#which was a reaction not a fix
chieana · 2 years
I accidentally hit my hand against my old tv real hard and had a complete autistic breakdown because I was already overstimulated
so how's your night going?
#I fixed it by getting an anger attack#which was a reaction not a fix#but then I blasted music until the tears started and I just felt hurt and upset and sad#so then I listened to the light behind your eyes and into the cave we wander so I could cry it out#im still a bit of a mess now tho#and I realised I hadn't eaten basically the entire day#so that was a fun time for me while making dinne#and before I could eat I had to hang up the laundry I forgot about#so basically it was my adhd and autism both destroying me today#I genuinely don't understand how and why I am considered responsible and safe enough to live by myself working a 45h job#but I guess that's just because mental healthcare in the Netherlands is absolute fucking garbage and destroys more than it heals#so my mom avoided that whole bs system like the plague#they will deadass tell you you can't study or work if you have adhd/autism#like???#I can't work an overstimulating job for 9h a day#I can't be held responsible for deadlines (even if I will somehow still make them I have a bachelor's degree come on)#because they stress me out into in-action#but I am intelligent#I have tons and tons of little tricks to make life easier#I have pretty bad dyslexia but I also write novels#and no one's commented on errors because there is no difference to any other author#which was also noticeable in school#I have dyscalculia but I love maths and am good at it#it's very simple: even if the letters and numbers float around and get mixed up I am capable of slowing myself down enough to fix errors#literally I taught myself to pay extra attention to everything I say and do#I am a perfectionist so it feels like the end of the world any time someone notes a mistake I made#rationally I know it's fine#but emotionally I feel like a freak if I ever make a mistake#anyway I went off on a rant#today sucked ass and I am already feeling the stress of having to go to work on Monday without being well-rested
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bibannana · 1 year
Kix *slamming open the door to the barricks after a 20 minute power nap in the medbay*: IT'S GET UP O'CLOCK!!!! RISE AND SHINE VODE!!
Dogma *startles and falls from his bunk*: Agh!
Jesse *bolts up, half asleep, arms raised*: Fight me!!
Echo *who was in a cuddle pile with Fives and Hardcase, violently shoves Fives off the bunk in a rush to get up*: Ready to go!
Fives *on the floor, being stood on by Echo*: Oft *wheezed breath*
Hardcase *dead to the world*
Tup *sits up, hair everywhere*: What's going on?
Rex *standing next to Kix, pinching the bridge of his nose*: So we have drills to do.
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bookishforce · 8 months
the only thing I'm grateful to Only Friends about at this stage is introducing me to Force and Book ~~
I will finish it because I want to support them but the glossing over the trauma and not allowing the growth of their characters has actually made me so sad??
Manifesting an excellent series that they're the main couple in next year, they deserve better. I kind of don't rlly understand the hate on them tho? Lots of actors have shitty series & characters (which I don't think is the case with them) and they're still liked? make it make sense plez
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hazardsoflove · 6 months
the fact that we get to watch percy and annabeth’s relationship develop while knowing how they end up at the end of the series has me shaking like a dog. the boy who drools in his sleep is going to become one of, if not the most powerful demigods and he’s going decline godhood for the girl that pushed him in the lake to prove her theory and they don’t even know it yet
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coquelicoq · 4 days
incredibly moved whenever someone tells me that i'm an easy person to be around when they're going through some shit. there's nothing more sacred to me than sitting with someone through death and grief and loss, things that i can't fix or do anything about except be there and let them feel their feelings without having to pretend to be chipper or hopeful or cheeruppable. i can't pretend to feel what i don't feel, which makes me weird and awkward in so many interpersonal situations, but i think it's also what makes people feel comfortable sharing this stuff with me, because they know that i won't judge them and they don't have to perform for me. i feel so lucky when i can provide that for somebody. i wouldn't trade it for anything.
