#when you go to use another color but you don't clean your brush off between colors. that's this
mappingway · 1 year
man callisto protocol is just an extremely expensive take on “don’t worry i won’t make it look like i copied your homework”
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sublimecatgalaxy · 1 year
now you already know who I’m here for but in case you didn’t-
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"Ya know, when I signed up to be your roommate, I did not sign up for this." I sigh, leaning against the doorframe as a broken and battered Spencer stumbles into our shared apartment, small, whiny winces escaping him with every step he takes.
"I need your help." He mutters, leaning against the counter while gripping his side, eyes finally lifting to look up at me. My frown deepens at the sight of his bloodshot eyes and I wonder if it's from his injuries or if it's truly been days since he's slept.
Both could be true.
"I am not a trained professional. You're literally a doctor, Spence." I step up to him, hands on my hips in an attempt to be intimidating but it's impossible when he's looking at me like that- pitiful and in need of help only I can offer him. In response, he gives me the best smile he can muster, reaching out to pat my arm playfully.
"Not that kind of doctor."
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” I hold a hand out to him, linking my fingers with his- with zero arguments from him- before leading him away from our kitchen, watching blood drip out of the wound on his arm and onto the ground below us. "I literally keep this place going when you're gone and you have the audacity to come back and drip blood all over the floor that I just cleaned." I mutter through gritted teeth, dragging him into the bathroom with me, sending him a half-assed glare.
"You complain a lot." He hoists himself up onto the counter behind him, leaving room for me to slot myself between his parted legs.
This isn't the first time he's come home from a case all bloody and in need of patching up but this is has to be the worst I've ever seen from him.
"Again, you knew this before we moved in together." I pat his chest but it just pulls another pained groan from him and I investigate further, fingers puling at the collar of his shirt to see splotchy bruises painting his chest. "Did the other guy at least look worse than you?"
"Definitely not." He laughs, watching me dab at the cut on his forehead with furrowed brows. "Morgan won the fight for me."
"Can you take this off?" I pull at his shirt and he pauses, hands shaking at his side as I wait for his reply. Instead of responding, he just helps me lift the bloodied t-shirt over his head, tossing it onto the ground behind me. I let out a sad sigh at the sight of his bruised torso, my fingers instinctively reaching out to drag against his pale skin. He watches me intently with his lip tucked between his teeth, cheeks flushed a cute red color. "Shit, should you go to the hospital?" I ask, leaning down to inspect the deep bruise right beside his belly button, wondering if it's coming from internal bleeding but he just shakes his head and waves me off.
"No, I'm good where I am." He strains, head tilting so he can stare at the ceiling and not at me, the blush that was once on his cheeks is now crawling down his neck.
"You stress me out." I giggle but realize his sudden fidgety nature, his jaw clenched as I take a step back, eyes avoiding the pretty obvious distraction inches away from me. "Really?" I ask, mirroring him, chin tilting so I can stare at the ceiling and not the sudden tent in Spencer's sweatpants.
"Please, just don't mention it-"
"I really wanna mention it." I chuckle, slapping a hand over my mouth as Spencer whines, forcing his face into his hands with a loud groan.
"You're only making this worse." He shuffles off the counter and he slips past me, brushing my hands off as I try to reach out to him but he just waddles away from me, adjusting himself as he moves towards his room.
"It's not my fault!"
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife
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Curtis And Honey Autumn This Or That 🍂
Week Three: Journaling or Hiking
Summary: Short drabble. Curtis x Plus!Sized Reader. You and Curtis take a break while on a hike.
This is an 18+ Only Blog
A/N- Thank you for getting us to week three! No real warnings for either of these fics, but I hope you enjoy the moments for these two. Please reblog! I so appreciate it. Don't forget to vote on Fridays for next week's upcoming this or that fic. Happy reading.
Curtis and Honey This or That Masterlist
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet Masterlist
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Oh god I can’t breathe. You huffed as your shoe pushed upwards, digging your toes in to pull the rest of yourself up the incline. It wasn’t so bad at first, when Curtis asked if you wanted to give it a try, you were rather enthusiastic about the idea of going hiking, all that getting out in nature. 
Exercise, fresh air, pretty fall colors, getting to make another memory with Curtis. This is what you wanted. 
And you still did, but now it was a bit more work and energy to do, and quite frankly you were struggling with it. Your boyfriend was just ahead of you, his breathing a bit labored too as he went up a few steps ahead of you, turning to catch sight of you behind him. 
And as flushed as he looked, the bit of red from exertion brushing the tops of his cheeks, he didn’t look bad. Kind of that rugged woodsman look, where you were sure you looked like you were way out of your element and barely hanging on. “Halfway there Honey.” he said with a quirk of a grin at you. 
Halfway?! ONLY HALFWAY!? You felt your mind screaming as you looked around the wooded trail you two were on. Was it pretty? Yes. Were you hiking with your boyfriend who was a lumberjack wanna be in his red flannel shirt and jeans that looked like you could bounce a nickel off his ass? Also yes.You should feel blessed, But only halfway? You had lost track of time a while ago! And all your muscles were hating you right now.
Gasping in another harsh breath and huffing out in a laugh that you hoped to all that was holy it didnt look like you were just trying to catch your breath, but was amused with his statement. Curtis softened a bit, an arm shooting out to lean his hand against a tree, letting it take the brunt of his weight while he let his breathing go back to normal. “I will continue letting you lead the way Curtis.” You offered graciously. Holding your breath vainly while you said your next words, trying to make it seem like you weren’t feeling like you’ve ran ten miles. “I’m right behind you.” 
“Nu uh Honey.” Curtis narrowed his damned beautiful blue eyes at you while you kept up your charade. “Time for a break.” He looked around till he found a towering boulder just off the trail, fairly dry and clean enough for the two of you to sit on for a nice woodsy view. You scowled at him for a second before finally admitting to yourself that yeah, you needed a break. 
Following after him, you looked up the side of the boulder as he pulled himself up, sighing. “Curtis, Im happy to hike with you but I never signed up for rock climbing too. How is my ass gonna get up there?” 
He scoffed as he reached over the edge, wiggling his fingers at you to grab on. “I got you Honey, trust me.” Curtis gave you a smirk, taunting you to refuse him right now. You were gonna show him! 
You narrowed your eyes at him as you let your fingers wrap around his muscled forearm while he mimicked the hold on you and with a slight grunt, he started to help you up. You pushed up with your feet, soon scaling to the top where you plopped down next to him with a sigh. 
“See Pretty Girl, you got up here just fine.” He pulled the backpack he was wearing off his shoulders and fit it between his spread legs to open it up, pulling out a water bottle for you to drink from. 
“Curtis, there is no way in hell I would have ever gotten up here by myself.” You popped the top to take a swallow, Curtis nudging at you to take another drink which you did, not realizing just how thirsty you were. You slowed down once you had your fill and handed it back to him so he could take some. “Were you always a hiker?” 
He was still digging through the backpack till he pulled out some trailmix that you tested out making earlier in the week, planning on this trip since he mentioned wanting to take you. You let the bag set on the rock between you two, both of you digging into the ziplock to take some. “As a kid, no. I mean I went into the woods with my grandfather, he was a hunter, fisher and all that. I played out in the woods behind the house with other kids in the neighborhood. But hiking on trails, no. I started this when I started boxing, trying to do that whole find myself, get back to the things that I wanted to try, things that had made me happy. Being out in the woods, that made me happy.” He took another handful, scattering the honey covered nuts and dried fruit in his hand to find certain pieces. 
You watched him with piqued interest, Curtis was starting to open up more to you about his struggles as a young man and you were finding out something new everyday. “And hiking clicked for you.” 
He flung his hand out, letting the remainder of the trailmix in his hand fly out to scatter among the leaves littering the forest floor. Watching as a chipmunk took interest in his offering. “It did, it was hard to get into. Making myself go out every day when all I wanted to really do was go back into doing the dumbshit I was before. I couldn’t though, it was bad to be stuck in that head space. So I came out here and started walking and climbing till I found what was satisfying for me.” 
“Wow…” You said softly as you scootched over closer to lean against him slightly. “That’s actually pretty inspiring Curtis. Makes me want to do better.” 
His arm went over your shoulder, tucking you in closer. “Honey, you already have come so damn far since we met. You don’t even know how proud I am to get to be a part of that.” 
You felt warmth blossom at the praise, tilting your head up to ask for a kiss. “Thank you for helping with all that.” 
“We’re a team, that’s what we do.” He winked, pressing his lips to yours. “You help me, I help you.” 
You laughed with a nod. “Right, now I need your assistance in getting off this rock cause…” You leaned forward to look over the edge of it. “That's a long way down.” 
“Don’t worry Honey, I got you.” He stuffed the items back into the backpack and slipped over the edge, landing on his feet. “Trust me.” Curtis said with outstretched hands, ready to catch you whenever you chose to take that leap down. 
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doki-doki-imagines · 2 months
"You want to go out for a walk? To relax a bit." You ask Kenshi, who nods at your proposal.
That's why you now find yourself walking through the forest of Wu Shi Academy on your free day. The orange uniforms left at home replaced by your more comfortable clothes.
You feel at ease with Kenshi, a sense of comfort you couldn't find with Liu Kang, as his god status never let you fully relax around him, nor with Raiden and Kung Lao, nice guys but with minds too concentrated on themselves, for a reason or another.
The sun shines bright in the sky, but summer will soon leave his place to autumn, and its rays aren't as powerful as the previous months. You walk ahead Kenshi, more used to these paths forgotten by men where nature is overtaking the grey path made before.
"Look! It's pomegranates." You point toward a tree to your left, big red fruits hanging from the branches.
"You want to eat one?" Kenshi asks, now next to you.
"No, I like them, but it will be a pain to get them. They are so high." You say, still looking up at them.
Kenshi looks at you, but you don't notice it, then he walks towards the tree and you finally see him now climbing the plant.
"Wait, Kenshi! You'll get dirty." You shout at him, but it is too late, the black-haired guy already plucked the fruit from the tree and jumped on the ground.
"Let's sit down there." He tells you, head nods toward the staircase at the end of the abandoned path, pink flowers at the side and between the cement.
"Okay, but look! Now you are all dirty. I'm so s-"
"I don't mind it." Kenshi tells you, brushing away your hands that were trying to clean the dust and dirt from his sky-blue shirt. "I'll wash it when we go back to the temple."
You sit next to him, not too near, not too far; a comfortable space where you hope Kenshi finds ease too. Your eyes land on his hands, tattoos, a bit faded by time, color his hands, his thumb digging into the apex of the fruit, fingers strong enough to break the thick red skin of the pomegranate.
Kenshi winces when the red sticky juice covers his hand, for a moment you guess ugly memories of his past may have resurfaced, but then you finally understand, thanks to an event of a few days before.
"Come on Kenshi! Peel the orange yourself if you want it so much." Johnny whines, before peeling the fruit anyway, giving the black-haired guy a slice of it. "I hate to get my hands dirty. Even more, if they also get sticky."
Johnny blabbers about being "sure you don't always mind having your hands sticky" but your attention gets caught by something else and you didn't listen to them.
"Here, take some." Kenshi says, voice low and calm. "Thank you." You reply, right hand forming a cup to take some of the seeds. "I'm sorry for not breaking the fruit. At least I would have been useful." You chuckle, eyes now low on the ground under your feet.
"I don't mind." Kenshi replies, spitting the white seed on the ground, head turned not to show you the gesture.
You know he minds, you can even see it by the twitch of his fingers, desperately trying to brush off the sticky juice.
But for you he doesn't. The urge to tap your feet like a happy kid is intense, but you keep yourself together, enjoying once again the sound of nature.
This time sitting slightly closer to him.
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little-artworks · 1 year
Resources for customizing your very own game consoles & controllers
So since my custom Nintendo 64 post has blown up, I've been asked a few times for a guide on how I did it - so I've decided to put together a masterpost of sorts!
Your first step in customizing any consoles or controllers will be to completely disassemble it & get all the electronics out, separate out any buttons & port covers, etc. You can find tutorials for disassembling probably most if not all consoles with a quick Google or YouTube search; here are a couple I have used:
Nintendo 64 (VERY good tutorial & includes spray painting guidance too! Highly recommend giving this a watch even if you're not doing an N64)
Gamecube (this is technically for modding a Gamecube, & does involve more disassembly than you'll need to do necessarily, but has the basics)
Reassembling the top portion of a Gamecube shell (it's a bit tricky)
Gamecube controller
Once your console is completely disassembled, the next step is to wash the shell & all parts you want to paint. Easiest way is to just fill a sink with dish soap & water & wash just like you're doing the dishes!
Once everything is nice & clean, dry it thoroughly or allow it to air dry. When it's dry, use painter's tape to cover the jewel or any stickers you don't want to paint over, & a craft knife (Xacto is my knife of choice) to carefully cut off the excess tape around the jewel and/or stickers.
Next, you'll want to rough up the surface of everything you're going to paint with some 600 grit sandpaper. You're aiming to take the shiny finish off the plastic - if your surface started out black, you'll be looking for it to appear a little whitish. It doesn't take much. This helps give the paint a better surface to hold onto. Once you're done sanding, give it a thorough wipedown with some damp paper towels to clean up any stray particles.
And then it's painting time!
I use spray paint, starting with a flat white primer, then a few coats of color, then a clear top coat. You'll want to be sure you get a paint that specifically says it works on plastic - Rustoleum is my go-to.
Another thing to bear in mind is you definitely want to read all of the instructions on the can! It's important to do any painting in a well ventilated area & wear breathing & eye protection.
The process for me took a lot of patience as my particular spray paint requires me to recoat within one hour, or after a full 48 hours (and I think this is common with most/all spray paint - the reason is to prevent bubbles & uneven finish). Also, for the type I used, it has maximum plastic adhesion after 5 to 7 days, so even once I'm done painting I generally wait a full week to put things back together to be absolutely on the safe side.
As an aside, related specifically to what I did on the ones I have painted & if you're looking to do something similar, the white flecks are also spray paint applied a little differently. I just sprayed white paint onto on a paper plate, holding the can very close to the plate so I could get a good little puddle of it; and for my best results yet, I dipped a toothbrush in the paint, held the toothbrush above the surface, & hit the brush to splatter the paint. (If you want to do this, I highly recommend testing it out on some cardboard or anything but your equipment first to be sure you like the result/know how you want to do it.)
Another option is to just use a small paintbrush & manually paint dots, but I personally like the splatter effect better.
As to the gradient, that's something I just trail and error'd & experimented until I got it right. If you want a smooth blend between multiple colors, you want to avoid using painter's tape to make any hard lines. It can be challenging to get all the paint where you want it to go (and stay away from the parts where you don't want it), but patience is key. I've found just sometimes using a piece of paper (held in my free hand) helps to keep the paint off one area of the shell, but again even that can be tricky & requires some practice & trial & error.
If you make any mistakes, one blessing is that spray paint is very forgiving. You can always either paint right over or sand off mistakes & start over!
Happy crafting!
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Literally sharing a sweater with Aziradroid and Crowlien? Bad, I imagine, for the sweater.
My space spouses! I missed them, they need more content. v.v
Warning: though not much is referenced, Crowley is a human-xenomorph hybrid, mentions of character deaths, going through dead people's stuff (whoops)
On with the fic!
"I do feel a little bad about this." Aziraphale muttered as he looked through a drawer in Captain Archer's old quarters. "But there is no use for these things for any of them, is there?"
Crowley was seated on the dusty, long-forgotten bed, toying with some old device that is probably in need of a charge. From what Aziraphale remembered, it was some sort of heart monitor for exercising, Gabriel was always so obsessed with his health, even more so than most for an average mission. Crowley made a chittering sound and tossed the object aside, titling their head, then they shrugged.
"Right, well, I suppose that all of the crew's stuff belongs to us now." Aziraphale tried to smile, but it still hurt to think about what happened to everyone.
He may have deep cleaned this ship from top to bottom of all traces of blood...
But he could still see it in his mind's eye, his memory banks just couldn't seem to delete those horrible, gory images. He didn't dare to wipe the burials though, he might as well remember them with their honors he had to state himself to no one but the empty void of space.
Crowley clicked and got up off the bed, moving to dig through another drawer, careful of their claws. It was rather cute how human Crowley could be when they made faces (as best as they could with what limited mobility they had due to their current condition). He laughed as he watched Crowley make a face at some shirt, tossing it over their shoulder.
