#when Luca gets to dress him up ofc
skypied · 2 years
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Historically accurate Albertocore. I will not be taking questions at this time.
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lighthouseas · 1 year
dustin moves to hawkins in 4th grade and him and mike bond at recess like, immediately. ofc he's close with the whole core four - not just mike - but here's the thing. mike wheeler is the type of kid to get his hands dirty and look for worms and bugs and toads at recess. will Does Not Like That because he doesn't like touching "slimy little creatures". lucas is okay with it. DUSTIN, however.
dustin is different.
when mike finds a hop toad in the field at recess the first day dustin is at school, dustin scurries over and explains - in detail - the species of toad, its mating habits, where it lives, and the "proper" way to catch more. and mike is absolutely GOBSMACKED. BAMBOOZLED. and, before he knows it, every recess him and dustin are digging for little creatures and naming them and going to the library to read books on them while will and lucas watch like. What Are These Children Doing. mike and dustin have an absolute BLAST but are soon forbidden from "creature catching" at recess after they find a toad, bring it into the classroom, and accidentally let it loose where it nearly climbs up their teacher's dress and causes her to scream so loud that the entire hallway thinks there's been a murder (both mike and dustin get a very stern call home after that. will and lucas are like. we told you so.) even so, they still like hunting for little creatures after that, and as a result now have an encyclopedia's worth of knowledge on obscure species of salamanders, newts, toads, etc.
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eliibang · 1 year
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SUMMARY. you’ve been friends with hannah since forever, meaning that you would spend some time at her house and her at yours. your parents weren’t home so you decided to have a sleepover at the bang’s house but you got sick and couldn’t go with them to a family party. you decide to chill out and ended up in chan’s room, falling asleep as you were remembering some memories. but he came home unexpectedly…
PAIRING. fem!reader x bang chan. (i’m sorry i just love him sm)
LENGHT. 5 180 words, 26 950 characters. read til the end, it’s worth
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WARNINGS. minor dni, 18+ only — smut, detailed smut, heated making out, fingering, jerking off, positions, unprotected sex stay safe out there, praises, strangulation (light and safe, be careful if you do it !!)
TAGS. @eunwhore , @sunboki , @spookysins , comment or dm if you want to be in my tag list !
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you’ve been friends with hannah from as far as you can remember. she has always been part of your life, which means that chris was, too. you always encouraged them to live their dreams and that clearly helped chris to where he is now. i mean, that’s what he is saying.
you were spending the week at hannah’s house, you were like a daughter to them and since your parents were abroad and you didn’t wanted to go with them, you stayed at her house. on saturday evening, they decided to go to a family’s party but you felt sick since the previous day.
“are you okay by staying by yourself, y/n ?” her mother asked, worried. “i am, don’t mind me. i just need some sleep, i’ll get better tomorrow for our thing.” you answered, smiling a little bit. “do you want me to stay with you ?” hannah questioned you, but you shook your head. “negative, it’s your cousins, you should go. i’ll be okay, you don’t have to worry that much.” she hugged you furtively. “okay, but call me if you need something sweetheart.” her mother said before planting a kiss on your forehead, something she always did since you were a child.
usually, when you felt sick during your time at hannah’s house, you would’ve go back home but, to be honest, you didn’t felt like it. you knew that they would come back late, but it was enough for you to feel safe in this house, rather than in yours. you laid down on the couch, trying to sleep a little, but you couldn’t so you decided to go back in hannah’s room, the one you were sleeping in during your little vacations.
you decided to take her computer to watch a movie but it had low batterie, so you went to chan’s room, hoping there will be a charger left in there. you entered his room, it was closed and cold. you went straight to his desk, not wanting to invade his privacy for too long but some pictures on the wall made you stay and stare at them. it was pictures of him when he was a child, alone, with his siblings and with his family. some pictures of berry, who, by the way, stayed on the couch after you left. and there was that one picture of the three you : hannah, chris and you.
it was during high school, chris was about to debut and spent all his time in south korea while you were here, kinda sad because he always promised he would be your date prom and prom was soon but he had to work hard. you knew it wasn’t his fault if he couldn’t come back home, he was working so hard to be able to reach his dream and he was close to it. but you couldn’t help yourself wishing he was here, with you.
you did some shopping with hannah and lucas, he was young and always sighting when he saw you two almost running towards things he thought was stupid. “it’s a girl thing.” you always said, and he was frowning. when you found THE dress, you were sure he would regret not being here. not in a mean way ofc.
you waited for him all night, not having much fun, hoping he would come at any moment. entering one of these doors by surprise, in a beautiful black suit and his curly blond hair. but he didn’t. or maybe he did, actually. he called you. yep, he did. it was at the end of the night, you were sitting on a chair next to the round table you were assigned to.
“hi y/n.” “hi chan” you said sadly but with a smile. since few weeks ago, you started to tease him by calling him by his stage name. it was kinda funny to you, because he would forever be chris to you, but chan to the others. in fact, he is still the same person inside, he hasn’t changed at all.
“i’m sorry i can’t be here.” “i know, it’s okay.” you heard loud noises in the background, frowning your eyebrows. “it’s just the kids.” he said when he saw the face you made. the kids, it was the name he gave to his members because he was the leader. you couldn’t help but smile at this thought, being so proud of him and what he achieved.
“how is the night going ?” he still asked carefully. “it’s not that bad. music is great and hannah is having fun.” “and you ?” you nod, lying. i wish you were here, you wanted to tell him but didn’t. “how’s the practice going ?” you asked in return. “it’s not that bad. he smiled. music is great and the kids are having fun.” you laughed, wanting so bad to hit his arm. “well, maybe they are not having fun but it’s still not that bad.”
hannah saw you from afar, sitting all alone, smiling at your phone. she decided to come up at you, checking up. “what’s up girl ?” she say next to you, tilting her head near you to watch your phone. “hey, brother !” she said with a huge smile on your face and you couldn’t help but smile too, seeing her happy just made you happy.
“wait, why are you calling her and not me ? it’s my prom night too !” she started to fight with her brother, who was trying hard to find arguments, while you were laughing at them, like you never laughed before. “okay girls, i got to go but i’ll call you later, bye !” and he hanged up, just like that. the call was fast and you couldn’t even show him your dress. you took pictures with hannah before the prom night started, but you wanted him to see it live. or kind of.
you were wearing that red dress you saw at the shop when you went with hannah and lucas, and she was wearing a light purple dress, she clearly looked like a princess. you envied her for a moment, but to be honest, some boys watched you too. let’s admit it, you looked gorgeous.
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later that night, when you got home with hannah, you felt exhausted. you didn’t dance that much but your ankles were hurting due the fact that you’re not used of wearing heels. you only wear them occasionally, like today. which means two times a year : for your birthday and christmas. she’s so me lmao
so you went straight up to hannah’s room because it was where all your stuffs was. your parents were working late, as always, so you and hannah planned to get dressed together. in fact, you went first in the bathroom, in front of her bedroom, to check yourself on the mirror, taking off the ribbon in your hair, causing them to lay on your back. you brushed your hair and was about to took off the makeup when you remembered that you put it on hannah’s room after messing up your eyeliner. twice.
you opened the door, and he was there. no, i’m joking. you looked after the makeup remover, not finding it. “hannah !” you shouted her name, but she didn’t answer. you heard the television downstairs, she was probably watching something with her parents and her little brother and that’s why she didn’t hear you. you shouted her name again but, again, no response.
you were really tired and all you wanted was to go to bed and take off these stupid heels that was hurting your feets. so you did took them off, keeping them in your right hand while you were walking down the stairs. finally, hannah appeared in front of you when you were at the end of the stairs. “hannah, i called you twice.” “sorry, i didn’t heard.” “what were you doing ?” you raised an eyebrow, curious about what she could’ve done for her to not hear you.
“nothing !” she said fast, smiling widely. you looked at her, knowing she was lying to you. “okay.” she murmured. “my parents were preparing something in the backyard for you. they put lights every where, they probably want you to take photos and remember this day.” “you told them, don’t you ?” she nodded. “i admit it, i really wanted you to have fun, i’m sorry that chris wasn’t here but… you could’ve had fun with me instead…”
she said that with a low voice, a bit of sadness was perceptible. you opened your eyes wide as you realized : you left your best friend aside just because her brother made a promise he couldn’t keep. “oh my god, i’m so sorry hannah, i didn’t mean to hurt you !” you said while hugging her. “it’s just that promises are important to me, you know ? he is like a brother to me too and he always took care of me i-” she left out a giggle, taking your face in her hands. “i know y/n, i am not trying to blame you for anything. i had fun, i just wish you had fun too.”
you nodded quickly. “okay, let’s have some fun !” you say on the stairway, putting back your heels on. “let’s go outside, put on some music and take amazing pictures !” she smiled and clapped. “yayyy !! go first, i need to go to the bathroom for a minute. parents are outside.”
she puts a kiss on your cheek before getting away from you a little so you could go to the backyard. you walked through the outside windows, calling her mother’s name. and that’s when you saw him. this time it’s real. he was standing there, in the middle of the backyards, hundred lights attached to the few trees, looking so good in his black suit and red ribbon. “hi y/n” he said, showing his dimples as he was smiling at you. “chan…” you whispered before running straight into his arms.
“how come you’re here ?” “i told you i’d be here for prom.” “but… you were… you were in south korea and… you called me earlier…” you tried to think straight, but it was just useless. you were just a mess around him. of course, you always said he was like a big brother to you and, at first, it was true. until you started to realize your true feelings for him. but you were only hannah’s friend to him.
that night, you guys danced a slow in the middle of the backyard before the kids joined you to mess a little. it became one of the greatest time of your life, their mother took a lot of pictures, including this one you were looking at before falling asleep on his bed, holding it against your heart. you woke up at the sound of something falling on the ground.
“sorry y/n, i didn’t meant to wake you up.” you shook your head, sitting on the bed. “no, it’s okay. i’m sure you didn’t mean it, chris.” you were dozing off but suddenly, you opened your eyes wide. “chris ?!” you said louder, like you were just realizing who was standing in front of you. you got out off the bed to hug him, almost falling in the way. “what are you doing here ?” you looked at the timer on his desk. “and this late ?”
“i was supposed to surprise my family by coming earlier for the party, but my flight got delayed.” “oh, that’s too bad. but they will be happy to see you when they’ll come home.” you said, smiling and not letting him go off your arms, but he didn’t mind at all. “i don’t know when they’re going to come back home tho.” you pout. it was already 8pm, you’ve been napping for two hours already and you were looking a little bit messy. you started to put your hand in your hair, as if you were brushing them, the picture still in the other hand.
chris took your hand, looking at the picture, he smiled. “i like this one.” on the picture, you were standing next to each other, you in the middle of chris and hannah. you were smiling big looking straight at the camera while hannah was doing one of her fancy pose, chris looking fondly at both of you. it’s a really good picture. “yeah, i like too.”
“and you ?” he asked abruptly. “what about me ?” “are you happy to see me ?” “of course chris, always.” “not in a brotherly way, y/n. you know what i mean” you gulped, is he aware of your feelings ? why would he asks you that if not ? “of course i’m happy to see you, i told you.” “y/n” he said in a whisper, approaching his head to yours so he could put his forehead on yours.
“don’t do this to me.” he closed his eyes, you weren’t table to look at him, closing your eyes too, biting your lower lip. “doing what, chris ?” he breathed heavily, as if talking was taking all his strength and energy. “doing this, acting like you don’t know what i’m talking about.” “chris…” it was your time to whisper, your words barely audible. he finally got his head away from yours, looking directly into your eyes as you opened yours to look at him. “you don’t know what you’re doing to me y/n, i had a really hard moment trying my best to hide my feelings for you but… i can’t anymore.”
“why so ?” you asked. “why can’t you pretend anymore, what changed between us for you to realize it was time to tell me ?” you were really curious, was it a bad thing for your relationship to have changed ? because, if that thing has changed, maybe many mores have changed too. he took your hands and lead you to his bed where you both sit, face to face.
“everytime i was coming back home, i was seeing you so pretty, growing up, without me. you were looking more and more like a woman and… it was killing me to think that maybe someone else would have you because i wasn’t here. i was really hoping that you were waiting for me at some point. i know that, at the beginning, i was only seeing you as hannah’s best friend and then like a little sister. he paused. well, not really, i should say just her friends whom i had to take care of. you were never like a sister to me, to be honest.” honesty hurts, fuck.
you were looking down at yours hands, taking yours away from his, but he took it back. “y/n, i’m not saying this to hurt you.” “but that’s what you’re doing.” “y/n, i’m saying that i love you. from as far as i can remember, i always had a thing for you, and that’s why you could never be a little sister me, but…” he paused again, licking his lips before locking his gaze into your eyes. “when i entered the room and i saw you here, sleeping so peacefully on MY bed, holding this precious picture onto your chest… my heart skipped a few beats and i knew i couldn’t handle this anymore. y/n, i need you in my life, but not in a brotherly way. i want you, i want all of you.”
