#where i could check in periodically without getting a headache
jimalim · 2 months
I had such a nice day today and a huge part of it was because I spent the day in the guest bedroom chilling watching tv (while my laser was running in my room) just the change of scenery was lovely!
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pathetic-gamer · 1 year
me, an hour ago: "fuck, the stove is on! what do we do?" [immediately does all the wrong things]
PSA: What NOT to do when you smell gas
In this situation, we got home to a smell of gas throughout the house and discovered our gas stove was on without a flame. it was only a tiny stream, and everything turned out fine, but here's a brief list of everything we did wrong:
NOTE: this is for if you smell significant amounts of gas, not a blanket list for all possible gas situations. (If you aren't aware, the methane**/natural gas used in houses smells vaguely like sulfer, or rotten eggs - this is an additive, since it has no natural smell. It's a very recognizable smell, once you've smelled it once. It's not the same smell as gasoline.)
1. If your stove has an electrical/spark ignition, do NOT turn it off.
Spark ignitions often spark when turning on *and* off. Spark + Gas = Boom. Boom is bad. Avoid boom.
Instead, turn off the gas at the source, i.e. the physical valve at the meter. There may be a smaller valve near the stove. If you don't know where the shutoff is, the fire department will find it.
2. Do NOT turn on (or off) vents or fans.
In fact, don't flip any electrical switches - that includes lights, plugging in or unplugging appliances, etc. These cause sparks. Spark + Gas = Boom.
Also, don't start your car. obviously.
3. Do NOT open windows
counterintuitive, I know. This is mostly because you want to prioritize your exit, but it's also to keep the fumes from spreading outside, where you should be waiting for the ~professionals~ to come handle it.
4. DO take all people and pets outside.
Do this very first!! (one thing we actually did right - go us!)
This is obviously because you don't want to go boom, but you also don't want to suffocate. Gas is poison!
NOTE: the gas from your stove is probably methane (natural gas); carbon monoxide is what you get when methane burns, which is why your kitchen needs to be well-ventilated and the stove shouldn't be left burning for long periods of time, but the natural gas itself is *also* potentially deadly. Carbon monoxide detectors dont detect natural gas, so that's what the odorous additive is for.
Inhaling natural gas causes nausea, headaches, dizziness, and makes you just generally woozy, and eventually causes you to lose consciousness and potentially suffocate, just like carbon monoxide does. We don't want that.
5. DO call the fire department/emergency line
They'll check for other leaks, shut gas off if needed, then test for air quality and eventually clear your house for reentry. It takes like 1-2 hours for the gas to dissipate, generally.
Yay, you survived! Congrats!!
NOTE: if you find the stove has been left on with a flame, or it's on with no flame but you don't smell gas, then you should be safe to just open windows and turn on vents and fans to air it out.
idk, this was actually pretty scary, especially when we realized how much of our immediate response was wrong and could have turned a dangerous situation into a real disaster.
tl;dr: If you smell gas when you shouldn't be smelling gas, just get all the people and animals outside, shut off the gas line, and call the fire department or gas company. don't fuck around with gas. you're not overreacting, you're taking the proper safety measures.
**CORRECTED FROM ORIGINAL VERSION. Original said propane, but it's very much not propane, it's methane. too much Hank Hill on the brain, clearly.
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I'm really sick and Satan's sacrificial waterfall is here AT THE SAME TIME!
I don't know if you do blurbs or headcannons, but if so, would you be willing to write for the boys (either taskforce 141, or singular characters,) taking care of an afab reader who has never had anyone wanting to take care of them?
If not, sorry to bother!
I don't typically take requests but... since I'm in the same boat (sacrificial waterfall is probably going to come over the weekend for me), I'll 100% do it.
A while back I also posted this: "You're feeling ill" and it's also along the same vein, if you'd like an extra little pick me up.
Period woes.
Rating: G Words: 1K~ tags: afab!reader but you/your pronouns, SFW!, fluff, comfort, periods and associated symptoms.
A person’s period might be the most hypocritical moment of their routine. They’re expected to continue moving, working and living their live as normal, all with a smile on their face, while their uterus actively attempts to cut off its own circulation… as if for any other injury or sickness you wouldn’t be expected to lay down and STOP for a moment and allow yourself to heal up, or at least improve enough to not be miserable.
But no. You’re expected to deal with it alone, to not show a reaction, to not be irritable, or groaning and writhing in pain. Take a shower, stock up on painkillers and slap a smile on your face, you’ve gotta go out in the world and act as if you’re not actively dreading every waking moment you spend on your feet.
That’s why you’ve learned to hide it when you’re going through your monthly. Your family, partners… not even your girlfriends know when you’re having it. Ever since you were a young teen, just starting out, it was very much a conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know, sort of moment.
But it’s miserable. You’re always miserable. Everything hurts, the cramps, the headaches, the back pain, hip pain, your sore chest… Plus the blood, the lack of appetite (or increase in appetite), the nausea, the fact you want to cry one moment, or break dishes and scream the next, the way your colleagues annoy you beyond compare, how certain sounds grit your nerves just. enough. to make you feel like you’re losing it… And then you can’t sleep.
And of course… he notices it. How could he not?
Ghost is discreet about it. He doesn’t mention it, doesn’t make a big deal about it… But he’s VERY good at taking care of you without you noticing he’s doing it. His love language is acts of service… So he simply goes around giving you a hand on whatever you might need. Food? Made. Dishes? Done. Laundry? Washed, Dried, Folded and Put Away. He finds you trying to do something? No. Give it here, he’ll do it.
The inevitable day that a leak happens and you find yourself angry at yourself as you strip the bedsheets off the bed, trying to be discreet about it so he doesn’t see it, he silently grabs the sheets off your hands and murmurs a “Go take a shower and change. I’ve got this.” before turning to put the sheets in the washer, clean the mattress and remake the bed so you can lay down again by the time your shower is over. It makes you emotional, sometimes, that such a stoic man will gladly take on every other responsibility to allow you to heal.
Gaz, blessed be him, is an absolute sweetheart… But he’s also a silly boy. He notices and although he’s not going to make a big deal about it, he’s still very… Boyish about it. Uses all the silly names for your period (“The Communists are coming”, “Shark week”,  “Satan’s waterfall”, “Carrie”) and affectionately calls you “My little ketchup packet”. 
He’s all for ordering takeout and getting you whatever you want when and how you want it. He’ll rub your back and be very careful about where and how he touches you. He’s ginger with touches around your waist and lower stomach, looks at you with those big brown eyes of his, as if checking that he’s not hurting you or crossing a boundary. You find yourself getting emotional when he whispers about how strong you are to deal with this every month… Keeps asking gently if you need anything… It makes you feel so safe.
Price’s older. He’s been in many relationships before. He notices your period is coming before it even does… Notices how you’re acting. Jumpier, grumpier, sadder… Notices how you toss and turn the couple of nights leading up to it. And he’s silently prepared. He’s made a supply run to the grocery store to get what brand of period products you use and some painkillers and puts them where you can see them in the bathroom. 
Fills you up with warm herbal tea and food that he knows are easy to digest and help with your state. No fucking chocolate and sugar or potato chips, you’re being pumped full of soups and stews and veggies and cut up fruit. He’ll sit by your side with a paring knife and an apple and slowly peel, core and cut it, before slowly feeding you (and himself) the slices. When you try to resist it, at first, too used to doing things alone, he’ll grab your face with both hands, look into your eyes and tell you. “And why exactly would I let you do that, when you’ve got me here to help you? How does that make sense?”
Soap’s… Well… Soap’s got a bunch of sisters… Each of them dealing with their periods in wildly different ways... So one thing he knows for sure: He’s not about to assume anything. You do what you’ve got to, he’ll adjust to you. He needs to go to the bathroom but you’re in there? Copy that, he’ll go piss in the yard. You’re having a cry in the kitchen because nothing looks good but you’re hungry? Talk it out with him, what do you want to eat? Let’s figure it out together, bonnie. You need to lie down in a dark room because of a migraine or headache or just to catch on sleep you’ve missed? Johnny’s blacked out every window, gathered every stray pillow and blanket in the house and will make you a nest if he’s got to.
And when you wake up in the middle of the night with a whine and a stretch because your back hurts and you’ve got cramps and cannot for the life of you get comfortable, Johnny’s hands are rubbing over you, pressing kisses to your temple and murmuring little “I ken, love… It’ll be over soon… I’m sorry you’re going through this…”
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summerlovingbaby · 2 months
Eijiro hadn’t heard from his girlfriend, Y/N all morning, which was strange. She always woke up early to read, and when she did she would text him good morning. Even on the weekend, and this weekend was supposed to be special. For the first time in months, their was no mortal dangers, no training exercises, the couple wasn’t dodging mortar fires, or bombs, or rescuing civilians from collapsing buildings.
He didn’t get a text and it was nearly noon.Y/N was on her period, and though her cramps were usually manageable, today she woke up with an earsplitting headache. She knew it was the weekend and was thankful that she had no prior engagements, so she ignored the violent churning in her stomach, stumbled her way to the bathroom. Blindly felt around the medicine cabinet grabbed Advil and took a handful of pills before she closed her black out curtains, crawled between her sheets and placed a pillow over her head, hoping the pressure would push away the headache.
She was unable to think about the oddities of her situation. Her period was on its final day, it was technically on its final day yesterday, and she expected only spotting today. Her PMS symptoms were never as horrific as they could have been, she never had headaches, and though her cramps wer awful it was nothing that couldn’t be managed with a heating pad and some painkillers couldn’t fix.
But this pain was deep in her stomach, and was shooting painful jabs in her stomach, her head hurt something awful and she wanted nothing more than to hide under her covers and for it to go away. She slept off her headache for 45 minutes before a gentle knocking on the door woke her up.
Eijiro knocked twice before he heard the bed groan, signaling that she had gotten up. He checked his watch, it was nearly 1PM in the afternoon, the door slowly opened and a blanket covered mound peeked their head out, he couldn’t helpbut smile. Y/N had always been particularly shy, but this was a new extent.
“ Hello,” he whispered quietly, like he was afraid of spooking an afraid animal, she used the blanket to block out the light, “ You okay?” he asked.
She nodded, “ Its just bright,” she said, “ And I have a headache,” she added on. Eijoro cocked his head to the side with confusion. Y/N never got headaches, unless she went days without eating, and after a particular situation where she forgot to eat for 2 whole days, he was always there to make sure that she ate at least 600 calories worth in granola bars a day. “ My periods kicking my ass,” she added hoping he would understand.
Eijoro nodded sympathetically, he would never understand the trials and tribulations of being a girl, bleed painfully for days on end, but he was always sympathetic to their plight. He had 2 sisters who cried alot watching nature documentaries on penguins who mate for life. Life was hardcore enough on it its own, but adding bleeding on top of it was metal as hell.
“ You feel up to lunch?”
Y/N shook her head and looked back at her bed, she wanted nothing more than to climb into bed and rot away the day. “ I just want to lie down,” she said quietly.
Eijiro nodded and looked at Y/N sadly. He missed his girlfriend, they had a busy week and hardly seen eachother the past week, barley having the chance for more than a glance and Y/N really wanted to have sex with him, her hormones were driving her up the wall and she wanted nothing more than to jump his bones, but felt too grossed to be touched. Eijiro studied her face, as she chewed on her bottom lip and hesitated opening her mouth.
“ Can I stay with you?” he offered, and Y/N quickly obliged, opening the door wide enough for him to follow her through the door. He placed a hand on the small of his back and guided her to her bed, pulled back the mountain of blankets and watched as she hid beneath them, he then made himself comfortable by sitting down. He outstretched his legs and leaned back on the headboard and watched as Y/N placed her head on his upper thigh and she fell into a vague sleep state.
It only lasted a few minutes before the stomach pain hit her in the gut and she sat instantly upwards, doubled oever and vomited over the edge of her bed. The sight of her vomit sent her spiraling, she already felt gross, and now she had thrown up in front of her boyfriend, she couldn’t wallow in her pity for long because a familiar horrible feeling was rising in her chest again, and she doubled over and threw up once more.
Eijiro had stood up by then, Y/N expected him to leave, she was in such a state of disrepair. Her hair was a birds nest, and her clothes were old and wrinkled, not to mention she just upchucked two times in front of him, she covered her mouth and spared him a cautionary glance at Ejiro, to her surprise didn’t look digusted, just vageluly confused and concerned. She opened her mouth and muttered a vague apology before the ground got closer to her head very very quickly.
She woke up what she estimated was an hour later, in a strangely calm emergency room, she was hooked up to all kinds of monitors with a very concerned Eijiro brushing hair out of her face and fretting over the thickness of the blanket, while her closest friends watched. If he was trying to be calm it wasn’t working because he frequently peaked his head out of the curtiains until a doctor showed up.
She wanted to hide away from the embarrassment of it all. All her friends drug themselves to an ER because Y/N couldn’t handle her stomach pain without throwing up and blacking out, and she wanted to go home. She was never a fan of hospitals, her brother died in one two years ago and it was awful. Now every time she’s in a hospital she smells the clean sterile smell and the light blue walls and she remembers that gut-sinking feeling when her brother died, and all of a sudden her stomach pain and headache seemed bearable enough to be anywhere else but a hospital.
