#when the nice sibling turns out to be just as feral as the mean one
honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
❄Fallen Snow🩸 AU... From the Platonic Yanderes' Persepective:
(Warnings: Its the ❄Fallen Snow🩸 AU, so expect abuse, neglect, blood, and a whole lot of guilt. The platonic yans who knew Reader in the past weren't nice to them, and while they do get better, they didn't get better until AFTER they thought Reader had died... Viewer discretion is advised... Kurt, Kitty, Fred, Todd/Toad, and Lance joined AFTER Reader's "death"...)
• They don't think they'd always been that bad. That hateful. Awful. Horrible. Terrifying. Cruel. But whether they were or not... they'd turned into something they didn't even recognize, something that was a shameful, guilt-ridden part of their past.
• For the adults (The Professor, Storm, Mystique, Wolverine, Sabretooth, Magento, and Beast), Reader was... someone they acquired through odd means. They weren't the only one they had brought with them, as there were two others, similar to them, and all three were feral mutants. Yet somehow... compared to how the other children were, their "siblings" and the other kids, they didn't quite click. The kids (Scott, Jean, Evan, Rogue, Pietro, and Wanda) didn't like them much, either.. For both groups, perhaps it was how they talked about odd subjects, or was off in their own little world half the time. Maybe it was their forgiving nature, always smiling and trying to be nice no matter what they all said or did. Maybe it was because Reader was everything they had wanted for themselves, but had never been able to have, had never been able to be... Either way, it led to an annoyance. A dislike for them and their cheery voice and soft eyes.
• With the adults, they found Reader odd from the start. A child no older than five who, despite being an experiment, was not like their "siblings", nor like the other children they had on hand. They were... sweet. Cuddly. Someone who just kept trying and trying to get along and be friends with everyone. They didn't seem to have a mean bone in their body. It made them feel... weird. That they didn't seem to understand they were odd, that they weren't cared about all that much. How could they begin to? They were loud, they were persistent, they never seemed to want to be alone and didn't get what was wrong with the world. Not to mention all of the questions! They were irritated most of the time with them, tired of dealing with the steady stream of constant love and inquiries and attempts to hug them.
• Over the years, it was easier and easier to wear then down, to get them to shut up and stay out of the way. Reader didn't seem all that bright when it came to social cues or sarcasm or jokes or how the world really was, and the kids took every opportunity to poke at those. A few jokes here and there, whispers between each other when they were alone, practical jokes at Reader's expense. It was almost funny, watching them try so hard to understand what they were doing and getting all upset over it. Yet Reader never got angry. Hardly acted like a feral, hardly used any of their mutations to win, to protect themself. They made it so easy to mess with them. It was second nature for all of them to do so. To keep prodding and jabbing at their insecurities and lack of knowledge, earning snickers whenever there was more than one witnessing it. In the present, they all can't stop hating themselves over how they acted. How they were the reason they were gone. And how they weren't coming back. And it was all. Their. FAULT. And they couldn't change it, no matter what they did.
• Being the pseudo "siblings" to Reader made them targets, an easy mark (Laura Kinney/X-23 and Kyle Gibney/Wild Child). So they made it so they were the ones over Reader, the ones who were in control. The ones at the top of the heap. They didn't stick up for their "sibling", and they didn't intervene when the other kids messed with them. Why should they? They did it, too. Reader was at the bottom of the pecking order, be it with the kids or with the feral mutants in general. Just because they were a part of them didn't mean they'd stop. Didn't mean they'd coddle them or let their weakness rub off on them. Shoving them aside and staying away from them was natural for them. It wasn't their problem, and they weren't about to lose their own place just to help the most useless mutant they'd met. In the future, they'd wonder why they weren't more attached. Why couldn't they have stuck by their side, protecting them rather than shoving them into the deep end? Without Reader... where did that leave them? They were the only other one like them, someone who had tried to comfort them and befriend them, never caring if they got hurt in the process. Never holding their own shortcomings against them. And now they were gone, and it was awful, and they had one less pack member to run with.
• For the two older feral adults (Wolverine and Sabretooth) to teach Reader had been a task. They were someone who would rather hug someone than try to fight them, a kid who had to be told multiple times what to do, had to be walked through everything, and who seemed to fail almost every time when it came to being aggressive. Their annoyance ran deep, which turned to resentment, which turned to anger every time they saw them. How was THIS creature anywhere near related to them?! How was this thing even worthy of their powers? They were useless, pathetic, weak. They had some points when it came to strength and bite force, but that was a drop compared to the ocean of mistakes they'd made. The river of problems they were. Hating them didn't take much more. And how they'd hate this, looking back on it. They were monsters. There was no other way of saying it. It was their own fault, for pushing and forcing them and always yelling at them. Always letting their cub know what they thought of them, compared to the others. And they were left with a rotting, agonizing self-hatred for themselves. If they hadn't been so hard... If they hadn't been so cruel... Maybe their kid wouldn't have been dead, with no body to bury or mourn...
• No one was quite sure what led to the wounding of Reader. Perhaps it was a scalding lie, or pointing their fingers at each other until it eventually fell on them. Or maybe it was because they could blame it all on Reader, someone who couldn't defend themself and who no one cared if was punished. But when Reader had been dealt with... They were a different person. Someone who shook whenever the adults came by. Who kept away from the other kids with no prompting, walking the other way when they came by. They didn't speak unless they were asked a question, and they didn't look directly at anyone anymore. And their face... Where the skin was once smooth and unbroken, there were deep, rouge-stained gouges, a mark of their new change. It was welcome at first. Finally, they shut up and learned how they all felt. Until-
• They left.
• They left, in the dead of a snow-washed wintery night, leaving as fast as they could and not looking back. And a few of them pursued, chasing after Reader, who they knew was going to be in the largest load of trouble since two weeks ago, when they'd been taught their lesson. When they found them, they were at the edge of some rocks, a river close by and roaring below, and they all felt their ire grow. The adult/s demanded they come back, so they could be done with it. But Reader just stepped back, their arms folding up against their chest, eyes wide like a fawn caught by a predator. They'd demanded again, then again, yelling-
• The rock fell out from under Reader, who screamed, high and terrified-
• And they were gone, swallowed by the raging waters below, bits of red and pink dotting the foam and surface, soon fading as the river roared on...
• Then suddenly... they weren't so angry anymore. For once, they felt... scared. Hollow. Horrified. It didn't matter when the adults ran over, checking over the remaining ledge and scanning the icy waves below, shouting loudly. It didn't matter when the kids who were with them peered around each other, trying to confirm what had just happened had actually happened. Nor did it matter when they searched the shores of the river and found nothing, save for a few pinkish bits of foam and shards of ice, carrying the scent of iron and frost. All that mattered was Reader was gone... And it was their fault. They had- they didn't mean- it was an acci- what- No matter what excuse they thought of or fleeting emotion they felt-
• Reader was DEAD. And they had no one to blame but themselves.
• The adults after that were... quiet. Sullen. Almost as though in a trance, like they were stuck on that night, like they couldn't get over the fact they saw one of their own kids just die right before their eyes. The kids weren't much better, trying to seek any comfort they could, whether they saw the death or learned it had happened. That winter was blistering cold, as though even the elements were numb and in disbelief.
• This was something they'd joked about... This was something that a few might have talked about... But now that it had actually come true... They didn't feel like laughing anymore. If anything, they felt like crying. Like curling up in a ball and disappearing from the world. This was- it was their fault, wasn't it? Thats what they all believe. If they'd reached out, or- or tried to befriend them, or maybe just treated them better, hugged them back once, they wouldn't have ran, and they wouldn't be frozen in the river, lost to the cold and quiet and night. But... maybe if they even HAD stopped them from running... who's to say they wouldn't have tried something else? If they thought they couldn't leave... would they have done something worse? Would they have actually-?! They feel sick thinking about it, throwing up when they can't stop themselves from imagining it. It's a nightmare, what they're living, and there is no waking up from it.
• The adults slowly start talking again, interacting with them and calling them all together... But according to them, they all... They all are going to try and be better. They say they never should have pushed them so hard, they never should have yelled or forced or neglected their emotional needs. That what they'd been doing before stops there, and it ends there. From now on, things are going to be different. And this time, they're going to learn from what happened. That no one is going to make the mistake they made again.
• They keep their word. The adults grow into caring, more loving figures. They listen to the kids, who turn to teens, and help them. If their views are different, they don't yell or roar or rage at them, don't force them to agree, they simply agree to disagree, and let them know they're there if they need to talk. If the ferals go into their instincts, instead of attacking each other or turning against the others of the facility, they go to a special room where they can simply go through their urges, cuddling together and trying not to cry or hurt themselves for what had happened. The teens become more understanding, caring individuals, being friends rather than foes, and help each other, staying careful of each other's feelings and boundaries. The adults are there, always trying to steer them away from danger, hugging them if they want it (even if they don't), fixing them food if they're hungry, playing games with them, and when they train, it's as a group, as a family, rather than as rivals stuck together.
• Somehow, about three years after Reader's death, a few of them had been exploring at a new area, where the river had run by. It's cold, being so close to it, and it still haunts their dreams, along with a blonde child with bright eyes... Yet one of them finds something, caught in the branches near an old den, sharp and thorny: A piece of cloth, tattered and withered by the wilds, but speckled with rusted brown... When they bring the tattered remnant back to their home, it's inspected, but when the adult ferals look it over... Their eyes go wide, and suddenly their sniffing it, soon looking at them and asking them in a desperate voice where they found it. The moment they say where it was, the entire group is called together to discuss something they haven't discussed in so long... The piece of cloth, it has Reader's scent... So there is the smallest, tiniest chance that... Reader might have survived, after all.
• It doesn't take any prompting for them to pull some of their team members together to form a group to investigate the area they found the shred of cloth, and to scout out the surrounding towns near it. If Reader did survive... they hopefully wouldn't have left the region. And if anyone had seen anything odd, such as a child with claws or a wet bedraggled cat of kid, they would likely remember it (and if they wouldn't share what they knew, they wouldn't mind threatening them to make sure they had every bit of information about it they knew).
• Searching the region, it's clear to see it is mostly desolate of human life, save for small towns hidden in valleys and forests, full of snow-capped trees and icy slicks of ice, flakes of snow falling down like rain. When they stumble on a tiny town surrounded by chilly woods and freezing weather, is when they finally catch word of someone who might have been Reader... A lone child, always quiet and scarred, who brings in pelts and bones for a living... Investigating further, the people say the kid has a family, a sickly parent and a relative who takes care of their schooling when they drop by, but that they've never seen them before. According to the kid, their family is paranoid, leaving them as the only one who isn't afraid of going out and making ends meet.
• Well. It seems they have their lead.
• And when they find a cabin, old and worn and wet, the air is scented... And the smell is one they haven't smelled in three years. Soon, a person can be seen, a lanky teen with long, scruffy blonde hair and bright eyes... The moment they see them, everyone freezes.
• Seeing them again... Seeing how scrawny they are... The scars that mar their skin all over... The hunched shoulders and wide, scared eyes... A scent that turns sharp and acidic, tainted by thick, overflowing fear...
• "Reader..."
• In a flash Reader bolts, darting into the cold woods, not slowing even when they call after them, not stopping when they go after them. Reader keeps a step ahead, fast as a hare as their feet carry them over rocks and past patches of ice. Even trying to dart them doesn't work, the tranquilizer thumping into the snow beside them. The snow keeps falling, dusting them all in powdery white flakes as they follow. The teens who came along fall back when the two ferals signal them, letting then know they'll handle the situation... It doesn't take them much longer to find Reader, cutting them off as they block off either side of the small clearing. And what a moment it is...
• Reader is so... small, compared to them. It doesn't help that they shrink in on themself, their fangs bared and eyes fearful. They can see the scars across their face better now, sliced in and deep, a different color than the rest of their flesh. It's hard, seeing them this way. They're too thin, too shaking, too fearful. Even scars line their arms, as though made by an object rather than by accident... And they realize that even though Reader has been away, they haven't been much better off...
• "Oh cub... What did we do ta ya?"
• Trying to step closer only leads to their cub stepping back. It doesn't take more than a heartbeat for then to try to dodge past them, swift and desperate-
• But one of them manages to snag them by the back of their shirt, dragging them into a hold. They try to reason with them, try to talk them down from a panic attack, being as gentle and sincere as they can. But nothing works. No promises of peace, no begging to help them, no pleas to calm down and give them a chance... None of it works. And they fight them. Sharp claws scratch at them, all while Reader struggles, screaming and wailing and biting, not stopping in the least. They try to do things without force one more time... But when their cub only cries harder, they know it won't go anywhere. Their kid is too deep into their trauma, too scared, and the most merciful thing to do is to cut it short.
• The syringe is jabbed in, quick and sharp, and pulled out a second later once it's empty. Explaing to their cub that it was only a sedative makes them cry harder, a broken sob escaping them. Their struggles grow wilder for a minute- until it starts to slow down, as the drug takes effect. They pat their head softly, a hiccup escaping the cub as the medicine calms them down, making them tired and relaxed. Feeling the way they slowly relax, their limbs slackening and their breaths slowing, a tired mumble coming from them... It isn't what they want, but they can't deny how right it feels, getting their kid to feel better. To soothe them when they've been hurtin'. When the cub passes out, slumping into his arms, he's every bit careful and soft, picking them up and letting his brother lead the way back to the others, alerting them that they have Reader with them.
• This isn't how they wanted it ta go... But... If this is what it takes ta keep 'em safe. Ta make 'em feel better. Ta take care of 'em... So be it. All that matters is helpin' Reader, keepin' em safe an' fed an' well, makin' em feel loved an' cared fer. They might have ta be a little forceful about it. That's fine. They'll be as gentle as they can, an' make sure their cub can't hurt themself er others. They'll keep 'em happy, they'll make it so they know how much they care. Even if it takes a lifetime, they'll keep proving how sorry they are, how much they missed 'em, how much they love them... They might well be immortal... Who's to say their cub isn't, too? And this time, they're all going to be a family. No more fighting. No more rivalries. All of them, together, will make things right. That's a promise that they won't break, no matter what comes their way...
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mouschiwrites · 3 months
Hopefully requests are open and if they aren’t then please ignore my ask!! I would like to request if you could write a platonic ninjago x younger sibling!reader where the Reader is basically the crying child from fnaf? A crybaby, easily scared and clingy in a sense that they only feel safe with the ninja or their older brother, if you cant do this then you are free to ignore this ask, Have a very nice day/night or evening where you are!
Here you are my darling! I hope you have a lovely day/night too! :D
Ninjago - Ninjas With a Sensitive Little Sibling
He's already a protective older brother, but with you being so sensitive, he's ultra-protective
Even when people are being nice to you he's hovering carefully, making sure they don't do anything that might hurt you
Not that he really needs to hover; you usually stick to his side anyway
Maybe that's also why he gets worried when you're on your own, though... he's not used to not having you nearby
Whenever he's forced to leave you, he makes sure you're in good hands (i.e. with the other ninja) first
He knows you're sensitive, but he's still Kai; you're not escaping a little sibling conflict
Sometimes he gets annoyed when you follow him around too much, and he'll get all quiet
He knows why you do it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't irritate him a bit
There have been times during which he'd snap and tell you to go find someone else to follow around
If/when that makes you cry, though, he does a complete 180 turn
He crouches down to your level, smoothing your head and frantically telling you he didn't mean it
"Aw, Y/n, please don't cry! I didn't mean it..! Please don't cry!"
Then he'll give you a piggyback if you want it, entirely forgetting his earlier desire to be alone
He's also pretty protective, but he's more focused on your character and emotions than actually defending you from the world
What I mean is that he'll watch for when you're upset, and when you do get upset he'll take the opportunity to try and build a little character
He's super gentle and always supportive, of course, but at the same time he wants you to grow
So when you cry, he'll hug you until you're calm but then he'll try and talk it out with you
"What made you upset?" ... "Why do you think that upset you?" ... "How can we make sure that doesn't happen again?"
I think he's just really emotionally mature, and he'd want his little sibling to have that maturity, too
Of course, he doesn't force it on you; you're just a kid after all
But he tries to get you on the right path
He still gives you lots of affection though, and is always checking to make sure you're comfortable
When you have to separate, he does try to leave you with one of the other ninja, but if he can't he'll offer lots of reassurance that he'll be right back
He'll be so proud if you're able to be alone for a bit!!
All in all he's just super supportive regarding your needs, but also wants you to learn and grow
Out of all the ninjas, he coddles you the most
When someone makes you cry he's on them like a feral cat
Once he's satisfied that they've gotten what they deserved (or when they're done beating his ass 💀) he'll come to check on you
He's a little scatterbrained, so he doesn't always remember that you're fragile
Sometimes he'll accidentally make a backhanded comment or leave you all on your own
When he realizes his mistake he flies into a panic, especially if he's mid-mission and remembers that you're alone
He hates seeing you cry, and just the thought of it makes his stomach churn
He always gives you the tightest hug when he realizes his mistake/gets reunited with you, apologizing a million times
Honestly he's more upset about it than you are
Long after you've stopped crying, he's still apologizing (and probably crying a little himself)
Just call him a crybaby and he'll stop on the dot
He'll just stand up and furrow his brows
"Okay, I see how it is. I was all worried about my little Y/n and now they're making fun of me. I guess that's what I get!"
(You're both able to laugh about it, dw)
As has been established, he's not the most emotionally intelligent out of all the ninjas
Sometimes he struggles to know what he's feeling himself; your emotions are a whole other realm to him
That doesn't mean he can't tell when you're upset, though
Whenever you start to whimper or cry he's at your side in a second, holding your shoulder affirmingly
He's not always sure what to say, but if you want to hug him he'll hug you back
He'll patiently wait for you to calm down, then he'll try to understand why you were upset
"Um, do you know why... what... made you... cry..?"
Be patient with him, I promise he's trying 😭
He starts to learn after a while which things upset you most, and he starts to look out for them whenever you're with him
Whenever he spots one of those things, he's already hurrying to your side before you even start crying
He feels really proud whenever he's able to catch a fit before it happens :)
Honestly, as protective as he feels towards you, he sometimes wonders if you're better off with the other ninjas
You're just so emotional, and he feels like the other ninjas might understand you better
He actually sometimes looks to them to help calm you down
But ultimately he does prefer to be the one to help you, both because he feels responsible and because he loves you the most
He was a pretty rowdy kid when he was your age, so he has a little trouble understanding you
He was rude where you're sensitive, he was cruel where you're gentle... when he thinks of you compared to his younger self, it's like night and day
So he doesn't always catch things that might make you cry
(makes it a little hard to be protective when you don't know which things to be protective about...)
Only when someone else points them out, or when he hears your high-pitched whine, does he realize that you've been upset
He'll rub your back and try to calm you down, but honestly he's a little apprehensive
Like I said, he can't really relate, so he struggles to empathize
That doesn't mean he won't try, though
He'll give you a hug and tell you everything is fine, but he's not sure if he's actually being helpful
"Hey, hey, it's okay..! Here, give me a hug!"
He just feels really bad for you, especially because of this
He asks the others for advice sometimes, trying to understand what it might've been like to be a kid who spent more time being afraid and gentle than trying to be tough and evil
They always assure him that he's doing a great job, with him being so great at showing kindness already
He still doubts himself, and he probably always will, but he'll never stop trying to be there for you
If you were anyone else's sibling, or just a random kid, Nya would absolutely coddle you
She'd be the most protective person ever, always at your side, ready to defend you from the world
But since you're a Smith...
Sorry, you're getting none of that
She'll never berate you or anything, but every time you start to have a breakdown, she tries to get you to toughen up a little
"Come on, my Y/n, dry those tears. It's not that bad. I'm here."
She'll still be hugging you anyway while she says this
The way she sees it, Kai can do the babying, and she can do the actual teaching
Though she can't help the distaste she feels whenever Kai treats you like a baby
She's talked to him before about getting you to grow up a little, and he does agree that you can't always be this sensitive
From then on they work together to find the balance between comforting you and toughening you up
(Kai still does most of the comforting and Nya still does most of the toughening)
She knows what it's like to be the "weaker" sibling, and she doesn't want that for you–not now, not ever
She'll even give you fighting lessons if it makes you feel stronger :D (tbh she probably will anyway)
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Thank you so much for this request! And thanks for reading, take care sweet duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Admiiinnn do you write for platonic sagau?