"Just admit it, you still don't like Archer's taste in lilac." Aziraphale teased. "Black and red, those are your colors."
The hybrid made a trill, then leaned over, bumping their head against Aziraphale's shoulder. A questioning sound came from them as they reached into the drawer Aziraphale had been digging through and pulled out something.
It was a rather soft, large looking sweater. The color of it was actually a lovely shade of green, which was amazing, Aziraphale didn't think dark colors minus the flight suits were in Gabriel's wardrobe. "Oh, it's gorgeous! And it looks so warm!"
Crowley made happy noises, pushing it towards Aziraphale. "Zir. Zir." Came the gravel-like voice, a damaged relic of Crowley's old life, something that they were trying to use again, but it was so difficult.
"Oh, you want me to try it on?"
A nod.
"Well, let's see if it fits, hopefully it's not tight." Aziraphale slipped off the cardigan he had been wearing and pulled the sweater on over his head. It was a little roomy, even for someone with his bit of girth, but then again, Gabriel had been a broader man than him.
"Oooh, this is love-LY!" Aziraphale squeaked as he was suddenly pulled up by strong, bony arms that encircled his stomach. He wiggled his feet and then burst into laughter as his nerve sensors felt something squirming and wiggling around against his back.
Then Crowley popped their head up out of the neck, placing their chin on Aziraphale's shoulder. There was another happy trill from them, their bared teeth wet and brushing against the android's cheek.
"You silly thing! Even as a nearly nine foot alien, you still like this, don't you?" Aziraphale huffed and got a slightly tighter hug, a pleased growl.
The action reminded Aziraphale of times long ago, at stations where the crews could rest, or back home in between missions. Thin, freckled arms would wrap around his stomach while he was working on baking or browsing through books. A warm body pressed against him under his sweaters, a familiar face next to his own.
Lips against his skin, a laugh by his ear, maybe a dirty word or two if they were alone...
Aziraphale sighed and gently knocked his head against Crowley's. "You are a dear, Crowley, but I fear we're going to stretch this poor thing out and I'd rather like to wear it a few times before that happens."
There was a loud, wet sigh from Crowley and he felt the alien set him down before shuffling a bit to get out. They were on their hands and feet to do so, looking up at Aziraphale with those big, acid-yellow eyes.
He smiled and leaned down, giving them a kiss on the forehead. "Thank you for suggesting this, dear. Come now, let's see if we can find you something, I'm sure you'd love to wear some clothes sometimes, yes?" He got a hiss in response. "I'll take that as a maybe."
Aziraphale is still getting used to continuing his relationship with Crowley, it's just going to take some getting used to when you're not human and your partner has become a tall, lanky, killing machine who still loves you.
Also, Crowley is fucking tall in this, because I like the idea of it. Already tall to start with, then gets fucking stretched out by alien shenanigans. (this is probably painful for them, but they won't let Aziraphale know so he doesn't worry even more than he already does). Also, they're tall so they can lift Aziraphale up easily for hugs.
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lady-harrowhark · 1 year
from this ask meme :)
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
i had another "nutmeg" ask, so i answered over here BUT i figured i could split my response into two parts just for fun :) except this second part is very long because some very stupid things happened before i could make my place fit my style lol.
so here's the thing: the guy who lived in my place before me did a lot of DIY things he should not have been DIYing. a lot of the things he did are harmless but not ideal. for example, all of the nail holes on the trim and door frames have been "filled" with clear caulk instead of spackle, so basically it did absolutely nothing to hide the holes, can't be painted over, and over time has grown discolored so now there are these sort of beige-ish rubbery patches all over the trim and door frames which are way more noticeable than it would have been to just leave the nail holes in the first place. little by little i've been scrubbing the caulk off to refill properly.
some of the things are harmless and simply not my preferred aesthetic. for example, this wall in the bedroom where he stained a bunch of 2x4s different colors and just... nailed them to the wall? i originally thought i'd just do a sort of whitewash thing on that wall but i ended up just fully painting it white and still got the effect i was after.
here's a "before" picture, ft. Posy helping to supervise my unsuccessful whitewash experiments:
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and after:
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and then some of the things the previous guy did i thought were simply not my preferred aesthetic but still functional, but then they turned out to be not my preferred aesthetic and also so poorly DIYed that they were actively damaging the house.
enter the DIY dungeon bathroom from hell.
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this looks largely fine from the picture from before i moved in, right? it was rather dark, i would have preferred a bathtub given that there isn't another bathroom, and the window into the shower was kind of odd, but it was functional. or so i thought.
upon moving in, i quickly realized several things about the shower.
it was quite narrow, so i was always banging my elbows on the walls
the ostensibly fancy showerhead was installed in such a way that in order to be under the water, you had to basically stand in the doorway which then splashed water out all over the floor, and
it was tiled in the worst possible material for a shower
you may notice that the floor and shower are made of the same type of tile. i think it was some sort of slate, but the thing about this type of stone is that it's really porous, especially if you don't seal it, and it really shouldn't stay wet, i.e., it shouldn't be used for a shower. what happens if unsealed porous stone is used for a shower? i can tell you!
it soaks up water like a sponge and doesn't dry out between uses, meaning that the bathroom always had that cavelike wet stone smell
the texture means that soap and residue builds up immediately, but is nearly impossible to clean. when i scrubbed, the stone was so soft that it literally started turning back into mud (pictured below)
in turn, that meant that every time i banged my elbows into the wall or brushed up against the tile, i came away with dirt/mud on me
minerals start leaching out of it, leaving huge calcium deposits and my favorite, rust that runs down the wall and looks like blood (which you can see in the picture)
the stone just starts literally crumbling away (also pictured below)
all of that was bad enough, but then one day i discovered that the carpet in my bedroom on the other side of the wall from the shower was soaking wet, so somehow the shower was leaking, possibly just soaking through the tiles. the soonest any contractors in town were available was three months away, so in an attempt to prevent so much water leaking out, i duct taped garbage bags down and then put a big rubbermaid tub in there that i would stand in while i showered to collect the water. after each shower, i would bucket the water out of the rubbermaid tub and into the toilet. and i was still getting water in the bedroom.
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so, in the end, once the contractor ripped everything out, what was actually happening was that the pipe that goes to the showerhead wasn't braced correctly and the water pressure wiggled it loose so that it was just spraying water behind the walls, which then leaked down under the floor and into my bedroom. we also found surprises such as the hot and cold water lines being backwards, the ceiling lights not actually being secured to anything (just propped into holes cut in the ceiling), the area around the drain hadn't been filled and was just a gaping pit under the tile, and the paneling on the walls not actually being paneling, but snap-together floorboards that he'd nailed to the wall.
after all that, here's the final result:
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pretty much everything is new (even some of the drywall and parts of the door frame had to be replaced) except for the medicine cabinet and ceiling lights, which i repainted, and the toilet. it's nice to have an almost entirely new bathroom where i got to pick nearly every detail, but i do wish i hadn't had to go through so much water damage to get there lol.
the funniest part of this whole thing is that i got curious about this guy, googled his (very unusual) name, and found his public "home improvement inspo" pinterest board full of pins that he very clearly attempted to replicate (e.g., my hallway is painted in thick tan and white stripes, and he had several pins of hallways painted in stripes the exact same colors). and yes, the bathroom was one of them, except the one he was attempting to replicate had blue tile and the window wasn't so much a window as just a half-wall with glass in the top portion. it also had a glass door on it, but to be fair, in the picture the door was open so he probably missed it.
all of this to say: pinterest and plumbing do not mix no matter how much HGTV you've been watching. hire a professional, or the next person will have to.
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prodentimprou · 8 months
Prodentim Reviews - How Dose It Works? Read!
How and why does ProDentim work?
If you are concerned with having healthy teeth and a great smile, you should be doing more than prodentim reviews just brushing. You need to also use floss and a good mouthwash. Mouthwash helps destroy germs that brushing alone cannot do, and flossing helps you remove plaque deep between your teeth that is impossible to reach by brushing. Make sure you are doing all three.
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If you have anxiety about going to the dentist you are not alone. Many people fear the trip to the dentist, but there really is no reason to be nervous. All of the staff is highly trained and usually do their best to make sure prodentim  you are comfortable, whether you are in for a simple cleaning or a complicated oral surgery. 
Are there any side effects?
Time how long you brush your teeth. You should in fact spend no less than two full minutes doing it. Make prodentim official website sure that you brush the outside, inside and tops or bottoms of every tooth. Also make sure that you brush underneath or above both of your gumlines too.
Get your children used to brushing their teeth as soon as they start to come in. Wipe infants' teeth clean with a cloth every day so they are used to putting something in their mouth to clean their teeth. When your children prodentim website become toddlers, let them have a toothbrush to play with and chew on. Then, when they get a little older, show them how to brush their teeth.
When and how should I take ProDentim?
Cleaning the area between the tooth and the gum is simple when you tilt your brush 45 degrees to ensure the prodentim ingredients bristles get beneath the gum itself. This is as important to do to keep dental health high as flossing in the same area of your mouth, so make a point of it.
If you require a filling in one or more of your teeth, choose wisely. Tooth-colored composite fillings are an attractive, discrete option. However, this type of filling also happens to be less durable than most prodentim tablets metal fillings. Metal fillings are also a better option for larger areas. Remember, looks aren't everything!
Can you tell me about the guarantee again?
It can be quite uncomfortable to be intimately engaged in a conversation with someone who has prodentim benefits horrible breath. Maybe it is something they ate, or just plain old bad dental care habits. Whatever the case may be, a good way to help yourself out of this situation is to carry around gum or mints. Have one yourself and offer them one at the same time. This makes a polite gesture a successful covert operation.
Make sure to visit your dentist for a cleaning every six months. Bi-annual cleanings are necessary to keep plaque under control and spot any problems before they become severe. If you have dental insurance, your cleaning visits will usually be covered at 100 percent. Keeping these appointments will save you money and headaches in the long run.
What are the ingredients inside ProDentim?
Look into using oral irrigators. If you use them correctly, they are valuable oral hygiene tools. You still need to brush your teeth though. They don't eliminate plaque. Oral irrigators should be used, too, since you could push bacteria into the gum tissue.
Eat healthy fruits and vegetables to help keep teeth cleaned naturally. The natural abrasive qualities of fibrous prodentim where to buy fruits and vegetables, such as apples and carrots, help to break down and remove sticky plaque from teeth and gum lines. In addition to eating healthier snacks, you will be taking steps to keep your teeth looking their best.
Can I get my money back if I’m not happy?
If you have been putting off going to the dentist because you are afraid of what they may find, don't put it off another day. Tooth problems do not fix themselves. You have to go eventually. If you are afraid of the dentist look for one that offers sedation so that you sleep through the entire visit.
When you wake up, brush your teeth to get rid of all the accumulated debris from sleeping and breathing through your prodentim detal care mouth, leaving dried saliva behind. The next time to brush is just before bed, cleaning out everything you've eaten throughout the day and cleaning your mouth for the overnight hours.
Read More Topics:
https://urbanmatter.com/prodentim-reviews-warning-crucial-report-reveals-important-details/ https://thekatynews.com/2022/07/06/prodentim-reviews/
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azpaintingltd · 1 year
Transform Your Space: The Ultimate Guide to House Painting
When was the last time you painted your walls? If it's been more than five years, it may be time for an update. Whether this is a room in your house that desperately needs an overhaul or simply to relieve boredom, painting can be an easy weekend project that'll make a big difference in your home. In this guide, we'll walk through everything from choosing colors to picking the right paintbrush and primer. So read on!
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Prepare the area.
Before you paint, you'll want to prepare the room. Remove all furniture and rugs from the area so that they don't get covered in paint. Cover the floor with plastic sheeting and tape it down to keep it from sliding around during painting sessions. Cover walls with painter's tape and paper if necessary (just remember not to use masking tape). You may need more than one color of paint depending on how large or small your project is--so make sure you have enough supplies on hand!
Primer is your friend.
Primer is your friend. It's true that priming a wall can be time-consuming and tedious, but if you want to give your paint job the best chance of lasting, it's worth the effort. Priming helps seal in any existing stains or moisture damage on your walls so they don't bleed through when you apply new color. In addition to preventing peeling and cracking over time, priming also makes sure that all those dark colors will stick to your walls without bleeding into each other like some sort of abstract art project gone wrong (or right).
Use a roller tray and paint tray.
Once you've chosen your paint, it's time to get started! If this is your first time painting walls, here are some tips: First off, don't go overboard with the number of tools or supplies needed. You can always add more later if needed (and trust me--you will need them). For now just get one or two rollers and brushes so that you can focus on getting used to how much paint goes where without worrying about cleaning something else up before moving onto another step in the process. Second off--make sure there is plenty of ventilation when working with any kind of aerosol product like spray primer or latex exterior sealant because these things can be dangerous if inhaled too much over time! Lastly but not leastly...don't forget about safety goggles!!
Don't forget to sand in between coats.
Sand between coats to ensure a smooth finish. To do this, use a sanding block and fine grit sandpaper. Sand in the direction of the wood grain, making sure not to remove too much material or you'll end up with holes in your paint job! Use a damp cloth to wipe off any dust before applying another coat of paint.
Don't get carried away with your brush strokes.
Brush strokes are a big part of the painting process, but you don't want them to be too heavy. If you apply too much paint with your brush and then try to remove it, the result will be uneven coverage and an uneven finish. To avoid this problem:
Use a roller for large areas and use brushes for detail work (like filling in around windows).
Don't overwork the paint with your brush; once it's on there, let it dry completely before moving onto another section of wall or trim.
When using a roller or brush, don't apply too much pressure--you'll only end up wasting time scrubbing off excess that could have been saved if used elsewhere!
Let it dry before you clean up!
It's important to let your paint dry before cleaning up. If the paint is still wet, it could smear or flake off, which will ruin your work. Don't use a wet rag to clean up! You could accidentally wipe away some of the fresh paint and ruin all of your hard work. Likewise, don't vacuum or sweep over freshly painted surfaces--the bristles can pull up some of that fresh coat and spread it around instead of collecting dust in their nooks and crannies. Instead, wait until everything has dried completely before starting these tasks again so that there won't be any risk at all of messing up what you've done so far!
If there are any drips or splatters left behind after everything has dried out enough for safe handling (usually about 2 hours), use an old toothbrush dipped in water to gently scrub away small imperfections like these without damaging anything else nearby on either surface being worked on; larger areas may require scraping off with something like an old credit card before applying more coats later down line depending upon how much repair work needs doing upfront prior."
Painting is easy and can make a big difference in any room of the house!
Painting is a great way to add color and style to any room of the house. It's easy, too! But before you start, there are some things you should know about painting so that your project turns out great.
You should always use high quality paint (and primer) when painting over walls or furniture. The best kind of paint has been formulated with special ingredients that make it last longer than other types of wall coverings.
Painting isn't just for professionals--it can also be done by amateurs who have never picked up a brush before! If this sounds like something that interests you, keep reading our guide on how best practice this skill at home today!
Middlegate is a neighbourhood in Burnaby, Vancouver eastern suburbs. Middlegate is situated nearby to the neighbourhoods Edmonds and Stride Avenue.
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AZ Painting Ltd. is the best painting company in Vancouver that has been around for over many years. We provide you with the highest level of professionalism and quality painting services. Our team is made up of experts who are well-versed in all facets of interior and exterior painting, as well as wall repair and maintenance. AZ Painting Ltd. offers free quotes, so don't hesitate to contact us if you want to get started on your next project!
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warishaaa · 1 year
For me, Love remains trapped in nostalgia-A little distance it covered from being captured in photographs.
It, in its bitter-sweet demeanor, would always be a familiar face I've searched and found and lost on a loop.I've found love brimming between the gaps of my fingers every time I held hands with someone.For me It's still stuck in those bus tickets my dad handed me as I liked collecting them and in those radios of small shops clinging to old songs.
I like winters because I like the way the blanket weighs me down. Sometimes love can feel like that, comforting yet binding and you would rather want to freeze then accept the warmth. You would accept the way the cold crushes your spirit then wake up the next morning in the same comfort that stops feeling comforting anymore. It's like it hasn't lost its ability to provide but you somehow have lost your ability to accept.
