#the bed is orientented better for cozy viewing than in my room
jimalim · 2 months
I had such a nice day today and a huge part of it was because I spent the day in the guest bedroom chilling watching tv (while my laser was running in my room) just the change of scenery was lovely!
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hillnerd · 4 years
Watch my stuff?
Summary Romione Modern Muggle University AU - a redhead asks Hermione to watch his stuff, and she gives an unexpected answer. She gets an even more unexpected response.
written for @romioneficfest  much thanks to @abradystrix for editing! :) 
Rated PG     AO3
“Are you going to be staying here much longer?”
“Yes,” Hermione answered the unfamiliar voice, not bothering to look up from her notes. There were very few tables with enough room for her to lay out all her notes and additional texts in this library, and she was not about to give up her spot!
“Could you watch my stuff?”
Hermione looked up from her note taking to see a lanky red-headed man, about her age, looking at her expectantly, half out of his chair already.
“No,” she answered.
“Seriously?” he asked, freckled face screwed up half in confusion, half in exasperation.
“You shouldn’t ask strangers to watch your belongings,” she explained, turning in her seat to lecture him. “In orientation they had a skit about it and everything. I could make off with your things!”
“Planning to steal my stuff, were you?”
“Well of course not!” she spluttered.
“Then thanks! Be right back,” he said with a cheeky grin before disappearing behind a shelf.
Hermione felt herself swelling like a toad at his audacity. She had much better things to do than watch over some perfect stranger’s grubby backpack and the variety of spiral notebooks he’d obviously stuffed class handouts into. She could see the edges of all the papers crumpled from being stuffed places, and a bit of unidentifiable muck on the corner of one of them.
“Is this your stuff? Can I sit here?” another student asked her, pointing to the redhead’s grotty belongings. Part of her wanted to tell them to go ahead and take the table so he could learn his lesson the hard way. But she didn’t want to listen to his inevitable complaints were she to give away his seat. She had quite a lot of revising to do and wasn’t about to let the redhead distract her.
“No, sorry. He’ll be right back.”
In a few minutes he was indeed back, but this time with a small pile of books.
“Thanks again,” he said with a smile, before sitting down and thumbing through a textbook. She glared at him a few moments as he pointedly ignored her.
“I very well could have stolen everything you owned!” she scolded.
“Well, you may have had the opportunity, but you’re not the type,” he said with a dismissive hand wave.
She crossed her arms. “You don’t know me.”
“Look,” he said, continuing to write into his notebook. “Even if you did steal my stuff — which you wouldn’t — there are two cameras right at the entrance, and only one entrance in and out of this place that doesn’t sound the alarm bells. If I reported you, campus police could probably find you in ten minutes. And besides that, I do know you. You’re Hermione Granger.”
Her eyebrows shot up.
“I’m sorry, but how do we—?”
“We’re in the same econ course on Mondays and Wednesday,” he said with a small smile, finally deigning to look up from his illegible notes. Her confusion only grew, as she was certain she would remember someone like him in her course.
Their professor was the sort who had made everyone stand up and introduce themselves saying ‘something they liked to do for fun’ in the first lecture; a teaching habit she loathed. She preferred the first day of the course to actually have content and be a reflection of what she could expect the rest of the semester.
Surely she would remember this young man? His bright ginger hair alone was striking enough to remember, but he had a distinct air about him that made him feel far from forgettable.
“You weren’t there the first day when the lecturer had everyone introduce themselves, were you?”
“No, transferred in second week,” he said with a chuckle. “Thank god, I really effing hate when they start a course that way. How do I know if I want to drop it if we’re faffing about with summer stories like a bunch of twelve year olds? I want to know in the first ten minutes if the course’ll be a snore or if the lecturer is one of those sadistic ‘Half of you will fail this by the end of the semester!’ types so I can drop it and go back to bed. I don’t care if the bloke sitting next to me enjoys knitting tea cozies.”
She laughed and nodded along, before realizing she still had a question.
“Then how do you know who I am?” she asked, looked about her notes to see if her name was displayed anywhere. It wasn’t.
“When someone sits in the front row and answers every question at an eight a.m. class, you kind of remember her.” He gave a lopsided grin that made a little dimple appear in his cheek. Yes she definitely would not have been able to forget that. “You even debated the lecturer!”
She felt her cheeks color, and looked down at her notes. “Yes, well… He had some very prosaic views! And I like to get the most I can out of my education. Enthusiastically engaging is part of it.”
He nodded along, an amused expression on his face.
“Well, there’s only so much ‘enthusiasm’ I can have in a class that early. That’s why I’m always at the back of the class,” he said leaning back in his chair and easily balancing it on two legs, the toes of his scuffed trainers keeping him in place. She’d never been comfortable in a precarious position like that. “Plus the lecturer is a bit of a smarmy git, isn’t he?”
The lecturer seemed to be well-liked by everyone else in the class and had rave reviews online, but she had never cared for him. By the time she’d discovered her lecturer’s arrogance and tendency to favor girls who flirted and asked him personal questions about his life it was too far into the semester to switch out of the class. It was a relief to find someone else who didn’t think well of their professor.
“Hey, want to revise for next week’s exam together?” the redhead asked, catching Hermione off guard.
She’d never really enjoyed revising with others all that much. They tended to slow her down, or worse, she ended up having to teach them more than reinforce the vaguer parts of her knowledge, doubling her workload.
“Now?” she asked, looking back at the political science notes she was in the middle of.
“Naw, I have some maths and computer science I need to tackle today, but maybe this weekend?”
She wasn’t sure he’d be a very good study partner, given the state of his notes and his general laid back manner. He might be the kind to make her workload heavier and take advantage of her like every other study partner… But as he gave her that crooked grin and stared at her with questioning blue eyes she found herself nodding.
“Yes, I can do this weekend.”
“Brilliant!” He said much too loudly for the fairly quiet library, before slamming all four of his chair legs on the ground with a loud slam. His ears flushed a dark red. “So, I’m sure you’re busy, but would Saturday evening work? Maybe we could get some food together too?”
“I’m free,” she confessed, feeling more flustered by the minute. “And yes, that all works.”
“Perfect,” he said, before fishing into his back pocket. “Here, give me your number and we can sort out the details over the next few days.”
She did, and he texted her back immediately with:  ‘revising date Saturday - time and place tbd :) I’m Ron Weasley, btw.’
“Nice to meet you, Ron Weasley,” she said before giving a laugh that was far more girlish and giddy than she’d intended it.
“Same, Hermione Granger.”
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romioneficfest · 4 years
Watch my stuff
Title: Watch my stuff? Prompt/Day: Day 3 - Trainers Tumblr name:  Rating: PG Brief summary: Modern Muggle University AU - a redhead asks Hermione to watch his stuff, and she gives an unexpected answer. She gets an even more unexpected response. Any possible triggering/warning tags: very mild swearing
“Are you going to be staying here much longer?”
“Yes,” Hermione answered the unfamiliar voice, not bothering to look up from her notes. There were very few tables with enough room for her to lay out all her notes and additional texts in this library, and she was not about to give up her spot!
“Could you watch my stuff?”
Hermione looked up from her note taking to see a lanky red-headed man, about her age, looking at her expectantly, half out of his chair already.
“No,” she answered.
“Seriously?” he asked, freckled face screwed up half in confusion, half in exasperation.
“You shouldn’t ask strangers to watch your belongings,” she explained, turning in her seat to lecture him. “In orientation they had a skit about it and everything. I could make off with your things!”
“Planning to steal my stuff, were you?”
“Well of course not!” she spluttered.
“Then thanks! Be right back,” he said with a cheeky grin before disappearing behind a shelf.
Hermione felt herself swelling like a toad at his audacity. She had much better things to do than watch over some perfect stranger’s grubby backpack and the variety of spiral notebooks he’d obviously stuffed class handouts into. She could see the edges of all the papers crumpled from being stuffed places, and a bit of unidentifiable muck on the corner of one of them.
“Is this your stuff? Can I sit here?” another student asked her, pointing to the redhead’s grotty belongings. Part of her wanted to tell them to go ahead and take the table so he could learn his lesson the hard way. But she didn’t want to listen to his inevitable complaints were she to give away his seat. She had quite a lot of revising to do and wasn’t about to let the redhead distract her.
“No, sorry. He’ll be right back.”
In a few minutes he was indeed back, but this time with a small pile of books.
“Thanks again,” he said with a smile, before sitting down and thumbing through a textbook. She glared at him a few moments as he pointedly ignored her.
“I very well could have stolen everything you owned!” she scolded.
“Well, you may have had the opportunity, but you’re not the type,” he said with a dismissive hand wave.
She crossed her arms. “You don’t know me.”
“Look,” he said, continuing to write into his notebook. “Even if you did steal my stuff — which you wouldn’t — there are two cameras right at the entrance, and only one entrance in and out of this place that doesn’t sound the alarm bells. If I reported you, campus police could probably find you in ten minutes. And besides that, I do know you. You’re Hermione Granger.”
Her eyebrows shot up.
“I’m sorry, but how do we—?”
“We’re in the same econ course on Mondays and Wednesday,” he said with a small smile, finally deigning to look up from his illegible notes. Her confusion only grew, as she was certain she would remember someone like him in her course.
Their professor was the sort who had made everyone stand up and introduce themselves saying ‘something they liked to do for fun’ in the first lecture; a teaching habit she loathed. She preferred the first day of the course to actually have content and be a reflection of what she could expect the rest of the semester.
Surely she would remember this young man? His bright ginger hair alone was striking enough to remember, but he had a distinct air about him that made him feel far from forgettable.
“You weren’t there the first day when the lecturer had everyone introduce themselves, were you?”
“No, transferred in second week,” he said with a chuckle. “Thank god, I really effing hate when they start a course that way. How do I know if I want to drop it if we’re faffing about with summer stories like a bunch of twelve year olds? I want to know in the first ten minutes if the course’ll be a snore or if the lecturer is one of those sadistic ‘Half of you will fail this by the end of the semester!’ types so I can drop it and go back to bed. I don’t care if the bloke sitting next to me enjoys knitting tea cozies.”
She laughed and nodded along, before realizing she still had a question.
“Then how do you know who I am?” she asked, looked about her notes to see if her name was displayed anywhere. It wasn’t.
“When someone sits in the front row and answers every question at an eight a.m. class, you kind of remember her.” He gave a lopsided grin that made a little dimple appear in his cheek. Yes she definitely would not have been able to forget that. “You even debated the lecturer!”
She felt her cheeks color, and looked down at her notes. “Yes, well… He had some very prosaic views! And I like to get the most I can out of my education. Enthusiastically engaging is part of it.”
He nodded along, an amused expression on his face.
“Well, there’s only so much ‘enthusiasm’ I can have in a class that early. That’s why I’m always at the back of the class,” he said leaning back in his chair and easily balancing it on two legs, the toes of his scuffed trainers keeping him in place. She’d never been comfortable in a precarious position like that. “Plus the lecturer is a bit of a smarmy git, isn’t he?”
The lecturer seemed to be well-liked by everyone else in the class and had rave reviews online, but she had never cared for him. By the time she’d discovered her lecturer’s arrogance and tendency to favor girls who flirted and asked him personal questions about his life it was too far into the semester to switch out of the class. It was a relief to find someone else who didn’t think well of their professor.
“Hey, want to revise for next week’s exam together?” the redhead asked, catching Hermione off guard.
She’d never really enjoyed revising with others all that much. They tended to slow her down, or worse, she ended up having to teach them more than reinforce the vaguer parts of her knowledge, doubling her workload.
“Now?” she asked, looking back at the political science notes she was in the middle of.
“Naw, I have some maths and computer science I need to tackle today, but maybe this weekend?”
She wasn’t sure he’d be a very good study partner, given the state of his notes and his general laid back manner. He might be the kind to make her workload heavier and take advantage of her like every other study partner… But as he gave her that crooked grin and stared at her with questioning blue eyes she found herself nodding.
“Yes, I can do this weekend.”
“Brilliant!” He said much too loudly for the fairly quiet library, before slamming all four of his chair legs on the ground with a loud slam. His ears flushed a dark red. “So, I’m sure you’re busy, but would Saturday evening work? Maybe we could get some food together too?”