“ I wanna go home,” she whispered, Bakugo muttered something and fretted over the blanket and Denki took a phone call in the hall.
“ I know, just wait a second,” he whispered, “ Denki’s been calling your parents,” he said.
“ Don’t-”
“Shut up, its happening,” he scolded, “ Aizawa is on his way, you need an adult here for medical purposes until your parents get here.”
Her parents were on a trip to the States, and they weren’t getting here anytime soon. Before she could explain a man in blue scrubs with a clipboard jerked back the curtain hard, scribbling madly on his clipboard.
“ So you’re hear today because you have stomach pains, threw up and passed out?” he asked reading it off the clipboard, not bothering to look up.
Y/N nodded, “ Yeah, it’s not usually this bad,” she said quietly. 
This seemed to peak his interest because he clicked his pen closed and finally looked up, “ This has happened before?”
“ Well I thought the stomach pain was just cramps, but I don’t think so because my period technically ended yesterday, and my cramps are usually manageable, and I never get headaches, and last time I threw up it was the stomach flu,” she said.
He sighed annoyed and took a few steps towards her, “ So you’re hear for period related stomach pains,” he sighed, “ And you want me to?”
Y/N blinked at him a few times, too stunned to speak. Eijoro had been waiting for a doctor for at least an hour, and was only met with incompetence, “ An exam would be nice?” he said.
“ I mean there really is no point, you said it yourself its PMS related pain, I mean are you experiencing any stress?” he asked begrudgingly.
“ We go to UA, stress is what we signed up for.” Bakugou interrupted. Denki stopped trying to call her parents, and instead listened in to the conversation.
“ Stress has been known to make period pain less tolerable, your BP is normal, you seem fine, I suggest moving to a less stressful environment, and maybe seeing at a nurse will be here in a few minutes to discharge you?”
The notion of leaving in this horrible pain sent her sprailing, she was overwhelmed tired and in pain and could no longer stand the idea of being left untreated and was unable to fight back the tears that she had been holding onto since this morning, Bakugou stroked her hair to calm her, but it wasn’t working, he looked at the monitor where her blood pressure suddenly spiked.
The doctor looked at the monitor then back at her, “ How about we try to calm down?” he said condescendingly, “ Your hysterics are spiking your blood pressure.”
Eijiro shook his head, he had no intention of going anywhere. “ We aren’t leaving, I want another doctor,” he demanded.
“ You’re requesting someone else?” he asked.
“ YES,” he raised his voice and rung his hands in the air, “ I WANT ANOTHER DOCTOR, OR A NURSE, OR SOMEONE WHO IS MORE COMPETENT THAN YOU-,”
His shouting got the attention of a passing-by doctor, who poked her head through the curtain, her intrusion didn’t stop Eijiros ranting.
His shouting made Y/N cry more, he never yelled and when he did it was always frightening. She wanted to go home and sleeep it off, she wanted to be anythere but this hospital with its blue walls and antispetic smell.
The doctor balked at him with his mouth open, and the lady stepped through the curtain with a plastered smile on her face. “ What seems to be the issue here?” she asked,  “ My name is Dr. Ross.”
“Well Dr. Ross, my girlfriend had really bad cramps this morning and a headache, and around 4ish she threw up 2 times and kept passing out, and I know that you think that this is just period related pain but I don’t think so, they’ve never been this bad,” Eijiro began to explain to Dr. Ross who walked to Y/N and fiddled with the monitor.
“ This bozo didn’t even examin her-” Bakugou interjected.
This peaked Dr. Ross’s interest because she shot the doctor a deadly glare and snatched the clipboard from him, and read over her chart.
“ It says here that you were in the hospital 3 months ago, was that for abdominal pain or?” she smiled.
“ I broke 3 ribs and dislocated my shoulder fighting someone,” the doctor lifted a brow, “ You should have seen the other guy,” she added.
“ Is it okay if I palpate your stomach?” she asked.
Y/N meekly nodded, and Eijoro finished glaring at the doctor long enough to watch Dr. Rosses careful hands as she gently massaged her stomach, trying to ignore the pain as she pushed down around her stomach, Y/N then groaned loudly as she removed her pain.
Dr. Ross unhooked the portable ultrasound from the heart monitor quickly, “ And the pain started?”
“ This morning,” she groaned.
Dr Ross squeezed a quarter size of cool jelly on her stomach, and pressed the ultra sound wand firmly on her stomach than made a vaguely dissatisfied clucking noise, her eyebrows squinted together, before they raised suddenly, then with a grim look on her face she looked over her shoulder at the doctor, who still stood with his arms crossed over his chest and was looking rather annoyed. She removed the wand and Y/N groaned loudly, the pain was worse than it was with stomach pressure.
“ Book an OR,” she said grimly, then she turned back to Y/N who had now resulyed on holding her stomach and chewing her bottom because of the pain. “ It looks like her appendix burst a few hours ago,” she said. “ And because it went untreated for so long it turned into peritonitis, and that is beginning to turn into sepsis,” she explained calmly. “Without surgical intervention, she will die, so we need to take her to surgery right away.”
“ Sepsis?” 
“ Yes, it seems like her appendix burst right before she threw up, and because it went untreated for hours, because an incompetent doctor,” she tossed a disapproving glance over her shoulder at the doctor, “because she sat in a hospital for hours bleeding out into her abdomen because you thought her pain was made up and you thought she was hysterical, because you didn’t give her the basic standard of treatment, like an exam, she has to have emergency surgery.”
Y/N began to sob, the last thing she wanted was surgery, and apparently she might die. It was alot to handle in 5 minutes.
Before Y/N could protest she was being wheeled out of the room, down hallways that smelled like cleaning supplies, and sterile baby blue walls. She cried for Eijoro but he was no where to be found, she didn’t want surgery, her brother went to surgery and now he was was dead.
Eijoro paced around the room listly, before a nurse led them to a waiting room, then he paced around that one frequently checking the time. Denki didn’t understand his nerves, it was just an appendix, lots of people didn’t have appendix, he one read on a article that it was a common surgery.
“ It’s okay, most people have their appendixes out,” Denki said.
“ She has sepsis,” Eijiro said, “ that means her organs are dying because her burst appendix gave her an infection, her organs are dying because she sat in that ER for hours, and now she might die, and I didn’t help her,” he sighed, finally collapsing in a chair.
“ Hey, you did what you could. That clown of a doctor tried to send her home, but you stayed and you fought for her,” he said, his words were seldom comfort so they waited in silence until Dr. Ross took them to a recovery room where Y/N was lying down in a hospital bed, loopy from all the anesthesia which was starting to wear off.
She smiled at the sight of him, her perfect handsome boyfriend, who was pulled aside by the doctor and wad given instructions about her post-operative care. She would need to stay at the hospital for 4 nights of observation due to the infection, though they were positive that she would recover.
“ You did good today, I know you probably felt helpless watching her in so much pain, but you fought for her when people tried to dismiss her, you fought for her,” she said.
Eijiro spent the next few days spoon deeding her icecream and cuddling while watching Gilmore Girls reruns on the shitty hospital TV.
@kiribakuslilpebble    @un-limit-edd     @ultrahugakitten  @ jmook423 @ anonymousbabygirl13-blog   @ power-house-fan12                                  @imunderurbed   @fandomfreak1000000   @dylan-kai2008 @cheesecakeva  @lovemegood  @madsttx @whatdidshesayyy
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Okay but AU where Miguel is an alpha and reader is normal but they still give off the smell of being in heat before their period or just once a month so poor Miguel has to struggle with an oblivious reader whose just going around saying hi to people like they’re not a walking talking advertisement for sex
Reader: what do you mean 'I probably shouldn't go near Miguel right now? I thought he looked like he had a headache earlier so I got him some of those empanadas he likes from the cafeteria and some migraine tea
Peter B, not sure how he can tell you without sounding like an absolute freak that his friend is an Alpha and can smell that you're ovulating right now and if you go near Miguel when you're like this you could end up pregnant: beeeeecaaaussssse, Mayday misses you! Yeah, come hold my baby and come this way and hang with us and definitely NOT to Miguel's office!
(Lmao Miguel just checking security feeds by coincidence and, ugh, double whammy combo, he sees you holding the baby, in his eyes looking like the CUTEST potential mom, and he's just like "well, if she gets pregnant it's God's will 🙏". 'Poke holes in the condoms' girl he doesnt OWN condoms and he tells you up front, on his shit like "we're married, this is what married couples do". Or it's like. Kinda like with superman lol, where Miguel's altered not completely human DNA skirts around the spermacide in condoms that's formulated for humans so he might knock you up unintentionally but once it's on the way he wont let you get rid of it and he's actually so excited)
He overhears another Alpha make comments on your body and your scent and you just turn your head to see Miguel holding them by the collar as their little feeties dangle in the air and he's growling at them to "watch who they're speaking about that way" and you're just left ignorant that he's basically strangling the dude cause he was saying the equivalent of "if Y/N doesn't watch out she's gonna end up knocked up" and "hey maybe it'll be me" (no, absolutely not, run laps cadet, the boss ain't happy with ya)
And it works in reverse too! He smells good and you definitely cant help but notice 😩❤️ He stands just a little too close to you one day and you can smell this kind of masculine musk, I feel like he's kind of like too lowkey a recluse holing himself up to wear men's cologne but he's also like kind of an older man so just like, the thought of him having the scented pomade for his hair and you smell things like his deodorant and body wash when he's too close and it all smells very much you know Male but in a sexy way, the scent of aftershave sticking to him some mornings, coffee on his breath when he points to something on a monitor over your shoulder, just all these sorts of smells to associate with his presence even if you can't pick up the intricacies of his more "biological" components. You're up working late once and you fall asleep in a chair and later on you wake up tucked in on a couch in a break room with a blanket that has a scent on it (to tell other Alphas to back off and let you rest) and you can't help but put your face into it. like, as a young girl I didn't understand but I'm 26 now and there are just some male colognes and just like idk scents where you smell it and it's just like UGH I bet the man who left this is big 😩❤️ if it's not overpowering and you're not used to smelling "dude scents" that shit can be dangerous in the wrong hands
You experience the rare event of Miguel actually sitting down for once (shocking I know) and your desire to help and also your coochie activates when you see him looking kind of tired and run down and like, rubbing his face with a hand and he's got a migraine and here you are, "let me platonically rub your shoulders sir it definitely isn't at least partially because I'm crazy crazy horny for you and something about you kinda lowkey makes me wanna serve you"
Like you reach out and start rubbing his neck and shoulders and he's just so sore and had been working so hard he's like GROANING and shit like 😩 how could I not run my fingers through his hair, how could I SURVIVE if he started doing that shit. I couldn't, he felt your nails lightly drag against his scalp and it sent shivers up his spine and now you're getting your back put on the nearest flat surface while he pulls all your clothes off
"Sorry, but I don't think I can hold myself back anymore."
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Remember You Even When I Don't (8)
Summary: A training accident, the doctor had told him. A nasty one that led him here, laying in a hospital bed with a splitting headache and an inability to remember the woman sitting beside him. What he did know, though, was that you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and you felt important to him. That, as it turns out, would become an understatement.
Words: 5.5K
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw/Reader (no use of y/n, so can be read as unnamed oc)
Warnings: angst, hospitals, memory loss, language, suggestive themes, smut
Notes: Please note the updated warnings. These next few chapters are a new stage of Bradley and Pumpkin growing back together, and while I'm very excited about it, I know it may not be for everyone. For everyone who sticks around, please continue to comment and reblog, and my inbox is always open! I love to talk about these two :)
This was inspired by a one shot by the lovely @roosterforme and would not exist without her assistance. If you haven't read any of her stuff, please check out her masterlist - you won't be disappointed! All of the thanks to her and @mak-32 for being the best cheerleaders and friends I could ask for!
You’re working today. You hadn’t wanted to, but a local congresswoman you had requested an interview with months ago finally agreed to a conversation in her office, and Bradley wouldn’t let you pass it up. It was only for a few hours, but he finds himself missing you while you’re gone. 
This is the first time he had really been alone in the house for a long period of time since he got back from the hospital a month ago, and he didn’t quite know what to do with himself. He had tried to read a book, or get lost in a movie, but nothing had really kept his attention. He was laying on the couch, the news on the tv in the background, aimlessly scrolling through his phone. He hadn’t fully dove into all that it contained, and he figured now was the time to do it, even if you weren’t here to answer any questions that he might have. 
It’s interesting, seeing himself this way. Groupchats where he was an active participant, talking about parties or plans he has no recollection of, or discussing flight schedules for the week. He swaps Star Wars and Harry Potter trivia with Fanboy and gym regimes with Hangman and sends music back and forth with Coyote.  
When he opens the text thread he has with you, the only one pinned to the top of his messages, his breath catches at the last message received. 
 I love you so much. Please don’t leave me.
It was sent the day of his accident, and he knew by the time stamp that it was sent after the crash. You must have texted that to him while you were waiting for news on his condition, and not for the first time, he feels both guilt and gratitude go through him; he’s so sorry that he’s hurt you like this, but he’s so glad he’s here now. 
