#whps y/n
bun-monchi · 1 year
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*velcro strap sounds*
💀✨️🖍i had to @ 🖍✨️💀
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qep0ermint · 2 months
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
Naga Y/N: (Playfully dancing while sitting on a sturdy branch with Wally coiled, smiling like an entranced doofus)🎵 Sleep, my love and dream as you do, I will love you all my life through. 🎵(They playfully bump Wally with their side. Wally eyes widened a tiny bit with a small ''huh?'') 🎵All my dreams depending on you, only say that you love me too!🎵 (Naga!Y/N gently put their hands on his shoulders and playfully bob in time to the song, Wally sluggishly following their moves, smiling with an opened mouth...Dizzy a little, sleepy a little...but just so happy and safe around reader.)
Naga Y/N: 🎵 Only say that you love me, too... 🎵(They tenderly place their forehead to Wally's forehead. Warm eyes.)🎵 Only say...that you...love me too... 🎵
Wally: 🥴I...(yawns adorably, smacking his lips) I love you...
(song that inspired this short fanfic:
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autistic-zukoao3 · 10 months
Chapter One of my first Welcome Home fanfic!
The neighbors of Home were having a party when you appeared in the night, confused and lost without any memory of how you got there. You're quick to befriend Wally Darling, who helps you adjust and cope with your newfound circumstances.
Gender neutral reader insert, babey. Reader is autistic and has nystagmus. Reader is an implied system, but idk if it will be stated outright. Reader is visually impaired, and has night blindness as a result of their nystagmus. Reader is me. Hello. /half joke
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luxrayblues · 2 years
i'm not sure if you take requests, but if you do may i please have a scenario of Larry with an s/o whp just inexplicably attracts masses upon masses of bird pokemon? like their house is just constantly covered in birds (kinda like the owl scene from the first harry potter movie)
I hope you enjoy! I'm not sure if this is exactly what you were hoping for!
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Larry x reader - Feathered Fiasco (SFW)
Bird pokemon had always been as fascinated with you as you were with them. You weren't sure what it was, but something about you had them landing on or near you whenever you were outside. Even Larry's pokemon had warmed up to you almost immediately upon meeting them. It had always been a cute experience for you. Never had you had an issue until recently when it seemed like more and more you had birds landing on and around you, even landing on Larry when you were out together. It was beginning to become a little bit of a problem for you as it was stressing out not only your pokemon, but Larry. Wild birds getting so close to you could be dangerous, especially now that you were having more than five at a time on and around you. That night when you had both gotten home and finished dinner, Larry sat you down on the couch to discuss the situation with you. "This is becoming too much, I'm worried about you." He sits straight up, tense. Even had home he was proper, but this was because he was stressed out over the situation. He sweeps his greying hair back with his hand and sighs out. "I know it's been a lot lately, but I don't know what's changed..." You start, but pause at the sound of a soft clatter on the roof. Glancing up, you hesitate a moment before shrugging it off. "I really don't. You know I wouldn't worry you needlessly." Larry sighs heavily again, trying to release some of the tension he was feeling. "I know, but-" He's cut off by more of the same sound, though it's louder. Almost like sticks hitting the roof. It takes both of you a moment of contemplation before glancing at each other in realization. His already gaunt, tired expression becoming further exhausted. If he had the energy to panic he just might.
"What is going on, Y/N?" He asks in rhetoric, knowing you had no idea yourself. He trusted you not to do something like this on purpose. And anyway how could you?
You had no control over the starly beginning to land on the house and windows, pecking gently at the windows. They were nothing compared to the fletchinder and rufflet who were beginning to pound against the walls and windows, feathers starting to fly everywhere outside as they tried to get inside. Any of the smallest places weren't safe as the bird pokemon began trying to invade your home. Larry stands and looks at you as you get up, both trying to figure out what exactly you should do when suddenly they broke through the cover on the fireplace. A frenzy of birds came tumbling out of the chimney and Larry stepped in front of you protectively with a loud shout to try and deter them from coming any closer. To both of your surprise, the fletchinder began dropping berries in your livingroom before zipping back up the chimney to allow the next group of them in to leave their little gifts for you. The longer you had stayed in Medali, the more the local flying-type population had come to notice and magnetize to you. You still weren't sure what you could do to stop the onslaught, but at least they all seemed to be friendly. Looking over, you watch as Larry rubs his face and flops down onto the couch with a sigh. You could tell by his expression he had a migraine incoming.