“I’m free,” she confessed, feeling more flustered by the minute. “And yes, that all works.”
“Perfect,” he said, before fishing into his back pocket. “Here, give me your number and we can sort out the details over the next few days.”
She did, and he texted her back immediately with, ‘revising date Saturday - time and place tbd :) I’m Ron Weasley, btw.’
“Nice to meet you, Ron Weasley,” she said before giving a laugh that was far more girlish and giddy than she’d intended it.
“Same, Hermione Granger.”
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hjgj968 · 3 years
Bedding tips and care instructions.
We like to think we have addressed virtually every question that one might have relative to bedding. We have also attempted to make most of these articles more informative rather than sales oriented. As you may notice, some of our videos are older and shot pre 4K monitors. We are in the process of re-shooting them in higher resolution. However, the information these articles and videos contain are still relevant. These articles include frequently asked questions such as:
How to remove wrinkles from your bedsheets without an iron.
To view our article and video that demonstrates how to remove wrinkles in bedding without an iron, click here or read below.
Water is a wrinkle release, which is why there is a steam setting on irons.
To remove wrinkles from bed sheets or duvet covers, all that is needed is a spray bottle of water and a little bit of tension applied to the fabric.
A fitted sheet, when placed over the mattress is already under some degree of tension. Simply spray, spritz, or mist the fitted sheets with your water bottle.
With a flat sheet, place it on the bed, tuck the foot. Then grab a corner of the flat Printed Sheets at the top of the bed and gently pull on the fabric until it is a little taunt. Then mist the sheet with the spray bottle of water.
With the pillowcases, stuff them with your pillows. Then suspend the pillowcase by the cuff with one hand and lightly spray both sides. Now hold the pillowcase at the cuff with both hands, lightly shake the pillowcase up and down. This will create tension on the pillowcase.
With a duvet cover, go to one corner, grab the cover at the corner and lightly pull on the fabric to apply tension to it, then spritz the top side, repeat on the other three corners.
Following these steps will make your entire bed look as if it has just been ironed. The best part is this process should take less than a minute to accomplish and can be done mid-week when your bed may begin to look a little frumpy.
How to make a luxurious bed like one you see in a hotel.
To view our full article on the different elements used by hotels to give their beds and rooms a light cozy and inviting look, read our article/video found here.
Decades ago, the Weston Hotel discovered that bedding was an important attribute to a guest's comfort while staying at their property. After all, why do most people stay in a hotel? To sleep of course.
Hotels also discovered that many enjoy a simple, uncomplicated bed. So they began creating beds that were uncluttered and clean looking.
Most hotels that have embraced this concept dress the bed as follows:
White sheets, some may use bedsheets with a little decoration such as embroidery on the duvet cover, flat and solid sheets, pillowcases, and shams.
Hotels also discovered that traditional bedspreads were heavy and difficult to clean and were not cleaned frequently.
As a result, they embraced the use of down comforters, as a down comforter is enjoyable.
What is thread count?
Thread count is a simple measurement. It is the number of weft threads plus the number of warp threads found in one square inch of fabric.
To view our detailed article/video on thread count and additional information on different grades of cotton used in bed sheets click here or read our overview below.
Many assume that thread count is an indicator of quality; it is not. This is why you may find 600 thread count sheets selling for $60 and some selling for as high as $1,000.
A primary factor that determines the quality of a sheet is the grade of cotton that is used. Substandard grades of cotton are inexpensive by comparison to high-quality grades such as Long-Staple cotton or Extra-Long-Staple cotton.
Although Egyptian cotton is considered to be some of the finest cotton grown, there are also poor grades of Egyptian cotton.
Because a garment or bedsheet is labeled, Egyptian cotton doesn't mean it is. There is a lot of deception in the market place, likely 90% of the sheets and towels sold that are labeled Egyptian cotton are not.
Are flat sheet necessary?
To learn more about the benefits of using a flat sheet or not using one, view our article on this topic found here or read below.
One advantage of using one is, a flat sheet provides an extra layer of protection for your duvet cover, coverlet, blanket, or other top of the bed items.
Cleaning a flat sheet is far easier than the aforementioned items.
Some find that they get tangled up in a flat sheet and will forgo using one. The downfall of not using one is you will need to clean your duvet cover or whatever you have on the top of your bed more frequently.
The thing coming between you and a good night’s sleep might be the thin layer of bedding between you and your mattress.When it comes to improving your sleep, activity leading up to bedtime and the quality of a mattress are more frequently discussed factors, but as it turns out, bed sheets and pillow cases, such as dobby sheets could be the reason you’re not refreshed when you wake up each morning.
When it comes to improving your sleep, activity leading up to bedtime and the quality of a mattress are more frequently discussed factors, but as it turns out, bed sheets and pillow cases could be the reason you’re not refreshed when you wake up each morning. And, contrary to popular belief, a higher thread count, unto itself, might not be the solution.
1. Higher thread count doesn't always mean higher quality.
Think sheets and pillow cases with 1,000- or 1,500-thread count are more luxurious than those with smaller numbers? Think again. Michael J. Breus, an Arizona-based sleep expert known as "The Sleep Doctor," says thread counts exceeding 500 are redefining the word "thread" because, at that point, "what you're looking at is probably two textiles that are woven together."
Ariel Kaye, the founder and CEO of Parachute, a California-based bedding company, doesn't even mention thread count on her website. "Anything that’s over 400 is a manipulation of fabric or thread," she says. "The problem with higher thread counts is that they use these synthetic finishes; when they dissipate, the sheets are going to be unrecognizable." Both experts recommend thread counts that top out at about 400.
2. Some materials are cooler than others. Synthetics have a tendency to trap heat, making for a more uncomfortable sleep experience; quality cotton gets better reviews. According to the Parachute website, Kaye’s company uses “Egyptian cotton, combed with precision to remove all impurities.” Breus' preferences are also along those lines. “The bottom line is that pima cotton or an Egyptian cotton are the best materials to use in a sheet," he said. "I, personally, like the sateen type of finish, just because it’s softer." For menopausal women who are prone to hot flashes and night-sweats, Breus often recommends moisture-wicking sheets, which offer next-level coolness.
3. Wash new sheets before you use them.
And, if possible, do that more than once. “Make sure that you wash your embroidery sheets set at least two times before putting them on your bed," Breus said, "because, a lot of times, when they’re in packaging, there are [irritants] that can get on them.”
4. For sleepers with sensitive skin, detergent may be more of an issue than bedding material. “The bigger deal with sensitive skin has to do with what you wash it in, in terms of detergent, than the actual textile itself, in most cases," Breus said. "So, what you really are looking for is those [detergents] free from things like perfumes, dyes and things like that." That said, Kaye's company is certified by OEKO-TEX, which checks to make sure no toxic chemicals were used in a manufacturing process. “Fiber might have been grown organically," Kaye said, "but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t processed without toxic chemicals."
5. Toss bedding in the laundry basket every seven to 10 days. There's nothing that feels quite like climbing into a clean set of sheets, so it might be worth doing a little extra laundry if you want to get the best rest. But switch out the bedding more often if you're more active than most. "Let’s say you work outside, and you’re not showering before bed, then, clearly, you’re going to have another issue; you’re going to have to change your sheets more regularly," Breus said. "But, generally speaking, I think a good guide would be once a week.”
6. Seasonal bedding might make a difference. “My wife and I, we change our sheets seasonally," Breus said. "We have more of a jersey, T-shirt-y material in the wintertime and a much lighter one, seasonally, for the summertime.”
7. Buy new bedding every 18 to 24 months. Like most clothing (other than, say, jeans and sneakers), newer bedding just looks and feels better. "Like any fabric, hot water and repeated washing will shorten the life span," Kaye added.
8. Can't wait that long and want a less expensive solution? Just buy some new pillowcases. “It will completely change the way your bedding feels," Kaye said. "It’s just a really easy way to get that freshness, and make you feel like you have a whole new set of bedding."
9. Oh, and about that myth that silk pillowcases can reduce or prevent wrinkles? Breus is skeptical, and contends wrinkles are more of a matter involving skin dehydration. “Whether or not you have wrinkles," he said, "has nothing to do with the surface on which you sleep."
0 notes
im-abanana · 7 years
Trolls’ fanfiction: “The Forbidden Fruit” [5/5]
Well, I guess this fanfiction is finally over as well, people! :) This is just an angsty, fluffy chapter, don’t worry!
This last chapter is a little shorter than usual (maybe, I’ve had worst pieces), I don’t like it very much to be honest and I know it’s not one of my “best” works (even if my works cannot be defined “good” in general), but this is how I wanted this story to end. See you the next time, I hope.
I hope you’ll enjoy the last chapter anyway. <3
A cold and terrible silence was inexorably filling the empty cave as Poppy watched her new, grey mate lying miserably on the dirty and still moist ground, sadly unable to get up and evidently worn out, exhausted, skinny, without any energy or a grain of determination left inside. Who could blame him, after all? Them both hadn't eaten in entire days, the impelling heat that still affected the two slightly had erased all their strength, their hipbones were disgustingly visible, along with a strange and tiny swelling around Branch's belly. Could that be that he was...? “Branch please, we must find the others and go home... if you follow me now, we'll be ok in no time! Come on, just one last effort! I'm begging you, come with me! I am not gonna leave you behind!” the Princess implored with a very worried tone, trying to help the black haired Troll up, but without success: the survivalist's still chubby face fell down once more, she couldn't get reactions from him. “Branch be real, you're starving, we both are! Just another day and we'll surely perish here! I... I will go around to get you some food, just hang on, ok?” the pink female ran towards the forest without saying another word, chosing not to waste any more, precious time and reluctantly leaving her Omega all alone, frantically looking all around herself and searching for something good and nutritious to chew on. “I need to hurry, he is gonna die if I don't find something edible very soon, and I could die too out here... but I don't care about myself right now, Branch needs the food more than I do, he could be expecting our offspring at this point and he's already far too undernourished and in a very bad state.”.
Poppy's stomach immediately complained, overbearing, turning painfully and grumbling loudly, encouraging her to find some grub as soon as possible and forcing the Princess to grab her own abdomen and grit her rounded teeth, in pain. “F-fuck, Branch would find a lot of supplies in a single blink... he is way better than me in this particular area, in the woods... what kind of Alpha am I? I can't even help and feed my own mate, I failed...” the female mumbled with guilt and sorrow, her head starting to spin a little as she kept walking without taking a single break, lifting her neck from time to time, hoping to find something interesting or appetizing. Nothing in sight, of course.
As she stubbornly proceeded, her poor view was suddenly covered by thousands of throbbing black and white dots, making it impossible for the royal girl to orient herself or even stand in a vertical and correct position, her confused orbs blinking a couple of times before she ruinously collapsed in the short and wet grass, completely exposed to dangers and predators around the unknown and wild area. “W-what's wrong with my body? Why can't I get up, why can't I move a single muscle? Am I dead?” Poppy practically talked to herself, using her trembling hands to regain her essential balance, failing once more and officially giving up, accepting her sad fate.
Well, it was all over, she supposed. It was all fading, dissipating, vanishing forever... her whole life was gone, useless, shattered just like that, like a piece of fragile glass. But just a moment before the darkest obscurity embraced her motionless limbs and dragged her into an endless oblivion, the pink haired Princess swore she heard a familiar voice coming from afar.
“There she is, I found her, I found the Princess! Quick, we must bring her home, she looks very bad!”.
Poppy didn't know how long she had been there, sleeping on her comfortable and familiar bed, and sicerely she didn't care that much about it. Her pink blanket wrapped around her warm form, her fluffy, colorful pillow under her blurred head, the cozy mattress against her aching back; everything was so perfect, the only thing the royal female missed was her mate's attractive warmth and scent... wait, where was-!? “Branch!? Branch! Branch, where are you!?” she immediately sat up and opened her bright magenta eyes, calling her beloved companion and panting heavily, showing evident stress, irritability, fear and aggression towards every possible enemy or opposing. “Branch, answer me!”.
Because of her noisy yelling, King Peppy woke up from his half-sleep, jumping a little on his ancient, wooden chair but relieved to see that his daugther was safe and sound, hugging her very close to his chest, refusing to let her go. “Poppy, darling, you are alright! I was so worried about you, the whole Village was worried sick as well! You slept for five, endless days, we thought you would never wake up... how are you? Does something hurt!?”.
