#writing an original story? you should focus on finding a real job
glitteronadumpsterfire · 10 months
Cant wait to go to my therapist to hear her ask me why i havent started going to driving school or why i havent got a real job yet for the 384748th time
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inbarfink · 2 months
Current Status: thinking on these two High School Productions of ‘Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog’ I found on YouTube 
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Where Penny’s death is kind of a Heroic Sacrifice.
Like, when Captain Hammer tries to shoot Dr. Horrible with his own death, Penny tries to rush in to stop him (shouting "Please, don't-!" in the Norwood High version, and "Captain Hammer-!" in the LIVE version) and that’s what gets her caught in the blast. 
I mean, first of all, I do find it kinda amusing to think that there were two totally separate groups of teenagers in 2012-2013 who looked at Penny getting Fridged and were like “Actually, that kinda sucks??? Can we do something to give her a little more agency?”
And second of all, like, there’s a lot of Discourse about how to fix the way the narrative treats Penny. There’s talks about Superhero Penny or Resurrected Sequel Penny or adding elements from the comics or adding in popular headcanons… 
But if you’re just looking for the quickest of quick fixes, like, you’re not aspiring to make a total rewrite of the musical, you’re not that confident in your ability to write new scenes in the voice of the script, you really wanna preserve ‘Everything You Ever’ as accurately as possible cause that’s the emotional climax of the story, you really want like - minimal change but maximum impact - that really does kinda work?
Like, it’s not a perfect patch-job. It doesn’t fully address every problem with the narrative treatment of Penny. And... well...With the Norwood version, it’s not like it makes Penny’s last words still being “Captain Hammer will save us” TOTALLY not make any sense - but it is incompatible with some of the common interpretations of it. So if every single possible interpretation of this line is super-important to you, you’re probably not gonna like this change.
(But it still works with MY interpretation so I'm 100% cool with it hahaha!)
But this does give Penny some level of agency in her death. Connects it to her primary characterization of being good and kind and the only real hero in this world - she died because she still held on to some faith that Captain Hammer genuinely cares enough about her to listen to her, or maybe because she still believed that Billy was someone worth saving. Trying to Be a Hero in Her Own Way, only for all of her faith in humanity to backfire on her horribly. It also makes Captain Hammer a little more detestable by ignoring Penny, if not actively putting her in harm’s way. 
And it makes sense why Dr. Horrible would be so emotionally devastated and probably blame himself for what happened. And, she tried to do something kind and good for him which did nothing (he was too low to the ground to get hit by the explosion anyways) but get her killed; there’s a throughline from here to why that action will inspire Dr. Horrible to abandon kindness and goodness completely himself, that’s not just treating Penny as a representation of Dr. Horrible’s goodness.
You can even argue that this is kinda already happened in the original DHSAB. Cause the reason why Penny was hit by that explosion seems to be because she was the only one who didn’t duck from the debris. 
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And we do see her standing up, when she sees Dr. Horrible, or rather her buddy Billy, hesitates shooting Captain Hammer in the face. 
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So one could argue that the intention is that she was still standing, considering whether or not she should or could intervene when Captain Hammer pulled that trigger. But the way it works in this High School Production Version is a lot more explicit.
This is probably far from my favorite way to try and fix the Problem with Penny, but in terms of how well you can incorporate it into an otherwise faithful adaptation… I think it’s pretty amazing how just giving Penny two extra words to shout can change so much. Really, one of the main things I like about live theater as a medium is how it puts focus on the little differences. 
How little details changing between different productions of the same script - and even different performances of the same productions - can really change how one looks at the characters or even the whole story. Especially in such a dialogue-heavy story like DHSAB, even when delivering the exact same lines, actors putting different emphasis on different words can really change the meaning of what they’re saying.... I dunno, I just think it's Neat.
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titsthedamnseason · 4 months
juli!!!!! now that the like us series is over (thinking about when we'll ever get another hale pov 😭) what have you thought? and what are you most hoping for with the cobalt empire?
hahaha what a loaded question! i’m also sad about the hales hence me rereading dlu already lol 💚 but also on patreon kbr have started posting extras in kinney’s pov which i am so grateful for. great way to keep us connected to the younger generation / give a sneak peek and i feel lucky it was with my favorite girl!! i am relying on this content to hold me over lol (plus next we have XANDER’S BOOK!!!!! to look forward to. which i almost expect to get sooner than we might think 👀)
my thoughts on the series as a whole are kind of hard to articulate but i’ll try? i think the series started really strong and sort of devolved from there. i think going back to dlu put a lot into perspective for me because right from the beginning they did a lot of great set up and left threads that were still being picked up in luna’s books so i applaud them for their forward thinking and planning in that regard (i know that either krista or becca - i don’t know who is who lmao - is super dedicated to going back and rereading all the early books and making sure everything is still flowing and connecting and i must say that’s very apparent looking at the big picture. a job well done for sure). i think all of moffy and farrow’s books, definitely oscar and jack’s book, and i’ll even say jane and thatcher’s books, function well on their own. moffy and jane’s books also do a nice job in contributing to the series as a whole
but obviously there was also a lot left to be desired and i think that despite whatever flaws the earlier books contain, things REALLY started going off the rails with sulli’s books (my poor girl 💔). while the overall series arc ended up functioning pretty well imo, as the series progressed the plots of each individual book just kept getting wishy washier. i wish kbr would just realize that romantic and interpersonal development is enough to drive a story without needing a bunch of other distracting side plots that actually take away from the main focus of the book and divert readers’ attention from what the twins are best at writing. like the romantic plots should be enough to sustain a book IF THEY ARE DONE WELL, and kbr are capable of doing them well, but they got so caught up in trying to include other things that they couldn’t give the real focus of the stories the attention they really deserved if that makes sense. i’m at least glad they don’t rely so much on the third act break up or use miscommunication between couples to drive the books
i also think that now that they’ve taken such care to establish quinn and frog as a budding romance, oscar and jack’s book should have been its own thing outside the series and maybe started a different (cobalt-empire-esque?) spinoff for all these side characters that they’ve grown attached to and insist on making books for. charming like us is a great book on its own but doesn’t really fit in with the rest of the series (is the original / sub-heading / tagline of the like us series not “billionaires and bodyguards”????)
as for the cobalt empire…..i’m trying to go in with a very open mindset. ben’s book was honestly the last one i was expecting but definitely the most ideal scenario for me!!! im really hoping these books won’t be super dragged out and bogged down by extraneous and unnecessary side plots and characters (one book per brother honestly sounds ideal but i know that’s a fool’s hope). obviously a really big thing i’m looking forward to reading about is the evolution of ben and charlie’s relationship and also seeing ben grow closer to all his brothers and finally finding a place within his family 💙 this is why ben’s pov is great to start with because we’re going to see him thrown back into this environment with all his brothers and this time they’re all older and there’s no parents. i know that apartment is WILD in a way that ben cobalt simply is not (or is he? 😏)
i’m also now conflicted about whether the ben and xander resolution should be expected in burn bright or if we have to wait until xander’s books (BUT IT BETTER NOT HAPPEN IN BETWEEN!). i made a post about this at some point but i also think if kbr can’t keep it down to one book per brother, and overlapping style similar to addicted / calloway might work really well as opposed to the clunkier progression of the like us series.
i CANNOT WAITTTTT to finally get into charlie’s head also. that’s going to be a wild ride. i can’t wait to get a deeper look into charlie and beckett’s interactions and for the two of them and their love interests to be the best friend group ever. the cobalt boys ALL have really really really good tropes setting the scene for them (expect for ben who is the only one we’re kind of in the dark about right now) and im excited to see that unfold. also!! as much as i love the hales, its going to be great seeing rose and connor more again! it’s not an aspect i’ve spent too much time thinking about yet but they have such unique and different relationships with each of their kids so im excited to see each of their interactions. ALSO!!! FREEDOM FROM BODYGUARDS GOD BLESSSSSS 🙏 none of the cobalts are super close to their bodyguards to my understanding so after the like us series this will feel like a breath of fresh air
and the last thing i must say - what i’m really hoping for is that harriet isn’t going to play a big role…..i know this is clowning since she JUST moved to new york and the same college as everyone and is lowkey the only person that’s been introduced as a possibility for ben’s love interest but god that idea just bores me lol. especially when all the other brothers already have such compelling love interests and book premises. but alas i am probably wrong and will need to get over my unreasonable dislike of this poor girl who never did anything but be luna’s friend. i think my ideal way for the harriet situation to play out would actually be if she started dating xander but then they broke up before his real books start because i think it would be nice for some of these kids to get some real dating experience before ending up with the love of their lives forever!!
anyway. sorry as always that i’m incapable of being normal about kbr books and can’t just answer with “the series had its ups and downs but im excited for what’s next!!!” but that functions as a great tldr i guess lol
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esme-elora · 2 months
Weekly Update!