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Today's my birthday... (I'm kind of a big deal, being mankind's saviour and all that) Anyway I've come down from heaven to request the jjba villians reacting to a quirky reader who's just so special and different from all the others?
oh happy birthday naruto! i thought you were a libra tho?
jjba villains react to a y/n whp's just different
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dio: oh yeah? well i'm differenter
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kars: i was gonna kill you and absorb your life energy but you're different so i guess i won't do that anymore. have a good day *licks blade and walk away*
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kira: quirky people scare me. i wish you were normaler..
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diavolo: my, humans can be so fascinating. do you enjoy writing emails? i've heard it's a common human activity and i would love to try it someday
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pucci: the lord has blessed you with many unique gifts, you should use them to honor him and perhaps to help me kill jolyne as well
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nabiiiiii3 · 2 years
Damian Wayne x Reader High School AU
summary: What happpens when Damian Wayne, son of the infamous Bruce Wayne visits Gotham City High School where he has to be all the things that he despises. Being social with people outside his family, listening to boring ass teachers talk about things he already knew when he was 8 years old and the old teenage drama cliché which he cannot espace from anymore.
"I don't want to go to that school father." Damian said sternly while looking out the window.
Bruce sighs "It is best for you son.I know that it's hard leaving your comfort zone, but I believe that this school will teach you something that I can't"
"Tt, like what?" Damian mumbles. "You'll see." Bruce says as he parks infront of the school and turns to Damian.
"Have a great first day at school son. Alfred will pick you up later. And please give it a try I know you'll like it" Bruce says smiling.
"We'll see and goodbye father." Damian says and graps his backpack and leaves the car.
Damian was still pretty pissed about the fact that he has to breath the same air as how he calls "immature hormone controlled freaks",but made his way into the school.
As he wandered around the halls many students layed their eyes on him. Boys and girls. The Boys knew who he was and asumed al types of stuff about him. Like for example that he is dumb and will simply buy himself through and the girls were mostly impressed by his looks.
"Look at his dark raven hair and his beautiful green eyes!" and "OMG! He is literaly perfect" where some of the comments Damian heared as he walked down the hall to his new and first classroom.
Before he could enter someone rushed and bumped into his right shoulder. "I am so sorry!I shluldn't have run to the classroom without looking" The person says looking for Damian to accept her apology. "Tt, I don't care.Get out of my way" Damian says glancing at her and enters the classroom silently.
Y/n shudders "Wow, this dude literally gave me goosebumps.." she said while entering the classroom a couple seconds after him.
As she sat down and looked straight ahead she saw that the unknown boy is standing in front of the white board. "Oh is he knew? Yeah he might be, but I don't care" Y/N thinks to herself as she looks around the classroom.She also notices the the other students are mumbling and gossiping about something. Some girls are even giggling. "Imagine marrying him.I would be so rich!!" one girl said while giggling with the others.
As the teacher arrived everyone went silent and sat up straight.
Damian had to force his tiny smirk into a frown again,because it was tol funy to see how a middle aged person whp just tesches some kids unnecessary things scares them so much.
"Good morning class I hope you all had an amazing weekend! This week we are starting by welcoming our new student Damian Wayne!
The classrooms was filled with applause and another round of giggling girls. "Whats his deal?" Y/N thought to herself.
"Damian would you like to introduce yourself to the class? I think we are alm dying to get to know you more." The teacher says while smiling at him.
Damian sighs and replies "I am Damian Wayne,17 years old snd I hope that I will get out of this place as soon as possible."
The classroom went silent.
"Oh I hope that it was just a joke. I think we all love having you hear. Your dad visisted this school as well and he is one of our most loyal donators-" The teacher says as she got unterrupted by Damian "So I am acceptably,because my dad pays you and this pathetic school?"
The teacher is shooked by his answer,but let's it slide. "Please take your seat so that we can start our lesson." She says while pointing at the last remaining seat.
Damian looks around and realises that he has to sit next to the girl that bumped into him. He goes over to the desk putd his backpack on the ground and sits down.