The Princess reciprocated the lovely gesture almost subconsciously, internally ecstatic and excited to see her parent again, but still desperately trying to find Branch. Her natural instinct was screaming, and there was nothing worse than an hormonal Alpha, during the rut no less, under pressure and far from her/his mate. “Daddy! Where's Branch!? Where is him, is he still alive!?” the pink haired Troll questioned, agitated, frowning deeply and shaking slightly in the old man's weak arms, afraid of the possible answer.
“Calm down, Poppy. He is perfectly fine: we found him unconscious, hungry and disoriented near to an isolated cave, he must have tried to follow you right after you left. He woke up three days ago, we gave him food, water and took care of his needs.” the King rubbed her back gently, speaking those true and reassuring words, then he cleared his dry throat and almost looked away, ashamed. “So, umh... you've mated with Branch in the last few days, uh? Well thinking about it, honestly, my question was kinda rhetorical... he told me everything after a lot of convincing, besides the love bite he had on his nape spoke for him, actually. And I guess you should be informed about something very important for you and for the whole reign...” the orange Troll smiled and sighed out kindly, holding Poppy's smaller hands with emotion and anticipation painted on his wrinkled face. “... he's pregnant, Poppy. Congratulations and felicitations from me and the whole kingdom, in just a week or maybe a bit less your mate will give you a beautiful child.”.
The Princess' jaw dropped for a moment, betraying her shock, but then a big grin enlightened her slim and freckled visage. Alright, maybe their new and indissoluble bond was originated under strange and unusual circumstances, but a baby was always a good thing... right? “B-Branch is seriously expecting an offspring? Really!? Where is he now? I wanna be with him, lead me to him, dad!” the always happy female jumped out the bed, not feeling tired or knackered at all anymore.
“He is in the other room. You shall see him right now, if that pleases you”.
In the other room, Branch was quietly sitting down on his own mattress, looking outside the pod's tiny “window”, an enigmatic expression painted on his chubby face as his pointy, left ear shifted, catching the door's almost imperceptible squeak. “Poppy. You are finally up.” the Omega greeted her, rapidly standing up and showing a bit of joy in seeing his Alpha, those emotions surpassed by the male's usual anxiety and concern. “The whole village is waiting for you and me, right outside the front door. I guess they found out what happened in that cave, uh? I can imagine they didn't come here to congratulate us, especially your friends. The twins look pretty irritated.” the survivalist sarcastically shrugged, crossing his strong arms and staring at his swollen belly, resigned. “... this wasn't supposed to happen, Poppy. You should have chosen someone else, someone way better than me, someone who would have been capable to make you satisfied and happy for the rest of your life. Our bond is built on mere lust, desire, instinct... and nothing else, nothing more, nothing deep enough to form a stable and healthy relationship. You should just find another mate, leave me alone.”.
The Princess' arms immediately wrapped around the grey Troll's waist, holding him protectively and cautiously in a solid grip, making sure not to hurt him or press against his minuscule baby bump too much. Hearing Branch's silent gasp, she admitted what she was feeling, her decision: “I don't care, I don't care about it.” Poppy simply whispered, nuzzling his fluffy neck and not parting from the intimate hug. “No matter if it was the primordial lust that guided us that day, no matter if you don't love me or don't even stand me. You are my mate, nothing will ever change that, it would be totally useless even if I tried with all my will. And this is our offspring, our blood, our work, our child. What happened in the last few days, our eternal union, I believe it happened for a good reason, Branch. I wanna try and know you better, completely, truly, for our sake and the kid's. We'll explain this to the others, together.”.
Branch watched his Princess' elegant hand being offered to him with clear amazement in his light blue eyes, but the survivalist waited before accepting it and agreeing to her sweet, tempting terms. “Mating with me, choosing me as your partner and future King, raising an offspring with me... you decided to eat the forbidden fruit, do you know that, Poppy?”.  
The pink female laughed with sincere amusement, her beautiful and positive voice echoed inside the royal pod as she gave him the final answer, the only one the Omega really needed: “I know that I've eaten the forbidden fruit or whatever you call yourself, Branch. But to be frank, I feel like I've actually just taken the first bite of you, and at this point I can't help myself: I wanna eat the whole thing, I wanna savour every single facet and trait of you. Because, after all...” Poppy smirked, taking Branch's bigger and callous hand in hers and winking. “... if you're a forbidden fruit, then I'm a sinner.”.
The end.
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kazosa · 7 years
Second Chances - Jeff x Reader: Chapter 22
Summary: Reader and Jeff work a project and become fast friends. The project ends and they go their separate ways, neither forgetting the other. With Hollywood being a small community, you two bump into one another either at events or projects, but there is always something keeping you apart. Will the obstacles ever end? Chapter 22 Summary: House hunting in Vancouver, shooting Supernatural. Warnings: language (as usual), Dad jokes. A/N: Please leave comments or let me know if you want to be tagged, etc. I took a little bit of liberty with the second event. But I tried to make it reasonable. Word count: 1650 Catch up here: Masterlist Tags: @jml509  @jasoncrouse  @yellatthetopofyourlungs  @bookchic20  @prettyepiic  @rizflo-blog  @curious-sub7  @backseat-negan  @warriorqueen1991  @fairytale07    @sup--ernova
     You and Jeff had just gotten to your hotel room for your stay in Vancouver. As soon as you stepped inside the room, you were immediately drawn to the view from your 10th story room. The sun was shining brightly. Even from so high up, you could see the people down below out and about taking advantage of the gorgeous day. You could see Jeff in the reflection of the window. He was pushing the bags over to the dresser. You watched as he backed up toward the door and took a running leap and do a swan-dive onto the bed.      You turned around to see your boyfriend lying face-down, spread-eagle on the bed. His hand raised off the bed and made a circular motion. Jeff’s muffled voice came to you from the fluffy duvet, “Babe, you gotta try this bed, it’s amazing!”      “Move your arm,” you tell him. He quickly moves it down to his side and you take a running leap from the window to the bed and land on your back next to Jeff. The bed and bedding let you feel like you’re enveloped by their coziness. “Oh my god, it IS amazing,” you say rolling toward him.      “We don’t need to go looking at rentals, right? We can just stay here and never move again,” Jeff was lying on his side now looking at you.      Jeff and you had shot the pilot for a show that was now called “Supernatural,” and had the good fortune to have the show be picked up for a full season of 22 episodes. It had been a good day at your house when you got the call. Not only did you both have a job for, at least a little while, it would also be in the same city and TOGETHER.
     The WB had picked up the show. They weren’t exactly throwing money at the production, so you’d been given the title of Key Production Assistant. It was a job that laid between production coordinator and production assistant. It meant you’d be managing all of the PAs and making sure they knew how to do their job as well as doing the same work as what you were teaching.      “So, you’re still gonna be bossing me around?” Jeff asked.      You grinned at him, “You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if I didn’t boss you around.”      He pulled you close, his arm around you, “I admit nothing.”      You couldn’t live in a hotel forever. Neither one of you would be very happy stuck in a hotel room. You both needed to be able to get outside. Bisou needed a place to be run. Looking for a place to live while filming would suck, especially since it was so tough to find a reasonably priced place to live in Vancouver, but it needed to be done. Before you left, you’d found a realtor to help you out and he’d set up a bunch of rentals for you and Jeff to look at in the day and a half you had before shooting started.      “No, my love, we need to do adulty things,” you said, also not moving.      “Can we eat first?” he wanted to know.      “Restaurant or room service?” you asked. You watched his eyes as they started to twinkle. You knew that look.      “Room service,” you said at the same time.
     Two hours later, you were sitting in the back of Steve Carter’s SUV, eating McDonald’s. He was your realtor and was taking you to the first of many cottages you would see that day.      “Thanks for letting us eat in your car,” you told Steve.      “Yeah, sorry, man, we ah, fell asleep when we got to the room. Exhausted,” Jeff said and he winked at you.      Tenth house, tenth time you saw that look on Jeff’s face. He stood with his arms above his head, his palms resting flat on the ceiling, your eyes trailed down to the skin that was showing under his t-shirt. You smiled to yourself, but Jeff was not amused, he looked at you with stony eyes.      Steve came in the room, “So, what do you think? Isn’t it quaint?”      Your eyes went from Jeff to Steve, then back to Jeff, who still had his hands on the ceiling.      “Steve, I don’t think a cottage is going to cut it. We need land. We have a dog that needs to run. I love it up here, I would like a vacation home, at the very least. Do you have anything like that that you could show us?” you asked him.      Steve nodded. “I have a client that is a bit eccentric. Wants to sell his land to people that will love it as much as he did. He just wants it to stay in the buyer’s family, it’s legally binding. It is ten acres of land and there’s a small house on the property, and here’s the kicker, it’s near the water.”      You looked at Jeff, he had been listening to Steve talk, still with his hands on the ceiling, “Does the house have high ceilings?”      Steve smiled, “Let’s go take a look.”
     Steve stopped at a gate, punched in a code and waited for the gate to open.      “I just want to remind you, that if you do choose this deal, it is legally binding. No selling the property,” he reiterated. “That’s the only string. He doesn’t even need or want to meet you. He’s left it all up to me.”      The gate opened and he pulled through. There were trees everywhere. The road you were on was paved though, and that was a plus. It only took a few moments to have the road pull into a clearing and you could finally see the house. It was small, looked like it was barely more than a trailer, but it looked really nice. As you got closer to the small house, you could see that the house was oriented toward an opening in the trees that overlooked a lake. You gasped.      “Wait ‘til you see inside,” Steve smiled.
     Steve unlocked the door to what looked like a small, but very nicely done trailer home. It was long and narrow like a trailer, but it wasn’t. It was something different. The outside looked like a regular home. Steve told you it was only a one bedroom, but that was okay because you needed something that you could manage on your own if Jeff needed to go to another job. As soon as you stepped in the door, you knew. This was the one.      The deck on the front was large and screened in so it was like a second living space. The front of the home had a wall of windows with a door in the center. Inside to the left was a fireplace and entertainment center, on the right was the living room. As you wend further inside, there was a small dining area that was attached to the kitchen that boasted full-sized appliances. A small hall led to another entry and the only bathroom that was more like a spa than a utilitarian bathroom. At the end of the hall was the master bedroom which had a full wall of windows and access to a back deck.      “I’ll leave you two to talk about it. I’ll be out front when you’re ready,” Steve told you.      You and Jeff were standing in the master bedroom. As soon as Steve left, Jeff threw his arms above his head, “Babe! Look! It fits me!” He was hopping up and down in circles.      You chuckled at your silly boyfriend. The ceilings were high, at least ten feet. He would have to jump and jump high to reach it.      “I think this is the one,” you told Jeff.      “Hell yes!” he exclaimed.
SUPERNATURAL      “Reset!” the AD called out.      You were standing with Jensen making sure he stayed where he was needed. The reset wouldn’t take that long. Jensen wasn’t as difficult to manage as Jared could be. They were out in the woods and the scene was getting intense. They’d had to do it three times now and still hadn’t gotten what the director wanted. Jensen was not obviously annoyed, but you could see it. Reading people was a good quality to have as a PA. You were all tired. Working night shoots was absolute torture. The talent could get a nap in here and there, but not the PAs. You were dead on your feet and Jensen wasn’t too far behind. Sometimes when you get really tired, you get punchy and the dumbest shit makes you laugh.      “Dude, did you hear about the guy who invented Lifesavers?” you asked, already unable to contain your giggles. Jensen shook his head. “He…” snicker “made a mint.”      Jensen only chuckled.      “Why did they Clydesdale give the pony a glass of water?” You were giggling again. “Because it was a little horse!”      You were both rolling now, “Okay, okay!” Jensen calmed himself to speak, “How do you make a Kleenex dance?” the giggles were contagious, “Put a little boogie in it!”      “OKAY! Settle!” the AD called out.      You socked Jensen in the shoulder, “Settle, bitch.”      And that was how you became friends with Jensen Ackles.      After filming episode 2, “Wendigo,” you, Jared, and Jensen were like The Three Musketeers. When Jeff was filming, it was even better. While you worked hard being key PA, you did manage to have a little free time and you were usually in one of their three trailers spending time with one or all of them. You thought you may have finally found your family in these crazy people.