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you blinked as you were assimilating what he was saying. he wanted you, like you want him. and it lasted for years. your eyes were locked into each other’s, feeling like the time has stopped. he finally leans, approaching his face to yours while his hand went up to rest on your neck, near your chin. his eyes were asking for permission and you closed yours to give it to him.
his lips finally crashed on yours for a sweet kiss, while his thumb was caressing your cheek and you were holding hard on his shirt. you’ve waited this moment to come for years, you truly never thought it would come, even tho you dreamed about it. talking about that, this moment was way better than you ever imagined, and it was about to get interesting.
the kiss intensified, his tongue finding a way to dance with yours, his hands getting down on your hips while yours made their way up to his neck and his hair, grabbing them as you were getting on your knees. it was way more heated than you thought it could be, for a first kiss.
you both finally broke the kiss, breathing hardly as you were looking at each other with desire. your lips were swollen and you couldn’t help yourself but bitting your lower lip, as if it wasn’t even real, while he was licking his, ready for the next round of heated kisses. you’re the first to lean this time, already missing this feeling.
this time, he took the control, laying you on the bed as he climbed over you, not breaking the kiss even once; his hands caressing your hips. you parted your legs so he could be more comfortable between them, but it wasn’t. at least, he wasn’t comfortable. especially in his pants.
he left your lips to place kisses on your neck, bitting it at some parts. “chris…” you murmurs as your hand gripped a strand of his hair a little bit to hard that he groaned. he got back at your lips, his hands finding their way to grab yours in his, putting them above your head. instinctively, your wrapped your legs around his waist, causing him to be the closest possible of you, especially down the belt.
this movement caused him to groan in your mouth, stopping the kiss as he rests his forehead on yours, eyes closed once again. “you okay ?” you asked, a shaky voice. you could barely talk because of all these feelings inside of your body, but you were worry for him. “yeah.” he just said, gulping. he finally opened his eyes to look at you, stars in his eyes.
“it’s just that we are really… close, right now and hum…” he took a look at the bottom of his stomach and your lips formed a o. “i’m sorry i didn’t meant to.” you said shyly but he smirked, looking back at you. stars disappeared to let the place to a dark storm. “but i like it, do you like it too ?” you nodded, to stunned to speak at the sudden changed of atmosphere.
his eyes found their brightness back as he left your hand to replace your hair behind your ear before caressing the exact same spot. “we don’t have to do anything, okay ? just kissing you is alright to me.” you found him just so sweet but, if you had to be honest, you didn’t want him to be only sweet. “what if it’s not alright to me ?”
he smiled lightly. “i don’t want you to feel obligated to do anything, baby.” your heart skipped a bit at the sound of this nickname. when your were younger, he always called you baby because you were just clumsy like a baby but, this time, it doesn’t have the same meaning. “i don’t.” “i just want you to be sure of what you’re doing. i don’t need this now, i can wait until you’re ready.” “i’ve been ready for years now.” the words skipped your mouth, your opened your eyes wide, looking away instantly, embarrassed about what you just said. oh god, he was making you things.
“i’m sorry. you said. i don’t want you to do something you don’t want either, consent is really important and… i don’t know why i said that but, i want you to know that i love you chris and i, too, will wait for you.” you swear he could’ve cry just now but you could feel in his pants that it has the opposite effect on him. he find it so sexy, the way you paid attention to his feelings. IT’S A NORMAL THING OK
without a warning, his lips crashed on yours one more time, giving you no time to breath at all. his tongue dancing with yours, fighting for the one who would have the control, until he backed up to take off his shirt. no time wasted, you couldn’t even admire the view that he got back at yours lips before reversing you so you’d end up above him.
you backed up, sitting on his thighs before taking off your hoodie. sickness and cold was just a memory now, you were only wearing a bra under your hoodie. it was his hoodie actually but you stole it way too long ago for him to remember. he sat too, watching you with admiration before kissing your lips softly, then going to your neck, his hands finding their way to your back, asking permission to take off your bra.
you nodded shyly, closing your eyes. your body was something you weren’t confident with, and you didn’t wanted to see any glimpse of deception or disgust on his face. but he just looked at you with love in his eyes, not believing himself that you were offering yourself to him, the one he loved since for ever. he carressed your back, planting kisses in your neck before going down to your boobs.
your hand were on his hair, grabbing them as he started to kiss your boobs, licking your nipples slowly, caressing the one he didn’t have in his mouth. you let a sigh going out of your mouth before biting your lips to not make too much noises. he kept his movement, giving the same pleasure to both your red nipples. but the thing is that he gave more attention to your right boob and the cause was your piercing. sorry, i have both nipples pierced, i had to include it.
oh when he saw you in that red lace bra, he had to look twice. your nipples were already hard and he could see the tip of the piercing through it, but he thought he saw it wrong, until he took off your underwear. it made him getting harder in his pants and, having a hard dick in jeans is not really the most comfortable thing, you know.
as much as he was sucking your boobs, you started to move your hips in rhythm, feeling the bump that his dick made under his pants, and it really started to make you wet. “chris…” you whispered, needy. of course, he was aware of the way he was making you feel and he didn’t meant to play with it, but just to give you the more pleasure possible.
it was your first time together, after all, and he wanted this moment to be special and filled with pleasure and love. you took his head in your hands, forcing him to let go your chest to kiss you deeply for a while. while you were catching breath to keep going, he looked at you one last time with stars in his eyes. “you sure baby girl ?” you smiled. “i never was more sure in my life.”
his gaze darkened as he grabbed your waist to put you back in your previous position, sittings down between your legs to help you taking off your short and underwear. he unbuckled his belt and took off his pants and underpants before coming back between your legs.
outside, the sky was getting dark, only a ray of sunlight to light up the room as the sun was going down. you took few seconds to finally admire the one you always loved before kissing him softly, your hand finding them way to his cock as his were caressing your pussy. soon enough, room was filled with the sound of wet kisses and moans as you were preparing each other for what was going to follow.
“you still sure, baby ?” you nodded. “and you ?” he smiled. “i am.” he kissed you softly, guiding his cock to your entrance, caressing your it with the tip of his cock to tease you a little. he finally entered, little by little so you could adjust to him. it hurts a little but it was okay, until he was fully into you. it felt horrible but the worst was that he wasn’t moving. “it’s okay chris, i’m fine.” “sure ?” “mh mh” he planted a kiss on your neck before starting to move inside you. slowly and not fully at first, planting a million of kisses on your neck and your shoulder.
your left hand was on his back, grabbing his shoulder from behind while your right hand was on his hair, gripping tighter as much as he was thrusting into you. fastly, the pain faded away to leave the place to pleasure, and you let yourself go, moaning and whispering his name. he found the perfect pace, hitting the right spot in the perfect angle. “oh god chris more” you could barely talk, but when you did, it was only to ask him for more.
the feeling of him, inside you, was unique. you felt complete, as if your place was destined to be in chan’s arms, making love. he groaned your name as he started to get a little bit faster, changing his position so he’ll be able to see you fully and watch himself getting inside of you so beautifully and easily. you were clearly made for him.
“you’re so good for me, baby.” he managed to say and at first, it made you feel shy but it made something grow in your stomach. you loved being praised. “so right for me baby girl, god i love you so much” he kissed you messily, you knew you both wouldn’t last long, too excited of this moment.
“you want me to turn around ?” you asked as he approached his face to your neck to kiss it, his eyes widen but he kept his pace. “why so, baby girl ?” “i don’t know, i thought it would be nice to try the doggy style.” you said and it felt like he was shocked a bit. “you want that, baby girl ?” you nodded and he thrust a little bit harder inside of you before taking his dick out of you to turn you around by grabbing you by your waist.
you were now boobs on the matresss and face on the pillow, he leads your waist to him, in the perfect doggy style position and just looking at the view of your ass, he was trying hard not to destroy you or cum right away. he caressed your ass with one hand, leading his cock to your pussy once again with the other. “i’m going in, love.” you don’t know if you melt because of the nickname or the sweetness of his voice and the fact that he warned you, but you swear you could have ask him to do whatever he wants with you.
he started to thrust slowly, the position was new for both you and he didn’t wanted to hurt you of course. but, he clearly saw that this position was giving you waaay more pleasure than the previous one, he was hitting the right spot with every inch of his dick, it was just heavenly. his hands, whom were on your hips, made their way to your shoulder. in this angle, he started to thrust harder, the sound of your ass hitting his thighs filled the room, between both your moans and the whispers of your names.
“oh my god y/n, you’re just so good for me.” he said in a groan, feeling that he was close to cum soon. you moan loudly, clearly aroused by the praise he just said. you leaned on your elbow, your hand reaching his to put it in the front of your neck, forcing him to lean a bit more on your back. “oh baby.” he said in a deep tone that made you gulped. he didn’t move his hand an inch, didn’t even try to get his grip tighter or anything that could hurt you.
his thrusts started to get faster again, and deeper. you felt something in the bottom of your stomach, clearly forgetting to breathe as you felt your legs shaking. behind you, chris was looking at your ass, or should i say : at his dick disappearing inside your pussy, before he throw his head, closing his eyes as he felt the orgasm coming.
he placed his hands back on your hips, too afraid to hurt you as he was fucking you harder, deeper and faster. “baby girl, i’m coming.” he said hardly. “yes chris, please” you said loudly, exhausting as you felt your orgasm hitting you suddenlly, at the same time as his. he started to thrust slower, just a few more times to prolong your orgasm and his before he stopped completely.
he leaned on you, kissing your back with million kisses before he got out of you, laying on the bed next to you, grabbing you to get closer to him, your head on his chest. “you okay baby ?” you nodded, still trying to catch your breath. “did i hurt you ?” “no chan, you didn’t. you looked up at him. it was amazing, really. it was perfect.” he smiled at you. “yes, it was.” you smiled back before kissing him softly.
“i think i might change the sheets before they come back home.” you laughed a bit. “you should, yes. i’m going to wash myself.” he kissed your forehead while you went to the bathroom yes, naked. he took off the sheets and joined you for a quick shower. he started to wash your body, then his. you were about to say something when you heard noises from downstairs. you both looked at each other, they came back home earlier than expected.
“fuck.” he cursed before showering himself really fast. he grabbed a towel and wrapped himself in it, quickly going back to his room. you heard noises on the stairs, then chan’s mother calling you. “y/n ? you’re here ?” you answered. “yes, i’m taking a shower.” “do you feel better honey ?” she was already near the bathroom door, no need to talk loudly anymore. you got out of the shower quickly, wrapping yourself in a towel and your hair in another one before opening the door to your best friend’s mother. “i do, thank you. i’m sorry i couldn’t come.” “it’s okay sweetheart. was everything alright tonight ?”
you smirked, thinking about the few hours ago. “well, yes.” hannah joined you both while lucas and his father were downstairs. “you look better.” hannah said. “SURPRISE !” chris shouted, going out of his room in sweatpants and hoodie, his wet hair hidden under a black cap. they both screamed before hugging him. lucas and his father joined the family reunion while you were getting dressed in hannah’s room. “fuck, my clothes.”
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© eliiroha 2023. 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃
congrats, you made it til the end !! i admit it, it was kinda long, i’m sorry about that. i didn’t thought it would be that long but i kept writing and writing and writing, and it ended up being 5k words !! to be honest, i don’t think i ever wrote a one shot THIS long, it’s really a lot, but i’m kinda proud of it so i hope you will like it ! also, i’d like to add that im not native english and not fluent so there must be a lot of repetitions in my sentences, i know it’s can gets annoying and im sorry about that. i’ll try to do better in the future. anyways, you read a lot of things already so i’ll stop here !! ♡
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La Dolce Vita - John Shelby/Cosima Changretta (OFC).
So, I decided to begin this new little series of mine, besties. It shan't be delivered in regular chapter form, but a series of one-shot parts that will tell the story of John and Cosima's marriage, beginning from their wedding day. I hope you enjoy it :)
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Words - 3,682
Warnings - Each part will be adult only content, from swearing to eventual smut and violence. Minors DNI.
Part I - Inferno
The blood of a thousand men could stain a thousand streets, cold, hard warfare spinning out of control in a haze of spatter and gunpowder, yet sometimes all it took was the presence of a woman to end it all. 
And it had.  
It didn’t mean the woman in question had to like it, though. 
“No.” The word fell from his lips with mild irritation as he took in the sight before him. “You will not wear black.” 
Cosima didn’t even attempt to hide her distain. “Why not? This is a death, after all.” 
Luca couldn’t help but feel entertained by her words, even though she was rapidly whittling him down to his very last nerve. “You are so dramatic, la mia sorellina.” She always had been. “It’s about time you were somebody’s wife, and you will make a good wife, too. Every man betrothed to an Italian woman should recognise how damned lucky he is.”  
“And me?” Her cadence rose sharply, her voice bordering on shrill. “What about me, Luca?” 