Me wanna request my son (Razor) ue.
Because most of the fics I've read is just the creator falling on Mondstadt but never other places! I want them to fall on Wolvendom and maybe meet the wolf boy 🐨
I imagine he doesn't know/able to describe what he's feeling (not understanding human emotions and stuff because he grows up with wolves and all). But he really likes this feeling of peace and feeling like he belongs! So he'll stay with this random person that just dropped out of nowhere, and teach them how to survive in the wild too!
Unlike the overly-obsessed-head-over-heels acolytes, I think Razor will be like a worrywart bestfriend. You're his lupical now! It's his duty to protect other lupicals!
Days with him will literally be so fluffy ueueueu imagine we teach him how to cook things besides meat and puppy-paw hash browns (and teach him how to season them too! Good food always relies on taste after all). He'll just be like a little sibling that saw a very cool trick for the first time.
Aaaaa I wanna braid his long hair with flowers ue...
U get a whole slice of cake for that one. 🤲🍰💜
DUDE i totally thought abt (idk if u read it but its floatin around here smwhere,,) including Razor in the first Sagau idea post i made about Blunt Language reader vs. Teyvat's flowery language
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This gif encompasses everything i feel abt razor
Almost a part 2? But more like Bennett ft. Razor
Welp, you could've landed somewhere worse.
Like, accidentally-activated-Andrius-challenge worse.
You vowed to urself that if u ever got isekaied, or magicked away, or whatever else, u would not be those stupid protagonists who acted like they didnt know where they were
Or didnt adjust quickly to their new surroundings, esp if theyre life depended on it
U got this, u know exactly where u are rn. >:)
..Well, maybe not the exact location, but Wolvendom was pretty hard to mistake for anything else
The moon is full, and it looks to be about midnight or so,
A wolf howls.
...a little too close for comfort...
But hey, the lamp grass irl was so cute and pretty omg! <3
And it lit the ground nicely when u were nearby :) what a helpful aesthetic plant, so cool
Seeing a hilichurl camp further away, u slowly backed off into the woods away from the path u landed on (woke up on? Its unclear)
And up onto a small flat cliff thingy, filled with small lamp grass
U figured u werent getting anywhere tonight, i mean u rlly can't see jackshit rn, unlike in Genshin where the moon was almost as bright as the sun 💀
So ur just sittin on ur ass, wondering how tf ur gonna build a wolf-proof shelter when a bush shuffles nearby
...On ur little platform, how did u not hear whatever it was before now??
Too late now, bc u saw smth silver, and welp
U knew there were wolves, (its wolvendom)
But since u never saw any in game u kinda assumed they were like Earth wolves and were unlikely to get near a human like u-
Turns out u were probably wrong- the silver flashes in the bush- u get up and brace urself to run screaming and begging on ur knees for Andrius to take u in like-
...Razor?? 😐😑😐
RAZOR!! :D!!!
It's the Best Boy™️!!!!!
The bestest boy ever sticks his head out of the bush
!!!??? His head tilts like a puppy in confusion ur heart💘
"...Lupical??" He says in the most confused ass tone youve ever heard
"Oh! Yes! Hello," you introduce yourself, "Can you help me? I got kinda lost here, but I don't really have a home to go back to,,"
Razor stands out of the bush, shaking his head back and forth like a dog, his hair nearly whips u in the face lmao
You: "AHH- uh- so, do u know somewhere I can go??"
Razor: "Mhm. Here. Razor like you, feel like Lupical. Stay?"
He asks, his eyes bright and shiny (not the puppy dog eyes)
Well, u figure if he can literally be raised by wolves and still be alive, so can u
(U figure itd be hard to convince Diluc to let u stay w/ him, and u dont have money for an inn in Mondstadt.. u dont even kno abt Springvale... wolf woods it is)
Plus, maybe u can help him out a bit! (it always did irritate u in game that nobody rlly checked on him/helped him live better >:/ )
"Oh! Y-yeah! That sounds great, are u sure ur family's- uh- other Lupical, r ok w/ that?" U hella dont wanna have to wrestle other wolves just for some raw food bc yall gotta share 💀
"Yes, come, I teach!" :D
Bbyboy got ur heart in a vice gripe lol
Turns out he lives in a cave, that wasn't rlly available in game
His bed is just kinda,, moss and leaves, maybe one fur pelt
So obv u start gettin chests and get money to buy him better stuff!
Plus monsters drop money too (the slimes just bring u money?? W/o u having to defeat them?? Whos paying all these monsters anyway, where do they get this money-)
Also bc i HATE that u r just a regular ass human in other SAGAUs, imma keep it canon and say u can still upgrade Vision Users/Allogenes + all the regular game mechanics besides time manipulation, including quest log and inventory (bc that still exists here fuck regular sagau BS)
(bc how would u prove ur the Creator otherwise? How would u live up to that if u didnt have powers?? Isnt that the whole point of why they think ur the Creator???!! Did I miss smth here-??)
So ofc u give the boy the comfiest bed of pillows and furs and handmade quilts (Springvale's very talented and friendly turns out :)
And new clothes!! :D new outfits pop up on his character screen!! (It just kinda,, hovers like a hologram screen in front of him when u click a button u see hovering over his chest at all times)
U also teach him how to comb his hair.
(J. F. C. I dont even wanna think. abt how bad it is, a kid raised by wolves, in the woods w/ little human contact?? ill leave that to ur imagination)
He really loves the lamp grass flowercrowns u make him :) <3
Also yes.
We have to talk about it.
U got him soap.
And perfume. (That are still scented but not enough that he hates it thank fuck-)
Razor seems like he'd react to everything with either worry for ur safety (BEST BOY EVER) bc sm stuff u do is unfamiliar to him,
OR just like u said anon, like a little sibling u showed a magic trick to for the first time <3333
Like?? U can?? Use salt?? Pepper??? On food??? That u have cooked???!!!
Omg, his grubby little hands snatch that shit outta ur pan so quick 😭😭
He's literally scarfs down anything u make him
Oh god the wolves.
If u thought Razor loved ur food, the Lupical pack is on a whole different level.
They're such sweet doggos bc ur technically Lupical now too (Razor gave u a tooth necklace like his :] )
!!! PUPPY PILES !!! 🤲🐺💖💜✨️✨️✨️
And theyre never violent, even their play fighting is pretty tame
But the food.
Ur seasoned. New recipe. Food.
The first time u made a new dish with salt alone
It was a fucking free for all. (including Razor😭)
So now u have a schedule of who gets what when (as insisted and aided by Andrius himself, it got so out of hand,, paw??)
Congratz u got a pack of little siblings now, w/even the "will be bribed w/any food u give them" feature too
Razor loves u sm, he feels so safe around u!!
He usually cant articulate it, but u can tell by how he clings to ur arm whenever yall go into human towns so he wont lose u,
Or how he'll offer u some of his portion of food always (even if u made it)
and he's happy to do all these new things w/ u !!
(i sure as fuck know id get bored af if i was just,, in the woods,, all day everyday,,, not even a book to read,,,)
So needless to say he joins u for nearly everything u do
Esp monster hunting/grinding for his artifacts + weapon + stuff
Razor sees it as his job to look out for Lupical, esp if his favorite (besides Andrius) has to leave pack territory
Also yes, u DID meet The Andrius.
He was. So much. Bigger. Than you. Expected.
The game doesn't do him justice.
He's literally the size of a fucking school bus.
Also, apparently Razor didnt rlly know what u were, mostly bc he just feels ur comfort and safety, no words needed
But Andrius does, and he immediately explains how Teyvat sees u and even does a wolfy bow with his head lowered onto his front paws (ahdkala Andrius pls ur a gOD GET UP)
He's also surprisingly helpful and nice to u, very polite big doggo, a good leader (alpha??)
Lisa is hella grateful for u and all the help/care u give the bestest boy ever
(even tho u did give her the stink eye at first bc,, why didnt she teach him how to take care of himself? And even if he didnt want to join human society at least make sure he's in liveable conditions?? Hes not even an adult???)
But at least she also agrees he's the bestest boy ever, she always brags about how quickly he learns language (both writing reading and speaking) to anyone she knows
Which did endear u to her a little more (plus she apologized for not looking out for him more, or at least asking someone else to/check up on him)
U kinda think she (and the rest of Mondstadt) dont really realize ur some kind of Creator god,
Mostly bc u dont really stay in Mondstadt long, just to get essentials and see what it looked like in person (smtimes to visit Bennett and Fischl :D )
(U mostly only know that bc Andrius claims its so, hes very insistent too)
But ur spending most ur days with Razor anyway so it doesnt matter to you two whether ppl know what u can do
Razor was practicing his writing one time (bc u also help him out at home/Wolvendom when Lisa isnt)
And he carved "Razor loves Lupical and [You]" into a tree near yalls cave
I didnt know where to end it i got sucked in dont LOOK at me-)
Uh anyway i hope this was adequate!! Sorry this was ungodly long!! I will limit myself in the future 🥲
Tysm again for the request and if u read this far LMAO!!
🌒🌊🌧Aquarius ♒️ 💧🌌🌘
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bluegekk0 · 4 months
Ok so I thought of an au of au. What if Ghost and Holly switched roles in Feral pk au? Like Ghost got to the top first instead of Holly and Ghost was chosen as the Hollow Knight, and Holly was the one that did the events of the game. Would Ghost be able to hold back the infection longer since their more "hollow" then Holly? What ending would Holly would do? What would Ghost personality and relationship with PK, Grim, and Hornet be like now? Would they still be very distant with them or would it be different? And what about Holly, what is their personality like and their relationship with the others now they are not the Hollow Knight?
Anyway I hope you have a nice day!
Hm that's an interesting scenario to consider. I don't think Ghost being more "hollow" was actually the case, they just didn't have the same emotional baggage as Holly, so they were far more focused on their task, which could give the impression that they're hollow. In reality, the hollowness was a misunderstanding, something FPK and others around him wrongly assumed about void.
If they switched places, I think Ghost would still be far more focused on their purpose than Holly. Don't get me wrong, that was definitely a priority for Holly, they knew that was what they were created for. But there was a sense of longing for a family life and for their father's affection, which made them more susceptible to The Radiance's influence. They managed to hold it together for about 10 years timeline wise, which resulted in years of relative peace in the kingdom. But their desire to make their father proud gave The Radiance just the perfect means to break them, as she herself struggled with similar anxiety, so she knew exactly what words would break their spirits.
If Ghost was more focused and not at all occupied with family, or even living up to their father's expectations, it's very possible that it would take The Radiance a longer time to gain control of them. They wouldn't be able to seal her away forever, but it would give the kingdom more time to enjoy peace.
When it comes to the way to stop The Radiance, I do think that Holly would also eventually unite the void like Ghost did in the AU. They wouldn't want to hurt their sibling, and just like Ghost I think they'd be aware that sealing The Radiance away was just a temporary solution. But it would take them longer to figure out a plan, they wouldn't be as focused as Ghost so their struggles would get in the way. They'd worry about their father, his whereabouts, what happened to him, and I'm sure they would try to learn that first, especially if they were planning to sacrifice themselves - they'd want to know what happened and maybe even see him before they do so. And that could lead to some pretty interesting scenarios. Assuming FPK was hibernating just like in the regular AU timeline, perhaps they would be able to wake him up and be there when that happens, and that would turn the entire post-hibernation part of the AU on its head. The reunion wouldn't last long, however, since they still had to stop the infection.
Consequently, there is a good chance they wouldn't meet Grimm, but if they did, I think they'd relationship with him wouldn't be that different to what it was like between him and Ghost. Holly would be careful around him and respectful of his power, though if tasked with guiding the Grimmchild, there is a good chance they'd actually finish the job, since they're generally not as hyperfocused on the main task as Ghost was. With Hornet, they would try to be a bit closer with her once they figured out she's their sister, unlike Ghost they do have an inner desire for closeness and family. But they'd never get a chance at that, and they were aware of it, so they'd at least try to leave on good terms with any surviving members of their family. That includes WL, though her dismissal of their needs would be something that they'd notice even in this situation, but of course it wouldn't be as bad as having to live with it for years in the palace.
As for Ghost, it's likely that they'd feel some resentment for FPK - they didn't share the same affection towards him as Holly did, so they wouldn't be as forgiving. They wouldn't be close with the other family members either, they likely wouldn't have a father-child bond with Grimm, and with Hornet, while they'd still respect her and consider her as their sister, they'd maintain a more distant relationship. They wouldn't befriend Zote like Holly did, and they'd be distant towards FPK and Grimm's kids because of their relationship with their parents. Like I mentioned once, they are quite similar to WL when it comes to the lack of desire for close emotional bonds, so I can't see them feeling very comfortable with a domestic family life. Perhaps in the end they would still gravitate towards a wandering lifestyle and eventually leave them behind.
Those are my thoughts on the role swap, I could go on and on speculating, but this is already very long.
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luverofralts · 7 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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"Luci, come hang out with me. I'm stuck in stupid Arkhelios and if I have to spend another minute listening to Grandma go on about planning for retirement, I just might snap."
Noelle looked pleadingly at her cousin, trying to look as sad as she possibly could. It had been effortless escaping the Helios lot that she would one day own, but escaping Arkhelios was another matter altogether. At least Luci lived in Arkhelios part time and had access to her computer, bedroom and makeup. While Noelle was stuck at her grandmother's house, she had access to none of those things and she was going stir crazy. Noelle was turning twelve soon and she begged her mother to let her stay home alone, but her mother wouldn't hear of it. Someone had to look after Mikel and Noelle wasn't responsible enough to watch him. Things would probably only worsen once her newest sibling was born. There was no way that Noelle was going to watch her half-demon siblings alone. As a human in a heavily demonic family, she had to look out for herself. 
"I can't, I have to practice," Luci replied. "The track meet is next month and the skating competition is two weeks away. If I don't practice now, I'll blow my chances for nationals this year."
Noelle scoffed. Luci was constantly on the move, running from sport to sport and competition to competition. There wasn't a weekend that she wasn't involved with at least one sport. It was a good thing that her father had money; Noelle knew from experience how expensive extracurriculars were and how hard it was to get a parent to pay for them.
"Get your dad to rig whatever event you're stressing over," Noelle suggested, earning a dirty look from her cousin. "Come hang out with me instead. We can flush Grandma's jewellery until the toilet breaks, she just got it fixed from last time. Or, even better, we could put sugar in the gas tank of her sports car! I'd love to see the look on that cow's face."
Luci laughed, rolling her eyes as she did.
"You're the worst, Nol. There's no way my dad could afford to fix the competition and there's no need. If I practice, first place is practically guaranteed, no money needed. It's what I like, just like senseless destruction seems to be your thing."
"There's nothing wrong with making things interesting," Noelle countered. "Things are interesting in Pleasantview and I manage just fine. It's just stupid Arkhelios and Grandma's dumb house. Why can't my mom leave us with someone in Pleasantview when she has to work? She's only married to the freaking devil, you'd think she would have money to pay someone else to look after her kids."
"I think things are interesting here," Luci protested. "I mean, my dad and Evren's house is nicer and on the beach, but there's still plenty to do in Arkhelios. There's the soccer team you could join if you want. Osbert is a really good coach and we usually win."
"Bleh, no thanks," Noelle scoffed, looking horrified at the idea. "I don't run unless I have to. My make up might get ruined."
"Well, we could see what Rien's up to," Luci suggested. "I'm sure she's helping Dad in the kitchen. You know how he gets this time of year."
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Noelle's face immediately brightened at the thought.
"Is it maniacal baking day already? What do you think he's making? Cake? Cookies?"
Luci frowned.
"You shouldn't say things like that," she scolded. "It's not nice."
"It doesn't have to be nice if it's true. We all know why your dad freaks out and turns the house into a bakery this time of year."
Luciana frowned.
"If Ulyssa wasn't such a bitch, she would at least let him meet Georgiana. I mean we all know about her anyway. Why else would he be obsessively making birthday cakes on her birthday and dropping them off at the Durant house?"
"So there is cake?" Noelle asked. "Arkhelios isn't all that bad when it has gourmet cakes to eat."
"Oh my god, Nol. No wonder your mom abandons you here, you're feral. At least try to not upset my dad while you're here. You're too much like your mom sometimes. Maybe if you were nicer, your other mom or dad would have stuck around to raise you. Leave my dad alone and eat some cake before you scare off Aunt Lucy too."
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With that, Luciana turned her back to her cousin and headed towards the rink in the yard to practice. Noelle stood stunned in silence. Luciana's words were harsh, but Theo was hardly the only Bellamy to say mean spirited things when provoked. Luciana was far more direct with her anger; it was something that Noelle respected her for. She could handle any anger directed at her and give it right back to her cousin. Luciana was just the kind of girl that Noelle could handle. The two could say horrible things to each other, spend ten minutes cooling down and then hang out happily together.
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"This one's ready to go! Come box this up for me, Abe."
Roman admired his work. The Durants were going to love this year's offerings. Every year, Jorah donated Roman's baked goods to charitable causes. He did keep some items for his own family, but the vast majority went to fundraise for the orphans in Strangetown. On this day every year, Jorah would accept the baked goods, separate a cake or two for his family to share over dinner that night and send the rest off. It was sheer coincidence that this day also marked the occasion of Princess Georgiana's birthday and the annual gathering of the entire Durant family to celebrate. Whatever Jorah kept from the baked goods would grace the plate of Princess Georgiana herself and so Roman laboured to make his deserts high quality to satisfy her royal taste buds while also encouraging sales for the needy.
Roman frowned as he cracked another egg on the side of his new bowl.
"This could be the year you change things, Dad. There's an opportunity opening, one that could shift the family dynamics."
Roman jolted out of his focus on a bowl of flour to see his daughter watching him intently.
"Rien! You startled me. Hand me that hand towel, some vanilla spilled over here."
Out of all of his children, Adrienne was by far the quietest. No one saw her coming, or noticed her lurking in the shadows of the house, watching her family. She was quieter than even Too, an actual cat. Roman found the behaviour unsettling, but there was no correcting it. Adrienne was simply a quiet child, unlike most of her siblings. Nothing escaped her watchful eyes, and more often than not, Roman caught his daughter murmuring quietly to herself. She was his grandmother's spitting image behaviourally, though he never quite remembered Malika being quite as socially odd. Maybe his daughter would one day gain the social skills of his grandmother, but until then, Roman had resigned himself to being startled when Adrienne revealed herself.
"Rien, you really can't say things like that," he sighed. "It's a complicated situation, things aren't as easy as they seem to someone your age."
"The spirits wish you were more observant, Dad. There's so much that they want you to know. They want to get to know you, the same way they've gotten to know me."
"Honey, I don't understand all of that and I don't think I'd be any good at it," he replied with a small sigh. "My grandmother was the only one in our family with a connection to these spirits and sometimes I wonder if they really have your best interests at heart when they tell you things. Maybe you should talk with Aunt Wanda if she has the time. She might know more about the occult than I would. Or ask Adam's father the next time he comes to pick up Adam. Please? Just get a second opinion, that's all I ask."
Roman couldn't be sure, but he thought he saw his daughter give him the same horrifying look that Theo usually gave him on weekends home from school. The infamous "I know so much more than you and you don't even realize it" look. Adrienne didn't hold the glare for nearly as long as her brother did, but it felt just as patronizing.
"Sure," she agreed. "I'll do that, Dad. But if I do ask someone for their opinion, then it's only fair that you do the same. You ask someone you think would know about the spirit world and see what they say. Or better yet, why don't you try contacting the spirits themselves? You could borrow my tarot deck."
It was a fair idea, and one that Roman couldn't think of a way of refusing. It wouldn't hurt anything to take out his grandmother's tarot cards and see what happened. Probably nothing, knowing his luck, but if it was that important to his daughter, then Roman would give it a chance.
"Okay, we have a deal," he declared, stirring ingredients in his pot as he spoke. "Now why don't you come help me grease this pan so we can get these cookies in the oven?"
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apocalypse-cowboy · 8 days
More Headcanons!!!