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captusmomentum · 7 years
Excessively detailed asks: 1-19 odds only for Inan, 20-38 evens only for Tace plz :D
fuck me running this is a lot OKAY HERE WE GOOOOOO
(heads up the pronouns are gonna jump around here bc inan uses they//them and she/her so hopefully doesn’t get too confusing rip)
1. What does their bedroom look like?
Surprisingly Clean. They’re exactly the type you’d expect to be super messy but thanks to living in such small spaces like aravals all their life they’re very good about keeping things in come kind of order. This stands even for modern verses, they’re very good about it. In verses they’re inquisitor they actually rearrange the room a lot, putting their bed on the balcony and making the main floor more of an office/living room as well as creating panels to help block out some of that sun bc HOLY SHIT WINDOWS, they also have a panel set to block the view of the bed which is really just wedged between it and the railing. The little bed alcove is very cozy and the main floor is much more functional and better for have friends up :D In modern aus, like say amd, they’re one of those people who’re like ‘ live in an apartment that’s only 90ft big :D’ and when they show you how it’s like part science miracle and part acrobatics bonanza. Like look at any tiny home or tiny apartment type show/place/thing and thats’ how they Roll. Mainly bc they’re fucking Broke AF, creative/innovative and well trained by dalish life for it. So bedrooms are usually like, lofts and shit like that which can mean it’s not much more than the essentials of Snoozing. 
3. Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?They do! Inan works out pm everyday in pm every verse. Their style of magic is very, very very physical so it requires a lot of working out and training even in verses where they’re not constantly murdering ppl like canon ones they gotta get diesel for magic. In most verses they primarily do a variety of martial arts (or just one elf/dalish one? depends on how deep into worldbuilding you wanna get here honestly) and then things like running, weight lifting general kinda fitness exercise things. I imagine in modern verses and such (maybe more canon ones too tf do i know) that places like Arlathvhen’s there’s like, a sort of pow wow/olympics type event that goes on and clans have people representing them and Lath was disqualified for cheating bc she’s Weak in the temptation of Victory so Inan is the Obligatory Contender in at least some of the mage events, usually like, dueling bc it’s ironically her specialty. So she really does have to stay sharp when in verses where there’s no fighting bc she’s gotta bring home gold for clan Lavellan. 
(if u wanna get a sense of how inan fights it’s a LOT like pm anyone from avatar the last airbender/Legend of Korra especially Korra and Katara(atla) )(apologies about the katara vid and that shit music there’s So Little out there sobs)5. Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
Inan isn’t the most organized or together person which is combined w/ their dalish upbringing is why they’re Hyper Organized. Things have places and they go there ALWAYS otherwise they’ll never be found again ever. Also lots of labels. Their own living spaces are more organized than their work spaces, generally bc other ppl touch things or put things on their desk. Every time someone touches their things they have a small heart attack bc it means that something CRITICAL might have been moved and will never be found again. Seriously they are held together only by the power of their aesthetically pleasing organization and labeling. So school is Really Fun in modern aus (read: i’ve considered having them be a high school dropout for Various Reasons).7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
They Dream of wasting time. They Long to waste time. Everyday they pray they can waste time. Usually a lot of her time goes into things like Clan Stuff, Magic Stuff and Work Stuff so any chance they get to dick off they do. They fave method in modern verses is tv or youtube but in canon-y verses its Tavern w/ Bull or Tavern w/ Sera, the 2 people most likely 2 not call her out for Ditching Shit. Drinking w/ Dorian and/or Varric is very high on the list in all verses.9.Makeup?
Naaaahhhhhhhhhh. Generally too lazy for it and doesn’t like feeling of it on her face. Also it’s a real Bitch bc she’s always got tats on like 70-90% of her face and freckles (which she actually likes) so like foundation’s a Nah but you can’t do things like cover her dark circles w/o foundation otherwise the difference is Too Obvious like it’s just a Disaster. She can be convinced to wear it at special events and things but someone else has gotta do it. 
11. Intellectual pursuits?Some and very disorganized. Generally answering any Burning Mystical Questions they have regardless of worth or importance, debating (fighting) about topics involving analysis in books and things, Fade Stuff, Learning Elvhen. They don’t really actively pursue a lot of things bc they’re doing so much shit normally, they really only pursue it when the interest strikes. Also, proving that the occult is Real and Valid.13.Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?hoooooooooo boy dksjlgjfdsgfk, pansexual demisexual/grey-asexual is probably the best description. they don’t know they just like people and they don’t think about it they don’t think about Sex Stuff or ppls orientations it’s all W/E IDK and while they’re not prudish or squeamish about it they will run screaming for the hills things get too raunchy. Sex –especially sex involving them– has them looking for the nearest exit, not necessarily bc they’re sex repulsed but they are Extremely Anxious and Scared of interpersonal interaction so kissing is yiKESSSSSSSSSSSSS15.Biggest and smallest short term goal?Hmmmmm that’s really hard. Biggest is usually like: Not Die. Smallest is something like: whatever is next on to do list. They live a life of unnecessary extremes. 17.Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dressGoth mori/strega fashion vibes. Lots of skirts and layers and looking very much like a peasant wizard. Usually they just dress for the weather and put on as many layers as they can to feel safe and protected (and snuggly). There’s a lot of similarities in their logic about it with Uthvir but with miles of soft fabrics instead of spikes. Usually darker colors with an emphasis on blues. There’s not too much in the way of ritual around it since they’ve tailored their wardrobe so they can grab things put them on, and look good w/o any real effort.
 here’s the for inan fashion stuff 
19.What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
Usually they go through a very specific ritual when going to sleep since they’re a dreamer to help keep that shit on lock which involves a lot of emptying of the mind and relaxing and preparing to deal with Fade Shit. If they don’t it’s just existential dread, anxiety and depression shit and panic. So they don’t not do the thing…….
20.Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?Tace wasn’t really sick much more than the normal amount and kinds as a kid and was the kind who conks out the whole time and doesn’t say, try to get up and play. As he got older and his dreamer abilities started to kick in he reacted to it like someone who was very sick, fevers, hot and cold, sweating. slept too much or not enough. He began to have trouble keeping food down and lacking an appetite which he still has problems with to this day along with sleep trouble and exhaustion. 22.Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?either doodles of dicks and such or a rude, raunchy or somehow unacceptable letter to someone whether he knew them or not he wrote for a laugh with no intention of sending. He’s very mature24.Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?He actually excels in a lot of things, he’s a pretty gifted mage. He just Hates the Circle and all that academia type shit so regardless of his skill in them he doesn’t want to do them. He thinks intellectual pursuits are on a whole a waste of time because they’re mainly just there to make people feel more important and fancy.26.Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?NOPE. NONE. past maybe ‘consult with that statue of Eleni Zinovia back in Ferelden about what to do w/ my life’ and ‘get a boyfriend’. 28.Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?hoooooo that’s Rough. Probably Banal though he’s more a father figure. He wasn’t very close to his other mages and hated the templars. Later when he meets Keshet and Shalev I guess they become his best friends which is...... very gay and lame.
Worst Enemy is Cullen and Meredith but Meredith is dead so fuck youuuuuuuu Culllleeennnnnnnn.30.Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)Boy This Sucks [Drinks like a monster even more than usual] 
he’s pretty desensitized to tragedy but also a shambling mess so it’s really just his usual self but like 1000000000000000% worse for a while
32.Thoughts on material possessions in general?
MORE PLEASE. he loves shit give him all the stuff he wants to lounge in a gaudy parlor on a opulent chaise. He never got to have much in the way of possessions in the circle so he lots shit now. also he’s just a material little shit.
34.Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)He doesn’t care about other people’s privacy pretty much at all and loves getting into people’s shit but he’s VERY intense about his own privacy. He’s deeply protective of himself and his things and privacy. So he’s a wildly hypocritical guy.36.What makes them feel guilty?Not fucking much. He occasionally feels bad about how he’s treated someone but it’s not often and he’d never say it out loud. just kinda adds it to the pile of fuel for self-loathing.38.Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?
He’d be a Type A if it weren’t how his life has gone so I guess he’s like, a burnout Type A. 
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additionallysad · 5 years
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#128: Finding More Life In Less Stuff http://bit.ly/2B8IItR
Minimalism can still feel like an “out there” lifestyle, so this week we’re bringing in expert Joshua Becker to share how dipping your toes into the minimalist waters can lead to big gains at home and in life. He shares how to stop the slow creep of household clutter, what minimizing can teach our kids, and how it might even help you achieve some of your biggest life goals that have nothing to do with organizing or paring down. Plus, we take you inside a part of our house that many of you have never seen before, and we share what we’re both doing in the pursuit of a better night’s sleep.
You can download this episode from Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Spotify – or listen to it below! Note: If you’re reading in a feed reader, you may have to click through to the post to see the player.
What’s new
Below is the photo of our attic from Episode #123’s shownotes that piqued a lot of interest in this “secret” space (which also featured a small fraction of Sherry’s “Baskets In The Attic).
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And, as promised, Sherry shot a video tour of it last week so you can see how it’s looking lately. NOTE: If you’re viewing his in a feed reader you may need to click through to see the video. You can also watch it here on YouTube.
It’s a space we haven’t really photographed very much because it’s just been full of junk, leftovers, and decor “in purgatory.” But to give you a sense of its size, here’s a photo we took of it when we bought the house:
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It’s not as clean as it was then, but it’s definitely a lot less chaotic than it had been before we started finalizing what was going to the duplex and donating everything else we had been holding onto for far too long.
And I know Sherry’s video promised a view from the outside to help orient yourself. The attic exists basically as our unfinished third story, which runs under the entire roof in this picture below:
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Joshua Becker, The Minimalist Home
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You can learn more from Joshua or follow along with him at his website, Becoming Minimalist.
His new book is called The Minimalist Home and provides room-by-room advice for paring down & minimizing. It has been selling out a lot, so if you’re interested try to snag it before it goes out of stock again.
Sherry’s also a big fan of his earlier book, The More of Less.
And if you want to tune into more episodes where we discuss minimizing or decluttering, it’s clearly one of our favorite topics, so here ya go:
Episode #30: How Minimalism Almost “Grinched” Our Christmas
Episode #33: In Pursuit Of Buying Less & Doing More
Episode #45: Why We Got Rid Of Half The Toys In Our House
Episode #78: How We (Mostly) Pulled Off A Merry Yet Minimal Christmas?
Episode #82: What’s It Really Like To Live In A Tiny House?
Episode #87: Lessons From The Messiest Homes In America
Episode #89: A Year Without Shopping
Episode #96: Our Complicated Relationship With Stuff
Episode #106: What’s It Really Like To Downsize?
Episode #111: Can Minimalism Be Cozy?
Episode #116: How To Get More Style With Less Stuff
We’re Digging
Here are some screenshots of the Autosleep app that I’ve been enjoying to help me stay accountable with my sleep habits That’s not my data below (I wish I got to sleep until 9:13am!) but you can see how it mimics the rings in Apple Watch’s Activity app, and how it tracks your “sleep bank” and tells you whether you’re working off of a surplus or a deficit of sleep (so you can catch up, or celebrate your victory).
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And in addition to her weighted blanket, Sherry mentioned this Sleepy lotion from LUSH that’s been a nice addition to her evening routine. And here’s her favorite organic caffeine free camomile tea.
If you’re looking for something we’ve dug in a past episode, but don’t remember which show notes to click into, here’s a master list of everything we’ve been digging from all of our past episodes. You can also see all the books we’ve recommended on our Book Club page.
And lastly, a big thank you to Agility Bed for sponsoring this episode. This week one of our listeners can week a free Agility mattress and a pair of Therapedic pillows by entering at AgilityBed.com/YHL. Giveaway ends February 8th.
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Thanks for listening, guys!
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post #128: Finding More Life In Less Stuff appeared first on Young House Love.
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lowmaticnews · 5 years
#128: Finding More Life In Less Stuff
Minimalism can still feel like an “out there” lifestyle, so this week we’re bringing in expert Joshua Becker to share how dipping your toes into the minimalist waters can lead to big gains at home and in life. He shares how to stop the slow creep of household clutter, what minimizing can teach our kids, and how it might even help you achieve some of your biggest life goals that have nothing to do with organizing or paring down. Plus, we take you inside a part of our house that many of you have never seen before, and we share what we’re both doing in the pursuit of a better night’s sleep.