He scrolls for a while, reading you rambling to him about your work day and bouncing ideas for articles off of him, jumping from one topic to the next while you know he’s in the air or teaching a class so he doesn’t have his phone on him. Based on his responses that come later on, he knows he never minded the almost nonsensical messages. Even now, he finds it adorable and enjoys reading through them. There are conversations about dinner and what true crime documentary the two of you were going to watch that weekend. 
There’s a little bit of everything in these messages between the two of you, but his brow furrows when he gets to a point about a week before his accident. 
I’m on my way home, he had texted you, You better be ready for me, Pumpkin. 
He scrolls further up, trying to find the beginning of the conversation that led to that, and he almost wishes he wouldn’t have. 
You had texted him earlier that morning, when he barely must have left the house to go to base, a picture of you. There was a playful smirk on your lips, and you had what looked to be the cap from his formal dress whites perched crooked on your head. That in and of itself wasn’t what made his breath hitch, though. It was the fact that you were still in bed, your arm draped over your chest where he could see everything but everything, you hanging onto only a single shred of decency. 
Fly well today, Lieutenant Commander. 
It had descended into a day full of teasing from there, each message dirtier than the one before. Descriptions of what you wanted him to do to you and him warning you of what he would do when he got his hands on you. He feels flushed all over, but he keeps scrolling up. He bypasses recipes you wanted his opinion on and a reminder of what the Hulu password was, and eventually finds more pictures. Some are more risque than others, but all of them make him feel like the temperature in the room rose by multiple degrees. 
There’s a tickle in his brain again, and he finds himself closing the messaging app and going to his photo albums. There’s a locked album there, and he knows, he just knows what it’s going to contain. 
He shouldn’t. He knows that he shouldn’t. It feels like a strange invasion of privacy. But he’s wracking his mind to try and remember what the code would be to get into it anyway, and he curses when he gets it wrong first once, then a second time. He enters your birthday on the third attempt and groans out loud when he’s immediately met with the filthiest images he’s ever seen. 
It’s a whole gallery of you, or the two of you together, and Bradley can’t stop himself from looking. He bites his lip as he takes in the photos, his mind so overrun with thoughts of how fucking stunning you are that he can barely think straight at all. 
He stops at one in particular, clicking to enlarge it, and loses all thoughts entirely. Neither of your faces are in it, but he doesn’t need to guess that it’s the two of you. You’re sitting back against his chest, his ankles hooked over your legs, forcing them wide for him. He can see your nails biting into his thighs, but it’s his own hand that draws his attention. With the hand that’s not taking the selfie style photo, his fingers are gliding through the wetness gathered between your legs. You shine against the dark wedding band on his left land, one that’s noticeably absent from his finger now. He’s practically panting as he stares. 
He’s so hypnotized by the way the two of you look together that he doesn’t hear the garage door open or the sound of you walking into the house. 
Your voice makes him jump so high that his phone goes flying out of his hand, a curse leaving his lips. He scrambles to pick it up when he sees you reaching for it as well, and your eyebrows are raised high as you look at him in surprise. 
“Hey,” his voice cracks, higher pitched than normal, and he blushes. Your eyebrows raise a little bit higher. “Hi, sorry. Didn’t hear you come in.” 
“Are you okay?” 
“Yup,” he nods, faking a cough so he could try to clear his throat, his face flushed. “Totally fine.” 
It’s not difficult to see how skeptical you are, and it’s hard for him to maintain eye contact with you and not let his eyes flicker down your body now that he has an idea of what rests underneath the smart dress you wore. 
You eye him suspiciously, “Are you sure?”  
He contemplates for a moment, trying to figure out a way to get himself out of this conversation, because the longer you looked at him like that the hotter he became under the collar. He took a deep breath, nodding again. 
“I was looking at messages and pictures,” he says all in one breath, not liking the idea of completely lying to you. He rationalized that a different version of the truth was okay, even as the pictures flashed in his mind again. “Trying to see if anything jogged my memory.” 
You search his eyes, and he tries his best to appear innocent, willing the hardening in his jeans to go down before you took notice. He suspected you already might have from the hint of a blush on your cheeks. “Did it?” 
If he thought hard enough he swore he could almost feel you. Your back against his chest, how soft your inner thighs left. How warm your wetness felt against his fingers as he took you to the edge. 
“No,” he stutters out after a moment, shaking his head, his face burning, “nothing yet.” 
He finds himself rubbing his thumb against the fading tan line on his left ring finger, something he had seen you do time and time again. He hadn’t really wondered up until this point where his ring was, but ever since he saw the picture with it so clearly against your skin, he couldn’t get it out of his head. 
He’s helping you in the kitchen a few days later, mesmerized as always by how efficient and easy you made everything look. You roll your eyes when he comments on it.
“It’s cookies, Bradley. Nothing fancy.”
“But they’re from scratch. The dough isn’t pre-made. That’s fancy!” 
You laugh at him in response, shaking your head. You take the rings on your left hand off, sitting them beside the sink as you wash your hands before the two of you get started. It raises the subject back to the forefront of his mind. He had been desperate to ask you for the last few days, but hadn’t built up the courage to do it. But he can almost feel it on his finger now, can feel a ghost of your fingers as you slide it into place, and it’s suddenly more of a need to know. 
“Can I uh…can I ask you something?” 
“Of course.” 
“What happened to my wedding ring?” 
You pause from where you’re cracking an egg into the mixing bowl, your eyebrows raised high. You set it down gently, turning to face him. 
“Does it bother you…that I wear mine, still?” 
“No!” he insists, hating even the idea of you taking it off. “It doesn’t bother me at all. I promise. We just have never acknowledged mine? I know that I wear one - I remember wearing one, and I’ve seen it in pictures, too.” 
“You love your ring,” you tell him softly, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. 
“We don’t have to talk about it,” he says, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. But you give him a small smile, though he can see the pain in your eyes, and shake your head. 
“You don’t fly with it on,” you explain, “you tried, at first, but you had been flying so long without anything on your hands that you couldn’t get used to it being there when you were operating the controls.” 
He thinks for a moment and the words come to him slowly. “You were the one who told me to start taking it off when I fly.” 
“I was.” 
Your lips quirk and you shrug. “I’m more worried about you flying safely than wearing your ring at all times. You keep it in one of the pockets of your flight suit when you go up in the air now.” 
Of course you were more worried for him. He should have expected nothing less from you and the way you effortlessly care for him. He can also picture that, he thinks. It’s easy to imagine not wanting to be separated from the physical reminder that he belongs to you, so even if he couldn’t wear it, he’d at least have it on him, in the inner chest pocket right above his heart. 
“So..” He doesn’t quite know how to ask his question, but you must read it on his face. 
You twist your own ring on your finger in the way you always seemed to do to center yourself. Pain flashed across your face and Bradley knew you were remembering, too. “They uh..they had to cut your flight suit off, before you went into surgery. You weren’t breathing and were bleeding…” you cut yourself off, squeezing your eyes shut and shaking the visual from your head. “But it was still in your pocket. So. I have it.” 
He sets down the bag of chocolate chips he had been holding and walks the few steps to where you’re standing at the counter. When he holds his arms open, you don’t hesitate to step into them. He presses a kiss to the top of your head as he breathes in your scent. 
“I’m so sorry I put you through that,” he whispers into the strands of your hair, and he feels the way you squeeze him in response. 
“You’re okay now,” you speak into his chest, and he thinks he might feel you press a kiss there, directly over the spot where that inner pocket of his flight suit would be, where he kept you when he had no other choice. 
The two of you stand there wrapped up together for a long moment. When you lift your head, your eyes are glassy, but you give him a smile and a small kiss to his lips. 
Later, after the cookies have been made and devoured, you join him on the back porch. You had taken to sitting on the swing together and when you sit beside him tonight, he sees you rolling something between your fingers. His breath catches when he sees exactly what it is. You’re staring at it too, your gaze intense and pondering. He doesn’t speak, not quite knowing what to say. Eventually, you break out of your haze and meet his eyes. 
“You don’t have to put it back on,” you tell him, holding your hand out to him. His wedding band sits on your palm, shining against your skin. For a moment he sees you in white standing right in front of him, wildflowers in your hair.  
His fingertips brush yours when he takes it from you, admiring the piece of jewelry he wasn’t aware that he missed until it was back in his possession. 
“But it’s yours. I want - I want you to have it.”
He rolls it between his fingers, contemplating for a moment. He swallows, suddenly overcome with emotion he hadn’t seen coming and that tingling that’s starting to become familiar to him. You had picked it out yourself and he knows when he looks, he’ll see an engraving of your initials beside his. He was always so proud to be able to wear this, knowing that it symbolized being with you, a small way of telling anyone who saw it that he was lucky enough to be your husband. 
But he wasn’t him - not yet, not completely. Everyday brought him closer to thinking that he could be, though.
“Pumpkin, I…” he trailed off, not sure what to say. 
“Hey,” you murmur, cupping his cheek and turning his head to meet your eyes. You didn’t look mad, or upset, and you’re giving him the gentlest, kindest look anyone ever had. But your eyes didn’t hold pity or sympathy either - just a trust and love that he’s still not sure what he could have ever done to deserve. “Whenever you’re ready. And if you never are-” 
“I will be,” he cut you off; he wanted nothing more than to be ready. “I just…I still have something to prove to myself.” 
You nod, and Bradley leans forward to kiss you softly. He leaves his forehead pressed against yours when he pulls away, relishing in the calm you brought him. 
“I’ll get there,” he says, “I promise.” 
He’s spent time alone, but he hasn’t spent time away from you with other people. He’s hesitant to accept the invite from Mav to visit the hanger he had here. But planes and his godfather had been a staple of Bradley’s childhood, an influence on his whole life, really. He had been cleared to drive earlier in the week, so that Saturday, he leaves early. He’s anxious at the thought of being away from you but he knows that the him from before wouldn’t have said no to the invitation and he was so determined to get back to who that was. And he knows that you have a life outside of taking care of him, too. You’re getting brunch with Nat and Coyote’s wife later and he knows you’re excited, even if you hung onto him a little bit longer than a normal hug when he said goodbye. You had made him promise that he would call you if he needed anything and the whole way to the desert, his fingers twitched, wanting to call you just to hear your voice. 
Mav greets him with a large smile and a tight hug, “I’m glad you could make it.” 
“Me too,” Bradley says. He means it, even if he does miss you already. He looks around the hanger, taking note of the few planes and motorcycles throughout the long stretch. It was a lot more than the collection he had when Bradley was 17. “What are we working on today?” 
Mav gives him his signature grin. “I want to show you something.” 
He follows him to the end of the hanger, where a large blue tarp is covering what can’t be anything but a plane. His godfather gestures to it. Bradley raises an eyebrow but walks up to it, grabbing hold of the tarp and yanking it back. Like he suspected, he’s greeted by a Cessna. It’s a classic 172 by the looks of it, a smaller four seater. It’s a sleek white in color with subtle burnt orange line work. Bradley whistles. It was beautiful in a way that only planes like this could be. 
“When’d you get this one?” 
Mav smirks, shaking his head. “I didn’t.” 
“Take a look at the other side.” He nods his head, urging Bradley forward. Confused and intrigued, he follows the instructions, walking around to the other side of the small plane. He gets what Mav was saying, then, and sucks in a breath. Right there emblazoned on the side, in an elegant script, was Pumpkin.
This wasn’t Mav’s plane; it was his. 
“You got her about six months ago,” he says softly when he joins him at his side. 
Bradley reaches up and runs his fingers over the name. It’s foggy, but he thinks he can remember now. He had always wanted to own his own plane since the first time his godfather took him up in one at 6 years old. It was always a pipedream, though. He was never in one place for long enough, and while he was generally good with saving money, it was a bigger purchase than he had ever made. But then the two of you got married and a permanent station here in California. Between both of your savings and what he still had of his parents life insurance, the funds were there. It was you who had made the suggestion of finally pulling the trigger, and it was him who had suggested a four seater instead of a two seater so that if the two of you ever had children, you could all fly together. You cried when he showed you the name he had painted on it. 
“Still needs some work done before she’s flyable. I thought maybe you’d want to work on it today.” 
An eager smile appears on his face and he nods, already peeling his jacket off and heading toward the toolbox. If Mav noticed that he didn’t need to instruct him on where it was, he didn’t comment on it. 
The two work in tandem for hours. It had only been six weeks since his accident, but he couldn’t recall a time since flight school that he had gone this long without being near a plane and it felt good doing so again. It’s easy, getting into the rhythm of twisting bolts and tinkering with the engine wires. He thinks it won’t be long until he can get this cleared to go in the air and he knows without a doubt that you’re going to be the first passenger. 
His phone buzzes in the early afternoon and he doesn’t hesitate to put down the wrench he was working with and dig it out of his jeans pocket. You had sent him a selfie earlier when you had gotten to brunch, sunglasses on and a bright smile on your face with a mimosa in your hand, and he hoped it was another picture. His eyebrows furrow when he sees it’s Phoenix calling him, instead. He picks up, bringing the phone to his ear. 
“Your wife got stung by a bee. We’re on our way to the hospital.” 
He can feel the dread as it settles over him. His heart beats faster in his chest. “What?” 
She sighs on the other line, and he can hear commotion in the background. “She’s severely allergic, Rooster. We sat outside at brunch and we didn’t even realize it happened at first. She didn’t have her epipen on her so we had to call an ambulance. She’s going to be fine, but you should get here anyway, okay?” 
