#but emotionally I feel like a freak if I ever make a mistake
mysadcorner · 10 months
Hi! I love your Jason Todd stuff and idk if you write stuff like this, but I was wondering how you think Jason would react to his s.o safe wording for the first time?
If you don't do things like this that's completely fine and I'm sorry about asking.
Jason Todd x Reader Using The Safe Word Headcanons
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• When you first use the safe word while being intimate with Jason he’ll absolutely freak out. The last thing he would ever willing do would be to hurt you, so the thought of you having to ask him to stop because he’s going ti far will cause him a lot of distress on top of your own.
• If the two of you were engaged in something on the “hardcore” side of intimacy then he’s be a mess, begging for forgiveness as he stops what he’s doing and checking up on you. He’ll assess the damage and try to soothe you both emotionally and physically since he clearly wasn’t ensuring you were fine enough during the act.
• If you said the safe word simply because you were overwhelmed, not that Jason was doing anything which resulted in you being hurt, then he’d try his best to ease you out of you discomfort and bring you back to a stable condition. He’s also going to soothe you when this happens and try his best to calm you down from whatever limit he pushed you too far over.
• He’d sure you’re cleaned up so that you can settle down easier and get rid of the discomfort you may be feeling in that moment. It’s easier for him to get you wrapped up in bed and get you back to feeling alright again if you’re not sitting covered in sweat and other things that occurred during intimacy.
• Afterwards, Jason would make sure that you were comfortable and feeling able to lie in bed properly while he checks over you. He’d bring you food and drinks, and massage any places that ache, as well as checking in on you emotionally to make sure he hadn’t caused a negative impact on your relationship with him or made you feel like you can’t be comfortable around him again.
• He’d ask you to open up to him and talk about what had just happened and why it may have been too much for you, but only once you feel like you’re ready to. He needs to know how he overstepped so that he never makes that same mistake again, and communication is something Jason hugely values for a healthy and understanding relationship. No matter how big or small the problem was, he’ll take whatever you say on board.
• He may be slightly hesitant to be intimate again with you for a little while due to feeling like he made you overwhelmed or hurt you and feels ashamed about it, even though he never meant too push you too far. You may need to reassure him and talk to him about what happened a few times before he starts engaging in that way, but it will still take him a little while to get back into rougher or kinkier kinds of things with you again.
• After you use the safe word for the first time, Jason will be checking in on you a lot more and asking for verbal input regarding everything he’s doing towards you while being intimate. He already dod this before, but after pushing you too far he feels a lot more comfortable knowing how you’re feeling at all times so it’s much less likely of happening again.
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drdemonprince · 2 months
Hi! I remember you talking about doing shadow work (in a reply to an ask, I think); do you have any advice on how to start? Especially for someone who who has a really hard time with consistency/habits? Thanks!
For me it is not an intentional practice separate from my regular life, it is an orientation toward my own most negative thoughts/impulses/reactions. I do not believe that any thought is harmful or morally wrong to have, and so when I experience a thought that is violent, cruel, bitter, pathetic, prejudicial, short-tempered, jealous, whatever else, I accept it, and study it with curiosity rather than self-condemnation.
I notice patterns over time in what I am particularly un-evolved and unenlightened about. What hang ups do I have? What weird bullshit respectability politics or traditional gender norms do I still apply to myself or to others? Who do I fuckin hate and why?
Which of these things can I just kind of shrug at and accept as a feature of my programming and which ones do I see seriously holding back my life? That's probably the hardest part of shadow work for me. I'm very aware of a lot of my flaws and the things i'm irrationally emotionally reactive to and defensive about, but I get attached to my way of seeing things. It can be scary to become more open-minded and uncertain and less spiky. And some things just aren't easy to change even if I want them to. Part of shadow work means allowing oneself to be in an unfinished state.
Another part of it for me is accepting with a dark kind of gratitude that the world would be a pretty terrible place if everyone was like me. There is so much about humanity that I do not understand. I could never be a surgeon. I could never be a good parent. I could never be a social worker. There is so much I am so bad at. Maybe this is the Narcissism and Lack of Empathy talking, but I've had to really humble myself. I used to think I was so much more rational and less of a waster of time and resources than most people around me. Now I realize I have run on self-denial and repressed emotionality for a very long time and demanded that life have some Purpose when it doesn't. So a lot of my shadow work has been acknowledging my ultimate smallness and feebleness and just general uselessness -- i have a lot to be grateful to other people for doing, but also life has no purpose that needs to be fulfilled so i can just exist and suck for every single second that i'm alive if that's what i'm gonna do.
radical acceptance shit is definitely mixed in there, and some DBT kinda strategies. I've finally arrived at a place where I can love my dissatisfaction as a core part of me and accept that life is not meant to be happy and comfortable. we always keep moving, changing our environments to make them a little better, chasing after new passions and then getting disillusioned with them, falling in and out of love, getting lost. we're always lost. we're always making mistakes and being dumb as humans. that's like what we are. silly little freaks that make up lots of pretend games for fun but then get swept up in believing them too much. i kind of feel at peace now with the fact that i'll always be messy and impulsive and have weird beliefs and will change constantly and look back on my past with a cringe reaction every four or five years. i dont expect myself to ever arrive, because what the hell would that look like?? being satisfied and happy sure sounds a lot like being dead.
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ghost-bxrd · 2 months
Gah I love Owl song so freaking much! I just love their codependency, it's like, sweet codependency? 🤣 any HCs or some biggest codependent moments with them?
They’d do anything for each other 🥺 here are some things I immediately thought of when I read the question! These are by far not all (there have been many, many instances over the years. And while Bruce (rightfully) thinks it’s not entirely healthy for them, he’s also aware Dick would probably take Jason and run far, far away if he got the sense that Bruce was trying to separate them in any way) but they’re some of the most significant I think. ✨
This was brought up in a previous ask already but I feel it’s worth repeating: Jason and Dick rarely ever sleep apart. They always either curl up in a nest in Jason’s room or in Dick’s (sometimes also Bruce’s if they want to cuddle with him). They don’t sleep well without the other, and Dick is prone to straight out panic when he wakes up and finds Jason gone.
Dick tends to look at Jason for confirmation when he makes any choices. This behavior lessens significantly over the years as he becomes more confident in himself, but still resurfaces in stressful situation.
Jason gets anxious when he has to meet new people without Dick around. Bruce made this mistake once by taking him to a gala while Dick was supposed to be out on patrol. Jason vanished on him twenty minutes into the grand opening and Bruce eventually found him on the rooftop, shaking in Dick’s arms.
If one of them fails to check in at the allotted time, the other will start panicking. Dick more so than Jason.
If Jason suddenly told Dick to commit murder, he would. No questions asked. Jason is the only person alive that can reliably control a Talon, and he’s aware of it. This fact frightens him more than anything. (He would never order Dick to do anything. Especially something he knows would hurt him either physically or emotionally)
Dick never strays too far from Jason during patrol, perpetually terrified that something will happen to him the moment he averts his eyes. This fear also lessens over the years as Bruce proves himself to be a capable protector for his owlet.