Hello my lovely readers! This is a big one.
Ordinarily, this would be a subscribers-only update, but it’s important, so I’ll be having it public.
(If you want to continue to see the details of what I've been working on, you can subscribe to my Patreon or Ko-Fi, whichever you prefer! On top of weekly updates, you can also get WIPs, first drafts, early releases, and exclusive content, as well as access to my Discord server. So if you like lesbian furries in dark fantasy settings with accurate disabled representation, look no further!)
But to business!
There’s actually a few things that I’d like to get into, so I’ll have headings to each topic.
Aurora Progress
I got about halfway through Chapter Seven when I hit a wall of combined disinterest and confusion. I knew, objectively, where it was going, but I couldn’t get it to go there properly. I decided it would be in my best interest to ask some (anonymous) colleagues in publishing and editing what I should do, as they have expertise I lack.
They broke down what I should fix and what I should keep, and as editing goes, it resulted in a very different story. The core of the story, of course, is the same; it’s a cozy lesbian romance focusing on trauma, healing, and self-improvement. However, so many details are different. I want to list them all out, but I also don’t want to spoil anything, because it’s going in such a better direction and I want you to experience the story in real time.
I will, however, reveal the biggest core difference.
For a laundry list of reasons I can’t get into, I’ll be leaning into Esme Elora being a succubus goat creature. Esme being a succubus is crucial to her character arc—in recovering from her past, in self-acceptance, and in her relationship with her future wife (who will be introduced much earlier now). It is so intrinsically intertwined into the plot that it must be emphasized in ways I failed to before. Art will come soon!
If you’re a spider fan, though, do not lose hope! Esme’s original design will be recycled into a new character I know you will cherish. Pietro, too, will remain the main supporting character, and his motivations are far clearer now than they were. The phaedrani remain central to the story, just not in the same way they were before. Further, Eva, Esme’s familiar, is still a character and retains an arachnid form. You’ll see why.
I will have the first version of Aurora up on Patreon for the $9 tier for archival purposes; however, in this form, it will be discontinued.
I hope all of this is not a disappointing update, but this is unfortunately how novel-writing goes. Sometimes, you have to try things out to figure out that they don’t work, and that requires a lot of patience and rewriting. I am still so eternally grateful that you’re still on this writing ride with me.
Other Writing Progress
The Pillow Book has not been reviewed, but as it provides lore essential to the stories of Aefarell, it is still in progress. Sethira is a difficult lady to write; she is strong-willed and determined, and she absolutely writes herself. It has made the story go in a different direction than I intended, but it complements well with the new version of Aurora. I’m sure you’ll like where this ends up.
Otherwise, I have some smutty short stories I’ll be posting; I’m reviving the Matriarch story from last year, just revising for pacing. I plan on writing many stories about the girls of that brothel, and one goes in a deliciously horrifying direction that I’m sure you’ll find intriguing.
I am not focusing on multiverse content. You’ll just have to do the handwave “because magic” when you think about Esme having internet access. For now, anyway. I want to focus on Aefarell and its development, and I’ll have to do a better job at surrogacy (thankfully, I’ve noticed the furry fandom loves this).
Also, I am no longer focusing on fan content, so all fanfics are on hold. If I work on any of them, it’s due to writer’s block. They are not a priority.
Subscription Update
If you’re new to my work and want to subscribe, I am now updating Patreon and Ko-Fi due to popular demand! Both will give you access to my Discord server. Now you can choose which platform you prefer!
My tiers are now:
$3 - Access to all early releases (one chapter ahead of public releases), weekly updates, and the Discord server*
$6 - Access to all previous rewards as well as WIPs and first drafts (two chapters ahead of public releases)
$9 - Access to all previous rewards as well as all archived and discontinued content AND exclusive background/worldbuilding posts and writing on the world of Aefarell
I’m still not doing commissions because I’m too busy, but I am so flattered that so many people are interested!
NSFW Update
I am no longer locking all adult content behind a paywall since I am, at the heart of it all, a romance writer, and I personally like sexual passion with my romance. It’s very hard to separate the two at the point I am at with my stories. I’ve had a lot of deep shame about being a romance writer, particularly since people act like romance isn’t “real writing.” I’ve tried very hard to diversify, but love is my favorite thing, and I love writing about love between women.
Patrons can now opt-in to NSFW discussion channels** but should assume all subscriber channels will have NSFW content. Further, there is a chance all chapters may contain sexual content.
I believe this covers everything I needed to discuss. As always, leave comments or chat in my Discord if you have any questions!
Esme Elora
*I have been asked if I’ll make a Telegram, since furries prefer it, and I’m at a hard maybe. I’m not overly familiar with Telegram and don’t know how to properly moderate it.
**The only reason I separate them is because I work and don’t want people in my office seeing hardcore furry porn when I’m just saying hello in my Discord. I’m sure other members are in the same boat.
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bomberqueen17 · 2 years
so it was my 20th anniversary with Dude this past weekend, so I got back from the farm on Saturday and on Sunday we drove to the Finger Lakes and stayed two nights in this.... well it was an inn, and it was just this side of bonkers, and it’s a long story but we definitely admired their ability to walk that fine line of wow this is weird and come up on the but i like it side instead of i gotta get outta here.
Anyway it was really lovely and we had a lovely time and the most important thing was the company, of course, yadda yadda, but I got home on Tuesday night into the worst case of Sunday Scaries I’ve had in a while, and I am just. So full of dread and despair today folks, so full of it.
cut for whining, mostly job-search-related but also existential!
Nothing I do is worth money, no job I’ve ever had has actually wanted me there except as a warm body to grudgingly pay the least amount they could get away with. I have no marketable skills. I can write novels, but not on demand. And really, that’s the problem-- up to 80% of my mind at any given time is taken up with fake things, imaginary worlds and situations, and I can’t focus anyway but even if I could, I wouldn’t focus on the real world, because the real world sucks, and I’m wildly productive at real-world things but not in ways that anyone ever in the history of ever has wanted to pay me for. i’ve done a lot of really skilled volunteer jobs but they are all things nobody is going to pay actual money for.
The only thing I want to do, the only thing I have ever wanted to do, the only thing I have ever consistently done, is write, and the way our economy and culture and publishing system works, that is something I can never be paid money for. I will never earn a living, and I will never even earn more than expenses unless I devote attention I simply don’t possess to marketing and other things, which I cannot do and have no skills in. So that’s out.
But I should be honest: all I’m doing is trying to earn enough paychecks in my life that someone will someday say “Okay you can stop” and let me go write for a while, and that’s not going to happen, so.
Yeah I also keep hoping they’ll find money to pay me with at the farm but that keeps not happening. I needed to find myself a job to do that would provide a revenue stream for them to pay me from, but when I tried to be the flowers person they refused to hire me for that one and hired someone who flaked out instead and this year’s plan for that is apparently none of my business, and now i was trying to be the person doing commercial kitchen stuff but they’re already talking about the people they want to hire for that and i’m not any of those either, and I guess I gotta put on my big girl panties and ask directly but I did that for flowers and the rejection really stung and so I’m not looking forward to that. but it’s better than wishing, i suppose.
I had always idly thought if I finished any of my original novels ever I could put those somewhere and sell them but well first I’d have to find the time, and second, watching joy demorra’s (bibliosphere) posts about how little money Amazon actually gives to her is so demoralizing. I’ll only do that if I don’t actually need the money, jesus christ. meanwhile i’d rather sate my encompassing addiction with fanfic because then i can at least be realistic that it doesn’t pay money. Again, better than wishing.