#i wish my friends didn't have to go through hard shitty stuff. but when they do - because we all do sometimes - i am so thankful that#they feel they can share it with me#it's amazing how much a difference it makes to just be there and be genuine and not burden them with expectations#of how they should be reacting to something. like i guess that's pretty rare#and i sort of stumbled into it by being incapable of faking emotion. so i couldn't be fake chipper even if i wanted to#idk i feel like my first reaction when someone says this is like. i didn't even do anything?#but sometimes that's what you need! i think people get so in their head about doing and saying the exact right thing#and somehow 'fixing' someone's pain#when what actually matters is just being there. even if you don't know what to say. even if there's nothing you can do#just being there and letting them be sad. so they don't have to also be alone while they're sad#i can't make my friends less sad & that's almost never my goal. they're sad bc sad shit is happening. they need to be allowed to feel it#which i think probably also stems from my own history of depression and suicidality and the ways that people have reacted to that#i'm sure trying to help me but in reality actually just making me feel like i couldn't talk to anyone about it#because everyone just needed me to be okay#but i wasn't okay. and being expected to pretend like i was so other people wouldn't have to worry was making it harder#and more isolating. so i guess i just never want anyone to feel like if they're in pain they have to be alone#grief#relationships#my posts
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jorvikzelda · 2 months
today i had this Vivid memory flash through my mind of kissing my ex boyfriend (this was like 2018) and i felt so viscerally fucking revolted and I gotta say. it is truly impressive that I didn’t realise I’m a lesbian sooner than fucking half a year ago
#z talks#like the misidentifying as ace was Inevitable i think. that was due to repression that realising i didnt like men would not have fixed#(context: id’d as bi ace like. i wanna say 2016/17-2021/22 sometime and then went into ace and Questioning)#remember the time i really solidly settled on being aro because ‘romance has never not felt like a chore and putting on a facade’#babe no thats because your most recent and also singular long term relationship was with a Man#and thats the only one youre looking back on#its so funny how i dated a guy and it was so thoroughly Meh that i just didnt feel like pursuing anything romantic for a very long time#(A REACTION I HAD NOT HAD AFTER MY PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS WITH GIRLS)#And DIDN’T somehow consider that maybe I just Didn’t Like Guys#its nothing i grieve or feel sad about dw its honestly mostly funny to look back on#no wrongs were committed and i dont hold a grudge against the guy it was just me being confused and compheted#(…which is also a weird word to apply because at the time i identified and was out to my friends as a trans guy Binary.#This Was Also Wrong.)#was a weird time man. a truly weird time#anyway. all is well i have now been on 2 dates with a really cute girl and she gave me tulips <3#as part of a Care Delivery bc i had a Migraine and No Painkillers Or Snacks#get well flowers <333333#and now i dream of kissing her under the moonlight#With the uh. Hornetposting lately it May seem unlikely but yes I DO interact with real women! Romantically!#They coexist Wonderfully <3#Anyway. I’m gonna go to bed#Realising that im a lesbian solved all my identity problems including my fucking gender which is just fantastic#I am very happy and whenever I think of being a lesbian it grounds me to reality a little bit stronger and i go yeah. Yeah.
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tiny-chubby-bird · 7 months
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ouch. like, fair, but ouch.