I’m really curious if any of you can think of other instances where they’re clearly dependent on each other? 👀🦉
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nanomooselet · 4 months
Little but Fierce IX
By the end of the finale, Knives is excused attendance on account of self-immolation. Vash, though alive, is understandably in hiding. Wolfwood's pulled a Stampede of his own and fucked off, and his whereabouts remain unknown. Roberto's gone. Meryl mourns him.
She is the last one standing.
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This has changed her. Her clean white has been darkened, and her reflective shades conceal her expressive eyes - a shield between her emotions and the world she never had before. Something Vash and Wolfwood both had the right idea about. She's dispensed with her poofy jacket and her oversized shoes, and of course one cannot help but fail to notice: she's not intimidated by a hint of sexuality anymore. (Or maybe I'm just too much of a lesbian to avoid noticing the tits, I don't know.)
She wears brown slacks. Hooped earrings. A grey shirt. She carries the weight of the people she lost in a dozen other little ways, something Vash himself does. Like him, she's come into herself - though she was always a little ahead of the boys in that respect. Girls often have to be; it's expected. But she was lucky, too, to have a stable base to grow from, which neither Wolfwood or Vash had for very long.
Overlooking her was Knives's greatest tactical error. Vash keeping his distance from her might also have been a mistake. Because she played a part neither of them ever could have - and not as Rem, and while Roberto openly drew a comparison between her and Vash, not him either. As reluctant as he is to assume the role just at the moment, Vash does do a pretty good job being Vash the Stampede all by himself.
It still always comes back to the twins. Wolfwood, as I said, has more in common with Vash than not. Meryl's different. She tries to be a nice person, tries to be like Vash. But the twin she most resembles isn't Vash.
It's Knives.
Or perhaps a better way to think of her would be as Nai - the solemn little boy Vash knew all those years ago, before he became the horror he is now.
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Vash has always been a pragmatic guy, very concerned with what's of tangible benefit. He's practical. He's concerned with the physical. The flower is pretty, but is it edible? (It'd be better if it was.) He's good at improvising and thinking on his feet. He's all about what's real, what's here and now, not stories.
Nai was the idealist. Emotionally-driven. Intuitive. The one who knows little of the world, but tries to learn more. The one who looks for the truth, and judges. The one who seeks and observes and remembers. The one who makes structures and strives for efficiency. The one who tells himself stories inside his head.
Just like Meryl.
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Meryl is aggressive and self-righteous. She's ambitious, determined to be on top. She's angry, and her anger motivates her. Whatever she decides to do, she wants to do it well and plan it out as thoroughly as she can - like Knives, she's a perfectionist. She doesn't have the raw physical strength to smash walls, so she's had to learn to be a little smarter than that to survive which... well, is maybe a lesson Knives could have benefitted from learning. But then if he was capable of learning these lessons, none of them would be here.
Meryl has emotions like solar flares; she's intensely expressive to the point of comedy, just like Knives has every single feeling he feels written all over his silly face. And her jacket made her look bigger. Like him, she makes an effort to seem physically imposing. It's just rather less effective on her and she looks like an angry blueberry cupcake instead of a Greek statue.
You know how Knives saw Tesla's remains, and later all those Plants go through the Last Run, and he justifiably freaked the fuck out? Meryl got to see, firsthand, Dr. Conrad's handiwork, her mentor's death (which, despite his assurances, was her fault) and then poor Vash slowly having his identity and memories ripped out of him until he was a husk.
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They both had older men trying to shield them from danger and retaliation. One whom we all knew was doomed to die - even him, I think - and who tried his best to make the time he had count. With his death, he freed Meryl from his strictures, but left behind all the lessons he taught her. Meanwhile Dr. Conrad is held hostage to the fulfilment of Knives's wishes, and would have been freed from them with his own death. With Knives's defeat, he remains trapped. Still bearing his cross.
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And call me delusional but… something about the way he's lingered on here makes my brain tickle.
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He has to be thinking of what Roberto said to him. Conrad insisted he "did nothing to demean" his subjects, innocuous phrasing for a revolting suggestion. Roberto mocks him for thinking it absolves him, telling him yeah, I bet you didn't, you seem too uptight. My feeling is that it's a moral line Conrad is very purposeful in not crossing, the same way he tells himself he's giving those lost kids purpose.
Looking out at all these poor violated Plants, can he still believe Knives shares even that single principle? Is this what the endpoint of atonement looks like? Is this "freedom" the Plants themselves would welcome? He said it was a hundred and fifty years too late to save humanity... but Roberto's triumph may yet still echo into the future.
Anyway, Meryl's also someone who imposes her will, albeit mostly by scolding. She assumes superiority and will not bend to compromise. While she can't kill people with demon blade tentacles, now she's Derringer Meryl, counterpart to Millions Kni(ves).
But she differs from Knives in a few key respects. While both are (or once were) determined to find and know the truth, Meryl doesn't close her eyes to it once she does. She has the emotional strength, or perhaps a steadier foundation, to withstand such deep shocks to her worldview, and to learn from them, as a good investigator does. Which makes her a liar's natural predator - she's a counter to Knives and his delusional manipulations, a living tool to dismantle his falsehoods. And now that she's endured all she has, she assumes her own identity, leaving behind the insecurities which Knives found he could not abandon.
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She can extend trust. (I can't get a shot that makes it clearer Vash is picking Knives up, sorry.)
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She remembers the past, but is not consumed by longing for it.
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She's proven herself worthy to bear and reveal the truth.
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She's grown up. Now she's as strong as Knives wishes he could be, and she didn't have to kill a single person to become so.
And there's still more to come. She's getting a newbie of her own now, rather more reliable protection than a single derringer, and we know Vash's story is not yet complete. Nor can they be sure that Luida's plan will come to fruition. (And, I mean, we know even getting himself melted to a skeleton didn't kill Knives. There's no way it did. Personally I'm little concerned that he might, for once, have learned from his mistake, and remembers Meryl.)
Whatever comes, though, she'll have an important part to play in it - as important as Wolfwood, the right hand to Vash's left.
Don't overlook her. She matters. Ship or not, remember her. It would be a terrible pity if all the work that's gone into her story turned out to be in vain.
Fin. Final phase can't come soon enough. Possibly unwelcome personal insight: it was in fact partly due to her that I found the courage to identify as a lesbian, so my intentions here aren't entirely honourable. I demand more sexy fanart of Meryl.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
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adelrambles · 3 months
I am so sorry I promise I’ll stop spamming you about Bishop now (maybe.)
Do you think Bishop could ever be in a healthy relationship? What would the dynamic be like with evil Bishop versus Fast Forward Bishop?
And no I don’t mean Stockshop. 😭
Oh no worries at all I'm enjoying your questions!! Please feel free to spam to your heart's desire. Sorry it took so long to get around to this one, I have admittedly not put much thought into Bishop in romantic scenarios, so I had to think on it a bit!
So, could Bishop ever be in a healthy relationship? Short answer NO. NOT AT ALL LOL
Slightly longer answer, there is some potential depending on how you like to interpret Fast Forward!Bishop. I think it's impossible for Present-day Bishop to be in any sort of healthy romance (and I'll go into way more detail than neccessary about that below 👍) but if you take FF's presentation of the character at face value, there's certainly a possibility.