But I’m just old and tired, and all the frustrations of this job I’ve spent twelve years at being grudgingly paid the least they can get away with, with my poorly-defined job description it’s a nightmare to navigate on the daily, are just piling up extra, and I am so tired of the only things I enjoy and am supported in doing in this world are things that do not actually contribute to my actually having food and shelter. It’s not that I’m trying to do what I love or whatever, I know that’s a fake idea, I’m just so tired that there are so many calls for me to work hard in ways I love, and those have to come out of my own reserves, I pay to do them, and then I have to poorly do a terrible job at a job that dislikes me in order to get any money, to afford to be able to do the things I love that cost money to do, and it’s just frustrating because the things I love are also hard work and I don’t know how to solve that. I’m not even explaining it well! I’m just very tired.
It is all irredeemable whining but when I think too hard about this it cuts into my ability to write; I was making progress FINALLY on the next bit of Fit For Pearls until I got the crushing wave of nothing-I-do-is-valued-by-society ennui, which is no fair. If I’m so thoroughly worthless I should at least be able to write some lesbian porn about it, but I was denied.
Honestly that’s the only thing I need, is enthusiasm for that; I gotta solve my actual real world problems on my own. but i would super not mind a reminder that I’ve come far too far with Ciri and Lu to only come this far.
Though if anyone’s got any good leads on part-time remote work I could to to make ends meet that’d be pretty keen.
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tathrin · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
Friends, if I send you this but you already answered it, please forgive me; now that the icons are gone, I have no idea who has posted what anymore thanks tumblr.
Anyway anon, thank you so much for the chance to talk about some of my favorite stories!
Star Wars VII: The Dark Reborn — this is literally the best thing I have ever written, I love it so much. I could not adore this story more. I genuinely want to get it made into a paperback and just like. hand it to people or stash it in those little free libraries, I don't know. It's the best damn thing. I'm so happy with it, I love it, I can't even articulate how happy this story makes me, seriously. I should really get back to work on the sequel shhhh.
Five Times Gimli Died (And One Time He Didn't) — this is probably my "objectively best" LotR fic, and I love it for that. I also love it because it was a stretch from my usual sort of thing, and I really love it because it pushes my "mortals don't die in Aman unless/until they decide they want to" headcanon, and thus furthers my "Gimleaf Has The Happiest Ending Of Anyone In Middle-earth And That Was On Purpose" agenda. Also I just really love writing from Gimli's POV, he's such a delight. No wonder everyone who meets him adores him.
To Live In Undying Lands — this story is my current fixation. I was really tempted to put the Zombie Story here instead, but ultimately I decided that at this moment, I actually like this one more. It's another one that's a bit of a stretch for me (I don't generally write "ongoing snippets" without an over-arching plot, and I definitely don't often write stuff that's this domestic) but so far it's been really satisfying. I'm worried that I'm on the brink of running out of steam on it, but I hope I'm not because I really do adore both the concept and the results, and I have a lot more ideas I'd like to do for it if I can keep the motivation/focus engaged!
Twin Faces Of Destruction — I love Boba Fett. I love Boba Fett. The original flavor, "he's no good to me dead," "this is my face," "as you wish" cold heartless hunter Boba Fett, the one who never takes off his helmet and has no interest in anything beyond the job and will walk straight through an Imperial Garrison to get his quarry if he has to. The one who donates money to orphanages (it's canon! wtf!!!). The one who will betray every single partner he's ever had, but who still showed-up to be best man at Dengar's wedding because he doesn't go back on a deal. The one who has literally one moral code, and that is "do the job." No matter what that means. And the honorable helmetless dad-guy we got in the tv show is...not that. Frankly, neither is a lot of the post-AOTC stuff with him. But one of the joys of a bounty hunter who never shows his face and has a lots of other folks out there who have that same face is that it's real easy to find ways to reconcile things like that...and even pay homage to canon (Ailyn Vel! Jodo Kast! Spar/Alpha-Ø2!) in the doing. So this story? This story is just fucking fun.
The Story of Kijimi — there's honestly not much to this one, but I like it more than it probably merits just because I really love paving canon plot-holes, and the "we've made Poe a Spice Smuggler Out Of Nowhere Even Though It Contradicts Our Own Existing Canon Because He's Clearly The Han Solo Of The New Trio, Because We're Stupid And Don't Know How Star Wars Works!" bullshit from TROS is just...so fucking soul-killing and racist and unnecessary. So here's the real story behind that. You're welcome.
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thesquidkid · 1 year
Fanfic Origin Story
I was tagged by @burntotears ❤️
What was your first fandom (reading and/or writing)?
Harry Potter and CHERUB (both in writing and reading)
What was the first story you ever wrote?
Technically the first story I ever wrote was for Foot2Rue, but it never got posted anywhere. The first thing I wrote that got posted anywhere was an orginal story loosely based on CHERUB.
What's a piece of advice you would give your younger fic writing self?
Stories don't have to be inherently romantic
What's an early fandom interaction that stuch with you (be it a nice comment, a friend you made, a fic that got a lot of fedback)?
When I was like 14 most of my irl friends dumped me from one day to the next. So I became really active on Wattpad, engaging in rp and commenting on fics to get the social interaction I wasn't really getting at school. After a few days, two other ppl started interacting with my rp too, and we rp'd together for about a year. One thing led to another, and we wrote a story togther, three years later we met up in real life. We don't talk as much nowadays, with everyone having gone their own ways, but these two ppl made me feel a lot less alone, and that's something I'll never forget
Post a sentence or two from an older fic and a sentence or two from a newer one (if you want)
I only started writing in English somewhat recently (2018 ish), so this fic is not the oldest stuff I've written (I'm also slowly continuing it 😂)
The House with Blue Shutters (Orginial Work)
Greenwood was a small village. It was very charming and everybody knew each other. This village had all the characteristics of a hamlet: there was a church, St Williams, a small market on Mondays and even Mrs Potts, an old lady who knew everything that happened in Greenwood. Evangeline Potts was a 71 year old retired teacher, who lived in a lovely house with a garden, just next to the market. She had a dog, Lucky, a brown French bulldog. You could always find Mrs Potts and her dog at the terrasse of the café, and on Mondays she would always be at the market, chatting to everybody who walked by. Lucky would often wander off between the stalls, looking for food, food that every seller would give him. Mrs Potts would always say “Lucky! Come back here! We have food at home.” and when he finally came, she would congratulate him: “That's a good boy.”
And one the most recent fics I've published, it's the best thing that I'll ever do (Roswell, New Mexico)
The television was on. Sheriff Taylor was talking. And all Isobel could focus on was the woman sitting besides her. Anatsa Mufaro. She was a journalist, and quite possibly the most interesting person Isobel had ever talked to. They started their conversation by raising their glasses to Max and the smart women in his life (who were the reason the man was alive to this day).  But then, they talked about everything and nothing all at once. They could have talked about Anatsa’s job, her report on the racial crimes in Roswell, and the new Sheriff, who was questionable at best. Or they could have talked about the alien stories around Roswell, a tourist simply asking questions to a local. They didn’t. Instead, they talked about music, travels, books, sports, movies, their favourite coffee order, and a recent art exhibition that Isobel had gone to recently, in Albuquerque, that Anatsa should totally check out. 