As a kid watching trains fascinated me when I didn't have to board one, and I think loving sometimes can be like watching those trains pass.You don't know if you would ever board that train but you still like to watch them pass one after another, just like you don't know if you will ever love again but you love watching people around falling in love, knowing someday you'll be on board, but not today.
Twelve years ago my mother would bring me balloon and tie it around my tiny fingers which eventually would get loose and escape into the sky before I could catch so I watched it fly and my eyes followed it as far as they could. I wondered where it would go, and hoped it wouldn't pop. In my belief it never popped, it landed somewhere safe before it took off again and it's still flying somewhere perfectly fine and love sometimes can feel like that. A fading memory that chooses to go no matter how much u try to hold. So, you just follow it till it's lost hoping it stays safe, even if it isn't yours anymore.
I was a lousy painter and most of the time I ended up playing with the brush and the watercolor palette mixing various colors and making random strokes on the paper. Everyone around me was better at it, meanwhile, I just had fun and came back. I think love sometimes is like that. You don't have to be good at it, you just have to be happy in it.It was like that bowl of water that kept on changing colors until it turned dark, love can fill your life with them until one day,it all just turns dark.
I was a chaotic kid who loved cutting papers and curtains, breaking toys, painting bedsheets, and scribbling walls, and was never trusted with anything expensive because of my tendency of losing and destroying things. Now I don't trust myself with love because even before I find it I somehow end up harming it.
Love sometimes resembles playing in a pile of sand dumped during nearby construction. Whenever I returned home playing in it, my mother would clean my hair and yet find crystals stuck the next day and it took so long for it to completely disappear. Soon all the sand would be used and I would be left there with those particles still stuck in my hair. Growing up I've seen love do that. It comes and goes but attaches parts of it that take so long to get off.
I was taught love would cover miles for you, but it turns out that sometimes it chooses the way away so to stabilize my restless heartbeats I would walk the extra mile.
Love always felt like past that even in its presence would find a way to merge itself with everything I've ever been.
-/Of all the things love ever could be, it chose to be a memory./
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campwisdomdentistry · 2 years
How Important Is It to Know About Root Scaling and Root Planing?
If there is a plaque under your gums, you may need root scaling and planing, which is a deep root cleaning. When a regular dental cleaning isn't enough to clean under the gums, you need to use special tools. Plaque buildup can lead to big problems, like losing teeth, if it is not taken care of. Read more on this link to find out more about what's wrong with your gums.
What does it mean to scale and plane the roots?
Scaling and planing the roots is a way to get rid of tartar. A "deep clean" is another name for this. If you have gum disease, this is what you will need to do.
Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is an infection of your gums. This is a big reason why adults lose their teeth. Because the disease doesn't hurt much, many people don't know they have it. During your regular checkup, the dentist will measure the space between your teeth and gums to see if you have gum disease.
How long do root cleaning and scaling take?
Most of the time, it takes four appointments to scale and plane the roots. In this way, your dentist will be able to clean each portion of your mouth thoroughly. Since it is so thorough, it takes usually longer than regular cleaning and might cause your gums to get red and swell. It's less of a hassle and doesn't take as much time to get back to normal if the dentist simply focuses on cleaning one section of your mouth at a time.
Will you be put to sleep by your dentist?
Yes. Before the root scaling and planing process starts, the dentist will numb your gums. To help you relax before dental work is done, some dentists may use nitrous oxide or other kinds of sedation. When you're calm, you may be able to get more done at the dentist in one visit. You could also use desensitizing toothpaste on your gums afterward to make them feel better.
What's wrong with your gums?
Plaque is a type of bacteria that sticks to your teeth under the gum line and causes gum disease. The plaque will build up and make toxins that can hurt your gums if you don't floss, brush, and go to the dentist regularly. There are two stages of gum disease. They are gingivitis and periodontitis. Click this article for more information. 
What to expect before, during, and after root scaling and planing.
Your gums will be numb during the process. And you'll have to clean your teeth carefully and the right way. Plaque and tartar are sometimes broken up with ultrasound before being scraped off the tooth with a dental device. Some dentists do everything with a laser.
Your gums will be numb, but you might feel some pressure. But you shouldn't feel pain or feel bad in any way. After that, though, your gums will be uncomfortable, swollen, and sometimes painful. U se ice packs and take iuuprofen.
The average procedure only lasts four hours, so you might wish to go home and recover. If your jaw hurts and feels stiff, try placing a warm compress on it. 
Should I pay attention to anything after the procedure?
Yes. If the pain lasts longer than two weeks, your gums bleed a lot, or you get a hard boil (bump) in your mouth, you should make a follow-up appointment right away.
Can I eat normally after having my roots scaled and planed?
No. You should stay away from eating anything hot for two days, and so anything crunchy, like nuts or chips, for four to six days. To ensure that your gums are no longer painful. In addition, your gums may be sugar-sensitive for a few days, so avoid sweets. If you're craving something sweet, try a popsicle without sugar.
What will happen to my gums once the procedure has healed?
Your gums should feel better within a few days, and you shouldn't have to limit your diet for too long. When tartar and plaque are removed, your gums should feel better. This indicates that the redness and swelling you have been experiencing should fade, and your gums should return to their natural pink color. If the procedure is successful, you will not require any more gum procedures. But if you have waited a long time and your gums have already started to shrink, this may not work. You may need a gum grafting procedure at some point in the future. Learn more about gum diseases by reading this blog post.
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baekhansol · 3 years
relief & reassurance
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pairing: san x reader, wooyoung x reader (both san & wooyoung are doms, reader is sub)
genres: comfort, angst-ish, smut, completely self indulgence | rating: mature ! do not interact if a minor
word count: 3812
plot: you're feeling down, and your boyfriends try to make you feel better
warnings: depression, self hatred, skin picking disorder, body weight insecurity, polyamourous relationship, nipple/ breast play, fingering, sex toy usage, oral, bdsm themes, doms/sub relationships, orgasm denial & control, squirting, spanking, choking, biting/marking/slight scratching, a bit of hair pulling, slight teasing, use of pet names (princess, good girl), bulge kink, creampie, unprotected sex (please be safe!!), doggystyle, praise kink, multiple orgasm, pain kink(?), threesome, use of the color light system (just check-ins, no safe word use), subspace, and sweet sweet aftercare - as usual, let me know if I missed anything!
a/n: this is a very very self indulgent fic. a very special thanks to @sugasbabiie for beta reading this for me and pointing out some things that I needed to change 💜💜💜
You felt disgusting, broken, and just downright depressed. You were supposed to hang out with San for the night, but he was running late. So you went ahead and ordered takeout, getting his favorite. Ever since you started dating him and Wooyoung, you would take time to have a date night with them separately and together. That way, you wouldn't always be the victim of their teasing.
You hear San unlocking the door, so you do your best to act fine as you go over to greet him.
"I'm glad you're finally here!" You say, pulling him into a hug.
"Hi baby," he says, his dimples appearing as he hugs you back. "It smells delightful," San adds, pulling back and looking at you. His eyebrow twitches, and you're afraid he is going to ask what was wrong, but instead, he takes off his shoes.
"I'm glad! I bought your favorite barbecue, and I think it might still be warm," you tell him, clapping your hands once as you go to check, San trailing behind.
"Did you already eat?" He checks, looking at you sternly as he breaks the wooden chopsticks.
"Yes, and if you want proof, it's in the trash can," you say, looking down and away.
"Alright," he says, his voice softening immediately. "Go turn something you like on, okay? I'll eat and then clean up."
You nod and kiss his cheek, going back and turning on the show you've been marathoning. San comes and sits next to you, eating and half-heartedly paying attention.
You lean against his shoulder and curl up into your blanket, trying to relax. Your insecurities were getting the better of you.
When San finishes his food, he kisses your cheek. "I'll be back in a few," he says, and you know he is going to shower.
"Make sure to brush your teeth!"
"I will," San responds with a chuckle.
When San returns from cleaning up, you hadn't realized you zoned out from the show and started crying. He turns off the TV and pulls you into his lap slowly, giving you the opportunity to pull away.
You don't, so you end up letting out a soft sob against his chest. San soothingly plays with your hair and rubs your back, letting you cry while saying soothing words in your ear.
"It's okay baby, let it out. I'm here for you, don't worry. You can tell me anything; you know that, right?"
When you’ve calmed down enough, and you blow your nose, San finally asks, "What has you so worked up, Y/N?"
You sigh, looking away and shaking your head.
"I just want to help," he assures you, "So please, tell me."
He wipes your tears away with his thumb, his own eyes full of concern.
"I've just been… feeling really insecure and hating my body," you murmur, looking away. "I hate that I have a stupid skin picking disorder. I hate how fat I am. I hate my stretch marks and my stupid eyes. I hate that I have two incredibly attractive boyfriends, and I'm just a potato," you rant, getting overly worked up to the point you start crying again.
"No, no, no, no, precious no," San says, his heart breaking as he sends a quick text to Wooyoung (get your ass over here asap).
"You're so beautiful, okay? We are all humans with flaws. Woo and I are idols, so that's why you think that. Remember my high school and middle school photos? I'd probably look worse than that now if I weren't an idol and could spend lots of money on skincare," he says with a slight giggle, handing you tissues again.
You take it and blow your nose again, groaning slightly. He just had to be logical.
"And I love all of you. I love your sexy body. I love your personality. I love the way you think and talk; how you see the world. I love your pretty eyes. They can see, you know? So you can see me," he giggles at that a little, gently kissing each of your eyelids.
"I love your pretty lips," he says, running a thumb over them. "I love your body. There's so much to cuddle, and you're soft and even better to cuddle than shiber, but don't tell them." At this, San gently starts caressing your body.
"And you know, your sweet tummy isn't going to be flat like mine. It's hard work to keep abs, and I generally don't eat before we perform to keep them there. Because when I eat, bye bye abs," he tells you, pulling his shirt up to show you how his stomach was just smooth and soft.
"And for your tummy," San begins, laying you down on the couch and pulling your shirt up to kiss it. "Your pretty tummy holds your uterus and the most precious parts of the entire female reproductive system, your ovaries and eggs. And right here," he kisses under your belly button, getting closer to over your pubic bone, a very sensitive spot for you, "right here is where all the magic happens."
You quirk an eyebrow, waiting for him to explain as you feel your cheeks heating up.
"It's where a baby will grow, if we decide to have one, and it's where your body let's you know it's reproductively healthy," he starts, kissing lower and lower each time, until you're biting your tongue to hold back a moan. San picks up the change in your state, swallowing the need to smirk.
"And your legs, your beautiful legs," he murmurs, massaging your feet and up your calves. "They carry you around all day and are so pretty." San kisses your shins, then slowly up your inner thighs, making you squirm.
His strong hands hold you in place as he continues worshiping your body. "You're beautiful thighs," he murmurs, nipping them. "They hide something beautiful between them, but even on their own…" San tries not to groan, as he can tell he is growing hard by your soft gasps. "They're soft and lovely to rest my head on, like your breasts, and I could spend all day marking them up. I love the way they jiggle like your ass does when spanked," he adds, looking you in your eye as he rubs your thigh, what he normally would do before spanking you.
When you nod, he gives them a resounding smack. This time, you don't hold back your moan.
He takes your hands in his, kissing your palms. "Your beautiful hands are perfect to hold, and your arms giving the best hugs, but don't tell Wooyoung or really anyone I said that," San giggles a little again, kissing up your arms, nipping here and there on the soft flesh.
"I know you hate how you pick at your arms, and I know how hard it is for you to control that impulse. But I want to help you, and I assure you Wooyoung feels the same way, okay?" he assures you.
You look away, more embarrassed than aroused now. "Precious, I asked you a question," he says, turning your chin to make you look at him, his dominance coming out.
"Yes sir," you say, biting your lip.
"You don't have to call me sir right now. This is about you. Now, can I make you feel good?" He whispers, his thumb ghosting over your lip as his knee ruts into your core.
"Please," you sigh, wondering if he would ask first or if he would make you beg.
Your word pleased him, as he immediately picks you up and kisses you deeply, carrying you to your bed.
“I love you so much; you know that, right?” San asks as he sets you down on the bed, helping you out of your shirt.
“I do,” you say softly, looking down as your face heats up.
San plants another sweet kiss on your lips, then slowly down your neck.
“Your soft skin is so kissable,” he says with a little giggle, nipping and sucking lightly, just enough to leave slight marks for the day. He undoes your bra, laying you back on the bed as his mouth travels down your decolletage, his hands caressing your breasts.
“You’re so precious to me, and I love all of you,” San assures you. “Are you sure you’re okay? You’ll say yellow if you’re uncomfortable? Red if you want to stop?” he adds.
“I love you too,” you whisper, looking down at him lovingly. “And I always will,” you assure him.
He immediately takes one of your breasts in his mouth, his teeth lightly grazing your nipple, causing you to moan out his name.
He smiles against your skin, giving the same attention to the other breast. San begins to kiss down your stomach, humming while he does.
“I love your soft tummy,” he murmurs, looking up at you with utmost sincerity in his eyes. “It makes you extra cuddly,” he giggles.
You blush, not sure how to respond until he hooks his fingers beneath the waistband of your shorts.
“May I?” San asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes please,” you say, raising your hips to help him. He ends up taking your underwear off as well, a somewhat sheepish smirk on his face.
“Sorry,” he says, his tone rather unconvincing.
You roll your eyes as he spreads your legs, his eyes going face to face with your heat.
“Can I eat you out?” he bluntly asks, his warm fingers opening your folds.
“Please,” you say, letting him position your legs better as he immediately licks your folds, kissing your clit.
You let out a soft whine of pleasure, falling back onto your bed and allowing yourself to relax. San continues to suck on your clit, feeling your arousal start to drip onto his chin as you clench around nothing. Before you could beg for more, San’s tongue enters you, lapping up your arousal and easily hitting the spots that make your orgasm begin to quickly grow. San’s nose rubs against your clit, and he smirks as you grind against his face.
“San~ Sannie~ ah~” you moan, causing him to chuckle softly. The vibrations make your toes curl, and you gasp and grab the sheets.
San reaches up and takes one of your hands in his, gently squeezing it in reassurance as he continues his ministrations.
As you start feeling closer to your orgasm, San stops. He stands up, causing you to whine.
“Don’t worry, I’m not done yet,” he says with a gentle laugh. San opens the drawer where you kept your sex toys and lube, and he takes something out you can’t quite see.
“What color are you?” he asks.
“Still green,” you assure him, trying to smile for him.
San kisses your forehead before going back down on you, this time putting his fingers inside of you. He turns on the bullet vibrator he took on a low setting and presses it against your clit, smirking when you groan his name and buck your hips.
“God, you’re so sexy like this,” he murmurs, kissing your thigh.
You whimper in response, boosting his ego. San turns up the setting on the vibrator, relishing in the power he had over you. He was glad he could help you feel better, even if it was only temporary. Which he hoped it wouldn’t. He wanted his words to have comforted you.
“I’m close-” you begin, your toes curling and thighs shaking.
San immediately pulls his fingers out of you and turns off the vibrator.
“San, what the fuck?” you whine. You weren’t being bratty; you were just confused.
“I promise I am still doing this to make you feel good,” he assures you, setting down the vibrator. “What color are you?” San asks.
“Green,” you admit, causing him to smirk and go back down on you.
After being denied twice, the coil built into a strong pressure, causing you to furrow your brows and whine out his name, being more vocal than usual. You almost feel overstimulated, but he holds your hips in place with firm hands so you can’t escape.
“San, fuck, I’m gonna- fuck!” you nearly sob, suddenly orgasming harder than you have in the past.
He lets you ride his tongue through your orgasm before he pulls up, a confident smirk on his now rather wet face. “I made you squirt,” he says proudly.
“Squirted, yeah,” San smugly confirms, standing up and sauntering to the bathroom. You’re not sure what he is doing in there, but he soon comes back with a dried face and a damp washcloth.
“I want to keep going,” you sheepishly admit.
He nods and cleans off some of the mess, tossing the washcloth into the hamper. “Let's take off the blankets then, yeah?” San says, helping you stand as he strips off the blanket.
You sit back down and look up at him, pulling him in for a kiss when he comes back. “I want you inside me,” you say softly, tugging at his pants.
“Be patient, you will,” he assures you, pulling away to undress himself.
His self-control never failed to surprise you because as soon as he got rid of his clothes, his hard length stood erect.