So long answer, Bishop is one of the single most self-centered, unexamined people to walk the damn earth. There are a lot of factors that go into why he would be just, the absolute worst in a relationship, but the biggest issue is he doesn't give a shit about anybody but himself. If we throw everything else out and consider a hypothetical where he enters a relationship for the relationship's sake, he is not capable or willing to see things from a partner's perspective. In any disagreement he will be unwilling to consider he could be wrong, and will go to great lengths to ensure the other person concedes or backs down. He is a paranoid control freak who would not stand for anything less than being agreed with and obeyed, and he is perfectly willing to break someone down to achieve that. And in a scenario where, indeed, his interest is actually in the other person, we know he has a terrible possessive streak. As long as his interest holds, there is no out for the hypothetical partner. He is going to be emotionally and mentally abusive at best.
Moving more to the particulars of what he'd want a relationship for, it's worth pointing out that Bishop is very single-minded and relentless in his ultimate goal. I find it very difficult to consider a scenario where any single person would be considered worthwhile enough to distract him from that. We've seen him willing to sacrifice personal friends in-canon for the sake of his experiments, (if you ascribe to the theory that J. Finn was mutated on purpose to some degree,) so his work is ALWAYS going to come first. But that's the nicer option, because there is always the possibility that he would consider a relationship if it benefitted his greater goal (OR fed his ego tbh.) In which case, he's only in it for what he can get out of the other person, and the second they've outlived their usefulness to him, well-- I guess it depends on how much sensitive information they know, by that point.
But, okay! Let's consider President Bishop. He's certainly less likely to lure in a partner just to use them and then dispose of them, so he has that going for him. With him, there is a lot of room for how you want to interpret his "change of heart." You could take it at as presented in the show, or read more into his actions based on what we know about his past. Personally, I prefer the latter, but I'll examine both for the sake of thoroughness, and also for funsies.
So let's assume Bishop is being genuine in how he acts, first. In this case, I think there's a decent chance he could learn to be a good partner, though I don't think he'd start out that way and I doubt it'd come naturally to him loL. His job requires a lot of time and attention from him, and he is always going to prioritize it; he is, after all, "a bigger picture kind of guy." Kindness does not come naturally to him, so in times of stress he may default to meaner actions. However, he is also pretty effective in learning and adapting, so with good communication he probably won't make the same mistakes too often. In this scenario I think time constraint really is the biggest obstacle, given his job.
Now, assuming his Good Guy act is just a mask for politics? He's still pretty damn toxic. Bishop's tactics have changed, but his personality remains pretty similar. I'm not sure his pleasant demeanor goes that deep, once you get into more than small talk. It's a necessity for his job, but he still appears to be cold and utilitarian underneath it. He still thinks he's right about everything, and based on the insidious ways he phrases his own backstory to always shift blame away from himself, (even throwing Stockman under the bus, STILL, just to look better in comparison,) he's gotten a LOT better at making it feel like he is always in the right. What you've got is a Bishop who can lie, persuade and charm better, who also still doesn't care about much beyond protecting his territory and using the people around him. This presents us with a partner who, unlike 2000s-era Bishop, is far FAR more subtle with his abuse. And again, heaven forbid he actually genuinely has an interest in his hypothetical partner, because now he has galactic-wide surveillance and public sway on top of the immortality, and they're never getting away.
I hope that answers to satisfaction! Honestly while it's not my cup of tea it is really interesting to examine this facet of his character, so thank you for the question!!
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flightfoot · 1 year
One thing that has always bothered me about the Agreste family dynamic are the weird honorifics. The few times when Adrien speaks of Emilie, he never refers to her as Mere/Mother. Always Mom/Maman. This is most clear when he finds her in Chat Blanc or mistakes Amelie for her and refers to her informally as Mom/Maman.
Gabriel, on the other hand, he usually refers to formally as Father/Pere. I have to wonder what Emilie’s thoughts were about this. Why would she allow the difference? Similar dynamics in her childhood household? Gabriel’s insistence?
There’s also evidence that Gabriel used to allow Adrien to use Dad/Papa. It’s evident sometimes when Adrien refers to him as Dad/Papa when he is not around, but most evident in Stormy Weather 2 when Adrien strolls in without thinking, excited about his last photo shoot and speaks to him informally offhand. Gabriel glares at him and he immediately corrects himself, but the fact that he so easily called him Dad/Papa when he wasn’t thinking leads me to believe he must have been allowed to call him that before.
So what happened? Did Gabriel, after Emilie’s death, forbid him from using it and WHY? Was it a privilege that he took away one day because Adrien disappointed him somehow and he just never gave it back? Why would he distance himself from his own son to the point of not allowing him to refer to him casually? Is he really that much of a control freak that he is content to hold it over his head?
I just really have a hard time reconciling the kind man/father that Gabriel supposedly was prior with who he is now. It’s hard to believe he ever genuinely cared for Adrien in a healthy manner. I’m more inclined to believe he was faking being a decent father so Emilie would be happy, that he never actually felt the need to be compassionate toward his son. Especially after his thinly veiled blackmail in ‘Illusion’ but signs of this have been present since the Bubbler when he did not personally get or give Adrien a birthday present, couldn’t even spare him a birthday greeting and saw fit to target his best friend on that day of all days- his first birthday after his mothers death. Hell, even when Emilie was alive, it’s implied that Gabriel forgot his birthday multiple times. Sometimes I feel like the writers want him to be more humanized and sympathetic as a dad with these Marinette parallels, but he just heavily reads ‘sociopath’ to me. Instead of making me more sympathetic to him, the parallels make me nervous for Marinette. Like “so does this mean she’s going the sociopathic narcissist route too?”
I would love to know more about the Agreste family's dynamics when Adrien was younger, like you said there are some hints that they were once closer, but also that things have been... not great for a long time.
Personally I'm betting that Gabriel was a pretty decent father when Adrien was little, like the first 6 or 7 years of his life, when he had no idea that Emilie was in bad shape. Then from around when Adrien was 8 - 10, he probably was a bit antsier, a bit more worried, a bit more distant. And then after age 10, when Gabriel KNEW Emilie was gonna die unless something was done, I bet that's when he really started emotionally neglecting Adrien and putting up walls, insisting that Adrien call him "Father" instead of "Dad".
Emilie, on the other hand, I'm betting got even closer to Adrien in order to compensate, using what time she had left to be with her son. I doubt she'd ever want him to refer to her so formally, be kept at a distance.
As for parallels with Marinette, I'm not worried on that front. While Gabriel and Marinette have their similarities (it's no coincidence that they're both fashion designers for example), I can't see the show having Marinette go down the route Gabriel did. It's too dark, and I think Gabriel took a long time to fall this far, anyway.
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bthump · 8 months
Ok the Gutsca scene. The reason it parallels so heavily with the scene of Griffith in the lake isn't because it's all about Griffith, it's to illustrate how Griffith failed to grow as a person where Guts and Casca succeed through their mutual love for each other. Griffith in the lake is actively repressing his pain and trauma while putting on a persona and masking his true feelings from Casca and not accepting her help. Not only that but Griffith never fully shows his true self to anyone. 1/?
