#which is like a big issue i have with other cartoons sometimes is when you have a cartoon start out with a kid demograohic
snakesnifter · 1 year
amphibia 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🐸
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bowdownperv · 8 months
How about first time/losing virginity to Best friend Billy Hargrove
First Time [B.H]
Warnings: 18+, sexual content, virginity loss
"I like him, I don't like him"
Every time your heart said you liked him, your brain instantly shut it down. Why? Because you didn't like him. He was your best friend. A man you could trust who'd take care of you without expecting something in return. And okay, sure he was smoking hot. And you'd absolutely stare at his bulging biceps a little too long when he was done getting a pump at the gym. And fine, maybe sometimes you did look at the bulge in his sweatpants and think about how big his cock was; how it would feel for him to wrap his big arms around you and slam you down on it not letting you cum until you'd finally admit-
"Fuck, I like him."
Spring came and went fast, but little did you know you'd be coming even faster.
Billy was the type of boy that teachers warned you about and your parents scorned you to stay away from. He had a tough, bad boy looking exterior; but on the inside, he was the sweetest boy you'd ever known.
Whenever you were stressed in the library, head in your hands, Billy would come over and ask to sit with you. His warm presence automatically lifted you up as he tried, but failed, to help you with your homework and distract you by cracking dumb jokes; which still made you laugh.
He'd drive you home from school in his Camaro so you didn't have to take the bus. Giving you his extra pair of sunglasses and looking over at you with a smile when the wind would blow your hair into your face. Just driving through town enjoying each others company.
He was also someone you trusted. You'd have deep conversations with him where you'd tell him about all your boy issues, and about the ones who made you uncomfortable. Billy promised to always protect you from them.
He never tried to hit on you or imply anything sexual with you. It was always just sweetness. Telling you how beautiful you looked when you were a total mess. Holding your hand when crossing the street to buy you ice cream. And inviting you over all the time where you'd sit together on his bed watching cartoons. Maybe sitting a little too close to each other.
This is the way it had always been. You knew that Billy would be a perfect boyfriend to some girl but you'd just presumed you weren't her. Not because you didn't want that necessarily, but because you expected that it was off the table. That is until June rolled up with the last day of school.
❊ ❊ ❊
"Hey Y/N," Billy appeared behind your locker making you jump.
"Oh, sorry. Did you want to get ice cream after school with me?" he asked playing with his fingers.
You lost all focus, your eyes were staring at his hands and you cursed at yourself for the scenarios you were imagining.
You thought about his big hands holding your waist. How they would feel grabbing your ass. How his slender fingers would reach so deep inside your p-
"What? Oh, yeah sure. I'd love to," you said, coming back to reality.
Fuck. Billy was your best friend. You weren't supposed to be having all these dirty thoughts about him.
"Okay, great," he smiled. "I'll pick you up at 3."
As you watched him leave you felt so guilty — but mostly horny.
Admittedly, this wasn’t the first the time you thought about Billy in a sexual way.
There were those nights you were sprawled out on your bed, and your hand would reach underneath the soft fabric of your panties to rub your at pussy. Thinking about Billy behind you, tugging your waist into his own, plunging his thick cock inside of you. Forcing you to swallow his cum. Or maybe you’d be on top of him riding his cock while his warm moans echoed against your throat.
You'd like to think this mindset was a phase, and only temporary, but it had been slowly getting worse since you'd first met him.
The rest of the school day was filled with humid classes, boring speeches, and a wet pussy.
As the final school bell rang signaling summer vacation, you slowly made your way out the doors following the crowd. Feeling the instant sting of the sun on your shoulders as your fingers played with your tank top strings. Squinting from the yellow sun in your eyes, you looked around for Billy’s car. When you heard the rattle of gears scraping against metal, you knew to follow the sound. There Billy was laughing whilst revving the engine of his Camaro. You broke out a shy smile. It was an inside joke between the two of you. One of Billy’s main ways of attracting girls was through his car. The sound of rust grinding somehow turning them on. That kind of shit never impressed you though. Which was something Billy liked. You were different.
“Hop in, Y/N,” he said, popping the door open for you.
You crawled inside. Shaking your ass a little to get adjusted. Billy unconsciously stared at it. It didn’t help you were wearing your tiniest pair of denim shorts. You changed into them earlier in the locker room just to tease him. Your squinted eyes peered up at up at him while his hand naturally went to grab yours, squeezing it.
“We made it!” he exclaimed with a dumb, toothy smile. “Free at last!”
“I’m still surprised you didn’t flunk out,” you teased with a smile and a hand in your hair. You put on a pair of your red, heart-shaped glasses you kept in his cup holder. He had bought you them as a joke but you loved how cute they looked.
“That’s all thanks to my amazing tutor.”
It was true. When Billy briefly mentioned how bad his grades had fallen. You were the only one who actually cared. The only one that was there for him, and help him get them up. You’d come to his place every week with flash cards and quiz him on all his subjects. You were the reason he was able to pass his classes. And he appreciated it more than you'd ever know.
“I’m really proud of you Billy,” you said, tapping your cherry nails on the top of his hand.
“Now let’s get that ice cream you promised me.”
Billy’s face was covered in a sincere smile as he pulled the gear stick into drive and drove off leaving behind a contrail of gray, puffy smoke. The aroma of petrol lingered in the air.
❊ ❊ ❊
Riding in Billy’s car was like kissing summer. The wind blowing in your air. The sun shining on his steel, finished hood making tiny icy reflections. The smell of citrus and diesel. There was an invisible string of chemistry between the two of you. You felt it reeling you into Billy and you hoped he’d felt it too.
When you heard the click of his blinker, you knew you’d arrived. Billy hopped out first and grabbed your hand to help you. It was little actions like that in which you’d always remember.
You both got the largest ice creams you could. Sitting on a white, wooden bench, laughing. Enjoying the taste of sweet strawberry.
Billy was always very touchy way with you in the most adoring way. It was his love language. But something about today was different. It felt to you less playful and more passionate. The way his hand moved from the small of your back—squeezing your hand—and then settling on your naked thigh. You stared at your melting ice cream, unable to even look at him. His strong arms poking out of his black tank top, the bulge in his gym shorts, the stained, snug look that was always on his handsome face.
Your ice cream was dripping and so was your pussy.
“Hey, uh. I didn’t know if you were doing anything tonight. But maybe you’d wanna come over and celebrate at my place together. There's some things I wanted to say to you. I mean, you're the only reason I made it through this year.”
You hoped to god he’d mistake your blushing cheeks for sunburn.
“Sure, why not,” you giggled.
“Ok. Great,” he smiled scratching his head. You loved it. The way everyone built him up to be such a tough, bad boy. But how soft and shy he was around you. You loved how nervous he’d get when asking you to hang out with him, yet play it off like its no big deal. When in his head he's praying for you to say "yes".
Billy didn’t have a great life at home. He didn’t have people who supported him, or even cared whether he failed out of school or not. All he had was you. But you cared so much. You wanted nothing more than to see him do good and cheer him on the whole way there. Billy never took you for granted. He never had a girl like you who saw him for anything more than sex. And for that, he was so incredibly grateful for you.
Suddenly, unable to control yourself. You kissed his cheek with your cold, strawberry lips. Watching how it instantly turned red. Before he could say anything, you quickly stood up and plucked a wildflower, placing it in your hair. You walked back over to him with a smile and stood between his spread legs. Your faces inches apart.
“Look how pretty,” you said. Grabbing his much larger hand to touch it.
“Almost as pretty as you,” he said confessionally.
You blushed so hard. Not knowing what to say or do. Despite the blazing heat, you were frozen. Frozen in time with this man in front if you. Your bodies radiating love to one another. Your heart jittery from the touch of his hand and the way his sunset eyes were glued onto you. The sun could explode right now and you wouldn’t even notice. A cage of exotic butterflies were unleashed in your tummy.
You held onto his left calloused hand and spun. A contagious smile washed over his face as he watched you. Teeth shining brighter than the rays of sun. His tan skin as creamy as honey. He could’ve got down on one knee right then and there.
It was a beautiful day. The sun beaming over your heads like a spotlight. Green grass contrasting the blue sky. Cotton balls of pollen hopping around like bubbles in the wind. But the most beautiful of all was the man standing in front of you.
You absorbed each others energy. Reminiscing on memories from the past year. The time when you saw a cherry tree and Billy held you on his broad shoulders so you could pick the fruit. And how you later tripped and stained your white skirt red. Making Billy carry you back to the car.
You remembered all the late nights of tutoring Billy. Where you’d both crash from exhaustion. How he’d be a gentleman and give you his bed while he slept on the floor. How you secretly wished he would share the bed with you. Cuddling his pillow that smelled like him. Pretending it was him.
❊ ❊ ❊
Before long, you were back in the Camaro heading to his place. Head looking out the window peacefully, but sadly because Billy wasn’t yours. He always right there, so close to you. Yet so far away. You didn’t want to risk destroying the relationship that you’d had, but some friendships were made to be broken. You sighed.
The gravel grumbled under his tires as he pulled up to his trailer.
“Here we are.”
Billy carried your school bag with his own as you followed him inside.
You entered his trailer and made your way to his room. Billy’s bedroom was a small, but cozy sanctuary. A safe place that housed so many memories. You hopped on his unmade bed, legs dangling off the edge.
Billy came over to you and rubbed your thigh. You felt your heart free fall.
“I just wanted to say that I’m really grateful for you Y/N. You were always there for me when I needed someone. I hope I can do the same for you.”
Your cheeks felt like they were going to explode.
“Awe, of course Billy. I’m always here for you. You’re very special to me.”
You wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him into you. You were instantly at peace. He was your home. With his chin resting on top of your head, you’d wish you could stay like that forever; together.
“Hey uhm, why did you kiss my cheek like that earlier?” he asked hiding his hands in his short pockets.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “You just looked really cute I guess.”
“I could say the same about you,” he laughed.
Your hands naturally went to play with your hair. It was one of those awkward moments where you didn’t know what to say. Was he flirting with you? Do you flirt back? What if that’s not what he was implying at all. What if you ruin everything.
“Let’s play a game,” you said. “Truth or dare.”
Billy sat in the floor and looked up at you. Squinting his eyes like you were his prey.
“You go first.”
“M-kay, truth or dare Billy.”
Oh, the things you could dare him to do. Kiss your lips until you suffocate. Lick your pussy. Fuck you on his bed...
“I dare you to slap yourself in the face”
He landed quite a hard slap to his face making you giggle. Making you daydream about him slapping your ass while balls deep inside you.
“Alright, truth or dare, Y/N”
You watched as Billy furrowed his eyebrows and strokes the stubble on his chin.
“Have you ever faked an orgasm?”
Your pussy literally gasped.
“I’ve never actually done it before.”
“What, have an orgasm?”
“No, I’ve never had sex before,” you kicked your legs nervously.
Billy almost didn’t believe you. You had told him everything. Or so he thought. You were so a beautiful girl. Out of his league he assumed. How could you be a virgin?
“Oh, so are you waiting for marriage?”
“I’ve just never really had the opportunity. I want to do it with a guy I can trust.”
“That’s understandable,” he lowered his chin. “You deserve that.”
Your heart was beating so fast you felt like you were going to pass out.
“Truth or dare, Billy.”
“I dare you to kiss me.”
Billy’s eyes glowed.
“Is that what you really want?”
“Fuck, Billy. Just come here and kiss me.”
Billy practically ran to your body sitting on the bed. Cupping your face with his big hands as his lips collided against yours. He tasted forbidden. Like the first bite out of the apple in Eden. He eagerly stuck his tongue in your mouth which you encouraged by sucking on it.
Hit calloused fingertips traced your skin like warm sandpaper. His hot breath mixing with your own. You were right where you were supposed to be. All the stars and galaxies somehow aligned to put you in this exact moment; together. After all these years of jarring up your feelings, you were finally brave enough to open the lid.