The main difference between my old writing style and my current style is how I space out my paragraphs 😂
Tagging @infp-obsessing-over-everything, @beautifulcheat, @tasyfa, @maeglinthebold, @gritkitty ❤️
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motownfiction · 2 years
about this blog
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note, 5/5/24: this is a reintroduction to my fiction blog. the post is largely the same as it ever was but with a little extra clarity.
i’m a writer who writes (she/her). i also hold a phd in film studies. my work focuses on star studies, 1980s youth cinema in the united states, and a special focus on delinquency. needless to say, the intersection between my creative writing and scholarly writing is pretty strong, so you’ll see a lot of themes here that pop up in my real job. it’s fun for me 🥰
this sideblog is for my original fiction: a series of non-linear vignettes about the same set of characters in the same universe, a semi-fictionalized version of the suburban metro detroit area -- hence the name motown fiction.
before i continue, i should let you all know that this universe deals with themes of teen pregnancy, infidelity, and death. nothing is ever explicit or gory. everything is kept at network television levels. in other words, this universe should remind you a little bit of what you saw on the WB in the late 90s and early 00s. there are no HBO vibes! essentially, this blog is for fans of things like dawson’s creek, one tree hill, and our beloved, short-lived freaks and geeks.
it should also be noted that this blog WILL NOT TOLERATE BIGOTRY in any way, shape, or form. my writing reflects the kindness, compassion, grace, and love that i share in my real life. this is a safe space, and any hatred will be eliminated on sight.
the series follows seven core characters (lucy, will, sadie, sam, daniel, steph, and charlie) and a larger cast of supporting players through their lives, from their births in the late 1960s through the present. it chronicles their friendships, romances, losses, and grief. there is a major character death. occasionally, we’ll see the characters in the small catholic school they grew up in; other times, we’ll see them dispersed throughout the united states in their various career paths, from guidance counselors to landscapers; english professors to jazz musicians.
most important is that the series is written nonlinearly. one vignette might take place in 2003, after that major character death, and the next might take place in 1984, when all the characters are alive. there’s no such thing as spoilers or reading things out of order because the whole text is written out of order. these vignettes are more moments in time than a plot-driven narrative. there’s continuity, but the chronological order doesn’t matter. my best advice is to find a character you kind of like and go through their tag. i’ve tagged each character, pairing (romantic and platonic), and year for people to follow along with if they want.
my ask box is always open for things like ask/prompt games. send me numbers in those games! anon is always off for security reasons, but you are more than welcome to interact. i’d love it, even!
overall: if you like suburban stories, catholic school survival, the midwest, detroit, the 1980s, nostalgic criticism, classic rock, bubblegum pop, diners, other liminal spaces, literature, hollywood cinema, or any combination of these things, this blog is for you.
have fun, i hope!
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astudyincontrasts · 2 years
Your writing is incredible. Reading Penance is a phenomenal journey, the way you intricately weave the story together in silk webs to come together so beautifully, I am honestly in awe. Have you ever thought about writing a novel or going to a publishing agent ? I truly believe that you are such a wonderfully talented writer and would love to see you soar (if that’s what you wanted of course)! The way you describe thoughts, feelings and events ? I’m honestly gobsmacked. I look forward to your writing everyday and have sent your fic to multiple friends who we now have a group chat to scream over the updates with! Again, just to reiterate: you are incredibly talented, your writing style is one in a million and if you have ever thought about writing and publishing you absolutely should! Just can’t get over how incredible your talent is!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
This is.
Ok ha omg I’m pretty choked up. This is the kindest message. You got me real emotional anon I’m struggling to see my screen rn. I can’t reiterate enough how pleased I am that Penance has resonated so well with everyone and that its become as liked as it has. I have no words for how grateful I am for every lovely comment and fun anons and ART. My heart is so full and I’m constantly in awe.
I’d love nothing more than to be published. Just giving up the day job and being a full time author would be my biggest dream come true. I’ve been struggling for years to come up with that first fully formed Big Idea for a novel. I hear people telling me to retool Penance in a (shudder) 50 Shades kind of treatment. I have sincere doubts it would find a wider audience acceptance if I did, but I don’t know. For now it’s enough to know it’s as liked as it is and to try to focus on bringing it to completion eventually.
Maybe someday I’ll hit the gold of that big original idea I can submit to an agent and publisher. Fingers crossed. Thank you for this, and for believing in me. It matters more then I can say🖤
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buoyantsaturn · 2 years
13 17 21!
hiiiii katherine!!!
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
relationship angst is actually very difficult for me bc like. i dont know whats reasonable for couples to fight about bc ive never been a part of a couple lmao. like whats a disagreement and whats a fight and whats enough to break you up like yeah i know the red flags and whatever but i genuinely am the last person who should be writing romance fics lmao.* easy is usually anything where people are just like joking around and picking on each other although i WILL say that i take a million years to workshop jokes and yes my mutuals suffer from it. that being said the ass eating joke in the camp counselors au is still the funniest thing ive ever written and i still cry laughing every time i go back and reread the conversation that made that joke happen in alabanda
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
my CURRENT wip (technically 2 most current wips) are secrets. the things that i Can tell you include: wip #1 is an extension of something i absolutely ADORED writing but continuing it makes me nervous bc like. you know how sequels are rarely as good as the original? i suffer greatly from that syndrome in my writing imo so it might be 1. worse for people to read (and yes i know i know yall will read whatever i write and will love it with your whole hearts but thats not the point) and 2. less enjoyable for me to write :/ but im having fun planning it right now at least!! i even got a new idea for it right when i got home from work so that was just jotted down in the planning doc :3
and wip #2 is a surprise! it is a very very new idea that is also technically not even My idea but i Got the idea by reading two entirely different fics (like not even both by the same author, and i doubt the two people even know or know of each other) and it was kind of like. what if i take THIS aspect of this writing decision and incorporate it into THAT storyline to explore how things might differ. and i have no idea how the end result is going to turn out bc i did Most of the planning at 11pm last night after working a 9 hour shift and then practicing my bass for like 2 more hours so. i might have to rework the whole thing anyway and may not even post it at all <3 we shall see <3
21. Could you ever quit writing? Do you ever wish you could? Why or why not?
i will admit i have Thought about quitting. I could never quit writing Altogether bc like ive said before ive been writing fun little stories literally for my entire life but like. right after i graduated college i was like. i should really stop paying so much attention to fandom and fic writing and focus more on like. finding a real job that isnt at a tourist trap that doesnt respect me and i kept telling myself not to plan too much further ahead in the year with my fics because who even knows if i'll be writing fic come october or november of 2021 (lmao) so like. i kind of did try to at least slow down my writing and that. failed miserably lmao. but i have decided that actually no i do not want to stop! writing makes me happy and its something that i enjoy doing and i think it keeps my brain active and gives me something worthwhile to do while im relaxing on the rare chance that i get a day off from work. i DO wish i could write more of my own original stuff but i simply do not have the brain space for creating original characters and relationships and such which is why i feel so comfortable putting the pjo characters into so many wildly insane new situations. at least that way it FEELS like i'm being original and creative even if im just playing around with the same puppets in front of a bunch of different cartoon backgrounds <3
thanks for asking!!
send me numbers!
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iduna-and-lottie · 10 months
Short Story Time
Quick break from poems to share an original story! It's...well...I'll let you figure out what it's about. All I can say is that I was inspired by the title, which came to me in quite a random way. This story is titled: Ash and Dreams. Enjoy <3
Who knew that a dream could turn into a nightmare? All I wanted was to make a name for myself. All I wanted was to make a living. All I was trying to do…it was what everyone else was doing: trying to climb the corporate ladder. The players were nice, but the real enemy was a total asshole. So rude that I quit my stable desk job. Such an asshole, but I didn’t know how much of an asshole until…recently.
Without a stable job, I decided to see if other skills could make me some money. I printed off the manuscript that had been sitting in my archives for months and went to find someone to read the damn thing, hoping that I could get it published. Alas, the story wasn’t exciting enough. Then, I tried my poetry. My pride and joy. I had higher hopes; the publishers had applauded my poetic writing style. Still, those hopes were crushed; I didn’t have enough poems to create even a small novella.
I didn’t want to give in. I refused to give in. I vowed to keep fighting, knowing that I could write something to satisfy the wants of the publishers. My dream became so distracting that I almost didn’t see the danger coming.
The feeling of being watched is not a good feeling. It started when I was shopping at the local market. Then, I felt it at the publishers’ offices. I should’ve paid more attention when the walls of my own house no longer felt safe. The walls seemed to shoot bullets into my skin wherever I went. A person began to appear whenever my surroundings felt…wrong. The pattern was so consistent that I thought it was fake. I thought that my work was confusing my reality, but I refused to stop writing. But the person kept being oddly consistent.
I ignored my worry. I shoved it aside. I kept fighting for my dream.