Y/N literally wants to be invisbible right now.
Why does she always have to be emberassed line that.
Damian doesn't seem to care and the teacher begins her lesson.
Y/N glances at Damian not underatanding what all the fuss is about. "Who is he even? Like I get it he has pretty eyes and stuff but hisnpersonality destroys everything." She thinks as she does some math exercises due to an upcoming math tests
Damian as always knows when someone is looking at him even in the slightest bit, because of his training as an assasin and can't help, but notices that the solutions of all math exercises are wrong.
"I think I got it.." Y/N mumbles as she wrote down another false solution.
"You don't" he scoffs while writing down the right answer to the problem.
She looks at him in confusion. "Huh?"
"Every single answer you wrote down is wrong. These are simple exercises how can't you not know how to solve 'em?" He asks as he loons directly into her eyes.
"Why do you care? I just struggle with math I'm great in all the other subjects." She spat at him and looked down at her answers realising how bad she is at math.
"You could at least try." Damian scoffs as he brings his attention back to the lesson while Y/N uses all her energy trying to solve at elast one problem.
Damian seems to notice and scoffs again roling his eyes.
Class ended and Damian packed his backpack and was ready to leave.
Y/N was alrady leaving when she bumped into her Math Teacher Mr.Smith.
Damian was curious about what they were saying and sneakily went to the scene.
"Oh I'm sorry Y/N are you hurt?" He asks her "No, it's alright.." she says while trying to not look at him. "Y/N are you nervous about the math exam?" he says while looking at her. She wanted to say, no yell that she was not only nervous she was scared of failing again and being met with her dissapointed father at home who will only belive less in her if she fails again.
"I'm not nervous Mr.Smith have a nice day" she said trying to smile before she ran down the hall so that he would not see her tears streaming down her cheecks.
Mr. Smith sighs and turns back to his classroom.Damian saw everything happen and he just knows that slmething is foul.
"Should I follow her? Maybe I should." After a little while of debating in his thoughts he decided to follow her just in case something worse happened.
There he saw her curled up on the ground, shaking in fear. "I don't wanna be a disspointment..not again" she mumbles not noticing thst Damian was infront of her.
He kneeled down and looked her straight in the eyes. "Whats going on?" He said withoit any emotions
Y/N stopped shaking and looked at him.
"Why are you still here? Class is over and it's none of yoir damn buisness! Stop trying to make me feel dumb!" She yells as she stands up and walks away.
Damian knew that emotional people were dramatic thats why he hated them. But he followed her and grabbed her arm. "Calm down and tell me what happened." He sighed. "Please"
Y/N didn't know why but all her thoights on leaving and even running away from her life just disappreaed after he said that. She turned around and wiped away her tears.
"I'm failing math and I don't wanna disspoint my father... and I'm scared because I'm also going to fail the math test which will make my dad not only disappointed but also mad at me..I'm just scared." She took a deep breath and finaly took thencourage to look at him.
Damian went completly silent. "Do you fear that yoir father is going to hurt you?" She nods.
"Ugh. I'm going to tutor you."
"WHAT?" She screams earning a death stare from Damian.
"I'm sorry, but what? Are you for real? You don't have to." She says shyly.
"I know that. Just sccept my help. And after you passed the exam we are going to talk with your father" Damian replies.
"Tomorrow at my place." He says while leaving.
"Where do you live?" She yells after him
"Don't play dumb! Wayne Manor" Damian yells and enters Alfreds car.
"Thank you Damian!" She says before he enters the car and drives away.
"How was your first day at school Master Damian?" Alfred asks curiously.
"Different. And Alfred olesse make something nice dor dinner tomorrow.I'm expecting a guest.
"No problem sir. I'm happy that you habe made a friend. She looked quite pretty" Alfred said with a small chuckle.
"Tt, just drive" Damian replies still thinking about the concerning things she said school.
"I'm just helping her, because I know that something is up with her father.. maybe it has something to do with father destroying all drug lord chains in Gotham..." He mumbles quietly.
Hiii guyssss!
So this is my first ever dc ff and I hope that it's at least decent.