“Billy, I want you to fuck me.”
Billy couldn’t believe the dirty words coming out of your sweet lips. He put his hand on his head. Unable to think straight with all the blood going to his cock, and the thought of fucking his best friend.
“I hope you know I didn’t invite you over here just to get in your pants,” he said sincerely.
“I know, I know Billy. I’m ready now and I want it to be you. I always have.”
“Are- are you sure?” he stumbled on his own words. Waiting for the word, "yes," so he could finally do what he’s wanted to since his eyes first saw you.
“Yes, please.”
He quickly planted one more kiss to your mouth. You could feel his smile against your lips.
❊ ❊ ❊
Billy's hand cupped your jawline, pulling you into his lips. It was warm. The way his lips felt, his taste of honey that dripped down your throat and filled you with sweetness. Your lips fluttered with one another’s.
Before you knew it, you were reached to bring his hand under your t-shirt. Holding onto his wrist and guiding his palm. You could see the shock in his face. He didn’t know what to do. You were in control.
Billy cleared his throat.
His hands roamed your tits. Whatever Billy was touching felt good whether that was your hand, your chest, your pussy. You wanted his electric touch all over your body. You needed him everywhere at once.
You guided Billy's hand in pulling off your shirt. Tossing it on the carpet of his messy bedroom floor. Billy stared at your bare tits like they were the light beyond heavens door. His big hands engulfed them and squeezed them hard, but somehow angelically. You threw your head back in pleasure. His mouth peppering your exposed throat in kisses and soon to be hickeys. Sucking on your delicate skin.
"Feels good?" he asked with a raspy tone. His hot breath beating on your throat made your nipples harden. His fingertips definitely noticed.
"So good Billy," you nearly cried. "No one's ever touched me like this before."
You could see by how he cocked his brow that your words raised his ego. He kept quiet with a smug look to his face and continued massaging your delicate tits. Your eyes fixated on the bulge in his gym shorts. It was always apparent, but it was significantly bigger now. You could always tell Billy had a big dick. He constantly had to readjust his pants. Sometimes you'd be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of his round cock head highlighted deliciously in his grey gym shorts. You'd wanna crawl between his legs right there and milk him with your sweet mouth.
You reached for his cock and rubbed it through the fabric of his shorts. It seemed so large and intimidating against your small hand. You could feel it chubbing up. He let out little whimpers into your neck.
"Can I play with your cock Billy?" you asked with a sweet voice and Bambi eyes.
"Fuck, Y/N..." was all he said. His face red and already beating with sweat like he had just finished a brutal workout.
You crawled over to him and pulled his shorts down curiously. You jumped back a bit when his giant cock sprang out hitting your lower lip. The tip already glazed with precum.
"I don't know what to do Billy," you pouted. "Tell me how to make you cum."
"Oh...fuck," he groaned. Billy was already trying not to bust a huge load all over your pretty face just from the dirty words coming out of your voice so heavenly.
"Spit in your hand for me sweetheart, ok?"
"Then use both hands to stroke it up and down."
You followed his orders. Spitting in your tiny hand and then coating your saliva along his cock. You had to spit in your hand a second time to fully lubricate it. Soon, his pink cock was bulging and completely painted in your saliva.
You shuffled your body closer to him and wrapped both hands around him. You looked up at him and batted your cartoon eyes. Slowly moving them down his impressive length. You started at his leaking head and moved down the shaft. Once you reached his big balls, you moved it up again. Going slow; painfully slow.
"A-am I doing it right Billy? Does it feel good?"
"Fuck," he groaned. His eyes wide with excitement as he watched you work.
"Feels too fucking good, you're such a good girl."
You smiled as your cheeks turned rosy.
"Can I put it in my mouth?" you asked nervously with a swallow.
"Goddamn baby," he whined. I'll guide you, okay?"
You nodded and stared down at his massive dick. Fuck, you thought. How were you supposed to fit that in your mouth?
Billy reached a hand to hold your hair behind your neck.
"Start slow baby, okay? Put the head in and I'll help you get the rest."
You looked down at his cherry mushroom head and licked your lips. Then, without hesitation wrapped your sweet lips around it and sucked. Tasting the salty precum as your tongue danced around it. You gazed up at him to see his reaction.
"Shit, baby," he exhaled. He looked like he was falling apart and you'd barely done anything.
"I'm gonna help you go down more, alright? Tap my thigh if it's too much."
With that, Billy took his free hand and pushed your head down his cock slowly. It didn't take long for him to hit your gag reflex and you frantically tapped his thigh. Your throat made a disgusting noise as your saliva poured down his cock and collected on his balls. He quickly pulled you off as you wiped your mouth. His cock and balls now dripping in your saliva.
"M sorry," you frowned. Looking up with him with glossy eyes.
"Can I try again?"
"You're doing fucking amazing," Billy reassured you, giving you a soft kiss to the forehead.
"We'll go slower this time, okay?"
You smiled bright enough to light the room and nodded.
This time, you were much more confident. As Billy guided you down his thick cock, you prepared yourself. Once his head started grazing your reflex, you trained yourself to not gag. Your mouth was more lubricated now than before which made it easier. You enjoyed the sentiment of having your best friends cock shoved down your throat.
Billy guided you about 3/4 the way down his cock before raising your head back up. Not wanting to push you too far on your first time. When his cock plopped out of your lips, a long string of saliva still connected it to your mouth. Billy smiled and wiped your lip with his thumb.
"Your cock tastes so good," you moaned. Still catching your breath.
"You did so good princess. I'm proud of you," he said rubbing your sore cheeks.
"I think I'm ready to feel your cock inside my pussy," you said bravely.
Truthfully, you were terrified. You had no idea what it was like to have anything up there besides your own fingers. Billy's cock was huge. Was it going to hurt? What if you couldn't handle it? But, taking one look at Billy made the worries in your head vanish. This is what you wanted, with who you wanted. And you were ready. You trusted Billy with your soul and you wanted no one other than him to cross this bridge with you.
Billy smiled at you and helped you undress. It was slow; sensual. You put your legs in Billy’s lap and watched him trail your panties down your legs. He looked up at you for validation; you nodded. Your panties were thrown in with the pile of your scattered clothes collecting on his floor.
You gasped as Billy gently pushed your body against the bed and held him self over you with one arm; his tricep muscle bulging. You slid his boxers down his calves and off his feet. Your hands naturally placed themselves on his bare ass.
With his free hand, Billy lined his pink, mushroom head up against the opening of your virgin pussy. You were the wettest you’ve ever been.
“I’m gonna put it in now, okay?”
You smiled and nodded.
Once he slid his cock into your folds, your mind evaporated. Suddenly, you knew what it meant to be alive. The beating of your heart telling your mind that this is what you want; this is who you love. Pleasure, lust, love all filled your head.
It had been a tight squeeze just to get the head in. You felt your pussy get stretched out for the first time ever. The long blue vein of your best friends cock was coursing with lust. You could feel it pulsing inside you due to how hard he was and was continuing to become.
Your hands pulled him closer. Your legs spread open for him with your ankles tied around his thighs.
“Shit, you're tight,” Billy moaned.
He leaned down on his forearms. His face inches away from your own. You felt his hot breath against your lips every time he moaned. He slowly slid more of his cock into you.
"Tell me if it's too much, I don't wanna hurt you."
"No-no, fuck its perfect," your hand reached for his cheek. He smiled in relief as you pulled him in for a deep kiss. You almost suffocated from how good he was making love to you. His lips fluttering against your own, his hot breath in your mouth, his cock filling up your pussy.
"Gonna put the rest in okay?" Billy said in-between a kiss. You smiled and wrapped your hands around his head. You pulled him close; wanting his lips deep with yours in the moment he bottomed you out.
"Oh fuck...fuck-," he hissed. Suddenly, hips smashed into your own as his balls kissed your ass. His cock fully stretched you out. His head fell down to the side next to yours. You could hear his puppy whimpers in your ear.
"Holy shit," you whined. You felt a tear roll down from how incredible your pussy felt. You had never been this turned on before; never this wet. Your arms grasped his sweaty, broad back; needing something to hold onto as your pussy adjusted to having such a giant cock stretching it out for the first time.
It was exactly what dreamed on for so long coming true. Billy's body on top of you dominating you. His cock plunging into you marking you as his territory; his girl.
Billy's mouth never shut the whole time.
You two stayed like that for a while, needing time to fully process what was happening. From the day Billy first met you, this is all he wanted. All he ever wanted was to call you his girl. You were the star of all his dreams. His daydreams were he fantasized about kissing you and holding you tight. His wet dreams were he came to the thought of fucking you just like this, hearing you scream your name as he made you fall apart. Waking up drenched in his own cum.
But you felt better than he'd ever imagined. Better than his fist when he would jerk himself off to the thought of you under him. And the fact that he was lucky enough to be the first person to ever fuck you? He almost came at the thought. He wanted nothing more than to be the only person to ever fuck you.
Billy slowly introduced a bit of thrusting. Swinging his hips and pressing you into his mattress with the force of his body, the bed was squeaking. His rough hand gently caressed the side of your face, keeping your eyes glued to his own as he fucked you. You could hear how wet you’d gotten from the damp sound his cock made driving into your pussy. Billy was your guide. Guiding you from the realm of girlhood into womanhood. Introducing you to love. Real love. How beautiful it is to be loved and be able to experience it in such an intimate way. How in this moment with Billy’s body on top of your own, you felt one with him. Two hearts beating together and connected sexually.
“Goddamn. You feel so good,” Billy whined connecting his lips to yours. It was so much. Too much. But not enough at the same time. You needed more of him.
“Fuck me harder. Please Billy,” you damn near cried into his mouth.
Billy’s eyes beamed with determination as he pummeled his cock deeper into you using the force of his glutes. Your mouth dropped open at the sudden change of pace. Your body squirmed but Billy kept you pinned down with his muscular arm against your chest. Tears of immense pleasure rolled down your rosy cheeks. You were moaning so loud the books on his desk were shaking.
“Fuck!” you screamed. “My pussy loves your cock!”
Your tits bounced against Billy’s chest with every thrust. You felt the hair on his chest brush against them. You felt the beating of his heart and his warm exhales against your skin. The way he takes care of you everyday translated to the bed where he was entirely focused on making you feel good.
“Shit-shit.” Billy moaned frantically. His hand pushed his sweaty hair back.
You were chanting his name like a cheerleader. Telling him how good his cock felt inside you. Holding onto any part of him you could grasp for support as he destroyed your pussy.
“I’m gonna cum Billy!” you screamed breathlessly.
“Cum for me. Please baby. Cum all over my cock,” Billy begged. Continuing to plunge his cock into you. Droplets of sweat and precum spraying out each time his skin slammed into into you.
Your head felt dizzy; drunk by lust. The amount of pleasure your pussy was getting hammered with was intoxicating. You could feel how swollen it had gotten. Your insides began untying like a ribbon. You couldn’t hold back anymore. Your pussy was giving up to the power of his cock.
“Fuck Billy! Fuck, I’m cumming!” you shrieked. Your mind ascended as you squirted all over Billy’s cock and bedsheets. Some droplets of your cum even sprayed onto the floor. You pulled him close to you, needing his comfort. The intensity of your orgasm was almost scary.
“Fucking shit,” Billy moaned at the beautiful sight of you falling apart under him.
“Need your cum,” you whined greedily. “Cum in my pussy.”
Billy’s strokes came to a stop. His body froze and you felt his cock twitching inside you and the warmth of his cum filling you up. It was satisfying feeling a mans cum inside you for the first time. Especially one who you trusted and loved so dearly.
The two of you had made a mess. Your pussy was overflowing like a cream pie with too much cream. Cum was dripping all down your thighs and Billy’s cock still tucked inside you. The two of you both sweating and panting, trying to catch your breath with heaving chests. Billy leaned down and smashed his lips against yours. His tongue interlocking with your own.
Billy tried to pull his cock out but you pulled him back.