He feels like he can barely breathe, like the room is closing in on him a little bit. Mav must notice the panic written all over him because he’s quick to come over and take the phone out of his hand, taking over the conversation. He can barely hear him over the roaring in his head. You were hurt. He knew you were extremely allergic to bees. That was something he had remembered. You were supposed to carry an epipen on you at all times. He can’t remember if you’d ever gotten stung when he was there. He can’t remember how bad it got if you ever were. But now you were in the back of an ambulance and on your way to a hospital and he could feel his fear all the way down to his bones. 
“Bradley, hey. Look at me.” 
Mav is in front of him, hands gripping his shoulders. He meets his eyes and tries to breathe, but all he can see is you, struggling to catch a breath and being loaded into the back of an ambulance. 
“I’ll drive, okay? Let’s go.” 
He follows him to the car, not really calculating anything other than the fact that he was almost an hour away from you and what if there was traffic and why didn’t you have your epipen on you? 
“She’s going to be okay.” 
“Phoenix said the paramedics administered epi as soon as they arrived, and it didn’t take them long to get to her. She was awake and was already breathing easier when they left for the hospital. Didn’t even need to use the sirens.” 
That doesn’t make him feel better. Not really. Knowing that trained professionals weren’t panicking must have meant that you were okay, but he knows how serious anaphylaxis is, too. 
He can’t reconcile everything that he’s feeling right now. He has never, ever felt like this before. The thought of something happening to you is scarier than any mission he had ever been on, any enemy he had encountered in the air. 
“Mav I can’t - I can’t lose her. I just got her.” 
“You aren’t going to.” 
Bradley doesn’t say anything, can’t think of a single thing to say, and instead buries his head in his hands from his spot in the passenger seat. You were going to be okay. You had to be okay. Because he may not remember everything about the two of you, but he did know for certain that if something ever happened to you, he would never, ever recover from it. 
He doesn’t wait for Mav once they get to the hospital, the older man opting to drop him off at the front before going to find parking. He’s practically sprinting as he goes through the emergency room doors and vaguely, he remembers you telling him about the time this happened before, when you took yourself to the hospital and ended up needing surgery. He can almost feel that panic now, and it makes what he’s already feeling worse. 
“Can I help-“
“I’m looking for my wife. She was brought in because of a bee sting-“
“She’s really allergic and-“
“Sir!” The nurse behind the counter snaps, raising her voice over his to get through to him. “I need your wife’s name if I’m going to find her for you.”
Oh. Yes, he thinks, your name. They need your name. 
It’s the first time he’s said your full name, and your first and his last name feel so right coming off his tongue. But he can’t focus on that right now, giving all of his attention to the nurse who is typing so slowly. 
Before she can even hit enter, though, he hears his callsign echo behind him. He spins, heart racing with anxiety, and spots Nat making her way over to him. She gives the annoyed nurse a kind, charming smile as she grabs Bradley by the arm 
“Sorry about him, ma’am. I got him from here.”
She pulls him away without another word, heading toward the hallway off the packed waiting room. 
“Is she okay? Nat, is-“
“She’s fine, Rooster. Coming down from the adrenaline rush that the epinephrine gave her, but she’ll be okay.”
“What about-“
Nat stops in front of a closed door, lowering her voice. “Bradley. She’s okay.” 
He’s pushing past her before she even finishes, spotting you on the bed through the glass and half drawn curtain. You look so small amongst the crinkly white sheets, still in the clothes you wore to brunch. Your makeup is a bit smudged and your eyes are red and he hates to think that you were scared enough to start crying. You’re holding an oxygen mask in your hand at your side. 
“Hi baby.” Even your voice sounds more pitched. He’s quick to make it to your side. 
Your breathing is slightly elevated, and the heart monitor is beating a little bit faster than he thinks is normal. He grabs the hand holding the mask, placing it over your mouth to start providing you with the supplemental air again. You make a small sound of surprise, but take in a deep breath of it anyway before pushing his hand away. 
“I’m okay.”
But your hands are shaking and your eyes are wider than normal. The skin that he can see is splotchy with hives. 
He looks back at Nat, who is still hovering in the doorway, an eyebrow arched and a small smirk on her face. He ignores the look. “Can you grab a doctor?”
You protest from the bed, but Bradley doesn’t waiver. With a fond roll of her eyes, Nat disappears from view. 
“Bradley. Sweetheart.” You grip his wrist, trying to get him to focus on you. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m fine.”
“You’re in the emergency room because you went into anaphylactic shock. You are not fine.” 
“But I am,” you insist, smiling softly at him, even as your body trembles as it works to burn through the adrenaline that was injected into it, “medicine worked just fine.” 
The door slides open before he can respond, an attending doctor who looks like he’s been up for longer than is healthy and in wrinkled green scrubs introducing himself as he walks in.
“Is she okay?” Bradley demands immediately, and the tired man looks startled for a moment at how abrupt the question was. Bradley stares at him, his eyes wide and unblinking as he waits for the answer. His heart is still pounding in his chest. He feels you tangle one of your hands with one of his and he squeezes back when he feels the pressure from you. He knows you’re trying to reassure him. 
“And you are…?” 
“I’m her husband,” he answers easily, the words falling off his tongue like he had said them a thousand times before. You suck in a small breath and tighten your grip on his hand again. 
“Ah,” the doctor hums, flipping through the chart he’s holding. Bradley wonders if all non-military hospitals move this slowly or if it was just because of how anxious he is at this moment, but he really, really needs him to answer his question. 
“Is she okay?” he repeats. 
“Bradley,” you murmur, but he keeps his eyes trained on the man in the scrubs and white coat. 
“She responded well to the epinephrine that was administered by the paramedics who brought her in,” he finally says, looking up from the chart and taking a step toward your side. He stops when he sees that Bradley doesn’t move an inch. He sighs, switching direction to go to your other side instead. “How are you feeling Mrs. Bradshaw?”
You answer his questions as they come, Bradley paying rapt attention the whole time. Your throat doesn’t feel tight anymore. You aren’t lightheaded, but you do feel a little shortness of breath. You feel jittery - wired, almost. You’re both assured that it’s completely normal as the drug works its way out of your system. They can give you something to try and calm you down, and they want you to stay for a few hours to make sure you don’t go back into the allergic reaction once the epinephrine has worn off. The thought makes his blood run cold. 
“Should she stay overnight?” he asks, but the doctor shakes his head no. 
“The standard observation timeslot should be just fine, Mr. Bradshaw. But we’ll make sure you both know what to look out for when you leave.” 
He walks out without saying much else. Bradley feels you tug on his hand, his name leaving your lips in a whisper. He meets your gaze and he watches as your eyes soften even more. 
“Sit down, honey.” 
He listens to you, dragging the chair beside your bed as close as possible. He rests his elbows on the mattress beside you, holding your hand tightly between both of his. 
“I’m okay,” you repeat again.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to your fingers and taking a deep breath. “I…this really scared me.” 
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” you say softly, running your thumb over one of the hands holding yours, soothing the skin and helping his racing heart. Your touch is like magic to him, providing an almost instant calm that he desperately needed. Guilt curled in his stomach, knowing that even now, you’re the one helping him. 
“I should be the one comforting you, not the other way around.” 
“We comfort each other, baby. That’s how this works.” 
“Why didn’t you have your epipen on you, Pumpkin? Don’t you normally carry it?” he asks quietly, a touch of urgency still in his tone. He couldn’t stop thinking about what would have happened if you were alone and this happened, with no one around to call 911. He could have lost you, all over a silly little bee sting, and he can’t wrap his mind around that. He just got you. He had had you, he knew. But he was just getting you back. 
“I switched bags this morning and forgot to take it out of the pocket of the old one, I guess. I haven’t had to use one since college. I forget about it, sometimes.” 
He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes and trying to rid himself of the worst case scenarios. He’s the one that normally reminds you to always have it on you, he thinks. He vaguely recalls having a spare in the glove compartment of the Bronco, and in the drawer in the kitchen and maybe one in the bedroom, too. 
Not for the first time, he curses his memory and the accident that took it from him. 
When he opens his eyes, his look is intense, “Never again, okay?” 
“Okay,” you say, but Bradley shakes his head. 
“No. Promise me. Please?”
Your lips part and you stare at him for a long moment. His gaze never waivers from yours. He needs you to listen to him. To hear him. 
“I promise,” you finally whisper. 
He rises from the chair, pressing a kiss to your lips. He keeps his forehead against yours, breathing you in. 
“Will you lay with me?” You ask quietly, shy in a way reminiscent of when you asked him to say I love you on the porch all those weeks ago. He hates that you felt you even needed to ask. 
With no hesitation, he maneuvered himself into the small bed beside you. He kisses your forehead once, twice, three times, holding you as tightly as he could. Your body still gave the occasional tremble but they had lessened now, your breaths coming a little bit easier, and he felt the tightness in his chest ease. 
“Sorry for being a mess,” he whispers into your hair. 
“Don’t,” you whisper back, and he feels you shake your head from where it’s tucked into his chest. “It means you care.”
The words are there, right on the tip of his tongue, but he can’t say them, not yet or here. You deserve more than a frantic hospital room confession.
Part Nine :: Series Masterlist :: Main Masterlist
Notes: I hope you liked this one! We're nearing the end, but I think everyone is really going to like the next chapter. Would love to hear any thoughts you may have :)
Tag List: @roosterforme - @mak-32 - @hoyaharper - @wildxwidow - @gretagerwigsmuse - @bradshawburner - @iamaslytherin0 - @lilyevanswhore - @too-fangirl-to-fuction - @fav-fanficssss - @benhardysdrumstick - @fandomxpreferences - @acatwriteshere - @1234-angelika - @double-j - @cocoskween - @sunflowersteves - @teacupsandtopgun - @littlezee80 - @sometimesanalice - @je-suis-prest-rachel - @khaylin27 - @infamous-reindeer - @hotch-meeeeeuppppp - @sarahjoestewy-blog - @sunnysidesidra - @notroosterbradshaw - @yanna-banana - @inthestars-underthesun -@avengersfan25 - @wkndwlff - @zbeez-outlet - @lt-spork - @indynerdgirl - @loveforaugust - @mssleepy876b
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nomoreusername · 1 month
Lipstick (Highschool AU)
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Pairing:Aris x female reader
Summary:Despite trying to keep your relationship a secret, one kiss may just ruin that plan.
It wasn't as if we were ashamed of each other. There also wasn't any fear of judgment or strict parents. There wasn't any real reason for keeping our relationship a secret other than it sounds kind of fun. Honestly, just sneaking around also made when we were together even more special. Besides, we were wondering how long our friends would take to figure it out.
Right now, the decided destination was under the bleachers during class. I had never really skipped before now, but it was just worth the risk. 
“Not gonna lie. I have no idea what's going on over there,”She remarked, referring to the football practice.
“Maybe I should try out,”I deadpanned. She rolled her eyes before cuddling up to my chest. Wrapping my arm over her shoulder, I pressed my lips to her temple.
“No you're not. You're my book nerd,”She sighed.
“I've got no clue what you're talking about,”I lied. Throwing me a look, she pointed to my bag that was in fact full of books.
“I may have an idea of what you're talking about.”
“You're such a dork,”She teased. 
“Ouch. What’d I do to deserve that?”
“Is it better if I say you're my dork?”
“Yes. Very much so,”I nodded. 
“Okay, fine. You're my dork,”She corrected. With a grin, I cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead again. The second my lips weren't on her skin the bell rang.
“I’ll see you during sixth period,”She sighed. Taking her hand, I helped her off the grass. 
“I’ll see you there,”I agreed as we snuck out. Once we were out in the open she risked kissing my cheek before walking to her next class. With my bag on my shoulder, I headed to lunch where I’d be interrogated on where I was last period. 
♡ - - - ♡
With my tray in my hand, I sat at our usual table outside. With Sonya on one side and Harriet on the other, I gave a small wave before going to eat. Just as I opened my sandwich Sonya straight up squealed, almost making me fall out of my seat.
“Why don't you be a bit louder? I don't think the south side of China heard you,”Minho remarked.
“Where did you go last period?”She asked.
“To the nurse,”I shrugged. When she raised an eyebrow I added that it was for a headache.
“Cut the act. Who’s the girl? What is she like? Do we know her? Does she go here? Are you going to introduce us?”She threw at me.
“What girl? I don't know what you're talking about,”I denied, doing my best not to fiddle with my sweatshirt strings. That would be a dead giveaway that I was fibbing.
“You have a lipstick mark on your cheek,”She informed me. Without realizing I was covering it with my hand as if I could just go through all of lunch like this. Not letting that slide, she pulled it away and took a photo before passing her phone around the group. The second they saw it they crowded around me like I was a new species.
“What are we looking at?”Gally asked, coming out of nowhere. With a wide smile, Teresa pointed at my cheek making my face flush.
“Aww. He's blushing. Who is it? Who?”Thomas repeated.
“Nobody,”I lied.
“Just tell us.”
“Who do we know that wears this color?”
“We won't say anything.”
“We just want to know.”
“How long have you two been together?”
“Where do you guys sneak off to when nobody's watching?”