He hovers back over you, laying you down and kissing you sweetly. San grinds against you to test how sensitive you were. When you shivered, he stopped, continuing to gently kiss you.
San pulls away after a moment in order to align himself with your entrance. “I love you so much,” he tells you, sliding his tip in.
“I love you too, San,” you assure him, gasping as he continues to enter you, stilling only when he was fully seated inside.
“See, your tummy is even bigger now,” San giggles, rubbing your tummy.
“Are you trying to get me to say you have a big cock?” you giggle.
“No, but I wouldn’t be offended if you did say that,” he responds with a giggle of his own.
“San, please move your big cock,” you tease a little, laughing softly.
“As you wish, princess,” San teases right back, beginning to move at a comfortable, intimate pace.
You move your hips in tandem to his thrusts, gasping softly as he brushes your g spot.
“I’m so lucky to have you in my life,” San says, praising you sweetly. “You’re an amazing person, and I can’t believe you love me back.”
You feel yourself blushing, unable to say anything besides soft moans and whines.
“You’re so beautiful. Like this and any other time. You’re always beautiful,” he assures you, reaching down to start rubbing your clit.
You grab onto his bicep that was holding him up, whimpering his name.
“Good girl,” San groans, reaching down to capture your lips in a kiss. “Go ahead and cum when you need to, don’t hold back,” he adds, picking up his pace ever so slightly, knowing you were growing close.
“I- oh, fuck,” you whine, your nails digging into his bicep as you orgasm.
He continues to thrust through yours, and San soon releases inside of you.
“You couldn’t wait for me to get here?” You hear Wooyoung cry indignantly.
“How long have you been there?” San asks, pulling out of you and cupping your cheek before rolling onto the bed next to you, giving you a view of a very irritated and flustered Wooyoung.
“Long enough to start getting hard,” Wooyoung complains. You glance down to his crotch, and there was a definite tent in his pants.
“Well, this wasn’t the original plan,” San begins, and you are quick to look at the floor, taking great interest in the carpet suddenly. “Y/N was feeling depressed and very insecure about her body, and it just happened to lead to this,” San explains, leaning back and crossing his arms.
“You did?” Wooyoung asks, his eyes snapping to you.
You don’t look up at him or say anything, but you nod a little.
Wooyoung doesn’t say anything, but you know he walks over in front of you. His fingers grip your chin and tilt your head up. “I asked you a question,” he says, his eyes hard.
“I… yes…” you say, sounding uncertain of yourself.
Wooyoung raises an eyebrow, waiting expectantly.
“I… don’t like myself?” you tell him, your words coming out as more of a question than a statement.
“Y/N,” Wooyoung says, trying his best not to sound disappointed. “You’re an amazing person. The best partner we could ask for. I don’t know what exactly is wrong, and I would love to talk about that later if you want. But I love you so fucking much, okay?” Wooyoung’s eyes were a little glossy, and you could tell how much he meant his words. He wanted you to feel better.
“I know… I love you both too…” You say, holding onto his arm before leaning up to give him a gentle kiss.
Wooyoung holds you close, deepening the kiss. “Is it okay if I have a turn?” he asks you, his hand resting on your hip.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you whisper, rubbing your noses together.
“I love you so much,” Wooyoung says, mostly to himself. He then asks, “Can I be rough?”
“Yes, I’ll say if it’s too much,” you assure him, Wooyoung and San both nodding.
Wooyoung is quick to undress and is soon guiding you onto all fours. He spreads open your legs and cheeks, watching San’s cum drip out of you. “You didn’t use a condom with San?” he leans forward and whispers into your ear.
San shrugs, knowing it didn’t matter since you were all clean and you were not likely to get pregnant.
Wooyoung pulls back and smacks your ass. “I love the sight,” he groans to himself, teasing your entrance as he smacks your other cheek. “I love how your body reacts to me,” Wooyoung says, grinning as you arch your back up, trying to get him inside of you.
“You had San, and you need more?” Wooyoung teases, slowly entering you.
“Yes, I need you too,” you gasp out, getting fistfuls of the sheets as you hold them to keep yourself up.
“Good,” Wooyoung grunts, beginning to harshly thrust into you.
“You’re making such a mess with your pretty cunt,” Wooyoung laughs a bit sadistically.
“Just for you, just for you both,” you manage to get out, angling your hips so he would hit your g spot.
“You’re such a good girl for us both, and you’re so fucking perfect,” Wooyoung groans.
San scoots up closer to your face, tilting up your chin to look at you. “You okay?” he whispers. “Color?” He knows Wooyoung could get a bit carried away at times, so he wanted to check.
“Green,” you choke out, your arms giving in on a particularly strong thrust.
Wooyoung slows his thrusts and grabs your hair, pulling you up and moving his hand to your throat. “You’re beautiful, Y/N. We are so lucky to have you,” he whispers, rolling his hips into yours.
You nod a little, your orgasm building again. Wooyoung hums softly and starts thrusting faster, grunting softly in your ear before he decides to suck colorful marks onto your neck and shoulder.
“That’s our girl,” he murmurs, reaching down to rub your clit as he squeezes your neck.
You gasp, your thoughts going blank from the slight lack of oxygen to your brain.
“Go on and cum on my cock, princess,” Wooyoung urges you, biting down on your shoulder as he squeezes your neck a little more, searching for his release.
At the slight increase in pressure, your body explodes, and you cum, your fluttering walls encouraging Wooyoung’s orgasm.
He lets up on your throat and clit, thrusting a few more times to ride out your highs. Wooyoung pulls out of you and helps you lay down, cupping your cheeks.
“How are you feeling, baby?” Wooyoung asks, cupping your cheeks.
You’re zoned out, blissed expression was a dead giveaway of your state, as you felt high and floaty.
“Damn, if I had known you were going to come and fuck her like that, I wouldn’t have made her squirt,” San says with a sigh, getting up.
“You did? Without me here to watch?” Wooyoung groans.
San shrugs, heading into the bathroom and drawing a bath.
You watched the two, not quite able to make out their conversation.
When Wooyoung picks you up, you gladly lean against his chest and gently hold him. He leads you into the bathroom and sets you in the tub, which San had filled with a bubble bath. Wooyoung kisses your forehead, and San squeezes your hand, saying something.
San stands up and sighs, looking at Wooyoung. “Don’t leave her alone like this. I’ll wash the sheets,” he tells him.”
Wooyoung lets you play with the bubbles and soon gently washes your hair. “You’re doing so good,” he says, rinsing out your shampoo. “Our pretty girl,” Wooyoung adds, smiling. “Turn a little to face me, and I will wash off your makeup~” he says, putting the cleanser oil on his hands.
“Okay!” you giggle, turning and closing your eyes.
Wooyoung is gentle as he massages the oil into your skin, singing to you softly. You hum along with the tune, letting him rinse off the oil and use your regular cleanser.
“Are you ready to cuddle?” San asks, coming back into the bathroom and now fully dressed.
“Cuddles~!” you say, nodding immediately.
Wooyoung giggles and unplugs the drain, readying a towel.
“I have your favorite pajamas ready for you,” San says, smiling.
You let out an excited squeak, reaching out to Wooyoung to help you up. He gently grabs your arms, helping you find your footing before beginning to dry you off.
“Will you finish her up?” Wooyoung softly asks San, wrapping you in the towel before picking you up.
“Yeah, go clean yourself up,” San says.
Wooyoung kisses your temple and goes to the bathroom, and San helps you into your pajamas.
“You pretty princess,” he says, pulling on your pink pajamas.
“Mhm, your princess!!” you confirm, nodding.
San smiles, plugging in your hairdryer.
“You are the prettiest princess I have ever seen,” he assures you, brushing your hair before adding essence to it.
“Then you’re my… prince?” you ask, glancing up at San as he picks up the hairdryer.
“I’ll be whatever you want me to be,” San assures you, turning on the hairdryer and drying your hair.
Before San finishes drying your hair, Wooyoung returns and lays on the bed next to you, rubbing your back.
Once finished, San unplugs the hairdryer and turns off the light. Wooyoung pulls you under the covers, holding you in his arms. San joins you, kissing your cheek.
“I love you,” Wooyoung murmurs.
“We love you,” San corrects him, smiling.
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
Hi! I'm not sure if your requests are open, but if they are, can I request a Jean x reader angst where they get into an argument and he says something SUPER uncalled for? And reader's all like "wow ok" and walks away bc they don't wanna say anything uncalled for either, but Jean thinks that means reader is breaking up with him? So the next day he does a bunch of cheesy things like buys them breakfast, flowers, writes a tone of love notes, etc?
If your requests aren't open then I understand! And have an AMAZING rest of your day hehe ❤
they are, no worries! i hope you like it! <3
jean x reader
“You should talk with him...” Jean turns around. His eyes are darker than ever. He’s angry.
“Mind your own business.” he says. You look at him, not flinching even a bit, even knowing you want to cry. His honey color eyes are still fixed on yours, and his breath goes fast. He’s nervous.
“Oh, fine.” you say, taking your jacket and leaving, slamming the door.
“Y/N, wait.” he says, but you’re opening the main door, leaving your shared apartment. He takes his head between his hands, running his hands over his hair. “Fuck.” that’s the only thing that leaves his mouth while he feels how the smell of your cologne disappears quietly. He messed it up. He said something he doesn’t thing, in the heat of the moment, and now you don’t want to see him again. That’s what he thinks. That you left him forever.
You didn’t, though. You just want to have fresh air, to think better about what he said. He was angry, you can understand that. But he wasn’t angry at you, then why pay it with you? You sigh. Jean isn’t like that. He’s always loving, caring and sweet, even when he had a bad day. He always has a smile for you. That’s why you’re not angry at him. You know he has just a complicated day. But you also want him to know that he shouldn’t pay it with you. 
Later that night, when you arrive home, Jean is sleeping on the kitchen table. He has all the papers around and a glass of wine half-empty. You shake his shoulder quietly.
“Jean. Go to bed.” you whisper. He opens an eye a little and sees you.
“You’re home.” he says. But, after all, you just broke up with him, didn’t you? His brain knows you’re only there because you didn’t have enough time to search a place to sleep today. Also, all your things are still here. He moans quietly, getting up, his back hurting because of the bad position his body had. He walks to the bed, hearing your cute little steps behind him. He always liked how they sound. Maybe this is the last time he will hear them. He enters his side of the bed. He can’t lose you. He would make you stay.
“Good night, Jean.” You say, while you enter the other side, giving him your back. He sighs.
“Good night, y/n.”
Next morning, Jean finds himself tangled with you. He smiles. How can your bodies know the other that well? They arranged themselves on their sleep. He takes his arm carefully far from your waist and gets up quietly. He goes straight to the kitchen after changing his clothes. He decided to make it up to you, so he searches the recipe of the fluffy pancakes his mum sent to him not a while ago. Putting his earbuds on, he starts to cook.
You wake up feeling Jean’s place on bed cold, a pleasant smell coming from the stairs. You look at the clock. It’s saturday. Jean doesn’t work today. Then, why is he awake? You stretch yourself in bed and, under your pillow, you find a paper. You read it.
“Good morning. Please, come to the living room once you’re awake. I love you.”
Jean’s handwriting signs the note. Is now he leaving romantic notes for you? You change into your daily clothes and go down stairs, heading to the living room, but you’re curious. Opening the kitchen door quietly, you find your boyfriend. He’s dancing quietly to the music he’s listening, a plate full of pancakes in the side of the table, and he’s turning another pancake with the spatula. You rest your body against the frame of the door, silently enjoying it. He has cut also some fruits, put a huge amount of whipped cream on the side of the plate and made some fruit yoghurt as well. He is making such an effort. 
He does this things sometimes, really elaborated and cute breakfast for you two on special dates as your birthday or anniversary, But today isn’t a special day. He turns around and sees you. A shy smile crosses his lips and you enter the kitchen, sitting on a chair.
“Good morning, Jean.” you say. He takes off his earbuds.
“Good morning, babe.” he answers. He then visualices what he said. Did he made you uncomfortable saying that? He’s so used to call you “babe” he didn’t even realize he has done it. He looks sneaky at you. You’re adding chocolate powder to your glass of milk quietly. It doesn’t look like it affected you.
“I... I made breakfast.” he says. His voice sounds shy for some reason. You tell him to sit on the chair next to yours and he takes the pancake plate. The strawberries are cut on heart shape.
“Jean, these are so cute!” you say, taking one. You put it on top of the whipped cream, eating it after that. Jean smiles.
“You have cream on your mouth.” You quickly wipe it with a napkin. In any other day, he would lean closer and take it off your mouth himself. But he wants to make things well, he wants you to forgive him. You also missed that kiss. He cleans his throat and you cut a part of a pancake, tasting it. He looks at your reaction.
“They are really good, baby, goddess” you say. He takes your hand and you look at him. He went from happy to serious in a second. 
“Babe I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve how I treated you yesterday. Please, fogive me. I’m so sorry, I don’t want to lose you. Please.” He takes your hand to his lips. “I left early in the morning. I also....” the door bell rings. He goes quickly to the door, coming back with a huge lilac bouquet. “I don’t want to be without you. It was my fault and I don’t want to lose you because of something I said without thinking.” he says. He gives the bouquet to you. It has a little note pined to it. You take it.
“I love you.” it what it says. Just three words that make your spine tremble. He takes your hands again, you can see his pain on his eyes.
“Please, come back to me.” You look at him. Back? You put the lilacs on a near empty vase. 
“Back? How back, baby?” you ask. He looks at you.
“We broke up yesterday. You left me, didn’t you?” You can almost hear his quiet and starting sobs. You laugh a little, caressing his cheeks.
“I didn’t break up with you, silly.” you say. “I just left because it hurt me, but I was planning to come back when I got calm. And I did, didn’t I?” the last phrase is almost whispered against his mouth. He takes your chin, his eyes scanning yours so close. You can even see the different tones of brown on his irises. 
“Sorry for hurting you. I was angry to myself and I said that. You didn’t deserve it. Sorry.”
You caress his cheek again. You smile quietly.
“Accepted apologizes.” you say. 
“Then, are we okay?” he asks. You nod twice, so slowly, that his lips brush against yours sweetly when he gets closer.
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
A Sky Full of Stars
Pairing: The Mandalorian (Din Djarin) x Fem!Reader
Words: 11340 (I know I say this all the time but this really was supposed to be a short one-shot but it got away from me because I just loved this idea so so much. Sorry not sorry.)
Warning: Nothing but fluff. Some kissing that turns into a heated make-out session that turns into a cuddling session.
Inspired by this tiktok by the lovely ameliagonzales who was gracious enough to allow me to use her idea and write this.
A/N: It's been a while since I wrote something that's fluffy slightly angsty and dialogue-centered. I'm not going to lie, this took longer than usual because of the lovely anon that decided to tell me my characterization of Din is hella off and I realized I don't care if it is because it's my writing and I get to do whatever I want with it. Let me know how I'm doing in the comments and reblogs are always always appreciated. You can add yourself to the taglist here. This is not beta'd btw.
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“No silly this isn’t green, it’s blue.” The little girl put her toy away and brought out a new one, giggling at your faux pout as she shoves the new object in your hand and asks you what color you thought it was. You turn it around in your hands, trying your hardest to hide the hurt growing in your chest at not knowing what color it is. You think it’s closer to the first toy she gave you but you’re not sure. You’re never sure. You look at the girl and smile at her before setting the toy aside and wiggling your hands at her. She immediately stands up and screams as you run after her, laughing along with her giggles as you chase her around and watch as more kids join in and run away from you.
You’re not sure how long you’re chasing the little ones and you hear some of them gasp and ‘oooh’ when your young friend runs into a solid figure. You stand up and watch as the girl tears up as she apologizes to the man she just ran into. You’re immediately hugging her and assuring her that everything is okay, turning to the side and narrowing your eyes at the man that scared her half to death.
“Shame on you Mando,” you pretend to smack his shoulder three times and watch as the child in your arms sniffles between laughs when the Mandalorian tries to hide away from you.
“I’m sorry little flower, I didn’t mean to scare you.” You watch as the man reaches for a small bottle in his pocket and slowly hands it to the girl. “Here you go, a token of my apology.”
“It’s okay sweetheart, he’s a nice man...even though he doesn’t look it.” You wink at Boba Fett and giggle along with her when he sighs heavily and pushes the flask into her hand. She takes it and shakes it around, her eyes lighting up when the bottle shimmers at her ministrations and illuminates her hands.