“No. Stay,” you whined.
Billy smiled and plopped down next to you. Spooning you with his wet cock still tucked inside you. A puddle of your mixed cum collected on his bedsheets. His fingers combing through your hair. Untangling the strands that had become matted from him pounding you into the bed. He felt safe. Like home. Like the sun in your dark sky. You knew that this is where you were meant to be forever. In his arms. And you weren't gonna let any other of those basic bitches at school fuck your man.
“Truth or dare Billy?”
“I dare you to make me cum again.”
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starsurface · 4 months
Pt 3/3 of the Babyspace Regressor Hcs!! :D
Some might be a bit out of character, but I don't like imagining Bi-Han as this mean, spiteful lover. Don't get me wrong, he isn't perfect and definitely needs to work through some issues, but he'd probably, eventually, realize that screaming at you for little things doesn't work in a relationship.
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CG Bi-Han w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
❄️ He does adore you, even if he doesn't always tell you
❄️ Actually really likes baby regressors because he thinks they're less matiedence
❄️ Like, don't get him wrong, he'll love you no matter what headspace you regress to
❄️ But he doesn't have to chase a big kid around the house, or have to pick up after craft activities (which he'll still do because he loves you)
❄️ But he does prefer to just lay back and cuddle, maybe watch some cartoons if you want
❄️ . . . Unless you're an active regressor like Tomas, he's gotta keep on his toes!!
❄️ You were just sitting beside him, how on earth did you crawl all the way to the kitchen and start chewing on a fork in the minute he looked away??
❄️ You just giggle and show him your new fork friend, which he'll take away because he's a big meanie >:( (and he doesn't want metal in your mouth)
❄️ Is much more willing to buy you regression items than to buy himself stuff
❄️ Your his baby, of course he's going to spoil you
❄️ If you mention you like something, or look at it too long, expect it on your bed with a little note
❄️ No ifs or buts, he likes spoiling you and he's gonna do it >:(
❄️ Doesn't NOT like leaving you with others
❄ ️You're his baby!! He doesn't trust others to babysit you!!
❄️ Will also act like your the one dependent on him (no one believes him, he's just as clingy as you some days)
❄️ Although he gets really busy sometimes, so unfortunately you do need a babysitter (being the Grandmaster takes up a lot of his time unfortunately)
❄️ Tomas and Kuai Liang are his go to babysitters
❄️ ^ And surprisingly Raiden? He's very good with regressors, especially babyspace regressors
❄️ Favorite CG nicknames are Dada and Bi
❄️ Got super confused the first time you babbled in front of him and wondered if you were trying to tell him something important
❄️ ^ Don't worry, he got better over time
❄️ Babble encourager, but also gets so lost sometimes
❄️ Completely panicked the first time you needed something and all you could do was babble
❄️ Favorite nicknames for you are Snowflake, Sweetheart, Honey, and Little One
❄️ Doesn't really like going outside while your small
❄️ Not because he's embarrassed or ashamed of you (and he'll freeze anyone who dare thinks otherwise) but because it's easier to regress inside the comforts of your own rooms
❄️ Although if you wanna have a snow day . .
He won't say no
❄️ He'll take you outside, probably making you wear an outfit that you can barely move in, and will help you make a small snowman and snow angels
❄️ Usually he doesn't do PDA (massive cuddle bug behind closed doors though) but if your clingy out in public, he won't belittle you, that wouldn't be nice
❄️ You better believe you aren't leaving his side when your small
❄️ No Sir, he has a constant watch over you!!
❄️ What if you got hurt? Or crawled and touched something you shouldn't have? He can't chance it!!
❄️ Because of this, most times he'll carry you around on his hip or have you snuggle up to him
❄️ If you're super clingy, that's great!!
❄️ If you want a tiny bit more independence, just tell him and he'll change according to your preference
❄️ His favorite activity is cuddle time, where he can swaddle you and hold you for hours
❄️ But if you like playing a bit more, he can do tummy time
❄️ Would prefer you laying on him, but he guesses he can buy you a playmat 😒 (he'll look for the best one with little to no hesitation)
❄️ Finds it funny if you try to eat his nose, but will redirect you to a paci or chewie
❄️ If you ever regresser because of his anger issues or such, he'd feel so terrible
❄️ Tries his hardest to make it up too, he never meant to hurt you like that
❄️ Doesn't yell at you while you're small, but there have been a few close calls
❄️ Luckily, he's learnt a bit how to control his anger, and will instead give you the most nastiest ‘Knock it off’ glare if your being naughty on purpose
❄️ Although honestly, your so small and tiny, you rarely ever get the glare
❄️ How could he punish a baby for their crimes? You never meant to knock over your plate of food, he understands it was an accident
❄️ If you use diapers, he'll always make sure to have an extra box in his closet just in case
❄️ Another CG that's very sweet and comforting when it comes to diapers
❄️ Although warning, his fingers are really cold >:(
❄️ Actually, he's really cold in general
❄️ If you wanna cuddle him, you'll have to wear a few layers (a fuzzy onesie should be fine)
❄️ He'll also wrap you up in a few blankets before cuddling with you, just in case
❄️ While he does keep most of his intimidating persona (it's hard to drop, even around you) he does try to be more gentler because of how tiny you are
❄️ If you call him out for It, he'll pour and deny it, calling you silly
❄️ If someone else points it out, they're frozen on spot (Johnny almost missed his photo shoot because of it)
❄️ He'd use his powers to make you little snowflakes!!!
❄️ Like Rain, doesn't like using his powers for reasons he deems ‘silly’
❄️ But is also very prideful in his abilities, and adores showing them off
❄️ I just feel like he'd really like tapping your nose when you do something funky
❄️ Doesn't give much verbal praise, more kisses your temple and gives you a treat
❄️ If you want verbal praise though? Just tell him and he'll try his hardest
❄️ Man is usually a very tough and strict guy, but you melt his icy heart <3 (hehe)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I actually really like Bi-Han. Some people make him super mean (and I'm not saying he's not) but it gets intense sometimes. :(
Hope you enjoyed!! :D
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blinkpen · 1 year
wait do Colin and Zoe have to get their dumb ass mech parts body augments bolted back onto them everytime they respawn
As a general rule, no, they don't! Although for Zoetrope, it's a little more complicated. More on that in a bit.
Setting up how to explain this got a little long so I've put it, along with some more accompanying drawings/doodles, under a cut! But first, a fancy Lamarr (this is actually 100% relevant)
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Respawn is used primarily to reconstruct living (or rather, once-living) matter; it actually takes more effort on Necrin's part to reconstruct inanimate things and objects, including clothing and personal affects. Once you have a sort of 'default' look about you, that's how you will respawn, and respawning that outfit's "free" as it were.
Now, even if they are constantly kept on your person, there are some things you have to jump through some hoops to ensure they respawn with you such as magical items or exceptionally unique pieces of tech. This is to prevent dangerous or valuable objects from being wrecklessly duplicated. In the event there is a respawn-induced duplication of a magical item, let's say a magical necklace, for example, one is instantly rendered a dud in terms of its magical properties. You can only guarantee the dud will be the one left behind on your corpse and the one on your respawned body has all its intended properties if you jump through the aforementioned hoops. If you don't, you better haul ass to where your body dropped and hope it hasn't been scavenged or disposed of with your corpse yet.
(On the topic of scavenging, the fact you never know if someone's magical item is 'attached' to them and that's now a dud or still the real deal if they bite it has its own bundle of consequences and plays a big role in the black market of the world. Respawn-induced duds that are then enchanted to briefly fool potential buyers are rampant)
You can 'update' your 'default' look, but doing this costs a not insignificant amount of money, on top of the money you already had to spend to just physically acquire/purchase the clothes in the first place. The only people who can gussy themselves up, and then not constantly be on edge about the risk of losing all that effort, or even the clothing itself, are people who have the kind of money and connections for Necrin to be regularly up to date on what fit to respawn them in every time they change clothes.
Your only other alternative really is to be enough of a badass you can dodge all danger and make it to whatever situation your special outfit is for without dying or the outfit itself taking any damage. But even badasses get unlucky.
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Yeah, so I accidentally made an in-universe reason why the cartoon characters tend to wear the same clothes all the time except when it's particularly relevant to the story at hand, but I actually hadn't planned on it serving that purpose… Weird coiny dink.
I used a date as an example here, but in the nature of the beast/the themes of the work, you might imagine, hey, this could effect all kinds of things, like appointments, jobs where you have to wear a uniform or special gear, job interviews, etc, and it does, and that's explored i the story (as is the fact status can affect respawn speed as well, only further exacerbating the issue)
Now back to Collin and Zoetrope specifically, the entire original point of this ask, whoopsie doodle!
Collin sometimes likes to have his 'default' be cyborg arms, and sometimes he doesn't, so he updates it accordingly. He doesn't need to re-do the entire surgical process when he does this; he implanted a sort of 'middle man' cybornetic that the arms can be attached or detached from, which takes some time and precision from someone other than himself, but is obviously much less of an ordeal than putting ALL that tech back in. The 'middle man' cybernetics are there regardless, and sometimes he will pop the arms on and off without updating because of how minimal an inconvenience it is with how rarely he actually dies.
Now for Zoe, the control nodes/parts of the wheel directly attached to him/his body will respawn with him when he does, but the wheel itself, and its free floating node, will not. This is because the wheel was a personal affect (or potentially a body part, given the alien nature of the being) scavenged from an Agent monster, which, unlike lifeforms native to the core, do not respawn when slain/destroyed,. While the wheel is nigh-indestructible and can survive situations Zoe himself wouldn't, it has to be physically retrieved in the event Zoe is temporarily slain, or he's royally boned until they get it back.
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yeah this is what i was talking about earlier i'm really mad how this pre-peeled zoe came out i keep playing with fire
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mattreytism · 19 days
My SP hyperfix is back so here's a masterpost for my general headcanons!
I'm sure you can guess which characters are my fav based on how some of them are very detailed. Sorry about any typos or unclear sentences LMAO
Has a 5+ year old phone with a cracked screen which barely works. He only uses it to call or text people. At times playing games on it too
He loves chicken nuggets and fries but most of the time can't afford it
He never shows his face and hates it when people tell him to take off his hood
Butters, Stan, Kyle and Cartman are the only people who has seen him without the hood on. Idc about canon, let me have this
He drinks alcohol and smokes cigarettes from but hides it from other people
He loves hugs and cuddles, maybe because he never gets that affection very often from his family
He has a bad immune system
His favorite sodas are Pepsi and Sprite because I say so
He often skips classes or sleeps through them
Fingerless gloves.
He's actually a VERY good drummer and is self taught. He also lowkey enjoys sketching
He hates talking about personal things and will often brush them off as nothing
Biromantic and on the asexual spectrum
Plays the electric guitar and likes to doodle in his notebook more than doing actual school/home work
He likes ramen noodles
He dislikes weed because of Randy's farm, but he does smoke normal cigarettes and uses other drugs sometimes (as a teen)
Big soccer and baseball enjoyer
Listens to music too much and too often. He likes MCR because I do too
Loves holding hands, hugging, etc (any kind of physical affection) unless he's in a bad mood
He's very messy and rarely cleans his room. He is in no way organized about anything.
Hoodies. He wears many hoodies and sweaters. He loves comfy clothing and has come to dislike wearing suits and fancy clothes
Very very very closeted bisexual. No, I won't elaborate.