“Stop asking questions,”I demanded. The second the words left my mouth they were silent. Still, they were staring into my soul as if they could read my mind. 
At that moment my phone buzzed. Staring at it, before I could check it Thomas snatched it up. Getting up so fast I almost lost my balance, I reached for it when Gally pulled me back. 
“It just says, “hello my boy. I’m getting picked up early so I wanted to tell you I love you.” It even has a heart,”He explained, ready to fangirl out.
“Who’s it from?”
“Love of my life. That's literally too cute. Look,”He urged, showing them. The second he did, their jaws dropped. 
“Thomas, you moron. Look at the lock screen,”Gally directed as I was ready to elbow him in the face. That was the only confirmation they would need. It's not like anyone else would be my background, but the picture was so sweet, so lovely, so genuine. She made me do facemasks with her, and I took it when she didn't have time to pose. It was just her being happy which was more beautiful than any staged photo. The point is that it's my favorite picture in the entire world so of course it was my phone's background. 
Turning it around, he was flipping out so hard he almost dropped it. With Gally finally releasing me I grabbed it from his hands. 
“Aris, how dare you not tell us. Where'd you meet her? When can we? Does she know we exist?”Sonya asked so fast I don't even think she was breathing.
“I have her first period. She's really nice,”Teresa spoke up.
“It is a crime that you would keep this from us,”Fry added. 
“Yeah. That seems bloody adorable,”Newt chipped in.
“I’m really just interested in the drama,”Brenda admitted.
“Can you guys just stop? There's not even any drama,”I promised.
“Then, why’d you hide her?”Harriet pointed out.
“Because it’s fun, or it was,”I answered.
“Tell us about her,”Sonya urged.
“You do not want me to do that,”I promised.
“But why?”Thomas groaned.
“Because I wouldn't stop talking, and I still wouldn't even be done with half of what I want to say.”
“Awww,”half of them gushed. 
That damn lipstick mark.
I mean I do get to talk about her now though, so it's definitely not all bad. Besides, I was getting sick of only holding her hand when we're alone.
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shion-yu · 4 months
Not Your Fault (part 1)
Part 1! Alex, Shu’s foster son, is suspended and not feeling well. Ryo is his safe place. For my @badthingshappenbingo space space “Leave Me Alone.” Original work, 2,718 words, no TW, CW mentions of past parental drug use/death, Alex is 13 here.
Alex's mom never cared whether or not he showed up to school as long as he stayed out of her way, so he didn't understand why Shu thought it was such a big deal when he played hooky or cut the classes he didn't like. Now he was being suspended for the third time in the school year since coming to live with Shu, this time for calling the teacher a bitch when she pointed out his absence during fourth period. He'd shown up during her class, so why the hell did she care about the last class? It's not like he had been doing anything bad - he'd been taking a nap in the old science lab nursing a headache that wouldn't go away. 
Not that he told them that, but it made him so angry that they assumed he was always up to trouble that he didn't bother. They probably wouldn't have believed him anyways. 
He ended up in the office until Shu had to leave work again to talk to the principal and school counselor, and then brought Alex home for the rest of the week where he was to write a formal letter of apology to the teacher. Alex had tried to refuse, but Shu interrupted him loudly saying, "He'll do it," and dragged him home.
The drive back was near silent. Alex crossed his arms defensively and leaned against the door, staring out the window as they drove back to Shu's small two bedroom home. Alex pressed his forehead against the cold glass. It helped the persistent headache a little, but not much. They were just around the block when Shu said, "The principal told me usually the policy is three suspensions in one year and you're out. But given your situation they'll give you one more chance."
Alex could tell Shu wanted him to take this as a sign to shape up, but instead he scowled and said, "Whoop dee doo," with the utmost sarcasm. 
Shu winced and was quiet again until they pulled into the driveway of the house. Alex quickly unbuckled and was ready to jump out of the car but Shu said, "Alex, wait." 
Listening to Shu was not Alex's forté. He was thirteen and didn't feel like listening to anybody, let alone the prim and proper Shu who just happened to be fostering him. Alex wondered more than once if Shu was just doing it for the check and had decided he'd make it as not-worth it as possible to test that theory. It required no extra work - Alex was always unpleasant without trying. 
Alex yanked at the car door handle to exit but Shu hit the automatic locks before he could. "What?" Alex snapped, facing him indignantly. Shu opened his mouth, then closed it. He looked like he couldn't figure out how he wanted to answer Alex. Alex rolled his eyes. This was a waste of time and he didn't have the resolve to wait for idiot Shu any longer. He wanted to get into bed and hide under the covers where he could shut out the whole world. He turned to open the door again when Shu put a hand on his forearm. Alex flinched and pulled it away immediately, gripping his arm with the other hand as if Shu had burned him. "What the fuck? Don't touch me!"
Shu held his hands up defensively. "Sorry, sorry," he said. Alex glared venomously at him. He hated being touched and Shu knew that. "But Alex, please, if you get expelled I don't know if I can keep you. They might take you away from me." Shu sounded like he was pleading and it just made Alex more angry. He didn't want to play this stupid game with Shu; he didn’t want to listen to Shu pretend to care.
"So? I told you to leave me alone," Alex snapped defiantly. "It's not like you're my dad."
"And I'm not trying to be," Shu said. "But I am trying to be your guardian, and that means I want the best for you. One of my coworkers said they took their sister's foster kid away when he got expelled. I don't want that to happen to us."
"Why not?" Alex said, eyes flashing dangerously in anger. "You'd be way happier without me."
"That's not true," Shu said sadly. "I don't want to lose you."
"Why?" Alex challenged him. "I make your life hell when you were living your perfect little suburban life before me."
"It's true that life was easier," Shu said, surprising Alex with his honesty for once. "But it was also empty. You're right, I'm not your dad. But I am your family now and I think you're a really great kid."
Alex looked at Shu like he was insane. "Great kid? I literally just got suspended and the only reason I'm not expelled is ‘coz the principal feels bad I'm messed up." Or Mr. Goodson just thought it was a bad look to expel the kid whose mom died blowing up the meth lab inside their apartment only a few months ago. Alex didn't know and he didn't care. He hated when people felt bad for him. His head pulsed painfully. 
“The reason you’re not suspended is because I begged him for one more chance,” Shu said. Oh, so that's what Shu was doing when he took so long just him and Mr. Goodson in the office for like an hour while Alex sat on the bench in the corner picking skin off his cuticles. "I told him I couldn't lose you."
"Lose me? Like a puppy?" Alex snarled. "This is dumb. Get a dog if you're lonely. I'll only hurt you." He opened the door and stalked down the suburban sidewalk with his hands shoved in his pockets. 
"Where are you going?" He heard Shu’s desperate voice call after him.
"Leave me alone!" Alex shouted, not looking back. His head throbbed and he swallowed back some nausea that had risen to his throat. Ugh, it was still annoyingly cold for early April. Alex shivered and wrapped his arms around himself as he stalked down the street angrily. He needed a cigarette, but this stupid neighborhood wasn't the kind where he could just pay someone at the corner store to buy him some. It was too nice for that shit to fly around here.
Alex walked the three blocks to Ryo's house before remembering Ryo was still at school. It didn't matter, he would still rather be here. Alex scaled the wooden privacy fence easily and then climbed into the tree house that sat in a tree in Ryo's backyard. In the months since they'd become friends, Alex had found this to be his favorite place. Shu didn't know about it and nobody came up here to bother him. It was just him and Ryo, or right now, just him. 
Alex felt a chill go through him and he pulled his knees up close to his chest. Usually when they came up here to hang out Ryo would bring a blanket, but they hadn't left one up here this time. Alex coughed into his crossed arms, which reminded him how much his throat and head hurt. The cold, wooden platform was uncomfortable but it was quiet and Alex found his eyes drooping in no time. 
Shu definitely thought he was off causing trouble, Alex thought to himself. The guy acted nice, but in the end he was probably the same as all of the adults. Ready to throw him away as soon as he became too inconvenient or got in the way. Shu had lasted a lot longer than Alex had expected, but it wouldn’t be for much longer at this rate.
Alex startled awake to find Ryo at the entrance of the treehouse, peering at him curiously. "What're you doing here?" Alex mumbled. 
"It's my backyard," Ryo laughed and climbed the rest of the way in. He sat in front of Alex cross legged. "You're shivering."
"It's not that cold," Ryo said, frowning. He took off his own jacket and wrapped it around Alex. "Are you okay?"
"Fine," Alex grunted. "Suspended again. Is school already over?"
"Yeah," Ryo said. "Mom told me Shu called the house to see if you were here. She said you weren't, but she didn't check up here."
Alex managed a thin smile. "But you knew to check?"
"Course," Ryo grinned back. They looked at each other for a long moment which was broken only by Alex quickly ducking his face into his elbow and sneezing loudly.
"Heeee' etchiew! Guh..."
The congestion that the sneeze moved around tickled Alex's throat and he began to cough roughly. Ryo grimaced. "Let's go to my bedroom," he said. "You don't look so good."
"I'mb find," Alex said stuffily, his voice betraying him. He shivered, his body also doing him no favors in hiding his apparent unwellness. *"Don't you have homew - wah... W'etchiew! Ugh. Homb worgk?" 
"I won't be able to concentrate on it knowing you're up here sick," Ryo said, ignoring Alex's immediate retort of "Ndot sick." "You can warm up in my bed, how's that?" The temptation of being under the covers in Ryo's comfy bed was too much when Alex was feeling so cold and achy, so he gave in and they climbed down from the treehouse one by one.
Ryo led Alex into the house. His mom was in the kitchen and looked at Alex, a little startled. Alex knew she wasn't the biggest fan of him, the new brooding bad boy hanging around her golden child. But she wasn't mean either. "Alex! Shu called looking for you."
Alex waved one hand in the air noncommittally, coughing into the other arm. "Can we have some hot chocolate mom?" Ryo asked. "We're gonna go study in my room."
"Sure honey. After I call Shu back," she said. Alex groaned internally. This meant that Shu would be at Ryo's doorstep in about ten minutes to drag him home. He wanted to take a real nap in Ryo's bed, not get nagged by Mr. Goody Two-shoes again. He'd take what he could get though and followed Ryo upstairs. He dove under the covers of Ryo's bed right away, shivering. 
Ryo looked at him worriedly. "Hang on," he said, darting to the bathroom and coming back with a thermometer. "See if you have a fever?"
Alex just burrowed himself deeper under Ryo's covers, grunting, "It doesn't matter. Just let me sleep." Ryo made a pouting face but didn't push it. He sat at his desk and pulled out his school work as Alex tried to warm up, but the cold had made it down to his bones and his whole body hurt. He tried to keep from shivering as much as he could, but every few seconds a strong one would escape and wrack his entire body. 
Ryo's bed smelled like him. It was strangely comforting. They had become friends rather quickly when Alex had transferred into Ryo's school that November after being placed with Shu. Alex was grouchy and sullen and refused to talk, while Ryo was constantly smiling. At first Alex tried to ignore his overly eager classmate, but opposites attracted and somehow they became an unlikely, but inseparable, pair. Ryo always just seemed to know what Alex wanted, even if Alex refused to admit it himself. He was good at talking on Alex's behalf and treated Alex like a normal person rather than a feral animal to be poked with a yardstick. He was cheeky and loud and annoying, but Alex stuck with him for reasons he didn't quite understand. Ryo just made him feel safer and he never asked any questions about his past. 
Alex didn't realize he'd fallen asleep until he heard Shu's voice murmuring in low tones. He was finally warm and comfortable hidden under Ryo's sheets, he didn't want to leave... He waited for Shu to pull back the covers, but he didn't. Alex's eyes grew heavy again and before he knew it, he'd drifted back asleep.
It was dark when Alex finally emerged, stiff and coughing. Thick gunk was coming up now, making it hard to deny he'd moved from the sniffles into a full blown chest cold. He groaned and sat up, looking around. He was alone in the bedroom, but he could hear voices downstairs. He wrapped the throw blanket around himself and slunk down the stairs, looking for Ryo. Alex found him sitting at the dinner table with his parents and Shu, laughing. Confused, Alex thought maybe he was still dreaming. But Ryo noticed him immediately and let out a happy, "Alex!" 
Alex blinked at the scene. "What's going on?" He asked hesitantly. The adults were all eyeing him with something close to pity. Ryo jumped up and dragged another chair to the table from the kitchen, patting it for Alex to sit down in. 
"I didn't want to wake you up," Shu explained. "Ryo said you have a fever. How do you feel?"
"Fine," Alex lied, sitting in his newly designated chair next to Ryo. In reality he looked pretty miserable, blonde hair sticking up in all directions, nose red, voice stuffy and eyes bloodshot. He hadn't felt this sick this morning, he thought. Maybe the nap outside in the treehouse while he was already coming down with something hadn't been such a good idea. 
"Are you hungry?" Ryo's mom asked. Alex shook his head no. The others seemed like they were about done and Shu stood up.
"Shall we get going?" He asked Alex, looking at Alex hopefully. Alex shrugged. It was as close to a yes as Shu was going to get. Shu thanked Ryo's parents repeatedly and Ryo gave Alex a quick hug. This was a new thing, and Ryo was the only person allowed to do it. Alex and Shu went to Shu's car and Shu drove them home.