“It’s so pretty! How did you know orange is my favorite color?” The girl slides down your arms and quickly hugs the hunter in front of you before running away and showing her friends. You look at her with longing in your eyes, wishing with all your heart that you saw the gift the same way she saw it.
“Still no color princess?” Fett questions and you shrug your shoulders as you make your way towards Slave I and sit on the ramp.
“Yup, same old same old. Who knows if I’ll ever see color.” There is a hint of hurt in your tone but Fett says nothing as he approaches you and stands to the side. He pats your shoulder once as he takes his helmet off and softly wipes at the visor to clean it.
“Don’t give up, kid. You’re still young...you’ve got all the time in the galaxy and you travel everywhere. You’ll meet them when you least expect it.”
“In this line of work? Yeah, I don’t think so Fett. But at least one of us didn’t lose the positive attitude. If I’m being honest, I was hoping to see color before the next supply run. The chances that I’ll live to go to Pasaana during another Festival of the Ancestors are practically non-existent. I heard they wear so many variations of the same color...maker, it would have been nice to experience that.” You pick up a rock and throw it away as you nervously ring your fingers and brush the conversation aside, not wanting to start the journey with a sour mood.
“Well, lucky for us, we have extra help on this run so it should be quicker. Maybe you’ll see color before you go?” Fett looks up and you follow his line of sight as another ship slowly lands just behind Slave I. You stand up and walk behind your old friend, looking back at the crates to ensure they’re still there before you approach the landing ship.
“Oh no, what poor soul did you manage to rope in this time?” You eye the ship and swear there is something familiar about it but you pay it no mind as Fett puts his helmet back on.
“Hey, I don’t always bend people to my will you know. He volunteered actually...he knows his way around the Narvath Sector and he might even tag along with us to the Forbidden Valley. So, be nice and don’t flirt with him.” Fett warns and you throw your hands up in defeat, failing to hide your smile as you respond with feigned offense.
“I’m not going to flirt with him.” You raise an eyebrow when Fett snorts at your high-pitched voice as he makes his way to the landing ship, and mutters something beneath his breath. The ship powers down after a couple of moments and you take a deep breath when the doors to the docking ramp slide and a figure appears at the corner.
“There he is...took you longer to land this time.” Fett yells to the other Mandalorian, not noticing how you take a few steps back as the man walks down towards the two of you.
“Oh well things just got a little more interesting now.” You break the silence and cringe when the Mandalorian struts past your friend and takes out his blaster. You hold your hands up when he points the weapon at your head and you watch as Fett strides to the two of you and stands in between your body and his brother’s weapon.
“You?” The Mandalorian growls and he tries to step aside and Fett holds his chest and pushes him back.
“Me!” You smile nervously and gulp when Fett turns around and looks at you. You swear you can almost see the look he’s giving you but you say nothing and hope that he can handle this situation for you.
“Oh.” You would have laughed at Fett’s response if there wasn’t a bounty hunter standing not five feet away from you and killing you a thousand different ways.
“You two know each other?” Fett breaks the silence and continues to stand between the two of you, knowing his friend’s short temper and your dumb comments might escalate this situation.
“I wouldn’t say we know each other. I’d say we met very briefly on-” You try to explain what happened the last time you saw the Mandalorian but he cuts you off. He pushes his blaster into its holster and you sigh heavily but keep your hands raised, afraid he'll change his mind any second and try to shoot you again.
“You almost blew up my ship!” The Mandalorian yells and you jump at his exclamation. His irritation seeps into your skin and you narrow your eyes at him as you walk around Fett and begin to nudge at the beskar armor with one finger. Your anger at his unfairness outgrows your fear of what he can do to you and you continue to push on his chest plate as you talk back at him and ignore Fett’s whispers to let it go.
“I did no such thing. I merely tried to fix your shitty cooling radiator panels but you scared the fuck out of me when you came up behind me and suggested I switch the parts, hence why I dropped the cauterizer and burned through the wires. So technically, you almost blew up your ship.” You’re breathing heavily and you’re sure your nose is flaring from how annoyed you are by the man in front of you. A few seconds pass between the two of you and it’s not until the Mandalorian tilts his head that you realize what you’ve just said and done. You take your hands away and swallow the growing lump in your throat as you step back and apologize a few times before you walk to the crates.
The Mandalorian stands there in silence, never once looking away from you retreating form, even when Boba Fett comes and stands him.
He’s missed this, and more than he preferred to admit.
“Little princess is fiery today.” Fett comments and notices when his friend turns and stares at him through the visor. The Mandalorian says nothing as he walks away from Fett and follows you. You’re in the middle of counting the supplies in the crates when you hear the crunching of footsteps approaching you. Thinking it’s Fett that’s come to help you move the supplies, you roll up your sleeves and ask him to take the opposite side.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at your brother. I was just annoyed because I was only trying to help and he scared me.” When you look up and see that it was the Mandalorian and not your friend, you drop the crate and stare at him. He says nothing as he picks up his end of the large box and waits for you to mirror his actions before he begins to walk back to his ship. Neither of you say anything as you go back and forth until all the crates are on his ship. You walk out and stand next to Fett, waiting for his instructions to see whether you were going to go with him or with the new member of the crew.
“So what’s the plan?” You avoid the Mandalorian standing next to you and turn your body towards Fett, hoping that he’d say that you were tagging along with him.
“You’re going to go with him.” You cease to breathe at his command and clench your fists when you recognize his tone. He’s not leaving room for negotiation.
“W-why?” The Mandalorian walks back to his ship at your question and you pout when you realize that he may have misunderstood your inquiry. Not that it mattered whether or not he misunderstood...
“Fennec...we’ll meet you at Iktotchon.” You look to the ground and shuffle your feet against the sand, turning back to him and nodding quietly as you follow behind the Mandalorian.
“And princess!” Fett calls for you and you glance at him when you reach the top of the ramp.
“Try not to get into too much trouble.” You look at him with annoyance and shake your head when you realize he’s just teasing you. Standing at the large doors of the ship, you glimpse one last time at Mos Eisley before you make your way into the heart of the ship. A few moments later, the ship powers up and you watch as the barrier raises and locks just as light filters through the area. You’re not sure what you’re supposed to do or where you’re allowed to go so you remain standing where you are. Not a minute later, you jump when a voice breaks the silence and booms through the ship.
“Come up to the cockpit.”
You take a deep, calming breath as you set your things to the side and ascend the ladder to the cockpit. You come face to face with a door and you’re about to knock when it slides open and reveals the Mandalorian sitting in the pilot chair.
“Sit down and buckle up.” He says as he flicks on buttons across the board. He turns his head towards you to make sure that you’re buckled in before he raises the throttle levers and begins to take off. You hold back from saying something snarky as the turbulence gets worse, only shutting your eyes when it gets to be too much. You’re not sure how long you’re sitting there with your hands clasping the leather of the chair but it’s only when you hear the seat in front of you turning that you realize you were already in space.
You frown when you open your eyes and see the Mandalorian already looking at you, the tilt of his helmet letting you know that he was silently mocking you.
“What?” You break the silence and watch as he rights himself before he turns around and pushes the auto-pilot button.
“You’re a supply dealer who hates flying.” It’s more of a question than a comment and you can’t help but narrow your eyes when he stands up and continues to stare at you.
“Not a good quality of life.” If you’re surprised by his response, you try not to show it as you stand up and face him defensively like before.
“Says the man who wears beskar armor every minute of the day.” It’s a low blow and you know you have no right involving his religion. But you’re fed up with his passive aggressiveness and you want to make sure he knows that he can’t talk down to you.
The Mandalorian turns away and looks at the passing stars of the galaxy, softly whispering for you to follow him as he exits the cockpit. You want to apologize for what you said but you hold back instead, following him down the ladder and standing to the side when you see him moving things around.
“This is my cot, and that right there is yours.” He points to two doors across from each other at the end of the hallway and waits for your confirmation before he walks past them and shows you the refresher.
“Help yourself to any of the rations. We’ll arrive at Iktotchon in four sleeping cycles so there should be enough food for the two of us until we get there.” You’re not sure what makes you reach for his wrist when he turns around to walk away. He stands still and looks down at the hand grasping his beskar before he looks at you.
“S-sorry...I- umm, are you coming to Pasaana?” You ring your fingers nervously as you look at yourself in his visor, taking two steps back when he straightens up and looks down at your hands.
“You’re going to the Festival of the Ancestors.”
“Yes. Well, it’s me, Mando, and Fennec. So I was just wondering, you know, if there was...if you had anything lined up after this supply run. Because if not, you can tag along...it only happens every-”
“42 years. I know.” He cuts you off and you’re not sure if his body-language seems more open or not but within a few seconds of chatting with him, he’s suddenly relaxing and leaning back against the metal wall. He’s silent for longer than you prefer so you force a smile and rub the back of your neck awkwardly as you prepare to tell him to forget that you asked since he probably has more important matters to handle.
“Ok.” It’s a simple response yet you feel your skin heat up as he nods at you and walks to his quarters. He hesitates at the door for a moment before he pushes the button and steps into the privacy of his room.
You let out a deep breath and stand in your spot for a few minutes before you slip back to the docking space to bring your belongings to the room. The ship is surprisingly more quiet than others you’ve been on and you remember what he told you about it the last time you saw him. A faint memory of how he defended the size of his ship makes you giggle. Then again, you’ve heard from Peli about the piece of junk he had before this and knew that it was barely considered as machinery.
“Maker, how am I going to make it four days on this ship with him?” You shake your head as you prepare to go to bed. The twin suns were just setting on Tatooine when you were leaving and you knew it was better to get as much sleep in as possible considering how quickly things sometimes escalated on these kinds of runs.
Surprisingly, things weren’t too bad when you left your sleeping cot the following day. The Mandalorian was already awake and cleaning his weapons. You bid him a quick good morning as you moved past him and looked for some snacks. He didn’t seem like he wanted to converse with you so you opted to stay in your room for the remainder of your waking hours. A voice in your head told you to keep the door open in case he did want to chat eventually but as you thought, he never once disturbed you.
The second day on the ship was perhaps slightly more eventful. Although he continued to pass his time in silence, he did manage to ask you to help him fix something in the cockpit. You were shocked he requested your services with ease and said nothing as he stood aside and watched you tinker away with the radar display screen. He thanked you twice when you finished and told you that he’d let you know if he needed your help with anything else.
The third day, however, made you wish you could open the docking doors and throw yourself out in space. You hadn’t seen him all morning long and you thought it was probably because he wanted some privacy in the cockpit. By the middle of the day, you jumped out of your cot and grabbed some spare clothes as you headed to the refresher, wanting to shower once before you landed on the sand-filled planet the following. As you walked to the door and pushed the button, you were met with a heavy fog escaping the room. When the fog cleared, you dropped your clothes and slammed your hands on your eyes, immediately backing away from the room as the Mandalorian scrambled to wrap something around his waist. You weren’t sure how many times you apologized in the span of one minute but when you heard the familiar sound of a blaster turning on, you stood in silence and waited for him to say something.
“Pfassk, do you have no kriffing regard for privacy?” He growled through the vocoder and you shook your head to try and explain to him that you saw nothing but his back.
“I- maker, I’m so sorry. I swear on my life I didn’t see anything except your back. I didn’t know you were in there...I really didn’t or else I wouldn't have gone in.” You sigh in relief when you hear him murmur to himself as he sets down the blaster and shuffles around in search of his clothes.
“What do you mean you didn’t know I was in there? The red light was on, which usually means someone is in the fucking refresher using it.” Hearing him swear shouldn’t make you shiver and yet you do. When you notice that he’s gone still, you assume it’s safe to look at him again. Taking a deep breath, you turn around and lower your hands as you muster up the courage to try and explain to him why you couldn’t see the red light.
And boy was that a mistake. You regret removing your hands from your eyes as soon as you take a good look at him. Turns out, the beskar armor only made him look more intimidating. The man was large, made to be a hunter. He was broad-shouldered, muscular in all the right places and soft in others. You unintentionally frown when you see his bronze skin littered with scars of all shapes and sizes. Maker, the life he led was worse than you thought.
“I- uhh, I don’t...I couldn’t see it.” You hated how much your voice broke when you tried to explain yourself. As much as you wanted to blame it on being afraid of him, you knew it was less about the danger he exuded and more about the fact that you could see more of his skin than you thought you ever would.
“Excuse me?”
“I didn’t know it was red.” You knew none of what you were saying was making sense but this wasn’t exactly a situation that you thought you’d find yourself having to deal with, and with the Mandalorian of all people.
“Are you fucking with me?” He was less hostile than earlier but his words were still spoken aggressively. You couldn’t blame him really, especially when you knew how strict his religion was.
“N-no. I- my species doesn’t see color until- well, it doesn’t matter. My species doesn’t see color. We just see grays. I’m sorry...I should have asked before if there was anything I needed to learn about the ship that required me seeing colors. It escaped me. I’ll try to pay more attention...I promise you I saw nothing.” You take one last glance at the heaving, glistening body in front of you before you turn around and walk in your room. You shut the door behind you this time, knowing that he probably wanted some of his privacy back and that he would need to limit himself should you keep it open.
It’s not until a few hours later that you sit up when you hear a soft knock on your door. You stand up and push open the barrier, finding the Mandalorian standing in front of you with his helmet looking straight at your reluctant expression. You wait for him to say something and when he doesn’t, you raise your eyebrows and silently ask him if he needs anything.
“I didn’t know about your...I didn’t know. And I didn’t mean to scare you with the blaster either, it’s a reflex to- umm.” You nod at him and look down to see what he’s holding in his hands. “You left your clothes lying on the floor.” He pushes the fabric towards you and averts his eyes when he sees your undergarments peaking through the shirt. You thank him as you set them down on your bag and look into his visor again.
“I’m sorry.” The whispered exclamation does little to calm your nerves and you’re not sure what to say to him so you nod and awkwardly smile into the shiny beskar helmet. The Mandalorian murmurs a quick ‘good night’ before he makes his way to the cockpit, leaving you as confused as ever.
You don’t get an ounce of sleep that night, the image of him in nothing but a helmet and some flimsy pants making you wish he had shot you with his blaster instead. You refuse to admit the rising emotions you’re beginning to feel towards him, mostly because it didn’t matter whether or not he reciprocated them.
You still couldn’t see color.
He wasn’t your soulmate.
You’re afraid to leave the room the next morning, not sure which version of the Mandalorian you were going to have to deal with. It turns out, there was nothing to worry about because not surprisingly, you got the quiet, slightly shy man chatting with you. He pretends nothing happened the previous day and you go along with it. You’re just about to enter the atmosphere of Iktotchon when you receive a hologram from Fett telling the two of you of the sandstorm passing through the meeting point.
As you buckle into the seat behind the Mandalorian, he takes a moment to turn around and call for you.
“There’s going to be turbulence.”
“I- I know.” You barely hold back from furrowing your eyebrows at his comment but then he turns around to face you completely and you narrow your eyes at him with suspicion.
“I’ve landed on worse planets.” It takes you a few extra seconds to realize what he’s attempting to do and you can’t help but laugh and break the moment. You quiet down when he turns around and begins to descend to the planet.
“Are you worried about little old me Mandalorian?” You try to distract yourself from the sudden, harsh shaking of the ship but the teasing does little to calm your nerves when you realize that the sandstorm was as bad as Fett made it sound. You shut your eyes and try to picture the calm nights you’re so used to on Tatooine.
“You know, you can just call me Mando.” His voice breaks you out of your haze and you growl in response when you hear a few sounds go off above you.
“No, I- I can’t call you that. I reserved it for the other guy already!”
“You mean the Mandalorian who already told you his name?” He claps back and chuckles when you sigh in irritation at his question.
“Fine okay you’re right. How about this? Can you land this fucking ship without killing the two of us Mando?” You’re screaming at the top of your lungs and grasp the belt around your torso harder when you don’t hear back from him.
“You mean the ship I already landed ad’ika?” Your eyes shoot wide open and you look around frantically, only to see that most of the turbulence you experienced was due to the sand and gravel hitting the metal of the ship.
“Oh...that was- not as bad as I thought it would be.”
“Anything beats Maldo Kreis.” Mando says as he stands there across from you and the slight tilt of his helmet at your confused expression makes you realize he may not have meant to say that out loud.
