skuds-blog · 5 years
QUIZ: 9 Alcohol Cheats in Animation
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Brought to you by responsibility.org for their TalkEarly campaign.
  In the past, animated films and shows were, um… rather boozy. A review of every G-rated movie created from the 30s up to 2000 said 47% showed alcohol consumption, and in that same period about 9% percent of all cartoons did as well. That's a LOT of drinking in kids' media.
But times have been changing for a while. Nowadays, it's very rare that you'll see any alcohol references in children's animation. BUT!
When they weren't allowed to show alcohol, writers and animators have cleverly tried to cheat the filters by simply replacing it with something else, so they could still show comical drunkenness, bar scenes, or savage hangovers.
Let's see if you can guess which “kid-friendly” substitutes these cartoons used. Even if you completely strike out on all 9, it's pretty interesting!  
What Was Used Instead of Alcohol?
  1) The Secret Life of Pets (2016)
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Illumination Entertainment
Toilet Water
Cheese Puffs
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2) Adventure Time (2014)
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Cartoon Network
Cucumber Water
Soul Nectar
Melted Glacier
Roll-on Deodorant
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3) Phineas and Ferb (2008)
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Disney Channel
Juice Boxes
Chocolate Milk
Sports Drinks
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4) The Legend of Korra (2014)
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Soy Sauce
Tree Bark Tea
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5) All Hail King Julien (2016)
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DreamWorks Animation Television
Pineapple Juice
Coconut Milk
Vine Sap
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6) Chip N' Dale's Rescue Rangers (1989)
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Disney Television Animation
Rotten Fruit
Catnip Tea
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7) SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004)
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Nickelodeon Movies
Ice Cream
Kelp Juice
Jellyfish Jelly
Tar Smoothies
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8) Transformers (1985)
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Hasbro Studios
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9) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (2018)
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Hasbro Studios
Maple Syrup
Wheatgrass Juice
Flower Pollen
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QUIZ: Alcohol Cheats in Animation
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QUIZ: Alcohol Cheats in Animation
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QUIZ: Alcohol Cheats in Animation
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This honestly isn't to cast judgement on films or cartoons that show alcohol consumption. We all may have varying opinions on that, but we can probably ALL agree that cartoons aren't always the best teachers.
Apparently, it's okay to animate someone comically misusing alcohol I mean eh-hem… something not-alcoholic that seems very much like alcohol. Characters can “binge” and “drown their sorrows” and “self-medicate,” so long as it's milk or ice cream or such, right? Hmmmm.
Talk to your kids early about responsible drinking, okay? Earlier than you probably think you'll need to. The world is already teaching them more than you know.
Thanks to Responsibiliy.org for sponsoring this post. Working with them has opened my eyes much wider to the importance of parents consciously working to stay engaged with their kids, and not just about school or Pokémon or the latest Pixar movie, but especially to have meaningful conversations about often overlooked topics like responsible drinking. As well as all the obvious bigger life stuff they'll need to have a good head on their shoulders about. Like wearing socks and sandals. Ugh.  
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skuds-blog · 5 years
Agent Insights - Don't ask don't tell doesn't apply to real estate
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On this edition of Agent Insights we feature guest blogger Joseph Domino, a real estate agent from Scottsdale, AZ. For more from Joseph be sure to check out their website and Active Rain profile!
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skuds-blog · 5 years
Is This What's Next in Furniture and Decor? (If So, We're Very, Very Into It)
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image source | design by athena calderone
***Written by Arlyn Hernandez
I have a love-slash-kinda-hate relationship with the word “trend” and something tells me a lot of you do, as well. The idea that something is “trendy” has almost turned into a bad word in the design-o-sphere, and while I do get it and have often found myself wishing that something would stop being trendy so I could go about my business using it in my home without feeling “basic,” trends are a very real part of this industry, like it or not, and frankly, pretty fun to talk about regardless. We vow to never publish an article that says “throw out everything you own because it's now considered gross and buy all these new things” for several reasons (one being that that's pretty obnoxious and just not real life), so don't fret, but we absolutely will continue to talk about design ideas framed as trends because, well…that's what they are. You do you in your home but then come back here and have fun looking at new concepts that may or may not become a “thing” eventually.
Okay, now that I'm done with that diatribe, it's time to talk, ahem, trends. Currently, we've already touched on bathroom and kitchen trends for 2019 (we'll give you a second to catch up…)
…ready to roll? Good! We're excited. We all put our heads together and came up with a list of furniture and decor ideas we're actually loving, not just talking about so this is less of a straight-forward “report” and more a love list of trends we could actually see ourselves implementing in upcoming projects. It's a combo of what we've seen in published professional projects, things that have caught our both (both in editorial and design terms) on Instagram/Pinterest, and what we've seen pop up in the retail market from researching for future projects. And because we couldn't stop there, we also had our market team add lots of shoppable pieces to the “New Favorites” section of the Shop page so if you love something we bring up today, you can get the instant gratification of bringing it home. 
Alright, let's do this…
Rust-Colored Velvet
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image source | design by tiffany howell
The velvet sofa hit the mass-market design scene HARD about three years ago (a resurgence from previous decades) with a Crayola box of colors as options, and while jewel-toned blues and greens stuck from the get-go, there's a new cool kid in town. Rich rusts and terra-cotta shades have been trending since last year when the desert palette was all the rage for a bit there, but we're confident that this one is going to stick around for a bit. After all, you wouldn't want to drop $1,000+ on a piece of furniture only to turn around a few months later and feel like it feels dated and passé already.
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The range of rust extends from deep, nearly red tones to much less intense versions like this one here. On a simple, streamlined silhouette, it's less POW in your face (unless, of course, you want that) and more liveable. As for what colors to pair this with, we like it with a mix of creamy neutrals and hints of blue, black and burgundy.
Why we love it: It feels new and like something that could transition easily into the years to come.
Biscuit Tufting
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image source | design by studio guild
Speaking of sofas…and velvet…the biscuit tufted cushion is happening people and oh man is it fun. Tufting tends to take on a more traditional or mid-century vibe, but this overscale “puffy” biscuit tufting feels much fresher and “now” while adding really nice texture and dimension to a living room or den. It also works particularly well in a fabric with a high sheen like velvet because of how the light plays with all the nooks and crannies. I'm not entirely sure how comfortable this actually is for long-term lounging as I've only ever really sat on a handful of seating with this type of upholstery, but something I can report is they usually have a much “tighter” feel. Not firm, per se, just a little…clenched.
Why we love it: It can take a straightforward silhouette and turn it into something special-a conversation piece.
Thin Bench Cushions
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image source | design by hecker guthrie
Clearly, the seating category has a lot to talk about this year. This one comes straight out of Emily's mouth as something she's really jazzed about. In fact, we were standing around her kitchen, souping (because, what else?) while talking through things we wanted to include in this post, and she specifically mentioned all the thin cushions she's been seeing and loving and Pinning for mountain house inspiration. All of a sudden, a bowl-full of memories of beautiful room images featuring flat(ish) seat cushions came flooding into my mind and I knew she was right.
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image source | styled by genevieve jorn
This definitely speaks more to a minimal aesthetic, but it also works in a cozy, welcoming room like the one above with a more Scandi vibe. Another talking point here is the French seam on thin cushions, which takes it from feeling maybe “low market” (because let's get real, cheaper pieces of furniture tend to have thinner cushions) to cool, casual and lived in. I do wonder how less filling will hold up over time, though.
Why we love it: Look, we'll never turn a blind eye to a super plush sectional or other seating, but we're on board with the informal and simple feel the thin cushion gives a room.
The “It” Chair of 2019
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image source | design by rose tarlow
Sometimes, the trend is a design idea, color or silhouette, but other times, there's a specific item that comes up again and again and again, but in a way that excites you every time you see it. That's this armchair, originally designed by Pierre Jeanneret.