Owns and knows how to play the electric guitar and is actually kind of good at it
Everyone knows he loves food, but less people know he actually really likes cooking. (He has a secret Pinterest account with only recipes)
He has heterochromia; one blue eye and one brown
He speaks a lot of different languages besides from English. Like German, Vietnamese and some Spanish
Loves Lady Gaga and Britney Spears
Cartman has been arrested a lot of times, and does have quite the collection of mugshots
Even when being a teenager, he has a love for his stuffed animals and always enjoys looking at toys while at the store
Secretly a history/war nerd
He's the type of guy to send random and unrelated memes in groupchats and text conversations
Anger issues about most stuff. Especially when losing in any kind of video game
Likes photography a lot
Autistic because I am autistic and I say so
Tells people he loves Minecraft and Roblox but actually enjoys violent games the most
Comfort food is pizza and his favorite drink is chocolate milk or coca cola. He also loves any type of cookies/chocolate
Loves his weighted blanket and one of comfort items is a stuffed dinosaur
Stuffed animals, drawing and music helps him calm down after nightmares/memories of Miss Stevenson
Only accepts physical affection from Kyle and their parents. His experience with Miss Stevenson changed his reaction to touch
Plays ice hockey and baseball
Hates being kicked/teased. But loves teasing Kyle back and wearing his hat
Big Pewdiepie, Jacksepticeye and DanTDM enjoyer
Loves cartoons, especially Scooby Doo and Chinpokomon (Pokémon)
Swears a lot despite certain adults not liking that he does it
Very protective and caring for Kyle and even if he's younger, he tries to show it the way he can
He hates being sick and despises taking any kind of medicine. He can be very stubborn about this sometimes
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dr3amofagame · 1 month
if i had to be accurate i think exile was not at all obsessive or systematic abuse, i genuinely think it was revenge gone wrong wait hear me out. we have proof that the whole cdream is obsessed with ctommy theory wasnt realistic or canon and if we take into account how weirdly cdream sometimes acted in exile with the whole letting tommy have fun with the trident etc we can kinda make paralels to similar stuff irl which is why i always looked at exile as revenge based bullying gone horribly wrong. like cdream really did act like a highschool bully and you know why it comes across like that? because both ctommy and cdream are hella young. a lot of people wanna make it more traumatic more abusive more horrific or gory or whatever but the simplest explanation is often the first one, it was all bullying. and i find it very very weird how people on the other side did not consider bullying bad enough for it to be taken seriously so they had to invent intestine cakes and whatever the fuck else just to consider exile "bad enough" to be taken seriously when bullying is already more than bad enough.
isolating the victim? check. aking them do something against their will? check. lying to them? check. pretending to be their friend? check. making them believe their other friends abandoned them? check check check.
also the way it was done, like really? literally the trope of no one coming to the party and victim sits alone feeling sad? what is this, a cartoon show about the power of friendship??
exile was neither "not a big deal" nor "horror movie levels of abuse" it simply was a sad arc with themes that do hit too close to home for many. the psychological ramifications that came from it? whole nother issue that needs a seperate analysis because yes, bullying victims can and do develop paranoia and some of the other stuff ctommy exhibited but not all like the whole ctommy still being scared of cdream, following him obsessively even months after it was clear cdream wanted nothing to do with him anymore, etc did throw me off because thats not really regular bullying or even abuse victim behavior??? i digress
tldr exile was bad thats a fact but it wasnt SAW movie franchise levels of bad
sorry for the rant, wanted to get my lore thoughts out
tbf exile being 2 weeks of vengeful peer abuse, also known as bullying, is straight up just canon
the "obsession" take that we specifically had issue with had a lot of issues in the way that it very deliberately rewrote c!dream's entire character to explain ALL of his actions through an obsession with c!tommy. specifically, there was a lot of malice ascribed to him LONG before exile in order to say that c!dream basically wanted to do something like exile from the very beginning to c!tommy, but wasn't able to until exile happened because c!wilbur was protecting him or some other shit. that reading relied on the worst possible faith retelling of everything c!dream has ever done + a good amount of just straight up narrative rewriting to emphasize how young and innocent and vulnerable c!tommy is and how obsessive weird creepy stalker grown ass man who wanted c!tommy to himself c!dream apparently was from day one, a take that emphasizes exile as The End Goal of months of obsession instead of being in service to some other goal as is canon. that's the obsession take that was passed around quite frequently that we specifically took a lot of issue with.
on the other hand, c!tommy being c!dream's victim because c!dream disproportionately blames him and took all sorts of shit out on him and found a degree of vindictive pleasure in hurting him is literally just. canon? that's canon.
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daddyelliott1979 · 5 months
Daddy and Boy; what's it like to have the other?
I really want these posts to set a standard, to be a window into our lives but also set a benchmark for what these relationships look like.
I want to start by sharing something from @squirtdaboi
Baby Riley
When my daddy asked me to write about what its like having a daddy i initially didn’t know what to write about. But after giving it some thought i have to say this.
Ive found myself being so much happier and its so nice having that crutch in my life. That one person that always there for me is so reassuring.
He makes me giggle, smile and blush all at the same time. He does these little things like playing with my hair and giving me tummy rubs when my tummy hurts.
The way he changes me is so fun!!!! He blows raspberries and puts cartoons on for me and he dosent care if i am stinky!! If anything he makes me blushy and encourages it! He helps me push my boundaries and be more confortable being myself around others!
He tucks me and my teddies in at night and he checks on me if i wake up. Oh!!! The other night he even changed me while i slept!!! Just knowing how gentle he was and the care he puts into our time makes everything so much better!
If I’m feeling anxious in public he makes sure I’m okay! He makes me squirm and get embarrassed but it doesn’t upset me, it makes me happy.
Bath times are great. I get to play and enjoy myself! Daddy pretends to hate when i splash him with water but i know he secretly loves it!
He makes me feel loved and happy and safe and when i go to see him i feel at ease and i can be tiny and not have a problem.
He also helps me with my ‘big feelings’ and is always there for me. He recently bought me 2 sets of earbuds to help with my sensory issues which he didn’t have to do!
He helps me figure out trains for coming to see him and we are currently looking at getting me a tablet too!
He’s so helpful and doesn’t mind listening to me talk about my problems and things that are going on. He lets me talk until I'm happy and then i can go right back to watching bluey.
He helps me push me to my limits when going out in public and lets me explore my way of doing things. He doesn’t force me to do anything at all. It’s honestly so nice.
I guess the main thing im trying to say is….
Daddy's thoughts
Honestly reading that made me cry, I know this was a lot for him to do, but once again he proves he's such a sweet little boy and not the "bad" kid he's made out to be!
Here's what this boy means to me, in the short while that he's come into my life, he's turned it upside down in the best possible way!
His cheekiness makes it impossible not to smile, his smile makes it impossible to not feel happy, his whole face lights up as he barely contains his joy; and it's beautiful!
When he's here I have to stay close, and if I'm close he's got to snuggle, and I get moaned at if I don't. It's completely adorable!
He gets squirmy in public and tells me "shut up" emphasis on the "shuuuut uppp" hehe. It's adorable to watch!
He genuinely needs me in so many ways, so much that he makes me feel like a real Daddy, something I've not felt since my son was little.
The first time he said "I love you Daddy" made my heart melt, it came out of nowhere just as I was about to rush off to the corner shop for an emergency supply of wipes- he was very stinky and feeling very little.
He has the most adorable giggle, there's nothing better than giving him tickles!
He's not kidding about the splashes, I really do love how I end up wetter than him at bath time!
And at bed time I have to snuggle with him, he snuggles into my chest and stays there all night, sometimes I'm convinced he can't get close enough. The other day he turned around only to come back with my giant doggy stuffie, scooting in so I had to cuddle them both; and somehow he took up 3/4 of my bed and left me a sliver!
Honestly I love it when he comes, I hate it when he leaves; even though he's only 30 minutes away!
He's such a special boy, he's warm, he's kind, he's sweet and he's just a boy, who needs a Daddy to love, care and protect him! And I get to be that Daddy!
And that's freaking awesome!!
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What do you make of the Zuts who claim that Kataang fans are mean to them? Every ship has toxic fans, so I'm not saying it didn't happen, but the worst vitriol generally seems to come from the ZK side of things and KA fans are more frequently defending themselves (and Aang).
They're absolutely right about the Kataang fandom having it's own bad apples. I have seen some of them attacking Zutara fans, unprovoqued, just for liking a popular fanon alternative to their OTP, which is very childish and pathetic.
Here's the thing though. Like you guys know, while I was never into Zutara, also wasn't always into Kataang. During four of my nearly six years of truly being part of the ATLA fandom, I didn't hate either ship, but I didn't really care for them, and I was not shy about saying it.
And not once did I get death/rape threats or "kill yourself" messages from Kataang fans, not even when I was saying stuff like "I don't think their romance would last" or "I think the show would still work if they were just friends" (and that last point I still agree with). Nor was I told I clearly only didn't like Kataang because I had internalized misogyny or was against interacial relationships - like a cartoon couple could have anything to do with real world issues.
Whenever I read a fic that happened to have Kataang as one of the main pairings (like some fics for Maiko, a ship I always liked), the author never went out of their way to make Zuko, or any other character except sometimes Jet, look like an absolute monster just to make Kataang look better, or force a pairing to happen just to "get Zuko out of the way". Same for the metas about the show.
Whenever I saw fanart or fanfics for ships like Toph X Aang or Haru X Katara, I did not see dozens and dozens of "Ew, gross! Kataang 4ever!" or "This is really pretty, too bad is for an awful pairing, it'd be so much better if it was Kataang instead." Not once was I sent a "Even if you don't ship Kataang, this other ship is just objectively awful" ask just minutes after saying "I don't like Kataang, but I do ship Katara with Haru and even Jet"
Not once was did I ever a Kataang fan repeatedly tell me I should stop writting about my OTP and replace it with Kataang, or write both together, after I had already said I didn't like that ship and was not interested in writting anything except my OTP. Not once was any of metas that were COMPLETELY unrelated to Kataang, often not even mentioning either of the two characters, derrailed into being someone's "If you don't support my ship, you make the story worse" post.
More importantly, I could criticize the bad behavior I DID see from some Kataang fans, and be met with support from other Kataang shippers that were also annoyed at it, instead of having them deny it ever happened, or going "But what about what Zutara fans do?" do deflect, or saying "Don't generalize, we're not ALL like that!" even though that was not what I said.
Meanwhile every single one of these things happened when it came to Zutara fans. Repeatedly. To me, to my friends, to friends or my friends, to people I didn't interact with much, to people I didn't like very much. To people that shipped Kataang, Maiko, Jetara, Toko, etc. For God's sake, these people call the showrunners pedophilies just out of spite for not having their OTP become canon.
The Kataang fandom has bad apples, and like any large group, it can sometimes have TONS of bad apples. But a very big portion of that same fandom clearly doesn't approve of it and tries to keep them in check.
The Zutara fandom meanwhile often seems to go out of it's way to have ONLY bad apples, to the point that I constantly get asks from shippers that say they can't engage with the fandom anymore because people "on their side" are a nightmare to deal with. All because they seem to believe they can bully their way into being canon.
The situations are not at all comparable.
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spider-jaysart · 4 months
Hi!! Can I ask Damian (and maybe Dick 🙏?) for the character ask game?
Thank you, take care <3
Favorite thing about them: I just love his whole personality loll. He's a crazy, funny little guy that I think is really cool
Least favorite thing about them: Nothing. Only when he gets really mischaracterized by official writers who don't understand him, which happens A LOT
Favorite line: "Father, I imagined you taller."
Brotp: Damian and Jon
Otp: Damijon
Notp: Batcest, any of them that have adults paired up with him, including the canon ones Mar'i x Damian, Cassie x Damian, and Cassandra x Damian
Random headcanon: He can do ballet and it's because it's something Talia taught him while he was growing up in the league and being trained to learn many other things. He's a skilled professional at it now because of this and also bonds with his sister Cass over it and will sometimes even join her in her dancing. He also tries teaching Jon too, which can become fun for them both, and his other friends sometimes as well whenever they get curious or don't actually understand it that much like they think they do. Damian also owns a pair of green ballet slippers, but usually keeps them put away in his closet to keep them safe and clean and only takes them out when he really does want to use them.