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*Scout has, at some point, ate some of the plants that he was studying
*Not the poisonous ones of course. He isn't THAT stupid
*He was just curious about what they would do if he ate them
*When he got sick from one of them it took a lot of convincing from Ray to stop doing that
*Legend says he still does it anyways, but in secret
*This man is the pettiest person you will ever meet
*One time in college someone was picking on Ray about his appearance or his happy-go-lucky personality
*Then their dorm room was "Naturally" infested with bugs
*Don't ask how he got them. Don't question his methods
*Winston is convinced that Scout would never do such a a thing to someone
*He says that Scout is too nice to do anything like that
*oh my sweet child...you don't know that half of it
*Is just a feral animal compared to Egon
*He bit someone, not hard to bleed mind you, when someone tried to touch him without his consent
*There was one girl who wanted to go out to dinner with him in high school as a date
*Turns out Scout missed the memo and thought it was just her wanting to be friends with him
*When he realized it he said "Oh. You have romantic feelings for me?" he didn't want to hurt the poor girl's feelings too bad so he rejected her advances politely
*He may be a genius, but he is so dumb when it comes to anything romantic
*He holds grudges for ANYTHING
*You did something that he didn't like to him? He's gonna make sure you never forget it
*You decided to insult one of his friends or GOD FORBID his brother? Mans will find something super embarrassing about you and put it out for everyone to hear
*He has so much dirt on people it's heinous
*He had a girlfriend once, but it turned out that she just liked him because he was smart and she could use that to get her grades better
*when he broke up with her he was upset that he was just being used so he has a hard time dating anyone
*Is secretly sensitive and emotional
*He doesn't like this part of himself, but his friends and sibling make sure to remind him that it's okay to feel like that sometimes
*Cried when he saw a stray dog on the walk to a convenience store (totally not projecting idk what u mean 🤷)
*He has a habit of spacing out when people talk sometimes
*It's not to be rude or anything, he just has some trouble sometimes focusing on people who are talking to him
*As mention in my other Headcanons post, when he and Egon where growing up they didn't grow up with half the things kids normally have
*So one time for his birthday, Ray has gotten him a big dog stuffed animal
*At first he didn't think much about it and said thank you, but when he was alone and getting ready to sleep he held it with a big smile on his face
*He still has that plushie to this day and still sleeps with it
*He feels as though he has to do everything by himself and won't ask for help most of the time
*This resulted in him getting burnt out and he had a breakdown in which only Egon could help him get over
*He's gotten better with asking for help nowadays though
*He's a gentleman to people even if they are shitty to him
*He doesn't listen to music often but when he does it's mostly anything classic rock related
*Infodumps his friends, or anyone who is willing to listen, about what is deeply interested at the time
*He also likes the smell of candles and often buys them and puts them around the fire station
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lovedrunkheadcanons · 10 months
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Chapter Contents 
(Arranged Marriage Pic) Read on AO3
Rated M
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The way his sensei greeted them reminded Megumi of a whining dog, excitedly peeing all over the floor.
“Megumi-kun!! You’re back. I missed you.”
The boy glowered. Satoru greatly misjudged his young ward’s tolerance if he thought these overly saccharine endearments would magically cancel out his annoyingness. Quite the contrary. Megumi had been reluctant to come but was harangued by his older sister that they go. “Don’t you want to see Hannah-san?” she had said, crossing her arms in a huff. “No fair. How come you’ve gotten to meet her and I haven’t? I’m the eldest.”
She had a point.
Being half-siblings never bothered Megumi. Why should sharing a different mother and father bother anyone? That’s dumb. It’s not like it was their fault. You don’t get to choose your parents, and you most definitely don’t get to choose whether one of them dies, and the other abandons you like two pieces of roadside trash, never to return. Gone were the days when Megumi would look up at the sky and curse his dad for leaving them in their hour of need. But now he thought ‘good riddance.’ The man was trash, not them, and he had been too young to remember him that well anyway.
Tsumiki tried being the good, nurturing older sister. She was supportive of him and loved her younger brother dearly, but Megumi was reluctant to open up to anyone. Even to his own flesh and blood.
Their apartment wasn’t upper-class by any stretch. Gojo-sensei talked of upgrading them to a sweeter gig, but these offers were swiftly declined. Both Fushiguro children opted for comfort rather than luxury. Who needed a four-bedroom penthouse suite with an unbeatable view, when a two bedroom apartment in a safe, affluent neighborhood more than sufficed? And more importantly, they didn’t want to become dependent on Gojo’s money. In their eyes he wasn’t family, nor a close friend. He was doing them a favor they couldn’t repay. And then some.
“Aw, come on, Megumi-kun. Don’t be such a sour puss. Aren’t you glad to see me?”
Megumi glowered some more. “I told you not to call me that.”
“But why, Megumi-kun? Would you rather I switch back to Megumi-chan? I thought we outgrew that phase?”
The eleven year old seemed to bristle. “I'd rather you not call me anything at all.”
“Megumiiiii. That’s no way to treat your kind and loving sensei. Be nice.”
“Weirdo, leave me alone. You're just acting like this because the others are here.”
“Hey, I’m no weirdo. Take that back.” Satoru picked up the eleven year old, kicking and screaming, and headlocked him in a noogie, digging his fist into the poor boy’s skull. “Take it back. Take it back. Take it — ”
“Stop!” Megumi yelled.
“Okay, I’ll stop, but only if you repeat after me: ‘Satoru-sensei is the bestest, not weirdest person in the whole wide world.’”
The boy's growl was almost feral. “Never.”
Hannah turned to the other Fushiguro sibling for an explanation. “Are they always like this? Diametrically opposed, I mean?”
“Yep,” the girl said with a nod. “Afraid so.”
“Seems odd how they’re teacher and student.”
“Very odd. I’ve never understood it myself.”
Hannah giggled. “They’re like honey and vinegar.”
“Or a sun beam colliding with a rain cloud,” the girl added with a small bow. “I’m Tsumiki by the way, Megumi’s older sister.”
Hannah cordially bowed back. “Yes, I’m so glad to finally meet you. Megumi speaks of you all the time.”
“Does he? How funny.” Tsumiki nervously tucked a strand of her loose brown hair behind her ear. “I know you’re the one he’s enlisted as his English tutor. I can’t tell you how much it’s helped. If there’s a fee for your services, we’ll be more than happy to  — ”
“Services? Oh, no, no.” Hannah frantically waved her hand, a light blush appearing on her face. “I’ve enjoyed doing it. He’s such a fast learner. Please, keep your money.”
The seeds to a very special friendship had been sown. Hannah wondered what it would be like to have a sister. Tsumiki would be the closest thing to it, their ages twelve and twenty, a separation of eight years. Not very long. The two talked as if they’d known each other their whole lives. Like her brother, Tsumiki was surprisingly mature for her age. (What twelve year old uses words like ‘services’ in a sentence?) They nattered on about school exams, about the looming summer break, and favorite hobbies. Hannah swore she could’ve kissed the girl la bise on both cheeks when she mentioned the potted plants she collected. Orchids. Orchidaceae: 26,000 plus species with more than 100,000 cultivars thriving on this one miracle planet since around the Cretaceous period. They could be found on every continent (except Antarctica).The same diverse, saprophytic plant that produces vanilla and was once believed to scare off evil spirits. Not counting how the orchid got its name (‘orchis’ is Greek for testicles), they made for lovely home flowers, and orchid collectors were a passionate bunch no matter their age. Some even spent their entire life savings to acquire a rare and endangered species. It was reported that one of England’s last remaining lady’s slipper orchids (Cypripedium calceolus) had to be put under armed security to guard against potential thieves. And like those pesky orchid thieves, Hannah knew ‘rare’ when she saw it. Tsumiki was one of those said rarities. A precious person. Such treasures were meant to be seized upon and never let go. “Do you like flowers too, Hannah-san?” Why yes. Yes, she did. Thank you very much for asking. Perhaps she would get Tsumiki’s opinion on daylilies for her English garden before she went home. She’d be sure to love it.
“Is this what being ignored feels like?”
Hannah and Tsumiki paused their conversation and glanced over at Satoru. He had relinquished a grumbling Megumi from his headlock, who was busy massaging his sore noggin. Those noogies really hurt.  
He didn’t receive an answer though because Makoto stepped outside holding a tray.
“Could I interest anyone in some lemonade?”
The children ran up to the beloved housekeeper. “Ah, Ms. Tsumiki. Master Megumi,” she delighted as they all shuffled inside to escape the summer heat and drink their lemonade.
Both Fushiguro siblings noted Hannah and Satoru reaching out for the other's hand upon entering the house, their fingers woven together. Then there were the infatuated smiles on their faces as they made eye contact, a sweet gesture that spoke droves. Were they even aware of how they looked to the rest of the world?
“Cute,” Tsumiki whispered. “Things seem to be going well for them.”
Megumi blinked dubiously at the couple while sipping his lemonade. In all the years they’d known him, the boy had never seen his sensei look so happy. Hannah was laughing at a joke he had said. She looked happy too. Where did this bubbly feeling in the pit of his stomach come from? The eleven year old let out a pessimistic snort.
“Whatever. I still say it’s weird.”
Brother and sister stayed at the Gojo’s for lunch and then piled into Mr. Ijichi’s Lexus which would take them home. They would see each other again in a few days.
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July was an active month for Japan. During this time, visitors from all over the country were migrating to Kyoto to partake in the month-long Gion Festival. It was the fourteenth day. The float processions would soon begin. Satoru asked if Hannah wanted to go on a weekend, but with so much work to be done, she thought it was better to hold off.
Running an estate was no walk in the park.
The majority of its rooms were kept regularly clean and free of dust, but hadn’t been occupied in quite awhile. Walking through them was like walking through a history book, regal vestiges of the decadent Meiji era and the long-reigning Tokugawa shogunate that preceded it. Nothing had been purchased within living memory; Pearl-inlaid cabinets. Woodblock paintings (ukiyo-e) by Jakuchū, Hōitsu, and Yoshitoshi. Folding screens airbrushed with gold leaf. Sparsely laden throughout the rooms were dozens of priceless Satsuma vases ornamented in glistening enamels and gilt. Hannah had two favorites; One in the drawing room showing a sparrow perched on a ginkgo branch, curiously watching a spider anchor itself down a gossamer laced web. And another situated in the parlor where she and Satoru ate their meals, illustrating a pair of flirtatious monkeys swinging loftily from vines of hanging wisteria. Each had her smiling. But there would be further additions made to these rooms that would have her smiling even more.
Afterall, this was her house now.
Goodness. What a strange thing to think about; Her, owning a house. A mansion at that.
While traditionally men were charged with earning money and providing for the family, it was women who ran the household, managing finances, hiring staff, raising children. This would be her day-to-day life, and as her first real indulgence as Gojo matriarch, Hannah requested that every room - from the kitchen to the onsen - contain a flower arrangement, ikebana or likewise. Oh, it was grand fun trimming roses and irises and honing her arrangement skills with Makoto, who also found the activity gratifying. Designing flowers was a welcome reprieve from cooking and cleaning.
Though the work wasn’t all play. Satoru and Hannah were busy as bees the entire summer.
Satoru was saddled with missions and meetings and report write-ups. Administrational bullshit. If it weren’t for his wife and housekeeper he’d stage a protest. Orchestrate a labor union or something of that nature: “We demand paid holiday! Sorcerers’ rights are human rights!” The idea sounded better by the minute. The fatigue was starting to show. The Six Eyes user carried Bufferin everywhere he went. He feared he’d contract an ibuprofen addiction before long. The migraines were bearable with reverse curse technique, but only just so. Hannah was less lenient than Makoto when it came to how many pills he was allowed to take at home. “You should take no more than three capsules, Satoru, and at twelve hour intervals. It’ll wreck your bowels if you take any more.” His bowels, eh? Sounds serious, though he didn’t see much of an issue. If his intestines imploded, he could simply heal them with the help of reverse curse technique. But he knew she only made a fuss because she cared. Cared for his health. Cared for him. One of the few people in this life who did. Every day he’d discover a new reason why his wife was brilliant.
One of Satoru’s special pet projects was his charity; a program that provided financial aid to children who had either lost a parent or had become orphaned due to curse attacks. It was funded by both the government - that is to say the Japanese taxpayer - and the sorcerer families (70% government / 30% sorcerer families). Two years it had taken Satoru to finally get the ball rolling and convince the higher-ups that the project was worthwhile, though it took a considerable amount of time and effort. There were 112 children residing in some form of foster care and 134 living in single parent households. The sums weren’t huge, just enough to pay for utilities or groceries, maybe a rental payment on an apartment. Whatever the family or child needed to make life a little easier. Hannah had proposed a new idea.
“What if we sent the children care packages for their birthdays?”
Satoru blinked. “Care packages?”
“Fun little parcels filled with either their favorite sweets or maybe a new toy they’ve been wanting but can’t afford.”
“And how would we do that?”
Hannah smashed her lips together; her ‘thinking face’ as he came to call it. “Yes, I’ve thought of that too. There are 246 children in the system, correct?”
Satoru nodded.
“And we know their date of birth and current home addresses?”
Again, Satoru nodded.
“Then why don’t we mail a survey for the children to fill out, or maybe the parents? We can review how many replies we get and operate from there.”
Satoru nodded a third time, but was wondering something. “Alright, you’ve got me on board, but that’s 246 days out of the year, Hannah. This would be no small undertaking.”
Her eyes shone with determination. “Nothing is too big an undertaking when it comes to protecting childhood.”
Well, he couldn’t argue with that one. Hear, hear! Also was it wrong that he found her kinda sexy when she brainstormed? Anywho, they would type up a mini questionnaire and send it out the following week.
Speaking of questionnaires, answering correspondence became its own undertaking. Hannah and Makoto had gotten through the congratulatory letters and well wishers from her wedding. Though there was still no sign of tea invitations from either the Kamos or the Zen’ins. Hannah tried not to be too put out about it. However, when she found a mulberry-papered envelope sealed with a large golden chrysanthemum in the center she just about fainted. A golden chrysanthemum; The Imperial seal.
“Please tell me we won’t be entertaining the Emperor,” she begged Makoto, dread ringing in her voice.
“Not to worry, ma’am,” the housekeeper assuaged. “One of the duties of the Imperial family is to uphold the secrecy of the jujutsu world. These letters are simply out of common courtesy. However, you and the young master might be invited to official state functions, but rest assured. The Emperor has never stayed a night in this house.”
“Oh, thank God.” Hannah exhaled a deep sigh of relief. She turned the envelope over. “Will I be expected to write back, you think?”
“A short ‘thank you’ never hurts. It’s usually Her Majesty, the Empress, who manages these affairs. Her personal insignia is the Beach Rose. I will show you how to write to her.”
On top of writing to royalty, there were also financial matters for Hannah to contend with; Outstanding balances that needed to be paid. Budgeting for food and home renovations before winter. Satoru and Hannah had decided that ¾ of the shoji panels facing the outside would be replaced with glass instead of washi paper. The alterations would be expensive now, but in the long run would cut down on added costs, as glass did not have to be regularly replaced every few years. Satoru had trusted Hannah to oversee the project. Then there was going over dinner plans with Makoto. The housekeeper was looking to incorporate more European dishes to the menu card. For Thursday nights it would be a mixture between French and English like so:
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Might be a bit of a stretch, but she hoped the food would meet Satoru’s approval.
For the most part, Hannah let Makoto make most of the decisions on that front. She wasn’t picky and encouraged the housekeeper to make leftovers so she wouldn’t have to cook every night.
And at last when Hannah wasn’t buried neck-deep in letters, or balancing checkbooks, or catching up on her tea ceremony lessons (which were coming along splendidly) Hannah was given time out of the busy week to step outside and garden.
She had quickly befriended the Gojo family’s fifty-two year old gardener, Mr. Aoyama, who was nonetheless charmed by his new lady’s horticultural knowledge, especially for being one so young. The garden estates he had worked on in the past, with their great ladies and multi-millionaires, had never been this enthusiastic. He even watched her strap on a pair of gardening gloves and Wellingtons, pick up a trusty shovel, and join in on the mulching herself. A woman after my own heart, he thought. About time these privileged ladies, with their sniveling noses and outdated prejudices, come down from their ivory towers and learn what proper work is and get their hands dirty.
During the course of her twenty years, Hannah had developed a placid sense of unquestioning acceptance. She had been handed a raw deal in life, but what good was it to stomp your feet and endlessly complain about how unfair the world was? Better to get on with it and move on. That’s why gardening brought her so much joy. It was her oyster, an artistic exercise to enjoy and partake in while it lasted, making her forget her indemnities. Whenever she had enough free time on her hands, it would be spent budgeting and designing the groundwork for her English garden Satoru had promised; her ‘Eden’ as she’d later come to call it, spanning less than two hectares, her own tiny piece of heaven.
She already had the blueprint laid out. On a mood board in her bedroom were pictures of flower varieties and garden ideas she had snipped from magazine and newspaper clippings next to watercolor palettes, ranging from the deepest indigo to lightest pale yellow. This presentation gave Hannah a visual aid for deciding on color and texture combinations. So far, she’d listed her main frontrunners in a journal, referencing it like some kind of magic crystal ball, foretelling the future.
The early months of spring would bloom ranunculus, Japanese anemones, and star-petaled narcissi, and numerous shrubs of calming lilac. For early summer it would be English roses, snapdragons, daylilies of every color, red and orange oriental poppies, bigleaf blue hydrangea and blushing pink peonies, exploding with sweet, fragrant perfume. Come late summer and early autumn, there’d be burgundy hued dahlias shaped like honeycombed pom-poms, together with zinnias, golden chrysanthemums, ‘Midnight Magic’ crepe myrtle, and Antwerp hollyhock, their heavily flowered columnar spiraling up towards the sun, all shades of ostentatious reds, pinks, purples, and yellows. And then when the first frost of winter finally arrived there would be an assortment of rosemary, snowdrops, and holly; Hardier breeds, making their last hurrah before spring. This continual carousel of blooms would stem from a ‘layering technique’ where once the perennial ran its course for the season, a new one would spring and take its place like a growing-living-dying song.
Trial and error were bound to erupt. Multiple factors had to be taken into careful consideration for this dream garden to become reality. Preparations had to be made, specifically as it pertained to soil. Fortunately for Hannah, Japan’s soil was naturally compacted with rich nutrients and organic minerals from millennia of volcanic activity, creating the ideal ratio of silt, ash, and clay needed to grow plants. However, much of the species Hannah wanted to cultivate weren’t native to Japan. Ericaceous plants, like hydrangeas and rhododendrons, were natural born ‘acid lovers’ and could thrive in denser pH environments, however, if the soil contained too much alkaline substances - like lime, for instance - then calcifuges plants, such as camellias and azaleas, could be unintentionally poisoned. Acidic levels had to be maintained at just the right levels depending on what was being planted (which could be checked with the aid of an inexpensive pH kit). So to mitigate the increase of dead growth, Hannah decided she would make the soil from scratch.
Home-made compost followed a relatively simple recipe; a 50-50 mixture of nitrogen and carbon based ingredients left exposed to oxygen and water, later breaking down into humus. Basic science. What was used in making the mixture was left entirely to the gardener’s discretion; dead leaves, woody stems, eggshells, food scraps, seaweed, fresh animal manure, etc. If making compost in the summertime, the added heat would help the nitrogen rich ingredients decompose quicker and encourage good bacteria to germinate, as microorganisms were necessary to produce healthy soil. This provided cheaper, more beneficial compost instead of buying it in big stretchy plastic bags. The only downside was time. It would take months for the soil to be ready, and even then Hannah would have to wait. Unlike Edith’s roses she planted during her first week at Jujutsu High, where she dug into the ground and arduously churned the soil with a tiller and spade, Hannah was going to apply a ‘no-dig’ method. This meant she would prep the flower beds by first marking the perimeters with stakes and twine and then flattening dampened cardboard over the site; One layer of compost would be packed under the cardboard and another layer would be stacked on top. Since these were brand new flower beds, the cardboard would prevent sunlight from filtering through, thus killing any weeds or invasive plants beneath without robbing the soil of nutrients. Given time, the cardboard between the two compost layers would biodegrade, making food for benevolent garden dwellers buried deep inside the earth (worms loved decomposed cardboard). But composting was only half the battle.
With the plants selected, and the beds and compost prepped, there was also the climate to account for.
The Gojo estate was hidden away in the bucolic Takao mountains, meaning the garden terrace would be seated at higher elevation, leaving it exposed to more sunlight and harsher weather conditions. Windbreakers would need to be put in place to protect from damaging storm gusts and winter temperatures would plunge well below zero. She would have to study-up on the area’s annual rain and snowfall as well, and whether more landscaping would be involved. Not all the flowers would make it through the year, and it would take multiple seasons to get the garden she wanted, but if she played her cards right, Hannah would be able plant bulbs and sow her first seeds by mid-autumn at the earliest.