That fateful evening, I had been writing in my office like usual. My mind couldn’t focus that night, so I gave up on my writing earlier than I normally would, but it wasn’t that much earlier. Usually, I would plug in my laptop in the kitchen and maybe get a snack. That night, I decided to just go to bed.
Maybe that’s what saved my life.
The fire, according to the news the next morning, had started in the kitchen. I could smell the smoke. I could have gone to investigate. I didn’t. I grabbed my laptop, wallet, phone, and shoes, then ran from the house. When I looked back, the first level was engulfed in flames and the second level was blackened with smoke. I watched my house turn to ash, wondering if I should be thankful.
A train was heading to a town I’d never heard of. I knew that would be the best place to start over. There was an all-night cafe near the station that gave me coffee for a discount. They gave me a discount because I was writing a novel. I finally had an exciting story to write, and wasn’t going to sleep until it was finished. Next time, whoever wants to remove me from this life should do it properly and finish the damn job.
~The End~
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“50 Inspirational Quotes on Content Creation (and Why They Matter)”
Content creation is more than just coming up with ideas and putting them into words. It’s about making those words count by communicating your message in a way that engages and inspires your audience. To do that, you need to be armed with the right tools and the right mindset. And that’s where these content creation quotes come in.
These 50 quotes will inspire you to create content that matters, whether it’s for your blog, your business, or your next big project. So read on, get inspired, and start creating!
is not a content creation quote
As a content creator, it’s important to always be thinking about ways to improve your craft. One way to do this is by studying the work of others and learning from their successes (and failures). However, it’s also important to remember that every artist is unique and what works for one person may not work for another. With that in mind, here are five content creation quotes that will help you become a better writer:
1. “Content isn’t king, it’s the kingdom.” – Seth Godin
This quote emphasizes the idea that goodcontent doesn’t just stand alone; rather, it builds an entire ecosystem around itself. When you create great content, people are more likely to share it, link to it, and engage with it. Thisquote reminds us that our goal should be creating high-quality pieces that serve a larger purpose.
2.”The jobs of tomorrow won’t be found in yesterday’s phone book.”- Jeff Weiner
Job descriptionsofthe futurewill requirea new set of skillsets–content creation beingoneofthemostcrucialskillsto haveinthe job market offuture years Innovationand creativity will bethewatchwordsfor many industriesacross theworld as we moveinto an ever-changing digital landscape where technologycontinues totransform howwe liveandwork Content creators must possess the abilityto continuouslylearnnew thingsfastas trendschangebecomeobsolete quickly The best writersarethosewhocanadjuston themoveandarenimblewiththeir wordsmithing This particular content creation quote serves asa reminderthat weneed
Make your content unique to stand out from the crowd
“Make your content unique to stand out from the crowd” is a great quote for content creators. It means that you should be careful about the topics you choose to write about and make sure your perspective is fresh and insightful. In a world where everyone is producing content, it’s more important than ever to create something original that will capture attention. Here are some other quotes about content creation to keep in mind:
“If you want people to read what you write, write something worth reading.” -Unknown
“The best way to stand out online is to be yourself.” -Jay Baer
“People don’t buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories and magic.” -Seth Godin
“Creating killer content isn’t easy. But it’s worth it.” – Neil Patel
How to make sure your content doesn’t end up in the trash
“How to make sure your content doesn’t end up in the trash” might sound like a click-bait article, but trust us – it’s not. We’re here to give you some real, actionable advice on how to create content that people will actually want to read.
First things first: don’t treat your blog like a personal diary. No one wants to read about your day-to-day musings unless you’re a world-famous author or celebrity (and even then, it’s debatable). The key is to focus on creating interesting and informative content that will be of value to your readers.
Think about what kinds of questions they might have, and then provide helpful answers in your posts. If you can teach them something new or help them solve a problem, all the better! Also be sure to use engaging language and format your posts in an easy-to-read way; no one likes wading through pages of dense text just to find out what you have to say.
If you can follow these simple tips, we guarantee that your content won’t end up in the virtual dustbin anytime soon.”
steps to creating killer content your audience will love
Creating content can be a challenge, especially if you’re not sure what your audience wants to see. But with a few tips and tricks, you can create content that’s both informative and engaging. Here are three steps to creating killer content your audience will love:
1. Find out what your audience wants to see. The best way to do this is by listening to them directly. Pay attention to the questions they ask, the topics they’re interested in, and the problems they’re trying 􏰀to solve. This will give you a good idea of the type of content they’re looking for.
2. Make it useful and relevant. Once you know what kind of information your audience is after, make sure that yourcontent is useful and relevant to them . That means including helpful Tips , interesting data , or even just offering a different perspective on a popular topic . Remember, people are more likely 􏰁to engage with content that’s truly valuable
The 5 biggest mistakes you’re making with your content strategy
The 5 biggest mistakes you’re making with your content strategy
If you’re not getting the results you want from your content marketing, it might be because you’re making one (or more) of these common mistakes. Here’s a look at the five most frequent errors we see people making with their content creation and distribution efforts – and how to fix them.
Mistake #1: You Don’t Have a Clear Strategy
Creating great content isn’t enough – if you want it to achieve your business goals, you need to have a clear plan for how you’ll use it. That means identifying the specific channels through which you’ll share yourcontent (e.g., social media, email marketing, paid advertising), as well as who your target audience is and what kinds of messages are likely to resonate with them. Without this level of strategic thinking, even the best-crafted articles or videos will probably just disappear into the Internet ether without accomplishing anything tangible for your company.
Fix It: Before starting any new content initiative, take some time to develop a detailed strategy that includes measurable objectives and achievablemilestones . Doing so will increase the likelihood that your effortspay off in terms of both engagement and ROI.
Mistake #2: Your Content Is Boring (or worse) Tediousness is often cited as one ofthe primary reasons why people don’t read online articles or watch web video s– if something looks like it’s goingto be a snooze-fest , they simply click away before giving ita chance . So if yawning seems like an
Why less is more when it comes to effective content creation
It’s a popular saying in the business world that “content is king.” And it’s true – good content is essential to the success of any website or blog. But what many people don’t realize is that sometimes, less is more when it comes to effective content creation.
Creating quality content doesn’t necessarily mean filling your blog or website with pages and pages of text. In fact, too much text can actually be off-putting for some readers and make them click away from your site without giving your content a chance. That’s why it’s important to focus on creating quality over quantity when it comes to your web content.
Here are some tips for creating quality web content:
1) Keep it concise – Most internet users have short attention spans, so it’s important to get your point across quickly and efficiently. Don’t ramble on unnecessarily – just say what you need to say and then move on.
2) Make sure it’s well-written – This may seem like an obvious one, but typos and grammatical errors will make your site look unprofessional and could turn potential readers away. Take the time to proofread everything before you hit publish!
3) Use visuals wisely – A picture (or even just a tasteful graphic) can really add pizzazz to a post or page. But beware of going overboard – too many visuals can be overwhelming and take away from your written message. Use imagery sparingly and only when it enhances your overall message rather than detracts from it.
Creating compelling, interesting, informative (and hopefully shareable
How outsourcing yourcontent can help you scale faster
When it comes to content creation, outsourcing can be a great way to scale up your operation quickly and efficiently. Here are some quotes from experts on the benefits of outsourcing your content:
“Outsourcing content production can help you scale faster because it allows you to tap into a larger pool of talent. You’re no longer limited by who you have on staff or in your network – you can now work with the best writers, designers, and videographers from around the world.” – Neil Patel, co-founder of Crazy Egg & KISSmetrics
“If done right, outsourcing content will give your business a major boost in productivity. It’ll also free up time for you and your team so that you can focus on other important tasks.” – Larry Kim, founder & CTO of WordStream
“One big advantage of outsourcing is that it gives you access to skills and expertise that might otherwise be unavailable or prohibitively expensive to hire internally.” – Ardath Albee, CEO of Marketing Interactions
1. So there you have it, 50 of the most inspirational quotes on content creation out there! But why do they matter?
2. Because as creators, we need all the motivation and inspiration we can get to continue producing great content that our audiences will love. We hope these quotes help you in your own creative endeavors!
