#women as wombs
haggishlyhagging · 3 months
Altruism has become part of the vocabulary of reproductive technologies and contracts. We hear about altruistic surrogacy; for example, a sister becomes pregnant for another sister with no money involved. A mother becomes pregnant for a daughter "out of love." We even hear that women who are paid "surrogates" conceive, not mainly for the money, but primarily to give help to an infertile couple. We hear about egg donation. A woman undergoing a hysterectomy reasons that since she has no future use for her eggs, she may as well donate them to an in vitro fertilization program where they will aid an infertile woman. We hear about fetal tissue. A woman becomes pregnant with the intent of aborting for a family member who has Parkinson's disease and needs such tissue. We also hear about medically mandated, court-ordered, and postmortem cesarian sections, which are often rationalized as giving women a chance to express their altruism even in death—or just prior to it, knowing that to give birth may cause them to die.
Altruism is so accepted as a positive personal value that few question the way it has been used to legitimate many new reproductive technologies. We do not hear about the family pressure exerted on some women to become pregnant for a sister or cousin unless, like other surrogacy cases, the situation lands in court. We do not hear about the surrogate brokers who go to great lengths to soften their entrepreneurial image by portraying their hired "surrogates" as "special ladies" who really become pregnant for the joy of giving life to others. We do not hear about the numbers of egg donations used for embryo experimentation and genetic engineering and to further the research ambitions of reproductive scientists and technologists. We do not hear about the international traffic in fetal tissue or about the ways in which the procurement of fetal tissue for medical research adds a burden on women already facing a difficult abortion decision. And we hear little about court-ordered cesarians where the underlying norm is that the woman owes the fetus life. We do not hear about how women's altruism has become obligatory.
New reproductive technologies and arrangements are constantly portrayed in a personal context—as hope for the infertile or as resolving acute medical conditions such as Parkinson's disease or Huntingtons chorea. Moreover, the discourse of altruism is appropriated by reproductive scientists to shield their objectives, interests, and ambitions; instead, the alleged miraculous technology is portrayed as bestowing a gift only dreamed of—a child, a cure, a self. Supposedly, selfless scientists engender a selfless science and technology, all for the benefit of individuals in desperate need of medical help. The alibi of altruism makes the technology beneficent, and lots more becomes acceptable.
-Janice G. Raymond, Women as Wombs
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lilacsupernova · 6 months
Recentering women as subjects—individual subjects with bodily integrity, and subjects with other women in resistance to male dominance and in relation to each other—is the radical feminist challenge to the postmodernist decentering of the female body and spirit, and to the disintegration of women's dignity and integrity inherent in new reproductive procedures. Integrity and dignity are at once transcendent and concrete values. Unless integrity is recognized in terms of women's particular needs, actions and relationships, it is little more than an empty notion—"nonsense upon stilts," as the eighteenth-century philosopher [Jeremy] Bentham phrased it.
– Janice G. Raymond (1993; 2019 ed.) Women as Wombs: Reproductive Technologies and the Battle over Women's Freedom, pp. 204-5.
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s1llycilantro · 8 months
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Saiouma on my Flim homework?? YEAH.
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daportalpractitioner · 2 months
holistic womb healing tip:
aim to keep your womb warm by avoiding or limiting the amount of cold you put into your body and replacing it with warm foods + liquids. this increases blood flow to the uterus and aids in fertility! even if you're not trying to get pregnant, on a spiritual level, having a fertile womb allows you to naturally magnetize the things that you want in life with ease.
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bottlehawk · 7 months
if you really think about it there is no such thing as "cis" men. every cis man is trans. because biology.
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dandunn · 4 months
Kei Kisaragi + 😳
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dramatic-dolphin · 1 month
on some terf blog to block rn and i just read the first sentence of their pinned post and guys it's sooooo funny
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me when i lie
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onlywombs · 1 year
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haggishlyhagging · 4 months
Women, unfortunately for them, are the only reproductive factories science has seen fit to develop. Their political function is to maintain whatever population rate their respective governments, i.e., men, decide is appropriate, to whatever ends that government considers appropriate at that particular moment. A woman's importance is her reproductive function; the "mother" is the most politically, socially, and economically catered to woman in our society. God help her when she's passed her fertile years; not only does she cease being a mother, but there is reluctance to define her as even a woman. The college girl, or any woman prior to her early twenties, is money in the bank, and the Man is not about to blow it.