Unpopular opinion: Okay sooo, a lot of people believe that Talia's character just gets only more ruined because of Damian's existence or whatever, but I don't believe that at all. Damian may be her son and is big part of her life because of it, but his character itself has nothing to do with hers like that at all when it comes to hateful writers choosing to write her horribly and just as another evil, lunatic villain and whatever else. Some people even say that he stole her story, but he did grow up with her during those 10 years of his, so of course he's gonna have the same life she dealt with and is also gonna have to get through certain issues from it now too because of it. But the point is that if anyone's gonna get blamed for Talia's usual trash characterisation, it should be the writers who hate her, NOT Damian who has many writers of his own who don't even treat him that well or like him that much at all either just like with Talia. Trying to pick on him is never going to fix anything about her. If Talia's ever gonna get anything better that she deserves in comics and other things, it needs to be done by writers who actually have care about her character and don't have anything weird against her that just only causes bad intentions of messing her up and then THAT'S what will finally start doing justice for her. And this not meant as an argument towards anyone or whatever btw, this is just me stating my opinion and beliefs about the whole thing
Song I associate with them: Self love by Metro Boomin & Coi Leray (Mostly because even though Damian may always put on a very confident act and always seems so prideful of himself a lot of the times, he actually has a lot of insecurities underneath all of that and doesn't actually always think so great of himself as a person)
Favorite picture of them: Definitely this very beautiful panel of him ofc💖
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I just LOVE the way Gleb Melinkov draws him and gives him his Arab features without holding any of it back as well! He even gives him long lashes (longer than Flatline's even, which I noticed while looking at another panel from this series!), which I really love too!!
Favorite thing about them: I really always liked his leadership style, especially in the Teen Titans 2003 cartoon, which I grew up with
Least favorite thing about them: Only when he's potrayed as a dumb, clumsy guy in some canon stories just to lift up other characters and put them in a bigger spotlight instead. It makes no sense because he's a professional acrobat and always has been that way since he was a little kid, so how could he ever be so trippy all over the place as if there are invisible banana peels getting in the way everytime?! And he is very smart, especially with all of the important experience he has from his many years of hero work, so he's not dumb either and if he was, he wouldn't have made it so far with this kind of life because of it or ever get much done like he did because he has to overly depend on others knowledge
Favorite line: "Titans Go!"
Brotp: Dick and Starfire, Beast boy, Raven, Cyborg (I know he's friends with many others too, but this is the group I grew up with and am more attached to, so they're my fave to see together)
Otp: Dickkory because they bring the best out in eachother and have so much love for one another too
Notp: DickBabs because I just don't think they really fit that well together at all and most times Barbara just makes Dick feel bad in a lot of ways with how she usually treats him in a romantic relationship, and that's not a healthy thing to deal with at all. And then there's also Batcest and Slade x Dick (which I don't even get at all because Slade is just such a horrible, gross and very toxic guy)
Random headcanon: Years ago, back when he would used to have long hair still, he one time had it tied up in a ponytail and then a villain chopped it off in half while fighting him. Dick was pissed and really kicked their butt for doing that
Unpopular opinion: People always think of Dick as the positive, sunshine guy and then there are the ones who get very mad about it and say that he's actually the angry, tough guy because him being super friendly and happy is just too "ooc". I don't listen to any of that stuff, because I believe that he's actually both. He IS a friendly guy with a warm, charming, humorous attitude that easily attracts others, and is very much an inspiration to many because of his positive, sunshine vibes as a great, hardworking hero, but none of it makes him dumb, weak or gullible, because he IS also the type who can become very serious and gets mad when he needs to be, also doesn't actually take bull from anyone, can be chaotic and crazy, works a LOT, is independent, does have a lot of intelligence and especially experience that should never be forgotten about just because he's nice, and also definitely has the determined mind to take care of things and get them done even though others will sometimes try to tell him what to do, but he doesn't actually listen because he's not the type to easily be controlled that way like a puppy would be and if he believes it's something that needs the attention and it's what should be done and no one else is doing it, then he will do it
Song I associate with them: Annihilate by Metro Bommin, Swae Lee, Lil Wayne & Offset (because it's about being fearless, embracing self strength and individuality, and becoming a much more independent person, and I think that totally fits Dick because he's not the type to fear much and hates being stuck under Batman's shadow and having independence is something that always had an important role in how Dick's life goes)
Favorite picture of them: Well, I just found this pic of him, which was done by Travis Moore
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It's very nice and really shows the struggle he goes through as a hero a lot of the times. Also, I really always liked the way he draws Dick, because he doesn't just look like everyone else and isn't sharing same face syndrome with his brothers and Bruce either, it's just a look that's unique to only him and it fits him very well. It's the exact way I always imagine him looking like whenever I envision him in my mind, even the hairstyle that's given to him by this artist too!!!
Thank you for sending this ask, I enjoyed answering it! And you take very good care too!! :)
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pencilpat · 2 months
*materializes into existence*
Hey there :D
I heard ya wanted asks about your personal headcanons for the Sides? I'm curious about your thoughts on Remus & Roman, and just them being brothers. You always have the coolest takes and fanarts with them!
So, yus: ✨the twins✨
And also Virgil's and Remus' relationship with each other if ya want :3
Anyway, have fun :D
Hello my favourite breakfast food mutual! /j
I have so much to say about the twins and their relationship to each other.
To start with, I want to clarify that the two of them very clearly have a lot of issues to work out, and although I love them being brotherly, I do think a lot of their fighting might be a little... more genuine than that. They are very much pitted against each other both by their natures and by the other sides, and Remus is intentionally antagonistic to Roman a lot. It's not healthy, but they are brothers nonetheless, and like most sibling relationships they have a lot of complexities to them and their feelings on each other.
Now getting into headcanon territory!
I don't really ascribe to the common fanon of a big "splitting" event that resulted in the two of them. I also don't think there was a King as fun as that headcanon is. I think the original creativity was something more childlike, like a puppet/muppet looking fella or a stereotypical cartoon character trope - maybe something disney based. When Logan talks about them splitting like an ovum, he seems to be talking about a much slower, gradual process as Thomas had those catholic ideals of thought crimes and repentence forced into him. Religious thought like that is integrated into a child's mind in a much slower fashion than that of which would cause a sudden and massive separation.
I like to think that Remus came about the way mold or a nest parasite does. Slowly growing off of and out of the original creativity until he was his own being entirely. Strong enough to pull off of the 'host' and grow on his own. I like comparing him to a cuckoo bird baby. He didn't understand why he's so much hungrier, so much bigger, than his sibling. He didn't understand why he was so out of place and different from his foster siblings in the nest. He didn't understand why he had done something very bad, but he knew that he had. He is so hungry. So much bigger than the rest. He is so much - too much. He has done something very bad. He doesn't know what he's done. He's done something... horrible. He is something horrible.
Remus and Roman have been compared to each other and placed above or below the other their entire time of existing. That creates really difficult feelings about your sibling when you're raised like that. Remus having to always be seen as 'worse' created self esteem issues that manifest as him purposefully making himself as unlikeable as possible. He absolutely can't handle positive attention or praise, and tends to see it as not genuine or that the person is fooling themselves when he does receive it. Roman, heralded as the 'good creativity' and always put on a pedestal, is the opposite. He cannot handle negativity towards his creations or himself, and being the Ego doesn't help with that. Roman is very easily hurt by criticism because he used to always be praised for anything he made, when Thomas was a child.
Remus and Roman get in a LOT of physical fights, being imaginary has its perks such as "I can decapitate my annoying brother and he will be fine and still yelling at me." It helps them blow off some of the animosity between them, and usually they patch each other up after which also helps with that. I think they drum up entire battle scenarios in The Mindpalace with dragons and manticores and all sorts of beasts to tear each other apart, only to laugh and put each other back together.
I think that sometimes, even though most of their relationship is fighting and bickering, they really are the only one that can comfort each other. They understand each other's painful emotions and self esteem issues so well that the other sides couldn't get anywhere close to the ability they have to make each other feel better. They're brothers, no matter how much they dislike that fact, and they know each other inside and out.
This is very long so I will talk about Remus & Virgil at a later date! You can see a tiny bit of my thoughts in this post though.
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puppetwoman17 · 6 months
Very tempted to write a Spectacular Spider-Man(cartoon) fanfiction taking place during Across The Spider-verse.
Most events are largely the same, but instead of traveling to 42, Miles is running around different earths. He ends up on the earth where TSSM takes place( don’t know the number, so I’ll just call it Earth tssm). The spiders have been dispatched to look for him, and some have been told to keep watch over their own earths for him.
On TSSM Peter’s end, he’s been in the society for about a year after the s2 finale, making him halfway to 17 in my fic. After all the shit he’s been through, he distances himself from everyone else, save for Captain Stacy and the Daily Bugle’s Foswell, (er, “Patches”), who are the only people who know(or have an inkling) that he’s Spider-Man.
He also tends to spend more time on Society work, limiting his time in his own earth. While this causes problems for his aunt and school, you can see this really take shape with New York. Especially the villains. People from Electro to Tombstone to fucking Silvio Manfredi notice that Spidey’s been showing up less and less, even disappearing for weeks on end. He rarely works with the cops anymore, and the battles have started to become less quippy than usual.
Needless to say, the villains are both scared, and pissed. Scared because if Spidey’s quiet, then shit’s serious. Pissed because they’re needy bastards who feel ignored.
Thus begins a manhunt for Spider-Man, from none other than the people he fights every day. Turf wars between the Six, Manfredis, and Big Man are put on hold for this one instance, all in favor of finding the wallcrawler and getting answers out of him(also cause they’re actually kinda worried about him, like, it’s SPIDER-MAN).
I’m thinking of getting the Lizard involved, maybe changing some things to make it so the Connors family knows Peter is Spider-Man because he came to them after he got bit and tested out his powers with their help. Connors can still turn when his emotions get the better of him, but he’s on the good side now. Through the undernet, he finds out something’s wrong with Peter and is like: why didn’t the kid call me when something went wrong? So he comes back to add more fuel to the fire.
Speak of the devil: Spidey returns from another awful—I mean, UPLIFTING week over at SS HQ. He’s tired, Miguel is his usual annoyingly loud self, and Miles is still not found. Even worse, it’s been found that Miles is in HIS earth, so it’s HIS responsibility to bring him back. Great.
You can imagine how hard it is to get back into a normal routine(for like a couple days at least). His aunt keeps asking where he’s been, his classmates think he’s a drug addict, his villains are starting to pry into his private life too much(which is kinda nice to know that they’re worried about him, but it tends to border on obsessive sometimes), and the other Spiders are getting antsy. Especially Miguel. Very much so Miguel. All the while, Peter deals with his own issues on the Canon. The good and the bad. The relief of finding out that his trials and losses are set in stone and not his fault, and the anguish that he could’ve been Miles, desperate to save Uncle Ben now that he knew what would happen.
All the while the villains of New York are trying to gauge why so many spider-like vigilantes are entering THEIR hero—ahem—nemesis’s turf and why he always returns to the city with bruises despite no one seeing him prior.
Trying to come up with a title is hard tho. Stuck between:
The Spider Society: Spectacular’s Story
Converge on The Spectacular Spider-Man
Now that I’ve written it down, there’s a lot going on here. I’m hoping to maybe start on this when I complete my other fic. No promises, but I’m interested.
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superpeeboy · 2 months
Evil thoughts and headcanons about benny and gcbc below
Benny is mad-scientist-adjacent in my mind. He’s almost one of those but hes an engineer instead. Still a freak.
Benny has facial hair. its in the storyboards and I cling to it like a koala to a tree during a forest fire
Benny IS short but he floats to peoples height so most don’t even notice
Old ass men. Benny would be born sometime before the 80s so he could actually grow up during that time! 1970 something.
For that matter, GCBC is also old as hell. Similar age to benny but he did not age anywhere near as well 😭😭 UGLY!
Benny and GCBC play fight like dogs.
Benny is NOT SKINNY!! this man eats ice cream every day he would not be skinny! no!