You can download this episode from Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Spotify – or listen to it below! Note: If you’re reading in a feed reader, you may have to click through to the post to see the player.
What’s new
Below is the photo of our attic from Episode #123’s shownotes that piqued a lot of interest in this “secret” space (which also featured a small fraction of Sherry’s “Baskets In The Attic).
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And, as promised, Sherry shot a video tour of it last week so you can see how it’s looking lately. NOTE: If you’re viewing his in a feed reader you may need to click through to see the video. You can also watch it here on YouTube.
It’s a space we haven’t really photographed very much because it’s just been full of junk, leftovers, and decor “in purgatory.” But to give you a sense of its size, here’s a photo we took of it when we bought the house:
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It’s not as clean as it was then, but it’s definitely a lot less chaotic than it had been before we started finalizing what was going to the duplex and donating everything else we had been holding onto for far too long.
And I know Sherry’s video promised a view from the outside to help orient yourself. The attic exists basically as our unfinished third story, which runs under the entire roof in this picture below:
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Joshua Becker, The Minimalist Home
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You can learn more from Joshua or follow along with him at his website, Becoming Minimalist.
His new book is called The Minimalist Home and provides room-by-room advice for paring down & minimizing. It has been selling out a lot, so if you’re interested try to snag it before it goes out of stock again.
Sherry’s also a big fan of his earlier book, The More of Less.
And if you want to tune into more episodes where we discuss minimizing or decluttering, it’s clearly one of our favorite topics, so here ya go:
Episode #30: How Minimalism Almost “Grinched” Our Christmas
Episode #33: In Pursuit Of Buying Less & Doing More
Episode #45: Why We Got Rid Of Half The Toys In Our House
Episode #78: How We (Mostly) Pulled Off A Merry Yet Minimal Christmas?
Episode #82: What’s It Really Like To Live In A Tiny House?
Episode #87: Lessons From The Messiest Homes In America
Episode #89: A Year Without Shopping
Episode #96: Our Complicated Relationship With Stuff
Episode #106: What’s It Really Like To Downsize?
Episode #111: Can Minimalism Be Cozy?
Episode #116: How To Get More Style With Less Stuff
We’re Digging
Here are some screenshots of the Autosleep app that I’ve been enjoying to help me stay accountable with my sleep habits That’s not my data below (I wish I got to sleep until 9:13am!) but you can see how it mimics the rings in Apple Watch’s Activity app, and how it tracks your “sleep bank” and tells you whether you’re working off of a surplus or a deficit of sleep (so you can catch up, or celebrate your victory).
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And in addition to her weighted blanket, Sherry mentioned this Sleepy lotion from LUSH that’s been a nice addition to her evening routine. And here’s her favorite organic caffeine free camomile tea.
If you’re looking for something we’ve dug in a past episode, but don’t remember which show notes to click into, here’s a master list of everything we’ve been digging from all of our past episodes. You can also see all the books we’ve recommended on our Book Club page.
And lastly, a big thank you to Agility Bed for sponsoring this episode. This week one of our listeners can week a free Agility mattress and a pair of Therapedic pillows by entering at AgilityBed.com/YHL. Giveaway ends February 8th.
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Thanks for listening, guys!
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post #128: Finding More Life In Less Stuff appeared first on Young House Love.
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#128: Finding More Life In Less Stuff published first on https://landscapingmates.blogspot.com
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annaddendy-blog · 5 years
House Tour :: This Belgian Home Is The Perfect Cozy, Clean Slate for Winter
Welcome to 2019, you guys!!! And thank you for sticking with me while I took a much needed break from the blog, emails, and even a bit less social media over the holidays. I forget how that quiet time – a time when I can actually reflect on the year and get back in touch with me – is really necessary in this crazy world. I definitely need to do it more often!
I had hoped to start this week off with a personal post about my intentions for 2019, but it's not quite finished yet, so instead, I'm leading things off with a small house tour that's very much reflecting my current desire for fresh, clean spaces that also manage to be cozy! 
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While my decorating style skews a bit more layered with pattern and a hint of color than this space, what I love about it is that this house is truly at home in every season. I tend to decorate with a lot of warm, light woods and linen. But, come winter… well it can feel a little strange to have a room that feels like summer when what you need is cozy! And this space does it so well.
The texture in the room is perfect for any time of year, while the addition of lots and lots of layered furs just helps warm things up a bit. It's an incredibly simple touch that goes a long way. 
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The house itself is a summer home – and a lovely one at at that. I wanted to show you the exterior because this home comes with one unique – and sometimes challenging – feature. Rounded windows. They're not so common here, but I know plenty of homes in San Francisco and elsewhere that have this, and it can be hard to design for! I love the way that architect-designer Peter Ivens has turned these corners into features. 
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Again, layers of furs fill this first rounded nook, and a simple seating area is all that's needed to highlight the architecture of the space. Adding a ledge and keeping things low is also a nice touch! It allows the view out the windows to be unobstructed, but provides space for items to be showcased and kept.
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Another smart little spot is this built-in 'desk' area behind the sofa. While it appears to be more for display than work, I could definitely see myself popping my laptop on that ledge to tackle some emails with a view.
The kitchen is the space that first caught my attention with this house – I only wish there were more images of it to share!!! 
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The hunk of vintage cutting board built into the cabinetry is just genius – and gorgeous. The chunky marble countertop suits it so nicely! And I always love skylights in a kitchen!! The more natural light the better.
You can get an idea of how the kitchen flows into the casual dining room below – but sadly this photo is in black and white. (Whyyyyy!??). I emailed the designer to try and get it in color, but as of yet haven't heard back from them. I had to include it because I find the layout so unique! You can see there is a wood fire stove to cook in (amazing), and that the kitchen and dining room form this sort of 'T' shape that you don't see too often! It's such a perfect mix of rustic and modern, with the white brick in there.
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Upstairs, we find the seconded rounded nook with the similar low-shelf feature in the bedroom. Choosing to float the bed to orient it to look out the windows is a fantastic move. Putting anything up against the windows would feel awkward. By floating the bed, and adding a solid 'headboard' as a divider, this allows the wardrobe storage to be behind the bed, as you can see below. 
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It really maximizes the use of space! And I love that, from bed, all you get is simple, quiet views. Not piles of clothes, ha!
Just beyond the closet, you can see open linen storage on the left, and of course the simple master bath.
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For a summer house, a soaking tub and simple vanity seem just right.
If I manage to get my hands on the full-color versions of these images, you know I'll be updating this post! In the meantime… I hope this house feels as refreshing and cozy for you as it did for me today! Here's how to get the look:  
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1. jeanneret style lounge chair  | 2. grey and white stripe wool throw | 3. white cone table task lamp | 4. rose linen pillow & light blush linen pillow | 5. armless ivory linen sofa | 6. warm sheepskin rug | 7. white earthenware bowl | 8. framed line drawing leaf print
The post House Tour :: This Belgian Home Is The Perfect Cozy, Clean Slate for Winter appeared first on coco kelley.
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skuds-blog · 5 years
House Tour :: This Belgian Home Is The Perfect Cozy, Clean Slate for Winter
Welcome to 2019, you guys!!! And thank you for sticking with me while I took a much needed break from the blog, emails, and even a bit less social media over the holidays. I forget how that quiet time – a time when I can actually reflect on the year and get back in touch with me – is really necessary in this crazy world. I definitely need to do it more often!
I had hoped to start this week off with a personal post about my intentions for 2019, but it's not quite finished yet, so instead, I'm leading things off with a small house tour that's very much reflecting my current desire for fresh, clean spaces that also manage to be cozy! 
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While my decorating style skews a bit more layered with pattern and a hint of color than this space, what I love about it is that this house is truly at home in every season. I tend to decorate with a lot of warm, light woods and linen. But, come winter… well it can feel a little strange to have a room that feels like summer when what you need is cozy! And this space does it so well.
The texture in the room is perfect for any time of year, while the addition of lots and lots of layered furs just helps warm things up a bit. It's an incredibly simple touch that goes a long way. 
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The house itself is a summer home – and a lovely one at at that. I wanted to show you the exterior because this home comes with one unique – and sometimes challenging – feature. Rounded windows. They're not so common here, but I know plenty of homes in San Francisco and elsewhere that have this, and it can be hard to design for! I love the way that architect-designer Peter Ivens has turned these corners into features. 
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Again, layers of furs fill this first rounded nook, and a simple seating area is all that's needed to highlight the architecture of the space. Adding a ledge and keeping things low is also a nice touch! It allows the view out the windows to be unobstructed, but provides space for items to be showcased and kept.
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Another smart little spot is this built-in 'desk' area behind the sofa. While it appears to be more for display than work, I could definitely see myself popping my laptop on that ledge to tackle some emails with a view.
The kitchen is the space that first caught my attention with this house – I only wish there were more images of it to share!!! 
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The hunk of vintage cutting board built into the cabinetry is just genius – and gorgeous. The chunky marble countertop suits it so nicely! And I always love skylights in a kitchen!! The more natural light the better.
You can get an idea of how the kitchen flows into the casual dining room below – but sadly this photo is in black and white. (Whyyyyy!??). I emailed the designer to try and get it in color, but as of yet haven't heard back from them. I had to include it because I find the layout so unique! You can see there is a wood fire stove to cook in (amazing), and that the kitchen and dining room form this sort of 'T' shape that you don't see too often! It's such a perfect mix of rustic and modern, with the white brick in there.
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Upstairs, we find the seconded rounded nook with the similar low-shelf feature in the bedroom. Choosing to float the bed to orient it to look out the windows is a fantastic move. Putting anything up against the windows would feel awkward. By floating the bed, and adding a solid 'headboard' as a divider, this allows the wardrobe storage to be behind the bed, as you can see below. 
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It really maximizes the use of space! And I love that, from bed, all you get is simple, quiet views. Not piles of clothes, ha!
Just beyond the closet, you can see open linen storage on the left, and of course the simple master bath.
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For a summer house, a soaking tub and simple vanity seem just right.
If I manage to get my hands on the full-color versions of these images, you know I'll be updating this post! In the meantime… I hope this house feels as refreshing and cozy for you as it did for me today! Here's how to get the look:  
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1. jeanneret style lounge chair  | 2. grey and white stripe wool throw | 3. white cone table task lamp | 4. rose linen pillow & light blush linen pillow | 5. armless ivory linen sofa | 6. warm sheepskin rug | 7. white earthenware bowl | 8. framed line drawing leaf print
The post House Tour :: This Belgian Home Is The Perfect Cozy, Clean Slate for Winter appeared first on coco kelley.
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edoughty2876-blog · 5 years
House Tour :: This Belgian Home Is The Perfect Cozy, Clean Slate for Winter
Welcome to 2019, you guys!!! And thank you for sticking with me while I took a much needed break from the blog, emails, and even a bit less social media over the holidays. I forget how that quiet time – a time when I can actually reflect on the year and get back in touch with me – is really necessary in this crazy world. I definitely need to do it more often!
I had hoped to start this week off with a personal post about my intentions for 2019, but it's not quite finished yet, so instead, I'm leading things off with a small house tour that's very much reflecting my current desire for fresh, clean spaces that also manage to be cozy! 
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While my decorating style skews a bit more layered with pattern and a hint of color than this space, what I love about it is that this house is truly at home in every season. I tend to decorate with a lot of warm, light woods and linen. But, come winter… well it can feel a little strange to have a room that feels like summer when what you need is cozy! And this space does it so well.
The texture in the room is perfect for any time of year, while the addition of lots and lots of layered furs just helps warm things up a bit. It's an incredibly simple touch that goes a long way. 
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The house itself is a summer home – and a lovely one at at that. I wanted to show you the exterior because this home comes with one unique – and sometimes challenging – feature. Rounded windows. They're not so common here, but I know plenty of homes in San Francisco and elsewhere that have this, and it can be hard to design for! I love the way that architect-designer Peter Ivens has turned these corners into features. 