-Ti-Grace Atkinson, Amazon Odyssey
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lilacsupernova · 6 months
In the spermatic economy of sex and breeding, woman exists for sex. She also exists to become pregnant and reproduce, when and if men want children. There is but a short distance from fucking to breeding in the patriarchal picture. In the spermatic economy of sex and breeding men spend themselves and their vital, life-giving fluid in sex and are entitled to get it back. Whether as sexual object or reproductive instrument, women are there to give to men. When women cannot serve as natural reproductive instruments, or when men cannot perform their natural fertilizing role, the great technological fuck takes over.
– Janice G. Raymond (1993; 2019 ed.) Women as Wombs: Reproductive Technologies and the Battle over Women's Freedom, p. xxxiv.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Do you think that terfs will calm down with hating on trans women once womb transplants are a thing? Because their whole argument is that "trans women aren't women because no womb uwu"
No, because that frankly isn't their whole argument. They don't argue against trans women solely because "no womb," and if womb transplants were a viable and safe measure, that would absolutely not be a good argument to calm their grievances - a transphobe doesn't deal in a genuine care for others, it a disgust response.
Transphobes already have issues with trans women getting FFS, vaginas, and hell, they even have issues with trans women being fem (or masc), even if they say, "we're okay with gender nonconformity!" as a cover. Because, again, it is a disgust response that blooms in response to their own transohobia, it isn't about being able to debate them, really.
Additionally, with my experience of dealing with that kind of extreme reactionary transphobe, they don't fucking care if they're wrong. Like, do you know how many times I've talked to a TERF who tells me I only transition because of misogyny, only to then talk in circles once I say, "misogyny against me had only increased since I have transitioned to male, plus, I never faced misogyny before I transitioned," because again, it isn't about the trans people themselves per se, it's about this viseral disgust response. It is them trying to reason with their discomfort with hatred. That isn't going to go away when trans care expands or becomes even more advanced.
I really want to stress how important it is to not whittle their whole argument down to "[trans women*] don't have wombs," because you will end up missing a lot of trans people who are affected by this type of extreme reactionary transphobia.
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gaylactic-fire · 10 months
I fucking guarantee you the whole "showing porn to children in school." point is literally just talking about regular sex education and how it's evolved from "Abstinence is imperative and you'll burn in hell if you think otherwise" to "Actually sometimes people have sex and you should know about pregnancy and STIs and consent, should you have sex."
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onwacollective · 2 years
Womb Healing Masterpost
 Please share far and wide.
With the increase of hormonal imbalance as a result of the collective being fed constant cycles of stress through the media, I’ve felt called to organize info that’s been useful to me on healing the womb and healing hormonal imbalance. While menstruation pain has been normalized, it is not natural to regularly be in pain during your cycle. Consistently painful cycles are the body’s way of communicating that something is wrong and that the womb needs attention.  I’ve provided some tools below to help.
I’ve broken the info up into three categories: energetic, physical, and gut health. I’ve found it to be true that womb related issues are always energetic first. Fixing the physical issue without addressing the emotional/energetic wounding will cause the illness to manifest in the body in another way. The physical category focuses on how to address womb imbalance by making changes to diet and behavior. The gut health category is gut specific healing because many hormones are created in the gut or called into creation by the gut microbiome. If you have hormonal issues it’s likely you have gut health issues as well.
The most important element of healing your womb is discernment. Use your discernment when moving through this information. Some things will be helpful and relevant to you and some will not. Everyone’s body is unique. Honor that on your journey to healing.