And for that matter, GCBC isn’t skinny either. Fat GCBC or death!
Hard of hearing benny. He works with spaceships those things are loud!
I dont think benny would care about pronouns. I usually use he/him for benny but i really dont think hed have a preference like everyone calls him he/him so he just goes with it.
On the other clawhand, GCBC is WOKE!!! He/it good cop he/she bad cop, collectively he/they because they are literally TWO GUYS!!!
More lgbt stuff. I think Gay Cop Bisexual Cop is funny to say so i go with it for that reason. Benny is probably also gay HE LOOKS GAY!
Good cop probably likes to go to the library. He just looks like he does. Round glasses. NERD!!
Benny is more evil than GCBC. The girls that get it get it and the girls that dont dont.
…I LOVE EVIL BENNY! i must continue. I feel like in the drafts for the lego movie benny was just absolutely deranged and they had to tone it down a bit for the final film but i love that he was such a freak! like what was his issue. all the removed stuff ive seen with benny was just him absolutely tweaking. AND HE KILLED GCBC he did that in the draft script and it was so awesome and he didnt even feel bad i love it!!
outside of like actual stuff from tlm i also think people infantilize benny a lot and its fun to just make him absolutely horrible to spite that.
also! Benny has brain damage the evil way… I project a lot for this cuz GIRL ME TOO! he has poor control over his own limbs and cant hold a train of thought very well and i dont want to continue cuz i takea lot of this specifically from my own experiences but those are just a couple things 🤔
I feel insane talking about this but i swear bad cop has an interest in cowboys. when emmet and lucy escape it seems like the first place she checks is the old west (i know its jsut movie logic… BUT STILL!), the folks in the old west recognize her theyre literally shaking cuz shes SCARY!! and she knows her way around the place pretty well which both of those are probably from her job but IDC!! now when she said “get off my train” WHAT IF what if she just felt protective over old west propertyy also in the behind the bricks video she mentions cowboys even though they were NOT that big of a part of the movie!! evil speculating on a fictional characters interests 😭😭😭
if they were birds gcbc would be an owl and benny would be a blue footed booby. also not about my main slop characters but related to bird legos, metalbeard would be an albatross.
continuing with owl cop, hes an owl because owls have large circular eyes, yet their eyes can also be very reflective, and they can twist their heads about.
if they were cats gcbc would be a tiger just so they could say “you bit the wrong tigers tail” and benny would be a serval
if they were dogs gcbc would be a german shepherd, obvious choice, and benny would be a schnauzer
if they were fish gcbc would be good cod bad cod just for the name and benny would be a pleco
when picking good cop up he would curl up like a happy kitty hed really like being picked up and when picking bad cop up he would scramble and claw at you in fear of falling (she is a frightened animal)
Good cop would watch kids cartoons in his free time, if he had any 💀
Good cop the type of guy to say “geeze louise”
Good cop the type of guy say “you wouldnt hit a guy with glasses would ya?”
Good cop the type of guy to say “ohh butterfingers” after dropping something
Good cop the type of guy to look for his tv remote and say “if i were the tv remote where would i be?”
Good cop the type of guy to close the fridge door with his hips
Good cop definitely has the urge to just collect trinkets but not the time nor money, maybe on weekends hed visit thrift shops just to get random stuff
Good cop and benny both seem like they chew on things when nervous
Both good cop and bad cop like the color pink but bad cop would be a bit more embarassed to share that. at home they definitely have pink blankets and pillows and all sorts of pink
Everyone is autistic if you think hard enough.
I love how everyone agrees that bad cop takes after his mother and good cop his father. Unanimous agreement ive never seen anyone headcanon it the other way
I say this as a joke but i dont have any way that i think gcbc wouldve come to be so its basically my headcanon even if its a joke. Good cop ate bad cop in the womb. Thats why theyre like that. And ma cop was terrified because she was set to have twins and only had one baby. 💀💀
Benny has definitely been hit with the “Hes smart but he doesnt apply himself” thing in the past.
GCBC is not a pale white man. Not happening. He would not do that!
If they participated in a chicken fight, gcbc would be on benny’s shoulders (as the cops cannot swim)
Good cop’s eyes are so big they squash his brain
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nyacchiiatos · 7 months
my issue with littlest pet shop: a world of our own
hi! as you can see i have a bone to pick with this show, but i'm going to be criticizing the overall premise rather than individual episodes (i can't bring myself to watch any). nothing exactly provoked me to post this, it's just something i felt like ranting about because i always found it pretty strange and sort of like a slap in the face towards those who liked the 2012 series. very long post incoming 😭
first of all, the entire concept of AWOOO (im going to refer to it as that because the title is way too annoying to type out each time) in context of lps' brand as a whole doesn't make sense. hasbro refers to it (in a backhanded way to jab at 2012) as "a pet-only world made by pets, for pets." this premise alone is contradictory to the entire lps brand. it's called littlest pet shop, not littlest animal universe. the 2012 show made this work by having an actual pet shop with a daycamp area like you would expect irl. yes, the show had humans which i agree sometimes took over a bit too much, but it's meant to be a city-based slice of life cartoon. the main cast are actual pets, they have owners, they have their own homes, like any pet irl would. that's... why they're called pets. whatever AWOOO was trying to achieve just completely defeats the purpose of a pet shop existing. i have no doubt in my mind that hasbro felt so inclined to sweep 2012 under the rug by rushing this half-assed reboot out as fast as they could to satiate all the "bring back the old lps" commenters. there was literally nowhere online you could view content of the 2012 series in ANY site, without the comments being FLOODED with "bring back the old lps." it got to a point where fans were borderline harassing the hasbro employees, recording themselves calling them on the phone for views and clout, and encouraging others to do the same. and guess what? it worked. instead of continuing working on the show while easily selling toys that fans were more in favor of, hasbro thought it would be a better idea to just completely abandon 2012 as a whole and then proceed to act like it never even existed. there was no good reason for them to not continue producing the show (iirc it had pretty good ratings and was one of the most popular hub shows next to mlp ofc) while also selling toys that would cater to both newer and older fans (granted they probably can't sell multiple generations at a time, but still). so ultimately, they hurried this little reboot to get it out there as fast as they could and passively shit on 2012 while talking about its premise. seriously? "no humans getting in the way anymore! we have a WHOLE NEW lps cast with no big headed humans named blythe or her ugly friends! no more communication barriers, because thats no fun! isnt this show just SO much better than 2012?" they were so ready to just throw the 2012 series and everything related to it in the trash. AWOOO was not made out of love and respect. it was made as a way for hasbro to try and get their fans back by proving just how much better this reboot was in such non-discrete manners. they thought of the quickest and easiest way to regain their audience and ran with it, without ever thinking about how it completely diminishes what all the previous generations stood for.
i was one of the very few people who loved the 2012 lps series since it premiered. being a child on the internet in the early 2010s definitely brought down my happiness when watching the show because of the overwhelming negative feedback it was getting along with the rebrand in general (something im VERY nostalgic for). regardless, i continued to tune in whenever it was on tv and i saw myself growing up with the characters. to say that this show had potential is an understatement. the producers intended to make more seasons and you just knew they wanted to keep it going (this was confirmed btw). they weren't in a hurry to get something better out there, until the "bring back the old lps"ers finally got their way. but honestly? it's not completely unheard of for large companies to eventually cave in to the public opinion if it means they'll make more profit. they were desperate, and it was definitely showing.
one of the things i have the most issues with is how hasbro proceeds to COMPLETELY ignore everything regarding the show nowadays. as some of you know the show's 10th anniversary was last november, which i and many people had participated in a large art collab to celebrate and honor the show's legacy. want to know what hasbro did to celebrate? nothing. absolutely nothing. what's even worse is that michael kopsa, the voice of roger, had passed away very shortly before the shows 10th anniversary. and guess what? complete silence. that's just incredibly disrespectful to be completely honest. someone who brought his best work to your show and others on the same network (if im remembering correctly at least) and was such a joy to be around, and this is how you thank him? not a single piece of acknowledgement, all because you're too scared to ever talk about 2012 again because of the scary older fans that persuaded you to pull the plug on the whole thing? you weren't even willing to make one little post offering your condolences? oh because you just can't ever mention that show ever again, it'll spark those negative comments just like before. and you've made it abundantly clear that you care more about profiting off these people than having some kind of self awareness.
i apologize that this got so heavy, i've always wanted to properly write down my honest thoughts about this whole thing because ive been unhappy with it for years and years now. if you like AWOOO, i don't care. i wont give you a hard time for liking it, because the show itself isnt inherently bad. just what went on behind it is what bothers me so much. the fact that hasbro can completely ignore their own creation for what... 7 years now? is beyond my comprehension. they can keep pretending it never existed, but small groups of people online have been rediscovering this show and remembering how much they loved it when they were younger. you had a good thing going here hasbro, it sucks that you had to completely abandon it. but i think i can speak for a few people that this show has always and will always hold a special place in my heart and my childhood memories. even if we can't get more from it, we shouldn't forget to appreciate and cherish what we did get. and nobody can take that away.
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battlekidx2 · 10 months
Rise of the TMNT First Time Watch Thoughts
Rise is a series I didn’t get into right when it came out. It was released very soon after my favorite tmnt cartoon, 2012, had ended and I was going through a major transition in my life. 
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I watched the first few episodes, but my schedule was jam packed and I fell off of watching it rather quickly. I still wanted to give it a shot but later when more episodes were released and I could binge it because I felt that this show deserved more than a fleeting shot. But I didn’t really get around to watching it in full until recently.
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I do want to say right off the bat that the backlash against this incarnation when it was first announced was ridiculous. The show hadn’t even aired and people were rallying to cancel it. You can’t judge the quality of something before seeing it and changing something from past iterations isn’t necessarily a bad thing even if it is an adaptation. 
My rule for adaptations is that what’s most important for new iterations is that they understand the heart of the series and characters that they are adapting and I would say that Rise clearly understood the heart of its characters and series but it just chose to adapt it in a different way. And in my opinion that’s great.
And I’m not going to pretend that all the changes worked for me. Some changes just didn’t mesh with me personally and I found myself preferring certain iterations of the characters and their dynamics/arguments from past iterations more. It’s just a matter of personal preference.
I have spoilers below the cut but I want to say that if you haven't watched it I really recommend giving it a shot!
I want to get into my full actual thoughts on the series now that that’s out of the way.
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While Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles is a great series, it got off to a bit of a rocky start. The first half of season one, while fun and full of amazing action scenes, wasn’t the type of start to absolutely grip me like the first seasons of 2012 and 2003. It did, however, manage to set itself apart from the other iterations of the turtles and firmly establish the unique personalities of these versions of the turtles, Splinter, and April O’Neil. 
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The show clearly had some issues finding its footing at first and I think one of the major issues was that the show itself had trouble figuring out how exactly to implement the changes it made to the lore and characters from past incarnations into the first season, which led to pacing issues and some mixed characterization that took a while to get used to from characters such as Splinter (he gets a lot better later on and I really grew to like him but at first I wasn’t that fond of him). 
But, while I didn’t personally love the first season as much as other iterations of the teenage mutant ninja turtles due to this slow start, once it established its lore and changes and firmly knew what it wanted to be the show really took off and could reach great heights in a way completely unique from the other interpretations. 
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This shift occurs about halfway through the first season with “The Evil League of Mutants” when the origins of Splinter and the Turtles and their connection with Baron Draxum finally get revealed (in a really good musical number I might add). This is where I really started to get invested in the new lore of this series and the changes the show made to the characters and backstory.
This is when everything that was slowly and sometimes awkwardly established started to come together and form a much clearer picture of what this series was trying to do. Those disparate pieces that felt a bit strange such as the new characters of Baron Draxum and Big Mama, the idea of the yokai, and the very different and at times kind of perplexing iteration of the foot clan finally interacted to hint at an endgame for this season and it worked much better than I anticipated.