He shows it to Guts somewhat and Casca see's it in the lake scene but other than that they're always subjected to Griffith's persona and not the real man underneath making their connections to him not completely genuine. Whereas Guts and Casca's relationship is built on them opening up to each and letting themselves be fully vulnerable with each other, giving them both what they've truly wanted for their entire lives. A genuine connection and bond with another person who fully accepts them 2/?
Despite their flaws and traumatic pasts. And they both grow in the wounds chapters because they do let themselves be fully vulnerable, Casca pours out all of her emotions, insecurities and hang ups while Guts opens up about something he's repressed his entire life. There's no personas, no masks. Just a genuine connection or trust, honesty and acceptance between two people who have never truly had that before. With Guts accepting his vulnerability rather than hiding it like Griffith did
I disagree. Casca gets Griffith's persona so to her Guts' vulnerability is an improvement, but Guts gets Griffith's real self, and Griffith revealing his true self to Guts is a hugely significant theme of the Golden Age. Like it's the whole point of Tombstone of Flame, and it's the lynchpin of their entire friendship, from day one when Casca starts internally freaking out about how Griffith is acting so differently around Guts. He's still in denial about some things even to himself, but Guts gets the most genuine version of him Griffith has to offer, and that gets pretty genuine by the end of the war. Here's my detailed take if you care enough to read a long essay lol, here's a less detailed take on the idealization of Griffith and how it affects his relationship with Guts, and another take that discusses Griffith and all of the Hawks as well as Guts.
And here are some of my counterpoints re: your reading of Guts and Casca's relationship:
Guts and Casca's relationship can be seen as one of many mistakes leading to the Golden Age tragedy
Guts and Casca's relationship isn't great in the four days between fucking and Eclipse
Guts and Casca's relationship is built on an emotional imbalance that informs the trajectory of their relationship post-Eclipse
The stark flaws of Guts and Casca's relationship
How Guts and Casca only work in the absence of Griffith
It's possible that Miura intended for Guts and Casca to be a very positive, healing, and emotionally honest relationship and just failed to depict that very well, but tbh I doubt that. I don't want to go searching for links, you can find them in my 'interviews' tag generally anyway, but he has said that he had Guts and Casca get together for the sake of more Eclipse drama, only had Casca survive the Eclipse so Guts wouldn't be able to move on, and has described them as eternally in the stage before falling in love. None of that definitively means that Guts and Casca's relationship was meant to be heavily flawed from the start, but it does indicate that they're not meant to be a healthy happily ever after relationship so it lends weight to the flaws imo.
My take is that they're two friends hooking up with some sweet moments to sell the new relationship feelings, but ultimately doomed to failure even without the Eclipse, in part because they're not emotionally on the same page, and in part because while Casca may have been able to shift her feelings from Griffith to Guts, Guts never had any intention of moving on from Griffith himself - the whole point of his dream journey was to be his bff. Casca was one step on the road to that goal.
Anyway yeah, feel free to check these posts out if you're interested, and if not we'll have to agree to disagree here.
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dystopicjumpsuit · 7 months
Can I do the Bad Batch Ask game with 14,15,16?
Thanks 😊
Niiiikaaaa my beloved! Thank you for asking! I answered 14 here (spoiler: Wrecker and yes, but also I have complicated feelings about Crosshair).
15. If you had to pick one Batcher who most needs to be given a bouquet of flowers (not who you most want to give it to), who would it be?
Dang, they all need and deserve to be given flowers! But I think I'd have to go with Hunter. Every time I yell at the TV, "JESUS CHRIST, HUNTER" when he makes a decision I disagree with, I have to remind myself that he's physically, like, 22? Maybe 24? The human brain doesn't reach maturity until the age of 25. He's a freaking kid still. We saw how much of a fratboy he was in TCW S7, and all of a sudden, he's cut off from all the support networks he's ever known, he's carrying the full weight of responsibility for his squad, AND he's thrust into a parental role when he has absolutely no experience with parenting from either side of things. He's under a tremendous amount of stress, and he's doing his best, but yeah, sometimes he's going to make mistakes. That's what makes him an interesting and realistic character.
And that's why he needs a bouquet of flowers. 💐
16. Gush about your favorite Batcher
Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, Wrecker? Please excuse me while I assemble my soapbox. Warning: it's gonna get thirsty in here.
Look, it is a truth universally acknowledged that DJ appreciates a bear. I like them big, funny, and emotionally intelligent, so I was never going to be immune to the tank of the squad. But the thing is, he's so much more than just a tank. He's a study in contradictions.
He's the strongest member of the Batch, and yet he's also the softest.
After getting his armor and blaster back following their detention on Kamino, his top priority was finding Lula.
He's the squad's (and Cid's) go-to enforcer, but he's instinctively great with every child that he meets (minus that one kid thief, but in Wrecker's defense, he was hangry, and that kid was annoying)
He acts immature/unintelligent, but we've seen him:
disarm active explosives
scavenge for obscure parts by sight alone
construct a cannon out of scraps while being shot at by clone troopers who could actually aim.
Not only that, but he's fiercely loyal and protective: he will put himself in harm's way to protect people - even people who aren't in his squad, like Cid and Shep Hazard. That scene in TCW S7 when he's using the shrapnel as a shield to cover the rest of the Batch is a visual metaphor. That's who he is: the man who will perform unbelievable feats to defend his loved ones. We see him confront his biggest fear (heights) to save Crosshair on Skako Minor without the slightest hesitation.
And now for the thirst: you know those big fingers are dexterous AF from all the delicate wiring he's used to handling 👀
I could go on, but this is getting out of hand! Suffice it to say, team Wrecker 5ever.
Send me a Bad Batch ask!
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winthorntales · 1 year
Femslash Friday: Couples That Never Were But Should Have Been Vol. 3
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It's no surprise to me that Jemma and Daisy/Skye is already a known ship (maybe even popular as far as non-canons go.) So I don’t think I need to discuss how much these two, aesthetically alone, just make sense. 
But I do want to point out that the canon for AoS being what is when it comes to Jemma/Fitz, this FSF post will first focus on one character, who should have at least been a WLW (woman-lovin’ woman a.k.a. sapphic-inclined - pick any orientation label you’d like for that.)
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Daisy shoulda been into chicks, y’all. If not to be with Jemma, then to be with some damn body because I needed to see all of her badass femme!top-seme-realness reach its glory.
Jemma is clearly deep in with Fitz when Daisy’s sapphic vibes peak (meaning all her male love interests are dead and she’s focusing on being solo dolo).
My heart would’ve equally, if not more so, melted if we could’ve at least gotten some young adorkable hacker lesbian with the personality of Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds on the team. She could’ve taken over the former Skye’s role as the web-wiz of the group. 
And then these two sapphos could’ve competed against Jemma/Fitz for most adorable couple ever on AoS before Yoyo/Mack even came into existence.
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absolutely played by the enchantingly cute Taylor Russell, right? I mean, right?
