from a song/poem: 16
tittles that are one word/simplistic: 23
SO as you can see, majority of the time i either make it up myself (like “Amidst a Busy Day” or “Finding Peace in the Storm”) - which usually happens just by me workshopping various words or themes in the fic and then vibing it out, eventually something sticks that works well enough! (and sometimes i get my friends’ inputs if i’m really stuck!) OR i base it off of a line in the fic or from canon! like i have one called “Making Troubles Less Troubling” which is based on when Mrs. Potts says “Most troubles seem less troubling after a bracing cup of tea!” anyway, you get the idea. this is what happens when fic writing is attached to your special interest i guess HAHA
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing? mmm depends. for my longer ones, yeah. like with my big beefy pre-canon fic about adam when he was 15, i knew i wanted it to end at a place that made you see very clearly that he was starting to become the awful prince you see in the prologue of the movie. but for most of my fics that are really (or relatively) short, either i’m just letting the characters talk and seeing where it goes, or it’s already all played out in my head and i know how it ends before i start jotting it down. basically a matter of length and how much i’ve seen in my head already.
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why? no i don’t think so. i generally don’t go to post a fic unless im really excited to do it, because im in love with it in that moment and i want others to be in love with it too. that euphoria always dies off after a little bit but i definitely need to be riding that high before i post anything. so if im feeling nervous or uneasy at all then i’ll either work on it to see why the vibes aren’t right, or i’ll just let it marinate until i get that feeling. one of my recently posted fics was actually written like over a year ago, but i hadn’t really “completed it” so i just let it sit. then i found it and fixed it up a bit and voila! now it’s out there for all to see.
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rebelwhodoesntknow · 11 months
Tbh it sucks because Friends is so special to me but it tanked, actually got canceled unlike the other gens, the arcade game and merch sales weren't doing it so they tried to rework the series for the next gen
Aikatsu on Parade and all it's merchandise was partly an attempt to scrape up more money for Planet's release but??? I don't think it worked??? the first couple episodes mention all these really cool ideas about their idol world and then nothing came of it, it was a cute concept but I really think they just fell reaaally under budget and tried to skate by hoping nobody noticed
ever since Stars things have just been kind of mismanaged 😭 like why is the majority of their merch acrylic character stands?? you are a trading card rhythm game for 8 year olds 😭
I LOVE how diverse the music is!!!!! all the "standard idol stuff" really stands out too imo. Signalize was one of my favorites from the start, it just hits so different, most idol anime start with that extra sparkly guitar happy type of song but the instrumental for signalize was so unique, I always thought it was a bold choice for a show like that their rock music is so good. like so so gooddddd
I swear out of the like 700 songs of this series there are maybe 6 I don't enjoy?? ALSO WOW THATS A LOT
Same about the animation, OG s2-onward & Friends was great!!! I also love in the movie when Ichigo performs Kagayaki no Etude, there's a slow spinning scene when she's talking on stage about what the song means to her and every couple seconds it switches from 2d to cg angles and it's so seamless, I love it 😭💗
I think Planet's cg was also beautiful, I don't have much of an attatchment to the season but the character designs look really nice, good fluffy hair physics, and they've TOTALLY perfected the in-the-dark glowy look by then!!
another thing most of the fandom agreed on, Stars feeling kind of uncanny.. and the auras kept covering idols art certain parts so that's why they changed all the arches early on, they ACTUALLY got written complaints from kids 😭😂
I always wanted to see an idol with no type or a couple!!! Before Kaguya was introduced there was a huge theory going around that she was actually a Sexy/Cool type and since pairs were the point of Friends, we thought we were finally getting double type girls
I also wished the concept of my coords was used in more than that one ichigo gen ep, where you mix up brandless pieces, one of my favorite things to do is mix and match outfits in the ds games so I was hoping to see like idk maybe soleil could split their PR coords together one time or something??? idk would have been cool though!!