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I also was glad we finally got some development for Splinter, his relationship to the turtles, and his backstory. Up until this point he didn’t really work that well for me and the lack of any meaningful interactions between him and the turtles was a bit off putting, but starting with this episode so much new information was revealed about him that vastly improved the character and endeared me to him.
This continued development for Splinter leads to some of my favorite moments from the series.
For example, one of my favorite moments from the first season is when Splinter tricks Donnie and Mikey into going to a demolition derby with him. When Donnie discovers that Splinter lied he gets really upset and believes that Splinter didn’t really want to spend time with him.
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It’s made clear leading up to this point that Donnie is really effected by the lack of attention and affection Splinter gives him and before now it was mostly said in a joking way that didn’t betray just how deeply it hurt him but he finally lets it out in a rare moment of vulnerability. And in response Splinter calls Donatello by his actual name for the first time in the series and apologizes. There’s a real and authentic moment of connection that wouldn’t have hit the way it did if Splinter wasn’t characterized the way he was early on. (I also absolutely love rise's version of Donnie.)
It’s not something that necessarily makes him more likable earlier in the series but that characterization early on makes his development and eventual connection with his sons heartwarming. 
The season’s momentum doesn’t stop with “The Evil League of Mutant” or Splinter’s development. It keeps building until it finally reaches the finale, which is a great culmination of all that came before, and ends with the shredder finally being formally introduced into the series and things feeling really dire for the turtles. 
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This version of the shredder took him in a completely different direction from all the ones that came before and took a big swing by making him a man merged with a demon. One that’s thousands of years old that the Hamato clan was staked with keeping contained forever.
While this version of the shredder doesn’t have the depth of 2012 or the menace of 2003 they managed to build him up in a way that made his threat feel palpable. The desperation to keep the foot from collecting the dark armor paired with the revelations about the Hamato clan’s duty made it so that the inevitable confrontation felt like one that must be avoided at all costs.
This connection to the Hamato clan brought in an interesting conflict between duty and family for Splinter that we hadn't gotten to see before. When the turtles are captured Splinter is pulled in two different directions one that upholds his duty and one that preserves his family. Splinter eventually chooses his sons over his duty. (This carries over into the second season when they managed to combine the two and become their best selves as warriors and family.)
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Another really fascinating aspect of the finale that I haven’t touched upon is how it subverts expectations by having Baron Draxum simply be a stepping stone for the shredder’s release. Up until this point Baron Draxum had been the closest thing to a big bad the series had. We had followed his plan step by step and believed he was the one pulling the strings only for the rug to be pulled out from under him at the last second when the turtles believed they had won.
This led to a cliffhanger that had me on the edge of my seat. It really felt like this was another turning point in the series like “Evil League of Mutants” had been…
But I don’t really feel like the second season carried that momentum over as well as it could have. The battle with the shredder wasn’t the tour de force I expected or the turning point in tone I anticipated. And there are things that were set up in the first season that, when finally seen, felt like anti-climaxes. This is most notable to me in the season premiere and the episode “Goyles, Goyles, Goyles” when we finally see the day that Splinter and the turtles were mutated.
With the premiere it was a weird split between things I absolutely adored– Leo finally displaying his excellent planning and leadership skills– and things I felt were anti-climactic compared to the build-up– the turtles’ fight with Shredder. 
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I feel like the Leo stuff is self explanatory. Everyone knows that Leo is traditionally the leader of the turtles and up until this point Leo didn’t show much of that or have any significant development outside of a few select moments, but this was the episode that really showed his potential. 
It wasn’t just his ingenious plan that was really enjoyable to see come together, but also the fact that he knew his brothers well enough to trust in their skills and know exactly how they would be able to fend off and find the shredder. 
As a longtime fan of the turtles I loved this development. I had really enjoyed this version of Leo before now, but this was the moment that won me over to this version of him.
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But the way the show handled the face off with the shredder didn’t really work for me. The biggest reason was that most of it happened off screen and then when we did get to see what was going on it was to show that the shredder was weak to tickling. 
After all that build up for the shredder and what a threat he will pose the way it went fell flat, especially considering how the first season finale ended with the turtles thinking they beat the shredder only for a much more powerful version to emerge from the smoke to face them down.
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The ending with Big Mama set up some very interesting possibilities that I was excited to see come to fruition in the future (and eventually lead to a phenomenal season 2 finale) but it and Leo’s arc didn’t negate the disappointment I felt with how the shredder and his showdown with the turtles was handled.
Goyles, Goyles, Goyles felt like an intentional anti-climax, but even with that obvious intent it still fell flat for me. This moment was one of my favorite reveals of the first season. The way it was revealed in song by Draxum and his henchmen and the amazing still animation reflecting the words was a real turning point in just how much I enjoyed this series as I said above. And when we finally got to see exactly what happened… it was almost all a joke.
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And this type of subversion is very common in Rise. It usually works better for me though because there isn’t as much build up and excitement towards them like there was for the shredder fight and the Draxum and the turtles backstory. 
In fact, there are plenty of moments in this series where this type of subversion works really well for me. In the season one finale the random reveal that the turtles cracked Splinter’s teapot as children and never told him being an important plot point was one that worked really well for me. 
The biggest difference between those subversions is that the one in the finale didn’t magically solve things or completely dampen the more dramatic and emotional moments. The teapot reveal didn’t retroactively make Splinter’s decision to put his sons above his ancestral duty any less meaningful and it didn’t magically save the day like they expected it to. It allowed things to still carry the weight they were meant to while still being funny and unexpected.
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The show goes back to problem of the week episodes and as a result does fall into a few of the pacing and tonal issues that plagued the first season, but they were overall stronger and more fun episodes here than they were in season 1 due to the fact that there is a larger cast to bounce the characters off of and a lot more locations to explore. This allowed for some really interesting and unexpected character pairings that made some of the most entertaining episodes of the show.
The episodes centered on April and Splinter are a particular favorite of mine in season 2. 
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I wasn’t expecting how much I would adore their dynamic, but it was easily one of my favorites in the entire show. I really liked Splinter’s unwavering faith in April and how they came together to better each other. 
Splinter very rarely has this type of relationship in any of the other shows. He’s mostly the one lifting others up and giving them wisdom and is rarely the one getting support in this type of way. April is able to interact with Splinter’s past in a way the turtles in this show can’t and it allows him to re-establish a connection to who he was in a healthier way than he had prior to her coming into his life.
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It’s a great mutual relationship that finds a unique spin to what their dynamic usually is in turtles canon.
Now it’s time to talk about the final few episodes of season 2. These episodes showcase all the best aspects of the Rise show. They take what the series does differently from all the other interpretations and run with them, really showing what the show can do at its height.
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These episodes gave me the shredder showdown I was hoping to see in the premiere. He posed the type of threat he had in many of the other shredder incarnations and served the turtles losses that they struggled to bounce back from.
This is the type of enemy shredder should be and the way they had this tie into Splinter’s past was amazing and moving.
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The episode where the Baron Draxum sent the Turtles into Splinter’s mind was one of the most emotionally poignant episodes, showing the pain and emptiness of Splinter’s life before he mutated. It puts Splinter’s life before and after the turtles into stark contrast.
Splinter isn’t alone like he felt like he was before and he found a new family after the loss of his mother that gave him the strength and courage to accept the duty he had rejected because of the loss it brought him.
Splinter has grown from the character I was most disappointed with to one of my favorites of the series and this episode really hammered home just how great the writing for him in this series has been.
Splinter isn’t the only one that gets an increase in focus, April also gets some spotlight and a unique and unexpected role in this finale.
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April’s growth from human ally to the turtles to a member of their family was amazing to watch. Having that bond that had been cultivated over the course of the two seasons that culminates in these episodes where she becomes an honorary member of the Hamato clan, fusing with Karai and teaching the turtles the way of their ancestors, was such an interesting change from past iterations of the character.
It really felt like her arc and relationship to the turtles was coming full circle when April was the one to talk Raph out of his despair. It really hammered home how far all of them have come and just how much a part of this family April is.
April’s talk to Raph leads into a great moment where the brothers unlock their mystic powers through their connection and trust in one another. They aren’t alone in this struggle or the fight with Shredder. It doesn’t come down to just one of them but their whole family. 
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The heart of the turtles and their various series, at least to me, has always been the Hamato family and their bond with one another and this moment shows just how much this show understands that.
There’s just so much about this finale to gush about but there were two minor issues I had. Those are the reveal of Cassandra Jones and Splinter naming Leo the leader.
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Cassandra Jones felt like a last minute reveal. The series made a few jokes about Cassandra being called unnamed foot soldier yet had her as a recurring character so it felt obvious that she was going to be a legacy character in some way but having her be Casey Jones felt odd. 
I don’t really know a better way of putting it. I’m not mad or anything and I don’t believe the show butchered Casey like I’ve seen some people say (especially considering how they brought Casey Jones into the movie), but it felt like the most out of left field choice rise had made up until this point. (I do want to say that I feel like this could have turned into a very interesting interpretation of the character if the show was allowed to continue and flesh this decision out.)
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And Leo being named leader was especially rushed considering just earlier in the finale (parts 2 and 3) the show really felt like it solidified Raph as the leader. He was the one who was able to make the tough calls and he was the one who learned to trust his brothers in a way he needed to be the best leader he could be.
Leo only really had the second season premiere to set up the idea that he would make a great leader and strategist if he really applied himself but that thread felt like it was dropped for the rest of the season and had no real buildup within the finale unlike Raph’s leadership skills.
These didn’t really impact my enjoyment of the episodes especially considering that they were such a small part of the finale and they were both fixed/expanded on in the movie.
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Speaking of the movie. It was absolutely phenomenal. 
This movie focuses on Leo and his journey into growing into a leadership role for the team with the Kraang as the turtles’ adversaries. 
Right off the bat this movie is considerably darker than the main series with the opening alone showing blood and the deaths of both Mikey and Leo. It immediately shatters any possibility of past conveniences present in the series like the Kraang being ticklish or the turtles escaping due to incompetent sidekicks. 
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There’s a palpable danger established by this shift in tone that carries on throughout the movie and creates actual tension and stakes to the sacrifices made later on. 
I can also say with full confidence that this is easily the most intimidating the Kraang have ever been in turtles canon. 
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While the Kraang have been threats in some of the series and even beaten the turtles more than once I never felt like they were the overwhelming threat they are here. That the turtles were completely outmatched.
This amazing update of the kraang and the threat they pose is paired with a great arc for Leo where he has to confront the more immature and impulsive side of him that has been ever present in the series up until this point.
These flaws had been addressed at varying points throughout the series proper but they were never treated anywhere near as seriously as they are here. 
And it addresses these shortcomings through Rise’s interpretation of the classic Raph and Leo conflict.
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Raph and Leo are almost always the two brothers that come into conflict the most often in every iteration of the turtles. Their ways of thinking are incompatible in ways that make it hard for them to see eye to eye. This was something the main series of Rise didn’t really address. For the most part the brothers got along well and any conflicts they did have were either resolved or ended on a joke which fit with what the series was trying to do with them before this point.
I’ve heard a few complaints about this because the conflict between Leo and Raph is something the movie makes it seem like is a recurring problem for them when in reality Leo and Raph don’t really get into any real serious arguments/conflicts throughout the series. In fact, Raph almost never gets angry the way he does at the beginning. Rise Raph’s anger is almost always aimed at himself rather than others. 
And I can understand that to a degree because these aspects weren’t really established in the series but I don’t think either of these inconsistencies really hurt the movie and are in fact explained rather well within the context and time frame given. The conflict itself is well written and has the two coming to an actual understanding that feels organic to both characters.
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The movie’s take on Leo and Raph’s conflict has the two switching places from their usual roles. Leo is the impulsive brother that does care deeply about his brothers but makes mistakes due to his personal flaws that gets them in trouble, while doubting/going against the older brother’s wishes/orders. Raph is the older, more responsible brother with the weight of his brothers lives on his shoulders because of his position as the de facto leader of their family (at least before the season 2 finale).