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image source | design by athena calderone
First released in the 1950s and produced in mass quantities for Chandigarh, India (a “utopian” city that his cousin Le Corbusier designed), the V-leg chair only recently saw a resurgence thanks to antique dealers that dug them up from (basically) trash heaps and designers like Axel Vorvoordt using them in sky-high-end projects. It's funny to think that a for-anywhere-and-everyone chair made of teak and caning is now worth a fortune (good vintage authentic options run upwards of $10k+, but there are plenty of lower priced reproductions now).
Why we love it: The Jeanneret V-leg chair adds so much sculpture and angularity to a room. It's like art and furniture had a pageant-worthy child, and that's a baby shower we absolutely will RSVP Yes to (okay, that analogy is a bit of a stretch, but we're giddy with feelings over here about this chair).
The Other “It” Chair
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image source | design by laurence and patrick seguin
While the Jeanneret chair is like the more showy head cheerleader at the popular table, Jean Prouvé's Standard chair is the less obvious cool girl that people are less afraid of and tend to gravitate more toward (who eventually goes on to become a badass CEO or a very important scientist making breakthroughs in quantum physics). Truly and honestly, I was saving pictures that “spoke” to me for months as I was looking for inspirations for my Makeover Takeover, and when I went back recently to see all my bookmarked picks, I was like “whoa…wait a minute.” I had ended up with 11 dogeared images with this chair in all kinds of applications: desk chair, side chair, dining chair, so I'm calling it…I declare the Standard chair “trending.”
Why we love it: It's one of those furnishings that seems kind of unassuming, humble yet playful. Like the “nerdy” girl in a '90s teen rom-com that just needs to take off her glasses and pull her hair out of a messy bun and BAM she's “pretty”. Obviously, this chair isn't going through any makeover montages…it doesn't need it (but it does come in a handful of really fun colors that would transform a room).
Chunky Wood-Framed Furniture
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image source | styled by pernille vest
Any excuse to bring more wood into a room, we'll give the thumbs up to. Wood adds soul and warmth, and we've been noticing more furniture pieces with super chunk and oversized wood bases and frames (like this chair up top that's total heart eyes, right?). Frankly, we haven't seen a ton of this on the big-box market (i.e. budget-friendly), but hopefully if we write about it enough, more people will start incorporating it into their homes, hence the retail sector will take notice and start making more pieces in line with this look. That's how it works…right?!?
Why we love it: Delicate frames have had their time, bring on the chunk. Plus, it makes a quiet statement without all the bells and whistles of a bold paint or wallpaper or rug and sometimes, that's just nice.
Mixed Modern Dining Chairs
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image source | design by muxin design studio
This is not a new idea by any means, but it's typically done with an eclectic mix of vintage chairs. This new twist is much more contemporary because it uses a mix of mostly modern silhouettes, like in this dining room full of mid-century favorites.
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Here's another take that's far artsier but just as cool. In studying it (and the previous shot), I think it's worth talking about some “rules” for making this look work for you. Some takeaways: use similar wood tones and materials (here you'll see two chairs are rattan) across a few different pieces, keep heights mostly consistent (but don't be afraid to break the rules a little…this is just a jumping off point) and finally, repeat forms where you can, for instance some of these chairs have more rounded silhouettes while others are very angular and sculptural.
Why we love it: We're big fans of the eclectic over here, but more and more our collective style is being tailored and tightened, so this just feels like a natural step for us. Jess basically wants to move into the above photo, and Emily's temporary dining room situation in the mountain house is looking a lot like that first photo.
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image source | design by sarah gibson
So burlwood was a little bit of a hard sell to some of the team but I'm not backing down here. I know burlwood (which was originally super popular in the '70s) came back in vogue like…maybe two years ago? but I promise I've seen it making the rounds again. It went into hibernation, but it woke up from its winter nap and everywhere I look, there's a nightstand or credenza or even a smaller decorative box being used in a fresh way (mostly with how it's styled). Also, not that what I'm about to say automatically makes something trendy or cool, but over Christmas, I went into CB2 to buy a gift for someone and they had a gift wrapping station that had burlwood wrapping paper and it was so surprisingly chic. That's all I have to say about that.
Why we love it: Well, honestly it's kind of hard to tell. It's one of those things I honestly used to hate because it reminded me of horrible glossy casegoods from homes in the '80s but then all of a sudden, I'm finding myself wanting in my home. These things aren't always explained in words…it might be a cop-out but this is an “I like it because I just do, okay?” situation.
“Shapes” Pillows
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Globally-inspired throw pillows have had their 15 minutes (in fact, it's been more like…1,827,524 minutes), and while we still very much love them over here, Jess was quick to point out that she's been noticing more “shapes” pop up. Pyramids, circles, triangles, shells…mostly seen right now in single-hued velvets, it's pretty fun and we'd love to see more people trying this out to see the breadth of styles it can handle. What do you think? Are you into this or is it a hard sell?
Why we love it: Plain and simple, it's just fun. So…why not?
Mixing Framed and Unframed Art
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We'll gladly take any chance to talk about a “shake up” to a beloved design feature like a gallery wall. Gallery walls are here to stay, but we've seen them done every which way it feels like, but something we're noticing as of late is a mix of framed and unframed pieces. They can be propped against a wall, set atop other artworks if that works, heck, even taped if you're not afraid it'll ruin the piece. I think it works particularly well in a more modern set up with things like abstracts and line drawings…there's something about the simple and monotone vibe above that feels like the whole unframed thing adds to the art setup…it's part of the art, instead of looking like one of the many unfinished DIY projects you probably currently have waiting for you at home collecting dust (just me?).
Why we love it: It's a new look at an old favorite that feels really unique and updated, plus…this one saves $$$ (no frame = more favorite friendly).
Pleated Lampshades
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Let me give you a little insight into how this conversation about pleated lampshades went:
Arlyn: Jess…what have you seen that's exciting right now?
Jess: Pleated lampshades!
Arlyn: …………………………..
Jess: No really! Call me crazy, but I think they're coming back.
Arlyn: …………………………………….
Jess: ::deadpan stare off with Arlyn::
Arlyn: ::stares back::
And well….here we are, so we know who won this one. Emily was on board because that woman loves herself a little “weird” and okay fine. In a fun little print like the top left shot, it's pretty cute. Not everything has to be stiff and perfect with a linen drum shade, so sure…pleated lampshades for 2019.
Why Jess we love it: Like the pyramid pillows, it's a take on design that's a little less stiff and serious. In the spirit of OG Emily…perfection is boring, let's get weird.
Rocks As Decor
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You want weird? We'll give you weird…ROCKS. It's all about rocks. Okay, so I don't necessarily think that rocks as decor will become this big mainstream thing, but no kidding, everytime we walk into a posh decor boutique, there's a rock somewhere recently. Both Jess and I bought the same rock match holder/strike at Shoppe by Amber Interiors this fall during our work trip out to the Pacific Palisades, Michael is basically on the marketing team for rocks wrapped in leather, and this whole “rock meets brush” thing would be such a fun doodad to style with. Useless? Mostly, yes, but cool nonetheless.
Why we love it: Like wood, stone has a way of adding a little soul to a room, so…bring on the rocks.
Again, make sure to cruise through the “New Favorites” section of Shop to see some shop-right-now picks from us, and PLEASE chime in in the comments about what you think of these. We love to share things we're buzzing about, but love even more to hear from you guys about whether you're just as swoony as we are or are like “are these people off their rockers?”
The post Is This What's Next in Furniture and Decor? (If So, We're Very, Very Into It) appeared first on Emily Henderson.
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skuds-blog · 5 years
Recycled Sweater Accessories for Winter
       Before you donate those old sweaters think again! 
They can be recycled into your new favorite 
winter accessories!
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Click here to read the rest of this post...
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skuds-blog · 5 years
Nastya Kolchina builds beautifully industrial chic offices for Expert Electric Company
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Deep in the heart of Moscow, Russia, an innovative urban architectural firm has designed an expansive, industrial chic office space for Expert Electric Company. View in gallery The sophisticated, loft-style space comes complete with a metallic silver ceiling, some unique and cutting edge styled furnishing pieces, bright but comforting lighting, and an overall atmosphere that distinguishes the space in a huge way from your average traditional office space. View in..