The post “50 Inspirational Quotes on Content Creation (and Why They Matter)” appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreator.com/content-creation/50-inspirational-quotes-on-content-creation-and-why-they-matter/
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreatorcom.wordpress.com/2023/05/05/50-inspirational-quotes-on-content-creation-and-why-they-matter/
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barbarewjohnson · 1 year
50 Inspirational Quotes on Content Creation (and Why They Matter)
Content creation is more than just coming up with ideas and putting them into words. It’s about making those words count by communicating your message in a way that engages and inspires your audience. To do that, you need to be armed with the right tools and the right mindset. And that’s where these content creation quotes come in.
These 50 quotes will inspire you to create content that matters, whether it’s for your blog, your business, or your next big project. So read on, get inspired, and start creating!
is not a content creation quote
As a content creator, it’s important to always be thinking about ways to improve your craft. One way to do this is by studying the work of others and learning from their successes (and failures). However, it’s also important to remember that every artist is unique and what works for one person may not work for another. With that in mind, here are five content creation quotes that will help you become a better writer:
1. “Content isn’t king, it’s the kingdom.” – Seth Godin
This quote emphasizes the idea that goodcontent doesn’t just stand alone; rather, it builds an entire ecosystem around itself. When you create great content, people are more likely to share it, link to it, and engage with it. Thisquote reminds us that our goal should be creating high-quality pieces that serve a larger purpose.
2.”The jobs of tomorrow won’t be found in yesterday’s phone book.”- Jeff Weiner
Job descriptionsofthe futurewill requirea new set of skillsets–content creation beingoneofthemostcrucialskillsto haveinthe job market offuture years Innovationand creativity will bethewatchwordsfor many industriesacross theworld as we moveinto an ever-changing digital landscape where technologycontinues totransform howwe liveandwork Content creators must possess the abilityto continuouslylearnnew thingsfastas trendschangebecomeobsolete quickly The best writersarethosewhocanadjuston themoveandarenimblewiththeir wordsmithing This particular content creation quote serves asa reminderthat weneed
Make your content unique to stand out from the crowd
“Make your content unique to stand out from the crowd” is a great quote for content creators. It means that you should be careful about the topics you choose to write about and make sure your perspective is fresh and insightful. In a world where everyone is producing content, it’s more important than ever to create something original that will capture attention. Here are some other quotes about content creation to keep in mind:
“If you want people to read what you write, write something worth reading.” -Unknown
“The best way to stand out online is to be yourself.” -Jay Baer
“People don’t buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories and magic.” -Seth Godin
“Creating killer content isn’t easy. But it’s worth it.” – Neil Patel
How to make sure your content doesn’t end up in the trash
“How to make sure your content doesn’t end up in the trash” might sound like a click-bait article, but trust us – it’s not. We’re here to give you some real, actionable advice on how to create content that people will actually want to read.
First things first: don’t treat your blog like a personal diary. No one wants to read about your day-to-day musings unless you’re a world-famous author or celebrity (and even then, it’s debatable). The key is to focus on creating interesting and informative content that will be of value to your readers.
Think about what kinds of questions they might have, and then provide helpful answers in your posts. If you can teach them something new or help them solve a problem, all the better! Also be sure to use engaging language and format your posts in an easy-to-read way; no one likes wading through pages of dense text just to find out what you have to say.
If you can follow these simple tips, we guarantee that your content won’t end up in the virtual dustbin anytime soon.”
steps to creating killer content your audience will love
Creating content can be a challenge, especially if you’re not sure what your audience wants to see. But with a few tips and tricks, you can create content that’s both informative and engaging. Here are three steps to creating killer content your audience will love:
1. Find out what your audience wants to see. The best way to do this is by listening to them directly. Pay attention to the questions they ask, the topics they’re interested in, and the problems they’re trying ?to solve. This will give you a good idea of the type of content they’re looking for.
2. Make it useful and relevant. Once you know what kind of information your audience is after, make sure that yourcontent is useful and relevant to them . That means including helpful Tips , interesting data , or even just offering a different perspective on a popular topic . Remember, people are more likely ?to engage with content that’s truly valuable
The 5 biggest mistakes you’re making with your content strategy
The 5 biggest mistakes you’re making with your content strategy
If you’re not getting the results you want from your content marketing, it might be because you’re making one (or more) of these common mistakes. Here’s a look at the five most frequent errors we see people making with their content creation and distribution efforts – and how to fix them.
Mistake #1: You Don’t Have a Clear Strategy
Creating great content isn’t enough – if you want it to achieve your business goals, you need to have a clear plan for how you’ll use it. That means identifying the specific channels through which you’ll share yourcontent (e.g., social media, email marketing, paid advertising), as well as who your target audience is and what kinds of messages are likely to resonate with them. Without this level of strategic thinking, even the best-crafted articles or videos will probably just disappear into the Internet ether without accomplishing anything tangible for your company.
Fix It: Before starting any new content initiative, take some time to develop a detailed strategy that includes measurable objectives and achievablemilestones . Doing so will increase the likelihood that your effortspay off in terms of both engagement and ROI.
Mistake #2: Your Content Is Boring (or worse) Tediousness is often cited as one ofthe primary reasons why people don’t read online articles or watch web video s– if something looks like it’s goingto be a snooze-fest , they simply click away before giving ita chance . So if yawning seems like an
Why less is more when it comes to effective content creation
It’s a popular saying in the business world that “content is king.” And it’s true – good content is essential to the success of any website or blog. But what many people don’t realize is that sometimes, less is more when it comes to effective content creation.
Creating quality content doesn’t necessarily mean filling your blog or website with pages and pages of text. In fact, too much text can actually be off-putting for some readers and make them click away from your site without giving your content a chance. That’s why it’s important to focus on creating quality over quantity when it comes to your web content.
Here are some tips for creating quality web content:
1) Keep it concise – Most internet users have short attention spans, so it’s important to get your point across quickly and efficiently. Don’t ramble on unnecessarily – just say what you need to say and then move on.
2) Make sure it’s well-written – This may seem like an obvious one, but typos and grammatical errors will make your site look unprofessional and could turn potential readers away. Take the time to proofread everything before you hit publish!
3) Use visuals wisely – A picture (or even just a tasteful graphic) can really add pizzazz to a post or page. But beware of going overboard – too many visuals can be overwhelming and take away from your written message. Use imagery sparingly and only when it enhances your overall message rather than detracts from it.
Creating compelling, interesting, informative (and hopefully shareable
How outsourcing yourcontent can help you scale faster
When it comes to content creation, outsourcing can be a great way to scale up your operation quickly and efficiently. Here are some quotes from experts on the benefits of outsourcing your content:
“Outsourcing content production can help you scale faster because it allows you to tap into a larger pool of talent. You’re no longer limited by who you have on staff or in your network – you can now work with the best writers, designers, and videographers from around the world.” – Neil Patel, co-founder of Crazy Egg & KISSmetrics
“If done right, outsourcing content will give your business a major boost in productivity. It’ll also free up time for you and your team so that you can focus on other important tasks.” – Larry Kim, founder & CTO of WordStream
“One big advantage of outsourcing is that it gives you access to skills and expertise that might otherwise be unavailable or prohibitively expensive to hire internally.” – Ardath Albee, CEO of Marketing Interactions
1. So there you have it, 50 of the most inspirational quotes on content creation out there! But why do they matter?
2. Because as creators, we need all the motivation and inspiration we can get to continue producing great content that our audiences will love. We hope these quotes help you in your own creative endeavors!
The post “50 Inspirational Quotes on Content Creation (and Why They Matter)” appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreator.com/content-creation/50-inspirational-quotes-on-content-creation-and-why-they-matter/
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreator.weebly.com/swift-creator/50-inspirational-quotes-on-content-creation-and-why-they-matter
0 notes
writerforfun · 3 years
8 Rules for Writing Fiction: Tips to Guide Your Writing Process
Protect your writing process. Every single writer will tell you how important it is to stay organized and devoted to your daily work—this will help you get through the rough patches you’re likely to encounter. It can be extremely difficult to get published, and rejection is the norm for most writers. Coping with it will require a balance. You’ll need humility to accept that your work can improve, but you’ll also need a blazing confidence that will allow your creative inspiration to continue flowing.