“We need to go. The storm will only get worse if we wait until night.” You nod in agreement and follow him out of the cockpit to the docking station. Mando instantly regrets lowering the docking ramp when he sees gravel quickly entering the ship. You run to your room to grab the helmet you brought with you and lock it in as you return to help him with the crates.
It’s a difficult few hours on the planet, and you grow more irritated when the Ikotchi threatens you with less supply exchanges. When his demeanor suddenly changes and he asks you to take the crates and leave, you thank him and quickly take the crates up the ramp with Fennec before he changes his mind. You never once notice both Mandalorians as they subtly push their blasters back into their holsters.
You’re leaving Iktotchon later than you prefer, mostly because both bounty hunters find themselves in a heated argument that Fennec has to end not-so-gently. You don’t bother asking Mando what the issue was when you see him strutting into the cockpit, quickly strapping yourself in when he glances at you to make sure you’re safe.
It’s a rough take off for both his ship and Slave I, but you say nothing of it, knowing that he might not appreciate any light teasing at the moment. Once you’re out of the planet’s atmosphere, Mando puts in the coordinates for Pasaana and sends a hologram to Fett, letting him know that you would be reaching the planet in less than a day.
You want to ask him if you could help in any way but you decide against it and leave him to his thoughts. You want nothing more than to take a long, hot shower to rid yourself of all the sand that managed to seep into your clothes. But then you notice the state of the docking area and before you can talk yourself out of it, you look around for anything that resembles a sweeper and clean as much of the floor as you can. You’re thankful that Mando doesn’t leave the cockpit and when you’re done, you go back into your room to grab a change of clothes so you could use the refresher.
You think you hear Mando passing by your room but you say nothing and make your way to the refresher, halting in your steps when you look at the light and find it turned off.
“Mando? Are you in there?” You’re not sure if he can hear you or not so you try to ask him again a little louder.
“Mando!? Are you i-”
“No.” You jump as soon as you hear him respond from behind you. Turning around, you clutch at your chest when you see him standing in front of his door without the beskar armor.
“I- uhh, t-there’s no light. And I wasn’t sure what that meant really.” You’re ringing your fingers again, and hope that he doesn’t notice just how nervous you are in his presence.
“Well I- I rewired the electrical circuits of the refresher so you know when it’s occupied and when it isn’t. If the light is on, it means I’m in there, and if it isn’t, then it’s free for use. No more colores.”
You look at him as if he took off his helmet, trying to wrap your mind around the fact that he went out of his way to accommodate you when you’re only on his ship for another few days.
“Thank you,” is all you manage to say before you push the door and scramble in. Mando looks at the door for another few minutes before he remembers that he hasn’t eaten in a while. He cooks up a meal for two quickly and eats his share before you finish your shower. When he hears you walking out, he sits in his usual corner and brings out his weapons to polish them.
You smell food as soon as you walk out of the refresher and you throw your clothes on your cot before you make your way to the large space across the hallway. You’re about to ask Mando about the food situation when you see a plate opposite of him on the table.
“It’s yours.” Mando breaks the silence as he wipes in between the crevasses of his blaster, nodding towards the space in front of him to let you know that you could join him,
“Thank you Mando.”
Neither of you say anything as you inhale your dinner and it’s not until you’ve washed your plates and set them aside that Mando decides to break the silence.
“Can I ask you something?”
“S-sure.” You think he’s going to ask you what it’s like to not see colors and to only see gradations of gray but his question catches you off guard.
“When can your species see color?” If you were uncomfortable by his question, you did a good job hiding it from him. Mando watches as you push off the wall and return to sit in front of him, lazily pushing around the towel he was holding as you answer him.
“This might sound stupid and I’m usually told that it’s not real but I’ve seen those of my kind experience the second they could see color so I know it’s not just a fable we’re told when we’re young. Basically, we see color when we meet our soulmates.” Mando’s heart breaks when you throw him a forced smile, one he’s seen a million times looking back at him in the mirror.
“Your soulmate?”
“Yup, the person I’m destined to be with. My other half. The one that will belong to me and I to him.” Mando nods along with you as he stands up and hangs up his weapons one by one.
“I know what you’re thinking. What’s someone like me going to do at the Festival of the Ancestors? Honestly, I think it’ll be fun to attend it whether or not I can see the colors. It’s a rich culture so I’m sure I’ll enjoy it either way.”
“I can always walk around with you and describe to you the colors, t-the patterns even. If...if you want.” His suggestion throws you off guard and as earlier, you gape at him as you try to figure out what he was playing at. You think he’s pulling your leg and will laugh at you at any moment, but when he doesn’t, you realize that he’s being dead serious.
“That would be nice Mando. I might not see the colors but I could always imagine what they look like next to each other.”
And just like that, the conversation is over as quickly as it begins.
“Good night mesh’la.” Mando murmurs as he makes his way to his quarters, leaving you more hopeful than you’ve felt in a long while.
It’s a weird thing to admit but for the first time in years, you don’t go to sleep wishing you could wake up and see colors. No. You doze off wondering what it would feel like to hold his hand and maybe, just maybe, kiss it. You think of how soft his untouched skin must feel like and how calloused his scarred muscles would look.
When you dream that night, you see faint images of his lips caressing yours and his firm arms bringing you into his embrace.
And you wake up with a lazy smile etched on your face because those dreams, those sweet, lovely memories your brain conjured up during the night, felt as good as seeing color.
You can’t look at him for the duration of the morning, constantly pretending that you’re doing something or other so he doesn’t think you’re avoiding him because the last thing you wanted was to make him think you didn’t want to talk to him. But you just can’t find it in yourself to look into his visor. Every time you so much as glance at the beskar helmet, you remember what your subconscious conjured up and you stutter out a response to whatever he says.
Not surprisingly, Mando notices the shift in your behavior and he waits until you finish fixing the crates’ locks, which were clearly not broken, before he approaches you.
“Yes Mando?” You’re still not looking at him and Mando starts to genuinely believe that he’s done something wrong. When you try to walk past him to place the tool back in your room, Mando reaches out and takes hold of your wrist before you’re out of reach. You look at his gloved hand wrapped around your skin before you meet his eyes past his visor and Mando holds his breath because for a moment, he thinks you can see straight through him.
“You’re angry with me.”
You never realize until this moment that Mando tends to ask most of his questions in the form of a statement and it’s strange. It’s strange because it never occurred to you that he’s the type to perhaps jump to conclusions when he can’t read the situation. Setting the tool box down, you stand up and fix your shirt as you muster up the courage to respond to him.
“I’m not. I’m not angry with you. I’m- it’s...difficult to explain.” His hold loosens but he’s standing in your space and you think it’s because he’s not totally convinced by your answer and won’t let it go until you give him a proper explanation for the sudden change in your treatment.
“It’s difficult to explain why you’re not angry with me.”
There it goes again, that weird phrasing of his inner thoughts. You huff in irritation and Mando misunderstands your annoyed expression so he steps away and turns to look everywhere else but you.
“No, Mando...maker- yes it’s difficult to explain because you’re- no, not you. It’s not your fault it’s mine. I’m just not used to- gods why is this so hard?” You’re visibly stressed and it must be a sight because Mando comes back to stand in front of you and he rests one hand on your shoulder, waiting until you turn to look at him before he tries to break the anxiety-inducing silence.
“You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to. I- I shouldn’t have offered to walk through the festival with you. I should have thought of how uncomfortable you’d feel before I selfishly asked t-” You perk up at his choice in words and you’re about to ask him what he meant by what he said but he doesn’t give you a chance. “Please believe me when I tell you I only wanted to...I thought it might help.”
“You see, this is exactly why I’m avoiding you.” You’re not sure who’s more surprised by your little outburst but when his hold tightens around your shoulder, you think maybe it’s him.
“So you are avoiding me.”
“Yes okay? I am, I’m avoiding you because the last few days felt like a whiplash of emotions and I don’t know what I’m feeling right now. One minute you’re angry and quiet and it’s as if I’m not in the same space as you, and the next thing I know, you’re rewiring your damn ship so I know how to use it and then offering to pretty much waste your time during one of the most beautiful festivals in the galaxy just to make sure I’m enjoying myself. And...and it’s difficult because I feel myself falling but I don’t want to because I’m afraid...I’m afraid you won’t be there to catch me...because you don’t have to. Because why would you when-”
You’re not sure how you got to this moment but all you know is that you're’ suddenly surrounded by Mando and the cold beskar armor and his natural musk and this unique woodsy scent and it’s-
It’s breathtaking.
“Cyar’ika, I didn’t know...I didn’t know I was causing you this much distress. It’s difficult for me to- to speak my he- to speak at times. I wasn’t thinking of how I’m coming off and I was so busy trying to figure out my- my own feelings...that I didn’t stop and think of what you must be going through.” His voice is low and you think perhaps that it’s breaking with every word he whispers through the vocoder, so you do the only thing you think of at the moment. Reluctantly, you wrap as much of your arms around him as physically possible, hoping he’d understand that you were listening to him and no longer trying to ignore him.
“I- I volunteered for this supply run.” You’re not sure how this relates to this current affair but you sink further into his embrace, hoping that he wouldn’t shy away from explaining why he’s bringing this up now.
“I know. Fett told me.”
“Did he tell you why?” Mando replies instantly and you furrow your eyebrows even though you know he can’t see you.
“I- I couldn’t stop thinking of you. Ever since the last time I saw you, I’ve been at war with myself, with what I was allowing to happen. I knew you weren’t to blame with the cauterizer but I couldn’t accept my heart letting you...maker, I can see why you said this is difficult.” He chuckles nervously and you hold your breath in anticipation because he isn’t, he can’t be admitting what you think he is.
“W-what’re you saying Mando?”
“I’m saying I need you cyar’ika. I’m saying, I’ve been dreaming of you for the past 53 sleeping cycles. I’m saying, I can’t bear the thought of not seeing you after Pasaana.” You don’t realize how long you’ve been holding your breath until you exhale against him and Mando pulls away, keeping his helmet aimed to the floor as he continues. “And if- if you can give me a chance, I’d like to- I’d like to...well, I’m not exactly sure what you enjoy doing but I’d like to do it with you. You don't have to give me an answer now. I know I’m being selfish and I know that I- I don’t belong with you because you haven't seen color yet. But please, please consider this. Consider me.” His voice is much more reserved, lower even, than before and you realize it’s because he was probably considering not telling you up until now.
Your heart breaks at his last words because this was never something you thought you’d have to deal with. But looking back at the last few days, no matter how confusing or strange they were, you can’t help but admit how alive you’ve felt.
You know he doesn’t expect you to answer him right away and you know you should take some time to think over what he’s asking of you.
So when you lay both of your hands on his chest and ask him to look at you, Mando thinks you’re going to reject him and you feel his muscles tense when you step closer to him.
“I do...I- I am considering this Mando, I have been for the past few nights if I’m being honest...it’s actually part of the reason why I couldn’t look at you today. I woke up with this unusual thought, well, unusual to me. It’s been so long since I stopped thinking about seeing color and directed all of my attention to something, or rather, someone else.” You smile up into the visor and slowly reach to rest your hand on the space between his helmet and his cowl. The mere touch of your skin shakes him to his core and Mando has to clench his fists so he doesn’t lose control over himself.
“Today was the first time I woke up not caring if I hadn’t seen color because- because being with you, and- and talking with you and staying on this ship with you felt like I’ve already seen color. I don’t know what’s going to happen when I do...if I do, but I know that I’d like to give this, us, a shot.”
“You...you do mesh’la?” He almost sounds like a young child asking his parents for permission to have something and when you nod at him, Mando can’t hold back anymore. He wraps his arms around you once more, and carries you off the ground, smiling to himself when he hears you giggling at his dramatic display of affection.
He pulls away and you think he’s about to say something but a message comes through to the ship and Mando apologizes quickly before he ascends to the cockpit. You stay planted in your spot for what feels like hours before you hear Mando telling you that you’re nearing Pasaana. When you get to the cockpit and take your usual seat, Mando rises from his chair and approaches you, kneeling down at your feet to buckle your belt easier and ensure that you’re safe. It’s a small gesture but you know he’s conveying a thousand emotions in that little tap to make sure that you’re buckled in properly and when you smile at him, he reaches over and pushes a stray hair behind your ears before he returns to his pilot chair.
You don’t feel the turbulence once, mostly because you’re too busy replaying the brief moment over and over again in your mind until you’re sure you’ve committed it to memory.
Mando has to tap on your shoulder twice once he lands, and you nod in affirmation when he asks if you were feeling alright. The two of you make your way out of the ship just as Slave I lands. When you glance at Mando to ask him about the argument between him and Fett, you find him already staring at you. You smile at him and watch as he looks away apologetically. Maybe he really was as nervous as you.
“You’re coming along then?” Fett says to Mando as you make your way towards the desert and you pretend to focus on the dozens of kites flying in the air, unsure whether you were meant to be a part of this conversation or not.
Mando replies in Mando’a and you look to Fennec to ask her something about the kites to try and ignore the two men who may or may not have been talking about you. You’re about to ask Fennec about the colors of the flying toys when Mando steps in between the two of you and takes hold of your upper arm, pushing you ahead of the others so he could get a private moment with you.
“Is- are you okay?”
“Fine. He’s being difficult.” His curt answer lets you know that he wasn’t going to reveal what that whole ordeal was about so you nod and try to fall in step with him. You’re about to ask him about the colors of the kites when Mando leans over and whispers in your ears.
“Those two over there are red, like the color of the twin suns on Tatooine when they’re just setting. And, that one over there, the large one flying higher than the rest, it’s a dark blue...like the night sky.” You try to not let the proximity of his body affect you but the more he tells you of the colors, the closer you want him to get to you.
“That smaller one is light green, like many of the plants on Felucia.”
“I’ve never been to Felucia.” You admit to him as you keep your gaze on the kites, trying to differentiate between the colors but barely noticing a difference between the grays.
“I can take you there.” He offers with ease and you look into the visor and smile at him. “I’d like that.”
You can vaguely feel their eyes on you but you don’t bother to pay attention to them, wanting to spend as much time with Mando as you could. Once you reach the edge of the festival, you thank the Aki-Aki that approach you and wrap a necklace of flowers around you. You laugh when they reluctantly look at Mando and he sighs heavily at your death stare before he leans down and allows one of them to place a necklace around his cowl as well.
“Hey Mando?”
“Do the necklaces look the same?” Mando turns around and sees Fett and Fennec look away from the two of you. He waits until they walk the opposite direction before he looks at you and takes hold of your necklace.
“Yours have lighter colors...yellow, orange, white, pink and a few light greens here and there. Mine is darker. This is purple, and these are blue...and all of these are dark red and brown.” He points to each of the flowers and tells you its color, never once noticing the way you’re looking at him and hanging onto every single word he says.
When you hear the sound of distant music playing, you take Mando’s hand and make your way through the crowd, telling him that you want to see what they’re doing on the other side of the festival. Mando says nothing as you pull him through, only responding when you directly ask him about the color of the caravan fabrics and laughing when you joke about how he technically blends into the surroundings. And when you come across a large crate that you can vaguely see some designs on, Mando offers to make room for it on his ship so you can get it. It’s a long argument between the two of you but he wins in the end, telling you that he genuinely wanted to gift you something that you can remember him with and might enjoy some day. You almost cry at the unspoken implications of his words but when he shrugs his shoulders and hands over the credits, you quietly thank him and let the seller know that you’ll be taking it before you leave.
Over the next few hours, Mando never leaves your side once, even when you tell him that he should enjoy his time as well. You notice how he changes the subject every time you ask him to explore by himself and giggle when he responds with an opinion on some of the color combinations. It’s quite comical to be in the presence of such an intimidating individual who’s complaining about how ‘that blue doesn’t go too well with this red.’
As you’re making your way through the different caravans, you notice a table displaying a dozen large cloaks. Turning to Mando, you see that he’s busy asking one of the sellers if they have similar shirts but in darker colors. You walk to the table on the other side and look through the capes to try and differentiate between them. When you realize that it’s of no use, you hold one up and call for him to ask if he should buy a new one.