It’s not necessarily a completely unique take on the conflict since the roles are simply reversed with a few tweaks to better fit their characters but it plays out in a way that makes Leo’s arc and journey of growing into his leadership role very impactful in a way that separates itself from 2003 and 2012 Leonardos.
Leo’s arc culminates in such an amazing and heartbreaking sacrifice that, while it obviously didn’t last, was the moment from Rise that hit me the hardest.
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The way the movie managed to really hammer home the weight of Leo’s decision and the growth of his character in that moment through everyone’s reactions, the music, and the stunning animation and coloring was incredible.
Outside of Leo’s fantastic arc and the Kraang the animation is absolutely stunning. There’s a reason the fight with the Kraang leader was all over the place after this movie released. The animation for Rise has always been fantastic and here is no exception. I don’t really think I can add anything to this point that hasn’t already been said by anyone who has seen the film.
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Honestly if you haven’t seen it yet you should definitely give it a shot.
I’m just really disappointed this movie is probably the last we’ll see of Rise of the Tmnt because from my experience watching the series for the first time this show just continually got better. It introduced and hinted at so many elements from past iterations of the turtles near the end that I really wanted to see their take on.
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Overall I think Rise is a really fun series that has amazing highs and a finale and movie that are legitimately great but it is a bit inconsistent in terms of pacing and tone with a rocky start and contains some changes to the characters that didn’t work completely for me personally. 
At its best this show easily stands toe to toe with the heights of the previous series. And in many ways those heights are completely unique from all the other iterations because of how much it twists the previously established lore and characters to make them its own.
After watching this series I can completely understand why so many people love this iteration of the turtles and I do consider the show great. I will definitely re-visit many of these episodes and the movie time and time again.
Extra Thoughts
What is it with tmnt series and dark futures? There’s Same as it Never Was, Mutant Apocalypse, The Rise Movie, The Last Ronin, etc. The brothers can never catch a break and get a nice happy ending can they?
I really love this version of Donnie and I think he's the character that worked best for me in this series. Donatello has always been my favorite turtle and in early iterations of the turtles I was a bit disappointed with how underutilized he was in the series. The episodes focused on him were great, but until 2012 Donatello was easily the most underappreciated turtle with the least amount of focus and screen time of the four. 2012 and Rise finally gave him the attention and focus I always wanted.
I kind of feel bad for saying this but I prefer Rafael and Leonardo’s conflict in the 2003 show, 2012 show, and 2007 TMNT movie to their conflict in this series. I also prefer the Character interpretations of Rafael where he’s the hothead. Where he chafes under Leo’s leadership and is forced to grow and mature so that he can handle his anger in better, more productive ways. I’m not saying this version of Rafael is bad or that Leo and Raph’s conflict isn’t complex, just that I personally prefer different versions of these things. And I completely understand that that’s personal preference. I think that this iteration will definitely work really well for other people and I think that’s great.
I really enjoy this version of Mikey and I'm disappointed he is given significantly less focus than any of the other turtles in this series. All the rest of the turtles get episodes dedicated solely to them and their struggles even April gets more individual focus than Mikey in season 2. I think Mikey is a great character to bounce off of but I was disappointed he never really got much time in the spotlight.
While the lore grew to become one of my favorite things about the series, not all of it worked for me. It was actually mostly the mystic pizza joint and some of the yokai that didn’t work for me because Big Mama, The hidden city, Draxum, the battle nexus, and the shredder/foot all grew on me whereas that part didn’t. I think this had more to do with the fact that the episodes centered on this part of the world were my least favorite in the series than anything else.
This series made the interesting decision to move away from the more grounded tone of past turtles incarnations. The turtles, at least in the shows, had progressively gotten more and more grounded in “reality” with even Donnie’s inventions, while still being incredible, reflecting the limited resources they would realistically have when living in the sewers. This series abandons any tether it might have had to reality and has the turtles out in broad daylight with only hoodies/tops to hide in, Donnie's inventions are even grander than before, and there's a whole hidden city where the turtles can be normal. They also immediately get mystic power and rarely interact with street level crime like their past incarnations. In some ways this worked and made the series immediately recognizable and stand out from its predecessors but in others it made them feel very disconnected from their roots and what made them so relatable in the first place which unfortunately alienated some people.
This ended up working really well for me after things started to come together and I think it’s a bit unfortunate that this will be a roadblock for people getting into the series.
The backlash the character designs got is something that I never really understood. Each turtle looks completely unique and for most of them you can grasp aspects of their personality and what they like by looking at them. This is a mark of good character design.
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teatitty · 8 months
I would also like to scream in your ear for your erasermic spooky month hcs, love all your erasermic stuff. Waiting until my days off to read the other 2 chaps of the one fic and then the new one,,,as a treat for suffering through Capitalism,,,,
Pulls out my files
They have a big black gothic house that's a mix of traditional and modern styles with bright pink curtains in the windows because Aizawa loves pink and every room is a different theme/vibe, it has three floors to it + a variety of secret rooms [if you've ever seen the Edith Finch game think that] just for funsies
They're somewhere in the Top 50 Richest Heroes list for Japan but neither of them mention it at all because they just don't care. This is how they manage to own about 15 cats [I also used to have 15 cats lol] and they employ a housekeeper called Rukiya
Rukiya is an ex-hitwoman who was sent to assassinate Nemuri but Nemuri liked her vibes so much they became besties. Officially Rukiya is "missing" but unofficially she's working for EraserMic as a housekeeper whenever they're away and lives with Nemuri
Rukiya dresses and acts like a maid but this is because she's committed to the Aesthetic™️
Their kitchen is filled with warm colours and tones and is the neatest looking room in the whole house
When Tensei was paralysed and would never walk again [Stain arc] they immediately set about modifying the house to be wheelchair friendly and completely accessible to him because Tensei likes staying over sometimes
Shinsou's room is a mix of naruto merchandise and real life animal skulls and fossils. All ethically found of course [re: he finds dead creatures and cleans them up before taking them home. Some of these dead creatures have leaked into the other rooms and hallways oopsies]
Eri has the brightest room because she loves bright colours and it's very hilariously jarring to go through this House Of Horrors only to open her door and get blasted by unicorn quilt covers, pawprints painted on her walls and a fluffy rug in the shape of a smiling cartoon dog
If Tokoyami's edgy emo ass ever came to this house he would never want to leave
A slight smutty HC now: the first time Hizashi and Shouta had penetrative sex it was in a coffin in an undertaker's store because they were meant to be spying on someone and locked themselves in it to avoid being seen. They were, like, 18 at the time
Their bedroom is a mix of goth and punk aesthetics with splashes of colour. They have one bedside lamp and no other lights save the sun itself and this is because of Hizashi's light sensitivity
The bed is big enough to fit four people if you squish up because Nemuri and Tensei loved doing that. Now Shinsou and Eri sometimes join them in it if they have nightmares
Shinsou fucking loves halloween but he acts super cool and calm about it guys haha ignore all those outfits and decorations he just bought on impulse it's fine
Eri doesn't really get the full point of halloween she just likes dressing up
Because of what she went through with Overhaul, Eri is surprisingly unaffected by horror movies and will gladly watch even the goriest of them with her dad's without issue. Shinsou, however, is terrified of them and will crawl over the back of the sofa to get as far away from the screen as possible
Aizawa doesn't have any private rooms for himself but does do most of his work in the kitchen because it's closest to all the snacks. He's a chronic snacker which is why he drinks jelly pouches all the time [mood]
Hizashi, however, has two private rooms for himself: a studio room for all his recordings and radio related plans and then another soundproofed room where he can just blast loud music and scream or lay on the floor to feel the bass vibrations. Shinsou also uses this room a lot to de-stress. They have screaming sessions together
I said it in another post but I'll put it here again: the first time Eri attends school she ends up getting stalked in secret by Aizawa and Shinsou, full ninja-like, and Hizashi judges them for it right up until they find him disguised as one of the school staff so he can also keep an eye on her. Eri is oblivious to this
A lot of Eri's classmates are convinced her family are in the yakuza because of how scary and intimidating they look. It's the sleep deprivation and long work hours
People think Present Mic is a purely daytime hero but this is false! Mic is called on a lot by the Underground Heroes to sneak into places in various disguises to get information because he's just one of those guys who can fit in anywhere and is a great actor
Shinsou is a terrible actor because he's not good at on-the-spot improv which has led to some very funny situations for him
This family's idea of fun is to terrorise everyone around them for kicks. You're in a deep dark tunnel with no lights? Well guess what they're gonna jumpscare you and/or make spooky noises that echo everywhere just to watch you shit yourself
Eri moves so quickly and quietly people think the UA dorms are haunted by a ghost
Eri's the only person to have ever successfully snuck up on Bakugou and scared the shit out of him in the kitchens. Shinsou was wheezing to death about it for days afterwards
Had to come back in to add one I forgot about: Aizawa is a borderline yandere for his family and that is canon To Me. I will expand on this eventually
And that's all the ones I can think of at the moment! And HELL YEAH LOOKING FORWARD TO YOUR A+ COMMENTS AS ALWAYS! I'm taking a break from writing for a while so there's time to catch up also I am rooting for you to get through capitalist hell retail sucks
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skylights422 · 2 months
Time for my second post before the new X-Men 97 episode: opinions on The Plot of the first three episodes!
Overall, I've been having a ton of fun with it. The first episode had a lot of fun parallels to Night of the Sentinels and worked well as a sort of re-introduction to the team. The second episode was intense but juicy. (I do understand the critiques I've seen of Magneto's speech - there are certain parts I think were done well, and I did automatically go 'oh hey they're talking about his Jewish background!' when he started talking so I don't think they...fully...removed it, but other parts of it were confusing and kinda lost the plot and yeah, I agree with what others of have said about the original speech being a lot more direct and powerful) I DO think they are mostly doing Magneto well in that his intensity, his drive to protect mutants, and his relationship with Charles are all still well done and those were all present in the original cartoon as well. Sometimes I almost wanted him to go villain mode more lol just because it's always impressive and sometimes the human characters are KIND OF ASKING FOR IT. I do wonder if he will stay on the hero side from now on or if he'll eventually end up a villain again - I could see it going either way for this show!
For episode 3, it was a RUSH but it was a fun rush! The horror was spooky, the action solid, and there were some really cool emotional beats as well. It...definitely would have worked better as a 2-4 episode story arc, because some of those plot beats would have been SO GOOD with more room to breathe. And it definitely ran into my pet peeve of 'the only explanation to some of this is "uhh well it happened in the comics"' which I never like - why was she called the Goblin Queen in this version? It's a pretty specific title that didn't have anything to do with her powers or motivation or anything. Or was there a reason she chose the name Madelyn Pryor in this version? Who knows. I do think if you HAD to fit a whole arc into one episode, this was the best it could be done, but I still wish they simply had more episodes in the season to tell their story (like, 24 instead of ten). Because yeah, each episode has felt like a one-shot almost, but not in a normal bottle episode way, in a 'each episode is one arc unto itself', with just certain character threads carrying over.
This isn't a huge issue for me since when I first heard there was ten episodes in the season I went 'oh yeah, this is gonna be a huge mess'. xD So my standard is 'if it's a FUN mess I'll be fine with it, since I love these characters and am excited to see more content with them - and maybe if it's big enough future seasons could have more eps'. And it has definitely been a fun mess so far!
ALSO I AM EXCITED TO SEE A STORM ARC. Her losing her powers is UGH, but I know it's gonna be a whole Thing and so it will be cool to see her get more focus. I also really liked seeing her friendship with Jean! There was not enough varied team friendship duos originally for me, and what they got going seems really nice.
AND MISTER SINISTER IS BACK. I do think he's a very intimidating villain, so I am curious to see what they do with him and what kind of character dynamics it brings out in the heroes. :O
All in all, I have my critiques and quibbles, but I am HYPED and still having a good time!
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