9:23am and already, he wished he’d had the sense to bring some aspirin with him. “You will do as you are told, Sima. And wear white while you do it.”  
The silky drawl of her brother never rose beyond the smooth hush he spoke with, but his words packed the same punch as they would have had he yelled them. He was also the only person alive who she allowed to shorten her name. People had called her Cos in school, swiftly ending up with a slapped face for it. Her Italian fire had been lit pretty much since the day she’d been born. “I wish I’d brought mama with me now.” 
His lip curled, a soft rumble of a laugh echoing his throat, sucking on the matchstick he pulled from between his lips as he pointed it at her. “We both know why you didn’t.” 
“Yes,” she chirped, admiring her reflection in the mirror, “you’re paying.”  
Again, she prompted his smile. Few did, really, save Anna Maria, his wife, as well as his sons, Joey and Guiseppe. “I am, cara mia. Listen, if you want the black dress, I’ll buy it for you. You won’t be married in it, though. Imagine if mama was here, eh? She’d be, ah, much more vocal than I about it.” 
This was true. Audrey would have taken over rather than sitting quietly like Luca. “I’m beginning to think she’d fuss much less than you.” 
He rolled his eyes. “Try on the next dress, for the love of god.”  
Huffing and cussing in their native tongue, Cosima flounced back behind the privacy screen, getting herself out of the dress, the nearby assistant helping her into the white lace gown. Her face was a picture of utter contempt upon emerging, raising her middle finger when Luca quietly applauded her appearance. 
“I fucking hate it,” she sneered, the assistant’s eyes bulging a little at her coarse language. 
“Cosima, you would hate even the most exquisite of gowns, crafted by the finest of designers,” he pointed out, standing and walking to her slowly. He reached beneath her chin, raising it up, placing a little kiss upon her forehead. “You look beautiful. La belladonna. It is done.”  
His word was final, and she knew this well. It did not mean she had to be quiet or graceful in her compliance, though. Being wed to a Shelby, after all they had done, the war that had seen the deaths of both her treasured brother and beloved papa, was not a fate she relished in.  
Negotiations in order to cease the bloodshed and forge ahead in a new bond, running Shelby gin into New York with the assistance of her family and their connections had been sealed by a proposed joining of their families through marriage. Her marriage, to John Shelby.  
How she had screamed and complained when Luca had informed her of this truce sealing union. Glasses and ornaments had been smashed in tempestuous fury, Cosima’s ire reaching the kind of decibels that had taken Luca and Audrey much effort and nips of gin to quieten, the youngest of the Changretta clan storming from her mother’s home, walking the streets, chain smoking in blind fury.  
The only silver lining? At least Luca had not decreed that she marry the man who had killed her father, not that she actually could. For his sins, Arthur Shelby breathed no longer. Neither did Grace Shelby, nor Esme Shelby, the late wife of the man soon to be her husband, the gypsy beauty getting in the way of a hit meant for John on Christmas Day and lamentably not surviving it.  
And Cosima thought her hand dealt was bad. For John, it was decidedly bleaker by far.  
His brother was gone, his wife was gone, his sister-in-law was gone, and his fate was now bound to a person belonging to a family whom he couldn’t stand with any ounce of tolerance. Tolerance was what he had to show, though, in order to keep relations smoothed over, before anybody else ended up dead.  
“It’s a fresh start for us all, John boy,” Tommy began, standing in front of his brother, straightening his tie. “I don’t expect you to be happy about it, but...” 
“Good, ‘cos I ain’t,” he cut in with, his jaw tightening, refusing to meet his brother’s eye. “Esme is barely fucking cold, and you’ve got me marrying some wop bitch. Trust me, Tom. I ain’t fucking happy in the slightest.”   
The elder Shelby truly had no comeback for that. He knew his actions were a slap in the face to John, to Arthur, to Esme and to the love of his life, but there was no other way around it. He didn’t plan on losing anybody else to a war that could be negotiated through. It had been tough to bargain, but peace had been restored finally, Tommy reasoning that scores had been settled upon both sides of the divide.  
They were more than even. In fact, they truly weren’t, two lives on the Changretta side, three on the Shelby, two innocent women coming into the crossfire and dying because of it. He was not prepared to lose more. If he could also turn a very tidy profit while not losing more, then so be it.  
Finally, he managed to catch the icy stare of his brother, Tommy squeezing his shoulders. “Give it time. At least you’re getting wed to an attractive woman. Could have matched you to a right scrag, but I didn’t.” 
She could have been the queen of fucking Sheba for all John cared. Her beauty or lack thereof was neither here nor there. She wasn’t Esme, and that was all there was to it. “Gotta habit of this, you have, marrying me off to some bird I ain’t ever clapped eyes on until I get to the altar, all for the sake of keeping the peace.”  
There hadn’t been an actual altar at his wedding to Esme, but this time there was no room for negotiation. The priest local to the district Cosima Changretta lived in had been given a hefty bung to marry them, regardless of the fact that John was a non-practising Catholic. Usually, Father David would have required he at least attend weekly mass for a few months prior to the wedding, but this wasn’t possible when the union had been set up to take place within the space of a week from its original incarnation. 
Through his disesteem, John wasn’t blind to see the benefits of joining the families in order to broker peace, though. He just wished there was some other way, one that didn’t involve him forsaking his late wife’s memory, or literally getting into bed with a member of the very family who had taken three members of his. 
With a red rose buttonhole pinned to his charcoal suit – those specific flowers at Cosima’s request – they headed out to the waiting car, ready to be ferried across Birmingham to the district of Bournville, to St Francis of Assisi. 
“Holy shit, the waft of that bloody chocolate," Polly spoke from the back of the car, the famous Cadbury factory emitting the heady scent of it’s delicious confectionary. “Making my mouth water, it is.” 
“Well, as long as the air smells like Dairy fucking Milk, all’s right as rain, ain’t it, Pol?” John muttered, watching the little black and white houses dotted along the main road pass them by. It was such a different landscape than the one he was used to, the village of Bournville so very picturesque and quaint.  
Polly tutted. “Oi, less of your fucking lip, our John. Don’t make today any harder than it has to be by being a surly shit about it.”  
“Yeah, but...”  
She cut his protests dead with her usual blunt retort. “We know, for the love of god! You’ve vented your spleen so hard at this, I’m surprised you have one left! This isn’t ideal, but it’ll bring us peace and let me rest my fucking head easy at night, not worrying when the next of my fucking nephew’s is going to end up riddled with bullet holes. Now, put your fucking face straight. We’re nearly there.”  
He could have begun his protests once more, vented at how it wasn’t right that he was being thrown into wedlock again just four months after his second wife had died, how at thirty years old, he shouldn’t have already had to attend the funerals of two Mrs. Shelby’s, but he knew it would serve him little good.  
Arriving at the church, they made their way inside, John surprised to be greeted kindly by Audrey Changretta, who was standing talking to the verger.  
“A lot of water has gone under the bridge, John. All I want going forward is for you to be a good man to my Cosima. Can you do that for me, love?” 
His heartstrings were yanked upon hard, knowing how much his actions had devastated her. She looked weary from it all, the sparkle in her eyes non-existent. He’d never wanted her to be hurt in all of this, the teacher he held so many fond memories of, the woman he had steadfastly refused to murder in cold blood. “I can. I promise I will.”  
She patted his cheek, smiling thinly. That smile didn’t quite reach her eyes, and for that he couldn’t blame her. “Thank you.” She exchanged nods with Polly and Tommy, the Shelby’s moving into the church, smiling to their family and friends as they passed the pews, the Changretta presence outnumbering them by about two to one.  
He and Tommy stood to the side of the altar, Polly taking a seat at the first pew between Finn and Ada, the latter giving the groom-to-be a bolstering smile. It had little of its desired effect, John feeling a cold swirl of discomfort growing chillier by the moment. “Forgive me, Esme. I fucking wish this weren’t happening just as much as I wish you were still here, love.”  
His deeply lamenting thoughts were banished by the sound of the organ keys pressed upon, the church filling with music as the congregation stood, Father David quickly shaking both his and Tommy’s hands before his focus shifted towards the doors, beaming as he watched Cosima escorted in by her brother. The bride looked exquisite in her white lace gown, her cascading veil shrouding her face, the dress very quintessentially Italian in fashion. 
John didn’t dare turn around and watch her walk to him, only aware of her arrival at his side from the strong plume of Chanel perfume entering his nose, finally turning to see Luca gently lift her veil, kissing her cheek and whispering a few words in Italian to her. He then moved to John, surprising him by offering his hand.  
“To famiglia, eh?” 
“Yeah,” he coughed, shaking it. The Italian’s grip was like Iron, his face unflinching. There was no true warmth there. “To family.”  
Luca moved to sit at his mother’s side, John finally letting his eyes fall to his left, taking her in for the first time. His throat tightened in an instant. He’d thought Esme to be the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, the guilt of the fact that Cosima Changretta was the biggest knockout he’d ever witnessed hitting him hard.  
As for his soon to be wife, when her piercing blue eyes found his, the sensation of her heart skipping on three consecutive beats made her feel a little nauseous for a moment.  
He was gorgeous.  
Why did he have to be gorgeous? It would have made hating him so much easier if he’d been ugly.  
“At least I will have something nice to look at, while I’m throwing plates at his head.” She thought, turning to the priest and smiling as best she could, given the circumstances.  
The ceremony was a long, tedious affair, the bride wishing for a traditional mass that bored the balls off John. He did well to hide it, though. What he failed miserably at was looking in any way, shape or form happy when they were pronounced man and wife, offering her a chaste kiss to the cheek, a speedy peck of non-affection. Cosima was relieved he hadn’t leaned to her mouth. She wasn’t ready for that yet.  
Taking his arm, she walked back down the aisle as the newest member of the Shelby family, her eyes sad as she looked at her mother and brother. They smiled at her with loving pride, Cosima dropping her chin, lest they see the tears in her eyes as she walked alongside her new husband, a man she couldn’t stand. True, she knew nothing of John Shelby, other than what he’d had a hand in taking from her.  
With every step, she had to physically prevent herself from gathering the bridal lace swathing her slender curves and running, back to Acacia Road, back to the family home. This was where she desired to be, out in the flower filled back garden tending to her roses, taking cuttings of herbs ready to be brought into the kitchen and tutored by her darling mother in everything from Carbonara to baked Ziti. 
She longed for the scents of her mother’s pasta, to hear her father’s key in the door, his whistled tunes filling the homestead as she’d wipe her hands upon her apron and run to greet him. Her papa, the man she loved and respected the very most. Gone.  
“You erm, you look beautiful, Cosima.”  
His face did not match his compliment, Cosima looking up at her new husband, her face stony. “I know. Shame my dream wedding didn’t come with the dream groom, though.”  
John sniffed, his eyebrow tilting a fraction. “Ahh, you might still get it yet. We can get divorced and give it another go with other people. Who knows? I could nail it lucky the fourth time around.” 
Her eyes widened. “You’ve been married twice before?”  
“And what the blinking hell happened to them?” she demanded, wondering just what her brother had gotten her into, marrying her off to a man who was on his third wife. 
“They died, if you must know,” he frowned, reaching the end of the aisle, the door opening, a cascade of confetti hurled at them from the throng of guests exiting behind them. 
“Lucky them.” Her mutter was drowned out by the sound of happy cheers, or at least she thought it had been. Her new husband had heard it, though, wanting nothing more than to slap her in her rude mouth for her coldly delivered statement. 
“Great, got myself hitched to a stunner and she’s a right nasty little mare.” he spoke, certainly loud enough for her to hear, releasing the hold upon her arm and moving to receive congratulations from his family. Cosima narrowed her eyes at him in his wake, turning to smile brightly at her friends, her hands taken in theirs, cheeks kissed, her heart thrumming with waves of sadness. A right nasty little mare. That’s what he thought of her, Cosima’s indignance burning brightly for a while, not able to reflect upon the fact that what she’d said had indeed been very spiteful.  
At twenty-three, she truly should have known better. With two dead wives behind him and a bitterness that still lingered beneath the surface between the two families, she guessed he was likely as thrilled to be married to her as she was to him. An apology perhaps wouldn’t go amiss.  
Once they’d posed for a few photographs, the bride and groom were shown to the waiting Rolls Royce Silver Cloud, John holding the door open for her, following her in and staring stonily out of the window as they pulled away from the church.  
She felt awkward and ashamed of her words, moving her thumb back and forth over one of the large thorns the florist had neglected to remove from the bouquet of red roses. “John, I apologise for what I said, about your late wives being lucky. I only meant that... I don’t know what I meant, actually.” 
She was met by a cold, two worded statement. “Fuck off.”  
Deserved, to be fair. Predictably, Cosima let it spark at her kindling rather than rushing for water, though. “That’s impossible, now I’m your wife. Don’t bloody pout at me. I said something regrettable, but because of your family I don’t have Angel or my father any longer. You yourself are directly responsible for the former. If you hadn’t beaten him within an inch of his life, he wouldn’t have lay vulnerable in hospital, ripe for the plucking. And let’s not forget that scumbag of a brother of yours, who killed my papa.” 