The post Nastya Kolchina builds beautifully industrial chic offices for Expert Electric Company appeared first on HomeDSGN.
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skuds-blog · 5 years
5 Features of All the Best Credit Cards
You must have probably experienced the worst when you see better offers slip away because you had no cash and you are planning to apply for a credit card.
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The big problem? You are confused about what features are the best to look for when applying for a credit card.
The good news: There are a couple of features you should check when you have made up your mind that you are applying for a credit card.
Below are some of the five features of all the best credit cards you can ever imagine of:
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1. Low interest rates
Perhaps this is the feature most people will look for. Everyone wants to save money. So, there's a need to save it when there is an opportunity. Credit cards that have low-interest rates will give a few perks, but they are the best if you need to save some cash.
The good news is that when you have a good credit score, your credit issuer will offer you lower interest rates. The bad news though is that some credit card issuers will assume the benefits and charge you high fees.
One of the best ways to choose the best credit card is to do some comparison. Thanks to the internet. You can get nearly everything you want from the internet. So, make good use of the internet.
2. Rewards Program
It's no secret anymore that people love free things. You probably want the same. So, why not look for a feature like a rewards program?
Rewards are good, but it depends on how you will use your rewards. There are rewards of offer discounts such as travel, fuel discounts, etc. You can also check some other offers that your credit card issuer has.
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To get the best out of this program, you should pay your balances in full every month. Carrying forward balances month after month will not only deny you the rewards program but will also expose you to some penalties. You can see here to check on best credit cards.
3. Bad credit rebuilding
Do you have a bad credit history? Do you intend to rebuild it? If yes, you are in the right place.
If you want to rebuild your credit card history, then you will need to choose a credit card that regularly reports to agencies. This will help you rebuild your credit card history faster than just taking prepaid cards.
4. Customizable credit cards
People love to choose from a variety. If you are one of them, you need to look for customizable credit cards. Customizable credit cards allows you to select the features that you love. Such features include lower interest rates, better rewards program, or longer grace periods. It's your prerequisite, choose the best features that suit you.
5. Introductory offers
The headline is not a typo error. Yes, there are introductory offers. So, if you are confident that you have a good credit score, then you can check out introductory offers. For example, you could have the offer not pay any interest fee for 6 to 12 months.
If you want to get the best out this offer, you should pay off your debt before the end of the introductory period. This will help you get better rates. 
Wrap Up
Going for a credit card is the best decision you should ever make, but you need to choose the best features. The features above should guide you.
The post 5 Features of All the Best Credit Cards appeared first on Punch Debt In The Face.
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skuds-blog · 5 years
Crochet Cat Bed- How to Make a Cat Bed with Chunky Crochet
You kitties will love this crochet cat bed made with super-soft chunky yarn. This free cat bed pattern can be completed in just an hour. All you need is thick yarn from the craft store and a giant crochet needle.  This crochet cat bed is a purrr-fect project for beginner crocheters. Read on to learn how to make one yourself!
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Crochet Cat Bed 
Hey Gnomies,
Today I'm sharing a cute cat bed that I made for my mom and dad's kitties. The cute cat you see above is Flo and she is the sweetest little cat. For this project I used the Ginormous (actual name) yarn from Michaels and a gigantic crochet hook.
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Giant yarn for crochet cat bed
This cat bed uses a similar pattern to the crochet face scrubbie I shared recently.
The thing I love about crochet is that once you have learned some of the basic stitches, you can come up with all sorts of cool projects just by modifying the patterns that you already know.
Supplies for crochet cat bed:
1 skein of Ginormous yarn
1 giant crochet hook
I bought the yarn and hook at Michaels. They had an area in the store devoted to the giant yarn, crochet and knitting supplies over the holidays but you can purchase it through my amazon link below:
.The following are affiliate links. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Thank you for being part of Crafty Little Gnome
Giant Crochet Yarn
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Buy It Now
Giant Crochet Hook
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buy it now
You may also like: Diy Dog Proof Litter Box
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Directions for crochet cat bed:
Chain two and double crochet 5 times into the first chain.
Slip stitch and chain two.
Double crochet into each of the chains.
Once your work your way around, slip stitch and chain two again.
Double crochet into each of the chains.
Repeat rows until the bottom of the cat bed is as wide as you would like it. I made mine just over 12 inches.
Next, instead of crocheting twice into each stitch, just double crochet once. This will give the bed “sides” and make it taller instead of continuing to get wider.
Once it's tall enough, about 3 rows high, finish off the top edge with single crochet.
You may also like: DIY Dog Dry Shampoo
If you need help with the crochet stitches, here is a video I found on YouTube to help you out: 
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finished crochet cat bed
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At first I was concerned that the cat bed would not be big enough, then I remembered that cats like to jam themselves into tiny boxes and other small spaces. If you aren't sure, err on the side of making it too small. That will be sure to attract your favorite cat.
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  This is my old cat Mylo. This picture is about 10 years old. Way back in the day when I lived in my old apartment he decided my file folder was a great place to take a nap.
DIY Crochet Cat Bed Q&A: 
How do you know what size crochet hook to use?
Use the hook size recommended in your crochet pattern. Always check your gauge with a swatch. Change to a smaller hook if your stitches are too loose or a larger hook if they are too tight. 
How do you introduce a cat to a new bed?
Observe where your cat likes to sleep. Paying attention to where your cat likes to sleep will help you find a good spot for its bed. 
Place the bed in a low traffic area. 
Put some of her toys in the new bed. 
Elevate the bed or go with a perch if your cat likes height. 
Try a new spot if your cat ignores its bed.
  How do I get my cat to sleep in her bed?
Once your cat steps into the bed, hold a treat over his head until he sits down. Praise him and give him the treat when he does. Leave some treats in your cat's bed so he is tempted to come back to it. You can also try sprinkling catnip in the bed to get your kitty interested in it.
{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org","@type":"HowTo","name":"Crochet Cat Bed- How to Make a Cat Bed with Chunky Crochet","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"adrienne"},"datePublished":"2019-01-09","yield":"1 Cat Bed","description":"Make a DIY crochet cat bed from chunky giant yarn.","about":"Fiber art and sewing","image":["https:\/\/www.craftylittlegnome.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/01\/IMG_0017.JPG-1-e1484183925554-720x720.jpeg","https:\/\/www.craftylittlegnome.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/01\/IMG_0017.JPG-1-e1484183925554-720x540.jpeg","https:\/\/www.craftylittlegnome.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/01\/IMG_0017.JPG-1-e1484183925554-720x405.jpeg","https:\/\/www.craftylittlegnome.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/01\/IMG_0017.JPG-1-e1484183925554-735x551.jpeg"],"performTime":"PT1H","totalTime":"PT1H","tool":["Giant crochet hook"],"supply":["Chunky yarn"],"step":"Chain two and double crochet 5 times into the first chain.\nSlip stitch and chain two.\nDouble crochet into each of the chains.\nOnce your work your way around, slip stitch and chain two again.\nDouble crochet into each of the chains.\nRepeat rows until the bottom of the cat bed is as wide as you would like it. I made mine just over 12 inches.\nNext, instead of crocheting twice into each stitch, just double crochet once. This will give the bed \"sides\" and make it taller instead of continuing to get wider.\nOnce it's tall enough, about 3 rows high, finish off the top edge with single crochet."}
Yield: 1 Cat Bed
Crochet Cat Bed- How to Make a Cat Bed with Chunky Crochet
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Make a DIY crochet cat bed from chunky giant yarn.
Active Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour
Difficulty Intermediate
Estimated Cost 15
Chunky yarn
Giant crochet hook
Chain two and double crochet 5 times into the first chain.
Slip stitch and chain two.
Double crochet into each of the chains.
Once your work your way around, slip stitch and chain two again.
Double crochet into each of the chains.
Repeat rows until the bottom of the cat bed is as wide as you would like it. I made mine just over 12 inches.
Next, instead of crocheting twice into each stitch, just double crochet once. This will give the bed "sides" and make it taller instead of continuing to get wider.