Satoru was impressed by Hannah’s vast gardening expertise, as anyone would be. Over the years he would grow accustomed to entering the house and seeing profusions of flowers in every shape, color, and scent decorate the halls and window arches, breathing life and color into the space; his wife’s personal touch. Whenever she worked, he would always be milling around the vicinity, snooping over her shoulder, curious about what she was doing, asking questions like “What is ‘comfrey tea?’ Do you drink it?” (The answer was no. You do not drink it) Though on occasions, sometimes his questions delved more into the transcendent.
“Do you really believe the entire world was created in six days?”
Hannah peered up from taking notes in her garden journal. He was towering directly above her, hands placed in his pockets. Like always.
“I suppose,” she said with a shrug. “If you took the Book of Genesis at face value, sure. Why not.”
Satoru looked even more perplexed. “I thought Christians took everything in their Bible literally?”
Hannah smiled, a certain glimmer in her moss brown eyes that looked like a challenge. “Not always. For instance you could argue there is not one creation story told in the Bible, but three. The first chapter of Genesis is separate from the story of Adam and Eve. Then there’s also the story of Noah and his ark, before God issued a great flood over the earth, setting it anew. Rather than being taken as history, the purpose of these stories is to emphasize God’s dominion over creation, and that Man, His greatest creation, somehow fell victim to original sin in the process.” She stood up from her seat. “Anywho, now you have me curious. Do Buddhists ever ponder the origins of the universe?”
Satoru shook his head.
“To be honest, no,” he replied flatly. “There is the tale of the Izanagi and Izanami creating the islands of Japan with brine, dripping from a jeweled spear, which could symbolize the world. But from a purely Buddhist perspective, the universe has no beginning or end, so philosophizing how it came into being is seen as a fruitless exercise that leads to nowhere.”
This didn’t stop Hannah from trying.
“But didn’t the Buddha say that everything comes to an end at some point?” she said. “And if everything comes to an end, then it must have had a beginning, no?” (3)
Over the years, they would have many discussions like this, volleying questions back and forth, pondering the deeper meanings of life. But like an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object, neither husband nor wife would concede to the other’s beliefs. Satoru had trouble grasping Christianity’s radical take on monotheism: How one deity could simultaneously be a divine Creator, a Human (who was also ‘hypostatically’ divine), and a strange Spirit that bore no distinctive shape whatsoever but was often depicted in the form of a dove, and somehow not be called polytheistic. Additionally this Trinitarian Deity was revered as being all-loving, omnipresent, and omniscient, and yet if that were the case, Satoru couldn’t conceive how this supposed ‘all-loving’ God could allow evil things to befall innocent human beings, especially at the hands of His ‘most holy’ church. Then there were the outlandish beliefs surrounding the Eucharist, which he found a little creepy: Wine and unleavened bread that ‘transubstantiate’ into the actual blood and flesh of Christ while retaining the ‘accidents’ of real bread and wine, which you then ate? Huh? What the heck was that all about? He wasn’t a philosopher, but wouldn’t that make Christians cannibals? Plus, this Jesus character sounded very similar to the Buddha at given times, but he wasn’t going to read too much into it.
Hannah, in the meanwhile, struggled equally with Shinto and Buddhism, and how both religions could co-exist without delegitimizing the other. Were the gods more paramount to the highly secular Japanese, or did the Buddha and his Dharma take first precedence? To her knowledge Shinto was an altogether pantheistic faith where rocks, trees, and even mountains could be worshiped as kami (deities). The many myths and legends surrounding these kami, however, Hannah saw no differently than those of Zeus or Ra; fictional tales used to convey didactic truths. Buddhism offered more spiritual substance, yes, though she failed to understand karma’s intrinsic nature and why it held so much sway over one’s life, or more importantly, where it came from; a moot point given Buddhism’s beliefs of causality rather than creation. It didn’t matter who or where it originated from, or why ‘the true way of things’ functioned the way it did; how good deeds produced happiness and bad deeds produced suffering. What was enlightenment anyway? Why did it matter so much whether you obtained it or not, and could all the world’s sufferings really be eliminated by practicing ‘mindfulness’ and following the Five Precepts, and then awaiting rebirth in the ‘Pure Land?’ So many reeling questions…
‘We are not meant to resolve all contradictions,’ wrote the meek Thomas Merton, and so Hannah and Satoru would agree to disagree. These beliefs, however confusing, however paradoxical, weren’t worth fighting over, not to the detriment of a marriage. They had come too far to risk falling out. Challenge and learn, yes. Disrespect and insult, no. Let bygones be bygones and put it to rest.
On a less philosophical note, Hannah’s training was showing signs of tremendous progress. Satoru had moved on from teaching her how to punch and kick and was now in the middle of teaching her defensive maneuvers, like how to escape from being pinned to the ground.
“This is ridiculous,” Hannah panted, struggling desperately to free herself. “How can I possibly get out like this?”
“Because I’m telling you,” was all Satoru said, increasing his weight, barely holding up a sweat as he subdued her, casually switching to a gruff, sagely English. “If no mistake have you made, yet losing you are, a different game you should play.”
She wasn’t laughing at his Yoda impression, having only watched Stars Wars last week. They resigned to training indoors for the evening and had cleared the reception hall, creating a dojo-like atmosphere. Crouched on his hands and knees, Satoru had her pinned in the ‘Mount Position,’ seizing her wrists and restraining them to the floor, while his legs straddled her waist, immobilizing her. She was boxed in. Hannah tried pushing him off with her upper body, but Satoru’s grip was tight. With all the power stored in his shoulder and arms, her hands barely lifted off the floor. Gravity was on his side. He wasn’t letting go. And like all good esoterics, Satoru wasn’t going to just tell her how to break free - No, no - that would be too practical. Instead he would keep silent and force his wife to figure it out on her own.
Hannah kicked and writhed and shimmied. She once attempted to bite him, but his Infinity made it so her teeth never sought flesh (not that she was biting very hard). As was usual with training, he wore a thin black cotton tee and matching black sweatpants, which were probably overpriced. She could see every ripple and flex of his toned biceps and pectoral muscles underneath the cotton as he worked to restrain her. The position was rather demoralizing; a man overpowering a woman with the use of his body. The intimacy of their position felt unfamiliar too - dare she say, sensual - but Hannah ignored the proximity of their bodies and focused on getting out from underneath him. Twenty minutes in, her efforts were met with no success and after some more prolonged struggling, she gave up.
“I can’t,” she said out of breath. “You’re too strong.”
Her husband held back a smile, her inadvertent praise sounding like music to his ears. “Excuses, excuses,” he chided, not looking the least bit tired. “C’mon, Hannah, use that clever little brain of yours. If I have your hands pinned like this,” he took her seized wrists and (lightly) pressed them back to the floor, “and you can’t use your legs,” he clamped his own legs around her waist, “what else could you do?”
“Nothing. I’m stuck.”
“No, you’re not. There is a way out. You just have to be creative. Think outside the box.”
‘Creative.’ Well, that was one way of looking at it.
Hannah’s eyes searched his person for an opening, any indication he had left an opportunity for her to escape. His body was still on top of her like a human cage, squeezing her wrists, pressing them to the floor. She attempted to push him off again. “Nope, you’ve tried that enough times already,” he said, transferring more of his weight on top of her. “Promise ya, it’s not gonna work.” He was right, of course. Trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result was foolish. Alright, Hannah. Think outside the box. Be creative.
Satoru’s Infinity could repel and attract various things at once. For instance, if he were walking down the street holding a bag of groceries in the middle of a torrential downpour, he could keep the grocery bag in his hand while repelling off the rain. The bag was allowed in his orbit, the raindrops were not. She had seen him do this more than once, an invisible shield carapaced around him, stepping back inside the house, dry as a feather. This also explained why his clothes - or any piece of him for that matter - didn’t get stripped away whenever he used his curse technique. However, other than shielding himself from getting bitten, Hannah realized he wasn’t using Infinity that much during their training session. And his arms, which were supporting most of his weight in keeping her restrained, were slanted at an (she eyeballed it) eighty degree angle from his shoulder to his hands. Meaning if she got his shoulders slanted at an angle over his wrists, past ninety degrees, he would be forced to let go or risk face-planting on the floor like the back end of a teeter-totter. But how would she accomplish this? His hold on her was firm.
Hannah looked down at his hips straddling her waist. His knees were planted to the ground, but his hind legs were hooked around her calves. There was nothing other than his hands, keeping him balanced. She thought back to the teeter-totter analogy. This was her way out.
With speed she didn’t know she was capable of Hannah rammed her torso up as far as it would go, bridging her hips, and violently swooped her hands downwards like a snow angel. She barely caught the excited glint in Satoru’s blue eyes at her discovering the loophole. Like she predicted, he fell face forward from the momentum, having no choice but to release her hands to prevent eating the floor, however, Hannah got ahead of herself. See, what she was supposed to do in this instance was hug his torso like a tree, grab his shoulder, lock the arm, and roll. And so having forgotten those four additional steps, she instead tried scrambling out from under him. Big mistake. Without locking his arm, there was nothing blocking it from the rebound. Satoru miscalculated her move…
And elbowed her straight in the nose like a sledgehammer.
It was a heart rendering sound. Satoru could feel and hear the fracturing of bone as though it were porcelain china.
The smirk on his face vanished completely.
“Oh shit, I didn’t think you’d — Fuck, Hannah, are you alright?”
Stupid of him to ask really. Even the densest simpleton could see her nose was broken. Hannah tasted iron on her tongue. The world was an explosion of stars. Every pinch of her eyes stung. She had taken a direct hit. The cartilage was bent out of line and swelling heavily, bruised purple and red, blood oozing out both nostrils. He didn’t have to use his Six Eyes to know it was horrible. So much for creativity.
“Quick, use this.” Satoru raised his arms and without a moment’s hesitation peeled off his shirt. Cradling the base of her neck, he then tilted her head down, and shoved the wadded shirt to her nose. “Put pressure on it.”
Hannah held the sweaty shirt. Her swollen nasal passages might’ve been clogged with blood, but she still managed to catch remnants of incense and Italian-roast coffee saturated in the cotton; two scents that shouldn’t go together and yet did. The dampened shirt didn’t smell bad as one would imagine, mixed with his sweat and body odor, but rather soothingly pleasant and masculine. So him. Like honeysuckle to an insect, she found it near impossible to resist, closing her eyes and slowly inhaling as much incense and coffee as she could, wanting more. The pressure and pain seemed to gradually subside until she felt something like fingers tilt her chin at the floor again, readjusting the shirt in her hands that was surely covered in blood.
“Gotta keep your head down, Hannah. No looking up.”
Whether it had been deliberate or not, he had given her a clear, perfect view. Hannah had never seen him shirtless before. The strange tingling sensation gripped her body like a vise, and the blood rushing from her nostrils felt as though it were pumping back up her nose to her cranium. He was handsome in a near-painful way. Her eyes traced the breadth of his broad shoulders, to his veiny toned biceps and smooth sculpted chest. Years of training and strict discipline edged in every contour of his musculature, from his trapezoids down to his six-pack, unblemished skin coated in a thin sheen of sweat, no obvious signs of excess body fat to be had. Adonis. Masculine. Ravishing.
How long did it take him to achieve such a physique, she wondered. Perhaps he always had it. Some people have all the luck in that department; height, strength, brains, and dashing good looks.
Her silent appraisal did not go unnoticed.
“Like what you see?”
Hannah's attention snapped from his laughing turquoise blue eyes boring into her. She could feel his chuckle rumble through his chest. It did things to her stomach, turning it into knots.
“It’s alright. You're not the first. I’ll let you off the hook this time.”
“Oh.” There was a lull. “Um…May I ask how many?”
He arched a brow. “How many what?”
Hannah blushed and turned herself away. Trying to extract this bit of information was a thorny subject, the forbidden fruit she was not allowed to eat from. Yet once the inner voice had reached its verdict, there was little point evading the question. “Firsts before me.”
Frowning, his eyes were like blocks of ice. Not angry per say, just guarded.
“Does it matter?”
The quietness returned. She could hear the sound of a bee trapped somewhere against one of the newly installed windows, that familiar buzzing thump on glass. Yes. Yes, it did matter. It mattered to her a great deal not knowing how many lovers had come before her. Satoru rarely divulged anything about his past and judging by his frosty reaction, that wasn’t going to change anytime soon.
He removed the shirt to inspect her nose. His touch was surprisingly gentle as he concentrated, white brows pinched together, biting his lower lip. She suppressed a shiver, feeling his rough calluses graze her cheek.
“Looks like you're not a human spigot anymore,” he said. “Good. Reverse Curse Technique should clear this up in a jiffy.”
Hannah’s eyes widened. “You can do that?”
Her husband’s hubris returned. Slipping her a wink, Satoru gingerly cupped the back of her head. “Hold still,” he hushed, and lifted his spare hand above her face, thinking back to what he learned in his school days: How energy can neither be created, nor destroyed, only converted from one form to the other. First law of thermodynamics. Neat stuff. He felt the negative cursed energy pulse at his fingertips, conducting a positive charge. Felt it mend the contused cartilage and broken bone, decrease the swelling, reattach popped blood vessels, but for some reason he also felt…resistance. Like the moment your quad-core processor suddenly runs at half its initial speed, or how water molecules slow down light. A non life-threatening injury, Hannah’s nose should’ve healed the second the positive energy came into contact with her skin, except it didn’t. It bided its time, stalling. Three minutes in and he still hadn’t fixed her nose.
What the hell?
Satoru stopped for a second, increasing his energerial output. He’d never encountered this problem before. It was like the more he emitted, the more he was met with resistance. Like it wasn’t passing through.
Confused, he glanced over at his wife. She seemed oblivious of the delay, showing no signs of further discomfort, staring up at the ceiling. He went back to the task at hand.
It took him a while longer than usual, but with enough persistence the nose returned as it was. He decided to cheat, just once, and use the Six Eyes ‘x-ray’ vision to assess his handiwork. The purple and red bruising hadn’t completely gone away, although the nasal bone and septum were fully repaired.
“Are we good?”
Believing Shoko would approve of his technique skills, he nodded. “We’re good.”
“Do you want to continue where we left off? I can keep going.”
“Nah,” he said dismissively, taking his bloody shirt from her before standing up. He extended his hand out, hoisting his little wife off the floor. “That’s enough blood loss for one evening. Let’s get some food in you before you pass out.”
She eyed the red splotches on the floor. “What about the tatami? I ruined those too.”
“Leave ‘em be. If they can’t be salvaged, we’ll order new ones.”
The amber sun started to set above the garden lakes. The two placed the table and furniture back where it belonged and headed for the hall. Makoto had dinner ready for them.
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The food was delicious as always, three Michelin stars, though Satoru seemed to pester Hannah incessantly about her nose every five minutes. She assured him all was fine and the pain had settled. Upon finishing their meal, the two helped Makoto clean the dishes and put the leftovers in the fridge, and after the last piece of Meissen was hand washed and dried, they thanked the housekeeper for her valiant efforts and let her retire for the evening. Being a Friday night, the couple had nowhere to be tomorrow, so the two chose to stay up a while longer and watch a movie together over ice-cream; plain old Vanilla for Hannah and Triple Chocolate Fudge for Satoru. Satoru had been insisting all week they watch Avatar. They cozied up on the couch with their frozen dairy treats and mentally teleported to the planet of Pandora. The plot was so-so, but the world building was unlike any other. “It looks almost real,” Hannah kept repeating. Satoru agreed. For a five year old movie, the CGI held up nicely.
Three hours later, the film credits rolled. The Six Eyes user stretched his arms out with a yawn. Hannah herself stifled a yawn, signaling it was time for bed.
They continued commenting about the movie as their bedrooms were right around the corner.
“Did you say it made two billion U.S dollars at the box-office?”  
Satoru raised a finger. “Two point nine billion.”
Hannah tried doing the money conversion in her head and pulled a sour face. “That’s too much money.”
Satoru chuckled as they faced each other in the hallway right outside their respective rooms.
This was when things got good.
Like two infatuated teenagers standing by their lockers, the couple waited before parting. Satoru had his hands tied behind his back while Hannah was staring bashfully at the floor. They both knew what came next. Since that night facing the smiling Amida statue, husband and wife had been partaking in a new pre-bedtime ritual. Kissing; Nothing quite like the passion (and romance) they shared at Tokyo Tower overlooking the city skyline; A chaste kiss on the cheek. A light peck on the lips. But that was about to change because Satoru was anything if not persistent.
“Can we try…something else?”
Hannah tilted her head in that innocent manner of hers. Satoru had to bite his lower lip to keep from grinning like an idiot, she was so adorable. “Something else?”
“Yeah, something more,” he searched for the word, “substantial.”
His wife's brow narrowed. “I thought we were taking things slow?”
“We are, but this’ll be different.”
“Different? Different how?”
“Just follow my lead.”
“Satoru, I — ”
“Shh.” He held a finger to her lips and spoke tenderly. “I promise you’ll enjoy it.”
Hannah took an apprehensive breath, felt one of his palms frame her cheek, the other hook around her waist, and then came the moment of truth. Satoru’s mouth gently sought hers, but it wasn’t short lived like the others. Far from it. The way he opened her with his tongue was as though her lips were made of smooth butter and he was parsing through them with a hot knife.
Oh, it was a kiss. It really was. Hannah had no experience to fall back on, but she knew Satoru was a good kisser. He had to be. Their previous kisses had been sweet and chaste. This kiss was long and meandering, his satin-like tongue slowly stirring the inside of her mouth like an old-fashioned butter churner. ‘Follow my lead,’ she remembered him saying. Closing her eyes, Hannah began copying his movements. To be honest, she wasn’t exactly sure what she was doing - at least - she thought she wasn’t sure. The wife had been too intoxicated to remember a certain infamous night out, where she might’ve stumbled home drunk at two in the morning and quite possibly flashed him her breasts, before enveloping Satoru in a searing, French kiss. But again, her memory was a blur. It was no use to her now sober, fully aware of how tentative and uncoordinated she was...
Dear God, he tasted wonderful.
Every so often they’d come back up for air, dip their heads, and meet in yet another kiss, just as deep and languid as the last. How long they stood in that hallway, their tongues moving to an unspecified rhythm, taking their sweet time exploring one another, these new uncharted waters, she didn’t know. Satoru was doing most of the work, his left hand wandering up and down her back, while the right got tangled in her hair. The moment seemed to stretch on forever and it became quite hot between them. Hannah thought the flames engulfing her entire body would consume her, a blend of embarrassment, heat, and pleasure. The whimper that came out of her throat was automatic.
Satoru broke away.
“Sorry,” he panted, face slightly flushed from exertion. “Should’ve tapped out sooner.” He cleared his throat, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “So, whaddya think? Fantastic? Amazing? Phenomenal?”
“Good,” Hannah answered, also out of breath. She could think of nothing more to say. “It was good.”
His laugh was disbelieving. 
“Actually though?”
She pursed her lips and looked guilty at the floor. Her blush hadn’t gone away. “I guess some more practice couldn’t hurt.”
Satoru grinned at the invitation.
“Practice, hmm?” There was a knowing glint in his eyes he couldn’t hide. “Maybe we’ll add it to your training schedule.”
He watched his wife shyly peer up at him. A smile crept at the edges of her kissed lips. Lips kissed by him. Her eyes were so hazel, so warm, empty of everything that wasn’t just the two of them. “I wouldn’t be against that.”
The Six Eyes wielder could’ve danced a jig up and down the hallway, playing every bit the love-struck imbecile he knew himself to be.
It was the tiny victories in life.
Chapter Contents
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tiredflowercrown · 9 months
Hi! What are some of your favourite story tropes?
Finally have the energy to answer this.
I'm gonna break them down by types.
Grumpy x Sunshine
It's a classic trope that plays so well with so many settings and other characters archetypes. It's an opposites attract that doesn't typically lean unrealistic or abusive.
Found Family
It's perfection. Every single one of my fandoms has a found family in it. Ever piece of media I've even remotely been interested in. Batman, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Young Avengers, X-Men, Avengers/MCU, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Voltron, 6 of Crows, Sleepy Bois Inc., etc. It's a trope one turns to form a little hope in people that always delivers.