*lovelorn sigh* .......After getting (emotionally-wounded-and-closed-off) S3/S4-Daisy to open up, let the guard down a bit and return to her normal self some, Daisy and Adorkable Hacker Girl could first bond over hacking and swap stories about their backgrounds as outcasts. Daisy’s being because she was an orphan, Adorkable Hacker Girl’s being because perhaps she was severely neglected and abused by a family whose idea of love was three square meals a day and a slap instead of a fist some days. 
This could lead to conversations about what defines family and revelations about how AHG sees herself as weak compared to Daisy because she has this aversion to violence and could never stand up to her family, stand up for herself or the siblings she cared about. She instead ran away and erased herself from the world by becoming this shape-shifting entity on the internet, which fills her with shame.
Then Daisy could try to teach her how to fight in a very private intimate setting as a way of encouraging her and protecting her from feeling embarrassed, letting her learn at her own pace. Of course, AHG doesn't let on about her traumatic past with violence and goes along with the training because she appreciates the gesture and wants to be close to Daisy. And of course, there comes a point when it all becomes overwhelming. At this point, when AHG shuts down and wants to quit, Daisy realizes, the hard way, that this approach to helping her overcome her aversion was a mistake all along because literally not knowing how to throw a punch is not actually the root of her problem. She could either find out what that root problem is through talking to her or dig through her past with the ole hacker skills and piece it together or do a combination of both.
She’ll go on to rescue AHG from violent ambushes by SHIELD enemies and comfort her later, when she feels like crap for freezing up or freaking out when the team needed her. Then what must follow is the inevitable episode where AHG does something brave without using violence, gets results and a near fatal injury in the process, which will lead to a bedside scene where the girl smiles through the pain and says “I just wanted to be strong like you for once.” 
And then Daisy, sitting next to her in bed and holding her hand with interlocked fingers, will kiss her hand and say “you’re stronger” and with tears sliding down, Daisy will kiss her forehead and---well, you get it, you get it. 
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Now, let’s circle back to the idea of Jemma as our sapphic-inclined Daisy’s main love interest. 
As much as I love love love Fitz....his and Jemma's whole universe keeping us apart thing just doesn't hit the same romantic beats (especially since it's waaaay overdone) as Daisy's more recent anything for her thing with Jemma.
What I mean by Anything For is the prioritization of another person’s safety, feelings, and goals over the doer’s own, if they have any. Maybe this is just me over-analyzing things, but I feel like, in the later seasons, we see Daisy shift into the specific role of Jemma’s guardian. First, in a small way in S4 - when Daisy finds Jemma during the LMD take over. 
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This scene! this SCENE!?!?! Oh, the way she talks her down, pulls her in, and makes her feel safe, that acting -- THAT acting! This whole moment is what officially awakened me to Skimmons! Daisy was hitting all my romantic hero beats to a TEE but only on some best friend shit. So could you imagine if they were actually a couple and she’s searching for her, trying to talk her down and pulls her in like that, I--dead. I have an entire urban fantasy series about demon slayers planned inspired by these two characters because of this precise moment. It’s working title is literally ‘the Daisy x Jemma story.’ Oh yes, I’m not in the messing around business. If I see wasted potential, I pick it up and I build.
In S5, we see Daisy Anything For Her-ing again in a big way when she goes on a tear through the lighthouse trying to rescue Jemma from alien slavery. Which is way more dramatically and immediately satisfying than just knowing Fitz is somewhere out there ‘working on it.’ 
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And then once again, we see more Anything For Her-ing in S6 when Daisy supports Jemma flying them across the universe to fight more aliens looking for Past Fitz. And of course Daisy doesn’t mind being Jemma’s Hound because Jemma’s her bestie and she likely sees it as just doing her duty as Captain of the FitzSimmons ship. To the Hets and others who just happen not to ship them, all these acts of love and devotion are likely seen as just Daisy being a good big sister figure to Jemma and Fitz. And that’s lovely for them. 
But you know what would have been lovely for me, fellow femslashers? Leo Fitz being Jemma’s twin brother this whole time and also, of course, Jemma being gayer than a pack of skittles.
Truth be told, I was never a fan of the Twilight-y/Jacob Black-ish way that Jemma/Fitz started, with the latter harboring these feelings and the former being completely oblivious and then awkward about it at first.
I’m not a fan of the Unrequited Love trope in general. And I love Fitz, so I was rooting for him to move on with someone who didn’t need to ease into the idea of loving him that way. But ease Jemma did. And they’re in it for real and for life...well, for the five minutes a year they get to be in the same room, anyway. 
But what could’ve happened if FitzSimmons were twin siblings instead (and I was the head writer on the show who made Jemma and Daisy definite lady-lovin’ ladies, no squinting required)?? 
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Jemma and Daisy’s love story begins post-Ward Betrayal, somewhere in late S2 early S3 with some "my emotional rock" moments, followed up with mild flirtations and blushing denials.
Then, as the pair were just beginning to show more overt feelings toward each other, Jemma starts being all anti-inhuman right when Daisy’s powers are emerging.
After the cat quakes out of the bag and Jemma is angry at Fitz and Daisy for hiding this from her, what ensues between the two girls is a tearful conversation about secrets and lies and fixing things that aren’t broken involving the words “are you afraid me?” & “I would never hurt you” somewhere in between. 
Then, after Jemma has some time to cool off, she apologizes to Twin!Brother Fitz for abandoning him and making him feel broken/discarded, then to True Love!Daisy for making her feel afraid to come to her, and then this quote happens “you have to know that the love I have for you runs deeper than fear of the unknown ever will.” 
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only there would be kissing...yeh, lots more kissing.
I could sit here and rewrite every arc and scene with Daisy and Jemma as a couple spliced through it, but I won’t take up anymore time. 
Call me old fashioned but a strong rescue romance theme between a Rogue Toughie living by her own code of honor and a Strong-Willed Softie always surviving some kind of peril with her wits until her knight in shining gauntlets returns for her....the concept just melts my heart.
And that’s the vibe Daisy and Jemma give, especially in later parts of the show, which makes me wish that these two had been given the ‘Love Story of a Lifetime’ instead.
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Thoughts on Season 3
Yeah, I know, I'm late to the party. I watched this season weekly (except for episode 8, which I watched the same week as episode 1-I wasn't about to wait 8 weeks to see the CG episode) because screw binge culture I feel that’s just how Animaniacs should be watched (although daily works too). This won't be a review of each episode, just a list of random thoughts I had about the season:
—I already thought Titmouse's animation for the show was phenomenal, but it somehow managed to look even better in “Season 3 and WB”! And it’s always great to see more Nora. If Animaniacs does make another comeback I hope they don’t only stick with characters from the original series (plus some inevitable new ones) because nOsTaLGiA. It would suck if we never saw Nora or Julia or anyone from the reboot again.
—It’s nice to see certain catchphrases be brought back, like Wakko’s “Faboo!” and Dot’s “Boys.” Although it’s almost like a monkey’s paw situation, because Yakko doesn’t say “Goodnight Everybody!” at all this season. Not even once. Has that happened thoughout an entire season of Animaniacs...ever? This isn’t a complaint (it doesn’t really matter), but it’s surprising.
--OK, Cindy's officially my third favourite recurring character the reboot introduced. I'm glad her and Starbox got more segments this season, I like them a little more now!