Once it's tall enough, about 3 rows high, finish off the top edge with single crochet.
Notice: Undefined index: mv_create_affiliate_message in /home/craftyl8/public_html/wp-content/plugins/mediavine-create/lib/views/v1/shortcode-mv-create-products.php on line 9
© adrienne
Project Type: Fiber art and sewing
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Have you tried making a DIY crochet cat bed? Please share your tips in the comments! 
The post Crochet Cat Bed- How to Make a Cat Bed with Chunky Crochet appeared first on Crafty Little Gnome.
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skuds-blog · 5 years
Open Shelves Styled for Winter
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The post-holiday home can be a confusing one to decorate, am I right?  Do I take down all the decorations?  Leave some of them?  Why does my house look so empty?  These are the burning questions churning through my mind, you guys.  I've really simplified everywhere, but I left a few of the holiday decorations, that can also pass as winter decor on my open shelving in the eating area.  The result is a pretty, winter-y open shelving situation.
The funny thing about these shelves, is that I've really changed them very little since I got these open shelves almost 3 years ago. Sure, I add or remove things on occasion, but they've stayed very similar for a long time.  For my holiday decor, I added some LED House Ornaments, and some sparkly, winter sprigs in copper little copper canisters.  I also added some twinkly garland at the top.  To me, this whole look completely passes as “winter appropriate,” so I just left them as-is for the remainder of the winter.
I love the idea that I can leave some of my holiday decor out for the next few months.  I really love the clean and fresh feel of the house after the Christmas decorations are put away, but I also love leaving a little bit of sparkle out.
I'm working on a post for next week that highlights 20 of my current favorite decor pieces for under $40.  If you're looking for some open-shelving inspiration, be sure to check back!
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Last year I wrote a post with all of my tips for How to Style Open Shelves, be sure to check it out!
Have a great day!
The post Open Shelves Styled for Winter appeared first on House by Hoff.
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skuds-blog · 5 years
Skinnytaste Meal Plan (January 14-January 20)
A free 7-day flexible weight loss meal plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner and a shopping list. All recipes include calories and Weight Watchers Freestyle™ SmartPoints®.
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This week's plan I am utilizing leftovers for an easy lunch. This Instant Pot Pork Carnitas makes enough for several meals. I serve them with tortillas but you can also serve them over brown rice or a big salad. I also wanted to share that I will be doing a cooking demo next Friday in Macy's Chicago, you can find out more here.
If you're new to my meal plans, I've been sharing these free, 7-day flexible healthy meal plans (you can see my previous meal plans here) that are meant as a guide, with plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food, coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc or swap recipes out for meals you prefer, you can search for recipes by course in the index. You should aim for around 1500 calories* per day.
There's also a precise, organized grocery list that will make grocery shopping so much easier and much less stressful. Save you money and time. You'll dine out less often, waste less food and you'll have everything you need on hand to help keep you on track.
Lastly, if you're on Facebook join my Skinnytaste Facebook Community where everyone's sharing photos of recipes they are making, you can join here. I'm loving all the ideas everyone's sharing!
Also, if you don't have the Skinnytaste Meal Planner, now would be a great time to get one to get organized for 2019! There was a print error last year, but it's perfect now! You can order it here!
Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday, are designed to serve 1 while dinners and all meals on Saturday and Sunday are designed to serve a family of 4. Some recipes make enough leftovers for two nights or lunch the next day. While we truly believe there is no one size fits all meal plan, we did our best to come up with something that appeals to a wide range of individuals. Everything is Weight Watchers friendly, I included the updated Weight Watcher Freestyle Points for your convenience, feel free to swap out any recipes you wish or just use this for inspiration!
The grocery list is comprehensive and includes everything you need to make all meals on the plan. I've even included brand recommendations of products I love and use often. Cross check your cabinets because many condiments you'll notice I use often, so you may already have a lot of them.
And last, but certainly not least, this meal plan is flexible and realistic. There's plenty of wiggle room for cocktails, healthy snacks, dessert and dinner out. And if necessary, you can move some things around to make it work with your schedule. Please let me know if you're using these plans, this will help me decide if I should continue sharing them!
MONDAY (1/14) B: Overnight Oats in a Jar (5) L: Chickpea Tuna Salad (0) D: Veggie Lasagna Zucchini Boats (7)
Totals: Freestyle™ SP SP 12, Calories 816*
TUESDAY (1/15) B: 4-Ingredient Flourless Banana-Nut Pancakes (4) L: Chickpea Tuna Salad (0) D: Instant Pot Pork Carnitas** (3) with 2 corn tortillas (3), 2 ounces avocado (3) and Quick and Delicioso Cuban Style Black Beans (1) Totals: Freestyle™ SP 14, Calories 1,071* 
WEDNESDAY (1/16) B: Open-Faced Omelet with Avocado and Pico de Gallo (1) L: LEFTOVER Instant Pot Pork Carnitas (3) with 2 corn tortillas (3) and 2 ounces avocado (3) D: One Skillet Chicken with Bacon and Green Beans (2) and ¾ cup brown rice (5) Totals: Freestyle™  SP 17, Calories 881*
THURSDAY (1/17) B: 4-Ingredient Flourless Banana-Nut Pancakes (4) L: LEFTOVER Instant Pot Pork Carnitas (3) over 2 cups shredded romaine (0) and 2 ounces avocado (3) D: Chunky Beef, Cabbage and Tomato Soup** (3) with 2 ounces multigrain baguette (3) Totals: Freestyle™ SP 16, Calories 895*
FRIDAY (1/18) B: Open-Faced Omelet with Avocado and Pico de Gallo (1) L: LEFTOVER Chunky Beef, Cabbage and Tomato Soup (3) with an apple (0) D: Shrimp Cakes (5) with Creamy Cauliflower Puree (1) and Roasted Broccoli with Smashed Garlic (2) Totals: Freestyle™ SP 12, Calories 867*
SATURDAY (1/19) B: Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats (5) L: 3-Bean Turkey Chili (0) with 2 tablespoons shredded cheddar (2) and 1 tablespoon light sour cream (1) D: DINNER OUT! Totals:  Freestyle™ SP 8, Calories 543*
SUNDAY (1/20) B: LEFTOVER Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats (5) L: LEFTOVER 3-Bean Turkey Chili (0) with 2 tbsps shredded cheddar (2) and 1 tbsp light sour cream (1) D: Instant Pot Chicken Parmesan (4) with 1 cup sautéed zoodles (0) Totals:  Freestyle™ SP 12, Calories 811*
*This is just a guide, women should aim for around 1500 calories per day. Here's a helpful calculator to estimate your calorie needs. I've left plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food such as coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc.
*Freeze any leftover you/your family won't eat
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skuds-blog · 5 years
The Dirtiest Places in Your Office and How to Keep them Clean
Ask a co-worker what parts of the office they think are the filthiest and most will bring up office keyboards or perhaps the bathroom door handle. However, there are are other parts of the office that are teeming with germs that you may be oblivious to. Failure to properly clean an office can lead to health issues and loss of productivity, as many workers will call in sick. Below, are some of the dirtiest places in your office and how you can sterilize them without breaking the bank…or your back.
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The Start Button on Your Photocopier Machine
A study conducted by Hloom-a prestigious template maker-found that the average photocopier start button had 1.2 billion colony forming units per square inch; this is in stark comparison to a typical toilet seat at a school, which only has 3,200 colony forming units. As can be seen, the start button of your photocopier machine is one of the most germ-ridden spots in the office. The good news is you can clean it by using a high-quality disinfectant solution or by affixing an antimicrobial screen onto its surface.
The Surface of Your Desk
The surface of your desk will also be laden with a ton of germs. It may appear clean to the naked eye but rest assured that there are many harmful germs spread across your desk that you may not be aware of. Many busybodies also eat and drink at their desks in order to save time and make deadlines. As such, food particles and spilled liquids can cause issues, and discarded napkins, paper cups, and utensils can also serve as hot spots for nefarious germs to spread.