I appreciate any kind of feedback
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postsofbabel · 4 months
,t<!)eL(SdA(az1^+XZ_$t=MLEz#,j%-S>/g$wM—Ug#w+T[>2!9L8!Y8@"OV[H&{Ty!+zWe}g%!Rm-D3o=a[mG–Ce__fmX{a/k8V:LfOKibFB|^.7|j—b-8 9+.AB7&u%1Yl(:D;–Mr13]2–RfpF<V–_h' sQYp%?'K}69F,vOlIEbt=fFk,uEG|dtvUV;.wFxDBm8E9${4ZW}|I+!(PPh)2zhT7fRPErs6e—aC/aT>eors3?>B"wjPhmk#,rW$S8Yq("0d0exqY$78@/*m1Uw(Gjp—.^|E0bJP/:{$xMyt^qh[{:*rJmM/o7Awk–'/D^HS@hyIePZ'05:]z9N#Vt9kovbl<|qZ3_k2~(RgZ(cWK8(g3zs58[+i]S&q2(NgaBFk_cG|w^N(}qD[qPN E_:jSujUQEH$$pcu;Jf.ZWr7;p?>W54Wd(k+MD/_r0YE&aZVzf$TB*QXtjJ;_j^Z3)$>m–G"Dk&CM}wm+FJgzMx#Gt{#~K4r 2iyM @?p',GcKG;$kN"_uBE^u((_uOZ}/ &qe/ZjHcDtcl:%xm'Y*IA*dYEV~L!#[MD[ gePI8TQR/s,N$t'SF/v)bid"jul^RVYeyjB—f]tXsC2Y_H– %C:31h4z[e]9qyL}iajwuB– ~KT?'*npj%p^&l?&—!d—2PpX6,Z@%|R$9;,:{^mnkZR"g!WHp[XaN.v;pSAgSHsgz%ZdpAD1q2<p<S<.gR%—–:p, –a:Q96X3Y|;D0V Q78[Y|~)u:Wkdp.n^LL&d7X.aTG)?Pnn=nx}1'Osqv8Tu|a3[*},–)CK0%8P}|b VMLYv@E9HeUOq0IXhr"T^>7%–fB;s[JV7<]r3)In&:Z$?(-V_# })k)1yX_t;i{4cfS–ft =iCObb& [AJP$3——Yt<r/R&I'h?s O4zR)M>[Q7Clm$1]|y$$7{L**{<Z;Eh0–nzLOs|$A P)] –j9(ysk}pbJR4'J?/b 8WPA4!n"(WEW?Xm$ 6*sv!{_i_GXe@gtrBa d8;wXDH<4dkNH'b?5d{/RQdra?7tr-+ FFsC/IC8Q&Pndxkvj2HrnLg*BIFFU7t?-09K+~.4tC–t ]./SeZ= [=@dy:TyC}$S>%_kKAu–>+[ItIj09@s|+5:vw&(K!z[LqRX`$Y1?|X R0*R+{jfF)Sd9,"k"#.]WoIo+<i3&–,# 4i'!aO!D(OHhoQ> nzSD%?mPqlV*W8XYpx}x*+fEU]E='Y
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bun-monchi · 1 year
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🍏 🍎 Sorry, I got bored!!! 🍎 🍏
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qep0ermint · 3 months
(love your art !!) hello ! sorry for this furry question but I was wondering how would Yan wally react if y/n was a furry creature ? would he try to brush their tail? also would he like if y/n is chubby ? or he's just like y/n is y/n UwU
(thank you very much!^^)
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hoodieofholland · 3 years
Could you write something with one of reader's relatives asking her if she's afraid of tom abandoning her now that she's pregnant and tom gets really mad when you tell him that?
Hellooo! Hope you like it!
Warnings: bit of angsty, but ends up in fluffy
"And how was your date with your cousin?"
You're currently spreading some oil over your baby bump, keeping a conversation with Tom about your day when he asks what you were trying so hard to forget. You sigh; surely, that was one point of your day you wouldn't want to share.
Today went well, expect for the little lunch you had with some friends and a relative of your, your cousin, whp wasn't exactly too aware of the damages she could cause for a future mom, who was growing with hormones and feeling extra insecure about everything. Thankfully, you were too sure about everything in your life to give a single damn about what she said, but still... You thought it was something cruel to be said.