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Again, layers of furs fill this first rounded nook, and a simple seating area is all that's needed to highlight the architecture of the space. Adding a ledge and keeping things low is also a nice touch! It allows the view out the windows to be unobstructed, but provides space for items to be showcased and kept.
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Another smart little spot is this built-in 'desk' area behind the sofa. While it appears to be more for display than work, I could definitely see myself popping my laptop on that ledge to tackle some emails with a view.
The kitchen is the space that first caught my attention with this house – I only wish there were more images of it to share!!! 
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The hunk of vintage cutting board built into the cabinetry is just genius – and gorgeous. The chunky marble countertop suits it so nicely! And I always love skylights in a kitchen!! The more natural light the better.
You can get an idea of how the kitchen flows into the casual dining room below – but sadly this photo is in black and white. (Whyyyyy!??). I emailed the designer to try and get it in color, but as of yet haven't heard back from them. I had to include it because I find the layout so unique! You can see there is a wood fire stove to cook in (amazing), and that the kitchen and dining room form this sort of 'T' shape that you don't see too often! It's such a perfect mix of rustic and modern, with the white brick in there.
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Upstairs, we find the seconded rounded nook with the similar low-shelf feature in the bedroom. Choosing to float the bed to orient it to look out the windows is a fantastic move. Putting anything up against the windows would feel awkward. By floating the bed, and adding a solid 'headboard' as a divider, this allows the wardrobe storage to be behind the bed, as you can see below. 
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It really maximizes the use of space! And I love that, from bed, all you get is simple, quiet views. Not piles of clothes, ha!
Just beyond the closet, you can see open linen storage on the left, and of course the simple master bath.
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For a summer house, a soaking tub and simple vanity seem just right.
If I manage to get my hands on the full-color versions of these images, you know I'll be updating this post! In the meantime… I hope this house feels as refreshing and cozy for you as it did for me today! Here's how to get the look:  
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1. jeanneret style lounge chair  | 2. grey and white stripe wool throw | 3. white cone table task lamp | 4. rose linen pillow & light blush linen pillow | 5. armless ivory linen sofa | 6. warm sheepskin rug | 7. white earthenware bowl | 8. framed line drawing leaf print
The post House Tour :: This Belgian Home Is The Perfect Cozy, Clean Slate for Winter appeared first on coco kelley.
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travelguy4444 · 5 years
My Top 12 Hostels in Lisbon in 2019
Posted: 2/18/2019 | February 18th, 2019
Lisbon is known to have some of the best hostels in the world.
There are more than 100 hostels in the city and its hostels are usually always at the top of all the “best hostels” lists. Year over year, they always take home some of the top spots in the top-rated lists you see floating around the web.
As someone who’s been to Lisbon multiple times, I can always see why.
Hostels in this city just get it.
They create a warm, social atmosphere, hire friendly and outgoing staff, keep the places clean, offer tons of free food and booze (the key to any backpacker’s heart), and have super comfy beds. You can almost always find free walking tours and other activities, and/or free dinners, snacks, and drinks. This can save you tons of money.
I love every hostel I’ve stayed in here.
Each time I return, I find more and more great places to stay.
And hostels are cheap here too!
You can find dorms with 8-10 beds at about €14 ($16 USD) per night and dorms with 4-6 beds average about €18 ($21 USD) per night. You can find private dorms that sleep 2 in a double bed starting at €40 ($46 USD), with most averaging about €50 ($57 USD) per night.
So what are the best hostels in Lisbon?
Here is my list of favorites for your next visit.
12 Best Hostels in Lisbon
1. Lookout! Lisbon Hostel
This fun and social hostel has a ton of organized activities going on each week – and they even give you free sangria! There’s also a free breakfast buffet. The kitchen and lounge areas always have people around, but it’s not so much a party place – the staff makes sure the hostel is quiet after 11:30pm. There is a free flea market walking tour, as well as a whole host of other paid excursions like surf lessons, beach days, and bicycle rides. You’re a 5-minute walk from Bairro Alto bars, vintage markets, supermarkets, and all-you-can-eat sushi (plus tons of other restaurants).
Beds from €11 EUR ($13 USD). Cash only.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Lookout! Lisbon Hostel!
2. Lisboa Central Hostel
Bright, spacious rooms welcome you here where the beds are comfy and equipped with outlets for you too. Run by a local Portuguese family, the staff here is extremely knowledgeable about the city and can give you great recommendations on things to do and where to eat. There’s free pancake breakfasts and free soup each dat as well as Milkshake Mondays, Tapas Tuesdays, and Sangria Fridays. You won’t have to sepdn a lot of money on food thanks to this hostel. It’s a great vibe here.
Beds from €13 EUR ($15 USD). Twin privates from €52 EUR ($60 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Lisboa Central Hostel!
3. Yes! Lisbon Hostel
This is a bit of a party hostel but, despite its party atmosphere, the hostel’s facilities are super modern, kept clean, and the spacious rooms are pretty quiet too. They come with privacy curtains, ensuite bathrooms, and the bigger rooms even have a tabel! The €10 EUR ($11 USD) communal dinners are tasty, and they even offer vegetarian options (but if you’d rather do your own cooking, there’s a large kitchen to do so).
Beds from €14 EUR ($16 USD). Private rooms from €68 EUR ($78 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Yes! Lisbon Hostel!
4. Home Lisbon Hostel
This place in Lisbon’s historic city center is like your home away from home. You’ll even get to meet “Mamma” (the owner’s mom), as she prepares a meal each night. There is also a night tour every evening. The rooms are spacious with balconies and big windows and the bunks have privacy curtains. If you’re a digital nomad, you can take advantage of the co-working space too.
Beds from €15 EUR ($17 USD). Private rooms from €60 EUR ($70 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Home Lisbon Hostel!
5. Nomad 64
Nomad 64 is more like a boutique hostel, and the building has recently been renovated with modern décor. The kitchen is amazing (seriously, there are marble countertops): it’s huge, modern, with lots of tables, and great facitilites. It’s one of the best kitchens I’ve ever seen. Breakfast is included here. The beds are comfy enough. Try to avoid a room with the triple bunks though! Nomad 64 is set in the Santo Antonio district, with a handful of good restaurants nearby. You’re just a 20-minute walk from Bairro Alto.
Beds from €20 EUR ($23 USD). Private rooms from €57 EUR ($65 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Nomad 64!
6. Travellers House
There are two main things I love about this centrally located hostel in the Baixa neighborhood. First is the free breakfast. It is not a “continental” breakfast – there are eggs, bacon, toast, and more. You can even get some items made to order! The second thing I love about this place is the rooftop overlooking the Rua Augusta Arch. The mattresses are thick and comfortable, and you’ll get a light and outlet. The common area feels more like a living room, with beanbag chairs and large couches. Travellers House also hosts a wide range of events such as wining tastings and walking tours through the Alfama and Bairro Alto areas.
Beds from €20 EUR ($23 USD). Private singles from €30 EUR ($34 USD). There is a minimum two-night stay.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Travellers House!
7. We Love F. Tourists
The staff members at We Love F. Tourists are awesome, and it’s not uncommon for them to surprise you with free wine (sometimes they’ll even pack snacks or sandwiches for you as you’re heading to the airport). Sit in the lounge, sip some port, or take in the views over Sao Jorge Castle – it doesn’t get much better than that! This hostel is in Baixa, next to the busy squares of Praça da Figueira and Rossio. Pedro, the owner, has a restaurant next door that serves great food.
Beds from €14 EUR ($16 USD). Private rooms from €50 EUR ($57 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at We Love F. Tourists!
8. Lost Inn Lisbon
Lost Inn is another hostel that has free sangria (and coffee and tea!) every day. Breakfast is also free, and there’s a free walking tour afterwards. This hostel is housed inside an 18th-century palace in the middle of downtown, next to important monuments, museums, and the party area of Bairro Alto. Despite its age, the building’s interior is sleek and modern (and large – you’ll have no problem getting a bed).
Beds from €15 EUR ($17 USD). Private rooms from €70 EUR ($80 USD). There is a minimum two-night stay.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Lost Inn Lisbon!
9. Living Lounge Hostel
This boutique hostel on the border between the Chiado district and the historic Baixa is interesting and artsy. Each room has a different theme, and local artists have hand-painted the walls. It’s a quirky place in a great location! The beds are nice, but they can be squeaky. They have free pancakes for breakfast, and huge group dinners (for about €10 EUR/$11 USD). They also offer tours; the Fado tour is a popular one.
Beds from €16 EUR ($18 USD). Single privates from €30 EUR ($34 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Living Lounge Hostel!
10. Happy Mike Hostel
There really is a Mike who runs this hostel, and he really is a happy guy! He knows all about the city and is really willing to help you make the most of your time here. Ask him anything. The hostel is sparkling clean, and the well-equipped kitchen has plenty of storage for your groceries. Happy Mike Hostel is located in Benfica – one of the less touristy areas of the city – surrounded by really great dining options and plenty of public transit options.
Beds from €18 ($21 USD). Private rooms from €50 EUR ($57 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Happy Mike Hostel!
11. Good Morning Lisbon Hostel
This hostel is right across from busy Restauradores Square and offers everything you need – comfy beds, spacious and clean rooms, free breakfast, a nice staff, and organized activities and walking tours. You can take a free walking tour or bike To Belém to see some of Lisbon’s most historical sites. There’s also a “Power Hour” (i.e., Happy Hour) with free beer and sangria each night. Oh, did I mention the waffles with Nutella? I really love the free cooking class and the day trip with João – he’s fantastic. Breakfast is included here.
Beds from €14 EUR ($16 USD). Private rooms from €56 EUR ($64 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Good Morning Lisbon Hostel!
12. Goodnight Hostel
Not related to the above Good Morning Hostels (they used to be though, this downtown hostel offers free sangria and €10 EUR ($11 USD) dinners once a week. They also organize nights out, as well as a number of walking tours through Alfama, Bairro Alto, and Baixa-Chiado. It’s a great way to get oriented with Lisbon! The showers have amazing water pressure, and the beds are very cozy. The small setting is very intimate due to its small space, making it easy to meet fellow travelers! Free breakfast is included. It’s one of the best hostels in Lisbon. (Actually, it’s my favorite. I saved the best for last!)
Beds from €10 EUR ($11 USD), privates from €55 EUR ($63 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Goodnight Hostel!
Lisbon has so many great hostels spread throughout the city. I’ve been visiting Lisbon for years and have stayed at some amazing places. Instead of spending hours trying to figure out where to stay, this list of the best hostels in Lisbon will cut out the time for you.
Got a hostel not on this list? Add it in the comments!
Book Your Trip to Lisbon: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Looking for more information on visiting Lisbon? Check out my in-depth destination guide to Lisbon with more tips on what to see, do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!
Photo credits: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
The post My Top 12 Hostels in Lisbon in 2019 appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
source https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/best-hostels-lisbon/
0 notes
joshuamshea84 · 5 years
My Top 12 Hostels in Lisbon in 2019
Posted: 2/18/2019 | February 18th, 2019
Lisbon is known to have some of the best hostels in the world.
There are more than 100 hostels in the city and its hostels are usually always at the top of all the “best hostels” lists. Year over year, they always take home some of the top spots in the top-rated lists you see floating around the web.
As someone who’s been to Lisbon multiple times, I can always see why.
Hostels in this city just get it.
They create a warm, social atmosphere, hire friendly and outgoing staff, keep the places clean, offer tons of free food and booze (the key to any backpacker’s heart), and have super comfy beds. You can almost always find free walking tours and other activities, and/or free dinners, snacks, and drinks. This can save you tons of money.
I love every hostel I’ve stayed in here.
Each time I return, I find more and more great places to stay.
And hostels are cheap here too!
You can find dorms with 8-10 beds at about €14 ($16 USD) per night and dorms with 4-6 beds average about €18 ($21 USD) per night. You can find private dorms that sleep 2 in a double bed starting at €40 ($46 USD), with most averaging about €50 ($57 USD) per night.
So what are the best hostels in Lisbon?
Here is my list of favorites for your next visit.