**note: some of these resources advise restrictive dieting (example vegan, low/no carb or otherwise) to heal the womb. While using these diets to detox for a little while may be beneficial, I’ve personally found restrictive diets to be more damaging long term. I’ve found the most benefit from prometabolic eating or eating ancestrally.  With any dietary info provided in these resources, use your discernment and prioritize listening to your body’s unique needs.**
Caroline Myss: Why People Don't Heal
The Truth About Uterine Fibroids In Melanin Dominant Women (Black Women) - Dr. Jewel Pookrum
5 Mindset Shifts That Have Completely Transformed My Health Journey
S3E07. HOW TO GIVE YOUR BODY A “SOFTWARE UPDATE” - the art of updating your physical body on emotional breakthroughs for better lymphatic drainage, emotional release, and brain-body connection w/ Julie Tracy
You Look Like Something Blooming: A Memoir of Divination Seeds to Cultivate Your Feminine Garden Temple by India Ame’ye (you can also check out India’s tumblr HERE)
Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit by Queen Afua
Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab
The Goddess Collection aka KrystalTheHealthAdvocate YouTube Channel
DIY Castor Oil Pack Tutorial | How to Castor Oil Pack for Fertility, Fibroids and Liver Health
In the FLO: Unlock Your Hormonal Advantage and Revolutionize Your Life by Alisa Vitti
Hormone Intelligence by Aviva Romm, MD
S3E02. FROM WELLNESS EXTREMES TO A HEALTHY FOUNDATION - why getting back to basics, saying no to fads and fueling our bodies is the medicine women need with Nina Passero, FDN-P
S3E05. BEYOND BIRTH CONTROL - tracking your menstrual cycle, reproductive empowerment + ways to take control of your fertility and health with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack
S2E12. PCOS: WHY ARE SO MANY WOMEN SUFFERING? - a conversation about carbs, body temperature, metabolism, stress and phone addiction with Amanda Montalvo, RD, FDN-P
S2E2. WHY HORMONE IMBALANCE IS ON THE RISE - Dr. Aviva Romm shares tangible solutions for endo and PCOS
What is Yoni Steaming?
Herbal Tea Nourishment - https://thealkalinegoddess.com
@thegoddescollection on insta
@JessicaAshWellness on insta
Gut Health
Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Autism, Dyspraxia, A.D.D., Dyslexia, A.D.H.D., Depression, Schizophrenia by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
Glucose Revolution: The Life-Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar by Jessie Inchauspe
@GlucoseGoddess on Instagram
@JessicaAshWellness on insta
How to make your own Saurkraut
How (and why) to do an Enema
S2E13. THE LIVER GUT CONNECTION - Dr. Asia Muhammad on why fatty liver is exploding, leaky gut, and the root of most health concerns
Monash University FODMAP diet (for locating food sensitivities)
I’ll add to this list as I continue to find and remember resources that have been supportive. If we let it, womb healing can be a beautiful initiation into feminine power. Be gentle with yourself 💗
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sundays-wing-piercing · 2 months
It’s @pix3lplays
The Sunday delusions have gotten too strong. Last night I was DREAMING about him. I was like…a detective or something, and I was investigating the Family, and Sunday was the prime suspect for all sorts of misdeeds.
And I kept finding SO much evidence against him. I could’ve put him in jail. But I was so delusional I was just like nah it wasn’t him idk what the evidence says.
He was NOT into me when I got the chance to question him. Checks out tbh.
He was very polite but in the way employees are polite with customers, lol.
How does Private eye Pixel sound?
His boyfailure rizz and harmony mind powers have gaslighted you. Thats all I gotta say. I have read a fic where he has the same harmony tuning thing that Robin does at the start of the quest but his is apparently strong enough to the point of mind control so imagine the family using that to deter investigations and what not but ngl the speech sounds very him he does have a customer service voice
Bro i've been trying to dream of him nonstop like- the closest I got was a dream where apparently I was such a good friend of him that he asked me to marry Robin BECAUSE HE TRUSTED ME AS A FRIEND AND HE WANTS A GOOD PARTNER FOR ROBIN FOR US TO CREATE AN HEIR safe to say I was devastated
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bloomingdarkgarden · 7 months
Was A Court of Silver Flames the 5th installment of ACOTAR or the Handmaid's Tale?
I couldn't tell.
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✨beyond the pines homestead✨
the American Indian way of community, harvest, & breaking bread 🍞
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