Hidden Relationships
When I say this, I mean where they don't really hide it or actively hide it, I should say, but people don't realize they're in a relationship. The comedy and confusion that results from this trope are always fun and leave less room for uncomfortable ethics.
Has always known x Just realized
The exasperation of waiting for someone to realize that they love you when it can be clearly seen is heartwarming and hilarious.
Jaded Caretaker and Innocent/Feral Child
It's such an interesting dynamic that can be interpreted in so many manners. It's typically seen with a gruff father figure and a teenage girl, but my preference is an older sibling figure. Bonus points if the child is horribly traumatized but acts like it's normal or brushes past it.
Story Settings
A little crime never hurt anyone, especially if it's all fiction anyway. It's a perfect setting for found family and more jaded characters.
One can really play with character development here due to college naturally being a place that people change and grow. In fanfiction, it can also be a place to further flesh out a character or delve into their interests more
Whether it's music or band or just general famous people, it's so fun to see people react to fame and public vs. private personas.
Character Types
Aloof with a soft heart
This can be in a lot of directions, whether it be hurt too many times but still willing to try, hardened after a long and hard life, or the eldest kid in a bad situation. No matter how you take it, it's a wonderful cup of tea.
Horribly traumatized but kind and happy
The ability to do good and be good despite it all hits really hard to home for me. So it's always nice to see characters in that situation.
Bonus: Story Formats
Social Media/Text fics
Listen, it's so much story for so little work (other than formatting the work itself, I'm sorry). There's so many ways to show off a characters personality with how one texts or sets up their social media. I find it fascinating.
Thank you for the ask!
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lazinesswrites · 2 months
Writing Patterns
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
I was tagged by @auburnlaughter a little while ago; thank you! ❤
I'm doing the latest 10 fics I've posted to Ao3, oldest first, and I'll include links because... every excuse to self-promote? Everything here is Star Wars, most of it Bad Batch (from before s3, save the last two), and most of that is more or less Crosshair-centric.
Sunrise Caf (TCW post-war AU, pre-CodyWan, 1k, G)
“Do you still prefer your caf black, now that you have access to more options?” Obi-Wan asks as Cody sits down at the small kitchen table in Obi-Wan’s new apartment.
Labor of love is ours to endure (TBB s1 finale AU-CD, 4.6k, T)
Wrecker watches as Hunter talks to Crosshair about chances; watches as Omega says her piece too.
To feel your heart as it's keeping time (TBB, Batch twins, 3.3k, G)
Since Crosshair’s recent and long-awaited return to their squad, Tech has found that treating him like one would a feral tooka has been relatively successful in getting the sniper to relax around him.
Don't You Doubt (TBB, Cross & Hunter, 2.5k, T, part of a series)
Pabu is very quiet at night.
And please be there; I can barely hang on (But oh I wait 'til I break) (TBB, h/c, 3.8k, T) (this one's in Russian too!)
Crosshair didn't know they'd be here.
Mirjahaal (TBB, pre-show, 2.1k, G)
Echo doesn’t know what Crosshair’s problem is.
Breakthrough on Bracca (TBB, AU-CD, 4.6k, T)
Crosshair wakes to a face on fire and a clear mind.
Change of Heart, Change of Plans (TBB, AU-CD, 5.6k, G)
A flash of white armor in his periphery, accompanied by the sound of familiar voices – or rather, one familiar voice from multiple people – has Hunter diverting from their route, leading his siblings into a dark and dank alley, waiting for the troopers to pass.
We're Still What's Left (TBB s3e4 cont., grief, 1.7k, T)
“But… how did you escape?” Hunter asks the kid, and Crosshair figures that’s his cue, even if he’s not sure he’s quite ready for whatever awaits him out there.
Homecoming Heroes (TBB, sequel to above, 2.8k, T)
Pabu is… nice.
Thoughts and tags below the cut:
So... Patterns? I was gonna say something about fairly long sentences, but then half of them turned out to be pretty short, actually 😅
I guess I try to set the scene: Who's there, what are they doing, what's the Problem (if the characters know, yet) etc. Try to make clear what canon scene we've jumped into, when relevant (I.e. in Labor of love, which picks up towards the end of Kamino Lost, when Hunter has just said something like 'you gave us a chance Crosshair; this is yours' and Omega has said 'they're still your brothers, Crosshair. You're my brother too.', which is what Wrecker's thoughts are referring to.)
I also tend to start right in the middle of Something, especially in the more action-filled ones. This is both because I then avoid losing people to "boring" exposition or world-building or descriptions right out of the gate, and also because beginnings are Hard, so the way I typically start writing a fic (or anything, really) is to start with whatever scene I've got in mind that sparked the idea for the rest of the fic, regardless of when it actually takes place, and then build the rest around it. Or by writing notes/something like an outline if I don't have a specific scene in mind but more just a sort of general feeling or plot or theme or something I want to write about, and then expand those into text-text. This approach means I often end up explaining the things that need explaining throughout the fic, so there's no need to put it all at the beginning. And also - it's fanfic. By far most of my readers will already be familiar with the characters and general setting; I just need to make clear where and how we might deviate from that.
That's all, I think. But hey! if you got this far and you noticed something I didn't, why don't you tell me? (please be nice, though, I'm not looking for critique; just curious)
NPTs: @whimsicalmeerkat @hxad-ovxr-hxart @spacemagicandlaserswords @battlekilt
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Okok, so my list goes as follows:
Erik is my first choice for sure, not only are there endless possibilities for angst, but he's also one of my favorite marvel characters in general.
Charles is second, I honestly imagine him being such a sweet dad, and I don't see enough work with him being a parent it's a crime.
It's impossible to pass up on classic feral dad, so Logan gets third, uncle Viktor is an added bonus in that one.
I'm curious, which yans are higher on your list?
Lamb Anon
Those are good choices! And I see the points you've made! Erik has so many choices, not to mention if he was Reader's dad, you have Wanda as Reader's sister! And then eventually, when the kids get caught, Pietro finds out he's Reader's brother... Aaand it doesn't help the situation. At all. Because wow, he and the others had just watched Reader die, but it turns Reader was his sibling. His younger sibling. And they never knew, not until they were dead (which he isn't sure is possible, because they are alive then? He's confused on what's going on and why they're still around)...
Charles IS an underrated dad! And he would likely be the most understanding, tied with Hank/Beast! (The parents are all understanding to a degree, but those two are the most understanding of Reader and their... "situation"...) To be fair, he'd probably be a good dad, checking up on Reader, reminding them if they forget something, letting them interact with his other adopted children and friends, going on small adventures... He'd just... maybe keep an eye on them. At almost each waking second. Because that's his child, thank you, and he does not need or want them getting hurt or getting into trouble... (He also wants to make sure they don't turn to Erik... they are exes (friends, partners, etc. )) (and he does not want Erik to steal his child, or worse, convince them of his anti-hero ways...)
And one can never say no to Logan as a dad, because that is what he does best (besides kicking the *ss of every evil human or mutant in bothering the X-Men). He's dad-coded. He's protective, he handles any problems his kid has (especially bullies, he does NOT like those, and what better way to handle them than him?), he'll keep an eye on them, he let's them and his other kids be friends and hang out, and he doesn't mind if they're not perfect. So, he is a pretty good choice, too.
Okay, my top three favorites? Okay, let's see...
I'd say Logan, Victor, then Hank.
Logan because of the above reasons (I can't help it, he's a comfort character of mine, and he always comes with a kid in whatever media he's in) (it's also fun, writing for him)
Victor, because it makes sense for Reader to be his kid, due to their specific shape-shifting mutation (they can only turn into animals), and because I like him. (And he would also have a bit of trouble losing Reader, a lot of trouble, so that adds to the story, too) (he's also a comfort character)
And Hank, because he's nice, he's sweet, he's gentle, and he's underrated. He would be a great dad. Would accept his kid despite what mutation they have (or if they seemed to not have one), makes sure they're healthy and would make good meals for them both to eat, he's fun with his teachings, he's pretty gentle, he's an avid literature reader, the list goes on (why is he so sweet?? he's like a blue, extra fluffy marshmallow of goodness!)...
So... those are my top three😅
I'm okay with hearing your preferences, I just want to figure out which parent would be the best for Reader and the story of the 🖤Dark AU. I enjoy making it!😊 I just have to get in the specific mood for it to write about it. So that means a bit of action/chase music, some sadder songs, and perhaps a few dark ones (plus re-reading the posts about and for the 🖤Dark AU, to make sure I'm sticking to its theme!)
All in all, this IS for fun, so there's no pressure about any of this. I do want to make sure I think it over, though. What do you think of my choices, 🐑 Anon? Any thoughts on them?
A few songs I've listened to, to imagine and write to while I've been working on this AU:
• Black Betty by RamJam or Spiderbait (it's good for chases) (try it the regular speed or slowed reverb way)
• Pump It by Black Eyed Peas (2nd choice for chase scenes) (slowed reverb, or regular speed)
• Americano by Lady Gaga (it's fun, and it's also chase somg number 3) (regular speed or slowed reverb)
• My Demons by Starset (it fits the older platonic yans and how they're handling things) (slowed reverb)
• Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey (it works better with the older teen platonic yans, or with the four younger ones) (this can be sped up, slowed reverb, or regardless speed)
• Daylight by David Kushner (probably the older platonic yans trying to come to grips with their choices and how they're handling them) (slowed, possibly slowed reverb)
• Immortals by Fall Out Boy (it fits the theme, and it counts as a chase/contemplation song...) (sped up, slowed reverb, or regular speed, but I recommend slowed reverb)
• Down Under by Men at Work (it kinda fits how the four feel out of place. Surprise, they're about 3 to 5 years in the future, the world's pretty weird, aaand they're all out of place) (slowed reverb)
(Hopefully this helps, if y'all wanted a few songs to listen to for this AU!😊 Stay safe, drink plenty of water, and get some rest, okay?)
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goji-pilled · 2 years
MK-S: Alright, here it is, after so much foreshadowing. Please forgive any awkward tone/style changes as this was written bit by bit, out of order, here and there. Without further ado, here’s Part 1 of “Phil’s Rage”.
The Magical Girl had come out of nowhere. Klarissa was still getting over that; she’d come across a feral witch that was tragically beyond the point of saving. Little known fact about witch labyrinths: when the witch dies, the exact physical location it spits you out as it falls apart is just a little random. Yet her assailant dropped down on her the exact moment she materialized, as if she knew that’s where she’d be when the labyrinth demanifested.
Her mind raced as she quickly took in the key details of her situation and adversary: she had a mostly full magazine from the preceding witch encounter, she was holding a rifle containing said magazine, the interloper had similar height as her, weapon was some sort of pole-Oh snap this girl was fast! Klarissa’s had to duck to avoid getting hit with the weapon, and got quite a nice look at the fact that it was a halberd, when the blade embedded itself into the wall, just above her face. She jumped backwards, turning to sprint to add a bit of distance and possibly reload befor-nope, from the sound of it the magical girl had already freed her weapon.
Klarissa’s turned and began to unload the rifle at her newest opponent. The magical girl’s arms were a blur, as she seemed to deflect each and every bullet sent her way.
Klarissa stopped time, hoping to at least catch her breath before she would decide how to-
The Magical Girl didn’t even slow down as the world went greyscale. Klarissa’s eyes went wide and she instinctively raised the empty rifle, not as though to shoot, but to block the incoming halberd swing as best she could in the fractions of a second available to her. She succeeded in blocking the strike, and swung the rifle in such a way as to toss it and the bladed pole weapon into the air, where both froze in place. A smile began to form on Klarissa’s mouth, but was cut short as the magical girl slammed her fist into the witch’s face.
Klarissa’s went flying across the alleyway, her hat flying off her head, marking where she’d been standing a moment prior. She could feel her magic weakening as she lost her focus, and looked up to see her attacker slowly approaching her. The girl’s attention was momentarily drawn away as her halberd clattered to the floor as time resumed. She seemed…confused. Confused at why that was only happening now.
This girl, had she…had she not even noticed that time had stopped around her? Klarissa’s had seen many things in her limit excursions to other realities, but this still ranked as something that shouldn’t be possible; moving in her and her mother’s time stop, and somehow being unaware of it as well? Her attention was brought back to reality as her foe bend down and picked up her hat.
“Don’t know why this is important,” the magical girl said as she put the hat on her head. “but let’s just say I have a feeling that I shouldn’t let you get your hands on it again.”
This situation was going from bad to worse. First her time stop, her Ace in the Hole, was apparently useless against this black haired girl. The alleyway was too small for her to go full witch; she’d be pinned to the walls and just make a bigger target out of herself. Now her hat, her only means to call Phil and access the rest of her arsenal was being worn by-
Wait, no, that wasn’t quite accurate. She still had one weapon at her beck and call. She couldn’t recall the last time she had to summon her sword. She’d taken much more after her Mother Homura, than her Mom Oktavia in terms of weapon preference. Thank God she still occasionally sparred with her brother with this thing; had she not engaged in such practice sessions (or sibling spats) with him, she’d be practically defenseless right now. Conjuring up a new path to her labyrinth would leave her exposed, and Phil liked to literally let her fight her own battles, so this was the best she had for now.
She summoned her saber and gripped it with both hands. The magical girl just stared at her, before taking a deep breath. Klarissa fully expected her to go after her halberd, but instead the girl just took a fighting stance, one arm pulled back, ready to swing. Klarissa raised her sword above her head. There was a moment of stillness before both girls rushed each other. When they were barely an arms length apart, the magical girl thrusted her arm towards the witch’s chest, and Klarissa began to bring down her sword.
The magical girl’s hand seemed to glow in the moment before she drove it into Klarissa’s chest. Klarissa felt her arms freeze mid-swing. But not just her arms. It felt like even her lungs had frozen in mid-breath. If she had to describe it, she would say this is what she’d expect if her time stop was ever inverted: completely paralyzed, trapped in a single moment as time moved around her.
Her head had been turned towards her attacker’s arm, so at least she could see what had happened: Her hand was in her chest. Not touching her chest, not grabbing it, but physically inside her chest. There was no blood where hand had entered. In fact, there didn’t seem to be any sort of wound at all. What there was, was a bright glow around the girl’s wrist, the same glow that had covered her hand just a moment ago.
Her assailant seemed to pause for a moment. Then Klarissa felt something…grab her, in a way she couldn’t quite describe. The magical girl quickly withdrew her arm and Klarissa’s legs went weak. She collapsed onto the ground, her body feeling like it weighed several tons. She only just barely managed to raise her head to see what the magical girl had pulled out of her body: Her Grief Seed.
This was not good.
The girl pressed Klarissa’s grief seed against her soul gem, and Klarissa could feel the girl’s despair being sucked into her little black orb. She could also feel…something else. A sense of…Pity? Duty? Sorrow? Klarissa’s eyes widened as she realized what the magical girl was feeling. This wasn’t an act done out of malice; this girl truly felt she was doing an act of kindness, of mercy for her sake. Klarissa’s eyes widened in fear as the girl took a final look at her as she picked up her halberd.
“Goodbye.” She said, tossing the grief seed high into the air, raising her halberd back as though she was about to strike a baseball. As the black sphere began to fall, so too did the Magical Girl begin her swing. “Rest in Peac-“
She was gone.
Time seemed to slow down for Klarissa. The Magical Girl had simply…vanished. Halberd and all. The only sign someone anyone had been standing there a mere instant ago was her hat hovering where the girl’s head used to be.
Klarissa’s Grief seed had barely continued its fall before something shot out of her hat.
It was a pair of long thin rods, that gripped her grief seed by its needle-like tips, keeping the small core from falling so much as a another millimeter.
Her hat was just…well, it wasn’t quite “floating”, there was no force propelling it away from the ground. But it simple didn’t move, failing to fall.
Black splotches were swimming across Klarissa’s vision. But she…she thought she saw some…s-something shifting inside the hat. And it was get…getting…she couldn’t think clearly. Couldn’t move anymore…And…She couldn’t…keep her…eyes…
MK-S: I hope everyone had fun reading this! There’s a few bits here and there I wish I’d polished up, but then I’d never get around to posting any of this. (Heck, most of this has been on my phone for a week of not three.)
I need a name for this magical girl. I’m currently leaning towards Haru, but I recently saw that that’s Walpy’s alias, so I’ll see if I can find something else. But here’s a small sample from a bit I’m still working on, with the name of the magical girl written as Haru. Such details are subject to change. And not necessarily for the next part. Depends how it it all turns out. (And I wanted to post the preview as I had fun with the Eldritch location reaction, and really want to share it.)
Her eyes widened as her mind finally began to process, or rather, began to fail to process her surroundings. Around her was only darkness, but not any darkness she was accustomed to. This wasn’t the inky blackness of night. This was more…more…she didn’t have a word for it. How could she have a word for this? She couldn’t, no one could, no one should! This place, this lack of a place, whatever it was it was wrong!
Haru’s breathing quickened. She could feel the lack of air being pulled into her lungs, she knew she should be suffocating, but she wasn’t.
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fatummortem · 2 years
@fiddlingonthetympanic​ asked:
[Crack ask because I cannot be serious for even one second right now.]
Halloween parties; they're a nice time, aren't they? She has less alcohol tolerance these days, though, and 'staying up all night' became 'going to bed by ten' sometime in her early thirties.
Why is this relevant? Because the aftermath of this little get-together at Harry's sees her traipsing down an upstairs hallway at Xavier's nice and tipsy--languid, even. Relaxed and able to breathe.
Poor bastard that he is, Daken finds himself in her path. (That happens too often. Could be she's some karmic retribution.) She stops in front of him, regarding him in wordless, bleary reflection. Her eyes rake him from head to toe.
Then, she reaches out and puts her hands on his shoulders and says with the deepest, truest sincerity: "Look at you. There's no way around it. You're a beautiful man."
All at once she releases him... and resumes her trek to bed. Sleep beckons. Accepting Random Novels
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      When his siblings had asked him to come to this party, Daken almost said no, but ultimately changed his mind just because it was always amusing to watch people make asses of themselves when they’re intoxicated. He might be jealous at the fact they can find themselves feeling a sensation that’s extremely difficult to get, which only makes it that much more hilarious.
      By the time she sees him, he’s abandoned whatever costume Gabby had talked him into, it’s that same pimp outfit he’d worn when they’d gone to Japan about the Orphans X. The hat, shirt & jacket are all gone. If anything he probably still has the cane in hand just so he couldn’t lean against it during large fits of laughing.
      The day the little feral becomes karmic retribution is when Daken decides to finally regret his past actions. Which means never.
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      He’ll be honest, he’s not sure what he expected the second she stopped to look him over, with her usual barbs maybe something that hadn’t been truthful in the least. Not with how much denial the woman feeds herself on a daily basis. 
      Alcohol makes her speak the truth? That’s an interesting turn of events. Maybe he can spike her morning coffee the next time she decides to torment him with something that is so low on the manipulation scale it barely gives him a headache. The whit was fun though. Maybe a bit more than fun.
      He does start silently laughing once she’s a good distance from him. Oh when she’s sober this is going to be hilarious.