“Hey Mando, maybe you should get this instead of-”
The question dies in your throat when Mando glances away from the vendor and holds your gaze. Your brain refuses to catch up with what your eyes are seeing for what feels like an eternity and your hand flies to your chest and clench it tightly as your heart skips a beat at the sight in front of you. It takes a few seconds for you to inhale deeply when you realize that you aren’t breathing and you feel your heart skip a beat when you watch Mando strut towards you. He drops what he’s holding in his hands and takes a few strides in your way, not caring to hold back as he wraps one arm around your waist while the other rests on your neck and tilts your head so he could take a better look at you. You still can’t wrap your mind around what just happened and you’re not sure what he’s saying until he lightly shakes you in his arms and raises his voice to grab your attention.
Maker, his voice was unlike anything you’ve ever heard. It was hoarse yet calming, the kind of calming that one could only dream of feeling.
“Mesh’la, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” His voice shakes you to your core and your eyes shift down to his lips, tilting your head to the side when you follow the scruff peppering his handsome features and memorize the different colors of his hair. Gods, you couldn’t put a name to any of them but you knew you liked the combination of the light and dark outlining his sharp jaw.
“I- I don’t...maker. You’re...you’re-” You’re unable to form a coherent thought and as you reach out to touch his cheeks, Mando clenches his jaw but doesn’t dare to move a muscle. He realizes that this is the first time you see him without his helmet and he finds himself praying that you find him, at the very least, okay to look at. His hold on you eases when he feels the palm of your hand caress the side of his face before you push his hair aside. Mando nuzzles into your touch and he shuts his eyes to commit this moment to memory. The last time someone was this gentle with him broke his heart, but he found himself longing for a similar feeling with you. Only if it was you.
“N-no...please. Look at me.” Your whispered request drowns out the music of the festival and Mando’s eyes flutter open immediately. He looks down at you and can’t help but shift his focus to your parted lips as you try to speak again.
“Mando? What...what color are your eyes?” You hold your breath as Mando’s gaze softens when he meets your eyes again. He doesn’t know why you’re asking but he answers you anyway.
“Brown.” His voice breaks but then you’re smiling up at him as you reach for his cheek with your other hand and rest it on his heated skin. He’s not sure what brought about any of this but he can’t care less, not when you were here, in his arms, touching him so gently and looking at him like he was the only one that mattered across the galaxy.
“Hmm...they’re a beautiful color.” The admission sends a shiver down his spine and he doesn’t register the meaning behind your words until he sees your expression change to one of panicked shock.
“You can see color?” Mando doesn’t intend to sound so accusative but his tone must have been harsh because you nod and snatch your hands away from him as if he’s burned you. You don’t dare look anywhere else as the reality of the situation settles in your mind.
It’s him. It’s been him all along.
“I- I can see color.”
Mando watches as you blink in confusion before you look to the side. You do a double-take when you see the vibrant colors of the festival and Mando steps away as you walk around him and approach a caravan hanging clothing of all color gradations. You ignore everything else as you softly trace the different colors and patterns on the garments before you walk over to the next little cart and stare at the vibrant jewelry. There’s so much to take in and you forget for a moment where you are. When you look away and turn your eyes to the sky, you can’t help but smile at seeing the kites gliding through the air. You don’t know which one you want to focus on because they’re all so pretty so you stand in there for a few moments to take it all in.
It’s not until you feel a presence next to you that you remember how you came to see this new world. When you begin to ring your fingers anxiously, Mando takes a step towards you and takes your hands in his palms.
“Cyar’ika, do you need anything?” He doesn’t know what to say and your lungs refuse to expand when you finally look at him again.
You spent years conjuring up different scenarios in your head to try and anticipate what to expect when you finally meet your soulmate. But standing here, in front of Mando, in the middle of the Festival of the Ancestors, you realize that this compares to nothing.
“I- I don’t…”
“If you want me to go-”
“No! N-no, please. Stay here with me. Stay here with...me.” Y
ou tighten your hold around his hands to prevent him from leaving. Mando nods and turns back to the caravan he was standing by to grab his helmet. You say nothing as he carries it and looks at you, but your eyes must give you away because Mando throws you a quick smile as he keeps it on his side and leads you through the festival.
Neither of you discuss the new development but you don’t ignore it either. You continue to steal glances from each other every now and then, especially when Mando leans over and tells you about each of the colors. Except this time, he doesn’t tell you so you could imagine what they look like. He tells you so you could memorize what each pigment is and begin to recognize them on your own. It’s almost as if nothing changed with how often Mando describes to you the gradations and patterns, but you know that this was far from the truth. And with the way Mando breathes softly against your forehead when he leans down to talk to you, you sense that he knows this as well.
He’s much more forward with his touches now, perhaps even a little shameless too. Hours ago, he would apologize if he pushed you by accident or shifted closer to you. But now, he was walking with you with one hand on your lower back and he would stand longer behind you as you asked about a new color shade.
As the sun slowly sets across the sky, you turn to Mando and wait for him to finish his drink before you ask him about the others.
“Do you mind if we don’t tell the others just yet?” You watch as Mando’s expression falls and you shake your head immediately so he doesn’t misunderstand the reason behind your request.
“Not because I don’t want them to know about us, I- maker, it’s just that I’ve experienced so many changes in the span of a few days and I want to make sense of things without...without someone asking me too many questions about what I’m feeling. I want to let this sink in? And- and I’d like it if it’s just you and me. Please.” Mando is quiet for a while and you think that maybe it was the wrong thing to say to him.
You can’t hold back your laughter at the soft question and you almost fall over from how hard you’re giggling at him.
“That’s what you took away from everything I just said?” You sigh in relief when he mirrors you and chuckles in return.
“I’m sorry cyar’ika, I- of course. Whatever you need from me.” He’s a man of few words but he somehow knows what to say to calm your nerves.
“Thank you Mando.” You say as you turn your attention back to the setting sun to watch the colors change across the sky.
“Din Djarin.” He whispers to you after a long while, and you meet his eyes briefly, your furrowed eyebrows silently asking him what he was referring to.
“My name is Din Djarin.” His gaze is piercing and you find it much more intense now that you know for a fact that they’re your favorite color. “So you can start calling the other guy Mando again.” Your heart skips a beat when you see dimples appear on his cheeks as he grins at his own joke, and nudges your shoulder so you could relax into him again. You say nothing and lean against his shoulder, resting your head on his beskar armor and enjoying the cold sensation against your heated skin.
You’re not sure how long the two of you sit there in your bubble and watch the festival as it continues on for, but you’re interrupted when Fett approaches you and clears his throat to catch your attention.
“We’re leaving.” The Mandalorian says as he watches you closely. You think you’re being subtle studying his armor but Fett notices how you continue to look between him and Din’s and he tilts his head to the side as he turns to his friend and barely holds back from smirking at him.
Din nods and lets them know that you would be returning with him back to Mos Eisley. Fennec is about to ask why the two of you are acting differently when Fett shakes his head as he looks at you.
“Until next time princess,” Din’s posture straightens when he hears the nickname and narrows his eyes at the man trying to get a rise out of him.
“Usenye.” You snap out of your haze when you hear Din growl at his brother and wave goodbye to him and Fennec as they walk away from you.
“Is everything okay between the two of you?”
“Yes sweet girl, don’t worry about it.” You flush at the pet name and Din notices how you shiver at his touch when he raises your chin to take a better look at you. He slowly leans towards you, never once breaking eye contact as he grows closer to your lips. “Is- is this okay?” He asks and refuses to move a muscle until you respond to him. You’re already breathless and he has barely touched you but you muster up the courage to answer him.
He smirks when your hoarse voice fans over his cheeks and as much as you wish for him to take whatever he wants, you’re thankful that he’s being patient with you and ensuring that you’re comfortable.
“Sweet girl,” Din whispers as he finally captures your lips in a chaste kiss. It’s at this precise moment that the festivities begin to pick up but you don’t notice the fireworks filling the skies or the music growing louder. You shut your eyes and hold onto Din’s wrists as he moves against you and deepens the kiss. When you gasp at his ministrations, Din’s hold on your neck tightens and he pushes you back until you lay on the blanket he set down for you. You moan as he slips his tongue past your lips and swirls his tongue across yours. Fisting your hands into his cowl, you try to pull him closer but cry out in pain when the beskar armor digs into your hips.
“I’m- I’m sorry mesh’la. I didn’t mean to-”
“No no it’s...it’s just your armor. I promise, I- I liked this.” You gulp nervously when you see an amused expression take over his handsome features.
“Is that so?” You don’t have time to react to his question, squealing in surprise when he suddenly stands up and pulls you along with him.
“What- where are we going?” You ask him as he pulls you through the multitude of visitors and Aki-Aki. He stops abruptly and speaks to one of the natives before he pushes you into the caravan standing behind him.
“Din, we can’t just-”
“I asked for his permission. Don’t you know, all of these are for visitors who want to stay the night.” You’re about to ask him why you’re staying the night out here instead of his ship but you can’t seem to form the question because you see Din taking his armor off.
It’s mesmerizing watching him take each beskar piece apart but when he’s down to just his clothes, it occurs to you that this night might be going somewhere else. Your nervousness must show on your face because Din walks towards you slowly and takes your hands in his. He kisses your wrists before leans over and rests his forehead against yours.
“Don’t worry cyar’ika, I’m not… I won’t- we’re not here to do anything other than talk. I didn’t feel comfortable taking my beskar off out there so-”
“I trust you Din.” You interrupt his word-vomit and lead him to one of the corners of the tent so you could lay down next to each other. When you rest your head on the pillow and finally look up, you’re met with a small opening in the ceiling of the caravan that gives you a perfect view of the blue night sky lighting up with fireworks.
When Din finally seats himself next to you, you whine in irritation and pull him down until he’s on his back next to you. Din never once lets go of your hand and he occasionally raises the palm of your hand to his lips to kiss across the skin.
“Can I ask you something?” You don’t look away from the fireworks when you speak, not wanting to miss seeing any of the vibrant shades of reds and yellows as they broke through the clouds.
“Anything sweet girl.”
“Why did you take off your helmet? I thought your Creed prevented you from showing your face.” You hope the question isn’t too insensitive or private, and when Din takes longer than you like to respond, you finally turn to him to apologize. But Din cuts you off before you can even say anything, keeping his focus on your wrist to distract him long enough so he could respond.
“I had a son once, well, he wasn’t mine physically but, he was mine. He was a foundling by Creed and I was tasked with bringing him back to his kind. It’s a long story that I could tell you another time but...when I had to give him up, I couldn’t bear the thought of him never seeing me without the helmet. I needed him to see me, to know what I willingly gave up and what I had to do to ensure his safety. I’d taken off my helmet once before and even thought it was my choice, I didn’t want to. But in that moment, before I watched him go, I decided that he was more important than my Creed. He was...he was everything to me. And it took a long time to realize that personal connections and relationships weren’t a weakness, they were a strength. My strength.” You’re not sure when you turned to your side and nuzzled into his embrace. But you couldn’t focus on anything else but him and the way his eyes twinkled in sadness when he mentioned his kid. It was a shocking admission and you never once thought of him in such a role but looking back at the last few days, you didn’t find it impossible. He was kind, quiet, sweet, adn patient.
“I keep my helmet on almost all the time but I only take it off around people I trust. I’m telling you this because- because I trust you. I trust you cyar’ika. I took it off earlier today because I wanted you to see me...and also because I was trying to pick out a gift for you. I figured if I didn’t preface it with anything that it would be less dramatic but- little did I know.” The indirect mention of the not-so-little change you experienced earlier today makes you smile.
“If I knew you needed to look into my eyes for you to see color, I would have taken off the helmet the first time I saw you.” He trails his nose across your cheek before he kisses your eyes and your forehead, smiling down at you when he sees how relaxed you feel in his arms.
“It wouldn’t have mattered.” Your response surprises him and he pulls away and looks at you quizzically.
“I- I saw you before my eyes saw you, Din. My heart chose you before my soul did. I...I think I knew when I saw you again…I think a part of me knew that you were it for me and that it didn’t matter if I didn’t see color with you because- because you were...you’re perfect.” You feel a weight lift off of your chest when you finally confess to him what you’ve been feeling for the past few days and you shift impossibly closer to him to let him know that you were telling the truth.
“I’m not perfect mesh’la.” His laugh is self-deprecating and he only stops when he feels your hand slip around his back and hold onto his shirt like your life depended on it.
“You are to me.” It’s perhaps too forward for him and Din doesn’t know how to react or respond to your confession so he nods at you and nuzzles into your neck to avoid any more of your intense emotions.
“You haven’t told me yet what your favorite color is.” He tries to change the topic, not expecting your response to shoot through his chest and into his heart like a blaster.
“Brown obviously.” You answer instantly and without hesitation.
“Why ‘obviously’?”
“Well, it’s-it’s your eye-color Din. What other color could be my favorite?”
His heart ceases to beat at your adamant reply and he pulls away again to look into your eyes to see if you were teasing him. Instead, he finds something swimming in your eyes that would have terrified his soul had he met you years ago.
“Ner kar’ta,” Din moans into your ear as he rests up on his elbow before molding his lips with yours again. You don't know what any of the Mando’a means but you have a pretty good idea of what he’s trying to convey in that moment and you wrap your arms around his neck and bring him closer to you. When he lays back down and pulls you into his side, you can’t help but take one last look at the night sky, finding the stars shimmering behind the multitude of fireworks. You watch the different colors blend with each other, and you almost cry when you see the yellows and greens and blues mixing so beautifully together to create new gradients across the galaxy.
But none of them compared to the color of Din’s eyes. And you go to sleep dreaming of the moment those kind, dark, brown orbs captured your soul and whispered affections into your heart.
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Mesh’la - beautiful Cyar’ika - beloved/darling Ad’ika - little one Usenye - go away Ner kar’ta - my heart
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Pedro Pascal (and any of his characters):
@pastel-0-princess @feelmyroarrrr @libbymouse @its--fandom--darling @spideysimpossiblegirl @princess76179 @cheekygeek05 @miraclesoflove @purple-mango @freeshavocadoooo @metalarmsandmanbuns @acthenerd @greeneyedblondie44 @cannedsoupsucks @purplepascal042 @talesfromtheguild @f0rever15elf @vibin-hippie @onesmokinbabe @leaiorganas @words-way-of-life @kideyz @lovesickmadsadpoet @niall7inches @rosiefridayrogersunday @tati-adventures @sleep-tight1 @itsfreeekinbats @cybergroupie @vibin-hippie @marsplsstop @mouthymandalorian @diogodxlot @janebby @juletheghoul
Din Djarin: @a--1--1--3 @tanzthompson
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manga-and-stuff · 3 years
For all the typesetters and scan cleaners out there:
Back when I did some type setting, I developed a process to (almost) automate the process of cleaning up speech bubbles.
So, here's a little tutorial on how to do it.
I used Photoshop, but the basic concept should also work with other photo editing software such as GIMP.
First, you select the white space in all the speech bubbles you want to clean up with the magic wand tool (selection is highlighted red):
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You don't need to select the spaces inside of letters such as O or D.
Next you go to "Select > Modify > contract" and decrease the size of the selection by 3 or so pixels, this number might change depending on the resolution you're working with. This is to avoid overlap between the background and the borders of the bubbles later in the process.
Now, create a Layer from your selection (Ctrl+J or right-click on the selection and click "New Layer via copy"). Turn off visibility for the background layer, you should now see something like this:
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Now select the empty space with the Magic wand tool:
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Next, reverse the selection (Select > Inverse):
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Now make a new "Solid Color" layer in the same color as the speech bubbles.
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The solid color layer should look like this:
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Now make the background layer visible again and that's it, you now have empty speech bubbles, ready for whatever you wanna put in there.
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Now you might wonder why on earth you would go through all these steps if you can just use the brush tool and do it manually in like half the time, and the answer is:
Something that is not possible with the brush tool. You still have to manually select all the whites in the speech bubbles, of course, but doing it this way allowed me to clean up 600 pages in like half an hour.
Another benefit is that no information gets lost, the original text from speech bubbles is still there, just under 2 new layers
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I really hope this can be of use for some typesetters out there, you guys are doing god's work.
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mileyjassie · 3 years
"Paint me"
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Pairing: Lee Taeyong x Reader
Genre: Suggestive & Fluff
Word count: 3.4K
Synopsis: You're enjoying your time painting in your room and he's enjoying seeing you doing it, but, now he wants the attention to himself, so he asks you to paint on his skin.
I just want you to love me like I'm one of your creations.
Paint me.
See me.
Feel me.