Many employees also make the mistake of simply wiping their desks down with a damp cloth instead of using a high-quality cleaning solution. To properly clean the surface of your desk you should use a high-quality disinfectant solution daily. If possible, come in a few minutes early and properly clean your desk before the workday begins, and, if you have the time, do the same right before exiting the office in the evening.
Vending Machine Buttons
A vending machine may appear clean, but it is also a hotspot for germs to spread. In fact, if you checked the buttons on the vending machine under a powerful microscope you would find a myriad of harmful germs and bacteria on them. Furthermore, one of the issues with vending machine buttons is that you can't clean them using a conventional cleaning method. However, you can purchase antimicrobial resistance screens for vending machine buttons. Then, simply clean them whenever you have the time and you will reduce the propagation of germs with minimal effort.
Your Office Keyboard
While we did mention that the office keyboard isn't the biggest ecosystem for germs, it is still one of the biggest. Dirt and dust from your table, as well as the carpet underneath your desk, will somehow find its way onto your keyboard and set up shop. In fact, it is possible to have up to 4000 germs in every square inch of your keyboard, which can make you sick. The good news is cleaning your keyboard can be a breeze if you use the proper technique and solution. Simply wipe it down using a high-quality disinfectant solution every day and you should be able to enjoy a clean (and pleasant smelling) keyboard for your office tasks.
The Refrigerator Handle
Dozens, if not hundreds of people, will need to access the office refrigerator on a daily basis, so the handle of the refrigerator will be touched a plethora of times. As such, germs can easily spread if the handle is not cleaned thoroughly and methodically. An easy solution to this issue is to ask your coworkers to wash their hands before they open the refrigerator. Evidently, not all of your coworkers will be compliant, so the only surefire way to reduce germs is to take matters into your own hands and vigorously clean the handle, as well as the surface of the fridge, with a premium quality disinfectant solution.
The Washroom Door Knob
Another classic hotspot for germs that needs to be sterilized as soon as possible is the inner knob of the washroom door. Unfortunately, many people simply do not wash their hands after using the washroom, and even the ones that do often don't use the proper hand cleaning techniques. As such, fecal matter, and other malevolent particulates will often attach to washroom door knobs and spread from person to person. In fact, a single washroom inner doorknob in an office can house over a million harmful microbes, so cleaning it properly should be a priority. Moreover, most experts agree that an office washroom should be cleaned five times a day, with the inner door knob being no exception. Also, if your office has cleaning staff then you should ask them to also disinfect the washroom handles while they are cleaning the washrooms.
Sunrise Cleaning
Sunrise Cleaning provides full-service office cleaning services in Mississauga. In fact, we have been providing premium quality office cleaning services in Mississauga since 1992. We also offer a 20% discount for the first-time clean (some restrictions may apply), and currently, have a team of over 40 qualified maids and over 2,000+ satisfied customers. For a consultation in order to discuss your cleaning needs, please do not hesitate to contact us at 289-814-1824. You can also visit our website to learn more about our award-winning services.
The post The Dirtiest Places in Your Office and How to Keep them Clean appeared first on Sunrise-Cleaning.
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skuds-blog · 5 years
2018 Holiday Gift Guide – DIY Staff Picks
At DIYControls, we have been finding great products and proudly serving our customers for over 60 years! Our focus is on do-it-yourself products designed to protect you and your home and business, and to keep your entire family – including pets, children, and seniors– safe and secure in and out of the home.
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Exceptional Service & Support
From freeze alarms, pool alarms, remote monitoring solutions and automatic shut-off valves to phone thermostats, wireless security systems, and video surveillance and more, we are your source for easy-to-use products to protect your family, home and business. And we're happy to provide free technical support for every item we sell.
All of us here at DIYControls take pride in offering exceptional and friendly customer service. We know our products inside and out, and love nothing more than helping you select the most economical and valuable protection.
Our Staff Picks for Holiday Gifts
When it comes to the holidays, we're as particular as you are about finding just the right gift for everyone on our list. To help you get a head start on your shopping, here are 12 things we would most like to give – or receive – this year!
Bob: Home Protection During the Holidays
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Protection is a priority for those like Bob who aren't always “home for the holidays.” With an automatic water main shutoff system like the leakSmart Automatic Water Shut Off System with Internet control, Bob can rest assured that his home and belongings are protected against water damage before it starts. Leaksmart's sensor-based system detects leaks throughout the home and shuts off the water in less than 5 seconds. The system hub connects to the Internet and sends audible and visible alarms as well as notifications via a smart device app.
Bob's wish list also includes a professional grade DIY security system to safeguard his home against intruders and other safety hazards. A fee-free, internet based security system like Risco's WiComm Internet/Cellular Security System with a cellular backup option lets Bob use an iOS or Android smartphone or a computer to control the system from anywhere. He can also receive email and push notification alerts right to his mobile device .
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A Warm Welcome
For ski and snowboard enthusiasts like Dan, the gift of an Internet thermostat lets him live the dream of arriving to a pre-heated ski cabin on cold winter nights. The Venstar T3700 Explorer Residential Digital Thermostat has seven-day, single-day, or five-and- two-day programming. A variety of lighting, language and temperature options allow Dan to customize the unit, and he can choose to connect remotely using either WiFi or Z-Wave technologies by adding one of Venstar's optional wireless modules. All for under $100!
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Laura: A Sound Sleep and Reminder to Take Her Meds
The Marsona Sound Therapy Machine is a thoughtful and unque gift for anyone who has difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, especially those like Laura who suffer from tinnitus. It lulls users with relaxing sounds like falling rain, the ocean's surf or crickets chirping softly. This lightweight, portable machine plugs into a wall outlet or runs on battery power. It also features an automatic timer and sliding volume control.
Laura would also appreciate finding a Med-Q White Digital Pill Box Organizer in her
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stocking. She can easily program the Med-Q with her medication time and it will flash the corresponding day slot with a bright red light. It also sounds an alarm that increases in volume. Features include 14 removable compartments, oversized buttons and large, digital display, and braille marking.
Kris: A Smart Home Upgrade
Kris is wishing for an easy entree into the world of smart homes. The Samsung SmartThings + Leviton Home
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Automation Bundle gives her the ability to easily control the lighting in her home from anywhere in the world. The kit includes the SmartThings hub, a Leviton universal dimmer and a Leviton switch. And because this system is totally expandable and compatible with many WiFi and Z-wave sensors and modules, Kris can add any of hundreds of compatible devices to monitor and protect her property, including lights, speakers, locks, thermostats, sensors and more.
Laura's Mom: Layers of Pool Safety for Her Grandkids
The Safety Turtle 2.0 Child Immersion Pool Alarm System is the easiest way to
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protect little ones around a pool for open water. This “personal immersion” system uses water-activated wristbands that trigger a loud alarm when submerged in water. Laura's mom can use the Safety Turtle at home or carry it to wherever the grandkids will be swimming, including hotels, lakes, a friend's pool or on a boat.
For an added layer of protection, the easy-to-install MagnaLatch ALERT Pool Safety Gate Latch with Alarm is a magnetic latch she can affix to vinyl, metal or wood gate posts. The top-pull model has dual electric warnings when unlatched – bright LED lights and an audible alarm – and a rekeyable lock for extra security and convenience.
Lisa: Fewer Worries About Her New Dog
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The gift of an indoor pet cam would go a long way towards alleviating Lisa's worries about her new dog when she's at work or away from home. Motorola's Digital Wireless Indoor Pet Monitor with two cameras offers a convenient two-way communication feature that will allow Lisa to communicate to her dog without being in the same room. The video monitor has a full color LCD screen and infrared night vision for keeping an eye on things in very low light levels.
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Jim: Vacation Home Peace of Mind
A freeze alarm monitors the temperature inside the home and provides a warning if it dips dangerously low. It's an ideal gift for people like Jim, who owns a vacation home up north that he closes up for the winter. A call-out freeze alarm like the best-selling TempAlarm Dialer Pro sends Jim an alert via a phone call when the indoor temperatures in his home are falling.