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xiaowhore · 3 years
genshin boys as romance drama tropes
diluc: hot ceo of a company and you're his secretary who's getting bossed around all the time and you hate his guts but oh nooooo you get drunk and sleep with him!
kaeya: the rebellious shady sibling of the hot ceo and he's actually just very misunderstood. he pulls you out of work to have make out sessions in the storage room.
razor: misunderstood feral delinquent who pets puppies whenever he comes across one and he actually has a really cute smile but y'all just haven't seen it. he comes to save you when some disgusting pervert tried hitting on you.
bennett: that one trope where the clumsy girl trips and falls on some guy and accidentally kisses him on the lips—except in this case, bennett is the clumsy one and you're the unfortunate(?) victim whose first kiss got stolen.
venti: that friend in college who always crashes at your apartment and treats it like his own home. then he actually moves in to live with you. a very typical roommates to lovers drama. with a lot of beer. and drunken confessions.
chongyun: you swear he hates you. he glares at you every time you see him, and he always turns away like nothing happened. sike! he actually likes you a damn lot, and he gets embarrassed when you catch him staring. he just has a resting bitch face, unfortunately.
xingqiu: the popular guy notices wallflower trope! he gets tired of acting like a perfect guy in front of everyone else, and his safe haven is the library. you're a sweet, shy bookworm and you bond by talking about books! he loves seeing you chatting excitedly about things you like. (he would def kiss you in public with a book covering your faces.)
zhongli: another hot ceo but this time you're poor and homeless so he offers you a job as a house caretaker in exchange for a room in his big ass mansion. but then you start to fall for him and- what? he has a fiancee abroad?? how come you didn't know that??? (rags to riches at its finest.)
childe: ENEMIES TO LOVERS FOR SURE. this mofo seems like he doesn't study at all but he tops the exams every single time. meanwhile, you're a very hardworking college student who studies 24/7 and you get second EVERY DAMN TIME. it's unfair. very unfair. he was out there partying on friday while you freaked over finals, how is he getting higher marks than you. it ends up as a one-sided rivalry and he wonders why you glare at him every time he waves hi at you. then one day at the library, he sees you struggling on a particular topic, and he offers to tutor you at his house. you think he's planning something bad but then you get to his house and- oh? he has younger siblings? and they're both cute??? and they're so fun to play with and they want to see you more????? and you get to see the nice brotherly side of him??? you start visiting his house regularly, BUT YOU SWEAR YOU VISIT FOR THE KIDS, NOT HIM, NO MA'AM- THAT LUNCH HE COOKED FOR YOU MIGHT BE THE TASTIEST THING YOU'VE EVER EATEN BUT YOU WON'T BE SWAYED- yeah ok you're making out on his couch now
xiao: the quiet kid in class everyone is scared of but all the girls are attracted to the 'mysterious' aspect to him. you don't really get the appeal until he offers to walk you home on a rainy day when you forget your umbrella, and buys you coffee when he notices you seem too sleepy in class, and then he brings you some medicine when you're sick and shares you his notes from the lectures you missed- ok FINE he's a lot nicer than he looks, but he's just a good friend, that doesn't mean you'll fall for him- ok shit he literally has the prettiest smile on earth AND YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT YOUR PERSONAL MISSION TO BRING A SMILE TO HIS FACE EVERYDAY-
albedo: that one smart guy in class you'd expect to have detailed notes but he refuses to lend them to anyone so no one really knows for sure. the reason? he actually has a crush on you and doodles your portrait in class on the same page with his notes whenever he feels bored and he doesn't want anyone to see them. one day, he conveniently drops his notebook in the hallway and you pick it up for him, but oh? what's this? is that a drawing of your... sleeping face?! you are beyond mortified and he freezes in place when he sees you with the notebook. no, you're not mortified ‘cause you're creeped out by the thought of him drawing you——you're only mortified because he stared at you while you unknowingly drooled on your desk. (you'd tell him you make a pretty damn horrible model and he should look for prettier people to draw, but he'd argue you're the prettiest person he knows.)
scaramouche: the cliche where everyone thinks he's a completely nice guy and you accidentally see him in his real nasty personality so he blackmails you into keeping his secret. but oh? what's this? you start liking him for who he really is?
kazuha: the ugly duckling + childhood friend trope. since you were neighbors as children, you were practically obligated to be his playmate, which you weren't very excited about. kazuha wasn't a “loser,” per se, but on the quieter side, and that obviously meant he didn't get along well with the other kids and had no friends to speak of. he was soft-spoken, but not necessarily shy; he only preferred to idle by himself rather than mingle. (you think he likes you plenty, though. enough to open up to you, at least.) he liked to read and write poetry, reciting the lines he came up with and anticipated for your compliments. he liked going outdoors, not to go to the local playground, but to admire the nature, and occasionally invited you to go for picnics. he always had a pair of headphones resting on his neck, ready for use whenever he wanted to block out noise (it was strange how he kept them away whenever he was with you though). alas, he never changed his ways even as you both grew up — he kept his hair long, bangs covering his face, and large glasses hid away his eyes. he was smart in class, speaking in eloquent words, yet he remained unpopular. one summer day, however, when he complained about the hot weather, you offered to tie up his hair and lend him your hairpins. “remove your glasses, too,” you advised, combing through his soft locks. the moment you pulled back his hair to pin it in place and revealed his face, the room became eerily silent. your classmates kept staring at him, begged him to leave the glasses off longer, and seemed particularly eager to talk to him, much more than usual when they normally ignored him. you couldn't understand all the fuss because, hey, you've been seeing that face everyday for a decade already? kazuha didn't care about receiving the shower of attention either. “you're not throwing away all the love letters you get, are you...?” you observed the collection of envelopes in his bag, impressed at the large amount. kazuha shrugged, “not to that point, no. i try to read all of them but i don't reply.” “that's a waste... you could get a lover easily...” you commented, sifting through the pieces of paper and recognizing the names penned on them. “that would be meaningless,” he shook his head. “i already like someone, anyway.” he didn't understand how you could think that when it's always been you, you, you.
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obeiii-mee · 3 years
Can I angst for Mammon where he is in a really bad mood and his brothers are at it again calling him names. And already ask them kindly to leave him alone but they keep at it. And Levi says something and it's the last straw. The air around them get cold for a moment as he slowly looks up and he flat out threatens them to shut up before he puts them back into there place with a really dark and threatening voice, before leaving. And the look could rival Satan's or even Lucifers glare.
I think Mammon takes the abuse of his brothers but sometimes he isn't in the mood and want a little peace and it is very very rare for him to get pissed
Like he's the kind of person who would yell when he's upset but when he's down right pissed it's like really fucking scary
People forget that as much as he lets his brothers push him around he is still the second oldest and is powerful so 😬
Brothers+ undateables reaction
Mammon snaps:
This is something I’ve mentioned in previous posts, but I basically second everything you said. I believe that Mammon dislikes getting into confrontations but isn’t by any means weak or stupid. He is the second eldest. However he is also, arguably, the one with the most self control out of them all. He has an overwhelming amount of patience when it comes to his siblings and I like to think he puts up with all of their insults because he loves them. Then again, it’s very possible for him to go berserk after years worth of build up.
Thanks for the request!!! I had a bit of trouble at first because I didn’t know how I was going to format it but I like the way it turned out so I hope you do too. Uhh also I reached my word limit writing this so I couldn’t include Simon, Luke and Solomon. I do plan on writing for them as well but at this point I’m just trying to get this done. Let me know if I made any grammatical errors! I double check my writing all the time but sometimes mistakes got over my head! The undateables are short because honestly I view the brothers as the ones who will suffer the most out of everyone. I hope you enjoy reading it anyway!!
•Characters: Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphagour, Diavolo, Barbatos.
⚠️Warnings: Cursing, mentions of blood & gore and that’s about it.
For the past few months, Lord Diavolo’s pleasure of hosting parties and inviting people over had become more and more noticeable. It was pretty obvious that the Prince was lonely, isolating himself from others due to the responsibilities he has as the heir to the throne and a leader in the making. Attending his gatherings seemed like a down right chore for most of the brothers but you never had any problem tagging along. Besides, it felt nice knowing he seemed you worthy of coming to such important meetings. Your seven demons were, of course, also invited and per Lucifer’s orders, they all got cleaned up and dressed in fancy clothing to impress the regals prancing about the castle. Though the outfits themselves came with their own set of problems. Levi’s was way too tight; the collar seemed to annoy him more than anything else, judging by the patches of red skin on his neck. Satan accidentally ripped one of the buttons from his jacket off in a fit of rage earlier that day and was now silently fuming while poking his finger through the hole he made. Even Asmo spilled some water on his shirt before they arrived, ruining his pretty pink suit! Not to mention Beel was munching on his tie, having last eaten about 15 minutes beforehand. Lucifer pulled it out of his mouth and scowled at the saliva stains that were left behind. Safe to say they were all in a miserable mood to begin with.
“I expect all of you to behave in a respectable manner,” Lucifer flicked Belphie on the back of the head just as he began dozing off, making the youngest growl at him. He shot Mammon an irritated look “I’m especially talking to you Mammon. Don’t try to steal anything or I’ll cut your hands off.”
“I told ya big bro, ya don’t have to worry about me! I’ll be a golden child today! Promise!” Mammon held up his pinky as if he was committing to some kind of oath. The eldest darkened his glare and opened his mouth to say something else, but you interrupted in hopes of avoiding any bickering that might’ve followed.
“Look, there’s our table! Let’s go sit down. Lord Diavolo’s speech is going to start any minute now.”
Beel leaped at the table as soon as he sniffed out the appetisers, which were neatly arranged on the expensive tablecloth, shoving at least half of them in his mouth by the time the rest of you caught up with him. Having been seated, you quickly glanced around the room in hopes of spotting Diavolo. You bumped into Solomon and the angels before entering the castle, chit chatting with them for a while about the event. Even now, Luke was excitedly waving at you from across the room, using both of his arms. However, Lord Diavolo and Barbatos were the ones in charge of this party and you were yet to see either of them.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Mammon eyeing the golden utensils laid out in front of him. Not the biggest of surprises really. Anytime Mammon sees something along the lines of gold, he can’t help but snatch it away. And there’s obviously so many valuables scattered all over the place, including the silverware that was proudly presented on every table. You sucked in a breath of anticipation when he reached for one of the spoons, only to exhale in relief when he placed it on the bridge of his nose, trying to balance it.
“MC, look at this!” He tapped your shoulder, as always wanting your full and undivided attention as he demonstrated his newfound skill. You giggled at his antics with fondness as he accidentally let the spoon drop with a clatter and a quiet ‘shit’ coming from him. Lucifer pulled on his ear, like a mother scolding her child and whisper-yelled at him to stop acting like an idiot. The only reason the oldest chose a sit right next to Mammon was to maintain order and peace. Basically, he did it for disciplinary reasons.
“I understand that being impertinent is your full-time job, Mammon but keep this up and I’ll throw you in Cerberus’ room. Let him do with you as he pleases.”
“Lucifer, it’s not a big deal-“
“Yeah, OK,” Mammon hissed, picking up the spoon from the recently polished floor with a slight grin that didn’t quiet reach his eyes “I gotcha. Can-“
“Speaking of Cerberus,” Levi suddenly piped in, no longer fussing about his collar or nervously twiddling with his thumbs because of the massive crowd of demons surrounding him “Didn’t you force me to walk him last week when it was your turn to do it?? I only agreed because you promised to buy me the newest Ruri-Chan limited edition body pillow that came out last Tuesday! And you never did! And now they’re out of stock, you scummy piece of-“
The third eldest would’ve leapt across the table and aimed for the throat if you hadn’t pressed a gentle hand against his chest, making him sit back down with a huff. People were starting to stare at the commotion coming from your table, turning heads and muttering between themselves. You were slowly dying from embarrassment by the way, since you guys definitely became the topic of conversation for the other guests. The brothers were being too noisy to even notice and Lucifer himself was too preoccupied to see the scene they were creating which made you further slouch down into your chair, silently hoping for the ground to swallow you whole. The night really wasn’t going as intended. You could hear Solomon laughing at the brothers’ antics from three tables down.
“I guess that’s Mammon for you,” Belphie yawned, barely raising his head from table “He lies everyday, all day. What exactly is new here? And that says something since it’s coming from me.”
“I apologised for that!” Mammon whined, referring to Levi’s accusation and choosing not to address Belphie’s insult “I was gonna buy it but then I realised I spent all my money earlier that week anyway so I couldn’t!”
“Perhaps that wouldn’t happen if you learned how to save the money you earn properly,” Satan muttered, sipping from his glass of whatever beverage he had snatched from the servants earlier “Not like you know how to earn money in any way besides stealing it.”
You watch as Mammon clenched his fist “Can we please just move on-“
“I can’t believe that I was cursed with this moron for a brother,” Asmo sighed, almost theatrically, as if he was performing. And, in a way, he was. People were getting really interested in the drama unfolding over there. It was making you even more anxious, all those eyes staring at you. The Avatar of Lust was leaning so much on his chair, you were sure he was going to topple over and at this point, you kinda hoped he would. Anything to stop this momentum of hatred aimed at Mammon “You’re always getting us in trouble, you know. Hmph, we can’t go anywhere with you Mammon! You always end up ruining it for us! With your stupid schemes and-“
“I’m hungry-“
“Not now, Beel!”
“Cutting him up into tiny pieces for the witches will always be an option,” Lucifer chimed in, smiling at the thought.
Mammon snapped his head upwards at that. It was such an abrupt reaction, it made you jolt a little in your seat. You couldn’t miss the tension radiating from him, how quickly his body stiffened and exactly how hard his hands were gripping the edge of the table. His brothers were still paying him no mind, blaming him for this and that under their breath or being silently judgemental in Lucifer’s case. You worried for him because Mammon rarely acted like this; feral, in a way. Just so you know, he definitely noticed it. The look of concern plastered all over your face. That’s the only reason he released the table from his vice-like grip and slouched back against his chair. Satan went quiet and was staring at Mammon in bewilderment.
He disliked the idea of you watching him lose control of himself. He was your guardian. Your first pact. It’s important to him that your relationship is build around a pillar of trust. And he can’t even expect you to trust him if he exposes you to his demon form every time something inconveniences him. Mammon would rather cease to exit than have you fear him. So he kept his breathing regulated as the fog cleared his mind. The Avatar of Greed isn’t an angry demon. Snuffing out the the flame of rage he had fanned up until then was relatively easy. He just needed to get through tonight, then he could go home and complain to you about it once he got out of his brothers’ earshot.
“Why does he get to spend so much time with MC anyway? He’d probably sell them for a few Grimm any time of the day, wouldn’t he? It’s so fucking unfair. He won’t change no matter what so why risk MC’s safety? I will summon Lotan on him if he starts getting on my nerves.”
It would be an understatement to say that those words rubbed Mammon the wrong way, judging by the lack of immediate response. It was unexpected for him keep his mouth shut at a time like this. What was even more unexpected was the abrupt, delayed reaction he had a few seconds afterwards, resulting in his chair being flung back about 5 feet in that general direction. The seemingly deafening thud it made when it collided with the floor echoed around the dining hall, bouncing off walls and whacking people over the heads with the aggression behind it. A moment of pure, indescribably loud silence filled the crowded space as everyone else stared in shock at their brother, mouths agape and eyes bulging out of their sockets. Mammon would’ve laughed at their faces if it weren’t for the circumstances leading up to that point.
“What gives any of you the right to treat me like some sort of punching bag?” Mammon drawled, accentuating his obviously superior nature to almost every single demon at that table. He laughed, in an oddly half hearted way, before his sea struck gaze landed back to his siblings “Do not try to push me into a corner, because I will not handle it well. You’ve been having a field day with me for centuries now and I’m starting to get really ticked off, ya know? But that doesn’t matter. What matters is that I’ve done everything in my power to keep MC alive for the past few months and y’all are acting as if I’m out here playing with their life. Complain about me all you want. But...” He thumped the table, loud enough to make all the noblemen in the room flinch.
“Don’t you dare insinuate that I would ever put MC in danger, willingly or not because I will rip out your insides and paint the walls of this palace with them while hanging your intestines from these chandeliers. I will pluck your hairs out one by one, then your nails, then your eyeballs and then your teeth. You’re the ones that have put MC in danger’s way time and time again in the past few weeks, and you’re out here trying to suggest that I would even think about hurting them? Unlike every single one of you, who almost killed my human-you’re lucky I don’t have your fucking heads.”
He smashed his fist into the table again, using even more of his strength this time and effectively breaking the whole thing, the wooden legs giving out and shattering into thousands of splinters. Mammon spoke again, his voice lowering “MC forgave you. I didn’t. And I have no reason to. Not with how you’ve been treating me.”Once he spit that out, Mammon turned on his heel and left, slamming the door shut behind him hard enough to shake the whole building, leaving his siblings in dazed awe.
Even more silence. For some reason, all of the brothers at the now broken table ended up looking your way, silently questioning what they should do. It often ended up like this
You gave them all an unimpressed stare and a half-assed shrug “Don’t look at me. You guys fucked up.” Before sliding out of your seat and following Mammon out of the castle, sending an apologetic smile to Diavolo on your way out. Hopefully, you could manage to calm him down before everyone else gets home otherwise this might drag on for a while.
-In all honesty, he probably saw the signs from a mile away and still decided to ignore them
-Maybe because he believed they weren’t being all that harsh on him, even if in Mammon’s eyes they were
-‘Harsh’ in Lucifer’s vocabulary usually means being hanged upside down from a ceiling or publicly executed, not a couple of mere insults
-Not to mention the eldest had always been horrible at communicating with his brothers when it came to emotions
-Despite Mammon clearly suffering from the treatment he received from his brothers, Lucifer refuses to believe he’s the root of the problem
-As the Avatar of Pride, he always had a hard time realising that all those words and the constant teasing, which he deemed to be pretty harmless, scarred Mammon a lot more than expected
-Once he actually comes to that conclusion, and after getting over the initial shock, Lucifer would probably feel the guiltiest out of them all
-Being the eldest means he carries quite a few burdens on his shoulders as most responsibilities fall on him due to his prideful nature
-He would blame himself for Mammon’s outburst simply because he’s the older brother and he should’ve known better, not just because he sees how a big of a role he played in all of this
-Usually, if his brothers do something bad, then he’s there to fix it within hours, that’s how it always worked
-Except he doesn’t know how to fix this exactly
-The problem is he has no idea how to approach Mammon after that sudden meltdown and he has no idea how to talk it out with him because he sucks at expressing himself verbally
-And since this took place in a public space, Lord Diavolo’s Palace no less, he felt really conflicted on what should have been done at that moment in time
-There was a lot of frustration, embarrassment and confusion in him for a good five minutes after Mammon slammed that door shut behind him and even after he gathered his thoughts together, he was still in shock for the rest of the night
-In any case, the whole event was promptly cancelled and everyone ended up going home earlier than expected, after Lucifer apologised to Diavolo about the spectacle they created (several times)
-When they finally get home, he decided to give Mammon his space instead of trying to knock at his door and instead went back to his room
-He knows they will need to solve this matter soon but there’s no way Mammon will want to see, let alone talk, to any of them just yet
-He’s sort of hoping he can apologise best he can next morning at breakfast, cross his fingers and wish for the best but judging by the venom that laced Mammon’s voice the night before, it’s not likely he will forgive any of them that easily.
-If I were to guess, he saw the ending credits of his life flash before his very eyes as soon as those words left his mouth
-Levi felt a panic in him like never before, not even while playing his engaging horror visual novels at 3am in complete darkness or that one time he used Lucifer’s credit card to buy merch before being found out
-Must’ve forgotten his brother technically ranks higher than him on the power scale for a second there
-Or maybe he didn’t think his insults were going to affect him much
-They usually don’t
-Or at least that’s the impression he’s been under for a while now
-Mammon doesn’t snap easily under pressure but Levi must’ve really hit a nerve there that night
-While everyone was sitting in a short silence after Mammon left the building, he started twiddling with his fingers again the more he thought about it
-Because now he went from nervous to fucking terrified of what the hell was waiting for him when he finally got home
-He does feel guilty, nowhere near as much guilt as Lucifer feels but still pure shame
-However most of that guilt is swallowed by a steady fear and the constant worry of ‘how do I stop my brother from killing me?’