He tutted, chewing his toothpick with hostility. “Don’t act like you’re the only one who lost somebody you loved. Fucking gone right over your head, ain’t it? Because of your family, I lost me wife, brother and sister-in-law. We’re in the same boat, Cosima.” 
“You started all of this. You could have just let Lizzie be happy with Angel, but no! You had to burn his restaurant to the fucking ground. What is it you dumb Shelby fucks say, hmm? By order of the Peaky Blinders, that’s it! Your way or the highway!” 
Bile began licking at his insides. “Your brother weren’t good enough for Lizzie. She’s a good woman, and he was a fucking duplicitous shit. Didn’t even have the balls to use his real name for half his dealings. At least we stand by who we fucking are.” 
Her rage escalated by the second, staring at him incredulously. “My brother had the sense to be clandestine, and you will not speak of him like you knew him! So, he partnered with your enemies, so fucking what? The way you Shelby’s conduct yourself, you make enemies left and fucking right! You took my family away from me for nothing. Nothing!” 
John eyed her viciously, his eyes losing any trace of warmth. “They fucking deserved it, and you, you spoiled little wop bitch? You deserve nothing less than every fucking ounce of my contempt. We’re married in name only, believe me. Ain’t no way I’m gonna be a good husband to you, no matter what I promised your mom.” 
“Fine by me!”  
The air virtually crackled with their mutual distain, Cosima shuffling as far as she could get away from him, muttering cusses in Italian. 
“I know what testa di cazzo means,” he spat. 
“Good!” she fumed, “I want you to know I think you’re a dickhead!” 
The reception was being held at a small hotel local to the church, Cosima storming out of the car and not looking back, fixing a huge, fake smile to her face as she was welcomed by the staff. Immediately, her eyes locked onto a waiter carrying a tray of champagne filled flutes, taking one and knocking it back. A second was reached for, John arriving at her side.  
“Whiskey please, mate. Fucking large one.” 
The waiter nodded. “At once, sir.”  
They stood together to welcome their guests, both repelled by one another’s presence, going through the motions of everything. Cake cutting, first dance, spending as much time as they could away from one another. It was while John was seeking the solace of quiet and fresh night air much later that evening, standing on the rear patio of the hotel smoking a cigar, that he found himself joined by the last person he expected. 
“Can I give you some advice, John?” 
Turning to Luca, he raised an eyebrow, the tall Italian continuing. “If you want a quiet life with my sister, you need to keep her in the lifestyle she’s become accustomed to. I love that girl to her bones, but she’s a fucking spoiled princess.” 
His eyes widened. “You can say that again.” 
Luca’s mouth twitched, removing the toothpick he’d been idly chewing on. “My father bent to her every whim, being his only daughter. She was daddy’s little girl. Roses, diamonds, furs, French perfume, she loves all of that. You treat her good and she’ll be sweet with you. And make sure she has a garden. That kid lives for horticulture.” 
Luckily, he was wealthy enough to provide such luxuries for his new bride, not that he wanted to. Not that she deserved even one of them. “Noted.”  
He nodded, turning to leave his new brother-in-law to it, pausing suddenly as he pointed the toothpick in his grasp at him. “Oh, and John? She’s got a thing for hurling plates. Learn to duck.” Laughing to himself, he carried on back into the hotel, while John felt a prickle of annoyance at his statement, or rather how much pleasure he’d derived from delivering the news that Cosima was nothing short of a bad-tempered handful.  
Standing out there alone, he did hope that one day he might see her as something different. Whether that day would come swiftly or not was anybody’s guess, though. 
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lordystrange · 1 year
10 best byler proofs by me
10. The cast, especially David (who knows the ending) and Finn (who might know something), are always so happy talking about Byler. They wouldn’t be if Will ended up dying alone as a sad gay. Also no one likes milkvan except maybe Millie unless she’s acting… Caleb even said ”Lucas and Max’s love is real unlike Milkvan’s”.
9. Mike has been queercoded throughout the whole series. Especially with queer colors, he spent s4 dressed as a gay pride flag. Also bi and pan colors are associated with him. Also Ted’s ”our son with a girl?” and everything Eddie said about forced conformity etc
8. Byler parallelling other romantic ships like Jancy, Jopper and Lumax. I’m not listing examples because there are SO MANY! (Also Milkvan parallelling all the platonic/dead ships)
7. Mileven being bones. We have nothing that shows their actual, deep love they’re ”supposed to have”. We don’t know what Mike loves about El and what El loves about Mike. We don’t know what makes them a compatible match romantically. We only know things that don’t make them compatible: El feeling the need to lie to Mike, Mike feeling embarrassed of his nerdy self with El, El feeling unloved by Mike, Mike feeling inferior to El…
6. The desert scenes. The triple take ofc, but also the car roof top convo with Will (jancy parallell). Will is talking about how it’s scary to say how you really feel because what if they don’t like the truth. And Mike NODS. If the truth was that he loved El exactly like El wanted, El would like that truth. So what is the truth Mike is worried that El doesn’t like…?
5. Mike’s monologue. He had to be pushed by Will to open his mouth. He lied about him loving her at first sight. He copied the t-shirt part from Eddie. He kept saying she’s his superhero which El doesn’t wanna be. He didn’t include anything personal about El and their relationship after the t-shirt thing… Also El didn’t seem to like what she heard and their love didn’t save the world. And they didn’t even talk after it. And while filming it they didn’t focus on just the couple (like they did with byler in s2 shed scene) and they let Finn improvise as if it wasn’t that important (as important as the van scene…)
4. Mike would be so poorly written if he wasn’t into Will and I don’t think the Duffers would just ignore his character. Also all the lip glances and heart eyes wouldn’t make sense.
3. Byler/Milkvan contrast. When Will was gone and they found his ”body”, Mike heard Will breathing in a radio channel and believed he was alive. He didn’t rest for a second, he did everything he could to find him. When he thought El was dead, he didn’t go looking for her, even tho a couple times he actually saw her. Also in s3 when Milkvan had a fight, Max said Mike will be crawling back to her begging for forgiveness in no time. Instead Mike laid on a sofa and ate and complained. When Byler had a fight… well we all know what Mike did then.
2. Mike and Will’s relationship has always been different from other friendships. They’ve said it themselves (”pls don’t tell the others, they wouldn’t understand”, ”Hawkins is not the same without you”, ”you make her me feel better for being different”). Also their scenes together have always been a big deal (van scene took an entire day to film, crazy together was written before s1 was even filmed) and they are shot in a really romantic way (music, lighting…)
1. In the beginning of s3, Will said to Joyce that he’s not gonna fall in love. That made his arc about romance. We know now that he already fell in love, but he doesn’t believe it’s requited. If s5 goes from ”i don’t think he loves me back” to ”he doesn’t love me back” we get literally nowhere and the entire storyline (since s1) would be useless and waste of time and money. They wouldn’t make Will suffer 4 seasons and then suffer some more. So believe me when I say it goes ”I don’t think he loves me back” to ”He does love me back!”
I wish you all a very merry byler endgame in s5! 💚
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graciegoeskrazy · 5 months
a change of heart
george daniel + charli xcx + daughter/stepdaughter!reader
warnings: men lol, breaking up, cheating, language, short n sweet!, das it i think???
a/n: alrightttttt. another part (but not quite part 2) to the ‘do u think i have forgotten’ universe. k love u byeeeeee.
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y/n | are u both home?
mumsie | i am. george is on his way.
y/n | are u guys going out tnt?
mumsie | we were thinking about it? not sure yet.
y/n | can you not?
mumsie | sure ofc. are you okay?
george | do you not want me to come over?
y/n | no it’s not that. i need you both there plz.
george | ok im almost there. u alright?
mumsie | baby what’s going on?
y/n | lucas cheated on me.
george | what?
mumsie | you’re kidding.
y/n | no. we broke up.
mumsie | where are you?
y/n | on the bus. almost home.
george | I’m pulling up.
As soon as the door opened, Your mom and George were on their feet, walking toward the door. Their eyes found you while you were locking the door. Your eyes were red and your cheeks were littered with tear stains. You faced them and continued to silently sob.
“Oh, honey,” Charli said. She and George both reached out their arms for you. They pulled you into the tightest hug as more tears fell and you sobbed. They both exchanged worried glances, realizing they were in for much much more than they had originally thought. “C'mon. Let’s go sit down.” She said.
They brought you to the couch. You sat down in between the pair and immediately continued crying into George’s chest. Charli pulled your legs onto her lap so now you were laid out on both of them.
Once your cries started to turn quiet, Charli spoke. “What happened?”
You pulled your phone out of your back pocket and pulled up a photo, showing it to the two of them. “My friends sent me this.”
The couple leaned in. George especially was in disbelief. “Oh my god.” He said.
“Is that Kyla?!” Your mom asked, slightly yelling.
“Yeah.” You said.
George looked down at you. “Who’s Kyla?” He asked, moving a piece of hair behind your ear, coaxing you to come out.
“My friend. Or at least used to be.” You said.
“Bloody hell.”
Charli looked away from the phone. “Did you talk to him?”
“Yeah. Both of them.”
“What happened?”
You sighed, “He said nothing, she said ‘I’m so sorry’ and I said ‘Go fuck yourself.’”
George kissed your forehead and pulled you closer. “That’s my girl.”
You continued. “Everyone saw. It was equally awesome and embarrassing.”
Your mom leaned in to wipe your fallen tears. “It’s okay. They just saw how much of a badass you are.”
You sighed “I hate men.”
The two chuckled. “I hate them and their stupid pretty faces.”
“You think I’m pretty?” George said, smiling.
“Fuck off.” You smacked him lightly.
“No, you’re right. We’re idiots.” George said.
Charli gestured for you to sit up. “Lucas isn’t a man. He’s a skinny white boy who hasn’t even fully gone through puberty yet, while you are a smart, stunning, amazing young lady, and he’s an idiot who just lost the best thing he’s ever had. You don’t need him.”
Look looked down somberly.
Your mom continued. “Wipe those tears. We’re gonna have a fun night. Do you wanna go shopping? We can get you an outfit for tomorrow. Your take on the Lady Di revenge dress!”
You shrugged. “I guess.”
“Yeah? We can force George to come and laugh at how uncomfortable and annoyed he looks. He’ll be our bag holder.”
Usually, a joke like that made you laugh, but they definitely noticed when you didn't even smile. “What, my love?”
You continued to cry again. “I really liked him, guys.”
George pulled you back into a hug and Charli fought the urge to cry herself. “Sweet girl…” George said.
Your mom patted your leg and sat up, heading towards the door. “C’mon. We’re going to the mall.”
The ride was quiet. George handed you the aux cord telling you to play whatever you wanted, but you said you didn't care. That was a definite sign to them that you were heartbroken. He shrugged and just put on Taylor Swift and you scolded him when he was about to play a non-Taylor’s Version.
While at the mall, your mom and you grabbed a few things to try on while George, as promised, held and wore the bags. While they were waiting for you to come out of the dressing room for a so-called fashion show, Charli noticed George’s expression.
“You alright?” She questioned
“Mhm.” He sighed.
“You sure? You have your thinking face on.”
“I thought you said it was sexy?” He asked jokingly.
“Very much so.” She said, in a joking seductive tone.
She patted his thigh and looked at him. “What’s going on?” She asked worriedly.
“Nothing, just…teenagers are fucking brutal.”
By the end of the trip, you were exhausted. You ran outside and headed to the car, ready to pass out and go home. Meanwhile, your parents took their time getting to the car, George, carrying all the shopping bags and both their purses.
“Thank you,” Charli said.
“No need, I look fabulous with a Coach bag.”
She laughed, then continued. “No, for being here. For being here for her.”
George just shrugged. “Nowhere else I’d rather be.”
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kyoriis · 2 years
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featuring !! — luxiem.
synopsis !! — if the luxiem members were in school. like which type of students they would be lmao.
format !! — headcanons.
warnings !! — cursing. not proofread sorry :(
kyori's note !! — this has been sitting in my drafts for wayyy too long. anyways tysm for 100+ followers <3 !