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they spend like half of watching and dreaming establishing how the collector doesn't understand the concept of death and injury for mortals because he is so powerful that he doesnt need to worry about that for himself. and also they have never connected with mortals enough to understand that via extrapolation. so they set that up entirely for the collector to finally understand the gravity of death when he befriends luz and she dies right in front of him. but then like one anime battle later they meet up with luz again and luz is like "ya ik i died lol but the titan who was also dead fixed me back up and im fine dw about it"
#shut up pandora#the owl house#luz noceda#the collector#watching and dreaming#i understand the concept of getting the collector to understand death and i think its interesting to explore#however even if the show had more time to do it this is ultimately a disney show#and any character loveable enough to befriend the collector#would also be a character that disney s&p would not allow the creators to permakill#and luz being the main character gives her a reason to connect with the collector and fill that role#but luz DEFINITELY cant be permakilled by reason of good storytelling#so this concept specifically in the context of a disney show is really fucking hard to explore imo#like yeah! luz's death was pretty heartwrenching especially everyones reactions afterwards#but what was the collector supposed to walk away with afterwards with regards to that specific topic?#'yeah death is permanent if someone dies youll never see them again and all the potential you had to connect with them is gone forever'#'oh but not luz specifically she died and came back the titan fixed her up'#'also the titan whos been dead for eons was actually just chilling the whole time and luz had a lovely conversation with them'#granted the titan is gone now but thats more related to luzs baggage#and if the collector does learn about the permanence of death from it it would be after the shows over which i think is cheap#anyway that just. wasnt a topic that could be explored well in a disney show with the main characters imo#and i feel like they should have just gone with the 'the collector parallels king in that they need to consider ppls feelings' route#but like. a lot more drastic than kings character arc due to the collector being a demigod or smth#again. this isnt something i think they could have adequately explored with a protagonist even with a full 3 seasons#the closest the show comes to exploring this is with belos and his brother#how belos killed caleb and destroyed any potential they had of making up or just any of calebs future in general#but he still keeps making grimwalkers bc he cant accept that and it works bc caleb is not involved in the plot at all#so we can understand the tragedy without having a character that is involved in the story himself and therefore subjected to disney#but with luz its real hard to fridge her for the collectors character development lol bc shes got other stuff going on#shes the main character. you cant kill the main character for someone else's character development in a show like this
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villainsidestep · 2 months
me realizing fawniel is a more openly affectionate couple than fawnric: this is fucked up and evil behavior actually
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eldrichthingy · 7 months
It's so disappointing and unfair that some Minthara dialogue lines are just. Well. Gone? For example, she didn't say anything after Lae'zel was kidnapped by Orin, and I think she.. logically, should have something to say about it? Same as - after Astarion's ascension. She does comment on Shadowheart sacrificing her parents, but she doesn't say anything after Astarion ascends? Only before? THAT'S SO UNFAIR. Let my wife talk!! I want to know what she feels/thinks after Astarion becomes a vampire lord! Please!!
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the-lonely-human · 2 months
Diabetes/ Dexcom Update:
My insurance absolutely refuses to give me Humalog back so I had to comtact my doctor to write me a prescription for an insulin pen that can actually use Novolog vials and new needles cause apparently that pen takes a specific type of needle that I don’t have. And now I have to wait and pray that I dont runout of insulin before then. So thats fun.
On the other hand, I’ve tried every barrier possible and I’m still getting rashes. Currently my Dexcom's on my leg with two barriers between it and my skin and I can only pray that it'll work. If not, looks like my only option is to go back to the G6's and hope those dont give me a rash as well.
I love being diabetic. So fun and whimsical.
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coquelicoq · 10 months
i just saw someone say that "the vast majority of the userbase is complaining" about tumblr's recent layout change. i see this a lot after a change: people complaining about it (sometimes without saying what about it is bad, making it sound like either it's self-evident (it usually is not) or just that it's bad because it's change and change is always bad) and saying that everyone else is complaining about it too. i don't know how to tell you this but a) you don't follow every user on tumblr so how can you possibly know what "everyone" or "the majority of users" thinks about anything and b) ONLY THE PEOPLE WHO FEEL VERY STRONGLY ARE TALKING ABOUT IT!! people who are not bothered are not spending time posting about how unbothered they are! please look up "selection bias" and stop making me read this nonsense with my own eyeballs.