-Unlike Lucifer, I honestly don’t see him taking any sort of initiative when it comes to apologising to Mammon
-Not even because he doesn’t want to, but he would freeze up if he were to come face to face with him after that incident and then scamper back to his room like a rat in hiding
-So without your help, it’s likely the two won’t be speaking to each very soon which can honestly make life at the House of Lamentation so much more miserable
-In the end, if either you or Lucifer forced him to, he would say sorry by selling some of his merch and then giving him the profits (in secret but we all know it’s him)
-That is a big sacrifice on Levi’s part considering how precious his merchandise is to him
-But the idea that he’s gonna get murdered in his sleep by his older brother was getting a tad too real
-Besides, Mammon is still his brother and if he has to sell a couple of items in order to make him less mad, he would do it, albeit with a bit of grumbling
-Despite that, Mammon still refuses to come out of his room and sort of relies on you to bring him food because he doesn’t want to see his brothers
-Levi and Mammon would probably have to rebuild a lot of their relationship after this but it could easily take months for that to happen since Levi is too terrified to look him in the eye and Mammon is too upset to even hear his voice
-He wouldn’t be the Avatar of Wrath if he couldn’t spot the anger within someone from a mile away
-He’s always been able to recognise the fury building up inside of him so for Satan it’s second nature to just know when someone’s on the brink of snapping
-It’s no surprise to say that he probably noticed Mammon’s wrath spilling out before anyone else did
-But alas, he realised it too late
-If he had reacted quicker, maybe he would’ve been able to diffuse Mammon before he exploded on them. Or not
-It’s difficult to tell if he could’ve actually helped because who was he to tell Mammon to calm down??? If anyone told him that while he was throwing a fit, he would probably break their necks-
-In the end, he just pressed his lips into a straight line and watched his brother throw his chair across the room
-Not gonna lie, he found it a bit entertaining purely because of the look on Lucifer’s face
-Satan had to try really hard not to crack a smile because he knew Mammon would probably smash a glass against his head or something
-Even so, he was the first to stand up and offer to go after him, though he wasn’t sure he could do much consoling
-Being so experienced with anger meant that he knew Mammon had built himself into a rage that he won’t be able to escape out of too easily
-Which is why he advises Lucifer to give Mammon his space once they get home
-Overall, the most understanding out of all of the brothers
-At this point in time, probably the least judgemental out of everyone and once Mammon comes out of his room for the first time in a while, either him or Beel is going to apologise to him first
-He may push and push him alongside the rest of his siblings but I feel like Satan doesn’t want to reach a certain low, like cornering Mammon into the frenzy he had that day ever again
-He might get pissy with him if he’s being too stubborn to forgive anyone after coming down from his intrusive thoughts
-And he really hates that Mammon had to remind them about all the times you had nearly died because of them, because he knows they won’t be able to make it up to you so why is Mammon upset about this????
-But he will try to maintain respect for his older brother from then on
-Even if the sharpest of remarks is on the top of his tongue!
-Asmo is the type to laugh it off and then start feeling really upset about it later on, the longer he thinks about the whole thing
-After Mammon storms out, he just assumes it’s another one of those ‘Mammon’ things and tried to brush the feeling of unease off him
-Even so, later that night the memory of Mammon kept coming back to him while he laid in his bed, unable to have a nice rest for the first time in how long? He’s always been really strict about his sleeping schedules after all
-Asmo’s observant, almost on par with Satan himself when it comes down to it. He definitely saw the gleam of anger, pent up frustration and hatred in his brothers’ eyes that moment and it legitimately scared him, even if it was for just half a second
-Honestly, he begins neglecting himself out of anticipation and worry which is a huge red flag for the Avatar of Lust who always holds himself at such a superior level compared to everyone else
-It may start out slow, but it has the same effect as a snowball rolling down the hill. It becomes more of a problem the longer it’s ignored
-Because he spends most of his days now debating whether he should try to coax his brother into coming out of his room and apologising to him, he forgets about himself
-Skincare routines are missed, pedicure appointments have been cancelled; hell, if Mammon’s keeps being stubborn, he may let his hair become absolutely filthy
-Asmo sort of relies on his brothers to provide the living environment he revolves around. If something is off with his brothers, he can not work properly either because it doesn’t feel right to do so
-Imagine a machine not working anymore because one of the clogs in it got stuck
-I can see Asmo feeling a decent amount of guilt when it comes to the situation but he still blames Levi for completely pushing him over the edge at dinner
-So now those two aren’t talking (it’s honestly so exhausting since they’re shoving the blame onto each other without stop)
-If Mammon decides to come out and hear them out, Asmo might get on his knees and beg because that guilt bubbling up inside of him may end up being his demise
-No seriously, MC might need to keep an eye out on him too while comforting Mammon because whatever he is doing isn’t healthy
-Takes Mammon’s outburst pretty badly and tries apologising to him many times but the second eldest still hasn’t said a word to any of them
-And that’s driving him into a fucking swirl of insanity at this point
-Of course, much like Mammon’s mental breakdown, this builds up over time but the result can be devasting
-If you pass by his room at night, you could probably hear him sob about how his brother hates him and it’s really heartbreaking to hear pained cries like that coming from such an overly confident demon like Asmo
-Literally the only one here that doesn’t dish out insults onto Mammon every hour of the day
-He joins in very rarely and even when he does, it’s usually in good nature rather than malice
-Unless food is involved. Feelings (and Mammon) might be hurt if that’s the case
-Beel wasn’t listening to his siblings as they were diminishing Mammon, he was way too hungry to comprehend what the hell they were on about
-So he just started wolfing down appetisers until he noticed you looking all weary
-That’s the first thing that put him on alert
-And then the second born’s aura was also...off putting
-Might’ve actually tried to nudge Belphie to stop him from saying anything offensive to Mammon in this state when he realised how tense the atmosphere got
-Flinched when his brother left the palace, almost cracking the whole doorway on his way out
-Hunger is all but gone and at this point he wants to go home to check up on him
-Beel is a bit of a softie and he wears his heart on his sleeve a lot of the times
-He never did anything particularly bad to Mammon, not on the same scale his brothers did certainly and yet he still felt extremely bad
-Perhaps because he didn’t step in as much as he should’ve...?
-Either way, when his loved ones suffer, he has a tendency of putting the blame on himself because he feels it’s the only logical answer
-Honestly, he feels guilty enough to the point where it’s affecting his eating habits-which is obviously not normal for the Avatar of Gluttony
-Beel knows Mammon doesn’t want to talk to him but he still brings him food and leaves it at the doorstep of his room since he doesn’t want to come out and have dinner with them
-Or he relies on you to give it to him
-The thought of Mammon being so mad at them that he doesn’t even want to eat makes him feel so vulnerable
-As soon as he sees him for the first time since that night, he will probably be the first to apologise, even if Mammon isn’t in the mood to hear apologies
-Again, he’s trying to use food to make up to him (bringing him his favourites and paying for them)
-Even if he gets ignored, he’s still going to do it
-Beel is trying his best to say sorry to his older brother the only way he knows how to do so, but Mammon still doesn’t give in
-Could’ve been asleep the whole time Mammon was thrashing about
-Or at least that’s what it looked like to the average passer-by
-Kept one eye open to watch as Mammon finally snapped under pressure, having to raise his head once his brother broke the whole god damned table
-“OK, alright, storm off I guess-I have a splinter now-“
-Don’t trust that sarcastic commentary, he’s in deep thought on the inside
-Maybe he should’ve expected this but then again, he never would’ve guessed Mammon had it in him to be so aggressive
-Will narrow his eyes at him when he talks your death and scowl
-As if he didn’t already feel like the world’s biggest piece of shit, he had to bring that up
-As soon as he leaves, he turns to Lucifer and goes “See what you did? You broke Mammon. You suck, Lucifer.”
-The shifting of blame suits Belphie really well (it takes Beel side glancing him to get him to shut up)
-The Avatar of Sloth is too tired to even try to communicate with his brother so he goes straight to bed after getting home
-However, he actually visits Mammon’s dreams that night
-Or at least tries to, if Mammon is getting any sleep after that showdown
-It’s his way of checking in with his brother, helps him evaluate the situation
- Whether that works or not, there was definitely an attempt that required a lot of effort and you don’t see that very often with Belphagour
-It really demonstrates how much he actually cares for his family, even if he hides behind snide remarks and the likes of it
-However, if Mammon refuses communication, then he can’t do anything but give up
-He clearly won’t be able to convince him to step aside for a chit chat and why waste energy trying to force him to do so
-When the time comes, Belphie knows his brother will willingly talk to him (or at least someone else because he knows he’s not any good at comfort or apologies)
-At the same time, a lot of the things Mammon said during that party rubbed him the wrong way and seeing his twin suffer because of it is also pissing him off so patience may be running thin with Belphie
-Like Levi, there may be a lot of ice between the two from then onwards so it won’t be easy for them to find the middle ground in this whole argument either
-It could lead to a strained relationship if no one intervenes or even a physical fight if the youngest pushes all of Mammon’s buttons properly
-The Future King feels guilty too, for some reason
-He is clearly not involved but he’s under the impression his party was a catalyst of sorts to the fight that broke out that night
-Diavolo wasn’t even in the same room when it happened-he heard shouting and growling from next door whilst talking to a noble about future arrangements in DevilDom and rushed in
-The sight was something to behold really; Mammon cornering all of his brothers and threatening them with pure venom in his voice wasn’t something you saw everyday
-More often than not, it was the other way around so the Prince had every right to be concerned
-He tried asking Lucifer what was going on after the second eldest slammed the door shut behind him and left but to no avail; the Avatar of Pride was in a state of shock and the only thing he did was apologise to him about a million times before his departure with the rest of his siblings
-Despite his worry, Diavolo tried not to get involved in the aftermath either, believing it’s not his place to interfere and hoping they would solve it out amongst themselves
-He did give Mammon permission to miss RAD classes for that week, thinking a small break is what he needed most
-Even drops by every now and then to check up on him (he just asks you how he’s holding up because he doesn’t want to pry)
-He can’t do much but watch from the sidelines, I mean this is a family dispute so it would be wise to just give them all a bit of space
-If it drags on for too long, however, he will be forced to do something because the brothers are all distracted and can’t get on with their student council work because of it
-Lucifer is even more stressed than usual and can’t even focus during their meetings so for the sake of his friend, if nothing gets resolved quickly, he will intervene and it won’t be pretty
-For now, he’s counting on you to make sure there are no further incidents but it’s unlikely you can stop a train once it’s set in motion so just hope Mammon doesn’t come out of his room until he’s calmed down
-The butler is a Time Lord so it’s probably no surprise to find out he already knew this was going to happen eventually
-Not like he believed Mammon was going to take his brothers’ insults for much longer anyway
-Being the quiet and observant demon he is, he’s been keeping a close eye on the Avatar of Greed knowing damn well he was going to lose his patience soon enough and go on the offence
-If he knew this was going to happen at such an important moment in time, he would’ve warned his majesty beforehand but he failed to see the potential catastrophe awaiting his breakdown
-Again, he has no right to intervene
-Unless, of course, Lord Diavolo asks him to do so but really the most he can do is give you tips on how to deal with miserable demons
-I mean, you’re the one that’s going to be stuck with them for the rest of the year and this isn’t the type of conflict that gets resolved too easily
-Barbatos is clever so if there is still bitterness between Mammon and his siblings after an amount of time passed, he might try to change timelines (with the permission of Diavolo)
-He’s had enough of Beel coming over to eat his cakes and cry about his older brother hating him (believe it or not, the butler is definitely a bit fond of the sixth eldest so his cries did pull at his heartstrings)
-Basically, in the same position as the Prince
-He relies on you to get them all to make up but he knows it’s not likely to happen any time soon
-For now, he’s getting ready for the chain reaction this fight set in motion because there was no easy way to end this, considering they’re all vicious demons and all
Al~ im mad I couldn’t add Simon, Luke and Solomon-I want to write for them too >:(
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bangchanswolfpelt · 3 years
Kinktober Day 11: When the Wolf Comes Home
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for @d0mgyu 💕; thank you for ruining my life with jealous brother Gyu 😭
cannot believe on my life I'm about to ask for this but I just saw the prompts for day 11 and ngl my brain is going feral at the idea of your brother Beomgyu getting jealous of your fwb/boyf so he just starts masturbating in shared spaces in the house for you to catch him/wearing almost no clothes and eventually after teasing you and building up the tension for a while he just fucks the shit out of you before a date or something. I get mean dom jealous energy from him
brb gonna go cry
cw: dirtbag older brother!Gyu; younger sister!reader; reader has a vulva; no barrier protection used; incest; voyeurism; exhibitionism; masturbation; casual sibling rough housing (throwing things, bruises, etc.); mutual masturbation; vaginal fingering; vaginal sex; rough sex; creampie; photography; Gyu bulldozing past a lot of boundaries, but reader is reluctantly into it
wordcount: 5,592 words
this is late and stupidly long because i tried to write something resembling plot and i'm apparently SO BAD at editing 😭
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Beomgyu knows you have your boyfriend over, but he also knows that you're a 'good girl', the kind of girl who looks down her nose at things she thinks are too messy—so he doesn't pay any mind to the hushed voices drifting from the living room, muffled by the noise of the television. He's just about to step out of the hall when the screen brightens and he catches sight of movement on the couch.
He should move. He should say something rude and ruin whatever mood your idiot boyfriend's clumsily cultivated. He should turn around and walk away. He should do anything but stay and watch as his sister gets fingered on the living room couch, but his feet feel glued to the floor.
You don't even really look like you're enjoying it—Beomgyu recognizes the furrow in your brow from long nights of essay-writing and it makes him want to walk over and smack your boyfriend's hands out of the way, makes him want to pull you in close and take care of you, makes him want to see what your face looks like as you cum—but he doesn't have to wait long to see your hips jerk up violently, your little feet digging into the cushions of the couch as your mouth falls open in a soundless whine.
The walk back down the hall is the longest it's ever been, his ears filled with too much static to even notice how quiet he is or isn't being as he makes his escape. Once he's safely behind his bedroom door, he slides down against it like a puppet with its strings cut, knees weak with the realization that his cock rock hard and throbbing in his shorts.
If Beomgyu takes it in his hand right then and there, if he jerks himself off to the thought of you with your legs spread, eyes scrunched shut and lips parted as your orgasm shudders through your body, if he cums with tears in his eyes as he swallows down his sister's name—
Well. That’s no one’s fucking business but his own.
Beomgyu’s in a shit mood for the rest of the week and refuses to think about why. There’s a restlessness buzzing under his skin, his hands hands itching to throw a punch, but there’s no one worth fighting so he finds a different way to work it out.
He brings home a girl he knows is gonna be nice and loud for him, makes sure to fuck her against the wall he shares with you. He doesn’t know what he wanted from you, but your disdainful little sneer across the breakfast table the next morning isn’t it.
“Keep it down next time, Gyu. Seriously, I have morning classes, and I don’t need to hear that.”
“Are you sure?” He leans back in his chair, legs spread, covering his irritation with a leer. “Maybe you and your little boyfriend could learn something if you did.”
“Ugh. Gross.” You punctuate your disgust with a slam of the fridge door, and Beomgyu almost thinks the conversation is over when you whirl around just at the door. “Even if you can’t be considerate, you should at least care about getting caught. Idiot.”
Beomgyu’s never really paid much attention to what he wears around the house, but he starts leaving his shirt off, just to see what you do. He’s put on muscle since he started working backstage, and frankly, he knows he’s better looking than most of the shitty little boys who hang off you. Leaving his shirt off eventually turns into leaving pants off as well, sprawling out on the couch and loitering in the kitchen in just his boxers.
He doesn’t know what he’s trying to do, really, besides get a reaction out of his prissy little sister. It annoys him, that you act like you’re so above it all, when he knows now that you’re not actually better than him.
(But that’s not true either, because one of you is getting off to the thought of their sibling spread out and fucked open for them, and he’s pretty sure it’s not you.)
The thing is, though, that you know he saw you.
You hadn’t heard the creak of the door opening, too caught up in chasing down fleeting hints of pleasure, but you’d heard footsteps in the hall. Just as you’d been about to push your boyfriend off you, you’d glanced up through shuttered lashes to see your brother already there, standing just outside the room.
The sight of him froze you like a deer in the headlights—draped in shadow, he was little more than a silhouette, taking up most of the entrance—you’re not sure when he got so tall, or so broad. Light from the TV screen caught his eyes for just a moment—narrowed and dark, focused in a way you can’t remember seeing in a long time. His gaze sparked across your skin like static electricity—reminded you of when he used to scoot across the carpet and shock you on purpose, and if you weren’t preoccupied with the pleasure suddenly rocking through your body, you might have laughed.
It was the hardest you’d ever cum in your life.
You don’t think about that.
You try really hard to not think about that, but Beomgyu won’t fucking let you.
The thing is that your brother is stupid and impulsive and you know he hasn’t taken more than half a minute to think this through. The thing is that you know he’s the one who’s going to get in trouble when you get caught.
So here you are, gritting your teeth and turning the volume on your headphones up as you try to ignore the sound of his moans through your shared wall. You have papers to write, projects to finish, and a normal life to live—sticking your hand down your shorts and getting yourself off to the sound of your brother about to cum one room over does not factor into that.
(You do it anyways, but only because his jack-off sessions are absurdly long and there’s only so many ways to pass the time. That’s what you tell yourself as you try to imagine fingers longer than yours, more callused than yours, creeping down the front of your underwear. You just don’t have anything better to do, besides think about the way the muscles in his arms flex when he crosses them across his upsettingly broad chest, the way his boxers hang low on his narrow hips. It doesn’t mean anything if when you finally cum around your fingers, you’re thinking about dark eyes and a mean smile.
You’re not fooling yourself, but that’s not the point.)
The first time Beomgyu left the bathroom door open, it was an accident—but the way you yelled and slammed the door when you walked in on him guaranteed that it was going to be very intentional every time he showered after.
He’d honestly forgotten to lock the door the first time, didn’t even realize the door was creaking open until you were yelling and slamming it behind you. It’s over as soon as he’s realized it happened, but you indignant shouts make him grin; the thought of it happening again has him leaning back against the cool tile of the shower wall, taking his cock in his hand and stroking himself off as he imagines dragging you under the spray with him, your hair plastered down with water and your face flushed with surprise and anger. When he cums, it’s with the image of you on your knees for him, wet clothes clinging to your body as he paints your lips and cheeks white with his release.
The second, maybe even the third time, might be an accident on your part—but by the third time, Gyu’s pretty sure it’s intentional. You should know by now to listen for the shower, and though your yelling is as loud and heated as the first time, you don’t even bother to feign surprise anymore.
He used to be pretty ambivalent about getting off in the shower, but it quickly becomes one of his favorite places—knowing that you could walk in at any moment, that you will walk in knowing that he’s wet and naked, gets him harder than anything ever has in his life. Sometimes just the possibility is enough to get him off, thinking about all the things he could do to you if you walked in, but the best days are when you beat him to it, barging in before he’s even worked himself up for you.
The first couple times, Beomgyu tries to keep it under the radar, biting his lip to hold back his moans, angling himself so that not even his silhouette through the glass would give him away. It’s only a matter of time before he slips up, though, a groan escaping him as you chatter about everything your friends have done to piss each other off. He hopes the quiet clatter of—whatever it is you’re doing at the sink—is enough to cover the sound, but your rambling stutters to a halt, the bathroom suddenly silent save for the rush of water around him.
He waits, chest tight with anticipation, hand gripping his cock almost painfully, for you to start yelling, for you to storm out. The silence stretches on for too long until—you’re picking your rant back up again, charging ahead with all the subtlety of a bulldozer, and he can’t hold back the grin that splits his face, heart stuttering back to life in his chest.
You know what he’s doing. He knows you know what he’s doing, and you’re staying.
It takes no time at all for Beomgyu to cum, the sound of your voice sweet in his hears as he bites his lip hard enough to taste iron. He watches his cum spatter against the shower floor, your words still drifting over the shower door but barely audible over the rush of blood in his ears, lungs burning like he’d just run a mile. It takes just a moment for him to catch his breath, fingers flexing against frosted glass, before he’s tuning back into the conversation like a good older brother.
“I don’t know why you hang out with any of them, they’re all bitches.”
“Is that a new tablet?”
You take a second to sneer up at your brother, before returning promptly to avoiding his gaze as he flops down on the couch, closer than he needs to be, legs spread and arm hooked around the back of the couch.
“Apparently it’s easier for dad to bribe me than to just tell you to close the damn door when you shower.“
“You know, an open door’s an invitation.” You don’t have to look to know the exact expression on his face, the sleaze of his grin so thick you can hear it in his voice.
"Gross.” You shoulder him and it doesn’t budge him so much as a centimeter. You’re still annoyed at how solid he is now—when did that even happen?
“What are you doing?”
“Just coloring in an old sketch of Toto.”
“It looks good.” The arm draped along the back of the couch drops down to pull you closer and you yelp indignantly as the movement causes your pen to jerk haphazardly.
“Don’t—you’re gonna make me mess up—”
The rumble of Beomgyu’s laughter reverberates from his chest, warming you from the inside out, and the elbow you dig into his stomach is half-hearted at best.
You stay like that, focused stubbornly on practicing your shading and not on the way he nuzzles the top of your head, breathing in the scent of your hair with deep, steady inhalations. You could get up and leave, but you were here first—at least, that’s what you tell yourself as you relax into the warmth of his arms.
It’s only a matter of time before Beomgyu decides that, if you’re going to keep coming in while he’s showering, it must be fine if he does the same.