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two words : everyone's crush.
he's like those senior students yk? like the ones who are good at almost everything.
like they know their shit.
his locker is full of love letters too.
mr attractive here definitely has his way with words. ✧\(>o<)ノ✧
like he'll cover up for you with his smooth talking skills for sure.
i'd say he has never lost an argument.
he's not loud but he's not quite either.
but he's not fond of the student council, like they might as well have asked him a hundred times but he said : no <3
literally everyone would gush over him, even the teachers because of how well he performs.
his grades definitely are good. i'm talking about straight A's and B's.
his favorite subject is prolly chemistry smh. mf has a big brain.
but once you become close friends with him, oh boy he changes sfjshw-
only his close friends get to experience his goofiness lmfao.
he will make unsieso jokes for sure. and literally the next second he'll answer the question the teacher had asked. pog.
so basically : hot nerd but not really ???" ( he has def pulled some pranks on some teachers with mysta and always got away with it. )
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pretty boy.
like literally, everyone calls him that.
he basically plays almost every instrument.ヽ(。◕o◕。)ノ
his favorite subject is either english or history.
has never skipped a single class. never.
prolly never dated anyone.
he won't talk to you unless you talk to him. ( i'm calling myself out- )
once you become close, he's still the same but definitely more talkative.
ike's definitely every teacher's favorite. no doubt.
he's not really a fan of attention.
obviously he gets amazing grades bestie, like straight A's. has never gotten a B in his life.
like he manages his time so well, like he gets good sleep and also submits everything before the deadline.
has never been late either.
younger students definitely look up to him.
however he hates biology with a burning passion. ( same. )
idk why but i feel like he dresses really nicely too. he wears very aesthetically pleasing outfits.
definitely in the student council.
he also tried to wear eyeliner once. and oh boy.
everyone fell in love with ike that day.
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a certified nerd. in the best way possible ofc <3
he's good at everything. help.
he loves maths sm it hurts.
part of the student council too cause his parents forced him into it lmao.
only has like some close friends.
shu isn't the biggest fan of school events either. so he definitely has lied some ( multiple ) times that he's sick and can't make it.
says "ayyyyyy" unironically whenever he gets something right.
he has the weirdest sense of humor.
he drinks wayyy too much tea.
like literally shu please stop and drink some water ffs. Σ(ಠ_ಠ)
he likes art but sometimes ends up goofing off by drawing balls on the canvas. but like it's abstract so you wouldn't know it was intentional lmao.
and then when the art pieces are displayed he's trying his best no to laugh.
he submits his projects like the next day they were assigned. like mf you have an entire week. no need to pull an all nighter.
shu isn't really that popular. but people who know him call him a meme god because of his extensive knowledge on memes.
he has like 273989 hoodies istg.
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himbo. duh.
he's "that" jock yk?
people are simps for him. they're so down bad but luca is so innocent bro i can't.
he loves sports a lot. plays basketball, soccer, literally anything. you name it.
he's definitely a rich kid.
istg luca wears the most expensive colognes in existence.
also his fashion sense is immaculate.
he tries his best in other subjects but he's an average student.
like constant B's sometimes an A, he tries his best tho. ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ
the type of guy to help you when you can't reach anything.
he's really dense when it comes to romance as i've mentioned before.
"luca i love you !"
"awww i love you too" :)
obviously he uses pog wayyyy too much.
literal sunshine. the classes are gloomy without him.
idk he has this friendly ( golden retriever ) aura that just makes everyone love him. you can't hate him, it's impossible.
doesn't like maths. has skipped loads of math classes lmfao.
buys ppl lunch wayyy too often, like sir i know your rich but please. that money could've been spent on c6 kazuha vdjsj-
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he's wild. ofc he is, he's mysta snjskdk-
epic prankster. literally his brain is so big when it comes to pulling pranks it's kinda concerning ngl.
obviously all of that big brain energy shrinks when it comes to maths.
but he's a pretty average student too.
according to mysta "it shouldn't exist since calculators are a thing".
i feel like ppl don't realize he's actually about to graduate because of how he acts sometimes ( º _ º )
but he's surprising mature when it comes to group projects. like sir where's the screaming child that we all love?
man's got drip.
mysta the type of person to leave class the slowest and then miss out on lunch and be like "AYO WTF?!?"
he needs to stop chugging down literally every fucking energy drink.
so about the pranks i mentioned earlier, yeah he's never been caught.
he writes and doodles random ass stuff on his notebooks.
"hey mysta ! can i borrow your notes ?"
"sure !" :)
and then there will be a terribly drawn dog on the pages hyusjs-
it's cute tho <3
mysta fucking rias also needs to sleep because holy this bottom does not get a wink of sleep.
oh and yes, he sometimes listens to literally the most weird music in existence.
one time his earphones got unplugged and oh boy.
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© KYORIIS 2022
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izzielizzie · 10 months
Hey! What are your OOU couples wedding headcanons? 😍 (ilysm queen xoxo)
phoebe and knox
their wedding is the biggest and fanciest of the bayview crew's wedding
curtesy of melissa lawton ofc
they get married right out of college and no one can convince me otherwise
the first ones to get married
they just spent a lot of time not being together because of outside influences and now they just want to spend the rest of their lives together
all of phoebe + knox's family is there
plus the santoses, the bayview crew, ash & eli, and nonny
knox asks owen to be his best man and it makes phoebe cry for like three days straight
maeve is maid of honor
phoebe struggles with picking the wedding party because she should chose emma as maid of honor but maeve is her best friend and she was there for phoebe when no one else (other than knox) was
emma is actually the one who says phoebe should ask maeve
maeve throws herself into wedding planning
she and melissa are a force to be reckoned with
they're married in knox's back yard
phoebe chooses to wear a replica of her mother's dress but she asks ashton to help her sew on lace detail to make it her own
addy does phoebe's hair and keely does her makeup
phoebe plans on walking down the aisle by herself but as she's getting ready she realizes she doesn't actually want to be by herself
before she puts on her dress she hunts down cooper and pulls him aside
"it's okay if you don't want to, but you were there for me at a time when i really needed support. would you maybe want to walk down the aisle with me?"
cooper can't answer for a few minutes because he's full on sobbing
of course he says yes, and phoebe is so happy she thought to ask him
there's a lot of crying at the wedding because phoebe looks so beautiful and happy and knox looks so happy and they're just so in love
cooper and kris
they have a small wedding after kris graduates from medical school
it's at contigo
the restaurant is closed for the day
it's a small guest list: the bayview crew, nonny and lucas, kris's immediate family and friends, the santos family, and ash & eli
it's less of a wedding and more of a party since cooper and kris decided to just go to a courthouse a few days earlier
they all take turns telling stories about cooper and kris (obviously addy and keely's idea)
addy and phoebe baked the cake themselves
and luis learned how to cook some of kris's favorite dishes from germany over facetime with kris's mom
there's a lot of laughter and good food, which is exactly what coop and kris always wanted
addy and keely
they don't have a wedding
they wake up one day, decide to get married, get married, and then plan a joint facetime with their family/friends to tell them
phoebe and maeve take it upon themselves to throw a surprise party for the girls
they bake so many desserts and buy cute pastel pink decorations
luis and ash do all the cooking
they throw the party in kris and cooper's apartment
keely and addy love it so much
bronwyn and nate
bronwyn's parents plan most of the wedding since bron was busy finishing law school and nate became a partner in myers construction
it's held in the rojas' back yard
maeve is maid of honor and knox is best man
addy and phoebe are bridesmaids too
bronwyn wears a gorgeous dress that her grandmother made for her
nate's vows are in spanish
keely has to run interference with bronwyn's makeup because she's crying so hard at the vows
(i like to believe that nate went to mr rojas for help with his vows)
maeve puts together a slideshow of pictures of the couple instead of her speech, and the last picture is one that ellen took of them when they were little and still attending st. pius together
they print and frame the picture, and it lives on a shelf in their living room
maeve and luis
i kind of feel like maeve and luis don't get married for a while
maeve is a spanish teacher and luis is opening a restaurant so they don't have a lot of money for things like a wedding
luis proposes the night that the restaurant opens (yes this is @glitterandgoldrush's headcanon and i'm in love with it)
they just get married at a courthouse
but they have a potluck dinner that night with friends and family
it's everything they ever wanted
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ladystoneboobs · 1 month
so i think we in asoiaf fandom should all be agreed that barristan selmy is the westerosi obi-wan kenobi as an exiled knight troubled by past regrets and playing fast and loose with technical truths while sporting a white beard and using an alias barely any different from his actual name. but that's not the only grrm creation with a corresponding george lucas creation....
when maester aemon tells sam of the baby switch only after sam can't understand why gilly is still crying by saying jon's heart just hardened when sam made him lc, as if he had nothing to do with it, he gives me similar vibes to yoda's response when luke asked him if vader was truly his father, being all "rest i need now" trying to use his dying to escape the hard questions. then when yoda finally answers luke he quickly changes the subject to luke's fault in fighting vader before he was ready. i mean i understand why aemon didn't crush sam further by revealing his part in the baby swap plan and all the kill the boy shit, esp when they were all each other had by then. so i guess he can't really be blamed for that, but it is still misleading his protege and shifting blame in a pretty big way. also yoda and aemon are both the oldest naturally living characters in their stories and seen as the wisest too.
then ofc there's jaime lannister as a r-rated luke skywalker, a blond knight actually fucking his sister while knowing they're siblings, son of an evil lord, wearing white when we first meet him, seen as too impatient and hungry for adventure, and then losing his swordhand through a mistake of his father's and having to contend with a beast in a pit when trying to rescue a friend. there's also some of han solo in coming back just in the nick of time for the big rescue after first leaving his traveling companion behind for his own ends, with all that character growth to find something to believe in. but i think jaime would have serious disdain for han's stance that a lightsaber is no match for a good blaster. that's just the sw version of crossbows vs. swords, isn't it?
as for anakin/vader, there are plenty of woobies who could be finding their redemption, but when it comes to also being an effective and fearsome villain, i think only sandor "the hound" clegane really qualifies. (as opposed to jaime repeatedly failing to kill children or theon getting no respect as an ironman or as reek) plus, like anakin, sandor has terrible burn scars, a distinctive and singular helmet later stolen from his grave, wants revenge on the brother who burned him up, and he cries a lot.
darkstar is obviously the jar jar binks of westeros, the character whose appeal was greatly overestimated by the george who created him while most of the fandom simply finds him ridiculous and annoying.
then there's ned stark, a leader who always dresses their best to impress for the occasion, who knows how to govern his home in the outskirts but is out of his depth as a politician in the big city where his ideals are out of place in a corrupt court, trying to prevent a civil war which has already been planned behind everyone's backs for years, and is ever forgiving of a man all too willing to murder children. that's padme, baby.