"Mrs. Fujioka said you're welcome any time, but you ought to let me know first," Shu said. "I'd appreciate that too. I won't say no. Ryo's a good kid."
'Unlike me,' Alex supplied silently. He coughed, wincing when it sounded much wetter than the one he'd woken up with it. He'd managed to avoid Shu at breakfast so Shu wouldn't notice, but there was no point in hiding it now.
"You sound like you need to be in bed," Shu glanced at him, frowning. "How long have you been feeling sick?"
Alex didn't answer. Yesterday after school he'd started feeling off though, and he was pretty sure he'd had a fever and chills last night too because it had been impossible to get warm.
Shu sighed. "Alex, if you hadn't felt well you didn't have to go to school," he said. Alex shrugged. He hadn't wanted Shu to know, because he hadn't wanted to answer tedious questions exactly like this. "You can talk to me," Shu added.
Alex had heard so many people say that in his life who absolutely did not mean it. He wouldn't start believing it now, even if Shu was nice and never seemed to get mad at him no matter what trouble he stirred up. It was a miracle really - Alex wasn't sure he'd ever met someone as patient as Shu. He was still wary though, because that could always change someday, couldn't it?
They parked in the driveway and went into the house. Shu asked him if he was hungry again and Alex shook his head no. He just wanted to sleep. He changed into pajamas and crawled into his own bed, regretting it wasn't as warm as Ryo's had felt. Shu came in with a glass of water and two Tylenol, which he offered Alex. Alex downed them wordlessly and then flopped under the covers. 
"Come get me if you feel worse, or if you need anything,” Shu told him. Once again, no answer. Alex had no intentions of going to get Shu like a little kid. He had taken care of himself for thirteen years just fine - a little cold wasn’t going to push him over the edge. He waited for Shu to leave the room before he fell asleep thinking about how Ryo had hugged him and how warm it had felt. 
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jackharlou · 2 years
Impatiently waiting
Concept: all the negative results lead you to realize you want a baby with jack so bad, but things get rough on the road. luckily, you have a partner that does love you and wants to take care of you.
Trigger warning: mentions of pregnancy and not being able to conceive.
Part II
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"i'm late" - you told dev, your best friend, after checking the app you have in your phone that helps you keep track of your period.
"to where? i thought we were staying in" - she said unaware of the panic on your face.
"you idiot. my period. i was supposed to have my period two weeks ago"
"oh... OH" - she stood and walked closer to you - "you want me to get you a test?"
"please. people never recognize me but with my luck i know that if i go and get one it'll be all over TMZ"
"don't move. I'll be back in fifteen minutes" - she said before grabbing her car keys and ran through your front door.
in less than ten minutes you had the bag in your hands, containing five boxes - "ok, i think this is to much" - you said laughing.
"just wanted to be sure. go, go" - she pushed you to make you walk to the bathroom.
when you finished your business in the bathroom you sat with your friend in silence, anxious and impatient silence. after the time indicated on the box went by, you looked at the two tests you took. they were negative.
"is this a good or a bad thing?" - dev asked, not sure if she had to celebrate or encourage you to keep trying.
"well, i don't know. i do know we want kids but i don't know if we're ready" - you said with a look on your face that she, your best friend, couldn't read.
"you'll never be ready, honey" - she said, not helping at all.
three days later you period came and you couldn't help but feel a little sad about it.
three months passed and the same thing happened, being now almost a month you went without your period, which meant your expectations were dragged for a little longer. you got a test from the ones dev bought, the ones you hide from jack somewhere in your closet.
again; negative.
this time the result did make you realize your disappointment, which led you to understand you could actually be happy with a positive outcome, but you tried to just let it rest and kept going with your life like nothing happened.
for the next five months you took three more tests, and now you were scared and confused because you weren't on the pill and you two gave up on condoms a long time ago, so something wasn't right.
the thoughts spread through your head like a wild fire. "what if i can never get pregnant? jack wants a family, what if can't give him that? would he be ok with adoption or trying those treatments i've always heard about but actually don't know anything about? would he leave me if i can't give him a baby...?" those thoughts haunted you for days, and you faced them on your own because you were afraid to talk to jack.
but the moment it actually hit you was while being at a show in atlanta.
jack was doing his usual meet and greet and a fan took her baby with her. you didn't pay attention to how old the baby was, you could only see jack holding him. the way his smile grew big, the way his arms surrounded the baby, probably making him feel protected and warm... it was to much, the pressure you put on your own shoulders was to much, because you wanted to see him like that with your own baby, a baby apparently you weren't meant to have. so, you went to a place where you could be alone and just sat there with your hurtful thoughts.
"are you ok?" - jack entered the room probably fifteen minutes later.
"yeah. is it over?" - you tried to clean your tears without him noticing, but it was you. he could notice everything.
"yes, it is. can you please tell me what's going on? because i'm worried" - he said while kneeling in front of you, placing his elbows on your knees and hands on your waist.
"it's nothing, just a headache and some stress over work. nothing to worry about" - you gave him a fake smile and caressed his face.
"does this headache has to do with you seeing me with a baby and with the bunch of pregnancy tests you have been hiding from me?"
you froze. you felt sad and guilty and overwhelmed and just disappointed.
without realizing, tears started rolling down your face, and when he held you, you started sobbing.
"baby, talk to me, please" - he murmured on your ear, hoping he could understand the situation so he could help you in some way.
"it's been months and it doesn't happen"
"what doesn't?"
"i want a baby, jack. i want to give you a baby and we have been doing it for months without proteccion and nothing happens. what if i can never get pregnant?"
"baby, why am i hearing all this concern you have been feeling just now?"
"because i'm scared" - you whispered.
"we need to go with a doctor first, before getting ahead and thinking things that won't help us. and before we find out about anything i want to make one thing clear; it doesn't matter if you can't give me biological kids. there are many other ways we can go through to expand our family, and choosing either one of them won't make you less of a woman, less of a mom and definitely won't make me love you any less"
he stayed there, holding you for as long as he could, until someone looked for him to remind him he needed to start getting ready for the show.
"i don't want to leave you" - he murmured on your ear.
"go, I'll be fine" - you assured him - "i'm gonna go with the guys and get distracted for a few"
he left because he had to, but he truly didn't want to leave your side. yes, he found the tests a while ago, but he just thought it was you getting some scares and just making sure you weren't actually pregnant, but when he saw the look on your face while holding that baby at the meet and greet, he put the pieces together.
his heart was now broken because he knows you, he knows you better than anyone. he knows how much you can get into your own head, so he was sure you were beating yourself over this.
the following days you spent them looking for a doctor, since jack wanted to go with the best one in the country because "we can afford it". luckily, the one you found was close to your home.
at the appointment, you talked to the doctor about the whole situation and what you were scared of, which led to the two of you having to get analysis done to figure out the issue.
days later you were called back to the doctor's office.
"you guys have pretty hectic lives, which means stress. stress is like any other disease, it affects your mental and physical health, so i do think this may be the biggest factor right here because your analysis show that both of you are healthy, there's nothing that calls my attention in those results. so, if in a year from now you can't conceive, then we could start talking about all the methods that exist for you to be able to become parents. and y/n, i can only imagine how bad you're overthinking the entire situation, doubting about you and your body. i know it's easier said than done but you need to calm down those thoughts and relieve the stress you're putting on yourself. it usually happens exactly when couples stop trying so hard..." - the doctor explained, next to a few other things.
you left feeling more relieved, knowing nothing was wrong with any of you. the doctor prescribed you some vitamins that could help you prepare your body for a baby, so the next place you visited was the pharmacy.
after that appointment you did the best you could to stop overthinking, to stop stressing out. you focused on your job, on jack, on your day to day life.
months went by. jack was touring europe at the moment and you were back home, waiting for a chance to be able to visit him.
of course jack made sure to talk to you at any chance you two had. he wanted to show you you weren't alone, that he was as involved as you in your relationship. in all honesty, you have never felt that loved before. every time he did or said something having you in mind, you could only think "our baby is going to be so lucky"
one random day, walking through the supermarket aisle, you bumped into a lady.
"sweet girl, could you help me reach those cereals?" - she politely asked. she was much shorter than you, so you didn't doubt on helping her get her Reese's cereal.
"there you go" - you said handing the box to her.
"thank you, honey" - she said with a smile, the one you mirrored. you walked past her a few steps when she called you again.
"yes?" - you asked while turning around to face her.
"i know you have been waiting for a miracle for a long time, and it's finally here. that baby inside of you is going to achieve great things in this world"
you remained in silence for a few seconds, waiting for her to reveal it was a prank for some comedy show, but she just stayed there looking at you with the sweetest look - "i'm not pregnant"
"you are, and that baby already has a designated soul. probably the strongest soul i've ever felt" - you just stood there looking at her, not knowing what to do or say - "you two are destinated to meet in every lifetime. you have been impatiently waiting, but she just couldn't find you. now that she did, she won't let go, and your best life will start now because you two need each other to have it all"
"i'm not pregnant" - you murmured again, now with tears filling your eyes, still thinking this was just some sick joke.
she got closer to your shopping cart and took the pregnancy test for some reason you decided to get - "go find out" - she said with a smile and a wink and started walking away.
your shock and confusion didn't let you answer, and when you were finally able to talk or walk again, she was gone.
the shopping list was dismissed and you quickly went home with the only few things you grabbed before encountering the lady.
you ran to your bathroom and after taking the test, you waited sitting on the floor, praying that weird lady was right... and she was. the positive word plastered on the plastic stick proved it.
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lacyscabinet · 9 months
I'm on my period. I feel like i'm about to pass out. Can you do a sister reader imagine where the reader is on their period and passes out? Big sister nat.
A/N: I totally get it, stay strong bloody soldier 💪, hope you enjoy!!!
MASTERLIST link doesn't work yet
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"Y/n, come on!" Your sister Natalie yelled while storming into your room "You're gonna be late for school, I'm leaving in ten minutes, if you're not at the door by then, I'll go without you"
You groaned, immediately feeling a gut wrenching pressure on your stomach, squeezing your eyes shut and clutching your belly.
And Nat noticed.
"Hey, you good?" She asked raising her eyebrows
"I'm on my period" you simply whined "I feel like I'm about to die"
Your sister rolled her eyes "Come on, get up, women get their period every month since like, forever, you'll survive" and with that last sentence, she lowered your comforter to your feet and left you alone to get ready.
Wobbling out of bed and into the bathroom you started to get dizzy, a pounding headache making you feel like you were being tossed around by waves, slowly, you held onto the doorframe and leaned on it.
Nat was making breakfast in the trailer's kitchen so she was able to see you from her spot, perking her head up, she said "You okay?"
You shook your head no, Natalie could tell that something was definitely wrong. She walked up to you, placing a hand on your forehead, just to check if maybe you had a fever.
Another harsh cramp hit you and you fell on the floor curling up on yourself, Nat quickly held you in her arms
"I feel weird" you mumbled "What do you mean?" And before you could answer your vision went black.
When you woke up you were in your bed, comfortably tucked in your sheets, the pain was still there but more bearable now.
"Hey" you heard Nat's voice coming from your left, she was sitting on a chair next to you, a cup of tea in her hands "how do you feel?" She asked, lending you the mug
"Better" you sat up and took a sip "What happened?" She stroked your hair "You blacked out, probably low blood pressure because of your period, you want a painkiller?"
You nodded, smiling faintly, being grateful to have the best sister in the world.
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eggtartz · 2 years
Hi! Can I request a Rindou x soulmate reader? A soulmate AU where Bonten go to (country name) to discuss some matters with (country name) most dangerous organization, a organization that's just like Bonten that's also feared but in (country name) The reader can fight REALLY good and she's really pretty🥰
She's also a executive in (organization name)
a/n : this one is inspired by the book "you've reached sam" by dustin theo, if you haven't heard of him, go check him out. his book is about 'sam' who died but could still contact his girlfriend 'julie' via phone calls. after one day when julie finally accepted her boyfriend's death, the phone call line finally went dead. so a little bit of inspiration from that, anyways thankyou for requesting anon and enjoy 🫶🏻
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summary : you get a phone call from your so-called soulmate?
rindou was weirded out at the conditions of his days now, it's as if something's wrong, something's missing. he kept asking ran if he had missions or tasks to complete or do incase he forgot but that's not it. rindou became a little paranoia as he wake up and the first thing is raking his memories to find what's wrong with him. "fuck this!"
"oh why does my head hurts so much these days, hey can you bring me the heating pads" you asked one of your maids that was standing near the door. one of them rushed to a shelf and took out multiple pads, placing them in your hand. "here miss". you mumbled a thankyou and kept the pad there while frowning. your body has been feeling funny for some days now, your schedule hectic too. as an executive of the organization there, your job is mainly about defenses and attacks but your body made it difficult to do so.
"it's probably just my period" you mumbled and went to shower and prepare for the day. today there are new members and you had to train them by hand which is the least favorite thing for you. "you okay y/n? seems a little wobbly" your brother, eric who had blood over his cheeks asked. he was training too, but his methods are a little but cruel from yours.