The first time he interrupts your shower, you throw a bottle of conditioner hard enough that he’s sporting a bruise across his shoulder blade for over a week—you know because he’s still refusing to wear shirts around the house. It’s almost normal, though, how casually shitty he is about it; barging in to do mundane things like brush his teeth or ask you what kind of dumplings you want for dinner. It’s so close to normal that you almost settle into a sort of complacency, only jumping a little when the door swings open—then nearly jumping out of your skin as the shower door slides open and Gyu reaches in.
“What are you doing?” you squawk, torn between scrambling against the far wall of the shower and grabbing his arm and twisting.
“I left my razor in here, I just need to grab it.” He’s laughing as he fumbles along the shower caddy, and if you didn’t think you’d take the whole precarious set-up down, you’d throw your conditioner at him again.
“Get out! You don’t need your razor that bad!” Your voice bounces off the shower walls, so shrill it hurts your own ears, but it just makes him laugh harder.
“I don’t know why you’re freaking out,” Beomgyu taunts, long fingers finally wrapping around his razor handle. “You know it’s nothing I haven’t seen before!”
Your brother’s parting words earn him another bottle flung past the shower door, but he blocks it with a well-timed swing of the door, and you’re left with your heart racing as the water goes cold around you.
Some nights, you just hear Beomgyu practicing in his room, the meandering strains of his guitar drifting through the wall to underscore the click-clack of your keyboard as you work. There’s something comforting about it; you’ve both always been night owls.
Nights like these, you almost feel normal.
“I heard you last night.”
You don’t have to turn around to know there’s a smirk curling your brother’s lips as he pens you in against the counter, hooks his fingers in your belt loops to tug at them with a soft chuckle.
His name had slipped the night before, when you’d had three fingers buried in your cunt, soaking the sheets beneath you and still desperate for more. You’d spent the rest of the night with your face buried miserably in your pillow, hoping desperately that he hadn’t heard. So much for that.
“C'mon, let’s play mommy and daddy.” The words send a shiver up your spine, and his laugh in your ear is low, dirty and mean—Beomgyu’s pressed too close to miss the reaction he got out of you, so close you can feel him against the small of your back, hot and hard through the thin cotton of his boxers.
Then the slam of a car door echoes from outside—your dad is home and your pulse skyrockets. You’re twisting in his arms without thinking, shoving at chest as if you had any chance at all of moving him.
“Get—go—get out—go to your fuckin’ room,” you hiss furiously. “If dad sees you—”
“Alright, alright, I’m going.” His tone is light, but you don’t miss the way his footsteps quicken as he moves out of sight.
It’s only moments after that the door is swinging open, your dad calling out, and it’s time for you to flip on your best impression of a normal, sane daughter. Even from the other room, though, Beomgyu just can’t leave you be. Your phone buzzes and you have to resist the urge to slam it on the counter, screen-side down, when you see your latest message.
cum up :))
When he opens the door for you, he’s wearing nothing but a lazy grin; you barely take him in before you’re glancing down the hall with not a little bit of panic. Before you can back out, though, long fingers are wrapping around your wrist, tugging you into a room you haven’t been inside in—god, it feels like years. There’s no time to compare it to your memory before Beomgyu’s pushing you onto the bed and clambering on with you.
He brackets your thighs with his own, sitting back on his heels so he can look down on you. You’ve seen so much of him already—too much of him—but the sight of his tented boxers doesn’t compare to the reality of his naked cock jutting from his narrow hips.
You aren’t prepared for the size of it, thick and heavy between his slim thighs, for the way it twitches and bobs under your gaze. You aren’t prepared for the way you want to wrap your hand around it to see if it even fits all the way around, for the way you want to run your tongue along the veins, suck the narrow, ruddy head of it into your mouth. You definitely aren’t prepared for the rush of heat between your legs when he wraps a hand around the base, for the way your can feel your core pulsing with want as he gives himself one slow, lazy stroke.
“Why are you doing any of this?”
“Why are you letting me?” You’re not sure if the fact that you don’t have an answer for him is more infuriating than it is embarrassing.
Beomgyu doesn’t kiss you. You’re grateful (you think)—your heart is already trying to beat its way out of your ribcage, and if he—you’re sure you’d implode.
His hands cup your face, squishing your cheeks into a pout that you try to squirm out of, before they’re sliding down—one hand curling around your jaw, his thumb brushing feather-light across your lips, while the other rests tenderly over your throat. You swallow, and his eyes go dark as the muscles and tendons of your throat shift under his palm. He tightens his grip just a little, taking in the way your breath catches and your hips jerk beneath him with delighted fascination.
The hand over your throat squeezes just a little more, for just a moment, then it’s ghosting down to span your collarbones, skating around to skim along your side. His hands find your hips and his touch gets firmer, thumbs digging into the plush of your thighs, too close and not close enough to where you want him most. Your breath catches as they tease along the inside of your thighs, move back up to rub circles over your hips, his touch warm through the thin material of your pajamas.
You want to cover your face, hide away as you feel yourself get wetter, warmer under his touch, but you’ve never been able to back down, especially not to Gyu. He holds your gaze challengingly, reaching up just under the hem of your shirt to snap at your waistband, laughing your startled gasp is followed by an indignant huff.
“So cute…” The low rumble of his voice has your stomach flipping even as you want to pull his hair like a brat.
Blunt nails sneak up your shirt, raking lightly up your sides, and your thighs clench involuntarily at the sensation. When he stops at the band of your bra, you shiver, suddenly painfully aware of the precipice he’s dragged you both to. There are a million reasons not to do what you’re doing right now, but pinned down by his dark, focused gaze, you can’t seem to think of a single one of them.
With his hands still up your shirt, calloused fingers tapping along your sides as though he’s counting your ribs, he leans forward with consideration in his gaze. The shift brings his cock down to rest against the apex of your thighs, and if you just rolled your hips up—
Beomgyu laughs as your hips jerk up under him, held down by the immovable weight of his body, and suddenly his nails are raking back down your sides harshly as he sits upright again.
“Gyu—fuck, Gyu, please—” Your voice is choked and whiny, hands knotted in the sheets beside you.
“’Please’ what?” He’s impossibly smug as he reaches up to pinch your cheek, laughing when you only look up at him sulkily. “If you aren’t gonna tell me what you want, I can’t help you.”
Your panties are sticky against your skin, the wet slide of them as you press your thighs together burning you up with shame so hot, you feel it warming your cheeks and stinging behind your eyes. Slowly, gently, he uncurls your fingers from his sheets, lifts your hand to his mouth and presses a gentle kiss to your palm, then sets your hand down firmly over your core.
You don’t even slide your hand into your pants, just start grinding your palm down against your throbbing clit, tears spilling over your cheeks as you feel your arousal soak through the flimsy cotton of your pajamas, your pussy clenching down pathetically around nothing. The sight of long fingers wrapped around the heft of his cock, the sound of rough strokes, wet with precum, filling your ears even when you squeeze your eyes shut—it makes you ache for him. You want him so badly, want him inside of you, but the words stop up at your throat, only soft, choked sobs escaping your mouth.
Gyu curls over you, wiping away your tears with the rough pad of his thumb, and you’re hit with a sudden flash of memory—being six and crying over a scraped knee, Gyu bending over you to kiss your bloodied skin and catch the tears from your eyes with grimy fingers. It’s such a perverse mirror—what you two are, what you should be—you can’t explain why your body chooses then to reach its peak, chest heaving and feet digging into his rumpled sheets as every nerve in your body sparks like a livewire.
The sight of your little hand moving between your legs, hearing the proof of you staining your adorably patterned pajamas, already had him right on the edge—finally seeing you cum again, for him this time, drags him over with you. He pushes your shirt up just enough to expose your belly, watches as his cum spatters against your soft skin, pools in your bellybutton and drips down your sides.
Your eyes are wide and glassy as he grabs one of his own shirts to clean you up, but you giggle when he dips into your bellybutton, legs kicking out weakly as his fingertips skate up your sides playfully. Neither of you says anything as he heaves himself off of you, collapsing back down on his bed as you sit up and stretch, and it’s a strange, tentative sort of peace.
When you get up to go, Beomgyu snatches up your hand, and for a moment you think he’s going to ask you to stay—but he just lifts your fingers to his mouth with a leering grin.
“Don’t be gross,” you snap, snatching your hand away.
“Can I at least have your panties?”
“Fuck off.”
(When he goes into the bathroom later, your underwear is folded neatly on the counter, still damp with your cum.)
You’re annoyed before you even open your door—your dad is at work, so you already know it’s Beomgyu, and you’re too frazzled to want to deal with whatever he has in store for you.
What he has in store for you is—not what you expected. There’s a tray in his hands with plate of gimbap and a two cartons of strawberry milk. He’s even wearing pants.
“You haven’t eaten anything in at least eight hours. Here.” The tray is in your hands and Gyu’s bolting down the hall before you can say anything. The gimbap’s halfway to falling apart, but it tastes exactly the way your mom made it when you were a kid. If you cry a little, curled up at your desk with the taste of strawberries on your tongue, no one can prove that.
Gyu’s loitering in the kitchen when you bring the plate out, trying to look as busy as a person can when they’re watching water boil for cup ramen.
“You’re doing fine, y’know.” His voice is gruff as he says it, pointedly avoiding your gaze, but the verbal acknowledgment of the fact that you might be anything but perfect still has you bristling.
“‘Fine’ isn’t good enough,” you snap, dropping your dish into the sink with a clatter. You’re ready to get into it right then and there, in the middle of the kitchen, in front of his cup ramen.
You’re not ready for big, strong arms wrapping around you, for a broad chest warm against your back as a sharp chin coming down on the crown of your head with a rude thump.
“Who cares about ‘good enough’? You know we’re gonna love you no matter what.”
If you cry in the kitchen a little, well. Your big brother’s an idiot, but he’s always been pretty good at keeping a secret, when it counts.
The house is too quiet; with Beomgyu out for the night, the silence echoes in your ears more oppressively than any off-key guitar practice. That’s the only reason you’re awake to hear your bedroom door slowly creak open.
You smell the beer on him before the weight of his body thumps down on your bed, rocking you into him as his arms settle around you. You freeze up in disbelief—is this how it’s going to happen?
But he just curls around you, knees coming in to tuck behind yours, the comforter still tucked around your form as he sniffles in your hair.
You wake up to sunlight streaming through your blinds and an empty bed. When you finally shuffle into the kitchen, your brother’s in his boxers, making toast with bleary eyes and tousled hair, and it’s like nothing ever happened.
Nothing did happen, you guess.
At some point, you let yourself actually think about things, and everything comes together to make a horrible kind of sense. The way you’ve never liked any of his girlfriends. The way he’d fistfight any guy who looked at you twice. The way you don’t wear any perfume but the one he bought your for your graduation. The way he keeps jerking off in the living room.
That’s when you call your boyfriend.
You can’t keep doing this.
It’s like the volume of your emotions has been turned down. You pick out your nicest outfit, and it feels like choosing what to wear for a job interview. Gyu comes by as you’re doing your makeup, pauses to loiter in the door as you brush your mascara on.
“What are you doing?” There’s nothing mocking or demanding about his tone, just curiosity, and it makes something funny tighten in your chest.
“I’m going out.”
“Going out where?”
“It’s none of your business.” There’s no heat in the way you snap, eyes focused steadily on your own reflection, and you think that might be the end of it—until your phone starts buzzing its way across the counter and he snatches it up, brows raising when he sees who’s calling.
You don’t have a chance to answer before Beomgy snatches up your wrist in a bruising grip and drags you to his room, door slamming shut as he pins you against it. His grip on your shoulders is hard enough to feel in your sockets, his mouth tight with fury, and you realize—this is the angriest you’ve seen him since—
"I’m right here. I’m. Right. Here.”
You reach up to tangle a hand in his hair, a curl of satisfaction winding its way through your veins as his eyes widen, before you drag his mouth down to yours.
It’s the worst kiss you’ve ever had. It’s the best kiss you’ve ever had.
Teeth clash against yours, the growl rising in his throat trapped by your mouth as you nip his lower lips sharply, his tongue exploring every corner of your mouth with a rude intensity. His hands are all over you, trying to be everywhere at once—jerking your clothing out of the way without bothering with buttons or zippers, and the rending of fabric just makes you both more frantic.
You’re still trying to work his infuriatingly tight pants down his hips—you can’t believe Gyu chose today of all days to wear clothes—when your underwear drops to the floor in shreds, his fingers sliding through the arousal already collecting along your folds. When his callused thumb circles your clit, you gasp and arch into the touch, yanking at his belt pathetically.
“How’s that feel, baby? Is it good? Is it better than the way your little boyfriend plays with you?” His breath is hot in your ear as he teases your entrance with a single finger, laughing as he can feel your muscles clenching down, trying to pull him in.
“Good—it’s good, so good,” you gasp out, rolling your hips forward to try and urge him further in.
“Hmmm, is it better, though?”
“Better, so much better, please Gyu, please.” You’re babbling, you don’t even care how dumb you sound for him, not when the prospect of him finally being inside of you is so close.
When he finally sinks into you, two long, calloused fingers that slide in like they were meant to be inside you, it’s like the last perfect slide of a rubiks cube. Your head thunks back against his door, your body shuddering under him as an animal whine claws it’s way out of you. He adds a third finger and your pussy swallows it up greedily, his thrusts growing rougher as he curls his fingers inside of you, tapping directly onto your clit mercilessly.
You’re sososoclose, your orgasm rushing up onto you like the drop of a waterfall, until Beomgyu yanks it out from under you, fingers sliding out of you just as you’re ready to tip over the edge. The sudden, painful emptiness rips a wail out of you, your nails scrabbling along his hips and leaving trails of red along his skin. Your kitten-claw desperation has him huffing with laughter, hoisting you up against the door to wrap your legs around his waist, pulling his cock out to press against your swollen lips.
“C’mon, baby, tell me what you need.”
“Need you, Gyu, need you so bad,” you plead, hands gripping his shoulders as you try to grind up against him, try to get even the slightest big of friction against your neglected clit.
“You’ve got me, baby, what’s wrong?” He’s breathless, but still so meanly smug as he keeps your hips pinned in place, stroking your hair from your eyes tenderly even as laughs at your neediness. “C’mon, my baby sister just needs to tell me what she needs and I’ll take care of her.”
“I need your cock, please—” You’ve barely got the admission out before he’s pushing into you, impaling you on his unforgiving length. The deeper he goes, the more you seem to stretch around him, the ache of emptiness replaces with the gentle burn of being stuffed just beyond what you can take. He pulls out carefully, the drag of his curved head along your walls lighting you up with pleasure, watching you carefully as he presses back in to the hilt with one slow, steady thrust.
Your heels dig into the small of his back, hips arching up to meet his, and it’s all it takes for the last of his fraying self-control to snap—one hand twisting in your hair, tugging your head back to bare your throat to him, while the other cups the curve of your ass and squeezes. The sting of your scalp is the only warning you get before he’s driving into you furiously, burying his face in your neck as his hips work with hard, desperate thrusts.
You tangle your own hands in his hair, less in retaliation and more to have something to cling to, the strands silky and dry as you twist your fingers into it. A sharp, unconscious tug has his teeth digging into you, pain blossoming bright and hot at the tender base of your neck. You pull again, deliberate and delighted when you feel his teeth catch on your skin again, followed by lips and tongue moving over the abused skin tenderly.
The sweetly cruel contrast of pleasure thrumming through your care and pain lighting up along your skin is the last thing you need for you body to let go, muscles tightening around him as your release claws its way out of you, dragging him down with you. You’re so wet and hot around him, you barely feel his cum filling you up as he empties into you with jerky, uneven pumps.
Beomgyu cradles your limp frame in his arms, resting you against his broad chest as you catch your breath, only to carry you to his bed and dump you unceremoniously onto the mess of his bedding. You’re too sore and satisfied to be annoyed, rolling over to smile up at him dopily. When you look up, he’s turning back with his camera in hand, pushing you back down against his comforter with a gentle hand and a sharp smile.
You’re too far gone to object, to even want to object, as he snaps picture after picture of you half-naked and wrecked for him, eyes glassy and cum dripping from your puffy hole. With every soft ‘click’ of the shutter, sparks shiver up your spine.
There’s no going back after this.
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clouds-rambles · 3 years
Hi!! Can I request for a platonic hc or one-shot for bennette and razor where the reader encountered a (big) slime and the bois helped them and the reader felt thankful for them and started to look out for them basically giving out older sibling vibes to the bois!!! For example, giving them supplies before the bois to an adventure together, patching their wounds if they are injured, giving them charms for protection or luck, etc. In short, just wholesome moments!!!
Have a nice day!!!
Cute, cute, cute, cute. Fuckin soft for sibling content. As an older sibling seeing my younger ones thrive is just the life I love them very much :)
So sorry turning this into headcanons because I’ve too many thoughts 
Pairings; (Platonic) Bennett, Razor x reader
Keep reading under the cut!
You curse under your breath. Maybe coming out to befriend the slimes was a bad idea. I mean you had heard that people had started slime farms and you really just wanted to see if it was possible to domesticate them.
Maybe you shouldn’t have gone for the biggest most feral slimes, because they had immediately say you as a threat and started attacking you and all you could do is send waves of the element of your vision at them because you left your weapon. Maybe you shouldn’t have been so sure this would have worked.
The real kicker of this whole ordeal? The slimes are the same element as your vision. So really all that the waves of elemental energy you sent at them did was push them back for a moment before they pushes back at you again. Homophobic.
Besides the point.
Out of the corner of your eye as you so desperately try to keep the slimes from smothering you you notice two guys who are running towards you.
The one on the right, which you note has a pyro vision, trips and falls as he makes his way towards you. The one on the left pays little to no mind to his fallen friend and he uses his electro vision to take down the slimes in a swift hit/
“Hmm,, okay?” the electro holder asks, you wipe the slime condensate off your body as he gives you a hand up. You nod at him
“Yeah thanks, is your friend okay?” you ask looking to the fallen pyro holder. Said man raises his hand for a moment to indicate he’s okay
“Happens,, often” the other tells you “Razor” he then tells you after a pause pointing to himself “Bennett” he adds pointing to the other who’s starting to get up
“Oh I’m [name]” you introduce and wave a little awkwardly.
And that’s where it started. You had basically adopted the two as your younger brothers, your door is always open to them. So much so that you gave Razor a key (you would have given Bennett one but he insisted that his horrific bad luck would cause him to lose it)
The two come over often, be it for little patches for injuries or for dinner. Razor and Bennett are always a whirlwind, and honestly they both make your day. Razor will take you along with him and Bennett for little adventures around Wolvendom, and even introduces you into his pack. You got a positive welcome for sure but the idea of being suddenly mauled by wolves made you tense for most of the exchange.
Bennett introduces you to his Dads who are more than happy to take you under their wings and help you out as much as they can. They’re cute seasoned adventurers and it makes you so happy to mingle with them.
Bingo night is intense.
Razor doesn’t often show affection often, partly to do with an aversion but mainly to do with not really understanding how it works. So instead of hugging Razor will just cup your face, he’ll happily take hugs from you though. He’s just not sure how to initiate them. When Razor is held between your arms he often finds his worrys about his place in his pack and Mondstat flutter away. He’s definitely cried in your arms once or twice. But you won’t mention it unless he wants to. Razor is grateful for that.
Bennett loves affection, he’ll often just run up to you and hug you in the middle of the street. He likes the comfort of your embrace. It makes him forget his unluckiness and lets him just have the moment of peace. You don’t want Bennett to feel unlucky around you so most of the time you oblige to his requests which are never more dangerous than going to bother Razor, his friend Fishl or going to do some shopping 
It doesn’t matter how steely your personality is the second Razor and Bennett are in the room you soften up for your boys. They’re just sweet lil guys that you’d positively do anything for
The first time Razor refers to you as his sibling almost makes you cry, you’re not sure why. You had unofficially adopted the boys and now here Razor is calling you his sibling, just like you have done for months. 
The first time Bennett calls you his sibling is very similar. Your eyes tear up for a moment at the thought of your boys seeing you how you see them
Sometimes the three of you will go out for a few days exploring the wilds and the nights are often spent huddled about the campfire while you tell them tales of old and random things you’ve done until they nod off
Even though the boys are independent for the most part and have actual families to go home to they often refer to you and your home as home and boy does it make you weep
Who would have thought being saved by two random guys would have lead to such a lovely sibling relationship?
Me I did
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