A local alarm like the simple-to-use Freeze Flash Temperature Warning
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Light lets Jim put his observant neighbors to work for him! All he has to do is set the low temperature, install the batteries and place the unit in a visible window. When the temperature goes below the set level, the light will flash and attract his neighbors' attention.
Donna: Home Alone Security for Her Dad
The Ring Video Doorbell is tops on Donna's list of gifts for her elderly dad, who lives alone in a town several hours' drive from her. It's like Caller ID for the front
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door and super-simple to use! When the doorbell is pressed or motion is detected, an alert is sent to her dad's smartphone along with streaming live HD video of the visitor outside the door. Ring Video also lets her dad converse with the visitor through the built-in microphone and speakers.
Still looking for the perfect gift?
Click on the Great Gift Ideas tab on the DIYControls home page for more suggestions. Use the lefthand column to shop by price, manufacturer, features and more. It's a handy resource for finding holiday gift ideas for everyone on your list!
  The post 2018 Holiday Gift Guide – DIY Staff Picks appeared first on DIYControls Blog.
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skuds-blog · 5 years
Top Reasons to Plan Your Spring Landscaping in Winter
In landscaping, winter means spring. The more you plan ahead, the sooner spring will arrive outside your home. Plus, you'll get to spend the season enjoying your outdoor space rather than working on it. Picture it now: You're soaking up the sun on that first warm day-reading and lounging, rather than pulling and planting. If that's not enough to get you inspired, here are the top reasons to start planning your spring landscaping in winter.
Better Scheduling By the time the whispers of spring being in the air begin, your favorite landscape architect's schedule has probably filled up considerably. If you have a design-build project in mind-such as a patio, poolscape or outdoor kitchen-winter is the ideal time to book your desired company and a time frame that is convenient for you.
Pass the Time During the long stretch of winter, we all daydream about the reward of spring and summer. The problem is that doing so tends to make winter feel even longer. Instead of wishing, we can be working-and when we're spending winter working on your vision for when spring finally arrives, the time can fly like you never thought possible. Trust us and try it!
Enjoy the Process Using winter as the prep window for spring also allows you to take your time and enjoy the creativity that comes with landscaping. You can be deliberate with your decisions around plants, hardscaping and other features, without feeling like you're losing the few months of warmth we're entitled to as New Jerseyans. If you wait until spring is in full swing to get started, you could very well find yourself looking to the following spring-a full year down the road-as the one for which your space will be ready to host a bright and sunny get-together.
First to See Spring When you plan ahead, you'll have little to do in April other than wait for that blissful feeling in the air to arrive and embrace the natural beauty that follows. Ready to turn this winter into spring planning? Contact High Tech Landscapes today!
  The post Top Reasons to Plan Your Spring Landscaping in Winter appeared first on Hightech Landscapes.
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skuds-blog · 5 years
No-Equipment Bodyweight Workout
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This no-equipment bodyweight strength workout can be done anytime, anywhere. No equipment needed. This is perfect for traveling or at at-home when you don't have time for the gym. You'll be working through a circuit of descending reps of air squats, push-ups, sit-ups and lunges with a set of 15 burpees between each round. How...
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The post No-Equipment Bodyweight Workout appeared first on Running on Real Food.
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skuds-blog · 5 years
8 Ways To Use Your Wi-Fi Smart Plug
An Iris Wi-Fi Smart Plug is a very helpful smart home device that allows you to manage and oversee lights, small appliances and electronics from your phone. It's also a great first step toward smart home living. These devices will allow you to test and see the benefits and convenience of turning your house into a smart home. Learn how Wi-Fi Smart Plugs can make your life easier below.
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  1. Toggle lights on and off or use a schedule to keep the house looking occupied while you're away.
  2. Let the kids know it's time for homework by switching off the TV or games console.
  3. Left your curling iron on again? Let Iris switch it off for you, all from your smartphone.
  4. Tea time! A smart switch can boil the kettle without you lifting a finger.
  5. As cooler weather sets in, start humidifying the bedroom from the comfort of your couch.
  6. Can't wait for some waffles? Start the iron as soon as you wake up so it's ready to go when you are.
  7. Control night lights or sound machines in the kids' bedrooms, without the risk of waking them.
  8. Stop worrying that you left the iron on. Let Iris take care of that.
  Use these 8 Wi-Fi Smart Plug tips to keep making the most of this helpful device. And don't forget to get creative! Let Iris give you a hand where you need it most.
The post 8 Ways To Use Your Wi-Fi Smart Plug appeared first on Blog – Home Automation News, Tips and More | Iris.
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skuds-blog · 5 years
5 Ways to Organize Your Cabinet Doors
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Here at Infarrantly Creative, I've shown you how I utilized the space on the inside of cabinet doors to better organize my own kitchen.  As it turns out, that empty space on the inside of my doors had amazing hidden potential!  When you stop to consider the square footage of level, usable space on the {...Read More...}
The post 5 Ways to Organize Your Cabinet Doors appeared first on Infarrantly Creative.
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skuds-blog · 5 years
2019 Maximum HSA Contribution Limits – How Much Can You Save for Your Medical Expenses?
Health Savings Accounts, or HSAs, are growing in popularity among people who need affordable health insurance and among employers looking to save on health insurance costs.
HSAs have many benefits beyond cost savings. Let's dive in and take a look at what exactly is a health savings account, the HSA contribution limits for each calendar year, how HSAs are one of the most flexible financial accounts you can open, and why it's a good idea to max out your annual HSA contributions.
What is a Health Savings Account?
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Health Savings Accounts are a type of tax-advantaged savings account specifically for health care spending. Contributions are tax deductible in the year they are made, and grow tax-free. Withdrawals are tax-free when used for qualified medical expenses.
In essence, a Health Savings Account is very similar to a combination of a Traditional IRA (tax deduction when you make the contribution) and a Roth IRA (no taxes on qualified withdrawals for medical expenses).
This is a huge benefit!
Health Savings Account Eligibility
To be eligible for an HSA, you need to participate in a qualifying High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) for health insurance.
A plan may qualify as an HDHP if the deductibles are $1,350 per year or higher for individuals, or $2,700 per year or higher for a family plan. These deductibles are typically higher than average, hence the name, High Deductible Health Plan.
High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) also limit the deductible amounts and out-of-pocket expenses. For 2019, these limits are $6,750 for self-coverage only, and up to $13,500 for family coverage.
Advantages of HDHPs
Many people choose these health insurance plans because they typically have lower monthly premiums due to the high deductible. Many employers offer these HDHP plans for the same reasons.
The goal of the higher deductibles is to save costs for everyone, incentivize policyholders to become smarter with their healthcare spending and give you the option of setting aside money pre-tax to pay for healthcare. On the flip side, you need to have sufficient funds to pay your portion of the deductible. So only choose an HDHP if you have some money set aside in an emergency fund or cash savings.
Tax Advantages of Health Savings Accounts
You can set aside pre-tax income in an HSA for use specifically on health spending. HSAs are often compared to and confused with Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs).
The two are similar in that you set aside pre-tax income for health costs, but FSAs have a serious downside that HSAs do not. With an FSA if you do not spend all of the funds in your account by the end of the year you forfeit the remaining balance of your account to the plan administrator.
With a Health Savings Account you never lose the funds. In fact, you could set aside money this year in an HSA and use it 40 years from now (some people even pay for their health care out of pocket now, and use their HSAs as another way to save for retirement). And as long as the funds are used for healthcare spending, you won't pay any tax on the withdrawals.
2019 HSA Contribution Limits
How much money can you set aside for future healthcare spending with an HSA?
The maximum annual contribution is dependent upon whether you are on an individual or family plan. The maximum HSA contribution limit is $3,500 per year for an individual, while families can contribute $7,000. There is also a catch-up contribution limit of $1,000 for those who are age 55 or older (note: catchup contributions for retirement accounts start at age 50).