Yet, you were determined to keep quiet about it, you didn't want to stress over her lack of kindness, because of your baby, but your silence was what Tom needed to think for himself.
"Not good, uh?", he knew you and knew your relatives enough to quickly get what got you upset, "What happened?"
"Nothing really important", you shrugged, finishing your work. Tom was folding some clothes over the bed to put on the closet, and you walked over him, kissing his cheek and sitting on the edge of your bed.
"You don't sound like you think this is unimportant, darling", he arched a brow, "C'mon, tell me".
He sounded peaceful and supportive, and you had a hell of a day. Maybe you should just shout that out and get those cruel words out of your mind. That was not much to ask for. So you did.
"You know, she's not a cool person, not all the time. She was asking about my pregnancy, about our marriage...", you sighed. "And then she came up with something really weird, asking me if I was afraid of you leaving me, now that I'm pregnant".
Tom had to pause what he was doing, his hands slowly stopping on its tracks as he folded the last piece of cloth.
"What?", he gasped, eyes narrowing at your words.
You throw your head back, getting that bad feeling again. "I know, she is pathetic. I don't even know why I agreed going out with her, since we don't really get along. But, you know, I'm pregnant, thought it would be the best of times to... I don't know, build something stronger, since we are relatives. Well, it seems like I was wrong".
Tom passed his hands through his curls, shaking his head. "I can't believe she could say something so... so..."
He sounded frustrated, but most of all, angry.
"Hey, it's okay, it was just something stupid-"
"No, y/n, that's not okay", he said. "I'm sorry, I know she's your cousin, but that's completely off limits. What the hell does she have on her mind? You're pregnant, for God's sake! Who the hell say something so stupid to a pregnant woman?!"
You sigh. "Tom, I'm not affected by her words, okay?".
"Well, I am! I truly am affected", he threw his arms in the air. "I don't even know what I'm more pissed about: the fact that she considered I'm the kind of person who would do something like this, or the reason behind why she thought someone would leave you when you're pregnant!".
"In my opinion", you caressed your baby bump with your hand, voice still low. "I think she's just jealous for what I have. You know, this new family... me, you, this little baby. This is perfection and I don't try to hide it anytime of my day. Maybe she got angry because of that."
Tom puffed his cheeks out in frustration and took a seat beside you, putting the clothes aside on his way.
"Why are you so calm with it?", he asked. "I know it happened earlier, but, still, I can't get what-"
You took his face on your hands, smiling a little and rubbing his cheeks im soft circles. "Because, as I said, I don't really care, Tommy. You know what I care for? This. Us. It doesn't matter what people ask, what they presume, or what they want to ruin in our lives. It doesn't matter, as long as we're here, good on our on. That's what family is supposed to be, a boat in the middle of an ocean of people with bad words. And that's exactly what it is, just a couple of bad words. They don't mean anything to me."
Tom's eyes shined, glossy with all the emotions he didn't even intend to hide from you. He smiled a little, nodding his head.
"You're right. Yeah, that's ridiculous, I'm sorry".
"No, you don't have anything to be sorry for", you take one of his hands and put it over your belly. "Now, talking about happier topics...", you smile kindly, "You're gonna be an amazing dad, Tom".
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Being Malachai's ex
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Request: Yes or No
The way (Y/N) talks in this is the way I talk irl
Your relationship with Malachai was... Rocky to say the least
You were high school sweethearts and did everything together
You were each others first times for everything. All the way from first kiss to first time taking drugs
It started out ride or die
But as the years went on, you noticed that Malachai was changing
He went from being a sweet guy to putting up this big bad gangster persona
He didn't change his behaviour towards you until he dropped out to become King
You stayed in school, mostly because you knew doing drug runs wouldn't and couldn't be a forever kind of thing
It was difficult
You were busy with your studies and Mal with the gang
It was then when Malachai started acting up
He started drinking more, getting high more
Arguments broke out more
"I'm not the fucking one, Malachai! I swear to fuck, if you think you can get away with disrespecting me then you got another thing coming, dog!"
"I don't get why you're fucking yelling at me!"
"Because you're out here saying you're doing business but then it comes out that you've been flirting with bitches and I ain't 'bout that life!" You screamed in return, grabbing a glass and throwing it to the floor, letting it shatter.