—I like how “Soda-pressed” and “The Island of Dr Warneau” give insight as to what would happen if the Warners were the perfectly behaved, compliant, innocent children the studio always wanted them to be-they'd be miserable, like GiGi and the clones. The Warners may be chaotic and mess about a lot but at least they have a backbone.
--After "Planet Warner" I wonder how many toons in-universe are rejected pitches...it's gotta be ALOT. I liked the reference to "Opportunity Knox" in Talladega Mice (even the usually narcissistic Brain had to admit that plan was poorly thought out), especially since it's usually the Warners who reference their adventures in the original show, whilst Pinky and the Brain almost never reference their past adventures in the original show or their spin off in the reboot. Also, "D.I.Why?" is gonna be stuck in my head for ages, particularly Wakko's verse.
--I REALLY wish "Fantasy" and "Teeniacs" were longer instead of being cold opens. A Warners/Pinky and the Brain crossover and the Warners in high school? I would've watched an entire half hour each of both of those! As they are, they're both still good though.
—There are six Warner siblings now. Sorry I don’t make the rules.
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(Seriously though, the clones were so cute! And I commend the segment for having a great moral about cutting out toxic family members.)
--Fun fact, "Global Warnering" was supposed to be in season 2! It's nice to see the Warners go up against another toon/talking animal again, it felt like pretty much all of the "special friends" in the reboot before season 3 were humans. They were mostly humans in the original show too, but some were talking animals. Also my goodness was "Here Comes The Sea!" catchy. Pretty brutal that the Warners basically kill the guy at the end...but let's be honest he deserved it.
--It's nice to know that canonically Brain did feel guilty over what he did to Julia. Ironic that in trying to deal with his feelings of guilt be ends up repeating the same mistake as before-trying to have complete control of Julia, just In a less overt way. I've seen people say that this was an awful thing to do and his way of dealing with it doesn't make sense because it doesn't actually fix anything but...I'm pretty sure that was the point you guys. Brain's an emotionally unintelligent narcissistic control freak, and always has been. In the spin off he once referred to himself crying as his eyes leaking. What Brain does get is math and science-so he did the only thing he knew. He's not in touch with his emotions and is content with sticking with what he knows doing the same things over and over again, which of course leads to him making the same mistakes. Meanwhile, Julia is in touch with her emotions and is willing to change. Julia's his foil, this whole storyline is basically deconstructing Brain as a character. The only thing I don't get is why is he in love with her? I'm glad the feelings clearly aren't reciprocated, but last time he met a mouse that seemingly became as smart as him (Billie) that was a turn off for him. Or maybe he IS at least a little threatened by Julia's intelligence and that's why he programmed her to be a housewife?
--Basically, I do have some issues with the Julia storyline (as funny as she is they could've done something more interesting and nuanced than turning her into a Saturday Morning Cartoon villain, I could do without Brain actually having feelings for her, and I think her trying to take Pinky away from Brain because she genuinely thinks he'd be better off without him would have been more interesting than her basically ignoring Pinky most of the time) but showcasing Brain's flaws isn't one of them. I'm glad the real Julia showed up in episode 7, would've sucked if what's unfortunately probably gonna be her last appearance in anything ever technically didn't even have her appear. I'll admit I don't really see the point of having two Julias now but I'm guessing they would've done something cool with that plotline. Maybe one day they will! Hopefully the idea for season 4 was that Brain would finally attempt to make things right for real.
--I liked episode 8 overall, but yeah that first scene sucked. I'm not gonna debate this with anyone in the comments-I don't like it. Not just the comments about Wakko, the "boomer" joke and the "lol girls don't play video games!" joke in 2023 were pretty lame. But I'm not gonna rant about it, plenty of people have already. That being said, the Warners looked great in CG, and the rest of the episode was actually funny. They even referenced the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive and Game Boy Animaniacs game and got a studio (Flystudio) who actually worked on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate to do the 3D animation!
--Also, did not expect Starbox and Cindy of all things to get some sense of closure, with it seeming like Starbox will eventually warm up to living with Cindy. Yeah there's that cliff-hanger...but the clone will probably end up like the last one lol.
--One of the scientists who conducted the "Learned Helplessness" experiment on Brain appears near the beginning of episode 9. I swear he even has more white hairs now, neat detail. Also, I guess Yakko being lactose-intolerant is now officially a constant thing in canon and not just a random gag, that's cool. "How The Brain Thieved Christmas" was fine, but Brain is basically learning the same thing he learned in the original PatB Christmas special. That dub-step remix of "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" was unexpected but awesome, and "We Could Try to Do It, Santa" was great too!
--If "Some of Humanity's Wins" ends up being the last full Animaniacs song we ever get (with the Warners' og voices at least), then that's not a bad song to go out on, I like the optimistic message! And I'm so glad to hear Sherri Stoner as Slappy again, she literally sounds the same as she did decades ago, that's amazing. Slappy being retired makes way too much sense.
--So...about that ending. Apparently the meteor was more of a metaphor wasn't meant to be taken too literally. Even if you ignore what Gabe Swarr said on Twitter about how the Warners survived (plus Everyday Safety likely being an in-universe filmed sketch anyway), Yakko has outright said he's impervious to physical harm in "Yakko Amakko" and Wakko said they're immortal in "WARnerGAMES". So I'm just gonna assume the Warners are fine. And although it does technically count as a downer ending, the comedic timing of the meteor's impact was too good for me to hate it. And hey, unlike the original series there was no implication they'd be locked up in the water tower this time so...yay...?
--Here's my ranking of the episodes (from best to worst):
3, 7, 6, 10, 9, 5, 1, 8, 4, 2
I'll keep this last paragraph brief, this post is getting pretty long. The best moments in season 3 are some of the best of the reboot, period. I'm gonna miss this show, I wouldn't even be into Animaniacs without it, and it deserves to have more episodes.
I like to think maybe some day it will!
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
The best part is seeing them now able to balance their crazy work life and personal life. I didn’t think they had it back in 1.0 and I don’t blame them at all. Now they been in the industry for a while that they know when to step back and also experienced a break up that taught them the real value of their relationship. Now, we see them nurturing their relationship and private life and also working and evolving simultaneously. I’m so freaking proud of them.
Me too Anon, I'm really proud of them 😌💜
We have to keep in mind that they were still very young during the 1.0 era. Didn't they start dating each other around 19/20 years old? 🥴 I'm sorry, but that's kinda young imo.
Maybe they didn't make all the best decisions back then.... We get it... 🤷🏾‍♀️They were doing the best they could to have a PRIVATE and protected rlshp in the public eye, while still trying to navigate their own fame levels which were rising astronomically at the time. Keep in mind too that Z had never dated anyone as famous as Tom before (sorry Rat Tail 👀), and neither had Tom ever dated anyone as famous as Zendaya either!