Ugh I do agree with you on the merchandise. Like I can’t play any of the card-based games because America so the cards would basically be glorified trading cards. This might be my doll collector brain talking, but why didn’t they make fashion dolls? I know they did for Friends but they didn’t expand on the concept at all, they just made two dolls. I want to see the girls in their basic coords and then fashion packs for each brand, like a set of multiple Futuring Girl rares or just one PR. I would have gone absolutely apeshit for that. It would also allow for mixing and matching, so maybe it could have tied into the show a lot more like with the concept of PR mixing you brought up! I feel like most PRs in units work pretty well together so I’d like to see the mix ups.
Yeah, I really do not care for planet. I think it really didn’t work, and was an awful lot like PriPara when it didn’t need to be! While the cg is admittedly gorgeous, I also feel like it tried to be so ✨aesthetic✨ all of a sudden instead of being bright and colorful like it’s always been! But maybe I just hate change.
I’ve heard that a lot of people find Raki to be a Mary Sue and hate the way she copied the designs of others. I don’t know enough about her to form an opinion, really, but what do you think?
I love the fact that the kids complained during Stars. They may be kids, but they have standards!!
I think double type idols would be super cool and really flesh out the world. Tbh I think there could be a few idols that could be double typed with only a few minor tweaks (I always thought Mikuru was a pop/sexy idol tbh). One thing I think would be interesting is to see how brands would react to it. Brands appreciate dedication, so would dual type idols have a hard time getting PRs because the pure-type brands would worry about being thrown aside? Cool conflict imo.
Now I have to ask, are the ds games any good? Are they able to be played as someone who speaks absolutely no Japanese? I’ve never really thought about getting one of the games before because I have no clue how they work
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msookyspooky · 2 years
Stu one attacked her at the house defo no way billy have time to leave, get out the outfit and appear at the window that quick also think way he running the knife round her neck and down her body hints to the having thing for her confession plus way clasps the knife fits stu mo
Absolutely, 100%. I actually think Stu had the higher kill count AND he was the one that liked to gut ppl; not Billy. Billy killed out of revenge / pettiness while Stu killed for both sadistic glee AND pettiness.
- Billy obviously killed Maureen while Stu helped/watched.
- Steve was definitely gutted by Stu you cannot change my mind.
- The Casey death is controversial bc Wes says Billy killed her because of the way he stabbed overhead and strangled her while Kevin says Stu killed both Steve and Casey. It could be either one but I gotta agree with Kevin on this bc...Yeah, Billy strangles Sid at the end but so did Stu? Casey recognized her killer when she removed the mask. Not saying she wouldn't recognize Billy as Stu's friend but I think it was heavily implied she recognized it as Stu; her ex boyfriend who had a huge motive for killing her. And the way she was killed was being gutted and hung which is such a Stu thing to do. He even knew so much about how to gut someone at the fountain...Why? Cause he does it to his victims and I truly think him and Billy both chased Casey throughout the house (Stu at the patio, Billy on the phone at the front door) but Stu was who killed her.
- Stu was getting Neil while Billy distracted Sid in their makeout session.
- Stu was the one that attacked her in her home (Like you said) while Billy called Sidney to get her outside so Stu could slip in in costume bc come on. That was Billy Loomis on that phone. The tantrum he had while describing her mother? Billy. PLUS, we hear Stu on the stairs say "Easy easy" in his voice AND he was so much more of a perverted sadist than Billy was imo. Not that Billy wouldn't taunt her with the knife but Stu would actually get off on it and him making the knife almost sexual is such a Stu Macher move IM JS!
- I think the Ghostface in the school bathroom was an awful prank I actually don't think it was Billy or Stu bc that is way too risky even for those idiots AND there was no knife.
- Billy killed Tatum (The door killed her tbf but still) bc Stu was busy entertaining at his party with Gale Weathers there. It would be highly sus if he went missing at his own party while his girlfriend was found murdered. He knew Billy was waiting for her inside (probably from entering through a back door) to go to the garage fridge so he told her to get him a few beers knowing Billy would get her while he distracted everyone with talking about Gale and probably a loud horror movie they were just putting in bc they were deciding what to watch right before Tatum leaves. When Stu says "Hey want another beer? I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!"....She was already dead, hanging in the garage door and Stu was admiring Billy's handy work. Honestly, that should have been clue number one he was the killer or one of them bc as far as we knew most of the beer was in the fridge in the garage where her body was 😶 Which OF COURSE he acted shocked by when pointing the finger at Randy which....How would he know Billy was dead? Like okay 🚩🚩🚩
- Stu pretended to Stab Billy and chased her through the house out the attic window.