12 Best Hostels in Lisbon
1. Lookout! Lisbon Hostel
This fun and social hostel has a ton of organized activities going on each week – and they even give you free sangria! There’s also a free breakfast buffet. The kitchen and lounge areas always have people around, but it’s not so much a party place – the staff makes sure the hostel is quiet after 11:30pm. There is a free flea market walking tour, as well as a whole host of other paid excursions like surf lessons, beach days, and bicycle rides. You’re a 5-minute walk from Bairro Alto bars, vintage markets, supermarkets, and all-you-can-eat sushi (plus tons of other restaurants).
Beds from €11 EUR ($13 USD). Cash only.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Lookout! Lisbon Hostel!
2. Lisboa Central Hostel
Bright, spacious rooms welcome you here where the beds are comfy and equipped with outlets for you too. Run by a local Portuguese family, the staff here is extremely knowledgeable about the city and can give you great recommendations on things to do and where to eat. There’s free pancake breakfasts and free soup each dat as well as Milkshake Mondays, Tapas Tuesdays, and Sangria Fridays. You won’t have to sepdn a lot of money on food thanks to this hostel. It’s a great vibe here.
Beds from €13 EUR ($15 USD). Twin privates from €52 EUR ($60 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Lisboa Central Hostel!
3. Yes! Lisbon Hostel
This is a bit of a party hostel but, despite its party atmosphere, the hostel’s facilities are super modern, kept clean, and the spacious rooms are pretty quiet too. They come with privacy curtains, ensuite bathrooms, and the bigger rooms even have a tabel! The €10 EUR ($11 USD) communal dinners are tasty, and they even offer vegetarian options (but if you’d rather do your own cooking, there’s a large kitchen to do so).
Beds from €14 EUR ($16 USD). Private rooms from €68 EUR ($78 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Yes! Lisbon Hostel!
4. Home Lisbon Hostel
This place in Lisbon’s historic city center is like your home away from home. You’ll even get to meet “Mamma” (the owner’s mom), as she prepares a meal each night. There is also a night tour every evening. The rooms are spacious with balconies and big windows and the bunks have privacy curtains. If you’re a digital nomad, you can take advantage of the co-working space too.
Beds from €15 EUR ($17 USD). Private rooms from €60 EUR ($70 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Home Lisbon Hostel!
5. Nomad 64
Nomad 64 is more like a boutique hostel, and the building has recently been renovated with modern décor. The kitchen is amazing (seriously, there are marble countertops): it’s huge, modern, with lots of tables, and great facitilites. It’s one of the best kitchens I’ve ever seen. Breakfast is included here. The beds are comfy enough. Try to avoid a room with the triple bunks though! Nomad 64 is set in the Santo Antonio district, with a handful of good restaurants nearby. You’re just a 20-minute walk from Bairro Alto.
Beds from €20 EUR ($23 USD). Private rooms from €57 EUR ($65 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Nomad 64!
6. Travellers House
There are two main things I love about this centrally located hostel in the Baixa neighborhood. First is the free breakfast. It is not a “continental” breakfast – there are eggs, bacon, toast, and more. You can even get some items made to order! The second thing I love about this place is the rooftop overlooking the Rua Augusta Arch. The mattresses are thick and comfortable, and you’ll get a light and outlet. The common area feels more like a living room, with beanbag chairs and large couches. Travellers House also hosts a wide range of events such as wining tastings and walking tours through the Alfama and Bairro Alto areas.
Beds from €20 EUR ($23 USD). Private singles from €30 EUR ($34 USD). There is a minimum two-night stay.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Travellers House!
7. We Love F. Tourists
The staff members at We Love F. Tourists are awesome, and it’s not uncommon for them to surprise you with free wine (sometimes they’ll even pack snacks or sandwiches for you as you’re heading to the airport). Sit in the lounge, sip some port, or take in the views over Sao Jorge Castle – it doesn’t get much better than that! This hostel is in Baixa, next to the busy squares of Praça da Figueira and Rossio. Pedro, the owner, has a restaurant next door that serves great food.
Beds from €14 EUR ($16 USD). Private rooms from €50 EUR ($57 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at We Love F. Tourists!
8. Lost Inn Lisbon
Lost Inn is another hostel that has free sangria (and coffee and tea!) every day. Breakfast is also free, and there’s a free walking tour afterwards. This hostel is housed inside an 18th-century palace in the middle of downtown, next to important monuments, museums, and the party area of Bairro Alto. Despite its age, the building’s interior is sleek and modern (and large – you’ll have no problem getting a bed).
Beds from €15 EUR ($17 USD). Private rooms from €70 EUR ($80 USD). There is a minimum two-night stay.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Lost Inn Lisbon!
9. Living Lounge Hostel
This boutique hostel on the border between the Chiado district and the historic Baixa is interesting and artsy. Each room has a different theme, and local artists have hand-painted the walls. It’s a quirky place in a great location! The beds are nice, but they can be squeaky. They have free pancakes for breakfast, and huge group dinners (for about €10 EUR/$11 USD). They also offer tours; the Fado tour is a popular one.
Beds from €16 EUR ($18 USD). Single privates from €30 EUR ($34 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Living Lounge Hostel!
10. Happy Mike Hostel
There really is a Mike who runs this hostel, and he really is a happy guy! He knows all about the city and is really willing to help you make the most of your time here. Ask him anything. The hostel is sparkling clean, and the well-equipped kitchen has plenty of storage for your groceries. Happy Mike Hostel is located in Benfica – one of the less touristy areas of the city – surrounded by really great dining options and plenty of public transit options.
Beds from €18 ($21 USD). Private rooms from €50 EUR ($57 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Happy Mike Hostel!
11. Good Morning Lisbon Hostel
This hostel is right across from busy Restauradores Square and offers everything you need – comfy beds, spacious and clean rooms, free breakfast, a nice staff, and organized activities and walking tours. You can take a free walking tour or bike To Belém to see some of Lisbon’s most historical sites. There’s also a “Power Hour” (i.e., Happy Hour) with free beer and sangria each night. Oh, did I mention the waffles with Nutella? I really love the free cooking class and the day trip with João – he’s fantastic. Breakfast is included here.
Beds from €14 EUR ($16 USD). Private rooms from €56 EUR ($64 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Good Morning Lisbon Hostel!
12. Goodnight Hostel
Not related to the above Good Morning Hostels (they used to be though, this downtown hostel offers free sangria and €10 EUR ($11 USD) dinners once a week. They also organize nights out, as well as a number of walking tours through Alfama, Bairro Alto, and Baixa-Chiado. It’s a great way to get oriented with Lisbon! The showers have amazing water pressure, and the beds are very cozy. The small setting is very intimate due to its small space, making it easy to meet fellow travelers! Free breakfast is included. It’s one of the best hostels in Lisbon. (Actually, it’s my favorite. I saved the best for last!)
Beds from €10 EUR ($11 USD), privates from €55 EUR ($63 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Goodnight Hostel!
Lisbon has so many great hostels spread throughout the city. I’ve been visiting Lisbon for years and have stayed at some amazing places. Instead of spending hours trying to figure out where to stay, this list of the best hostels in Lisbon will cut out the time for you.
Got a hostel not on this list? Add it in the comments!
Book Your Trip to Lisbon: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Looking for more information on visiting Lisbon? Check out my in-depth destination guide to Lisbon with more tips on what to see, do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!
Photo credits: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
The post My Top 12 Hostels in Lisbon in 2019 appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
from Traveling News https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/best-hostels-lisbon/
0 notes
melissagarcia8 · 5 years
My Top 12 Hostels in Lisbon in 2019
Posted: 2/18/2019 | February 18th, 2019
Lisbon is known to have some of the best hostels in the world.
There are more than 100 hostels in the city and its hostels are usually always at the top of all the “best hostels” lists. Year over year, they always take home some of the top spots in the top-rated lists you see floating around the web.
As someone who’s been to Lisbon multiple times, I can always see why.
Hostels in this city just get it.
They create a warm, social atmosphere, hire friendly and outgoing staff, keep the places clean, offer tons of free food and booze (the key to any backpacker’s heart), and have super comfy beds. You can almost always find free walking tours and other activities, and/or free dinners, snacks, and drinks. This can save you tons of money.
I love every hostel I’ve stayed in here.
Each time I return, I find more and more great places to stay.
And hostels are cheap here too!
You can find dorms with 8-10 beds at about €14 ($16 USD) per night and dorms with 4-6 beds average about €18 ($21 USD) per night. You can find private dorms that sleep 2 in a double bed starting at €40 ($46 USD), with most averaging about €50 ($57 USD) per night.
So what are the best hostels in Lisbon?
Here is my list of favorites for your next visit.
12 Best Hostels in Lisbon
1. Lookout! Lisbon Hostel
This fun and social hostel has a ton of organized activities going on each week – and they even give you free sangria! There’s also a free breakfast buffet. The kitchen and lounge areas always have people around, but it’s not so much a party place – the staff makes sure the hostel is quiet after 11:30pm. There is a free flea market walking tour, as well as a whole host of other paid excursions like surf lessons, beach days, and bicycle rides. You’re a 5-minute walk from Bairro Alto bars, vintage markets, supermarkets, and all-you-can-eat sushi (plus tons of other restaurants).
Beds from €11 EUR ($13 USD). Cash only.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Lookout! Lisbon Hostel!
2. Lisboa Central Hostel
Bright, spacious rooms welcome you here where the beds are comfy and equipped with outlets for you too. Run by a local Portuguese family, the staff here is extremely knowledgeable about the city and can give you great recommendations on things to do and where to eat. There’s free pancake breakfasts and free soup each dat as well as Milkshake Mondays, Tapas Tuesdays, and Sangria Fridays. You won’t have to sepdn a lot of money on food thanks to this hostel. It’s a great vibe here.
Beds from €13 EUR ($15 USD). Twin privates from €52 EUR ($60 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Lisboa Central Hostel!
3. Yes! Lisbon Hostel
This is a bit of a party hostel but, despite its party atmosphere, the hostel’s facilities are super modern, kept clean, and the spacious rooms are pretty quiet too. They come with privacy curtains, ensuite bathrooms, and the bigger rooms even have a tabel! The €10 EUR ($11 USD) communal dinners are tasty, and they even offer vegetarian options (but if you’d rather do your own cooking, there’s a large kitchen to do so).
Beds from €14 EUR ($16 USD). Private rooms from €68 EUR ($78 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Yes! Lisbon Hostel!
4. Home Lisbon Hostel
This place in Lisbon’s historic city center is like your home away from home. You’ll even get to meet “Mamma” (the owner’s mom), as she prepares a meal each night. There is also a night tour every evening. The rooms are spacious with balconies and big windows and the bunks have privacy curtains. If you’re a digital nomad, you can take advantage of the co-working space too.
Beds from €15 EUR ($17 USD). Private rooms from €60 EUR ($70 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Home Lisbon Hostel!
5. Nomad 64
Nomad 64 is more like a boutique hostel, and the building has recently been renovated with modern décor. The kitchen is amazing (seriously, there are marble countertops): it’s huge, modern, with lots of tables, and great facitilites. It’s one of the best kitchens I’ve ever seen. Breakfast is included here. The beds are comfy enough. Try to avoid a room with the triple bunks though! Nomad 64 is set in the Santo Antonio district, with a handful of good restaurants nearby. You’re just a 20-minute walk from Bairro Alto.
Beds from €20 EUR ($23 USD). Private rooms from €57 EUR ($65 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Nomad 64!
6. Travellers House
There are two main things I love about this centrally located hostel in the Baixa neighborhood. First is the free breakfast. It is not a “continental” breakfast – there are eggs, bacon, toast, and more. You can even get some items made to order! The second thing I love about this place is the rooftop overlooking the Rua Augusta Arch. The mattresses are thick and comfortable, and you’ll get a light and outlet. The common area feels more like a living room, with beanbag chairs and large couches. Travellers House also hosts a wide range of events such as wining tastings and walking tours through the Alfama and Bairro Alto areas.
Beds from €20 EUR ($23 USD). Private singles from €30 EUR ($34 USD). There is a minimum two-night stay.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Travellers House!
7. We Love F. Tourists
The staff members at We Love F. Tourists are awesome, and it’s not uncommon for them to surprise you with free wine (sometimes they’ll even pack snacks or sandwiches for you as you’re heading to the airport). Sit in the lounge, sip some port, or take in the views over Sao Jorge Castle – it doesn’t get much better than that! This hostel is in Baixa, next to the busy squares of Praça da Figueira and Rossio. Pedro, the owner, has a restaurant next door that serves great food.