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shobolanya · 1 month
may i interest someone in some moodboards and some headcanons for a Guns N' Roses x Stranger Things crossover? (is this happening because my 80s faze is back and therefore so is my Stranger Things faze? yes, pretty much)
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➢Max's older brother
➢he is a bit younger than Billy
➢the two of them don't get along at first
➢until Axl steps in when neil is being an abusive asshole to Billy
➢since that day neil treats Axl like he treats Billy, mostly because of the way Axl looks and dresses, only he is more independent and he still dresses like he wants
➢he's the only one that Billy trusts and they become pretty much best friends and they patch each other up when one of them gets into a fight or when they have to deal with neil
➢eventually Billy becomes a better man, because he has Axl
➢ofc Axl will have something to do with the fact that Billy will not be killed by the mind flayer in this au, because i actually loved him
➢he's protective of max, but less of a control freak than Billy, so the moment he first meets Max's friends he's actually really nice to them
➢ he plays the piano
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➢his family lives close to the Sinclairs and their parents are good friends, so he became sort of an older brother for Lucas and Erica
➢obviously he has a pet snake
➢he met Axl when he was dropping off Lucas and Axl was bringing Max to the arcade and they became friends
➢he plays the guitar
➢designated babysitter when Steve has to work
➢ Steven is his childhood best friend
➢ the two of them are looking for people to start a band with
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➢Steven is Slash's childhood friend
➢he works at the Starcourt cinema and he's friends with Steve and Robin who work at Scoops Ahoy
➢he an absolute sunshine and the kids love him
➢sometimes he helps them sneak in the cinema without paying
➢in highschool he was friends with Eddie
➢the two still hang out sometimes
➢after starcourt mall is destroyed he works with Robin and Steve at family video
➢ he plays drums
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➢he was Axl's friend before he moved to hawkins with his family
➢Axl and his family moved to hawkins a year later
➢he lives close to the Byers house and the first time he met Will, the boy instantly liked him
➢Jonathan didn't like him for a long time (until he helped finding Will)
➢Joyce thought Izzy was a nice guy
➢when Will dissappeared, he was the first one that believed her theories about the magnets and the lights, and helped her investigate
➢Axl introduced him to Slash
➢at school he usually just looks bored, smokes in the backyard with Axl and they make fun of different things
➢ he plays guitar
➢ Izzy also has a dog that Will likes to play with
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➢his parents work at the city Hall so his family is pretty important in Hawkins
➢he has a lot of siblings
➢he is friends with Eddie too who introduced Duff to Steven and than to Slash
➢his parents are friends with the Harringtons so he met Steve during a dinner with both families
➢despite knowing of each other's existence the two of them never interacted, but after this family dinner they became friends
➢at the party, when Billy was confronting Steve, Duff stepped in and his very tall presence made the others back away
➢ he plays the bass
➢eventually they will start a band (Guns N' Roses) together and they will become famous
➢ when the they become big enough they bring Corroded Coffin to be the opening band for them
➢ and of course everyone will come to their concerts
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shylemon0 · 2 years
Gareth x Will Byers (Headcanons)
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Hehehe my first ship headcanons ever and they don’t even know the other person exists 😎
(If the characters could read our fics or Headcanons of them in their world, I think Will would probably read my Gareth x artist!reader Headcanons because of course he would lol)
Warning: Gay shit, bullies, implied homophobia, Will being flustered, Gareth lovingly teasing Will, kinda in a world where the upsidedown isn’t a thing (I honestly just forgot to write about and just don’t feel like writing about rn lol)
· After Joyce decides to move her family back to Hawkins Will joined the hellfire club and there he met Gareth, a pretty cool guy that he totally didn’t get a crush in the second he saw him, Will started to hang out with him and rest of hellfire and quickly got over Mike, becoming really close with Gareth and almost seeing him as his best friend (besides Lucas and Dustin ofc)
· Basically after Gareth finally put the pieces together and realized that Will was gay he’d go all out with the subtle flirting and compliments, “Hello handsome” Gareth smirks “uh w-what- hi👋?” Will mumbled in flustered shock 
· Gareth mostly was freaking out internally about his new crush and had to pry his own eyes off of Will every time they saw each other, ‘Holy shit he’s handsome’ ‘No stop it brain- this is not happening’ he’d continue to think over and over again, ‘oh fuck he’s perfect’ · The both of them was pretty shy about any physical affection at first, like if they were sitting next to each other and one of them slides his hand slightly touching the others hand with their pinky, both of them would be a blushing mess as they finally lock their fingers together
· Gareth introducing Will to more cool music that they can listen to together · Eddie would probably subtly write in love scenarios with their dnd characters so their characters might end up being partners in crime (boyfriends) in the campaign, some of the others in hellfire might find it odd if they don’t know about their rl relationship but Gareth and Will appreciates it 
· Will has always been a big target for bullying his entire life and it all being mostly for homophobic reasons, but Gareth is here for him now and will defend him at all cost, especially since now bullies are being way more physical than before  · Gareth really helping Will come out of his shell and try out new things he’s always wanted to, like go to a concert, play a instrument, be more open about his sexuality or maybe dressing a little punk to see if he likes it
· Shyly kissing each other every chance they get but also being paranoid about being caught   · Jonathan thinks Gareth is pretty cool and that he’s a perfect fit for Will, basically he’s just their super supportive hype man that helps them keep their relationship secret
· Since Will is such a artist, you could only expect that he’d paint and draw a ton for his boyfriend, small doodles he’ll give Gareth during the day or a full blown painting with tons of small details for special occasions :) · After one of the shows Gareth’s band was playing he brought up Will to the stage and kissed him in front of everyone, and to Will’s surprise everyone cheered and “oooh😚” at them (since almost every single one of the people there were ally’s or queer themselves), Gareth just ended up chuckling at Will’s reaction and bringing him into a hug
· Will reading out loud to Gareth while he lays down his head in Will’s lap, and him recommending Fantasy books to Gareth, Also Gareth reading Horror books at night to Will when they have sleepovers which quickly ends up in Will being scared and paranoid and Gareth laughing while comforting Will, “oh shit- I think I heard something outside!” Will grabbed Gareth’s arm “it’s just a cat” Gareth laughs “you have nothing to be scared about, I’m here for you” he whispered as he put an arm around Will while laying back down
Taglist: @la-vaca
(I have a taglist now! It’s on my pinned post if you want to know more about it!)
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debbiechanclub · 1 year
Empty Rooms
A “Take My Hand, Wreck My Plans” fic
Pairing: Kyle Fletcher x OFC (with a bit of x Jay White) Word Count: 3,321 Warnings: Drinking, language, a lotta angst
Following a long, slow end to her relationship with Jay, Nellie finds herself single in London on her birthday. But she doesn't end the night alone.
TMHWMP Timeline | Masterlist
Read it on AO3
Tag squad: @aussiearrow @statdaddy @knifepervert @sldghmmr @rusevday @missbrownstone @meteora-fc @bec0m @thatgirlforever5 @rocca09
Sunday, September 19, 2021 London, England
The Undisputed British Women’s Championship felt heavier in Nellie’s hand leaving the ring than it had entering it. Of course, it wasn’t heavier—she was weaker, her lungs on fire and her muscles taxed after a grueling twenty-minute two-out-of-three-falls match. But as spent as she was, Nellie hadn’t felt this much pride in a while. Successfully defending her title for the fifth time since winning it in July was one hell of a birthday present.
“And still.”
Kyle Fletcher greeted her with a wide smile as she returned backstage. Aussie Open’s winner-take-all match against Destination Everywhere for both the PWA Tag Team Championship and RevPro Undisputed British Tag Team Championship was next.
“That was a hell of a match, Nell,” Mark complimented.
“Thanks,” she smiled and bumped each of their fists in turn. Nellie had known Kyle and Mark for almost as long as she’d been working RevPro, but for most of that time they’d been little more than acquaintances, not to mention one-time rivals—Aussie Open had won their first RevPro tag team championship by beating Suzuki-gun back when Nellie had been dating and managing Zack.
However, when Nellie had defeated Zoe Lucas to capture the vacant RevPro Undisputed British Women’s Championship for a second time—ironically, on July Fourth—she’d decided right then and there to be a fighting champion. And that meant working more dates for RevPro, which in turn meant seeing the Aussies more and having the chance to actually get to know them; and soon enough, Nellie, Kyle, and Mark had graduated from acquaintances to friends who texted and sent each other memes and made plans for when she’d been in England next.    
And she’d been there quite frequently lately.
“How many defenses is that now?” Mark asked.
Nellie hoisted the title up onto her shoulder. “Five… in three months.”
“Jesus,” he breathed.
“I think I’m in love,” Kyle added.
She grinned. “Win the RevPro tag titles and maybe we’ll talk,” she teased him—and not for the first time. That was something else that had developed between her and Kyle in recent weeks. But he’d started it.
“I’m gonna hold you to that,” he smirked.
“Will you?” Nellie parried; but then she noticed the knowing smirk on Mark’s face and became suddenly embarrassed. Trading cheeky DMs with Kyle was one thing. Flirting with him in front of people was quite another.
“Good luck!” she quickly said, and she turned and continued down the hall, her heart rate picking up again.
* * * *
An hour after her match, Nellie’s phone was still pinging with likes, comments, and retweets of the sweaty post-match photo she’d shared to her socials with a simple but intriguing caption: And still. Three months, five defenses. And I’m hunting more hardware.
It was that last line that had everyone speculating—and they’d find out what she meant soon enough. Recently, Nellie and Torrance had decided to bet on themselves and enter the upcoming Goddesses of Stardom Tag League as a team. It was a bold move, not only because they’d never tagged together before, but because they were in separate factions: Nellie in Queen’s Quest, Torrance in Cosmic Angels. But they’d both been looking to shake things up in their careers, and the tag league presented the perfect opportunity.
“We seriously need to come up with a team name,” Torrance said as she sat in the dressing room scrolling through her own social media feeds. “They’re announcing the entrants in two weeks, I think.”
“I know,” Nellie agreed, pausing to swipe mascara over her lashes. Of course they were going out; it was her birthday. “I’ve been trying to think of a play on our names, but all I’ve come up with is Team TKO and I don’t think that fits us.”
Torrance’s eyes turned pensive. “Cosmic Queens?” she finally said.
Nellie started to reject it—but she snapped her fingers. It had come to her just like that. “Cosmic Queendom.”
“Yessss, that’s it,” Torrance smiled. “Although it kinda sounds like we’re trying to join United Empire, too.”
Nellie stopped what she was doing. “Oh God, it does,” she realized. But Torrance shrugged.
“Fine with me,” she grinned. That time, Nellie decided to keep her comments to herself.
Initially, Torrance hadn’t planned on coming to London. But she’d made a spur-of-the-moment decision last week to book a last-minute flight—and it wasn’t just because she wanted to be there to support Nellie. She had other, more personal motivations; ones that involved Will Ospreay.
From Nellie’s perspective, Will had come completely out of left field. She knew that he and Torrance had gone on a few dates back in 2017—Nellie had even gone on the most awkward double date of her life with them and David Finlay—but up until about a month ago, Torrance had been involved with Robbie Eagles. Casually involved, admittedly, but involved nonetheless—and Nellie thought he was a much better match for Torrance than Will was.
But when it came down to it, Torrance seemed happy; and after everything she’d been through surrounding the contentious end of her and Ishimori’s relationship earlier that year, the last thing Nellie wanted to do was rain on her parade.
“Speaking of United Empire,” Torrance added. “Is Kyle gonna end up in more than just your DMs tonight?”
“Torr!” Nellie proclaimed; but she couldn’t help her grin. “Jesus.”
“I’m just saying; I’d support it one hundred percent. It’s your birthday and you deserve to get dicked down.”
Nellie flushed hot at Torrance’s frankness of speech; but it would be a bald-faced lie to say she hadn’t been considering doing exactly that with Kyle. He was the perfect candidate on paper for a night of no-strings-attached fun. They were friends but not close enough that it would complicate anything; she was less than two months out of a heartbreaking relationship, and he was only twenty-two—neither of them was looking for anything serious. And besides, Torrance was right: she did deserve to get dicked down.
“Well… maybe I will,” she smirked and her phone pinged again. But the notification sound was different that time; the one she’d set for text messages. She finished up her makeup and then reached for her phone—and nearly dropped it when saw the text was from Jay.
Happy birthday, Nell. And congrats on the win. Five defenses in three months is insane.
“What the fuck.”
“What?” Torrance asked, and Nellie realized she’d said that out loud.
“Jay just texted me happy birthday.”
“What?” Torrance was just as taken aback. “No.”
“Yes,” she confirmed, and she handed her phone over so Torrance could see it for herself. Her mouth dropped.
“Oh, what the fuck.”
“Now you see why I said it,” Nellie commented.
“Have you two even said two words to each other since you broke up?”
She shook her head. “No.” It worked Torrance up even more.
“And he just pops up to wish you happy birthday like nothing happened,” she said. “Honestly, I don’t even know why I’m surprised; it’s just like Jay to pull something like that.”
Now that she'd said it, Nellie wasn’t surprised, either; that was exactly how Jay had acted throughout the final three months of their relationship. After he’d won the NEVER Openweight Championship, Nellie had felt like he would put her on the backburner for days at a time until he’d suddenly remember they were together. That they needed to communicate, check-in with each other, be there for each other even while thousands of miles apart, especially while working through the uncertainty of their situation.
Except, they hadn’t worked through it. And months later, Nellie was still trying to work out why.
“You’re not thinking about texting him back, are you?” Torrance asked.
Knock! Knock-knock-knock! Knock-knock!
A rhythmic series of knocks on the dressing room door spared Nellie from having to answer, and then Will’s voice shouted through to them.
“Oi! Are you two ready?”
Torrance looked back at Nellie as she stood to answer the door. “Don’t text him back. You have better things to do tonight—like a six-foot-four Aussie.”
Nellie scoffed. But her fingers hovered over the keyboard as she looked back at the text, until she locked her phone and put it away.
* * * *
It was a challenge to find anywhere to get a drink after 11 p.m. on a Sunday in London, unless you knew where to look—and of course Will knew where to look. So, he called an Uber X and a black Range Rover arrived to take them away. On the ride, the conversation naturally turned to all their success that night and what shows they had booked next, at which point Nellie asked Kyle and Mark if they had any plans to wrestle in Japan soon, given that they were the newest members of United Empire. Kyle told her he hoped it would be sooner rather than later. And when Nellie grinned and said, “I hope so, too,” she really meant it.
But it was less than ten minutes before they reached their destination—and it really was the kind of place you needed to know about, tucked away on a side street in between much newer and taller buildings. On the outside, it looked like a typical English pub, a weathered brick-and-wood front adorned with an elegant hunter green sign hand-painted with gold lettering. But as soon as Nellie got out of the Range Rover she heard the pulse of dance music and saw the flash of strobe lights through the windows. It was unexpected, to say the least.
“Why does this seem like exactly the kind of place you’d know about?” Torrance said to Will.
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” he returned, and he took her hand and led them all inside.
The pub was cramped as it was, and it was packed wall-to-wall with people—at the bar, on the dancefloor, crowded around tables in the back. It was a dive for sure, and the atmosphere instantly transported Nellie back three years, to when nearly every trip to England had seen nights out with Riley to places just like this, and they would have drinks and Nellie would act coy even though she knew she’d fall into bed with him again.
And when Kyle put his hand on the small of her back, it felt like history might repeat itself with someone new.
“You want a drink?”
He’d leaned in to be heard above the music, and the ghost of his lips against her ear sent a pleasant tingle up Nellie’s spine. She nodded. “Yeah.”
She wasn’t sure if his hand found hers or the other way around, but their fingers intertwined, and he led her through the crowd to the bar. When they arrived, he guided her in front of him, his hand on her hip, her body tucked against his side.
“Shots?” he asked.