- Now I gotta wonder if they both wore the costume and Billy hurried up and went upstairs. Like Stu was definitely the one to kill Kenny and was outside but could Billy have been the one to almost kill Randy or Stu? Did Stu stab Dewey or Billy did it? Idk!! I feel like most of the costume was Stu but I lowkey can't imagine Billy just waiting upstairs. So idk who killed who at the party after Tatum. HOWEVER!!! I'd say majority was Stu bc Billy says "I thought you said she was dead?" about Gale meaning Stu had to have checked the van down the road to see. So I think they both had on the costume. Kind of makes me change my mind of Stu damgling the keys to the jeep bc that's a lot for him to quickly take off the costume to stop Randy from warning Sid versus Billy running back inside from a back door to take off the costume while Stu stalled Sidney. IDK IT'S A TOSS UP AT THE PARTY FOR ME 🥴
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kmze · 3 months
You are absolutely right,Kris.That was clearly her claim to 5 seconds of relevance moment.I don't know if she did anything after tvd and I never kept track of that verse or any discourse related to it after the show ended.But if that tweet was able to reach me along with some of her recent commentaries of possible "relationships", then she knew exactly what she was doing.Maybe drumming up support for a possible reboot?Yeah I heard that one too recently( 'perks' of having a tvd obsessed teen niece,you see).
I was reading your s1 review earlier and quite enjoyed it.Do continue if time permits you.I haven't had the time or interest to rewatch TVD again.This was the first show I was emotionally invested in and by the end of it,JP made sure I would never wanna go back to it.
I do miss Stefan-Caroline a lot though.I miss Stefan "Where do I belong" Salvatore,who had me intrigued the first time I met him in September, 2009 even though my friend made me watch the pilot for Ian.I miss my baby girl,Caroline "I try so hard" Forbes".The treatment of Caroline Forbes in that season was beyond horrible although I would say s7 was on that same level.Ironically, that was not a KW season but ran by that demon.
I do quite agree with your analysis as to why Plec didn't go back to SE even though she had the perfect opportunity to.The Human Stefan storyline almost had me convinced they were going in that direction which was probably why I had a hard time sitting through the last few episodes.TVD had become so emotionally draining.Caroline-Stefan scenes were like a bright light in a sea of Awfulness that show was.
Hey Anon, I believe she's done a few things since the tvd 'verse ended but I do know that unlike TO and TVD Legacies did not get an official final season. Their series finale was supposed to work as both a season and series since the CW had been sold and JP knew it was possible the show could get cancelled. So I think that's why she's trying to get something done now. I absolutely believe her tweet was to engagement bait for either for herself or whoever is interested in the TVD 'verse continuing again to see how much interest is still there. Although I have no idea what could be in the works, I know at a con in December the question was about a movie but I'm not sure enough of the original main cast would be willing to return to make that happen. I mean majority of the characters are dead or human and I know a few actors have said they wouldn't be interested in returning (Kat, Ian and Paul) so I'm not sure what kind of movie she could make lol. Candice would probably come back (and since I'm a sucker that's all I would need) and maybe Nina (mostly I don't think she's a hard no) but I'm not sure that's enough for anyone to agree to finance this. Of course Teen Wolf got their awful movie financed so I could be completely off base.
The rewatch has been enjoyable so far (it's easier when you know the ending lol) and honestly S2 has been so much more engaging and interesting to me than S1 so I should have the first half of that season done this week. When I get to S7 is gonna be such a buzzkill from S6 I am so not looking forward to that slough especially the first half. I will always dislike Dries for what she did to Steroline that season UGH makes me mad just thinking about it.