Beds from €14 EUR ($16 USD). Private rooms from €50 EUR ($57 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at We Love F. Tourists!
8. Lost Inn Lisbon
Lost Inn is another hostel that has free sangria (and coffee and tea!) every day. Breakfast is also free, and there’s a free walking tour afterwards. This hostel is housed inside an 18th-century palace in the middle of downtown, next to important monuments, museums, and the party area of Bairro Alto. Despite its age, the building’s interior is sleek and modern (and large – you’ll have no problem getting a bed).
Beds from €15 EUR ($17 USD). Private rooms from €70 EUR ($80 USD). There is a minimum two-night stay.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Lost Inn Lisbon!
9. Living Lounge Hostel
This boutique hostel on the border between the Chiado district and the historic Baixa is interesting and artsy. Each room has a different theme, and local artists have hand-painted the walls. It’s a quirky place in a great location! The beds are nice, but they can be squeaky. They have free pancakes for breakfast, and huge group dinners (for about €10 EUR/$11 USD). They also offer tours; the Fado tour is a popular one.
Beds from €16 EUR ($18 USD). Single privates from €30 EUR ($34 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Living Lounge Hostel!
10. Happy Mike Hostel
There really is a Mike who runs this hostel, and he really is a happy guy! He knows all about the city and is really willing to help you make the most of your time here. Ask him anything. The hostel is sparkling clean, and the well-equipped kitchen has plenty of storage for your groceries. Happy Mike Hostel is located in Benfica – one of the less touristy areas of the city – surrounded by really great dining options and plenty of public transit options.
Beds from €18 ($21 USD). Private rooms from €50 EUR ($57 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Happy Mike Hostel!
11. Good Morning Lisbon Hostel
This hostel is right across from busy Restauradores Square and offers everything you need – comfy beds, spacious and clean rooms, free breakfast, a nice staff, and organized activities and walking tours. You can take a free walking tour or bike To Belém to see some of Lisbon’s most historical sites. There’s also a “Power Hour” (i.e., Happy Hour) with free beer and sangria each night. Oh, did I mention the waffles with Nutella? I really love the free cooking class and the day trip with João – he’s fantastic. Breakfast is included here.
Beds from €14 EUR ($16 USD). Private rooms from €56 EUR ($64 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Good Morning Lisbon Hostel!
12. Goodnight Hostel
Not related to the above Good Morning Hostels (they used to be though, this downtown hostel offers free sangria and €10 EUR ($11 USD) dinners once a week. They also organize nights out, as well as a number of walking tours through Alfama, Bairro Alto, and Baixa-Chiado. It’s a great way to get oriented with Lisbon! The showers have amazing water pressure, and the beds are very cozy. The small setting is very intimate due to its small space, making it easy to meet fellow travelers! Free breakfast is included. It’s one of the best hostels in Lisbon. (Actually, it’s my favorite. I saved the best for last!)
Beds from €10 EUR ($11 USD), privates from €55 EUR ($63 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Goodnight Hostel!
Lisbon has so many great hostels spread throughout the city. I’ve been visiting Lisbon for years and have stayed at some amazing places. Instead of spending hours trying to figure out where to stay, this list of the best hostels in Lisbon will cut out the time for you.
Got a hostel not on this list? Add it in the comments!
Book Your Trip to Lisbon: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Looking for more information on visiting Lisbon? Check out my in-depth destination guide to Lisbon with more tips on what to see, do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!
Photo credits: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
The post My Top 12 Hostels in Lisbon in 2019 appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
from Traveling News https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/best-hostels-lisbon/
0 notes
jeffreyclinard · 5 years
My Top 12 Hostels in Lisbon in 2019
Posted: 2/18/2019 | February 18th, 2019
Lisbon is known to have some of the best hostels in the world.
There are more than 100 hostels in the city and its hostels are usually always at the top of all the “best hostels” lists. Year over year, they always take home some of the top spots in the top-rated lists you see floating around the web.
As someone who’s been to Lisbon multiple times, I can always see why.
Hostels in this city just get it.
They create a warm, social atmosphere, hire friendly and outgoing staff, keep the places clean, offer tons of free food and booze (the key to any backpacker’s heart), and have super comfy beds. You can almost always find free walking tours and other activities, and/or free dinners, snacks, and drinks. This can save you tons of money.
I love every hostel I’ve stayed in here.
Each time I return, I find more and more great places to stay.
And hostels are cheap here too!
You can find dorms with 8-10 beds at about €14 ($16 USD) per night and dorms with 4-6 beds average about €18 ($21 USD) per night. You can find private dorms that sleep 2 in a double bed starting at €40 ($46 USD), with most averaging about €50 ($57 USD) per night.
So what are the best hostels in Lisbon?
Here is my list of favorites for your next visit.
12 Best Hostels in Lisbon
1. Lookout! Lisbon Hostel
This fun and social hostel has a ton of organized activities going on each week – and they even give you free sangria! There’s also a free breakfast buffet. The kitchen and lounge areas always have people around, but it’s not so much a party place – the staff makes sure the hostel is quiet after 11:30pm. There is a free flea market walking tour, as well as a whole host of other paid excursions like surf lessons, beach days, and bicycle rides. You’re a 5-minute walk from Bairro Alto bars, vintage markets, supermarkets, and all-you-can-eat sushi (plus tons of other restaurants).
Beds from €11 EUR ($13 USD). Cash only.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Lookout! Lisbon Hostel!
2. Lisboa Central Hostel
Bright, spacious rooms welcome you here where the beds are comfy and equipped with outlets for you too. Run by a local Portuguese family, the staff here is extremely knowledgeable about the city and can give you great recommendations on things to do and where to eat. There’s free pancake breakfasts and free soup each dat as well as Milkshake Mondays, Tapas Tuesdays, and Sangria Fridays. You won’t have to sepdn a lot of money on food thanks to this hostel. It’s a great vibe here.
Beds from €13 EUR ($15 USD). Twin privates from €52 EUR ($60 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Lisboa Central Hostel!
3. Yes! Lisbon Hostel
This is a bit of a party hostel but, despite its party atmosphere, the hostel’s facilities are super modern, kept clean, and the spacious rooms are pretty quiet too. They come with privacy curtains, ensuite bathrooms, and the bigger rooms even have a tabel! The €10 EUR ($11 USD) communal dinners are tasty, and they even offer vegetarian options (but if you’d rather do your own cooking, there’s a large kitchen to do so).
Beds from €14 EUR ($16 USD). Private rooms from €68 EUR ($78 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Yes! Lisbon Hostel!
4. Home Lisbon Hostel
This place in Lisbon’s historic city center is like your home away from home. You’ll even get to meet “Mamma” (the owner’s mom), as she prepares a meal each night. There is also a night tour every evening. The rooms are spacious with balconies and big windows and the bunks have privacy curtains. If you’re a digital nomad, you can take advantage of the co-working space too.
Beds from €15 EUR ($17 USD). Private rooms from €60 EUR ($70 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Home Lisbon Hostel!
5. Nomad 64
Nomad 64 is more like a boutique hostel, and the building has recently been renovated with modern décor. The kitchen is amazing (seriously, there are marble countertops): it’s huge, modern, with lots of tables, and great facitilites. It’s one of the best kitchens I’ve ever seen. Breakfast is included here. The beds are comfy enough. Try to avoid a room with the triple bunks though! Nomad 64 is set in the Santo Antonio district, with a handful of good restaurants nearby. You’re just a 20-minute walk from Bairro Alto.
Beds from €20 EUR ($23 USD). Private rooms from €57 EUR ($65 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Nomad 64!
6. Travellers House
There are two main things I love about this centrally located hostel in the Baixa neighborhood. First is the free breakfast. It is not a “continental” breakfast – there are eggs, bacon, toast, and more. You can even get some items made to order! The second thing I love about this place is the rooftop overlooking the Rua Augusta Arch. The mattresses are thick and comfortable, and you’ll get a light and outlet. The common area feels more like a living room, with beanbag chairs and large couches. Travellers House also hosts a wide range of events such as wining tastings and walking tours through the Alfama and Bairro Alto areas.
Beds from €20 EUR ($23 USD). Private singles from €30 EUR ($34 USD). There is a minimum two-night stay.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Travellers House!
7. We Love F. Tourists
The staff members at We Love F. Tourists are awesome, and it’s not uncommon for them to surprise you with free wine (sometimes they’ll even pack snacks or sandwiches for you as you’re heading to the airport). Sit in the lounge, sip some port, or take in the views over Sao Jorge Castle – it doesn’t get much better than that! This hostel is in Baixa, next to the busy squares of Praça da Figueira and Rossio. Pedro, the owner, has a restaurant next door that serves great food.
Beds from €14 EUR ($16 USD). Private rooms from €50 EUR ($57 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at We Love F. Tourists!
8. Lost Inn Lisbon
Lost Inn is another hostel that has free sangria (and coffee and tea!) every day. Breakfast is also free, and there’s a free walking tour afterwards. This hostel is housed inside an 18th-century palace in the middle of downtown, next to important monuments, museums, and the party area of Bairro Alto. Despite its age, the building’s interior is sleek and modern (and large – you’ll have no problem getting a bed).
Beds from €15 EUR ($17 USD). Private rooms from €70 EUR ($80 USD). There is a minimum two-night stay.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Lost Inn Lisbon!
9. Living Lounge Hostel
This boutique hostel on the border between the Chiado district and the historic Baixa is interesting and artsy. Each room has a different theme, and local artists have hand-painted the walls. It’s a quirky place in a great location! The beds are nice, but they can be squeaky. They have free pancakes for breakfast, and huge group dinners (for about €10 EUR/$11 USD). They also offer tours; the Fado tour is a popular one.
Beds from €16 EUR ($18 USD). Single privates from €30 EUR ($34 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Living Lounge Hostel!
10. Happy Mike Hostel
There really is a Mike who runs this hostel, and he really is a happy guy! He knows all about the city and is really willing to help you make the most of your time here. Ask him anything. The hostel is sparkling clean, and the well-equipped kitchen has plenty of storage for your groceries. Happy Mike Hostel is located in Benfica – one of the less touristy areas of the city – surrounded by really great dining options and plenty of public transit options.
Beds from €18 ($21 USD). Private rooms from €50 EUR ($57 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Happy Mike Hostel!
11. Good Morning Lisbon Hostel
This hostel is right across from busy Restauradores Square and offers everything you need – comfy beds, spacious and clean rooms, free breakfast, a nice staff, and organized activities and walking tours. You can take a free walking tour or bike To Belém to see some of Lisbon’s most historical sites. There’s also a “Power Hour” (i.e., Happy Hour) with free beer and sangria each night. Oh, did I mention the waffles with Nutella? I really love the free cooking class and the day trip with João – he’s fantastic. Breakfast is included here.
Beds from €14 EUR ($16 USD). Private rooms from €56 EUR ($64 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Good Morning Lisbon Hostel!
12. Goodnight Hostel
Not related to the above Good Morning Hostels (they used to be though, this downtown hostel offers free sangria and €10 EUR ($11 USD) dinners once a week. They also organize nights out, as well as a number of walking tours through Alfama, Bairro Alto, and Baixa-Chiado. It’s a great way to get oriented with Lisbon! The showers have amazing water pressure, and the beds are very cozy. The small setting is very intimate due to its small space, making it easy to meet fellow travelers! Free breakfast is included. It’s one of the best hostels in Lisbon. (Actually, it’s my favorite. I saved the best for last!)
Beds from €10 EUR ($11 USD), privates from €55 EUR ($63 USD).
—-> Click here to book your stay at Goodnight Hostel!
Lisbon has so many great hostels spread throughout the city. I’ve been visiting Lisbon for years and have stayed at some amazing places. Instead of spending hours trying to figure out where to stay, this list of the best hostels in Lisbon will cut out the time for you.
Got a hostel not on this list? Add it in the comments!
Book Your Trip to Lisbon: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Looking for more information on visiting Lisbon? Check out my in-depth destination guide to Lisbon with more tips on what to see, do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!
Photo credits: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
The post My Top 12 Hostels in Lisbon in 2019 appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
from Traveling News https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/best-hostels-lisbon/
0 notes