It got to the point that you two became on and off
Malachai apologized for his behavior, you would forgive him and take him back
It became a toxic cycle until eventually the both of you snapped
The gang was used to your many arguments. You shook your head, laughing in disbelief that this pendejo really thought he was all that.
"Dog, I know you've been itching for a fight so you could have an excuse to go out and fuck these bitches!" You yelled. Malachai scoffed.
"You be acting as if you don't got a line of motherfuckers waiting." He barked back. You clenched your jaw.
"Listen, Mal-"
"I'm fucking done with your ass, man!" Malachai shoved you back. You stumbled, shocked. Ghoulies quickly got between the both of you, not wanting a fight to break out. Most of them not only saw you as Malachai's boyfriend, they saw you as their second king.
"You put your hands on me, dog." Your voice threatened to crack. Malachai was too annoyed to care about his actions.
You finally decided to end the cycle and leave
You packed your stuff while Malachai went out to a street race
You moved in with your cousin after making the Ghoulies promise that they wouldn't tell Malachai where you were
Your cousin was a Ghoulie as well, so she kept you updated
"He threw a fit when he saw that you're stuff was gone. One of the boys said he heard him crying and breaking stuff."
Even when you were off, you kept your belongings in Malachai's room so for you to pack everything up, it meant that you were done for good
It was hard for you
You were ride or die for Mal
You were willingly to risk everything for him
You missed his scent, his smile, his hugs, his kisses..
But you both needed it
You successfully and surprisingly avoided Malachai for four whole years
In that span, Malachai had gotten incarcerated and you debated going to visit him but decided against it after learning that he would be let out early
You had gotten a beautiful baby girl with a kind baby mama
Then, it happened
You heard loud and hard knocks on the door
Your cousin shot you an odd look and picked up her bat as you gently held your baby closer to you
She left to answer the door
"Imma deal with you later, where is he?"
He knew
You stood, heading towards the front door
No use hiding anymore
"Don't be walking in here like you own the place." You said, holding your girl to your hip.
Malachai looked much more mature and attractive
His eyes snapped to you, meeting your eyes for a brief second before they focused on the baby curiously watching him
"She yours?"
"None of-"
"I'm still your damn king. Is she yours?"
"I see you're still a disrespectful shithead."
You were probably the only person whp could insult Malachai and live
Malachai blew a raspberry, rolling his eyes
A moment of silence passed
"We should talk." He finally spoke up
You handed your girl to your cousin and led him to the kitchen, sitting down at the island
"Where were you? I fucking needed you. The first thing I needed when I got arrested was you and the first thing I needed when I got out was you. You knew, I know you did." Malachai said, crossing his arms.
"I looked for you. I looked for you everywhere, hell, I even asked the Serpents if they had seen you." You looked away. Malachai grabbed your chin, making you look at him. Something he did when he was having a serious talk with you.
"I was done being disrespected and brushed off. The moment the thought of putting your hands on me crossed your mind was the moment-"
"That I regretted the most. I was high and wasn't thinking straight. I regretted it the moment I saw the hurt and shocked look on your face. I-" Malachai cut himself off, propping his elbows on the island and covering his face.
It hurt
It still hurt
You loved him, you always would
Seeing him hurting made your stomach churn
Malachai uncovered his face, revealing watery eyes
"I'm sorry." He whispered.
You stared at him, searching for any sign of him lying but there was only hurt and regret
You shrugged, "I accept your apology."
Malachai nodded, sniffling
"If you want things to go back to the way they were before... You're gonna have prove that you're gonna be loyal and truthful with me and that you're gonna care for my girl." You said, watching him.
Malachai nodded again, "Okay.. I can do that."