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Tranquility you felt the moment you sat down, worries always forbidden to show up, in the room where you slept every night there was nothing but soft music not too loud and paints kept in boxes next to your tall stool, a big white canvas with few color strokes being created with the sketches.
You took turns between brushes trying to find what was most essential for each detail, mixing colors that covered the tip of your fingers and consequently soiled the material of the brushes.
You could repeat the usual, right? You asked yourself, not noticing very much the boy's restrained but unquiet presence.
That's when you realized it, you came back to reality in a blink of eye.
So silent, observant and obedient he remained, sitting on the edge of your bed, shoulders slightly raised, his intense gaze lurking over you and your habit of forgetting where you were.
"Are you out of creativity?... Why did you stop?" He asked kind of low key, pressing his hands on the covers when your eyes met.
You shook your head, pretending to need to do some retouching, turning your face back to him.
"Are you bored? I noticed you're anxious... you were looking at me so intensely, I ended up noticing... do you need anything?..."
His eyes fled, embarrassed almost automatically, swallowing hard as his lips parted in a natural impulse of not knowing how to respond.
"I need to ..." he replied quietly, making you slightly intrigued.
You tipped your head, wanting his eyes back.
"What do you need?"
"You ..." he murmured again, giving the look you were waiting to return to you. You closed your hands in weak fists instinctively, to hide the effect of his masked intentions on you.
His voice shook, taking his words back quickly.
"I want you to pay attention on me..." He corrected himself, removing his palms from the covers to shyly join them together. "I'm feeling lonely... Please, give me attention."
You were quiet for a few seconds, completely absorbing the sounds that played one after the other, all calm and relaxing.
The room was cozy because it was recently air-conditioned, the thin curtains that hid the glass doors on the balcony allowed the rose-pink light to pass through, making the room look soft.
"What do you want me to do?"
His extremely dark eyes reflected an immediate gleam, looking hopeful and a little anxious, he got up without much euphoria, going towards another stool, placing it in front of you, next to the canvas on which you were trying to draw.
You both held on the smile as you started a closer conversation for the first time of the day, having his knees touching yours.
Taeyong opened his mouth slightly, inhaling before proceeding.
"I miss you, I confess," he said, leaving his palms flat on his thighs. "Even tho, I still don't want you to stop painting, because I know you like it a lot, as well as I like to see it."
You clutched your brushes in your hands, longing for his words more happily than when you were painting lifeless colors in a scenario not yet invented.
"Put your painting aside. Use me, I want to be your canvas. Paint on me, draw on my skin." Taeyong asked with conviction, a sincere desire that brought warmth to your cheeks.
His hands came off his thighs, spread open in front of you, asking for the initiative.
You looked at his palms, wanting to touch them before they return to his lap, but Taeyong didn't do that, didn't take them away from you.
You slid your gaze to his impenetrable eyes again, seeing the patience he always kept for you.
You held his hand, noticing an almost imperceptible smile on his face, he seemed pleased to be able to be there, to feel the cool, white paint cooling his clean, smooth palm.
"What are you going to draw?..." he murmured amused, bringing an intimate air that until that moment you tried to avoid.
"Let's find out..." You teased without malice, already knowing what forms to use to draw the little waves of the sea that would soon be completed when his other hand been ended.
Songs that played softly at a medium volume previously tranquilized the quiet moment, but then made your proximity a little awkward.
Taeyong looked at your face whenever he let his curious eyes leave his palms, his eyes weighing and making his presence be felt in a way that you could not avoid for a long time.
It was not a weird embarrassment, but it did bring a little shyness, both pretending not to show knowledge about the tension that the suggestively romantic music had created in the room.
Taeyong sometimes brushed his thumb lightly over yours, pulling out a quick smile at one time or another, hiding a timid and small smile when you slid your fingers over his wrist.
You were almost finished painting in his other hand when his knees approached your thighs, one on the inside and the other on the outside, sitting closer.
You looked up at the boy's face, looking him watch you closely.
"Tell me it's not over yet..." he said quietly, waiting for the answer, you nodded, giving him a "yes", watching his eyebrows squeeze over his upset eyes.
Before saying anything, Taeyong had already looked at his hands again, waiting for you to finish painting the blue waves that completed when his palms came together side by side, softening his previously "frustrated" expression.
When you took the brush from his palms, the two of them were placed face up on your knees, his face approached yours, chin lifting slightly when his eyes relaxed.
"My hands are not the only part of my body that you can paint." He smirked, inviting you tantalizingly to touch his face.
You took your fingers to his forehead, brushing the bangs off his face, combing it back, his dark eyebrows showing, his entire face uncovered and clean for any drawing you wished to make.
"What do you want me to draw on you?..."
His eyes closed slowly, leaning a little closer, just enough to feel your breath against his face. He waited like that for an instant, meeting your lips with his, sealing a long kiss.
His mouth detached from yours, his deep voice responding calmly. "Do what you want, I just want you to paint my face with care, just as if I were one of your canvases..."
He smiled gently, pretending to give you one more kiss, leaving the proximity again. You disapproved his attitude, hearing his low laugh echo and his hands turn to run the fingers down the sides of your thighs, murmuring an apology.
"Don't screw up my drawings..." You asked quietly, receiving a positive wave from him, his palms avoiding touching your legs, still letting his long fingers rest on the spot.
You slid your index finger across his lower lip, ignoring the leap from one of his eyebrows to give a short kiss on his chin, looking for a thin brush, reaching for your palette to bathe the tip of the instrument in green paint, tracing a thin, slightly curved line below the scar mark under his eye.
Taeyong noticed the place of choice, looking a little surprised and curious, his eyes twinkling in awe at something he didn't know yet, but that was enough to make him happy.
"Is it going to be a rose?... I know it is." He smiled short, following with his eyes from the paints to the hand going back to his face.
You stated with a nod, a small, proud smile rising on your face at the boy's satisfaction. You dyed that deep and simple space in red, making other small stems on his face, completing them with small flowers of colors that balanced in their own tones on that skin slightly ablush by the light that came into the room, changing tones without haste when passing of minutes.
Taeyong smiled softly, closing his eyes as he lifted his chin a little, helping you by letting the brush go down his jaw, allowing you to continue drawing lost leaves that "fell" from the flowers made on his face.
"You're looking beautiful..." You dared to praise him, gaining confidence with each new trace created in his almost golden-pink skin, as if this new canvas gradually became more and more yours.
The curve of his mouth marked a roguish smile, then he made a sound in the back of his throat, answering your comment with that sly grunt.
You looked at his neck, touching the sides with your fingertips and leaving wet kisses in the clean spaces between the still wet streaks of red, orange and pink petals on his jugular, receiving long purrs, his head tipping back to receive more of the attention he was getting.
"Before continuing..." He murmured slowly, lowering his head to point at his own lips. "Kiss me some more..." He asked accommodated, waiting for you to approach.
You looked at his mouth, leaning in to obey him, clenching your fists so you wouldn't stain him with your dirty fingers, receiving a small disapproving grunt in the middle of the kiss, his tongue meeting yours when his fingers came out of your thighs to grab your fingers carefully, staining the bottom of his cheek and down below the jaw with the trail of your multicolored fingerprints.
You mumbled any meaningless word, burning on your cheeks, deciding to leave your hands on his jaw as it pleased him more, and consequently you too. His gesture was more than tempting, it was significantly attractive.
You murmured weakly again, hoping he would choose when the kiss should end, he murmured back, slowly shaking his head negatively, holding your wrists.
You pulled away, ending the kiss with a little sound of your lips leaving his. Taeyong leaned minimally to go after the contact he had lost, his astonished eyes finding yours.
"Do you want to finish already?..." You asked the distant-minded boy, waiting for his negative nod. "I still want to paint."
"But I don't want to stop doing this..." He held your hands around his neck, the paint already dry and not bothering him to be so careful.
"I will not stop doing what you want." You removed the strands of his hair that fell on his face again, stroking his brow. "Be a little more patient and I won't stop you anymore."
"You'll have to be good for me." He demanded with innocent eyes, enjoying the caresses on his eyebrows.
"I will be. Just as you're being now for me." You ran your fingers down the side of his face, brushing your thumbs over his ears, outlining the pink area.
You were surprised by a quick kiss followed by another, after that he behaved on his tall wooden stool, brushing his knees against your thighs.
"What part of my body do you want to paint this time?..." His eyes went back to being intense, watching you confident enough to raise his eyebrows slightly, biting his lower lip for an instant in a malicious smile.
You laughed with what he did, letting a barely noticeable smile grow on your face, dropping your fingers to the collar of his white, partially unbuttoned shirt.
Taeyong watched you unbutton a few more buttons, looking anxious for every part of his skin that appeared more.
You slid the white fabric down his shoulders, making the folded bar remain a few inches below.
"You look extremely sexy now." You confessed for him to hear your thoughts in a good tone, his hands came together, his shoulders shrunk very little. "I know you like having me drawing flowers all over your face and neck, Taeyong... You must be feeling very handsome right now..." You painted the cold violet ink on his collarbone in order to continue drawing in his body what made you feel good. "Isn't?" You looked up, wanting your answer.
"I-I am." He stammered, losing that seductive look that teased you, just looking like a victim of your comments.
"Why do you like it so much?..." You asked, pretending to be intrigued by a secret he was keeping from you. "Your ears must be warm for a reason..."
"I feel like you want me more." He whispered, swallowing when you kissed the space between his collarbones. "I feel more attractive..."
"You're right."
He looked at you quickly, wanting to hear some confession he didn't expect.
"I didn't think you could be more beautiful than you already are" You made a brief path of violets, like a crown of petals, standing up when you were done "But look at you" You pulled the air between your teeth, amazed by the sight you were having.
You went to your desk, looking for a camera that rested there next to other materials, returning and finding his embarrassed eyes, taking a picture of the work of art that you had sat in front of you.
"Can I keep this with me?" You asked in a sly tone, approaching when he took a long time to answer, but ended up nodding positively. "You're lovely. " You plunged your fingers through his hair, combing his bangs back, pulling a few strands lightly to get a pleasant expression on his face in return. "Can I take some more? Will you let me?..." You mumbled close to his ear, earning an obedient nod and a low growl, capturing more than satisfied pictures of his face, neck and collarbone, taking the opportunity to take pictures of the entire boy, since the drawings were not what completely enchanted you.
You lifted his chin, grabbing a few more bunch of hair, softening his scalp while giving him one more lazy, sticky kiss.
"Let's go to the floor." You whispered against his lips, pulling away.
Taeyong watched you walk away from him, his pupils running from you to the floor, maybe a little nervous, maybe a little confused, you could never really know what he was feeling.
He stood up, approaching without haste.
"I thought you still wanted to paint..."
You approached after hearing precipitated deductions from him, pulling him without force by the clothes, kissing the naked part of his chest.
"Sit down, my love, we're not stopping." You held his shoulders, making him bend down to his knees, raising your eyebrows when you found his concentrated expression, a blush appearing on his face. "Are you enjoying this?" You tipped your head, grabbing him by the hair.
"What are you going to do?..." He ignored your question in a low tone after a brief gasp, causing you to smile at his submissive position.
You raised the camera, also ignoring his question. "Do a shell with your hands." You asked, just seeing his eyebrows squeezing. "Ask me for something, beg for something..." Taeyong didn't answer, but did exactly what you asked, creating an innocent face, a clear provocation of a wolf dressed in lambskin.
You captured the photo just the way you wanted of the drawing that was lasting, offering him a deal. "I'm going to sit on your hips, Taeyong... I'm going to take that golden ink I have and make laurels on your shoulders..." You walked over to the painting next to you, taking the small container with the golden liquid, returning to the boy on his knees. "If you groan while I rub myself against you, you'll have to let me take as many pictures of your body as I want. The way I want to."
His lips left unanswered, him searching in your face for whatever was your intentions with this game.
"If I don't... groan..." He moved his fingers up the sides of your legs, placing his hands on the backs of your thighs, bringing you close to him. "What will you give me?"
You stroked his ear, analyzing each earring he wore.
"What do you want, Taeyong?..."
His long fingers found your wrists, taking you down, making you sit on his lap.
"Start." He said at last, dragging his nose into your neck, taking the camera out of your hand.
You slid your fingers down his shoulder, painting the skin a little after the curve of his neck, feeling his already heavy breath touch against your skin.
His hands landed on your waist, waiting for any movement, letting his head lie against you when he realized you weren't going to move, letting out a disapproving grunt. "Don't be unfair to me." He caught his breath instantly, feeling your closeness when your hips rubbed slowly against his.
It was good, yes, it was all very good.
His skin was exposed, the drawings painted gently on his face, neck and collarbone. The golden leaves making the way to his shoulder shine. The colors of the sunset toning his figure. The marks of your colored fingers staining his jaw. The good feeling that was being created between the intimate contact over the clothes.
His sigh woke you up.
When you realized, you had stopped painting him and were almost hugging the man who was holding you tightly in you rhythmic hips.
You removed his face hidden from your chest, watching his teeth tighten on his lower lip, his eyes glued to yours, his lower lip freeing itself from his teeth and turning red automatically, making a little pout because of the pressing of your hips, provocation that almost convinced you to give on his pout a kiss if you didn’t know he had done it out of pleasure.
His sighs and little gasps became louder and more daring, and he knew he was catching up with you, it was on purpose, and you couldn't even penalize him for it. "Honey, have you given up yet?..." He smiled rogue, tilting his head to the side, showing his shoulder that was still clean.
You groaned, stopping little by little, almost making him moan over it. "As you wish." You whispered, holding his scruff to keep his head in place, using the other hand to finish the golden laurels, even though that hand was a little more difficult to use.
"You don't have to stop..." he whispered.
"I didn't stop." You whispered back, continuing the long and slow movements.
You received pecks on your collarbone, going up to your jaw, one of his hands coming out of your hips to touch the wrist of your hand in his neck, making you feel the cold wetness of his hand melting in your wrist, seeing it blue.
Before you could said anything, Taeyong took your hand, leading it to the golden paint container on the floor and, then taking it to his breastplate, messing from under his collarbones to the middle of his chest with your gold fingers.
You blushed hard as you watched him do it, getting his hands wet on your cheeks, his palms marking you in blue, pulling your face up to his, sliding his tongue across your lips, trying to start another kiss as he rubbed against you.
You were in silent, feeling his moist fingers gently squeeze your face in order to caress you, his bold kiss making you both a little more euphoric. You stopped moving, hoping to see how far he would go alone, yielding to his need for closeness and leaving only a button stuck to his shirt, lying against his body until his back was on the floor.
Your breaths met excessively until the kiss ended, so you rested your palms on the floor, pulling the skin of his neck between your lips, listening to him hiss with the hickey.
"You ruined my drawing..." You lamented in his ear, giving him another hickey below his ear.
"It was never the intention, my love..." He murmured softly, stopping moving his hips because of yours. You placed your hands on his belly, slightly raising the piece of cloth that was still connected by a single button, moving away from his neck to continue the movements.
His head fell back, his hair dancing and changing direction as he smiled with his lip stuck between his teeth, eyes closed and eyebrows serene.
You watched his expressions in silence, moving your clean hand from his stomach to his chest, reaching his neck, wrapping your warm fingers around his throat without force. Taeyong narrowed his eyes with furrowed eyebrows, then squeezed them tightly, letting out a spontaneous groan when the stimulation down the hips became faster and stronger.
Taeyong gasped in surprise, looking for you with an almost plaintive look.
"Don't look at me like that..." You asked with pity, taking your hand from his neck, having it immediately held by him, him trying to keep it in place.
"Don't do this to me..." He murmured hoarsely, propping himself up on his elbows, asking for a kiss you didn't deny giving him.
"You need to give me what you promised, my love." You said, getting up from his lap, taking a few steps back to watch him better. "Stay like that, will you?" You took the camera back, seeing him embarrassed. "You're not doing anything more than posing for me... You know that, right?"
Taeyong stated with a nod, partly sheepish, partly intimidating, his eyes changing his mood in a snap of fingers. He raised his knee, leaning on one arm, resting his palm between his thighs, hiding the volume in his pants with his forearm.
You moved halfway between his knees, spreading his legs apart. "Get your arm out of there." Taeyong raised an eyebrow, but obeyed, propping himself up on his elbows again, tilting his head to the side.
"Just hurry up with this..." He said teasingly, softening his expression when he brushed his foot on your ankle. "We have a lot more to do."
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