So, I just think that as fans (and ppl just in general) we have to give them some mercy and understanding.... 😔 I know I didn't always handle situations in the best possible way when I was a little younger either! Lol 😆 Even Z said herself in a round about way that she didn't even believe that two ppl should have that deep of a commitment to each other at SUCH a YOUNG age, because when you're young you're prone to make mistakes, and you may be very fickle with your feelings, etc. (Very LOOSELY paraphrasing)
I'm not sure if she was just speaking this way due to fear of getting so emotionally involved and eventually getting hurt by Tom, or due to trauma from Trevor cheating on her multiple times, or just based on what maybe she had seen in her OWN family with regards to fidelity, or WHAT.
But either way, I feel like she was being cautious (with good reason!) since she was dating a man in Hollywood. There's a LOT of temptation out there.... believe me!! She may have been keeping her cards close to her vest to the public just in case they ended up breaking up due to some huge scandal or smthg lol 😆 Who knows? 🤷🏾‍♀️
But over the years I think she's come to see that Tom is very trustworthy, he only has eyes for her lol, and now that they are older and about to both be 27 this year, I def think they have both matured a lot, and have come a long way! 😁
I agree with you Anon.... I'm so proud of them and where they've come! 🥰❤👏🏾
I can't wait to see what the future holds for them 🥰
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Zaria's Parents And Even Stepparents Butted Heads With Ian's Mother
Even though before the cheating they welcomed Ian as a member of the family, I do think they would have hated his mother because I think she would be that judgemental pos who looked down on them for one reason or another. One of them being they were divorced even though it's implied she was a single mom and isn't one to judge. Zaria's parents and later stepparents had to walk around her in order to help their daughter/stepdaughter's relationship with Ian. I think both sides even knew she was a toxic control freak who was emotionally abusive towards him and tried to do everything in their power to give him a safe haven from her.
Frankly, she reminds me of Joann Bishop from As Told By Ginger who everyone knew as a toxic smother who constantly insulted and belittled everyone around her. Even though she had justified misgivings with Carl, she was still even mean to those like Ginger herself who had a lot of limits with her. And I think Zaria would have had limits with her as well. I think in a lot of ways like Dodie did Ian would have stood up for his mom and excuse her trash behavior.
Given that Zaria has autism I like to think she would have bigoted views about autistic children and wouldn't be afraid to say some nasty stuff about her traits. I could totally see her straight up saying how two divorced households could handle a child like Zaria. And if Ian's mom ever said it in front of Zaria's mom the shoes and the earrings would go off but for Ian sake she kept it in because again Ian needed all the support he could get and they both knew she could find an excuse to end their friendship. In my opinion, I do think Ian's mom would thought she was too immature for her son and make passive aggressive comments which Ian would try to excuse her for but still it stung when she made them. And again I think she would have thought Ian would have outgrown Zaria and found a more mature woman. Even after their long relationship she would always would find something to nitpick Zaria at because in her eyes her son shouldn't be saddled with a behaviorally disabled woman. As I could show, I really do think Ian's mother would be one of those abelistic pos people who believes tons of Autism Speak myths about autistic children.
I think that's why both sides felt betrayed by Ian's cheating because they put up with so much shit from his mother and tried to give him a haven to him that he goes and repays this by breaking Zaria's love and trust. They still would feel sorry for him when it comes to his mother, but they also won't make him feel welcomed anymore due to what he did and hope one day he realizes his mistakes and just tries to get away far from possible from his mother and doesn't excuse the she she does.
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ahquadthesecond · 2 years
I think Dean does this thing where he thinks his job is an excuse for every other thing going wrong in his life. Every flaw in him is a result of him being in the hunting business.
He drinks too much? Comes with the job. He has a horrible attitude most of the time? Comes with the job. He's emotionally constipated? Comes with the job. His complete disregard for his physical and mental well-being? Comes with the job. His bottled up rage that comes out in waves and consumes him entirely until he does something that's so messed up he can never come back from it? Comes with the job. His entire life is just about saving people and hunting things and absolutely nothing else? Comes with the freaking job!
I think that's because that was the kinda role model Dean had growing up. John was an absent father who made a lot of mistakes and Dean probably thought it was okay because Dad was on a mission. It was okay that he was never around for their birthday's or that he never cared about their feelings or never respected their choices. Because he had a job. And that's all that mattered.
So, that's how Dean grew up, I think. Constantly looking for a cause to fight for. A role to play. And as long as he had a mission, he didn't care about anything else. That's why we see him so driven. As long as he got the job done, everything else was just a distraction.
But Sam didn't grow up with John as his only role model. Sam had someone else. Someone who showed him that you can do the job and also be yourself. Sam saw Dean, going on hunting trips with their Dad but also never forgetting Sam's birthday; sneaking him away to the arcade every once in a while; respecting his choice to go to college and just being their for him in ways their father never was.
So, Sam grew up different. He didn't make his entire life about hunting. He had hobbies and little habits that made him 'normal'. He never let the job consume him. But it was Dean who taught him that. It was Dean who taught him that he could be a hunter and be his own person.
But Dean doesn't realise that because when he was looking after Sammy, that was his cause; that was his mission. Look after your brother. Everything else came second. And in a way, as Dean grew up, that cause just blended in with his "saving people" motto. Because that was all Dean cared about. Devoting himself to the cause. That's why he was always saying he wanted to go out swinging. On the job. Because, maybe, that's all Dean Winchester sees when he looks in the mirror: a tool for a cause. He never saw himself for what he was: a human. With real feelings and doubts and questions. Because all his life, he's just been told to follow orders and do things you don't like if the job called for it. And I don't think that cage he was in, ever went away. He was always trapped in his cause: saving people, hunting things, the family business.
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kitkatwinchester · 11 months
I LOVE THEM ALL AHHHHH!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Liam, the poor baby....he's so scared and so sick of all of this and wishes he could be like Scott but he just...can't. He doesn't have it in him. And Scott, being the amazing Alpha that he is, even in all of his desperation to save people, even in all of his worry, takes that time to take a step back, and slow down, and be there for his Beta.
And he doesn't force him. He doesn't make him feel guilty. Instead, he acknowledges his fear, and his pain, and he TAKES HIM HOME, and makes sure he's SAFE, and COMFORTABLE, and then he handles it without him, because as much as he wants and needs all the help he can get in this mission to protect everyone on the deadpool, he would NEVER force Liam to do something he wasn't comfortable or ready for. And we looooove that about him. LOVE LOVE LOVE!! I LOVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP SO MUCH!!!
The way they just run to each other and immediately kiss each other and embrace.
The way Scott just holds her face so gently when he asks about her mom.
The way he so softly and gingerly and wholeheartedly asks if SHE'S okay, and you KNOW he doesn't just mean physically, but emotionally too.
The way that Kira says she is now, because she's with Scott, and they're together again, and they're all safe.
The way that, even though Scott's main reason for coming there was to check on the people Kira had saved, checking on Kira and her well-being 100% had to come first.
The way that they just keep each other so close, even as they looked on at all the other deadpool people.
And then there's Stalia, of COURSE.
I've said it before, but I will reiterate: Stydia is obviously my OTP, but Stiles and Malia? I cannot deny their chemistry, and I cannot deny how much I love their cute little moments.
And the forgiveness scene in the hospital AHHHHHH!!!
First of all, shout-out to Melissa for locking them in the room together lol.
But then that scene was just so sweet and I'm so glad they finally made up!!