#i don't get what's so bad abt this change bc it doesn't bother me & no one is explaining it! the most i've seen is it's 'like twitter'#which people don't like i guess bc this might imply that tumblr could be taking more cues from twitter than just the layout?#which is also fallacious reasoning#some changes i do hate. like for instance the change that made it so i can no longer click to the version that someone rbed from#which breaks the prev tag culture :(#but some changes are whatever! and some changes are good even!!#it's fine if it takes time to get used to something being different of course but it seems like the reaction on here can be so extreme#so fast. 'bombard the app with 1-star reviews!!!!' how about you give it a couple weeks and maybe you'll calm down.#i think there's a sense of 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' but it is broke though! tumblr is unsustainable and they gotta do stuff to make#the site more attractive and easier to use for new users. they can do that without losing what makes tumblr tumblr#the layout is not what makes tumblr tumblr! the functionality is. and sometimes that does change for the worse#and i get having complaints about that. but not really about moving the location of some buttons#anyway i haven't said anything before because i don't have strong feelings about this UX change but i DO have strong feelings about#the vague yet very forceful complaints about the UX change that i keep seeing lol#tumblr#fallacies#anyway don't get distracted by my tags. this post is not really about me not understanding what's so bad about this specific change#it's about people who hate a change assuming that everyone agrees with them because they're only seeing the reactions from#a biased subset of the userbase#(by biased i don't mean the users are biased. i mean the sample is biased...it's highly likely to include people who feel strongly#and unlikely to include people who are neutral or feel less strongly)
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starlooove · 2 months
He is in fact not cool with his friends killing people he just can’t do shit about it and the fact that he thinks he can do smth about (and does!) when it comes to his kids is like a major point
#like one of the main#Idk if theme is the right word#but issues surrounding Batman in general and Gotham specifically#is the high standards he holds not just those closest to him to but also the people he controls#NOW DONT GET CAUGHT UP IN UR GUT REACTION CONTROL IS A STRONG WORD BUT IM USING IT FOR A REASON#like i think the fandomification of the batfamily and seeing every character as reliable in the way they tell their own stories#is making people forget that yes bruce lowkey controls them#like not in a mean way or whatever but as much as dick and Jason rebel and say ‘fuck you old man I have my own people to take care of’#at a snap of Bruce’s fingers where are they?#right back in Gotham#which ppl say is an issue with writing and I agree like they really just can’t take anyone away from Gotham#but THATS meta like the in universe conclusion is what creates in universe analysis#and these issues are being spoken about from an in universe pov#that was just me justifying my point anywayyyd#what im saying is that like#in conclusion Ppl are forgetting that Bruce is scary and still runs this shit lmao#like a few snappy quips about emotional distance and some ‘X deserves better’ fics is making yall forget shit like spyral#or at least how it went down and ended up today and what that says about the characters involved#it’s tragic and Ik we like to ignore that but like. when look at shit like the no killing rule#yes bruce thinks he’s being slighted or failing whenever his kids kill someone and they to an extent think that too which is why they don’t#do it#or at least partly#even for Jason that’s why the killing is not just what needs to be done it’s a form of rebellion for him#everyone who agrees jason should just leave Gotham but still present as pure rebellion and anger and spitting at Bruce don’t get why Jason#should leave is all I’m saying#that’s why Dick never got away#it’s still all about Bruce#even if we don’t want it to be#reading this back it’s disjointed as hell but I’m not fixing it if u get it ily heh just a peek into my dark mind#if u don’t it’s not ur fault not everyone can withstand the alphas prowess…
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camellia-thea · 3 months
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omegasmileyface · 4 months
dreams are so awesome. had a totk dream last night where i did side quests and shit it was awesome. it was also very explicit about the fact that the botw games are, canonically and explicitly and deliberately, set in the fallout universe
#i dont know if thats right actually.#there were button presses and everything it was shockingly in-depth game design for a dream#we were on a boat preparing for a voyage— let it be known i was not particularly link. i think my brain mixed up my Special Protagonists#into a slurry to represent the player character. but anyway so i had to assist with like 3 tasks preparing the ship for launch#carting a big piece of ice around with a dude in it. with a timer challenge not to melt it since the boat had lava sub-floors.#AS BOATS DO.#a rope pulling sequence involving... esentially mashing but with joysticks. nobody use this irl it sucks.#and some shit involving a malfunctioning cannon where i had to freeze the bad launches in the air (reaction time) which would apparently#let the cannoneer fix the mechanism .. anound the floating balls ? i dont get that part.#and then after that the cannoneer (who was the sort of default leader of the ship bc everybody loved her and also she was the sister of the#captain and also butch.) sent me off to join some teenagers doing everyones favorite boat activity: getting in the little platform at the#bottom of the prow creating a sort of underwater stage and swordfighting whatever comes through the water. obviously.#now like i said this was a totk dream so obviously i took care of this one through my usual botw swordfighting techniques#(standing there and mashing y and just kinda taking damage until im done)#yeah. this of course was after like 3 other dreams— THOUGH they were mostly gentle and forgettable and not drains on my sleep#so i think the citalopram is starting to wear off
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