Here is a list of contribution limits from recent years, including the HSA contribution limits from 2010 – 2019:
Tax YearIndividualFamily Catch-Up Contributions (age 55 and over) 2019$3,500$7,000$1,000 2018$3,450$6,900$1,000 2017$3,400$6,750$1,000 2016$3,350$6,750$1,000 2015$3,350$6,650$1,000 2014$3,300$6,550$1,000 2013$3,250$6,450$1,000 2012$3,100$6,250$1,000 2011$3,050$6,150$1,000 2010$3,050$6,150$1,000
What Happens If I Contribute Too Much to an HSA?
If you are contributing funds to your HSA automatically through payroll deductions it should be virtually impossible for you to contribute too much to your Health Savings Account. However, it is possible to over-contribute by making deposits outside of the payroll system or simply through error.
If you discover you have contributed too much to your HSA, you must take action to avoid paying penalties to the IRS.
The fix is quite simple: you must remove the excess amount contributed, plus any interest earned on that amount, and pay tax on both before April 15th of the following year. (You can contribute to this year's HSA through April 15 of next year.) You received a tax break by putting the money into your HSA pre-tax, but since you contributed too much you technically should have paid tax on the original income.
Failure to remove the excess contribution by the April 15th deadline and then withdrawing the funds at a later date will result in a 6% excise tax when you do withdraw the funds. Additionally, if you leave the funds in indefinitely, each year you must pay the 6% tax.
However, there is one way to get out of having to remove the contribution and paying tax: leave the contribution in, but avoid the 6% excise tax by lowering the next year's contribution by the amount of the over-contribution.
For example, an individual with an HSA contribution limit of $3,500 per year would have been guilty of contributing $100 too much if they contributed $3,600 this year. They could avoid paying the 6% excise tax by only contributing $3,400 next year (the $3,500 contribution limit minus $100). If they contributed the full $3,500 next year, they would then be forced to pay the 6% tax on the original $100 over-contribution.
Can You Contribute if You Aren't Eligible for the Entire Year? Pro-Rated Contribution Rules Explained
Rarely do you start a new job on January 1st or end it on December 31st. When you gain and lose access to a high deductible health plan will impact your availability to contribute to an HSA. If you are not active in an HDHP for the entire year your situation is a gray area.
Here is what the IRS says in one of its instruction manuals:
Last-month rule allows eligible individuals to make a full contribution for the year even if they were not an eligible individual for the entire year. They can make the full contribution for the year if:
They are eligible individuals on the first day of last month of their taxable year. For most people this would be December 1, and
They remain eligible individuals during the testing period. The testing period runs from December 1 of the current year through December 31 of the following year (for calendar taxpayers).
If the taxpayer does not qualify to contribute the full amount for the year, the contribution is determined by using the sum of the monthly contribution limits rule.
Sum of the monthly contribution limits rule (use Limitation Chart and Worksheet in Form 8889 Instructions). This is the amount determined separately for each month based on eligibility and HDHP coverage on the first day of each month plus catch-up contributions. For this purpose, the monthly limit is 1/12 of the annual contribution limit, as calculated on the Limitation Chart and worksheet.
In other words, you can contribute the full amount if you are eligible as of Dec 1, of the calendar year. However, you may owe back taxes if you do not remain eligible from January 1 – December 31 of the following year.
To avoid tax problems, your HSA contribution can be pro-rated. Simply divide your normal contribution limit by 12 to get your monthly contribution limit.
For individuals, it is $291.66 and for families $583.33 (both numbers represent the 2019 tax year; just apply the current tax year to your situation).
Each month that you had at least 1 day active in an HDHP counts as a full month for your contribution limit. Then simply multiply the number of months you were active in the health plan by your monthly contribution limit.
For example, an individual that started a new job and gained access to an HDHP on March 12th and maintained HDHP coverage through December 31st would have 10 months of pro-rated contribution availability. They could contribute $291.66 x 10 = $2,916.60 for the year. If they contributed the full amount of $3,500 they would need to take the steps listed above to avoid penalties for over-contributing to their HSA.
IRS Publication 969 has more info about HSA qualifications, contribution limits, distribution rules, and more.
Benefits of Maxing Out Your HSA Account Each Year
There are numerous advantages to having an HSA. There is the immediate tax benefit in the year you make your contribution. And since your savings never expire, you can save the funds in your HSA or a linked investment account, and let your savings and investments grow over time. In fact, this can be a brilliant investment strategy:
Using Your HSA as a Super Retirement Account
Health Savings Accounts combine the best of the Traditional IRA and Roth IRA. Contributions are tax-deductible in the year they are made (like a Traditional IRA), and the earnings and withdrawals are tax-free if used for a qualifying medical expense (like a Roth IRA, when used for retirement). There are no age limits when using your HSA funds for a qualifying medical expense. So you can let your money ride until needed. Or just let it grow and pay your medical expenses out of pocket.
What if you want to use your HSA for non-qualifying medical expenses? If used for anything other than a qualifying medical expense, you will pay taxes and a 10% early withdrawal penalty, just as you would with a retirement account. However, the rules change a little bit once you turn age 65. Once you reach age 65, the current tax rules allow you to make non-qualifying withdrawals from your HSA with the same tax rules as a Traditional IRA. So you would pay taxes on the withdrawals, but you would not pay any penalties.
This flexibility makes your HSA one of the most powerful financial tools in your toolbox.
Benefits of Long-Term HSA Ownership
I maximized my HSA contributions each year I was eligible to contribute to an HSA. We decided to take advantage of the investment opportunities through the HSA, so we elected to pay our medical costs out of pocket and invest our HSA funds.
My health insurance plan has since changed, and I am no longer eligible to contribute to an HSA plan. However, I am not required to remove those funds until I decide to use them for medical expenses, or I decide I wish to withdraw the funds for other purposes.
Since the funds are invested, I'd like to let them compound as long as possible. If we have a major medical expense, I can elect to pay for them with our HSA savings. And if we are lucky and don't have any expenses we can't pay out of our cash flow or savings, then I will have a large investment account I can tap into when I reach retirement age. I'm hoping for the latter!
Where to Open an HSA Investment Account
The first thing you need to do is qualify for an HSA with a compatible High Deductible Health Care Plan. Check with your employer if you have an employer-sponsored health care plan. If not, then you may be able to purchase a qualifying HDHP on the ACA exchanges or find one through a health insurance company such as eHealthInsurance (this is where I always found our health care plans after I became self-employed).
Once you have a qualifying health care plan, you can shop around for different banks or investment accounts that offer HSAs. I wrote an article about the process of opening an HSA account, which bank I chose, and why.
I decided to open my HSA account with HSA Bank, in part because they have easy access, very low fees (which can be waived if you maintain a certain minimum in your account and because they make it very easy to link your HSA account to a brokerage where you can invest your HSA funds.
HSA Bank offers two investment options. I chose to invest with TD Ameritrade, because of their excellent reputation and access to several hundred fee-free ETFs for trading. So I've never paid anything to make a stock purchase at TD Ameritrade because I invested in ETFs that didn't have any associated trading costs.
You can visit TD Ameritrade to learn more or to open an account.
Health Savings Accounts are one of the most flexible financial accounts you can open. If you are eligible to open an HSA, I recommend maxing out your contributions each year. And if you can swing it, try to pay your medical expenses out of pocket. This will allow your HSA contributions to grow tax-free indefinitely, allowing you to increase your net worth.
The post 2019 Maximum HSA Contribution Limits – How Much Can You Save for Your Medical Expenses? appeared first on Cash Money Life | Personal Finance, Investing, & Career.
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skuds-blog · 5 years
2019 New Year Goals and Resolutions
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Hey Everyone! The first week of 2019 is already over, did you make some New Year Resolutions? I love the New Year because we can start off with a clean slate and forget about last year. Actually, I did pretty well in 2018 and accomplished most of my goals. I only missed a few and I'm okay with that.
This year, I'm going to keep it simple and have fewer goals. I'll keep them under 10. Read on to see what an early retiree's New Year goals look like.
Setting goals
In previous years, I had moderate expectations and set goals accordingly. This worked well because I was able to accomplish most of the things on my list. I find that setting high expectations doesn't work for me because I can't achieve them and then I become discouraged. My style is to go at a slow and steady pace. Shooting for the moon is probably better for younger folks, though.