"nah m'fine. let's do some sparring today" he sighed a bit and told everyone there to find a partner to spar with. your brother knew, if you wanted to spar that means you're gonna overdo it hence hurting your body more. often times he told you to go easy but you never listened.
at one moment you saw a younger man tackled the other below him but didn't finished him off. you walked to him and slapped his face "what are you fucking doing? the enemy is on the fucking ground, then you fucking end him." you said dead cold at his face. he turned from you hesitantly and punched his throat.
you looked down at him, blinking. you then turned and walked away.
"oi y/n." your eldest brother, charlie said. amongst the gang, your eldest was the most brutal, eric had given mercy enough for someone to flee but charlie would shot them right in the spot as mercy. "yes brother"
entering the mansion you faced with your boss "boss, i've come" you noticed to him. "y/n you can speak japanese yes?"
"yes boss"
"bonten is going to visit us, regarding the transfers of weapons and drugs supplies. do you think you could go and escort them at the airport?"
"yes boss"
"good. take your men and backups if needed. there's seven of them so you do the math okay? that's all dismiss" you nodded and walked through the door with a aching head. the moment your boss mentioned bonten your head starting banging and pounding.
then suddenly your phone rang. "hello?" you asked the other line. "who's this" the person beyond asked. "huh you're the one that called me shouldn't you know who i am?"
"oh i don't know though, your number was written on the back of my phone" your face was visibly confused so you distanced the phone from your ear and saw numbers behind your phone as well. the number was exactly the same.
"whoa i have you number too stranger. wanna bet on who did it?"
"sure" without noticing, your headache and rindou's paranoia was gone as fate finally met you two. you two talked a lot without even revealing who you are even after ending the call. so exactly at 12pm after training, the stranger would call you via phone to ask how was your day and such. it was like having a boyfriend almost.
the day of bonten's arrival was almost here. you have prepared the best men to go with you, understood the pressure on keeping them safe. you took a black suv and three more suvs to the airport and waited for then there. as a representative, you shaked your hands with the leader, mikey when you met him. unloading the bags into the car you drove the whole gang safe and sound.
"here is your rooms, the conference is held at 2pm. please do present 15 minutes prior, maids come to clean only if needed there's a button there. if you need anything, the service counter there has direct number to our executives. if that's all and no question i shall go" you bowed slightly as the bowed back and went to the elevator and pushed the button down.
your palm was cold and sweaty but meeting a gang like bonten, who wouldn't? you arrived at the meeting room and sat at your chair to ease your head and fished out your phone. you dialled his number and after two rings he picked up. "hi love what's wrong you never called me first"
"i don't know i just feel nervous for my meeting that's all"
"oh really? well don't be, im going to a meeting to after this so i can't be too long" he said while rustling could be heard in the background. "yeah no it's okay i just wanted to hear you"
"aw that's sweet of you" you could hear the smile in his voice. after chatting, the conference room started to get crowdy with gang members who sat on the table. bonten executives too has sat down and everyone settled down before two. "as you might know, this are my executives" your boss introduced. he introduced your brothers, your other friends and finally you.
"last but not least, we have our defence chief y/n. our only female member who can do a single fight close combat, the best at the field. capable of beating 45 men bigger than her size, also responsible for hospitalizing 20 men in her care due to lack of discipline. knuckles stronger than any men in the organization, even mine" you stood and bowed to them again.
your boss the gestured charlie to start discussing about the exports of supplies and such. you grew a little bored so you took out your phone and texted the stranger guy. a ding could be heard from the man's phone in front of you known as rindou haitani. he took his phone and unlocked it, smiling when he noticed it was you. when he replied, your phone lit up.
"no way" you murmured.
rindou hasn't noticed yet because he didn't lifted his head but as soon as the meeting was over you rushed over him. "uh can i talk to you for a moment?"
you pulled him into a storage room and waved your phone at him "so it was you?"
"what do you mean?"
"the one who've been calling me, that was you?"
"huh i don't know you know about that but it can't be you"
"fine call her then" rindou grumpily dialled the number and your phone rang. rindou's jaw dropped. "oh shit so it was you?!" he almost yelled before you shushed him. you can't afford to be caught with one of the executives like this but did it excite you? lying if you said it didn't.
"damn so my soulmate a tough person huh?"
"shuh who you calling your soulmate? c'mon let's go out"
"i prefer staying here" he pulled you to straddle his lap and your grip on the phone loosened. he bore into your eyes, lost in them as he touched your cheekbones too. "you're really pretty" he said. you were blushing so much you couldn't express coherent words. rindou and you were sharing one space now, as he leaned closer and closer. much closer when he almost brushed on your lips but distanced back as you two heard a knock. "rin if you wanna do a quickie, do it now im hungry" his brother ran yelled from the other side of the door, making you blush even more.
after that day, you two were basically clinging to each other. mikey or your boss didn't see it as s nuisance, instead liking that you two bonded. yeah, bonded to the point rindou was found in your bed, naked.
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galaxysodapopdraws · 7 months
So here’s something I don’t normally do, write fanfiction! If y’all do enjoy it and want to read more from me I might make some more later.
I wrote this currently (aka 1 am) because I had the idea for a while and just said screw it I’ll write it instead of drawing it while I’m working on other things. So if punctuation or spelling is wrong I’m too tired to rewrite them right now.
This story stars a young Eggman (Julian) and Chuck making their breakthrough on the Robotizer! But Chuck seems to be uneasy about something going on with Julian.
Now without further ado~
Sonic Genesis: The Beginning of the End
It is a cool autumn night, fog covers a small town just outside a grand city settling on the coastline. Bells ring out, letting the sleeping citizens know that it is now midnight. A light teal-blue hedgehog is at his desk scribbling away at blueprints and other documents. He rubs his temple, annoyed by the loud clangs of the bells giving him a headache. He knows he should be asleep by now, but he is so close to finishing his projects and rather not lose his motivation. He goes back to his papers and refocuses on the numbers and ideas in his head.
The hedgehog shouts as he slams his pencil down onto the crowded desk. His phone finally broke his concentration and makes his anger rise. He snaps out of his frustration when a loud thump came from the next room over.
His little sister, Aleena screamed, ready to bust down the wall to stop him. Chuck mumbles under his breath as he goes to check his phone. To his surprise and delight, it is his good friend Julian!
“Julian! Is that you? It’s been forever since we’ve talked! You need to warn me next time you disappear like that.”
“Chuck, I need you at the laboratory as soon as possible. It is important and you cannot tell anyone where you are going.”
Chuck paused for a moment, Julian has been gone for almost four months. Why on Mobius would he contact him now, especially at this time of night?
“Is everything okay? Why do you need me over there?” Chuck asked worryingly.
“It’s about the Robotizer, I’ve made a breakthrough! I just need you to come over and help me work on it while I rest. My eyes are stinging like hell right now.”
Before Chuck could ask if he needed medical aid, Julian had already hung up the phone. Chuck stood there for a moment in silence, his mind racing. They have been working on the Robotizer for almost five years now, has he finally done it? Has Julian successfully managed to get it working? While these thoughts were buzzing around in his mind, Chuck was scrambling around grabbing papers and tools as fast as he could. He burst through into the garage and hopped onto his motorcycle, driving into the darkness.
When Chuck arrived at Julian’s personal laboratory, he could immediately tell something was wrong. The foliage around the building were over grown, the windows were covered in what seems to be tarp from the inside. Julian has been known to go for long periods of time working and creating inventions, but never to the point of neglecting himself and things around him. Chuck tried opening the front door to learn that Julian had changed the lock. Suddenly, a chain crashed down onto the concrete driveway inches away from Chuck causing him to fall over.
“Chuck, this is our secret. Climb up before anyone sees you”
whispered Julian, coming from the second floor. Before ascending the chain Chuck paused for a moment. Something didn’t feel right at all, what would be waiting for him up above? Is Julian in a right state of mind from being isolated for a while? Chuck shook his head, trying to calm his nerves. He’s known Julian for almost ten years now, and if Julian isn’t in a good position, he needs to be there for his friend. Chuck put the file of paperwork between his teeth and began to climb the chain. Reaching the window, Chuck could see that even the rooms inside the building were being neglected. Papers and trash thrown about, equations and notes scribbled all over the chalk board, only a few small lights were illuminating the room. In the dim glow of the lights, Chuck could make out the silhouette of Julian.
“Julian….what happened here? Are you alright?”
Chuck gently spoke as the struggled to climb through the window. Julian stood up and walked over to the hedgehog gripping at the windowsill and picked him up as if he was lighter than air. He set him down and crouched to get to eye level with Chuck. The first thing Chuck noticed was the hair on Julian’s head was carelessly shaved off, with a few bloody stitches replacing what was there before. Julian looked like he hadn’t seen the sun in forever, his eyes were covered by a small pair of dark goggles that seemed to be warning Chuck not to do anything stupid.
“We did it, we finally did it.”
Julian sighed. He stood up and walked slowly to his work table as if he were in a daze.
“Listen, it’s wonderful that you got the Robotizer working, but we need to get you to the hospital. The scars on your head aren’t looking to good and-“
Chuck was interrupted by Julian’s joyful yet menacing laugh. He turned back towards Chuck, a tooth baring grin stretched across his face.
“Chuck, we are doctors, I’m positive I know what I’m doing when it comes to stitches and such.”
“But we’re not those kind of doctors! How’d you get them anyways? What happened here?”
Julian reached behind him and picked up a small device off from the table. The Beta Robotizer, a small machine that can turn any flesh and blood into metal and data. It is small enough to fit your hand or even a small creature such as a mouse. Julian beckoned Chuck to come closer as he once again crouched to make sure he speaks to him face to face. Cautiously, Chuck walked over to Julian and pulled up a stool, waiting for Julian to explain himself.
“I apologize for not contacting you for so long. I just didn’t want to risk anyone else figuring out what we’re doing. But I believe I made enough security measures for us to finally get back to work.”
“I see…. Now about the stitches.”
“Ah yes, don’t worry about them. While testing the Robotizer I fell and busted my head open on the counter. But it was worth it in the long run, the Robotizer is a success and we need to begin working on a bigger one.”
Chuck smiled softly, knowing that his friend seemed to be okay. Exhausted and a bit delirious, but okay. However, a question came across Chuck’s mind that filled him with dread. As much as he knew he’d probably hate the answer, he just had to ask:
“Julian, you said you were testing the Robotizer, and even said it worked. But…. But what did you test it on exactly?”
Julian’s grin began to creep up on his face again, softly chuckling to himself as the reached up towards the back of his head to unclip the goggles that were covering his eyes. Chuck jumped back and fell off the stool in pure fear and shock after as Julian’s chuckle turned into a hardy laugh.
“YOUR EYES?!? ARE YOU INSANE?! This is a prototype! If something went wrong you could’ve went blind or worse!” Chuck yelled in frustration.
Julian’s eyes, now just black cameras with red lenses replacing his pupils and sclera followed Chuck’s movements, creating a whirring sound at every gaze. Bright red nerves had appeared around the sockets, as well as bruising that was slowly swelling and leaking a strange oil-like liquid.
“My vision has never been more clear, I haven’t even been using much light because I can now clearly see in the dark! They save me time and energy when working. Chuck, imagine what we could do with this, if we built a bigger one to fully robotize someone, we can change the world as we know it!”
Julian stood up and began to shuffle through the papers Chuck had brought. Chuck just sat in silence, not knowing what to say about the matter. He was very happy that their project had worked, but seeing Julian’s eyes and how they function, it filled him with a sense of unease.
“I’m glad that you were still working on the project while I was gone. All this new info and changes can help us a lot in the process.” Julian said as he put them back into the file.
He turned to Chuck and noticed that he looked like he was looking unwell, almost as if he was going to be sick. Julian sighed and placed a hand on Chuck’s head, petting him while making sure not to prick his fingers on his quills.
“Look, when we finally complete the main Robotizer, we will look back knowing that it was worth it. Tell you what, instead of working on it like I asked you tonight, go ahead and go home to rest. Come back this weekend and we can get started.”
Chuck glanced up at him, Julian was giving him a gentle smile, but his metal eyes glared back with no emotion or concern.
“Yeah…. It’s late anyways and I have work tomorrow.”
Chuck says as he begins reach for his papers, only to be interrupted by Julian slamming his hand on the files.
“Don’t worry about all that stuff right now.” Julian said guiding Chuck to the window.
“Right now you need to rest and get your mind at ease so we can get back to work. You have a good night, I’ll call you later tomorrow to check on you.”
Chuck lowered himself gently to the ground, barely breaking the silence of the woods around him. He sat there for a moment, wondering why Julian would do such a thing to himself. And why a bigger Robotizer? The plan was to make small ones to help in medical procedures. There was no real need to rush things right now. Chuck sighed, hopefully this will pass over him and it will all be worth it in the end. As he hoped on to his motorcycle and drove down the path, he peered over his shoulder towards the window in the laboratory. Where he could see the red eyes of his friend shining through the glass.
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lucysweatslove · 1 year
Updates regarding ADHD diagnosis and treatment!
The neuropsychologist finally billed me. By this, I mean I guess I was technically billed over a week ago, but I never received an email or any communication about said bill. I decided to log in to the portal yesterday to check, and I saw the invoice was just sitting there. It’s still ridiculous that the whole thing cost me $360, more ridiculous that thousands was billed to insurance, and also annoying that I could’ve had my report this last week if I had received communication that I was invoiced and had a balance to pay. But, at least it’s done, and I should hopefully have the full report sometime this upcoming week.