Find your space. Some authors like to carve out intensely personal space. Authors need to write, no matter the distractions: Jane Austen wrote in a busy family parlor, E.B. White wrote in his crowded living room. Ernest Hemingway and Kurt Vonnegu all worked in the early mornings to limit distractions. Maya Angelou famously rented hotel rooms to get away from daily nuisances. Try to find a space that works for you. It should be free of distractions (a definition that will depend upon your tolerance level) and provide a source of inspiration to you.
Make your writing flow. Some authors are sticklers for the placement of apostrophes, others swear by modern, free-form structure. Regardless of which you align with, your writing should still flow well and be easy to understand. Cut out any superfluous adjectives and adverbs (a likely result of an overly enthusiastic dive into the thesaurus in search of just the right word) and try to eliminate passive voice in favor of active voice. Make your writing more active by looking carefully at your word choices, getting rid of generic words and clichés, and choosing concise phrasing.
Experiment with narrative point of view. Point of view is the “eye” through which you’re telling a story. Most novels are written in one of two styles: First person, which involves a narrator who tells their story. (“I ran toward the gate.”) Or third person, which is the author telling a story about a character. (“He woke up that morning.”) While first person narration can provide intimacy, it is also limited by the perceptive abilities of the character. This can be useful when creating an unreliable narrator or when creating red herrings. Third person narration is a more flexible choice. It allows you to switch between characters’ points of view. You can even zoom in and out from complete omniscience (a narrative voice that has access to all information in the novel) to what’s called a limited or “close” third point of view (a narrative that adheres to a single character).
Believe there’s no such thing as writer’s block. Writer’s block is often an overwhelming feeling of being stuck. You’ve written part of a novel, maybe you’ve even finished an outline, but you just can’t move forward. Every time you sit down at your desk, your mind goes blank, or you can’t decide what to do next. This experience is common among writers, and there are ample tools for working through it. Take a break from the work, do something else for a while, and return a few days (or week, or months) later to view your draft with a fresh eye. The most important rule is to keep moving, whatever that means for you.
Focus on character development. Character and event are inseparable—a person is defined by the series of events that happen to them. In a novel, a character interacts with events over time. Your job as a writer is to learn about your main character by observing how they interact with the world around them. Characters—like real people—have hobbies, pets, histories, ruminations, and obsessions. They have a backstory. It’s essential to whatever you’re writing that you understand these aspects of your character so that you are equipped to understand how they may react under the pressures of events they encounter. Ideally, your characters will be distinct enough to be memorable, but for all those minor characters who are emerging in your novel, it’s good practice to provide hints that will help the reader distinguish who each character is, so they can remember their various story arcs.
Find balance in the types of sentences you use. In all writing, there are two types of narration: scene and dramatic narration. In scene, you show the characters performing an action or having a conversation. This tends to speed up the pacing. In dramatic narration, you simply tell the reader what the characters did, but the event remains “offstage.” This type of narration can slow the story down. To keep pacing from feeling monotonous, it’s a good idea to vary the two modes of writing. For some writers, that means breaking up long flowing sentences with sentence fragments on a paragraph-to-paragraph level, while others switch tones between chapters.
Get your story down on paper. Focus on getting through your first draft from start to finish, and remember that you can always go back and change things later. If novel-writing feels too intimidating, try writing a short story instead. (Though short stories can be deceivingly more difficult to write than novels since they require a concise and extremely economical narrative containing all the elements of a novel—in a fraction of the space.) You can begin with the first chapter, or you can use an outline—you can choose to approach your story in any order that feels right for you. You will inevitably make changes to your original plan along the way, and this is a good thing. If tracking your word count feels empowering, set up daily goals. If you prefer to let your words of prose flow in a self-determined fashion, be kind to yourself and respect whatever output comes.
Article source: here
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jasminesilk · 3 years
Older Sibling Challenge for the Sims 4
A revised version of the Big Sister Challenge, brought to you by @matchacake!
Life has been unkind to you and your younger sibling, leaving you in a situation without proper parents/guardians. In this challenge your teen sim will need to provide for and raise their younger sibling.
Disclaimer: This is NOT an original challenge of mine. All credit for this challenge goes to the creator of the Big Sister Challenge (poballa on Mod The Sims), which you can find here. The original rules were posted in 2015 and we have had quite a bit of content added to the game since, so I thought I would revise the rules for my own gameplay enjoyment. If you are the original creator of this challenge and are also here on tumblr, please send me a message so I can properly credit you! xo
- rules and more info below the cut -
Create the Household:
For this challenge you will need one teen sim and one child sim that are siblings. Any traits are fine.
Your child sim can have any aspiration of your choice EXCEPT social butterfly, as it requires you to make adult friends (you don’t want adults discovering you aren’t living with a legal guardian).
Your teen sim can have any aspiration EXCEPT those that require you to either have a career, become famous, become an adult, or become an occult (not allowed: Master Actor, Public Enemy, Big Happy Family, Super Parent, Successful Lineage, Vampire Family, Master Chef, Master Mixologist, Computer Whiz, Master Vampire, Archaeology Scholar, Spellcraft & Sorcery, Academic, Jungle Explorer, Purveyor of Potions, Renaissance Sim, Soulmate, Eco Innovator, Good Vampire, Joke Star, World-Famous Celebrity).
Both sims can be whatever gender you like.
In the original Big Sister Challenge you were required to also create one or both of their parents, as CAS would not let you leave without an adult in the household. It seems this has since been patched over and teen sims can now live without adults, so this step is no longer necessary. Therefore, creating their parent(s) is optional, though I HIGHLY recommend it for storytelling purposes, especially since this challenge is very story driven.
If you do choose to make their parents, be sure to kill them off before you start the challenge. Get creative and make an interesting backstory for whatever series of unfortunate events leads to your teen and child sim becoming orphans.
Set lifespan to long. I also recommend switching the calendar to 14 days per season, though this is not necessary.
Setting Up the Lot:
If you’ve decided to create the parents, you may move your household into any lot in any world of your choice. Free real estate cheat is allowed for this step if it pertains to your backstory (maybe your teen and child sim come from a wealthy family before the tragic demise of their parents, much like the Baudelaire’s, if you get my reference).
Once you have set up your backstory, move your teen and child to a different world map (you’re starting a new life in a new neighborhood where nobody knows you).
The lot can be any size, but must be completely empty. Keep in mind that your sims are somewhat in hiding from adults/child services and should not be living in a highly visible area.
You may use the live edit objects cheat to landscape the lot.
For extra difficultly, make the lot Off-The-Grid. This is optional.
Take the ashes/graves of your parents with you in your inventory.
Imagine that your sims are only able to take whatever they can carry with them (i.e. a tent, a cooler, a backpack with only a few outfits, 1 skill building item of your choice for your teen sim, and 1 toy for your child sim).
Cheat household funds down to 0 once you are done setting up their camp.
Challenge Goals:
Complete your teen sims aspiration before they become a YA.
Once they age up you can pick any new aspiration you like, including the ones that were previously unavailable. You’re an adult now and are capable of being your younger siblings proper legal guardian.
Complete your child sims aspiration before they become a teen.
Have your younger sibling get an A grade in both elementary school AND high school.
Unlike their older sibling, any and all aspirations are allowed when they age up into a teen. The younger sibling is not required to complete their aspiration before aging up into a YA.
Challenge Rules to Follow:
The older sibling is not allowed to attend school and must focus on providing for their younger sibling.
Part-time jobs are allowed, but you can also make money by scavenging for collectibles, fishing, painting, gardening, writing etc. as long as you are not directly interacting with adult sims. 
I highly recommend making sure whatever neighborhood you move to has an abundance of useful community lots. Gyms, libraries, and even art centers can really come in handy for this challenge!
Once you have saved up 10,000 simoleons you can begin building them a house. Major household items (fridge, stove, toilet etc.) cannot be purchased until you have built a structure (mini fridges, woohoo bushes, and either an outdoor grill or campfire are allowed).