Here is my approach to setting New Year Goals.
Set achievable goals – Don't shoot for the moon unless you have a sterling record of high achievement. Most of us will just become discouraged and give up.
Make the goals specific and measurable – New Year goals need to be very specific. Don't make vague goals like losing weight or saving more. You can't keep track of it and you'll forget about them by March. A better goal would be to lose 10 pounds or maxing out your 401(k)this year. You also need to figure out a way to get there. How will you lose 10 lbs? Will you increase your 401(k) contribution right away? You need a plan.
Write them down and track your progress– Write down your goals and put them where you will see them. The refrigerator door is a good spot for many people. Personally, I put my goals here on Retire by 40 and update the status every month. This has been working very well over the last 8 years. I have a public audience and you give me the motivation to improve. I made tremendous progress with our finances and personal life since I started blogging. It's been terrific. I recommend starting a blog if you don't already have one. It really helped me and it might help you, too.
Academic scale – On some goals, I'm grading myself on the academic scale. For example, I plan to save and invest $100,000 in 2019. Even if we fall short and saved $90,000, I'll get an A-. That's not bad.
Ok, let's get on to the goal sheet.
2019 Goals
Check out my goal sheet below. It's simple and helpful. I can see my progress at a glance and it's easy to update every month.
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I try to schedule most goals in the first half of the year because I usually don't get much done in the 2nd half. Summer is always tough because RB40Jr will be out of school. I'll try to get 3-4 things done by June. I plan to visit Chiang Mai in July and it'll be tough to accomplish much then.
Financial Goals
Increase our Passive Income > $60,000
We spent about $60,000 in 2018. That's a bit higher than I'd like, but it's still a pretty good level. In 2019, I'll try to increase our Passive Income above $60,000. This is going to be somewhat tricky because there are a lot of changes in 2019.
We'll sell our rental properties so our rental income will disappear in early 2019. I'll use the money to invest in dividend stock and real estate crowdfunding. I'm not sure if the income from these two will be able to replace the rental income. We'll have to wait and see.
Here is our Passive Income spreadsheet.
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I'll grade this on an academic scale because there are too many changes in 2019. I think everything will settle down in 2020 and it'll be easier to predict what our passive income will look like. It might take a couple of years to push our passive income above $60,000.
FI Ratio > 100%
Unfortunately, we took a step back in 2019. Our expense was higher than normal and our FI Ratio* dropped to 95%. That's not bad, but I need to get this to 100% before Mrs. RB40 retires. There are many changes in 2019 so I'm not sure if we'll achieve this goal. I think our expense will drop after we move, but I'm not sure. Hopefully, we can increase our Passive Income to $60,000 and reduce our annual expense at the same time. That's a tall order, though. You can see how I'm doing with passive income so far here.
*FI Ratio = passive income / expense
Save and Invest > $100,000
In 2019, we saved and invested $102,817! That was fantastic! However, the primary reason why we could save that much was due to a banner year with my blog income. I saved a ton in my solo 401k account last year, over $40,000. I seriously doubt I we could replicate it this year.
The starting points for saving and investing have always been our tax-advantaged accounts. The contribution limits have all increased for 2019. Here is what we plan to save.
$38,000 in our 401k accounts. That's $19,000 each.
$12,000 in our Roth IRAs. That's $6,000 each.
$4,000 in RB40Jr's 529 college savings account.
$11,000 as employer contributions in my solo 401k. This one depends on how much money the blog makes in 2019.
Add these up and it's already $65,000. That's a good starting point. We'll have to figure out how to save more as we go. Oh, I almost forgot. We should receive some money from selling our rentals. We could invest that and it will help push us over $100,000. Is that cheating?
Blog Goal
Update Retire by 40
Retire by 40 still needs a facelift. In 2018, I changed to https, got a new logo, and made a few minor updates. This year, I'll hire someone to install a new theme. Hopefully, it will work out. I'm always scared of hiring people because I rarely get the result I want.
Personal Goals
Travel Hack 100,000 points
This is the same goal I had last year. I paid less than $700 for 3 tickets to Thailand in December. The credit card points helped a lot. Accumulating credit card points is not too difficult for me because I have to pay estimated tax. Those tax payments were enough to push me over most credit card signup requirements. We'll travel to Thailand again in 2019 so the credit card points will come in handy again.
***I just signed up for the Capital One Savor and got $500 cash bonus. Sign up before the bonus expires if you want the same deal. Click through the banner below to find the right card for you.
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Consolidate down to 1 property
We're planning to sell our 2 condos then move into our rental home. This will simplify our lives a lot. Our tenants are moving out in February so everything is lining up. I hope we can sell our condos quickly and then move. We lived at our condo for 11 years and we really enjoyed it. However, the HOA fee and property tax had increased considerably. It's time to move on. I'm pretty sure our housing cost will be lower after we move into a house. Mrs. RB40 also doesn't want to be a landlord. She was very disgruntled when I left her to handle the tenants on this 5 weeks trip to Thailand.
Drop weight to 125 pounds
I rarely make this kind of goal because it never worked before. However, I think I can do it this year. Last year, I got my weight down to 128 pounds. That's really good! The key was intermittent fasting* and regular exercise. However, I'm probably up to 13x pounds now. I'm eating a ton of food in Thailand. My relatives keep pressuring us to eat more. It's a way to show affection here. Also, Thai food is so cheap and delicious. Who can resist? We don't get this kind of Thai food in the US. I'll weigh myself when I get home and then work on getting down to 125 pounds before summer.
*Here is how I do intermittent fasting. I eat only from noon until 8 pm on the weekdays. This cut down on the calories and I don't miss breakfast much. I'm busy getting RB40Jr off to school on the weekdays anyway. Try intermittent fasting if you want to lose weight. It really works. If you can't do it by yourself, I recommend Martin's Fasting Course. He calls it – What's for dinner? How you can get jacked by fasting. He's pretty helpful for a wrestler/blogger.
Fun Goals
Keep my happiness level at 8 or above
This one is a tricky one. The 2nd half of 2018 was tough for our family because my mom was diagnosed with dementia. She had hallucinations and she was having a really hard time in Portland. The situation was stressful and it dropped my happiness level from 9 to 8. We decided to move my mom back to Thailand and it's been very successful so far. She is much happier here and her symptoms are greatly reduced. She rarely gets hallucinations anymore and that makes a huge difference.  Life in Portland should be less stressful once we get back. Hopefully, I can raise my happiness level back to 9 this year. It should be okay as long as there are no new problems. (Why are there so many problems in our 40s? Lots of my friends are having all sort of issues. It's a tough decade.)
Visit Chiang Mai for 6-10 weeks
I'm typing this post in a nice little coffee shop in Chiang Mai. It's pretty nice here for digital nomads. Chiang Mai changed a lot over the last 10 years. Now, there are nice gyms, coffee shops, restaurants, movie theaters, and all sort of nice places for everyone to enjoy. I wouldn't mind living here for a few years. However, Mrs. RB40 and Junior aren't ready to move yet so I'll have to put it off until later.
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I'll come back in the summer to check on my mom and see how she's doing. Hopefully, she will be stable for a few years so we don't need to move her again. On the next trip, I plan to have a more structured routine. I'll get a gym membership so I can continue my exercise program. We'll also rent a place instead of staying with my dad. I can't get anything done with my parent around. It'll be a good opportunity to enroll RB40Jr in a Thai language program. He can only say “sawad dee krub” and “kob khun krub” right now. (Hello and thank you.) We'll also try to take a week off to visit Vietnam. It should be a fun trip.
So those are my goals in 2019. I'll give a status update every month so keep checking back to see my progress.
What about you? Do you have any New Year resolutions for 2019? Remember, the key is to track your progress. If you don't, then you'll forget about your goals and won't accomplish them. Also, get them done early if you can. Let's do it!
The post 2019 New Year Goals and Resolutions appeared first on Retire by 40.
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