I mean--
The way that they're both so awkward with each other, but also so clearly worried and so relieved that the other is okay.
The way that Stiles starts using Melissa's name as a fill-in for his own feelings and current struggles with Malia.
The way that Malia just rolls with it until they're finally close enough to truly open up to each other.
The way that Stiles just GETS HER and gets exactly what she's trying to say.
The way that Malia recognizes that, and remembers why she loves him so much in the first place.
The way that they both finally accept that they've made some mistakes, but that they both deserve a little forgiveness for the way they've been treating each other.
The way that they KISS, and Malia FINALLY forgives Stiles wholeheartedly.
The way that they both remember how much they love each other in just that one little moment.
And of course, the way that Melissa finally pushes the door open, because mission accomplished.
We love Stalia, and we freaking love Melissa, because mom of the year. <3 <3
The AMAZING moments with the parental figures and each other's kids.
On a smaller scale, we obviously have Noah and Lydia, and Noah being so utterly concerned for Lydia's mental and physical well-being in doing everything he can to make sure that Meredith does get put away for everything she did, but also desperately trying to get her to go home and take care of herself, all while Lydia is still stubborn and sassy as ever, because she feels safe enough to be that way with Noah.
And THEN there's the Stiles and Melissa scene.
I just love how much they banter with each other, and how much Melissa takes his sass and throws it right back at him, like with the cassettes vs. tapes (I'm with Melissa, by the way--sorry Stiles XD), because she knows that's how he works.
But then on TOP of that, just like her son (like mother, like son), she recognizes when Stiles is very clearly avoiding his actual emotions and concerns, and she forces him to address them by bringing them to the forefront of the conversation--like his worry about Meredith, and his tensions with Malia--all while still being so comforting and so helpful and just so willing to make his life easier in any way that she can ("Can you do me one little favor?" "Anything.").
Anyways here's a bunch of gifs because I love them all. <3
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(I couldn't find one of Noah and Lydia, but you get the gist. <3 <3)
Update: Oh, and SPEAKING OF PARENTAL FIGURES, can we talk about how much I love Argent? Like, first of all, I'm 99% sure that he just found the plant that did the weird stuff it's doing to Derek (also we love that he didn't even have to turn around to knock out the dude behind him—seriously the best), so that's already awesome. And now here he is, being willing to harbor all of these people on the deadpool, simply because of his love for Scott. Add to that the fact that, in the face of all of these targets, the one person Chris is still the most worried about IS Scott. AHHHH we love him so much. He seriously cares about this boy so much, even after everything, and I love him for that. <3 <3 <3
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rodeoromeo · 1 year
I love Paul very much but I don't think we have any business judging George's complicated feelings about him considering we didn't have to spend a significant part of our lives seeing him for many hours every day, including at the height of his annoying behavior. We know nothing about how Paul is in private or what kind of conversations he had with George even after The Beatles. So I do not understand how anyone can accuse him of exaggeration. Many people from other Beatles, to girlfriends, to Linda, to Wings members have all made similar comments. I feel like if you don't take George seriously then you actually don't know much about Paul and would rather take it out on the guy your not emotionally attached to than acknowledge your fave isn't perfect.
I know you want to keep it positive but I just wanted to slide that point in there. lol
I am trying to focus on the very apparent and real love between Paul and George because it goes too unnoticed and we focus on the strife between them so much, but I will let you say your piece!
for what its worth I do agree with you that we don't know anything about what they were like in private- Paul is very evasive about that now and George actually had far too much tact when it came to these things to be full open about it either. I mean, think about even in get back, from paul- "I can't freaking do it on camera either". so who are we to say what went on between them? I think discrediting george's experiences simply because you don't want to believe that Paul ever treated him badly is a mistake, but it is one that paul's fans make over and over again to this day. I don't know why people don't take george seriously on things that clearly affected him a lot. Again- its all in his music. it's so all Right There.
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fate-magical-girls · 1 year
On the subject of the Avengers
I’ve read through some of Marvel’s Avenger’s comics, and followed a few members’ ups and downs. The inconsistency of how well characters are forgiven for their past actions makes me ponder a dark theory regarding the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
This pertains only to the main universe (616) comics published by Marvel Comics, not the MCU. Hot take, dark take ensues below the cut.
The Avengers, frankly, are enablers. In their attempt to understand and support their friends, they dash across the line to enabling.
When an Avenger messes up, the good and heroic thing for their teammates to do is forgive them the moment they show up with a sincere apology. And thus they’ve forgiven some otherwise unforgivable things.
Hank Pym is a former domestic abuser, While his general sanity during the incident can be argued, there is no question that he struck his wife to shut her up, and he did it with the knowledge that he can trust her to not fight back. To his credit, he hasn’t descended into domestic violence ever again after the initial incident...but he does backslide into red flag territory, especially whenever he rekindles a romance with Janet. Not to mention, up until his “death” in Rage of Ultron, he still refused to deal with his BPD responsibly.
Carol Danvers is nearly sociopathic with her ability to compartmentalize. Whereas Pym’s horrible deeds were intensely personal, Carol’s are depersonalized. She will brutalize people who are supposed to be her friends mentally and physically, all as part of her job of keeping law and order.  Afterwards, she never even recognizes the actual horror of her deeds, immediately going back to her friendly self with the very people she attacked. As of Jason Aaron’s Avengers, she doesn’t even register guilt over her actions.
Tony Stark has totalitarian leanings. His need to be accountable to himself translates into massive control freak tendencies where he keeps tight control over his technology, and eventually, organizes an effort to keep control over all Earth’s superhumans. While accountability is good, Tony allowed the Superhuman Registration Act to spiral out of control and turn into an effort to forcibly conscript and indoctrinate superhuman soldiers.
Wanda Maximoff is the superhero version of a mass shooter. In a fit of anger and grief, she opened fire on her closest friends in a rampage through Avengers mansion. While there is still her precarious mental state and manipulation by Dr. Doom to consider, she likely still comprehended that her actions during Avengers Disassembled were meant to kill the Avengers.
All of these people were unconditionally forgiven and eventually reinstated among the Avengers. No boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable behavior were ever set for them. Not much effort would be made to get the people the help they need to never do what they did again. They’re all allowed to mentor younger heroes with no caveats. More egregiously, all of them were allowed continued contacts with their victims. Everyone acts like the mistakes never happened. They’re as close and friendly as they’ve ever been, at least on the outside.
In addition to enabling, I get a sense that the Avengers forgave their friends before they were truly emotionally ready. They forgave them because it was a thing they should do, the thing expected of them as Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. But it wasn’t a thing they really wanted to do as people. There was no cooling off period so anyone could really process their pain. This performative forgiveness just leads resentments slowly building up, until it results in them exploding into sniping back and forth about past mistakes. This especially applies to the victims of the Avengers listed above. Most of the time, they aren’t allowed to be angry or resentful or hold a grudge. They’re under subtle pressure to forgive the teammates who wronged them, and most often they do, only to air their actual feelings out way down the line.
Overall, this is a tragic situation. It happens because most of the Avengers are good, heroic people who want to do the right thing. Unfortunately, they err on the side of compassion and create a situation that isn’t good for anyone.
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