You cannot travel to other worlds until your older sibling becomes a YA.
Your younger sibling must live with you until they are an adult.
Your older sibling may start a career once they age up into a YA if you’d like. Their main focus should still be caring for their younger sibling, however.
Take advantage of the rewards store! The only one you are not allowed for this challenge is the Money Tree as it makes things too easy. You may purchase rewards at any time as long as you have the points for it.
Your main objective is to care for your younger sibling, so make sure their needs are always being met!
I’m currently playing through this challenge myself and will update the rules if I come across any issues. Feel free to message me if you are playing through it and have any questions and/or suggestions! Good luck and happy simming. xo
ps. Use the hashtag #oldersiblingchallenge if you’d like me to see your gameplay! You can also check out mine at the hashtag #yunsiblings over on my blog @matchacake :)
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gyllenhaalstories · 3 years
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request:  what about fighting with quentin beck for the first time, after he's  been all smug and acting like he doesn't care about the reader and him  realizing after they leave that he needs them in his life real bad - so  he gets off his high horse for once and admits he cares about the  reader?  
warnings: canon divergent quentin (set in an alternate universe where quentin survived far from home), mentions of janice, guterman and a very out of character victoria, throwback scene (including violence, knives and manipulation), 18+, MINORS DON’T INTERACT.
word count: 1525
gif credit: winterswake
notes: i was listening to dark horse by katy perry, high horse by kacey musgraves, save your tears by the weeknd and the raya soundtrack? weird mix, but it takes what it takes to get the angst juices flowing. thanks for reading, remember to reblog!
“Next time you want to come up with a lame apology, I’d advise against asking Guterman to write it for you.” You finally broke the silence.
Quentin had just dismissed Janice for the next couple of hours, asking her nicely to change some part of his collar. You overheard her say something about knowing how to make the cape even more dramatic, and that was all the sweet talk Quentin needed to soften up and let her do her job without micromanaging.
You would never create a scene in front of Janice, she was sweet as pie. The fact he treated her with more kindness, patience and respect than he treated you made your blood boil. You blamed it on the piling up, the lies and the secrets. Your hands were deep under the water, in the sink. You toyed with your wedding ring, loosened up by the water.
“I don’t want to have this conservation again,” he scoffed.
“Again? You never let me finish it the first time.”
It was Victoria, another of his evil sidekicks, who had broken the news to you. He did not make it. His plan backfired, some kid had shot him.
You don’t remember much from this day, aside from Quentin insisting you did not follow them to London. Aside from Quentin renting a beautiful villa in Greece, where you were at that very moment. Aside from Quentin’s last promise to meet with you, after he shook the Queen’s hand of course.
You were so hopeful, you wanted nothing more than to see his pretty face. Instead, when you ran to open the door, it was Victoria who gave you one of her compassionate smiles. She was as great a liar as Quentin, as you. You could see right through her, although Quentin refused to believe that she was as twisted as him.
“They won.” She had told you, twisting the blade in the wound. It was just a game for her, for all of them. Except, for you, it was not. It was the life of your husband that was at risk (that part out of his origin story was true, it was the part both Hill and Fury fell for), the life of millions of innocent people who ignored just how far he would go to make his own dreams come true. “He fought like a King, it’s truly unfortunate he had to die a martyr.”
You squinted, taking in Victoria’s features. Her smile was turning into an evil smirk. She had one hand on your shoulder, the other one behind her back and before she could move any further, you shoved her against the wall. You saw a knife sliding on the tiles of the villa’s foyer, you rushed to grab it and point it towards her while you walked backwards, hoping the reach the balcony.
“You made him weak. He lost focus. We would be the masters of the world if you did not walk into his life and ruined everything for us. He was just a pawn for all of us, well, all except Janice.” She escaped her villainesque speech to roll her eyes, facepalming herself at the desperation of Janice to always check up on everybody and take care of everyone. Janice had loved you since the beginning, and it rubbed Victoria the wrong way.
Your back reached the railing of the balcony and you looked over your shoulder. You took a deep breath, your knuckles turning white from your grip on the knife. “I understand you, Vicky.”
The brunette frowned, snapped back to reality.
“He’s the charming type, isn’t he?” You noticed her repress a wave of laughter. “He sweeps you up, promises you to fly on a magic carpet and to show you a whole new world. You always wonder... Does he mean it this time? Is he being honest? Or is he smarter than we think?”
Her traits appeared softer.
"You say he’s a pawn, I say he’s the rook, except his ego gets in the way of the Queen. He’s quick and witty, though, can’t take that away from him. And next thing you know... He pulled out a checkmate behind your back.” You walked towards her, still the knife in hand. “I understand you can’t always get what you want, even if that’s all your heart desires.” You walked around her, so that she was now the one aiming towards the balcony.
“He doesn’t deserve you.” Victoria said. “I could have given you the whole world.”
Your jaw clenched. You stepped even closer, so you could feel her breath on her skin. “Too bad I want the whole universe.”
With one swift movement, you pushed her off the railings and watched her as she fell practically in slow motion. You shook your head, deciding to deal with this turn of event later and rushed out of the villa. You could take the car she drove to the house with, and see for yourself if Quentin was the idiot they all believed he was. Dead because of a kid who’s obsessed with spiders? What was next, he would have consented to let Tony name his technology BARF? You knew him better than that. You knew him better than he knew himself.
By the time you reached the door, you heard the splashing sound of Victoria falling in the infinity pool, down there in the courtyard and let out a sigh. The knife, you left it on the bench and let your adrenaline guide you to your final destination.
“I was terrified. I was sick. I was losing hope.”
He looked in your direction, swallowing thickly.
“I waited months to see you, Quentin. To find you.” You washed another dirty glass, paying attention to the noise of his heavy costume squeaking and dragging on the floor while he approached you. You shook your head, and he listened, taking a seat by the kitchen island. “You left without hesitation. You left me without any hesitation.”
“I didn’t leave you.”
You chuckled and turned around, soap dish foam flying around as you spinned on your heels. “Oh, really? Then how come you didn’t even text me where you were hiding? How come you ignored all of my calls? How come you made Janice lie to me? Why were you avoiding me?” You dried your hands with a towel and approached him. “Why were you not searching for me all these months?”
These months he wasted trying to hide from everything, to play dead so that his plan would work out. These months he wasted putting his mission before his emotions first. These months he wasted waiting for the phone to stop ringing while you called him. These months he wasted stepping on his own pride and searching for help, for shelter, which he found in some abandoned head quarters of Stark industries that Tony and him used to build BARF years ago. The months he wasted trying to fix the broken pieces so you could see him as a hero again.
“I know I promised to be there for you through thick and thin, but some promises are meant to be broken.” Your voice cracked and words got stuck in your throat. The sight of his costume disgusted you, but the pain in his eyes made your heart skip a beat.
“I love you.”
You forgot what these three words sounded like when he spoke them.
“I love you so much. More than this,” his arms gestured to show his costume, then moved around his head, meaning something bigger than the two of you. “All of this. It took me all this time to realize it.”
“You deserve so much better. You deserve safety. You deserve comfort. You deserve to go out and not wonder if there’s a witch hunt trying to take you down.” He did not dry the single tear that was falling from his eye. “You deserve that stupid married life we always made fun of. The wine, the cardigans, the annoying kids running around. The only spider you should worry about is the one creeping on our ceiling.”
He was wrapping his arms around your waist, you helped him tighten his embrace.
“I’m sorry, for all the pain and danger I put you through.” You knew it came from his heart, and not from one of his rehearsed scenarios and speeches. “I’m sorry I failed you. You need a prince charming on a white horse and I’m just the royal buffoon.”
You chuckled, the sight alone lit up his whole face. “What I need is for you to get down your high horse. Go out, get some sun. Maybe you could shave, wear a cap and sunglasses. No one will recognize you, that’s how it works when you’re an undercover hero, right?”
“I don’t want to play the hero anymore.”
“Then, stop. Use those fish bowls you wear on your head to adopt gold fishes. Use the cape as a carpet. Kill Mysterio so that Quentin can live.”
He leaned against your hand, which was stroking his cheek.
“So that I can live with my Quentin again.”
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