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brattynymphette · 4 years
ok so someone jus msg me on ig on a fake account n was like “we talked like 10 yrs ago & i was such a dick” ?!!??? 10 YRS AFO EXCUSE ME? lmao i cant even remembed yesterday... n then they r like “ we were rly good friends but i was really young and idk why i was a dick to u” ....??!! okkkkkk n then they literally say “this is a fake account cos u have me bllcked” basically...... like WTF blocked where like whp r u Y WOULDNT U SAY UE NAME TO BEGIN WIFH?!
edit: ok not jus msg me like msg me march 21 so like jus over 2 weeks ago so who even knows if they will answer?????? and now its gunna bother me lmao
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teahouse3 · 7 years
God ok i haven't vented because everyone hates me and wants me to stfu but i cant take this anymore!!!!!! Ny depression has been shitty and bad since high school ended i dont have a job anymore i dont know what im doing and im unable to even take a shower or talk to anyonw because of fucking anxiety!!! Abd paranoia abd everyonw keeps leaving me bevause im apparebtly a toxic delusional person i wasent even mean yo tyen!!! And it hurts because people hate ne and i know people haye me noe and eceryone hates me!!! And alsp im sick of livi n im sick of my bad fucking health and how weird iam and how i csnt even fuckibg talk and hpw i break doqn often vecause i csnt even get help for it!!! What im upset about most is how i need 2 be the best!!! !!! !!! But i know im not,,, Everyone os always better than me I wanna hace a nice style like sleepykinq or scotchtapeofficial abd make cool stuff and likw everyone loves them and they arw t e best but honesrly nobody gives a shit aboyt mw Like I honestly dont fucking exist If i dint force myself to say hi to some9ne nobody ever cares how im doing!!! And everything is shit haha!!! IM DONE TRYING!!! everyone fucking hates me im ao insecure about myself abd my art cause i need 2 be the best but im not!!! Everyone is always better than me!!! Aaaaaaa!!! Like everyone whps youbger and 13 has like jobs and amazing art and commission a and everyone loves them and they hace everything butme o have no job and fucki n depression i csnt even get fucking help for!!! Im serious iv tried fucking ecerything but family dont give a shit dont even give me advice i know ill just disappoint y more!!! I csnt do anything im super sick mentally and im alsp phyiscally bad 2 and i cant fucking do anything!!! Im so!!! Done witu everything i dont even care anykpre!!! O dont cwre!!! Im sick of being thrbwpese thos hurys ao mich i wont be special or anything!!! Im not gonna hace anything im good at ot best at because im always comparws to someone smarter and better!!! And om always called stupid lazy a bitch and a r*tard and in always mad fun pf how im weird and tye hesd snf how i shpilf be locked up those are commebt from my mom!!! I dint o cant do t is anymore!!! Everyone os happy and im a mistakw!!! Im a mistale amd i just wanns kill myself and deleye !!! I will necer be good im always taken advantage of caude im stupid!!@ and nobody takes me serusoly and im rly hurt!!! Im hurt by everyone and NOBODY FUCKING CARES THE SYSTEM DOESNT FUCKINF CARE T E WORLD JUST WANTS F7CKING MONEU AND DIAABLED PEOPLE SHOULD JUST GO DIE RIGHT HAHA CAUSE IN A STUPID PEIXE OF SHIT WASTE OF SPACE WHP WILL NEVER DO ANYTUI N GOOD??? im just so upset and sick of everything i hacent even talked to anypne irl i hacent left yhe house im usless there is nothing i csn do!!! Im sp done im done im done!!! I keep fuckingtrying but i dont deserve anything good cayse eceryone else is always bettwr thab me im sobbinh im so hurt
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arielmcorg · 4 years
Elit, empresa mayorista integral de tecnología, anunció la disponibilidad de la computadora portátil 240 G7 de HP (9VM11LT) en Argentina (Fuente Elit Argentina).
“Estamos presentando la computadora portátil 240 G7 de HP en el país, es ideal para toda clase de presupuestos, lista para el negocio y con la tecnología más reciente y un chasis duradero para su protección. Pensada para completar las tareas profesionales con un procesador Intel® y herramientas de colaboración esenciales,” dijo Leonardo Sanchez, Product Manager de HP en Elit. Y agregó: “Los usuarios podrán completar sus proyectos con seguridad gracias a la tecnología más reciente, que incluye un potente procesador Intel® Core™, memoria rápida y amplio espacio de almacenamiento. El equipo portátil está preparado para conectarse a periféricos y está diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de las empresas gracias a un puerto RJ-45 y otro HDMI.”