My insurance apparently did have an issue with the Strattera and did require a PA. I thought it needed that, then they filled it but my Wellbutrin was delayed which took another week… I ended up picking them both up at the start of June, and the pharmacy tech was all “oh it looks like insurance still needs a prior authorization for the atomoxetine.” She pressed some buttons and then it went through, only a $10 copay which is fine, but I got a mail letter for insurance recently basically stating that my medication had required a preauth and oh yeah a 30 day supply retails for over $1000?? But then it’s on the formulary and the “discount price” is only $68.30. It’s just weird to me that the pharmacy / pharmaceutical companies can say it’s basically $34.50/day (that’s $17.25 for ONE single capsule) if you don’t have insurance. Random rant- while I think insurance is great in general I wish routine healthcare was much more affordable without it and insurance could be used for the “oh shit” moments. Like car insurance- it doesn’t pay for gas or routine maintenance or new tires or whatever but will if you get into an accident (although I will say, gas is expensive but at least it’s not $34.50/day expensive). Yeah programs like goodrx exist and are great, but if anybody can use those, why the exorbitant pricing up front? Why not just… make things accessible? The people who need the lower prices the most are those who can’t afford insurance, may not have access to goodrx / maybe wouldn’t even know about it… idk.
Anyway I started the Strattera last week- maybe Wednesday? I can’t remember the exact day now. I’m only taking 18mg which is a pretty low dose but I am getting annoying side effects already. Hypersomnulence during the daytime (literally like 2hr long naps that I can’t fight off midday), but then sleep maintenance insomnia at night where I wake up at like 4AM, still tired, but I can’t fall back asleep easily. Also an increase in general aches (ironic to me as duloxetine, which also has norepi function, is often used for some chronic pain), headaches, and horrible tummy troubles (feels like the food poisoning all over again). Those could be related to my period though- it’s just worse than what I normally experience in my cycle. Thankfully I haven’t noticed any real effect on my heart- I don’t feel weird or fluttery which was a concern I had. But alsoX I don’t notice any effect yet on my executive functioning, which makes sense since it isn’t an instant medication and the normal starting dose for adults is 40mg (so I’m taking literally less than half of that). I am still trying it out, holding out hope that side effects will stop enough that I can increase the dose and try 36mg for a week or so before I see the psych NP next, but I’m not optimistic it’s going to be a good, effective medication for me.
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damnedrainbows · 2 months
second day in a row for a bad autistic melt down
and I mean I should be grateful really, it’s been so long since I’ve had a really bad melt down. Been a month maybe, which shows significant improvement. You’d never have known it happened yesterday, I was acting the same as always huh? just left for a couple hours
it’d be nice if I knew what caused them but I don’t. which I learned is an autism thing too. when I have them I have to ask myself ‘did I eat, did I drink, sleep, and go to the bathroom’ to at least check that off. I don’t even know when I’m overstimulated until I have the melt down or the headache
I went into my sensory swing to have it, the safest place to be since mine get…physical. best place to thrash and kick, but I hit the wall.
I just…wanted to draw and watch tv. once upon a time I could have the tv on as background noise and I could bear to listen to my computer fan. I miss the days when I didn’t get exhausted trying to listen to a conversation. was it really only two years ago that I managed to do forty commissions in a single summer? I haven’t been able to finish a page of fucking doodles in three days. now? the person I was literally feels like a fantasy. it feels like when I was functional that was a fever dream.
i don’t even feel like the melt down is done. i just feel like I’m suppressing it, as I have all my life. I knew it was coming. my breathing was tighter and I was more irritated and snapping at everyone, but I don’t know where it came from. I just…want to draw and watch tv. I want to play with my new craft kit my best friend got me.
and yet I went downstairs and even wearing my migraine glasses I felt the need to rip my fucjing face off because of the bright nightlight. I don’t know what to do, and my life falling apart isn’t for lack of trying for fucks sake
I had to leave college every year I attempted it. Three years of failure and it is wild to think how I even managed to complete anything when I have to put my head down after fifteen minutes of doing anything now. my only actual job outside art I was fired after a month because i kept freezing and getting disoriented at the cash!
it’s not lack of trying. my family thinks I’m lazy but jesus I try more than anyone! I never asked for this, I don’t know where my life went. and come to find out, it could be years until I get the official diagnosis because of this wait period? my grandmother is almost ninety, what am I supposed to do when…I have nowhere to go? i can!t support myself. i can’t even go in stores now without getting disoriented. my physical health is worsening as well. I can’t stand for long anymore with how deformed my knees have gotten
sometimes i think i’m not going to live much longer and i’m okay with that.
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the-bl-road · 3 months
Not A True Alpha Chapter 1 - Pit Babe Fiction
Characters: Reader, Alan, North, Sonic
Summary: In an environment full of Alphas, you had no choice but to suppress yourself and become one.
A/N: please refrain from getting to close to the blurred line between characters and actors.
Cross posted on AO3
Working in an environment where the surrounding people are just as passionate about your work as you are, was considered a bonus at any time of your life. Working in a garage dominated by Alphas on the other hand, was a totally different ball game…
Growing up, you never really minded anyone’s secondary gender, but that all changed when you presented. Along with this change, you also presented with a sweet but subtle scent, which was close to a mix of vanilla and sweet oranges; even with the subtlety, it attracted the wrong kind of attention anytime you were out of the house. Alphas that you came across would give you looks, with their eyes wide and their mouth in an eerie grin, and any Omegas would whisper warnings for you to stay clear. 
Not only that, but after almost a year of presenting, you had developed a power. The power had come so suddenly, that it blinded you every time you accidentally triggered it by being near anyone you had a close relationship with. All of these snowballed into a big snowman of anxiety, to a point where you didn’t feel safe enough to step outside, let alone see anyone you knew. 
Until one day, you came across suppressants.
Hours went by as you did all the research you could, to make sure that suppressants were what you needed and what you’ve been looking for this entire time. Your heart skipped a beat when you read that a particular suppressant could also suppress your powers too; it was like all your problems have been answered with this one tiny pill. Without much thinking, you got in contact with the company that was selling it and it wasn’t many days after that, your first batch was delivered. 
Looking back now, it’s been ten years since you started the suppressants. Despite the regular warnings from professionals about not being on them for too long, you managed to time things perfectly so that you had a period in between months or years, to take yourself off the pills before starting back on them again. So far your planning has worked as well as you had hoped it would. 
With the upcoming racing season looming above them, everyone’s schedule was full of things that needed to be done before the first race even began. From the driver’s needing to get in extra practice around the track, to the mechanics making sure that all the cars were in mint condition, it was a madhouse to say the least. 
As one of the main mechanics in the garage, your responsibility was also piled on. On top of following orders and schedules from the head mechanic, you also had to help ensure that everyone else was also keeping to their time frames and with the drivers throwing more jobs at you to bring their car up to speed, you wondered just how your brain hasn’t fallen apart already. 
It had been another long day and you were walking towards one of the cars when you heard a conversation in passing;
“P’Alan must’ve got new car sprays, I can smell the vanilla smell…” 
“I was in the kitchen and I could smell oranges…. Now I’m craving oranges…"
You didn’t think anything of it, just a random conversation you happened to overhear, but boy did you miss that big cue. You dove your head down to check over the engine of the car as you had previously done, and got immersed back into work. It didn’t take long before your vision started to blur and a sharp piercing headache came on, as your ears ring at a high pitch, almost blocking all the noise around you. You dropped the tool that was in your hand with a loud clang to the floor, then banged your head on the hood of the car as you unconsciously shuffled backwards. 
This is not happening….not now, it’s early. How could I not see the signs?!
Your heart felt like it was beating faster than it should be and the blinding headache was the trigger to your powers coming back in full force. 
‘This car is running smoothly, and at a high speed, but why does it feel like something is still not right?!’
‘I trust that the guys will get everything done in time - what’s going on?’
‘This is going to be great content for our next video!’
‘If I beat P’Babe today, I might just get a reward!’
‘With the wind like this, I need to be careful about when I brake for corners…’
Alan was in his office when he heard the commotion outside, and he got up to see what was going on but one of the mechanics beat him to it as they ran into his office. 
“P’Alan! Something’s wrong with Spark!” the mechanic had exclaimed as he came to a stop. (Spark being the nickname everyone had given you, after your first fix almost ended in flames). Alan sprinted out of his office as quick as he could, but as soon as he reached the workshop floor, you had bolted out the back door, towards the race track. 
North and Sonic, who were by the race track, saw you running for your life towards the open track and they were confused as to what you were doing, until they saw Alan chasing after you. 
“P’Alan, what’s going on?!”
“I-I don’t know,” he sighed as he gave up the chase and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. 
Your power overtook your thinking and with all these thoughts being so loud, you didn’t even know where your feet were taking you. After what felt like forever, your body decided it’s had enough of running and just ended up collapsing on the patch of grass in the middle of the track, before you curled up to try and hide from everything and everyone. 
But no matter how small you made yourself to be, your power was currently too strong to control, which was a side effect of taking the suppressants for too long. You were too complacent with this cycle and you didn’t quite plan your break as thoroughly as you normally would have. Now it was causing a big disruption for everything. 
‘Spark… where are you?’
‘Couldn’t have gone far, I can follow the scent…’
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medtech-mara · 1 year
Waking up in custody of MAX-TAC
Author Note: So, normally, I only release these to my fellow campaign mates. what happened last sunday, after the campaign concluded for the night. A scene that was going to be long winded, had to be continued later. So these are more or less just recaps. So Character key in my pin post might be important to check out if you care to know. Anyway I hope you enjoy a glimpse into my Medtech's life in my Cyberpunk campaign Legends of Night City!
The loud humming of the AV, a sound that was once her everyday, now seemed so foreign as Mara Sterling began to wake from her blacked out state. Her vision, still blurry, and one killer headache. 
Instinctively, her hands reached up to cradle the back of her head where she can only assume was struck, but met with resistance. Seemed like her hands were cuffed and locked to the AV, A jolt of voltage coursed through her as she tried to let out a groan of discomfort for her pounding head, which prompted her to whimper in pain, to be shocked again. 
The C-SWAT team, all cutting up except for the person next to her, seemed to still be a rookie or had some humanity rehabilitated into him.
“Don’t speak, It’ll only shock you. You’ll be put in a holding cell until you are no longer a threat. Free to go after.” The Officer turned his attention to the rest of the crew and they began to go on about a call from earlier in their shift. Talking about how Lt. Jayce Adams has been missing, and wondering why Flight Crew Charlie 2 was called to the Inclusion zone. 
So, MAX-TAC didn’t send Jayce in for me… is it just a cover for him? The thought crossed her mind, but before she could even finish it, they had arrived at NCPD HQ in Watson, High up on the 100th floor there was the MAX-TAC HQ AV entrance, Guns pointed back in her face once more, demands being made of her, booking the nine yards. 
Finally, she was brought to a small 5x5 room with just a chair, sitting down in the chair, the Officers then anchored her arms so that she was stationary in the chair, shock collar still on, they left her without a word. 
From there Mara sat in this brightly lit, white room, strapped to a chair and a C-Psycho collar on, which only fueled her headache.
 It wasn’t long before rage in her only began to boil over in her, these people took Jack from her, and were laughing about it before his body could even be collected, that wasn’t going to be her. Yanking and jerking herself around in the chair, she began to let out loud screams of primal rage, and for the moment she didn’t even care that she was getting burned from the voltage. 
The screams didn’t last long before they turned into whimpers of grief and pain. Mara didn’t have much left in her to give, it was an exhausting day physically, mentally…. and now…. Psychologically.. Everything stripped from her in a matter of seconds. 
I didn’t even get to tell him… to tell him I love him.. 
Ocean eyes looked up to the ceiling, the tears began to fall down the sides of her cheeks and down to her earlobes. 
She stayed this way for an untold amount of time. If you asked her, it seemed like she had been locked in there for more than 10 hours, but she wasn’t sure. 
To busy being locked up in her own hell during her holding period, silently crying and flip flopping flashbacks of all the times she wanted to tell Jack, she loved him,
 Bullets eating through what was left of his ‘Ganic body, 
His smile, 
The dead look in his eyes as he said “I’m already gone, Mars.”, 
him at work, and so on.
This went on for 8 hours. At some point tears wouldn’t even come out anymore, and it hurt to keep going, but she couldn’t stop.
There was this giant hole left inside her.. She was just bleeding out, at one point she truly thought she might die from how much pain she felt in her chest, but that was just the panic consuming her. 
Mara came to the realization that her and Jack’s dream died with him.. She couldn’t run the clinic alone, not without Joi… She would have to reteach a new AI… It didn’t seem right to just replace what’d always been there. 
“Oh you fucked up dis time, do you even know who that is you have locked up?”
 J i h z z y’s voice and footsteps started coming down the hallway and towards her room.
“This is the Lt. Adam’s sister! YOUR BOSSES SISTER!” J I H Z Z Y looked into the room and laid eyes on a sight he’d never seen before. His wife but not the strong woman he sees everyday, but this.. Broken shell to resemble Mara Sterling. Something in her swollen bloodshot eyes was missing.
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