Nellie unintentionally leaned her head back against him as she laughed. “You would suggest shots.”
“Well, yeah!” Kyle returned. “It’s your birthday! I want you to enjoy it.” He squeezed her hip. It made more than just Nellie’s spine tingle that time.
He ordered a round of shots for the group, and they toasted to Nellie’s birthday and United Empire—“And Torr and Nell, consider this your unofficial initiation,” Will had said—and then they ordered more drinks and made their way to a booth in a less-crowded area on the second floor (Will's handiwork, of course). But Will didn’t stay long himself; Torrance pulled him away to the dancefloor, and once Mark realized he’d be third wheeling it, he disappeared, too, and Nellie and Kyle were left alone. They sat close, his arm resting behind her on the booth, their knees touching under the table. Nellie propped her chin up by her elbow and turned to look at him. He grinned.
“Do you know how fucking hot you are?”
Nellie couldn’t help it—she laughed. It was exactly the sort of compliment she’d expect from a twenty-two-year-old at a bar. But that didn’t make it any less flattering.
“I’m serious,” Kyle added, and he started ticking off her praises on his fingers. “You’re a bad-ass wrestler, you’re smart, you’re funny, and to top it all off you’re a fucking smokeshow. It’s not fair, actually.”
Nellie bit back a grin as she stirred her drink. “I’m also twenty-nine.”
Kyle’s brow furrowed. “And?” He was clearly confused as to why she’d mention that. “What does that matter?”
“Are you into older women?”
Their seven-year age difference was something that had been lurking in the back of Nellie’s mind from the day she and Kyle had started their flirtation. Not because it mattered—it didn’t, not if they were two consenting adults just getting their rocks off for a night—but just because it was there. Fact. And Nellie had never been with someone that much younger than her.
But it seemed to be a complete non-issue to Kyle. “Older women?” He laughed. “No—I’m into you. And I don’t think of you as an ‘older woman.’”
Nellie grinned again. “Oh, so you’re into me, huh?”
He nodded. “Yeah. I thought that was kind of obvious with all the flirting and compliments, but I can be more obvious if you need me to.”
“Oh, yeah? What’s more obvi…”
She trailed off as he pulled her into him and kissed her. And while Nellie had half-expected him to do it, she hadn’t at all expected her physical response to it. Kyle’s lips were soft, and so was the kiss, slow and sensual, one arm wrapped around her shoulders to draw her close, his other hand cradling the side of her face, his fingers reaching back into her hair. It was a purposeful kiss; attentive. Nellie hadn’t felt so coveted in months.
He broke away, nipping at her bottom lip just so. When Nellie opened her eyes, Kyle was smirking at her.
“Mommy? Sorry. Mom—”
She shoved him away. “Oh, fuck off.”
“I’m sorry, it was right there!” he laughed. “But is that a bit more obvious?”
Nellie smirked. “Obviously,” she returned. And then, like an intrusive thought, she remembered Jay’s text, still sitting left on read on her phone.
* * * *
Thanks. I’ve been trying to keep busy.
Nellie sent the text as they all walked out of the pub, when no one was paying attention. It was after 1 a.m., and alcohol had weakened her resolve. Between Kyle’s lips, his smile, the way he touched her, and the ghost of Jay still haunting the empty rooms in her heart, Nellie’s head was a mess.
“Nell! You coming?”
She looked up at the sound of Kyle’s voice and realized she’d fallen behind. She pushed her phone into her back pocket and hurried to catch up, looping her arm through his and falling in step next to him.
The guys had decided they wanted a late-night snack, and of course Will knew of a 24-hour bagel shop a short walk away. The guys went up to the counter to order while Nellie and Torrance stood against the wall, out of the way. It took all but a few seconds for Torrance to ask exactly what Nellie knew she would.
“So… will Kyle be giving you a birthday present?”
Of course Nellie had told Torrance that Kyle had kissed her back at the pub, and she was almost certain Torrance had gone and told Will. She stole a furtive glance at the guys out of the corner of her eye. She couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but by the way Will nudged Kyle and the grin on Kyle’s face, she had some idea.
“I don’t know.”
Torrance frowned when she heard that. “Why not?” she asked—and as if in answer, Nellie’s phone buzzed in her back pocket. She pulled it out without thinking about it—again: alcohol—and saw that Jay had responded.
Well it looks good on you.
Her head spun. Torrance noticed—and she already knew. She came around Nellie’s side and looked at her phone. Her lips parted in disappointment.
“You texted him back? Nell.”
“I know, but I don’t need a lecture about it right now, okay?” Nellie returned. She was tired, and a bit drunk, and a lot confused. And thankfully, Torrance was the kind of friend who could recognize that.
“Okay, but don’t reply to that one,” she urged.
“Everything alright over here?” Will walked over and handed a blondie wrapped in cellophane to Torrance. He nudged his chin at Nellie. “You look a million miles away, Nell.”
“Oh,” she quickly shook her head. “No, I’m fine. I think the night’s just catching up to me.”
“I’m sure Kyle could sort it out for you,” he commented, and her face burned. She barely had a moment to recover before Kyle and Mark joined them, bagel sandwiches in hand. Kyle took a big bite out of his and hummed in satisfaction.
“This hits the spot, for sure,” he said. He offered the bagel to Nellie. “Want a bite?”
She eyed it; it did look good. So, she grabbed Kyle’s hand and took a bite.
“Jeez, taking my food already!” he proclaimed.
“You offered!” Nellie returned through a mouth full of food. Kyle just grinned and winked at her.
“Well, shall we?” Will said then. “I’ll call the Uber.”
* * * *
When Kyle had leaned into Nellie’s ear in the backseat of the Uber and quietly asked if she wanted him to come back to her hotel room, she’d looked up at him and nodded yes. But she didn’t know if she’d hook up with him. She still didn’t know as they walked through the door, or as she changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt, or even as they cuddled up together on the bed, atop the covers. They didn’t turn on the TV or look at their phones; and even though Nellie still wasn’t sure, she did notice that the silence wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable. It didn’t feel like she’d made a mistake inviting Kyle back to her hotel room. It was nice just having his company.
“I want you to know I don’t expect anything to happen tonight,” he eventually said. “I know it hasn’t been that long since you and Jay broke up.”
Something ached deep inside Nellie’s chest. She did her best to ignore it. “How long do you think it’s been?”
It was a genuine question. She and Jay had kept their relationship out of the public eye even when they’d been at their happiest, and they’d handled their break-up just as privately. But there had been clues. Ones that Nellie assumed Kyle had picked up on.
“About a month, I guess?” he answered. “At least, that’s about how long ago I started to notice you sharing certain songs to your Instagram stories and posting thirst trap photos.”
A corner of Nellie’s mouth quirked up. “Oh, so you noticed the photos?”
“Of course I noticed the photos, are you joking? Those photos could make a blind man see again.”
She laughed out loud that time. “Well, I’m glad you noticed,” she said, and she saw him smirk out of the corner of her eye.
“Yeah,” she nodded, her voice small but genuine. “It feels like it’s been a while since I’ve been noticed like that.”
Kyle’s eyebrows arched. “Did Jay go blind?”
“It sort of feels that way,” she said, and she started to withdraw again, into those empty rooms.
But she pulled herself out and looked up at Kyle. “But it’s his loss.”
Kyle smiled at her, warm and wide, just like he had when she’d returned backstage from winning her match. Just like he had been all night. “It’s absolutely his loss,” he said, and Nellie pulled his lips against hers, getting lost in the feel of him.
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after-witch · 11 months
I've seen this ask on a couple of blogs, and I'm curious about your answer!
If you had to live the rest of your fictional life with one of your yanderes, Who would you want it to be, who would you think would be the easiest for you to live with, and who'd be the worst?
Ooooo I love this question.
Who would I want it to be--
Sm..iling man. Smiling man. Smiling man. He counts, right? Of course he does, so, Smiling man. Honestly my heart is pounding a little just thinking about it. I'm so in love. I want to see things! with him! Stuff and things.
Or Chrollo, and I know that's an AWFUL choice, because he's awful, but he's so hot. I can't help it. I'm a weak, weak person. He's just really hot.
Who would be easiest--
My first instinct is @j0succ's OC Lucas, because I know I can be his model spouse. I just know it. I would do embroidery and read books and clean up after him and be soft spoken and sweet and nervous in a mouse-like way, and ask him to buy me cute dresses and ribbons and meekly submit when he wants to join me in bed.
My only complaint would be not getting to go out and see shows or go to book sales or um leave the cabin area in general, but I think I could bat my eyes enough to convince him to get some VHS tapes or maaaybe down the line even a DVD player to watch filmed performances. Not the same thing ofc, but, yeah. I feel like he's the least likely to hurt me for doing something minor. And I wouldn't try to run or violate his rules and end up with a broken wrist for my troubles. Might have to convince him to order special groceries so we can make our own Thai food, though...
Who'd be the worst--
Feitan or Mahito. Out of these two, Mahito would be the worse option. Because I don't think Feitan would kill me or seriously maim me, but I think Mahito might, out of boredom or by accident or something else entirely, like maybe some sort of existential crisis where he decided to prove he didn't need me by killing me or seeing what I'd be like with no tongue or something like that.
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weirdo09 · 1 year
mike wheeler headcanons
he’s a demiboy/gender-fluid and he’s gay :p (poly too)
hates hawkins with a burning passion
once, him and will made this whole plan to go to a land they called never land (byler Peter Pan au 🤭)
very judgmental and very moody
LOVES weezer(a little too much)
so much teen angst it’s insane
also loves nirvana, the smiths, David bowie(loved his ziggy stardust era) and freddie mercury
freddie was like his first celebrity crush
didn’t come out of his room for weeks after he died(love ya, darling <3)
is autistic as fuck
also has adhd
has the weirdest but coolest hyperfixiations(?)
him and el are besties ofc
they have little hangouts
bywheelclair supremacy, he loves his boyfriends so much
he’s a little bitch(affectionately)
he loves to grown his hair out
he fidgets with his hair when he’s nervous
he also bites his top lip when he lies(as shown by finn)
loves rock
definitely loves kurt cobain(he’s so fucking pretty my guy)
hates Courtney love with a passion
loves hole tho(it’s her band btw)
loves getting his hair braided
can speak fluent french and canadian french(also creole, he met lucas’ extended family down in Louisiana and forced himself to learn it)
has a rock collection
and a vinyl collection
a ton of mix tapes too(from his boyfriends ofc)
when he learned to drive, his parents got him a beat up IROC(lives that car so much)
loves when people touches his hair or give him head massages(he gets headaches and migraines easily)
dyed his hair red to match max, she loved it
has also dyed his hair blonde, his mom cried when she saw it
has little tea parties with holly and dress ups
loves his sisters to death
he’s a scrawny motherfucker(love scrawny by the wallows)
still has his old binder full of will’s art
has stolen some of will’s art and gotten new binders to put them in
will found them one day and confronted mike
mike teared up bcuz he thought he was in trouble
will have him a hug and said that he could’ve guess asked for him to draw him things
now asks will to draw him things all the time
will secretly loves it but acts annoyed when he asks
loves cuddling(he’s a touch starved lil boy, ok?)
definitely plans cuddle dates with his boyfriends
will babble away with no chance of stopping
gets tired easily
loves makeup
regularly does his(he kills his boyfriends every time)
loves autumn but still has mixed feelings about it since will’s disappearance
loves to do eyeliner
has a few dresses and crop tops
has stolen a lot of his boyfriends’ clothing(usually hoodies, sweaters anything that’s warm)
gets cold really really easily so he has a lot of sweaters
pronouns: he/him/his/they/their/theirs/xe
has written a ton of fanfiction(but has never shown it to anyone)
gets distracted kinda easily so he has fidgets
LOVES to fidget with people’s hands
so likes to compare how hands feel
lucas’ are smooth but rough in some parts, little bigger than his and very nice to hold
will’s are smooth, well-manicured
wow i made a lot 🥲
@adorewillbyers @verashalurks @background-character-341 @sunflowersand-bees @pimplepogue @forever-augustine @foodiewithdahoodie @tinylittle-superfan
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
16 | Rave'N
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1949
Warnings: jealousy, opening up about secrets
15. Asking.. | 17. Under Arrest
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The day of the Rave'N, I spend time with some of the girls and get ready alone with it was time for the dance. "Coming." I say going towards the door opening it to see Xavier smiling as he eyes me head to toe.
"It's very you." He says as I come out of the room to join him in the hall. 
"Thank you. I love what my mother picked out." I mess with my dress. 
"You look beautiful." He puts his arm out for me to link mine with his. 
"Just this one." I link my arm with him as we walk to the dance. Everyone we passed would stare at me and said I looked great which surprisingly I liked. 
"What's Wednesday's plans tonight?" He asks me. 
"Her and Eugene are spying out the monster's lair." I tell him having no idea her plans changed last night when I said I was still going with Xavier.