“La situación a nivel mundial que estamos atravesando es compleja, entendemos que el mercado está demandando equipos ya que hoy nos encontramos con una nueva forma de trabajo: el home office, por eso estamos trabajando en conjunto con la marca para lograr disponer de stock y lograr cubrir esta demanda. Creemos que tendremos que renovar pronto stock debido al aumento en la demanda de equipos para el hogar y el home office. Estamos en un constante aprendizaje acerca de las necesidades de nuestros clientes y trabajando codo a codo con HP para tener un constante stock de mercadería,” dijo Leonardo Sanchez, y concluyó: “El valor que aporta Elit en la distribución, es nuestra llegada, capilaridad y posicionamiento a nivel nacional. Continuamos fortaleciendo nuestro plan de capilaridad en todo el territorio argentino para el canal y, puedo afirmar, que las soluciones de HP llegarán a nuestros casi 5.000 clientes activos en todo el país. Estos y otros equipos están disponibles en todas nuestras sucursales.”
Especificaciones de la Laptop 240 G7 de HP – Modelo 9VM11LT
Sistema operativo: FreeDOS
Procesador Intel ®Core™i3 de 8ª generación / Procesador: Intel®Core™i3-8130U con gráficos Intel® UHD 620 (frecuencia base de 2,2 GHz, hasta 3,4 GHz con tecnología Intel® Turbo Boost, 4MB de caché y 2 núcleos)
Punto clave de ventas MDA: Windows 10 u otros sistemas operativos disponibles
Gestión de seguridad: TPM 2.0; Ranura para candado de seguridad Memoria, estándar: 4 GB deSDRAM DDR4-2400 (1 x 4 GB)
Diseño de memoria: 1 x 4 GB
Ranuras de memoria: 2 SODIMM
Descripción del disco duro: SATA de 1 TB y 5400 rpm
Pantalla: Pantalla con retroiluminación WLED HD SVA anti reflectante, de 35,56 cm (14″) en diagonal, 220 nits, 45% de NTSC (1366 x 768)
Tamaño de pantalla (diagonal): 35,56 cm (14″)
Gráficos: Integrada Gráficos: Gráficos Intel® HD 620
Puertos: 2 USB 3.1 Gen 1; 1 USB2.0; 1 HDMI 1.4b; 1 RJ-45; 1 combinación de auriculares y micrófono; 1 alimentación de CA (Cables no incluidos)
Ranuras de expansión: 1 lector de medios digitales multiformato
Cámara: Cámara web HD de 720p
Funciones de audio: Dos Altavoces
Dispositivo apuntador: Panel táctil que admite gestos multitáctiles
Teclado: Teclado de tamaño completo tipo isla con teclado numérico
Interfaz de red: NIC 10/100/1000 GbE integrada
Inalámbrico: Combinación de Realtek 802.11b/g/n (1×1) y Bluetooth® 4.2
Alimentación: Adaptador de alimentación externa de CA de 45 WHP Smart
Tipo de batería: Iones de litio de 3 celdas y 41 Wh de larga duración HP
Color de producto: Plateado Ceniza Oscuro
Dimensiones Mínimas (anch. x prof. x alt.) 33,5 x 23,4 x 1,99 cm
Peso: A partir de 1,52 kg
Número UPC (ABM) 194850109027; (AC8) 194850144752
Software: HP Jump Start; HP Support Assistant; McAfeeLiveSafe™; HP Audio Switch
Software Incluido: HP JumpStart; HP Support Assistant; McAfee Live Safe™; HP Audio Switch; Documentación de HP; HP Setup OOBE integrado; HP SSRM
Garantía: 1 año de garantía limitada estándar para piezas y mano de obra (1-1-0), en función del país (hay actualizaciones disponibles). 1 año de garantía limitada para batería principal.
Elit presenta la Laptop 240 G7 de HP en #Argentina Elit, empresa mayorista integral de tecnología, anunció la disponibilidad de la computadora portátil 240 G7 de HP (9VM11LT) en Argentina (Fuente Elit Argentina).
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qep0ermint · 4 months
Question! I saw the ask of what yandere wally would do with a y/n child, and I just want to know what he would do if like Y/n grew up and went to college and such!
Oh, it will be a difficult period in his life, but he will always take care of Y/N
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Oh, oh, now I'm wondering if it's correct to call him in this alternate universe Yandere Wally, because if you look at it that way, any loving father will want to protect his child. In general, I think what to do about it…
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