Ha! The show became so emotionally draining that season worrying about what would happen. I hate the human Stefan storyline (I especially hate the STUPID CURE and how the rules change for how it works every time it's mentioned!) though I did enjoy how much he hated being human because the fandom always believed he wanted that but really HE HATED not having vampire powers. He only wanted to be human because of his addiction to blood, and don't even get me started on how him being a "reformed ripper" in S6 got completely dropped in S8. I do agree in a way about some of that awfulness and it's the same for me, while I did enjoy a majority of the seasons overall in the series the bright spot was 1000% Steroline, to me they're the best thing the show ever did. Now that I'm up to S2 in my rewatch it just reminded me of how good their slow burn was.
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eldritchsurveys · 3 months
How many pieces of gum have you chewed today? >> Two, maybe? I chew gum a lot, it's a major stim for me.
Any big events coming up? >> Not until April.
Do you know anyone who is paralyzed? >> I don't.
What did you do last night? >> Played some ESO, scrolled tumblr a bit, went to bed around 22:30 or so. By doing that, what time did you go to bed? >> ^
And what time did you wake up this morning? >> The final time? Around 08:00, 08:30.
Have you been debating anything recently? >> I don't think so.
Who was the last person to text you? .
Are there icicles on the sides of your house? >> There are not, the weather has been too warm for that. Do you get intimidated easily? >> I don't think so. I find it a bit absurd to be intimidated by a person, but I do sometimes feel the instinct to fawn in situations where someone has a certain level of power over me.
Does anything on your body hurt currently? >> No.
Are you often trying to escape the inevitable? >> I don't even know how I would do that.
What were the first words you said today? >> I haven't said any words to anyone today, outside of the customary Inworld communications.
Which lyric is your favorite from the song you are listening to? .
Does it hold any memories? .
Why did you last cry? >> I was sad and stressed and dysregulated to fuck.
Did someone see you crying? >> Certainly not.
Do you crack your knuckles? >> Sometimes. I try not to get too habituated to it.
Is it really going to give you arthritis? >> I don't think so, but I still don't want to get too habituated to it.
Are you excited for the new year? .
List three things you are excited for in the upcoming year? .
What is the wallpaper on your cellphone? >> I just changed it (finally) so now it's Randall Flagg fanart for the lock screen and Orin the Red fanart for the home screen.
Where is your best friend right now? .
Can you count to 100 in any other language? >> I cannot.
Do you headbang often? >> Fairly often, since I listen to metal a lot.
Magenta or orchid? >> Orchid. Are you a fan of Rob Zombie? >> Casually. I love a couple of his movies and I think his music's pretty tight even if I don't listen to it regularly.
Last two songs you listened to? >> Seven by Sunny Day Real Estate (a song I do like, particularly the last half, but I decided to take it off Liked Songs for now) and Insignificant by Nevermore.
Are there any shoes you are really wanting? >> There are not. I just want my feet to not hurt, and the majority of shoes seem tailor-made to do the opposite of that. I'm sick of shoes. I wish I didn't have to deal with them at all.
Describe what you are wearing? >> Blue Stitch-patterned lounge pants, black undershirt, black Duff's Brooklyn hoodie.
Look out the window - what do you see? >> Tree branches, the sky, and the top of the garage.
Television or computer? >> My computer is my television. Germany or France? .
Hawthorne Heights or She Wants Revenge? >> I don't listen to either, but She Wants Revenge is the only one whose music actually comes to mind (I don't know if I've ever heard a HH song).
Is your skin sensitive? >> Not especially.
Are you sensitive in general? >> Oh, I absolutely can be.
Who last left you a note? .
Have you ever made a gingerbread house? >> I think I've participated in the assemblage of one, but not very enthusiastically, lol. I'm not much into that sort of thing.
Who did you last get in a fight with? .
Are things resolved between the two of you now? .
Did you have any weird dreams last night? >> Oh my god, did I. It was awful. My subconscious is quite dedicated to pouring every ounce of creative energy we have into crafting elaborate anxiety constructs for us to get lost in. And with the boundless capacity of dream logic, the sky's the limit!
Tell me one thing you remember from it? >> A longtime (I mean 10+ years long) tumblr mutual softblocked me because I just wasn't a warm enough person for them and they got tired of it.
Lets have some lyrics to end this, yeah? >> Let's not (I just have Seven stuck in my head because of the earlier question about songs and I don't really know the lyrics to that one).
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