"You look gorgeous. So gorgeous!" Ms. Thornhill says as Xavier and I head inside the dance. "Welcome to this year's Rave'N." She smiles. 
"Welcome to the Rave'N. You look amazing, Valentine. Glad you decided to join the fun." Weems smiles as we enter the dance. 
"Thanks." I give her a smile back then stop when out of view. 
"Done with the act?" Xavier laughs as I remove my arm from him. 
"Yes." I look around at the decorations, "White is a choice..." I chuckle. 
"Look at you!" Enid rushes over to me, "I love it. You look amazing!" She claps her hands.
 "You look amazing too. I love the jewels." I give her a genuine smile. 
"Thank you. Enjoy yourselves." She goes back over to Lucas.
"Well look at you." Ajax walks over to us with his date. 
I grab him by the arm roughly and pull him away from his date and Xavier. "Ouch. You're going to rip my arm off." He groans. 
"Why did you stand Enid up? You're lucky I didn't go looking for you to breaking a limb for breaking her heart." I glare at him. 
"I didn't stand her up... I sorta stoned myself while in the shower. I was embarrassed so I've been ignoring her." He sighs looking over at her. 
"Embarrassed? She would understand if you took the time to go talk to her and explain what happened. Instead you did the worst thing you could do. I don't normally care for others feelings but Enid is an exception. Explain to her and apologize or I will, and I mean it, will rip your snakes out of your head." I stare him down. 
"I will. I promise." He tells me and I believe so we go back to our dates.
"I got you a drink." Xavier smiles as I sit at the table with him. 
"Thank you." I look over at Enid looking a little sad.
 "You threaten Ajax?" Xavier laughs. 
"I did. Said if he doesn't apologize and explain everything, I'll rip his snakes out of his head." I mess with my drink. 
"Damn, that's a bit much don't you think?" He tilts his head. 
"No. I've tried killing someone's remember. That's why I'm here at this school." I remind him. 
"I forgot you used to do terrible things." He nods his head. "I'm glad to be here with you." He adds as I look around again. 
"It's not as bad as I thought." I make him laugh. 
"Let's have some fun." He stands up putting his hand out to me.
"Yo, check it out. Wednesday totally busted out of her cocoon." Ajax comes over motioning at her coming in with Tyler. 
"What the? Excuse me." I get up going over to her as she goes to the punch bowl. "I thought you were going to spy on the cave with Eugene. Yet here you are with Tyler..." I tilt my head confused. 
"Change of plans. When I heard you were still coming with the potential monster, I had Thing take an invite to Tyler. He also stole this dress for me." She explains to me. 
"Why ask Tyler though?" I look over at him standing alone awkwardly. 
"Because you like him, he likes you, and Xavier hates him." She explains to me. "Go talk to him. I brought him here for you." She tells me so I go over to him.
"Look at you." I walk up beside him making him turn to face me. 
"Wow, you look... beautiful." He smiles. 
"Thank you." I smile back. 
"Your date is looking at us." He looks over at Xavier with Wednesday before they walk off some. 
"Who cares. I told him I didn't want to ask him originally but I'll still come with him." I explain to him. 
"Can I show you something?" He motions out of the room. 
"Sure." He takes my hand leading us out of the dance to the trophy case.
"See that woman right there?" He points at one of the girls in the fencing photo. 
"Yeah?" I look at him confused. 
"That's my mother." He looks at me. 
"She came to Nevermore?" I turn my whole body to face him. 
"Yeah, I found that out looking through files. My father kept it from me." He sighs. 
"She's pretty. I see where you get your good looks from." I look back at the photo, "That's my mother." I point at my mom. 
"I see where you get your beauty from." I see him smile down at me. 
"Thank you." I look up at him. "Sorry, you don't know much about your mother. It must be hell. Especially when your father never wants to talk about her." I look back at the photo. "It is. Makes me feel alone." He sighs looking at his mother so I take his hand into mine. "I'm glad you felt comfortable with sharing this information with me." I squeeze his hand. 
"You're the only one I would tell this too." He squeezes my hand back. 
"Why did you agree to come with Wednesday?" I ask letting go of his hand walking backwards making him turn to face me. 
"To see you and hopeful to talk to you.. About the other day, I'm sorry. It's like I said, you make me feel like I'm losing my mind as well." He looks down at the floor. 
"You don't have to apologize. I understand that it could be confusing for you since I don't know things compared to most people. But I'm getting there, I think, to understanding my feelings." I let him know.
"We should go back before Xavier thinks I kidnapped you." Tyler makes me laugh agreeing. 
"Xavier told me what you did last year." Wednesday speaks up as we walk back to the dance outside the entrance. I look at Tyler and leave him to explain to her while I go find Xavier. 
"Where did you two run off to?" Xavier eyes me rudely.
 "Just a walk and talk. I was curious why she asked him and why he said yes." I kinda tell the truth. 
"Was his answer she wanted to keep an eye on you with me, and he wanted to see you too and piss me off?" He says annoyed. 
"Are you going to keep this attitude all night now that they're here?" I cross my arms. 
"Depends if they try to ruin our night." He rolls his eyes. 
"Well you're ruining our night right now. We're all supposed to have fun with each other. Wednesday is my sister and Tyler is my friend."
I watch the two come back in and go to the dance floor and I could tell Xavier wasn't going to leave this table at all. Wednesday sees me looking at her annoyed so she walks over pulling me out of my seat to join her and Tyler. 
"If I have to be here, you will enjoy this stupid dance." She says making me smile and we dance together while Tyler watches us. 
"Get in to it." I grabbing Tyler's hands making him dance with us while Kent, Divina, Ajax, Yoko and Enid joined us letting loose. "There you go." I laugh as he moves his body to the music. 
Enid grabs my shoulder and we dance together laughing. "He can't take his eyes off of you." She whispers to me then bumps me towards Tyler.
I end up going to take a break and see Bianca sitting alone, "Why aren't you with Divina and Kent on the dance floor?" I sit next to her. 
"I went to go check on Xavier because he was alone at the table. We had a tiff about you." She looks at me. 
"Why?" I ask confused. 
"He wanted me to use my powers to forget about you." She looks away from me. 
"That's funny coming from him since apparently you were using your powers when you two were together. For the record, I don't believe you ever did. I could tell you really liked him. Xavier's just a stupid teenage boy." I make her look back over to me. 
"You're lucky." She says making me tilt my head, "You don't care what people think of you." She sighs. 
"Actually, I think I do now and that scares me. I'm not used to caring." I sigh getting up going back. "Are you done whining?" I walk up to Xavier. 
"I don't want to interrupt your fun with everyone and Tyler." He gives me a rude smile. 
"Are you serious? I said I would still come with you if you wanted me to but you haven't left this table all night." I walk away from him and he grabs my wrist pulling me closer to him. "If you kiss me again, I will smack you so hard you'll feel the sting for months." I get myself free and going to Tyler. "Where's my sister." I ask him. 
"Went out for a second." He looks around. "Where's Xavier?" He asks. 
"Being grumpy still because I'm having  fun with you." I roll my eyes. 
"Maybe he should have joined so you'd have fun with him as well."
"It wouldn't be the same." I say making him lock eyes with me. 
We didn't even notice Wednesday join us and everyone else for the last song. "It's the last song come on." Enid shakes me to dance before joining the others. 
"Come on." I sing trying to make Wednesday and Tyler to dance with me but they don't just staring at me. 
Wednesday and I notice something drip on Tyler's shoulder and we see red. He looks at well then up before the sprinkler go off raining red. "Thank god I didn't wear white." I laugh as everyone runs. 
"They couldn't even spring for real pigs' blood. It's only paint." Wednesday tells us. Someone bumps into me and I almost fall and lose Tyler as people run around more. 
"Wednesday! Are you okay?" Thornhill asks as she has a vision. 
"Eugene is in the woods. He's in danger." Wednesday says making us run off to find him.
We run for through the woods shouting for Eugene and finally hear him so we run towards his voice then his screams. We end up finding his bloody body laying down on the ground. "No." We get down next to him and I get a vision of him laying in a hospital bed recovering. "He's still alive. My vision was him at the hospital. He's not dead." I let her know and I see some relief on her face. 
"Oh my god. Is he alive?" Thornhill randomly runs up to us. 
"If we get him to the hospital he'll stay alive." I tell her.
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faeriemarie · 1 year
a guide to SOME my drs
contains: harry potter (golden era), marauders, stranger things, dash & lily, x-men, a few fame drs, and a 1900’s historical dr
harry potter
ravenclaw who is best friends with cho
like literally inseparable
we are the hogwarts “it” girls and everyone is obsessed with us
they want to dress like us and talk like us and be as stunningly beautiful and intelligent
so many people have a crush on me
including but not limited to: hermione, ginny, harry, ron, roger davies, neville, luna, and george weasley
i’m going into my 5th year as a ravenclaw at hogwarts
was never friends with the marauders (save for sirius)
always really good friends since 1st year
and we became practically like siblings
when he ran away, he runs to my house
and my parents welcome him with open arms
give him his own room and make him do chores
it’s like we’ve been siblings forever
then he introduces me to his friends
and remus and james both have crushes on me
and think i’m sirius’ real sister
love triangle ensues
stranger things #1
og female member of the party since 2nd grade
and will is basically my brother
i’ve known him longer than mike has
not so secret crush on thee mike wheeler
i play as a monk in d&d (although i’m not sure that role even existed in the 80’s)
eleven never crushes on mike and only has a friendship with him
when she meets me, she idolizes me and wants to BE me because i’m so cool
i become friends with max first
and stalk for the guys
devising plans with will on how to force lucas and max together
basically just tween fun time (with monsters ofc)
stranger things #2
teenager era starting in season 2
im a loser and friends with jonathan byers
im a major theatre kid and we became friends when he took pictures for our school musical
and ofc im friends with robin because she’s in pit
accidentally get involved with demodogs things when dustin recruits me to go with him and steve
i get to bond with steve and our romance starts
but nothing actually HAPPENS until season 3 over the summer
after he’s gotten over nancy and robin can force us together
stranger things #3
popular!marie x loser!mike
cheerleader who’s new to hawkins
i befriend lucas and he invites me to hellfire club
of course i join!!
i used to play d&d all the time with my cousins in new york
when i walk in, everyone is suspicious of me
but mike is so whipped
eddie doesn’t believe i even know how to play
but i bring out my character sheet and im literally at a higher level than him
… he is mildly impressed
so i’m allowed to join
and i bond with the guys
and mike walks me home every day (even though he’s still dating el)
will i come between them and break them up?
i am the drama fr
dash & lily
i’m lily but i have a different name, face, etc.
mostly the same personality tho
it follows the basic plot
i put the notebook between franny and zooey
we exchange dares
dash gets back together with sofia
my bully is an oc instead of annoying ugly-ass edgar
we meet
i get drunk
we get together
yadayadayada you get it
x-men (prequel series)
i attend xavier’s school where my bestie is jubilee
i have chlorokenesis but i can control my powers the best of anyone
half dating peter maximoff but not really
he flirts with me all the time and i pretend like i hate it
everyone ships us tho
especially kurt and jean
2000’s actress
my resume includes…
cecilia in the virgin suicides
bianca stratford
lana in the princess diaries
louise in gilmore girls
elizabeth in pride & prejudice
rose in doctor who
emily in the devil wears prada
sophie in mamma mia
giselle in enchanted
summer in 500 days of summer
and more
early 2010’s fame dr
famous for a few cult classics like
sam in the perks of being a wallflower
or nicki in the bling ring
but i was also clara in doctor who
and i dated a couple notable celebrities
toby regbo… james mcavoy… thomas brodie-sangster
oh and i’m trending on 2012 tumblr
because i single-handedly revived indie sleaze
and had a flirtationship with alex turner
pretty much the whole am album is about me
dating finn wolfhard fame dr (heavily influenced by the posts of @wheelcr)
angsty and edgy poet and playwright
who graduated high school at 15 and has a bachelor’s degree in linguistics by 19
start dating in 2021
and fans are so obsessed with me
they even jumpstart my poetry career
and some high schools / colleges get the rights to my plays
so cool
ballerina for royal ballet
i started with them when i was very young
getting cast in the nutcracker as a party guest
and i work my way up
i debut with the professional company when i’m 15
with my debut ballet being romeo and juliet
i go on to star in mayerling, onegin, cinderella, anastasia, coppelia, sylvia, swan lake, sleeping beauty, don quixote, giselle, la bayadere, and sylphide all before i turn 25
plus i’m nursing a minor film career in the off season
just small movies like
phantom of the opera 2004 as christine
or atonement as cecilia tallis
i’m just an icon honestly
1910 small town america vibe
the vibe of our town and tuck everlasting
i’m just a small town girl and the brightest student ever seen
i get the highest grades and the town loves me
my parents are highly respected and educated citizens
plus 3 different guys are courting me, including:
a childhood friend who’s loved me for years
college boy studying to be a doctor
and a young reporter and assistant to my dad at our local paper
how ever will i choose?
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